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178 lines (112 loc) · 5.26 KB

Part 1: Setup the project (5-10 minutes)


The goal of the portion is to setup a project weatherbot which will hold the code for your weather bot project.

We're going to use two libraries to build our bot:

  1. nlopes Slack library -
  2. Open Weather Map


  1. 🌟 Create a directory weatherbot for your code in your $GOPATH, and a filemain.go that will contain the code.

E.g. under $GOPATH/bostongolang

mkdir -p weatherbot 
cd weatherbot 
touch weatherbot/weatherbot.go

In Windows:
md weatherbot
cd weatherbot
  1. Create an account on openweathermap and setup your API key.

    1. 🌟 Sign up to and get an API key.
    2. 🌟 Set your OWM_API_KEY environment variable to the API key you just created, e.g.
    export OWM_API_KEY=5634bf4c007be5d2f95aceeae356a2ba
    or in Windows
    SET OWM_API_KEY=5634bf4c007be5d2f95aceeae356a2ba
  2. Setup your weatherbot Slack API token.

    1. 🌟 Set your Slack bot's SLACK_API_TOKEN environment variable:
    export SLACK_API_TOKEN=my-token-foo-bar
  3. Get the necessary Go libraries:

    1. 🌟 Get the slack libraries
    go get 
    go get
    1. 🌟 Get the openweathermap library
    go get 
  4. Populate weatherbot.go with a shell to get started:

    package main
    import (
            slackbot ""
    func main() {
    func GetWeather(place string) (*openweathermap.CurrentWeatherData, error) {
            // TODO: get the weather for the place
            return nil, nil
    func ListenForWeather() {
            bot := slackbot.New(os.Getenv("SLACK_API_TOKEN"))
            // TODO: add a bot.Hear listener here for a `weather <place>` request
    func WeatherHandler(ctx context.Context, bot *slackbot.Bot, evt *slack.MessageEvent) {
            // TODO: Respond to a `weather <place>` request 

    Type go run weatherbot.go and verify the code works.

Part 2: Get the weather (5-10 minutes)


In this section, we'll populate the GetWeather function that will connect to openweather using the openweathermap library.


  1. 🌟 Find the GetWeather function and add some code that connects to openweathermap.

    • Hint: To connect, you'll need to use NewCurrent method from the openweathermap library. Check out the README for examples.
  2. 🌟 Get the weather object for the place provided

    • Hint: You'll need to use the CurrentByName function. Check out the README for examples.
  3. 🌟 To test, you can add a temporary GetWeather("02145") call to the main() function and print the results. Run go run weatherbot.go to test.

Part 3: Respond to the weather <place> command (5-10 minutes)


We need to add a bot.Hear handler that will look for a weather <place> command.


  1. Populate the ListenForWeather handler to respond to messages
  • 🌟 In the ListenForWeather function, identify the "TODO:" statement and add a bot.Hear handler that looks for any weather (.*) message from Slack. It should call the WeatherHandler response.

  • You can look at this code for an example on how to listen for a message.

  1. Populate the WeatherHandler function
  • 🌟 Parse the place parameter for weather lookup. Hint: you'll need to look at evt.Msg.Text and grab the second part.

  • 🌟 Once you have the place, call GetWeather for the place to get a response.

  • 🌟 Format the response and add a bot.Reply that will return something like this:

The current temperature for Somerville is 70 degrees farenheight (light rain)
 * Hint: Look at the `Name`, `Main`, and `Weather[0].Description` fields in the GetWeather() response 
  1. 🌟 To test, run go run weatherbot.go and open a direct message to your bot name. Type weather 02145 and see what happens!
