diff --git a/cnf/build.bnd b/cnf/build.bnd index ab1ee96cae..2b91ee960d 100644 --- a/cnf/build.bnd +++ b/cnf/build.bnd @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Git-SHA: ${system-allow-fail;git rev-list -1 --no-abbrev-commit H baseline.version: 6.3.0 # biz.aQute.bndlib:aQute.bnd.osgi.About.CURRENT needs to be kept in sync with the base.version. base.version: 6.4.1 -Bundle-Version: ${base.version}.${tstamp}-SNAPSHOT +Bundle-Version: ${base.version}.${tstamp} # Don't baseline Bundle-Version -diffignore: Bundle-Version @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Bundle-Version: ${base.version}.${tstamp}-SNAPSHOT # -snapshot set to a value (e.g. RC1) is a release build with the value as the Maven version qualifier. (e.g. 6.0.0-RC1) # -snapshot set to the empty string is a release build with no Maven version qualifier. (e.g. 6.0.0) # -snapshot: +-snapshot Automatic-Module-Name: ${def;bsn} Bundle-Vendor: Bndtools https://bndtools.org/