diff --git a/.build_sundials_for_travis.sh b/.build_sundials_for_travis.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..24bb0bc286 --- /dev/null +++ b/.build_sundials_for_travis.sh @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +set -e + +if [[ ! -d $HOME/local/include/sundials ]]; then + echo "****************************************" + echo "Building SUNDIALS" + echo "****************************************" + sundials_ver=4.1.0 + tarball_name=sundials-${sundials_ver}.tar.gz + llnl_url=https://computation.llnl.gov/projects/sundials/download/${tarball_name} + github_url=https://github.com/LLNL/sundials/releases/download/v${sundials_ver}/${tarball_name} + wget ${llnl_url} \ + || wget ${github_url} \ + || (echo "Could not download SUNDIALS! Aborting"; exit 1) + tar xvf ${tarball_name} + mkdir -p sundials-${sundials_ver}/build && cd sundials-${sundials_ver}/build + cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$HOME/local" \ + -DEXAMPLES_INSTALL=off \ + -DMPI_ENABLE=on \ + -DOPENMP_ENABLE=off \ + -DBUILD_CVODES=off \ + -DBUILD_IDAS=off \ + -DBUILD_KINSOL=off \ + -DBUILD_TESTING=off \ + -DMPI_C_COMPILER="$(command -v mpicc)" \ + -DMPI_CXX_COMPILER="$(command -v mpic++)" \ + -DMPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE="$(command -v mpiexec)" \ + .. + make && make install + cd "${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}" + echo "****************************************" + echo "Finished building SUNDIALS" + echo "****************************************" +else + echo "****************************************" + echo "SUNDIALS already installed" + echo "****************************************" +fi diff --git a/.clang-format b/.clang-format index 1b61b16ed4..f8a08001e3 100644 --- a/.clang-format +++ b/.clang-format @@ -1,57 +1,111 @@ --- +# Note: commented out lines require clang-format >= 6 Language: Cpp BasedOnStyle: LLVM AccessModifierOffset: -2 -ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 -AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: false +AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align +AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false +AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: false +# AlignEscapedNewlines: Right +AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true +AlignOperands: true AlignTrailingComments: true AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: true AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortCaseLabelsOnASingleLine: false +AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false -AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: All -AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false +AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: None +AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false -BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: false +AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true +BinPackArguments: true +BinPackParameters: true +BraceWrapping: + AfterClass: false + AfterControlStatement: false + AfterEnum: false + AfterFunction: false + AfterNamespace: false + AfterObjCDeclaration: false + AfterStruct: false + AfterUnion: false +# AfterExternBlock: false + BeforeCatch: false + BeforeElse: false + IndentBraces: false +# SplitEmptyFunction: true +# SplitEmptyRecord: true +# SplitEmptyNamespace: true +BreakBeforeBinaryOperators: NonAssignment +BreakBeforeBraces: Attach +# BreakBeforeInheritanceComma: false BreakBeforeTernaryOperators: true BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: false -BinPackParameters: true +# BreakConstructorInitializers: BeforeColon +#BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false +#BreakStringLiterals: true ColumnLimit: 90 +CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' +# CompactNamespaces: false ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine: false +ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 4 +ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 +Cpp11BracedListStyle: true DerivePointerAlignment: false +DisableFormat: false ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false +# FixNamespaceComments: true +ForEachMacros: + - foreach + - Q_FOREACH + - BOOST_FOREACH +# IncludeBlocks: Regroup +IncludeCategories: + - Regex: '^(<|")bout/' + Priority: 2 + - Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|gmock|isl|json)/)' + Priority: 3 + - Regex: '^<.*>' + Priority: 4 + - Regex: '.*' + Priority: 1 +#IncludeIsMainRegex: '(Test)?$' IndentCaseLabels: false +# IndentPPDirectives: None +IndentWidth: 2 IndentWrappedFunctionNames: false -IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType: false -MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 KeepEmptyLinesAtTheStartOfBlocks: true +MacroBlockBegin: '' +MacroBlockEnd: '' +MaxEmptyLinesToKeep: 1 NamespaceIndentation: None ObjCSpaceAfterProperty: false ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList: true +# PenaltyBreakAssignment: 2 PenaltyBreakBeforeFirstCallParameter: 19 PenaltyBreakComment: 300 -PenaltyBreakString: 1000 PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 120 +PenaltyBreakString: 1000 PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000 PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60 -PointerAlignment: Right +PointerAlignment: Left +ReflowComments: true +SortIncludes: true +# SortUsingDeclarations: true +SpaceAfterCStyleCast: false +#SpaceAfterTemplateKeyword: true +SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true +SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements +SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false SpacesBeforeTrailingComments: 1 -Cpp11BracedListStyle: true +SpacesInAngles: false +SpacesInContainerLiterals: true +SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false +SpacesInParentheses: false +SpacesInSquareBrackets: false Standard: Cpp11 -IndentWidth: 2 TabWidth: 8 UseTab: Never -BreakBeforeBraces: Attach -SpacesInParentheses: false -SpacesInAngles: false -SpaceInEmptyParentheses: false -SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses: false -SpacesInContainerLiterals: true -SpaceBeforeAssignmentOperators: true -ContinuationIndentWidth: 4 -CommentPragmas: '^ IWYU pragma:' -ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ] -SpaceBeforeParens: ControlStatements -DisableFormat: false ... - diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 5d18f0f0d3..e23b756987 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ autom4te.cache/ aclocal.m4 /bin/bout-config -/externalpackages/ /include/pvode /lib/ /manual/*.pdf @@ -38,3 +37,7 @@ aclocal.m4 bout-coverage/ src/.libfast .*.mk +*.mo +.BOUT.pid.* +build/ +build*/ diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules index 2a83765282..27c98fc7be 100644 --- a/.gitmodules +++ b/.gitmodules @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ [submodule "googletest"] - path = googletest + path = externalpackages/googletest url = https://github.com/google/googletest.git [submodule "externalpackages/git-archive-all.sh"] path = externalpackages/git-archive-all.sh url = https://github.com/meitar/git-archive-all.sh/ +[submodule "mpark.variant"] + path = externalpackages/mpark.variant + url = https://github.com/mpark/variant.git diff --git a/.pip_install_for_travis.sh b/.pip_install_for_travis.sh old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 0b489f1d15..d136359bb8 --- a/.pip_install_for_travis.sh +++ b/.pip_install_for_travis.sh @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ #!/bin/bash -export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH} -pip3 install --user --upgrade pip setuptools +set -e + +export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH} +pip3 install --user --upgrade pip==18.1 setuptools==40.6.3 +pip3 install --user --upgrade scipy==1.2 numpy==1.16 for package in $@ do if test $package == "cython" diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index 4087c8611f..7ba9df2027 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ addons: - netcdf-bin - hdf5-tools - python3 + - python3-h5py - python3-pip + - python3-pytest - python3-numpy - python3-scipy - lcov @@ -42,13 +44,18 @@ addons: - liblapack-dev - libparpack2-dev +cache: + directories: + - $HOME/local + matrix: fast_finish: true include: - env: &default_env - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-checks=no --enable-optimize=3 --disable-signal --disable-track --disable-backtrace --with-petsc --with-slepc' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-checks=no --enable-optimize=3 --disable-signal --disable-track --disable-backtrace --with-petsc --with-slepc --with-sundials=$HOME/local" - SCRIPT_FLAGS='-uim' - PIP_PACKAGES='cython==0.29.6 netcdf4==1.4.2 sympy==1.3' + - LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH - *petsc_vars - addons: apt: @@ -59,21 +66,36 @@ matrix: - *standard_packages env: - *default_env - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-debug --with-petsc --with-slepc' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-sigfpe --enable-debug --with-petsc --with-slepc --with-sundials=$HOME/local" - CC=gcc-7 CXX=g++-7 - MATRIX_EVAL="CC=gcc-7 && CXX=g++-7" - env: - *default_env - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-shared --with-petsc --with-slepc' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-shared --with-petsc --with-slepc --with-sundials=$HOME/local" - SCRIPT_FLAGS="-uim -t python -t shared" - env: - *default_env - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-openmp --with-petsc --with-slepc' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-shared --with-petsc --with-slepc --with-sundials=$HOME/local" + - SCRIPT_FLAGS="-uim5t python" + - env: + - *default_env + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-openmp --with-petsc --with-slepc --with-sundials=$HOME/local" + - OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 +#CMAKE + - env: + - *default_env - OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 + - PYTHONPATH="${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/tools/pylib:$PYTHONPATH" + script: + - ./.build_sundials_for_travis.sh + - mkdir build && cd build + - cmake .. -DUSE_PETSC=ON -DUSE_SLEPC=ON -DUSE_SUNDIALS=ON -DSUNDIALS_ROOT="$HOME/local" -DENABLE_OPENMP=ON + - cmake --build . + - ctest --output-on-failure #CLANG - env: - *default_env - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-debug --with-petsc --with-slepc' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-debug --with-petsc --with-slepc --with-sundials=$HOME/local" - MPICH_CC=clang MPICH_CXX=clang++ - OMPI_CC=clang OMPI_CXX=clang++ compiler: clang @@ -85,8 +107,9 @@ matrix: - *standard_packages - jq env: - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-code-coverage --enable-debug --enable-track --enable-checks=3 --with-petsc --with-lapack --with-slepc --enable-openmp' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-code-coverage --enable-debug --enable-track --enable-checks=3 --with-petsc --with-lapack --with-slepc --enable-openmp --with-sundials=$HOME/local" - OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 + - LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH - *coverage_vars - *petsc_vars - *codecov_secure @@ -97,7 +120,7 @@ matrix: - *standard_packages - jq env: - - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS='--enable-code-coverage --disable-debug --disable-checks' + - CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-code-coverage --disable-debug --disable-checks" - *coverage_vars - *codecov_secure diff --git a/.travis_script.sh b/.travis_script.sh index 577d536b9c..dacdb50842 100755 --- a/.travis_script.sh +++ b/.travis_script.sh @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ #!/bin/bash +set -e + #Default flags COVERAGE=0 UNIT=0 @@ -7,6 +9,7 @@ INTEGRATED=0 MMS=0 TESTS=0 MAIN_TARGET= +UPDATE_SCRIPT=0 usage() { echo "$0 options are: " @@ -16,7 +19,7 @@ usage() { } #Handle input flags -while getopts "cuimt:" arg; +while getopts "cuimt:5" arg; do case $arg in c) ### Run the coverage-post job tasks @@ -34,19 +37,41 @@ do MMS=1 TESTS=1 ;; - t) ### Set target to build - MAIN_TARGET+=("$OPTARG") - ;; - *) ### Show usage message + t) ### Set target to build + MAIN_TARGET="$OPTARG" + ;; + 5) ### Run the update to version 5 script + UPDATE_SCRIPT=1 + ;; + *) ### Show usage message usage ;; esac done +./.build_sundials_for_travis.sh + +if test $UPDATE_SCRIPT -gt 0 +then + # Make sure the header list is up to date + if ! diff bin/bout_4to5_header_file_list <(cd include/;ls *xx|grep -v ^bout.hxx|sort) + then + echo "Some header files changed." + echo "Please update the list by running:" + echo "(cd include/;ls *xx|grep -v ^bout.hxx|sort) > bin/bout_4to5_header_file_list" + echo "And commit the updated file." + exit 1 + fi + + bin/bout_4to5 -f +fi + export MAKEFLAGS="-j 2 -k" +echo "****************************************" echo "Configuring with $CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" -time ./configure $CONFIGURE_OPTIONS MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" -conf=$? +echo "****************************************" +conf=0 +time ./configure $CONFIGURE_OPTIONS MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" || conf=$? if test $conf -gt 0 then RED_FG="\033[031m" @@ -72,8 +97,8 @@ export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/tools/pylib/:$PYTHONPATH for target in ${MAIN_TARGET[@]} do - time make $target - make_exit=$? + make_exit=0 + time make $target || make_exit=$? if [[ $make_exit -gt 0 ]]; then make clean > /dev/null echo -e $RED_FG @@ -89,22 +114,23 @@ done if [[ ${TESTS} == 1 ]] then - time make build-check || exit + time make build-check fi if [[ ${UNIT} == 1 ]] then - time make check-unit-tests || exit + time make check-unit-tests fi if [[ ${INTEGRATED} == 1 ]] then - time make check-integrated-tests || exit + time make check-integrated-tests + time py.test-3 tools/pylib/ fi if [[ ${MMS} == 1 ]] then - time make check-mms-tests || exit + time make check-mms-tests fi if [[ ${COVERAGE} == 1 ]] @@ -120,5 +146,4 @@ then #For codacy bash ./.codacy_coverage.sh - fi diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 062f905a6a..8dc17f5a25 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,5 +1,296 @@ # Change Log +## [v4.3.0](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/tree/v4.3.0) (2019-10-24) +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/compare/v4.2.3...v4.3.0) + +**Merged pull requests:** + +- Micro optimise some common routines for v4.3.0-rc [\#1824](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1824) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Automagically checkout mpark.variant submodule [\#1823](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1823) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Deprecate CtoL and LtoC differential operators [\#1822](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1822) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Bugfix add missing include and update configure [\#1819](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1819) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Performance fixes: ShiftedMetric and VDDY [\#1816](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1816) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Save all commonly used geometry variables [\#1815](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1815) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Make interp\_to and finite-volume parallel operators return result in the same space as the input [\#1813](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1813) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Ensure parallel\_transform is only read from grid files, not from options [\#1812](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1812) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Bugfixes for writing Vector2D and Vector3D [\#1809](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1809) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Bugfix: result of InvertParCR::solve tagged in wrong y space [\#1806](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1806) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Remove some superfluous location checks in Laplacian [\#1804](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1804) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix for Intel enabling -Wnull-dereference despite not accepting it [\#1801](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1801) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix assignment instead of comparison in ASSERTs [\#1800](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1800) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix y-extrapolation in BoundaryDirichlet::apply\(Field2D&\) [\#1799](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1799) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix typo in ternary in InvertableOperator [\#1798](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1798) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix in-place Region methods returning new instances [\#1797](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1797) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Make CELL\_LOC strongly typed [\#1796](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1796) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Allow NYPE to be given instead of NXPE in input files [\#1794](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1794) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Implement boundary conditions for CELL\_ZLOW fields [\#1793](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1793) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix initial conditions not being transformed correctly [\#1791](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1791) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add manual section on xlC compiler [\#1790](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1790) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Remove checks in Laplace that fail if outloc==CELL\_DEFAULT [\#1788](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1788) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Implement the INVERT\_ZERO\_DC flag in LaplaceCyclic [\#1786](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1786) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add macro for Scorep instrumentation of a user-defined code region [\#1784](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1784) ([JosephThomasParker](https://github.com/JosephThomasParker)) +- Fix some issues in hypnotoad [\#1783](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1783) ([friva000](https://github.com/friva000)) +- Remove redundant 'allocate\(\)' calls [\#1782](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1782) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Correct manual - default for 'floats' is true for dump files too [\#1780](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1780) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Support bool variables in file I/O [\#1779](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1779) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Scripts cleanup [\#1778](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1778) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- File open error messages [\#1777](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1777) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Don't ignore $MPIRUN [\#1776](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1776) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Update performance/iterator-offsets example [\#1775](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1775) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Bout4to5 script [\#1774](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1774) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Consistent global indices [\#1770](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1770) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add processor indices to dump files [\#1769](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1769) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Try GitHub url for SUNDIALS if LLNL url fails [\#1768](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1768) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix reading of zShift\_ylow [\#1767](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1767) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fixes for Python DataFile class [\#1766](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1766) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix y-boundary cells of phi in conducting-wall-mode example [\#1765](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1765) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add mesh options for extrapolate\_{x,y} [\#1760](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1760) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Deprecate Laplacian::setFlags\(\) [\#1758](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1758) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix advection MMS tests [\#1757](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1757) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Rename 'coordinates\_type' gridfile attribute to 'parallel\_transform' [\#1756](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1756) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- More clang-tidy fixes [\#1755](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1755) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add default value to Mesh::get for ints [\#1754](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1754) ([JosephThomasParker](https://github.com/JosephThomasParker)) +- Remove FIXME comment from interp\_to [\#1752](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1752) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Build pdf manual [\#1751](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1751) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Bug fix, test and tidy SLEPc solver [\#1749](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1749) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- SNB nonlocal heat flux model [\#1748](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1748) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Pin packages in requirements.txt for Sphinx docs [\#1746](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1746) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Don't mark Coordinates::zShift as const, can't be output [\#1745](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1745) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Laplacian: FFT include dfdz term, plus manual updates [\#1744](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1744) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix interpolation of staggered zShift [\#1743](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1743) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Correct calculation of Bxy when interpolating from CELL\_CENTRE [\#1741](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1741) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Only call checkPositive\(g\) for grid cells [\#1739](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1739) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Output ParallelTransform variables [\#1736](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1736) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix BoutMesh decomposition on single processor [\#1735](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1735) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Deprecate some unused methods [\#1734](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1734) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- make sure values\(\) returns valid pointer [\#1733](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1733) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Twistshift for field-aligned variables [\#1732](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1732) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add bout::utils::is\_Field and variants [\#1730](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1730) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Deprecate Karniadakis solver [\#1727](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1727) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Make MsgStack and BoutException unit tests more flexible [\#1726](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1726) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Bugfix: use region in Coordinates::calcCovariant/calcContravariant [\#1725](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1725) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Hardcode all variables for test-solver; remove input file [\#1724](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1724) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Remove Laplace3D [\#1723](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1723) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add function\_traits template and replace SUNDIALS int type macros [\#1722](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1722) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- fix nc-format [\#1721](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1721) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Templated Field functions and deprecate REGION enum arguments [\#1720](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1720) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- More robust staggered Jacobian and RGN\_NOCORNERS [\#1719](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1719) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Handle attributes for missing variables [\#1718](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1718) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Revert "Hypnotoad: 'H' is derivative of integral" [\#1717](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1717) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Remove deprecated invert\_laplace from gyro\_average [\#1716](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1716) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Lots of small clang-tidy fixes [\#1715](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1715) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Tidy up direction-type setters [\#1712](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1712) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add implementation of Field2D::applyBoundary\(BoutReal time\) [\#1711](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1711) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix BoutMesh boundary regions [\#1710](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1710) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Don't run tests that use FFTW if not compiled with it [\#1709](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1709) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fixes for FV::Div\_a\_Laplace\_perp [\#1707](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1707) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Set y-direction of FieldPerp results in ParallelTransformIdentity [\#1704](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1704) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Do not calculate parallel slices for field-aligned fields [\#1703](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1703) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Allow default value of Options to be set from another Options object [\#1702](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1702) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fieldperp I/O [\#1699](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1699) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Set y-direction of results in ParallelTransformIdentity [\#1698](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1698) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add support for shifting a FieldPerp toFieldAligned/fromFieldAligned [\#1697](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1697) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Experimental CMake support [\#1696](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1696) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Convert Options::isSection\(\) argument to lower case [\#1695](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1695) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Update required Jinja2 version to avoid CVE-2019-10906 [\#1694](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1694) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Move Gridfile::get implementations for Field3D/Field2D to .cxx [\#1693](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1693) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Warn about random failures in test [\#1692](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1692) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Use asynchronous communications in LaplaceMultigrid [\#1691](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1691) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Remove multiple printing of BOUTLOCALE to stderr [\#1689](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1689) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix elm pb example [\#1688](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1688) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Bugfix: bracket operator slowdown [\#1686](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1686) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix and reenable [\#1684](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1684) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- call Finalise in test [\#1683](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1683) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Fix comparison of corner boundary cells in test-squash [\#1682](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1682) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Clear Field3D parallel slices in operator= [\#1681](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1681) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Ignore new meta-vars in test-squash [\#1679](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1679) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Fix examples [\#1678](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1678) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Add .BOUT.pid.\* files to .gitignore [\#1674](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1674) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Runge-Kutta-Legendre stabilised explicit method [\#1673](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1673) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Unit tests and template-isation of `where` [\#1672](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1672) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Don't try to build documentation [\#1671](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1671) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Method for Laplace solvers to say whether they use 3D coefficients [\#1669](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1669) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix dereferencing null Coordinates in FieldFactory [\#1667](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1667) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Bugfix: return fields by reference [\#1663](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1663) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Allow clean exit in boutcore [\#1662](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1662) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Make mixed second-derivative operators more correct [\#1661](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1661) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Unit tests and various small refactorings of Solver [\#1660](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1660) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Under-relaxation for LaplaceNaulin [\#1659](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1659) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Counters for timers, makes them correct with multiple Timer objects [\#1658](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1658) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Generate FieldPerp arithmetic operators with jinja [\#1655](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1655) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- LaplaceNaulin solver improvement, and more general coefficients for LaplaceCyclic [\#1654](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1654) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Options type and doc attributes [\#1653](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1653) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Fix mesh checks in Laplace implementation headers [\#1652](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1652) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Minor refactoring of BoutInitialise, BoutFinalise [\#1651](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1651) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add name argument to Options::isSection to test for presence of subsection [\#1650](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1650) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Support SUNDIALS 4.1.0 [\#1649](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1649) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Make transforming Field3D inputs from field aligned optional [\#1648](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1648) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Hypnotoad: double precision and y-boundary guard cells [\#1647](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1647) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix y-boundaries of Coordinates fields [\#1646](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1646) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add order-only dependency on gtest sentinel to unit test objects [\#1643](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1643) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Change variable names for output from staggered Coordinates [\#1639](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1639) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Hypnotoad: enable 'Detailed settings' for nonorthogonal grids [\#1636](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1636) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Make ParallelTransform location-aware [\#1635](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1635) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Replace ENUM\ss_STRING functions with toString overloads [\#1634](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1634) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Last couple of master bugfixes into next [\#1633](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1633) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Write Field directions as attributes in output files [\#1631](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1631) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Some small improvements to unit tests [\#1630](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1630) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Loosen tolerance for CyclicReduce tests [\#1628](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1628) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add some basic unit tests for CyclicReduce [\#1625](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1625) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Direction tagging and emptyFrom [\#1624](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1624) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Fix spatial advection 2 [\#1623](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1623) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- set -e [\#1622](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1622) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Pin pip packages on Travis [\#1621](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1621) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix printf formats in Ncxx4/H5Format::setAttribute\(..., BoutReal\) [\#1620](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1620) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Use std::map::find to avoid double lookup in getCoordinates [\#1618](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1618) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Merge v4.2.2 into next [\#1616](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1616) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add FDDX\_U2 implementation, plus minor bugfixes [\#1615](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1615) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Unit tests for GridFromOptions [\#1614](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1614) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- A few small unit test improvements [\#1613](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1613) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Initial profile tests and tidy [\#1602](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1602) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Some quality of life improvements for unit tests [\#1601](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1601) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- FieldFactory and ExpressionParser tidy [\#1597](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1597) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Hypnotoad: more flexible transitions in nonorthogonal grid generation [\#1596](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1596) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Hypnotoad nonorthogonal fixes [\#1593](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1593) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- More unit tests for derivatives [\#1592](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1592) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- More Field\* tests [\#1591](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1591) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- InterpolationFactory tests [\#1590](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1590) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Timer tests and refactor [\#1589](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1589) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Check buffer length [\#1586](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1586) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- getmpirun default [\#1584](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1584) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Spanish translation [\#1579](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1579) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Make application of INVERT\_SET at outer boundary clearer in cyclic solver [\#1578](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1578) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Use Xenial on Travis [\#1577](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1577) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Tidy derivatives [\#1576](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1576) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Hypnotoad: output coordinate system labelling [\#1575](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1575) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Codecov tweaks [\#1571](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1571) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Avoid out-of-range access for invalid regions [\#1570](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1570) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Allow Coordinates on staggered grids to be read from grid files [\#1564](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1564) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Enable communications for simulations with no core, only divertor legs [\#1563](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1563) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Hypnotoad: add checkbox to output metrics for orthogonal coordinates [\#1562](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1562) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Hypnotoad: handle case when break of contour is very close to x-point [\#1561](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1561) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Prevent data corruption [\#1558](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1558) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Locale de [\#1556](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1556) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Fix expr.hxx [\#1555](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1555) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Update name of helper function [\#1553](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1553) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Remove old examples and change to use new options style [\#1550](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1550) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Replace IsField\\*Equal\\* predicates with templated versions [\#1547](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1547) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix bug in DST option for cyclic solve [\#1546](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1546) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- More derivative tests [\#1545](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1545) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Improve make-script example [\#1542](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1542) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Pass by reference in makeField [\#1541](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1541) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Replace MMS/spatial/advection with simpler/more complete test [\#1540](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1540) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix time MMS [\#1539](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1539) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Minor improvments for boutcore [\#1536](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1536) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Remove setLocation\(\) in Field3D::operator=\(FieldPerp\) [\#1535](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1535) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Derivative unit tests [\#1534](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1534) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Remove checkData from copy constructor and assignment operator in Fields [\#1533](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1533) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Merge v4.2.1 release into next [\#1532](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1532) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Write job execution information to dump file [\#1531](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1531) ([JosephThomasParker](https://github.com/JosephThomasParker)) +- Use third order B.C. in MMS/advection/weno3 test case. [\#1528](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1528) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Documentation for Scorep [\#1525](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1525) ([JosephThomasParker](https://github.com/JosephThomasParker)) +- Remove support for scipy/scientific netcdf libraries [\#1524](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1524) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Fix typo in petsc installation instructions [\#1523](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1523) ([bshanahan](https://github.com/bshanahan)) +- Move googletest into externalpackages [\#1522](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1522) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Comment out clang-format options that are not recognised [\#1519](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1519) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Fix assert in definition of FFT 2nd derivative [\#1518](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1518) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Delp2 test requires fftw [\#1513](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1513) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Two stage add coordinates [\#1506](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1506) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Show available options in Factory [\#1497](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1497) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- FieldFactory: Separate parsing, looping stages in create{2,3}D [\#1494](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1494) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- specify python package versions for Travis [\#1493](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1493) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Array flexible backing [\#1492](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1492) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Add Matrix/Tensor::reallocate; check Arrays are of positive size [\#1491](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1491) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix bug in fft Array interface when using odd-length signals [\#1490](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1490) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add Array::resize [\#1489](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1489) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Move map and function definitions into source file for bout\_types [\#1486](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1486) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Testing shiftedmetric [\#1483](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1483) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix location of Coordinates\* in tridagCoefs [\#1481](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1481) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Make absence of fftw-wisdom non-fatal in configure [\#1475](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1475) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Use namespace for global variables 'mesh' and 'dump' [\#1470](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1470) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Use non-Fourier Delp2 in test-multigrid\_laplace [\#1469](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1469) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Reduce code duplication in interp\_to [\#1467](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1467) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Ensure the location is initialised in LaplaceXZ [\#1466](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1466) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Make most examples compilable [\#1458](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1458) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Deprecate invert\_laplace\(\) free functions [\#1453](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1453) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Remove const from bool return [\#1450](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1450) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Verbose output [\#1447](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1447) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Pass f\_aligned to standardDerivative in DDY/D2DY2/D4DY4 [\#1446](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1446) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Make free interpolate use the Lagrange4pt class [\#1445](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1445) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Add FieldPerp location [\#1441](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1441) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Removes explicit request for timezone [\#1440](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1440) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Add tool for generic operator inversion [\#1439](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1439) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Be more explicit about how many threads to use in some tests. [\#1438](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1438) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Non-fourier delp2 [\#1436](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1436) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Fix FV::Div\_par\_K\_Grad\_par [\#1434](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1434) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Location checking in ShiftedMetric::shiftZ\(\) [\#1433](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1433) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Add region arguments for toFieldAligned/fromFieldAligned [\#1432](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1432) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Remove result\_fa from interp\_to [\#1427](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1427) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Options use variant type \(towards a DataFile replacement\) [\#1425](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1425) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Adding toString specialisations [\#1424](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1424) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Start to introduce zstart and zend [\#1423](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1423) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Make FFTW an optional dependency [\#1422](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1422) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Warnings tidyup derivative overhaul mesh [\#1420](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1420) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Workaround for gcc ICE to do with binding class bound member with [\#1419](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1419) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Ensure we install cython for Travis before netcdf4 [\#1417](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1417) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Move index derivs out of mesh [\#1416](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1416) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Add a couple of sanity tests for ffts [\#1415](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1415) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Pass zShift to ShiftedMetric constructor \(backwards compatible\) [\#1413](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1413) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Split backtrace generation and prettification up [\#1412](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1412) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Add some missing autoconf macros needed to build configure [\#1410](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1410) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix MAYBE\_UNUSED for some compilers [\#1409](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1409) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- List OpenMP schedule options in configure help [\#1408](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1408) ([JosephThomasParker](https://github.com/JosephThomasParker)) +- Remove comm\_group as not used anywhere [\#1406](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1406) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Remove restart.split python routine [\#1405](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1405) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Small user manual improvements [\#1404](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1404) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Remove even more warnings [\#1403](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1403) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- "Dumb" constructor for Coordinates and Vector tests [\#1402](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1402) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Bugfix: new\_location check in setLocation would always be false [\#1401](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1401) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Two small improvements to command line options [\#1400](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1400) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- More fixes for invparderiv [\#1399](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1399) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Add implementation of make\_unique [\#1396](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1396) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Replace deprecated C headers with C++ version [\#1391](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1391) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Replace abs with std abs [\#1390](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1390) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Adding simple integrated test to compile all example files [\#1389](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1389) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Fix examples so most compile [\#1388](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1388) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Use python unittest in runtests [\#1386](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1386) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Field\* constructor tidy [\#1385](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1385) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Overhaul derivatives for vectorisation and user registration [\#1384](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1384) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Don't clobber command line short options when reading input file [\#1382](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1382) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Bc docs [\#1381](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1381) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Basic Vector support for boutcore [\#1380](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1380) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Fix:Escaping in makefile [\#1379](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1379) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Add documentation [\#1376](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1376) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Remove regeneration test [\#1375](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1375) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Print command line options to output\_info [\#1373](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1373) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Remove uses of global 'mesh' from Laplacian solvers [\#1371](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1371) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Set location in LaplaceCyclic::solve\(\) and DC\(\) [\#1367](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1367) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Move the definition of `\_\_thefunc\_\_` and add AUTO\_TRACE [\#1366](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1366) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Optimisations to certain vector routines [\#1363](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1363) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Clean squashoutput.py [\#1362](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1362) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Fix path for locale files [\#1360](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1360) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Remove last DataIterator references/uses [\#1358](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1358) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Disable broken tests [\#1356](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1356) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Comment out clang-format directives that need clang-format \>= 6 [\#1353](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1353) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Support BoutReal and file-level attributes for netCDF and HDF5 files [\#1350](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1350) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Delete dependency .mk files in clean target [\#1348](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1348) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Boundary keywords and bugfix [\#1346](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1346) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Add multiple parallel slices [\#1345](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1345) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Reuse fixture for creating/destroying FakeMesh [\#1344](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1344) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Clang format update [\#1343](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1343) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Fix FV::Div\_Par\_K\_Grad\_Par [\#1341](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1341) ([johnomotani](https://github.com/johnomotani)) +- Changing README example to use cross rather than ^ [\#1340](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1340) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Remove `using std::string` etc from headers [\#1339](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1339) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Boutexception backtrace tidy [\#1338](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1338) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- A couple of small bugfixes for Zoidberg [\#1337](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1337) ([ZedThree](https://github.com/ZedThree)) +- Internationalisation with gettext [\#1335](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1335) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Expressions improvements: escape chars and unicode [\#1333](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1333) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Save run information to settings file [\#1332](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1332) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Remove more deprecated derivs boundaries [\#1331](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1331) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) +- Add unary operator+ to fields [\#1329](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1329) ([bendudson](https://github.com/bendudson)) +- Add support for enum class [\#1328](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1328) ([dschwoerer](https://github.com/dschwoerer)) +- Remove deprecated routines [\#1326](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1326) ([d7919](https://github.com/d7919)) + ## [v4.2.3](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/tree/v4.2.3) (2019-10-23) [Full Changelog](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/compare/v4.2.2...v4.2.3) @@ -1079,3 +1370,6 @@ \* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator)* + + +\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](https://github.com/skywinder/Github-Changelog-Generator)* diff --git a/CITATION.bib b/CITATION.bib index f1e4876354..e7cddb2166 100644 --- a/CITATION.bib +++ b/CITATION.bib @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -@misc{BOUTv4-2-2, +@misc{BOUTv4-3-0, author = { Benjamin Daniel Dudson and Peter Alec Hill and @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ @misc{BOUTv4-2-2 Dmitry Meyerson and Eric Grinaker and George Breyiannia and + Hasan Muhammed and Haruki Seto and Hong Zhang and Ilon Joseph and @@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ @misc{BOUTv4-2-2 Kevin Savage and Licheng Wang and Luke Easy and + Marta Estarellas and Matt Thomas and Maxim Umansky and Michael Løiten and @@ -44,9 +46,9 @@ @misc{BOUTv4-2-2 Zhanhui Wang }, title = {BOUT++}, -month = {3}, +month = {10}, year = {2019}, -doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2579077}, +doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3518905}, url = {https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev} } diff --git a/CITATION.cff b/CITATION.cff index 1d9bee56ea..9c9eeaf6c4 100644 --- a/CITATION.cff +++ b/CITATION.cff @@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ authors: - family-names: Breyiannia given-names: George + - family-names: Muhammed + given-names: Hasan + affiliation: University of York + - family-names: Seto given-names: Haruki @@ -91,6 +95,9 @@ authors: given-names: Luke orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9087-9180 + - family-names: Estarellas + given-names: Marta + - family-names: Thomas given-names: Matt @@ -142,11 +149,11 @@ authors: - family-names: Wang given-names: Zhanhui -version: 4.2.3 -date-released: 2019-10-23 +version: 4.3.0 +date-released: 2019-10-25 repository-code: https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev url: http://boutproject.github.io/ -doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3242507 +doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3518905 license: 'LGPL-3.0-or-later' references: - type: article diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b909ab6482 --- /dev/null +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,718 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9...3.12) + +if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.12) + cmake_policy(VERSION ${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION}) +else() + cmake_policy(VERSION 3.12) +endif() + +project(BOUT++ + DESCRIPTION "Fluid PDE solver framework" + VERSION 4.2.2 + LANGUAGES CXX) + +# This might not be entirely sensible, but helps CMake to find the +# correct MPI, workaround for https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/18895 +find_program(MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE NAMES mpiexec mpirun) +find_package(MPI REQUIRED) + +set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) + +# Taken from https://cliutils.gitlab.io/modern-cmake/chapters/projects/submodule.html +find_package(Git QUIET) +if(GIT_FOUND AND EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/.git") + # Update submodules as needed + option(GIT_SUBMODULE "Check submodules during build" ON) + if(GIT_SUBMODULE) + message(STATUS "Submodule update") + execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update --init --recursive + WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} + RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_SUBMOD_RESULT) + if(NOT GIT_SUBMOD_RESULT EQUAL "0") + message(FATAL_ERROR "git submodule update --init failed with ${GIT_SUBMOD_RESULT}, please checkout submodules") + endif() + endif() +endif() + +if(NOT EXISTS "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/externalpackages/mpark.variant/CMakeLists.txt") + message(FATAL_ERROR "The submodules were not downloaded! GIT_SUBMODULE was turned off or failed. Please update submodules and try again.") +endif() + +add_subdirectory(externalpackages/mpark.variant) + +set(BOUT_SOURCES + ./include/boundary_factory.hxx + ./include/boundary_op.hxx + ./include/boundary_region.hxx + ./include/boundary_standard.hxx + ./include/bout.hxx + ./include/bout/array.hxx + ./include/bout/assert.hxx + ./include/bout/constants.hxx + ./include/bout/coordinates.hxx + ./include/bout/deprecated.hxx + ./include/bout/deriv_store.hxx + ./include/bout/expr.hxx + ./include/bout/field_visitor.hxx + ./include/bout/fieldgroup.hxx + ./include/bout/format.hxx + ./include/bout/fv_ops.hxx + ./include/bout/generic_factory.hxx + ./include/bout/globalfield.hxx + ./include/bout/griddata.hxx + ./include/bout/index_derivs.hxx + ./include/bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx + ./include/bout/invert/laplacexy.hxx + ./include/bout/invert/laplacexz.hxx + ./include/bout/invertable_operator.hxx + ./include/bout/macro_for_each.hxx + ./include/bout/mesh.hxx + ./include/bout/monitor.hxx + ./include/bout/openmpwrap.hxx + ./include/bout/paralleltransform.hxx + ./include/bout/petsclib.hxx + ./include/bout/physicsmodel.hxx + ./include/bout/region.hxx + ./include/bout/rkscheme.hxx + ./include/bout/rvec.hxx + ./include/bout/scorepwrapper.hxx + ./include/bout/slepclib.hxx + ./include/bout/solver.hxx + ./include/bout/solverfactory.hxx + ./include/bout/surfaceiter.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/expressionparser.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/gettext.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/range.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/timer.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/type_name.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/uncopyable.hxx + ./include/bout/sys/variant.hxx + ./include/bout/template_combinations.hxx + ./include/bout_types.hxx + ./include/boutcomm.hxx + ./include/boutexception.hxx + ./include/boutmain.hxx + ./include/cyclic_reduction.hxx + ./include/datafile.hxx + ./include/dataformat.hxx + ./include/dcomplex.hxx + ./include/derivs.hxx + ./include/difops.hxx + ./include/fft.hxx + ./include/field.hxx + ./include/field2d.hxx + ./include/field3d.hxx + ./include/field_data.hxx + ./include/field_factory.hxx + ./include/fieldperp.hxx + ./include/globals.hxx + ./include/gyro_average.hxx + ./include/initialprofiles.hxx + ./include/interpolation.hxx + ./include/interpolation_factory.hxx + ./include/invert_laplace.hxx + ./include/invert_parderiv.hxx + ./include/lapack_routines.hxx + ./include/mask.hxx + ./include/msg_stack.hxx + ./include/multiostream.hxx + ./include/options.hxx + ./include/options_netcdf.hxx + ./include/optionsreader.hxx + ./include/output.hxx + ./include/parallel_boundary_op.hxx + ./include/parallel_boundary_region.hxx + ./include/smoothing.hxx + ./include/sourcex.hxx + ./include/stencils.hxx + ./include/unused.hxx + ./include/utils.hxx + ./include/vecops.hxx + ./include/vector2d.hxx + ./include/vector3d.hxx + ./include/where.hxx + ./src/bout++.cxx + ./src/field/field.cxx + ./src/field/field2d.cxx + ./src/field/field3d.cxx + ./src/field/field_data.cxx + ./src/field/field_factory.cxx + ./src/field/fieldgenerators.cxx + ./src/field/fieldgenerators.hxx + ./src/field/fieldgroup.cxx + ./src/field/fieldperp.cxx + ./src/field/generated_fieldops.cxx + ./src/field/globalfield.cxx + ./src/field/initialprofiles.cxx + ./src/field/vecops.cxx + ./src/field/vector2d.cxx + ./src/field/vector3d.cxx + ./src/field/where.cxx + ./src/fileio/datafile.cxx + ./src/fileio/dataformat.cxx + ./src/fileio/formatfactory.cxx + ./src/fileio/formatfactory.hxx + ./src/fileio/impls/emptyformat.hxx + ./src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.cxx + ./src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.hxx + ./src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.cxx + ./src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.hxx + ./src/fileio/impls/netcdf4/ncxx4.cxx + ./src/fileio/impls/netcdf4/ncxx4.hxx + ./src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.cxx + ./src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.hxx + ./src/invert/fft_fftw.cxx + ./src/invert/lapack_routines.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_alg.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_laplace.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_solver.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.hxx + ./src/invert/laplace/invert_laplace.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx + ./src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.hxx + ./src/invert/laplacexy/laplacexy.cxx + ./src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.cxx + ./src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.hxx + ./src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.cxx + ./src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.hxx + ./src/invert/laplacexz/laplacexz.cxx + ./src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.cxx + ./src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.hxx + ./src/invert/parderiv/invert_parderiv.cxx + ./src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.cxx + ./src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.hxx + ./src/mesh/boundary_factory.cxx + ./src/mesh/boundary_region.cxx + ./src/mesh/boundary_standard.cxx + ./src/mesh/coordinates.cxx + ./src/mesh/data/gridfromfile.cxx + ./src/mesh/data/gridfromoptions.cxx + ./src/mesh/difops.cxx + ./src/mesh/fv_ops.cxx + ./src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx + ./src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx + ./src/mesh/index_derivs.cxx + ./src/mesh/interpolation.cxx + ./src/mesh/interpolation/bilinear.cxx + ./src/mesh/interpolation/hermite_spline.cxx + ./src/mesh/interpolation/interpolation_factory.cxx + ./src/mesh/interpolation/lagrange_4pt.cxx + ./src/mesh/interpolation/monotonic_hermite_spline.cxx + ./src/mesh/mesh.cxx + ./src/mesh/meshfactory.cxx + ./src/mesh/meshfactory.hxx + ./src/mesh/parallel/fci.cxx + ./src/mesh/parallel/fci.hxx + ./src/mesh/parallel/identity.cxx + ./src/mesh/parallel/shiftedmetric.cxx + ./src/mesh/parallel_boundary_op.cxx + ./src/mesh/parallel_boundary_region.cxx + ./src/mesh/surfaceiter.cxx + ./src/physics/gyro_average.cxx + ./src/physics/physicsmodel.cxx + ./src/physics/smoothing.cxx + ./src/physics/sourcex.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/euler/euler.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/euler/euler.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/ida/ida.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/ida/ida.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/karniadakis/karniadakis.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/karniadakis/karniadakis.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/power/power.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/power/power.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/pvode/pvode.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/pvode/pvode.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rk3-ssp/rk3-ssp.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rk3-ssp/rk3-ssp.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/cashkarp/cashkarp.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/cashkarp/cashkarp.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf34/rkf34.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf34/rkf34.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf45/rkf45.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf45/rkf45.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkscheme.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkschemefactory.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkschemefactory.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/snes/snes.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/snes/snes.hxx + ./src/solver/impls/split-rk/split-rk.cxx + ./src/solver/impls/split-rk/split-rk.hxx + ./src/solver/solver.cxx + ./src/solver/solverfactory.cxx + ./src/sys/bout_types.cxx + ./src/sys/boutcomm.cxx + ./src/sys/boutexception.cxx + ./src/sys/derivs.cxx + ./src/sys/expressionparser.cxx + ./src/sys/msg_stack.cxx + ./src/sys/options.cxx + ./src/sys/options/optionparser.hxx + ./src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx + ./src/sys/options/options_ini.hxx + ./src/sys/options/options_netcdf.cxx + ./src/sys/optionsreader.cxx + ./src/sys/output.cxx + ./src/sys/petsclib.cxx + ./src/sys/range.cxx + ./src/sys/slepclib.cxx + ./src/sys/timer.cxx + ./src/sys/type_name.cxx + ./src/sys/utils.cxx + ) + +add_library(bout++ + ${BOUT_SOURCES} + ) +add_library(bout++::bout++ ALIAS bout++) +target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC MPI::MPI_CXX mpark_variant) +target_include_directories(bout++ PUBLIC + $ + $ + ) + +target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_VERSION_STRING=\"${PROJECT_VERSION}\"" + PUBLIC "BOUT_VERSION_DOUBLE=${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR}${PROJECT_VERSION_PATCH}" + ) + +target_compile_features(bout++ PUBLIC cxx_std_11) +set_target_properties(bout++ PROPERTIES CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) + +option(ENABLE_WARNINGS "Enable compiler warnings" ON) +if (ENABLE_WARNINGS) + target_compile_options(bout++ PRIVATE + $<$,$,$>: + -Wall -Wextra > + $<$: + /W4 > + ) + + include(EnableCXXWarningIfSupport) + # Note we explicitly turn off -Wcast-function-type as PETSc *requires* + # we cast a function to the wrong type in MatFDColoringSetFunction + target_enable_cxx_warning_if_supported(bout++ + FLAGS -Wnull-dereference -Wno-cast-function-type + ) + +endif() + +# Compile time features + +set(CHECK_LEVELS 0 1 2 3 4) +set(CHECK 3 CACHE STRINGS "Set run-time checking level") +set_property(CACHE CHECK PROPERTY STRINGS ${CHECK_LEVELS}) +if (NOT CHECK IN_LIST CHECK_LEVELS) + message(FATAL_ERROR "CHECK must be one of ${CHECK_LEVELS}") +endif() +message(STATUS "Runtime checking level: CHECK=${CHECK}") +target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "CHECK=${CHECK}" + PUBLIC "BOUT_CHECK=${CHECK}") +set(BOUT_CHECK_LEVEL ${CHECK}) + +option(DEBUG_ENABLED "Enable extra debug output" OFF) +option(ENABLE_OUTPUT_DEBUG "Enable extra debug output" OFF) +if (ENABLE_OUTPUT_DEBUG OR DEBUG_ENABLED) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "DEBUG_ENABLED" + PUBLIC "BOUT_OUTPUT_DEBUG") +endif() +message(STATUS "Extra debug output: DEBUG_ENABLED=${DEBUG_ENABLED}") +set(BOUT_USE_OUTPUT_DEBUG ${DEBUG_ENABLED}) + +option(ENABLE_SIGNAL "SegFault handling" ON) +if (ENABLE_SIGNAL) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "SIGHANDLE" + PUBLIC "BOUT_SIGHANDLE") +endif() +message(STATUS "Signal handling: SIGHANDLE=${ENABLE_SIGNAL}") +set(BOUT_USE_SIGNAL ${ENABLE_SIGNAL}) + +option(ENABLE_COLOR "Output coloring" ON) +if (ENABLE_COLOR) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "LOGCOLOR" + PUBLIC "BOUT_LOGCOLOR") +endif() +message(STATUS "Output coloring: LOGCOLOR=${ENABLE_COLOR}") +set(BOUT_USE_COLOR ${ENABLE_COLOR}) + +option(ENABLE_TRACK "Field name tracking" ON) +if (ENABLE_TRACK) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "TRACK" + PUBLIC "BOUT_TRACK") +endif() +message(STATUS "Field name tracking: TRACK=${ENABLE_TRACK}") +set(BOUT_USE_TRACK ${ENABLE_TRACK}) + +option(ENABLE_SIGFPE "Signalling floating point exceptions" OFF) +if (ENABLE_SIGFPE) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_FPE") +endif() +message(STATUS "Signalling floating point exceptions: BOUT_FPE=${ENABLE_SIGFPE}") +set(BOUT_USE_SIGFPE ${ENABLE_SIGFPE}) + +option(ENABLE_BACKTRACE "Enable backtrace" ON) +if (ENABLE_BACKTRACE) + find_program(ADDR2LINE_FOUND addr2line) + if (NOT ADDR2LINE_FOUND) + message(FATAL_ERROR "addr2line not found") + endif() + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BACKTRACE" + PUBLIC "BOUT_BACKTRACE") + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}) +endif() +message(STATUS "Enable backtrace: BACKTRACE=${ENABLE_BACKTRACE}") +set(BOUT_USE_BACKTRACE ${ENABLE_BACKTRACE}) + +option(ENABLE_OPENMP "Enable OpenMP support" OFF) +if (ENABLE_OPENMP) + find_package(OpenMP REQUIRED) + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC OpenMP::OpenMP_CXX) + set(possible_openmp_schedules static dynamic guided auto) + set(OPENMP_SCHEDULE static CACHE STRINGS "Set OpenMP schedule") + if (NOT OPENMP_SCHEDULE IN_LIST possible_openmp_schedules) + message(FATAL_ERROR "OPENMP_SCHEDULE must be one of ${possible_openmp_schedules}") + endif() + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "OPENMP_SCHEDULE=${OPENMP_SCHEDULE}" + PUBLIC "BOUT_OPENMP_SCHEDULE=${OPENMP_SCHEDULE}") + message(STATUS "OpenMP schedule: ${OPENMP_SCHEDULE}") +endif() +message(STATUS "Enable OpenMP: ${ENABLE_OPENMP}") +set(BOUT_USE_OPENMP ${ENABLE_OPENMP}) + +include(GetGitRevisionDescription) +get_git_head_revision(GIT_REFSPEC GIT_SHA1) +message(STATUS "Git revision: ${GIT_SHA1}") +target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "GIT_REVISION=${GIT_SHA1}") +set(BOUT_GIT_REVISION ${GIT_SHA1}) + +# Optional dependencies + +option(USE_PVODE "Enable support for bundled PVODE" ON) +if (USE_PVODE) + add_subdirectory(externalpackages/PVODE) + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC pvode pvpre) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_PVODE") +endif() +message(STATUS "PVODE support: ${USE_PVODE}") +set(BOUT_HAS_PVODE ${USE_PVODE}) + +option(USE_NETCDF "Enable support for NetCDF output" ON) +if (USE_NETCDF) + find_package(NetCDF REQUIRED) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "NCDF4" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_NETCDF") + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX) +endif() +message(STATUS "NetCDF support: ${USE_NETCDF}") +set(BOUT_HAS_NETCDF ${USE_NETCDF}) + +option(USE_HDF5 "Enable support for HDF5 output" OFF) +if (USE_HDF5) + find_package(HDF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS CXX) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "HDF5" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_HDF5") + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC "${HDF5_CXX_LIBRARIES}") + target_include_directories(bout++ PUBLIC "${HDF5_CXX_INCLUDE_DIRS}") +endif() +message(STATUS "HDF5 support: ${USE_HDF5}") +set(BOUT_HAS_HDF5 ${USE_HDF5}) + +option(USE_FFTW "Enable support for FFTW" ON) +if (USE_FFTW) + find_package(FFTW REQUIRED) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_FFTW") + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC FFTW::FFTW) +endif() +message(STATUS "FFTW support: ${USE_FFTW}") +set(BOUT_HAS_FFTW ${USE_FFTW}) + +option(USE_LAPACK "Enable support for LAPACK" ON) +if (USE_LAPACK) + if (NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "CrayLinuxEnvironment") + # Cray wrappers sort this out for us + find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED) + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC "${LAPACK_LIBRARIES}") + endif() + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "LAPACK" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_LAPACK") +endif() +message(STATUS "LAPACK support: ${USE_LAPACK}") +set(BOUT_HAS_LAPACK ${USE_LAPACK}) + +option(USE_PETSC "Enable support for PETSc time solvers and inversions" OFF) +if (USE_PETSC) + if (NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "CrayLinuxEnvironment") + # Cray wrappers sort this out for us + find_package(PETSc REQUIRED) + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC PETSc::PETSc) + endif() + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_PETSC") +endif() +message(STATUS "PETSc support: ${USE_PETSC}") +set(BOUT_HAS_PETSC ${USE_PETSC}) + +option(USE_SLEPC "Enable support for SLEPc eigen solver" OFF) +if (USE_SLEPC) + find_package(SLEPc REQUIRED) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_SLEPC") + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC SLEPc::SLEPc) +endif() +message(STATUS "SLEPc support: ${USE_SLEPC}") +set(BOUT_HAS_SLEPC ${USE_SLEPC}) + +option(USE_SUNDIALS "Enable support for SUNDIALS time solvers" OFF) +if (USE_SUNDIALS) + find_package(SUNDIALS REQUIRED) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_CVODE" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_IDA" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_ARKODE" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_SUNDIALS") + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC SUNDIALS::cvode) + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC SUNDIALS::ida) + target_link_libraries(bout++ PUBLIC SUNDIALS::arkode) +endif() +message(STATUS "SUNDIALS support: ${USE_SUNDIALS}") +set(BOUT_HAS_SUNDIALS ${USE_SUNDIALS}) + +option(USE_NLS "Enable Native Language Support" ON) +find_package(Gettext) +if (GETTEXT_FOUND) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT") + find_package(Intl) + if (Intl_FOUND) + target_link_libraries(bout++ + PUBLIC ${Intl_LIBRARIES}) + target_include_directories(bout++ + PUBLIC ${Intl_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + endif() +endif() +set(BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT ${GETTEXT_FOUND}) + +option(USE_SCOREP "Enable support for Score-P based instrumentation" OFF) +if (USE_SCOREP) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_SCOREP") + message(STATUS "Score-P support enabled. Please make sure you are calling CMake like so: + + SCOREP_WRAPPER=off cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=scorep-mpicc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=scorep-mpicxx +") +endif() +set(BOUT_HAS_SCOREP ${USE_SCOREP}) + +include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) +check_cxx_source_compiles("int main() { const char* name = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; }" + HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION) +set(BOUT_HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION ${HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION}) +if (HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION) + target_compile_definitions(bout++ + PUBLIC "HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION" + PUBLIC "BOUT_HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION") +endif() + +# Copy FILENAME from source directory to build directory +# and add dependency on TARGET +macro(bout_test_copy_file TARGET FILENAME) + add_custom_command(TARGET "${TARGET}" POST_BUILD + COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/"${FILENAME}" + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/"${FILENAME}") +endmacro() + +# Add a new integrated test +# +# Required arguments: +# +# - TESTNAME: name of the test +# +# - SOURCES: list of source files +# +# Optional arguments: +# +# - USE_RUNTEST: if given, the test uses `./runtest` as the test +# command, otherwise it uses the executable +# +# - USE_DATA_BOUT_INP: if given, copy `data/BOUT.inp` +# +# - EXTRA_FILES: any extra files that are required to run the test +# +# - REQUIRES: list of variables that must be truthy to enable test + +function(bout_add_integrated_test TESTNAME) + set(options USE_RUNTEST USE_DATA_BOUT_INP) + set(multiValueArgs SOURCES EXTRA_FILES REQUIRES) + cmake_parse_arguments(BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS "${options}" "" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) + + foreach (REQUIREMENT IN LISTS BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS_REQUIRES) + if (NOT ${REQUIREMENT}) + message(STATUS "Not building test ${TESTNAME}, requirement not met: ${REQUIREMENT}") + return() + endif() + endforeach() + + add_executable(${TESTNAME} ${BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS_SOURCES}) + target_link_libraries(${TESTNAME} bout++) + target_include_directories(${TESTNAME} PRIVATE $) + + if (BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS_USE_RUNTEST) + add_test(NAME ${TESTNAME} COMMAND ./runtest) + bout_test_copy_file("${TESTNAME}" runtest) + else() + add_test(NAME ${TESTNAME} COMMAND ${TESTNAME}) + endif() + if (BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS_USE_DATA_BOUT_INP) + bout_test_copy_file("${TESTNAME}" data/BOUT.inp) + endif() + if (BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS_EXTRA_FILES) + foreach (FILE ${BOUT_TEST_OPTIONS_EXTRA_FILES}) + bout_test_copy_file("${TESTNAME}" "${FILE}") + endforeach() + endif() + set_target_properties(${TESTNAME} PROPERTIES FOLDER tests/integrated) +endfunction() + +option(PACKAGE_TESTS "Build the tests" ON) +if(PACKAGE_TESTS) + enable_testing() + add_subdirectory(tests/unit) + add_subdirectory(tests/integrated) +endif() + +################################################## +# Installation + +include(GNUInstallDirs) +install(TARGETS bout++ + EXPORT bout++Targets + LIBRARY DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" + ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" + RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" + INCLUDES DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" + ) +install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) + +include(CMakePackageConfigHelpers) +write_basic_package_version_file( + bout++ConfigVersion.cmake + VERSION ${PACKAGE_VERSION} + COMPATIBILITY SameMajorVersion + ) + +install(EXPORT bout++Targets + FILE bout++Targets.cmake + NAMESPACE bout++:: + DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/bout++" + ) + +configure_package_config_file(bout++Config.cmake.in bout++Config.cmake + INSTALL_DESTINATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bout++Config.cmake" + ) +install( + FILES + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bout++Config.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bout++ConfigVersion.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CorrectWindowsPaths.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindFFTW.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindNetCDF.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindPackageMultipass.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindPETSc.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindScoreP.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindSLEPc.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/FindSUNDIALS.cmake" + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake" + DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/bout++" + ) + +export(EXPORT bout++Targets + FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/bout++Targets.cmake" + NAMESPACE bout++:: + ) + +export(PACKAGE bout) + +################################################## +# Configure summary + +message(" + -------------------------------- + BOUT++ Configuration Summary + -------------------------------- + + Bundled PVODE support : ${BOUT_HAS_PVODE} + PETSc support : ${BOUT_HAS_PETSC} + SLEPc support : ${BOUT_HAS_SLEPC} + SUNDIALS support : ${BOUT_HAS_SUNDIALS} + NetCDF support : ${BOUT_HAS_NETCDF} + HDF5 support : ${BOUT_HAS_HDF5} + FFTW support : ${BOUT_HAS_FFTW} + LAPACK support : ${BOUT_HAS_LAPACK} + OpenMP support : ${BOUT_USE_OPENMP} + Natural language support : ${BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT} + ScoreP support : ${BOUT_HAS_SCOREP} + Extra debug output : ${BOUT_USE_OUTPUT_DEBUG} + CHECK level : ${BOUT_CHECK_LEVEL} + Signal handling : ${BOUT_USE_SIGNAL} + Output coloring : ${BOUT_USE_COLOR} + Field name tracking : ${BOUT_USE_TRACK} + Floating point exceptions: ${BOUT_USE_SIGFPE} + Backtrace enabled : ${BOUT_USE_BACKTRACE} + + === Python === + + Make sure that the tools/pylib directory is in your PYTHONPATH + e.g. by adding to your ~/.bashrc file + + export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/tools/pylib/:\$PYTHONPATH + +*** Now run `cmake --build .` to compile BOUT++ *** +") diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2454dce8e9..b943add765 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -174,3 +174,15 @@ GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. A copy of the LGPL license is in [LICENSE](LICENSE). Since this is based on (and refers to) the GPL, this is included in [LICENSE.GPL](LICENSE.GPL). + +Some of the autoconf macros under [m4](m4) are licensed under +GPLv3. These are not necessary to either build or run BOUT++, but are +used in the creation of [configure](configure) from +[configure.ac](configure.ac), and are provided as a courtesy to +developers. You are free to substitute them with other autoconf macros +that provide equivalent functionality. + +BOUT++ links by default with some GPL licensed libraries. Thus if you +compile BOUT++ with any of them, BOUT++ will automatically be licensed +as GPL. Thus if you want to use BOUT++ with GPL non-compatible code, +make sure to compile without GPLed code. diff --git a/bin/bout-config.in b/bin/bout-config.in index 517987425f..9ebbf87c5f 100755 --- a/bin/bout-config.in +++ b/bin/bout-config.in @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ BOUT_LIB_PATH=@BOUT_LIB_PATH@ BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH=@BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH@ - +MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=@MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH@ BOUT_CONFIG_FILE=@PREFIX@/make.config cc="@MPICXX@" @@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ has_slepc="@HAS_SLEPC@" has_mumps="@HAS_MUMPS@" has_arkode="@HAS_ARKODE@" has_openmp="@HAS_OPENMP@" +has_nls="@HAS_NLS@" +has_fftw="@HAS_FFTW@" petsc_has_sundials="@PETSC_HAS_SUNDIALS@" @@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ Available values for OPTION include: --has-petsc PETSc support --has-slepc SLEPc support --has-mumps MUMPS support + --has-nls Natural Language Support --petsc-has-sundials EOF @@ -111,6 +114,7 @@ all() echo " --has-slepc -> $has_slepc" echo " --has-mumps -> $has_mumps" echo " --has-arkode -> $has_arkode" + echo " --has-nls -> $has_nls" echo echo " --petsc-has-sundials -> $petsc_has_sundials" echo @@ -231,6 +235,11 @@ while test $# -gt 0; do echo $has_openmp ;; + --has-nls) + echo $has_nls + ;; + + --petsc-version) # TODO: Remove in next release # Left in for backwards-compatibility diff --git a/bin/bout-squashoutput b/bin/bout-squashoutput index cd3ccf5f92..804e68ab7f 100755 --- a/bin/bout-squashoutput +++ b/bin/bout-squashoutput @@ -51,8 +51,6 @@ if argcomplete: args = parser.parse_args() -# Late imports to not slow down bash completion - for ind in "txyz": args.__dict__[ind + "ind"] = slice(*args.__dict__[ind + "ind"]) # Call the function, using command line arguments diff --git a/bin/bout_4to5 b/bin/bout_4to5 new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..3523c607aa --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/bout_4to5 @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +#!/bin/bash +DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" + +VERBOSE=1 +FORCE=0 + +usage() { + echo "$0 options are: " + #Just pull out special comments from this file + grep "\#\#\#" $0 + exit 1 +} + +while getopts "fvqd" arg; +do + case $arg in + f) ### Force mode - run without asking + FORCE=1 + ;; + v) ### Enable verbose mode + VERBOSE=1 + ;; + q) ### Enable quite mode + VERBOSE=0 + ;; + d) ### Debug mode - print everything before doing it + set -v + ;; + *) ### Show usage + usage + ;; + esac +done + +# remove the processed options from the input arguments +shift $((OPTIND-1)) + +function maybe_proceed() { + echo $1 + if test $FORCE -gt 0 + then + verbose "Runing in force mode - continuing" + else + echo "Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]" + continue=y + read continue + continue=$(echo $continue |tr :lower: :upper:) + if test ".$continue" == .y || test ".$continue" == .yes + then + echo "Continuing at your risk ..." + else + echo "Maybe soon :)" + exit 0 + fi + fi +} + +GREP=$(which grep) +# Wrapper for grep to detect errors +function grep () { + ex=0 + $GREP "$@" || ex=$? + if test $ex -eq 2 + then + echo "grep failed for $@" > /dev/stderr + exit 2 + fi +} + +# Set to false to be quiet +function verbose() { + if test $VERBOSE -gt 0 + then + echo $@ + fi +} + +# If there is any error - we don't want to continue +set -e + +version= + +test -f $DIR/bout-config && version=$($DIR/bout-config --version ) +if test -z $version +then + maybe_proceed "The BOUT++ version could not be detected. +This script is intend to update to BOUT++ 5" +else + major=$(echo $version|cut -d. -f1) + if test $major -lt 5 + then + maybe_proceed "The BOUT++ version appears to be $version. +This script is intend to update to BOUT++ 5" + fi +fi + +if ! git diff --exit-code &>/dev/null +then + maybe_proceed "Git shows that you have uncommited changes." +else + echo git is clean +fi + +if test $# -eq 0 +then + for dir in src tools examples tests include + do + work="$work $DIR/../$dir" + done + WORK=default +else + work=$@ + WORK=other +fi +echo $work + +# Set to false if you don't want to run the script: +true && + printordo= || printordo=echo + + +verbose " Renaming LocalNx -> local_nx" +verbose " Renaming GlobalNx -> global_nx" +verbose " Renaming OffsetNx -> offset_nx" +for dir in $work +do + allmatches=$(grep -EHr 'LocalN|GlobalN|OffsetN' $dir ) + for d in x y z + do + for f in $(echo $allmatches|grep 'N$d'|cut -d: -f1|sort -u) + do + $printordo sed "s/LocalN$d/local_n$d/g" $f -i + $printordo sed "s/GlobalN$d/global_n$d/g" $f -i + $printordo sed "s/OffsetN$d/offset_n$d/g" $f -i + done + done +done + +headerfilelist="$(cat ${0}_header_file_list)" + +include=$DIR/../include/ +function gen_compat() { + for f in $headerfilelist + do + mv $f bout -i + echo "#pragma once +#warning <$f> has moved to - this can be fixed with bin/bout_fix_headerlocation.sh +#include \"bout/$f\"" > $f + done +} + +if test $(cat $include/boundary_factory.hxx|wc -l) -gt 20 +then + verbose " Creating compat headerfiles" + (cd $include ; $printordo gen_compat) +else + verbose " Compat headerfiles seem to be available" +fi + +verbose " Update files to look for headers in bout/ subfolder" +for dir in $work +do + includes=$(grep "#include" $dir -Hr ) + for f in $headerfilelist + do + matched=$(echo "$includes"|grep [^/]$f ) + todo=$(echo "$matched"|cut -d: -f1 ) + for doit in $todo + do + $printordo sed -i "s/\([<\"]\)$f/\1bout\/$f/" $doit + done + done +done +if test $WORK == default +then + for f in $DIR/../include/bout/* + do + if test -f $f + then + $printordo sed -i "s|\.\./||" $f + fi + done + + pydir=$DIR/../tools/pylib/_boutcore_build + for f in $pydir/*in + do + matched=$(grep '[/_a-z$A-Z0-9]*.hxx' -o $f|sort -u) + for h in $matched + do + test -f $pydir/$h && continue + #test b=${h::5} = bout/ && continue + test $h = bout.hxx && continue + echo "$h" | $GREP -q '/' && continue + sed -i "s|$h|bout/$h|" $f + done + done +fi + + +# # clang-format everything - disabled due to issue https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/issues/1017 +# if test $# -eq 0 +# then +# for dir in $work +# do +# files=$(find $dir|grep xx\$ ) +# if test "$files" +# then +# verbose " Running clang-format on all files in $dir" +# clang-format -i $files +# fi +# done +# fi + + +#Further changes: + +#${d}end should be changed to ${d}end+1 diff --git a/bin/bout_4to5_header_file_list b/bin/bout_4to5_header_file_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..476d88a2f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/bout_4to5_header_file_list @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +boundary_factory.hxx +boundary_op.hxx +boundary_region.hxx +boundary_standard.hxx +boutcomm.hxx +boutexception.hxx +boutmain.hxx +bout_types.hxx +cyclic_reduction.hxx +datafile.hxx +dataformat.hxx +dcomplex.hxx +derivs.hxx +difops.hxx +fft.hxx +field2d.hxx +field3d.hxx +field_data.hxx +field_factory.hxx +field.hxx +fieldperp.hxx +globals.hxx +gyro_average.hxx +initialprofiles.hxx +interpolation_factory.hxx +interpolation.hxx +invert_laplace.hxx +invert_parderiv.hxx +lapack_routines.hxx +mask.hxx +msg_stack.hxx +multiostream.hxx +options.hxx +options_netcdf.hxx +optionsreader.hxx +output.hxx +parallel_boundary_op.hxx +parallel_boundary_region.hxx +smoothing.hxx +sourcex.hxx +stencils.hxx +unused.hxx +utils.hxx +vecops.hxx +vector2d.hxx +vector3d.hxx +where.hxx diff --git a/bout++Config.cmake.in b/bout++Config.cmake.in new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a50a356179 --- /dev/null +++ b/bout++Config.cmake.in @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +@PACKAGE_INIT@ + +include(CMakeFindDependencyMacro) + +set(BOUT_USE_SIGNAL @BOUT_USE_SIGNAL@) +set(BOUT_USE_COLOR @BOUT_USE_COLOR@) +set(BOUT_USE_TRACK @BOUT_USE_TRACK@) +set(BOUT_USE_SIGFPE @BOUT_USE_SIGFPE@) +set(BOUT_USE_BACKTRACE @BOUT_USE_BACKTRACE@) +set(BOUT_USE_OPENMP @BOUT_USE_OPENMP@) +set(BOUT_HAS_OUTPUT_DEBUG @BOUT_HAS_OUTPUT_DEBUG@) +set(BOUT_CHECK_LEVEL @BOUT_CHECK_LEVEL@) + +set(BOUT_HAS_PVODE @BOUT_HAS_PVODE@) +set(BOUT_HAS_NETCDF @BOUT_HAS_NETCDF@) +set(BOUT_HAS_FFTW @BOUT_HAS_FFTW@) +set(BOUT_HAS_LAPACK @BOUT_HAS_LAPACK@) +set(BOUT_HAS_PETSC @BOUT_HAS_PETSC@) +set(BOUT_HAS_SLEPC @BOUT_HAS_SLEPC@) +set(BOUT_HAS_SCOREP @BOUT_HAS_SCOREP@) +set(BOUT_HAS_SUNDIALS @BOUT_HAS_SUNDIALS@) +set(BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT @BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT@) + +list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}") + +if(EXISTS "@PETSC_DIR@") + set(PETSC_DIR "@PETSC_DIR@") +endif() +if(EXISTS "@SLEPC_DIR@") + set(SLEPC_DIR "@SLEPC_DIR@") +endif() +if(EXISTS "@SUNDIALS_ROOT@") + set(SUNDIALS_ROOT "@SUNDIALS_ROOT@") +endif() +if(EXISTS "@FFTW_ROOT@") + set(FFTW_ROOT "@FFTW_ROOT@") +endif() +if(EXISTS "@LAPACK_ROOT@") + set(LAPACK_ROOT "@LAPACK_ROOT@") +endif() +if(EXISTS "@ScoreP_ROOT@") + set(ScoreP_ROOT "@ScoreP_ROOT@") +endif() +if(EXISTS "@NetCDF_ROOT@") + set(NetCDF_ROOT "@NetCDF_ROOT@") +endif() + +set(mpark_variant_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../../lib/cmake/mpark_variant") +set(MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE @MPIEXEC_EXECUTABLE@) + +find_dependency(MPI @MPI_CXX_VERSION@ EXACT) +if (BOUT_USE_OPENMP) + find_dependency(OpenMP) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_NETCDF) + find_dependency(NetCDF @NetCDF_VERSION@ EXACT) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_FFTW) + find_dependency(FFTW) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_LAPACK) + find_dependency(LAPACK) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_PETSC) + find_dependency(PETSc @PETSC_VERSION@ EXACT) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_SUNDIALS) + find_dependency(SUNDIALS @SUNDIALS_VERSION@ EXACT) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT) + find_dependency(Gettext) + find_dependency(Intl) +endif() +find_dependency(mpark_variant) +if (BOUT_HAS_SLEPC) + find_dependency(SLEPc @SLEPC_VERSION@ EXACT) +endif() +if (BOUT_HAS_SCOREP) + find_dependency(ScoreP) +endif() + +include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/bout++Targets.cmake") diff --git a/change_summary.md b/change_summary.md index ab6b0fa035..6357883445 100644 --- a/change_summary.md +++ b/change_summary.md @@ -3,6 +3,170 @@ This is a slightly more readable, and therefore incomplete, summary of the changes from the full [changelog](CHANGELOG.md) +4.3.0 is a big feature release: +- `Field`s are now "tagged" with their "y-direction": that is, whether + they are in field-aligned space or not. This allows us to perform + more internal checking, for example, that only field-aligned + `Field3D`s are passed to `fromFieldAligned` and that calculations + are done in the correct y-direction space. Users may need to call + `f.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned)` for a `Field3D f` to set + the direction tag +- Add `toFieldAligned` and `fromFieldAligned` free functions +- `bout::utils::is_Field` and variants provide simpler methods of + checking that input types are `Field`s in templated code +- Many, many more functions and operators support staggering. We're + now also much more consistent about checking function arguments have + compatible staggered locations +- New `emptyFrom(f)` and `zeroFrom(f)` helper functions for creating + `Field`s either allocated but not initialised, or allocated and + initialised to `0.0` respectively, while ensuring the result is + compatible with the `Field` `f` (same mesh, same staggering, etc.) +- Expressions used in input files now have support for unicode, + escaping characters and implicit multiplication. See + [\#1333](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1333) for more + details. +- Internationalisation support, including translations for French, + German, Spanish, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese +- Keyword arguments for boundaries in input files, e.g. `dirichlet(1, + width=3)` +- File-level attributes in output files +- Write more things to output files, including processor indices and + parallel transform information +- Complete overhaul of the derivative operators: + - derivative operators can now use native vectorisation where + possible, as well parallelisation via OpenMP. + - users can register their own derivative operators and choose + them at runtime + - more consistent handling of staggering in all directions and for + all `Field` types + - better handling of field-aligned `Field`s +- Various bug fixes for parallel derivative inversions +- Introduced `zstart` and `zend`, in preparation for introducing + guard cells in the z-direction +- `Options` has several new features: + - it can now store `Field`s. This uses an [implementation][mpark] + of C++17's `std::variant` backported to work with + C++11. Unfortunately, there are some compilers which have + problems (see [installation issues][xlc] for help) + - `Options::isSection` gained the ability to check whether an + input argument is a subsection or not + - now records the type of the option when used + - gained the `.doc` method which allows documentation to be added + as an attribute, which can be recorded in the `BOUT.settings` + file post-run +- FFTW is now an optional dependency +- A non-Fourier implementation of `Delp2` +- A generic linear operator inversion class (see + [\#1439](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1439)) +- `Array`, `Matrix` and `Tensor` all gained a `reallocate` + method. This allows dynamic resizing of those objects, but + invalidates the existing data +- `FieldFactory` now has separate parsing and generating stages, so + functions can be parsed once and evaluated multiple times (e.g. for + time-dependent functions) +- Enable communications for simulations with no core, only divertor + legs +- `Coordinates` on staggered grids can now be read from grid files +- New `FDDX_U2` implementation +- Support for SUNDIALS versions 2.6 to 4.1.0 +- `BoutInitialise` has been pulled apart into separate utility + functions under the `bout::experimental` namespace so that they can + be used individually +- `LaplaceCyclic` now accepts `C1` and `C2` coefficients which may be + different +- `LaplaceNaulin` may use the DC parts of `C` for faster convergence +- `LaplaceNaulin` also gained an under-relaxation factor, which may + improve convergence and robustness +- The `Laplace` solvers gained a `uses3DCoefs` method. This returns + `true` if the solver can make use of `Field3D` coefficients rather + than using the DC component of them +- A new time `Solver`: Runge-Kutta-Legendre stabilised explicit + method, `splitrk`. See + [\#1673](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1673) for more + details +- Experimental support for CMake +- Added `HeatFluxSNB` which calculates heat flux using the + Shurtz-Nicolai-Busquet (SNB) model. Nonlocal (kinetic) corrections + to the Spitzer-Harm collisional heat flux, which become important + when the mean free path becomes a small (~1%) fraction of the + temperature scale length +- The new `BOUT_SCOREP_REGION("name")` will automatically instrument a + scope with [Score-P][scorep] if BOUT++ was compiled with Score-P + support (see the [documentation][scorepdocs] for more information) +- `NYPE` may be given instead of `NXPE` in input files for decomposing + the mesh in `(x, y)` +- Many fixes and improvements for Hypnotoad: + - Use centred differencing to compute `dx` from `psi` instead of + forward differencing + - Fix for when the separatrix is exactly on a grid point + - Fix for when the separatrix is very close to the X-point + - Fix computation of `ShiftAngle` + - Add a checkbox to the 'Output' tab, which if selected outputs + metrics for orthogonal coordinates (i.e. using `ShiftedMetric`) + - We now check what coordinate system was used to generate grid + files in Hypnotoad when reading them in BOUT++ + - _Lots_ of fixes for non-orthogonal grids (see + [\#1593](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1593), + [\#1596](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1596), and + [\#1636](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pull/1636)) + - Use double precision everywhere + - Add option to write y-boundary guard cells + - See [here for a complete + list](https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/pulls?q=Hypnotoad+is%3Apr+is%3Amerged+created%3A2018-10-16..2019-10-24++base%3Anext) +- Many, many more tests! Unit test coverage since v4.2.0 has doubled +- We have begun to move parts of the codebase into a `bout::` + namespace. This should help ensure we play nice with other + libraries, as well as logically group related things across parts of + the codebase + +[mpark]: https://github.com/mpark/variant +[xlc]: https://bout-dev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_docs/advanced_install.html#issues +[scorep]: https://www.vi-hps.org/projects/score-p/ +[scorepdocs]: https://bout-dev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developer_docs/performance_profiling.html#scorep-scalasca-profiling + +Deprecations: +- `invert_laplace`: create an instance of a `Laplacian` via + `Laplacian::create` and use the `setCoef*` and `solve` methods +- Karniadakis time `Solver`: the current implementation is _very_ slow + and will be removed in 5.0 +- `MsgStack::setPoint`: use `MsgStack::push("")` +- The following `Mesh` methods were experimental, low-level + communication routines that turned out to not be so useful: + - `sendToProc` + - `receiveFromProc` + - `UpXSplitIndex` + - `DownXSplitIndex` + - `sendYOutIndest` + - `sendYOutOutdest` + - `sendYInIndest` + - `sendYInOutdest` + - `irecvYOutIndest` + - `irecvYOutOutdest` + - `irecvYInIndest` + - `irecvYInOutdest` +- `Mesh::XGLOBAL` and `Mesh::YGLOBAL`: use `Mesh::getGlobalXIndex` and + either `Mesh::getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries` or + `Mesh::getGlobalYIndex` instead. The former (`NoBoundaries`) is a + direct replacement for `YGLOBAL`, whereas the latter includes the + boundaries and so is consistent with `XGLOBAL` which does too +- `Laplacian::setFlags`: use `Laplacian::setGlobalFlags`, + `Laplacian::setInnerBoundaryFlags` and + `Laplacian::setOuterBoundaryFlags` instead +- The staggered parallel differential operators that end `CtoL` or + `LtoC` (e.g. `Div_par_CtoL`, `Grad_par_LtoC`): the corresponding + versions without the suffix now support staggering. For example, + instead of `Div_par_CtoL(f)` use `Div_par(f, CELL_YLOW)` instead + +Removed: +- The `serial` implementation of `parderiv`. The `cyclic` version + works both serially and in parallel +- `comm_group`: not used internally and too low-level to be useful +- Support for the `scipy` and `scientific` netCDF libraries in + `boututils` has been dropped. These were very slow and `scientific` + is no longer available +- `Laplace3D`: use `Laplacian` instead + + 4.2.0 is a big feature release: - Large number of optimisations (as much as 140% faster than v4.1.2!) - OpenMP in many more places, enables parallelisation in Z (as well as diff --git a/cmake/CorrectWindowsPaths.cmake b/cmake/CorrectWindowsPaths.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09bcdd67dc --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/CorrectWindowsPaths.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +# CorrectWindowsPaths - this module defines one macro +# +# CONVERT_CYGWIN_PATH( PATH ) +# This uses the command cygpath (provided by cygwin) to convert +# unix-style paths into paths useable by cmake on windows + +macro (CONVERT_CYGWIN_PATH _path) + if (WIN32) + EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND cygpath.exe -m ${${_path}} + OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${_path}) + string (STRIP ${${_path}} ${_path}) + endif (WIN32) +endmacro (CONVERT_CYGWIN_PATH) + diff --git a/cmake/EnableCXXWarningIfSupport.cmake b/cmake/EnableCXXWarningIfSupport.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..70599ccd23 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/EnableCXXWarningIfSupport.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) + +# Add warning FLAGS to TARGET if the compiler supports them +function(target_enable_cxx_warning_if_supported TARGET) + set(multiValueArgs FLAGS) + cmake_parse_arguments(TARGET_ENABLE_WARNING "" "" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) + + foreach (WARNING_FLAG IN LISTS TARGET_ENABLE_WARNING_FLAGS) + string(REPLACE "-" "_" WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED ${WARNING_FLAG}) + + # Note that gcc ignores unknown flags of the form "-Wno-warning" + # for backwards compatibility. Therefore we need to add the + # positive form as an additional flag which it will choke on (if + # it doesn't exist). See: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FAQ#wnowarning + string(FIND ${WARNING_FLAG} "Wno-" NEGATIVE_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED}) + if (NEGATIVE_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED} EQUAL -1) + set(IS_NEGATIVE_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED} FALSE) + else() + set(IS_NEGATIVE_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED} TRUE) + endif() + + if (IS_NEGATIVE_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED}) + set(ORIGINAL_FLAG ${WARNING_FLAG}) + string(REPLACE "no-" "" WARNING_FLAG ${WARNING_FLAG}) + message(STATUS "Found negative flag: ${ORIGINAL_FLAG}\n" + " replaced with ${WARNING_FLAG}") + endif() + + check_cxx_compiler_flag(${WARNING_FLAG} HAS_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED}) + + if (IS_NEGATIVE_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED}) + set(WARNING_FLAG ${ORIGINAL_FLAG}) + endif() + + if (HAS_FLAG_${WARNING_FLAG_STRIPPED}) + message(STATUS "Warning flag is supported by compiler: ${WARNING_FLAG}") + + target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE ${WARNING_FLAG}) + else() + message(STATUS "Warning flag not supported by compiler: ${WARNING_FLAG}") + endif() + endforeach() +endfunction() diff --git a/cmake/FindFFTW.cmake b/cmake/FindFFTW.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf83ffd564 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindFFTW.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# FindFFTW +# ---------- +# +# Find the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West FFT library +# +# This module uses the ``fftw-wisdom`` executable as a hint for the +# location of the FFTW library. It should be in your PATH. +# +# This module will define the following variables: +# +# :: +# +# FFTW_FOUND - true if FFTW was found +# FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS - Location of the FFTW includes +# FFTW_LIBRARIES - Required libraries +# +# This module will also export the ``FFTW::FFTW`` target. +# +# You can also set the following variables: +# +# ``FFTW_ROOT`` +# Specify the path to the FFTW installation to use +# +# ``FFTW_DEBUG`` +# Set to TRUE to get extra debugging output + +if (FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS) + # Already in cache, be silent + set (FFTW_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE) +endif (FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS) + +find_program(FFTW_WISDOM "fftw-wisdom" + PATHS "${FFTW_ROOT}" + PATH_SUFFIXES bin + NO_DEFAULT_PATH + DOC "Path to fftw-wisdom executable" + ) + +find_program(FFTW_WISDOM "fftw-wisdom" + DOC "Path to fftw-wisdom executable" + ) +if (FFTW_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " FFTW_WISDOM = ${FFTW_WISDOM}" + ) +endif() + +get_filename_component(FFTW_WISDOM_TMP "${FFTW_WISDOM}" DIRECTORY) +get_filename_component(FFTW_HINT_DIR "${FFTW_WISDOM_TMP}" DIRECTORY) + +find_path(FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS + NAMES fftw3.h + DOC "FFTW include directory" + HINTS "${FFTW_HINT_DIR}" + PATH_SUFFIXES "include" + ) +if (FFTW_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS}" + " FFTW_HINT_DIR = ${FFTW_HINT_DIR}" + ) +endif() + +find_library (FFTW_LIBRARIES + NAMES fftw3 + DOC "FFTW library location" + HINTS "${FFTW_HINT_DIR}" + PATH_SUFFIXES "lib" "lib64" + ) +if (FFTW_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " FFTW_LIBRARIES = ${FFTW_LIBRARIES}" + " FFTW_HINT_DIR = ${FFTW_HINT_DIR}" + ) +endif() + +# handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set FFTW_FOUND to TRUE if +# all listed variables are TRUE +include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args (FFTW DEFAULT_MSG FFTW_LIBRARIES FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS) + +mark_as_advanced (FFTW_LIBRARIES FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS) + +if (FFTW_FOUND AND NOT TARGET FFTW::FFTW) + add_library(FFTW::FFTW UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(FFTW::FFTW PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${FFTW_LIBRARIES}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${FFTW_INCLUDE_DIRS}" + ) +endif() diff --git a/cmake/FindNetCDF.cmake b/cmake/FindNetCDF.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81e75e667f --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindNetCDF.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +# FindNetCDF +# ---------- +# +# Find the NetCDF IO library +# +# This module uses the ``nc-config`` and ``ncxx4-config`` helper scripts +# as hints for the location of the NetCDF libraries. They should be in +# your PATH. +# +# This module will define the following variables: +# +# :: +# +# NetCDF_FOUND - true if NetCDF was found +# NetCDF_VERSION - NetCDF version in format Major.Minor.Release +# NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS - Location of the NetCDF includes +# NetCDF_LIBRARIES - Required libraries +# +# This module will also export ``NetCDF::NetCDF_C`` and +# ``NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX`` targets. +# +# You can also set the following variables: +# +# ``NetCDF_ROOT`` +# Specify the path to the NetCDF installation to use +# +# ``NetCDF_DEBUG`` +# Set to TRUE to get extra debugging output + + +# Taken from https://github.com/conan-io/conan/issues/2125#issuecomment-351176653 +# This is needed so we can make a clone of the NetCDF C++ target which +# has the name "netcdf-cxx4" by default +function(add_cloned_imported_target dst src) + add_library(${dst} INTERFACE IMPORTED) + foreach(name INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS) + get_property(value TARGET ${src} PROPERTY ${name} ) + set_property(TARGET ${dst} PROPERTY ${name} ${value}) + endforeach() +endfunction() + +find_package(netCDFCxx QUIET) +if (netCDFCxx_FOUND) + if(NOT TARGET NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX) + add_cloned_imported_target(NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX netCDF::netcdf-cxx4) + endif() + set(NetCDF_FOUND TRUE) + return() +endif() + +# A function to call nx-config with an argument, and append the resulting path to a list +# Taken from https://github.com/LiamBindle/geos-chem/blob/feature/CMake/CMakeScripts/FindNetCDF.cmake +function(inspect_netcdf_config VAR NX_CONFIG ARG) + execute_process( + COMMAND ${NX_CONFIG} ${ARG} + OUTPUT_VARIABLE NX_CONFIG_OUTPUT + OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE + ) + if(EXISTS "${NX_CONFIG_OUTPUT}") + set(${VAR} ${NX_CONFIG_OUTPUT} PARENT_SCOPE) + endif() +endfunction() + +find_program(NC_CONFIG "nc-config" + PATHS "${NetCDF_ROOT}" + PATH_SUFFIXES bin + DOC "Path to NetCDF C config helper" + NO_DEFAULT_PATH + ) + +find_program(NC_CONFIG "nc-config" + DOC "Path to NetCDF C config helper" + ) + +get_filename_component(NC_CONFIG_TMP "${NC_CONFIG}" DIRECTORY) +get_filename_component(NC_CONFIG_LOCATION "${NC_CONFIG_TMP}" DIRECTORY) +if (NetCDF_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " NC_CONFIG_LOCATION = ${NC_CONFIG_LOCATION}" + " NetCDF_ROOT = ${NetCDF_ROOT}") +endif() + +find_program(NCXX4_CONFIG "ncxx4-config" + PATHS "${NetCDF_ROOT}" + PATH_SUFFIXES bin + DOC "Path to NetCDF C++ config helper" + NO_DEFAULT_PATH + ) + +find_program(NCXX4_CONFIG "ncxx4-config" + DOC "Path to NetCDF C++ config helper" + ) + +get_filename_component(NCXX4_CONFIG_TMP "${NCXX4_CONFIG}" DIRECTORY) +get_filename_component(NCXX4_CONFIG_LOCATION "${NCXX4_CONFIG_TMP}" DIRECTORY) +if (NetCDF_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " NCXX4_CONFIG_LOCATION = ${NCXX4_CONFIG_LOCATION}") +endif() + +inspect_netcdf_config(NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR "${NC_CONFIG}" "--includedir") +inspect_netcdf_config(NC_HINTS_PREFIX "${NC_CONFIG}" "--prefix") + +find_path(NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR + NAMES netcdf.h + DOC "NetCDF C include directories" + HINTS + "${NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + "${NC_HINTS_PREFIX}" + "${NC_CONFIG_LOCATION}" + PATH_SUFFIXES + "include" + ) +if (NetCDF_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR = ${NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR = ${NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " NC_HINTS_PREFIX = ${NC_HINTS_PREFIX}" + ) +endif() +mark_as_advanced(NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR) + +find_library(NetCDF_C_LIBRARY + NAMES netcdf + DOC "NetCDF C library" + HINTS + "${NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + "${NC_HINTS_PREFIX}" + "${NC_CONFIG_LOCATION}" + PATH_SUFFIXES + "lib" "lib64" + ) +if (NetCDF_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " NetCDF_C_LIBRARY = ${NetCDF_C_LIBRARY}" + " NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR = ${NC_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " NC_HINTS_PREFIX = ${NC_HINTS_PREFIX}" + ) +endif() +mark_as_advanced(NetCDF_C_LIBRARY) + +inspect_netcdf_config(NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR "${NCXX4_CONFIG}" "--includedir") +inspect_netcdf_config(NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX "${NCXX4_CONFIG}" "--prefix") + +find_path(NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR + NAMES netcdf + DOC "NetCDF C++ include directories" + HINTS + "${NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR}" + "${NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + "${NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX}" + "${NCXX4_CONFIG_LOCATION}" + PATH_SUFFIXES + "include" + ) +if (NetCDF_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR = ${NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR = ${NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX = ${NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX}" + ) +endif() +mark_as_advanced(NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR) + +find_library(NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY + NAMES netcdf_c++4 netcdf-cxx4 + DOC "NetCDF C++ library" + HINTS + "${NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + "${NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX}" + "${NCXX4_CONFIG_LOCATION}" + PATH_SUFFIXES + "lib" "lib64" + ) +if (NetCDF_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY = ${NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY}" + " NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR = ${NCXX4_HINTS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX = ${NCXX4_HINTS_PREFIX}" + ) +endif() +mark_as_advanced(NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY) + +if (NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIR) + file(STRINGS "${NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIR}/netcdf_meta.h" _netcdf_version_lines + REGEX "#define[ \t]+NC_VERSION_(MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH|NOTE)") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_MAJOR *\([0-9]*\).*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_major "${_netcdf_version_lines}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_MINOR *\([0-9]*\).*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_minor "${_netcdf_version_lines}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_PATCH *\([0-9]*\).*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_patch "${_netcdf_version_lines}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".*NC_VERSION_NOTE *\"\([^\"]*\)\".*" "\\1" _netcdf_version_note "${_netcdf_version_lines}") + set(NetCDF_VERSION "${_netcdf_version_major}.${_netcdf_version_minor}.${_netcdf_version_patch}${_netcdf_version_note}") + unset(_netcdf_version_major) + unset(_netcdf_version_minor) + unset(_netcdf_version_patch) + unset(_netcdf_version_note) + unset(_netcdf_version_lines) +endif () + +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(NetCDF + REQUIRED_VARS NetCDF_C_LIBRARY NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR + VERSION_VAR NetCDF_VERSION) + +if (NetCDF_FOUND) + set(NetCDF_INCLUDE_DIRS "${NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR}") + set(NetCDF_LIBRARIES "${NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY}" "${NetCDF_LIBRARY}") + + if (NOT TARGET NetCDF::NetCDF) + add_library(NetCDF::NetCDF_C UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(NetCDF::NetCDF_C PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${NetCDF_C_LIBRARY}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${NetCDF_C_INCLUDE_DIR}" + ) + add_library(NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(NetCDF::NetCDF_CXX PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES NetCDF::NetCDF_C + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${NetCDF_CXX_LIBRARY}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${NetCDF_CXX_INCLUDE_DIR}") + endif () +endif () diff --git a/cmake/FindPETSc.cmake b/cmake/FindPETSc.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34e1d4ce3e --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindPETSc.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +# - Try to find PETSc +# Once done this will define +# +# PETSC_FOUND - system has PETSc +# PETSC_INCLUDES - the PETSc include directories +# PETSC_LIBRARIES - Link these to use PETSc +# PETSC_COMPILER - Compiler used by PETSc, helpful to find a compatible MPI +# PETSC_DEFINITIONS - Compiler switches for using PETSc +# PETSC_MPIEXEC - Executable for running MPI programs +# PETSC_VERSION - Version string (MAJOR.MINOR.SUBMINOR) +# +# Usage: +# find_package(PETSc COMPONENTS CXX) - required if build --with-clanguage=C++ --with-c-support=0 +# find_package(PETSc COMPONENTS C) - standard behavior of checking build using a C compiler +# find_package(PETSc) - same as above +# +# Setting these changes the behavior of the search +# PETSC_DIR - directory in which PETSc resides +# PETSC_ARCH - build architecture +# +# Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. +# For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. +# +# Taken from https://github.com/jedbrown/cmake-modules/blob/master/FindPETSc.cmake + +cmake_policy(VERSION 3.3) + +find_package(MPI REQUIRED) + +set(PETSC_VALID_COMPONENTS + C + CXX) + +if(NOT PETSc_FIND_COMPONENTS) + get_property (_enabled_langs GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES) + if ("C" IN_LIST _enabled_langs) + set(PETSC_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS "C") + else () + set(PETSC_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS "CXX") + endif () +else() + # Right now, this is designed for compatability with the --with-clanguage option, so + # only allow one item in the components list. + list(LENGTH ${PETSc_FIND_COMPONENTS} components_length) + if(${components_length} GREATER 1) + message(FATAL_ERROR "Only one component for PETSc is allowed to be specified") + endif() + # This is a stub for allowing multiple components should that time ever come. Perhaps + # to also test Fortran bindings? + foreach(component ${PETSc_FIND_COMPONENTS}) + list(FIND PETSC_VALID_COMPONENTS ${component} component_location) + if(${component_location} EQUAL -1) + message(FATAL_ERROR "\"${component}\" is not a valid PETSc component.") + else() + list(APPEND PETSC_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS ${component}) + endif() + endforeach() +endif() + +function (petsc_get_version) + if (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscversion.h") + file (STRINGS "${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscversion.h" vstrings REGEX "#define PETSC_VERSION_(RELEASE|MAJOR|MINOR|SUBMINOR|PATCH) ") + foreach (line ${vstrings}) + string (REGEX REPLACE " +" ";" fields ${line}) # break line into three fields (the first is always "#define") + list (GET fields 1 var) + list (GET fields 2 val) + set (${var} ${val} PARENT_SCOPE) + set (${var} ${val}) # Also in local scope so we have access below + endforeach () + if (PETSC_VERSION_RELEASE) + if ($(PETSC_VERSION_PATCH) GREATER 0) + set (PETSC_VERSION "${PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_MINOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR}p${PETSC_VERSION_PATCH}" CACHE INTERNAL "PETSc version") + else () + set (PETSC_VERSION "${PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_MINOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR}" CACHE INTERNAL "PETSc version") + endif () + else () + # make dev version compare higher than any patch level of a released version + set (PETSC_VERSION "${PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_MINOR}.${PETSC_VERSION_SUBMINOR}.99" CACHE INTERNAL "PETSc version") + endif () + else () + message (SEND_ERROR "PETSC_DIR can not be used, ${PETSC_DIR}/include/petscversion.h does not exist") + endif () +endfunction () + +# Debian uses versioned paths e.g /usr/lib/petscdir/3.5/ +file (GLOB DEB_PATHS "/usr/lib/petscdir/*") + +find_path (PETSC_DIR include/petsc.h + HINTS ENV PETSC_DIR + PATHS + /usr/lib/petsc + # Debian paths + ${DEB_PATHS} + # Arch Linux path + /opt/petsc/linux-c-opt + # MacPorts path + /opt/local/lib/petsc + $ENV{HOME}/petsc + DOC "PETSc Directory") + +find_program (MAKE_EXECUTABLE NAMES make gmake) + +if (PETSC_DIR AND NOT PETSC_ARCH) + set (_petsc_arches + $ENV{PETSC_ARCH} # If set, use environment variable first + linux-gnu-c-debug linux-gnu-c-opt # Debian defaults + x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu i386-unknown-linux-gnu) + set (petscconf "NOTFOUND" CACHE FILEPATH "Cleared" FORCE) + foreach (arch ${_petsc_arches}) + if (NOT PETSC_ARCH) + find_path (petscconf petscconf.h + HINTS ${PETSC_DIR} + PATH_SUFFIXES ${arch}/include bmake/${arch} + NO_DEFAULT_PATH) + if (petscconf) + set (PETSC_ARCH "${arch}" CACHE STRING "PETSc build architecture") + endif (petscconf) + endif (NOT PETSC_ARCH) + endforeach (arch) + set (petscconf "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Scratch variable" FORCE) +endif (PETSC_DIR AND NOT PETSC_ARCH) + +set (petsc_slaves LIBRARIES_SYS LIBRARIES_VEC LIBRARIES_MAT LIBRARIES_DM LIBRARIES_KSP LIBRARIES_SNES LIBRARIES_TS + INCLUDE_DIR INCLUDE_CONF) +include (FindPackageMultipass) +find_package_multipass (PETSc petsc_config_current + STATES DIR ARCH + DEPENDENTS INCLUDES LIBRARIES COMPILER MPIEXEC ${petsc_slaves}) + +# Determine whether the PETSc layout is old-style (through 2.3.3) or +# new-style (>= 3.0.0) +if (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables") # > 3.5 + set (petsc_conf_rules "${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules") + set (petsc_conf_variables "${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables") +elseif (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/include/petscconf.h") # > 2.3.3 + set (petsc_conf_rules "${PETSC_DIR}/conf/rules") + set (petsc_conf_variables "${PETSC_DIR}/conf/variables") +elseif (EXISTS "${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/${PETSC_ARCH}/petscconf.h") # <= 2.3.3 + set (petsc_conf_rules "${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/rules") + set (petsc_conf_variables "${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/variables") +elseif (PETSC_DIR) + message (SEND_ERROR "The pair PETSC_DIR=${PETSC_DIR} PETSC_ARCH=${PETSC_ARCH} do not specify a valid PETSc installation") +endif () + +if (petsc_conf_rules AND petsc_conf_variables AND NOT petsc_config_current) + petsc_get_version() + + # Put variables into environment since they are needed to get + # configuration (petscvariables) in the PETSc makefile + set (ENV{PETSC_DIR} "${PETSC_DIR}") + set (ENV{PETSC_ARCH} "${PETSC_ARCH}") + + # A temporary makefile to probe the PETSc configuration + set (petsc_config_makefile "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Makefile.petsc") + file (WRITE "${petsc_config_makefile}" +"## This file was autogenerated by FindPETSc.cmake +# PETSC_DIR = ${PETSC_DIR} +# PETSC_ARCH = ${PETSC_ARCH} +include ${petsc_conf_rules} +include ${petsc_conf_variables} +show : +\t-@echo -n \${\${VARIABLE}} +") + + macro (PETSC_GET_VARIABLE name var) + set (${var} "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) + execute_process (COMMAND ${MAKE_EXECUTABLE} --no-print-directory -f ${petsc_config_makefile} show VARIABLE=${name} + OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${var} + RESULT_VARIABLE petsc_return) + endmacro (PETSC_GET_VARIABLE) + petsc_get_variable (PETSC_LIB_DIR petsc_lib_dir) + petsc_get_variable (PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC petsc_libs_external) + petsc_get_variable (PETSC_CCPPFLAGS petsc_cpp_line) + petsc_get_variable (PETSC_INCLUDE petsc_include) + petsc_get_variable (PCC petsc_cc) + petsc_get_variable (PCC_FLAGS petsc_cc_flags) + petsc_get_variable (MPIEXEC petsc_mpiexec) + # We are done with the temporary Makefile, calling PETSC_GET_VARIABLE after this point is invalid! + file (REMOVE ${petsc_config_makefile}) + + include (ResolveCompilerPaths) + # Extract include paths and libraries from compile command line + resolve_includes (petsc_includes_all "${petsc_cpp_line}") + + #on windows we need to make sure we're linking against the right + #runtime library + if (WIN32) + if (petsc_cc_flags MATCHES "-MT") + set(using_md False) + foreach(flag_var + CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE + CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE + CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO) + if(${flag_var} MATCHES "/MD") + set(using_md True) + endif(${flag_var} MATCHES "/MD") + endforeach(flag_var) + if(${using_md} MATCHES "True") + message(WARNING "PETSc was built with /MT, but /MD is currently set. + See http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ#How_can_I_build_my_MSVC_application_with_a_static_runtime.3F") + endif(${using_md} MATCHES "True") + endif (petsc_cc_flags MATCHES "-MT") + endif (WIN32) + + include (CorrectWindowsPaths) + convert_cygwin_path(petsc_lib_dir) + message (STATUS "petsc_lib_dir ${petsc_lib_dir}") + + macro (PETSC_FIND_LIBRARY suffix name) + set (PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix} "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) # Clear any stale value, if we got here, we need to find it again + if (WIN32) + set (libname lib${name}) #windows expects "libfoo", linux expects "foo" + else (WIN32) + set (libname ${name}) + endif (WIN32) + find_library (PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix} NAMES ${libname} HINTS ${petsc_lib_dir} NO_DEFAULT_PATH) + set (PETSC_LIBRARIES_${suffix} "${PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix}}") + mark_as_advanced (PETSC_LIBRARY_${suffix}) + endmacro (PETSC_FIND_LIBRARY suffix name) + + # Look for petscvec first, if it doesn't exist, we must be using single-library + petsc_find_library (VEC petscvec) + if (PETSC_LIBRARY_VEC) + petsc_find_library (SYS "petscsys;petsc") # libpetscsys is called libpetsc prior to 3.1 (when single-library was introduced) + petsc_find_library (MAT petscmat) + petsc_find_library (DM petscdm) + petsc_find_library (KSP petscksp) + petsc_find_library (SNES petscsnes) + petsc_find_library (TS petscts) + macro (PETSC_JOIN libs deps) + list (APPEND PETSC_LIBRARIES_${libs} ${PETSC_LIBRARIES_${deps}}) + endmacro (PETSC_JOIN libs deps) + petsc_join (VEC SYS) + petsc_join (MAT VEC) + petsc_join (DM MAT) + petsc_join (KSP DM) + petsc_join (SNES KSP) + petsc_join (TS SNES) + petsc_join (ALL TS) + else () + set (PETSC_LIBRARY_VEC "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) # There is no libpetscvec + petsc_find_library (SINGLE petsc) + # Debian 9/Ubuntu 16.04 uses _real and _complex extensions when using libraries in /usr/lib/petsc. + if (NOT PETSC_LIBRARY_SINGLE) + petsc_find_library (SINGLE petsc_real) + endif() + if (NOT PETSC_LIBRARY_SINGLE) + petsc_find_library (SINGLE petsc_complex) + endif() + foreach (pkg SYS VEC MAT DM KSP SNES TS ALL) + set (PETSC_LIBRARIES_${pkg} "${PETSC_LIBRARY_SINGLE}") + endforeach () + endif () + if (PETSC_LIBRARY_TS) + message (STATUS "Recognized PETSc install with separate libraries for each package") + else () + message (STATUS "Recognized PETSc install with single library for all packages") + endif () + + include(Check${PETSC_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS}SourceRuns) + macro (PETSC_TEST_RUNS includes libraries runs) + if (PETSC_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 3.1) + set (_PETSC_TSDestroy "TSDestroy(&ts)") + else () + set (_PETSC_TSDestroy "TSDestroy(ts)") + endif () + + set(_PETSC_TEST_SOURCE " +static const char help[] = \"PETSc test program.\"; +#include +int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { + PetscErrorCode ierr; + TS ts; + + ierr = PetscInitialize(&argc,&argv,0,help);CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = TSCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = TSSetFromOptions(ts);CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = ${_PETSC_TSDestroy};CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = PetscFinalize();CHKERRQ(ierr); + return 0; +} +") + multipass_source_runs ("${includes}" "${libraries}" "${_PETSC_TEST_SOURCE}" ${runs} "${PETSC_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS}") + if (${${runs}}) + set (PETSC_EXECUTABLE_RUNS "YES" CACHE BOOL + "Can the system successfully run a PETSc executable? This variable can be manually set to \"YES\" to force CMake to accept a given PETSc configuration, but this will almost always result in a broken build. If you change PETSC_DIR, PETSC_ARCH, or PETSC_CURRENT you would have to reset this variable." FORCE) + endif (${${runs}}) + endmacro (PETSC_TEST_RUNS) + + + find_path (PETSC_INCLUDE_DIR petscts.h + HINTS "${PETSC_DIR}" + PATH_SUFFIXES include + NO_DEFAULT_PATH) + find_path (PETSC_INCLUDE_CONF petscconf.h + HINTS "${PETSC_DIR}" + PATH_SUFFIXES "${PETSC_ARCH}/include" "bmake/${PETSC_ARCH}" + NO_DEFAULT_PATH) + mark_as_advanced (PETSC_INCLUDE_DIR PETSC_INCLUDE_CONF) + set (petsc_includes_minimal ${PETSC_INCLUDE_CONF} ${PETSC_INCLUDE_DIR}) + + petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_minimal}" + "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS};MPI::MPI_${PETSC_LANGUAGE_BINDINGS}" + petsc_works_minimal) + if (petsc_works_minimal) + message (STATUS "Minimal PETSc includes and libraries work. This probably means we are building with shared libs.") + set (petsc_includes_needed "${petsc_includes_minimal}") + else (petsc_works_minimal) # Minimal includes fail, see if just adding full includes fixes it + petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_all}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_allincludes) + if (petsc_works_allincludes) # It does, we just need all the includes ( + message (STATUS "PETSc requires extra include paths, but links correctly with only interface libraries. This is an unexpected configuration (but it seems to work fine).") + set (petsc_includes_needed ${petsc_includes_all}) + else (petsc_works_allincludes) # We are going to need to link the external libs explicitly + resolve_libraries (petsc_libraries_external "${petsc_libs_external}") + foreach (pkg SYS VEC MAT DM KSP SNES TS ALL) + list (APPEND PETSC_LIBRARIES_${pkg} ${petsc_libraries_external}) + endforeach (pkg) + petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_minimal}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_alllibraries) + if (petsc_works_alllibraries) + message (STATUS "PETSc only need minimal includes, but requires explicit linking to all dependencies. This is expected when PETSc is built with static libraries.") + set (petsc_includes_needed ${petsc_includes_minimal}) + else (petsc_works_alllibraries) + # It looks like we really need everything, should have listened to Matt + set (petsc_includes_needed ${petsc_includes_all}) + petsc_test_runs ("${petsc_includes_all}" "${PETSC_LIBRARIES_TS}" petsc_works_all) + if (petsc_works_all) # We fail anyways + message (STATUS "PETSc requires extra include paths and explicit linking to all dependencies. This probably means you have static libraries and something unexpected in PETSc headers.") + else (petsc_works_all) # We fail anyways + message (STATUS "PETSc could not be used, maybe the install is broken.") + endif (petsc_works_all) + endif (petsc_works_alllibraries) + endif (petsc_works_allincludes) + endif (petsc_works_minimal) + + # We do an out-of-source build so __FILE__ will be an absolute path, hence __INSDIR__ is superfluous + if (${PETSC_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.1) + set (PETSC_DEFINITIONS "-D__SDIR__=\"\"" CACHE STRING "PETSc definitions" FORCE) + else () + set (PETSC_DEFINITIONS "-D__INSDIR__=" CACHE STRING "PETSc definitions" FORCE) + endif () + # Sometimes this can be used to assist FindMPI.cmake + set (PETSC_MPIEXEC ${petsc_mpiexec} CACHE FILEPATH "Executable for running PETSc MPI programs" FORCE) + set (PETSC_INCLUDES ${petsc_includes_needed} CACHE STRING "PETSc include path" FORCE) + set (PETSC_LIBRARIES ${PETSC_LIBRARIES_ALL} CACHE STRING "PETSc libraries" FORCE) + set (PETSC_COMPILER ${petsc_cc} CACHE FILEPATH "PETSc compiler" FORCE) + # Note that we have forced values for all these choices. If you + # change these, you are telling the system to trust you that they + # work. It is likely that you will end up with a broken build. + mark_as_advanced (PETSC_INCLUDES PETSC_LIBRARIES PETSC_COMPILER PETSC_DEFINITIONS PETSC_MPIEXEC PETSC_EXECUTABLE_RUNS) +endif () + +include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args (PETSc + REQUIRED_VARS PETSC_INCLUDES PETSC_LIBRARIES PETSC_EXECUTABLE_RUNS + VERSION_VAR PETSC_VERSION + FAIL_MESSAGE "PETSc could not be found. Be sure to set PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH.") + +if (PETSC_FOUND) + if (NOT TARGET PETSc::PETSc) + add_library(PETSc::PETSc UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(PETSc::PETSc PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${PETSC_LIBRARIES}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${PETSC_INCLUDES}" + ) + endif() +endif() diff --git a/cmake/FindPackageMultipass.cmake b/cmake/FindPackageMultipass.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fbf06a7f0f --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindPackageMultipass.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +# PackageMultipass - this module defines two macros +# +# FIND_PACKAGE_MULTIPASS (Name CURRENT +# STATES VAR0 VAR1 ... +# DEPENDENTS DEP0 DEP1 ...) +# +# This function creates a cache entry _CURRENT which +# the user can set to "NO" to trigger a reconfiguration of the package. +# The first time this function is called, the values of +# _VAR0, ... are saved. If _CURRENT +# is false or if any STATE has changed since the last time +# FIND_PACKAGE_MULTIPASS() was called, then CURRENT will be set to "NO", +# otherwise CURRENT will be "YES". IF not CURRENT, then +# _DEP0, ... will be FORCED to NOTFOUND. +# Example: +# find_path (FOO_DIR include/foo.h) +# FIND_PACKAGE_MULTIPASS (Foo foo_current +# STATES DIR +# DEPENDENTS INCLUDES LIBRARIES) +# if (NOT foo_current) +# # Make temporary files, run programs, etc, to determine FOO_INCLUDES and FOO_LIBRARIES +# endif (NOT foo_current) +# +# MULTIPASS_SOURCE_RUNS (Name INCLUDES LIBRARIES SOURCE RUNS LANGUAGE) +# Always runs the given test, use this when you need to re-run tests +# because parent variables have made old cache entries stale. The LANGUAGE +# variable is either C or CXX indicating which compiler the test should +# use. +# MULTIPASS_C_SOURCE_RUNS (Name INCLUDES LIBRARIES SOURCE RUNS) +# DEPRECATED! This is only included for backwards compatability. Use +# the more general MULTIPASS_SOURCE_RUNS instead. +# Always runs the given test, use this when you need to re-run tests +# because parent variables have made old cache entries stale. + +macro (FIND_PACKAGE_MULTIPASS _name _current) + string (TOUPPER ${_name} _NAME) + set (_args ${ARGV}) + list (REMOVE_AT _args 0 1) + + set (_states_current "YES") + list (GET _args 0 _cmd) + if (_cmd STREQUAL "STATES") + list (REMOVE_AT _args 0) + list (GET _args 0 _state) + while (_state AND NOT _state STREQUAL "DEPENDENTS") + # The name of the stored value for the given state + set (_stored_var PACKAGE_MULTIPASS_${_NAME}_${_state}) + if (NOT "${${_stored_var}}" STREQUAL "${${_NAME}_${_state}}") + set (_states_current "NO") + endif (NOT "${${_stored_var}}" STREQUAL "${${_NAME}_${_state}}") + set (${_stored_var} "${${_NAME}_${_state}}" CACHE INTERNAL "Stored state for ${_name}." FORCE) + list (REMOVE_AT _args 0) + list (GET _args 0 _state) + endwhile (_state AND NOT _state STREQUAL "DEPENDENTS") + endif (_cmd STREQUAL "STATES") + + set (_stored ${_NAME}_CURRENT) + if (NOT ${_stored}) + set (${_stored} "YES" CACHE BOOL "Is the configuration for ${_name} current? Set to \"NO\" to reconfigure." FORCE) + set (_states_current "NO") + endif (NOT ${_stored}) + + set (${_current} ${_states_current}) + if (NOT ${_current} AND PACKAGE_MULTIPASS_${_name}_CALLED) + message (STATUS "Clearing ${_name} dependent variables") + # Clear all the dependent variables so that the module can reset them + list (GET _args 0 _cmd) + if (_cmd STREQUAL "DEPENDENTS") + list (REMOVE_AT _args 0) + foreach (dep ${_args}) + set (${_NAME}_${dep} "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) + endforeach (dep) + endif (_cmd STREQUAL "DEPENDENTS") + set (${_NAME}_FOUND "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) + endif () + set (PACKAGE_MULTIPASS_${name}_CALLED YES CACHE INTERNAL "Private" FORCE) +endmacro (FIND_PACKAGE_MULTIPASS) + + +macro (MULTIPASS_SOURCE_RUNS includes libraries source runs language) + include (Check${language}SourceRuns) + # This is a ridiculous hack. CHECK_${language}_SOURCE_* thinks that if the + # *name* of the return variable doesn't change, then the test does + # not need to be re-run. We keep an internal count which we + # increment to guarantee that every test name is unique. If we've + # gotten here, then the configuration has changed enough that the + # test *needs* to be rerun. + if (NOT MULTIPASS_TEST_COUNT) + set (MULTIPASS_TEST_COUNT 00) + endif (NOT MULTIPASS_TEST_COUNT) + math (EXPR _tmp "${MULTIPASS_TEST_COUNT} + 1") # Why can't I add to a cache variable? + set (MULTIPASS_TEST_COUNT ${_tmp} CACHE INTERNAL "Unique test ID") + set (testname MULTIPASS_TEST_${MULTIPASS_TEST_COUNT}_${runs}) + set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${includes}) + set (CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${libraries}) + if(${language} STREQUAL "C") + check_c_source_runs ("${source}" ${testname}) + elseif(${language} STREQUAL "CXX") + check_cxx_source_runs ("${source}" ${testname}) + endif() + set (${runs} "${${testname}}") +endmacro (MULTIPASS_SOURCE_RUNS) + +macro (MULTIPASS_C_SOURCE_RUNS includes libraries source runs) + multipass_source_runs("${includes}" "${libraries}" "${source}" ${runs} "C") +endmacro (MULTIPASS_C_SOURCE_RUNS) diff --git a/cmake/FindSLEPc.cmake b/cmake/FindSLEPc.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c0e660282 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindSLEPc.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +# - Try to find SLEPC +# Once done this will define +# +# SLEPC_FOUND - system has SLEPc +# SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIR - include directories for SLEPc +# SLEPC_LIBARIES - libraries for SLEPc +# SLEPC_DIR - directory where SLEPc is built +# SLEPC_VERSION - version of SLEPc +# SLEPC_VERSION_MAJOR - First number in SLEPC_VERSION +# SLEPC_VERSION_MINOR - Second number in SLEPC_VERSION +# SLEPC_VERSION_SUBMINOR - Third number in SLEPC_VERSION +# +# Assumes that PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH has been set by +# already calling find_package(PETSc) + +#============================================================================= +# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Garth N. Wells, Anders Logg and Johannes Ring +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without +# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions +# are met: +# +# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. +# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright +# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in +# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +# distribution. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS +# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT +# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS +# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +# COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, +# INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, +# BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; +# LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER +# CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT +# LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN +# ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE +# POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +#============================================================================= +# +# Taken from https://github.com/live-clones/libadjoint/blob/master/cmake/modules/FindSLEPc.cmake + +find_package(PETSc REQUIRED) +find_package(MPI REQUIRED) + +# Set debian_arches (PETSC_ARCH for Debian-style installations) +foreach (debian_arches linux kfreebsd) + if ("${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" STREQUAL "Debug") + set(DEBIAN_FLAVORS ${debian_arches}-gnu-c-debug ${debian_arches}-gnu-c-opt ${DEBIAN_FLAVORS}) + else() + set(DEBIAN_FLAVORS ${debian_arches}-gnu-c-opt ${debian_arches}-gnu-c-debug ${DEBIAN_FLAVORS}) + endif() +endforeach() + +# List of possible locations for SLEPC_DIR +set(slepc_dir_locations "") +list(APPEND slepc_dir_locations "/usr/lib/slepc") +list(APPEND slepc_dir_locations "/opt/local/lib/petsc") # Macports +list(APPEND slepc_dir_locations "/usr/local/lib/slepc") +list(APPEND slepc_dir_locations "$ENV{HOME}/slepc") + +# Try to figure out SLEPC_DIR by finding slepc.h +find_path(SLEPC_DIR include/slepc.h + HINTS ${SLEPC_DIR} $ENV{SLEPC_DIR} + PATHS ${slepc_dir_locations} + DOC "SLEPc directory") + +# Report result of search for SLEPC_DIR +if (DEFINED SLEPC_DIR) + message(STATUS "SLEPC_DIR is ${SLEPC_DIR}") +else() + message(STATUS "SLEPC_DIR is empty") +endif() + +# Get variables from SLEPc configuration +if (SLEPC_DIR) + + find_library(SLEPC_LIBRARY + NAMES slepc + HINTS + ${SLEPC_DIR}/lib + $ENV{SLEPC_DIR}/lib + ${SLEPC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib + $ENV{SLEPC_DIR}/$ENV{PETSC_ARCH}/lib + NO_DEFAULT_PATH + DOC "The SLEPc library") + find_library(SLEPC_LIBRARY + NAMES slepc + DOC "The SLEPc library") + mark_as_advanced(SLEPC_LIBRARY) + + # Find SLEPc config file + find_file(SLEPC_CONFIG_FILE NAMES slepc_common PATHS + ${SLEPC_DIR}/lib/slepc/conf + ${SLEPC_DIR}/lib/slepc-conf ${SLEPC_DIR}/conf) + + # Create a temporary Makefile to probe the SLEPc configuration + set(slepc_config_makefile ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/Makefile.slepc) + file(WRITE ${slepc_config_makefile} +"# This file was autogenerated by FindSLEPc.cmake +SLEPC_DIR = ${SLEPC_DIR} +PETSC_ARCH = ${PETSC_ARCH} +PETSC_DIR = ${PETSC_DIR} +include ${SLEPC_CONFIG_FILE} +show : + -@echo -n \${\${VARIABLE}} +") + + # Define macro for getting SLEPc variables from Makefile + macro(SLEPC_GET_VARIABLE var name) + set(${var} "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Cleared" FORCE) + execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} --no-print-directory -f ${slepc_config_makefile} show VARIABLE=${name} + OUTPUT_VARIABLE ${var} + RESULT_VARIABLE slepc_return) + endmacro() + + # Call macro to get the SLEPc variables + slepc_get_variable(SLEPC_INCLUDE SLEPC_INCLUDE) + slepc_get_variable(SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIB SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIB) + + # Remove temporary Makefile + file(REMOVE ${slepc_config_makefile}) + + # Extract include paths and libraries from compile command line + include(ResolveCompilerPaths) + resolve_includes(SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS "${SLEPC_INCLUDE}") + resolve_libraries(SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES "${SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIB}") + + # Add variables to CMake cache and mark as advanced + set(SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS ${SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS} CACHE STRING "SLEPc include paths." FORCE) + set(SLEPC_LIBRARIES ${SLEPC_LIBRARY} CACHE STRING "SLEPc libraries." FORCE) + mark_as_advanced(SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS SLEPC_LIBRARIES) +endif() + +if (SLEPC_SKIP_BUILD_TESTS) + set(SLEPC_TEST_RUNS TRUE) + set(SLEPC_VERSION "UNKNOWN") + set(SLEPC_VERSION_OK TRUE) +elseif (SLEPC_LIBRARIES AND SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS) + + # Set flags for building test program + set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS}) + set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${SLEPC_LIBRARIES} PETSc::PETSc MPI::MPI_CXX) + + # Check SLEPc version + set(SLEPC_CONFIG_TEST_VERSION_CPP + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/slepc_config_test_version.cpp") + file(WRITE ${SLEPC_CONFIG_TEST_VERSION_CPP} " +#include +#include \"slepcversion.h\" + +int main() { + std::cout << SLEPC_VERSION_MAJOR << \".\" + << SLEPC_VERSION_MINOR << \".\" + << SLEPC_VERSION_SUBMINOR; + return 0; +} +") + + try_run( + SLEPC_CONFIG_TEST_VERSION_EXITCODE + SLEPC_CONFIG_TEST_VERSION_COMPILED + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} + ${SLEPC_CONFIG_TEST_VERSION_CPP} + CMAKE_FLAGS + "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES:STRING=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}" + COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMPILE_OUTPUT + RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT + ) + + if (SLEPC_CONFIG_TEST_VERSION_EXITCODE EQUAL 0) + set(SLEPC_VERSION ${OUTPUT} CACHE TYPE STRING) + string(REPLACE "." ";" SLEPC_VERSION_LIST ${SLEPC_VERSION}) + list(GET SLEPC_VERSION_LIST 0 SLEPC_VERSION_MAJOR) + list(GET SLEPC_VERSION_LIST 1 SLEPC_VERSION_MINOR) + list(GET SLEPC_VERSION_LIST 2 SLEPC_VERSION_SUBMINOR) + mark_as_advanced(SLEPC_VERSION) + mark_as_advanced(SLEPC_VERSION_MAJOR, SLEPC_VERSION_MINOR, SLEPC_VERSION_SUBMINOR) + endif() + + if (SLEPc_FIND_VERSION) + # Check if version found is >= required version + if (NOT "${SLEPC_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "${SLEPc_FIND_VERSION}") + set(SLEPC_VERSION_OK TRUE) + endif() + else() + # No specific version requested + set(SLEPC_VERSION_OK TRUE) + endif() + mark_as_advanced(SLEPC_VERSION_OK) + + # Run SLEPc test program + set(SLEPC_TEST_LIB_CPP + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/slepc_test_lib.cpp") + file(WRITE ${SLEPC_TEST_LIB_CPP} " +#include \"petsc.h\" +#include \"slepceps.h\" +int main() +{ + PetscErrorCode ierr; + int argc = 0; + char** argv = NULL; + ierr = SlepcInitialize(&argc, &argv, PETSC_NULL, PETSC_NULL); + EPS eps; + ierr = EPSCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF, &eps); CHKERRQ(ierr); + //ierr = EPSSetFromOptions(eps); CHKERRQ(ierr); +#if PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 && PETSC_VERSION_MINOR <= 1 + ierr = EPSDestroy(eps); CHKERRQ(ierr); +#else + ierr = EPSDestroy(&eps); CHKERRQ(ierr); +#endif + ierr = SlepcFinalize(); CHKERRQ(ierr); + return 0; +} +") + + try_run( + SLEPC_TEST_LIB_EXITCODE + SLEPC_TEST_LIB_COMPILED + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} + ${SLEPC_TEST_LIB_CPP} + CMAKE_FLAGS "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES:STRING=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}" + LINK_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} + COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE SLEPC_TEST_LIB_COMPILE_OUTPUT + RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE SLEPC_TEST_LIB_OUTPUT + ) + + if (SLEPC_TEST_LIB_COMPILED AND SLEPC_TEST_LIB_EXITCODE EQUAL 0) + message(STATUS "Performing test SLEPC_TEST_RUNS - Success") + set(SLEPC_TEST_RUNS TRUE) + else() + message(STATUS "Performing test SLEPC_TEST_RUNS - Failed") + + # Test program does not run - try adding SLEPc 3rd party libs and test again + list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES}) + + try_run( + SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_EXITCODE + SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_COMPILED + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} + ${SLEPC_TEST_LIB_CPP} + CMAKE_FLAGS "-DINCLUDE_DIRECTORIES:STRING=${CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES}" + LINK_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} + COMPILE_OUTPUT_VARIABLE SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_COMPILE_OUTPUT + RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_OUTPUT + ) + + if (SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_COMPILED AND SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_EXITCODE EQUAL 0) + message(STATUS "Performing test SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_RUNS - Success") + set(SLEPC_LIBRARIES ${SLEPC_LIBRARIES} ${SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIBRARIES} + CACHE STRING "SLEPc libraries." FORCE) + set(SLEPC_TEST_RUNS TRUE) + else() + message(STATUS "Performing test SLEPC_TEST_3RD_PARTY_LIBS_RUNS - Failed") + endif() + endif() +endif() + +# Standard package handling +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(SLEPc + "SLEPc could not be found. Be sure to set SLEPC_DIR, PETSC_DIR, and PETSC_ARCH." + SLEPC_LIBRARIES SLEPC_DIR SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS SLEPC_TEST_RUNS + SLEPC_VERSION SLEPC_VERSION_OK) + +if (SLEPC_FOUND) + if (NOT TARGET SLEPc::SLEPc) + add_library(SLEPc::SLEPc UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(SLEPc::SLEPc PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SLEPC_LIBRARIES}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SLEPC_INCLUDE_DIRS}" + INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES PETSc::PETSc + ) + endif() +endif() diff --git a/cmake/FindSUNDIALS.cmake b/cmake/FindSUNDIALS.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2896e9b0be --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindSUNDIALS.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +# FindSUNDIALS +# ------------ +# +# Find SUNDIALS, the SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers +# +# Currently only actually looks for arkode, cvode and ida, as well as nvecparallel +# +# This module will define the following variables: +# +# :: +# +# SUNDIALS_FOUND - true if SUNDIALS was found on the system +# SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIRS - Location of the SUNDIALS includes +# SUNDIALS_LIBRARIES - Required libraries +# SUNDIALS_VERSION - Full version string +# +# This module will export the following targets: +# +# ``SUNDIALS::NVecParallel`` +# ``SUNDIALS::arkode`` +# ``SUNDIALS::cvode`` +# ``SUNDIALS::ida`` +# +# You can also set the following variables: +# +# ``SUNDIALS_ROOT`` or ``SUNDIALS_DIR`` (as an environment variable) +# Specify the path to the SUNDIALS installation to use +# +# ``SUNDIALS_DEBUG`` +# Set to TRUE to get extra debugging output + +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) + +find_path(SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR + sundials_config.h + HINTS + "${SUNDIALS_ROOT}" + ENV SUNDIALS_DIR + PATH_SUFFIXES include include/sundials + DOC "SUNDIALS Directory") + +if (SUNDIALS_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR = ${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + " SUNDIALS_ROOT = ${SUNDIALS_ROOT}") +endif() + +set(SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIRS + "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}" + "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}/..") + +find_library(SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY + NAMES sundials_nvecparallel + HINTS + "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}/.." + "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}/../.." + PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 + ) + +if (SUNDIALS_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY = ${SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY}") +endif() + +if (SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY) + list(APPEND SUNDIALS_LIBRARIES "${SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY}") +endif() +mark_as_advanced(SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY) + +set(SUNDIALS_COMPONENTS arkode cvode ida) + +foreach (LIB ${SUNDIALS_COMPONENTS}) + find_library(SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY + NAMES sundials_${LIB} + HINTS + "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}/.." + "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}/../.." + PATH_SUFFIXES lib lib64 + ) + + if (SUNDIALS_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY = ${SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY}") + endif() + + if (SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY) + list(APPEND SUNDIALS_LIBRARIES "${SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY}") + endif() + mark_as_advanced(SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY) +endforeach() + +if (SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR) + file(READ "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR}/sundials_config.h" SUNDIALS_CONFIG_FILE) + string(FIND "${SUNDIALS_CONFIG_FILE}" "SUNDIALS_PACKAGE_VERSION" index) + if("${index}" LESS 0) + # Version >3 + set(SUNDIALS_VERSION_REGEX_PATTERN + ".*#define SUNDIALS_VERSION \"([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\".*") + else() + # Version <3 + set(SUNDIALS_VERSION_REGEX_PATTERN + ".*#define SUNDIALS_PACKAGE_VERSION \"([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\".*") + endif() + string(REGEX MATCH ${SUNDIALS_VERSION_REGEX_PATTERN} _ "${SUNDIALS_CONFIG_FILE}") + set(SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) + set(SUNDIALS_VERSION_MINOR ${CMAKE_MATCH_2}) + set(SUNDIALS_VERSION_PATCH ${CMAKE_MATCH_3}) + set(SUNDIALS_VERSION "${SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SUNDIALS_VERSION_MINOR}.${SUNDIALS_VERSION_PATCH}") +endif() + +if (SUNDIALS_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " SUNDIALS_VERSION = ${SUNDIALS_VERSION}") +endif() + +find_package_handle_standard_args(SUNDIALS + REQUIRED_VARS SUNDIALS_LIBRARIES SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIRS + VERSION_VAR SUNDIALS_VERSION + ) + +mark_as_advanced(SUNDIALS_LIBRARIES SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIRS) + +if (SUNDIALS_FOUND AND NOT TARGET SUNDIALS::SUNDIALS) + add_library(SUNDIALS::NVecParallel UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(SUNDIALS::NVecParallel PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SUNDIALS_nvecparallel_LIBRARY}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIRS}") + + foreach (LIB ${SUNDIALS_COMPONENTS}) + add_library(SUNDIALS::${LIB} UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(SUNDIALS::${LIB} PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SUNDIALS_${LIB}_LIBRARY}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIRS}" + INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES SUNDIALS::NVecParallel) + endforeach() +endif() diff --git a/cmake/FindScoreP.cmake b/cmake/FindScoreP.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd119545e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindScoreP.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +# FindScoreP +# ---------- +# +# Find the Score-P profiling tools +# +# This module will define the following variables: +# +# :: +# +# ScoreP_FOUND - true if ScoreP was found +# ScoreP_EXECUTABLE - Path to the ``scorep`` compiler wrapper +# ScoreP_INCLUDE_DIRS - Location of the ScoreP includes +# ScoreP_LIBRARIES - List of libraries need to link against ScoreP +# ScoreP_CXX_FLAGS - Compile definitions +# +# This module will also export the ``ScoreP::ScoreP`` target. +# +# You can also set the following variables: +# +# ``ScoreP_ROOT`` +# Specify the path to the ScoreP installation to use +# +# ``ScoreP_FLAGS`` +# The flags to pass to the ``scorep`` executable as a +# semicolon-separated list. This defaults to ``--user;--nocompiler`` +# +# ``ScoreP_COMPILER_LAUNCHER`` +# The full path to the compiler wrapper plus flags as a +# semicolon-separated list. This defaults to +# ``/path/to/scorep;${ScoreP_FLAGS}`` +# +# ``ScoreP_DEBUG`` +# Set to TRUE to get extra debugging output +# +# ---------------- +# Part of this module (the bit that parses scorep-config for the libraries) was lifted from +# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/score-p/scorep_plugin_common/master/FindScorep.cmake +# +# Copyright (c) 2016, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany +# All rights reserved. +# +# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted +# provided that the following conditions are met: +# +# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions +# and the following disclaimer. +# +# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions +# and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the +# distribution. +# +# 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse +# or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. +# +# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR +# IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR +# CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL +# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, +# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER +# IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF +# THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. + + +find_program(ScoreP_CONFIG scorep-config) +mark_as_advanced(ScoreP_CONFIG) + +get_filename_component(ScoreP_TMP "${ScoreP_CONFIG}" DIRECTORY) +get_filename_component(ScoreP_EXEC_LOCATION "${ScoreP_TMP}" DIRECTORY) + +if (ScoreP_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " ScoreP_CONFIG = ${ScoreP_CONFIG}" + " ScoreP_EXEC_LOCATION = ${ScoreP_EXEC_LOCATION}") +endif() + +if(ScoreP_CONFIG) + message(STATUS "SCOREP library found. (using ${ScoreP_CONFIG})") + + execute_process(COMMAND ${ScoreP_CONFIG} "--user" "--nocompiler" "--cppflags" + OUTPUT_VARIABLE ScoreP_CONFIG_FLAGS) + + string(REGEX MATCHALL "-I[^ ]*" ScoreP_CONFIG_INCLUDES "${ScoreP_CONFIG_FLAGS}") + foreach(inc ${ScoreP_CONFIG_INCLUDES}) + string(SUBSTRING ${inc} 2 -1 inc) + list(APPEND ScoreP_INCLUDE_DIRS ${inc}) + endforeach() + + if (ScoreP_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " ScoreP_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${ScoreP_INCLUDE_DIRS}") + endif() + + string(REGEX MATCHALL "(^| +)-[^I][^ ]*" ScoreP_CONFIG_CXXFLAGS "${ScoreP_CONFIG_FLAGS}") + foreach(flag ${ScoreP_CONFIG_CXXFLAGS}) + string(STRIP ${flag} flag) + list(APPEND ScoreP_CXX_FLAGS ${flag}) + endforeach() + + if (ScoreP_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " ScoreP_CXX_FLAGS = ${ScoreP_CXX_FLAGS}") + endif() + + unset(ScoreP_CONFIG_FLAGS) + unset(ScoreP_CONFIG_INCLUDES) + unset(ScoreP_CONFIG_CXXFLAGS) + + execute_process(COMMAND ${ScoreP_CONFIG} "--user" "--nocompiler" "--ldflags" + OUTPUT_VARIABLE _LINK_LD_ARGS) + string( REPLACE " " ";" _LINK_LD_ARGS ${_LINK_LD_ARGS} ) + foreach( _ARG ${_LINK_LD_ARGS} ) + if(${_ARG} MATCHES "^-L") + STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^-L" "" _ARG ${_ARG}) + SET(ScoreP_LINK_DIRS ${ScoreP_LINK_DIRS} ${_ARG}) + endif() + endforeach() + + if (ScoreP_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " ScoreP_LINK_DIRS = ${ScoreP_LINK_DIRS}") + endif() + + execute_process(COMMAND ${ScoreP_CONFIG} "--user" "--nocompiler" "--libs" + OUTPUT_VARIABLE _LINK_LD_ARGS) + string( REPLACE " " ";" _LINK_LD_ARGS ${_LINK_LD_ARGS} ) + foreach( _ARG ${_LINK_LD_ARGS} ) + if(${_ARG} MATCHES "^-l") + string(REGEX REPLACE "^-l" "" _ARG ${_ARG}) + find_library(_SCOREP_LIB_FROM_ARG NAMES ${_ARG} + PATHS + ${ScoreP_LINK_DIRS} + ) + if(_SCOREP_LIB_FROM_ARG) + set(ScoreP_LIBRARIES ${ScoreP_LIBRARIES} ${_SCOREP_LIB_FROM_ARG}) + endif() + unset(_SCOREP_LIB_FROM_ARG CACHE) + endif() + endforeach() + + if (ScoreP_DEBUG) + message(STATUS "[ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}:${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE} ] " + " ScoreP_LIBRARIES = ${ScoreP_LIBRARIES}") + endif() + +endif() + +include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(ScoreP DEFAULT_MSG + ScoreP_CONFIG + ScoreP_LIBRARIES + ScoreP_INCLUDE_DIRS + ) + +if (ScoreP_FOUND AND NOT TARGET ScoreP::ScoreP) + add_library(ScoreP::ScoreP UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(ScoreP::ScoreP PROPERTIES + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${ScoreP_INCLUDE_DIRS}" + IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES "${ScoreP_LIBRARIES}" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DEFINITIONS "${ScoreP_CXX_FLAGS}" + IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "C" + ) +endif() diff --git a/cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake b/cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ab03bc5f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +# - Returns a version string from Git +# +# These functions force a re-configure on each git commit so that you can +# trust the values of the variables in your build system. +# +# get_git_head_revision( [ ...]) +# +# Returns the refspec and sha hash of the current head revision +# +# git_describe( [ ...]) +# +# Returns the results of git describe on the source tree, and adjusting +# the output so that it tests false if an error occurs. +# +# git_get_exact_tag( [ ...]) +# +# Returns the results of git describe --exact-match on the source tree, +# and adjusting the output so that it tests false if there was no exact +# matching tag. +# +# git_local_changes() +# +# Returns either "CLEAN" or "DIRTY" with respect to uncommitted changes. +# Uses the return code of "git diff-index --quiet HEAD --". +# Does not regard untracked files. +# +# Requires CMake 2.6 or newer (uses the 'function' command) +# +# Original Author: +# 2009-2010 Ryan Pavlik +# http://academic.cleardefinition.com +# Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC +# +# Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010. +# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at +# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) + +if(__get_git_revision_description) + return() +endif() +set(__get_git_revision_description YES) + +# We must run the following at "include" time, not at function call time, +# to find the path to this module rather than the path to a calling list file +get_filename_component(_gitdescmoddir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) + +function(get_git_head_revision _refspecvar _hashvar) + set(GIT_PARENT_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}") + set(GIT_DIR "${GIT_PARENT_DIR}/.git") + while(NOT EXISTS "${GIT_DIR}") # .git dir not found, search parent directories + set(GIT_PREVIOUS_PARENT "${GIT_PARENT_DIR}") + get_filename_component(GIT_PARENT_DIR ${GIT_PARENT_DIR} PATH) + if(GIT_PARENT_DIR STREQUAL GIT_PREVIOUS_PARENT) + # We have reached the root directory, we are not in git + set(${_refspecvar} "GITDIR-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE) + set(${_hashvar} "GITDIR-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE) + return() + endif() + set(GIT_DIR "${GIT_PARENT_DIR}/.git") + endwhile() + # check if this is a submodule + if(NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${GIT_DIR}) + file(READ ${GIT_DIR} submodule) + string(REGEX REPLACE "gitdir: (.*)\n$" "\\1" GIT_DIR_RELATIVE ${submodule}) + get_filename_component(SUBMODULE_DIR ${GIT_DIR} PATH) + get_filename_component(GIT_DIR ${SUBMODULE_DIR}/${GIT_DIR_RELATIVE} ABSOLUTE) + endif() + set(GIT_DATA "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/git-data") + if(NOT EXISTS "${GIT_DATA}") + file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${GIT_DATA}") + endif() + + if(NOT EXISTS "${GIT_DIR}/HEAD") + return() + endif() + set(HEAD_FILE "${GIT_DATA}/HEAD") + configure_file("${GIT_DIR}/HEAD" "${HEAD_FILE}" COPYONLY) + + configure_file("${_gitdescmoddir}/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in" + "${GIT_DATA}/grabRef.cmake" + @ONLY) + include("${GIT_DATA}/grabRef.cmake") + + set(${_refspecvar} "${HEAD_REF}" PARENT_SCOPE) + set(${_hashvar} "${HEAD_HASH}" PARENT_SCOPE) +endfunction() + +function(git_describe _var) + if(NOT GIT_FOUND) + find_package(Git QUIET) + endif() + get_git_head_revision(refspec hash) + if(NOT GIT_FOUND) + set(${_var} "GIT-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE) + return() + endif() + if(NOT hash) + set(${_var} "HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE) + return() + endif() + + # TODO sanitize + #if((${ARGN}" MATCHES "&&") OR + # (ARGN MATCHES "||") OR + # (ARGN MATCHES "\\;")) + # message("Please report the following error to the project!") + # message(FATAL_ERROR "Looks like someone's doing something nefarious with git_describe! Passed arguments ${ARGN}") + #endif() + + #message(STATUS "Arguments to execute_process: ${ARGN}") + + execute_process(COMMAND + "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" + describe + ${hash} + ${ARGN} + WORKING_DIRECTORY + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" + RESULT_VARIABLE + res + OUTPUT_VARIABLE + out + ERROR_QUIET + OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) + if(NOT res EQUAL 0) + set(out "${out}-${res}-NOTFOUND") + endif() + + set(${_var} "${out}" PARENT_SCOPE) +endfunction() + +function(git_get_exact_tag _var) + git_describe(out --exact-match ${ARGN}) + set(${_var} "${out}" PARENT_SCOPE) +endfunction() + +function(git_local_changes _var) + if(NOT GIT_FOUND) + find_package(Git QUIET) + endif() + get_git_head_revision(refspec hash) + if(NOT GIT_FOUND) + set(${_var} "GIT-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE) + return() + endif() + if(NOT hash) + set(${_var} "HEAD-HASH-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE) + return() + endif() + + execute_process(COMMAND + "${GIT_EXECUTABLE}" + diff-index --quiet HEAD -- + WORKING_DIRECTORY + "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" + RESULT_VARIABLE + res + OUTPUT_VARIABLE + out + ERROR_QUIET + OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) + if(res EQUAL 0) + set(${_var} "CLEAN" PARENT_SCOPE) + else() + set(${_var} "DIRTY" PARENT_SCOPE) + endif() +endfunction() diff --git a/cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in b/cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d8b708efe --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake.in @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# +# Internal file for GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake +# +# Requires CMake 2.6 or newer (uses the 'function' command) +# +# Original Author: +# 2009-2010 Ryan Pavlik +# http://academic.cleardefinition.com +# Iowa State University HCI Graduate Program/VRAC +# +# Copyright Iowa State University 2009-2010. +# Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. +# (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at +# http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) + +set(HEAD_HASH) + +file(READ "@HEAD_FILE@" HEAD_CONTENTS LIMIT 1024) + +string(STRIP "${HEAD_CONTENTS}" HEAD_CONTENTS) +if(HEAD_CONTENTS MATCHES "ref") + # named branch + string(REPLACE "ref: " "" HEAD_REF "${HEAD_CONTENTS}") + if(EXISTS "@GIT_DIR@/${HEAD_REF}") + configure_file("@GIT_DIR@/${HEAD_REF}" "@GIT_DATA@/head-ref" COPYONLY) + else() + configure_file("@GIT_DIR@/packed-refs" "@GIT_DATA@/packed-refs" COPYONLY) + file(READ "@GIT_DATA@/packed-refs" PACKED_REFS) + if(${PACKED_REFS} MATCHES "([0-9a-z]*) ${HEAD_REF}") + set(HEAD_HASH "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}") + endif() + endif() +else() + # detached HEAD + configure_file("@GIT_DIR@/HEAD" "@GIT_DATA@/head-ref" COPYONLY) +endif() + +if(NOT HEAD_HASH) + file(READ "@GIT_DATA@/head-ref" HEAD_HASH LIMIT 1024) + string(STRIP "${HEAD_HASH}" HEAD_HASH) +endif() diff --git a/cmake/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake b/cmake/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..54787fa38f --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/ResolveCompilerPaths.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# ResolveCompilerPaths - this module defines two macros +# +# RESOLVE_LIBRARIES (XXX_LIBRARIES LINK_LINE) +# This macro is intended to be used by FindXXX.cmake modules. +# It parses a compiler link line and resolves all libraries +# (-lfoo) using the library path contexts (-L/path) in scope. +# The result in XXX_LIBRARIES is the list of fully resolved libs. +# Example: +# +# RESOLVE_LIBRARIES (FOO_LIBRARIES "-L/A -la -L/B -lb -lc -ld") +# +# will be resolved to +# +# FOO_LIBRARIES:STRING="/A/liba.so;/B/libb.so;/A/libc.so;/usr/lib/libd.so" +# +# if the filesystem looks like +# +# /A: liba.so libc.so +# /B: liba.so libb.so +# /usr/lib: liba.so libb.so libc.so libd.so +# +# and /usr/lib is a system directory. +# +# Note: If RESOLVE_LIBRARIES() resolves a link line differently from +# the native linker, there is a bug in this macro (please report it). +# +# RESOLVE_INCLUDES (XXX_INCLUDES INCLUDE_LINE) +# This macro is intended to be used by FindXXX.cmake modules. +# It parses a compile line and resolves all includes +# (-I/path/to/include) to a list of directories. Other flags are ignored. +# Example: +# +# RESOLVE_INCLUDES (FOO_INCLUDES "-I/A -DBAR='\"irrelevant -I/string here\"' -I/B") +# +# will be resolved to +# +# FOO_INCLUDES:STRING="/A;/B" +# +# assuming both directories exist. +# Note: as currently implemented, the -I/string will be picked up mistakenly (cry, cry) +include (CorrectWindowsPaths) + +macro (RESOLVE_LIBRARIES LIBS LINK_LINE) + string (REGEX MATCHALL "((-L|-l|-Wl)([^\" ]+|\"[^\"]+\")|[^\" ]+\\.(a|so|dll|lib))" _all_tokens "${LINK_LINE}") + set (_libs_found "") + set (_directory_list "") + foreach (token ${_all_tokens}) + if (token MATCHES "-L([^\" ]+|\"[^\"]+\")") + # If it's a library path, add it to the list + string (REGEX REPLACE "^-L" "" token ${token}) + string (REGEX REPLACE "//" "/" token ${token}) + convert_cygwin_path(token) + list (APPEND _directory_list ${token}) + elseif (token MATCHES "^(-l([^\" ]+|\"[^\"]+\")|[^\" ]+\\.(a|so|dll|lib))") + # It's a library, resolve the path by looking in the list and then (by default) in system directories + if (WIN32) #windows expects "libfoo", linux expects "foo" + string (REGEX REPLACE "^-l" "lib" token ${token}) + else (WIN32) + string (REGEX REPLACE "^-l" "" token ${token}) + endif (WIN32) + set (_root "") + if (token MATCHES "^/") # We have an absolute path + #separate into a path and a library name: + string (REGEX MATCH "[^/]*\\.(a|so|dll|lib)$" libname ${token}) + string (REGEX MATCH ".*[^${libname}$]" libpath ${token}) + convert_cygwin_path(libpath) + set (_directory_list ${_directory_list} ${libpath}) + set (token ${libname}) + endif (token MATCHES "^/") + set (_lib "NOTFOUND" CACHE FILEPATH "Cleared" FORCE) + find_library (_lib ${token} HINTS ${_directory_list} ${_root}) + if (_lib) + string (REPLACE "//" "/" _lib ${_lib}) + list (APPEND _libs_found ${_lib}) + else (_lib) + message (STATUS "Unable to find library ${token}") + endif (_lib) + endif (token MATCHES "-L([^\" ]+|\"[^\"]+\")") + endforeach (token) + set (_lib "NOTFOUND" CACHE INTERNAL "Scratch variable" FORCE) + # only the LAST occurence of each library is required since there should be no circular dependencies + if (_libs_found) + list (REVERSE _libs_found) + list (REMOVE_DUPLICATES _libs_found) + list (REVERSE _libs_found) + endif (_libs_found) + set (${LIBS} "${_libs_found}") +endmacro (RESOLVE_LIBRARIES) + +macro (RESOLVE_INCLUDES INCS COMPILE_LINE) + string (REGEX MATCHALL "-I([^\" ]+|\"[^\"]+\")" _all_tokens "${COMPILE_LINE}") + set (_incs_found "") + foreach (token ${_all_tokens}) + string (REGEX REPLACE "^-I" "" token ${token}) + string (REGEX REPLACE "//" "/" token ${token}) + convert_cygwin_path(token) + if (EXISTS ${token}) + list (APPEND _incs_found ${token}) + else (EXISTS ${token}) + message (STATUS "Include directory ${token} does not exist") + endif (EXISTS ${token}) + endforeach (token) + list (REMOVE_DUPLICATES _incs_found) + set (${INCS} "${_incs_found}") +endmacro (RESOLVE_INCLUDES) diff --git a/configure b/configure index 2355b75a36..c1cef9668c 100755 --- a/configure +++ b/configure @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ #! /bin/sh # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles. -# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for BOUT++ 4.2.3. +# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for BOUT++ 4.3.0. # # Report bugs to . # @@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ MAKEFLAGS= # Identity of this package. PACKAGE_NAME='BOUT++' PACKAGE_TARNAME='bout--' -PACKAGE_VERSION='4.2.3' -PACKAGE_STRING='BOUT++ 4.2.3' +PACKAGE_VERSION='4.3.0' +PACKAGE_STRING='BOUT++ 4.3.0' PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='bd512@york.ac.uk' PACKAGE_URL='' @@ -621,7 +621,10 @@ ac_includes_default="\ # include #endif" -ac_subst_vars='HAS_OPENMP +gt_needs= +ac_subst_vars='HAS_FFTW +HAS_NLS +HAS_OPENMP SLEPC_ARCH SLEPC_DIR SLEPC_MAKE_INCLUDE @@ -646,11 +649,37 @@ BOUT_VERSION PYTHONCONFIGPATH IDLCONFIGPATH PREFIX +MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH BOUT_LIB_PATH CONFIG_LDFLAGS CONFIG_CFLAGS LTLIBOBJS +POSUB +LTLIBINTL +LIBINTL +INTLLIBS +LTLIBICONV +LIBICONV +INTL_MACOSX_LIBS +host_os +host_vendor +host_cpu +host +build_os +build_vendor +build_cpu +build +XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS +MSGMERGE +XGETTEXT_015 +XGETTEXT +GMSGFMT_015 +MSGFMT_015 +GMSGFMT +MSGFMT +GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION +USE_NLS SCOREPPATH sundials_config PARALLELHDF5_TYPE @@ -739,7 +768,6 @@ infodir docdir oldincludedir includedir -runstatedir localstatedir sharedstatedir sysconfdir @@ -792,6 +820,11 @@ with_gcov enable_code_coverage with_hdf5 with_parallelhdf5 +enable_nls +with_gnu_ld +enable_rpath +with_libiconv_prefix +with_libintl_prefix ' ac_precious_vars='build_alias host_alias @@ -847,7 +880,6 @@ datadir='${datarootdir}' sysconfdir='${prefix}/etc' sharedstatedir='${prefix}/com' localstatedir='${prefix}/var' -runstatedir='${localstatedir}/run' includedir='${prefix}/include' oldincludedir='/usr/include' docdir='${datarootdir}/doc/${PACKAGE_TARNAME}' @@ -1100,15 +1132,6 @@ do | -silent | --silent | --silen | --sile | --sil) silent=yes ;; - -runstatedir | --runstatedir | --runstatedi | --runstated \ - | --runstate | --runstat | --runsta | --runst | --runs \ - | --run | --ru | --r) - ac_prev=runstatedir ;; - -runstatedir=* | --runstatedir=* | --runstatedi=* | --runstated=* \ - | --runstate=* | --runstat=* | --runsta=* | --runst=* | --runs=* \ - | --run=* | --ru=* | --r=*) - runstatedir=$ac_optarg ;; - -sbindir | --sbindir | --sbindi | --sbind | --sbin | --sbi | --sb) ac_prev=sbindir ;; -sbindir=* | --sbindir=* | --sbindi=* | --sbind=* | --sbin=* \ @@ -1246,7 +1269,7 @@ fi for ac_var in exec_prefix prefix bindir sbindir libexecdir datarootdir \ datadir sysconfdir sharedstatedir localstatedir includedir \ oldincludedir docdir infodir htmldir dvidir pdfdir psdir \ - libdir localedir mandir runstatedir + libdir localedir mandir do eval ac_val=\$$ac_var # Remove trailing slashes. @@ -1359,7 +1382,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. cat <<_ACEOF -\`configure' configures BOUT++ 4.2.3 to adapt to many kinds of systems. +\`configure' configures BOUT++ 4.3.0 to adapt to many kinds of systems. Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]... @@ -1399,7 +1422,6 @@ Fine tuning of the installation directories: --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc] --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com] --localstatedir=DIR modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var] - --runstatedir=DIR modifiable per-process data [LOCALSTATEDIR/run] --libdir=DIR object code libraries [EPREFIX/lib] --includedir=DIR C header files [PREFIX/include] --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include] @@ -1416,12 +1438,16 @@ Fine tuning of the installation directories: _ACEOF cat <<\_ACEOF + +System types: + --build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed] + --host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD] _ACEOF fi if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then case $ac_init_help in - short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of BOUT++ 4.2.3:";; + short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of BOUT++ 4.3.0:";; esac cat <<\_ACEOF @@ -1445,6 +1471,8 @@ Optional Features: --enable-pvode-openmp Enable building PVODE with OpenMP support --disable-openmp do not use OpenMP --enable-code-coverage Whether to enable code coverage support + --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support + --disable-rpath do not hardcode runtime library paths Optional Packages: --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes] @@ -1462,12 +1490,17 @@ Optional Packages: --with-mumps Link with MUMPS library for direct matrix inversions --with-arkode Use the SUNDIALS ARKODE solver --with-scorep Enable support for scorep based instrumentation - --with-openmp-schedule=static + --with-openmp-schedule=static/dynamic/guided/auto Set OpenMP schedule (default: static) --with-gcov=GCOV use given GCOV for coverage (GCOV=gcov). --with-hdf5=yes/no/PATH location of h5cc for serial HDF5 configuration --with-parallelhdf5=yes/no/PATH location of h5pcc for parallel HDF5 configuration + --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld [default=no] + --with-libiconv-prefix[=DIR] search for libiconv in DIR/include and DIR/lib + --without-libiconv-prefix don't search for libiconv in includedir and libdir + --with-libintl-prefix[=DIR] search for libintl in DIR/include and DIR/lib + --without-libintl-prefix don't search for libintl in includedir and libdir Some influential environment variables: EXTRA_INCS Extra compile flags @@ -1550,7 +1583,7 @@ fi test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status if $ac_init_version; then cat <<\_ACEOF -BOUT++ configure 4.2.3 +BOUT++ configure 4.3.0 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -2131,7 +2164,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. -It was created by BOUT++ $as_me 4.2.3, which was +It was created by BOUT++ $as_me 4.3.0, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was $ $0 $@ @@ -2411,6 +2444,7 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: creating cache $cache_file" >&6;} >$cache_file fi +gt_needs="$gt_needs " # Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same # value. ac_cache_corrupted=false @@ -5130,6 +5164,44 @@ if test "x$enable_openmp" = "xyes"; then : fi +# Check if we have access to __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ + + ac_ext=cpp +ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking does C++ compiler support __PRETTY_FUNCTION__" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking does C++ compiler support __PRETTY_FUNCTION__... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +int +main () +{ +const char* name = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DHAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION" +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + ac_ext=cpp +ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' +ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' +ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' +ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu + + + ############################################################# # Code coverage using gcov # @@ -5580,6 +5652,7 @@ fi # If this is passed to GCC, it will explode, so the flag must be enabled # conditionally. # This check taken from AX_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXXFLAGS +extra_compiler_flags_test="" { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether C++ compiler accepts -Werror=unknown-warning-option" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking whether C++ compiler accepts -Werror=unknown-warning-option... " >&6; } if ${ax_cv_check_cxxflags___Werror_unknown_warning_option+:} false; then : @@ -5614,11 +5687,49 @@ if test "x$ax_cv_check_cxxflags___Werror_unknown_warning_option" = xyes; then : extra_compiler_flags_test="-Werror=unknown-warning-option" else + : +fi + +# A similar check to above, but for Intel. -we is undocumented, but +# the equivalent (?) -diag-error gets accepted by GCC. 10006 is +# "unknown option", and 10148 is the more recent "unknown warning +# option" +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether C++ compiler accepts -we10006,10148" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether C++ compiler accepts -we10006,10148... " >&6; } +if ${ax_cv_check_cxxflags___we10006_10148+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + ax_check_save_flags=$CXXFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -we10006,10148" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ - extra_compiler_flags_test="" +int +main () +{ + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : + ax_cv_check_cxxflags___we10006_10148=yes +else + ax_cv_check_cxxflags___we10006_10148=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext + CXXFLAGS=$ax_check_save_flags fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ax_cv_check_cxxflags___we10006_10148" >&5 +$as_echo "$ax_cv_check_cxxflags___we10006_10148" >&6; } +if test "x$ax_cv_check_cxxflags___we10006_10148" = xyes; then : + extra_compiler_flags_test="-we10006,10148" + +else + : +fi if test "x$enable_warnings" != "xno"; then : @@ -6221,6 +6332,8 @@ fi # FFT routines ############################################################# +if test "x$with_fftw" != "xno"; then : + # Extract the first word of "fftw-wisdom", so it can be a program name with args. set dummy fftw-wisdom; ac_word=$2 { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 @@ -6263,9 +6376,9 @@ fi -if test "x$fftw_path" != "xno"; then : + if test "x$fftw_path" != "xno"; then : - fftw_wisdom0=`$as_dirname -- "$fftw_path" || + fftw_wisdom0=`$as_dirname -- "$fftw_path" || $as_expr X"$fftw_path" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ X"$fftw_path" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ X"$fftw_path" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ @@ -6288,7 +6401,7 @@ $as_echo X"$fftw_path" | q } s/.*/./; q'` - fftw_wisdom=`$as_dirname -- "$fftw_wisdom0" || + fftw_wisdom=`$as_dirname -- "$fftw_wisdom0" || $as_expr X"$fftw_wisdom0" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ X"$fftw_wisdom0" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ X"$fftw_wisdom0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ @@ -6311,8 +6424,11 @@ $as_echo X"$fftw_wisdom0" | q } s/.*/./; q'` - with_fftw="$with_fftw $fftw_wisdom" + with_fftw="$with_fftw $fftw_wisdom" +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: FFTW3 requested but fftw-wisdom not found" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: FFTW3 requested but fftw-wisdom not found" >&6;} fi @@ -6406,7 +6522,7 @@ fi if test .$BACH_found = .yes; then : else - as_fn_error $? "FFTW3 is needed by BOUT++" "$LINENO" 5 + as_fn_error $? "FFTW3 requested but header not found" "$LINENO" 5 fi @@ -6546,7 +6662,7 @@ fi if test $BACL_found = yes; then : else - as_fn_error $? "FFTW3 is needed by BOUT++" "$LINENO" 5 + as_fn_error $? "FFTW3 requested but library not found" "$LINENO" 5 fi LIBS=$save_LIBS @@ -6560,6 +6676,19 @@ ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu + #If we've reached this point then we're happy that we have FFTW so + #add our define to CXXFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_FFTW" + HAS_FFTW="yes" + +else + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Configuring without FFTW3 is not recommended" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Configuring without FFTW3 is not recommended" >&6;} +HAS_FFTW="no" + +fi + ############################################################# # netCDF support ############################################################# @@ -10187,38 +10316,6 @@ See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } fi rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - # Version 3.0.0 changed the name of this define to just SUNDIALS_VERSION - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for SUNDIALS major version" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for SUNDIALS major version... " >&6; } - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - - #include "sundials/sundials_config.h" - #ifdef SUNDIALS_PACKAGE_VERSION - yes - #endif - -_ACEOF -if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | - $EGREP "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : - sundials_major_ver=2 -else - sundials_major_ver=3 -fi -rm -f conftest* - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $sundials_major_ver" >&5 -$as_echo "$sundials_major_ver" >&6; } - - if test $sundials_major_ver = 3; then : - - { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} -as_fn_error $? "*** Unsupported SUNDIALS version: Only 2.6-2.7 are supported currently -See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } - -fi - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for SUNDIALS minor version" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for SUNDIALS minor version... " >&6; } cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext @@ -10231,10 +10328,10 @@ $as_echo_n "checking for SUNDIALS minor version... " >&6; } _ACEOF if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | - $EGREP "^ *\"? *2\.[67]\." >/dev/null 2>&1; then : - sundials_minor_ver=ok -else + $EGREP "^ *\"? *[12]\.[0-5]\." >/dev/null 2>&1; then : sundials_minor_ver="too low" +else + sundials_minor_ver=ok fi rm -f conftest* @@ -10247,7 +10344,7 @@ $as_echo "$sundials_minor_ver" >&6; } { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} -as_fn_error $? "*** Unsupported SUNDIALS version: Only 2.6-2.7 are supported currently +as_fn_error $? "*** Unsupported SUNDIALS version: Requires at least 2.6 See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } fi @@ -10780,73 +10877,6 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: => $module_upper solver enabled" >&6;} eval "`$as_echo "${module_upper}LIBS" | $as_tr_sh`=\"\$SUNDIALS_MODULE_LDFLAGS \$sundials_module_libs\"" eval "`$as_echo "${module_upper}INCS" | $as_tr_sh`=\"\$sundials_module_includes\"" - # Now we have successfully found the library, we need to determine - # whether $module_upper uses int or long. Try to compile a simple - # program to check - save_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"checking $module_upper types...\"" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: \"checking $module_upper types...\"" >&6;} - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - - for sundials_int_type in int long; do - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking $sundials_int_type" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking $sundials_int_type... " >&6; } - eval sundials_type_name=`$as_echo "${module_upper}INT" | $as_tr_sh` - CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $sundials_module_includes -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - - - - #include - extern int ida_bbd_rhs(IDAINT, double, N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector, void *); - - -int -main () -{ -IDABBDPrecInit(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ida_bbd_rhs, nullptr); - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : - sundials_int_type_found=yes -else - sundials_int_type_found=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $sundials_int_type_found" >&5 -$as_echo "$sundials_int_type_found" >&6; } - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xyes"; then - break; - fi - CXXFLAGS=$save_CXXFLAGS - done - - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xno"; then : - - { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} -as_fn_error $? "*** Cannot compile $module_upper with either long or int -See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } - -fi - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - - # We can now add that macro definition to the compilation flags - CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - fi @@ -10943,7 +10973,13 @@ $as_echo_n "checking if we can compile with SUNDIALS $module_upper... " >&6; } int main () { -CVodeCreate(0, 0); + + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + CVodeCreate(0); + #else + CVodeCreate(0, 0); + #endif + ; return 0; } @@ -11307,7 +11343,13 @@ $as_echo_n "checking if SUNDIALS $module_upper library path is $sundials_module_ int main () { -CVodeCreate(0, 0); + + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + CVodeCreate(0); + #else + CVodeCreate(0, 0); + #endif + ; return 0; } @@ -11357,73 +11399,6 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: => $module_upper solver enabled" >&6;} eval "`$as_echo "${module_upper}LIBS" | $as_tr_sh`=\"\$SUNDIALS_MODULE_LDFLAGS \$sundials_module_libs\"" eval "`$as_echo "${module_upper}INCS" | $as_tr_sh`=\"\$sundials_module_includes\"" - # Now we have successfully found the library, we need to determine - # whether $module_upper uses int or long. Try to compile a simple - # program to check - save_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"checking $module_upper types...\"" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: \"checking $module_upper types...\"" >&6;} - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - - for sundials_int_type in int long; do - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking $sundials_int_type" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking $sundials_int_type... " >&6; } - eval sundials_type_name=`$as_echo "${module_upper}INT" | $as_tr_sh` - CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $sundials_module_includes -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - - - - #include - extern int cvode_bbd_rhs(CVODEINT, double, N_Vector, N_Vector, void *); - - -int -main () -{ -CVBBDPrecInit(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, cvode_bbd_rhs, nullptr); - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : - sundials_int_type_found=yes -else - sundials_int_type_found=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $sundials_int_type_found" >&5 -$as_echo "$sundials_int_type_found" >&6; } - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xyes"; then - break; - fi - CXXFLAGS=$save_CXXFLAGS - done - - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xno"; then : - - { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} -as_fn_error $? "*** Cannot compile $module_upper with either long or int -See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } - -fi - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - - # We can now add that macro definition to the compilation flags - CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - fi @@ -11513,14 +11488,24 @@ $as_echo_n "checking if we can compile with SUNDIALS $module_upper... " >&6; } #include + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + #include + #else #include + #endif extern void foo(N_Vector); int main () { -ARKodeCreate(); + + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + ARKStepCreate(0, 0, 0, 0); + #else + ARKodeCreate(); + #endif + ; return 0; } @@ -11877,14 +11862,24 @@ $as_echo_n "checking if SUNDIALS $module_upper library path is $sundials_module_ #include + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + #include + #else #include + #endif extern void foo(N_Vector); int main () { -ARKodeCreate(); + + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + ARKStepCreate(0, 0, 0, 0); + #else + ARKodeCreate(); + #endif + ; return 0; } @@ -11934,73 +11929,6 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: => $module_upper solver enabled" >&6;} eval "`$as_echo "${module_upper}LIBS" | $as_tr_sh`=\"\$SUNDIALS_MODULE_LDFLAGS \$sundials_module_libs\"" eval "`$as_echo "${module_upper}INCS" | $as_tr_sh`=\"\$sundials_module_includes\"" - # Now we have successfully found the library, we need to determine - # whether $module_upper uses int or long. Try to compile a simple - # program to check - save_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \"checking $module_upper types...\"" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: \"checking $module_upper types...\"" >&6;} - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - - for sundials_int_type in int long; do - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking $sundials_int_type" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking $sundials_int_type... " >&6; } - eval sundials_type_name=`$as_echo "${module_upper}INT" | $as_tr_sh` - CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $sundials_module_includes -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - - - - #include - extern int arkode_bbd_rhs(ARKODEINT, double, N_Vector, N_Vector, void *); - - -int -main () -{ -ARKBBDPrecInit(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, arkode_bbd_rhs, nullptr); - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : - sundials_int_type_found=yes -else - sundials_int_type_found=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $sundials_int_type_found" >&5 -$as_echo "$sundials_int_type_found" >&6; } - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xyes"; then - break; - fi - CXXFLAGS=$save_CXXFLAGS - done - - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xno"; then : - - { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: error: in \`$ac_pwd':" >&2;} -as_fn_error $? "*** Cannot compile $module_upper with either long or int -See \`config.log' for more details" "$LINENO" 5; } - -fi - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - - # We can now add that macro definition to the compilation flags - CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - fi @@ -12117,126 +12045,2280 @@ else # Set a compile-time flag CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_SCOREP" MPICXX="$SCOREPPATH --user --nocompiler $MPICXX" + HAS_SCOREP="yes" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Scorep support enabled" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Scorep support enabled" >&6;} - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu +fi - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking does C++ compiler support __PRETTY_FUNCTION__" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking does C++ compiler support __PRETTY_FUNCTION__... " >&6; } - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -int -main () -{ -const char* name = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__; +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Scorep support disabled" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Scorep support disabled" >&6;} + +fi + +############################################################# +# Download + Build PVODE '98 +############################################################# + +as_dir=externalpackages; as_fn_mkdir_p +as_dir=lib; as_fn_mkdir_p +as_dir=include; as_fn_mkdir_p + +HAS_PVODE="no" +if test "$with_pvode" != "no"; then : + + if test "$enable_pvode_openmp" != "no" ; then : + + if test "$enable_openmp" != "no" ; then : + + PVODE_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENMP_CXXFLAGS $CXX11_FLAGS" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: PVODE being built with OpenMP support" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: PVODE being built with OpenMP support" >&6;} + +else + + as_fn_error $? "Cannot enable openmp in PVODE as configuring with OpenMP disabled" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi + +else + + PVODE_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $CXX11_FLAGS" + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: PVODE being built without OpenMP support" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: PVODE being built without OpenMP support" >&6;} + +fi + # Clean PVODE + CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE clean -C externalpackages/PVODE/precon/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 + CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE clean -C externalpackages/PVODE/source/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Building PVODE" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Building PVODE" >&6;} + echo "* Building PVODE" >> config-build.log + echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log + + CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE -C externalpackages/PVODE/precon/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 + CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE -C externalpackages/PVODE/source/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 + + if test -f externalpackages/PVODE/lib/libpvode.a && test -f externalpackages/PVODE/lib/libpvpre.a; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Successfully built PVODE" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Successfully built PVODE" >&6;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree" >&6;} + + echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log + echo "* Successfully built PVODE" >> config-build.log + echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log + echo "* Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree" >> config-build.log + echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log + +else + + as_fn_error $? "Could not build PVODE. See config-build.log for errors" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi + + # Set the correct libraries and copy them to bout + as_dir=include/pvode; as_fn_mkdir_p + cp -r externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode include + cp externalpackages/PVODE/lib/*.a lib/ + EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS -L\$(BOUT_LIB_PATH) -lpvode -lpvpre" + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_PVODE" + HAS_PVODE="yes" + +fi + +############################################################# +# Localisation (i18n) with gettext +############################################################# + +HAS_NLS="no" +# Use macro to test if Natural Language Support (gettext) is available. +# If available sets: +# - USE_NLS to "yes" +# - LIBINTL to the linker options +# - Modifies CPPFLAGS if needed + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether NLS is requested" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether NLS is requested... " >&6; } + # Check whether --enable-nls was given. +if test "${enable_nls+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_nls; USE_NLS=$enableval +else + USE_NLS=yes +fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $USE_NLS" >&5 +$as_echo "$USE_NLS" >&6; } + + + + + GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION=0.19 + + + + +# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + +# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, +# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. +cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF +#! /bin/sh +exit 0 +_ASEOF +chmod +x conf$$.file +if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ac_executable_p="test -x" +else + ac_executable_p="test -f" +fi +rm -f conf$$.file + +# Extract the first word of "msgfmt", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy msgfmt; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_MSGFMT+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case "$MSGFMT" in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="$MSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$ac_save_IFS" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&5 + if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null >&5 2>&1 && + (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi); then + ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + break 2 + fi + fi + done + done + IFS="$ac_save_IFS" + test -z "$ac_cv_path_MSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_MSGFMT=":" + ;; +esac +fi +MSGFMT="$ac_cv_path_MSGFMT" +if test "$MSGFMT" != ":"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MSGFMT" >&5 +$as_echo "$MSGFMT" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + # Extract the first word of "gmsgfmt", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy gmsgfmt; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $GMSGFMT in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$GMSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + test -z "$ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$MSGFMT" + ;; +esac +fi +GMSGFMT=$ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT +if test -n "$GMSGFMT"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $GMSGFMT" >&5 +$as_echo "$GMSGFMT" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + + case `$MSGFMT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) MSGFMT_015=: ;; + *) MSGFMT_015=$MSGFMT ;; + esac + + case `$GMSGFMT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) GMSGFMT_015=: ;; + *) GMSGFMT_015=$GMSGFMT ;; + esac + + + +# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + +# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, +# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. +cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF +#! /bin/sh +exit 0 +_ASEOF +chmod +x conf$$.file +if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ac_executable_p="test -x" +else + ac_executable_p="test -f" +fi +rm -f conf$$.file + +# Extract the first word of "xgettext", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy xgettext; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case "$XGETTEXT" in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT="$XGETTEXT" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$ac_save_IFS" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&5 + if $ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null >&5 2>&1 && + (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi); then + ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + break 2 + fi + fi + done + done + IFS="$ac_save_IFS" + test -z "$ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT" && ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT=":" + ;; +esac +fi +XGETTEXT="$ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT" +if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $XGETTEXT" >&5 +$as_echo "$XGETTEXT" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + rm -f messages.po + + case `$XGETTEXT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in + '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) XGETTEXT_015=: ;; + *) XGETTEXT_015=$XGETTEXT ;; + esac + + + +# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + +# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, +# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. +cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF +#! /bin/sh +exit 0 +_ASEOF +chmod +x conf$$.file +if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then + ac_executable_p="test -x" +else + ac_executable_p="test -f" +fi +rm -f conf$$.file + +# Extract the first word of "msgmerge", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy msgmerge; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case "$MSGMERGE" in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE="$MSGMERGE" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$ac_save_IFS" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then + echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&5 + if $ac_dir/$ac_word --update -q /dev/null /dev/null >&5 2>&1; then + ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + break 2 + fi + fi + done + done + IFS="$ac_save_IFS" + test -z "$ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE" && ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE=":" + ;; +esac +fi +MSGMERGE="$ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE" +if test "$MSGMERGE" != ":"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MSGMERGE" >&5 +$as_echo "$MSGMERGE" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + test -n "$localedir" || localedir='${datadir}/locale' + + + test -n "${XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS+set}" || XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS= + + + ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands po-directories" + + + + if test "X$prefix" = "XNONE"; then + acl_final_prefix="$ac_default_prefix" + else + acl_final_prefix="$prefix" + fi + if test "X$exec_prefix" = "XNONE"; then + acl_final_exec_prefix='${prefix}' + else + acl_final_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + fi + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + eval acl_final_exec_prefix=\"$acl_final_exec_prefix\" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + +# Make sure we can run config.sub. +$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1 || + as_fn_error $? "cannot run $SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub" "$LINENO" 5 + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking build system type" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking build system type... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_build+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + ac_build_alias=$build_alias +test "x$ac_build_alias" = x && + ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.guess"` +test "x$ac_build_alias" = x && + as_fn_error $? "cannot guess build type; you must specify one" "$LINENO" 5 +ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $ac_build_alias` || + as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5 + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_build" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_build" >&6; } +case $ac_cv_build in +*-*-*) ;; +*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical build" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +build=$ac_cv_build +ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-' +set x $ac_cv_build +shift +build_cpu=$1 +build_vendor=$2 +shift; shift +# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*, +# except with old shells: +build_os=$* +IFS=$ac_save_IFS +case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac + + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking host system type" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking host system type... " >&6; } +if ${ac_cv_host+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test "x$host_alias" = x; then + ac_cv_host=$ac_cv_build +else + ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $host_alias` || + as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5 +fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_host" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_host" >&6; } +case $ac_cv_host in +*-*-*) ;; +*) as_fn_error $? "invalid value of canonical host" "$LINENO" 5;; +esac +host=$ac_cv_host +ac_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS='-' +set x $ac_cv_host +shift +host_cpu=$1 +host_vendor=$2 +shift; shift +# Remember, the first character of IFS is used to create $*, +# except with old shells: +host_os=$* +IFS=$ac_save_IFS +case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac + + + + +# Check whether --with-gnu-ld was given. +if test "${with_gnu_ld+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_gnu_ld; test "$withval" = no || with_gnu_ld=yes +else + with_gnu_ld=no +fi + +# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. +# The user is always right. +if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then + # Determine PATH_SEPARATOR by trying to find /bin/sh in a PATH which + # contains only /bin. Note that ksh looks also at the FPATH variable, + # so we have to set that as well for the test. + PATH_SEPARATOR=: + (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + && { (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 \ + || PATH_SEPARATOR=';' + } +fi + +ac_prog=ld +if test "$GCC" = yes; then + # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ld used by $CC" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ld used by $CC... " >&6; } + case $host in + *-*-mingw*) + # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;; + *) + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;; + esac + case $ac_prog in + # Accept absolute paths. + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./' + # Canonicalize the pathname of ld + ac_prog=`echo "$ac_prog"| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while echo "$ac_prog" | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + done + test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" + ;; + "") + # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. + ac_prog=ld + ;; + *) + # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. + with_gnu_ld=unknown + ;; + esac +elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU ld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for GNU ld... " >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for non-GNU ld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for non-GNU ld... " >&6; } +fi +if ${acl_cv_path_LD+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -z "$LD"; then + acl_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$acl_save_ifs" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then + acl_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" + # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, + # but apparently some variants of GNU ld only accept -v. + # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. + case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 &5 +$as_echo "$LD" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi +test -z "$LD" && as_fn_error $? "no acceptable ld found in \$PATH" "$LINENO" 5 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld... " >&6; } +if ${acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + # I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU lds only accept -v. +case `$LD -v 2>&1 &5 +$as_echo "$acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld" >&6; } +with_gnu_ld=$acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for shared library run path origin" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for shared library run path origin... " >&6; } +if ${acl_cv_rpath+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + CC="$CC" GCC="$GCC" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LD="$LD" with_gnu_ld="$with_gnu_ld" \ + ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} "$ac_aux_dir/config.rpath" "$host" > conftest.sh + . ./conftest.sh + rm -f ./conftest.sh + acl_cv_rpath=done + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $acl_cv_rpath" >&5 +$as_echo "$acl_cv_rpath" >&6; } + wl="$acl_cv_wl" + acl_libext="$acl_cv_libext" + acl_shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext" + acl_libname_spec="$acl_cv_libname_spec" + acl_library_names_spec="$acl_cv_library_names_spec" + acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" + acl_hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator" + acl_hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" + acl_hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" + # Check whether --enable-rpath was given. +if test "${enable_rpath+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_rpath; : +else + enable_rpath=yes +fi + + + + + acl_libdirstem=lib + acl_libdirstem2= + case "$host_os" in + solaris*) + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for 64-bit host" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for 64-bit host... " >&6; } +if ${gl_cv_solaris_64bit+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#ifdef _LP64 +sixtyfour bits +#endif + +_ACEOF +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext") 2>&5 | + $EGREP "sixtyfour bits" >/dev/null 2>&1; then : + gl_cv_solaris_64bit=yes +else + gl_cv_solaris_64bit=no +fi +rm -f conftest* + + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gl_cv_solaris_64bit" >&5 +$as_echo "$gl_cv_solaris_64bit" >&6; } + if test $gl_cv_solaris_64bit = yes; then + acl_libdirstem=lib/64 + case "$host_cpu" in + sparc*) acl_libdirstem2=lib/sparcv9 ;; + i*86 | x86_64) acl_libdirstem2=lib/amd64 ;; + esac + fi + ;; + *) + searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` + if test -n "$searchpath"; then + acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" + for searchdir in $searchpath; do + if test -d "$searchdir"; then + case "$searchdir" in + */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; + */../ | */.. ) + # Better ignore directories of this form. They are misleading. + ;; + *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` + case "$searchdir" in + */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; + esac ;; + esac + fi + done + IFS="$acl_save_IFS" + fi + ;; + esac + test -n "$acl_libdirstem2" || acl_libdirstem2="$acl_libdirstem" + + + + + + + + + + + + + use_additional=yes + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + + eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" + eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" + + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + +# Check whether --with-libiconv-prefix was given. +if test "${with_libiconv_prefix+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_libiconv_prefix; + if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then + use_additional=no + else + if test "X$withval" = "X"; then + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + + eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" + eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" + + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + else + additional_includedir="$withval/include" + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" + if test "$acl_libdirstem2" != "$acl_libdirstem" \ + && ! test -d "$withval/$acl_libdirstem"; then + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem2" + fi + fi + fi + +fi + + LIBICONV= + LTLIBICONV= + INCICONV= + LIBICONV_PREFIX= + HAVE_LIBICONV= + rpathdirs= + ltrpathdirs= + names_already_handled= + names_next_round='iconv ' + while test -n "$names_next_round"; do + names_this_round="$names_next_round" + names_next_round= + for name in $names_this_round; do + already_handled= + for n in $names_already_handled; do + if test "$n" = "$name"; then + already_handled=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$already_handled"; then + names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" + uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____|'` + eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" + if test -n "$value"; then + if test "$value" = yes; then + eval value=\"\$LIB$uppername\" + test -z "$value" || LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$value" + eval value=\"\$LTLIB$uppername\" + test -z "$value" || LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }$value" + else + : + fi + else + found_dir= + found_la= + found_so= + found_a= + eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\" # typically: libname=lib$name + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + shrext=".$acl_shlibext" # typically: shrext=.so + else + shrext= + fi + if test $use_additional = yes; then + dir="$additional_libdir" + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" + else + if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then + ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ + for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ + | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ + | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ + | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" + fi + else + eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" + for f in $library_names; do + if test -f "$dir/$f"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$f" + break + fi + done + fi + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then + found_la="$dir/$libname.la" + fi + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBICONV; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + case "$x" in + -L*) + dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" + else + if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then + ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ + for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ + | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ + | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ + | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" + fi + else + eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" + for f in $library_names; do + if test -f "$dir/$f"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$f" + break + fi + done + fi + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then + found_la="$dir/$libname.la" + fi + fi + ;; + esac + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + break + fi + done + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" + if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then + if test "$enable_rpath" = no \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" + else + haveit= + for x in $ltrpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" + fi + if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" + else + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" + haveit= + for x in $rpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $found_dir" + fi + else + haveit= + for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBICONV; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-L$found_dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir" + fi + if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" + else + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-l$name" + fi + fi + fi + fi + else + if test "X$found_a" != "X"; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_a" + else + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" + fi + fi + additional_includedir= + case "$found_dir" in + */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = 'iconv'; then + LIBICONV_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + */$acl_libdirstem2 | */$acl_libdirstem2/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem2/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = 'iconv'; then + LIBICONV_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + esac + if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X"; then + if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then + haveit= + if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then + if test -n "$GCC"; then + case $host_os in + linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; + esac + fi + fi + if test -z "$haveit"; then + for x in $CPPFLAGS $INCICONV; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then + INCICONV="${INCICONV}${INCICONV:+ }-I$additional_includedir" + fi + fi + fi + fi + fi + if test -n "$found_la"; then + save_libdir="$libdir" + case "$found_la" in + */* | *\\*) . "$found_la" ;; + *) . "./$found_la" ;; + esac + libdir="$save_libdir" + for dep in $dependency_libs; do + case "$dep" in + -L*) + additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` + if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then + haveit= + if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem2"; then + if test -n "$GCC"; then + case $host_os in + linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; + esac + fi + fi + if test -z "$haveit"; then + haveit= + for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBICONV; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-L$additional_libdir" + fi + fi + haveit= + for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBICONV; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then + LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-L$additional_libdir" + fi + fi + fi + fi + ;; + -R*) + dir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-R//'` + if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then + haveit= + for x in $rpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" + fi + haveit= + for x in $ltrpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $dir" + fi + fi + ;; + -l*) + names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-l//'` + ;; + *.la) + names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's,^X.*/,,' -e 's,^lib,,' -e 's,\.la$,,'` + ;; + *) + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$dep" + LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }$dep" + ;; + esac + done + fi + else + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-l$name" + LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-l$name" + fi + fi + fi + done + done + if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then + alldirs= + for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do + alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" + done + acl_save_libdir="$libdir" + libdir="$alldirs" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + libdir="$acl_save_libdir" + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$flag" + else + for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do + acl_save_libdir="$libdir" + libdir="$found_dir" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + libdir="$acl_save_libdir" + LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$flag" + done + fi + fi + if test "X$ltrpathdirs" != "X"; then + for found_dir in $ltrpathdirs; do + LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-R$found_dir" + done + fi + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... " >&6; } +if ${gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +int +main () +{ +CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(NULL, NULL) + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=yes +else + gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS" +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&5 +$as_echo "$gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&6; } + if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE 1" >>confdefs.h + + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... " >&6; } +if ${gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +int +main () +{ +CFLocaleCopyCurrent(); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=yes +else + gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS" +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent" >&5 +$as_echo "$gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent" >&6; } + if test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT 1" >>confdefs.h + + fi + INTL_MACOSX_LIBS= + if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes || test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then + INTL_MACOSX_LIBS="-Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" + fi + + + + + + + LIBINTL= + LTLIBINTL= + POSUB= + + case " $gt_needs " in + *" need-formatstring-macros "*) gt_api_version=3 ;; + *" need-ngettext "*) gt_api_version=2 ;; + *) gt_api_version=1 ;; + esac + gt_func_gnugettext_libc="gt_cv_func_gnugettext${gt_api_version}_libc" + gt_func_gnugettext_libintl="gt_cv_func_gnugettext${gt_api_version}_libintl" + + if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then + gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=no + + + if test $gt_api_version -ge 3; then + gt_revision_test_code=' +#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) ((major) == 0 ? 0 : -1) +#endif +typedef int array [2 * (__GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(0) >= 1) - 1]; +' + else + gt_revision_test_code= + fi + if test $gt_api_version -ge 2; then + gt_expression_test_code=' + * ngettext ("", "", 0)' + else + gt_expression_test_code= + fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU gettext in libc" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for GNU gettext in libc... " >&6; } +if eval \${$gt_func_gnugettext_libc+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION +extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; +extern int *_nl_domain_bindings; +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION (_nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings) +#else +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION 0 +#endif +$gt_revision_test_code + +int +main () +{ + +bindtextdomain ("", ""); +return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=yes" +else + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=no" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext +fi +eval ac_res=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } + + if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" != "yes"; }; then + + + + + + am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + + for element in $INCICONV; do + haveit= + for x in $CPPFLAGS; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X$element"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS:+ }$element" + fi + done + + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for iconv" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for iconv... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_func_iconv+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + am_cv_func_iconv="no, consider installing GNU libiconv" + am_cv_lib_iconv=no + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +int +main () +{ +iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); + iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); + iconv_close(cd); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + am_cv_func_iconv=yes +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" != yes; then + am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +int +main () +{ +iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); + iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); + iconv_close(cd); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + am_cv_lib_iconv=yes + am_cv_func_iconv=yes +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" + fi + +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_func_iconv" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_func_iconv" >&6; } + if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working iconv" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for working iconv... " >&6; } +if ${am_cv_func_iconv_works+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + + am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + if test $am_cv_lib_iconv = yes; then + LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" + fi + am_cv_func_iconv_works=no + for ac_iconv_const in '' 'const'; do + if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + case "$host_os" in + aix* | hpux*) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing no" ;; + *) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing yes" ;; + esac +else + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ + +#include +#include + +#ifndef ICONV_CONST +# define ICONV_CONST $ac_iconv_const +#endif + +int +main () +{ +int result = 0; + /* Test against AIX 5.1 bug: Failures are not distinguishable from successful + returns. */ + { + iconv_t cd_utf8_to_88591 = iconv_open ("ISO8859-1", "UTF-8"); + if (cd_utf8_to_88591 != (iconv_t)(-1)) + { + static ICONV_CONST char input[] = "\342\202\254"; /* EURO SIGN */ + char buf[10]; + ICONV_CONST char *inptr = input; + size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); + char *outptr = buf; + size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); + size_t res = iconv (cd_utf8_to_88591, + &inptr, &inbytesleft, + &outptr, &outbytesleft); + if (res == 0) + result |= 1; + iconv_close (cd_utf8_to_88591); + } + } + /* Test against Solaris 10 bug: Failures are not distinguishable from + successful returns. */ + { + iconv_t cd_ascii_to_88591 = iconv_open ("ISO8859-1", "646"); + if (cd_ascii_to_88591 != (iconv_t)(-1)) + { + static ICONV_CONST char input[] = "\263"; + char buf[10]; + ICONV_CONST char *inptr = input; + size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); + char *outptr = buf; + size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); + size_t res = iconv (cd_ascii_to_88591, + &inptr, &inbytesleft, + &outptr, &outbytesleft); + if (res == 0) + result |= 2; + iconv_close (cd_ascii_to_88591); + } + } + /* Test against AIX 6.1..7.1 bug: Buffer overrun. */ + { + iconv_t cd_88591_to_utf8 = iconv_open ("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1"); + if (cd_88591_to_utf8 != (iconv_t)(-1)) + { + static ICONV_CONST char input[] = "\304"; + static char buf[2] = { (char)0xDE, (char)0xAD }; + ICONV_CONST char *inptr = input; + size_t inbytesleft = 1; + char *outptr = buf; + size_t outbytesleft = 1; + size_t res = iconv (cd_88591_to_utf8, + &inptr, &inbytesleft, + &outptr, &outbytesleft); + if (res != (size_t)(-1) || outptr - buf > 1 || buf[1] != (char)0xAD) + result |= 4; + iconv_close (cd_88591_to_utf8); + } + } +#if 0 /* This bug could be worked around by the caller. */ + /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: Positive return value instead of 0. */ + { + iconv_t cd_88591_to_utf8 = iconv_open ("utf8", "iso88591"); + if (cd_88591_to_utf8 != (iconv_t)(-1)) + { + static ICONV_CONST char input[] = "\304rger mit b\366sen B\374bchen ohne Augenma\337"; + char buf[50]; + ICONV_CONST char *inptr = input; + size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); + char *outptr = buf; + size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); + size_t res = iconv (cd_88591_to_utf8, + &inptr, &inbytesleft, + &outptr, &outbytesleft); + if ((int)res > 0) + result |= 8; + iconv_close (cd_88591_to_utf8); + } + } +#endif + /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: No converter from EUC-JP to UTF-8 is + provided. */ + if (/* Try standardized names. */ + iconv_open ("UTF-8", "EUC-JP") == (iconv_t)(-1) + /* Try IRIX, OSF/1 names. */ + && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) + /* Try AIX names. */ + && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "IBM-eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) + /* Try HP-UX names. */ + && iconv_open ("utf8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1)) + result |= 16; + return result; + ; return 0; } _ACEOF -if ac_fn_cxx_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 -$as_echo "yes" >&6; } - CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DHAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION" -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } +if ac_fn_cxx_try_run "$LINENO"; then : + am_cv_func_iconv_works=yes +fi +rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ + conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - ac_ext=cpp -ac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS' -ac_compile='$CXX -c $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext >&5' -ac_link='$CXX -o conftest$ac_exeext $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS >&5' -ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_cxx_compiler_gnu - - HAS_SCOREP="yes" - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Scorep support enabled" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: Scorep support enabled" >&6;} + test "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" = no || break + done + LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_func_iconv_works" >&5 +$as_echo "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" >&6; } + case "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" in + *no) am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no ;; + *) am_func_iconv=yes ;; + esac + else + am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no + fi + if test "$am_func_iconv" = yes; then +$as_echo "#define HAVE_ICONV 1" >>confdefs.h -else + fi + if test "$am_cv_lib_iconv" = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to link with libiconv" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to link with libiconv... " >&6; } + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $LIBICONV" >&5 +$as_echo "$LIBICONV" >&6; } + else + CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" + LIBICONV= + LTLIBICONV= + fi - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Scorep support disabled" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: Scorep support disabled" >&6;} + + + + + + + + + + + use_additional=yes + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + + eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" + eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" + + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + +# Check whether --with-libintl-prefix was given. +if test "${with_libintl_prefix+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_libintl_prefix; + if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then + use_additional=no + else + if test "X$withval" = "X"; then + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + + eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" + eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" + + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + else + additional_includedir="$withval/include" + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" + if test "$acl_libdirstem2" != "$acl_libdirstem" \ + && ! test -d "$withval/$acl_libdirstem"; then + additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem2" + fi + fi + fi fi -############################################################# -# Download + Build PVODE '98 -############################################################# + LIBINTL= + LTLIBINTL= + INCINTL= + LIBINTL_PREFIX= + HAVE_LIBINTL= + rpathdirs= + ltrpathdirs= + names_already_handled= + names_next_round='intl ' + while test -n "$names_next_round"; do + names_this_round="$names_next_round" + names_next_round= + for name in $names_this_round; do + already_handled= + for n in $names_already_handled; do + if test "$n" = "$name"; then + already_handled=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$already_handled"; then + names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" + uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./+-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ____|'` + eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" + if test -n "$value"; then + if test "$value" = yes; then + eval value=\"\$LIB$uppername\" + test -z "$value" || LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$value" + eval value=\"\$LTLIB$uppername\" + test -z "$value" || LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }$value" + else + : + fi + else + found_dir= + found_la= + found_so= + found_a= + eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\" # typically: libname=lib$name + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + shrext=".$acl_shlibext" # typically: shrext=.so + else + shrext= + fi + if test $use_additional = yes; then + dir="$additional_libdir" + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" + else + if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then + ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ + for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ + | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ + | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ + | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" + fi + else + eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" + for f in $library_names; do + if test -f "$dir/$f"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$f" + break + fi + done + fi + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then + found_la="$dir/$libname.la" + fi + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBINTL; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + case "$x" in + -L*) + dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` + if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" + else + if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then + ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ + for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ + | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ + | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ + | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` + if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" + fi + else + eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" + for f in $library_names; do + if test -f "$dir/$f"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_so="$dir/$f" + break + fi + done + fi + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then + found_dir="$dir" + found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" + fi + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then + found_la="$dir/$libname.la" + fi + fi + ;; + esac + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + break + fi + done + fi + if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then + LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" + if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then + if test "$enable_rpath" = no \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" + else + haveit= + for x in $ltrpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" + fi + if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" + else + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" + haveit= + for x in $rpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $found_dir" + fi + else + haveit= + for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBINTL; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-L$found_dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir" + fi + if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" + else + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-l$name" + fi + fi + fi + fi + else + if test "X$found_a" != "X"; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_a" + else + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" + fi + fi + additional_includedir= + case "$found_dir" in + */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = 'intl'; then + LIBINTL_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + */$acl_libdirstem2 | */$acl_libdirstem2/) + basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem2/"'*$,,'` + if test "$name" = 'intl'; then + LIBINTL_PREFIX="$basedir" + fi + additional_includedir="$basedir/include" + ;; + esac + if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X"; then + if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then + haveit= + if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then + if test -n "$GCC"; then + case $host_os in + linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; + esac + fi + fi + if test -z "$haveit"; then + for x in $CPPFLAGS $INCINTL; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then + INCINTL="${INCINTL}${INCINTL:+ }-I$additional_includedir" + fi + fi + fi + fi + fi + if test -n "$found_la"; then + save_libdir="$libdir" + case "$found_la" in + */* | *\\*) . "$found_la" ;; + *) . "./$found_la" ;; + esac + libdir="$save_libdir" + for dep in $dependency_libs; do + case "$dep" in + -L*) + additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` + if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem" \ + && test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem2"; then + haveit= + if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem" \ + || test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem2"; then + if test -n "$GCC"; then + case $host_os in + linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; + esac + fi + fi + if test -z "$haveit"; then + haveit= + for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBINTL; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-L$additional_libdir" + fi + fi + haveit= + for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBINTL; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then + LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-L$additional_libdir" + fi + fi + fi + fi + ;; + -R*) + dir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-R//'` + if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then + haveit= + for x in $rpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" + fi + haveit= + for x in $ltrpathdirs; do + if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $dir" + fi + fi + ;; + -l*) + names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-l//'` + ;; + *.la) + names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's,^X.*/,,' -e 's,^lib,,' -e 's,\.la$,,'` + ;; + *) + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$dep" + LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }$dep" + ;; + esac + done + fi + else + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-l$name" + LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-l$name" + fi + fi + fi + done + done + if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then + if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then + alldirs= + for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do + alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" + done + acl_save_libdir="$libdir" + libdir="$alldirs" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + libdir="$acl_save_libdir" + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$flag" + else + for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do + acl_save_libdir="$libdir" + libdir="$found_dir" + eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" + libdir="$acl_save_libdir" + LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$flag" + done + fi + fi + if test "X$ltrpathdirs" != "X"; then + for found_dir in $ltrpathdirs; do + LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-R$found_dir" + done + fi -as_dir=externalpackages; as_fn_mkdir_p -as_dir=lib; as_fn_mkdir_p -as_dir=include; as_fn_mkdir_p -HAS_PVODE="no" -if test "$with_pvode" != "no"; then : - if test "$enable_pvode_openmp" != "no" ; then : - if test "$enable_openmp" != "no" ; then : - PVODE_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $OPENMP_CXXFLAGS $CXX11_FLAGS" - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: PVODE being built with OpenMP support" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: PVODE being built with OpenMP support" >&6;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU gettext in libintl" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for GNU gettext in libintl... " >&6; } +if eval \${$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl+:} false; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 else + gt_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $INCINTL" + gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ - as_fn_error $? "Cannot enable openmp in PVODE as configuring with OpenMP disabled" "$LINENO" 5 +#include +#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION +extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; +extern +#ifdef __cplusplus +"C" +#endif +const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION (_nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("")) +#else +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION 0 +#endif +$gt_revision_test_code -fi +int +main () +{ + +bindtextdomain ("", ""); +return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" else + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=no" +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" != yes; } && test -n "$LIBICONV"; then + LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ - PVODE_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $CXX11_FLAGS" - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: PVODE being built without OpenMP support" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: PVODE being built without OpenMP support" >&6;} +#include +#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION +extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; +extern +#ifdef __cplusplus +"C" +#endif +const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION (_nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("")) +#else +#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION 0 +#endif +$gt_revision_test_code + +int +main () +{ + +bindtextdomain ("", ""); +return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + __GNU_GETTEXT_SYMBOL_EXPRESSION + + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_cxx_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" + LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" + eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" fi - # Clean PVODE - CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE clean -C externalpackages/PVODE/precon/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 - CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE clean -C externalpackages/PVODE/source/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + fi + CPPFLAGS="$gt_save_CPPFLAGS" + LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS" +fi +eval ac_res=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } + fi - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Building PVODE" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: Building PVODE" >&6;} - echo "* Building PVODE" >> config-build.log - echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log + if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; } \ + || { { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; } \ + && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-runtime \ + && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-tools; }; then + gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=yes + else + LIBINTL= + LTLIBINTL= + INCINTL= + fi - CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE -C externalpackages/PVODE/precon/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 - CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE -C externalpackages/PVODE/source/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 - if test -f externalpackages/PVODE/lib/libpvode.a ; then : - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Successfully built PVODE" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: Successfully built PVODE" >&6;} - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree" >&6;} + if test -n "$INTL_MACOSX_LIBS"; then + if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ + || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then + LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $INTL_MACOSX_LIBS" + LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $INTL_MACOSX_LIBS" + fi + fi - echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log - echo "* Successfully built PVODE" >> config-build.log - echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log - echo "* Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree" >> config-build.log - echo "*************************************************************" >> config-build.log + if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ + || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then + +$as_echo "#define ENABLE_NLS 1" >>confdefs.h + + else + USE_NLS=no + fi + fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to use NLS" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking whether to use NLS... " >&6; } + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $USE_NLS" >&5 +$as_echo "$USE_NLS" >&6; } + if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking where the gettext function comes from" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking where the gettext function comes from... " >&6; } + if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then + if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; }; then + gt_source="external libintl" + else + gt_source="libc" + fi + else + gt_source="included intl directory" + fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gt_source" >&5 +$as_echo "$gt_source" >&6; } + fi + + if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then + + if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then + if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; }; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to link with libintl" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking how to link with libintl... " >&6; } + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $LIBINTL" >&5 +$as_echo "$LIBINTL" >&6; } + + for element in $INCINTL; do + haveit= + for x in $CPPFLAGS; do + + acl_save_prefix="$prefix" + prefix="$acl_final_prefix" + acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" + eval x=\"$x\" + exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" + prefix="$acl_save_prefix" + + if test "X$x" = "X$element"; then + haveit=yes + break + fi + done + if test -z "$haveit"; then + CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS:+ }$element" + fi + done + + fi + + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_GETTEXT 1" >>confdefs.h + + +$as_echo "#define HAVE_DCGETTEXT 1" >>confdefs.h + + fi + + POSUB=po + fi + + + + INTLLIBS="$LIBINTL" -else - as_fn_error $? "Could not build PVODE. See config-build.log for errors" "$LINENO" 5 -fi - # Set the correct libraries and copy them to bout - as_dir=include/pvode; as_fn_mkdir_p - cp externalpackages/PVODE/precon/pvbbdpre.h externalpackages/PVODE/include/*.h include/pvode - cp externalpackages/PVODE/lib/*.a lib/ - EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS -L\$(BOUT_LIB_PATH) -lpvode -lpvpre" - CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_PVODE" - HAS_PVODE="yes" + + +if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then : + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Enabling language support with gettext" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Enabling language support with gettext" >&6;} + # Turn the .po files into .mo files + $MAKE -C locale | tee -a config-build.log 2>&1 + + # Note: BOUT_LOCALE_PATH is defined in make.config, and may be changed by `make install`. + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_GETTEXT -DBOUT_LOCALE_PATH=\$(BOUT_LOCALE_PATH)" + + EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS $LIBINTL" + + # Set variable substituted into bout-config + HAS_NLS="yes" + +else + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Language support with gettext not available" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Language support with gettext not available" >&6;} fi @@ -12860,7 +14942,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their # values after options handling. ac_log=" -This file was extended by BOUT++ $as_me 4.2.3, which was +This file was extended by BOUT++ $as_me 4.3.0, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES @@ -12883,6 +14965,7 @@ esac cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 # Files that config.status was made for. config_files="$ac_config_files" +config_commands="$ac_config_commands" _ACEOF @@ -12907,13 +14990,16 @@ Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]... Configuration files: $config_files +Configuration commands: +$config_commands + Report bugs to ." _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" ac_cs_version="\\ -BOUT++ config.status 4.2.3 +BOUT++ config.status 4.3.0 configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69, with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\" @@ -13018,6 +15104,17 @@ _ASBOX _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# +# INIT-COMMANDS +# +# Capture the value of obsolete ALL_LINGUAS because we need it to compute + # POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES, CATALOGS. But hide it + # from automake < 1.5. + eval 'OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS''="$ALL_LINGUAS"' + # Capture the value of LINGUAS because we need it to compute CATALOGS. + LINGUAS="${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}" + + _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 @@ -13026,6 +15123,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets do case $ac_config_target in + "po-directories") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS po-directories" ;; "make.config") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES make.config" ;; *) as_fn_error $? "invalid argument: \`$ac_config_target'" "$LINENO" 5;; @@ -13039,6 +15137,7 @@ done # bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3. if $ac_need_defaults; then test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files + test "${CONFIG_COMMANDS+set}" = set || CONFIG_COMMANDS=$config_commands fi # Have a temporary directory for convenience. Make it in the build tree @@ -13227,7 +15326,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES" -eval set X " :F $CONFIG_FILES " +eval set X " :F $CONFIG_FILES :C $CONFIG_COMMANDS" shift for ac_tag do @@ -13448,9 +15547,129 @@ which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&2;} ;; - + :C) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: executing $ac_file commands" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: executing $ac_file commands" >&6;} + ;; esac + + case $ac_file$ac_mode in + "po-directories":C) + for ac_file in $CONFIG_FILES; do + # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]" + case "$ac_file" in + *:*) ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;; + esac + # PO directories have a Makefile.in generated from Makefile.in.in. + case "$ac_file" in */Makefile.in) + # Adjust a relative srcdir. + ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` + ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'` + ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` + # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. + # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. + test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" + case "$ac_given_srcdir" in + .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; + /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; + *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; + esac + # Treat a directory as a PO directory if and only if it has a + # POTFILES.in file. This allows packages to have multiple PO + # directories under different names or in different locations. + if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in"; then + rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" + gt_tab=`printf '\t'` + cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ${gt_tab}]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" + POMAKEFILEDEPS="POTFILES.in" + # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend + # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration + # parameters. + if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"; then + # The LINGUAS file contains the set of available languages. + if test -n "$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS"; then + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" + fi + ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. + eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' + POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" + else + # The set of available languages was given in configure.in. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. + eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' + fi + # Compute POFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).po) + # Compute UPDATEPOFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).po-update) + # Compute DUMMYPOFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).nop) + # Compute GMOFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).gmo) + case "$ac_given_srcdir" in + .) srcdirpre= ;; + *) srcdirpre='$(srcdir)/' ;; + esac + POFILES= + UPDATEPOFILES= + DUMMYPOFILES= + GMOFILES= + for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do + POFILES="$POFILES $srcdirpre$lang.po" + UPDATEPOFILES="$UPDATEPOFILES $lang.po-update" + DUMMYPOFILES="$DUMMYPOFILES $lang.nop" + GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $srcdirpre$lang.gmo" + done + # CATALOGS depends on both $ac_dir and the user's LINGUAS + # environment variable. + INST_LINGUAS= + if test -n "$ALL_LINGUAS"; then + for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do + useit=no + if test "%UNSET%" != "$LINGUAS"; then + desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS" + else + desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS" + fi + for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do + # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is + # a. equal to presentlang, or + # b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case, + # presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages + # which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog). + case "$desiredlang" in + "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;; + esac + done + if test $useit = yes; then + INST_LINGUAS="$INST_LINGUAS $presentlang" + fi + done + fi + CATALOGS= + if test -n "$INST_LINGUAS"; then + for lang in $INST_LINGUAS; do + CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang.gmo" + done + fi + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/Makefile" || echo "creating $ac_dir/Makefile" + sed -e "/^POTFILES =/r $ac_dir/POTFILES" -e "/^# Makevars/r $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/Makevars" -e "s|@POFILES@|$POFILES|g" -e "s|@UPDATEPOFILES@|$UPDATEPOFILES|g" -e "s|@DUMMYPOFILES@|$DUMMYPOFILES|g" -e "s|@GMOFILES@|$GMOFILES|g" -e "s|@CATALOGS@|$CATALOGS|g" -e "s|@POMAKEFILEDEPS@|$POMAKEFILEDEPS|g" "$ac_dir/Makefile.in" > "$ac_dir/Makefile" + for f in "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir"/Rules-*; do + if test -f "$f"; then + case "$f" in + *.orig | *.bak | *~) ;; + *) cat "$f" >> "$ac_dir/Makefile" ;; + esac + fi + done + fi + ;; + esac + done ;; + + esac done # for ac_tag @@ -13509,6 +15728,10 @@ CONFIG_LDFLAGS=`$MAKE ldflags -f output.make` # If make install is run then that replaces these paths BOUT_LIB_PATH=$PWD/lib BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH=$PWD/include +MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=$PWD/externalpackages/mpark.variant/include + + + @@ -14088,7 +16311,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their # values after options handling. ac_log=" -This file was extended by BOUT++ $as_me 4.2.3, which was +This file was extended by BOUT++ $as_me 4.3.0, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES @@ -14111,6 +16334,7 @@ esac cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 # Files that config.status was made for. config_files="$ac_config_files" +config_commands="$ac_config_commands" _ACEOF @@ -14135,13 +16359,16 @@ Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]... Configuration files: $config_files +Configuration commands: +$config_commands + Report bugs to ." _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" ac_cs_version="\\ -BOUT++ config.status 4.2.3 +BOUT++ config.status 4.3.0 configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69, with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\" @@ -14246,6 +16473,17 @@ _ASBOX _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 +# +# INIT-COMMANDS +# +# Capture the value of obsolete ALL_LINGUAS because we need it to compute + # POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES, CATALOGS. But hide it + # from automake < 1.5. + eval 'OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS''="$ALL_LINGUAS"' + # Capture the value of LINGUAS because we need it to compute CATALOGS. + LINGUAS="${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}" + + _ACEOF cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 @@ -14254,6 +16492,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 for ac_config_target in $ac_config_targets do case $ac_config_target in + "po-directories") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS po-directories" ;; "make.config") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES make.config" ;; "bin/bout-config") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES bin/bout-config" ;; @@ -14268,6 +16507,7 @@ done # bizarre bug on SunOS 4.1.3. if $ac_need_defaults; then test "${CONFIG_FILES+set}" = set || CONFIG_FILES=$config_files + test "${CONFIG_COMMANDS+set}" = set || CONFIG_COMMANDS=$config_commands fi # Have a temporary directory for convenience. Make it in the build tree @@ -14456,7 +16696,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 fi # test -n "$CONFIG_FILES" -eval set X " :F $CONFIG_FILES " +eval set X " :F $CONFIG_FILES :C $CONFIG_COMMANDS" shift for ac_tag do @@ -14677,9 +16917,129 @@ which seems to be undefined. Please make sure it is defined" >&2;} ;; - + :C) { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: executing $ac_file commands" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: executing $ac_file commands" >&6;} + ;; esac + + case $ac_file$ac_mode in + "po-directories":C) + for ac_file in $CONFIG_FILES; do + # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]" + case "$ac_file" in + *:*) ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;; + esac + # PO directories have a Makefile.in generated from Makefile.in.in. + case "$ac_file" in */Makefile.in) + # Adjust a relative srcdir. + ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` + ac_dir_suffix=/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'` + ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` + # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. + # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. + test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" + case "$ac_given_srcdir" in + .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; + /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; + *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; + esac + # Treat a directory as a PO directory if and only if it has a + # POTFILES.in file. This allows packages to have multiple PO + # directories under different names or in different locations. + if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in"; then + rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" + gt_tab=`printf '\t'` + cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ${gt_tab}]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" + POMAKEFILEDEPS="POTFILES.in" + # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend + # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration + # parameters. + if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"; then + # The LINGUAS file contains the set of available languages. + if test -n "$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS"; then + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" + fi + ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. + eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' + POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" + else + # The set of available languages was given in configure.in. + # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assignment from automake < 1.5. + eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' + fi + # Compute POFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).po) + # Compute UPDATEPOFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).po-update) + # Compute DUMMYPOFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).nop) + # Compute GMOFILES + # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).gmo) + case "$ac_given_srcdir" in + .) srcdirpre= ;; + *) srcdirpre='$(srcdir)/' ;; + esac + POFILES= + UPDATEPOFILES= + DUMMYPOFILES= + GMOFILES= + for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do + POFILES="$POFILES $srcdirpre$lang.po" + UPDATEPOFILES="$UPDATEPOFILES $lang.po-update" + DUMMYPOFILES="$DUMMYPOFILES $lang.nop" + GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $srcdirpre$lang.gmo" + done + # CATALOGS depends on both $ac_dir and the user's LINGUAS + # environment variable. + INST_LINGUAS= + if test -n "$ALL_LINGUAS"; then + for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do + useit=no + if test "%UNSET%" != "$LINGUAS"; then + desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS" + else + desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS" + fi + for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do + # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is + # a. equal to presentlang, or + # b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case, + # presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages + # which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog). + case "$desiredlang" in + "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;; + esac + done + if test $useit = yes; then + INST_LINGUAS="$INST_LINGUAS $presentlang" + fi + done + fi + CATALOGS= + if test -n "$INST_LINGUAS"; then + for lang in $INST_LINGUAS; do + CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang.gmo" + done + fi + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/Makefile" || echo "creating $ac_dir/Makefile" + sed -e "/^POTFILES =/r $ac_dir/POTFILES" -e "/^# Makevars/r $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/Makevars" -e "s|@POFILES@|$POFILES|g" -e "s|@UPDATEPOFILES@|$UPDATEPOFILES|g" -e "s|@DUMMYPOFILES@|$DUMMYPOFILES|g" -e "s|@GMOFILES@|$GMOFILES|g" -e "s|@CATALOGS@|$CATALOGS|g" -e "s|@POMAKEFILEDEPS@|$POMAKEFILEDEPS|g" "$ac_dir/Makefile.in" > "$ac_dir/Makefile" + for f in "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir"/Rules-*; do + if test -f "$f"; then + case "$f" in + *.orig | *.bak | *~) ;; + *) cat "$f" >> "$ac_dir/Makefile" ;; + esac + fi + done + fi + ;; + esac + done ;; + + esac done # for ac_tag @@ -14739,6 +17099,8 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: IDA support : $HAS_IDA" >&6;} $as_echo "$as_me: CVODE support : $HAS_CVODE" >&6;} { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: ARKODE support : $HAS_ARKODE" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: ARKODE support : $HAS_ARKODE" >&6;} +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: FFTW support : $HAS_FFTW" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: FFTW support : $HAS_FFTW" >&6;} { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: NetCDF support : $HAS_NETCDF" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: NetCDF support : $HAS_NETCDF" >&6;} { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Parallel-NetCDF support : $HAS_PNETCDF" >&5 @@ -14753,6 +17115,8 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: Lapack support : $HAS_LAPACK" >&6;} $as_echo "$as_me: Scorep support : $HAS_SCOREP" >&6;} { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: OpenMP support : $HAS_OPENMP (schedule: $OPENMP_SCHEDULE)" >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: OpenMP support : $HAS_OPENMP (schedule: $OPENMP_SCHEDULE)" >&6;} +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: Natural language support: $HAS_NLS (path: $localedir)" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: Natural language support: $HAS_NLS (path: $localedir)" >&6;} { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: " >&5 $as_echo "$as_me: " >&6;} diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac index 3f880c84e5..2821644220 100644 --- a/configure.ac +++ b/configure.ac @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ # AC_PREREQ([2.69]) -AC_INIT([BOUT++],[4.2.3],[bd512@york.ac.uk]) +AC_INIT([BOUT++],[4.3.0],[bd512@york.ac.uk]) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([build-aux]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(shared, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-shared], [Enable building bout++ into an shared object])],,[enable_shared=no]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(openmp, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-openmp], [Enable building with OpenMP support])],,[enable_openmp=no]) -AC_ARG_WITH(openmp_schedule,[AS_HELP_STRING([--with-openmp-schedule=static], +AC_ARG_WITH(openmp_schedule,[AS_HELP_STRING([--with-openmp-schedule=static/dynamic/guided/auto], [Set OpenMP schedule (default: static)])],,[with_openmp_schedule=static]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pvode_openmp, [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-pvode-openmp], [Enable building PVODE with OpenMP support])],,[enable_pvode_openmp=no]) @@ -187,6 +187,9 @@ AS_IF([test "x$enable_openmp" = "xyes"], [ OPENMP_CXXFLAGS="$OPENMP_CXXFLAGS -DOPENMP_SCHEDULE=$OPENMP_SCHEDULE" ]) +# Check if we have access to __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ +BOUT_CHECK_PRETTYFUNCTION + ############################################################# # Code coverage using gcov # @@ -218,12 +221,17 @@ AC_SUBST([COVERAGE_FLAGS]) # If this is passed to GCC, it will explode, so the flag must be enabled # conditionally. # This check taken from AX_COMPILER_FLAGS_CXXFLAGS +extra_compiler_flags_test="" AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-Werror=unknown-warning-option],[ extra_compiler_flags_test="-Werror=unknown-warning-option" -],[ - extra_compiler_flags_test="" ]) - +# A similar check to above, but for Intel. -we is undocumented, but +# the equivalent (?) -diag-error gets accepted by GCC. 10006 is +# "unknown option", and 10148 is the more recent "unknown warning +# option" +AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([-we10006,10148],[ + extra_compiler_flags_test="-we10006,10148" +]) AS_IF([test "x$enable_warnings" != "xno"], [ # Some hopefully sensible default compiler warning flags @@ -405,16 +413,27 @@ AS_IF([test $? = 0], [ # FFT routines ############################################################# +AS_IF([test "x$with_fftw" != "xno"], [ AC_PATH_PROG([fftw_path], [fftw-wisdom], [no], [$with_fftw$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH]) -AS_IF([test "x$fftw_path" != "xno"], [ - fftw_wisdom0=`AS_DIRNAME(["$fftw_path"])` - fftw_wisdom=`AS_DIRNAME(["$fftw_wisdom0"])` - with_fftw="$with_fftw $fftw_wisdom" -]) + AS_IF([test "x$fftw_path" != "xno"], [ + fftw_wisdom0=`AS_DIRNAME(["$fftw_path"])` + fftw_wisdom=`AS_DIRNAME(["$fftw_wisdom0"])` + with_fftw="$with_fftw $fftw_wisdom" + ], AC_MSG_NOTICE([FFTW3 requested but fftw-wisdom not found])) + + BOUT_ADDPATH_CHECK_HEADER(fftw3.h, ,AC_MSG_ERROR([FFTW3 requested but header not found]), $with_fftw) + BOUT_ADDPATH_CHECK_LIB(fftw3, fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d, ,AC_MSG_ERROR([FFTW3 requested but library not found]), $with_fftw) -BOUT_ADDPATH_CHECK_HEADER(fftw3.h, ,AC_MSG_ERROR([FFTW3 is needed by BOUT++]), $with_fftw) -BOUT_ADDPATH_CHECK_LIB(fftw3, fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d, ,AC_MSG_ERROR([FFTW3 is needed by BOUT++]), $with_fftw) + #If we've reached this point then we're happy that we have FFTW so + #add our define to CXXFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_FFTW" + HAS_FFTW="yes" +], +[ +AC_MSG_NOTICE([Configuring without FFTW3 is not recommended]) +HAS_FFTW="no" +]) ############################################################# # netCDF support @@ -982,33 +1001,19 @@ AS_IF([test "x$with_sundials" != "x" && test "x$with_sundials" != "xno"], [ [AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** Could not determine SUNDIALS version])]) - # Version 3.0.0 changed the name of this define to just SUNDIALS_VERSION - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for SUNDIALS major version]) - AC_EGREP_CPP([yes], [ - #include "sundials/sundials_config.h" - #ifdef SUNDIALS_PACKAGE_VERSION - yes - #endif - ], [sundials_major_ver=2], [sundials_major_ver=3]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$sundials_major_ver]) - - AS_IF([test $sundials_major_ver = 3], [ - AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** Unsupported SUNDIALS version: Only 2.6-2.7 are supported currently]) - ]) - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for SUNDIALS minor version]) - AC_EGREP_CPP([^ *\"? *2\.[67]\.], [ + AC_EGREP_CPP([^ *\"? *[12]\.[0-5]\.], [ #include "sundials/sundials_config.h" #ifdef SUNDIALS_PACKAGE_VERSION SUNDIALS_PACKAGE_VERSION #endif - ], [sundials_minor_ver=ok], [sundials_minor_ver="too low"]) + ], [sundials_minor_ver="too low"], [sundials_minor_ver=ok]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$sundials_minor_ver]) CPPFLAGS=$save_CPPFLAGS AS_IF([test "$sundials_minor_ver" = "too low"], [ - AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** Unsupported SUNDIALS version: Only 2.6-2.7 are supported currently]) + AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** Unsupported SUNDIALS version: Requires at least 2.6]) ]) # Set both IDA and CVODE if not set already @@ -1030,10 +1035,7 @@ AS_IF([test "x$with_ida" != "x" && test "x$with_ida" != "xno"], [ #include #include extern void foo(N_Vector); - ], [IDACreate();], [ - #include - extern int ida_bbd_rhs(IDAINT, double, N_Vector, N_Vector, N_Vector, void *); - ], [IDABBDPrecInit(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ida_bbd_rhs, nullptr);]) + ], [IDACreate();]) ]) AS_IF([test "x$with_cvode" != "x" && test "x$with_cvode" != "xno"], [ @@ -1041,21 +1043,31 @@ AS_IF([test "x$with_cvode" != "x" && test "x$with_cvode" != "xno"], [ #include #include extern void foo(N_Vector); - ], [CVodeCreate(0, 0);], [ - #include - extern int cvode_bbd_rhs(CVODEINT, double, N_Vector, N_Vector, void *); - ], [CVBBDPrecInit(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, cvode_bbd_rhs, nullptr);]) + ], [ + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + CVodeCreate(0); + #else + CVodeCreate(0, 0); + #endif + ]) ]) AS_IF([test "x$with_arkode" != "x" && test "x$with_arkode" != "xno"], [ BOUT_FIND_SUNDIALS_MODULE([arkode], [ #include + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + #include + #else #include + #endif extern void foo(N_Vector); - ], [ARKodeCreate();], [ - #include - extern int arkode_bbd_rhs(ARKODEINT, double, N_Vector, N_Vector, void *); - ], [ARKBBDPrecInit(nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, arkode_bbd_rhs, nullptr);]) + ], [ + #if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + ARKStepCreate(0, 0, 0, 0); + #else + ARKodeCreate(); + #endif + ]) ]) ############################################################# @@ -1080,7 +1092,6 @@ Please supply the path using --with-scorep=/path/to/scorep]) # Set a compile-time flag CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_SCOREP" MPICXX="$SCOREPPATH --user --nocompiler $MPICXX" - BOUT_CHECK_PRETTYFUNCTION HAS_SCOREP="yes" AC_MSG_NOTICE([Scorep support enabled]) ]) @@ -1121,7 +1132,7 @@ AS_IF([test "$with_pvode" != "no"], [ CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE -C externalpackages/PVODE/precon/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 CXX="$MPICXX" CXXFLAGS=$PVODE_FLAGS MKDIR="$MKDIR_P" RANLIB="$RANLIB" $MAKE -C externalpackages/PVODE/source/ >> config-build.log 2>&1 - AS_IF([test -f externalpackages/PVODE/lib/libpvode.a ], [ + AS_IF([test -f externalpackages/PVODE/lib/libpvode.a && test -f externalpackages/PVODE/lib/libpvpre.a], [ AC_MSG_NOTICE([Successfully built PVODE]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([Installing PVODE into BOUT++ sourcetree]) @@ -1136,13 +1147,40 @@ AS_IF([test "$with_pvode" != "no"], [ # Set the correct libraries and copy them to bout AS_MKDIR_P(include/pvode) - cp externalpackages/PVODE/precon/pvbbdpre.h externalpackages/PVODE/include/*.h include/pvode + cp -r externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode include cp externalpackages/PVODE/lib/*.a lib/ EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS -L\$(BOUT_LIB_PATH) -lpvode -lpvpre" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_PVODE" HAS_PVODE="yes" ]) +############################################################# +# Localisation (i18n) with gettext +############################################################# + +HAS_NLS="no" +# Use macro to test if Natural Language Support (gettext) is available. +# If available sets: +# - USE_NLS to "yes" +# - LIBINTL to the linker options +# - Modifies CPPFLAGS if needed +AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) +AS_IF([test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"], [ + AC_MSG_NOTICE([Enabling language support with gettext]) + # Turn the .po files into .mo files + $MAKE -C locale | tee -a config-build.log 2>&1 + + # Note: BOUT_LOCALE_PATH is defined in make.config, and may be changed by `make install`. + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DBOUT_HAS_GETTEXT -DBOUT_LOCALE_PATH=\$(BOUT_LOCALE_PATH)" + + EXTRA_LIBS="$EXTRA_LIBS $LIBINTL" + + # Set variable substituted into bout-config + HAS_NLS="yes" +],[ + AC_MSG_NOTICE([Language support with gettext not available]) +]) + ############################################################# # Check environment ############################################################# @@ -1229,8 +1267,10 @@ AC_SUBST(CONFIG_LDFLAGS) # If make install is run then that replaces these paths BOUT_LIB_PATH=$PWD/lib BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH=$PWD/include +MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=$PWD/externalpackages/mpark.variant/include AC_SUBST(BOUT_LIB_PATH) AC_SUBST(BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH) +AC_SUBST(MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH) AC_SUBST(PREFIX) AC_SUBST(IDLCONFIGPATH) @@ -1259,6 +1299,8 @@ AC_SUBST(SLEPC_MAKE_INCLUDE) AC_SUBST(SLEPC_DIR) AC_SUBST(SLEPC_ARCH) AC_SUBST(HAS_OPENMP) +AC_SUBST(HAS_NLS) +AC_SUBST(HAS_FFTW) AC_CONFIG_FILES([bin/bout-config]) AC_OUTPUT @@ -1277,6 +1319,7 @@ AC_MSG_NOTICE([ SLEPc support : $HAS_SLEPC]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ IDA support : $HAS_IDA]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ CVODE support : $HAS_CVODE]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ ARKODE support : $HAS_ARKODE]) +AC_MSG_NOTICE([ FFTW support : $HAS_FFTW]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ NetCDF support : $HAS_NETCDF]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Parallel-NetCDF support : $HAS_PNETCDF]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ HDF5 support : $HAS_HDF5 (parallel: $HAS_PHDF5)]) @@ -1284,6 +1327,7 @@ AC_MSG_NOTICE([ MUMPS support : $HAS_MUMPS]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Lapack support : $HAS_LAPACK]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Scorep support : $HAS_SCOREP]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([ OpenMP support : $HAS_OPENMP (schedule: $OPENMP_SCHEDULE)]) +AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Natural language support: $HAS_NLS (path: $localedir)]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([]) AC_MSG_NOTICE([-------------------------------]) diff --git a/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/.gitignore b/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..26b1c65f51 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +esel \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/data/BOUT.inp index c01bfb5dd2..5bca6fa48d 100644 --- a/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/data/BOUT.inp @@ -68,14 +68,6 @@ function = 15*sqrt(2*pi)*gauss(150*x,15) bndry_xin = dirichlet_o2(1.0) bndry_xout = neumann_o2 -[N] -scale = 1.0 -#function = log(15*sqrt(2*pi)*gauss(150*x,15)) -function = 0-x - -bndry_xin = dirichlet_o2(0.0) -bndry_xout = neumann_o2 - [T] scale = 1.0 function = 15*sqrt(2*pi)*gauss(150*x,15) diff --git a/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/esel.cxx b/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/esel.cxx index 6e9d481094..50e1ed08ec 100644 --- a/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/esel.cxx +++ b/examples/2Dturbulence_multigrid/esel.cxx @@ -1,66 +1,63 @@ #include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include +#include +#include class ESEL : public PhysicsModel { private: - Field3D n/*, T*/, vort; // Evolving density, temp and vorticity - Field3D N; // ln(n) - Field3D phi ; - Field2D B ; // Magnetic field - BoutReal D/*, chi*/, mu ; // Diffusion coefficients - Field2D sigma_n, sigma_T, sigma_vort; // dissipation terms - BoutReal zeta ; // rho/R0 - BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms - class Laplacian* phiSolver; // Laplacian solver for vort -> phi + Field3D n, vort; // Evolving density, temp and vorticity + Field3D N; // ln(n) + Field3D phi; + Field2D B; // Magnetic field + BoutReal D, mu; // Diffusion coefficients + Field2D sigma_n, sigma_T, sigma_vort; // dissipation terms + BoutReal zeta; // rho/R0 + BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms + Laplacian* phiSolver; // Laplacian solver for vort -> phi bool test_laplacian; // If true, compute the error on the Laplacian inversion and abort Field3D vort_error; protected: - int init(bool restart) { - - Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("esel"); - - OPTION(options, zeta, 2.15e-3) ; - OPTION(options, D, 1.97e-3) ; - // OPTION(options, chi, 4.61e-3) ; - OPTION(options, mu, 3.88e-2) ; - int bracket; - OPTION(options, bracket, 2); - OPTION(options, test_laplacian, false); - + int init(bool UNUSED(restart)) { + + auto& options = Options::root()["esel"]; + + zeta = options["zeta"].withDefault(2.15e-3); + D = options["D"].withDefault(1.97e-3); + mu = options["mu"].withDefault(3.88e-2); + test_laplacian = options["test_laplacian"].withDefault(false); + // Set sources and sinks from input profile initial_profile("sigma_n", sigma_n); initial_profile("sigma_T", sigma_T); initial_profile("sigma_vort", sigma_vort); - initial_profile("B", B) ; - - SAVE_ONCE(sigma_n) ; - + initial_profile("B", B); + + SAVE_ONCE(sigma_n); + // Poisson brackets: b_hat x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] // Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE // Choose method to use for Poisson bracket advection terms - - switch(bracket) { + + switch (options["bracket"].withDefault(2)) { case 0: { - bm = BRACKET_STD; + bm = BRACKET_STD; output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; break; } case 1: { - bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; + bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; break; } case 2: { - bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; + bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; break; } case 3: { - bm = BRACKET_CTU; + bm = BRACKET_CTU; output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; break; } @@ -69,90 +66,70 @@ class ESEL : public PhysicsModel { return 1; } - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - // generate coordinate system - // coord->J = R0/B0 ; - coord->Bxy = 1 ; - - coord->g11 = 1.0 ; - coord->g22 = 1.0 ; - coord->g33 = 1.0 ; - coord->g12 = 0.0 ; - coord->g13 = 0.0 ; - coord->g23 = 0.0 ; - - coord->g_11 = 1.0 ; - coord->g_22 = 1.0 ; - coord->g_33 = 1.0 ; + Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); + + // generate coordinate system + coord->Bxy = 1; + + coord->g11 = 1.0; + coord->g22 = 1.0; + coord->g33 = 1.0; + coord->g12 = 0.0; + coord->g13 = 0.0; + coord->g23 = 0.0; + + coord->g_11 = 1.0; + coord->g_22 = 1.0; + coord->g_33 = 1.0; coord->g_12 = 0.0; coord->g_13 = 0.0; coord->g_23 = 0.0; - + coord->geometry(); - - // SOLVE_FOR3(n, T, vort); - // SOLVE_FOR(n); - SOLVE_FOR(N); - SOLVE_FOR(vort); + + SOLVE_FOR(N, vort); SAVE_REPEAT(phi); if (test_laplacian) { SAVE_REPEAT(vort_error); } phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); - phi = 0.0 ; // Starting phi - + phi = 0.0; // Starting phi + return 0; } - - Field3D C(const Field3D &f) { - return zeta * DDZ(f) ; - } - - int rhs(BoutReal time) { - // output<<"\r"<communicate(n/*, T*/, vort); - mesh->communicate(N/*, T*/, vort); - - // Solve for potential - // phiSolver->setCoefC(n); + + Field3D C(const Field3D& f) { return zeta * DDZ(f); } + + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { + mesh->communicate(N, vort); + phiSolver->setCoefC2(N); phi = phiSolver->solve(vort, phi); - - // Communicate variables + mesh->communicate(phi); - + if (test_laplacian) { - - Field3D vort2 = D2DX2(phi) + D2DZ2(phi) + DDX(N)*DDX(phi) + DDZ(N)*DDZ(phi); - vort_error = (vort-vort2); - + + Field3D vort2 = D2DX2(phi) + D2DZ2(phi) + DDX(N) * DDX(phi) + DDZ(N) * DDZ(phi); + vort_error = (vort - vort2); + dump.write(); - + MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); - - return 1; // Abort execution + + return 1; } - - // Continuity equation: - // ddt(n) = bracket(phi,n,bm) + n*C(phi) - C(n/**T*/) + D*Delp2(n) - sigma_n*n ; - ddt(N) = bracket(phi,N,bm) + C(phi) - C(N/**T*/) + D*Delp2(N) - sigma_n ; - - // Energy equation: - // ddt(T) = bracket(phi,T,bm) + (2/3)*T*C(phi) - (7/3)*T*C(T) - (2/3)*(T*T/n)*C(n) + chi*Delp2(T) - sigma_T*T ; - + + // Continuity equation: + ddt(N) = bracket(phi, N, bm) + C(phi) - C(N) + D * Delp2(N) - sigma_n; + // Vorticity equation: - // ddt(vort) = bracket(phi, vort, bm) - C(n/**T*/) + mu*Delp2(vort) - sigma_vort*vort ; - ddt(vort) = bracket(phi, vort, bm) - C(exp(N)/**T*/) + mu*Delp2(vort) - sigma_vort*vort ; - // ddt(vort) += phi/1.e4; // Sheath dissipation term to try to stop potential getting too large... - - // n.b bracket terms do not have minus sign before them because - // B is pointing in -ve y direction in BOUT coordinates. + ddt(vort) = bracket(phi, vort, bm) - C(exp(N)) + mu * Delp2(vort) - sigma_vort * vort; + + // n.b bracket terms do not have minus sign before them because + // B is pointing in -ve y direction in BOUT coordinates. //// This may be wrong, but it is probably consistently wrong - + return 0; } }; diff --git a/examples/6field-simple/.gitignore b/examples/6field-simple/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..49045c5bf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/6field-simple/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +elm_6f \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/6field-simple/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/6field-simple/data/BOUT.inp index 8a2a53a0b2..e25d357b79 100644 --- a/examples/6field-simple/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/6field-simple/data/BOUT.inp @@ -229,24 +229,17 @@ hyperviscos = -1.0 # Radial hyper viscosity phi_curv = true # Include curvature*Grad(phi) in P equation # gamma = 1.6666 -## field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary (combine 2nd & 4th-order) -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary ( sometimes works ) - -#phi_flags = 74 # inversion flags for phi (2+8+64+128) -phi_flags = 769 # 256 + 512 - -#apar_flags = 74 # 2+8 -apar_flags = 769 +[phiSolver] +#inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +#outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP + +[aparSolver] +#inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +#outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/6field-simple/elm_6f.cxx b/examples/6field-simple/elm_6f.cxx index 96b1413296..cb1314b58c 100644 --- a/examples/6field-simple/elm_6f.cxx +++ b/examples/6field-simple/elm_6f.cxx @@ -7,29 +7,29 @@ *******************************************************************************/ #include "bout.