This Docker file creates a ready Image to run CodeQl testing on windows driver. The Image is equipped with latest buildtools and VisualStudio from microsoft , choco, and git
It also installs and import microsoft pack for testing CodeQL on windows driver from this repo
Note:You have first to change docker desktop context to windows containers from docker tray icon. Then you can easily build the image from docker file using the following command.
docker build -t codeqldriver:latest -m 2GB .
Step1: Create Windows Context You can create windows Context using this code from repo
$ git clone
$ cd windows-docker-machine
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox 2022-box
Step2: Change Context You can change context to windows using the command
docker context use 2022-box
Step3: Build the Image You can easily build the docker image using the following command
docker build -t codeqldriver:latest -m 2GB .
Step1: Creating and running the container To create the container with current directory as mount path and name codeqltest
docker run -v ${PWD}:C:/drivercode --name codeqltest -it codeqldriver
Note: if you are using MacOS or Linux you can't mount path to the container. so you will have to get the code with git or any other tool inside the docker container. Step2: Creating Database
C:\CodeQL-Home\codeql> .\codeql.exe database create <path to new database> --language=cpp --source=<driver parent directory> --command=<build command or path to build file>
Single driver example:
C:\CodeQL-Home\codeql> .\codeql.exe database create C:\DriverDatabase --language=cpp --source=C:\drivercode --command="msbuild /t:rebuild C:\drivercode\driver.sln"
Step3 : Analyzing CodeQL Database To analyze CodeQl database you can run the following command.
C:\CodeQL-Home\codeql> .\codeql.exe database analyze <path to database> --format=sarifv2.1.0 --output=<"path to output file".sarif> <path to query/suite to run>
C:\CodeQL-Home\codeql> .\codeql.exe database analyze C:\DriverDatabase --format=sarifv2.1.0 --output=C:\drivercode\DriverAnalysis1.sarif C:\CodeQL-Home\Windows-Driver-Developer-Supplemental-Tools\src\suites\windows_driver_mustfix.qls
Currently their are 3 available suites
CodeQL's analysis output is in SARIF format. You can view the output using the SARIF viewer.