- Upgrade to Codehaus Cargo 1.9.10 - Pull request 205.
- Version upgrades for Codehaus Cargo and Java - Pull request 204.
- Upgrade to Codehaus Cargo 1.7.10 - Pull request 199.
- Add cargo-licensed-dtds to the dependencies and documentation - Pull request 198.
- Upgrade to Cargo Ant tasks version 1.7.9 to ensure Gradle 6.0-compatibility - Issue 196.
- Deployable should be declarable without a context - Pull request 193.
- Allow use of use of locally installed container - Pull request 191.
- Breaking Change! Rename timeout parameter to ensure compatibility with Gradle's built-in timeout - Pull request 188.
- Support using a configuration as a source of the container for ZIP installer - Pull request 176.
- Allow using outputs and configurations as deployables - Pull request 178.
- Breaking Change! Support using task outputs and configurations as config files - Pull request 180.
- Allow setting timeout to 0 - Pull request 169.
- Upgrade to Cargo Ant tasks version 1.6.8.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 4.9.
- Introduce task for configuring local container - Pull request 144.
- Upgrade to Cargo Ant tasks version 1.6.6.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 4.4.1.
- Remove use of Gradle internal methods.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 2.13.
- Expose properties for configuring a local embedded container - Pull request 141.
- Fix typo in task description - Pull request 135.
- Fixed configFile and file destination dir specification - Pull request 121.
- Align
extension property with task property name - Issue 110. - Removed "magic" project properties.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 2.6.
- Removed container ID validation - Issue 134.
- Cargo home directory is not an
, hashing can run into problems with locked files - Pull request 133.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 2.4.
- Introduced redeploy task for local containers - Pull request 126.
- Upgrade to Cargo Ant tasks version 1.4.13.
- Support for exploded WAR deployment - Issue 115.
- Set Java target compatibility back to 1.6 - Pull request 113.
- Directory for property
is created automatically if it doesn't exist - Issue 101. - Upgrade to Cargo version 1.4.10.
- Don't use
as parent classloader for daemon tasks.
- Fix implementation class of Cargo plugin identifier - Issue 107.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 2.1.
- Changed package name to
. - Changed group ID to
. - Adapted plugin IDs to be compatible with Gradle's plugin portal.
- Deployment task should never be up-to-date - Issue 103.
- Support for JBoss74x (aka EAP 6.3.x) container - Pull request 105.
- Provide
for POJO input properties Issue 97.
- Support for starting and stopping containers with the help of Cargo daemon.
fail if log file doesn't exist - Issue 83.- Renamed property
. - Some of the input properties needed to be
- Added sharedClasspath and extraClasspath support for local containers - Pull request 73.
- Broke out base plugin to allow full control for creating and configuring deployment tasks.
- The Cargo libraries now get pre-configured. A custom Cargo version can still be assigned via the configuration
- Fix input annotation for
property - Pull request 73.
- Fixed missing property
on remote task - Issue 72.
- Create custom task types for each action - Issue 20.
- Adding support of the cargo timeout property - Pull request 66.
- Harden validation code for deployables - Issue 67.
- Add support for passing system properties to container - Issue 68.
- Allow configuring container using generic properties.
- Update of supported containers.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 1.9.
- Support for Jetty 9.x - Pull request 48.
- Fix deprecation warnings in gradle 1.6 - Pull request 48.
- Adding support for specifying configuration home - Pull request 40.
- Avoid having to assign the WAR file for a remote undeploy action - Issue 30.
- Note: This release requires you to use Cargo >= 1.3.3.
- Added configuration option for binary files - Pull request 33.
- Capturing Cargo Ant logging - Pull request 33.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 1.4.
- Avoid masking exceptions thrown in build.gradle - Issue 29.
- Some of the container-specific task property classes did not implement TaskProperty - Issue 27.
- Expose convention property for setting the RMI port - Issue 21.
- Provides support for configuration files - Issue 14.
- The ZIP URL installer convention property wasn't set correctly for the default local container implementation.
- Checking if all properties are set for the ZIP URL installer closure before applying it.
- Refactored duplicated code for setting the convention properties of a local container.
- Support for ZIP artifact installer - Issue 15.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 1.0.
- Use Groovy @Slf4j annotation for logging.
- Fixed minor bug in documentation and code about setting local container-specific properties.
- Provide convention properties for Cargo and container log files.
- Allow deployment of multiple artifacts - Issue 9. Note: This slightly changes the structure of the convention properties. Please check the documentation!
- Support for JVM arguments in local containers.
- Support for configuration properties specific to local container product.
- The deployable artifact can either be a WAR or an EAR file. Note: This release requires your project to run with Gradle >= 1.0-m4.
- Upgrade to Gradle Wrapper 1.0-m6.
- Exposed local run task introduced in Cargo 1.1.1. The plugin does not favor the deprecation
of the
convention property. It got removed completely. Please usecargoRunLocal
depending on your use case. - Note: This release requires you to use Cargo >= 1.1.1.
- Added property for setting
to remote container tasks.
- Initial release.