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" #include "initialprofiles.hxx" +#include "interpolation.hxx" #include "invert_laplace.hxx" #include "invert_parderiv.hxx" -#include "interpolation.hxx" -#include "derivs.hxx" -#include #include "sourcex.hxx" #include +#include #include +BoutReal n0_height, n0_ave, n0_width, n0_center, + n0_bottom_x; // the total height, average width and center of profile of N0 +BoutReal Tconst; // the ampitude of congstant temperature -BoutReal n0_height, n0_ave, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x; //the total height, average width and center of profile of N0 -BoutReal Tconst; //the ampitude of congstant temperature - -BoutReal laplace_alpha; //test the effect of first order term of invert Laplace function -BoutReal Tau_ie; //the ratio of Ti0/Te0 +BoutReal laplace_alpha; // test the effect of first order term of invert Laplace function +BoutReal Tau_ie; // the ratio of Ti0/Te0 // 2D inital profiles -Field2D J0, P0; // Current and pressure +Field2D J0, P0; // Current and pressure Vector2D b0xcv; // Curvature term Field2D phi0; // When diamagnetic terms used -Field2D N0,Ti0,Te0,Ne0; // number density and temperature +Field2D N0, Ti0, Te0, Ne0; // number density and temperature Field2D Pi0, Pe0; Field2D q95; BoutReal q95_input; @@ -53,70 +53,71 @@ Field3D Vipar, Vepar; // Derived 3D variables Field3D Jpar, phi; // Parallel current, electric potential -Field3D Ajpar; // Parallel current, electric potential +Field3D Ajpar; // Parallel current, electric potential bool emass; -BoutReal emass_inv; // inverse of electron mass +BoutReal emass_inv; // inverse of electron mass BoutReal coef_jpar; -BoutReal delta_e; // Normalized electron skin depth +BoutReal delta_e; // Normalized electron skin depth BoutReal delta_e_inv; // inverse normalized electron skin depth -BoutReal gyroAlv; // Normalized ion current coef +BoutReal gyroAlv; // Normalized ion current coef Field3D ubyn; - -Field3D Jpar2; // Delp2 of Parallel current -Field3D tmpA2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel vector potential +Field3D Jpar2; // Delp2 of Parallel current +Field3D tmpA2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel vector potential Field3D tmpN2, tmpTi2, tmpTe2, tmpVp2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel density // Constraint Field3D C_phi; // Parameters -BoutReal density; // Number density [m^-3] +BoutReal density; // Number density [m^-3] BoutReal Bbar, Lbar, Tbar, Va; // Normalisation constants BoutReal Nbar, Tibar, Tebar; BoutReal dia_fact; // Multiply diamagnetic term by this -BoutReal diffusion_par; //Parallel thermal conductivity -BoutReal diffusion_perp; //Perpendicular thermal conductivity (>0 open) -BoutReal diffusion_n4, diffusion_ti4, diffusion_te4; //M: 4th Parallel density diffusion +BoutReal diffusion_par; // Parallel thermal conductivity +BoutReal diffusion_perp; // Perpendicular thermal conductivity (>0 open) +BoutReal diffusion_n4, diffusion_ti4, diffusion_te4; // M: 4th Parallel density diffusion BoutReal diffusion_v4; -BoutReal diffusion_u4; //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity +BoutReal diffusion_u4; // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity -BoutReal heating_P; // heating power in pressure +BoutReal heating_P; // heating power in pressure BoutReal hp_width; // heating profile radial width in pressure -BoutReal hp_length; // heating radial domain in pressure -BoutReal sink_vp; // sink in pressure -BoutReal sp_width; // sink profile radial width in pressure -BoutReal sp_length; // sink radial domain in pressure +BoutReal hp_length; // heating radial domain in pressure +BoutReal sink_vp; // sink in pressure +BoutReal sp_width; // sink profile radial width in pressure +BoutReal sp_length; // sink radial domain in pressure -BoutReal sink_Ul; // left edge sink in vorticity -BoutReal su_widthl; // left edge sink profile radial width in vorticity -BoutReal su_lengthl; // left edge sink radial domain in vorticity +BoutReal sink_Ul; // left edge sink in vorticity +BoutReal su_widthl; // left edge sink profile radial width in vorticity +BoutReal su_lengthl; // left edge sink radial domain in vorticity -BoutReal sink_Ur; // right edge sink in vorticity -BoutReal su_widthr; // right edge sink profile radial width in vorticity -BoutReal su_lengthr; // right edge sink radial domain in vorticity +BoutReal sink_Ur; // right edge sink in vorticity +BoutReal su_widthr; // right edge sink profile radial width in vorticity +BoutReal su_lengthr; // right edge sink radial domain in vorticity BoutReal viscos_par; // Parallel viscosity BoutReal viscos_perp; // Perpendicular viscosity BoutReal hyperviscos; // Hyper-viscosity (radial) -Field3D hyper_mu_x; // Hyper-viscosity coefficient +Field3D hyper_mu_x; // Hyper-viscosity coefficient -Field3D Dperp2Phi0, Dperp2Phi, GradPhi02, GradPhi2; //Temporary variables for gyroviscous +Field3D Dperp2Phi0, Dperp2Phi, GradPhi02, GradPhi2; // Temporary variables for gyroviscous Field3D GradparPhi02, GradparPhi2, GradcPhi, GradcparPhi; Field3D Dperp2Pi0, Dperp2Pi, bracketPhi0P, bracketPhiP0, bracketPhiP; -BoutReal Psipara1, Upara0, Upara1; // Temporary normalization constants for all the equations +BoutReal Psipara1, Upara0, + Upara1; // Temporary normalization constants for all the equations BoutReal Upara2, Upara3, Nipara1; BoutReal Tipara1, Tipara2; BoutReal Tepara1, Tepara2, Tepara3, Tepara4; BoutReal Vepara, Vipara; -BoutReal Low_limit; //To limit the negative value of total density and temperatures +BoutReal Low_limit; // To limit the negative value of total density and temperatures -Field3D Te_tmp, Ti_tmp, N_tmp; //to avoid the negative value of total value -BoutReal gamma_i_BC, gamma_e_BC; //sheath energy transmission factors +Field3D Te_tmp, Ti_tmp, N_tmp; // to avoid the negative value of total value +BoutReal gamma_i_BC, gamma_e_BC; // sheath energy transmission factors int Sheath_width; -Field3D c_se, Jpar_sh, q_se, q_si, vth_et, c_set; //variables for sheath boundary conditions +Field3D c_se, Jpar_sh, q_se, q_si, vth_et, + c_set; // variables for sheath boundary conditions Field2D vth_e0, c_se0, Jpar_sh0; BoutReal const_cse; @@ -131,43 +132,42 @@ BoutReal vacuum_pressure; BoutReal vacuum_trans; // Transition width Field3D vac_mask; -int phi_flags, apar_flags; bool nonlinear; -bool evolve_jpar; +bool evolve_jpar; BoutReal g; // Only if compressible bool phi_curv; // Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] -// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE -BRACKET_METHOD bm_exb, bm_mag; // Bracket method for advection terms +// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE +BRACKET_METHOD bm_exb, bm_mag; // Bracket method for advection terms int bracket_method_exb, bracket_method_mag; bool diamag; bool energy_flux, energy_exch; // energy flux term -bool diamag_phi0; // Include the diamagnetic equilibrium phi0 -bool thermal_force; // Include the thermal flux term in Ohm's law +bool diamag_phi0; // Include the diamagnetic equilibrium phi0 +bool thermal_force; // Include the thermal flux term in Ohm's law bool eHall; BoutReal AA; // ion mass in units of the proton mass; AA=Mi/Mp BoutReal Vt0; // equilibrium toroidal flow normalized to Alfven velocity BoutReal Vp0; // equilibrium poloidal flow normalized to Alfven velocity -bool experiment_Er; //read in phi_0 from experiment -Field2D V0, Dphi0; //net flow amplitude, differential potential to flux -Vector2D V0net; //net flow +bool experiment_Er; // read in phi_0 from experiment +Field2D V0, Dphi0; // net flow amplitude, differential potential to flux +Vector2D V0net; // net flow bool nogradparj; bool filter_z; int filter_z_mode; int low_pass_z; -int zonal_flow; -int zonal_field; -int zonal_bkgd; +bool zonal_flow; +bool zonal_field; +bool zonal_bkgd; bool relax_j_vac; BoutReal relax_j_tconst; // Time-constant for j relax -Field3D Psitarget; // The (moving) target to relax to +Field3D Psitarget; // The (moving) target to relax to -bool smooth_j_x; // Smooth Jpar in the x direction +bool smooth_j_x; // Smooth Jpar in the x direction BoutReal filter_nl; int jpar_bndry_width; // Zero jpar in a boundary region @@ -177,103 +177,85 @@ bool parallel_lr_diff; // Use left and right shifted stencils for parallel diffe bool parallel_lagrange; // Use (semi-) Lagrangian method for parallel derivatives bool parallel_project; // Use Apar to project field-lines - - //******************** - -Field3D Xip_x, Xip_z; // Displacement of y+1 (in cell index space) - -Field3D Xim_x, Xim_z; // Displacement of y-1 (in cell index space) - -bool phi_constraint; // Solver for phi using a solver constraint - -BoutReal vac_lund, core_lund; // Lundquist number S = (Tau_R / Tau_A). -ve -> infty -BoutReal vac_resist, core_resist; // The resistivities (just 1 / S) -Field3D eta; // Resistivity profile (1 / S) -bool spitzer_resist; // Use Spitzer formula for resistivity - -Field3D eta_spitzer; // Resistivity profile (kg*m^3 / S / C^2) -Field3D nu_i; // Ion collision frequency profile (1 / S) -Field3D nu_e; // Electron collision frequency profile (1 / S) -Field3D vth_i; // Ion Thermal Velocity profile (M / S) -Field3D vth_e; // Electron Thermal Velocity profile (M / S) -Field3D kappa_par_i; // Ion Thermal Conductivity profile (kg&M / S^2) -Field3D kappa_par_e; // Electron Thermal Conductivity profile (kg*M / S^2) -Field2D omega_ci, omega_ce; //cyclotron frequency -Field3D kappa_perp_i; // Ion perpendicular Thermal Conductivity profile (kg&M / S^2) -Field3D kappa_perp_e; // Electron perpendicular Thermal Conductivity profile (kg*M / S^2) - -bool output_transfer; // output the results of energy transfer -bool output_ohm; // output the results of the terms in Ohm's law -bool output_flux_par; // output the results of parallel particle and heat flux -Field3D T_M, T_R, T_ID, T_C, T_G; //Maxwell stress, Reynolds stress, ion diamagbetic and curvature term +Field3D Xip_x, Xip_z; // Displacement of y+1 (in cell index space) + +Field3D Xim_x, Xim_z; // Displacement of y-1 (in cell index space) + +bool phi_constraint; // Solver for phi using a solver constraint + +BoutReal vac_lund, core_lund; // Lundquist number S = (Tau_R / Tau_A). -ve -> infty +BoutReal vac_resist, core_resist; // The resistivities (just 1 / S) +Field3D eta; // Resistivity profile (1 / S) +bool spitzer_resist; // Use Spitzer formula for resistivity + +Field3D eta_spitzer; // Resistivity profile (kg*m^3 / S / C^2) +Field3D nu_i; // Ion collision frequency profile (1 / S) +Field3D nu_e; // Electron collision frequency profile (1 / S) +Field3D vth_i; // Ion Thermal Velocity profile (M / S) +Field3D vth_e; // Electron Thermal Velocity profile (M / S) +Field3D kappa_par_i; // Ion Thermal Conductivity profile (kg&M / S^2) +Field3D kappa_par_e; // Electron Thermal Conductivity profile (kg*M / S^2) +Field2D omega_ci, omega_ce; // cyclotron frequency +Field3D kappa_perp_i; // Ion perpendicular Thermal Conductivity profile (kg&M / S^2) +Field3D kappa_perp_e; // Electron perpendicular Thermal Conductivity profile (kg*M / S^2) + +bool output_transfer; // output the results of energy transfer +bool output_ohm; // output the results of the terms in Ohm's law +bool output_flux_par; // output the results of parallel particle and heat flux +Field3D T_M, T_R, T_ID, T_C, + T_G; // Maxwell stress, Reynolds stress, ion diamagbetic and curvature term Field3D ohm_phi, ohm_hall, ohm_thermal; -Field3D gamma_par_i, heatf_par_i, heatf_par_e; // particle flux, ion and elelctron heat flux +Field3D gamma_par_i, heatf_par_i, + heatf_par_e; // particle flux, ion and elelctron heat flux -BoutReal hyperresist; // Hyper-resistivity coefficient (in core only) -BoutReal ehyperviscos; // electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient -Field3D hyper_eta_x; // Radial resistivity profile -Field3D hyper_eta_z; // Toroidal resistivity profile +BoutReal hyperresist; // Hyper-resistivity coefficient (in core only) +BoutReal ehyperviscos; // electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient +Field3D hyper_eta_x; // Radial resistivity profile +Field3D hyper_eta_z; // Toroidal resistivity profile -int damp_width; // Width of inner damped region -BoutReal damp_t_const; // Timescale of damping +int damp_width; // Width of inner damped region +BoutReal damp_t_const; // Timescale of damping // Metric coefficients Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, B0, hthe; -Field2D I; // Shear factor -BoutReal LnLambda; // ln(Lambda) -//Field3D LnLambda; +Field2D I; // Shear factor +BoutReal LnLambda; // ln(Lambda) +// Field3D LnLambda; const BoutReal PI = 3.14159265; -const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; -BoutReal Mi = 1.6726e-27; // Ion mass -const BoutReal KB = 1.38065e-23; // Boltamann constant -const BoutReal ee = 1.602e-19; // ln(Lambda) -const BoutReal eV_K = 11605.0; // 1eV = 11605K - -//const BoutReal Low_limit = 1.e-10; // limit of the profile to prevent minus total value +const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7 * PI; +BoutReal Mi = 1.6726e-27; // Ion mass +const BoutReal KB = 1.38065e-23; // Boltamann constant +const BoutReal ee = 1.602e-19; // ln(Lambda) +const BoutReal eV_K = 11605.0; // 1eV = 11605K // Communication objects FieldGroup comms; -void advect_tracer(const Field3D &p, // phi (input) - const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z, // Current location (input) - Field3D &F_dx, Field3D &F_dz); // Time-derivative of location +/// Solver for inverting Laplacian +Laplacian* phiSolver; +Laplacian* aparSolver; -const Field3D Grad2_par2new(const Field3D &f); //for 4th order diffusion +void advect_tracer(const Field3D& p, // phi (input) + const Field3D& delta_x, + const Field3D& delta_z, // Current location (input) + Field3D& F_dx, Field3D& F_dz); // Time-derivative of location -const Field2D N0tanh(BoutReal n0_height, BoutReal n0_ave, BoutReal n0_width, BoutReal n0_center, BoutReal n0_bottom_x); +const Field3D Grad2_par2new(const Field3D& f); // for 4th order diffusion -const Field3D field_larger(const Field3D &f, const BoutReal limit); +const Field2D N0tanh(BoutReal n0_height, BoutReal n0_ave, BoutReal n0_width, + BoutReal n0_center, BoutReal n0_bottom_x); -const Field2D Invert_laplace2(const Field2D &f, int flags) { - Field3D f_tmp, result_tmp; - Field2D result; - f_tmp.allocate(); - result_tmp.allocate(); - result.allocate(); - - f_tmp = f; - - result_tmp = invert_laplace(f_tmp, flags, NULL); - mesh->communicate(result_tmp); - result_tmp = smooth_x(result_tmp); - result_tmp = nl_filter_y(result_tmp, 1); - - for(auto i : result) { - result[i] = result_tmp[i]; - } - - return(result); -} +const Field3D field_larger(const Field3D& f, const BoutReal limit); -const Field3D field_larger(const Field3D &f, const BoutReal limit) { +const Field3D field_larger(const Field3D& f, const BoutReal limit) { Field3D result; result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result) { - if(f[i] >= limit) + for (auto i : result) { + if (f[i] >= limit) result[i] = f[i]; else result[i] = limit; @@ -282,81 +264,79 @@ const Field3D field_larger(const Field3D &f, const BoutReal limit) { return result; } -const Field3D Grad2_par2new(const Field3D &f) { +const Field3D Grad2_par2new(const Field3D& f) { /* * This function implements d2/dy2 where y is the poloidal coordinate theta */ - TRACE("Grad2_par2new( Field3D )"); - + Field3D result = D2DY2(f); - + #ifdef TRACK - result.name = "Grad2_par2new("+f.name+")"; + result.name = "Grad2_par2new(" + f.name + ")"; #endif - + return result; } -const Field2D N0tanh(BoutReal n0_height, BoutReal n0_ave, BoutReal n0_width, BoutReal n0_center, BoutReal n0_bottom_x) { +const Field2D N0tanh(BoutReal n0_height, BoutReal n0_ave, BoutReal n0_width, + BoutReal n0_center, BoutReal n0_bottom_x) { Field2D result; result.allocate(); - BoutReal Grid_NX, Grid_NXlimit; //the grid number on x, and the + BoutReal Grid_NX, Grid_NXlimit; // the grid number on x, and the BoutReal Jysep; mesh->get(Grid_NX, "nx"); mesh->get(Jysep, "jyseps1_1"); - Grid_NXlimit = n0_bottom_x * Grid_NX; + Grid_NXlimit = n0_bottom_x * Grid_NX; output.write("Jysep1_1 = %i Grid number = %e\n", int(Jysep), Grid_NX); - - if (Jysep > 0.) { //for single null geometry - + + if (Jysep > 0.) { // for single null geometry + BoutReal Jxsep, Jysep2; mesh->get(Jxsep, "ixseps1"); mesh->get(Jysep2, "jyseps2_2"); - //output.write("Jysep2_2 = %i Ixsep1 = %i\n", int(Jysep2), int(Jxsep)); - - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;jx++) { + + for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) { BoutReal mgx = mesh->GlobalX(jx); - BoutReal xgrid_num = (Jxsep+1.)/Grid_NX; - //output.write("mgx = %e xgrid_num = %e\n", mgx); - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;jy++) { - int globaly = mesh->YGLOBAL(jy); - //output.write("local y = %i; global y: %i\n", jy, globaly); - if ( mgx > xgrid_num || (globaly<=int(Jysep)-4) || (globaly>int(Jysep2)) ) + BoutReal xgrid_num = (Jxsep + 1.) / Grid_NX; + // output.write("mgx = %e xgrid_num = %e\n", mgx); + for (int jy = 0; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) { + int globaly = mesh->getGlobalYIndex(jy); + // output.write("local y = %i; global y: %i\n", jy, globaly); + if (mgx > xgrid_num || (globaly <= int(Jysep) - 2) || (globaly > int(Jysep2) + 2)) mgx = xgrid_num; BoutReal rlx = mgx - n0_center; - BoutReal temp = exp(rlx/n0_width); + BoutReal temp = exp(rlx / n0_width); BoutReal dampr = ((temp - 1.0 / temp) / (temp + 1.0 / temp)); - result(jx,jy) = 0.5*(1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; + result(jx, jy) = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; } } - } else { //circular geometry - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;jx++) { + } else { // circular geometry + for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) { BoutReal mgx = mesh->GlobalX(jx); - BoutReal xgrid_num = Grid_NXlimit/Grid_NX; + BoutReal xgrid_num = Grid_NXlimit / Grid_NX; if (mgx > xgrid_num) mgx = xgrid_num; BoutReal rlx = mgx - n0_center; - BoutReal temp = exp(rlx/n0_width); + BoutReal temp = exp(rlx / n0_width); BoutReal dampr = ((temp - 1.0 / temp) / (temp + 1.0 / temp)); - for(int jy=0;jyLocalNy;jy++) - result(jx,jy) = 0.5*(1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; + for (int jy = 0; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) + result(jx, jy) = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; } } - + mesh->communicate(result); return result; } - - + int physics_init(bool restarting) { bool noshear; - + // Get the metric tensor - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); output.write("Solving high-beta flute reduced equations\n"); output.write("\tFile : %s\n", __FILE__); @@ -368,84 +348,97 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { // Load 2D profiles mesh->get(J0, "Jpar0"); // A / m^2 mesh->get(P0, "pressure"); // Pascals -// mesh->get(P0, "pres2"); // Pascals - - // Load curvature term - b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components + b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // mixed units x: T y: m^-2 z: m^-2 // Load metrics - if(mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m + if (mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Rxy from grid\n"); return 1; } - if(mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy")) { // T + if (mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy")) { // T output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Bpxy from grid\n"); return 1; } mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); // T - mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T + mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); // m - mesh->get(I, "sinty");// m^-2 T^-1 + mesh->get(I, "sinty"); // m^-2 T^-1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read parameters from the options file - // + // // Options.get ( NAME, VARIABLE, DEFAULT VALUE) // // or if NAME = "VARIABLE" then just // - // OPTION(VARIABLE, DEFAULT VALUE) + // OPTION(VARIABLE, DEFAULT VALUE) // // Prints out what values are assigned ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("highbeta"); - - - OPTION(options, n0_fake_prof, false); //use the hyperbolic profile of n0. If both n0_fake_prof and T0_fake_prof are false, use the profiles from grid file - OPTION(options, n0_height, 0.4); //the total height of profile of N0, in percentage of Ni_x - OPTION(options, n0_ave, 0.01); //the center or average of N0, in percentage of Ni_x - OPTION(options, n0_width, 0.1); //the width of the gradient of N0,in percentage of x - OPTION(options, n0_center, 0.633); //the grid number of the center of N0, in percentage of x - OPTION(options, n0_bottom_x, 0.81); //the start of flat region of N0 on SOL side, in percentage of x - OPTION(options, T0_fake_prof, false); - OPTION(options, Tconst, -1.0); //the amplitude of constant temperature, in percentage - - OPTION(options, experiment_Er, false); - - OPTION(options, laplace_alpha, 1.0); //test parameter for the cross term of invert Lapalace - OPTION(options, Low_limit, 1.0e-10); //limit the negative value of total quantities - OPTION(options, q95_input, 5.0); //input q95 as a constant, if <0 use profile from grid - OPTION(options, local_q, false); //using magnetic field to calculate q profile - OPTION(options, q_alpha, 1.0); //flux-limiting coefficient, typical value is [0.03, 3] - - OPTION(options, gamma_i_BC, -1.0); //sheath energy transmission factor for ion - OPTION(options, gamma_e_BC, -1.0); //sheath energy transmission factor for electron - OPTION(options, Sheath_width, 1); //Sheath boundary width in grid number - - OPTION(options, density, 1.0e19); // Number density [m^-3] - OPTION(options, Zi, 1); // ion charge number - OPTION(options, continuity, false); // use continuity equation - - OPTION(options, evolve_jpar, false); // If true, evolve J raher than Psi - OPTION(options, phi_constraint, false); // Use solver constraint for phi + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["highbeta"]; + + // use the hyperbolic profile of n0. If both n0_fake_prof and + // T0_fake_prof are false, use the profiles from grid file + n0_fake_prof = options["n0_fake_prof"].withDefault(false); + // the total height of profile of N0, in percentage of Ni_x + n0_height = options["n0_height"].withDefault(0.4); + // the center or average of N0, in percentage of Ni_x + n0_ave = options["n0_ave"].withDefault(0.01); + // the width of the gradient of N0,in percentage of x + n0_width = options["n0_width"].withDefault(0.1); + // the grid number of the center of N0, in percentage of x + n0_center = options["n0_center"].withDefault(0.633); + // the start of flat region of N0 on SOL side, in percentage of x + n0_bottom_x = options["n0_bottom_x"].withDefault(0.81); + T0_fake_prof = options["T0_fake_prof"].withDefault(false); + // the amplitude of constant temperature, in percentage + Tconst = options["Tconst"].withDefault(-1.0); + + experiment_Er = options["experiment_Er"].withDefault(false); + + // test parameter for the cross term of invert Lapalace + laplace_alpha = options["laplace_alpha"].withDefault(1.0); + // limit the negative value of total quantities + Low_limit = options["Low_limit"].withDefault(1.0e-10); + // input q95 as a constant, if <0 use profile from grid + q95_input = options["q95_input"].withDefault(5.0); + // using magnetic field to calculate q profile + local_q = options["local_q"].withDefault(false); + // flux-limiting coefficient, typical value is [0.03, 3] + q_alpha = options["q_alpha"].withDefault(1.0); + + // sheath energy transmission factor for ion + gamma_i_BC = options["gamma_i_BC"].withDefault(-1.0); + // sheath energy transmission factor for electron + gamma_e_BC = options["gamma_e_BC"].withDefault(-1.0); + // Sheath boundary width in grid number + Sheath_width = options["Sheath_width"].withDefault(1); + + density = options["density"].withDefault(1.0e19); // Number density [m^-3] + Zi = options["Zi"].withDefault(1); // ion charge number + continuity = options["continuity"].withDefault(false); // use continuity equation + + // If true, evolve J raher than Psi + evolve_jpar = options["evolve_jpar"].withDefault(false); + // Use solver constraint for phi + phi_constraint = options["phi_constraint"].withDefault(false); // Effects to include/exclude - OPTION(options, include_curvature, true); - OPTION(options, include_jpar0, true); - OPTION(options, evolve_pressure, true); - - OPTION(options, compress0, false); - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); + include_curvature = options["include_curvature"].withDefault(true); + include_jpar0 = options["include_jpar0"].withDefault(true); + evolve_pressure = options["evolve_pressure"].withDefault(true); + compress0 = options["compress0"].withDefault(false); + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(false); // int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method_exb, 0); - switch(bracket_method_exb) { + bracket_method_exb = options["bracket_method_exb"].withDefault(0); + switch (bracket_method_exb) { case 0: { bm_exb = BRACKET_STD; output << "\tBrackets for ExB: default differencing\n"; @@ -472,8 +465,8 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { } // int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method_mag, 2); - switch(bracket_method_mag) { + bracket_method_mag = options["bracket_method_mag"].withDefault(2); + switch (bracket_method_mag) { case 0: { bm_mag = BRACKET_STD; output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; @@ -499,183 +492,213 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 1; } - OPTION(options, AA, 1.0); // ion mass in units of proton mass + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(1.0); // ion mass in units of proton mass Mi *= AA; - OPTION(options, emass, false); // including electron inertial, electron mass - OPTION(options, emass_inv, 1.0); // inverse of electron mass + // including electron inertial, electron mass + emass = options["emass"].withDefault(false); + // inverse of electron mass + emass_inv = options["emass_inv"].withDefault(1.0); + + // Diamagnetic effects? + diamag = options["diamag"].withDefault(false); + // Include equilibrium phi0 + diamag_phi0 = options["diamag_phi0"].withDefault(diamag); + // Scale diamagnetic effects by this factor + dia_fact = options["dia_fact"].withDefault(1.0); - OPTION(options, diamag, false); // Diamagnetic effects? - OPTION(options, diamag_phi0, diamag); // Include equilibrium phi0 - OPTION(options, dia_fact, 1.0); // Scale diamagnetic effects by this factor + noshear = options["noshear"].withDefault(false); - OPTION(options, noshear, false); + relax_j_vac = options["relax_j_vac"].withDefault(false); // Relax vacuum current to zero + relax_j_tconst = options["relax_j_tconst"].withDefault(0.1); - OPTION(options, relax_j_vac, false); // Relax vacuum current to zero - OPTION(options, relax_j_tconst, 0.1); - // Toroidal filtering - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); // Filter a single n - OPTION(options, filter_z_mode, 1); - OPTION(options, low_pass_z, -1); // Low-pass filter - OPTION(options, zonal_flow, -1); // zonal flow filter - OPTION(options, zonal_field, -1); // zonal field filter - OPTION(options, zonal_bkgd, -1); // zonal background P filter + filter_z = options["filter_z"].withDefault(false); // Filter a single n + filter_z_mode = options["filter_z_mode"].withDefault(1); + low_pass_z = options["low_pass_z"].withDefault(false); // Low-pass filter + zonal_flow = options["zonal_flow"].withDefault(false); // zonal flow filter + zonal_field = options["zonal_field"].withDefault(false); // zonal field filter + zonal_bkgd = options["zonal_bkgd"].withDefault(false); // zonal background P filter - OPTION(options, filter_nl, -1); // zonal background P filter + filter_nl = options["filter_nl"].withDefault(-1); // zonal background P filter // Radial smoothing - OPTION(options, smooth_j_x, false); // Smooth Jpar in x + smooth_j_x = options["smooth_j_x"].withDefault(false); // Smooth Jpar in x // Jpar boundary region - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry_width, -1); + jpar_bndry_width = options["jpar_bndry_width"].withDefault(-1); // Parallel differencing - OPTION(options, parallel_lr_diff, false); - OPTION(options, parallel_lagrange, false); // Use a (semi-) Lagrangian method for Grad_parP - OPTION(options, parallel_project, false); + parallel_lr_diff = options["parallel_lr_diff"].withDefault(false); + // Use a (semi-) Lagrangian method for Grad_parP + OPTION(options, parallel_lagrange, false); + parallel_project = options["parallel_project"].withDefault(false); // Vacuum region control - OPTION(options, vacuum_pressure, 0.02); // Fraction of peak pressure - OPTION(options, vacuum_trans, 0.005); // Transition width in pressure - + // Fraction of peak pressure + vacuum_pressure = options["vacuum_pressure"].withDefault(0.02); + // Transition width in pressure + vacuum_trans = options["vacuum_trans"].withDefault(0.005); + // Resistivity and hyper-resistivity options - OPTION(options, vac_lund, 0.0); // Lundquist number in vacuum region - OPTION(options, core_lund, 0.0); // Lundquist number in core region - OPTION(options, hyperresist, -1.0); - OPTION(options, ehyperviscos, -1.0); - OPTION(options, spitzer_resist, false); // Use Spitzer resistivity + vac_lund = options["vac_lund"].withDefault(0.0); // Lundquist number in vacuum region + core_lund = options["core_lund"].withDefault(0.0); // Lundquist number in core region + hyperresist = options["hyperresist"].withDefault(-1.0); + ehyperviscos = options["ehyperviscos"].withDefault(-1.0); + // Use Spitzer resistivity + spitzer_resist = options["spitzer_resist"].withDefault(false); // Inner boundary damping - OPTION(options, damp_width, 0); - OPTION(options, damp_t_const, 0.1); + damp_width = options["damp_width"].withDefault(0); + damp_t_const = options["damp_t_const"].withDefault(0.1); // Viscosity and hyper-viscosity - OPTION(options, viscos_par, -1.0); // Parallel viscosity - OPTION(options, viscos_perp, -1.0); // Perpendicular viscosity - OPTION(options, hyperviscos, -1.0); // Radial hyperviscosity - - OPTION(options, diffusion_par, -1.0); // Parallel temperature diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_n4, -1.0); // M: 4th Parallel density diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_ti4, -1.0); // M: 4th Parallel ion temperature diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_te4, -1.0); // M: 4th Parallel electron temperature diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_v4, -1.0); // M: 4th Parallel ion parallel velocity diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_u4, -1.0); //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity + viscos_par = options["viscos_par"].withDefault(-1.0); // Parallel viscosity + viscos_perp = options["viscos_perp"].withDefault(-1.0); // Perpendicular viscosity + hyperviscos = options["hyperviscos"].withDefault(-1.0); // Radial hyperviscosity + + // Parallel temperature diffusion + diffusion_par = options["diffusion_par"].withDefault(-1.0); + // M: 4th Parallel density diffusion + diffusion_n4 = options["diffusion_n4"].withDefault(-1.0); + // M: 4th Parallel ion temperature diffusion + diffusion_ti4 = options["diffusion_ti4"].withDefault(-1.0); + // M: 4th Parallel electron temperature diffusion + diffusion_te4 = options["diffusion_te4"].withDefault(-1.0); + // M: 4th Parallel ion parallel velocity diffusion + diffusion_v4 = options["diffusion_v4"].withDefault(-1.0); + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity + diffusion_u4 = options["diffusion_u4"].withDefault(-1.0); // heating factor in pressure - OPTION(options, heating_P, -1.0); // heating power in pressure - OPTION(options, hp_width, 0.1); // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial width in pressure - OPTION(options, hp_length, 0.04); // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial domain in pressure + // heating power in pressure + heating_P = options["heating_P"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial + // width in pressure + hp_width = options["hp_width"].withDefault(0.1); + // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial + // domain in pressure + hp_length = options["hp_length"].withDefault(0.04); // sink factor in pressure - OPTION(options, sink_vp, -1.0); // sink in pressure - OPTION(options, sp_width, 0.05); // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial width in pressure - OPTION(options, sp_length, 0.04); // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial domain in pressure - + // sink in pressure + sink_vp = options["sink_vp"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial + // width in pressure + sp_width = options["sp_width"].withDefault(0.05); + // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial + // domain in pressure + sp_length = options["sp_length"].withDefault(0.04); // left edge sink factor in vorticity - OPTION(options, sink_Ul, -1.0); // left edge sink in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_widthl, 0.06); // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile radial width in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_lengthl, 0.15); // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile radial domain in vorticity + // left edge sink in vorticity + sink_Ul = options["sink_Ul"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial width in vorticity + su_widthl = options["su_widthl"].withDefault(0.06); + // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial domain in vorticity + su_lengthl = options["su_lengthl"].withDefault(0.15); // right edge sink factor in vorticity - OPTION(options, sink_Ur, -1.0); // right edge sink in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_widthr, 0.06); // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile radial width in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_lengthr, 0.15); // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile radial domain in vorticity + // right edge sink in vorticity + sink_Ur = options["sink_Ur"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial width in vorticity + su_widthr = options["su_widthr"].withDefault(0.06); + // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial domain in vorticity + su_lengthr = options["su_lengthr"].withDefault(0.15); // Compressional terms - OPTION(options, phi_curv, true); - options->get("gamma", g, 5.0/3.0); - - // Field inversion flags - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - - if(!include_curvature) + phi_curv = options["phi_curv"].withDefault(true); + g = options["gamma"].withDefault(5.0 / 3.0); + + if (!include_curvature) b0xcv = 0.0; - - if(!include_jpar0) + + if (!include_jpar0) J0 = 0.0; - if(noshear) { - if(include_curvature) - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; + if (noshear) { + if (include_curvature) + b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; I = 0.0; } - + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES - if(mesh->IncIntShear) { + if (mesh->IncIntShear) { // BOUT-06 style, using d/dx = d/dpsi + I * d/dz coord->IntShiftTorsion = I; - - }else { + + } else { // Dimits style, using local coordinate system - if(include_curvature) - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; - I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric + if (include_curvature) + b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; + I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric } - + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMALISE QUANTITIES - - if(mesh->get(Bbar, "bmag")) // Typical magnetic field + + if (mesh->get(Bbar, "bmag")) // Typical magnetic field Bbar = 1.0; - if(mesh->get(Lbar, "rmag")) // Typical length scale + if (mesh->get(Lbar, "rmag")) // Typical length scale Lbar = 1.0; - if(mesh->get(Tibar, "Ti_x")) // Typical ion temperature scale + if (mesh->get(Tibar, "Ti_x")) // Typical ion temperature scale Tibar = 1.0; - if(mesh->get(Tebar, "Te_x")) // Typical electron temperature scale + if (mesh->get(Tebar, "Te_x")) // Typical electron temperature scale Tebar = 1.0; - if(mesh->get(Nbar, "Nixexp")) // Typical ion density scale + if (mesh->get(Nbar, "Nixexp")) // Typical ion density scale Nbar = 1.0; - Nbar *= 1.e20/density; + Nbar *= 1.e20 / density; - Tau_ie = Tibar/Tebar; + Tau_ie = Tibar / Tebar; - Va = sqrt(Bbar*Bbar / (MU0*Mi*Nbar*density)); + Va = sqrt(Bbar * Bbar / (MU0 * Mi * Nbar * density)); Tbar = Lbar / Va; output.write("Normalisations: Bbar = %e T Lbar = %e m\n", Bbar, Lbar); output.write(" Va = %e m/s Tbar = %e s\n", Va, Tbar); - output.write(" Nbar = %e * %e m^-3\n",Nbar,density); + output.write(" Nbar = %e * %e m^-3\n", Nbar, density); output.write("Tibar = %e eV Tebar = %e eV Ti/Te = %e\n", Tibar, Tebar, Tau_ie); output.write(" Resistivity\n"); - Upara0 = KB * Tebar*eV_K / (Zi * ee * Bbar * Va * Lbar); - Upara1 = KB*Tebar*eV_K/Mi/Va/Va; + Upara0 = KB * Tebar * eV_K / (Zi * ee * Bbar * Va * Lbar); + Upara1 = KB * Tebar * eV_K / Mi / Va / Va; output.write("vorticity cinstant: Upara0 = %e Upara1 = %e\n", Upara0, Upara1); - + if (diamag) { - Nipara1 = KB * Tibar*eV_K/ (Zi*ee*Bbar*Lbar*Va); + Nipara1 = KB * Tibar * eV_K / (Zi * ee * Bbar * Lbar * Va); Tipara2 = Nipara1; - Tepara2 = KB * Tebar*eV_K / (ee * Bbar * Lbar * Va); + Tepara2 = KB * Tebar * eV_K / (ee * Bbar * Lbar * Va); Tepara3 = Bbar / (ee * MU0 * Nbar * density * Lbar * Va); - output.write("Nipara1 = %e Tipara2 = %e\n", Nipara1, Tipara2); + output.write("Nipara1 = %e Tipara2 = %e\n", Nipara1, Tipara2); output.write("Tepara2 = %e Tepara3 = %e\n", Tepara2, Tepara3); } - + if (compress0) { output.write("Including compression (Vipar) effects\n"); - Vipara = MU0 * KB * Nbar*density * Tebar*eV_K / (Bbar*Bbar); - Vepara = Bbar/(MU0*Zi*ee*Nbar*density*Lbar*Va); + Vipara = MU0 * KB * Nbar * density * Tebar * eV_K / (Bbar * Bbar); + Vepara = Bbar / (MU0 * Zi * ee * Nbar * density * Lbar * Va); output.write("Normalized constant for Vipar : Vipara = %e\n", Vipara); output.write("Normalized constant for Vepar : Vepara = %e\n", Vepara); } if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { - Tipara1 = 2.0/ 3.0 / (Lbar * Va); + Tipara1 = 2.0 / 3.0 / (Lbar * Va); Tepara1 = Tipara1 / Zi; } - + if (vac_lund > 0.0) { - output.write(" Vacuum Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", vac_lund * Tbar, - MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (vac_lund * Tbar)); + output.write(" Vacuum Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", vac_lund * Tbar, + MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (vac_lund * Tbar)); vac_resist = 1. / vac_lund; } else { output.write(" Vacuum - Zero resistivity -\n"); @@ -683,7 +706,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { } if (core_lund > 0.0) { output.write(" Core Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", core_lund * Tbar, - MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (core_lund * Tbar)); + MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (core_lund * Tbar)); core_resist = 1. / core_lund; } else { output.write(" Core - Zero resistivity -\n"); @@ -695,7 +718,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { dump.add(hyper_eta_x, "hyper_eta_x", 1); dump.add(hyper_eta_z, "hyper_eta_z", 1); } - + if (ehyperviscos > 0.0) { output.write(" electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient: %e\n", ehyperviscos); } @@ -709,32 +732,32 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { output.write(" diffusion_par: %e\n", diffusion_par); dump.add(diffusion_par, "diffusion_par", 0); } - - //M: 4th order diffusion of p + + // M: 4th order diffusion of p if (diffusion_n4 > 0.0) { output.write(" diffusion_n4: %e\n", diffusion_n4); dump.add(diffusion_n4, "diffusion_n4", 0); } - //M: 4th order diffusion of Ti + // M: 4th order diffusion of Ti if (diffusion_ti4 > 0.0) { output.write(" diffusion_ti4: %e\n", diffusion_ti4); dump.add(diffusion_ti4, "diffusion_ti4", 0); } - - //M: 4th order diffusion of Te + + // M: 4th order diffusion of Te if (diffusion_te4 > 0.0) { output.write(" diffusion_te4: %e\n", diffusion_te4); dump.add(diffusion_te4, "diffusion_te4", 0); } - //M: 4th order diffusion of Vipar + // M: 4th order diffusion of Vipar if (diffusion_v4 > 0.0) { output.write(" diffusion_v4: %e\n", diffusion_v4); dump.add(diffusion_v4, "diffusion_v4", 0); } - - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity + + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity if (diffusion_u4 > 0.0) { output.write(" diffusion_u4: %e\n", diffusion_u4); dump.add(diffusion_u4, "diffusion_u4", 0); @@ -744,50 +767,49 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { output.write(" sink_vp(rate): %e\n", sink_vp); dump.add(sink_vp, "sink_vp", 1); - output.write(" sp_width(%): %e\n",sp_width); + output.write(" sp_width(%%): %e\n", sp_width); dump.add(sp_width, "sp_width", 1); - output.write(" sp_length(%): %e\n",sp_length); + output.write(" sp_length(%%): %e\n", sp_length); dump.add(sp_length, "sp_length", 1); } - - J0 = MU0*Lbar * J0 / B0; - P0 = P0/(KB * (Tibar+Tebar)*eV_K /2. * Nbar*density); + J0 = MU0 * Lbar * J0 / B0; + P0 = P0 / (KB * (Tibar + Tebar) * eV_K / 2. * Nbar * density); b0xcv.x /= Bbar; - b0xcv.y *= Lbar*Lbar; - b0xcv.z *= Lbar*Lbar; + b0xcv.y *= Lbar * Lbar; + b0xcv.z *= Lbar * Lbar; - Rxy /= Lbar; + Rxy /= Lbar; Bpxy /= Bbar; Btxy /= Bbar; - B0 /= Bbar; + B0 /= Bbar; hthe /= Lbar; - coord->dx /= Lbar*Lbar*Bbar; - I *= Lbar*Lbar*Bbar; + coord->dx /= Lbar * Lbar * Bbar; + I *= Lbar * Lbar * Bbar; + + if ((!T0_fake_prof) && n0_fake_prof) { + N0 = N0tanh(n0_height * Nbar, n0_ave * Nbar, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x); - if( (!T0_fake_prof) && n0_fake_prof ) { - N0 = N0tanh(n0_height*Nbar, n0_ave*Nbar, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x); - - Ti0 = P0/N0/2.0; + Ti0 = P0 / N0 / 2.0; Te0 = Ti0; } else if (T0_fake_prof) { Ti0 = Tconst; Te0 = Ti0; - N0 = P0/(Ti0+Te0); + N0 = P0 / (Ti0 + Te0); } else { - if (mesh->get(N0, "Niexp")) { // N_i0 + if (mesh->get(N0, "Niexp")) { // N_i0 output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Ni0 from grid\n"); return 1; - } - - if (mesh->get(Ti0, "Tiexp")) { // T_i0 + } + + if (mesh->get(Ti0, "Tiexp")) { // T_i0 output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Ti0 from grid\n"); return 1; } - if (mesh->get(Te0, "Teexp")) { // T_e0 + if (mesh->get(Te0, "Teexp")) { // T_e0 output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Te0 from grid\n"); return 1; } @@ -800,17 +822,17 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { Pi0 = N0 * Ti0; Pe0 = Ne0 * Te0; - nu_e.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - nu_e.setBoundary("kappa"); + nu_e.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + nu_e.setBoundary("kappa"); if (spitzer_resist) { - eta_spitzer.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + eta_spitzer.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); eta_spitzer.setBoundary("kappa"); } if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { nu_i.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); nu_i.setBoundary("kappa"); - vth_i.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - vth_e.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + vth_i.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + vth_e.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); vth_i.setBoundary("kappa"); vth_e.setBoundary("kappa"); kappa_par_i.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); @@ -822,120 +844,134 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { kappa_perp_i.setBoundary("kappa"); kappa_perp_e.setBoundary("kappa"); } - + if (compress0) { eta_i0.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); eta_i0.setBoundary("Ti"); pi_ci.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); pi_ci.setBoundary("Ti"); - - //dump.add(eta_i0, "eta_i0", 1); - //dump.add(pi_ci, "pi_ci", 1); + + // dump.add(eta_i0, "eta_i0", 1); + // dump.add(pi_ci, "pi_ci", 1); } - + BoutReal pnorm = max(P0, true); // Maximum over all processors - + vacuum_pressure *= pnorm; // Get pressure from fraction vacuum_trans *= pnorm; // Transitions from 0 in core to 1 in vacuum - vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh( (P0 - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans )) / 2.0; + vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh((P0 - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans)) / 2.0; if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { - if (q95_input >0 ) { - q95 = q95_input; //use a constant for test + if (q95_input > 0) { + q95 = q95_input; // use a constant for test } else { if (local_q) { - q95 = abs(hthe * Btxy / ( Bpxy)) * q_alpha; + q95 = abs(hthe * Btxy / (Bpxy)) * q_alpha; } else { output.write("\tUsing q profile from grid.\n"); - if(mesh->get(q95, "q")) { - output.write("Cannot get q profile from grid!\nPlease run addqprofile.pro first\n"); + if (mesh->get(q95, "q")) { + output.write( + "Cannot get q profile from grid!\nPlease run addqprofile.pro first\n"); return 1; - } + } } } output.write("\tlocal max q: %e\n", max(q95)); output.write("\tlocal min q: %e\n", min(q95)); } - LnLambda = 24.0 - log(pow(Zi*Nbar*density/1.e6, 0.5) * pow(Tebar, -1.0)); //xia: ln Lambda + LnLambda = + 24.0 + - log(pow(Zi * Nbar * density / 1.e6, 0.5) * pow(Tebar, -1.0)); // xia: ln Lambda output.write("\tlog Lambda: %e\n", LnLambda); - nu_e = 2.91e-6*LnLambda*((N0)*Nbar*density/1.e6)*pow(Te0*Tebar,-1.5); // nu_e in 1/S. + nu_e = 2.91e-6 * LnLambda * ((N0)*Nbar * density / 1.e6) + * pow(Te0 * Tebar, -1.5); // nu_e in 1/S. output.write("\telectron collision rate: %e -> %e [1/s]\n", min(nu_e), max(nu_e)); - //nu_e.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(nu_e); + // nu_e.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(nu_e); if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { - - output.write("\tion thermal noramlized constant: Tipara1 = %e\n",Tipara1); - output.write("\telectron normalized thermal constant: Tepara1 = %e\n",Tepara1); - //xqx addition, begin - // Use Spitzer thermal conductivities - nu_i = 4.80e-8*(Zi*Zi*Zi*Zi/sqrt(AA))*LnLambda*((N0)*Nbar*density/1.e6)*pow(Ti0*Tibar,-1.5); // nu_i in 1/S. - //output.write("\tCoulomb Logarithm: %e \n", max(LnLambda)); + + output.write("\tion thermal noramlized constant: Tipara1 = %e\n", Tipara1); + output.write("\telectron normalized thermal constant: Tepara1 = %e\n", Tepara1); + // xqx addition, begin + // Use Spitzer thermal conductivities + nu_i = 4.80e-8 * (Zi * Zi * Zi * Zi / sqrt(AA)) * LnLambda + * ((N0)*Nbar * density / 1.e6) * pow(Ti0 * Tibar, -1.5); // nu_i in 1/S. + // output.write("\tCoulomb Logarithm: %e \n", max(LnLambda)); output.write("\tion collision rate: %e -> %e [1/s]\n", min(nu_i), max(nu_i)); - //nu_i.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(nu_i); - - vth_i = 9.79e3*sqrt((Ti0)*Tibar/AA); // vth_i in m/S. + // nu_i.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(nu_i); + + vth_i = 9.79e3 * sqrt((Ti0)*Tibar / AA); // vth_i in m/S. output.write("\tion thermal velocity: %e -> %e [m/s]\n", min(vth_i), max(vth_i)); - //vth_i.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(vth_i); - vth_e = 4.19e5*sqrt((Te0)*Tebar); // vth_e in m/S. + // vth_i.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(vth_i); + vth_e = 4.19e5 * sqrt((Te0)*Tebar); // vth_e in m/S. output.write("\telectron thermal velocity: %e -> %e [m/s]\n", min(vth_e), max(vth_e)); - //vth_e.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(vth_e); + // vth_e.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(vth_e); } - + if (compress0) { - eta_i0 = 0.96 * Pi0*Tau_ie * nu_i * Tbar; - output.write("\tCoefficients of parallel viscocity: %e -> %e [kg/(m s)]\n", min(eta_i0), max(eta_i0)); + eta_i0 = 0.96 * Pi0 * Tau_ie * nu_i * Tbar; + output.write("\tCoefficients of parallel viscocity: %e -> %e [kg/(m s)]\n", + min(eta_i0), max(eta_i0)); } - + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { - kappa_par_i=3.9*vth_i*vth_i/nu_i;// * 1.e4; - kappa_par_e=3.2*vth_e*vth_e/nu_e;// * 1.e4; - - output.write("\tion thermal conductivity: %e -> %e [m^2/s]\n", min(kappa_par_i), max(kappa_par_i)); - output.write("\telectron thermal conductivity: %e -> %e [m^2/s]\n", min(kappa_par_e), max(kappa_par_e)); - - output.write("\tnormalized ion thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", min(kappa_par_i*Tipara1), max(kappa_par_i*Tipara1)); - output.write("\tnormalized electron thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", min(kappa_par_e*Tepara1), max(kappa_par_e*Tepara1)); - + kappa_par_i = 3.9 * vth_i * vth_i / nu_i; // * 1.e4; + kappa_par_e = 3.2 * vth_e * vth_e / nu_e; // * 1.e4; + + output.write("\tion thermal conductivity: %e -> %e [m^2/s]\n", min(kappa_par_i), + max(kappa_par_i)); + output.write("\telectron thermal conductivity: %e -> %e [m^2/s]\n", min(kappa_par_e), + max(kappa_par_e)); + + output.write("\tnormalized ion thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", + min(kappa_par_i * Tipara1), max(kappa_par_i * Tipara1)); + output.write("\tnormalized electron thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", + min(kappa_par_e * Tepara1), max(kappa_par_e * Tepara1)); + Field3D kappa_par_i_fl, kappa_par_e_fl; - - kappa_par_i_fl = vth_i * (q95 * Lbar);// * 1.e2; - kappa_par_e_fl = vth_e * (q95 * Lbar);// * 1.e2; - + + kappa_par_i_fl = vth_i * (q95 * Lbar); // * 1.e2; + kappa_par_e_fl = vth_e * (q95 * Lbar); // * 1.e2; + kappa_par_i *= kappa_par_i_fl / (kappa_par_i + kappa_par_i_fl); - kappa_par_i *= Tipara1*N0; - output.write("\tUsed normalized ion thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", min(kappa_par_i), max(kappa_par_i)); - //kappa_par_i.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(kappa_par_i); + kappa_par_i *= Tipara1 * N0; + output.write("\tUsed normalized ion thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", + min(kappa_par_i), max(kappa_par_i)); + // kappa_par_i.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(kappa_par_i); kappa_par_e *= kappa_par_e_fl / (kappa_par_e + kappa_par_e_fl); - kappa_par_e *= Tepara1*N0/Zi; - output.write("\tUsed normalized electron thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", min(kappa_par_e), max(kappa_par_e)); - //kappa_par_e.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(kappa_par_e); - + kappa_par_e *= Tepara1 * N0 / Zi; + output.write("\tUsed normalized electron thermal conductivity: %e -> %e \n", + min(kappa_par_e), max(kappa_par_e)); + // kappa_par_e.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(kappa_par_e); + dump.add(kappa_par_i, "kappa_par_i", 1); dump.add(kappa_par_e, "kappa_par_e", 1); } - + if (spitzer_resist) { - // Use Spitzer resistivity - output.write(""); - output.write("\tSpizter parameters"); - //output.write("\tTemperature: %e -> %e [eV]\n", min(Te), max(Te)); - eta_spitzer = 0.51*1.03e-4*Zi*LnLambda*pow(Te0*Tebar,-1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. NOTE: ln(Lambda) = 20 - output.write("\tSpitzer resistivity: %e -> %e [Ohm m]\n", min(eta_spitzer), max(eta_spitzer)); + // Use Spitzer resistivity + output.write("\n\tSpizter parameters"); + // output.write("\tTemperature: %e -> %e [eV]\n", min(Te), max(Te)); + eta_spitzer = 0.51 * 1.03e-4 * Zi * LnLambda + * pow(Te0 * Tebar, -1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. NOTE: ln(Lambda) = 20 + output.write("\tSpitzer resistivity: %e -> %e [Ohm m]\n", min(eta_spitzer), + max(eta_spitzer)); eta_spitzer /= MU0 * Va * Lbar; - //eta_spitzer.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(eta_spitzer); - output.write("\t -> Lundquist %e -> %e\n", 1.0/max(eta_spitzer), 1.0/min(eta_spitzer)); + // eta_spitzer.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(eta_spitzer); + output.write("\t -> Lundquist %e -> %e\n", 1.0 / max(eta_spitzer), + 1.0 / min(eta_spitzer)); dump.add(eta_spitzer, "eta_spitzer", 1); } else { // transition from 0 for large P0 to resistivity for small P0 @@ -943,37 +979,37 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { eta_spitzer = 0.; dump.add(eta, "eta", 0); } - + /**************** CALCULATE METRICS ******************/ - coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy*Bpxy); + coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy * Bpxy); coord->g22 = 1.0 / SQ(hthe); - coord->g33 = SQ(I)*coord->g11 + SQ(B0)/coord->g11; + coord->g33 = SQ(I) * coord->g11 + SQ(B0) / coord->g11; coord->g12 = 0.0; - coord->g13 = -I*coord->g11; - coord->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - + coord->g13 = -I * coord->g11; + coord->g23 = -Btxy / (hthe * Bpxy * Rxy); + coord->J = hthe / Bpxy; coord->Bxy = B0; - - coord->g_11 = 1.0/coord->g11 + SQ(I*Rxy); - coord->g_22 = SQ(B0*hthe/Bpxy); - coord->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - coord->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - + + coord->g_11 = 1.0 / coord->g11 + SQ(I * Rxy); + coord->g_22 = SQ(B0 * hthe / Bpxy); + coord->g_33 = Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_12 = Btxy * hthe * I * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->g_13 = I * Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_23 = Btxy * hthe * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->geometry(); // Calculate quantities from metric tensor // Set B field vector - + B0vec.covariant = false; B0vec.x = 0.; B0vec.y = Bpxy / hthe; B0vec.z = 0.; // Set V0vec field vector - + V0vec.covariant = false; V0vec.x = 0.; V0vec.y = Vp0 / hthe; @@ -983,8 +1019,8 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { V0eff.covariant = false; V0eff.x = 0.; - V0eff.y = -(Btxy/(B0*B0))*(Vp0*Btxy-Vt0*Bpxy) / hthe; - V0eff.z = (Bpxy/(B0*B0))*(Vp0*Btxy-Vt0*Bpxy) / Rxy; + V0eff.y = -(Btxy / (B0 * B0)) * (Vp0 * Btxy - Vt0 * Bpxy) / hthe; + V0eff.z = (Bpxy / (B0 * B0)) * (Vp0 * Btxy - Vt0 * Bpxy) / Rxy; /**************** SET VARIABLE LOCATIONS *************/ @@ -1010,7 +1046,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { Ti_tmp.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); Te_tmp.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); } - + Pe.setBoundary("P"); Pi.setBoundary("P"); @@ -1027,22 +1063,22 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { dump.add(P, "P", 1); dump.add(Vepar, "Vepar", 1); - + if (parallel_lagrange) { // Evolving the distortion of the flux surfaces (Ideal-MHD only!) - + bout_solve(Xip_x, "Xip_x"); bout_solve(Xip_z, "Xip_z"); - + bout_solve(Xim_x, "Xim_x"); bout_solve(Xim_z, "Xim_z"); } - + if (parallel_project) { // Add Xi to the dump file dump.add(Xip_x, "Xip_x", 1); dump.add(Xip_z, "Xip_z", 1); - + dump.add(Xim_x, "Xim_x", 1); dump.add(Xim_z, "Xim_z", 1); } @@ -1056,25 +1092,26 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { if (phi_constraint) { // Implicit Phi solve using IDA - + if (!bout_constrain(phi, C_phi, "phi")) { - output_error.write("ERROR: Cannot constrain. Run again with phi_constraint=false\n"); + output_error.write( + "ERROR: Cannot constrain. Run again with phi_constraint=false\n"); throw BoutException("Aborting.\n"); } - + } else { // Phi solved in RHS (explicitly) dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); } // Diamagnetic phi0 - if(diamag && diamag_phi0) { - if(experiment_Er) { //get phi0 from grid file - mesh->get(phi0,"Phi_0"); - phi0 /= B0*Lbar*Va; + if (diamag && diamag_phi0) { + if (experiment_Er) { // get phi0 from grid file + mesh->get(phi0, "Phi_0"); + phi0 /= B0 * Lbar * Va; } else { // Stationary equilibrium plasma. ExB velocity balances diamagnetic drift - phi0 = -Upara0*Pi0/B0/N0; + phi0 = -Upara0 * Pi0 / B0 / N0; } SAVE_ONCE(phi0); } @@ -1087,13 +1124,18 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { SAVE_ONCE2(Va, B0); SAVE_ONCE3(Ti0, Te0, N0); + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"]); + + aparSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"]); + /////////////// CHECK VACUUM /////////////////////// // In vacuum region, initial vorticity should equal zero - + ubyn.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); ubyn.setBoundary("U"); - - if(!restarting) { + + if (!restarting) { // Only if not restarting: Check initial perturbation // Set U to zero where P0 < vacuum_pressure @@ -1103,18 +1145,18 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { Field2D logn0 = laplace_alpha * N0; Field3D Ntemp; Ntemp = N0; - ubyn = U*B0/Ntemp; + ubyn = U * B0 / Ntemp; // Phi should be consistent with U if (laplace_alpha <= 0.0) { - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL)/B0; + phi = phiSolver->solve(ubyn) / B0; } else { - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL, &logn0, NULL)/B0; + phiSolver->setCoefC(logn0); + phi = phiSolver->solve(ubyn) / B0; } } - /************** SETUP COMMUNICATIONS **************/ - + comms.add(U); comms.add(Ni); comms.add(Ti); @@ -1125,7 +1167,6 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { comms.add(Ajpar); } - if (compress0) { comms.add(Vipar); Vepar.setBoundary("Vipar"); @@ -1138,11 +1179,11 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { if (diffusion_n4 > 0.0) { tmpN2.setBoundary("Ni"); } - + if (diffusion_ti4 > 0.0) { tmpTi2.setBoundary("Ti"); } - + if (diffusion_te4 > 0.0) { tmpTe2.setBoundary("Te"); } @@ -1161,39 +1202,39 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { } // Parallel gradient along perturbed field-line -const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { +const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { TRACE("Grad_parP"); - + Field3D result; - + if (parallel_lagrange || parallel_project) { // Moving stencil locations - + Field3D fp, fm; // Interpolated on + and - y locations - + fp = interpolate(f, Xip_x, Xip_z); fm = interpolate(f, Xim_x, Xim_z); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - + + Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); + result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result) { - result[i] = (fp[i.yp()] - fm[i.ym()])/(2.*coord->dy[i]*sqrt(coord->g_22[i])); + for (auto i : result) { + result[i] = (fp[i.yp()] - fm[i.ym()]) / (2. * coord->dy[i] * sqrt(coord->g_22[i])); } } else { if (parallel_lr_diff) { // Use left/right biased stencils. NOTE: First order only! if (loc == CELL_YLOW) { - result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); + result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); } else { - result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); + result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); } } else { result = Grad_par(f, loc); } - + if (nonlinear) { - result -= bracket(Psi, f, bm_mag)*B0; + result -= bracket(Psi, f, bm_mag) * B0; } } @@ -1202,118 +1243,114 @@ const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { bool first_run = true; // For printing out some diagnostics first time around -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Perform communications mesh->communicate(comms); // Inversion - Pi = Ni*Ti0 + N0 * Ti; - if(nonlinear) { - Pi += Ni*Ti; + Pi = Ni * Ti0 + N0 * Ti; + if (nonlinear) { + Pi += Ni * Ti; } mesh->communicate(Pi); - - Pe = Zi * (Ni*Te0 + N0 * Te); - if(nonlinear) { - Pe += Zi * Ni * Te; + Pe = Zi * (Ni * Te0 + N0 * Te); + if (nonlinear) { + Pe += Zi * Ni * Te; } mesh->communicate(Pe); - P = Tau_ie*Pi + Pe; + P = Tau_ie * Pi + Pe; mesh->communicate(P); // Field2D lap_temp=0.0; Field2D logn0 = laplace_alpha * N0; - ubyn = U*B0/N0; + ubyn = U * B0 / N0; if (diamag) { - ubyn -= Upara0/N0 * Delp2(Pi)/B0; + ubyn -= Upara0 / N0 * Delp2(Pi) / B0; mesh->communicate(ubyn); ubyn.applyBoundary(); } // Invert laplacian for phi - if (laplace_alpha <= 0.0) { - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL)/B0; - } else { - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL, &logn0, NULL)/B0; + if (laplace_alpha > 0.0) { + phiSolver->setCoefC(logn0); } - + phi = phiSolver->solve(ubyn) / B0; + mesh->communicate(phi); if (emass) { - static Field2D acoeff; - static bool aset = false; - - if (!aset) { // calculate Apar coefficient - acoeff = -delta_e_inv*N0*N0; - } - aset = true; + Field2D acoeff = -delta_e_inv * N0 * N0; if (compress0) { - Psi = invert_laplace(acoeff*Ajpar-gyroAlv*Vipar, apar_flags, &acoeff); + Psi = aparSolver->solve(acoeff * Ajpar - gyroAlv * Vipar); } else { - Psi = invert_laplace(acoeff*Ajpar, apar_flags, &acoeff); + Psi = aparSolver->solve(acoeff * Ajpar); } mesh->communicate(Psi); } BoutReal N_tmp1; N_tmp1 = Low_limit; - N_tmp = field_larger(N0+Ni, N_tmp1); + N_tmp = field_larger(N0 + Ni, N_tmp1); BoutReal Te_tmp1, Ti_tmp1; Te_tmp1 = Low_limit; Ti_tmp1 = Low_limit; - - Ti_tmp = field_larger(Ti0+Ti, Ti_tmp1); - Te_tmp = field_larger(Te0+Te, Te_tmp1); - + + Ti_tmp = field_larger(Ti0 + Ti, Ti_tmp1); + Te_tmp = field_larger(Te0 + Te, Te_tmp1); + // vac_mask transitions from 0 in core to 1 in vacuum if (nonlinear) { - vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh( ((P0 + P) - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans )) / 2.0; + vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh(((P0 + P) - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans)) / 2.0; // Update resistivity if (spitzer_resist) { // Use Spitzer formula - eta_spitzer = 0.51*1.03e-4*Zi*LnLambda*pow(Te_tmp*Tebar,-1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. ln(Lambda) = 20 - eta_spitzer /= MU0 *Va * Lbar; - //eta_spitzer.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(eta_spitzer); + eta_spitzer = 0.51 * 1.03e-4 * Zi * LnLambda + * pow(Te_tmp * Tebar, -1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. ln(Lambda) = 20 + eta_spitzer /= MU0 * Va * Lbar; + // eta_spitzer.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(eta_spitzer); } else { eta = core_resist + (vac_resist - core_resist) * vac_mask; } - nu_e = 2.91e-6*LnLambda*(N_tmp*Nbar*density/1.e6)*pow(Te_tmp*Tebar,-1.5); // nu_e in 1/S. - //nu_e.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(nu_e); - - if (diffusion_par >0.0) { - //xqx addition, begin + nu_e = 2.91e-6 * LnLambda * (N_tmp * Nbar * density / 1.e6) + * pow(Te_tmp * Tebar, -1.5); // nu_e in 1/S. + // nu_e.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(nu_e); + + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { + // xqx addition, begin // Use Spitzer thermal conductivities - - nu_i = 4.80e-8*(Zi*Zi*Zi*Zi/sqrt(AA))*LnLambda*(N_tmp*Nbar*density/1.e6)*pow(Ti_tmp*Tibar,-1.5); // nu_i in 1/S. - vth_i = 9.79e3*sqrt(Ti_tmp*Tibar/AA); // vth_i in m/S. - vth_e = 4.19e5*sqrt(Te_tmp*Tebar); // vth_e in m/S. + + nu_i = 4.80e-8 * (Zi * Zi * Zi * Zi / sqrt(AA)) * LnLambda + * (N_tmp * Nbar * density / 1.e6) + * pow(Ti_tmp * Tibar, -1.5); // nu_i in 1/S. + vth_i = 9.79e3 * sqrt(Ti_tmp * Tibar / AA); // vth_i in m/S. + vth_e = 4.19e5 * sqrt(Te_tmp * Tebar); // vth_e in m/S. } - if (diffusion_par >0.0) { - kappa_par_i=3.9*vth_i*vth_i/nu_i;// * 1.e4; - kappa_par_e=3.2*vth_e*vth_e/nu_e;// * 1.e4; - + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { + kappa_par_i = 3.9 * vth_i * vth_i / nu_i; // * 1.e4; + kappa_par_e = 3.2 * vth_e * vth_e / nu_e; // * 1.e4; + Field3D kappa_par_i_fl, kappa_par_e_fl; - - kappa_par_i_fl = vth_i * (q95 * Lbar);// * 1.e2; - kappa_par_e_fl = vth_e * (q95 * Lbar);// * 1.e2; - + + kappa_par_i_fl = vth_i * (q95 * Lbar); // * 1.e2; + kappa_par_e_fl = vth_e * (q95 * Lbar); // * 1.e2; + kappa_par_i *= kappa_par_i_fl / (kappa_par_i + kappa_par_i_fl); - kappa_par_i *= Tipara1*N_tmp; - //kappa_par_i.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(kappa_par_i); + kappa_par_i *= Tipara1 * N_tmp; + // kappa_par_i.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(kappa_par_i); kappa_par_e *= kappa_par_e_fl / (kappa_par_e + kappa_par_e_fl); - kappa_par_e *= Tepara1*N_tmp*Zi; - //kappa_par_e.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(kappa_par_e); + kappa_par_e *= Tepara1 * N_tmp * Zi; + // kappa_par_e.applyBoundary(); + // mesh->communicate(kappa_par_e); } } @@ -1321,22 +1358,22 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { Jpar.applyBoundary(); mesh->communicate(Jpar); - if(jpar_bndry_width > 0) { + if (jpar_bndry_width > 0) { // Zero j in boundary regions. Prevents vorticity drive // at the boundary - - for(int i=0;iLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - if (mesh->firstX()) - Jpar(i,j,k) = 0.0; - if (mesh->lastX()) - Jpar(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) = 0.0; - } - } - - // Smooth j in x - if(smooth_j_x) + + for (int i = 0; i < jpar_bndry_width; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + if (mesh->firstX()) + Jpar(i, j, k) = 0.0; + if (mesh->lastX()) + Jpar(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) = 0.0; + } + } + + // Smooth j in x + if (smooth_j_x) Jpar = smooth_x(Jpar); if (compress0) { @@ -1348,172 +1385,174 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { mesh->communicate(Vepar); } } - - //xqx begin + + // xqx begin // Get Delp2(J) from J Jpar2 = -Delp2(Jpar); Jpar2.applyBoundary(); mesh->communicate(Jpar2); - if(jpar_bndry_width > 0) { + if (jpar_bndry_width > 0) { // Zero jpar2 in boundary regions. Prevents vorticity drive // at the boundary - - for(int i=0;iLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - if(mesh->firstX()) - Jpar2(i,j,k) = 0.0; - if(mesh->lastX()) - Jpar2(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) = 0.0; - } + + for (int i = 0; i < jpar_bndry_width; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + if (mesh->firstX()) + Jpar2(i, j, k) = 0.0; + if (mesh->lastX()) + Jpar2(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) = 0.0; + } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parallel electric field { TRACE("ddt(Psi)"); - + ddt(Psi) = 0.0; - + if (spitzer_resist) { - ddt(Psi) = -Grad_parP(B0*phi, CELL_CENTRE) / B0 - eta_spitzer*Jpar; + ddt(Psi) = -Grad_parP(B0 * phi, CELL_CENTRE) / B0 - eta_spitzer * Jpar; } else { - ddt(Psi) = -Grad_parP(B0*phi, CELL_CENTRE) / B0 - eta*Jpar; + ddt(Psi) = -Grad_parP(B0 * phi, CELL_CENTRE) / B0 - eta * Jpar; } - + if (diamag) { - ddt(Psi) -= bracket(B0*phi0, Psi, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(Psi) -= bracket(B0 * phi0, Psi, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow } - + // Hyper-resistivity if (hyperresist > 0.0) { ddt(Psi) += hyperresist * Delp2(Jpar); } } - + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vorticity equation - + { TRACE("ddt(U)"); - + ddt(U) = 0.0; - ddt(U) = -SQ(B0) * bracket(Psi, J0, bm_mag)*B0; // Grad j term - - ddt(U) += 2.0* Upara1 * b0xcv*Grad(P); // curvature term - - ddt(U) += SQ(B0)*Grad_parP(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE); // b dot grad j - + ddt(U) = -SQ(B0) * bracket(Psi, J0, bm_mag) * B0; // Grad j term + + ddt(U) += 2.0 * Upara1 * b0xcv * Grad(P); // curvature term + + ddt(U) += SQ(B0) * Grad_parP(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE); // b dot grad j + if (diamag) { - ddt(U) -= bracket(B0*phi0, U, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(U) -= bracket(B0 * phi0, U, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow } - + if (nonlinear) { - ddt(U) -= bracket(B0*phi, U, bm_exb); // Advection + ddt(U) -= bracket(B0 * phi, U, bm_exb); // Advection /*if (compress0) //ddt(U) -= Vipar*Grad_par(U); ddt(U) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vipar, U);*/ } - - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential + + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential if (diffusion_u4 > 0.0) { tmpA2 = Grad2_par2new(Psi); mesh->communicate(tmpA2); tmpA2.applyBoundary(); ddt(U) -= diffusion_u4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpA2); } - - // Viscosity terms + + // Viscosity terms if (viscos_par > 0.0) { ddt(U) += viscos_par * Grad2_par2(U); // Parallel viscosity } - + if (hyperviscos > 0.0) { // Calculate coefficient. - - hyper_mu_x = hyperviscos * coord->g_11*SQ(coord->dx) * abs(coord->g11*D2DX2(U)) / (abs(U) + 1e-3); + + hyper_mu_x = hyperviscos * coord->g_11 * SQ(coord->dx) * abs(coord->g11 * D2DX2(U)) + / (abs(U) + 1e-3); hyper_mu_x.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); // Set to zero on all boundaries - - ddt(U) += hyper_mu_x * coord->g11*D2DX2(U); - + + ddt(U) += hyper_mu_x * coord->g11 * D2DX2(U); + if (first_run) { // Print out maximum values of viscosity used on this processor output.write(" Hyper-viscosity values:\n"); - output.write(" Max mu_x = %e, Max_DC mu_x = %e\n", max(hyper_mu_x), max(DC(hyper_mu_x))); + output.write(" Max mu_x = %e, Max_DC mu_x = %e\n", max(hyper_mu_x), + max(DC(hyper_mu_x))); } } - - // left edge sink terms - if(sink_Ul > 0.0){ - ddt(U) -= sink_Ul*sink_tanhxl(P0,U,su_widthl,su_lengthl); // core sink + + // left edge sink terms + if (sink_Ul > 0.0) { + ddt(U) -= sink_Ul * sink_tanhxl(P0, U, su_widthl, su_lengthl); // core sink } - - // right edge sink terms - if(sink_Ur > 0.0){ - ddt(U) -= sink_Ur*sink_tanhxr(P0,U,su_widthr,su_lengthr); // sol sink + + // right edge sink terms + if (sink_Ur > 0.0) { + ddt(U) -= sink_Ur * sink_tanhxr(P0, U, su_widthr, su_lengthr); // sol sink } } - + /////////////////////////////////////////////// // number density equation { TRACE("ddt(Ni)"); - + ddt(Ni) = 0.0; - - ddt(Ni) -= bracket(B0*phi, N0, bm_exb); - + + ddt(Ni) -= bracket(B0 * phi, N0, bm_exb); + if (diamag) { - ddt(Ni) -= bracket(B0*phi0, Ni, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(Ni) -= bracket(B0 * phi0, Ni, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow } - + if (nonlinear) { - ddt(Ni) -= bracket(B0*phi, Ni, bm_exb); // Advection + ddt(Ni) -= bracket(B0 * phi, Ni, bm_exb); // Advection } - + if (compress0) { - ddt(Ni) -= N0 * B0 * Grad_parP(Vipar/B0, CELL_CENTRE); + ddt(Ni) -= N0 * B0 * Grad_parP(Vipar / B0, CELL_CENTRE); } - - //M: 4th order Parallel diffusion terms - if(diffusion_n4 > 0.0) { + + // M: 4th order Parallel diffusion terms + if (diffusion_n4 > 0.0) { tmpN2 = Grad2_par2new(Ni); mesh->communicate(tmpN2); tmpN2.applyBoundary(); ddt(Ni) -= diffusion_n4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpN2); } } - + /////////////////////////////////////////////// // ion temperature equation { TRACE("ddt(Ti)"); - + ddt(Ti) = 0.0; - - ddt(Ti) -= bracket(B0*phi, Ti0, bm_exb); - + + ddt(Ti) -= bracket(B0 * phi, Ti0, bm_exb); + if (diamag) { - ddt(Ti) -= bracket(phi0*B0, Ti, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(Ti) -= bracket(phi0 * B0, Ti, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow } - + if (nonlinear) { - ddt(Ti) -= bracket(phi*B0, Ti, bm_exb); // Advection + ddt(Ti) -= bracket(phi * B0, Ti, bm_exb); // Advection } - + if (compress0) { - ddt(Ti) -= 2.0/3.0 * Ti0 * B0 * Grad_parP(Vipar/B0, CELL_CENTRE); + ddt(Ti) -= 2.0 / 3.0 * Ti0 * B0 * Grad_parP(Vipar / B0, CELL_CENTRE); } - + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { - ddt(Ti) += kappa_par_i * Grad2_par2(Ti)/N0; // Parallel diffusion - ddt(Ti) += Grad_par(kappa_par_i, CELL_CENTRE) * Grad_par(Ti, CELL_YLOW)/N0; + ddt(Ti) += kappa_par_i * Grad2_par2(Ti) / N0; // Parallel diffusion + ddt(Ti) += Grad_par(kappa_par_i, CELL_CENTRE) * Grad_par(Ti, CELL_YLOW) / N0; } - - //M: 4th order Parallel diffusion terms + + // M: 4th order Parallel diffusion terms if (diffusion_ti4 > 0.0) { tmpTi2 = Grad2_par2new(Ti); mesh->communicate(tmpTi2); @@ -1521,34 +1560,34 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { ddt(Ti) -= diffusion_ti4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpTi2); } } - + /////////////////////////////////////////////// // electron temperature equation - + { TRACE("ddt(Te)"); - + ddt(Te) = 0.0; - - ddt(Te) -= bracket(B0*phi, Te0, bm_exb); - + + ddt(Te) -= bracket(B0 * phi, Te0, bm_exb); + if (diamag) { - ddt(Te) -= bracket(B0*phi0, Te, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(Te) -= bracket(B0 * phi0, Te, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow } - + if (nonlinear) { - ddt(Te) -= bracket(B0*phi, Te, bm_exb); // Advection + ddt(Te) -= bracket(B0 * phi, Te, bm_exb); // Advection } - + if (compress0) { - ddt(Te) -= 2.0/3.0 * Te0 * B0 * Grad_parP(Vepar/B0, CELL_CENTRE); + ddt(Te) -= 2.0 / 3.0 * Te0 * B0 * Grad_parP(Vepar / B0, CELL_CENTRE); } - + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { - ddt(Te) += kappa_par_e * Grad2_par2(Te)/N0; // Parallel diffusion - ddt(Te) += Grad_par(kappa_par_e, CELL_CENTRE) * Grad_par(Te, CELL_YLOW)/N0; + ddt(Te) += kappa_par_e * Grad2_par2(Te) / N0; // Parallel diffusion + ddt(Te) += Grad_par(kappa_par_e, CELL_CENTRE) * Grad_par(Te, CELL_YLOW) / N0; } - + if (diffusion_te4 > 0.0) { tmpTe2 = Grad2_par2new(Te); mesh->communicate(tmpTe2); @@ -1556,47 +1595,46 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { ddt(Te) -= diffusion_te4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpTe2); } } - + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - if (compress0) { //parallel velocity equation + if (compress0) { // parallel velocity equation TRACE("ddt(Vipar)"); - + ddt(Vipar) = 0.0; - + ddt(Vipar) -= Vipara * Grad_parP(P, CELL_YLOW) / N0; ddt(Vipar) += Vipara * bracket(Psi, P0, bm_mag) * B0 / N0; - + if (diamag) { - ddt(Vipar) -= bracket(B0*phi0, Vipar, bm_exb); + ddt(Vipar) -= bracket(B0 * phi0, Vipar, bm_exb); } if (nonlinear) { - ddt(Vipar) -= bracket(B0*phi, Vipar, bm_exb); + ddt(Vipar) -= bracket(B0 * phi, Vipar, bm_exb); } - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential if (diffusion_v4 > 0.0) { tmpVp2 = Grad2_par2new(Vipar); mesh->communicate(tmpVp2); tmpVp2.applyBoundary(); ddt(Vipar) -= diffusion_v4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpVp2); } - + if (sink_vp > 0.0) { Field2D V0tmp = 0.; - ddt(Vipar) -= sink_vp*sink_tanhxl(V0tmp,Vipar,sp_width,sp_length); // sink + ddt(Vipar) -= sink_vp * sink_tanhxl(V0tmp, Vipar, sp_width, sp_length); // sink } } - /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (filter_z) { // Filter out all except filter_z_mode TRACE("filter_z"); - + ddt(Psi) = filter(ddt(Psi), filter_z_mode); - + ddt(U) = filter(ddt(U), filter_z_mode); ddt(Ni) = filter(ddt(Ni), filter_z_mode); @@ -1615,7 +1653,7 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { if (low_pass_z > 0) { // Low-pass filter, keeping n up to low_pass_z TRACE("low_pass_z"); - + if (!emass) { ddt(Psi) = lowPass(ddt(Psi), low_pass_z, zonal_field); } else { @@ -1628,32 +1666,30 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { ddt(Te) = lowPass(ddt(Te), low_pass_z, zonal_bkgd); ddt(Ni) = lowPass(ddt(Ni), low_pass_z, zonal_bkgd); - if(compress0) { + if (compress0) { ddt(Vipar) = lowPass(ddt(Vipar), low_pass_z, zonal_bkgd); } } - if(damp_width > 0) { - for(int i=0;iLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - if(mesh->firstX()) - ddt(U)(i,j,k) -= U(i,j,k) / damp_t_const; - if(mesh->lastX()) - ddt(U)(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) -= U(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) / damp_t_const; - } + if (damp_width > 0) { + for (int i = 0; i < damp_width; i++) { + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + if (mesh->firstX()) + ddt(U)(i, j, k) -= U(i, j, k) / damp_t_const; + if (mesh->lastX()) + ddt(U)(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) -= + U(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) / damp_t_const; + } } } - if (filter_nl >0) { + if (filter_nl > 0) { TRACE("filter_nl"); - ddt(Ni) = nl_filter( ddt(Ni), filter_nl); + ddt(Ni) = nl_filter(ddt(Ni), filter_nl); } first_run = false; return 0; } - - - diff --git a/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/.gitignore b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5a7f23771a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +imex diff --git a/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/README.md b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af12df8376 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +# Advection-Diffusion in 2D + +Doubly periodic 2D domain in X-Z, evolving a single variable `U`. +An advection velocity `Vx` in the X direction, and diffusion in Z. + +The default settings use the `splitrk` method, which uses Strang splitting +to combine RK3-SSP (advection) with Runge-Kutta-Legendre (diffusion). + +``` +$ ./imex +1.000e-02 31 181 9.23e-02 60.7 0.0 0.7 8.6 30.1 +2.000e-02 31 181 9.00e-02 61.6 0.0 0.7 7.2 30.6 +... +``` + +This test case can be used to try different solvers, for example the PVODE solver +(adaptive implicit BDF scheme): + +``` +$ ./imex solver:type=pvode +1.000e-02 338 338 3.68e-01 62.8 0.0 0.5 2.0 34.7 +2.000e-02 156 156 1.78e-01 59.8 0.0 0.5 3.5 36.1 +... +``` + +In this case the `splitrk` solver is faster, but note that it has no error +control. Increasing the tolerances for `CVODE` also speeds up the calculation: +``` +$ ./imex solver:type=pvode solver:atol=1e-4 solver:rtol=1e-2 +1.000e-02 116 116 1.35e-01 58.6 0.0 0.5 5.5 35.4 +2.000e-02 56 56 7.09e-02 54.5 0.0 0.5 8.4 36.6 +3.000e-02 34 34 4.67e-02 49.5 0.0 0.5 13.3 36.7 +... +``` diff --git a/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/data/BOUT.inp index 883bddeb1f..4067bb1ab8 100644 --- a/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/data/BOUT.inp @@ -3,19 +3,13 @@ ################################################## # settings used by the core code -NOUT = 100 # number of time-steps +NOUT = 50 # number of time-steps TIMESTEP = 1e-2 # time between outputs -MZ = 129 # number of points in z direction (2^n + 1) - -ZPERIOD = 6.28319 # Fraction of a torus. 2*PI sets Z length to 1 - -dump_format = "nc" # Set extension for dump files (nc = NetCDF) - -#NXPE = 1 - periodicX = true # Make domain periodic in X +myg = 0 + ################################################## # derivative methods @@ -42,71 +36,34 @@ flux = U1 [mesh] -nx = 132 -#dx = 0.03125 # 1/32 -#dx = 0.015625 #1/64 -dx = 0.0078125 #1/128 -#dx = 0.00390625 #1/256 -#dx = 0.001953125 #1/512 -#dx = 0.0009765625 #1/1024 - -ny = 5 -dy = 0.1 # 1/512 +nx = 132 +ny = 1 +nz = 128 -#ixseps1 = -1 #Specify ixseps to stop y from being periodic -#ixseps2 = -1 +dx = 1 / nx +dz = 1 / (nz-4) ################################################## # Solver settings [solver] -# mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep preconditioner options -ATOL = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -RTOL = 1.0e-5 # relative tolerance -mxstep = 50000 - -type=arkode #use arkode solver -imex=true #use split operator ImEx method -explicit=true #include explicit operator -implicit=true #include implicit operator - - +type = splitrk +timestep = 1e-4 # Internal timestep +nstages = 9 # Stages in RKL steps for diffusive component +adapt_period = 5 # Internal steps between accuracy checks ################################################## # settings for split operator model [imex] -cz = 100.0 -cx = 1.0 -################################################## -# settings for individual variables -# The section "All" defines default settings for all variables -# These can be overridden for individual variables in -# a section of that name. - -[All] -scale = 1.0 # default size of initial perturbations - -# boundary conditions -# ------------------- -# dirichlet - Zero value -# neumann - Zero gradient -# zerolaplace - Laplacian = 0, decaying solution -# constlaplace - Laplacian = const, decaying solution -# -# relax( ) - Make boundary condition relaxing - -#bndry_xin = dirichlet_o2(1.0) # Default zero value -#bndry_all = neumann -# form of initial profile: -# 0 - constant -# 1 - Gaussian -# 2 - Sinusoidal -# 3 - Mix of mode numbers +vx = 2.0 # Advection velocity in X +Dz = 1.0 # Diffusion coefficient in Z + +# Settings for evolving variable [U] -scale = 1.0 -function = 0.125*gauss(x-0.2,0.05)*gauss(z-0.5*2*3.14159,0.05*2*3.14159) + H(x-0.7)*(1-H(x-0.8))*H(z-0.45*2*3.14159)*(1-H(z-0.55*2*3.14159)) +zs = z / (2π) +function = exp(-((x-0.5)/0.1)^2 - ((zs-0.5)/0.1)^2) diff --git a/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/imex.cxx b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/imex.cxx index fe3fb2a0ba..d8e6a9b2ca 100644 --- a/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/imex.cxx +++ b/examples/IMEX/advection-diffusion/imex.cxx @@ -7,58 +7,46 @@ * * *******************************************************************/ - -#include -#include -#include +#include #include +class IMEXexample : public PhysicsModel { +private: + Field3D U; // Evolving variable and auxilliary variable + Field3D Vx, Dz; // Velocity, diffusion -int diffusive(BoutReal time); - -Field3D U,Cx,Cz; // Evolving variable and auxilliary variable - -BoutReal cx,cz; //Advection velocity, diffusion rate - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - // Give the solver two RHS functions - // First function is explicit, second is implicit - solver->setSplitOperator(physics_run,diffusive); +protected: + int init(bool) { + setSplitOperator(); // Split into convective and diffusive - // Get options - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - options = options->getSection("imex"); - OPTION(options, cz, 100.0); - OPTION(options, cx, 1.0); + // Get options + auto& options = Options::root()["imex"]; + Vx = options["Vx"].doc("Velocity in X").withDefault(Field3D(100.0)); + Dz = options["Dz"].doc("Diffusion in Z").withDefault(Field3D(1.0)); - SOLVE_FOR(U); + SOLVE_FOR(U); - Cx = cx; - Cz = cz; + return 0; + } - return 0; -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal time) { - - // Need communication - mesh->communicate(U); + int convective(BoutReal) { + // Need communication + mesh->communicate(U); - //Slow Passive advection - ddt(U) = -VDDX(Cx,U); + // Passive advection + ddt(U) = -VDDX(Vx,U); - return 0; -} - -int diffusive(BoutReal time) { - - mesh->communicate(U); - //Fast passive advection - - ddt(U) = -VDDZ(Cz,U); + return 0; + } - return 0; -} + int diffusive(BoutReal) { + mesh->communicate(U); + // Diffusion + ddt(U) = Dz*D2DZ2(U); + + return 0; + } +}; +BOUTMAIN(IMEXexample); diff --git a/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/.gitignore b/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ffd539b44e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +split_operator \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/split_operator.cxx b/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/split_operator.cxx index cfda39fdfe..91a4cf5cfc 100644 --- a/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/split_operator.cxx +++ b/examples/IMEX/advection-reaction/split_operator.cxx @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ Field3D phi; // Potential used for advection BoutReal rate; // Reaction rate -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Give the solver two RHS functions solver->setSplitOperator(physics_run, reaction); // Get options - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - options = options->getSection("split"); - OPTION(options, rate, 1.0); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["split"]; + rate = options["rate"].withDefault(1.0); // Get phi settings from BOUT.inp phi.setBoundary("phi"); @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 0; } -int physics_run(BoutReal time) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Need communication mesh->communicate(U); @@ -64,7 +64,9 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal time) { return 0; } -int reaction(BoutReal time) { +int reaction(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // A simple reaction operator. No communication needed ddt(U) = rate * (1.-U); + + return 0; } diff --git a/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/.gitignore b/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c9d1f0767 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +diffusion-nl \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/diffusion-nl.cxx b/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/diffusion-nl.cxx index 6a3ed38e95..e89b0f337b 100644 --- a/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/diffusion-nl.cxx +++ b/examples/IMEX/diffusion-nl/diffusion-nl.cxx @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ class DiffusionNL : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool) { // Get the input parameter alpha - Options *opt = Options::getRoot(); - OPTION(opt, alpha, 2.5); - + auto& opt = Options::root(); + alpha = opt["alpha"].withDefault(2.5); + // Specify that the operator is split // into convective and diffusive parts setSplitOperator(); @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class DiffusionNL : public PhysicsModel { * Convective part of the problem. In an IMEX scheme * this will be treated explicitly */ - int convective(BoutReal time) { + int convective(BoutReal) { ddt(f) = 0.0; return 0; } @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class DiffusionNL : public PhysicsModel { * ------- * ddt(f) = Time derivative of f */ - int diffusive(BoutReal time, bool linear) { + int diffusive(BoutReal, bool linear) { mesh->communicate(f); if (!linear) { // Update diffusion coefficient @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class DiffusionNL : public PhysicsModel { * * ddt(f) = Result of the inversion */ - int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) { + int precon(BoutReal, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal) { // Preconditioner static InvertPar *inv = NULL; diff --git a/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/.gitignore b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca1bc679e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test-drift \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/test-drift.cxx b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/test-drift.cxx index 34f3273f71..44747330be 100644 --- a/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/test-drift.cxx +++ b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave-constraint/test-drift.cxx @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restart) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restart)) { // Specify evolving variables solver->add(Vort, "Vort"); // Vorticity solver->add(Ne, "Ne"); // Electron density @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { phi = 0.0; // Coordinate system - coord = mesh->coordinates(); + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); return 0; } - int convective(BoutReal time) { + int convective(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Non-stiff parts of the problem here // Here just the nonlinear advection @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int diffusive(BoutReal time) { + int diffusive(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Parallel dynamics treated implicitly mesh->communicate(phi, Vort, Ne); diff --git a/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/.gitignore b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ca1bc679e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test-drift \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/test-drift.cxx b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/test-drift.cxx index 012f074002..42a1696767 100644 --- a/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/test-drift.cxx +++ b/examples/IMEX/drift-wave/test-drift.cxx @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restart) { + int init(bool) { // Specify evolving variables solver->add(Vort, "Vort"); // Vorticity solver->add(Ne, "Ne"); // Electron density @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { SAVE_REPEAT(phi); // Get the normalised resistivity - Options::getRoot()->getSection("drift")->get("nu", nu, 1.0); + nu = Options::root()["drift"]["nu"].doc("Normalised resistivity").withDefault(1.0); // Read background profile mesh->get(Ne0, "Ne0"); @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int convective(BoutReal time) { + int convective(BoutReal) { // Non-stiff parts of the problem here // Here just the nonlinear advection @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class DriftWave : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int diffusive(BoutReal time) { + int diffusive(BoutReal) { // Parallel dynamics treated implicitly // Solve for potential diff --git a/examples/advdiff/.gitignore b/examples/advdiff/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e04e9b916a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/advdiff/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +advdiff \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/advdiff/advdiff.cxx b/examples/advdiff/advdiff.cxx index a748e2e2d2..ac540e52c9 100644 --- a/examples/advdiff/advdiff.cxx +++ b/examples/advdiff/advdiff.cxx @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class AdvDiff : public PhysicsModel { // Read initial conditions - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); mesh->get(V0, "V0"); mesh->get(coord->dx, "dx"); @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class AdvDiff : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Run communications mesh->communicate(V); diff --git a/examples/advdiff2/.gitignore b/examples/advdiff2/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e04e9b916a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/advdiff2/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +advdiff \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/advdiff2/init.cxx b/examples/advdiff2/init.cxx index 22c3bdae56..efa2cd5c83 100644 --- a/examples/advdiff2/init.cxx +++ b/examples/advdiff2/init.cxx @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) // Read initial conditions mesh->get(V0, "V0"); - mesh->get(mesh->dx, "dx"); - mesh->get(mesh->dy, "dy"); + mesh->get(mesh->getCoordinates()->dx, "dx"); + mesh->get(mesh->getCoordinates()->dy, "dy"); // read options diff --git a/examples/advdiff2/run.cxx b/examples/advdiff2/run.cxx index e0f7204ca4..44d40bb9e7 100644 --- a/examples/advdiff2/run.cxx +++ b/examples/advdiff2/run.cxx @@ -3,15 +3,12 @@ #include "globals.hxx" -int physics_run(BoutReal t) -{ +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Run communications mesh->communicate(V); - //ddt(V) = D2DX2(V) + 0.5*DDX(V) + D2DY2(V); ddt(V) = DDX(V); - return 0; } diff --git a/examples/backtrace/.gitignore b/examples/backtrace/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f587f481cd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/backtrace/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +backtrace \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/backtrace/backtrace.cxx b/examples/backtrace/backtrace.cxx index 97f7d53b43..472371725b 100644 --- a/examples/backtrace/backtrace.cxx +++ b/examples/backtrace/backtrace.cxx @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ void f1(){ output.write("c is %f\n",c); throw BoutException("Tomatoes are red?\n"); } -void f2(int a){ +void f2(int UNUSED(a)) { f1(); } @@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ int f3(){ return 0; } -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { f3(); return 1; } -int physics_run(BoutReal time) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { return 1; diff --git a/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/.gitignore b/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7710fec04 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +blob2d \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/blob2d.cxx b/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/blob2d.cxx index a22f72adf8..9ad0b1f1e8 100644 --- a/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/blob2d.cxx +++ b/examples/blob2d-laplacexz/blob2d.cxx @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class Blob2D : public PhysicsModel { int boussinesq_used; // How many times has it been reused protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { /******************Reading options *****************/ @@ -56,15 +56,18 @@ class Blob2D : public PhysicsModel { R_c = options["R_c"].withDefault(1.5); // Radius of curvature L_par = options["L_par"].withDefault(10); // Parallel connection length - OPTION(options, B0, 0.35); // Value of magnetic field strength + B0 = options["B0"].withDefault(0.35); // Value of magnetic field strength // System option switches - OPTION(options, compressible, false); // Include compressible ExB term in density equation - OPTION(options, boussinesq, true); // Use Boussinesq approximation in vorticity - OPTION(options, sheath, true); // Sheath closure + compressible = options["compressible"].withDefault( + false); // Include compressible ExB term in density equation + boussinesq = options["boussinesq"].withDefault( + true); // Use Boussinesq approximation in vorticity + sheath = options["sheath"].withDefault(true); // Sheath closure - OPTION(options, boussinesq_reuse, 0); // How many times to reuse n in vorticity? + boussinesq_reuse = options["boussinesq_reuse"].withDefault( + 0); // How many times to reuse n in vorticity? boussinesq_used = boussinesq_reuse + 1; // Ensure updated first time /***************Calculate the Parameters **********/ @@ -106,7 +109,7 @@ class Blob2D : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Run communications //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// diff --git a/examples/blob2d-outerloop/blob2d.cxx b/examples/blob2d-outerloop/blob2d.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 3c99604a41..0000000000 --- a/examples/blob2d-outerloop/blob2d.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,178 +0,0 @@ -/// -/// \file blob2d.cxx -/// -/// 2D simulations of a plasma blob in a slab -/// -/// This version uses DataIterator indexed operators -/// which reduce the number of loops over the domain -/// - -#include // Commonly used BOUT++ components -#include // To use DDZ() -#include // Laplacian inversion - -#include // For DataIterator indexed operators - -/// 2D drift-reduced model, mainly used for blob studies -/// -/// -class Blob2D : public PhysicsModel { -private: - // Evolving variables - Field3D n, omega; ///< Density and vorticity - - // Auxilliary variables - Field3D phi; ///< Electrostatic potential - - // Parameters - BoutReal rho_s; ///< Bohm gyro radius - BoutReal Omega_i; ///< Ion cyclotron frequency - BoutReal c_s; ///< Bohm sound speed - BoutReal n0; ///< Reference density - - // Constants to calculate the parameters - BoutReal Te0; ///< Isothermal temperature [eV] - BoutReal B0; ///< Constant magnetic field [T] - BoutReal m_i; ///< Ion mass [kg] - BoutReal m_e; ///< Electron mass [kg] - BoutReal e; ///< Electron charge [C] - - BoutReal D_n, D_vort; ///< Diffusion coefficients - BoutReal R_c; ///< Radius of curvature - BoutReal L_par; ///< Parallel connection length - - // Model options - bool boussinesq; ///< Use the Boussinesq approximation in vorticity - bool compressible; ///< If allow inclusion of n grad phi term in density evolution - bool sheath; ///< Sheath connected? - - Laplacian *phiSolver; ///< Performs Laplacian inversions to calculate phi - -protected: - int init(bool restarting) { - TRACE("blob2d::init"); - - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("model"); - - // Load system parameters - options->get("Te0", Te0, 30); // Temp in eV - options->get("e", e, 1.602e-19); - options->get("m_i", m_i, 2 * 1.667e-27); - options->get("m_e", m_e, 9.11e-31); - - options->get("n0", n0, 1e19); // Background density in cubic m - options->get("D_vort", D_vort, 0); // Viscous diffusion coefficient - options->get("D_n", D_n, 0); // Density diffusion coefficient - - options->get("R_c", R_c, 1.5); // Radius of curvature - options->get("L_par", L_par, 10); // Parallel connection length - OPTION(options, B0, 0.35); // Value of magnetic field strength - - // System option switches - - OPTION(options, compressible, - false); // Include compressible ExB term in density equation - OPTION(options, boussinesq, true); // Use Boussinesq approximation in vorticity - OPTION(options, sheath, true); // Sheath closure - - // Calculate parameters - - Omega_i = e * B0 / m_i; // Cyclotron Frequency - c_s = sqrt(e * Te0 / m_i); // Bohm sound speed - rho_s = c_s / Omega_i; // Bohm gyro-radius - - output.write("\n\n\t----------Parameters: ------------ \n\tOmega_i = %e /s,\n\tc_s = " - "%e m/s,\n\trho_s = %e m\n", - Omega_i, c_s, rho_s); - - // Calculate delta_*, blob size scaling - output.write("\tdelta_* = rho_s * (dn/n) * %e ", - pow(L_par * L_par / (R_c * rho_s), 1. / 5)); - - // Create a solver for potential - - if (boussinesq) { - // BOUT.inp section "phiBoussinesq" - phiSolver = Laplacian::create(Options::getRoot()->getSection("phiBoussinesq")); - } else { - // BOUT.inp section "phiSolver" - phiSolver = Laplacian::create(Options::getRoot()->getSection("phiSolver")); - } - phi = 0.0; // Starting guess for first solve (if iterative) - - // Tell BOUT++ what to solve - - SOLVE_FOR2(n, omega); - - // Output phi - SAVE_REPEAT(phi); - SAVE_ONCE3(rho_s, c_s, Omega_i); - - return 0; - } - - int rhs(BoutReal t) { - TRACE("blob2d::rhs"); - - // Run communications - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - mesh->communicate(n, omega); - - // Invert div(n grad(phi)) = grad(n) grad(phi) + n Delp_perp^2(phi) = omega - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - if (!boussinesq) { - // Including full density in vorticit inversion - phiSolver->setCoefC(n); // Update the 'C' coefficient. See invert_laplace.hxx - phi = phiSolver->solve(omega / n, phi); // Use previous solution as guess - } else { - // Background density only (1 in normalised units) - phi = phiSolver->solve(omega); - } - - mesh->communicate(phi); - - // Allocate time derivative fields - ddt(n).allocate(); - ddt(omega).allocate(); - - // Loop over the domain, avoiding boundaries - for (auto &i : n.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - - // Density Evolution - - ddt(n)[i] = -bracket_arakawa(phi, n, i) // ExB term - + 2 * DDZ_C2(n, i) * (rho_s / R_c) // Curvature term - ; // Diffusion term - if (compressible) { - ddt(n)[i] -= 2 * n[i] * DDZ_C2(phi, i) * (rho_s / R_c); // ExB Compression term - } - - if (sheath) { - ddt(n)[i] += n[i] * phi[i] * - (rho_s / L_par); // - (n - 1)*(rho_s/L_par); // Sheath closure - } - - // Vorticity evolution - - ddt(omega)[i] = -bracket_arakawa(phi, omega, i) // ExB term - + 2 * DDZ_C2(n, i) * (rho_s / R_c) / n[i] // Curvature term - - ; - - if (sheath) { - ddt(omega)[i] += phi[i] * (rho_s / L_par); - } - } - - // Operators not yet indexed - ddt(n) += D_n * Delp2(n); - - ddt(omega) += D_vort * Delp2(omega) / n; // Viscous diffusion term - return 0; - } -}; - -// Define a standard main() function -BOUTMAIN(Blob2D); diff --git a/examples/blob2d-outerloop/delta_1/BOUT.inp b/examples/blob2d-outerloop/delta_1/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 4a6a8f22fb..0000000000 --- a/examples/blob2d-outerloop/delta_1/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -# settings file for BOUT++ -# -# Blob simulation in a 2D slab -# -# This case has blob size -# -# delta = 0.3*256 ~ 10 * delta_* - - -# settings used by the core code - -NOUT = 50 # number of time-steps -TIMESTEP = 50 # time between outputs [1/wci] - - -MXG = 2 # Number of X guard cells -MYG = 0 # No y derivatives, so no guard cells needed in y - -[mesh] - -nx = 260 # Note: 4 guard cells -ny = 1 -nz = 256 - -dx = 0.3 # Grid spacing [rho_s] -dz = 0.3 - -################################################## -# derivative methods - -[mesh:ddx] - -first = C2 -second = C2 -upwind = W3 - -[mesh:ddy] - -first = C2 -second = C2 -upwind = W3 - -[mesh:ddz] - -first = FFT -second = FFT -upwind = W3 - -################################################### -# Time-integration solver - -[solver] - -ATOL = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -RTOL = 1.0e-5 # relative tolerance -mxstep = 10000 # Maximum internal steps per output - -################################################### -# Electrostatic potential solver -# These options are used if boussinesq = false - -[phiSolver] -type = petsc # Needed if Boussinesq = false -pctype = user # Preconditioning type - -fourth_order = true # 4th order or 2nd order - -flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi - # 0 = Zero value - # 10 = Zero gradient AC inner & outer - # 15 = Zero gradient AC and DC - # 768 = Zero laplace inner & outer - -[phiSolver:precon] # Preconditioner (if pctype=user) -filter = 0. # Must not filter solution -flags = 49152 # set_rhs i.e. identity matrix in boundaries - -################################################### -# Electrostatic potential solver (Boussinesq) - -[phiBoussinesq] -# By default type is tri (serial) or spt (parallel) -flags = 0 - -################################################## -# general settings for the model - -[model] - -Te0 = 5 # Electron Temperature (eV) - -n0 = 2e18 # Background plasma density (m^-3) - -compressible = false # Compressibility? - -boussinesq = true # Boussinesq approximation (no perturbed n in vorticity) - -D_vort = 1e-6 # Viscosity -D_n = 1e-6 # Diffusion - -R_c = 1.5 # Radius of curvature (m) - -# settings for individual variables -# The section "All" defines default settings for all variables -# These can be overridden for individual variables in -# a section of that name. - -[All] -scale = 0.0 # default size of initial perturbations - -bndry_all = neumann # Zero-gradient on all boundaries - -[n] # Density -scale = 1.0 # size of perturbation - -height = 0.5 -width = 0.05 - -function = 1 + height * exp(-((x-0.25)/width)^2 - ((z/(2*pi) - 0.5)/width)^2) - - diff --git a/examples/blob2d-outerloop/makefile b/examples/blob2d-outerloop/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 1ab6de5387..0000000000 --- a/examples/blob2d-outerloop/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -BOUT_TOP = ../.. - -SOURCEC = blob2d.cxx - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config - diff --git a/examples/blob2d/.gitignore b/examples/blob2d/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7710fec04 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/blob2d/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +blob2d \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/blob2d/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/blob2d/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dee5d08e41 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/blob2d/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) + +project(blob2d LANGUAGES CXX) + +find_package(bout++ REQUIRED) +add_executable(blob2d blob2d.cxx) +target_link_libraries(blob2d PRIVATE bout++::bout++) diff --git a/examples/blob2d/blob2d.cxx b/examples/blob2d/blob2d.cxx index bb4b08f38c..51af7ecc20 100644 --- a/examples/blob2d/blob2d.cxx +++ b/examples/blob2d/blob2d.cxx @@ -50,29 +50,34 @@ class Blob2D : public PhysicsModel { /******************Reading options *****************/ - auto globalOptions = Options::root(); - auto options = globalOptions["model"]; + auto& globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto& options = globalOptions["model"]; // Load system parameters - Te0 = options["Te0"].withDefault(30); // Temp in eV + Te0 = options["Te0"].doc("Temperature in eV").withDefault(30.0); + e = options["e"].withDefault(1.602e-19); m_i = options["m_i"].withDefault(2 * 1.667e-27); m_e = options["m_e"].withDefault(9.11e-31); - n0 = options["n0"].withDefault(1e19); // Background density in cubic m - D_vort = options["D_vort"].withDefault(0); // Viscous diffusion coefficient - D_n = options["D_n"].withDefault(0); // Density diffusion coefficient + n0 = options["n0"].doc("Background density in cubic m").withDefault(1e19); + D_vort = options["D_vort"].doc("Viscous diffusion coefficient").withDefault(0.0); + D_n = options["D_n"].doc("Density diffusion coefficient").withDefault(0.0); - R_c = options["R_c"].withDefault(1.5); // Radius of curvature - L_par = options["L_par"].withDefault(10); // Parallel connection length - - OPTION(options, B0, 0.35); // Value of magnetic field strength + R_c = options["R_c"].doc("Radius of curvature").withDefault(1.5); + L_par = options["L_par"].doc("Parallel connection length").withDefault(10.0); + + B0 = options["B0"].doc("Value of magnetic field strength").withDefault(0.35); // System option switches - OPTION(options, compressible, false); // Compressible ExB term in density equation - OPTION(options, boussinesq, true); // Use Boussinesq approximation in vorticity - OPTION(options, sheath, true); // Sheath closure + compressible = options["compressible"] + .doc("Compressible ExB term in density equation") + .withDefault(false); + boussinesq = options["boussinesq"] + .doc("Use Boussinesq approximation in vorticity") + .withDefault(true); + sheath = options["sheath"].doc("Sheath closure").withDefault(true); /***************Calculate the Parameters **********/ diff --git a/examples/boundary-conditions/advection/.gitignore b/examples/boundary-conditions/advection/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93c6c5f634 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/boundary-conditions/advection/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +advection \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/bout_runners_example/diffusion_3D.cxx b/examples/bout_runners_example/diffusion_3D.cxx index 670472eb99..dbf8bf948d 100644 --- a/examples/bout_runners_example/diffusion_3D.cxx +++ b/examples/bout_runners_example/diffusion_3D.cxx @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ bool use_grid; // If the spatial size should be loaded from the grid // Initialization of the physics // ############################################################################ -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Get the option (before any sections) in the BOUT.inp file Options *options = Options::getRoot(); @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { // Solving the equations // ############################################################################ -int physics_run(BoutReal t){ +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { mesh->communicate(n); // Communicate guard cells // Density diffusion diff --git a/examples/conducting-wall-mode/.gitignore b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0db77ca896 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +cwm \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/conducting-wall-mode/README.md b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96e8d7432e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +Conducting Wall Mode +==================== + +Simplified model for instability driven by sheath boundary condition +and electron temperature gradient in a straight magnetic field. + +Created by B.Friedman to go with his [slides for a hands-on +exercise](https://bout2013.llnl.gov/pdf/2011/talks/Friedman_lapda_afternoon.pdf) +at the 2013 BOUT++ workshop. + diff --git a/examples/conducting-wall-mode/cwm.cxx b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/cwm.cxx index 915e0c7b5c..8ce3fbb38d 100644 --- a/examples/conducting-wall-mode/cwm.cxx +++ b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/cwm.cxx @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ *******************************************************************************/ #include -#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ class CWM : public PhysicsModel { Field3D dphi_bc_ydown, dphi_bc_yup; // Metric coefficients - Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe,Zxy; + Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, Zxy; // parameters BoutReal Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, Vi_x, bmag, rho_s, fmei, AA, ZZ; BoutReal lambda_ei, lambda_ii; BoutReal nu_hat, wci, nueix; - bool bout_exb; // Use BOUT-06 expression for ExB velocity + bool bout_exb; // Use BOUT-06 expression for ExB velocity BoutReal zeff, nu_perp; BoutReal ShearFactor; @@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ class CWM : public PhysicsModel { bool filter_z; int filter_z_mode; - int phi_flags; // Inversion flags - // Coefficients for linear sheath problem Field2D LAMBDA1, LAMBDA2; @@ -57,40 +55,43 @@ class CWM : public PhysicsModel { FieldGroup comms; // Coordinate system - Coordinates *coord; + Coordinates* coord; + + // Inverts a Laplacian to get potential + Laplacian* phiSolver; + + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { + Field2D I; // Shear factor - int init(bool restarting) override { - Field2D I; // Shear factor - output.write("Solving 6-variable 2-fluid equations\n"); - + /************* LOAD DATA FROM GRID FILE ****************/ - + // Load 2D profiles (set to zero if not found) - mesh->get(Ni0, "Ni0"); - mesh->get(Ti0, "Ti0"); - mesh->get(Te0, "Te0"); - mesh->get(Vi0, "Vi0"); - mesh->get(Ve0, "Ve0"); - mesh->get(phi0, "phi0"); - mesh->get(rho0, "rho0"); + mesh->get(Ni0, "Ni0"); + mesh->get(Ti0, "Ti0"); + mesh->get(Te0, "Te0"); + mesh->get(Vi0, "Vi0"); + mesh->get(Ve0, "Ve0"); + mesh->get(phi0, "phi0"); + mesh->get(rho0, "rho0"); mesh->get(Ajpar0, "Ajpar0"); - coord = mesh->coordinates(); - + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); + // Load magnetic curvature term - b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components + b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // b0xkappa terms - + // Load metrics - mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy"); - mesh->get(Zxy, "Zxy"); + mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy"); + mesh->get(Zxy, "Zxy"); mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy"); mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); - mesh->get(coord->dx, "dpsi"); - mesh->get(I, "sinty"); - + mesh->get(coord->dx, "dpsi"); + mesh->get(I, "sinty"); + // Load normalisation values mesh->get(Te_x, "Te_x"); mesh->get(Ti_x, "Ti_x"); @@ -100,236 +101,235 @@ class CWM : public PhysicsModel { // Get separatrix location mesh->get(my_ixseps, "ixseps1"); - Ni_x *= 1.0e14; bmag *= 1.0e4; - + /*************** READ OPTIONS *************************/ // Read some parameters - - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2fluid"); - OPTION(options, AA, 4.0); // <=> options.get("AA", AA, 1.0); - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, zeff, 1.0); - OPTION(options, nu_perp, 0.0); - OPTION(options, ShearFactor, 1.0); - OPTION(options, bout_exb, false); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - + + auto& globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto& options = globalOptions["2fluid"]; + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(4.0); + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); + + zeff = options["zeff"].withDefault(1.0); + nu_perp = options["nu_perp"].withDefault(0.0); + ShearFactor = options["ShearFactor"].withDefault(1.0); + bout_exb = options["bout_exb"].withDefault(false); + // Toroidal filtering - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); // Filter a single n - OPTION(options, filter_z_mode, 1); - + filter_z = options["filter_z"].withDefault(false); // Filter a single n + filter_z_mode = options["filter_z_mode"].withDefault(1); + /************* SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES ************/ // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); + std::string ptstr = + Options::root()["mesh"]["paralleltransform"].withDefault("identity"); if (lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { - ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; + ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric + b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; } - + /************** CALCULATE PARAMETERS *****************/ - - rho_s = 1.02*sqrt(AA*Te_x)/ZZ/bmag; - fmei = 1./1836.2/AA; - - lambda_ei = 24.-log(sqrt(Ni_x)/Te_x); - lambda_ii = 23.-log(ZZ*ZZ*ZZ*sqrt(2.*Ni_x)/pow(Ti_x, 1.5)); - wci = 9.58e3*ZZ*bmag/AA; - nueix = 2.91e-6*Ni_x*lambda_ei/pow(Te_x, 1.5); - nu_hat = zeff*nueix/wci; - + + rho_s = 1.02 * sqrt(AA * Te_x) / ZZ / bmag; + fmei = 1. / 1836.2 / AA; + + lambda_ei = 24. - log(sqrt(Ni_x) / Te_x); + lambda_ii = 23. - log(ZZ * ZZ * ZZ * sqrt(2. * Ni_x) / pow(Ti_x, 1.5)); + wci = 9.58e3 * ZZ * bmag / AA; + nueix = 2.91e-6 * Ni_x * lambda_ei / pow(Te_x, 1.5); + nu_hat = zeff * nueix / wci; + Vi_x = wci * rho_s; - + output.write("Collisions: nueix = %e, nu_hat = %e\n", nueix, nu_hat); /************** PRINT Z INFORMATION ******************/ - + BoutReal hthe0; - if(mesh->get(hthe0, "hthe0") == 0) { - output.write(" ****NOTE: input from BOUT, Z length needs to be divided by %e\n", hthe0/rho_s); + if (mesh->get(hthe0, "hthe0") == 0) { + output.write(" ****NOTE: input from BOUT, Z length needs to be divided by %e\n", + hthe0 / rho_s); } - - + /************** NORMALISE QUANTITIES *****************/ - + output.write("\tNormalising to rho_s = %e\n", rho_s); - + // Normalise profiles - Ni0 /= Ni_x/1.0e14; - Ti0 /= Te_x; - Te0 /= Te_x; + Ni0 /= Ni_x / 1.0e14; + Ti0 /= Te_x; + Te0 /= Te_x; phi0 /= Te_x; - Vi0 /= Vi_x; - + Vi0 /= Vi_x; + // Normalise curvature term - b0xcv.x /= (bmag/1e4); - b0xcv.y *= rho_s*rho_s; - b0xcv.z *= rho_s*rho_s; - - // Normalise geometry + b0xcv.x /= (bmag / 1e4); + b0xcv.y *= rho_s * rho_s; + b0xcv.z *= rho_s * rho_s; + + // Normalise geometry Rxy /= rho_s; hthe /= rho_s; - I *= rho_s*rho_s*(bmag/1e4)*ShearFactor; - coord->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*(bmag/1e4); - + I *= rho_s * rho_s * (bmag / 1e4) * ShearFactor; + coord->dx /= rho_s * rho_s * (bmag / 1e4); + // Normalise magnetic field - Bpxy /= (bmag/1.e4); - Btxy /= (bmag/1.e4); - coord->Bxy /= (bmag/1.e4); - + Bpxy /= (bmag / 1.e4); + Btxy /= (bmag / 1.e4); + coord->Bxy /= (bmag / 1.e4); + // Set nu - nu = nu_hat * Ni0 / pow(Te0,1.5); + nu = nu_hat * Ni0 / pow(Te0, 1.5); /**************** CALCULATE METRICS ******************/ - - coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy*Bpxy); + + coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy * Bpxy); coord->g22 = 1.0 / SQ(hthe); - coord->g33 = SQ(I)*coord->g11 + SQ(coord->Bxy)/coord->g11; + coord->g33 = SQ(I) * coord->g11 + SQ(coord->Bxy) / coord->g11; coord->g12 = 0.0; - coord->g13 = -I*coord->g11; - coord->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - + coord->g13 = -I * coord->g11; + coord->g23 = -Btxy / (hthe * Bpxy * Rxy); + coord->J = hthe / Bpxy; - - coord->g_11 = 1.0/coord->g11 + SQ(I*Rxy); - coord->g_22 = SQ(coord->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy); - coord->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - coord->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - + + coord->g_11 = 1.0 / coord->g11 + SQ(I * Rxy); + coord->g_22 = SQ(coord->Bxy * hthe / Bpxy); + coord->g_33 = Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_12 = Btxy * hthe * I * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->g_13 = I * Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_23 = Btxy * hthe * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->geometry(); - + /**************** SET EVOLVING VARIABLES *************/ - + // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve // add evolving variables to the communication object SOLVE_FOR(rho); comms.add(rho); - + SOLVE_FOR(te); comms.add(te); - + + // Set boundary conditions for phi + phi.setBoundary("phi"); + /************** SETUP COMMUNICATIONS **************/ - + // add extra variables to communication comms.add(phi); - + /*************** DUMP VARIABLES TO OUTPUT**********/ - dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); + dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); + + SAVE_ONCE(Ni0, Te0, phi0, rho0); + SAVE_ONCE(Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, Zxy, hthe); + + SAVE_ONCE(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x); + SAVE_ONCE(AA, ZZ, zeff, rho_s, wci, bmag); + dump.addOnce(mesh->LocalNx, "ngx"); + dump.addOnce(mesh->LocalNy, "ngy"); + dump.addOnce(mesh->LocalNz, "ngz"); + SAVE_ONCE(nu_hat, hthe0); - SAVE_ONCE4(Ni0,Te0,phi0,rho0); - SAVE_ONCE5(Rxy,Bpxy,Btxy,Zxy,hthe); - - SAVE_ONCE3(Te_x,Ti_x,Ni_x); - SAVE_ONCE6(AA,ZZ,zeff,rho_s,wci,bmag); - dump.add(mesh->LocalNx, "ngx", 0); - dump.add(mesh->LocalNy, "ngy", 0); - dump.add(mesh->LocalNz, "ngz", 0); - SAVE_ONCE2(nu_hat,hthe0); - - return(0); + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); + + return 0; } // End of physics_init() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function called at each time step // Time derivatives calculated here - int rhs(BoutReal t) { - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Invert vorticity to get phi - + // Solves \nabla^2_\perp x + (1./c)*\nabla_perp c\cdot\nabla_\perp x + a x = b - // Arguments are: (b, bit-field, a, c) - // Passing NULL -> missing term - phi = invert_laplace(rho/Ni0, phi_flags, NULL, NULL); + phi = phiSolver->solve(rho / Ni0); // Communicate variables mesh->communicate(comms); - + + // 'initial guess' for phi boundary values, before applying sheath boundary conditions + // to set the parallel current. + phi.applyBoundary(); phi_sheath_bndryconds(); - + // Evolve rho and te - ddt(rho) = -Ni0/(fmei*0.51*nu)*Grad2_par2(phi); + ddt(rho) = -Ni0 / (fmei * 0.51 * nu) * Grad2_par2(phi); ddt(te) = -vE_Grad(Te0, phi); // Z filtering if (filter_z) { // Filter out all except filter_z_mode - + ddt(rho) = filter(ddt(rho), filter_z_mode); ddt(te) = filter(ddt(te), filter_z_mode); } - - + return 0; } - //End of physics_run + // End of physics_run ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - + /****************BOUNDARY FUNCTIONS*****************************/ // Sheath Boundary Conditions on Phi // Linearized void phi_sheath_bndryconds() { LAMBDA1 = 0.0; LAMBDA2 = 1.0; - //LAMBDA1 = 1.0; - //LAMBDA2 = log(2.0*sqrt(PI*fmei)); - - dphi_bc_ydown = fmei*0.51*nu*(LAMBDA1*phi + LAMBDA2*te); - dphi_bc_yup = -fmei*0.51*nu*(LAMBDA1*phi + LAMBDA2*te); + // LAMBDA1 = 1.0; + // LAMBDA2 = log(2.0*sqrt(PI*fmei)); - bndry_ydown_Grad_par(phi,dphi_bc_ydown); - bndry_yup_Grad_par(phi,dphi_bc_yup); - + dphi_bc_ydown = fmei * 0.51 * nu * (LAMBDA1 * phi + LAMBDA2 * te); + dphi_bc_yup = -fmei * 0.51 * nu * (LAMBDA1 * phi + LAMBDA2 * te); + + bndry_ydown_Grad_par(phi, dphi_bc_ydown); + bndry_yup_Grad_par(phi, dphi_bc_yup); } - - // Boundary gradient to specified Field3D object - void bndry_yup_Grad_par(Field3D &var, const Field3D &value) { - - RangeIterator xrup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); - for(xrup.first(); !xrup.isDone(); xrup.next()) - for(int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) - for(int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { + // Boundary gradient to specified Field3D object + void bndry_yup_Grad_par(Field3D& var, const Field3D& value) { - var(xrup.ind,jy,jz) = var(xrup.ind,jy-1,jz) + coord->dy(xrup.ind,jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(xrup.ind,jy))*value(xrup.ind,jy,jz); + RangeIterator xrup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); - } + for (xrup.first(); !xrup.isDone(); xrup.next()) + for (int jy = mesh->yend + 1; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) + for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + var(xrup.ind, jy, jz) = var(xrup.ind, jy - 1, jz) + + coord->dy(xrup.ind, jy) + * sqrt(coord->g_22(xrup.ind, jy)) + * value(xrup.ind, jy, jz); + } } - void bndry_ydown_Grad_par(Field3D &var, const Field3D &value) { - + void bndry_ydown_Grad_par(Field3D& var, const Field3D& value) { + RangeIterator xrdn = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); - - for(xrdn.first(); !xrdn.isDone(); xrdn.next()) - for(int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) - for(int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - - var(xrdn.ind,jy,jz) = var(xrdn.ind,jy+1,jz) - coord->dy(xrdn.ind,jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(xrdn.ind,jy))*value(xrdn.ind,jy,jz); - + + for (xrdn.first(); !xrdn.isDone(); xrdn.next()) + for (int jy = mesh->ystart - 1; jy >= 0; jy--) + for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + + var(xrdn.ind, jy, jz) = var(xrdn.ind, jy + 1, jz) + - coord->dy(xrdn.ind, jy) + * sqrt(coord->g_22(xrdn.ind, jy)) + * value(xrdn.ind, jy, jz); } - } - + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ExB terms. These routines allow comparisons with BOUT-06 // if bout_exb=true is set in BOUT.inp ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field2D &f, const Field3D &p) { + const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field2D& f, const Field3D& p) { Field3D result; if (bout_exb) { // Use a subset of terms for comparison to BOUT-06 @@ -341,24 +341,24 @@ class CWM : public PhysicsModel { return result; } - const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &p) { + const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& p) { Field3D result; - if(bout_exb) { + if (bout_exb) { // Use a subset of terms for comparison to BOUT-06 result = VDDZ(-DDX(p), f); - }else { + } else { // Use full expression with all terms result = b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / coord->Bxy; } return result; } - - const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &p) { + + const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& p) { Field3D result; - if(bout_exb) { + if (bout_exb) { // Use a subset of terms for comparison to BOUT-06 result = VDDX(DDZ(p), f) + VDDZ(-DDX(p), f); - }else { + } else { // Use full expression with all terms result = b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / coord->Bxy; } diff --git a/examples/conducting-wall-mode/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/data/BOUT.inp index 8cee6389f6..30902575a2 100644 --- a/examples/conducting-wall-mode/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/conducting-wall-mode/data/BOUT.inp @@ -80,16 +80,9 @@ bout_exb = true # Use the BOUT-06 subset of ExB terms filter_z = true # Filter in Z filter_z_mode = 1 # Keep this Z harmonic -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) - -phi_flags = 10 # inversion flags for phi +[laplace] +inner_boundary_flags = 2 # INVERT_AC_GRAD +outer_boundary_flags = 2 # INVERT_AC_GRAD ################################################## # settings for individual variables @@ -117,4 +110,10 @@ scale = -1.0e-8 function = sin(y) * sin(z) -[te] \ No newline at end of file +[te] + +[phi] +bndry_xin = none +bndry_xout = none +bndry_ydown = free_o3 +bndry_yup = free_o3 diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/README.md b/examples/conduction-snb/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2c6aaa68a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +SNB non-local heat conduction +============================= + +The Shurtz, Nicolai and Busquet (SNB) model [Physics of Plasmas 7, 4238 (2000)](https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1289512) is a +multigroup diffusion model which captures some features of kinetic electron heat +conduction. + +If the thermal mean free path is more than a few percent of the gradient scale +length, then the collisional Spitzer-Harm (Braginskii) heat conduction model +tends to over-estimate the heat flux. Flux limiters can in some cases capture +this, but need to be tuned and in general the tuning needed varies in time and +space. In other regions the collisional model can under-estimate the heat flux +due to the high energy tail of the distribution function. This "pre-heat" can be +to some extent captured by the SNB model. + +Sinusoidal perturbation +----------------------- + + python sinusoid.py + +This test case puts a small variation in temperature on top of a periodic background. The background temperature is varied, and the SNB heat flux compared against Spitzer-Harm for a range of mean free paths. + + +Temperature step +---------------- + + python step.py + +This case has a large change in temperature, from nearly 1keV to 200eV over 0.3mm, +relevant to a laser-plasma experiment. This is compared against a kinetic VFP solution. + diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/conduction-snb.cxx b/examples/conduction-snb/conduction-snb.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..451fa25e6e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/conduction-snb.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +// SNB heat conduction model + +#include +#include + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + using bout::HeatFluxSNB; + + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + // Read the density and temperature profiles + Options& opt = Options::root(); + + Field3D Ne = opt["Ne"].doc("Electron density in m^-3").as(); + Field3D Te = opt["Te"].doc("Electron temperature in eV").as(); + + mesh->communicate(Ne, Te); + + // Calculate divergence of heat flux + HeatFluxSNB snb; + Field3D Div_Q_SH; + Field3D Div_Q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_Q_SH); + + // Save to the output + SAVE_ONCE(Ne, Te, Div_Q, Div_Q_SH); + dump.write(); + + BoutFinalise(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/conduction-snb/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..85eec72b09 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + +MXG = 0 + +Ne = 1e20 # Electron density, m^-3 +Te = 1 + 0.01*sin(y) # Electron temperature, eV + +[mesh] +# Size of the domain +nx = 1 +ny = 64 # Along magnetic field +nz = 1 + +length = 1 # in meters +dy = length / ny # Grid spacing + +# Set periodic +ixseps1 = 1000 +ixseps2 = 1000 + +[snb] +ngroups = 20 # Number of energy groups +beta_max = 10 # Maximum energy group to consider (multiple of eT) diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/fit_temperature.py b/examples/conduction-snb/fit_temperature.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e7f3ddf94 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/fit_temperature.py @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +import numpy as np +from scipy import optimize +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + +Te_ref = np.loadtxt("temperature.csv", delimiter=",") +Te_ref[:,0] *= 1e-4 # Convert X axis to m + +def te_function(ypos, mid, wwid, w0, w1, w2, Tmax, Tmin, clip=False): + width = w0 + ((ypos - mid)*w1 + (ypos - mid)**2 * w2) * np.exp(-((ypos - mid)/wwid)**2) + + if clip: + width = np.clip(width, 1e-10, None) + + return Tmax - 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh((ypos - mid)/width)) * (Tmax - Tmin) + +popt, pcov = optimize.curve_fit(te_function, Te_ref[:,0], Te_ref[:,1], + p0 = [2.2e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.960, 0.190]) + +print(popt) + +xfit = np.linspace(Te_ref[0,0], Te_ref[-1,0], 100) + +plt.plot(xfit, te_function(xfit, *popt, clip=True), '-k') +plt.plot(Te_ref[:,0], Te_ref[:,1], 'or') +plt.show() diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/makefile-new b/examples/conduction-snb/makefile similarity index 63% rename from examples/reconnect-2field/makefile-new rename to examples/conduction-snb/makefile index 96e07348d9..83941ca021 100644 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/makefile-new +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/makefile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../.. -SOURCEC = 2field-orig.cxx +SOURCEC = conduction-snb.cxx include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/sinusoid.py b/examples/conduction-snb/sinusoid.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..209d6de85e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/sinusoid.py @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +# +# SNB model example +# A small sinusoidal temperature perturbation is added to a periodic 1D domain + +import numpy as np +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe +from boutdata.collect import collect + +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +# Electron temperature in eV +Telist = 10 ** np.linspace(0,3,20) + +# Electron density in m^-3 +Ne = 1e20 + +# Length of the domain in m +length = 1.0 + +c = 299792458 +mu0 = 4.e-7*np.pi +e0 = 1/(c*c*mu0) +qe = 1.602176634e-19 +me = 9.10938356e-31 + +thermal_speed = np.sqrt(2.*qe * Telist / me) +Y = (qe**2 / (e0 * me))**2 / (4 * np.pi) +coulomb_log = 6.6 - 0.5 * np.log(Ne * 1e-20) + 1.5 * np.log(Telist) +lambda_ee_T = thermal_speed**4 / (Y * Ne * coulomb_log) + +beta_max_list = [5, 10, 20, 40] +colors = ['k','b','g','r'] + +ngroups_list = [20, 40, 80] +syms = ['x', 'o', 'D'] + +for beta_max, color in zip(beta_max_list, colors): + for ngroups, sym in zip(ngroups_list, syms): + + flux_ratio = [] + for Te in Telist: + cmd = "./conduction-snb \"Te={0}+0.01*sin(y)\" Ne={1} mesh:length={2} snb:beta_max={3} snb:ngroups={4}".format(Te, Ne, length, beta_max, ngroups) + + # Run the case + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=1, mthread=1, pipe=True) + + div_q = collect("Div_Q", path="data").ravel() + div_q_SH = collect("Div_Q_SH", path="data").ravel() + + # Get the index of maximum S-H heat flux + ind = np.argmax(div_q_SH) + + flux_ratio.append(div_q[ind] / div_q_SH[ind]) + + plt.plot(lambda_ee_T / length, flux_ratio, '-'+sym+color, label=r"$\beta_{{max}}={0}, N_g={1}$".format(beta_max,ngroups)) + +plt.legend() +plt.xlabel(r"$\lambda_{ee,T} / L$") +plt.ylabel(r"$q / q_{SH}$") +plt.xscale("log") + +plt.savefig("snb-sinusoidal.png") +plt.show() diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/snb.csv b/examples/conduction-snb/snb.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..93cb3418d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/snb.csv @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +0.03354297693920316, 132530120481.92969 +0.1750524109014674, 855421686746.9922 +0.3165618448637316, 1674698795180.7266 +0.434161512206109, 2457200703641.0156 +0.552035506580961, 3145042981844.7383 +0.6857771540447355, 3937103787049.0273 +0.7932238335325812, 4624946065252.75 +0.9020305975709062, 5325294566696.539 +0.996329793070788, 5948521358159.918 +1.0960693267725856, 6584254372863.359 +1.2157567672147431, 7351302731587.512 +1.3408845458588168, 8126688572471.707 +1.4406240795606147, 8626937502074.418 +1.544897228430676, 9085499020876.898 +1.6877061062309777, 9669122772080.059 +1.7987796778534344, 9919247236881.414 +1.9465408805031448, 9963855421686.75 +2.109332316879487, 9606591655879.72 +2.2158722733336798, 9148030137077.238 +2.3171230120915656, 8474083662473.59 +2.4304633912981544, 7466637901468.137 +2.5123707053381152, 6642616747983.672 +2.58762871713129, 5813037273059.184 +2.6750627239478013, 4744052953253.398 +2.7517455862224303, 3757847920608.0586 +2.824887910937082, 2901866418843.422 +2.9125378041901766, 1943055970438.2305 +3.051568669350259, 845287486032.2891 +3.1225953069863874, 206080520428.82812 diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/spitzer-harm.csv b/examples/conduction-snb/spitzer-harm.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ed990b92ec --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/spitzer-harm.csv @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +0.028301886792453,228915662650.605 +0.139476526268979,1415015433635.37 +0.225615214465986,2373825882040.56 +0.295597484276729,3072289156626.51 +0.358601259401717,3818989456448.39 +0.429627897037846,4645789770652.86 +0.488564894225271,5375319459656.81 +0.579237197590542,6625941783663.58 +0.660842270619286,7904355714870.5 +0.715245652638449,8738103930875.02 +0.793501048218029,10108433734939.8 +0.869388568359409,11489473043689.9 +0.924528301886792,12518072289156.6 +0.978195332397734,13587739387301.3 +1.01899786891211,14379800192505.6 +1.08700209643606,15713797338112.8 +1.16407355429654,17089481894520.2 +1.22754416665223,18215041986126.3 +1.29101477900792,19278070961532.1 +1.35901900653187,20202141900937.1 +1.43815513626834,21144578313253 +1.52676276775762,21716784493345.3 +1.61635220125786,22012048192771.1 +1.7035737593199,21758471904145.5 +1.81238052335822,21008098509741.4 +1.87840670859539,20132530120481.9 +1.93327692784525,19271123059732 +2.014882000874,17812063681724.1 +2.06172935761272,16797670018918.7 +2.11764394468797,15533151891311.8 +2.16600250648278,14213050549304.7 +2.25214119467979,12024461482292.8 +2.30805578175504,10600141613285.1 +2.36094795871811,9252248664077.8 +2.40775681341719,7987951807228.92 +2.46522110758817,6625941783663.58 +2.51055725927081,5583756513657.94 +2.59216233229955,3902364278048.84 +2.65865535476742,2790699990042.82 +2.73421560757181,1734618916437.1 +2.83697755138578,789704271631.988 +2.95283018867925,277108433734.941 +3.04716981132075,132530120481.93 diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/step.py b/examples/conduction-snb/step.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e49a58038 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/step.py @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +# +# SNB model example +# +# Uses a step in the temperature, intended for comparison to VFP results + +length = 6e-4 # Domain length in m + +qe = 1.602176634e-19 + +import numpy as np +import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe +from boutdata.collect import collect + +path = "step" + +shell_safe("make > make.log") +# Run the case +s, out = launch_safe("./conduction-snb -d " + path, nproc=1, mthread=1, pipe=True) + +Te = collect("Te", path=path).ravel() + +ny = len(Te) +dy = length / ny + +position = (np.arange(ny) + 0.5) * length / ny + +# Read divergence of heat flux +div_q = collect("Div_Q", path=path).ravel() +div_q_SH = collect("Div_Q_SH", path=path).ravel() + +# Integrate the divergence of flux to get heat flux W/m^2 +q = np.cumsum(div_q) * qe * dy +q_SH = np.cumsum(div_q_SH) * qe * dy + +# Subtract the minimum value of each heat flux +q -= np.amin(q) +q_SH -= np.amin(q_SH) + +# Read reference values +Te_ref = np.loadtxt("temperature.csv", delimiter=",") +Te_ref[:,0] *= 1e-4 # Convert X axis to m + +SH_ref = np.loadtxt("spitzer-harm.csv", delimiter=",") +SH_ref[:,0] *= 1e-4 + +SNB_ref = np.loadtxt("snb.csv", delimiter=",") +SNB_ref[:,0] *= 1e-4 + +VFP_ref = np.loadtxt("vfp.csv", delimiter=",") +VFP_ref[:,0] *= 1e-4 + +######################################### + +fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() + +color='tab:red' +ax1.plot(position, Te * 1e-3, color=color, label="Te") +ax1.plot(Te_ref[:,0], Te_ref[:,1], color=color, marker="o", label="Reference Te") +ax1.set_xlabel("position [m]") +ax1.set_ylabel("Electron temperature [keV]", color=color) +ax1.set_ylim(0,1) +ax1.tick_params(axis='y', colors=color) + +ax2 = ax1.twinx() +ax2.plot(position, q_SH * 1e-4, '-k', label="Spitzer-Harm") +ax2.plot(SH_ref[:,0], SH_ref[:,1], '--k', label="Reference SH") + +ax2.plot(position, q * 1e-4, '-b', label="SNB") +ax2.plot(SNB_ref[:,0], SNB_ref[:,1], '--b', label="Reference SNB") + +ax2.plot(VFP_ref[:,0], VFP_ref[:,1], '--g', label="Reference VFP") + +ax2.set_ylabel("Heat flux W/cm^2") +ax2.set_ylim(bottom=0.0) + +plt.legend() +fig.tight_layout() + +plt.xlim(0,3.5e-4) + +plt.savefig("snb-step.png") +plt.show() + diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/step/BOUT.inp b/examples/conduction-snb/step/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f15a0dfa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/step/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +# Step function temperature profile + +MXG = 0 + +Ne = 5e26 # Electron density, m^-3 + +# Electron temperature, eV +# These values fitted from data in temperature.csv by script fit_temperature.py + +Tmin = 194.128366 # Minimum temperature, on right of domain +Tmax = 943.775872 # Maximum temperature, on left + +mid = 2.22729804e-04 # Middle of the tanh profile [m] +wwid = 2.79208361e-04 # Distance over which the tanh width varies +w0 = 8.45148657e-05 # Width of the tanh profile +w1 = -2.73392710e-01 # 1st order variation of tanh width +w2 = -1.92344478e+03 # 2nd order variation of tanh width + +width = w0 + ((ypos - mid)*w1 + (ypos - mid)^2 * w2) * exp(-((ypos - mid)/wwid)^2) +width_clip = 1e-10 + H(width) * width # Ensure that width is positive + +Te = Tmax - 0.5*(1 + tanh((ypos - mid) / width_clip)) * (Tmax - Tmin) + +ypos = y * mesh:length / (2*pi) # Y position in meters. y variable from 0 to 2pi + +[mesh] +# Size of the domain +nx = 1 +ny = 256 # Along magnetic field +nz = 1 + +length = 6e-4 # in meters +dy = length / ny # Grid spacing + +# Set boundaries +ixseps1 = -1 +ixseps2 = -1 + +[snb] +ngroups = 50 # Number of energy groups +beta_max = 20 # Maximum energy group to consider (multiple of eT) diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/temperature.csv b/examples/conduction-snb/temperature.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f34b6ac6e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/temperature.csv @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +-0.3263485477178425, 0.9445290581162327 +-0.08748271092669446, 0.9445290581162327 +0.15138312586445357, 0.9433849517216253 +0.3902489626556016, 0.9388085261431957 +0.6291147994467496, 0.9283685552924033 +0.8679806362378977, 0.911779012570596 +1.1068464730290457, 0.885035525596648 +1.3239972337482708, 0.8508394566911603 +1.497717842323651, 0.8146321213856286 +1.638865836791148, 0.7788243152972614 +1.7582987551867215, 0.744424849699399 +1.8668741355463347, 0.7088717434869741 +1.975449515905947, 0.6698577154308618 +2.073167358229599, 0.6326528056112226 +2.160027662517289, 0.59686372745491 +2.246887966804979, 0.5595015030060122 +2.3337482710926696, 0.5201728456913829 +2.4206085753803595, 0.47940213760855055 +2.5074688796680493, 0.4367960921843689 +2.59432918395574, 0.39353456913827667 +2.68118948824343, 0.35302605210420857 +2.76804979253112, 0.3130419171676687 +2.8549100968188106, 0.27672845691382775 +2.963485477178423, 0.24054609218436884 +3.148063623789765, 0.20729550009109143 +3.386929460580913, 0.19471032975041003 +3.625795297372061, 0.19413827655310634 +3.864661134163209, 0.19413827655310634 +4.103526970954357, 0.19413827655310634 +4.3423928077455045, 0.19413827655310634 +4.581258644536653, 0.19413827655310634 +4.820124481327801, 0.19413827655310634 +5.058990318118948, 0.19413827655310634 +5.297856154910097, 0.19413827655310634 +5.536721991701246, 0.19413827655310634 +5.775587828492393, 0.19413827655310634 +6.014453665283542, 0.19413827655310634 +6.253319502074689, 0.19413827655310634 +6.492185338865838, 0.19413827655310634 +6.709336099585062, 0.19413827655310634 diff --git a/examples/conduction-snb/vfp.csv b/examples/conduction-snb/vfp.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..811d350611 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction-snb/vfp.csv @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +0.03354297693920316, 84337349397.59375 +0.1168084504276613, 622954628431.082 +0.2256152144659862, 1206578379634.2422 +0.3117539026629934, 1581765076836.2734 +0.4161425576519916, 2204819277108.4375 +0.5339010459079068, 2801121842742.875 +0.6064388886001235, 3228417803445.1914 +0.7307894760724949, 4005590247649.3945 +0.838300921491316, 4648767442852.879 +0.945326622427823, 5333632048856.586 +1.0455519006119347, 5982764588460.102 +1.141405478455221, 6598150176463.434 +1.2437356493960265, 7245297601266.9375 +1.3629049623903824, 7953983584870.773 +1.4610253478178006, 8533140827773.91 +1.5796549447206965, 9106342726277.012 +1.6582376076372647, 9405102503678.63 +1.782156422236468, 9710810182880.285 +1.880384750882178, 9877559826081.188 +2.0027923604252935, 9919247236881.414 +2.125199969968409, 9731653888280.398 +2.218592442434638, 9410660825118.66 +2.3123735104867182, 8859195933675.672 +2.4224755931445467, 8114777883671.645 +2.528691719943864, 7277781297994.387 +2.6329648688139256, 6167380264861.102 +2.720917003078238, 5241919745096.09 +2.7968226741811644, 4351000222851.2695 +2.893647740989079, 3384745593946.035 +2.9846438740092256, 2492932770041.211 +3.0772591553037523, 1665139898436.7266 +3.182827622793318, 968364603632.957 +3.316029554165632, 351986458229.6172 +3.3825995807127884, 36144578313.25781 diff --git a/examples/conduction/.gitignore b/examples/conduction/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04d6a20467 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/conduction/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +conduction \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/conduction/conduction.cxx b/examples/conduction/conduction.cxx index 81513a82f3..72ecfae5fd 100644 --- a/examples/conduction/conduction.cxx +++ b/examples/conduction/conduction.cxx @@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ class Conduction : public PhysicsModel { protected: // This is called once at the start - int init(bool restarting) override { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { // Get the options - auto options = Options::root()["conduction"]; + auto& options = Options::root()["conduction"]; // Read from BOUT.inp, setting default to 1.0 - OPTION(options, chi, 1.0); + // The doc() provides some documentation in BOUT.settings + chi = options["chi"].doc("Conduction coefficient").withDefault(1.0); // Tell BOUT++ to solve T SOLVE_FOR(T); @@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ class Conduction : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { mesh->communicate(T); // Communicate guard cells ddt(T) = Div_par_K_Grad_par(chi, T); // Parallel diffusion Div_{||}( chi * Grad_{||}(T) ) diff --git a/examples/conduction/run b/examples/conduction/run index b2f95fb013..5bb0d7c197 100755 --- a/examples/conduction/run +++ b/examples/conduction/run @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np nproc = 2 # Number of processors to use -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making conduction example") shell("make > make.log") -s, out = launch("./conduction ", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) +s, out = launch("./conduction ", nproc=nproc, pipe=True) f = open("run.log", "w") # Save the output in a log file f.write(out) f.close() diff --git a/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/.gitignore b/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7be7f915f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +alfven \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx b/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx index c9ba1f73e5..0838c3b046 100644 --- a/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx +++ b/examples/constraints/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { int init(bool restarting) { // Normalisation - Options *opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection("alfven"); - OPTION(opt, Tnorm, 100); // Reference temperature [eV] - OPTION(opt, Nnorm, 1e19); // Reference density [m^-3] - OPTION(opt, Bnorm, 1.0); // Reference magnetic field [T] - OPTION(opt, AA, 2.0); // Ion mass - + auto opt = Options::root()["alfven"]; + Tnorm = opt["Tnorm"].withDefault(100); // Reference temperature [eV] + Nnorm = opt["Nnorm"].withDefault(1e19); // Reference density [m^-3] + Bnorm = opt["Bnorm"].withDefault(1.0); // Reference magnetic field [T] + AA = opt["AA"].withDefault(2.0); // Ion mass + output.write("Normalisation Te=%e, Ne=%e, B=%e\n", Tnorm, Nnorm, Bnorm); SAVE_ONCE4(Tnorm, Nnorm, Bnorm, AA); // Save @@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { output.write("\t Cs=%e, rho_s=%e, Omega_ci=%e\n", Cs0, rho_s0, Omega_ci); SAVE_ONCE3(Cs0, rho_s0, Omega_ci); - - OPTION(opt, mu_epar, -1e7); // Electron parallel viscosity [m^2/s] + + mu_epar = opt["mu_epar"].withDefault(-1e7); // Electron parallel viscosity [m^2/s] mu_epar /= rho_s0*rho_s0*Omega_ci * mi_me; // Normalise - OPTION(opt, resistivity, 1e-7); + resistivity = opt["resistivity"].withDefault(1e-7); // Load metric tensor from the mesh, passing length and B field normalisations LoadMetric(rho_s0, Bnorm); @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { setPrecon( (preconfunc) &Alfven::precon ); // Create an XZ solver - OPTION(opt, newXZsolver, false); + newXZsolver = opt["newXZsolver"].withDefault(false); if(newXZsolver) { // Test new LaplaceXZ solver newSolver = LaplaceXZ::create(mesh); @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { GRID_LOAD5(Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, sinty); // Load metrics // Get the coordinates object - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Checking for dpsi and qinty used in BOUT grids Field2D dx; @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { coord->Bxy /= Bnorm; // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; + std::string ptstr; Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); if(lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { diff --git a/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/.gitignore b/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97592c28fe --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +laplace_dae \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/laplace_dae.cxx b/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/laplace_dae.cxx index 5f89a6d1d8..6dc93839ed 100644 --- a/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/laplace_dae.cxx +++ b/examples/constraints/laplace-dae/laplace_dae.cxx @@ -17,29 +17,31 @@ Field3D phibdry; // Used for calculating error in the boundary bool constraint; -int flags; +Laplacian *phiSolver; ///< Inverts a Laplacian to get phi from U // Preconditioner int precon_phi(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta); int jacobian(BoutReal t); // Jacobian-vector multiply int jacobian_constrain(BoutReal t); // Jacobian-vector multiply -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Give the solver two RHS functions // Get options - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - options = options->getSection("dae"); - OPTION(options, constraint, true); - OPTION(options, flags, 0); - + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["dae"]; + constraint = options["constraint"].withDefault(true); + + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); + // Just solving one variable, U SOLVE_FOR2(U, Apar); if(constraint) { - phi = invert_laplace(U, flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(U); // Add phi equation as a constraint - if(!bout_constrain(phi, ddt(phi), "phi")) + if (!bout_constrain(phi, ddt(phi), "phi")) throw BoutException("Solver does not support constraints"); // Set preconditioner @@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 0; } -int physics_run(BoutReal time) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { if(constraint) { mesh->communicate(Apar, phi); @@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal time) { // Solving for phi here (dense Jacobian) output << "U " << max(U) << endl; - phi = invert_laplace(U, flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(U); phi.applyBoundary(); } @@ -119,10 +121,10 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal time) { * o Return values should be in time derivatives *******************************************************************************/ -int precon_phi(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta) { +int precon_phi(BoutReal UNUSED(t), BoutReal UNUSED(cj), BoutReal UNUSED(delta)) { // Not preconditioning U or Apar equation - ddt(phi) = invert_laplace(ddt(phi) - ddt(U), flags); + ddt(phi) = phiSolver->solve(ddt(phi) - ddt(U)); return 0; } @@ -140,8 +142,8 @@ int precon_phi(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta) { /// Jacobian when solving phi in RHS -int jacobian(BoutReal t) { - Field3D Jphi = invert_laplace(ddt(U), flags); // Inversion makes this dense +int jacobian(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + Field3D Jphi = phiSolver->solve(ddt(U)); // Inversion makes this dense mesh->communicate(Jphi, ddt(Apar)); Field3D Jjpar = Delp2(ddt(Apar)); mesh->communicate(Jjpar); @@ -154,7 +156,7 @@ int jacobian(BoutReal t) { /// Jacobian when solving phi as a constraint. /// No inversion, only sparse Delp2 and Grad_par operators -int jacobian_constrain(BoutReal t) { +int jacobian_constrain(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { mesh->communicate(ddt(Apar), ddt(phi)); Field3D Jjpar = Delp2(ddt(Apar)); diff --git a/examples/dalf3/.gitignore b/examples/dalf3/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5fe434edd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/dalf3/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dalf3 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/dalf3/dalf3.cxx b/examples/dalf3/dalf3.cxx index d5c2fda6b5..d4176e52e4 100644 --- a/examples/dalf3/dalf3.cxx +++ b/examples/dalf3/dalf3.cxx @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { BoutReal beta_hat, mu_hat; BoutReal viscosity_par; - int phi_flags, apar_flags; bool split_n0; bool ZeroElMass, estatic; bool curv_kappa; @@ -73,12 +72,14 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { bool smooth_separatrix; FieldGroup comms; - + + Laplacian *phiSolver; // Laplacian solver in X-Z + Laplacian *aparSolver; // Laplacian solver in X-Z for Apar LaplaceXY *laplacexy; // Laplacian solver in X-Y (n=0) Field2D phi2D; // Axisymmetric potential, used when split_n0=true protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load data from the grid @@ -115,31 +116,29 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Options - - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("dalf3"); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, split_n0, false); - OPTION(options, estatic, false); - OPTION(options, ZeroElMass, false); - OPTION(options, jpar_noderiv, true); - OPTION(options, curv_kappa, false); - OPTION(options, flat_resist, false); - OPTION(options, mul_resist, 1.0); - OPTION(options, viscosity, -1.0); - OPTION(options, hyper_viscosity, -1.0); - OPTION(options, viscosity_par, -1.0); - OPTION(options, smooth_separatrix, false); - - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); - - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - OPTION(options, nonlinear, true); - + + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["dalf3"]; + + split_n0 = options["split_n0"].withDefault(false); + estatic = options["estatic"].withDefault(false); + ZeroElMass = options["ZeroElMass"].withDefault(false); + jpar_noderiv = options["jpar_noderiv"].withDefault(true); + curv_kappa = options["curv_kappa"].withDefault(false); + flat_resist = options["flat_resist"].withDefault(false); + mul_resist = options["mul_resist"].withDefault(1.0); + viscosity = options["viscosity"].withDefault(-1.0); + hyper_viscosity = options["hyper_viscosity"].withDefault(-1.0); + viscosity_par = options["viscosity_par"].withDefault(-1.0); + smooth_separatrix = options["smooth_separatrix"].withDefault(false); + + filter_z = options["filter_z"].withDefault(false); + + parallel_lc = options["parallel_lc"].withDefault(true); + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(true); + int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); + bracket_method = options["bracket_method"].withDefault(0); switch(bracket_method) { case 0: { bm = BRACKET_STD; @@ -166,12 +165,12 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { return 1; } - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; + std::string ptstr; Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); if(lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { @@ -294,6 +293,9 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { SAVE_ONCE(eta); } + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"]); + // LaplaceXY for n=0 solve if (split_n0) { // Create an XY solver for n=0 component @@ -301,6 +303,12 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { phi2D = 0.0; // Starting guess } + // Solver for Apar + // ajpar = beta_hat*apar + mu_hat*jpar + aparSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"]); + aparSolver->setCoefA(beta_hat); + aparSolver->setCoefD(-mu_hat); + return 0; } @@ -346,7 +354,7 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { return result; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Invert vorticity to get electrostatic potential if (split_n0) { @@ -354,10 +362,10 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { phi2D = laplacexy->solve(Vort2D, phi2D); // Solve non-axisymmetric part using X-Z solver - phi = invert_laplace((Vort-Vort2D)*B0, phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve((Vort-Vort2D)*B0); phi += phi2D; // Add axisymmetric part } else { - phi = invert_laplace(Vort*B0, phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(Vort*B0); } phi.applyBoundary(); @@ -386,9 +394,7 @@ class DALF3 : public PhysicsModel { } else { // All terms - solve Helmholtz equation // ajpar = beta_hat*apar + mu_hat*jpar - Field2D a = beta_hat; - Field2D d = -mu_hat; - apar = invert_laplace(Ajpar, apar_flags, &a, NULL, &d); + apar = aparSolver->solve(Ajpar); apar.applyBoundary(); mesh->communicate(comms); diff --git a/examples/dalf3/dalf3_hotion.cxx b/examples/dalf3/dalf3_hotion.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index ce56be7f29..0000000000 --- a/examples/dalf3/dalf3_hotion.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,533 +0,0 @@ -/**************************************************************** - * DALF3 model - * - * Four-field model for electron pressure, vorticity, A|| and - * parallel velocity - * - * References: - * - * B.Scott, Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 39 (1997) 1635 - * - * B.Scott, "Drift Wave versus Interchange Turbulence in - * Tokamak Geometry: Linear versus Nonlinear - * Mode Structure" - * arXiv:physics/0207126 Feb 2001 - * - * NOTE: The normalisation used here is different to in the above - * papers. See manual in doc/ subdirectory for details - * - ****************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -// Constants -const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; -const BoutReal Charge = 1.60217646e-19; // electron charge e (C) -const BoutReal Mi = 2.0*1.67262158e-27; // Ion mass -const BoutReal Me = 9.1093816e-31; // Electron mass -const BoutReal Me_Mi = Me / Mi; // Electron mass / Ion mass - -// Normalisation factors -BoutReal Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm; -BoutReal Cs, rho_s, wci; - -// Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] -// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE -BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms - -// Evolving quantities -Field3D Vort, Ajpar, Pe, Vpar; - -Field3D phi, apar, jpar; - -Field2D B0, Pe0, Jpar0, P0; -Vector2D b0xcv; - -Field2D eta; // Collisional damping (resistivity) -BoutReal beta_hat, mu_hat; -BoutReal viscosity_par; - -int phi_flags, apar_flags; -bool ZeroElMass, estatic; -bool curv_kappa; -bool flat_resist; -BoutReal mul_resist; -bool parallel_lc; -bool nonlinear; -bool jpar_noderiv; // Don't take Delp2(apar) to get jpar -bool warm_ion; -bool vpar_advect; // Include Vpar advection terms - -bool filter_z; - -BoutReal viscosity, hyper_viscosity; - -bool smooth_separatrix; -int jpar_boundary; - -FieldGroup comms; - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Load data from the grid - - GRID_LOAD(Jpar0); - SAVE_ONCE(Jpar0); - - Field2D Ni0, Te0; - GRID_LOAD2(Ni0, Te0); - Ni0 *= 1e20; // To m^-3 - Pe0 = Charge * Ni0 * Te0; // Electron pressure in Pascals - P0 = 2.*Pe0; - if(!warm_ion) - Pe0 = P0; // No ion pressure - SAVE_ONCE2(Pe0, P0); - - // Load curvature term - b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components - mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // mixed units x: T y: m^-2 z: m^-2 - - // Metric coefficients - Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe; - Field2D I; // Shear factor - - if(mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m - output_error.write("ERROR: Cannot read Rxy from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - if(mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy")) { // T - output_error.write("ERROR: Cannot read Bpxy from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); // T - mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T - mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); // m - mesh->get(I, "sinty");// m^-2 T^-1 - - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Options - - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("dalf3"); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, estatic, false); - OPTION(options, ZeroElMass, false); - OPTION(options, jpar_noderiv, true); - OPTION(options, curv_kappa, false); - OPTION(options, flat_resist, false); - OPTION(options, mul_resist, 1.0); - OPTION(options, viscosity, -1.0); - OPTION(options, hyper_viscosity, -1.0); - OPTION(options, viscosity_par, -1.0); - OPTION(options, smooth_separatrix, false); - OPTION(options, warm_ion, false); - OPTION(options, vpar_advect, false); - OPTION(options, jpar_boundary, 5); - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); - - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - OPTION(options, nonlinear, true); - - int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); - switch(bracket_method) { - case 0: { - bm = BRACKET_STD; - output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; - break; - } - case 1: { - bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; - break; - } - case 2: { - bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; - output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; - break; - } - case 3: { - bm = BRACKET_CTU; - output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; - break; - } - default: - output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; - return 1; - } - - // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES - - if(mesh->ShiftXderivs) { - if(mesh->IncIntShear) { - // BOUT-06 style, using d/dx = d/dpsi + I * d/dz - mesh->IntShiftTorsion = I; - - }else { - // Dimits style, using local coordinate system - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; - I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric - } - } - - /////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Normalisation - - Tenorm = max(Te0, true); - Nenorm = max(Ni0, true); - Bnorm = max(B0, true); - - // Sound speed in m/s - Cs = sqrt(Charge*Tenorm / Mi); - - // drift scale - rho_s = Cs * Mi / (Charge * Bnorm); - - // Ion cyclotron frequency - wci = Charge * Bnorm / Mi; - - beta_hat = 4.e-7*PI * Charge*Tenorm * Nenorm / (Bnorm*Bnorm); - - if(ZeroElMass) { - mu_hat = 0.; - }else - mu_hat = Me / Mi; - - SAVE_ONCE3(Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm); - SAVE_ONCE3(Cs, rho_s, wci); - SAVE_ONCE2(beta_hat, mu_hat); - - // Spitzer resistivity - if(flat_resist) { - // eta in Ohm-m. NOTE: ln(Lambda) = 20 - eta = 0.51*1.03e-4*20.*pow(Tenorm, -1.5); - }else { - eta = 0.51*1.03e-4*20.*(Te0^(-1.5)); - } - if(mul_resist < 0.0) - mul_resist = 0.0; - eta *= mul_resist; - - // Plasma quantities - Jpar0 /= Nenorm*Charge*Cs; - Pe0 /= Nenorm*Charge*Tenorm; - - // Coefficients - eta *= Charge * Nenorm / Bnorm; - - viscosity /= wci*SQ(rho_s); - hyper_viscosity /= wci*SQ(SQ(rho_s)); - viscosity_par /= wci*SQ(rho_s); - - b0xcv.x /= Bnorm; - b0xcv.y *= rho_s*rho_s; - b0xcv.z *= rho_s*rho_s; - - // Metrics - Rxy /= rho_s; - hthe /= rho_s; - I *= rho_s*rho_s*Bnorm; - Bpxy /= Bnorm; - Btxy /= Bnorm; - B0 /= Bnorm; - - mesh->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*Bnorm; - - /////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // CALCULATE METRICS - - mesh->g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g22 = 1.0 / (hthe^2); - mesh->g33 = (I^2)*mesh->g11 + (B0^2)/mesh->g11; - mesh->g12 = 0.0; - mesh->g13 = -I*mesh->g11; - mesh->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - - mesh->J = hthe / Bpxy; - mesh->Bxy = B0; - - mesh->g_11 = 1.0/mesh->g11 + ((I*Rxy)^2); - mesh->g_22 = (B0*hthe/Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - mesh->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - mesh->geometry(); // Calculate quantities from metric tensor - - SOLVE_FOR3(Vort, Pe, Vpar); - comms.add(Vort, Pe, Vpar); - if(!(estatic && ZeroElMass)) { - SOLVE_FOR(Ajpar); - // Never differentiate Ajpar -> don't communicate - } - if(estatic) { - comms.add(jpar); - }else { - // Need to communicate apar first then jpar - comms.add(apar); - } - - comms.add(phi); - - phi.setBoundary("phi"); - apar.setBoundary("apar"); - jpar.setBoundary("jpar"); - - SAVE_REPEAT3(jpar, apar, phi); - - return 0; -} - -// Curvature operator -const Field3D Kappa(const Field3D &f) { - if(curv_kappa) { - // Use the b0xcv vector from grid file - return -2.*b0xcv*Grad(f) / B0; - } - - return 2.*bracket(log(B0), f, bm); -} - -const Field3D Grad_parP_LtoC(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); - if(nonlinear) - result -= beta_hat * bracket(apar, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else { - if(nonlinear) { - result = Grad_parP(apar*beta_hat, f); - }else { - result = Grad_par(f); - } - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D Grad_parP_CtoL(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); - if(nonlinear) - result -= beta_hat * bracket(apar, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else { - if(nonlinear) { - result = Grad_parP(apar*beta_hat, f); - }else { - result = Grad_par(f); - } - } - return result; -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal time) { - - // Invert vorticity to get electrostatic potential - phi = invert_laplace(Vort*B0, phi_flags); - if(warm_ion) { - phi -= 0.5*Pe / mesh->Bxy; // Pi = Pe - } - - phi.applyBoundary(); - - // Calculate apar and jpar - if(estatic) { - // Electrostatic - apar = 0.; - if(ZeroElMass) { - // Not evolving Ajpar - jpar = Grad_par_CtoL(Pe - phi) / eta; - jpar.applyBoundary(); - }else { - jpar = Ajpar / mu_hat; - } - mesh->communicate(comms); - }else { - // Electromagnetic - if(ZeroElMass) { - // Ignore electron inertia term - apar = Ajpar / beta_hat; - - mesh->communicate(comms); - jpar = -Delp2(apar); - jpar.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(jpar); - }else { - // All terms - solve Helmholtz equation - // ajpar = beta_hat*apar + mu_hat*jpar - Field2D a = beta_hat; - Field2D d = -mu_hat; - apar = invert_laplace(Ajpar, apar_flags, &a, NULL, &d); - apar.applyBoundary(); - - mesh->communicate(comms); - if(jpar_noderiv) { - // Already applied boundaries on Ajpar and apar - jpar = (Ajpar - beta_hat*apar) / mu_hat; - }else { - jpar = -Delp2(apar); - jpar.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(jpar); - } - } - } - - Field3D Pet = Pe0; - if(nonlinear) { - Pet += Pe; - } - - Field3D P = Pe; - if(warm_ion) - P *= 2.; // Ti = Te - - Field3D Ptot = P0; - if(nonlinear) - Ptot += P; - - if(jpar_boundary > 0) { - // Boundary in jpar - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=jpar_boundary-1;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - jpar[i][j][k] = 0.0; //0.5*jpar[i+1][j][k]; - } - } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-jpar_boundary;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - jpar[i][j][k] = 0.0; //0.5*jpar[i-1][j][k]; - } - } - } - - // Vorticity equation - ddt(Vort) = - B0*B0*Grad_parP_LtoC(jpar/B0) - - B0*Kappa(P) // Total perturbed pressure - ; - - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(Vort) -= bracket(phi, Vort, bm); // ExB advection - - if(vpar_advect) - ddt(Vort) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Vort); - } - - if(viscosity > 0.0) { - ddt(Vort) += viscosity * Delp2(Vort); - } - if(hyper_viscosity > 0.0) { - Field3D delp2_vort = Delp2(Vort); - delp2_vort.applyBoundary("neumann"); - mesh->communicate(delp2_vort); - - ddt(Vort) += hyper_viscosity*Delp2(delp2_vort); - } - - if(filter_z) - ddt(Vort) = filter(ddt(Vort), 1); - - // Parallel Ohm's law - if(!(estatic && ZeroElMass)) { - // beta_hat*apar + mu_hat*jpar - ddt(Ajpar) = - Grad_parP_CtoL(Pe - phi) // Electron pressure only - - beta_hat * bracket(apar, Pe0, BRACKET_ARAKAWA) - - eta*jpar - ; - - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(Ajpar) -= mu_hat*bracket(phi, jpar, bm); - } - - if(filter_z) - ddt(Ajpar) = filter(ddt(Ajpar), 1); - } - - // Parallel velocity - ddt(Vpar) = - - Grad_parP_CtoL(P) // Total pressure - + beta_hat * bracket(apar, P0, BRACKET_ARAKAWA) - ; - - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(Vpar) -= bracket(phi, Vpar, bm); - - if(vpar_advect) - ddt(Vpar) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Vpar); - } - - if(viscosity_par > 0.) { - ddt(Vpar) += viscosity_par * Grad2_par2(Vpar); - } - - if(filter_z) - ddt(Vpar) = filter(ddt(Vpar), 1); - - // Electron pressure - ddt(Pe) = - - bracket(phi, Pet, bm) - + Pet * ( - Kappa(phi - Pe) - + B0*Grad_parP_LtoC( (jpar - Vpar)/B0 ) - ) - ; - - if(nonlinear) { - if(vpar_advect) - ddt(Vort) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Pe); - } - - if(smooth_separatrix) { - // Experimental smoothing across separatrix - ddt(Vort) += mesh->smoothSeparatrix(Vort); - } - - if(filter_z) - ddt(Pe) = filter(ddt(Pe), 1); - - // Boundary in Vpar and vorticity - - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=3;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - ddt(Vpar)[i][j][k] = ddt(Vpar)[i+1][j][k]; - ddt(Vort)[i][j][k] = ddt(Vort)[i+1][j][k]; - } - - // Subtract DC component - for(int i=0;i<10;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) { - BoutReal avg = 0.; - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) - avg += ddt(Vort)[i][j][k]; - avg /= (BoutReal) mesh->LocalNz; - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) - ddt(Vort)[i][j][k] -= avg; - } - } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-3;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - ddt(Vpar)[i][j][k] = ddt(Vpar)[i-1][j][k]; - ddt(Vort)[i][j][k] = ddt(Vort)[i-1][j][k]; - } - } - - return 0; -} - diff --git a/examples/dalf3/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/dalf3/data/BOUT.inp index 7a0ea1c363..6ba8f08247 100644 --- a/examples/dalf3/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/dalf3/data/BOUT.inp @@ -95,21 +95,13 @@ bracket_method = 2 # 0 = std, 2 = arakawa, 3 = ctu viscosity = 0.01 viscosity_par = 1.0 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary - -phi_flags = 769 -apar_flags = 769 +[phiSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP + +[aparSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP split_n0 = true # Split into n=0 and n != 0 diff --git a/examples/dalf3/doc/.gitignore b/examples/dalf3/doc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4130e30207 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/dalf3/doc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dalf3.pdf \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/eigen-box/.gitignore b/examples/eigen-box/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e81bc792a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/eigen-box/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +eigen-box \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/eigen-box/README.md b/examples/eigen-box/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4615b03b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/eigen-box/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +Eigen-box +========= + +Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a simple wave in a 1D box. + +Build and run like: + + make && ./eigen-box + +and visualise the eigenvalues and eigenvectors with: + + ./eigenvals.py + +Click individual eigenvalues in the top plot to see the corresponding +eigenvector in the bottom plot. diff --git a/examples/eigen-box/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/eigen-box/data/BOUT.inp index 333e97d30f..193cc59bc4 100644 --- a/examples/eigen-box/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/eigen-box/data/BOUT.inp @@ -3,17 +3,19 @@ NOUT = 1 TIMESTEP = 0.2 +MXG = 1 MYG = 0 +dump_on_restart = false [mesh] length = 1 # Length of the domain -nx = 36 +nx = 32 + 2*MXG ny = 1 nz = 1 -dx = length / (nx - 4) +dx = length / (nx - 2*MXG) dy = 1 [solver] diff --git a/examples/eigen-box/eigen-box.cxx b/examples/eigen-box/eigen-box.cxx index 08d49d1037..57c87f5667 100644 --- a/examples/eigen-box/eigen-box.cxx +++ b/examples/eigen-box/eigen-box.cxx @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ class EigenBox : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool) override { solver->add(f, "f"); solver->add(g, "g"); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal) override { mesh->communicate(f); ddt(g) = D2DX2(f); diff --git a/examples/eigen-box/eigenvals.py b/examples/eigen-box/eigenvals.py old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index d6d6b52af5..7b52fc60f2 --- a/examples/eigen-box/eigenvals.py +++ b/examples/eigen-box/eigenvals.py @@ -1,87 +1,105 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 from boutdata.collect import collect import matplotlib.pyplot as plt -from numpy import argmin, amax, amin, arange - -def plot_eigenvals(eigs, data=None): - """ - - """ - fig = plt.figure() - - if data is None: - # If no data supplied, only plot eigenvalues - ax = fig.add_subplot(111) - else: - # If data, plot two figures - ax = fig.add_subplot(211) - - # Check that the data has the right size - if len(data.shape) != 2: - raise ValueError("Expecting data to be 2D") - if data.shape[0] != len(eigs): - raise ValueError("First dimension of data must match length of eigs") - - eigs_r = eigs[:-1:2] - eigs_i = eigs[1::2] - - range_r = amax(eigs_r) - amin(eigs_r) - range_i = amax(eigs_i) - amin(eigs_i) - - ax.plot(eigs_r, eigs_i, 'x') - ax.set_xlabel("Real component") - ax.set_ylabel("Imaginary component") - - overplot, = ax.plot([], [], 'ok') - - if data is not None: - # Add a data plot - ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) - vector_r, = ax2.plot([],[], '-k', label="Real") - vector_i, = ax2.plot([],[], '-r', label="Imag") - ax2.set_xlabel("X") - ax2.set_ylabel("Eigenvector") - - def onclick(event): - # Check if user clicked inside the plot - if event.xdata is None: - return - - # Find closest data point, but stretch axes so - # real and imaginary components are weighted equally - if(range_r == 0): - dist = ((eigs_i - event.ydata)/range_i)**2 - elif(range_i == 0): - dist = ((eigs_r - event.xdata)/range_r)**2 - else: - dist = ((eigs_r - event.xdata)/range_r)**2 + ((eigs_i - event.ydata)/range_i)**2 - - ind = argmin(dist) - - # Update the highlight plot - overplot.set_data([eigs_r[ind]], [eigs_i[ind]]) - - print("Eigenvalue number: %d (%e,%e)" % (ind, eigs_r[ind], eigs_i[ind])) - - if data is not None: - # Update plots - nx = data.shape[1] - vector_r.set_data(arange(nx), data[2*ind,:]) - vector_i.set_data(arange(nx), data[2*ind+1,:]) - ax2.relim() - ax2.autoscale_view() - - fig.canvas.draw() - - cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) - plt.show() - +from numpy import argmin, amax, amin, arange, ndarray + + +def plot_eigenvals(eigenvalues, eigenvectors=None): + """Plot the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors for a 1D simulation + + eigenvalues should be a 1D array where the odd indices are the + real components, evens are the imaginary + + eigenvectors should be a 2D array whose first dimension is the + same length as eigenvalues, with the same interpretation + + """ + + if eigenvalues.shape[0] % 2 != 0: + raise ValueError("Odd number of elements in eigenvalues") + + if eigenvectors is not None: + # Check that the eigenvectors has the right size + if len(eigenvectors.shape) != 2: + raise ValueError("Expecting eigenvectors to be 2D") + if eigenvectors.shape[0] != len(eigenvalues): + raise ValueError( + "First dimension of eigenvectors must match length of eigenvalues") + + # If no eigenvectors supplied, only plot eigenvalues, otherwise + # eigenvalues and eigenvectors + nrows = 1 if eigenvectors is None else 2 + fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows) + + # If we've only made one plot, ax won't be a list + if not isinstance(ax, (list, ndarray)): + ax = [ax] + + eigs_r = eigenvalues[:-1:2] + eigs_i = eigenvalues[1::2] + + range_r = amax(eigs_r) - amin(eigs_r) + range_i = amax(eigs_i) - amin(eigs_i) + + ax[0].plot(eigs_r, eigs_i, 'x') + ax[0].set_xlabel("Real component") + ax[0].set_ylabel("Imaginary component") + ax[0].set_title("Eigenvalue") + + overplot, = ax[0].plot([], [], 'ok') + + if eigenvectors is not None: + # Add a eigenvectors plot + vector_r, = ax[1].plot([], [], '-k', label="Real") + vector_i, = ax[1].plot([], [], '-r', label="Imag") + ax[1].legend(loc='upper right') + ax[1].set_xlabel("X") + ax[1].set_ylabel("Amplitude") + ax[1].set_title("Eigenvector") + plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) + + def onclick(event): + # Check if user clicked inside the plot + if event.xdata is None: + return + + # Find closest eigenvectors point, but stretch axes so + # real and imaginary components are weighted equally + if(range_r == 0): + dist = ((eigs_i - event.ydata)/range_i)**2 + elif(range_i == 0): + dist = ((eigs_r - event.xdata)/range_r)**2 + else: + dist = ((eigs_r - event.xdata)/range_r)**2 + \ + ((eigs_i - event.ydata)/range_i)**2 + + ind = argmin(dist) + + # Update the highlight plot + overplot.set_data([eigs_r[ind]], [eigs_i[ind]]) + + print("Eigenvalue number: %d (%e,%e)" % + (ind, eigs_r[ind], eigs_i[ind])) + + if eigenvectors is not None: + # Update plots + nx = eigenvectors.shape[1] + vector_r.set_data(arange(nx), eigenvectors[2*ind, :]) + vector_i.set_data(arange(nx), eigenvectors[2*ind+1, :]) + ax[1].relim() + ax[1].autoscale_view() + + fig.canvas.draw() + + fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) + plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": - path = "data" - eigs = collect("t_array", path=path) - data = collect("f", path=path) - plot_eigenvals(eigs, data=data[:,2:-2,0,0]) + path = "data" + eigenvalues = collect("t_array", path=path, info=False) + eigenvectors = collect("f", xguards=False, path=path, info=False) + plot_eigenvals(eigenvalues, eigenvectors[..., 0, 0]) diff --git a/examples/elm-pb/.gitignore b/examples/elm-pb/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..61ca49a01c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/elm-pb/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +elm_pb diff --git a/examples/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp index 23c2bcc3d9..97ad044241 100644 --- a/examples/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp @@ -9,11 +9,8 @@ TIMESTEP = 1 # time between outputs archive = 20 # Archive restart files after this number of outputs wall_limit = 1.55 # wall time limit (in hours) -ShiftXderivs = true # use shifted radial derivatives? -TwistShift = true # use twist-shift condition? - -MZ = 16 # number of points in z direction (2^n + 1) ZPERIOD = 15 # Fraction of a torus to simulate +MZ = 16 # Number of points in Z grid = "cbm18_dens8.grid_nx68ny64.nc" # Grid file @@ -23,6 +20,7 @@ restart_format = "nc" # Restart file format StaggerGrids = false # Use staggered grids (EXPERIMENTAL) [mesh] + paralleltransform = shifted # Use shifted metric method ################################################## @@ -145,9 +143,9 @@ relax_j_tconst = 1e-2 # Time constant for vacuum relaxation filter_z = true # remove all except one mode filter_z_mode = 1 # Specify which harmonic to keep (1 = fundamental) low_pass_z = 16 # Keep up to and including this harmonic (-1 = keep all) -zonal_flow = 0 # remove this zonal harmonic (-1 = keep zonal harmonic) -zonal_field= 0 # remove this zonal harmonic (-1 = keep zonal harmonic) -zonal_bkgd = -1 # remove this zonal harmonic (-1 = keep zonal harmonic) +zonal_flow = false # keep this zonal harmonic? +zonal_field= false # keep this zonal harmonic? +zonal_bkgd = true # keep this zonal harmonic? ## Jpar smoothing smooth_j_x = true # Filter Jpar in the X direction @@ -224,24 +222,17 @@ hyperviscos = -1.0 # Radial hyper viscosity phi_curv = true # Include curvature*Grad(phi) in P equation # gamma = 1.6666 -## field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary (combine 2nd & 4th-order) -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary ( sometimes works ) - -#phi_flags = 74 # inversion flags for phi (2+8+64+128) -phi_flags = 769 # 256 + 512 - -#apar_flags = 74 # 2+8 -apar_flags = 769 +[phiSolver] +#inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +#outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP + +[aparSolver] +#inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +#outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 + 128 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_BNDRY_ONE +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/elm-pb/doc/.gitignore b/examples/elm-pb/doc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb301f2520 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/elm-pb/doc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +elm_pb.pdf \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx b/examples/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx index 8677dab4a8..3c3308f14a 100644 --- a/examples/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx +++ b/examples/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx @@ -4,815 +4,865 @@ * Basically the same as Hazeltine-Meiss but different normalisations. * Can also include the Vpar compressional term *******************************************************************************/ - + +#include #include +#include #include +#include #include +#include #include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include #include +#include #include #include -// 2D inital profiles -Field2D J0, P0; // Current and pressure -Vector2D b0xcv; // Curvature term -Field2D beta, gradparB; // Used for Vpar terms -Field2D phi0; // When diamagnetic terms used -Field2D U0, Psixy, x; //0th vorticity of equilibrium flow, -//radial flux coordinate, normalized radial flux coordinate - -bool constn0; -BoutReal n0_height, n0_ave, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x, Nbar, Tibar, Tebar; //the total height, average width and center of profile of N0 -BoutReal Tconst; //the ampitude of congstant temperature -//Field3D sourp; - -Field2D N0,Ti0,Te0,Ne0; // number density and temperature -Field2D Pi0, Pe0; -Field2D q95; -Field3D ubyn; -BoutReal q95_input; -bool n0_fake_prof, T0_fake_prof; -BoutReal Zi; // charge number of ion - -// B field vectors -Vector2D B0vec; // B0 field vector - -// V0 field vectors -Vector2D V0net; //net flow - -// 3D evolving variables -Field3D U, Psi, P, Vpar; - -// Derived 3D variables -Field3D Jpar, phi; // Parallel current, electric potential - -Field3D Jpar2; // Delp2 of Parallel current - -Field3D tmpP2; // Grad2_par2new of pressure -Field3D tmpU2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel vorticity -Field3D tmpA2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel vector potential - -// Constraint -Field3D C_phi; - -// Parameters -BoutReal density; // Number density [m^-3] -BoutReal Bbar, Lbar, Tbar, Va; // Normalisation constants -BoutReal dnorm; // For diamagnetic terms: 1 / (2. * wci * Tbar) -BoutReal dia_fact; // Multiply diamagnetic term by this -BoutReal delta_i; // Normalized ion skin depth -BoutReal omega_i; // ion gyrofrequency - -BoutReal diffusion_p4; //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure -BoutReal diffusion_u4; //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity -BoutReal diffusion_a4; //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential - -BoutReal diffusion_par; // Parallel pressure diffusion -BoutReal heating_P; // heating power in pressure -BoutReal hp_width; // heating profile radial width in pressure -BoutReal hp_length; // heating radial domain in pressure -BoutReal sink_P; // sink in pressure -BoutReal sp_width; // sink profile radial width in pressure -BoutReal sp_length; // sink radial domain in pressure - -BoutReal sink_Ul; // left edge sink in vorticity -BoutReal su_widthl; // left edge sink profile radial width in vorticity -BoutReal su_lengthl; // left edge sink radial domain in vorticity - -BoutReal sink_Ur; // right edge sink in vorticity -BoutReal su_widthr; // right edge sink profile radial width in vorticity -BoutReal su_lengthr; // right edge sink radial domain in vorticity - -BoutReal viscos_par; // Parallel viscosity -BoutReal viscos_perp; // Perpendicular viscosity -BoutReal hyperviscos; // Hyper-viscosity (radial) -Field3D hyper_mu_x; // Hyper-viscosity coefficient - -Field3D Dperp2Phi0, Dperp2Phi, GradPhi02, GradPhi2; //Temporary variables for gyroviscous -Field3D GradparPhi02, GradparPhi2, GradcPhi, GradcparPhi; -Field3D Dperp2Pi0, Dperp2Pi, bracketPhi0P, bracketPhiP0, bracketPhiP; -BoutReal Upara2; - -// options -bool include_curvature, include_jpar0, compress0; -bool evolve_pressure, gyroviscous; - -BoutReal vacuum_pressure; -BoutReal vacuum_trans; // Transition width -Field3D vac_mask; - -int phi_flags, apar_flags; -bool nonlinear; -bool evolve_jpar; -BoutReal g; // Only if compressible -bool phi_curv; - -// Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] -// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE -/* - * Bracket method - * - * BRACKET_STD - Same as b0xGrad_dot_Grad, methods in BOUT.inp - * BRACKET_SIMPLE - Subset of terms, used in BOUT-06 - * BRACKET_ARAKAWA - Arakawa central differencing (2nd order) - * BRACKET_CTU - 1st order upwind method - * - */ - -// Bracket method for advection terms -BRACKET_METHOD bm_exb; -BRACKET_METHOD bm_mag; -int bm_exb_flag; -int bm_mag_flag; -/* BRACKET_METHOD bm_ExB = BRACKET_STD; - BRACKET_METHOD bm_mflutter = BRACKET_STD; */ - -bool diamag; -bool diamag_grad_t; // Grad_par(Te) term in Psi equation -bool diamag_phi0; // Include the diamagnetic equilibrium phi0 - -bool eHall; -BoutReal AA; // ion mass in units of the proton mass; AA=Mi/Mp - -//net flow, Er=-R*Bp*Dphi0,Dphi0=-D_min-0.5*D_0*(1.0-tanh(D_s*(x-x0))) -Field2D V0; //net flow amplitude -Field2D Dphi0; //differential potential to flux -BoutReal D_0; // potential amplitude -BoutReal D_s; // shear parameter -BoutReal x0; //velocity peak location -BoutReal sign; //direction of flow -BoutReal Psiaxis, Psibndry; -bool withflow; -bool K_H_term; //Kelvin-Holmhotz term -Field2D perp; //for test -BoutReal D_min; //constant in flow - -//for C_mod -bool experiment_Er; //read in total Er from experiment - -bool nogradparj; -bool filter_z; -int filter_z_mode; -int low_pass_z; -int zonal_flow; -int zonal_field; -int zonal_bkgd; -bool relax_j_vac; -BoutReal relax_j_tconst; // Time-constant for j relax -Field3D Psitarget; // The (moving) target to relax to - -bool smooth_j_x; // Smooth Jpar in the x direction - -int jpar_bndry_width; // Zero jpar in a boundary region - -bool sheath_boundaries; // Apply sheath boundaries in Y - -bool parallel_lr_diff; // Use left and right shifted stencils for parallel differences - -bool phi_constraint; // Solver for phi using a solver constraint - -bool include_rmp; // Include RMP coil perturbation -bool simple_rmp; // Just use a simple form for the perturbation -int rmp_n, rmp_m; // toroidal and poloidal mode numbers -BoutReal rmp_polwid; // Poloidal width (-ve -> full, fraction of 2pi) -BoutReal rmp_polpeak; // Peak poloidal location (fraction of 2pi) -BoutReal rmp_factor; // Multiply amplitude by this factor -BoutReal rmp_ramp; // Ramp-up time for RMP [s]. negative -> instant -BoutReal rmp_freq; // Amplitude oscillation frequency [Hz] (negative -> no oscillation) -BoutReal rmp_rotate; // Rotation rate [Hz] -bool rmp_vac_mask; // Should a vacuum mask be applied? -Field3D rmp_Psi0; // Parallel vector potential from Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) coils -Field3D rmp_Psi; // Value used in calculations -Field3D rmp_dApdt; // Time variation - -BoutReal vac_lund, core_lund; // Lundquist number S = (Tau_R / Tau_A). -ve -> infty -BoutReal vac_resist, core_resist; // The resistivities (just 1 / S) -Field3D eta; // Resistivity profile (1 / S) -bool spitzer_resist; // Use Spitzer formula for resistivity -BoutReal Zeff; // Z effective for resistivity formula - -BoutReal hyperresist; // Hyper-resistivity coefficient (in core only) -BoutReal ehyperviscos; // electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient - -int damp_width; // Width of inner damped region -BoutReal damp_t_const; // Timescale of damping - -// Metric coefficients -Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, B0, hthe; -Field2D I; // Shear factor - -const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; -const BoutReal Mi = 2.0*1.6726e-27; // Ion mass -const BoutReal Me = 9.1094e-31; // Electron mass -const BoutReal mi_me = Mi/Me; - -// Communication objects -FieldGroup comms; - -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta); // Preconditioner -int jacobian(BoutReal t); // Jacobian-vector multiply - -int precon_phi(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta); // Preconditioner with phi constraint - -const Field3D Grad2_par2new(const Field3D &f); //for 4th order diffusion - -const Field2D N0tanh(BoutReal n0_height, BoutReal n0_ave, BoutReal n0_width, BoutReal n0_center, BoutReal n0_bottom_x) { - Field2D result; - result.allocate(); - - BoutReal Grid_NX, Grid_NXlimit; //the grid number on x, and the - BoutReal Jysep; - mesh->get(Grid_NX, "nx"); - mesh->get(Jysep, "jyseps1_1"); - Grid_NXlimit = n0_bottom_x * Grid_NX; - output.write("Jysep1_1 = %i Grid number = %e\n", int(Jysep), Grid_NX); +class ELMpb : public PhysicsModel { +private: + // 2D inital profiles + Field2D J0, P0; // Current and pressure + Vector2D b0xcv; // Curvature term + Field2D beta, gradparB; // Used for Vpar terms + Field2D phi0; // When diamagnetic terms used + Field2D U0, Psixy, x; // 0th vorticity of equilibrium flow, + // radial flux coordinate, normalized radial flux coordinate + + bool constn0; + // the total height, average width and center of profile of N0 + BoutReal n0_height, n0_ave, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x, Nbar, Tibar, Tebar; + + BoutReal Tconst; // the ampitude of constant temperature + + Field2D N0, Ti0, Te0, Ne0; // number density and temperature + Field2D Pi0, Pe0; + Field2D q95; + Field3D ubyn; + bool n0_fake_prof, T0_fake_prof; + + // B field vectors + Vector2D B0vec; // B0 field vector + + // V0 field vectors + Vector2D V0net; // net flow + + // 3D evolving variables + Field3D U, Psi, P, Vpar; + + // Derived 3D variables + Field3D Jpar, phi; // Parallel current, electric potential + + Field3D Jpar2; // Delp2 of Parallel current + + Field3D tmpP2; // Grad2_par2new of pressure + Field3D tmpU2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel vorticity + Field3D tmpA2; // Grad2_par2new of Parallel vector potential + + // Constraint + Field3D C_phi; + + // Parameters + BoutReal density; // Number density [m^-3] + BoutReal Bbar, Lbar, Tbar, Va; // Normalisation constants + BoutReal dnorm; // For diamagnetic terms: 1 / (2. * wci * Tbar) + BoutReal dia_fact; // Multiply diamagnetic term by this + BoutReal delta_i; // Normalized ion skin depth + BoutReal omega_i; // ion gyrofrequency + + BoutReal diffusion_p4; // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure + BoutReal diffusion_u4; // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity + BoutReal diffusion_a4; // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential + + BoutReal diffusion_par; // Parallel pressure diffusion + BoutReal heating_P; // heating power in pressure + BoutReal hp_width; // heating profile radial width in pressure + BoutReal hp_length; // heating radial domain in pressure + BoutReal sink_P; // sink in pressure + BoutReal sp_width; // sink profile radial width in pressure + BoutReal sp_length; // sink radial domain in pressure + + BoutReal sink_Ul; // left edge sink in vorticity + BoutReal su_widthl; // left edge sink profile radial width in vorticity + BoutReal su_lengthl; // left edge sink radial domain in vorticity + + BoutReal sink_Ur; // right edge sink in vorticity + BoutReal su_widthr; // right edge sink profile radial width in vorticity + BoutReal su_lengthr; // right edge sink radial domain in vorticity + + BoutReal viscos_par; // Parallel viscosity + BoutReal viscos_perp; // Perpendicular viscosity + BoutReal hyperviscos; // Hyper-viscosity (radial) + Field3D hyper_mu_x; // Hyper-viscosity coefficient + + Field3D Dperp2Phi0, Dperp2Phi, GradPhi02, + GradPhi2; // Temporary variables for gyroviscous + Field3D GradparPhi02, GradparPhi2, GradcPhi, GradcparPhi; + Field3D Dperp2Pi0, Dperp2Pi, bracketPhi0P, bracketPhiP0, bracketPhiP; + BoutReal Upara2; + + // options + bool include_curvature, include_jpar0, compress; + bool evolve_pressure, gyroviscous; + + BoutReal vacuum_pressure; + BoutReal vacuum_trans; // Transition width + Field3D vac_mask; + + bool nonlinear; + bool evolve_jpar; + BoutReal g; // Only if compressible + bool phi_curv; + + // Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] + // Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE + /* + * Bracket method + * + * BRACKET_STD - Same as b0xGrad_dot_Grad, methods in BOUT.inp + * BRACKET_SIMPLE - Subset of terms, used in BOUT-06 + * BRACKET_ARAKAWA - Arakawa central differencing (2nd order) + * BRACKET_CTU - 1st order upwind method + * + */ + + // Bracket method for advection terms + BRACKET_METHOD bm_exb; + BRACKET_METHOD bm_mag; + int bm_exb_flag; + int bm_mag_flag; + /* BRACKET_METHOD bm_ExB = BRACKET_STD; + BRACKET_METHOD bm_mflutter = BRACKET_STD; */ + + bool diamag; + bool diamag_grad_t; // Grad_par(Te) term in Psi equation + bool diamag_phi0; // Include the diamagnetic equilibrium phi0 + + bool eHall; + BoutReal AA; // ion mass in units of the proton mass; AA=Mi/Mp + + // net flow, Er=-R*Bp*Dphi0,Dphi0=-D_min-0.5*D_0*(1.0-tanh(D_s*(x-x0))) + Field2D V0; // net flow amplitude + Field2D Dphi0; // differential potential to flux + BoutReal D_0; // potential amplitude + BoutReal D_s; // shear parameter + BoutReal x0; // velocity peak location + BoutReal sign; // direction of flow + BoutReal Psiaxis, Psibndry; + bool withflow; + bool K_H_term; // Kelvin-Holmhotz term + Field2D perp; // for test + BoutReal D_min; // constant in flow + + // for C_mod + bool experiment_Er; // read in total Er from experiment + + bool nogradparj; + bool filter_z; + int filter_z_mode; + int low_pass_z; + bool zonal_flow; + bool zonal_field; + bool zonal_bkgd; + + bool split_n0; // Solve the n=0 component of potential + std::unique_ptr laplacexy{nullptr}; // Laplacian solver in X-Y (n=0) + Field2D phi2D; // Axisymmetric phi - if (Jysep > 0.) { //for single null geometry - BoutReal Jxsep, Jysep2; - mesh->get(Jxsep, "ixseps1"); - mesh->get(Jysep2, "jyseps2_2"); - //output.write("Jysep2_2 = %i Ixsep1 = %i\n", int(Jysep2), int(Jxsep)); - - for(auto i : result) { - BoutReal mgx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x); - BoutReal xgrid_num = (Jxsep+1.)/Grid_NX; - //output.write("mgx = %e xgrid_num = %e\n", mgx); - - int globaly = mesh->YGLOBAL(i.y); - //output.write("local y = %i; global y: %i\n", i.y, globaly); - if ( mgx > xgrid_num || (globaly<=int(Jysep)-4) || (globaly>int(Jysep2)) ) - mgx = xgrid_num; - BoutReal rlx = mgx - n0_center; - BoutReal temp = exp(rlx/n0_width); - BoutReal dampr = ((temp - 1.0 / temp) / (temp + 1.0 / temp)); - result[i] = 0.5*(1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; - } - } else { //circular geometry - for(auto i : result) { - BoutReal mgx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x); - BoutReal xgrid_num = Grid_NXlimit/Grid_NX; - if (mgx > xgrid_num) - mgx = xgrid_num; - BoutReal rlx = mgx - n0_center; - BoutReal temp = exp(rlx/n0_width); - BoutReal dampr = ((temp - 1.0 / temp) / (temp + 1.0 / temp)); - result[i] = 0.5*(1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; + bool relax_j_vac; + BoutReal relax_j_tconst; // Time-constant for j relax + Field3D Psitarget; // The (moving) target to relax to + + bool smooth_j_x; // Smooth Jpar in the x direction + + int jpar_bndry_width; // Zero jpar in a boundary region + + bool sheath_boundaries; // Apply sheath boundaries in Y + + bool parallel_lr_diff; // Use left and right shifted stencils for parallel differences + + bool phi_constraint; // Solver for phi using a solver constraint + + bool include_rmp; // Include RMP coil perturbation + bool simple_rmp; // Just use a simple form for the perturbation + int rmp_n, rmp_m; // toroidal and poloidal mode numbers + BoutReal rmp_polwid; // Poloidal width (-ve -> full, fraction of 2pi) + BoutReal rmp_polpeak; // Peak poloidal location (fraction of 2pi) + BoutReal rmp_factor; // Multiply amplitude by this factor + BoutReal rmp_ramp; // Ramp-up time for RMP [s]. negative -> instant + BoutReal rmp_freq; // Amplitude oscillation frequency [Hz] (negative -> no oscillation) + BoutReal rmp_rotate; // Rotation rate [Hz] + bool rmp_vac_mask; // Should a vacuum mask be applied? + Field3D rmp_Psi0; // Parallel vector potential from Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) + // coils + Field3D rmp_Psi; // Value used in calculations + Field3D rmp_dApdt; // Time variation + + BoutReal vac_lund, core_lund; // Lundquist number S = (Tau_R / Tau_A). -ve -> infty + BoutReal vac_resist, core_resist; // The resistivities (just 1 / S) + Field3D eta; // Resistivity profile (1 / S) + bool spitzer_resist; // Use Spitzer formula for resistivity + BoutReal Zeff; // Z effective for resistivity formula + + BoutReal hyperresist; // Hyper-resistivity coefficient (in core only) + BoutReal ehyperviscos; // electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient + + int damp_width; // Width of inner damped region + BoutReal damp_t_const; // Timescale of damping + + // Metric coefficients + Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, B0, hthe; + Field2D I; // Shear factor + + const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7 * PI; + const BoutReal Mi = 2.0 * 1.6726e-27; // Ion mass + const BoutReal Me = 9.1094e-31; // Electron mass + const BoutReal mi_me = Mi / Me; + + // Communication objects + FieldGroup comms; + + /// Solver for inverting Laplacian + std::unique_ptr phiSolver{nullptr}; + std::unique_ptr aparSolver{nullptr}; + + const Field2D N0tanh(BoutReal n0_height, BoutReal n0_ave, BoutReal n0_width, + BoutReal n0_center, BoutReal n0_bottom_x) { + Field2D result; + result.allocate(); + + BoutReal Grid_NX, Grid_NXlimit; // the grid number on x, and the + BoutReal Jysep; + mesh->get(Grid_NX, "nx"); + mesh->get(Jysep, "jyseps1_1"); + Grid_NXlimit = n0_bottom_x * Grid_NX; + output.write("Jysep1_1 = %i Grid number = %e\n", int(Jysep), Grid_NX); + + if (Jysep > 0.) { // for single null geometry + BoutReal Jxsep, Jysep2; + mesh->get(Jxsep, "ixseps1"); + mesh->get(Jysep2, "jyseps2_2"); + + for (auto i : result) { + BoutReal mgx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()); + BoutReal xgrid_num = (Jxsep + 1.) / Grid_NX; + + int globaly = mesh->getGlobalYIndex(i.y()); + + if (mgx > xgrid_num || (globaly <= int(Jysep) - 2) || (globaly > int(Jysep2) + 2)) + mgx = xgrid_num; + BoutReal rlx = mgx - n0_center; + BoutReal temp = exp(rlx / n0_width); + BoutReal dampr = ((temp - 1.0 / temp) / (temp + 1.0 / temp)); + result[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; + } + } else { // circular geometry + for (auto i : result) { + BoutReal mgx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()); + BoutReal xgrid_num = Grid_NXlimit / Grid_NX; + if (mgx > xgrid_num) + mgx = xgrid_num; + BoutReal rlx = mgx - n0_center; + BoutReal temp = exp(rlx / n0_width); + BoutReal dampr = ((temp - 1.0 / temp) / (temp + 1.0 / temp)); + result[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampr) * n0_height + n0_ave; + } } - } - - mesh->communicate(result); - return result; -} + mesh->communicate(result); + return result; + } -/*! - * This function implements d2/dy2 where y is the poloidal coordinate theta - */ -const Field3D Grad2_par2new(const Field3D &f) { - TRACE("Grad2_par2new( Field3D )"); +protected: + int init(bool restarting) override { + bool noshear; - Field3D result = D2DY2(f); - -#ifdef TRACK - result.name = "Grad2_par2new("+f.name+")"; -#endif - - return result; -} + Coordinates* metric = mesh->getCoordinates(); -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - bool noshear; - - Coordinates *metric = mesh->coordinates(); + output.write("Solving high-beta flute reduced equations\n"); + output.write("\tFile : %s\n", __FILE__); + output.write("\tCompiled: %s at %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); - output.write("Solving high-beta flute reduced equations\n"); - output.write("\tFile : %s\n", __FILE__); - output.write("\tCompiled: %s at %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Load data from the grid - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Load data from the grid + // Load 2D profiles + mesh->get(J0, "Jpar0"); // A / m^2 + mesh->get(P0, "pressure"); // Pascals - // Load 2D profiles - mesh->get(J0, "Jpar0"); // A / m^2 - mesh->get(P0, "pressure"); // Pascals + // Load curvature term + b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components + mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // mixed units x: T y: m^-2 z: m^-2 - // Load curvature term - b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components - mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // mixed units x: T y: m^-2 z: m^-2 + // Load metrics + if (mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m + throw BoutException("Error: Cannot read Rxy from grid\n"); + } + if (mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy")) { // T + throw BoutException("Error: Cannot read Bpxy from grid\n"); + } + mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); // T + mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T + mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); // m + mesh->get(I, "sinty"); // m^-2 T^-1 + mesh->get(Psixy, "psixy"); // get Psi + mesh->get(Psiaxis, "psi_axis"); // axis flux + mesh->get(Psibndry, "psi_bndry"); // edge flux + + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + auto& globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto& options = globalOptions["highbeta"]; + + constn0 = options["constn0"].withDefault(true); + // use the hyperbolic profile of n0. If both n0_fake_prof and + // T0_fake_prof are false, use the profiles from grid file + n0_fake_prof = options["n0_fake_prof"].withDefault(false); + // the total height of profile of N0, in percentage of Ni_x + n0_height = options["n0_height"].withDefault(0.4); + // the center or average of N0, in percentage of Ni_x + n0_ave = options["n0_ave"].withDefault(0.01); + // the width of the gradient of N0,in percentage of x + n0_width = options["n0_width"].withDefault(0.1); + // the grid number of the center of N0, in percentage of x + n0_center = options["n0_center"].withDefault(0.633); + // the start of flat region of N0 on SOL side, in percentage of x + n0_bottom_x = options["n0_bottom_x"].withDefault(0.81); + T0_fake_prof = options["T0_fake_prof"].withDefault(false); + // the amplitude of constant temperature, in percentage + Tconst = options["Tconst"].withDefault(-1.0); + + density = options["density"].doc("Number density [m^-3]").withDefault(1.0e19); + + evolve_jpar = options["evolve_jpar"] + .doc("If true, evolve J raher than Psi") + .withDefault(false); + phi_constraint = options["phi_constraint"] + .doc("Use solver constraint for phi?") + .withDefault(false); + + // Effects to include/exclude + include_curvature = options["include_curvature"].withDefault(true); + include_jpar0 = options["include_jpar0"].withDefault(true); + evolve_pressure = options["evolve_pressure"].withDefault(true); + nogradparj = options["nogradparj"].withDefault(false); + + compress = options["compress"] + .doc("Include compressibility effects (evolve Vpar)?") + .withDefault(false); + gyroviscous = options["gyroviscous"].withDefault(false); + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].doc("Include nonlinear terms?").withDefault(false); + + // option for ExB Poisson Bracket + bm_exb_flag = options["bm_exb_flag"] + .doc("ExB Poisson bracket method. 0=standard;1=simple;2=arakawa") + .withDefault(0); + switch (bm_exb_flag) { + case 0: { + bm_exb = BRACKET_STD; + output << "\tBrackets for ExB: default differencing\n"; + break; + } + case 1: { + bm_exb = BRACKET_SIMPLE; + output << "\tBrackets for ExB: simplified operator\n"; + break; + } + case 2: { + bm_exb = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; + output << "\tBrackets for ExB: Arakawa scheme\n"; + break; + } + case 3: { + bm_exb = BRACKET_CTU; + output << "\tBrackets for ExB: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; + break; + } + default: + throw BoutException("Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"); + } + + bm_mag_flag = options["bm_mag_flag"].doc("magnetic flutter Poisson Bracket").withDefault(0); + switch (bm_mag_flag) { + case 0: { + bm_mag = BRACKET_STD; + output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; + break; + } + case 1: { + bm_mag = BRACKET_SIMPLE; + output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; + break; + } + case 2: { + bm_mag = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; + output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; + break; + } + case 3: { + bm_mag = BRACKET_CTU; + output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; + break; + } + default: + throw BoutException("Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"); + } - // Load metrics - if(mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m - output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Rxy from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - if(mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy")) { // T - output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Bpxy from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); // T - mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T - mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); // m - mesh->get(I, "sinty");// m^-2 T^-1 - mesh->get(Psixy, "psixy");//get Psi - mesh->get(Psiaxis,"psi_axis");//axis flux - mesh->get(Psibndry,"psi_bndry");//edge flux - - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Read parameters from the options file - // - // Options.get ( NAME, VARIABLE, DEFAULT VALUE) - // - // or if NAME = "VARIABLE" then just - // - // OPTION(VARIABLE, DEFAULT VALUE) - // - // Prints out what values are assigned - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("highbeta"); - - OPTION(options, constn0, true); - OPTION(options, n0_fake_prof, false); //use the hyperbolic profile of n0. If both n0_fake_prof and T0_fake_prof are false, use the profiles from grid file - OPTION(options, n0_height, 0.4); //the total height of profile of N0, in percentage of Ni_x - OPTION(options, n0_ave, 0.01); //the center or average of N0, in percentage of Ni_x - OPTION(options, n0_width, 0.1); //the width of the gradient of N0,in percentage of x - OPTION(options, n0_center, 0.633); //the grid number of the center of N0, in percentage of x - OPTION(options, n0_bottom_x, 0.81); //the start of flat region of N0 on SOL side, in percentage of x - OPTION(options, T0_fake_prof, false); - OPTION(options, Tconst, -1.0); //the amplitude of constant temperature, in percentage - - OPTION(options, density, 1.0e19); // Number density [m^-3] - - OPTION(options, evolve_jpar, false); // If true, evolve J raher than Psi - OPTION(options, phi_constraint, false); // Use solver constraint for phi - - // Effects to include/exclude - OPTION(options, include_curvature, true); - OPTION(options, include_jpar0, true); - OPTION(options, evolve_pressure, true); - OPTION(options, nogradparj, false); - - OPTION(options, compress0, false); - OPTION(options, gyroviscous, false); - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); - - // option for ExB Poisson Bracket - OPTION(options, bm_exb_flag, 0); - switch(bm_exb_flag) { - case 0: { - bm_exb = BRACKET_STD; - output << "\tBrackets for ExB: default differencing\n"; - break; - } - case 1: { - bm_exb = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - output << "\tBrackets for ExB: simplified operator\n"; - break; - } - case 2: { - bm_exb = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; - output << "\tBrackets for ExB: Arakawa scheme\n"; - break; - } - case 3: { - bm_exb = BRACKET_CTU; - output << "\tBrackets for ExB: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; - break; - } - default: - output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; - return 1; - } + eHall = options["eHall"] + .doc("electron Hall or electron parallel pressue gradient effects?") + .withDefault(false); + AA = options["AA"].doc("ion mass in units of proton mass").withDefault(1.0); + + diamag = options["diamag"].doc("Diamagnetic effects?").withDefault(false); + diamag_grad_t = options["diamag_grad_t"] + .doc("Grad_par(Te) term in Psi equation") + .withDefault(diamag); + diamag_phi0 = options["diamag_phi0"].doc("Include equilibrium phi0").withDefault(diamag); + dia_fact = options["dia_fact"] + .doc("Scale diamagnetic effects by this factor") + .withDefault(1.0); + + // withflow or not + withflow = options["withflow"].withDefault(false); + // keep K-H term + K_H_term = options["K_H_term"].withDefault(true); + // velocity magnitude + D_0 = options["D_0"].withDefault(0.0); + // flowshear + D_s = options["D_s"].withDefault(0.0); + // flow location + x0 = options["x0"].withDefault(0.0); + // flow direction, -1 means negative electric field + sign = options["sign"].withDefault(1.0); + // a constant + D_min = options["D_min"].withDefault(3000.0); + + experiment_Er = options["experiment_Er"].withDefault(false); + + noshear = options["noshear"].withDefault(false); + + relax_j_vac = options["relax_j_vac"].doc("Relax vacuum current to zero").withDefault(false); + relax_j_tconst = options["relax_j_tconst"] + .doc("Time constant for relaxation of vacuum current. Alfven " + "(normalised) units") + .withDefault(0.1); + + // Toroidal filtering + filter_z = options["filter_z"] + .doc("Filter a single toroidal mode number? The mode to keep is " + "filter_z_mode.") + .withDefault(false); + filter_z_mode = options["filter_z_mode"] + .doc("Single toroidal mode number to keep") + .withDefault(1); + low_pass_z = options["low_pass_z"].doc("Low-pass filter").withDefault(false); + zonal_flow = options["zonal_flow"] + .doc("Keep zonal (n=0) component of potential?") + .withDefault(false); + zonal_field = options["zonal_field"] + .doc("Keep zonal (n=0) component of magnetic potential?") + .withDefault(false); + zonal_bkgd = options["zonal_bkgd"] + .doc("Evolve zonal (n=0) pressure profile?") + .withDefault(false); + + // n = 0 electrostatic potential solve + split_n0 = options["split_n0"] + .doc("Solve zonal (n=0) component of potential using LaplaceXY?") + .withDefault(false); + if (split_n0) { + // Create an XY solver for n=0 component + laplacexy = bout::utils::make_unique(mesh); + // Set coefficients for Boussinesq solve + laplacexy->setCoefs(1.0, 0.0); + phi2D = 0.0; // Starting guess + phi2D.setBoundary("phi"); + } + + // Radial smoothing + smooth_j_x = options["smooth_j_x"].doc("Smooth Jpar in x").withDefault(false); + + // Jpar boundary region + jpar_bndry_width = options["jpar_bndry_width"] + .doc("Number of cells near the boundary where jpar = 0") + .withDefault(-1); + + sheath_boundaries = options["sheath_boundaries"] + .doc("Apply sheath boundaries in Y?") + .withDefault(false); + + // Parallel differencing + parallel_lr_diff = options["parallel_lr_diff"] + .doc("Use left and right shifted stencils for parallel differences?") + .withDefault(false); + + // RMP-related options + include_rmp = options["include_rmp"].doc("Read RMP field rmp_A from grid?").withDefault(false); + + simple_rmp = options["simple_rmp"].doc("Include a simple RMP model?").withDefault(false); + rmp_factor = options["rmp_factor"].withDefault(1.0); + rmp_ramp = options["rmp_ramp"].withDefault(-1.0); + rmp_freq = options["rmp_freq"].withDefault(-1.0); + rmp_rotate = options["rmp_rotate"].withDefault(0.0); + + // Vacuum region control + vacuum_pressure = options["vacuum_pressure"] + .doc("Fraction of peak pressure, below which is considered vacuum.") + .withDefault(0.02); + vacuum_trans = options["vacuum_trans"] + .doc("Vacuum boundary transition width, as fraction of peak pressure.") + .withDefault(0.005); + + // Resistivity and hyper-resistivity options + vac_lund = options["vac_lund"].doc("Lundquist number in vacuum region").withDefault(0.0); + core_lund = options["core_lund"].doc("Lundquist number in core region").withDefault(0.0); + hyperresist = options["hyperresist"].withDefault(-1.0); + ehyperviscos = options["ehyperviscos"].withDefault(-1.0); + spitzer_resist = options["spitzer_resist"].doc("Use Spitzer resistivity?").withDefault(false); + Zeff = options["Zeff"].withDefault(2.0); // Z effective + + // Inner boundary damping + damp_width = options["damp_width"] + .doc("Width of the radial damping regions, in grid cells") + .withDefault(0); + damp_t_const = options["damp_t_const"] + .doc("Time constant for damping in radial regions. Normalised time units.") + .withDefault(0.1); + + // Viscosity and hyper-viscosity + viscos_par = options["viscos_par"].doc("Parallel viscosity").withDefault(-1.0); + viscos_perp = options["viscos_perp"].doc("Perpendicular viscosity").withDefault(-1.0); + hyperviscos = options["hyperviscos"].doc("Radial hyperviscosity").withDefault(-1.0); + + diffusion_par = options["diffusion_par"].doc("Parallel pressure diffusion").withDefault(-1.0); + diffusion_p4 = options["diffusion_p4"] + .doc("parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure") + .withDefault(-1.0); + diffusion_u4 = options["diffusion_u4"] + .doc("parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity") + .withDefault(-1.0); + diffusion_a4 = options["diffusion_a4"] + .doc("parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential") + .withDefault(-1.0); + + // heating factor in pressure + // heating power in pressure + heating_P = options["heating_P"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial + // width in pressure + hp_width = options["hp_width"].withDefault(0.1); + // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial + // domain in pressure + hp_length = options["hp_length"].withDefault(0.04); + + // sink factor in pressure + // sink in pressure + sink_P = options["sink_P"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial + // width in pressure + sp_width = options["sp_width"].withDefault(0.05); + // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial + // domain in pressure + sp_length = options["sp_length"].withDefault(0.04); + + // left edge sink factor in vorticity + // left edge sink in vorticity + sink_Ul = options["sink_Ul"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial width in vorticity + su_widthl = options["su_widthl"].withDefault(0.06); + // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial domain in vorticity + su_lengthl = options["su_lengthl"].withDefault(0.15); + + // right edge sink factor in vorticity + // right edge sink in vorticity + sink_Ur = options["sink_Ur"].withDefault(-1.0); + // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial width in vorticity + su_widthr = options["su_widthr"].withDefault(0.06); + // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile + // radial domain in vorticity + su_lengthr = options["su_lengthr"].withDefault(0.15); + + // Compressional terms + phi_curv = options["phi_curv"].doc("ExB compression in P equation?").withDefault(true); + g = options["gamma"].doc("Ratio of specific heats").withDefault(5.0 / 3.0); + + x = (Psixy - Psiaxis) / (Psibndry - Psiaxis); + + if (experiment_Er) { // get er from experiment + mesh->get(Dphi0, "Epsi"); + diamag_phi0 = false; + K_H_term = false; + } else { + Dphi0 = -D_min - 0.5 * D_0 * (1.0 - tanh(D_s * (x - x0))); + } - // option for magnetic flutter Poisson Bracket - OPTION(options, bm_mag_flag, 0); - switch(bm_mag_flag) { - case 0: { - bm_mag = BRACKET_STD; - output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; - break; - } - case 1: { - bm_mag = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; - break; - } - case 2: { - bm_mag = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; - output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; - break; - } - case 3: { - bm_mag = BRACKET_CTU; - output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; - break; - } - default: - output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; - return 1; - } + if (sign < 0) // change flow direction + Dphi0 *= -1; + + V0 = -Rxy * Bpxy * Dphi0 / B0; + + if (simple_rmp) + include_rmp = true; + + if (include_rmp) { + // Including external field coils. + if (simple_rmp) { + // Use a fairly simple form for the perturbation + + Field2D pol_angle; + if (mesh->get(pol_angle, "pol_angle")) { + output_warn.write(" ***WARNING: need poloidal angle for simple RMP\n"); + include_rmp = false; + } else { + rmp_n = options["rmp_n"].doc("Simple RMP toroidal mode number").withDefault(3); + rmp_m = options["rmp_m"].doc("Simple RMP poloidal mode number").withDefault(9); + rmp_polwid = options["rmp_polwid"].withDefault(-1.0); + rmp_polpeak = options["rmp_polpeak"].withDefault(0.5); + rmp_vac_mask = options["rmp_vac_mask"].withDefault(true); + // Divide n by the size of the domain + int zperiod = globalOptions["zperiod"].withDefault(1); + if ((rmp_n % zperiod) != 0) + output_warn.write( + " ***WARNING: rmp_n (%d) not a multiple of zperiod (%d)\n", rmp_n, + zperiod); + + output.write("\tMagnetic perturbation: n = %d, m = %d, magnitude %e Tm\n", + rmp_n, rmp_m, rmp_factor); + + rmp_Psi0 = 0.0; + if (mesh->lastX()) { + // Set the outer boundary + for (int jx = mesh->LocalNx - 4; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) + for (int jy = 0; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) + for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + + BoutReal angle = rmp_m * pol_angle(jx, jy) + + rmp_n * ((BoutReal)jz) * mesh->getCoordinates()->dz; + rmp_Psi0(jx, jy, jz) = + (((BoutReal)(jx - 4)) / ((BoutReal)(mesh->LocalNx - 5))) + * rmp_factor * cos(angle); + if (rmp_polwid > 0.0) { + // Multiply by a Gaussian in poloidal angle + BoutReal gx = + ((pol_angle(jx, jy) / (2. * PI)) - rmp_polpeak) / rmp_polwid; + rmp_Psi0(jx, jy, jz) *= exp(-gx * gx); + } + } + } - OPTION(options, eHall, false); // electron Hall or electron parallel pressue gradient effects? - OPTION(options, AA, 1.0); // ion mass in units of proton mass + // Now have a simple model for Psi due to coils at the outer boundary + // Need to calculate Psi inside the domain, enforcing j = 0 - OPTION(options, diamag, false); // Diamagnetic effects? - OPTION(options, diamag_grad_t, diamag); // Grad_par(Te) term in Psi equation - OPTION(options, diamag_phi0, diamag); // Include equilibrium phi0 - OPTION(options, dia_fact, 1.0); // Scale diamagnetic effects by this factor - - OPTION(options, withflow, false); //withflow or not - OPTION(options, K_H_term, true); //keep K-H term - OPTION(options, D_0, 0.0); // velocity magnitude - OPTION(options, D_s, 0.0); // flowshear - OPTION(options, x0, 0.0); //flow location - OPTION(options, sign, 1.0); //flow direction, -1 means negative electric field - OPTION(options, D_min, 3000.0); //a constant + Jpar = 0.0; + auto psiLap = std::unique_ptr{Laplacian::create()}; + psiLap->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); // Zero gradient inner BC + psiLap->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); // Set to rmp_Psi0 on outer boundary + rmp_Psi0 = psiLap->solve(Jpar, rmp_Psi0); + mesh->communicate(rmp_Psi0); + } + } else { + // Load perturbation from grid file. + include_rmp = !mesh->get(rmp_Psi0, "rmp_A"); // Only include if found + if (!include_rmp) { + output_warn.write("WARNING: Couldn't read 'rmp_A' from grid file\n"); + } + // Multiply by factor + rmp_Psi0 *= rmp_factor; + } + } - OPTION(options, experiment_Er, false); + if (!include_curvature) + b0xcv = 0.0; - OPTION(options, noshear, false); + if (!include_jpar0) + J0 = 0.0; - OPTION(options, relax_j_vac, false); // Relax vacuum current to zero - OPTION(options, relax_j_tconst, 0.1); - - // Toroidal filtering - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); // Filter a single n - OPTION(options, filter_z_mode, 1); - OPTION(options, low_pass_z, -1); // Low-pass filter - OPTION(options, zonal_flow, -1); // zonal flow filter - OPTION(options, zonal_field, -1); // zonal field filter - OPTION(options, zonal_bkgd, -1); // zonal background P filter + if (noshear) { + if (include_curvature) + b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; + I = 0.0; + } - // Radial smoothing - OPTION(options, smooth_j_x, false); // Smooth Jpar in x + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES - // Jpar boundary region - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry_width, -1); + if (mesh->IncIntShear) { + // BOUT-06 style, using d/dx = d/dpsi + I * d/dz + metric->IntShiftTorsion = I; - OPTION(options, sheath_boundaries, false); + } else { + // Dimits style, using local coordinate system + if (include_curvature) + b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; + I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric + } - // Parallel differencing - OPTION(options, parallel_lr_diff, false); + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // NORMALISE QUANTITIES - // RMP-related options - OPTION(options, include_rmp, false); // Read RMP data from grid - - OPTION(options, simple_rmp, false); // Include a simple RMP model - OPTION(options, rmp_factor, 1.0); - OPTION(options, rmp_ramp, -1.0); - OPTION(options, rmp_freq, -1.0); - OPTION(options, rmp_rotate, 0.0); - - // Vacuum region control - OPTION(options, vacuum_pressure, 0.02); // Fraction of peak pressure - OPTION(options, vacuum_trans, 0.005); // Transition width in pressure - - // Resistivity and hyper-resistivity options - OPTION(options, vac_lund, 0.0); // Lundquist number in vacuum region - OPTION(options, core_lund, 0.0); // Lundquist number in core region - OPTION(options, hyperresist, -1.0); - OPTION(options, ehyperviscos, -1.0); - OPTION(options, spitzer_resist, false); // Use Spitzer resistivity - OPTION(options, Zeff, 2.0); // Z effective - - // Inner boundary damping - OPTION(options, damp_width, 0); - OPTION(options, damp_t_const, 0.1); - - // Viscosity and hyper-viscosity - OPTION(options, viscos_par, -1.0); // Parallel viscosity - OPTION(options, viscos_perp, -1.0); // Perpendicular viscosity - OPTION(options, hyperviscos, -1.0); // Radial hyperviscosity - - // parallel pressure diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_par, -1.0); // Parallel pressure diffusion - OPTION(options, diffusion_p4, -1.0); //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure - OPTION(options, diffusion_u4, -1.0); //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity - OPTION(options, diffusion_a4, -1.0); //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential - - // heating factor in pressure - OPTION(options, heating_P, -1.0); // heating power in pressure - OPTION(options, hp_width, 0.1); // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial width in pressure - OPTION(options, hp_length, 0.04); // the percentage of radial grid points for heating profile radial domain in pressure - - // sink factor in pressure - OPTION(options, sink_P, -1.0); // sink in pressure - OPTION(options, sp_width, 0.05); // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial width in pressure - OPTION(options, sp_length, 0.04); // the percentage of radial grid points for sink profile radial domain in pressure - - - // left edge sink factor in vorticity - OPTION(options, sink_Ul, -1.0); // left edge sink in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_widthl, 0.06); // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile radial width in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_lengthl, 0.15); // the percentage of left edge radial grid points for sink profile radial domain in vorticity - - // right edge sink factor in vorticity - OPTION(options, sink_Ur, -1.0); // right edge sink in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_widthr, 0.06); // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile radial width in vorticity - OPTION(options, su_lengthr, 0.15); // the percentage of right edge radial grid points for sink profile radial domain in vorticity - - // Compressional terms - OPTION(options, phi_curv, true); - options->get("gamma", g, 5.0/3.0); - - // Field inversion flags - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - - x=(Psixy-Psiaxis)/(Psibndry-Psiaxis); - - if(experiment_Er){ //get er from experiment - mesh->get(Dphi0,"Epsi"); - diamag_phi0=false; - K_H_term=false; - } else { - Dphi0=-D_min-0.5*D_0*(1.0-tanh(D_s*(x-x0))); - } + if (mesh->get(Bbar, "bmag")) // Typical magnetic field + Bbar = 1.0; + if (mesh->get(Lbar, "rmag")) // Typical length scale + Lbar = 1.0; - if(sign<0) //change flow direction - Dphi0*=-1; - - V0=-Rxy*Bpxy*Dphi0/B0; - - if(simple_rmp) - include_rmp = true; - - if(include_rmp) { - // Including external field coils. - if(simple_rmp) { - // Use a fairly simple form for the perturbation - - Field2D pol_angle; - if(mesh->get(pol_angle, "pol_angle")) { - output_warn.write(" ***WARNING: need poloidal angle for simple RMP\n"); - include_rmp = false; - }else { - OPTION(options, rmp_n, 3); - OPTION(options, rmp_m, 9); - OPTION(options, rmp_polwid, -1.0); - OPTION(options, rmp_polpeak, 0.5); - OPTION(options, rmp_vac_mask, true); - // Divide n by the size of the domain - int zperiod; - globalOptions->get("zperiod", zperiod, 1); - if((rmp_n % zperiod) != 0) - output_warn.write(" ***WARNING: rmp_n (%d) not a multiple of zperiod (%d)\n", rmp_n, zperiod); - - output.write("\tMagnetic perturbation: n = %d, m = %d, magnitude %e Tm\n", - rmp_n, rmp_m, rmp_factor); - - rmp_Psi0 = 0.0; - if(mesh->lastX()) { - // Set the outer boundary - for(int jx=mesh->LocalNx-4;jxLocalNx;jx++) - for(int jy=0;jyLocalNy;jy++) - for(int jz=0;jzLocalNz;jz++) { - - BoutReal angle = rmp_m * pol_angle(jx,jy) + rmp_n * ((BoutReal) jz) * mesh->coordinates()->dz; - rmp_Psi0(jx,jy,jz) = (((BoutReal)(jx - 4)) / ((BoutReal)(mesh->LocalNx - 5))) * rmp_factor * cos(angle); - if(rmp_polwid > 0.0) { - // Multiply by a Gaussian in poloidal angle - BoutReal gx = ((pol_angle(jx,jy) / (2.*PI)) - rmp_polpeak) / rmp_polwid; - rmp_Psi0(jx,jy,jz) *= exp(-gx*gx); - } - } - } + Va = sqrt(Bbar * Bbar / (MU0 * density * Mi)); - // Now have a simple model for Psi due to coils at the outer boundary - // Need to calculate Psi inside the domain, enforcing j = 0 - - Jpar = 0.0; - Laplacian *psiLap = Laplacian::create(); - psiLap->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); // Zero gradient inner BC - psiLap->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); // Set to rmp_Psi0 on outer boundary - rmp_Psi0 = psiLap->solve(Jpar, rmp_Psi0); - mesh->communicate(rmp_Psi0); - - } - }else { - // Load perturbation from grid file. - include_rmp = !mesh->get(rmp_Psi0, "rmp_A"); // Only include if found - if(!include_rmp) { - output_warn.write("WARNING: Couldn't read 'rmp_A' from grid file\n"); - } - // Multiply by factor - rmp_Psi0 *= rmp_factor; - } - } + Tbar = Lbar / Va; - if(!include_curvature) - b0xcv = 0.0; - - if(!include_jpar0) - J0 = 0.0; + dnorm = dia_fact * Mi / (2. * 1.602e-19 * Bbar * Tbar); - if(noshear) { - if(include_curvature) - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; - I = 0.0; - } - - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES + delta_i = AA * 60.67 * 5.31e5 / sqrt(density / 1e6) / (Lbar * 100.0); - if(mesh->IncIntShear) { - // BOUT-06 style, using d/dx = d/dpsi + I * d/dz - metric->IntShiftTorsion = I; - - }else { - // Dimits style, using local coordinate system - if(include_curvature) - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; - I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric - } + output.write("Normalisations: Bbar = %e T Lbar = %e m\n", Bbar, Lbar); + output.write(" Va = %e m/s Tbar = %e s\n", Va, Tbar); + output.write(" dnorm = %e\n", dnorm); + output.write(" Resistivity\n"); - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // NORMALISE QUANTITIES - - if(mesh->get(Bbar, "bmag")) // Typical magnetic field - Bbar = 1.0; - if(mesh->get(Lbar, "rmag")) // Typical length scale - Lbar = 1.0; - - Va = sqrt(Bbar*Bbar / (MU0*density*Mi)); + if (gyroviscous) { + omega_i = 9.58e7 * Zeff * Bbar; + Upara2 = 0.5 / (Tbar * omega_i); + output.write("Upara2 = %e Omega_i = %e\n", Upara2, omega_i); + } - Tbar = Lbar / Va; + if (eHall) + output.write(" delta_i = %e AA = %e \n", delta_i, AA); - dnorm = dia_fact * Mi / (2.*1.602e-19*Bbar*Tbar); + if (vac_lund > 0.0) { + output.write(" Vacuum Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", vac_lund * Tbar, + MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (vac_lund * Tbar)); + vac_resist = 1. / vac_lund; + } else { + output.write(" Vacuum - Zero resistivity -\n"); + vac_resist = 0.0; + } + if (core_lund > 0.0) { + output.write(" Core Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", core_lund * Tbar, + MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (core_lund * Tbar)); + core_resist = 1. / core_lund; + } else { + output.write(" Core - Zero resistivity -\n"); + core_resist = 0.0; + } - delta_i = AA*60.67*5.31e5/sqrt(density/1e6)/(Lbar*100.0); + if (hyperresist > 0.0) { + output.write(" Hyper-resistivity coefficient: %e\n", hyperresist); + } - output.write("Normalisations: Bbar = %e T Lbar = %e m\n", Bbar, Lbar); - output.write(" Va = %e m/s Tbar = %e s\n", Va, Tbar); - output.write(" dnorm = %e\n", dnorm); - output.write(" Resistivity\n"); + if (ehyperviscos > 0.0) { + output.write(" electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient: %e\n", ehyperviscos); + } - if(gyroviscous) { - omega_i = 9.58e7*Zeff*Bbar; - Upara2 = 0.5/(Tbar*omega_i); - //Upara3 = 1.0; - output.write("Upara2 = %e Omega_i = %e\n", Upara2, omega_i); - } + if (hyperviscos > 0.0) { + output.write(" Hyper-viscosity coefficient: %e\n", hyperviscos); + SAVE_ONCE(hyper_mu_x); + } - if(eHall) - output.write(" delta_i = %e AA = %e \n", delta_i, AA); + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) { + output.write(" diffusion_par: %e\n", diffusion_par); + SAVE_ONCE(diffusion_par); + } - if(vac_lund > 0.0) { - output.write(" Vacuum Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", vac_lund * Tbar, - MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (vac_lund * Tbar)); - vac_resist = 1. / vac_lund; - }else { - output.write(" Vacuum - Zero resistivity -\n"); - vac_resist = 0.0; - } - if(core_lund > 0.0) { - output.write(" Core Tau_R = %e s eta = %e Ohm m\n", core_lund * Tbar, - MU0 * Lbar * Lbar / (core_lund * Tbar)); - core_resist = 1. / core_lund; - }else { - output.write(" Core - Zero resistivity -\n"); - core_resist = 0.0; - } + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure + if (diffusion_p4 > 0.0) { + output.write(" diffusion_p4: %e\n", diffusion_p4); + SAVE_ONCE(diffusion_p4); + } - if(hyperresist > 0.0) { - output.write(" Hyper-resistivity coefficient: %e\n", hyperresist); - } + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity + if (diffusion_u4 > 0.0) { + output.write(" diffusion_u4: %e\n", diffusion_u4); + SAVE_ONCE(diffusion_u4) + } - if(ehyperviscos > 0.0) { - output.write(" electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient: %e\n", ehyperviscos); - } + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential + if (diffusion_a4 > 0.0) { + output.write(" diffusion_a4: %e\n", diffusion_a4); + SAVE_ONCE(diffusion_a4); + } - if(hyperviscos > 0.0) { - output.write(" Hyper-viscosity coefficient: %e\n", hyperviscos); - dump.add(hyper_mu_x, "hyper_mu_x", 1); - } + if (heating_P > 0.0) { + output.write(" heating_P(watts): %e\n", heating_P); - if(diffusion_par > 0.0) { - output.write(" diffusion_par: %e\n", diffusion_par); - dump.add(diffusion_par, "diffusion_par", 1); - } + output.write(" hp_width(%%): %e\n", hp_width); - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure - if(diffusion_p4 > 0.0) { - output.write(" diffusion_p4: %e\n", diffusion_p4); - dump.add(diffusion_p4, "diffusion_p4", 1); - } + output.write(" hp_length(%%): %e\n", hp_length); - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity - if(diffusion_u4 > 0.0) { - output.write(" diffusion_u4: %e\n", diffusion_u4); - dump.add(diffusion_u4, "diffusion_u4", 1); - } + SAVE_ONCE(heating_P, hp_width, hp_length); + } - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential - if(diffusion_a4 > 0.0) { - output.write(" diffusion_a4: %e\n", diffusion_a4); - dump.add(diffusion_a4, "diffusion_a4", 1); - } + if (sink_P > 0.0) { + output.write(" sink_P(rate): %e\n", sink_P); + output.write(" sp_width(%%): %e\n", sp_width); + output.write(" sp_length(%%): %e\n", sp_length); - if(heating_P > 0.0) { - output.write(" heating_P(watts): %e\n", heating_P); - dump.add(heating_P, "heating_P", 1); + SAVE_ONCE(sink_P, sp_width, sp_length); + } - output.write(" hp_width(%): %e\n",hp_width); - dump.add(hp_width, "hp_width", 1); + if (K_H_term) { + output.write(" keep K-H term\n"); + } else { + output.write(" drop K-H term\n"); + } - output.write(" hp_length(%): %e\n",hp_length); - dump.add(hp_length, "hp_length", 1); - } + Field2D Te; + Te = P0 / (2.0 * density * 1.602e-19); // Temperature in eV - if(sink_P > 0.0) { - output.write(" sink_P(rate): %e\n", sink_P); - dump.add(sink_P, "sink_P", 1); + J0 = -MU0 * Lbar * J0 / B0; + P0 = 2.0 * MU0 * P0 / (Bbar * Bbar); + V0 = V0 / Va; + Dphi0 *= Tbar; - output.write(" sp_width(%): %e\n",sp_width); - dump.add(sp_width, "sp_width", 1); + b0xcv.x /= Bbar; + b0xcv.y *= Lbar * Lbar; + b0xcv.z *= Lbar * Lbar; - output.write(" sp_length(%): %e\n",sp_length); - dump.add(sp_length, "sp_length", 1); - } + Rxy /= Lbar; + Bpxy /= Bbar; + Btxy /= Bbar; + B0 /= Bbar; + hthe /= Lbar; + metric->dx /= Lbar * Lbar * Bbar; + I *= Lbar * Lbar * Bbar; - if(K_H_term) - output.write(" keep K-H term\n"); - else - output.write(" drop K-H term\n"); - - Field2D Te; - Te = P0 / (2.0*density * 1.602e-19); // Temperature in eV - - J0 = - MU0*Lbar * J0 / B0; - P0 = 2.0*MU0 * P0 / (Bbar*Bbar); - V0=V0/Va; - Dphi0*=Tbar; - - b0xcv.x /= Bbar; - b0xcv.y *= Lbar*Lbar; - b0xcv.z *= Lbar*Lbar; - - Rxy /= Lbar; - Bpxy /= Bbar; - Btxy /= Bbar; - B0 /= Bbar; - hthe /= Lbar; - metric->dx /= Lbar*Lbar*Bbar; - I *= Lbar*Lbar*Bbar; - - if (constn0) - { + if (constn0) { T0_fake_prof = false; n0_fake_prof = false; - } - else - { + } else { Nbar = 1.0; - Tibar=1000.0; - Tebar=1000.0; - - if( (!T0_fake_prof) && n0_fake_prof ) - { - N0 = N0tanh(n0_height*Nbar, n0_ave*Nbar, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x); - - Ti0 = P0/N0/2.0; - Te0 = Ti0; - } - else if (T0_fake_prof) - { - Ti0 = Tconst; - Te0 = Ti0; - N0 = P0/(Ti0+Te0); - } - else - { - if(mesh->get(N0, "Niexp")) { // N_i0 - output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Ni0 from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - - if(mesh->get(Ti0, "Tiexp")) { // T_i0 - output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Ti0 from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - - if(mesh->get(Te0, "Teexp")) { // T_e0 - output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Te0 from grid\n"); - return 1; - } - N0 /= Nbar; - Ti0 /= Tibar; - Te0 /= Tebar; - } - } - - if (gyroviscous) - { + Tibar = 1000.0; + Tebar = 1000.0; + + if ((!T0_fake_prof) && n0_fake_prof) { + N0 = N0tanh(n0_height * Nbar, n0_ave * Nbar, n0_width, n0_center, n0_bottom_x); + + Ti0 = P0 / N0 / 2.0; + Te0 = Ti0; + } else if (T0_fake_prof) { + Ti0 = Tconst; + Te0 = Ti0; + N0 = P0 / (Ti0 + Te0); + } else { + if (mesh->get(N0, "Niexp")) { // N_i0 + throw BoutException("Error: Cannot read Ni0 from grid\n"); + } + + if (mesh->get(Ti0, "Tiexp")) { // T_i0 + throw BoutException("Error: Cannot read Ti0 from grid\n"); + } + + if (mesh->get(Te0, "Teexp")) { // T_e0 + throw BoutException("Error: Cannot read Te0 from grid\n"); + } + N0 /= Nbar; + Ti0 /= Tibar; + Te0 /= Tebar; + } + } + + if (gyroviscous) { Dperp2Phi0.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); Dperp2Phi0.setBoundary("phi"); Dperp2Phi.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); @@ -829,918 +879,928 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { bracketPhi0P.setBoundary("P"); bracketPhiP0.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); bracketPhiP0.setBoundary("P"); - if (nonlinear) - { - GradPhi2.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - GradPhi2.setBoundary("phi"); - bracketPhiP.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - bracketPhiP.setBoundary("P"); - } + if (nonlinear) { + GradPhi2.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); + GradPhi2.setBoundary("phi"); + bracketPhiP.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); + bracketPhiP.setBoundary("P"); + } } - BoutReal pnorm = max(P0, true); // Maximum over all processors - - vacuum_pressure *= pnorm; // Get pressure from fraction - vacuum_trans *= pnorm; - - // Transitions from 0 in core to 1 in vacuum - vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh( (P0 - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans )) / 2.0; - - if(spitzer_resist) { - // Use Spitzer resistivity - output.write("\tTemperature: %e -> %e [eV]\n", min(Te), max(Te)); - eta = 0.51*1.03e-4*Zeff*20.*pow(Te,-1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. NOTE: ln(Lambda) = 20 - output.write("\tSpitzer resistivity: %e -> %e [Ohm m]\n", min(eta), max(eta)); - eta /= MU0 * Va * Lbar; - output.write("\t -> Lundquist %e -> %e\n", 1.0/max(eta), 1.0/min(eta)); - }else { - // transition from 0 for large P0 to resistivity for small P0 - eta = core_resist + (vac_resist - core_resist) * vac_mask; - } + BoutReal pnorm = max(P0, true); // Maximum over all processors - dump.add(eta, "eta", 0); + vacuum_pressure *= pnorm; // Get pressure from fraction + vacuum_trans *= pnorm; - if(include_rmp) { - // Normalise RMP quantities + // Transitions from 0 in core to 1 in vacuum + vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh((P0 - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans)) / 2.0; - rmp_Psi0 /= Bbar * Lbar; - - rmp_ramp /= Tbar; - rmp_freq *= Tbar; - rmp_rotate *= Tbar; - - rmp_Psi = rmp_Psi0; - rmp_dApdt = 0.0; - - bool apar_changing = false; - - output.write("Including magnetic perturbation\n"); - if(rmp_ramp > 0.0) { - output.write("\tRamping up over period t = %e (%e ms)\n", rmp_ramp, rmp_ramp*Tbar*1000.); - apar_changing = true; - } - if(rmp_freq > 0.0) { - output.write("\tOscillating with frequency f = %e (%e kHz)\n", rmp_freq, rmp_freq/Tbar/1000.); - apar_changing = true; - } - if(rmp_rotate != 0.0) { - output.write("\tRotating with a frequency f = %e (%e kHz)\n", rmp_rotate, rmp_rotate/Tbar/1000.); - apar_changing = true; - } - - if(apar_changing) { - dump.add(rmp_Psi, "rmp_Psi", 1); - dump.add(rmp_dApdt, "rmp_dApdt", 1); - }else { - dump.add(rmp_Psi, "rmp_Psi", 0); - } - }else - rmp_Psi = 0.0; - - /**************** CALCULATE METRICS ******************/ - - metric->g11 = SQ(Rxy*Bpxy); - metric->g22 = 1.0 / SQ(hthe); - metric->g33 = SQ(I)*metric->g11 + SQ(B0)/metric->g11; - metric->g12 = 0.0; - metric->g13 = -I*metric->g11; - metric->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - - metric->J = hthe / Bpxy; - metric->Bxy = B0; - - metric->g_11 = 1.0/metric->g11 + SQ(I*Rxy); - metric->g_22 = SQ(B0*hthe/Bpxy); - metric->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - metric->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - metric->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - metric->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - metric->geometry(); // Calculate quantities from metric tensor + if (spitzer_resist) { + // Use Spitzer resistivity + output.write("\tTemperature: %e -> %e [eV]\n", min(Te), max(Te)); + eta = 0.51 * 1.03e-4 * Zeff * 20. + * pow(Te, -1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. NOTE: ln(Lambda) = 20 + output.write("\tSpitzer resistivity: %e -> %e [Ohm m]\n", min(eta), max(eta)); + eta /= MU0 * Va * Lbar; + output.write("\t -> Lundquist %e -> %e\n", 1.0 / max(eta), 1.0 / min(eta)); + } else { + // transition from 0 for large P0 to resistivity for small P0 + eta = core_resist + (vac_resist - core_resist) * vac_mask; + } - // Set B field vector - - B0vec.covariant = false; - B0vec.x = 0.; - B0vec.y = Bpxy / hthe; - B0vec.z = 0.; - - V0net.covariant = false; //presentation for net flow - V0net.x = 0.; - V0net.y = Rxy*Btxy*Bpxy/(hthe*B0*B0)*Dphi0; - V0net.z = -Dphi0; + SAVE_ONCE(eta); - U0=B0vec*Curl(V0net)/B0; //get 0th vorticity for Kelvin-Holmholtz term - - /**************** SET EVOLVING VARIABLES *************/ - - // Tell BOUT which variables to evolve - SOLVE_FOR(U); - SOLVE_FOR(P); - - if(evolve_jpar) { - output.write("Solving for jpar: Inverting to get Psi\n"); - SOLVE_FOR(Jpar); - dump.add(Psi, "Psi", 1); - }else { - output.write("Solving for Psi, Differentiating to get jpar\n"); - SOLVE_FOR(Psi); - dump.add(Jpar, "jpar", 1); - } - - if (compress0) { - output.write("Including compression (Vpar) effects\n"); - - SOLVE_FOR(Vpar); - comms.add(Vpar); + if (include_rmp) { + // Normalise RMP quantities - beta = B0*B0 / ( 0.5 + (B0*B0 / (g*P0))); - gradparB = Grad_par(B0) / B0; + rmp_Psi0 /= Bbar * Lbar; - output.write("Beta in range %e -> %e\n", - min(beta), max(beta)); - } else { - Vpar = 0.0; - } + rmp_ramp /= Tbar; + rmp_freq *= Tbar; + rmp_rotate *= Tbar; - if(phi_constraint) { - // Implicit Phi solve using IDA - - if(!bout_constrain(phi, C_phi, "phi")) { - output_error.write("ERROR: Cannot constrain. Run again with phi_constraint=false\n"); - throw BoutException("Aborting.\n"); - } - - // Set preconditioner - solver->setPrecon(precon_phi); + rmp_Psi = rmp_Psi0; + rmp_dApdt = 0.0; - }else { - // Phi solved in RHS (explicitly) - dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); + bool apar_changing = false; - // Set preconditioner - solver->setPrecon(precon); + output.write("Including magnetic perturbation\n"); + if (rmp_ramp > 0.0) { + output.write("\tRamping up over period t = %e (%e ms)\n", rmp_ramp, + rmp_ramp * Tbar * 1000.); + apar_changing = true; + } + if (rmp_freq > 0.0) { + output.write("\tOscillating with frequency f = %e (%e kHz)\n", rmp_freq, + rmp_freq / Tbar / 1000.); + apar_changing = true; + } + if (rmp_rotate != 0.0) { + output.write("\tRotating with a frequency f = %e (%e kHz)\n", rmp_rotate, + rmp_rotate / Tbar / 1000.); + apar_changing = true; + } - // Set Jacobian - solver->setJacobian(jacobian); - } + if (apar_changing) { + SAVE_REPEAT(rmp_Psi, rmp_dApdt); + } else { + SAVE_ONCE(rmp_Psi); + } + } else + rmp_Psi = 0.0; - // Diamagnetic phi0 - if(diamag_phi0) { - if (constn0) - phi0 = -0.5*dnorm*P0/B0; - else - // Stationary equilibrium plasma. ExB velocity balances diamagnetic drift - phi0 = -0.5*dnorm*P0/B0/N0; - SAVE_ONCE(phi0); - } - - - // Add some equilibrium quantities and normalisations - // everything needed to recover physical units - SAVE_ONCE2(J0, P0); - SAVE_ONCE4(density, Lbar, Bbar, Tbar); - SAVE_ONCE2(Va, B0); - SAVE_ONCE2(Dphi0, U0); - SAVE_ONCE(V0); - if (!constn0) - SAVE_ONCE3(Ti0, Te0, N0); - - /////////////// CHECK VACUUM /////////////////////// - // In vacuum region, initial vorticity should equal zero - - //ubyn.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - //ubyn.setBoundary("U"); + /**************** CALCULATE METRICS ******************/ - if(!restarting) { - // Only if not restarting: Check initial perturbation + metric->g11 = SQ(Rxy * Bpxy); + metric->g22 = 1.0 / SQ(hthe); + metric->g33 = SQ(I) * metric->g11 + SQ(B0) / metric->g11; + metric->g12 = 0.0; + metric->g13 = -I * metric->g11; + metric->g23 = -Btxy / (hthe * Bpxy * Rxy); - // Set U to zero where P0 < vacuum_pressure - U = where(P0 - vacuum_pressure, U, 0.0); + metric->J = hthe / Bpxy; + metric->Bxy = B0; - if (constn0) - { - ubyn = U; - // Phi should be consistent with U - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL); - } - else - { - ubyn = U/N0; - //dump.add(ubyn, "ubyn", 1); - //dump.add(sourp, "sourp", 1); - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL, &N0, NULL); - } - - //if(diamag) { - //phi -= 0.5*dnorm * P / B0; - //} - } + metric->g_11 = 1.0 / metric->g11 + SQ(I * Rxy); + metric->g_22 = SQ(B0 * hthe / Bpxy); + metric->g_33 = Rxy * Rxy; + metric->g_12 = Btxy * hthe * I * Rxy / Bpxy; + metric->g_13 = I * Rxy * Rxy; + metric->g_23 = Btxy * hthe * Rxy / Bpxy; - + metric->geometry(); // Calculate quantities from metric tensor - /************** SETUP COMMUNICATIONS **************/ - - comms.add(U); - comms.add(P); - // comms.add(phi); - - phi.setBoundary("phi"); // Set boundary conditions - tmpU2.setBoundary("U"); - tmpP2.setBoundary("P"); - tmpA2.setBoundary("J"); - //sourp.setBoundary("U"); - - if(evolve_jpar) { - comms.add(Jpar); - }else { - comms.add(Psi); - // otherwise Need to communicate Jpar separately - Jpar.setBoundary("J"); - } - Jpar2.setBoundary("J"); + // Set B field vector - return 0; -} + B0vec.covariant = false; + B0vec.x = 0.; + B0vec.y = Bpxy / hthe; + B0vec.z = 0.; -// Parallel gradient along perturbed field-line -const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { - Field3D result; - - if(parallel_lr_diff) { - // Use left/right biased stencils. NOTE: First order only! - if(loc == CELL_YLOW) { - result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); - }else - result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); - }else - result = Grad_par(f, loc); - - if(nonlinear) { - result -= bracket(Psi, f, bm_mag)*B0; - - if(include_rmp) { - result -= bracket(rmp_Psi, f, bm_mag)*B0; - } - } - - return result; -} + V0net.covariant = false; // presentation for net flow + V0net.x = 0.; + V0net.y = Rxy * Btxy * Bpxy / (hthe * B0 * B0) * Dphi0; + V0net.z = -Dphi0; -bool first_run = true; // For printing out some diagnostics first time around + U0 = B0vec * Curl(V0net) / B0; // get 0th vorticity for Kelvin-Holmholtz term -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { - // Perform communications - mesh->communicate(comms); - - Coordinates *metric = mesh->coordinates(); + /**************** SET EVOLVING VARIABLES *************/ - //////////////////////////////////////////// - // Transitions from 0 in core to 1 in vacuum - if(nonlinear) { - vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh( ((P0 + P) - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans )) / 2.0; - - // Update resistivity - if(spitzer_resist) { - // Use Spitzer formula - Field3D Te; - Te = (P0+P)*Bbar*Bbar/(4.*MU0) / (density * 1.602e-19); // eV - eta = 0.51*1.03e-4*Zeff*20.*pow(Te, -1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. ln(Lambda) = 20 - eta /= MU0 * Va * Lbar; // Normalised eta - }else { - // Use specified core and vacuum Lundquist numbers - eta = core_resist + (vac_resist - core_resist) * vac_mask; + // Tell BOUT which variables to evolve + SOLVE_FOR(U, P); + + if (evolve_jpar) { + output.write("Solving for jpar: Inverting to get Psi\n"); + SOLVE_FOR(Jpar); + SAVE_REPEAT(Psi); + } else { + output.write("Solving for Psi, Differentiating to get jpar\n"); + SOLVE_FOR(Psi); + SAVE_REPEAT(Jpar); } - } - //////////////////////////////////////////// - // Resonant Magnetic Perturbation code + if (compress) { + output.write("Including compression (Vpar) effects\n"); - if(include_rmp) { + SOLVE_FOR(Vpar); + comms.add(Vpar); - if( (rmp_ramp > 0.0) || (rmp_freq > 0.0) || (rmp_rotate != 0.0) ) { - // Need to update the RMP terms - - if((rmp_ramp > 0.0) && (t < rmp_ramp)) { - // Still in ramp phase - - rmp_Psi = (t / rmp_ramp) * rmp_Psi0 ; // Linear ramp - - rmp_dApdt = rmp_Psi0 / rmp_ramp; - }else { - rmp_Psi = rmp_Psi0; - rmp_dApdt = 0.0; - } - - if(rmp_freq > 0.0) { - // Oscillating the amplitude - - rmp_dApdt = rmp_dApdt * sin(2.*PI * rmp_freq * t) - + rmp_Psi * (2.*PI * rmp_freq) * cos(2.*PI * rmp_freq * t); - - rmp_Psi *= sin(2.*PI * rmp_freq * t); - - } - - if(rmp_rotate != 0.0) { - // Rotate toroidally at given frequency - - shiftZ(rmp_Psi, 2*PI * rmp_rotate * t); - shiftZ(rmp_dApdt, 2*PI * rmp_rotate * t); - - // Add toroidal rotation term. CHECK SIGN - - rmp_dApdt += DDZ(rmp_Psi) * 2*PI * rmp_rotate; + beta = B0 * B0 / (0.5 + (B0 * B0 / (g * P0))); + gradparB = Grad_par(B0) / B0; + + output.write("Beta in range %e -> %e\n", min(beta), max(beta)); + } else { + Vpar = 0.0; + } + + if (phi_constraint) { + // Implicit Phi solve using IDA + + if (!solver->constraints()) { + throw BoutException("Cannot constrain. Run again with phi_constraint=false.\n"); } + + solver->constraint(phi, C_phi, "phi"); - // Set to zero in the core - if(rmp_vac_mask) - rmp_Psi *= vac_mask; - }else { - // Set to zero in the core region - if(rmp_vac_mask) - rmp_Psi = rmp_Psi0 * vac_mask; // Only in vacuum -> skin current -> diffuses inwards + // Set preconditioner + setPrecon( (preconfunc) &ELMpb::precon_phi ); + + } else { + // Phi solved in RHS (explicitly) + SAVE_REPEAT(phi); + + // Set preconditioner + setPrecon( (preconfunc) &ELMpb::precon ); + + // Set Jacobian + setJacobian( (jacobianfunc) &ELMpb::jacobian ); } - - mesh->communicate(rmp_Psi); - } - - //////////////////////////////////////////// - // Inversion - if(evolve_jpar) { - // Invert laplacian for Psi - Psi = invert_laplace(Jpar, apar_flags, NULL); - mesh->communicate(Psi); - } + // Diamagnetic phi0 + if (diamag_phi0) { + if (constn0) + phi0 = -0.5 * dnorm * P0 / B0; + else + // Stationary equilibrium plasma. ExB velocity balances diamagnetic drift + phi0 = -0.5 * dnorm * P0 / B0 / N0; + SAVE_ONCE(phi0); + } - if(phi_constraint) { - // Phi being solved as a constraint - - Field3D Ctmp = phi; - Ctmp.setBoundary("phi"); // Look up boundary conditions for phi - Ctmp.applyBoundary(); - Ctmp -= phi; // Now contains error in the boundary - - C_phi = Delp2(phi) - U; // Error in the bulk - C_phi.setBoundaryTo(Ctmp); - - }else { - - if (constn0) - { - phi = invert_laplace(U, phi_flags, NULL); - - if(diamag) { - phi -= 0.5*dnorm * P / B0; - } - } - else - { - ubyn = U/N0; - if (diamag) - { - ubyn -= 0.5*dnorm/(N0*B0) * Delp2(P); - //ubyn.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(ubyn); - //sourp = Delp2(P); - //sourp.applyBoundary(); - //mesh->communicate(sourp); - } - // Invert laplacian for phi - phi = invert_laplace(ubyn, phi_flags, NULL, &N0, NULL); - } - // Apply a boundary condition on phi for target plates - phi.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(phi); - } + // Add some equilibrium quantities and normalisations + // everything needed to recover physical units + SAVE_ONCE(J0, P0); + SAVE_ONCE(density, Lbar, Bbar, Tbar); + SAVE_ONCE(Va, B0); + SAVE_ONCE(Dphi0, U0); + SAVE_ONCE(V0); + if (!constn0) { + SAVE_ONCE(Ti0, Te0, N0); + } + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = std::unique_ptr(Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"])); - if(!evolve_jpar) { - // Get J from Psi - Jpar = Delp2(Psi); - if(include_rmp) - Jpar += Delp2(rmp_Psi); + aparSolver = std::unique_ptr(Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"])); - Jpar.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Jpar); + /////////////// CHECK VACUUM /////////////////////// + // In vacuum region, initial vorticity should equal zero - if(jpar_bndry_width > 0) { - // Zero j in boundary regions. Prevents vorticity drive - // at the boundary - - for(int i=0;iLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - if(mesh->firstX()) - Jpar(i,j,k) = 0.0; - if(mesh->lastX()) - Jpar(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) = 0.0; - } - } - - // Smooth j in x - if(smooth_j_x) { - Jpar = smooth_x(Jpar); - Jpar.applyBoundary(); + if (!restarting) { + // Only if not restarting: Check initial perturbation - //Recommunicate now smoothed - mesh->communicate(Jpar); + // Set U to zero where P0 < vacuum_pressure + U = where(P0 - vacuum_pressure, U, 0.0); + + if (constn0) { + ubyn = U; + // Phi should be consistent with U + phi = phiSolver->solve(ubyn); + } else { + ubyn = U / N0; + phiSolver->setCoefC(N0); + phi = phiSolver->solve(ubyn); + } + + // if(diamag) { + // phi -= 0.5*dnorm * P / B0; + //} } - - - //xqx begin - // Get Delp2(J) from J - Jpar2 = Delp2(Jpar); - Jpar2.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Jpar2); + /************** SETUP COMMUNICATIONS **************/ - if(jpar_bndry_width > 0) { - // Zero jpar2 in boundary regions. Prevents vorticity drive - // at the boundary - - for(int i=0;iLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - if(mesh->firstX()) - Jpar2(i,j,k) = 0.0; - if(mesh->lastX()) - Jpar2(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) = 0.0; - } - } - //xqx end + comms.add(U, P); + + phi.setBoundary("phi"); // Set boundary conditions + tmpU2.setBoundary("U"); + tmpP2.setBoundary("P"); + tmpA2.setBoundary("J"); + + if (evolve_jpar) { + comms.add(Jpar); + } else { + comms.add(Psi); + // otherwise Need to communicate Jpar separately + Jpar.setBoundary("J"); + } + Jpar2.setBoundary("J"); + + return 0; } - //////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Sheath boundary conditions - // Normalised and linearised, since here we have only pressure - // rather than density and temperature. Applying a boundary - // to Jpar so that Jpar = sqrt(mi/me)/(2*pi) * phi - // - - if(sheath_boundaries) { + // Parallel gradient along perturbed field-line + const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { + Field3D result; - // At y = ystart (lower boundary) - - for(RangeIterator r=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !r.isDone(); r++) { - for(int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - - // Zero-gradient potential - BoutReal phisheath = phi(r.ind, mesh->ystart, jz); - - BoutReal jsheath = - (sqrt(mi_me)/(2.*sqrt(PI))) * phisheath; - - // Apply boundary condition half-way between cells - for(int jy = mesh->ystart-1;jy >= 0; jy--) { - // Neumann conditions - P(r.ind, jy, jz) = P(r.ind, mesh->ystart, jz); - phi(r.ind, jy, jz) = phisheath; - // Dirichlet condition on Jpar - Jpar(r.ind, jy, jz) = 2.*jsheath - Jpar(r.ind, mesh->ystart, jz); - - } + if (parallel_lr_diff) { + // Use left/right biased stencils. NOTE: First order only! + if (loc == CELL_YLOW) { + result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); + } else + result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); + } else + result = Grad_par(f, loc); + + if (nonlinear) { + result -= bracket(Psi, f, bm_mag) * B0; + + if (include_rmp) { + result -= bracket(rmp_Psi, f, bm_mag) * B0; } } - - // At y = yend (upper boundary) - - for(RangeIterator r=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !r.isDone(); r++) { - for(int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - - // Zero-gradient potential - BoutReal phisheath = phi(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz); - - BoutReal jsheath = (sqrt(mi_me)/(2.*sqrt(PI))) * phisheath; - - // Apply boundary condition half-way between cells - for(int jy = mesh->yend-1;jy >= 0; jy--) { - // Neumann conditions - P(r.ind, jy, jz) = P(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz); - phi(r.ind, jy, jz) = phisheath; - // Dirichlet condition on Jpar - Jpar(r.ind, jy, jz) = 2.*jsheath - Jpar(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz); - - } + + return result; + } + + bool first_run = true; // For printing out some diagnostics first time around + + int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + // Perform communications + mesh->communicate(comms); + + Coordinates* metric = mesh->getCoordinates(); + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Transitions from 0 in core to 1 in vacuum + if (nonlinear) { + vac_mask = (1.0 - tanh(((P0 + P) - vacuum_pressure) / vacuum_trans)) / 2.0; + + // Update resistivity + if (spitzer_resist) { + // Use Spitzer formula + Field3D Te; + Te = (P0 + P) * Bbar * Bbar / (4. * MU0) / (density * 1.602e-19); // eV + eta = + 0.51 * 1.03e-4 * Zeff * 20. * pow(Te, -1.5); // eta in Ohm-m. ln(Lambda) = 20 + eta /= MU0 * Va * Lbar; // Normalised eta + } else { + // Use specified core and vacuum Lundquist numbers + eta = core_resist + (vac_resist - core_resist) * vac_mask; } } - } + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Resonant Magnetic Perturbation code - //////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Parallel electric field + if (include_rmp) { - if(evolve_jpar) { - // Jpar - Field3D B0U = B0*U ; - mesh->communicate(B0U); - ddt(Jpar) = -Grad_parP(B0U, CELL_YLOW) / B0 + eta*Delp2(Jpar); + if ((rmp_ramp > 0.0) || (rmp_freq > 0.0) || (rmp_rotate != 0.0)) { + // Need to update the RMP terms - if(relax_j_vac) { - // Make ddt(Jpar) relax to zero. - - ddt(Jpar) -= vac_mask * Jpar / relax_j_tconst; + if ((rmp_ramp > 0.0) && (t < rmp_ramp)) { + // Still in ramp phase + + rmp_Psi = (t / rmp_ramp) * rmp_Psi0; // Linear ramp + + rmp_dApdt = rmp_Psi0 / rmp_ramp; + } else { + rmp_Psi = rmp_Psi0; + rmp_dApdt = 0.0; + } + + if (rmp_freq > 0.0) { + // Oscillating the amplitude + + rmp_dApdt = rmp_dApdt * sin(2. * PI * rmp_freq * t) + + rmp_Psi * (2. * PI * rmp_freq) * cos(2. * PI * rmp_freq * t); + + rmp_Psi *= sin(2. * PI * rmp_freq * t); + } + + if (rmp_rotate != 0.0) { + // Rotate toroidally at given frequency + + shiftZ(rmp_Psi, 2 * PI * rmp_rotate * t); + shiftZ(rmp_dApdt, 2 * PI * rmp_rotate * t); + + // Add toroidal rotation term. CHECK SIGN + + rmp_dApdt += DDZ(rmp_Psi) * 2 * PI * rmp_rotate; + } + + // Set to zero in the core + if (rmp_vac_mask) + rmp_Psi *= vac_mask; + } else { + // Set to zero in the core region + if (rmp_vac_mask) { + // Only in vacuum -> skin current -> diffuses inwards + rmp_Psi = rmp_Psi0 * vac_mask; + } + } + + mesh->communicate(rmp_Psi); } - }else { - // Vector potential - ddt(Psi) = -Grad_parP(phi, CELL_CENTRE) + eta*Jpar; - - if(eHall) { - ddt(Psi) += 0.25*delta_i*(Grad_parP(P, CELL_CENTRE) - +bracket(P0, Psi, bm_mag)); // electron parallel pressure + + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Inversion + + if (evolve_jpar) { + // Invert laplacian for Psi + Psi = aparSolver->solve(Jpar); + mesh->communicate(Psi); } - if(diamag_phi0) - ddt(Psi) -= bracket(phi0, Psi, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + if (phi_constraint) { + // Phi being solved as a constraint - if(withflow) //net flow - ddt(Psi)-= V_dot_Grad(V0net, Psi); - - if(diamag_grad_t) { - // grad_par(T_e) correction + Field3D Ctmp = phi; + Ctmp.setBoundary("phi"); // Look up boundary conditions for phi + Ctmp.applyBoundary(); + Ctmp -= phi; // Now contains error in the boundary - ddt(Psi) += 1.71 * dnorm * 0.5 * Grad_parP(P, CELL_YLOW) / B0; - } + C_phi = Delp2(phi) - U; // Error in the bulk + C_phi.setBoundaryTo(Ctmp); + + } else { - // Hyper-resistivity - if(hyperresist > 0.0) { - ddt(Psi) -= eta*hyperresist * Delp2(Jpar); + if (constn0) { + if (split_n0) { + //////////////////////////////////////////// + // Boussinesq, split + // Split into axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric components + Field2D Vort2D = DC(U); // n=0 component + + // Applies boundary condition for "phi". + phi2D.applyBoundary(t); + + // Solve axisymmetric (n=0) part + phi2D = laplacexy->solve(Vort2D, phi2D); + + // Solve non-axisymmetric part + phi = phiSolver->solve(U - Vort2D); + + phi += phi2D; // Add axisymmetric part + } else { + phi = phiSolver->solve(U); + } + + if (diamag) { + phi -= 0.5 * dnorm * P / B0; + } + } else { + ubyn = U / N0; + if (diamag) { + ubyn -= 0.5 * dnorm / (N0 * B0) * Delp2(P); + mesh->communicate(ubyn); + } + // Invert laplacian for phi + phiSolver->setCoefC(N0); + phi = phiSolver->solve(ubyn); + } + // Apply a boundary condition on phi for target plates + phi.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(phi); } - // electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient - if(ehyperviscos > 0.0) { - ddt(Psi) -= eta*ehyperviscos * Delp2(Jpar2); + if (!evolve_jpar) { + // Get J from Psi + Jpar = Delp2(Psi); + if (include_rmp) + Jpar += Delp2(rmp_Psi); + + Jpar.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(Jpar); + + if (jpar_bndry_width > 0) { + // Zero j in boundary regions. Prevents vorticity drive + // at the boundary + + for (int i = 0; i < jpar_bndry_width; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + if (mesh->firstX()) + Jpar(i, j, k) = 0.0; + if (mesh->lastX()) + Jpar(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) = 0.0; + } + } + + // Smooth j in x + if (smooth_j_x) { + Jpar = smooth_x(Jpar); + Jpar.applyBoundary(); + + // Recommunicate now smoothed + mesh->communicate(Jpar); + } + + // Get Delp2(J) from J + Jpar2 = Delp2(Jpar); + + Jpar2.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(Jpar2); + + if (jpar_bndry_width > 0) { + // Zero jpar2 in boundary regions. Prevents vorticity drive + // at the boundary + + for (int i = 0; i < jpar_bndry_width; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + if (mesh->firstX()) + Jpar2(i, j, k) = 0.0; + if (mesh->lastX()) + Jpar2(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) = 0.0; + } + } } - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential - if(diffusion_a4 > 0.0){ - tmpA2 = Grad2_par2new(Psi); - mesh->communicate(tmpA2); - tmpA2.applyBoundary(); - ddt(Psi) -= diffusion_a4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpA2); + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Sheath boundary conditions + // Normalised and linearised, since here we have only pressure + // rather than density and temperature. Applying a boundary + // to Jpar so that Jpar = sqrt(mi/me)/(2*pi) * phi + // + + if (sheath_boundaries) { + + // At y = ystart (lower boundary) + + for (RangeIterator r = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !r.isDone(); r++) { + for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + + // Zero-gradient potential + BoutReal phisheath = phi(r.ind, mesh->ystart, jz); + + BoutReal jsheath = -(sqrt(mi_me) / (2. * sqrt(PI))) * phisheath; + + // Apply boundary condition half-way between cells + for (int jy = mesh->ystart - 1; jy >= 0; jy--) { + // Neumann conditions + P(r.ind, jy, jz) = P(r.ind, mesh->ystart, jz); + phi(r.ind, jy, jz) = phisheath; + // Dirichlet condition on Jpar + Jpar(r.ind, jy, jz) = 2. * jsheath - Jpar(r.ind, mesh->ystart, jz); + } + } + } + + // At y = yend (upper boundary) + + for (RangeIterator r = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !r.isDone(); r++) { + for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + + // Zero-gradient potential + BoutReal phisheath = phi(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz); + + BoutReal jsheath = (sqrt(mi_me) / (2. * sqrt(PI))) * phisheath; + + // Apply boundary condition half-way between cells + for (int jy = mesh->yend + 1; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) { + // Neumann conditions + P(r.ind, jy, jz) = P(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz); + phi(r.ind, jy, jz) = phisheath; + // Dirichlet condition on Jpar + Jpar(r.ind, jy, jz) = 2. * jsheath - Jpar(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz); + } + } + } } - // Vacuum solution - if(relax_j_vac) { - // Calculate the J and Psi profile we're aiming for - Field3D Jtarget = Jpar * (1.0 - vac_mask); // Zero in vacuum - - // Invert laplacian for Psi - Psitarget = invert_laplace(Jtarget, apar_flags, NULL); - - // Add a relaxation term in the vacuum - ddt(Psi) = ddt(Psi)*(1. - vac_mask) - (Psi - Psitarget)*vac_mask / relax_j_tconst; + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Parallel electric field + + if (evolve_jpar) { + // Jpar + Field3D B0U = B0 * U; + mesh->communicate(B0U); + ddt(Jpar) = -Grad_parP(B0U, CELL_YLOW) / B0 + eta * Delp2(Jpar); + + if (relax_j_vac) { + // Make ddt(Jpar) relax to zero. + + ddt(Jpar) -= vac_mask * Jpar / relax_j_tconst; + } + } else { + // Vector potential + ddt(Psi) = -Grad_parP(phi, CELL_CENTRE) + eta * Jpar; + + if (eHall) { + ddt(Psi) += 0.25 * delta_i + * (Grad_parP(P, CELL_CENTRE) + + bracket(P0, Psi, bm_mag)); // electron parallel pressure + } + + if (diamag_phi0) + ddt(Psi) -= bracket(phi0, Psi, bm_exb); // Equilibrium flow + + if (withflow) // net flow + ddt(Psi) -= V_dot_Grad(V0net, Psi); + + if (diamag_grad_t) { + // grad_par(T_e) correction + + ddt(Psi) += 1.71 * dnorm * 0.5 * Grad_parP(P, CELL_YLOW) / B0; + } + + // Hyper-resistivity + if (hyperresist > 0.0) { + ddt(Psi) -= eta * hyperresist * Delp2(Jpar); + } + + // electron Hyper-viscosity coefficient + if (ehyperviscos > 0.0) { + ddt(Psi) -= eta * ehyperviscos * Delp2(Jpar2); + } + + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vector potential + if (diffusion_a4 > 0.0) { + tmpA2 = D2DY2(Psi); + mesh->communicate(tmpA2); + tmpA2.applyBoundary(); + ddt(Psi) -= diffusion_a4 * D2DY2(tmpA2); + } + + // Vacuum solution + if (relax_j_vac) { + // Calculate the J and Psi profile we're aiming for + Field3D Jtarget = Jpar * (1.0 - vac_mask); // Zero in vacuum + + // Invert laplacian for Psi + Psitarget = aparSolver->solve(Jtarget); + + // Add a relaxation term in the vacuum + ddt(Psi) = + ddt(Psi) * (1. - vac_mask) - (Psi - Psitarget) * vac_mask / relax_j_tconst; + } } - } - - //////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Vorticity equation - - // Grad j term - ddt(U) = SQ(B0) * b0xGrad_dot_Grad(Psi, J0, CELL_CENTRE); - if(include_rmp) { - ddt(U) += SQ(B0) * b0xGrad_dot_Grad(rmp_Psi, J0, CELL_CENTRE); - } - - ddt(U) += b0xcv*Grad(P); // curvature term - if(!nogradparj) { - // Parallel current term - ddt(U) -= SQ(B0)*Grad_parP(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE); // b dot grad j - } + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Vorticity equation - if(withflow&&K_H_term) //K_H_term - ddt(U) -=b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi,U0); + // Grad j term + ddt(U) = SQ(B0) * b0xGrad_dot_Grad(Psi, J0, CELL_CENTRE); + if (include_rmp) { + ddt(U) += SQ(B0) * b0xGrad_dot_Grad(rmp_Psi, J0, CELL_CENTRE); + } - if(diamag_phi0) - ddt(U) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi0, U); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(U) += b0xcv * Grad(P); // curvature term - if(withflow) // net flow - ddt(U) -= V_dot_Grad(V0net, U); + if (!nogradparj) { + // Parallel current term + ddt(U) -= SQ(B0) * Grad_parP(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE); // b dot grad j + } - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(U) -= bracket(phi, U, bm_exb)*B0; // Advection - } + if (withflow && K_H_term) // K_H_term + ddt(U) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, U0); - // Viscosity terms - if(viscos_par > 0.0) - ddt(U) += viscos_par * Grad2_par2(U); // Parallel viscosity - - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity - if(diffusion_u4 > 0.0){ - tmpU2 = Grad2_par2new(U); - mesh->communicate(tmpU2); - tmpU2.applyBoundary(); - // tmpU2.applyBoundary("neumann"); - ddt(U) -= diffusion_u4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpU2);} - - if(viscos_perp > 0.0) - ddt(U) += viscos_perp * Delp2(U); // Perpendicular viscosity + if (diamag_phi0) + ddt(U) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi0, U); // Equilibrium flow - // Hyper-viscosity - if(hyperviscos > 0.0) { - // Calculate coefficient. - - hyper_mu_x = hyperviscos * metric->g_11*SQ(metric->dx) * abs(metric->g11*D2DX2(U)) / (abs(U) + 1e-3); - hyper_mu_x.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); // Set to zero on all boundaries - - ddt(U) += hyper_mu_x * metric->g11*D2DX2(U); - - if(first_run) { // Print out maximum values of viscosity used on this processor - output.write(" Hyper-viscosity values:\n"); - output.write(" Max mu_x = %e, Max_DC mu_x = %e\n", max(hyper_mu_x), max(DC(hyper_mu_x))); + if (withflow) // net flow + ddt(U) -= V_dot_Grad(V0net, U); + + if (nonlinear) { + ddt(U) -= bracket(phi, U, bm_exb) * B0; // Advection } - } - if(gyroviscous) { - - Field3D Pi; - Field2D Pi0; - Pi = 0.5*P; - Pi0 = 0.5*P0; - - Dperp2Phi0 = Field3D(Delp2(B0*phi0)); - Dperp2Phi0.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Dperp2Phi0); + // Viscosity terms + if (viscos_par > 0.0) + ddt(U) += viscos_par * Grad2_par2(U); // Parallel viscosity + + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for vorticity + if (diffusion_u4 > 0.0) { + tmpU2 = D2DY2(U); + mesh->communicate(tmpU2); + tmpU2.applyBoundary(); + // tmpU2.applyBoundary("neumann"); + ddt(U) -= diffusion_u4 * D2DY2(tmpU2); + } - Dperp2Phi = Delp2(B0*phi); - Dperp2Phi.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Dperp2Phi); + if (viscos_perp > 0.0) + ddt(U) += viscos_perp * Delp2(U); // Perpendicular viscosity - Dperp2Pi0 = Field3D(Delp2(Pi0)); - Dperp2Pi0.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Dperp2Pi0); + // Hyper-viscosity + if (hyperviscos > 0.0) { + // Calculate coefficient. - Dperp2Pi = Delp2(Pi); - Dperp2Pi.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Dperp2Pi); + hyper_mu_x = hyperviscos * metric->g_11 * SQ(metric->dx) + * abs(metric->g11 * D2DX2(U)) / (abs(U) + 1e-3); + hyper_mu_x.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); // Set to zero on all boundaries - bracketPhi0P = bracket(B0*phi0, Pi, bm_exb); - bracketPhi0P.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(bracketPhi0P); + ddt(U) += hyper_mu_x * metric->g11 * D2DX2(U); - bracketPhiP0 = bracket(B0*phi, Pi0, bm_exb); - bracketPhiP0.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(bracketPhiP0); + if (first_run) { // Print out maximum values of viscosity used on this processor + output.write(" Hyper-viscosity values:\n"); + output.write(" Max mu_x = %e, Max_DC mu_x = %e\n", max(hyper_mu_x), + max(DC(hyper_mu_x))); + } + } - ddt(U) -= 0.5*Upara2*bracket(Pi, Dperp2Phi0, bm_exb)/B0; - ddt(U) -= 0.5*Upara2*bracket(Pi0, Dperp2Phi, bm_exb)/B0; - Field3D B0phi = B0*phi; - mesh->communicate(B0phi); - Field3D B0phi0 = B0*phi0; - mesh->communicate(B0phi0); - ddt(U) += 0.5*Upara2*bracket(B0phi, Dperp2Pi0, bm_exb)/B0; - ddt(U) += 0.5*Upara2*bracket(B0phi0, Dperp2Pi, bm_exb)/B0; - ddt(U) -= 0.5*Upara2*Delp2(bracketPhi0P)/B0; - ddt(U) -= 0.5*Upara2*Delp2(bracketPhiP0)/B0; - - if (nonlinear) - { - Field3D B0phi = B0*phi; - mesh->communicate(B0phi); + if (gyroviscous) { + + Field3D Pi; + Field2D Pi0; + Pi = 0.5 * P; + Pi0 = 0.5 * P0; + + Dperp2Phi0 = Field3D(Delp2(B0 * phi0)); + Dperp2Phi0.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(Dperp2Phi0); + + Dperp2Phi = Delp2(B0 * phi); + Dperp2Phi.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(Dperp2Phi); + + Dperp2Pi0 = Field3D(Delp2(Pi0)); + Dperp2Pi0.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(Dperp2Pi0); + + Dperp2Pi = Delp2(Pi); + Dperp2Pi.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(Dperp2Pi); + + bracketPhi0P = bracket(B0 * phi0, Pi, bm_exb); + bracketPhi0P.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(bracketPhi0P); + + bracketPhiP0 = bracket(B0 * phi, Pi0, bm_exb); + bracketPhiP0.applyBoundary(); + mesh->communicate(bracketPhiP0); + + ddt(U) -= 0.5 * Upara2 * bracket(Pi, Dperp2Phi0, bm_exb) / B0; + ddt(U) -= 0.5 * Upara2 * bracket(Pi0, Dperp2Phi, bm_exb) / B0; + Field3D B0phi = B0 * phi; + mesh->communicate(B0phi); + Field3D B0phi0 = B0 * phi0; + mesh->communicate(B0phi0); + ddt(U) += 0.5 * Upara2 * bracket(B0phi, Dperp2Pi0, bm_exb) / B0; + ddt(U) += 0.5 * Upara2 * bracket(B0phi0, Dperp2Pi, bm_exb) / B0; + ddt(U) -= 0.5 * Upara2 * Delp2(bracketPhi0P) / B0; + ddt(U) -= 0.5 * Upara2 * Delp2(bracketPhiP0) / B0; + + if (nonlinear) { + Field3D B0phi = B0 * phi; + mesh->communicate(B0phi); bracketPhiP = bracket(B0phi, Pi, bm_exb); bracketPhiP.applyBoundary(); mesh->communicate(bracketPhiP); - - ddt(U) -= 0.5*Upara2*bracket(Pi, Dperp2Phi, bm_exb)/B0; - ddt(U) += 0.5*Upara2*bracket(B0phi, Dperp2Pi, bm_exb)/B0; - ddt(U) -= 0.5*Upara2*Delp2(bracketPhiP)/B0; + + ddt(U) -= 0.5 * Upara2 * bracket(Pi, Dperp2Phi, bm_exb) / B0; + ddt(U) += 0.5 * Upara2 * bracket(B0phi, Dperp2Pi, bm_exb) / B0; + ddt(U) -= 0.5 * Upara2 * Delp2(bracketPhiP) / B0; } - } + } - // left edge sink terms - if(sink_Ul > 0.0){ - ddt(U) -= sink_Ul*sink_tanhxl(P0,U,su_widthl,su_lengthl); // core sink - } + // left edge sink terms + if (sink_Ul > 0.0) { + ddt(U) -= sink_Ul * sink_tanhxl(P0, U, su_widthl, su_lengthl); // core sink + } - // right edge sink terms - if(sink_Ur > 0.0){ - ddt(U) -= sink_Ur*sink_tanhxr(P0,U,su_widthr,su_lengthr); // sol sink - } + // right edge sink terms + if (sink_Ur > 0.0) { + ddt(U) -= sink_Ur * sink_tanhxr(P0, U, su_widthr, su_lengthr); // sol sink + } - //////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Pressure equation + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Pressure equation - ddt(P) = 0.0; - if(evolve_pressure) { - ddt(P) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, P0); - - if(diamag_phi0) - ddt(P) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi0, P); // Equilibrium flow + ddt(P) = 0.0; + if (evolve_pressure) { + ddt(P) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, P0); - if(withflow) //net flow - ddt(P) -= V_dot_Grad(V0net, P); + if (diamag_phi0) + ddt(P) -= b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi0, P); // Equilibrium flow - if(nonlinear) - ddt(P) -= bracket(phi, P, bm_exb)*B0; // Advection - } + if (withflow) // net flow + ddt(P) -= V_dot_Grad(V0net, P); - // Parallel diffusion terms - if(diffusion_par > 0.0) - ddt(P) += diffusion_par * Grad2_par2(P); // Parallel diffusion + if (nonlinear) + ddt(P) -= bracket(phi, P, bm_exb) * B0; // Advection + } - //xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure - if(diffusion_p4 > 0.0){ - tmpP2 = Grad2_par2new(P); - mesh->communicate(tmpP2); - tmpP2.applyBoundary(); - ddt(P) = diffusion_p4 * Grad2_par2new(tmpP2); - } + // Parallel diffusion terms + if (diffusion_par > 0.0) + ddt(P) += diffusion_par * Grad2_par2(P); // Parallel diffusion - // heating source terms - if(heating_P > 0.0){ - BoutReal pnorm = P0(0,0); - ddt(P) += heating_P*source_expx2(P0,2.*hp_width,0.5*hp_length)*(Tbar/pnorm); // heat source - ddt(P) += (100.*source_tanhx(P0,hp_width,hp_length)+0.01) * metric->g11 * D2DX2(P) * (Tbar/Lbar/Lbar) ; // radial diffusion - } + // xqx: parallel hyper-viscous diffusion for pressure + if (diffusion_p4 > 0.0) { + tmpP2 = D2DY2(P); + mesh->communicate(tmpP2); + tmpP2.applyBoundary(); + ddt(P) = diffusion_p4 * D2DY2(tmpP2); + } - // sink terms - if(sink_P > 0.0){ - ddt(P) -= sink_P*sink_tanhxr(P0,P,sp_width,sp_length)*Tbar; // sink - } + // heating source terms + if (heating_P > 0.0) { + BoutReal pnorm = P0(0, 0); + ddt(P) += heating_P * source_expx2(P0, 2. * hp_width, 0.5 * hp_length) + * (Tbar / pnorm); // heat source + ddt(P) += (100. * source_tanhx(P0, hp_width, hp_length) + 0.01) * metric->g11 + * D2DX2(P) * (Tbar / Lbar / Lbar); // radial diffusion + } - //////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Compressional effects - - if(compress0) { - - //ddt(P) += beta*( - Grad_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE) + Vpar*gradparB ); - ddt(P) -= beta*Div_par_CtoL(Vpar); - - if(phi_curv) { - ddt(P) -= 2.*beta*b0xcv*Grad(phi); + // sink terms + if (sink_P > 0.0) { + ddt(P) -= sink_P * sink_tanhxr(P0, P, sp_width, sp_length) * Tbar; // sink } - // Vpar equation - - //ddt(Vpar) = -0.5*Grad_parP(P + P0, CELL_YLOW); - ddt(Vpar) = -0.5*(Grad_par_LtoC(P) + Grad_par_LtoC(P0)); + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Compressional effects - if(nonlinear) - ddt(Vpar) -= bracket(phi, Vpar, bm_exb)*B0; // Advection - } - - if(filter_z) { - // Filter out all except filter_z_mode - - if(evolve_jpar) { - ddt(Jpar) = filter(ddt(Jpar), filter_z_mode); - }else - ddt(Psi) = filter(ddt(Psi), filter_z_mode); + if (compress) { - ddt(U) = filter(ddt(U), filter_z_mode); - ddt(P) = filter(ddt(P), filter_z_mode); - } + // ddt(P) += beta*( - Grad_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE) + Vpar*gradparB ); + ddt(P) -= beta * Div_par_CtoL(Vpar); - if(low_pass_z > 0) { - // Low-pass filter, keeping n up to low_pass_z - if(evolve_jpar) { - ddt(Jpar) = lowPass(ddt(Jpar), low_pass_z, zonal_field); - }else - ddt(Psi) = lowPass(ddt(Psi), low_pass_z, zonal_field); + if (phi_curv) { + ddt(P) -= 2. * beta * b0xcv * Grad(phi); + } - ddt(U) = lowPass(ddt(U), low_pass_z, zonal_flow); - ddt(P) = lowPass(ddt(P), low_pass_z, zonal_bkgd); - } + // Vpar equation - if(damp_width > 0) { - for(int i=0;iLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - if(mesh->firstX()) - ddt(U)(i,j,k) -= U(i,j,k) / damp_t_const; - if(mesh->lastX()) - ddt(U)(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) -= U(mesh->LocalNx-1-i,j,k) / damp_t_const; - } - } - } + // ddt(Vpar) = -0.5*Grad_parP(P + P0, CELL_YLOW); + ddt(Vpar) = -0.5 * (Grad_par_LtoC(P) + Grad_par_LtoC(P0)); - first_run = false; + if (nonlinear) + ddt(Vpar) -= bracket(phi, Vpar, bm_exb) * B0; // Advection + } - return 0; -} + if (filter_z) { + // Filter out all except filter_z_mode + if (evolve_jpar) { + ddt(Jpar) = filter(ddt(Jpar), filter_z_mode); + } else + ddt(Psi) = filter(ddt(Psi), filter_z_mode); -/******************************************************************************* - * Preconditioner - * - * o System state in variables (as in rhs function) - * o Values to be inverted in time derivatives - * - * o Return values should be in time derivatives - * - * enable by setting solver / use_precon = true in BOUT.inp - *******************************************************************************/ + ddt(U) = filter(ddt(U), filter_z_mode); + ddt(P) = filter(ddt(P), filter_z_mode); + } -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) { - // First matrix, applying L - mesh->communicate(ddt(Psi)); - Field3D Jrhs = Delp2(ddt(Psi)); - Jrhs.applyBoundary("neumann"); - - if(jpar_bndry_width > 0) { - // Boundary in jpar - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=jpar_bndry_width;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - Jrhs(i,j,k) = 0.5*Jrhs(i+1,j,k); - } + if (low_pass_z > 0) { + // Low-pass filter, keeping n up to low_pass_z + if (evolve_jpar) { + ddt(Jpar) = lowPass(ddt(Jpar), low_pass_z, zonal_field); + } else + ddt(Psi) = lowPass(ddt(Psi), low_pass_z, zonal_field); + ddt(U) = lowPass(ddt(U), low_pass_z, zonal_flow); + ddt(P) = lowPass(ddt(P), low_pass_z, zonal_bkgd); } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-jpar_bndry_width-1;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - Jrhs(i,j,k) = 0.5*Jrhs(i-1,j,k); + + if (damp_width > 0) { + for (int i = 0; i < damp_width; i++) { + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + if (mesh->firstX()) + ddt(U)(i, j, k) -= U(i, j, k) / damp_t_const; + if (mesh->lastX()) + ddt(U)(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) -= + U(mesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j, k) / damp_t_const; } + } } + + first_run = false; + + return 0; } - mesh->communicate(Jrhs, ddt(P)); + /******************************************************************************* + * Preconditioner + * + * o System state in variables (as in rhs function) + * o Values to be inverted in time derivatives + * + * o Return values should be in time derivatives + * + * enable by setting solver / use_precon = true in BOUT.inp + *******************************************************************************/ + + int precon(BoutReal UNUSED(t), BoutReal gamma, BoutReal UNUSED(delta)) { + // First matrix, applying L + mesh->communicate(ddt(Psi)); + Field3D Jrhs = Delp2(ddt(Psi)); + Jrhs.applyBoundary("neumann"); + + if (jpar_bndry_width > 0) { + // Boundary in jpar + if (mesh->firstX()) { + for (int i = jpar_bndry_width; i >= 0; i--) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + Jrhs(i, j, k) = 0.5 * Jrhs(i + 1, j, k); + } + } + if (mesh->lastX()) { + for (int i = mesh->LocalNx - jpar_bndry_width - 1; i < mesh->LocalNx; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + Jrhs(i, j, k) = 0.5 * Jrhs(i - 1, j, k); + } + } + } - Field3D U1 = ddt(U); - U1 += (gamma*B0*B0)*Grad_par(Jrhs, CELL_CENTRE) + (gamma*b0xcv)*Grad(P); + mesh->communicate(Jrhs, ddt(P)); - // Second matrix, solving Alfven wave dynamics - static InvertPar *invU = 0; - if(!invU) - invU = InvertPar::Create(); + Field3D U1 = ddt(U); + U1 += (gamma * B0 * B0) * Grad_par(Jrhs, CELL_CENTRE) + (gamma * b0xcv) * Grad(P); - invU->setCoefA(1.); - invU->setCoefB(-SQ(gamma)*B0*B0); - ddt(U) = invU->solve(U1); - ddt(U).applyBoundary(); - - // Third matrix, applying U - Field3D phi3 = invert_laplace(ddt(U), phi_flags, NULL); - mesh->communicate(phi3); - phi3.applyBoundary("neumann"); - Field3D B0phi3 = B0*phi3; - mesh->communicate(B0phi3); - ddt(Psi) = ddt(Psi) - gamma*Grad_par(B0phi3)/B0; - ddt(Psi).applyBoundary(); - - return 0; -} + // Second matrix, solving Alfven wave dynamics + static InvertPar* invU = 0; + if (!invU) + invU = InvertPar::Create(); -/******************************************************************************* - * Jacobian-vector multiply - * - * Input - * System state is in (P, Psi, U) - * Vector v is in (F_P, F_Psi, F_U) - * Output - * Jacobian-vector multiplied Jv should be in (P, Psi, U) - * - * NOTE: EXPERIMENTAL - * enable by setting solver / use_jacobian = true in BOUT.inp - *******************************************************************************/ + invU->setCoefA(1.); + invU->setCoefB(-SQ(gamma) * B0 * B0); + ddt(U) = invU->solve(U1); + ddt(U).applyBoundary(); -int jacobian(BoutReal t) { - // NOTE: LINEAR ONLY! - - // Communicate - mesh->communicate(ddt(P), ddt(Psi), ddt(U)); + // Third matrix, applying U + Field3D phi3 = phiSolver->solve(ddt(U)); + mesh->communicate(phi3); + phi3.applyBoundary("neumann"); + Field3D B0phi3 = B0 * phi3; + mesh->communicate(B0phi3); + ddt(Psi) = ddt(Psi) - gamma * Grad_par(B0phi3) / B0; + ddt(Psi).applyBoundary(); + + return 0; + } - phi = invert_laplace(ddt(U), phi_flags, NULL); + /******************************************************************************* + * Jacobian-vector multiply + * + * Input + * System state is in (P, Psi, U) + * Vector v is in (F_P, F_Psi, F_U) + * Output + * Jacobian-vector multiplied Jv should be in (P, Psi, U) + * + * NOTE: EXPERIMENTAL + * enable by setting solver / use_jacobian = true in BOUT.inp + *******************************************************************************/ - Jpar = Delp2(ddt(Psi)); + int jacobian(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + // NOTE: LINEAR ONLY! - mesh->communicate(phi, Jpar); + // Communicate + mesh->communicate(ddt(P), ddt(Psi), ddt(U)); - Field3D JP = -b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, P0); - JP.setBoundary("P"); JP.applyBoundary(); - Field3D B0phi = B0*phi; - mesh->communicate(B0phi); - Field3D JPsi = -Grad_par(B0phi, CELL_YLOW) / B0; - JPsi.setBoundary("Psi"); JPsi.applyBoundary(); + phi = phiSolver->solve(ddt(U)); - Field3D JU = b0xcv*Grad(ddt(P)) - - SQ(B0)*Grad_par(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE) - + SQ(B0) * b0xGrad_dot_Grad(ddt(Psi), J0, CELL_CENTRE); - JU.setBoundary("U"); JU.applyBoundary(); + Jpar = Delp2(ddt(Psi)); - // Put result into time-derivatives + mesh->communicate(phi, Jpar); - ddt(P) = JP; - ddt(Psi) = JPsi; - ddt(U) = JU; + Field3D JP = -b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, P0); + JP.setBoundary("P"); + JP.applyBoundary(); + Field3D B0phi = B0 * phi; + mesh->communicate(B0phi); + Field3D JPsi = -Grad_par(B0phi, CELL_YLOW) / B0; + JPsi.setBoundary("Psi"); + JPsi.applyBoundary(); - return 0; -} + Field3D JU = b0xcv * Grad(ddt(P)) - SQ(B0) * Grad_par(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE) + + SQ(B0) * b0xGrad_dot_Grad(ddt(Psi), J0, CELL_CENTRE); + JU.setBoundary("U"); + JU.applyBoundary(); -/******************************************************************************* - * Preconditioner for when phi solved as a constraint - * Currently only possible with the IDA solver - * - * o System state in variables (as in rhs function) - * o Values to be inverted in F_vars - * - * o Return values should be in vars (overwriting system state) - *******************************************************************************/ + // Put result into time-derivatives + + ddt(P) = JP; + ddt(Psi) = JPsi; + ddt(U) = JU; + + return 0; + } + + /******************************************************************************* + * Preconditioner for when phi solved as a constraint + * Currently only possible with the IDA solver + * + * o System state in variables (as in rhs function) + * o Values to be inverted in F_vars + * + * o Return values should be in vars (overwriting system state) + *******************************************************************************/ + + int precon_phi(BoutReal UNUSED(t), BoutReal UNUSED(cj), BoutReal UNUSED(delta)) { + ddt(phi) = phiSolver->solve(C_phi - ddt(U)); + return 0; + } +}; -int precon_phi(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta) { - ddt(phi) = invert_laplace(C_phi - ddt(U), phi_flags, NULL); - return 0; -} +BOUTMAIN(ELMpb); diff --git a/examples/elm-pb/runexample b/examples/elm-pb/runexample index 01bd050601..f7ebc01028 100755 --- a/examples/elm-pb/runexample +++ b/examples/elm-pb/runexample @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ shell("make > make.log") # Run simulation nproc = 2 -MPIRUN = getmpirun() -s, out = launch("./elm_pb ", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + +s, out = launch("./elm_pb ", nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log", "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/examples/em-drift/.gitignore b/examples/em-drift/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d837f17cae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/em-drift/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +2fluid \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/em-drift/2fluid.cxx b/examples/em-drift/2fluid.cxx index a4aeceafb9..b1e358c70f 100644 --- a/examples/em-drift/2fluid.cxx +++ b/examples/em-drift/2fluid.cxx @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /******************************************************************************* * 2-fluid equations for drift-wave tests - * + * * Settings: * - ZeroElMass * - AparInEpar @@ -8,33 +8,33 @@ #include -#include #include +#include #include class EMdrift : public PhysicsModel { private: // 2D initial profiles Field2D Ni0, Ti0, Te0; - + // 3D evolving fields Field3D rho, Ni, Ajpar; - + // Derived 3D variables Field3D phi, Apar, Ve, jpar; - + // Non-linear coefficients Field3D nu, mu_i; - + // Metric coefficients Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe; - + // parameters BoutReal Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, Vi_x, bmag, rho_s, fmei, AA, ZZ; BoutReal lambda_ei, lambda_ii; BoutReal nu_hat, mui_hat, wci, nueix, nuiix; BoutReal beta_p; - + // settings bool estatic, ZeroElMass; // Switch for electrostatic operation (true = no Apar) bool AparInEpar; @@ -42,158 +42,161 @@ class EMdrift : public PhysicsModel { bool evolve_ajpar; BoutReal ShearFactor; BoutReal nu_factor; - - int phi_flags, apar_flags; // Inversion flags - + // Communication object FieldGroup comms; + + // Inverts a Laplacian to get potential + Laplacian *phiSolver; - int init(bool restarting) override { - Field2D I; // Shear factor + // Solves the electromagnetic potential + Laplacian *aparSolver; + Field2D acoef; // Coefficient in the Helmholtz equation + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { + Field2D I; // Shear factor + output.write("Solving 6-variable 2-fluid equations\n"); - + /************* LOAD DATA FROM GRID FILE ****************/ - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - + + Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); + // Load 2D profiles (set to zero if not found) - mesh->get(Ni0, "Ni0"); - mesh->get(Ti0, "Ti0"); - mesh->get(Te0, "Te0"); - + mesh->get(Ni0, "Ni0"); + mesh->get(Ti0, "Ti0"); + mesh->get(Te0, "Te0"); + // Load metrics - mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy"); + mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy"); mesh->get(Bpxy, "Bpxy"); mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); - mesh->get(coord->dx, "dpsi"); - mesh->get(I, "sinty"); - + mesh->get(coord->dx, "dpsi"); + mesh->get(I, "sinty"); + // Load normalisation values mesh->get(Te_x, "Te_x"); mesh->get(Ti_x, "Ti_x"); mesh->get(Ni_x, "Ni_x"); mesh->get(bmag, "bmag"); - + Ni_x *= 1.0e14; bmag *= 1.0e4; - + /*************** READ OPTIONS *************************/ - - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2fluid"); - - OPTION(options, AA, 2.0); - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); - options->get("estatic", estatic, false); - options->get("ZeroElMass", ZeroElMass, false); - options->get("AparInEpar", AparInEpar, true); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["2fluid"]; - options->get("Zeff", zeff, 1.0); - options->get("nu_perp", nu_perp, 0.0); - options->get("ShearFactor", ShearFactor, 1.0); - options->get("nu_factor", nu_factor, 1.0); + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(2.0); + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); - options->get("phi_flags", phi_flags, 0); - options->get("apar_flags", apar_flags, 0); + estatic = options["estatic"].withDefault(false); + ZeroElMass = options["ZeroElMass"].withDefault(false); + AparInEpar = options["AparInEpar"].withDefault(true); - (globalOptions->getSection("Ajpar"))->get("evolve", evolve_ajpar, true); + zeff = options["zeff"].withDefault(1.0); + nu_perp = options["nu_perp"].withDefault(0.0); + ShearFactor = options["ShearFactor"].withDefault(1.0); + nu_factor = options["nu_factor"].withDefault(1.0); - if(ZeroElMass) - evolve_ajpar = 0; // Don't need ajpar - calculated from ohm's law + evolve_ajpar = globalOptions["Ajpar"]["evolve"].withDefault(true); + if (ZeroElMass) { + evolve_ajpar = 0; // Don't need ajpar - calculated from ohm's law + } + /************* SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES ************/ - + // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); + std::string ptstr = Options::root()["mesh"]["paralleltransform"].withDefault("identity"); if (lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { - ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric + ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric } - + /************** CALCULATE PARAMETERS *****************/ - - rho_s = 1.02*sqrt(AA*Te_x)/ZZ/bmag; - fmei = 1./1836.2/AA; - - lambda_ei = 24.-log(sqrt(Ni_x)/Te_x); - lambda_ii = 23.-log(ZZ*ZZ*ZZ*sqrt(2.*Ni_x)/pow(Ti_x, 1.5)); - wci = 9.58e3*ZZ*bmag/AA; - nueix = 2.91e-6*Ni_x*lambda_ei/pow(Te_x, 1.5); - nuiix = 4.78e-8*pow(ZZ,4.)*Ni_x*lambda_ii/pow(Ti_x, 1.5)/sqrt(AA); - nu_hat = nu_factor*zeff*nueix/wci; - + + rho_s = 1.02 * sqrt(AA * Te_x) / ZZ / bmag; + fmei = 1. / 1836.2 / AA; + + lambda_ei = 24. - log(sqrt(Ni_x) / Te_x); + lambda_ii = 23. - log(ZZ * ZZ * ZZ * sqrt(2. * Ni_x) / pow(Ti_x, 1.5)); + wci = 9.58e3 * ZZ * bmag / AA; + nueix = 2.91e-6 * Ni_x * lambda_ei / pow(Te_x, 1.5); + nuiix = 4.78e-8 * pow(ZZ, 4.) * Ni_x * lambda_ii / pow(Ti_x, 1.5) / sqrt(AA); + nu_hat = nu_factor * zeff * nueix / wci; + if (nu_perp < 1.e-10) { - mui_hat = (3./10.)*nuiix/wci; + mui_hat = (3. / 10.) * nuiix / wci; } else - mui_hat = nu_perp; - + mui_hat = nu_perp; + if (estatic) { - beta_p = 1.e-29; + beta_p = 1.e-29; } else { - beta_p = 4.03e-11*Ni_x*Te_x/bmag/bmag; + beta_p = 4.03e-11 * Ni_x * Te_x / bmag / bmag; } - + Vi_x = wci * rho_s; - - output.write("Normalisation: rho_s = %e wci = %e beta_p = %e\n", rho_s, wci, beta_p); - + + output.write("Normalisation: rho_s = %e wci = %e beta_p = %e\n", rho_s, wci, + beta_p); + /************** PRINT Z INFORMATION ******************/ - + BoutReal hthe0; if (mesh->get(hthe0, "hthe0") == 0) { - output.write(" ****NOTE: input from BOUT, Z length needs to be divided by %e\n", hthe0/rho_s); + output.write(" ****NOTE: input from BOUT, Z length needs to be divided by %e\n", + hthe0 / rho_s); } /************** NORMALISE QUANTITIES *****************/ - + output.write("\tNormalising to rho_s = %e\n", rho_s); - + // Normalise profiles - Ni0 /= Ni_x/1.0e14; + Ni0 /= Ni_x / 1.0e14; Ti0 /= Te_x; Te0 /= Te_x; - - // Normalise geometry + + // Normalise geometry Rxy /= rho_s; hthe /= rho_s; - I *= rho_s*rho_s*(bmag/1e4)*ShearFactor; - coord->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*(bmag/1e4); - + I *= rho_s * rho_s * (bmag / 1e4) * ShearFactor; + coord->dx /= rho_s * rho_s * (bmag / 1e4); + // Normalise magnetic field - Bpxy /= (bmag/1.e4); - Btxy /= (bmag/1.e4); - coord->Bxy /= (bmag/1.e4); - + Bpxy /= (bmag / 1.e4); + Btxy /= (bmag / 1.e4); + coord->Bxy /= (bmag / 1.e4); + /**************** CALCULATE METRICS ******************/ - - coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy*Bpxy); + + coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy * Bpxy); coord->g22 = 1.0 / SQ(hthe); - coord->g33 = SQ(I)*coord->g11 + SQ(coord->Bxy)/coord->g11; + coord->g33 = SQ(I) * coord->g11 + SQ(coord->Bxy) / coord->g11; coord->g12 = 0.0; - coord->g13 = -I*coord->g11; - coord->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - + coord->g13 = -I * coord->g11; + coord->g23 = -Btxy / (hthe * Bpxy * Rxy); + coord->J = hthe / Bpxy; - - coord->g_11 = 1.0/coord->g11 + SQ(I*Rxy); - coord->g_22 = SQ(coord->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy); - coord->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - coord->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - + + coord->g_11 = 1.0 / coord->g11 + SQ(I * Rxy); + coord->g_22 = SQ(coord->Bxy * hthe / Bpxy); + coord->g_33 = Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_12 = Btxy * hthe * I * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->g_13 = I * Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_23 = Btxy * hthe * Rxy / Bpxy; + /**************** SET EVOLVING VARIABLES *************/ - + // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve // add evolving variables to the communication object SOLVE_FOR(rho); comms.add(rho); - + SOLVE_FOR(Ni); comms.add(Ni); @@ -208,132 +211,102 @@ class EMdrift : public PhysicsModel { dump.add(Ajpar, "Ajpar", 1); // output calculated Ajpar } } - + jpar.setBoundary("jpar"); - + /************** SETUP COMMUNICATIONS **************/ - + // add extra variables to communication - comms.add(phi); - comms.add(Apar); + comms.add(phi, Apar); // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); - dump.add(Apar, "Apar", 1); - dump.add(jpar, "jpar", 1); + SAVE_REPEAT(phi, Apar, jpar); - dump.add(Ni0, "Ni0", 0); - dump.add(Te0, "Te0", 0); - dump.add(Ti0, "Ti0", 0); + SAVE_ONCE(Ni0, Te0, Ti0); + SAVE_ONCE(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, rho_s, wci, zeff, AA); - dump.add(Te_x, "Te_x", 0); - dump.add(Ti_x, "Ti_x", 0); - dump.add(Ni_x, "Ni_x", 0); - dump.add(rho_s, "rho_s", 0); - dump.add(wci, "wci", 0); - - dump.add(zeff, "Zeff", 0); - dump.add(AA, "AA", 0); + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"]); + + if (! (estatic || ZeroElMass)) { + // Create a solver for the electromagnetic potential + aparSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"]); + acoef = (-0.5 * beta_p / fmei) * Ni0; + aparSolver->setCoefA(acoef); + } - return(0); + return 0; } // just define a macro for V_E dot Grad -#define vE_Grad(f, p) ( b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / coord->Bxy ) - - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - +#define vE_Grad(f, p) (b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / coord->Bxy) + + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { + + Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); + // Solve EM fields - - solve_phi_tridag(rho, phi, 0); - + phi = phiSolver->solve(rho / Ni0); + if (estatic || ZeroElMass) { // Electrostatic operation - + Apar = 0.0; } else { - solve_apar_tridag(Ajpar, Apar, 0); // Linear Apar solver + Apar = aparSolver->solve(-acoef * Ajpar); } // Communicate variables mesh->communicate(comms); // Update non-linear coefficients on the mesh - nu = nu_hat * Ni0 / pow(Te0,1.5); - mu_i = mui_hat * Ni0 / sqrt(Ti0); - + nu = nu_hat * Ni0 / pow(Te0, 1.5); + mu_i = mui_hat * Ni0 / sqrt(Ti0); + if (ZeroElMass) { // Set jpar,Ve,Ajpar neglecting the electron inertia term - - jpar = ((Te0*Grad_par(Ni)) - (Ni0*Grad_par(phi)))/(fmei*0.51*nu); - + + jpar = ((Te0 * Grad_par(Ni)) - (Ni0 * Grad_par(phi))) / (fmei * 0.51 * nu); + // Set boundary conditions on jpar jpar.applyBoundary(); - + // Need to communicate jpar mesh->communicate(jpar); - - Ve = -jpar/Ni0; + + Ve = -jpar / Ni0; Ajpar = Ve; } else { // Evolving electron parallel velocity - + if (AparInEpar) { // Include Apar term in Eparallel Ve = Ajpar + Apar; } else { Ve = Ajpar; } - jpar = -Ni0*Ve; + jpar = -Ni0 * Ve; } - + // DENSITY EQUATION - + ddt(Ni) = -vE_Grad(Ni0, phi); - + // VORTICITY - - ddt(rho) = SQ(coord->Bxy)*Div_par(jpar); - + + ddt(rho) = SQ(coord->Bxy) * Div_par(jpar); + // AJPAR - + ddt(Ajpar) = 0.0; if (evolve_ajpar) { - ddt(Ajpar) += (1./fmei)*Grad_par(phi); - ddt(Ajpar) -= (1./fmei)*(Te0/Ni0)*Grad_par(Ni); - ddt(Ajpar) += 0.51*nu*jpar/Ni0; + ddt(Ajpar) += (1. / fmei) * Grad_par(phi); + ddt(Ajpar) -= (1. / fmei) * (Te0 / Ni0) * Grad_par(Ni); + ddt(Ajpar) += 0.51 * nu * jpar / Ni0; } - - return(0); - } - // Performs inversion of rho (r) to get phi (p) - int solve_phi_tridag(Field3D &r, Field3D &p, int flags) { - if(invert_laplace(r/Ni0, p, flags, NULL)) { - return 1; - } - return(0); - } - - int solve_apar_tridag(Field3D &aj, Field3D &ap, int flags) { - static Field2D a; - static int set = 0; - - if (set == 0) { - // calculate a - a = (-0.5*beta_p/fmei)*Ni0; - set = 1; - } - - if (invert_laplace(-a*aj, ap, flags, &a)) { - return 1; - } - - return(0); + return 0; } }; BOUTMAIN(EMdrift); - diff --git a/examples/em-drift/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/em-drift/data/BOUT.inp index 27dafe7d6f..5aac7a4fa3 100644 --- a/examples/em-drift/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/em-drift/data/BOUT.inp @@ -68,16 +68,13 @@ ShearFactor = 0.0 nu_factor = 5.18718e-4 #nu_factor = 1e-3 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -phi_flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion +[phiSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + +[aparSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/fci-wave-logn/.gitignore b/examples/fci-wave-logn/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7303d2660 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/fci-wave-logn/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +fci-wave \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/fci-wave-logn/fci-wave.cxx b/examples/fci-wave-logn/fci-wave.cxx index a6c3afaabd..2de3f878d9 100644 --- a/examples/fci-wave-logn/fci-wave.cxx +++ b/examples/fci-wave-logn/fci-wave.cxx @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { Field3D Div_par_integrate(const Field3D &f) { Field3D f_B = f / Bxyz; - f_B.splitYupYdown(); - mesh->getParallelTransform().integrateYUpDown(f_B); + f_B.splitParallelSlices(); + mesh->getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().integrateParallelSlices(f_B); - // integrateYUpDown replaces all yup/down points, so the boundary conditions + // integrateParallelSlices replaces all yup/down points, so the boundary conditions // now need to be applied. If Bxyz has neumann parallel boundary conditions // then the boundary condition is simpler since f = 0 gives f_B=0 boundary condition. @@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { Field3D result; result.allocate(); - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for(auto i : result.