OpenCV bindings for Node.js
You'll need OpenCV 2.3.1 installed.
npm install opencv
Or to build the repo:
node-gyp rebuild
cv.readImage("./examples/test.jpg", function(err, im){
im.detectObject("./data/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml", {}, function(err, faces){
for (var i=0;i<faces.length; i++){
var x = faces[i]
im.ellipse(x.x + x.width/2, x.y + x.height/2, x.width/2, x.height/2);
The matrix is the most useful base datastructure in OpenCV. Things like images are just matrices of pixels.
new Matrix(width, height)
Or you can use opencv to read in image files. Supported formats are in the OpenCV docs, but jpgs etc are supported.
cv.readImage(filename, function(mat){
cv.readImage(buffer, function(mat){
If you need to pipe data into an image, you can use an imagestream:
var s = new cv.ImageStream()
s.on('load', function(matrix){
var mat = new cv.Matrix.Eye(4,4); // Create identity matrix
mat.get(0,0) // 1
mat.row(0) // [1,0,0,0]
mat.col(4) // [0,0,0,1]
There is a shortcut method for Viola-Jones Haar Cascade object detection. This can be used for face detection etc.
mat.detectObject(haar_cascade_xml, opts, function(err, matches){})
This is a WIP. I've never written C++ before so the code may be interesting - if I'm doing stuff wrong please feel free to correct me.