This repo started off as a proof-of-concept that the WeScheme compiler and runtime could be separated from its UI in an easy-to-embed way with a simple React wrapper UI.
My intention is to add back in the Google Drive integration so that this can form the foundation of a new version of the public WeScheme editor.
- Core Google Drive Integration
- log in
- read/write Scheme files on Drive
- grant WeScheme access to images on Drive
For the sake of future maintainers, I am keeping this liveblog of notes of assumptions I make and docs I read as I try to get things working.
- Ok, so how does Google want us to do authe/authn/API calls now?
Reading Overview:
Reading Quickstart:
Project setup
- Make a new project in Google Cloud Console
- Search for "Google Drive API" and click "Enable"
- Set up authorization
- Create app and pick scopes
- In APIS & Services > OAuth Consent Screen: "Create app"
- Enter name, support email, domain, etc.
- Pick Scopes: "Google Drive API .. ./auth/docs"
- Add Test users by email (added myself and [email protected])
- Create OAuth client id
- APIs & Services > Credentials > + Create Credentials > OAuth Client Id
- Create new web client id. Add allowlisted domains.
- Note down client id and secret.
- Create api key
- APIs & Services > Credentials > + Create Credentials > API Key
- Note down API key.
- Create app and pick scopes
Auth code
Mostly stealing the code from the JS Quickstart
- Because we're using webpack, I had to rewrite all the callback functions from
function name() {... = function(){...
- Because we're using webpack, I had to rewrite all the callback functions from
At this point, Google code runs and correctly shows logged-out state.
- But, clicking to log in leads to an oauth redirect error (because we're on localhost)
- Let's fix this so we have a public URL in dev:
- Install ngrok (give a public https endpoint for local dev)
- Run
ngrok http https://localhost:8080
to expose local dev - Find forwarding URL ( and use that
- Run
- Now webpack-dev-server fails with "Invalid Host Header"
- It doesn't like being proxied.
- So I had to add
in webpack.config.js
- Need to add ngrok url to both JS origin and redirect domains allowed on project (on the OAuth Client Id)
- Install ngrok (give a public https endpoint for local dev)
At this point, the page appears, I can do the oauth redirect flow, accept permissions, and arrive back at a logged-in state.