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { result[i] = Bxyz[i] * (f_B.yup()[i.yp()] - f_B.ydown()[i.ym()]) / (2.*coord->dy[i] * sqrt(coord->g_22[i])); if (!finite(result[i])) { output.write("[%d,%d,%d]: %e, %e -> %e\n", - i.x, i.y, i.z, + i.x(), i.y(), i.z(), f_B.yup()[i.yp()], f_B.ydown()[i.ym()], result[i]); @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { } protected: - int init(bool restarting) override { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { // Get the magnetic field mesh->get(Bxyz, "B"); @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { mesh->communicate(logn,v); // Boundary condition applied to log(n) to prevent negative densities @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { // Calculate the flux divergence using Div_par_integrate Field3D nv = n * v; - nv.splitYupYdown(); + nv.splitParallelSlices(); for (const auto ® : mesh->getBoundariesPar()) { Field3D &nv_next = nv.ynext(reg->dir); nv_next.allocate(); @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { // Apply a soft floor to the density // Hard floors (setting ddt = 0) can slow convergence of solver - for (auto i : logn.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (auto i : logn.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { if (ddt(logn)[i] < 0.0) { ddt(logn)[i] *= (1. - exp(log_background - logn[i])); } diff --git a/examples/fci-wave/.gitignore b/examples/fci-wave/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a7303d2660 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/fci-wave/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +fci-wave \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/fci-wave/compare-density.py b/examples/fci-wave/compare-density.py index 9ddf0123c4..c039c250b6 100644 --- a/examples/fci-wave/compare-density.py +++ b/examples/fci-wave/compare-density.py @@ -25,13 +25,11 @@ data = data_noboundary if run: - from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun - + from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe shell_safe("make > make.log") - MPIRUN=getmpirun() - + for path,label in data: - launch_safe("./fci-wave -d "+path, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=False) + launch_safe("./fci-wave -d "+path, nproc=nproc, pipe=False) # Collect the results into a dictionary sum_n_B = {} diff --git a/examples/fci-wave/fci-wave.cxx b/examples/fci-wave/fci-wave.cxx index 013acf6c91..c6451ebc47 100644 --- a/examples/fci-wave/fci-wave.cxx +++ b/examples/fci-wave/fci-wave.cxx @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { Field3D Div_par_integrate(const Field3D &f) { Field3D f_B = f / Bxyz; - f_B.splitYupYdown(); - mesh->getParallelTransform().integrateYUpDown(f_B); + f_B.splitParallelSlices(); + mesh->getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().integrateParallelSlices(f_B); - // integrateYUpDown replaces all yup/down points, so the boundary conditions + // integrateParallelSlices replaces all yup/down points, so the boundary conditions // now need to be applied. If Bxyz has neumann parallel boundary conditions // then the boundary condition is simpler since f = 0 gives f_B=0 boundary condition. @@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { Field3D result; result.allocate(); - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); - for (auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (auto i : result.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { result[i] = Bxyz[i] * (f_B.yup()[i.yp()] - f_B.ydown()[i.ym()]) / (2. * coord->dy[i] * sqrt(coord->g_22[i])); if (!finite(result[i])) { - output.write("[%d,%d,%d]: %e, %e -> %e\n", i.x, i.y, i.z, f_B.yup()[i.yp()], + output.write("[%d,%d,%d]: %e, %e -> %e\n", i.x(), i.y(), i.z(), f_B.yup()[i.yp()], f_B.ydown()[i.ym()], result[i]); } } @@ -56,15 +56,15 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { } protected: - int init(bool restarting) override { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { // Get the magnetic field mesh->get(Bxyz, "B"); - auto options = Options::root()["fciwave"]; - OPTION(options, div_integrate, true); - OPTION(options, log_density, false); - OPTION(options, background, false); + auto& options = Options::root()["fciwave"]; + div_integrate = options["div_integrate"].withDefault(true); + log_density = options["log_density"].withDefault(false); + background = options["background"].withDefault(false); log_background = log(background); // Neumann boundaries simplifies parallel derivatives @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { if (log_density) { mesh->communicate(logn, nv); // Apply boundary condition to log(n) @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { logn.applyParallelBoundary(); n = exp(logn); - n.splitYupYdown(); + n.splitParallelSlices(); n.yup() = exp(logn.yup()); n.ydown() = exp(logn.ydown()); } else { @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { Field3D momflux = nv * v; // Apply boundary conditions to v - v.splitYupYdown(); + v.splitParallelSlices(); v.yup().allocate(); v.ydown().allocate(); v.applyParallelBoundary(); @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { // Ensure that boundary conditions are consistent // between v, nv and momentum flux - momflux.splitYupYdown(); + momflux.splitParallelSlices(); for (const auto ® : mesh->getBoundariesPar()) { // Using the values of density and velocity on the boundary const Field3D &n_next = n.ynext(reg->dir); @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class FCIwave : public PhysicsModel { // Apply a soft floor to the density // Hard floors (setting ddt = 0) can slow convergence of solver - for (auto i : logn.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (auto i : logn.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { if (ddt(logn)[i] < 0.0) { ddt(logn)[i] *= (1. - exp(log_background - logn[i])); } diff --git a/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/.gitignore b/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cdafb08583 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +diffusion \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/diffusion.cxx b/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/diffusion.cxx index 7e13ea0ec7..8613e4e378 100644 --- a/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/diffusion.cxx +++ b/examples/finite-volume/diffusion/diffusion.cxx @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ class Diffusion : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restarting) override { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { GRID_LOAD(k); mesh->communicate(k); @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Diffusion : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { mesh->communicate(f); ddt(f) = FV::Div_par_K_Grad_par(k, f); diff --git a/examples/finite-volume/fluid/.gitignore b/examples/finite-volume/fluid/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0a635f567 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/finite-volume/fluid/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +fluid \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/finite-volume/fluid/fluid.cxx b/examples/finite-volume/fluid/fluid.cxx index bb09b5dd2a..547996dc91 100644 --- a/examples/finite-volume/fluid/fluid.cxx +++ b/examples/finite-volume/fluid/fluid.cxx @@ -10,18 +10,19 @@ class Fluid : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restart) override { - Options *opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection("fluid"); + int init(bool UNUSED(restart)) override { + auto& opt = Options::root()["fluid"]; - // Adiabatic index (ratio of specific heats) - OPTION(opt, gamma, 5./3); - - SOLVE_FOR3(n, p, nv); + gamma = opt["gamma"] + .doc("Adiabatic index (ratio of specific heats)") + .withDefault(5. / 3); + + SOLVE_FOR(n, p, nv); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { mesh->communicate(n, p, nv); diff --git a/examples/finite-volume/fluid/runtest b/examples/finite-volume/fluid/runtest index 24a1dcd303..e1b4088c53 100755 --- a/examples/finite-volume/fluid/runtest +++ b/examples/finite-volume/fluid/runtest @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making fluid model MMS test") shell("make > make.log") @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ for ny in nylist: # Command to run cmd = "./fluid -d mms "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(ny), "w") diff --git a/examples/finite-volume/test/.gitignore b/examples/finite-volume/test/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..222fc0fecb --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/finite-volume/test/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +finite_volume \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/gas-compress/advect1d/BOUT.inp b/examples/gas-compress/advect1d/BOUT.inp index 7ebd775c30..9ced3b3a25 100644 --- a/examples/gas-compress/advect1d/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/gas-compress/advect1d/BOUT.inp @@ -12,8 +12,11 @@ TIMESTEP = 0.05 # time between outputs MXG = 0 # Guard cells in X MYG = 2 # Guard cells in Y + [mesh] +staggergrids = true + ixseps1 = 5 ixseps2 = 5 diff --git a/examples/gas-compress/gas_compress.cxx b/examples/gas-compress/gas_compress.cxx index fd8d62be63..10d5624d2d 100644 --- a/examples/gas-compress/gas_compress.cxx +++ b/examples/gas-compress/gas_compress.cxx @@ -15,17 +15,14 @@ int GasCompress::init(bool restarting) { // read options - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - options = options->getSection("gas"); - options->get("gamma", gamma_ratio, 5./3.); - options->get("viscosity", nu, 0.1); - options->get("include_viscosity", include_viscosity, false); + auto& options = Options::root()["gas"]; + gamma_ratio = options["gamma"].withDefault(0.1); + include_viscosity = options["include_viscosity"].withDefault(false); - BoutReal v0_multiply; - options->get("v0_multiply", v0_multiply, 1.0); + BoutReal v0_multiply = options["v0_multiply"].withDefault(1.0); V0 *= v0_multiply; - options->get("sub_initial", sub_initial, false); + sub_initial = options["sub_initial"].withDefault(false); V.y.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); // Stagger @@ -46,23 +43,20 @@ int GasCompress::init(bool restarting) { return 0; } -int GasCompress::rhs(BoutReal t) { +int GasCompress::rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Run communications mesh->communicate(N,P,V); // Density - - //ddt(N) = -V_dot_Grad(V, N) - N*Div(V); ddt(N) = -Div(V, N); - // Velocity - - - if(sub_initial) { + // Velocity + + if (sub_initial) { // Subtract force balance of initial profiles - ddt(V) = -V_dot_Grad(V, V) - Grad(P - P0, CELL_DEFAULT, CELL_YLOW)/N; - }else { - ddt(V) = -V_dot_Grad(V, V) - Grad(P, CELL_DEFAULT, CELL_YLOW)/N + g; + ddt(V) = -V_dot_Grad(V, V) - Grad(P - P0, CELL_VSHIFT) / N; + } else { + ddt(V) = -V_dot_Grad(V, V) - Grad(P, CELL_VSHIFT) / N + g; } if(include_viscosity) { @@ -73,8 +67,6 @@ int GasCompress::rhs(BoutReal t) { } // Pressure - - //ddt(P) = -V_dot_Grad(V, P) - gamma_ratio*P*Div(V); ddt(P) = -Div(V, P) - (gamma_ratio-1.)*P*Div(V); return 0; diff --git a/examples/gravity_reduced/.gitignore b/examples/gravity_reduced/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..99931b2c71 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/gravity_reduced/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +gravity_reduced \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/gravity_reduced/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/gravity_reduced/data/BOUT.inp index 47d9bbd0ad..7d817bf9ff 100644 --- a/examples/gravity_reduced/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/gravity_reduced/data/BOUT.inp @@ -90,22 +90,9 @@ viscos_par = 0.1 # Parallel viscosity (< 0 = none) #(try 0.1) viscos_perp = -1.0 # Perpendicular -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary - -phi_flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi +[laplace] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/gravity_reduced/gravity_reduced.cxx b/examples/gravity_reduced/gravity_reduced.cxx index 72041ff99a..4cf96c0211 100644 --- a/examples/gravity_reduced/gravity_reduced.cxx +++ b/examples/gravity_reduced/gravity_reduced.cxx @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const BoutReal PI = 3.14159265; class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { private: - //2D initial profiles + // 2D initial profiles Field2D rho0, p0; Field2D Jpar0; //calculated from equilibrium B field used in bbmhd Jpar0=b.curlB0 @@ -24,57 +24,40 @@ class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { Field2D B0; Field2D G; //grad G will give us the gravity paramater. - //Initial perturbations + // Initial perturbations // Field3D U0; //calculated from intial velocity perturbation used in bbmhd. Field3D Vpar0; //parallel component of intial velocity perturbation. - // Field3D psi1; - // Field3D rho1; - // Field3D p1; Field3D phi0; - //testing variables - Field3D testa; - Field3D testb; - Field3D testc; - Field3D testd; - Field3D teste; - Field3D testf; - Field3D testg; - Field3D testh; - - //3D evolving fields Field3D U, rho, p, Vpar, Psi; //Derived variables Field3D Jpar, phi; - // Field3D gam_U, gam_Vpar, gam_p, gam_rho, gam_Psi; // Group of fields for communication FieldGroup comms; - bool nonlinear; - //metric coeffictients + // metric coeffictients Coordinates *coord; - - //parameters + // parameters BoutReal mu_0, Gamma; BoutReal viscos_par; // Parallel viscosity BoutReal viscos_perp; // Perpendicular viscosity BoutReal hyperviscos; // Hyper-viscosity (radial) - // Number which specifies the boundary condition on phi in the inversion - int phi_flags; - BRACKET_METHOD bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; + + /// Solver for inverting Laplacian + Laplacian *phiSolver; int init(bool restarting) override { - output <<"Solving flute reduced MHD in a slab with gravity\n"; + output << "Solving flute reduced MHD in a slab with gravity\n"; //*************** LOAD DATE FROM GRID FILE ******************** @@ -99,43 +82,35 @@ class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { GRID_LOAD(phi0); output << "Loaded phi0\n"; - // GRID_LOAD(p1); - // output << "Loaded p1\n"; - // GRID_LOAD(rho1); - // output << "Loaded rho1\n"; - // GRID_LOAD(psi1); - // output << "Loaded psi1\n"; - - //options stuff - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("gravity"); - - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); + // options stuff + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["gravity"]; + + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(false); + if (nonlinear) { output <<"Solving WITH nonlinear terms\n"; } else { output <<"Solving WITHOUT nonlinear terms\n"; } - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); + phi.setBoundary("phi"); - - options->get("viscos_par", viscos_par, 0.); - options->get("viscos_perp", viscos_par, 0.); - - options->get("mu_0", mu_0, 1.); - options->get("gamma", Gamma, 5./3.); - - //load metric tensor components - coord = mesh->coordinates(); + viscos_par = options["viscos_par"].withDefault(0.); + viscos_perp = options["viscos_perp"].withDefault(0.); + mu_0 = options["mu_0"].withDefault(1.); + Gamma = options["Gamma"].withDefault(5. / 3.); + + // load metric tensor components + + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); BoutReal Lz; // Size of the Z box - - OPTION(options, Lz, 1.); - + + Lz = options["Lz"].withDefault(1.); + // Set the metric tensor components to get Lz coord->g33 = SQ(2.*PI/Lz); coord->g_33 = 1. / coord->g33; @@ -145,73 +120,44 @@ class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve // add evolving variables to the communication object - SOLVE_FOR5(rho, p, U, Psi, Vpar); + SOLVE_FOR(rho, p, U, Psi, Vpar); if (!restarting) { // Set initial perturbation // U = U0; // U = Delp2(phi0); U = coord->g11*D2DX2(phi0) + coord->g33*D2DZ2(phi0); - testa = coord->g11*D2DX2(phi0); - testb = coord->g33*D2DZ2(phi0); - testc = coord->g33*D2DZ2(Jpar0); - - testd = coord->g33*D2DZ2(rho0); - Vpar = Vpar0; - // p = p1; - // rho = rho1; - // Psi = psi1; } //******************Set up comms*************** comms.add(rho, p, U, Psi, Vpar); - //extra variables + // extra variables comms.add(phi); Jpar.setBoundary("jpar"); - - - //add variables to output file - - dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); - dump.add(Jpar, "Jpar", 1); - dump.add(G, "G", 0); - // dump.add(U0, "U0", 0); - dump.add(p0, "p0", 0); - dump.add(rho0, "rho0", 0); - dump.add(testa, "testa", 0); - dump.add(testb, "testb", 0); - dump.add(testa, "testc", 0); - dump.add(testb, "testd", 0); - dump.add(teste, "teste", 1); - dump.add(testf, "testf", 1); - dump.add(testg, "testg", 1); - dump.add(testh, "testh", 1); - // dump.add(p1, "p1", 0); - // dump.add(rho1, "rho1", 0); - // dump.add(psi1, "psi1", 0); - // dump.add(gam_Psi, "gam_psi", 1); - // dump.add(gam_p, "gam_p", 1); - // dump.add(gam_rho, "gam_rho", 1); - // dump.add(gam_U, "gam_U", 1); - // dump.add(gam_Vpar, "gam_Vpar", 1); - //dump.add(Vpar0, "Vpar0", 0); + // Add variables to output file + SAVE_REPEAT(phi, Jpar); // Save every output + SAVE_ONCE(G, p0, rho0); + + // Save time derivatives SAVE_REPEAT(ddt(Psi)); SAVE_REPEAT(ddt(U)); SAVE_REPEAT(ddt(rho)); + + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); - return(0); + return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { // U = Delp2(phi); - phi = invert_laplace(U, phi_flags); // Invert Laplacian, setting boundary condition in phi_flags - phi.applyBoundary(); - + phi = phiSolver->solve(U); // Invert Laplacian + phi.applyBoundary(); // Apply boundary condition in Y mesh->communicate(comms); @@ -224,21 +170,16 @@ class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { ddt(Psi) = -(1/B0)*Grad_par_CtoL(B0*phi);// + 1e-2*Jpar; if (nonlinear) { - //ddt(Psi) +=-(1/B0)*(- b0xGrad_dot_Grad(Psi,B0*phi)); ddt(Psi) += (1/B0)*bracket(Psi, B0*phi, bm)*coord->Bxy; } //Parallel vorticity ddt(U) = (SQ(B0)/rho0)*(Grad_par_LtoC(Jpar/B0) ); - teste = (SQ(B0)/rho0)*(Grad_par_LtoC(Jpar/B0) ); - //ddt(U) += -(1/rho0)*b0xGrad_dot_Grad(G,rho); ddt(U) -= (1/rho0)*bracket(G,rho, bm)*coord->Bxy; - testf = (1/rho0)*bracket(G,rho, bm)*coord->Bxy; - ddt(U) -= (SQ(B0)/rho0)*bracket(Psi,Jpar0/B0, bm)*coord->Bxy; ////added 02/03/2011 WAS MISSING BEFORE - check effect - see if stable. - still stable... - testg = (SQ(B0)/rho0)*bracket(Psi,Jpar0/B0, bm)*coord->Bxy; + ddt(U) -= (SQ(B0)/rho0)*bracket(Psi,Jpar0/B0, bm)*coord->Bxy; if (nonlinear) { ddt(U) -= bracket(phi,U, bm)*coord->Bxy; @@ -247,26 +188,24 @@ class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { } // Viscosity terms - if (viscos_par > 0.0) + if (viscos_par > 0.0) { ddt(U) += viscos_par * Grad2_par2(U); // Parallel viscosity + } - if (viscos_perp > 0.0) + if (viscos_perp > 0.0) { ddt(U) += viscos_perp * Delp2(U); // Perpendicular viscosity + } - //Parallel velocity - //ddt(Vpar) = + (b0xGrad_dot_Grad(Psi,p0))/rho0; + // Parallel velocity ddt(Vpar) = bracket(Psi,p0, bm)*coord->Bxy / rho0; ddt(Vpar) += -(Grad_par_CtoL(p))/rho0; - //ddt(Vpar) += b0xGrad_dot_Grad(G,Psi); ddt(Vpar) += bracket(G,Psi, bm)*coord->Bxy; if (nonlinear) { - //ddt(Vpar) += -b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi,Vpar); ddt(Vpar) -= bracket(phi,Vpar,bm)*coord->Bxy; - //ddt(Vpar) += (b0xGrad_dot_Grad(Psi,p))/rho0; ddt(Vpar) += bracket(Psi,p,bm)*coord->Bxy / rho0; } @@ -302,13 +241,6 @@ class GravityReduced : public PhysicsModel { } } - - //gam_U = 1/U0; //ddt(U)/U0; - // gam_Vpar = 1/Vpar0; //ddt(Vpar)/Vpar0; - // gam_p = 1/p1; //ddt(p)/p1; - // gam_rho = 1/rho1; //ddt(rho)/rho1; - // gam_Psi = 1/psi1; //ddt(Psi)/psi1; - return 0; } }; diff --git a/examples/gyro-gem/.gitignore b/examples/gyro-gem/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b668afd1c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/gyro-gem/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +gem \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/gyro-gem/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/gyro-gem/data/BOUT.inp index 235b4c9069..01c6e3afad 100644 --- a/examples/gyro-gem/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/gyro-gem/data/BOUT.inp @@ -86,17 +86,13 @@ output_ddt = false # Save time derivs to file curv_logB = true # For flux-tube, read in logB separately -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) - -phi_flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags =0 # flags for apar inversion +[phiSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + +[aparSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 low_pass_z = -1 # Toroidal filtering diff --git a/examples/gyro-gem/doc/.gitignore b/examples/gyro-gem/doc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8e4926218 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/gyro-gem/doc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +gem.pdf \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/gyro-gem/gem.cxx b/examples/gyro-gem/gem.cxx index d9c3145127..d50888f696 100644 --- a/examples/gyro-gem/gem.cxx +++ b/examples/gyro-gem/gem.cxx @@ -110,8 +110,6 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { // Method to use for brackets: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE const BRACKET_METHOD bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - int phi_flags, apar_flags; // Inversion flags - int low_pass_z; // Toroidal (Z) filtering of all variables ////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -146,6 +144,10 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { FieldGroup comms; // Communications + /// Solver for inverting Laplacian + Laplacian *phiSolver; + Laplacian *aparSolver; + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Initialisation @@ -155,31 +157,30 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { ////////////////////////////////// // Read options - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("gem"); - - OPTION(options, adiabatic_electrons, false); - OPTION(options, small_rho_e, true); - OPTION(options, include_grad_par_B, true); - - OPTION(options, Landau, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, nu_perp, 0.01); // Artificial perpendicular dissipation - OPTION(options, nu_par, 3e-3); // Artificial parallel dissipation - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - - OPTION(options, low_pass_z, -1); // Default is no filtering + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["gem"]; + + adiabatic_electrons = options["adiabatic_electrons"].withDefault(false); + small_rho_e = options["small_rho_e"].withDefault(true); + include_grad_par_B = options["include_grad_par_B"].withDefault(true); + + Landau = options["Landau"].withDefault(1.0); + + nu_perp = + options["nu_perp"].withDefault(0.01); // Artificial perpendicular dissipation + nu_par = options["nu_par"].withDefault(3e-3); // Artificial parallel dissipation + + low_pass_z = options["low_pass_z"].withDefault(-1); // Default is no filtering + + curv_logB = + options["curv_logB"].withDefault(false); // Read in a separate logB variable + + fix_profiles = options["fix_profiles"].withDefault(false); // Subtract DC components + + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(true); + flat_temp = options["flat_temp"].withDefault(-1.0); + flat_dens = options["flat_dens"].withDefault(-1.0); - OPTION(options, curv_logB, false); // Read in a separate logB variable - - OPTION(options, fix_profiles, false); // Subtract DC components - - OPTION(options, nonlinear, true); - OPTION(options, flat_temp, -1.0); - OPTION(options, flat_dens, -1.0); - ////////////////////////////////// // Read profiles @@ -220,24 +221,26 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { ////////////////////////////////// // Pick normalisation factors - if (mesh->get(Lbar, "Lbar")) // Try to read from grid file - if (mesh->get(Lbar, "rmag")) + if (mesh->get(Lbar, "Lbar")) {// Try to read from grid file + if (mesh->get(Lbar, "rmag")) { Lbar = 1.0; - OPTION(options, Lbar, Lbar); // Override in options file + } + } + Lbar = options["Lbar"].withDefault(Lbar); // Override in options file SAVE_ONCE(Lbar); // Save in output file BoutReal AA; // Ion atomic mass BoutReal ZZ; // Ion charge - OPTION(options, AA, 2.0); // Deuterium by default - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); - + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(2.0); // Deuterium by default + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); + Tenorm = max(Te0,true); SAVE_ONCE(Tenorm); // Maximum value over the grid Ninorm = max(Ni0, true); SAVE_ONCE(Ninorm); Cs = sqrt(qe*Tenorm / (AA*Mp)); SAVE_ONCE(Cs); // Sound speed in m/s - Tbar = Lbar / Cs; - OPTION(options, Tbar, Tbar); // Override in options file + Tbar = Lbar / Cs; + Tbar = options["Tbar"].withDefault(Tbar); // Override in options file SAVE_ONCE(Tbar); // Timescale in seconds if (mesh->get(Bbar, "Bbar")) { @@ -245,7 +248,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { Bbar = max(Bxy, true); } } - OPTION(options, Bbar, Bbar); // Override in options file + Bbar = options["Bbar"].withDefault(Bbar); // Override in options file SAVE_ONCE(Bbar); beta_e = 4.e-7*PI * max(p_e,true) / (Bbar*Bbar); SAVE_ONCE(beta_e); @@ -267,28 +270,28 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Terms in equations - - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry_width, -1); - + + jpar_bndry_width = options["jpar_bndry_width"].withDefault(-1); + OPTION4(options, ne_ddt, ne_te0, ne_ue, ne_curv, true); // Linear OPTION2(options, ne_ne1, ne_te1, nonlinear); // Nonlinear OPTION6(options, apue_ddt, apue_phi1, apue_pet, apue_curv, apue_gradB, apue_Rei, true); OPTION4(options, apue_ue1_phi1, apue_qe1_phi1, apue_apar1_phi1, apue_apar1_pe1, nonlinear); - - OPTION(options, tepar_ddt, true); - OPTION(options, teperp_ddt, true); - OPTION(options, qepar_ddt, true); - OPTION(options, qeperp_ddt, true); - + + tepar_ddt = options["tepar_ddt"].withDefault(true); + teperp_ddt = options["teperp_ddt"].withDefault(true); + qepar_ddt = options["qepar_ddt"].withDefault(true); + qeperp_ddt = options["qeperp_ddt"].withDefault(true); + OPTION4(options, ni_ddt, ni_ti0, ni_ui, ni_curv, true); // Linear OPTION2(options, ni_ni1, ni_ti1, nonlinear); // Nonlinear OPTION6(options, apui_ddt, apui_phi1, apui_pit, apui_curv, apui_gradB, apui_Rei, true); OPTION4(options, apui_ui1_phi1, apui_qi1_phi1, apui_apar1_phi1, apui_apar1_pi1, nonlinear); - OPTION(options, tipar_ddt, true); - OPTION(options, tiperp_ddt, true); - OPTION(options, qipar_ddt, true); - OPTION(options, qiperp_ddt, true); - + tipar_ddt = options["tipar_ddt"].withDefault(true); + tiperp_ddt = options["tiperp_ddt"].withDefault(true); + qipar_ddt = options["qipar_ddt"].withDefault(true); + qiperp_ddt = options["qiperp_ddt"].withDefault(true); + //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Collisional parameters @@ -330,7 +333,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { ////////////////////////////////// // Metric tensor components - coord = mesh->coordinates(); + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Normalise hthe /= Lbar; // parallel derivatives normalised to Lperp @@ -456,7 +459,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { } bool output_ddt; - OPTION(options, output_ddt, false); + output_ddt = options["output_ddt"].withDefault(false); if (output_ddt) { // Output the time derivatives @@ -524,6 +527,12 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { phi.setBoundary("phi"); Apar.setBoundary("Apar"); + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"]); + + aparSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"]); + aparSolver->setCoefA(beta_e * (1./mu_e - 1./mu_i)); + return 0; } @@ -551,14 +560,14 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { Field3D dn = Ne - gyroPade1(Ni, rho_i) - gyroPade2(Tiperp, rho_i); - phi = invert_laplace(tau_i * dn / SQ(rho_i), phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(tau_i * dn / SQ(rho_i)); phi -= tau_i * dn; } else { Field3D dn = gyroPade1(Ne, rho_e) + gyroPade2(Teperp, rho_e) - gyroPade1(Ni, rho_i) - gyroPade2(Tiperp, rho_i); // Neglect electron gyroscreening - phi = invert_laplace(tau_i * dn / (rho_i * rho_i), phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(tau_i * dn / (rho_i * rho_i)); phi -= tau_i * dn; } @@ -568,7 +577,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { // Helmholtz equation for Apar Field2D a = beta_e * (1./mu_e - 1./mu_i); - Apar = invert_laplace(ApUe/mu_e - ApUi/mu_i, apar_flags, &a); + Apar = aparSolver->solve(ApUe/mu_e - ApUi/mu_i); Apar.applyBoundary(); @@ -599,7 +608,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Non-stiff part of the RHS function - int convective(BoutReal time) override { + int convective(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { calc_aux(); //////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -619,8 +628,8 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { Phi_G = 0.0; } else { // Gyro-reduced potentials - phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_e, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); - Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_e, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); + phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_e, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); + Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_e, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); mesh->communicate(phi_G, Phi_G); } @@ -776,8 +785,8 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { // Ion equations // Calculate gyroreduced potentials - phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_i, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); - Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_i, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); + phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_i, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); + Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_i, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); mesh->communicate(phi_G, Phi_G); @@ -933,7 +942,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { // Stiff part of the RHS function // Artificial dissipation terms - int diffusive(BoutReal time) override { + int diffusive(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { Field3D S_D, K_par, K_perp, K_D; // Collisional dissipation terms calc_aux(); @@ -959,8 +968,8 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { Phi_G = 0.0; } else { // Gyro-reduced potentials - phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_e, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); - Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_e, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); + phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_e, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); + Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_e, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); mesh->communicate(phi_G, Phi_G); } @@ -1008,8 +1017,8 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { // Ion equations // Calculate gyroreduced potentials - phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_i, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); - Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_i, INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS); + phi_G = gyroPade1(phi, rho_i, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); + Phi_G = gyroPade2(phi, rho_i, INVERT_RHS, INVERT_RHS); mesh->communicate(phi_G, Phi_G); @@ -1072,7 +1081,7 @@ class GEM : public PhysicsModel { } /// Artificial dissipation terms in advection - const Field3D UE_Grad_D(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &p) { + const Field3D UE_Grad_D(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &UNUSED(p)) { Field3D delp2 = Delp2(f); delp2.applyBoundary("neumann"); mesh->communicate(delp2); diff --git a/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/.gitignore b/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04c6b38c18 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +hw \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/hw.cxx b/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/hw.cxx index 891ef6f18a..f7a2c5a625 100644 --- a/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/hw.cxx +++ b/examples/hasegawa-wakatani/hw.cxx @@ -24,26 +24,26 @@ class HW : public PhysicsModel { // Simple implementation of 4th order perpendicular Laplacian Field3D Delp4(const Field3D &var) { Field3D tmp; - tmp = Delp2(var, 0.0); + tmp = Delp2(var); mesh->communicate(tmp); tmp.applyBoundary("neumann"); - return Delp2(tmp, 0.0); - + return Delp2(tmp); + //return Delp2(var); } protected: - int init(bool restart) { - - Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("hw"); - OPTION(options, alpha, 1.0); - OPTION(options, kappa, 0.1); - OPTION(options, Dvort, 1e-2); - OPTION(options, Dn, 1e-2); - - OPTION(options, modified, false); + int init(bool UNUSED(restart)) { + + auto& options = Options::root()["hw"]; + alpha = options["alpha"].withDefault(1.0); + kappa = options["kappa"].withDefault(0.1); + Dvort = options["Dvort"].withDefault(1e-2); + Dn = options["Dn"].withDefault(1e-2); + + modified = options["modified"].withDefault(false); - SOLVE_FOR2(n, vort); + SOLVE_FOR(n, vort); SAVE_REPEAT(phi); // Split into convective and diffusive parts @@ -55,9 +55,7 @@ class HW : public PhysicsModel { // Use default flags // Choose method to use for Poisson bracket advection terms - int bracket; - OPTION(options, bracket, 0); - switch(bracket) { + switch(options["bracket"].withDefault(0)) { case 0: { bm = BRACKET_STD; output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; @@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ class HW : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int convective(BoutReal time) { + int convective(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Non-stiff, convective part of the problem // Solve for potential @@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ class HW : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int diffusive(BoutReal time) { + int diffusive(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { // Diffusive terms mesh->communicate(n, vort); ddt(n) = -Dn*Delp4(n); diff --git a/examples/invertable_operator/.gitignore b/examples/invertable_operator/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d6c85a9e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/invertable_operator/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +invertable_operator \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/invertable_operator/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/invertable_operator/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a18be0c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/invertable_operator/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +NOUT=0 + +[mesh] +nx = 20 +ny = 16 +nz = 16 + +[mesh:ddz] +first = fft +second = fft + +[laplace] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + +[all] +bndry_all = none +function = 0. + +[n] +scale = 1.0 +function = sin(z) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/invertable_operator/invertable_operator.cxx b/examples/invertable_operator/invertable_operator.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae64d26d12 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/invertable_operator/invertable_operator.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +Field3D minus(const Field3D &input) { return -1.0 * input; }; +Field3D delp(const Field3D &input) { return input + Delp2(input); }; + +class HW : public PhysicsModel { +private: + Field3D n, solutionInv, solutionLap; + + struct myOp { + BoutReal factor = 1.; + Field3D operator()(const Field3D &input) { return factor * input + Delp2(input); }; + }; + myOp myDelp; + + struct myLaplacian { + Field3D D = 1.0, C = 1.0, A = 0.0; + + // Drop C term for now + Field3D operator()(const Field3D &input) { + TRACE("myLaplacian::operator()"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_operate"); + Field3D result = A * input + D * Delp2(input); + + // Ensure boundary points are set appropriately as given by the input field. + result.setBoundaryTo(input); + + return result; + }; + }; + + struct my3DLaplacian { + Field3D A = 1.0, B = 1.0, C = 0.0, D = 0.0; + bool withDiv = false; + + // Drop C term for now + Field3D operator()(const Field3D &input) { + TRACE("myLaplacian::operator()"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_operate"); + Field3D result = A * input + B * Laplace_perp(input); + if (withDiv) { + auto tmp = C * Grad_perp(input); + input.getMesh()->communicate(tmp); + result += Div(tmp); + } + result += D * Laplace(input); + + // Ensure boundary points are set appropriately as given by the input field. + result.setBoundaryTo(input); + + return result; + }; + }; + + myLaplacian mm; + bout::inversion::InvertableOperator mySolver; + // Above could also be: + // mySolver(delp); + // or even a Lambda + // mySolver([](const Field3D &input) { return input + Delp2(input); }); + + class Laplacian* laplacianSolver; + + const int nits = 10; + +protected: + int init(bool restart) { + SOLVE_FOR(n); + SOLVE_FOR(solutionLap); + SOLVE_FOR(solutionInv); + + mm.A = 1.0e-1; + mm.D = 1.0; + + // Note mySolve takes a copy of the passed functor so updates to the local + // instance won't have any effect, but the function _can_ be changed (currently) + // through setOperatorFunction + + mySolver.setOperatorFunction(mm); + mySolver.setup(); + + laplacianSolver = Laplacian::create(); + laplacianSolver->setCoefA(mm.A); + laplacianSolver->setCoefC(1.0); + laplacianSolver->setCoefD(mm.D); + + n.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); + + return 0; + } + + int rhs(BoutReal time) { + ddt(n) = 0.; + ddt(solutionInv) = 0.; + ddt(solutionLap) = 0.; + + // First run to get the solution with zero initial guess + solutionInv = mySolver.invert(n, 0.0); + mySolver.reportTime(); + + try { + for (int i = 0; i < nits; i++) { + // solutionInv = mySolver.invert(n); + solutionInv = mySolver.invert(n, solutionInv); + // mesh->communicate(solutionInv); + } + } catch (BoutException &e) { + }; + + mesh->communicate(solutionInv); + + output << std::endl; + auto pass = mySolver.verify(n) == 0 ? "False" : "True"; + output << "Has test passed ? " << pass << std::endl; + output << std::endl; + + { + Timer timer("sol_lap"); + try { + for (int i = 0; i < nits; i++) { + solutionLap = laplacianSolver->solve(n); + } + } catch (BoutException &e) { + }; + } + + output << "Max diff undo Invertable is " << max(abs(mm(solutionInv) - n), true) + << endl; + output << "MAX DIFF SOL " << max(abs(solutionLap - solutionInv), true) << endl; + + mySolver.reportTime(); + output << "Laplacian time is " << Timer::resetTime("sol_lap") << endl; + + return 0; + } + +public: +}; + +// Define a main() function +BOUTMAIN(HW); diff --git a/examples/invertable_operator/makefile b/examples/invertable_operator/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12c82cc6c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/invertable_operator/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../.. + +SOURCEC = invertable_operator.cxx + +target: requires_petsc invertable_operator + +requires_petsc: + @test $$($(BOUT_TOP)/bin/bout-config --has-petsc ) = yes || \ + (echo "ERROR: This example requires PETSc. Please compile BOUT++ with PETSc." ; exit 1) + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/examples/jorek-compare/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/jorek-compare/data/BOUT.inp index 3d2dc5ec71..670698bd1b 100644 --- a/examples/jorek-compare/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/jorek-compare/data/BOUT.inp @@ -115,20 +115,9 @@ parallel_lc = true # Use LtoC and CtoL differencing bracket_method = 2 # 0 = std, 1=simplified, 2 = arakawa, 3 = ctu -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary (combine 2nd & 4th-order) -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary ( sometimes works ) - -phi_flags = 769 # inversion flags for phi +[laplace] +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 4 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_LAP ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/jorek-compare/doc/.gitignore b/examples/jorek-compare/doc/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..878c7d9dac --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/jorek-compare/doc/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +jorek_compare.pdf \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/jorek-compare/jorek_compare.cxx b/examples/jorek-compare/jorek_compare.cxx index 4b166501ed..859813049f 100644 --- a/examples/jorek-compare/jorek_compare.cxx +++ b/examples/jorek-compare/jorek_compare.cxx @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /************************************************************************** * Similar set of equations to JOREK - * + * **************************************************************************/ #include -#include #include +#include class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { private: @@ -14,36 +14,34 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { Field3D rho, Te, Ti, U, Vpar, Apar; // Derived quantities Field3D Jpar, phi; // Parallel current, electric potential - + // Equilibrium quantities Field2D rho0, Te0, Ti0; // Equilibrium mass density, electron and ion temperature Field2D B0, J0, P0; Vector2D b0xcv; // Curvature term Vector2D B0vec; // B0 field vector - + // Dissipation coefficients - Field2D D_perp; // Particle diffusion coefficient + Field2D D_perp; // Particle diffusion coefficient Field2D chi_eperp, chi_epar; // Electron heat diffusion coefficients Field2D chi_iperp, chi_ipar; // Ion heat diffusion coefficients - + // Collisional terms BoutReal tau_enorm; Field3D tau_e; // electron collision time - - Field2D eta0; // Resistivity + + Field2D eta0; // Resistivity Field3D eta; BoutReal viscos_par, viscos_perp, viscos_coll; // Viscosity coefficients - BoutReal hyperresist; // Hyper-resistivity coefficient - - int phi_flags; + BoutReal hyperresist; // Hyper-resistivity coefficient // Constants - const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; - const BoutReal Charge = 1.60217646e-19; // electron charge e (C) - const BoutReal Mi = 2.0*1.67262158e-27; // Ion mass - const BoutReal Me = 9.1093816e-31; // Electron mass - const BoutReal Me_Mi = Me / Mi; // Electron mass / Ion mass + const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7 * PI; + const BoutReal Charge = 1.60217646e-19; // electron charge e (C) + const BoutReal Mi = 2.0 * 1.67262158e-27; // Ion mass + const BoutReal Me = 9.1093816e-31; // Electron mass + const BoutReal Me_Mi = Me / Mi; // Electron mass / Ion mass // Normalisation factors BoutReal Tnorm, rhonorm; // Partial normalisation to rho and MU0. Temperature normalised @@ -51,9 +49,9 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { // options bool nonlinear; - bool full_bfield; // If true, use divergence-free expression for B - bool flux_method; // Use flux methods in rho and T equations - int jpar_bndry_width; // Set jpar = 0 in a boundary region + bool full_bfield; // If true, use divergence-free expression for B + bool flux_method; // Use flux methods in rho and T equations + int jpar_bndry_width; // Set jpar = 0 in a boundary region bool electron_density; // Solve Ne rather than Ni (adds Jpar term to density) @@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { Vector3D vExB, vD; // Velocities Field3D divExB; // Divergence of ExB flow - BoutReal Wei; // Factor for the electron-ion collision term + BoutReal Wei; // Factor for the electron-ion collision term bool ohmic_heating; // Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] @@ -79,31 +77,32 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { FieldGroup comms; // Coordinate system - Coordinates *coord; + Coordinates* coord; + + // Inverts a Laplacian to get potential + Laplacian* phiSolver; + + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { - int init(bool restarting) override { - output.write("Solving JOREK-like reduced MHD equations\n"); output.write("\tFile : %s\n", __FILE__); output.write("\tCompiled: %s at %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("jorek"); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["jorek"]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Load data from the grid // Load 2D profiles - mesh->get(J0, "Jpar0"); // A / m^2 - + mesh->get(J0, "Jpar0"); // A / m^2 + if (mesh->get(rho0, "Ni0")) { output << "Warning: No density profile available\n"; - BoutReal d0; - options->get("density", d0, 1.0); - rho0 = d0; + rho0 = options["density"].withDefault(1.0); } rho0 *= 1e20; // Convert to m^[-3] - + // Read temperature mesh->get(Te0, "Te0"); mesh->get(Ti0, "Ti0"); @@ -114,11 +113,11 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { P0 = Charge * (Ti0 + Te0) * rho0; } else { // Make sure that density and temperature are consistent with pressure - + Field2D factor = P0 / (Charge * (Ti0 + Te0) * rho0); - - output.write("\tPressure factor %e -> %e\n", min(factor,true), max(factor, true)); - + + output.write("\tPressure factor %e -> %e\n", min(factor, true), max(factor, true)); + // Multiply temperatures by this factor Te0 *= factor; Ti0 *= factor; @@ -126,61 +125,54 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { rho0 *= Mi; // Convert density to mass density [kg / m^3] // Load dissipation coefficients, override in options file - if (options->isSet("D_perp")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("D_perp", tmp, 0.0); - D_perp = tmp; - } else mesh->get(D_perp, "D_perp"); - - if (options->isSet("chi_eperp")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("chi_eperp", tmp, 0.0); - chi_eperp = tmp; - } else mesh->get(chi_eperp, "chi_eperp"); - - if (options->isSet("chi_iperp")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("chi_iperp", tmp, 0.0); - chi_iperp = tmp; - } else mesh->get(chi_iperp, "chi_iperp"); - - if (options->isSet("chi_epar")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("chi_epar", tmp, 0.0); - chi_epar = tmp; - } else mesh->get(chi_epar, "chi_epar"); - - if (options->isSet("chi_ipar")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("chi_ipar", tmp, 0.0); - chi_ipar = tmp; - } else mesh->get(chi_ipar, "chi_ipar"); - - if (options->isSet("viscos_perp")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("viscos_perp", tmp, -1.0); - viscos_perp = tmp; - } else mesh->get(viscos_perp, "viscos_perp"); - - if (options->isSet("viscos_par")) { - BoutReal tmp; - options->get("viscos_par", tmp, -1.0); - viscos_par = tmp; - } else mesh->get(viscos_par, "viscos_par"); - - OPTION(options, viscos_coll, -1.0); + if (options["D_perp"].isSet()) { + D_perp = options["D_perp"].withDefault(0.0); + } else + mesh->get(D_perp, "D_perp"); + + if (options["chi_eperp"].isSet()) { + chi_eperp = options["chi_eperp"].withDefault(0.0); + } else + mesh->get(chi_eperp, "chi_eperp"); + + if (options["chi_iperp"].isSet()) { + chi_iperp = options["chi_iperp"].withDefault(0.0); + } else + mesh->get(chi_iperp, "chi_iperp"); + + if (options["chi_epar"].isSet()) { + chi_epar = options["chi_epar"].withDefault(0.0); + } else + mesh->get(chi_epar, "chi_epar"); + + if (options["chi_ipar"].isSet()) { + chi_ipar = options["chi_ipar"].withDefault(0.0); + } else + mesh->get(chi_ipar, "chi_ipar"); + + if (options["viscos_perp"].isSet()) { + viscos_perp = options["viscos_perp"].withDefault(-1.0); + } else + mesh->get(viscos_perp, "viscos_perp"); + + if (options["viscos_par"].isSet()) { + viscos_par = options["viscos_par"].withDefault(-1.0); + } else + mesh->get(viscos_par, "viscos_par"); + + viscos_coll = options["viscos_coll"].withDefault(-1.0); // Load curvature term - b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components + b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // mixed units x: T y: m^-2 z: m^-2 - + // Metric coefficients Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe; Field2D I; // Shear factor - - coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - if (mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m + + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); + + if (mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy")) { // m output_error.write("Error: Cannot read Rxy from grid\n"); return 1; } @@ -189,51 +181,47 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { return 1; } mesh->get(Btxy, "Btxy"); // T - mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T + mesh->get(B0, "Bxy"); // T mesh->get(hthe, "hthe"); // m - mesh->get(I, "sinty");// m^-2 T^-1 - - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); - OPTION(options, full_bfield, false); - OPTION(options, flux_method, false); - - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry_width, -1); - - OPTION(options, hyperresist, -1); - - OPTION(options, electron_density, false); - OPTION(options, vorticity_momentum, false); - OPTION(options, include_profiles, false); - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - - OPTION(options, low_pass_z, -1); // Default is no filtering - - OPTION(options, Wei, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, ohmic_heating, true); - - int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); - switch (bracket_method) { + mesh->get(I, "sinty"); // m^-2 T^-1 + + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(false); + full_bfield = options["full_bfield"].withDefault(false); + flux_method = options["flux_method"].withDefault(false); + + jpar_bndry_width = options["jpar_bndry_width"].withDefault(-1); + + hyperresist = options["hyperresist"].withDefault(-1); + + electron_density = options["electron_density"].withDefault(false); + vorticity_momentum = options["vorticity_momentum"].withDefault(false); + include_profiles = options["include_profiles"].withDefault(false); + parallel_lc = options["parallel_lc"].withDefault(true); + + low_pass_z = options["low_pass_z"].withDefault(-1); // Default is no filtering + + Wei = options["Wei"].withDefault(1.0); + + ohmic_heating = options["ohmic_heating"].withDefault(true); + + switch (options["bracket_method"].withDefault(0)) { case 0: { - bm = BRACKET_STD; + bm = BRACKET_STD; output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; break; } case 1: { - bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; + bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; break; } case 2: { - bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; + bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; break; } case 3: { - bm = BRACKET_CTU; + bm = BRACKET_CTU; output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; break; } @@ -241,88 +229,87 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; return 1; } - + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES - + // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); + std::string ptstr = + Options::root()["mesh"]["paralleltransform"].withDefault("identity"); if (lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { // Dimits style, using local coordinate system - b0xcv.z += I*b0xcv.x; - I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric + b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; + I = 0.0; // I disappears from metric } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMALISE QUANTITIES - - rhonorm = max(rho0, true); // Maximum over all grid - BoutReal Temax = max(Te0,true); // Maximum Te value + + rhonorm = max(rho0, true); // Maximum over all grid + BoutReal Temax = max(Te0, true); // Maximum Te value Tnorm = Mi / (MU0 * Charge * rhonorm); // Temperature normalisation - - SAVE_ONCE2(rhonorm, Tnorm); // Save normalisation factors to file - + + SAVE_ONCE(rhonorm, Tnorm); // Save normalisation factors to file + // Normalise quantities - + P0 *= MU0; J0 *= MU0; rho0 /= rhonorm; Te0 /= Tnorm; Ti0 /= Tnorm; - + viscos_perp *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); - viscos_par *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); - D_perp *= sqrt(MU0 * rhonorm); - chi_eperp *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); - chi_epar *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); - chi_iperp *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); - chi_ipar *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); - + viscos_par *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); + D_perp *= sqrt(MU0 * rhonorm); + chi_eperp *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); + chi_epar *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); + chi_iperp *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); + chi_ipar *= sqrt(MU0 / rhonorm); + // Coulomb logarithm - BoutReal CoulombLog = 6.6 - 0.5*log(rhonorm/(Mi*1e20)) + 1.5*log(Temax); + BoutReal CoulombLog = 6.6 - 0.5 * log(rhonorm / (Mi * 1e20)) + 1.5 * log(Temax); output << "\tCoulomb logarithm = " << CoulombLog << endl; - + // Factor in front of tau_e expression // tau_e = tau_enorm * Tet^1.5 / rhot - tau_enorm = 3.44e11*(Mi/rhonorm)*Tnorm*sqrt(Tnorm) / CoulombLog; - output << "\ttau_enorm = " << tau_enorm ; - tau_enorm /= sqrt(MU0*rhonorm); // Normalise + tau_enorm = 3.44e11 * (Mi / rhonorm) * Tnorm * sqrt(Tnorm) / CoulombLog; + output << "\ttau_enorm = " << tau_enorm; + tau_enorm /= sqrt(MU0 * rhonorm); // Normalise output << "\tNormalised tau_enorm = " << tau_enorm << endl; - + // Calculate or read in the resistivity - if (options->isSet("eta")) { - BoutReal etafactor; - options->get("eta", etafactor, 0.0); + if (options["eta"].isSet()) { + BoutReal etafactor = options["eta"].withDefault(0.0); // Calculate in normalised units - eta0 = etafactor * Me*Mi/(1.96*MU0*rhonorm*Charge*Charge*tau_enorm*rho0); + eta0 = etafactor * Me * Mi + / (1.96 * MU0 * rhonorm * Charge * Charge * tau_enorm * rho0); } else { mesh->get(eta0, "eta0"); // Read in SI units eta0 *= sqrt(rhonorm / MU0); // Normalise } - - + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CALCULATE METRICS - - coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy*Bpxy); + + coord->g11 = SQ(Rxy * Bpxy); coord->g22 = 1.0 / SQ(hthe); - coord->g33 = SQ(I)*coord->g11 + SQ(B0)/coord->g11; + coord->g33 = SQ(I) * coord->g11 + SQ(B0) / coord->g11; coord->g12 = 0.0; - coord->g13 = -I*coord->g11; - coord->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - + coord->g13 = -I * coord->g11; + coord->g23 = -Btxy / (hthe * Bpxy * Rxy); + coord->J = hthe / Bpxy; coord->Bxy = B0; - - coord->g_11 = 1.0/coord->g11 + SQ(I*Rxy); - coord->g_22 = SQ(B0*hthe/Bpxy); - coord->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - coord->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - coord->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - + + coord->g_11 = 1.0 / coord->g11 + SQ(I * Rxy); + coord->g_22 = SQ(B0 * hthe / Bpxy); + coord->g_33 = Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_12 = Btxy * hthe * I * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->g_13 = I * Rxy * Rxy; + coord->g_23 = Btxy * hthe * Rxy / Bpxy; + coord->geometry(); // Calculate quantities from metric tensor // Set B field vector @@ -330,17 +317,17 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { B0vec.x = 0.; B0vec.y = Bpxy / hthe; B0vec.z = 0.; - + vExB.setBoundary("v"); vD.setBoundary("v"); - + Jpar.setBoundary("Jpar"); phi.setBoundary("phi"); // Set starting dissipation terms eta = eta0; - tau_e = tau_enorm * pow(Te0,1.5)/rho0; + tau_e = tau_enorm * pow(Te0, 1.5) / rho0; output.write("\tNormalised tau_e = %e -> %e\n", min(tau_e, true), max(tau_e, true)); @@ -349,12 +336,12 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { // SET EVOLVING VARIABLES - SOLVE_FOR6(rho, Te, Ti, U, Vpar, Apar); - + SOLVE_FOR(rho, Te, Ti, U, Vpar, Apar); + comms.add(rho, Te, Ti, U, Vpar, Apar); comms.add(phi); - - SAVE_ONCE5(P0, J0, rho0, Te0, Ti0); // Save normalised profiles + + SAVE_ONCE(P0, J0, rho0, Te0, Ti0); // Save normalised profiles if (nonlinear) { SAVE_REPEAT(eta); @@ -362,18 +349,22 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { SAVE_ONCE(eta); } - SAVE_REPEAT2(phi, Jpar); // Save each timestep - + SAVE_REPEAT(phi, Jpar); // Save each timestep SAVE_REPEAT(divExB); - + + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); + if (vorticity_momentum) { + phiSolver->setCoefC(rho0); + } return 0; } // Parallel gradient along perturbed field-line - const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { + const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { // Derivative along equilibrium field-line Field3D result; - + if (parallel_lc) { if (loc == CELL_YLOW) { result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); @@ -381,7 +372,7 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); } else result = Grad_par(f, loc); - + if (nonlinear) { if (full_bfield) { // Use full expression for perturbed B @@ -394,312 +385,294 @@ class Jorek : public PhysicsModel { } return result; } - - const Field3D Div_parP(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { - return B0*Grad_parP(f/B0, loc); + + const Field3D Div_parP(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { + return B0 * Grad_parP(f / B0, loc); } - + int rhs(BoutReal t) override { TRACE("Started physics_run(%e)", t); - + // Invert laplacian for phi if (vorticity_momentum) { // Vorticity is b dot curl(rho * v) Field2D rprof = rho0; - if (nonlinear) + if (nonlinear) { rprof += DC(rho); // Axisymmetric rho only - phi = invert_laplace(B0*U/rprof, phi_flags, NULL, &rprof); + phiSolver->setCoefC(rprof); + } + phi = phiSolver->solve(B0 * U / rprof); } else { // Vorticity is b dot curl(v) - phi = invert_laplace(B0*U, phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(B0 * U); } // Apply a boundary condition on phi for target plates phi.applyBoundary(); - + // Communicate variables mesh->communicate(comms); - - + // Get J from Psi Jpar = -Delp2(Apar); Jpar.applyBoundary(); - + if (jpar_bndry_width > 0) { // Boundary in jpar if (mesh->firstX()) { - for (int i=jpar_bndry_width;i>=0;i--) - for (int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for (int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - Jpar(i,j,k) = 0.5*Jpar(i+1,j,k); + for (int i = jpar_bndry_width; i >= 0; i--) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + Jpar(i, j, k) = 0.5 * Jpar(i + 1, j, k); } } if (mesh->lastX()) { - for (int i=mesh->LocalNx-jpar_bndry_width-1;iLocalNx;i++) - for (int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for (int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - Jpar(i,j,k) = 0.5*Jpar(i-1,j,k); + for (int i = mesh->LocalNx - jpar_bndry_width - 1; i < mesh->LocalNx; i++) + for (int j = 0; j < mesh->LocalNy; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { + Jpar(i, j, k) = 0.5 * Jpar(i - 1, j, k); } } } - + mesh->communicate(Jpar); - - //Jpar = smooth_x(Jpar); // Smooth in x direction - + + // Jpar = smooth_x(Jpar); // Smooth in x direction + Field3D rhot = rho0; Field3D Tet = Te0; Field3D Tit = Ti0; - Field3D P = rho*(Te0+Ti0) + (Te+Ti)*rho0; // Perturbed pressure - + Field3D P = rho * (Te0 + Ti0) + (Te + Ti) * rho0; // Perturbed pressure + if (nonlinear) { rhot += rho; Tet += Te; Tit += Ti; - P += rho*(Te+Ti); - - eta = eta0*pow(Tet/Te0,-1.5); // Update resistivity based on Te - - tau_e = tau_enorm*pow(Tet,1.5)/rhot; // Update electron collision rate + P += rho * (Te + Ti); + + eta = eta0 * pow(Tet / Te0, -1.5); // Update resistivity based on Te + + tau_e = tau_enorm * pow(Tet, 1.5) / rhot; // Update electron collision rate } - + if (flux_method) { { TRACE("Flux vExB"); // ExB velocity - vExB = (B0vec ^ Grad_perp(phi))/(B0*B0); + vExB = (cross(B0vec, Grad_perp(phi))) / (B0 * B0); vExB.applyBoundary(); } - + ////////// Density equation //////////////// - + { TRACE("Flux Density"); - + // Diffusive flux (perpendicular) vD = -D_perp * Grad_perp(rho); vD.applyBoundary(); - - ddt(rho) = -Div(vExB + vD, rhot); + + ddt(rho) = -Div(vExB + vD, rhot); } - + ////////// Temperature equations //////////// - + { TRACE("Flux Te"); - - vD = -chi_eperp * Grad_perp(Te) - Grad_par(Te, CELL_YLOW)*chi_epar*B0vec; + + vD = -chi_eperp * Grad_perp(Te) - Grad_par(Te, CELL_YLOW) * chi_epar * B0vec; vD.applyBoundary(); - - ddt(Te) = - - b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, Tet)/B0 - - (2./3.)*Tet*Div(vExB) - - Div(vD, Te)/rhot - ; + + ddt(Te) = -b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, Tet) / B0 - (2. / 3.) * Tet * Div(vExB) + - Div(vD, Te) / rhot; } - + { TRACE("Flux Ti"); - - vD = -chi_iperp * Grad_perp(Ti) - Grad_par(Ti, CELL_YLOW)*chi_ipar*B0vec; + + vD = -chi_iperp * Grad_perp(Ti) - Grad_par(Ti, CELL_YLOW) * chi_ipar * B0vec; vD.applyBoundary(); - - ddt(Ti) = - - b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, Tit)/B0 - - (2./3.)*Tit*Div(vExB) - - Div(vD, Ti)/rhot - ; + + ddt(Ti) = -b0xGrad_dot_Grad(phi, Tit) / B0 - (2. / 3.) * Tit * Div(vExB) + - Div(vD, Ti) / rhot; } } else { // Use analytic expressions, expand terms - + // Divergence of ExB velocity (neglecting parallel term) { TRACE("divExB"); - divExB = b0xcv*Grad(phi)/B0 - b0xGrad_dot_Grad(1./B0, phi); + divExB = b0xcv * Grad(phi) / B0 - b0xGrad_dot_Grad(1. / B0, phi); } - + { TRACE("density"); - ddt(rho) = - - bracket(phi, rhot, bm) // ExB advection - - divExB*rhot // Divergence of ExB (compression) - - Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, rho) // Parallel advection - - rhot*Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE) // Parallel compression - + D_perp * Delp2(rho) // Perpendicular diffusion - ; - + ddt(rho) = -bracket(phi, rhot, bm) // ExB advection + - divExB * rhot // Divergence of ExB (compression) + - Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, rho) // Parallel advection + - rhot * Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE) // Parallel compression + + D_perp * Delp2(rho) // Perpendicular diffusion + ; + if (electron_density) { // Using electron parallel velocity rather than ion - ddt(rho) += (Mi/(Charge*sqrt(MU0*rhonorm)))* Div_parP(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE); + ddt(rho) += (Mi / (Charge * sqrt(MU0 * rhonorm))) * Div_parP(Jpar, CELL_CENTRE); } if (low_pass_z > 0) - ddt(rho) = lowPass(ddt(rho), low_pass_z); - + ddt(rho) = lowPass(ddt(rho), low_pass_z); } - + { TRACE("Te"); - ddt(Te) = - -bracket(phi, Tet, bm) - Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Tet) // advection - - (2./3.)*Tet*(divExB + Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE)) // Divergence of flow - + Div_par_K_Grad_par(chi_epar, Te) / rhot // Parallel diffusion - + chi_eperp*Delp2(Te) / rhot // Perpendicular diffusion - ; - + ddt(Te) = -bracket(phi, Tet, bm) - Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Tet) // advection + - (2. / 3.) * Tet + * (divExB + Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE)) // Divergence of flow + + Div_par_K_Grad_par(chi_epar, Te) / rhot // Parallel diffusion + + chi_eperp * Delp2(Te) / rhot // Perpendicular diffusion + ; + if (ohmic_heating) - ddt(Te) += (2./3)*eta*Jpar*Jpar / rhot; // Ohmic heating - + ddt(Te) += (2. / 3) * eta * Jpar * Jpar / rhot; // Ohmic heating } - + { TRACE("Ti"); - ddt(Ti) = - - bracket(phi, Tit, bm) - Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Tit) - - (2./3.)*Tit*(divExB + Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE)) - + Div_par_K_Grad_par(chi_ipar, Ti) / rhot - + chi_iperp*Delp2(Ti) / rhot - ; + ddt(Ti) = -bracket(phi, Tit, bm) - Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Tit) + - (2. / 3.) * Tit * (divExB + Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE)) + + Div_par_K_Grad_par(chi_ipar, Ti) / rhot + + chi_iperp * Delp2(Ti) / rhot; } - - + if (Wei > 0.0) { TRACE("Wei"); // electron-ion collision term // Calculate Wi * (2/3)/rho term. Wei is a scaling factor from options - Field3D Tei = Wei * 2.*Me_Mi*(Te - Ti) / tau_e; - + Field3D Tei = Wei * 2. * Me_Mi * (Te - Ti) / tau_e; + ddt(Ti) += Tei; ddt(Te) -= Tei; } - + if (low_pass_z > 0) { ddt(Te) = lowPass(ddt(Te), low_pass_z); ddt(Ti) = lowPass(ddt(Ti), low_pass_z); } } - + ////////// Vorticity equation //////////// - - - if(vorticity_momentum) { + + if (vorticity_momentum) { TRACE("vorticity_momentum"); // Vorticity is b dot curl(rho * v) - - ddt(U) = - SQ(B0)*Grad_parP(Jpar/B0, CELL_CENTRE) // b0 dot J - + 2.*b0xcv*Grad(P) - - rhot*(divExB + Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE)) * Delp2(phi)/B0 // drho/dt term - ; - + + ddt(U) = SQ(B0) * Grad_parP(Jpar / B0, CELL_CENTRE) // b0 dot J + + 2. * b0xcv * Grad(P) + - rhot * (divExB + Div_parP(Vpar, CELL_CENTRE)) * Delp2(phi) + / B0 // drho/dt term + ; + // b dot J0 if (full_bfield) { Vector3D Btilde = Curl(B0vec * Apar / B0); - ddt(U) += B0*Btilde * Grad(J0/B0); - }else { - ddt(U) -= SQ(B0)*bracket(Apar, J0/B0, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); + ddt(U) += B0 * Btilde * Grad(J0 / B0); + } else { + ddt(U) -= SQ(B0) * bracket(Apar, J0 / B0, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); } - + if (electron_density) { // drho/dt jpar term - ddt(U) += (Mi/(Charge*sqrt(MU0*rhonorm)))* rhot*Div_parP(Jpar/rhot, CELL_CENTRE) * Delp2(phi)/B0; + ddt(U) += (Mi / (Charge * sqrt(MU0 * rhonorm))) * rhot + * Div_parP(Jpar / rhot, CELL_CENTRE) * Delp2(phi) / B0; } - + if (include_profiles) { - ddt(U) += - SQ(B0)*Grad_par(J0/B0) // b0 dot J0 - + 2.*b0xcv*Grad(P0) - ; + ddt(U) += SQ(B0) * Grad_par(J0 / B0) // b0 dot J0 + + 2. * b0xcv * Grad(P0); } - + if (nonlinear) { ddt(U) -= bracket(phi, U, bm); // Advection - ddt(U) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, U); // Parallel advection + ddt(U) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, U); // Parallel advection } // Viscosity terms if (viscos_par > 0.0) ddt(U) += viscos_par * Grad2_par2(U); // Parallel viscosity - + if (viscos_perp > 0.0) - ddt(U) += viscos_perp * rhot*Delp2(U/rhot); // Perpendicular viscosity - + ddt(U) += viscos_perp * rhot * Delp2(U / rhot); // Perpendicular viscosity + } else { TRACE("vorticity"); // Vorticity is b dot curl(v) - ddt(U) = ( - SQ(B0)*Grad_parP(Jpar/B0, CELL_CENTRE) - + 2.*b0xcv*Grad(P) // curvature term - ) / rhot; - + ddt(U) = (SQ(B0) * Grad_parP(Jpar / B0, CELL_CENTRE) + + 2. * b0xcv * Grad(P) // curvature term + ) + / rhot; + // b dot J0 if (full_bfield) { Vector3D Btilde = Curl(B0vec * Apar / B0); - ddt(U) += B0*Btilde * Grad(J0/B0) / rhot; + ddt(U) += B0 * Btilde * Grad(J0 / B0) / rhot; } else { - ddt(U) -= SQ(B0)* bracket(Apar, J0/B0, BRACKET_ARAKAWA) / rhot; + ddt(U) -= SQ(B0) * bracket(Apar, J0 / B0, BRACKET_ARAKAWA) / rhot; } - + if (include_profiles) { - ddt(U) += ( - SQ(B0)*Grad_par(J0/B0) // b0 dot J0 - + 2.*b0xcv*Grad(P0) - ) / rhot; + ddt(U) += (SQ(B0) * Grad_par(J0 / B0) // b0 dot J0 + + 2. * b0xcv * Grad(P0)) + / rhot; } - + if (nonlinear) { - ddt(U) -= bracket(phi, U); // Advection - ddt(U) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, U); // Parallel advection + ddt(U) -= bracket(phi, U); // Advection + ddt(U) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, U); // Parallel advection } - + // Viscosity terms if (viscos_par > 0.0) ddt(U) += viscos_par * Grad2_par2(U) / rhot; // Parallel viscosity - + if (viscos_perp > 0.0) - ddt(U) += viscos_perp * Delp2(U) / rhot; // Perpendicular viscosity - + ddt(U) += viscos_perp * Delp2(U) / rhot; // Perpendicular viscosity + // Collisional viscosity if (viscos_coll > 0.0) ddt(U) += viscos_coll / MU0 * eta * Delp2(U) / rhot; } - + if (low_pass_z > 0) ddt(U) = lowPass(ddt(U), low_pass_z); - - + ////////// Parallel velocity equation //////////// - + { TRACE("Vpar"); - + ddt(Vpar) = -Grad_parP(P + P0, CELL_YLOW); if (nonlinear) { - ddt(Vpar) -= bracket(phi, Vpar); // Advection + ddt(Vpar) -= bracket(phi, Vpar); // Advection ddt(Vpar) -= Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar, Vpar); // Parallel advection } - + if (low_pass_z > 0) ddt(Vpar) = lowPass(ddt(Vpar), low_pass_z); - } ////////// Magnetic potential equation //////////// - + { TRACE("Apar"); - ddt(Apar) = - -Grad_parP(phi, CELL_YLOW) - - eta*Jpar; - + ddt(Apar) = -Grad_parP(phi, CELL_YLOW) - eta * Jpar; + if (hyperresist > 0.0) { - ddt(Apar) += eta*hyperresist * Delp2(Jpar); + ddt(Apar) += eta * hyperresist * Delp2(Jpar); } } - + if (low_pass_z > 0) ddt(Apar) = lowPass(ddt(Apar), low_pass_z); - + return 0; } }; diff --git a/examples/lapd-drift/lapd/BOUT.inp b/examples/lapd-drift/lapd/BOUT.inp index d2c439ce39..7b73882545 100644 --- a/examples/lapd-drift/lapd/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/lapd-drift/lapd/BOUT.inp @@ -122,17 +122,9 @@ evolve_source_te = false filter_z = false # Filter in Z filter_z_mode = 1 # Keep this Z harmonic -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) - -phi_flags = 9 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion +[laplace] +inner_boundary_flags = 1 # INVERT_DC_GRAD +outer_boundary_flags = 2 # INVERT_AC_GRAD ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/lapd-drift/lapd_drift.cxx b/examples/lapd-drift/lapd_drift.cxx index c0e48f0643..0198d96be8 100644 --- a/examples/lapd-drift/lapd_drift.cxx +++ b/examples/lapd-drift/lapd_drift.cxx @@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { bool log_density; // Evolve logarithm of the density - int phi_flags, apar_flags; // Inversion flags - bool niprofile; bool evolve_source_ni, evolve_source_te; // If true, evolve a source/sink profile @@ -106,12 +104,14 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { // Communication object FieldGroup comms; + // Laplacian inversion object + Laplacian *phiSolver; protected: /// Function called once at the start of the simulation /// /// @param[in] restarting True if simulation is restarting - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { Field2D I; // Shear factor output.write("Solving LAPD drift test case\n"); @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components mesh->get(b0xcv, "bxcv"); // b0xkappa terms - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Load metrics mesh->get(Rxy, "Rxy"); @@ -153,98 +153,94 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { // Get separatrix location mesh->get(my_ixseps, "ixseps1"); - Ni_x *= 1.0e14; bmag *= 1.0e4; /*************** READ OPTIONS *************************/ // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); - globalOptions->get("TIMESTEP", time_step, 1.0); + time_step = globalOptions["TIMESTEP"].withDefault(1.0); + + auto options = globalOptions["2fluid"]; + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(4.0); // <=> AA = options["AA"].withDefault(1.0); + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); + + estatic = options["estatic"].withDefault(false); + ZeroElMass = options["ZeroElMass"].withDefault(false); + zeff = options["zeff"].withDefault(1.0); + nu_perp = options["nu_perp"].withDefault(0.0); + ShearFactor = options["ShearFactor"].withDefault(1.0); + nuIonNeutral = options["nuIonNeutral"].withDefault(-1.); + arakawa = options["arakawa"].withDefault(false); + bout_exb = options["bout_exb"].withDefault(false); + + niprofile = options["niprofile"].withDefault(false); + evolve_source_ni = options["evolve_source_ni"].withDefault(false); + evolve_source_te = options["evolve_source_te"].withDefault(false); + source_response = options["source_response"].withDefault(1.0); + source_converge = options["source_converge"].withDefault(-1); + + ni_perpdiff = options["ni_perpdiff"].withDefault(0.0); + rho_perpdiff = options["rho_perpdiff"].withDefault(0.0); + te_perpdiff = options["te_perpdiff"].withDefault(0.0); + + input_source = options["input_source"].withDefault(false); + remove_tor_av_ni = options["remove_tor_av_ni"].withDefault(false); + remove_tor_av_te = options["remove_tor_av_te"].withDefault(false); + + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(true); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2fluid"); - OPTION(options, AA, 4.0); // <=> options.get("AA", AA, 1.0); - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, estatic, false); - OPTION(options, ZeroElMass, false); - OPTION(options, zeff, 1.0); - OPTION(options, nu_perp, 0.0); - OPTION(options, ShearFactor, 1.0); - OPTION(options, nuIonNeutral, -1.); - OPTION(options, arakawa, false); - OPTION(options, bout_exb, false); - - OPTION(options, niprofile, false); - OPTION(options, evolve_source_ni, false); - OPTION(options, evolve_source_te, false); - OPTION(options, source_response, 1.0); - OPTION(options, source_converge, -1); - - OPTION(options, ni_perpdiff, 0.0); - OPTION(options, rho_perpdiff, 0.0); - OPTION(options, te_perpdiff, 0.0); - - OPTION(options, input_source, false); - OPTION(options, remove_tor_av_ni, false); - OPTION(options, remove_tor_av_te, false); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - - OPTION(options, nonlinear, true); - // Toroidal filtering - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); // Filter a single n - OPTION(options, filter_z_mode, 1); - + filter_z = options["filter_z"].withDefault(false); // Filter a single n + filter_z_mode = options["filter_z_mode"].withDefault(1); + // Set default values for terms in each equation // Allows default to be overridden in BOUT.inp file - Options *option_rho = globalOptions->getSection("rho"); - OPTION(option_rho, evolve_rho, true); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_jpar1, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_nuin_rho1, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_rho1, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_rho0_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_rho1_phi0, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_ve2lin, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_rho1_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_ve2t, false); - OPTION(option_rho, rho_diff, false); - - Options *option_ni = globalOptions->getSection("ni"); - OPTION(option_ni, evolve_ni, true); - OPTION(option_ni, ni_jpar1, false); - OPTION(option_ni, ni_ni0_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_ni, ni_ni1_phi0, false); - OPTION(option_ni, ni_ni1_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_ni, ni_src_ni0, false); - OPTION(option_ni, ni_diff, false); - - Options *option_ajpar = globalOptions->getSection("ajpar"); - OPTION(option_ajpar, evolve_ajpar, true); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_jpar1, false); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_te_ni, false); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_te, false); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_ajpar1_phi0,false); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_ajpar1_phi1,false); - OPTION(option_ajpar, ajpar_ve1_ve1, false); - - Options *option_te = globalOptions->getSection("te"); - OPTION(option_te, evolve_te, true); - OPTION(option_te, te_te1_phi0, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_te0_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_te1_phi1, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_ajpar_te, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_te_ajpar, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_nu_te1, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_nu_tet, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_jpar, false); - OPTION(option_te, te_diff, false); - + auto option_rho = globalOptions["rho"]; + evolve_rho = option_rho["evolve_rho"].withDefault(true); + rho_jpar1 = option_rho["rho_jpar1"].withDefault(false); + rho_nuin_rho1 = option_rho["rho_nuin_rho1"].withDefault(false); + rho_rho1 = option_rho["rho_rho1"].withDefault(false); + rho_rho0_phi1 = option_rho["rho_rho0_phi1"].withDefault(false); + rho_rho1_phi0 = option_rho["rho_rho1_phi0"].withDefault(false); + rho_ve2lin = option_rho["rho_ve2lin"].withDefault(false); + rho_rho1_phi1 = option_rho["rho_rho1_phi1"].withDefault(false); + rho_ve2t = option_rho["rho_ve2t"].withDefault(false); + rho_diff = option_rho["rho_diff"].withDefault(false); + + auto option_ni = globalOptions["ni"]; + evolve_ni = option_ni["evolve_ni"].withDefault(true); + ni_jpar1 = option_ni["ni_jpar1"].withDefault(false); + ni_ni0_phi1 = option_ni["ni_ni0_phi1"].withDefault(false); + ni_ni1_phi0 = option_ni["ni_ni1_phi0"].withDefault(false); + ni_ni1_phi1 = option_ni["ni_ni1_phi1"].withDefault(false); + ni_src_ni0 = option_ni["ni_src_ni0"].withDefault(false); + ni_diff = option_ni["ni_diff"].withDefault(false); + + auto option_ajpar = globalOptions["ajpar"]; + evolve_ajpar = option_ajpar["evolve_ajpar"].withDefault(true); + ajpar_phi1 = option_ajpar["ajpar_phi1"].withDefault(false); + ajpar_jpar1 = option_ajpar["ajpar_jpar1"].withDefault(false); + ajpar_te_ni = option_ajpar["ajpar_te_ni"].withDefault(false); + ajpar_te = option_ajpar["ajpar_te"].withDefault(false); + ajpar_ajpar1_phi0 = option_ajpar["ajpar_ajpar1_phi0"].withDefault(false); + ajpar_ajpar1_phi1 = option_ajpar["ajpar_ajpar1_phi1"].withDefault(false); + ajpar_ve1_ve1 = option_ajpar["ajpar_ve1_ve1"].withDefault(false); + + auto option_te = globalOptions["te"]; + evolve_te = option_te["evolve_te"].withDefault(true); + te_te1_phi0 = option_te["te_te1_phi0"].withDefault(false); + te_te0_phi1 = option_te["te_te0_phi1"].withDefault(false); + te_te1_phi1 = option_te["te_te1_phi1"].withDefault(false); + te_ajpar_te = option_te["te_ajpar_te"].withDefault(false); + te_te_ajpar = option_te["te_te_ajpar"].withDefault(false); + te_nu_te1 = option_te["te_nu_te1"].withDefault(false); + te_nu_tet = option_te["te_nu_tet"].withDefault(false); + te_jpar = option_te["te_jpar"].withDefault(false); + te_diff = option_te["te_diff"].withDefault(false); + if (ZeroElMass) { evolve_ajpar = false; // Don't need ajpar - calculated from ohm's law } @@ -252,8 +248,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { /************* SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES ************/ // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); + std::string ptstr = Options::root()["mesh"]["paralleltransform"].withDefault("identity"); if (lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric @@ -408,17 +403,22 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { /*************** DUMP VARIABLES TO OUTPUT**********/ dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); dump.add(jpar, "jpar", 1); - SAVE_ONCE4(Ni0,Te0,phi0,rho0); - SAVE_ONCE5(Rxy,Bpxy,Btxy,Zxy,hthe); - dump.add(coord->Bxy, "Bxy", 0); dump.add(my_ixseps, "ixseps", 0); - - SAVE_ONCE3(Te_x,Ti_x,Ni_x); - SAVE_ONCE6(AA,ZZ,zeff,rho_s,wci,bmag); - dump.add(mesh->LocalNx, "ngx", 0); - dump.add(mesh->LocalNy, "ngy", 0); - dump.add(mesh->LocalNz, "ngz", 0); - SAVE_ONCE6(mui_hat,nu_hat,nuIonNeutral,beta_p,time_step,hthe0); - SAVE_ONCE3(ni_perpdiff,rho_perpdiff,te_perpdiff); + SAVE_ONCE(Ni0,Te0,phi0,rho0); + SAVE_ONCE(Rxy,Bpxy,Btxy,Zxy,hthe); + dump.addOnce(coord->Bxy, "Bxy"); + dump.addOnce(my_ixseps, "ixseps"); + + SAVE_ONCE(Te_x,Ti_x,Ni_x); + SAVE_ONCE(AA,ZZ,zeff,rho_s,wci,bmag); + dump.addOnce(mesh->LocalNx, "ngx"); + dump.addOnce(mesh->LocalNy, "ngy"); + dump.addOnce(mesh->LocalNz, "ngz"); + SAVE_ONCE(mui_hat,nu_hat,nuIonNeutral,beta_p,time_step,hthe0); + SAVE_ONCE(ni_perpdiff,rho_perpdiff,te_perpdiff); + + // Laplacian inversion solver + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); + phiSolver->setCoefC(Ni0); return 0; } @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { /// Time derivatives calculated here int rhs(BoutReal t) { - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Invert vorticity to get phi @@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { // Arguments are: (b, bit-field, a, c) // Passing NULL -> missing term if (nonlinear) { - phi = invert_laplace(rho/(Ni0+ni), phi_flags, NULL, &Ni0); + phi = phiSolver->solve(rho/(Ni0+ni)); } else { - phi = invert_laplace(rho/Ni0, phi_flags, NULL, &Ni0); + phi = phiSolver->solve(rho/Ni0); } // Communicate variables @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { } if (ni_diff) { - ddt(ni) += ni_perpdiff * Delp2(ni,-1.0); + ddt(ni) += ni_perpdiff * Delp2(ni); } if (evolve_source_ni) { @@ -577,11 +577,11 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { } if (rho_rho1) { - ddt(rho) += mu_i*Delp2(rho,-1.0); //Check second argument meaning in difops.cpp + ddt(rho) += mu_i * Delp2(rho); } if (rho_diff) { - ddt(rho) += rho_perpdiff * Delp2(rho,-1.0); + ddt(rho) += rho_perpdiff * Delp2(rho); } if (rho_rho1_phi1) { @@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { } if (te_diff) { - ddt(te) += te_perpdiff * Delp2(te,-1.0); + ddt(te) += te_perpdiff * Delp2(te); } if (remove_tor_av_te) { @@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { /****************SPECIAL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS******************/ const Field2D Perp_Grad_dot_Grad(const Field2D &p, const Field2D &f) { - return DDX(p)*DDX(f)*mesh->coordinates()->g11; + return DDX(p)*DDX(f)*mesh->getCoordinates()->g11; } @@ -743,13 +743,13 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { } else { // Use full expression with all terms - result = b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / mesh->coordinates()->Bxy; + result = b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / mesh->getCoordinates()->Bxy; } return result; } const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field2D &f, const Field3D &p) { - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); Field3D result; if (arakawa) { // Arakawa scheme for perpendicular flow. Here as a test @@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { result = VDDZ(-DDX(p), f); } else { // Use full expression with all terms - result = b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / mesh->coordinates()->Bxy; + result = b0xGrad_dot_Grad(p, f) / mesh->getCoordinates()->Bxy; } return result; } @@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ class LAPDdrift : public PhysicsModel { const Field3D vE_Grad(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &p) { Field3D result; - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); + Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); if (arakawa) { // Arakawa scheme for perpendicular flow. Here as a test diff --git a/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/.gitignore b/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7be7f915f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +alfven \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx b/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx index 8bac88f844..1fac46b83c 100644 --- a/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx +++ b/examples/laplacexy/alfven-wave/alfven.cxx @@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { Laplacian *phiSolver; // Old Laplacian in X-Z LaplaceXZ *newSolver; // New Laplacian in X-Z protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Normalisation - Options *opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection("alfven"); - OPTION(opt, Tnorm, 100); // Reference temperature [eV] - OPTION(opt, Nnorm, 1e19); // Reference density [m^-3] - OPTION(opt, Bnorm, 1.0); // Reference magnetic field [T] - OPTION(opt, AA, 2.0); // Ion mass + auto opt = Options::root()["alfven"]; + Tnorm = opt["Tnorm"].withDefault(100); // Reference temperature [eV] + Nnorm = opt["Nnorm"].withDefault(1e19); // Reference density [m^-3] + Bnorm = opt["Bnorm"].withDefault(1.0); // Reference magnetic field [T] + AA = opt["AA"].withDefault(2.0); // Ion mass output.write("Normalisation Te=%e, Ne=%e, B=%e\n", Tnorm, Nnorm, Bnorm); SAVE_ONCE4(Tnorm, Nnorm, Bnorm, AA); // Save @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { output.write("\t Cs=%e, rho_s=%e, Omega_ci=%e\n", Cs0, rho_s0, Omega_ci); SAVE_ONCE3(Cs0, rho_s0, Omega_ci); - OPTION(opt, mu_epar, -1e7); // Electron parallel viscosity [m^2/s] + mu_epar = opt["mu_epar"].withDefault(-1e7); // Electron parallel viscosity [m^2/s] mu_epar /= rho_s0 * rho_s0 * Omega_ci * mi_me; // Normalise - OPTION(opt, resistivity, 1e-7); + resistivity = opt["resistivity"].withDefault(1e-7); // Load metric tensor from the mesh, passing length and B field normalisations LoadMetric(rho_s0, Bnorm); @@ -72,8 +72,9 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { // Specify evolving variables SOLVE_FOR2(Vort, Apar); - OPTION(opt, laplace_perp, true); // Use Laplace_perp rather than Delp2 - OPTION(opt, split_n0, true); // Split into n=0 and n~=0 + laplace_perp = + opt["laplace_perp"].withDefault(true); // Use Laplace_perp rather than Delp2 + split_n0 = opt["split_n0"].withDefault(true); // Split into n=0 and n~=0 if (split_n0) { // Create an XY solver for n=0 component @@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ class Alfven : public PhysicsModel { } // Create an XZ solver - OPTION(opt, newXZsolver, false); + newXZsolver = opt["newXZsolver"].withDefault(false); if (newXZsolver) { // Test new LaplaceXZ solver newSolver = LaplaceXZ::create(mesh); diff --git a/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/.gitignore b/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..30d74d2584 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/runtest b/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/runtest index 54fd465b39..ffaf48bff0 100755 --- a/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/runtest +++ b/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/runtest @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import stdout, exit @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ print("Making test") shell("make > make.log") print("Running test") -s, out = launch("./test -d "+path, runcmd=getmpirun(), nproc=1, pipe=True) +s, out = launch("./test -d "+path, nproc=1, pipe=True) # Analyse data diff --git a/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/test.cxx b/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/test.cxx index 0ed64932b6..d81936a599 100644 --- a/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/test.cxx +++ b/examples/laplacexy/laplace_perp/test.cxx @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { /////////////////////////////////////// bool calc_metric; - OPTION(Options::getRoot(), calc_metric, false); + calc_metric = Options::root()["calc_metric"].withDefault(false); if(calc_metric) { // Read metric tensor Field2D Rxy, Btxy, Bpxy, B0, hthe, I; diff --git a/examples/laplacexy/simple/.gitignore b/examples/laplacexy/simple/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14b380ea81 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/laplacexy/simple/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test-laplacexy \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/make-script/makefile b/examples/make-script/makefile index 85a1a60241..36e029d2ef 100644 --- a/examples/make-script/makefile +++ b/examples/make-script/makefile @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ # Example makefile. Sources are listed in SOURCEC # and optionally a TARGET executable name can be given +# It requires that bout-config is in $PATH SOURCEC = test.cxx @@ -9,10 +10,16 @@ OBJ = $(SOURCEC:%.cxx=%.o) TARGET ?= $(SOURCEC:%.cxx=%) # Use the bout-config script to get compiler, flags -CXX=`bout-config --cxx` -CFLAGS=`bout-config --cflags` -LD=`bout-config --ld` -LDFLAGS=`bout-config --libs` +CXX:=$(shell bout-config --cxx) + +ifneq "$(.SHELLSTATUS)" "0" +which=$(shell which bout-config 2>&1 ) +$(error Is bout-config in $$PATH? $(which)) +endif + +CFLAGS:=$(shell bout-config --cflags) +LD:=$(shell bout-config --ld) +LDFLAGS:=$(shell bout-config --libs) $(TARGET): makefile $(OBJ) @echo " Linking" $(TARGET) diff --git a/examples/makefile b/examples/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index b0ff4a1492..0000000000 --- a/examples/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -# Makefile for example codes -# Works in the same way as the root Makefile - -BOUT_TOP = .. - -list=test_suite_list - -BUILD = $(shell grep '^[^\#!]' $(list) ) - -CHECKING = $(shell grep '^[^\#]' $(list) |sed s/\!// ) - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config - - -CHECKING_=$(CHECKING:%=%_checking) - -.PHONY: $(BUILD) $(CHECKING_) check - -all: $(BUILD) - -buildncheck: all check - -$(BUILD): - @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $@ - -check: $(CHECKING_) - @echo $(CHECKING_) - -$(CHECKING_): - @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(@:%_checking=%) runtest diff --git a/examples/monitor-newapi/.gitignore b/examples/monitor-newapi/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..edffd38e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/monitor-newapi/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +monitor \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/monitor-newapi/monitor.cxx b/examples/monitor-newapi/monitor.cxx index 29d7718247..3282924e74 100644 --- a/examples/monitor-newapi/monitor.cxx +++ b/examples/monitor-newapi/monitor.cxx @@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ class MonitorExample : public PhysicsModel { protected: // Initialisation - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { solver->add(f, "f"); return 0; } // Calculate time-derivatives - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { ddt(f) = -f; return 0; } diff --git a/examples/monitor/.gitignore b/examples/monitor/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..edffd38e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/monitor/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +monitor \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/monitor/monitor.cxx b/examples/monitor/monitor.cxx index 653205dfdc..e911778cb5 100644 --- a/examples/monitor/monitor.cxx +++ b/examples/monitor/monitor.cxx @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ class MyOutputMonitor: public Monitor{ int call(Solver *solver, BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT) override; }; -int MyOutputMonitor::call(Solver *solver, BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT) { +int MyOutputMonitor::call(Solver *UNUSED(solver), BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT) { output.write("Output monitor, time = %e, step %d of %d\n", simtime, iter, NOUT); return 0; } // Create a function to be called every timestep -int my_timestep_monitor(Solver *solver, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal dt) { +int my_timestep_monitor(Solver *UNUSED(solver), BoutReal simtime, BoutReal dt) { output.write("\nTimestep monitor, time = %e, dt = %e\n", simtime, dt); return 0; @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ int my_timestep_monitor(Solver *solver, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal dt) { MyOutputMonitor my_output_monitor; MyOutputMonitor my_output_monitor_fast(.5); -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { solver->addMonitor(&my_output_monitor); solver->addMonitor(&my_output_monitor_fast); solver->addTimestepMonitor(my_timestep_monitor); @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 0; } -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { ddt(f) = -f; return 0; } diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/ELM_BOUT.inp b/examples/non-local_1d/ELM_BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 8ba752c349..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/ELM_BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -# -# Input file for conduction case -# - -restart=true - -nout = 1001 # Number of output timesteps -timestep = 1.0e-6 # Time between outputs - -#MZ = 1 # Number of points in z -MZ = 1 - -dump_format="nc" # Write NetCDF format files - -grid="conduct_grid.nc" - -StaggerGrids = true - -################################################## -[mesh] - -type = bout - -################################################## -[ddy] # Methods used for parallel (y) derivative terms - -first = C4 -second = C4 -upwind = W3 -flux = U1 - -################################################## -[solver] # Solver settings - -archive=10 - -# CVODE # -type = cvode # Which solver to use - -max_timestep = 4.0e-8 -start_timestep = 1.e-9 -mxstep = 2000 - -#atol = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -#rtol = 1.0e-5 # relative tolerance -atol = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -rtol = 1.0e-7 # relative tolerance -use_vector_abstol=true - -################################################## -[output] # Output settings -#low_prec = false -floats = false - -################################################## -[non_local_parallel] # Settings for the heat flux model -moments_number = 10 -#NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE = 12381 -#NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE = 16381 - -################################################## -[sources] # Settings for the sources - -# the sources have a sine envelope around the centre of the domain, extending until it first reaches zero at +/- source_extent/2. -# the base amplitude is increased between on_time and off_time to *_amplitude + *_transient_amplitude -sources.source_length = 25. # in m - -# 40eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 2.97190780803271e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.78314468481962e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.78314468481962e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 100eV, 0.5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 2.349499417355458e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 3.5242491260331873e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 3.5242491260331873e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 100eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 4.69899883471091617650831789566e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 7.0484982520663742647624768435e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 7.0484982520663742647624768435e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 140eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 5.5599304013683811018381815397e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.16758538428736003138601812334e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.16758538428736003138601812334e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 200eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 6.6453878816235472058187966917e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 250eV, 1e19m^-3 -sources.particle_amplitude = 7.4297695200817885339785368656e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 2.78616357003067070024195132459e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 7.e25 # in eV/m^3/s -sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 2.78616357003067070024195132459e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 300eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 8.1389047264262557146095566295e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 3.6625071268918150715743004833e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 3.6625071268918150715743004833e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 200eV, 1e17m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 6.6453878816235472058187966917e20 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e23 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e23 # in eV/m^3/s - -sources.on_time = 1.e-6 # in s -sources.off_time = 201.e-6 # in s - -# 500eV, 2e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 2.10145616412118138312975179139e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.57609212309088603734731384354e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.57609212309088603734731384354e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 750eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 6.434369148654145856198856725e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 7.2386652922359140882237138157e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 7.2386652922359140882237138157e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1000eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 7.4297695200817885339785368656e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.11446542801226828009678052983e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.11446542801226828009678052983e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1200eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 8.1389047264262557146095566295e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.46500285075672602862972019332e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.46500285075672602862972019332e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 5e19m^-3 -sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 9.09957211534171e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 2.04740372595188e27 # in eV/m^3/s -sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 2.04740372595188e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 5e19m^-3, 3:1 ion:electron split -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 9.09957211534171e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.02370186297594331874986893053e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 3.07110558892782995624960679159e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 1.5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 2.729871634602515e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 6.142211177855659e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 6.142211177855659e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -################################################## -[all] # Settings for all variables - -scale=1.0 -bndry_target = none -#bndry_target = neumann - -################################################## -[Vpar_ion] # Settings for the Vpar_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e-6 - -#function = 0. -function = 107000.*(y-pi+pi/256)/pi # 0 # -cos(y/2)*sqrt((2*10.)/(3.34358348e-27/1.602176565e-19)) - -################################################## -[j_parallel] # Settings for the j_parallel variable - -atol = 1.0e-6 - -function = 0. -#function = 1.e3*sin(127*y) -bndry_target = neumann - -################################################## -[T_electron] # Settings for the T_electron variable - -atol = 1.0e-10 - -#function = (1.0 + 1.0*gauss(y-pi, (2*pi/10)))*1.0e-19/1.0e-20 # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in J/energyunit -function = (100.0 + 0.0*gauss(y-pi+pi/256, (2*pi/10))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV -#function = (30.0 + 10.*cos((y-pi+pi/128))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV - -################################################## -[n_ion] # Settings for the n_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e9 - -function = 1.e19*(1. + 0.*gauss(y-pi)) - -################################################## -[T_ion] # Settings for the T_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e-10 - -function = (150.0 + 0.0*gauss(y-pi, (2*pi/10))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseTe b/examples/non-local_1d/analyseTe deleted file mode 100755 index 28d14baba5..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseTe +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: [end_index][data_path] or [data_path]") - Exit(1) - -# Collect the data -Te = collect("T_electron", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(Te[:,0,0,0]) - -# Te has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -# Make contour plot -if len(argv)>1: - plotdata(Te[:end_index,0,:,0],title="Te") -else: - plotdata(Te[:,0,:,0],title="Te") -#print(Te[204,:,:,:]) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseTi b/examples/non-local_1d/analyseTi deleted file mode 100755 index 862d68335c..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseTi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: [end_index][data_path] or [data_path]") - Exit(1) - -# Collect the data -Ti = collect("T_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(Ti[:,0,0,0]) - -# Ti has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -# Make contour plot -plotdata(Ti[:end_index,0,:,0],title="Ti") diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseV b/examples/non-local_1d/analyseV deleted file mode 100755 index 5d9e156598..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseV +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: [end_index][data_path] or [data_path]") - Exit(1) - -# Collect the data -V = collect("Vpar_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(V[:,0,0,0]) - -# V has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -# Make contour plot -plotdata(V[:end_index,0,:,0],title="V") - -#print(V[204,:,:,:]) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_V_and_sound-speed b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_V_and_sound-speed deleted file mode 100755 index 65940e2eda..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_V_and_sound-speed +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv -from math import sqrt -from matplotlib import pyplot - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -V = collect("Vpar_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -Te = collect("T_electron", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -Ti = collect("T_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -ion_mass = 3.34358348e-27 -elementary_charge = 1.602176565e-19 - -cellcentreposition=[] -sound_speed = [] -minus_sound_speed = [] -for i in range(2,len(V[0,0,:,0])-3): - print(i) - cellcentreposition.append(i-1.5) - sound_speed.append(sqrt((Te[slice_index,0,i,0]+3.*Ti[slice_index,0,i,0])*elementary_charge/ion_mass)) - minus_sound_speed.append(-sqrt((Te[slice_index,0,i,0]+3.*Ti[slice_index,0,i,0])*elementary_charge/ion_mass)) - -# V has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -for index, item in enumerate(V[slice_index,0,:,0]): - print(index, item) -# Make contour plot -#plotdata(V[slice_index,0,2:-2,0],title="Velocity Profile and (collisionless, adiabatic) Sound Speed at t="+str(argv[1])) -pyplot.plot(V[slice_index,0,2:-2,0],'b',cellcentreposition,sound_speed,'r',cellcentreposition,minus_sound_speed,'r') -pyplot.title("Velocity Profile and (collisionless, adiabatic) Sound Speed at t="+str(argv[1])) -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_check_q_boundary_condition.py b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_check_q_boundary_condition.py deleted file mode 100755 index b7fa25bcb4..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_check_q_boundary_condition.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str, range -from past.utils import old_div - -from boutdata.collect import collect -from sys import argv -from math import log, pi -from matplotlib import pyplot - -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -gamma = 3. -if len(argv)>1: - data_path = str(argv[1]) -else: - data_path = "data" - -electron_mass = 9.10938291e-31 -ion_mass = 3.34358348e-27 - -# Collect the data -Te = collect("T_electron", path=data_path, info=True, yguards=True) -Ti = collect("T_ion", path=data_path, info=True, yguards=True) -n = collect("n_ion", path=data_path, info=True, yguards=True) -V = collect("Vpar_ion", path=data_path, info=True, yguards=True) -q = collect("heat_flux", path=data_path, info=True, yguards=True) - -q_electron_left = [] -q_electron_right = [] -right_index = len(Te[0,2,:,0])-4 - -for i in range(len(Te[:,2,0,0])): - Te_left = old_div((Te[i,2,2,0]+Te[i,2,1,0]),2.) - Ti_left = old_div((Ti[i,2,2,0]+Ti[i,2,1,0]),2.) - n_left = old_div((n[i,2,2,0]+n[i,2,1,0]),2.) - Te_right = old_div((Te[i,2,right_index,0]+Te[i,2,right_index+1,0]),2) - Ti_right = old_div((Ti[i,2,right_index,0]+Ti[i,2,right_index+1,0]),2) - n_right = old_div((n[i,2,right_index,0]+n[i,2,right_index+1,0]),2) - sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_left*log(2*pi*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma*Ti_left/Te_left)) - q_electron_left.append((2.0*Te_left-sheath_potential)*n_left*V[i,2,2,0]) # in W/m^2 - - sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_right*log(2*pi*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma*Ti_right/Te_right)) - q_electron_right.append((2.0*Te_right-sheath_potential)*n_right*V[i,2,right_index+1,0]) # in W/m^2 - -pyplot.figure(1) -pyplot.plot(q_electron_left,'r',q[:,2,2,0],'b',q_electron_right,'r',q[:,2,right_index+1,0],'b') -pyplot.title("Electron heat flux at the boundaries (blue) and calculated boundary value (red)\n\n") -pyplot.xlabel(u"t/μs") -pyplot.ylabel("Q/eV.m$^{-2}$") -pyplot.figure(2) -pyplot.plot(q[:,2,2,0]-q_electron_left,'b',q[:,2,right_index+1,0]-q_electron_right,'r') -pyplot.title("Difference between heat flux and its calculated boundary value at the left (blue) and right (red) boundaries\n\n") -pyplot.xlabel(u"t/μs") -pyplot.ylabel("dQ/eV.m$^{-2}$") -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_2slices_Te b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_2slices_Te deleted file mode 100755 index 4dece3e41d..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_2slices_Te +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv -from matplotlib import pyplot, rc - -rc('text', usetex=True) -rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern']}) - - -data_path1 = str(argv[1]) -slice_index1 = int(argv[2]) -data_path2 = str(argv[3]) -slice_index2 = int(argv[4]) - -# Collect the data -T1 = collect("T_electron", path=data_path1, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -T2 = collect("T_electron", path=data_path2, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -#for index, item in enumerate(T[slice_index,0,:,0]): -# print index, item -# Make contour plot -#plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Electron Temperature Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="T/eV") - -positions=[] -totalgridpoints = len(T1[0,0,2:-3,0]) -for i in range(totalgridpoints): - positions.append(80./float(totalgridpoints)*(float(i)+0.5-old_div(float(totalgridpoints),2.))) - -pyplot.figure(dpi=80, facecolor='w') -pyplot.plot(positions,T1[slice_index1,0,2:-3,0],'b-',positions,T2[slice_index2,0,2:-3,0],'r--') -pyplot.xlabel("Position / m") -pyplot.ylabel("Electron Temperature / eV") -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_3slices_Te b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_3slices_Te deleted file mode 100755 index cc8b45e4b4..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_3slices_Te +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv -from matplotlib import pyplot, rc - -rc('text', usetex=True) -#rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern']}) -rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern'],'size':20}) - -data_path1 = str(argv[1]) -slice_index1 = int(argv[2]) -data_path2 = str(argv[3]) -slice_index2 = int(argv[4]) -data_path3 = str(argv[5]) -slice_index3 = int(argv[6]) - -# Collect the data -T1 = collect("T_electron", path=data_path1, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -T2 = collect("T_electron", path=data_path2, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -T3 = collect("T_electron", path=data_path3, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -#for index, item in enumerate(T[slice_index,0,:,0]): -# print index, item -# Make contour plot -#plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Electron Temperature Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="T/eV") - -positions=[] -totalgridpoints = len(T1[0,0,2:-3,0]) -for i in range(totalgridpoints): - positions.append(80./float(totalgridpoints)*(float(i)+0.5-old_div(float(totalgridpoints),2.))) - -pyplot.figure(facecolor='w') -#pyplot.figure(dpi=800, facecolor='w') -pyplot.plot(positions,T1[slice_index1,0,2:-3,0],'b-',positions,T2[slice_index2,0,2:-3,0],'r--',positions,T3[slice_index3,0,2:-3,0],'g:') -#pyplot.plot(positions,T1[slice_index1,0,2:-3,0],'k',positions,T2[slice_index2,0,2:-3,0],'b',positions,T3[slice_index3,0,2:-3,0],'r') -pyplot.xlabel("Position / m") -pyplot.ylabel("Electron Temperature / eV") -pyplot.tight_layout(pad=0.1) - -pyplot.savefig('fig.pdf') -pyplot.savefig('fig.eps') - -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_slices_Ti b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_slices_Ti deleted file mode 100755 index 9ec9557287..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_slices_Ti +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boutdata.collect import collect -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv -from matplotlib import pyplot - -data_path1 = str(argv[1]) -slice_index1 = int(argv[2]) -data_path2 = str(argv[3]) -slice_index2 = int(argv[4]) - -# Collect the data -T1 = collect("T_ion", path=data_path1, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -T2 = collect("T_ion", path=data_path2, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -#for index, item in enumerate(T[slice_index,0,:,0]): -# print index, item -# Make contour plot -#plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Electron Temperature Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="T/eV") - -positions=[] -totalgridpoints = len(T1[0,0,2:-3,0]) -for i in range(totalgridpoints): - positions.append(80./float(totalgridpoints)*(float(i)+0.5-old_div(float(totalgridpoints),2.))) - -pyplot.figure(dpi=80, facecolor='w') -pyplot.plot(positions,T1[slice_index1,0,2:-3,0],'b-',positions,T2[slice_index2,0,2:-3,0],'r--') -pyplot.xlabel("Position / m") -pyplot.ylabel("Electron Temperature / eV") -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_slices_V b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_slices_V deleted file mode 100755 index 078abfa486..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_compare_slices_V +++ /dev/null @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv -from matplotlib import pyplot - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -data_path1 = str(argv[2]) -data_path2 = str(argv[3]) - -# Collect the data -V1 = collect("Vpar_ion", path=data_path1, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -V2 = collect("Vpar_ion", path=data_path2, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -#for index, item in enumerate(T[slice_index,0,:,0]): -# print index, item -# Make contour plot -#plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Electron Temperature Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="T/eV") - -positions=[] -totalgridpoints = len(V1[0,0,2:-3,0]) -for i in range(totalgridpoints): - positions.append(80./float(totalgridpoints)*(float(i)+0.5-old_div(float(totalgridpoints),2.))) - -pyplot.figure(dpi=80, facecolor='w') -pyplot.plot(positions,V1[slice_index,0,2:-3,0],'b',positions,V2[slice_index,0,2:-3,0],'r-') -pyplot.xlabel("Position / m") -pyplot.ylabel("Electron Temperature / eV") -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_effective_alpha-e.py b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_effective_alpha-e.py deleted file mode 100755 index bada29e07c..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_effective_alpha-e.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -from __future__ import print_function -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str, range -from past.utils import old_div - -from boutdata.collect import collect - -from sys import argv -from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker, rc - -rc('text', usetex=True) -#rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern']}) -rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern'],'size':20}) - - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: '[end_index] [data_path]' or '[data_path]'") - Exit(1) - -electron_mass = 9.10938291e-31 -ion_mass = 3.34358348e-27 - -# Collect the data -f = collect("effective_alpha_e", path=data_path, info=True) -#Te = collect("T_electron", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -#Ti = collect("T_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -#n = collect("n_ion", path="data", xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(f[:]) - -alpha0 = 1 -alphaoveralpha0 = [] -for i in range(end_index): - alphaoveralpha0.append(old_div(f[i],alpha0)) - print(i,alphaoveralpha0[i]) - -# Make plot -pyplot.figure(1, facecolor='w') -#pyplot.figure(1,dpi=800, facecolor='w') - -if len(argv)>2: -# pyplot.semilogy(f[:end_index],'k') - pyplot.semilogy(alphaoveralpha0[:end_index],'k') -else: -# pyplot.semilogy(f[:],'k') - pyplot.semilogy(alphaoveralpha0[:],'k') - -#pyplot.title("Effective electron heat-flux limiter") -pyplot.axes().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter("$%g$")) -pyplot.axes().grid(color='grey', which='both') -#pyplot.xlabel(u"t/μs") -pyplot.xlabel("$t/\mu\mathrm{s}$") -#pyplot.ylabel(u"α_e") -pyplot.ylabel("$\langle \\alpha_e \\rangle$") -#pyplot.ylabel("$\langle \\alpha_{\\mathrm{e}} \\rangle$") -pyplot.tight_layout(pad=.1) - -pyplot.savefig('fig.pdf') -pyplot.savefig('fig.eps',dpi=1200) - -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_heatflux_limits.py b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_heatflux_limits.py deleted file mode 100755 index 9ba99fee12..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_heatflux_limits.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from __future__ import division -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div - -from boutdata.collect import collect -from math import sqrt, pow, pi -from matplotlib import pyplot - -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -def sign(x): - if x>=0.: - return 1. - else: - return -1. - -massunit = 1.602176565e-19 -electron_mass = old_div(9.10938291e-31,massunit) -electron_charge = -1.602176565e-19 -ion_mass = old_div(3.34358348e-27,massunit) -ion_charge = 1.602176565e-19 -epsilon_0 = old_div(8.85418781762039e-12,pow(massunit,-1)) -logLambda = 16.0 - -stagger = True -t_interval = 10 - -# Collect the data -Te = collect("T_electron", path="data", info=True, yguards=True) -Ti = collect("T_ion", path="data", info=True, yguards=True) -n = collect("n_ion", path="data", info=True, yguards=True) - -ylength = len(Te[0,2,:,0]) -tlength = len(Te[:,2,0,0]) - -try: dy = collect("dy", path="data", info=True, yguards=True) -except TypeError: - print("Warning, could not find dy, setting to 1.0") - dy=[[1.]*ylength]*5 - -try: g_22 = collect("g_22", path="data", info=True, yguards=True) -except TypeError: - print("Warning, could not find g_22, setting to (80./256)^2") - g_22=[[pow(old_div(80.,256),2)]*ylength]*5 - -try: - qin = collect("heat_flux", path="data", info=True, yguards=True) - q = [[0.]*ylength for i in range(0,old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1)] - for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - for j in range(2,ylength-2): - q[old_div(i,t_interval)][j] = qin[i,2,j,0] -except TypeError: - print("Calculating Braginskii heat flux") - q = [[0.]*ylength for i in range(0,old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1)] - tau_ei = 0 - gradT = 0 - for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - for j in range(2,ylength-2): - tau_ei = 3 * pow(pi,1.5) * pow(epsilon_0,2) * sqrt(electron_mass) * pow(2.,1.5) * pow(Te[i,2,j,0],1.5) / n[i,2,j,0] / pow(electron_charge,2) / pow(ion_charge,2) / logLambda - gradT = (Te[i,2,j-2,0] - 8.*Te[i,2,j-1,0] + 8.*Te[i,2,j+1,0] - Te[i,2,j+2,0])/12./dy[2][j]/sqrt(g_22[2][j]) - q[old_div(i,t_interval)][j] = -3.16*n[i,2,j,0]*Te[i,2,j,0]*tau_ei/electron_mass*gradT - stagger = False - -Temax = [0.]*(old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1) -for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - Temax[old_div(i,t_interval)] = max(Te[i,2,:,0]) -Timax = [0.]*(old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1) -for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - Timax[old_div(i,t_interval)] = max(Ti[i,2,:,0]) -nmax = [0.]*(old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1) -for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - nmax[old_div(i,t_interval)] = max(n[i,2,:,0]) -freestreammax = [0.]*(old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1) -for i in range(old_div(tlength,t_interval)+1): - freestreammax[i]=3./2.*nmax[i]*Temax[i]*sqrt(old_div((Temax[i]+Timax[i]),ion_mass)) - #freestreammax[i]=3./2.*nmax[i]*Temax[i]*sqrt(2*Temax[i]/electron_mass) - -#freestream = [[i]*ylength for i in range(tlength/t_interval+1)] -#for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - #for j in range(2,ylength-2): - #freestream[i/t_interval][j] = sign(j-ylength/2)*3./2.*n[i,2,j,0]*Te[i,2,j,0]*sqrt((Te[i,2,j,0]+Ti[i,2,j,0])/ion_mass) - -#freestream = [[i]*ylength for i in range(tlength/t_interval+1)] -#for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - #for j in range(2,ylength-2): - #freestream[i/t_interval][j] = sign(j-ylength/2)*3./2.*n[i,2,j,0]*Te[i,2,j,0]*sqrt(2*Te[i,2,j,0]/electron_mass) - -#for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - #pyplot.figure(i) - #pyplot.plot(range(2,ylength-2),q[i/t_interval][2:-2],'k', range(2,ylength-2),freestream[i/t_interval][2:-2], 'r') - -for i in range(0,tlength,t_interval): - pyplot.figure(i) - pyplot.plot(list(range(2,ylength-2)),q[old_div(i,t_interval)][2:-2],'k', list(range(2,ylength-2)),[freestreammax[old_div(i,t_interval)]]*(ylength-4), 'r',[-freestreammax[old_div(i,t_interval)]]*(ylength-4), 'r') - -pyplot.show() - -#pyplot.figure(5) -#pyplot.plot(logtime,q_electron_left,'r',logtime,q_ion_left,'b',logtime,q_total_left,'k') -#pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Heat Flux vs log(t)") -#pyplot.figure(6) -#pyplot.plot(q_electron_left,'r',q_ion_left,'b',q_total_left,'k') -#pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Heat Flux") -#pyplot.xlabel(u"t/μs") -#pyplot.ylabel("Q/W.m$^{-2}$") -#pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceTe b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceTe deleted file mode 100755 index aa054fd2b4..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceTe +++ /dev/null @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -T = collect("T_electron", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -for index, item in enumerate(T[slice_index,0,:,0]): - print(index, item) -# Make contour plot -plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Electron Temperature Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="T/eV") diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceTi b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceTi deleted file mode 100755 index e60b04c304..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceTi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -T = collect("T_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -#chi = collect("chi", path="data", xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -#integral = collect("integral", path="data", xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -#q = collect("heat_flux", path="data", xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -print(T[slice_index,0,:,0]) -# Make contour plot -plotdata(T[slice_index,0,2:-3,0],title="Ion Temperature Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="T/eV") diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceV b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceV deleted file mode 100755 index 7ef3b42123..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceV +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -T = collect("Vpar_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -for index, item in enumerate(T[slice_index,0,:,0]): - print(index, item) -# Make contour plot -plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Velocity Profile at t="+str(argv[1])) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicej b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicej deleted file mode 100755 index 0ef45644e4..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicej +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python -# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -j = collect("j_parallel", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# j has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -for index, item in enumerate(j[slice_index,0,:,0]): - print(index, item) -# Make contour plot -plotdata(j[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Parallel Current Profile at t="+str(argv[1]),ytitle="j/Am^-2") diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicen b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicen deleted file mode 100755 index 48c2ed8e12..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicen +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -T = collect("n_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# T has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -print(T[slice_index,0,:,0]) -# Make contour plot -#plotdata(T[:,0,:,0]) -plotdata(T[slice_index,0,:,0]) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicepi b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicepi deleted file mode 100755 index cb5ee2f103..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_slicepi +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -pi = collect("viscosity", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# pi has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -length=len(pi[0,0,:,0]) -for index, item in enumerate(pi[slice_index,0,:,0]): - print(index, item) - -print("data_path is",data_path) - -# Make plot -plotdata(pi[slice_index,0,:,0],title="Electron Viscosity Profile at t="+str(argv[1])) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceq b/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceq deleted file mode 100755 index c650a8f99b..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyse_sliceq +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Runs the conduction example, produces some output -# - -from __future__ import print_function -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div -nproc = 1 # Number of processors to use - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -slice_index = int(argv[1]) -try: - data_path = str(argv[2]) -except: - data_path = "data" - -# Collect the data -q = collect("heat_flux", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -# q has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -length=len(q[0,0,:,0]) -for index, item in enumerate(q[slice_index,0,:,0]): - print(index, item) - -print("minimum_q =", min(q[slice_index,0,3:length-3,0]), " maximum_q =", max(q[slice_index,0,3:length-3,0])) -print(" ") -print("data_path is",data_path) - -localminq=0 -for i in range(old_div(length,2)-1,0,-1): - test=q[slice_index,0,i,0] - if test>localminq: - break - localminq=test - -localmaxq=0 -for i in range(old_div(length,2)+1,length): - test=q[slice_index,0,i,0] - if test0: logtime.append(log10(i)) - else: logtime.append(0) - Te_here = 0.5*(Te[i,2,2,0]+Te[i,2,3,0]) - n_here = 0.5*(n[i,2,2,0]+n[i,2,3,0]) - Ti_here = 0.5*(Ti[i,2,2,0]+Ti[i,2,3,0]) - sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_here*log(2*pi*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma*Ti_here/Te_here)) - q_electron_left.append((2.0*Te_here-sheath_potential)*n_here*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_ion_left.append(n_here*((2.5+0.5*gamma)*Ti_here+0.5*Te_here)*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_total_left.append(q_electron_left[i]+q_ion_left[i]) # in W/m^2 - - q_target_electron_left.append((2.0*Te_here)*n_here*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_target_ion_left.append(n_here*((2.5+0.5*gamma)*Ti_here+0.5*Te_here-sheath_potential)*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_target_total_left.append(q_target_electron_left[i]+q_target_ion_left[i]) # in W/m^2 - - Te_here = (Te[i,2,right_index,0]+Te[i,2,right_index+1,0]) - n_here = (n[i,2,right_index,0]+n[i,2,right_index+1,0]) - Ti_here = (Ti[i,2,right_index,0]+Ti[i,2,right_index+1,0]) - sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_here*log(2*pi*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma*Ti_here/Te_here)) - q_electron_right.append((2.0*Te_here-sheath_potential)*n_here*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_ion_right.append(n_here*((2.5+0.5*gamma)*Ti_here+0.5*Te_here)*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_total_right.append(q_electron_right[i]+q_ion_right[i]) # in W/m^2 - - q_target_electron_right.append((2.0*Te_here)*n_here*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_target_ion_right.append(n_here*((2.5+0.5*gamma)*Ti_here+0.5*Te_here-sheath_potential)*1.602176565e-19*sqrt((Te_here+gamma*Ti_here)/3.34358348e-27*1.602176565e-19)) # in W/m^2 - q_target_total_right.append(q_target_electron_right[i]+q_target_ion_right[i]) # in W/m^2 - -#pyplot.figure(1) -#pyplot.plot(logtime,q_electron_left) -#pyplot.axes().set_aspect('auto') -#pyplot.title("Electron Heat Flux (lower boundary)") -#pyplot.figure(2) -#pyplot.plot(q_electron_right) -#pyplot.axes().set_aspect('auto') -#pyplot.title("Electron Heat Flux (upper boundary)") -#pyplot.figure(3) -#pyplot.plot(q_total_left) -#pyplot.axes().set_aspect('auto') -#pyplot.title("Total Heat Flux (lower boundary)") -#pyplot.figure(4) -#pyplot.plot(q_total_right) -#pyplot.axes().set_aspect('auto') -#pyplot.title("Total Heat Flux (upper boundary)") -pyplot.figure(5,dpi=80, facecolor='w') -#pyplot.plot(logtime,q_electron_left,'r',logtime,q_ion_left,'b',logtime,q_total_left,'k') -#pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Sheath Edge Heat Flux vs log(t)") -pyplot.semilogx(q_electron_left,'r',q_ion_left,'b',q_total_left,'k') -pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Sheath Edge Heat Flux\\ \\") -pyplot.xlabel("$t/\mu\mathrm{s}$") -pyplot.ylabel(r"$Q\mathrm{/W.m}^{-2}$") -pyplot.axes().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter("$%g$")) -pyplot.axes().grid(color='grey', which='both') -#pyplot.tight_layout(pad=20) -pyplot.figure(6) -pyplot.plot(q_electron_right,'r',q_ion_right,'b',q_total_right,'k') -pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Sheath Edge Heat Flux\\ \\") -pyplot.xlabel("$t/\mu\mathrm{s}$") -pyplot.ylabel(r"$Q\mathrm{/W.m}^{-2}$") -#pyplot.figure(7,dpi=80, facecolor='w') -pyplot.figure(7,dpi=800, facecolor='w') -#pyplot.plot(logtime,q_target_electron_left,'r',logtime,q_target_ion_left,'b',logtime,q_target_total_left,'k') -#pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Target Heat Flux vs log(t)") -#pyplot.semilogx(q_target_electron_left,'r',q_target_ion_left,'b',q_target_total_left,'k') -#pyplot.semilogx(q_target_electron_left,'k',q_target_ion_left,'r',q_target_total_left,'b') -pyplot.semilogx(q_target_electron_left,'r--',q_target_ion_left,'b:',q_target_total_left,'k') -#pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Target Heat Flux\\ \\") -pyplot.xlabel("$t/\mu\mathrm{s}$") -pyplot.ylabel(r"$Q\mathrm{/W.m}^{-2}$") -pyplot.ylim(0,5e9) -pyplot.axes().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter("$%g$")) -pyplot.axes().grid(color='grey', which='both') -pyplot.tight_layout(pad=20) -pyplot.figure(8) -pyplot.plot(q_target_electron_right,'r',q_target_ion_right,'b',q_target_total_right,'k') -pyplot.rc('text', usetex=True) -pyplot.title("Electron (red), Ion (blue) and Total (black) Target Heat Flux") -pyplot.xlabel("$t/\mu\mathrm{s}$") -pyplot.ylabel(r"$Q\mathrm{/W.m}^{-2}$") -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseboundary-Ts.py b/examples/non-local_1d/analyseboundary-Ts.py deleted file mode 100755 index 63ca8e5a76..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseboundary-Ts.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from __future__ import print_function -from __future__ import division -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from past.utils import old_div -from boutdata.collect import collect -from sys import argv -from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker, rc - -rc('text', usetex=True) -rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Computer Modern']}) - - - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: '[end_index] [data_path]' or 'gamma [data_path]'") - Exit(1) - -# Collect the data -Te = collect("T_electron", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) -Ti = collect("T_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(Te[:,0,0,0]) - -Te_left = [] -Ti_left = [] -for i in range(end_index): - Te_left.append(old_div((Te[i,0,2,0]+Te[i,0,3,0]),2)) - Ti_left.append(old_div((Ti[i,0,2,0]+Ti[i,0,3,0]),2)) - -# Make plot -if len(argv)>2: - pyplot.semilogx(Te_left[:end_index],'r',Ti_left[:end_index],'b') - pyplot.title("Te (red) and Ti (blue) at the (left) boundary") - pyplot.axes().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter("%g")) - pyplot.axes().grid(color='grey', which='both') -else: - pyplot.semilogx(Te_left[:],'r',Ti_left[:],'b') - pyplot.title("Te (red) and Ti (blue) at the (left) boundary") - pyplot.axes().xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter(r"$%g$")) - pyplot.axes().grid(color='grey', which='both') - -pyplot.show() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analysen b/examples/non-local_1d/analysen deleted file mode 100755 index 7a3e5bceb0..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analysen +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: [end_index][data_path] or [data_path]") - Exit(1) - -# Collect the data -n = collect("n_ion", path=data_path, xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(n[:,0,0,0]) - -# n has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -# Make contour plot -if len(argv)>1: - plotdata(n[:end_index,0,:,0],title="n") -else: - plotdata(n[:,0,:,0],title="n") - -#print(n[204,:,:,:]) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseq b/examples/non-local_1d/analyseq deleted file mode 100755 index 68d91fc57c..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyseq +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv - -if len(argv)==1: - end_index = -1 - data_path = "data" -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = "data" - except ValueError: - end_index = -1 - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) -else: - print("Arguments: [end_index][data_path] or [data_path]") - Exit(1) - -# Collect the data -q = collect("heat_flux", path="data", xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(q[:,0,0,0]) - -# q has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -# Make contour plot -if len(argv)>1: - plotdata(q[:end_index,0,:,0],title="q") -else: - plotdata(q[:,0,:,0],title="q") diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/analyser b/examples/non-local_1d/analyser deleted file mode 100755 index ec36aeaa8c..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/analyser +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -#NOTE: THIS FILE WAS NOT COMPLETED WHEN PORTING TO PYTHON 3 - -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch -from boutdata.plotdata import plotdata -from boutdata.collect import collect -import numpy as np -from sys import argv -from math import log10 - -maxval = -1 -end_index = -1 -data_path = "data" - -if len(argv)==1: - print("len(argv)==1...was something supposed to happen???") -elif len(argv)==2: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - except ValueError: - data_path = str(argv[1]) -elif len(argv)==3: - try: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) - except ValueError: - data_path = str(argv[1]) - maxval = float(argv[2]) -elif len(argv)==4: - end_index = int(argv[1]) - data_path = str(argv[2]) - maxval = float(argv[3]) -else: - raise RuntimeError("Arguments: [end_index][data_path] or [data_path]") - -# Collect the data -r = collect("local_non-local_ratio", path="data", xind=2, info=True, yguards=True) - -if end_index<0: - end_index = len(r[:,0,0,0]) - -# Te has dimensions [Time, X, Y, Z] -# Make contour plot -if maxval>0: - for i in range(len(r[:end_index,0,0,0])): - for j in range(2,len(r[0,0,:,0])-2): - #print(r[i,0,j,0]) - #print(r[i,0,j,0]) - if r[i,0,j,0]>0: - r[i,0,j,0]=min((r[i,0,j,0]),maxval) - else: - r[i,0,j,0]=0 - -plotdata(r[:end_index,0,2:-2,0]) diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/conduct_grid.nc b/examples/non-local_1d/conduct_grid.nc deleted file mode 100644 index 5714fba67b..0000000000 Binary files a/examples/non-local_1d/conduct_grid.nc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/cubic_spline_local.cxx b/examples/non-local_1d/cubic_spline_local.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index cc4dac9ac3..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/cubic_spline_local.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************** - * Calculate the coefficients for a 1d cubic spline interpolation (in index space) - * by using the 4th order derivatives at the points - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - **************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -#include "cubic_spline_local.hxx" - -CubicSpline::CubicSpline() { -} - -CubicSpline::~CubicSpline() { - delete [] coeffs; -} - -void CubicSpline::initialise(const char &inputdirection, const bool pass_include_boundary_guard_cells, const bool pass_upper_boundary_offset) { - direction = inputdirection; - if (direction == 'y'){ - - } - else throw BoutException("CubicSpline: direction is not valid"); - include_boundary_guard_cells = pass_include_boundary_guard_cells; - upper_boundary_offset=pass_upper_boundary_offset; - coeffs = new BoutReal[4]; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) coeffs[i] = 1./0.; -} - -void CubicSpline::initialise(const CubicSpline &clone_from) { - direction = clone_from.direction; - include_boundary_guard_cells = clone_from.include_boundary_guard_cells; - upper_boundary_offset = clone_from.upper_boundary_offset; - coeffs = new BoutReal[4]; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) coeffs[i] = NAN; -} - -void CubicSpline::calculate(const Field3D &pass_input) { - if (direction=='y') { - input = pass_input; - if (!include_boundary_guard_cells) { - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) - input(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) -// for (int jy=mesh->yend+1-staggered; jyLocalNy; jy++) - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1-upper_boundary_offset; jyLocalNy; jy++) - input(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - - grad_input = mesh->indexDDY(input,input.getLocation(), DIFF_DEFAULT); // derivative in index space - - // values of grad_input that depended on the guard cells are wrong, replace them with forward/backward derivatives - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->ystart+1; jy>=0; jy--) { - grad_input(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = (-11.*input(rlow.ind,jy,jz) + 18.*input(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - 9.*input(rlow.ind,jy+2,jz) + 2.*input(rlow.ind,jy+3,jz)) / 6.; - } - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) -// for (int jy=mesh->yend-1-staggered; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - for (int jy=mesh->yend-1-upper_boundary_offset; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - grad_input(rup.ind,jy,jz) = (11.*input(rup.ind,jy,jz) - 18.*input(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) + 9.*input(rup.ind,jy-2,jz) - 2.*input(rup.ind,jy-3,jz)) / 6.; - } - } - else { - grad_input = mesh->indexDDY(input,input.getLocation(), DIFF_DEFAULT); // derivative in index space - - // May need values in the guard cells as well, calculate with forward/backward derivatives - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) { - grad_input(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = (-11.*input(rlow.ind,jy,jz) + 18.*input(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - 9.*input(rlow.ind,jy+2,jz) + 2.*input(rlow.ind,jy+3,jz)) / 6.; - } - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) -// for (int jy=mesh->yend+1-staggered; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1-upper_boundary_offset; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - grad_input(rup.ind,jy,jz) = (11.*input(rup.ind,jy,jz) - 18.*input(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) + 9.*input(rup.ind,jy-2,jz) - 2.*input(rup.ind,jy-3,jz)) / 6.; - } - } - mesh->communicate(grad_input); - } -} - -BoutReal* CubicSpline::coefficients (bindex* position) { - coeffs[0] = input(position->jx,position->jy,position->jz); - coeffs[1] = grad_input(position->jx,position->jy,position->jz); - coeffs[2] = 3.*(input(position->jx,position->jyp,position->jz)-input(position->jx,position->jy,position->jz)) - - 2.*grad_input(position->jx,position->jy,position->jz) - grad_input(position->jx,position->jyp,position->jz); - coeffs[3] = 2.*(input(position->jx,position->jy,position->jz)-input(position->jx,position->jyp,position->jz)) - + grad_input(position->jx,position->jy,position->jz) + grad_input(position->jx,position->jyp,position->jz); - return coeffs; -} - -BoutReal* CubicSpline::coefficients (const int &jx, const int &jy, const int &jz) { - coeffs[0] = input(jx,jy,jz); - coeffs[1] = grad_input(jx,jy,jz); - coeffs[2] = 3.*(input(jx,jy+1,jz)-input(jx,jy,jz)) - - 2.*grad_input(jx,jy,jz) - grad_input(jx,jy+1,jz); - coeffs[3] = 2.*(input(jx,jy,jz)-input(jx,jy+1,jz)) - + grad_input(jx,jy,jz) + grad_input(jx,jy+1,jz); - return coeffs; -} diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/cubic_spline_local.hxx b/examples/non-local_1d/cubic_spline_local.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 81f7b0cf42..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/cubic_spline_local.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,54 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************** - * Calculate the coefficients for a 1d cubic spline interpolation - * by using the 4th order derivatives at the points - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - **************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __CUBICSPLINE_H__ -#define __CUBICSPLINE_H__ - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -class CubicSpline { -public: - CubicSpline(); - ~CubicSpline(); - void initialise(const char &direction, const bool pass_include_boundary_guard_cells=true, const bool pass_staggered=false); - void initialise(const CubicSpline &clone_from); - void calculate(const Field3D &pass_input); - BoutReal * coefficients(bindex* position); - BoutReal * coefficients(const int &jx, const int &jy, const int &jz); - -private: - char direction; - bool include_boundary_guard_cells; - bool upper_boundary_offset; - Field3D input; - Field3D grad_input; - BoutReal * coeffs; -}; - -#endif // __CUBICSPLINE_H__ diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/non-local_1d/data/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index b02427a85c..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/data/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -# -# Input file for conduction case -# - -nout = 1002 # Number of output timesteps -timestep = 1.0e-5 # Time between outputs - -#MZ = 1 # Number of points in z -MZ = 1 - -dump_format="nc" # Write NetCDF format files - -grid="conduct_grid.nc" - -StaggerGrids = true - -################################################## -[mesh] - -type = bout - -################################################## -[mesh:ddy] # Methods used for parallel (y) derivative terms - -first = C4 -second = C4 -upwind = W3 -flux = U1 - -################################################## -[solver] # Solver settings - -# CVODE # -type = cvode # Which solver to use - -max_timestep = 4.0e-7 -start_timestep = 1.e-9 -mxstep = 2000 - -#atol = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -#rtol = 1.0e-5 # relative tolerance -atol = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -rtol = 1.0e-7 # relative tolerance -use_vector_abstol=true - -################################################## -[output] # Output settings -#low_prec = false -floats = false - -################################################## -[non_local_parallel] # Settings for the non-local model -moments_number = 10 -#NONLOCAL_PARALLEL__TAGBASE = 12381 -#NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE = 16381 - -################################################## -[sources] # Settings for the sources - -# the sources have a sine envelope around the centre of the domain, extending until it first reaches zero at +/- source_extent/2. -# the base amplitude is increased between on_time and off_time to *_amplitude + *_transient_amplitude -sources.source_length = 25. # in m - -# 40eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 2.97190780803271e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.78314468481962e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.78314468481962e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 100eV, 0.5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 2.349499417355458e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 3.5242491260331873e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 3.5242491260331873e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 100eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 4.69899883471091617650831789566e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 7.0484982520663742647624768435e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 7.0484982520663742647624768435e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 140eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 5.5599304013683811018381815397e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.16758538428736003138601812334e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.16758538428736003138601812334e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 200eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 6.6453878816235472058187966917e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 250eV, 1e19m^-3 -sources.particle_amplitude = 7.4297695200817885339785368656e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 2.78616357003067070024195132459e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 7.e25 # in eV/m^3/s -sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 2.78616357003067070024195132459e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 300eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 8.1389047264262557146095566295e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 3.6625071268918150715743004833e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 3.6625071268918150715743004833e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 200eV, 1e17m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 6.6453878816235472058187966917e20 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e23 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e23 # in eV/m^3/s - -sources.on_time = 0#2e-6 # in s -sources.off_time = -200e-6#0202.e-6 # in s - -# 500eV, 2e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 2.10145616412118138312975179139e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.57609212309088603734731384354e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.57609212309088603734731384354e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 750eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 6.434369148654145856198856725e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 7.2386652922359140882237138157e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 7.2386652922359140882237138157e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1000eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 7.4297695200817885339785368656e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.11446542801226828009678052983e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.11446542801226828009678052983e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1200eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 8.1389047264262557146095566295e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.46500285075672602862972019332e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.46500285075672602862972019332e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 5e19m^-3 -sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 9.09957211534171e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 2.04740372595188e27 # in eV/m^3/s -sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 2.04740372595188e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 5e19m^-3, 3:1 ion:electron split -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 9.09957211534171e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.02370186297594331874986893053e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 3.07110558892782995624960679159e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 1.5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 2.729871634602515e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 6.142211177855659e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 6.142211177855659e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -################################################## -[all] # Settings for all variables - -scale=1.0 -bndry_target = none -#bndry_target = neumann - -################################################## -[Vpar_ion] # Settings for the Vpar_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e-6 - -#function = 0. -#function = 107000.*(y-pi+pi/256)/pi # 0 # -cos(y/2)*sqrt((2*10.)/(3.34358348e-27/1.602176565e-19)) -function = 107000.*(y-pi)/pi # 0 - -################################################## -[j_parallel] # Settings for the j_parallel variable - -atol = 1.0e-6 - -#function = 0. -function = 1.e6*sin(13*y) -bndry_target = neumann - -################################################## -[T_electron] # Settings for the T_electron variable - -atol = 1.0e-10 - -#function = (1.0 + 1.0*gauss(y-pi, (2*pi/10)))*1.0e-19/1.0e-20 # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in J/energyunit -function = (100.0 + 0.0*gauss(y-pi+pi/256, (2*pi/10))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV -#function = (30.0 + 10.*cos((y-pi+pi/128))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV - -################################################## -[n_ion] # Settings for the n_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e9 - -function = 1.e19*(1. + 0.*gauss(y-pi)) - -################################################## -[T_ion] # Settings for the T_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e-10 - -function = (150.0 + 0.0*gauss(y-pi, (2*pi/10))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/generate.py b/examples/non-local_1d/generate.py deleted file mode 100755 index 5402034d57..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/generate.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -# -# Generate an input mesh -# - -from __future__ import division -from past.utils import old_div -from boututils.datafile import DataFile # Wrapper around NetCDF4 libraries -from math import pow -from sys import argv - -length = 80. # Length of the domain in m - -nx = 5 # Minimum is 5: 2 boundary, one evolved -if len(argv)>1: - ny = int(argv[1]) # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice) -else: - ny = 256 # Minimum 5. Should be divisible by number of processors (so powers of 2 nice) -#dy = [[1.]*ny]*nx # distance between points in y, in m/g22/lengthunit -g22 = [[pow(old_div(float(ny-1),length),2)]*ny]*nx -g_22 = [[pow(old_div(length,float(ny-1)),2)]*ny]*nx -ixseps1 = -1 -ixseps2 = 0 - -f = DataFile() -f.open("conduct_grid.nc", create=True) - -f.write("nx", nx) -f.write("ny", ny) -#f.write("dy", dy) -f.write("g22",g22) -f.write("g_22", g_22) -f.write("ixseps1", ixseps1) -f.write("ixseps2", ixseps2) - -f.close() diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/heat_flux_integration.cxx b/examples/non-local_1d/heat_flux_integration.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 6efc5e65bb..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/heat_flux_integration.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,576 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * \file heat_flux_integration.cxx - * - * \brief Perform the integral needed to calculate the non-local heat flux - * - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - */ - -#include "heat_flux_integration.hxx" - -/********************************************************************************** - * INTEGRATION INITIALISATION AND CREATION - **********************************************************************************/ - -HeatFluxIntegration::HeatFluxIntegration() { - position = new bindex; - deltal = new BoutReal; - integral_coeffs = new BoutReal[4]; - integral_parts = new BoutReal[4]; - } - -HeatFluxIntegration::~HeatFluxIntegration() { - delete position; - delete deltal; - delete [] integral_coeffs; - delete [] integral_parts; -} - -void HeatFluxIntegration::initialise(const bool pass_electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow=false) { - electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow = pass_electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow; - - if (electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow) { - integral_below.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - integral_above.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - } - - *deltal = 0.; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { - integral_coeffs[i]=0.; - integral_parts[i]=0.; - } - integral_below = 0.0; - integral_above = 0.0; - - // Get the options for the model - Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("electron_heat_flux"); - OPTION(options, HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE, 16381); -} - - -/********************************************************************************** - * INTEGRATION ROUTINES - **********************************************************************************/ - -void HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter) { - TRACE("HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow()"); - - start_index(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->ystart-1; - calc_index(position); - if (mesh->firstY()) - next_index_y(position); - else { - // Set the value at ystart-1 equal to the value at yend on the previous processor. - if (position->jxDownXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - do { - *deltal = mesh->dy[position->jx][position->jyp]*sqrt((mesh->g_22[position->jx][position->jy]+mesh->g_22[position->jx][position->jyp])/2.); - - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - //calculate the coefficients of drive_term expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]; - integral_coeffs[1] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy to jyp of z^n*exp( (zupper-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue); - if (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]>abs(eigenvalue)) { - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - eigenvalue * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - integral_parts[2] = 2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2); - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.) * 2.*sinh(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue* dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - integral_parts[2] = 2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2); - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3); - } - - //add up the contributions to the integral at jy first from the integral at jy-1 and then from the expansion of the integral between jy-1 and jy - integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = integral_below[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - next_index_y(position); - } while (position->jy < mesh->yend); - - // Send the value at yend to the next processor. - if (position->jx < mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} - -void HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter) { - TRACE("HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove()"); - - start_index_lasty(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->yend; - calc_index(position); - if (mesh->lastY()) - previous_index_y(position); - else { - // Set the value at yend+1 to the value at ystart on the previous processor. - if (position->jxUpXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutIndest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutOutdest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - do { - *deltal = mesh->dy[position->jx][position->jy]*sqrt((mesh->g_22[position->jx][position->jy]+mesh->g_22[position->jx][position->jyp])/2.); - - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - //calculate the coefficients of drive_term expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]; - integral_coeffs[1] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jyp to jy of z^n*exp( (zupper-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue); - if (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]>abs(eigenvalue)) { - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - eigenvalue* dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[2] = -2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - + 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.) * 2.*sinh(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue* dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[2] = -2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - } - - //add up the contributions to the integral at jy first from the integral at jy-1 and then from the expansion of the integral between jy-1 and jy - integral_above[*position] = integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_above[*position] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - } while (previous_index_y(position)); - - // Send the value at ystart to the next processor. - if (position->jx < mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInIndest(&integral_above[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInOutdest(&integral_above[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -void HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter) { - TRACE("HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow()"); - - start_index(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->ystart; - calc_index(position); - if (!mesh->firstY()) { - // Set the value at ystart to the value at yend+1 of the previous processor. - if (position->jxDownXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - do { - *deltal = mesh->dy[position->jx][position->jy]*sqrt(mesh->g_22[position->jx][position->jy]); - - BoutReal deltazbelow = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position]; - BoutReal deltazabove = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - BoutReal deltaz = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - - interp_coeffs_gradT = cubic_spline_gradT.coefficients(position); - - // Contribution to the integral at jy from points up to jy-1 - integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = integral_below[*position] * exp(deltaz/eigenvalue); - - // Calculate the contribution from the lower part of the interval (below CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]) to (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]+dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]) with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]+dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]+dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) - BoutReal deltazabovefromjym = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[position->jx][position->jym][position->jz]; - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - - BoutReal integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=1/2 and t=1 - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 321./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 97./112.*integrand_coefficient5 - 2225./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 45./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 3065./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 939./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 93./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 235./28.*integrand_coefficient5 - 3245./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + 3.*integrand_coefficient4 + 205./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 35./4.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy-1/2 to jy of z^n*exp( (deltaz+dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/eigenvalue); - if (deltazbelow>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((eigenvalue + deltazabovefromjym) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - - deltazbelow); - integral_parts[2] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym+eigenvalue)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - - pow(deltazbelow,2)-2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow); - integral_parts[3] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,3) + 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabovefromjym + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow - 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) - pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazbelow/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((eigenvalue + deltazabovefromjym) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - deltazbelow); - integral_parts[2] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym+eigenvalue)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - pow(deltazbelow,2)-2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow); - integral_parts[3] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,3) + 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabovefromjym + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow - 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) - pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from between jy-1 and jy-1/2 - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - // Calculate the contribution from the upper part of the interval (above CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from 0 to (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=0 and t=1/2 - cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 1./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 1./1008.*integrand_coefficient5 - 1./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 1./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 25./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 3./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 9./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 25./84.*integrand_coefficient5 - 45./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + integrand_coefficient4 + 25./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 5./12.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy to jy+1/2 of z^n*exp( (deltazabove-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - if (deltazabove>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = eigenvalue * ( eigenvalue*(exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - - deltazabove); - integral_parts[2] = eigenvalue * (2.*pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - - pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*deltazabove*eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = eigenvalue*(6.*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - - pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*pow(deltazabove,2)*eigenvalue - 6.*deltazabove*pow(eigenvalue,2)); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazabove/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = eigenvalue * ( eigenvalue*exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - deltazabove); - integral_parts[2] = eigenvalue * (2.*pow(eigenvalue,2) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*deltazabove*eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = eigenvalue*(6.*pow(eigenvalue,3) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*pow(deltazabove,2)*eigenvalue - 6.*deltazabove*pow(eigenvalue,2)); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from the expansion of the integral between jy-1/2 and jy - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - position->jy++; - calc_index(position); - } while (position->jy < mesh->yend+1); - - // Send the value at yend+1 to the next processor. - if (position->jx < mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} - -void HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter) { - TRACE("HeatFluxIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove()"); - - start_index_lasty(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->yend; - calc_index(position); - if (!mesh->lastY()) { - // Set the value at yend+1 equal to the value at ystart of the previous processor. - if (position->jxUpXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutIndest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutOutdest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - else { - // Last grid point for CELL_YLOW quantities is mesh->yend on the last y-processor, so start the calculation from mesh->yend-1 if mesh->lastY() - position->jy=mesh->yend-1; - calc_index(position); - } - do { - *deltal = mesh->dy[position->jx][position->jy]*sqrt(mesh->g_22[position->jx][position->jy]); - - BoutReal deltazbelow = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position]; - BoutReal deltazabove = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - BoutReal deltaz = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - - interp_coeffs_gradT = cubic_spline_gradT.coefficients(position); - - // Contribution to the integral at jy from points up to jy+1 - integral_above[*position] = integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] * exp(deltaz/eigenvalue); - - // Calculate the contribution from the lower part of the interval (below CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]+dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]) to (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]) with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]) - BoutReal deltazabovefromjym = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[position->jx][position->jym][position->jz]; - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - - BoutReal integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=1/2 and t=1 - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 321./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 97./112.*integrand_coefficient5 - 2225./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 45./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 3065./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 939./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 93./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 235./28.*integrand_coefficient5 - 3245./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + 3.*integrand_coefficient4 + 205./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 35./4.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy+1/2 to jy of z^n*exp( -(deltazabovefromjym-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - if (deltazbelow>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = -eigenvalue * ((-eigenvalue + deltazabovefromjym) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - + deltazbelow*exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[2] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym-eigenvalue)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (pow(deltazbelow,2)+2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow)*exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabovefromjym - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow + 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) + pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow)*exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazbelow/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = -eigenvalue * ((-eigenvalue + deltazbelow + deltazabovefromjym) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + deltazbelow); - integral_parts[2] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym+deltazbelow,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym+deltazbelow-eigenvalue)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + pow(deltazbelow,2)+2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow); - integral_parts[3] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym + deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym + deltazbelow,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*(deltazabovefromjym + deltazbelow) - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow + 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) + pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from between jy and jy+1/2 - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_above[*position] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - - // Calculate the contribution from the upper part of the interval (above CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) to 0 with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (-dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]) - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=0 and t=1/2 - cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 1./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 1./1008.*integrand_coefficient5 - 1./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 1./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 25./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 3./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 9./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 25./84.*integrand_coefficient5 - 45./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + integrand_coefficient4 + 25./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 5./12.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy+1 to jy+1/2 of z^n*exp( -(-deltazbelow-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/eigenvalue); - if (deltazabove>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (-eigenvalue * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - + deltazabove*exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[2] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (2.*pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazabove)*exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (-6.*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabove,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabove)*exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazabove/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((-eigenvalue + deltazabove) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + deltazabove); - integral_parts[2] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazabove + 2.*pow(eigenvalue,2)) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazabove); - integral_parts[3] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabove,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabove - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabove,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabove); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from the expansion of the integral between jy+1 and jy+1/2 - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_above[*position] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - } while (previous_index_y(position)); - - // Send the value at ystart to the next processor - if (position->jx < mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInIndest(&integral_above[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInOutdest(&integral_above[*position],1,HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/heat_flux_integration.hxx b/examples/non-local_1d/heat_flux_integration.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index ede5d4ac0d..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/heat_flux_integration.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************** - * Perform the integral needed to calculate the non-local heat flux - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - **************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __HEATFLUXINTEGRATION_H__ -#define __HEATFLUXINTEGRATION_H__ - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -// #include "cubic_spline.hxx" -#include "cubic_spline_local.hxx" - -/// Class for non-local heat flux integration -class HeatFluxIntegration { -public: - HeatFluxIntegration(); - ~HeatFluxIntegration(); - void initialise(const bool pass_electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow); - - Field3D integral_below; - Field3D integral_above; - void calculateIntegralBelow_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter); - void calculateIntegralAbove_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter); - void calculateIntegralBelow_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter); - void calculateIntegralAbove_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter); - -private: - bindex * position; - BoutReal * deltal; - BoutReal * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse; - BoutReal * interp_coeffs_drive_term; - BoutReal * interp_coeffs_gradT; - BoutReal * integral_coeffs; - BoutReal * integral_parts; - int HEATFLUX_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE; - bool electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow; -}; - -#endif diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/makefile b/examples/non-local_1d/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 795cb02288..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - -BOUT_TOP = ../.. - -SOURCEC = cubic_spline_local.cxx non-local_parallel.cxx non-local_parallel_integration.cxx non-local_1d.cxx -SOURCEH = cubic_spline_local.hxx non-local_parallel.hxx non-local_parallel_integration.hxx -TARGET = non-local_1d - -CXXFLAGS += -g - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_1d.cxx b/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_1d.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 40bddc1943..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_1d.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,616 +0,0 @@ -/* - * 1D parallel transport problem - * - */ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "non-local_parallel.hxx" - -#include "sin-single-sources.cxx" - -// #include - -#define CUSTOMBCS -// #define CALCULATE_EFFECTIVE_ALPHAE -// #define LOCALHEATFLUX -// #define FLUXLIMITER -#define IONFLUXLIMITER -#define IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - -#ifdef CALCULATE_EFFECTIVE_ALPHAE - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - throw BoutException("Cannot calculate effective_alpha_e without non-local heat-flux"); - #endif - FieldPerp effective_alpha_e; -#endif - -#ifdef FLUXLIMITER - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - throw BoutException("FLUXLIMITER can only be defined if LOCALHEATFLUX is also defined"); - #endif - BoutReal electron_flux_limiter = 0.3; - Field3D grad_par_T_electron; - Field3D qSH_electron; - Field3D qFS_electron; - Field3D grad_par_electron_heat_flux; -#endif - -#ifdef IONFLUXLIMITER - BoutReal ion_flux_limiter = 0.1; - Field3D grad_par_T_ion; - Field3D qSH_ion; - Field3D qFS_ion; - Field3D grad_par_ion_heat_flux; -#endif - -#ifdef IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - BoutReal ion_viscosity_limiter = 0.5; -// BoutReal ion_viscosity_limiter = 1.; - Field3D grad_par_viscosity; - Field3D viscosity; - Field3D grad_par_V_centre; - Field3D nTtau_ion_ylow; - Field3D pi_Brag_ylow; - Field3D pi_Brag_centre; -#endif - -// BoutReal gamma_factor = 1.; -// BoutReal gamma_factor = 5./3.; - BoutReal gamma_factor = 3.; - -/********************************************************************************************************************************/ - -Field3D T_electron; // Electron temperature -// Ambipolarity: Assume that the electron density and velocity are equal to the ion density and velocity -Field3D n_ion; // Ion density -Field3D Vpar_ion; // Ion fluid velocity (parallel component since this is a 1d model) -Field3D T_ion; // Evolve the ion temperature separately (using Braginskii closure for ion heat flux) -Field3D j_parallel; // Parallel current electron_charge*n_ion*(Vpar_ion-Vpar_electron) - -Field3D tau_ii; //Ion-ion collision time -Field3D tau_ei; //Electron-ion collision time -Field3D nTtau_ion; //used in calculating the viscosity tensor (parallel components) and ion heat flux -// Field3D VeminusVi; - -BoutReal massunit; -BoutReal energyunit; -// Physical constants -BoutReal electron_charge; -BoutReal electron_mass; -BoutReal ion_charge; -BoutReal ion_mass; -BoutReal epsilon_0; -BoutReal logLambda; -int boundary_gradient_smoothing_length; -BoutReal boundary_condition_smoothing_range; - -bindex position; - -Sources sources; - -NonLocalParallel nonlocal_parallel; -#ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - Field3D heat_flux_boundary_condition; -#endif - -Field3D ratio; - -/**********************************************************************************************************************************************/ - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - boundary_gradient_smoothing_length = mesh->GlobalNy/256; // Number of grid points to average over for the gradient used to extrapolate to the guard cells - boundary_condition_smoothing_range = BoutReal(mesh->GlobalNy)/64.; - - // Physical constants - electron_charge = -1.602176565e-19; //C - // Scale factors for units relative to SI (temperatures will be in energy units). All units apart from mass and energy are SI (i.e. m, s, C). - massunit = abs(electron_charge); //the internal mass unit is 1.602176565e-19kg so that energy will be in eV - energyunit = massunit; //internal energy unit is 1.602176565e-19J so that energies/temperatures are stored in eV - electron_mass = 9.10938291e-31/massunit; //kg - ion_charge = 1.602176565e-19; //C - ion_mass = 3.34358348e-27/massunit;// kg - epsilon_0 = 8.85418781762039e-12/pow(massunit,-1); //C^2 s^2 kg^-1 m^-3 - logLambda = 16.0; //Coulomb Logarithm --- logLambda=16.1 for (n = 10^18 m^-3) and (T = 100eV) - //Recall: logLambda~25.3-1.15*log10(n/cm^3)+2.3*log10(T_e/eV) for T_e>50eV; logLambda~23.4-1.15*log10(n/cm^3)+3.45*log10(T_e/eV) for T_e<50eV -- Hazeltine+Meiss (2003) - - // Get the options for the model - Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("conduction"); - - // Get the options for the sources - options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("sources"); -// OPTION(options, sources.lower_source_yindex, 0); -// OPTION(options, sources.upper_source_yindex, 0); - OPTION(options, sources.source_length, 0); - OPTION(options, sources.particle_amplitude ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.electron_heat_amplitude ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.ion_heat_amplitude ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.on_time ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.off_time ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.particle_transient_amplitude ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude ,0); - OPTION(options, sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude ,0); - - sources.initialise(); - - // Initialise nonlocal_parallel object -// #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - nonlocal_parallel.initialise(electron_charge, electron_mass, ion_mass, epsilon_0, logLambda, mesh->StaggerGrids, gamma_factor); -// #endif - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - heat_flux_boundary_condition.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - heat_flux_boundary_condition = 0.; - #endif - tau_ei = 0.; - tau_ii = 0.; - - // Set non-default cell locations - Vpar_ion.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); // Staggered relative to n_ion, etc. - j_parallel.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - ratio.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - #ifdef IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - grad_par_viscosity.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - pi_Brag_ylow.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - #endif - - // Tell BOUT++ which fields to evolve - SOLVE_FOR(T_electron); - SOLVE_FOR(n_ion); - SOLVE_FOR(Vpar_ion); - SOLVE_FOR(T_ion); - SOLVE_FOR(j_parallel); - -// dump.add(mesh->dy,"dy",0); -// dump.add(mesh->g_22,"g_22",0); - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - dump.add(nonlocal_parallel.electron_heat_flux,"heat_flux",1); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - dump.add(nonlocal_parallel.electron_viscosity,"viscosity",1); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - dump.add(nonlocal_parallel.electron_friction,"friction",1); - #endif - dump.add(ratio,"local_non-local_ratio",1); - #ifdef CALCULATE_EFFECTIVE_ALPHAE - effective_alpha_e = 0.; - dump.add(effective_alpha_e[2][0],"effective_alpha_e",1); - #endif - - output<communicate(T_electron, n_ion, Vpar_ion, T_ion);// Communicate guard cells - - // Done like this so we can deal with T_ion<0 at mesh->yend (which is a 'guard cell' for the staggered grid case) without throwing an exception - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - tau_ii(jx,jy,jz) = 3 * pow(PI,1.5) * pow(epsilon_0,2) * sqrt(ion_mass) * pow(2.,1.5) * pow(T_ion(jx,jy,jz),1.5) / n_ion(jx,jy,jz) / pow(ion_charge,4) / logLambda; - tau_ei(jx,jy,jz) = 3 * pow(PI,1.5) * pow(epsilon_0,2) * sqrt(electron_mass) * pow(2.,1.5) * pow(T_electron(jx,jy,jz),1.5) / n_ion(jx,jy,jz) / pow(electron_charge,2) / pow(ion_charge,2) / logLambda; - } - - #ifdef CUSTOMBCS - // Fix the temperature to continue with the gradient given by the 4-point forward/backward difference estimate // and electron temperature gradient to give electron heat flux = 5.0 T_electron n_ion Vpar_ion at the boundaries, assuming that it were highly collisional (this is not actually used because the boundary condition is applied to the heat flux explicitly) - - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position.jx = rlow.ind; - position.jy = mesh->ystart; - position.jz = jz; - calc_index(&position); - BoutReal n_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(n_ion,position); - BoutReal Te_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,position); - BoutReal Ti_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_ion,position); - BoutReal tauei_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(tau_ei,position); - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - BoutReal sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_here*log(2*PI*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma_factor*Ti_here/Te_here)); - #ifdef FLUXLIMITER - // Include the flux limiter in the boundary condition: i.e. find the gradient needed to give the right boundary heat-flux AFTER applying the flux-limiter - BoutReal qbc_over_n = -((2.0-2.5)*Te_here-sheath_potential) - *sqrt((Te_here+gamma_factor*Ti_here)/ion_mass); // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - BoutReal qBrag_over_n = 1./(1./qbc_over_n-1./electron_flux_limiter/( -sqrt(2./electron_mass)*pow(Te_here,1.5) )); - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = qBrag_over_n - /(-3.16*Te_here*tauei_here/electron_mass) - *coord->dy(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart)*sqrt(coord->g_22(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart)); -#else - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = -((2.0-2.5)*Te_here-sheath_potential) - *sqrt((Te_here+gamma_factor*Ti_here)/ion_mass) - /(-3.16*Te_here*tauei_here/electron_mass) - *coord->dy(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart)*sqrt(coord->g_22(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart)); // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - #endif - #else - // BoutReal gradient_T_electron = (-11.*T_electron[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*T_electron[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*T_electron[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*T_electron[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = (-T_electron(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart,jz) + T_electron(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length,jz))/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - #endif - // BoutReal gradient_n = (-11.*n_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*n_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*n_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*n_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_n = (-n_ion(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart,jz) + n_ion(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length,jz))/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - // BoutReal gradient_T_ion = (-11.*T_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*T_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*T_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*T_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_T_ion = (-T_ion(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart,jz) + T_ion(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length,jz))/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) { - n_ion(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = n_ion(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - gradient_n; - // n_ion(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = n_ion(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz); - T_ion(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = T_ion(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - gradient_T_ion; - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - T_electron(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = T_electron(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - gradient_T_electron; - #endif - } - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - // Set it up so that the fourth-order central finite difference derivative at CELL_YLOW of mesh->ystart is gradient_T_electron - T_electron(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart-1,jz) = T_electron(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart,jz) - gradient_T_electron; - T_electron(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart-2,jz) = T_electron(rlow.ind,mesh->ystart+1,jz) - 3.*gradient_T_electron; - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-3; jy>=0; jy--) - T_electron(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = T_electron(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - gradient_T_electron; - #endif - } - - if (mesh->StaggerGrids) - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position.jx = rup.ind; - position.jy = mesh->yend; - position.jz = jz; - calc_index(&position); - BoutReal n_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(n_ion,position); - BoutReal Te_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,position); - BoutReal Ti_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_ion,position); - BoutReal tauei_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(tau_ei,position); - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - BoutReal sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_here*log(2*PI*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma_factor*Ti_here/Te_here)); - #ifdef FLUXLIMITER - // Include the flux limiter in the boundary condition: i.e. find the gradient needed to give the right boundary heat-flux AFTER applying the flux-limiter - BoutReal qbc_over_n = ((2.0-2.5)*Te_here-sheath_potential) - *sqrt((Te_here+gamma_factor*Ti_here)/ion_mass); // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - BoutReal qBrag_over_n = 1./(1./qbc_over_n-1./electron_flux_limiter/( sqrt(2./electron_mass)*pow(Te_here,1.5) )); - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = qBrag_over_n - /(-3.16*Te_here*tauei_here/electron_mass) - *mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]*sqrt(mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]); - #else - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = ((2.0-2.5)*Te_here-sheath_potential) - *sqrt((Te_here+gamma_factor*Ti_here)/ion_mass) - /(-3.16*Te_here*tauei_here/electron_mass) - *mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]*sqrt(mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]); // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - #endif - #else - // BoutReal gradient_T_electron = (11.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] - 18.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] + 9.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz] - 2.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-4][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-4])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = (-T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - #endif - // BoutReal gradient_n = (11.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] - 18.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] + 9.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz] - 2.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-4][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-4])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_n = (-n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - // BoutReal gradient_T_ion = (11.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] - 18.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] + 9.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz] - 2.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-4][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-4])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_T_ion = (-T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - for (int jy=mesh->yend; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - n_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = n_ion[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_n; - T_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = T_ion[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_T_ion; - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - T_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_T_electron; - #endif - } - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - // Set it up so that the fourth-order central finite difference derivative at CELL_YLOW of mesh->ystart is gradient_T_electron - T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + gradient_T_electron; - T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend+1][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] + 3.*gradient_T_electron; - for (int jy=mesh->yend+2; jyLocalNy; jy++) - T_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_T_electron; - #endif - } - else - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - BoutReal sheath_potential = 0.5*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]*log(2*PI*electron_mass/ion_mass*(1+gamma_factor*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]/T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])); - #ifdef FLUXLIMITER - // Include the flux limiter in the boundary condition: i.e. find the gradient needed to give the right boundary heat-flux AFTER applying the flux-limiter - BoutReal qbc_over_n = ((2.0-2.5)*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]-sheath_potential) - *sqrt((T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]+gamma_factor*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/ion_mass); // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - BoutReal qBrag_over_n = 1./(1./qbc_over_n-1./electron_flux_limiter/( sqrt(2./electron_mass)*pow(T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz],1.5) )); - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = qBrag_over_n - /(-3.16*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]*tau_ei[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]/electron_mass) - *mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]*sqrt(mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]); - #else - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = ((2.0-2.5)*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]-sheath_potential) - *sqrt((T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]+gamma_factor*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/ion_mass) - /(-3.16*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]*tau_ei[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]/electron_mass) - *mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend]*sqrt(mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]); // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - #endif - #else - // BoutReal gradient_T_electron = (11.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_T_electron = (-T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - #endif - // BoutReal gradient_n = (11.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_n = (-n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + n_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - // BoutReal gradient_T_ion = (11.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - BoutReal gradient_T_ion = (-T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + T_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - n_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = n_ion[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_n; - T_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = T_ion[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_T_ion; - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - T_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_T_electron; - #endif - } - #ifdef LOCALHEATFLUX - // Set it up so that the fourth-order central finite difference derivative at CELL_YLOW of mesh->ystart is gradient_T_electron - T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend+1][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] + gradient_T_electron; - T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend+2][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 3.*gradient_T_electron; - for (int jy=mesh->yend+3; jyLocalNy; jy++) - T_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz] = T_electron[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + gradient_T_electron; - #endif - } - // Enforce Vpar_ion=c_s at the boundaries, but only if it tends to increase the magnitude of the velocity (i.e. allow (hopefully temporary) supersonic velocities). - // Apply the test at the point just inside the boundary so that the boundary point never needs to be evolved by the solver. - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal boundarygradient; - position.jx=rlow.ind; - position.jy=mesh->ystart; - position.jz=jz; - calc_index(&position); - BoutReal boundary_value_Vpar = -sqrt(nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,position)+gamma_factor*nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_ion,position))/sqrt(ion_mass); - Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] = boundary_value_Vpar; - // BoutReal boundarygradient = (-11.*Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+mesh->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - boundarygradient = (-Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) - Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz] - boundarygradient; - // Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz]; - } - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal boundarygradient; - position.jx=rup.ind; - position.jy=mesh->yend; - position.jz=jz; - calc_index(&position); - BoutReal boundary_value_Vpar = sqrt(nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,position)+gamma_factor*nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_ion,position))/sqrt(ion_mass); - Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] = boundary_value_Vpar; - // BoutReal boundarygradient = (11.*Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / mesh->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+mesh->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - boundarygradient = (-Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) - Vpar_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = Vpar_ion[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + boundarygradient; - // Vpar_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = Vpar_ion[rup.ind][jy-1][jz]; - } - #endif - // The boundary condition on the temperature gradient sometimes makes the temperature in the guard cells negative. - // If this happens set the temperature to zero there and also replace tau with an extrapolated version using forward/backward finite difference derivatives - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) { - if (T_ion[rlow.ind][jy][jz]<0.) { - T_ion[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = 0.; - tau_ii[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = tau_ii[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz]-(-11.*tau_ii[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz] + 18.*tau_ii[rlow.ind][jy+2][jz] - 9.*tau_ii[rlow.ind][jy+3][jz] + 2.*tau_ii[rlow.ind][jy+4][jz])/ 6.; - } - if (T_electron[rlow.ind][jy][jz]<0.) { - T_electron[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = 0.; - tau_ei[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = tau_ei[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz]-(-11.*tau_ei[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz] + 18.*tau_ei[rlow.ind][jy+2][jz] - 9.*tau_ei[rlow.ind][jy+3][jz] + 2.*tau_ei[rlow.ind][jy+4][jz])/ 6.; - } - } - if (mesh->StaggerGrids) - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->yend; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - if (T_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz]<0.) { - T_ion[rup.ind][jy][jz] = 0.; - tau_ii[rup.ind][jy][jz] = tau_ii[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + (11.*tau_ii[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] - 18.*tau_ii[rup.ind][jy-2][jz] + 9.*tau_ii[rup.ind][jy-3][jz] - 2.*tau_ii[rup.ind][jy-4][jz])/ 6.; - } - if (T_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz]<0.) { - T_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz] = 0.; - tau_ei[rup.ind][jy][jz] = tau_ei[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + (11.*tau_ei[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] - 18.*tau_ei[rup.ind][jy-2][jz] + 9.*tau_ei[rup.ind][jy-3][jz] - 2.*tau_ei[rup.ind][jy-4][jz])/ 6.; - } - } - else - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - if (T_ion(rup.ind,jy,jz)<0.) { - T_ion(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - tau_ii(rup.ind,jy,jz) = tau_ii(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) + (11.*tau_ii(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) - 18.*tau_ii(rup.ind,jy-2,jz) + 9.*tau_ii(rup.ind,jy-3,jz) - 2.*tau_ii(rup.ind,jy-4,jz))/ 6.; - } - if (T_electron(rup.ind,jy,jz)<0.) { - T_electron(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - tau_ei(rup.ind,jy,jz) = tau_ei(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) + (11.*tau_ei(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) - 18.*tau_ei(rup.ind,jy-2,jz) + 9.*tau_ei(rup.ind,jy-3,jz) - 2.*tau_ei(rup.ind,jy-4,jz))/ 6.; - } - } - - nTtau_ion = n_ion * T_ion * sqrt(2) * tau_ii; - - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position.jx=rlow.ind; - position.jy=mesh->ystart; - position.jz=jz; - calc_index(&position); - BoutReal Te_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,position); - BoutReal V_here = Vpar_ion[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal n_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(n_ion,position); - BoutReal sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_here*log(2*PI*electron_mass*pow(V_here,2)/Te_here); - heat_flux_boundary_condition[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] = ((2.0-2.5)*Te_here-sheath_potential)*n_here*V_here; // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - } - - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position.jx=rup.ind; - position.jy=mesh->yend; - position.jz=jz; - calc_index(&position); - BoutReal Te_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,position); - BoutReal V_here = Vpar_ion[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - BoutReal n_here = nonlocal_parallel.interp_to_point_YLOW(n_ion,position); - BoutReal sheath_potential = 0.5*Te_here*log(2*PI*electron_mass*pow(V_here,2)/Te_here); - heat_flux_boundary_condition[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] = ((2.0-2.5)*Te_here-sheath_potential)*n_here*V_here; // -2.5*Te so that we subtract off the convective heat flux to leave just the conductive heat flux, not the total - } - -// VeminusVi = -j_parallel/n_ion/electron_charge; - Field3D zero = 0.; - nonlocal_parallel.calculate_nonlocal_closures(n_ion, T_electron, Vpar_ion+j_parallel/electron_charge/interp_to(n_ion,CELL_YLOW), j_parallel, heat_flux_boundary_condition, zero); -// nonlocal_parallel.calculate_nonlocal_closures(n_ion, T_electron, Vpar_ion+VeminusVi, VeminusVi, heat_flux_boundary_condition); - - #ifdef CUSTOMBCS - nonlocal_parallel.set_boundary_gradients(); - #else - nonlocal_parallel.set_neumann_boundary_conditions(); - #endif - #endif - - #ifndef LOCALHEATFLUX - try { - ratio = (-3.16*interp_to(n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei/electron_mass,CELL_YLOW)*Grad_par(T_electron,CELL_YLOW))/nonlocal_parallel.electron_heat_flux; - } catch (BoutException &error) { - // Don't really care if there are errors in the calculation of ratio as it is only a diagnostic variable: IGNORE - } - #endif - - #ifdef CALCULATE_EFFECTIVE_ALPHAE - Field3D q_Brag = -3.16*interp_to(n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei,CELL_YLOW)/electron_mass*Grad_par(T_electron,CELL_YLOW); - Field3D q_FS = interp_to(sqrt(2./electron_mass)*n_ion*(T_electron^1.5),CELL_YLOW); - nonlocal_parallel.mean_over_y( 1./q_FS/abs( 1./nonlocal_parallel.electron_heat_flux-1./q_Brag) , effective_alpha_e); - #endif - - #if defined FLUXLIMITER - grad_par_T_electron = Grad_par(T_electron,CELL_CENTRE); - qSH_electron = -3.16/electron_mass*n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei*grad_par_T_electron; - qFS_electron = sqrt(2./electron_mass)*n_ion*(T_electron^1.5); - grad_par_electron_heat_flux = electron_flux_limiter / ((abs(qSH_electron)/qFS_electron+electron_flux_limiter)^2) - * (qSH_electron*abs(qSH_electron)/(qFS_electron^2)*sqrt(2./electron_mass)*Grad_par(n_ion*(T_electron^1.5),CELL_CENTRE) - - electron_flux_limiter*3.16/electron_mass*(Grad_par(n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei,CELL_CENTRE)*grad_par_T_electron + n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei*Grad2_par2(T_electron,CELL_CENTRE))); - ddt(T_electron) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar_ion,T_electron,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3.*T_electron*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3./n_ion*grad_par_electron_heat_flux - + 2./3./n_ion * sources.electron_heat_source(t) - T_electron/n_ion*sources.particle_source(t); - #elif defined LOCALHEATFLUX - ddt(T_electron) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar_ion,T_electron,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3.*T_electron*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3./n_ion*(-3.16/electron_mass*(Grad_par(n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei,CELL_CENTRE)*Grad_par(T_electron,CELL_CENTRE)+n_ion*T_electron*tau_ei*Grad2_par2(T_electron,CELL_CENTRE))) - + 2./3./n_ion * sources.electron_heat_source(t) - T_electron/n_ion*sources.particle_source(t); - #else - ddt(T_electron) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar_ion,T_electron,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3.*T_electron*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3./n_ion*Grad_par(nonlocal_parallel.electron_heat_flux,CELL_CENTRE) - + 2./3./n_ion * sources.electron_heat_source(t) - T_electron/n_ion*sources.particle_source(t); - #endif - ddt(n_ion) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar_ion,n_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - - n_ion*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - + sources.particle_source(t); - - #ifdef IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - nTtau_ion_ylow = interp_to(nTtau_ion,CELL_YLOW); - pi_Brag_ylow = -4./3.*0.96*nTtau_ion_ylow*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_YLOW); - grad_par_viscosity = ion_viscosity_limiter / (( abs(pi_Brag_ylow)/interp_to(n_ion*T_ion,CELL_YLOW) + ion_viscosity_limiter )^2) - * ( -ion_viscosity_limiter*4./3.*0.96*(Grad_par(nTtau_ion,CELL_YLOW)*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_YLOW) + nTtau_ion_ylow*Grad2_par2(Vpar_ion,CELL_YLOW)) - +pi_Brag_ylow*abs(pi_Brag_ylow)/interp_to((n_ion*T_ion)^2,CELL_YLOW)*Grad_par(n_ion*T_ion,CELL_YLOW) ); - #endif - ddt(Vpar_ion) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar_ion,Vpar_ion,CELL_YLOW) - + interp_to(1./(ion_mass*n_ion),CELL_YLOW) * (-Grad_par(n_ion*(T_ion+T_electron),CELL_YLOW) - #ifdef IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - - grad_par_viscosity) - #else - + 4./3.*0.96*Grad_par(nTtau_ion,CELL_YLOW)*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_YLOW)) - + 1./ion_mass * 4./3.*0.96*interp_to(T_ion * sqrt(2) * tau_ii,CELL_YLOW) * Grad2_par2(Vpar_ion,CELL_YLOW) - #endif - - Vpar_ion*interp_to(sources.particle_source(t)/n_ion,CELL_YLOW); // The sources of heat and particles do not add any momentum, so V decreases in proportion to the increase in n. - - #ifdef IONFLUXLIMITER - grad_par_T_ion = Grad_par(T_ion,CELL_CENTRE); - qSH_ion = -3.9/ion_mass*nTtau_ion*grad_par_T_ion; - qFS_ion = sqrt(2./ion_mass)*n_ion*(T_ion^1.5); - grad_par_ion_heat_flux = ion_flux_limiter / ((abs(qSH_ion)/qFS_ion+ion_flux_limiter)^2) - * (qSH_ion*abs(qSH_ion)/(qFS_ion^2)*sqrt(2./ion_mass)*Grad_par(n_ion*(T_ion^1.5),CELL_CENTRE) - - ion_flux_limiter*3.9/ion_mass*(Grad_par(nTtau_ion,CELL_CENTRE)*grad_par_T_ion + nTtau_ion*Grad2_par2(T_ion,CELL_CENTRE))); - #endif - #ifdef IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - grad_par_V_centre = Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE); - pi_Brag_centre = -4./3.*0.96*nTtau_ion*grad_par_V_centre; - viscosity = ion_viscosity_limiter*pi_Brag_centre / ( abs(pi_Brag_centre)/n_ion/T_ion + ion_viscosity_limiter ); - #endif - ddt(T_ion) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vpar_ion,T_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - - 2./3.*T_ion*Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - #ifdef IONFLUXLIMITER - - 2./3./n_ion * grad_par_ion_heat_flux - #else - + 2./3./n_ion * 3.9/ion_mass*(Grad_par(nTtau_ion,CELL_CENTRE)*Grad_par(T_ion,CELL_CENTRE) - + nTtau_ion * Grad2_par2(T_ion,CELL_CENTRE)) - #endif - #ifdef IONVISCOSITYLIMITER - - 2./3./n_ion * viscosity*grad_par_V_centre - #else - + 2./3./n_ion * 4./3.*0.96*nTtau_ion*(Grad_par(Vpar_ion,CELL_CENTRE)^2) - #endif - + 2./3./n_ion * sources.ion_heat_source(t) - T_ion/n_ion*sources.particle_source(t); - - ddt(j_parallel) = 0.; - - #ifdef CUSTOMBCS - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) { - ddt(n_ion)(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - ddt(T_ion)(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - ddt(T_electron)(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - } - } - if (mesh->StaggerGrids) - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - for (int jy=mesh->yend; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - ddt(n_ion)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - ddt(T_ion)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - ddt(T_electron)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - } - } - else - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - ddt(n_ion)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - ddt(T_ion)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - ddt(T_electron)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - } - } - - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - for (int jy=mesh->ystart; jy>=0; jy--) - ddt(Vpar_ion)(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - } - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - for (int jy=mesh->yend; jyLocalNy; jy++) - ddt(Vpar_ion)(rup.ind,jy,jz) = 0.; - } - #endif - - return 0; -} diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel.cxx b/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 8bdae31f52..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2030 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * \file heat_flux_integration.cxx - * - * \brief Calculate non-local electron closures - * - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - */ - -#include "non-local_parallel.hxx" - -// #include - -// #define NOEDGETERMS - -BoutReal NonLocalParallelgamma_factor = 3.; - -/********************************************************************************** - * HEAT FLUX INITIALISATION AND CREATION * - **********************************************************************************/ - - -NonLocalParallel::~NonLocalParallel() { - delete [] eigenvalues; - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - delete [] heatflux_gradT_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - delete [] heatflux_gradV_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - delete [] heatflux_VeminusVi_coefficients; - #endif - delete [] heatflux_lower_boundary_transients; - delete [] heatflux_upper_boundary_transients; - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - delete [] heatflux_transients_factors; - delete [] W11_B_times_WinverseB_11; - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - delete [] W11_B_times_WinverseB_20; - #endif - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - delete [] viscosity_gradT_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - delete [] viscosity_gradV_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - delete [] viscosity_VeminusVi_coefficients; - #endif - delete [] viscosity_lower_boundary_transients; - delete [] viscosity_upper_boundary_transients; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - delete [] viscosity_transients_factors; - delete [] W20_B_times_WinverseB_20; - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - delete [] W20_B_times_WinverseB_11; - #endif - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - delete [] friction_gradT_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - delete [] friction_gradV_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - delete [] friction_VeminusVi_coefficients; - #endif - delete [] friction_lower_boundary_transients; - delete [] friction_upper_boundary_transients; - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - delete [] C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - delete [] C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20; - #endif - #endif - if (is_lower_boundary) { - delete [] exp_total_dimensionless_length_over_eigenvalue; - } - MPI_Comm_free(&comm_yprocs_minusone); -} - -void NonLocalParallel::initialise(BoutReal pass_electron_charge, BoutReal pass_electron_mass, BoutReal pass_ion_mass, BoutReal pass_epsilon_0, BoutReal pass_logLambda, const bool pass_fluxes_location_is_ylow, BoutReal pass_gamma_factor) { - fluxes_location_is_ylow = pass_fluxes_location_is_ylow; - #if CHECK > 0 - calculated_before_setting_bcs=false; - #endif - is_lower_boundary=mesh->firstY(); - is_upper_boundary=mesh->lastY(); - boundary_gradient_smoothing_length = mesh->GlobalNy/256; // Number of grid points to average over for the gradient used to extrapolate to the guard cells - boundary_condition_smoothing_range = BoutReal(mesh->GlobalNy)/64.; // Scale length of the exponential decay used to smoothly apply the boundary condition - if (boundary_gradient_smoothing_length==0) - boundary_gradient_smoothing_length = 1; - - if (fluxes_location_is_ylow && !mesh->StaggerGrids) - throw BoutException("Trying to calculate the heat flux at CELL_YLOW while StaggerGrids=false is an error."); - - cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.initialise('y',true,fluxes_location_is_ylow); - if (fluxes_location_is_ylow) { - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - cubic_spline_gradT_driveterm.initialise('y',true,true); // CELL_CENTRE quantity, so must be adjusted when the grids are staggered. - cubic_spline_gradT.initialise('y',true,false); // will fix up the boundary guard cells with forward/backward derivatives, since at least one guard cell value will be needed - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - cubic_spline_gradV_driveterm.initialise('y',false,true); // CELL_CENTRE quantity, so must be adjusted when the grids are staggered. - cubic_spline_one.initialise('y',true,false); - Field3D one = 1.; - cubic_spline_one.calculate(one); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - cubic_spline_VeminusVi_driveterm.initialise('y',true,true); - cubic_spline_jpar.initialise('y',true,false); - #endif - } - else { - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - cubic_spline_gradT_driveterm.initialise('y',false,false); // false because gradT_driveterm includes a derivative, so we don't know it in the guard cells, hence calculate the interpolation excluding the guard cells at the target boundaries. - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - cubic_spline_gradV_driveterm.initialise('y',false,false); // false because gradT_driveterm includes a derivative, so we don't know it in the guard cells, hence calculate the interpolation excluding the guard cells at the target boundaries. - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - cubic_spline_VeminusVi_driveterm.initialise('y',true,false); - #endif - } - - // Get the options for the model - Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("non_local_parallel"); - OPTION(options, moments_number, 10); - OPTION(options, NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE, 12381); - - position = new bindex; - broadcast_request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; - - electron_charge = pass_electron_charge; - electron_mass = pass_electron_mass; - ion_mass = pass_ion_mass; - epsilon_0 = pass_epsilon_0; - logLambda = pass_logLambda; - NonLocalParallelgamma_factor = pass_gamma_factor; - - if (fluxes_location_is_ylow) { - increasing_dimensionless_length.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - decreasing_dimensionless_length.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); // should really have this as CELL_CENTRE quantity, but then would have to calculate the integrals on both CELL_CENTRE and CELL_YLOW which is perfectly possible but has not been implemented yet - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_electron.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - gradT_electron=0.; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - // No CELL_YLOW drive terms here - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - // VeminusVi already CELL_YLOW - #endif - } - - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_driveterm = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - gradV_driveterm = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - VeminusVi_driveterm = 0.; - #endif - lambdaC_inverse = 0.; - increasing_dimensionless_length = 0.; - decreasing_dimensionless_length = 0.; - dimensionless_length_deltas_above = 0.; - if (fluxes_location_is_ylow) - dimensionless_length_deltas_below=0.; - total_dimensionless_length = 1./0.; - - integration.initialise(fluxes_location_is_ylow); - - // Get model's eigenvalues and coefficients from files - BoutReal junk; - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - std::stringstream heatflux_infilename; - heatflux_infilename<<"nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxcoeffs"<>number_of_negative_eigenvalues; - #ifndef ALLOCATED_EIGENVALUES - #define ALLOCATED_EIGENVALUES - eigenvalues = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - heatflux_gradT_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - heatflux_gradV_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - heatflux_VeminusVi_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - heatflux_infile>>heatflux_gradT_zerocoeff; - #else - heatflux_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - heatflux_infile>>junk; // the zero eigenvector has only odd-l components, so the gradV drive (which is (2,0)) does not contribute - #else - heatflux_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - heatflux_infile>>heatflux_VeminusVi_zerocoeff; - #else - heatflux_infile>>junk; - #endif - for (int i=0; i>eigenvalues[i]; - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - heatflux_infile>>heatflux_gradT_coefficients[i]; - #else - heatflux_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - heatflux_infile>>heatflux_gradV_coefficients[i]; - #else - heatflux_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - heatflux_infile>>heatflux_VeminusVi_coefficients[i]; - #else - heatflux_infile>>junk; - #endif - } - heatflux_infile.close(); - std::stringstream heatfluxbc_infilename; - heatfluxbc_infilename<<"nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxbc"<>W11_dot_W11; - #else - heatfluxbc_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - heatfluxbc_infile>>W11_dot_W20; - #else - heatfluxbc_infile>>junk; - #endif - for (int i=0; i>W11_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]; - #else - heatfluxbc_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - heatfluxbc_infile>>W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]; - #else - heatfluxbc_infile>>junk; - #endif - } - heatfluxbc_infile.close(); - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - if (is_lower_boundary || is_upper_boundary) { - pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11 = 0.; - upper_boundary_condition_n11 = 0.; - } - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - std::stringstream viscosity_infilename; - viscosity_infilename<<"nonlocal_coefficients/viscositycoeffs"<>number_of_negative_eigenvalues; - #ifndef ALLOCATED_EIGENVALUES - #define ALLOCATED_EIGENVALUES - eigenvalues = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - viscosity_gradT_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - viscosity_gradV_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - viscosity_VeminusVi_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - viscosity_infile>>junk; // the zero eigenvector has only odd-l components, so does not contribute to the viscosity (2,0) - #else - viscosity_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - viscosity_infile>>junk; // the zero eigenvector has only odd-l components, so does not contribute to the viscosity (2,0) - #else - viscosity_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - viscosity_infile>>junk; // the zero eigenvector has only odd-l components, so does not contribute to the viscosity (2,0) - #else - viscosity_infile>>junk; - #endif - for (int i=0; i>eigenvalues[i]; - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - viscosity_infile>>viscosity_gradT_coefficients[i]; - #else - viscosity_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - viscosity_infile>>viscosity_gradV_coefficients[i]; - #else - viscosity_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - viscosity_infile>>viscosity_VeminusVi_coefficients[i]; - #else - viscosity_infile>>junk; - #endif - } - viscosity_infile.close(); - std::stringstream viscositybc_infilename; - viscositybc_infilename<<"nonlocal_coefficients/viscositybc"<>W20_dot_W20; - #else - viscositybc_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - viscositybc_infile>>W20_dot_W11; - #else - viscositybc_infile>>junk; - #endif - for (int i=0; i>W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]; - #else - viscositybc_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - viscositybc_infile>>W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]; - #else - viscositybc_infile>>junk; - #endif - } - viscositybc_infile.close(); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - if (is_lower_boundary || is_upper_boundary) { - pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20 = 0.; - upper_boundary_condition_n20 = 0.; - } - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - std::stringstream friction_infilename; - friction_infilename<<"nonlocal_coefficients/frictioncoeffs"<>number_of_negative_eigenvalues; - #ifndef ALLOCATED_EIGENVALUES - #define ALLOCATED_EIGENVALUES - eigenvalues = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - friction_gradT_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - friction_gradV_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - friction_VeminusVi_coefficients = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - friction_infile>>friction_gradT_zerocoeff; - #else - friction_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - friction_infile>>junk; // the zero eigenvector has only odd-l components, so the gradV drive (which is (2,0)) does not contribute - #else - friction_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - friction_infile>>friction_VeminusVi_zerocoeff; - #else - friction_infile>>junk; - #endif - for (int i=0; i>eigenvalues[i]; - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - friction_infile>>friction_gradT_coefficients[i]; - #else - friction_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - friction_infile>>friction_gradV_coefficients[i]; - #else - friction_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - friction_infile>>friction_VeminusVi_coefficients[i]; - #else - friction_infile>>junk; - #endif - } - friction_infile.close(); - std::stringstream frictionbc_infilename; - frictionbc_infilename<<"nonlocal_coefficients/frictionbc"<>C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]; - #else - frictionbc_infile>>junk; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - frictionbc_infile>>C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]; - #else - frictionbc_infile>>junk; - #endif - } - frictionbc_infile.close(); - #endif - - if (is_lower_boundary) { - exp_total_dimensionless_length_over_eigenvalue = new BoutReal[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - } - - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - heatflux_lower_boundary_transients = new FieldPerp[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients = new FieldPerp[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - for (int i=0; ixend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients = new FieldPerp[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients = new FieldPerp[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - for (int i=0; ixend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients = new FieldPerp[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients = new FieldPerp[number_of_negative_eigenvalues]; - for (int i=0; igetNYPE()-1; - int * indices_yprocs = new int[n_yprocs]; - for (int i=0; igetNXPE() + mesh->getXProcIndex(); - - MPI_Group group_world; - MPI_Comm_group(BoutComm::get(), &group_world); // Get the entire group - MPI_Group_incl(group_world, n_yprocs, indices_yprocs, &group_yprocs); - MPI_Group_free(&group_world); - delete [] indices_yprocs; - - MPI_Comm_create(BoutComm::get(), group_yprocs, &comm_yprocs_minusone); - MPI_Group_free(&group_yprocs); - } - -} - -/********************************************************************************** - * HEAT FLUX CALCULATION ROUTINES - **********************************************************************************/ - -void NonLocalParallel::calculate_nonlocal_closures(const Field3D &n_electron, const Field3D &T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , const Field3D &V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , const Field3D &jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , const Field3D &heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , const Field3D &viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ) { - if (fluxes_location_is_ylow) - calculate_nonlocal_closures_cell_ylow(n_electron, T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ); - else - calculate_nonlocal_closures_cell_centre(n_electron, T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ); - #if CHECK > 0 - calculated_before_setting_bcs=true; - #endif -} - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -void NonLocalParallel::calculate_nonlocal_closures_cell_centre(const Field3D &n_electron, const Field3D &T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , const Field3D &V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , const Field3D &jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , const Field3D &heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , const Field3D &viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ) { - - lambdaC_inverse = n_electron * pow(electron_charge,4) * logLambda / 12 / pow(PI,1.5) / pow(epsilon_0,2) / (T_electron^2); - - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_driveterm = 5./4. * n_electron / T_electron * Grad_par(T_electron) / lambdaC_inverse; //g^(1,1) - mesh->communicate(gradT_driveterm); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - gradV_driveterm = -0.5 * n_electron / sqrt(2.*T_electron/electron_mass) * Grad_par(V_electron) / lambdaC_inverse; - mesh->communicate(gradV_driveterm); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - VeminusVi_driveterm = -2./sqrt(PI) * (-jpar/electron_charge) / sqrt(2.*T_electron/electron_mass); - mesh->communicate(VeminusVi_driveterm); - #endif - - // Now calculate z and deltaz everywhere - cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.calculate(lambdaC_inverse); - - start_index(position); - - if (mesh->UpXSplitIndex()!=0 || mesh->DownXSplitIndex()!=0) throw BoutException("This code cannot currently handle x-splitting of processors."); - if (!is_lower_boundary) { - FieldPerp pass_dimensionless_length; - pass_dimensionless_length.allocate(); - { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInOutdest(*pass_dimensionless_length.getData(),mesh->LocalNx*(mesh->LocalNz), - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + position->jx*mesh->LocalNz+position->jz)); - } - pass_dimensionless_length.setIndex(mesh->ystart); - increasing_dimensionless_length = pass_dimensionless_length; - } - - do { - position->jy = mesh->ystart-1; - calc_index(position); - interp_coefficients = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - // d/dy(delta) = 1/lambdaC = a + b*t + c*t^2 + d*t^3; t=(ind-jy)=(y-y0)/(sqrt(g_22)*dy); ind is a notional continuous variable equal to jy at the gridpoints so at jy+1 t=1 - - // Fetch coordinate system - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] /* = dy/dt*(a + 1/2*b + 1/3*c + 1/4*d) */ - = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(0.5*(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)+coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jyp))) - *(interp_coefficients[0] + interp_coefficients[1]/2. + interp_coefficients[2]/3. + interp_coefficients[3]/4.); - next_index_y(position); - - do{ - interp_coefficients = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - // d/dy(delta) = 1/lambdaC = a + b*t + c*t^2 + d*t^3; t=(ind-jy)=(y-y0)/(sqrt(g_22)*dy); ind is a notional continuous variable equal to jy at the gridpoints so at jy+1 t=1 - dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] /* = dy/dt*(a + 1/2*b + 1/3*c + 1/4*d) */ - = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(0.5*(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)+coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jyp))) - *(interp_coefficients[0] + interp_coefficients[1]/2. + interp_coefficients[2]/3. + interp_coefficients[3]/4.); - increasing_dimensionless_length(position->jx,position->jyp,position->jz) = increasing_dimensionless_length[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - } while (next_index_y(position)); - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); - - { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutOutdest(*increasing_dimensionless_length.slice(mesh->yend+1).getData(),mesh->LocalNx*(mesh->LocalNz), - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + position->jx*mesh->LocalNz+position->jz); - } - - // Send the total dimensionless_length at the upper boundary back to the other processors. - if (is_upper_boundary) - total_dimensionless_length = increasing_dimensionless_length.slice(mesh->yend); - - y_broadcast(*total_dimensionless_length.getData(), mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, mesh->getNYPE()-1); - - decreasing_dimensionless_length = -increasing_dimensionless_length; - for (int jy=mesh->ystart; jy<=mesh->yend; jy++) { - total_dimensionless_length.setIndex(jy); - decreasing_dimensionless_length += total_dimensionless_length; - } - - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux += -heatflux_gradT_zerocoeff * gradT_driveterm; //zero eigenvalue contribution to n^(1,1) //zero eigenvalue contribution to n^(1,1)/T^1. - #endif - // viscosity gets no zero eigenvalue contribution - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction += -friction_gradT_zerocoeff * gradT_driveterm; - #endif - cubic_spline_gradT_driveterm.calculate(gradT_driveterm); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - // gradV drive has no zero eigenvalue contribution - cubic_spline_gradV_driveterm.calculate(gradV_driveterm); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux += -heatflux_VeminusVi_zerocoeff * VeminusVi_driveterm; - #endif - // viscosity gets no zero eigenvalue contribution - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction += -friction_VeminusVi_zerocoeff * VeminusVi_driveterm; - #endif - cubic_spline_VeminusVi_driveterm.calculate(VeminusVi_driveterm); - #endif - - for (int i=0; iiterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position->jx=rup.ind; - position->jy=mesh->yend; - position->jz=jz; - calc_index(position); - BoutReal Te_here = interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,*position); - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11[rup.ind][jz] = electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - upper_boundary_condition_n11[rup.ind][jz] = -4./5.*sqrt(electron_mass/2.)/pow(Te_here,1.5)*heat_flux_boundary_condition[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20[rup.ind][jz] = electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - upper_boundary_condition_n20[rup.ind][jz] = viscosity_boundary_condition[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]/Te_here; - #endif - } - if (is_upper_boundary && mesh->getNYPE()>1) { - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - MPI_Request request1 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex()); - MPI_Request request2 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *upper_boundary_condition_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 1); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request1,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request2,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - MPI_Request request3 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 3); - MPI_Request request4 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *upper_boundary_condition_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 4); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request3,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request4,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - #endif - } - if (is_lower_boundary && mesh->getNYPE()>1) { - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex()) ); - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *upper_boundary_condition_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 1) ); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 3) ); - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *upper_boundary_condition_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 4) ); - #endif - } - - if (is_lower_boundary) { - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position->jx=jx; - position->jy=mesh->ystart; - position->jz=jz; - calc_index(position); - BoutReal Te_here = interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,*position); - #if defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && !defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - BoutReal lower_boundary_n11 = -4./5.*sqrt(electron_mass/2.)/pow(Te_here,1.5)*heat_flux_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n11 = upper_boundary_condition_n11[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n11 = electron_heat_flux[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n11 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11[jx][jz]; - /* - electron_heat_flux is, at this point, the contribution to n11 from nhat_plus. - We want the actual heat flux at mesh->ystart to be boundary_heat_flux. - Thus the remainder must come from nhat_minus, which we will construct here just to give the right 1,1 component (could set number_of_negative_eigenvalues-1 more components if desired) - However, the transients from the other boundary do not necessarily decay to vanishing by the time they get to this boundary, so we must solve for both. - Fortunately this reduces to a single algebraic equation which makes it surprisingly easy to do (in the case of just a single condition being imposed at least). - */ - - BoutReal sum_decayed_W11_W11_term = 0.; - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (lower_boundary_n11 - interim_lower_boundary_n11)*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*(upper_boundary_n11 - interim_upper_boundary_n11) ) - / ( pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2) ); - heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11 - interim_upper_boundary_n11)*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*(lower_boundary_n11 - interim_lower_boundary_n11) ) - / ( pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2) ); - #elif defined(BC_VISCOSITY) && !defined(BC_HEATFLUX) - BoutReal lower_boundary_n20 = viscosity_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]/Te_here; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n20 = upper_boundary_condition_n20[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n20 = electron_viscosity[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n20 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20[jx][jz]; - /* - electron_viscosity is, at this point, the contribution to n20 from nhat_plus. - We want the actual viscosity at mesh->ystart to be boundary_viscosity. - Thus the remainder must come from nhat_minus, which we will construct here just to give the right 2,0 component (could set number_of_negative_eigenvalues-1 more components if desired) - However, the transients from the other boundary do not necessarily decay to vanishing by the time they get to this boundary, so we must solve for both. - Fortunately this reduces to a single algebraic equation which makes it surprisingly easy to do (in the case of just a single condition being imposed at least). - */ - - BoutReal sum_decayed_W20_W20_term = 0.; - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (lower_boundary_n20 - interim_lower_boundary_n20)*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*(upper_boundary_n20 - interim_upper_boundary_n20) ) - / ( pow(W20_dot_W20,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2) ); - viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n20 - interim_upper_boundary_n20)*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*(lower_boundary_n20 - interim_lower_boundary_n20) ) - / ( pow(W20_dot_W20,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2)); - #elif defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - BoutReal lower_boundary_n11 = -4./5.*sqrt(electron_mass/2.)/pow(Te_here,1.5)*heat_flux_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n11 = upper_boundary_condition_n11[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n11 = electron_heat_flux[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n11 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11[jx][jz]; - BoutReal lower_boundary_n20 = viscosity_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]/Te_here; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n20 = upper_boundary_condition_n20[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n20 = electron_viscosity[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n20 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20[jx][jz]; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W11_W11_term = 0.; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W20_W20_term = 0.; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W11_W20_term = 0.; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W20_W11_term = 0.; - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*pow(W11_dot_W20,2) - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( -pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2)*W11_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 + W11_dot_W11*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*W20_dot_W11 - + pow(W11_dot_W20,2)*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - ) / det; - heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( -pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2)*W11_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - + W11_dot_W11*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - + pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*W20_dot_W11 - - pow(W11_dot_W20,2)*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W20 - + W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( -pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*pow(W11_dot_W20,2) - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - ) / det; - viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2) - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - + pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - - pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2)*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - + W11_dot_W20*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - - W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*W20_dot_W20 - + pow(W11_dot_W11,2)*W20_dot_W20 ) - ) / det; - viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - + pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2)*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - - W11_dot_W20*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - + W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - - W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*W20_dot_W20 - + pow(W11_dot_W11,2)*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2) - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - + pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 ) - ) / det; - #endif - } - } - - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - y_broadcast(heatflux_transients_factors, (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)*2, 0); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - y_broadcast(viscosity_transients_factors, (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)*2, 0); - #endif - - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #if defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && !defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W11_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - } - #elif defined(BC_VISCOSITY) && !defined(BC_HEATFLUX) - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - } - #elif defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W11_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - - W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - - C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - } - #else - for (int i=0; ijy=mesh->ystart; - calc_index(position); - do { - for (int i=0; ijx][position->jz] * exp_increasing - + heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_decreasing; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity[*position] += viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_increasing - + viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_decreasing; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction[*position] += friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_increasing - + friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_decreasing; - #endif - } - position->jy++; - calc_index(position); - } while (position->jyyend+1); - } while (next_indexperp(position)); - #endif - - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux *= -5./4.*sqrt(2./electron_mass)*(T_electron^1.5); //now we have q=-5/4*v_Telectron*T_electron*n^(1,1) - mesh->communicate(electron_heat_flux); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity *= T_electron; - mesh->communicate(electron_viscosity); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction *= 2.*T_electron/3.*lambdaC_inverse; - electron_friction += -2.*sqrt(2.*electron_mass*T_electron)*lambdaC_inverse*(-jpar/electron_charge); // Need to include also the friction due directly to the Maxwellian part of the distribution function - mesh->communicate(electron_friction); - #endif -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -void NonLocalParallel::calculate_nonlocal_closures_cell_ylow(const Field3D &n_electron, const Field3D &T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , const Field3D &V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , const Field3D &jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , const Field3D &heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , const Field3D &viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ) { - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - lambdaC_inverse = n_electron * pow(electron_charge,4) * logLambda / 12 / pow(PI,1.5) / pow(epsilon_0,2) / (T_electron^2); - - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_driveterm = 5./4. * n_electron / T_electron / lambdaC_inverse; //g^(1,1) - gradT_electron = Grad_par(T_electron,CELL_YLOW); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - gradV_driveterm = -0.5 * n_electron / sqrt(2.*T_electron/electron_mass) * Grad_par(V_electron,CELL_CENTRE) / lambdaC_inverse; -// gradV_electron = Grad_par(V_electron,CELL_YLOW); // would be more consistent to put this on CELL_CENTRE, but that would make imposing a boundary condition a pain. - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - VeminusVi_driveterm = -2./sqrt(PI) * (-1./electron_charge) / sqrt(2.*T_electron/electron_mass); - // jpar is already CELL_YLOW. - #endif - // Calculate target boundary guard cell derivitives (at YLOW) for gradT_electron with 4th order forward/backward differences from T_electron (at CENTRE) - // Also check for unphysical lambdaC_inverse - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) { - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_electron(rlow.ind,jy,jz)=(-93.*T_electron(rlow.ind,jy,jz) + 229.*T_electron(rlow.ind,jy+1,jz) - 225.*T_electron(rlow.ind,jy+2,jz) + 111.*T_electron(rlow.ind,jy+3,jz) - 22.*T_electron(rlow.ind,jy+4,jz))/48./coord->dy(rlow.ind,jy)/sqrt((coord->g_22(rlow.ind,jy) + coord->g_22(rlow.ind,jy+1) + coord->g_22(rlow.ind,jy+2) + coord->g_22(rlow.ind,jy+3) + coord->g_22(rlow.ind,jy+4))/5.); - if (abs(gradT_driveterm(rlow.ind,jy,jz))>1.e37 || gradT_driveterm(rlow.ind,jy,jz)!=gradT_driveterm(rlow.ind,jy,jz)) gradT_driveterm(rlow.ind,jy,jz) = 1.e37; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - // Nothing to be done here: gradV_driveterm is CELL_CENTRE and the guard cell values are not used - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - if (abs(VeminusVi_driveterm[rlow.ind][jy][jz])>1.e37 || VeminusVi_driveterm[rlow.ind][jy][jz]!=VeminusVi_driveterm[rlow.ind][jy][jz]) VeminusVi_driveterm[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = 1.e37; - #endif - if (abs(lambdaC_inverse[rlow.ind][jy][jz])>1.e37 || lambdaC_inverse[rlow.ind][jy][jz]!=lambdaC_inverse[rlow.ind][jy][jz]) lambdaC_inverse[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = 1.e37; - } - } - - - - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] = (T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz]-27.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz]+27.*T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]-T_electron[rup.ind][mesh->yend+1][jz])/24./coord->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend+1]/sqrt((coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend+1] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend+2])/4.); - #endif - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - gradT_electron[rup.ind][jy][jz]=(93.*T_electron(rup.ind,jy-1,jz) - 229.*T_electron(rup.ind,jy-2,jz) + 225.*T_electron(rup.ind,jy-3,jz) - 111.*T_electron(rup.ind,jy-4,jz) + 22.*T_electron(rup.ind,jy-5,jz))/48./coord->dy(rup.ind,jy-1)/sqrt((coord->g_22[rup.ind][jy-1] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][jy-2] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][jy-3] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][jy-4] + coord->g_22[rup.ind][jy-5])/5.); - if (abs(gradT_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz])>1.e37 || gradT_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz]!=gradT_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz]) gradT_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz] = 1.e37; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - // Nothing to be done here: gradV_driveterm is CELL_CENTRE and the guard cell values are not used - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - if (abs(VeminusVi_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz])>1.e37 || VeminusVi_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz]!=VeminusVi_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz]) VeminusVi_driveterm[rup.ind][jy][jz] = 1.e37; - #endif - if (abs(lambdaC_inverse[rup.ind][jy][jz])>1.e37 || lambdaC_inverse[rup.ind][jy][jz]!=lambdaC_inverse[rup.ind][jy][jz]) lambdaC_inverse[rup.ind][jy][jz] = 1.e37; - } - } - - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - mesh->communicate(gradT_electron); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - mesh->communicate(gradV_driveterm); - #endif - // No gradient term to communicate for VeminusVi - - // Now calculate z and deltaz everywhere - cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.calculate(lambdaC_inverse); - - start_index(position); - - if (mesh->UpXSplitIndex()!=0 || mesh->DownXSplitIndex()!=0) throw BoutException("This code cannot currently handle x-splitting of processors."); - if (!is_lower_boundary) { - FieldPerp pass_dimensionless_length; - pass_dimensionless_length.allocate(); - { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInOutdest(*pass_dimensionless_length.getData(),mesh->LocalNx*(mesh->LocalNz), - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + position->jx*mesh->LocalNz+position->jz)); - } - pass_dimensionless_length.setIndex(mesh->ystart); - increasing_dimensionless_length = pass_dimensionless_length; - } - - do { - position->jy = mesh->ystart-1; - calc_index(position); - interp_coefficients = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - // dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy] and dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy] are the deltaz's for the half-step above and below, respectively, the CELL_CENTRE at jy - // deltaz between position[jy](CELL_CENTRE), where t=0, and position[jyp](CELL_YLOW), where t=0.5 - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - dimensionless_length_deltas_above[position->jx][position->jy][position->jz] = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)) - *(interp_coefficients[0]/2. + interp_coefficients[1]/2./4. + interp_coefficients[2]/3./8. + interp_coefficients[3]/4./16.); - // deltaz between position[jyp](CELL_YLOW), where t=0.5, and position[jyp](CELL_CENTRE), where t=1 - dimensionless_length_deltas_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jyp)) - *(interp_coefficients[0]/2. + interp_coefficients[1]/2.*3./4. + interp_coefficients[2]/3.*7./8. + interp_coefficients[3]/4.*15./16.); - next_index_y(position); - - do{ - interp_coefficients = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - // deltaz between position[jy](CELL_CENTRE), where t=0, and position[jyp](CELL_YLOW), where t=0.5 - - dimensionless_length_deltas_above[position->jx][position->jy][position->jz] = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)) - *(interp_coefficients[0]/2. + interp_coefficients[1]/2./4. + interp_coefficients[2]/3./8. + interp_coefficients[3]/4./16.); - // deltaz between position[jyp](CELL_YLOW), where t=0.5, and position[jyp](CELL_CENTRE), where t=1 - dimensionless_length_deltas_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jyp)*sqrt(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jyp)) - *(interp_coefficients[0]/2. + interp_coefficients[1]/2.*3./4. + interp_coefficients[2]/3.*7./8. + interp_coefficients[3]/4.*15./16.); - increasing_dimensionless_length[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = increasing_dimensionless_length[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - } while (next_index_y(position)); - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); - - { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutOutdest(*increasing_dimensionless_length.slice(mesh->yend+1).getData(),mesh->LocalNx*(mesh->LocalNz), - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + position->jx*mesh->LocalNz+position->jz); - } - - // Send the total dimensionless_length at the upper boundary back to the other processors. - if (is_upper_boundary) { - total_dimensionless_length = increasing_dimensionless_length.slice(mesh->yend); - } - - y_broadcast(*total_dimensionless_length.getData(), mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, mesh->getNYPE()-1); - - decreasing_dimensionless_length = -increasing_dimensionless_length; - for (int jy=mesh->ystart; jy<=mesh->yend; jy++) { - total_dimensionless_length.setIndex(jy); - decreasing_dimensionless_length += total_dimensionless_length; - } - - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction = 0.; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux += -heatflux_gradT_zerocoeff * interp_to(gradT_driveterm,CELL_YLOW) * gradT_electron; //zero eigenvalue contribution to n^(1,1)/T^1.5 - #endif - // viscosity gets no zero eigenvalue contribution - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction += -friction_gradT_zerocoeff * interp_to(gradT_driveterm,CELL_YLOW) * gradT_electron; //zero eigenvalue contribution - #endif - cubic_spline_gradT_driveterm.calculate(gradT_driveterm); - cubic_spline_gradT.calculate(gradT_electron); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - // gradV drive gives no zero eigenvalue contribution - cubic_spline_gradV_driveterm.calculate(gradV_driveterm); - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux += -heatflux_VeminusVi_zerocoeff * interp_to(VeminusVi_driveterm,CELL_YLOW)*jpar; - #endif - // viscosity gets no zero eigenvalue contribution - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction += -friction_VeminusVi_zerocoeff * interp_to(VeminusVi_driveterm,CELL_YLOW)*jpar; - #endif - cubic_spline_VeminusVi_driveterm.calculate(VeminusVi_driveterm); - cubic_spline_jpar.calculate(jpar); - #endif - - for (int i=0; iiterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position->jx=rup.ind; - position->jy=mesh->yend; - position->jz=jz; - calc_index(position); - BoutReal Te_here = interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,*position); - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11[rup.ind][jz] = electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - upper_boundary_condition_n11[rup.ind][jz] = -4./5.*sqrt(electron_mass/2.)/pow(Te_here,1.5)*heat_flux_boundary_condition[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20[rup.ind][jz] = electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - upper_boundary_condition_n20[rup.ind][jz] = viscosity_boundary_condition[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]/Te_here; - #endif - } - if (is_upper_boundary && mesh->getNYPE()>1) { - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - MPI_Request request1 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex()); - MPI_Request request2 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *upper_boundary_condition_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 1); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request1,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request2,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - MPI_Request request3 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 3); - MPI_Request request4 = mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0, - *upper_boundary_condition_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 4); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request3,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - MPI_Waitall(1,&request4,MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE); - #endif - } - if (is_lower_boundary && mesh->getNYPE()>1) { - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex()) ); - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *upper_boundary_condition_n11.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 1) ); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 3) ); - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(), mesh->getNYPE()-1, - *upper_boundary_condition_n20.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE + mesh->getXProcIndex() + 4) ); - #endif - } - - if (is_lower_boundary) { - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - position->jx=jx; - position->jy=mesh->ystart; - position->jz=jz; - calc_index(position); - BoutReal Te_here = interp_to_point_YLOW(T_electron,*position); - #if defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && !defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - BoutReal lower_boundary_n11 = -4./5.*sqrt(electron_mass/2.)/pow(Te_here,1.5)*heat_flux_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n11 = upper_boundary_condition_n11[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n11 = electron_heat_flux[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n11 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11[jx][jz]; - /* - electron_heat_flux is, at this point, the contribution to n11 from nhat_plus. - We want the actual heat flux at mesh->ystart to be boundary_heat_flux. - Thus the remainder must come from nhat_minus, which we will construct here just to give the right 1,1 component (could set number_of_negative_eigenvalues-1 more components if desired) - However, the transients from the other boundary do not necessarily decay to vanishing by the time they get to this boundary, so we must solve for both. - Fortunately this reduces to a single algebraic equation which makes it surprisingly easy to do (in the case of just a single condition being imposed at least). - */ - - BoutReal sum_decayed_W11_W11_term = 0.; - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (lower_boundary_n11 - interim_lower_boundary_n11)*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*(upper_boundary_n11 - interim_upper_boundary_n11) ) - / ( pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2) ); - heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11 - interim_upper_boundary_n11)*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*(lower_boundary_n11 - interim_lower_boundary_n11) ) - / ( pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2) ); - #elif defined(BC_VISCOSITY) && !defined(BC_HEATFLUX) - BoutReal lower_boundary_n20 = viscosity_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]/Te_here; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n20 = upper_boundary_condition_n20[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n20 = electron_viscosity[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n20 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20[jx][jz]; - /* - electron_viscosity is, at this point, the contribution to n20 from nhat_plus. - We want the actual viscosity at mesh->ystart to be boundary_viscosity. - Thus the remainder must come from nhat_minus, which we will construct here just to give the right 2,0 component (could set number_of_negative_eigenvalues-1 more components if desired) - However, the transients from the other boundary do not necessarily decay to vanishing by the time they get to this boundary, so we must solve for both. - Fortunately this reduces to a single algebraic equation which makes it surprisingly easy to do (in the case of just a single condition being imposed at least). - */ - - BoutReal sum_decayed_W20_W20_term = 0.; - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (lower_boundary_n20 - interim_lower_boundary_n20)*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*(upper_boundary_n20 - interim_upper_boundary_n20) ) - / ( pow(W20_dot_W20,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2) ); - viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n20 - interim_upper_boundary_n20)*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*(lower_boundary_n20 - interim_lower_boundary_n20) ) - / ( pow(W20_dot_W20,2) - pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2)); - #elif defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - BoutReal lower_boundary_n11 = -4./5.*sqrt(electron_mass/2.)/pow(Te_here,1.5)*heat_flux_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n11 = upper_boundary_condition_n11[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n11 = electron_heat_flux[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n11 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11[jx][jz]; - BoutReal lower_boundary_n20 = viscosity_boundary_condition[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]/Te_here; - BoutReal upper_boundary_n20 = upper_boundary_condition_n20[jx][jz]; - BoutReal interim_lower_boundary_n20 = electron_viscosity[jx][mesh->ystart][jz]; - BoutReal interim_upper_boundary_n20 = pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20[jx][jz]; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W11_W11_term = 0.; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W20_W20_term = 0.; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W11_W20_term = 0.; - BoutReal sum_decayed_W20_W11_term = 0.; - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*pow(W11_dot_W20,2) - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( -pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2)*W11_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 + W11_dot_W11*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*W20_dot_W11 - + pow(W11_dot_W20,2)*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - ) / det; - heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( -pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2)*W11_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - + W11_dot_W11*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20 - + pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*W20_dot_W11 - - pow(W11_dot_W20,2)*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W20 - + W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W20_term,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*pow(W20_dot_W20,2) ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( -pow(sum_decayed_W11_W20_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*pow(W11_dot_W20,2) - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W20 ) - ) / det; - viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2) - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - + pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - - pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2)*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - + W11_dot_W20*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - - W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - - W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*W20_dot_W20 - + pow(W11_dot_W11,2)*W20_dot_W20 ) - ) / det; - viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] = ( (upper_boundary_n11-interim_upper_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11 - + pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2)*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - - W11_dot_W20*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W20_dot_W20 - + W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (upper_boundary_n20-interim_upper_boundary_n20)*( sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W20 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W20_dot_W11 - - W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 - - pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*W20_dot_W20 - + pow(W11_dot_W11,2)*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n11-interim_lower_boundary_n11)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(sum_decayed_W20_W11_term,2) - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - + sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*pow(W20_dot_W11,2) - - sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W20_dot_W11*W20_dot_W20 ) - + (lower_boundary_n20-interim_lower_boundary_n20)*( -sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*sum_decayed_W20_W11_term - + pow(sum_decayed_W11_W11_term,2)*sum_decayed_W20_W20_term - - sum_decayed_W20_W20_term*pow(W11_dot_W11,2) - + sum_decayed_W20_W11_term*W11_dot_W11*W11_dot_W20 - - sum_decayed_W11_W20_term*W11_dot_W11*W20_dot_W11 - + sum_decayed_W11_W11_term*W11_dot_W20*W20_dot_W11 ) - ) / det; - #endif - } - } - - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - y_broadcast(heatflux_transients_factors, (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)*2, 0); - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - y_broadcast(viscosity_transients_factors, (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)*2, 0); - #endif - - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #if defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && !defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W11_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - } - #elif defined(BC_VISCOSITY) && !defined(BC_HEATFLUX) - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - } - #elif defined(BC_HEATFLUX) && defined(BC_VISCOSITY) - for (int i=0; ixstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W11_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - - W11_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = -W20_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + W20_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - + C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][jx][jz] = C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11[i]*heatflux_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz] - - C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20[i]*viscosity_transients_factors[(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz)+(jx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz)+jz]; - #endif - } - #else - for (int i=0; ijy=mesh->ystart; - calc_index(position); - do { - for (int i=0; ijx][position->jz] * exp_increasing - + heatflux_upper_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_decreasing; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity[*position] += viscosity_lower_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_increasing - + viscosity_upper_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_decreasing; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction[*position] += friction_lower_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_increasing - + friction_upper_boundary_transients[i][position->jx][position->jz] * exp_decreasing; - #endif - } - position->jy++; - calc_index(position); - } while (position->jyyend+1); - } while (next_indexperp(position)); - #endif - - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux *= -5./4.*sqrt(2./electron_mass)*interp_to(T_electron^1.5,CELL_YLOW); //now we have q=-5/4*v_Telectron*T_electron*n^(1,1) - mesh->communicate(electron_heat_flux); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity *= T_electron; - mesh->communicate(electron_viscosity); - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction *= 2.*T_electron/3.*lambdaC_inverse; - electron_friction += -2.*sqrt(2.*electron_mass*T_electron)*lambdaC_inverse*(-jpar/electron_charge); - #endif -} - -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -void NonLocalParallel::set_boundary_gradients() { - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX -// BoutReal heat_flux_boundarygradient = (electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]-27.*electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz]+27.*electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz]-electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz])/24.; // NB gradient in index space -// BoutReal heat_flux_boundarygradient = (-11.*electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / coord->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - BoutReal heat_flux_boundarygradient = (-electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); // NB gradient in index space - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY -// BoutReal viscosity_boundarygradient = (electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]-27.*electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz]+27.*electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz]-electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz])/24.; // NB gradient in index space -// BoutReal viscosity_boundarygradient = (-11.*electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / coord->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - BoutReal viscosity_boundarygradient = (-electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); // NB gradient in index space - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION -// BoutReal friction_boundarygradient = (electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]-27.*electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz]+27.*electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz]-electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz])/24.; // NB gradient in index space -// BoutReal friction_boundarygradient = (-11.*electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + 18.*electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1][jz] - 9.*electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2][jz] + 2.*electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3][jz]) / 6. / coord->dy[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart] / sqrt((coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+1]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+2]+coord->g_22[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+3])/4.); - BoutReal friction_boundarygradient = (-electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz] + electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart+boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); // NB gradient in index space - #endif - for (int jy=mesh->ystart-1; jy>=0; jy--) { - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz] - heat_flux_boundarygradient; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz] - viscosity_boundarygradient; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction[rlow.ind][jy][jz] = electron_friction[rlow.ind][jy+1][jz] - friction_boundarygradient; - #endif - } - } - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX -// BoutReal heat_flux_boundarygradient = (electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]-27.*electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz]+27.*electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz]-electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/24.; // NB gradient in index space -// BoutReal heat_flux_boundarygradient = (11.*electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / coord->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - BoutReal heat_flux_boundarygradient = (-electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); // NB gradient in index space - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY -// BoutReal viscosity_boundarygradient = (electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]-27.*electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz]+27.*electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz]-electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/24.; // NB gradient in index space -// BoutReal viscosity_boundarygradient = (11.*electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / coord->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - BoutReal viscosity_boundarygradient = (-electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); // NB gradient in index space - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION -// BoutReal friction_boundarygradient = (electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]-27.*electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz]+27.*electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz]-electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/24.; // NB gradient in index space -// BoutReal friction_boundarygradient = (11.*electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz] - 18.*electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1][jz] + 9.*electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2][jz] - 2.*electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3][jz]) / 6. / coord->dy[rup.ind][mesh->yend] / sqrt((coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-1]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-2]+coord->g_22[rup.ind][mesh->yend-3])/4.); - BoutReal friction_boundarygradient = (-electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend-boundary_gradient_smoothing_length][jz] + electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz])/BoutReal(boundary_gradient_smoothing_length); // NB gradient in index space - #endif - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) { - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][jy][jz] = electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + heat_flux_boundarygradient; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity[rup.ind][jy][jz] = electron_viscosity[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + viscosity_boundarygradient; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction[rup.ind][jy][jz] = electron_friction[rup.ind][jy-1][jz] + friction_boundarygradient; - #endif - } - } -} - -void NonLocalParallel::set_neumann_boundary_conditions() { - for (RangeIterator rlow = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !rlow.isDone(); rlow++) - for (int jy=0; jyystart; jy++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][jy][jz]= electron_heat_flux[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][jy][jz]= electron_viscosity[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction[rlow.ind][jy][jz]= electron_friction[rlow.ind][mesh->ystart][jz]; - #endif - } - for (RangeIterator rup = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !rup.isDone(); rup++) - for (int jy=mesh->yend+1; jyLocalNy; jy++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][jy][jz]= electron_heat_flux[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - electron_viscosity[rup.ind][jy][jz]= electron_viscosity[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - electron_friction[rup.ind][jy][jz]= electron_friction[rup.ind][mesh->yend][jz]; - #endif - } -} - -void NonLocalParallel::y_broadcast(void* input_buffer, const int &size, const int &root_processor) { - // NB Assumes that the mesh is BoutMesh - Timer timer("comms"); - - /// NOTE: This only works if there are no branch-cuts - MPI_Comm comm_inner = mesh->getYcomm(0); - -// MPI_Bcast(input_buffer, size, PVEC_REAL_MPI_TYPE, root_processor, comm_yprocs); - MPI_Bcast(input_buffer, size, MPI_DOUBLE, root_processor, comm_inner); -// Should use commented out version if method is transferred to boutmesh.cxx -} - -void NonLocalParallel::rms_over_y(const Field3D &input_field, FieldPerp &output_field) { - FieldPerp tempsum; - tempsum = 0.; - int ye = mesh->yend; - if (mesh->StaggerGrids && input_field.getLocation()==CELL_CENTRE) ye--; - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=mesh->ystart; jy<=ye; jy++) { - tempsum(jx,jz) += SQ(input_field(jx,jy,jz)); - } - - /// NOTE: This only works if there are no branch-cuts - MPI_Comm comm_inner = mesh->getYcomm(0); - - MPI_Reduce(*tempsum.getData(), - *output_field.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - MPI_DOUBLE, - MPI_SUM, - mesh->getXProcIndex(), // Why? - comm_inner); - - // Don't really understand what this bit is supposed to do. - if (mesh->getYProcIndex()==0) { - int ny = mesh->GlobalNy; - if (mesh->StaggerGrids && input_field.getLocation()==CELL_CENTRE) ny--; - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz;jz++) - output_field[jx][jz] = sqrt(output_field[jx][jz]/ny); - mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),mesh->getNYPE()-1,*output_field.getData(),mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE); - } - else if (mesh->getYProcIndex()==mesh->getNYPE()-1) { - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0,*output_field.getData(),mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE)); - } -} - -/* - Calculates a mean over the Y (parallel) direction. - - Should probably be replaced by a call to averageY (src/physics/smoothing.cxx) - */ -void NonLocalParallel::mean_over_y(const Field3D &input_field, FieldPerp &output_field, int exclude_edgecells) { - FieldPerp tempsum; - tempsum = 0.; - int ys = mesh->ystart+exclude_edgecells; - int ye = mesh->yend-exclude_edgecells; - - if (mesh->StaggerGrids && input_field.getLocation()==CELL_CENTRE && mesh->lastY()) ye--; - - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) - for (int jy=ys; jy<=ye; jy++) { - tempsum(jx,jz)+=input_field(jx,jy,jz); - } - - /// NOTE: This only works if there are no branch-cuts - MPI_Comm comm_inner = mesh->getYcomm(0); - - MPI_Reduce(*tempsum.getData(), - *output_field.getData(), - mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz, - MPI_DOUBLE, - MPI_SUM, - mesh->getXProcIndex(), // Why? - comm_inner); - if (mesh->getYProcIndex()==0) { - int ny = mesh->GlobalNy; - if (mesh->StaggerGrids && input_field.getLocation()==CELL_CENTRE) ny--; - ny-=2*exclude_edgecells; - for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) - for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz;jz++) - output_field[jx][jz] = output_field[jx][jz]/ny; - mesh->sendToProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),mesh->getNYPE()-1,*output_field.getData(),mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE); - } - else if (mesh->getYProcIndex()==mesh->getNYPE()-1) { - mesh->wait(mesh->receiveFromProc(mesh->getXProcIndex(),0,*output_field.getData(),mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNz,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE)); - } -} - -BoutReal NonLocalParallel::interp_to_point_YLOW(const Field3D &input, bindex &position) { - if(mesh->StaggerGrids) - return (9.*(input(position.jx,position.jym,position.jz)+input(position.jx,position.jy,position.jz))-(input(position.jx,position.jy2m,position.jz)+input(position.jx,position.jyp,position.jz)))/16.; - else - return input[position]; -} diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel.hxx b/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 183aecdfb3..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,250 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************** - * Calculate non-local electron closures - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - **************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __NONLOCALPARALLEL_H__ -#define __NONLOCALPARALLEL_H__ - -#define CALCULATE_HEATFLUX -#define CALCULATE_VISCOSITY -#define CALCULATE_FRICTION - -#define BC_HEATFLUX -#define BC_VISCOSITY - -#define DRIVE_GRADT -#define DRIVE_GRADV -#define DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "cubic_spline_local.hxx" -#include "non-local_parallel_integration.hxx" - -class NonLocalParallel { -public: -// NonLocalParallel(); - ~NonLocalParallel(); - int moments_number; - void initialise(BoutReal pass_electron_charge, BoutReal pass_electron_mass, BoutReal pass_ion_mass, BoutReal pass_epsilon_0, BoutReal pass_logLambda, const bool pass_fluxes_location_is_ylow=false, BoutReal pass_gamma_factor=5./3.); - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - Field3D electron_heat_flux; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - Field3D electron_viscosity; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - Field3D electron_friction; - #endif - void calculate_nonlocal_closures(const Field3D &n_electron, const Field3D &T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , const Field3D &V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , const Field3D &jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , const Field3D &heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , const Field3D &viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ); - void set_boundary_gradients(); - void set_neumann_boundary_conditions(); - - // Bit of a hack: should put the method somewhere more sensible (like in boutmesh.cxx) - void y_broadcast(void* input_buffer, const int &size, const int &root_processor); // NB Assumes that the mesh is BoutMesh - - void rms_over_y(const Field3D &input_field, FieldPerp &output_field); - void mean_over_y(const Field3D &input_field, FieldPerp &output_field, int exclude_edgecells=0); - BoutReal interp_to_point_YLOW(const Field3D &input, bindex &position); - -private: - Field3D lambdaC_inverse; // inverse collision length, i.e. 1/lambdaC - Field3D increasing_dimensionless_length; // d/dl(increasing_dimensionless_length)=1/lambdaC - Field3D decreasing_dimensionless_length; - Field3D dimensionless_length_deltas_above; // change in dimensionless_length between jy and jy+1, used in calculating integrals. (More accurate than first adding up and then taking differences) - Field3D dimensionless_length_deltas_below; - FieldPerp total_dimensionless_length; - NonLocalParallelIntegration integration; - int number_of_negative_eigenvalues; - BoutReal * eigenvalues; - BoutReal * exp_total_dimensionless_length_over_eigenvalue; - BoutReal electron_charge; - BoutReal electron_mass; - BoutReal ion_mass; - BoutReal epsilon_0; - BoutReal logLambda; - int boundary_gradient_smoothing_length; - BoutReal boundary_condition_smoothing_range; - CubicSpline cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC; - BoutReal * interp_coefficients; - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - Field3D gradT_driveterm; // drive from Maxwellian moments for heat flux calculation. g^(1,1)/T^1.5 as a function of l. - // NB slightly bad notation: drive_term will INCLUDE grad(T) for cell-centred version but EXCLUDE grad(T) (i.e. be only the cell-centred prefactor) for the ylow staggered version, so that grad(T) can be interpolated separately - Field3D gradT_electron; // only used for staggered-grids case - CubicSpline cubic_spline_gradT_driveterm; - CubicSpline cubic_spline_gradT; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - Field3D gradV_driveterm; - Field3D gradV_electron; - CubicSpline cubic_spline_gradV_driveterm; - CubicSpline cubic_spline_one; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - Field3D VeminusVi_driveterm; - CubicSpline cubic_spline_VeminusVi_driveterm; - CubicSpline cubic_spline_jpar; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_HEATFLUX - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - BoutReal heatflux_gradT_zerocoeff; - BoutReal * heatflux_gradT_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - BoutReal * heatflux_gradV_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - BoutReal heatflux_VeminusVi_zerocoeff; - BoutReal * heatflux_VeminusVi_coefficients; - #endif - FieldPerp * heatflux_lower_boundary_transients; - FieldPerp * heatflux_upper_boundary_transients; - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - BoutReal * W11_B_times_WinverseB_20; - BoutReal W11_dot_W20; - #endif - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - BoutReal * W11_B_times_WinverseB_11; - BoutReal W11_dot_W11; - BoutReal * heatflux_transients_factors; - FieldPerp pass_interim_upper_boundary_n11; - FieldPerp upper_boundary_condition_n11; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_VISCOSITY - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - BoutReal * viscosity_gradT_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - BoutReal * viscosity_gradV_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - BoutReal * viscosity_VeminusVi_coefficients; - #endif - FieldPerp * viscosity_lower_boundary_transients; - FieldPerp * viscosity_upper_boundary_transients; - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - BoutReal * W20_B_times_WinverseB_11; - BoutReal W20_dot_W11; - #endif - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - BoutReal * W20_B_times_WinverseB_20; - BoutReal W20_dot_W20; - BoutReal * viscosity_transients_factors; - FieldPerp pass_interim_upper_boundary_n20; - FieldPerp upper_boundary_condition_n20; - #endif - #ifdef CALCULATE_FRICTION - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADT - BoutReal friction_gradT_zerocoeff; - BoutReal * friction_gradT_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - BoutReal * friction_gradV_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - BoutReal friction_VeminusVi_zerocoeff; - BoutReal * friction_VeminusVi_coefficients; - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - BoutReal * C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_11; - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - BoutReal * C10_1k_dot_W1k_B_times_WinverseB_20; - #endif - FieldPerp * friction_lower_boundary_transients; - FieldPerp * friction_upper_boundary_transients; - #endif - int NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_TAGBASE; - MPI_Request broadcast_request; - MPI_Comm comm_yprocs_minusone; - bindex* position; - bool fluxes_location_is_ylow; - bool is_lower_boundary; - bool is_upper_boundary; - void calculate_nonlocal_closures_cell_centre(const Field3D &n_electron, const Field3D &T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , const Field3D &V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , const Field3D &jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , const Field3D &heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , const Field3D &viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ); - void calculate_nonlocal_closures_cell_ylow(const Field3D &n_electron, const Field3D &T_electron - #ifdef DRIVE_GRADV - , const Field3D &V_electron - #endif - #ifdef DRIVE_VEMINUSVI - , const Field3D &jpar - #endif - #ifdef BC_HEATFLUX - , const Field3D &heat_flux_boundary_condition - #endif - #ifdef BC_VISCOSITY - , const Field3D &viscosity_boundary_condition - #endif - ); - #if CHECK > 0 - bool calculated_before_setting_bcs; - #endif -}; - -#endif // __NONLOCALPARALLEL_H__ diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel_integration.cxx b/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel_integration.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index f3538f0914..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel_integration.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,585 +0,0 @@ -/*! - * \file heat_flux_integration.cxx - * - * \brief Perform integral needed to calculate non-local electron closures - * - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - */ - -#include "non-local_parallel_integration.hxx" - -/********************************************************************************** - * INTEGRATION INITIALISATION AND CREATION - **********************************************************************************/ - -NonLocalParallelIntegration::NonLocalParallelIntegration() { - position = new bindex; - deltal = new BoutReal; - integral_coeffs = new BoutReal[4]; - integral_parts = new BoutReal[4]; - } - -NonLocalParallelIntegration::~NonLocalParallelIntegration() { - delete position; - delete deltal; - delete [] integral_coeffs; - delete [] integral_parts; -} - -void NonLocalParallelIntegration::initialise(const bool pass_electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow=false) { - electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow = pass_electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow; - - if (electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow) { - integral_below.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - integral_above.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - } - - *deltal = 0.; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { - integral_coeffs[i]=0.; - integral_parts[i]=0.; - } - integral_below = 0.0; - integral_above = 0.0; - - // Get the options for the model - Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("non_local_parallel"); - OPTION(options, NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE, 16381); -} - - -/********************************************************************************** - * INTEGRATION ROUTINES - **********************************************************************************/ - -void NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter) { - TRACE("NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow()"); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - start_index(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->ystart-1; - calc_index(position); - if (mesh->firstY()) - next_index_y(position); - else { - // Set the value at ystart-1 equal to the value at yend on the previous processor. - if (position->jxDownXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - do { - *deltal = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jyp)*sqrt((coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)+coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jyp))/2.); - - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - //calculate the coefficients of drive_term expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]; - integral_coeffs[1] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy to jyp of z^n*exp( (zupper-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue); - if (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]>abs(eigenvalue)) { - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - eigenvalue * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - integral_parts[2] = 2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2); - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.) * 2.*sinh(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue* dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - integral_parts[2] = 2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2); - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] - 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3); - } - - //add up the contributions to the integral at jy first from the integral at jy-1 and then from the expansion of the integral between jy-1 and jy - integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = integral_below[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - next_index_y(position); - } while (position->jy < mesh->yend); - - // Send the value at yend to the next processor. - if (position->jx < mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); - -} - -void NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter) { - TRACE("NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove()"); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - start_index_lasty(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->yend; - calc_index(position); - if (mesh->lastY()) - previous_index_y(position); - else { - // Set the value at yend+1 to the value at ystart on the previous processor. - if (position->jxUpXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutIndest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutOutdest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - do { - *deltal = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt((coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)+coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jyp))/2.); - - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - //calculate the coefficients of drive_term expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]; - integral_coeffs[1] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3] / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - interp_coeffs_drive_term[2] * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1] * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jyp to jy of z^n*exp( (zupper-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue); - if (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]>abs(eigenvalue)) { - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - eigenvalue* dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[2] = -2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - + 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * (exp_delta_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.) * 2.*sinh(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = pow(eigenvalue,2) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue* dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[2] = -2*pow(eigenvalue,3) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 2*pow(eigenvalue,2) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[3] = 6*pow(eigenvalue,4) * exp_half_delta_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 6*pow(eigenvalue,3) * dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 3*pow(eigenvalue,2) * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],2) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue - - eigenvalue * pow(dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position],3) * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - } - - //add up the contributions to the integral at jy first from the integral at jy-1 and then from the expansion of the integral between jy-1 and jy - integral_above[*position] = integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] * exp_delta_over_eigenvalue; - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_above[*position] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - } while (previous_index_y(position)); - - // Send the value at ystart to the next processor. - if (position->jx < mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInIndest(&integral_above[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInOutdest(&integral_above[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} - -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -void NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter) { - TRACE("NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralBelow()"); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - start_index(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->ystart; - calc_index(position); - if (!mesh->firstY()) { - // Set the value at ystart to the value at yend+1 of the previous processor. - if (position->jxDownXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYInOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - do { - *deltal = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)); - - BoutReal deltazbelow = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position]; - BoutReal deltazabove = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - BoutReal deltaz = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - - interp_coeffs_gradT = cubic_spline_gradT.coefficients(position); - - // Contribution to the integral at jy from points up to jy-1 - integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] = integral_below[*position] * exp(deltaz/eigenvalue); - - // Calculate the contribution from the lower part of the interval (below CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]) to (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]+dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]) with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]+dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]+dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) - BoutReal deltazabovefromjym = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[position->jx][position->jym][position->jz]; - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - - BoutReal integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=1/2 and t=1 - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 321./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 97./112.*integrand_coefficient5 - 2225./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 45./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 3065./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 939./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 93./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 235./28.*integrand_coefficient5 - 3245./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + 3.*integrand_coefficient4 + 205./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 35./4.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy-1/2 to jy of z^n*exp( (deltaz+dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/eigenvalue); - if (deltazbelow>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((eigenvalue + deltazabovefromjym) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - - deltazbelow); - integral_parts[2] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym+eigenvalue)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - - pow(deltazbelow,2)-2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow); - integral_parts[3] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,3) + 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabovefromjym + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - - 3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow - 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) - pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazbelow/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((eigenvalue + deltazabovefromjym) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - deltazbelow); - integral_parts[2] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym+eigenvalue)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - pow(deltazbelow,2)-2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow); - integral_parts[3] = exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,3) + 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabovefromjym + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - 3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow - 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) - pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from between jy-1 and jy-1/2 - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - // Calculate the contribution from the upper part of the interval (above CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from 0 to (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=0 and t=1/2 - cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 1./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 1./1008.*integrand_coefficient5 - 1./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 1./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 25./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 3./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 9./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 25./84.*integrand_coefficient5 - 45./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + integrand_coefficient4 + 25./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 5./12.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy to jy+1/2 of z^n*exp( (deltazabove-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - if (deltazabove>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = eigenvalue * ( eigenvalue*(exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - - deltazabove); - integral_parts[2] = eigenvalue * (2.*pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - - pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*deltazabove*eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = eigenvalue*(6.*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - - pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*pow(deltazabove,2)*eigenvalue - 6.*deltazabove*pow(eigenvalue,2)); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazabove/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = eigenvalue * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = eigenvalue * ( eigenvalue*exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - deltazabove); - integral_parts[2] = eigenvalue * (2.*pow(eigenvalue,2) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*deltazabove*eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = eigenvalue*(6.*pow(eigenvalue,3) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - - pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*pow(deltazabove,2)*eigenvalue - 6.*deltazabove*pow(eigenvalue,2)); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from the expansion of the integral between jy-1/2 and jy - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_below[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - position->jy++; - calc_index(position); - } while (position->jy < mesh->yend+1); - - // Send the value at yend+1 to the next processor. - if (position->jx < mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutIndest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYOutOutdest(&integral_below[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} - -void NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter) { - TRACE("NonLocalParallelIntegration::calculateIntegralAbove()"); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - start_index_lasty(position); - do { - position->jy=mesh->yend; - calc_index(position); - if (!mesh->lastY()) { - // Set the value at yend+1 equal to the value at ystart of the previous processor. - if (position->jxUpXSplitIndex()) { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutIndest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->UpXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz)); - } - else { - mesh->wait(mesh->irecvYOutOutdest(&integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->UpXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->UpXSplitIndex()) + position->jz)); - } - } - else { - // Last grid point for CELL_YLOW quantities is mesh->yend on the last y-processor, so start the calculation from mesh->yend-1 if mesh->lastY() - position->jy=mesh->yend-1; - calc_index(position); - } - do { - *deltal = coord->dy(position->jx,position->jy)*sqrt(coord->g_22(position->jx,position->jy)); - - BoutReal deltazbelow = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position]; - BoutReal deltazabove = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - BoutReal deltaz = dimensionless_length_deltas_below[*position] + dimensionless_length_deltas_above[*position]; - - interp_coeffs_gradT = cubic_spline_gradT.coefficients(position); - - // Contribution to the integral at jy from points up to jy+1 - integral_above[*position] = integral_above[position->jx][position->jyp][position->jz] * exp(deltaz/eigenvalue); - - // Calculate the contribution from the lower part of the interval (below CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]+dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]) to (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]) with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy-1]) - BoutReal deltazabovefromjym = dimensionless_length_deltas_above[position->jx][position->jym][position->jz]; - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position->jx,position->jym,position->jz); - - BoutReal integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] - 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] - interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] - 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - BoutReal integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=1/2 and t=1 - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 321./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 97./112.*integrand_coefficient5 - 2225./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 45./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 3065./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 939./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 93./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 235./28.*integrand_coefficient5 - 3245./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - BoutReal cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + 3.*integrand_coefficient4 + 205./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 35./4.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy+1/2 to jy of z^n*exp( -(deltazabovefromjym-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - if (deltazbelow>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = -eigenvalue * ((-eigenvalue + deltazabovefromjym) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - + deltazbelow*exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[2] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym-eigenvalue)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (pow(deltazbelow,2)+2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow)*exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabovefromjym - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * (exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow + 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) + pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow)*exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazbelow/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = -eigenvalue * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = -eigenvalue * ((-eigenvalue + deltazbelow + deltazabovefromjym) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + deltazbelow); - integral_parts[2] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym+deltazbelow,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*(deltazabovefromjym+deltazbelow-eigenvalue)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + pow(deltazbelow,2)+2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazbelow); - integral_parts[3] = -eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabovefromjym + deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabovefromjym + deltazbelow,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*(deltazabovefromjym + deltazbelow) - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * exp_half_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + 3.*pow(deltazabovefromjym,2)*deltazbelow + 3.*deltazabovefromjym*pow(deltazbelow,2) + pow(deltazbelow,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*(2.*deltazabovefromjym*deltazbelow + pow(deltazbelow,2)) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazbelow); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from between jy and jy+1/2 - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_above[*position] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - - // Calculate the contribution from the upper part of the interval (above CELL_CENTRE) - // The integration variable ('z-prime') goes from (dimensionless_length_deltas_above[jy]) to 0 with the final z-value (that goes into the exponential) being (-dimensionless_length_deltas_below[jy]) - interp_coeffs_drive_term = cubic_spline_drive_term.coefficients(position); - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse = cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC.coefficients(position); - - integrand_coefficient0 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient1 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient2 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient3 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[0]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[0] + 0.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + 0.25*interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.125*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient4 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[1]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]) - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[1] + interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 0.75*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient5 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[2]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3] - + interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*(interp_coeffs_gradT[2] + 1.5*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]); - integrand_coefficient6 = interp_coeffs_drive_term[3]*interp_coeffs_gradT[3]; - - // Approximate the sixth order polynomial by the least-squares-fit cubic between t=0 and t=1/2 - cubic_integrand_coefficient0 = integrand_coefficient0 - 1./1120.*integrand_coefficient4 - 1./1008.*integrand_coefficient5 - 1./1344.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 = integrand_coefficient1 + 1./28.*integrand_coefficient4 + 25./672.*integrand_coefficient5 + 3./112.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 = integrand_coefficient2 - 9./28.*integrand_coefficient4 - 25./84.*integrand_coefficient5 - 45./224.*integrand_coefficient6; - cubic_integrand_coefficient3 = integrand_coefficient3 + integrand_coefficient4 + 25./36.*integrand_coefficient5 + 5./12.*integrand_coefficient6; - - //calculate the coefficients of the integrand expanded in z rather than l (from the expansion of drive_term in l and l in z [inverted from z in l to third order]) - integral_coeffs[0] = cubic_integrand_coefficient0; - integral_coeffs[1] = cubic_integrand_coefficient1 / *deltal/interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0]; - integral_coeffs[2] = cubic_integrand_coefficient2 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],2) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/2./pow(*deltal,2)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3); - integral_coeffs[3] = cubic_integrand_coefficient3 / pow(*deltal*interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],3) - - cubic_integrand_coefficient2 * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1]/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4) - + cubic_integrand_coefficient1 * (0.5*pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[1],2)/pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],5) - interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[2]/3./pow(*deltal,3)/pow(interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse[0],4)); - - // Calculate analytically the integral from jy+1 to jy+1/2 of z^n*exp( -(-deltazbelow-z)/zeta ), firstly allowing for zeta to be large and secondly allowing for it to be small. - BoutReal exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazbelow/eigenvalue); - if (deltazabove>abs(eigenvalue)) { - BoutReal exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/eigenvalue); - integral_parts[0] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1); - integral_parts[1] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (-eigenvalue * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - + deltazabove*exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[2] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (2.*pow(eigenvalue,2) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazabove)*exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue); - integral_parts[3] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * (-6.*pow(eigenvalue,3) * (exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue-1) - + (pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabove,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabove)*exp_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue); - } - else { - BoutReal exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue = exp(deltazabove/2./eigenvalue) * 2.*sinh(deltazabove/eigenvalue/2.); - integral_parts[0] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue; - integral_parts[1] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((-eigenvalue + deltazabove) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + deltazabove); - integral_parts[2] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazabove + 2.*pow(eigenvalue,2)) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + pow(deltazabove,2) - 2.*eigenvalue*deltazabove); - integral_parts[3] = -exp_deltabelow_over_eigenvalue * eigenvalue * ((pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabove,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabove - 6.*pow(eigenvalue,3)) * exp_half_deltaabove_over_eigenvalue_times_two_sinh_half_delta_over_eigenvalue - + pow(deltazabove,3) - 3.*eigenvalue*pow(deltazabove,2) + 6.*pow(eigenvalue,2)*deltazabove); - } - - //add on the contributions to the integral at jy from the expansion of the integral between jy+1 and jy+1/2 - for (int i=0; i<4; i++) integral_above[*position] += integral_coeffs[i]*integral_parts[i]; - - } while (previous_index_y(position)); - - // Send the value at ystart to the next processor - if (position->jx < mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInIndest(&integral_above[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + mesh->DownXSplitIndex()*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*position->jx + position->jz); - } - else { - Timer timer("comms"); - mesh->sendYInOutdest(&integral_above[*position],1,NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE + (mesh->LocalNx - mesh->DownXSplitIndex())*mesh->LocalNz*counter + mesh->LocalNz*(position->jx-mesh->DownXSplitIndex()) + position->jz); - } - - } while (next_indexperp(position)); -} diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel_integration.hxx b/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel_integration.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 3d315215e7..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/non-local_parallel_integration.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************** - * Perform integral needed to calculate non-local electron closures - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2012 J.T.Omotani - * - * Contact: John Omotani, john.omotani@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - **************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __NONLOCALPARALLELINTEGRATION_H__ -#define __NONLOCALPARALLELINTEGRATION_H__ - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -// #include "cubic_spline.hxx" -#include "cubic_spline_local.hxx" - -/// Class for non-local heat flux integration -class NonLocalParallelIntegration { -public: - NonLocalParallelIntegration(); - ~NonLocalParallelIntegration(); - void initialise(const bool pass_electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow); - - Field3D integral_below; - Field3D integral_above; - void calculateIntegralBelow_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter); - void calculateIntegralAbove_cell_centre(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, const int &counter); - void calculateIntegralBelow_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter); - void calculateIntegralAbove_cell_ylow(BoutReal eigenvalue, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_below, const Field3D &dimensionless_length_deltas_above, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_inverse_lambdaC, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_drive_term, CubicSpline &cubic_spline_gradT, const int &counter); - -private: - bindex * position; - BoutReal * deltal; - BoutReal * interp_coeffs_lambdaC_inverse; - BoutReal * interp_coeffs_drive_term; - BoutReal * interp_coeffs_gradT; - BoutReal * integral_coeffs; - BoutReal * integral_parts; - int NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE; - bool electron_heat_flux_location_is_ylow; -}; - -#endif //__NONLOCALPARALLELINTEGRATION_H__ diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/frictionbc10 b/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/frictionbc10 deleted file mode 100644 index 2fadb94799..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/frictionbc10 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ --2.4807401378542503e-7 1.1741600797414194e-8 --1.3043200784485268e-6 2.2770864580220653e-7 --6.510264270314584e-6 1.1753988206326143e-6 --1.6312154363349994e-6 3.266392575160382e-7 --0.00016167401480351 0.000029456151398818145 --0.0002418685842150466 0.00004846266124908845 --0.00009045784345468808 0.000018411919367689604 --1.5678379708838777e-7 -1.0679928015377518e-7 --0.0014620589323983562 0.0003200958333228404 --0.00010446185084557347 0.000025121404148548594 --0.0018890125645407165 0.0005019299977918738 --0.00016242528586420517 0.000014578535532117998 --0.0015012293199549592 0.00026695550609723783 --0.0009987143211253671 0.00027683457148806135 --0.006413919204256284 0.002168436483260373 --0.0017958568240180705 0.000358186729522741 --0.00011147641191077068 0.00019880424150907876 --0.000020698865389608915 0.000033466631056901275 --0.011644707668070707 0.004191018801213201 --0.00008921829929907157 0.0001254529179320961 --0.004636349211437851 0.0007741214401383274 --0.002638567729139601 0.0013746164138255486 --0.0033625899829071767 0.003917289323652846 --7.479627461640935e-7 -3.2766859418078903e-6 --0.012483320435281341 0.006547718309532014 --0.00005449623643789861 0.00011875121470806043 --0.012732908764248306 0.0008656472023904798 --0.003730941973991054 0.007848163479933926 --0.001651199475187155 0.0013674341861869943 --0.0057851422733918 0.004950117847553726 --0.0028625460251229962 0.004262813244576952 --0.011464285565088399 0.013683565971773393 --0.02061859036350942 -0.009046026567997996 -0.000019566888953964444 0.000278005911914547 --0.006659458333286221 0.004058270297399383 --0.004441586154969828 0.007011095282393203 --0.002027013640613282 0.008225492363202438 --0.00030088363809045076 0.0025717576360976178 --0.017554186197230648 -0.0004723308508308695 --0.011084258703403916 -0.008915205921295754 --0.000527930910273698 -0.0030497540494061103 --0.036353499365218596 0.015811791421953207 --0.0057374331156836555 -0.01122902536959296 -0.00012684301964484645 0.0008534930948332186 --0.0057048577608756305 0.0018143668120205094 --0.0004300614893221976 -0.0018424251833023993 --0.05467866296627437 -0.02073038080999386 --0.00570479496671954 -0.014604064090202913 diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/frictioncoeffs10 b/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/frictioncoeffs10 deleted file mode 100644 index f782a03e13..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/frictioncoeffs10 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -48 -0.026669123283992395 2.815724871729616e-115 0.15023661324695003 --30.636269375719603 -1.0312158650919817e-8 1.3115650679152823e-8 - -3.439696741391227e-8 --21.13128472212754 -3.8583946110841886e-7 7.05845689211256e-8 - -1.617437447035112e-8 --18.26918886055369 -1.9538505198381702e-6 4.119935340824775e-7 - -1.3469170946473937e-7 --14.160963277332186 -4.837656085697105e-7 1.3744179260146738e-7 - -6.358092383522401e-8 --13.369826934433009 -0.000049108119982541295 0.000012225196049943268 - -7.251170076292257e-6 --11.243123095526482 -0.00007726778846635106 0.000021359868811932045 - -0.000011992274494871655 --9.624878279875212 -0.00003143160706411396 8.25306993863108e-6 - -4.730868299935623e-6 --8.62142781223786 -1.3773244260634355e-7 -8.009742475649044e-8 - -5.8194307281708276e-9 --8.075728087309695 -0.000539449618711369 0.00015418076315451809 - -0.0000870496689585936 --6.475639623525028 -0.000041007632588948816 0.000013249707550307718 - -7.747840923230205e-6 --6.317211937215521 -0.000720022685122544 0.0002798133226039362 - -0.00014416525731442243 --5.620423869129757 -0.00007888033449783518 3.551127059615868e-6 - -0.000014805488908456405 --4.749989954481883 -0.0007016877859909763 0.00014612556832180226 - -0.000158166338906397 --4.28785944965079 -0.00043605273425982783 0.00017508687753974266 - -0.000115314702282844 --3.9626214940750613 -0.0026679826295633664 0.0015130033553314164 - -0.0007957260118056112 --3.486031643693317 -0.0009449700556349265 0.00021151567028805283 - -0.00024880375442991326 --2.927957911451817 0.00003060554037750489 0.00016820027185840208 - -0.000018588627528469196 --2.7696402461801886 5.4588821862957576e-6 0.00003246339064366476 - -3.510912784709089e-6 --2.3439167689602876 -0.006322095216426263 0.003574731703369322 - -0.0022673952511717043 --2.248487532286778 0.000013509680772071659 0.00013681161842127488 - -0.00001923411549166038 --1.8030986943308447 -0.0033469935448881376 0.0007194223161386336 - -0.001157942535264767 --1.7702843339604837 -0.001537514218656668 0.0011892301102941233 - -0.000675517904799221 --1.6764333245315457 -0.0007085359211031001 0.004055579687952288 - -0.0009542909080315443 --1.347557014152367 -4.468154815862511e-6 -6.890877282494717e-6 - -4.823053931872828e-8 --1.2166018308683488 -0.007927324678095045 0.00813275178768016 - -0.004873656666485574 --1.0848802045388513 -0.000035488478682475836 0.0000668243515473671 - -0.00002486512492702042 --0.9366668832293218 -0.012446212158978148 0.002027777897502625 - -0.006293508299614966 --0.8735346903561486 0.0004755335085672642 0.010866274299888248 - -0.002427654616169127 --0.7383714462517489 -0.0018024217726091286 0.0010208678606014295 - -0.0010792705964842164 --0.6619924821999006 -0.003292377666511077 0.00950994974317114 - -0.004505270050768607 --0.6066543730235356 -0.002222659749785507 0.0053754502979323415 - -0.002416522932512007 --0.4713487171250126 -0.007185280065897441 0.029300946518258913 - -0.01287464686029952 --0.3903166031784771 -0.03143846944797162 -0.006469857490561333 - -0.025034763951708366 --0.3629086970308222 0.00025156227969279094 0.0006900933356494672 - -0.000017029332578986553 --0.3468927042304547 -0.009237275898878348 0.009915910632885107 - -0.009541462779082127 --0.29335280937373287 -0.00904684126665019 0.010130182345528678 - -0.007175544245653537 --0.22788161284757552 0.0010877934234041473 0.024823090733262814 - -0.006151409044863437 --0.17925345221257785 0.001506387438270089 0.00935087759129544 - -0.0016536745552335 --0.15839797216185614 -0.025151339158974342 0.041532536744003784 - -0.06267690340155002 --0.14716803607892 -0.02521811182800083 -0.00943043742299567 - -0.0392105477424055 --0.09412685178369819 -0.003247934413581498 -0.014358710326655115 - -0.002161268517067183 --0.08797936012584812 -0.1377293557598613 0.10953308038275592 - -0.2215112703720869 --0.07480832797584315 -0.01458065811642037 -0.04132409774608616 - -0.045363533099995745 --0.056583465227307526 0.005119938461633398 0.010489375553213396 - -0.0010414627473223097 --0.04523592818481314 0.00746492145253619 0.06602067770517454 - -0.09331374536024897 --0.02684603214651508 -0.005227985490502127 -0.02469092976693051 - -0.008781399547379016 --0.02047513315966905 -0.21266606778566835 0.1044604695954468 - -1.7940482707489185 --0.016252832428901517 -0.026548537212899688 -0.2768368206805615 - -0.23580922443376906 diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxbc10 b/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxbc10 deleted file mode 100644 index 76542e4fe5..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxbc10 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -0.463746907728502 -0.07717762359651917 -1.3182131534583088e-7 -6.239239804938137e-9 -0.000055149079091656066 -9.627945106953567e-6 -0.00016738788595369944 -0.00003022112706473247 -0.000021998568218840366 -4.4050563949802166e-6 -0.0019407088044163384 -0.0003535868917054067 -0.0027621758275734264 -0.0005534509240898097 -0.0010652385986883112 -0.0002168201942181431 -6.577060869698737e-6 4.480216575029059e-6 -0.016059187966343768 -0.003515917888578209 -0.0009799787424803162 -0.0002356692117510729 -0.016722274610012123 -0.004443279740767217 -0.0015338206006141985 -0.00013766857793707897 -0.01180461504697859 -0.0020991509706483652 -0.006693766301805068 -0.0018554514405214166 -0.03811692553973112 -0.012886681190998266 -0.012089483944083823 -0.0024112683470280363 --0.00032531991083327455 0.0005801673826098584 --0.00005704336763893527 0.00009222966105059045 -0.057548939693204765 -0.020712300825329856 --0.00011107127167403668 0.0001561811336845498 -0.023753025964411333 -0.003965992600783986 -0.010644504722844115 -0.005545474822371306 -0.0044251697807880215 -0.005155154338098984 -0.00012281771071200102 0.0005380415911874212 -0.03598957926303347 -0.018877159191308304 -0.00013785997130455788 -0.00030040678259846956 -0.044632062239368185 -0.003034312153630492 --0.0012953515721583389 0.002724816138433046 -0.004887655163914988 -0.0040476919123737035 -0.007493380730437589 -0.006411790054474629 -0.004666695653233744 -0.006949495960736469 -0.011340450487474563 -0.013535758640515977 -0.04589356560222917 0.020134956193351622 -0.0005123238939422744 0.007279086198430953 -0.01142727811219791 -0.006963777085451087 -0.009925563009263191 -0.015667616378774122 --0.0006353359489531729 0.0025781528508121744 --0.0004858029519123803 0.004152327654466365 -0.01248559429327764 0.00033595014371006496 -0.012635465521127784 0.010162860687985678 -0.0014062111934607594 0.00812340819247312 -0.04006377302066737 -0.01742555829949493 -0.0032686079081712103 0.0063971606089447625 -0.0011052550546626512 0.007436968623305801 --0.0008089084611599912 0.00025726437492562494 -0.0004538121580029341 0.0019441753543456772 -0.011488329937738753 0.004355582992712755 -0.0011383997291868316 0.0029142611964675467 diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxcoeffs10 b/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/heatfluxcoeffs10 deleted file mode 100644 index b16c06ccac..0000000000 --- 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0.0003847012846442954 -0.00012429831214246304 - 0.00007268413629880087 --6.317211937215521 0.006373921112051951 -0.002477016462439775 - 0.001276206980984783 --5.620423869129757 0.0007448857571183226 -0.000033534137314008526 - 0.00013981175264140321 --4.749989954481883 0.005517580883005061 -0.0011490290388223951 - 0.0012437092184130714 --4.28785944965079 0.0029225926139813496 -0.0011734993841313725 - 0.0007728833480367115 --3.9626214940750613 0.015855406342642694 -0.008991543921891061 - 0.004728876085918614 --3.486031643693317 0.0063614204442410975 -0.0014238970867110794 - 0.0016749158141005254 --2.927957911451817 0.00008931568119167355 0.0004908562852463054 - -0.000054246907901152806 --2.7696402461801886 0.000015043965820794543 0.00008946486159683793 - -9.675616752739439e-6 --2.3439167689602876 0.03124422585054834 -0.01766656794491022 - 0.01120562201214607 --2.248487532286778 0.000016818718077490814 0.00017032201417441944 - -0.000023945285708962618 --1.8030986943308447 0.01714737629734963 -0.0036857570850057537 - 0.0059323915975928836 --1.7702843339604837 0.006202636824967014 -0.004797589762724061 - 0.002725172997679997 --1.6764333245315457 0.0009324335594307264 -0.005337144513583592 - 0.0012558472218640766 --1.347557014152367 0.0007336843290730462 0.0011315025741237435 - 7.919598209817534e-6 --1.2166018308683488 0.022854582747052026 -0.02344683184307731 - 0.014050817153067894 --1.0848802045388513 0.00008977575283356919 -0.00016904659457105345 - 0.0000629016907035326 --0.9366668832293218 0.043627118202844366 -0.007107873856998869 - 0.022060336670367876 --0.8735346903561486 0.00016510122168360842 0.00377267874868797 - -0.0008428611984946586 --0.7383714462517489 0.005335282754645552 -0.0030218336097629097 - 0.0031947094118169963 --0.6619924821999006 0.004264551880950142 -0.012318050410042577 - 0.0058355874736428755 --0.6066543730235356 0.003623514347684925 -0.008763384175965182 - 0.003939561832760013 --0.4713487171250126 0.007107666008781906 -0.028984443150853523 - 0.01273557732263456 --0.3903166031784771 0.06997682356586599 0.01440083070400608 - 0.05572323623963272 --0.3629086970308222 0.006586707115496434 0.01806885630798835 - -0.0004458825313840578 --0.3468927042304547 0.015850676648576163 -0.017015177941921724 - 0.01637264523884364 --0.29335280937373287 0.020216875209425916 -0.0226378054275418 - 0.016035108641605067 --0.22788161284757552 0.000340951956650077 0.00778041232233477 - -0.0019280636423023754 --0.17925345221257785 0.002432194282413403 0.015097809790032671 - -0.002670002215917514 --0.15839797216185614 0.017889146961487842 -0.02954044111928614 - 0.044579587947754774 --0.14716803607892 0.028747306521526402 0.01075019720270713 0.04469793942210601 --0.09412685178369819 0.008651286823946091 0.03824625304575384 - 0.005756813858841075 --0.08797936012584812 0.15178614834326418 -0.12071213355894382 - 0.24411892699930202 --0.07480832797584315 0.008306581264606781 0.02354228275387965 - 0.025843543627186053 --0.056583465227307526 0.04461292296672272 0.0913998687740558 - -0.009074854642721382 --0.04523592818481314 0.0010584730378841952 0.009361264915925874 - -0.013231228775254969 --0.02684603214651508 0.005516707346179811 0.02605451638622521 - 0.009266363015118658 --0.02047513315966905 0.04468247430977267 -0.021947799654571356 - 0.3769407908036414 --0.016252832428901517 0.005297797335361683 0.0552431706187887 - 0.047056057018912446 diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/viscositybc10 b/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/viscositybc10 deleted file mode 100644 index 3eb2c72fbb..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/viscositybc10 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -0.5 -0.3316218963992326 -7.935456828695613e-9 -1.6765862344332242e-7 -1.7613137676957783e-6 -0.000010088843590282184 -6.372498211575571e-6 -0.00003529580487169061 -1.2515127919627524e-6 -6.249974361762429e-6 -0.00008802350962173737 -0.00048312877011531997 -0.00015299569674559845 -0.0007635745047647078 -0.000056930981077099814 -0.0002797021685328142 -2.6054414139508164e-6 3.8248478583599085e-6 -0.001004888843085182 -0.004589896387743156 -0.00007614553528639341 -0.00031663451225130446 -0.001726735689322386 -0.006498566387983418 -6.197724889016719e-6 -0.00006905132786406766 -0.00043714545799889397 -0.002458295722111982 -0.0007450135582774196 -0.0026877268474263345 -0.007307990563738245 -0.02161597140756842 -0.0005397219071913517 -0.0027060278625986867 -0.0031884524917612745 -0.0017878755535166554 -0.0005484799659414912 -0.00033923082860110845 -0.011711452592117533 -0.03254016464068351 -0.0015816357193594991 -0.0011248112145808933 -0.0008524735839429465 -0.005105613956357071 -0.0042892908271143365 -0.00823326729077942 -0.029507521918301072 -0.025329172656149274 -0.0008297784500636239 0.00018941191778511958 -0.019366338127118007 -0.03692220603731187 -0.0005656621301573676 -0.00025958856307116906 -0.0004943601346870069 -0.007271602650905062 -0.06226396046449713 -0.02959969222836164 -0.0022925591810717366 -0.002768303260851406 -0.018520293647367052 -0.02164444100011901 -0.016807192435200877 -0.011286293613746197 -0.055197645237546215 -0.046245369725188695 -0.004143659008758939 0.009444633736751697 -0.01996821177359989 0.0014054225670689048 -0.007475384734914205 -0.012266805687966686 -0.017543781985194695 -0.011114129252662426 -0.0588326062311132 -0.014498158903750651 -0.0257755120823732 -0.003015614589855714 --0.0005547562139574208 -0.020617526584911432 -0.0038004519295634126 0.004725094714470589 -0.03591256788103604 0.006216683163481118 -0.013858157307152858 -0.031861823839214806 -0.018130655570596867 0.00926379808184257 -0.015236346579531334 0.002264370057827869 -0.0022752775752539678 -0.007154085297051365 -0.009182025699182996 0.0021432814113555273 --0.0021394397776671433 -0.005643008086147036 -0.03038867255823045 0.011870746744516141 diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/viscositycoeffs10 b/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/viscositycoeffs10 deleted file mode 100644 index 03fe295258..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/nonlocal_coefficients/viscositycoeffs10 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -48 --7.418610115318523e-102 -7.832565320175089e-215 -4.179165722309307e-101 --30.636269375719603 -6.969381023672314e-9 8.864096262546274e-9 - -2.3246885553395966e-8 --21.13128472212754 -2.9844468688329124e-6 5.459677325367738e-7 - -1.2510789099875487e-7 --18.26918886055369 -0.000010592922780587361 2.2336487097275192e-6 - -7.302395260326601e-7 --14.160963277332186 -1.853539749143322e-6 5.266059043211675e-7 - -2.436092345718281e-7 --13.369826934433009 -0.00014674928211979833 0.000036532425691327174 - -0.00002166859581679685 --11.243123095526482 -0.00024393293367939536 0.00006743269822677329 - -0.00003785938173054558 --9.624878279875212 -0.00009718879337100059 0.00002551908680029954 - -0.000014628185594519208 --8.62142781223786 3.3600770482205026e-6 1.9540314064934526e-6 - 1.4196898895725631e-7 --8.075728087309695 -0.0016935144004291843 0.00048402544670449107 - -0.0002732782873887769 --6.475639623525028 -0.00012429831214246304 0.00004016121343538195 - -0.000023484495170914804 --6.317211937215521 -0.002477016462439775 0.0009626116243573065 - -0.0004959562011840142 --5.620423869129757 -0.000033534137314008526 1.5096789737867811e-6 - -6.294208831870928e-6 --4.749989954481883 -0.0011490290388223951 0.0002392838020959024 - -0.0002590008262877355 --4.28785944965079 -0.0011734993841313725 0.000471191502356099 - -0.0003103334103383394 --3.9626214940750613 -0.008991543921891061 0.005099072225090687 - -0.0026817286235901357 --3.486031643693317 -0.0014238970867110794 0.0003187154396279137 - -0.00037490176432892065 --2.927957911451817 0.0004908562852463054 0.002697621398069391 - -0.00029812721957877945 --2.7696402461801886 0.00008946486159683793 0.0005320379982170578 - -0.0000575398617598137 --2.3439167689602876 -0.01766656794491022 0.009989289683317656 - -0.006336046973590989 --2.248487532286778 0.00017032201417441944 0.0017248394543966981 - -0.00024249227991940468 --1.8030986943308447 -0.0036857570850057537 0.0007922381275186593 - -0.0012751428546672865 --1.7702843339604837 -0.004797589762724061 0.0037108197982423565 - -0.0021078554886036108 --1.6764333245315457 -0.005337144513583592 0.030549213153874783 - -0.007188327835565225 --1.347557014152367 0.0011315025741237435 0.0017450257890422932 - 0.000012213761975475099 --1.2166018308683488 -0.02344683184307731 0.024054428363976844 - -0.014414927224532418 --1.0848802045388513 -0.00016904659457105345 0.00031831257588056254 - -0.00011844307923439479 --0.9366668832293218 -0.007107873856998869 0.001158038230536027 - -0.0035941427432096182 --0.8735346903561486 0.00377267874868797 0.08620835627780772 - -0.019259969727832563 --0.7383714462517489 -0.0030218336097629097 0.0017115266022483537 - -0.0018094411707886792 --0.6619924821999006 -0.012318050410042577 0.03558037752621823 - -0.016855947044201607 --0.6066543730235356 -0.008763384175965182 0.02119403839662529 - -0.009527737580921384 --0.4713487171250126 -0.028984443150853523 0.11819603562225253 - -0.05193457549146458 --0.3903166031784771 0.01440083070400608 0.0029636087263984374 - 0.011467523823955333 --0.3629086970308222 0.01806885630798835 0.04956703897014307 - -0.001223158590256131 --0.3468927042304547 -0.017015177941921724 0.018265231624749995 - -0.01757549398649216 --0.29335280937373287 -0.0226378054275418 0.025348637178920056 - -0.017955280708707378 --0.22788161284757552 0.00778041232233477 0.17754646871748656 - -0.043997782761548705 --0.17925345221257785 0.015097809790032671 0.09371942944863089 - -0.0165739989960377 --0.15839797216185614 -0.02954044111928614 0.048780283565261415 - -0.07361450468978435 --0.14716803607892 0.01075019720270713 0.004020089318995995 - 0.016715015126112166 --0.09412685178369819 0.03824625304575384 0.1690818836327313 - 0.025450151412516657 --0.08797936012584812 -0.12071213355894382 0.09599966365441362 - -0.19414233012595916 --0.07480832797584315 0.02354228275387965 0.06672288630042746 - 0.07324505618524638 --0.056583465227307526 0.0913998687740558 0.18725372507302235 - -0.01859193409288726 --0.04523592818481314 0.009361264915925874 0.08279217107061768 - -0.11701860443792857 --0.02684603214651508 0.02605451638622521 0.12305126618510172 - 0.04376353354783362 --0.02047513315966905 -0.021947799654571356 0.010780645367524934 - -0.18515136160184825 --0.016252832428901517 0.0552431706187887 0.5760522169556059 - 0.49068048888770094 diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/profile-setup_BOUT.inp b/examples/non-local_1d/profile-setup_BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index bce9a96d71..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/profile-setup_BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,189 +0,0 @@ -# -# Input file for conduction case -# - -nout = 1002 # Number of output timesteps -timestep = 1.0e-5 # Time between outputs - -#MZ = 1 # Number of points in z -MZ = 1 - -dump_format="nc" # Write NetCDF format files - -grid="conduct_grid.nc" - -StaggerGrids = true - -################################################## -[mesh] - -type = bout - -################################################## -[ddy] # Methods used for parallel (y) derivative terms - -first = C4 -second = C4 -upwind = W3 -flux = U1 - -################################################## -[solver] # Solver settings - -# CVODE # -type = cvode # Which solver to use - -max_timestep = 4.0e-7 -start_timestep = 1.e-9 -mxstep = 2000 - -#atol = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -#rtol = 1.0e-5 # relative tolerance -atol = 1.0e-10 # absolute tolerance -rtol = 1.0e-7 # relative tolerance -use_vector_abstol=true - -################################################## -[output] # Output settings -#low_prec = false -floats = false - -################################################## -[non_local_parallel] # Settings for the non-local model -moments_number = 10 -#NONLOCAL_PARALLEL__TAGBASE = 12381 -#NONLOCAL_PARALLEL_INTEGRATION_TAGBASE = 16381 - -################################################## -[sources] # Settings for the sources - -# the sources have a sine envelope around the centre of the domain, extending until it first reaches zero at +/- source_extent/2. -# the base amplitude is increased between on_time and off_time to *_amplitude + *_transient_amplitude -sources.source_length = 25. # in m - -# 40eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 2.97190780803271e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.78314468481962e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.78314468481962e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 100eV, 0.5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 2.349499417355458e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 3.5242491260331873e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 3.5242491260331873e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 100eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 4.69899883471091617650831789566e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 7.0484982520663742647624768435e24 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 7.0484982520663742647624768435e24 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 140eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 5.5599304013683811018381815397e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.16758538428736003138601812334e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.16758538428736003138601812334e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 200eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 6.6453878816235472058187966917e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 250eV, 1e19m^-3 -sources.particle_amplitude = 7.4297695200817885339785368656e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 2.78616357003067070024195132459e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 7.e25 # in eV/m^3/s -sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 2.78616357003067070024195132459e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 300eV, 1e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 8.1389047264262557146095566295e22 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 3.6625071268918150715743004833e25 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 3.6625071268918150715743004833e25 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 200eV, 1e17m^-3 -#sources.particle_amplitude = 6.6453878816235472058187966917e20 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e23 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_amplitude = 1.99361636448706416174563900752e23 # in eV/m^3/s - -sources.on_time = 0#2e-6 # in s -sources.off_time = -200e-6#0202.e-6 # in s - -# 500eV, 2e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 2.10145616412118138312975179139e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.57609212309088603734731384354e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.57609212309088603734731384354e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 750eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 6.434369148654145856198856725e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 7.2386652922359140882237138157e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 7.2386652922359140882237138157e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1000eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 7.4297695200817885339785368656e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.11446542801226828009678052983e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.11446542801226828009678052983e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1200eV, 5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 8.1389047264262557146095566295e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.46500285075672602862972019332e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.46500285075672602862972019332e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 5e19m^-3 -sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 9.09957211534171e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 2.04740372595188e27 # in eV/m^3/s -sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 2.04740372595188e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 5e19m^-3, 3:1 ion:electron split -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 9.09957211534171e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 1.02370186297594331874986893053e27 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 3.07110558892782995624960679159e27 # in eV/m^3/s - -# 1500eV, 1.5e19m^-3 -#sources.particle_transient_amplitude = 2.729871634602515e23 # in m^-3 s^-1 -#sources.electron_heat_transient_amplitude = 6.142211177855659e26 # in eV/m^3/s -#sources.ion_heat_transient_amplitude = 6.142211177855659e26 # in eV/m^3/s - -################################################## -[all] # Settings for all variables - -scale=1.0 -bndry_target = none -#bndry_target = neumann - -################################################## -[Vpar_ion] # Settings for the Vpar_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e-6 - -#function = 0. -#function = 107000.*(y-pi+pi/256)/pi # 0 # -cos(y/2)*sqrt((2*10.)/(3.34358348e-27/1.602176565e-19)) -function = 107000.*(y-pi)/pi # 0 - -################################################## -[j_parallel] # Settings for the j_parallel variable - -atol = 1.0e-6 - -#function = 0. -function = 1.e6*sin(13*y) -bndry_target = neumann - -################################################## -[T_electron] # Settings for the T_electron variable - -atol = 1.0e-10 - -#function = (1.0 + 1.0*gauss(y-pi, (2*pi/10)))*1.0e-19/1.0e-20 # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in J/energyunit -function = (100.0 + 0.0*gauss(y-pi+pi/256, (2*pi/10))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV -#function = (30.0 + 10.*cos((y-pi+pi/128))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV - -################################################## -[n_ion] # Settings for the n_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e9 - -function = 1.e19*(1. + 0.*gauss(y-pi)) - -################################################## -[T_ion] # Settings for the T_ion variable - -atol = 1.0e-10 - -function = (150.0 + 0.0*gauss(y-pi, (2*pi/10))) # The form of the initial perturbation. y from 0 to 2*pi, in eV diff --git a/examples/non-local_1d/sin-single-sources.cxx b/examples/non-local_1d/sin-single-sources.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 23a34aec78..0000000000 --- a/examples/non-local_1d/sin-single-sources.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ -// Class to deal with sources and source parameters -class Sources { -public: - Sources(); - ~Sources(); - void initialise(); - Field3D particle_source(BoutReal &t); - Field3D electron_heat_source(BoutReal &t); - Field3D ion_heat_source(BoutReal &t); -// int lower_source_yindex; -// int upper_source_yindex; - BoutReal source_length; - BoutReal particle_amplitude; - BoutReal electron_heat_amplitude; - BoutReal ion_heat_amplitude; - BoutReal on_time; - BoutReal off_time; - BoutReal particle_transient_amplitude; - BoutReal electron_heat_transient_amplitude; - BoutReal ion_heat_transient_amplitude; -private: - bindex* position; - int lower_source_yindex; - int upper_source_yindex; - bool particle_during_transient; - bool particle_started; - bool electron_heat_during_transient; - bool electron_heat_started; - bool ion_heat_during_transient; - bool ion_heat_started; - Field3D particle_source_field; - Field3D electron_heat_source_field; - Field3D ion_heat_source_field; -}; - -Sources::Sources() { - position = new bindex; - particle_during_transient = false; - particle_started = false; - electron_heat_during_transient = false; - electron_heat_started = false; - ion_heat_during_transient = false; - ion_heat_started = false; -} - -Sources::~Sources() { - delete position; -} - -void Sources::initialise() { - // NB This assumes that the metric is CONSTANT! - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(); - - lower_source_yindex = (mesh->GlobalNy+1)/2-3 - int(source_length/2./sqrt(coord->g_22(2,2))/coord->dy(2,2)); // GlobalNy+1 in case GlobalNy is odd for some strange reason, then the source is still symmetrical and vanishes if source_length=0 - upper_source_yindex = mesh->GlobalNy/2-3 + int(source_length/2./sqrt(coord->g_22(2,2))/coord->dy(2,2)); -} - -Field3D Sources::particle_source(BoutReal &t) { - if (t>on_time && tYGLOBAL(position->jy)>=lower_source_yindex && mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)<=upper_source_yindex) { - particle_source_field[*position] = (particle_amplitude + particle_transient_amplitude) * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); -// particle_source_field[*position] = (particle_amplitude + particle_transient_amplitude*PI/2*sin(PI*(t-on_time)/(off_time-on_time))) * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); - } - else { - particle_source_field[*position] = 0.; - } - } while (next_index3(position)); - particle_during_transient = true; - particle_started = true; - } - } - else { - if (particle_during_transient || !particle_started) { - particle_source_field = 0.; - start_index(position); - do { - if (mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)>=lower_source_yindex && mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)<=upper_source_yindex) { - particle_source_field[*position] = particle_amplitude * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); - } - else { - particle_source_field[*position] = 0.; - } - } while (next_index3(position)); - particle_during_transient = false; - particle_started = true; - } - } - return particle_source_field; -} - -Field3D Sources::electron_heat_source(BoutReal &t) { - if (t>on_time && tYGLOBAL(position->jy)>=lower_source_yindex && mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)<=upper_source_yindex) { - electron_heat_source_field[*position] = (electron_heat_amplitude + electron_heat_transient_amplitude) * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); -// electron_heat_source_field[*position] = (electron_heat_amplitude + electron_heat_transient_amplitude*PI/2*sin(PI*(t-on_time)/(off_time-on_time))) * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); - } - else { - electron_heat_source_field[*position] = 0.; - } - } while (next_index3(position)); - electron_heat_during_transient = true; - electron_heat_started = true; - } - } - else { - if (electron_heat_during_transient || !electron_heat_started) { - electron_heat_source_field = 0.; - start_index(position); - do { - if (mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)>=lower_source_yindex && mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)<=upper_source_yindex) { - electron_heat_source_field[*position] = electron_heat_amplitude * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); - } - else { - electron_heat_source_field[*position] = 0.; - } - } while (next_index3(position)); - electron_heat_during_transient = false; - electron_heat_started = true; - } - } - return electron_heat_source_field; -} - -Field3D Sources::ion_heat_source(BoutReal &t) { - if (t>on_time && tYGLOBAL(position->jy)>=lower_source_yindex && mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)<=upper_source_yindex) { - ion_heat_source_field[*position] = (ion_heat_amplitude + ion_heat_transient_amplitude) * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); -// ion_heat_source_field[*position] = (ion_heat_amplitude + ion_heat_transient_amplitude*PI/2*sin(PI*(t-on_time)/(off_time-on_time))) * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); - } - else { - ion_heat_source_field[*position] = 0.; - } - } while (next_index3(position)); - ion_heat_during_transient = true; - ion_heat_started = true; - } - } - else { - if (ion_heat_during_transient || !ion_heat_started) { - ion_heat_source_field = 0; - start_index(position); - do { - if (mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)>=lower_source_yindex && mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)<=upper_source_yindex) { - ion_heat_source_field[*position] = ion_heat_amplitude * sin(PI*(1.*(mesh->YGLOBAL(position->jy)-lower_source_yindex))/(1.*(upper_source_yindex-lower_source_yindex))); - } - else { - ion_heat_source_field[*position] = 0.; - } - } while (next_index3(position)); - ion_heat_during_transient = false; - ion_heat_started = true; - } - } - return ion_heat_source_field; -} diff --git a/examples/orszag-tang/mhd.cxx b/examples/orszag-tang/mhd.cxx index eee6c16205..acaaca8efa 100644 --- a/examples/orszag-tang/mhd.cxx +++ b/examples/orszag-tang/mhd.cxx @@ -24,11 +24,10 @@ class MHD : public PhysicsModel { Vector2D v0, B0; // read options - auto globalOptions = Options::root(); - auto options = globalOptions["mhd"]; - OPTION(options, g, 5.0 / 3.0); - OPTION(options, include_viscos, false); - OPTION(options, viscos, 0.1); + auto& options = Options::root()["mhd"]; + g = options["g"].withDefault(5.0 / 3.0); + include_viscos = options["include_viscos"].withDefault(false); + viscos = options["viscos"].withDefault(0.1); // Read 2D initial profiles GRID_LOAD(rho0); @@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ class MHD : public PhysicsModel { // Added this for modifying the Orszag-Tang vortex problem BoutReal v_fact; - OPTION(options, v_fact, 1.0); + v_fact = options["v_fact"].withDefault(1.0); v *= v_fact; } @@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ class MHD : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { // Communicate variables mesh->communicate(v, B, p, rho); diff --git a/examples/performance/arithmetic/.gitignore b/examples/performance/arithmetic/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..077be4cbd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/arithmetic/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +arithmetic \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/arithmetic/arithmetic.cxx b/examples/performance/arithmetic/arithmetic.cxx index d4c38b3c0b..465587e7c3 100644 --- a/examples/performance/arithmetic/arithmetic.cxx +++ b/examples/performance/arithmetic/arithmetic.cxx @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ #include -typedef std::chrono::time_point SteadyClock; -typedef std::chrono::duration Duration; +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; using namespace std::chrono; #define TIMEIT(elapsed, ...) \ diff --git a/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/.gitignore b/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14968af063 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +arithmetic_3d2d \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/arithmetic_3d2d.cxx b/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/arithmetic_3d2d.cxx index 1b2337f31a..4aae7f053d 100644 --- a/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/arithmetic_3d2d.cxx +++ b/examples/performance/arithmetic_3d2d/arithmetic_3d2d.cxx @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ #include #include -typedef std::chrono::time_point SteadyClock; -typedef std::chrono::duration Duration; +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; using namespace std::chrono; #define TIMEIT(NAME, ...) \ diff --git a/examples/performance/bracket/.gitignore b/examples/performance/bracket/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7c67f22887 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/bracket/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +bracket \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/bracket/bracket.cxx b/examples/performance/bracket/bracket.cxx index 5d2ff49b6e..0c10c15bb7 100644 --- a/examples/performance/bracket/bracket.cxx +++ b/examples/performance/bracket/bracket.cxx @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ #include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" #include "bout/region.hxx" -typedef std::chrono::time_point SteadyClock; -typedef std::chrono::duration Duration; +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; using namespace std::chrono; #define ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK(NAME, ...) \ @@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector times; // Get options root - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *modelOpts = globalOptions->getSection("performance"); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["performance"]; int NUM_LOOPS; - OPTION(modelOpts, NUM_LOOPS, 100); + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); bool profileMode, includeHeader, do2D3D, do3D3D; - OPTION(modelOpts, profileMode, false); - OPTION(modelOpts, includeHeader, false); - OPTION(modelOpts, do2D3D, false); - OPTION(modelOpts, do3D3D, false); + profileMode = modelOpts["profileMode"].withDefault(false); + includeHeader = modelOpts["includeHeader"].withDefault(false); + do2D3D = modelOpts["do2D3D"].withDefault(false); + do3D3D = modelOpts["do3D3D"].withDefault(false); ConditionalOutput time_output(Output::getInstance()); time_output.enable(true); diff --git a/examples/performance/ddx/.gitignore b/examples/performance/ddx/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b3962fd5f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddx/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +ddx \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/ddx/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/performance/ddx/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11e3cbf4b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddx/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + +MZ = 100 +MXG=1 +MYG=1 + +[mesh] +nx = 100 +ny = 100 + +[performanceIterator] +NUM_LOOPS = 50 +profileMode = false +includeHeader = true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/ddx/ddx.cxx b/examples/performance/ddx/ddx.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7a838e28a --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddx/ddx.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +/* + * Testing performance of iterators over the mesh + * + */ + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" +#include "bout/region.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" + +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; +using namespace std::chrono; + +#define ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK(NAME, ...) \ + { \ + __VA_ARGS__ \ + names.push_back(NAME); \ + SteadyClock start = steady_clock::now(); \ + for (int repetitionIndex = 0; repetitionIndex < NUM_LOOPS; repetitionIndex++) { \ + __VA_ARGS__; \ + } \ + times.push_back(steady_clock::now() - start); \ + } + +BoutReal test_ddy(stencil &s) { + return (s.p - s.m); +} + +using deriv_func = BoutReal (*)(stencil &); +deriv_func func_ptr = &test_ddy; + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + std::vector names; + std::vector times; + + //Get options root + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["performanceIterator"]; + int NUM_LOOPS; + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); + bool profileMode, includeHeader; + profileMode = modelOpts["profileMode"].withDefault(false); + includeHeader = modelOpts["includeHeader"].withDefault(false); + + ConditionalOutput time_output{Output::getInstance()}; + time_output.enable(true); + + const Field3D a{1.0}; + const Field3D b{2.0}; + + Field3D result; + result.allocate(); + + const int len = mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; + + // Nested loops over block data + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDX Default", + result = DDX(a); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDX C2", + result = DDX(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_C2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDX C4", + result = DDX(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_C4); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDX S2", + result = DDX(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_S2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDX W2", + result = DDX(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_W2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDX W3", + result = DDX(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_W3); + ); + + if (profileMode) { + int nthreads = 0; +#ifdef _OPENMP + nthreads = omp_get_max_threads(); +#endif + + int width = 12; + if (includeHeader) { + time_output << "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; + time_output << "Case legend"; + time_output << "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; + + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case " << i << ".\t" << names[i] << "\n"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nprocs" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nthreads" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Num_loops" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Local grid" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nx (global)" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Ny (global)" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nz (global)" << "\t"; + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case " << i << "\t"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + } + + time_output << std::setw(width) << BoutComm::size() << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << nthreads << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << NUM_LOOPS << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << len << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNx << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNy << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNz << "\t"; + for (const auto &time : times) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << time.count() / NUM_LOOPS << "\t"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + } else { + std::vector sizes(names.size()); + std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), sizes.begin(), + [](const std::string &name) -> int { return static_cast(name.size()); }); + int width = *std::max_element(sizes.begin(), sizes.end()); + width += 5; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case name" << "\t" << "Time per iteration (s)" << "\n"; + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << names[i] << "\t" << times[i].count() / NUM_LOOPS + << "\n"; + } + }; + + BoutFinalise(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/performance/ddx/make_scaling_example.sh b/examples/performance/ddx/make_scaling_example.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..fb9f515114 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddx/make_scaling_example.sh @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#A simple example of using the iterator test to explore scaling of the different approaches + +GRID_SIZES=(4 8 16 32 64 128) +EXE=ddx +NP=1 +NTHREADS=1 +FLAGS="-q -q -q -q performanceIterator:profileMode=true" + +#Make first run +currGrid=${GRID_SIZES[0]} +OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} +#Do other values +for currGrid in ${GRID_SIZES[@]:1} +do + OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false +done + + +# #Make first run +# mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} +# #Do other values +# for NP in 2 4 +# do +# mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false +# done + diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/makefile b/examples/performance/ddx/makefile similarity index 69% rename from tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/makefile rename to examples/performance/ddx/makefile index b0fbe93385..d6aae3a42b 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/makefile +++ b/examples/performance/ddx/makefile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -SOURCEC = fci_slab.cxx +SOURCEC = ddx.cxx include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/examples/performance/ddx/new_scaling_parser.py b/examples/performance/ddx/new_scaling_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2a5fee191 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddx/new_scaling_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import csv + + +def read_file(filename): + reader = csv.reader(open(filename, 'r'), delimiter='\t', + skipinitialspace=True) + + # Skip header + for _, _ in zip(range(4), reader): + continue + + from collections import OrderedDict + case_lines = OrderedDict() #{} + for line in reader: + if line == []: + break + case_lines[line[0].rstrip('.')] = line[1] + + titles = next(reader) + cases_weak = {col.strip(): [] for col in titles[:-1]} + + for line in reader: + if line == []: + break + for title, col in zip(titles, line[:-1]): + cases_weak[title].append(float(col)) + + axis = cases_weak['Local grid'] + data = [cases_weak[x] for x in case_lines] + labels = [case_lines[x] for x in case_lines] + return {'axis':axis, 'data':data, 'labels':labels} + +def getScan(baseName = "timing_{n}.txt", nthreads = (1,2,4,8,16,32)): + from numpy import zeros + + dataS = [] + for n in nthreads: + f = baseName.format(n=n) + dataS.append(read_file(f)) + + + nnt = len(dataS) + nlines = len(dataS[0]['data']) + nval = len(dataS[0]['data'][0]) + rawDat = zeros([nnt,nval,nlines]) + + for i, dat in enumerate(dataS): + print(len(dat['data'])) + + rawDat[i,:,:] = dat['data'] + + axes = [nthreads, dataS[0]['axis']] + + return axes, rawDat, dataS[0]['labels'] diff --git a/examples/performance/ddy/.gitignore b/examples/performance/ddy/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbc4b0775d --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddy/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +ddy \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/ddy/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/performance/ddy/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11e3cbf4b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddy/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + +MZ = 100 +MXG=1 +MYG=1 + +[mesh] +nx = 100 +ny = 100 + +[performanceIterator] +NUM_LOOPS = 50 +profileMode = false +includeHeader = true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/ddy/ddy.cxx b/examples/performance/ddy/ddy.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7b5b401f24 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddy/ddy.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +/* + * Testing performance of iterators over the mesh + * + */ + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" +#include "bout/region.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" + +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; +using namespace std::chrono; + +#define ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK(NAME, ...) \ + { \ + __VA_ARGS__ \ + names.push_back(NAME); \ + SteadyClock start = steady_clock::now(); \ + for (int repetitionIndex = 0; repetitionIndex < NUM_LOOPS; repetitionIndex++) { \ + __VA_ARGS__; \ + } \ + times.push_back(steady_clock::now() - start); \ + } + +BoutReal test_ddy(stencil &s) { + return (s.p - s.m); +} + +using deriv_func = BoutReal (*)(stencil &); +deriv_func func_ptr = &test_ddy; + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + std::vector names; + std::vector times; + + //Get options root + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["performanceIterator"]; + int NUM_LOOPS; + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); + bool profileMode, includeHeader; + profileMode = modelOpts["profileMode"].withDefault(false); + includeHeader = modelOpts["includeHeader"].withDefault(false); + + ConditionalOutput time_output{Output::getInstance()}; + time_output.enable(true); + + const Field3D a{1.0}; + const Field3D b{2.0}; + + Field3D result; + result.allocate(); + + const int len = mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; + + // Nested loops over block data + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDY Default", + result = DDY(a); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDY C2", + result = DDY(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_C2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDY C4", + result = DDY(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_C4); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDY S2", + result = DDY(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_S2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDY W2", + result = DDY(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_W2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDY W3", + result = DDY(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_W3); + ); + + if (profileMode) { + int nthreads = 0; +#ifdef _OPENMP + nthreads = omp_get_max_threads(); +#endif + + int width = 12; + if (includeHeader) { + time_output << "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; + time_output << "Case legend"; + time_output << "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; + + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case " << i << ".\t" << names[i] << "\n"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nprocs" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nthreads" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Num_loops" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Local grid" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nx (global)" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Ny (global)" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nz (global)" << "\t"; + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case " << i << "\t"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + } + + time_output << std::setw(width) << BoutComm::size() << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << nthreads << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << NUM_LOOPS << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << len << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNx << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNy << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNz << "\t"; + for (const auto &time : times) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << time.count() / NUM_LOOPS << "\t"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + } else { + std::vector sizes(names.size()); + std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), sizes.begin(), + [](const std::string &name) -> int { return static_cast(name.size()); }); + int width = *std::max_element(sizes.begin(), sizes.end()); + width += 5; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case name" << "\t" << "Time per iteration (s)" << "\n"; + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << names[i] << "\t" << times[i].count() / NUM_LOOPS + << "\n"; + } + }; + + BoutFinalise(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/performance/ddy/make_scaling_example.sh b/examples/performance/ddy/make_scaling_example.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..3880ae6069 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddy/make_scaling_example.sh @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#A simple example of using the iterator test to explore scaling of the different approaches + +GRID_SIZES=(4 8 16 32 64 128) +EXE=ddy +NP=1 +NTHREADS=1 +FLAGS="-q -q -q -q performanceIterator:profileMode=true" + +#Make first run +currGrid=${GRID_SIZES[0]} +OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} +#Do other values +for currGrid in ${GRID_SIZES[@]:1} +do + OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false +done + + +# #Make first run +# mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} +# #Do other values +# for NP in 2 4 +# do +# mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false +# done + diff --git a/examples/performance/difops/makefile b/examples/performance/ddy/makefile similarity index 67% rename from examples/performance/difops/makefile rename to examples/performance/ddy/makefile index 6cbc7da962..99df08f35d 100644 --- a/examples/performance/difops/makefile +++ b/examples/performance/ddy/makefile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -SOURCEC = test-difops.cxx +SOURCEC = ddy.cxx include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/examples/performance/ddy/new_scaling_parser.py b/examples/performance/ddy/new_scaling_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2a5fee191 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddy/new_scaling_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import csv + + +def read_file(filename): + reader = csv.reader(open(filename, 'r'), delimiter='\t', + skipinitialspace=True) + + # Skip header + for _, _ in zip(range(4), reader): + continue + + from collections import OrderedDict + case_lines = OrderedDict() #{} + for line in reader: + if line == []: + break + case_lines[line[0].rstrip('.')] = line[1] + + titles = next(reader) + cases_weak = {col.strip(): [] for col in titles[:-1]} + + for line in reader: + if line == []: + break + for title, col in zip(titles, line[:-1]): + cases_weak[title].append(float(col)) + + axis = cases_weak['Local grid'] + data = [cases_weak[x] for x in case_lines] + labels = [case_lines[x] for x in case_lines] + return {'axis':axis, 'data':data, 'labels':labels} + +def getScan(baseName = "timing_{n}.txt", nthreads = (1,2,4,8,16,32)): + from numpy import zeros + + dataS = [] + for n in nthreads: + f = baseName.format(n=n) + dataS.append(read_file(f)) + + + nnt = len(dataS) + nlines = len(dataS[0]['data']) + nval = len(dataS[0]['data'][0]) + rawDat = zeros([nnt,nval,nlines]) + + for i, dat in enumerate(dataS): + print(len(dat['data'])) + + rawDat[i,:,:] = dat['data'] + + axes = [nthreads, dataS[0]['axis']] + + return axes, rawDat, dataS[0]['labels'] diff --git a/examples/performance/ddz/.gitignore b/examples/performance/ddz/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..74f0a96055 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddz/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +ddz \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/ddz/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/performance/ddz/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11e3cbf4b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddz/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ + +MZ = 100 +MXG=1 +MYG=1 + +[mesh] +nx = 100 +ny = 100 + +[performanceIterator] +NUM_LOOPS = 50 +profileMode = false +includeHeader = true \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/ddz/ddz.cxx b/examples/performance/ddz/ddz.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ae99c3f256 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddz/ddz.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +/* + * Testing performance of iterators over the mesh + * + */ + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" +#include "bout/region.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" + +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; +using namespace std::chrono; + +#define ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK(NAME, ...) \ + { \ + __VA_ARGS__ \ + names.push_back(NAME); \ + SteadyClock start = steady_clock::now(); \ + for (int repetitionIndex = 0; repetitionIndex < NUM_LOOPS; repetitionIndex++) { \ + __VA_ARGS__; \ + } \ + times.push_back(steady_clock::now() - start); \ + } + +BoutReal test_ddy(stencil &s) { + return (s.p - s.m); +} + +using deriv_func = BoutReal (*)(stencil &); +deriv_func func_ptr = &test_ddy; + +int main(int argc, char **argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + std::vector names; + std::vector times; + + //Get options root + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["performanceIterator"]; + int NUM_LOOPS; + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); + bool profileMode, includeHeader; + profileMode = modelOpts["profileMode"].withDefault(false); + includeHeader = modelOpts["includeHeader"].withDefault(false); + + ConditionalOutput time_output{Output::getInstance()}; + time_output.enable(true); + + const Field3D a{1.0}; + const Field3D b{2.0}; + + Field3D result; + result.allocate(); + + const int len = mesh->LocalNx*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; + + // Nested loops over block data + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ Default", + result = DDZ(a); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ C2", + result = DDZ(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_C2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ C4", + result = DDZ(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_C4); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ S2", + result = DDZ(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_S2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ W2", + result = DDZ(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_W2); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ W3", + result = DDZ(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_W3); + ); + + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DDZ FFT", + result = DDZ(a, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_FFT); + ); + + if (profileMode) { + int nthreads = 0; +#ifdef _OPENMP + nthreads = omp_get_max_threads(); +#endif + + int width = 12; + if (includeHeader) { + time_output << "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; + time_output << "Case legend"; + time_output << "\n------------------------------------------------\n"; + + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case " << i << ".\t" << names[i] << "\n"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nprocs" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nthreads" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Num_loops" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Local grid" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nx (global)" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Ny (global)" << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Nz (global)" << "\t"; + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case " << i << "\t"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + } + + time_output << std::setw(width) << BoutComm::size() << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << nthreads << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << NUM_LOOPS << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << len << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNx << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNy << "\t"; + time_output << std::setw(width) << mesh->GlobalNz << "\t"; + for (const auto &time : times) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << time.count() / NUM_LOOPS << "\t"; + } + time_output << "\n"; + } else { + std::vector sizes(names.size()); + std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), sizes.begin(), + [](const std::string &name) -> int { return static_cast(name.size()); }); + int width = *std::max_element(sizes.begin(), sizes.end()); + width += 5; + time_output << std::setw(width) << "Case name" << "\t" << "Time per iteration (s)" << "\n"; + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { + time_output << std::setw(width) << names[i] << "\t" << times[i].count() / NUM_LOOPS + << "\n"; + } + }; + + BoutFinalise(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/examples/performance/ddz/make_scaling_example.sh b/examples/performance/ddz/make_scaling_example.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..06dc998153 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddz/make_scaling_example.sh @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#A simple example of using the iterator test to explore scaling of the different approaches + +GRID_SIZES=(4 8 16 32 64 128) +EXE=ddz +NP=1 +NTHREADS=1 +FLAGS="-q -q -q -q performanceIterator:profileMode=true" + +#Make first run +currGrid=${GRID_SIZES[0]} +OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} +#Do other values +for currGrid in ${GRID_SIZES[@]:1} +do + OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false +done + + +# #Make first run +# mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} +# #Do other values +# for NP in 2 4 +# do +# mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false +# done + diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/makefile b/examples/performance/ddz/makefile similarity index 64% rename from tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/makefile rename to examples/performance/ddz/makefile index 29fffa21e5..c389553de1 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/makefile +++ b/examples/performance/ddz/makefile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -SOURCEC = test_laplace3d.cxx +SOURCEC = ddz.cxx include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/examples/performance/ddz/new_scaling_parser.py b/examples/performance/ddz/new_scaling_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2a5fee191 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/ddz/new_scaling_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +import csv + + +def read_file(filename): + reader = csv.reader(open(filename, 'r'), delimiter='\t', + skipinitialspace=True) + + # Skip header + for _, _ in zip(range(4), reader): + continue + + from collections import OrderedDict + case_lines = OrderedDict() #{} + for line in reader: + if line == []: + break + case_lines[line[0].rstrip('.')] = line[1] + + titles = next(reader) + cases_weak = {col.strip(): [] for col in titles[:-1]} + + for line in reader: + if line == []: + break + for title, col in zip(titles, line[:-1]): + cases_weak[title].append(float(col)) + + axis = cases_weak['Local grid'] + data = [cases_weak[x] for x in case_lines] + labels = [case_lines[x] for x in case_lines] + return {'axis':axis, 'data':data, 'labels':labels} + +def getScan(baseName = "timing_{n}.txt", nthreads = (1,2,4,8,16,32)): + from numpy import zeros + + dataS = [] + for n in nthreads: + f = baseName.format(n=n) + dataS.append(read_file(f)) + + + nnt = len(dataS) + nlines = len(dataS[0]['data']) + nval = len(dataS[0]['data'][0]) + rawDat = zeros([nnt,nval,nlines]) + + for i, dat in enumerate(dataS): + print(len(dat['data'])) + + rawDat[i,:,:] = dat['data'] + + axes = [nthreads, dataS[0]['axis']] + + return axes, rawDat, dataS[0]['labels'] diff --git a/examples/performance/difops/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/performance/difops/data/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 7de709fbed..0000000000 --- a/examples/performance/difops/data/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ - -[mesh] -nx = 100 -ny = 100 -nz = 128 - -R_c = 100 -L_par = 1e4 - -phi = sin(x-z) - -n = mixmode(z)*gauss(x-0.5) -vort = cos(2*x+z) diff --git a/examples/performance/difops/test-difops.cxx b/examples/performance/difops/test-difops.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 4d58f99121..0000000000 --- a/examples/performance/difops/test-difops.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,283 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Test case for differential operators on single - * index, performance comparison against current operators - * which contain individual loops over the domain. - * - * The equations tested are a subset of those in the 2D blob - * simulations (examples/blob2d) - * - * New operators seem to be slightly faster: - * - * Inner loops : 0.353403 - * Outer loop : 0.186931 - * - */ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// 2nd order central differencing - -/*! - * \brief 2nd order central differencing in X - * - * Performs calculation at a single point. The input field - * must be defined at i.xp() and i.xm() - * - * @param f The field to be differentiated - * @param i The point where the result is calculated - */ -inline BoutReal DDX_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f[i.xp()] - f[i.xm()])/(2.*mesh->coordinates()->dx[i]); -} - -inline BoutReal DDY_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f.yup()[i.yp()] - f.ydown()[i.ym()])/(2.*mesh->coordinates()->dy[i]); -} - - -inline BoutReal DDZ_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f[i.zp()] - f[i.zm()])/(2.*mesh->coordinates()->dz); -} - -/*! - * 2nd order central differencing in X - * Performs operation over RGN_NOBNDRY - */ -const Field3D DDX_C2(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - result[i] = DDX_C2(f, i); - } - return result; -} - -/*! - * 2nd order central differencing in Y - * Performs operation over RGN_NOBNDRY - */ -const Field3D DDY_C2(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - result[i] = DDY_C2(f, i); - } - return result; -} - -/*! - * 2nd order central differencing in Z - * Performs operation over RGN_NOBNDRY - */ -const Field3D DDZ_C2(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - result[i] = DDZ_C2(f, i); - } - return result; -} - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// 4th order central differencing - -/*! - * 4th order central differencing in X - */ -inline BoutReal DDX_C4(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (8.*f[i.xp()] - 8.*f[i.xm()] + f[i.offset(-2,0,0)] - f[i.offset(2,0,0)])/(12.*mesh->coordinates()->dx[i]); -} - -/*! - * 4th order central differencing in Z - */ -inline BoutReal DDZ_C4(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (8.*f[i.zp()] - 8.*f[i.zm()] + f[i.offset(0,0,-2)] - f[i.offset(0,0,2)])/(12.*mesh->coordinates()->dz); -} - -/*! - * 4th order central differencing in X - * Performs operation over RGN_NOBNDRY - */ -const Field3D DDX_C4(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - result[i] = DDX_C4(f, i); - } - return result; -} - -/*! - * 4th order central differencing in X - * Performs operation over RGN_NOBNDRY - */ -const Field3D DDZ_C4(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - result[i] = DDZ_C4(f, i); - } - return result; -} - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// First derivatives - -const Field3D DDX_test(const Field3D &f) { - // This could be done with a static function - // but a) this has another "if" to check the function, and - // b) is not thread safe (OpenMP) - static const Field3D (*func)(const Field3D &f) = nullptr; - - if(!func) { - // Not defined yet - string setting; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("operators")->get("ddx", setting, "c2"); - setting = lowercase(setting); - - if(setting == "c2") { - func = &DDX_C2; - }else if(setting == "c4") { - func = &DDX_C4; - }else { - throw BoutException("Unrecognised option for DDX: '%s'", setting.c_str()); - } - } - // Call the function - return (*func)(f); -} - - - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Arakawa brackets - -BoutReal bracket_arakawa(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, const DataIterator &i) { - Coordinates *metric = mesh->coordinates(); - - BoutReal fxp = f[i.xp()]; - BoutReal fxm = f[i.xm()]; - BoutReal fzp = f[i.zp()]; - BoutReal fzm = f[i.zm()]; - - BoutReal fpp = f[i.offset(1,0,1)]; - BoutReal fpm = f[i.offset(1,0,-1)]; - BoutReal fmp = f[i.offset(-1,0,1)]; - BoutReal fmm = f[i.offset(-1,0,-1)]; - - BoutReal gxp = g[i.xp()]; - BoutReal gxm = g[i.xm()]; - BoutReal gzp = g[i.zp()]; - BoutReal gzm = g[i.zm()]; - - // J++ = DDZ(f)*DDX(g) - DDX(f)*DDZ(g) - BoutReal Jpp = 0.25*( (fzp - fzm)* - (gxp - gxm) - - (fxp - fxm)* - (gzp - gzm) ); - - // J+x - BoutReal Jpx = 0.25*( gxp*(fpp-fpm) - - gxm*(fmp-fmm) - - gzp*(fpp-fmp) + - gzm*(fpm-fmm)); - // Jx+ - BoutReal Jxp = 0.25*( g[i.offset(1,0,1)]*(fzp-fxp) - - g[i.offset(-1,0,-1)]*(fxm-fzm) - - g[i.offset(-1,0,1)]*(fzp-fxm) + - g[i.offset(1,0,-1)]*(fxp-fzm) ); - - return (Jpp + Jpx + Jxp) / (3. * metric->dx[i] * metric->dz); -} - -const Field3D bracket_arakawa(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - result[i] = bracket_arakawa(f, g, i); - } - return result; -} - -int main(int argc, char **argv) { - BoutInitialise(argc, argv); - - typedef std::chrono::time_point SteadyClock; - typedef std::chrono::duration Duration; - using namespace std::chrono; - - Field3D phi, n, vort; - GRID_LOAD3(phi, n, vort); - - BoutReal R_c, L_par; - GRID_LOAD2(R_c, L_par); - - ///////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Single loop over domain - - SteadyClock start2 = steady_clock::now(); - // Note: Need to allocate ddt() fields before [] access - ddt(n).allocate(); - ddt(vort).allocate(); - for(auto i : n.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - - ddt(n)[i] = - - bracket_arakawa(phi, n, i) - + (2./R_c)*DDZ_C2(n, i) - + n[i]*phi[i]/L_par - ; - - ddt(vort)[i] = - - bracket_arakawa(phi, vort, i) - + (2./R_c)*DDZ_C2(n, i) - + phi[i]/L_par; - - } - Duration elapsed2 = steady_clock::now() - start2; - // Save ddt values for comparison later - Field3D dn_2 = ddt(n); - Field3D dvort_2 = ddt(vort); - - ///////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Using several internal loops over domain - - SteadyClock start1 = steady_clock::now(); - ddt(n) = - - bracket_arakawa(phi, n) //bracket(phi, n, BRACKET_ARAKAWA) - + (2./R_c)*DDZ(n) - + n*phi/L_par - ; - - ddt(vort) = - - bracket_arakawa(phi, vort)//bracket(phi, vort, BRACKET_ARAKAWA) - + (2./R_c)*DDZ(n) - + phi/L_par; - Duration elapsed1 = steady_clock::now() - start1; - - ///////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Check results - - for(auto i : n.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - if(abs(ddt(n)[i] - dn_2[i]) > 1e-5) { - output.write("Difference in ddt(n) at (%d,%d,%d): %e, %e\n", - i.x, i.y, i.z, ddt(n)[i], dn_2[i]); - } - if(abs(ddt(vort)[i] - dvort_2[i]) > 1e-5) { - output.write("Difference in ddt(vort) at (%d,%d,%d): %e, %e\n", - i.x, i.y, i.z, ddt(vort)[i], dvort_2[i]); - } - } - - output << "TIMING\n======\n"; - output << "Inner loops : " << elapsed1.count() << std::endl; - output << "Outer loop : " << elapsed2.count() << std::endl; - - BoutFinalise(); - return 0; -} diff --git a/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/.gitignore b/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad079c67b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +iterator-offsets \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/iterator-offsets.cxx b/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/iterator-offsets.cxx index d1e069cfe0..81cbd7e6b3 100644 --- a/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/iterator-offsets.cxx +++ b/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/iterator-offsets.cxx @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ BoutReal test_ddy(stencil &s) { return (s.p - s.m); } -Mesh::deriv_func func_ptr = &test_ddy; +using deriv_func = BoutReal (*)(stencil &); +deriv_func func_ptr = &test_ddy; int main(int argc, char **argv) { BoutInitialise(argc, argv); @@ -42,13 +43,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector times; //Get options root - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *modelOpts = globalOptions->getSection("performanceIterator"); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["performanceIterator"]; int NUM_LOOPS; - OPTION(modelOpts, NUM_LOOPS, 100); + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); bool profileMode, includeHeader; - OPTION(modelOpts, profileMode, false); - OPTION(modelOpts, includeHeader, false); + profileMode = modelOpts["profileMode"].withDefault(false); + includeHeader = modelOpts["includeHeader"].withDefault(false); ConditionalOutput time_output{Output::getInstance()}; time_output.enable(true); @@ -86,170 +87,51 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { } ); - // Range based for DataIterator with indices - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "C++11 range-based for (omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - for(auto i : result.region(RGN_NOY)){ - result(i.x,i.y,i.z) = (a(i.x,i.y+1,i.z) - a(i.x,i.y-1,i.z)); - } - ); - - // Range based DataIterator - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "C++11 range-based for [i] (omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - for(const auto &i : result.region(RGN_NOY)){ - result[i] = (a[i.yp()] - a[i.ym()]); - } - ); - - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "C++11 range-based for over Region [i] (omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - for(const auto &i : mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")){ - result[i] = (a[i.yp()] - a[i.ym()]); - } - } - ); - - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "C++11 range-based for [i] with stencil (omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - for(const auto &i : result.region(RGN_NOY)){ - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ym()]; - s.c = a[i]; - s.p = a[i.yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - result[i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - } - ); #endif + { + auto deriv = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getStandardDerivative("C2",DIRECTION::Y, STAGGER::None); + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( + "DerivativeStore without fetching", + deriv(a, result, "RGN_NOY"); + ); + }; + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "C++11 range-based for [i] with stencil (serial)", - stencil s; - for(const auto &i : result.region(RGN_NOY)){ - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ym()]; - s.c = a[i]; - s.p = a[i.yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - result[i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - ); - - // Region macro - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "Region with stencil (serial)", - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")) { - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ym()]; - s.c = a[i]; - s.p = a[i.yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - - result[i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - ); - -#ifdef _OPENMP - - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "Region with stencil (parallel section nowait omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")) { - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ym()]; - s.c = a[i]; - s.p = a[i.yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - - result[i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - } - ); - - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "Region with stencil (parallel section wait omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY"), for schedule(guided)) { - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ym()]; - s.c = a[i]; - s.p = a[i.yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - - result[i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - } - ); + "DerivativeStore with fetch", + auto deriv = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getStandardDerivative("C2",DIRECTION::Y, STAGGER::None); + deriv(a, result, "RGN_NOY"); + ); ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "Region with stencil & raw ints (parallel section omp)", - const auto nz = mesh->LocalNz; - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")) { - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ind - (nz)]; - s.c = a[i.ind]; - s.p = a[i.ind + (nz)]; - s.pp = nan(""); - - result[i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - } - ); - - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "Region with stencil (single loop omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY").getIndices(); - BOUT_OMP(for schedule(guided)) - for (auto i = region.cbegin(); i < region.cend(); ++i) { - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i->ym()]; - s.c = a[*i]; - s.p = a[i->yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - - result[*i] = (s.p - s.m); - } - } - ); - + "Region with stencil", + BOUT_OMP(parallel) + { + stencil s; + BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")) { + s.m = a[i.ym()]; + s.c = a[i]; + s.p = a[i.yp()]; + + result[i] = (s.p - s.m); + } + } + ); + ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK( - "Region with stencil and function pointer (parallel section nowait omp)", - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")) { - s.mm = nan(""); - s.m = a[i.ym()]; - s.c = a[i]; - s.p = a[i.yp()]; - s.pp = nan(""); - - result[i] = func_ptr(s); - } - } - ); - -#endif + "Region with stencil and function pointer", + BOUT_OMP(parallel) + { + stencil s; + BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOY")) { + s.m = a[i.ym()]; + s.c = a[i]; + s.p = a[i.yp()]; + + result[i] = func_ptr(s); + } + } + ); if (profileMode) { int nthreads = 0; diff --git a/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/make_scaling_example.sh b/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/make_scaling_example.sh index 99bf54d7e5..c3b861ffaa 100755 --- a/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/make_scaling_example.sh +++ b/examples/performance/iterator-offsets/make_scaling_example.sh @@ -5,15 +5,16 @@ GRID_SIZES=(4 8 16 32 64 128) EXE=iterator-offsets NP=1 +NTHREADS=1 FLAGS="-q -q -q -q performanceIterator:profileMode=true" #Make first run currGrid=${GRID_SIZES[0]} -mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} +OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} #Do other values for currGrid in ${GRID_SIZES[@]:1} do - mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false + OMP_NUM_THREADS=${NTHREADS} mpirun -np ${NP} ./${EXE} ${FLAGS} mesh:nx=${currGrid} mesh:ny=${currGrid} mesh:nz=${currGrid} performanceIterator:includeHeader=false done diff --git a/examples/performance/iterator/iterator.cxx b/examples/performance/iterator/iterator.cxx index 03a6f61aa7..c356ed29a7 100644 --- a/examples/performance/iterator/iterator.cxx +++ b/examples/performance/iterator/iterator.cxx @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ #include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" #include "bout/region.hxx" -typedef std::chrono::time_point SteadyClock; -typedef std::chrono::duration Duration; +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; using namespace std::chrono; #define ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK(NAME, ...) \ @@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector times; //Get options root - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *modelOpts = globalOptions->getSection("performanceIterator"); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["performanceIterator"]; int NUM_LOOPS; - OPTION(modelOpts, NUM_LOOPS, 100); + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); bool profileMode, includeHeader; - OPTION(modelOpts, profileMode, false); - OPTION(modelOpts, includeHeader, false); + profileMode = modelOpts["profileMode"].withDefault(false); + includeHeader = modelOpts["includeHeader"].withDefault(false); ConditionalOutput time_output(Output::getInstance()); time_output.enable(true); @@ -98,40 +98,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { ); #endif - // DataIterator using begin(), end() - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK("DI begin/end", - for(DataIterator i = std::begin(result), rend=std::end(result); i != rend; ++i){ - result(i.x,i.y,i.z) = a(i.x,i.y,i.z) + b(i.x,i.y,i.z); - } - ); - - // DataIterator with done() - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK("DI begin/done", - for(DataIterator i = std::begin(result); !i.done() ; ++i){ - result(i.x,i.y,i.z) = a(i.x,i.y,i.z) + b(i.x,i.y,i.z); - } - ); - - // Range based for DataIterator with indices - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK("C++11 range-based for", - for(auto i : result){ - result(i.x,i.y,i.z) = a(i.x,i.y,i.z) + b(i.x,i.y,i.z); - } - ); - - // Range based DataIterator - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK("C++11 range-based for [i]", - for (const auto &i : result) { - result[i] = a[i] + b[i]; - } - ); - - // DataIterator over fields - ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK("DI (done) [i]", - for(DataIterator d = result.iterator(); !d.done(); d++) - result[d] = a[d] + b[d]; - ); - //Raw C loop ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK("C loop repeat", for(int j=0;j SteadyClock; -typedef std::chrono::duration Duration; +using SteadyClock = std::chrono::time_point; +using Duration = std::chrono::duration; using namespace std::chrono; #define ITERATOR_TEST_BLOCK(NAME, ...) \ @@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::vector times; // Get options root - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *modelOpts = globalOptions->getSection("tuningRegionBlockSize"); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto modelOpts = globalOptions["tuningRegionBlockSize"]; int NUM_LOOPS, numSteps; - OPTION(modelOpts, NUM_LOOPS, 100); - OPTION(modelOpts, numSteps, 16); + NUM_LOOPS = modelOpts["NUM_LOOPS"].withDefault(100); + numSteps = modelOpts["numSteps"].withDefault(16); ConditionalOutput time_output(Output::getInstance()); time_output.enable(true); diff --git a/examples/preconditioning/wave/.gitignore b/examples/preconditioning/wave/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccf9f3db8f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/preconditioning/wave/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_precon \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/preconditioning/wave/test_precon.cxx b/examples/preconditioning/wave/test_precon.cxx index f4bef86b71..65316315bd 100644 --- a/examples/preconditioning/wave/test_precon.cxx +++ b/examples/preconditioning/wave/test_precon.cxx @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Field3D u, v; // Evolving variables InvertPar *inv; // Parallel inversion class -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Set variables to evolve SOLVE_FOR2(u,v); @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 0; } -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { mesh->communicate(u,v); ddt(u) = Grad_par(v); @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { * o Return values should be in time derivatives * *********************************************************/ -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) { +int precon(BoutReal UNUSED(t), BoutReal gamma, BoutReal UNUSED(delta)) { // Communicate vector to be inverted mesh->communicate(ddt(u), ddt(v)); @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) { * enable by setting solver / use_jacobian = true in BOUT.inp *********************************************************/ -int jacobian(BoutReal t) { +int jacobian(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { mesh->communicate(ddt(u), ddt(v)); Field3D utmp = Grad_par(ddt(v)); // Shouldn't overwrite ddt(u) before using it ddt(v) = Grad_par(ddt(u)); diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/.gitignore b/examples/reconnect-2field/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4e2e9e147e --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/reconnect-2field/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +2field \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-bc.cxx b/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-bc.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 633cf1f1bd..0000000000 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-bc.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************** - * 2 field (Apar, vorticity) model for benchmarking - * simple slab reconnection model - *****************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -// 2D initial profiles -Field2D Jpar0, Te0, Ni0; - -// 3D evolving fields -Field3D Upar, Apar; - -// Derived 3D variables -Field3D Phi, Jpar; - -// External fields -Field3D Apar_ext, Jpar_ext, Phi0_ext, Upar0_ext; - -// Metric coefficients -Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, Bxy; - -// Constants -const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; -const BoutReal Charge = 1.60217646e-19; // electron charge e (C) -const BoutReal Mi = 2.0*1.67262158e-27; // Ion mass -const BoutReal Me = 9.1093816e-31; // Electron mass -const BoutReal Me_Mi = Me / Mi; // Electron mass / Ion mass - -// normalisation parameters -BoutReal Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm; -BoutReal Cs, rho_s, wci, beta_hat; - -BoutReal eta, mu; - -// Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] -// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE -BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms - -int phi_flags; // Inversion flags - -bool nonlinear; -bool parallel_lc; -bool include_jpar0; -int jpar_bndry; - -void smooth_bndry(Field3D f, int bndry = 2); -void set_bndry(Field3D f, BoutReal val=0.0, int bndry=2); -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta); // Preconditioner -InvertPar *inv; // Parallel inversion class used in preconditioner - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - // Load 2D profiles - GRID_LOAD3(Jpar0, Te0, Ni0); - Ni0 *= 1e20; // To m^-3 - - // Load metrics - GRID_LOAD(Rxy); - GRID_LOAD(Bpxy); - GRID_LOAD(Btxy); - GRID_LOAD(hthe); - mesh->get(mesh->Bxy, "Bxy"); - Bxy=mesh->Bxy; - - // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2field"); - - // normalisation values - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - OPTION(options, include_jpar0, true); - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry, 0); - - OPTION(options, eta, 1e-3); // Normalised resistivity - OPTION(options, mu, 1.e-3); // Normalised vorticity - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - - int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); - switch(bracket_method) { - case 0: { - bm = BRACKET_STD; - output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; - break; - } - case 1: { - bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; - break; - } - case 2: { - bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; - output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; - break; - } - case 3: { - bm = BRACKET_CTU; - output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; - break; - } - default: - output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; - return 1; - } - - /////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Normalisation - - Tenorm = max(Te0, true); - if(Tenorm < 1) - Tenorm = 1000; - Nenorm = max(Ni0, true); - if(Nenorm < 1) - Nenorm = 1.e19; - Bnorm = max(mesh->Bxy, true); - - // Sound speed in m/s - Cs = sqrt(Charge*Tenorm / Mi); - - // drift scale - rho_s = Cs * Mi / (Charge * Bnorm); - - // Ion cyclotron frequency - wci = Charge * Bnorm / Mi; - - beta_hat = MU0 * Charge*Tenorm * Nenorm / (Bnorm*Bnorm); - - output << "\tNormalisations:" << endl; - output << "\tCs = " << Cs << endl; - output << "\trho_s = " << rho_s << endl; - output << "\twci = " << wci << endl; - output << "\tbeta_hat = " << beta_hat << endl; - - SAVE_ONCE3(Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm); - SAVE_ONCE4(Cs, rho_s, wci, beta_hat); - - // Normalise geometry - Rxy /= rho_s; - hthe /= rho_s; - mesh->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*Bnorm; - - // Normalise magnetic field - Bpxy /= Bnorm; - Btxy /= Bnorm; - mesh->Bxy /= Bnorm; - Bxy /= Bnorm; - - // Plasma quantities - Jpar0 /= Nenorm*Charge*Cs; - - // CALCULATE METRICS - - mesh->g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g22 = 1.0 / (hthe^2); - mesh->g33 = (mesh->Bxy^2)/mesh->g11; - mesh->g12 = 0.0; - mesh->g13 = 0.; - mesh->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - - mesh->J = hthe / Bpxy; - - mesh->g_11 = 1.0/mesh->g11; - mesh->g_22 = (mesh->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_12 = 0.; - mesh->g_13 = 0.; - mesh->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - mesh->geometry(); - - // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve - SOLVE_FOR2(Upar, Apar); - - // Set boundary conditions - Jpar.setBoundary("Jpar"); - Phi.setBoundary("Phi"); - - // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - SAVE_REPEAT2(Phi, Jpar); - SAVE_ONCE(Jpar0); - - // Generate external fields - Apar_ext=0; - Jpar_ext=0; - initial_profile("Apar_ext", Apar_ext); - Jpar_ext = -Delp2(Apar_ext); - set_bndry(Jpar_ext,0.0,2); - // Use vacuum field if requested - mesh->communicate(Apar_ext,Jpar_ext); - SAVE_ONCE2(Apar_ext,Jpar_ext); - - Phi0_ext=0; - Upar0_ext=0; - initial_profile("Phi0_ext", Phi0_ext); - Upar0_ext = -Delp2(Phi0_ext)/Bxy; - set_bndry(Upar0_ext,0.0,2); - mesh->communicate(Phi0_ext,Upar0_ext); - SAVE_ONCE2(Phi0_ext,Upar0_ext); - - // Give the solver the preconditioner function - solver->setPrecon(precon); - // Initialise parallel inversion class - inv = InvertPar::Create(); - inv->setCoefA(1.0); - Upar.setBoundary("Upar"); - Apar.setBoundary("Apar"); - - return 0; -} - -const Field3D Grad_parP_LtoC(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); - if(nonlinear) { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext+Apar, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else { - if(nonlinear) { - result = Grad_parP((Apar+Apar_ext)*beta_hat, f); - }else { - result = Grad_parP(Apar_ext*beta_hat, f); - } - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D Grad_parP_CtoL(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); - if(nonlinear) { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar + Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - } - }else { - if(nonlinear) { - result = Grad_parP((Apar+Apar_ext)*beta_hat, f); - }else { - result = Grad_parP(Apar_ext*beta_hat, f); - } - } - return result; -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { - // Solve EM fields - - // Upar = (1/B) * Delp2(Phi) - Phi = invert_laplace(Bxy*Upar, phi_flags); - Phi.applyBoundary(); // For target plates only - - mesh->communicate(Upar, Phi, Apar); - - Jpar = -Delp2(Apar+Apar_ext); // Jpar includes external current - Jpar.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Jpar); - -/// if(jpar_bndry > 0) -/// smooth_bndry(Jpar,jpar_bndry); - - // VORTICITY - ddt(Upar) = SQ(Bxy)*Grad_parP_LtoC(Jpar/Bxy); - - if(include_jpar0) { - ddt(Upar) -= SQ(Bxy)*beta_hat * bracket(Apar+Apar_ext, Jpar0/Bxy, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - } - - //ExB advection - ddt(Upar) -= bracket(Phi0_ext, Upar, bm); - // ddt(Upar) -= bracket(Phi, Upar0_ext, bm); - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(Upar) -= bracket(Phi, Upar, bm); - } - //Viscosity - if(mu > 0.) - ddt(Upar) += mu*Delp2(Upar); - - // APAR - // ddt(Apar) = -Grad_parP_CtoL(Phi) / beta_hat; - ddt(Apar) = -Grad_parP_CtoL(Phi+Phi0_ext) / beta_hat; - - if(eta > 0.) - ddt(Apar) -= eta*Jpar / beta_hat; - - return 0; -} - -/********************************************************* - * Preconditioner - * - * o System state in variables (as in rhs function) - * o Values to be inverted in time derivatives - * - * o Return values should be in time derivatives - * - *********************************************************/ -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) { - mesh->communicate(ddt(Apar)); - Field3D Jp; - - Jp = -Delp2(ddt(Apar)); - mesh->communicate(Jp); - -/// if(jpar_bndry > 0) -/// smooth_bndry(Jp,jpar_bndry); - - Field3D Upar1 = ddt(Upar) + gamma*SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par_LtoC(Jp/Bxy); - - inv->setCoefB(-SQ(gamma*Bxy)/beta_hat); - ddt(Upar) = inv->solve(Upar1); - ddt(Upar).applyBoundary(); - - Field3D Phip = invert_laplace(Bxy*ddt(Upar), phi_flags); - mesh->communicate(Phip); - - ddt(Apar) = ddt(Apar) - (gamma / beta_hat)*Grad_par_CtoL(Phip); - ddt(Apar).applyBoundary(); - - return 0; -} - -void smooth_bndry(Field3D f, int bndry) -{ - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=bndry;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = f[i+1][j][k]; - } - } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-bndry-1;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = f[i-1][j][k]; - } - } -} - -void set_bndry(Field3D f, BoutReal val, int bndry) -{ - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=bndry;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = val; - } - } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-bndry-1;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = val; - } - } -} - diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-new.cxx b/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-new.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 6aae522bec..0000000000 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-new.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,355 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************** - * 2 field (Apar, vorticity) model for benchmarking - * simple slab reconnection model - *****************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -// 2D initial profiles -Field2D Jpar0, Te0, Ni0; - -// 3D evolving fields -Field3D U, Apar; - -// Derived 3D variables -Field3D phi, jpar; - -// External coil field -Field3D Apar_ext, Jpar_ext, Phi0_ext, Upar0_ext; - -// Metric coefficients -Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, Bxy; - -// Constants -const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; -const BoutReal Charge = 1.60217646e-19; // electron charge e (C) -const BoutReal Mi = 2.0*1.67262158e-27; // Ion mass -const BoutReal Me = 9.1093816e-31; // Electron mass -const BoutReal Me_Mi = Me / Mi; // Electron mass / Ion mass - -// normalisation parameters -BoutReal Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm; -BoutReal Cs, rho_s, wci, beta_hat; - -BoutReal eta, mu_perp, mu_par; -BoutReal eta_hyper_par, eta_hyper_perp; -BoutReal mu_hyper_par, mu_hyper_perp; - -// Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] -// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE -BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms - -int phi_flags; // Inversion flags - -bool nonlinear; -bool parallel_lc; -bool include_jpar0; -int jpar_bndry, jpar_ext_bndry; -bool test_advection; -bool include_apar_ext, include_phi0_ext; - -void smooth_bndry(const Field3D &jpar, int jpar_bndry); - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - // Load 2D profiles - GRID_LOAD3(Jpar0, Te0, Ni0); - Ni0 *= 1e20; // To m^-3 - - // Load metrics - GRID_LOAD(Rxy); - GRID_LOAD(Bpxy); - GRID_LOAD(Btxy); - GRID_LOAD(hthe); - mesh->get(mesh->Bxy, "Bxy"); - - // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2field"); - - // normalisation values - OPTION(options, test_advection, false); - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - OPTION(options, include_jpar0, true); - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry, 0); - - OPTION(options, eta, 1.e-3); // Normalised resistivity - OPTION(options, mu_perp, 1.e-7); // Normalised viscosity - OPTION(options, mu_par, 1.e-7); // Normalised viscosity - OPTION(options, eta_hyper_perp, 0.e-3); // Normalised resistivity - OPTION(options, eta_hyper_par, 0.e-3); // Normalised resistivity - OPTION(options, mu_hyper_perp, 0.e-3); // Normalised viscosity - OPTION(options, mu_hyper_par, 0.e-3); // Normalised viscosity - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - - int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); - switch(bracket_method) { - case 0: { - bm = BRACKET_STD; - output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; - break; - } - case 1: { - bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; - break; - } - case 2: { - bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; - output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; - break; - } - case 3: { - bm = BRACKET_CTU; - output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; - break; - } - default: - output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; - return 1; - } - - /////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Normalisation - - Tenorm = max(Te0, true); - if(Tenorm < 1) - Tenorm = 1000; - Nenorm = max(Ni0, true); - if(Nenorm < 1) - Nenorm = 1.e19; - Bnorm = max(mesh->Bxy, true); - - // Sound speed in m/s - Cs = sqrt(Charge*Tenorm / Mi); - - // drift scale - rho_s = Cs * Mi / (Charge * Bnorm); - - // Ion cyclotron frequency - wci = Charge * Bnorm / Mi; - - beta_hat = MU0 * Charge*Tenorm * Nenorm / (Bnorm*Bnorm); - - output << "\tNormalisations:" << endl; - output << "\tCs = " << Cs << endl; - output << "\trho_s = " << rho_s << endl; - output << "\twci = " << wci << endl; - output << "\tbeta_hat = " << beta_hat << endl; - - SAVE_ONCE3(Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm); - SAVE_ONCE4(Cs, rho_s, wci, beta_hat); - - // Normalise geometry - Rxy /= rho_s; - hthe /= rho_s; - mesh->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*Bnorm; - - // Normalise magnetic field - Bpxy /= Bnorm; - Btxy /= Bnorm; - mesh->Bxy /= Bnorm; - Bxy = mesh->Bxy; - - // Plasma quantities - Jpar0 /= Nenorm*Charge*Cs; - - // CALCULATE METRICS - - mesh->g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g22 = 1.0 / (hthe^2); - mesh->g33 = Bxy^2/mesh->g11; - mesh->g12 = 0.0; - mesh->g13 = 0.; - mesh->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - - mesh->J = hthe / Bpxy; - - mesh->g_11 = 1.0/mesh->g11; - mesh->g_22 = (Bxy*hthe/Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_12 = 0.; - mesh->g_13 = 0.; - mesh->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - mesh->geometry(); - - // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve - SOLVE_FOR2(U, Apar); - - // Set boundary conditions - jpar.setBoundary("jpar"); - phi.setBoundary("phi"); - - // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - SAVE_REPEAT2(phi, jpar); - SAVE_ONCE(Jpar0); - - // Generate external field - Options *Apar_ext_options = globalOptions->getSection("Apar_ext"); - OPTION(Apar_ext_options, include_apar_ext, false); - OPTION(Apar_ext_options, jpar_ext_bndry, 0); - - Options *Phi0_ext_options = globalOptions->getSection("Phi0_ext"); - OPTION(Phi0_ext_options, include_phi0_ext, false); - - if(include_apar_ext) { - output << "\tInitializing Apar_ext\n"; - initial_profile("Apar_ext", Apar_ext); - Jpar_ext = - Delp2(Apar_ext); - Jpar_ext.applyBoundary(); - smooth_bndry(Jpar_ext,jpar_ext_bndry); - SAVE_ONCE2(Apar_ext,Jpar_ext); - } - if(include_phi0_ext) { - output << "\tInitializing Phi0_ext\n"; - initial_profile("Phi0_ext", Phi0_ext); - Upar0_ext = Delp2(Phi0_ext)/Bxy; - Upar0_ext.applyBoundary(); - SAVE_ONCE2(Phi0_ext,Upar0_ext); - } - - return 0; -} - -const Field3D Grad_par0_LtoC(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); - }else{ - result = Grad_par(f); - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D Grad_par0_CtoL(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); - }else{ - result = Grad_par(f); - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D Grad_par1(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result=0.; - - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - if (include_apar_ext) { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - } - return result; -} - -void smooth_bndry(const Field3D &f, int bndry) -{ - // Boundary in jpar - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=bndry;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = f[i+1][j][k]; - } - } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-bndry-1;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = f[i-1][j][k]; - } - } -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { - // Solve EM fields - - // U = (1/B) * Delp2(phi) - phi = invert_laplace(Bxy*U, phi_flags); - phi.applyBoundary(); // For target plates only - - mesh->communicate(U, phi, Apar); - - jpar = -Delp2(Apar); - jpar.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(jpar); - - if(jpar_bndry > 0) { - smooth_bndry(jpar,jpar_bndry); - } - - // VORTICITY - ddt(U)=0.; - - if(!test_advection){ - ddt(U) += SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par0_LtoC(jpar/Bxy); - if(include_apar_ext) - ddt(U) += SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par0_LtoC(Jpar_ext/Bxy); - } - if(include_jpar0){ - // Grad_par0(Jpar0) should vanish - ddt(U) += SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par1(Jpar0/Bxy); - } - - if(include_phi0_ext) - ddt(U) -= bracket(Phi0_ext, U, bm); - - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(U) -= bracket(phi, U, bm); // ExB advection - ddt(U) -= SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par1(jpar/Bxy); - if(include_apar_ext) - ddt(U) += SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par1(Jpar_ext/Bxy); - } - - if(mu_perp > 0.) - ddt(U) += mu_perp*Delp2(U); - if(mu_par > 0.) - ddt(U) += mu_par*Grad2_par2(U); - if(mu_hyper_perp > 0.) - ddt(U) -= mu_hyper_perp*Delp2(Delp2(U)); - if(mu_hyper_par > 0.) - ddt(U) += mu_hyper_par*Grad2_par2(Grad2_par2(U)); - - // APAR - ddt(Apar)=0.; - - if(!test_advection) - ddt(Apar) -= Grad_par0_CtoL(phi) / beta_hat; - - if (include_phi0_ext) { - ddt(Apar) -= Grad_par0_CtoL(Phi0_ext) / beta_hat; - ddt(Apar) -= Grad_par1(Phi0_ext) / beta_hat; - } - if (nonlinear) { - ddt(Apar) -= Grad_par1(phi) / beta_hat; - } - - if(eta > 0.) { - ddt(Apar) -= eta*jpar / beta_hat; - if (include_apar_ext) - ddt(Apar) -= eta*Jpar_ext / beta_hat; - } - if(eta_hyper_perp > 0.) { - ddt(Apar) += eta_hyper_perp*Delp2(jpar) / beta_hat; - if (include_apar_ext) - ddt(Apar) += eta_hyper_perp*Delp2(Jpar_ext) / beta_hat; - } - if(eta_hyper_par > 0.) { - ddt(Apar) += eta_hyper_par*Grad_par0_LtoC(Bxy*Grad_par0_CtoL(jpar/Bxy)) / beta_hat; - if (include_apar_ext) - ddt(Apar) += eta_hyper_par*Grad_par0_LtoC(Bxy*Grad_par0_CtoL(Jpar_ext/Bxy)) / beta_hat; - } - return 0; -} - diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-precon.cxx b/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-precon.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index b1b13c1d2a..0000000000 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field-precon.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,346 +0,0 @@ -/***************************************************************************** - * 2 field (Apar, vorticity) model for benchmarking - * simple slab reconnection model - *****************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -// 2D initial profiles -Field2D Jpar0, Te0, Ni0; - -// 3D evolving fields -Field3D Upar, Apar; - -// Derived 3D variables -Field3D Phi, Jpar; - -// External fields -Field3D Apar_ext, Jpar_ext, Phi0_ext, Upar0_ext; - -// Metric coefficients -Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, Bxy; - -// Constants -const BoutReal MU0 = 4.0e-7*PI; -const BoutReal Charge = 1.60217646e-19; // electron charge e (C) -const BoutReal Mi = 2.0*1.67262158e-27; // Ion mass -const BoutReal Me = 9.1093816e-31; // Electron mass -const BoutReal Me_Mi = Me / Mi; // Electron mass / Ion mass - -// normalisation parameters -BoutReal Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm; -BoutReal Cs, rho_s, wci, beta_hat; - -BoutReal eta, mu; - -// Poisson brackets: b0 x Grad(f) dot Grad(g) / B = [f, g] -// Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE -BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms - -int phi_flags; // Inversion flags - -bool nonlinear; -bool parallel_lc; -bool include_jpar0; -int jpar_bndry; - -void smooth_bndry(Field3D f, int bndry = 2); -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta); // Preconditioner -InvertPar *inv; // Parallel inversion class used in preconditioner - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - // Load 2D profiles - GRID_LOAD3(Jpar0, Te0, Ni0); - Ni0 *= 1e20; // To m^-3 - - // Load metrics - GRID_LOAD(Rxy); - GRID_LOAD(Bpxy); - GRID_LOAD(Btxy); - GRID_LOAD(hthe); - mesh->get(mesh->Bxy, "Bxy"); - Bxy=mesh->Bxy; - - // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2field"); - - // normalisation values - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - OPTION(options, include_jpar0, true); - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry, 0); - - OPTION(options, eta, 1e-3); // Normalised resistivity - OPTION(options, mu, 1.e-3); // Normalised vorticity - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - - int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); - switch(bracket_method) { - case 0: { - bm = BRACKET_STD; - output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; - break; - } - case 1: { - bm = BRACKET_SIMPLE; - output << "\tBrackets: simplified operator\n"; - break; - } - case 2: { - bm = BRACKET_ARAKAWA; - output << "\tBrackets: Arakawa scheme\n"; - break; - } - case 3: { - bm = BRACKET_CTU; - output << "\tBrackets: Corner Transport Upwind method\n"; - break; - } - default: - output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; - return 1; - } - - /////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Normalisation - - Tenorm = max(Te0, true); - if(Tenorm < 1) - Tenorm = 1000; - Nenorm = max(Ni0, true); - if(Nenorm < 1) - Nenorm = 1.e19; - Bnorm = max(mesh->Bxy, true); - - // Sound speed in m/s - Cs = sqrt(Charge*Tenorm / Mi); - - // drift scale - rho_s = Cs * Mi / (Charge * Bnorm); - - // Ion cyclotron frequency - wci = Charge * Bnorm / Mi; - - beta_hat = MU0 * Charge*Tenorm * Nenorm / (Bnorm*Bnorm); - - output << "\tNormalisations:" << endl; - output << "\tCs = " << Cs << endl; - output << "\trho_s = " << rho_s << endl; - output << "\twci = " << wci << endl; - output << "\tbeta_hat = " << beta_hat << endl; - - SAVE_ONCE3(Tenorm, Nenorm, Bnorm); - SAVE_ONCE4(Cs, rho_s, wci, beta_hat); - - // Normalise geometry - Rxy /= rho_s; - hthe /= rho_s; - mesh->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*Bnorm; - - // Normalise magnetic field - Bpxy /= Bnorm; - Btxy /= Bnorm; - mesh->Bxy /= Bnorm; - Bxy /= Bnorm; - - // Plasma quantities - Jpar0 /= Nenorm*Charge*Cs; - - // CALCULATE METRICS - - mesh->g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g22 = 1.0 / (hthe^2); - mesh->g33 = (mesh->Bxy^2)/mesh->g11; - mesh->g12 = 0.0; - mesh->g13 = 0.; - mesh->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - - mesh->J = hthe / Bpxy; - - mesh->g_11 = 1.0/mesh->g11; - mesh->g_22 = (mesh->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_12 = 0.; - mesh->g_13 = 0.; - mesh->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - mesh->geometry(); - - // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve - SOLVE_FOR2(Upar, Apar); - - // Set boundary conditions - Jpar.setBoundary("Jpar"); - Phi.setBoundary("Phi"); - - // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - SAVE_REPEAT2(Phi, Jpar); - SAVE_ONCE(Jpar0); - - // Generate external field - - initial_profile("Apar_ext", Apar_ext); - Jpar_ext = -Delp2(Apar_ext); - SAVE_ONCE2(Apar_ext,Jpar_ext); - - initial_profile("Phi0_ext", Phi0_ext); - Upar0_ext = -Delp2(Phi0_ext); - SAVE_ONCE2(Phi0_ext,Upar0_ext); - - // Give the solver the preconditioner function - solver->setPrecon(precon); - // Initialise parallel inversion class - inv = InvertPar::Create(); - inv->setCoefA(1.0); - Upar.setBoundary("Upar"); - Apar.setBoundary("Apar"); - - return 0; -} - -const Field3D Grad_parP_LtoC(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_LtoC(f); - if(nonlinear) { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext+Apar, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else { - if(nonlinear) { - result = Grad_parP((Apar+Apar_ext)*beta_hat, f); - }else { - result = Grad_parP(Apar_ext*beta_hat, f); - } - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D Grad_parP_CtoL(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - if(parallel_lc) { - result = Grad_par_CtoL(f); - if(nonlinear) { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar + Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - }else { - result -= beta_hat * bracket(Apar_ext, f, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - } - }else { - if(nonlinear) { - result = Grad_parP((Apar+Apar_ext)*beta_hat, f); - }else { - result = Grad_parP(Apar_ext*beta_hat, f); - } - } - return result; -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { - // Solve EM fields - - // Upar = (1/B) * Delp2(Phi) - Phi = invert_laplace(Bxy*Upar, phi_flags); - Phi.applyBoundary(); // For target plates only - - mesh->communicate(Upar, Phi, Apar); - - Jpar = -Delp2(Apar+Apar_ext); // Jpar includes external current - Jpar.applyBoundary(); - mesh->communicate(Jpar); - -/// if(jpar_bndry > 0) -/// smooth_bndry(Jpar,jpar_bndry); - - // VORTICITY - ddt(Upar) = SQ(Bxy)*Grad_parP_LtoC(Jpar/Bxy); - - if(include_jpar0) { - ddt(Upar) -= SQ(Bxy)*beta_hat * bracket(Apar+Apar_ext, Jpar0/Bxy, BRACKET_ARAKAWA); - } - - //ExB advection - ddt(Upar) -= bracket(Phi0_ext, Upar, bm); - ddt(Upar) -= bracket(Phi, Upar0_ext, bm); - if(nonlinear) { - ddt(Upar) -= bracket(Phi, Upar, bm); - } - //Viscosity - if(mu > 0.) - ddt(Upar) += mu*Delp2(Upar); - - // APAR - - ddt(Apar) = -Grad_parP_CtoL(Phi+Phi0_ext) / beta_hat; - - if(eta > 0.) - ddt(Apar) -= eta*Jpar / beta_hat; - - return 0; -} - -/********************************************************* - * Preconditioner - * - * o System state in variables (as in rhs function) - * o Values to be inverted in time derivatives - * - * o Return values should be in time derivatives - * - *********************************************************/ -int precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) { - mesh->communicate(ddt(Apar)); - Field3D Jp; - - Jp = -Delp2(ddt(Apar)); - mesh->communicate(Jp); - -/// if(jpar_bndry > 0) -/// smooth_bndry(Jp,jpar_bndry); - - Field3D Upar1 = ddt(Upar) + gamma*SQ(Bxy)*Grad_par_LtoC(Jp/Bxy); - - inv->setCoefB(-SQ(gamma*Bxy)/beta_hat); - ddt(Upar) = inv->solve(Upar1); - ddt(Upar).applyBoundary(); - - Field3D Phip = invert_laplace(Bxy*ddt(Upar), phi_flags); - mesh->communicate(Phip); - - ddt(Apar) = ddt(Apar) - (gamma / beta_hat)*Grad_par_CtoL(Phip); - ddt(Apar).applyBoundary(); - - return 0; -} - -void smooth_bndry(Field3D f, int bndry) -{ - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int i=bndry;i>=0;i--) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = f[i+1][j][k]; - } - } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int i=mesh->LocalNx-bndry-1;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - f[i][j][k] = f[i-1][j][k]; - } - } -} - diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field.cxx b/examples/reconnect-2field/2field.cxx index 2c7d1ec1c0..69ec60f83d 100644 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/2field.cxx +++ b/examples/reconnect-2field/2field.cxx @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { // Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms - int phi_flags; // Inversion flags bool nonlinear; bool parallel_lc; @@ -56,6 +55,9 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { // Coordinate system metric Coordinates *coord; + // Inverts a Laplacian to get potential + Laplacian *phiSolver; + protected: int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { @@ -64,30 +66,25 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { Ni0 *= 1e20; // To m^-3 // Coordinate system - coord = mesh->coordinates(); + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Load metrics GRID_LOAD(Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe); mesh->get(coord->Bxy, "Bxy"); // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2field"); + auto& options = Options::root()["2field"]; // normalisation values - OPTION(options, nonlinear, false); - OPTION(options, parallel_lc, true); - OPTION(options, include_jpar0, true); - OPTION(options, jpar_bndry, 0); + nonlinear = options["nonlinear"].withDefault(false); + parallel_lc = options["parallel_lc"].withDefault(true); + include_jpar0 = options["include_jpar0"].withDefault(true); + jpar_bndry = options["jpar_bndry"].withDefault(0); - OPTION(options, eta, 1e-3); // Normalised resistivity - OPTION(options, mu, 1.e-3); // Normalised vorticity + eta = options["eta"].doc("Normalised resistivity").withDefault(1e-3); + mu = options["mu"].doc("Normalised vorticity").withDefault(1.e-3); - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - - int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); - switch (bracket_method) { + switch (options["bracket_method"].withDefault(0)) { case 0: { bm = BRACKET_STD; output << "\tBrackets: default differencing\n"; @@ -117,11 +114,15 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { // Normalisation Tenorm = max(Te0, true); - if (Tenorm < 1) + if (Tenorm < 1) { Tenorm = 1000; + } + Nenorm = max(Ni0, true); - if (Nenorm < 1) + if (Nenorm < 1) { Nenorm = 1.e19; + } + Bnorm = max(coord->Bxy, true); // Sound speed in m/s @@ -207,6 +208,9 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { U.setBoundary("U"); Apar.setBoundary("Apar"); + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(); + return 0; } @@ -247,11 +251,11 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { return result; } - int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { // Solve EM fields // U = (1/B) * Delp2(phi) - phi = invert_laplace(coord->Bxy * U, phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(coord->Bxy * U); phi.applyBoundary(); // For target plates only mesh->communicate(U, phi, Apar); @@ -345,7 +349,7 @@ class TwoField : public PhysicsModel { ddt(U) = inv->solve(U1); ddt(U).applyBoundary(); - Field3D phip = invert_laplace(coord->Bxy * ddt(U), phi_flags); + Field3D phip = phiSolver->solve(coord->Bxy * ddt(U)); mesh->communicate(phip); ddt(Apar) = ddt(Apar) - (gamma / beta_hat) * Grad_par_CtoL(phip); diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/BOUT-new.inp b/examples/reconnect-2field/BOUT-new.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 2a25c11211..0000000000 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/BOUT-new.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -# DALF3 model settings - -################################################## -# Global settings used by the core code - -NOUT = 50 # number of time-steps -TIMESTEP = 1000 # time between outputs -archive = 20 # Archive restart files after this number of outputs -wall_limit = 0.48 # wall time limit (in hours) - -ShiftXderivs = true # use shifted radial derivatives? -TwistShift = true # use twist-shift condition? -ShiftOrder = 0 # interpolation order (1 = nearest neighbour, 0=FFT) -TwistOrder = 0 # order of twist-shift interpolation - -ShiftInitial = true -ballooning = false - -MZ = 17 # number of points in z direction (2^n + 1) -ZPERIOD = 1 # Fraction of a torus to simulate - -MXG = 2 -MYG = 2 - -NXPE = 8 # Number of processor in X - -grid = "slab_68x32.nc" # Grid file - -dump_format = "nc" # Dump file format. "nc" = NetCDF, "pdb" = PDB -restart_format = "nc" # Restart file format - - -StaggerGrids = false # Use staggered grids (EXPERIMENTAL) - -################################################## -# Communications -# Fastest setting depends on machine and MPI -# implementation. Do not affect result. - -[comms] - -async = false # Use asyncronous sends? -pre_post = false # Post receives as early as possible -group_nonblock = false # Use non-blocking group operations? - -################################################## -# Laplacian inversion routines - -[laplace] - -# max_mode = 16 # Maximum N to solve for -all_terms = false -laplace_nonuniform = false -filter = 0.2 # Remove the top 20% of modes (BOUT-06 zwindow=0.4) - -################################################## -# FFTs - -[fft] - -fft_measure = true # If using FFTW, perform tests to determine fastest method - -################################################## -# derivative methods - -[ddx] - -first = C4 # order of first x derivatives (options are 2 or 4) -second = C4 # order of second x derivatives (2 or 4) -upwind = W3 # order of upwinding method (1, 4, 0 = TVD (DO NOT USE), 3 = WENO) - -[ddy] - -first = C4 -second = C4 -upwind = W3 - -[ddz] - -first = C4 # Z derivatives can be done using FFT -second = C4 -upwind = W3 - -################################################## -# Solver settings - -[solver] - -# mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep preconditioner options -ATOL = 1.0e-8 # absolute tolerance -RTOL = 1.0e-5 # relative tolerance - -use_precon = false # Use preconditioner: User-supplied or BBD -use_jacobian = false # Use user-supplied Jacobian - -mxstep = 5000 # Number of internal steps between outputs -adams_moulton = false # Use Adams-Moulton method (default is BDF) -func_iter = false # Functional iteration (default is Newton) - -################################################## - -[2field] - - - -eta = 1.e-3 # Resistivity -mu_perp = -1.e-7 # Viscosity -mu_par = -1.e0 # Viscosity -mu_hyper_par = -1e0 -omegaz = 0. # Rotation frequency in BOUT z direction - -test_advection = true # Test ExB advection (acting on Apar) -nonlinear = false # Include nonlinear terms? -parallel_lc = true # Use quasi-staggered LtoC and CtoL in Y - -## Toroidal filtering -filter_z = false # remove all except one mode -filter_z_mode = 1 # Specify which harmonic to keep (1 = fundamental) - - -bracket_method = 2 # Method to use for [f,g] terms - # 0 = Use default differencing methods - # 1 = Simplified operator - # 2 = Arakawa scheme - # 3 = Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) - - -include_jpar0 = false -jpar_bndry = 0 # 3 is recommended default - # jpar_bndry=0 and jpar_ext_bndry=3 seemed to work best 4/9/12 - - - -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 0 - Dirichlet -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary - -phi_flags = 768 #0 # 1 # 11 #769 - -[All] -scale = 0.0 # default size of initial perturbations - -######## Boundary conditions ######### -# dirichlet - Zero value -# neumann - Zero gradient -# zerolaplace - Laplacian = 0, decaying solution -# constlaplace - Laplacian = const, decaying solution -# -# relax( ) - Make boundary condition relaxing - -bndry_all = neumann - -########### Initial conditions ####### -# 0 - constant -# 1 - Gaussian -# 2 - Sinusoidal -# 3 - Mix of mode numbers (like original BOUT) - -########### Evolving variables ####### - -[Upar] # vorticity - -[Apar] - -#function = (1-4*x*(1-x))*sin(3*y - z) -xs_opt = 1 -ys_opt = 0 -zs_opt = 2 - -xs_s0 = 0.5 -xs_wd = 0.1 - -ys_s0 = 0.5 -ys_wd = 0.1 - -zs_mode = 1 - -scale = 0.0e-4 - -bndry_xin = zerolaplace # Radial BCs specified in inversion -bndry_xout = zerolaplace - -########### Auxilliary variables - -[Phi] - -#function = x * 10. * 6.46246*/1.0 -scale = 0.e-4 - -bndry_xin = zerolaplace # Radial BCs specified in laplace inversion -bndry_xout = zerolaplace # originally set to none - -[Jpar] - -########## External fields - -[Phi0_ext] - -function = x -scale = 0.e2 -include_phi0_ext = false - -[Apar_ext] - -function = (1.-(4.-0.)*x*(1.-x))*sin(3*y - z) -scale = 1.e-4 -include_apar_ext = true -jpar_ext_bndry=3 #presently, jpar_ext =0 on bndry, seems best to smooth? 4/9/12 - diff --git a/examples/reconnect-2field/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/reconnect-2field/data/BOUT.inp index bb5ab976d6..3221213403 100644 --- a/examples/reconnect-2field/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/reconnect-2field/data/BOUT.inp @@ -106,28 +106,13 @@ bracket_method = 2 # Method to use for [f,g] terms # 2 = Arakawa scheme # 3 = Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) -parallel_lc = true # Use quasi-staggered LtoC and CtoL in Y +parallel_lc = false # Use quasi-staggered LtoC and CtoL in Y nonlinear = false # Include nonlinear terms? include_jpar0 = false jpar_bndry = 3 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -# 64 - Set the width of the boundary layer to 1 -# 128 - use 4th order differencing -# 256 - Laplacian = 0 inner boundary -# 512 - Laplacian = 0 outer boundary - -phi_flags = 0 # 11 #769 - [All] scale = 0.0 # default size of initial perturbations diff --git a/examples/shear-alfven-wave/.gitignore b/examples/shear-alfven-wave/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d837f17cae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/shear-alfven-wave/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +2fluid \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/shear-alfven-wave/2fluid.cxx b/examples/shear-alfven-wave/2fluid.cxx index 3077a614bb..c990bdcb20 100644 --- a/examples/shear-alfven-wave/2fluid.cxx +++ b/examples/shear-alfven-wave/2fluid.cxx @@ -46,8 +46,12 @@ class ShearAlfven : public PhysicsModel { // Coordinate system Coordinates *coord; + /// Solver for inverting Laplacian + Laplacian *phiSolver; + Laplacian *aparSolver; + protected: - int init(bool restarting) override { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { Field2D I; // Shear factor output << "Solving 6-variable 2-fluid equations\n"; @@ -65,7 +69,7 @@ class ShearAlfven : public PhysicsModel { GRID_LOAD(Ajpar0); // Coordinate system - coord = mesh->coordinates(); + coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); // Load magnetic curvature term b0xcv.covariant = false; // Read contravariant components @@ -94,25 +98,21 @@ class ShearAlfven : public PhysicsModel { /*************** READ OPTIONS *************************/ // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2fluid"); - OPTION(options, AA, 2.0); - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["2fluid"]; + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(2.0); + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); - OPTION(options, ZeroElMass, false); - OPTION(options, zeff, 1.0); - OPTION(options, nu_perp, 0.0); - OPTION(options, ShearFactor, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); + ZeroElMass = options["ZeroElMass"].withDefault(false); + zeff = options["zeff"].withDefault(1.0); + nu_perp = options["nu_perp"].withDefault(0.0); + ShearFactor = options["ShearFactor"].withDefault(1.0); /************* SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES ************/ // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); - + std::string ptstr = Options::root()["mesh"]["paralleltransform"].withDefault("identity"); + if (lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric b0xcv.z += I * b0xcv.x; @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class ShearAlfven : public PhysicsModel { // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve // add evolving variables to the communication object - SOLVE_FOR2(rho, Ajpar); + SOLVE_FOR(rho, Ajpar); comms.add(rho, Ajpar); // Set boundary conditions @@ -217,18 +217,24 @@ class ShearAlfven : public PhysicsModel { } // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - SAVE_REPEAT3(phi, Apar, jpar); + SAVE_REPEAT(phi, Apar, jpar); - SAVE_ONCE3(Ni0, Te0, Ti0); - SAVE_ONCE5(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, rho_s, wci); + SAVE_ONCE(Ni0, Te0, Ti0); + SAVE_ONCE(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, rho_s, wci); + + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"]); + + aparSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"]); + aparSolver->setCoefA((-0.5 * beta_p / fmei) * Ni0); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { // Solve EM fields - phi = invert_laplace(rho / Ni0, phi_flags); + phi = phiSolver->solve(rho / Ni0); if (ZeroElMass) { mesh->communicate(comms); @@ -239,16 +245,7 @@ class ShearAlfven : public PhysicsModel { mesh->communicate(jpar); } else { - static Field2D a; - static int set = 0; - - if (set == 0) { - // calculate a - a = (-0.5 * beta_p / fmei) * Ni0; - set = 1; - } - - Apar = invert_laplace(-a * Ajpar, apar_flags, &a); + Apar = aparSolver->solve((0.5 * beta_p / fmei) * Ni0 * Ajpar); // Communicate variables mesh->communicate(comms); diff --git a/examples/shear-alfven-wave/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/shear-alfven-wave/data/BOUT.inp index 7a69a66d88..372c1ec7f1 100644 --- a/examples/shear-alfven-wave/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/shear-alfven-wave/data/BOUT.inp @@ -63,16 +63,13 @@ nu_perp = 1.0e-20 ShearFactor = 0.0 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -phi_flags = 3 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion +[phiSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 3 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + +[aparSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/staggered_grid/.gitignore b/examples/staggered_grid/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dd25165a6c --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/staggered_grid/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_staggered \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/staggered_grid/test_staggered.cxx b/examples/staggered_grid/test_staggered.cxx index 5ba1febd2c..12335d30b4 100644 --- a/examples/staggered_grid/test_staggered.cxx +++ b/examples/staggered_grid/test_staggered.cxx @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Field3D n, v; CELL_LOC maybe_ylow{CELL_CENTRE}; -int physics_init(bool restart) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restart)) { if (mesh->StaggerGrids) { maybe_ylow = CELL_YLOW; @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restart) { return 0; } -int physics_run(BoutReal time) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { mesh->communicate(n, v); //ddt(n) = -Div_par_flux(v, n, CELL_CENTRE); diff --git a/examples/subsampling/README.md b/examples/subsampling/README.md index 09d91214b8..9a95625225 100644 --- a/examples/subsampling/README.md +++ b/examples/subsampling/README.md @@ -9,24 +9,22 @@ Therefore the fields, which are solved for, and any field that is added with `SAVE_REPEAT()` will be written out every second timeunit. In the code another monitor is added with an output timestep of 0.01. -This Monitor uses a separat datafile, (via class `SimpleDatafile`, see monitor.cxx -line 12 ff) to write the data. The options for the simple datafile are -read from the `[probes]` section in the input. -As netcdf supports several unlimited dimension, it is also possible to -extend the netcdf interface, to write it to the same output file, as -all other data is going. +This Monitor uses a separate datafile, (via class `SimpleDatafile`) to +write the data. The options for the simple datafile are read from the +`[probes]` section in the input. As NetCDF supports several unlimited +dimensions, it is also possible to extend the netcdf interface, to +write it to the same output file, as all other data is going. -The Monitor1dDump just saves a single point of the 3D field. +The `Monitor1dDump` just saves a single point of the 3D field. As mentioned, it is set to an output timestep of 0.01. This sets the internal timestep for the solver therefore to 0.01, as this is smaller then the standard output timestep of 2. Therefore 200 timesteps are written to the 1D datafile, for every output to the `BOUT.dmp` datafile. -The timestep of the Monitor is by default independent of the output +The timestep of the `Monitor` is by default independent of the output timestep set in `BOUT.inp`. If this is not desired, it is easy to read -this value, and set an apropriate timestep. -If the monitors are used for physics, e.g. by coupling to an external -library for some calulation or using it as an PID controller, it is -probably desirable to to not change the physics, if the output -timestep is changed. \ No newline at end of file +this value, and set an apropriate timestep. If the monitors are used +for physics, e.g. by coupling to an external library for some +calulation or using it as an PID controller, it is probably desirable +to to not change the physics, if the output timestep is changed. diff --git a/examples/subsampling/monitor.cxx b/examples/subsampling/monitor.cxx index 980cf2b64d..7480b32697 100644 --- a/examples/subsampling/monitor.cxx +++ b/examples/subsampling/monitor.cxx @@ -3,112 +3,114 @@ #include #include -// simplify the datafile with sane defaults -// Note that you should never ever copy the datafile ... +// Simplify the datafile with sane defaults +// Note that you should never ever copy the datafile. // The constructor takes a pointer to an options object, or the name // of a section. // Unlike the default Datafile, SimpleDatafile always ends up in the // correct folder, and should throw if it possible to detect the error. -class SimpleDatafile: public Datafile{ +class SimpleDatafile : public Datafile { public: - SimpleDatafile(std::string section):SimpleDatafile(Options::getRoot()->getSection(section.c_str()) - ,section){}; - SimpleDatafile(Options* ops,std::string section="Default"):Datafile(ops){ + SimpleDatafile(std::string section) + : SimpleDatafile(Options::root()[section], section){}; + SimpleDatafile(Options& ops, std::string section = "Default") : Datafile(&ops) { + // Open a file for the output - std::string datadir; - if (ops->isSet("path")){ - ops->get("path",datadir,"data");// default never needed + std::string datadir = "data"; + if (ops.isSet("path")) { + datadir = ops["path"].as(); } else { - OPTION(Options::getRoot(),datadir,"data"); // I need to know data is default :( + datadir = Options::root()["datadir"].withDefault(datadir); } - std::string file; - file = section+".dmp"; - OPTION(ops,file,file); + + const std::string default_filename = section + ".dmp"; + const std::string file = ops["file"].withDefault(default_filename); + bool append; - if (ops->isSet("append")){ - OPTION(ops,append,false); + if (ops.isSet("append")) { + append = ops["append"].withDefault(false); } else { - OPTION(Options::getRoot(),append,false); // I hope that is the correct default + append = Options::root()["append"].withDefault(false); } - std::string dump_ext="nc"; // bad style, but I only use nc - if(append) { + const std::string dump_ext = "nc"; + + if (append) { if (!this->opena("%s/%s.%s", datadir.c_str(), file.c_str(), dump_ext.c_str())) throw BoutException("Failed to open file for appending!"); - //output.write("opend succesfully for appending\n"); - }else { + } else { if (!this->openw("%s/%s.%s", datadir.c_str(), file.c_str(), dump_ext.c_str())) throw BoutException("Failed to open file for writing!"); - //output.write("opend succesfully for writing\n"); } } }; // Monitor to write out 1d Data -class Monitor1dDump:public Monitor{ +class Monitor1dDump : public Monitor { public: - Monitor1dDump(BoutReal timestep,std::string section_name) - :Monitor(timestep), - dump(new SimpleDatafile(section_name)) - { - dump->add(time,"t_array",true); + Monitor1dDump(BoutReal timestep, std::string section_name) + : Monitor(timestep), dump(bout::utils::make_unique(section_name)) { + dump->add(time, "t_array", true); }; - int call(Solver * solver,double _time,int i1,int i2) override{ - time=_time; - dump->write(); // this should throw if it doesn't work + int call(Solver*, BoutReal _time, int, int) override { + time = _time; + dump->write(); return 0; } - void add(BoutReal &data,std::string name){ - dump->add(data,name.c_str(),true); + void add(BoutReal& data, const std::string& name) { + dump->add(data, name.c_str(), true); } + private: BoutReal time; - Datafile * dump; + std::unique_ptr dump{nullptr}; }; - - +/// An example of using multiple monitors on different timescales class MonitorExample : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restarting) { - SOLVE_FOR2(n,T); - // our monitor writes out data every 100th of a time unit + int init(bool) { + SOLVE_FOR2(n, T); + + // Our monitor writes out data every 100th of a time unit // note that this is independent of time_step. // Especially if the monitor influences the physics, and isn't // just used to output data, this is probably what you want. - probes=new Monitor1dDump(.01, "probes"); + probes = bout::utils::make_unique(.01, "probes"); + // In case the monitor should be relative to the timestep, the // timestep needs to be read first: - BoutReal timestep; - OPTION(Options::getRoot(),timestep,-1); - // There is no 'slow' section in BOUT.inp, therfore it will write + const BoutReal timestep = Options::root()["timestep"].withDefault(-1); + + // There is no 'slow' section in BOUT.inp, therefore it will write // to data/slow.dmp.0.nc - Monitor1dDump * slow=new Monitor1dDump(timestep*2,"slow"); - // now we can add the monitors - solver->addMonitor(probes); - solver->addMonitor(slow); - // the derived monitor Monitor1dData can dump 1d data, which we can - // now add: - Indices start{mesh->xstart,mesh->ystart,0}; - probes->add(n[start],"n_up"); - probes->add(T[start],"T_up"); - // add the corner value - slow->add(T(0,0,0),"T"); // T is already present in BOUT.dmp - but - // as it is a differnt file, this doesn't - // cause issues. + slow = bout::utils::make_unique(timestep * 2, "slow"); + + // Now we can add the monitors + solver->addMonitor(probes.get()); + solver->addMonitor(slow.get()); + + // The derived monitor Monitor1dData can dump 1d data, which we + // can now add: + probes->add(n(mesh->xstart, mesh->ystart, 0), "n_up"); + probes->add(T(mesh->xstart, mesh->ystart, 0), "T_up"); + + // Add the corner value. T is already present in BOUT.dmp - but + // as it is a different file, this doesn't cause issues + slow->add(T(mesh->xstart, mesh->ystart, 0), "T"); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal) { ddt(n) = -T; ddt(T) = -n; return 0; } + private: - Field3D n,T; + Field3D n, T; - Monitor1dDump * probes, * slow; + std::unique_ptr probes{nullptr}, slow{nullptr}; }; BOUTMAIN(MonitorExample); - diff --git a/examples/subsampling/show.py b/examples/subsampling/show.py old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index c78a975862..155dd68d8e --- a/examples/subsampling/show.py +++ b/examples/subsampling/show.py @@ -1,13 +1,25 @@ -from boututils.datafile import DataFile +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +from boututils.datafile import DataFile import matplotlib.pyplot as plt -path="data" -todo=[["slow","T"], - ["PROBES","T_up"], - ["PROBES","n_up"], + +path = "data" +monitors = [ + ["PROBES", "T_up"], + ["PROBES", "n_up"], + ["slow", "T"], ] -for pack in todo: - filename,data = pack - t=DataFile(path+'/'+filename+'.dmp.0.nc').read('t_array').flatten() - data=DataFile(path+'/'+filename+'.dmp.0.nc').read(data).flatten() - plt.plot(t,data) + +for pack in monitors: + filename, data_name = pack + t = DataFile(path+'/'+filename+'.dmp.0.nc').read('t_array') + data = DataFile(path+'/'+filename+'.dmp.0.nc').read(data_name).flatten() + plt.plot(t, data, label="{} {}".format(filename, data_name)) + +time = DataFile(path+'/BOUT.dmp.0.nc').read('t_array') +data = DataFile(path+'/BOUT.dmp.0.nc').read("T")[:, 2, 2, 0] + +plt.plot(time, data, marker='+', label="BOUT++ T") + +plt.xlabel("Time") +plt.legend() plt.show() diff --git a/examples/tokamak-2fluid/.gitignore b/examples/tokamak-2fluid/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d837f17cae --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/tokamak-2fluid/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +2fluid \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/tokamak-2fluid/2fluid.cxx b/examples/tokamak-2fluid/2fluid.cxx index 93f55fa3e2..0ba9a84a0c 100644 --- a/examples/tokamak-2fluid/2fluid.cxx +++ b/examples/tokamak-2fluid/2fluid.cxx @@ -87,15 +87,20 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { int lowPass_z; // Low-pass filter result - int phi_flags, apar_flags; // Inversion flags - // Group of objects for communications FieldGroup comms; // Coordinate system metrics Coordinates *coord; + + // Inverts a Laplacian to get potential + Laplacian *phiSolver; + + // Solves the electromagnetic potential + Laplacian *aparSolver; + Field2D acoef; // Coefficient in the Helmholtz equation - int init(bool restarting) override { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { TRACE("int init(bool) "); Field2D I; // Shear factor @@ -151,24 +156,24 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { // READ OPTIONS // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("2fluid"); - - OPTION(options, AA, 2.0); - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, estatic, false); - OPTION(options, ZeroElMass, false); - OPTION(options, zeff, 1.0); - OPTION(options, nu_perp, 0.0); - OPTION(options, ShearFactor, 1.0); - OPTION(options, OhmPe, true); - OPTION(options, bout_jpar, false); - OPTION(options, curv_upwind, false); - + auto globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto options = globalOptions["2fluid"]; + + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(2.0); + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); + + estatic = options["estatic"].withDefault(false); + ZeroElMass = options["ZeroElMass"].withDefault(false); + zeff = options["zeff"].withDefault(1.0); + nu_perp = options["nu_perp"].withDefault(0.0); + ShearFactor = options["ShearFactor"].withDefault(1.0); + OhmPe = options["OhmPe"].withDefault(true); + bout_jpar = options["bout_jpar"].withDefault(false); + curv_upwind = options["curv_upwind"].withDefault(false); + // Choose method to use for Poisson bracket advection terms int bracket_method; - OPTION(options, bracket_method, 0); + bracket_method = options["bracket_method"].withDefault(0); switch(bracket_method) { case 0: { bm = BRACKET_STD; @@ -194,28 +199,24 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { output << "ERROR: Invalid choice of bracket method. Must be 0 - 3\n"; return 1; } - - OPTION(options, nuIonNeutral, -1.); - - OPTION(options, bkgd, 2); - OPTION(options, iTe_dc, 2); - - OPTION(options, stagger, false); - - OPTION(options, laplace_extra_rho_term, false); - OPTION(options, vort_include_pi, false); - - OPTION(options, lowPass_z, -1); - - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - - (globalOptions->getSection("Ni"))->get("evolve", evolve_ni, true); - (globalOptions->getSection("rho"))->get("evolve", evolve_rho, true); - (globalOptions->getSection("vi"))->get("evolve", evolve_vi, true); - (globalOptions->getSection("te"))->get("evolve", evolve_te, true); - (globalOptions->getSection("ti"))->get("evolve", evolve_ti, true); - (globalOptions->getSection("Ajpar"))->get("evolve", evolve_ajpar, true); + + nuIonNeutral = options["nuIonNeutral"].withDefault(-1.); + + bkgd = options["bkgd"].withDefault(2); + iTe_dc = options["iTe_dc"].withDefault(2); + + stagger = options["stagger"].withDefault(false); + + laplace_extra_rho_term = options["laplace_extra_rho_term"].withDefault(false); + vort_include_pi = options["vort_include_pi"].withDefault(false); + + lowPass_z = options["lowPass_z"].withDefault(-1); + + evolve_ni = globalOptions["Ni"]["evolve"].withDefault(true); + evolve_rho = globalOptions["rho"]["evolve"].withDefault(true); + evolve_vi = globalOptions["vi"]["evolve"].withDefault(true); + evolve_ti = globalOptions["ti"]["evolve"].withDefault(true); + evolve_ajpar = globalOptions["Ajpar"]["evolve"].withDefault(true); if (ZeroElMass) { evolve_ajpar = 0; // Don't need ajpar - calculated from ohm's law @@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { // Equation terms if (evolve_ni) { - options = globalOptions->getSection("Ni"); + Options* options = &globalOptions["Ni"]; options->get("ni1_phi0", ni_ni1_phi0, false); options->get("ni0_phi1", ni_ni0_phi1, false); options->get("ni1_phi1", ni_ni1_phi1, false); @@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { } if (evolve_rho) { - options = globalOptions->getSection("rho"); + Options* options = &globalOptions["rho"]; options->get("rho0_phi1", rho_rho0_phi1, false); options->get("rho1_phi0", rho_rho1_phi0, false); options->get("rho1_phi1", rho_rho1_phi1, false); @@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { } if (evolve_vi) { - options = globalOptions->getSection("vi"); + Options* options = &globalOptions["vi"]; options->get("vi0_phi1", vi_vi0_phi1, false); options->get("vi1_phi0", vi_vi1_phi0, false); options->get("vi1_phi1", vi_vi1_phi1, false); @@ -271,14 +272,14 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { } if (evolve_te) { - options = globalOptions->getSection("te"); + Options* options = &globalOptions["te"]; options->get("te1_phi0", te_te1_phi0, false); options->get("te0_phi1", te_te0_phi1, false); options->get("te1_phi1", te_te1_phi1, false); } if (evolve_ti) { - options = globalOptions->getSection("ti"); + Options* options = &globalOptions["ti"]; options->get("ti1_phi0", ti_ti1_phi0, false); options->get("ti0_phi1", ti_ti0_phi1, false); options->get("ti1_phi1", ti_ti1_phi1, false); @@ -288,8 +289,7 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES // Check type of parallel transform - string ptstr; - Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh")->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); + std::string ptstr = Options::root()["mesh"]["paralleltransform"].withDefault("identity"); if (lowercase(ptstr) == "shifted") { ShearFactor = 0.0; // I disappears from metric @@ -473,27 +473,41 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { comms.add(Apar); // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); - dump.add(Apar, "Apar", 1); - dump.add(jpar, "jpar", 1); - - dump.add(Ni0, "Ni0", 0); - dump.add(Te0, "Te0", 0); - dump.add(Ti0, "Ti0", 0); - - dump.add(Te_x, "Te_x", 0); - dump.add(Ti_x, "Ti_x", 0); - dump.add(Ni_x, "Ni_x", 0); - dump.add(rho_s, "rho_s", 0); - dump.add(wci, "wci", 0); + dump.addRepeat(phi, "phi"); + dump.addRepeat(Apar, "Apar"); + dump.addRepeat(jpar, "jpar"); + + dump.addOnce(Ni0, "Ni0"); + dump.addOnce(Te0, "Te0"); + dump.addOnce(Ti0, "Ti0"); + + dump.addOnce(Te_x, "Te_x"); + dump.addOnce(Ti_x, "Ti_x"); + dump.addOnce(Ni_x, "Ni_x"); + dump.addOnce(rho_s, "rho_s"); + dump.addOnce(wci, "wci"); + + // Create a solver for the Laplacian + phiSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["phiSolver"]); + if (laplace_extra_rho_term) { + // Include the first order term Grad_perp Ni dot Grad_perp phi + phiSolver->setCoefC(Ni0); + } + + if (! (estatic || ZeroElMass)) { + // Create a solver for the electromagnetic potential + aparSolver = Laplacian::create(&options["aparSolver"]); + acoef = (-0.5 * beta_p / fmei) * Ni0; + aparSolver->setCoefA(acoef); + } - return(0); + return 0; } // ExB terms using Poisson bracket #define vE_Grad(f, p) ( bracket(p, f, bm) ) - int rhs(BoutReal t) override { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Invert vorticity to get phi @@ -504,12 +518,8 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { { TRACE("Solving for phi"); - if (laplace_extra_rho_term) { - // Include the first order term Grad_perp Ni dot Grad_perp phi - phi = invert_laplace(rho/Ni0, phi_flags, NULL, &Ni0); - } else { - phi = invert_laplace(rho/Ni0, phi_flags); - } + + phi = phiSolver->solve(rho/Ni0); if (vort_include_pi) { // Include Pi term in vorticity @@ -526,14 +536,7 @@ class TwoFluid : public PhysicsModel { // Electrostatic operation Apar = 0.0; } else { - static Field2D acoeff; - static bool aset = false; - - if (!aset) // calculate Apar coefficient - acoeff = (-0.5*beta_p/fmei)*Ni0; - aset = true; - - Apar = invert_laplace(acoeff*(Vi - Ajpar), apar_flags, &acoeff); + Apar = aparSolver->solve(acoef*(Vi - Ajpar)); } } diff --git a/examples/tokamak-2fluid/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/tokamak-2fluid/data/BOUT.inp index 35ef03d337..610c00bc58 100644 --- a/examples/tokamak-2fluid/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/tokamak-2fluid/data/BOUT.inp @@ -100,16 +100,13 @@ OhmPe = false # Include Pe in Ohm's law? low_pass_z = -1 # Keep n up to (and including) this number -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -phi_flags = 10 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion +[phiSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD +outer_boundary_flags = 1 + 2 # INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + +[aparSolver] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 ################################################## # settings for individual variables diff --git a/examples/uedge-benchmark/data/BOUT.inp b/examples/uedge-benchmark/data/BOUT.inp index 8d2b03a9bc..9801105414 100644 --- a/examples/uedge-benchmark/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/examples/uedge-benchmark/data/BOUT.inp @@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ NOUT = 400 # number of time-steps TIMESTEP = 1e3 # time between outputs -#NOUT = 10 -#TIMESTEP = 1 ShiftXderivs = false # use shifted radial derivatives? TwistShift = false # use twist-shift condition? @@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ MYG = 2 grid="uedge.grd_Up_Ni_Tei_2d.nc" -NXPE = 1 # X parallelised if > 1 - dump_format = "nc" # NetCDF format [comms] diff --git a/examples/uedge-benchmark/ue_bmark.cxx b/examples/uedge-benchmark/ue_bmark.cxx index 5eb59c8132..56cd3b10af 100644 --- a/examples/uedge-benchmark/ue_bmark.cxx +++ b/examples/uedge-benchmark/ue_bmark.cxx @@ -1,266 +1,253 @@ /******************************************************************************* * UEDGE benchmark case * - * Solves equations for + * Solves equations for * density Ni * parallel ion velocity Vi * electron and ion temperatures Te, Ti - * + * * Intended to be run for NZ=1 (i.e. X and Y only) for comparison with UEDGE * *******************************************************************************/ #include -#include +#include #include #include -// 2D initial profiles -Field2D Ni0, Ti0, Te0, Vi0; - -// 3D evolving fields -Field3D Te, Ni, Vi, Ti; - -// Non-linear coefficients -Field3D kapa_Te, kapa_Ti; - -// 3D total values -Field3D Nit, Tit, Tet, Vit; - -// pressures -Field3D peit, pe; -Field2D pei0, pe0; - -// Metric coefficients -Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe; - -// parameters -BoutReal Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, Vi_x, bmag, rho_s, fmei, AA, ZZ; -BoutReal lambda_ei, lambda_ii; -BoutReal nu_hat, mui_hat, wci, nueix, nuiix; - -BoutReal chi_perp, D_perp, mu_perp; - -int physics_init(bool restarting) -{ - Field2D I; // Shear factor - - output.write("Solving transport equations for Ni, Vi, Ti, Te\n"); - - /////////////// LOAD DATA FROM GRID FILE ////////////// - - // Load 2D profiles (set to zero if not found) - GRID_LOAD(Ni0); - GRID_LOAD(Ti0); - GRID_LOAD(Te0); - GRID_LOAD(Vi0); - - // Load metrics - GRID_LOAD(Rxy); // Major radius [m] - GRID_LOAD2(Bpxy, Btxy); // Poloidal, Toroidal B field [T] - GRID_LOAD(hthe); // Poloidal arc length [m / radian] - mesh->get(mesh->dx, "dpsi"); - - // Load normalisation values - GRID_LOAD(Te_x); - GRID_LOAD(Ti_x); - GRID_LOAD(Ni_x); - GRID_LOAD(bmag); - - Ni_x *= 1.0e14; - bmag *= 1.0e4; - - /////////////// READ OPTIONS ////////////////////////// - - // Read some parameters - Options *globalOptions = Options::getRoot(); - Options *options = globalOptions->getSection("uedge"); - OPTION(options, AA, 2.0); - OPTION(options, ZZ, 1.0); - - OPTION(options, chi_perp, 0.6); // Read in m^2 / s - OPTION(options, D_perp, 0.6); - OPTION(options, mu_perp, 0.6); - - ////////////// CALCULATE PARAMETERS /////////////////// - - rho_s = 1.02*sqrt(AA*Te_x)/ZZ/bmag; - fmei = 1./1836.2/AA; - - lambda_ei = 24.-log(sqrt(Ni_x)/Te_x); - lambda_ii = 23.-log(ZZ*ZZ*ZZ*sqrt(2.*Ni_x)/pow(Ti_x, 1.5)); - wci = 9.58e3*ZZ*bmag/AA; - nueix = 2.91e-6*Ni_x*lambda_ei/pow(Te_x, 1.5); - nuiix = 4.78e-8*pow(ZZ,4.)*Ni_x*lambda_ii/pow(Ti_x, 1.5)/sqrt(AA); - - Vi_x = wci * rho_s; - - ///////////// PRINT Z INFORMATION ///////////////////// - - BoutReal hthe0; - if(GRID_LOAD(hthe0) == 0) { - output.write(" ****NOTE: input from BOUT, Z length needs to be divided by %e\n", hthe0/rho_s); +class UedgeBenchmark : public PhysicsModel { +private: + // 2D initial profiles + Field2D Ni0, Ti0, Te0, Vi0; + + // 3D evolving fields + Field3D Te, Ni, Vi, Ti; + + // Non-linear coefficients + Field3D kapa_Te, kapa_Ti; + + // 3D total values + Field3D Nit, Tit, Tet, Vit; + + // pressures + Field3D peit, pe; + Field2D pei0, pe0; + + // Metric coefficients + Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe; + + // parameters + BoutReal Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, Vi_x, bmag, rho_s, fmei, AA, ZZ; + BoutReal lambda_ei, lambda_ii; + BoutReal nu_hat, mui_hat, wci, nueix, nuiix; + + BoutReal chi_perp, D_perp, mu_perp; + +protected: + + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + Field2D I; // Shear factor + + output.write("Solving transport equations for Ni, Vi, Ti, Te\n"); + + /////////////// LOAD DATA FROM GRID FILE ////////////// + + // Load 2D profiles (set to zero if not found) + GRID_LOAD(Ni0, Ti0, Te0, Vi0); + + // Load metrics + GRID_LOAD(Rxy); // Major radius [m] + GRID_LOAD(Bpxy, Btxy); // Poloidal, Toroidal B field [T] + GRID_LOAD(hthe); // Poloidal arc length [m / radian] + mesh->get(mesh->getCoordinates()->dx, "dpsi"); + + // Load normalisation values + GRID_LOAD(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, bmag); + + Ni_x *= 1.0e14; + bmag *= 1.0e4; + + /////////////// READ OPTIONS ////////////////////////// + + // Read some parameters + auto& globalOptions = Options::root(); + auto& options = globalOptions["uedge"]; + AA = options["AA"].withDefault(2.0); + ZZ = options["ZZ"].withDefault(1.0); + + chi_perp = options["chi_perp"].withDefault(0.6); // Read in m^2 / s + D_perp = options["D_perp"].withDefault(0.6); + mu_perp = options["mu_perp"].withDefault(0.6); + + ////////////// CALCULATE PARAMETERS /////////////////// + + rho_s = 1.02 * sqrt(AA * Te_x) / ZZ / bmag; + fmei = 1. / 1836.2 / AA; + + lambda_ei = 24. - log(sqrt(Ni_x) / Te_x); + lambda_ii = 23. - log(ZZ * ZZ * ZZ * sqrt(2. * Ni_x) / pow(Ti_x, 1.5)); + wci = 9.58e3 * ZZ * bmag / AA; + nueix = 2.91e-6 * Ni_x * lambda_ei / pow(Te_x, 1.5); + nuiix = 4.78e-8 * pow(ZZ, 4.) * Ni_x * lambda_ii / pow(Ti_x, 1.5) / sqrt(AA); + + Vi_x = wci * rho_s; + + ///////////// PRINT Z INFORMATION ///////////////////// + + BoutReal hthe0; + if (GRID_LOAD1(hthe0) == 0) { + output.write(" ****NOTE: input from BOUT, Z length needs to be divided by %e\n", + hthe0 / rho_s); + } + + ///////////// NORMALISE QUANTITIES //////////////////// + + output.write("\tNormalising to rho_s = %e\n", rho_s); + + auto* coords = mesh->getCoordinates(); + // Normalise profiles + Ni0 /= Ni_x / 1.0e14; + Ti0 /= Te_x; + Te0 /= Te_x; + Vi0 /= Vi_x; + + // Normalise geometry + Rxy /= rho_s; + hthe /= rho_s; + coords->dx /= rho_s * rho_s * (bmag / 1e4); + + // Normalise magnetic field + Bpxy /= (bmag / 1e4); + Btxy /= (bmag / 1e4); + coords->Bxy /= (bmag / 1e4); + + // calculate pressures + pei0 = (Ti0 + Te0) * Ni0; + pe0 = Te0 * Ni0; + + // Normalise coefficients + chi_perp /= rho_s * rho_s * wci; + D_perp /= rho_s * rho_s * wci; + mu_perp /= rho_s * rho_s * wci; + + chi_perp = 0.1; + D_perp = 0.1; + mu_perp = 0.1; + + output.write("Diffusion coefficients: chi %e D %e Mu %e\n", chi_perp, D_perp, mu_perp); + + /////////////// CALCULATE METRICS ///////////////// + + coords->g11 = pow(Rxy * Bpxy, 2.0); + coords->g22 = 1.0 / pow(hthe, 2.0); + coords->g33 = pow(coords->Bxy, 2.0) / coords->g11; + coords->g12 = 0.0; + coords->g13 = 0.0; + coords->g23 = -Btxy / (hthe * Bpxy * Rxy); + + coords->J = hthe / Bpxy; + + coords->g_11 = 1.0 / coords->g11; + coords->g_22 = pow(coords->Bxy * hthe / Bpxy, 2.0); + coords->g_33 = Rxy * Rxy; + coords->g_12 = 0.0; + coords->g_13 = 0.0; + coords->g_23 = Btxy * hthe * Rxy / Bpxy; + + coords->geometry(); // Calculate other metrics + + //////////////// BOUNDARIES /////////////////////// + // + // We want to apply the relaxing boundries to total density, + // temperature etc. + + Nit.setBoundary("Ni"); + Tet.setBoundary("Te"); + Tit.setBoundary("Ti"); + Vit.setBoundary("Vi"); + + Ni0.applyBoundary("neumann"); + Te0.applyBoundary("neumann"); + Ti0.applyBoundary("neumann"); + + ///////////// SET EVOLVING VARIABLES ////////////// + // + // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve + + SOLVE_FOR(Ni, Vi, Te, Ti); + + ///////////// ADD OUTPUT VARIABLES //////////////// + // + // Add any other variables to be dumped to file + + SAVE_ONCE(Ni0, Te0, Ti0); // Background quantities + SAVE_ONCE(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, rho_s, wci); // Normalisation factors + + return 0; } - ///////////// NORMALISE QUANTITIES //////////////////// - - output.write("\tNormalising to rho_s = %e\n", rho_s); - - // Normalise profiles - Ni0 /= Ni_x/1.0e14; - Ti0 /= Te_x; - Te0 /= Te_x; - Vi0 /= Vi_x; - - // Normalise geometry - Rxy /= rho_s; - hthe /= rho_s; - mesh->dx /= rho_s*rho_s*(bmag/1e4); - - // Normalise magnetic field - Bpxy /= (bmag/1e4); - Btxy /= (bmag/1e4); - mesh->Bxy /= (bmag/1e4); - - // calculate pressures - pei0 = (Ti0 + Te0)*Ni0; - pe0 = Te0*Ni0; - - // Normalise coefficients - chi_perp /= rho_s*rho_s*wci; - D_perp /= rho_s*rho_s*wci; - mu_perp /= rho_s*rho_s*wci; - - chi_perp = 0.1; - D_perp = 0.1; - mu_perp = 0.1; - - output.write("Diffusion coefficients: chi %e D %e Mu %e\n", - chi_perp, D_perp, mu_perp); - - /////////////// CALCULATE METRICS ///////////////// - - mesh->g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g22 = 1.0 / (hthe^2); - mesh->g33 = (mesh->Bxy^2)/mesh->g11; - mesh->g12 = 0.0; - mesh->g13 = 0.0; - mesh->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - - mesh->J = hthe / Bpxy; - - mesh->g_11 = 1.0/mesh->g11; - mesh->g_22 = (mesh->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_12 = 0.0; - mesh->g_13 = 0.0; - mesh->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - - mesh->geometry(); // Calculate other metrics - - //////////////// BOUNDARIES /////////////////////// - // - // We want to apply the relaxing boundries to total density, - // temperature etc. - - Ni0.applyBoundary("neumann"); - Te0.applyBoundary("neumann"); - Ti0.applyBoundary("neumann"); - - Ni.setBackground(Ni0); - Te.setBackground(Te0); - Ti.setBackground(Ti0); - - ///////////// SET EVOLVING VARIABLES ////////////// - // - // Tell BOUT++ which variables to evolve - // add evolving variables to the communication object - - Ni = Vi = Te = Ti = 0.0; - SOLVE_FOR4(Ni, Vi, Te, Ti); - - ///////////// ADD OUTPUT VARIABLES //////////////// - // - // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - - SAVE_ONCE3(Ni0, Te0, Ti0); // Background quantities - SAVE_ONCE5(Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, rho_s, wci); // Normalisation factors - + // Operator for radial diffusive flux /* - dump.add(ddt(Ni), "ddt_ni", 1); - dump.add(ddt(Ti), "ddt_ti", 1); - dump.add(ddt(Te), "ddt_te", 1); - dump.add(ddt(Vi), "ddt_vi", 1); - */ - - return(0); -} - -// Operator for radial diffusive flux -/* -Field3D Div_X_K_Grad_X(const Field3D &difVi, const Field3D &Vi) -{ - Field2D sg = 1./sqrt(mesh->g_11); - return difVi * D2DX2(Vi)/mesh->g_11 + Field3D Div_X_K_Grad_X(const Field3D &difVi, const Field3D &Vi) { + Field2D sg = 1./sqrt(mesh->g_11); + return difVi * D2DX2(Vi)/mesh->g_11 + DDX( difVi * sg ) * DDX(Vi) * sg; -} -*/ - -// This version the same as in BOUT-06. Note the R's moved,and hthe added -Field3D Div_X_K_Grad_X(const Field3D &difFi, const Field3D &Fi) -{ - Field3D result; + } + */ - result = difFi * ( (Rxy*Bpxy)^2 ) * D2DX2(Fi) - + (Bpxy / hthe) * DDX( difFi * Rxy * Rxy * Bpxy * hthe ) * DDX(Fi); - - return result; -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal t) -{ - // Communicate variables - mesh->communicate(Ni, Vi, Te, Ti); - - // Update profiles - Nit = Ni0 + Ni.DC(); - Tit = Ti0 + Ti.DC(); - Tet = Te0 + Te.DC(); - Vit = Vi0 + Vi.DC(); - - // Update non-linear coefficients on the mesh - kapa_Te = 3.2*(1./fmei)*(wci/nueix)*(Tet^2.5); - kapa_Ti = 3.9*(wci/nuiix)*(Tit^2.5); + // This version the same as in BOUT-06. Note the R's moved,and hthe added + Field3D Div_X_K_Grad_X(const Field3D& difFi, const Field3D& Fi) { + Field3D result; + + result = difFi * (pow(Rxy * Bpxy, 2.0)) * D2DX2(Fi) + + (Bpxy / hthe) * DDX(difFi * Rxy * Rxy * Bpxy * hthe) * DDX(Fi); + + return result; + } - peit = (Tet+Tit)*Nit; + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + // Communicate variables + mesh->communicate(Ni, Vi, Te, Ti); + + // Update profiles + Nit = Ni0 + DC(Ni); + Tit = Ti0 + DC(Ti); + Tet = Te0 + DC(Te); + Vit = Vi0 + DC(Vi); + + // Apply boundary conditions to total fields + Nit.applyBoundary(); + Tet.applyBoundary(); + Tit.applyBoundary(); + Vit.applyBoundary(); + + // Update non-linear coefficients on the mesh + kapa_Te = 3.2 * (1. / fmei) * (wci / nueix) * pow(Tet, 2.5); + kapa_Ti = 3.9 * (wci / nuiix) * pow(Tit, 2.5); + + peit = (Tet + Tit) * Nit; + + // DENSITY EQUATION + ddt(Ni) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vit, Nit) - Nit * Div_par(Vit) + + Div_X_K_Grad_X(D_perp * (Nit * 0.0 + 1.0), Nit); + + // ION VELOCITY + ddt(Vi) = (-Grad_par(peit) + Div_X_K_Grad_X(mu_perp * Nit, Vit)) / Nit + - Vpar_Grad_par(Vit, Nit * Vit) / Nit - ddt(Ni) * Vit / Nit; + + // ELECTRON TEMPERATURE + ddt(Te) = (Div_par_K_Grad_par(kapa_Te, Tet) + Div_X_K_Grad_X(chi_perp * Nit, Tet)) + / (1.5 * Nit) + - ddt(Ni) * Tet / Nit; + + // ION TEMPERATURE + ddt(Ti) = (Div_par_K_Grad_par(kapa_Ti, Tit) + Div_X_K_Grad_X(chi_perp * Nit, Tit)) + / (1.5 * Nit) + - ddt(Ni) * Tit / Nit; + + return 0; + } +}; - // DENSITY EQUATION - ddt(Ni) = -Vpar_Grad_par(Vit, Nit) - -Nit*Div_par(Vit) - +Div_X_K_Grad_X(D_perp*(Nit*0.0+1.0), Nit) - ; - - // ION VELOCITY - ddt(Vi) = ( - -Grad_par(peit) - +Div_X_K_Grad_X(mu_perp*Nit, Vit) - )/Nit - -Vpar_Grad_par(Vit, Nit*Vit)/Nit - - ddt(Ni)*Vit/Nit - ; - - // ELECTRON TEMPERATURE - ddt(Te) = (Div_par_K_Grad_par(kapa_Te, Tet) - +Div_X_K_Grad_X(chi_perp*Nit, Tet) - )/(1.5*Nit) - - ddt(Ni)*Tet/Nit; - - // ION TEMPERATURE - ddt(Ti) = (Div_par_K_Grad_par(kapa_Ti, Tit) - +Div_X_K_Grad_X(chi_perp*Nit, Tit) - )/(1.5*Nit) - - ddt(Ni)*Tit/Nit; - - return(0); -} +BOUTMAIN(UedgeBenchmark); diff --git a/examples/wave-slab/.gitignore b/examples/wave-slab/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e87f73cf55 --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/wave-slab/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +wave_slab \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/examples/wave-slab/wave_slab.cxx b/examples/wave-slab/wave_slab.cxx index 9cde230793..e361f4ecb3 100644 --- a/examples/wave-slab/wave_slab.cxx +++ b/examples/wave-slab/wave_slab.cxx @@ -15,45 +15,46 @@ class WaveTest : public PhysicsModel { public: - int init(bool restarting) { - + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + auto *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(); Field2D Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, I; GRID_LOAD(Rxy); GRID_LOAD(Bpxy); GRID_LOAD(Btxy); GRID_LOAD(hthe); - mesh->get(mesh->Bxy, "Bxy"); - - if(mesh->ShiftXderivs) { + mesh->get(coords->Bxy, "Bxy"); + int ShiftXderivs = 0; + mesh->get(ShiftXderivs, "false"); + if(ShiftXderivs) { // No integrated shear in metric I = 0.0; }else mesh->get(I, "sinty"); - mesh->g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g22 = 1.0 / (hthe^2); - mesh->g33 = (I^2)*mesh->g11 + (mesh->Bxy^2)/mesh->g11; - mesh->g12 = 0.0; - mesh->g13 = -I*mesh->g11; - mesh->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); + coords->g11 = pow(Rxy*Bpxy,2.0); + coords->g22 = 1.0 / pow(hthe,2.0); + coords->g33 = pow(I,2.0)*coords->g11 + pow(coords->Bxy,2.0)/coords->g11; + coords->g12 = 0.0; + coords->g13 = -I*coords->g11; + coords->g23 = -Btxy/(hthe*Bpxy*Rxy); - mesh->J = hthe / Bpxy; + coords->J = hthe / Bpxy; - mesh->g_11 = 1.0/mesh->g11 + ((I*Rxy)^2); - mesh->g_22 = (mesh->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy)^2; - mesh->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; - mesh->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; - mesh->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; + coords->g_11 = 1.0/coords->g11 + (pow(I*Rxy,2.0)); + coords->g_22 = pow(coords->Bxy*hthe/Bpxy,2.0); + coords->g_33 = Rxy*Rxy; + coords->g_12 = Btxy*hthe*I*Rxy/Bpxy; + coords->g_13 = I*Rxy*Rxy; + coords->g_23 = Btxy*hthe*Rxy/Bpxy; - mesh->geometry(); + coords->geometry(); solver->add(f, "f"); solver->add(g, "g"); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { mesh->communicate(f,g); ddt(f) = Grad_par(g); diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/CMakeLists.txt b/externalpackages/PVODE/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e1bdfb90c --- /dev/null +++ b/externalpackages/PVODE/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9..3.12) + +if(${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 3.12) + cmake_policy(VERSION ${CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION}.${CMAKE_MINOR_VERSION}) +else() + cmake_policy(VERSION 3.12) +endif() + +project(PVODE + DESCRIPTION "ODE Solver" + VERSION 0.1 + LANGUAGES CXX) + +find_package(MPI REQUIRED) + +add_library(pvode + source/cvode.cpp + source/nvector.cpp + source/llnlmath.cpp + source/cvspgmr.cpp + source/spgmr.cpp + source/iterativ.cpp + source/cvdiag.cpp + source/smalldense.cpp + include/pvode/band.h + include/pvode/cvdiag.h + include/pvode/cvode.h + include/pvode/cvspgmr.h + include/pvode/iterativ.h + include/pvode/llnlmath.h + include/pvode/llnltyps.h + include/pvode/nvector.h + include/pvode/smalldense.h + include/pvode/spgmr.h + include/pvode/vector.h + ) + +target_include_directories(pvode PUBLIC + $ + $ + $ + ) +target_link_libraries(pvode PUBLIC MPI::MPI_CXX) + +add_library(pvpre + include/pvode/pvbbdpre.h + precon/pvbbdpre.cpp + precon/band.cpp + precon/band.h + ) + +target_include_directories(pvpre PUBLIC + $ + $ + $ + ) +target_link_libraries(pvpre PUBLIC MPI::MPI_CXX) + +include(GNUInstallDirs) +install(TARGETS pvode pvpre + EXPORT bout++Targets + LIBRARY DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" + ARCHIVE DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" + RUNTIME DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" + INCLUDES DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}" + ) +install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}) diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/band.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/band.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/band.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/band.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/cvdiag.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/cvdiag.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/cvdiag.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/cvdiag.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/cvode.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/cvode.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/cvode.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/cvode.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/cvspgmr.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/cvspgmr.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/cvspgmr.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/cvspgmr.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/iterativ.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/iterativ.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/iterativ.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/iterativ.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/llnlmath.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/llnlmath.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/llnlmath.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/llnlmath.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/llnltyps.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/llnltyps.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/llnltyps.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/llnltyps.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/nvector.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/nvector.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/nvector.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/nvector.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/precon/pvbbdpre.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/pvbbdpre.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/precon/pvbbdpre.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/pvbbdpre.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/smalldense.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/smalldense.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/smalldense.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/smalldense.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/spgmr.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/spgmr.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/spgmr.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/spgmr.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/include/vector.h b/externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/vector.h similarity index 100% rename from externalpackages/PVODE/include/vector.h rename to externalpackages/PVODE/include/pvode/vector.h diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/precon/Makefile b/externalpackages/PVODE/precon/Makefile index 9a61dd9c98..a84af6776c 100644 --- a/externalpackages/PVODE/precon/Makefile +++ b/externalpackages/PVODE/precon/Makefile @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -CINCLUDES = -I../include +CINCLUDES = -I../include/pvode FLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) $(CINCLUDES) # PVODE library file @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ $(LIBF): $(OBJS) obj: $(MKDIR) obj -obj/%.o: obj %.cpp %.h +obj/%.o: obj %.cpp $(CXX) $(FLAGS) -c -o $@ $*.cpp clean:: diff --git a/externalpackages/PVODE/source/Makefile b/externalpackages/PVODE/source/Makefile index 90f680913e..ab6a8cd70f 100644 --- a/externalpackages/PVODE/source/Makefile +++ b/externalpackages/PVODE/source/Makefile @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -CINCLUDES = -I../include +CINCLUDES = -I../include/pvode FLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) $(CINCLUDES) # PVODE library file diff --git a/externalpackages/googletest b/externalpackages/googletest new file mode 160000 index 0000000000..8b6d3f9c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/externalpackages/googletest @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 8b6d3f9c4a774bef3081195d422993323b6bb2e0 diff --git a/externalpackages/mpark.variant b/externalpackages/mpark.variant new file mode 160000 index 0000000000..0b488da9be --- /dev/null +++ b/externalpackages/mpark.variant @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 0b488da9bebac980e7ba0e158a959c956a449676 diff --git a/googletest b/googletest deleted file mode 160000 index 4bab34d208..0000000000 --- a/googletest +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 4bab34d2084259cba67f3bfb51217c10d606e175 diff --git a/include/boundary_factory.hxx b/include/boundary_factory.hxx index e4c6a67d55..5bdb11b20e 100644 --- a/include/boundary_factory.hxx +++ b/include/boundary_factory.hxx @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ class BoundaryFactory; #include #include -using std::string; -using std::map; /// Create BoundaryOp objects on demand /*! @@ -69,18 +67,18 @@ class BoundaryFactory { static void cleanup(); ///< Frees all memory /// Create a boundary operation object - BoundaryOpBase* create(const string &name, BoundaryRegionBase *region); + BoundaryOpBase* create(const std::string &name, BoundaryRegionBase *region); BoundaryOpBase* create(const char* name, BoundaryRegionBase *region); /// Create a boundary object using the options file - BoundaryOpBase* createFromOptions(const string &varname, BoundaryRegionBase *region); + BoundaryOpBase* createFromOptions(const std::string &varname, BoundaryRegionBase *region); BoundaryOpBase* createFromOptions(const char* varname, BoundaryRegionBase *region); /*! * Add available boundary conditions and modifiers * Supply an object, and the name to be used */ - void add(BoundaryOp* bop, const string &name); + void add(BoundaryOp* bop, const std::string &name); /*! * Add a boundary condition. @@ -92,7 +90,7 @@ class BoundaryFactory { /*! * Add a boundary condition modifier */ - void addMod(BoundaryModifier* bmod, const string &name); + void addMod(BoundaryModifier* bmod, const std::string &name); /*! * Note: This method should be removed, as the string method is sufficient @@ -100,7 +98,7 @@ class BoundaryFactory { void addMod(BoundaryModifier* bmod, const char *name); // Parallel boundaries - void add(BoundaryOpPar* bop, const string &name); + void add(BoundaryOpPar* bop, const std::string &name); void add(BoundaryOpPar* bop, const char *name); private: @@ -111,18 +109,18 @@ class BoundaryFactory { static BoundaryFactory* instance; ///< The only instance of this class (Singleton) // Database of available boundary conditions and modifiers - map opmap; - map modmap; + std::map opmap; + std::map modmap; // Parallel boundary conditions - map par_opmap; + std::map par_opmap; // Modifiers to be implemented... // map par_modmap; // Functions to look up operations and modifiers - BoundaryOp* findBoundaryOp(const string &s); - BoundaryModifier* findBoundaryMod(const string &s); + BoundaryOp* findBoundaryOp(const std::string &s); + BoundaryModifier* findBoundaryMod(const std::string &s); // Parallel boundary conditions - BoundaryOpPar* findBoundaryOpPar(const string &s); + BoundaryOpPar* findBoundaryOpPar(const std::string &s); // To be implemented... // BoundaryModifier* findBoundaryMod(const string &s); diff --git a/include/boundary_op.hxx b/include/boundary_op.hxx index 5a15fd21ff..13bd90b820 100644 --- a/include/boundary_op.hxx +++ b/include/boundary_op.hxx @@ -15,13 +15,11 @@ class BoundaryModifier; #include #include #include -using std::string; -using std::list; class BoundaryOpBase { public: - BoundaryOpBase() {} - virtual ~BoundaryOpBase() {} + BoundaryOpBase() = default; + virtual ~BoundaryOpBase() = default; /// Apply a boundary condition on field f virtual void apply(Field2D &f) = 0; @@ -50,11 +48,23 @@ public: apply_to_ddt = false; } BoundaryOp(BoundaryRegion *region) {bndry = region; apply_to_ddt=false;} - ~BoundaryOp() override {} + ~BoundaryOp() override = default; // Note: All methods must implement clone, except for modifiers (see below) - virtual BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *UNUSED(region), const list &UNUSED(args)) { - return nullptr; + virtual BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *UNUSED(region), const std::list &UNUSED(args)) { + throw BoutException("BoundaryOp::clone not implemented"); + } + + /// Clone using positional args and keywords + /// If not implemented, check if keywords are passed, then call two-argument version + virtual BoundaryOp *clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args, + const std::map &keywords) { + if (!keywords.empty()) { + // Given keywords, but not using + throw BoutException("Keywords ignored in boundary : %s", keywords.begin()->first.c_str()); + } + + return clone(region, args); } /// Apply a boundary condition on ddt(f) @@ -77,11 +87,11 @@ public: class BoundaryModifier : public BoundaryOp { public: - BoundaryModifier() : op(nullptr) {} + BoundaryModifier() = default; BoundaryModifier(BoundaryOp *operation) : BoundaryOp(operation->bndry), op(operation) {} - virtual BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const list &args) = 0; + virtual BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const std::list &args) = 0; protected: - BoundaryOp *op; + BoundaryOp* op{nullptr}; }; #endif // __BNDRY_OP__ diff --git a/include/boundary_region.hxx b/include/boundary_region.hxx index 0121fc4c64..37f9329405 100644 --- a/include/boundary_region.hxx +++ b/include/boundary_region.hxx @@ -6,34 +6,44 @@ class BoundaryRegion; #include #include -using std::string; class Mesh; -extern Mesh* mesh; +namespace bout { +namespace globals { + extern Mesh* mesh; ///< Global mesh +} // namespace bout +} // namespace globals /// Location of boundary -enum BndryLoc {BNDRY_XIN=1, - BNDRY_XOUT=2, - BNDRY_YDOWN=4, - BNDRY_YUP=8, - BNDRY_ALL=15, - BNDRY_PAR_FWD=16, // Don't include parallel boundaries - BNDRY_PAR_BKWD=32}; +enum class BndryLoc {xin, + xout, + ydown, + yup, + all, + par_fwd, // Don't include parallel boundaries + par_bkwd}; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_XIN = BndryLoc::xin; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_XOUT = BndryLoc::xout; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_YDOWN = BndryLoc::ydown; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_YUP = BndryLoc::yup; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_ALL = BndryLoc::all; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_PAR_FWD = BndryLoc::par_fwd; +constexpr BndryLoc BNDRY_PAR_BKWD = BndryLoc::par_bkwd; class BoundaryRegionBase { public: BoundaryRegionBase() = delete; BoundaryRegionBase(std::string name, Mesh *passmesh = nullptr) - : localmesh(passmesh ? passmesh : mesh), label(std::move(name)) {} + : localmesh(passmesh ? passmesh : bout::globals::mesh), label(std::move(name)) {} BoundaryRegionBase(std::string name, BndryLoc loc, Mesh *passmesh = nullptr) - : localmesh(passmesh ? passmesh : mesh), label(std::move(name)), location(loc) {} + : localmesh(passmesh ? passmesh : bout::globals::mesh), label(std::move(name)), location(loc) {} - virtual ~BoundaryRegionBase() {} + virtual ~BoundaryRegionBase() = default; Mesh* localmesh; ///< Mesh does this boundary region belongs to - string label; ///< Label for this boundary region + std::string label; ///< Label for this boundary region BndryLoc location; ///< Which side of the domain is it on? bool isParallel = false; ///< Is this a parallel boundary? @@ -53,7 +63,7 @@ public: : BoundaryRegionBase(name, loc, passmesh) {} BoundaryRegion(std::string name, int xd, int yd, Mesh *passmesh = nullptr) : BoundaryRegionBase(name, passmesh), bx(xd), by(yd), width(2) {} - ~BoundaryRegion() override {} + ~BoundaryRegion() override = default; int x,y; ///< Indices of the point in the boundary int bx, by; ///< Direction of the boundary [x+dx][y+dy] is going outwards diff --git a/include/boundary_standard.hxx b/include/boundary_standard.hxx index ca9a05fc11..6c6d291df6 100644 --- a/include/boundary_standard.hxx +++ b/include/boundary_standard.hxx @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder() : val(0.) {} BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder(BoutReal setval ): val(setval) {} BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal setval=0.):BoundaryOp(region),val(setval) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class BoundaryDirichlet : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryDirichlet() : gen(nullptr) {} BoundaryDirichlet(BoundaryRegion *region, std::shared_ptr g) : BoundaryOp(region), gen(std::move(g)) {} - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ class BoundaryDirichlet_O3 : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryDirichlet_O3() : gen(nullptr) {} BoundaryDirichlet_O3(BoundaryRegion *region, std::shared_ptr g) : BoundaryOp(region), gen(std::move(g)) {} - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class BoundaryDirichlet_O4 : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryDirichlet_O4() : gen(nullptr) {} BoundaryDirichlet_O4(BoundaryRegion *region, std::shared_ptr g) : BoundaryOp(region), gen(std::move(g)) {} - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder() : val(0.) {} BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder(BoutReal setval ): val(setval) {} BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal setval=0.):BoundaryOp(region),val(setval) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal(): val(0.) {} BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal(BoutReal setval ): val(setval) {} BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal setval=0.):BoundaryOp(region),val(setval) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumann2 : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryNeumann2() {} BoundaryNeumann2(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder() : val(0.) {} BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder(BoutReal setval ): val(setval) {} BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal setval=0.):BoundaryOp(region),val(setval) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumann : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryNeumann() : gen(nullptr) {} BoundaryNeumann(BoundaryRegion *region, std::shared_ptr g) : BoundaryOp(region), gen(std::move(g)) {} - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder() : val(0.) {} BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder(BoutReal setval ): val(setval) {} BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal setval=0.):BoundaryOp(region),val(setval) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumann_O4 : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryNeumann_O4() : gen(nullptr) {} BoundaryNeumann_O4(BoundaryRegion *region, std::shared_ptr g) : BoundaryOp(region), gen(std::move(g)) {} - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ class BoundaryNeumannPar : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryNeumannPar() {} BoundaryNeumannPar(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class BoundaryRobin : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryRobin() : aval(0.), bval(0.), gval(0.) {} BoundaryRobin(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal a, BoutReal b, BoutReal g):BoundaryOp(region), aval(a), bval(b), gval(g) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class BoundaryConstGradient : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryConstGradient() {} BoundaryConstGradient(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ class BoundaryZeroLaplace : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryZeroLaplace() {} BoundaryZeroLaplace(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ class BoundaryZeroLaplace2 : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryZeroLaplace2() {} BoundaryZeroLaplace2(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class BoundaryConstLaplace : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryConstLaplace() {} BoundaryConstLaplace(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class BoundaryDivCurl : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryDivCurl() {} BoundaryDivCurl(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &UNUSED(f)) override { throw BoutException("ERROR: DivCurl boundary only for vectors"); } @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class BoundaryFree : public BoundaryOp { BoundaryFree() : val(0.) {apply_to_ddt = true;} BoundaryFree(BoutReal setval): val(setval) {} BoundaryFree(BoundaryRegion *region, BoutReal setval=0.):BoundaryOp(region),val(setval) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class BoundaryFree_O2 : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryFree_O2() {} BoundaryFree_O2(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ class BoundaryFree_O3 : public BoundaryOp { public: BoundaryFree_O3() {} BoundaryFree_O3(BoundaryRegion *region):BoundaryOp(region) { } - BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryOp::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override; @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class BoundaryRelax : public BoundaryModifier { public: BoundaryRelax() : r(10.) {apply_to_ddt = true;} // Set default rate BoundaryRelax(BoundaryOp *operation, BoutReal rate) : BoundaryModifier(operation) {r = fabs(rate); apply_to_ddt = true;} - BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryModifier::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override {apply(f, 0.);}; @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ class BoundaryWidth : public BoundaryModifier { public: BoundaryWidth() : width(2) {} BoundaryWidth(BoundaryOp *operation, int wid) : BoundaryModifier(operation), width(wid) {} - BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryModifier::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override {apply(f, 0.);}; @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class BoundaryToFieldAligned : public BoundaryModifier { public: BoundaryToFieldAligned(){} BoundaryToFieldAligned(BoundaryOp *operation) : BoundaryModifier(operation){} - BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryModifier::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override {apply(f, 0.);}; @@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ class BoundaryFromFieldAligned : public BoundaryModifier { public: BoundaryFromFieldAligned(){} BoundaryFromFieldAligned(BoundaryOp *operation) : BoundaryModifier(operation){} - BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOp* cloneMod(BoundaryOp *op, const std::list &args) override; using BoundaryModifier::apply; void apply(Field2D &f) override {apply(f, 0.);}; diff --git a/include/bout.hxx b/include/bout.hxx index 921d81bc7f..eec5d68aaf 100644 --- a/include/bout.hxx +++ b/include/bout.hxx @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ /*!************************************************************************ * * @mainpage BOUT++ - * + * * @version 3.0 - * - * @par Description + * + * @par Description * Framework for the solution of partial differential * equations, in particular fluid models in plasma physics. * @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -37,44 +37,41 @@ #define __BOUT_H__ #include "boutcomm.hxx" - -#include "globals.hxx" - +#include "datafile.hxx" +#include "difops.hxx" // Differential operators #include "field2d.hxx" #include "field3d.hxx" +#include "globals.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "smoothing.hxx" // Smoothing functions +#include "sourcex.hxx" // source and mask functions +#include "utils.hxx" +#include "vecops.hxx" // Vector differential operations #include "vector2d.hxx" #include "vector3d.hxx" - -#include "difops.hxx" // Differential operators - -#include "vecops.hxx" // Vector differential operations - -#include "smoothing.hxx" // Smoothing functions - -#include "sourcex.hxx" // source and mask functions - -#include "bout/solver.hxx" - -#include "datafile.hxx" - #include "where.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "bout/solver.hxx" -#include "output.hxx" - -#include "utils.hxx" +const BoutReal BOUT_VERSION = BOUT_VERSION_DOUBLE; ///< Version number -const BoutReal BOUT_VERSION = BOUT_VERSION_DOUBLE; ///< Version number +#ifndef BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS +// Include using statement by default in user code. +// Macro allows us to include bout.hxx or physicsmodel.hxx without the using +// statement in library code. +using namespace bout::globals; +#endif // BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS // BOUT++ main functions /*! * BOUT++ initialisation. This function must be * called first, passing command-line arguments. - * + * * This will call MPI_Initialize, and if BOUT++ * has been configured with external libraries such as * PETSc then these will be initialised as well. - * + * * Example * ------- * @@ -82,34 +79,124 @@ const BoutReal BOUT_VERSION = BOUT_VERSION_DOUBLE; ///< Version number * * int main(int argc, char** argv) { * BoutInitialise(argc, argv); - * + * * BoutFinalise(); * } * * Usually this function is called in a standard main() function, * either by including boutmain.hxx or by including bout/physicsmodel.hxx * and using the BOUTMAIN macro. - * + * */ -int BoutInitialise(int &argc, char **&argv); +int BoutInitialise(int& argc, char**& argv); + +namespace bout { +namespace experimental { +/// Function type for handling signals +using SignalHandler = void (*)(int); + +/// Set a signal handler for user-requested clean exit, and +/// (optionally) segmentation faults and floating point errors +/// +/// - For segmentation faults, compile with `--enable-signal`. +/// - For floating point errors, compile with `--enable-sigfpe` +void setupSignalHandler(SignalHandler signal_handler); + +/// The default BOUT++ signal handler: throw an exception with an +/// appropriate message +void defaultSignalHandler(int sig); + +/// Set up the i18n environment +void setupGetText(); + +/// Results of parsing the command line arguments +struct CommandLineArgs { + int verbosity{4}; + bool color_output{false}; + std::string data_dir{"data"}; ///< Directory for data input/output + std::string opt_file{"BOUT.inp"}; ///< Filename for the options file + std::string set_file{"BOUT.settings"}; ///< Filename for the options file + std::string log_file{"BOUT.log"}; ///< File name for the log file + /// The original set of command line arguments + std::vector original_argv; +}; + +/// Parse the "fixed" command line arguments, like --help and -d +CommandLineArgs parseCommandLineArgs(int argc, char** argv); + +/// Throw an exception if \p data_dir is either not a directory or not +/// accessible. We do not check whether we can write, as it is +/// sufficient that the files we need are writeable +void checkDataDirectoryIsAccessible(const std::string& data_dir); + +/// Set up the output: open the log file for each processor, enable or +/// disable the default outputs based on \p verbosity, disable writing +/// to stdout for \p MYPE != 0 +void setupOutput(const std::string& data_dir, const std::string& log_file, int verbosity, + int MYPE = 0); + +/// Save the process ID for processor N = \p MYPE to file ".BOUT.pid.N" +/// in \p data_dir, so it can be shut down by user signal +/// +/// Throws if it was not possible to create the file +void savePIDtoFile(const std::string& data_dir, int MYPE); + +/// Print the initial header +void printStartupHeader(int MYPE, int NPES); + +/// Print the compile-time options +void printCompileTimeOptions(); + +/// Print the arguments given on the command line +void printCommandLineArguments(const std::vector& original_argv); + +/// Setup the pipe etc and run stdout through bout-log-color. Return +/// true if it was successful +bool setupBoutLogColor(bool color_output, int MYPE); + +/// Set BOUT++ version information, along with current time (as +/// `started`), into `run` section of \p options +void setRunStartInfo(Options& options); + +/// Set the current time (as `finished`) into `run` section of \p +/// options +void setRunFinishInfo(Options& options); + +/// Write \p options to \p settings_file in directory \p data_dir +void writeSettingsFile(Options& options, const std::string& data_dir, + const std::string& settings_file); + +/// Setup the output dump files from \p options using the \p +/// mesh. Files are created in the \p data_dir directory +Datafile setupDumpFile(Options& options, Mesh& mesh, const std::string& data_dir); +} // namespace experimental +} // namespace bout /*! * Run the given solver. This function is only used * for old-style physics models with standalone C functions * The main() function in boutmain.hxx calls this function * to set up the RHS function and add bout_monitor. - * + * */ -int bout_run(Solver *solver, rhsfunc physics_run); +int bout_run(Solver* solver, rhsfunc physics_run); /*! * Monitor class for output. Called by the solver every output timestep. - * + * * This is added to the solver in bout_run (for C-style models) * or in bout/physicsmodel.hxx */ -class BoutMonitor: public Monitor{ - int call(Solver *solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) override; +class BoutMonitor : public Monitor { +public: + BoutMonitor(BoutReal timestep = -1) : Monitor(timestep) { + // Add wall clock time etc to dump file + run_data.outputVars(bout::globals::dump); + } + +private: + int call(Solver* solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) override; + RunMetrics run_data; }; /*! @@ -119,7 +206,12 @@ class BoutMonitor: public Monitor{ * Frees memory, flushes buffers, and closes files. * If BOUT++ initialised MPI or external libraries, * then these are also finalised. + * + * If \p write_settings is true, output the settings, showing which + * options were used. This overwrites the file written during + * initialisation (BOUT.settings by default) + * */ -int BoutFinalise(); +int BoutFinalise(bool write_settings = true); #endif // __BOUT_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/array.hxx b/include/bout/array.hxx index 6869dac93e..67dd80823c 100644 --- a/include/bout/array.hxx +++ b/include/bout/array.hxx @@ -34,13 +34,34 @@ #include #endif -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY -#include -#endif - #include #include +namespace { +template +using iterator = T*; +template +using const_iterator = const T*; +} + +/*! + * ArrayData holds the actual data + * Handles the allocation and deletion of data + */ +template +struct ArrayData { + ArrayData(int size) : len(size) { data = new T[len]; } + ~ArrayData() { delete[] data; } + iterator begin() const { return data; } + iterator end() const { return data + len; } + int size() const { return len; } + void operator=(ArrayData& in) { std::copy(std::begin(in), std::end(in), begin()); } + T& operator[](int ind) { return data[ind]; }; +private: + int len; ///< Size of the array + T* data; ///< Array of data +}; + /*! * Data array type with automatic memory management * @@ -55,7 +76,7 @@ * vals[10] = 1.0; // ok * * When an Array goes out of scope or is deleted, - * the underlying memory (ArrayData) is put into + * the underlying memory (dataBlock/Backing) is put into * a map, rather than being freed. * If the same size arrays are used repeatedly then this * avoids the need to use new and delete. @@ -64,11 +85,17 @@ * * Array::useStore(false); // Disables memory store * + * The second template argument determines what type of container to use to + * store data. This defaults to a custom struct but can be std::valarray ( + * provided T is a compatible type), std::vector etc. Must provide the following : + * size, operator=, operator[], begin, end */ -template +template> class Array { public: - typedef T data_type; + using data_type = T; + using backing_type = Backing; + using size_type = int; /*! * Create an empty array @@ -77,36 +104,36 @@ public: * a.empty(); // True * */ - Array() : ptr(nullptr) {} + Array() noexcept : ptr(nullptr) {} /*! * Create an array of given length */ - Array(int len) { + Array(size_type len) { ptr = get(len); } /*! - * Destructor. Releases the underlying ArrayData + * Destructor. Releases the underlying dataBlock */ - ~Array() { + ~Array() noexcept { release(ptr); } /*! * Copy constructor */ - Array(const Array &other) { + Array(const Array &other) noexcept { ptr = other.ptr; } /*! * Assignment operator - * After this both Arrays share the same ArrayData + * After this both Arrays share the same dataBlock * * Uses copy-and-swap idiom */ - Array& operator=(Array other) { + Array& operator=(Array other) noexcept { swap(*this, other); return *this; } @@ -114,20 +141,30 @@ public: /*! * Move constructor */ - Array(Array&& other) { + Array(Array&& other) noexcept { swap(*this, other); } - /*! + /*! + * Reallocate the array with size = \p new_size + * + * Note that this invalidates the existing data! + */ + void reallocate(size_type new_size) { + release(ptr); + ptr = get(new_size); + } + + /*! * Holds a static variable which controls whether - * memory blocks (ArrayData) are put into a store + * memory blocks (dataBlock) are put into a store * or new/deleted each time. * * The variable is initialised to true on first use, * but can be set to false by passing "false" as input. * Once set to false it can't be changed back to true. */ - static bool useStore( bool keep_using = true ) { + static bool useStore( bool keep_using = true ) noexcept { static bool value = true; if (keep_using) { return value; @@ -141,7 +178,7 @@ public: * Release data. After this the Array is empty and any data access * will be invalid */ - void clear() { + void clear() noexcept { release(ptr); } @@ -161,28 +198,28 @@ public: /*! * Returns true if the Array is empty */ - bool empty() const { + bool empty() const noexcept { return ptr == nullptr; } /*! * Return size of the array. Zero if the array is empty. */ - int size() const { + size_type size() const noexcept { if(!ptr) return 0; -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY + + // Note: std::valarray::size is technically not noexcept, so + // Array::size shouldn't be either if we're using valarrays -- in + // practice, it is so this shouldn't matter return ptr->size(); -#else - return ptr->len; -#endif } /*! * Returns true if the data is unique to this Array. * */ - bool unique() const { + bool unique() const noexcept { return ptr.use_count() == 1; } @@ -199,11 +236,7 @@ public: dataPtrType p = get(size()); //Make copy of the underlying data -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY p->operator=((*ptr)); -#else - std::copy(begin(), end(), p->begin()); -#endif //Update the local pointer and release old //Can't just do ptr=p as need to try to add to store. @@ -213,43 +246,16 @@ public: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Iterators - typedef T* iterator; - typedef const T* const_iterator; -#ifndef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY - iterator begin() { - return (ptr) ? ptr->data : nullptr; - } - iterator end() { - return (ptr) ? ptr->data + ptr->len : nullptr; - } + iterator begin() noexcept { return (ptr) ? std::begin(*ptr) : nullptr; } - // Const iterators - const_iterator begin() const { - return (ptr) ? ptr->data : nullptr; - } + iterator end() noexcept { return (ptr) ? std::end(*ptr) : nullptr; } - const_iterator end() const { - return (ptr) ? ptr->data + ptr->len : nullptr; - } -#else - iterator begin() { - return (ptr) ? std::begin(*ptr) : nullptr; - } + // Const iterators + const_iterator begin() const noexcept { return (ptr) ? std::begin(*ptr) : nullptr; } - iterator end() { - return (ptr) ? std::end(*ptr) : nullptr; - } + const_iterator end() const noexcept { return (ptr) ? std::end(*ptr) : nullptr; } - // Const iterators -- should revisit with cbegin and cend in c++14 and greater - const_iterator begin() const { - return (ptr) ? std::begin(*ptr) : nullptr; - } - - const_iterator end() const { - return (ptr) ? std::end(*ptr) : nullptr; - } -#endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Element access @@ -258,66 +264,29 @@ public: * or if ind is out of bounds. For efficiency no checking is performed, * so the user should perform checks. */ - T& operator[](int ind) { + T& operator[](size_type ind) { ASSERT3(0 <= ind && ind < size()); -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY return ptr->operator[](ind); -#else - return ptr->data[ind]; -#endif } - const T& operator[](int ind) const { + const T& operator[](size_type ind) const { ASSERT3(0 <= ind && ind < size()); -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY return ptr->operator[](ind); -#else - return ptr->data[ind]; -#endif } /*! * Exchange contents with another Array of the same type. * Sizes of the arrays may differ. */ - friend void swap(Array &first, Array &second) { + friend void swap(Array &first, Array &second) noexcept { using std::swap; swap(first.ptr, second.ptr); } private: -#ifndef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY - /*! - * ArrayData holds the actual data, and reference count - * Handles the allocation and deletion of data - */ - struct ArrayData { - int len; ///< Size of the array - T *data; ///< Array of data - - ArrayData(int size) : len(size) { - data = new T[len]; - } - ~ArrayData() { - delete[] data; - } - iterator begin() { - return data; - } - iterator end() { - return data + len; - } - }; -#endif - - //Type defs to help keep things brief -- which backing do we use -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY - typedef std::valarray dataBlock; -#else - typedef ArrayData dataBlock; -#endif - - typedef std::shared_ptr dataPtrType; + //Type defs to help keep things brief -- which backing do we use + using dataBlock = Backing; + using dataPtrType = std::shared_ptr; /*! * Pointer to the data container object owned by this Array. @@ -325,11 +294,11 @@ private: */ dataPtrType ptr; - typedef std::map< int, std::vector > storeType; - typedef std::vector< storeType > arenaType; + using storeType = std::map>; + using arenaType = std::vector; /*! - * This maps from array size (int) to vectors of pointers to ArrayData objects + * This maps from array size (size_type) to vectors of pointers to dataBlock objects * * By putting the static store inside a function it is initialised on first use, * and doesn't need to be separately declared for each type T @@ -337,7 +306,7 @@ private: * Inputs * ------ * - * @param[in] cleanup If set to true, deletes all ArrayData and clears the store + * @param[in] cleanup If set to true, deletes all dataBlock and clears the store */ static storeType& store(bool cleanup=false) { #ifdef _OPENMP @@ -379,10 +348,14 @@ private: } /*! - * Returns a pointer to an ArrayData object with no + * Returns a pointer to a dataBlock object of size \p len with no * references. This is either from the store, or newly allocated + * + * Expects \p len >= 0 */ - dataPtrType get(int len) { + dataPtrType get(size_type len) { + ASSERT3(len >= 0); + dataPtrType p; auto& st = store()[len]; @@ -391,48 +364,52 @@ private: p = st.back(); st.pop_back(); } else { + // Ensure that when we release the data block later we'll have + // enough space to put it in the store so that `release` can be + // noexcept + st.reserve(1); p = std::make_shared(len); } return p; } - + /*! - * Release an ArrayData object, reducing its reference count by one. + * Release an dataBlock object, reducing its reference count by one. * If no more references, then put back into the store. * It's important to pass a reference to the pointer, otherwise we get * a copy of the shared_ptr, which therefore increases the use count * and doesn't allow us to free the pass pointer directly + * + * Note that this is noexcept only because we've ensure that both a) + * store()[] already exists, and b) it has space for at least + * one data block. Of course, store() could throw -- in which case + * we're doomed anyway, so the only thing we can do is abort */ - void release(dataPtrType &d) { + void release(dataPtrType& d) noexcept { if (!d) return; - + // Reduce reference count, and if zero return to store - if(d.use_count()==1) { + if (d.use_count() == 1) { if (useStore()) { - // Put back into store -#ifdef BOUT_ARRAY_WITH_VALARRAY - store()[d->size()].push_back(std::move(d)); -#else - store()[d->len ].push_back(std::move(d)); -#endif - //Could return here but seems to slow things down a lot + // Put back into store + store()[d->size()].push_back(std::move(d)); + // Could return here but seems to slow things down a lot } } - //Finish by setting pointer to nullptr if not putting on store - d=nullptr; + // Finish by setting pointer to nullptr if not putting on store + d = nullptr; } - }; /*! * Create a copy of an Array, which does not share data - */ -template -Array copy(const Array &other) { - Array a(other); + */ +template +Array copy(const Array& other) { + Array a(other); a.ensureUnique(); return a; } diff --git a/include/bout/constants.hxx b/include/bout/constants.hxx index 1087b5c981..c8799b4bcd 100644 --- a/include/bout/constants.hxx +++ b/include/bout/constants.hxx @@ -9,23 +9,23 @@ #include /// Mathematical constant pi -const BoutReal PI = 3.141592653589793; +constexpr BoutReal PI = 3.141592653589793; /// Mathematical constant 2 * pi -const BoutReal TWOPI = 2 * PI; +constexpr BoutReal TWOPI = 2 * PI; namespace SI { // Constants in SI system of units - const BoutReal c = 299792458; ///< Speed of light in vacuum - const BoutReal mu0 = 4.e-7*PI; ///< Permeability of free space - const BoutReal e0 = 1/(c*c*mu0); ///< Permittivity of free space - const BoutReal qe = 1.602176634e-19; ///< Electron charge - const BoutReal Me = 9.10938356e-31; ///< Electron mass - const BoutReal Mp = 1.672621898e-27; ///< Proton mass - const BoutReal kb = 1.38064852e-23; ///< Boltzmanns constant - const BoutReal amu = 1.660539040e-27; ///< Unified atomic mass unit - const BoutReal M_Hydrogen = 1.008 * amu; ///< Mass of a Hydrogen atom - const BoutReal M_Deuterium = 2.01410178 * amu; ///< Mass of a Deuterium atom - const BoutReal M_Tritium = 3.0160492 * amu; ///< Mass of a Tritium atom + constexpr BoutReal c = 299792458; ///< Speed of light in vacuum + constexpr BoutReal mu0 = 4.e-7*PI; ///< Permeability of free space + constexpr BoutReal e0 = 1/(c*c*mu0); ///< Permittivity of free space + constexpr BoutReal qe = 1.602176634e-19; ///< Electron charge + constexpr BoutReal Me = 9.10938356e-31; ///< Electron mass + constexpr BoutReal Mp = 1.672621898e-27; ///< Proton mass + constexpr BoutReal kb = 1.38064852e-23; ///< Boltzmanns constant + constexpr BoutReal amu = 1.660539040e-27; ///< Unified atomic mass unit + constexpr BoutReal M_Hydrogen = 1.008 * amu; ///< Mass of a Hydrogen atom + constexpr BoutReal M_Deuterium = 2.01410178 * amu; ///< Mass of a Deuterium atom + constexpr BoutReal M_Tritium = 3.0160492 * amu; ///< Mass of a Tritium atom } #endif // __CONSTANTS_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/coordinates.hxx b/include/bout/coordinates.hxx index 5a07d3b93e..aeeb0a5a95 100644 --- a/include/bout/coordinates.hxx +++ b/include/bout/coordinates.hxx @@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ #ifndef __COORDINATES_H__ #define __COORDINATES_H__ +#include "bout/paralleltransform.hxx" #include "datafile.hxx" #include "utils.hxx" #include +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" class Mesh; @@ -47,13 +50,30 @@ class Mesh; class Coordinates { public: /// Standard constructor from input - Coordinates(Mesh *mesh); + Coordinates(Mesh *mesh, Options* options = nullptr); /// Constructor interpolating from another Coordinates object - Coordinates(Mesh *mesh, const CELL_LOC loc, const Coordinates* coords_in); - - ~Coordinates() {} - + /// By default attempts to read staggered Coordinates from grid data source, + /// interpolating from CELL_CENTRE if not present. Set + /// force_interpolate_from_centre argument to true to always interpolate + /// (useful if CELL_CENTRE Coordinates have been changed, so reading from file + /// would not be correct). + Coordinates(Mesh *mesh, Options* options, const CELL_LOC loc, const Coordinates* coords_in, + bool force_interpolate_from_centre=false); + + /// A constructor useful for testing purposes. To use it, inherit + /// from Coordinates. If \p calculate_geometry is true (default), + /// calculate the non-uniform variables, Christoffel symbols + Coordinates(Mesh* mesh, Field2D dx, Field2D dy, BoutReal dz, Field2D J, Field2D Bxy, + Field2D g11, Field2D g22, Field2D g33, Field2D g12, Field2D g13, + Field2D g23, Field2D g_11, Field2D g_22, Field2D g_33, Field2D g_12, + Field2D g_13, Field2D g_23, Field2D ShiftTorsion, Field2D IntShiftTorsion, + bool calculate_geometry = true); + + Coordinates& operator=(Coordinates&&) = default; + + ~Coordinates() = default; + /*! * Adds variables to the output file, for post-processing * @@ -92,59 +112,157 @@ public: Field2D IntShiftTorsion; ///< Integrated shear (I in BOUT notation) /// Calculate differential geometry quantities from the metric tensor - int geometry(); - int calcCovariant(); ///< Inverts contravatiant metric to get covariant - int calcContravariant(); ///< Invert covariant metric to get contravariant + int geometry(bool recalculate_staggered = true, + bool force_interpolate_from_centre = false); + /// Invert contravatiant metric to get covariant components + int calcCovariant(const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL"); + /// Invert covariant metric to get contravariant components + int calcContravariant(const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL"); int jacobian(); ///< Calculate J and Bxy + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Parallel transforms + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + /// Set the parallel (y) transform for this mesh. + /// Mostly useful for tests. + void setParallelTransform(std::unique_ptr pt) { + transform = std::move(pt); + } + + /// Return the parallel transform + ParallelTransform& getParallelTransform() { + ASSERT1(transform != nullptr); + return *transform; + } + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Operators + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +#ifdef DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING +#error This utility macro should not clash with another one +#else +#define DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(func, T) \ + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::#func(const #T& f, " \ + "CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", " \ + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] \ + inline T func(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, \ + REGION region) { \ + return func(f, outloc, method, toString(region)); \ + } \ + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::#func(const #T& f, " \ + "CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", " \ + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] \ + inline T func(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, \ + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) { \ + return func(f, outloc, toString(method), toString(region)); \ + } +#endif + +#ifdef GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING +#error This utility macro should not clash with another one +#else +#define GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(func, T) \ + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::#func(const #T& f, " \ + "CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\") " \ + "instead")]] \ + inline T func(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { \ + return func(f, outloc, toString(method)); \ + } +#endif + + Field2D DDX(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDX, Field2D); + + Field2D DDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDY, Field2D); + + Field2D DDZ(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDZ, Field2D); - const Field2D DDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field2D DDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field2D DDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Gradient along magnetic field b.Grad(f) - const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - + Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D& var, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(Grad_par, Field2D); + + Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D& var, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(Grad_par, Field3D); + /// Advection along magnetic field V*b.Grad(f) - const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - + Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, " + "const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\") instead")]] + inline Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); + } + + Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, " + "const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\") instead")]] + inline Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); + } + /// Divergence along magnetic field Div(b*f) = B.Grad(f/B) - const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - + Field2D Div_par(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(Div_par, Field2D); + + Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(Div_par, Field3D); + // Second derivative along magnetic field - const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); + Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(Grad2_par2, Field2D); + + Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); + GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(Grad2_par2, Field3D); + +#undef DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING +#undef GRAD_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING // Perpendicular Laplacian operator, using only X-Z derivatives // NOTE: This might be better bundled with the Laplacian inversion code // since it makes use of the same coefficients and FFT routines - const Field2D Delp2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Delp2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); - const FieldPerp Delp2(const FieldPerp &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); - + Field2D Delp2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, bool useFFT = true); + Field3D Delp2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, bool useFFT = true); + FieldPerp Delp2(const FieldPerp& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, bool useFFT = true); + // Full parallel Laplacian operator on scalar field // Laplace_par(f) = Div( b (b dot Grad(f)) ) - const Field2D Laplace_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Laplace_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); + Field2D Laplace_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); + Field3D Laplace_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); // Full Laplacian operator on scalar field - const Field2D Laplace(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); - const Field3D Laplace(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); + Field2D Laplace(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); + Field3D Laplace(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); private: int nz; // Size of mesh in Z. This is mesh->ngz-1 Mesh * localmesh; CELL_LOC location; + + /// Handles calculation of yup and ydown + std::unique_ptr transform{nullptr}; + + /// Set the parallel (y) transform from the options file. + /// Used in the constructor to create the transform object. + void setParallelTransform(Options* options); }; /* diff --git a/include/bout/dataiterator.hxx b/include/bout/dataiterator.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 7dc57550e7..0000000000 --- a/include/bout/dataiterator.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,403 +0,0 @@ -/* - - - */ - -#ifndef __DATAITERATOR_H__ -#define __DATAITERATOR_H__ - -#include -#include -#include "unused.hxx" -#include "assert.hxx" -#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" - -#ifdef _OPENMP -#include -inline int DI_spread_work(int num_work, int thread, int max_thread); -#endif - -/*! - * Set of indices - DataIterator is dereferenced into these - */ -struct Indices { - int x; - int y; - int z; -}; - -#define DI_GET_END ((void *) NULL) - -/*! - * Provides range-based iteration over indices. - * If OpenMP is enabled, then this divides work between threads. - * - * This is used mainly to loop over the indices of fields, - * and provides convenient ways to index - * - * Example - * ------- - * - * Start,end values for (x,y,z) can be specified directly: - * - * for(d = DataIterator(xs, xe, ys, ye, zs, ze); !d.done(); ++d) { - * // print index - * output.write("%d,%d,%d\n", d.x, d.y, d.z); - * // Index into a Field3D variable 'f' - * output.write("Value = %e\n", f[d]); - * } - * - * Usually DataIterator is used to loop over fields. Field3D::begin() - * and Field3D::end() return DataIterator objects: - * - * Field3D f(0.0); // Initialise field - * for(const auto &i : f) { // Loop over all indices, including guard cells - * f[i] = i.x; // Indexing using DataIterator - * } - * - */ -class DataIterator - : public std::iterator { -private: - /*! - * This initialises OpenMP threads if enabled, and - * divides iteration index ranges between threads - */ -#ifdef _OPENMP - inline void omp_init(bool end); -#endif -public: - /// Disable null constructor - DataIterator() = delete; - /*! - * Constructor. This sets index ranges. - * If OpenMP is enabled, the index range is divided - * between threads using the omp_init method. - */ - DataIterator(int xs, int xe, - int ys, int ye, - int zs, int ze) : -#ifndef _OPENMP - x(xs), y(ys), z(zs), - // start / end : start and end point of the iterator - xstart(xs), ystart(ys), zstart(zs), - xend(xe), yend(ye), zend(ze), - // Min / Max are the values of the domain we iterate over - xmin(xstart), ymin(ystart), zmin(zstart), - xmax(xend), ymax(yend), zmax(zend), -#else - // In the case of OpenMP each processor has a subset. - // Therefore we initiallise here only the common ones, i.e. the - // total size of the domain, not what this processor is doing - xmin(xs), ymin(ys), zmin(zs), - xmax(xe), ymax(ye), zmax(ze), -#endif - isEnd(false) - { -#ifdef _OPENMP - omp_init(false); -#endif - } - - /*! - * set end(); - * use as DataIterator(int,int,int,int,int,int,DI_GET_END); - */ - DataIterator(int xs, int xe, - int ys, int ye, - int zs, int ze, void* UNUSED(dummy)) : -#ifndef _OPENMP - x(xe), y(ye), z(ze), - xstart(xs), ystart(ys), zstart(zs), - xend(xe), yend(ye), zend(ze), - xmin(xstart), ymin(ystart), zmin(zstart), - xmax(xend), ymax(yend), zmax(zend), -#else - xmin(xs), ymin(ys), zmin(zs), - xmax(xe), ymax(ye), zmax(ze), -#endif - isEnd(true) - { -#ifdef _OPENMP - omp_init(true); -#endif - next(); - } - - /*! - * The index variables, updated during loop - * Should make these private and provide getters? - */ - int x, y, z; - - /// Pre-increment operator. Use this rather than post-increment when possible - DataIterator& operator++() { next(); return *this; } - - /// Post-increment operator - DataIterator operator++(int) { DataIterator tmp(*this); next(); return tmp; } - - /// Pre-decrement operator - DataIterator& operator--() { prev(); return *this; } - - /// Post-decrement operator - DataIterator operator--(int) { DataIterator tmp(*this); prev(); return tmp; } - - /// Comparison operator. Most common use is in for loops - inline bool operator!=(const DataIterator& rhs) const { - if (rhs.isEnd){ - return !this->done(); - } else { - return !(x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y && z == rhs.z); - } - } - - /*! - * Dereference operators - * These are needed because the C++11 for loop - * dereferences the iterator - */ - DataIterator& operator*() { - return *this; - } - - /*! - * Const dereference operator. - * Needed because C++11 for loop dereferences the iterator - */ - const DataIterator& operator*() const { - return *this; - } - - /*! - * Add an offset to the index for general stencils - */ - const inline Indices offset(int dx, int dy, int dz) const { - if (dz>0){ - int zp=z; - for (int j=0;j= 0); - int zp=z; - for (int j=0;j= 0); - int zm=z; - for (;i!= 0;--i) - zm = (zm == zmin ? zmax : zm-1); - return {x, y, zm }; } - // and for 2 cells - const inline Indices xpp() const { return xp(2); } - const inline Indices xmm() const { return xm(2); } - const inline Indices ypp() const { return yp(2); } - const inline Indices ymm() const { return ym(2); } - const inline Indices zpp() const { return zp(2); } - const inline Indices zmm() const { return zm(2); } - - /*! - * Resets DataIterator to the start of the range - */ - void start() { - x = xstart; y = ystart; z = zstart; - } - - /*! - * Sets DataIterator to one index past the end of the range - */ - void end() { - x = xend; y = yend; z = zend; - next(); - } - - /*! - * Checks if finished looping. Is this more efficient than - * using the more idiomatic it != DataIterator::end() ? - */ - bool done() const { -#ifndef _OPENMP - return (x > xend) || (x < xstart); -#else //_OPENMP - return (x == xend && y == yend && z > zend) - || (x == xend && y > yend) - || x > xend || - (x <= xstart && y <= ystart && z < zstart) ; -#endif //_OPENMP - } - -private: - - /// start / end : start and end point of THIS iterator -#ifndef _OPENMP - const int xstart, ystart, zstart; - const int xend, yend, zend; -#else - /// start / end : local to THIS processor - int xstart, ystart, zstart; - int xend, yend, zend; -#endif - /// min / max : size of the domain - /// same for all processors - int xmin, ymin, zmin; - int xmax, ymax, zmax; - - const bool isEnd; - /// Advance to the next index - void next() { - ++z; - if(z > zmax) { - z = zmin; - ++y; - if(y > ymax) { - y = ymin; - ++x; - } - } - } - - /// Rewind to the previous index - void prev() { - --z; - if(z < zmin) { - z = zmax; - --y; - if(y < ymin) { - y = ymax; - --x; - } - } - } -}; - -/*! - * Specifies a range of indices which can be iterated over - * and begin() and end() methods for range-based for loops - * - * Example - * ------- - * - * Index ranges can be defined manually: - * - * IndexRange r(0, 10, 0, 20, 0, 30); - * - * then iterated over using begin() and end() - * - * for( DataIterator i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++ ) { - * output.write("%d,%d,%d\n", i.x, i.y, i.z); - * } - * - * or the more convenient range for loop: - * - * for( const auto &i : r ) { - * output.write("%d,%d,%d\n", i.x, i.y, i.z); - * } - * - * A common use for this class is to loop over - * regions of a field: - * - * Field3D f(0.0); - * for( const auto &i : f.region(RGN_NOBNDRY) ) { - * f[i] = 1.0; - * } - * - * where RGN_NOBNDRY specifies a region not including - * boundary/guard cells. - */ -struct IndexRange { - int xstart, xend; - int ystart, yend; - int zstart, zend; - - const DataIterator begin() const { - return DataIterator(xstart, xend, - ystart, yend, - zstart, zend); - } - const DataIterator end() const { - return DataIterator(xstart, xend, - ystart, yend, - zstart, zend, DI_GET_END); - } -}; - -#ifdef _OPENMP -inline int DI_spread_work(int work,int cp,int np){ - int pp=work/np; - int rest=work%np; - int result=pp*cp; - if (rest > cp){ - result +=cp; - } else { - result +=rest; - } - return result; -}; - -inline void DataIterator::omp_init(bool end){ - // In the case of OPENMP we need to calculate the range - int threads=omp_get_num_threads(); - if (threads > 1){ - int ny=ymax-ymin+1; - int nz=zmax-zmin+1; - int work = (xmax-xmin+1)*ny*nz; - int current_thread = omp_get_thread_num(); - int begin_index = DI_spread_work(work,current_thread,threads); - int end_index = DI_spread_work(work,current_thread+1,threads); - --end_index; - zend = (end_index % nz) + zmin; - zstart = (begin_index % nz) + zmin; - end_index /= nz; - begin_index /= nz; - yend = (end_index % ny) + ymin; - ystart = (begin_index % ny) + ymin; - end_index /= ny; - begin_index /= ny; - xend = end_index + xmin; - xstart = begin_index + xmin; - } else { - zstart = zmin; - zend = zmax; - ystart = ymin; - yend = ymax; - xstart = xmin; - xend = xmax; - } - if (!end){ - x=xstart; - y=ystart; - z=zstart; - } else { - x=xend; - y=yend; - z=zend; - } -}; -#endif - -#endif // __DATAITERATOR_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/deriv_store.hxx b/include/bout/deriv_store.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15edf573c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/deriv_store.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +/*!************************************************************************ + * \file deriv_store.hxx + * + * Definition of derivative methods storage class + * + ************************************************************************** + * Copyright 2018 + * D.Dickinson, P.Hill, B.Dudson + * + * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk + * + * This file is part of BOUT++. + * + * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with BOUT++. If not, see . + * + **************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __DERIV_STORE_HXX__ +#define __DERIV_STORE_HXX__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +/// Here we have a templated singleton that is used to store DerivativeFunctions +/// for all types of derivatives. It is templated on the FieldType (2D or 3D) as +/// the function interfaces also depend on this. It provides public routines for +/// registering and fetching derivative methods defined by a string key (e.g. "C2") +/// a DIRECTION (e.g. DIRECTION::X) and a STAGGER (e.g. STAGGER::None). There is +/// one routine for each class of derivative (standard, standard2nd, standard4th, +/// upwind and flux). +template +struct DerivativeStore { + using standardFunc = std::function; + using flowFunc = + std::function; + using upwindFunc = flowFunc; + using fluxFunc = flowFunc; + +#ifdef USE_ORDERED_MAP_FOR_DERIVATIVE_STORE + template + using storageType = std::map; +#else + template + using storageType = std::unordered_map; +#endif + + // No copy constructor allowed + DerivativeStore(const DerivativeStore& junk) = delete; + + // Singleton method + static DerivativeStore& getInstance() { + static DerivativeStore instance; + return instance; + } + + /// Report if store has any registered methods + bool isEmpty() const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return registeredMethods.empty(); + }; + + /// Report if store has any registered methods for specific type determined by key + bool isEmpty(std::size_t key) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return registeredMethods.count(key) == 0; + } + + /// Report if store has any registered methods for specific type + bool isEmpty(DERIV derivType, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Get the key + auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, toString(derivType)); + return isEmpty(key); + } + + /// Returns a vector of all registered method names for the + /// specified derivative type, direction and stagger. + std::set getAvailableMethods(DERIV derivType, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Get the key + auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, toString(derivType)); + if (isEmpty(key)) { + return std::set{}; + } else { + return registeredMethods.at(key); + } + }; + + /// Outputs a list of all registered method names for the + /// specified derivative type, direction and stagger. + void listAvailableMethods(DERIV derivType, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Introductory information + output_info << "Available methods for derivative type '"; + output_info << toString(derivType); + output_info << "' in direction "; + output_info << toString(direction); + output_info << " ( Staggering : "; + output_info << toString(stagger) << " ) : \n"; + + for (const auto& i : getAvailableMethods(derivType, direction, stagger)) { + output_info << "\t" << i << "\n"; + }; + }; + + /// Register a function with standardFunc interface. Which map is used + /// depends on the derivType input. + void registerDerivative(standardFunc func, DERIV derivType, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger, std::string methodName) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, methodName); + + switch (derivType) { + case (DERIV::Standard): + if (standard.count(key) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Trying to override standard derivative : " + "direction %s, stagger %s, key %s", + toString(direction).c_str(), + toString(stagger).c_str(), methodName.c_str()); + } + standard[key] = func; + break; + case (DERIV::StandardSecond): + if (standardSecond.count(key) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Trying to override standardSecond derivative : " + "direction %s, stagger %s, key %s", + toString(direction).c_str(), + toString(stagger).c_str(), methodName.c_str()); + } + standardSecond[key] = func; + break; + case (DERIV::StandardFourth): + if (standardFourth.count(key) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Trying to override standardFourth derivative : " + "direction %s, stagger %s, key %s", + toString(direction).c_str(), + toString(stagger).c_str(), methodName.c_str()); + } + standardFourth[key] = func; + break; + default: + throw BoutException("Invalid function signature in registerDerivative : Function " + "signature 'standard' but derivative type %s passed", + toString(derivType).c_str()); + }; + + // Register this method name in lookup of known methods + registeredMethods[getKey(direction, stagger, toString(derivType))].insert( + methodName); + + }; + + /// Register a function with upwindFunc/fluxFunc interface. Which map is used + /// depends on the derivType input. + void registerDerivative(upwindFunc func, DERIV derivType, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger, std::string methodName) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, methodName); + + switch (derivType) { + case (DERIV::Upwind): + if (upwind.count(key) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Trying to override upwind derivative : " + "direction %s, stagger %s, key %s", + toString(direction).c_str(), + toString(stagger).c_str(), methodName.c_str()); + } + upwind[key] = func; + break; + case (DERIV::Flux): + if (flux.count(key) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Trying to override flux derivative : " + "direction %s, stagger %s, key %s", + toString(direction).c_str(), + toString(stagger).c_str(), methodName.c_str()); + } + flux[key] = func; + break; + default: + throw BoutException("Invalid function signature in registerDerivative : Function " + "signature 'upwind/flux' but derivative type %s passed", + toString(derivType).c_str()); + }; + + // Register this method name in lookup of known methods + registeredMethods[getKey(direction, stagger, toString(derivType))].insert( + methodName); + }; + + /// Templated versions of the above registration routines. + template + void registerDerivative(standardFunc func, Direction direction, Stagger stagger, + Method method) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + registerDerivative(func, method.meta.derivType, direction.lookup(), stagger.lookup(), + method.meta.key); + }; + template + void registerDerivative(upwindFunc func, Direction direction, Stagger stagger, + Method method) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + registerDerivative(func, method.meta.derivType, direction.lookup(), stagger.lookup(), + method.meta.key); + }; + + /// Routines to return a specific differential operator. Note we + /// have to have a separate routine for different methods as they + /// have different return types. As such we choose to use a + /// different name for each of the method-classes so everything is + /// consistently treated + standardFunc getStandardDerivative(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None, + DERIV derivType = DERIV::Standard) const { + + AUTO_TRACE(); + const auto realName = nameLookup( + name, defaultMethods.at(getKey(direction, stagger, toString(derivType)))); + const auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, realName); + + const storageType* theMap = nullptr; + + if (derivType == DERIV::Standard) { + theMap = &standard; + } else if (derivType == DERIV::StandardSecond) { + theMap = &standardSecond; + } else if (derivType == DERIV::StandardFourth) { + theMap = &standardFourth; + } else { + throw BoutException("getStandardDerivative only works for derivType in {Standard, " + "StandardSecond, StandardFourth} but receieved %s", + toString(derivType).c_str()); + }; + + const auto resultOfFind = theMap->find(key); + if (resultOfFind != theMap->end()) + return resultOfFind->second; + + throw BoutException( + "Couldn't find requested method %s in map for standard derivative of type %s.", + getMethodName(realName, direction, stagger).c_str(), + toString(derivType).c_str()); + }; + + standardFunc getStandard2ndDerivative(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return getStandardDerivative(name, direction, stagger, DERIV::StandardSecond); + }; + + standardFunc getStandard4thDerivative(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return getStandardDerivative(name, direction, stagger, DERIV::StandardFourth); + }; + + flowFunc getFlowDerivative(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None, + DERIV derivType = DERIV::Upwind) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const auto realName = nameLookup( + name, defaultMethods.at(getKey(direction, stagger, toString(derivType)))); + const auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, realName); + + const storageType* theMap = nullptr; + + if (derivType == DERIV::Upwind) { + theMap = &upwind; + } else if (derivType == DERIV::Flux) { + theMap = &flux; + } else { + throw BoutException( + "getFlowDerivative only works for derivType in {Upwind, Flux} but receieved %s", + toString(derivType).c_str()); + }; + + const auto resultOfFind = theMap->find(key); + if (resultOfFind != theMap->end()) + return resultOfFind->second; + + throw BoutException( + "Couldn't find requested method %s in map for standard flow of type %s.", + getMethodName(realName, direction, stagger).c_str(), + toString(derivType).c_str()); + } + + upwindFunc getUpwindDerivative(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return getFlowDerivative(name, direction, stagger, DERIV::Upwind); + }; + + fluxFunc getFluxDerivative(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return getFlowDerivative(name, direction, stagger, DERIV::Flux); + }; + + void initialise(Options* options) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // To replicate the existing behaviour we first search for a section called + //"dd?" and if the option isn't in there we search a section called "diff" + auto backupSection = options->getSection("diff"); + + std::map directions = {{DIRECTION::X, "ddx"}, + {DIRECTION::Y, "ddy"}, + {DIRECTION::YOrthogonal, "ddy"}, + {DIRECTION::Z, "ddz"}}; + + std::map derivTypes = {{DERIV::Standard, "First"}, + {DERIV::StandardSecond, "Second"}, + {DERIV::StandardFourth, "Fourth"}, + {DERIV::Upwind, "Upwind"}, + {DERIV::Flux, "Flux"}}; + + for (const auto& direction : directions) { + for (const auto& deriv : derivTypes) { + // This corresponds to the key in the input file + auto derivName = deriv.second; + + const auto theDirection = direction.first; + const auto theDerivType = deriv.first; + const auto theDerivTypeString = toString(theDerivType); + + // Note both staggered and unstaggered have the same fallback default currently + std::string theDefault{ + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::None, theDerivTypeString)]}; + + //------------------------------------------------------------- + // Unstaggered + //------------------------------------------------------------- + + // The direction specific section to consider + auto specificSection = options->getSection(direction.second); + + // Find the appropriate value for theDefault either from + // the input file or if not found then use the value in + // initialDefaultMethods + // If neither branch matched (i.e. not in options) then we use + // the hard-coded default already in the defaultMethods section + if (specificSection->isSet(derivName)) { + specificSection->get(derivName, theDefault, ""); + } else if (backupSection->isSet(derivName)) { + backupSection->get(derivName, theDefault, ""); + } + + // Now we have the default method we should store it in defaultMethods + theDefault = uppercase(theDefault); + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::None, theDerivTypeString)] = + theDefault; + output_verbose << "The default method for derivative type " << theDerivTypeString + << " in direction " << toString(theDirection) << " is " + << theDefault << "\n"; + + //------------------------------------------------------------- + // Staggered + //------------------------------------------------------------- + + // The direction specific section to consider with staggering + specificSection = options->getSection(direction.second + "stag"); + + // Find the appropriate value for theDefault either from + // the input file. Note if the specific section for staggering isn't + // found then we leave the default as for the non-staggered version + if (specificSection->isSet(derivName)) { + specificSection->get(derivName, theDefault, ""); + } + + // Now we have the default method we should store it in defaultMethods + theDefault = uppercase(theDefault); + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::L2C, theDerivTypeString)] = + theDefault; + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::C2L, theDerivTypeString)] = + theDefault; + output_verbose << "The default method for staggered derivative type " + << theDerivTypeString << " in direction " + << toString(theDirection) << " is " << theDefault << "\n"; + } + } + } + + /// Provide a method to override/force a specific default method + void forceDefaultMethod(std::string methodName, DERIV deriv, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) { + const auto key = getKey(direction, stagger, toString(deriv)); + defaultMethods[key] = uppercase(methodName); + } + + /// Empty all member storage + void clear() { + defaultMethods.clear(); + standard.clear(); + standardSecond.clear(); + standardFourth.clear(); + upwind.clear(); + flux.clear(); + registeredMethods.clear(); + } + + /// Reset to initial state + void reset() { + clear(); + + setDefaults(); + } + +private: + // Make empty constructor private so we can't make instances outside + // of the struct + DerivativeStore() { + // Ensure the default methods are set on construction + // This populates the defaultMethods map + setDefaults(); + } + + storageType standard; + storageType standardSecond; + storageType standardFourth; + storageType upwind; + storageType flux; + + storageType> registeredMethods; + + /// The following stores what actual method to use when DIFF_DEFAULT + /// is passed. The key is determined using the getKey routine here, + /// where the name we pass is determined by the type of method (standard, + /// upwind etc.). Note for now we'll always use STAGGER::None as we + /// currently assume the default method is independent of staggering -- + /// it might be useful to relax this assumption! + storageType defaultMethods; + + void setDefaults() { + std::map initialDefaultMethods = {{DERIV::Standard, "C2"}, + {DERIV::StandardSecond, "C2"}, + {DERIV::StandardFourth, "C2"}, + {DERIV::Upwind, "U1"}, + {DERIV::Flux, "U1"}}; + + std::map directions = {{DIRECTION::X, "ddx"}, + {DIRECTION::Y, "ddy"}, + {DIRECTION::YOrthogonal, "ddy"}, + {DIRECTION::Z, "ddz"}}; + + std::map derivTypes = {{DERIV::Standard, "First"}, + {DERIV::StandardSecond, "Second"}, + {DERIV::StandardFourth, "Fourth"}, + {DERIV::Upwind, "Upwind"}, + {DERIV::Flux, "Flux"}}; + + for (const auto& direction : directions) { + for (const auto& deriv : derivTypes) { + const auto theDirection = direction.first; + const auto theDerivTypeString = toString(deriv.first); + const std::string theDefault{uppercase(initialDefaultMethods[deriv.first])}; + + //------------------------------------------------------------- + // Unstaggered and Staggered -- both get same default currently + //------------------------------------------------------------- + + // Now we have the default method we should store it in defaultMethods + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::None, theDerivTypeString)] = + theDefault; + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::L2C, theDerivTypeString)] = + theDefault; + defaultMethods[getKey(theDirection, STAGGER::C2L, theDerivTypeString)] = + theDefault; + } + } + }; + + std::string getMethodName(std::string name, DIRECTION direction, + STAGGER stagger = STAGGER::None) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return name + " (" + toString(direction) + ", " + toString(stagger) + + ")"; + }; + + std::string nameLookup(const std::string name, const std::string defaultName) const { + return name != toString(DIFF_DEFAULT) ? name : defaultName; + } + + /// Provides a routine to produce a unique key given information + /// about the specific type required. This is templated so requires + /// compile-time information. Need to also supply a non-templated + /// version to account for run-time choices Note : We could include + /// the derivType in the key -- this would allow us to store all + /// methods with the same function interface in the same map, which + /// might be nice. + std::size_t getKey(DIRECTION direction, STAGGER stagger, std::string key) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + // Note this key is indepedent of the field type (and hence the + // key is the same for 3D/2D fields) as we have to use different + // maps to store the different field types as the signature is + // different. + std::size_t result; + result = std::hash{}(toString(direction)); + result = result ^ std::hash{}(toString(stagger)); + result = result ^ std::hash{}(key); + return result; + } + + /// Provides a routine to produce a unique key given information + /// about the specific type required. This is templated so requires + /// compile-time information. Makes use of a non-templated version + /// that can be used to account for run-time choices + template + std::size_t getKey() const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + // Note this key is indepedent of the field type (and hence the + // key is the same for 3D/2D fields) as we have to use different + // maps to store the different field types as the signature is + // different. + return getKey(Direction{}.lookup(), Stagger{}.lookup(), Method{}.meta.key); + } +}; + +#endif diff --git a/include/bout/expr.hxx b/include/bout/expr.hxx index ef14cb84af..30a9d9664c 100644 --- a/include/bout/expr.hxx +++ b/include/bout/expr.hxx @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ #ifndef __EXPR_H__ #define __EXPR_H__ +#warning expr.hxx is deprecated. Do not use! + #include #include #include @@ -19,7 +21,8 @@ /// Literal class to capture BoutReal values in expressions class Literal { public: - typedef Literal type; ///< Type of this expression + /// Type of this expression + using type = Literal; Literal(BoutReal v) : val(v) {} ~Literal() {} @@ -30,20 +33,20 @@ private: class Field3DExpr { public: - typedef Field3D type; + using type = Field3D; Field3DExpr(const Field3D &f) : data(&f(0,0,0)) {} - const BoutReal& operator()(int x, int y, int z) const { return data[(x*mesh->LocalNy + y)*mesh->LocalNz + z]; } + const BoutReal& operator()(int x, int y, int z) const { return data[(x*bout::globals::mesh->LocalNy + y)*bout::globals::mesh->LocalNz + z]; } private: const BoutReal *data; }; class Field2DExpr { public: - typedef Field2D type; + using type = Field2D; Field2DExpr(const Field2D &f) : data(&f(0,0)) {} - const BoutReal& operator()(int x, int y, int z) const { return data[x*mesh->LocalNy + y]; } + const BoutReal& operator()(int x, int y, int z) const { return data[x*bout::globals::mesh->LocalNy + y]; } private: const BoutReal *data; }; @@ -52,22 +55,22 @@ private: template struct exprTraits { - typedef ExprT expr_type; + using expr_type = ExprT; }; template <> struct exprTraits { - typedef Literal expr_type; + using expr_type = Literal; }; template <> struct exprTraits { - typedef Literal expr_type; + using expr_type = Literal; }; template <> struct exprTraits { - typedef Literal expr_type; + using expr_type = Literal; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -75,31 +78,31 @@ struct exprTraits { template struct asExpr { - typedef T type; + using type = T; static const T& getExpr(const T& x) {return x;} }; template <> struct asExpr { - typedef Literal type; + using type = Literal; static const Literal getExpr(const int& x) {return Literal(x);} }; template <> struct asExpr { - typedef Literal type; + using type = Literal; static const Literal getExpr(const double& x) {return Literal(x);} }; template <> struct asExpr { - typedef Literal type; + using type = Literal; static const Literal getExpr(const float& x) {return Literal(x);} }; template <> struct asExpr { - typedef Field3DExpr type; + using type = Field3DExpr; static const Field3DExpr getExpr(const Field3D& x) {return Field3DExpr(x);} }; @@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ struct asExpr { template // If in doubt, convert to Field3D struct PromoteType { - typedef Field3D type; + using type = Field3D; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -123,11 +126,11 @@ public: } // Work out the type of the inputs - typedef typename exprTraits::expr_type ltype; - typedef typename exprTraits::expr_type rtype; + using ltype = typename exprTraits::expr_type; + using rtype = typename exprTraits::expr_type; /// Type of the resulting expression - typedef typename PromoteType::type type; + using type = typename PromoteType::type; BoutReal operator()(int x, int y, int z) const { return BinOp::apply((_expr1)(x,y,z),(_expr2)(x,y,z)); @@ -140,9 +143,9 @@ private: template struct BinaryResult { - typedef typename asExpr::type arg1; - typedef typename asExpr::type arg2; - typedef BinaryExpr type; + using arg1 = typename asExpr::type; + using arg2 = typename asExpr::type; + using type = BinaryExpr; }; /// Binary operator classes @@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ struct Power { template \ typename BinaryResult::type \ func(const ExprT1 &e1, const ExprT2 &e2) { \ - typedef typename BinaryResult::type type; \ + using type = typename BinaryResult::type; \ return type(asExpr::getExpr(e1), asExpr::getExpr(e2)); \ } @@ -186,9 +189,9 @@ template const Field3D eval3D(Expr e) { Field3D result; result.allocate(); - for(int i=0;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) + for(int i=0;iLocalNx;i++) + for(int j=0;jLocalNy;j++) + for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) result(i,j,k) = e(i,j,k); return result; } diff --git a/include/bout/fieldgroup.hxx b/include/bout/fieldgroup.hxx index 54c8c5dd87..d0d5130286 100644 --- a/include/bout/fieldgroup.hxx +++ b/include/bout/fieldgroup.hxx @@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ /// however Vector2D and Vector3D are stored by reference to their /// components (x,y,z) as Field2D or Field3D objects. class FieldGroup { - public: - FieldGroup() {} - - FieldGroup(const FieldGroup &other) : fvec(other.fvec), f3vec(other.f3vec) {} +public: + FieldGroup() = default; + FieldGroup(const FieldGroup& other) = default; + FieldGroup(FieldGroup&& other) = default; + FieldGroup& operator=(const FieldGroup& other) = default; + FieldGroup& operator=(FieldGroup&& other) = default; /// Constructor with a single FieldData \p f FieldGroup(FieldData &f) { fvec.push_back(&f); } @@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ class FieldGroup { void clear() {fvec.clear(); f3vec.clear(); } /// Iteration over all fields - typedef std::vector::iterator iterator; + using iterator = std::vector::iterator; iterator begin() { return fvec.begin(); } @@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ class FieldGroup { } /// Const iteration over all fields - typedef std::vector::const_iterator const_iterator; + using const_iterator = std::vector::const_iterator; const_iterator begin() const { return fvec.begin(); } diff --git a/include/bout/fv_ops.hxx b/include/bout/fv_ops.hxx index f1bbf8bd6e..b0fcc92cd7 100644 --- a/include/bout/fv_ops.hxx +++ b/include/bout/fv_ops.hxx @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ #include "../vector2d.hxx" #include "../utils.hxx" +#include namespace FV { /*! @@ -171,25 +172,38 @@ namespace FV { /// @param[in] v_in The advection velocity. /// This will be interpolated to cell boundaries /// using linear interpolation - /// @param[in] wave_speed Maximum wave speed in the system + /// @param[in] wave_speed_in Local maximum speed of all waves in the system at each + // point in space /// @param[in] fixflux Fix the flux at the boundary to be the value at the /// midpoint (for boundary conditions) /// /// NB: Uses to/from FieldAligned coordinates template const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f_in, const Field3D &v_in, - const Field3D &wave_speed, bool fixflux=true) { + const Field3D &wave_speed_in, bool fixflux=true) { - ASSERT2(f_in.getLocation() == v_in.getLocation()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f_in, v_in)); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f_in, wave_speed_in)); + + Mesh* mesh = f_in.getMesh(); CellEdges cellboundary; - Field3D f = mesh->toFieldAligned(f_in); - Field3D v = mesh->toFieldAligned(v_in); + ASSERT2(f_in.getDirectionY() == v_in.getDirectionY()); + ASSERT2(f_in.getDirectionY() == wave_speed_in.getDirectionY()); + const bool are_unaligned + = ((f_in.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard) + and (v_in.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard) + and (wave_speed_in.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard)); + + Field3D f = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f_in, "RGN_NOX") : f_in; + Field3D v = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(v_in, "RGN_NOX") : v_in; + Field3D wave_speed = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(wave_speed_in, "RGN_NOX") + : wave_speed_in; Coordinates *coord = f_in.getCoordinates(); - Field3D result = 0.0; + Field3D result{zeroFrom(f)}; // Only need one guard cell, so no need to communicate fluxes // Instead calculate in guard cells to preserve fluxes @@ -322,7 +336,7 @@ namespace FV { } } } - return mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + return are_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY") : result; } /*! @@ -339,7 +353,10 @@ namespace FV { */ template const Field3D Div_f_v(const Field3D &n_in, const Vector3D &v, bool bndry_flux) { - ASSERT2(n_in.getLocation() == v.getLocation()); + ASSERT1(n_in.getLocation() == v.getLocation()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(n_in, v.x)); + + Mesh* mesh = n_in.getMesh(); CellEdges cellboundary; @@ -350,7 +367,7 @@ namespace FV { throw BoutException("Div_f_v_XPPM passed a covariant v"); } - Field3D result = 0.0; + Field3D result{zeroFrom(n_in)}; Field3D vx = v.x; Field3D vz = v.z; @@ -463,10 +480,11 @@ namespace FV { // Currently just using simple centered differences // so no fluxes need to be exchanged - n = mesh->toFieldAligned(n_in); - Field3D vy = mesh->toFieldAligned(v.y); + n = toFieldAligned(n_in, "RGN_NOX"); + Field3D vy = toFieldAligned(v.y, "RGN_NOX"); Field3D yresult = 0.0; + yresult.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); for(int i=mesh->xstart;i<=mesh->xend;i++) for(int j=mesh->ystart;j<=mesh->yend;j++) for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { @@ -483,7 +501,7 @@ namespace FV { yresult(i,j,k) = (nU*vU - nD*vD) / (coord->J(i,j)*coord->dy(i,j)); } - return result + mesh->fromFieldAligned(yresult); + return result + fromFieldAligned(yresult, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); } } diff --git a/include/bout/generic_factory.hxx b/include/bout/generic_factory.hxx index cfc031a8eb..1911203a96 100644 --- a/include/bout/generic_factory.hxx +++ b/include/bout/generic_factory.hxx @@ -59,7 +59,13 @@ public: if (index != std::end(type_map)) { return index->second(std::forward(args) ...); } - throw BoutException("Could not find %s", name.c_str()); + // List available options in error + std::string available; + auto available_list = listAvailable(); + for (auto i : available_list) { + available += i + "\n"; + } + throw BoutException("Available:\n%s\nCould not find '%s'", available.c_str(), name.c_str()); } /// List available types that can be created @@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ public: protected: std::map type_map; - Factory() {} + Factory() = default; }; /// Helper class for adding new types to Factory diff --git a/include/bout/globalfield.hxx b/include/bout/globalfield.hxx index 65356a9aa0..e167a698a3 100644 --- a/include/bout/globalfield.hxx +++ b/include/bout/globalfield.hxx @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class GlobalField2D; class GlobalField { public: GlobalField() = delete; - virtual ~GlobalField(); + virtual ~GlobalField() = default; virtual bool valid() const = 0; ///< Is the data valid on any processor? bool dataIsLocal() const {return valid() && (data_on_proc == mype);} ///< Data is on this processor diff --git a/include/bout/griddata.hxx b/include/bout/griddata.hxx index afc661303b..7fba6751af 100644 --- a/include/bout/griddata.hxx +++ b/include/bout/griddata.hxx @@ -48,21 +48,44 @@ class GridDataSource; */ class GridDataSource { public: - virtual ~GridDataSource() {} + GridDataSource(const bool source_is_file = false) : is_file(source_is_file) {} + virtual ~GridDataSource() = default; - virtual bool hasVar(const string &name) = 0; ///< Test if source can supply a variable + virtual bool hasVar(const std::string &name) = 0; ///< Test if source can supply a variable - virtual bool get(Mesh *m, int &ival, const string &name) = 0; ///< Get an integer - virtual bool get(Mesh *m, BoutReal &rval, - const string &name) = 0; ///< Get a BoutReal number - virtual bool get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) = 0; - virtual bool get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) = 0; + /// Get a string + virtual bool get(Mesh* m, std::string& sval, const std::string& name, + const std::string& def = "") = 0; + /// Get an integer + virtual bool get(Mesh* m, int& ival, const std::string& name, + int def = 0) = 0; + /// Get a BoutReal number + virtual bool get(Mesh* m, BoutReal& rval, const std::string& name, + BoutReal def = 0.0) = 0; + virtual bool get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) = 0; + virtual bool get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) = 0; + virtual bool get(Mesh *m, FieldPerp &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) = 0; - enum Direction { X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 }; - virtual bool get(Mesh *m, vector &var, const string &name, int len, int offset = 0, + enum class Direction {X, Y, Z}; + // Define some aliases so GridDataSource::X, GridDataSource::Y and GridDataSource::Z can + // be used, for backward compatibility + static constexpr Direction X = Direction::X; + static constexpr Direction Y = Direction::Y; + static constexpr Direction Z = Direction::Z; + + virtual bool get(Mesh *m, std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset = 0, Direction dir = GridDataSource::X) = 0; - virtual bool get(Mesh *m, vector &var, const string &name, int len, + virtual bool get(Mesh *m, std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset = 0, Direction dir = GridDataSource::X) = 0; + + /// Are x-boundary guard cells read from the source? + virtual bool hasXBoundaryGuards(Mesh* m) = 0; + + /// Are y-boundary guard cells read from the source? + virtual bool hasYBoundaryGuards() = 0; + + /// Is the data source a grid file? + const bool is_file; }; /// Interface to grid data in a file @@ -73,31 +96,66 @@ public: class GridFile : public GridDataSource { public: GridFile() = delete; - GridFile(std::unique_ptr format, string gridfilename); + GridFile(std::unique_ptr format, std::string gridfilename); ~GridFile() override; - bool hasVar(const string &name) override; + bool hasVar(const std::string &name) override; - bool get(Mesh *m, int &ival, const string &name) override; ///< Get an integer - bool get(Mesh *m, BoutReal &rval, - const string &name) override; ///< Get a BoutReal number - bool get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; - bool get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + /// Get a string + bool get(Mesh* m, std::string& sval, const std::string& name, + const std::string& def = "") override; + /// Get an integer + bool get(Mesh* m, int& ival, const std::string& name, int def = 0) override; + /// Get a BoutReal number + bool get(Mesh* m, BoutReal& rval, const std::string& name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + bool get(Mesh* m, Field2D& var, const std::string& name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + bool get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + bool get(Mesh *m, FieldPerp &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override { + return getField(m, var, name, def); + } - bool get(Mesh *m, vector &var, const string &name, int len, int offset = 0, + bool get(Mesh *m, std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset = 0, GridDataSource::Direction dir = GridDataSource::X) override; - bool get(Mesh *m, vector &var, const string &name, int len, int offset = 0, + bool get(Mesh *m, std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset = 0, GridDataSource::Direction dir = GridDataSource::X) override; + /// Are x-boundary guard cells read from the source? + bool hasXBoundaryGuards(Mesh* m) override; + + /// Are y-boundary guard cells read from the source? + bool hasYBoundaryGuards() override { return grid_yguards > 0; } + private: std::unique_ptr file; - string filename; + std::string filename; + int grid_yguards{0}; + int ny_inner{0}; + + bool readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const std::string &name, int yread, int ydest, int ysize, + int xread, int xdest, int xsize, Field3D &var); + + bool readgrid_3dvar_real(const std::string &name, int yread, int ydest, int ysize, + int xread, int xdest, int xsize, Field3D &var); - bool readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const string &name, int yread, int ydest, int ysize, - int xge, int xlt, Field3D &var); + bool readgrid_perpvar_fft(Mesh *m, const std::string &name, int xread, int xdest, + int xsize, FieldPerp &var); - bool readgrid_3dvar_real(Mesh *m, const string &name, int yread, int ydest, int ysize, - int xge, int xlt, Field3D &var); + bool readgrid_perpvar_real(const std::string &name, int xread, int xdest, int xsize, + FieldPerp &var); + + // convenience template method to remove code duplication between Field2D, + // Field3D and FieldPerp versions of get + template + bool getField(Mesh* m, T& var, const std::string& name, BoutReal def = 0.0); + // utility method for Field2D to implement unshared parts of getField + void readField(Mesh* m, const std::string& name, int ys, int yd, int ny_to_read, + int xs, int xd, int nx_to_read, const std::vector& size, Field2D& var); + // utility method for Field3D to implement unshared parts of getField + void readField(Mesh* m, const std::string& name, int ys, int yd, int ny_to_read, + int xs, int xd, int nx_to_read, const std::vector& size, Field3D& var); + // utility method for FieldPerp to implement unshared parts of getField + void readField(Mesh* m, const std::string& name, int ys, int yd, int ny_to_read, + int xs, int xd, int nx_to_read, const std::vector& size, FieldPerp& var); }; /*! @@ -118,19 +176,33 @@ public: /*! * Checks if the options has a given variable */ - bool hasVar(const string &name) override; + bool hasVar(const std::string &name) override; + + /*! + * Reads strings from options. Uses Options::get to handle + * expressions + * + * @param[in] mesh Not used + * @param[in] name Name of variable + * @param[out] sval Always given a value, defaults to 0 + * + * @return True if option is set, false if ival is default (0) + */ + bool get(Mesh* mesh, std::string& sval, const std::string& name, + const std::string& def = "") override; /*! * Reads integers from options. Uses Options::get to handle * expressions * * @param[in] mesh Not used + * @param[out] ival The variable which will be set * @param[in] name Name of variable - * @param[out] ival Always given a value, defaults to 0 + * @param[in] def Default value to use if option not found * * @return True if option is set, false if ival is default (0) */ - bool get(Mesh *mesh, int &ival, const string &name) override; + bool get(Mesh *mesh, int &ival, const std::string &name, int def = 0) override; /*! * Reads BoutReal from options. Uses Options::get to handle @@ -142,7 +214,8 @@ public: * * @return True if option is set, false if ival is default (0) */ - bool get(Mesh *mesh, BoutReal &rval, const string &name) override; + bool get(Mesh* mesh, BoutReal& rval, const std::string& name, + BoutReal def = 0.0) override; /*! * Get a Field2D object by finding the option with the given name, @@ -153,7 +226,7 @@ public: * @param[in] name The name in the options. Not case sensitive * @param[in] def Default value to use if option not found */ - bool get(Mesh *mesh, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + bool get(Mesh *mesh, Field2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; /*! * Get a Field3D object by finding the option with the given name, @@ -164,7 +237,18 @@ public: * @param[in] name The name in the options. Not case sensitive * @param[in] def Default value to use if option not found */ - bool get(Mesh *mesh, Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + bool get(Mesh *mesh, Field3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; + + /*! + * Get a FieldPerp object by finding the option with the given name, + * and passing the string to FieldFactory + * + * @param[in] mesh The Mesh object over which the field is defined + * @param[out] var The variable which will be set + * @param[in] name The name in the options. Not case sensitive + * @param[in] def Default value to use if option not found + */ + bool get(Mesh *mesh, FieldPerp &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def = 0.0) override; /*! * Get an array of integers. Currently reads a single @@ -177,7 +261,7 @@ public: * @param[in] offset Not currently used * @param[in] dir The direction (X,Y,Z) of the array */ - bool get(Mesh *mesh, vector &var, const string &name, int len, int offset = 0, + bool get(Mesh *mesh, std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset = 0, GridDataSource::Direction dir = GridDataSource::X) override; /*! @@ -193,9 +277,15 @@ public: * dir is X. * @param[in] dir The direction (X,Y,Z) of the array */ - bool get(Mesh *mesh, vector &var, const string &name, int len, int offset = 0, + bool get(Mesh *mesh, std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset = 0, GridDataSource::Direction dir = GridDataSource::X) override; + /// Are x-boundary guard cells read from the source? + bool hasXBoundaryGuards(Mesh* UNUSED(m)) override { return true; } + + /// Are y-boundary guard cells read from the source? + bool hasYBoundaryGuards() override { return true; } + private: /// The options section to use. Could be nullptr Options *options; diff --git a/include/bout/index_derivs.hxx b/include/bout/index_derivs.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..612c5b3b48 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/index_derivs.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,316 @@ +/*!************************************************************************ + * \file index_derivs.hxx + * + * Definition of available derivative methods and registration within store + * + ************************************************************************** + * Copyright 2018 + * D.Dickinson, P.Hill, B.Dudson + * + * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk + * + * This file is part of BOUT++. + * + * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with BOUT++. If not, see . + * + **************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __INDEX_DERIVS_HXX__ +#define __INDEX_DERIVS_HXX__ + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +class Field3D; +class Field2D; + +const BoutReal WENO_SMALL = 1.0e-8; // Small number for WENO schemes + +struct metaData { + // Would rather use a std::string here but this causes the + // metaData struct to be non-trivially destrucible which + // can prevent using temporary instances of this. Instead + // we'll use char* for now. + // const std::string key; + const char* key; + const int nGuards; + const DERIV derivType; // Can be used to identify the type of the derivative +}; + +/// Provide an easy way to report a Region's statistics +inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const metaData& meta) { + out << "key : " << meta.key; + out << ", "; + out << "nGuards : " << meta.nGuards; + out << ", "; + out << "type : " << toString(meta.derivType); + return out; +} + +/// Here we define a helper class that provides a means to use a supplied +/// stencil using functor to calculate a derivative over the entire field. +/// Note we currently have a different interface for some of the derivative types +/// to avoid needing different classes to represent the different operations +/// The use of a functor here makes it possible to wrap up metaData into the +/// type as well. +template +class DerivativeType { +public: + template + void standard(const T& var, T& result, const std::string& region) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + ASSERT2(meta.derivType == DERIV::Standard || meta.derivType == DERIV::StandardSecond + || meta.derivType == DERIV::StandardFourth) + ASSERT2(var.getMesh()->getNguard(direction) >= nGuards); + + BOUT_FOR(i, var.getRegion(region)) { + result[i] = apply(populateStencil(var, i)); + } + return; + } + + template + void upwindOrFlux(const T& vel, const T& var, T& result, const std::string& region) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + ASSERT2(meta.derivType == DERIV::Upwind || meta.derivType == DERIV::Flux) + ASSERT2(var.getMesh()->getNguard(direction) >= nGuards); + + if (meta.derivType == DERIV::Flux || stagger != STAGGER::None) { + BOUT_FOR(i, var.getRegion(region)) { + result[i] = apply(populateStencil(vel, i), + populateStencil(var, i)); + } + } else { + BOUT_FOR(i, var.getRegion(region)) { + result[i] = + apply(vel[i], populateStencil(var, i)); + } + } + return; + } + + BoutReal apply(const stencil& f) const { return func(f); } + BoutReal apply(BoutReal v, const stencil& f) const { return func(v, f); } + BoutReal apply(const stencil& v, const stencil& f) const { return func(v, f); } + + const FF func{}; + const metaData meta = func.meta; +}; + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Following code is for dealing with registering a method/methods for all +/// template combinations, in conjunction with the template_combinations code. +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +struct registerMethod { + template + void operator()(Direction, Stagger, FieldTypeContainer, Method) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + using namespace std::placeholders; + + // Now we want to get the actual field type out of the TypeContainer + // used to pass this around + using FieldType = typename FieldTypeContainer::type; + + Method method{}; + + // Note whilst this should be known at compile time using this directly in the + // template parameters below causes problems for old versions of gcc/libstdc++ + // (tested with 4.8.3) so we currently use a hacky workaround. Once we drop + // support for these versions the branching in the case statement below can be + // removed and we can use nGuard directly in the template statement. + const int nGuards = method.meta.nGuards; + + auto& derivativeRegister = DerivativeStore::getInstance(); + + switch (method.meta.derivType) { + case (DERIV::Standard): + case (DERIV::StandardSecond): + case (DERIV::StandardFourth): { + if (nGuards == 1) { + const auto theFunc = std::bind( + // Method to store in function + &Method::template standard, + // Arguments -- first is hidden this of type-bound, others are placeholders + // for input field, output field, region + method, _1, _2, _3); + derivativeRegister.registerDerivative(theFunc, Direction{}, Stagger{}, method); + } else { + const auto theFunc = std::bind( + // Method to store in function + &Method::template standard, + // Arguments -- first is hidden this of type-bound, others are placeholders + // for input field, output field, region + method, _1, _2, _3); + derivativeRegister.registerDerivative(theFunc, Direction{}, Stagger{}, method); + } + break; + } + case (DERIV::Upwind): + case (DERIV::Flux): { + if (nGuards == 1) { + const auto theFunc = std::bind( + // Method to store in function + &Method::template upwindOrFlux, + // Arguments -- first is hidden this of type-bound, others are placeholders + // for input field, output field, region + method, _1, _2, _3, _4); + derivativeRegister.registerDerivative(theFunc, Direction{}, Stagger{}, method); + } else { + const auto theFunc = std::bind( + // Method to store in function + &Method::template upwindOrFlux, + // Arguments -- first is hidden this of type-bound, others are placeholders + // for input field, output field, region + method, _1, _2, _3, _4); + derivativeRegister.registerDerivative(theFunc, Direction{}, Stagger{}, method); + } + break; + } + default: + throw BoutException("Unhandled derivative method in registerMethod."); + }; + } +}; + +#define DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + struct name { \ + BoutReal operator()(const stencil& f) const; \ + const metaData meta = {key, nGuards, type}; \ + BoutReal operator()(BoutReal UNUSED(vc), const stencil& UNUSED(f)) const { \ + return BoutNaN; \ + }; \ + BoutReal operator()(const stencil& UNUSED(v), const stencil& UNUSED(f)) const { \ + return BoutNaN; \ + }; \ + }; +#define DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& f) const + +#define DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + struct name { \ + BoutReal operator()(const stencil& UNUSED(f)) const { return BoutNaN; }; \ + BoutReal operator()(BoutReal vc, const stencil& f) const; \ + BoutReal operator()(const stencil& UNUSED(v), const stencil& UNUSED(f)) const { \ + return BoutNaN; \ + }; \ + const metaData meta = {key, nGuards, type}; \ + }; +#define DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(BoutReal vc, const stencil& f) const + +#define DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + struct name { \ + BoutReal operator()(const stencil& UNUSED(f)) const { return BoutNaN; }; \ + BoutReal operator()(BoutReal UNUSED(vc), const stencil& UNUSED(f)) const { \ + return BoutNaN; \ + }; \ + BoutReal operator()(const stencil& v, const stencil& f) const; \ + const metaData meta = {key, nGuards, type}; \ + }; +#define DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& v, const stencil& f) const + +#define DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV_STAGGERED(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV(name, key, nGuards, type) +#define DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV_STAGGERED(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV(name, key, nGuards, type) +#define DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_STAGGERED(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV(name, key, nGuards, type) + +/// Some helper defines for now that allow us to wrap up enums +/// and the specific methods. +#define WRAP_ENUM(family, value) enumWrapper + +#define REGISTER_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + namespace { \ + produceCombinations, \ + Set, \ + Set, TypeContainer>, \ + Set>> \ + reg##name(registerMethod{}); \ + } +#define REGISTER_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + namespace { \ + produceCombinations, \ + Set, \ + Set, TypeContainer>, \ + Set>> \ + reg##name(registerMethod{}); \ + } + +#define REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& f) const + +#define REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(BoutReal vc, const stencil& f) const + +#define REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& v, const stencil& f) const + +#define REGISTER_STANDARD_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& f) const + +#define REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_STANDARD_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) + +#define REGISTER_UPWIND_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + /*Note staggered upwind looks like flux*/ \ + DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& v, const stencil& f) const + +#define REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_UPWIND_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) + +#define REGISTER_FLUX_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_CORE(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name) \ + BoutReal name::operator()(const stencil& v, const stencil& f) const + +#define REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(name, key, nGuards, type) \ + REGISTER_FLUX_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE(name, key, nGuards, type) + +#endif diff --git a/include/bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx b/include/bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..099c7c7d30 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,403 @@ +/*!