Releases: bluedinosaur139/cat-gpt
added one line of code to debian instructions to make it more seamless:
npm install electron
amended readme with some personal opinions
added arch install instructions for node.js to make it easier
now includes both x64 and ARM build support by default, tested on a PI 5, the icon was not automatically set so this is still a work in progress but app has full functionality!!!
added icon and desktop entry to the build command and files for it to make it automatic, this should make a desktop entry with a nice icon after running npm run build command
minor yet major changes, adds missing scripts to the package.json "build" "main" "start"", also added the icon for the app and a splash boot image or just a mascot whatever you wanna call her, Nekomi Sakura is my choice though
minor changes:
changed readme file to have more clear instructions and easily copy-able commands
and I added the MIT license, just means anyone can use clone fork or modify any of my code FOSS for all, may the source be with you imagine tux holding a lightsaber and striking a cool pose wearing a jedi robe
A stand alone app for ChatGPT with completely full featured client.
You can log in and access anything you have saved in conversations.
Built on electron with chromium webkit for full javascript ability that chatgpt requires for functionality!
Saw a video from tech linked and decided to go on a tangent since theres no app like this for linux at all and wanted to share my love for FOSS!!
Check my other repo (CatGPT-OS) where im making a flagship lean and slick gaming os all anime girl themed and tastefully so but its kde arch so its completely customize-able to suit any need.
Full Changelog: