Hacker News: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4500090
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/znlhb/jquery_fundamentals_the_online_jquery_guide_gets/
Man, @bocoup hit it out of the park with jqfundamentals.com - a great way to learn about JS and jQuery. - @rupl https://twitter.com/rupl/statuses/245509000202969088
This is the basics guide that the main jQuery site desperately needs on theirs. Great job. - http://news.ycombinator.org/item?id=4501285
jQuery fundamentals was part of my core learning years ago and helped me score my first front end developer job. So glad to see it get updated. - http://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/znlhb/jquery_fundamentals_the_online_jquery_guide_gets/c668tg0
Wow, just peeked inside and already learned something new about jQuery (admittedly I should've already known about has(), but I didn't) and also some features of Chrome's dev tools that I didn't know before. - http://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/znlhb/jquery_fundamentals_the_online_jquery_guide_gets/c666ltu
jqfundamentals is where I learned jquery. Keep up the good work! - @faruzzy https://twitter.com/Faruzzy/statuses/245214106469158914
To everybody who's ever asked me how to get started with jQuery, attn: RT @rmurphey: ohai new jqfundamentals.com bit.ly/Nkon7x - @kadamwhite
I’ve been working with JavaScript and jQuery on and off for many years and even with that background experience I still found your tutorial to be excellent. Being able to run (and fiddle) with each example in context was really helpful in understanding how some of them worked. I’m not ashamed to say I’ve learned some stuff today that I didn’t know or had forgotten :) - [email protected]
jqFundamentals is easily the best jQuery (and JavaScript) primer that I've seen in a long time. - https://twitter.com/stephenmurdoch/statuses/245659981892952064