************************************************************************ + * \file index_derivs_interface.hxx + * + * Definition of main derivative kernels + * + ************************************************************************** + * Copyright 2018 + * D.Dickinson + * + * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk + * + * This file is part of BOUT++. + * + * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with BOUT++. If not, see . + * + **************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __INDEX_DERIVS_INTERFACE_HXX__ +#define __INDEX_DERIVS_INTERFACE_HXX__ + +#include +#include +#include +#include "bout/traits.hxx" + +class Field3D; +class Field2D; + +namespace bout { +namespace derivatives { +namespace index { + +/// The main kernel used for all upwind and flux derivatives +template +T flowDerivative(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, + const std::string& region) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Checks + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field2D::value || bout::utils::is_Field3D::value, + "flowDerivative only works on Field2D or Field3D input"); + + static_assert(derivType == DERIV::Upwind || derivType == DERIV::Flux, + "flowDerivative only works for derivType in {Upwind, Flux}."); + + auto* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + // Check that the mesh is correct + ASSERT1(vel.getMesh() == localmesh); + // Check that the input variable has data + ASSERT1(f.isAllocated()); + ASSERT1(vel.isAllocated()); + + // Check the input data is valid + { + TRACE("Checking inputs"); + checkData(f); + checkData(vel); + } + + // Define properties of this approach + const CELL_LOC allowedStaggerLoc = localmesh->getAllowedStaggerLoc(direction); + + // Handle the staggering + const CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input locations + const CELL_LOC vloc = vel.getLocation(); + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = inloc; + } + const STAGGER stagger = localmesh->getStagger(vloc, inloc, outloc, allowedStaggerLoc); + + // Check for early exit + const int nPoint = localmesh->getNpoints(direction); + + if (nPoint == 1) { + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); + } + + // Lookup the method + auto derivativeMethod = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getFlowDerivative( + method, direction, stagger, derivType); + + // Create the result field + T result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(outloc)}; + + // Apply method + derivativeMethod(vel, f, result, region); + + // Check the result is valid + { + TRACE("Checking result"); + checkData(result); + } + + return result; +} + +/// The main kernel used for all standard derivatives +template +T standardDerivative(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, + const std::string& region) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Checks + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field2D::value || bout::utils::is_Field3D::value, + "standardDerivative only works on Field2D or Field3D input"); + + static_assert(derivType == DERIV::Standard || derivType == DERIV::StandardSecond + || derivType == DERIV::StandardFourth, + "standardDerivative only works for derivType in {Standard, " + "StandardSecond, StandardFourth}"); + + auto* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + // Check that the input variable has data + ASSERT1(f.isAllocated()); + + // Check the input data is valid + { + TRACE("Checking input"); + checkData(f); + } + + // Define properties of this approach + const CELL_LOC allowedStaggerLoc = localmesh->getAllowedStaggerLoc(direction); + + // Handle the staggering + const CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = inloc; + } + const STAGGER stagger = localmesh->getStagger(inloc, outloc, allowedStaggerLoc); + + // Check for early exit + const int nPoint = localmesh->getNpoints(direction); + + if (nPoint == 1) { + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); + } + + // Lookup the method + auto derivativeMethod = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getStandardDerivative( + method, direction, stagger, derivType); + + // Create the result field + T result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(outloc)}; + + // Apply method + derivativeMethod(f, result, region); + + // Check the result is valid + { + TRACE("Checking result"); + checkData(result); + } + + return result; +} + +////// STANDARD OPERATORS + +////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// +template +T DDX(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, method, region); +} + +template +T D2DX2(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, method, + region); +} + +template +T D4DX4(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, method, + region); +} + +////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + +template +T DDY(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + if (f.hasParallelSlices()) { + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, + method, region); + } else { + const bool is_unaligned = (f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + const T f_aligned = is_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f, "RGN_NOX") : f; + T result = standardDerivative(f_aligned, outloc, + method, region); + return is_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, region) : result; + } +} + +template +T D2DY2(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + if (f.hasParallelSlices()) { + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + return standardDerivative( + f, outloc, method, region); + } else { + const bool is_unaligned = (f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + const T f_aligned = is_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f, "RGN_NOX") : f; + T result = standardDerivative( + f_aligned, outloc, method, region); + return is_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, region) : result; + } +} + +template +T D4DY4(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + if (f.hasParallelSlices()) { + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + return standardDerivative( + f, outloc, method, region); + } else { + const bool is_unaligned = (f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + const T f_aligned = is_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f, "RGN_NOX") : f; + T result = standardDerivative( + f_aligned, outloc, method, region); + return is_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, region) : result; + } +} + +////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// +template +T DDZ(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, method, region); +} + +template +T D2DZ2(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, method, + region); +} + +template +T D4DZ4(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return standardDerivative(f, outloc, method, + region); +} + +////// ADVECTION AND FLUX OPERATORS + +/// Advection operator in index space in [] direction +/// +/// \f[ +/// v \frac{d}{di} f +/// \f] +/// +/// @param[in] v The velocity in the Y direction +/// @param[in] f The field being advected +/// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. The default is the +/// same as \p f +/// @param[in] method The differencing method to use +/// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated. + +////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + +template +T VDDX(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return flowDerivative(vel, f, outloc, method, region); +} + +template +T FDDX(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return flowDerivative(vel, f, outloc, method, region); +} + +////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + +template +T VDDY(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Note the following chunk is copy+pasted from flowDerivative + // above. Not pulled out as a separate function due the number of + // local variables from it that flowDerivative ends up needing. + // The two should probably remain in sync! + auto* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + const CELL_LOC allowedStaggerLoc = localmesh->getAllowedStaggerLoc(DIRECTION::Y); + const CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); + const CELL_LOC vloc = vel.getLocation(); + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = inloc; + } + const STAGGER stagger = localmesh->getStagger(vloc, inloc, outloc, allowedStaggerLoc); + + // Some notes about the choice to be made here: + // - If we're not staggered, then we don't need the parallel slices + // for `vel`, and we can use the `YOrthogonal` version if `f` has + // parallel slices. Otherwise, we need to use the aligned version. + // - If we are staggered, we can only use the `YOrthogonal` version if + // both `vel` and `f` have parallel slices. + // - If we are staggered and only `f` has parallel slices, then we + // have another choice: calculate the parallel slices for `vel` + // and use the `YOrthogonal` version; or throw away the slices for + // `f` and use the aligned version. Which is cheaper depends on + // how many parallel slices we're using. Our current estimate as + // of October 2019 is if MYG > 1, it's cheaper to use the aligned + // version. + + const bool fHasParallelSlices = f.hasParallelSlices(); + const bool useVelParallelSlices = (stagger == STAGGER::None) or vel.hasParallelSlices(); + + if (fHasParallelSlices && useVelParallelSlices) { + ASSERT1(vel.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + return flowDerivative(vel, f, outloc, + method, region); + } else { + ASSERT2(f.getDirectionY() == vel.getDirectionY()); + const bool are_unaligned = ((f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard) + and (vel.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard)); + + const T f_aligned = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f, "RGN_NOX") : f; + const T vel_aligned = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(vel, "RGN_NOX") : vel; + T result = flowDerivative(vel_aligned, f_aligned, + outloc, method, region); + return are_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, region) : result; + } +} + +template +T FDDY(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const bool fHasParallelSlices = (f.hasParallelSlices()); + const bool velHasParallelSlices = (vel.hasParallelSlices()); + if (fHasParallelSlices && velHasParallelSlices) { + ASSERT1(vel.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + return flowDerivative(vel, f, outloc, method, + region); + } else { + ASSERT2(f.getDirectionY() == vel.getDirectionY()); + const bool are_unaligned = ((f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard) + and (vel.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard)); + + const T f_aligned = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f, "RGN_NOX") : f; + const T vel_aligned = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(vel, "RGN_NOX") : vel; + T result = flowDerivative(vel_aligned, f_aligned, + outloc, method, region); + return are_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, region) : result; + } +} + +////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + +template +T VDDZ(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return flowDerivative(vel, f, outloc, method, region); +} + +template +T FDDZ(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return flowDerivative(vel, f, outloc, method, region); +} + +} // Namespace index +} // Namespace derivatives +} // Namespace bout +#endif diff --git a/include/bout/invert/laplace3d.hxx b/include/bout/invert/laplace3d.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 2df37c6307..0000000000 --- a/include/bout/invert/laplace3d.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -class Laplace3D; - -#ifndef __LAPLACE3D_H__ -#define __LAPLACE3D_H__ - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Interface to 3D Laplacian solver -// -// Solves the following: -// -// A*x + B * Delp^2(x) + Div( C * Delp(x)) + D * Del^2(x) = rhs -// -// where Del^2 is the full 3D Laplacian -// Delp^2 is the full perpendicular Laplacian -// including Y derivatives -// -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#include -#include -#include - -class Laplace3D { -public: - Laplace3D(Options *opt = nullptr) : flags(0) {} - virtual ~Laplace3D() {} - - virtual void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefA(const Field3D &f) {setCoefA(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefA(BoutReal f) {setCoefA(Field2D(f));} - - virtual void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefB(const Field3D &f) {setCoefB(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefB(BoutReal f) {setCoefB(Field2D(f));} - - virtual void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefC(const Field3D &f) {setCoefC(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefC(BoutReal f) {setCoefC(Field2D(f));} - - virtual void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefD(const Field3D &f) {setCoefD(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefD(BoutReal f) {setCoefD(Field2D(f));} - - virtual void setFlags(int f) {flags = f;} - - virtual const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) = 0; - virtual const Field2D solve(const Field2D &b) {return solve(DC(Field3D(b)));} - - virtual const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) { return solve(b); } - virtual const Field2D solve(const Field2D &b, const Field2D &x0) { return solve(b); } - - static Laplace3D* create(Options *opt = nullptr); -protected: - int flags; - -}; - -#endif //__LAPLACE3D_H__ - diff --git a/include/bout/invert/laplacexy.hxx b/include/bout/invert/laplacexy.hxx index 9a21e111bb..705ad76351 100644 --- a/include/bout/invert/laplacexy.hxx +++ b/include/bout/invert/laplacexy.hxx @@ -48,12 +48,13 @@ * LaplaceXY is used. */ class LaplaceXY { - public: - LaplaceXY(Mesh *UNUSED(m), Options *UNUSED(opt) = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE) { +public: + LaplaceXY(Mesh* UNUSED(m) = nullptr, Options* UNUSED(opt) = nullptr, + const CELL_LOC UNUSED(loc) = CELL_CENTRE) { throw BoutException("LaplaceXY requires PETSc. No LaplaceXY available"); } - void setCoefs(const Field2D &UNUSED(A), const Field2D &UNUSED(B)) {} - const Field2D solve(const Field2D &UNUSED(rhs), const Field2D &UNUSED(x0)) { + void setCoefs(const Field2D& UNUSED(A), const Field2D& UNUSED(B)) {} + const Field2D solve(const Field2D& UNUSED(rhs), const Field2D& UNUSED(x0)) { throw BoutException("LaplaceXY requires PETSc. No LaplaceXY available"); } }; @@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ public: /*! * Constructor */ - LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceXY(Mesh *m = nullptr, Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); /*! * Destructor */ @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ private: KSP ksp; ///< Krylov Subspace solver PC pc; ///< Preconditioner - Mesh *mesh; ///< The mesh this operates on, provides metrics and communication + Mesh *localmesh; ///< The mesh this operates on, provides metrics and communication // Preconditioner int xstart, xend; @@ -156,12 +157,6 @@ private: */ int globalIndex(int x, int y); Field2D indexXY; ///< Global index (integer stored as BoutReal) - - /*! - * Round a number to the nearest integer - */ - int roundInt(BoutReal f); - }; #endif // BOUT_HAS_PETSC diff --git a/include/bout/invert/laplacexz.hxx b/include/bout/invert/laplacexz.hxx index 9e921558f0..0d3cea6f14 100644 --- a/include/bout/invert/laplacexz.hxx +++ b/include/bout/invert/laplacexz.hxx @@ -38,22 +38,24 @@ class LaplaceXZ { public: - LaplaceXZ(Mesh *UNUSED(m), Options *UNUSED(options), const CELL_LOC loc) - : location(loc) {} - virtual ~LaplaceXZ() {} + LaplaceXZ(Mesh* m = nullptr, Options* UNUSED(options) = nullptr, + const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE) + : localmesh(m == nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : m), location(loc) {} + virtual ~LaplaceXZ() = default; virtual void setCoefs(const Field2D &A, const Field2D &B) = 0; virtual void setCoefs(const Field3D &A, const Field3D &B) { setCoefs(DC(A), DC(B)); } virtual Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) = 0; - static LaplaceXZ *create(Mesh *m, Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + static LaplaceXZ *create(Mesh *m = nullptr, Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); protected: static const int INVERT_DC_GRAD = 1; static const int INVERT_AC_GRAD = 2; // Use zero neumann (NOTE: AC is a misnomer) static const int INVERT_SET = 16; // Set boundary to x0 value static const int INVERT_RHS = 32; // Set boundary to b value + Mesh* localmesh; ///< The mesh this operates on, provides metrics and communication CELL_LOC location; private: diff --git a/include/bout/invertable_operator.hxx b/include/bout/invertable_operator.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..962ab68d59 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/invertable_operator.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ +/************************************************************************** + * Invert arbitrary linear global operation using PETSc. + * + ************************************************************************** + * Copyright 2018 D. Dickinson + * + * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk + * + * This file is part of BOUT++. + * + * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with BOUT++. If not, see . + * + **************************************************************************/ + +namespace bout { +namespace inversion { +template +class InvertableOperator; +}; +}; + +#ifndef __INVERTABLE_OPERATOR_H__ +#define __INVERTABLE_OPERATOR_H__ + +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_PETSC + +#include "bout/traits.hxx" +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +#include + +#endif + +namespace bout { +namespace inversion { + +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_PETSC + +/// No-op function to use as a default -- may wish to remove once testing phase complete +template +T identity(const T& in) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return in; +}; + +/// Pack a PetscVec from a Field +template +PetscErrorCode fieldToPetscVec(const T& in, Vec out) { + TRACE("fieldToPetscVec"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_packing"); + + PetscScalar* vecData; + + auto ierr = VecGetArray(out, &vecData); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + int counter = 0; + + // Should explore ability to OpenMP this + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, in.getRegion("RGN_WITHBNDRIES")) { + vecData[counter] = in[i]; + counter++; + } + + ierr = VecRestoreArray(out, &vecData); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + return ierr; +} + +/// Pack a Field from a PetscVec +template +PetscErrorCode petscVecToField(Vec in, T& out) { + TRACE("petscVecToField"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_packing"); + + const PetscScalar* vecData; + + auto ierr = VecGetArrayRead(in, &vecData); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + int counter = 0; + + // Should explore ability to OpenMP this + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, out.getRegion("RGN_WITHBNDRIES")) { + out[i] = vecData[counter]; + counter++; + } + + ierr = VecRestoreArrayRead(in, &vecData); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + return ierr; +}; + +/// Class to define an invertable operator. Provides interface to PETSc routines +/// for solving A.x = b +template +class InvertableOperator { + static_assert( + bout::utils::is_Field::value, + "InvertableOperator must be templated with one of FieldPerp, Field2D or Field3D"); + +public: + /// What type of field does the operator take? + using data_type = T; + + /// The signature of the functor that applies the operator. + using function_signature = std::function; + + /// Almost empty constructor -- currently don't actually use Options for anything + InvertableOperator(const function_signature& func = identity, + Options* optIn = nullptr, Mesh* localmeshIn = nullptr) + : operatorFunction(func), preconditionerFunction(func), + opt(optIn == nullptr ? Options::getRoot()->getSection("invertableOperator") + : optIn), + localmesh(localmeshIn == nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : localmeshIn) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + }; + + /// Destructor just has to cleanup the PETSc owned objects. + ~InvertableOperator() { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::destructor"); + + KSPDestroy(&ksp); + MatDestroy(&matOperator); + MatDestroy(&matPreconditioner); + VecDestroy(&rhs); + VecDestroy(&lhs); + }; + + /// Allow the user to override the existing function + /// Note by default we set the preconditioner function to match this + /// as this is the usual mode of operation. If the user doesn't want to + /// do this they can set alsoSetPreconditioner to false. + void setOperatorFunction(const function_signature& func, + bool alsoSetPreconditioner = true) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::setOperatorFunction"); + operatorFunction = func; + if (alsoSetPreconditioner) { + preconditionerFunction = func; + } + } + + /// Allow the user to override the existing preconditioner function + void setPreconditionerFunction(const function_signature& func) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::setPreconditionerFunction"); + preconditionerFunction = func; + } + + /// Provide a way to apply the operator to a Field + T operator()(const T& input) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::operator()"); + return operatorFunction(input); + } + + /// Provide a synonym for applying the operator to a Field + T apply(const T& input) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return operator()(input); + } + + /// Sets up the PETSc objects required for inverting the operator + /// Currently also takes the functor that applies the operator this class + /// represents. Not actually required by any of the setup so this should + /// probably be moved to a separate place (maybe the constructor). + PetscErrorCode setup() { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::setup"); + + Timer timer("invertable_operator_setup"); + if (doneSetup) { + throw BoutException( + "Trying to call setup on an InvertableOperator instance that has " + "already been setup."); + } + + // Add the RGN_WITHBNDRIES region to the mesh. Requires RGN_NOBNDRY to be defined. + if (std::is_same::value) { + if (not localmesh->hasRegion3D("RGN_WITHBNDRIES")) { + // This avoids all guard cells and corners but includes boundaries + // Note we probably don't want to include periodic boundaries as these + // are essentially just duplicate points so should be careful here (particularly + // in y) + // to only include unique points + Region nocorner3D = localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY"); + if (!localmesh->periodicX) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) + nocorner3D += Region(0, localmesh->xstart - 1, localmesh->ystart, + localmesh->yend, 0, localmesh->LocalNz - 1, + localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz, + localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + if (localmesh->lastX()) + nocorner3D += Region( + localmesh->LocalNx - localmesh->xstart, localmesh->LocalNx - 1, + localmesh->ystart, localmesh->yend, 0, localmesh->LocalNz - 1, + localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + } + if (localmesh->firstY() or localmesh->lastY()) { + for (int ix = localmesh->xstart; ix <= localmesh->xend; ix++) { + if (not localmesh->periodicY(ix)) { + if (localmesh->firstY()) + nocorner3D += + Region(ix, ix, 0, localmesh->ystart - 1, 0, + localmesh->LocalNz - 1, localmesh->LocalNy, + localmesh->LocalNz, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + if (localmesh->lastY()) + nocorner3D += Region( + ix, ix, localmesh->LocalNy - localmesh->ystart, + localmesh->LocalNy - 1, 0, localmesh->LocalNz - 1, localmesh->LocalNy, + localmesh->LocalNz, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + } + } + } + + nocorner3D.unique(); + localmesh->addRegion3D("RGN_WITHBNDRIES", nocorner3D); + } + + } else if (std::is_same::value) { + if (not localmesh->hasRegion2D("RGN_WITHBNDRIES")) { + // This avoids all guard cells and corners but includes boundaries + Region nocorner2D = localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY"); + if (!localmesh->periodicX) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) + nocorner2D += Region(0, localmesh->xstart - 1, localmesh->ystart, + localmesh->yend, 0, 0, localmesh->LocalNy, 1, + localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + if (localmesh->lastX()) + nocorner2D += + Region(localmesh->LocalNx - localmesh->xstart, + localmesh->LocalNx - 1, localmesh->ystart, localmesh->yend, + 0, 0, localmesh->LocalNy, 1, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + } + if (localmesh->firstY() or localmesh->lastY()) { + for (int ix = localmesh->xstart; ix <= localmesh->xend; ix++) { + if (not localmesh->periodicY(ix)) { + if (localmesh->firstY()) + nocorner2D += + Region(ix, ix, 0, localmesh->ystart - 1, 0, 0, + localmesh->LocalNy, 1, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + if (localmesh->lastY()) + nocorner2D += + Region(ix, ix, localmesh->LocalNy - localmesh->ystart, + localmesh->LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, localmesh->LocalNy, 1, + localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + } + } + } + nocorner2D.unique(); + localmesh->addRegion2D("RGN_WITHBNDRIES", nocorner2D); + } + + } else if (std::is_same::value) { + if (not localmesh->hasRegionPerp("RGN_WITHBNDRIES")) { + // This avoids all guard cells and corners but includes boundaries + Region nocornerPerp = localmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_NOBNDRY"); + if (!localmesh->periodicX) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) + nocornerPerp += + Region(0, localmesh->xstart - 1, 0, 0, 0, localmesh->LocalNz - 1, + 1, localmesh->LocalNz, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + if (localmesh->lastX()) + nocornerPerp += + Region(localmesh->LocalNx - localmesh->xstart, + localmesh->LocalNx - 1, 0, 0, 0, localmesh->LocalNz - 1, + 1, localmesh->LocalNz, localmesh->maxregionblocksize); + } + nocornerPerp.unique(); + localmesh->addRegionPerp("RGN_WITHBNDRIES", nocornerPerp); + } + + } else { + throw BoutException("Invalid template type provided to InvertableOperator"); + } + + // Hacky way to determine the local size for now + PetscInt nlocal = 0; + { + T tmp(localmesh); + nlocal = tmp.getRegion("RGN_WITHBNDRIES").size(); + } + + PetscInt nglobal = PETSC_DETERMINE; // Depends on type of T + + /// Create the shell matrix representing the operator to invert + /// Note we currently pass "this" as the Matrix context + PetscInt ierr = MatCreateShell(BoutComm::get(), nlocal, nlocal, nglobal, nglobal, + this, &matOperator); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + +/// Create vectors compatible with matrix +#if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3, 6, 0) + ierr = MatGetVecs(matOperator, &rhs, &lhs); +#else + ierr = MatCreateVecs(matOperator, &rhs, &lhs); +#endif + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Zero out the lhs vector as values used for initial guess + /// in solve step. Don't need to initialise rhs as this is + /// done in the callback function using the passed Field. + ierr = VecSet(lhs, 0.0); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Now register Matrix_multiply operation + ierr = MatShellSetOperation(matOperator, MATOP_MULT, (void (*)())(functionWrapper)); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Create the shell matrix representing the operator to invert + /// Note we currently pass "this" as the Matrix context + ierr = MatCreateShell(BoutComm::get(), nlocal, nlocal, nglobal, nglobal, this, + &matPreconditioner); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Now register Matrix_multiply operation + ierr = MatShellSetOperation(matPreconditioner, MATOP_MULT, + (void (*)())(preconditionerWrapper)); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Now create and setup the linear solver with the matrix + ierr = KSPCreate(BoutComm::get(), &ksp); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + +#if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3, 5, 0) + /// Need to provide a MatStructure flag in versions <3.5. This details if we expect + /// the preconditioner matrix structure to vary between calls to KSPSolve. + /// Safest but slowest option is DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN but can probably usually + /// use SAME_PRECONDITIONER. + ierr = + KSPSetOperators(ksp, matOperator, matPreconditioner, DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN); +#else + ierr = KSPSetOperators(ksp, matOperator, matPreconditioner); +#endif + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// By default allow a non-zero initial guess as this is probably the + /// most helpful mode of operation. To disable this user can pass + /// `-invertable_ksp_initial_guess_nonzero false` on the command line or simply + /// use `result = operator.invert(rhs, T{})` which will lead to an initial + /// guess of whatever is in the instance of T that is passed. + ierr = KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp, PETSC_TRUE); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Allow options to be set on command line using a --invertable_ksp_* prefix. + ierr = KSPSetOptionsPrefix(ksp, "invertable_"); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = KSPSetFromOptions(ksp); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Do required setup so solve can proceed in invert + ierr = KSPSetUp(ksp); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + doneSetup = true; + + return ierr; + }; + + // Pack values into lhs vec before solving. + // This may be the way to set the initial guess + // but suspect it's not as there are KSPGuess objects + // to deal with. + T invert(const T& rhsField, const T& guess) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + auto ierr = fieldToPetscVec(guess, lhs); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + return invert(rhsField); + } + + /// Triggers the solve of A.x = b for x, where b = rhs and A is the matrix + /// representation + /// of the operator we represent. Should probably provide an overload or similar as a + /// way of setting the initial guess. + T invert(const T& rhsField) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::invert"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_invert"); + + if (!doneSetup) { + throw BoutException("Trying to call invert on an InvertableOperator instance that " + "has not been setup."); + } + + ASSERT2(localmesh == rhsField.getMesh()); + + // rhsField to rhs + auto ierr = fieldToPetscVec(rhsField, rhs); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + /// Do the solve with solution stored in lhs + /// Note: the values in lhs on input are used as the initial guess + /// provided KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero has been called as true (if + /// not then lhs is zeroed on entry). As the results in lhs persist + /// between calls to invert (as a class member rather than local scope) + /// we automatically provide the previous solution as the initial guess + /// for subsequent solves. + ierr = KSPSolve(ksp, rhs, lhs); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + KSPConvergedReason reason; + ierr = KSPGetConvergedReason(ksp, &reason); + if (reason <= 0) { + throw BoutException("KSPSolve failed with reason %d.", reason); + } + + // Probably want to remove the following in the long run + output_debug << "KSPSolve finished with converged reason : " << reason << endl; + + // lhs to lhsField -- first make the output field and ensure it has space allocated + T lhsField{emptyFrom(rhsField)}; + + ierr = petscVecToField(lhs, lhsField); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + + return lhsField; + }; + + /// With checks enabled provides a convience routine to check that + /// applying the registered function on the calculated inverse gives + /// back the initial values. + bool verify(const T& rhsIn, BoutReal tol = 1.0e-5) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::verify"); + + T result = invert(rhsIn); + localmesh->communicate(result); + const T applied = operator()(result); + const BoutReal maxDiff = max(abs(applied - rhsIn), true); + if (maxDiff >= tol) { + output_debug << "Maximum difference in verify is " << maxDiff << endl; + output_debug << "Max rhs is " << max(abs(rhsIn), true) << endl; + output_debug << "Max applied is " << max(abs(applied), true) << endl; + output_debug << "Max result is " << max(abs(result), true) << endl; + }; + return maxDiff < tol; + }; + + /// Reports the time spent in various parts of InvertableOperator. Note + /// that as the Timer "labels" are not unique to an instance the time + /// reported is summed across all different instances. + static void reportTime() { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::reportTime"); + BoutReal time_setup = Timer::resetTime("invertable_operator_setup"); + BoutReal time_invert = Timer::resetTime("invertable_operator_invert"); + BoutReal time_packing = Timer::resetTime("invertable_operator_packing"); + + BoutReal time_operate = Timer::resetTime("invertable_operator_operate"); + output_warn << "InvertableOperator timing :: Setup " << time_setup; + output_warn << " , Invert(packing, operation) " << time_invert << "("; + output_warn << time_packing << ", "; + output_warn << time_operate << "). Total : " << time_setup + time_invert << endl; + }; + +private: + // PETSc objects + Mat matOperator, matPreconditioner; + Vec rhs, lhs; + KSP ksp; + + /// The function that represents the operator that we wish to invert + function_signature operatorFunction = identity; + + /// The function that represents the preconditioner for the operator that we wish to + /// invert + function_signature preconditionerFunction = identity; + + // Internal types + Options* opt = nullptr; // Do we need this? + Mesh* localmesh = nullptr; //< To ensure we can create T on the right mesh + bool doneSetup = false; + + // To ensure PETSc has been setup -- a bit noisy if creating/destroying + // InvertableOperator, + // maybe this should be static to avoid this but then how do we initialise it? + PetscLib lib; // Do we need this? + + /// Wrapper that gets a pointer to the parent InvertableOperator instance + /// from the Matrix m and uses this to get the actual function to call. + /// Copies data from v1 into a field of type T, calls the function on this and then + /// copies the result into the v2 argument. + static PetscErrorCode functionWrapper(Mat m, Vec v1, Vec v2) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::functionWrapper"); + InvertableOperator* ctx; + auto ierr = MatShellGetContext(m, &ctx); + T tmpField(ctx->localmesh); + tmpField.allocate(); + ierr = petscVecToField(v1, tmpField); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + // Need following communicate if operator() uses guard cells, i.e. differential + // operator. Could delegate to the user function but then need to remove const + // from signature of the function (function_signature) likely involving a copy. + // @TODO : Consider removing the communicate and introduce requirement for user + // function to communicate if required. This would be neater as currently result + // of invert needs explicitly communicating if we want to apply the operator to + // it, for example (e.g. see verify). + ctx->localmesh->communicate(tmpField); + T tmpField2 = ctx->operator()(tmpField); + // This communicate is required in case operator() ends up not setting + // all periodic boundaries correctly (possibly -- need to check?) + // @TODO : Consider need for this communicate. Could communicate at the + // end of the user routine. + ctx->localmesh->communicate(tmpField2); + ierr = fieldToPetscVec(tmpField2, v2); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + return ierr; + } + + /// Wrapper that gets a pointer to the parent InvertableOperator instance + /// from the Matrix m and uses this to get the actual function to call. + /// Copies data from v1 into a field of type T, calls the function on this and then + /// copies the result into the v2 argument. + static PetscErrorCode preconditionerWrapper(Mat m, Vec v1, Vec v2) { + TRACE("InvertableOperator::functionWrapper"); + InvertableOperator* ctx; + auto ierr = MatShellGetContext(m, &ctx); + T tmpField(ctx->localmesh); + tmpField.allocate(); + ierr = petscVecToField(v1, tmpField); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + // Need following communicate if operator() uses guard cells, i.e. differential + // operator. Could delegate to the user function but then need to remove const + // from signature of the function (function_signature) likely involving a copy. + // @TODO : Consider removing the communicate and introduce requirement for user + // function to communicate if required. This would be neater as currently result + // of invert needs explicitly communicating if we want to apply the operator to + // it, for example (e.g. see verify). + ctx->localmesh->communicate(tmpField); + T tmpField2 = ctx->preconditionerFunction(tmpField); + // This communicate is required in case operator() ends up not setting + // all periodic boundaries correctly (possibly -- need to check?) + // @TODO : Consider need for this communicate. Could communicate at the + // end of the user routine. + ctx->localmesh->communicate(tmpField2); + ierr = fieldToPetscVec(tmpField2, v2); + CHKERRQ(ierr); + return ierr; + } +}; + +#else + +template +class InvertableOperator { +public: +}; + +#endif // PETSC +}; +}; + +#endif // HEADER GUARD diff --git a/include/bout/mesh.hxx b/include/bout/mesh.hxx index 0857037563..8cea0a6a70 100644 --- a/include/bout/mesh.hxx +++ b/include/bout/mesh.hxx @@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ class Mesh; #include "mpi.h" +#include +#include +#include + #include "field_data.hxx" #include "bout_types.hxx" #include "field2d.hxx" @@ -63,8 +67,6 @@ class Mesh; #include "coordinates.hxx" // Coordinates class -#include "paralleltransform.hxx" // ParallelTransform class - #include "unused.hxx" #include @@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ class Mesh; #include /// Type used to return pointers to handles -typedef void* comm_handle; +using comm_handle = void*; class Mesh { public: @@ -120,21 +122,41 @@ class Mesh { // Get routines to request data from mesh file + /// Get a string from the input source + /// + /// @param[out] sval The value will be put into this variable + /// @param[in] name The name of the variable to read + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found + /// + /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure + int get(std::string& sval, const std::string& name, const std::string& def=""); + /// Get an integer from the input source /// /// @param[out] ival The value will be put into this variable /// @param[in] name The name of the variable to read + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found /// /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure - int get(int &ival, const string &name); + int get(int &ival, const std::string &name, int def=0); /// Get a BoutReal from the input source /// /// @param[out] rval The value will be put into this variable /// @param[in] name The name of the variable to read + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found /// /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure - int get(BoutReal &rval, const string &name); + int get(BoutReal& rval, const std::string& name, BoutReal def=0.0); + + /// Get a bool from the input source + /// + /// @param[out] bval The value will be put into this variable + /// @param[in] name The name of the variable to read + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found + /// + /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure + int get(bool &bval, const std::string &name, bool def=false); /// Get a Field2D from the input source /// including communicating guard cells @@ -144,7 +166,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[in] def The default value if not found /// /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure - int get(Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def=0.0); + int get(Field2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def=0.0); /// Get a Field3D from the input source /// @@ -154,7 +176,17 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[in] communicate Should the field be communicated to fill guard cells? /// /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure - int get(Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def=0.0, bool communicate=true); + int get(Field3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def=0.0, bool communicate=true); + + /// Get a FieldPerp from the input source + /// + /// @param[out] var This will be set to the value. Will be allocated if needed + /// @param[in] name Name of the variable to read + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found + /// @param[in] communicate Should the field be communicated to fill guard cells? + /// + /// @returns zero if successful, non-zero on failure + int get(FieldPerp &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def=0.0, bool communicate=true); /// Get a Vector2D from the input source. /// If \p var is covariant then this gets three @@ -165,9 +197,10 @@ class Mesh { /// /// @param[in] var This will be set to the value read /// @param[in] name The name of the vector. Individual fields are read based on this name by appending. See above + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found (used for all the components) /// /// @returns zero always. - int get(Vector2D &var, const string &name); + int get(Vector2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def=0.0); /// Get a Vector3D from the input source. /// If \p var is covariant then this gets three @@ -178,12 +211,22 @@ class Mesh { /// /// @param[in] var This will be set to the value read /// @param[in] name The name of the vector. Individual fields are read based on this name by appending. See above + /// @param[in] def The default value if not found (used for all the components) /// /// @returns zero always. - int get(Vector3D &var, const string &name); + int get(Vector3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def=0.0); + + /// Test if input source was a grid file + bool isDataSourceGridFile() const; /// Wrapper for GridDataSource::hasVar - bool sourceHasVar(const string &name); + bool sourceHasVar(const std::string &name); + + /// Wrapper for GridDataSource::hasXBoundaryGuards + bool sourceHasXBoundaryGuards(); + + /// Wrapper for GridDataSource::hasYBoundaryGuards + bool sourceHasYBoundaryGuards(); // Communications /*! @@ -250,6 +293,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[in] buffer A buffer of data to send /// @param[in] size The length of \p buffer /// @param[in] tag A label, must be the same at receive + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual MPI_Request sendToProc(int xproc, int yproc, BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// Low-level communication routine @@ -262,6 +306,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[inout] buffer The buffer to fill with data. Must already be allocated of length \p size /// @param[in] size The length of \p buffer /// @param[in] tag A label, must be the same as send + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual comm_handle receiveFromProc(int xproc, int yproc, BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; virtual int getNXPE() = 0; ///< The number of processors in the X direction @@ -320,6 +365,22 @@ class Mesh { /// \param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X /// \param[out] ts The Twist-Shift angle if periodic virtual bool periodicY(int jx, BoutReal &ts) const = 0; + + /// Is there a branch cut at this processor's lower y-boundary? + /// + /// @param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X + /// @returns pair - bool is true if there is a branch cut, + /// BoutReal gives the total zShift for a 2pi + /// poloidal circuit if there is a branch cut + virtual std::pair hasBranchCutLower(int jx) const = 0; + + /// Is there a branch cut at this processor's upper y-boundary? + /// + /// @param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X + /// @returns pair - bool is true if there is a branch cut, + /// BoutReal gives the total zShift for a 2pi + /// poloidal circuit if there is a branch cut + virtual std::pair hasBranchCutUpper(int jx) const = 0; virtual int ySize(int jx) const; ///< The number of points in Y at fixed X index \p jx @@ -328,19 +389,25 @@ class Mesh { virtual bool lastY() const = 0; ///< Is this processor last in Y? i.e. is there a boundary at upper Y? virtual bool firstY(int xpos) const = 0; ///< Is this processor first in Y? i.e. is there a boundary at lower Y? virtual bool lastY(int xpos) const = 0; ///< Is this processor last in Y? i.e. is there a boundary at upper Y? + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual int UpXSplitIndex() = 0; ///< If the upper Y guard cells are split in two, return the X index where the split occurs + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual int DownXSplitIndex() = 0; ///< If the lower Y guard cells are split in two, return the X index where the split occurs /// Send data + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual int sendYOutIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; - /// + /// + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual int sendYOutOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual int sendYInIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual int sendYInOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// Non-blocking receive. Must be followed by a call to wait() @@ -348,6 +415,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[out] buffer A buffer of length \p size which must already be allocated /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals expected /// @param[in] tag The tag number of the expected message + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual comm_handle irecvYOutIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// Non-blocking receive. Must be followed by a call to wait() @@ -355,6 +423,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[out] buffer A buffer of length \p size which must already be allocated /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals expected /// @param[in] tag The tag number of the expected message + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual comm_handle irecvYOutOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// Non-blocking receive. Must be followed by a call to wait() @@ -362,6 +431,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[out] buffer A buffer of length \p size which must already be allocated /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals expected /// @param[in] tag The tag number of the expected message + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual comm_handle irecvYInIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; /// Non-blocking receive. Must be followed by a call to wait() @@ -369,6 +439,7 @@ class Mesh { /// @param[out] buffer A buffer of length \p size which must already be allocated /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals expected /// @param[in] tag The tag number of the expected message + [[gnu::deprecated("This experimental functionality will be removed in 5.0")]] virtual comm_handle irecvYInOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag) = 0; // Boundary region iteration @@ -389,13 +460,13 @@ class Mesh { // Boundary regions /// Return a vector containing all the boundary regions on this processor - virtual vector getBoundaries() = 0; + virtual std::vector getBoundaries() = 0; /// Add a boundary region to this processor virtual void addBoundary(BoundaryRegion* UNUSED(bndry)) {} /// Get all the parallel (Y) boundaries on this processor - virtual vector getBoundariesPar() = 0; + virtual std::vector getBoundariesPar() = 0; /// Add a parallel(Y) boundary to this processor virtual void addBoundaryPar(BoundaryRegionPar* UNUSED(bndry)) {} @@ -414,18 +485,51 @@ class Mesh { int OffsetX, OffsetY, OffsetZ; ///< Offset of this mesh within the global array ///< so startx on this processor is OffsetX in global - /// Returns the global X index given a local indexs + /// Returns the global X index given a local index /// If the local index includes the boundary cells, then so does the global. - virtual int XGLOBAL(int xloc) const = 0; + [[gnu::deprecated("Use getGlobalXIndex instead")]] + int XGLOBAL(int xloc) const { return getGlobalXIndex(xloc); } /// Returns the global Y index given a local index /// The local index must include the boundary, the global index does not. - virtual int YGLOBAL(int yloc) const = 0; + [[gnu::deprecated("Use getGlobalYIndex or getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries instead")]] + virtual int YGLOBAL(int yloc) const { return getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(yloc); } + + /// Returns the local X index given a global index + /// If the global index includes the boundary cells, then so does the local. + virtual int XLOCAL(int xglo) const = 0; + /// Returns the local Y index given a global index + /// If the global index includes the boundary cells, then so does the local. + virtual int YLOCAL(int yglo) const = 0; + + /// Returns a global X index given a local index. + /// Global index includes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. + virtual int getGlobalXIndex(int xlocal) const = 0; + + /// Returns a global X index given a local index. + /// Global index excludes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. + virtual int getGlobalXIndexNoBoundaries(int xlocal) const = 0; + + /// Returns a global Y index given a local index. + /// Global index includes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. + virtual int getGlobalYIndex(int ylocal) const = 0; + + /// Returns a global Y index given a local index. + /// Global index excludes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. + virtual int getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(int ylocal) const = 0; + + /// Returns a global Z index given a local index. + /// Global index includes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. + virtual int getGlobalZIndex(int zlocal) const = 0; + + /// Returns a global Z index given a local index. + /// Global index excludes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. + virtual int getGlobalZIndexNoBoundaries(int zlocal) const = 0; /// Size of the mesh on this processor including guard/boundary cells int LocalNx, LocalNy, LocalNz; /// Local ranges of data (inclusive), excluding guard cells - int xstart, xend, ystart, yend; + int xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend; /// Enable staggered grids (Centre, Lower). Otherwise all vars are /// cell centred (default). @@ -434,6 +538,8 @@ class Mesh { /// Include integrated shear (if shifting X) bool IncIntShear{false}; + int numberOfXPoints{0}; + /// Coordinate system Coordinates *getCoordinates(const CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE) { return getCoordinatesSmart(location).get(); @@ -444,145 +550,184 @@ class Mesh { ASSERT1(location != CELL_DEFAULT); ASSERT1(location != CELL_VSHIFT); - if (coords_map.count(location)) { // True branch most common, returns immediately - return coords_map[location]; - } else { - // No coordinate system set. Create default - // Note that this can't be allocated here due to incomplete type - // (circular dependency between Mesh and Coordinates) - coords_map.emplace(location, createDefaultCoordinates(location)); - return coords_map[location]; + auto found = coords_map.find(location); + if (found != coords_map.end()) { + // True branch most common, returns immediately + return found->second; } + + // No coordinate system set. Create default + // Note that this can't be allocated here due to incomplete type + // (circular dependency between Mesh and Coordinates) + auto inserted = coords_map.emplace(location, nullptr); + inserted.first->second = createDefaultCoordinates(location); + return inserted.first->second; } + /// Returns the non-CELL_CENTRE location + /// allowed as a staggered location + CELL_LOC getAllowedStaggerLoc(DIRECTION direction) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + switch (direction) { + case (DIRECTION::X): + return CELL_XLOW; + case (DIRECTION::Y): + case (DIRECTION::YOrthogonal): + case (DIRECTION::YAligned): + return CELL_YLOW; + case (DIRECTION::Z): + return CELL_ZLOW; + default: + throw BoutException("Unhandled direction encountered in getAllowedStaggerLoc"); + } + }; + + /// Returns the number of grid points in the + /// particular direction + int getNpoints(DIRECTION direction) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + switch (direction) { + case (DIRECTION::X): + return LocalNx; + case (DIRECTION::Y): + case (DIRECTION::YOrthogonal): + case (DIRECTION::YAligned): + return LocalNy; + case (DIRECTION::Z): + return LocalNz; + default: + throw BoutException("Unhandled direction encountered in getNpoints"); + } + }; + + /// Returns the number of guard points in the + /// particular direction + int getNguard(DIRECTION direction) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + switch (direction) { + case (DIRECTION::X): + return xstart; + case (DIRECTION::Y): + case (DIRECTION::YOrthogonal): + case (DIRECTION::YAligned): + return ystart; + case (DIRECTION::Z): + return 2; + default: + throw BoutException("Unhandled direction encountered in getNguard"); + } + }; + /// Re-calculate staggered Coordinates, useful if CELL_CENTRE Coordinates are changed void recalculateStaggeredCoordinates(); - Coordinates *DEPRECATED(coordinates(const CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE)) { - return getCoordinates(location); + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // INDEX DERIVATIVE OPERATORS + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + ////// Utilties and parameters + + /// Fraction of modes to filter. This is set in derivs_init from option "ddz:fft_filter" + BoutReal fft_derivs_filter{0.0}; + + /// Determines the resultant output stagger location in derivatives + /// given the input and output location. Also checks that the + /// combination of locations is allowed + STAGGER getStagger(const CELL_LOC inloc, const CELL_LOC outloc, + const CELL_LOC allowedloc) const; + + /// Determines the resultant output stagger location in derivatives + /// given the input and output location. Also checks that the + /// combination of locations is allowed. This overload also checks + /// the location of a second input field (velocity) is consistent. + STAGGER getStagger(const CELL_LOC vloc, const CELL_LOC inloc, const CELL_LOC outloc, + const CELL_LOC allowedloc) const; + + // All of these derivative routines should probably be moved out of mesh to become + // free functions. As an intermediate step the member routines could just call the + // free functions. + + ////// STANDARD OPERATORS + + ////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + template + DEPRECATED(T indexDDX(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, outloc, method, region); } - // First derivatives in index space - // Implemented in src/mesh/index_derivs.hxx + template + DEPRECATED(T indexD2DX2(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::D2DX2(f, outloc, method, region); + } - /// Fraction of modes to filter. This is set in derivs_init from - /// option "ddz:fft_filter" - BoutReal fft_derivs_filter{0.0}; + template + DEPRECATED(T indexD4DX4(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DX4(f, outloc, method, region); + } - /// First derivative in X direction, in index space - const Field3D indexDDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// First derivative in X direction, in index space - const Field2D indexDDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region= RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// First derivative in Y direction in index space - const Field3D indexDDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// First derivative in Y direction in index space - const Field2D indexDDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// First derivative in Z direction in index space - const Field3D indexDDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field3D indexDDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - bool inc_xbndry) { - return indexDDZ(f, outloc, method, inc_xbndry? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); - } - /// First derivative in Z direction in index space - const Field2D indexDDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - - // Second derivatives in index space - // Implemented in src/mesh/index_derivs.hxx - - /// Second derivative in X direction in index space - /// - /// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated - /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired - /// @param[in] method The differencing method to use, overriding default - /// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated. - const Field3D indexD2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Second derivative in X direction in index space - const Field2D indexD2DX2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - - /// Second derivative in Y direction in index space - /// - /// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated - /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired - /// @param[in] method The differencing method to use, overriding default - /// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated. - const Field3D indexD2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Second derivative in Y direction in index space - const Field2D indexD2DY2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - - /// Second derivative in Z direction in index space - /// - /// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated - /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired - /// @param[in] method The differencing method to use, overriding default - /// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated. - const Field3D indexD2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region); - const Field3D indexD2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, bool inc_xbndry) { - return indexD2DZ2(f,outloc, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); - } - - // Fourth derivatives in index space - /// Fourth derivative in X direction in index space - const Field3D indexD4DX4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Fourth derivative in X direction in index space - const Field2D indexD4DX4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Fourth derivative in Y direction in index space - const Field3D indexD4DY4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Fourth derivative in Y direction in index space - const Field2D indexD4DY4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Fourth derivative in Z direction in index space - const Field3D indexD4DZ4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Fourth derivative in Z direction in index space - const Field2D indexD4DZ4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - - // Advection schemes + ////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - /// Advection operator in index space in X direction - /// - /// \f[ - /// v \frac{d}{di} f - /// \f] - /// - /// @param[in] v The velocity in the X direction - /// @param[in] f The field being advected - /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. - /// The default is the same as \p f - /// @param[in] method The differencing method to use - /// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated - const Field2D indexVDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field3D indexVDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); + template + DEPRECATED(T indexDDY(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::DDY(f, outloc, method, region); + } - /// Advection operator in index space in Y direction + template + DEPRECATED(T indexD2DY2(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::D2DY2(f, outloc, method, region); + } + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexD4DY4(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DY4(f, outloc, method, region); + } + + ////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + template + DEPRECATED(T indexDDZ(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::DDZ(f, outloc, method, region); + } + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexD2DZ2(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::D2DZ2(f, outloc, method, region); + } + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexD4DZ4(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region); + } + + ////// ADVECTION AND FLUX OPERATORS + + /// Advection operator in index space in [] direction /// /// \f[ /// v \frac{d}{di} f @@ -590,78 +735,111 @@ class Mesh { /// /// @param[in] v The velocity in the Y direction /// @param[in] f The field being advected - /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. The default is the same as \p f + /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. The default is the + /// same as \p f /// @param[in] method The differencing method to use /// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated. - const Field2D indexVDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field3D indexVDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Advection operator in index space in Z direction - /// - /// \f[ - /// v \frac{d}{di} f - /// \f] - /// - /// @param[in] v The velocity in the Z direction - /// @param[in] f The field being advected - /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. The default is the same as \p f - /// @param[in] method The differencing method to use - /// @param[in] region The region of the grid for which the result is calculated. - const Field3D indexVDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - - const Field2D indexFDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field3D indexFDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field2D indexFDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field3D indexFDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - const Field3D indexFDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Derivative functions of a single field stencil - typedef BoutReal (*deriv_func)(stencil &); - /// Derivative functions of a BoutReal velocity, and field stencil - typedef BoutReal (*upwind_func)(BoutReal, stencil &); - /// Derivative functions of a velocity field, and field stencil v, f - typedef BoutReal (*flux_func)(stencil&, stencil &); - - /// Transform a field into field-aligned coordinates - const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) { - return getParallelTransform().toFieldAligned(f); - } - /// Convert back into standard form - const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) { - return getParallelTransform().fromFieldAligned(f); + ////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexVDDX(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDX(vel, f, outloc, method, region); + } + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexFDDX(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDX(vel, f, outloc, method, region); + } + + ////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexVDDY(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDY(vel, f, outloc, method, region); + } + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexFDDY(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDY(vel, f, outloc, method, region); + } + + ////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexVDDZ(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDZ(vel, f, outloc, method, region); + } + + template + DEPRECATED(T indexFDDZ(const T& vel, const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) const) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDZ(vel, f, outloc, method, region); } + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use free function toFieldAligned instead")]] + const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f, const REGION region = RGN_ALL) { + return ::toFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use free function fromFieldAligned instead")]] + const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f, const REGION region = RGN_ALL) { + return ::fromFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use free function toFieldAligned instead")]] + const Field2D toFieldAligned(const Field2D &f, const REGION region = RGN_ALL) { + return ::toFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use free function fromFieldAligned instead")]] + const Field2D fromFieldAligned(const Field2D &f, const REGION region = RGN_ALL) { + return ::fromFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use " + "Coordinates::getParallelTransform().canToFromFieldAligned instead")]] bool canToFromFieldAligned() { - return getParallelTransform().canToFromFieldAligned(); + return getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().canToFromFieldAligned(); } - /*! - * Unique pointer to ParallelTransform object - */ - typedef std::unique_ptr PTptr; - - /*! - * Set the parallel (y) transform for this mesh. - * Unique pointer used so that ParallelTransform will be deleted - */ - void setParallelTransform(PTptr pt) { - transform = std::move(pt); + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::setParallelTransform instead")]] + void setParallelTransform(std::unique_ptr pt) { + getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform(std::move(pt)); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("This call is now unnecessary")]] + void setParallelTransform() { + // The ParallelTransform is set from options in the Coordinates + // constructor, so this method doesn't need to do anything } - /*! - * Set the parallel (y) transform from the options file - */ - void setParallelTransform(); - ///////////////////////// - // Region related routines - ///////////////////////// + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Coordinates::getParallelTransform instead")]] + ParallelTransform& getParallelTransform() { + return getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform(); + } + + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // REGION RELATED ROUTINES + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The maxregionblocksize to use when creating the default regions. // Can be set in the input file and the global default is set by, @@ -678,6 +856,11 @@ class Mesh { const Region &getRegion2D(const std::string ®ion_name) const; const Region &getRegionPerp(const std::string ®ion_name) const; + /// Indicate if named region has already been defined + bool hasRegion3D(const std::string& region_name) const; + bool hasRegion2D(const std::string& region_name) const; + bool hasRegionPerp(const std::string& region_name) const; + /// Add a new region to the region_map for the data iterator /// /// Outputs an error message if region_name already exists @@ -718,16 +901,11 @@ class Mesh { /// /// Creates RGN_{ALL,NOBNDRY,NOX,NOY} void createDefaultRegions(); - - /*! - * Return the parallel transform, setting it if need be - */ - ParallelTransform& getParallelTransform(); - + protected: - + /// Source for grid data - GridDataSource *source{nullptr}; + GridDataSource* source{nullptr}; /// Coordinate systems at different CELL_LOCs std::map> coords_map; @@ -735,42 +913,28 @@ protected: /// Mesh options section Options *options{nullptr}; - /// Handles calculation of yup and ydown - PTptr transform{nullptr}; + /// Set whether to call calcParallelSlices on all communicated fields (true) or not (false) + bool calcParallelSlices_on_communicate{true}; /// Read a 1D array of integers - const vector readInts(const string &name, int n); + const std::vector readInts(const std::string &name, int n); /// Calculates the size of a message for a given x and y range - int msg_len(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt); + int msg_len(const std::vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt); /// Initialise derivatives void derivs_init(Options* options); - /// Loop over mesh, applying a stencil in the X direction - const Field2D applyXdiff(const Field2D &var, deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - - const Field3D applyXdiff(const Field3D &var, deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - - const Field2D applyYdiff(const Field2D &var, deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - - const Field3D applyYdiff(const Field3D &var, deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - - const Field3D applyZdiff(const Field3D &var, Mesh::deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - private: + /// Allocates default Coordinates objects - std::shared_ptr createDefaultCoordinates(const CELL_LOC location); + /// By default attempts to read staggered Coordinates from grid data source, + /// interpolating from CELL_CENTRE if not present. Set + /// force_interpolate_from_centre argument to true to always interpolate + /// (useful if CELL_CENTRE Coordinates have been changed, so reading from file + /// would not be correct). + std::shared_ptr createDefaultCoordinates(const CELL_LOC location, + bool force_interpolate_from_centre=false); //Internal region related information std::map> regionMap3D; @@ -780,4 +944,3 @@ private: }; #endif // __MESH_H__ - diff --git a/include/bout/monitor.hxx b/include/bout/monitor.hxx index 2a4cc3459b..7c4de8137b 100644 --- a/include/bout/monitor.hxx +++ b/include/bout/monitor.hxx @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ #include +class Datafile; class Solver; /// Return true if either \p a is a multiple of \p b or vice-versa @@ -32,9 +33,9 @@ class Monitor{ public: /// A \p timestep_ of -1 defaults to the the frequency of the BOUT++ /// output monitor - Monitor(BoutReal timestep_ = -1) : timestep(timestep_){}; + Monitor(BoutReal timestep_ = -1) : timestep(timestep_) {}; - virtual ~Monitor(){}; + virtual ~Monitor() = default; /// Callback function for the solver, called after timestep_ has passed /// @@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public: /// @param[in] nout The total number of iterations for this simulation /// /// @returns non-zero if simulation should be stopped - virtual int call(Solver *solver, BoutReal time, int iter, int nout) = 0; + virtual int call(Solver* solver, BoutReal time, int iter, int nout) = 0; /// Callback function for when a clean shutdown is initiated virtual void cleanup(){}; @@ -59,15 +60,68 @@ protected: void setTimestep(BoutReal new_timestep) { if (is_added) { throw BoutException("Monitor::set_timestep - Error: Monitor has already" - "been added to a Solver, so timestep cannot be changed."); + "been added to a Solver, so timestep cannot be changed."); } timestep = new_timestep; } private: - bool is_added = false; ///< Set to true when Monitor is added to a Solver - BoutReal timestep; - int freq; + /// Set to true when Monitor is added to a Solver + bool is_added{false}; + /// The desired physical timestep + BoutReal timestep{-1}; + /// How often this monitor should be called, in internal Solver steps + int period{1}; }; +struct RunMetrics { + public: + /// cumulative wall clock time in seconds + BoutReal t_elapsed = 0; + /// time step's wall clock time in seconds + BoutReal wtime = 0; + + /// number of RHS calls + int ncalls = 0; + /// number of RHS calls for fast timescale + int ncalls_e = 0; + /// number of RHS calls for slow timescale + int ncalls_i = 0; + + /// wall time spent calculating RHS + BoutReal wtime_rhs = 0; + /// wall time spent inverting Laplacian + BoutReal wtime_invert = 0; + /// wall time spent communicating (part of RHS) + BoutReal wtime_comms = 0; + /// wall time spent on I/O + BoutReal wtime_io = 0; + + // Derived metrics + + /// wall time per RHS evaluation + BoutReal wtime_per_rhs = 0; + /// wall time per fast timescale RHS evaluation + BoutReal wtime_per_rhs_e = 0; + /// wall time per slow timescale RHS evaluation + BoutReal wtime_per_rhs_i = 0; + + /*! + * Adds variables to the output file, for post-processing + */ + void outputVars(Datafile &file); + + /*! + * Calculates derived metrics + */ + void calculateDerivedMetrics(); + + /*! + * Write job progress to screen + */ + void writeProgress(BoutReal simtime, bool output_split); + +}; + + #endif // __MONITOR_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/operators_di.hxx b/include/bout/operators_di.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 51923cbc03..0000000000 --- a/include/bout/operators_di.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ - -#pragma once - -#ifndef __OPERATORS_DI_H__ -#define __OPERATORS_DI_H__ - -#include -#include -#include - -/// \brief 2nd order central differencing in X -/// -/// Performs calculation at a single point. The input field -/// must be defined at i.xp() and i.xm() -/// -/// @param f The field to be differentiated -/// @param i The point where the result is calculated -/// -inline BoutReal DDX_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f[i.xp()] - f[i.xm()])/(2.*f.getCoordinates()->dx[i]); -} - -/// \brief 2nd order central differencing in Y using yup/down fields -/// -/// @param f The field to be differentiated -/// @param i The point where the result is calculated -/// -inline BoutReal DDY_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f.yup()[i.yp()] - f.ydown()[i.ym()])/(2.*f.getCoordinates()->dy[i]); -} - -/// \brief 2nd order central differencing in Y assuming field aligned -/// -/// @param f The field to be differentiated (field aligned) -/// @param i The point where the result is calculated -/// -inline BoutReal DDY_C2_FA(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f[i.yp()] - f[i.ym()])/(2.*f.getCoordinates()->dy[i]); -} - -/// \brief 2nd order central differencing in Z -/// -/// @param f The field to be differentiated -/// @param i The point where the result is calculated -/// -inline BoutReal DDZ_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - return (f[i.zp()] - f[i.zm()])/(2.*f.getCoordinates()->dz); -} - - -/// -/// d/dx( g^xx df/dx + g^xz df/dz) + d/dz( g^zz df/dz + g^xz df/dx) -/// -BoutReal Delp2_C2(const Field3D &f, const DataIterator &i) { - Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); - - // o -- UZ -- o - // | | - // LX RX - // | | - // o -- DZ -- o - - // Upper Z boundary (UZ) - - -} - -/// \brief Arakawa bracket in X-Z [f,g] -/// -/// @param[in] f Field to be differentiated -/// @param[in] g Field to be differentiated -/// @param[in] i The point where the result is calculated -BoutReal bracket_arakawa(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, const DataIterator &i) { - Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); - - // Indexing - const auto xp = i.xp(); - const auto xm = i.xm(); - const auto zp = i.zp(); - const auto zm = i.zm(); - - const auto xpzp = i.offset(1,0,1); - const auto xpzm = i.offset(1,0,-1); - const auto xmzp = i.offset(-1,0,1); - const auto xmzm = i.offset(-1,0,-1); - - const BoutReal fxp = f[xp]; - const BoutReal fxm = f[xm]; - const BoutReal fzp = f[zp]; - const BoutReal fzm = f[zm]; - - const BoutReal fpp = f[xpzp]; - const BoutReal fpm = f[xpzm]; - const BoutReal fmp = f[xmzp]; - const BoutReal fmm = f[xmzm]; - - const BoutReal gxp = g[xp]; - const BoutReal gxm = g[xm]; - const BoutReal gzp = g[zp]; - const BoutReal gzm = g[zm]; - - // J++ = DDZ(f)*DDX(g) - DDX(f)*DDZ(g) - BoutReal Jpp = - (fzp - fzm) * (gxp - gxm) - - (fxp - fxm) * (gzp - gzm); - - // J+x - BoutReal Jpx = - gxp * (fpp - fpm) - - gxm * (fmp - fmm) - - gzp * (fpp - fmp) - + gzm * (fpm - fmm); - - // Jx+ - BoutReal Jxp = - g[xpzp] * (fzp - fxp) - - g[xmzm] * (fxm - fzm) - - g[xmzp] * (fzp - fxm) - + g[xpzm] * (fxp - fzm); - - return (Jpp + Jpx + Jxp) / (12. * metric->dx[i] * metric->dz); -} - -#endif // __OPERATORS_DI_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/paralleltransform.hxx b/include/bout/paralleltransform.hxx index a25540354a..5ad8c729e1 100644 --- a/include/bout/paralleltransform.hxx +++ b/include/bout/paralleltransform.hxx @@ -6,15 +6,12 @@ #ifndef __PARALLELTRANSFORM_H__ #define __PARALLELTRANSFORM_H__ -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include "bout_types.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" class Mesh; -#include - /*! * Calculates the values of a field along the magnetic * field (y direction) @@ -25,61 +22,133 @@ class Mesh; */ class ParallelTransform { public: - virtual ~ParallelTransform() {} + ParallelTransform(Mesh& mesh_in) : mesh(mesh_in) {} + virtual ~ParallelTransform() = default; /// Given a 3D field, calculate and set the Y up down fields - virtual void calcYUpDown(Field3D &f) = 0; + virtual void calcParallelSlices(Field3D &f) = 0; + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use ParallelTransform::calcParallelSlices instead")]] + void calcYupYdown(Field3D& f) { + calcParallelSlices(f); + } /// Calculate Yup and Ydown fields by integrating over mapped points /// This should be used for parallel divergence operators - virtual void integrateYUpDown(Field3D &f) { - return calcYUpDown(f); + virtual void integrateParallelSlices(Field3D &f) { + return calcParallelSlices(f); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use ParallelTransform::integrateParallelSlices instead")]] + void integrateYupYdown(Field3D& f) { + integrateParallelSlices(f); } - /// Convert a 3D field into field-aligned coordinates + /// Convert a field into field-aligned coordinates /// so that the y index is along the magnetic field - virtual const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) = 0; + virtual const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") = 0; + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use toFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] + const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { + return toFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } + virtual const FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp &f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") = 0; + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] + const FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { + return toFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } /// Convert back from field-aligned coordinates /// into standard form - virtual const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) = 0; + virtual const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") = 0; + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use fromFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] + const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { + return fromFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } + virtual const FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp &f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") = 0; + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] + const FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { + return fromFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); + } virtual bool canToFromFieldAligned() = 0; -}; + /// Output variables used by a ParallelTransform instance to the dump files + virtual void outputVars(Datafile& UNUSED(file)) {} + + /// If \p twist_shift_enabled is true, does a `Field3D` with Y direction \p ytype + /// require a twist-shift at branch cuts on closed field lines? + virtual bool requiresTwistShift(bool twist_shift_enabled, YDirectionType ytype) = 0; + +protected: + /// This method should be called in the constructor to check that if the grid + /// has a 'parallel_transform' variable, it has the correct value + virtual void checkInputGrid() = 0; + + Mesh &mesh; ///< The mesh this paralleltransform is part of +}; /*! * This class implements the simplest form of ParallelTransform - * where the domain is a logically rectangular domain, and + * where the domain is a logically rectangular domain, and * yup() and ydown() refer to the same field. */ class ParallelTransformIdentity : public ParallelTransform { public: + ParallelTransformIdentity(Mesh& mesh_in) : ParallelTransform(mesh_in) { + // check the coordinate system used for the grid data source + ParallelTransformIdentity::checkInputGrid(); + } + /*! * Merges the yup and ydown() fields of f, so that * f.yup() = f.ydown() = f - */ - void calcYUpDown(Field3D &f) override {f.mergeYupYdown();} - + */ + void calcParallelSlices(Field3D& f) override; + /*! * The field is already aligned in Y, so this * does nothing - */ - const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) override { - return f; + */ + const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { + ASSERT2(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + Field3D result = f; + return result.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); } - + const FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { + ASSERT2(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + FieldPerp result = f; + return result.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + } + /*! * The field is already aligned in Y, so this * does nothing */ - const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) override { - return f; + const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { + ASSERT2(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); + Field3D result = f; + return result.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Standard); + } + const FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { + ASSERT2(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); + FieldPerp result = f; + return result.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Standard); } - bool canToFromFieldAligned() override{ - return true; + bool canToFromFieldAligned() override { return true; } + + bool requiresTwistShift(bool twist_shift_enabled, YDirectionType UNUSED(ytype)) override { + // All Field3Ds require twist-shift, because all are effectively field-aligned, but + // allow twist-shift to be turned off by twist_shift_enabled + return twist_shift_enabled; } + +protected: + void checkInputGrid() override; }; /*! @@ -93,56 +162,98 @@ public: class ShiftedMetric : public ParallelTransform { public: ShiftedMetric() = delete; - ShiftedMetric(Mesh &mesh); - + ShiftedMetric(Mesh& mesh, CELL_LOC location, Field2D zShift, BoutReal zlength_in); + /*! * Calculates the yup() and ydown() fields of f * by taking FFTs in Z and applying a phase shift. - */ - void calcYUpDown(Field3D &f) override; - + */ + void calcParallelSlices(Field3D& f) override; + /*! * Uses FFTs and a phase shift to align the grid points - * with the y coordinate (along magnetic field usually). - * + * with the y coordinate (along magnetic field usually). + * * Note that the returned field will no longer be orthogonal - * in X-Z, and the metric tensor will need to be changed + * in X-Z, and the metric tensor will need to be changed * if X derivatives are used. */ - const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) override; + const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") override; + const FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") override; /*! * Converts a field back to X-Z orthogonal coordinates * from field aligned coordinates. */ - const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &f) override; + const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") override; + const FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") override; + + bool canToFromFieldAligned() override { return true; } - bool canToFromFieldAligned() override{ - return true; + /// Save zShift to the output + void outputVars(Datafile& file) override; + + bool requiresTwistShift(bool twist_shift_enabled, YDirectionType ytype) override { + // Twist-shift only if field-aligned + if (ytype == YDirectionType::Aligned and not twist_shift_enabled) { + throw BoutException("'TwistShift = true' is required to communicate field-aligned " + "Field3Ds when using ShiftedMetric."); + } + return ytype == YDirectionType::Aligned; } - /// A 3D array, implemented as nested vectors - typedef std::vector>> arr3Dvec; +protected: + void checkInputGrid() override; + private: - Mesh &mesh; ///< The mesh this paralleltransform is part of + CELL_LOC location{CELL_CENTRE}; /// This is the shift in toroidal angle (z) which takes a point from /// X-Z orthogonal to field-aligned along Y. Field2D zShift; - std::vector cmplx; ///< A temporary array, used for input/output to fft routines - std::vector cmplxLoc; ///< A temporary array, used for input/output to fft routines - arr3Dvec toAlignedPhs; ///< Cache of phase shifts for transforming from X-Z orthogonal coordinates to field-aligned coordinates - arr3Dvec fromAlignedPhs; ///< Cache of phase shifts for transforming from field-aligned coordinates to X-Z orthogonal coordinates + /// Length of the z-domain in radians + BoutReal zlength{0.}; + + int nmodes; + + Tensor toAlignedPhs; ///< Cache of phase shifts for transforming from X-Z + /// orthogonal coordinates to field-aligned coordinates + Tensor fromAlignedPhs; ///< Cache of phase shifts for transforming from + /// field-aligned coordinates to X-Z orthogonal + /// coordinates + + /// Helper POD for parallel slice phase shifts + struct ParallelSlicePhase { + Tensor phase_shift; + int y_offset; + }; - arr3Dvec yupPhs; ///< Cache of phase shifts for calculating yup fields - arr3Dvec ydownPhs; ///< Cache of phase shifts for calculating ydown fields + /// Cache of phase shifts for the parallel slices. Slices are stored + /// in the following order: + /// {+1, ..., +n, -1, ..., -n} + /// slice[i] stores offset i+1 + /// slice[2*i + 1] stores offset -(i+1) + /// where i goes from 0 to (n-1), with n the number of y guard cells + std::vector parallel_slice_phases; /*! - * Shift a 2D field in Z. + * Shift a 2D field in Z. * Since 2D fields are constant in Z, this has no effect */ - const Field2D shiftZ(const Field2D &f, const Field2D &UNUSED(zangle)){return f;}; + const Field2D shiftZ(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& UNUSED(zangle), + const std::string UNUSED(region) = "RGN_NOX") const { + return f; + }; + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use shiftZ(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& zangle, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOX\") instead")]] + const Field2D shiftZ(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& UNUSED(zangle), + REGION UNUSED(region)) const { + return f; + }; /*! * Shift a 3D field \p f in Z by the given \p zangle @@ -150,19 +261,32 @@ private: * @param[in] f The field to shift * @param[in] zangle Toroidal angle (z) * - */ - const Field3D shiftZ(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &zangle); + */ + const Field3D shiftZ(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& zangle, + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOX") const; + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use shiftZ(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& zangle, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOX\") instead")]] + const Field3D shiftZ(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& zangle, + REGION region) const { + return shiftZ(f, zangle, toString(region)); + }; /*! - * Shift a 3D field \p f by the given phase \p phs in Z + * Shift a 3D field or FieldPerp \p f by the given phase \p phs in Z * * Calculates FFT in Z, multiplies by the complex phase * and inverse FFTS. * * @param[in] f The field to shift * @param[in] phs The phase to shift by + * @param[in] y_direction_out The value to set yDirectionType of the result to */ - const Field3D shiftZ(const Field3D &f, const arr3Dvec &phs); + const Field3D shiftZ(const Field3D& f, const Tensor& phs, + const YDirectionType y_direction_out, + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOX") const; + const FieldPerp shiftZ(const FieldPerp& f, const Tensor& phs, + const YDirectionType y_direction_out, + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOX") const; /*! * Shift a given 1D array, assumed to be in Z, by the given \p zangle @@ -172,17 +296,29 @@ private: * @param[in] zangle The angle (z coordinate) to shift by * @param[out] out A 1D array of length \p len, already allocated */ - void shiftZ(const BoutReal *in, int len, BoutReal zangle, BoutReal *out); + void shiftZ(const BoutReal* in, int len, BoutReal zangle, BoutReal* out) const; /*! * Shift a given 1D array, assumed to be in Z, by the given \p zangle * * @param[in] in A 1D array of length mesh.LocalNz - * @param[in] phs Phase shift, assumed to have length (mesh.LocalNz/2 + 1) i.e. the number of modes + * @param[in] phs Phase shift, assumed to have length (mesh.LocalNz/2 + 1) i.e. the + * number of modes * @param[out] out A 1D array of length mesh.LocalNz, already allocated */ - void shiftZ(const BoutReal *in, const std::vector &phs, BoutReal *out); -}; + void shiftZ(const BoutReal* in, const dcomplex* phs, BoutReal* out) const; + + /// Calculate and store the phases for to/from field aligned and for + /// the parallel slices using zShift + void cachePhases(); + /// Shift a 3D field \p f in Z to all the parallel slices in \p phases + /// + /// @param[in] f The field to shift + /// @param[in] phases The phase and offset information for each parallel slice + /// @return The shifted parallel slices + std::vector shiftZ(const Field3D& f, + const std::vector& phases) const; +}; #endif // __PARALLELTRANSFORM_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/physicsmodel.hxx b/include/bout/physicsmodel.hxx index d41a81890d..064136a541 100644 --- a/include/bout/physicsmodel.hxx +++ b/include/bout/physicsmodel.hxx @@ -42,18 +42,20 @@ class PhysicsModel; #include #include "solver.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" #include "bout/macro_for_each.hxx" + /*! Base class for physics models */ class PhysicsModel { public: - typedef int (PhysicsModel::*preconfunc)(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta); - typedef int (PhysicsModel::*jacobianfunc)(BoutReal t); - + using preconfunc = int (PhysicsModel::*)(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta); + using jacobianfunc = int (PhysicsModel::*)(BoutReal t); + PhysicsModel(); - virtual ~PhysicsModel(); + virtual ~PhysicsModel() = default; /*! * Initialse the model, calling the init() and postInit() methods @@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ protected: void setJacobian(jacobianfunc jset) {userjacobian = jset;} /// This is set by a call to initialise, and can be used by models to specify evolving variables - Solver *solver; + Solver* solver{nullptr}; /*! * Specify a variable for the solver to evolve @@ -262,12 +264,13 @@ protected: public: PhysicsModelMonitor() = delete; PhysicsModelMonitor(PhysicsModel *model) : model(model) {} - int call(Solver* UNUSED(solver), BoutReal simtime, int iter, int nout) { + int call(Solver* UNUSED(solver), BoutReal simtime, int iter, int nout) override { // Save state to restart file model->restart.write(); // Call user output monitor return model->outputMonitor(simtime, iter, nout); } + private: PhysicsModel *model; }; @@ -275,11 +278,14 @@ protected: /// write restarts and pass outputMonitor method inside a Monitor subclass PhysicsModelMonitor modelMonitor; private: - bool splitop; ///< Split operator model? - preconfunc userprecon; ///< Pointer to user-supplied preconditioner function - jacobianfunc userjacobian; ///< Pointer to user-supplied Jacobian-vector multiply function - - bool initialised; ///< True if model already initialised + /// Split operator model? + bool splitop{false}; + /// Pointer to user-supplied preconditioner function + preconfunc userprecon{nullptr}; + /// Pointer to user-supplied Jacobian-vector multiply function + jacobianfunc userjacobian{nullptr}; + /// True if model already initialised + bool initialised{false}; }; /*! @@ -297,31 +303,28 @@ private: * * BOUTMAIN(MyModel); */ -#define BOUTMAIN(ModelClass) \ - int main(int argc, char **argv) { \ - int init_err = BoutInitialise(argc, argv); \ - if (init_err < 0) \ - return 0; \ - else if (init_err > 0) \ - return init_err; \ - try { \ - ModelClass *model = new ModelClass(); \ - Solver *solver = Solver::create(); \ - solver->setModel(model); \ - Monitor * bout_monitor = new BoutMonitor(); \ - solver->addMonitor(bout_monitor, Solver::BACK); \ - solver->outputVars(dump); \ - solver->solve(); \ - delete model; \ - delete solver; \ - delete bout_monitor; \ - }catch (BoutException &e) { \ - output << "Error encountered\n"; \ - output << e.what() << endl; \ - MPI_Abort(BoutComm::get(), 1); \ - } \ - BoutFinalise(); \ - return 0; \ +#define BOUTMAIN(ModelClass) \ + int main(int argc, char** argv) { \ + int init_err = BoutInitialise(argc, argv); \ + if (init_err < 0) \ + return 0; \ + else if (init_err > 0) \ + return init_err; \ + try { \ + auto model = bout::utils::make_unique(); \ + auto solver = std::unique_ptr(Solver::create()); \ + solver->setModel(model.get()); \ + auto bout_monitor = bout::utils::make_unique(); \ + solver->addMonitor(bout_monitor.get(), Solver::BACK); \ + solver->outputVars(bout::globals::dump); \ + solver->solve(); \ + } catch (const BoutException& e) { \ + output << "Error encountered\n"; \ + output << e.getBacktrace() << endl; \ + MPI_Abort(BoutComm::get(), 1); \ + } \ + BoutFinalise(); \ + return 0; \ } /// Macro to replace solver->add, passing variable name diff --git a/include/bout/region.hxx b/include/bout/region.hxx index 1af0ecfcb2..ec88541dad 100644 --- a/include/bout/region.hxx +++ b/include/bout/region.hxx @@ -226,6 +226,46 @@ public: int y() const { return (ind / nz) % ny; } int z() const { return (ind % nz); } + /// Templated routine to return index.?p(offset), where `?` is one of {x,y,z} + /// and is determined by the `dir` template argument. The offset corresponds + /// to the `dd` template argument. + template + const inline SpecificInd plus() const{ + static_assert(dir == DIRECTION::X || dir == DIRECTION::Y || dir == DIRECTION::Z + || dir == DIRECTION::YAligned || dir == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal, + "Unhandled DIRECTION in SpecificInd::plus"); + switch(dir) { + case(DIRECTION::X): + return xp(dd); + case(DIRECTION::Y): + case(DIRECTION::YAligned): + case(DIRECTION::YOrthogonal): + return yp(dd); + case(DIRECTION::Z): + return zp(dd); + } + } + + /// Templated routine to return index.?m(offset), where `?` is one of {x,y,z} + /// and is determined by the `dir` template argument. The offset corresponds + /// to the `dd` template argument. + template + const inline SpecificInd minus() const{ + static_assert(dir == DIRECTION::X || dir == DIRECTION::Y || dir == DIRECTION::Z + || dir == DIRECTION::YAligned || dir == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal, + "Unhandled DIRECTION in SpecificInd::minus"); + switch(dir) { + case(DIRECTION::X): + return xm(dd); + case(DIRECTION::Y): + case(DIRECTION::YAligned): + case(DIRECTION::YOrthogonal): + return ym(dd); + case(DIRECTION::Z): + return zm(dd); + } + } + const inline SpecificInd xp(int dx = 1) const { return {ind + (dx * ny * nz), ny, nz}; } /// The index one point -1 in x const inline SpecificInd xm(int dx = 1) const { return xp(-dx); } @@ -327,6 +367,23 @@ using Ind3D = SpecificInd; using Ind2D = SpecificInd; using IndPerp = SpecificInd; +/// Get string representation of Ind3D +inline const std::string toString(const Ind3D& i) { + return "(" + std::to_string(i.x()) + ", " + + std::to_string(i.y()) + ", " + + std::to_string(i.z()) + ")"; +} +/// Get string representation of Ind2D +inline const std::string toString(const Ind2D& i) { + return "(" + std::to_string(i.x()) + ", " + + std::to_string(i.y()) + ")"; +} +/// Get string representation of IndPerp +inline const std::string toString(const IndPerp& i) { + return "(" + std::to_string(i.x()) + ", " + + std::to_string(i.z()) + ")"; +} + /// Structure to hold various derived "statistics" from a particular region struct RegionStats { int numBlocks = 0; ///< How many blocks @@ -411,19 +468,19 @@ inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RegionStats &stats){ /// } template class Region { // Following prevents a Region being created with anything other - // than Ind2D or Ind3D as template type + // than Ind2D, Ind3D or IndPerp as template type static_assert(std::is_base_of::value || std::is_base_of::value || std::is_base_of::value, "Region must be templated with one of IndPerp, Ind2D or Ind3D"); public: - typedef T data_type; + using data_type = T; /// Indices to iterate over - typedef std::vector RegionIndices; + using RegionIndices = std::vector; /// Start and end of contiguous region. This describes a range [block.first,block.second) - typedef std::pair ContiguousBlock; + using ContiguousBlock = std::pair; /// Collection of contiguous regions - typedef std::vector ContiguousBlocks; + using ContiguousBlocks = std::vector; // NOTE:: // Probably want to require a mesh in constructor, both to know nx/ny/nz @@ -436,7 +493,7 @@ public: // Want to make this private to disable but think it may be needed as we put Regions // into maps which seems to need to be able to make "empty" objects. - Region(){}; + Region() = default; Region(int xstart, int xend, int ystart, int yend, int zstart, int zend, int ny, int nz, int maxregionblocksize = MAXREGIONBLOCKSIZE) @@ -475,7 +532,7 @@ public: }; /// Destructor - ~Region(){}; + ~Region() = default; /// Expose the iterator over indices for use in range-based /// for-loops or with STL algorithms, etc. @@ -513,7 +570,7 @@ public: }; /// Sort this Region in place - Region sort(){ + Region& sort() { *this = this->asSorted(); return *this; } @@ -535,7 +592,7 @@ public: } /// Make this Region unique in-place - Region unique(){ + Region& unique() { *this = this->asUnique(); return *this; } diff --git a/include/bout/rkscheme.hxx b/include/bout/rkscheme.hxx index 593de44519..56192a1188 100644 --- a/include/bout/rkscheme.hxx +++ b/include/bout/rkscheme.hxx @@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ class RKScheme; #include #include -using std::string; -using std::setw; #define RKSchemeType const char* #define RKSCHEME_RKF45 "rkf45" @@ -55,18 +53,18 @@ class RKScheme { //Options picks the scheme, pretty much everything else is automated RKScheme(Options *opts = nullptr); - virtual ~RKScheme(); + virtual ~RKScheme() = default; //Finish generic initialisation void init(int nlocalIn, int neqIn, bool adaptiveIn, BoutReal atolIn, - const BoutReal rtolIn, Options *options = nullptr); + BoutReal rtolIn, Options *options = nullptr); //Get the time at given stage BoutReal setCurTime(BoutReal timeIn,BoutReal dt,int curStage); //Get the state vector at given stage virtual void setCurState(const Array &start, Array &out,int curStage, - const BoutReal dt); + BoutReal dt); //Calculate the output state and return the error estimate (if adaptive) virtual BoutReal setOutputStates(const Array &start,BoutReal dt, Array &resultFollow); @@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ class RKScheme { virtual BoutReal updateTimestep(BoutReal dt,BoutReal err); //Returns the string name for the given scheme - virtual string getType(){return label;}; + virtual std::string getType(){return label;}; //Returns the number of stages for the current scheme int getStageCount(){return numStages;}; @@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ class RKScheme { protected: //Information about scheme bool followHighOrder; //If true the recommended solution is the higher order one. - string label; + std::string label; int numStages; //Number of stages in the scheme int numOrders; //Number of orders in the scheme int order; //Order of scheme @@ -112,10 +110,10 @@ class RKScheme { virtual BoutReal getErr(Array &solA, Array &solB); virtual void constructOutput(const Array &start,BoutReal dt, - const int index, Array &sol); + int index, Array &sol); virtual void constructOutputs(const Array &start,BoutReal dt, - const int indexFollow,int indexAlt, + int indexFollow,int indexAlt, Array &solFollow, Array &solAlt); private: diff --git a/include/bout/rvec.hxx b/include/bout/rvec.hxx index d3fe0dced0..5723c7372e 100644 --- a/include/bout/rvec.hxx +++ b/include/bout/rvec.hxx @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ #include #include -typedef std::vector rvec; +using rvec = std::vector; #endif // __RVEC_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/scorepwrapper.hxx b/include/bout/scorepwrapper.hxx index 1ae479270c..2fb1689632 100644 --- a/include/bout/scorepwrapper.hxx +++ b/include/bout/scorepwrapper.hxx @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ #ifndef __BOUT_SCOREP_H__ #define __BOUT_SCOREP_H__ +#include +#include "msg_stack.hxx" + #ifdef BOUT_HAS_SCOREP #include #endif @@ -9,17 +12,6 @@ #define SCOREPLVL 0 #endif -/// The __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ variable is defined by GCC (and some other families) but is not a part -/// of the standard. The __func__ variable *is* a part of the c++11 standard so we'd like to fall back -/// to this if possible. However as these are variables/constants and not macros we can't just -/// check if __PRETTY_FUNCITON__ is defined or not. Instead we need to say if we support this -/// or not by defining HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION (to be implemented in configure) -#ifdef HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION -#define __thefunc__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ -#else -#define __thefunc__ __func__ -#endif - /// Instrument a region/function with scorep /// /// The scorep call is identical for all levels, so just define it here. diff --git a/include/bout/snb.hxx b/include/bout/snb.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12fd7ef3ea --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/snb.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +#include "invert_parderiv.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" + +#include + +namespace bout { + +/// Calculate heat flux using the Shurtz-Nicolai-Busquet (SNB) model +/// +/// Useful references: +/// +/// Braginskii equations by R.Fitzpatrick: +/// http://farside.ph.utexas.edu/teaching/plasma/Plasmahtml/node35.html +/// +/// J.P.Brodrick et al 2017: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5001079 and +/// https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.08963 +/// +/// Shurtz, Nicolai and Busquet 2000: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1289512 +/// +class HeatFluxSNB { +public: + /// Construct using the options in the "snb" section. + HeatFluxSNB() : HeatFluxSNB(Options::root()["snb"]) {} + + /// Construct using options in given section. + explicit HeatFluxSNB(Options& options) { + invertpar = std::unique_ptr{InvertPar::Create()}; + + // Read options. Note that the defaults are initialised already + r = options["r"] + .doc("Scaling of the electron-electron mean free path") + .withDefault(r); + beta_max = options["beta_max"] + .doc("Maximum energy group to consider (multiple of eT)") + .withDefault(beta_max); + ngroups = options["ngroups"].doc("Number of energy groups").withDefault(ngroups); + } + + ~HeatFluxSNB() = default; + + HeatFluxSNB(HeatFluxSNB&&) = default; + HeatFluxSNB& operator=(HeatFluxSNB&&) = default; + + // No copy constructors because invertpar is std::unique_ptr + HeatFluxSNB(const HeatFluxSNB&) = delete; + HeatFluxSNB& operator=(const HeatFluxSNB&) = delete; + + /// Calculate divergence of heat flux + /// Te: Electron temperature in eV + /// Ne: Electron density in m^-3 + /// + /// Div_Q_SH_out : An optional output field to store the Spitzer-Harm heat flux + /// + /// Returns the divergence of heat flux in units of eV per cubic meter per second + /// -> multiply by e=1.602e-19 to get Watts per cubic meter. + Field3D divHeatFlux(const Field3D& Te, const Field3D& Ne, + Field3D* Div_Q_SH_out = nullptr); + +private: + /// Parallel inversion of tridiagonal matrices + std::unique_ptr invertpar{nullptr}; + + BoutReal Z{1}; ///< Average ion charge (1 = Hydrogen) + BoutReal r{2}; ///< Electron-electron mean free path scaling factor + BoutReal beta_max{10.0}; ///< Maximum energy group to consider (multiple of eT) + int ngroups{40}; ///< Number of energy groups + + /// Indefinite integral of beta^4 * exp(-beta) + /// with constant set to zero + BoutReal int_beta4_exp(BoutReal beta) { + return -exp(-beta) * (24 + beta * (24 + beta * (12 + beta * (4 + beta)))); + } + + /// (1/24) * Integral of beta^4 * exp(-beta) from beta_min to beta_max + BoutReal groupWeight(BoutReal beta_min, BoutReal beta_max) { + return (1. / 24) * (int_beta4_exp(beta_max) - int_beta4_exp(beta_min)); + } +}; + +} // namespace bout diff --git a/include/bout/solver.hxx b/include/bout/solver.hxx index 0b77c8d333..eaf75060cf 100644 --- a/include/bout/solver.hxx +++ b/include/bout/solver.hxx @@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ * Base class for all solvers. Specifies required interface functions * * Changelog: - * + * * 2009-08 Ben Dudson, Sean Farley * * Major overhaul, and changed API. Trying to make consistent * interface to PETSc and SUNDIALS solvers - * + * * 2013-08 Ben Dudson * * Added OO-style API, to allow multiple physics models to coexist * For now both APIs are supported - * + * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -33,37 +33,34 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -class Solver; +#ifndef __SOLVER_H__ +#define __SOLVER_H__ -#include -#include -#include -#include "bout/monitor.hxx" -#include "options.hxx" +#include "bout_types.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" #include "datafile.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" +#include "bout/monitor.hxx" -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -#ifndef __SOLVER_H__ -#define __SOLVER_H__ +#include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // C function pointer types +class Solver; + /// RHS function pointer -typedef int (*rhsfunc)(BoutReal); // C-style function pointer +using rhsfunc = int (*)(BoutReal); /// User-supplied preconditioner function -typedef int (*PhysicsPrecon)(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta); +using PhysicsPrecon = int (*)(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta); /// User-supplied Jacobian function -typedef int (*Jacobian)(BoutReal t); - +using Jacobian = int (*)(BoutReal t); /// Solution monitor, called each timestep -typedef int (*TimestepMonitorFunc)(Solver *solver, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt); - - +using TimestepMonitorFunc = int (*)(Solver* solver, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt); //#include "globals.hxx" #include "field2d.hxx" @@ -71,53 +68,57 @@ typedef int (*TimestepMonitorFunc)(Solver *solver, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal la #include "vector2d.hxx" #include "vector3d.hxx" +#define BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS #include "physicsmodel.hxx" +#undef BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS -#include #include -using std::string; - -typedef std::string SolverType; -#define SOLVERCVODE "cvode" -#define SOLVERPVODE "pvode" -#define SOLVERIDA "ida" -#define SOLVERPETSC "petsc" -#define SOLVERSLEPC "slepc" -#define SOLVERKARNIADAKIS "karniadakis" -#define SOLVERRK4 "rk4" -#define SOLVEREULER "euler" -#define SOLVERRK3SSP "rk3ssp" -#define SOLVERPOWER "power" -#define SOLVERARKODE "arkode" -#define SOLVERIMEXBDF2 "imexbdf2" -#define SOLVERSNES "snes" -#define SOLVERRKGENERIC "rkgeneric" - -enum SOLVER_VAR_OP {LOAD_VARS, LOAD_DERIVS, SET_ID, SAVE_VARS, SAVE_DERIVS}; +#include + +using SolverType = std::string; +constexpr auto SOLVERCVODE = "cvode"; +constexpr auto SOLVERPVODE = "pvode"; +constexpr auto SOLVERIDA = "ida"; +constexpr auto SOLVERPETSC = "petsc"; +constexpr auto SOLVERSLEPC = "slepc"; +constexpr auto SOLVERKARNIADAKIS = "karniadakis"; +constexpr auto SOLVERRK4 = "rk4"; +constexpr auto SOLVEREULER = "euler"; +constexpr auto SOLVERRK3SSP = "rk3ssp"; +constexpr auto SOLVERPOWER = "power"; +constexpr auto SOLVERARKODE = "arkode"; +constexpr auto SOLVERIMEXBDF2 = "imexbdf2"; +constexpr auto SOLVERSNES = "snes"; +constexpr auto SOLVERRKGENERIC = "rkgeneric"; + +enum class SOLVER_VAR_OP {LOAD_VARS, LOAD_DERIVS, SET_ID, SAVE_VARS, SAVE_DERIVS}; + +/// A type to set where in the list monitors are added +enum class MonitorPosition {BACK, FRONT}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Interface to integrators, mainly for time integration * - * + * * Creation * -------- - * + * * Solver is a base class and can't be created directly: - * + * * Solver *solver = Solver(); // Error - * + * * Instead, use the create() static function: - * + * * Solver *solver = Solver::create(); // ok * * By default this will use the options in the "solver" section * of the options, equivalent to: - * + * * Options *opts = Options::getRoot()->getSection("solver"); * Solver *solver = Solver::create(opts); - * + * * To use a different set of options, for example if there are * multiple solvers, use a different option section: * @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ enum SOLVER_VAR_OP {LOAD_VARS, LOAD_DERIVS, SET_ID, SAVE_VARS, SAVE_DERIVS}; * * Problem specification * --------------------- - * + * * The equations to be solved are specified in a PhysicsModel object * * class MyProblem : public PhysicsModel { @@ -147,131 +148,142 @@ enum SOLVER_VAR_OP {LOAD_VARS, LOAD_DERIVS, SET_ID, SAVE_VARS, SAVE_DERIVS}; * private: * Field3D f; // A variable to evolve * } - * + * * The init() and rhs() functions must be defined, but there * are other functions which can be defined. See PhysicsModel * documentation for details. - * + * * Create an object, then add to the solver: - * + * * MyProblem *prob = MyProblem(); * solver->setModel(prob); - * + * * Running simulation * ------------------ - * + * * To run a calculation - * + * * solver->solve(); - * - * This will use NOUT and TIMESTEP in the solver options + * + * This will use NOUT and TIMESTEP in the solver options * (specified during creation). If these are not present * then the global options will be used. - * + * * To specify NOUT and TIMESTEP, pass the values to solve: * * solver->solve(NOUT, TIMESTEP); */ class Solver { - public: - Solver(Options *opts = nullptr); - virtual ~Solver(); +public: + Solver(Options* opts = nullptr); + virtual ~Solver() = default; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // New API - - /*! - * Specify physics model to solve. Currently only one model - * can be evolved by a Solver. - */ - virtual void setModel(PhysicsModel *model); + + /// Specify physics model to solve. Currently only one model can be + /// evolved by a Solver. + virtual void setModel(PhysicsModel* model); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Old API - - virtual void setRHS(rhsfunc f) { phys_run = f; } ///< Set the RHS function - void setPrecon(PhysicsPrecon f) {prefunc = f;} ///< Specify a preconditioner (optional) - virtual void setJacobian(Jacobian UNUSED(j)) {} ///< Specify a Jacobian (optional) - virtual void setSplitOperator(rhsfunc fC, rhsfunc fD); ///< Split operator solves - + + /// Set the RHS function + virtual void setRHS(rhsfunc f) { phys_run = f; } + /// Specify a preconditioner (optional) + void setPrecon(PhysicsPrecon f) { prefunc = f; } + /// Specify a Jacobian (optional) + virtual void setJacobian(Jacobian UNUSED(j)) {} + /// Split operator solves + virtual void setSplitOperator(rhsfunc fC, rhsfunc fD); + ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Monitors - - enum MonitorPosition {BACK, FRONT}; ///< A type to set where in the list monitors are added - /// Add a monitor to be called every output - void addMonitor(Monitor * f, MonitorPosition pos=FRONT); - void removeMonitor(Monitor * f); ///< Remove a monitor function previously added + // Alternative names so that Solver::BACK and Solver::FRONT can be used as names for + // MonitorPositions, for backward compatibility. + static constexpr MonitorPosition BACK = MonitorPosition::BACK; + static constexpr MonitorPosition FRONT = MonitorPosition::FRONT; - void addTimestepMonitor(TimestepMonitorFunc f); ///< Add a monitor function to be called every timestep - void removeTimestepMonitor(TimestepMonitorFunc f); ///< Remove a previously added timestep monitor + /// Add a \p monitor to be called regularly + /// + /// The frequency at which the \p monitor is called is set by + /// `Monitor::timestep`. By default this is every output + /// timestep. When a new Monitor with a smaller timestep is added, + /// the solver attemps to adjust its internal timestep to match, as + /// well as adjusting the timesteps of the current set of Monitors + /// to be multiples of the new timestep. If this is not possible, + /// `addMonitor` will throw an exception. + /// + /// Adding new Monitors after the Solver has been initialised is + /// only possible if their timestep is a multiple of the Solver's + /// timestep. Smaller timesteps will throw an exception. + void addMonitor(Monitor* monitor, MonitorPosition pos = MonitorPosition::FRONT); + /// Remove a monitor function previously added + void removeMonitor(Monitor* monitor); + + /// Add a monitor function to be called every timestep + void addTimestepMonitor(TimestepMonitorFunc monitor); + /// Remove a previously added timestep monitor + void removeTimestepMonitor(TimestepMonitorFunc monitor); ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Routines to add variables. Solvers can just call these // (or leave them as-is) - - /*! - * Add a variable to be solved. This must be done - * in the initialisation stage, before the simulation starts. - */ - virtual void add(Field2D &v, const std::string name); - virtual void add(Field3D &v, const std::string name); - virtual void add(Vector2D &v, const std::string name); - virtual void add(Vector3D &v, const std::string name); - - /*! - * Returns true if constraints available - */ - virtual bool constraints() {return has_constraints; } - - /*! - * Add constraint functions (optional). These link a variable - * v to a control parameter C_v such that v is adjusted - * to keep C_v = 0. - */ - virtual void constraint(Field2D &v, Field2D &C_v, const std::string name); - virtual void constraint(Field3D &v, Field3D &C_v, const std::string name); - virtual void constraint(Vector2D &v, Vector2D &C_v, const std::string name); - virtual void constraint(Vector3D &v, Vector3D &C_v, const std::string name); - + + /// Add a variable to be solved. This must be done in the + /// initialisation stage, before the simulation starts. + virtual void add(Field2D& v, const std::string& name); + virtual void add(Field3D& v, const std::string& name); + virtual void add(Vector2D& v, const std::string& name); + virtual void add(Vector3D& v, const std::string& name); + + /// Returns true if constraints available + virtual bool constraints() { return has_constraints; } + + /// Add constraint functions (optional). These link a variable v to + /// a control parameter C_v such that v is adjusted to keep C_v = 0. + virtual void constraint(Field2D& v, Field2D& C_v, std::string name); + virtual void constraint(Field3D& v, Field3D& C_v, std::string name); + virtual void constraint(Vector2D& v, Vector2D& C_v, std::string name); + virtual void constraint(Vector3D& v, Vector3D& C_v, std::string name); + /// Set a maximum internal timestep (only for explicit schemes) - virtual void setMaxTimestep(BoutReal dt) {max_dt = dt;} - /// Return the current internal timestep - virtual BoutReal getCurrentTimestep() {return 0.0;} - - /*! - * Start the solver. By default solve() uses options - * to determine the number of steps and the output timestep. - * If nout and dt are specified here then the options are not used - * - * @param[in] nout Number of output timesteps - * @param[in] dt The time between outputs - */ - int solve(int nout=-1, BoutReal dt=0.0); + virtual void setMaxTimestep(BoutReal dt) { max_dt = dt; } + /// Return the current internal timestep + virtual BoutReal getCurrentTimestep() { return 0.0; } + + /// Start the solver. By default solve() uses options + /// to determine the number of steps and the output timestep. + /// If nout and dt are specified here then the options are not used + /// + /// @param[in] nout Number of output timesteps + /// @param[in] dt The time between outputs + int solve(int nout = -1, BoutReal dt = 0.0); /// Initialise the solver /// NOTE: nout and tstep should be passed to run, not init. /// Needed because of how the PETSc TS code works virtual int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep); - /*! - * Run the solver, calling monitors nout times, at intervals of tstep - * This function is called by solve(), and is specific to each solver type - * - * This should probably be protected, since it shouldn't be called - * by users. - */ + /// Run the solver, calling monitors nout times, at intervals of + /// tstep. This function is called by solve(), and is specific to + /// each solver type + /// + /// This should probably be protected, since it shouldn't be called + /// by users. virtual int run() = 0; - //Should wipe out internal field vector and reset from current field object data - virtual void resetInternalFields(){ - throw BoutException("resetInternalFields not supported by this Solver");} + /// Should wipe out internal field vector and reset from current field object data + virtual void resetInternalFields() { + throw BoutException("resetInternalFields not supported by this Solver"); + } // Solver status. Optional functions used to query the solver /// Number of 2D variables. Vectors count as 3 - virtual int n2Dvars() const {return f2d.size();} + virtual int n2Dvars() const { return f2d.size(); } /// Number of 3D variables. Vectors count as 3 - virtual int n3Dvars() const {return f3d.size();} + virtual int n3Dvars() const { return f3d.size(); } /// Get and reset the number of calls to the RHS function int resetRHSCounter(); @@ -279,134 +291,214 @@ class Solver { int resetRHSCounter_e(); /// Same but fur implicit timestep counter - for IMEX int resetRHSCounter_i(); - - /*! - * Test if this solver supports split operators (e.g. implicit/explicit) - */ - bool splitOperator() {return split_operator;} - bool canReset; - + /// Test if this solver supports split operators (e.g. implicit/explicit) + bool splitOperator() { return split_operator; } + + bool canReset{false}; + /// Add evolving variables to output (dump) file or restart file /// /// @param[inout] outputfile The file to add variable to /// @param[in] save_repeat If true, add variables with time dimension - void outputVars(Datafile &outputfile, bool save_repeat=true); - - /*! - * Create a Solver object. This uses the "type" option - * in the given Option section to determine which solver - * type to create. - */ - static Solver *create(Options *opts = nullptr); - - /*! - * Create a Solver object, specifying the type - */ - static Solver *create(SolverType &type, Options *opts = nullptr); - - /*! - * Pass the command-line arguments. This static function is - * called by BoutInitialise, and puts references - * into protected variables. These may then be used by Solvers - * to control behavior - * - */ - static void setArgs(int &c, char **&v) { pargc = &c; pargv = &v;} - + virtual void outputVars(Datafile& outputfile, bool save_repeat = true); + + /// Create a Solver object. This uses the "type" option in the given + /// Option section to determine which solver type to create. + static Solver* create(Options* opts = nullptr); + + /// Create a Solver object, specifying the type + static Solver* create(const SolverType& type, Options* opts = nullptr); + + /// Pass the command-line arguments. This static function is + /// called by BoutInitialise, and puts references + /// into protected variables. These may then be used by Solvers + /// to control behavior + static void setArgs(int& c, char**& v) { + pargc = &c; + pargv = &v; + } + protected: - - // Command-line arguments + /// Number of command-line arguments static int* pargc; + /// Command-line arguments static char*** pargv; - // Settings to use during initialisation (set by constructor) - Options *options; + /// Settings to use during initialisation (set by constructor) + Options* options{nullptr}; + + /// Number of processors + int NPES{1}; + /// This processor's index + int MYPE{0}; - int NPES, MYPE; ///< Number of processors and this processor's index - /// Calculate the number of evolving variables on this processor int getLocalN(); - + /// A structure to hold an evolving variable template - struct VarStr { - bool constraint; - T *var; - T *F_var; - T *MMS_err; // Error for MMS - CELL_LOC location; // For fields and vector components - bool covariant; // For vectors - bool evolve_bndry; // Are the boundary regions being evolved? - - string name; // Name of the variable - }; - - /// Vectors of variables to evolve - vector< VarStr > f2d; - vector< VarStr > f3d; - vector< VarStr > v2d; - vector< VarStr > v3d; - - bool has_constraints; ///< Can this solver.hxxandle constraints? Set to true if so. - bool initialised; ///< Has init been called yet? + struct VarStr { + bool constraint{false}; /// Does F_var represent a constraint? + T* var{nullptr}; /// The evolving variable + T* F_var{nullptr}; /// The time derivative or constraint on var + std::unique_ptr MMS_err{nullptr}; /// Error for MMS + CELL_LOC location{CELL_DEFAULT}; /// For fields and vector components + bool covariant{false}; /// For vectors + bool evolve_bndry{false}; /// Are the boundary regions being evolved? + std::string name; /// Name of the variable + }; + + /// Does \p var represent field \p name? + template + friend bool operator==(const VarStr& var, const std::string& name) { + return var.name == name; + } + + /// Does \p vars contain a field with \p name? + template + bool contains(const std::vector>& vars, const std::string& name) { + const auto in_vars = std::find(begin(vars), end(vars), name); + return in_vars != end(vars); + } + + /// Helper function for getLocalN: return the number of points to + /// evolve in \p f, plus the accumulator \p value + /// + /// If f.evolve_bndry, includes the boundary (NB: not guard!) points + /// + /// FIXME: This could be a lambda local to getLocalN with an `auto` + /// argument in C++14 + template + friend int local_N_sum(int value, const VarStr& f); - BoutReal simtime; ///< Current simulation time - int iteration; ///< Current iteration (output time-step) number + /// Vectors of variables to evolve + std::vector> f2d; + std::vector> f3d; + std::vector> v2d; + std::vector> v3d; + + /// Can this solver handle constraints? Set to true if so. + bool has_constraints{false}; + /// Has init been called yet? + bool initialised{false}; + + /// Current simulation time + BoutReal simtime{0.0}; + /// Current iteration (output time-step) number + int iteration{0}; + + /// Run the user's RHS function + int run_rhs(BoutReal t); + /// Calculate only the convective parts + int run_convective(BoutReal t); + /// Calculate only the diffusive parts + int run_diffusive(BoutReal t, bool linear = true); + + /// Calls all monitor functions + /// + /// There are two important things to note about how \p iter is + /// passed along to each monitor: + /// - The solvers all start their iteration numbering from zero, so the + /// initial state is calculated at \p iter = -1 + /// - Secondly, \p iter is passed along to each monitor *relative to + /// that monitor's period* + /// + /// In practice, this means that each monitor is called like: + /// + /// monitor->call(solver, simulation_time, + /// ((iter + 1) / monitor->period) - 1, + /// NOUT / monitor->period); + /// + /// e.g. for a monitor with period 10, passing \p iter = 9 will + /// result in it being called with a value of `(9 + 1)/10 - 1 == 0` + int call_monitors(BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT); - int run_rhs(BoutReal t); ///< Run the user's RHS function - int run_convective(BoutReal t); ///< Calculate only the convective parts - int run_diffusive(BoutReal t, bool linear=true); ///< Calculate only the diffusive parts - - int call_monitors(BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT); ///< Calls all monitor functions - - bool monitor_timestep; ///< Should timesteps be monitored? + /// Should timesteps be monitored? + bool monitor_timestep{false}; int call_timestep_monitors(BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt); - bool have_user_precon(); // Do we have a user preconditioner? + /// Do we have a user preconditioner? + bool have_user_precon(); int run_precon(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta); - + // Loading data from BOUT++ to/from solver - void load_vars(BoutReal *udata); - void load_derivs(BoutReal *udata); - void save_vars(BoutReal *udata); - void save_derivs(BoutReal *dudata); - void set_id(BoutReal *udata); - - // - const Field3D globalIndex(int localStart); - - BoutReal max_dt; ///< Maximum internal timestep - -private: - int rhs_ncalls,rhs_ncalls_e,rhs_ncalls_i; ///< Number of calls to the RHS function - bool initCalled=false; ///< Has the init function of the solver been called? - int freqDefault=1; ///< Default sampling rate at which to call monitors - same as output to screen - BoutReal timestep=-1; ///< timestep - shouldn't be changed after init is called. - PhysicsModel *model; ///< physics model being evolved + void load_vars(BoutReal* udata); + void load_derivs(BoutReal* udata); + void save_vars(BoutReal* udata); + void save_derivs(BoutReal* dudata); + void set_id(BoutReal* udata); - rhsfunc phys_run; ///< The user's RHS function - PhysicsPrecon prefunc; // Preconditioner - bool split_operator; - rhsfunc phys_conv, phys_diff; ///< Convective and Diffusive parts (if split operator) + /// Returns a Field3D containing the global indices + Field3D globalIndex(int localStart); - bool mms; ///< Enable sources and solutions for Method of Manufactured Solutions - bool mms_initialise; ///< Initialise variables to the manufactured solution + /// Maximum internal timestep + BoutReal max_dt{-1.0}; + + /// Get the list of monitors + auto getMonitors() const -> const std::list& { return monitors; } + +private: + /// Number of calls to the RHS function + int rhs_ncalls{0}; + /// Number of calls to the explicit (convective) RHS function + int rhs_ncalls_e{0}; + /// Number of calls to the implicit (diffusive) RHS function + int rhs_ncalls_i{0}; + /// Default sampling rate at which to call monitors - same as output to screen + int default_monitor_period{1}; + /// timestep - shouldn't be changed after init is called. + BoutReal internal_timestep{-1}; + /// Physics model being evolved + PhysicsModel* model{nullptr}; + + /// The user's RHS function + rhsfunc phys_run{nullptr}; + /// The user's preconditioner function + PhysicsPrecon prefunc{nullptr}; + /// Is the physics model using separate convective (explicit) and + /// diffusive (implicit) RHS functions? + bool split_operator{false}; + /// Convective part (if split operator) + rhsfunc phys_conv{nullptr}; + /// Diffusive part (if split operator) + rhsfunc phys_diff{nullptr}; + + /// Should non-split physics models be treated as diffusive? + bool is_nonsplit_model_diffusive{true}; + + /// Enable sources and solutions for Method of Manufactured Solutions + bool mms{false}; + /// Initialise variables to the manufactured solution + bool mms_initialise{false}; void add_mms_sources(BoutReal t); void calculate_mms_error(BoutReal t); - - std::list monitors; ///< List of monitor functions - std::list timestep_monitors; ///< List of timestep monitor functions - void pre_rhs(BoutReal t); // Should be run before user RHS is called - void post_rhs(BoutReal t); // Should be run after user RHS is called - - // Loading data from BOUT++ to/from solver - void loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, bool bndry); - void loop_vars(BoutReal *udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP op); + /// List of monitor functions + std::list monitors; + /// List of timestep monitor functions + std::list timestep_monitors; + + /// Should be run before user RHS is called + void pre_rhs(BoutReal t); + /// Should be run after user RHS is called + void post_rhs(BoutReal t); + + /// Loading data from BOUT++ to/from solver + void loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal* udata, int& p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, bool bndry); + void loop_vars(BoutReal* udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP op); + + /// Check if a variable has already been added + bool varAdded(const std::string& name); + + /// (Possibly) adjust the periods of \p monitor, and the `monitors` + /// timesteps, returning the new Solver timestep + BoutReal adjustMonitorPeriods(Monitor* monitor); - bool varAdded(const string &name); // Check if a variable has already been added + /// Fix all the monitor periods based on \p output_timestep, as well + /// as adjusting \p NOUT and \p output_timestep to be consistent + void finaliseMonitorPeriods(int& NOUT, BoutReal& output_timestep); }; #endif // __SOLVER_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/solverfactory.hxx b/include/bout/solverfactory.hxx index 3085da6cb1..88e54cc19b 100644 --- a/include/bout/solverfactory.hxx +++ b/include/bout/solverfactory.hxx @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ class SolverFactory; #include "bout/solver.hxx" #include -#include #include +#include class Options; @@ -21,30 +21,36 @@ class Options; /// using SolverFactory = Factory>; class SolverFactory : public Factory> { - public: - SolverType getDefaultSolverType(); - - static SolverFactory *getInstance(); - - Solver* createSolver(Options *options = nullptr); - Solver* createSolver(SolverType &name) { - return create(name, Options::getRoot()->getSection("solver")); +public: + /// Return the name of the default Solver type + static SolverType getDefaultSolverType(); + + static SolverFactory* getInstance(); + + Solver* createSolver(Options* options = nullptr); + Solver* createSolver(const SolverType& name) { + return createSolver(name, Options::getRoot()->getSection("solver")); } - Solver* createSolver(SolverType &name, Options *options) { - return create(name, options); + Solver* createSolver(const SolverType& name, Options* options) { + try { + return create(name, options); + } catch (const BoutException& e) { + throw BoutException("Error when trying to create a Solver: %s", e.what()); + } } + private: - SolverFactory() {} + SolverFactory() = default; static SolverFactory* instance; }; /// Specialisation of Factory registration helper class -template +template class RegisterInFactory { public: - RegisterInFactory(const std::string &name) { + RegisterInFactory(const std::string& name) { SolverFactory::getInstance()->add( - name, [](Options *options) -> Solver * { return new DerivedType(options); }); + name, [](Options* options) -> Solver* { return new DerivedType(options); }); } }; @@ -56,8 +62,7 @@ public: /// namespace { /// RegisterSolver registersolvermine("mysolver"); /// } -template +template using RegisterSolver = RegisterInFactory; #endif // __SOLVER_FACTORY_H__ - diff --git a/include/bout/sys/expressionparser.hxx b/include/bout/sys/expressionparser.hxx index 9de784feff..34ff468659 100644 --- a/include/bout/sys/expressionparser.hxx +++ b/include/bout/sys/expressionparser.hxx @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /*!************************************************************************ * \file expressionparser.hxx - * + * * Parses strings containing expressions, returning a tree of generators - * + * * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -24,25 +24,21 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -class FieldGenerator; -class ExpressionParser; -class ParseException; - #ifndef __EXPRESSION_PARSER_H__ #define __EXPRESSION_PARSER_H__ +#include "bout/format.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" -#include -#include +#include #include -#include -#include +#include #include -#include - -#include "bout/format.hxx" +#include +#include +#include +class FieldGenerator; using FieldGeneratorPtr = std::shared_ptr; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -53,7 +49,7 @@ using FieldGeneratorPtr = std::shared_ptr; */ class FieldGenerator { public: - virtual ~FieldGenerator() { } + virtual ~FieldGenerator() = default; /// Virtual constructor. Makes a copy of this FieldGenerator, /// initialised with the given list of arguments. It is up to the implementations @@ -69,7 +65,7 @@ public: virtual double generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) = 0; /// Create a string representation of the generator, for debugging output - virtual const std::string str() {return std::string("?");} + virtual std::string str() const { return std::string("?"); } }; /*! @@ -82,7 +78,7 @@ public: class ExpressionParser { public: ExpressionParser(); - virtual ~ExpressionParser() {}; + virtual ~ExpressionParser() = default; /// Add a generator to the parser, which can then be recognised and used /// in expressions. @@ -93,7 +89,7 @@ public: /// @param[in] g The class inheriting from FieldGenerator. When recognised /// in an expression, the clone() function will be called /// to build a tree of generators - void addGenerator(const std::string &name, FieldGeneratorPtr g); + void addGenerator(const std::string& name, FieldGeneratorPtr g); /// Add a binary operator such as +,-,*,/,^ /// @@ -107,36 +103,42 @@ public: /// +, - precedence = 10 /// *, / precedence = 20 /// ^ precedence = 30 - /// + /// void addBinaryOp(char sym, FieldGeneratorPtr b, int precedence); - + protected: /// This will be called to resolve any unknown symbols - virtual FieldGeneratorPtr resolve(std::string &UNUSED(name)) { return nullptr; } + virtual FieldGeneratorPtr resolve(std::string& UNUSED(name)) const { return nullptr; } /// Parses a given string into a tree of FieldGenerator objects - FieldGeneratorPtr parseString(const std::string &input); - + FieldGeneratorPtr parseString(const std::string& input) const; + + /// Characters which cannot be used in symbols; all other allowed + /// In addition, whitespace cannot be used + /// Adding a binary operator adds its symbol to this string + std::string reserved_chars = "+-*/^[](){},"; + private: - - std::map gen; ///< Generators, addressed by name + std::map gen; ///< Generators, addressed by name std::map> bin_op; ///< Binary operations - + /// Lexing info, used when splitting input into tokens struct LexInfo { - - LexInfo(const std::string &input); - - signed char curtok; ///< Current token. -1 for number, -2 for string, 0 for "end of input" + + LexInfo(const std::string& input, std::string reserved_chars = ""); + + /// Current token. -1 for number, -2 for string, 0 for "end of input" + signed char curtok = 0; double curval; ///< Value if a number - std::string curident; ///< Identifier, variable or function name - signed char LastChar; ///< The last character read from the string - std::stringstream ss; ///< Used to read values from the input string - char nextToken(); ///< Get the next token in the string + std::string curident; ///< Identifier, variable or function name + signed char LastChar; ///< The last character read from the string + std::stringstream ss; ///< Used to read values from the input string + std::string reserved_chars; ///< Reserved characters, not in symbols + char nextToken(); ///< Get the next token in the string }; - - FieldGeneratorPtr parseIdentifierExpr(LexInfo &lex); - FieldGeneratorPtr parseParenExpr(LexInfo &lex); + + FieldGeneratorPtr parseIdentifierExpr(LexInfo& lex) const; + FieldGeneratorPtr parseParenExpr(LexInfo& lex) const; /// Parse a primary expression, one of: /// - number @@ -145,9 +147,9 @@ private: /// - [ ... ] /// - a unary '-', which is converted to '0 -' /// A ParseException is thrown if none of these is found - FieldGeneratorPtr parsePrimary(LexInfo &lex); - FieldGeneratorPtr parseBinOpRHS(LexInfo &lex, int prec, FieldGeneratorPtr lhs); - FieldGeneratorPtr parseExpression(LexInfo &lex); + FieldGeneratorPtr parsePrimary(LexInfo& lex) const; + FieldGeneratorPtr parseBinOpRHS(LexInfo& lex, int prec, FieldGeneratorPtr lhs) const; + FieldGeneratorPtr parseExpression(LexInfo& lex) const; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -160,9 +162,9 @@ public: FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; double generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; - const std::string str() override { - return std::string("(") + lhs->str() + std::string(1, op) + rhs->str() + - std::string(")"); + std::string str() const override { + return std::string("(") + lhs->str() + std::string(1, op) + rhs->str() + + std::string(")"); } private: @@ -183,11 +185,12 @@ public: double UNUSED(t)) override { return value; } - const std::string str() override { + std::string str() const override { std::stringstream ss; ss << value; return ss.str(); } + private: double value; }; @@ -196,15 +199,13 @@ private: class ParseException : public std::exception { public: - ParseException(const char *, ...) - BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS( 2, 3); - ~ParseException() override {} + ParseException(const char*, ...) BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS(2, 3); + ~ParseException() override = default; - const char *what() const noexcept override; + const char* what() const noexcept override; protected: std::string message; }; - #endif // __EXPRESSION_PARSER_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/sys/gettext.hxx b/include/bout/sys/gettext.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c2576811db --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/sys/gettext.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +/// Support for i18n using GNU gettext + +#ifndef __BOUT_GETTEXT_H__ +#define __BOUT_GETTEXT_H__ + +#if BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT + +#include +#include + +#define GETTEXT_PACKAGE "libbout" + +#define _(string) dgettext(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, string) + +#else + +#define _(string) string + +#endif // BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT +#endif // __BOUT_GETTEXT_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/sys/range.hxx b/include/bout/sys/range.hxx index a99a16ece0..70d33ab741 100644 --- a/include/bout/sys/range.hxx +++ b/include/bout/sys/range.hxx @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class RangeIterator { public: /// Can be given a single range - RangeIterator() : is(1), ie(0), n(nullptr), cur(nullptr) {} + RangeIterator() = default; RangeIterator(int start, int end, RangeIterator *join = nullptr); RangeIterator(int start, int end, const RangeIterator &join); RangeIterator(const RangeIterator &r); @@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ public: RangeIterator *nextRange() const { return n; }; private: - int is, ie; - RangeIterator *n; // Next range. Doesn't change after creation - RangeIterator *cur; // Currently iterating. Changes during iteration + int is{1}, ie{0}; + RangeIterator* n{nullptr}; // Next range. Doesn't change after creation + RangeIterator* cur{nullptr}; // Currently iterating. Changes during iteration int curend; // End of current range bool delete_next = false; // Flag to delete this->n if we created it }; diff --git a/include/bout/sys/timer.hxx b/include/bout/sys/timer.hxx index 66517e63ce..dc527939c4 100644 --- a/include/bout/sys/timer.hxx +++ b/include/bout/sys/timer.hxx @@ -1,50 +1,55 @@ - -class Timer; - #ifndef __TIMER_H__ #define __TIMER_H__ +#include #include #include +#include /*! * Timing class for performance benchmarking and diagnosis * * To record the time spent in a particular function, create a Timer object * when you wish to start timing - * + * * void someFunction() { * Timer timer("test"); // Starts timer - * + * * } // Timer stops when goes out of scope * * Each time this function is called, the total time spent in someFunction * will be accumulated. To get the total time spent use getTime() - * + * * Timer::getTime("test"); // Returns time in seconds as double * * To reset the timer, use resetTime - * + * * Timer::resetTime("test"); // Timer reset to zero, returning time as double */ class Timer { public: + using clock_type = + typename std::conditional::type; + using seconds = std::chrono::duration; + /*! * Create a timer. This constructor is equivalent to Timer("") */ Timer(); - + /*! * Create a timer, continuing from last time if the same label * has already been used */ - Timer(const std::string &label); - + explicit Timer(const std::string& label); + /*! * Stop the timer */ ~Timer(); - + /*! * Get the time in seconds for time particular Timer object * @@ -53,43 +58,52 @@ public: * output << timer.getTime(); * // timer still counting */ - double getTime(); - + double getTime() { return getTime(timing); } + /*! * Get the time in seconds, reset timer to zero */ - double resetTime(); - + double resetTime() { return resetTime(timing); } + /*! - * The total time in seconds + * The total time in seconds */ - static double getTime(const std::string &label); - + static double getTime(const std::string& label) { return getTime(getInfo(label)); } + /*! * The total time in seconds, resets the timer to zero */ - static double resetTime(const std::string &label); - + static double resetTime(const std::string& label) { return resetTime(getInfo(label)); } + /*! * Clears all timers, freeing memory */ static void cleanup(); - + private: /// Structure to contain timing information struct timer_info { - double time; ///< Total time - bool running; ///< Is the timer currently running? - double started; ///< Start time - unsigned int counter; ///< Number of Timer objects associated with this - ///< timer_info + seconds time; ///< Total time + bool running; ///< Is the timer currently running? + clock_type::time_point started; ///< Start time + unsigned int counter; ///< Number of Timer objects associated with this + /// timer_info }; - - static std::map info; - - static timer_info *getInfo(const std::string &label); - - timer_info* timing; + + /// Store of existing timing info objects + static std::map info; + + /// Get a timing info object by name or return a new instance + static timer_info& getInfo(const std::string& label); + + /// The current timing information + timer_info& timing; + + /// Get the elapsed time in seconds for timing info + static double getTime(const timer_info& info); + + /// Get the elapsed time, reset timing info to zero + static double resetTime(timer_info& info); }; #endif // __TIMER_H__ diff --git a/include/bout/sys/type_name.hxx b/include/bout/sys/type_name.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f35645a2fe --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/sys/type_name.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ + +#pragma once + +#ifndef TYPE_NAME_HXX +#define TYPE_NAME_HXX + +#include +#include +#include "bout_types.hxx" + +class Field2D; +class Field3D; + +namespace bout { +namespace utils { + + template + std::string typeName() { + return typeid(T).name(); + } + + template <> + std::string typeName(); + + template <> + std::string typeName(); + + template <> + std::string typeName(); + + // Specialised for BOUT++ types to ensure that the result is human-readable + template <> + std::string typeName(); + + template <> + std::string typeName(); + + template <> + std::string typeName(); +} +} + +#endif //TYPE_NAME_HXX diff --git a/include/bout/sys/uncopyable.hxx b/include/bout/sys/uncopyable.hxx index 54d3624784..a03cbca663 100644 --- a/include/bout/sys/uncopyable.hxx +++ b/include/bout/sys/uncopyable.hxx @@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ /// Inherit from this class (private) to prevent copying class Uncopyable { protected: - Uncopyable() {} - ~Uncopyable() {} + Uncopyable() = default; + ~Uncopyable() = default; + +public: Uncopyable(const Uncopyable &) = delete; Uncopyable &operator=(const Uncopyable &) = delete; }; diff --git a/include/bout/sys/variant.hxx b/include/bout/sys/variant.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b00d887cc --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/sys/variant.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@ +/// +/// Variant utilities +/// +/// All in namespace bout::utils +/// variant +/// visit +/// holds_alternative +/// get +/// +/// variantEqualTo +/// variantStaticCastOrThrow +/// variantToString +/// +/// Internal implementation in bout::utils::details + +#pragma once + +#ifndef __VARIANT_HXX__ +#define __VARIANT_HXX__ + +// std::variant added in C++17 +//#include + +#include "mpark/variant.hpp" + +#include "utils.hxx" + +namespace bout { +namespace utils { + +/// Import variant, visit into bout::utils namespace + +// From C++17 +// using std::variant; +// using std::visit; +// using std::holds_alternative; +// using std::get; + +using mpark::variant; +using mpark::visit; +using mpark::holds_alternative; +using mpark::get; + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Variant comparison + +namespace details { + +/// Compare two values. +/// Different types -> false +template +struct CompareTypes { + bool operator()(const T& UNUSED(v), const U& UNUSED(t)) { return false; } +}; + +/// Compare two values +/// Same type -> use `==` operator to compare +template +struct CompareTypes { + bool operator()(const T& v, const T& t) { return v == t; } +}; + +/// A visitor for std::variant which compares +/// the value stored in the variant with a given value using CompareTypes +template +struct IsEqual { + const T& t; + IsEqual(const T& t) : t(t) {} + + template + bool operator()(const U& u) { + return CompareTypes()(t, u); + } +}; +} // namespace details + +/// Return true only if the given variant \p v +/// has the same type and value as \p t +/// +/// Note: Handles the case that \p t is not of a type +/// which \v can hold. +template +bool variantEqualTo(const Variant& v, const T& t) { + return visit(details::IsEqual(t), v); +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Variant casting + +namespace details { +/// Functor to perform static casting with std::visit +/// If the Target cannot be constructed from the Source +/// then an exception (std::bad_cast) will be thrown at run time. +/// +/// Note: This needs to be at runtime because the particular +/// type which a variant is holding is only known at runtime. +template +struct StaticCastOrThrow { + template + Target operator()(Source&& source) const { + return StaticCastOrThrow()(std::forward(source), + std::is_constructible{}); + } + template + Target operator()(Source&& UNUSED(source), std::false_type) { + throw std::bad_cast{}; + } + template + Target operator()(Source&& source, std::true_type) { + return static_cast(std::forward(source)); + } +}; +} // namespace details + +/// Cast a variant to a given type using static_cast +/// If this can't be done then a std::bad_cast exception is thrown +/// +/// Note: \p T can be a type which variant \v cannot hold +/// in which case std::bad_cast will be thrown at runtime +template +T variantStaticCastOrThrow(const Variant &v) { + return visit( details::StaticCastOrThrow(), v ); +} + +namespace details { + +struct ToString { + template + std::string operator()(T&& val) { + return toString(std::forward(val)); + } +}; + +} // namespace details + +template +std::string variantToString(const Variant& v) { return visit(details::ToString(), v); } + +} // namespace utils +} // namespace bout + +#endif //__VARIANT_HXX__ diff --git a/include/bout/template_combinations.hxx b/include/bout/template_combinations.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9637f41553 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/template_combinations.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +/*!************************************************************************ + * \file template_combinations.hxx + * + * Routines and helper types for calling a templated function with all combinations + * of various sets of types/values. + * + ************************************************************************** + * Copyright 2018 + * D.Dickinson, P.Hill + * + * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk + * + * This file is part of BOUT++. + * + * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License + * along with BOUT++. If not, see . + * + **************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __TEMPLATE_COMBINATIONS_H__ +#define __TEMPLATE_COMBINATIONS_H__ + +#include + +/// Here we define an empty templated struct that can represent +/// a collection of arbitrary types. This is useful for passing +/// template packs (typename...) around whilst being able to +/// distinguish between different template packs. +template +struct Set {}; + +/// Here we provide a container type that can be used to pass around +/// a type without needing to create instances of the specific type +/// (instead we create instances of the container type). +template +struct TypeContainer { + using type = T; +}; + +/// Define a struct (functor) that we use to build up the final +/// collection of template values. Each time we create one of these +/// objects we provide one more type to the templatePack. We may call +/// the operator() method by providing all the required template parameters +/// for whatever the storedFunc is at that point -- once we have built a +/// complete templatePack we don't need to specify any of these template +/// parameters as they can be deduced/inferred. +template +struct DeferredFunction { + // Just store the actual function we wish to apply + explicit DeferredFunction(currentFunction f) : storedFunc(f){}; + + // The actual function we wish to apply with the functor + currentFunction storedFunc; + + // Make the struct a functor by defining operator() we use + // type inference to populate the templatePack/args + template + void operator()(templatePack... args) { + storedFunc(currentType{}, args...); + } +}; + +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Now we define routines for dealing with Sets of types +/// We use recursion to unpack each Set such that we can +/// form all combinations of the contained types. +/// As we empty Sets and get individual items we change +/// the number of arguments and hence provide several +/// overloads with different numbers of Sets. +/// Finally we end up with a single item -- this is the +/// point at which we have a unique combination of the +/// template types and can final invoke the DeferredFunction +/// +/// Note that we define the routines from the bottom up so +/// that we don't have to pre-declare routines. +/// +/// Note we make use of type inferenence with templates to +/// be able to refer to the first item in a Set/pack allowing +/// us to extract items from Sets. +/// +/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +//-------------------------------------------------------- +// Routines for extracting single items from Sets and +// adding to DeferredFunction. +//-------------------------------------------------------- + +/// This is the lowest level routine -- we now have a unique +/// combination of template parameters provided to the +/// DeferredFunction (completed by passing in `item`) and +/// can therefore invoke this functor. +template +void addItemToDeferredFunction(theFunction func, item) { + // Create a new DeferredFunction building on the passed DeferredFunction (func) + // and adding the next template parameter, `item`, to the stored pack. + DeferredFunction theFinalFunction(func); + + // As we have no more Sets to process here we have a unique/complete + // combination of the template items and hence can call the final DeferredFunction + // This terminates this path and we move onto the next values in the Sets. + theFinalFunction(); +} + +/// One Set left to process so no template pack required +template +void addItemToDeferredFunction(theFunction func, item, lastSet) { + // Create a new DeferredFunction building on the passed DeferredFunction (func) + // and adding the next template parameter, `item`, to the stored pack. + DeferredFunction theNextFunction(func); + + // Process the lastSet, passing in the current state of DeferredFunction. + processSet(theNextFunction, lastSet{}); +} + +/// More than one Set left to process. +template +void addItemToDeferredFunction(theFunction func, item, nextSet, otherSets...) { + // Create a new DeferredFunction building on the passed DeferredFunction (func) + // and adding the next template parameter, `item`, to the stored pack. + DeferredFunction theNextFunction(func); + + // Process the nextSet, passing in the current state of DeferredFunction + // and the other remaining Sets. + processSet(theNextFunction, nextSet{}, otherSets{}...); +} + +//-------------------------------------------------------- +// Routines for extracting Sets from Set packs and +// passing onto the routines for processing items in a Set. +//-------------------------------------------------------- + +/// Terminal routine -- the current Set is empty +/// so nothing left to do. +template +void processSet(theFunction UNUSED(func), Set<>, Sets...){}; + +/// Here we use type inference to allow us to refer to the firstItem in the first Set +/// and the otherItems in this Set. We use this to pass the firstItem off to the routines +/// that will add this to the DeferredFunction. Following this we use recursion to call +/// this +/// routine again to process the rest of this Set. +template +void processSet(theFunction func, Set, otherSets... others) { + // Take the firstItem out of the current (first) Set and add to the DeferredFunction + addItemToDeferredFunction(func, firstItem{}, others...); + + // Invoke this routine again with the items left in this Set (i.e. without firstItem) + processSet(func, Set{}, others...); +} + +//-------------------------------------------------------- +// Routine(s) for kicking off the process of processing +// the Sets. +//-------------------------------------------------------- + +/// This is the top level routine that takes the different Sets of types +/// and triggers the construction of instances of theFunction with all the +/// combinations of the template types defined by the Sets. +/// +/// A use of this might look like: +/// produceCombinations< +/// Set, +/// Set +/// >(someFunctionWhichTakesTwoTemplateTypeArguments); +/// +/// Note we wrap this in a struct such that by declaring a global variable of this +/// type we trigger the creation of the combinations. +template +struct produceCombinations { + template + explicit produceCombinations(theFunction func) { + processSet(func, FirstSet{}, otherSets{}...); + }; +}; +#endif diff --git a/include/bout/traits.hxx b/include/bout/traits.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..13cb57467a --- /dev/null +++ b/include/bout/traits.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +#ifndef BOUT_TRAITS_H +#define BOUT_TRAITS_H + +#include + +class Field; +class Field2D; +class Field3D; +class FieldPerp; + +namespace bout { +namespace utils { + +namespace details { +/// Helper class for fold expressions pre-C++17 +/// +/// Taken from "C++ Templates: The Complete Guide, Second Edition" +/// Addison-Wesley, 2017 +/// ISBN-13: 978-0-321-71412-1 +/// ISBN-10: 0-321-71412-1 +/// Copyright © 2017 by Addison-Wesley, David Vandevoorde, Nicolai +/// M. Josuttis, and Douglas Gregor. +constexpr bool and_all() { return true; } +template +constexpr bool and_all(T cond) { + return cond; +} +template +constexpr bool and_all(T cond, Ts... conds) { + return cond and and_all(conds...); +} +} // namespace details + +/// If `T` is derived from `Field`, provides the member constant +/// `value` equal to `true`. Otherwise `value is `false`. +/// +/// The following is C++14, but simplifies the use of `is_field`: +/// +/// template +/// constexpr bool is_field_v = is_field::value; +/// +/// Examples +/// -------- +/// +/// template +/// void print_field(const T& field) { +/// static_assert(bout::utils::is_field::value, +/// "print_field only works with Field2Ds, Field3Ds or FieldPerps") +/// // implementation +/// } +template +using is_Field = std::is_base_of; + +/// If `T` is derived from `Field2D`, provides the member constant +/// `value` equal to `true`. Otherwise `value is `false`. +template +using is_Field2D = std::is_base_of; + +/// If `T` is derived from `Field3D`, provides the member constant +/// `value` equal to `true`. Otherwise `value is `false`. +template +using is_Field3D = std::is_base_of; + +/// If `T` is derived from `FieldPerp`, provides the member constant +/// `value` equal to `true`. Otherwise `value is `false`. +template +using is_FieldPerp = std::is_base_of; + +/// Enable a function if all the Ts are subclasses of `Field`, and +/// returns the common type: i.e. `Field3D` if at least one argument +/// is `Field3D`, otherwise `Field2D` if they are all `Field2D` +/// +/// This is most useful in two particular cases: +/// 1. when there are multiple overloads for a function but some only +/// make sense for fields (as opposed to `BoutReal`, say) or +/// vice-versa, and some overloads should not be used for fields +/// 2. when a function takes multiple fields and the return type is +/// also a field and must be "big enough" +/// +/// In other cases, such as a function without overloads that only +/// works for fields, consider using `static_assert` with `is_Field` +/// to give a nice compile-time error +/// +/// Examples +/// -------- +/// +/// Consider the following template function: +/// +/// template > +/// auto where(const T& test, const U& gt0, const V& le0) -> ResultType { +/// // function body +/// } +/// +/// This function only "appears" if `T`, `U` and `V` are all +/// subclasses of `Field`. `ResultType` is the common type of `T`, `U` +/// and `V`. If `T` and `U` are both `Field2D`, `ResultType` is +/// `Field2D` if `V` is `Field2D`, and `Field3D` if `V` is `Field3D`. +template +using EnableIfField = + typename std::enable_if::value ...), + typename std::common_type::type>::type; + +/// Enable a function if all the Ts are subclasses of `Field2D`, and +/// returns the common type +template +using EnableIfField2D = + typename std::enable_if::value ...), + typename std::common_type::type>::type; + +/// Enable a function if all the Ts are subclasses of `Field3D`, and +/// returns the common type +template +using EnableIfField3D = + typename std::enable_if::value ...), + typename std::common_type::type>::type; + +/// Enable a function if all the Ts are subclasses of `FieldPerp`, and +/// returns the common type +template +using EnableIfFieldPerp = + typename std::enable_if::value ...), + typename std::common_type::type>::type; +} // namespace utils +} // namespace bout + +#endif // BOUT_TRAITS_H diff --git a/include/bout_types.hxx b/include/bout_types.hxx index 0553159867..ce96e88cb3 100644 --- a/include/bout_types.hxx +++ b/include/bout_types.hxx @@ -22,54 +22,136 @@ #ifndef __BOUT_TYPES_H__ #define __BOUT_TYPES_H__ -#include -#include -#include +#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" + #include +#include /// Size of real numbers -typedef double BoutReal; +using BoutReal = double; /// Quiet NaN -const BoutReal BoutNaN = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); +constexpr BoutReal BoutNaN = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); #define ENUMSTR(val) {val, #val} +#define STRENUM(val) {#val, val} /// 4 possible variable locations. Default is for passing to functions -enum CELL_LOC {CELL_DEFAULT=0, CELL_CENTRE=1, CELL_CENTER=1, CELL_XLOW=2, CELL_YLOW=3, CELL_ZLOW=4, CELL_VSHIFT=5}; - -const std::map CELL_LOCtoString = { - ENUMSTR(CELL_DEFAULT), - ENUMSTR(CELL_CENTRE), - ENUMSTR(CELL_XLOW), - ENUMSTR(CELL_YLOW), - ENUMSTR(CELL_ZLOW), - ENUMSTR(CELL_VSHIFT) -}; +enum class CELL_LOC {deflt, centre, xlow, ylow, zlow, vshift}; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_DEFAULT = CELL_LOC::deflt; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_CENTRE = CELL_LOC::centre; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_CENTER = CELL_LOC::centre; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_XLOW = CELL_LOC::xlow; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_YLOW = CELL_LOC::ylow; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_ZLOW = CELL_LOC::zlow; +constexpr CELL_LOC CELL_VSHIFT = CELL_LOC::vshift; -inline const std::string& CELL_LOC_STRING(CELL_LOC location) { - return CELL_LOCtoString.at(location); +std::string toString(CELL_LOC location); +CELL_LOC CELL_LOCFromString(const std::string& location_string); +DEPRECATED(inline std::string CELL_LOC_STRING(CELL_LOC location)) { + return toString(location); } /// Differential methods. Both central and upwind -enum DIFF_METHOD {DIFF_DEFAULT, DIFF_U1, DIFF_U2, DIFF_C2, DIFF_W2, DIFF_W3, DIFF_C4, DIFF_U3, DIFF_FFT, DIFF_SPLIT, DIFF_NND, DIFF_S2}; +enum class DIFF_METHOD {deflt, u1, u2, c2, w2, w3, c4, u3, fft, split, s2}; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_DEFAULT = DIFF_METHOD::deflt; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_U1 = DIFF_METHOD::u1; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_U2 = DIFF_METHOD::u2; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_C2 = DIFF_METHOD::c2; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_W2 = DIFF_METHOD::w2; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_W3 = DIFF_METHOD::w3; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_C4 = DIFF_METHOD::c4; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_U3 = DIFF_METHOD::u3; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_FFT = DIFF_METHOD::fft; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_SPLIT = DIFF_METHOD::split; +constexpr DIFF_METHOD DIFF_S2 = DIFF_METHOD::s2; + +std::string toString(DIFF_METHOD location); +DEPRECATED(inline std::string DIFF_METHOD_STRING(DIFF_METHOD location)) { + return toString(location); +} /// Specify grid region for looping -enum REGION {RGN_ALL, RGN_NOBNDRY, RGN_NOX, RGN_NOY, RGN_NOZ}; - -const std::map REGIONtoString = { - ENUMSTR(RGN_ALL), - ENUMSTR(RGN_NOBNDRY), - ENUMSTR(RGN_NOX), - ENUMSTR(RGN_NOY), - ENUMSTR(RGN_NOZ) +enum class REGION {all, nobndry, nox, noy, noz}; +constexpr REGION RGN_ALL = REGION::all; +constexpr REGION RGN_NOBNDRY = REGION::nobndry; +constexpr REGION RGN_NOX = REGION::nox; +constexpr REGION RGN_NOY = REGION::noy; +constexpr REGION RGN_NOZ = REGION::noz; + +std::string toString(REGION region); +DEPRECATED(inline std::string REGION_STRING(REGION region)) { return toString(region); } + +/// To identify particular directions (in index space): +/// - X, Y, Z are the coordinate directions +/// - YAligned is a special case of Y, indicating a field-aligned grid, where +/// the x- and z- axes are not necessarily orthogonal +/// - YOrthogonal is a special case of Y, indicating a grid where the x and z +/// axes are orthogonal but the y-direction is not necessarily +/// field-aligned +enum class DIRECTION { X, Y, Z, YAligned, YOrthogonal }; + +std::string toString(DIRECTION direction); +DEPRECATED(inline std::string DIRECTION_STRING(DIRECTION direction)) { + return toString(direction); +} + +/// Identify kind of a field's y-direction +/// - Standard is the default for the Mesh/Coordinates/ParallelTransform +/// - Aligned indicates that the field has been transformed to field-aligned +/// coordinates +enum class YDirectionType { Standard, Aligned }; + +std::string toString(YDirectionType d); +YDirectionType YDirectionTypeFromString(const std::string& y_direction_string); + +/// Identify kind of a field's z-direction +/// - Standard is the default +/// - Average indicates that the field represents an average over the +/// z-direction, rather than having a particular z-position (i.e. is a +/// Field2D) +enum class ZDirectionType { Standard, Average }; + +std::string toString(ZDirectionType d); +ZDirectionType ZDirectionTypeFromString(const std::string& z_direction_string); + +/// Container for direction types +struct DirectionTypes { + YDirectionType y; + ZDirectionType z; }; -inline const std::string& REGION_STRING(REGION region) { - return REGIONtoString.at(region); +/// Check whether direction types are compatible, so two fields with attributes +/// d1 and d2 respectively can be added, subtracted, etc. +bool areDirectionsCompatible(const DirectionTypes& d1, const DirectionTypes& d2); + +void swap(const DirectionTypes& first, const DirectionTypes& second); + +/// To identify valid staggering combinations +enum class STAGGER { None, C2L, L2C }; + +std::string toString(STAGGER stagger); +DEPRECATED(inline std::string STAGGER_STRING(STAGGER stagger)) { + return toString(stagger); } +/// To identify types of derivative method combinations +enum class DERIV { Standard, StandardSecond, StandardFourth, Upwind, Flux }; + +std::string toString(DERIV deriv); +DEPRECATED(inline std::string DERIV_STRING(DERIV deriv)) { return toString(deriv); } + +// A small struct that can be used to wrap a specific enum value, giving +// it a unique type that can be passed as a valid type to templates and +// which can be inspected to provide the actual value of the enum +template +struct enumWrapper { + using type = T; + static const type value = val; + T lookup(){return val;}; +}; + /// Boundary condition function -typedef BoutReal (*FuncPtr)(BoutReal t, BoutReal x, BoutReal y, BoutReal z); +using FuncPtr = BoutReal(*)(BoutReal t, BoutReal x, BoutReal y, BoutReal z); #endif // __BOUT_TYPES_H__ diff --git a/include/boutcomm.hxx b/include/boutcomm.hxx index 8beba92810..88ad07e2b6 100644 --- a/include/boutcomm.hxx +++ b/include/boutcomm.hxx @@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ public: private: BoutComm(); - - int *pargc; char ***pargv; ///< Command-line arguments. These can be modified by MPI init, so pointers are used - bool hasBeenSet; + + int* pargc{nullptr}; + char*** pargv{nullptr}; ///< Command-line arguments. These can be modified by MPI init, + ///< so pointers are used + bool hasBeenSet{false}; MPI_Comm comm; static BoutComm* instance; ///< The only instance of this class (Singleton) diff --git a/include/boutexception.hxx b/include/boutexception.hxx index 8fb3a8b905..9676416ffd 100644 --- a/include/boutexception.hxx +++ b/include/boutexception.hxx @@ -7,48 +7,54 @@ class BoutException; #include #include +#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" #include "bout/format.hxx" -using std::string; - /// Throw BoutRhsFail with \p message if any one process has non-zero /// \p status void BoutParallelThrowRhsFail(int status, const char* message); class BoutException : public std::exception { public: - BoutException(const char *, ...) - BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS( 2, 3); - BoutException(const std::string&); + BoutException(const char*, ...) BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS(2, 3); + BoutException(std::string msg) : message(std::move(msg)) { makeBacktrace(); } ~BoutException() override; - const char* what() const noexcept override; - void Backtrace(); + const char* what() const noexcept override { + return message.c_str(); + } + void DEPRECATED(Backtrace()) {}; + + /// Return the exception message along with the MsgStack and + /// backtrace (if available) + std::string getBacktrace() const; + + const std::string header{"====== Exception thrown ======\n"}; + protected: char *buffer = nullptr; - static const int BUFFER_LEN = 1024; // Length of char buffer for printing + static constexpr int BUFFER_LEN = 1024; // Length of char buffer for printing int buflen; // Length of char buffer for printing - string message; + std::string message; #ifdef BACKTRACE - static const unsigned int TRACE_MAX = 128; - void *trace[TRACE_MAX]; - char **messages; + static constexpr unsigned int TRACE_MAX = 128; + void* trace[TRACE_MAX]; int trace_size; - mutable std::string _tmp; + char** messages; #endif - std::string BacktraceGenerate() const; + std::string backtrace_message{}; + + void makeBacktrace(); }; class BoutRhsFail : public BoutException { public: - BoutRhsFail(const char *, ...) - BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS( 2, 3); + BoutRhsFail(const char*, ...) BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS(2, 3); }; class BoutIterationFail : public BoutException { public: - BoutIterationFail(const char *, ...) - BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS( 2, 3); + BoutIterationFail(const char*, ...) BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS(2, 3); }; #endif diff --git a/include/comm_group.hxx b/include/comm_group.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 003d73b943..0000000000 --- a/include/comm_group.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,68 +0,0 @@ -/*********************************************************************** - * Non-blocking collective operations (gather, scatter) - * - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu - * - * Contact Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - ***********************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __COMM_GROUP_H__ -#define __COMM_GROUP_H__ - -#include "mpi.h" - -namespace comm_group { - /// Communication handle - typedef struct { - // Communication info - int root, myrank, nprocs; - - // Handles - int nreq; ///< Number of MPI requests - MPI_Request *request; - bool current; ///< True if currently in progress - }Comm_handle_t; - - /// Begin a gather operation - bool Comm_gather_start(void *local, int nlocal, MPI_Datatype type, - void *data, - int root, MPI_Comm comm, - Comm_handle_t *handle); - - bool Comm_scatter_start( void *sendbuf, int sendcnt, MPI_Datatype type, - void *recvbuf, - int root, MPI_Comm comm, - Comm_handle_t *handle); - - /// Wait for a single operation to finish - bool Comm_wait(Comm_handle_t *handle); - - /// Wait for all the communications to finish - bool Comm_wait_all(int n, Comm_handle_t *handles); -} - -using comm_group::Comm_handle_t; -using comm_group::Comm_gather_start; -using comm_group::Comm_scatter_start; -using comm_group::Comm_wait; -using comm_group::Comm_wait_all; - -#endif // __COMM_GROUP_H__ diff --git a/include/cyclic_reduction.hxx b/include/cyclic_reduction.hxx index 78cac60ca6..9958937e3d 100644 --- a/include/cyclic_reduction.hxx +++ b/include/cyclic_reduction.hxx @@ -56,14 +56,9 @@ template class CyclicReduce { public: - CyclicReduce() { - nprocs = 0; - myproc = -1; - N = 0; - Nsys = 0; - } + CyclicReduce() = default; - CyclicReduce(MPI_Comm c, int size) : comm(c), N(size), Nsys(0), periodic(false) { + CyclicReduce(MPI_Comm c, int size) : comm(c), N(size) { MPI_Comm_size(c, &nprocs); MPI_Comm_rank(c, &myproc); } @@ -85,38 +80,13 @@ public: myproc = myp; } - ~CyclicReduce() { N = Nsys = 0; } + ~CyclicReduce() = default; /// Specify that the tridiagonal system is periodic /// By default not periodic void setPeriodic(bool p = true) { periodic = p; } - DEPRECATED(void setCoefs(T a[], T b[], T c[])) { - // Set coefficients - setCoefs(1, &a, &b, &c); - } - - DEPRECATED(void setCoefs(int nsys, T **a, T **b, T **c)) { - Matrix aMatrix(nsys, N); - Matrix bMatrix(nsys, N); - Matrix cMatrix(nsys, N); - - // Copy data into matrices - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < nsys; ++j) { - for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - aMatrix(j, i) = a[j][i]; - bMatrix(j, i) = b[j][i]; - cMatrix(j, i) = c[j][i]; - } - } - - setCoefs(aMatrix, bMatrix, cMatrix); - // Don't copy ?Matrix back into ? as setCoefs - // doesn't modify these. Could copy out if we really wanted. - } - - void setCoefs(Array &a, Array &b, Array &c) { + void setCoefs(const Array &a, const Array &b, const Array &c) { ASSERT2(a.size() == b.size()); ASSERT2(a.size() == c.size()); ASSERT2(a.size() == N); @@ -125,7 +95,6 @@ public: Matrix bMatrix(1, N); Matrix cMatrix(1, N); - // Copy data into matrices BOUT_OMP(parallel for) for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { aMatrix(0, i) = a[i]; @@ -134,8 +103,6 @@ public: } setCoefs(aMatrix, bMatrix, cMatrix); - // Don't copy ?Matrix back into ? as setCoefs - // doesn't modify these. Could copy out if we really wanted. } /// Set the entries in the matrix to be inverted @@ -144,7 +111,7 @@ public: /// where N is set in the constructor or setup /// @param[in] b Diagonal values. Should have size [nsys][N] /// @param[in] c Right diagonal. Should have size [nsys][N] - void setCoefs(Matrix &a, Matrix &b, Matrix &c) { + void setCoefs(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c) { TRACE("CyclicReduce::setCoefs"); int nsys = std::get<0>(a.shape()); @@ -154,45 +121,13 @@ public: // Fill coefficient array BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < Nsys; j++) + for (int j = 0; j < Nsys; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { coefs(j, 4 * i) = a(j, i); coefs(j, 4 * i + 1) = b(j, i); coefs(j, 4 * i + 2) = c(j, i); // 4*i + 3 will contain RHS } - } - - /// Solve a single triadiagonal system - /// - DEPRECATED(void solve(T rhs[], T x[])) { - // Solving single system - solve(1, &rhs, &x); - } - - /// Solve a set of tridiagonal systems - /// - DEPRECATED(void solve(int nrhs, T **rhs, T **x)) { - Matrix rhsMatrix(nrhs, N); - Matrix xMatrix(nrhs, N); - - // Copy input data into matrix - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j) { - for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - rhsMatrix(j, i) = rhs[j][i]; - } - } - - // Solve - solve(rhsMatrix, xMatrix); - - // Copy result back into argument - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j) { - for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - x[j][i] = xMatrix(j, i); - } } } @@ -200,31 +135,26 @@ public: /// /// @param[in] rhs Array storing Values of the rhs for a single system /// @param[out] x Array storing the result for a single system - void solve(Array &rhs, Array &x) { + void solve(const Array &rhs, Array &x) { ASSERT2(rhs.size() == x.size()); ASSERT2(rhs.size() == N); - int nrhs = rhs.size(); Matrix rhsMatrix(1, N); Matrix xMatrix(1, N); // Copy input data into matrix - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j) { - for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - rhsMatrix(j, i) = rhs[j][i]; - } + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { + rhsMatrix(0, i) = rhs[i]; } // Solve solve(rhsMatrix, xMatrix); // Copy result back into argument - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < nrhs; ++j) { - for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { - x[j][i] = xMatrix(j, i); - } + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { + x[i] = xMatrix(0, i); } }; @@ -232,7 +162,7 @@ public: /// /// @param[in] rhs Matrix storing Values of the rhs for each system /// @param[out] x Matrix storing the result for each system - void solve(Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) { + void solve(const Matrix &rhs, Matrix &x) { TRACE("CyclicReduce::solve"); ASSERT2(static_cast(std::get<0>(rhs.shape())) == Nsys); ASSERT2(static_cast(std::get<0>(x.shape())) == Nsys); @@ -247,11 +177,12 @@ public: // Insert RHS into coefs array. Ordered to allow efficient partitioning // for MPI send/receives - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < Nsys; j++) + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for (int j = 0; j < Nsys; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { coefs(j, 4 * i + 3) = rhs(j, i); } + } /////////////////////////////////////// // Reduce local part of the matrix to interface equations @@ -279,7 +210,7 @@ public: int ns = Nsys / nprocs; // Number of systems to assign to all processors int nsextra = Nsys % nprocs; // Number of processors with 1 extra - MPI_Request *req = new MPI_Request[nprocs]; + auto* req = new MPI_Request[nprocs]; if (myns > 0) { // Post receives from all other processors @@ -501,15 +432,15 @@ public: } private: - MPI_Comm comm; ///< Communicator - int nprocs, myproc; ///< Number of processors and ID of my processor + MPI_Comm comm; ///< Communicator + int nprocs{0}, myproc{-1}; ///< Number of processors and ID of my processor - int N; ///< Total size of the problem - int Nsys; ///< Number of independent systems to solve - int myns; ///< Number of systems for interface solve on this processor - int sys0; ///< Starting system index for interface solve + int N{0}; ///< Total size of the problem + int Nsys{0}; ///< Number of independent systems to solve + int myns; ///< Number of systems for interface solve on this processor + int sys0; ///< Starting system index for interface solve - bool periodic; ///< Is the domain periodic? + bool periodic{false}; ///< Is the domain periodic? Matrix coefs; ///< Starting coefficients, rhs [Nsys, {3*coef,rhs}*N] Matrix myif; ///< Interface equations for this processor @@ -546,8 +477,8 @@ private: sys0 += nsextra; } - coefs = Matrix(Nsys, 4 * N); - myif = Matrix(Nsys, 8); + coefs.reallocate(Nsys, 4 * N); + myif.reallocate(Nsys, 8); // Note: The recvbuffer is used to receive data in both stages of the solve: // 1. In the gather step, this processor will receive myns interface equations @@ -556,22 +487,22 @@ private: // from each processor. The number of systems of equations received will // vary from myns to myns+1 (if myproc >= nsextra). // The size of the array reserved is therefore (myns+1) - recvbuffer = - Matrix(nprocs, (myns + 1) * 8); // Buffer for receiving from other processors + recvbuffer.reallocate(nprocs, (myns + 1) * 8); // Some interface systems to be solved on this processor // Note that the interface equations are organised by system (myns as first argument) // but communication buffers are organised by processor (nprocs first). - ifcs = Matrix(myns, 2 * 4 * nprocs); // Coefficients for interface solve - if (nprocs > 1) - if2x2 = Matrix(myns, 2 * 4); // 2x2 interface equations on this processor - ifx = Matrix(myns, 2 * nprocs); // Solution of interface equations - ifp = Array(myns * 2); // Solution to be sent to processor p + ifcs.reallocate(myns, 2 * 4 * nprocs); // Coefficients for interface solve + if (nprocs > 1) { + if2x2.reallocate(myns, 2 * 4); // 2x2 interface equations on this processor + } + ifx.reallocate(myns, 2 * nprocs); // Solution of interface equations + ifp.reallocate(myns * 2); // Solution to be sent to processor p // Each system to be solved on this processor has two interface equations from each // processor - x1 = Array(Nsys); - xn = Array(Nsys); + x1.reallocate(Nsys); + xn.reallocate(Nsys); } /// Calculate interface equations @@ -603,7 +534,7 @@ private: for (int i = nloc - 3; i >= 0; i--) { // Check for zero pivot - if (abs(ifc(j, 1)) < 1e-10) + if (std::abs(ifc(j, 1)) < 1e-10) throw BoutException("Zero pivot in CyclicReduce::reduce"); // beta <- v_{i,i+1} / v_u,i @@ -629,7 +560,7 @@ private: for (int i = 2; i < nloc; i++) { - if (abs(ifc(j, 4 + 1)) < 1e-10) + if (std::abs(ifc(j, 4 + 1)) < 1e-10) throw BoutException("Zero pivot in CyclicReduce::reduce"); // alpha <- v_{i,i-1} / v_l,i-1 @@ -659,8 +590,8 @@ private: /// Back-solve from x at ends (x1, xn) to obtain remaining values /// Coefficients ordered [ns, nloc*(a,b,c,r)] - void back_solve(int ns, int nloc, Matrix &co, Array &x1, Array &xn, - Matrix &xa) { + void back_solve(int ns, int nloc, const Matrix& co, const Array& x1, + const Array& xn, Matrix& xa) { xa.ensureUnique(); // Going to be modified, so call this outside parallel region diff --git a/include/datafile.hxx b/include/datafile.hxx index f0fb3ce254..084955a773 100644 --- a/include/datafile.hxx +++ b/include/datafile.hxx @@ -14,20 +14,22 @@ class Datafile; #ifndef __DATAFILE_H__ #define __DATAFILE_H__ -#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" #include "bout_types.hxx" -#include "field2d.hxx" -#include "field3d.hxx" -#include "vector2d.hxx" -#include "vector3d.hxx" -#include "options.hxx" #include "bout/macro_for_each.hxx" #include "dataformat.hxx" #include "bout/format.hxx" -#include -#include +#include +#include +class Mesh; +class Field; +class Field2D; +class Field3D; +class FieldPerp; +class Options; +class Vector2D; +class Vector3D; #include #include @@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ class Datafile; */ class Datafile { public: - Datafile(Options *opt = nullptr); + Datafile(Options *opt = nullptr, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); Datafile(Datafile &&other) noexcept; ~Datafile(); // need to delete filename @@ -58,55 +60,56 @@ class Datafile { void close(); void setLowPrecision(); ///< Only output floats - template - void addRepeat(t &value, std::string name){ - add(value,name.c_str(),true); + template + void addRepeat(T& value, std::string name) { + add(value, name.c_str(), true); } - template - void addOnce(t &value, std::string name){ - add(value,name.c_str(),false); + template + void addOnce(T& value, std::string name) { + add(value, name.c_str(), false); } void add(int &i, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(BoutReal &r, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); + void add(bool &b, const char* name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Field2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Field3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); + void add(FieldPerp &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Vector2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Vector3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); bool read(); ///< Read data into added variables bool write(); ///< Write added variables - bool write(const char *filename, ...) const - BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS( 2, 3); ///< Opens, writes, closes file - - // Write a variable to the file now - DEPRECATED(bool writeVar(const int &i, const char *name)); - DEPRECATED(bool writeVar(BoutReal r, const char *name)); + /// Opens, writes, closes file + bool write(const char* filename, ...) const BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS(2, 3); - void setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, const string &text); - void setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, int value); + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, const std::string &text); + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value); + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal value); private: - bool parallel; // Use parallel formats? - bool flush; // Flush after every write? - bool guards; // Write guard cells? - bool floats; // Low precision? - bool openclose; // Open and close file for each write + Mesh* mesh; + bool parallel{false}; // Use parallel formats? + bool flush{true}; // Flush after every write? + bool guards{true}; // Write guard cells? + bool floats{false}; // Low precision? + bool openclose{true}; // Open and close file for each write int Lx,Ly,Lz; // The sizes in the x-, y- and z-directions of the arrays to be written - bool enabled; // Enable / Disable writing + bool enabled{true}; // Enable / Disable writing bool init_missing; // Initialise missing variables? - bool shiftOutput; // Do we want to write out in shifted space? - bool shiftInput; // Read in shifted space? - int flushFrequencyCounter; //Counter used in determining when next openclose required - int flushFrequency; //How many write calls do we want between openclose + bool shiftOutput{false}; // Do we want to write out in shifted space? + bool shiftInput{false}; // Read in shifted space? + // Counter used in determining when next openclose required + int flushFrequencyCounter{0}; + int flushFrequency{1}; // How many write calls do we want between openclose std::unique_ptr file; size_t filenamelen; static const size_t FILENAMELEN=512; char *filename; - bool writable; // is file open for writing? - bool appending; - bool first_time; // is this the first time the data will be written? + bool writable{false}; // is file open for writing? + bool appending{false}; + bool first_time{true}; // is this the first time the data will be written? /// Shallow copy, not including dataformat, therefore private Datafile(const Datafile& other); @@ -116,93 +119,97 @@ class Datafile { struct VarStr { T *ptr; ///< Pointer to the data. ///< Note that this may be a user object, not a copy, so must not be destroyed - string name; ///< Name as it appears in the output file + std::string name; ///< Name as it appears in the output file bool save_repeat; ///< If true, has a time dimension and is saved every time step bool covar; ///< For vectors, true if a covariant vector, false if contravariant }; // one set per variable type - vector< VarStr > int_arr; - vector< VarStr > BoutReal_arr; - vector< VarStr > f2d_arr; - vector< VarStr > f3d_arr; - vector< VarStr > v2d_arr; - vector< VarStr > v3d_arr; - - bool read_f2d(const string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat); - bool read_f3d(const string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat); - - bool write_int(const string &name, int *f, bool save_repeat); - bool write_real(const string &name, BoutReal *f, bool save_repeat); - bool write_f2d(const string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat); - bool write_f3d(const string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat); + std::vector> int_arr; + std::vector> BoutReal_arr; + std::vector> bool_arr; + std::vector> f2d_arr; + std::vector> f3d_arr; + std::vector> fperp_arr; + std::vector> v2d_arr; + std::vector> v3d_arr; + + bool read_f2d(const std::string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat); + bool read_f3d(const std::string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat); + bool read_fperp(const std::string &name, FieldPerp *f, bool save_repeat); + + bool write_int(const std::string &name, int *f, bool save_repeat); + bool write_real(const std::string &name, BoutReal *f, bool save_repeat); + bool write_f2d(const std::string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat); + bool write_f3d(const std::string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat); + bool write_fperp(const std::string &name, FieldPerp *f, bool save_repeat); /// Check if a variable has already been added - bool varAdded(const string &name); + bool varAdded(const std::string &name); /// Get the pointer to the variable, nullptr if not added /// This is used to check if the same variable is being added - void* varPtr(const string &name); + void* varPtr(const std::string &name); }; /// Write this variable once to the grid file -#define SAVE_ONCE1(var) dump.add(var, #var, 0); +#define SAVE_ONCE1(var) bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var, #var); #define SAVE_ONCE2(var1, var2) { \ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 0); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 0);} + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var2, #var2);} #define SAVE_ONCE3(var1, var2, var3) {\ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 0); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 0); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 0);} + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var3, #var3);} #define SAVE_ONCE4(var1, var2, var3, var4) { \ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 0); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 0); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 0); \ - dump.add(var4, #var4, 0);} + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var3, #var3); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var4, #var4);} #define SAVE_ONCE5(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5) {\ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 0); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 0); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 0); \ - dump.add(var4, #var4, 0); \ - dump.add(var5, #var5, 0);} + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var3, #var3); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var4, #var4); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var5, #var5);} #define SAVE_ONCE6(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6) {\ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 0); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 0); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 0); \ - dump.add(var4, #var4, 0); \ - dump.add(var5, #var5, 0); \ - dump.add(var6, #var6, 0);} + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var3, #var3); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var4, #var4); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var5, #var5); \ + bout::globals::dump.addOnce(var6, #var6);} #define SAVE_ONCE(...) \ { MACRO_FOR_EACH(SAVE_ONCE1, __VA_ARGS__) } /// Write this variable every timestep -#define SAVE_REPEAT1(var) dump.add(var, #var, 1); +#define SAVE_REPEAT1(var) bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var, #var); #define SAVE_REPEAT2(var1, var2) { \ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 1); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 1);} + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var2, #var2);} #define SAVE_REPEAT3(var1, var2, var3) {\ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 1); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 1); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 1);} + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var3, #var3);} #define SAVE_REPEAT4(var1, var2, var3, var4) { \ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 1); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 1); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 1); \ - dump.add(var4, #var4, 1);} + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var3, #var3); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var4, #var4);} #define SAVE_REPEAT5(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5) {\ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 1); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 1); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 1); \ - dump.add(var4, #var4, 1); \ - dump.add(var5, #var5, 1);} + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var3, #var3); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var4, #var4); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var5, #var5);} #define SAVE_REPEAT6(var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6) {\ - dump.add(var1, #var1, 1); \ - dump.add(var2, #var2, 1); \ - dump.add(var3, #var3, 1); \ - dump.add(var4, #var4, 1); \ - dump.add(var5, #var5, 1); \ - dump.add(var6, #var6, 1);} + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var1, #var1); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var2, #var2); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var3, #var3); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var4, #var4); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var5, #var5); \ + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(var6, #var6);} #define SAVE_REPEAT(...) \ { MACRO_FOR_EACH(SAVE_REPEAT1, __VA_ARGS__) } diff --git a/include/dataformat.hxx b/include/dataformat.hxx index 7186cfdf2e..54d683bd38 100644 --- a/include/dataformat.hxx +++ b/include/dataformat.hxx @@ -38,26 +38,28 @@ class DataFormat; #include #include -using std::string; - #include -using std::vector; + +class Mesh; +class Field; +class FieldPerp; // Can't copy, to control access to file class DataFormat { public: - virtual ~DataFormat() { } + DataFormat(Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + virtual ~DataFormat() = default; // File opening routines virtual bool openr(const char *name) = 0; - virtual bool openr(const string &name) { + virtual bool openr(const std::string &name) { return openr(name.c_str()); } - virtual bool openr(const string &base, int mype); + virtual bool openr(const std::string &base, int mype); virtual bool openw(const char *name, bool append=false) = 0; - virtual bool openw(const string &name, bool append=false) { + virtual bool openw(const std::string &name, bool append=false) { return openw(name.c_str(), append); } - virtual bool openw(const string &base, int mype, bool append=false); + virtual bool openw(const std::string &base, int mype, bool append=false); virtual bool is_valid() = 0; @@ -65,8 +67,8 @@ class DataFormat { virtual void flush() = 0; - virtual const vector getSize(const char *var) = 0; - virtual const vector getSize(const string &var) = 0; + virtual const std::vector getSize(const char *var) = 0; + virtual const std::vector getSize(const std::string &var) = 0; // Set the origin for all subsequent calls virtual bool setGlobalOrigin(int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0) = 0; @@ -74,34 +76,39 @@ class DataFormat { virtual bool setRecord(int t) = 0; // negative -> latest // Add a variable to the file - virtual bool addVarInt(const string &name, bool repeat) = 0; - virtual bool addVarBoutReal(const string &name, bool repeat) = 0; - virtual bool addVarField2D(const string &name, bool repeat) = 0; - virtual bool addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarInt(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarBoutReal(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarField2D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarField3D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarFieldPerp(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; // Read / Write simple variables up to 3D virtual bool read(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool read(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; // Read / Write record-based variables virtual bool read_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; // Optional functions @@ -114,47 +121,103 @@ class DataFormat { /// Inputs /// ------ /// - /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then the attribute + /// will be added to the file instead of to a + /// variable. /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name /// @param[in] text A string attribute to attach to the variable - virtual void setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, - const string &text) = 0; + virtual void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + const std::string &text) = 0; /// Sets an integer attribute /// /// Inputs /// ------ /// - /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then the attribute + /// will be added to the file instead of to a + /// variable. /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name - /// @param[in] value A string attribute to attach to the variable - virtual void setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, + /// @param[in] value An int attribute to attach to the variable + virtual void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) = 0; + + /// Sets a BoutReal attribute + /// + /// Inputs + /// ------ + /// + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then the attribute + /// will be added to the file instead of to a + /// variable. + /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name + /// @param[in] value A BoutReal attribute to attach to the variable + virtual void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) = 0; + /// Gets a string attribute /// /// Inputs /// ------ /// - /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then get the + /// attribute from the top-level of the file instead + /// of from a variable. /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name /// /// Returns /// ------- /// text A string attribute of the variable - virtual bool getAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, std::string &text) = 0; + virtual bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) = 0; - /// Sets an integer attribute + /// Gets an integer attribute /// /// Inputs /// ------ /// - /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then get the + /// attribute from the top-level of the file instead + /// of from a variable. /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name /// /// Returns /// ------- /// value An int attribute of the variable - virtual bool getAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, int &value) = 0; + virtual bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) = 0; + + /// Gets a BoutReal attribute + /// + /// Inputs + /// ------ + /// + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then get the + /// attribute from the top-level of the file instead + /// of from a variable. + /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name + /// + /// Returns + /// ------- + /// value A BoutReal attribute of the variable + virtual bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) = 0; + + /// Write out the meta-data of a field as attributes of the variable + void writeFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, const Field& f); + /// Overload for FieldPerp so we can also write 'yindex' + void writeFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, const FieldPerp& f); + + /// Read the attributes of a field + void readFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, Field& f); + /// Overload for FieldPerp so we can also read 'yindex' + void readFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, FieldPerp& f); + + protected: + Mesh* mesh; }; // For backwards compatability. In formatfactory.cxx diff --git a/include/dcomplex.hxx b/include/dcomplex.hxx index 673550ce3f..0b0ce50552 100644 --- a/include/dcomplex.hxx +++ b/include/dcomplex.hxx @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ #include #include "bout_types.hxx" -typedef std::complex dcomplex; +using dcomplex = std::complex; const dcomplex Im(0,1); // 1i diff --git a/include/derivs.hxx b/include/derivs.hxx index 463343955e..576beb96da 100644 --- a/include/derivs.hxx +++ b/include/derivs.hxx @@ -36,10 +36,45 @@ #include "bout_types.hxx" -// Feel free to edit this file (derivs.hxx) rather then the generating -// files. If this is easier then changing derivx.hxx.in.py or -// derivs.hxx.in.jinja do so, but please remove the derivs.hxx.in.* -// files to make clear the file is not auto-generated anymore. +#ifdef DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING +#error This utility macro should not clash with another one +#else +#define DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(func, T) \ +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use #func(const #T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " \ + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") " \ + "instead")]] \ +inline T func(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, \ + REGION region) { \ + return func(f, outloc, method, toString(region)); \ +} \ +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use #func(const #T& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " \ + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") " \ + "instead")]] \ +inline T func(const T& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, \ + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) { \ + return func(f, outloc, toString(method), toString(region)); \ +} +#endif + +#ifdef VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING +#error This utility macro should not clash with another one +#else +#define VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(func, T, T1, T2) \ +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use #func(const #T1 v, const #T2& f, " \ + "CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const " \ + "std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] \ +inline T func(const T1& v, const T2& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, \ + REGION region) { \ + return func(v, f, outloc, method, toString(region)); \ +} \ +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use #func(const #T1& v, const #T2& f, " \ + "CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", " \ + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] \ +inline T func(const T1& v, const T2& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, \ + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY) { \ + return func(v, f, outloc, toString(method), toString(region)); \ +} +#endif ////////// FIRST DERIVATIVES ////////// @@ -55,15 +90,9 @@ /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D DDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match DDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D DDX(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDX(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D DDX(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDX, Field3D) /// Calculate first partial derivative in X /// @@ -77,15 +106,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D DDX(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D DDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match DDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D DDX(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDX(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D DDX(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDX, Field2D) /// Calculate first partial derivative in Y /// @@ -99,15 +122,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D DDX(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D DDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match DDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D DDY(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDY(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D DDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDY, Field3D) /// Calculate first partial derivative in Y /// @@ -121,15 +138,25 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D DDY(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D DDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +Field2D DDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDY, Field2D) -/// Reorder arguments to match DDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D DDY(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDY(f, outloc, method, region); -} +/// Calculate first partial derivative in Z +/// +/// \f$\partial / \partial z\f$ +/// +/// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated +/// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. If +/// staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect +/// If not given, defaults to CELL_DEFAULT +/// @param[in] method Differencing method to use. This overrides the default +/// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT +/// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated +/// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY +Field3D DDZ(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDZ, Field3D) /// Calculate first partial derivative in Z /// @@ -143,15 +170,25 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D DDY(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +Field2D DDZ(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDZ, Field2D) -/// Reorder arguments to match DDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} +/// Calculate first partial derivative in Z +/// +/// \f$\partial / \partial z\f$ +/// +/// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated +/// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. If +/// staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect +/// If not given, defaults to CELL_DEFAULT +/// @param[in] method Differencing method to use. This overrides the default +/// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT +/// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated +/// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY +Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDZ, Vector3D) /// Calculate first partial derivative in Z /// @@ -165,15 +202,10 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D DDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +Vector2D DDZ(const Vector2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(DDZ, Vector2D) -/// Reorder arguments to match DDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D DDZ(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} ////////// SECOND DERIVATIVES ////////// /// Calculate second partial derivative in X @@ -188,15 +220,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D DDZ(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DX2(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DX2, Field3D) /// Calculate second partial derivative in X /// @@ -210,15 +236,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DX2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DX2(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DX2, Field2D) /// Calculate second partial derivative in Y /// @@ -232,15 +252,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DY2(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DY2, Field3D) /// Calculate second partial derivative in Y /// @@ -254,15 +268,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DY2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DY2(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DY2, Field2D) /// Calculate second partial derivative in Z /// @@ -276,15 +284,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DZ2(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DZ2(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D2DZ2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DZ2, Field3D) /// Calculate second partial derivative in Z /// @@ -298,16 +300,11 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DZ2(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D2DZ2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +Field2D D2DZ2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DZ2, Field2D) -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DZ2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DZ2(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DZ2(f, outloc, method, region); -} -////////// FORTH DERIVATIVES ////////// +////////// FOURTH DERIVATIVES ////////// /// Calculate forth partial derivative in X /// @@ -321,15 +318,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DZ2(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D4DX4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D4DX4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D4DX4(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D4DX4(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D4DX4(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D4DX4, Field3D) /// Calculate forth partial derivative in X /// @@ -343,15 +334,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D4DX4(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D4DX4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D4DX4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D4DX4(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D4DX4(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D D4DX4(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D4DX4, Field2D) /// Calculate forth partial derivative in Y /// @@ -365,15 +350,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D4DX4(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D4DY4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D4DY4(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D4DY4, Field3D) /// Calculate forth partial derivative in Y /// @@ -387,15 +366,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D4DY4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D4DY4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D4DY4(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D4DY4(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D D4DY4(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D4DY4, Field2D) /// Calculate forth partial derivative in Z /// @@ -409,15 +382,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D4DY4(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D4DZ4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D4DZ4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D4DZ4(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D4DZ4(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D4DZ4, Field3D) /// Calculate forth partial derivative in Z /// @@ -431,16 +398,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D4DZ4(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region); -} -///////// UPWINDING METHODS ///////////// +Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D4DZ4, Field2D) /// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// @@ -455,16 +415,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D VDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D VDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D VDDX(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDX, Field3D, Field3D, Field3D) /// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// @@ -479,16 +432,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D VDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D VDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D VDDX(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDX, Field2D, Field2D, Field2D) /// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// @@ -503,16 +449,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D VDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D VDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D VDDY(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDY, Field3D, Field3D, Field3D) /// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// @@ -527,16 +466,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D VDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D VDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D VDDY(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDY, Field2D, Field2D, Field2D) /// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// @@ -551,16 +483,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D VDDZ(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDZ, Field3D, Field3D, Field3D) /// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// @@ -575,21 +500,13 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D VDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} -///////// FLUX METHODS ///////////// +Field2D VDDZ(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDZ, Field2D, Field2D, Field2D) -/// for terms of form div(v * f) +/// For terms of form v * grad(f) /// -/// \f$\partial (v f) / \partial x\f$ +/// \f$v \cdot \partial f / \partial z\f$ /// /// @param[in] v The velocity field /// @param[in] f The field of the advected quantity @@ -600,16 +517,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D FDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match FDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D FDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return FDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D VDDZ(const Field3D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(VDDZ, Field2D, Field3D, Field2D) /// for terms of form div(v * f) /// @@ -624,20 +534,13 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D FDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D FDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match FDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D FDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return FDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D FDDX(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(FDDX, Field3D, Field3D, Field3D) /// for terms of form div(v * f) /// -/// \f$\partial (v f) / \partial y\f$ +/// \f$\partial (v f) / \partial x\f$ /// /// @param[in] v The velocity field /// @param[in] f The field of the advected quantity @@ -648,16 +551,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D FDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D FDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match FDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D FDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return FDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D FDDX(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(FDDX, Field2D, Field2D, Field2D) /// for terms of form div(v * f) /// @@ -672,20 +568,13 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D FDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D FDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match FDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D FDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return FDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D FDDY(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(FDDY, Field3D, Field3D, Field3D) /// for terms of form div(v * f) /// -/// \f$\partial (v f) / \partial z\f$ +/// \f$\partial (v f) / \partial y\f$ /// /// @param[in] v The velocity field /// @param[in] f The field of the advected quantity @@ -696,16 +585,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D FDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D FDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match FDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D FDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return FDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D FDDY(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(FDDY, Field2D, Field2D, Field2D) /// for terms of form div(v * f) /// @@ -720,22 +602,16 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D FDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D FDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +Field3D FDDZ(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(FDDZ, Field3D, Field3D, Field3D) -/// Reorder arguments to match FDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D FDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return FDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} - -/// Calculate first partial derivative in Z +/// for terms of form div(v * f) /// -/// \f$\partial / \partial z\f$ +/// \f$\partial (v f) / \partial z\f$ /// -/// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated +/// @param[in] v The velocity field +/// @param[in] f The field of the advected quantity /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. If /// staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect /// If not given, defaults to CELL_DEFAULT @@ -743,15 +619,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D FDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match DDZ(const Vector3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D FDDZ(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(FDDZ, Field2D, Field2D, Field2D) /// Calculate mixed partial derivative in x and y /// @@ -765,15 +635,28 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DXDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DXDY(f, outloc, method, region); +/// @param[in] dfdy_boundary_condition Boundary condition to use to set the guard cells of +/// df/dy, before calculating the x-derivative. +Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY", + const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition = "free_o3"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use D2DXDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\", " + "const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition) instead")]] +inline Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, + REGION region, + const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition = "free_o3") { + return D2DXDY(f, outloc, method, toString(region), dfdy_boundary_condition); } +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use D2DXDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\", " + "const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition) instead")]] +inline Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY, + const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition = "free_o3") { + return D2DXDY(f, outloc, toString(method), toString(region), dfdy_boundary_condition); +}; /// Calculate mixed partial derivative in x and y /// @@ -787,15 +670,28 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DXDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DXDY(f, outloc, method, region); +/// @param[in] dfdy_boundary_condition Boundary condition to use to set the guard cells of +/// df/dy, before calculating the x-derivative. +Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT", + const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY", + const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition = "free_o3"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use D2DXDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\", " + "const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition) instead")]] +inline Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, + REGION region, + const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition = "free_o3") { + return D2DXDY(f, outloc, method, toString(region), dfdy_boundary_condition); } +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use D2DXDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, " + "const std::string& method = \"DEFAULT\", const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\", " + "const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition) instead")]] +inline Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, + REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY, + const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition = "free_o3") { + return D2DXDY(f, outloc, toString(method), toString(region), dfdy_boundary_condition); +}; /// Calculate mixed partial derivative in x and z /// @@ -809,15 +705,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D2DXDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DXDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DXDZ(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DXDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D2DXDZ(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DXDZ, Field3D) /// Calculate mixed partial derivative in x and z /// @@ -831,15 +721,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DXDZ(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D2DXDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DXDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DXDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DXDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field2D D2DXDZ(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DXDZ, Field2D) /// Calculate mixed partial derivative in y and z /// @@ -853,15 +737,9 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DXDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D D2DYDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DYDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DYDZ(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DYDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} +Field3D D2DYDZ(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DYDZ, Field3D) /// Calculate mixed partial derivative in y and z /// @@ -875,71 +753,11 @@ DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D D2DYDZ(const Field2D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, /// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT /// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated /// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field3D D2DYDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match D2DYDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D D2DYDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return D2DYDZ(f, outloc, method, region); -} - -/// For terms of form v * grad(f) -/// -/// \f$v \cdot \partial f / \partial z\f$ -/// -/// @param[in] v The velocity field -/// @param[in] f The field of the advected quantity -/// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. If -/// staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect -/// If not given, defaults to CELL_DEFAULT -/// @param[in] method Differencing method to use. This overrides the default -/// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT -/// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated -/// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const Field2D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC, -/// DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field2D &f, - DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return VDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region); -} - -// Deprecated methods -// -// Calculate first partial derivative in Z -// -// $\partial / \partial z $ -// -// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated -// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. -// If staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect -// @param[in] method Differencing method to use. This overrides the default -// @param[in] inc_xbndry DEPRECATED: use REGION flags -// Determines whether the derivative should be calculated in -// the X boundaries. This allows mixed operators (e.g. -// D2DXDZ) without additional communication - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc, - bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} +Field2D D2DYDZ(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, const std::string& + method = "DEFAULT", const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING(D2DYDZ, Field2D) -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} +#undef DERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING +#undef VDERIV_FUNC_REGION_ENUM_TO_STRING #endif // __DERIVS_H__ diff --git a/include/derivs.hxx.in.jinja b/include/derivs.hxx.in.jinja deleted file mode 100644 index b9660e6dbf..0000000000 --- a/include/derivs.hxx.in.jinja +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ - -/// {{desc}} -/// -/// \f${{latex}}\f$ -/// -{{in_field_desc}} -/// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. If -/// staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect -/// If not given, defaults to CELL_DEFAULT -/// @param[in] method Differencing method to use. This overrides the default -/// If not given, defaults to DIFF_DEFAULT -/// @param[in] region What region is expected to be calculated -/// If not given, defaults to RGN_NOBNDRY -const {{field}} {{DD}}({{in_sig}}, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Reorder arguments to match {{DD}}({{in_sig}}, CELL_LOC, DIFF_METHOD, REGION) -DEPRECATED(inline const {{field}} {{DD}}({{in_sig}}, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, - REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - return {{DD}}({{in_field}}, outloc, method,region); -} diff --git a/include/derivs.hxx.in.py b/include/derivs.hxx.in.py deleted file mode 100755 index ee344c912d..0000000000 --- a/include/derivs.hxx.in.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python3 -""" Code generator for derivs.hxx - -""" - -import jinja2 - - -file_header="""\ -/*!************************************************************************ - * \\file derivs.hxx - * - * Basic differential functions - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2010,2017 - * B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu, D. Schwörer - * - * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - **************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __DERIVS_H__ -#define __DERIVS_H__ - -#include "field3d.hxx" -#include "field2d.hxx" -#include "vector3d.hxx" -#include "vector2d.hxx" - -#include "bout_types.hxx" - -// Feel free to edit this file (derivs.hxx) rather then the generating -// files. If this is easier then changing derivx.hxx.in.py or -// derivs.hxx.in.jinja do so, but please remove the derivs.hxx.in.* -// files to make clear the file is not auto-generated anymore. -""" - - -class Function(object): - def __init__(self,name,flux=None,desc=None,latex=None): - if flux is not None: - self.name=name - self.flux=flux - self.desc=desc - self.latex=latex - else: - # Copy constructor - self.name=name.name - self.flux=name.flux - self.desc=name.desc - self.latex=name.latex - if flux: - self.in_field_desc = "/// @param[in] v The velocity field\n" - self.in_field_desc+= "/// @param[in] f The field of the advected quantity" - else: - self.in_field_desc = "/// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated" - if flux: - self.in_sig="const $f &v, const $f &f" - self.in_field="v, f" - else: - self.in_sig="const $f &f" - self.in_field="f" - def set(self,d,field): - copy=Function(self.name.replace('d',d), - self.flux, - self.desc.replace('$d',d), - self.latex.replace('$d_lower',d.lower())) - copy.in_sig=self.in_sig.replace('$f',field) - copy.field=field - copy.d=d - return copy - def render(self): - args=vars(self) - args['DD']=self.name - global function_template - print(function_template.render(**args)) - -env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader('.'), - trim_blocks=True) - -function_template = env.get_template("derivs.hxx.in.jinja") - -first=Function('DDd',False, - desc="Calculate first partial derivative in $d", - latex="\partial / \partial $d_lower") -second=Function('D2Dd2',False, - desc="Calculate second partial derivative in $d", - latex="\partial^2 / \partial $d_lower^2") -upwind=Function('VDDd',True, - desc="For terms of form v * grad(f)", - latex="v \cdot \partial f / \partial $d_lower") -funcs=[first, - second, - Function('D4Dd4',False, - desc="Calculate forth partial derivative in $d", - latex="\partial^4 / \partial $d_lower^4"), - upwind, - Function('FDDd',True, - desc="for terms of form div(v * f)", - latex="\partial (v f) / \partial $d_lower")] - -deprecated_methods=""" -// Deprecated methods -// -// Calculate first partial derivative in Z -// -// \f$\partial / \partial z\f$ -// -// @param[in] f The field to be differentiated -// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired. -// If staggered grids is not enabled then this has no effect -// @param[in] method Differencing method to use. This overrides the default -// @param[in] inc_xbndry DEPRECATED: use REGION flags -// Determines whether the derivative should be calculated in -// the X boundaries. This allows mixed operators (e.g. -// D2DXDZ) without additional communication - - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc, bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, outloc, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, method, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} - -inline const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, bool inc_xbndry) { - return DDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT, inc_xbndry ? RGN_NOY : RGN_NOBNDRY); -} - -""" - -end_of_file="#endif // __DERIVS_H__" - -if __name__ == "__main__": - print(file_header) - - # Generate normal derivatives for Field3D and Field2D for the - # various directions - for fun in funcs: - if fun.name == 'DDd': - print("////////// FIRST DERIVATIVES //////////") - elif fun.name == 'D2Dd2': - print("////////// SECOND DERIVATIVES //////////") - elif fun.name == 'D4Dd4': - print("////////// FORTH DERIVATIVES //////////") - elif fun.name == 'VDDd': - print("///////// UPWINDING METHODS /////////////") - elif fun.name == 'FDDd': - print("///////// FLUX METHODS /////////////") - else: - print("Unhandeled case") - exit(1) - for d in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']: - for field in ['Field3D', 'Field2D']: - # get copy - fun.set(d,field).render() - - - # Generate header file for the Z derivative of Vector 3D - first.set('Z',"Vector3D").render() - - # Generate the mixed derivative - x='x' - y='y' - z='z' - for DD in [[x,y],[x,z],[y,z]]: - for field in ['Field2D', 'Field3D']: - cur=second.set('error',field) - cur.name="D2D%sD%s"%(DD[0].upper(),DD[1].upper()) - cur.desc="Calculate mixed partial derivative in %s and %s"%(DD[0],DD[1]) - cur.latex="\partial^2 / \partial %s \partial %s"%(DD[0],DD[1]) - cur.render() - - # Generate a case of mixed Field2D and Field3D for Z upwinding - # scheeme - cur=upwind.set('Z','Field2D') - cur.in_sig="const Field3D &v, const Field2D &f" - cur.render() - - print(deprecated_methods) - - print(end_of_file) diff --git a/include/difops.hxx b/include/difops.hxx index 52caf84bc5..86959f773f 100644 --- a/include/difops.hxx +++ b/include/difops.hxx @@ -41,20 +41,42 @@ #include "bout_types.hxx" +#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" #include "bout/solver.hxx" /*! * Parallel derivative (central differencing) in Y - * along unperturbed field + * along unperturbed field * * @param[in] var The field to be differentiated - * @param[in] outloc The cell location where the output is needed (if staggered grids is enabled) - * @param[in] method The method to use. The default is set in the options. + * @param[in] outloc The cell location where the output is needed (if staggered grids is + * enabled) + * @param[in] method The method to use. The default is set in the options. */ -const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); -const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); +const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D& var, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D& var, const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D& var, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Grad_par(var, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D& var, DIFF_METHOD method, + CELL_LOC outloc)) { + return Grad_par(var, outloc, toString(method)); +}; + +const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D& var, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D& var, const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const DEPRECATED(Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D& var, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method)) { + return Grad_par(var, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const DEPRECATED( + Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D& var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc))) { + return Grad_par(var, outloc, toString(method)); +}; /*! * Derivative along perturbed magnetic field @@ -66,114 +88,111 @@ const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc=C * Combines the parallel and perpendicular calculation to include * grid-points at the corners. */ -const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &apar, const Field3D &f); +const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D& apar, const Field3D& f); /*! * vpar times parallel derivative along unperturbed B-field (upwinding) * - * \f[ + * \f[ * v\mathbf{b}_0 \cdot \nabla f * \f] * - * @param[in] v The velocity in y direction - * @param[in] f The scalar field to be differentiated - * - */ -const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f); - -/*! - * vpar times parallel derivative along unperturbed B-field (upwinding) * - * \f[ - * v\mathbf{b}_0 \cdot \nabla f - * \f] - * * @param[in] v The velocity in y direction * @param[in] f The scalar field to be differentiated * @param[in] outloc The cell location of the output. By default this is the same as \p f * @param[in] method The numerical method to use. The default is set in the options - * - */ -const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); - -/*! - * vpar times parallel derivative along unperturbed B-field (upwinding) * - * \f[ - * v\mathbf{b}_0 \cdot \nabla f - * \f] - * - * @param[in] v The velocity in y direction - * @param[in] f The scalar field to be differentiated - * @param[in] outloc The cell location of the output. By default this is the same as \p f - * @param[in] method The numerical method to use. The default is set in the options - * - */ -const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); - - -/*! - * parallel divergence operator - * - * \f[ - * B \partial_{||}(f/B) = B \nabla\cdot (\mathbf{b}f/B ) - * \f] - * - * @param[in] f The component of a vector along the magnetic field - * */ -const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D &f); +const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, + const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, + DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc)) { + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; -/*! - * parallel divergence operator - * - * \f[ - * B \partial_{||}(f/B) = B \nabla\cdot (\mathbf{b}f/B ) - * \f] - * - * @param[in] f The component of a vector along the magnetic field - * @param[in] outloc The cell location for the result. By default the same as \p f - * @param[in] method The numerical method to use - * - */ -const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, - CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); +const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc)) { + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; /*! * parallel divergence operator - * + * * \f[ * B \partial_{||}(f/B) = B \nabla\cdot (\mathbf{b}f/B ) * \f] - * - * @param[in] f The component of a vector along the magnetic field + * + * @param[in] f The component of a vector along the magnetic field * @param[in] outloc The cell location for the result. By default the same as \p f * @param[in] method The numerical method to use - * + * */ -const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); +const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D& f, const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Div_par(f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D& f, DIFF_METHOD method, + CELL_LOC outloc)) { + return Div_par(f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; -// Flux methods. Model divergence of flux: df/dt = Div(v * f) -const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, - CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); +const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Div_par(f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, DIFF_METHOD method, + CELL_LOC outloc)) { + return Div_par(f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; // Divergence of a parallel flow: Div(f*v) // Both f and v are interpolated onto cell boundaries // using 2nd order central difference, then multiplied together // to get the flux at the boundary. -const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &v); +const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& v); -/*! - * second parallel derivative - * \f[ - * (\mathbf{b} dot \nabla)(\mathbf{b} dot \nabla) - * \f] - * - * Note: For parallel Laplacian use LaplacePar - */ -const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); +// Flux methods. Model divergence of flux: df/dt = Div(v * f) +// TODO : Should we add Field2D versions? +const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)); +inline const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Div_par_flux(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + DIFF_METHOD method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)) { + return Div_par_flux(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; /*! * second parallel derivative @@ -184,23 +203,88 @@ const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_ME * Note: For parallel Laplacian use LaplacePar * * @param[in] f The field to be differentiated - * @param[in] outloc The cell location of the result + * @param[in] outloc The cell location of the result */ -const Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_METHOD method=DIFF_DEFAULT); +const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +inline const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Grad2_par2(f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; + +const Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +inline const Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Grad2_par2(f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; /*! * Parallel derivatives, converting between cell-centred and lower cell boundary * These are a simple way to do staggered differencing */ -const Field3D Grad_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var); -const Field2D Grad_par_CtoL(const Field2D &var); -const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par_LCtoC(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY); -const Field3D Grad_par_LtoC(const Field3D &var); -const Field2D Grad_par_LtoC(const Field2D &var); -const Field3D Div_par_LtoC(const Field3D &var); -const Field2D Div_par_LtoC(const Field2D &var); -const Field3D Div_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var); -const Field2D Div_par_CtoL(const Field2D &var); +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Grad_par_CtoL is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field3D Grad_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + return Grad_par(var, CELL_YLOW); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Grad_par_CtoL is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field2D Grad_par_CtoL(const Field2D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + return Grad_par(var, CELL_YLOW); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Vpar_Grad_par_LCtoC is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Vpar_Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par_LCtoC(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + const std::string& region="RGN_NOBNDRY") { + ASSERT2(v.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + ASSERT2(f.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, CELL_CENTRE, region); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Vpar_Grad_par_LCtoC is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Vpar_Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par_LCtoC(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, + REGION region=RGN_NOBNDRY) { + ASSERT2(v.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + ASSERT2(f.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + return Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, CELL_CENTRE, toString(region)); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Grad_par_LtoC is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field3D Grad_par_LtoC(const Field3D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + return Grad_par(var, CELL_CENTRE); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Grad_par_LtoC is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field2D Grad_par_LtoC(const Field2D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + return Grad_par(var, CELL_CENTRE); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Div_par_LtoC is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field3D Div_par_LtoC(const Field3D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + return Div_par(var, CELL_CENTRE); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Div_par_LtoC is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field2D Div_par_LtoC(const Field2D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + return Div_par(var, CELL_CENTRE); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Div_par_CtoL is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field3D Div_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + return Div_par(var, CELL_YLOW); +} +[[gnu::deprecated( + "Div_par_CtoL is deprecated. Staggering is now supported in Grad_par.")]] +inline const Field2D Div_par_CtoL(const Field2D &var) { + ASSERT2(var.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + return Div_par(var, CELL_YLOW); +} /*! * Parallel divergence of diffusive flux, K*Grad_par @@ -228,9 +312,10 @@ const Field3D Div_par_K_Grad_par(const Field3D &kY, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC o * * For the full perpendicular Laplacian, use Laplace_perp */ -const Field2D Delp2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Delp2(const Field3D &f, BoutReal zsmooth=-1.0, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); -const FieldPerp Delp2(const FieldPerp &f, BoutReal zsmooth=-1.0, CELL_LOC outloc=CELL_DEFAULT); +const Field2D Delp2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, bool useFFT = true); +const Field3D Delp2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, bool useFFT = true); +const FieldPerp Delp2(const FieldPerp& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + bool useFFT = true); /*! * Perpendicular Laplacian, keeping y derivatives @@ -277,16 +362,19 @@ const Field3D b0xGrad_dot_Grad(const Field3D &phi, const Field3D &A, CELL_LOC ou /*! * Poisson bracket methods */ -enum BRACKET_METHOD { - BRACKET_STD = 0, ///< Use b0xGrad_dot_Grad - BRACKET_SIMPLE = 1, ///< Keep only terms in X-Z - BRACKET_ARAKAWA = 2, ///< Arakawa method in X-Z (optimised) - BRACKET_CTU = 3, ///< Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) - /// method. Explicit method only, - /// needs the timestep from the - /// solver - BRACKET_ARAKAWA_OLD = 4 ///< Older version, for regression testing of optimised version. +enum class BRACKET_METHOD { + standard, ///< Use b0xGrad_dot_Grad + simple, ///< Keep only terms in X-Z + arakawa, ///< Arakawa method in X-Z (optimised) + ctu, ///< Corner Transport Upwind (CTU) method. Explicit method only, needs the + /// timestep from the solver + arakawa_old ///< Older version, for regression testing of optimised version. }; +constexpr BRACKET_METHOD BRACKET_STD = BRACKET_METHOD::standard; +constexpr BRACKET_METHOD BRACKET_SIMPLE = BRACKET_METHOD::simple; +constexpr BRACKET_METHOD BRACKET_ARAKAWA = BRACKET_METHOD::arakawa; +constexpr BRACKET_METHOD BRACKET_CTU = BRACKET_METHOD::ctu; +constexpr BRACKET_METHOD BRACKET_ARAKAWA_OLD = BRACKET_METHOD::arakawa_old; /*! * Compute advection operator terms, which can be cast as diff --git a/include/fft.hxx b/include/fft.hxx index dbafc214e1..876217dd1a 100644 --- a/include/fft.hxx +++ b/include/fft.hxx @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ #define __FFT_H__ #include "dcomplex.hxx" +#include + +class Options; + +namespace bout { +namespace fft { /*! * Returns the fft of a real signal using fftw_forward @@ -78,4 +84,47 @@ void DST(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out); */ void DST_rev(dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out); +/// Should the FFT functions find and use an optimised plan? +void fft_init(bool fft_measure); +/// Should the FFT functions find and use an optimised plan? +/// +/// If \p options is not nullptr, it should contain a bool called +/// "fftw_measure". If it is nullptr, use the global `Options` root +void fft_init(Options* options = nullptr); + +/// Returns the fft of a real signal \p in using fftw_forward +Array rfft(const Array& in); + +/// Take the inverse fft of signal \p in where the outputs are only reals. +/// Requires the \p length of the original real signal +/// +/// \p length is required because input signals to the forward +/// transform of length `n` and `n + 1` both produce ffts of length +/// `(n / 2) + 1` -- i.e. it's not possible to recover the length of +/// the original signal from the fft alone. +/// +/// Expects that `in.size() == (length / 2) + 1` +Array irfft(const Array& in, int length); + +} // namespace fft +} // namespace bout + +// Legacy non-namespaced versions + +inline void rfft(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out) { + return bout::fft::rfft(in, length, out); +} + +inline void irfft(const dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { + return bout::fft::irfft(in, length, out); +} + +inline void DST(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out) { + return bout::fft::DST(in, length, out); +} + +inline void DST_rev(dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { + return bout::fft::DST_rev(in, length, out); +} + #endif // __FFT_H__ diff --git a/include/field.hxx b/include/field.hxx index fd6646884a..e3b4ac6d61 100644 --- a/include/field.hxx +++ b/include/field.hxx @@ -29,23 +29,26 @@ class Field; #ifndef __FIELD_H__ #define __FIELD_H__ -#include +#include +#include #include +#include "bout/region.hxx" #include "bout_types.hxx" +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include +#include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "bout/region.hxx" #include "stencils.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" #include -#include "boutexception.hxx" - -#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" - -#include "bout/dataiterator.hxx" +#include "bout/traits.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" class Mesh; class Coordinates; -extern Mesh * mesh; ///< Global mesh #ifdef TRACK #include @@ -57,29 +60,44 @@ extern Mesh * mesh; ///< Global mesh * Defines the virtual function SetStencil, used by differencing methods */ class Field { - public: - Field(); - Field(Mesh * localmesh); - virtual ~Field() { } +public: + Field() = default; + Field(const Field& other) = default; + Field(Field&& other) = default; + Field& operator=(const Field& other) = default; + Field& operator=(Field&& other) = default; + virtual ~Field() = default; - // Data access - virtual const BoutReal& operator[](const Indices &i) const = 0; + Field(Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC location_in, DirectionTypes directions_in); - virtual void setLocation(CELL_LOC loc) { - if (loc != CELL_CENTRE) - throw BoutException("not implemented!"); + /// Set variable location for staggered grids to @param new_location + /// + /// Throws BoutException if new_location is not `CELL_CENTRE` and + /// staggered grids are turned off and checks are on. If checks are + /// off, silently sets location to ``CELL_CENTRE`` instead. + void setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location); + /// Get variable location + CELL_LOC getLocation() const; + + /// Getters for DIRECTION types + DirectionTypes getDirections() const { + return directions; + } + YDirectionType getDirectionY() const { + return directions.y; } - virtual CELL_LOC getLocation() const { - return CELL_CENTRE; + ZDirectionType getDirectionZ() const { + return directions.z; + } + + /// Setters for *DirectionType + void setDirectionY(YDirectionType y_type) { + directions.y = y_type; + } + void setDirectionZ(ZDirectionType z_type) { + directions.z = z_type; } -#ifdef TRACK - DEPRECATED(std::string getName() const) { return name; } - DEPRECATED(void setName(std::string s)) { name = s; } -#else - DEPRECATED(std::string getName()) const { return ""; } - DEPRECATED(void setName(std::string UNUSED(s))) {} -#endif std::string name; #if CHECK > 0 @@ -97,26 +115,32 @@ class Field { return true; } - // Status of the 4 boundaries - bool bndry_xin, bndry_xout, bndry_yup, bndry_ydown; + /// Status of the 4 boundaries + bool bndry_xin{true}, bndry_xout{true}, bndry_yup{true}, bndry_ydown{true}; #endif - virtual Mesh * getMesh() const{ - if (fieldmesh){ + + Mesh* getMesh() const { + if (fieldmesh) { return fieldmesh; } else { - return mesh; + // Don't set fieldmesh=mesh here, so that fieldmesh==nullptr until + // allocate() is called in one of the derived classes. fieldmesh==nullptr + // indicates that some initialization that would be done in the + // constructor if fieldmesh was a valid Mesh object still needs to be + // done. + return bout::globals::mesh; } } /// Returns a pointer to the coordinates object at this field's /// location from the mesh this field is on. - virtual Coordinates *getCoordinates() const; - + Coordinates* getCoordinates() const; + /// Returns a pointer to the coordinates object at the requested /// location from the mesh this field is on. If location is CELL_DEFAULT /// then return coordinates at field location - virtual Coordinates *getCoordinates(CELL_LOC loc) const; - + Coordinates* getCoordinates(CELL_LOC loc) const; + /*! * Return the number of nx points */ @@ -130,14 +154,505 @@ class Field { */ virtual int getNz() const; - /// Make region mendatory for all fields - virtual const IndexRange region(REGION rgn) const = 0; - protected: - Mesh * fieldmesh; + friend void swap(Field& first, Field& second) noexcept { + using std::swap; + swap(first.name, second.name); + swap(first.fieldmesh, second.fieldmesh); + swap(first.fieldCoordinates, second.fieldCoordinates); + swap(first.location, second.location); + swap(first.directions, second.directions); + } +protected: + Mesh* fieldmesh{nullptr}; mutable std::shared_ptr fieldCoordinates{nullptr}; - /// Supplies an error method. Currently just prints and exits, but - /// should do something more cunning... - DEPRECATED(void error(const char *s, ...) const); + + /// Location of the variable in the cell + CELL_LOC location{CELL_CENTRE}; + + /// Copy the members from another Field + void copyFieldMembers(const Field& f) { + name = f.name; + fieldmesh = f.fieldmesh; + fieldCoordinates = f.fieldCoordinates; + location = f.location; + directions = f.directions; + } + + /// Labels for the type of coordinate system this field is defined over + DirectionTypes directions{YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}; }; +/// Check if Fields have compatible meta-data +inline bool areFieldsCompatible(const Field& field1, const Field& field2) { + return + field1.getCoordinates() == field2.getCoordinates() && + field1.getMesh() == field2.getMesh() && + field1.getLocation() == field2.getLocation() && + areDirectionsCompatible(field1.getDirections(), field2.getDirections()); +} + +/// Return an empty shell field of some type derived from Field, with metadata +/// copied and a data array that is allocated but not initialised. +template +inline T emptyFrom(const T& f) { + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field::value, "emptyFrom only works on Fields"); + return T(f.getMesh(), f.getLocation(), {f.getDirectionY(), f.getDirectionZ()}).allocate(); +} + +/// Return a field of some type derived from Field, with metadata copied from +/// another field and a data array allocated and initialised to zero. +template +inline T zeroFrom(const T& f) { + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field::value, "zeroFrom only works on Fields"); + T result{emptyFrom(f)}; + result = 0.; + return result; +} + +/// Return a field of some type derived from Field, with metadata copied from +/// another field and a data array allocated and filled with the given value. +template +inline T filledFrom(const T& f, BoutReal fill_value) { + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field::value, "filledFrom only works on Fields"); + T result{emptyFrom(f)}; + result = fill_value; + return result; +} + +/// Unary + operator. This doesn't do anything +template> +T operator+(const T& f) {return f;} + +namespace bout { +/// Check if all values of a field \p var are finite. Loops over all points including the +/// boundaries by default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument) +/// If any element is not finite, throws an exception that includes the position of the +/// first found. +/// +/// Note that checkFinite runs the check irrespective of CHECK level. It is intended to be +/// used during initialization, where we always want to check inputs, even for optimized +/// builds. +template +inline void checkFinite(const T& f, const std::string& name="field", const std::string& rgn="RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + if (!f.isAllocated()) { + throw BoutException("%s is not allocated", name.c_str()); + } + + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, f.getRegion(rgn)) { + if (!::finite(f[i])) { + throw BoutException("%s is not finite at %s", name.c_str(), toString(i).c_str()); + } + } +} + +/// Check if all values of a field \p var are positive. Loops over all points including +/// the boundaries by default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument) +/// If any element is not finite, throws an exception that includes the position of the +/// first found. +/// +/// Note that checkPositive runs the check irrespective of CHECK level. It is intended to +/// be used during initialization, where we always want to check inputs, even for +/// optimized builds. +template +inline void checkPositive(const T& f, const std::string& name="field", const std::string& rgn="RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + if (!f.isAllocated()) { + throw BoutException("%s is not allocated", name.c_str()); + } + + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, f.getRegion(rgn)) { + if (f[i] <= 0.) { + throw BoutException("%s is not positive at %s", name.c_str(), toString(i).c_str()); + } + } +} +} // namespace bout + +//////////////// NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ////////////////// + +template +inline T toFieldAligned(const T& f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") { + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field::value, "toFieldAligned only works on Fields"); + return f.getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().toFieldAligned(f, region); +} +template +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use toFieldAligned(const T& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline T toFieldAligned(const T& f, REGION region) { + return toFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); +} + +template +inline T fromFieldAligned(const T& f, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL") { + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field::value, "fromFieldAligned only works on Fields"); + return f.getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().fromFieldAligned(f, region); +} +template +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use fromFieldAligned(const T& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline T fromFieldAligned(const T& f, REGION region) { + return fromFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); +} + +template> +inline BoutReal min(const T& f, bool allpe = false, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + checkData(f); + + const auto region = f.getRegion(rgn); + BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; + + BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(min:result)) { + if(f[i] < result) { + result = f[i]; + } + } + + if(allpe) { + // MPI reduce + BoutReal localresult = result; + MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, BoutComm::get()); + } + + return result; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field3D min(const Field3D& f, bool allpe, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline BoutReal min(const T& f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { + return min(f, allpe, toString(rgn)); +} + +template> +inline BoutReal max(const T& f, bool allpe = false, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + checkData(f); + + const auto region = f.getRegion(rgn); + BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; + + BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(max:result)) { + if(f[i] > result) { + result = f[i]; + } + } + + if(allpe) { + // MPI reduce + BoutReal localresult = result; + MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, BoutComm::get()); + } + + return result; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field3D max(const Field3D& f, bool allpe, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline BoutReal max(const T& f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { + return max(f, allpe, toString(rgn)); +} + +template> +inline BoutReal mean(const T &f, bool allpe = false, + const std::string& rgn = "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + checkData(f); + + // Intitialise the cummulative sum and counter + BoutReal result = 0.; + int count = 0; + + BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, f.getRegion(rgn), parallel for reduction(+:result,count)) { + result += f[i]; + count += 1; + } + + if(allpe) { + // MPI reduce + BoutReal localresult = result; + MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get()); + int localcount = count; + MPI_Allreduce(&localcount, &count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get()); + } + + return result / static_cast(count); +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field3D mean(const Field3D& f, bool allpe, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline BoutReal mean(const T& f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { + return mean(f, allpe, toString(rgn)); +} + +/// Exponent: pow(lhs, lhs) is \p lhs raised to the power of \p rhs +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument) +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +template> +T pow(const T& lhs, const T& rhs, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + T result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion(rgn)) { result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs[i]); } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use pow(const T& lhs, const T& rhs" + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline T pow(const T& lhs, const T& rhs, REGION rgn) { + return pow(lhs, rhs, toString(rgn)); +} + +template> +T pow(const T &lhs, BoutReal rhs, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Check if the inputs are allocated + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + T result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion(rgn)) { result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs); } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use pow(const T& lhs, BoutReal rhs" + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline T pow(const T& lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn) { + return pow(lhs, rhs, toString(rgn)); +} + +template> +T pow(BoutReal lhs, const T &rhs, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + // Check if the inputs are allocated + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + // Define and allocate the output result + T result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion(rgn)) { result[i] = ::pow(lhs, rhs[i]); } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use pow(BoutReal lhs, const T& rhs" + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline T pow(BoutReal lhs, const T& rhs, REGION rgn) { + return pow(lhs, rhs, toString(rgn)); +} + + +/*! + * This macro takes a function \p func, which is + * assumed to operate on a single BoutReal and return + * a single BoutReal, and wraps it up into a function + * of a Field called \p name. + * + * @param name The name of the function to define + * @param func The function to apply to each value + * + * If CHECK >= 1, checks if the Field is allocated + * + * Loops over the entire domain, applies function, + * and uses checkData() to, if CHECK >= 3, check + * result for non-finite numbers + * + */ +#ifdef FIELD_FUNC +#error This macro has already been defined +#else +#define FIELD_FUNC(name, func) \ + template> \ + inline T name(const T &f, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL") { \ + AUTO_TRACE(); \ + /* Check if the input is allocated */ \ + checkData(f); \ + /* Define and allocate the output result */ \ + T result{emptyFrom(f)}; \ + BOUT_FOR(d, result.getRegion(rgn)) { result[d] = func(f[d]); } \ + checkData(result); \ + return result; \ + } \ + template> \ + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use func(const T& f, " \ + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] \ + inline T name(const T& f, REGION region) { \ + return name(f, toString(region)); \ + } +#endif + +/// Square root of \p f over region \p rgn +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(sqrt, ::sqrt); + +/// Absolute value (modulus, |f|) of \p f over region \p rgn +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(abs, ::fabs); + +/// Exponential: \f$\exp(f)\f$ is e to the power of \p f, over region +/// \p rgn +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(exp, ::exp); + +/// Natural logarithm of \p f over region \p rgn, inverse of +/// exponential +/// +/// \f$\ln(\exp(f)) = f\f$ +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the rgn argument) +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(log, ::log); + +/// Sine trigonometric function. +/// +/// @param[in] f Angle in radians +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(sin, ::sin); + +/// Cosine trigonometric function. +/// +/// @param[in] f Angle in radians +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(cos, ::cos); + +/// Tangent trigonometric function. +/// +/// @param[in] f Angle in radians +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(tan, ::tan); + +/// Hyperbolic sine trigonometric function. +/// +/// @param[in] f Angle in radians +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(sinh, ::sinh); + +/// Hyperbolic cosine trigonometric function. +/// +/// @param[in] f Angle in radians +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(cosh, ::cosh); + +/// Hyperbolic tangent trigonometric function. +/// +/// @param[in] f Angle in radians +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// +/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). +/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers +FIELD_FUNC(tanh, ::tanh); + +/// Check if all values of a field \p var are finite. +/// Loops over all points including the boundaries by +/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument +template> +inline bool finite(const T &f, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + if (!f.isAllocated()) { + return false; + } + + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, f.getRegion(rgn)) { + if (!finite(f[i])) { + return false; + } + } + + return true; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use bool finite(const Field3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline bool finite(const T& f, REGION rgn) { + return finite(f, toString(rgn)); +} + +/// Makes a copy of a field \p f, ensuring that the underlying data is +/// not shared. +template> +T copy(const T &f) { + T result = f; + result.allocate(); + return result; +} + +/// Apply a floor value \p f to a field \p var. Any value lower than +/// the floor is set to the floor. +/// +/// @param[in] var Variable to apply floor to +/// @param[in] f The floor value +/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +template> +inline T floor(const T& var, BoutReal f, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL") { + checkData(var); + T result = copy(var); + + BOUT_FOR(d, var.getRegion(rgn)) { + if (result[d] < f) { + result[d] = f; + } + } + + return result; +} +template> +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use floor(const T& var, BoutReal f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline T floor(const T& var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn) { + return floor(var, f, toString(rgn)); +} + +#undef FIELD_FUNC + #endif /* __FIELD_H__ */ diff --git a/include/field2d.hxx b/include/field2d.hxx index 51e14607ab..1d4176029d 100644 --- a/include/field2d.hxx +++ b/include/field2d.hxx @@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ class Field3D; //#include "field3d.hxx" #include "fieldperp.hxx" #include "stencils.hxx" -#include "bout/dataiterator.hxx" - #include "bout/field_visitor.hxx" #include "bout/array.hxx" #include "bout/region.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" @@ -65,7 +64,9 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { * * By default the global Mesh pointer (mesh) is used. */ - Field2D(Mesh *localmesh = nullptr); + Field2D(Mesh *localmesh = nullptr, CELL_LOC location_in=CELL_CENTRE, + DirectionTypes directions_in = + {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Average}); /*! * Copy constructor. After this both fields @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { /*! * Move constructor */ - Field2D(Field2D&& f) = default; + Field2D(Field2D&& f) noexcept { swap(*this, f); }; /*! * Constructor. This creates a Field2D using the global Mesh pointer (mesh) @@ -84,6 +85,11 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { * boundary cells. */ Field2D(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh = nullptr); + + /// Constructor from Array and Mesh + Field2D(Array data, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE, + DirectionTypes directions_in = {YDirectionType::Standard, + ZDirectionType::Average}); /*! * Destructor @@ -94,7 +100,7 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { using value_type = BoutReal; /// Ensure data is allocated - void allocate(); + Field2D& allocate(); bool isAllocated() const { return !data.empty(); } ///< Test if data is allocated /// Return a pointer to the time-derivative field @@ -113,8 +119,49 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { */ int getNz() const override {return 1;}; - // Operators + // these methods return Field2D to allow method chaining + Field2D& setLocation(CELL_LOC location) { + Field::setLocation(location); + return *this; + } + Field2D& setDirectionY(YDirectionType d) { + // This method included in case it is wanted in a templated function also dealing with + // Field3D or FieldPerp - there is no difference between orthogonal and field-aligned + // coordinates for Field2D, so should always have YDirectionType::Standard. + ASSERT1(d == YDirectionType::Standard); + directions.y = d; + return *this; + } + + /// Check if this field has yup and ydown fields + bool hasParallelSlices() const { + return true; + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field2D::hasParallelSlices instead")]] + bool hasYupYdown() const { + return hasParallelSlices(); + } + + Field2D& yup(std::vector::size_type UNUSED(index) = 0) { + return *this; + } + const Field2D& yup(std::vector::size_type UNUSED(index) = 0) const { + return *this; + } + + Field2D& ydown(std::vector::size_type UNUSED(index) = 0) { + return *this; + } + const Field2D& ydown(std::vector::size_type UNUSED(index) = 0) const { + return *this; + } + + Field2D& ynext(int UNUSED(dir)) { return *this; } + const Field2D& ynext(int UNUSED(dir)) const { return *this; } + // Operators + /*! * Assignment from Field2D. After this both fields will * share the same underlying data. To make a true copy, @@ -122,7 +169,6 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { * function. */ Field2D & operator=(const Field2D &rhs); - Field2D & operator=(Field2D &&rhs) = default; /*! * Allocates data if not already allocated, then @@ -130,33 +176,15 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { */ Field2D & operator=(BoutReal rhs); - /// Set variable location for staggered grids to @param new_location - /// - /// Throws BoutException if new_location is not `CELL_CENTRE` and - /// staggered grids are turned off and checks are on. If checks are - /// off, silently sets location to ``CELL_CENTRE`` instead. - void setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location) override; - /// Get variable location - CELL_LOC getLocation() const override; - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data access - /// Iterator over the Field2D indices - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(iterator() const); - - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(begin()) const; - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(end()) const; - - /*! - * Returns a range of indices which can be iterated over - * Uses the REGION flags in bout_types.hxx - */ - const IndexRange DEPRECATED(region(REGION rgn)) const override; - /// Return a Region reference to use to iterate over this field const Region& getRegion(REGION region) const; const Region& getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) const; + + Region::RegionIndices::const_iterator begin() const {return std::begin(getRegion("RGN_ALL"));}; + Region::RegionIndices::const_iterator end() const {return std::end(getRegion("RGN_ALL"));}; BoutReal& operator[](const Ind2D &d) { return data[d.ind]; @@ -167,29 +195,6 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { BoutReal& operator[](const Ind3D &d); const BoutReal& operator[](const Ind3D &d) const; - /*! - * Direct access to the data array. Since operator() is used - * to implement this, no checks are performed if CHECK <= 2 - */ - inline BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const DataIterator &d)) { - return operator()(d.x, d.y); - } - - /// Const access to data array - inline const BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const DataIterator &d)) const { - return operator()(d.x, d.y); - } - - /// Indices are also used as a lightweight way to specify indexing - /// for example DataIterator offsets (xp, xm, yp etc.) return Indices - inline BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const Indices &i)) { - return operator()(i.x, i.y); - } - /// const Indices data access - inline const BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const Indices &i)) const override { - return operator()(i.x, i.y); - } - /*! * Access to the underlying data array. * @@ -264,21 +269,39 @@ class Field2D : public Field, public FieldData { friend class Vector2D; void applyBoundary(bool init=false) override; - void applyBoundary(const string &condition); - void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(string(condition)); } - void applyBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition); + void applyBoundary(BoutReal time); + void applyBoundary(const std::string &condition); + void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(std::string(condition)); } + void applyBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition); void applyTDerivBoundary() override; void setBoundaryTo(const Field2D &f2d); ///< Copy the boundary region - - private: - int nx, ny; ///< Array sizes (from fieldmesh). These are valid only if fieldmesh is not null - + + friend void swap(Field2D& first, Field2D& second) noexcept { + using std::swap; + + // Swap base class members + swap(static_cast(first), static_cast(second)); + + swap(first.data, second.data); + swap(first.nx, second.nx); + swap(first.ny, second.ny); + swap(first.deriv, second.deriv); + swap(first.bndry_op, second.bndry_op); + swap(first.boundaryIsCopy, second.boundaryIsCopy); + swap(first.boundaryIsSet, second.boundaryIsSet); + swap(first.bndry_op_par, second.bndry_op_par); + swap(first.bndry_generator, second.bndry_generator); + } + +private: + /// Array sizes (from fieldmesh). These are valid only if fieldmesh is not null + int nx{-1}, ny{-1}; + /// Internal data array. Handles allocation/freeing of memory Array data; - - CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE; ///< Location of the variable in the cell - Field2D *deriv; ///< Time-derivative, can be NULL + /// Time-derivative, can be nullptr + Field2D *deriv{nullptr}; }; // Non-member overloaded operators @@ -311,138 +334,40 @@ Field2D operator-(const Field2D &f); // Non-member functions -/// Square root of \p f over region \p rgn -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -const Field2D sqrt(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Absolute value (modulus, |f|) of \p f over region \p rgn -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -const Field2D abs(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Calculates the minimum of a field, excluding the boundary/guard -/// cells by default (can be changed with \p rgn argument). -/// -/// By default this is only on the local processor, but setting \p -/// allpe true does a collective Allreduce over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Minimum over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal min(const Field2D &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Calculates the maximum of a field, excluding the boundary/guard -/// cells by default (can be changed with \p rgn argument). -/// -/// By default this is only on the local processor, but setting \p -/// allpe to true does a collective Allreduce over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Maximum over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal max(const Field2D &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Check if all values of a field \p var are finite. -/// Loops over all points including the boundaries by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument -bool finite(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Exponential -const Field2D exp(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Natural logarithm -const Field2D log(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Sine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field2D sin(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Cosine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field2D cos(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Tangent trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field2D tan(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic sine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field2D sinh(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic cosine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field2D cosh(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic tangent trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field2D tanh(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Make an independent copy of field \p f -const Field2D copy(const Field2D &f); - -/// Apply a floor value \p f to a field \p var. Any value lower than -/// the floor is set to the floor. -/// -/// @param[in] var Variable to apply floor to -/// @param[in] f The floor value -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -const Field2D floor(const Field2D &var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); +inline Field2D toFieldAligned(const Field2D& f, const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") { + return f; +} +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use toFieldAligned(const Field2D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field2D toFieldAligned(const Field2D& f, REGION region) { + return toFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); +} -/// Exponent: pow(lhs, lhs) is \p lhs raised to the power of \p rhs -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument) -Field2D pow(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); -Field2D pow(const Field2D &lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); -Field2D pow(BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); +inline Field2D fromFieldAligned(const Field2D& f, const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") { + return f; +} +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use fromFieldAligned(const Field2D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field2D fromFieldAligned(const Field2D& f, REGION region) { + return fromFieldAligned(f, toString(region)); +} #if CHECK > 0 /// Throw an exception if \p f is not allocated or if any /// elements are non-finite (for CHECK > 2). /// Loops over all points including the boundaries by /// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument -void checkData(const Field2D &f, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +void checkData(const Field2D &f, const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use checkData(const Field2D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline void checkData(const Field2D &f, REGION region) { + return checkData(f, toString(region)); +} #else -inline void checkData(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region) = RGN_NOBNDRY) {} +inline void checkData(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), std::string UNUSED(region) = "RGN_NOBNDRY") {} +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use checkData(const Field2D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline void checkData(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region)) {} #endif /// Force guard cells of passed field \p var to NaN @@ -459,4 +384,17 @@ inline Field2D& ddt(Field2D &f) { return *(f.timeDeriv()); } +/// toString template specialisation +/// Defined in utils.hxx +template <> +inline std::string toString<>(const Field2D& UNUSED(val)) { + return ""; +} + +/// Test if two fields are the same, by calculating +/// the minimum absolute difference between them +bool operator==(const Field2D &a, const Field2D &b); + +std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Field2D &value); + #endif /* __FIELD2D_H__ */ diff --git a/include/field3d.hxx b/include/field3d.hxx index 1025f935ab..273ed9b329 100644 --- a/include/field3d.hxx +++ b/include/field3d.hxx @@ -33,16 +33,18 @@ class Mesh; // #include "bout/mesh.hxx" #include "stencils.hxx" #include "bout_types.hxx" -#include "bout/dataiterator.hxx" - #include "bout/array.hxx" #include "bout/region.hxx" -#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" #include "bout/assert.hxx" #include "bout/field_visitor.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" + +#include + + /// Class for 3D X-Y-Z scalar fields /*! This class represents a scalar field defined over the mesh. @@ -113,15 +115,6 @@ class Mesh; // #include "bout/mesh.hxx" `data` now points to `f(0,1,0)` and can be incremented to move in Z. - Indexing can also be done using DataIterator or Indices objects, - defined in bout/dataiterator.hxx: - - Indices i = {0,1,0}; - - f[i] = 1.0; // Equivalent to f(0,1,0) - - This is primarily used to allow convenient iteration over fields - Iteration --------- @@ -152,12 +145,12 @@ class Mesh; // #include "bout/mesh.hxx" f.yup() // error; f.yup not allocated - f.mergeYupYdown(); // f.yup() and f.ydown() now point to f - f.yup()(0,1,0) // ok, gives value of f at (0,1,0) + f.clearParallelSlices(); // f.yup_fields and f.ydown_fields are now empty + f.yup() // error; f.yup not allocated To have separate fields for yup and ydown, first call - f.splitYupYdown(); // f.yup() and f.ydown() separate + f.splitParallelSlices(); // f.yup() and f.ydown() separate f.yup(); // ok f.yup()(0,1,0) // error; f.yup not allocated @@ -177,17 +170,25 @@ class Field3D : public Field, public FieldData { * Note: the global "mesh" can't be passed here because * fields may be created before the mesh is. */ - Field3D(Mesh *localmesh = nullptr); + Field3D(Mesh *localmesh = nullptr, CELL_LOC location_in=CELL_CENTRE, + DirectionTypes directions_in = + {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}); /*! * Copy constructor */ Field3D(const Field3D& f); - + + /// Move constructor + Field3D(Field3D&& f) noexcept { swap(*this, f); } /// Constructor from 2D field Field3D(const Field2D& f); /// Constructor from value Field3D(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh = nullptr); + /// Constructor from Array and Mesh + Field3D(Array data, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE, + DirectionTypes directions_in = {YDirectionType::Standard, + ZDirectionType::Standard}); /// Destructor ~Field3D() override; @@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ class Field3D : public Field, public FieldData { /*! * Ensures that memory is allocated and unique */ - void allocate(); + Field3D& allocate(); /*! * Test if data is allocated @@ -225,132 +226,109 @@ class Field3D : public Field, public FieldData { */ int getNz() const override {return nz;}; + // these methods return Field3D to allow method chaining + Field3D& setLocation(CELL_LOC location) { + Field::setLocation(location); + return *this; + } + Field3D& setDirectionY(YDirectionType d) { + directions.y = d; + return *this; + } + /*! * Ensure that this field has separate fields * for yup and ydown. */ - void splitYupYdown(); + void splitParallelSlices(); + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field3D::splitParallelSlices instead")]] + void splitYupYdown() { + splitParallelSlices(); + } /*! - * Ensure that yup and ydown refer to this field + * Clear the parallel slices, yup and ydown */ - void mergeYupYdown(); + void clearParallelSlices(); + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field3D::clearParallelSlices instead")]] + void mergeYupYdown() { + clearParallelSlices(); + } + /// Check if this field has yup and ydown fields + bool hasParallelSlices() const { + return !yup_fields.empty() and !ydown_fields.empty(); + } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use Field3D::hasParallelSlices instead")]] bool hasYupYdown() const { - return (yup_field != nullptr) && (ydown_field != nullptr); + return hasParallelSlices(); } + /// Check if this field has yup and ydown fields /// Return reference to yup field - Field3D& yup() { - ASSERT2(yup_field != nullptr); // Check for communicate - return *yup_field; + Field3D &yup(std::vector::size_type index = 0) { + ASSERT2(index < yup_fields.size()); + return yup_fields[index]; } /// Return const reference to yup field - const Field3D& yup() const { - ASSERT2(yup_field != nullptr); - return *yup_field; + const Field3D &yup(std::vector::size_type index = 0) const { + ASSERT2(index < yup_fields.size()); + return yup_fields[index]; } - + /// Return reference to ydown field - Field3D& ydown() { - ASSERT2(ydown_field != nullptr); - return *ydown_field; + Field3D &ydown(std::vector::size_type index = 0) { + ASSERT2(index < ydown_fields.size()); + return ydown_fields[index]; } - + /// Return const reference to ydown field - const Field3D& ydown() const { - ASSERT2(ydown_field != nullptr); - return *ydown_field; + const Field3D &ydown(std::vector::size_type index = 0) const { + ASSERT2(index < ydown_fields.size()); + return ydown_fields[index]; } - /// Return yup if dir=+1, and ydown if dir=-1 - Field3D& ynext(int dir); - const Field3D& ynext(int dir) const; - - /// Set variable location for staggered grids to @param new_location + /// Return the parallel slice at \p offset /// - /// Throws BoutException if new_location is not `CELL_CENTRE` and - /// staggered grids are turned off and checks are on. If checks are - /// off, silently sets location to ``CELL_CENTRE`` instead. - void setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location) override; - /// Get variable location - CELL_LOC getLocation() const override; - - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - // Data access - - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(iterator() const); + /// \p offset of 0 returns the main field itself + Field3D& ynext(int offset); + const Field3D& ynext(int offset) const; - /*! - * These begin and end functions are used to iterate over - * the indices of a field. Indices are used rather than - * values since this allows expressions involving multiple fields. - * - * Example - * ------- - * - * Field3D objects f and g can be modified by - * - * for(const auto &i : f) { - * f[i] = 2.*f[i] + g[i]; - * } - * - */ - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(begin()) const; - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(end()) const; - - /*! - * Returns a range of indices which can be iterated over - * Uses the REGION flags in bout_types.hxx - * - * Example - * ------- - * - * This loops over the interior points, not the boundary - * and inside the loop the index is used to calculate the difference - * between the point one index up in x (i.xp()) and one index down - * in x (i.xm()), putting the result into a different field 'g' - * - * for(const auto &i : f.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - * g[i] = f[i.xp()] - f[i.xm()]; - * } - * - */ - const IndexRange DEPRECATED(region(REGION rgn)) const override; + /// If \p twist_shift_enabled is true, does this Field3D require a twist-shift at branch + /// cuts on closed field lines? + bool requiresTwistShift(bool twist_shift_enabled); - /*! - * Like Field3D::region(REGION rgn), but returns range - * to iterate over only x-y, not z. - * This is useful in the Fourier transform functions - * which need an explicit loop in z. - * - */ - const IndexRange DEPRECATED(region2D(REGION rgn)) const; + ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Data access /// Return a Region reference to use to iterate over this field + /// + /// Example + /// ------- + /// + /// This loops over the interior points, not the boundary + /// and inside the loop the index is used to calculate the difference + /// between the point one index up in x (i.xp()) and one index down + /// in x (i.xm()), putting the result into a different field 'g' + /// + /// for(const auto &i : f.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + /// g[i] = f[i.xp()] - f[i.xm()]; + /// } + /// const Region& getRegion(REGION region) const; const Region& getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) const; + + /// Return a Region reference to use to iterate over the x- and + /// y-indices of this field + const Region& getRegion2D(REGION region) const; + const Region& getRegion2D(const std::string ®ion_name) const; - /*! - * Direct data access using DataIterator object. - * This uses operator(x,y,z) so checks will only be - * performed if CHECK > 2. - */ - BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const DataIterator &d)) { - return operator()(d.x, d.y, d.z); - } - const BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const DataIterator &d)) const { - return operator()(d.x, d.y, d.z); - } - BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const Indices &i)) { - return operator()(i.x, i.y, i.z); - } - const BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const Indices &i)) const override { - return operator()(i.x, i.y, i.z); - } + Region::RegionIndices::const_iterator begin() const {return std::begin(getRegion("RGN_ALL"));}; + Region::RegionIndices::const_iterator end() const {return std::end(getRegion("RGN_ALL"));}; - BoutReal& operator[](const Ind3D &d) { return data[d.ind]; } @@ -437,8 +415,6 @@ class Field3D : public Field, public FieldData { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Operators - const Field3D operator+() const {return *this;} - /// Assignment operators ///@{ Field3D & operator=(const Field3D &rhs); @@ -494,37 +470,64 @@ class Field3D : public Field, public FieldData { friend class Vector3D; - DEPRECATED(void setBackground(const Field2D &f2d)); ///< Boundary is applied to the total of this and f2d + Field3D& calcParallelSlices(); + void applyBoundary(bool init=false) override; void applyBoundary(BoutReal t); - void applyBoundary(const string &condition); - void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(string(condition)); } - void applyBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition); + void applyBoundary(const std::string &condition); + void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(std::string(condition)); } + void applyBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition); void applyTDerivBoundary() override; - void setBoundaryTo(const Field3D &f3d); ///< Copy the boundary region + + /// Copy the boundary values half-way between cells + /// This uses 2nd order central differences to set the value + /// on the boundary to the value on the boundary in field \p f3d. + /// Note: does not just copy values in boundary region. + void setBoundaryTo(const Field3D &f3d); void applyParallelBoundary(); void applyParallelBoundary(BoutReal t); - void applyParallelBoundary(const string &condition); - void applyParallelBoundary(const char* condition) { applyParallelBoundary(string(condition)); } - void applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition); - void applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition, Field3D *f); + void applyParallelBoundary(const std::string &condition); + void applyParallelBoundary(const char* condition) { applyParallelBoundary(std::string(condition)); } + void applyParallelBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition); + void applyParallelBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition, Field3D *f); + + friend void swap(Field3D& first, Field3D& second) noexcept { + using std::swap; + + // Swap base class members + swap(static_cast(first), static_cast(second)); + + swap(first.data, second.data); + swap(first.background, second.background); + swap(first.nx, second.nx); + swap(first.ny, second.ny); + swap(first.nz, second.nz); + swap(first.deriv, second.deriv); + swap(first.yup_fields, second.yup_fields); + swap(first.ydown_fields, second.ydown_fields); + swap(first.bndry_op, second.bndry_op); + swap(first.boundaryIsCopy, second.boundaryIsCopy); + swap(first.boundaryIsSet, second.boundaryIsSet); + swap(first.bndry_op_par, second.bndry_op_par); + swap(first.bndry_generator, second.bndry_generator); + } private: /// Boundary - add a 2D field - const Field2D *background; + const Field2D *background{nullptr}; + + /// Array sizes (from fieldmesh). These are valid only if fieldmesh is not null + int nx{-1}, ny{-1}, nz{-1}; - int nx, ny, nz; ///< Array sizes (from fieldmesh). These are valid only if fieldmesh is not null - /// Internal data array. Handles allocation/freeing of memory Array data; - - CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE; ///< Location of the variable in the cell - Field3D *deriv; ///< Time derivative (may be NULL) + /// Time derivative (may be nullptr) + Field3D *deriv{nullptr}; - /// Pointers to fields containing values along Y - Field3D *yup_field, *ydown_field; + /// Fields containing values along Y + std::vector yup_fields{}, ydown_fields{}; }; // Non-member overloaded operators @@ -563,195 +566,94 @@ Field3D operator-(const Field3D &f); // Non-member functions -/// Calculates the minimum of a field, excluding the boundary/guard -/// cells by default (can be changed with \p rgn argument). -/// -/// By default this is only on the local processor, but setting \p -/// allpe true does a collective Allreduce over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Minimum over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal min(const Field3D &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Calculates the maximum of a field, excluding the boundary/guard -/// cells by default (can be changed with \p rgn argument). -/// -/// By default this is only on the local processor, but setting \p -/// allpe to true does a collective Allreduce over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Maximum over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal max(const Field3D &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOBNDRY); - -/// Calculates the mean of a field, excluding the boundary/guard -/// cells by default (can be changed with \p rgn argument). -/// -/// By default this is only on the local processor, but setting \p -/// allpe to true does a collective Allreduce over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Mean over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal mean(const Field3D &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOBNDRY); - /// Exponent: pow(lhs, lhs) is \p lhs raised to the power of \p rhs /// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument) -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); -Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); -FieldPerp pow(const Field3D &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); -Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); -Field3D pow(BoutReal lhs, const Field3D &rhs, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Square root of \p f over region \p rgn -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D sqrt(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Absolute value (modulus, |f|) of \p f over region \p rgn -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D abs(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Exponential: \f$\exp(f)\f$ is e to the power of \p f, over region -/// \p rgn -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D exp(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Natural logarithm of \p f over region \p rgn, inverse of -/// exponential -/// -/// \f$\ln(\exp(f)) = f\f$ -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the rgn argument) -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -/// -const Field3D log(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Sine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D sin(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Cosine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D cos(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Tangent trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D tan(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic sine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over +/// Extra overloads not provided by the templates in field.hxx /// /// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by /// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). /// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D sinh(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic cosine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D cosh(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic tangent trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const Field3D tanh(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - -/// Check if all values of a field \p var are finite. -/// Loops over all points including the boundaries by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument -bool finite(const Field3D &var, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - +Field3D pow(const Field3D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use pow(const Field3D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs" + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn) { + return pow(lhs, rhs, toString(rgn)); +} +FieldPerp pow(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use pow(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs" + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline FieldPerp pow(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs, REGION rgn) { + return pow(lhs, rhs, toString(rgn)); +} #if CHECK > 0 /// Throw an exception if \p f is not allocated or if any /// elements are non-finite (for CHECK > 2). /// Loops over all points including the boundaries by /// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument -void checkData(const Field3D &f, REGION region = RGN_NOBNDRY); +void checkData(const Field3D& f, const std::string& region = "RGN_NOBNDRY"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use checkData(const Field3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline void checkData(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { + return checkData(f, toString(region)); +} #else /// Ignored with disabled CHECK; Throw an exception if \p f is not /// allocated or if any elements are non-finite (for CHECK > 2) -inline void checkData(const Field3D &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region) = RGN_NOBNDRY){}; +inline void checkData(const Field3D& UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_NOBNDRY") {}; +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use checkData(const Field3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline void checkData(const Field3D &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region)) {} #endif -/// Makes a copy of a field \p f, ensuring that the underlying data is -/// not shared. -const Field3D copy(const Field3D &f); - -/// Apply a floor value \p f to a field \p var. Any value lower than -/// the floor is set to the floor. -/// -/// @param[in] var Variable to apply floor to -/// @param[in] f The floor value -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -const Field3D floor(const Field3D &var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); - /// Fourier filtering, removes all except one mode /// /// @param[in] var Variable to apply filter to /// @param[in] N0 The component to keep /// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -const Field3D filter(const Field3D &var, int N0, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); +Field3D filter(const Field3D& var, int N0, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use filter(const Field3D& var, int N0, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field3D filter(const Field3D& var, int N0, REGION rgn) { + return filter(var, N0, toString(rgn)); +} -/// Fourier low pass filtering. Removes modes higher than \p zmax +/// Fourier low pass filtering. Removes modes +/// higher than \p zmax and optionally the zonal component /// /// @param[in] var Variable to apply filter to /// @param[in] zmax Maximum mode in Z +/// @param[in] keep_zonal Keep the zonal component if true /// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -const Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); +Field3D lowPass(const Field3D& var, int zmax, bool keep_zonal, + const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use lowpass(const Field3D& var, int zmax, bool keep_zonal, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field3D lowPass(const Field3D& var, int zmax, bool keep_zonal, REGION rgn) { + return lowPass(var, zmax, keep_zonal, toString(rgn)); +} -/// Fourier low pass filtering. Removes modes -/// lower than \p zmin and higher than \p zmax +/// The argument \p keep_zonal used to be integer "zmin" -- this was a +/// misnomer. Please use the version above which uses a bool instead +DEPRECATED(inline Field3D lowPass(const Field3D& var, int zmax, int keep_zonal, + REGION rgn = RGN_ALL)) { + ASSERT0(static_cast(keep_zonal) == keep_zonal); + return lowPass(var, zmax, static_cast(keep_zonal), toString(rgn)); +} + +/// Fourier low pass filtering. Removes modes higher than \p zmax /// /// @param[in] var Variable to apply filter to -/// @param[in] zmin Minimum mode in Z /// @param[in] zmax Maximum mode in Z /// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -const Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, int zmin, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); +inline Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, const std::string rgn = "RGN_ALL") { + return lowPass(var, zmax, true, rgn); +} +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use lowpass(const Field3D& var, int zmax, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, REGION rgn) { + return lowPass(var, zmax, toString(rgn)); +} /// Perform a shift by a given angle in Z /// @@ -766,13 +668,23 @@ void shiftZ(Field3D &var, int jx, int jy, double zangle); /// @param[inout] var The variable to modify in-place /// @param[in] zangle The angle to shift by in Z /// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -void shiftZ(Field3D &var, double zangle, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); +void shiftZ(Field3D &var, BoutReal zangle, const std::string& rgn="RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use shiftZ(const Field3D& var, BoutReal zangle, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline void shiftZ(Field3D &var, BoutReal zangle, REGION rgn) { + return shiftZ(var, zangle, toString(rgn)); +} /// Average in the Z direction /// /// @param[in] f Variable to average /// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -Field2D DC(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn = RGN_ALL); +Field2D DC(const Field3D &f, const std::string& rgn = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use DC(const Field3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline Field2D DC(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn) { + return DC(f, toString(rgn)); +} /// Force guard cells of passed field \p var to NaN #if CHECK > 2 @@ -788,4 +700,18 @@ inline Field3D& ddt(Field3D &f) { return *(f.timeDeriv()); } +/// toString template specialisation +/// Defined in utils.hxx +template <> +inline std::string toString<>(const Field3D& UNUSED(val)) { + return ""; +} + +/// Test if two fields are the same, by calculating +/// the minimum absolute difference between them +bool operator==(const Field3D &a, const Field3D &b); + +/// Output a string describing a Field3D to a stream +std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Field3D &value); + #endif /* __FIELD3D_H__ */ diff --git a/include/field_data.hxx b/include/field_data.hxx index c4fadd4e95..9f34eaf728 100644 --- a/include/field_data.hxx +++ b/include/field_data.hxx @@ -33,21 +33,16 @@ class FieldData; #include "bout_types.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" +#include #include #include -using std::string; +#include // Including the next line leads to compiler errors //#include "boundary_op.hxx" class BoundaryOp; class BoundaryOpPar; -#include -using std::vector; - -#include -using std::map; - #include "boundary_region.hxx" #include "parallel_boundary_region.hxx" @@ -62,7 +57,7 @@ class FieldVisitor; */ class FieldData { public: - FieldData(); + FieldData() = default; virtual ~FieldData(); // Visitor pattern support @@ -78,8 +73,8 @@ public: virtual void doneComms() { }; // Notifies that communications done // Boundary conditions - void setBoundary(const string &name); ///< Set the boundary conditions - void setBoundary(const string ®ion, BoundaryOp *op); ///< Manually set + void setBoundary(const std::string &name); ///< Set the boundary conditions + void setBoundary(const std::string ®ion, BoundaryOp *op); ///< Manually set void copyBoundary(const FieldData &f); ///< Copy the boundary conditions from another field @@ -92,11 +87,12 @@ public: FieldGeneratorPtr getBndryGenerator(BndryLoc location); protected: - vector bndry_op; ///< Boundary conditions - bool boundaryIsCopy; ///< True if bndry_op is a copy - bool boundaryIsSet; ///< Set to true when setBoundary called + std::vector bndry_op; ///< Boundary conditions + bool boundaryIsCopy{false}; ///< True if bndry_op is a copy + bool boundaryIsSet{false}; ///< Set to true when setBoundary called + // Parallel boundaries - vector bndry_op_par; ///< Boundary conditions + std::vector bndry_op_par; ///< Boundary conditions std::map bndry_generator; }; diff --git a/include/field_factory.hxx b/include/field_factory.hxx index 5b0fe33275..1346fa4c2c 100644 --- a/include/field_factory.hxx +++ b/include/field_factory.hxx @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /************************************************************************** * Generate a field with specified values, mainly for creating * initial perturbations - * - * + * + * * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ * **************************************************************************/ - class FieldFactory; #ifndef __FIELD_FACTORY_H__ @@ -40,50 +39,91 @@ class FieldFactory; #include "unused.hxx" -#include -#include #include +#include +#include // Utility routines to create generators from values FieldGeneratorPtr generator(BoutReal value); -FieldGeneratorPtr generator(BoutReal *ptr); +FieldGeneratorPtr generator(BoutReal* ptr); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create a tree of generators from an input string class FieldFactory : public ExpressionParser { public: - FieldFactory(Mesh *m, Options *opt = nullptr); - ~FieldFactory() override; - - const Field2D create2D(const std::string &value, const Options *opt = nullptr, - Mesh *m = nullptr, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0); - const Field3D create3D(const std::string &value, const Options *opt = nullptr, - Mesh *m = nullptr, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0); - - // Parse a string into a tree of generators - FieldGeneratorPtr parse(const std::string &input, const Options *opt = nullptr); - - // Singleton object - static FieldFactory *get(); + FieldFactory(Mesh* mesh = nullptr, Options* opt = nullptr); + ~FieldFactory() override = default; + + /// Create a 2D field by parsing a string and evaluating the expression + /// using the given options \p opt, over Mesh \p m at time \p t. + /// The resulting field is at cell location \p loc. + Field2D create2D(const std::string& value, const Options* opt = nullptr, + Mesh* m = nullptr, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0) const; + + /// Create a 3D field by parsing a string and evaluating the expression + /// using the given options \p opt, over Mesh \p m at time \p t. + /// The resulting field is at cell location \p loc. + Field3D create3D(const std::string& value, const Options* opt = nullptr, + Mesh* m = nullptr, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0) const; + + /// Create a FieldPerp by parsing a string and evaluating the expression + /// using the given options \p opt, over Mesh \p m at time \p t. + /// The resulting field is at cell location \p loc. + FieldPerp createPerp(const std::string& value, const Options* opt = nullptr, + Mesh* m = nullptr, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0) const; + + /// Parse a string into a tree of generators + FieldGeneratorPtr parse(const std::string& input, const Options* opt = nullptr) const; + + /// Create a 2D field from a generator, over a given mesh + /// at a given cell location and time. + Field2D create2D(FieldGeneratorPtr generator, Mesh* m = nullptr, + CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0) const; + + /// Create a 3D field from a generator, over a given mesh + /// at a given cell location and time. + Field3D create3D(FieldGeneratorPtr generator, Mesh* m = nullptr, + CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0) const; + + /// Create a FieldPerp from a generator, over a given mesh + /// at a given cell location and time. + FieldPerp createPerp(FieldGeneratorPtr generator, Mesh* m = nullptr, + CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, BoutReal t = 0.0) const; + + /// Get the Singleton object + static FieldFactory* get(); /// clean the cache of parsed strings void cleanCache(); + protected: - // These functions called by the parser - FieldGeneratorPtr resolve(std::string &name) override; + /// These functions called by the parser to resolve unknown symbols. + /// This is used to enable options to be referred to in expressions. + FieldGeneratorPtr resolve(std::string& name) const override; private: - Mesh *fieldmesh; - const Options *options; - - std::list lookup; // Names currently being parsed - - // Cache parsed strings - std::map cache; - - const Options* findOption(const Options *opt, const std::string &name, std::string &val); + /// The default mesh for create functions. + Mesh* fieldmesh; + + /// Should we transform input from field-aligned coordinates (if possible)? + bool transform_from_field_aligned{true}; + + /// The default options used in resolve(), can be *temporarily* + /// overridden in parse()/create2D()/create3D() + mutable const Options* options; + + /// Names currently being parsed + mutable std::list lookup; + + /// Cache parsed strings so repeated evaluations + /// don't result in allocating more generators. + mutable std::map cache; + + /// Find an Options object which contains the given \p name + const Options* findOption(const Options* opt, const std::string& name, + std::string& val) const; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -93,20 +133,22 @@ class FieldFunction : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldFunction() = delete; FieldFunction(FuncPtr userfunc) : func(userfunc) {} - double generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + BoutReal generate(BoutReal x, BoutReal y, BoutReal z, BoutReal t) override { return func(t, x, y, z); } + private: FuncPtr func; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Null generator +// Null generator class FieldNull : public FieldGenerator { public: - double generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), - double UNUSED(t)) override { + FieldNull() = default; + BoutReal generate(BoutReal UNUSED(x), BoutReal UNUSED(y), BoutReal UNUSED(z), + BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { return 0.0; } FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list UNUSED(args)) override { @@ -114,13 +156,9 @@ public: } /// Singeton static FieldGeneratorPtr get() { - static FieldGeneratorPtr instance = nullptr; - - if(!instance) - instance = std::make_shared(); + static FieldGeneratorPtr instance = std::make_shared(); return instance; } -private: }; #endif // __FIELD_FACTORY_H__ diff --git a/include/fieldperp.hxx b/include/fieldperp.hxx index 90fdcf03d8..8d0cc3ee27 100644 --- a/include/fieldperp.hxx +++ b/include/fieldperp.hxx @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class FieldPerp; #include "field.hxx" -#include "bout/dataiterator.hxx" #include "bout/array.hxx" #include "bout/assert.hxx" #include "bout/region.hxx" @@ -53,14 +52,16 @@ class FieldPerp : public Field { /*! * Constructor */ - FieldPerp(Mesh * fieldmesh = nullptr); + FieldPerp(Mesh * fieldmesh = nullptr, CELL_LOC location_in=CELL_CENTRE, + int yindex_in=-1, + DirectionTypes directions_in = + {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}); /*! * Copy constructor. After this the data * will be shared (non unique) */ - FieldPerp(const FieldPerp &f) - : Field(f.fieldmesh), yindex(f.yindex), nx(f.nx), nz(f.nz), data(f.data) {} + FieldPerp(const FieldPerp& f) = default; /*! * Move constructor @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ class FieldPerp : public Field { */ FieldPerp(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh = nullptr); - ~FieldPerp() override {} + ~FieldPerp() override = default; /*! * Assignment operators @@ -83,34 +84,13 @@ class FieldPerp : public Field { FieldPerp &operator=(FieldPerp &&rhs) = default; FieldPerp &operator=(BoutReal rhs); - /*! - * Iterators and data access - */ - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(begin()) const; - const DataIterator DEPRECATED(end()) const; - - const IndexRange DEPRECATED(region(REGION rgn)) const override; - /// Return a Region reference to use to iterate over this field const Region& getRegion(REGION region) const; const Region& getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) const; - /*! - * Direct data access using DataIterator indexing - */ - inline BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const DataIterator &d)) { - return operator()(d.x, d.z); - } - inline const BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const DataIterator &d)) const { - return operator()(d.x, d.z); - } - BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const Indices &i)) { - return operator()(i.x, i.z); - } - const BoutReal& DEPRECATED(operator[](const Indices &i)) const override{ - return operator()(i.x, i.z); - } - + Region::RegionIndices::const_iterator begin() const {return std::begin(getRegion("RGN_ALL"));}; + Region::RegionIndices::const_iterator end() const {return std::end(getRegion("RGN_ALL"));}; + inline BoutReal& operator[](const IndPerp &d) { return data[d.ind]; } @@ -137,12 +117,25 @@ class FieldPerp : public Field { * * This is used in arithmetic operations */ - void setIndex(int y) { yindex = y; } + FieldPerp& setIndex(int y) { + yindex = y; + return *this; + } + + // these methods return FieldPerp to allow method chaining + FieldPerp& setLocation(CELL_LOC location) { + Field::setLocation(location); + return *this; + } + FieldPerp& setDirectionY(YDirectionType d) { + directions.y = d; + return *this; + } /*! * Ensure that data array is allocated and unique */ - void allocate(); + FieldPerp& allocate(); /*! * True if the underlying data array is allocated. @@ -264,45 +257,44 @@ class FieldPerp : public Field { */ int getNz() const override {return nz;}; - private: - int yindex = -1; ///< The Y index at which this FieldPerp is defined +private: + /// The Y index at which this FieldPerp is defined + int yindex{-1}; /// The size of the data array - int nx, nz; + int nx{-1}, nz{-1}; /// The underlying data array Array data; }; +// Non-member functions + // Non-member overloaded operators -const FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); -const FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &rhs); -const FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &rhs); -const FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); -inline const FieldPerp operator+(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs) { - return rhs + lhs; -} - -const FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &other); -const FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &other); -const FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &other); -const FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); -const FieldPerp operator-(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); - -const FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &other); -const FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &other); -const FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &other); -const FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); -inline const FieldPerp operator*(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs) { - return rhs * lhs; -} - -const FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &other); -const FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &other); -const FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &other); -const FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); -const FieldPerp operator/(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); +FieldPerp operator+(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); + +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); +FieldPerp operator-(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); + +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); +FieldPerp operator*(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); + +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field3D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, const Field2D &rhs); +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs); +FieldPerp operator/(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); /*! * Unary minus. Returns the negative of given field, @@ -310,126 +302,29 @@ const FieldPerp operator/(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs); */ FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &f); -/// Square root -const FieldPerp sqrt(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Absolute value -const FieldPerp abs(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Exponential -const FieldPerp exp(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Natural logarithm -const FieldPerp log(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Sine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const FieldPerp sin(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Cosine trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const FieldPerp cos(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Tangent trigonometric function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const FieldPerp tan(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic sine function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const FieldPerp sinh(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic cosine function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const FieldPerp cosh(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Hyperbolic tangent function. -/// -/// @param[in] f Angle in radians -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -/// -/// This loops over the entire domain, including guard/boundary cells by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument). -/// If CHECK >= 3 then the result will be checked for non-finite numbers -const FieldPerp tanh(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Create a unique copy of a FieldPerp, ensuring -/// that they do not share an underlying data array -const FieldPerp copy(const FieldPerp &f); - -/// Sets a floor on var, so minimum of the return value is >= f -const FieldPerp floor(const FieldPerp &var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - -/// Power, lhs ** rhs -FieldPerp pow(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); -FieldPerp pow(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); -FieldPerp pow(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); - /// Create a FieldPerp by slicing a 3D field at a given y const FieldPerp sliceXZ(const Field3D& f, int y); -/// Calculates the minimum of a field, excluding -/// the boundary/guard cells by default (this can be -/// changed with the rgn argument). -/// By default this is only on the local processor, -/// but setting allpe=true does a collective Allreduce -/// over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Minimum over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal min(const FieldPerp &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOX); - -/// Calculates the maximum of a field, excluding -/// the boundary/guard cells by default (this can be -/// changed with the rgn argument). -/// By default this is only on the local processor, -/// but setting allpe=true does a collective Allreduce -/// over all processors. -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to loop over -/// @param[in] allpe Minimum over all processors? -/// @param[in] rgn The region to calculate the result over -BoutReal max(const FieldPerp &f, bool allpe=false, REGION rgn=RGN_NOX); - -/// Test if all values of this field are finite -/// Loops over the entire domain including boundaries by -/// default (can be changed using the \p rgn argument) -bool finite(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn=RGN_ALL); +// Specialize newEmptyField templates for FieldPerp +/// Return an empty shell field of some type derived from Field, with metadata +/// copied and a data array that is allocated but not initialised. +template<> +inline FieldPerp emptyFrom(const FieldPerp& f) { + return FieldPerp(f.getMesh(), f.getLocation(), f.getIndex(), {f.getDirectionY(), f.getDirectionZ()}).allocate(); +} #if CHECK > 0 -void checkData(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region = RGN_NOX); +void checkData(const FieldPerp &f, const std::string& region = "RGN_NOX"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use checkData(const FieldPerp& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline void checkData(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { + return checkData(f, toString(region)); +} #else -inline void checkData(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region) = RGN_NOX) {} +inline void checkData(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_NOX") {} +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use checkData(const FieldPerp& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_NOBNDRY\") instead")]] +inline void checkData(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region)) {} #endif /// Force guard cells of passed field \p var to NaN diff --git a/include/globals.hxx b/include/globals.hxx index e98fe36345..88bab32731 100644 --- a/include/globals.hxx +++ b/include/globals.hxx @@ -27,10 +27,13 @@ #ifndef __GLOBALS_H__ #define __GLOBALS_H__ -#include "bout/mesh.hxx" #include "datafile.hxx" #include "bout/macro_for_each.hxx" +class Mesh; + +namespace bout { +namespace globals { #ifndef GLOBALORIGIN #define GLOBAL extern #define SETTING(name, val) extern name @@ -83,5 +86,7 @@ GLOBAL Datafile dump; #undef GLOBAL #undef SETTING +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout #endif // __GLOBALS_H__ diff --git a/include/gyro_average.hxx b/include/gyro_average.hxx index 887b2fef6b..fa12bdc123 100644 --- a/include/gyro_average.hxx +++ b/include/gyro_average.hxx @@ -33,8 +33,11 @@ #define __GYRO_AVERAGE_H__ #include "field3d.hxx" +#include "invert_laplace.hxx" -const int GYRO_FLAGS = 64 + 16384 + 32768; ///< = INVERT_BNDRY_ONE | INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS; uses old-style Laplacian inversion flags +/// INVERT_BNDRY_ONE | INVERT_IN_RHS | INVERT_OUT_RHS; uses old-style +/// Laplacian inversion flags +constexpr int GYRO_FLAGS = INVERT_BNDRY_ONE + INVERT_RHS; /// Gyro-average using Taylor series approximation /// @@ -44,7 +47,7 @@ const int GYRO_FLAGS = 64 + 16384 + 32768; ///< = INVERT_BNDRY_ONE | INVERT_IN_R /// /// @param[in] f The field to gyro-average /// @param[in] rho Gyro-radius -const Field3D gyroTaylor0(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho); +Field3D gyroTaylor0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho); /// Gyro-average using Pade approximation /// @@ -55,12 +58,28 @@ const Field3D gyroTaylor0(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho); /// @param[in] f The field to gyro-average /// @param[in] rho Gyro-radius /// @param[in] flags Flags to be passed to the Laplacian inversion operator -const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); + +// Can replace these with default arguments to versions above once the deprecated versions +// below are removed +inline Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho) { + return gyroPade0(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho) { + return gyroPade0(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho) { + return gyroPade0(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} + +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int flags); /// Pade approximation \f$Gamma_1 = (1 - \frac{1}{2} \rho^2 \nabla_\perp^2)g = f\f$ /// @@ -69,14 +88,34 @@ const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, /// @param[in] f The field to gyro-average /// @param[in] rho Gyro-radius /// @param[in] flags Flags to be passed to the Laplacian inversion operator -const Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D &f, const Field2D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); + +// Can replace these with default arguments to versions above once the deprecated versions +// below are removed +inline Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho) { + return gyroPade1(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho) { + return gyroPade1(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho) { + return gyroPade1(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& rho) { + return gyroPade1(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} + +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags); /// Pade approximation /// @@ -89,11 +128,27 @@ const Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D &f, const Field2D &rho, /// @param[in] f The field to gyro-average /// @param[in] rho Gyro-radius /// @param[in] flags Flags to be passed to the Laplacian inversion operator -const Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); -const Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, - int flags=GYRO_FLAGS); +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags); + +// Can replace these with default arguments to versions above once the deprecated versions +// below are removed +inline Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho) { + return gyroPade2(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho) { + return gyroPade2(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} +inline Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho) { + return gyroPade2(f, rho, GYRO_FLAGS, GYRO_FLAGS); +} + +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use version with separate inner_boundary_flags and outer_boundary_flags")]] +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int flags); #endif // __GYRO_AVERAGE_H__ diff --git a/include/initialprofiles.hxx b/include/initialprofiles.hxx index 2a4421f60a..bf30ed0f34 100644 --- a/include/initialprofiles.hxx +++ b/include/initialprofiles.hxx @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -26,16 +26,18 @@ #ifndef __INITIALPROF_H__ #define __INITIALPROF_H__ -#include "field3d.hxx" -#include "field2d.hxx" -#include "vector2d.hxx" -#include "vector3d.hxx" +#include + +class Field3D; +class Field2D; +class Vector2D; +class Vector3D; /*! * Set a field from options - * + * * This is called by Solver for each evolving field at the beginning - * of a simulation. + * of a simulation. * * * @param[in] name The name of the field. This will be used @@ -45,70 +47,70 @@ * * * To create the value, it looks for a setting "function" - * in a section called name. If that is not found, then it looks + * in a section called name. If that is not found, then it looks * for "function" in a section called "All". If that is also not * found, then the value defaults to zero. - * + * * A second variable, "scale", can be used to multiply the function, * and defaults to 1.0 - * + * * Example * ------- * Given the input file: * - * [All] + * [All] * function = sin(y) - * + * * [pressure] * * [density] * scale = 0.2 - * + * * [vorticity] * function = cos(y) - * + * * initial_profile would generate: - * + * * o pressure -> sin(y) * o density -> 0.2*sin(y) * o vorticity -> cos(y) - * - */ -void initial_profile(const string &name, Field3D &var); + * + */ +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Field3D& var); /*! * Set a Field2D from options * * @param[in] name The name of the field, used as a section name - * + * * @param[out] var The field which will be set to a value */ -void initial_profile(const string &name, Field2D &var); +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Field2D& var); /*! * Set a vector to a value. The options used depend * on whether the vector is covariant or contravariant. - * + * * If covariant, then each component will be initialised * by adding "_x", "_y", "_z" to the name. - * + * * If contravariant, then each component will be initialised * by adding "x", "y" and "z" to the name. */ -void initial_profile(const string &name, Vector2D &var); +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Vector2D& var); /*! * Set a vector to a value. The options used depend * on whether the vector is covariant or contravariant. - * + * * If covariant, then each component will be initialised * by adding "_x", "_y", "_z" to the name. - * + * * If contravariant, then each component will be initialised * by adding "x", "y" and "z" to the name. * - * + * */ -void initial_profile(const string &name, Vector3D &var); +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Vector3D& var); #endif // __INITIALPROF_H__ diff --git a/include/interpolation.hxx b/include/interpolation.hxx index 73e3115512..853091af34 100644 --- a/include/interpolation.hxx +++ b/include/interpolation.hxx @@ -26,19 +26,196 @@ #ifndef __INTERP_H__ #define __INTERP_H__ +#include "bout/traits.hxx" #include "bout_types.hxx" #include "field3d.hxx" #include "mask.hxx" +#include "stencils.hxx" #include "utils.hxx" +/// Perform interpolation between centre -> shifted or vice-versa +/*! + Interpolate using 4th-order staggered formula + + @param[in] s Input stencil. mm -> -3/2, m -> -1/2, p -> +1/2, pp -> +3/2 +*/ +inline BoutReal interp(const stencil& s) { + return (9. * (s.m + s.p) - s.mm - s.pp) / 16.; +} + /// Interpolate to a give cell location -const Field3D interp_to(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC loc, REGION region = RGN_ALL); -const Field2D interp_to(const Field2D &var, CELL_LOC loc, REGION region = RGN_ALL); +/*! + Interpolate between different cell locations + + NOTE: This requires communication if the result is required in guard cells + NOTE: Since corner guard cells cannot be communicated, it never makes sense + to calculate interpolation in guard cells. If guard cell values are required, + we must communicate (unless interpolating in z). Since mesh->communicate() + communicates both x- and y-guard cells by default, there is no difference + between RGN_ALL, RGN_NOX and RGN_NOY. + + @param[in] var Input variable + @param[in] loc Location of output values + @param[in] region Region where output will be calculated +*/ +template +const T interp_to(const T& var, CELL_LOC loc, const std::string region = "RGN_ALL") { + AUTO_TRACE(); + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field2D::value || bout::utils::is_Field3D::value, + "interp_to must be templated with one of Field2D or Field3D."); + ASSERT1(loc != CELL_DEFAULT); // doesn't make sense to interplote to CELL_DEFAULT + + Mesh* fieldmesh = var.getMesh(); + + if ((loc != CELL_CENTRE) && (fieldmesh->StaggerGrids == false)) { + throw BoutException("Asked to interpolate, but StaggerGrids is disabled!"); + } + + if (var.getLocation() == loc) { + // Nothing to do - just return unchanged + return var; + } + + // NOTE: invalidateGuards() is called in Field3D::alloctate() if the data + // block is not already allocated, so will be called here if + // region==RGN_NOBNDRY + T result{emptyFrom(var).setLocation(loc)}; + + // Staggered grids enabled, and need to perform interpolation + TRACE("Interpolating %s -> %s", toString(var.getLocation()).c_str(), + toString(loc).c_str()); + + if (region != "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + // result is requested in some boundary region(s) + result = var; // NOTE: This is just for boundaries. FIX! + result.setLocation(loc); // location gets reset when assigning from var + result.allocate(); + } + + // Cell location of the input field + const CELL_LOC location = var.getLocation(); + + if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) || (loc == CELL_CENTRE)) { + // Going between centred and shifted + + // Get the non-centre location for interpolation direction + const CELL_LOC dir = (loc == CELL_CENTRE) ? location : loc; + + switch (dir) { + case CELL_XLOW: { + // At least 2 boundary cells needed for interpolation in x-direction + ASSERT0(fieldmesh->xstart >= 2); + + if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) && (loc == CELL_XLOW)) { // C2L + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value + result[i] = interp(populateStencil(var, i)); + } + } else if (location == CELL_XLOW) { // L2C + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + // Stencil centred around a cell centre + result[i] = interp(populateStencil(var, i)); + } + } + + break; + } + case CELL_YLOW: { + // At least 2 boundary cells needed for interpolation in y-direction + ASSERT0(fieldmesh->ystart >= 2); + + // We can't interpolate in y unless we're field-aligned + const bool is_unaligned = (var.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + const T var_fa = is_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(var, "RGN_NOX") : var; + + if (not std::is_base_of::value) { + // Field2D is axisymmetric, so YDirectionType::Standard and + // YDirectionType::Aligned are equivalent, but trying to set + // YDirectionType::Aligned explicitly is an error + result.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + } + + if (region != "RGN_NOBNDRY") { + // repeat the hack above for boundary points + // this avoids a duplicate toFieldAligned call if we had called + // result = toFieldAligned(result) + // to get the boundary cells + // + // result is requested in some boundary region(s) + result = var_fa; // NOTE: This is just for boundaries. FIX! + result.setLocation(loc); // location gets reset when assigning from var + result.allocate(); + } + + if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) && (loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // C2L + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value + result[i] = + interp(populateStencil(var_fa, i)); + } + } else if (location == CELL_YLOW) { // L2C + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + // Stencil centred around a cell centre + result[i] = + interp(populateStencil(var_fa, i)); + } + } + + if (is_unaligned) { + result = fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + } + + break; + } + case CELL_ZLOW: { + + if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) && (loc == CELL_ZLOW)) { // C2L + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value + result[i] = interp(populateStencil(var, i)); + } + } else if (location == CELL_ZLOW) { // L2C + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + // Stencil centred around a cell centre + result[i] = interp(populateStencil(var, i)); + } + } + break; + } + default: { + // This should never happen + throw BoutException("Unsupported direction of interpolation\n" + " - don't know how to interpolate to %s", + toString(loc).c_str()); + } + }; + + if ((dir != CELL_ZLOW) && (region != "RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + fieldmesh->communicate(result); + } + + } else { + // Shifted -> shifted + // For now, shift to centre then to final location loc + // We probably should not rely on this, but it might work if one of the + // shifts is in the z-direction where guard cells aren't needed. + result = interp_to(interp_to(var, CELL_CENTRE), loc, region); + } + return result; +} +template +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use interp_to(const T& var, CELL_LOC loc, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +const T interp_to(const T& var, CELL_LOC loc, REGION region) { + return interp_to(var, loc, toString(region)); +} /// Print out the cell location (for debugging) -void printLocation(const Field3D &var); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use `output << toString(var.getLocation())` instead")]] +void printLocation(const Field3D& var); -const char *strLocation(CELL_LOC loc); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use `toString(loc)` instead")]] +const char* strLocation(CELL_LOC loc); /// Interpolate a field onto a perturbed set of points const Field3D interpolate(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &delta_x, @@ -52,23 +229,20 @@ const Field3D interpolate(const Field2D &f, const Field3D &delta_x); class Interpolation { protected: + Mesh* localmesh{nullptr}; + // 3D vector of points to skip (true -> skip this point) BoutMask skip_mask; - Mesh *localmesh; - public: - Interpolation(int y_offset = 0, Mesh *mesh = nullptr) - : localmesh(mesh), y_offset(y_offset) { - if (mesh == nullptr) { - localmesh = mesh; - } - } + Interpolation(int y_offset = 0, Mesh* localmeshIn = nullptr) + : localmesh(localmeshIn == nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : localmeshIn), + skip_mask(*localmesh, false), y_offset(y_offset) {} Interpolation(const BoutMask &mask, int y_offset = 0, Mesh *mesh = nullptr) : Interpolation(y_offset, mesh) { skip_mask = mask; } - virtual ~Interpolation() {} + virtual ~Interpolation() = default; virtual void calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z) = 0; virtual void calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z, diff --git a/include/interpolation_factory.hxx b/include/interpolation_factory.hxx index 9964d0c8be..b4d916f54d 100644 --- a/include/interpolation_factory.hxx +++ b/include/interpolation_factory.hxx @@ -7,14 +7,13 @@ #include #include -using std::string; - class Mesh; class InterpolationFactory { public: /// Callback function definition for creating Interpolation objects - typedef Interpolation* (*CreateInterpCallback)(Mesh*); + using CreateInterpCallback = Interpolation* (*)(Mesh*); + private: /// Add the available interpolation methods to the internal map /// @@ -25,16 +24,17 @@ private: static InterpolationFactory* instance; /// Database of available interpolations - std::map interp_map; + std::map interp_map; /// Find an interpolation method in the list of available methods /// /// @param name Name of the interpolation method /// /// @return A pointer to the Interpolation object in the map - CreateInterpCallback findInterpolation(const string &name); + CreateInterpCallback findInterpolation(const std::string& name); + public: - ~InterpolationFactory() {}; + ~InterpolationFactory() = default; /// Create or get the singleton instance of the factory static InterpolationFactory* getInstance(); @@ -43,16 +43,11 @@ public: static void cleanup(); /// A string representing the default interpolation type - inline string getDefaultInterpType() { return "hermitespline"; } + inline std::string getDefaultInterpType() { return "hermitespline"; } /// Create an interpolation object - Interpolation *create(Mesh *mesh) { - return create(nullptr, mesh); - } - Interpolation *create(Options *options) { - return create(options, nullptr); - } - Interpolation *create(Options *options = nullptr, Mesh *mesh = nullptr); + Interpolation* create(Mesh* mesh) { return create(nullptr, mesh); } + Interpolation* create(Options* options = nullptr, Mesh* mesh = nullptr); /// Create an Interpolation object /// @@ -61,11 +56,11 @@ public: /// @param mesh A Mesh object to construct the interpolation on /// /// @return A new copy of an Interpolation object - Interpolation *create(const string &name, Options *options = nullptr, - Mesh *mesh = nullptr); + Interpolation* create(const std::string& name, Options* options = nullptr, + Mesh* mesh = nullptr); /// Add available interpolations to database - void add(CreateInterpCallback interp, const string &name); + void add(CreateInterpCallback interp, const std::string& name); }; #endif //__INTERP_FACTORY_H__ diff --git a/include/invert_laplace.hxx b/include/invert_laplace.hxx index 77d43e5565..f4d5be0074 100644 --- a/include/invert_laplace.hxx +++ b/include/invert_laplace.hxx @@ -48,24 +48,38 @@ class Laplacian; #include "options.hxx" // Inversion flags for each boundary -const int INVERT_DC_GRAD = 1; ///< Zero-gradient for DC (constant in Z) component. Default is zero value -const int INVERT_AC_GRAD = 2; ///< Zero-gradient for AC (non-constant in Z) component. Default is zero value -const int INVERT_AC_LAP = 4; ///< Use zero-laplacian (decaying solution) to AC component -const int INVERT_SYM = 8; ///< Use symmetry to enforce either zero-value or zero-gradient -const int INVERT_SET = 16; ///< Set boundary to value -const int INVERT_RHS = 32; ///< Use input value in RHS boundary -const int INVERT_DC_LAP = 64; ///< Use zero-laplacian solution for DC component -const int INVERT_BNDRY_ONE = 128; ///< Only use one boundary point -const int INVERT_DC_GRADPAR = 256; -const int INVERT_DC_GRADPARINV = 512; -const int INVERT_IN_CYLINDER = 1024; ///< For use in cylindrical coordiate system. +/// Zero-gradient for DC (constant in Z) component. Default is zero value +constexpr int INVERT_DC_GRAD = 1; +/// Zero-gradient for AC (non-constant in Z) component. Default is zero value +constexpr int INVERT_AC_GRAD = 2; +/// Use zero-laplacian (decaying solution) to AC component +constexpr int INVERT_AC_LAP = 4; +/// Use symmetry to enforce either zero-value or zero-gradient +constexpr int INVERT_SYM = 8; +/// Set boundary to value +constexpr int INVERT_SET = 16; +/// Use input value in RHS boundary +constexpr int INVERT_RHS = 32; +/// Use zero-laplacian solution for DC component +constexpr int INVERT_DC_LAP = 64; +/// Only use one boundary point +constexpr int INVERT_BNDRY_ONE = 128; +constexpr int INVERT_DC_GRADPAR = 256; +constexpr int INVERT_DC_GRADPARINV = 512; +/// For use in cylindrical coordiate system. +constexpr int INVERT_IN_CYLINDER = 1024; // Global flags -const int INVERT_ZERO_DC = 1; ///< Zero the DC (constant in Z) component of the solution -const int INVERT_START_NEW = 2; ///< Iterative method start from solution=0. Has no effect for direct solvers -const int INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE = 4; ///< Sets the width of the boundaries to 1 -const int INVERT_4TH_ORDER = 8; ///< Use band solver for 4th order in x -const int INVERT_KX_ZERO = 16; ///< Zero the kx=0, n = 0 component +/// Zero the DC (constant in Z) component of the solution +constexpr int INVERT_ZERO_DC = 1; +/// Iterative method start from solution=0. Has no effect for direct solvers +constexpr int INVERT_START_NEW = 2; +/// Sets the width of the boundaries to 1 +constexpr int INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE = 4; +/// Use band solver for 4th order in x +constexpr int INVERT_4TH_ORDER = 8; +/// Zero the kx=0, n = 0 component +constexpr int INVERT_KX_ZERO = 16; /* // Legacy flags, can be used in calls to setFlags() @@ -99,20 +113,17 @@ const int INVERT_KX_ZERO = 16; ///< Zero the kx=0, n = 0 component const int INVERT_DC_IN_GRADPARINV = 2097152; */ -const int INVERT_IN_RHS = 16384; ///< Use input value in RHS at inner boundary -const int INVERT_OUT_RHS = 32768; ///< Use input value in RHS at outer boundary - /// Base class for Laplacian inversion class Laplacian { public: - Laplacian(Options *options = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); - virtual ~Laplacian() {} - + Laplacian(Options *options = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + virtual ~Laplacian() = default; + /// Set coefficients for inversion. Re-builds matrices if necessary virtual void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefA(const Field3D &val) { setCoefA(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefA(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefA(f); } @@ -120,7 +131,7 @@ public: virtual void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefC(const Field3D &val) { setCoefC(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefC(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefC(f); } @@ -130,7 +141,7 @@ public: } virtual void setCoefC1(const Field3D &val) { setCoefC1(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefC1(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefC1(f); } @@ -140,7 +151,7 @@ public: } virtual void setCoefC2(const Field3D &val) { setCoefC2(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefC2(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefC2(f); } @@ -148,7 +159,7 @@ public: virtual void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefD(const Field3D &val) { setCoefD(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefD(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefD(f); } @@ -156,7 +167,7 @@ public: virtual void setCoefEx(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefEx(const Field3D &val) { setCoefEx(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefEx(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefEx(f); } @@ -164,23 +175,29 @@ public: virtual void setCoefEz(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefEz(const Field3D &val) { setCoefEz(DC(val)); } virtual void setCoefEz(BoutReal r) { - Field2D f(r); + Field2D f(r, localmesh); f.setLocation(location); setCoefEz(f); } - virtual void setFlags(int f); virtual void setGlobalFlags(int f) { global_flags = f; } virtual void setInnerBoundaryFlags(int f) { inner_boundary_flags = f; } virtual void setOuterBoundaryFlags(int f) { outer_boundary_flags = f; } + + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use setGlobalFlags, setInnerBoundaryFlags and " + "setOuterBoundaryFlags methods instead")]] + virtual void setFlags(int f); + + /// Does this solver use Field3D coefficients (true) or only their DC component (false) + virtual bool uses3DCoefs() const { return false; } - virtual const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) = 0; - virtual const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b); - virtual const Field2D solve(const Field2D &b); + virtual FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) = 0; + virtual Field3D solve(const Field3D &b); + virtual Field2D solve(const Field2D &b); - virtual const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &UNUSED(x0)) { return solve(b); } - virtual const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0); - virtual const Field2D solve(const Field2D &b, const Field2D &x0); + virtual FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &UNUSED(x0)) { return solve(b); } + virtual Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0); + virtual Field2D solve(const Field2D &b, const Field2D &x0); /// Coefficients in tridiagonal inversion void tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, int jz, dcomplex &a, dcomplex &b, dcomplex &c, @@ -192,7 +209,7 @@ public: * * @param[in] opt The options section to use. By default "laplace" will be used */ - static Laplacian *create(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + static Laplacian *create(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); static Laplacian* defaultInstance(); ///< Return pointer to global singleton static void cleanup(); ///< Frees all memory @@ -214,20 +231,37 @@ protected: void tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, BoutReal kwave, dcomplex &a, dcomplex &b, dcomplex &c, const Field2D *ccoef = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr, + CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT) { + tridagCoefs(jx, jy, kwave, a, b, c, ccoef, ccoef, d, loc); + } + void tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, BoutReal kwave, dcomplex &a, dcomplex &b, dcomplex &c, + const Field2D *c1coef, const Field2D *c2coef, const Field2D *d, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT); - void tridagMatrix(dcomplex **avec, dcomplex **bvec, dcomplex **cvec, dcomplex **bk, - int jy, int flags, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags, - const Field2D *a = nullptr, const Field2D *ccoef = nullptr, - const Field2D *d = nullptr); + void DEPRECATED(tridagMatrix(dcomplex **avec, dcomplex **bvec, dcomplex **cvec, + dcomplex **bk, int jy, int flags, int inner_boundary_flags, + int outer_boundary_flags, const Field2D *a = nullptr, + const Field2D *ccoef = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr)); void tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, dcomplex *bk, int jy, int kz, BoutReal kwave, int flags, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags, const Field2D *a, const Field2D *ccoef, const Field2D *d, + bool includeguards=true) { + tridagMatrix(avec, bvec, cvec, bk, jy, kz, kwave, flags, inner_boundary_flags, + outer_boundary_flags, a, ccoef, ccoef, d, includeguards); + } + void tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, + dcomplex *bk, int jy, int kz, BoutReal kwave, + int flags, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags, + const Field2D *a, const Field2D *c1coef, const Field2D *c2coef, + const Field2D *d, bool includeguards=true); - CELL_LOC location; + CELL_LOC location; ///< staggered grid location of this solver + Mesh* localmesh; ///< Mesh object for this solver + Coordinates* coords; ///< Coordinates object, so we only have to call + /// localmesh->getCoordinates(location) once private: /// Singleton instance static Laplacian *instance; @@ -241,14 +275,14 @@ void laplace_tridag_coefs(int jx, int jy, int jz, dcomplex &a, dcomplex &b, dcom const Field2D *ccoef = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr, CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT); -int invert_laplace(const FieldPerp &b, FieldPerp &x, int flags, const Field2D *a, - const Field2D *c = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr); -int invert_laplace(const Field3D &b, Field3D &x, int flags, const Field2D *a, - const Field2D *c = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr); +DEPRECATED(int invert_laplace(const FieldPerp &b, FieldPerp &x, int flags, const Field2D *a, + const Field2D *c = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr)); +DEPRECATED(int invert_laplace(const Field3D &b, Field3D &x, int flags, const Field2D *a, + const Field2D *c = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr)); /// More readable API for calling Laplacian inversion. Returns x -const Field3D invert_laplace(const Field3D &b, int flags, const Field2D *a = nullptr, - const Field2D *c = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr); +DEPRECATED(const Field3D invert_laplace(const Field3D &b, int flags, const Field2D *a = nullptr, + const Field2D *c = nullptr, const Field2D *d = nullptr)); #endif // __LAPLACE_H__ diff --git a/include/invert_parderiv.hxx b/include/invert_parderiv.hxx index 547c49e5f9..2ad993dcc9 100644 --- a/include/invert_parderiv.hxx +++ b/include/invert_parderiv.hxx @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ #include "unused.hxx" // Parderiv implementations -#define PARDERIVSERIAL "serial" #define PARDERIVCYCLIC "cyclic" /// Base class for parallel inversion solvers @@ -64,15 +63,16 @@ public: * with pure virtual members, so can't be created directly. * To create an InvertPar object call the create() static function. */ - InvertPar(Options *UNUSED(opt)) {} - virtual ~InvertPar() {} - + InvertPar(Options *UNUSED(opt), Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr) + : localmesh(mesh_in==nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : mesh_in) {} + virtual ~InvertPar() = default; + /*! * Create an instance of InvertPar * * Note: For consistency this should be renamed "create" and take an Options* argument */ - static InvertPar* Create(); + static InvertPar* Create(Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); /*! * Solve the system of equations @@ -100,36 +100,39 @@ public: */ virtual void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) = 0; virtual void setCoefA(const Field3D &f) {setCoefA(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefA(BoutReal f) {setCoefA(Field2D(f));} + virtual void setCoefA(BoutReal f) {setCoefA(Field2D(f, localmesh));} /*! * Set the Grad2_par2 coefficient B */ virtual void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) = 0; virtual void setCoefB(const Field3D &f) {setCoefB(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefB(BoutReal f) {setCoefB(Field2D(f));} + virtual void setCoefB(BoutReal f) {setCoefB(Field2D(f, localmesh));} /*! * Set the D2DYDZ coefficient C */ - virtual void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefC(const Field3D &f) {setCoefC(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefC(BoutReal f) {setCoefC(Field2D(f));} - + virtual void setCoefC(const Field2D& f) = 0; + virtual void setCoefC(const Field3D& f) { setCoefC(DC(f)); } + virtual void setCoefC(BoutReal f) { setCoefC(Field2D(f, localmesh)); } + /*! * Set the D2DZ2 coefficient D - */ - virtual void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefD(const Field3D &f) {setCoefD(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefD(BoutReal f) {setCoefD(Field2D(f));} - + */ + virtual void setCoefD(const Field2D& f) = 0; + virtual void setCoefD(const Field3D& f) { setCoefD(DC(f)); } + virtual void setCoefD(BoutReal f) { setCoefD(Field2D(f, localmesh)); } + /*! * Set the DDY coefficient E */ - virtual void setCoefE(const Field2D &f) = 0; - virtual void setCoefE(const Field3D &f) {setCoefE(DC(f));} - virtual void setCoefE(BoutReal f) {setCoefE(Field2D(f));} - + virtual void setCoefE(const Field2D& f) = 0; + virtual void setCoefE(const Field3D& f) { setCoefE(DC(f)); } + virtual void setCoefE(BoutReal f) { setCoefE(Field2D(f, localmesh)); } + +protected: + Mesh* localmesh; ///< Mesh object for this solver + private: }; diff --git a/include/makefile b/include/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 93dee43780..0000000000 --- a/include/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -all: derivs.hxx - - -derivs.hxx: derivs.hxx.in.py derivs.hxx.in.jinja -# run first dependency and write output to target -# on failure delete output and report error - @echo " Generating $@" - @./$< > $@.tmp || (fail=$$?; echo "touch $@ to ignore failed generation" ; exit $$fail) - @mv $@.tmp $@ - @clang-format -i $@ || echo "Formatting failed" diff --git a/include/mask.hxx b/include/mask.hxx index 481df97f29..56dea0d64d 100644 --- a/include/mask.hxx +++ b/include/mask.hxx @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public: BoutMask(Mesh& mesh, bool value=false) : BoutMask(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, mesh.LocalNz, value) {} // Default constructor uses global mesh - BoutMask() : BoutMask(*mesh) {} + BoutMask() : BoutMask(*bout::globals::mesh) {} // Assignment from bool BoutMask& operator=(bool value) { diff --git a/include/msg_stack.hxx b/include/msg_stack.hxx index ee70287d5c..5182687958 100644 --- a/include/msg_stack.hxx +++ b/include/msg_stack.hxx @@ -33,13 +33,24 @@ class MsgStack; #include "bout/format.hxx" #include -#include +#include #include #include /// The maximum length (in chars) of messages, not including terminating '0' #define MSG_MAX_SIZE 127 +/// The __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ variable is defined by GCC (and some other families) but is not a part +/// of the standard. The __func__ variable *is* a part of the c++11 standard so we'd like to fall back +/// to this if possible. However as these are variables/constants and not macros we can't just +/// check if __PRETTY_FUNCITON__ is defined or not. Instead we need to say if we support this +/// or not by defining HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION (to be implemented in configure) +#ifdef HAS_PRETTY_FUNCTION +#define __thefunc__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ +#else +#define __thefunc__ __func__ +#endif + /*! * Message stack * @@ -54,13 +65,14 @@ class MsgStack; */ class MsgStack { public: - MsgStack() : position(0){}; + MsgStack() = default; ~MsgStack() { clear(); } #if CHECK > 1 int push(const char *s, ...) BOUT_FORMAT_ARGS( 2, 3); ///< Add a message to the stack. Returns a message id + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use `MsgStack::push` with an empty message instead")]] int setPoint(); ///< get a message point void pop(); ///< Remove the last message @@ -73,6 +85,7 @@ public: /// Dummy functions which should be optimised out int push(const char *UNUSED(s), ...) { return 0; } + [[gnu::deprecated("Please use `MsgStack::push` with an empty message instead")]] int setPoint() { return 0; } void pop() {} @@ -87,7 +100,7 @@ private: char buffer[256]; ///< Buffer for vsnprintf std::vector stack; ///< Message stack; - std::vector::size_type position; ///< Position in stack + std::vector::size_type position{0}; ///< Position in stack }; /*! @@ -159,6 +172,7 @@ private: * } // Scope ends, message popped */ #if CHECK > 0 + /* Would like to have something like TRACE(message, ...) so that we can directly refer to the (required) first argument, which is the main message string. However because we want to allow TRACE("Message with no args") we have to deal with the case where @@ -175,4 +189,23 @@ private: #define TRACE(...) #endif +/*! + * The AUTO_TRACE macro provides a convenient way to put messages onto the msg_stack + * It pushes a message onto the stack, and pops it when the scope ends + * The message is automatically derived from the function signature + * as identified by the compiler. This will be PRETTY_FUNCTION if available + * else it will be the mangled form. + * + * This is implemented as a use of the TRACE macro with specific arguments. + * + * Example + * ------- + * + * { + * AUTO_TRACE(); + * + * } // Scope ends, message popped + */ +#define AUTO_TRACE() TRACE("%s", __thefunc__) + #endif // __MSG_STACK_H__ diff --git a/include/multiostream.hxx b/include/multiostream.hxx index 47c1b2d154..bdd8ba210b 100644 --- a/include/multiostream.hxx +++ b/include/multiostream.hxx @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class multiostream : private public std::basic_ostream { private: - typedef ::multioutbuf_init multioutbuf_init; + using multioutbuf_init = ::multioutbuf_init; public: multiostream() : multioutbuf_init(), std::basic_ostream cmultiostream; -typedef multiostream wmultiostream; +using cmultiostream = multiostream; +using wmultiostream = multiostream; #endif // __MULTIOSTREAM_H__ diff --git a/include/options.hxx b/include/options.hxx index 4df91fc612..2d9936e616 100644 --- a/include/options.hxx +++ b/include/options.hxx @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ * The Options class represents a tree structure of key-value settings. * Provides get and set methods on these options. * -* Internally, all quantities are stored as strings for simplicity -* and so that option file parsers don't have to do type conversion -* without knowing the type a priori. +* Internally, values are stored in a variant. Conversion of types +* is handled internally, so this is transparent to the user. If desired, +* the user can directly access the "value" member which is the variant. * * There is a singleton object "root" which contains the top-level * options and allows access to all sub-sections @@ -43,6 +43,11 @@ class Options; #include "unused.hxx" #include "output.hxx" #include "utils.hxx" +#include "bout/sys/variant.hxx" +#include "bout/sys/type_name.hxx" +#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" #include #include @@ -93,7 +98,7 @@ class Options; * int other; * options.get("otherkey", other, 2.0); // Sets other to 2 because "otherkey" not found * - * Internally, all values are stored as strings, so conversion is performed silently: + * Conversion is performed silently: * * options.set("value", "2.34", "here"); // Set a string * @@ -150,7 +155,7 @@ class Options; class Options { public: /// Constructor. This is called to create the root object - Options() {} + Options() = default; /// Constructor used to create non-root objects /// @@ -158,13 +163,87 @@ public: /// @param[in] sectionName Name of the section, including path from the root Options(Options *parent_instance, std::string full_name) : parent_instance(parent_instance), full_name(std::move(full_name)){}; - + + /// Copy constructor + Options(const Options& other); + + ~Options() = default; + /// Get a reference to the only root instance static Options &root(); /// Free all memory static void cleanup(); + /// The type used to store values + using ValueType = + bout::utils::variant, Matrix, Tensor>; + + /// The type used to store attributes + /// Extends the variant class so that cast operator can be implemented + /// and assignment operator overloaded + /// + /// Note: Due to default initialisation rules, if an attribute + /// is used without being set, it will be false, 0, 0.0 and + /// throw std::bad_cast if cast to std::string + /// + class AttributeType : public bout::utils::variant { + public: + using Base = bout::utils::variant; + + /// Constructor + AttributeType() = default; + /// Copy constructor + AttributeType(const AttributeType& other) = default; + /// Move constructor + AttributeType(AttributeType&& other) : Base(std::move(other)) {} + + /// Destructor + ~AttributeType() = default; + + /// Assignment operator, including move assignment + using Base::operator=; + + /// Assignment from const char* + AttributeType& operator=(const char* str) { + operator=(std::string(str)); + return *this; + } + + /// Cast operator, which allows this class to be + /// assigned to type T + /// This will throw std::bad_cast if it can't be done + template operator T() const { return as(); } + + /// Get the value as a specified type + /// This will throw std::bad_cast if it can't be done + template + T as() const { + return bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(*this); + } + }; + + /// The value stored + ValueType value; + + /// A collection of attributes belonging to the value + /// Special attributes: + /// - time_dimension [string] If this is set then changes to the value + /// do not need to be forced. The string will be used + /// when writing the output as the name of the time + /// dimension (unlimited first dimension in NetCDF files). + /// + /// - source [string] Describes where the value came from + /// e.g. a file name, or "default". + /// + /// - type [string] The type the Option is converted to + /// when used. + /// + /// - doc [string] Documentation, describing what the variable does + /// + std::map attributes; + /// Get a sub-section or value /// /// Example: @@ -190,15 +269,19 @@ public: /// and then saves the resulting string. template T operator=(T inputvalue) { - // Convert to string - std::stringstream ss; - ss << inputvalue; - - // Set the internal value. - _set(ss.str(), "", false); + assign(inputvalue); return inputvalue; } + /// Copy assignment + /// + /// This replaces the value, attributes and all children + /// + /// Note that if only the value is desired, then that can be copied using + /// the value member directly e.g. option2.value = option1.value; + /// + Options& operator=(const Options& other); + /// Assign a value to the option. /// This will throw an exception if already has a value /// @@ -207,6 +290,7 @@ public: /// Options option; /// option["test"].assign(42, "some source"); /// + /// Note: Specialised versions for types stored in ValueType template void assign(T val, const std::string source="") { std::stringstream ss; @@ -217,7 +301,7 @@ public: /// Force to a value /// Overwrites any existing setting template - void force(T val, const string source = "") { + void force(T val, const std::string source = "") { is_value = false; // Invalidates any existing setting assign(val, source); } @@ -238,7 +322,7 @@ public: /// int value = option["test"]; /// template operator T() const { return as(); } - + /// Get the value as a specified type /// If there is no value then an exception is thrown /// Note there are specialised versions of this template @@ -250,37 +334,57 @@ public: /// option["test"] = 2.0; /// int value = option["test"].as(); /// - template T as() const { + /// An optional argument is an object which the result should be similar to. + /// The main use for this is in Field2D and Field3D specialisations, + /// where the Mesh and cell location are taken from this input. + /// + template + T as(const T& UNUSED(similar_to) = {}) const { if (!is_value) { throw BoutException("Option %s has no value", full_name.c_str()); } - + T val; - std::stringstream ss(value.value); - ss >> val; - // Check if the parse failed - if (ss.fail()) { - throw BoutException("Option %s could not be parsed ('%s')", full_name.c_str(), value.value.c_str()); - } - - // Check if there are characters remaining - std::string remainder; - std::getline(ss, remainder); - for (const char &ch : remainder) { - if (!std::isspace(static_cast(ch))) { - // Meaningful character not parsed - throw BoutException("Option %s could not be parsed", full_name.c_str()); + // Try casting. This will throw std::bad_cast if it can't be done + try { + val = bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(value); + } catch (const std::bad_cast &e) { + // If the variant is a string then we may be able to parse it + + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + std::stringstream ss(bout::utils::get(value)); + ss >> val; + + // Check if the parse failed + if (ss.fail()) { + throw BoutException("Option %s could not be parsed ('%s')", full_name.c_str(), + bout::utils::variantToString(value).c_str()); + } + + // Check if there are characters remaining + std::string remainder; + std::getline(ss, remainder); + for (const char &ch : remainder) { + if (!std::isspace(static_cast(ch))) { + // Meaningful character not parsed + throw BoutException("Option %s could not be parsed", full_name.c_str()); + } + } + } else { + // Another type which can't be casted + throw BoutException("Option %s could not be converted to type %s", + full_name.c_str(), typeid(T).name()); } } // Mark this option as used - value.used = true; // Note this is mutable + value_used = true; // Note this is mutable output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << val; - if (!value.source.empty()) { + if (attributes.count("source")) { // Specify the source of the setting - output_info << " (" << value.source << ")"; + output_info << " (" << bout::utils::variantToString(attributes.at("source")) << ")"; } output_info << endl; @@ -290,43 +394,80 @@ public: /// Get the value of this option. If not found, /// set to the default value template T withDefault(T def) { + + // Set the type + attributes["type"] = bout::utils::typeName(); + if (!is_value) { // Option not found assign(def, DEFAULT_SOURCE); - value.used = true; // Mark the option as used + value_used = true; // Mark the option as used - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << def << " (" << DEFAULT_SOURCE + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << def << " (" << DEFAULT_SOURCE << ")" << std::endl; return def; } - T val = as(); + T val = as(def); // Check if this was previously set as a default option - if (value.source == DEFAULT_SOURCE) { + if (bout::utils::variantEqualTo(attributes.at("source"), DEFAULT_SOURCE)) { // Check that the default values are the same if (!similar(val, def)) { throw BoutException("Inconsistent default values for '%s': '%s' then '%s'", - full_name.c_str(), value.value.c_str(), toString(def).c_str()); + full_name.c_str(), bout::utils::variantToString(value).c_str(), toString(def).c_str()); } } return val; } + /// Overloaded version for const char* + /// Note: Different from template since return type is different to input + std::string withDefault(const char* def) { + return withDefault(std::string(def)); + } + + /// Overloaded version to copy from another option + Options& withDefault(const Options& def) { + // if def is a section, then it does not make sense to try to use it as a default for + // a value + ASSERT0(def.is_value); + + if (!is_value) { + // Option not found + *this = def; + + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << def.full_name << " (" + << DEFAULT_SOURCE << ")" << std::endl; + } else { + // Check if this was previously set as a default option + if (bout::utils::variantEqualTo(attributes.at("source"), DEFAULT_SOURCE)) { + // Check that the default values are the same + if (!similar(bout::utils::variantToString(value), + bout::utils::variantToString(def.value))) { + throw BoutException("Inconsistent default values for '%s': '%s' then '%s'", + full_name.c_str(), bout::utils::variantToString(value).c_str(), + bout::utils::variantToString(def.value).c_str()); + } + } + } + return *this; + } + /// Get the value of this option. If not found, /// return the default value but do not set template T withDefault(T def) const { if (!is_value) { // Option not found - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << def << " (" << DEFAULT_SOURCE + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << def << " (" << DEFAULT_SOURCE << ")" << std::endl; return def; } - T val = as(); + T val = as(def); // Check if this was previously set as a default option - if (value.source == DEFAULT_SOURCE) { + if (bout::utils::variantEqualTo(attributes.at("source"), DEFAULT_SOURCE)) { // Check that the default values are the same if (!similar(val, def)) { throw BoutException("Inconsistent default values for '%s': '%s' then '%s'", - full_name.c_str(), value.value.c_str(), toString(def).c_str()); + full_name.c_str(), bout::utils::variantToString(value).c_str(), toString(def).c_str()); } } return val; @@ -340,6 +481,26 @@ public: return *parent_instance; } + /// Equality operator + /// Converts to the same type and compares + /// This conversion may fail, throwing std::bad_cast + template + bool operator==(const T& other) const { + return as() == other; + } + + /// Overloaded equality operator for literal strings + bool operator==(const char* other) const; + + /// Comparison operator + template + bool operator<(const T& other) const { + return as() < other; + } + + /// Overloaded comparison operator for literal strings + bool operator<(const char* other) const; + ////////////////////////////////////// // Backward-compatible interface @@ -402,7 +563,7 @@ public: /// clean the cache of parsed options static void cleanCache(); - + /*! * Class used to store values, together with * information about their origin and usage @@ -411,13 +572,39 @@ public: std::string value; std::string source; // Source of the setting mutable bool used = false; // Set to true when used + + /// This constructor needed for map::emplace + /// Can be removed in C++17 with map::insert and brace initialisation + OptionValue(std::string value, std::string source, bool used) + : value(std::move(value)), source(std::move(source)), used(used) {} }; /// Read-only access to internal options and sections /// to allow iteration over the tree - std::map values() const; + using ValuesMap = std::map; + DEPRECATED(ValuesMap values() const); std::map subsections() const; + const std::map& getChildren() const { + return children; + } + + bool isValue() const { + return is_value; + } + bool isSection(const std::string& name = "") const; + + /// If the option value has been used anywhere + bool valueUsed() const { return value_used; } + + + /// Set a documentation string as an attribute "doc" + /// Returns a reference to this, to allow chaining + Options& doc(const std::string& docstring) { + attributes["doc"] = docstring; + return *this; + } + private: /// The source label given to default values @@ -434,46 +621,67 @@ public: std::map children; ///< If a section then has children bool is_value = false; ///< Is this Options object a value? - OptionValue value{}; ///< If a value + mutable bool value_used = false; ///< Record whether this value is used - void _set(std::string val, std::string source, bool force); + template + void _set(T val, std::string source, bool force) { + // If already set, and not time evolving then check for changing values + // If a variable has a "time_dimension" attribute then it is assumed + // that updates to the value is ok and don't need to be forced. + if (isSet() && (attributes.find("time_dimension") == attributes.end())) { + // Check if current value the same as new value + if (!bout::utils::variantEqualTo(value, val)) { + if (force or !bout::utils::variantEqualTo(attributes["source"], source)) { + output_warn << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " + << bout::utils::variantToString(value) << " (" + << bout::utils::variantToString(attributes["source"]) + << _(") overwritten with:") << "\n" + << "\t\t" << full_name << " = " << toString(val) << " (" << source + << ")\n"; + } else { + throw BoutException( + _("Options: Setting a value from same source (%s) to new value " + "'%s' - old value was '%s'."), + source.c_str(), toString(val).c_str(), + bout::utils::variantToString(value).c_str()); + } + } + } + value = std::move(val); + attributes["source"] = std::move(source); + value_used = false; + is_value = true; + } + /// Tests if two values are similar. template bool similar(T a, T b) const { return a == b; } }; +// Specialised assign methods for types stored in ValueType +template<> inline void Options::assign<>(bool val, const std::string source) { _set(val, source, false); } +template<> inline void Options::assign<>(int val, const std::string source) { _set(val, source, false); } +template<> inline void Options::assign<>(BoutReal val, const std::string source) { _set(val, source, false); } +template<> inline void Options::assign<>(std::string val, const std::string source) { _set(val, source, false); } +// Note: const char* version needed to avoid conversion to bool +template<> inline void Options::assign<>(const char *val, const std::string source) { _set(std::string(val), source, false);} +// Note: Field assignments don't check for previous assignment (always force) +template<> void Options::assign<>(Field2D val, const std::string source); +template<> void Options::assign<>(Field3D val, const std::string source); +template<> void Options::assign<>(Array val, const std::string source); +template<> void Options::assign<>(Matrix val, const std::string source); +template<> void Options::assign<>(Tensor val, const std::string source); + /// Specialised similar comparison methods template <> inline bool Options::similar(BoutReal a, BoutReal b) const { return fabs(a - b) < 1e-10; } -/// Specialised assignment operator -template <> -inline BoutReal Options::operator=(BoutReal inputvalue) { - std::stringstream ss; - // Make sure the precision is large enough to hold a BoutReal - ss << std::scientific << std::setprecision(17) << inputvalue; - _set(ss.str(), "", false); - return inputvalue; -} - /// Specialised as routines -template <> std::string Options::as() const; -template <> int Options::as() const; -template <> BoutReal Options::as() const; -template <> bool Options::as() const; - -// Specialised assign methods -template<> void Options::assign(bool val, const std::string source); -template<> void Options::assign(BoutReal val, const std::string source); - -// Note: const char* version needed to avoid conversion to bool -template<> -inline void Options::assign(const char *val, const std::string source) { - _set(val,source,false); -} -template<> -inline void Options::assign(std::string val, const std::string source) { - _set(val,source,false); -}; +template <> std::string Options::as(const std::string& similar_to) const; +template <> int Options::as(const int& similar_to) const; +template <> BoutReal Options::as(const BoutReal& similar_to) const; +template <> bool Options::as(const bool& similar_to) const; +template <> Field2D Options::as(const Field2D& similar_to) const; +template <> Field3D Options::as(const Field3D& similar_to) const; /// Define for reading options which passes the variable name #define OPTION(options, var, def) \ diff --git a/include/options_netcdf.hxx b/include/options_netcdf.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c90b0f62fb --- /dev/null +++ b/include/options_netcdf.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ + +#pragma once + +#ifndef __OPTIONS_NETCDF_H__ +#define __OPTIONS_NETCDF_H__ + +#ifndef NCDF4 + +#include + +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" + +namespace bout { +namespace experimental { + +class OptionsNetCDF { +public: + enum class FileMode { + replace, ///< Overwrite file when writing + append ///< Append to file when writing + }; + + OptionsNetCDF(const std::string &filename, FileMode mode = FileMode::replace) {} + + /// Read options from file + Options read() { + throw BoutException("OptionsNetCDF not available\n"); + } + + /// Write options to file + void write(const Options &options) { + throw BoutException("OptionsNetCDF not available\n"); + } +}; + +} +} + +#else + +#include + +#include "options.hxx" + +namespace bout { +namespace experimental { + +class OptionsNetCDF { +public: + enum class FileMode { + replace, ///< Overwrite file when writing + append ///< Append to file when writing + }; + + OptionsNetCDF(std::string filename, FileMode mode = FileMode::replace) + : filename(std::move(filename)), file_mode(mode) {} + + /// Read options from file + Options read(); + + /// Write options to file + void write(const Options &options); + +private: + std::string filename; + FileMode file_mode; + + /// NetCDF doesn't seem to keep track of the current index + /// for each variable. This map keeps track of the current + /// index being written for each time dimension + std::map time_index; +}; + +} +} + +#endif + +#endif // __OPTIONS_NETCDF_H__ diff --git a/include/optionsreader.hxx b/include/optionsreader.hxx index 898927ca0a..1ec97bce5d 100644 --- a/include/optionsreader.hxx +++ b/include/optionsreader.hxx @@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ class OptionsReader; #include "options.hxx" #include "bout/format.hxx" -#include -#include - /// Class to handle reading options from file /// /// Example diff --git a/include/output.hxx b/include/output.hxx index 378267ca8a..631c5c630e 100644 --- a/include/output.hxx +++ b/include/output.hxx @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class Output; #include "boutexception.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" #include "bout/format.hxx" +#include "bout/sys/gettext.hxx" // for gettext _() macro using std::endl; @@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ using std::endl; class Output : private multioutbuf_init>, public std::basic_ostream> { - typedef std::char_traits _Tr; - typedef ::multioutbuf_init multioutbuf_init; + using _Tr = std::char_traits; + using multioutbuf_init = ::multioutbuf_init; public: Output() : multioutbuf_init(), std::basic_ostream(multioutbuf_init::buf()) { @@ -131,15 +132,9 @@ class DummyOutput : public Output { public: void write(const char *UNUSED(str), ...) override{}; void print(const char *UNUSED(str), ...) override{}; - void enable() override { - throw BoutException("DummyOutput cannot be enabled.\nTry compiling with " - "--enable-debug or be less verbose?"); - }; + void enable() override{}; void disable() override{}; - void enable(bool enable) { - if (enable) - this->enable(); - }; + void enable(MAYBE_UNUSED(bool enable)){}; bool isEnabled() override { return false; } }; @@ -151,7 +146,8 @@ public: class ConditionalOutput : public Output { public: /// @param[in] base The Output object which will be written to if enabled - ConditionalOutput(Output *base) : base(base), enabled(true) {}; + /// @param[in] enabled Should this be enabled by default? + ConditionalOutput(Output *base, bool enabled = true) : base(base), enabled(enabled) {}; /// Constuctor taking ConditionalOutput. This allows several layers of conditions /// @@ -256,7 +252,7 @@ template ConditionalOutput &operator<<(ConditionalOutput &out, cons /// To allow statements like "output.write(...)" or "output << ..." /// Output for debugging #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED -extern Output output_debug; +extern ConditionalOutput output_debug; #else extern DummyOutput output_debug; #endif @@ -264,6 +260,7 @@ extern ConditionalOutput output_warn; ///< warnings extern ConditionalOutput output_progress; ///< progress extern ConditionalOutput output_info; ///< information extern ConditionalOutput output_error; ///< errors +extern ConditionalOutput output_verbose; ///< less interesting messages /// Generic output, given the same level as output_progress extern ConditionalOutput output; diff --git a/include/parallel_boundary_op.hxx b/include/parallel_boundary_op.hxx index 3bd0be5c15..6235ea9ca4 100644 --- a/include/parallel_boundary_op.hxx +++ b/include/parallel_boundary_op.hxx @@ -14,23 +14,30 @@ class BoundaryOpPar : public BoundaryOpBase { public: - BoundaryOpPar() : bndry(nullptr), real_value(0.), value_type(REAL) {} + BoundaryOpPar() = default; BoundaryOpPar(BoundaryRegionPar *region, std::shared_ptr value) - : bndry(region), gen_values(std::move(value)), value_type(GEN) {} + : bndry(region), gen_values(std::move(value)), value_type(ValueType::GEN) {} BoundaryOpPar(BoundaryRegionPar *region, Field3D* value) : bndry(region), field_values(value), - value_type(FIELD) {} + value_type(ValueType::FIELD) {} BoundaryOpPar(BoundaryRegionPar *region, BoutReal value) : bndry(region), real_value(value), - value_type(REAL) {} - ~BoundaryOpPar() override {} + value_type(ValueType::REAL) {} + ~BoundaryOpPar() override = default; // Note: All methods must implement clone, except for modifiers (see below) - virtual BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *UNUSED(region), const list &UNUSED(args)) {return nullptr; } + virtual BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *UNUSED(region), const std::list &UNUSED(args)) {return nullptr; } virtual BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *UNUSED(region), Field3D *UNUSED(f)) {return nullptr; } + virtual BoundaryOpPar* + clone(BoundaryRegionPar* region, const std::list& args, + const std::map& UNUSED(keywords)) { + // If not implemented, call two-argument version + return clone(region, args); + } + using BoundaryOpBase::apply; void apply(Field2D &UNUSED(f)) override { throw BoutException("Can't apply parallel boundary conditions to Field2D!"); @@ -39,18 +46,18 @@ public: throw BoutException("Can't apply parallel boundary conditions to Field2D!"); } - BoundaryRegionPar *bndry; + BoundaryRegionPar* bndry{nullptr}; protected: /// Possible ways to get boundary values std::shared_ptr gen_values; Field3D* field_values; - BoutReal real_value; + BoutReal real_value{0.}; /// Where to take boundary values from - the generator, field or BoutReal - enum ValueType { GEN, FIELD, REAL }; - const ValueType value_type; + enum class ValueType {GEN, FIELD, REAL}; + const ValueType value_type{ValueType::REAL}; BoutReal getValue(int x, int y, int z, BoutReal t); BoutReal getValue(const BoundaryRegionPar &bndry, BoutReal t); @@ -71,7 +78,7 @@ public: BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet(BoundaryRegionPar *region, BoutReal value) : BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} - BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) override; BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, Field3D *f) override; using BoundaryOpPar::apply; @@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ public: BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_O3(BoundaryRegionPar *region, BoutReal value) : BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} - BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) override; BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, Field3D *f) override; using BoundaryOpPar::apply; @@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ public: BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_interp(BoundaryRegionPar *region, BoutReal value) : BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} - BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) override; BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, Field3D *f) override; using BoundaryOpPar::apply; @@ -131,7 +138,7 @@ public: BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} BoundaryOpPar_neumann(BoundaryRegionPar *region, BoutReal value) : BoundaryOpPar(region, value) {} - BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) override; + BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) override; BoundaryOpPar* clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, Field3D *f) override; using BoundaryOpPar::apply; diff --git a/include/parallel_boundary_region.hxx b/include/parallel_boundary_region.hxx index 2025ad9abb..d9ea22814d 100644 --- a/include/parallel_boundary_region.hxx +++ b/include/parallel_boundary_region.hxx @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ class BoundaryRegionPar : public BoundaryRegionBase { BoutReal angle; }; - typedef std::vector IndicesVec; - typedef IndicesVec::iterator IndicesIter; + using IndicesVec = std::vector; + using IndicesIter = IndicesVec::iterator; /// Vector of points in the boundary IndicesVec bndry_points; @@ -44,17 +44,17 @@ class BoundaryRegionPar : public BoundaryRegionBase { IndicesIter bndry_position; public: - BoundaryRegionPar(const string &name, int dir, Mesh* passmesh) : + BoundaryRegionPar(const std::string &name, int dir, Mesh* passmesh) : BoundaryRegionBase(name, passmesh), dir(dir) { BoundaryRegionBase::isParallel = true;} - BoundaryRegionPar(const string &name, BndryLoc loc,int dir, Mesh* passmesh) : + BoundaryRegionPar(const std::string &name, BndryLoc loc,int dir, Mesh* passmesh) : BoundaryRegionBase(name, loc, passmesh), dir(dir) { BoundaryRegionBase::isParallel = true;} /// Add a point to the boundary void add_point(int jx,int jy,int jz, - const BoutReal x,BoutReal y,BoutReal z, - const BoutReal length,BoutReal angle); + BoutReal x,BoutReal y,BoutReal z, + BoutReal length,BoutReal angle); void first() override; void next() override; diff --git a/include/stencils.hxx b/include/stencils.hxx index 4fe22d63cf..fe3b8b1160 100644 --- a/include/stencils.hxx +++ b/include/stencils.hxx @@ -37,4 +37,91 @@ struct stencil { BoutReal mm = BoutNaN, m = BoutNaN, c = BoutNaN, p = BoutNaN, pp = BoutNaN; }; + +template +void inline populateStencil(stencil &s, const FieldType& f, const typename FieldType::ind_type i){ + static_assert(nGuard == 1 || nGuard == 2, + "populateStencil currently only supports one or two guard cells" + ); + + switch(stagger) { + case(STAGGER::None): + if (nGuard == 2) { + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.mm = f.ynext(-2)[i.template minus<2, direction>()]; + } else { + s.mm = f[i.template minus<2, direction>()]; + } + } + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.m = f.ynext(-1)[i.template minus<1, direction>()]; + } else { + s.m = f[i.template minus<1, direction>()]; + } + s.c = f[i]; + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.p = f.ynext(1)[i.template plus<1, direction>()]; + } else { + s.p = f[i.template plus<1, direction>()]; + } + if (nGuard == 2) { + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.pp = f.ynext(2)[i.template plus<2, direction>()]; + } else { + s.pp = f[i.template plus<2, direction>()]; + } + } + break; + case(STAGGER::C2L): + if (nGuard == 2) { + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.mm = f.ynext(-2)[i.template minus<2, direction>()]; + } else { + s.mm = f[i.template minus<2, direction>()]; + } + } + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.m = f.ynext(-1)[i.template minus<1, direction>()]; + } else { + s.m = f[i.template minus<1, direction>()]; + } + s.c = f[i]; + s.p = s.c; + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.pp = f.ynext(1)[i.template plus<1, direction>()]; + } else { + s.pp = f[i.template plus<1, direction>()]; + } + break; + case(STAGGER::L2C): + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.mm = f.ynext(-1)[i.template minus<1, direction>()]; + } else { + s.mm = f[i.template minus<1, direction>()]; + } + s.m = f[i]; + s.c = s.m; + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.p = f.ynext(1)[i.template plus<1, direction>()]; + } else { + s.p = f[i.template plus<1, direction>()]; + } + if (nGuard == 2) { + if (direction == DIRECTION::YOrthogonal) { + s.pp = f.ynext(2)[i.template plus<2, direction>()]; + } else { + s.pp = f[i.template plus<2, direction>()]; + } + } + break; + } + return; +} + +template +stencil inline populateStencil(const FieldType& f, const typename FieldType::ind_type i){ + stencil s; + populateStencil(s, f, i); + return s; +} #endif /* __STENCILS_H__ */ diff --git a/include/utils.hxx b/include/utils.hxx index 1a6201b906..735f422ca3 100644 --- a/include/utils.hxx +++ b/include/utils.hxx @@ -35,36 +35,125 @@ #include "bout/array.hxx" #include "bout/assert.hxx" -#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" #include "msg_stack.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" #include #include #include +#include #include +#include + +namespace bout { +namespace utils { +#ifndef __cpp_lib_make_unique +// Provide our own make_unique if the stl doesn't give us one +// Implementation from https://isocpp.org/files/papers/N3656.txt +// i.e. what's already in the stl +template +struct _Unique_if { + using _Single_object = std::unique_ptr; +}; + +template +struct _Unique_if { + using _Unknown_bound = std::unique_ptr; +}; + +template +struct _Unique_if { + using _Known_bound = void; +}; -using std::abs; -using std::swap; +template +typename _Unique_if::_Single_object make_unique(Args&&... args) { + return std::unique_ptr(new T(std::forward(args)...)); +} + +template +typename _Unique_if::_Unknown_bound make_unique(size_t n) { + using U = typename std::remove_extent::type; + return std::unique_ptr(new U[n]()); +} + +template +typename _Unique_if::_Known_bound make_unique(Args&&...) = delete; +#else +using std::make_unique; +#endif + +template +struct function_traits; + +/// Traits class to get the types of function arguments for function pointers +/// +/// Use like: +/// +// // A function signature we'd like to check: +/// using some_function = int(*)(int, double, std::string); +/// // Get the type of the first argument: +/// using first_argument_type = +/// bout::utils::function_traits::arg<1>::type; +/// // The following prints "true": +/// std::cout << std::boolalpha +/// << std::is_same::value; +/// +/// Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/9065203/2043465 +template +struct function_traits { + /// Total number of arguments + static constexpr size_t nargs = sizeof...(Args); + + using result_type = R; + + template + struct arg { + using type = typename std::tuple_element>::type; + }; + + template + using arg_t = typename arg::type; +}; +} // namespace utils +} // namespace bout /// Helper class for 2D arrays /// /// Allows bounds checking through `operator()` with CHECK > 1 +/// +/// If either \p n1 or \p n2 are 0, the Matrix is empty and should not +/// be indexed template class Matrix { public: using data_type = T; using size_type = int; - - Matrix() : n1(0), n2(0){}; + + Matrix() = default; Matrix(size_type n1, size_type n2) : n1(n1), n2(n2) { - data = Array(n1*n2); + ASSERT2(n1 >= 0); + ASSERT2(n2 >= 0); + + data.reallocate(n1 * n2); } Matrix(const Matrix &other) : n1(other.n1), n2(other.n2), data(other.data) { // Prevent copy on write for Matrix data.ensureUnique(); } + /// Reallocate the Matrix to shape \p new_size_1 by \p new_size_2 + /// + /// Note that this invalidates the existing data! + void reallocate(size_type new_size_1, size_type new_size_2) { + ASSERT2(new_size_1 >= 0); + ASSERT2(new_size_2 >= 0); + + n1 = new_size_1; + n2 = new_size_2; + data.reallocate(new_size_1 * new_size_2); + } + Matrix& operator=(const Matrix &other) { n1 = other.n1; n2 = other.n2; @@ -91,28 +180,15 @@ public: }; return *this; }; - - // To provide backwards compatibility with matrix to be removed - DEPRECATED(T* operator[](size_type i1)) { - ASSERT2(0<=i1 && i1 shape() { return std::make_tuple(n1, n2);}; + std::tuple shape() const { return std::make_tuple(n1, n2); }; - bool empty(){ - return n1*n2 == 0; - } + bool empty() const { return n1 * n2 == 0; } /*! * Ensures that this Matrix does not share data with another @@ -123,35 +199,54 @@ public: data.ensureUnique(); } + /// Access the underlying storage + Array& getData() { return data; } + const Array& getData() const { return data; } + private: - size_type n1, n2; + size_type n1{0}, n2{0}; + /// Underlying 1D storage array Array data; }; -// For backwards compatibility with old matrix -- to be removed -template -DEPRECATED(void free_matrix(Matrix UNUSED(m))); -template -void free_matrix(Matrix UNUSED(m)) {}; - /// Helper class for 3D arrays /// /// Allows bounds checking through `operator()` with CHECK > 1 +/// +/// If any of \p n1, \p n2 or \p n3 are 0, the Tensor is empty and +/// should not be indexed template class Tensor { public: using data_type = T; using size_type = int; - Tensor() : n1(0), n2(0), n3(0) {}; + Tensor() = default; Tensor(size_type n1, size_type n2, size_type n3) : n1(n1), n2(n2), n3(n3) { - data = Array(n1*n2*n3); + ASSERT2(n1 >= 0); + ASSERT2(n2 >= 0); + ASSERT2(n3 >= 0); + data.reallocate(n1 * n2 * n3); } Tensor(const Tensor &other) : n1(other.n1), n2(other.n2), n3(other.n3), data(other.data) { // Prevent copy on write for Tensor data.ensureUnique(); } + /// Reallocate the Tensor with shape \p new_size_1 by \p new_size_2 by \p new_size_3 + /// + /// Note that this invalidates the existing data! + void reallocate(size_type new_size_1, size_type new_size_2, size_type new_size_3) { + ASSERT2(new_size_1 >= 0); + ASSERT2(new_size_2 >= 0); + ASSERT2(new_size_3 >= 0); + + n1 = new_size_1; + n2 = new_size_2; + n3 = new_size_3; + data.reallocate(new_size_1 * new_size_2 * new_size_3); + } + Tensor& operator=(const Tensor &other) { n1 = other.n1; n2 = other.n2; @@ -186,13 +281,13 @@ public: const T* begin() const { return std::begin(data);}; T* end() { return std::end(data);}; const T* end() const { return std::end(data);}; - - std::tuple shape() { return std::make_tuple(n1, n2, n3);}; - - bool empty(){ - return n1*n2*n3 == 0; - } - + + std::tuple shape() const { + return std::make_tuple(n1, n2, n3); + }; + + bool empty() const { return n1 * n2 * n3 == 0; } + /*! * Ensures that this Tensor does not share data with another * This should be called before performing any write operations @@ -201,12 +296,18 @@ public: void ensureUnique() { data.ensureUnique(); } - + + /// Access the underlying storage + Array& getData() { return data; } + const Array& getData() const { return data; } + private: - size_type n1, n2, n3; + size_type n1{0}, n2{0}, n3{0}; + /// Underlying 1D storage array Array data; }; + /************************************************************************** * Matrix routines **************************************************************************/ @@ -227,7 +328,7 @@ template int invert3x3(Matrix &a, BoutReal small = 1.0e-15) { // Calculate the determinant T det = a(0, 0) * A + a(0, 1) * B + a(0, 2) * C; - if (abs(det) < abs(small)) { + if (std::abs(det) < std::abs(small)) { if (small >=0 ){ throw BoutException("Determinant of matrix < %e --> Poorly conditioned", small); } else { @@ -259,90 +360,6 @@ template int invert3x3(Matrix &a, BoutReal small = 1.0e-15) { return 0; }; -// Give signature here as not able to mark implementation below as DEPRECATED -template -DEPRECATED(T **matrix(int xsize, int ysize)); - -/*! - * Create a 2D array of \p xsize by \p ysize - * This is allocated as two blocks of data so that - * the values are in a contiguous array. - * - * Note: This returns C-style pointers, and makes - * no effort to manage memory. Prefer other methods - * (like standard containers) over this if possible. - * - * \deprecated - * - * Example - * ------- - * - * BoutReal **m = matrix(nx, ny); - */ -template -T **matrix(int xsize, int ysize) { - long i; - T **m; - - if(xsize == 0) - xsize = 1; - if(ysize == 0) - ysize = 1; - - if((m = new T*[xsize]) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Error: could not allocate memory:%d\n", xsize); - - if((m[0] = new T[xsize*ysize]) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Error: could not allocate memory\n"); - - for(i=1;i -DEPRECATED(void free_matrix(T **m)); -/*! - * Free a matrix, assumed to have been allocated using matrix() - * - * @param[in] m The matrix to free - * @deprecated - * - * Example - * ------- - * - * BoutReal **m = matrix(nx, ny); - * ... - * free_matrix(m); - */ -template -void free_matrix(T **m) { - delete[] m[0]; - delete[] m; -} - - -/// Allocate a 3D BoutReal array of size \p nrow x \p ncol \p ndep -/// -/// \deprecated Prefer other methods like standard containers -DEPRECATED(BoutReal ***r3tensor(int nrow, int ncol, int ndep)); - -/// Free a 3D BoutReal array, assumed to have been created by r3tensor -/// -/// \deprecated -DEPRECATED(void free_r3tensor(BoutReal ***m)); - -/// Allocate a 3D int array of size \p nrow x \p ncol \p ndep -/// -/// \deprecated Prefer other methods like standard containers -DEPRECATED(int ***i3tensor(int nrow, int ncol, int ndep)); - -/// Free a 3D int array, assumed to have been created by i3tensor() -/// -/// \deprecated -DEPRECATED(void free_i3tensor(int ***m)); - /*! * Get Random number between 0 and 1 */ @@ -414,7 +431,7 @@ T SIGN(T a) { // Return +1 or -1 (0 -> +1) * if |a| < |b| then return a, otherwise return b */ inline BoutReal MINMOD(BoutReal a, BoutReal b) { - return 0.5*(SIGN(a) + SIGN(b)) * BOUTMIN(fabs(a), fabs(b)); + return 0.5*(SIGN(a) + SIGN(b)) * BOUTMIN(std::abs(a), std::abs(b)); } #if CHECK > 0 @@ -434,26 +451,64 @@ inline void checkData(BoutReal UNUSED(f)){}; */ char* copy_string(const char* s); -/*! - * Convert a value to a string - * by writing to a stringstream - */ + +/// Convert a value to a string +/// by writing to a stringstream template -const string toString(const T& val) { +std::string toString(const T& val) { std::stringstream ss; ss << val; return ss.str(); } +/// Simple case where input is already a string +/// This is so that toString can be used in templates +/// where the type may be std::string. +inline std::string toString(const std::string& val) { + return val; +} + +template <> +inline std::string toString<>(const Array& UNUSED(val)) { + return ""; +} + +template <> +inline std::string toString<>(const Matrix& UNUSED(val)) { + return ""; +} + +template <> +inline std::string toString<>(const Tensor& UNUSED(val)) { + return ""; +} + +/// Convert a bool to "true" or "false" +inline std::string toString(const bool& val) { + if (val) { + return "true"; + } + return "false"; +} + +/// Convert a time stamp to a string +/// This uses std::localtime and std::put_time +std::string toString(const time_t& time); + /*! * Convert a string to lower case */ -const string lowercase(const string &str); +const std::string lowercase(const std::string &str); + +/*! + * Convert a string to upper case + */ +const std::string uppercase(const std::string &str); /*! * Convert to lower case, except inside quotes (" or ') */ -const string lowercasequote(const string &str); +const std::string lowercasequote(const std::string &str); /*! * Convert a string to a BoutReal diff --git a/include/vecops.hxx b/include/vecops.hxx index f4e209c29c..c8a815181d 100644 --- a/include/vecops.hxx +++ b/include/vecops.hxx @@ -34,26 +34,20 @@ #include "vector2d.hxx" #include "vector3d.hxx" -/// Gradient of scalar field \p f, returning a covariant vector -/// -/// All locations supported -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to differentiate -/// @param[in] outloc The location where the result is desired (if staggered meshes are enabled) -/// By default this is the same location as the input \p f -const Vector2D Grad(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); -const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); +#include "bout/deprecated.hxx" /// Gradient of scalar field \p f, returning a covariant vector /// /// All locations supported /// /// @param[in] f The field to differentiate -/// @param[in] outloc_x The cell location where the X component should be defined -/// @param[in] outloc_y The cell location where the Y component should be defined -/// @param[in] outloc_z The cell location where the Z component should be defined -const Vector3D DEPRECATED(Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc_x, CELL_LOC outloc_y, - CELL_LOC outloc_z)); +/// @param[in] outloc The location where the result is desired +/// By default this is the same location as the input \p f +/// @param[in] method The method to use. The default is set in the options. +const Vector2D Grad(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); /// Perpendicular gradient of scalar field \p f /// @@ -65,25 +59,13 @@ const Vector3D DEPRECATED(Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc_x, CELL_LOC out /// /// @param[in] f The field to differentiate /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired +/// @param[in] method The method to use. The default is set in the options. /// -const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); - -/// Perpendicular gradient of scalar field \p f -/// -/// -/// outloc must all be the same and must be either CELL_DEFAULT or f.getLocation() --> arguments can be removed -/// -/// result.x = df/dx - g_12/(JB)^2 df/dy -/// result.y = 0 -/// result.z = df/dz - g_23/(JB)^2 df/dy -/// -/// @param[in] f The field to differentiate -/// @param[in] outloc_x The cell location where the X component should be defined -/// @param[in] outloc_y The cell location where the Y component should be defined -/// @param[in] outloc_z The cell location where the Z component should be defined -/// -const Vector3D DEPRECATED(Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc_x, - CELL_LOC outloc_y, CELL_LOC outloc_z)); +const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +inline const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { + return Grad_perp(f, outloc, toString(method)); +} /// Divergence of a vector \p v, returning a scalar /// @@ -92,14 +74,30 @@ const Vector3D DEPRECATED(Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc_x, /// /// @param[in] v The vector to differentiate /// @param[in] outloc The cell location where the result is desired +/// @param[in] method The method to use. The default is set in the options. /// -const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); +const Field2D Div(const Vector2D& v, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); -const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT); -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f); +const Field2D Div(const Vector2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT, + const std::string& method = "DEFAULT"); +DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, const Field3D& f, + const std::string& method, + CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)) { + return Div(v, f, outloc, method); +} +inline const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + DIFF_METHOD method = DIFF_DEFAULT) { + return Div(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; +DEPRECATED(inline const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, const Field3D& f, + DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc = CELL_DEFAULT)) { + return Div(v, f, outloc, toString(method)); +}; /// Curl of a vector /// @@ -115,17 +113,6 @@ const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f); /// const Vector2D Curl(const Vector2D &v); const Vector3D Curl(const Vector3D &v); -inline const Vector2D DEPRECATED(Curl(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc))) { - return Curl(v); -} -inline const Vector3D DEPRECATED(Curl(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc))) { - return Curl(v); -} -inline const Vector3D DEPRECATED(Curl(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc_x), - CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc_y), - CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc_z))) { - return Curl(v); -} // Upwinding routines diff --git a/include/vector2d.hxx b/include/vector2d.hxx index 876455dca2..a92b5c984b 100644 --- a/include/vector2d.hxx +++ b/include/vector2d.hxx @@ -46,14 +46,14 @@ class Vector3D; //#include "vector3d.hxx" * (x and y). Implemented as a collection of three Field2D objects. */ class Vector2D : public FieldData { - public: +public: Vector2D(Mesh * fieldmesh = nullptr); Vector2D(const Vector2D &f); ~Vector2D() override; Field2D x, y, z; ///< components - bool covariant; ///< true if the components are covariant (default) + bool covariant{true}; ///< true if the components are covariant (default) /// In-place conversion to covariant form void toCovariant(); @@ -106,10 +106,6 @@ class Vector2D : public FieldData { /// Divide all components by \p rhs Vector2D & operator/=(const Field2D &rhs); - /// Cross-product of two vectors - /// Deprecated: use a=cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(Vector2D & operator^=(const Vector2D &rhs);) - // Binary operators const Vector2D operator+(const Vector2D &rhs) const; ///< Addition @@ -129,13 +125,6 @@ class Vector2D : public FieldData { const Field2D operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const; ///< Dot product const Field3D operator*(const Vector3D &rhs) const; ///< Dot product - /// Cross product - /// Deprecated: use cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(const Vector2D operator^(const Vector2D &rhs) const;) - /// Cross product - /// Deprecated: use cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(const Vector3D operator^(const Vector3D &rhs) const;) - /*! * Set variable cell location */ @@ -156,17 +145,16 @@ class Vector2D : public FieldData { /// Apply boundary condition to all fields void applyBoundary(bool init=false) override; - void applyBoundary(const string &condition) { + void applyBoundary(const std::string &condition) { x.applyBoundary(condition); y.applyBoundary(condition); z.applyBoundary(condition); } - void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(string(condition)); } + void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(std::string(condition)); } void applyTDerivBoundary() override; - private: - - Vector2D *deriv; ///< Time-derivative, can be NULL - CELL_LOC location; ///< Location of the variable in the cell +private: + Vector2D* deriv{nullptr}; ///< Time-derivative, can be NULL + CELL_LOC location{CELL_CENTRE}; ///< Location of the variable in the cell }; // Non-member overloaded operators @@ -186,7 +174,12 @@ const Vector3D cross(const Vector2D & lhs, const Vector3D &rhs); * * |v| = sqrt( v dot v ) */ -const Field2D abs(const Vector2D &v, REGION region = RGN_ALL); +const Field2D abs(const Vector2D& v, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use Vector2D abs(const Vector2D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline const Field2D abs(const Vector2D &v, REGION region) { + return abs(v, toString(region)); +} /*! * @brief Time derivative of 2D vector field diff --git a/include/vector3d.hxx b/include/vector3d.hxx index 5f03dce9d0..29e307c448 100644 --- a/include/vector3d.hxx +++ b/include/vector3d.hxx @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class Vector3D : public FieldData { /*! * Flag to specify whether the components (x,y,z) * are co- or contra-variant. - * + * * true if the components are covariant (default) * false if the components are contravariant * @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ class Vector3D : public FieldData { * the toContravariant and toCovariant methods. * * Only modify this variable directly if you know what you are doing! - * - */ - bool covariant; + * + */ + bool covariant{true}; /*! * In-place conversion to covariant form. @@ -149,13 +149,6 @@ class Vector3D : public FieldData { Vector3D & operator/=(BoutReal rhs); Vector3D & operator/=(const Field2D &rhs); Vector3D & operator/=(const Field3D &rhs); - - /// Cross-product of two vectors - /// Deprecated: use a=cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(Vector3D & operator^=(const Vector3D &rhs);) - /// Cross-product of two vectors - /// Deprecated: use a=cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(Vector3D & operator^=(const Vector2D &rhs);) // Binary operators @@ -176,14 +169,6 @@ class Vector3D : public FieldData { const Field3D operator*(const Vector3D &rhs) const; // Dot product const Field3D operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const; - /// Cross-product of two vectors - /// Deprecated: use cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(const Vector3D operator^(const Vector3D &rhs) const;) - - /// Cross-product of two vectors - /// Deprecated: use cross(a,b) instead - DEPRECATED(const Vector3D operator^(const Vector2D &rhs) const;) - /*! * Set variable cell location */ @@ -203,16 +188,16 @@ class Vector3D : public FieldData { int BoutRealSize() const override { return 3; } void applyBoundary(bool init=false) override; - void applyBoundary(const string &condition) { + void applyBoundary(const std::string &condition) { x.applyBoundary(condition); y.applyBoundary(condition); z.applyBoundary(condition); } - void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(string(condition)); } + void applyBoundary(const char* condition) { applyBoundary(std::string(condition)); } void applyTDerivBoundary() override; private: - Vector3D *deriv; ///< Time-derivative, can be NULL - CELL_LOC location; ///< Location of the variable in the cell + Vector3D* deriv{nullptr}; ///< Time-derivative, can be NULL + CELL_LOC location{CELL_CENTRE}; ///< Location of the variable in the cell }; // Non-member overloaded operators @@ -233,7 +218,12 @@ const Vector3D cross(const Vector3D & lhs, const Vector2D &rhs); * * sqrt( v.x^2 + v.y^2 + v.z^2 ) */ -const Field3D abs(const Vector3D &v, REGION region = RGN_ALL); +const Field3D abs(const Vector3D& v, const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL"); +[[gnu::deprecated("Please use Vector3D abs(const Vector3D& f, " + "const std::string& region = \"RGN_ALL\") instead")]] +inline const Field3D abs(const Vector3D& v, REGION region) { + return abs(v, toString(region)); +} /*! * @brief Time derivative of 3D vector field diff --git a/include/where.hxx b/include/where.hxx index 664d55a675..1a3a7aff18 100644 --- a/include/where.hxx +++ b/include/where.hxx @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ /*!************************************************************************* * \file where.hxx - * + * * A set of functions which choose between two values * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -28,36 +28,61 @@ #ifndef __WHERE_H__ #define __WHERE_H__ -#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "field.hxx" #include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" /// For each point, choose between two inputs based on a third input /// /// @param[in] test The value which determines which input to use /// @param[in] gt0 Uses this value if test > 0.0 /// @param[in] le0 Uses this value if test <= 0.0 -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field3D >0, const Field3D &le0); -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field3D >0, BoutReal le0); -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, BoutReal gt0, const Field3D &le0); -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field3D >0, const Field2D &le0); -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field2D >0, const Field3D &le0); +template > +auto where(const T& test, const U& gt0, const V& le0) -> ResultType { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(test, gt0)); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(test, le0)); -/// For each point, choose between two inputs based on a third input -/// -/// @param[in] test The value which determines which input to use -/// @param[in] gt0 Uses this value if test > 0.0 -/// @param[in] le0 Uses this value if test <= 0.0 -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, const Field2D >0, const Field2D &le0); -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, const Field2D >0, BoutReal le0); -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, BoutReal gt0, const Field2D &le0); -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, BoutReal gt0, BoutReal le0); + ResultType result{emptyFrom(test)}; -/// For each point, choose between two inputs based on a third input -/// -/// @param[in] test The value which determines which input to use -/// @param[in] gt0 Uses this value if test > 0.0 -/// @param[in] le0 Uses this value if test <= 0.0 -const Field3D where(const Field3D &test, BoutReal gt0, const Field3D &le0); + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[i] = (test[i] > 0.0) ? gt0[i] : le0[i]; + } + return result; +} -#endif // __WHERE_H__ +template > +auto where(const T& test, const U& gt0, BoutReal le0) -> ResultType { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(test, gt0)); + + ResultType result{emptyFrom(test)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { // clang-format: ignore + result[i] = (test[i] > 0.0) ? gt0[i] : le0; + } + return result; +} + +template > +auto where(const T& test, BoutReal gt0, const V& le0) -> ResultType { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(test, le0)); + ResultType result{emptyFrom(test)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { // clang-format: ignore + result[i] = (test[i] > 0.0) ? gt0 : le0[i]; + } + return result; +} + +template +auto where(const T& test, BoutReal gt0, BoutReal le0) -> ResultType { + ResultType result{emptyFrom(test)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { // clang-format: ignore + result[i] = (test[i] > 0.0) ? gt0 : le0; + } + return result; +} + +#endif // __WHERE_H__ diff --git a/locale/README.md b/locale/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ace1f9bd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +Natural Language Support (NLS) +============================== + +These are inputs for language support using gettext. + + - Template file libbout.pot : Do not edit + This is generated by extracting strings from the BOUT++ source. + - Language files .po which are human-readable. These contain + translations for particular languages, and can be edited. + - Machine readable .mo files. These are created from the .po files. + +Build all .mo files: + + make + +Update the template (.pot) file: + + make libbout.pot + +Start a new translation: + + make locale-XX + +where XX is the language e.g. "de" for German, or a language_country code e.g. "de_DE". +Edit the .po file, translating or deleting new entries: + * Make sure to set the charset (around line 16) to utf-8. + * msgid is the original text. Write in msgstr the translated string. + * You can reorder arguments using %n$s like this:: + msgid "" + "Options: Setting a value from same source (%s) to new value '%s' - old value " + "was '%s'." + msgstr "" + "Options: The Value %3$s is overwritten with %2$s from the same source (%1%s)" +There are also editors for editing .po files, e.g. poeditor. + +Calling `make locale-XX` again will update the .po file. diff --git a/locale/de/libbout.po b/locale/de/libbout.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8e1069a418 --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/de/libbout.po @@ -0,0 +1,727 @@ +# German translations for BOUT++ package. +# Copyright (C) 2019 THE BOUT++'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the BOUT++ package. +# David , 2019. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: BOUT++ 4.2.1\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-06 17:31+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-06 17:32+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: David \n" +"Language-Team: German\n" +"Language: de\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.1\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:335 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_1-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Core` Region iyseps2_1-iyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) muss ein Vielfaches von " +"MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:364 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Core` Region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) muss ein Vielfaches von " +"MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:342 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Core` Region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) muss ein Vielfaches von " +"MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:377 +msgid "\t -> Good value\n" +msgstr "\t -> Wert OK\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:326 +#, c-format +msgid "\t -> Leg region jyseps1_1+1 (%d) must be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Leg` Region jyseps1_1+1 (%d) muss ein Vielfaches von MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:356 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Leg` Region jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) muss ein Vielfaches " +"von MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:372 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a multiple of MYSUB " +"(%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Leg` Region ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) muss ein Vielfaches von " +"MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:350 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> `Leg` Region ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) muss ein Vielfaches " +"von MYSUB (%d) sein\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:319 +#, c-format +msgid "\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n" +msgstr "\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) muss >= MYG (%d) sein\n" + +#. Loop over all possibilities +#. Processors divide equally +#. Mesh in X divides equally +#. Mesh in Y divides equally +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:312 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCandidate value: %d\n" +msgstr "\tzu überprüfender Wert: %d\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:387 +msgid "\tChecking disabled\n" +msgstr "\tChecks sind deaktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:385 +#, c-format +msgid "\tChecking enabled, level %d\n" +msgstr "\tChecks der Stufe %d sind aktiviert\n" + +#. Print command line options +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:431 +msgid "\tCommand line options for this run : " +msgstr "\tKommandozeilenoptionen für diese Ausführung: " + +#. The stringify is needed here as BOUT_FLAGS_STRING may already contain quoted strings +#. which could cause problems (e.g. terminate strings). +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:428 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCompiled with flags : %s\n" +msgstr "\tWurde kompiliert mit den Optionen : %s\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:391 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tDomain split (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) into domains (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\tDas Gebiet wird in NXPE=%d mal NYPE=%d Gebiete der Größe localNx=%d mal " +"localNy=%d aufgeteilt\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:416 +#, c-format +msgid "\tERROR: Cannot split %d Y points equally between %d processors\n" +msgstr "" +"\tFEHLER: %d Punkte in der Y-Richtung können nicht gleichmässig zwischen %d " +"Prozessen verteilt werden\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:173 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tEmpty key\n" +"\tLine: %s" +msgstr "" +"\tUngesetzter Schlüssel (Key)\n" +"\tZeile: %s" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:140 +#, c-format +msgid "\tEmpty key or value in command line '%s'\n" +msgstr "\tSchlüssel (Key) oder Wert nicht gesetzt in der Befehlszeile '%s'\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:127 +msgid "\tGrid size: " +msgstr "\tGittergröße: " + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:143 +msgid "\tGuard cells (x,y): " +msgstr "\tGuardzellen (x,y): " + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:177 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tKey must not contain ':' character\n" +"\tLine: %s" +msgstr "" +"\tDer Schlüssel darf nicht ':' enthalten\n" +"\tZeile: %s" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:127 +#, c-format +msgid "\tMultiple '=' in command-line argument '%s'\n" +msgstr "\t'=' darf nicht mehrfach vorkommen: '%s'\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:415 +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation disabled\n" +msgstr "\tOpenMP Parallelisierung ist deaktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:413 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation enabled, using %d threads\n" +msgstr "\tOpenMP Parallelisierung mit %d Threads ist aktiviert\n" + +#. Mark the option as used +#. Option not found +#: ../include/options.hxx:298 ../include/options.hxx:319 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:136 ../src/sys/options.cxx:172 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:200 ../src/sys/options.cxx:221 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:224 +msgid "\tOption " +msgstr "\tOption " + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:97 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tOption %s = %s (%s) overwritten with:\n" +"\t\t%s = %s (%s)\n" +msgstr "" +"\tOption %s = %s (%s) wird mit\n" +"\t\t%s = %s (%s) überschrieben\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:226 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOption '%s': Boolean expected. Got '%s'\n" +msgstr "\tOption '%s': Boolscherwert erwartet, '%s' gefunden\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:74 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOptions file '%s' not found\n" +msgstr "\tDie Optionendatei '%s' konnte nicht gefunden werden\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:409 +msgid "\tParallel NetCDF support disabled\n" +msgstr "\tParallele-NetCDF Unterstützung ist deaktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:407 +msgid "\tParallel NetCDF support enabled\n" +msgstr "\tParllele-NetCDF Unterstützung ist aktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:124 +msgid "\tRead nz from input grid file\n" +msgstr "\tnz wird von der Griddatei gelesen\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:124 +msgid "\tReading contravariant vector " +msgstr "\tKontravariantevektoren werden gelesen " + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:117 ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:138 +msgid "\tReading covariant vector " +msgstr "\tKovariantevektoren werden gelesen " + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:393 +msgid "\tSignal handling disabled\n" +msgstr "\tSignalverarbeitung ist deaktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:391 +msgid "\tSignal handling enabled\n" +msgstr "\tSignalverarbeitung ist aktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:858 +msgid "\tdone\n" +msgstr "\tfertig\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:402 +msgid "\tnetCDF support disabled\n" +msgstr "\tNetCDF Unterstützung ist deaktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:397 +msgid "\tnetCDF support enabled\n" +msgstr "\tNetCDF Unterstützung ist aktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:400 +msgid "\tnetCDF4 support enabled\n" +msgstr "\tNetCDF4 Unterstützung ist aktiviert\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:166 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +" -d \tLook in for input/output files\n" +" -f \tUse OPTIONS given in \n" +" -o \tSave used OPTIONS given to \n" +" -l, --log \tPrint log to \n" +" -v, --verbose\t\tIncrease verbosity\n" +" -q, --quiet\t\tDecrease verbosity\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +" -d \tEin- und Ausgabedateien sind im \n" +" -f \tOptinen werden aus der gelesen\n" +" -o \tGenutzte Optionen werden in der " +" gespeichert\n" +" -l, --log \tSchreibe das Log in die \n" +" -v, --verbose\t\tWortreicherer Ausgabe\n" +" -q, --quiet\t\tNur wichtigere Ausgaben anzeigen\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:563 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run finished at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Simulation beendet um %s\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:534 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run started at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Simulation gestartet um %s\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:175 +#, c-format +msgid " -c, --color\t\tColor output using bout-log-color\n" +msgstr " -c, --color\t\tFarbliche Ausgabe mit bout-log-color\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:178 +#, c-format +msgid "" +" -h, --help\t\tThis message\n" +" restart [append]\tRestart the simulation. If append is specified, append " +"to the existing output files, otherwise overwrite them\n" +" VAR=VALUE\t\tSpecify a VALUE for input parameter VAR\n" +"\n" +"For all possible input parameters, see the user manual and/or the physics " +"model source (e.g. %s.cxx)\n" +msgstr "" +" -h, --help\t\tDiese Information\n" +" restart \t\tDie Simulation fortsetzen.\n" +" append \t\tDie dump Dateien weiter schreiben, ansonsten werden sie " +"überschrieben. Benötigt `restart`\n" +" VAR=WERT \t\tSetzt den Wert WERT für die Variable VAR\n" +"\n" +"Weitere Eingabeparameter sind in dem Manual und dem Quellcode (z.B. %s.cxx) " +"des Physikmoduls definiert.\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:248 +msgid "All options used\n" +msgstr "Alle genutzten Optionen\n" + +#. / Print intro +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:365 +#, c-format +msgid "BOUT++ version %s\n" +msgstr "BOUT++ Version %s\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:828 +msgid "Boundary regions in this processor: " +msgstr "Randgebiete auf diesem Prozessor: " + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:407 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot split %d X points equally between %d processors\n" +msgstr "" +"%d Punkte in der X-Richtung können nicht gleichmässig zwischen %d Prozessen " +"verteilt werden\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:372 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Code compiled on %s at %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Der Code wurde am %s um %s kompiliert\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:142 +msgid "Command line" +msgstr "Befehlszeile" + +#. / Print compile-time options +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:382 +msgid "Compile-time options:\n" +msgstr "Kompiliert mit:\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:837 +msgid "Constructing default regions" +msgstr "Standardregionen werden erstellt" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:385 +msgid "" +"Could not find a valid value for NXPE. Try a different number of processors." +msgstr "" +"Es konnte keine gültige Anzahl an Prozessoren in X Richtung gefunden " +"werden (NXPE). Versuche es mit einer anderen Zahl an Prozessoren." + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:132 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not open output file '%s'\n" +msgstr "Die Ausgabedatei '%s' konnte nicht geöffnet werden\n" + +#. Error reading +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:278 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not read integer array '%s'\n" +msgstr "Der Ganzzahlen-Array '%s' konnte nicht gelesen werden\n" + +#. Failed . Probably not important enough to stop the simulation +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:324 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not run bout-log-color. Make sure it is in your PATH\n" +msgstr "" +"Der Befehl 'bout-log-color' konnte nicht ausgeführt werden. Stellen Sie " +"sicher, dass er sich in $PATH befindet.\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:642 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't add Monitor: %g is not a multiple of %g!" +msgstr "" +"'Monitor' konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden: %g ist nicht ein Vielfaches " +"von %g!" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:349 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMap2D" +msgstr "Die Region '%s' ist nicht in regionMap2D" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMap3D" +msgstr "Die Region '%s' ist nicht in regionMap3D" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:357 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMapPerp" +msgstr "Die Region '%s' ist nicht in regionMapPerp" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:192 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't get BoutReal from option %s = '%s'" +msgstr "" +"Die Option %s = '%s' konnte nicht als Gleitkommazahl interpretiert werden." + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:156 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't get integer from option %s = '%s'" +msgstr "Die Option %s = '%s' konnte nicht als ganze Zahl interpretiert werden." + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:281 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n" +msgstr "Der Datenordner \"%s\" existiert nicht oder ist nicht lesbar\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:278 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" soll als Datenordner verwendet werden, ist jedoch kein Ordner\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:597 +msgid "ERROR: Solver is already initialised\n" +msgstr "FEHLER: Der Integrator ist bereits initialisiert.\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:470 +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation\n" +msgstr "Es wurde ein Fehler während der Initialisierung gefunden\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:515 +#, c-format +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n" +msgstr "Es wurde ein Fehler während der Initialisierung gefunden: %s\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:554 +msgid "Error whilst writing settings" +msgstr "Es wurde ein Fehler beim Schreiben der Einstellungsdatei gefunden" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:147 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: nx must be greater than 2 times MXG (2 * %d)" +msgstr "Fehler: nx muss größer als 2 mal MXG sein (2 * %d)" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:526 +msgid "Failed to initialise solver-> Aborting\n" +msgstr "Der Integrator konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Der Prozess wird abgebrochen\n" + +#. Best option +#. Results in square domains +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:305 +#, c-format +msgid "Finding value for NXPE (ideal = %f)\n" +msgstr "Suche NXPE Wert (optimal = %f)\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:599 +msgid "Initialising solver\n" +msgstr "initialisiere den Integrator\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:270 +msgid "" +"Input and output file for settings must be different.\n" +"Provide -o to avoid this issue.\n" +msgstr "" +"Optionendatei (Eingabe) und Einstellungsdatei (Ausgabe) müssen verschieden " +"sein.\n" +"Verwende -o .\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:91 +msgid "Loading mesh" +msgstr "Lade das Gitter" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:106 +msgid "Mesh must contain nx" +msgstr "Das Gitter muss nx enthalten" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:109 +msgid "Mesh must contain ny" +msgstr "Das Gitter muss ny enthalten" + +#. Not found +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:282 +#, c-format +msgid "Missing integer array %s\n" +msgstr "Ganzzahlen-Array '%s' nicht gesetzt\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:696 ../src/solver/solver.cxx:703 +msgid "Monitor signalled to quit\n" +msgstr "Beendigung durch Monitor\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:834 +msgid "No boundary regions in this processor" +msgstr "Keine Randregionen auf diesem Prozessor" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:235 +#, c-format +msgid "Number of processors (%d) not divisible by NPs in x direction (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"Anzahl an Prozessoren (%d) nicht teilbar durch Anzahl in x Richtung (%d)\n" + +#. Less than 1 time-step left +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:704 +#, c-format +msgid "Only %e seconds left. Quitting\n" +msgstr "Nur noch %e Sekunden verfügbar. Abbruch\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:130 ../src/sys/options.cxx:148 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:184 ../src/sys/options.cxx:212 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s has no value" +msgstr "Der Option '%s' wurde kein Wert zugewiesen" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:59 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s is not a section" +msgstr "Die Option '%s' ist keine Gruppierung" + +#. Doesn't exist +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:70 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s:%s does not exist" +msgstr "Die Option %s:%s exisitiert nicht" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:101 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Options: Setting a value from same source (%s) to new value '%s' - old value " +"was '%s'." +msgstr "" +"Optionen: Der Wert %3$s wird mit dem Wert %2$s gleichen Ursprungs (%1$s) " +"überschrieben." + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:376 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Processor number: %d of %d\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Prozessorennummer: %d von %d\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:388 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region 2D %s" +msgstr "2D Region '%s' hinzugefügt" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:379 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region 3D %s" +msgstr "3D Region '%s' hinzugefügt" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:397 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region Perp %s" +msgstr "Perp Region '%s' hinzugefügt" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:367 +#, c-format +msgid "Revision: %s\n" +msgstr "Revision: %s\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:564 +msgid "Run time : " +msgstr "Dauer: " + +#. / Run the solver +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:531 +msgid "" +"Running simulation\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Simulation wird gestartet\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:665 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Simu Zeit | RHS Berech. | Echtdauer | Rechnen Inver Komm I/O " +"Integrator\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:668 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS_e evals | RHS_I evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv " +"Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Simu Zeit | #expl RHS | #impl RHS | Echtdauer | Rechnen Inv " +"Komm I/O Integrator\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with monitor timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "" +"Integriere mit einem `Monitor`-Zeitschritt von %2$e für %1$d Aufrufe.\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:519 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with output timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "Integriere %d Zeitschritte von je %e\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:648 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Solver::addMonitor: Cannot reduce timestep (from %g to %g) after init is " +"called!" +msgstr "" +"Der Integrator kann den Zeitschritt nicht von %g auf %g reduzieren, nachdem " +"er initialisiert wurde!" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1061 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Time derivative at wrong location - Field is at %s, derivative is at %s for " +"field '%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"Die zeitliche Ableitung ist an der falschen Stelle. Das Feld '%3$s' ist an " +"Position %1$s, während die Ableitung an Position %2$s ist.\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1267 +#, c-format +msgid "Time derivative for variable '%s' not set" +msgstr "Zeitliche Ableitung für Variable '%s' nicht gesetzt" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap2D" +msgstr "Die Region '%s' ist bereits vorhanden in der regionMap2D" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:376 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap3D" +msgstr "Die Region '%s' ist bereits vorhanden in der regionMap3D" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:394 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMapPerp" +msgstr "Die Region '%s' ist bereits vorhanden in der regionMapPerp" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:313 +msgid "" +"Unrecognised paralleltransform option.\n" +"Valid choices are 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'" +msgstr "" +"Unbekannte Paralleltransformation\n" +"Gültige Optionen sind 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:250 +msgid "Unused options:\n" +msgstr "Ungenutzte Optionen:\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -d \n" +msgstr "Benutzung: %s -d \n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:214 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -f \n" +msgstr "Benutzung: %s -f \n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:237 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -l \n" +msgstr "Benutzung: %s -f \n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:226 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -o \n" +msgstr "Benutzung: %s -f \n" + +#. Print help message -- note this will be displayed once per processor as we've not started MPI yet. +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:164 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Usage: %s [-d ] [-f ] [restart [append]] " +"[VAR=VALUE]\n" +msgstr "" +"Benutzung: %s [-d ] [-f ] [restart [append]] " +"[VAR=WERT]\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:166 +#, c-format +msgid "Value for option %s = %e is not an integer" +msgstr "Wert der Option %s = %e ist keine Ganzzahl" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1020 ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1024 +#, c-format +msgid "Variable '%s' not initialised" +msgstr "Variable '%s' ist nicht initialisiert" + +#. Should be a power of 2 for efficient FFTs +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:119 +msgid "" +"WARNING: Number of toroidal points should be 2^n for efficient FFT " +"performance -- consider changing MZ if using FFTs\n" +msgstr "" +"WARNUNG: Anzahl der toroidalen Punkte sollte 2^n für effiziente FFTs sein. Ändere MZ " +"falls FFTs verwendet werden\n" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:60 +#, c-format +msgid "Writing options to file %s\n" +msgstr "Optionen werden in %s gespeichert\n" + +#. / The source label given to default values +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:11 +msgid "default" +msgstr "Vorgabe" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:156 +msgid "nx must be greater than 2*MXG" +msgstr "nx muss größer als 2*MXG sein" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid ") overwritten with:" +#~ msgstr ") überschrieben mit %s" + +#~ msgid "Monitor signalled to quit" +#~ msgstr "Der Monitor signaliserte die Beendigung" diff --git a/locale/es/libbout.po b/locale/es/libbout.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0758ca19d --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/es/libbout.po @@ -0,0 +1,705 @@ +# Language spa translations for BOUT++ package. +# Copyright (C) 2019 THE BOUT++'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the BOUT++ package. +# Marta , 2019. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: BOUT++ 4.2.1\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-11 12:46+0900\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-02-11 12:46+0900\n" +"Last-Translator: Marta \n" +"Language-Team: Spanish\n" +"Language: es\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:334 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_1-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> La región `Core` jyseps2_1-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) debe ser un múltiplo de " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:363 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> La región `Core` jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) debe ser un múltiplo de " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:341 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> La región `Core` jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) debe ser un múltiplo de " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:376 +msgid "\t -> Good value\n" +msgstr "\t -> El valor es bueno\n" + + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:325 +#, c-format +msgid "\t -> Leg region jyseps1_1+1 (%d) must be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "\t -> La región `Leg` jyseps1_1+1 (%d) debe ser un múltiplo de MYSUB (%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:355 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> La región `Leg` jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) debe ser un múltiplo de " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:371 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a multiple of MYSUB " +"(%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> La región `Leg` ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) debe ser un múltiplo de MYSUB " +"(%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:349 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\t -> La región `Leg` ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) debe ser un múltiplo de " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:318 +#, c-format +msgid "\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n" +msgstr "\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) debe ser >= MYG (%d)\n" + +#. Loop over all possibilities +#. Processors divide equally +#. Mesh in X divides equally +#. Mesh in Y divides equally +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:311 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCandidate value: %d\n" +msgstr "\tValor candidato: %d\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:390 +msgid "\tChecking disabled\n" +msgstr "\tComprobación desactivada\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:388 +#, c-format +msgid "\tChecking enabled, level %d\n" +msgstr "\tComprobación activada, nivel %d\n" + +#. Print command line options +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:434 +msgid "\tCommand line options for this run : " +msgstr "\tParámetros de línea de comandos para esta ejecución :" + +#. The stringify is needed here as BOUT_FLAGS_STRING may already contain quoted strings +#. which could cause problems (e.g. terminate strings). +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:431 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCompiled with flags : %s\n" +msgstr "\tCompilado con las opciones `flags` : %s\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:390 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tDomain split (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) into domains (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n" +msgstr "" +"\tDominio separado (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) en los dominios (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:415 +#, c-format +msgid "\tERROR: Cannot split %d Y points equally between %d processors\n" +msgstr "\tERROR: No se pueden separar %d Y puntos entre %d procesadores por igual\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:173 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tEmpty key\n" +"\tLine: %s" +msgstr "" +"\tEntrada vacía\n" +"\tLínea: %s" + +#: ..//src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:140 +#, c-format +msgid "\tEmpty key or value in command line '%s'\n" +msgstr "\tEntrada o valor vacío en la línea de comandos '%s'\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:127 +msgid "\tGrid size: " +msgstr "\tTamaño de la malla (`grid`): " + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:143 +msgid "\tGuard cells (x,y): " +msgstr "\tProteger celdas (x,y): " + +#: ..//src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:177 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tKey must not contain ':' character\n" +"\tLine: %s" +msgstr "" +"\tLa entrada no debe contener el carácter ':'\n" +"\tLínea: %s" + +#: ..//src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:127 +#, c-format +msgid "\tMultiple '=' in command-line argument '%s'\n" +msgstr "\tMutilples '=' en el argumento de la línea de comandos '%s'\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:418 +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation disabled\n" +msgstr "\tParalelización en OpenMP desactivada\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:416 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation enabled, using %d threads\n" +msgstr "\tParalelización en OpenMP activada, usando %d procesos (`threads`)\n" + +#. Mark the option as used +#. Option not found +#: ..//include/options.hxx:298 ..//include/options.hxx:319 +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:136 ..//src/sys/options.cxx:172 +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:200 ..//src/sys/options.cxx:221 +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:224 +msgid "\tOption " +msgstr "\tOpción " + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:97 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tOption %s = %s (%s) overwritten with:\n" +"\t\t%s = %s (%s)\n" +msgstr "" +"\tOpción %s = %s (%s) sobreescrita con:\n" +"\t\t%s = %s (%s)\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:226 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOption '%s': Boolean expected. Got '%s'\n" +msgstr "\tOpción '%s': valor Booleano esperado. Se obtuvo '%s'\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:74 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOptions file '%s' not found\n" +msgstr "\tOpciones de archivo '%s' no encontrados\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:412 +msgid "\tParallel NetCDF support disabled\n" +msgstr "\tSoporte para NetCDF paralelo desactivado\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:410 +msgid "\tParallel NetCDF support enabled\n" +msgstr "\tSoporte para NetCDF paralelo activado\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:124 +msgid "\tRead nz from input grid file\n" +msgstr "\tLeer nz del archivo input de la malla `grid`\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:124 +msgid "\tReading contravariant vector " +msgstr "\tLeyendo vector contravariante " + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:117 ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:138 +msgid "\tReading covariant vector " +msgstr "\tLeyendo vector covariante " + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:396 +msgid "\tSignal handling disabled\n" +msgstr "\tGestión de señal desactivada\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:394 +msgid "\tSignal handling enabled\n" +msgstr "\tGestión de señal activada\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:857 +msgid "\tdone\n" +msgstr "\tlisto\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:405 +msgid "\tnetCDF support disabled\n" +msgstr "\tSoporte netCDF desactivado\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:400 +msgid "\tnetCDF support enabled\n" +msgstr "\tSoporte netCDF activado\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:403 +msgid "\tnetCDF4 support enabled\n" +msgstr "\tSoporte netCDF4 activado\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:169 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +" -d \tLook in for input/output files\n" +" -f \tUse OPTIONS given in \n" +" -o \tSave used OPTIONS given to \n" +" -l, --log \tPrint log to \n" +" -v, --verbose\t\tIncrease verbosity\n" +" -q, --quiet\t\tDecrease verbosity\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +" -d \tBuscar en los archivos input/output\n" +" -f \tUsar OPCIONES descritas en \n" +" -o \tGuardar OPCIONES usadas descritas en \n" +" -l, --log \tImprimir registro `log` en \n" +" -v, --verbose\t\tAumentar verbosidad\n" +" -q, --quiet\t\tDisminuir verbosidad\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:565 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run finished at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Ejecución finalizada en : %s\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:536 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run started at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"Ejecución iniciada en : %s\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:178 +#, c-format +msgid " -c, --color\t\tColor output using bout-log-color\n" +msgstr " -c, --color\t\tSalida de color usando bout-log-color\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:181 +#, c-format +msgid "" +" -h, --help\t\tThis message\n" +" restart [append]\tRestart the simulation. If append is specified, append " +"to the existing output files, otherwise overwrite them\n" +" VAR=VALUE\t\tSpecify a VALUE for input parameter VAR\n" +"\n" +"For all possible input parameters, see the user manual and/or the physics " +"model source (e.g. %s.cxx)\n" +msgstr "" +" -h, --help\t\tEste mensaje\n" +" restart [append]\tReiniciar la simulación. Si se especificó `append`, " +"agregar a los archivos de salida existentes, de lo contrario sobreescribirlos\n" +" VAR=VALUE\t\tEspecificar un VALOR para el parámetro input VAR\n" +"\n" +"Para todos los possibles parámetros input, vea el manual de usuario y/o el modelo " +"físico fuente (ej. %s.cxx)\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:248 +msgid "All options used\n" +msgstr "Usando todas las opciones\n" + +#. / Print intro +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:368 +#, c-format +msgid "BOUT++ version %s\n" +msgstr "Versión de BOUT++ %s\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:827 +msgid "Boundary regions in this processor: " +msgstr "Regiones frontera en este procesador: " + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:406 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot split %d X points equally between %d processors\n" +msgstr "No se pueden dividir %d X points entre %d procesadores por igual\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:375 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Code compiled on %s at %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Código compilado en %s en %s\n" +"\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:142 +msgid "Command line" +msgstr "Línea de comandos" + +#. / Print compile-time options +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:385 +msgid "Compile-time options:\n" +msgstr "Opciones de tiempo de compilación:\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:836 +msgid "Constructing default regions" +msgstr "Construyendo regiones por defecto" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:384 +msgid "" +"Could not find a valid value for NXPE. Try a different number of processors." +msgstr "" +"No se pudo encontrar un valor válido para NXPE. Intente usar un número diferente de procesadores." + +#: ..//src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:132 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not open output file '%s'\n" +msgstr "No se pudo abrir el archivo de salida `output` '%s'\n" + +#. Error reading +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:278 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not read integer array '%s'\n" +msgstr "No se pudo leer la matriz de enteros '%s'\n" + +#. Failed . Probably not important enough to stop the simulation +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:327 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not run bout-log-color. Make sure it is in your PATH\n" +msgstr "No se pudo ejecutar bout-log-color. Asegúrese de que se encuentre en su PATH\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:644 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't add Monitor: %g is not a multiple of %g!" +msgstr "No se pudo añadir el Monitor: %g no és multiplo de %g!" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:349 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMap2D" +msgstr "No se pudo encontrar la región %s en regionMap2D" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMap3D" +msgstr "No se pudo encontrar la región %s en regionMap2D" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:357 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMapPerp" +msgstr "No se pudo encontrar la región %s en regionMapPerp" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:192 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't get BoutReal from option %s = '%s'" +msgstr "No se pudo recuperar BoutReal de la opción %s = '%s'" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:156 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't get integer from option %s = '%s'" +msgstr "No se pudo recuperar el entero de la opción %s = '%s'" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:284 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n" +msgstr "DataDir \"%s\" no existe o no es accessible\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:281 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n" +msgstr "DataDir \"%s\" no es un directorio\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:599 +msgid "ERROR: Solver is already initialised\n" +msgstr "ERROR: el Solver ya se encuentra inicializado\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:473 +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation\n" +msgstr "Error encontrado durante la inicialización\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:518 +#, c-format +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n" +msgstr "Error encontrado durante la inicialización:%s\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:557 +msgid "Error whilst writing settings" +msgstr "Error durante el paso de opciones" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:147 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: nx must be greater than 2 times MXG (2 * %d)" +msgstr "Error: nx debe ser mayor que 2 veces MXG (2 * %d)" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:528 +msgid "Failed to initialise solver-> Aborting\n" +msgstr "Fallo en inicializar el solver-> Abortando\n" + +#. Best option +#. Results in square domains +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:304 +#, c-format +msgid "Finding value for NXPE (ideal = %f)\n" +msgstr "Encontrando valor para NXPE (ideal = %f)\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:601 +msgid "Initialising solver\n" +msgstr "Initializando el solver\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:273 +msgid "" +"Input and output file for settings must be different.\n" +"Provide -o to avoid this issue.\n" +msgstr "" +"Archivos de entrada y salida (`input/output`) para las opciones deben ser diferentes.\n" +"Añada -o para evitar este problema.\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:91 +msgid "Loading mesh" +msgstr "Cargando malla `mesh`" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:106 +msgid "Mesh must contain nx" +msgstr "La malla `mesh` debe contener nx" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:109 +msgid "Mesh must contain ny" +msgstr "La malla `mesh` debe contener ny" + +#. Not found +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:282 +#, c-format +msgid "Missing integer array %s\n" +msgstr "Fala la matriz entera %s\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:698 +msgid "Monitor signalled to quit" +msgstr "Monitor indicó salir" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:705 +msgid "Monitor signalled to quit\n" +msgstr "Monitor indicó salir\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:833 +msgid "No boundary regions in this processor" +msgstr "Sin regiones de frontera en este procesador" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:234 +#, c-format +msgid "Number of processors (%d) not divisible by NPs in x direction (%d)\n" +msgstr "Número de procesadores (%d) no divisible para NPs en la dirección x (%d)\n" + +#. Less than 1 time-step left +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:707 +#, c-format +msgid "Only %e seconds left. Quitting\n" +msgstr "Solo faltan %e segundos. Saliendo\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:130 ..//src/sys/options.cxx:148 +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:184 ..//src/sys/options.cxx:212 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s has no value" +msgstr "Opción %s sin valor" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:59 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s is not a section" +msgstr "Opción %s no es una sección" + +#. Doesn't exist +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:70 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s:%s does not exist" +msgstr "Opción %s:%s no existe" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:101 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Options: Setting a value from same source (%s) to new value '%s' - old value " +"was '%s'." +msgstr "" +"Opciones: Cambiando valor de la misma fuente (%s) al valor nuevo '%s' - valor anterior " +"era '%s'." + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:379 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Processor number: %d of %d\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Procesador número: %d de %d\n" +"\n" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:388 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region 2D %s" +msgstr "Región 2D registrada %s" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:379 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region 3D %s" +msgstr "Región 3D registrada %s" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:397 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region Perp %s" +msgstr "Región Perp registrada %s" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:370 +#, c-format +msgid "Revision: %s\n" +msgstr "Revisión: %s\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:566 +msgid "Run time : " +msgstr "Tiempo de ejecución : " + +#. / Run the solver +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:533 +msgid "" +"Running simulation\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Ejecutando simulación\n" +"\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:668 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Tiempo Sim | RHS eval. | Tiempo Wall | Calc Inv Com I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:671 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS_e evals | RHS_I evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv " +"Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Tiempo Sim | RHS_e eval. | RHS_I eval. | Tiempo Wall | Calc Inv " +"Com I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with monitor timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "Solver corriendo para %d outputs con intervalos de tiempo de monitor de %e\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with output timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "Solver corriendo para %d outputs con intervalos de tiempo de output de %e\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:650 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Solver::addMonitor: Cannot reduce timestep (from %g to %g) after init is " +"called!" +msgstr "" +"Solver::addMonitor: No se puedo reducir el intervalo de tiempo (de %g a %g) después de que init fuera " +"llamado!" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:1072 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Time derivative at wrong location - Field is at %s, derivative is at %s for " +"field '%s'\n" +msgstr "" +"Derivada del tiempo en lugar erróneo - El field se encuentra en %s, la derivada se encuentra en %s para " +"el field '%s'\n" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:1281 +#, c-format +msgid "Time derivative for variable '%s' not set" +msgstr "Derivada del tiempo para la variable '%s' no fijada" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap2D" +msgstr "Intentando añadir una región ya existente %s a regionMap2D" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:376 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap3D" +msgstr "Intentando añadir una región ya existente %s a regionMap3D" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:394 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMapPerp" +msgstr "Intentando añadir una región ya existente %s a regionMapPerp" + +#: ..//src/mesh/mesh.cxx:313 +msgid "" +"Unrecognised paralleltransform option.\n" +"Valid choices are 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'" +msgstr "" +"Opción paralleltransform desconocida.\n" +"Opciones válidas son 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:250 +msgid "Unused options:\n" +msgstr "Opciones sin usar:\n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:205 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -d \n" +msgstr "Correcto uso es %s -d \n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:217 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -f \n" +msgstr "Correcto uso es %s -f \n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:240 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -l \n" +msgstr "Correcto uso es %s -l \n" + +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:229 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -o \n" +msgstr "Correcto uso es %s -o \n" + +#. Print help message -- note this will be displayed once per processor as we've not started MPI yet. +#: ..//src/bout++.cxx:167 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Usage: %s [-d ] [-f ] [restart [append]] " +"[VAR=VALUE]\n" +msgstr "" +"Uso: %s [-d ] [-f ] [restart [append]] " +"[VAR=VALUE]\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:166 +#, c-format +msgid "Value for option %s = %e is not an integer" +msgstr "Valor para la opción %s = %e no es un entero" + +#: ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:1031 ..//src/solver/solver.cxx:1035 +#, c-format +msgid "Variable '%s' not initialised" +msgstr "Variable '%s' sin inicializar" + +#. Should be a power of 2 for efficient FFTs +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:119 +msgid "" +"WARNING: Number of toroidal points should be 2^n for efficient FFT " +"performance -- consider changing MZ if using FFTs\n" +msgstr "" +"WARNING: el número de puntos toroidales debería ser 2^n para una FFT eficiente " +"-- considere cambiar MZ si se usan FFTs\n" + +#: ..//src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:60 +#, c-format +msgid "Writing options to file %s\n" +msgstr "Escribiendo opciones a archivo %s\n" + +#. / The source label given to default values +#: ..//src/sys/options.cxx:11 +msgid "default" +msgstr "por defecto" + +#: ..//src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:156 +msgid "nx must be greater than 2*MXG" +msgstr "nx debe ser mayor que 2*MXG" diff --git a/locale/fr/libbout.po b/locale/fr/libbout.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7501f91717 --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/fr/libbout.po @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +# French translations for BOUT++ package. +# Copyright (C) 2018 THE BOUT++'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the BOUT++ package. +# , 2018. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: BOUT++ 4.2.0\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-22 22:26+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-21 22:46+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: French\n" +"Language: fr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:365 +msgid "\tChecking disabled\n" +msgstr "\tVérification désactivée\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:363 +#, c-format +msgid "\tChecking enabled, level %d\n" +msgstr "\tVérification activée, niveau %d\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:371 +msgid "\tSignal handling disabled\n" +msgstr "\tTraitement du signal désactivé\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:369 +msgid "\tSignal handling enabled\n" +msgstr "\tTraitement du signal activé\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:563 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run finished at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"L'exécution se termine à %s\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:534 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run started at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"L'exécution se termine à %s\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:350 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Code compiled on %s at %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"Code compilé le %s à %s\n" +"\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:256 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n" +msgstr "Le répertoire de données \"%s\" n'existe pas ou n'est pas accessible\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:253 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" n'est pas un répertoire\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:424 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation\n" +msgstr "Erreur rencontrée lors de l'initialisation\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:469 +#, c-format +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n" +msgstr "Erreur rencontrée lors de l'initialisation : %s\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:526 +msgid "Failed to initialise solver-> Aborting\n" +msgstr "Échec d'initialisation du solutionneur -> Abandonner\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:564 +msgid "Run time : " +msgstr "Temps d'exécution : " + +#. / Run the solver +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:531 +msgid "" +"Running simulation\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"L'exécution commence\n" +"\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with monitor timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "" +"Le solveur fonctionne pour %d sorties avec un temps de moniteur de %e\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:519 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with output timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "Le solveur fonctionne pour %d sorties avec un pas de sortie de %e\n" diff --git a/locale/libbout.pot b/locale/libbout.pot new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..595771f856 --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/libbout.pot @@ -0,0 +1,638 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-02-06 17:31+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"Language: \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:335 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_1-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:364 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:342 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:377 +msgid "\t -> Good value\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:326 +#, c-format +msgid "\t -> Leg region jyseps1_1+1 (%d) must be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:356 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:372 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a multiple of MYSUB " +"(%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:350 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\t -> leg region ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a multiple of " +"MYSUB (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:319 +#, c-format +msgid "\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Loop over all possibilities +#. Processors divide equally +#. Mesh in X divides equally +#. Mesh in Y divides equally +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:312 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCandidate value: %d\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:387 +msgid "\tChecking disabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:385 +#, c-format +msgid "\tChecking enabled, level %d\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Print command line options +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:431 +msgid "\tCommand line options for this run : " +msgstr "" + +#. The stringify is needed here as BOUT_FLAGS_STRING may already contain quoted strings +#. which could cause problems (e.g. terminate strings). +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:428 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCompiled with flags : %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:391 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tDomain split (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) into domains (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:416 +#, c-format +msgid "\tERROR: Cannot split %d Y points equally between %d processors\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:173 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tEmpty key\n" +"\tLine: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:140 +#, c-format +msgid "\tEmpty key or value in command line '%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:127 +msgid "\tGrid size: " +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:143 +msgid "\tGuard cells (x,y): " +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:177 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tKey must not contain ':' character\n" +"\tLine: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:127 +#, c-format +msgid "\tMultiple '=' in command-line argument '%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:415 +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation disabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:413 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation enabled, using %d threads\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Mark the option as used +#. Option not found +#: ../include/options.hxx:298 ../include/options.hxx:319 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:136 ../src/sys/options.cxx:172 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:200 ../src/sys/options.cxx:221 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:224 +msgid "\tOption " +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:97 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tOption %s = %s (%s) overwritten with:\n" +"\t\t%s = %s (%s)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:226 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOption '%s': Boolean expected. Got '%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:74 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOptions file '%s' not found\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:409 +msgid "\tParallel NetCDF support disabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:407 +msgid "\tParallel NetCDF support enabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:124 +msgid "\tRead nz from input grid file\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:124 +msgid "\tReading contravariant vector " +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:117 ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:138 +msgid "\tReading covariant vector " +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:393 +msgid "\tSignal handling disabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:391 +msgid "\tSignal handling enabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:858 +msgid "\tdone\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:402 +msgid "\tnetCDF support disabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:397 +msgid "\tnetCDF support enabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:400 +msgid "\tnetCDF4 support enabled\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:166 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +" -d \tLook in for input/output files\n" +" -f \tUse OPTIONS given in \n" +" -o \tSave used OPTIONS given to \n" +" -l, --log \tPrint log to \n" +" -v, --verbose\t\tIncrease verbosity\n" +" -q, --quiet\t\tDecrease verbosity\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:563 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run finished at : %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:534 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run started at : %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:175 +#, c-format +msgid " -c, --color\t\tColor output using bout-log-color\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:178 +#, c-format +msgid "" +" -h, --help\t\tThis message\n" +" restart [append]\tRestart the simulation. If append is specified, append " +"to the existing output files, otherwise overwrite them\n" +" VAR=VALUE\t\tSpecify a VALUE for input parameter VAR\n" +"\n" +"For all possible input parameters, see the user manual and/or the physics " +"model source (e.g. %s.cxx)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:248 +msgid "All options used\n" +msgstr "" + +#. / Print intro +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:365 +#, c-format +msgid "BOUT++ version %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:828 +msgid "Boundary regions in this processor: " +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:407 +#, c-format +msgid "Cannot split %d X points equally between %d processors\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:372 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Code compiled on %s at %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:142 +msgid "Command line" +msgstr "" + +#. / Print compile-time options +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:382 +msgid "Compile-time options:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:837 +msgid "Constructing default regions" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:385 +msgid "" +"Could not find a valid value for NXPE. Try a different number of processors." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:132 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not open output file '%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Error reading +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:278 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not read integer array '%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Failed . Probably not important enough to stop the simulation +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:324 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not run bout-log-color. Make sure it is in your PATH\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:642 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't add Monitor: %g is not a multiple of %g!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:349 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMap2D" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:341 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMap3D" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:357 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't find region %s in regionMapPerp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:192 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't get BoutReal from option %s = '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:156 +#, c-format +msgid "Couldn't get integer from option %s = '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:281 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:278 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:597 +msgid "ERROR: Solver is already initialised\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:470 +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:515 +#, c-format +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:554 +msgid "Error whilst writing settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:147 +#, c-format +msgid "Error: nx must be greater than 2 times MXG (2 * %d)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:526 +msgid "Failed to initialise solver-> Aborting\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Best option +#. Results in square domains +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:305 +#, c-format +msgid "Finding value for NXPE (ideal = %f)\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:599 +msgid "Initialising solver\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:270 +msgid "" +"Input and output file for settings must be different.\n" +"Provide -o to avoid this issue.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:91 +msgid "Loading mesh" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:106 +msgid "Mesh must contain nx" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:109 +msgid "Mesh must contain ny" +msgstr "" + +#. Not found +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:282 +#, c-format +msgid "Missing integer array %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:696 ../src/solver/solver.cxx:703 +msgid "Monitor signalled to quit\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:834 +msgid "No boundary regions in this processor" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:235 +#, c-format +msgid "Number of processors (%d) not divisible by NPs in x direction (%d)\n" +msgstr "" + +#. Less than 1 time-step left +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:704 +#, c-format +msgid "Only %e seconds left. Quitting\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:130 ../src/sys/options.cxx:148 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:184 ../src/sys/options.cxx:212 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s has no value" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:59 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s is not a section" +msgstr "" + +#. Doesn't exist +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:70 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s:%s does not exist" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:101 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Options: Setting a value from same source (%s) to new value '%s' - old value " +"was '%s'." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:376 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Processor number: %d of %d\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:388 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region 2D %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:379 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region 3D %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:397 +#, c-format +msgid "Registered region Perp %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:367 +#, c-format +msgid "Revision: %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:564 +msgid "Run time : " +msgstr "" + +#. / Run the solver +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:531 +msgid "" +"Running simulation\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:665 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:668 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS_e evals | RHS_I evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv " +"Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with monitor timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:519 +#, c-format +msgid "Solver running for %d outputs with output timestep of %e\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:648 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Solver::addMonitor: Cannot reduce timestep (from %g to %g) after init is " +"called!" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1061 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Time derivative at wrong location - Field is at %s, derivative is at %s for " +"field '%s'\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1267 +#, c-format +msgid "Time derivative for variable '%s' not set" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap2D" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:376 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap3D" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:394 +#, c-format +msgid "Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMapPerp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/mesh.cxx:313 +msgid "" +"Unrecognised paralleltransform option.\n" +"Valid choices are 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:250 +msgid "Unused options:\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -d \n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:214 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -f \n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:237 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -l \n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:226 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage is %s -o \n" +msgstr "" + +#. Print help message -- note this will be displayed once per processor as we've not started MPI yet. +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:164 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Usage: %s [-d ] [-f ] [restart [append]] " +"[VAR=VALUE]\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:166 +#, c-format +msgid "Value for option %s = %e is not an integer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1020 ../src/solver/solver.cxx:1024 +#, c-format +msgid "Variable '%s' not initialised" +msgstr "" + +#. Should be a power of 2 for efficient FFTs +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:119 +msgid "" +"WARNING: Number of toroidal points should be 2^n for efficient FFT " +"performance -- consider changing MZ if using FFTs\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:60 +#, c-format +msgid "Writing options to file %s\n" +msgstr "" + +#. / The source label given to default values +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:11 +msgid "default" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:156 +msgid "nx must be greater than 2*MXG" +msgstr "" diff --git a/locale/makefile b/locale/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9b67440f6e --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +###################################################################### +# Internationalisation +###################################################################### + +# Find all .po files and work out the corresponding .mo file name +PO_FILES = $(shell ls */libbout.po) +MO_FILES = $(PO_FILES:%/libbout.po=%/LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo) + +# This target is the most commonly used, to build all the .mo files +.PHONY: locale +locale: $(MO_FILES) + +# Create the template file, combining all source files +libbout.pot: FORCE + xgettext --keyword=_ --language=c++ --add-comments --sort-output -o $@ `find ../ -name "[^.#]*.[ch]xx"` + +# Update a .po file +# If it doesn't exist then create; if it exists then update +# Note that it will need manually editing to translate or delete new entries +%/libbout.po: libbout.pot + @mkdir -p $(@D) + @if [ -a $@ ]; then echo "Updating " $@; msgmerge --update $@ $< ; else echo "Creating " $@; msginit --input=libbout.pot --locale=$* --output=$@; fi; + @echo "Now edit " $@ " to translate or delete new entries" + @echo "then run 'make' to generate the .mo file" + +# Update a .mo file, ensuring that the directory exists +# Note: Because the .po files must be updated manually, +# don't automatically generate the .po files +%/LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo: FORCE + @mkdir -p $(@D) + @echo "Building language: " $* + @msgfmt --output-file=$@ $*/libbout.po + +# Shortcut target for building single language +# e.g. "make locale-fr" +# Note: invoking make since otherwise the intermediate file is deleted +locale-%: + $(MAKE) $*/libbout.po +mo-%: + $(MAKE) $*/LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo + +# Dummy target to force rules to be run +FORCE: diff --git a/locale/zh_CN/libbout.po b/locale/zh_CN/libbout.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..277c2ac448 --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/zh_CN/libbout.po @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +# Chinese translations for BOUT++ package. +# Copyright (C) 2018 THE BOUT++'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the BOUT++ package. +# , 2018. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: BOUT++ 4.2.0\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-23 00:03+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-22 22:56+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Chinese (simplified)\n" +"Language: zh_CN\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:365 +msgid "\tChecking disabled\n" +msgstr "\t测试关掉\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:363 +#, c-format +msgid "\tChecking enabled, level %d\n" +msgstr "\t测试打开,级别 %d\n" + +#: src/sys/options.cxx:96 src/sys/options.cxx:136 src/sys/options.cxx:171 +#: src/sys/options.cxx:199 src/sys/options.cxx:220 src/sys/options.cxx:223 +msgid "\tOption " +msgstr "\t选项 " + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:563 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run finished at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"计算结束于 %s\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:534 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run started at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"计算从 %s 开始\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:350 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Code compiled on %s at %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"代码于 %s %s 编译\n" +"\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:256 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" 不存在或不可访问\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:253 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" 不是目录\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:424 +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation\n" +msgstr "启动时遇到错误\n" + +#: src/bout++.cxx:469 +#, c-format +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n" +msgstr "启动时遇到错误 : %s\n" + +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:564 +msgid "Run time : " +msgstr "计算时间" + +#. / Run the solver +#: src/solver/solver.cxx:531 +msgid "" +"Running simulation\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"模拟\n" +"\n" diff --git a/locale/zh_TW/libbout.po b/locale/zh_TW/libbout.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3412591258 --- /dev/null +++ b/locale/zh_TW/libbout.po @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +# Chinese translations for BOUT++ package. +# Copyright (C) 2018 THE BOUT++'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the BOUT++ package. +# , 2018. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: BOUT++ 4.2.0\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-10-27 16:36+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-10-22 22:56+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: Chinese (traditional)\n" +"Language: zh_TW\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:376 +msgid "\t -> Good value\n" +msgstr "\t -> 好的號碼\n" + +#. Loop over all possibilities +#. Processors divide equally +#. Mesh in X divides equally +#. Mesh in Y divides equally +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:311 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCandidate value: %d\n" +msgstr "\t候選人數目 %d\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:372 +msgid "\tChecking disabled\n" +msgstr "\t測試關掉\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:370 +#, c-format +msgid "\tChecking enabled, level %d\n" +msgstr "\t測試打開,级别 %d\n" + +#. The stringify is needed here as BOUT_FLAGS_STRING may already contain quoted strings +#. which could cause problems (e.g. terminate strings). +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:413 +#, c-format +msgid "\tCompiled with flags : %s\n" +msgstr "\t用設置編譯: %s\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:390 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\tDomain split (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) into domains (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n" +msgstr "\t域 (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) 分裂成域 (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:140 +#, c-format +msgid "\tEmpty key or value in command line '%s'\n" +msgstr "\t命令行中的空鍵或值 '%s'\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:127 +msgid "\tGrid size: " +msgstr "\t網格大小: " + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:400 +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation disabled\n" +msgstr "\tOpenMP並行化已禁用\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:398 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOpenMP parallelisation enabled, using %d threads\n" +msgstr "\t啟用OpenMP並行化。 使用%d個線程\n" + +#. Mark the option as used +#. Option not found +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:96 ../src/sys/options.cxx:136 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:172 ../src/sys/options.cxx:200 +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:221 ../src/sys/options.cxx:224 +#: ../include/options.hxx:298 ../include/options.hxx:319 +msgid "\tOption " +msgstr "\t選項 " + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:226 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOption '%s': Boolean expected. Got '%s'\n" +msgstr "\t選項 '%s': 布爾預期. 拿到 '%s'\n" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:74 +#, c-format +msgid "\tOptions file '%s' not found\n" +msgstr "\t找不到選項文件 '%s'\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:842 +msgid "\tdone\n" +msgstr "\t完\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:563 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run finished at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"计算结束于 %s\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:534 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"\n" +"Run started at : %s\n" +msgstr "" +"\n" +"计算从 %s 开始\n" + +#. / Print intro +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:350 +#, c-format +msgid "BOUT++ version %s\n" +msgstr "BOUT++ 版 %s\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:357 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Code compiled on %s at %s\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"代碼於 %s %s 编译\n" +"\n" + +#. / Print compile-time options +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:367 +msgid "Compile-time options:\n" +msgstr "編譯選項:\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:384 +msgid "" +"Could not find a valid value for NXPE. Try a different number of processors." +msgstr "無法找到NXPE的有效值。 嘗試不同數量的處理器。" + +#: ../src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx:132 +#, c-format +msgid "Could not open output file '%s'\n" +msgstr "無法打開輸出文件 '%s'\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:263 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" 不存在或不可訪問\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:260 +#, c-format +msgid "DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n" +msgstr "\"%s\" 不是目錄\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:431 +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation\n" +msgstr "啟動時遇到錯誤\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:476 +#, c-format +msgid "Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n" +msgstr "啟動時遇到錯誤 : %s\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:599 +msgid "Initialising solver\n" +msgstr "初始化求解器\n" + +#: ../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx:91 +msgid "Loading mesh" +msgstr "加載網格" + +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:59 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Option %s is not a section" +msgstr "\"%s\" 不是目錄\n" + +#. Doesn't exist +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:70 +#, c-format +msgid "Option %s:%s does not exist" +msgstr "選項%s:%s不存在" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:352 +#, c-format +msgid "Revision: %s\n" +msgstr "版: %s\n" + +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:564 +msgid "Run time : " +msgstr "計算時間" + +#. / Run the solver +#: ../src/solver/solver.cxx:531 +msgid "" +"Running simulation\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"模擬\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:621 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"模擬時間 | 評估數量 | 時鐘時間 | 計算 逆溫 通訊 輸入輸出 時間整合\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/bout++.cxx:624 +msgid "" +"Sim Time | RHS_e evals | RHS_I evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv " +"Comm I/O SOLVER\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" +"模擬時間 | 評估數量(e) | 評估數量(I) | 時鐘時間 | 計算 逆溫 " +"通訊 輸入輸出 時間整合\n" +"\n" + +#: ../src/sys/optionsreader.cxx:60 +msgid "Writing options to file " +msgstr "寫選項到文件 " + +#. / The source label given to default values +#: ../src/sys/options.cxx:11 +msgid "default" +msgstr "默认设置" + diff --git a/m4/ax_append_compile_flags.m4 b/m4/ax_append_compile_flags.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b6f1af51d --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/ax_append_compile_flags.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# ============================================================================ +# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_append_compile_flags.html +# ============================================================================ +# +# SYNOPSIS +# +# AX_APPEND_COMPILE_FLAGS([FLAG1 FLAG2 ...], [FLAGS-VARIABLE], [EXTRA-FLAGS], [INPUT]) +# +# DESCRIPTION +# +# For every FLAG1, FLAG2 it is checked whether the compiler works with the +# flag. If it does, the flag is added FLAGS-VARIABLE +# +# If FLAGS-VARIABLE is not specified, the current language's flags (e.g. +# CFLAGS) is used. During the check the flag is always added to the +# current language's flags. +# +# If EXTRA-FLAGS is defined, it is added to the current language's default +# flags (e.g. CFLAGS) when the check is done. The check is thus made with +# the flags: "CFLAGS EXTRA-FLAGS FLAG". This can for example be used to +# force the compiler to issue an error when a bad flag is given. +# +# INPUT gives an alternative input source to AC_COMPILE_IFELSE. +# +# NOTE: This macro depends on the AX_APPEND_FLAG and +# AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG. Please keep this macro in sync with +# AX_APPEND_LINK_FLAGS. +# +# LICENSE +# +# Copyright (c) 2011 Maarten Bosmans +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the +# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your +# option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General +# Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +# with this program. If not, see . +# +# As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure +# scripts that are the output of Autoconf when processing the Macro. You +# need not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License when using +# or distributing such scripts, even though portions of the text of the +# Macro appear in them. The GNU General Public License (GPL) does govern +# all other use of the material that constitutes the Autoconf Macro. +# +# This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of the Autoconf +# Macro released by the Autoconf Archive. When you make and distribute a +# modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this special +# exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well. + +#serial 6 + +AC_DEFUN([AX_APPEND_COMPILE_FLAGS], +[AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED([AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG]) +AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED([AX_APPEND_FLAG]) +for flag in $1; do + AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG([$flag], [AX_APPEND_FLAG([$flag], [$2])], [], [$3], [$4]) +done +])dnl AX_APPEND_COMPILE_FLAGS diff --git a/m4/ax_append_flag.m4 b/m4/ax_append_flag.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e8c5312af6 --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/ax_append_flag.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +# =========================================================================== +# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_append_flag.html +# =========================================================================== +# +# SYNOPSIS +# +# AX_APPEND_FLAG(FLAG, [FLAGS-VARIABLE]) +# +# DESCRIPTION +# +# FLAG is appended to the FLAGS-VARIABLE shell variable, with a space +# added in between. +# +# If FLAGS-VARIABLE is not specified, the current language's flags (e.g. +# CFLAGS) is used. FLAGS-VARIABLE is not changed if it already contains +# FLAG. If FLAGS-VARIABLE is unset in the shell, it is set to exactly +# FLAG. +# +# NOTE: Implementation based on AX_CFLAGS_GCC_OPTION. +# +# LICENSE +# +# Copyright (c) 2008 Guido U. Draheim +# Copyright (c) 2011 Maarten Bosmans +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the +# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your +# option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General +# Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +# with this program. If not, see . +# +# As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure +# scripts that are the output of Autoconf when processing the Macro. You +# need not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License when using +# or distributing such scripts, even though portions of the text of the +# Macro appear in them. The GNU General Public License (GPL) does govern +# all other use of the material that constitutes the Autoconf Macro. +# +# This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of the Autoconf +# Macro released by the Autoconf Archive. When you make and distribute a +# modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this special +# exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well. + +#serial 7 + +AC_DEFUN([AX_APPEND_FLAG], +[dnl +AC_PREREQ(2.64)dnl for _AC_LANG_PREFIX and AS_VAR_SET_IF +AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([FLAGS], [m4_default($2,_AC_LANG_PREFIX[FLAGS])]) +AS_VAR_SET_IF(FLAGS,[ + AS_CASE([" AS_VAR_GET(FLAGS) "], + [*" $1 "*], [AC_RUN_LOG([: FLAGS already contains $1])], + [ + AS_VAR_APPEND(FLAGS,[" $1"]) + AC_RUN_LOG([: FLAGS="$FLAGS"]) + ]) + ], + [ + AS_VAR_SET(FLAGS,[$1]) + AC_RUN_LOG([: FLAGS="$FLAGS"]) + ]) +AS_VAR_POPDEF([FLAGS])dnl +])dnl AX_APPEND_FLAG diff --git a/m4/ax_check_compile_flag.m4 b/m4/ax_check_compile_flag.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dcabb92a14 --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/ax_check_compile_flag.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +# =========================================================================== +# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_check_compile_flag.html +# =========================================================================== +# +# SYNOPSIS +# +# AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG(FLAG, [ACTION-SUCCESS], [ACTION-FAILURE], [EXTRA-FLAGS], [INPUT]) +# +# DESCRIPTION +# +# Check whether the given FLAG works with the current language's compiler +# or gives an error. (Warnings, however, are ignored) +# +# ACTION-SUCCESS/ACTION-FAILURE are shell commands to execute on +# success/failure. +# +# If EXTRA-FLAGS is defined, it is added to the current language's default +# flags (e.g. CFLAGS) when the check is done. The check is thus made with +# the flags: "CFLAGS EXTRA-FLAGS FLAG". This can for example be used to +# force the compiler to issue an error when a bad flag is given. +# +# INPUT gives an alternative input source to AC_COMPILE_IFELSE. +# +# NOTE: Implementation based on AX_CFLAGS_GCC_OPTION. Please keep this +# macro in sync with AX_CHECK_{PREPROC,LINK}_FLAG. +# +# LICENSE +# +# Copyright (c) 2008 Guido U. Draheim +# Copyright (c) 2011 Maarten Bosmans +# +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the +# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your +# option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General +# Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +# with this program. If not, see . +# +# As a special exception, the respective Autoconf Macro's copyright owner +# gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify the configure +# scripts that are the output of Autoconf when processing the Macro. You +# need not follow the terms of the GNU General Public License when using +# or distributing such scripts, even though portions of the text of the +# Macro appear in them. The GNU General Public License (GPL) does govern +# all other use of the material that constitutes the Autoconf Macro. +# +# This special exception to the GPL applies to versions of the Autoconf +# Macro released by the Autoconf Archive. When you make and distribute a +# modified version of the Autoconf Macro, you may extend this special +# exception to the GPL to apply to your modified version as well. + +#serial 5 + +AC_DEFUN([AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG], +[AC_PREREQ(2.64)dnl for _AC_LANG_PREFIX and AS_VAR_IF +AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([CACHEVAR],[ax_cv_check_[]_AC_LANG_ABBREV[]flags_$4_$1])dnl +AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether _AC_LANG compiler accepts $1], CACHEVAR, [ + ax_check_save_flags=$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS + _AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS="$[]_AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS $4 $1" + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([m4_default([$5],[AC_LANG_PROGRAM()])], + [AS_VAR_SET(CACHEVAR,[yes])], + [AS_VAR_SET(CACHEVAR,[no])]) + _AC_LANG_PREFIX[]FLAGS=$ax_check_save_flags]) +AS_VAR_IF(CACHEVAR,yes, + [m4_default([$2], :)], + [m4_default([$3], :)]) +AS_VAR_POPDEF([CACHEVAR])dnl +])dnl AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAGS diff --git a/m4/ax_require_defined.m4 b/m4/ax_require_defined.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17c3eab7da --- /dev/null +++ b/m4/ax_require_defined.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# =========================================================================== +# https://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive/ax_require_defined.html +# =========================================================================== +# +# SYNOPSIS +# +# AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED(MACRO) +# +# DESCRIPTION +# +# AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED is a simple helper for making sure other macros have +# been defined and thus are available for use. This avoids random issues +# where a macro isn't expanded. Instead the configure script emits a +# non-fatal: +# +# ./configure: line 1673: AX_CFLAGS_WARN_ALL: command not found +# +# It's like AC_REQUIRE except it doesn't expand the required macro. +# +# Here's an example: +# +# AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED([AX_CHECK_LINK_FLAG]) +# +# LICENSE +# +# Copyright (c) 2014 Mike Frysinger +# +# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are +# permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice +# and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any +# warranty. + +#serial 2 + +AC_DEFUN([AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED], [dnl + m4_ifndef([$1], [m4_fatal([macro ]$1[ is not defined; is a m4 file missing?])]) +])dnl AX_REQUIRE_DEFINED diff --git a/m4/bout.m4 b/m4/bout.m4 index 4239f7670e..9b12a6f77c 100644 --- a/m4/bout.m4 +++ b/m4/bout.m4 @@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ AC_DEFUN([BOUT_CHECK_PRETTYFUNCTION], [ dnl First argument is lower case module name dnl Second argument is test program includes dnl Third argument is test program main body -dnl Fourth argument is includes for test program to determine the integer type -dnl Fifth argument is main body for test program to determine the integer type AC_DEFUN([BOUT_FIND_SUNDIALS_MODULE],[ dnl Slightly complicated as we have to deal with shell indirection @@ -293,36 +291,4 @@ $2 AS_VAR_SET([AS_TR_SH([BOUT_HAS_$module_upper])], [yes]) AS_VAR_SET([AS_TR_SH([${module_upper}LIBS])], ["$SUNDIALS_MODULE_LDFLAGS $sundials_module_libs"]) AS_VAR_SET([AS_TR_SH([${module_upper}INCS])], ["$sundials_module_includes"]) - - # Now we have successfully found the library, we need to determine - # whether $module_upper uses int or long. Try to compile a simple - # program to check - save_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS - AC_MSG_NOTICE(["checking $module_upper types..."]) - AC_LANG_PUSH([C++]) - - for sundials_int_type in int long; do - AC_MSG_CHECKING([$sundials_int_type]) - eval sundials_type_name=AS_TR_SH([${module_upper}INT]) - CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $sundials_module_includes -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" - AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([ - AC_LANG_PROGRAM([ -$4 - ], [$5])], - [sundials_int_type_found=yes], - [sundials_int_type_found=no]) - AC_MSG_RESULT($sundials_int_type_found) - if test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xyes"; then - break; - fi - CXXFLAGS=$save_CXXFLAGS - done - - AS_IF([test "x$sundials_int_type_found" = "xno"], [ - AC_MSG_FAILURE([*** Cannot compile $module_upper with either long or int]) - ]) - AC_LANG_POP([C++]) - - # We can now add that macro definition to the compilation flags - CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS -D$sundials_type_name=$sundials_int_type" ]) diff --git a/make.config.in b/make.config.in index 1e5a8e668a..df80ed2ad9 100644 --- a/make.config.in +++ b/make.config.in @@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH=$(BOUT_TOP)/include BOUT_LIB_PATH=$(BOUT_TOP)/lib BOUT_CONFIG_FILE=$(BOUT_TOP)/make.config +prefix = @prefix@ +exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ +datarootdir = @datarootdir@ + +# This path to the locale (.mo) files is hard-wired into bout++.cxx at compile time +BOUT_LOCALE_PATH=@localedir@ + # Created this variable so that a user won't overwrite the CXXFLAGS variable # on the command line, just add to this one BOUT_FLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS) @CXXFLAGS@ @OPENMP_CXXFLAGS@ @CXX11_FLAGS@ @COVERAGE_FLAGS@ @@ -81,7 +88,8 @@ LIB = $(BOUT_LIB_PATH)/libbout++.a LIB_SO = $(BOUT_LIB_PATH)/libbout++.so endif -BOUT_INCLUDE = -I$(BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH) $(CXXINCLUDE) $(EXTRA_INCS) +MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=@MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH@ +BOUT_INCLUDE = -I$(BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH) $(CXXINCLUDE) $(EXTRA_INCS) -I$(MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH) BOUT_LIBS = -lm -L$(BOUT_LIB_PATH) -lbout++ $(EXTRA_LIBS) CHANGED = $(shell find -f $(BOUT_TOP)/include $(BOUT_TOP)/src -type f \( -name \*.cxx -or -name \*.h \) -newer $(LIB) -print 2> /dev/null) @@ -140,9 +148,6 @@ $(BOUT_TOP)/include $(BOUT_TOP)/lib: #################################################################### # Install header files and libraries #################################################################### -prefix = @prefix@ -exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ -datarootdir = @datarootdir@ INSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = ${INSTALL} @@ -150,14 +155,18 @@ INSTALL_DATA = ${INSTALL} -m 644 INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH = $(DESTDIR)@includedir@/bout++/ +# A list of relative paths e.g. "fr/LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo" +MO_FILES = $(shell cd locale; ls */LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo) + install: libfast $(PRE_INSTALL) # Pre-install commands follow. $(NORMAL_INSTALL) # Normal commands follow. - $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH)/{,pvode,bout/sys,bout/invert} + $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH)/{,pvode,bout/sys,bout/invert,mpark} $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)/{@libdir@,@bindir@,@datadir@/bout++/idllib} $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)/@datadir@/bout++/pylib/{boutdata,boututils} $(INSTALL_DATA) include/*.hxx $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH) + $(INSTALL_DATA) $(MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH)/mpark/*.hpp $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH)/mpark $(INSTALL_DATA) include/pvode/*.h $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH)/pvode/ $(INSTALL_DATA) include/bout/*.hxx $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH)/bout/ $(INSTALL_DATA) include/bout/sys/*.hxx $(INSTALL_INCLUDE_PATH)/bout/sys/ @@ -172,7 +181,7 @@ install: libfast $(INSTALL_DATA) tools/pylib/boutdata/*.py $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/pylib/boutdata/ $(INSTALL_DATA) tools/pylib/boututils/*.py $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/pylib/boututils/ $(INSTALL_DATA) make.config $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/ - + for mo in $(MO_FILES); do $(MKDIR) $(DESTDIR)@localedir@/`dirname $$mo`; $(INSTALL_DATA) locale/$$mo $(DESTDIR)@localedir@/$$mo; done $(POST_INSTALL) # Post-install commands follow. @# Modify paths in the bout-config script @@ -181,11 +190,13 @@ install: libfast sed -i "s|^BOUT_CONFIG_FILE=.*|BOUT_CONFIG_FILE=@datadir@/bout++/make.config|" $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/bout-config sed -i "s|^idlpath=.*|idlpath=@datadir@/bout++/idllib/|" $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/bout-config sed -i "s|^pythonpath=.*|pythonpath=@datadir@/bout++/pylib/|" $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/bout-config + sed -i "s|^MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=.*|MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=@includedir@/bout++|" $(DESTDIR)@bindir@/bout-config @# Modify paths in the make.config file sed -i "s|^BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH=.*|BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH=@includedir@/bout++|" $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/make.config sed -i "s|^BOUT_LIB_PATH=.*|BOUT_LIB_PATH=@libdir@|" $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/make.config sed -i "s|^BOUT_CONFIG_FILE=.*|BOUT_CONFIG_FILE=@datadir@/bout++/make.config|" $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/make.config + sed -i "s|^MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=.*|MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH=@includedir@/bout++|" $(DESTDIR)@datadir@/bout++/make.config uninstall: $(PRE_UNINSTALL) # Pre-uninstall commands follow. @@ -201,6 +212,7 @@ uninstall: $(RM) $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/libpvode.a $(RM) $(DESTDIR)@libdir@/libpvpre.a $(RM) -r $(DESTDIR)@includedir@/bout++/ + $(RM) $(DESTDIR)@localedir@/*/LC_MESSAGES/libbout.mo $(POST_UNINSTALL) # Post-uninstall commands follow. @@ -208,7 +220,13 @@ uninstall: # Builds the library with $(OBJ) which is defined from the SOURCEC variable #################################################################### +MPARK_VARIANT_SENTINEL = $(MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH)/mpark/variant.hpp +$(MPARK_VARIANT_SENTINEL): + @echo "Downloading mpark.variant" + git submodule update --init --recursive $(BOUT_TOP)/externalpackages/mpark.variant + ifeq ("$(TARGET)", "libfast") +libfast: | $(MPARK_VARIANT_SENTINEL) libfast: makefile $(BOUT_CONFIG_FILE) $(BOUT_TOP)/include $(OBJ) $(DIRS) endif @@ -309,6 +327,7 @@ clean:: -@$(RM) -rf $(OBJ) $(DEPS) $(TARGET) @for pp in $(DIRS); do echo " " $$pp cleaned; $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $$pp clean; done @$(RM) -f $(SUB_LIBS) + -@$(RM) .*.mk @test -f make.config && ( find src | grep '\.o$$' && echo "WARNING: Some object files remain - which might cause issues. Clean with $(MAKE) clean-remove-object-files" ) || exit 0 clean-remove-object-files: diff --git a/makefile b/makefile index 9d0f5c355b..7d1ece7d6a 100644 --- a/makefile +++ b/makefile @@ -68,6 +68,11 @@ build-check-integrated-tests: libfast build-check: build-check-integrated-tests build-check-mms-tests build-check-unit-tests +# Build the .mo files needed for Natural Language Support (gettext) +.PHONY: locale +locale: + $(MAKE) -C locale + ###################################################################### # Releases ###################################################################### diff --git a/manual/RELEASE_HOWTO.md b/manual/RELEASE_HOWTO.md index 4508faafe4..01a72c9ba4 100644 --- a/manual/RELEASE_HOWTO.md +++ b/manual/RELEASE_HOWTO.md @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ releases - [ ] Run `make check-all` - Raise issues for any tests that fail - Possibly run `clang-tidy`, `clang-check`, `coverity`, etc. +- [ ] Review pinned pip package versions for Travis Before merging PR: diff --git a/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile b/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile index 73dc54624c..213e3b1251 100644 --- a/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile +++ b/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = BOUT++ # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version # control system is used. -PROJECT_NUMBER = 4.2.3 +PROJECT_NUMBER = 4.3.0 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a @@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ EXCLUDE = ../../examples \ ../../tools/ \ ../../manual/ \ ../../bin/ \ - ../../googletest/ \ + ../../externalpackages/googletest/ \ ../../tests/ # The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or diff --git a/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile_readthedocs b/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile_readthedocs index 7a8df41e71..1a48ee7a47 100644 --- a/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile_readthedocs +++ b/manual/doxygen/Doxyfile_readthedocs @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ PROJECT_NAME = BOUT++ # could be handy for archiving the generated documentation or if some version # control system is used. -PROJECT_NUMBER = 4.2.3 +PROJECT_NUMBER = 4.3.0 # Using the PROJECT_BRIEF tag one can provide an optional one line description # for a project that appears at the top of each page and should give viewer a @@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ EXCLUDE = ../../examples \ ../../tools/ \ ../../manual/ \ ../../bin/ \ - ../../googletest/ \ + ../../externalpackages/googletest/ \ ../../tests/ # The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or diff --git a/manual/sphinx/conf.py b/manual/sphinx/conf.py index b5d52aa27f..31de82f900 100755 --- a/manual/sphinx/conf.py +++ b/manual/sphinx/conf.py @@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ def __getattr__(cls, name): # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. -version = '4.2' +version = '4.3' # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. -release = '4.2.3' +release = '4.3.0' # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. @@ -210,7 +210,21 @@ def __getattr__(cls, name): # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # - # 'preamble': '', + 'preamble': r''' +\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} +\makeatletter +\def\UTFviii@defined#1{% + \ifx#1\relax + ?% + \else\expandafter + #1% + \fi +} +\makeatother + + +''', # Latex figure (float) alignment # diff --git a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/code_layout.rst b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/code_layout.rst index 4f8a50e0d7..2f4ec9efaf 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/code_layout.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/code_layout.rst @@ -350,11 +350,6 @@ The current source code files are: - :doc:`boutexception.cxx<../_breathe_autogen/file/boutexception_8cxx>` is an exception class which are used for error handling - - :doc:`comm_group.cxx<../_breathe_autogen/file/comm__group_8cxx>` - provides routines for non-blocking collective MPI - operations. These are not available in MPI-2, though are planned - for MPI-3. - - :doc:`derivs.cxx<../_breathe_autogen/file/derivs_8cxx>` contains basic derivative methods such as upwinding, central difference and WENO methods. These are then used by diff --git a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/data_types.rst b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/data_types.rst index 6bfffff328..cdba1d87d0 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/data_types.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/data_types.rst @@ -61,6 +61,47 @@ which returns a pointer to the field holding the time-derivative of this variable. This function ensures that this field is unique using a singleton pattern. +A `Field` has meta-data members, which give: + - ``location`` is the location of the field values in a grid cell. May be + unstaggered, ``CELL_CENTRE`` or staggered to one of the cell faces, + ``CELL_XLOW``, ``CELL_YLOW`` or ``CELL_ZLOW``. + - ``directions`` gives the type of grid that the `Field` is defined on + - ``directions.y`` is ``YDirectionType::Standard`` by default, but can be + ``YDirectionType::Aligned`` if the `Field` has been transformed from an + 'orthogonal' to a 'field-aligned' coordinate system. + - ``directions.z`` is ``ZDirectionType::Standard`` by default, but can be + ``ZDirectionType::Average`` if the `Field` represents a quantity that + is averaged or constant in the z-direction (i.e. is a `Field2D`). +The meta-data members are written to the output files as attributes of the variables. + +To create a new `Field` with meta-data, plus ``Mesh`` and ``Coordinates`` +pointers copied from another one, and data allocated (so that the Field is +ready to use) but not initialized, use the function ``emptyFrom(const T& f)`` +which can act on `Field3D`, `Field2D` or `FieldPerp`. This is often used for +example to create a ``result`` variable that will be returned from a function +from the `Field` which is given as input, e.g. + +:: + + Field3D exampleFunction(const Field3D& f) { + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; + ... + < do things to calculate result > + ... + return result; + } + +To zero-initialise the `Field` as well, use ``zeroFrom`` in place of +``emptyFrom``. If a few of the meta-data members need to be changed, you can +also chain setter methods to a `Field`. At the moment the available methods are +``setLocation(CELL_LOC)``, ``setDirectionY(YDirectionType)`` and +``setDirectionZ(ZDirectionType)``; also ``setIndex(int)`` for `FieldPerp`. For +example, to set the location of ``result`` explicitly you could use + +:: + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(CELL_YLOW)}; + ``Vector`` ---------- diff --git a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/file_io.rst b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/file_io.rst index 80a3d11795..d8f9925714 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/file_io.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/file_io.rst @@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ interface. class Datafile { public: - Datafile(Options *opt = NULL); - Datafile(Datafile &&other); - ~Datafile(); - - Datafile& operator=(Datafile &&rhs); + Datafile(Options *opt = nullptr, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + Datafile(Datafile &&other) noexcept; + ~Datafile(); // need to delete filename + + Datafile& operator=(Datafile &&rhs) noexcept; Datafile& operator=(const Datafile &rhs) = delete; bool openr(const char *filename, ...); @@ -56,85 +56,93 @@ interface. } void add(int &i, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(BoutReal &r, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); + void add(bool &b, const char* name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Field2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Field3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); + void add(FieldPerp &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Vector2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); void add(Vector3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat = false); bool read(); ///< Read data into added variables bool write(); ///< Write added variables - bool write(const char *filename, ...) const; ///< Opens, writes, closes file - - // Write a variable to the file now - DEPRECATED(bool writeVar(const int &i, const char *name)); - DEPRECATED(bool writeVar(BoutReal r, const char *name)); + /// Opens, writes, closes file + bool write(const char* filename, ...) const; - void setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, const string &text) { - attrib_string[varname][attrname] = text; - } - void setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, int value) { - attrib_int[varname][attrname] = value; - } - } + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, const std::string &text); + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value); + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal value); + }; The important bits of the DataFormat interface are:: class DataFormat { public: + DataFormat(Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); virtual ~DataFormat() { } // File opening routines virtual bool openr(const char *name) = 0; - virtual bool openr(const string &name) { + virtual bool openr(const std::string &name) { return openr(name.c_str()); } - virtual bool openr(const string &base, int mype); + virtual bool openr(const std::string &base, int mype); virtual bool openw(const char *name, bool append=false) = 0; - virtual bool openw(const string &name, bool append=false) { + virtual bool openw(const std::string &name, bool append=false) { return openw(name.c_str(), append); } - virtual bool openw(const string &base, int mype, bool append=false); - + virtual bool openw(const std::string &base, int mype, bool append=false); + virtual bool is_valid() = 0; - + virtual void close() = 0; virtual void flush() = 0; - virtual const vector getSize(const char *var) = 0; - virtual const vector getSize(const string &var) = 0; + virtual const std::vector getSize(const char *var) = 0; + virtual const std::vector getSize(const std::string &var) = 0; // Set the origin for all subsequent calls virtual bool setGlobalOrigin(int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0) = 0; virtual bool setLocalOrigin(int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0, int offset_x = 0, int offset_y = 0, int offset_z = 0); virtual bool setRecord(int t) = 0; // negative -> latest - + + // Add a variable to the file + virtual bool addVarInt(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarBoutReal(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarField2D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarField3D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + virtual bool addVarFieldPerp(const std::string &name, bool repeat) = 0; + // Read / Write simple variables up to 3D virtual bool read(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool read(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; // Read / Write record-based variables virtual bool read_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool read_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; virtual bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; - virtual bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; + virtual bool write_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) = 0; // Optional functions - + virtual void setLowPrecision() { } // By default doesn't do anything // Attributes @@ -144,22 +152,121 @@ The important bits of the DataFormat interface are:: /// Inputs /// ------ /// - /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then the attribute + /// will be added to the file instead of to a + /// variable. /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name /// @param[in] text A string attribute to attach to the variable - virtual void setAttribute(const string &UNUSED(varname), const string &UNUSED(attrname), - const string &UNUSED(text)) {} + virtual void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + const std::string &text) = 0; /// Sets an integer attribute /// /// Inputs /// ------ /// - /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then the attribute + /// will be added to the file instead of to a + /// variable. + /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name + /// @param[in] value An int attribute to attach to the variable + virtual void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + int value) = 0; + + /// Sets a BoutReal attribute + /// + /// Inputs + /// ------ + /// + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then the attribute + /// will be added to the file instead of to a + /// variable. + /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name + /// @param[in] value A BoutReal attribute to attach to the variable + virtual void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) = 0; + + /// Gets a string attribute + /// + /// Inputs + /// ------ + /// + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then get the + /// attribute from the top-level of the file instead + /// of from a variable. /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name - /// @param[in] value A string attribute to attach to the variable - virtual void setAttribute(const string &UNUSED(varname), const string &UNUSED(attrname), - int UNUSED(value)) {} + /// + /// Returns + /// ------- + /// text A string attribute of the variable + virtual bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) = 0; + + /// Gets an integer attribute + /// + /// Inputs + /// ------ + /// + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then get the + /// attribute from the top-level of the file instead + /// of from a variable. + /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name + /// + /// Returns + /// ------- + /// value An int attribute of the variable + virtual bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) = 0; + + /// Gets a BoutReal attribute + /// + /// Inputs + /// ------ + /// + /// @param[in] varname Variable name. The variable must already exist. If + /// varname is the empty string "" then get the + /// attribute from the top-level of the file instead + /// of from a variable. + /// @param[in] attrname Attribute name + /// + /// Returns + /// ------- + /// value A BoutReal attribute of the variable + virtual bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) = 0; + + /// Write out the meta-data of a field as attributes of the variable + void writeFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, const Field& f); + /// Overload for FieldPerp so we can also write 'yindex' + void writeFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, const FieldPerp& f); + + /// Read the attributes of a field + void readFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, Field& f); + /// Overload for FieldPerp so we can also read 'yindex' + void readFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, FieldPerp& f); }; .. [1] Support for PDB files was removed in BOUT++ 4.0.0 + +FieldPerp I/O +------------- + +`FieldPerp` objects can be saved to output files and read from them. The `yindex` of a +`FieldPerp` is the local y-index on a certain processor, but is saved in output files as a +global y-index in the attribute `yindex_global`. The intention is that a `FieldPerp` being +saved should be a globally well-defined object, e.g. a set of values at one divertor +target boundary, that will only be saved from processors holding that global +y-index. The expectation is that the other processors would all save an invalid +`FieldPerp` variable, with a `yindex_global` that is more negative than the +lowest y-boundary guard cell [2]_. The reason for saving the invalid `FieldPerp` variables +is so that all variables are present in every dump file (even if they are not allocated or +used); in particular the Python `collect` routine assumes that any variable will be found +in the first output file, which `collect` uses to get its type and dimensions. + +.. [2] Actually, the C++ I/O code should work fine even if a `FieldPerp` object is defined + with different y-indices on different processors. This may be useful for diagnostic + or debugging purposes. However, Python routines like `collect` and + `restart.redistribute` will fail because they find inconsistent `yindex_global` + values. diff --git a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/natural_language.rst b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/natural_language.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7a00985323 --- /dev/null +++ b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/natural_language.rst @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +Natural Language Support +======================== + +BOUT++ uses `GNU gettext `_. to +provide translations of output strings. Configuration is described in +:ref:`sec-config-nls` and running in :ref:`sec-run-nls`. Currently +only ``fr``, ``zh_TW``, and ``zh_CN`` have been added, but it is quite +easy to add more. See ``locale/README.md`` or below. + + +Marking strings for translation +------------------------------- + +In the code strings are wrapped with ``_()`` e.g. ``"hello world"`` +becomes ``_("hello world")``. Find a string you want to replace (which +can include formatting like ``%d``), surround it with ``_()``. Then in +the locale directory:: + + make libbout.pot + +will update the template file ``libbout.pot`` under +``BOUT_TOP/locale``. The template file should not be edited, but is +used to generate language-specific files (``libbout.po``). +To update these language files see the next section. + +Adding translations +------------------- + +Adding support for a new language, or improving the translations in +the existing files can be done by: + +1. Going to the ``locale`` BOUT++ subdirectory and running:: + + make locale-ll + + where ``ll`` is the language code e.g. ``make locale-zh_TW`` or + ``make locale-de``. This will create a file ``libbout.po`` under a + ``locale/ll`` subdirectory. +2. Edit the ``locale/ll/libbout.po`` file. Edit the .po file in de + subdirectory (not the .pot file!), adding the translations. Each + ``msgid`` entry should have a translated ``msgstr`` entry. If you + don't want to translate them all, just delete the ones you don't + translate. Any missing will just revert to the version in the + code. If you're adding UTF-8 characters, change the content line in + the .po file to have charset=UTF-8. +3. In the ``locale`` directory run ``make``. This should output + something like:: + + Building language: fr + Building language: zh_CN + Building language: zh_TW + +The new language should now be available (no need to recompile BOUT++). diff --git a/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/performance_profiling.rst b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/performance_profiling.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c6a6650e82 --- /dev/null +++ b/manual/sphinx/developer_docs/performance_profiling.rst @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +.. Use bash as the default language for syntax highlighting in this file +.. highlight:: console + +.. _sec-performanceprofiling: + +Performance profiling +===================== + +Analyzing code behaviour is vital for getting the best performance from BOUT++. +This is done by profiling the code, that is, building and running the code +using tools that report the amount of time each processor spends in functions, +on communications, etc. + +This section describes how to compile and run BOUT++ using the +`Scorep `_/`Scalasca `_ +and +`Extrae `_/`Paraver `_ +tool chains. +Both are suitable for analyzing code parallelized with MPI and/or OpenMP. +Scorep+Scalasca gives timings and call trees for each processor/thread, +while Extrae/Paraver produces visualizations showing what each processor/thread +is doing at a point in time. + +Scorep/Scalasca profiling +------------------------- + +Instrumentation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Scorep automatically reports the time spend in MPI communications and OpenMP +loops. However, to obtain information on the time spent in specific functions, +it is necessary to instrument the source code. The macros to do this are +provided in ``scorepwrapper.hxx``. + +To include a function in Scorep's timing, include the scorep wrapper in the +source code + +.. code-block:: c++ + + #include + +and then write the macro ``SCOREP0()`` at the top of the function, e.g. + +.. code-block:: c++ + + int Field::getNx() const{ + SCOREP0(); + return getMesh()->LocalNx; + }; + +**Caution** Instrumenting a function makes it execute more slowly. This can +result in misleading profiling information, particularly if +fast-but-frequently-called functions are instrumented. Try to instrument +significant functions only. + +The profiling overhead in sensibly-instrumented code should be only a few +percent of runtime. + +Configure and build +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Configure with ``--with-scorep`` to enable Scorep instrumentation, then build +as normal. This option can be combined with other options, but it is usually +desirable to profile the optimized code, configuring with the flags +``--enable-optimize=3 --enable-checks=0``. Build the code with ``make`` as +normal. + +With CMake: + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ SCOREP_WRAPPER=off cmake \ + -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=scorep-mpicc \ + -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=scorep-mpicxx \ + + +This will turn off the instrumentation during the configure +step. Please be aware that if you change ``CMakeLists.txt``, CMake +will try to automatically reconfigure the build, which the Score-P +wrappers interfere with. In this case you will need to restart the +configure step from scratch (i.e. remove the build directory and start +again). + +Run and analysis +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +When running the code, prepend the run command with ``scalasca -analyze``, e.g. + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ scalasca -analyze mpirun -np 2 elm_pb + +The run then produces an "archive" containing profiling data in a directory +called ``scorep___sum``. To view the profiling +information with the cube viewer, do + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ cube scorep___sum/profile.cubex + +Note that Scorep does not run if doing so would produce an archive with the +same name as an existing archive. Therefore to rerun an executable on the same +number of processors, it is necessary to move or delete the first archive. + +Machine-specific installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +These are some configurations which have been found to work on +particular machines. + +Archer +^^^^^^ + +As of 23rd January 2019, the following configuration should work + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu + $ module load fftw + $ module load archer-netcdf/4.1.3 + $ module load scalasca + +Note that due to a bug in the ``CC`` compiler, it is necessary to modify +``make.config`` after configuration if profiling OpenMP-parallelized code: + +* add the flag ``-fopenmp`` to ``BOUT_FLAGS`` +* add the flag ``--thread=omp:ancestry`` as an argument to ``scorep`` in ``CXX`` + + +Extrae/Paraver profiling +------------------------ + +`Extrae `_ is a powerful tool allowing visualization +of commumication and computation in parallel codes. It requires minimal +instrumentation; however the trace files produced can be extremely large. + +Instrumentation, configure and build +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +No changes to the code are necessary. On some systems, environment variables +must be set before building. Otherwise, compile and build as normal. + +Run +~~~ + +To run, add a trace script into the normal run command, so that for example + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ aprun -n 16 blob2d -d delta_1 + +becomes + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ aprun -n 16 ./trace.sh blob2d -d delta_1 + +where ``trace.sh`` is the script file + +.. code-block:: bash + + #!/bin/bash + + export EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE=./extrae.xml + export LD_PRELOAD=${EXTRAE_HOME}/lib/libmpitrace.so + + $* + +The run directory must also contain the file ``extrae.xml``, which configures +which data Extrae collects. Example ``extrae.xml`` files may be found in +``${EXTRAE_HOME}/share/example/*/extrae.xml`` + +Running produces a file called ``TRACE.mpits``. To generate the ``.prv`` trace +file that can be read by Paraver, do + +.. code-block:: bash + + TRACE_NAME=bout.prv + ${EXTRAE_HOME}/bin/mpi2prv -f ${EXTRAE_WORK_DIR}/TRACE.mpits -o ${TRACE_NAME} + +Analysis +~~~~~~~~ + +Open the trace file in `Paraver `_ with + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ wxparaver ${TRACE_NAME} + +To view time traces, go to ``File -> Load Configuration``. There are many +configurations to choose from! Two useful configurations are: + +* ``mpi/views/MPI_call.cfg`` to show when MPI calls are made +* ``General/views/useful_duration.cfg`` to show continuous bursts of computation + +Reducing trace file size +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +When trace files are very large, Paraver will prompt the user to filter or cut +the file to reduce its size. +Filtering removes some information from the trace, making it small enough to +open and allow the user to select a region of interest. +Cutting crops the trace to a region of interest. +Both operations create new trace files, and never overwrite the original trace. + +The following prescription should work for manipulating large trace files: + +1. Open the large trace file in Paraver and click 'Yes' to filter it +2. Click on the tick box 'Filter' +3. Filter the trace file: + a) select box for Events + b) select box for Communications + c) in 'Keep States' select box for 'Running' + d) in 'Keep States' select box for 'IO' + e) select a min duration of 1000 + f) click 'Apply' +4. View 'useful duration' configuration and locate the region of interest +5. Zoom into the region of interest, and start and end the zoom on equivalent + large sections of computation (blue/green) +6. Right click -> Run -> Cutter +7. Change the 'Input' trace file to cut from the filtered to the original one. +8. Click cut. + +This produces a trace file which has all the original profiling information, +but is much smaller as it is limited in time to a region of interest. + +Machine-specific installation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +These are some configurations which have been found to work on +particular machines. + +Archer +^^^^^^ + +As of 1st February 2019, the following configuration should work + +.. code-block:: bash + + $ module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-gnu + $ module load fftw + $ module load archer-netcdf/4.1.3 + $ module load papi + $ module load bsctools/extrae + $ + $ export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic + +Note that due to a bug in the ``CC`` compiler, it is necessary to modify +``make.config`` after configuration to add the flag ``-fopenmp`` to +``BOUT_FLAGS``, when profiling OpenMP-parallelized code. diff --git a/manual/sphinx/figs/snb-sinusoidal.png b/manual/sphinx/figs/snb-sinusoidal.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f8376ca542 Binary files /dev/null and b/manual/sphinx/figs/snb-sinusoidal.png differ diff --git a/manual/sphinx/figs/snb-step.png b/manual/sphinx/figs/snb-step.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..73f55e6fa7 Binary files /dev/null and b/manual/sphinx/figs/snb-step.png differ diff --git a/manual/sphinx/index.rst b/manual/sphinx/index.rst index 51ef1d193b..1923087d98 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/index.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/index.rst @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ The documentation is divided into the following sections: user_docs/algebraic_operators user_docs/staggered_grids user_docs/eigenvalue_solver + user_docs/nonlocal .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 @@ -89,6 +90,8 @@ The documentation is divided into the following sections: developer_docs/data_types developer_docs/mesh developer_docs/file_io + developer_docs/natural_language + developer_docs/performance_profiling api_reference diff --git a/manual/sphinx/requirements.txt b/manual/sphinx/requirements.txt index 0c64ca8d21..49311794a0 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/requirements.txt +++ b/manual/sphinx/requirements.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -breathe -future +breathe==4.12.0 +future==0.16.0 diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/advanced_install.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/advanced_install.rst index 6468f31d47..f777260719 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/advanced_install.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/advanced_install.rst @@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ As of 20th April 2018, the following configuration should work $ module load fftw $ module load archer-netcdf/4.1.3 +When using CMake on Cray systems like Archer, you need to pass +``-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=CrayLinuxEnvironment`` so that the Cray compiler +wrappers are detected properly. + KNL @ Archer ~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -326,40 +330,33 @@ solver. Currently, BOUT++ also supports the SUNDIALS solvers CVODE, IDA and ARKODE which are available from https://computation.llnl.gov/casc/sundials/main.html. -.. note:: SUNDIALS is only downloadable from the home page, as submitting your - name and e-mail is required for the download. As for the date of this - typing, SUNDIALS version :math:`3.0.0` is the newest. In order for a - smooth install it is recommended to install SUNDIALS from an install - directory. The full installation guide is found in the downloaded - ``.tar.gz``, but we will provide a step-by-step guide to install it - and make it compatible with BOUT++ here - -.. warning:: BOUT++ currently only supports SUNDIALS 2.6 - 2.7! - Support for versions past 2.7 has yet to be - implemented. It is unlikely that we will support versions - before 2.6. +.. note:: BOUT++ currently supports SUNDIALS > 2.6, up to 4.1.0 as of + March 2019. It is advisable to use the highest possible + version -:: +In order for a smooth install it is recommended to install SUNDIALS +from an install directory. The full installation guide is found in the +downloaded ``.tar.gz``, but we will provide a step-by-step guide to +install it and make it compatible with BOUT++ here:: $ cd ~ - $ mkdir -p local/examples $ mkdir -p install/sundials-install $ cd install/sundials-install - $ # Move the downloaded sundials-2.6.0.tar.gz to sundials-install - $ tar -xzvf sundials-2.6.0.tar.gz - $ mkdir build - $ cd build + $ # Move the downloaded sundials-4.1.0.tar.gz to sundials-install + $ tar -xzvf sundials-4.1.0.tar.gz + $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local \ - -DEXAMPLES_INSTALL_PATH=$HOME/local/examples \ - -DCMAKE_LINKER=$HOME/local/lib \ -DLAPACK_ENABLE=ON \ -DOPENMP_ENABLE=ON \ -DMPI_ENABLE=ON \ - ../sundials-2.6.0 + -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=$(which mpicc) \ + -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which mpicxx) \ + ../sundials-4.1.0 $ make + $ make test $ make install The SUNDIALS IDA solver is a Differential-Algebraic Equation (DAE) @@ -367,11 +364,11 @@ solver, which evolves a system of the form :math:`\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{u},\dot{\mathbf{u}},t) = 0`. This allows algebraic constraints on variables to be specified. -To configure BOUT++ with SUNDIALS only (see section :ref:`sec-PETSc-install` on how -to build PETSc with SUNDIALS), go to the root directory of BOUT++ and -type:: +To configure BOUT++ with SUNDIALS only (see section +:ref:`sec-PETSc-install` on how to build PETSc with SUNDIALS), go to +the root directory of BOUT++ and type:: - $ ./configure --with-sundials + $ ./configure --with-sundials=/path/to/sundials/install SUNDIALS will allow you to select at run-time which solver to use. See :ref:`sec-timeoptions` for more details on how to do this. @@ -417,7 +414,7 @@ debugging. --download-mumps \ --download-scalapack \ --download-blacs \ - --download-f-blas-lapack=1 \ + --download-fblas-lapack=1 \ --download-parmetis \ --download-ptscotch \ --download-metis @@ -775,3 +772,22 @@ to .. code-block:: cpp typedef long CVODEINT; + +Compiling with IBM xlC compiler fails +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +When using the ``xlC`` compiler, an error may occur:: + + variant.hpp(1568) parameter pack "Ts" was referenced but not expanded + + +The workaround is to change line 428 of ``externalpackages/mpark.variant/include/mpark/lib.hpp`` from:: + + #ifdef MPARK_TYPE_PACK_ELEMENT + +to:: + + #ifdef CAUSES_ERROR // MPARK_TYPE_PACK_ELEMENT + +This will force an alternate implementation of type_pack_element to be defined. +See also https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-c-compiler/topic/501502 diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/bout_options.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/bout_options.rst index cf852733fa..500b1ccc46 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/bout_options.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/bout_options.rst @@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ The text input file ``BOUT.inp`` is always in a subdirectory called ``data`` for all examples. The files include comments (starting with either ``;`` or ``#``) and should be fairly self-explanatory. The format is the same as a windows INI file, consisting of ``name = value`` pairs. -Supported value types are: +Any type which can be read from a stream using the ``>>`` operator can +be stored in an option (see later for the implementation details). +Supported value types include: - Integers @@ -41,8 +43,13 @@ name in square brackets. [section1] something = 132 # an integer another = 5.131 # a real value - yetanother = true # a boolean - finally = "some text" # a string + 工作的 = true # a boolean + इनपुट = "some text" # a string + +Option names can contain almost any character except ’=’ and ’:’, including unicode. +If they start with a number or ``.``, contain arithmetic symbols +(``+-*/^``), brackets (``(){}[]``), whitespace or comma ``,``, then these will need +to be escaped in expressions. See below for how this is done. Subsections can also be used, separated by colons ’:’, e.g. @@ -67,6 +74,23 @@ Variables can even reference other variables: Note that variables can be used before their definition; all variables are first read, and then processed afterwards. +The value ``pi`` is already defined, as is ``π``, and can be used in expressions. + +Uses for expressions include initialising variables +:ref:`sec-expressions` and input sources, defining grids +:ref:`sec-gridgen` and MMS convergence tests :ref:`sec-mms`. + +Expressions can include addition (``+``), subtraction (``-``), +multiplication (``*``), division (``/``) and exponentiation (``^``) +operators, with the usual precedence rules. In addition to ``π``, +expressions can use predefined variables ``x``, ``y``, ``z`` and ``t`` +to refer to the spatial and time coordinates. +A number of functions are defined, listed in table +:numref:`tab-initexprfunc`. One slightly unusual feature is that if a +number comes before a symbol or an opening bracket (``(``) +then a multiplication is assumed: ``2x+3y^2`` is the same as +``2*x + 3*y^2``, which with the usual precedence rules is the same as +``(2*x) + (3*(y^2))``. All expressions are calculated in floating point and then converted to an integer when read inside BOUT++. The conversion is done by rounding @@ -81,10 +105,38 @@ use the ``round`` function: ok_integer = round(256.4) Note that it is still possible to read ``bad_integer`` as a real -number though. +number, since the type is determined by how it is used. Have a look through the examples to see how the options are used. +Special symbols in Option names +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +If option names start with numbers or ``.`` or contain symbols such as +``+`` and ``-`` then these symbols need to be escaped in expressions +or they will be treated as arithmetic operators like addition or +subtraction. To escape a single character +``\`` (backslash) can be used, for example ``plasma\-density * 10`` +would read the option ``plasma-density`` and multiply it +by 10 e.g + +.. code-block:: cfg + + plasma-density = 1e19 + 2ndvalue = 10 + value = plasma\-density * \2ndvalue + +To escape multiple characters, ` (backquote) can be used: + +.. code-block:: cfg + + plasma-density = 1e19 + 2ndvalue = 10 + value = `plasma-density` * `2ndvalue` + +The character ``:`` cannot be part of an option or section name, and cannot be escaped, +as it is always used to separate sections. + Command line options -------------------- @@ -244,6 +296,13 @@ direction can be specified: NXPE = 1 # Set number of X processors +Alternatively, the number in the Y direction can be specified (if both are +given, ``NXPE`` takes precedence and ``NYPE`` is ignored): + +.. code-block:: cfg + + NYPE = 1 # Set number of Y processors + If you need to specify complex input values, e.g. numerical values from experiment, you may want to use a grid file. The grid file to use is specified relative to the root directory where the simulation is @@ -284,11 +343,13 @@ name, e.g. if multiple meshes are used. - ``second``, method for second derivatives +- ``fourth``, method for fourth derivatives + - ``upwind``, method for upwinding terms - ``flux``, for conservation law terms -The methods which can be specified are U1, U4, C2, C4, W2, W3, FFT Apart +The methods which can be specified include U1, U4, C2, C4, W2, W3, FFT Apart from FFT, the first letter gives the type of method (U = upwind, C = central, W = WENO), and the number gives the order. @@ -346,7 +407,7 @@ contain a single time-slice, and are controlled by a section called +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | enabled | Writing is enabled | true | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------+ - | floats | Write floats rather than doubles | true (dmp) | + | floats | Write floats rather than doubles | false | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | flush | Flush the file to disk after each write | true | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------+--------------+ @@ -359,11 +420,10 @@ contain a single time-slice, and are controlled by a section called | -**enabled** is useful mainly for doing performance or scaling tests, -where you want to exclude I/O from the timings. **floats** is used to -reduce the size of the output files: restart files are stored as double -by default (since these will be used to restart a simulation), but -output dump files are set to floats by default. +**enabled** is useful mainly for doing performance or scaling tests, where you +want to exclude I/O from the timings. **floats** can be used to reduce the size +of the output files: files are stored as double by default, but setting +**floats = true** changes the output to single-precision floats. To enable parallel I/O for either output or restart files, set @@ -390,17 +450,20 @@ tree structure there is the `Options` class defined in To access the options, there is a static function (singleton):: - auto options = Options::root(); + auto& options = Options::root(); -which returns a reference (type ``Options&``). Options can be set by +which returns a reference (type ``Options&``). Note that without +the ``&`` the options tree will be copied, so any changes made will not +be retained in the global tree. Options can be set by assigning, treating options as a map or dictionary:: options["nout"] = 10; // Integer options["restart"] = true; // bool -Internally these values are converted to strings. Any type can be -assigned, so long as it can be streamed to a string (using ``<<`` -operator and a ``std::stringstream``). +Internally these values are stored in a variant type, which supports commonly +used types including strings, integers, real numbers and fields (2D and +3D). Since strings can be stored, any type can be assigned, so long as it can be +streamed to a string (using ``<<`` operator and a ``std::stringstream``). Often it’s useful to see where an option setting has come from e.g. the name of the options file or “command line”. To specify a source, use @@ -419,7 +482,7 @@ any):: Sub-sections are created as they are accessed, so a value in a sub-section could be set using:: - auto section = options["mysection"]; + auto& section = options["mysection"]; section["myswitch"] = true; or just:: @@ -441,6 +504,20 @@ cached. If a default value has already been cached for this option, then the default values must be consistent: A ``BoutException`` is thrown if inconsistent default values are detected. +The default can also be set from another option. This may be useful if two or +more options should usually be changed together:: + + BoutReal value2 = options["value2"].withDefault(options["value1"]); + +Note that if the result should be a real number (e.g. ``BoutReal``) then ``withDefault`` +should be given a real. Otherwise it will convert the number to an integer:: + + BoutReal value = options["value"].withDefault(42); // Convert to integer + + BoutReal value = options["value"].withDefault(42.0); // ok + + auto value = options["value"].withDefault(42); // ok + It is common for BOUT++ models to read in many settings which have the same variable name as option setting (e.g. "nout" here). A convenient macro reads options into an already-defined variable:: @@ -472,11 +549,28 @@ inferred from the argument:: BoutReal nout = options["nout"].withDefault(1); +Documentation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +Options can be given a ``doc`` attribute describing what they do. This documentation +will then be written to the ``BOUT.settings`` file at the end of a run:: + + Te0 = options["Te0"].doc("Temperature in eV").withDefault(30.0); + +The ``.doc()`` function returns a reference ``Options&`` so can be chained +with ``withDefault`` or ``as`` functions, or as part of an assignment:: + + options["value"].doc("Useful setting info") = 42; + +This string is stored in the attributes of the option:: + + std::string docstring = options["value"].attributes["doc"]; + Older interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Most code in BOUT++ currently uses an older interface to ``Options`` +Some code in BOUT++ currently uses an older interface to ``Options`` which uses pointers rather than references. Both interfaces are currently supported, but use of the newer interface above is encouraged. @@ -565,6 +659,101 @@ has a method:: This is currently quite rudimentary and needs improving. +Reading and writing to NetCDF +----------------------------- + +If NetCDF4 support is enabled, then the ``OptionsNetCDF`` class +provides an experimental way to read and write options. To use this class:: + + #include "options_netcdf.hxx" + using bout::experimental::OptionsNetCDF; + +Examples are in integrated test ``tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/`` + +To write the current ``Options`` tree (e.g. from ``BOUT.inp``) to a +NetCDF file:: + + OptionsNetCDF("settings.nc").write(Options::root()); + +and to read it in again:: + + Options data = OptionsNetCDF("settings.nc").read(); + +Fields can also be stored and written:: + + Options fields; + fields["f2d"] = Field2D(1.0); + fields["f3d"] = Field3D(2.0); + OptionsNetCDF("fields.nc").write(fields); + +This should allow the input settings and evolving variables to be +combined into a single tree (see above on joining trees) and written +to the output dump or restart files. + +Reading fields is a bit more difficult. Currently 1D data is read as +an ``Array``, 2D as ``Matrix`` and 3D as +``Tensor``. These can be extracted directly from the +``Options`` tree, or converted to a Field:: + + Options fields_in = OptionsNetCDF("fields.nc").read(); + Field2D f2d = fields_in["f2d"].as(); + Field3D f3d = fields_in["f3d"].as(); + +Note that by default reading as ``Field2D`` or ``Field3D`` will use the global +``bout::globals::mesh``. To use a different mesh, or different cell location, +pass a field which the result should be similar to:: + + Field3D example = ... // Some existing field + + Field3D f3d = fields_in["f3d"].as(example); + +Meta data like ``Mesh`` pointer, will be taken from ``example``. + +Currently converting from ``Matrix`` or ``Tensor`` types only works if +the data in the ``Matrix`` or ``Tensor`` is the same size as the +``Field``. In the case of grid files, the fields only needs a part of +the global values. Some kind of mapping from the global index to local +index is needed, probably defined by ``Mesh``. For now it should be +possible to be compatible with the current system, so that all +quantities from the grid file are accessed through Mesh::get. + +Time dependence +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +When writing NetCDF files, some variables should have a time +dimension added, and then be added to each time they are written. This +has been implemented using an attribute: If variables in the ``Options`` +tree have an attribute "time_dimension" then that is used as the name +of the time dimension in the output file. This allows multiple time +dimensions e.g. high frequency diagnostics and low frequency outputs, +to exist in the same file:: + + Options data; + data["scalar"] = 1.0; + data["scalar"].attributes["time_dimension"] = "t"; + + data["field"] = Field3D(2.0); + data["field"].attributes["time_dimension"] = "t"; + + OptionsNetCDF("time.nc").write(data); + + // Update time-dependent values. This can be done without `force` if the time_dimension + // attribute is set + data["scalar"] = 2.0; + data["field"] = Field3D(3.0); + + // Append data to file + OptionsNetCDF("time.nc", OptionsNetCDF::FileMode::append).write(data); + +Some issues: + +* Currently all variables in the Options tree are written when passed + to ``OptionsNetCDF::write``. This means that the variables with + different time dimensions should be stored in different Options + trees, so they can be written at different times. One possibility is + to have an optional argument to write, so that only variables with + one specified time dimension are updated. + FFT --- diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/coordinates.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/coordinates.rst index 45c0e08393..23d72863e9 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/coordinates.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/coordinates.rst @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ .. default-role:: math +.. _sec-field-aligned-coordinates: + ========================= Field-aligned coordinates ========================= @@ -15,8 +17,6 @@ Introduction This manual covers the field-aligned coordinate system used in many BOUT++ tokamak models, and useful derivations and expressions. -.. _sec:coordinates: - Orthogonal toroidal coordinates =============================== @@ -1365,10 +1365,10 @@ which can only be true if `\nabla u^i\cdot{\boldsymbol{e}}_j = \delta^i_j` i.e. if -.. raw:: latex +.. math:: - \framebox{Sets of vectors $\ve{e}^i\equiv\nabla u^i$ and $\ve{e}_j$ are - reciprocal} + \text{Sets of vectors $\boldsymbol{e}^i\equiv\nabla u^i$ and + $\boldsymbol{e}_j$ are reciprocal} Since the sets of vectors `\left\{{\boldsymbol{e}}^i\right\}` and @@ -1387,9 +1387,9 @@ metric coefficients `g_{ij} = \mathbf{e_i\cdot e_j}` and orthogonal then `g_{ij}=g^{ij} = 0` for `i\neq j` i.e. the metric is diagonal. -.. raw:: latex +.. math:: - \framebox{$g_{ij} = h_ih_j\hv{e}_i\cdot\hv{e}_j$ and so $g_{ii} = h_i^2$} + \text{$g_{ij} = h_ih_j\boldsymbol{e}_i\cdot\boldsymbol{e}_j$ and so $g_{ii} = h_i^2$} For a general set of coordinates, the nabla operator can be expressed as @@ -1432,17 +1432,18 @@ u^k` in equation :eq:`eq:laplacegen` gives .. math:: :label: eq:general_laplacian - \nabla^2f = \nabla\cdot\nabla f = \nabla\cdot\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial + \begin{aligned} + \nabla^2f &= \nabla\cdot\nabla f = \nabla\cdot\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\nabla x + \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\nabla y + \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\nabla z\right) \nonumber \\ - - = \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}\left|\nabla x\right|^2 + \frac{\partial^2 + &= \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x^2}\left|\nabla x\right|^2 + \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y^2}\left|\nabla y\right|^2 + \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial z^2}\left|\nabla z\right|^2 \\ +2\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x\partial y}\left(\nabla x\cdot\nabla y\right) +2\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x\partial z}\left(\nabla x\cdot\nabla z\right) +2\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial y\partial z}\left(\nabla y\cdot\nabla z\right) \nonumber \\ +\nabla^2x\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} +\nabla^2y\frac{\partial f}{\partial y} + \nabla^2z\frac{\partial f}{\partial z} \nonumber + \end{aligned} Curl defined as: diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/differential_operators.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/differential_operators.rst index 90f587ccdf..bab4c35262 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/differential_operators.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/differential_operators.rst @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ central differencing), and differential operators (such as Differencing methods -------------------- -Methods are implemented on 5-point stencils, and are divided into three -categories: +Methods are typically implemented on *5-point* stencils (although +exceptions are possible) and are divided into three categories: - Central-differencing methods, for diffusion operators :math:`\frac{df}{dx}`, :math:`\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}`. Each method has a @@ -35,46 +35,78 @@ categories: - ``C4``: 4\ :math:`^{th}` order :math:`(-f_{-2} + 16f_{-1} - 30f_0 + 16f_1 - f_2)/12` + - ``S2``: 2\ :math:`^{nd}` order smoothing derivative + - ``W2``: 2\ :math:`^{nd}` order CWENO - ``W3``: 3\ :math:`^{rd}` order CWENO - - ``FFT``: Fourier Transform method in Z (axisymmetric) direction - only - - Upwinding methods for advection operators :math:`v_x\frac{df}{dx}` - ``U1``: 1\ :math:`^{st}` order upwinding + - ``U2``: 2\ :math:`^{nd}` order upwinding + + - ``U3``: 3\ :math:`^{rd}` order upwinding + - ``U4``: 4\ :math:`^{th}` order upwinding + - ``C2``: 2\ :math:`^{nd}` order central + + - ``C4``: 4\ :math:`^{th}` order central + - ``W3``: 3\ :math:`^{rd}` order `Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO)`_ - Flux conserving and limiting methods for terms of the form :math:`\frac{d}{dx}(v_x f)` - - ``SPLIT``: split into upwind and central terms - :math:`\frac{d}{dx}(v_x f) = v_x\frac{df}{dx} + f\frac{dv_x}{dx}` + - ``U1``: 1\ :math:`^{st}` order upwinding - - ``NND``: `Non-oscillatory, containing No free parameters and - Dissipative (NND) scheme`_ + - ``C2``: 2\ :math:`^{nd}` order central -.. _Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO): https://doi.org/10.1137/S106482759732455X + - ``C4``: 4\ :math:`^{th}` order central + +Special methods : + +- ``FFT``: Classed as a central method, Fourier Transform method in Z + (axisymmetric) direction only. Currently available for ``first`` + and ``second`` order central difference -.. _Non-oscillatory, containing No free parameters and Dissipative (NND) scheme: https://doi.org/10.1088/0253-6102/54/6/28 +- ``SPLIT``: A flux method that splits into upwind and central terms + :math:`\frac{d}{dx}(v_x f) = v_x\frac{df}{dx} + f\frac{dv_x}{dx}` + -Both of these methods avoid overshoots (Gibbs phenomena) at sharp +.. _Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO): https://doi.org/10.1137/S106482759732455X + +WENO methods avoid overshoots (Gibbs phenomena) at sharp gradients such as shocks, but the simple 1st-order method has very large artificial diffusion. WENO schemes are a development of the ENO reconstruction schemes which combine good handling of sharp-gradient regions with high accuracy in smooth regions. -To use these differencing operators directly, add the following to the -top of your physics module:: +The stencil based methods are based by a kernel that combines the data +in a stencil to produce a single BoutReal (note upwind/flux methods +take extra information about the flow, either a ``BoutReal`` or +another ``stencil``). It is not anticipated that the user would wish +to apply one of these kernels directly so documentation is not +provided here for how to do so. If this is of interest please look at +``include/bout/index_derivs.hxx``. Internally, these kernel routines +are combined within a functor struct that uses a ``BOUT_FOR`` loop +over the domain to provide a routine that will apply the kernel to +every point, calculating the derivative everywhere. These routines are +registered in the appropriate ``DerivativeStore`` and identified by +the direction of differential, the staggering, the type +(central/upwind/flux) and a key such as "C2". The typical user does +not need to interact with this store, instead one can add the +following to the top of your physics module:: #include +to provide access to the following routines. These take care of +selecting the appropriate method from the store and ensuring the +input/output field locations are compatible. + .. _tab-coordinate-derivatives: .. table:: Coordinate derivatives @@ -93,11 +125,11 @@ top of your physics module:: +--------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | D2DZ2(f) | :math:`\partial^2 f / \partial z^2` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | D2DX4(f) | :math:`\partial^4 f / \partial x^4` | + | D4DX4(f) | :math:`\partial^4 f / \partial x^4` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | D2DY4(f) | :math:`\partial^4 f / \partial y^4` | + | D4DY4(f) | :math:`\partial^4 f / \partial y^4` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------+ - | D2DZ4(f) | :math:`\partial^4 f / \partial z^4` | + | D4DZ4(f) | :math:`\partial^4 f / \partial z^4` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | D2DXDZ(f) | :math:`\partial^2 f / \partial x\partial z` | +--------------+-----------------------------------------------+ @@ -118,8 +150,173 @@ top of your physics module:: By default the method used will be the one specified in the options input file (see :ref:`sec-diffmethodoptions`), but most of these -methods can take an optional `DIFF_METHOD` argument, specifying -exactly which method to use. +methods can take an optional `std::string` argument (or a +`DIFF_METHOD` argument - to be deprecated), specifying exactly which +method to use. + +.. _sec-diffmethod-userregistration: + +User registered methods +----------------------- + +.. note:: The following may be considered advanced usage. + +It is possible for the user to define their own +differencing routines, either by supplying a stencil using kernel or +writing their own functor that calculates the differential +everywhere. It is then possible to register these methods with the +derivative store (for any direction, staggering etc.). For examples +please look at ``include/bout/index_derivs.hxx`` to see how these +approaches work. + +Here is a verbose example showing how the ``C2`` method is +implemented. + +:: + + DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV(DDX_C2, "C2", 1, DERIV::Stanard) { + return 0.5*(f.p - f.m); + }; + + +Here `DEFINE_STANARD_DERIV` is a macro that acts on the kernel `return +0.5*(f.p - f.m);` and produces the functor that will apply the +differencing method over an entire field. The macro takes several +arguments; + +- the first (`DDX_C2`) is the name of the generated functor -- this + needs to be unique and allows advanced users to refer to a specific + derivative functor without having to go through the derivative store + if desired. + +- the second (`"C2"`) is the string key that is used to refer to this + specific method when registering/retrieving the method from the + derivative store. + +- the third (`1`) is the number of guard cells required to be able to + use this method (i.e. here the stencil will consist of three values + -- the field at the current point and one point either side). This + can be 1 or 2. + +- the fourth (`DERIV::Standard`) identifies the type of method - here + a central method. + +Alongside `DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV` there's also `DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV`, +`DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV` and the staggered versions +`DEFINE_STANDARD_DERIV_STAGGERED`, `DEFINE_UPWIND_DERIV_STAGGERED` and +`DEFINE_FLUX_DERIV_STAGGERED`. + +To register this method with the derivative store in `X` and `Z` with +no staggering for both field types we can then use the following code: + +:: + + produceCombinations, + Set, + Set>, + Set> + someUniqueNameForDerivativeRegistration(registerMethod{}); + + +For the common case where the user wishes to register the method in +`X`, `Y` and `Z` and for both field types we provide the helper +macros, `REGISTER_DERIVATIVE` and `REGISTER_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE` +which could be used as `REGISTER_DERIVATIVE(DDX_C2)`. + +To simplify matters further we provide `REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE`, +`REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE`, `REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE`, +`REGISTER_STANDARD_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE`, +`REGISTER_UPWIND_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE` and +`REGISTER_FLUX_STAGGERED_DERIVATIVE` macros that can define and +register a stencil using kernel in a single step. For example: + +:: + + REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(DDX_C2, "C2", 1, DERIV::Standard) { return 0.5*(f.p-f.m);}; + + +Will define the `DDX_C2` functor and register it with the derivative +store using key `"C2"` for all three directions and both fields with +no staggering. + + +.. _sec-diffmethod-mixedsecond: + +Mixed second-derivative operators +--------------------------------- + +Coordinate derivatives commute, as long as the coordinates are globally well-defined, i.e. + +.. math:: + + \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial y} f \right) + = \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x} f \right) \\ + \frac{\partial}{\partial y} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial z} f \right) + = \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial y} f \right) \\ + \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial x} f \right) + = \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial z} f \right) + +When using ``paralleltransform = shifted`` or ``paralleltransform = fci`` (see +:ref:`sec-parallel-transforms`) we do not have globally well-defined coordinates. In those +cases the coordinate systems are field-aligned, but the grid points are at constant +toroidal angle. The field-aligned coordinates are defined locally, on planes of constant +:math:`y`. There are different coordinate systems for each plane. However, within each +local coordinate system the derivatives do commute. :math:`y`-derivatives are taken in the +local field-aligned coordinate system, so mixed derivatives are calculated as + +:: + + D2DXDY(f) = DDX(DDY(f)) + D2DYDZ(f) = DDZ(DDY(f)) + +This order is simpler -- the alternative is possible. Using second-order central +difference operators for the y-derivatives we could calculate (not worring about +communications or boundary conditions here) + +:: + + Field3D D2DXDY(Field3D f) { + auto result{emptyFrom(f)}; + auto& coords = \*f.getCoordinates() + + auto dfdx_yup = DDX(f.yup()); + auto dfdx_ydown = DDX(f.ydown()); + + BOUT_FOR(i, f.getRegion()) { + result[i] = (dfdx_yup[i.yp()] - dfdx_ydown[i.ym()]) / (2. * coords.dy[i]) + } + + return result; + } + +This would give equivalent results to the previous form [#]_ as ``yup`` and ``ydown`` give +the values of ``f`` one grid point along the magnetic field *in the local field-aligned +coordinate system*. + +The :math:`x\mathrm{-}z` derivative is unaffected as it is taken entirely on a plane of +constant :math:`y` anyway. It is evaluated as + +:: + + D2DXDZ(f) = DDZ(DDX(f)) + +As the ``z``-direction is periodic and the ``z``-grid is not split across processors, +``DDZ`` does not require any guard cells. By taking ``DDZ`` second, we do not have to +communicate or set boundary conditions on the result of ``DDX`` or ``DDY`` before taking +``DDZ``. + +The derivatives in ``D2DXDY(f)`` are applied in two steps. First ``dfdy = DDY(f)`` is +calculated; ``dfdy`` is communicated and has a boundary condition applied so that all the +x-guard cells are filled. The boundary condition is ``free_o3`` by default (3rd order +extrapolation into the boundary cells), but can be specified with the fifth argument to +``D2DXDY`` (see :ref:`sec-bndryopts` for possible options). Second ``DDX(dfdy)`` is +calculated, and returned from the function. + +.. [#] Equivalent but not exactly the same numerically. Expanding out the derivatives in + second-order central-difference form shows that the two differ in the grid points + at which they evaluate ``dx`` and ``dy``. As long as the grid spacings are smooth + this should not affect the order of accuracy of the scheme (?). + .. _sec-diffmethod-nonuniform: @@ -470,191 +667,7 @@ values. Several slope limiters are defined in ``fv_ops.hxx``: default. -Operators on a single index ---------------------------- - -**Note: Experimental** - -The standard functions implemented in BOUT++ (such as ``DDX``, or -``bracket``) typically operate on a whole field, internally iterating -over the entire mesh. This is convenient, but leads to many loops over -the mesh, which can be inefficient due to cache misses. One way to try -to improve efficiency is to move to a single loop over the mesh. To do -this, some operators are implemented in ``bout/operators_di.hxx`` -which have the same (or similar) names as the standard operators but -an additional `DataIterator` index. - -For example, in ``examples/blob2d.cxx`` - -:: - - ddt(n) = - bracket(phi,n,BRACKET_ARAKAWA) - + 2 * DDZ(n) * (rho_s / R_c) - ; - -which in ``examples/blob2d-outerloop.cxx`` becomes:: - - for(auto &i : n.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - ... - ddt(n)[i] = - bracket_arakawa(phi, n, i) - + 2 * DDZ_C2(n, i) * (rho_s / R_c) - ; - } - -Note that in addition to providing an index ``i`` which is of type -`DataIterator`, the function name includes the method (``arakawa`` or -``C2``). This is so that the function call does not have to contain -logic to decide the method to use at runtime. The standard operators -only have to decide which method to use once, then loop over the -entire mesh, but these indexed functions would have to decide the -method for every index. - -.. _sec-derivatives: - -Derivative internals --------------------- - -This is probably the part of the code most people will want to alter, -and is in ``bout++/src/sys/derivs.cxx``. The main task of this module is -to map functions on fields like ``DDX`` to direction-independent -differential methods on stencils such as :math:`4^{th}`-order central -differencing. This mapping depends on global settings in ``BOUT.inp`` -and is illustrated in :numref:`fig-diffOverview`. - -.. _fig-diffOverview: -.. figure:: ../figs/diffOverview.* - :alt: Overview of ``derivs`` module - - Overview of ``derivs`` module, mapping derivative functions on fields - to direction-independent differential methods - -Four kinds of differencing methods are supported - -#. | First derivative ``DDX``, ``DDY``, ``DDZ`` - | Central differencing type schemes for first-order derivatives - -#. | Second derivatives ``D2DX2``, ``D2DZ2``, ``D2DZ2`` - | Central differencing second derivatives e.g. for :math:`\nabla^2` - -#. | Upwinding ``VDDX``, ``VDDY``, ``VDDZ`` - | Terms like :math:`\mathbf{v}\cdot\nabla` - -#. | Flux methods ``FDDX``, ``FDDY``, ``FDDZ`` - | Flux conserving, limiting methods for terms like - :math:`\nabla\cdot\left(\mathbf{v}f\right)` - -The differencing methods themselves are independent on direction, and -have types defined in :doc:`derivs.cxx<../_breathe_autogen/file/derivs_8cxx>` - -:: - - typedef BoutReal (*deriv_func)(stencil &); // f - typedef BoutReal (*upwind_func)(stencil &, stencil &); // v, f - -These operate on ``stencil`` objects. This class is in :doc:`stencils.hxx<../_breathe_autogen/file/stencils_8hxx>` - -:: - - class stencil { - public: - int jx, jy, jz; // Central location - BoutReal c, p, m, pp, mm; // stencil 2 each side of the centre - Overloaded operators - =,+,-,*,/ - Functions - min, max, abs - }; - -The main purpose of this class is to store a 5-element stencil. To -simplify some code this class also has a bunch of overloaded operators -on BoutReals and other stencil objects. There are also some functions to -calculate things like absolute, minimum, and maximum values. - -Lookup tables -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - -To convert between short variable names (“C2”), long descriptions -(“2nd order Central Differencing”), ``DIFF_METHOD`` enums used to -specify methods at runtime (DIFF\_C2, defined in -:doc:`bout_types.hxx<../_breathe_autogen/file/bout__types_8hxx>`), and -function pointers (``DDX_C2``), taking into account whether variables -are shifted or not, BOUT++ uses a set of lookup tables. - -To find function pointers, tables of the following type are used:: - - /// Translate between DIFF_METHOD codes, and functions - struct DiffLookup { - DIFF_METHOD method; - deriv_func func; // Single-argument differencing function - upwind_func up_func; // Upwinding function - }; - -Because the ``DiffLookup`` type contains a ``deriv_func`` and -``upwind_func`` pointer, it is used for all function lookup tables. -There is a separate table for each type of differencing method, so for -example the table of non-staggered upwinding methods is - -:: - - /// Upwinding functions lookup table - static DiffLookup UpwindTable[] = { {DIFF_U1, NULL, VDDX_U1}, - {DIFF_C2, NULL, VDDX_C2}, - {DIFF_U4, NULL, VDDX_U4}, - {DIFF_W3, NULL, VDDX_WENO3}, - {DIFF_C4, NULL, VDDX_C4}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT}}; - -The ``DIFF_DEFAULT`` at the end is used to terminate the array. These -tables are used by functions - -:: - - deriv_func lookupFunc(DiffLookup* table, DIFF_METHOD method); - upwind_func lookupUpwindFunc(DiffLookup* table, DIFF_METHOD method); - -which return the function pointer corresponding to the given method. If -the method isn’t in the table, then the first entry in the table is -used. These functions can be used at run-time to allow a user to specify -the method to use for specific operators. - -When reading settings from the input file, they are specified as short -strings like “C2”, and a longer description of the method chosen should -be written to the output log. To do this, there is a name lookup table:: - - /// Translate between short names, long names and DIFF_METHOD codes - struct DiffNameLookup { - DIFF_METHOD method; - const char* label; // Short name - const char* name; // Long name - }; - - static DiffNameLookup DiffNameTable[] = { - {DIFF_U1, "U1", "First order upwinding"}, - {DIFF_C2, "C2", "Second order central"}, - {DIFF_W2, "W2", "Second order WENO"}, - {DIFF_W3, "W3", "Third order WENO"}, - {DIFF_C4, "C4", "Fourth order central"}, - {DIFF_U4, "U4", "Fourth order upwinding"}, - {DIFF_FFT, "FFT", "FFT"}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT}}; // Use to terminate the list - -To search this table, there is the function - -:: - - DIFF_METHOD lookupFunc(DiffLookup *table, const string &label) - -During initialisation, the lookup therefore works in two stages, shown -in :numref:`fig-diffLookup`. First the short description is turned into a -``DIFF_METHOD`` enum code, then this code is turned into a function -pointer. - -.. _fig-diffLookup: -.. figure:: ../figs/diffLookup.* - :alt: Lookup tables for differential method - - Lookup tables for mapping between differential method labels, codes, - descriptions and function pointers +.. _sec-staggeredgrids: Staggered grids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -758,7 +771,7 @@ well defined Fourier transform. This means that In our case, we are dealing with periodic boundary conditions. Strictly speaking, the Fourier transform does not exist in such cases, but it is possible to define a Fourier transform in the limit which in the end -lead to the Fourier series [1]_ By discretising the spatial domain, it +lead to the Fourier series [#]_ By discretising the spatial domain, it is no longer possible to represent the infinite amount of Fourier modes, but only :math:`N+1` number of modes, where :math:`N` is the number of points (this includes the modes with negative frequencies, and the @@ -789,5 +802,5 @@ The discrete version of equation (:eq:`f_derivative`) thus gives \partial_z^n F(x,y)_k = (i k)^n F(x,y)_k -.. [1] For more detail see Bracewell, R. N. - The Fourier Transform +.. [#] For more detail see Bracewell, R. N. - The Fourier Transform and Its Applications 3rd Edition chapter 10 diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/input_grids.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/input_grids.rst index 38ebf4da5e..501d6e57cc 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/input_grids.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/input_grids.rst @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ to many other situations. enabled in the options file or in general the ``TwistShift`` flag in ``mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx`` is enabled by other means. BOUT++ automatically reads the twist shifts in the gridfile if the shifts - are stored in a field in a field ShiftAngle[nx]. If not given, this - is set to zero. + are stored in a field ShiftAngle[nx]; ShiftAngle must be given in the + gridfile or grid-options if ``TwistShift = True``. The only quantities which are required are the sizes of the grid. If these are the only quantities specified, then the coordinates revert to diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/installing.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/installing.rst index b204ff2b98..b98568a47b 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/installing.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/installing.rst @@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ The bare-minimum requirements for compiling and running BOUT++ are: MPICH ( `https://www.mpich.org/ `__) or LAM (`www.lam-mpi.org/ `__) -#. The FFTW-3 library ( `http://www.fftw.org/ `__ ) - #. The NetCDF library ( `https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/netcdf `__ ) + +The FFTW-3 library ( `http://www.fftw.org/ `__ ) is also strongly recommended .. note:: If you use an Intel compiler, you must also make sure that you have @@ -277,6 +277,96 @@ configuration:: If not, see :ref:`sec-advancedinstall` for some things you can try to resolve common problems. +.. _sec-cmake: + +CMake +----- + +There is now (experimental) support for `CMake `_. You will need CMake > +3.9. CMake supports out-of-source builds by default, which are A Good +Idea. Basic configuration with CMake looks like:: + + $ mkdir build && cd build + $ cmake .. + +You can then run ``make`` as usual. + +You can see what build options are available with:: + + $ cmake .. -LH + ... + // Enable backtrace + ENABLE_BACKTRACE:BOOL=ON + + // Output coloring + ENABLE_COLOR:BOOL=ON + + // Enable OpenMP support + ENABLE_OPENMP:BOOL=OFF + + // Enable support for PETSc time solvers and inversions + USE_PETSC:BOOL=OFF + ... + +CMake uses the ``-D=`` syntax to control these +variables. You can set ``_ROOT`` to guide CMake in finding +the various optional third-party packages (except for PETSc/SLEPc, +which use ``_DIR``). CMake understands the usual environment variables +for setting the compiler, compiler/linking flags, as well as having +built-in options to control them and things like static vs shared +libraries, etc. See the `CMake documentation +`_ for more infomation. + +A more complicated CMake configuration command +might look like:: + + $ CC=mpicc CXX=mpic++ cmake .. \ + -DUSE_PETSC=ON -DPETSC_DIR=/path/to/petsc/ \ + -DUSE_SLEPC=ON -DSLEPC_DIR=/path/to/slepc/ \ + -DUSE_SUNDIALS=ON -DSUNDIALS_ROOT=/path/to/sundials \ + -DUSE_NETCDF=ON -DNetCDF_ROOT=/path/to/netcdf \ + -DENABLE_OPENMP=ON \ + -DENABLE_SIGFPE=OFF \ + -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ + -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON + -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/BOUT++ + +You can write a CMake configuration file (``CMakeLists.txt``) for your +physics model in only four lines: + +.. code-block:: cmake + + project(blob2d LANGUAGES CXX) + find_package(bout++ REQUIRED) + add_executable(blob2d blob2d.cxx) + target_link_libraries(blob2d PRIVATE bout++::bout++) + +You just need to give CMake the location where you installed BOUT++ +via the ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`` variable:: + + $ mkdir build && cd build + $ cmake .. -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/install/BOUT++ + +.. _sec-config-nls: + +Natural Language Support +------------------------ + +BOUT++ has support for languages other than English, using GNU +gettext. If you are planning on installing BOUT++ (see +:ref:`sec-install-bout`) then this should work automatically, but if +you will be running BOUT++ from the directory you downloaded it into, +then configure with the option:: + + ./configure --localedir=$PWD/locale + +This will enable BOUT++ to find the translations. When ``configure`` +finishes, the configuration summary should contain a line like:: + + configure: Natural language support: yes (path: /home/user/BOUT-dev/locale) + +where the ``path`` is the directory containing the translations. + .. _sec-configanalysis: Configuring analysis routines diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/invertable_operator.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/invertable_operator.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9be3a2863a --- /dev/null +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/invertable_operator.rst @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +.. _sec-invertable: + +Invertable operators +==================== + +A common problem in physics models is solve a matrix equation of the +form + +.. math:: + + \underline{\underline{A}} \cdot \underline{x} = \underline{b} + +for the unknown :math:`\underline{x}`. Here +:math:`\underline{\underline{A}}` represents some differential +operator subject to boundary conditions. A specific example is the set +of Laplacian operators described in :ref:`sec-laplacian`. + +Whilst specific tools are provided to deal with Laplacian and parallel +Helmholtz like equations these do not capture all possible systems and +are typically implemented (at least partially) independently of the +finite difference representation of the forward operators provided by +the rest of BOUT++. To address this a class `InvertableOperator` has +been implemented that allows the user to define a generic differential +operator and provides a simple (for the user) method to invert the +operator to find :math:`\underline{x}`. This class currently relies on +PETSc to provide the inversion functionality and hence is not +available when configuring without PETSc support. It is available in +the namespace ``bout::inversion``. + +There is an example in `examples/invertable_operator` that uses the +class to solve a simple Laplacian operator and compares to the +specific Laplacian inversion solvers. + +The `InvertableOperator` class is templated on the field type of the +operator (essentially defining the domain over which the problem +exists). To define the operator that the `InvertableOperator` +instances represents one should use the +`InvertableOperator::setOperatorFunction` method. This takes a +function of signature ``std::function``. This can be a +``std::function``, compatible function pointer, lambda or a +functor. The last of these allows more complicated functions that use +a local context. For example the following code snippet demonstrates a +functor that stores several auxilliary ``Field3D`` variables used in +the ``operator()`` call:: + + struct myLaplacian { + Field3D D = 1.0, C = 1.0, A = 0.0; + + // Drop C term for now + Field3D operator()(const Field3D &input) { + TRACE("myLaplacian::operator()"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_operate"); + Field3D result = A * input + D * Delp2(input); + + // Ensure boundary points are set appropriately as given by the input field. + result.setBoundaryTo(input); + + return result; + }; + }; + + + +A more complete example is :: + + struct myLaplacian { + Field3D D = 1.0, C = 1.0, A = 0.0; + + // Drop C term for now + Field3D operator()(const Field3D &input) { + TRACE("myLaplacian::operator()"); + Timer timer("invertable_operator_operate"); + Field3D result = A * input + D * Delp2(input); + + // Ensure boundary points are set appropriately as given by the input field. + result.setBoundaryTo(input); + + return result; + }; + }; + + bout::inversion::InveratbleOperator solver; + myLaplacian laplacianOperator; + laplacianOperator.A = 1.0; + laplacianOperator.B = 2.0; + + // Set the function defining the operator + solver.setOperatorFunction(laplacianOperator); + + // Perform initial setup + solver.setup(); + + // Now invert the operator for a given right hand side. + Field3D rhs = 3.0*x; + auto solution = solver.invert(rhs); + + +The PETSc backend solver is an iterative solver. It can be controlled +through the usual PETSc command line options. Note we define the +options prefix here to be `-invertable`, so instead of `-ksp_type` one +would use `-invertable_ksp_type` for example. + +By default the solver caches the result to use as the initial guess +for the next call to ``invert``. There is an overload of ``invert`` +that takes a second field, which is used to set the initial guess to +use in that call. + +The routine ``setOperatorFunction`` takes the function by value, and +hence subsequent changes to the functor will not be reflected in the +operator without a further call to ``setOperatorFunction``. For +example:: + + using bout::inversion; + InvertableOperator solver; + myLaplacian laplacianOperator; + laplacianOperator.A = 1.0; + laplacianOperator.B = 2.0; + + // Set the function defining the operator + solver.setOperatorFunction(laplacianOperator); + + // Perform initial setup + solver.setup(); + + // This does not change the operator represented by + // solver yet. + laplacianOperator.B = -1.0; + + // This call updates the function used by solver + // and hence the operator is update to reflect the state + // of laplacianOperator. + solver.setOperatorFunction(laplacianOperator); + +The class provides a ``reportTime`` method that reports the time spent +in various parts of the class. Note that by including ``Timer +timer("invertable_operator_operate");`` in the function representing +the operator ``reportTime`` will include the time spent actually +applying the operator. + +The class provides both ``apply`` and ``operator()`` methods that can +be used to apply the operator to a field. For example the following +should be equivalent to no operation:: + + // Here result should == input, at least in the main simulation domain + auto result = solver(solver.invert(input)); + + +The class provides a ``verify`` method that checks that applying the +operator to the calculated inverse returns the input field within some +tolerance. + +It's also possible to register a function to use as a +preconditioner. By default this is the same as the full operator +function. diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/laplacian.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/laplacian.rst index 9f6e9e3e7a..c41a958135 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/laplacian.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/laplacian.rst @@ -65,30 +65,34 @@ Usage of the laplacian inversion In BOUT++, equation :eq:`full_laplace_inv` can be solved in two ways. The first method Fourier transforms in the :math:`z`-direction, -whilst the other is solving the full two dimensional problem by matrix +whilst the other solves the full two dimensional problem by matrix inversion. The derivation of :math:`\nabla_\perp^2f` for a general -coordinate system can be found in the ``coordinates`` manual. What is -important, is to note that if :math:`g_{xy}` and :math:`g_{yz}` are -non-zero, BOUT++ is neglecting the :math:`y`-parallel derivatives when -using the solvers `Laplacian` and `LaplaceXZ`. +coordinate system can be found in the +:ref:`sec-field-aligned-coordinates` section. What is important, is to +note that if :math:`g_{xy}` and :math:`g_{yz}` are non-zero, BOUT++ +neglects the :math:`y`-parallel derivatives when using the solvers +`Laplacian` and `LaplaceXZ`. By neglecting the :math:`y`-derivatives (or if :math:`g_{xy}=g_{yz}=0`), one can solve equation :eq:`full_laplace_inv` :math:`y` plane by :math:`y` plane. -The first approach utilizes that it is possible Fourier transform the -equation in :math:`z` (using some assumptions described in section -:ref:`sec-num-laplace`), and solve a tridiagonal system for each -mode. These inversion problems are band-diagonal (tri-diagonal in the -case of 2nd-order differencing) and so inversions can be very +The first approach utilizes the fact that it is possible to Fourier +transform the equation in :math:`z` (using some assumptions described +in section :ref:`sec-num-laplace`), and solve a tridiagonal system for +each mode. These inversion problems are band-diagonal (tri-diagonal in +the case of 2nd-order differencing) and so inversions can be very efficient: :math:`O(n_z \log n_z)` for the FFTs, :math:`O(n_x)` for tridiagonal inversion using the Thomas algorithm, where :math:`n_x` and :math:`n_z` are the number of grid-points in the :math:`x` and :math:`z` directions respectively. -In the second approach, the full :math:`2`\ -D system is being solved. -This requires PETSc to be built with BOUT++. +In the second approach, the full :math:`2`\ -D system is solved. The +available solvers for this approach are 'multigrid' using a multigrid +algorithm; 'naulin' using an iterative scheme to correct the FFT-based +approach; or 'petsc' using KSP linear solvers from the PETSc library +(this requires PETSc to be built with BOUT++). The `Laplacian` class is defined in ``invert_laplace.hxx`` and solves @@ -99,15 +103,17 @@ class, first create an instance of it:: By default, this will use the options in a section called “laplace”, but can be given a different section as an argument. By default -:math:`d = 1`, :math:`a = 0`, and the :math:`c=1`. To set the values of -these coefficients, there are the ``setCoefA()``, ``setCoefC()``, and -``setCoefD()`` methods:: +:math:`d = 1`, :math:`a = 0`, and :math:`c_1=c_2=1`. To set the values of +these coefficients, there are the ``setCoefA()``, ``setCoefC1()``, +``setCoefC2()``, ``setCoefC()`` (which sets both :math:`c_1` and :math:`c_2` +to its argument), and ``setCoefD()`` methods:: Field2D a = ...; lap->setCoefA(a); lap->setCoefC(0.5); -arguments can be `Field2D`, `Field3D`, or `BoutReal` values. +arguments can be `Field2D`, `Field3D`, or `BoutReal` values. Note that FFT +solvers will use only the DC part of `Field3D` arguments. Settings for the inversion can be set in the input file under the section ``laplace`` (default) or whichever settings section name was @@ -292,8 +298,8 @@ To perform the inversion, there’s the ``solve`` method x = lap->solve(b); -If you prefer, there are functions compatible with older versions of the -BOUT++ code:: +There are also functions compatible with older versions of the +BOUT++ code, but these are deprecated:: Field2D a, c, d; invert_laplace(b, x, flags, &a, &c, &d); @@ -322,11 +328,10 @@ following equation for :math:`f` d\nabla_\perp^2f + \frac{1}{c_1}(\nabla_\perp c_2)\cdot\nabla_\perp f + af = b -BOUT++ is neglecting the :math:`y`-parallel derivatives if -:math:`g_{xy}` and :math:`g_{yz}` are no-zero when using the solvers -`Laplacian` and `LaplaceXZ`. For these two -solvers, equation :eq:`to_invert` becomes (see ``coordinates`` manual -for derivation) +BOUT++ neglects the :math:`y`-parallel derivatives if :math:`g_{xy}` +and :math:`g_{yz}` are non-zero when using the solvers `Laplacian` and +`LaplaceXZ`. For these two solvers, equation :eq:`to_invert` becomes +(see :ref:`sec-field-aligned-coordinates` for derivation) .. math:: :label: invert_expanded @@ -341,17 +346,9 @@ for derivation) Using tridiagonal solvers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -When using the tridiagonal solvers, :math:`c_1 = c_2` in equation -:eq:`to_invert`, hence, it is rather solving - -.. math:: - :label: to_invert_tri - - d\nabla_\perp^2f + \frac{1}{c}(\nabla_\perp c)\cdot\nabla_\perp f + af = b - Since there are no parallel :math:`y`-derivatives if :math:`g_{xy}=g_{yz}=0` (or if they are neglected), equation -:eq:`to_invert_tri` will only contain derivatives of :math:`x` and +:eq:`to_invert` will only contain derivatives of :math:`x` and :math:`z` for the dependent variable. The hope is that the modes in the periodic :math:`z` direction will decouple, so that we in the end only have to invert for the :math:`x` coordinate. @@ -375,22 +372,19 @@ of two terms which depends on :math:`z`, as this would give terms like \frac{1}{N}\sum_{Z=0}^{N-1} a(x,y)_Z f(x,y)_Z \exp(\frac{-2\pi i k Z}{N}) -Thus, in order to use a tridiagonal solver, :math:`a`, :math:`c` and -:math:`d` cannot be functions of :math:`z`. Because of this, the -:math:`{{\boldsymbol{e}}}^z \partial_z c` term in equation -:eq:`invert_expanded` is zero. In principle the modes would still -decouple if the :math:`{{\boldsymbol{e}}}^z \partial_z f` -part of equation :eq:`invert_expanded` was kept, but currently this -part is also neglected in solvers using a tridiagonal matrix. Thus the -tridiagonal solvers are solving equations on the form +Thus, in order to use a tridiagonal solver, :math:`a`, :math:`c_1`, :math:`c_2` +and :math:`d` cannot be functions of :math:`z`. Because of this, the +:math:`{{\boldsymbol{e}}}^z \partial_z c_2` term in equation +:eq:`invert_expanded` is zero. Thus the tridiagonal solvers solve +equations of the form .. math:: \, &d(x,y) ( g^{xx}(x,y) \partial_x^2 + G^x(x,y) \partial_x + g^{zz}(x,y) \partial_z^2 + G^z(x,y) \partial_z + 2g^{xz}(x,y) \partial_x \partial_z ) f(x,y,z) \\ - +& \frac{1}{c(x,y)}({{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x \partial_x ) c(x,y) \cdot ( - {{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x \partial_x ) f(x,y,z) \\ + +& \frac{1}{c_1(x,y)}({{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x \partial_x c_2(x,y) ) \cdot ( + {{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x \partial_x + \boldsymbol{e}^z \partial_z) f(x,y,z) \\ +& a(x,y)f(x,y,z) = b(x,y,z) after using the discrete Fourier transform (see section @@ -400,8 +394,8 @@ after using the discrete Fourier transform (see section \, &d ( g^{xx} \partial_x^2F_z + G^x \partial_xF_z + g^{zz} [i k]^2F_z + G^z [i k]F_z + 2g^{xz} \partial_x[i k]F_z ) \\ - +& \frac{1}{c}( {{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x \partial_x ) c \cdot ( {{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x - \partial_xF_z ) \\ + +& \frac{1}{c_1}( {{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x \partial_x c_2 ) \cdot ( {{\boldsymbol{e}}}^x + \partial_xF_z + \boldsymbol{e}^z i k F_z) \\ +& aF_z = B_z which gives @@ -411,15 +405,15 @@ which gives \, &d ( g^{xx} \partial_x^2 + G^x \partial_x - k^2 g^{zz} + i kG^z + i k2g^{xz} \partial_x )F_z \\ - +& \frac{g^{xx}}{c} (\partial_x c ) \partial_xF_z \\ + +& \frac{1}{c_1} (\partial_x c_2 ) (g^{xx}\partial_xF_z + g^{xz} i k F_z) \\ +& aF_z = B_z As nothing in equation :eq:`FT_laplace_inversion` couples points in :math:`y` together (since we neglected the :math:`y`-derivatives if -:math:`g_{xy}` and :math:`g_{yz}` were non-zero). Also, as the modes are -decoupled, we may solve equation :eq:`FT_laplace_inversion` :math:`k` -mode by :math:`k` mode in addition to :math:`y`\ -plane by -:math:`y`\ -plane. +:math:`g_{xy}` and :math:`g_{yz}` were non-zero) we can solve :math:`y`\ -plane +by :math:`y`\ -plane. Also, as the modes are decoupled, we may solve equation +:eq:`FT_laplace_inversion` :math:`k` mode by :math:`k` mode in addition to +:math:`y`\ -plane by :math:`y`\ -plane. The second order centred approximation of the first and second derivatives in :math:`x` reads @@ -433,12 +427,14 @@ This gives .. math:: - \, &d ( g^{xx} \frac{F_{z,n-1} - 2F_{z,n} + F_{z, n+1}}{\text{d}x^2} + - G^x \frac{-F_{z,n-1} + F_{z,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} - k^2 g^{zz}F_{z,n} .\\ - &\quad. + i kG^zF_{z,n} + i k2g^{xz} \frac{-F_{z,n-1} + - F_{z,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} ) \\ - +& \frac{g^{xx}}{c} ( \frac{-c_{n-1} + c_{n+1}}{2\text{d}x} ) - \frac{-F_{z,n-1} + F_{z,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} \\ + \, &d \left( g^{xx} \frac{F_{z,n-1} - 2F_{z,n} + F_{z, n+1}}{\text{d}x^2} + + G^x \frac{-F_{z,n-1} + F_{z,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} - k^2 g^{zz}F_{z,n} + \right. \\ + &\left. \quad + i kG^zF_{z,n} + i k2g^{xz} \frac{-F_{z,n-1} + + F_{z,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} \right) \\ + +& \frac{1}{c_1} \left( \frac{-c_{2,n-1} + c_{2,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} \right) + \left(g^{xx}\frac{-F_{z,n-1} + F_{z,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} + + g^{xz} i k F_{z,n} \right) \\ +& aF_{z,n} = B_{z,n} collecting point by point @@ -446,35 +442,37 @@ collecting point by point .. math:: :label: discretized_laplace - &( \frac{dg^{xx}}{\text{d}x^2} - \frac{dG^x}{2\text{d}x} - - \frac{g^{xx}}{c_{n}} \frac{-c_{n-1} + c_{n+1}}{4\text{d}x^2} - i\frac{d - k2g^{xz}}{2\text{d}x} ) F_{z,n-1} \\ - +&( - \frac{ dg^{xx} }{\text{d}x^2} - dk^2 g^{zz} + a + idkG^z ) + &\left( \frac{dg^{xx}}{\text{d}x^2} - \frac{dG^x}{2\text{d}x} - + \frac{g^{xx}}{c_{1,n}} \frac{-c_{2,n-1} + c_{2,n+1}}{4\text{d}x^2} - i\frac{d + k2g^{xz}}{2\text{d}x} \right) F_{z,n-1} \\ + +&\left( - \frac{ dg^{xx} }{\text{d}x^2} - dk^2 g^{zz} + a + idkG^z + + i\frac{g^{xz}}{c_{1,n}} \frac{-c_{2,n-1} + + c_{2,n+1}}{2\text{d}x}k \right) F_{z,n} \\ - +&( \frac{dg^{xx}}{\text{d}x^2} + \frac{dG^x}{2\text{d}x} + - \frac{g^{xx}}{c_{n}} \frac{-c_{n-1} + c_{n+1}}{4\text{d}x^2} + - i\frac{dk2g^{xz}}{2\text{d}x} ) F_{z, n+1} \\ - =& B_{z,n} + +&\left( \frac{dg^{xx}}{\text{d}x^2} + \frac{dG^x}{2\text{d}x} + + \frac{g^{xx}}{c_{1,n}} \frac{-c_{2,n-1} + c_{2,n+1}}{4\text{d}x^2} + + i\frac{dk2g^{xz}}{2\text{d}x} \right) F_{z, n+1} \\ + = B_{z,n} We now introduce .. math:: - c_1 = \frac{dg^{xx}}{\text{d}x^2} + C_1 &= \frac{dg^{xx}}{\text{d}x^2} - c_2 = dg^{zz} + C_2 &= dg^{zz} - c_3 = \frac{2dg^{xz}}{2\text{d}x} + C_3 &= \frac{2dg^{xz}}{2\text{d}x} - c_4 = \frac{dG^x + g^{xx}\frac{-c_{n-1} + c_{n+1}}{2c_n\text{d}x}}{2\text{d}x} + C_4 &= \frac{dG^x + g^{xx}\frac{-c_{2,n-1} + c_{2,n+1}}{2c_{1,n}\text{d}x}}{2\text{d}x} - c_5 = dG^z + C_5 &= dG^z + \frac{g^{xz}}{c_{1,n}} \frac{-c_{2,n-1} + c_{2,n+1}}{2\text{d}x} which inserted in equation :eq:`discretized_laplace` gives .. math:: - ( c_1 - c_4 -ikc_3 ) F_{z,n-1} + ( -2c_1 - k^2c_2 +ikc_5 + a ) F_{z,n} + ( c_1 + c_4 + ikc_3 ) F_{z, n+1} = B_{z,n} + ( C_1 - C_4 -ikC_3 ) F_{z,n-1} + ( -2C_1 - k^2C_2 +ikC_5 + a ) F_{z,n} + ( C_1 + C_4 + ikC_3 ) F_{z, n+1} = B_{z,n} This can be formulated as the matrix equation @@ -485,17 +483,20 @@ This can be formulated as the matrix equation where the matrix :math:`A` is tridiagonal. The boundary conditions are set by setting the first and last rows in :math:`A` and :math:`B_z`. +The tridiagonal solvers previously required :math:`c_1 = c_2` in equation +:eq:`to_invert`, but from version 4.3 allow :math:`c_1 \neq c_2`. + .. _sec-petsc-laplace: Using PETSc solvers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -When using PETSc, all terms of equation :eq:`invert_expanded` is being -used when inverting to find :math:`f`. Note that when using PETSc, we -are not Fourier decomposing in the :math:`z`-direction, so it may take -substantially longer time to find the solution. As with the tridiagonal -solver, the fields are being sliced in the :math:`y`-direction, and a -solution is being found for one :math:`y` plane at the time. +When using PETSc, all terms of equation :eq:`invert_expanded` are used +when inverting to find :math:`f`. Note that when using PETSc, we do +not Fourier decompose in the :math:`z`-direction, so it may take +substantially longer time to find the solution. As with the +tridiagonal solver, the fields are sliced in the :math:`y`-direction, +and a solution is found for one :math:`y` plane at the time. Before solving, equation :eq:`invert_expanded` is rewritten to the form @@ -555,8 +556,8 @@ introduce some quantities :nowrap: \begin{align} - &A_0 = a(x,y_{\text{current}},z)& &A_1 = dg^{xx}&\\ - &A_2 = dg^{zz}& &A_3 = 2dg^{xz}& + &A_0 = a(x,y_{\text{current}},z) &A_1 = dg^{xx}&\\ + &A_2 = dg^{zz} &A_3 = 2dg^{xz} \end{align} In addition, we have: @@ -565,8 +566,7 @@ Second order approximation (5-point stencil) .. math:: - \texttt{ddx\_c} = \frac{\texttt{c2}_{x+1} - \texttt{c2}_{x-1} }{2\texttt{c1}\text{d}x} - + \texttt{ddx\_c} = \frac{\texttt{c2}_{x+1} - \texttt{c2}_{x-1} }{2\texttt{c1}\text{d}x} \\ \texttt{ddz\_c} = \frac{\texttt{c2}_{z+1} - \texttt{c2}_{z-1} }{2\texttt{c1}\text{d}z} Fourth order approximation (9-point stencil) @@ -582,8 +582,8 @@ Fourth order approximation (9-point stencil) This gives .. math:: - A_4 = dG^x + g^{xx}\texttt{ddx\_c} + g^{xz}\texttt{ddz\_c} - A_5 = dG^z + g^{xz}\texttt{ddx\_c} + g^{xx}\texttt{ddz\_c} + A_4 &= dG^x + g^{xx}\texttt{ddx\_c} + g^{xz}\texttt{ddz\_c} \\ + A_5 &= dG^z + g^{xz}\texttt{ddx\_c} + g^{xx}\texttt{ddz\_c} The coefficients :math:`c_{i+m,j+n}` are finally being set according to the appropriate order of discretisation. The coefficients can be @@ -662,21 +662,21 @@ Implementation internals The Laplacian inversion code solves the equation: -.. math:: d\nabla^2_\perp x + \frac{1}{c}\nabla_\perp c\cdot\nabla_\perp x + a x = b +.. math:: d\nabla^2_\perp x + \frac{1}{c_1}\nabla_\perp c_2\cdot\nabla_\perp x + a x = b where :math:`x` and :math:`b` are 3D variables, whilst :math:`a`, -:math:`c` and :math:`d` are 2D variables. Several different algorithms -are implemented for Laplacian inversion, and they differ between -serial and parallel versions. Serial inversion can currently either be -done using a tridiagonal solver (Thomas algorithm), or a band-solver -(allowing :math:`4^{th}`-order differencing). +:math:`c_1`, :math:`c_2` and :math:`d` are 2D variables for the FFT solvers, or +3D variables otherwise. Several different algorithms are implemented for +Laplacian inversion, and they differ between serial and parallel versions. +Serial inversion can currently either be done using a tridiagonal solver (Thomas +algorithm), or a band-solver (allowing :math:`4^{th}`-order differencing). To support multiple implementations, a base class `Laplacian` is defined in ``include/invert_laplace.hxx``. This defines a set of functions which all implementations must provide:: class Laplacian { - public: + public: virtual void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) = 0; virtual void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) = 0; @@ -693,12 +693,13 @@ For convenience, the `Laplacian` base class also defines a function to calculate coefficients in a Tridiagonal matrix:: void tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, int jz, dcomplex &a, dcomplex &b, - dcomplex &c, const Field2D *ccoef = NULL, - const Field2D *d=NULL); + dcomplex &c, const Field2D *c1coef = nullptr, + const Field2D *c2coef = nullptr, + const Field2D *d=nullptr); For the user of the class, some static functions are defined:: - static Laplacian* create(Options *opt = NULL); + static Laplacian* create(Options *opt = nullptr); static Laplacian* defaultInstance(); The create function allows new Laplacian implementations to be created, @@ -712,7 +713,7 @@ The code for the `Laplacian` base class is in Laplacian implementations is done in the `LaplaceFactory` class, defined in ``src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx``. This file includes all the headers for the implementations, and chooses which -one to create based on the “type” setting in the input options. This +one to create based on the ``type`` setting in the input options. This factory therefore provides a single point of access to the underlying Laplacian inversion implementations. @@ -774,6 +775,22 @@ fast, but achieves this by neglecting some cross-processor terms. For ELM simulations, it has been found that these terms are important, so this method is not usually used. +.. _sec-cyclic: + +Cyclic algorithm +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +This is now the default solver in both serial and parallel. It is an FFT-based +solver using a cyclic reduction algorithm. + +.. _sec-multigrid: + +Multigrid solver +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +A solver using a geometric multigrid algorithm was introduced by projects in +2015 and 2016 of CCFE and the EUROfusion HLST. + .. _sec-naulin: Naulin solver @@ -783,6 +800,27 @@ This scheme was introduced for BOUT++ by Michael Løiten in the `CELMA code `_ and the iterative algoritm is detailed in his thesis [Løiten2017]_. +The iteration can be under-relaxed (see ``naulin_laplace.cxx`` for more details of the +implementation). A factor :math:`0< \text{underrelax\_factor}<=1` is used, with a value of 1 corresponding +to no under-relaxation. If the iteration starts to diverge (the error increases on any +step) the underrelax_factor is reduced by a factor of 0.9, and the iteration is restarted +from the initial guess. The initial value of underrelax_factor, which underrelax_factor is +set to at the beginning of each call to ``solve`` can be set by the option +``initial_underrelax_factor`` (default is 1.0) in the appropriate section of the input +file (``[laplace]`` by default). Reducing the value of ``initial_underrelax_factor`` may +speed up convergence in some cases. Some statistics from the solver are written to the +output files to help in choosing this value. With ```` being the number of the +`LaplaceNaulin` solver, counting in the order they are created in the physics model: + +- ``naulinsolver_mean_underrelax_counts`` gives the mean number of + times ``underrelax_factor`` had to be reduced to get the iteration + to converge. If this is much above 0, it is probably worth reducing + ``initial_underrelax_factor``. + +- ``naulinsolver_mean_its`` is the mean number of iterations taken + to converge. Try to minimise when adjusting + ``initial_underrelax_factor``. + .. [Løiten2017] Michael Løiten, "Global numerical modeling of magnetized plasma in a linear device", 2017, https://celma-project.github.io/. diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/nonlocal.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/nonlocal.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e76e554f43 --- /dev/null +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/nonlocal.rst @@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ +.. default-role:: math + +.. _sec-nonlocal-heatflux: + + +Nonlocal heat flux models +========================= + +Spitzer-Harm heat flux +---------------------- + +The Spitzer-Harm heat flux `q_{SH}` is calculated using + +.. math:: + + q_{SH} = - \frac{n_e e T_e}{m_e}\frac{3\sqrt{\pi}}{4}\tau_{ei,T}\kappa_0\frac{Z+0.24}{Z+4.2} \partial_{||} T_e + +where `n_e` is the electron density in `m^{-3}`, `T_e` is the electron temperature in eV, `kappa_0 = 13.58`, +`Z` is the average ion charge. The resulting expression is in units of `eV/m^2/s`. + +The thermal collision time `tau_{ei,T} = \lambda_{ei,T} / v_{T}` is calculated using the thermal mean free path +and thermal velocity: + +.. math:: + + \lambda_{ee,T} = \frac{v_T^4}{Yn_e \ln\Lambda} + + \lambda_{ei,T} = \frac{v_T^4}{YZ^2n_i \ln\Lambda} + + v_T = \sqrt{\frac{2eT_e}{m_e}} + +where it is assumed that `n_i = n_e`, and the following are used: + +.. math:: + + Y = 4\pi\left(\frac{e^2}{4\pi \epsilon_0 m_e}\right)^2 + + \ln\Lambda = 6.6 - 0.5\log\left(\frac{n_e}{10^{20}}\right) + 1.5 \log\left(T_e\right); + + +Note: If comparing to `online notes `_, +`\kappa_0\frac{Z+0.24}{Z+4.2} \simeq 3.2`, a different definition of collision time `\tau_{ei}` is used here, +but the other factors are included so that the heat flux `q_{SH}` is the same here as in those notes. + +SNB model +--------- + +The SNB model calculates a correction to the Spitzer-Harm heat flux, solving a +diffusion equation for each of a set of energy groups with normalised +energy `\beta = E_g / eT_e` where `E_g` is the energy of the group. + +.. math:: + + \left[\frac{1}{\lambda'_{g,ee}} - \nabla_{||}\left(\frac{\lambda'_{g,ei}}{3}\partial_{||}\right)\right]H_g = -\nabla_{||} U_g + + +where `\nabla_{||}` is the divergence of a parallel flux, and `\partial_{||}` is a parallel gradient. +`U_g = W_g q_{SH}` is the contribution to the Spitzer-Harm heat flux from a group: + +.. math:: + + W_g = \frac{1}{24}\int_{\beta_{g-1}}^{\beta^{g+1}} \beta^4 e^{-\beta} d\beta + +The modified mean free paths for each group are: + +.. math:: + + \lambda'_{g,ee} = \beta^2 \lambda_{ee,T} / r + + \lambda'_{g,ei} = \beta^2 \lambda_{ei,T} \frac{Z + 0.24}{Z + 4.2} + +From the quantities `H_g` for each group, the SNB heat flux is: + +.. math:: + + q_{SNB} = q_{SH} - \sum_g\frac{\lambda_g,ei}{3}\nabla H_g + +In flud models we actually want the divergence of the heat flux, rather than the heat flux itself. +We therefore rearrange to get: + +.. math:: + + \nabla_{||}\left(\frac{\lambda'_{g,ei}}{3}\partial_{||}\right)H_g = \nabla_{||} U_g + H_g / \lambda'_{g,ee} + +and so calculate the divergence of the heat flux as: + +.. math:: + + \nabla_{||} q_{SNB} = \nabla_{||} q_{SH} - \sum_g\left(\nabla_{||} U_g + H_g / \lambda'_{g,ee}\right) + + +The Helmholtz type equation along the magnetic field is solved using a tridiagonal solver. +The parallel divergence term is currently split into a second derivative term, and a first derivative correction: + +.. math:: + + \nabla_{||}\left(k\partial_{||} T\right) = \frac{1}{J}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{k J}{g_{22}}\frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\right) + = k\frac{1}{g_22}\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2} + \frac{1}{J}\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{k J}{g_{22}}\right)\frac{\partial T}{\partial y} + + +Using the SNB model +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +To use the SNB model, first include the header:: + + #include + +then create an instance:: + + HeatFluxSNB snb; + +By default this will use options in a section called "snb", but if +needed a different ``Options&`` section can be given to the constructor:: + + HeatFluxSNB snb(Options::root()["mysnb"]); + +The options are listed in table :numref:`tab-snb-options`. + +.. _tab-snb-options +.. table:: SNB options + + +--------------+---------------------------------------------------+---------------+ + | Name | Meaning | Default value | + +==============+===================================================+===============+ + | ``beta_max`` | Maximum energy group to consider (multiple of eT) | 10 | + | ``ngroups`` | Number of energy groups | 40 | + | ``r`` | Scaling down the electron-electron mean free path | 2 | + +--------------+---------------------------------------------------+---------------+ + +The divergence of the heat flux can then be calculated:: + + Field3D Div_q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne); + +where ``Te`` is the temperature in eV, and ``Ne`` is the electron density in `m^{-3}`. +The result is in eV per `m^3` per second, so multiplying by `e=1.602\times 10^{-19}` will give +Watts per cubic meter. + +To compare to the Spitzer-Harm result, pass in a pointer to a +``Field3D`` as the third argument. This field will be set to the +Spitzer-Harm value:: + + Field3D Div_q_SH; + Field3D Div_q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_q_SH); + +This is used in the examples discussed below. + +Example: Linear perturbation +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +.. highlight:: console + +The ``examples/conduction-snb`` example calculates the heat flux for a +given density and temperature profile, comparing the SNB and +Spitzer-Harm fluxes. The ``sinusoidal.py`` case uses a periodic +domain of length 1 meter and a small (0.01eV) perturbation to the +temperature. The temperature is varied from 1eV to 1keV, so that the +mean free path varies. This is done for different SNB settings, +changing the number of groups and the maximum `\beta`:: + + $ python sinusoid.py + +This should output a file ``snb-sinusoidal.png`` and display the results, +shown in figure :numref:`fig-snb-sinusoidal`. + +.. _fig-snb-sinusoidal: +.. figure:: ../figs/snb-sinusoidal.* + :alt: When the mean free path is short, the SNB heat flux is close + to the Spitzer-Harm value. When the mean free path is long, + the ratio goes towards zero. + + The ratio of SNB heat flux to Spitzer-Harm heat flux, as a function + of electron mean free path divided by temperature perturbation + wavelength. Note that the difference between SNB and Spitzer-Harm + becomes significant (20%) when the mean free path is just 1% of the + wavelength. + + +Example: Nonlinear heat flux +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + +A nonlinear test is also included in ``examples/conduction-snb``, a step function in temperature +from around 200eV to 950eV over a distance of around 0.1mm, at an electron density of 5e26 per cubic meter:: + + $ python step.py + +This should output a file ``snb-step.png``, shown in figure :numref:`fig-snb-step`. + +.. _fig-snb-step: +.. figure:: ../figs/snb-step.* + :alt: The SNB peak heat flux in the steep gradient region is lower + than Spitzer-Harm by nearly a factor of 2. In the cold region + the SNB heat flux is above the Spitzer-Harm value, and is + nonzero in regions where the temperature gradient is zero. + + Temperature profile and heat flux calculated using Spitzer-Harm and + the SNB model, for a temperature step profile, at a density of 5e26 + per cubic meter. Note the reduction in peak heat flux (flux limit) + and higher flux in the cold region (preheat) with the SNB model. + diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/parallel-transforms.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/parallel-transforms.rst index 5c6f6cd612..74ae47423f 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/parallel-transforms.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/parallel-transforms.rst @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ a second derivative along Y using the Field3D iterators (section Note the use of yp() and ym() to increase and decrease the Y index. -Slab geometries ---------------- +Field-aligned grid +------------------ The default `ParallelTransform` is the identity transform, which sets yup() and ydown() to point to the same field. In the input options the @@ -70,6 +70,20 @@ setting is This then uses the `ParallelTransformIdentity` class to calculate the yup and ydown fields. +This is mostly useful for slab geometries, where for a straight magnetic field +the grid is either periodic in the y-direction or ends on a y-boundary. By +setting the global option ``TwistShift = true`` and providing a ``ShiftAngle`` +in the gridfile or ``[mesh]`` options a branch cut can be introduced between +the beginning and end of the y-domain. + +`ParallelTransformIdentity` can also be used in non-slab geometries. Then +``TwistShift = true`` should be set so that a twist-shift boundary condition is +applied on closed field lines, as field-line following coordinates are not +periodic in poloidal angle. Note that it is not recommended to use +`ParallelTransformIdentity` with toroidal geometries, as magnetic shear will +make the radial derivatives inaccurate away from the outboard midplane (which +is normall chosen as the zero point for the integrated shear). + Shifted metric -------------- @@ -91,9 +105,9 @@ location :math:`\theta_0`: .. math:: - zShift = \int_{\theta_0}^\theta \frac{B_\phi h_\theta}{B_\theta R} d\theta + \mathtt{zShift} = \int_{\theta_0}^\theta \frac{B_\phi h_\theta}{B_\theta R} d\theta -Note that here :math:`theta_0` does not need to be constant in X +Note that here :math:`\theta_0` does not need to be constant in X (radius), since it is only the relative shifts between Y locations which matters. diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/physics_models.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/physics_models.rst index a723792a6e..5ab237474b 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/physics_models.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/physics_models.rst @@ -664,6 +664,28 @@ Another way to set the boundaries is to copy them from another variable:: a.setBoundaryTo(b); // Copy b's boundaries into a ... +Note that this will copy the value at the boundary, which is half-way between +mesh points. This is not the same as copying the guard cells from +field ``b`` to field ``a``. The value at the boundary cell is +calculated using second-order central difference. For example if +there is one boundary cell, so that ``a(0,y,z)`` is the boundary cell, +and ``a(1,y,z)`` is in the domain, then the boundary would be set so that:: + + a(0,y,z) + a(1,y,z) = b(0,y,z) + b(1,y,z) + +rearranged as:: + + a(0,y,z) = - a(1,y,z) + b(0,y,z) + b(1,y,z) + +To copy the boundary cells (and communication guard cells), iterate +over them:: + + BOUT_FOR(i, a.getRegion("RGN_GUARDS")) { + a[i] = b[i]; + } + +See :ref:`sec-iterating` for more details on iterating over custom regions. + .. _sec-custom-bc: Custom boundary conditions diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/python_boutcore.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/python_boutcore.rst index 235cdcdbf6..950f6d5fd3 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/python_boutcore.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/python_boutcore.rst @@ -43,16 +43,12 @@ configured with something like: ``--enable-shared`` is required, so that pvode etc. is compiles as position independent code. -To only build the python2 module, run ``make python2``. - -To build both, run ``make python-all`` - If you are running fedora - you can install pre-build binaries: .. code-block:: bash sudo dnf copr enable davidsch/bout - sudo dnf install python3-bout++-nightly-mpich + sudo dnf install python3-bout++-mpich module load mpi/mpich-$(arch) @@ -64,18 +60,16 @@ It allows to calculate e.g. BOUT++ derivatives in python. State ----- -This is still in early development, and things might change. -However, it should still be useful. - -Field3D is working. The other fields are not exposed. -Field3D can be accessed directly using the [] operators, and give a list of slice objects. +Field3D and Field2D are working. If other fields are needed, please open an issue. +Fields can be accessed directly using the [] operators, and give a list of slice objects. The get all data, ``f3d.getAll()`` is equivalent to ``f3d[:,:,]`` and returns a numpy array. This array can be addressed with e.g. ``[]`` operators, and then the field can be set again with ``f3d.setAll(numpyarray)``. It is also possible to set a part of an Field3D with the ``[]`` operators. -Addition, multiplication etc. should all be available. -Most of the derivatives are available, if something is missing open a bug. +Addition, multiplication etc. are all available. +The derivatives should all be working, if find a missing one, please open an issue. +Vectors are not exposed yet. Functions --------- diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/running_bout.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/running_bout.rst index 280966e6a5..625b2d744c 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/running_bout.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/running_bout.rst @@ -79,7 +79,9 @@ run, and produce a bunch of files in the ``data/`` subdirectory. - ``BOUT.settings`` contains all the options used in the code, including options which were not set and used the default values. It's in the same format as BOUT.inp, so can be renamed and used to re-run simulations - if needed. + if needed. In some cases the options used have documentation, with a brief + explanation of how they are used. In most cases the type the option is used + as (e.g. ``int``, ``BoutReal`` or ``bool``) is given. - ``BOUT.restart.*.nc`` are the restart files for the last time point. Currently each processor saves its own state in a separate file, but @@ -210,6 +212,27 @@ and to make this a coloured contour plot The equivalent commands in Python are as follows. +.. _sec-run-nls: + +Natural language support +------------------------ + +If you have locales installed, and configured the ``locale`` path +correctly (see :ref:`sec-config-nls`), then the ``LANG`` environment +variable selects the language to use. Currently BOUT++ only has limited support +for ``fr``, ``zh_TW`` and ``zh_CN`` locales e.g. :: + + LANG=zh_TW.utf8 ./conduction + +which should produce an output like:: + + BOUT++ 版 4.2.0 + 版: dc95c252d9447ca72d27d4cc0d30f4d9c8a91a41 + MD5 checksum: 086b600cc54f9c0eb0ee9338dbba71a6 + 代碼於 Nov 1 2018 17:41:02 编译 + ... + + Further examples ---------------- diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/time_integration.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/time_integration.rst index 15d4ec83b2..29550bc7c0 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/time_integration.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/time_integration.rst @@ -35,18 +35,26 @@ needed to make the solver available. +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | Name | Description | Compile options | +===============+=========================================+====================+ - | euler | Euler explicit method | Always available | + | euler | Euler explicit method (example only) | Always available | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | rk4 | Runge-Kutta 4th-order explicit method | Always available | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ + | rkgeneric | Generic Runge Kutta explicit methods | Always available | + +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | karniadakis | Karniadakis explicit method | Always available | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ + | rk3ssp | 3rd-order Strong Stability Preserving | Always available | + +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ + | splitrk | Split RK3-SSP and RK-Legendre | Always available | + +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | pvode | 1998 PVODE with BDF method | Always available | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | cvode | SUNDIALS CVODE. BDF and Adams methods | –with-cvode | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | ida | SUNDIALS IDA. DAE solver | –with-ida | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ + | arkode | SUNDIALS ARKODE IMEX solver | –with-arkode | + +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | petsc | PETSc TS methods | –with-petsc | +---------------+-----------------------------------------+--------------------+ | imexbdf2 | IMEX-BDF2 scheme | –with-petsc | @@ -264,6 +272,65 @@ The options which control this behaviour are: | | | Currently the timestep increase is limited to 25% | +------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ + +Split-RK +-------- + +The `splitrk` solver type uses Strang splitting to combine two +explicit Runge Kutta schemes: + +#. `2nd order Runge-Kutta-Legendre method `_ + for the diffusion (parabolic) part. These schemes use + multiple stages to increase stability, rather than accuracy; this + is always 2nd order, but the stable timestep for diffusion + problems increases as the square of the number of stages. The + number of stages is an input option, and can be arbitrarily large. + +#. 3rd order SSP-RK3 scheme for the advection (hyperbolic) part + http://www.cscamm.umd.edu/tadmor/pub/linear-stability/Gottlieb-Shu-Tadmor.SIREV-01.pdf + +Each timestep consists of + +#. A half timestep of the diffusion part +#. A full timestep of the advection part +#. A half timestep of the diffusion part + +Options to control the behaviour of the solver are: + ++------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| Option | Default |Description | ++==================+===========+====================================================+ +| timestep | output | If adaptive sets the starting timestep. | +| | timestep | If not adaptive, timestep fixed at this value | ++------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| nstages | 10 | Number of stages in RKL step. Must be > 1 | ++------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| diagnose | false | Print diagnostic information | ++------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ + +And the adaptive timestepping options: + ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| Option | Default |Description | ++=====================+===========+====================================================+ +| adaptive | true | Turn on adaptive timestepping | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| atol | 1e-10 | Absolute tolerance | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| rtol | 1e-5 | Relative tolerance | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| max_timestep | output | Maximum internal timestep | +| | timestep | | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| max_timestep_change | 2 | Maximum factor by which the timestep by which the | +| | | time step can be changed at each step | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| mxstep | 1000 | Maximum number of internal steps before output | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ +| adapt_period | 1 | Number of internal steps between tolerance checks | ++---------------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------+ + + ODE integration --------------- diff --git a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/variable_init.rst b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/variable_init.rst index 44f49cb2e5..b3ec9d0a49 100644 --- a/manual/sphinx/user_docs/variable_init.rst +++ b/manual/sphinx/user_docs/variable_init.rst @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ following values are also already defined: +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | z | :math:`z` position between :math:`0` and :math:`2\pi` (excluding the last point) | +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -| pi | :math:`3.1415\ldots` | +| pi π | :math:`3.1415\ldots` | +--------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Table: Initialisation expression values @@ -109,6 +109,18 @@ To do this, set in BOUT.inp This will change the definition of :math:`x` to ``i / (nx - 1)``, so :math:`x` is then between :math:`0` and :math:`1` everywhere. +By default the expressions are evaluated in a field-aligned coordinate system, +i.e. if you are using the ``[mesh]`` option ``paralleltransform = shifted``, +the input ``f`` will have ``f = fromFieldAligned(f)`` applied before being +returned. To switch off this behaviour and evaluate the input expressions in +coordinates with orthogonal x-z (i.e. toroidal :math:`\{\psi,\theta,\phi\}` +coordinates when using ``paralleltransform = shifted``), set in BOUT.inp + +.. code-block:: cfg + + [input] + transform_from_field_aligned = false + The functions in :numref:`tab-initexprfunc` are also available in expressions. @@ -170,6 +182,8 @@ expressions. | | :math:`\frac{1}{2}(\tanh[s (x-[c-\frac{w}{2}])]` | | | :math:`- \tanh[s (x-[c+\frac{w}{2}])] )` | +------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ + | ``fmod(x)`` | The modulo operator, returns floating point remainder| + +------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ For field-aligned tokamak simulations, the Y direction is along the field and in the core this will have a discontinuity at the twist-shift diff --git a/output.make b/output.make index 0fa72ba693..84e7b9ca18 100644 --- a/output.make +++ b/output.make @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ include make.config BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH="\$$BOUT_INCLUDE_PATH" BOUT_LIB_PATH="\$$BOUT_LIB_PATH" +MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH="\$$MPARK_VARIANT_INCLUDE_PATH" .PHONY: cflags cflags: diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 74bee944c2..475bd0a605 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -Jinja2==2.9.6 +Jinja2==2.10.1 numpy>=1.14.1 scipy>=1.0.0 netcdf4>=1.3.1 diff --git a/src/bout++.cxx b/src/bout++.cxx index 7a143e2298..e1c360bd36 100644 --- a/src/bout++.cxx +++ b/src/bout++.cxx @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -26,75 +26,58 @@ **************************************************************************/ const char DEFAULT_DIR[] = "data"; -const char DEFAULT_OPT[] = "BOUT.inp"; -const char DEFAULT_SET[] = "BOUT.settings"; -const char DEFAULT_LOG[] = "BOUT.log"; - -// MD5 Checksum passed at compile-time -#define CHECKSUM1_(x) #x -#define CHECKSUM_(x) CHECKSUM1_(x) -#define CHECKSUM CHECKSUM_(MD5SUM) -// Revision passed at compile time -#define REV1_(x) #x -#define REV_(x) REV1_(x) -#define REV REV_(REVISION) +// Value passed at compile time +// Used for MD5SUM, BOUT_LOCALE_PATH, and REVISION +#define BUILDFLAG1_(x) #x +#define BUILDFLAG(x) BUILDFLAG1_(x) #define GLOBALORIGIN - #define INDIRECT1_BOUTMAIN(a) #a #define INDIRECT0_BOUTMAIN(...) INDIRECT1_BOUTMAIN(#__VA_ARGS__) #define STRINGIFY(a) INDIRECT0_BOUTMAIN(a) -#include "mpi.h" - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include - -#include +#include "boundary_factory.hxx" +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "datafile.hxx" +#include "invert_laplace.hxx" +#include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "optionsreader.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" +#include "bout/petsclib.hxx" +#include "bout/slepclib.hxx" +#include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout/sys/timer.hxx" + +#define BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS +#include "bout.hxx" +#undef BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS + +#include +#include #include -#include -using std::string; -#include +#include + +// POSIX headers #include #include -#ifdef _OPENMP -#include -#endif - -#include -void bout_signal_handler(int sig); // Handles signals #ifdef BOUT_FPE #include #endif +using std::string; -#include - -BoutReal simtime; -int iteration; -bool user_requested_exit=false; +BoutReal simtime{0.0}; +int iteration{0}; +bool user_requested_exit = false; -const string time_to_hms(BoutReal t); // Converts to h:mm:ss.s format -char get_spin(); // Produces a spinning bar +void bout_signal_handler(int sig); // Handles signals +std::string time_to_hms(BoutReal t); // Converts to h:mm:ss.s format +char get_spin(); // Produces a spinning bar /*! Initialise BOUT++ @@ -114,268 +97,315 @@ char get_spin(); // Produces a spinning bar value of BoutInitialise. */ -int BoutInitialise(int &argc, char **&argv) { +int BoutInitialise(int& argc, char**& argv) { + + using namespace bout::experimental; + + setupSignalHandler(bout_signal_handler); + + setupGetText(); + + CommandLineArgs args; + try { + args = parseCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); + } catch (const BoutException& e) { + output_error << _("Bad command line arguments:\n") << e.what() << std::endl; + return 1; + } + + try { + checkDataDirectoryIsAccessible(args.data_dir); + + // Set the command-line arguments + SlepcLib::setArgs(argc, argv); // SLEPc initialisation + PetscLib::setArgs(argc, argv); // PETSc initialisation + Solver::setArgs(argc, argv); // Solver initialisation + BoutComm::setArgs(argc, argv); // MPI initialisation + + const int MYPE = BoutComm::rank(); + + setupBoutLogColor(args.color_output, MYPE); - string dump_ext; ///< Extensions for restart and dump files + setupOutput(args.data_dir, args.log_file, args.verbosity, MYPE); - const char *data_dir; ///< Directory for data input/output - const char *opt_file; ///< Filename for the options file - const char *set_file; ///< Filename for the options file - const char *log_file; ///< File name for the log file + savePIDtoFile(args.data_dir, MYPE); + // Print the different parts of the startup info + printStartupHeader(MYPE, BoutComm::size()); + printCompileTimeOptions(); + printCommandLineArguments(args.original_argv); + + // Load settings file + OptionsReader* reader = OptionsReader::getInstance(); + reader->read(Options::getRoot(), "%s/%s", args.data_dir.c_str(), + args.opt_file.c_str()); + + // Get options override from command-line + reader->parseCommandLine(Options::getRoot(), argc, argv); + + // Override options set from short option from the command-line + Options::root()["datadir"].force(args.data_dir); + Options::root()["optionfile"].force(args.opt_file); + Options::root()["settingsfile"].force(args.set_file); + + setRunStartInfo(Options::root()); + + if (MYPE == 0) { + writeSettingsFile(Options::root(), args.data_dir, args.set_file); + } + + // Create the mesh + bout::globals::mesh = Mesh::create(); + // Load from sources. Required for Field initialisation + bout::globals::mesh->load(); + + bout::globals::dump = + setupDumpFile(Options::root(), *bout::globals::mesh, args.data_dir); + + } catch (const BoutException& e) { + output_error.write(_("Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n"), e.what()); + throw; + } + + return 0; +} + +namespace bout { +namespace experimental { +void setupSignalHandler(SignalHandler signal_handler) { #ifdef SIGHANDLE - /// Set a signal handler for segmentation faults - signal(SIGSEGV, bout_signal_handler); + std::signal(SIGSEGV, signal_handler); #endif #ifdef BOUT_FPE - signal(SIGFPE, bout_signal_handler); + std::signal(SIGFPE, signal_handler); feenableexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW); #endif /// Trap SIGUSR1 to allow a clean exit after next write - signal(SIGUSR1, bout_signal_handler); + std::signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler); +} + +// This is currently just an alias to the existing handler +void defaultSignalHandler(int sig) { bout_signal_handler(sig); } - // Set default data directory - data_dir = DEFAULT_DIR; - opt_file = DEFAULT_OPT; - set_file = DEFAULT_SET; - log_file = DEFAULT_LOG; +void setupGetText() { +#if BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT + // Setting the i18n environment + // + // For libraries: + // https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/Libraries.html + // + try { + // Note: Would like to use std::locale::global + // std::locale::global(std::locale("")); + // but the Numeric aspect causes problems parsing input strings + // + // Note: Since BOUT++ is a library, it shouldn't really call setlocale; + // that should be part of main(). + std::setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); + std::setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); + + bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, BUILDFLAG(BOUT_LOCALE_PATH)); + } catch (const std::runtime_error& e) { + fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Could not set locale. Check the LANG environment variable " + "(get available values by running 'locale -a'). If LANG is correct, there may be " + "a problem with the BOUT_LOCALE_PATH=%s that BOUT++ was compiled with.\n", + BUILDFLAG(BOUT_LOCALE_PATH)); + } +#endif // BOUT_HAS_GETTEXT +} - int verbosity=4; - /// Check command-line arguments +auto parseCommandLineArgs(int argc, char** argv) -> CommandLineArgs { /// NB: "restart" and "append" are now caught by options /// Check for help flag separately - for (int i=1;i] [-f ] [restart [append]] [VAR=VALUE]\n", argv[0]); - fprintf(stdout, - "\n" - " -d \tLook in for input/output files\n" - " -f \tUse OPTIONS given in \n" - " -o \tSave used OPTIONS given to \n" - " -l, --log \tPrint log to \n" - " -v, --verbose\t\tIncrease verbosity\n" - " -q, --quiet\t\tDecrease verbosity\n" + for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { + if (string(argv[i]) == "-h" || string(argv[i]) == "--help") { + // Print help message -- note this will be displayed once per processor as we've not + // started MPI yet. + output.write(_("Usage: %s [-d ] [-f ] [restart " + "[append]] [VAR=VALUE]\n"), + argv[0]); + output.write( + _("\n" + " -d \tLook in for input/output files\n" + " -f \tUse OPTIONS given in \n" + " -o \tSave used OPTIONS given to \n" + " -l, --log \tPrint log to \n" + " -v, --verbose\t\tIncrease verbosity\n" + " -q, --quiet\t\tDecrease verbosity\n")); #ifdef LOGCOLOR - " -c, --color\t\tColor output using bout-log-color\n" + output.write(_(" -c, --color\t\tColor output using bout-log-color\n")); #endif - " -h, --help\t\tThis message\n" - " restart [append]\tRestart the simulation. If append is specified, " - "append to the existing output files, otherwise overwrite them\n" - " VAR=VALUE\t\tSpecify a VALUE for input parameter VAR\n" - "\nFor all possible input parameters, see the user manual and/or the " - "physics model source (e.g. %s.cxx)\n", - argv[0]); - - return -1; + output.write( + _(" -h, --help\t\tThis message\n" + " restart [append]\tRestart the simulation. If append is specified, " + "append to the existing output files, otherwise overwrite them\n" + " VAR=VALUE\t\tSpecify a VALUE for input parameter VAR\n" + "\nFor all possible input parameters, see the user manual and/or the " + "physics model source (e.g. %s.cxx)\n"), + argv[0]); + + std::exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } - bool color_output = false; // Will be set true if -c is in the options - for (int i=1;i= argc) { - fprintf(stderr, "Usage is %s -d \n", argv[0]); - return 1; + if (i + 1 >= argc) { + throw BoutException(_("Usage is %s -d \n"), argv[0]); } - i++; - data_dir = argv[i]; - + + args.data_dir = argv[++i]; + + argv[i - 1][0] = 0; + argv[i][0] = 0; + } else if (string(argv[i]) == "-f") { // Set options file - if (i+1 >= argc) { - fprintf(stderr, "Usage is %s -f \n", argv[0]); - return 1; + if (i + 1 >= argc) { + throw BoutException(_("Usage is %s -f \n"), argv[0]); } - i++; - opt_file = argv[i]; - + + args.opt_file = argv[++i]; + + argv[i - 1][0] = 0; + argv[i][0] = 0; + } else if (string(argv[i]) == "-o") { // Set options file - if (i+1 >= argc) { - fprintf(stderr, "Usage is %s -o \n", argv[0]); - return 1; + if (i + 1 >= argc) { + throw BoutException(_("Usage is %s -o \n"), argv[0]); } - i++; - set_file = argv[i]; + + args.set_file = argv[++i]; + + argv[i - 1][0] = 0; + argv[i][0] = 0; } else if ((string(argv[i]) == "-l") || (string(argv[i]) == "--log")) { if (i + 1 >= argc) { - fprintf(stderr, "Usage is %s -l \n", argv[0]); - return 1; + throw BoutException(_("Usage is %s -l \n"), argv[0]); } - i++; - log_file = argv[i]; - - } else if ( (string(argv[i]) == "-v") || - (string(argv[i]) == "--verbose") ){ - verbosity++; - - } else if ( (string(argv[i]) == "-q") || - (string(argv[i]) == "--quiet")) { - verbosity--; - - } else if ( (string(argv[i]) == "-c") || - (string(argv[i]) == "--color") ) { + + args.log_file = argv[++i]; + + argv[i - 1][0] = 0; + argv[i][0] = 0; + + } else if ((string(argv[i]) == "-v") || (string(argv[i]) == "--verbose")) { + args.verbosity++; + + argv[i][0] = 0; + + } else if ((string(argv[i]) == "-q") || (string(argv[i]) == "--quiet")) { + args.verbosity--; + + argv[i][0] = 0; + + } else if ((string(argv[i]) == "-c") || (string(argv[i]) == "--color")) { // Add color to the output by piping through bout-log-color // This is done after checking all command-line inputs // in case -c is set multiple times - color_output = true; + args.color_output = true; + + argv[i][0] = 0; } } - - if (std::string(set_file) == std::string(opt_file)){ - throw BoutException("Input and output file for settings must be different.\nProvide -o to avoid this issue.\n"); + + if (args.set_file == args.opt_file) { + throw BoutException( + _("Input and output file for settings must be different.\nProvide -o to avoid this issue.\n")); } - // Check that data_dir exists. We do not check whether we can write, as it is - // sufficient that the files we need are writeable ... + return args; +} + +void checkDataDirectoryIsAccessible(const std::string& data_dir) { struct stat test; - if (stat(data_dir, &test) == 0){ - if (!S_ISDIR(test.st_mode)){ - throw BoutException("DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n",data_dir); + if (stat(data_dir.c_str(), &test) == 0) { + if (!S_ISDIR(test.st_mode)) { + throw BoutException(_("DataDir \"%s\" is not a directory\n"), data_dir.c_str()); } } else { - throw BoutException("DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n",data_dir); + throw BoutException(_("DataDir \"%s\" does not exist or is not accessible\n"), + data_dir.c_str()); } - - // Set options - Options::getRoot()->set("datadir", string(data_dir)); - Options::getRoot()->set("optionfile", string(opt_file)); - Options::getRoot()->set("settingsfile", string(set_file)); - - // Set the command-line arguments - SlepcLib::setArgs(argc, argv); // SLEPc initialisation - PetscLib::setArgs(argc, argv); // PETSc initialisation - Solver::setArgs(argc, argv); // Solver initialisation - BoutComm::setArgs(argc, argv); // MPI initialisation - - int NPES = BoutComm::size(); - int MYPE = BoutComm::rank(); - -#ifdef LOGCOLOR - if (color_output && (MYPE == 0)) { - // Color stdout by piping through bout-log-color script - // Only done on processor 0, since this is the only processor which writes to stdout - // This uses popen, fileno and dup2 functions, which are POSIX - bool success = false; +} - // Run bout-log-color through the shell. This should share stdout with BOUT++, - // and read stdin from the pipe - FILE *outpipe = popen("bout-log-color", "w"); +void savePIDtoFile(const std::string& data_dir, int MYPE) { + std::stringstream filename; + filename << data_dir << "/.BOUT.pid." << MYPE; + std::ofstream pid_file; + pid_file.open(filename.str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); - if (outpipe != nullptr) { - // Valid pipe - // Get the integer file descriptor - int fno = fileno(outpipe); - if (fno != -1) { - // Valid file descriptor - - // Note: We can get to here if bout-log-color failed to run - // This seems to cause code to fail later - - // Replace stdout with the pipe. - int status = dup2(fno, STDOUT_FILENO); - if (status != -1) { - success = true; - } - } - } - if (!success) { - // Failed . Probably not important enough to stop the simulation - fprintf(stderr, "Could not run bout-log-color. Make sure it is in your PATH\n"); - } + if (not pid_file.is_open()) { + throw BoutException(_("Could not create PID file %s"), filename.str().c_str()); } -#endif // LOGCOLOR - - /// Set up the output, accessing underlying Output object - { - Output &output = *Output::getInstance(); - if (MYPE == 0) output.enable(); // Enable writing to stdout - else output.disable(); // No writing to stdout - /// Open an output file to echo everything to - /// On processor 0 anything written to output will go to stdout and the file - if (output.open("%s/%s.%d", data_dir, log_file, MYPE)) { - return 1; - } - } - - output_error.enable(verbosity>0); - output_warn.enable(verbosity>1); - output_progress.enable(verbosity>2); - output_info.enable(verbosity>3); - output_debug.enable(verbosity>4); //Only actually enabled if also compiled with DEBUG - - // The backward-compatible output object same as output_progress - output.enable(verbosity>2); + pid_file << getpid() << "\n"; + pid_file.close(); +} - // Save the PID of this process to file, so it can be shut down by user signal - { - std::string filename; - std::stringstream(filename) << data_dir << "/.BOUT.pid." << MYPE; - std::ofstream pid_file; - pid_file.open(filename, std::ios::out); - if (pid_file.is_open()) { - pid_file << getpid() << "\n"; - pid_file.close(); - } - } - - /// Print intro - output_progress.write("BOUT++ version %s\n", BOUT_VERSION_STRING); +void printStartupHeader(int MYPE, int NPES) { + output_progress.write(_("BOUT++ version %s\n"), BOUT_VERSION_STRING); #ifdef REVISION - output_progress.write("Revision: %s\n", REV); + output_progress.write(_("Revision: %s\n"), BUILDFLAG(REVISION)); #endif #ifdef MD5SUM - output_progress.write("MD5 checksum: %s\n", CHECKSUM); + output_progress.write("MD5 checksum: %s\n", BUILDFLAG(MD5SUM)); #endif - output_progress.write("Code compiled on %s at %s\n\n", __DATE__, __TIME__); + output_progress.write(_("Code compiled on %s at %s\n\n"), __DATE__, __TIME__); output_info.write("B.Dudson (University of York), M.Umansky (LLNL) 2007\n"); output_info.write("Based on BOUT by Xueqiao Xu, 1999\n\n"); - output_info.write("Processor number: %d of %d\n\n", MYPE, NPES); + output_info.write(_("Processor number: %d of %d\n\n"), MYPE, NPES); - output_info.write("pid: %d\n\n",getpid()); - - /// Print compile-time options + output_info.write("pid: %d\n\n", getpid()); +} - output_info.write("Compile-time options:\n"); +void printCompileTimeOptions() { + output_info.write(_("Compile-time options:\n")); #if CHECK > 0 - output_info.write("\tChecking enabled, level %d\n", CHECK); + output_info.write(_("\tChecking enabled, level %d\n"), CHECK); #else - output_info.write("\tChecking disabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tChecking disabled\n")); #endif #ifdef SIGHANDLE - output_info.write("\tSignal handling enabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tSignal handling enabled\n")); #else - output_info.write("\tSignal handling disabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tSignal handling disabled\n")); #endif #ifdef NCDF - output_info.write("\tnetCDF support enabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tnetCDF support enabled\n")); #else #ifdef NCDF4 - output_info.write("\tnetCDF4 support enabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tnetCDF4 support enabled\n")); #else - output_info.write("\tnetCDF support disabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tnetCDF support disabled\n")); #endif #endif #ifdef PNCDF - output_info.write("\tParallel NetCDF support enabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tParallel NetCDF support enabled\n")); #else - output_info.write("\tParallel NetCDF support disabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tParallel NetCDF support disabled\n")); #endif #ifdef _OPENMP - output_info.write("\tOpenMP parallelisation enabled, using %d threads\n",omp_get_max_threads()); + output_info.write(_("\tOpenMP parallelisation enabled, using %d threads\n"), + omp_get_max_threads()); #else - output_info.write("\tOpenMP parallelisation disabled\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tOpenMP parallelisation disabled\n")); #endif #ifdef METRIC3D @@ -386,114 +416,184 @@ int BoutInitialise(int &argc, char **&argv) { output_info.write("\tFloatingPointExceptions enabled\n"); #endif - //The stringify is needed here as BOUT_FLAGS_STRING may already contain quoted strings - //which could cause problems (e.g. terminate strings). - output_info.write("\tCompiled with flags : %s\n",STRINGIFY(BOUT_FLAGS_STRING)); - - /// Get the options tree - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); + // The stringify is needed here as BOUT_FLAGS_STRING may already contain quoted strings + // which could cause problems (e.g. terminate strings). + output_info.write(_("\tCompiled with flags : %s\n"), STRINGIFY(BOUT_FLAGS_STRING)); +} - try { - /// Load settings file - OptionsReader *reader = OptionsReader::getInstance(); - reader->read(options, "%s/%s", data_dir, opt_file); +void printCommandLineArguments(const std::vector& original_argv) { + output_info.write(_("\tCommand line options for this run : ")); + for (auto& arg : original_argv) { + output_info << arg << " "; + } + output_info.write("\n"); +} - // Get options override from command-line - reader->parseCommandLine(options, argc, argv); +bool setupBoutLogColor(bool color_output, int MYPE) { +#ifdef LOGCOLOR + if (color_output && (MYPE == 0)) { + // Color stdout by piping through bout-log-color script + // Only done on processor 0, since this is the only processor which writes to stdout + // This uses popen, fileno and dup2 functions, which are POSIX + bool success = false; - // Save settings - if (BoutComm::rank() == 0) { - reader->write(options, "%s/%s", data_dir, set_file); + // Run bout-log-color through the shell. This should share stdout with BOUT++, + // and read stdin from the pipe + FILE* outpipe = popen("bout-log-color", "w"); + + if (outpipe != nullptr) { + // Valid pipe + // Get the integer file descriptor + int fno = fileno(outpipe); + if (fno != -1) { + // Valid file descriptor + + // Note: We can get to here if bout-log-color failed to run + // This seems to cause code to fail later + + // Replace stdout with the pipe. + int status = dup2(fno, STDOUT_FILENO); + if (status != -1) { + success = true; + } + } } - } catch (BoutException &e) { - output << "Error encountered during initialisation\n"; - output << e.what() << endl; - return 1; + if (!success) { + // Failed . Probably not important enough to stop the simulation + std::cerr << _("Could not run bout-log-color. Make sure it is in your PATH\n"); + } + return success; } +#endif // LOGCOLOR + return false; +} - try { - ///////////////////////////////////////////// - - mesh = Mesh::create(); ///< Create the mesh - mesh->load(); ///< Load from sources. Required for Field initialisation - mesh->setParallelTransform(); ///< Set the parallel transform from options - ///////////////////////////////////////////// - /// Get some settings - - // Check if restarting - bool append; - OPTION(options, append, false); - - /// Get file extensions - options->get("dump_format", dump_ext, "nc"); - - //////////////////////////////////////////// - - // Set up the "dump" data output file - output << "Setting up output (dump) file\n"; - - dump = Datafile(options->getSection("output")); - - /// Open a file for the output - if(append) { - dump.opena("%s/BOUT.dmp.%s", data_dir, dump_ext.c_str()); - }else { - dump.openw("%s/BOUT.dmp.%s", data_dir, dump_ext.c_str()); +void setupOutput(const std::string& data_dir, const std::string& log_file, int verbosity, + int MYPE) { + { + Output& output = *Output::getInstance(); + if (MYPE == 0) { + output.enable(); // Enable writing to stdout + } else { + output.disable(); // No writing to stdout + } + /// Open an output file to echo everything to + /// On processor 0 anything written to output will go to stdout and the file + if (output.open("%s/%s.%d", data_dir.c_str(), log_file.c_str(), MYPE)) { + throw BoutException(_("Could not open %s/%s.%d for writing"), data_dir.c_str(), + log_file.c_str(), MYPE); } + } - /// Add book-keeping variables to the output files - dump.add(const_cast(BOUT_VERSION), "BOUT_VERSION", false); - dump.add(simtime, "t_array", true); // Appends the time of dumps into an array - dump.add(iteration, "iteration", false); + output_error.enable(verbosity > 0); + output_warn.enable(verbosity > 1); + output_progress.enable(verbosity > 2); + output_info.enable(verbosity > 3); + output_verbose.enable(verbosity > 4); + // Only actually enabled if also compiled with DEBUG + output_debug.enable(verbosity > 5); - //////////////////////////////////////////// + // The backward-compatible output object same as output_progress + output.enable(verbosity > 2); +} - mesh->outputVars(dump); ///< Save mesh configuration into output file - - }catch(BoutException &e) { - output_error.write("Error encountered during initialisation: %s\n", e.what()); - throw; +void setRunStartInfo(Options& options) { + auto& runinfo = options["run"]; + + // Note: have to force value, since may already be set if a previously + // output BOUT.settings file was used as input + runinfo["version"].force(BOUT_VERSION_STRING, ""); + runinfo["revision"].force(BUILDFLAG(REVISION), ""); + + time_t start_time = time(nullptr); + runinfo["started"].force(ctime(&start_time), ""); +} + +void setRunFinishInfo(Options& options) { + time_t end_time = time(nullptr); + options["run"]["finished"].force(ctime(&end_time), ""); +} + +Datafile setupDumpFile(Options& options, Mesh& mesh, const std::string& data_dir) { + // Check if restarting + const bool append = options["append"] + .doc("Add output data to existing (dump) files?") + .withDefault(false); + + // Get file extensions + const auto dump_ext = options["dump_format"].withDefault(std::string{"nc"}); + + output_progress << "Setting up output (dump) file\n"; + + auto dump_file = Datafile(&(options["output"]), &mesh); + + if (append) { + dump_file.opena("%s/BOUT.dmp.%s", data_dir.c_str(), dump_ext.c_str()); + } else { + dump_file.openw("%s/BOUT.dmp.%s", data_dir.c_str(), dump_ext.c_str()); } - return 0; + + // Add book-keeping variables to the output files + dump_file.add(const_cast(BOUT_VERSION), "BOUT_VERSION", false); + // Appends the time of dumps into an array + dump_file.add(simtime, "t_array", true); + dump_file.add(iteration, "iteration", false); + + // Save mesh configuration into output file + mesh.outputVars(dump_file); + + return dump_file; +} + +void writeSettingsFile(Options& options, const std::string& data_dir, + const std::string& settings_file) { + OptionsReader::getInstance()->write(&options, "%s/%s", data_dir.c_str(), + settings_file.c_str()); } -int bout_run(Solver *solver, rhsfunc physics_run) { - +} // namespace experimental +} // namespace bout + +int bout_run(Solver* solver, rhsfunc physics_run) { + /// Set the RHS function solver->setRHS(physics_run); - + /// Add the monitor function - Monitor * bout_monitor = new BoutMonitor(); + Monitor* bout_monitor = new BoutMonitor(); solver->addMonitor(bout_monitor, Solver::BACK); /// Run the simulation return solver->solve(); } -int BoutFinalise() { +int BoutFinalise(bool write_settings) { // Output the settings, showing which options were used // This overwrites the file written during initialisation - try { - if (BoutComm::rank() == 0) { - string data_dir; - Options::getRoot()->get("datadir", data_dir, "data"); - - OptionsReader *reader = OptionsReader::getInstance(); - std::string settingsfile; - OPTION(Options::getRoot(), settingsfile, ""); - reader->write(Options::getRoot(), "%s/%s", data_dir.c_str(), settingsfile.c_str()); + if (write_settings) { + try { + using namespace bout::experimental; + auto& options = Options::root(); + + setRunFinishInfo(options); + + const auto data_dir = options["datadir"].withDefault(std::string{DEFAULT_DIR}); + const auto set_file = options["settingsfile"].withDefault(""); + + if (BoutComm::rank() == 0) { + writeSettingsFile(options, data_dir, set_file); + } + } catch (const BoutException& e) { + output_error << _("Error whilst writing settings") << e.what() << endl; } - } catch (BoutException &e) { - output_error << "Error whilst writing settings" << endl; - output_error << e.what() << endl; } // Delete the mesh - delete mesh; + delete bout::globals::mesh; // Close the output file - dump.close(); + bout::globals::dump.close(); // Make sure all processes have finished writing before exit MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); @@ -507,10 +607,10 @@ int BoutFinalise() { Array::cleanup(); Array::cleanup(); Array::cleanup(); - + // Cleanup boundary factory BoundaryFactory::cleanup(); - + // Cleanup timer Timer::cleanup(); @@ -518,9 +618,6 @@ int BoutFinalise() { Options::cleanup(); OptionsReader::cleanup(); - // Debugging message stack - msg_stack.clear(); - // Call SlepcFinalize if not already called SlepcLib::cleanup(); @@ -529,7 +626,10 @@ int BoutFinalise() { // MPI communicator, including MPI_Finalize() BoutComm::cleanup(); - + + // Debugging message stack + msg_stack.clear(); + return 0; } @@ -539,35 +639,36 @@ int BoutFinalise() { * Called each timestep by the solver **************************************************************************/ -int BoutMonitor::call(Solver *solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) { +int BoutMonitor::call(Solver* solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) { TRACE("BoutMonitor::call(%e, %d, %d)", t, iter, NOUT); // Data used for timing static bool first_time = true; static BoutReal wall_limit, mpi_start_time; // Keep track of remaining wall time - - static bool stopCheck; // Check for file, exit if exists? + + static bool stopCheck; // Check for file, exit if exists? static std::string stopCheckName; // File checked, whose existence triggers a stop - + // Set the global variables. This is done because they need to be // written to the output file before the first step (initial condition) simtime = t; iteration = iter; - /// Write dump file - dump.write(); - /// Collect timing information - BoutReal wtime = Timer::resetTime("run"); - int ncalls = solver->resetRHSCounter(); - int ncalls_e = solver->resetRHSCounter_e(); - int ncalls_i = solver->resetRHSCounter_i(); + run_data.wtime = Timer::resetTime("run"); + run_data.ncalls = solver->resetRHSCounter(); + run_data.ncalls_e = solver->resetRHSCounter_e(); + run_data.ncalls_i = solver->resetRHSCounter_i(); - bool output_split = solver->splitOperator(); - BoutReal wtime_rhs = Timer::resetTime("rhs"); - BoutReal wtime_invert = Timer::resetTime("invert"); - BoutReal wtime_comms = Timer::resetTime("comms"); // Time spent communicating (part of RHS) - BoutReal wtime_io = Timer::resetTime("io"); // Time spend on I/O + bool output_split = solver->splitOperator(); + run_data.wtime_rhs = Timer::resetTime("rhs"); + run_data.wtime_invert = Timer::resetTime("invert"); + // Time spent communicating (part of RHS) + run_data.wtime_comms = Timer::resetTime("comms"); + // Time spend on I/O + run_data.wtime_io = Timer::resetTime("io"); + + run_data.calculateDerivedMetrics(); output_progress.print("\r"); // Only goes to screen @@ -575,68 +676,64 @@ int BoutMonitor::call(Solver *solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) { /// First time the monitor has been called /// Get some options - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - OPTION(options, wall_limit, -1.0); // Wall time limit. By default, no limit - wall_limit *= 60.0 * 60.0; // Convert from hours to seconds - - OPTION(options, stopCheck, false); + auto& options = Options::root(); + wall_limit = options["wall_limit"] + .doc(_("Wall time limit in hours. By default (< 0), no limit")) + .withDefault(-1.0); + wall_limit *= 60.0 * 60.0; // Convert from hours to seconds + + stopCheck = options["stopCheck"] + .doc(_("Check if a file exists, and exit if it does.")) + .withDefault(false); if (stopCheck) { - // Get name of file whose existence triggers a stop - OPTION(options, stopCheckName, "BOUT.stop"); + stopCheckName = options["stopCheckName"] + .doc(_("Name of file whose existence triggers a stop")) + .withDefault("BOUT.stop"); // Now add data directory to start of name to ensure we look in a run specific location - std::string data_dir; - Options::getRoot()->get("datadir", data_dir, string(DEFAULT_DIR)); + std::string data_dir = Options::root()["datadir"].withDefault(DEFAULT_DIR); stopCheckName = data_dir + "/" + stopCheckName; } /// Record the starting time - mpi_start_time = MPI_Wtime() - wtime; + mpi_start_time = MPI_Wtime() - run_data.wtime; first_time = false; /// Print the column header for timing info if (!output_split) { - output_progress.write("Sim Time | RHS evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv Comm I/O " - "SOLVER\n\n"); + output_progress.write(_("Sim Time | RHS evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv Comm " + " I/O SOLVER\n\n")); } else { - output_progress.write("Sim Time | RHS_e evals | RHS_I evals | Wall Time | Calc Inv " - " Comm I/O SOLVER\n\n"); + output_progress.write(_("Sim Time | RHS_e evals | RHS_I evals | Wall Time | " + "Calc Inv Comm I/O SOLVER\n\n")); } } - if (!output_split) { - output_progress.write("%.3e %5d %.2e %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f\n", - simtime, ncalls, wtime, - 100.0*(wtime_rhs - wtime_comms - wtime_invert)/wtime, - 100.*wtime_invert/wtime, // Inversions - 100.0*wtime_comms/wtime, // Communications - 100.* wtime_io / wtime, // I/O - 100.*(wtime - wtime_io - wtime_rhs)/wtime); // Everything else - - } else { - output_progress.write("%.3e %5d %5d %.2e %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f\n", - simtime, ncalls_e, ncalls_i, wtime, - 100.0*(wtime_rhs - wtime_comms - wtime_invert)/wtime, - 100.*wtime_invert/wtime, // Inversions - 100.0*wtime_comms/wtime, // Communications - 100.* wtime_io / wtime, // I/O - 100.*(wtime - wtime_io - wtime_rhs)/wtime); // Everything else - } + run_data.writeProgress(simtime, output_split); // This bit only to screen, not log file - BoutReal t_elapsed = MPI_Wtime() - mpi_start_time; - output_progress.print("%c Step %d of %d. Elapsed %s", get_spin(), iteration+1, NOUT, (time_to_hms(t_elapsed)).c_str()); - output_progress.print(" ETA %s", (time_to_hms(wtime * static_cast(NOUT - iteration - 1))).c_str()); + run_data.t_elapsed = MPI_Wtime() - mpi_start_time; + + output_progress.print("%c Step %d of %d. Elapsed %s", get_spin(), iteration + 1, NOUT, + (time_to_hms(run_data.t_elapsed)).c_str()); + output_progress.print( + " ETA %s", + (time_to_hms(run_data.wtime * static_cast(NOUT - iteration - 1))) + .c_str()); + + /// Write dump file + bout::globals::dump.write(); if (wall_limit > 0.0) { // Check if enough time left BoutReal t_remain = mpi_start_time + wall_limit - MPI_Wtime(); - if (t_remain < wtime*2) { + if (t_remain < run_data.wtime * 2) { // Less than 2 time-steps left - output_warn.write("Only %e seconds (%.2f steps) left. Quitting\n", t_remain,t_remain/wtime); - user_requested_exit=true; + output_warn.write(_("Only %e seconds (%.2f steps) left. Quitting\n"), t_remain, + t_remain / run_data.wtime); + user_requested_exit = true; } else { output_progress.print(" Wall %s", (time_to_hms(t_remain)).c_str()); } @@ -646,9 +743,8 @@ int BoutMonitor::call(Solver *solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) { if (stopCheck) { std::ifstream f(stopCheckName); if (f.good()) { - output << "\n" << "File " << stopCheckName - << " exists -- triggering exit." << endl; - user_requested_exit=true; + output << "\nFile " << stopCheckName << " exists -- triggering exit." << endl; + user_requested_exit = true; } } @@ -661,15 +757,13 @@ int BoutMonitor::call(Solver *solver, BoutReal t, int iter, int NOUT) { /// Signal handler - handles all signals void bout_signal_handler(int sig) { - /// Set signal handler back to default to prevent possible infinite loop + // Set signal handler back to default to prevent possible infinite loop signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); // print number of process to stderr, so the user knows which log to check - int world_rank; - MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank); - fprintf(stderr,"\nSighandler called on process %d with sig %d\n" - ,world_rank,sig); + fprintf(stderr, "\nSighandler called on process %d with sig %d\n", BoutComm::rank(), + sig); - switch (sig){ + switch (sig) { case SIGSEGV: throw BoutException("\n****** SEGMENTATION FAULT CAUGHT ******\n\n"); break; @@ -684,10 +778,10 @@ void bout_signal_handler(int sig) { throw BoutException("\n****** SigKill caught ******\n\n"); break; case SIGUSR1: - user_requested_exit=true; + user_requested_exit = true; break; default: - throw BoutException("\n****** Signal %d caught ******\n\n",sig); + throw BoutException("\n****** Signal %d caught ******\n\n", sig); break; } } @@ -697,7 +791,7 @@ void bout_signal_handler(int sig) { **************************************************************************/ /// Write a time in h:mm:ss.s format -const string time_to_hms(BoutReal t) { +std::string time_to_hms(BoutReal t) { int h, m; h = static_cast(t / 3600); @@ -716,16 +810,70 @@ char get_spin() { static int i = 0; char c = '|'; // Doesn't need to be assigned; squash warning - switch(i) { - case 0: - c = '|'; break; + switch (i) { + case 0: + c = '|'; + break; case 1: - c = '/'; break; + c = '/'; + break; case 2: - c = '-'; break; + c = '-'; + break; case 3: - c = '\\'; break; + c = '\\'; + break; } - i = (i+1) % 4; + i = (i + 1) % 4; return c; } + +/************************************************************************** + * Functions for writing run information + **************************************************************************/ + +/*! + * Adds variables to the output file, for post-processing + */ +void RunMetrics::outputVars(Datafile& file) { + file.add(t_elapsed, "wall_time", true); + file.add(wtime, "wtime", true); + file.add(ncalls, "ncalls", true); + file.add(ncalls_e, "ncalls_e", true); + file.add(ncalls_i, "ncalls_i", true); + file.add(wtime_rhs, "wtime_rhs", true); + file.add(wtime_invert, "wtime_invert", true); + file.add(wtime_comms, "wtime_comms", true); + file.add(wtime_io, "wtime_io", true); + file.add(wtime_per_rhs, "wtime_per_rhs", true); + file.add(wtime_per_rhs_e, "wtime_per_rhs_e", true); + file.add(wtime_per_rhs_i, "wtime_per_rhs_i", true); +} + +void RunMetrics::calculateDerivedMetrics() { + wtime_per_rhs = wtime / ncalls; + wtime_per_rhs_e = wtime / ncalls_e; + wtime_per_rhs_i = wtime / ncalls_i; +} + +void RunMetrics::writeProgress(BoutReal simtime, bool output_split) { + if (!output_split) { + output_progress.write( + "%.3e %5d %.2e %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f\n", simtime, ncalls, + wtime, 100. * (wtime_rhs - wtime_comms - wtime_invert) / wtime, + 100. * wtime_invert / wtime, // Inversions + 100. * wtime_comms / wtime, // Communications + 100. * wtime_io / wtime, // I/O + 100. * (wtime - wtime_io - wtime_rhs) / wtime); // Everything else + + } else { + output_progress.write( + "%.3e %5d %5d %.2e %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f\n", + simtime, ncalls_e, ncalls_i, wtime, + 100. * (wtime_rhs - wtime_comms - wtime_invert) / wtime, + 100. * wtime_invert / wtime, // Inversions + 100. * wtime_comms / wtime, // Communications + 100. * wtime_io / wtime, // I/O + 100. * (wtime - wtime_io - wtime_rhs) / wtime); // Everything else + } +} diff --git a/src/field/field.cxx b/src/field/field.cxx index 9ab03cc65d..adc7c11985 100644 --- a/src/field/field.cxx +++ b/src/field/field.cxx @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ //#include -#include - #include #include #include @@ -34,26 +32,52 @@ #include #include -Field::Field() : fieldmesh(nullptr), fieldCoordinates(nullptr) { -#if CHECK > 0 - bndry_xin = bndry_xout = bndry_yup = bndry_ydown = true; -#endif -} - -Field::Field(Mesh *localmesh) : fieldmesh(localmesh), fieldCoordinates(nullptr) { - if (fieldmesh == nullptr) { - fieldmesh = mesh; +Field::Field(Mesh *localmesh, CELL_LOC location_in, + DirectionTypes directions_in) + : fieldmesh(localmesh==nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : localmesh), + location(location_in), directions(directions_in) { + + // Need to check for nullptr again, because the fieldmesh might still be + // nullptr if the global mesh hasn't been initialized yet + if (fieldmesh != nullptr) { + // sets fieldCoordinates by getting Coordinates for our location from + // fieldmesh + getCoordinates(); } +} -// Note we would like to do `fieldCoordinates = getCoordinates();` here but can't -// currently as this would lead to circular/recursive behaviour (getCoordinates would -// call fieldmesh->coordinates, which would create fields, which would then call -// getCoordinates again etc.). This also requires care in the derived class -// constructors. - +void Field::setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + if (getMesh()->StaggerGrids) { + if (new_location == CELL_VSHIFT) { + throw BoutException( + "Field: CELL_VSHIFT cell location only makes sense for vectors"); + } + if (new_location == CELL_DEFAULT) { + new_location = CELL_CENTRE; + } + + location = new_location; + } else { #if CHECK > 0 - bndry_xin = bndry_xout = bndry_yup = bndry_ydown = true; + if (new_location != CELL_CENTRE && new_location != CELL_DEFAULT) { + throw BoutException("Field: Trying to set off-centre location on " + "non-staggered grid\n" + " Did you mean to enable staggered grids?"); + } #endif + location = CELL_CENTRE; + } + + fieldCoordinates = nullptr; + // Sets correct fieldCoordinates pointer and ensures Coordinates object is + // initialized for this Field's location + getCoordinates(); +} + +CELL_LOC Field::getLocation() const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + return location; } Coordinates *Field::getCoordinates() const { @@ -81,30 +105,3 @@ int Field::getNy() const{ int Field::getNz() const{ return getMesh()->LocalNz; }; - -/////////////////// PROTECTED //////////////////// - - -// Report an error occurring -void Field::error(const char *s, ...) const { - int buf_len=512; - char * err_buffer=new char[buf_len]; - - if (s == nullptr) { - output_error.write("Unspecified error in field\n"); - } else { - - bout_vsnprintf(err_buffer,buf_len, s); - -#ifdef TRACK - output_error.write("Error in '%s': %s", name.c_str(), err_buffer); -#else - output_error.write("Error in field: %s", err_buffer); -#endif - } - std::string msg="Error in field: "; - msg+=err_buffer; - delete[] err_buffer; - throw BoutException(msg); -} - diff --git a/src/field/field2d.cxx b/src/field/field2d.cxx index eefd73487d..9e2ba75492 100644 --- a/src/field/field2d.cxx +++ b/src/field/field2d.cxx @@ -39,186 +39,97 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include -Field2D::Field2D(Mesh *localmesh) : Field(localmesh), deriv(nullptr) { +Field2D::Field2D(Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC location_in, + DirectionTypes directions_in) + : Field(localmesh, location_in, directions_in) { - boundaryIsSet = false; - - if(fieldmesh) { + if (fieldmesh) { nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; } -#if CHECK > 0 - else { - nx=-1; - ny=-1; - } -#endif #ifdef TRACK name = ""; #endif } -Field2D::Field2D(const Field2D& f) : Field(f.fieldmesh), // The mesh containing array sizes - data(f.data), // This handles references to the data array - deriv(nullptr) { +Field2D::Field2D(const Field2D& f) : Field(f), data(f.data) { TRACE("Field2D(Field2D&)"); #ifdef TRACK name = f.name; #endif -#if CHECK > 2 - checkData(f); -#endif - - if(fieldmesh) { + if (fieldmesh) { nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; } -#if CHECK > 0 - else { - nx=-1; - ny=-1; - } -#endif location = f.location; fieldCoordinates = f.fieldCoordinates; - - boundaryIsSet = false; } -Field2D::Field2D(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh) : Field(localmesh), deriv(nullptr) { - boundaryIsSet = false; +Field2D::Field2D(BoutReal val, Mesh* localmesh) : Field2D(localmesh) { + *this = val; +} + +Field2D::Field2D(Array data_in, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC datalocation, + DirectionTypes directions_in) + : Field(localmesh, datalocation, directions_in), data(std::move(data_in)) { + + ASSERT1(fieldmesh != nullptr); nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; - *this = val; -} + ASSERT1(data.size() == nx * ny); -Field2D::~Field2D() { - if(deriv) - delete deriv; + setLocation(datalocation); } -void Field2D::allocate() { +Field2D::~Field2D() { delete deriv; } + +Field2D& Field2D::allocate() { if(data.empty()) { if(!fieldmesh) { - /// If no mesh, use the global - fieldmesh = mesh; + // fieldmesh was not initialized when this field was initialized, so use + // the global mesh and set some members to default values + fieldmesh = bout::globals::mesh; nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; } - data = Array(nx*ny); + data.reallocate(nx*ny); #if CHECK > 2 invalidateGuards(*this); #endif }else data.ensureUnique(); + + return *this; } Field2D* Field2D::timeDeriv() { if(deriv == nullptr) - deriv = new Field2D(fieldmesh); + deriv = new Field2D{emptyFrom(*this)}; return deriv; } ////////////// Indexing /////////////////// -const DataIterator Field2D::iterator() const { - return DataIterator(0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0); -} - -const DataIterator Field2D::begin() const { - return DataIterator(0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0); -} - -const DataIterator Field2D::end() const { - return DataIterator(0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0, DI_GET_END); -} - -const IndexRange Field2D::region(REGION rgn) const { - switch(rgn) { - case RGN_ALL: { - return IndexRange{0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0}; - } - case RGN_NOBNDRY: { - return IndexRange{fieldmesh->xstart, fieldmesh->xend, - fieldmesh->ystart, fieldmesh->yend, - 0, 0}; - } - case RGN_NOX: { - return IndexRange{fieldmesh->xstart, fieldmesh->xend, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0}; - } - case RGN_NOY: { - return IndexRange{0, nx-1, - fieldmesh->ystart, fieldmesh->yend, - 0, 0}; - } - default: { - throw BoutException("Field2D::region() : Requested region not implemented"); - } - }; -} - const Region &Field2D::getRegion(REGION region) const { - return fieldmesh->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(region)); + return fieldmesh->getRegion2D(toString(region)); }; const Region &Field2D::getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) const { return fieldmesh->getRegion2D(region_name); }; -void Field2D::setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location) { - if (getMesh()->StaggerGrids) { - if (new_location == CELL_VSHIFT) { - throw BoutException( - "Field2D: CELL_VSHIFT cell location only makes sense for vectors"); - } - if (new_location == CELL_DEFAULT) { - new_location = CELL_CENTRE; - } - location = new_location; - - // Invalidate the coordinates pointer - if (new_location != location) - fieldCoordinates = nullptr; - - } else { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (new_location != CELL_CENTRE && new_location != CELL_DEFAULT) { - throw BoutException("Field2D: Trying to set off-centre location on " - "non-staggered grid\n" - " Did you mean to enable staggerGrids?"); - } -#endif - location = CELL_CENTRE; - } - - -} - -CELL_LOC Field2D::getLocation() const { - return location; -} - // Not in header because we need to access fieldmesh BoutReal& Field2D::operator[](const Ind3D &d) { return operator[](fieldmesh->map3Dto2D(d)); @@ -237,23 +148,19 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator=(const Field2D &rhs) { TRACE("Field2D: Assignment from Field2D"); - checkData(rhs); - #ifdef TRACK name = rhs.name; #endif + copyFieldMembers(rhs); + // Copy the data and data sizes - fieldmesh = rhs.fieldmesh; nx = rhs.nx; ny = rhs.ny; // Copy reference to data data = rhs.data; - // Copy location - setLocation(rhs.location); - return *this; } @@ -265,15 +172,7 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator=(const BoutReal rhs) { TRACE("Field2D = BoutReal"); allocate(); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (!finite(rhs)) - throw BoutException("Field2D: Assignment from non-finite BoutReal\n"); -#endif - - const Region ®ion_all = fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { - (*this)[i] = rhs; - } + BOUT_FOR(i, getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[i] = rhs; } return *this; } @@ -298,7 +197,23 @@ void Field2D::applyBoundary(bool init) { bndry->apply(*this); } -void Field2D::applyBoundary(const string &condition) { +void Field2D::applyBoundary(BoutReal time) { + TRACE("Field2D::applyBoundary(time)"); + +#if CHECK > 0 + if (!boundaryIsSet) { + output_warn << "WARNING: Call to Field2D::applyBoundary(time), but no boundary set\n"; + } +#endif + + checkData(*this); + + for (const auto& bndry : bndry_op) { + bndry->apply(*this, time); + } +} + +void Field2D::applyBoundary(const std::string &condition) { TRACE("Field2D::applyBoundary(condition)"); checkData(*this); @@ -308,9 +223,9 @@ void Field2D::applyBoundary(const string &condition) { /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for(const auto& reg : fieldmesh->getBoundaries()) { - BoundaryOp* op = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + auto op = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; op->apply(*this); - delete op; } // Set the corners to zero @@ -332,7 +247,7 @@ void Field2D::applyBoundary(const string &condition) { } } -void Field2D::applyBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition) { +void Field2D::applyBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition) { TRACE("Field2D::applyBoundary(string, string)"); checkData(*this); @@ -342,11 +257,11 @@ void Field2D::applyBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition) { bool region_found = false; /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for (const auto ® : fieldmesh->getBoundaries()) { - if (reg->label.compare(region) == 0) { + if (reg->label == region) { region_found = true; - BoundaryOp *op = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + auto op = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; op->apply(*this); - delete op; break; } } @@ -411,222 +326,13 @@ Field2D operator-(const Field2D &f) { return -1.0 * f; } //////////////// NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ////////////////// -BoutReal min(const Field2D &f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("Field2D::Min() %s",allpe? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(min:result)) { - if (f[i] < result) { - result = f[i]; - } - } - - if(allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result; -} - -BoutReal max(const Field2D &f, bool allpe,REGION rgn) { - TRACE("Field2D::Max() %s",allpe? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(max:result)) { - if (f[i] > result) { - result = f[i]; - } - } - - if(allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result; -} - -bool finite(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("finite(Field2D)"); - - if (!f.isAllocated()) { - return false; - } - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { - if (!::finite(f[i])) { - return false; - } - } - - return true; -} - -///////////////////////////////////////////////// -// functions - -/*! - * This macro takes a function \p func, which is - * assumed to operate on a single BoutReal and return - * a single BoutReal, and wraps it up into a function - * of a Field2D called \p name. - * - * @param name The name of the function to define - * @param func The function to apply to each value - * - * If CHECK >= 1, checks if the Field2D is allocated - * - * Loops over the entire domain, applies function, - * and uses checkData() to, if CHECK >= 3, check - * result for non-finite numbers - * - */ -#define F2D_FUNC(name, func) \ - const Field2D name(const Field2D &f, REGION rgn) { \ - TRACE(#name "(Field2D)"); \ - /* Check if the input is allocated */ \ - checkData(f); \ - /* Define and allocate the output result */ \ - Field2D result(f.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); \ - BOUT_FOR(d, region) { \ - result[d] = func(f[d]); \ - } \ - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -F2D_FUNC(abs, ::fabs); - -F2D_FUNC(sqrt, ::sqrt); - -F2D_FUNC(exp, ::exp); -F2D_FUNC(log, ::log); - -F2D_FUNC(sin, ::sin); -F2D_FUNC(cos, ::cos); -F2D_FUNC(tan, ::tan); - -F2D_FUNC(sinh, ::sinh); -F2D_FUNC(cosh, ::cosh); -F2D_FUNC(tanh, ::tanh); - -const Field2D copy(const Field2D &f) { - Field2D result = f; - result.allocate(); - return result; -} - -const Field2D floor(const Field2D &var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn) { - checkData(var); - - Field2D result = copy(var); - - const Region ®ion = var.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(d, region) { - if (result[d] < f) { - result[d] = f; - } - } - - return result; -} - -Field2D pow(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(Field2D, Field2D)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - ASSERT1(lhs.getLocation() == rhs.getLocation()); - - // Define and allocate the output result - ASSERT1(lhs.getMesh() == rhs.getMesh()); - Field2D result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs[i]); - } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -Field2D pow(const Field2D &lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(Field2D, BoutReal)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - // Define and allocate the output result - Field2D result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs); - } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -Field2D pow(BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(lhs, Field2D)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - // Define and allocate the output result - Field2D result(rhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = rhs.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs, rhs[i]); - } - - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - namespace { // Internal routine to avoid ugliness with interactions between CHECK // levels and UNUSED parameters #if CHECK > 2 -void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field2D &f, REGION region) { - const Region &new_region = f.getMesh()->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(region)); - +void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field2D& f, const std::string& region) { // Do full checks - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, new_region) { + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, f.getRegion(region)) { if (!::finite(f[i])) { throw BoutException("Field2D: Operation on non-finite data at [%d][%d]\n", i.x(), i.y()); @@ -635,13 +341,13 @@ void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field2D &f, REGION region) { } #elif CHECK > 0 // No-op for no checking -void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region)) {} +void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) {} #endif } #if CHECK > 0 /// Check if the data is valid -void checkData(const Field2D &f, REGION region) { +void checkData(const Field2D &f, const std::string& region) { if (!f.isAllocated()) { throw BoutException("Field2D: Operation on empty data\n"); } @@ -652,12 +358,18 @@ void checkData(const Field2D &f, REGION region) { #if CHECK > 2 void invalidateGuards(Field2D &var) { - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); - - const Region ®ion_guards = localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_GUARDS"); + BOUT_FOR(i, var.getRegion("RGN_GUARDS")) { var[i] = BoutNaN; } +} +#endif - BOUT_FOR(i, region_guards) { - var[i] = BoutNaN; +bool operator==(const Field2D &a, const Field2D &b) { + if (!a.isAllocated() || !b.isAllocated()) { + return false; } + return min(abs(a - b)) < 1e-10; +} + +std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Field2D &value) { + out << toString(value); + return out; } -#endif diff --git a/src/field/field3d.cxx b/src/field/field3d.cxx index c1f4bd1dcb..ea9527fe05 100644 --- a/src/field/field3d.cxx +++ b/src/field/field3d.cxx @@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ #include /// Constructor -Field3D::Field3D(Mesh *localmesh) - : Field(localmesh), background(nullptr), deriv(nullptr), yup_field(nullptr), - ydown_field(nullptr) { +Field3D::Field3D(Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC location_in, + DirectionTypes directions_in) + : Field(localmesh, location_in, directions_in) { #ifdef TRACK name = ""; #endif @@ -56,207 +56,156 @@ Field3D::Field3D(Mesh *localmesh) ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; } -#if CHECK > 0 - else { - nx = -1; - ny = -1; - nz = -1; - } -#endif - - boundaryIsSet = false; } /// Doesn't copy any data, just create a new reference to the same data (copy on change /// later) -Field3D::Field3D(const Field3D &f) - : Field(f.fieldmesh), // The mesh containing array sizes - background(nullptr), data(f.data), // This handles references to the data array - deriv(nullptr), yup_field(nullptr), ydown_field(nullptr) { +Field3D::Field3D(const Field3D& f) : Field(f), data(f.data) { TRACE("Field3D(Field3D&)"); -#if CHECK > 2 - checkData(f); -#endif - if (fieldmesh) { nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; } -#if CHECK > 0 - else { - nx = -1; - ny = -1; - nz = -1; - } -#endif location = f.location; fieldCoordinates = f.fieldCoordinates; - - boundaryIsSet = false; } -Field3D::Field3D(const Field2D &f) - : Field(f.getMesh()), background(nullptr), deriv(nullptr), yup_field(nullptr), - ydown_field(nullptr) { +Field3D::Field3D(const Field2D& f) : Field(f) { TRACE("Field3D: Copy constructor from Field2D"); - boundaryIsSet = false; - nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; - location = f.getLocation(); - fieldCoordinates = nullptr; - *this = f; } -Field3D::Field3D(const BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh) - : Field(localmesh), background(nullptr), deriv(nullptr), yup_field(nullptr), - ydown_field(nullptr) { +Field3D::Field3D(const BoutReal val, Mesh* localmesh) : Field3D(localmesh) { TRACE("Field3D: Copy constructor from value"); - boundaryIsSet = false; + *this = val; +} + +Field3D::Field3D(Array data_in, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC datalocation, + DirectionTypes directions_in) + : Field(localmesh, datalocation, directions_in), data(std::move(data_in)) { + TRACE("Field3D: Copy constructor from Array and Mesh"); nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; - *this = val; -} + ASSERT1(data.size() == nx * ny * nz); -Field3D::~Field3D() { - /// Delete the time derivative variable if allocated - if (deriv != nullptr) { - // The ddt of the yup/ydown_fields point to the same place as ddt.yup_field - // only delete once - // Also need to check that separate yup_field exists - if ((yup_field != this) && (yup_field != nullptr)) - yup_field->deriv = nullptr; - if ((ydown_field != this) && (ydown_field != nullptr)) - ydown_field->deriv = nullptr; - - // Now delete them as part of the deriv vector - delete deriv; - } - - if((yup_field != this) && (yup_field != nullptr)) - delete yup_field; - - if((ydown_field != this) && (ydown_field != nullptr)) - delete ydown_field; + setLocation(datalocation); } -void Field3D::allocate() { +Field3D::~Field3D() { delete deriv; } + +Field3D& Field3D::allocate() { if(data.empty()) { if(!fieldmesh) { - /// If no mesh, use the global - fieldmesh = mesh; + // fieldmesh was not initialized when this field was initialized, so use + // the global mesh and set some members to default values + fieldmesh = bout::globals::mesh; nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; ny = fieldmesh->LocalNy; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; } - data = Array(nx*ny*nz); + data.reallocate(nx * ny * nz); #if CHECK > 2 invalidateGuards(*this); #endif } else data.ensureUnique(); + + return *this; } Field3D* Field3D::timeDeriv() { if(deriv == nullptr) { - deriv = new Field3D(fieldmesh); + deriv = new Field3D{emptyFrom(*this)}; } return deriv; } -void Field3D::splitYupYdown() { - TRACE("Field3D::splitYupYdown"); +void Field3D::splitParallelSlices() { + TRACE("Field3D::splitParallelSlices"); - if((yup_field != this) && (yup_field != nullptr)) +#if CHECK > 2 + if (yup_fields.size() != ydown_fields.size()) { + throw BoutException("Field3D::splitParallelSlices: forward/backward parallel slices not in sync.\n" + " This is an internal library error"); + } +#endif + + if (!yup_fields.empty()) { return; + } - // yup_field and ydown_field null - yup_field = new Field3D(fieldmesh); - ydown_field = new Field3D(fieldmesh); + for (int i = 0; i < fieldmesh->ystart; ++i) { + // Note the fields constructed here will be fully overwritten by the + // ParallelTransform, so we don't need a full constructor + yup_fields.emplace_back(fieldmesh); + ydown_fields.emplace_back(fieldmesh); + } } -void Field3D::mergeYupYdown() { - TRACE("Field3D::mergeYupYdown"); - - if(yup_field == this && ydown_field == this) - return; +void Field3D::clearParallelSlices() { + TRACE("Field3D::clearParallelSlices"); - if(yup_field != nullptr){ - delete yup_field; +#if CHECK > 2 + if (yup_fields.size() != ydown_fields.size()) { + throw BoutException("Field3D::mergeYupYdown: forward/backward parallel slices not in sync.\n" + " This is an internal library error"); } +#endif - if(ydown_field != nullptr) { - delete ydown_field; + if (yup_fields.empty() && ydown_fields.empty()) { + return; } - yup_field = this; - ydown_field = this; -} - -Field3D& Field3D::ynext(int dir) { - switch(dir) { - case +1: - return yup(); - case -1: - return ydown(); - default: - throw BoutException("Field3D: Call to ynext with strange direction %d. Only +/-1 currently supported", dir); - } + yup_fields.clear(); + ydown_fields.clear(); } const Field3D& Field3D::ynext(int dir) const { - switch(dir) { - case +1: - return yup(); - case -1: - return ydown(); - default: - throw BoutException("Field3D: Call to ynext with strange direction %d. Only +/-1 currently supported", dir); +#if CHECK > 0 + // Asked for more than yguards + if (std::abs(dir) > fieldmesh->ystart) { + throw BoutException( + "Field3D: Call to ynext with %d which is more than number of yguards (%d)", dir, + fieldmesh->ystart); } -} - -void Field3D::setLocation(CELL_LOC new_location) { - if (getMesh()->StaggerGrids) { - if (new_location == CELL_VSHIFT) { - throw BoutException( - "Field3D: CELL_VSHIFT cell location only makes sense for vectors"); - } - if (new_location == CELL_DEFAULT) { - new_location = CELL_CENTRE; - } - location = new_location; +#endif - // Invalidate the coordinates pointer - if (new_location != location) - fieldCoordinates = nullptr; + // ynext uses 1-indexing, but yup wants 0-indexing + if (dir > 0) { + return yup(dir - 1); + } else if (dir < 0) { + return ydown(std::abs(dir) - 1); } else { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (new_location != CELL_CENTRE && new_location != CELL_DEFAULT) { - throw BoutException("Field3D: Trying to set off-centre location on " - "non-staggered grid\n" - " Did you mean to enable staggered grids?"); - } -#endif - location = CELL_CENTRE; + return *this; } } -CELL_LOC Field3D::getLocation() const { - return location; +Field3D &Field3D::ynext(int dir) { + // Call the `const` version: need to add `const` to `this` to call + // it, then throw it away after. This is ok because `this` wasn't + // `const` to begin with. + // See Effective C++, Scott Meyers, p23, for a better explanation + return const_cast(static_cast(*this).ynext(dir)); +} + +bool Field3D::requiresTwistShift(bool twist_shift_enabled) { + return getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().requiresTwistShift(twist_shift_enabled, + getDirectionY()); } // Not in header because we need to access fieldmesh @@ -276,92 +225,24 @@ const BoutReal &Field3D::operator()(const Ind2D &d, int jz) const { return operator[](fieldmesh->ind2Dto3D(d, jz)); } -/*************************************************************** - * OPERATORS - ***************************************************************/ - -const DataIterator Field3D::iterator() const { - return DataIterator(0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, nz-1); -} - -const DataIterator Field3D::begin() const { - return DataIterator(0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, nz-1); -} - -const DataIterator Field3D::end() const { - // end() iterator should be one past the last element - return DataIterator(0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, nz-1,DI_GET_END); -} - -const IndexRange Field3D::region(REGION rgn) const { - switch(rgn) { - case RGN_ALL: { - return IndexRange{0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, nz-1}; - } - case RGN_NOBNDRY: { - return IndexRange{fieldmesh->xstart, fieldmesh->xend, - fieldmesh->ystart, fieldmesh->yend, - 0, nz-1}; - } - case RGN_NOX: { - return IndexRange{fieldmesh->xstart, fieldmesh->xend, - 0, ny-1, - 0, nz-1}; - } - case RGN_NOY: { - return IndexRange{0, nx-1, - fieldmesh->ystart, fieldmesh->yend, - 0, nz-1}; - } - default: { - throw BoutException("Field3D::region() : Requested region not implemented"); - } - }; -} - -const IndexRange Field3D::region2D(REGION rgn) const { - switch(rgn) { - case RGN_ALL: { - return IndexRange{0, nx-1, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0}; - } - case RGN_NOBNDRY: { - return IndexRange{fieldmesh->xstart, fieldmesh->xend, - fieldmesh->ystart, fieldmesh->yend, - 0, 0}; - } - case RGN_NOX: { - return IndexRange{fieldmesh->xstart, fieldmesh->xend, - 0, ny-1, - 0, 0}; - } - case RGN_NOY: { - return IndexRange{0, nx-1, - fieldmesh->ystart, fieldmesh->yend, - 0, 0}; - } - default: { - throw BoutException("Field3D::region() : Requested region not implemented"); - } - }; -} - const Region &Field3D::getRegion(REGION region) const { - return fieldmesh->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(region)); + return fieldmesh->getRegion3D(toString(region)); }; const Region &Field3D::getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) const { return fieldmesh->getRegion3D(region_name); }; +const Region &Field3D::getRegion2D(REGION region) const { + return fieldmesh->getRegion2D(toString(region)); +}; +const Region &Field3D::getRegion2D(const std::string ®ion_name) const { + return fieldmesh->getRegion2D(region_name); +}; + +/*************************************************************** + * OPERATORS + ***************************************************************/ + /////////////////// ASSIGNMENT //////////////////// Field3D & Field3D::operator=(const Field3D &rhs) { @@ -370,86 +251,88 @@ Field3D & Field3D::operator=(const Field3D &rhs) { return(*this); // skip this assignment TRACE("Field3D: Assignment from Field3D"); - - /// Check that the data is valid - checkData(rhs); - + + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + + copyFieldMembers(rhs); + // Copy the data and data sizes - fieldmesh = rhs.fieldmesh; - nx = rhs.nx; ny = rhs.ny; nz = rhs.nz; - - data = rhs.data; + nx = rhs.nx; + ny = rhs.ny; + nz = rhs.nz; - setLocation(rhs.location); + data = rhs.data; return *this; } Field3D & Field3D::operator=(const Field2D &rhs) { TRACE("Field3D = Field2D"); - - /// Check that the data is valid - checkData(rhs); - + + /// Check that the data is allocated + ASSERT1(rhs.isAllocated()); + + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + + setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + /// Make sure there's a unique array to copy data into allocate(); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); /// Copy data - const Region ®ion_all = fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { - (*this)[i] = rhs[i]; + BOUT_FOR(i, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + for (int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) { + (*this)(i, iz) = rhs[i]; + } } - - /// Only 3D fields have locations for now - //location = CELL_CENTRE; - + return *this; } void Field3D::operator=(const FieldPerp &rhs) { TRACE("Field3D = FieldPerp"); - /// Check that the data is valid - checkData(rhs); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + /// Check that the data is allocated + ASSERT1(rhs.isAllocated()); + + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); /// Make sure there's a unique array to copy data into allocate(); /// Copy data - const Region ®ion_all = fieldmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { - (*this)(i, rhs.getIndex()) = rhs[i]; - } + BOUT_FOR(i, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)(i, rhs.getIndex()) = rhs[i]; } } Field3D & Field3D::operator=(const BoutReal val) { TRACE("Field3D = BoutReal"); - /// Check that the data is valid - checkData(val); - allocate(); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); - const Region ®ion_all = fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + allocate(); - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { - (*this)[i] = val; - } + BOUT_FOR(i, getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[i] = val; } - // Only 3D fields have locations - //location = CELL_CENTRE; - // DON'T RE-SET LOCATION + return *this; +} +Field3D& Field3D::calcParallelSlices() { + getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().calcParallelSlices(*this); return *this; } ///////////////////// BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ////////////////// -void Field3D::setBackground(const Field2D &f2d) { - background = &f2d; -} - void Field3D::applyBoundary(bool init) { TRACE("Field3D::applyBoundary()"); @@ -502,7 +385,7 @@ void Field3D::applyBoundary(BoutReal t) { } } -void Field3D::applyBoundary(const string &condition) { +void Field3D::applyBoundary(const std::string &condition) { TRACE("Field3D::applyBoundary(condition)"); checkData(*this); @@ -521,15 +404,15 @@ void Field3D::applyBoundary(const string &condition) { /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for(const auto& reg : fieldmesh->getBoundaries()) { - BoundaryOp* op = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + auto op = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; op->apply(*this); - delete op; } //Field2D sets the corners to zero here, should we do the same here? } -void Field3D::applyBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition) { +void Field3D::applyBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition) { TRACE("Field3D::applyBoundary(string, string)"); checkData(*this); @@ -539,11 +422,11 @@ void Field3D::applyBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition) { bool region_found = false; /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for (const auto ® : fieldmesh->getBoundaries()) { - if (reg->label.compare(region) == 0) { + if (reg->label == region) { region_found = true; - BoundaryOp *op = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + auto op = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; op->apply(*this); - delete op; break; } } @@ -631,7 +514,7 @@ void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(BoutReal t) { } } -void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string &condition) { +void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const std::string &condition) { TRACE("Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(condition)"); @@ -648,14 +531,14 @@ void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string &condition) { /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for(const auto& reg : fieldmesh->getBoundariesPar()) { - BoundaryOpPar* op = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + auto op = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; op->apply(*this); - delete op; } } } -void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition) { +void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition) { TRACE("Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(region, condition)"); @@ -672,17 +555,17 @@ void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &conditio /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for(const auto& reg : fieldmesh->getBoundariesPar()) { - if(reg->label.compare(region) == 0) { - BoundaryOpPar* op = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + if (reg->label == region) { + auto op = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; op->apply(*this); - delete op; break; } } } } -void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &condition, Field3D *f) { +void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const std::string ®ion, const std::string &condition, Field3D *f) { TRACE("Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(region, condition, f)"); @@ -699,15 +582,14 @@ void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &conditio /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions for(const auto& reg : fieldmesh->getBoundariesPar()) { - if(reg->label.compare(region) == 0) { + if (reg->label == region) { // BoundaryFactory can't create boundaries using Field3Ds, so get temporary // boundary of the right type - BoundaryOpPar* tmp = static_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg)); + auto tmp = std::unique_ptr{ + dynamic_cast(bfact->create(condition, reg))}; // then clone that with the actual argument - BoundaryOpPar* op = tmp->clone(reg, f); + auto op = std::unique_ptr{tmp->clone(reg, f)}; op->apply(*this); - delete tmp; - delete op; break; } } @@ -721,273 +603,60 @@ void Field3D::applyParallelBoundary(const string ®ion, const string &conditio Field3D operator-(const Field3D &f) { return -1.0 * f; } -#define F3D_OP_FPERP(op) \ - FieldPerp operator op(const Field3D &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs) { \ - FieldPerp result; \ - result.allocate(); \ - result.setIndex(rhs.getIndex()); \ - const Region ®ion_all = rhs.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { \ - result[i] = lhs(i, rhs.getIndex()) op rhs[i]; \ - return result; \ - } - //////////////// NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ////////////////// -Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(Field3D, Field3D)"); - - ASSERT1(lhs.getLocation() == rhs.getLocation()); - - ASSERT1(lhs.getMesh() == rhs.getMesh()); - Field3D result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs[i]); - } - - result.setLocation( lhs.getLocation() ); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs, REGION rgn) { +Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs, const std::string& rgn) { TRACE("pow(Field3D, Field2D)"); // Check if the inputs are allocated checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - ASSERT1(lhs.getMesh() == rhs.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); // Define and allocate the output result - Field3D result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs[i]); - } + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion(rgn)) { result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs[i]); } - result.setLocation( lhs.getLocation() ); - checkData(result); return result; } -FieldPerp pow(const Field3D &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, REGION rgn) { +FieldPerp pow(const Field3D &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, const std::string& rgn) { TRACE("pow(Field3D, FieldPerp)"); checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - ASSERT1(lhs.getMesh() == rhs.getMesh()); - - FieldPerp result{rhs.getMesh()}; - result.allocate(); - result.setIndex(rhs.getIndex()); - - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs(i, rhs.getIndex()), rhs[i]); - } - - result.setLocation( lhs.getLocation() ); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -Field3D pow(const Field3D &lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(Field3D, BoutReal)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - Field3D result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs); - } + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; - result.setLocation( lhs.getLocation() ); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -Field3D pow(BoutReal lhs, const Field3D &rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(lhs, Field3D)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - // Define and allocate the output result - Field3D result(rhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - - const Region ®ion = rhs.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs, rhs[i]); + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion(rgn)) { + result[i] = ::pow(lhs(i, rhs.getIndex()), rhs[i]); } - - result.setLocation( rhs.getLocation() ); checkData(result); return result; } -BoutReal min(const Field3D &f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("Field3D::Min() %s",allpe? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(min:result)) { - if(f[i] < result) { - result = f[i]; - } - } - - if(allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result; -} - -BoutReal max(const Field3D &f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("Field3D::Max() %s",allpe? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(max:result)) { - if(f[i] > result) { - result = f[i]; - } - } - - if(allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result; -} - -BoutReal mean(const Field3D &f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("Field3D::mean() %s",allpe? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - // Intitialise the cummulative sum and counter - BoutReal result = 0.; - int count = 0; - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(+:result,count)) { - result += f[i]; - count += 1; - } - - if(allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get()); - int localcount = count; - MPI_Allreduce(&localcount, &count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result / static_cast(count); -} - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Friend functions -/*! - * This macro takes a function \p func, which is - * assumed to operate on a single BoutReal and return - * a single BoutReal, and wraps it up into a function - * of a Field3D called \p name. - * - * @param name The name of the function to define - * @param func The function to apply to each value - * - * If CHECK >= 1, checks if the Field3D is allocated - * - * Loops over the entire domain, applies function, - * and uses checkData() to, if CHECK >= 3, check - * result for non-finite numbers - * - */ -#define F3D_FUNC(name, func) \ - const Field3D name(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn) { \ - TRACE(#name "(Field3D)"); \ - /* Check if the input is allocated */ \ - checkData(f); \ - /* Define and allocate the output result */ \ - Field3D result(f.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); \ - BOUT_FOR (d, region) { \ - result[d] = func(f[d]); \ - } \ - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -F3D_FUNC(sqrt, ::sqrt); -F3D_FUNC(abs, ::fabs); - -F3D_FUNC(exp, ::exp); -F3D_FUNC(log, ::log); - -F3D_FUNC(sin, ::sin); -F3D_FUNC(cos, ::cos); -F3D_FUNC(tan, ::tan); - -F3D_FUNC(sinh, ::sinh); -F3D_FUNC(cosh, ::cosh); -F3D_FUNC(tanh, ::tanh); - -const Field3D filter(const Field3D &var, int N0, REGION rgn) { +Field3D filter(const Field3D &var, int N0, const std::string& rgn) { TRACE("filter(Field3D, int)"); checkData(var); - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); + int ncz = var.getNz(); - int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + Field3D result{emptyFrom(var)}; - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(rgn); + const auto region_str = toString(rgn); // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now ASSERT2(region_str == "RGN_ALL" || region_str == "RGN_NOBNDRY" || region_str == "RGN_NOX" || region_str == "RGN_NOY"); - const Region ®ion = localmesh->getRegion2D(region_str); + const Region ®ion = var.getRegion2D(region_str); BOUT_OMP(parallel) { @@ -1013,82 +682,31 @@ const Field3D filter(const Field3D &var, int N0, REGION rgn) { result.name = "filter(" + var.name + ")"; #endif - result.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -// Fourier filter in z -const Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("lowPass(Field3D, %d)", zmax); - - checkData(var); - - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); - const int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; - - if ((zmax >= ncz / 2) || (zmax < 0)) { - // Removing nothing - return var; - } - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(rgn); - - // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now - ASSERT2(region_str == "RGN_ALL" || region_str == "RGN_NOBNDRY" || - region_str == "RGN_NOX" || region_str == "RGN_NOY"); - - const Region ®ion = localmesh->getRegion2D(region_str); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - Array f(ncz / 2 + 1); - - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, region) { - // Take FFT in the Z direction - rfft(var(i.x(), i.y()), ncz, f.begin()); - - // Filter in z - for (int jz = zmax + 1; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { - f[jz] = 0.0; - } - - // Reverse FFT - irfft(f.begin(), ncz, result(i.x(), i.y())); - } - } - result.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Fourier filter in z with zmin -const Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, int zmin, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("lowPass(Field3D, %d, %d)", zmax, zmin); +Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, bool keep_zonal, const std::string& rgn) { + TRACE("lowPass(Field3D, %d, %d)", zmax, keep_zonal); checkData(var); - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); - int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + int ncz = var.getNz(); - if (((zmax >= ncz / 2) || (zmax < 0)) && (zmin < 0)) { + if (((zmax >= ncz / 2) || (zmax < 0)) && keep_zonal) { // Removing nothing return var; } - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(var)}; - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(rgn); + const auto region_str = toString(rgn); // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now ASSERT2(region_str == "RGN_ALL" || region_str == "RGN_NOBNDRY" || region_str == "RGN_NOX" || region_str == "RGN_NOY"); - const Region ®ion = localmesh->getRegion2D(region_str); + const Region ®ion = var.getRegion2D(region_str); BOUT_OMP(parallel) { Array f(ncz / 2 + 1); @@ -1102,7 +720,7 @@ const Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, int zmin, REGION rgn) { f[jz] = 0.0; // Filter zonal mode - if (zmin == 0) { + if (!keep_zonal) { f[0] = 0.0; } // Reverse FFT @@ -1110,8 +728,6 @@ const Field3D lowPass(const Field3D &var, int zmax, int zmin, REGION rgn) { } } - result.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } @@ -1144,14 +760,14 @@ void shiftZ(Field3D &var, int jx, int jy, double zangle) { irfft(v.begin(), ncz, &(var(jx,jy,0))); // Reverse FFT } -void shiftZ(Field3D &var, double zangle, REGION rgn) { - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(rgn); +void shiftZ(Field3D &var, double zangle, const std::string& rgn) { + const auto region_str = toString(rgn); // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now ASSERT2(region_str == "RGN_ALL" || region_str == "RGN_NOBNDRY" || region_str == "RGN_NOX" || region_str == "RGN_NOY"); - const Region ®ion = var.getMesh()->getRegion2D(region_str); + const Region ®ion = var.getRegion2D(region_str); // Could be OpenMP if shiftZ(Field3D, int, int, double) didn't throw BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { @@ -1159,33 +775,13 @@ void shiftZ(Field3D &var, double zangle, REGION rgn) { } } -bool finite(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("finite( Field3D )"); - - if (!f.isAllocated()) { - return false; - } - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { - if (!finite(f[i])) { - return false; - } - } - - return true; -} - namespace { // Internal routine to avoid ugliness with interactions between CHECK // levels and UNUSED parameters #if CHECK > 2 -void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { +void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field3D& f, const std::string& region) { // Do full checks - const Region &new_region = f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(region)); - - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, new_region) { + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, f.getRegion(region)) { if (!finite(f[i])) { throw BoutException("Field3D: Operation on non-finite data at [%d][%d][%d]\n", i.x(), i.y(), i.z()); @@ -1194,12 +790,12 @@ void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { } #elif CHECK > 0 // No-op for no checking -void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field3D &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region)) {} +void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const Field3D &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) {} #endif } #if CHECK > 0 -void checkData(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { +void checkData(const Field3D &f, const std::string& region) { if (!f.isAllocated()) throw BoutException("Field3D: Operation on empty data\n"); @@ -1207,39 +803,16 @@ void checkData(const Field3D &f, REGION region) { } #endif -const Field3D copy(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result = f; - result.allocate(); - return result; -} - -const Field3D floor(const Field3D &var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn) { - checkData(var); - Field3D result = copy(var); - - const Region ®ion = var.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - BOUT_FOR(d, region) { - if (result[d] < f) { - result[d] = f; - } - } - - return result; -} - -Field2D DC(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn) { +Field2D DC(const Field3D &f, const std::string& rgn) { TRACE("DC(Field3D)"); checkData(f); Mesh *localmesh = f.getMesh(); - Field2D result(localmesh); + Field2D result(localmesh, f.getLocation()); result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - const Region ®ion = localmesh->getRegion2D(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion(rgn)) { result[i] = 0.0; for (int k = 0; k < localmesh->LocalNz; k++) { result[i] += f[localmesh->ind2Dto3D(i, k)]; @@ -1253,12 +826,18 @@ Field2D DC(const Field3D &f, REGION rgn) { #if CHECK > 2 void invalidateGuards(Field3D &var) { - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); - - const Region ®ion_guards = localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_GUARDS"); + BOUT_FOR(i, var.getRegion("RGN_GUARDS")) { var[i] = BoutNaN; } +} +#endif - BOUT_FOR(i, region_guards) { - var[i] = BoutNaN; +bool operator==(const Field3D &a, const Field3D &b) { + if (!a.isAllocated() || !b.isAllocated()) { + return false; } + return min(abs(a - b)) < 1e-10; +} + +std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Field3D &value) { + out << toString(value); + return out; } -#endif diff --git a/src/field/field_data.cxx b/src/field/field_data.cxx index 6ab19709c7..c328e32d08 100644 --- a/src/field/field_data.cxx +++ b/src/field/field_data.cxx @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ +#include #include #include #include @@ -6,10 +7,6 @@ #include #include "unused.hxx" -FieldData::FieldData() : boundaryIsCopy(false), boundaryIsSet(true) { - -} - FieldData::~FieldData() { if(!boundaryIsCopy) { // Delete the boundary operations @@ -18,24 +15,24 @@ FieldData::~FieldData() { } } -void FieldData::setBoundary(const string &name) { +void FieldData::setBoundary(const std::string &name) { /// Get the boundary factory (singleton) BoundaryFactory *bfact = BoundaryFactory::getInstance(); output_info << "Setting boundary for variable " << name << endl; /// Loop over the mesh boundary regions - for(const auto& reg : mesh->getBoundaries()) { - BoundaryOp* op = static_cast(bfact->createFromOptions(name, reg)); + for(const auto& reg : bout::globals::mesh->getBoundaries()) { + auto* op = dynamic_cast(bfact->createFromOptions(name, reg)); if (op != nullptr) bndry_op.push_back(op); output_info << endl; } /// Get the mesh boundary regions - vector par_reg = mesh->getBoundariesPar(); + std::vector par_reg = bout::globals::mesh->getBoundariesPar(); /// Loop over the mesh parallel boundary regions - for(const auto& reg : mesh->getBoundariesPar()) { - BoundaryOpPar* op = static_cast(bfact->createFromOptions(name, reg)); + for(const auto& reg : bout::globals::mesh->getBoundariesPar()) { + auto* op = dynamic_cast(bfact->createFromOptions(name, reg)); if (op != nullptr) bndry_op_par.push_back(op); output_info << endl; @@ -45,9 +42,9 @@ void FieldData::setBoundary(const string &name) { boundaryIsCopy = false; } -void FieldData::setBoundary(const string &UNUSED(region), BoundaryOp *op) { +void FieldData::setBoundary(const std::string &UNUSED(region), BoundaryOp *op) { /// Get the mesh boundary regions - vector reg = mesh->getBoundaries(); + std::vector reg = bout::globals::mesh->getBoundaries(); /// Find the region @@ -76,16 +73,16 @@ void FieldData::addBndryFunction(FuncPtr userfunc, BndryLoc location){ void FieldData::addBndryGenerator(FieldGeneratorPtr gen, BndryLoc location) { if(location == BNDRY_ALL){ - for(const auto& reg : mesh->getBoundaries()) { + for(const auto& reg : bout::globals::mesh->getBoundaries()) { bndry_generator[reg->location] = gen; } } else { - bndry_generator[location] = gen; + bndry_generator[location] = std::move(gen); } } FieldGeneratorPtr FieldData::getBndryGenerator(BndryLoc location) { - std::map::iterator it = bndry_generator.find(location); + auto it = bndry_generator.find(location); if(it == bndry_generator.end()) return nullptr; diff --git a/src/field/field_factory.cxx b/src/field/field_factory.cxx index 884c228cd0..d7f3c00eed 100644 --- a/src/field/field_factory.cxx +++ b/src/field/field_factory.cxx @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ #include -#include #include +#include #include #include "bout/constants.hxx" @@ -39,20 +39,27 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr generator(BoutReal value) { } /// Helper function to create a FieldValuePtr from a pointer to BoutReal -FieldGeneratorPtr generator(BoutReal *ptr) { +FieldGeneratorPtr generator(BoutReal* ptr) { return std::make_shared(ptr); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FieldFactory public functions -FieldFactory::FieldFactory(Mesh * localmesh, Options *opt) : fieldmesh(localmesh), options(opt) { +FieldFactory::FieldFactory(Mesh* localmesh, Options* opt) + : fieldmesh(localmesh == nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : localmesh), + options(opt == nullptr ? Options::getRoot() : opt) { - if (options == nullptr) - options = Options::getRoot(); + // Set options + // Note: don't use 'options' here because 'options' is a 'const Options*' + // pointer, so this would fail if the "input" section is not present. + Options& nonconst_options{opt == nullptr ? Options::root() : *opt}; + transform_from_field_aligned + = nonconst_options["input"]["transform_from_field_aligned"].withDefault(true); // Useful values addGenerator("pi", std::make_shared(PI)); + addGenerator("π", std::make_shared(PI)); // Some standard functions addGenerator("sin", std::make_shared(nullptr)); @@ -74,6 +81,7 @@ FieldFactory::FieldFactory(Mesh * localmesh, Options *opt) : fieldmesh(localmesh addGenerator("sqrt", std::make_shared(nullptr)); addGenerator("h", std::make_shared(nullptr)); addGenerator("erf", std::make_shared(nullptr)); + addGenerator("fmod", std::make_shared>(nullptr, nullptr)); addGenerator("min", std::make_shared()); addGenerator("max", std::make_shared()); @@ -93,181 +101,260 @@ FieldFactory::FieldFactory(Mesh * localmesh, Options *opt) : fieldmesh(localmesh std::make_shared(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); } -FieldFactory::~FieldFactory() { - +Field2D FieldFactory::create2D(const std::string& value, const Options* opt, + Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, BoutReal t) const { + return create2D(parse(value, opt), localmesh, loc, t); } -const Field2D FieldFactory::create2D(const string &value, const Options *opt, - Mesh *localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, - BoutReal t) { +Field2D FieldFactory::create2D(FieldGeneratorPtr gen, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, + BoutReal t) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); - if(localmesh == nullptr) + if (localmesh == nullptr) { + if (fieldmesh == nullptr) { + throw BoutException("FieldFactory not created with mesh and no mesh passed in"); + } localmesh = fieldmesh; - if(localmesh == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Not a valid mesh"); - - Field2D result(0.,localmesh); + } - if(localmesh->StaggerGrids == false){ - loc = CELL_CENTRE ; + if (!gen) { + throw BoutException("Couldn't create 2D field from null generator"); } + + Field2D result{localmesh}; + + result.allocate(); result.setLocation(loc); - FieldGeneratorPtr gen = parse(value, opt); - if(!gen) { - output << "FieldFactory error: Couldn't create 2D field from '" - << value - << "'" << endl; - return result; - } + constexpr BoutReal z_position{0.0}; switch(loc) { case CELL_XLOW: { - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { BoutReal xpos = 0.5 * (localmesh->GlobalX(i.x() - 1) + localmesh->GlobalX(i.x())); - result[i] = gen->generate(xpos, TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), - 0.0, // Z - t); // T + result[i] = gen->generate(xpos, TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), z_position, t); } break; } case CELL_YLOW: { - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { BoutReal ypos = TWOPI * 0.5 * (localmesh->GlobalY(i.y() - 1) + localmesh->GlobalY(i.y())); - result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), ypos, - 0.0, // Z - t); // T + result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), ypos, z_position, t); } break; } - default: {// CELL_CENTRE or CELL_ZLOW - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - result[i] = - gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), - 0.0, // Z - t); // T + default: { // CELL_CENTRE or CELL_ZLOW + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), + TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), z_position, t); } } }; - // Don't delete the generator, as will be cached - return result; } -const Field3D FieldFactory::create3D(const string &value, const Options *opt, - Mesh *localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, - BoutReal t) { +Field3D FieldFactory::create3D(const std::string& value, const Options* opt, + Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, BoutReal t) const { + return create3D(parse(value, opt), localmesh, loc, t); +} + +Field3D FieldFactory::create3D(FieldGeneratorPtr gen, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, + BoutReal t) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); - if(localmesh == nullptr) + if (localmesh == nullptr) { + if (fieldmesh == nullptr) { + throw BoutException("FieldFactory not created with mesh and no mesh passed in"); + } localmesh = fieldmesh; - if(localmesh == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Not a valid mesh"); + } - // Create a Field3D over mesh "localmesh" - Field3D result(localmesh); - - // Ensure that data is allocated and unique - result.allocate(); + if (!gen) { + throw BoutException("Couldn't create 3D field from null generator"); + } - result.setLocation(loc); + const auto y_direction = + transform_from_field_aligned ? YDirectionType::Aligned : YDirectionType::Standard; - // Parse expression to create a tree of generators - FieldGeneratorPtr gen = parse(value, opt); - if(!gen) { - throw BoutException("FieldFactory error: Couldn't create 3D field from '%s'", value.c_str()); - } + auto result = Field3D(localmesh).setLocation(loc).setDirectionY(y_direction).allocate(); - switch(loc) { + switch (loc) { case CELL_XLOW: { - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { BoutReal xpos = 0.5 * (localmesh->GlobalX(i.x() - 1) + localmesh->GlobalX(i.x())); result[i] = gen->generate(xpos, TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), - TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) / - static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), // Z - t); // T + TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); } break; } case CELL_YLOW: { - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { BoutReal ypos = TWOPI * 0.5 * (localmesh->GlobalY(i.y() - 1) + localmesh->GlobalY(i.y())); result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), ypos, - TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) / - static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), // Z - t); // T + TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); } break; } case CELL_ZLOW: { - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), - TWOPI * (static_cast(i.z()) - 0.5) / - static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), // Z - t); // T + TWOPI * (static_cast(i.z()) - 0.5) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); } break; } - default: {// CELL_CENTRE - BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + default: { // CELL_CENTRE + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), TWOPI * localmesh->GlobalY(i.y()), - TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) / - static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), // Z - t); // T + TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); } } }; - // Don't delete generator - - if (localmesh->canToFromFieldAligned()){ // Ask wheter it is possible - // Transform from field aligned coordinates, to be compatible with - // older BOUT++ inputs. This is not a particularly "nice" solution. - result = localmesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + if (transform_from_field_aligned) { + auto coords = result.getCoordinates(); + if (coords == nullptr) { + throw BoutException("Unable to transform result: Mesh does not have Coordinates set"); + } + if (coords->getParallelTransform().canToFromFieldAligned()) { + // Transform from field aligned coordinates, to be compatible with + // older BOUT++ inputs. This is not a particularly "nice" solution. + result = fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_ALL"); + } else { + result.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Standard); + } } return result; } -const Options* FieldFactory::findOption(const Options *opt, const string &name, string &val) { - // Find an Options object which contains the given name +FieldPerp FieldFactory::createPerp(const std::string& value, const Options* opt, + Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, BoutReal t) const { + return createPerp(parse(value, opt), localmesh, loc, t); +} + +FieldPerp FieldFactory::createPerp(FieldGeneratorPtr gen, Mesh* localmesh, CELL_LOC loc, + BoutReal t) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + if (localmesh == nullptr) { + if (fieldmesh == nullptr) { + throw BoutException("FieldFactory not created with mesh and no mesh passed in"); + } + localmesh = fieldmesh; + } + + if (!gen) { + throw BoutException("Couldn't create FieldPerp from null generator"); + } + + const auto y_direction = + transform_from_field_aligned ? YDirectionType::Aligned : YDirectionType::Standard; - const Options *result = opt; + auto result = FieldPerp(localmesh).setLocation(loc).setDirectionY(y_direction).allocate(); + + switch (loc) { + case CELL_XLOW: { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal xpos = 0.5 * (localmesh->GlobalX(i.x() - 1) + localmesh->GlobalX(i.x())); + result[i] = gen->generate(xpos, 0., + TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); + } + break; + } + case CELL_YLOW: { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[i] = gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), 0., + TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); + } + break; + } + case CELL_ZLOW: { + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[i] = + gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), 0., + TWOPI * (static_cast(i.z()) - 0.5) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); + } + break; + } + default: { // CELL_CENTRE + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[i] = + gen->generate(localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()), 0., + TWOPI * static_cast(i.z()) + / static_cast(localmesh->LocalNz), + t); + } + } + }; + + if (transform_from_field_aligned) { + auto coords = result.getCoordinates(); + if (coords == nullptr) { + throw BoutException("Unable to transform result: Mesh does not have Coordinates set"); + } + if (coords->getParallelTransform().canToFromFieldAligned()) { + // Transform from field aligned coordinates, to be compatible with + // older BOUT++ inputs. This is not a particularly "nice" solution. + result = fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_ALL"); + } + } + + return result; +} + +const Options* FieldFactory::findOption(const Options* opt, const std::string& name, + std::string& val) const { + const Options* result = opt; // Check if name contains a section separator ':' size_t pos = name.find(':'); - if(pos == string::npos) { + if (pos == std::string::npos) { // No separator. Try this section, and then go through parents - while(!result->isSet(name)) { + while (!result->isSet(name)) { result = result->getParent(); if (result == nullptr) throw ParseException("Cannot find variable '%s'", name.c_str()); } result->get(name, val, ""); - }else { + } else { // Go to the root, and go up through sections result = Options::getRoot(); size_t lastpos = 0; - while(pos != string::npos) { - string sectionname = name.substr(lastpos,pos); - if( sectionname.length() > 0 ) { + while (pos != std::string::npos) { + std::string sectionname = name.substr(lastpos, pos); + if (sectionname.length() > 0) { result = result->getSection(sectionname); } - lastpos = pos+1; + lastpos = pos + 1; pos = name.find(':', lastpos); } // Now look for the name in this section - string varname = name.substr(lastpos); + std::string varname = name.substr(lastpos); - if(!result->isSet(varname)) { + if (!result->isSet(varname)) { // Not in this section throw ParseException("Cannot find variable '%s'", name.c_str()); } @@ -278,17 +365,18 @@ const Options* FieldFactory::findOption(const Options *opt, const string &name, return result; } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::resolve(string &name) { - if (options) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::resolve(std::string& name) const { + if (options != nullptr) { // Check if in cache - string key; - if(name.find(':') != string::npos) { + std::string key; + if (name.find(':') != std::string::npos) { // Already has section key = name; - }else { + } else { key = options->str(); - if(key.length() > 0) - key += string(":"); + if (key.length() > 0) { + key += ":"; + } key += name; } @@ -301,14 +389,14 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::resolve(string &name) { // Look up in options // Check if already looking up this symbol - for (const auto &lookup_value : lookup) { - if (key.compare(lookup_value) == 0) { + for (const auto& lookup_value : lookup) { + if (key == lookup_value) { // Name matches, so already looking up - output << "ExpressionParser lookup stack:\n"; - for (const auto &stack_value : lookup) { - output << stack_value << " -> "; + output_error << "ExpressionParser lookup stack:\n"; + for (const auto& stack_value : lookup) { + output_error << stack_value << " -> "; } - output << name << endl; + output_error << name << endl; throw BoutException("ExpressionParser: Infinite recursion in parsing '%s'", name.c_str()); } @@ -316,19 +404,15 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::resolve(string &name) { // Find the option, including traversing sections. // Throws exception if not found - string value; - const Options *section = findOption(options, name, value); + std::string value; + const Options* section = findOption(options, name, value); - // Add to lookup list lookup.push_back(key); - // Parse FieldGeneratorPtr g = parse(value, section); - // Cache cache[key] = g; - // Remove from lookup list lookup.pop_back(); return g; @@ -337,33 +421,31 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::resolve(string &name) { return nullptr; } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::parse(const string &input, const Options *opt) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldFactory::parse(const std::string& input, const Options* opt) const { // Check if in the cache - string key = string("#") + input; - if (opt) + std::string key = "#" + input; + if (opt != nullptr) { key = opt->str() + key; // Include options context in key + } auto it = cache.find(key); if (it != cache.end()) { - // Found in cache return it->second; } // Save the current options - const Options *oldoptions = options; + const Options* oldoptions = options; // Store the options tree for token lookups - if (opt) + if (opt != nullptr) { options = opt; + } - // Parse FieldGeneratorPtr expr = parseString(input); - // Add to cache cache[key] = expr; - // Restore the old options options = oldoptions; return expr; @@ -375,6 +457,4 @@ FieldFactory* FieldFactory::get() { return &instance; } -void FieldFactory::cleanCache() { - cache.clear(); -} +void FieldFactory::cleanCache() { cache.clear(); } diff --git a/src/field/fieldgenerators.cxx b/src/field/fieldgenerators.cxx index 7a8df3b581..892bf2d6b2 100644 --- a/src/field/fieldgenerators.cxx +++ b/src/field/fieldgenerators.cxx @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldSin::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldSin::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to sin function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ BoutReal FieldSin::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return sin(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldCos::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldCos::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to cos function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ BoutReal FieldCos::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return cos(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldSinh::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldSinh::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to sinh function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ BoutReal FieldSinh::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return sinh(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldCosh::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldCosh::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to cosh function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ BoutReal FieldCosh::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return cosh(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldTanh::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldTanh::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to tanh function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ BoutReal FieldTanh::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return tanh(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldGaussian::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldGaussian::clone(const std::list args) { if ((args.size() < 1) || (args.size() > 2)) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to gaussian function. Expecting 1 or 2, got %lu", @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ BoutReal FieldGaussian::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return exp(-SQ(X->generate(x,y,z,t)/sigma)/2.) / (sqrt(TWOPI) * sigma); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldAbs::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldAbs::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to abs function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr FieldAbs::clone(const list args) { } BoutReal FieldAbs::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - return fabs(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); + return std::fabs(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldSqrt::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldSqrt::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to sqrt function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ BoutReal FieldSqrt::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return sqrt(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldHeaviside::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldHeaviside::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to heaviside function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ BoutReal FieldHeaviside::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { return (gen->generate(x, y, z, t) > 0.0) ? 1.0 : 0.0; } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldErf::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldErf::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to erf function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ BoutReal FieldErf::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { // Ballooning transform // Use a truncated Ballooning transform to enforce periodicity in y and z -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldBallooning::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldBallooning::clone(const std::list args) { int n = ball_n; switch(args.size()) { case 2: { @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ FieldMixmode::FieldMixmode(FieldGeneratorPtr a, BoutReal seed) : arg(std::move(a phase[i] = PI * (2.*genRand(seed + i) - 1.); } -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldMixmode::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldMixmode::clone(const std::list args) { BoutReal seed = 0.5; switch(args.size()) { case 2: { @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ BoutReal FieldMixmode::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { // A mixture of mode numbers for(int i=0;i<14;i++) { // This produces a spectrum which is peaked around mode number 4 - result += ( 1./SQ(1. + abs(i - 4)) ) * + result += ( 1./SQ(1. + std::abs(i - 4)) ) * cos(i * arg->generate(x,y,z,t) + phase[i]); } @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ BoutReal FieldMixmode::genRand(BoutReal seed) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TanhHat -FieldGeneratorPtr FieldTanhHat::clone(const list args) { +FieldGeneratorPtr FieldTanhHat::clone(const std::list args) { if (args.size() != 4) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to TanhHat function. Expecting 4, got %lu", @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr FieldTanhHat::clone(const list args) { // As lists are not meant to be indexed, we may use an iterator to get the // input arguments instead // Create the iterator - list::const_iterator it = args.begin(); + auto it = args.begin(); // Assign the input arguments to the input of the constructor and advance the // iterator FieldGeneratorPtr xin = *it; diff --git a/src/field/fieldgenerators.hxx b/src/field/fieldgenerators.hxx index 08e6927d6f..f9cf327e29 100644 --- a/src/field/fieldgenerators.hxx +++ b/src/field/fieldgenerators.hxx @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ /*! * \file fieldgenerators.hxx - * + * * These classes are used by FieldFactory */ #ifndef __FIELDGENERATORS_H__ #define __FIELDGENERATORS_H__ -#include #include +#include #include #include -using std::list; - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generators from values @@ -22,11 +20,17 @@ using std::list; /// WARNING: The value pointed to must remain in scope until this generator is finished class FieldValuePtr : public FieldGenerator { public: - FieldValuePtr(BoutReal *val) : ptr(val) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) { return std::make_shared(ptr); } - BoutReal generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), double UNUSED(t)) { return *ptr; } + FieldValuePtr(BoutReal* val) : ptr(val) {} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list UNUSED(args)) override { + return std::make_shared(ptr); + } + BoutReal generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), + double UNUSED(t)) override { + return *ptr; + } + private: - BoutReal *ptr; + BoutReal* ptr; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -37,9 +41,12 @@ class FieldSin : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldSin(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); - const std::string str() {return std::string("sin(")+gen->str()+std::string(")");} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + std::string str() const override { + return std::string("sin(") + gen->str() + std::string(")"); + } + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -49,21 +56,24 @@ class FieldCos : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldCos(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + + std::string str() const override { + return std::string("cos(") + gen->str() + std::string(")"); + } - const std::string str() {return std::string("cos(")+gen->str()+std::string(")");} private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; /// Template class to define generators around a C function -typedef BoutReal(*single_arg_op)(BoutReal); +using single_arg_op = BoutReal (*)(BoutReal); template class FieldGenOneArg : public FieldGenerator { ///< Template for single-argument function public: FieldGenOneArg(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args) { + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to function. Expecting 1, got %lu", @@ -71,21 +81,24 @@ public: } return std::make_shared>(args.front()); } - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - return Op(gen->generate(x,y,z,t)); + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + return Op(gen->generate(x, y, z, t)); } - const std::string str() {return std::string("func(")+gen->str()+std::string(")");} + std::string str() const override { + return std::string("func(") + gen->str() + std::string(")"); + } + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; /// Template for a FieldGenerator with two input arguments -typedef BoutReal(*double_arg_op)(BoutReal, BoutReal); -template +using double_arg_op = BoutReal (*)(BoutReal, BoutReal); +template class FieldGenTwoArg : public FieldGenerator { ///< Template for two-argument function public: FieldGenTwoArg(FieldGeneratorPtr a, FieldGeneratorPtr b) : A(a), B(b) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args) { + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override { if (args.size() != 2) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to function. Expecting 2, got %lu", @@ -93,10 +106,10 @@ public: } return std::make_shared>(args.front(), args.back()); } - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - return Op(A->generate(x,y,z,t), B->generate(x,y,z,t)); + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + return Op(A->generate(x, y, z, t), B->generate(x, y, z, t)); } - const std::string str() { + std::string str() const override { return std::string("cos(") + A->str() + "," + B->str() + std::string(")"); } @@ -105,24 +118,25 @@ private: }; /// Arc (Inverse) tangent. Either one or two argument versions -class FieldATan : public FieldGenerator { +class FieldATan : public FieldGenerator { public: - FieldATan(FieldGeneratorPtr a, FieldGeneratorPtr b=nullptr) : A(a), B(b) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args) { - if(args.size() == 1) { + FieldATan(FieldGeneratorPtr a, FieldGeneratorPtr b = nullptr) : A(a), B(b) {} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override { + if (args.size() == 1) { return std::make_shared(args.front()); - }else if(args.size() == 2) { + } else if (args.size() == 2) { return std::make_shared(args.front(), args.back()); } throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to atan function. Expecting 1 or 2, got %lu", static_cast(args.size())); } - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - if(B == nullptr) - return atan(A->generate(x,y,z,t)); - return atan2(A->generate(x,y,z,t), B->generate(x,y,z,t)); + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + if (B == nullptr) + return atan(A->generate(x, y, z, t)); + return atan2(A->generate(x, y, z, t), B->generate(x, y, z, t)); } + private: FieldGeneratorPtr A, B; }; @@ -132,8 +146,9 @@ class FieldSinh : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldSinh(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -143,8 +158,9 @@ class FieldCosh : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldCosh(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -152,10 +168,11 @@ private: /// Hyperbolic tangent class FieldTanh : public FieldGenerator { public: - FieldTanh(FieldGeneratorPtr g=nullptr) : gen(g) {} + FieldTanh(FieldGeneratorPtr g = nullptr) : gen(g) {} + + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -165,8 +182,9 @@ class FieldGaussian : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldGaussian(FieldGeneratorPtr xin, FieldGeneratorPtr sin) : X(xin), s(sin) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: FieldGeneratorPtr X, s; }; @@ -176,8 +194,9 @@ class FieldAbs : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldAbs(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -187,8 +206,9 @@ class FieldSqrt : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldSqrt(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -198,9 +218,12 @@ class FieldHeaviside : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldHeaviside(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); - const std::string str() {return std::string("H(")+gen->str()+std::string(")");} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + std::string str() const override { + return std::string("H(") + gen->str() + std::string(")"); + } + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -210,8 +233,9 @@ class FieldErf : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldErf(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -219,51 +243,53 @@ private: /// Minimum class FieldMin : public FieldGenerator { public: - FieldMin() {} - FieldMin(const list args) : input(args) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args) { - if(args.size() == 0) { + FieldMin() = default; + FieldMin(const std::list args) : input(args) {} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override { + if (args.size() == 0) { throw ParseException("min function must have some inputs"); } return std::make_shared(args); } - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - list::iterator it=input.begin(); - BoutReal result = (*it)->generate(x,y,z,t); - for(;it != input.end(); it++) { - BoutReal val = (*it)->generate(x,y,z,t); - if(val < result) + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + auto it = input.begin(); + BoutReal result = (*it)->generate(x, y, z, t); + for (; it != input.end(); it++) { + BoutReal val = (*it)->generate(x, y, z, t); + if (val < result) result = val; } return result; } + private: - list input; + std::list input; }; /// Maximum class FieldMax : public FieldGenerator { public: - FieldMax() {} - FieldMax(const list args) : input(args) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args) { - if(args.size() == 0) { + FieldMax() = default; + FieldMax(const std::list args) : input(args) {} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override { + if (args.size() == 0) { throw ParseException("max function must have some inputs"); } return std::make_shared(args); } - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - list::iterator it=input.begin(); - BoutReal result = (*it)->generate(x,y,z,t); - for(;it != input.end(); it++) { - BoutReal val = (*it)->generate(x,y,z,t); - if(val > result) + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + auto it = input.begin(); + BoutReal result = (*it)->generate(x, y, z, t); + for (; it != input.end(); it++) { + BoutReal val = (*it)->generate(x, y, z, t); + if (val > result) result = val; } return result; } + private: - list input; + std::list input; }; /// Generator to round to the nearest integer @@ -271,18 +297,20 @@ class FieldRound : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldRound(FieldGeneratorPtr g) : gen(g) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args) { - if(args.size() != 1) - throw BoutException("round function must have one input"); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override { + if (args.size() != 1) { + throw ParseException("round function must have one input"); + } return std::make_shared(args.front()); } - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - BoutReal val = gen->generate(x,y,z,t); - if(val > 0.0) { + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override { + BoutReal val = gen->generate(x, y, z, t); + if (val > 0.0) { return static_cast(val + 0.5); } return static_cast(val - 0.5); } + private: FieldGeneratorPtr gen; }; @@ -296,13 +324,15 @@ private: class FieldBallooning : public FieldGenerator { public: - FieldBallooning(Mesh *m, FieldGeneratorPtr a = nullptr, int n = 3) : mesh(m), arg(a), ball_n(n) {} - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldBallooning(Mesh* m, FieldGeneratorPtr a = nullptr, int n = 3) + : mesh(m), arg(a), ball_n(n) {} + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: - Mesh *mesh; + Mesh* mesh; FieldGeneratorPtr arg; - int ball_n; // How many times around in each direction + int ball_n; // How many times around in each direction }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -312,13 +342,14 @@ private: class FieldMixmode : public FieldGenerator { public: FieldMixmode(FieldGeneratorPtr a = nullptr, BoutReal seed = 0.5); - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: /// Generate a random number between 0 and 1 (exclusive) /// given an arbitrary seed value /// - /// This PRNG has no memory, i.e. you need to call it + /// This PRNG has no memory, i.e. you need to call it /// with a different seed each time. BoutReal genRand(BoutReal seed); @@ -331,14 +362,13 @@ private: class FieldTanhHat : public FieldGenerator { public: // Constructor - FieldTanhHat(FieldGeneratorPtr xin, - FieldGeneratorPtr widthin, - FieldGeneratorPtr centerin, - FieldGeneratorPtr steepnessin) - : X(xin), width(widthin), center(centerin), steepness(steepnessin) {}; + FieldTanhHat(FieldGeneratorPtr xin, FieldGeneratorPtr widthin, + FieldGeneratorPtr centerin, FieldGeneratorPtr steepnessin) + : X(xin), width(widthin), center(centerin), steepness(steepnessin) {}; // Clone containing the list of arguments - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list args); - BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t); + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const std::list args) override; + BoutReal generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) override; + private: // The (x,y,z,t) field FieldGeneratorPtr X; diff --git a/src/field/fieldperp.cxx b/src/field/fieldperp.cxx index 5bd7765e91..b4e2374a0d 100644 --- a/src/field/fieldperp.cxx +++ b/src/field/fieldperp.cxx @@ -26,48 +26,45 @@ #include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include #include #include #include #include -FieldPerp::FieldPerp(Mesh *localmesh) : Field(localmesh) { +FieldPerp::FieldPerp(Mesh *localmesh, CELL_LOC location_in, int yindex_in, + DirectionTypes directions) + : Field(localmesh, location_in, directions), + yindex(yindex_in) { if (fieldmesh) { nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; } - -#if CHECK > 0 - else { - nx=-1; - nz=-1; - } -#endif } -FieldPerp::FieldPerp(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh) : Field(localmesh) { - nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; - nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; +FieldPerp::FieldPerp(BoutReal val, Mesh *localmesh) : FieldPerp(localmesh) { *this = val; } -void FieldPerp::allocate() { +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::allocate() { if (data.empty()) { if (!fieldmesh) { - /// If no mesh, use the global - fieldmesh = mesh; + // fieldmesh was not initialized when this field was initialized, so use + // the global mesh and set some members to default values + fieldmesh = bout::globals::mesh; nx = fieldmesh->LocalNx; nz = fieldmesh->LocalNz; } - data = Array(nx * nz); + data.reallocate(nx * nz); #if CHECK > 2 invalidateGuards(*this); #endif } else data.ensureUnique(); + + return *this; } /*************************************************************** @@ -80,12 +77,13 @@ FieldPerp &FieldPerp::operator=(const FieldPerp &rhs) { return (*this); // skip this assignment } - checkData(rhs); + copyFieldMembers(rhs); nx = rhs.nx; nz = rhs.nz; yindex = rhs.yindex; data = rhs.data; + return *this; } @@ -94,129 +92,13 @@ FieldPerp & FieldPerp::operator=(const BoutReal rhs) { allocate(); - checkData(rhs); - - const Region ®ion_all = fieldmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { - (*this)[i] = rhs; - } + BOUT_FOR(i, getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[i] = rhs; } return *this; } -/*************************************************************** - * ITERATORS - ***************************************************************/ - -const DataIterator FieldPerp::begin() const { - return DataIterator( 0, nx-1, - yindex, yindex, - 0, nz-1); -} - -const DataIterator FieldPerp::end() const { - return DataIterator( 0, nx-1, - yindex, yindex, - 0, nz-1,DI_GET_END); -} - - -/*************************************************************** - * OPERATORS - ***************************************************************/ - -#define FPERP_OP_FPERP(op, bop, ftype) \ - FieldPerp &FieldPerp::operator op(const ftype &rhs) { \ - if (data.unique()) { \ - checkData(rhs); \ - /* Only reference to the data */ \ - const Region ®ion = fieldmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { \ - (*this)[i] op rhs[i]; \ - } \ - checkData(*this); \ - } else { \ - /* Shared with another FieldPerp */ \ - (*this) = (*this)bop rhs; \ - } \ - return *this; \ - } - -FPERP_OP_FPERP(+=, +, FieldPerp); -FPERP_OP_FPERP(-=, -, FieldPerp); -FPERP_OP_FPERP(*=, *, FieldPerp); -FPERP_OP_FPERP(/=, /, FieldPerp); - -#define FPERP_OP_FIELD(op, bop, ftype) \ - FieldPerp &FieldPerp::operator op(const ftype &rhs) { \ - if (data.unique()) { \ - checkData(*this); \ - checkData(rhs); \ - /* Only reference to the data */ \ - const Region ®ion = fieldmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { \ - (*this)[i] op rhs(i.x(), yindex, i.z()); \ - } \ - checkData(*this); \ - } else { \ - /* Shared with another FieldPerp */ \ - (*this) = (*this)bop rhs; \ - } \ - return *this; \ - } - -FPERP_OP_FIELD(+=, +, Field3D); -FPERP_OP_FIELD(+=, +, Field2D); - -FPERP_OP_FIELD(-=, -, Field3D); -FPERP_OP_FIELD(-=, -, Field2D); - -FPERP_OP_FIELD(*=, *, Field3D); -FPERP_OP_FIELD(*=, *, Field2D); - -FPERP_OP_FIELD(/=, /, Field3D); -FPERP_OP_FIELD(/=, /, Field2D); - -#define FPERP_OP_REAL(op, bop) \ - FieldPerp &FieldPerp::operator op(BoutReal rhs) { \ - if (data.unique()) { \ - checkData(rhs); \ - /* Only reference to the data */ \ - const Region ®ion = fieldmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { \ - (*this)[i] op rhs; \ - } \ - checkData(*this); \ - } else { \ - /* Shared with another FieldPerp */ \ - (*this) = (*this)bop rhs; \ - } \ - return *this; \ - } - -FPERP_OP_REAL(+=, +); -FPERP_OP_REAL(-=, -); -FPERP_OP_REAL(*=, *); -FPERP_OP_REAL(/=, /); - -const IndexRange FieldPerp::region(REGION rgn) const { - switch (rgn) { - case RGN_ALL: - case RGN_NOZ: - return IndexRange{0, nx - 1, 0, 0, 0, nz - 1}; - break; - case RGN_NOX: - return IndexRange{getMesh()->xstart, getMesh()->xend, 0, 0, 0, nz - 1}; - break; - default: - throw BoutException("FieldPerp::region() : Requested region not implemented"); - break; - }; -} - const Region &FieldPerp::getRegion(REGION region) const { - return fieldmesh->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(region)); + return fieldmesh->getRegionPerp(toString(region)); }; const Region &FieldPerp::getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) const { return fieldmesh->getRegionPerp(region_name); @@ -224,335 +106,41 @@ const Region &FieldPerp::getRegion(const std::string ®ion_name) cons //////////////// NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ////////////////// +FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, const std::string& region) { + return f.getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().toFieldAligned(f, region); +} + +FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, const std::string& region) { + return f.getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().fromFieldAligned(f, region); +} + ////////////// NON-MEMBER OVERLOADED OPERATORS ////////////// // Unary minus FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp &f) { return -1.0 * f; } -// Operator on FieldPerp and another field -#define FPERP_FPERP_OP_FPERP(op, ftype) \ - const FieldPerp operator op(const FieldPerp &lhs, const ftype &rhs) { \ - checkData(lhs); \ - checkData(rhs); \ - FieldPerp result(lhs.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - result.setIndex(lhs.getIndex()); \ - \ - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { \ - result[i] = lhs[i] op rhs[i]; \ - } \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FPERP(+, FieldPerp); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FPERP(-, FieldPerp); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FPERP(*, FieldPerp); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FPERP(/, FieldPerp); - -// Operator on FieldPerp and another field -#define FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(op, ftype) \ - const FieldPerp operator op(const FieldPerp &lhs, const ftype &rhs) { \ - checkData(lhs); \ - checkData(rhs); \ - FieldPerp result(lhs.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - result.setIndex(lhs.getIndex()); \ - \ - const Region ®ion = lhs.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { \ - result[i] = lhs[i] op rhs(i.x(), lhs.getIndex(), i.z()); \ - } \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(+, Field3D); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(+, Field2D); - -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(-, Field3D); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(-, Field2D); - -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(*, Field3D); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(*, Field2D); - -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(/, Field3D); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_FIELD(/, Field2D); - -// Operator on FieldPerp and BoutReal -#define FPERP_FPERP_OP_REAL(op) \ - const FieldPerp operator op(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs) { \ - checkData(lhs); \ - checkData(rhs); \ - FieldPerp result(lhs.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - result.setIndex(lhs.getIndex()); \ - \ - const Region ®ion = result.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR (i, region) { \ - result[i] = lhs[i] op rhs; \ - } \ - \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -FPERP_FPERP_OP_REAL(+); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_REAL(-); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_REAL(*); -FPERP_FPERP_OP_REAL(/); - -#define FPERP_REAL_OP_FPERP(op) \ - const FieldPerp operator op(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs) { \ - checkData(lhs); \ - checkData(rhs); \ - FieldPerp result(rhs.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - result.setIndex(rhs.getIndex()); \ - \ - const Region ®ion = result.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); \ - BOUT_FOR (i, region) { \ - result[i] = lhs op rhs[i]; \ - } \ - \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -// Only need the asymmetric operators -FPERP_REAL_OP_FPERP(-); -FPERP_REAL_OP_FPERP(/); - ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // functions -/*! - * This macro takes a function \p func, which is - * assumed to operate on a single BoutReal and return - * a single BoutReal, and wraps it up into a function - * of a FieldPerp called \p name. - * - * @param name The name of the function to define - * @param func The function to apply to each value - * - * If CHECK >= 1, checks if the FieldPerp is allocated - * - * Loops over the entire domain, applies function, - * and uses checkData() to, if CHECK >= 3, check - * result for non-finite numbers - * - */ -#define FPERP_FUNC(name, func) \ - const FieldPerp name(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn) { \ - checkData(f); \ - TRACE(#name "(FieldPerp)"); \ - /* Check if the input is allocated */ \ - ASSERT1(f.isAllocated()); \ - /* Define and allocate the output result */ \ - FieldPerp result(f.getMesh()); \ - result.allocate(); \ - result.setIndex(f.getIndex()); \ - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); \ - BOUT_FOR (d, region) { \ - result[d] = func(f[d]); \ - } \ - checkData(result); \ - return result; \ - } - -FPERP_FUNC(abs, ::fabs); - -FPERP_FUNC(sqrt, ::sqrt); - -FPERP_FUNC(exp, ::exp); -FPERP_FUNC(log, ::log); - -FPERP_FUNC(sin, ::sin); -FPERP_FUNC(cos, ::cos); -FPERP_FUNC(tan, ::tan); - -FPERP_FUNC(sinh, ::sinh); -FPERP_FUNC(cosh, ::cosh); -FPERP_FUNC(tanh, ::tanh); - -const FieldPerp copy(const FieldPerp &f) { - FieldPerp fcopy = f; - fcopy.allocate(); - return fcopy; -} - -const FieldPerp floor(const FieldPerp &var, BoutReal f, REGION rgn) { - checkData(var); - FieldPerp result = copy(var); - - const Region ®ion = var.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - BOUT_FOR(d, region) { - if (result[d] < f) { - result[d] = f; - } - } - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - const FieldPerp sliceXZ(const Field3D& f, int y) { // Source field should be valid checkData(f); - FieldPerp result(f.getMesh()); + FieldPerp result(f.getMesh(), f.getLocation(), y, + {f.getDirectionY(), f.getDirectionZ()}); // Allocate memory result.allocate(); - result.setIndex(y); - - const Region ®ion_all = f.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); - BOUT_FOR(i, region_all) { - result[i] = f(i, y); - } - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -BoutReal min(const FieldPerp &f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("FieldPerp::Min() %s", allpe ? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(min:result)) { - if (f[i] < result) { - result = f[i]; - } - } - - if (allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result; -} - -BoutReal max(const FieldPerp &f, bool allpe, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("FieldPerp::Max() %s", allpe ? "over all PEs" : ""); - - checkData(f); - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BoutReal result = f[*region.cbegin()]; - - BOUT_FOR_OMP(i, region, parallel for reduction(max:result)) { - if (f[i] > result) { - result = f[i]; - } - } - - if (allpe) { - // MPI reduce - BoutReal localresult = result; - MPI_Allreduce(&localresult, &result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, BoutComm::get()); - } - - return result; -} - -bool finite(const FieldPerp &f, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("finite(FieldPerp)"); - - if (!f.isAllocated()) { - return false; - } - - const Region ®ion = f.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { - if (!::finite(f[i])) { - return false; - } - } - - return true; -} - -FieldPerp pow(const FieldPerp &lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(FieldPerp, FieldPerp)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - // Define and allocate the output result - ASSERT1(lhs.getMesh() == rhs.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(lhs.getIndex() == rhs.getIndex()); - FieldPerp result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - result.setIndex(lhs.getIndex()); - - const Region ®ion = result.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs[i]); - } - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -FieldPerp pow(const FieldPerp &lhs, BoutReal rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(FieldPerp, BoutReal)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - // Define and allocate the output result - FieldPerp result(lhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - result.setIndex(lhs.getIndex()); - - const Region ®ion = result.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs[i], rhs); - } - - checkData(result); - return result; -} - -FieldPerp pow(BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp &rhs, REGION rgn) { - TRACE("pow(lhs, FieldPerp)"); - // Check if the inputs are allocated - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); - - // Define and allocate the output result - FieldPerp result(rhs.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - result.setIndex(rhs.getIndex()); - - const Region ®ion = result.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(rgn)); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = ::pow(lhs, rhs[i]); - } + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[i] = f(i, y); } checkData(result); return result; } #if CHECK > 2 -void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { - const Region &new_region = f.getMesh()->getRegionPerp(REGION_STRING(region)); - +void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const FieldPerp &f, const std::string& region) { // Do full checks - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, new_region) { + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, f.getRegion(region)) { if (!::finite(f[i])) { throw BoutException("FieldPerp: Operation on non-finite data at [%d][%d]\n", i.x(), i.z()); @@ -560,13 +148,13 @@ void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { } } #else -void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), REGION UNUSED(region)) {} +void checkDataIsFiniteOnRegion(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) {} #endif #if CHECK > 0 /// Check if the data is valid -void checkData(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { +void checkData(const FieldPerp &f, const std::string& region) { if (!f.isAllocated()) { throw BoutException("FieldPerp: Operation on empty data\n"); } @@ -579,12 +167,6 @@ void checkData(const FieldPerp &f, REGION region) { #if CHECK > 2 void invalidateGuards(FieldPerp &var) { - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); - - const Region ®ion_guards = localmesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_GUARDS"); - - BOUT_FOR(i, region_guards) { - var[i] = BoutNaN; - } + BOUT_FOR(i, var.getRegion("RGN_GUARDS")) { var[i] = BoutNaN; } } #endif diff --git a/src/field/gen_fieldops.jinja b/src/field/gen_fieldops.jinja index af3c3afb90..42e420767a 100644 --- a/src/field/gen_fieldops.jinja +++ b/src/field/gen_fieldops.jinja @@ -1,28 +1,21 @@ // Provide the C++ wrapper for {{operator_name}} of {{lhs}} and {{rhs}} {{out}} operator{{operator}}(const {{lhs.passByReference}}, const {{rhs.passByReference}}) { - {% if ((lhs in ["Field3D", "Field2D"]) and (rhs in ["Field3D", "Field2D"])) %} -#if CHECK > 0 - if ({{lhs.name}}.getLocation() != {{rhs.name}}.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException( - "Error in operator{{operator}}({{lhs}}, {{rhs}}): fields at different locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation({{lhs.name}}.getLocation()), strLocation({{rhs.name}}.getLocation())); - } -#endif - {% endif %} - - Mesh *localmesh = {{lhs.name if lhs.field_type != "BoutReal" else rhs.name}}.getMesh(); - {% if lhs != "BoutReal" and rhs != "BoutReal" %} - ASSERT1(localmesh == {{rhs.name}}.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); {% endif %} - {{out.field_type}} {{out.name}}(localmesh); - {{out.name}}.allocate(); + {{out.field_type}} {{out.name}}{emptyFrom({{lhs.name if lhs.field_type == out.field_type else rhs.name}})}; checkData({{lhs.name}}); checkData({{rhs.name}}); {% if (out == "Field3D") and ((lhs == "Field2D") or (rhs =="Field2D")) %} - {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, localmesh->getRegion2D({{region_name}})) { + Mesh *localmesh = {{lhs.name if lhs.field_type != "BoutReal" else rhs.name}}.getMesh(); + + {% if (lhs == "Field2D") %} + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{lhs.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { + {% else %} + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{rhs.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { + {% endif %} const auto {{mixed_base_ind}} = localmesh->ind2Dto3D({{index_var}}); {% if (operator == "/") and (rhs == "Field2D") %} const auto tmp = 1.0 / {{rhs.mixed_index}}; @@ -34,16 +27,29 @@ {% endif %} } } + {% elif out == "FieldPerp" and (lhs == "Field2D" or lhs == "Field3D" or rhs == "Field2D" or rhs == "Field3D")%} + Mesh *localmesh = {{lhs.name if lhs.field_type != "BoutReal" else rhs.name}}.getMesh(); + + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{out.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { + int yind = {{lhs.name if lhs == "FieldPerp" else rhs.name}}.getIndex(); + const auto {{mixed_base_ind}} = localmesh->indPerpto3D({{index_var}}, yind); + {% if lhs != "FieldPerp" %} + {{out.index}} = {{lhs.base_index}} {{operator}} {{rhs.index}}; + {% else %} + {{out.index}} = {{lhs.index}} {{operator}} {{rhs.base_index}}; + {% endif %} + } + {% elif (operator == "/") and (rhs == "BoutReal") %} + const auto tmp = 1.0 / {{rhs.index}}; + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{out.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { + {{out.index}} = {{lhs.index}} * tmp; + } {% else %} - {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, localmesh->getRegion{{out.region_type}}({{region_name}})) { + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{out.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { {{out.index}} = {{lhs.index}} {{operator}} {{rhs.index}}; } {% endif %} - {% if out in ['Field3D','Field2D'] %} - {{out.name}}.setLocation({{rhs.name if rhs in ["Field3D","Field2D"] else lhs.name}}.getLocation()); - {% endif %} - checkData({{out.name}}); return {{out.name}}; } @@ -54,25 +60,21 @@ // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { - {% if ((lhs in ["Field3D", "Field2D"]) and (rhs in ["Field3D", "Field2D"])) %} -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException( - "Error in {{lhs}}::operator{{operator}}=({{rhs}}): fields at different locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), strLocation({{rhs.name}}.getLocation())); - } -#endif - {% endif %} - {% if lhs != "BoutReal" and rhs != "BoutReal" %} - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == {{rhs.name}}.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); {% endif %} + {% if (lhs == "Field3D") %} + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + + {% endif %} checkData(*this); checkData({{rhs.name}}); - {% if (out == "Field3D") and (rhs =="Field2D") %} - {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, fieldmesh->getRegion2D({{region_name}})) { + {% if (lhs == "Field3D") and (rhs =="Field2D") %} + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{rhs.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { const auto {{mixed_base_ind}} = fieldmesh->ind2Dto3D({{index_var}}); {% if (operator == "/") and (rhs == "Field2D") %} const auto tmp = 1.0 / {{rhs.mixed_index}}; @@ -84,8 +86,29 @@ {% endif %} } } + {% elif lhs == "FieldPerp" and (rhs == "Field3D" or rhs == "Field2D")%} + Mesh *localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, this->getRegion({{region_name}})) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto {{mixed_base_ind}} = localmesh->indPerpto3D({{index_var}}, yind); + (*this)[{{index_var}}] {{operator}}= {{rhs.base_index}}; + } + {% elif rhs == "FieldPerp" and (lhs == "Field3D" or lhs == "Field2D")%} + Mesh *localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, {{rhs.name}}.getRegion({{region_name}})) { + int yind = {{rhs.name}}.getIndex(); + const auto {{mixed_base_ind}} = localmesh->indPerpto3D({{index_var}}, yind); + (*this)[{{base_ind_var}}] {{operator}}= {{rhs.index}}; + } + {% elif (operator == "/") and (lhs == "Field3D" or lhs == "Field2D") and (rhs =="BoutReal") %} + const auto tmp = 1.0 / {{rhs.index}}; + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, this->getRegion({{region_name}})) { + (*this)[{{index_var}}] *= tmp; + } {% else %} - {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, fieldmesh->getRegion{{lhs.region_type}}({{region_name}})) { + {{region_loop}}({{index_var}}, this->getRegion({{region_name}})) { (*this)[{{index_var}}] {{operator}}= {{rhs.index}}; } {% endif %} diff --git a/src/field/gen_fieldops.py b/src/field/gen_fieldops.py index 7fd545a2a3..3a5bd97a93 100755 --- a/src/field/gen_fieldops.py +++ b/src/field/gen_fieldops.py @@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ def __init__(self, field_type, dimensions, name=None, index_var=None, # Name of jz variable self.jz_var = jz_var self.mixed_base_ind_var = mixed_base_ind_var + #Note region_type isn't actually used currently but + #may be useful in future. if self.field_type == "Field3D": self.region_type="3D" elif self.field_type == "Field2D": @@ -131,6 +133,17 @@ def mixed_index(self): else: # Field2D return "{self.name}[{self.index_var}]".format(self=self) + @property + def base_index(self): + """Returns "[{mixed_base_ind_var}]" if field_type is Field3D, Field2D or FieldPerp + or just returns "" for BoutReal + + """ + if self.field_type == "BoutReal": + return "{self.name}".format(self=self) + else: + return "{self.name}[{self.mixed_base_ind_var}]".format(self=self) + def __eq__(self, other): try: return self.field_type == other.field_type @@ -157,6 +170,8 @@ def returnType(f1, f2): return copy(f2) elif f2 == 'BoutReal': return copy(f1) + elif f1 == 'FieldPerp' or f2 == 'FieldPerp': + return copy(fieldPerp) else: return copy(field3D) @@ -189,10 +204,12 @@ def returnType(f1, f2): jz_var = jz_var, mixed_base_ind_var = mixed_base_ind_var) field2D = Field('Field2D', ['x', 'y'], index_var=index_var, jz_var = jz_var, mixed_base_ind_var = mixed_base_ind_var) + fieldPerp = Field('FieldPerp', ['x', 'z'], index_var=index_var, + jz_var = jz_var, mixed_base_ind_var = mixed_base_ind_var) boutreal = Field('BoutReal', [], index_var=index_var, jz_var = jz_var, mixed_base_ind_var = mixed_base_ind_var) - fields = [field3D, field2D, boutreal] + fields = [field3D, field2D, fieldPerp, boutreal] with smart_open(args.filename, "w") as f: f.write(header) diff --git a/src/field/generated_fieldops.cxx b/src/field/generated_fieldops.cxx index 0456dbef1f..1058c42340 100644 --- a/src/field/generated_fieldops.cxx +++ b/src/field/generated_fieldops.cxx @@ -7,55 +7,36 @@ #include // Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field3D and Field3D -Field3D operator*(const Field3D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator*(Field3D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator*(const Field3D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by multiplication with Field3D -Field3D &Field3D::operator*=(const Field3D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator*=(const Field3D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator*=(Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -66,55 +47,36 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator*=(const Field3D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field3D and Field3D -Field3D operator/(const Field3D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator/(Field3D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator/(const Field3D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by division with Field3D -Field3D &Field3D::operator/=(const Field3D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator/=(const Field3D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator/=(Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -125,55 +87,36 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator/=(const Field3D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field3D and Field3D -Field3D operator+(const Field3D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator+(Field3D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator+(const Field3D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by addition with Field3D -Field3D &Field3D::operator+=(const Field3D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator+=(const Field3D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator+=(Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -184,55 +127,36 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator+=(const Field3D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field3D and Field3D -Field3D operator-(const Field3D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator-(Field3D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator-(const Field3D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by subtraction with Field3D -Field3D &Field3D::operator-=(const Field3D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator-=(const Field3D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator-=(Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -243,58 +167,41 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator-=(const Field3D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field3D and Field2D -Field3D operator*(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator*(Field3D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator*(const Field3D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[base_ind + jz] * rhs[index]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by multiplication with Field2D -Field3D &Field3D::operator*=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator*=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator*=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = fieldmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < fieldmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { (*this)[base_ind + jz] *= rhs[index]; @@ -310,25 +217,16 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator*=(const Field2D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field3D and Field2D -Field3D operator/(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator/(Field3D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif +Field3D operator/(const Field3D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs[index]; for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { @@ -336,33 +234,25 @@ Field3D operator/(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by division with Field2D -Field3D &Field3D::operator/=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator/=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator/=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = fieldmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs[index]; for (int jz = 0; jz < fieldmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { @@ -379,58 +269,41 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator/=(const Field2D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field3D and Field2D -Field3D operator+(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator+(Field3D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator+(const Field3D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[base_ind + jz] + rhs[index]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by addition with Field2D -Field3D &Field3D::operator+=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator+=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator+=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = fieldmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < fieldmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { (*this)[base_ind + jz] += rhs[index]; @@ -446,58 +319,41 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator+=(const Field2D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field3D and Field2D -Field3D operator-(const Field3D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator-(Field3D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); +Field3D operator-(const Field3D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[base_ind + jz] - rhs[index]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by subtraction with Field2D -Field3D &Field3D::operator-=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator-=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field3D::operator-=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, rhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = fieldmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < fieldmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { (*this)[base_ind + jz] -= rhs[index]; @@ -512,34 +368,113 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator-=(const Field2D &rhs) { return *this; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field3D and BoutReal -Field3D operator*(const Field3D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field3D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator*(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] * rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field3D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator/(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] / rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field3D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator+(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] + rhs[index]; + } - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field3D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator-(const Field3D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs; } + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] - rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field3D and BoutReal +Field3D operator*(const Field3D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by multiplication with BoutReal -Field3D &Field3D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs; } checkData(*this); @@ -550,33 +485,34 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field3D and BoutReal -Field3D operator/(const Field3D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator/(const Field3D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs; } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs; + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * tmp; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by division with BoutReal -Field3D &Field3D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs; } + const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs; + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= tmp; } checkData(*this); @@ -587,33 +523,32 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field3D and BoutReal -Field3D operator+(const Field3D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { +Field3D operator+(const Field3D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs; } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by addition with BoutReal -Field3D &Field3D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs; } checkData(*this); @@ -624,33 +559,32 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field3D and BoutReal -Field3D operator-(const Field3D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator-(const Field3D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs; } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field3D by subtraction with BoutReal -Field3D &Field3D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field3D& Field3D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { + // Delete existing parallel slices. We don't copy parallel slices, so any + // that currently exist will be incorrect. + clearParallelSlices(); + checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs; } checkData(*this); @@ -661,183 +595,116 @@ Field3D &Field3D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field2D and Field3D -Field3D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator*(Field2D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator*(const Field2D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, lhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[index] * rhs[base_ind + jz]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field2D and Field3D -Field3D operator/(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator/(Field2D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif +Field3D operator/(const Field2D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, lhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[index] / rhs[base_ind + jz]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field2D and Field3D -Field3D operator+(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator+(Field2D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field3D operator+(const Field2D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, lhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[index] + rhs[base_ind + jz]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field2D and Field3D -Field3D operator-(const Field2D &lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator-(Field2D, Field3D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); +Field3D operator-(const Field2D& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, lhs.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { const auto base_ind = localmesh->ind2Dto3D(index); for (int jz = 0; jz < localmesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { result[base_ind + jz] = lhs[index] - rhs[base_ind + jz]; } } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field2D and Field2D -Field2D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator*(Field2D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field2D operator*(const Field2D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by multiplication with Field2D -Field2D &Field2D::operator*=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator*=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { - -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field2D::operator*=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -848,55 +715,32 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator*=(const Field2D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field2D and Field2D -Field2D operator/(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator/(Field2D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); +Field2D operator/(const Field2D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by division with Field2D -Field2D &Field2D::operator/=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator/=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { - -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field2D::operator/=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -907,55 +751,32 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator/=(const Field2D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field2D and Field2D -Field2D operator+(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator+(Field2D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +Field2D operator+(const Field2D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by addition with Field2D -Field2D &Field2D::operator+=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator+=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { - -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field2D::operator+=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -966,55 +787,32 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator+=(const Field2D &rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field2D and Field2D -Field2D operator-(const Field2D &lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { -#if CHECK > 0 - if (lhs.getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in operator-(Field2D, Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(lhs.getLocation()), strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif +Field2D operator-(const Field2D& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); - - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs[index]; } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); - checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by subtraction with Field2D -Field2D &Field2D::operator-=(const Field2D &rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator-=(const Field2D& rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { - -#if CHECK > 0 - if (this->getLocation() != rhs.getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Error in Field2D::operator-=(Field2D): fields at different " - "locations. lhs is at %s, rhs is at %s!", - strLocation(this->getLocation()), - strLocation(rhs.getLocation())); - } -#endif - - ASSERT1(fieldmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs[index]; } checkData(*this); @@ -1024,26 +822,101 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator-=(const Field2D &rhs) { return *this; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field2D and BoutReal -Field2D operator*(const Field2D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field2D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator*(const Field2D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] * rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field2D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator/(const Field2D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] / rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field2D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator+(const Field2D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs; } + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] + rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field2D and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator-(const Field2D& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = rhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[base_ind] - rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of Field2D and BoutReal +Field2D operator*(const Field2D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { + + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by multiplication with BoutReal -Field2D &Field2D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { @@ -1051,7 +924,7 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs; } checkData(*this); @@ -1062,25 +935,21 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for division of Field2D and BoutReal -Field2D operator/(const Field2D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D operator/(const Field2D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs; } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs; + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * tmp; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by division with BoutReal -Field2D &Field2D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { @@ -1088,7 +957,8 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs; } + const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs; + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= tmp; } checkData(*this); @@ -1099,25 +969,20 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of Field2D and BoutReal -Field2D operator+(const Field2D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D operator+(const Field2D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs; } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by addition with BoutReal -Field2D &Field2D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { @@ -1125,7 +990,7 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs; } checkData(*this); @@ -1136,25 +1001,20 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of Field2D and BoutReal -Field2D operator-(const Field2D &lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D operator-(const Field2D& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { - Mesh *localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs; } - - result.setLocation(lhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ operator to update Field2D by subtraction with BoutReal -Field2D &Field2D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { +Field2D& Field2D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { // only if data is unique we update the field // otherwise just call the non-inplace version if (data.unique()) { @@ -1162,7 +1022,7 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { checkData(*this); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs; } checkData(*this); @@ -1172,145 +1032,798 @@ Field2D &Field2D::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { return *this; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of BoutReal and Field3D -Field3D operator*(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { - - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of FieldPerp and Field3D +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs * rhs[index]; } + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs[base_ind]; + } checkData(result); return result; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of BoutReal and Field3D -Field3D operator/(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by multiplication with Field3D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator*=(const Field3D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs / rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] *= rhs[base_ind]; + } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + checkData(*this); - checkData(result); - return result; + } else { + (*this) = (*this) * rhs; + } + return *this; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of BoutReal and Field3D -Field3D operator+(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { - - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of FieldPerp and Field3D +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs + rhs[index]; } + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs[base_ind]; + } checkData(result); return result; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of BoutReal and Field3D -Field3D operator-(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D &rhs) { +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by division with Field3D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator/=(const Field3D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs - rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] /= rhs[base_ind]; + } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + checkData(*this); - checkData(result); - return result; + } else { + (*this) = (*this) / rhs; + } + return *this; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of BoutReal and Field2D -Field2D operator*(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { - - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of FieldPerp and Field3D +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs * rhs[index]; } + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs[base_ind]; + } checkData(result); return result; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of BoutReal and Field2D -Field2D operator/(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by addition with Field3D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator+=(const Field3D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - checkData(lhs); - checkData(rhs); + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs / rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] += rhs[base_ind]; + } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + checkData(*this); - checkData(result); + } else { + (*this) = (*this) + rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of FieldPerp and Field3D +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(result); return result; } -// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of BoutReal and Field2D -Field2D operator+(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by subtraction with Field3D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator-=(const Field3D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] -= rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) - rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of FieldPerp and Field2D +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by multiplication with Field2D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator*=(const Field2D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] *= rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) * rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of FieldPerp and Field2D +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by division with Field2D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator/=(const Field2D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] /= rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) / rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of FieldPerp and Field2D +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by addition with Field2D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator+=(const Field2D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] += rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) + rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of FieldPerp and Field2D +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp& lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = lhs.getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = lhs.getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by subtraction with Field2D +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator-=(const Field2D& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + Mesh* localmesh = this->getMesh(); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + int yind = this->getIndex(); + const auto base_ind = localmesh->indPerpto3D(index, yind); + (*this)[index] -= rhs[base_ind]; + } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) - rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of FieldPerp and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by multiplication with FieldPerp +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator*=(const FieldPerp& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs[index]; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) * rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of FieldPerp and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[index] = lhs[index] / rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by division with FieldPerp +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator/=(const FieldPerp& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs[index]; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) / rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of FieldPerp and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs[index]; + } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by addition with FieldPerp +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator+=(const FieldPerp& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs[index]; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) + rhs; + } + return *this; +} - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of FieldPerp and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp& lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(lhs, rhs)); - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs + rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs[index]; + } - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by subtraction with FieldPerp +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator-=(const FieldPerp& rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*this, rhs)); + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs[index]; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) - rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of FieldPerp and BoutReal +FieldPerp operator*(const FieldPerp& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * rhs; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by multiplication with BoutReal +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator*=(const BoutReal rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] *= rhs; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) * rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of FieldPerp and BoutReal +FieldPerp operator/(const FieldPerp& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + const auto tmp = 1.0 / rhs; + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] * tmp; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by division with BoutReal +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator/=(const BoutReal rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] /= rhs; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) / rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of FieldPerp and BoutReal +FieldPerp operator+(const FieldPerp& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] + rhs; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by addition with BoutReal +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator+=(const BoutReal rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] += rhs; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) + rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of FieldPerp and BoutReal +FieldPerp operator-(const FieldPerp& lhs, const BoutReal rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(lhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs[index] - rhs; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ operator to update FieldPerp by subtraction with BoutReal +FieldPerp& FieldPerp::operator-=(const BoutReal rhs) { + // only if data is unique we update the field + // otherwise just call the non-inplace version + if (data.unique()) { + + checkData(*this); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, this->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { (*this)[index] -= rhs; } + + checkData(*this); + + } else { + (*this) = (*this) - rhs; + } + return *this; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of BoutReal and Field3D +Field3D operator*(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs * rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of BoutReal and Field3D +Field3D operator/(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs / rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of BoutReal and Field3D +Field3D operator+(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs + rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of BoutReal and Field3D +Field3D operator-(const BoutReal lhs, const Field3D& rhs) { + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs - rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of BoutReal and Field2D +Field2D operator*(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + + Field2D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs * rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of BoutReal and Field2D +Field2D operator/(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + + Field2D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs / rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of BoutReal and Field2D +Field2D operator+(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + + Field2D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs + rhs[index]; } checkData(result); return result; } // Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of BoutReal and Field2D -Field2D operator-(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D &rhs) { +Field2D operator-(const BoutReal lhs, const Field2D& rhs) { + + Field2D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs - rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for multiplication of BoutReal and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator*(const BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); + + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs * rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for division of BoutReal and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator/(const BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); - Mesh *localmesh = rhs.getMesh(); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs / rhs[index]; } - Field2D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for addition of BoutReal and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator+(const BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; checkData(lhs); checkData(rhs); - BOUT_FOR(index, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs - rhs[index]; } + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs + rhs[index]; } + + checkData(result); + return result; +} + +// Provide the C++ wrapper for subtraction of BoutReal and FieldPerp +FieldPerp operator-(const BoutReal lhs, const FieldPerp& rhs) { + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; + checkData(lhs); + checkData(rhs); - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + BOUT_FOR(index, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[index] = lhs - rhs[index]; } checkData(result); return result; diff --git a/src/field/globalfield.cxx b/src/field/globalfield.cxx index 716f1b59a8..40c912ca1c 100644 --- a/src/field/globalfield.cxx +++ b/src/field/globalfield.cxx @@ -16,13 +16,9 @@ GlobalField::GlobalField(Mesh *m, int proc, int xsize, int ysize, int zsize) if(mype == proc) { // Allocate memory - data = Array(nx * ny * nz); + data.reallocate(nx * ny * nz); } } - -GlobalField::~GlobalField() { -} - void GlobalField::proc_local_origin(int proc, int *x, int *y, int *z) const { int nxpe = mesh->getNXPE(); @@ -112,7 +108,8 @@ void GlobalField2D::gather(const Field2D &f) { if(mype == data_on_proc) { // This processor will receive the data - MPI_Request* req = new MPI_Request[npes]; // Array of receive handles + // Array of receive handles + std::vector req(npes); // Post receives for(int p = 0; p < npes; p++) { @@ -142,7 +139,7 @@ void GlobalField2D::gather(const Field2D &f) { int pe; MPI_Status status; do { - MPI_Waitany(npes, req, &pe, &status); + MPI_Waitany(npes, req.data(), &pe, &status); if(pe != MPI_UNDEFINED) { // Unpack data from processor 'pe' @@ -160,7 +157,6 @@ void GlobalField2D::gather(const Field2D &f) { } }while(pe != MPI_UNDEFINED); } - delete[] req; }else { // Sending data to proc @@ -275,7 +271,8 @@ void GlobalField3D::gather(const Field3D &f) { if(mype == data_on_proc) { // This processor will receive the data - MPI_Request* req = new MPI_Request[npes]; // Array of receive handles + // Array of receive handles + std::vector req(npes); // Post receives for(int p = 0; p < npes; p++) { @@ -306,7 +303,7 @@ void GlobalField3D::gather(const Field3D &f) { int pe; MPI_Status status; do { - MPI_Waitany(npes, req, &pe, &status); + MPI_Waitany(npes, req.data(), &pe, &status); if(pe != MPI_UNDEFINED) { // Unpack data from processor 'pe' @@ -326,7 +323,6 @@ void GlobalField3D::gather(const Field3D &f) { } }while(pe != MPI_UNDEFINED); } - delete[] req; }else { // Sending data to proc diff --git a/src/field/initialprofiles.cxx b/src/field/initialprofiles.cxx index ad14f0df50..36f382cfb0 100644 --- a/src/field/initialprofiles.cxx +++ b/src/field/initialprofiles.cxx @@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ * * ChangeLog * ========= - * + * * 2011-02-12 Ben Dudson * * Changed to use new options system. For now the structure of the * options is the same, but this could be modified more easily in future * * 2010-05-12 Ben Dudson - * + * * * Changed random numbers to use a hash of the parameters * so that the phase doesn't vary with number of processors or grid size * User can vary phase to give a different random sequence - * + * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -36,41 +36,27 @@ * **************************************************************************/ +#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include -#include -#include -#include -#include #include -#include "unused.hxx" -#include -#include -#include +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Field3D& var) { + AUTO_TRACE(); -void initial_profile(const string &name, Field3D &var) { - TRACE("initial_profile(string, Field3D)"); + Mesh* localmesh = var.getMesh(); - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); - - CELL_LOC loc = CELL_DEFAULT; - if (localmesh->StaggerGrids) { - loc = var.getLocation(); - } - - // Get the section for this specific variable - Options *varOpts = Options::getRoot()->getSection(name); - - // Use FieldFactory to generate values + Options* varOpts = Options::getRoot()->getSection(name); FieldFactory f(localmesh); - string function; + std::string function; VAROPTION(varOpts, function, "0.0"); - - // Create a 3D variable - var = f.create3D(function, varOpts, nullptr, loc); + + var = f.create3D(function, varOpts, nullptr, var.getLocation()); // Optionally scale the variable BoutReal scale; @@ -78,25 +64,19 @@ void initial_profile(const string &name, Field3D &var) { var *= scale; } -// For 2D variables almost identical, just no z dependence -void initial_profile(const string &name, Field2D &var) { - - CELL_LOC loc = var.getLocation(); +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Field2D& var) { + AUTO_TRACE(); - Mesh *localmesh = var.getMesh(); + Mesh* localmesh = var.getMesh(); - // Get the section for this variable - Options *varOpts = Options::getRoot()->getSection(name); - output << name; - - // Use FieldFactory to generate values + Options* varOpts = Options::getRoot()->getSection(name); FieldFactory f(localmesh); - string function; + std::string function; VAROPTION(varOpts, function, "0.0"); - var = f.create2D(function, varOpts, nullptr, loc); + var = f.create2D(function, varOpts, nullptr, var.getLocation()); // Optionally scale the variable BoutReal scale; @@ -104,24 +84,28 @@ void initial_profile(const string &name, Field2D &var) { var *= scale; } -void initial_profile(const string &name, Vector2D &var) { - if(var.covariant) { +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Vector2D& var) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + if (var.covariant) { initial_profile(name + "_x", var.x); initial_profile(name + "_y", var.y); initial_profile(name + "_z", var.z); - }else { + } else { initial_profile(name + "x", var.x); initial_profile(name + "y", var.y); initial_profile(name + "z", var.z); } } -void initial_profile(const string &name, Vector3D &var) { - if(var.covariant) { +void initial_profile(const std::string& name, Vector3D& var) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + if (var.covariant) { initial_profile(name + "_x", var.x); initial_profile(name + "_y", var.y); initial_profile(name + "_z", var.z); - }else { + } else { initial_profile(name + "x", var.x); initial_profile(name + "y", var.y); initial_profile(name + "z", var.z); diff --git a/src/field/vecops.cxx b/src/field/vecops.cxx index dda98f45ed..991eacabb5 100644 --- a/src/field/vecops.cxx +++ b/src/field/vecops.cxx @@ -24,19 +24,23 @@ * **************************************************************************/ +#include +#include + #include #include #include #include #include +#include /************************************************************************** * Gradient operators **************************************************************************/ -const Vector2D Grad(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Vector2D Grad(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method) { TRACE("Grad( Field2D )"); - + SCOREP0(); CELL_LOC outloc_x, outloc_y, outloc_z; if (outloc == CELL_VSHIFT) { outloc_x = CELL_XLOW; @@ -48,9 +52,9 @@ const Vector2D Grad(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { Vector2D result(f.getMesh()); - result.x = DDX(f, outloc_x); - result.y = DDY(f, outloc_y); - result.z = DDZ(f, outloc_z); + result.x = DDX(f, outloc_x, method); + result.y = DDY(f, outloc_y, method); + result.z = DDZ(f, outloc_z, method); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { result.setLocation(result.x.getLocation()); @@ -63,23 +67,9 @@ const Vector2D Grad(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { return result; } -const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc_x, CELL_LOC outloc_y, - CELL_LOC outloc_z) { - // Note no Vector2D equivalent to this three location overload - TRACE("Grad( Field3D )"); - - ASSERT1((outloc_x == outloc_y && outloc_x == outloc_z) || - (outloc_x == CELL_XLOW && outloc_y == CELL_YLOW && - outloc_z == CELL_ZLOW)); // CELL_VSHIFT - - CELL_LOC outloc = - (outloc_x == outloc_y && outloc_x == outloc_z) ? outloc_x : CELL_VSHIFT; - return Grad(f, outloc); -} - -const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method) { TRACE("Grad( Field3D )"); - + SCOREP0(); CELL_LOC outloc_x, outloc_y, outloc_z; if (outloc == CELL_VSHIFT) { outloc_x = CELL_XLOW; @@ -91,9 +81,9 @@ const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { Vector3D result(f.getMesh()); - result.x = DDX(f, outloc_x); - result.y = DDY(f, outloc_y); - result.z = DDZ(f, outloc_z); + result.x = DDX(f, outloc_x, method); + result.y = DDY(f, outloc_y, method); + result.z = DDZ(f, outloc_z, method); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { result.setLocation(result.x.getLocation()); @@ -106,27 +96,20 @@ const Vector3D Grad(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { return result; } -const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc_x, - MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc_y), - MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc_z)) { +const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method) { TRACE("Grad_perp( Field3D )"); - ASSERT1(outloc_x == outloc_y && outloc_x == outloc_z); - ASSERT1(outloc_x == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc_x == f.getLocation()); - return Grad_perp(f, outloc_x); -} - -const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { - TRACE("Grad_perp( Field3D )"); - + SCOREP0(); ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(outloc); Vector3D result(f.getMesh()); - result.x = DDX(f, outloc) - metric->g_12 * DDY(f, outloc) / SQ(metric->J * metric->Bxy); + result.x = DDX(f, outloc, method) + - metric->g_12 * DDY(f, outloc, method) / SQ(metric->J * metric->Bxy); result.y = 0.0; - result.z = DDZ(f, outloc) - metric->g_23 * DDY(f, outloc) / SQ(metric->J * metric->Bxy); + result.z = DDZ(f, outloc, method) + - metric->g_23 * DDY(f, outloc, method) / SQ(metric->J * metric->Bxy); result.setLocation(result.x.getLocation()); @@ -139,9 +122,9 @@ const Vector3D Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { * Divergence operators **************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field2D Div(const Vector2D& v, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method) { TRACE("Div( Vector2D )"); - + SCOREP0(); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = v.getLocation(); } @@ -149,7 +132,6 @@ const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { ASSERT1(outloc != CELL_VSHIFT); Mesh *localmesh = v.x.getMesh(); - Field2D result(localmesh); Coordinates *metric = localmesh->getCoordinates(outloc); @@ -157,17 +139,17 @@ const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { Vector2D vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - result = DDX(metric->J*vcn.x, outloc); - result += DDY(metric->J*vcn.y, outloc); - result += DDZ(metric->J*vcn.z, outloc); + Field2D result = DDX(metric->J*vcn.x, outloc, method); + result += DDY(metric->J*vcn.y, outloc, method); + result += DDZ(metric->J*vcn.z, outloc, method); result /= metric->J; return result; } -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method) { TRACE("Div( Vector3D )"); - + SCOREP0(); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = v.getLocation(); } @@ -176,7 +158,6 @@ const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { ASSERT1(outloc != CELL_VSHIFT); Mesh *localmesh = v.x.getMesh(); - Field3D result(localmesh); Coordinates *metric = localmesh->getCoordinates(outloc); @@ -184,9 +165,9 @@ const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { Vector3D vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - result = DDX(vcn.x.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.x, outloc); - result += DDY(vcn.y.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.y, outloc); - result += DDZ(vcn.z.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.z, outloc); + Field3D result = DDX(vcn.x.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.x, outloc, method); + result += DDY(vcn.y.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.y, outloc, method); + result += DDZ(vcn.z.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.z, outloc, method); result /= metric->J; return result; @@ -196,9 +177,10 @@ const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc) { * Divergence operators for flux methods **************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field2D Div(const Vector2D& v, const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Div( Vector2D, Field2D )"); - + SCOREP0(); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = v.getLocation(); } @@ -213,17 +195,16 @@ const Field2D Div(const Vector2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { Vector2D vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - Field2D result(localmesh); - result = FDDX(vcn.x.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.x, f, outloc); - result += FDDY(vcn.y.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.y, f, outloc); - result += FDDZ(vcn.z.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.z, f, outloc); + Field2D result = FDDX(vcn.x.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.x, f, outloc, method); + result += FDDY(vcn.y.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.y, f, outloc, method); + result += FDDZ(vcn.z.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.z, f, outloc, method); result /= metric->J; return result; } -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, - CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field3D Div(const Vector3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Div( Vector3D, Field3D )"); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { @@ -239,8 +220,7 @@ const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, Vector3D vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - Field3D result(localmesh); - result = FDDX(vcn.x.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.x, f, outloc, method); + Field3D result = FDDX(vcn.x.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.x, f, outloc, method); result += FDDY(vcn.y.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.y, f, outloc, method); result += FDDZ(vcn.z.getCoordinates()->J * vcn.z, f, outloc, method); result /= metric->J; @@ -248,16 +228,6 @@ const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, return result; } -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { - TRACE("Div( Vector3D, Field3D)"); - return Div(v, f, method, outloc); -} - -const Field3D Div(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f) { - TRACE("Div( Vector3D, Field3D)"); - return Div(v, f, DIFF_DEFAULT, CELL_DEFAULT); -} - /************************************************************************** * Curl operators **************************************************************************/ @@ -292,7 +262,7 @@ const Vector2D Curl(const Vector2D &v) { const Vector3D Curl(const Vector3D &v) { TRACE("Curl( Vector3D )"); - + SCOREP0(); ASSERT1(v.getLocation() != CELL_VSHIFT); Mesh *localmesh = v.x.getMesh(); @@ -321,277 +291,133 @@ const Vector3D Curl(const Vector3D &v) { /************************************************************************** * Upwinding operators **************************************************************************/ - const Field2D V_dot_Grad(const Vector2D &v, const Field2D &f) { TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector2D , Field2D )"); - - Field2D result(f.getMesh()); + SCOREP0(); // Get contravariant components of v - Vector2D vcn = v; + auto vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - - result = VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); - - return result; + + return VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); } const Field3D V_dot_Grad(const Vector2D &v, const Field3D &f) { TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector2D , Field3D )"); - - Field3D result(f.getMesh()); + SCOREP0(); // Get contravariant components of v - Vector2D vcn = v; + auto vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - - result = VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); - - return result; + + return VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); } const Field3D V_dot_Grad(const Vector3D &v, const Field2D &f) { TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector3D , Field2D )"); - - Field3D result(f.getMesh()); + SCOREP0(); // Get contravariant components of v - Vector3D vcn = v; + auto vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - - result = VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); - - return result; + + return VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); } const Field3D V_dot_Grad(const Vector3D &v, const Field3D &f) { TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector3D , Field3D )"); - - Field3D result(f.getMesh()); + SCOREP0(); // Get contravariant components of v - Vector3D vcn = v; + auto vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - result = VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); - - return result; + return VDDX(vcn.x, f) + VDDY(vcn.y, f) + VDDZ(vcn.z, f); } -const Vector2D V_dot_Grad(const Vector2D &v, const Vector2D &a) { - TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector2D , Vector2D )"); - +// Here R is the deduced return type based on a promoting +// operation (addition) between the two input types. +template +R V_dot_Grad(const T &v, const F &a) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + SCOREP0(); ASSERT1(v.getLocation() == a.getLocation()); ASSERT1(v.getLocation() != CELL_VSHIFT); - Vector2D result{v.x.getMesh()}; + // Note by default R will describe a const vector type. By using + // the following form of declaring result we ignore the const + // qualifier here but keep it on the return type in the function + // signature. + auto result = R{v.x.getMesh()}; auto metric = v.x.getCoordinates(); - Vector2D vcn = v; + auto vcn = v; vcn.toContravariant(); - if (a.covariant) { - + if (a.covariant) { result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G2_11 * a.y + metric->G3_11 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - + BOUT_FOR(i, result.x.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result.x[i] -= vcn.x[i] * (metric->G1_11[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_11[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_11[i] * a.z[i]); + result.x[i] -= vcn.y[i] * (metric->G1_12[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_12[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_12[i] * a.z[i]); + result.x[i] -= vcn.z[i] * (metric->G1_13[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_13[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_13[i] * a.z[i]); + } + result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_22 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G3_22 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - + BOUT_FOR(i, result.y.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result.y[i] -= vcn.x[i] * (metric->G1_12[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_12[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_12[i] * a.z[i]); + result.y[i] -= vcn.y[i] * (metric->G1_22[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_22[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_22[i] * a.z[i]); + result.y[i] -= vcn.z[i] * (metric->G1_23[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_23[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_23[i] * a.z[i]); + } + result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_33 * a.x + metric->G2_33 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - + BOUT_FOR(i, result.z.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result.z[i] -= vcn.x[i] * (metric->G1_13[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_13[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_13[i] * a.z[i]); + result.z[i] -= vcn.y[i] * (metric->G1_23[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_23[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_23[i] * a.z[i]); + result.z[i] -= vcn.z[i] * (metric->G1_33[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_33[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_33[i] * a.z[i]); + } result.covariant = true; } else { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x += vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G1_12 * a.y + metric->G1_13 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G1_22 * a.y + metric->G1_23 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G1_23 * a.y + metric->G1_33 * a.z); - + BOUT_FOR(i, result.x.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result.x[i] += vcn.x[i] * (metric->G1_11[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G1_12[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G1_13[i] * a.z[i]); + result.x[i] += vcn.y[i] * (metric->G1_12[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G1_22[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G1_23[i] * a.z[i]); + result.x[i] += vcn.z[i] * (metric->G1_13[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G1_23[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G1_33[i] * a.z[i]); + } + result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y += vcn.x * (metric->G2_11 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G2_13 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.y * (metric->G2_12 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G2_23 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.z * (metric->G2_13 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G2_33 * a.z); - + BOUT_FOR(i, result.y.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result.y[i] += vcn.x[i] * (metric->G2_11[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_12[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G2_13[i] * a.z[i]); + result.y[i] += vcn.y[i] * (metric->G2_12[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_22[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G2_23[i] * a.z[i]); + result.y[i] += vcn.z[i] * (metric->G2_13[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G2_23[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G2_33[i] * a.z[i]); + } + result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z += vcn.x * (metric->G3_11 * a.x + metric->G3_12 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.y * (metric->G3_12 * a.x + metric->G3_22 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.z * (metric->G3_13 * a.x + metric->G3_23 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - + BOUT_FOR(i, result.z.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + result.z[i] += vcn.x[i] * (metric->G3_11[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G3_12[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_13[i] * a.z[i]); + result.z[i] += vcn.y[i] * (metric->G3_12[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G3_22[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_23[i] * a.z[i]); + result.z[i] += vcn.z[i] * (metric->G3_13[i] * a.x[i] + metric->G3_23[i] * a.y[i] + metric->G3_33[i] * a.z[i]); + } + result.covariant = false; } result.setLocation(v.getLocation()); return result; -} + +}; +// Implement vector-vector operation in terms of templated routine above +const Vector2D V_dot_Grad(const Vector2D &v, const Vector2D &a) { + return V_dot_Grad(v, a); +} const Vector3D V_dot_Grad(const Vector2D &v, const Vector3D &a) { - TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector2D , Vector3D )"); - - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() == a.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() != CELL_VSHIFT); - - Vector3D result{v.x.getMesh()}; - - auto metric = v.x.getCoordinates(); - - Vector2D vcn = v; - vcn.toContravariant(); - - if (a.covariant) { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G2_11 * a.y + metric->G3_11 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - - result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_22 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G3_22 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - - result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_33 * a.x + metric->G2_33 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - - result.covariant = true; - } else { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x += vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G1_12 * a.y + metric->G1_13 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G1_22 * a.y + metric->G1_23 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G1_23 * a.y + metric->G1_33 * a.z); - - result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y += vcn.x * (metric->G2_11 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G2_13 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.y * (metric->G2_12 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G2_23 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.z * (metric->G2_13 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G2_33 * a.z); - - result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z += vcn.x * (metric->G3_11 * a.x + metric->G3_12 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.y * (metric->G3_12 * a.x + metric->G3_22 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.z * (metric->G3_13 * a.x + metric->G3_23 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - - result.covariant = false; - } - - result.setLocation(v.getLocation()); - - return result; + return V_dot_Grad(v, a); } - const Vector3D V_dot_Grad(const Vector3D &v, const Vector2D &a) { - TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector3D , Vector2D )"); - - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() == a.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() != CELL_VSHIFT); - - Vector3D result{v.x.getMesh()}; - - auto metric = v.x.getCoordinates(); - - Vector3D vcn = v; - vcn.toContravariant(); - - if (a.covariant) { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G2_11 * a.y + metric->G3_11 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - - result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_22 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G3_22 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - - result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_33 * a.x + metric->G2_33 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - - result.covariant = true; - } else { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x += vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G1_12 * a.y + metric->G1_13 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G1_22 * a.y + metric->G1_23 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G1_23 * a.y + metric->G1_33 * a.z); - - result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y += vcn.x * (metric->G2_11 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G2_13 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.y * (metric->G2_12 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G2_23 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.z * (metric->G2_13 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G2_33 * a.z); - - result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z += vcn.x * (metric->G3_11 * a.x + metric->G3_12 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.y * (metric->G3_12 * a.x + metric->G3_22 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.z * (metric->G3_13 * a.x + metric->G3_23 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - - result.covariant = false; - } - - result.setLocation(v.getLocation()); - - return result; + return V_dot_Grad(v, a); } - const Vector3D V_dot_Grad(const Vector3D &v, const Vector3D &a) { - TRACE("V_dot_Grad( Vector3D , Vector3D )"); - - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() == a.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() != CELL_VSHIFT); - - Vector3D result{v.x.getMesh()}; - - auto metric = v.x.getCoordinates(); - - Vector3D vcn = v; - vcn.toContravariant(); - - if (a.covariant) { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G2_11 * a.y + metric->G3_11 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.x -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - - result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G3_12 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_22 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G3_22 * a.z); - result.y -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - - result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z -= vcn.x * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G2_13 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.y * (metric->G1_23 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z -= vcn.z * (metric->G1_33 * a.x + metric->G2_33 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - - result.covariant = true; - } else { - result.x = VDDX(vcn.x, a.x) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.x) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.x); - result.x += vcn.x * (metric->G1_11 * a.x + metric->G1_12 * a.y + metric->G1_13 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.y * (metric->G1_12 * a.x + metric->G1_22 * a.y + metric->G1_23 * a.z); - result.x += vcn.z * (metric->G1_13 * a.x + metric->G1_23 * a.y + metric->G1_33 * a.z); - - result.y = VDDX(vcn.x, a.y) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.y) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.y); - result.y += vcn.x * (metric->G2_11 * a.x + metric->G2_12 * a.y + metric->G2_13 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.y * (metric->G2_12 * a.x + metric->G2_22 * a.y + metric->G2_23 * a.z); - result.y += vcn.z * (metric->G2_13 * a.x + metric->G2_23 * a.y + metric->G2_33 * a.z); - - result.z = VDDX(vcn.x, a.z) + VDDY(vcn.y, a.z) + VDDZ(vcn.z, a.z); - result.z += vcn.x * (metric->G3_11 * a.x + metric->G3_12 * a.y + metric->G3_13 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.y * (metric->G3_12 * a.x + metric->G3_22 * a.y + metric->G3_23 * a.z); - result.z += vcn.z * (metric->G3_13 * a.x + metric->G3_23 * a.y + metric->G3_33 * a.z); - - result.covariant = false; - } - - result.setLocation(v.getLocation()); - - return result; + return V_dot_Grad(v, a); } diff --git a/src/field/vector2d.cxx b/src/field/vector2d.cxx index 2a931dbbbb..6925279364 100644 --- a/src/field/vector2d.cxx +++ b/src/field/vector2d.cxx @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include -Vector2D::Vector2D(Mesh *localmesh) - : x(localmesh), y(localmesh), z(localmesh), covariant(true), deriv(nullptr), location(CELL_CENTRE) {} +Vector2D::Vector2D(Mesh* localmesh) : x(localmesh), y(localmesh), z(localmesh) {} Vector2D::Vector2D(const Vector2D &f) : x(f.x), y(f.y), z(f.z), covariant(f.covariant), deriv(nullptr), @@ -55,60 +55,103 @@ Vector2D::~Vector2D() { } } -void Vector2D::toCovariant() { +void Vector2D::toCovariant() { + SCOREP0(); if(!covariant) { Mesh *localmesh = x.getMesh(); - Field2D gx(localmesh), gy(localmesh), gz(localmesh); - Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; if (location == CELL_VSHIFT) { + Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); + + // Fields at different locations so we need to interpolate + // Note : Could reduce peak memory requirement here by just + // dealing with the three components seperately. This would + // require the use of temporary fields to hold the intermediate + // result so would likely only reduce memory usage by one field + const auto y_at_x = interp_to(y, x.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_x = interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_y = interp_to(x, y.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_y = interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_z = interp_to(x, z.getLocation()); + const auto y_at_z = interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + + // multiply by g_{ij} + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")){ + x[i] = metric_x->g_11[i]*x[i] + metric_x->g_12[i]*y_at_x[i] + metric_x->g_13[i]*z_at_x[i]; + y[i] = metric_y->g_22[i]*y[i] + metric_y->g_12[i]*x_at_y[i] + metric_y->g_23[i]*z_at_y[i]; + z[i] = metric_z->g_33[i]*z[i] + metric_z->g_13[i]*x_at_z[i] + metric_z->g_23[i]*y_at_z[i]; + }; } else { - metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - } + const auto metric = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - // multiply by g_{ij} - gx = x*metric_x->g_11 + metric_x->g_12*interp_to(y, x.getLocation()) + metric_x->g_13*interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); - gy = y*metric_y->g_22 + metric_y->g_12*interp_to(x, y.getLocation()) + metric_y->g_23*interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); - gz = z*metric_z->g_33 + metric_z->g_13*interp_to(x, z.getLocation()) + metric_z->g_23*interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + // Need to use temporary arrays to store result + Field2D gx{emptyFrom(x)}, gy{emptyFrom(y)}, gz{emptyFrom(z)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")){ + gx[i] = metric->g_11[i]*x[i] + metric->g_12[i]*y[i] + metric->g_13[i]*z[i]; + gy[i] = metric->g_22[i]*y[i] + metric->g_12[i]*x[i] + metric->g_23[i]*z[i]; + gz[i] = metric->g_33[i]*z[i] + metric->g_13[i]*x[i] + metric->g_23[i]*y[i]; + }; + + x = gx; + y = gy; + z = gz; + } - x = gx; - y = gy; - z = gz; - covariant = true; } } - void Vector2D::toContravariant() { + SCOREP0(); if(covariant) { // multiply by g^{ij} Mesh *localmesh = x.getMesh(); - Field2D gx(localmesh), gy(localmesh), gz(localmesh); - Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; if (location == CELL_VSHIFT) { + Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; + metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); + + // Fields at different locations so we need to interpolate + // Note : Could reduce peak memory requirement here by just + // dealing with the three components seperately. This would + // require the use of temporary fields to hold the intermediate + // result so would likely only reduce memory usage by one field + const auto y_at_x = interp_to(y, x.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_x = interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_y = interp_to(x, y.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_y = interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_z = interp_to(x, z.getLocation()); + const auto y_at_z = interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + + // multiply by g_{ij} + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")){ + x[i] = metric_x->g11[i]*x[i] + metric_x->g12[i]*y_at_x[i] + metric_x->g13[i]*z_at_x[i]; + y[i] = metric_y->g22[i]*y[i] + metric_y->g12[i]*x_at_y[i] + metric_y->g23[i]*z_at_y[i]; + z[i] = metric_z->g33[i]*z[i] + metric_z->g13[i]*x_at_z[i] + metric_z->g23[i]*y_at_z[i]; + }; + } else { - metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - } + const auto metric = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - // multiply by g_{ij} - gx = x*metric_x->g11 + metric_x->g12*interp_to(y, x.getLocation()) + metric_x->g13*interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); - gy = y*metric_y->g22 + metric_y->g12*interp_to(x, y.getLocation()) + metric_y->g23*interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); - gz = z*metric_z->g33 + metric_z->g13*interp_to(x, z.getLocation()) + metric_z->g23*interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + // Need to use temporary arrays to store result + Field2D gx{emptyFrom(x)}, gy{emptyFrom(y)}, gz{emptyFrom(z)}; - x = gx; - y = gy; - z = gz; + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")){ + gx[i] = metric->g11[i]*x[i] + metric->g12[i]*y[i] + metric->g13[i]*z[i]; + gy[i] = metric->g22[i]*y[i] + metric->g12[i]*x[i] + metric->g23[i]*z[i]; + gz[i] = metric->g33[i]*z[i] + metric->g13[i]*x[i] + metric->g23[i]*y[i]; + }; + + x = gx; + y = gy; + z = gz; + } covariant = false; } @@ -148,6 +191,7 @@ Vector2D* Vector2D::timeDeriv() { /////////////////// ASSIGNMENT //////////////////// Vector2D & Vector2D::operator=(const Vector2D &rhs) { + SCOREP0(); x = rhs.x; y = rhs.y; z = rhs.z; @@ -160,6 +204,7 @@ Vector2D & Vector2D::operator=(const Vector2D &rhs) { } Vector2D & Vector2D::operator=(const BoutReal val) { + SCOREP0(); x = val; y = val; z = val; @@ -245,14 +290,6 @@ Vector2D & Vector2D::operator/=(const Field2D &rhs) { return *this; } -///////////////// CROSS PRODUCT ////////////////// - -// cross product implementation in vector3d.cxx -Vector2D & Vector2D::operator^=(const Vector2D &rhs) { - *this = cross(*this, rhs); - return *this; -} - /*************************************************************** * BINARY OPERATORS ***************************************************************/ @@ -332,7 +369,7 @@ const Field2D Vector2D::operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const { ASSERT2(location == rhs.getLocation()); Mesh *localmesh = x.getMesh(); - Field2D result(localmesh); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(x)}; if(rhs.covariant ^ covariant) { // Both different - just multiply components @@ -345,14 +382,14 @@ const Field2D Vector2D::operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const { // Both covariant result = x*rhs.x*metric->g11 + y*rhs.y*metric->g22 + z*rhs.z*metric->g33; result += (x*rhs.y + y*rhs.x)*metric->g12 - + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g13 - + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g23; + + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g13 + + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g23; }else { // Both contravariant result = x*rhs.x*metric->g_11 + y*rhs.y*metric->g_22 + z*rhs.z*metric->g_33; result += (x*rhs.y + y*rhs.x)*metric->g_12 - + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g_13 - + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g_23; + + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g_13 + + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g_23; } } @@ -363,16 +400,6 @@ const Field3D Vector2D::operator*(const Vector3D &rhs) const { return rhs*(*this); } -///////////////// CROSS PRODUCT ////////////////// - -const Vector2D Vector2D::operator^(const Vector2D &rhs) const { - return cross(*this,rhs); -} - -const Vector3D Vector2D::operator^(const Vector3D &rhs) const { - return cross(*this,rhs); -} - /*************************************************************** * Get/set variable location for staggered meshes ***************************************************************/ @@ -391,6 +418,7 @@ CELL_LOC Vector2D::getLocation() const { } void Vector2D::setLocation(CELL_LOC loc) { + SCOREP0(); TRACE("Vector2D::setLocation"); if (loc == CELL_DEFAULT) { loc = CELL_CENTRE; @@ -440,7 +468,7 @@ const Vector3D operator*(const Field3D &lhs, const Vector2D &rhs) { ***************************************************************/ // Return the magnitude of a vector -const Field2D abs(const Vector2D &v, REGION region) { +const Field2D abs(const Vector2D &v, const std::string& region) { return sqrt(v*v, region); } diff --git a/src/field/vector3d.cxx b/src/field/vector3d.cxx index 9855e422ed..eb4ef000da 100644 --- a/src/field/vector3d.cxx +++ b/src/field/vector3d.cxx @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include -Vector3D::Vector3D(Mesh *localmesh) - : x(localmesh), y(localmesh), z(localmesh), covariant(true), deriv(nullptr), location(CELL_CENTRE) {} +Vector3D::Vector3D(Mesh* localmesh) : x(localmesh), y(localmesh), z(localmesh) {} Vector3D::Vector3D(const Vector3D &f) : x(f.x), y(f.y), z(f.z), covariant(f.covariant), deriv(nullptr), @@ -56,59 +56,103 @@ Vector3D::~Vector3D() { } } -void Vector3D::toCovariant() { +void Vector3D::toCovariant() { + SCOREP0(); if(!covariant) { Mesh *localmesh = x.getMesh(); - Field3D gx(localmesh), gy(localmesh), gz(localmesh); - Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; if (location == CELL_VSHIFT) { + Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); + + // Fields at different locations so we need to interpolate + // Note : Could reduce peak memory requirement here by just + // dealing with the three components seperately. This would + // require the use of temporary fields to hold the intermediate + // result so would likely only reduce memory usage by one field + const auto y_at_x = interp_to(y, x.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_x = interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_y = interp_to(x, y.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_y = interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_z = interp_to(x, z.getLocation()); + const auto y_at_z = interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + + // multiply by g_{ij} + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")){ + x[i] = metric_x->g_11[i]*x[i] + metric_x->g_12[i]*y_at_x[i] + metric_x->g_13[i]*z_at_x[i]; + y[i] = metric_y->g_22[i]*y[i] + metric_y->g_12[i]*x_at_y[i] + metric_y->g_23[i]*z_at_y[i]; + z[i] = metric_z->g_33[i]*z[i] + metric_z->g_13[i]*x_at_z[i] + metric_z->g_23[i]*y_at_z[i]; + }; } else { - metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - } + const auto metric = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - // multiply by g_{ij} - gx = x*metric_x->g_11 + metric_x->g_12*interp_to(y, x.getLocation()) + metric_x->g_13*interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); - gy = y*metric_y->g_22 + metric_y->g_12*interp_to(x, y.getLocation()) + metric_y->g_23*interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); - gz = z*metric_z->g_33 + metric_z->g_13*interp_to(x, z.getLocation()) + metric_z->g_23*interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + // Need to use temporary arrays to store result + Field3D gx{emptyFrom(x)}, gy{emptyFrom(y)}, gz{emptyFrom(z)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")){ + gx[i] = metric->g_11[i]*x[i] + metric->g_12[i]*y[i] + metric->g_13[i]*z[i]; + gy[i] = metric->g_22[i]*y[i] + metric->g_12[i]*x[i] + metric->g_23[i]*z[i]; + gz[i] = metric->g_33[i]*z[i] + metric->g_13[i]*x[i] + metric->g_23[i]*y[i]; + }; + + x = gx; + y = gy; + z = gz; + } - x = gx; - y = gy; - z = gz; - covariant = true; } } void Vector3D::toContravariant() { + SCOREP0(); if(covariant) { // multiply by g^{ij} Mesh *localmesh = x.getMesh(); - Field3D gx(localmesh), gy(localmesh), gz(localmesh); - Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; if (location == CELL_VSHIFT) { + Coordinates *metric_x, *metric_y, *metric_z; + metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); + + // Fields at different locations so we need to interpolate + // Note : Could reduce peak memory requirement here by just + // dealing with the three components seperately. This would + // require the use of temporary fields to hold the intermediate + // result so would likely only reduce memory usage by one field + const auto y_at_x = interp_to(y, x.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_x = interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_y = interp_to(x, y.getLocation()); + const auto z_at_y = interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); + const auto x_at_z = interp_to(x, z.getLocation()); + const auto y_at_z = interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + + // multiply by g_{ij} + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")){ + x[i] = metric_x->g11[i]*x[i] + metric_x->g12[i]*y_at_x[i] + metric_x->g13[i]*z_at_x[i]; + y[i] = metric_y->g22[i]*y[i] + metric_y->g12[i]*x_at_y[i] + metric_y->g23[i]*z_at_y[i]; + z[i] = metric_z->g33[i]*z[i] + metric_z->g13[i]*x_at_z[i] + metric_z->g23[i]*y_at_z[i]; + }; + } else { - metric_x = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_y = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - metric_z = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - } + const auto metric = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); - // multiply by g_{ij} - gx = x*metric_x->g11 + metric_x->g12*interp_to(y, x.getLocation()) + metric_x->g13*interp_to(z, x.getLocation()); - gy = y*metric_y->g22 + metric_y->g12*interp_to(x, y.getLocation()) + metric_y->g23*interp_to(z, y.getLocation()); - gz = z*metric_z->g33 + metric_z->g13*interp_to(x, z.getLocation()) + metric_z->g23*interp_to(y, z.getLocation()); + // Need to use temporary arrays to store result + Field3D gx{emptyFrom(x)}, gy{emptyFrom(y)}, gz{emptyFrom(z)}; - x = gx; - y = gy; - z = gz; + BOUT_FOR(i, localmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")){ + gx[i] = metric->g11[i]*x[i] + metric->g12[i]*y[i] + metric->g13[i]*z[i]; + gy[i] = metric->g22[i]*y[i] + metric->g12[i]*x[i] + metric->g23[i]*z[i]; + gz[i] = metric->g33[i]*z[i] + metric->g13[i]*x[i] + metric->g23[i]*y[i]; + }; + + x = gx; + y = gy; + z = gz; + } covariant = false; } @@ -149,6 +193,7 @@ Vector3D* Vector3D::timeDeriv() { /////////////////// ASSIGNMENT //////////////////// Vector3D & Vector3D::operator=(const Vector3D &rhs) { + SCOREP0(); x = rhs.x; y = rhs.y; z = rhs.z; @@ -160,6 +205,7 @@ Vector3D & Vector3D::operator=(const Vector3D &rhs) { } Vector3D & Vector3D::operator=(const Vector2D &rhs) { + SCOREP0(); x = rhs.x; y = rhs.y; z = rhs.z; @@ -173,6 +219,7 @@ Vector3D & Vector3D::operator=(const Vector2D &rhs) { Vector3D & Vector3D::operator=(const BoutReal val) { + SCOREP0(); x = val; y = val; z = val; @@ -346,16 +393,6 @@ CROSS(Vector3D, Vector3D, Vector2D); CROSS(Vector3D, Vector2D, Vector3D); CROSS(Vector2D, Vector2D, Vector2D); -Vector3D & Vector3D::operator^=(const Vector3D &rhs) { - *this = cross(*this, rhs); - return *this; -} - -Vector3D & Vector3D::operator^=(const Vector2D &rhs) { - *this = cross(*this, rhs); - return *this; -} - /*************************************************************** * BINARY OPERATORS ***************************************************************/ @@ -431,7 +468,9 @@ const Vector3D Vector3D::operator/(const Field3D &rhs) const { ////////////////// DOT PRODUCT /////////////////// const Field3D Vector3D::operator*(const Vector3D &rhs) const { - Field3D result(x.getMesh()); + Mesh* mesh = x.getMesh(); + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(x)}; ASSERT2(location == rhs.getLocation()) if(rhs.covariant ^ covariant) { @@ -446,14 +485,14 @@ const Field3D Vector3D::operator*(const Vector3D &rhs) const { // Both covariant result = x*rhs.x*metric->g11 + y*rhs.y*metric->g22 + z*rhs.z*metric->g33; result += (x*rhs.y + y*rhs.x)*metric->g12 - + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g13 - + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g23; + + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g13 + + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g23; }else { // Both contravariant result = x*rhs.x*metric->g_11 + y*rhs.y*metric->g_22 + z*rhs.z*metric->g_33; result += (x*rhs.y + y*rhs.x)*metric->g_12 - + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g_13 - + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g_23; + + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g_13 + + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g_23; } } @@ -464,7 +503,7 @@ const Field3D Vector3D::operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const { ASSERT2(location == rhs.getLocation()); - Field3D result(x.getMesh()); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(x)}; if(rhs.covariant ^ covariant) { // Both different - just multiply components @@ -477,30 +516,20 @@ const Field3D Vector3D::operator*(const Vector2D &rhs) const // Both covariant result = x*rhs.x*metric->g11 + y*rhs.y*metric->g22 + z*rhs.z*metric->g33; result += (x*rhs.y + y*rhs.x)*metric->g12 - + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g13 - + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g23; + + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g13 + + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g23; }else { // Both contravariant result = x*rhs.x*metric->g_11 + y*rhs.y*metric->g_22 + z*rhs.z*metric->g_33; result += (x*rhs.y + y*rhs.x)*metric->g_12 - + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g_13 - + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g_23; + + (x*rhs.z + z*rhs.x)*metric->g_13 + + (y*rhs.z + z*rhs.y)*metric->g_23; } } return result; } -///////////////// CROSS PRODUCT ////////////////// - -const Vector3D Vector3D::operator^(const Vector3D &rhs) const { - return cross(*this,rhs); -} - -const Vector3D Vector3D::operator^(const Vector2D &rhs) const { - return cross(*this,rhs); -} - /*************************************************************** * Get/set variable location for staggered meshes ***************************************************************/ @@ -519,6 +548,7 @@ CELL_LOC Vector3D::getLocation() const { } void Vector3D::setLocation(CELL_LOC loc) { + SCOREP0(); TRACE("Vector3D::setLocation"); if (loc == CELL_DEFAULT) { loc = CELL_CENTRE; @@ -569,7 +599,7 @@ const Vector3D operator*(const Field3D &lhs, const Vector3D &rhs) ***************************************************************/ // Return the magnitude of a vector -const Field3D abs(const Vector3D &v, REGION region) { +const Field3D abs(const Vector3D &v, const std::string& region) { return sqrt(v*v, region); } diff --git a/src/field/where.cxx b/src/field/where.cxx index 671e3b7cc7..30763cb1a4 100644 --- a/src/field/where.cxx +++ b/src/field/where.cxx @@ -25,169 +25,3 @@ #include #include - -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Versions taking Field2D and returning Field3D - -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field3D >0, const Field3D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field3D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0[i]; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field3D >0, BoutReal le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field3D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0[i]; - }else { - result[i] = le0; - } - } - return result; -} - -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, BoutReal gt0, const Field3D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field3D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - - return result; -} - -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field3D >0, const Field2D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field3D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0[i]; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - - return result; -} - -const Field3D where(const Field2D &test, const Field2D >0, const Field3D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field3D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0[i]; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - - return result; -} - -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Versions taking Field2D and returning Field2D - -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, const Field2D >0, const Field2D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field2D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0[i]; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - - return result; -} - -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, const Field2D >0, BoutReal le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field2D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0[i]; - }else { - result[i] = le0; - } - } - - return result; -} - -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, BoutReal gt0, const Field2D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field2D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - - return result; -} - -const Field2D where(const Field2D &test, BoutReal gt0, BoutReal le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field2D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0; - }else { - result[i] = le0; - } - } - - return result; -} - -////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Versions taking Field3D and returning Field3D - -const Field3D where(const Field3D &test, BoutReal gt0, const Field3D &le0) { - const auto testMesh = test.getMesh(); - Field3D result(testMesh); - result.allocate(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, testMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - if(test[i] > 0.0) { - result[i] = gt0; - }else { - result[i] = le0[i]; - } - } - return result; -} diff --git a/src/fileio/datafile.cxx b/src/fileio/datafile.cxx index 9f5d898f31..989cbb52a7 100644 --- a/src/fileio/datafile.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/datafile.cxx @@ -36,9 +36,12 @@ //#include "mpi.h" // For MPI_Wtime() #include +#include #include +#include "bout_types.hxx" #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -46,11 +49,8 @@ #include #include "formatfactory.hxx" -Datafile::Datafile(Options *opt) : parallel(false), flush(true), guards(true), - floats(false), openclose(true), enabled(true), shiftOutput(false), - shiftInput(false), flushFrequencyCounter(0), flushFrequency(1), - file(nullptr), writable(false), appending(false), first_time(true) -{ +Datafile::Datafile(Options* opt, Mesh* mesh_in) + : mesh(mesh_in == nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : mesh_in), file(nullptr) { filenamelen=FILENAMELEN; filename=new char[filenamelen]; filename[0] = 0; // Terminate the string @@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ Datafile::Datafile(Options *opt) : parallel(false), flush(true), guards(true), OPTION(opt, shiftOutput, false); // Do we want to write 3D fields in shifted space? OPTION(opt, shiftInput, false); // Do we want to read 3D fields in shifted space? OPTION(opt, flushFrequency, 1); // How frequently do we flush the file - } Datafile::Datafile(Datafile &&other) noexcept @@ -81,8 +80,9 @@ Datafile::Datafile(Datafile &&other) noexcept flushFrequency(other.flushFrequency), file(std::move(other.file)), writable(other.writable), appending(other.appending), first_time(other.first_time), int_arr(std::move(other.int_arr)), BoutReal_arr(std::move(other.BoutReal_arr)), - f2d_arr(std::move(other.f2d_arr)), f3d_arr(std::move(other.f3d_arr)), - v2d_arr(std::move(other.v2d_arr)), v3d_arr(std::move(other.v3d_arr)) { + bool_arr(std::move(other.bool_arr)), f2d_arr(std::move(other.f2d_arr)), + f3d_arr(std::move(other.f3d_arr)), v2d_arr(std::move(other.v2d_arr)), + v3d_arr(std::move(other.v3d_arr)) { filenamelen = other.filenamelen; filename = other.filename; other.filenamelen = 0; @@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ Datafile::Datafile(Datafile &&other) noexcept } Datafile::Datafile(const Datafile &other) : - parallel(other.parallel), flush(other.flush), guards(other.guards), + mesh(other.mesh), parallel(other.parallel), flush(other.flush), guards(other.guards), floats(other.floats), openclose(other.openclose), Lx(other.Lx), Ly(other.Ly), Lz(other.Lz), enabled(other.enabled), shiftOutput(other.shiftOutput), shiftInput(other.shiftInput), flushFrequencyCounter(other.flushFrequencyCounter), flushFrequency(other.flushFrequency), file(nullptr), writable(other.writable), appending(other.appending), first_time(other.first_time), int_arr(other.int_arr), BoutReal_arr(other.BoutReal_arr), - f2d_arr(other.f2d_arr), f3d_arr(other.f3d_arr), v2d_arr(other.v2d_arr), - v3d_arr(other.v3d_arr) + bool_arr(other.bool_arr), f2d_arr(other.f2d_arr), f3d_arr(other.f3d_arr), + v2d_arr(other.v2d_arr), v3d_arr(other.v3d_arr) { filenamelen=other.filenamelen; filename=new char[filenamelen]; @@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ Datafile::Datafile(const Datafile &other) : } Datafile& Datafile::operator=(Datafile &&rhs) noexcept { + mesh = rhs.mesh; parallel = rhs.parallel; flush = rhs.flush; guards = rhs.guards; @@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ Datafile& Datafile::operator=(Datafile &&rhs) noexcept { first_time = rhs.first_time; int_arr = std::move(rhs.int_arr); BoutReal_arr = std::move(rhs.BoutReal_arr); + bool_arr = std::move(rhs.bool_arr); f2d_arr = std::move(rhs.f2d_arr); f3d_arr = std::move(rhs.f3d_arr); v2d_arr = std::move(rhs.v2d_arr); @@ -167,10 +169,9 @@ bool Datafile::openr(const char *format, ...) { if(!openclose) { // Open the file now. Otherwise defer until later - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openr(filename, MYPE)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openr(filename, BoutComm::rank())) + throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Failed to open file %s for reading!", + filename); } writable = false; @@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ bool Datafile::openw(const char *format, ...) { bout_vsnprintf(filename, filenamelen, format); // Get the data format - file = FormatFactory::getInstance()->createDataFormat(filename, parallel); + file = FormatFactory::getInstance()->createDataFormat(filename, parallel, mesh); if(!file) throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Factory failed to create a DataFormat!"); @@ -210,10 +211,8 @@ bool Datafile::openw(const char *format, ...) { appending = false; // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) + throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Failed to open file %s for writing!", filename); appending = true; first_time = true; // newly opened file, so write attributes when variables are first written @@ -233,6 +232,13 @@ bool Datafile::openw(const char *format, ...) { } } + // Add bools + for(const auto& var : bool_arr) { + if (!file->addVarInt(var.name, var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add bool variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + } + } + // Add 2D fields for (const auto& var : f2d_arr) { if (!file->addVarField2D(var.name, var.save_repeat)) { @@ -247,29 +253,38 @@ bool Datafile::openw(const char *format, ...) { } } + // Add FieldPerps + for (const auto& var : fperp_arr) { + if (!file->addVarFieldPerp(var.name, var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add FieldPerp variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + } + } + // 2D vectors for(const auto& var : v2d_arr) { - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(var.name)+string("_x"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + auto name = var.covar ? var.name + "_" : var.name; + if (!file->addVarField2D(name + "x", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField2D(name + "y", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField2D(name + "z", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } } // 3D vectors for(const auto& var : v3d_arr) { - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(var.name)+string("_x"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + auto name = var.covar ? var.name + "_" : var.name; + if (!file->addVarField3D(name + "x", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField3D(name + "y", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField3D(name + "z", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } } if (openclose) { @@ -313,10 +328,9 @@ bool Datafile::opena(const char *format, ...) { appending = true; // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, true)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), true)) + throw BoutException("Datafile::open: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); first_time = true; // newly opened file, so write attributes when variables are first written @@ -335,6 +349,13 @@ bool Datafile::opena(const char *format, ...) { } } + // Add bools + for(const auto& var : bool_arr) { + if (!file->addVarInt(var.name, var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add bool variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + } + } + // Add 2D fields for (const auto& var : f2d_arr) { if (!file->addVarField2D(var.name, var.save_repeat)) { @@ -349,29 +370,38 @@ bool Datafile::opena(const char *format, ...) { } } + // Add FieldPerps + for (const auto& var : fperp_arr) { + if (!file->addVarFieldPerp(var.name, var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add FieldPerp variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + } + } + // 2D vectors for(const auto& var : v2d_arr) { - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(var.name)+string("_x"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + auto name = var.covar ? var.name + "_" : var.name; + if (!file->addVarField2D(name + "x", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField2D(name + "y", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField2D(name + "z", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } } // 3D vectors for(const auto& var : v3d_arr) { - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(var.name)+string("_x"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + auto name = var.covar ? var.name + "_" : var.name; + if (!file->addVarField3D(name + "x", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField3D(name + "y", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(var.name)+string("_y"), var.save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", var.name.c_str()); + if (!file->addVarField3D(name + "z", var.save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name.c_str()); } } if (openclose) { @@ -414,9 +444,9 @@ void Datafile::add(int &i, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { TRACE("DataFile::add(int)"); if (!enabled) return; - if (varAdded(string(name))) { + if (varAdded(name)) { // Check if it's the same variable - if (&i == varPtr(string(name))) { + if (&i == varPtr(name)) { output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); } else { throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); @@ -426,7 +456,7 @@ void Datafile::add(int &i, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { VarStr d; d.ptr = &i; - d.name = string(name); + d.name = name; d.save_repeat = save_repeat; d.covar = false; @@ -436,13 +466,18 @@ void Datafile::add(int &i, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending if (openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); // Check filename has been set if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; } @@ -464,9 +499,9 @@ void Datafile::add(BoutReal &r, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { TRACE("DataFile::add(BoutReal)"); if (!enabled) return; - if (varAdded(string(name))) { + if (varAdded(name)) { // Check if it's the same variable - if (&r == varPtr(string(name))) { + if (&r == varPtr(name)) { output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); } else { throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); @@ -476,7 +511,7 @@ void Datafile::add(BoutReal &r, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { VarStr d; d.ptr = &r; - d.name = string(name); + d.name = name; d.save_repeat = save_repeat; d.covar = false; @@ -486,12 +521,17 @@ void Datafile::add(BoutReal &r, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending if (openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; } @@ -512,13 +552,68 @@ void Datafile::add(BoutReal &r, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { } } +void Datafile::add(bool &b, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { + TRACE("DataFile::add(bool)"); + if (!enabled) + return; + if (varAdded(name)) { + // Check if it's the same variable + if (&b == varPtr(name)) { + output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); + } else { + throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); + } + } + + VarStr d; + + d.ptr = &b; + d.name = name; + d.save_repeat = save_repeat; + d.covar = false; + + bool_arr.push_back(d); + + if (writable) { + // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending + if (openclose) { + // Open the file + // Check filename has been set + if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } + appending = true; + } + + if(!file->is_valid()) + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: File is not valid!"); + + // Add variable to file + if (!file->addVarInt(name, save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add bool variable %s to Datafile", name); + } + + if(openclose) { + file->close(); + } + } +} + void Datafile::add(Field2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { TRACE("DataFile::add(Field2D)"); if (!enabled) return; - if (varAdded(string(name))) { + if (varAdded(name)) { // Check if it's the same variable - if (&f == varPtr(string(name))) { + if (&f == varPtr(name)) { output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile", name); } else { throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); @@ -528,7 +623,7 @@ void Datafile::add(Field2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { VarStr d; d.ptr = &f; - d.name = string(name); + d.name = name; d.save_repeat = save_repeat; d.covar = false; @@ -538,12 +633,17 @@ void Datafile::add(Field2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending if (openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; } @@ -568,9 +668,9 @@ void Datafile::add(Field3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { TRACE("DataFile::add(Field3D)"); if (!enabled) return; - if (varAdded(string(name))) { + if (varAdded(name)) { // Check if it's the same variable - if (&f == varPtr(string(name))) { + if (&f == varPtr(name)) { output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); } else { throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); @@ -580,7 +680,7 @@ void Datafile::add(Field3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { VarStr d; d.ptr = &f; - d.name = string(name); + d.name = name; d.save_repeat = save_repeat; d.covar = false; @@ -590,12 +690,17 @@ void Datafile::add(Field3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending if (openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; } @@ -616,13 +721,70 @@ void Datafile::add(Field3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { } } +void Datafile::add(FieldPerp &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + if (!enabled) + return; + if (varAdded(name)) { + // Check if it's the same variable + if (&f == varPtr(name)) { + output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); + } else { + throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); + } + } + + VarStr d; + + d.ptr = &f; + d.name = name; + d.save_repeat = save_repeat; + d.covar = false; + + fperp_arr.push_back(d); + + if (writable) { + // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending + if (openclose) { + // Open the file + if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } + appending = true; + } + + if(!file->is_valid()) + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: File is not valid!"); + + if(floats) + file->setLowPrecision(); + + // Add variable to file + if (!file->addVarFieldPerp(name, save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add FieldPerp variable %s to Datafile", name); + } + + if(openclose) { + file->close(); + } + } +} + void Datafile::add(Vector2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { TRACE("DataFile::add(Vector2D)"); if (!enabled) return; - if (varAdded(string(name))) { + if (varAdded(name)) { // Check if it's the same variable - if (&f == varPtr(string(name))) { + if (&f == varPtr(name)) { output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); } else { throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); @@ -632,7 +794,7 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { VarStr d; d.ptr = &f; - d.name = string(name); + d.name = name; d.save_repeat = save_repeat; d.covar = f.covariant; @@ -642,12 +804,17 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending if (openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; } @@ -658,14 +825,18 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector2D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { file->setLowPrecision(); // Add variables to file - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(name)+string("_x"), save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name); + auto dname = d.covar ? d.name + "_" : d.name; + if (!file->addVarField2D(dname + "x", save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", + dname.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(name)+string("_y"), save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name); + if (!file->addVarField2D(dname + "y", save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", + dname.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField2D(string(name)+string("_z"), save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", name); + if (!file->addVarField2D(dname + "z", save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector2D variable %s to Datafile", + dname.c_str()); } if(openclose) { @@ -678,9 +849,9 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { TRACE("DataFile::add(Vector3D)"); if (!enabled) return; - if (varAdded(string(name))) { + if (varAdded(name)) { // Check if it's the same variable - if (&f == varPtr(string(name))) { + if (&f == varPtr(name)) { output_warn.write("WARNING: variable '%s' added again to Datafile\n", name); } else { throw BoutException("Variable with name '%s' already added to Datafile", name); @@ -690,7 +861,7 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { VarStr d; d.ptr = &f; - d.name = string(name); + d.name = name; d.save_repeat = save_repeat; d.covar = f.covariant; @@ -700,12 +871,17 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { // Otherwise will add variables when Datafile is opened for writing/appending if (openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); if (strcmp(filename, "") == 0) throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Filename has not been set"); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; } @@ -716,14 +892,18 @@ void Datafile::add(Vector3D &f, const char *name, bool save_repeat) { file->setLowPrecision(); // Add variables to file - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(name)+string("_x"), save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name); + auto dname = d.covar ? d.name + "_" : d.name; + if (!file->addVarField3D(dname + "x", save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", + dname.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(name)+string("_y"), save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name); + if (!file->addVarField3D(dname + "y", save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", + dname.c_str()); } - if (!file->addVarField3D(string(name)+string("_z"), save_repeat)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", name); + if (!file->addVarField3D(dname + "z", save_repeat)) { + throw BoutException("Failed to add Vector3D variable %s to Datafile", + dname.c_str()); } if(openclose) { @@ -737,10 +917,10 @@ bool Datafile::read() { if(openclose) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openr(filename, MYPE)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::read: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openr(filename, BoutComm::rank())) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::read: Failed to open file %s for reading!", + filename); + } } if(!file->is_valid()) @@ -794,6 +974,31 @@ bool Datafile::read() { } } + // Read bools + for(const auto& var : bool_arr) { + int var_as_int = 0; + if(var.save_repeat) { + if(!file->read_rec(&var_as_int, var.name.c_str())) { + if(!init_missing) { + throw BoutException("Missing data for %s in input. Set init_missing=true to set to false.", var.name.c_str()); + } + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read bool %s. Setting to false\n", var.name.c_str()); + *(var.ptr) = false; + continue; + } + } else { + if(!file->read(&var_as_int, var.name.c_str())) { + if(!init_missing) { + throw BoutException("Missing data for %s in input. Set init_missing=true to set to false.", var.name.c_str()); + } + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read bool %s. Setting to false\n", var.name.c_str()); + *(var.ptr) = false; + continue; + } + } + *var.ptr = bool(var_as_int); + } + // Read 2D fields for(const auto& var : f2d_arr) { read_f2d(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); @@ -804,17 +1009,22 @@ bool Datafile::read() { read_f3d(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); } + // Read FieldPerps + for(const auto& var : fperp_arr) { + read_fperp(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); + } + // 2D vectors for(const auto& var : v2d_arr) { if(var.covar) { // Reading covariant vector - read_f2d(var.name+string("_x"), &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); - read_f2d(var.name+string("_y"), &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); - read_f2d(var.name+string("_z"), &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); + read_f2d(var.name + "_x", &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); + read_f2d(var.name + "_y", &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); + read_f2d(var.name + "_z", &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); } else { - read_f2d(var.name+string("x"), &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); - read_f2d(var.name+string("y"), &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); - read_f2d(var.name+string("z"), &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); + read_f2d(var.name + "x", &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); + read_f2d(var.name + "y", &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); + read_f2d(var.name + "z", &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); } var.ptr->covariant = var.covar; @@ -824,13 +1034,13 @@ bool Datafile::read() { for(const auto& var : v3d_arr) { if(var.covar) { // Reading covariant vector - read_f3d(var.name+string("_x"), &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); - read_f3d(var.name+string("_y"), &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); - read_f3d(var.name+string("_z"), &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); + read_f3d(var.name + "_x", &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); + read_f3d(var.name + "_y", &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); + read_f3d(var.name + "_z", &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); } else { - read_f3d(var.name+string("x"), &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); - read_f3d(var.name+string("y"), &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); - read_f3d(var.name+string("z"), &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); + read_f3d(var.name + "x", &(var.ptr->x), var.save_repeat); + read_f3d(var.name + "y", &(var.ptr->y), var.save_repeat); + read_f3d(var.name + "z", &(var.ptr->z), var.save_repeat); } var.ptr->covariant = var.covar; @@ -855,10 +1065,15 @@ bool Datafile::write() { if(openclose && (flushFrequencyCounter % flushFrequency == 0)) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::write: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; flushFrequencyCounter = 0; } @@ -876,39 +1091,40 @@ bool Datafile::write() { if (first_time) { first_time = false; - // Set the cell location attributes. - // Location must have been set for all fields before the first time output - // is written, since this happens after the first rhs evaluation + // Set the field attributes from field meta-data. + // Attributes must have been set for all fields before the first time + // output is written, since this happens after the first rhs evaluation // 2D fields for (const auto& var : f2d_arr) { - file->setAttribute(var.name, "cell_location", CELL_LOC_STRING(var.ptr->getLocation())); + file->writeFieldAttributes(var.name, *var.ptr); } // 3D fields for (const auto& var : f3d_arr) { - file->setAttribute(var.name, "cell_location", CELL_LOC_STRING(var.ptr->getLocation())); + file->writeFieldAttributes(var.name, *var.ptr); + } + + // FieldPerps + for (const auto& var : fperp_arr) { + file->writeFieldAttributes(var.name, *var.ptr); } // 2D vectors for(const auto& var : v2d_arr) { Vector2D v = *(var.ptr); - file->setAttribute(var.name+string("_x"), "cell_location", - CELL_LOC_STRING(v.x.getLocation())); - file->setAttribute(var.name+string("_y"), "cell_location", - CELL_LOC_STRING(v.y.getLocation())); - file->setAttribute(var.name+string("_z"), "cell_location", - CELL_LOC_STRING(v.z.getLocation())); + auto name = var.covar ? var.name + "_" : var.name; + file->writeFieldAttributes(name+"x", v.x); + file->writeFieldAttributes(name+"y", v.y); + file->writeFieldAttributes(name+"z", v.z); } // 3D vectors for(const auto& var : v3d_arr) { Vector3D v = *(var.ptr); - file->setAttribute(var.name+string("_x"), "cell_location", - CELL_LOC_STRING(v.x.getLocation())); - file->setAttribute(var.name+string("_y"), "cell_location", - CELL_LOC_STRING(v.y.getLocation())); - file->setAttribute(var.name+string("_z"), "cell_location", - CELL_LOC_STRING(v.z.getLocation())); + auto name = var.covar ? var.name + "_" : var.name; + file->writeFieldAttributes(name+"x", v.x); + file->writeFieldAttributes(name+"y", v.y); + file->writeFieldAttributes(name+"z", v.z); } } @@ -922,6 +1138,12 @@ bool Datafile::write() { write_real(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); } + // Write bools + for(const auto& var : bool_arr) { + int var_as_int = int(*var.ptr); + write_int(var.name, &var_as_int, var.save_repeat); + } + // Write 2D fields for (const auto& var : f2d_arr) { write_f2d(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); @@ -932,46 +1154,47 @@ bool Datafile::write() { write_f3d(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); } + // Write FieldPerps + for (const auto& var : fperp_arr) { + write_fperp(var.name, var.ptr, var.save_repeat); + } + // 2D vectors for(const auto& var : v2d_arr) { + Vector2D v = *(var.ptr); + auto name = var.name; + if(var.covar) { // Writing covariant vector - Vector2D v = *(var.ptr); v.toCovariant(); - - write_f2d(var.name+string("_x"), &(v.x), var.save_repeat); - write_f2d(var.name+string("_y"), &(v.y), var.save_repeat); - write_f2d(var.name+string("_z"), &(v.z), var.save_repeat); + name += "_"; } else { // Writing contravariant vector - Vector2D v = *(var.ptr); v.toContravariant(); - - write_f2d(var.name+string("x"), &(v.x), var.save_repeat); - write_f2d(var.name+string("y"), &(v.y), var.save_repeat); - write_f2d(var.name+string("z"), &(v.z), var.save_repeat); } + + write_f2d(name+"x", &(v.x), var.save_repeat); + write_f2d(name+"y", &(v.y), var.save_repeat); + write_f2d(name+"z", &(v.z), var.save_repeat); } // 3D vectors for(const auto& var : v3d_arr) { + Vector3D v = *(var.ptr); + auto name = var.name; + if(var.covar) { // Writing covariant vector - Vector3D v = *(var.ptr); v.toCovariant(); - - write_f3d(var.name+string("_x"), &(v.x), var.save_repeat); - write_f3d(var.name+string("_y"), &(v.y), var.save_repeat); - write_f3d(var.name+string("_z"), &(v.z), var.save_repeat); + name += "_"; } else { // Writing contravariant vector - Vector3D v = *(var.ptr); v.toContravariant(); - - write_f3d(var.name+string("x"), &(v.x), var.save_repeat); - write_f3d(var.name+string("y"), &(v.y), var.save_repeat); - write_f3d(var.name+string("z"), &(v.z), var.save_repeat); } + + write_f3d(name+"x", &(v.x), var.save_repeat); + write_f3d(name+"y", &(v.y), var.save_repeat); + write_f3d(name+"z", &(v.z), var.save_repeat); } if(openclose && (flushFrequencyCounter+1 % flushFrequency == 0)){ @@ -1006,22 +1229,7 @@ bool Datafile::write(const char *format, ...) const { return ret; } -bool Datafile::writeVar(const int &i, const char *name) { - // Should do this a better way... - int *i2 = new int; - *i2 = i; - add(*i2, name); - return true; -} - -bool Datafile::writeVar(BoutReal r, const char *name) { - BoutReal *r2 = new BoutReal; - *r2 = r; - add(*r2, name); - return true; -} - -void Datafile::setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, const string &text) { +void Datafile::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, const std::string &text) { TRACE("Datafile::setAttribute(string, string, string)"); @@ -1032,10 +1240,15 @@ void Datafile::setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, const if(openclose && (flushFrequencyCounter % flushFrequency == 0)) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::write: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; flushFrequencyCounter = 0; } @@ -1050,7 +1263,7 @@ void Datafile::setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, const } } -void Datafile::setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, int value) { +void Datafile::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) { TRACE("Datafile::setAttribute(string, string, int)"); @@ -1061,10 +1274,49 @@ void Datafile::setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, int v if(openclose && (flushFrequencyCounter % flushFrequency == 0)) { // Open the file - int MYPE; - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); - if(!file->openw(filename, MYPE, appending)) - throw BoutException("Datafile::write: Failed to open file!"); + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } + appending = true; + flushFrequencyCounter = 0; + } + + if(!file->is_valid()) + throw BoutException("Datafile::setAttribute: File is not valid!"); + + file->setAttribute(varname, attrname, value); + + if (openclose) { + file->close(); + } +} + +void Datafile::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal value) { + + TRACE("Datafile::setAttribute(string, string, BoutReal)"); + + Timer timer("io"); + + if(!file) + throw BoutException("Datafile::write: File is not valid!"); + + if(openclose && (flushFrequencyCounter % flushFrequency == 0)) { + // Open the file + if(!file->openw(filename, BoutComm::rank(), appending)) { + if (appending) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for appending!", + filename); + } else { + throw BoutException("Datafile::add: Failed to open file %s for writing!", + filename); + } + } appending = true; flushFrequencyCounter = 0; } @@ -1081,7 +1333,17 @@ void Datafile::setAttribute(const string &varname, const string &attrname, int v ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -bool Datafile::read_f2d(const string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat) { +bool Datafile::read_f2d(const std::string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat) { + try { + file->readFieldAttributes(name, *f); + } catch (const BoutException &e) { + if (init_missing) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read 2D field %s attributes.\n", name.c_str()); + } else { + throw; + } + } + f->allocate(); if(save_repeat) { @@ -1109,7 +1371,17 @@ bool Datafile::read_f2d(const string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat) { return true; } -bool Datafile::read_f3d(const string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat) { +bool Datafile::read_f3d(const std::string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat) { + try { + file->readFieldAttributes(name, *f); + } catch (const BoutException &e) { + if (init_missing) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read 3D field %s attributes.\n", name.c_str()); + } else { + throw; + } + } + f->allocate(); if(save_repeat) { @@ -1137,13 +1409,61 @@ bool Datafile::read_f3d(const string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat) { if (shiftInput) { // Input file is in field-aligned coordinates e.g. BOUT++ 3.x restart file - *f = mesh->fromFieldAligned(*f); + *f = fromFieldAligned(*f, "RGN_ALL"); } return true; } -bool Datafile::write_int(const string &name, int *f, bool save_repeat) { +bool Datafile::read_fperp(const std::string &name, FieldPerp *f, bool save_repeat) { + try { + file->readFieldAttributes(name, *f); + } catch (const BoutException &e) { + if (init_missing) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read FieldPerp %s attributes.\n", name.c_str()); + } else { + throw; + } + } + + int yindex = f->getIndex(); + if (yindex >= 0 and yindex < mesh->LocalNy) { + // yindex is in the range of this processor, so read FieldPerp + + f->allocate(); + + if(save_repeat) { + if(!file->read_rec_perp(&((*f)(0,0)), name, mesh->LocalNx, mesh->LocalNz)) { + if(init_missing) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read FieldPerp %s. Setting to zero\n", name.c_str()); + *f = 0.0; + }else { + throw BoutException("Missing evolving FieldPerp %s in input. Set init_missing=true to set to zero.", name.c_str()); + } + return false; + } + }else { + if(!file->read_perp(&((*f)(0,0)), name, mesh->LocalNx, mesh->LocalNz)) { + if(init_missing) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read FieldPerp %s. Setting to zero\n", name.c_str()); + *f = 0.0; + }else { + throw BoutException("Missing FieldPerp %s in input. Set init_missing=true to set to zero.", name.c_str()); + } + return false; + } + } + + if (shiftInput) { + // Input file is in field-aligned coordinates e.g. BOUT++ 3.x restart file + *f = fromFieldAligned(*f, "RGN_ALL"); + } + } + + return true; +} + +bool Datafile::write_int(const std::string &name, int *f, bool save_repeat) { if(save_repeat) { return file->write_rec(f, name); }else { @@ -1151,7 +1471,7 @@ bool Datafile::write_int(const string &name, int *f, bool save_repeat) { } } -bool Datafile::write_real(const string &name, BoutReal *f, bool save_repeat) { +bool Datafile::write_real(const std::string &name, BoutReal *f, bool save_repeat) { if(save_repeat) { return file->write_rec(f, name); }else { @@ -1159,7 +1479,7 @@ bool Datafile::write_real(const string &name, BoutReal *f, bool save_repeat) { } } -bool Datafile::write_f2d(const string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat) { +bool Datafile::write_f2d(const std::string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat) { if (!f->isAllocated()) { throw BoutException("Datafile::write_f2d: Field2D '%s' is not allocated!", name.c_str()); } @@ -1175,15 +1495,15 @@ bool Datafile::write_f2d(const string &name, Field2D *f, bool save_repeat) { return true; } -bool Datafile::write_f3d(const string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat) { +bool Datafile::write_f3d(const std::string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat) { if (!f->isAllocated()) { throw BoutException("Datafile::write_f3d: Field3D '%s' is not allocated!", name.c_str()); } //Deal with shifting the output - Field3D f_out(f->getMesh()); + Field3D f_out{emptyFrom(*f)}; if(shiftOutput) { - f_out = mesh->toFieldAligned(*f); + f_out = toFieldAligned(*f); }else { f_out = *f; } @@ -1195,7 +1515,34 @@ bool Datafile::write_f3d(const string &name, Field3D *f, bool save_repeat) { } } -bool Datafile::varAdded(const string &name) { +bool Datafile::write_fperp(const std::string &name, FieldPerp *f, bool save_repeat) { + int yindex = f->getIndex(); + if (yindex >= 0 and yindex < mesh->LocalNy) { + if (!f->isAllocated()) { + throw BoutException("Datafile::write_fperp: FieldPerp '%s' is not allocated!", name.c_str()); + } + + //Deal with shifting the output + FieldPerp f_out{emptyFrom(*f)}; + if(shiftOutput) { + f_out = toFieldAligned(*f); + }else { + f_out = *f; + } + + if(save_repeat) { + return file->write_rec_perp(&(f_out(0,0)), name, mesh->LocalNx, mesh->LocalNz); + }else { + return file->write_perp(&(f_out(0,0)), name, mesh->LocalNx, mesh->LocalNz); + } + } + + // Don't need to write f as it's y-index is not on this processor. Return + // without doing anything. + return true; +} + +bool Datafile::varAdded(const std::string &name) { for(const auto& var : int_arr ) { if(name == var.name) return true; @@ -1206,6 +1553,11 @@ bool Datafile::varAdded(const string &name) { return true; } + for(const auto& var : bool_arr ) { + if(name == var.name) + return true; + } + for(const auto& var : f2d_arr ) { if(name == var.name) return true; @@ -1228,7 +1580,7 @@ bool Datafile::varAdded(const string &name) { return false; } -void *Datafile::varPtr(const string &name) { +void *Datafile::varPtr(const std::string &name) { for (const auto &var : int_arr) { if (name == var.name) { return static_cast(var.ptr); @@ -1241,6 +1593,12 @@ void *Datafile::varPtr(const string &name) { } } + for (const auto &var : bool_arr) { + if (name == var.name) { + return static_cast(var.ptr); + } + } + for (const auto &var : f2d_arr) { if (name == var.name) { return static_cast(var.ptr); diff --git a/src/fileio/dataformat.cxx b/src/fileio/dataformat.cxx index 6cdb899b96..08d9568e3e 100644 --- a/src/fileio/dataformat.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/dataformat.cxx @@ -1,23 +1,27 @@ +#include #include #include #include -bool DataFormat::openr(const string &name, int mype) { +DataFormat::DataFormat(Mesh* mesh_in) + : mesh(mesh_in==nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : mesh_in) {} + +bool DataFormat::openr(const std::string &name, int mype) { // Split into base name and extension size_t pos = name.find_last_of('.'); - string base(name.substr(0, pos)); - string ext(name.substr(pos+1)); + std::string base(name.substr(0, pos)); + std::string ext(name.substr(pos+1)); // Insert the processor number between base and extension return openr(base + "." + toString(mype) + "." + ext); } -bool DataFormat::openw(const string &name, int mype, bool append) { +bool DataFormat::openw(const std::string &name, int mype, bool append) { // Split into base name and extension size_t pos = name.find_last_of('.'); - string base(name.substr(0, pos)); - string ext(name.substr(pos+1)); + std::string base(name.substr(0, pos)); + std::string ext(name.substr(pos+1)); // Insert the processor number between base and extension return openw(base + "." + toString(mype) + "." + ext, append); @@ -25,5 +29,58 @@ bool DataFormat::openw(const string &name, int mype, bool append) { bool DataFormat::setLocalOrigin(int x, int y, int z, int UNUSED(offset_x), int UNUSED(offset_y), int UNUSED(offset_z)) { + // This function should not be called from the DataFormat in GridFromFile, which is + // created before the Mesh - then DataFormat::mesh would be nullptr. + ASSERT1(mesh != nullptr); return setGlobalOrigin(x + mesh->OffsetX, y + mesh->OffsetY, z + mesh->OffsetZ); } + +void DataFormat::writeFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, const Field& f) { + setAttribute(name, "cell_location", toString(f.getLocation())); + setAttribute(name, "direction_y", toString(f.getDirectionY())); + setAttribute(name, "direction_z", toString(f.getDirectionZ())); +} + +void DataFormat::writeFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, const FieldPerp& f) { + writeFieldAttributes(name, static_cast(f)); + + auto& fieldmesh = *f.getMesh(); + int yindex = f.getIndex(); + if (yindex >= 0 and yindex < fieldmesh.LocalNy) { + // write global y-index as attribute + setAttribute(name, "yindex_global", fieldmesh.getGlobalYIndex(f.getIndex())); + } else { + // y-index is not valid, set global y-index to -1 to indicate 'not-valid' + setAttribute(name, "yindex_global", -1); + } +} + +void DataFormat::readFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, Field& f) { + std::string location_string; + if (getAttribute(name, "cell_location", location_string)) { + f.setLocation(CELL_LOCFromString(location_string)); + } + + std::string direction_y_string; + if (getAttribute(name, "direction_y", direction_y_string)) { + f.setDirectionY(YDirectionTypeFromString(direction_y_string)); + } + + std::string direction_z_string; + if (getAttribute(name, "direction_z", direction_z_string)) { + f.setDirectionZ(ZDirectionTypeFromString(direction_z_string)); + } +} + +void DataFormat::readFieldAttributes(const std::string& name, FieldPerp& f) { + readFieldAttributes(name, static_cast(f)); + + int yindex_global = 0; + // Note: don't use DataFormat::mesh variable, because it may be null if the DataFormat + // is part of a GridFromFile, which is created before the Mesh. + if (getAttribute(name, "yindex_global", yindex_global)) { + f.setIndex(f.getMesh()->YLOCAL(yindex_global)); + } else { + f.setIndex(f.getMesh()->YLOCAL(0)); + } +} diff --git a/src/fileio/formatfactory.cxx b/src/fileio/formatfactory.cxx index f71faeb833..d2ee7fd8f8 100644 --- a/src/fileio/formatfactory.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/formatfactory.cxx @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ #include #include -#include +#include +#include FormatFactory *FormatFactory::instance = nullptr; @@ -25,27 +26,29 @@ FormatFactory* FormatFactory::getInstance() { } // Work out which data format to use for given filename -std::unique_ptr FormatFactory::createDataFormat(const char *filename, bool parallel) { +std::unique_ptr FormatFactory::createDataFormat(const char *filename, + bool parallel, + Mesh* mesh_in) { if ((filename == nullptr) || (strcasecmp(filename, "default") == 0)) { // Return default file format if (parallel) { #ifdef PNCDF - return std::unique_ptr(new PncFormat); + return bout::utils::make_unique(mesh_in); #else } #ifdef NCDF4 - return std::unique_ptr(new Ncxx4); + return bout::utils::make_unique(mesh_in); #else #ifdef NCDF - return std::unique_ptr(new NcFormat); + return bout::utils::make_unique(mesh_in); #else #ifdef HDF5 - return std::unique_ptr(new H5Format); + return bout::utils::make_unique(mesh_in); #else #error No file format available; aborting. @@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ std::unique_ptr FormatFactory::createDataFormat(const char *filename const char *pncdf_match[] = {"cdl", "nc", "ncdf"}; if(matchString(s, 3, pncdf_match) != -1) { output.write("\tUsing Parallel NetCDF format for file '%s'\n", filename); - return std::unique_ptr(new PncFormat); + return bout::utils::make_unique(); } } #endif @@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ std::unique_ptr FormatFactory::createDataFormat(const char *filename const char *ncdf_match[] = {"cdl", "nc", "ncdf"}; if(matchString(s, 3, ncdf_match) != -1) { output.write("\tUsing NetCDF4 format for file '%s'\n", filename); - return std::unique_ptr(new Ncxx4); + return bout::utils::make_unique(); } #endif @@ -92,7 +95,7 @@ std::unique_ptr FormatFactory::createDataFormat(const char *filename const char *ncdf_match[] = {"cdl", "nc", "ncdf"}; if(matchString(s, 3, ncdf_match) != -1) { output.write("\tUsing NetCDF format for file '%s'\n", filename); - return std::unique_ptr(new NcFormat); + return bout::utils::make_unique(); } #endif @@ -101,9 +104,9 @@ std::unique_ptr FormatFactory::createDataFormat(const char *filename if(matchString(s, 3, hdf5_match) != -1) { output.write("\tUsing HDF5 format for file '%s'\n", filename); #ifdef PHDF5 - return std::unique_ptr(new H5Format(parallel)); + return bout::utils::make_unique(parallel); #else - return std::unique_ptr(new H5Format()); + return bout::utils::make_unique(); #endif } #endif diff --git a/src/fileio/formatfactory.hxx b/src/fileio/formatfactory.hxx index c6830bb771..361773871c 100644 --- a/src/fileio/formatfactory.hxx +++ b/src/fileio/formatfactory.hxx @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ public: static FormatFactory* getInstance(); std::unique_ptr createDataFormat(const char *filename = nullptr, - bool parallel = true); + bool parallel = true, + Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); private: static FormatFactory* instance; ///< The only instance of this class (Singleton) diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/emptyformat.hxx b/src/fileio/impls/emptyformat.hxx index baba9d6fbb..e7e93604ba 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/emptyformat.hxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/emptyformat.hxx @@ -36,53 +36,53 @@ class EmptyFormat; class EmptyFormat { EmptyFormat() {throw BoutException("File format not enabled!");} - bool openr(const string &UNUSED(name)) {return false; } - bool openw(const string &UNUSED(name), bool UNUSED(append)) {return false; } + bool openr(const std::string &UNUSED(name)) {return false; } + bool openw(const std::string &UNUSED(name), bool UNUSED(append)) {return false; } bool is_valid() {return false;} void close() {} - const vector getSize(const char *UNUSED(var)) {vector tmp; return tmp;} - const vector getSize(const string &UNUSED(var)) {vector tmp; return tmp;} + const std::vector getSize(const char *UNUSED(var)) {std::vector tmp; return tmp;} + const std::vector getSize(const std::string &UNUSED(var)) {std::vector tmp; return tmp;} bool setOrigin(int UNUSED(x) = 0, int UNUSED(y) = 0, int UNUSED(z) = 0) {return false;} bool setRecord(int UNUSED(t)) {return false;} bool read(int *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool read(int *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, + bool read(int *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool read(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool read(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, + bool read(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool write(int *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool write(int *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, + bool write(int *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool write(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool write(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, + bool write(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool read_rec(int *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool read_rec(int *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, + bool read_rec(int *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool read_rec(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool read_rec(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, + bool read_rec(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 1, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool write_rec(int *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool write_rec(int *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, + bool write_rec(int *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} bool write_rec(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const char *UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} - bool write_rec(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, + bool write_rec(BoutReal *UNUSED(var), const std::string &UNUSED(name), int UNUSED(lx) = 0, int UNUSED(ly) = 0, int UNUSED(lz) = 0) {return false;} }; diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.cxx b/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.cxx index 081409541c..92d5db3b8f 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.cxx @@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include -H5Format::H5Format(bool parallel_in) { +H5Format::H5Format(bool parallel_in, Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { parallel = parallel_in; x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; lowPrecision = false; @@ -69,7 +70,8 @@ H5Format::H5Format(bool parallel_in) { throw BoutException("Failed to set error stack to not print errors"); } -H5Format::H5Format(const char *name, bool parallel_in) { +H5Format::H5Format(const char *name, bool parallel_in, Mesh* mesh_in) + : DataFormat(mesh_in) { parallel = parallel_in; x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; lowPrecision = false; @@ -145,11 +147,7 @@ bool H5Format::openw(const char *name, bool append) { return true; } -bool H5Format::is_valid() { - if(dataFile<0) - return false; - return true; -} +bool H5Format::is_valid() { return dataFile >= 0; } void H5Format::close() { TRACE("H5Format::close"); @@ -169,10 +167,10 @@ void H5Format::flush() { } } -const vector H5Format::getSize(const char *name) { +const std::vector H5Format::getSize(const char *name) { TRACE("H5Format::getSize"); - vector size; + std::vector size; if(!is_valid()) return size; @@ -199,10 +197,9 @@ const vector H5Format::getSize(const char *name) { size.push_back(1); return size; - } - else { - hsize_t* dims = new hsize_t[nd]; - int error = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataSpace, dims, nullptr); + } else { + std::vector dims(nd); + int error = H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataSpace, dims.data(), nullptr); if (error < 0) throw BoutException("Failed to get dimensions of dataSpace"); @@ -211,16 +208,13 @@ const vector H5Format::getSize(const char *name) { if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); - for (int i=0; i H5Format::getSize(const string &var) { +const std::vector H5Format::getSize(const std::string &var) { return getSize(var.c_str()); } @@ -254,27 +248,47 @@ bool H5Format::setRecord(int t) { } // Add a variable to the file -bool H5Format::addVar(const string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, int nd) { +bool H5Format::addVar(const std::string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, + std::string datatype) { hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); if (dataSet >= 0) { // >=0 means variable already exists, so return. if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); return true; } + + int nd = 0; + if (datatype == "scalar") nd = 0; + else if (datatype == "FieldX") nd = 1; + else if (datatype == "Field2D") nd = 2; + else if (datatype == "FieldPerp") nd = 2; + else if (datatype == "Field3D") nd = 3; + else throw BoutException("Unrecognized datatype '"+datatype+"'"); + if (repeat) { - nd += 1; // add time dimension + // add time dimension + datatype += "_t"; + nd += 1; hsize_t init_size[4]; if (parallel) { init_size[0]=0; init_size[1]=mesh->GlobalNx-2*mesh->xstart; - init_size[2]=mesh->GlobalNy-2*mesh->ystart; + if (datatype == "FieldPerp_t") { + init_size[2]=mesh->GlobalNz; + } else { + init_size[2]=mesh->GlobalNy-2*mesh->ystart; + } init_size[3]=mesh->GlobalNz; } else { init_size[0]=0; init_size[1]=mesh->LocalNx; - init_size[2]=mesh->LocalNy; + if (datatype == "FieldPerp_t") { + init_size[2]=mesh->LocalNz; + } else { + init_size[2]=mesh->LocalNy; + } init_size[3]=mesh->LocalNz; } @@ -296,10 +310,6 @@ bool H5Format::addVar(const string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, in throw BoutException("Failed to create dataSet"); // Add attribute to say what kind of field this is - std::string datatype = "scalar_t"; - if(nd > 1) datatype = "FieldX_t"; - if(nd == 3) datatype = "Field2D_t"; - if(nd == 4) datatype = "Field3D_t"; // Create new dataspace for attribute hid_t attribute_dataspace = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); @@ -337,19 +347,23 @@ bool H5Format::addVar(const string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, in hsize_t init_size[3]; if (parallel) { init_size[0] = mesh->GlobalNx - 2 * mesh->xstart; - init_size[1] = mesh->GlobalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; + if (datatype == "FieldPerp") { + init_size[1] = mesh->GlobalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; + } else { + init_size[1] = mesh->GlobalNz; + } init_size[2] = mesh->GlobalNz; } else { init_size[0] = mesh->LocalNx; - init_size[1] = mesh->LocalNy; + if (datatype == "FieldPerp") { + init_size[1] = mesh->LocalNz; + } else { + init_size[1] = mesh->LocalNy; + } init_size[2] = mesh->LocalNz; } // Create value for attribute to say what kind of field this is - std::string datatype = "scalar"; - if(nd > 0) datatype = "FieldX"; - if(nd == 2) datatype = "Field2D"; - if(nd == 3) datatype = "Field3D"; if (nd==0) { // Need to write a scalar, not a 0-d array @@ -374,30 +388,35 @@ bool H5Format::addVar(const string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, in return true; } -bool H5Format::addVarInt(const string &name, bool repeat) { - return addVar(name, repeat, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 0); +bool H5Format::addVarInt(const std::string &name, bool repeat) { + return addVar(name, repeat, H5T_NATIVE_INT, "scalar"); +} + +bool H5Format::addVarBoutReal(const std::string &name, bool repeat) { + auto h5_float_type = lowPrecision ? H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT : H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; + return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, "scalar"); } -bool H5Format::addVarBoutReal(const string &name, bool repeat) { +bool H5Format::addVarField2D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) { auto h5_float_type = lowPrecision ? H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT : H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; - return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, 0); + return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, "Field2D"); } -bool H5Format::addVarField2D(const string &name, bool repeat) { +bool H5Format::addVarField3D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) { auto h5_float_type = lowPrecision ? H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT : H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; - return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, 2); + return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, "Field3D"); } -bool H5Format::addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) { +bool H5Format::addVarFieldPerp(const std::string &name, bool repeat) { auto h5_float_type = lowPrecision ? H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT : H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; - return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, 3); + return addVar(name, repeat, h5_float_type, "FieldPerp"); } bool H5Format::read(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read(data, H5T_NATIVE_INT, name, lx, ly, lz); } -bool H5Format::read(int *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -405,7 +424,7 @@ bool H5Format::read(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read(data, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, name, lx, ly, lz); } -bool H5Format::read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -464,11 +483,65 @@ bool H5Format::read(void *data, hid_t hdf5_type, const char *name, int lx, int l return true; } +bool H5Format::read_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + TRACE("H5Format::read(void)"); + + hid_t hdf5_type = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; + + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + int nd = 0; // Number of dimensions + if(lx != 0) nd = 1; + if(lz != 0) nd = 2; + hsize_t counts[2],offset[2],offset_local[2],init_size_local[2]; + counts[0]=lx; counts[1]=lz; + offset[0]=x0; offset[1]=z0; + offset_local[0]=x0_local; + offset_local[1]=z0_local; + + // Want to be able to use without needing mesh to be initialised; makes hyperslab selection redundant + init_size_local[0]=offset_local[0]+counts[0]; + init_size_local[1]=offset_local[1]+counts[1]; + + hid_t mem_space = H5Screate_simple(nd, init_size_local, init_size_local); + if (mem_space < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create mem_space"); + + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + return false; + } + + hid_t dataSpace = H5Dget_space(dataSet); + if (dataSpace < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create dataSpace"); + if (nd > 0 && !(nd==1 && lx==1)) + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, /*stride=*/nullptr, counts, + /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + if (H5Dread(dataSet, hdf5_type, mem_space, dataSpace, H5P_DEFAULT, data) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to read data"); + + if (H5Sclose(mem_space) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close mem_space"); + if (H5Sclose(dataSpace) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSpace"); + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + + return true; +} + bool H5Format::write(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return write(data, H5T_NATIVE_INT, name, lx, ly, lz); } -bool H5Format::write(int *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return write(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -498,7 +571,7 @@ bool H5Format::write(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { } -bool H5Format::write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return write(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -572,6 +645,72 @@ bool H5Format::write(void *data, hid_t mem_hdf5_type, const char *name, int lx, return true; } +bool H5Format::write_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + TRACE("H5Format::write_perp(void)"); + + hid_t mem_hdf5_type = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; + + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + int nd = 0; // Number of dimensions + if(lx != 0) nd = 1; + if(lz != 0) nd = 2; + hsize_t counts[2], offset[2], offset_local[2], init_size_local[2]; + counts[0] = lx; + counts[1] = lz; + offset[0] = x0; + offset[1] = z0; + offset_local[0] = x0_local; + offset_local[1] = z0_local; + init_size_local[0] = mesh->LocalNx; + init_size_local[1] = mesh->LocalNz; + + if (nd==0) { + // Need to write a scalar, not a 0-d array + nd = 1; + counts[0] = 1; + offset[0] = 0; + offset_local[0] = 0; + init_size_local[0] = 1; + } + + hid_t mem_space = H5Screate_simple(nd, init_size_local, init_size_local); + if (mem_space < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create mem_space"); + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_local, /*stride=*/nullptr, + counts, /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + output_error.write("ERROR: HDF5 variable '%s' has not been added to file '%s'\n", name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + } + + hid_t dataSpace = H5Dget_space(dataSet); + if (dataSpace < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create dataSpace"); + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, /*stride=*/nullptr, counts, + /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + if (H5Dwrite(dataSet, mem_hdf5_type, mem_space, dataSpace, dataSet_plist, data) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to write data"); + + if (H5Sclose(mem_space) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close mem_space"); + if (H5Sclose(dataSpace) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSpace"); + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + + return true; +} + /*************************************************************************** * Record-based (time-dependent) data ***************************************************************************/ @@ -580,7 +719,7 @@ bool H5Format::read_rec(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read_rec(data, H5T_NATIVE_INT, name, lx, ly, lz); } -bool H5Format::read_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -590,7 +729,7 @@ bool H5Format::read_rec(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz } -bool H5Format::read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -670,11 +809,81 @@ bool H5Format::read_rec(void *data, hid_t hdf5_type, const char *name, int lx, i return true; } +bool H5Format::read_rec_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + if (!is_valid()) { + return false; + } + + hid_t hdf5_type = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; + + if ((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) { + return false; + } + + int nd = 1; // Number of dimensions + if (lx != 0) { + nd = 2; + } + if (lz != 0) { + nd = 3; + } + hsize_t counts[3], offset[3]; + hsize_t offset_local[2], init_size_local[2]; + counts[0] = 1; + counts[1] = lx; + counts[2] = lz; + offset[0] = t0; + offset[1] = x0; + offset[2] = z0; + offset_local[0] = x0_local; + offset_local[1] = z0_local; + init_size_local[0] = mesh->LocalNx; + init_size_local[1] = mesh->LocalNz; + + if (nd == 1) { + // Need to write a time-series of scalars + nd = 1; + counts[1] = 1; + offset[1] = 0; + init_size_local[0] = 1; + } + + hid_t mem_space = H5Screate_simple(nd, init_size_local, init_size_local); + if (mem_space < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create mem_space"); + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_local, /*stride=*/nullptr, + counts, /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to open dataSet"); + + hid_t dataSpace = H5Dget_space(dataSet); + if (dataSpace < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create dataSpace"); + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, /*stride=*/nullptr, counts, + /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + if (H5Dread(dataSet, hdf5_type, mem_space, dataSpace, H5P_DEFAULT, data) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to read data"); + + if (H5Sclose(mem_space) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close mem_space"); + if (H5Sclose(dataSpace) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSpace"); + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + + return true; +} + bool H5Format::write_rec(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return write_rec(data, H5T_NATIVE_INT, name, lx, ly, lz); } -bool H5Format::write_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return write_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -701,7 +910,7 @@ bool H5Format::write_rec(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int l return write_rec(data, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, name, lx, ly, lz); } -bool H5Format::write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { +bool H5Format::write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return write_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } @@ -801,6 +1010,98 @@ bool H5Format::write_rec(void *data, hid_t mem_hdf5_type, const char *name, int return true; } +bool H5Format::write_rec_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + hid_t mem_hdf5_type = H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + int nd = 1; // Number of dimensions + if(lx != 0) nd = 2; + if(lz != 0) nd = 3; + int nd_local = nd-1; + hsize_t counts[3], offset[3]; + hsize_t counts_local[2], offset_local[2], init_size_local[2]; + counts[0] = 1; + counts[1] = lx; + counts[2] = lz; + counts_local[0] = lx; + counts_local[1] = lz; + // Do this later, after setting t0// offset[0]=t0; + offset[1] = x0; + offset[2] = z0; + offset_local[0] = x0_local; + offset_local[1] = z0_local; + init_size_local[0] = mesh->LocalNx; + init_size_local[1] = mesh->LocalNz; + + if (nd_local == 0) { + nd_local = 1; + // Need to write a time-series of scalars + counts_local[0] = 1; + offset_local[0] = 0; + init_size_local[0] = 1; + } + + hid_t mem_space = H5Screate_simple(nd_local, init_size_local, init_size_local); + if (mem_space < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create mem_space"); + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(mem_space, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset_local, /*stride=*/nullptr, + counts_local, /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, name.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet >= 0) { // >=0 means file exists, so open. Else error. + + hsize_t dims[3] = {}; + hid_t dataSpace = H5Dget_space(dataSet); + if (dataSpace < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create dataSpace"); + if (H5Sget_simple_extent_dims(dataSpace, dims, /*maxdims=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to get dims"); + dims[0]+=1; + if (t0 == -1) { + // Want t0 to be last record + t0 = dims[0]-1; + } + + if (H5Dset_extent(dataSet, dims) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to extend dataSet"); + + if (H5Sclose(dataSpace) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSpace"); + + } + else { + output_error.write("ERROR: HDF5 variable '%s' has not been added to file '%s'\n", name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + } + + offset[0]=t0; + + hid_t dataSpace = H5Dget_space(dataSet); + if (dataSpace < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create dataSpace"); + if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(dataSpace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, /*stride=*/nullptr, counts, + /*block=*/nullptr) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to select hyperslab"); + + if (H5Dwrite(dataSet, mem_hdf5_type, mem_space, dataSpace, dataSet_plist, data) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to write data"); + + if (H5Sclose(mem_space) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close mem_space"); + if (H5Sclose(dataSpace) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSpace"); + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + + return true; +} + /*************************************************************************** * Attributes @@ -819,16 +1120,23 @@ void H5Format::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn } // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); - if (dataSet < 0) { - // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist - throw BoutException("Trying to create attribute for variable that does not exist"); - } + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + setAttribute(dataFile, attrname, text); + } else { + // attribute of variable + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist + throw BoutException("Trying to create attribute for variable that does not exist"); + } - setAttribute(dataSet, attrname, text); + setAttribute(dataSet, attrname, text); - if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) - throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) { + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + } + } } void H5Format::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, @@ -844,16 +1152,55 @@ void H5Format::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn } // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); - if (dataSet < 0) { - // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist - throw BoutException("Trying to create attribute for variable that does not exist"); + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + setAttribute(dataFile, attrname, value); + } else { + // attribute of variable + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist + throw BoutException("Trying to create attribute for variable that does not exist"); + } + + setAttribute(dataSet, attrname, value); + + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) { + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + } } +} - setAttribute(dataSet, attrname, value); +void H5Format::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) { + TRACE("H5Format::setAttribute(varname, attrname, BoutReal)"); - if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) - throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + BoutReal existing_att; + if (getAttribute(varname, attrname, existing_att)) { + if (value != existing_att) { + output_warn.write("Overwriting attribute '%s' of variable '%s' with '%f', was previously '%f'", + attrname.c_str(), varname.c_str(), value, existing_att); + } + } + // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it + + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + setAttribute(dataFile, attrname, value); + } else { + // attribute of variable + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist + throw BoutException("Trying to create attribute for variable that does not exist"); + } + + setAttribute(dataSet, attrname, value); + + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) { + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + } + } } void H5Format::setAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, @@ -913,38 +1260,95 @@ void H5Format::setAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, throw BoutException("Failed to close myatt_in"); } +void H5Format::setAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) { + TRACE("H5Format::setAttribute(dataSet, attrname, BoutReal)"); + + // Create new dataspace for attribute + hid_t attribute_dataspace = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); + if (attribute_dataspace < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create attribute_dataspace"); + + // Create attribute and write to it + hid_t myatt_in = H5Acreate(dataSet, attrname.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, attribute_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); + if (myatt_in < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to create attribute"); + if (H5Awrite(myatt_in, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &value) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to write attribute"); + + if (H5Sclose(attribute_dataspace) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close attribute_dataspace"); + if (H5Aclose(myatt_in) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close myatt_in"); +} + bool H5Format::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) { TRACE("H5Format::getAttribute(varname, attrname, string)"); - hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); - if (dataSet < 0) { - // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist - throw BoutException("Trying to read attribute for variable that does not exist"); - } + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + return getAttribute(dataFile, attrname, text); + } else { + // attribute of variable + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist + throw BoutException("Trying to read attribute for variable that does not exist"); + } - bool result = getAttribute(dataSet, attrname, text); + bool result = getAttribute(dataSet, attrname, text); - if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) - throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); - return result; + return result; + } } bool H5Format::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) { TRACE("H5Format::getAttribute(varname, attrname, int)"); - hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); - if (dataSet < 0) { - // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist - throw BoutException("Trying to read attribute for variable that does not exist"); + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + return getAttribute(dataFile, attrname, value); + } else { + // attribute of variable + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist + throw BoutException("Trying to read attribute for variable that does not exist"); + } + + bool result = getAttribute(dataSet, attrname, value); + + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + + return result; } +} - bool result = getAttribute(dataSet, attrname, value); +bool H5Format::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) { + TRACE("H5Format::getAttribute(varname, attrname, BoutReal)"); - if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) - throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + return getAttribute(dataFile, attrname, value); + } else { + // attribute of variable + hid_t dataSet = H5Dopen(dataFile, varname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (dataSet < 0) { + // Negative value indicates error, i.e. variable does not exist + throw BoutException("Trying to read attribute for variable that does not exist"); + } + + bool result = getAttribute(dataSet, attrname, value); + + if (H5Dclose(dataSet) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close dataSet"); - return result; + return result; + } } bool H5Format::getAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) { @@ -994,5 +1398,24 @@ bool H5Format::getAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, i return true; } +bool H5Format::getAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) { + TRACE("H5Format::getAttribute(hid_t, attrname, BoutReal)"); + + // Open attribute + hid_t myatt = H5Aopen(dataSet, attrname.c_str(), H5P_DEFAULT); + if (myatt < 0) { + return false; + } + + // Read attribute + if (H5Aread(myatt, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, &value) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to read attribute"); + + if (H5Aclose(myatt) < 0) + throw BoutException("Failed to close myatt_in"); + + return true; +} + #endif // HDF5 diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.hxx b/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.hxx index bb2fd9e07e..df037e2e50 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.hxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/hdf5/h5_format.hxx @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ #ifndef HDF5 #include "../emptyformat.hxx" -typedef EmptyFormat H5Format; +using H5Format = EmptyFormat; #else @@ -52,14 +52,12 @@ class H5Format; #include #include -using std::string; -using std::map; - class H5Format : public DataFormat { public: - H5Format(bool parallel_in = false); - H5Format(const char *name, bool parallel_in = false); - H5Format(const string &name, bool parallel_in = false) : H5Format(name.c_str(), parallel_in) {} + H5Format(bool parallel_in = false, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + H5Format(const char *name, bool parallel_in = false, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + H5Format(const std::string &name, bool parallel_in = false, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr) + : H5Format(name.c_str(), parallel_in, mesh_in) {} ~H5Format(); using DataFormat::openr; @@ -75,8 +73,8 @@ class H5Format : public DataFormat { const char* filename() { return fname; }; - const vector getSize(const char *var) override; - const vector getSize(const string &var) override; + const std::vector getSize(const char *var) override; + const std::vector getSize(const std::string &var) override; // Set the origin for all subsequent calls bool setGlobalOrigin(int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0) override; @@ -84,34 +82,39 @@ class H5Format : public DataFormat { bool setRecord(int t) override; // negative -> latest // Add a variable to the file - bool addVarInt(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarBoutReal(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarField2D(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarInt(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarBoutReal(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarField2D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarField3D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarFieldPerp(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; // Read / Write simple variables up to 3D bool read(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) override; bool write(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) override; // Read / Write record-based variables bool read_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) override; void setLowPrecision() override { lowPrecision = true; } @@ -121,8 +124,11 @@ class H5Format : public DataFormat { const std::string &text) override; void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) override; + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) override; bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) override; bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) override; + bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) override; private: @@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ class H5Format : public DataFormat { hsize_t chunk_length; - bool addVar(const string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, int nd); + bool addVar(const std::string &name, bool repeat, hid_t write_hdf5_type, std::string datatype); bool read(void *var, hid_t hdf5_type, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0); bool write(void *var, hid_t mem_hdf5_type, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0); bool read_rec(void *var, hid_t hdf5_type, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0); @@ -152,8 +158,11 @@ class H5Format : public DataFormat { const std::string &text); void setAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, int value); + void setAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value); bool getAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text); bool getAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, int &value); + bool getAttribute(const hid_t &dataSet, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value); }; #endif // __H5FORMAT_H__ diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.cxx b/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.cxx index bad4b4aa6a..f84611a4e2 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.cxx @@ -28,13 +28,17 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include +using std::string; +using std::vector; + // Define this to see loads of info messages //#define NCDF_VERBOSE -NcFormat::NcFormat() { +NcFormat::NcFormat(Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { dataFile = nullptr; x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; recDimList = new const NcDim*[4]; @@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ NcFormat::NcFormat() { fname = nullptr; } -NcFormat::NcFormat(const char *name) { +NcFormat::NcFormat(const char *name, Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { dataFile = nullptr; x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; recDimList = new const NcDim*[4]; @@ -470,6 +474,37 @@ bool NcFormat::addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) { return true; } +bool NcFormat::addVarFieldPerp(const string &name, bool repeat) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + // Create an error object so netCDF doesn't exit +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif + + NcVar* var; + if (!(var = dataFile->get_var(name.c_str()))) { + // Variable not in file, so add it. + auto nc_float_type = lowPrecision ? ncFloat : ncDouble; + if (repeat){ + const NcDim * dims[3] = {tDim, xDim, zDim}; + var = dataFile->add_var(name.c_str(), nc_float_type, 3, dims); + } else { + const NcDim * dims[2] = {xDim, zDim}; + var = dataFile->add_var(name.c_str(), nc_float_type, 2, dims); + } + + if(!var->is_valid()) { + output_error.write("ERROR: NetCDF could not add FieldPerp '%s' to file '%s'\n", name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + bool NcFormat::read(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { if(!is_valid()) return false; @@ -565,6 +600,43 @@ bool NcFormat::read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return read(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool NcFormat::read_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + TRACE("NcFormat::read_perp(BoutReal)"); + + // Create an error object so netCDF doesn't exit +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif + + NcVar *var; + + if(!(var = dataFile->get_var(name.c_str()))) { + return false; + } + + long cur[2], counts[2]; + cur[0] = x0; cur[1] = z0; + counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = lz; + + if(!(var->set_cur(cur))) { + return false; + } + + if(!(var->get(data, counts))) { + return false; + } + + return true; +} + bool NcFormat::write(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { if(!is_valid()) return false; @@ -668,6 +740,63 @@ bool NcFormat::write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) return write(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool NcFormat::write_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + // Check for valid name + checkName(name.c_str()); + + TRACE("NcFormat::write_perp(BoutReal)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif + + NcVar *var; + if(!(var = dataFile->get_var(name.c_str()))) { + output_error.write("ERROR: NetCDF BoutReal variable '%s' has not been added to file '%s'\n", name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + } + + long cur[2], counts[2]; + cur[0] = x0; cur[1] = z0; + counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = lz; + + if(!(var->set_cur(cur))) + return false; + + if(lowPrecision) { + // An out of range value can make the conversion + // corrupt the whole dataset. Make sure everything + // is in the range of a float + int i_max=1; + if (lx>0) i_max*=lx; + if (lz>0) i_max*=lz; + for(int i=0;i 1e20) + data[i] = 1e20; + if(data[i] < -1e20) + data[i] = -1e20; + } + } + + for(int i=0;iput(data, counts))) + return false; + + return true; +} + /*************************************************************************** * Record-based (time-dependent) data ***************************************************************************/ @@ -754,6 +883,43 @@ bool NcFormat::read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int l return read_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool NcFormat::read_rec_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + // Check for valid name + checkName(name.c_str()); + + // Create an error object so netCDF doesn't exit +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif + + NcVar *var; + + if(!(var = dataFile->get_var(name.c_str()))) + return false; + + // NOTE: Probably should do something here to check t0 + + long cur[3], counts[3]; + cur[0] = t0; cur[1] = x0; cur[2] = z0; + counts[0] = 1; counts[1] = lx; counts[2] = lz; + + if(!(var->set_cur(cur))) + return false; + + if(!(var->get(data, counts))) + return false; + + return true; +} + bool NcFormat::write_rec(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { if(!is_valid()) return false; @@ -874,6 +1040,76 @@ bool NcFormat::write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx, int ly, int return write_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool NcFormat::write_rec_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + // Check the name + checkName(name.c_str()); + + TRACE("NcFormat::write_rec_perp(BoutReal*)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif + + NcVar *var; + + // Try to find variable + if(!(var = dataFile->get_var(name.c_str()))) { + output_error.write("ERROR: NetCDF BoutReal variable '%s' has not been added to file '%s'\n", name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + }else { + // Get record number + if(rec_nr.find(name.c_str()) == rec_nr.end()) { + // Add to map + rec_nr[name] = default_rec; + } + } + + int t = rec_nr[name]; + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + output_info.write("INFO: NetCDF writing record %d of '%s' in '%s'\n",t, name.c_str(), fname); +#endif + + if(lowPrecision) { + // An out of range value can make the conversion + // corrupt the whole dataset. Make sure everything + // is in the range of a float + + for(int i=0;i 1e20) + data[i] = 1e20; + if(data[i] < -1e20) + data[i] = -1e20; + } + } + int i_max=1; + if (lx>0) i_max*=lx; + if (lz>0) i_max*=lz; + for(int i=0;iput_rec(data, t)) + return false; + + var->sync(); + + // Increment record number + rec_nr[name] = rec_nr[name] + 1; + + return true; +} + /*************************************************************************** * Attributes ***************************************************************************/ @@ -882,11 +1118,6 @@ void NcFormat::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn const std::string &text) { TRACE("NcFormat::setAttribute(string)"); - NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); - if (var == nullptr || !var->is_valid()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); - } - #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); #else @@ -901,19 +1132,25 @@ void NcFormat::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn } } // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - - var->add_att(attrname.c_str(), text.c_str()); + + if (varname == "" ) { + // file attribute + dataFile->add_att(attrname.c_str(), text.c_str()); + } else { + // variable attribute + NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); + if (var == nullptr or !var->is_valid()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + var->add_att(attrname.c_str(), text.c_str()); + } } void NcFormat::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) { TRACE("NcFormat::setAttribute(int)"); - NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); - if (var == nullptr || !var->is_valid()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); - } - #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); #else @@ -929,16 +1166,55 @@ void NcFormat::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn } // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - var->add_att(attrname.c_str(), value); + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + dataFile->add_att(attrname.c_str(), value); + } else { + // attribute of variable + NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); + if (var == nullptr or !var->is_valid()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + var->add_att(attrname.c_str(), value); + } } -bool NcFormat::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) { - TRACE("NcFormat::getStringAttribute(string)"); +void NcFormat::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) { + TRACE("NcFormat::setAttribute(BoutReal)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif - NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); - if (var == nullptr || !var->is_valid()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + int existing_att; + if (getAttribute(varname, attrname, existing_att)) { + if (value != existing_att) { + output_warn.write("Overwriting attribute '%s' of variable '%s' with '%f', was previously '%d'", + attrname.c_str(), varname.c_str(), value, existing_att); + } } + // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it + + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + dataFile->add_att(attrname.c_str(), value); + } else { + // attribute of variable + NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); + if (var == nullptr or !var->is_valid()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + var->add_att(attrname.c_str(), value); + } +} + +bool NcFormat::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) { + TRACE("NcFormat::getAttribute(string)"); #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); @@ -946,23 +1222,87 @@ bool NcFormat::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); #endif - NcAtt* varAtt = var->get_att(attrname.c_str()); - if (varAtt == nullptr || !var->is_valid()) { - return false; - } + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + NcAtt* fileAtt; + if (!(fileAtt = dataFile->get_att(attrname.c_str()))) { + return false; + } - text = varAtt->values()->as_string(0); + auto values = fileAtt->values(); + if (values == nullptr) + return false; - return true; + text = values->as_string(0); + + return true; + } else { + NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); + if (var == nullptr or !var->is_valid()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + NcAtt* varAtt; + if (!(varAtt = var->get_att(attrname.c_str()))) { + return false; + } + + auto values = varAtt->values(); + if (values == nullptr) + return false; + + text = values->as_string(0); + + return true; + } } bool NcFormat::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) { - TRACE("NcFormat::getIntAttribute(string)"); + TRACE("NcFormat::getAttribute(int)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); +#else + NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); +#endif + + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + NcAtt* fileAtt; + if (!(fileAtt = dataFile->get_att(attrname.c_str()))) { + return false; + } + + auto values = fileAtt->values(); + if (values == nullptr) + return false; + + value = values->as_int(0); + + return true; + } else { + // attribute of variable + NcVar* var; + if (!(var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()))) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + NcAtt* varAtt; + if (!(varAtt = var->get_att(attrname.c_str()))) + return false; + + auto values = varAtt->values(); + if (values == nullptr) + return false; - NcVar* var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()); - if (var == nullptr || !var->is_valid()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + value = values->as_int(0); + + return true; } +} + +bool NcFormat::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) { + TRACE("NcFormat::getAttribute(BoutReal)"); #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE NcError err(NcError::verbose_nonfatal); @@ -970,13 +1310,39 @@ bool NcFormat::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrn NcError err(NcError::silent_nonfatal); #endif - NcAtt* varAtt = var->get_att(attrname.c_str()); - if (varAtt == nullptr || !varAtt->is_valid()) - return false; + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + NcAtt* fileAtt; + if (!(fileAtt = dataFile->get_att(attrname.c_str()))) { + return false; + } + + auto values = fileAtt->values(); + if (values == nullptr) + return false; - value = varAtt->values()->as_int(0); + value = values->as_double(0); - return true; + return true; + } else { + // attribute of variable + NcVar* var; + if (!(var = dataFile->get_var(varname.c_str()))) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + NcAtt* varAtt; + if (!(varAtt = var->get_att(attrname.c_str()))) + return false; + + auto values = varAtt->values(); + if (values == nullptr) + return false; + + value = values->as_double(0); + + return true; + } } diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.hxx b/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.hxx index a04557066f..f8592eb599 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.hxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/netcdf/nc_format.hxx @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ #ifndef NCDF #include "../emptyformat.hxx" -typedef EmptyFormat NcFormat; +using NcFormat = EmptyFormat; #else @@ -53,14 +53,12 @@ class NcFormat; #include #include -using std::string; -using std::map; - class NcFormat : public DataFormat { public: - NcFormat(); - NcFormat(const char *name); - NcFormat(const string &name) : NcFormat(name.c_str()) {} + NcFormat(Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + NcFormat(const char *name, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + NcFormat(const std::string &name, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr) + : NcFormat(name.c_str(), mesh_in) {} ~NcFormat(); using DataFormat::openr; @@ -76,8 +74,8 @@ class NcFormat : public DataFormat { const char* filename() { return fname; }; - const vector getSize(const char *var) override; - const vector getSize(const string &var) override; + const std::vector getSize(const char *var) override; + const std::vector getSize(const std::string &var) override; // Set the origin for all subsequent calls bool setGlobalOrigin(int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0) override; @@ -88,34 +86,39 @@ class NcFormat : public DataFormat { bool setRecord(int t) override; // negative -> latest // Add a variable to the file - bool addVarInt(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarBoutReal(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarField2D(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarInt(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarBoutReal(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarField2D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarField3D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarFieldPerp(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; // Read / Write simple variables up to 3D bool read(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) override; bool write(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) override; // Read / Write record-based variables bool read_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) override; void setLowPrecision() override { lowPrecision = true; } @@ -125,8 +128,11 @@ class NcFormat : public DataFormat { const std::string &text) override; void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) override; + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) override; bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) override; bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) override; + bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) override; private: @@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ class NcFormat : public DataFormat { int x0, y0, z0, t0; ///< Data origins - map rec_nr; // Record number for each variable (bit nasty) + std::map rec_nr; // Record number for each variable (bit nasty) int default_rec; // Starting record. Useful when appending to existing file void checkName(const char* name); ///< Check if a name contains invalid characters diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/netcdf4/ncxx4.cxx b/src/fileio/impls/netcdf4/ncxx4.cxx index 3673e577da..8e6598dc21 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/netcdf4/ncxx4.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/netcdf4/ncxx4.cxx @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ #ifdef NCDF4 +#include #include #include #include @@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ using namespace netCDF; // Define this to see loads of info messages //#define NCDF_VERBOSE -Ncxx4::Ncxx4() { +Ncxx4::Ncxx4(Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { dataFile = nullptr; x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; recDimList = new const NcDim*[4]; @@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ Ncxx4::Ncxx4() { fname = nullptr; } -Ncxx4::Ncxx4(const char *name) { +Ncxx4::Ncxx4(const char *name, Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { dataFile = nullptr; x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; recDimList = new const NcDim*[4]; @@ -61,12 +62,12 @@ Ncxx4::Ncxx4(const char *name) { default_rec = 0; rec_nr.clear(); - openr(name); + Ncxx4::openr(name); } Ncxx4::~Ncxx4() { delete[] recDimList; - close(); + Ncxx4::close(); rec_nr.clear(); } @@ -77,10 +78,16 @@ bool Ncxx4::openr(const char *name) { output.write("Ncxx4:: openr(%s)\n", name); #endif - if (dataFile != nullptr) // Already open. Close then re-open - close(); + if (dataFile != nullptr) { + // Already open. Close then re-open + Ncxx4::close(); + } - dataFile = new NcFile(name, NcFile::read); + try { + dataFile = new NcFile(name, NcFile::read); + } catch (netCDF::exceptions::NcException&) { + return false; + } if(dataFile->isNull()) { delete dataFile; @@ -135,7 +142,11 @@ bool Ncxx4::openw(const char *name, bool append) { close(); if(append) { - dataFile = new NcFile(name, NcFile::write); + try { + dataFile = new NcFile(name, NcFile::write); + } catch (netCDF::exceptions::NcException&) { + return false; + } if(dataFile->isNull()) { delete dataFile; @@ -190,7 +201,11 @@ bool Ncxx4::openw(const char *name, bool append) { default_rec = tDim.getSize(); }else { - dataFile = new NcFile(name, NcFile::replace); + try { + dataFile = new NcFile(name, NcFile::replace); + } catch (netCDF::exceptions::NcException&) { + return false; + } if(dataFile->isNull()) { delete dataFile; @@ -267,13 +282,13 @@ void Ncxx4::close() { void Ncxx4::flush() { } -const vector Ncxx4::getSize(const char *name) { +const std::vector Ncxx4::getSize(const char *name) { TRACE("Ncxx4::getSize"); #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE output.write("Ncxx4:: getSize(%s)\n", name); #endif - vector size; + std::vector size; if(!is_valid()) return size; @@ -416,6 +431,37 @@ bool Ncxx4::addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) { return true; } +bool Ncxx4::addVarFieldPerp(const string &name, bool repeat) { + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(name); + if(var.isNull()) { + // Variable not in file, so add it. + if (repeat) { + std::vector vec = {*recDimList[0], *recDimList[1], *recDimList[3]}; + if(lowPrecision) { + var = dataFile->addVar(name, ncFloat, vec); + } else { + var = dataFile->addVar(name, ncDouble, vec); + } + } else { + std::vector vec = {*dimList[0], *dimList[2]}; + if(lowPrecision) { + var = dataFile->addVar(name, ncFloat, vec); + } else { + var = dataFile->addVar(name, ncDouble, vec); + } + } + + if(var.isNull()) { + output_error.write("ERROR: NetCDF could not add FieldPerp '%s' to file '%s'\n", name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + bool Ncxx4::read(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { TRACE("Ncxx4::read(int)"); @@ -437,9 +483,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::read(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return false; } - vector start(3); + std::vector start(3); start[0] = x0; start[1] = y0; start[2] = z0; - vector counts(3); + std::vector counts(3); counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = ly; counts[2] = lz; var.getVar(start, counts, data); @@ -469,9 +515,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::read(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return false; } - vector start(3); + std::vector start(3); start[0] = x0; start[1] = y0; start[2] = z0; - vector counts(3); + std::vector counts(3); counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = ly; counts[2] = lz; var.getVar(start, counts, data); @@ -483,6 +529,34 @@ bool Ncxx4::read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz) return read(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool Ncxx4::read_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + TRACE("Ncxx4::read_perp(BoutReal)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + output.write("Ncxx4:: read(BoutReal, %s)\n", name); +#endif + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(name); + + if(var.isNull()) { + return false; + } + + std::vector start(2); + start[0] = x0; start[1] = z0; + std::vector counts(2); + counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = lz; + + var.getVar(start, counts, data); + + return true; +} + bool Ncxx4::write(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { TRACE("Ncxx4::write(int)"); @@ -505,9 +579,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::write(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { output.write("Ncxx4:: write { Writing Variable } \n"); #endif - vector start(3); + std::vector start(3); start[0] = x0; start[1] = y0; start[2] = z0; - vector counts(3); + std::vector counts(3); counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = ly; counts[2] = lz; var.putVar(start, counts, data); @@ -541,9 +615,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::write(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { return false; } - vector start(3); + std::vector start(3); start[0] = x0; start[1] = y0; start[2] = z0; - vector counts(3); + std::vector counts(3); counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = ly; counts[2] = lz; if(lowPrecision) { @@ -573,6 +647,54 @@ bool Ncxx4::write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int lz return write(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool Ncxx4::write_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + TRACE("Ncxx4::write_perp(BoutReal)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + output.write("Ncxx4:: write_perp(BoutReal, %s)\n", name); +#endif + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(name); + if(var.isNull()) { + output_error.write( + "ERROR: NetCDF BoutReal variable '%s' has not been added to file '%s'\n", + name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + } + + std::vector start(2); + start[0] = x0; start[1] = z0; + std::vector counts(2); + counts[0] = lx; counts[1] = lz; + + if(lowPrecision) { + // An out of range value can make the conversion + // corrupt the whole dataset. Make sure everything + // is in the range of a float + + for(int i=0;i 1e20) + data[i] = 1e20; + if(data[i] < -1e20) + data[i] = -1e20; + } + } + + for(int i=0;i start(4); + std::vector start(4); start[0] = t0; start[1] = x0; start[2] = y0; start[3] = z0; - vector counts(4); + std::vector counts(4); counts[0] = 1; counts[1] = lx; counts[2] = ly; counts[3] = lz; var.getVar(start, counts, data); @@ -625,9 +747,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::read_rec(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { // NOTE: Probably should do something here to check t0 - vector start(4); + std::vector start(4); start[0] = t0; start[1] = x0; start[2] = y0; start[3] = z0; - vector counts(4); + std::vector counts(4); counts[0] = 1; counts[1] = lx; counts[2] = ly; counts[3] = lz; var.getVar(start, counts, data); @@ -639,6 +761,33 @@ bool Ncxx4::read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, int return read_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool Ncxx4::read_rec_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + output.write("Ncxx4:: read_rec_perp(BoutReal, %s)\n", name); +#endif + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(name); + + if(var.isNull()) + return false; + + // NOTE: Probably should do something here to check t0 + + std::vector start(3); + start[0] = t0; start[1] = x0; start[2] = z0; + std::vector counts(4); + counts[0] = 1; counts[1] = lx; counts[2] = lz; + + var.getVar(start, counts, data); + + return true; +} + bool Ncxx4::write_rec(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE output.write("Ncxx4:: write_rec(int, %s)\n", name); @@ -662,9 +811,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::write_rec(int *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) { } } - vector start(1); + std::vector start(1); start[0] = rec_nr[name]; - vector counts(1); + std::vector counts(1); counts[0] = 1; #ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE @@ -732,9 +881,9 @@ bool Ncxx4::write_rec(BoutReal *data, const char *name, int lx, int ly, int lz) data[i] = 0.0; } - vector start(4); + std::vector start(4); start[0] = t; start[1] = x0; start[2] = y0; start[3] = z0; - vector counts(4); + std::vector counts(4); counts[0] = 1; counts[1] = lx; counts[2] = ly; counts[3] = lz; // Add the record @@ -750,6 +899,70 @@ bool Ncxx4::write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx, int ly, in return write_rec(var, name.c_str(), lx, ly, lz); } +bool Ncxx4::write_rec_perp(BoutReal *data, const std::string& name, int lx, int lz) { + TRACE("Ncxx4::write_rec_perp(BoutReal)"); + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + output.write("Ncxx4::write_rec_perp(BoutReal, %s)\n", name); +#endif + if(!is_valid()) + return false; + + if((lx < 0) || (lz < 0)) + return false; + + // Try to find variable + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(name); + if(var.isNull()) { + output_error.write( + "ERROR: NetCDF BoutReal variable '%s' has not been added to file '%s'\n", + name.c_str(), fname); + return false; + }else { + // Get record number + if(rec_nr.find(name) == rec_nr.end()) { + // Add to map + rec_nr[name] = default_rec; + } + } + + int t = rec_nr[name]; + +#ifdef NCDF_VERBOSE + output_info.write("INFO: NetCDF writing record %d of '%s' in '%s'\n",t, name, fname); +#endif + + if(lowPrecision) { + // An out of range value can make the conversion + // corrupt the whole dataset. Make sure everything + // is in the range of a float + + for(int i=0;i 1e20) + data[i] = 1e20; + if(data[i] < -1e20) + data[i] = -1e20; + } + } + + for(int i=0;i start(3); + start[0] = t; start[1] = x0; start[2] = z0; + std::vector counts(3); + counts[0] = 1; counts[1] = lx; counts[2] = lz; + + // Add the record + var.putVar(start, counts, data); + + // Increment record number + rec_nr[name] = rec_nr[name] + 1; + + return true; +} /*************************************************************************** * Attributes @@ -759,11 +972,6 @@ void Ncxx4::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname const std::string &text) { TRACE("Ncxx4::setAttribute(string)"); - NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); - if (var.isNull()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); - } - std::string existing_att; if (getAttribute(varname, attrname, existing_att)) { if (text != existing_att) { @@ -772,19 +980,25 @@ void Ncxx4::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname } } // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - - var.putAtt(attrname, text); + + if (varname == "") { + // write attribute of file + dataFile->putAtt(attrname, text); + } else { + // write attribute of variable + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); + if (var.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + var.putAtt(attrname, text); + } } void Ncxx4::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) { TRACE("Ncxx4::setAttribute(int)"); - NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); - if (var.isNull()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); - } - int existing_att; if (getAttribute(varname, attrname, existing_att)) { if (value != existing_att) { @@ -794,46 +1008,147 @@ void Ncxx4::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname } // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - var.putAtt(attrname, NcType::nc_INT, value); + if (varname == "") { + // write attribute of file + dataFile->putAtt(attrname, NcType::nc_INT, value); + } else { + // write attribute of variable + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); + if (var.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + var.putAtt(attrname, NcType::nc_INT, value); + } } -bool Ncxx4::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) { - TRACE("Ncxx4::getStringAttribute(string)"); +void Ncxx4::setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) { + TRACE("Ncxx4::setAttribute(BoutReal)"); - NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); - if (var.isNull()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + BoutReal existing_att; + if (getAttribute(varname, attrname, existing_att)) { + if (value != existing_att) { + output_warn.write("Overwriting attribute '%s' of variable '%s' with '%f', was previously '%f'", + attrname.c_str(), varname.c_str(), value, existing_att); + } } + // else: attribute does not exist, so just write it - // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't - map varAtts_list = var.getAtts(); - if (varAtts_list.find(attrname) == varAtts_list.end()) { - return false; + if (varname == "") { + // write attribute of file + dataFile->putAtt(attrname, NcType::nc_DOUBLE, value); + } else { + // write attribute of variable + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); + if (var.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + var.putAtt(attrname, NcType::nc_DOUBLE, value); + } +} + +bool Ncxx4::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) { + TRACE("Ncxx4::getAttribute(string)"); + + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't + std::multimap fileAtts_list = dataFile->getAtts(); + if (fileAtts_list.find(attrname) == fileAtts_list.end()) { + return false; + } else { + NcGroupAtt fileAtt = dataFile->getAtt(attrname); + fileAtt.getValues(text); + + return true; + } } else { - NcVarAtt varAtt = var.getAtt(attrname); - varAtt.getValues(text); + // attribute of variable + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); + if (var.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't + auto varAtts_list = var.getAtts(); + if (varAtts_list.find(attrname) == varAtts_list.end()) { + return false; + } else { + NcVarAtt varAtt = var.getAtt(attrname); + varAtt.getValues(text); - return true; + return true; + } } } bool Ncxx4::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) { - TRACE("Ncxx4::getIntAttribute(string)"); + TRACE("Ncxx4::getAttribute(int)"); + + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't + std::multimap fileAtts_list = dataFile->getAtts(); + if (fileAtts_list.find(attrname) == fileAtts_list.end()) { + return false; + } else { + NcGroupAtt fileAtt = dataFile->getAtt(attrname); + fileAtt.getValues(&value); + + return true; + } + } else { + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); + if (var.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't + auto varAtts_list = var.getAtts(); + if (varAtts_list.find(attrname) == varAtts_list.end()) { + return false; + } else { + NcVarAtt varAtt = var.getAtt(attrname); + varAtt.getValues(&value); - NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); - if (var.isNull()) { - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + return true; + } } +} - // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't - map varAtts_list = var.getAtts(); - if (varAtts_list.find(attrname) == varAtts_list.end()) { - return false; +bool Ncxx4::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) { + TRACE("Ncxx4::getAttribute(BoutReal)"); + + if (varname == "") { + // attribute of file + // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't + std::multimap fileAtts_list = dataFile->getAtts(); + if (fileAtts_list.find(attrname) == fileAtts_list.end()) { + return false; + } else { + NcGroupAtt fileAtt = dataFile->getAtt(attrname); + fileAtt.getValues(&value); + + return true; + } } else { - NcVarAtt varAtt = var.getAtt(attrname); - varAtt.getValues(&value); + NcVar var = dataFile->getVar(varname); + if (var.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not in NetCDF file", varname.c_str()); + } + + // Check if attribute exists without throwing exception when it doesn't + auto varAtts_list = var.getAtts(); + if (varAtts_list.find(attrname) == varAtts_list.end()) { + return false; + } else { + NcVarAtt varAtt = var.getAtt(attrname); + varAtt.getValues(&value); - return true; + return true; + } } } @@ -842,15 +1157,15 @@ bool Ncxx4::getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname * Private functions ***************************************************************************/ -vector Ncxx4::getDimVec(int nd) { - vector vec(nd); +std::vector Ncxx4::getDimVec(int nd) { + std::vector vec(nd); for(int i=0;i Ncxx4::getRecDimVec(int nd) { - vector vec(nd); +std::vector Ncxx4::getRecDimVec(int nd) { + std::vector vec(nd); for(int i=0;i latest // Add a variable to the file - bool addVarInt(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarBoutReal(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarField2D(const string &name, bool repeat) override; - bool addVarField3D(const string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarInt(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarBoutReal(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarField2D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarField3D(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; + bool addVarFieldPerp(const std::string &name, bool repeat) override; // Read / Write simple variables up to 3D @@ -97,11 +99,13 @@ class Ncxx4 : public DataFormat { bool read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) override; bool write(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) override; // Read / Write record-based variables @@ -109,11 +113,13 @@ class Ncxx4 : public DataFormat { bool read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec_perp(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int lz = 0) override; void setLowPrecision() override { lowPrecision = true; } @@ -123,8 +129,11 @@ class Ncxx4 : public DataFormat { const std::string &text) override; void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int value) override; + void setAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, + BoutReal value) override; bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, std::string &text) override; bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, int &value) override; + bool getAttribute(const std::string &varname, const std::string &attrname, BoutReal &value) override; private: diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.cxx b/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.cxx index 2ba919bd66..4234de61b4 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.cxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.cxx @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ // Define this to see loads of info messages //#define NCDF_VERBOSE -PncFormat::PncFormat() { +PncFormat::PncFormat(Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; lowPrecision = false; dimList = recDimList+1; @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ PncFormat::PncFormat() { fname = nullptr; } -PncFormat::PncFormat(const char *name) { +PncFormat::PncFormat(const char *name, Mesh* mesh_in) : DataFormat(mesh_in) { x0 = y0 = z0 = t0 = 0; lowPrecision = false; dimList = recDimList+1; diff --git a/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.hxx b/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.hxx index 3fa94cbafc..6c400e936a 100644 --- a/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.hxx +++ b/src/fileio/impls/pnetcdf/pnetcdf.hxx @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ #ifndef PNCDF #include "../emptyformat.hxx" -typedef EmptyFormat PncFormat; +using PncFormat = EmptyFormat; #else @@ -50,21 +50,19 @@ class PncFormat; #include #include -using std::string; -using std::map; - class PncFormat : public DataFormat { public: - PncFormat(); - PncFormat(const char *name); - PncFormat(const string &name) : PncFormat(name.c_str()) {} + PncFormat(Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + PncFormat(const char *name, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr); + PncFormat(const std::string &name, Mesh* mesh_in = nullptr) + : PncFormat(name.c_str(), mesh_in) {} ~PncFormat(); bool openr(const char *name) override; - bool openr(const string &name, int mype) {return openr(name);} + bool openr(const std::string &name, int mype) {return openr(name);} bool openw(const char *name, bool append=false) override; - bool openw(const string &name, int mype, bool append=false) {return openw(name, append);} + bool openw(const std::string &name, int mype, bool append=false) {return openw(name, append);} bool is_valid() override { return fname != nullptr; } @@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ class PncFormat : public DataFormat { const char* filename() { return fname; }; const vector getSize(const char *var) override; - const vector getSize(const string &var) override { return getSize(var.c_str()); } + const vector getSize(const std::string &var) override { return getSize(var.c_str()); } // Set the origin for all subsequent calls bool setGlobalOrigin(int x = 0, int y = 0, int z = 0) override; @@ -84,26 +82,26 @@ class PncFormat : public DataFormat { // Read / Write simple variables up to 3D bool read(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; // Read / Write record-based variables bool read_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool read_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 1, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(int *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write_rec(int *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec(int *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const char *name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; - bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; + bool write_rec(BoutReal *var, const std::string &name, int lx = 0, int ly = 0, int lz = 0) override; void setLowPrecision() override { lowPrecision = true; } @@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ class PncFormat : public DataFormat { int x0, y0, z0, t0; ///< Data origins (global offsets) - map rec_nr; // Record number for each variable (bit nasty) + std::map rec_nr; // Record number for each variable (bit nasty) int default_rec; // Starting record. Useful when appending to existing file }; diff --git a/src/invert/fft_fftw.cxx b/src/invert/fft_fftw.cxx index adc9a0f06d..e5c4b5f532 100644 --- a/src/invert/fft_fftw.cxx +++ b/src/invert/fft_fftw.cxx @@ -28,30 +28,45 @@ #include #include #include +#include + +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_FFTW #include #include #include -#include +#include #ifdef _OPENMP #include #endif +#else +#include +#endif -bool fft_options = false; -bool fft_measure; +namespace bout { +namespace fft { -void fft_init() -{ - if(fft_options) +/// Have we set fft_measure? +bool fft_initialised{false}; +/// Should FFTW find an optimised plan by measuring various plans? +bool fft_measure{false}; + +void fft_init(Options* options) { + if (fft_initialised) { return; - //BOUT_OMP(critical) - { - Options *opt = Options::getRoot(); - opt = opt->getSection("fft"); - opt->get("fft_measure", fft_measure, false); - fft_options = true; } + if (options == nullptr) { + options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("fft"); + } + fft_init((*options)["fft_measure"] + .doc("Perform speed measurements to optimise settings?") + .withDefault(false)); +} + +void fft_init(bool fft_measure) { + bout::fft::fft_measure = fft_measure; + fft_initialised = true; } /*********************************************************** @@ -60,7 +75,10 @@ void fft_init() #ifndef _OPENMP // Serial code -void rfft(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out) { +void rfft(MAYBE_UNUSED(const BoutReal *in), MAYBE_UNUSED(int length), MAYBE_UNUSED(dcomplex *out)) { +#ifndef BOUT_HAS_FFTW + throw BoutException("This instance of BOUT++ has been compiled without fftw support."); +#else // static variables initialized once static double *fin; static fftw_complex *fout; @@ -89,8 +107,9 @@ void rfft(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out) { fout = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (length/2 + 1)); unsigned int flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE; - if(fft_measure) + if (fft_measure) { flags = FFTW_MEASURE; + } /* fftw call * Plan a real-input/complex-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) @@ -116,19 +135,13 @@ void rfft(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out) { // Store the output in out, and normalize for(int i=0;i rfft(const Array &in) { - ASSERT1(!in.empty()); // Check that there is data - - int size = in.size(); - Array out(size); // Allocates data array - - rfft(in.begin(), size, out.begin()); - return out; -} - -void irfft(const dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { +void irfft(MAYBE_UNUSED(const dcomplex *in), MAYBE_UNUSED(int length), MAYBE_UNUSED(BoutReal *out)) { +#ifndef BOUT_HAS_FFTW + throw BoutException("This instance of BOUT++ has been compiled without fftw support."); +#else // static variables initialized once static fftw_complex *fin; static double *fout; @@ -157,8 +170,9 @@ void irfft(const dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { fout = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * length); unsigned int flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE; - if(fft_measure) + if (fft_measure) { flags = FFTW_MEASURE; + } /* fftw call * Plan a complex-input/real-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) @@ -183,11 +197,15 @@ void irfft(const dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { // Store the output of the fftw to the out for(int i=0;i(fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * 2 * length)); unsigned int flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE; - if(fft_measure) + if (fft_measure) { flags = FFTW_MEASURE; + } // fftw call // Plan a real-input/complex-output discrete Fourier transform (DFT) @@ -379,9 +408,13 @@ void DST(const BoutReal *in, int length, dcomplex *out) { for(int i=1;i(length) - 1); // Normalise +#endif } -void DST_rev(dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { +void DST_rev(MAYBE_UNUSED(dcomplex *in), MAYBE_UNUSED(int length), MAYBE_UNUSED(BoutReal *out)) { +#ifndef BOUT_HAS_FFTW + throw BoutException("This instance of BOUT++ has been compiled without fftw support."); +#else static fftw_complex *fin; static double *fout; static fftw_plan p; @@ -404,8 +437,9 @@ void DST_rev(dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { fout = static_cast(fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * 2 * (length - 1))); unsigned int flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE; - if(fft_measure) + if (fft_measure) { flags = FFTW_MEASURE; + } p = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(2*(length-1), fin, fout, flags); @@ -432,4 +466,29 @@ void DST_rev(dcomplex *in, int length, BoutReal *out) { out[length-1]=0.0; for(int i=1;i rfft(const Array& in) { + ASSERT1(!in.empty()); + + int size{in.size()}; + Array out{(size / 2) + 1}; + + rfft(in.begin(), size, out.begin()); + return out; } + +Array irfft(const Array& in, int length) { + ASSERT1(!in.empty()); + ASSERT1(in.size() == (length / 2) + 1); + + Array out{length}; + + irfft(in.begin(), length, out.begin()); + return out; +} + +} // namespace fft +} // namespace bout + diff --git a/src/invert/lapack_routines.cxx b/src/invert/lapack_routines.cxx index 3efbcf1bd8..ce000e7d0b 100644 --- a/src/invert/lapack_routines.cxx +++ b/src/invert/lapack_routines.cxx @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #ifdef LAPACK diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.cxx index 3661b95dda..c2fc9802ca 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.cxx @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -43,10 +44,11 @@ #include "cyclic_laplace.hxx" -LaplaceCyclic::LaplaceCyclic(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) - : Laplacian(opt, loc), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { +LaplaceCyclic::LaplaceCyclic(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), Acoef(0.0), C1coef(1.0), C2coef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { Acoef.setLocation(location); - Ccoef.setLocation(location); + C1coef.setLocation(location); + C2coef.setLocation(location); Dcoef.setLocation(location); // Get options @@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ LaplaceCyclic::LaplaceCyclic(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) OPTION(opt, dst, false); if(dst) { - nmode = mesh->LocalNz-2; + nmode = localmesh->LocalNz-2; }else nmode = maxmode+1; // Number of Z modes. maxmode set in invert_laplace.cxx from options @@ -62,26 +64,26 @@ LaplaceCyclic::LaplaceCyclic(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) // Allocate arrays - xs = mesh->xstart; // Starting X index - if(mesh->firstX() && !mesh->periodicX){ // Only want to include guard cells at boundaries (unless periodic in x) + xs = localmesh->xstart; // Starting X index + if(localmesh->firstX() && !localmesh->periodicX){ // Only want to include guard cells at boundaries (unless periodic in x) xs = 0; } - xe = mesh->xend; // Last X index - if(mesh->lastX() && !mesh->periodicX){ // Only want to include guard cells at boundaries (unless periodic in x) - xe = mesh->LocalNx-1; + xe = localmesh->xend; // Last X index + if(localmesh->lastX() && !localmesh->periodicX){ // Only want to include guard cells at boundaries (unless periodic in x) + xe = localmesh->LocalNx-1; } int n = xe - xs + 1; // Number of X points on this processor, // including boundaries but not guard cells - a = Matrix(nmode, n); - b = Matrix(nmode, n); - c = Matrix(nmode, n); - xcmplx = Matrix(nmode, n); - bcmplx = Matrix(nmode, n); + a.reallocate(nmode, n); + b.reallocate(nmode, n); + c.reallocate(nmode, n); + xcmplx.reallocate(nmode, n); + bcmplx.reallocate(nmode, n); // Create a cyclic reduction object, operating on dcomplex values - cr = new CyclicReduce(mesh->getXcomm(), n); - cr->setPeriodic(mesh->periodicX); + cr = new CyclicReduce(localmesh->getXcomm(), n); + cr->setPeriodic(localmesh->periodicX); } LaplaceCyclic::~LaplaceCyclic() { @@ -89,12 +91,12 @@ LaplaceCyclic::~LaplaceCyclic() { delete cr; } -const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) { - Mesh *mesh = rhs.getMesh(); - FieldPerp x(mesh); // Result - x.allocate(); +FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp& rhs, const FieldPerp& x0) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(rhs.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); + FieldPerp x{emptyFrom(rhs)}; // Result int jy = rhs.getIndex(); // Get the Y index x.setIndex(jy); @@ -102,8 +104,8 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) // Get the width of the boundary // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - int inbndry = mesh->xstart, outbndry=mesh->xstart; - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) { + int inbndry = localmesh->xstart, outbndry=localmesh->xstart; + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) { inbndry = outbndry = 1; } if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_BNDRY_ONE) @@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array auto k1d = - Array(mesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length + Array(localmesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length // Loop over X indices, including boundaries but not guard cells. (unless periodic // in x) @@ -123,13 +125,13 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) for (int ix = xs; ix <= xe; ix++) { // Take DST in Z direction and put result in k1d - if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) || - ((xe - ix < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && - mesh->lastX())) { + if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) || + ((localmesh->LocalNx - ix - 1 < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && + localmesh->lastX())) { // Use the values in x0 in the boundary - DST(x0[ix] + 1, mesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); + DST(x0[ix] + 1, localmesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); } else { - DST(rhs[ix] + 1, mesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); + DST(rhs[ix] + 1, localmesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); } // Copy into array, transposing so kz is first index @@ -141,7 +143,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) // including boundary conditions BOUT_OMP(for nowait) for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { - BoutReal zlen = coord->dz * (mesh->LocalNz - 3); + BoutReal zlen = coords->dz * (localmesh->LocalNz - 3); BoutReal kwave = kz * 2.0 * PI / (2. * zlen); // wave number is 1/[rad]; DST has extra 2. @@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) kz, // wave number index kwave, // kwave (inverse wave length) global_flags, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags, &Acoef, - &Ccoef, &Dcoef, + &C1coef, &C2coef, &Dcoef, false); // Don't include guard cells in arrays } } @@ -162,27 +164,27 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array auto k1d = - Array(mesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length + Array(localmesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length BOUT_OMP(for nowait) for (int ix = xs; ix <= xe; ix++) { for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) k1d[kz] = xcmplx(kz, ix - xs); - for (int kz = nmode; kz < (mesh->LocalNz); kz++) + for (int kz = nmode; kz < (localmesh->LocalNz); kz++) k1d[kz] = 0.0; // Filtering out all higher harmonics - DST_rev(std::begin(k1d), mesh->LocalNz - 2, x[ix] + 1); + DST_rev(std::begin(k1d), localmesh->LocalNz - 2, x[ix] + 1); x(ix, 0) = -x(ix, 2); - x(ix, mesh->LocalNz - 1) = -x(ix, mesh->LocalNz - 3); + x(ix, localmesh->LocalNz - 1) = -x(ix, localmesh->LocalNz - 3); } } }else { BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array - auto k1d = Array((mesh->LocalNz) / 2 + + auto k1d = Array((localmesh->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length // Loop over X indices, including boundaries but not guard cells (unless periodic in @@ -191,13 +193,13 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) for (int ix = xs; ix <= xe; ix++) { // Take FFT in Z direction, apply shift, and put result in k1d - if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) || - ((xe - ix < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && - mesh->lastX())) { + if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) || + ((localmesh->LocalNx - ix - 1 < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && + localmesh->lastX())) { // Use the values in x0 in the boundary - rfft(x0[ix], mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(x0[ix], localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); } else { - rfft(rhs[ix], mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(rhs[ix], localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); } // Copy into array, transposing so kz is first index @@ -209,12 +211,12 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) // including boundary conditions BOUT_OMP(for nowait) for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { - BoutReal kwave = kz * 2.0 * PI / (coord->zlength()); // wave number is 1/[rad] + BoutReal kwave = kz * 2.0 * PI / (coords->zlength()); // wave number is 1/[rad] tridagMatrix(&a(kz, 0), &b(kz, 0), &c(kz, 0), &bcmplx(kz, 0), jy, kz, // True for the component constant (DC) in Z kwave, // Z wave number global_flags, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags, &Acoef, - &Ccoef, &Dcoef, + &C1coef, &C2coef, &Dcoef, false); // Don't include guard cells in arrays } } @@ -227,44 +229,46 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceCyclic::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs, const FieldPerp &x0) BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array - auto k1d = Array((mesh->LocalNz) / 2 + + auto k1d = Array((localmesh->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length + const bool zero_DC = global_flags & INVERT_ZERO_DC; + BOUT_OMP(for nowait) for (int ix = xs; ix <= xe; ix++) { - for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) + if (zero_DC) { + k1d[0] = 0.; + } + + for (int kz = zero_DC; kz < nmode; kz++) k1d[kz] = xcmplx(kz, ix - xs); - for (int kz = nmode; kz < (mesh->LocalNz) / 2 + 1; kz++) + for (int kz = nmode; kz < (localmesh->LocalNz) / 2 + 1; kz++) k1d[kz] = 0.0; // Filtering out all higher harmonics - irfft(std::begin(k1d), mesh->LocalNz, x[ix]); + irfft(std::begin(k1d), localmesh->LocalNz, x[ix]); } } } return x; } -const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { +Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D& rhs, const Field3D& x0) { TRACE("LaplaceCyclic::solve(Field3D, Field3D)"); ASSERT1(rhs.getLocation() == location); ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); Timer timer("invert"); - Mesh *mesh = rhs.getMesh(); - Field3D x(mesh); // Result - x.allocate(); - x.setLocation(location); - - Coordinates *coord = rhs.getCoordinates(); + Field3D x{emptyFrom(rhs)}; // Result // Get the width of the boundary // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - int inbndry = mesh->xstart, outbndry = mesh->xstart; - if ((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) { + int inbndry = localmesh->xstart, outbndry = localmesh->xstart; + if ((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) { inbndry = outbndry = 1; } if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_BNDRY_ONE) @@ -275,17 +279,17 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { int nx = xe - xs + 1; // Number of X points on this processor // Get range of Y indices - int ys = mesh->ystart, ye = mesh->yend; + int ys = localmesh->ystart, ye = localmesh->yend; - if (mesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { + if (localmesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { if (include_yguards) ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary and we are solving in the guard cells ys += extra_yguards_lower; } - if (mesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { + if (localmesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { if (include_yguards) - ye = mesh->LocalNy - + ye = localmesh->LocalNy - 1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells ye -= extra_yguards_upper; @@ -306,7 +310,7 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array auto k1d = - Array(mesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length + Array(localmesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length // Loop over X and Y indices, including boundaries but not guard cells. // (unless periodic in x) @@ -318,18 +322,19 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { // Take DST in Z direction and put result in k1d - if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) || - ((xe - ix < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && - mesh->lastX())) { + if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) || + ((localmesh->LocalNx - ix - 1 < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && + localmesh->lastX())) { // Use the values in x0 in the boundary - DST(x0(ix, iy) + 1, mesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); + DST(x0(ix, iy) + 1, localmesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); } else { - DST(rhs(ix, iy) + 1, mesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); + DST(rhs(ix, iy) + 1, localmesh->LocalNz - 2, std::begin(k1d)); } // Copy into array, transposing so kz is first index - for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) - bcmplx((iy - ys) * nmode + kz, ix - xs) = k1d[kz]; + for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { + bcmplx3D((iy - ys) * nmode + kz, ix - xs) = k1d[kz]; + } } // Get elements of the tridiagonal matrix @@ -340,7 +345,7 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { int iy = ys + ind / nmode; int kz = ind % nmode; - BoutReal zlen = coord->dz * (mesh->LocalNz - 3); + BoutReal zlen = coords->dz * (localmesh->LocalNz - 3); BoutReal kwave = kz * 2.0 * PI / (2. * zlen); // wave number is 1/[rad]; DST has extra 2. @@ -348,7 +353,7 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { kz, // wave number index kwave, // kwave (inverse wave length) global_flags, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags, &Acoef, - &Ccoef, &Dcoef, + &C1coef, &C2coef, &Dcoef, false); // Don't include guard cells in arrays } } @@ -361,7 +366,7 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array auto k1d = - Array(mesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length + Array(localmesh->LocalNz); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length BOUT_OMP(for nowait) for (int ind = 0; ind < nxny; ++ind) { // Loop over X and Y @@ -369,22 +374,23 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { int ix = xs + ind / ny; int iy = ys + ind % ny; - for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) + for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { k1d[kz] = xcmplx3D((iy - ys) * nmode + kz, ix - xs); + } - for (int kz = nmode; kz < mesh->LocalNz; kz++) + for (int kz = nmode; kz < localmesh->LocalNz; kz++) k1d[kz] = 0.0; // Filtering out all higher harmonics - DST_rev(std::begin(k1d), mesh->LocalNz - 2, &x(ix, iy, 1)); + DST_rev(std::begin(k1d), localmesh->LocalNz - 2, &x(ix, iy, 1)); x(ix, iy, 0) = -x(ix, iy, 2); - x(ix, iy, mesh->LocalNz - 1) = -x(ix, iy, mesh->LocalNz - 3); + x(ix, iy, localmesh->LocalNz - 1) = -x(ix, iy, localmesh->LocalNz - 3); } } } else { BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array - auto k1d = Array(mesh->LocalNz / 2 + + auto k1d = Array(localmesh->LocalNz / 2 + 1); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length // Loop over X and Y indices, including boundaries but not guard cells @@ -398,13 +404,13 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { // Take FFT in Z direction, apply shift, and put result in k1d - if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) || - ((xe - ix < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && - mesh->lastX())) { + if (((ix < inbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) || + ((localmesh->LocalNx - ix - 1 < outbndry) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && + localmesh->lastX())) { // Use the values in x0 in the boundary - rfft(x0(ix, iy), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(x0(ix, iy), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); } else { - rfft(rhs(ix, iy), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(rhs(ix, iy), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); } // Copy into array, transposing so kz is first index @@ -420,12 +426,12 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { int iy = ys + ind / nmode; int kz = ind % nmode; - BoutReal kwave = kz * 2.0 * PI / (coord->zlength()); // wave number is 1/[rad] + BoutReal kwave = kz * 2.0 * PI / (coords->zlength()); // wave number is 1/[rad] tridagMatrix(&a3D(ind, 0), &b3D(ind, 0), &c3D(ind, 0), &bcmplx3D(ind, 0), iy, kz, // True for the component constant (DC) in Z kwave, // Z wave number global_flags, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags, &Acoef, - &Ccoef, &Dcoef, + &C1coef, &C2coef, &Dcoef, false); // Don't include guard cells in arrays } } @@ -437,22 +443,28 @@ const Field3D LaplaceCyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { // FFT back to real space BOUT_OMP(parallel) { /// Create a local thread-scope working array - auto k1d = Array((mesh->LocalNz) / 2 + + auto k1d = Array((localmesh->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); // ZFFT routine expects input of this length + const bool zero_DC = global_flags & INVERT_ZERO_DC; + BOUT_OMP(for nowait) for (int ind = 0; ind < nxny; ++ind) { // Loop over X and Y // ind = (ix - xs)*(ye - ys + 1) + (iy - ys) int ix = xs + ind / ny; int iy = ys + ind % ny; - for (int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) + if (zero_DC) { + k1d[0] = 0.; + } + + for (int kz = zero_DC; kz < nmode; kz++) k1d[kz] = xcmplx3D((iy - ys) * nmode + kz, ix - xs); - for (int kz = nmode; kz < mesh->LocalNz / 2 + 1; kz++) + for (int kz = nmode; kz < localmesh->LocalNz / 2 + 1; kz++) k1d[kz] = 0.0; // Filtering out all higher harmonics - irfft(std::begin(k1d), mesh->LocalNz, x(ix, iy)); + irfft(std::begin(k1d), localmesh->LocalNz, x(ix, iy)); } } } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.hxx index bb1d9f31c2..1633a13909 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/cyclic/cyclic_laplace.hxx @@ -44,22 +44,36 @@ class LaplaceCyclic; */ class LaplaceCyclic : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceCyclic(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceCyclic(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceCyclic(); using Laplacian::setCoefA; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefC; void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { + setCoefC1(val); + setCoefC2(val); + } + using Laplacian::setCoefC1; + void setCoefC1(const Field2D &val) override { + ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); + C1coef = val; + } + using Laplacian::setCoefC2; + void setCoefC2(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); - Ccoef = val; + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); + C2coef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefD; void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefEx; @@ -72,13 +86,13 @@ public: } using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override {return solve(b,b);} - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override {return solve(b,b);} + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override {return solve(b,b);} - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override {return solve(b,b);} + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; private: - Field2D Acoef, Ccoef, Dcoef; + Field2D Acoef, C1coef, C2coef, Dcoef; int nmode; // Number of modes being solved int xs, xe; // Start and end X indices diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_alg.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_alg.cxx index df39fe6c5a..43bbc57a81 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_alg.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_alg.cxx @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ MultigridAlg::MultigridAlg(int level, int lx, int lz, int gx, int gz, MPI_Comm c if(pcheck > 0) output<<"Construct MG "<(mglevel); - gnz = Array(mglevel); - lnx = Array(mglevel); - lnz = Array(mglevel); + // Memory allocate for Multigrid + gnx.reallocate(mglevel); + gnz.reallocate(mglevel); + lnx.reallocate(mglevel); + lnz.reallocate(mglevel); gnx[mglevel-1] = gx; gnz[mglevel-1] = gz; @@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ MultigridAlg::~MultigridAlg() { void MultigridAlg::getSolution(BoutReal *x,BoutReal *b,int flag) { + // swap ghost cells of initial guess + communications(x, mglevel-1); + // don't think the ghost cells of the rhs are used, so don't need to be communicated + // /JTO 17-4-2019 + if(flag == 0) { //Solve exaclty if(mglevel == 1) pGMRES(x,b,mglevel-1,1); @@ -132,14 +137,11 @@ BOUT_OMP(for) smoothings(level,sol,rhs); } - communications(sol,level); - return; } void MultigridAlg::projection(int level,BoutReal *r,BoutReal *pr) { - communications(r,level); BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared)) { BOUT_OMP(for) @@ -161,12 +163,10 @@ BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) } } communications(pr,level-1); - return; } void MultigridAlg::prolongation(int level,BoutReal *x,BoutReal *ix) { - communications(x,level); BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared)) { BOUT_OMP(for) @@ -192,7 +192,6 @@ BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) } } communications(ix,level+1); - return; } void MultigridAlg::smoothings(int level, BoutReal *x, BoutReal *b) { @@ -202,7 +201,6 @@ void MultigridAlg::smoothings(int level, BoutReal *x, BoutReal *b) { dim = mm*(lnx[level]+2); if(mgsm == 0) { Array x0(dim); - communications(x,level); BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared)) for(int num =0;num < 2;num++) { BOUT_OMP(for) @@ -228,7 +226,6 @@ BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) } } else { - communications(x,level); for(int i = 1;i1 and xNP>1 (with a single + // MPI_Waitall after all the MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv calls, instead of the two + // MPI_Waitalls there are now. As there are never any z-communications at the moment, it + // is not worth implementing for now. MPI_Status status[4]; int stag, rtag; MAYBE_UNUSED(int ierr); if(zNP > 1) { + MPI_Request requests[] = {MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL}; MPI_Datatype xvector; - // output<<"Start Z-comm"< 1) { - // Send to x+ and recieve from x- - stag = rProcI; - rtag = xProcM; - ierr = MPI_Sendrecv(&x[lnx[level]*(lnz[level]+2)],lnz[level]+2, - MPI_DOUBLE,xProcP,stag,&x[0],lnz[level]+2,MPI_DOUBLE, - xProcM,rtag,commMG,status); - ASSERT1(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS); + // Note: periodic x-direction not handled here + + MPI_Request requests[] = {MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL, MPI_REQUEST_NULL}; + + if (xProcI > 0) { + // Receive from x- + rtag = xProcM; + ierr = MPI_Irecv(&x[0], lnz[level]+2, MPI_DOUBLE, xProcM, rtag, commMG, &requests[2]); + ASSERT1(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS); + } - // Send to x- and recieve from x+ - stag = rProcI+xNP; - rtag = xProcP+xNP;; - ierr = MPI_Sendrecv(&x[lnz[level]+2],lnz[level]+2,MPI_DOUBLE,xProcM,stag, - &x[(lnx[level]+1)*(lnz[level]+2)],lnz[level]+2, - MPI_DOUBLE,xProcP,rtag,commMG,status); + if (xProcI < xNP - 1) { + // Receive from x+ + rtag = xProcP+xNP;; + ierr = MPI_Irecv(&x[(lnx[level]+1)*(lnz[level]+2)], lnz[level]+2, MPI_DOUBLE, xProcP, + rtag, commMG, &requests[3]); + ASSERT1(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS); + + // Send to x+ + stag = rProcI; + ierr = MPI_Isend(&x[lnx[level]*(lnz[level]+2)], lnz[level]+2, MPI_DOUBLE, xProcP, + stag, commMG, &requests[0]); + ASSERT1(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS); + } + + if (xProcI > 0) { + // Send to x- + stag = rProcI+xNP; + ierr = MPI_Isend(&x[lnz[level]+2], lnz[level]+2, MPI_DOUBLE, xProcM, stag, commMG, + &requests[1]); + ASSERT1(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS); + } + + // Wait for communications to complete + ierr = MPI_Waitall(4, requests, status); ASSERT1(ierr == MPI_SUCCESS); - } else { + } else { for (int i=0;i #include #include @@ -37,12 +38,15 @@ BoutReal soltime=0.0,settime=0.0; -LaplaceMultigrid::LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : - Laplacian(opt, loc), +LaplaceMultigrid::LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) : + Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), A(0.0), C1(1.0), C2(1.0), D(1.0) { TRACE("LaplaceMultigrid::LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt)"); + // periodic x-direction not handled: see MultigridAlg::communications + ASSERT1(!localmesh->periodicX); + A.setLocation(location); C1.setLocation(location); C2.setLocation(location); @@ -84,20 +88,20 @@ LaplaceMultigrid::LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : throw BoutException("Attempted to set Laplacian outer boundary inversion flag that is not implemented in LaplaceMultigrid."); } - commX = mesh->getXcomm(); + commX = localmesh->getXcomm(); - Nx_local = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; // excluding guard cells - Nx_global = mesh->GlobalNx - 2*mesh->xstart; // excluding guard cells + Nx_local = localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1; // excluding guard cells + Nx_global = localmesh->GlobalNx - 2*localmesh->xstart; // excluding guard cells if (mgcount == 0) { output <<"Nx="<GlobalNz; + Nz_global = localmesh->GlobalNz; Nz_local = Nz_global; // No parallelization in z-direction (for now) // //else { - // Nz_local = mesh->zend - mesh->zstart + 1; // excluding guard cells - // Nz_global = mesh->GlobalNz - 2*mesh->zstart; // excluding guard cells + // Nz_local = localmesh->zend - localmesh->zstart + 1; // excluding guard cells + // Nz_global = localmesh->GlobalNz - 2*localmesh->zstart; // excluding guard cells // } if (mgcount==0) { output <<"Nz="<(new Multigrid1DP( - aclevel, Nx_local, Nz_local, Nx_global, adlevel, mgmpi, commX, pcheck)); + kMG = bout::utils::make_unique(aclevel, Nx_local, Nz_local, Nx_global, + adlevel, mgmpi, commX, pcheck); kMG->mgplag = mgplag; kMG->mgsm = mgsm; kMG->cftype = cftype; @@ -172,8 +176,8 @@ LaplaceMultigrid::LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // Set up Multigrid Cycle - x = Array((Nx_local + 2) * (Nz_local + 2)); - b = Array((Nx_local + 2) * (Nz_local + 2)); + x.reallocate((Nx_local + 2) * (Nz_local + 2)); + b.reallocate((Nx_local + 2) * (Nz_local + 2)); if (mgcount == 0) { output<<" Smoothing type is "; @@ -197,19 +201,20 @@ BOUT_OMP(master) } } -const FieldPerp LaplaceMultigrid::solve(const FieldPerp &b_in, const FieldPerp &x0) { +FieldPerp LaplaceMultigrid::solve(const FieldPerp& b_in, const FieldPerp& x0) { TRACE("LaplaceMultigrid::solve(const FieldPerp, const FieldPerp)"); + ASSERT1(localmesh == b_in.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b_in.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + checkData(b_in); checkData(x0); ASSERT3(b_in.getIndex() == x0.getIndex()); - Mesh *mesh = b_in.getMesh(); BoutReal t0,t1; - Coordinates *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(location); - yindex = b_in.getIndex(); int level = kMG->mglevel-1; int lzz = kMG->lnz[level]; @@ -231,7 +236,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) for (int i=1; ixstart; + int i2 = i-1+localmesh->xstart; int k2 = k-1; x[i*lz2+k] = x0[i2][k2]; } @@ -243,13 +248,13 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) for (int i=1; ixstart; + int i2 = i-1+localmesh->xstart; int k2 = k-1; b[i*lz2+k] = b_in(i2, k2); } } - if (mesh->firstX()) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) { if ( inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD ) { // Neumann boundary condition if ( inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET ) { @@ -258,7 +263,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxstart-1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(mesh->xstart, yindex))*coords->dx(mesh->xstart, yindex); + x[k] = -x0(localmesh->xstart-1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(localmesh->xstart, yindex))*coords->dx(localmesh->xstart, yindex); } } else { // zero gradient inner boundary condition @@ -277,7 +282,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxstart-1, k2); + x[k] = 2.*x0(localmesh->xstart-1, k2); // this is the value to set at the inner boundary } } @@ -292,7 +297,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(for) } } } - if (mesh->lastX()) { + if (localmesh->lastX()) { if ( outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD ) { // Neumann boundary condition if ( inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET ) { @@ -301,7 +306,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxend+1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(mesh->xend, yindex))*coords->dx(mesh->xend, yindex); + x[(lxx+1)*lz2+k] = x0(localmesh->xend+1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(localmesh->xend, yindex))*coords->dx(localmesh->xend, yindex); // this is the value to set the gradient to at the outer boundary } } @@ -323,7 +328,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxend+1, k2); + x[(lxx+1)*lz2+k]=2.*x0(localmesh->xend+1, k2); // this is the value to set at the outer boundary } } @@ -423,43 +428,39 @@ BOUT_OMP(for) } } - FieldPerp result(mesh); - result.allocate(); - result.setIndex(yindex); + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(b_in)}; - #if CHECK>2 +#if CHECK > 2 // Make any unused elements NaN so that user does not try to do calculations with them - const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); - BOUT_FOR(i, region) { - result[i] = BoutNaN; - } - #endif + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { result[i] = BoutNaN; } +#endif + // Copy solution into a FieldPerp to return BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) for (int i=1; ixstart; + int i2 = i-1+localmesh->xstart; int k2 = k-1; result(i2, k2) = x[i*lz2+k]; } } - if (mesh->firstX()) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) { if ( inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD ) { // Neumann boundary condition if ( inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET ) { // guard cells of x0 specify gradient to set at inner boundary - int i2 = -1+mesh->xstart; + int i2 = -1+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxstart-1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(mesh->xstart, yindex))*coords->dx(mesh->xstart, yindex); + result(i2, k2) = x[lz2+k] - x0(localmesh->xstart-1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(localmesh->xstart, yindex))*coords->dx(localmesh->xstart, yindex); } } else { // zero gradient inner boundary condition - int i2 = -1+mesh->xstart; + int i2 = -1+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxstart; + int i2 = -1+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxstart-1,k2) - x[lz2+k]; + result(i2, k2) = 2.*x0(localmesh->xstart-1,k2) - x[lz2+k]; } } else { // zero value inner boundary condition - int i2 = -1+mesh->xstart; + int i2 = -1+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; klastX()) { + if (localmesh->lastX()) { if ( outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD ) { // Neumann boundary condition if ( inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET ) { // guard cells of x0 specify gradient to set at outer boundary - int i2 = lxx+mesh->xstart; + int i2 = lxx+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxend+1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(mesh->xend, yindex))*coords->dx(mesh->xend, yindex); + result(i2, k2) = x[lxx*lz2+k] + x0(localmesh->xend+1, k2)*sqrt(coords->g_11(localmesh->xend, yindex))*coords->dx(localmesh->xend, yindex); } } else { // zero gradient outer boundary condition - int i2 = lxx+mesh->xstart; + int i2 = lxx+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxstart; + int i2 = lxx+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kxend+1,k2) - x[lxx*lz2+k]; + result(i2, k2) = 2.*x0(localmesh->xend+1,k2) - x[lxx*lz2+k]; } } else { // zero value inner boundary condition - int i2 = lxx+mesh->xstart; + int i2 = lxx+localmesh->xstart; BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared) ) BOUT_OMP(for) for (int k=1; kgetCoordinates(location); BoutReal *mat; mat = kMG->matmg[level]; int llx = kMG->lnx[level]; @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel default(shared)) BOUT_OMP(for collapse(2)) for (int i=1; ixstart; + int i2 = i-1+localmesh->xstart; int k2 = k-1; int k2p = (k2+1)%Nz_global; int k2m = (k2+Nz_global-1)%Nz_global; diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_laplace.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_laplace.hxx index 6c22d8105a..e2eae6d926 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_laplace.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_laplace.hxx @@ -132,28 +132,34 @@ private: class LaplaceMultigrid : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceMultigrid(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, + Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceMultigrid() {}; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; } void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; C2 = val; } void setCoefC1(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; } void setCoefC2(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2 = val; } void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; } void setCoefEx(const Field2D &UNUSED(val)) override { throw BoutException("setCoefEx is not implemented in LaplaceMultigrid"); } @@ -161,33 +167,39 @@ public: void setCoefA(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; } void setCoefC(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; C2 = val; } void setCoefC1(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; } void setCoefC2(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2 = val; } void setCoefD(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; } - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override { - FieldPerp zero(b.getMesh()); - zero = 0.; - zero.setIndex(b.getIndex()); - return solve(b, zero); + bool uses3DCoefs() const override { return true; } + + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); + + return solve(b, zeroFrom(b)); } - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b_in, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b_in, const FieldPerp &x0) override; private: Field3D A,C1,C2,D; // ODE Coefficients diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_solver.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_solver.cxx index 8bfdba7a11..aa6e64ca07 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_solver.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/multigrid/multigrid_solver.cxx @@ -95,8 +95,9 @@ Multigrid1DP::Multigrid1DP(int level,int lx, int lz, int gx, int dl, int merge, if(nz*2 <= mm) { nz = 2*nz; nx = nx/2; - } - else n = kk; + } else { + n = kk; + } } lx = gnx[0]/nx; @@ -125,10 +126,9 @@ Multigrid1DP::Multigrid1DP(int level,int lx, int lz, int gx, int dl, int merge, int colors = rProcI/nz; int keys = rProcI/nz; MPI_Comm_split(commMG,colors,keys,&comm2D); - rMG = std::unique_ptr(new Multigrid2DPf1D( - kk, lx, lz, gnx[0], lnz[0], dl - kk + 1, nx, nz, commMG, pcheck)); - } - else { + rMG = bout::utils::make_unique( + kk, lx, lz, gnx[0], lnz[0], dl - kk + 1, nx, nz, commMG, pcheck); + } else { int nn = gnx[0]; int mm = gnz[0]; int kk = 1; @@ -144,8 +144,7 @@ Multigrid1DP::Multigrid1DP(int level,int lx, int lz, int gx, int dl, int merge, output <<"To Ser "<( - new MultigridSerial(kk, gnx[0], lnz[0], commMG, pcheck)); + sMG = bout::utils::make_unique(kk, gnx[0], lnz[0], commMG, pcheck); } } else kflag = 0; @@ -552,8 +551,7 @@ Multigrid2DPf1D::Multigrid2DPf1D(int level,int lx,int lz, int gx, int gz, output <<"total dim"<( - new MultigridSerial(kk, gnx[0], gnz[0], commMG, pcheck)); + sMG = bout::utils::make_unique(kk, gnx[0], gnz[0], commMG, pcheck); } else kflag = 0; } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.cxx index df8967babc..03f8f28283 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.cxx @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ #include #include -LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : - Laplacian(opt, loc), +LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in = mesh) : + Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), A(0.0), C1(1.0), C2(1.0), D(1.0), Ex(0.0), Ez(0.0), issetD(false), issetC(false), issetE(false) { @@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : if (outer_boundary_flags & ~implemented_boundary_flags) { throw BoutException("Attempted to set Laplacian inversion boundary condition flag that is not implemented in mumps_laplace.cxx"); } - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplaceMumps does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + if(localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceMumps does not work with periodicity in the x direction (localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); } #endif // Get communicator for group of processors in X - all points in z-x plane for fixed y. - comm = mesh->getXcomm(); + comm = localmesh->getXcomm(); // Need to determine local size to use based on prior parallelisation // Coefficient values are stored only on local processors. - localN = (mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1) * (mesh->LocalNz); - if(mesh->firstX()) - localN += mesh->xstart * (mesh->LocalNz); // If on first processor add on width of boundary region - if(mesh->lastX()) - localN += mesh->xstart * (mesh->LocalNz); // If on last processor add on width of boundary region + localN = (localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1) * (localmesh->LocalNz); + if(localmesh->firstX()) + localN += localmesh->xstart * (localmesh->LocalNz); // If on first processor add on width of boundary region + if(localmesh->lastX()) + localN += localmesh->xstart * (localmesh->LocalNz); // If on last processor add on width of boundary region // Calculate total number of points in physical grid @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : throw BoutException("Error in MPI_Allreduce during LaplacePetsc initialisation"); // Calculate total (physical) grid dimensions - meshz = mesh->GlobalNz-1; + meshz = localmesh->GlobalNz-1; meshx = size / meshz; // Calculate number of guard cells in x-direction - nxguards = mesh->LocalNx - (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1); + nxguards = localmesh->LocalNx - (localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1); // Get implementation specific options opts->get("fourth_order", fourth_order, false); @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : sol.allocate(); - mumps_struc.comm_fortran = (MUMPS_INT) MPI_Comm_c2f(mesh->getXcomm()); // MPI communicator for MUMPS, in fortran format + mumps_struc.comm_fortran = (MUMPS_INT) MPI_Comm_c2f(localmesh->getXcomm()); // MPI communicator for MUMPS, in fortran format mumps_struc.sym = 0; // Solve using unsymmetric matrix mumps_struc.par = 1; // Use the host processor (rank 0) to do work for the solution @@ -112,39 +112,39 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // nz is the total number of non-zero elements in the matrix, nz_loc is the number of non-zero elements on this processor if (fourth_order) { mumps_struc.nz = 25*(meshx-nxguards)*meshz; - mumps_struc.nz_loc = 25*(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz_loc = 25*(localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } else { mumps_struc.nz = 9*(meshx-nxguards)*meshz; - mumps_struc.nz_loc = 9*(mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz_loc = 9*(localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) { if (fourth_order) { - mumps_struc.nz += 5*meshz*mesh->xstart; - if (mesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 5*mesh->xstart*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz += 5*meshz*localmesh->xstart; + if (localmesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 5*localmesh->xstart*(localmesh->LocalNz); } else { - mumps_struc.nz += 3*meshz*(mesh->xstart); - if (mesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 3*mesh->xstart*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz += 3*meshz*(localmesh->xstart); + if (localmesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 3*localmesh->xstart*(localmesh->LocalNz); } } else { - mumps_struc.nz += mesh->xstart*meshz; - if (mesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += mesh->xstart*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz += localmesh->xstart*meshz; + if (localmesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += localmesh->xstart*(localmesh->LocalNz); } if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) { if (fourth_order) { - mumps_struc.nz += 5*(mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*meshz; - if (mesh->lastX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 5*(mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz += 5*(localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*meshz; + if (localmesh->lastX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 5*(localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } else { - mumps_struc.nz += 3*(mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*meshz; - if (mesh->lastX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 3*(mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz += 3*(localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*meshz; + if (localmesh->lastX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += 3*(localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } } else { - mumps_struc.nz += (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*meshz; - if (mesh->lastX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*(mesh->LocalNz); + mumps_struc.nz += (localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*meshz; + if (localmesh->lastX()) mumps_struc.nz_loc += (localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } // // These would be needed if giving the matrix only on the host processor, or possibly if providing the structure on the host processor for analysis // mumps_struc.irn = new MUMPS_INT[mumps_struc.nz]; @@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mumps_struc.jcn_loc = new MUMPS_INT[mumps_struc.nz_loc]; // list of GLOBAL column indices of local matrix entries mumps_struc.a_loc = new BoutReal[mumps_struc.nz_loc]; // the matrix entries - if (mesh->firstX()) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) { mumps_struc.nrhs = 1; // number of right hand side vectors mumps_struc.lrhs = mumps_struc.n; // leading dimension of rhs (i.e. length of vector) // mumps_struc.rhs = new BoutReal[mumps_struc.lrhs*mumps_struc.nrhs]; // rhs, to be provided on the rank-0 processor only } -// if (mesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.sol_loc = *sol.getData(); // pointer to the array to put the solution in, starts at 0 on first processor -// else mumps_struc.sol_loc = *sol.getData() + mesh->xstart*meshz; // pointer to the array to put the solution in, starts at mesh->xstart +// if (localmesh->firstX()) mumps_struc.sol_loc = *sol.getData(); // pointer to the array to put the solution in, starts at 0 on first processor +// else mumps_struc.sol_loc = *sol.getData() + localmesh->xstart*meshz; // pointer to the array to put the solution in, starts at localmesh->xstart // mumps_struc.lsol_loc = localN; // size of the (local) solution array // mumps_struc.isol_loc = new MUMPS_INT[localN]; // list of indices of the solution array (though this is all local points) mumps_struc.icntl[2] = 0; // Suppress output of global information @@ -180,58 +180,58 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // mumps_struc.job = MUMPS_JOB_ALL; // iteration_count = repeat_analysis; -// localrhssize = (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; -// if (mesh->lastX()) { -// localrhssize += (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; +// localrhssize = (localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1)*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz; +// if (localmesh->lastX()) { +// localrhssize += (localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz; // } -// if (mesh->firstX()) { -// localrhssize += mesh->xstart*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; +// if (localmesh->firstX()) { +// localrhssize += localmesh->xstart*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz; // -// int nxpe = mesh->NXPE; +// int nxpe = localmesh->NXPE; // localrhs_size_array = new int[nxpe]; // localrhs_size_array[0] = localrhssize; // if (nxpe>1) { // for (int i=1; ixend-mesh->xstart+1)*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; -// localrhs_size_array[nxpe-1] = (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xstart)*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; +// localrhs_size_array[i] = (localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1)*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz; +// localrhs_size_array[nxpe-1] = (localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xstart)*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz; // } // rhs_positions = new int[nxpe]; // rhs_positions[0] = 0; // for (int i=1; iLocalNy*mesh->LocalNz]; -// rhs_slice = new BoutReal[meshx*mesh->LocalNz]; +// rhs = new BoutReal[meshx*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz]; +// rhs_slice = new BoutReal[meshx*localmesh->LocalNz]; // } - localrhssize = (mesh->xend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz); - if (mesh->lastX()) { - localrhssize += (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xend-1)*(mesh->LocalNz); + localrhssize = (localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); + if (localmesh->lastX()) { + localrhssize += (localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xend-1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } - if (mesh->firstX()) { - localrhssize += mesh->xstart*(mesh->LocalNz); + if (localmesh->firstX()) { + localrhssize += localmesh->xstart*(localmesh->LocalNz); - int nxpe = mesh->NXPE; - localrhs_size_array = Array(nxpe); + int nxpe = localmesh->NXPE; + localrhs_size_array.reallocate(nxpe); localrhs_size_array[0] = localrhssize; if (nxpe>1) { for (int i=1; ixend-mesh->xstart+1)*(mesh->LocalNz); - localrhs_size_array[nxpe-1] = (mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xstart)*(mesh->LocalNz); + localrhs_size_array[i] = (localmesh->xend-localmesh->xstart+1)*(localmesh->LocalNz); + localrhs_size_array[nxpe-1] = (localmesh->LocalNx-localmesh->xstart)*(localmesh->LocalNz); } - rhs_positions = Array(nxpe); + rhs_positions.reallocate(nxpe); rhs_positions[0] = 0; for (int i=1; i(meshx * meshz); + rhs.reallocate(meshx * meshz); } - localrhs = Array(localrhssize); + localrhs.reallocate(localrhssize); // Set Arrays of matrix indices, using i (0<=ifirstX()) - for (int x=0; xxstart; x++) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) + for (int x=0; xxstart; x++) + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { int x0 = x; int xp = x+1; int xpp = x+2; @@ -263,13 +263,13 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // mumps_struc.isol_loc[j] = x0*meshz + z0 + 1; // Indices for fortran arrays that start at 1 // j++; } - for (int x=mesh->xstart; x<=mesh->xend; x++) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { - int xmm = mesh->XGLOBAL(x)-2; - int xm = mesh->XGLOBAL(x)-1; - int x0 = mesh->XGLOBAL(x); - int xp = mesh->XGLOBAL(x)+1; - int xpp = mesh->XGLOBAL(x)+2; + for (int x=localmesh->xstart; x<=localmesh->xend; x++) + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + int xmm = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(x)-2; + int xm = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(x)-1; + int x0 = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(x); + int xp = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(x)+1; + int xpp = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(x)+2; int zmm = (z-2<0) ? (z-2+meshz) : (z-2); int zm = (z-1<0) ? (z-1+meshz) : (z-1); int z0 = z; @@ -384,12 +384,12 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // mumps_struc.isol_loc[j] = x0*meshz + z0 + 1; // Indices for fortran arrays that start at 1 // j++; } - if (mesh->lastX()) - for (int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { - int xmm = mesh->XGLOBAL(mesh->xend)+x-mesh->xend-2; - int xm = mesh->XGLOBAL(mesh->xend)+x-mesh->xend-1; - int x0 = mesh->XGLOBAL(mesh->xend)+x-mesh->xend; + if (localmesh->lastX()) + for (int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + int xmm = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(localmesh->xend)+x-localmesh->xend-2; + int xm = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(localmesh->xend)+x-localmesh->xend-1; + int x0 = localmesh->getGlobalXIndex(localmesh->xend)+x-localmesh->xend; int z0 = z; if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) { mumps_struc.irn_loc[i] = x0*meshz + z0 + 1; // Indices for fortran arrays that start at 1 @@ -442,17 +442,17 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // #if CHECK > 0 // msg_stack.push("Laplacian::solve(Field3D)"); // #endif -// int ys = mesh->ystart, ye = mesh->yend; +// int ys = localmesh->ystart, ye = localmesh->yend; // -// if(mesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { +// if(localmesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { // if (include_yguards) // ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary and we are solving in the guard cells // // ys += extra_yguards_lower; // } -// if(mesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { +// if(localmesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { // if (include_yguards) -// ye = mesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells +// ye = localmesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells // // ye -= extra_yguards_upper; // } @@ -460,43 +460,43 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // Field3D x = copy(b); // Force new memory allocation as we will mess around with x's data via pointers (i.e. 'unsafely') // // BoutReal* localrhs = **x.getData(); // Input the rhs in the solution field as solution will be returned in place by MUMPS -// if (!mesh->firstX()) localrhs += mesh->xstart*mesh->LocalNy*mesh->LocalNz; -// MPI_Gatherv(localrhs,localrhssize,MPI_DOUBLE,rhs,localrhs_size_array,rhs_positions,MPI_DOUBLE,0,mesh->getXcomm()); +// if (!localmesh->firstX()) localrhs += localmesh->xstart*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz; +// MPI_Gatherv(localrhs,localrhssize,MPI_DOUBLE,rhs,localrhs_size_array,rhs_positions,MPI_DOUBLE,0,localmesh->getXcomm()); // // if ( ++iteration_count > repeat_analysis ) { // mumps_struc.job = MUMPS_JOB_ALL; // for(int jy=ys; jy <= ye; jy++) { -// if (mesh->firstX()) +// if (localmesh->firstX()) // for(int jx=0; jxLocalNy*mesh->LocalNz + jy*mesh->LocalNz + jz]; +// rhs_slice[jx*meshz+jz] = rhs[jx*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz + jy*localmesh->LocalNz + jz]; // // solve(rhs_slice,jy); // -// if (mesh->firstX()) +// if (localmesh->firstX()) // for(int jx=0; jxLocalNy*mesh->LocalNz + jy*mesh->LocalNz + jz] = rhs_slice[jx*meshz+jz]; +// rhs[jx*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz + jy*localmesh->LocalNz + jz] = rhs_slice[jx*meshz+jz]; // } // mumps_struc.job = MUMPS_JOB_BOTH; // } // else { // for(int jy=ys; jy <= ye; jy++) { -// if (mesh->firstX()) +// if (localmesh->firstX()) // for(int jx=0; jxLocalNy*mesh->LocalNz + jy*mesh->LocalNz + jz]; +// rhs_slice[jx*meshz+jz] = rhs[jx*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz + jy*localmesh->LocalNz + jz]; // // solve(rhs_slice,jy); // -// if (mesh->firstX()) +// if (localmesh->firstX()) // for(int jx=0; jxLocalNy*mesh->LocalNz + jy*mesh->LocalNz + jz] = rhs_slice[jx*meshz+jz]; +// rhs[jx*localmesh->LocalNy*localmesh->LocalNz + jy*localmesh->LocalNz + jz] = rhs_slice[jx*meshz+jz]; // } // } // -// MPI_Scatterv(rhs,localrhs_size_array,rhs_positions,MPI_DOUBLE,localrhs,localrhssize,MPI_DOUBLE,0,mesh->getXcomm()); // Scatters solution from host back to localrhs (which points to x's data) on all processors +// MPI_Scatterv(rhs,localrhs_size_array,rhs_positions,MPI_DOUBLE,localrhs,localrhssize,MPI_DOUBLE,0,localmesh->getXcomm()); // Scatters solution from host back to localrhs (which points to x's data) on all processors // // #if CHECK > 0 // msg_stack.pop(); @@ -516,17 +516,17 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // #if CHECK > 0 // msg_stack.push("Laplacian::solve(Field3D)"); // #endif -// int ys = mesh->ystart, ye = mesh->yend; +// int ys = localmesh->ystart, ye = localmesh->yend; // -// if(mesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { +// if(localmesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { // if (include_yguards) // ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary and we are solving in the guard cells // // ys += extra_yguards_lower; // } -// if(mesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { +// if(localmesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { // if (include_yguards) -// ye = mesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells +// ye = localmesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells // // ye -= extra_yguards_upper; // } @@ -558,41 +558,44 @@ LaplaceMumps::LaplaceMumps(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // // } -const FieldPerp LaplaceMumps::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { +FieldPerp LaplaceMumps::solve(const FieldPerp& b, const FieldPerp& x0) { return solve(b); } -const FieldPerp LaplaceMumps::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { +FieldPerp LaplaceMumps::solve(const FieldPerp& b) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + int y = b.getIndex(); sol = 0.; sol.setIndex(y); // Set boundary conditions through rhs if needed if (!(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS)) { - if (mesh->firstX()) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) - for (int x=mesh->xstart-1; x>=0; x--) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) + for (int x=localmesh->xstart-1; x>=0; x--) { b[x][z]=0.; } } if (!(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS)) { - if (mesh->lastX()) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) - for (int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { + if (localmesh->lastX()) + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) + for (int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { b[x][z]=0.; } } BoutReal* bdata = *b.getData(); int xs,xe; - if (mesh->firstX()) xs=0; - else xs=mesh->xstart; - if (mesh->lastX()) xe=mesh->LocalNx-1; - else xe=mesh->xend; + if (localmesh->firstX()) xs=0; + else xs=localmesh->xstart; + if (localmesh->lastX()) xe=localmesh->LocalNx-1; + else xe=localmesh->xend; for (int x=xs; x<=xe; x++) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) - localrhs[(x-xs)*(mesh->LocalNz)+z] = bdata[x*mesh->LocalNz+z]; + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) + localrhs[(x-xs)*(localmesh->LocalNz)+z] = bdata[x*localmesh->LocalNz+z]; MPI_Gatherv(localrhs,localrhssize,MPI_DOUBLE,rhs,localrhs_size_array,rhs_positions,MPI_DOUBLE,0,comm); @@ -602,8 +605,8 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceMumps::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { BoutReal* soldata = *sol.getData(); for (int x=xs; x<=xe; x++) - for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) - soldata[x*mesh->LocalNz+z] = localrhs[(x-xs)*(mesh->LocalNz)+z]; + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) + soldata[x*localmesh->LocalNz+z] = localrhs[(x-xs)*(localmesh->LocalNz)+z]; return sol; } @@ -613,14 +616,14 @@ void LaplaceMumps::solve(BoutReal* rhs, int y) { { Timer timer("mumpssetup"); int i = 0; - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(location); + Coordinates *coord = localmesh->coordinates(location); // Set Matrix Elements corresponding to index lists created in constructor (x,z) loop over rows - // X=0 to mesh->xstart-1 defines the boundary region of the domain. - if( mesh->firstX() ) - for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + // X=0 to localmesh->xstart-1 defines the boundary region of the domain. + if( localmesh->firstX() ) + for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { // Set values corresponding to nodes adjacent in x if Neumann Boundary Conditions are required. if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) if( fourth_order ) { @@ -653,8 +656,8 @@ void LaplaceMumps::solve(BoutReal* rhs, int y) { } // Main domain with Laplacian operator - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { BoutReal A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5; A0 = A[x][y][z]; Coeffs( x, y, z, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ); @@ -806,10 +809,10 @@ void LaplaceMumps::solve(BoutReal* rhs, int y) { } } - // X=mesh->xend+1 to mesh->LocalNx-1 defines the upper boundary region of the domain. - if( mesh->lastX() ) - for(int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + // X=localmesh->xend+1 to localmesh->LocalNx-1 defines the upper boundary region of the domain. + if( localmesh->lastX() ) + for(int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { // Set values corresponding to nodes adjacent in x if Neumann Boundary Conditions are required. if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) { @@ -856,7 +859,7 @@ void LaplaceMumps::solve(BoutReal* rhs, int y) { void LaplaceMumps::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2, BoutReal &coef3, BoutReal &coef4, BoutReal &coef5 ) { - Coordinates *coord = mesh->coordinates(location); + Coordinates *coord = localmesh->coordinates(location); coef1 = coord->g11[x][y]; // X 2nd derivative coefficient coef2 = coord->g33[x][y]; // Z 2nd derivative coefficient @@ -872,7 +875,7 @@ void LaplaceMumps::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2 if(nonuniform) { // non-uniform mesh correction - if((x != 0) && (x != (mesh->LocalNx-1))) + if((x != 0) && (x != (localmesh->LocalNx-1))) { //coef4 += coord->g11[jx][jy]*0.25*( (1.0/dx[jx+1][jy]) - (1.0/dx[jx-1][jy]) )/dx[jx][jy]; // SHOULD BE THIS (?) //coef4 -= 0.5 * ( ( coord->dx[x+1][y] - coord->dx[x-1][y] ) / SQ ( coord->dx[x][y] ) ) * coef1; // BOUT-06 term @@ -893,8 +896,8 @@ void LaplaceMumps::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2 // A second/fourth order derivative term if (issetC) { -// if( (x > 0) && (x < (mesh->LocalNx-1)) ) //Valid if doing second order derivative, not if fourth: should only be called for xstart<=x<=xend anyway - if( (x > 1) && (x < (mesh->LocalNx-2)) ) { +// if( (x > 0) && (x < (localmesh->LocalNx-1)) ) //Valid if doing second order derivative, not if fourth: should only be called for xstart<=x<=xend anyway + if( (x > 1) && (x < (localmesh->LocalNx-2)) ) { int zp = z+1; if (zp > meshz-1) zp -= meshz; int zm = z-1; diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.hxx index bac607afa0..5fddcb594a 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/mumps/mumps_laplace.hxx @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class LaplaceMumps; class LaplaceMumps : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceMumps(Options *UNUSED(opt) = nullptr, const CELL_LOC UNUSED(loc) = CELL_CENTRE) { + LaplaceMumps(Options *UNUSED(opt) = nullptr, const CELL_LOC UNUSED(loc) = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *UNUSED(mesh_in) = nullptr) { throw BoutException("Mumps library not available"); } @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public: void setCoefEz(const Field2D &UNUSED(val)) override {} using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(b)) override{ + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(b)) override{ throw BoutException("Mumps library not available"); } }; @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public: class LaplaceMumps : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceMumps(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceMumps(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceMumps() { mumps_struc.job = -2; dmumps_c(&mumps_struc); @@ -88,80 +88,96 @@ public: void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; } void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; C2 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefC1(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefC2(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; issetD = true; } void setCoefEx(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ex = val; issetE = true; } void setCoefEz(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ez = val; issetE = true; } void setCoefA(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; } void setCoefC(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; C2 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefC1(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefC2(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefD(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; issetD = true; } void setCoefEx(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ex = val; issetE = true; } void setCoefEz(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ez = val; issetE = true; } + bool uses3DCoefs() const override { return true; } + void setFlags(int f) {throw BoutException("May not change the value of flags during run in LaplaceMumps as it might change the number of non-zero matrix elements: flags may only be set in the options file.");} - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; // const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b); // const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0); diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.cxx index 81e1297899..dcbe43e83b 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.cxx @@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ * \brief Iterative solver to handle non-constant-in-z coefficients * * Scheme suggested by Volker Naulin: solve - * Delp2(phi[i+1]) + DC(A/D)*phi[i+1] = rhs(phi[i]) + DC(A/D)*phi[i] + * Delp2(phi[i+1]) + 1/DC(C1*D)*Grad_perp(DC(C2))*Grad_perp(phi[i+1]) + DC(A/D)*phi[i+1] + * = rhs(phi[i]) + 1/DC(C1*D)*Grad_perp(DC(C2))*Grad_perp(phi[i]) + DC(A/D)*phi[i] * using standard FFT-based solver, iterating to include other terms by * evaluating them on rhs using phi from previous iteration. - * DC part (i.e. Field2D part) of A/D is kept in the FFT inversion so that all - * Neumann boundary conditions can be used at least when DC(A/D)!=0. + * DC part (i.e. Field2D part) of C1*D, C2 and A/D is kept in the FFT inversion + * to improve convergence by including as much as possible in the direct solve + * and so that all Neumann boundary conditions can be used at least when + * DC(A/D)!=0. * * CHANGELOG * ========= @@ -61,11 +64,20 @@ * &=& rhs/D - \frac{1}{D\,C1} \nabla_\perp C2\cdot\nabla_\perp \phi - (\frac{A}{D} - <\frac{A}{D}>)*\phi * \f} * + * The iteration can be under-relaxed to help it converge. Amount of under-relaxation is + * set by the parameter 'underrelax_factor'. 0 rtol * \endcode * * If yes - * * Set - * \code{.cpp} - * phiCur = phiNext - * \endcode - * increase curCount and start from step 1 - * * If number of iteration is above maxit, throw exception + * * Check whether + * \code{.cpp} + * EAbsLInf > EAbsLInf(previous step) + * \endcode + * * If yes + * \code{.cpp} + * underrelax_factor *= 0.9 + * \endcode + * Restart iteration + * * If no + * * Set + * \code{.cpp} + * phiCur = phiNext + * \endcode + * increase curCount and start from step 1 + * * If number of iteration is above maxit, throw exception * * If no * * Stop: Function returns phiNext * * if no @@ -116,12 +143,11 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include "naulin_laplace.hxx" -LaplaceNaulin::LaplaceNaulin(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) - : Laplacian(opt, loc), Acoef(0.0), C1coef(1.0), C2coef(0.0), Dcoef(1.0), +LaplaceNaulin::LaplaceNaulin(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), Acoef(0.0), C1coef(1.0), C2coef(0.0), Dcoef(1.0), delp2solver(nullptr), naulinsolver_mean_its(0.), ncalls(0) { ASSERT1(opt != nullptr); // An Options pointer should always be passed in by LaplaceFactory @@ -135,7 +161,9 @@ LaplaceNaulin::LaplaceNaulin(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) OPTION(opt, rtol, 1.e-7); OPTION(opt, atol, 1.e-20); OPTION(opt, maxits, 100); - delp2solver = create(opt->getSection("delp2solver"), location); + OPTION(opt, initial_underrelax_factor, 1.); + ASSERT0(initial_underrelax_factor > 0. and initial_underrelax_factor <= 1.); + delp2solver = create(opt->getSection("delp2solver"), location, localmesh); std::string delp2type; opt->getSection("delp2solver")->get("type", delp2type, "cyclic"); // Check delp2solver is using an FFT scheme, otherwise it will not exactly @@ -146,18 +174,19 @@ LaplaceNaulin::LaplaceNaulin(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) delp2solver->setInnerBoundaryFlags(inner_boundary_flags); delp2solver->setOuterBoundaryFlags(outer_boundary_flags); - static bool first = true; - if (first) { - SAVE_REPEAT(naulinsolver_mean_its); - first = false; - } + static int naulinsolver_count = 1; + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(naulinsolver_mean_its, + "naulinsolver"+std::to_string(naulinsolver_count)+"_mean_its"); + bout::globals::dump.addRepeat(naulinsolver_mean_underrelax_counts, + "naulinsolver"+std::to_string(naulinsolver_count)+"_mean_underrelax_counts"); + ++naulinsolver_count; } LaplaceNaulin::~LaplaceNaulin() { delete delp2solver; } -const Field3D LaplaceNaulin::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { +Field3D LaplaceNaulin::solve(const Field3D& rhs, const Field3D& x0) { // Rearrange equation so first term is just Delp2(x): // D*Delp2(x) + 1/C1*Grad_perp(C2).Grad_perp(phi) = rhs // -> Delp2(x) + 1/(C1*D)*Grad_perp(C2).Grad_perp(phi) = rhs/D @@ -170,80 +199,150 @@ const Field3D LaplaceNaulin::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { ASSERT1(C1coef.getLocation() == location); ASSERT1(C2coef.getLocation() == location); ASSERT1(Acoef.getLocation() == location); - - Mesh *mesh = rhs.getMesh(); - Coordinates *coords = rhs.getCoordinates(); - Field3D x(x0); // Result + ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); Field3D rhsOverD = rhs/Dcoef; - Field3D ddx_c = DDX(C2coef, location, DIFF_C2); - Field3D ddz_c = DDZ(C2coef, location, DIFF_FFT); - Field3D oneOverC1coefTimesDcoef = 1./C1coef/Dcoef; + + Field3D C1TimesD = C1coef*Dcoef; // This is needed several times + + // x-component of 1./(C1*D) * Grad_perp(C2) + Field3D coef_x = DDX(C2coef, location, "C2")/C1TimesD; + + // y-component of 1./(C1*D) * Grad_perp(C2) + Field3D coef_y = DDY(C2coef, location, "C2")/C1TimesD; + + // z-component of 1./(C1*D) * Grad_perp(C2) + Field3D coef_z = DDZ(C2coef, location, "FFT")/C1TimesD; + Field3D AOverD = Acoef/Dcoef; - // Split A into DC and AC parts so that delp2solver can use DC part. + + // Split coefficients into DC and AC parts so that delp2solver can use DC part. // This allows all-Neumann boundary conditions as long as AOverD_DC is non-zero + + Field2D C1coefTimesD_DC = DC(C1TimesD); + Field2D C2coef_DC = DC(C2coef); + + // Our naming is slightly misleading here, as coef_x_AC may actually have a + // DC component, as the AC components of C2coef and C1coefTimesD are not + // necessarily in phase. + // This is the piece that cannot be passed to an FFT-based Laplacian solver + // (through our current interface). + Field3D coef_x_AC = coef_x - DDX(C2coef_DC, location, "C2")/C1coefTimesD_DC; + + // coef_z is a z-derivative so must already have zero DC component + Field2D AOverD_DC = DC(AOverD); Field3D AOverD_AC = AOverD - AOverD_DC; + delp2solver->setCoefA(AOverD_DC); + delp2solver->setCoefC1(C1coefTimesD_DC); + delp2solver->setCoefC2(C2coef_DC); // Use this below to normalize error for relative error estimate - BoutReal RMS_rhsOverD = sqrt(mean(SQ(rhsOverD), true, RGN_NOBNDRY)); // use sqrt(mean(SQ)) to make sure we do not divide by zero at a point + BoutReal RMS_rhsOverD = sqrt(mean(SQ(rhsOverD), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); // use sqrt(mean(SQ)) to make sure we do not divide by zero at a point - BoutReal error_rel = 1e20, error_abs=1e20; + BoutReal error_rel = 1e20, error_abs=1e20, last_error=error_abs; int count = 0; + int underrelax_count = 0; + BoutReal underrelax_factor = initial_underrelax_factor; - // Initial values for derivatives of x - Field3D ddx_x = DDX(x, location, DIFF_C2); - Field3D ddz_x = DDZ(x, location, DIFF_FFT); - Field3D b = rhsOverD - (coords->g11*ddx_c*ddx_x + coords->g33*ddz_c*ddz_x + coords->g13*(ddx_c*ddz_x + ddz_c*ddx_x))*oneOverC1coefTimesDcoef - AOverD_AC*x; + auto calc_b_guess = [&] (const Field3D& x_in) { + // Derivatives of x + Field3D ddx_x = DDX(x_in, location, "C2"); + Field3D ddz_x = DDZ(x_in, location, "FFT"); + return rhsOverD - (coords->g11*coef_x_AC*ddx_x + coords->g33*coef_z*ddz_x + + coords->g13*(coef_x_AC*ddz_x + coef_z*ddx_x)) - AOverD_AC*x_in; + }; - while (error_rel>rtol && error_abs>atol) { + auto calc_b_x_pair = [&, this] (Field3D b, Field3D x_guess) { + // Note take a copy of the 'b' argument, because we want to return a copy of it in the + // result - if ( (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) || (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) ) + if ( (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) || (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) ) { // This passes in the boundary conditions from x0's guard cells - copy_x_boundaries(x, x0, mesh); + copy_x_boundaries(x_guess, x0, localmesh); + } + + // NB need to pass x_guess in case boundary flags require 'x0', even if delp2solver is + // not iterative and does not use an initial guess + Field3D x = delp2solver->solve(b, x_guess); + localmesh->communicate(x); - // NB need to pass x in case boundary flags require 'x0', even if - // delp2solver is not iterative and does not use an initial guess - x = delp2solver->solve(b, x); - mesh->communicate(x); + return std::make_pair(b, x); + }; - // re-calculate the rhs from the new solution - // Use here to calculate an error, can also use for the next iteration - ddx_x = DDX(x, location, DIFF_C2); // can be used also for the next iteration - ddz_x = DDZ(x, location, DIFF_FFT); - Field3D bnew = rhsOverD - (coords->g11*ddx_c*ddx_x + coords->g33*ddz_c*ddz_x + coords->g13*(ddx_c*ddz_x + ddz_c*ddx_x))*oneOverC1coefTimesDcoef - AOverD_AC*x; + Field3D b = calc_b_guess(x0); + // Need to make a copy of x0 here to make sure we don't change x0 + auto b_x_pair = calc_b_x_pair(b, x0); + auto b_x_pair_old = b_x_pair; - Field3D error3D = b - bnew; - error_abs = max(abs(error3D, RGN_NOBNDRY), true, RGN_NOBNDRY); + while (true) { + Field3D bnew = calc_b_guess(b_x_pair.second); + + Field3D error3D = b_x_pair.first - bnew; + error_abs = max(abs(error3D, "RGN_NOBNDRY"), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); error_rel = error_abs / RMS_rhsOverD; - b = bnew; + if (error_relmaxits) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceNaulin error: Not converged within maxits=%i iterations.", maxits); + } + + while (error_abs > last_error) { + // Iteration seems to be diverging... try underrelaxing and restart + underrelax_factor *= .9; + ++underrelax_count; + + // Restart from b_x_pair_old - that was our best guess + bnew = calc_b_guess(b_x_pair_old.second); + b_x_pair = calc_b_x_pair(underrelax_factor*bnew + (1. - underrelax_factor)*b_x_pair_old.first, b_x_pair_old.second); + + bnew = calc_b_guess(b_x_pair.second); + + error3D = b_x_pair.first - bnew; + error_abs = max(abs(error3D, "RGN_NOBNDRY"), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + error_rel = error_abs / RMS_rhsOverD; + + // effectively another iteration, so increment the counter + ++count; + if (count>maxits) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceNaulin error: Not converged within maxits=%i iterations.", maxits); + } + } + + // Might have met convergence criterion while in underrelaxation loop + if (error_relmaxits) - throw BoutException("LaplaceNaulin error: Took more than maxits=%i iterations to converge.", maxits); } - ncalls++; - naulinsolver_mean_its = (naulinsolver_mean_its*BoutReal(ncalls-1) + BoutReal(count))/BoutReal(ncalls); + ++ncalls; + naulinsolver_mean_its = (naulinsolver_mean_its * BoutReal(ncalls-1) + + BoutReal(count))/BoutReal(ncalls); + naulinsolver_mean_underrelax_counts = (naulinsolver_mean_underrelax_counts * BoutReal(ncalls - 1) + + BoutReal(underrelax_count)) / BoutReal(ncalls); - return x; + return b_x_pair.second; } -void LaplaceNaulin::copy_x_boundaries(Field3D &x, const Field3D &x0, Mesh *mesh) { - if (mesh->firstX()) { - for (int i=mesh->xstart-1; i>=0; i--) - for (int j=mesh->ystart; j<=mesh->yend; j++) - for (int k=0; kLocalNz; k++) +void LaplaceNaulin::copy_x_boundaries(Field3D &x, const Field3D &x0, Mesh *localmesh) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) { + for (int i=localmesh->xstart-1; i>=0; --i) + for (int j=localmesh->ystart; j<=localmesh->yend; ++j) + for (int k=0; kLocalNz; ++k) x(i, j, k) = x0(i, j, k); } - if (mesh->lastX()) { - for (int i=mesh->xend+1; iLocalNx; i++) - for (int j=mesh->ystart; j<=mesh->yend; j++) - for (int k=0; kLocalNz; k++) + if (localmesh->lastX()) { + for (int i=localmesh->xend+1; iLocalNx; ++i) + for (int j=localmesh->ystart; j<=localmesh->yend; ++j) + for (int k=0; kLocalNz; ++k) x(i, j, k) = x0(i, j, k); } } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.hxx index c8d2e8c359..103364b8be 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/naulin/naulin_laplace.hxx @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class LaplaceNaulin; */ class LaplaceNaulin : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceNaulin(Options *opt = NULL, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceNaulin(Options *opt = NULL, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceNaulin(); // ACoef is not implemented because the delp2solver that we use can probably @@ -45,44 +45,54 @@ public: // where we allow Dcoef to be a Field3D void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } void setCoefA(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); setCoefC1(val); setCoefC2(val); } void setCoefC(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); setCoefC1(val); setCoefC2(val); } void setCoefC1(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1coef = val; } void setCoefC1(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1coef = val; } void setCoefC2(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2coef = val; } void setCoefC2(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2coef = val; } void setCoefD(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } void setCoefEx(const Field2D &UNUSED(val)) override { @@ -92,18 +102,17 @@ public: throw BoutException("LaplaceNaulin does not have Ez coefficient"); } - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override {return solve(b,b);} - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(b), + bool uses3DCoefs() const override { return true; } + + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override {return solve(b,b);} + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(b), const FieldPerp &UNUSED(x0)) override { throw BoutException( "LaplaceNaulin has no solve(FieldPerp), must call solve(Field3D)"); } - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override { - Field3D x0(b.getMesh()); - x0 = 0.; - x0.setLocation(b.getLocation()); - return solve(b, Field3D(0.)); + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override { + return solve(b, zeroFrom(b)); } // Override flag-setting methods to set delp2solver's flags as well @@ -112,16 +121,36 @@ public: void setOuterBoundaryFlags(int f) override { Laplacian::setOuterBoundaryFlags(f); delp2solver->setOuterBoundaryFlags(f); } BoutReal getMeanIterations() const { return naulinsolver_mean_its; } + void resetMeanIterations() { naulinsolver_mean_its = 0; } private: LaplaceNaulin(const LaplaceNaulin&); LaplaceNaulin& operator=(const LaplaceNaulin&); Field3D Acoef, C1coef, C2coef, Dcoef; + + /// Laplacian solver used to solve the equation with constant-in-z coefficients Laplacian* delp2solver; + + /// Solver tolerances BoutReal rtol, atol; + + /// Maximum number of iterations int maxits; + + /// Initial choice for under-relaxation factor, should be greater than 0 and + /// less than or equal to 1. Value of 1 means no underrelaxation + BoutReal initial_underrelax_factor{1.}; + + /// Mean number of iterations taken by the solver BoutReal naulinsolver_mean_its; + + /// Mean number of times the underrelaxation factor is reduced + BoutReal naulinsolver_mean_underrelax_counts{0.}; + + /// Counter for the number of times the solver has been called int ncalls; + /// Copy the boundary guard cells from the input 'initial guess' x0 into x. + /// These may be used to set non-zero-value boundary conditions void copy_x_boundaries(Field3D &x, const Field3D &x0, Mesh *mesh); }; diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.cxx index f71b551ccb..5a07ed4cde 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.cxx @@ -38,11 +38,13 @@ #include "pdd.hxx" -const FieldPerp LaplacePDD::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { +FieldPerp LaplacePDD::solve(const FieldPerp& b) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + PDD_data data; - FieldPerp x(b.getMesh()); - x.allocate(); + FieldPerp x{emptyFrom(b)}; start(b, data); next(data); @@ -51,18 +53,19 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePDD::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { return x; } -const Field3D LaplacePDD::solve(const Field3D &b) { - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); - Field3D x(mesh); - x.allocate(); - FieldPerp xperp(mesh); +Field3D LaplacePDD::solve(const Field3D& b) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + + Field3D x{emptyFrom(b)}; + FieldPerp xperp(localmesh); xperp.allocate(); - int ys = mesh->ystart, ye = mesh->yend; - if(mesh->hasBndryLowerY()) + int ys = localmesh->ystart, ye = localmesh->yend; + if(localmesh->hasBndryLowerY()) ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary - if(mesh->hasBndryUpperY()) - ye = mesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary + if(localmesh->hasBndryUpperY()) + ye = localmesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary if(low_mem) { // Solve one slice at a time @@ -110,49 +113,51 @@ const Field3D LaplacePDD::solve(const Field3D &b) { /// @param[in] b RHS values (Ax = b) /// @param[in] data Internal data used for multiple calls in parallel mode void LaplacePDD::start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + int ix, kz; - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; data.jy = b.getIndex(); - if(mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX()) + if(localmesh->firstX() && localmesh->lastX()) throw BoutException("Error: PDD method only works for NXPE > 1\n"); - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplacePDD does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + if(localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplacePDD does not work with periodicity in the x direction (localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); } if (data.bk.empty()) { // Need to allocate working memory // RHS vector - data.bk = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); + data.bk.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); // Matrix to be solved - data.avec = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); - data.bvec = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); - data.cvec = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); + data.avec.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); + data.bvec.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); + data.cvec.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); // Working vectors - data.v = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); - data.w = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); + data.v.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); + data.w.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); // Result - data.xk = Matrix(maxmode + 1, mesh->LocalNx); + data.xk.reallocate(maxmode + 1, localmesh->LocalNx); // Communication buffers. Space for 2 complex values for each kz - data.snd = Array(4 * (maxmode + 1)); - data.rcv = Array(4 * (maxmode + 1)); + data.snd.reallocate(4 * (maxmode + 1)); + data.rcv.reallocate(4 * (maxmode + 1)); - data.y2i = Array(maxmode + 1); + data.y2i.reallocate(maxmode + 1); } /// Take FFTs of data Array bk1d(ncz / 2 + 1); ///< 1D in Z for taking FFTs - for(ix=0; ix < mesh->LocalNx; ix++) { + for(ix=0; ix < localmesh->LocalNx; ix++) { rfft(b[ix], ncz, std::begin(bk1d)); for(kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) data.bk(kz, ix) = bk1d[kz]; @@ -160,7 +165,7 @@ void LaplacePDD::start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data) { /// Create the matrices to be inverted (one for each z point) - BoutReal kwaveFactor = 2.0 * PI / mesh->getCoordinates(location)->zlength(); + BoutReal kwaveFactor = 2.0 * PI / coords->zlength(); /// Set matrix elements for (int kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { @@ -169,8 +174,8 @@ void LaplacePDD::start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data) { outer_boundary_flags, &Acoef, &Ccoef, &Dcoef); } - Array e(mesh->LocalNx); - for (ix = 0; ix < mesh->LocalNx; ix++) + Array e(localmesh->LocalNx); + for (ix = 0; ix < localmesh->LocalNx; ix++) e[ix] = 0.0; // Do we need this? for(kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { @@ -180,51 +185,51 @@ void LaplacePDD::start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data) { dcomplex v0, x0; // Values to be sent to processor i-1 - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { // Domain includes inner boundary tridag(&data.avec(kz, 0), &data.bvec(kz, 0), &data.cvec(kz, 0), &data.bk(kz, 0), - &data.xk(kz, 0), mesh->xend + 1); + &data.xk(kz, 0), localmesh->xend + 1); // Add C (row m-1) from next processor - e[mesh->xend] = data.cvec(kz, mesh->xend); + e[localmesh->xend] = data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xend); tridag(&data.avec(kz, 0), &data.bvec(kz, 0), &data.cvec(kz, 0), std::begin(e), - &data.w(kz, 0), mesh->xend + 1); + &data.w(kz, 0), localmesh->xend + 1); - }else if(mesh->lastX()) { + }else if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Domain includes outer boundary - tridag(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart), mesh->xend - mesh->xend + 1); + tridag(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart), localmesh->xend - localmesh->xend + 1); // Add A (row 0) from previous processor - e[0] = data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart); - tridag(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), std::begin(e), &data.v(kz, mesh->xstart), - mesh->xend + 1); + e[0] = data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart); + tridag(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), std::begin(e), &data.v(kz, localmesh->xstart), + localmesh->xend + 1); - x0 = data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart); - v0 = data.v(kz, mesh->xstart); + x0 = data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart); + v0 = data.v(kz, localmesh->xstart); }else { // No boundaries - tridag(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart), mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1); + tridag(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart), localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1); // Add A (row 0) from previous processor - e[0] = data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart); - tridag(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), &e[mesh->xstart], &data.v(kz, mesh->xstart), - mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1); + e[0] = data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart); + tridag(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &e[localmesh->xstart], &data.v(kz, localmesh->xstart), + localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1); e[0] = 0.0; // Add C (row m-1) from next processor - e[mesh->xend] = data.cvec(kz, mesh->xend); - tridag(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), &e[mesh->xstart], &data.v(kz, mesh->xstart), - mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1); - e[mesh->xend] = 0.0; + e[localmesh->xend] = data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xend); + tridag(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &e[localmesh->xstart], &data.v(kz, localmesh->xstart), + localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1); + e[localmesh->xend] = 0.0; } // Put values into communication buffers @@ -236,17 +241,17 @@ void LaplacePDD::start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data) { // Stage 3: Communicate x0, v0 from node i to i-1 - if(!mesh->lastX()) { + if(!localmesh->lastX()) { // All except the last processor expect to receive data // Post async receive data.recv_handle = - mesh->irecvXOut(std::begin(data.rcv), 4 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_XV); + localmesh->irecvXOut(std::begin(data.rcv), 4 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_XV); } - if(!mesh->firstX()) { + if(!localmesh->firstX()) { // Send the data - mesh->sendXIn(std::begin(data.snd), 4 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_XV); + localmesh->sendXIn(std::begin(data.snd), 4 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_XV); } } @@ -255,8 +260,8 @@ void LaplacePDD::start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data) { void LaplacePDD::next(PDD_data &data) { // Wait for x0 and v0 to arrive from processor i+1 - if(!mesh->lastX()) { - mesh->wait(data.recv_handle); + if(!localmesh->lastX()) { + localmesh->wait(data.recv_handle); /*! Now solving on all except the last processor * @@ -273,18 +278,18 @@ void LaplacePDD::next(PDD_data &data) { x0 = dcomplex(data.rcv[4*kz], data.rcv[4*kz+1]); v0 = dcomplex(data.rcv[4*kz+2], data.rcv[4*kz+3]); - data.y2i[kz] = (data.xk(kz, mesh->xend) - data.w(kz, mesh->xend) * x0) / - (1. - data.w(kz, mesh->xend) * v0); + data.y2i[kz] = (data.xk(kz, localmesh->xend) - data.w(kz, localmesh->xend) * x0) / + (1. - data.w(kz, localmesh->xend) * v0); } } - if(!mesh->firstX()) { + if(!localmesh->firstX()) { // All except pe=0 receive values from i-1. Posting async receive data.recv_handle = - mesh->irecvXIn(std::begin(data.rcv), 2 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_Y); + localmesh->irecvXIn(std::begin(data.rcv), 2 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_Y); } - if(!mesh->lastX()) { + if(!localmesh->lastX()) { // Send value to the (i+1)th processor for(int kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { @@ -292,43 +297,45 @@ void LaplacePDD::next(PDD_data &data) { data.snd[2*kz+1] = data.y2i[kz].imag(); } - mesh->sendXOut(std::begin(data.snd), 2 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_Y); + localmesh->sendXOut(std::begin(data.snd), 2 * (maxmode + 1), PDD_COMM_Y); } } /// Last part of the PDD algorithm void LaplacePDD::finish(PDD_data &data, FieldPerp &x) { + ASSERT1(x.getLocation() == location); + int ix, kz; x.allocate(); x.setIndex(data.jy); - if(!mesh->lastX()) { + if(!localmesh->lastX()) { for(kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { - for(ix=0; ix < mesh->LocalNx; ix++) + for(ix=0; ix < localmesh->LocalNx; ix++) data.xk(kz, ix) -= data.w(kz, ix) * data.y2i[kz]; } } - if(!mesh->firstX()) { - mesh->wait(data.recv_handle); + if(!localmesh->firstX()) { + localmesh->wait(data.recv_handle); for(kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { dcomplex y2m = dcomplex(data.rcv[2*kz], data.rcv[2*kz+1]); - for(ix=0; ix < mesh->LocalNx; ix++) + for(ix=0; ix < localmesh->LocalNx; ix++) data.xk(kz, ix) -= data.v(kz, ix) * y2m; } } // Have result in Fourier space. Convert back to BoutReal space - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; Array xk1d(ncz / 2 + 1); ///< 1D in Z for taking FFTs for (kz = maxmode; kz <= ncz / 2; kz++) xk1d[kz] = 0.0; - for(ix=0; ixLocalNx; ix++){ + for(ix=0; ixLocalNx; ix++){ for(kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { xk1d[kz] = data.xk(kz, ix); diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.hxx index e9fdccf342..e10fe811bb 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/pdd/pdd.hxx @@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ class LaplacePDD; #ifndef __LAPLACE_PDD_H__ #define __LAPLACE_PDD_H__ +#include #include #include #include class LaplacePDD : public Laplacian { public: - LaplacePDD(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE) - : Laplacian(opt, loc), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0), PDD_COMM_XV(123), + LaplacePDD(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0), PDD_COMM_XV(123), PDD_COMM_Y(456) { Acoef.setLocation(location); Ccoef.setLocation(location); @@ -52,16 +53,19 @@ public: using Laplacian::setCoefA; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefC; void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ccoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefD; void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefEx; @@ -74,8 +78,8 @@ public: } using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override; private: Field2D Acoef, Ccoef, Dcoef; @@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ private: const int PDD_COMM_Y; // Second tag /// Data structure for PDD algorithm - typedef struct { + struct PDD_data { Matrix bk; ///< b vector in Fourier space Matrix avec, bvec, cvec; ///< Diagonal bands of matrix @@ -99,7 +103,7 @@ private: comm_handle recv_handle; Array y2i; - }PDD_data; + }; void start(const FieldPerp &b, PDD_data &data); void next(PDD_data &data); diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.cxx index 27f01a3161..50e711e13a 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.cxx @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include "petsc_laplace.hxx" +#include #include #include #include @@ -57,8 +58,8 @@ static PetscErrorCode laplacePCapply(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y) { PetscFunctionReturn(s->precon(x, y)); } -LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : - Laplacian(opt, loc), +LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) : + Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), A(0.0), C1(1.0), C2(1.0), D(1.0), Ex(0.0), Ez(0.0), issetD(false), issetC(false), issetE(false) { @@ -92,28 +93,28 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : if ( outer_boundary_flags & ~implemented_boundary_flags ) { throw BoutException("Attempted to set Laplacian inversion boundary flag that is not implemented in petsc_laplace.cxx"); } - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplacePetsc does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + if(localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplacePetsc does not work with periodicity in the x direction (localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); } #endif // Get communicator for group of processors in X - all points in z-x plane for fixed y. - comm = mesh->getXcomm(); + comm = localmesh->getXcomm(); // Need to determine local size to use based on prior parallelisation // Coefficient values are stored only on local processors. - localN = (mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1) * (mesh->LocalNz); - if(mesh->firstX()) - localN += mesh->xstart * (mesh->LocalNz); // If on first processor add on width of boundary region - if(mesh->lastX()) - localN += mesh->xstart * (mesh->LocalNz); // If on last processor add on width of boundary region + localN = (localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1) * (localmesh->LocalNz); + if(localmesh->firstX()) + localN += localmesh->xstart * (localmesh->LocalNz); // If on first processor add on width of boundary region + if(localmesh->lastX()) + localN += localmesh->xstart * (localmesh->LocalNz); // If on last processor add on width of boundary region // Calculate 'size' (the total number of points in physical grid) if(MPI_Allreduce(&localN, &size, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm) != MPI_SUCCESS) throw BoutException("Error in MPI_Allreduce during LaplacePetsc initialisation"); // Calculate total (physical) grid dimensions - meshz = mesh->LocalNz; + meshz = localmesh->LocalNz; meshx = size / meshz; // Create PETSc type of vectors for the solution and the RHS vector @@ -143,43 +144,43 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : PetscMalloc( (localN)*sizeof(PetscInt), &d_nnz ); PetscMalloc( (localN)*sizeof(PetscInt), &o_nnz ); if (fourth_order) { - // first and last 2*mesh-LocalNz entries are the edge x-values that (may) have 'off-diagonal' components (i.e. on another processor) - if ( mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX() ) { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + // first and last 2*localmesh-LocalNz entries are the edge x-values that (may) have 'off-diagonal' components (i.e. on another processor) + if ( localmesh->firstX() && localmesh->lastX() ) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=15; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=15; o_nnz[i]=0; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=0; } - for (int i=(mesh->LocalNz); i<2*(mesh->LocalNz); i++) { + for (int i=(localmesh->LocalNz); i<2*(localmesh->LocalNz); i++) { d_nnz[i]=20; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=20; o_nnz[i]=0; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=0; } } - else if ( mesh->firstX() ) { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + else if ( localmesh->firstX() ) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=15; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=15; o_nnz[i]=0; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=10; } - for (int i=(mesh->LocalNz); i<2*(mesh->LocalNz); i++) { + for (int i=(localmesh->LocalNz); i<2*(localmesh->LocalNz); i++) { d_nnz[i]=20; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=20; o_nnz[i]=0; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=5; } } - else if ( mesh->lastX() ) { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + else if ( localmesh->lastX() ) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=15; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=15; o_nnz[i]=10; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=0; } - for (int i=(mesh->LocalNz); i<2*(mesh->LocalNz); i++) { + for (int i=(localmesh->LocalNz); i<2*(localmesh->LocalNz); i++) { d_nnz[i]=20; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=20; o_nnz[i]=5; @@ -187,13 +188,13 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } } else { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=15; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=15; o_nnz[i]=10; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=10; } - for (int i=(mesh->LocalNz); i<2*(mesh->LocalNz); i++) { + for (int i=(localmesh->LocalNz); i<2*(localmesh->LocalNz); i++) { d_nnz[i]=20; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=20; o_nnz[i]=5; @@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } } - for (int i=2*(mesh->LocalNz); iLocalNz));i++) { + for (int i=2*(localmesh->LocalNz); iLocalNz));i++) { d_nnz[i]=25; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=25; o_nnz[i]=0; @@ -209,7 +210,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } // Use d_nnz and o_nnz for preallocating the matrix - if (mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX()) { + if (localmesh->firstX() && localmesh->lastX()) { // Only one processor in X MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation( MatA, 0, d_nnz ); }else { @@ -217,25 +218,25 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } } else { - // first and last mesh-LocalNz entries are the edge x-values that (may) have 'off-diagonal' components (i.e. on another processor) - if ( mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX() ) { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + // first and last localmesh->LocalNz entries are the edge x-values that (may) have 'off-diagonal' components (i.e. on another processor) + if ( localmesh->firstX() && localmesh->lastX() ) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=6; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=6; o_nnz[i]=0; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=0; } } - else if ( mesh->firstX() ) { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + else if ( localmesh->firstX() ) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=6; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=6; o_nnz[i]=0; o_nnz[localN-1-i]=3; } } - else if ( mesh->lastX() ) { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + else if ( localmesh->lastX() ) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=6; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=6; o_nnz[i]=3; @@ -243,7 +244,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } } else { - for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { + for (int i=0; iLocalNz; i++) { d_nnz[i]=6; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=6; o_nnz[i]=3; @@ -251,7 +252,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } } - for (int i=mesh->LocalNz; iLocalNz);i++) { + for (int i=localmesh->LocalNz; iLocalNz);i++) { d_nnz[i]=9; d_nnz[localN-1-i]=9; o_nnz[i]=0; @@ -259,7 +260,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : } // Use d_nnz and o_nnz for preallocating the matrix - if (mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX()) { + if (localmesh->firstX() && localmesh->lastX()) { MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation( MatA, 0, d_nnz ); } else { MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation( MatA, 0, d_nnz, 0, o_nnz ); @@ -275,14 +276,15 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : KSPCreate( comm, &ksp ); // Get KSP Solver Type (Generalizes Minimal RESidual is the default) - string type; - opts->get("ksptype", ksptype, KSP_GMRES); - + ksptype = (*opts)["ksptype"].doc("KSP solver type").withDefault(KSP_GMRES); + // Get preconditioner type // WARNING: only a few of these options actually make sense: see the // PETSc documentation to work out which they are (possibly // pbjacobi, sor might be useful choices?) - opts->get("pctype", pctype, "none", true); + pctype = (*opts)["pctype"] + .doc("Preconditioner type. See the PETSc documentation for options") + .withDefault("none"); // Let "user" be a synonym for "shell" if (pctype == "user") { @@ -296,13 +298,13 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : opts->get("gmres_max_steps",gmres_max_steps,30,true); // Get Tolerances for KSP solver - opts->get("rtol",rtol,pow(10.0,-5),true); - opts->get("atol",atol,pow(10.0,-50),true); - opts->get("dtol",dtol,pow(10.0,5),true); - opts->get("maxits",maxits,pow(10,5),true); + rtol = (*opts)["rtol"].doc("Relative tolerance for KSP solver").withDefault(1e-5); + atol = (*opts)["atol"].doc("Absolute tolerance for KSP solver").withDefault(1e-50); + dtol = (*opts)["dtol"].doc("Divergence tolerance for KSP solver").withDefault(1e5); + maxits = (*opts)["maxits"].doc("Maximum number of KSP iterations").withDefault(100000); // Get direct solver switch - opts->get("direct", direct, false); + direct = (*opts)["direct"].doc("Use direct (LU) solver?").withDefault(false); if (direct) { output << endl << "Using LU decompostion for direct solution of system" << endl << endl; } @@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : pcsolve = nullptr; if (pctype == PCSHELL) { - OPTION(opts, rightprec, true); // Right preconditioning by default + rightprec = (*opts)["rightprec"].doc("Right preconditioning?").withDefault(true); // Options for preconditioner are in a subsection pcsolve = Laplacian::create(opts->getSection("precon")); @@ -321,9 +323,7 @@ LaplacePetsc::LaplacePetsc(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : // lastflag = -1; } -const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { - return solve(b,b); -} +FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp& b) { return solve(b, b); } /*! * Solves Ax=b for x given a b and an initial guess for x (x0) @@ -342,8 +342,12 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { * * \returns sol The solution x of the problem Ax=b. */ -const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { +FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp& b, const FieldPerp& x0) { TRACE("LaplacePetsc::solve"); + + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); #if CHECK > 0 // Checking flags are set to something which is not implemented (see @@ -360,9 +364,6 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { } #endif - // Get the metric tensor - Coordinates* coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); - int y = b.getIndex(); // Get the Y index sol.setIndex(y); // Initialize the solution field. sol = 0.; @@ -389,32 +390,32 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { * In other word the indexing is done in a row-major order, but starting at * bottom left rather than top left */ - // X=0 to mesh->xstart-1 defines the boundary region of the domain. + // X=0 to localmesh->xstart-1 defines the boundary region of the domain. // Set the values for the inner boundary region - if( mesh->firstX() ) { - for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + if( localmesh->firstX() ) { + for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; // Value of element to be set in the matrix // If Neumann Boundary Conditions are set. if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) { // Set values corresponding to nodes adjacent in x if( fourth_order ) { // Fourth Order Accuracy on Boundary - Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, -25.0 / (12.0*coord->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, 1, 0, 4.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, 2, 0, -3.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, 3, 0, 4.0 / (3.0*coord->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, 4, 0, -1.0 / (4.0*coord->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, -25.0 / (12.0*coords->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 1, 0, 4.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 2, 0, -3.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 3, 0, 4.0 / (3.0*coords->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 4, 0, -1.0 / (4.0*coords->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); } else { // // Second Order Accuracy on Boundary -// Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, -3.0 / (2.0*coord->dx(x,y)), MatA ); -// Element(i,x,z, 1, 0, 2.0 / coord->dx(x,y), MatA ); -// Element(i,x,z, 2, 0, -1.0 / (2.0*coord->dx(x,y)), MatA ); +// Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, -3.0 / (2.0*coords->dx(x,y)), MatA ); +// Element(i,x,z, 1, 0, 2.0 / coords->dx(x,y), MatA ); +// Element(i,x,z, 2, 0, -1.0 / (2.0*coords->dx(x,y)), MatA ); // // Element(i,x,z, 3, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Reset these elements to 0 in case 4th order flag was used previously: not allowed now // // Element(i,x,z, 4, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Second Order Accuracy on Boundary, set half-way between grid points - Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, -1.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, 1, 0, 1.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, -1.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 1, 0, 1.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); Element(i,x,z, 2, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Element(i,x,z, 3, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Reset these elements to 0 in case 4th order flag was used previously: not allowed now // Element(i,x,z, 4, 0, 0.0, MatA ); @@ -460,8 +461,8 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { } // Set the values for the main domain - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { // NOTE: Only A0 is the A from setCoefA () BoutReal A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5; A0 = A(x,y,z); @@ -471,11 +472,11 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { // Set the matrix coefficients Coeffs( x, y, z, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ); - BoutReal dx = coord->dx(x,y); - BoutReal dx2 = SQ(coord->dx(x,y)); - BoutReal dz = coord->dz; - BoutReal dz2 = SQ(coord->dz); - BoutReal dxdz = coord->dx(x,y) * coord->dz; + BoutReal dx = coords->dx(x,y); + BoutReal dx2 = SQ(coords->dx(x,y)); + BoutReal dz = coords->dz; + BoutReal dz2 = SQ(coords->dz); + BoutReal dxdz = coords->dx(x,y) * coords->dz; ASSERT3(finite(A1)); ASSERT3(finite(A2)); @@ -635,11 +636,11 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { } } - // X=mesh->xend+1 to mesh->LocalNx-1 defines the upper boundary region of the domain. + // X=localmesh->xend+1 to localmesh->LocalNx-1 defines the upper boundary region of the domain. // Set the values for the outer boundary region - if( mesh->lastX() ) { - for(int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + if( localmesh->lastX() ) { + for(int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { // Set Diagonal Values to 1 PetscScalar val = 1; Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, val, MatA ); @@ -649,22 +650,22 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { // Set values corresponding to nodes adjacent in x if( fourth_order ) { // Fourth Order Accuracy on Boundary - Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, 25.0 / (12.0*coord->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, -1, 0, -4.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, -2, 0, 3.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, -3, 0, -4.0 / (3.0*coord->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, -4, 0, 1.0 / (4.0*coord->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, 25.0 / (12.0*coords->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, -1, 0, -4.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, -2, 0, 3.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, -3, 0, -4.0 / (3.0*coords->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, -4, 0, 1.0 / (4.0*coords->dx(x,y)) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); } else { // // Second Order Accuracy on Boundary -// Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, 3.0 / (2.0*coord->dx(x,y)), MatA ); -// Element(i,x,z, -1, 0, -2.0 / coord->dx(x,y), MatA ); -// Element(i,x,z, -2, 0, 1.0 / (2.0*coord->dx(x,y)), MatA ); +// Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, 3.0 / (2.0*coords->dx(x,y)), MatA ); +// Element(i,x,z, -1, 0, -2.0 / coords->dx(x,y), MatA ); +// Element(i,x,z, -2, 0, 1.0 / (2.0*coords->dx(x,y)), MatA ); // // Element(i,x,z, -3, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Reset these elements to 0 in case 4th order flag was used previously: not allowed now // // Element(i,x,z, -4, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Second Order Accuracy on Boundary, set half-way between grid points - Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, 1.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); - Element(i,x,z, -1, 0, -1.0 / coord->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coord->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, 0, 0, 1.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); + Element(i,x,z, -1, 0, -1.0 / coords->dx(x,y) / sqrt(coords->g_11(x,y)), MatA ); Element(i,x,z, -2, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Element(i,x,z, -3, 0, 0.0, MatA ); // Reset these elements to 0 in case 4th order flag was used previously: not allowed now // Element(i,x,z, -4, 0, 0.0, MatA ); @@ -803,9 +804,9 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { // Add data to FieldPerp Object i = Istart; // Set the inner boundary values - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { + for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 0; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &i, &val ); sol[x][z] = val; @@ -815,8 +816,8 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { } // Set the main domain values - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 0; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &i, &val ); sol[x][z] = val; @@ -825,9 +826,9 @@ const FieldPerp LaplacePetsc::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { } // Set the outer boundary values - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { - for(int z=0;z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { + for(int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { + for(int z=0;z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 0; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &i, &val ); sol[x][z] = val; @@ -871,7 +872,7 @@ void LaplacePetsc::Element(int i, int x, int z, // Calculate the row to be set int row_new = x + xshift; // should never be out of range. - if( !mesh->firstX() ) row_new += (xoffset - mesh->xstart); + if( !localmesh->firstX() ) row_new += (xoffset - localmesh->xstart); // Calculate the column to be set int col_new = z + zshift; @@ -935,18 +936,16 @@ void LaplacePetsc::Element(int i, int x, int z, */ void LaplacePetsc::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2, BoutReal &coef3, BoutReal &coef4, BoutReal &coef5 ) { - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); // Get metric tensor - - coef1 = coord->g11(x,y); // X 2nd derivative coefficient - coef2 = coord->g33(x,y); // Z 2nd derivative coefficient - coef3 = 2.*coord->g13(x,y); // X-Z mixed derivative coefficient + coef1 = coords->g11(x,y); // X 2nd derivative coefficient + coef2 = coords->g33(x,y); // Z 2nd derivative coefficient + coef3 = 2.*coords->g13(x,y); // X-Z mixed derivative coefficient coef4 = 0.0; coef5 = 0.0; // If global flag all_terms are set (true by default) if (all_terms) { - coef4 = coord->G1(x,y); // X 1st derivative - coef5 = coord->G3(x,y); // Z 1st derivative + coef4 = coords->G1(x,y); // X 1st derivative + coef5 = coords->G3(x,y); // Z 1st derivative ASSERT3(finite(coef4)); ASSERT3(finite(coef5)); @@ -954,14 +953,14 @@ void LaplacePetsc::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2 if(nonuniform) { // non-uniform mesh correction - if((x != 0) && (x != (mesh->LocalNx-1))) { - coef4 -= 0.5 * ( ( coord->dx(x+1,y) - coord->dx(x-1,y) ) / SQ(coord->dx(x,y)) ) * coef1; // BOUT-06 term + if((x != 0) && (x != (localmesh->LocalNx-1))) { + coef4 -= 0.5 * ( ( coords->dx(x+1,y) - coords->dx(x-1,y) ) / SQ(coords->dx(x,y)) ) * coef1; // BOUT-06 term } } - if(mesh->IncIntShear) { + if(localmesh->IncIntShear) { // d2dz2 term - coef2 += coord->g11(x,y) * coord->IntShiftTorsion(x,y) * coord->IntShiftTorsion(x,y); + coef2 += coords->g11(x,y) * coords->IntShiftTorsion(x,y) * coords->IntShiftTorsion(x,y); // Mixed derivative coef3 = 0.0; // This cancels out } @@ -976,8 +975,8 @@ void LaplacePetsc::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2 // A second/fourth order derivative term if (issetC) { -// if( (x > 0) && (x < (mesh->LocalNx-1)) ) //Valid if doing second order derivative, not if fourth: should only be called for xstart<=x<=xend anyway - if( (x > 1) && (x < (mesh->LocalNx-2)) ) { +// if( (x > 0) && (x < (localmesh->LocalNx-1)) ) //Valid if doing second order derivative, not if fourth: should only be called for xstart<=x<=xend anyway + if( (x > 1) && (x < (localmesh->LocalNx-2)) ) { int zp = z+1; // z plus 1 if (zp > meshz-1) zp -= meshz; int zm = z-1; // z minus 1 @@ -991,19 +990,19 @@ void LaplacePetsc::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2 int zmm = z-2; // z minus 1 minus 1 if (zmm<0) zmm += meshz; // Fourth order discretization of C in x - ddx_C = (-C2(x+2,y,z) + 8.*C2(x+1,y,z) - 8.*C2(x-1,y,z) + C2(x-2,y,z)) / (12.*coord->dx(x,y)*(C1(x,y,z))); + ddx_C = (-C2(x+2,y,z) + 8.*C2(x+1,y,z) - 8.*C2(x-1,y,z) + C2(x-2,y,z)) / (12.*coords->dx(x,y)*(C1(x,y,z))); // Fourth order discretization of C in z - ddz_C = (-C2(x,y,zpp) + 8.*C2(x,y,zp) - 8.*C2(x,y,zm) + C2(x,y,zmm)) / (12.*coord->dz*(C1(x,y,z))); + ddz_C = (-C2(x,y,zpp) + 8.*C2(x,y,zp) - 8.*C2(x,y,zm) + C2(x,y,zmm)) / (12.*coords->dz*(C1(x,y,z))); } else { // Second order discretization of C in x - ddx_C = (C2(x+1,y,z) - C2(x-1,y,z)) / (2.*coord->dx(x,y)*(C1(x,y,z))); + ddx_C = (C2(x+1,y,z) - C2(x-1,y,z)) / (2.*coords->dx(x,y)*(C1(x,y,z))); // Second order discretization of C in z - ddz_C = (C2(x,y,zp) - C2(x,y,zm)) / (2.*coord->dz*(C1(x,y,z))); + ddz_C = (C2(x,y,zp) - C2(x,y,zm)) / (2.*coords->dz*(C1(x,y,z))); } - coef4 += coord->g11(x,y) * ddx_C + coord->g13(x,y) * ddz_C; - coef5 += coord->g13(x,y) * ddx_C + coord->g33(x,y) * ddz_C; + coef4 += coords->g11(x,y) * ddx_C + coords->g13(x,y) * ddz_C; + coef5 += coords->g13(x,y) * ddx_C + coords->g33(x,y) * ddz_C; } } @@ -1024,13 +1023,16 @@ void LaplacePetsc::Coeffs( int x, int y, int z, BoutReal &coef1, BoutReal &coef2 void LaplacePetsc::vecToField(Vec xs, FieldPerp &f) { + + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + f.allocate(); int i = Istart; - if(mesh->firstX()) + if(localmesh->firstX()) { - for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) + for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &i, &val ); @@ -1040,9 +1042,9 @@ void LaplacePetsc::vecToField(Vec xs, FieldPerp &f) { } } - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &i, &val ); @@ -1051,11 +1053,11 @@ void LaplacePetsc::vecToField(Vec xs, FieldPerp &f) { } } - if(mesh->lastX()) + if(localmesh->lastX()) { - for(int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) + for(int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { - for(int z=0;z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) + for(int z=0;z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &i, &val ); @@ -1068,10 +1070,12 @@ void LaplacePetsc::vecToField(Vec xs, FieldPerp &f) { } void LaplacePetsc::fieldToVec(const FieldPerp &f, Vec bs) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + int i = Istart; - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { + for(int x=0; xxstart; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = f[x][z]; VecSetValues( bs, 1, &i, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); i++; // Increment row in Petsc matrix @@ -1079,17 +1083,17 @@ void LaplacePetsc::fieldToVec(const FieldPerp &f, Vec bs) { } } - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { - for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { + for(int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = f[x][z]; VecSetValues( bs, 1, &i, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); i++; // Increment row in Petsc matrix } } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int x=mesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { - for(int z=0;z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { + for(int x=localmesh->xend+1; xLocalNx; x++) { + for(int z=0;z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = f[x][z]; VecSetValues( bs, 1, &i, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); i++; // Increment row in Petsc matrix diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.hxx index 919be782bc..b1f6a7290d 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace.hxx @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class LaplacePetsc; class LaplacePetsc : public Laplacian { public: - LaplacePetsc(Options *UNUSED(opt) = nullptr, const CELL_LOC UNUSED(loc) = CELL_CENTRE) { + LaplacePetsc(Options *UNUSED(opt) = nullptr, const CELL_LOC UNUSED(loc) = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *UNUSED(mesh_in) = nullptr) { throw BoutException("No PETSc solver available"); } @@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ public: void setCoefEz(const Field2D &UNUSED(val)) override {} using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(b)) override {throw BoutException("PETSc not available");} + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp& UNUSED(b)) override { + throw BoutException("PETSc not available"); + } }; #else @@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ public: class LaplacePetsc : public Laplacian { public: - LaplacePetsc(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplacePetsc(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplacePetsc() { KSPDestroy( &ksp ); VecDestroy( &xs ); @@ -78,12 +80,14 @@ public: void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; /*Acoefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefA(val); } void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; C2 = val; issetC = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ @@ -91,28 +95,33 @@ public: } void setCoefC1(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefC2(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; issetD = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefD(val); } void setCoefEx(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ex = val; issetE = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefEx(val); } void setCoefEz(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ez = val; issetE = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefEz(val); @@ -120,12 +129,14 @@ public: void setCoefA(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; /*Acoefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefA(val); } void setCoefC(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; C2 = val; issetC = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ @@ -133,35 +144,40 @@ public: } void setCoefC1(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C1 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefC2(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C2 = val; issetC = true; } void setCoefD(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; issetD = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefD(val); } void setCoefEx(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ex = val; issetE = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefEx(val); } void setCoefEz(const Field3D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ez = val; issetE = true; /*coefchanged = true;*/ if(pcsolve) pcsolve->setCoefEz(val); } - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; int precon(Vec x, Vec y); ///< Preconditioner function diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.cxx index f2dfa04a66..8af81a0edc 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.cxx @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include #include "serial_band.hxx" +#include #include #include #include @@ -38,66 +39,64 @@ //#define SECONDORDER // Define to use 2nd order differencing -LaplaceSerialBand::LaplaceSerialBand(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : Laplacian(opt, loc), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { +LaplaceSerialBand::LaplaceSerialBand(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { Acoef.setLocation(location); Ccoef.setLocation(location); Dcoef.setLocation(location); - if(!mesh->firstX() || !mesh->lastX()) - throw BoutException("LaplaceSerialBand only works for mesh->NXPE = 1"); - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplaceSerialBand does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + if(!localmesh->firstX() || !localmesh->lastX()) + throw BoutException("LaplaceSerialBand only works for localmesh->NXPE = 1"); + if(localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceSerialBand does not work with periodicity in the x direction (localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); } // Allocate memory - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; - bk = Matrix(mesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); - bk1d = Array(mesh->LocalNx); + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + bk.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); + bk1d.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx); //Initialise bk to 0 as we only visit 0<= kz <= maxmode in solve for(int kz=maxmode+1; kz < ncz/2 + 1; kz++){ - for (int ix=0; ixLocalNx; ix++){ + for (int ix=0; ixLocalNx; ix++){ bk(ix, kz) = 0.0; } } - xk = Matrix(mesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); - xk1d = Array(mesh->LocalNx); + xk.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); + xk1d.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx); - //Initialise xk to 0 as we only visit 0<= kz <= maxmode in solve - for(int kz=maxmode+1; kz < ncz/2 + 1; kz++){ - for (int ix=0; ixLocalNx; ix++){ + // Initialise xk to 0 as we only visit 0<= kz <= maxmode in solve + for (int kz = maxmode + 1; kz < ncz / 2 + 1; kz++) { + for (int ix = 0; ix < localmesh->LocalNx; ix++) { xk(ix, kz) = 0.0; } } - A = Matrix(mesh->LocalNx, 5); + A.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, 5); } -const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { - return solve(b,b); -} +FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp& b) { return solve(b, b); } -const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); - FieldPerp x(mesh); - x.allocate(); +FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp& b, const FieldPerp& x0) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + + FieldPerp x{emptyFrom(b)}; int jy = b.getIndex(); - x.setIndex(jy); - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); - - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; - int ncx = mesh->LocalNx-1; + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + int ncx = localmesh->LocalNx-1; - int xbndry = mesh->xstart; // Width of the x boundary + int xbndry = localmesh->xstart; // Width of the x boundary // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) xbndry = 1; BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for(int ix=0;ixLocalNx;ix++) { + for(int ix=0;ixLocalNx;ix++) { // for fixed ix,jy set a complex vector rho(z) if(((ix < xbndry) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET)) || @@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 xend = ncx-xbndry; }else { xstart = 2; - xend = mesh->LocalNx-2; + xend = localmesh->LocalNx-2; } for(int iz=0;iz<=maxmode;iz++) { @@ -126,10 +125,10 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 ///////// PERFORM INVERSION ///////// // shift freqs according to FFT convention - kwave=iz*2.0*PI/coord->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] + kwave=iz*2.0*PI/coords->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] // set bk1d - for(int ix=0;ixLocalNx;ix++) + for(int ix=0;ixLocalNx;ix++) bk1d[ix] = bk(ix, iz); // Fill in interior points @@ -148,9 +147,9 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 A(ix, 4) = 0.; #else // Set coefficients - coef1 = coord->g11(ix,jy); // X 2nd derivative - coef2 = coord->g33(ix,jy); // Z 2nd derivative - coef3 = coord->g13(ix,jy); // X-Z mixed derivatives + coef1 = coords->g11(ix,jy); // X 2nd derivative + coef2 = coords->g33(ix,jy); // Z 2nd derivative + coef3 = coords->g13(ix,jy); // X-Z mixed derivatives coef4 = 0.0; // X 1st derivative coef5 = 0.0; // Z 1st derivative coef6 = Acoef(ix,jy); // Constant @@ -161,26 +160,26 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 coef3 *= Dcoef(ix,jy); if(all_terms) { - coef4 = coord->G1(ix,jy); - coef5 = coord->G3(ix,jy); + coef4 = coords->G1(ix,jy); + coef5 = coords->G3(ix,jy); } if(nonuniform) { - // non-uniform mesh correction + // non-uniform localmesh correction if((ix != 0) && (ix != ncx)) - coef4 += coord->g11(ix,jy)*( (1.0/coord->dx(ix+1,jy)) - (1.0/coord->dx(ix-1,jy)) )/(2.0*coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef4 += coords->g11(ix,jy)*( (1.0/coords->dx(ix+1,jy)) - (1.0/coords->dx(ix-1,jy)) )/(2.0*coords->dx(ix,jy)); } // A first order derivative term (1/c)\nabla_perp c\cdot\nabla_\perp x - if((ix > 1) && (ix < (mesh->LocalNx-2))) - coef4 += coord->g11(ix,jy) * (Ccoef(ix-2,jy) - 8.*Ccoef(ix-1,jy) + 8.*Ccoef(ix+1,jy) - Ccoef(ix+2,jy)) / (12.*coord->dx(ix,jy)*(Ccoef(ix,jy))); + if((ix > 1) && (ix < (localmesh->LocalNx-2))) + coef4 += coords->g11(ix,jy) * (Ccoef(ix-2,jy) - 8.*Ccoef(ix-1,jy) + 8.*Ccoef(ix+1,jy) - Ccoef(ix+2,jy)) / (12.*coords->dx(ix,jy)*(Ccoef(ix,jy))); // Put into matrix - coef1 /= 12.* SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef1 /= 12.* SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy)); coef2 *= SQ(kwave); - coef3 *= kwave / (12. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); - coef4 /= 12. * coord->dx(ix,jy); + coef3 *= kwave / (12. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); + coef4 /= 12. * coords->dx(ix,jy); coef5 *= kwave; A(ix, 0) = dcomplex(-coef1 + coef4, coef3); @@ -196,9 +195,9 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 int ix = 1; - coef1=coord->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy))); - coef2=coord->g33(ix,jy); - coef3= kwave * coord->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef1=coords->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy))); + coef2=coords->g33(ix,jy); + coef3= kwave * coords->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); // Multiply Delp2 component by a factor coef1 *= Dcoef(ix,jy); @@ -213,9 +212,9 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 ix = ncx-1; - coef1=coord->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy))); - coef2=coord->g33(ix,jy); - coef3= kwave * coord->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef1=coords->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy))); + coef2=coords->g33(ix,jy); + coef3= kwave * coords->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); A(ix, 0) = 0.0; A(ix, 1) = dcomplex(coef1, -coef3); @@ -251,8 +250,8 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 for (int ix=0;ixg_11(ix, jy)) / coord->dx(ix, jy); - A(ix, 3) = .5 / sqrt(coord->g_11(ix, jy)) / coord->dx(ix, jy); + A(ix, 2) = -.5 / sqrt(coords->g_11(ix, jy)) / coords->dx(ix, jy); + A(ix, 3) = .5 / sqrt(coords->g_11(ix, jy)) / coords->dx(ix, jy); A(ix, 4) = 0.; } @@ -273,18 +272,18 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 for (int ix=0;ixg_22(ix, jy)); - A(ix, 3) = 4. / sqrt(coord->g_22(ix + 1, jy)); - A(ix, 4) = -1. / sqrt(coord->g_22(ix + 2, jy)); + A(ix, 2) = -3. / sqrt(coords->g_22(ix, jy)); + A(ix, 3) = 4. / sqrt(coords->g_22(ix + 1, jy)); + A(ix, 4) = -1. / sqrt(coords->g_22(ix + 2, jy)); } } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRADPARINV) { for (int ix=0;ixg_22(ix, jy)); - A(ix, 3) = 4. * sqrt(coord->g_22(ix + 1, jy)); - A(ix, 4) = -sqrt(coord->g_22(ix + 2, jy)); + A(ix, 2) = -3. * sqrt(coords->g_22(ix, jy)); + A(ix, 3) = 4. * sqrt(coords->g_22(ix + 1, jy)); + A(ix, 4) = -sqrt(coords->g_22(ix + 2, jy)); } } else if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_LAP) { @@ -317,27 +316,27 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 int ix = 1; - coef1=coord->g11(ix,jy)/(12.* SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy))); + coef1=coords->g11(ix,jy)/(12.* SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy))); - coef2=coord->g33(ix,jy); + coef2=coords->g33(ix,jy); - coef3= kwave * coord->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef3= kwave * coords->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); coef4 = Acoef(ix,jy); // Combine 4th order at 1 with 2nd order at 0 A(1, 0) = 0.0; // Not used A(1, 1) = dcomplex( - (14. - SQ(coord->dx(0, jy) * kwave) * coord->g33(0, jy) / coord->g11(0, jy)) * + (14. - SQ(coords->dx(0, jy) * kwave) * coords->g33(0, jy) / coords->g11(0, jy)) * coef1, -coef3); A(1, 2) = dcomplex(-29. * coef1 - SQ(kwave) * coef2 + coef4, 0.0); A(1, 3) = dcomplex(16. * coef1, coef3); A(1, 4) = dcomplex(-coef1, 0.0); - coef1=coord->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy))); - coef2=coord->g33(ix,jy); - coef3= kwave * coord->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef1=coords->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy))); + coef2=coords->g33(ix,jy); + coef3= kwave * coords->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); // Use 2nd order at 1 A(0, 0) = 0.0; // Should never be used @@ -359,11 +358,11 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 int ix = ncx-1; - coef1=coord->g11(ix,jy)/(12.* SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy))); + coef1=coords->g11(ix,jy)/(12.* SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy))); - coef2=coord->g33(ix,jy); + coef2=coords->g33(ix,jy); - coef3= kwave * coord->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef3= kwave * coords->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); coef4 = Acoef(ix,jy); @@ -373,14 +372,14 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 A(ix, 2) = dcomplex(-29. * coef1 - SQ(kwave) * coef2 + coef4, 0.0); A(ix, 3) = dcomplex( (14. - - SQ(coord->dx(ncx, jy) * kwave) * coord->g33(ncx, jy) / coord->g11(ncx, jy)) * + SQ(coords->dx(ncx, jy) * kwave) * coords->g33(ncx, jy) / coords->g11(ncx, jy)) * coef1, coef3); A(ix, 4) = 0.0; // Not used - coef1=coord->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coord->dx(ix,jy))); - coef2=coord->g33(ix,jy); - coef3= kwave * coord->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coord->dx(ix,jy)); + coef1=coords->g11(ix,jy)/(SQ(coords->dx(ix,jy))); + coef2=coords->g33(ix,jy); + coef3= kwave * coords->g13(ix,jy)/(2. * coords->dx(ix,jy)); // Use 2nd order at ncx - 1 A(ncx, 0) = dcomplex(coef1, -coef3); @@ -392,7 +391,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialBand::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0 } // Perform inversion - cband_solve(A, mesh->LocalNx, 2, 2, bk1d); + cband_solve(A, localmesh->LocalNx, 2, 2, bk1d); if((global_flags & INVERT_KX_ZERO) && (iz == 0)) { // Set the Kx = 0, n = 0 component to zero. For now just subtract diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.hxx index 7051b5925d..ca060a2186 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_band/serial_band.hxx @@ -36,22 +36,25 @@ class LaplaceSerialBand; class LaplaceSerialBand : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceSerialBand(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceSerialBand(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceSerialBand(){}; using Laplacian::setCoefA; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefC; void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ccoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefD; void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefEx; @@ -64,8 +67,8 @@ public: } using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; private: Field2D Acoef, Ccoef, Dcoef; diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.cxx index 7080f18b31..12a1d0d410 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.cxx @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #include "globals.hxx" #include "serial_tri.hxx" +#include #include #include #include @@ -37,19 +38,18 @@ #include -LaplaceSerialTri::LaplaceSerialTri(Options *opt, CELL_LOC loc) : Laplacian(opt, loc), A(0.0), C(1.0), D(1.0) { +LaplaceSerialTri::LaplaceSerialTri(Options *opt, CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), A(0.0), C(1.0), D(1.0) { A.setLocation(location); C.setLocation(location); D.setLocation(location); - if(!mesh->firstX() || !mesh->lastX()) { - throw BoutException("LaplaceSerialTri only works for mesh->NXPE = 1"); + if(!localmesh->firstX() || !localmesh->lastX()) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceSerialTri only works for localmesh->NXPE = 1"); } } -const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { - return solve(b,b); // Call the solver below -} +FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp& b) { return solve(b, b); } /*! * Solve Ax=b for x given b @@ -71,25 +71,26 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { * * \return The inverted variable. */ -const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); - FieldPerp x(mesh); - x.allocate(); +FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp& b, const FieldPerp& x0) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + + FieldPerp x{emptyFrom(b)}; int jy = b.getIndex(); - x.setIndex(jy); - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; // No of z pnts - int ncx = mesh->LocalNx; // No of x pnts + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; // No of z pnts + int ncx = localmesh->LocalNx; // No of x pnts - BoutReal kwaveFactor = 2.0 * PI / mesh->getCoordinates(location)->zlength(); + BoutReal kwaveFactor = 2.0 * PI / coords->zlength(); // Setting the width of the boundary. // NOTE: The default is a width of 2 guard cells - int inbndry = mesh->xstart, outbndry=mesh->xstart; + int inbndry = localmesh->xstart, outbndry=localmesh->xstart; // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) { + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) { inbndry = outbndry = 1; } if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_BNDRY_ONE) @@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) outer_boundary_flags, &A, &C, &D); ///////// PERFORM INVERSION ///////// - if (!mesh->periodicX) { + if (!localmesh->periodicX) { // Call tridiagonal solver tridag(std::begin(avec), std::begin(bvec), std::begin(cvec), std::begin(bk1d), std::begin(xk1d), ncx); @@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) } else { // Periodic in X, so cyclic tridiagonal - int xs = mesh->xstart; + int xs = localmesh->xstart; cyclic_tridag(&avec[xs], &bvec[xs], &cvec[xs], &bk1d[xs], &xk1d[xs], ncx - 2 * xs); // Copy boundary regions @@ -206,11 +207,11 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSerialTri::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) // If the global flag is set to INVERT_KX_ZERO if ((global_flags & INVERT_KX_ZERO) && (kz == 0)) { dcomplex offset(0.0); - for (int ix = mesh->xstart; ix <= mesh->xend; ix++) { + for (int ix = localmesh->xstart; ix <= localmesh->xend; ix++) { offset += xk1d[ix]; } - offset /= static_cast(mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1); - for (int ix = mesh->xstart; ix <= mesh->xend; ix++) { + offset /= static_cast(localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1); + for (int ix = localmesh->xstart; ix <= localmesh->xend; ix++) { xk1d[ix] -= offset; } } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.hxx index 86e98e49f1..4cdb7cf8fe 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/serial_tri/serial_tri.hxx @@ -35,22 +35,25 @@ class LaplaceSerialTri; class LaplaceSerialTri : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceSerialTri(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceSerialTri(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceSerialTri(){}; using Laplacian::setCoefA; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); A = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefC; void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); C = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefD; void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); D = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefEx; @@ -63,8 +66,8 @@ public: } using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; private: // The coefficents in // D*grad_perp^2(x) + (1/C)*(grad_perp(C))*grad_perp(x) + A*x = b diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.cxx index 0db36a3c65..b31a710455 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.cxx @@ -32,30 +32,31 @@ */ #include "shoot_laplace.hxx" +#include #include #include #include -LaplaceShoot::LaplaceShoot(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) - : Laplacian(opt, loc), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { +LaplaceShoot::LaplaceShoot(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { throw BoutException("LaplaceShoot is a test implementation and does not currently work. Please select a different implementation."); Acoef.setLocation(location); Ccoef.setLocation(location); Dcoef.setLocation(location); - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplaceShoot does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + if(localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceShoot does not work with periodicity in the x direction (localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); } nmode = maxmode + 1; // Number of Z modes. maxmode set in invert_laplace.cxx from options // Allocate memory - int size = (mesh->LocalNz)/2 + 1; - km = Array(size); - kc = Array(size); - kp = Array(size); + int size = (localmesh->LocalNz)/2 + 1; + km.reallocate(size); + kc.reallocate(size); + kp.reallocate(size); for(int i=0;i(size); + rhsk.reallocate(size); - buffer = Array(4 * maxmode); + buffer.reallocate(4 * maxmode); } -const FieldPerp LaplaceShoot::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs) { - Mesh *mesh = rhs.getMesh(); - FieldPerp x(mesh); // Result - x.allocate(); +FieldPerp LaplaceShoot::solve(const FieldPerp& rhs) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == rhs.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(rhs.getLocation() == location); + + FieldPerp x{emptyFrom(rhs)}; // Result int jy = rhs.getIndex(); // Get the Y index - x.setIndex(jy); - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); - // Get the width of the boundary - int inbndry = mesh->xstart, outbndry=mesh->xstart; + int inbndry = localmesh->xstart, outbndry=localmesh->xstart; // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) { + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) { inbndry = outbndry = 1; } if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_BNDRY_ONE) @@ -91,14 +90,14 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceShoot::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs) { outbndry = 1; int xs, xe; - xs = mesh->xstart; // Starting X index - if(mesh->firstX()) + xs = localmesh->xstart; // Starting X index + if(localmesh->firstX()) xs = inbndry; - xe = mesh->xend; // Last X index - if(mesh->lastX()) - xe = mesh->LocalNx-outbndry-1; + xe = localmesh->xend; // Last X index + if(localmesh->lastX()) + xe = localmesh->LocalNx-outbndry-1; - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Set initial value and gradient to zero // by setting kc and kp @@ -107,15 +106,15 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceShoot::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs) { kp[i] = 0.0; } - for(int ix=xe;ixLocalNx;ix++) - for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) { + for(int ix=xe;ixLocalNx;ix++) + for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) { x(ix, iz) = 0.0; } }else { // Wait for processor outer X - comm_handle handle = mesh->irecvXOut(std::begin(buffer), 4 * maxmode, jy); - mesh->wait(handle); + comm_handle handle = localmesh->irecvXOut(std::begin(buffer), 4 * maxmode, jy); + localmesh->wait(handle); // Copy into kc, kp for(int i=0;iLocalNz, x[xe]); + irfft(std::begin(kc), localmesh->LocalNz, x[xe]); } // kc and kp now set to result at x and x+1 respectively // Use b at x to get km at x-1 // Loop inwards from edge for(int ix=xe; ix >= xs; ix--) { - rfft(rhs[ix], mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(rhsk)); + rfft(rhs[ix], localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(rhsk)); for(int kz=0; kzzlength()); // wave number is 1/[rad] + BoutReal kwave=kz*2.0*PI/(coords->zlength()); // wave number is 1/[rad] // Get the coefficients dcomplex a,b,c; @@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceShoot::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs) { } // Inverse FFT to get x[ix-1] - irfft(std::begin(km), mesh->LocalNz, x[ix - 1]); + irfft(std::begin(km), localmesh->LocalNz, x[ix - 1]); // Cycle km->kc->kp std::swap(kp, kc); @@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceShoot::solve(const FieldPerp &rhs) { } // Finished on this processor. Send data to next inner processor - if(!mesh->firstX()) { + if(!localmesh->firstX()) { // Should be able to send dcomplex buffers. For now copy into BoutReal buffer for(int i=0;isendXIn(std::begin(buffer), 4 * maxmode, jy); + localmesh->sendXIn(std::begin(buffer), 4 * maxmode, jy); }else { // Set inner boundary for(int ix=xs-2;ix>=0;ix--) { - for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) { + for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) { x(ix, iz) = x(xs - 1, iz); } } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.hxx index 999fb20ba2..48f0975626 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/shoot/shoot_laplace.hxx @@ -37,22 +37,25 @@ class LaplaceShoot; class LaplaceShoot : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceShoot(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceShoot(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceShoot(){}; using Laplacian::setCoefA; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefC; void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ccoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefD; void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefEx; @@ -65,8 +68,8 @@ public: } using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &UNUSED(x0)) override {return solve(b);} + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &UNUSED(x0)) override {return solve(b);} private: Field2D Acoef, Ccoef, Dcoef; diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.cxx index b7867a87d5..1960d38928 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.cxx @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ */ #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -41,23 +42,23 @@ #include "spt.hxx" -LaplaceSPT::LaplaceSPT(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) - : Laplacian(opt, loc), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { +LaplaceSPT::LaplaceSPT(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : Laplacian(opt, loc, mesh_in), Acoef(0.0), Ccoef(1.0), Dcoef(1.0) { Acoef.setLocation(location); Ccoef.setLocation(location); Dcoef.setLocation(location); - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplaceSPT does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + if(localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplaceSPT does not work with periodicity in the x direction (localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); } // Get start and end indices - ys = mesh->ystart; - ye = mesh->yend; - if(mesh->hasBndryLowerY() && include_yguards) + ys = localmesh->ystart; + ye = localmesh->yend; + if(localmesh->hasBndryLowerY() && include_yguards) ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary - if(mesh->hasBndryUpperY() && include_yguards) - ye = mesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary + if(localmesh->hasBndryUpperY() && include_yguards) + ye = localmesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary alldata = new SPT_data[ye - ys + 1]; alldata -= ys; // Re-number indices to start at ys @@ -66,8 +67,8 @@ LaplaceSPT::LaplaceSPT(Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) } // Temporary array for taking FFTs - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; - dc1d = Array(ncz / 2 + 1); + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + dc1d.reallocate(ncz / 2 + 1); } LaplaceSPT::~LaplaceSPT() { @@ -75,32 +76,32 @@ LaplaceSPT::~LaplaceSPT() { delete[] alldata; } -const FieldPerp LaplaceSPT::solve(const FieldPerp &b) { - return solve(b,b); -} +FieldPerp LaplaceSPT::solve(const FieldPerp& b) { return solve(b, b); } -const FieldPerp LaplaceSPT::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); - FieldPerp x(mesh); - x.allocate(); +FieldPerp LaplaceSPT::solve(const FieldPerp& b, const FieldPerp& x0) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + + FieldPerp x{emptyFrom(b)}; if( (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) || (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) ) { FieldPerp bs = copy(b); - int xbndry = mesh->xstart; + int xbndry = localmesh->xstart; // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) xbndry = 1; - if((inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) { + if((inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) { // Copy x0 inner boundary into bs for(int ix=0;ixLocalNz;iz++) + for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) bs[ix][iz] = x0[ix][iz]; } - if((outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->lastX()) { + if((outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->lastX()) { // Copy x0 outer boundary into bs - for(int ix=mesh->LocalNx-1;ix>=mesh->LocalNx-xbndry;ix--) - for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) + for(int ix=localmesh->LocalNx-1;ix>=localmesh->LocalNx-xbndry;ix--) + for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) bs[ix][iz] = x0[ix][iz]; } start(bs, slicedata); @@ -113,18 +114,17 @@ const FieldPerp LaplaceSPT::solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) { /// Extracts perpendicular slices from 3D fields and inverts separately /*! - * In parallel (mesh->NXPE > 1) this tries to overlap computation and communication. + * In parallel (localmesh->NXPE > 1) this tries to overlap computation and communication. * This is done at the expense of more memory useage. Setting low_mem * in the config file uses less memory, and less communication overlap */ -const Field3D LaplaceSPT::solve(const Field3D &b) { +Field3D LaplaceSPT::solve(const Field3D& b) { ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); Timer timer("invert"); - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); - Field3D x(mesh); - x.allocate(); + Field3D x{emptyFrom(b)}; for(int jy=ys; jy <= ye; jy++) { // And start another one going @@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ const Field3D LaplaceSPT::solve(const Field3D &b) { running = next(alldata[jy]) == 0; }while(running); - FieldPerp xperp(mesh); + FieldPerp xperp(localmesh); + xperp.setLocation(location); xperp.allocate(); // All calculations finished. Get result @@ -151,33 +152,33 @@ const Field3D LaplaceSPT::solve(const Field3D &b) { x = xperp; } - x.setLocation(b.getLocation()); - return x; } -const Field3D LaplaceSPT::solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) { - if( ((inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) || - ((outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->lastX()) ) { +Field3D LaplaceSPT::solve(const Field3D& b, const Field3D& x0) { + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); + + if( ((inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) || + ((outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->lastX()) ) { Field3D bs = copy(b); - int xbndry = mesh->xstart; + int xbndry = localmesh->xstart; // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) xbndry = 1; - if((inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->firstX()) { + if((inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->firstX()) { // Copy x0 inner boundary into bs for(int ix=0;ixLocalNy;iy++) - for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) + for(int iy=0;iyLocalNy;iy++) + for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) bs(ix,iy,iz) = x0(ix,iy,iz); } - if((outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && mesh->lastX()) { + if((outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) && localmesh->lastX()) { // Copy x0 outer boundary into bs - for(int ix=mesh->LocalNx-1;ix>=mesh->LocalNx-xbndry;ix--) - for(int iy=0;iyLocalNy;iy++) - for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) + for(int ix=localmesh->LocalNx-1;ix>=localmesh->LocalNx-xbndry;ix--) + for(int iy=0;iyLocalNy;iy++) + for(int iz=0;izLocalNz;iz++) bs(ix,iy,iz) = x0(ix,iy,iz); } return solve(bs); @@ -235,8 +236,8 @@ void LaplaceSPT::tridagForward(dcomplex *a, dcomplex *b, dcomplex *c, * @param[inout] u Result to be solved (Au = r) * @param[in] n Size of the problem * @param[in] gam Intermediate values produced by the forward part - * @param[inout] gp gam from the processor mesh->PE_XIND + 1, and returned to mesh->PE_XIND - 1 - * @param[inout] up u from processor mesh->PE_XIND + 1, and returned to mesh->PE_XIND - 1 + * @param[inout] gp gam from the processor localmesh->PE_XIND + 1, and returned to localmesh->PE_XIND - 1 + * @param[inout] up u from processor localmesh->PE_XIND + 1, and returned to localmesh->PE_XIND - 1 */ void LaplaceSPT::tridagBack(dcomplex *u, int n, dcomplex *gam, dcomplex &gp, dcomplex &up) { @@ -256,39 +257,41 @@ void LaplaceSPT::tridagBack(dcomplex *u, int n, /// /// This is a reference code which performs the same operations as the /// serial code. To invert a single XZ slice (FieldPerp object), data -/// must pass from the innermost processor (mesh->PE_XIND = 0) to the -/// outermost (mesh->PE_XIND = mesh->NXPE-1) and back again. +/// must pass from the innermost processor (localmesh->PE_XIND = 0) to the +/// outermost (localmesh->PE_XIND = localmesh->NXPE-1) and back again. /// /// Some parallelism is achieved by running several inversions /// simultaneously, so while processor #1 is inverting Y=0, processor /// #0 is starting on Y=1. This works ok as long as the number of /// slices to be inverted is greater than the number of X processors -/// (MYSUB > mesh->NXPE). If MYSUB < mesh->NXPE then not all +/// (MYSUB > localmesh->NXPE). If MYSUB < localmesh->NXPE then not all /// processors can be busy at once, and so efficiency will fall /// sharply. /// /// @param[in] b RHS values (Ax = b) /// @param[out] data Structure containing data needed for second half of inversion int LaplaceSPT::start(const FieldPerp &b, SPT_data &data) { - if(mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX()) - throw BoutException("Error: SPT method only works for mesh->NXPE > 1\n"); + if(localmesh->firstX() && localmesh->lastX()) + throw BoutException("Error: SPT method only works for localmesh->NXPE > 1\n"); + + ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); data.jy = b.getIndex(); - int mm = mesh->LocalNz/2 + 1; - data.allocate(mm, mesh->LocalNx); // Make sure data is allocated. Already allocated -> does nothing + int mm = localmesh->LocalNz/2 + 1; + data.allocate(mm, localmesh->LocalNx); // Make sure data is allocated. Already allocated -> does nothing /// Take FFTs of data - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; - for(int ix=0; ix < mesh->LocalNx; ix++) { + for(int ix=0; ix < localmesh->LocalNx; ix++) { rfft(b[ix], ncz, std::begin(dc1d)); for(int kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) data.bk(kz, ix) = dc1d[kz]; } - BoutReal kwaveFactor = 2.0 * PI / mesh->getCoordinates(location)->zlength(); + BoutReal kwaveFactor = 2.0 * PI / coords->zlength(); /// Set matrix elements for (int kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { @@ -300,13 +303,13 @@ int LaplaceSPT::start(const FieldPerp &b, SPT_data &data) { data.proc = 0; //< Starts at processor 0 data.dir = 1; - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { BOUT_OMP(parallel for) for(int kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { dcomplex bet, u0; // Start tridiagonal solve tridagForward(&data.avec(kz, 0), &data.bvec(kz, 0), &data.cvec(kz, 0), - &data.bk(kz, 0), &data.xk(kz, 0), mesh->xend + 1, &data.gam(kz, 0), + &data.bk(kz, 0), &data.xk(kz, 0), localmesh->xend + 1, &data.gam(kz, 0), bet, u0, true); // Load intermediate values into buffers data.buffer[4*kz] = bet.real(); @@ -316,16 +319,16 @@ int LaplaceSPT::start(const FieldPerp &b, SPT_data &data) { } // Send data - mesh->sendXOut(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); + localmesh->sendXOut(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); - }else if(mesh->PE_XIND == 1) { + }else if(localmesh->PE_XIND == 1) { // Post a receive data.recv_handle = - mesh->irecvXIn(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); + localmesh->irecvXIn(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); } data.proc++; // Now moved onto the next processor - if(mesh->NXPE == 2) + if(localmesh->NXPE == 2) data.dir = -1; // Special case. Otherwise reversal handled in spt_continue return 0; @@ -341,13 +344,13 @@ int LaplaceSPT::next(SPT_data &data) { if(data.proc < 0) // Already finished return 1; - if(mesh->PE_XIND == data.proc) { + if(localmesh->PE_XIND == data.proc) { /// This processor's turn to do inversion // Wait for data to arrive - mesh->wait(data.recv_handle); + localmesh->wait(data.recv_handle); - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Last processor, turn-around BOUT_OMP(parallel for) @@ -356,16 +359,16 @@ int LaplaceSPT::next(SPT_data &data) { dcomplex gp, up; bet = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz], data.buffer[4*kz + 1]); u0 = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz + 2], data.buffer[4*kz + 3]); - tridagForward(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart), mesh->xend + 1, - &data.gam(kz, mesh->xstart), bet, u0); + tridagForward(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart), localmesh->xend + 1, + &data.gam(kz, localmesh->xstart), bet, u0); // Back-substitute gp = 0.0; up = 0.0; - tridagBack(&data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart), mesh->LocalNx - mesh->xstart, - &data.gam(kz, mesh->xstart), gp, up); + tridagBack(&data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart), localmesh->LocalNx - localmesh->xstart, + &data.gam(kz, localmesh->xstart), gp, up); data.buffer[4*kz] = gp.real(); data.buffer[4*kz + 1] = gp.imag(); data.buffer[4*kz + 2] = up.real(); @@ -380,10 +383,10 @@ int LaplaceSPT::next(SPT_data &data) { dcomplex bet, u0; bet = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz], data.buffer[4*kz + 1]); u0 = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz + 2], data.buffer[4*kz + 3]); - tridagForward(&data.avec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.cvec(kz, mesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, mesh->xstart), - &data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart), mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1, - &data.gam(kz, mesh->xstart), bet, u0); + tridagForward(&data.avec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.cvec(kz, localmesh->xstart), &data.bk(kz, localmesh->xstart), + &data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart), localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1, + &data.gam(kz, localmesh->xstart), bet, u0); // Load intermediate values into buffers data.buffer[4*kz] = bet.real(); data.buffer[4*kz + 1] = bet.imag(); @@ -391,7 +394,7 @@ int LaplaceSPT::next(SPT_data &data) { data.buffer[4*kz + 3] = u0.imag(); } - }else if(mesh->firstX()) { + }else if(localmesh->firstX()) { // Back to the start BOUT_OMP(parallel for) @@ -400,7 +403,7 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel for) gp = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz], data.buffer[4*kz + 1]); up = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz + 2], data.buffer[4*kz + 3]); - tridagBack(&data.xk(kz, 0), mesh->xend + 1, &data.gam(kz, 0), gp, up); + tridagBack(&data.xk(kz, 0), localmesh->xend + 1, &data.gam(kz, 0), gp, up); } }else { @@ -411,8 +414,8 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel for) dcomplex gp = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz], data.buffer[4*kz + 1]); dcomplex up = dcomplex(data.buffer[4*kz + 2], data.buffer[4*kz + 3]); - tridagBack(&data.xk(kz, mesh->xstart), mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1, - &data.gam(kz, mesh->xstart), gp, up); + tridagBack(&data.xk(kz, localmesh->xstart), localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1, + &data.gam(kz, localmesh->xstart), gp, up); data.buffer[4*kz] = gp.real(); data.buffer[4*kz + 1] = gp.imag(); @@ -421,29 +424,29 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel for) } } - if(mesh->PE_XIND != 0) { // If not finished yet + if(localmesh->PE_XIND != 0) { // If not finished yet /// Send data if(data.dir > 0) { - mesh->sendXOut(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); + localmesh->sendXOut(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); }else - mesh->sendXIn(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); + localmesh->sendXIn(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); } - }else if(mesh->PE_XIND == data.proc + data.dir) { + }else if(localmesh->PE_XIND == data.proc + data.dir) { // This processor is next, post receive if(data.dir > 0) { data.recv_handle = - mesh->irecvXIn(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); + localmesh->irecvXIn(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); }else data.recv_handle = - mesh->irecvXOut(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); + localmesh->irecvXOut(std::begin(data.buffer), 4 * (maxmode + 1), data.comm_tag); } data.proc += data.dir; - if(data.proc == mesh->NXPE-1) + if(data.proc == localmesh->NXPE-1) data.dir = -1; // Reverses direction at the end return 0; @@ -454,8 +457,10 @@ BOUT_OMP(parallel for) /// @param[inout] data Structure keeping track of calculation /// @param[out] x The result void LaplaceSPT::finish(SPT_data &data, FieldPerp &x) { - int ncx = mesh->LocalNx-1; - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; + int ncx = localmesh->LocalNx-1; + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + + ASSERT1(x.getLocation() == location); x.allocate(); x.setIndex(data.jy); @@ -479,17 +484,17 @@ void LaplaceSPT::finish(SPT_data &data, FieldPerp &x) { irfft(std::begin(dc1d), ncz, x[ix]); } - if(!mesh->firstX()) { + if(!localmesh->firstX()) { // Set left boundary to zero (Prevent unassigned values in corners) - for(int ix=0; ixxstart; ix++){ - for(int kz=0;kzLocalNz;kz++) + for(int ix=0; ixxstart; ix++){ + for(int kz=0;kzLocalNz;kz++) x(ix,kz) = 0.0; } } - if(!mesh->lastX()) { + if(!localmesh->lastX()) { // Same for right boundary - for(int ix=mesh->xend+1; ixLocalNx; ix++){ - for(int kz=0;kzLocalNz;kz++) + for(int ix=localmesh->xend+1; ixLocalNx; ix++){ + for(int kz=0;kzLocalNz;kz++) x(ix,kz) = 0.0; } } @@ -499,16 +504,16 @@ void LaplaceSPT::finish(SPT_data &data, FieldPerp &x) { // SPT_data helper class void LaplaceSPT::SPT_data::allocate(int mm, int nx) { - bk = Matrix(mm, nx); - xk = Matrix(mm, nx); + bk.reallocate(mm, nx); + xk.reallocate(mm, nx); - gam = Matrix(mm, nx); + gam.reallocate(mm, nx); // Matrix to be solved - avec = Matrix(mm, nx); - bvec = Matrix(mm, nx); - cvec = Matrix(mm, nx); + avec.reallocate(mm, nx); + bvec.reallocate(mm, nx); + cvec.reallocate(mm, nx); - buffer = Array(4 * mm); + buffer.reallocate(4 * mm); } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.hxx index 564f9c844c..63b3a8b3e4 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/impls/spt/spt.hxx @@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ class LaplaceSPT; /*! * This is a reference code which performs the same operations as the serial code. * To invert a single XZ slice (FieldPerp object), data must pass from the innermost - * processor (mesh->PE_XIND = 0) to the outermost (mesh->PE_XIND = mesh->NXPE-1) and back again. + * processor (localmesh->PE_XIND = 0) to the outermost (localmesh->PE_XIND = localmesh->NXPE-1) and back again. * * Some parallelism is achieved by running several inversions simultaneously, so while * processor #1 is inverting Y=0, processor #0 is starting on Y=1. This works ok as long - * as the number of slices to be inverted is greater than the number of X processors (MYSUB > mesh->NXPE). - * If MYSUB < mesh->NXPE then not all processors can be busy at once, and so efficiency will fall sharply. + * as the number of slices to be inverted is greater than the number of X processors (MYSUB > localmesh->NXPE). + * If MYSUB < localmesh->NXPE then not all processors can be busy at once, and so efficiency will fall sharply. * * @param[in] b RHS values (Ax = b) * @param[in] flags Inversion settings (see boundary.h for values) @@ -66,22 +66,25 @@ class LaplaceSPT; */ class LaplaceSPT : public Laplacian { public: - LaplaceSPT(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE); + LaplaceSPT(Options *opt = nullptr, const CELL_LOC = CELL_CENTRE, Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); ~LaplaceSPT(); using Laplacian::setCoefA; void setCoefA(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Acoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefC; void setCoefC(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Ccoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefD; void setCoefD(const Field2D &val) override { ASSERT1(val.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == val.getMesh()); Dcoef = val; } using Laplacian::setCoefEx; @@ -94,11 +97,11 @@ public: } using Laplacian::solve; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; - const FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b) override; + FieldPerp solve(const FieldPerp &b, const FieldPerp &x0) override; - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override; - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) override; + Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; private: enum { SPT_DATA = 1123 }; ///< 'magic' number for SPT MPI messages diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/invert_laplace.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/invert_laplace.cxx index c9478eb20d..04046b263c 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/invert_laplace.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/invert_laplace.cxx @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ * */ +#include #include #include #include @@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ **********************************************************************************/ /// Laplacian inversion initialisation. Called once at the start to get settings -Laplacian::Laplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : location(loc) { +Laplacian::Laplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) + : location(loc), localmesh(mesh_in==nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : mesh_in) { if (options == nullptr) { // Use the default options @@ -64,12 +66,15 @@ Laplacian::Laplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : location(loc) { location = CELL_CENTRE; } + coords = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); + // Communication option. Controls if asyncronous sends are used - options->get("async", async_send, true); + async_send = (*options)["async"].doc("Use asyncronous MPI send?").withDefault(true); - BoutReal filter; ///< Fraction of Z modes to filter out. Between 0 and 1 - OPTION(options, filter, 0.0); - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; + BoutReal filter = (*options)["filter"] + .doc("Fraction of Z modes to filter out. Between 0 and 1") + .withDefault(0.0); + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; // convert filtering into an integer number of modes maxmode = ROUND((1.0 - filter) * static_cast(ncz / 2)); // Can be overriden by max_mode option @@ -79,18 +84,20 @@ Laplacian::Laplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : location(loc) { OPTION(options, low_mem, false); - OPTION(options, nonuniform, - mesh->getCoordinates(location)->non_uniform); // Default is the mesh setting + nonuniform = (*options)["nonuniform"] + .doc("Use non-uniform grid corrections? Default is the mesh setting.") + .withDefault(coords->non_uniform); - OPTION(options, all_terms, true); // Include first derivative terms + all_terms = (*options)["all_terms"].doc("Include first derivative terms?").withDefault(true); if (options->isSet("flags")) { if ( options->isSet("global_flags") || options->isSet("inner_boundary_flags") || options->isSet("outer_boundary_flags") ) { throw BoutException("Should not use old flags as well as new global_flags/inner_boundary_flags/outer_boundary_flags"); } - int flags; - OPTION(options, flags, 0); - setFlags(flags); + int flags = (*options)["flags"] + .doc("Flags to control inner and outer boundaries.") + .withDefault(0); + Laplacian::setFlags(flags); } else { OPTION(options, global_flags, 0); @@ -98,18 +105,20 @@ Laplacian::Laplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : location(loc) { OPTION(options, outer_boundary_flags, 0); } - OPTION(options, include_yguards, false); + include_yguards = (*options)["include_yguards"] + .doc("Solve Laplacian in Y guard cells?") + .withDefault(false); OPTION2(options, extra_yguards_lower, extra_yguards_upper, 0); } -Laplacian* Laplacian::create(Options *opts, const CELL_LOC location) { +Laplacian* Laplacian::create(Options *opts, const CELL_LOC location, Mesh *mesh_in) { // Factory pattern: // 1. getInstance() is making an instance of LaplacianFactory // 2. createLaplacian() is accessing this instance and returning a Laplacian // form one of the child classes of the Laplacian (the laplace solver // implementations) - return LaplaceFactory::getInstance()->createLaplacian(opts, location); + return LaplaceFactory::getInstance()->createLaplacian(opts, location, mesh_in); } Laplacian *Laplacian::instance = nullptr; @@ -131,31 +140,29 @@ void Laplacian::cleanup() { * Solve routines **********************************************************************************/ -const Field3D Laplacian::solve(const Field3D &b) { +Field3D Laplacian::solve(const Field3D& b) { TRACE("Laplacian::solve(Field3D)"); ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); - - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh()); Timer timer("invert"); - int ys = mesh->ystart, ye = mesh->yend; + int ys = localmesh->ystart, ye = localmesh->yend; - if(mesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { + if(localmesh->hasBndryLowerY()) { if (include_yguards) ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary and we are solving in the guard cells ys += extra_yguards_lower; } - if(mesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { + if(localmesh->hasBndryUpperY()) { if (include_yguards) - ye = mesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells + ye = localmesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary and we are solving in the guard cells ye -= extra_yguards_upper; } - Field3D x(mesh); - x.allocate(); + Field3D x{emptyFrom(b)}; int status = 0; try { @@ -169,13 +176,11 @@ const Field3D Laplacian::solve(const Field3D &b) { } BoutParallelThrowRhsFail(status, "Laplacian inversion took too many iterations."); - x.setLocation(b.getLocation()); - return x; } // NB: Really inefficient, but functional -const Field2D Laplacian::solve(const Field2D &b) { +Field2D Laplacian::solve(const Field2D& b) { ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); @@ -193,24 +198,23 @@ const Field2D Laplacian::solve(const Field2D &b) { * * \returns x All the y-slices of x_slice in the equation A*x_slice = b_slice */ -const Field3D Laplacian::solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) { +Field3D Laplacian::solve(const Field3D& b, const Field3D& x0) { TRACE("Laplacian::solve(Field3D, Field3D)"); ASSERT1(b.getLocation() == location); ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(localmesh == b.getMesh() && localmesh == x0.getMesh()); Timer timer("invert"); - Mesh *mesh = b.getMesh(); // Setting the start and end range of the y-slices - int ys = mesh->ystart, ye = mesh->yend; - if(mesh->hasBndryLowerY() && include_yguards) + int ys = localmesh->ystart, ye = localmesh->yend; + if(localmesh->hasBndryLowerY() && include_yguards) ys = 0; // Mesh contains a lower boundary - if(mesh->hasBndryUpperY() && include_yguards) - ye = mesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary + if(localmesh->hasBndryUpperY() && include_yguards) + ye = localmesh->LocalNy-1; // Contains upper boundary - Field3D x(mesh); - x.allocate(); + Field3D x{emptyFrom(b)}; int status = 0; try { @@ -224,12 +228,10 @@ const Field3D Laplacian::solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) { } BoutParallelThrowRhsFail(status, "Laplacian inversion took too many iterations."); - x.setLocation(b.getLocation()); - return x; // Return the result of the inversion } -const Field2D Laplacian::solve(const Field2D &b, const Field2D &x0) { +Field2D Laplacian::solve(const Field2D& b, const Field2D& x0) { Field3D f = b, g = x0; f = solve(f, g); return DC(f); @@ -249,9 +251,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, int jz, ASSERT1(ccoef == nullptr || ccoef->getLocation() == loc); ASSERT1(d == nullptr || d->getLocation() == loc); - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(loc); - - BoutReal kwave=jz*2.0*PI/coord->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] + BoutReal kwave=jz*2.0*PI/coords->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] tridagCoefs(jx, jy, kwave, a, b, c, @@ -260,12 +260,12 @@ void Laplacian::tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, int jz, void Laplacian::tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, BoutReal kwave, dcomplex &a, dcomplex &b, dcomplex &c, - const Field2D *ccoef, const Field2D *d, - CELL_LOC loc) { + const Field2D *c1coef, const Field2D *c2coef, + const Field2D *d, CELL_LOC loc) { /* Function: Laplacian::tridagCoef * Purpose: - Set the matrix components of A in Ax=b, solving * - * D*Laplace_perp(x) + (1/C)Grad_perp(C)*Grad_perp(x) + Ax = B + * D*Laplace_perp(x) + (1/C1)Grad_perp(C2)*Grad_perp(x) + Ax = B * * for each fourier component. * NOTE: A in the equation above is not added here. @@ -275,39 +275,42 @@ void Laplacian::tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, BoutReal kwave, * Input: * jx - The current x index * jy - The current y index - * kwave - The mode number multiplied with (2*pi)/mesh->zlength(), where + * kwave - The mode number multiplied with (2*pi)/localmesh->zlength(), where * zlength() is the length of the full z domain (usually 2*pi) * a - Lower diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH A * b - The main diagonal * c - The upper diagonal. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH C (called ccoef here) - * ccoef - C in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH c + * c1coef - C1 in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH c + * c2coef - C2 in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH c * d - D in the equation above * * Output: * a - Lower diagonal of the tridiagonal matrix. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH A * b - The main diagonal - * c - The upper diagonal. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH C (called ccoef here) + * c - The upper diagonal. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH C1, C2 (called c1coef, c2coef + * here) */ - if (loc == CELL_DEFAULT) loc = location; - - ASSERT1(ccoef == nullptr || ccoef->getLocation() == loc); - ASSERT1(d == nullptr || d->getLocation() == loc); + Coordinates* localcoords; + if (loc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + loc = location; + localcoords = coords; + } else { + localcoords = localmesh->getCoordinates(loc); + } BoutReal coef1, coef2, coef3, coef4, coef5; - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(loc); - - coef1=coord->g11(jx,jy); ///< X 2nd derivative coefficient - coef2=coord->g33(jx,jy); ///< Z 2nd derivative coefficient - coef3=2.*coord->g13(jx,jy); ///< X-Z mixed derivative coefficient + coef1=localcoords->g11(jx,jy); ///< X 2nd derivative coefficient + coef2=localcoords->g33(jx,jy); ///< Z 2nd derivative coefficient + coef3=2.*localcoords->g13(jx,jy); ///< X-Z mixed derivative coefficient coef4 = 0.0; coef5 = 0.0; // If global flag all_terms are set (true by default) if(all_terms) { - coef4 = coord->G1(jx,jy); // X 1st derivative - coef5 = coord->G3(jx,jy); // Z 1st derivative + coef4 = localcoords->G1(jx,jy); // X 1st derivative + coef5 = localcoords->G3(jx,jy); // Z 1st derivative } if (d != nullptr) { @@ -321,27 +324,30 @@ void Laplacian::tridagCoefs(int jx, int jy, BoutReal kwave, if(nonuniform) { // non-uniform mesh correction - if((jx != 0) && (jx != (mesh->LocalNx-1))) { - coef4 -= 0.5*((coord->dx(jx+1,jy) - coord->dx(jx-1,jy))/SQ(coord->dx(jx,jy)))*coef1; + if((jx != 0) && (jx != (localmesh->LocalNx-1))) { + coef4 -= 0.5*((localcoords->dx(jx+1,jy) - localcoords->dx(jx-1,jy))/SQ(localcoords->dx(jx,jy)))*coef1; } } - if (ccoef != nullptr) { - // A first order derivative term - if((jx > 0) && (jx < (mesh->LocalNx-1))) - coef4 += coord->g11(jx,jy) * ((*ccoef)(jx+1,jy) - (*ccoef)(jx-1,jy)) / (2.*coord->dx(jx,jy)*((*ccoef)(jx,jy))); + if (c1coef != nullptr) { + // First derivative terms + if((jx > 0) && (jx < (localmesh->LocalNx-1))) { + BoutReal dc2dx_over_c1 = ((*c2coef)(jx+1,jy) - (*c2coef)(jx-1,jy)) / (2.*localcoords->dx(jx,jy)*((*c1coef)(jx,jy))); + coef4 += localcoords->g11(jx,jy) * dc2dx_over_c1; + coef5 += localcoords->g13(jx,jy) * dc2dx_over_c1; + } } - if(mesh->IncIntShear) { + if(localmesh->IncIntShear) { // d2dz2 term - coef2 += coord->g11(jx,jy) * coord->IntShiftTorsion(jx,jy) * coord->IntShiftTorsion(jx,jy); + coef2 += localcoords->g11(jx,jy) * localcoords->IntShiftTorsion(jx,jy) * localcoords->IntShiftTorsion(jx,jy); // Mixed derivative coef3 = 0.0; // This cancels out } - coef1 /= SQ(coord->dx(jx,jy)); - coef3 /= 2.*coord->dx(jx,jy); - coef4 /= 2.*coord->dx(jx,jy); + coef1 /= SQ(localcoords->dx(jx,jy)); + coef3 /= 2.*localcoords->dx(jx,jy); + coef4 /= 2.*localcoords->dx(jx,jy); a = dcomplex(coef1 - coef4,-kwave*coef3); b = dcomplex(-2.0*coef1 - SQ(kwave)*coef2,kwave*coef5); @@ -357,15 +363,9 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex **avec, dcomplex **bvec, dcomplex **cvec, const Field2D *a, const Field2D *ccoef, const Field2D *d) { - ASSERT1(a->getLocation() == location); - ASSERT1(ccoef->getLocation() == location); - ASSERT1(d->getLocation() == location); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) for(int kz = 0; kz <= maxmode; kz++) { - BoutReal kwave=kz*2.0*PI/coord->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] + BoutReal kwave=kz*2.0*PI/coords->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] tridagMatrix(avec[kz], bvec[kz], cvec[kz], bk[kz], @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex **avec, dcomplex **bvec, dcomplex **cvec, * This function will * 1. Calling tridagCoef, solving * - * D*Laplace_perp(x) + (1/C)Grad_perp(C)*Grad_perp(x) + Ax = B + * D*Laplace_perp(x) + (1/C1)Grad_perp(C2)*Grad_perp(x) + Ax = B * * for each fourier component * 2. Set the boundary conditions by setting the first and last rows @@ -402,7 +402,8 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex **avec, dcomplex **bvec, dcomplex **cvec, * \param[in] inner_boundary_flags Flags used to set the inner boundary * \param[in] outer_boundary_flags Flags used to set the outer boundary * \param[in] a A in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH avec - * \param[in] ccoef C in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH cvec + * \param[in] c1coef C1 in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH cvec + * \param[in] c2coef C2 in the equation above. DO NOT CONFUSE WITH cvec * \param[in] d D in the equation above * \param[in] includeguards Whether or not the guard points in x should be used * @@ -415,36 +416,34 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex **avec, dcomplex **bvec, dcomplex **cvec, void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, dcomplex *bk, int jy, int kz, BoutReal kwave, int global_flags, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags, - const Field2D *a, const Field2D *ccoef, + const Field2D *a, const Field2D *c1coef, const Field2D *c2coef, const Field2D *d, bool includeguards) { - ASSERT1(a->getLocation() == location); - ASSERT1(ccoef->getLocation() == location); - ASSERT1(d->getLocation() == location); + // Better have either both or neither C coefficients + ASSERT3((c1coef == nullptr and c2coef == nullptr) + or (c1coef != nullptr and c2coef != nullptr)) int xs = 0; // xstart set to the start of x on this processor (including ghost points) - int xe = mesh->LocalNx-1; // xend set to the end of x on this processor (including ghost points) - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); + int xe = localmesh->LocalNx-1; // xend set to the end of x on this processor (including ghost points) // Do not want boundary cells if x is periodic for cyclic solver. Only other solver which // works with periodicX is serial_tri, which uses includeguards==true, so the below isn't called. if(!includeguards) { - if(!mesh->firstX() || mesh->periodicX) - xs = mesh->xstart; // Inner edge is a guard cell - if(!mesh->lastX() || mesh->periodicX) - xe = mesh->xend; // Outer edge is a guard cell + if(!localmesh->firstX() || localmesh->periodicX) + xs = localmesh->xstart; // Inner edge is a guard cell + if(!localmesh->lastX() || localmesh->periodicX) + xe = localmesh->xend; // Outer edge is a guard cell } int ncx = xe - xs; // Total number of points in x to be used // Setting the width of the boundary. - // NOTE: The default is a width of (mesh->xstart) guard cells - int inbndry = mesh->xstart, outbndry=mesh->xstart; + // NOTE: The default is a width of (localmesh->xstart) guard cells + int inbndry = localmesh->xstart, outbndry=localmesh->xstart; // If the flags to assign that only one guard cell should be used is set - if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (mesh->xstart < 2)) { + if((global_flags & INVERT_BOTH_BNDRY_ONE) || (localmesh->xstart < 2)) { inbndry = outbndry = 1; } if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_BNDRY_ONE) @@ -456,15 +455,15 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, // The boundaries will be set according to the if-statements below. for(int ix=0;ix<=ncx;ix++) { // Actually set the metric coefficients - tridagCoefs(xs+ix, jy, kwave, avec[ix], bvec[ix], cvec[ix], ccoef, d); + tridagCoefs(xs+ix, jy, kwave, avec[ix], bvec[ix], cvec[ix], c1coef, c2coef, d); if (a != nullptr) // Add A to bvec (the main diagonal in the matrix) bvec[ix] += (*a)(xs+ix,jy); } // Set the boundary conditions if x is not periodic - if(!mesh->periodicX) { - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(!localmesh->periodicX) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { // INNER BOUNDARY ON THIS PROCESSOR // If no user specified value is set on inner boundary, set the first @@ -481,8 +480,8 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, // Zero gradient at inner boundary for (int ix=0;ixg_11(ix,jy))/coord->dx(ix,jy); - cvec[ix] = 1./sqrt(coord->g_11(ix,jy))/coord->dx(ix,jy); + bvec[ix] = -1./sqrt(coords->g_11(ix,jy))/coords->dx(ix,jy); + cvec[ix] = 1./sqrt(coords->g_11(ix,jy))/coords->dx(ix,jy); } } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRAD) { @@ -496,15 +495,15 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRADPAR) { for (int ix=0;ixg_22(ix,jy)); - cvec[ix] = -1.0/sqrt(coord->g_22(ix+1,jy)); + bvec[ix] = 1.0/sqrt(coords->g_22(ix,jy)); + cvec[ix] = -1.0/sqrt(coords->g_22(ix+1,jy)); } } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRADPARINV) { for (int ix=0;ixg_22(ix,jy)); - cvec[ix] = -sqrt(coord->g_22(ix+1,jy)); + bvec[ix] = sqrt(coords->g_22(ix,jy)); + cvec[ix] = -sqrt(coords->g_22(ix+1,jy)); } } else if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_LAP) { @@ -519,7 +518,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, for (int ix=0;ixdx(ix,jy)/sqrt(coord->g11(ix,jy))); + cvec[ix] = -exp(-k*coords->dx(ix,jy)/sqrt(coords->g11(ix,jy))); } } else if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_IN_CYLINDER){ @@ -581,8 +580,8 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, // Zero gradient at inner boundary for (int ix=0;ixg_11(ix,jy))/coord->dx(ix,jy); - cvec[ix] = dcomplex(1.,0.)/sqrt(coord->g_11(ix,jy))/coord->dx(ix,jy); + bvec[ix] = dcomplex(-1.,0.)/sqrt(coords->g_11(ix,jy))/coords->dx(ix,jy); + cvec[ix] = dcomplex(1.,0.)/sqrt(coords->g_11(ix,jy))/coords->dx(ix,jy); } } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD) { @@ -598,7 +597,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, for (int ix=0;ixg33(ix,jy)/coord->g11(ix,jy))*kwave*coord->dx(ix,jy)); + cvec[ix] = -exp(-1.0*sqrt(coords->g33(ix,jy)/coords->g11(ix,jy))*kwave*coords->dx(ix,jy)); } } else if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_IN_CYLINDER) { @@ -627,7 +626,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, } } } - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // OUTER BOUNDARY ON THIS PROCESSOR // If no user specified value is set on outer boundary, set the last @@ -644,8 +643,8 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRAD && ( outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET || outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS)) { // Zero gradient at outer boundary for (int ix=0;ixg_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coord->dx(ncx-ix,jy); - bvec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(1.,0.)/sqrt(coord->g_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coord->dx(ncx-ix,jy); + avec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(-1.,0.)/sqrt(coords->g_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coords->dx(ncx-ix,jy); + bvec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(1.,0.)/sqrt(coords->g_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coords->dx(ncx-ix,jy); cvec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(0.,0.); } } @@ -659,15 +658,15 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRADPAR) { for (int ix=0;ixg_22(ncx-ix+1,jy)); - bvec[ncx-ix] = -1.0/sqrt(coord->g_22(ncx-ix,jy)); + avec[ncx-ix] = 1.0/sqrt(coords->g_22(ncx-ix+1,jy)); + bvec[ncx-ix] = -1.0/sqrt(coords->g_22(ncx-ix,jy)); cvec[ncx-ix] = 0.0; } } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRADPARINV) { for (int ix=0;ixg_22(ncx-ix-1,jy)); - bvec[ncx-ix] = -sqrt(coord->g_22(ncx-ix,jy)); + avec[ncx-ix] = sqrt(coords->g_22(ncx-ix-1,jy)); + bvec[ncx-ix] = -sqrt(coords->g_22(ncx-ix,jy)); cvec[ncx-ix] = 0.0; } } @@ -683,7 +682,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, for (int ix=0;ixdx(ncx-ix,jy)/sqrt(coord->g11(ncx-ix,jy))); + avec[ncx-ix] = -exp(-k*coords->dx(ncx-ix,jy)/sqrt(coords->g11(ncx-ix,jy))); } } else { @@ -702,8 +701,8 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD && ( outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET || outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS)) { // Zero gradient at outer boundary for (int ix=0;ixg_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coord->dx(ncx-ix,jy); - bvec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(1.,0.)/sqrt(coord->g_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coord->dx(ncx-ix,jy); + avec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(-1.,0.)/sqrt(coords->g_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coords->dx(ncx-ix,jy); + bvec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(1.,0.)/sqrt(coords->g_11(ncx-ix,jy))/coords->dx(ncx-ix,jy); cvec[ncx-ix]=dcomplex(0.,0.); } } @@ -718,7 +717,7 @@ void Laplacian::tridagMatrix(dcomplex *avec, dcomplex *bvec, dcomplex *cvec, else if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_LAP) { // Use decaying zero-Laplacian solution in the boundary for (int ix=0;ixg33(xe-ix,jy)/coord->g11(xe-ix,jy))*kwave*coord->dx(xe-ix,jy)); + avec[ncx-ix] = -exp(-1.0*sqrt(coords->g33(xe-ix,jy)/coords->g11(xe-ix,jy))*kwave*coords->dx(xe-ix,jy)); bvec[ncx-ix] = 1.0; cvec[ncx-ix] = 0.0; } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx b/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx index 6a04e6e68e..e112249d57 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx @@ -37,35 +37,39 @@ LaplaceFactory* LaplaceFactory::getInstance() { return instance; } -Laplacian* LaplaceFactory::createLaplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) { +Laplacian* LaplaceFactory::createLaplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc, Mesh *mesh_in) { if (options == nullptr) options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("laplace"); - string type; + if (mesh_in == nullptr) { + mesh_in = bout::globals::mesh; + } + + std::string type; - if(mesh->firstX() && mesh->lastX()) { + if(mesh_in->firstX() && mesh_in->lastX()) { // Can use serial algorithm options->get("type", type, LAPLACE_CYCLIC); if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_TRI) == 0) { - return new LaplaceSerialTri(options, loc); + return new LaplaceSerialTri(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_BAND) == 0) { - return new LaplaceSerialBand(options, loc); + return new LaplaceSerialBand(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_SPT) == 0) { - return new LaplaceSPT(options, loc); + return new LaplaceSPT(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_PETSC) == 0) { - return new LaplacePetsc(options, loc); + return new LaplacePetsc(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_MUMPS) == 0) { - return new LaplaceMumps(options, loc); + return new LaplaceMumps(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_CYCLIC) == 0) { - return new LaplaceCyclic(options, loc); + return new LaplaceCyclic(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_SHOOT) == 0) { - return new LaplaceShoot(options, loc); + return new LaplaceShoot(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_MULTIGRID) == 0) { - return new LaplaceMultigrid(options, loc); + return new LaplaceMultigrid(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_NAULIN) == 0) { - return new LaplaceNaulin(options, loc); + return new LaplaceNaulin(options, loc, mesh_in); }else { throw BoutException("Unknown serial Laplacian solver type '%s'", type.c_str()); } @@ -75,21 +79,21 @@ Laplacian* LaplaceFactory::createLaplacian(Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) // Parallel algorithm if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_PDD) == 0) { - return new LaplacePDD(options, loc); + return new LaplacePDD(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_SPT) == 0) { - return new LaplaceSPT(options, loc); + return new LaplaceSPT(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_PETSC) == 0) { - return new LaplacePetsc(options, loc); + return new LaplacePetsc(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_MUMPS) == 0) { - return new LaplaceMumps(options, loc); + return new LaplaceMumps(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_CYCLIC) == 0) { - return new LaplaceCyclic(options, loc); + return new LaplaceCyclic(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_SHOOT) == 0) { - return new LaplaceShoot(options, loc); + return new LaplaceShoot(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_MULTIGRID) == 0) { - return new LaplaceMultigrid(options, loc); + return new LaplaceMultigrid(options, loc, mesh_in); }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), LAPLACE_NAULIN) == 0) { - return new LaplaceNaulin(options, loc); + return new LaplaceNaulin(options, loc, mesh_in); }else { throw BoutException("Unknown parallel Laplacian solver type '%s'", type.c_str()); } diff --git a/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.hxx b/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.hxx index e71543a073..780e8c2410 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.hxx @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ class LaplaceFactory { /// Return a pointer to the only instance static LaplaceFactory* getInstance(); - Laplacian *createLaplacian(Options *options = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + Laplacian *createLaplacian(Options *options = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE, + Mesh *mesh_in = nullptr); private: LaplaceFactory() {} // Prevent instantiation of this class diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/emptylaplace3d.hxx b/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/emptylaplace3d.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 4cfb27ab28..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/emptylaplace3d.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - -#ifndef __EMPTYLAPLACE3D_H__ -#define __EMPTYLAPLACE3D_H__ - -#include -#include - -class EmptyLaplace3D : public Laplace3D { -public: - EmptyLaplace3D(Options *opt = nullptr) { - throw BoutException("Laplace3D solver not available"); - } - void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) {} - void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) {} - void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) {} - void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) {} - - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b) {return b;} -}; - -#endif // __EMPTYLAPLACE3D_H__ diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/makefile b/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index f63a3f8ac5..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ - -BOUT_TOP = ../../../.. - -DIRS = petsc - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/makefile b/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index 5206784755..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - -BOUT_TOP = ../../../../.. - -SOURCEC = petsc_laplace3d.cxx -SOURCEH = petsc_laplace3d.hxx -TARGET = lib - -CXXFLAGS +=-g - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.cxx b/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index e0897a6f4d..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ - -#ifdef BOUT_HAS_PETSC - -#include "petsc_laplace3d.hxx" - -Laplace3DPetsc::Laplace3DPetsc(Options *opt) : Laplace3D(opt) { - // Get options -} - -Laplace3DPetsc::~Laplace3DPetsc() { - -} - -const Field3D Laplace3DPetsc::solve(const Field3D &b) { - // Set matrix coefficients - - // Solve - -} - -#endif // BOUT_HAS_PETSC diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.hxx b/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index 82a9a713f5..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -/* - * 3D Laplacian solver using PETSc - */ - -#ifndef BOUT_HAS_PETSC -// No PETSc available, so define as an empty laplace3d - -#include "../emptylaplace3d.hxx" -typedef EmptyLaplace3D Laplace3DPetsc; - -#else // BOUT_HAS_PETSC - -class Laplace3DPetsc; - -#ifndef __PETSC_LAPLACE3D_H__ -#define __PETSC_LAPLACE3D_H__ - -#include - -class Laplace3DPetsc : public Laplace3D { -public: - Laplace3DPetsc(Options *opt = nullptr); - ~Laplace3DPetsc(); - - void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) {A = f;} - void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) {B = f;} - void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) {C = f;} - void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) {D = f;} - - void setCoefA(const Field3D &f) {A = f;} - void setCoefB(const Field3D &f) {B = f;} - void setCoefC(const Field3D &f) {C = f;} - void setCoefD(const Field3D &f) {D = f;} - - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &b); -private: - Field3D A,B,C,D; // Coefficients -}; - -#endif // __PETSC_LAPLACE3D_H__ - -#endif // BOUT_HAS_PETSC - diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d.cxx b/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index d41005c281..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ - -#include - -#include "laplace3d_factory.hxx" - -Laplace3D* Laplace3D::create(Options *opts) { - return Laplace3DFactory::getInstance()->createLaplace3D(opts); -} diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d_factory.cxx b/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d_factory.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 23aea95974..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d_factory.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "laplace3d_factory.hxx" - -// Include implementations here -#include "impls/petsc/petsc_laplace3d.hxx" - -Laplace3DFactory* Laplace3DFactory::instance = 0; - -Laplace3DFactory* Laplace3DFactory::getInstance() { - if(instance == 0) { - // Create the singleton object - instance = new Laplace3DFactory(); - } - return instance; -} - -Laplace3D* Laplace3DFactory::createLaplace3D(Options *options) { - if(!options) - options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("laplace3d"); - - string type; - options->get("type", type, "petsc"); - - // Add tests for available solvers here. See src/invert/laplace/laplacefactory.cxx - if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "petsc") == 0) { - return new Laplace3DPetsc(options); - } - - throw BoutException("Unknown Laplace3D solver type '%s'", type.c_str()); -} diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d_factory.hxx b/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d_factory.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index b911ed878d..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/laplace3d_factory.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ - -class Laplace3DFactory; - -#ifndef __LAPLACE3D_FACTORY_H__ -#define __LAPLACE3D_FACTORY_H__ - -#include -#include - -class Laplace3DFactory { - public: - /// Return a pointer to the only instance - static Laplace3DFactory* getInstance(); - - Laplace3D* createLaplace3D(Options *options = nullptr); - -private: - Laplace3DFactory() {} // Prevent instantiation of this class - static Laplace3DFactory* instance; ///< The only instance of this class (Singleton) -}; - -#endif // __LAPLACE3D_FACTORY_H__ - diff --git a/src/invert/laplace3d/makefile b/src/invert/laplace3d/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index ca9f7d0a9b..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/laplace3d/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ - -BOUT_TOP = ../../.. - -DIRS = impls -SOURCEC = laplace3d.cxx laplace3d_factory.cxx -SOURCEH = laplace3d_factory.hxx -TARGET = lib - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/invert/laplacexy/laplacexy.cxx b/src/invert/laplacexy/laplacexy.cxx index aa3b2d47aa..40af4949fc 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplacexy/laplacexy.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplacexy/laplacexy.cxx @@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include +#include + #undef __FUNCT__ #define __FUNCT__ "laplacePCapply" static PetscErrorCode laplacePCapply(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y) { @@ -25,12 +28,13 @@ static PetscErrorCode laplacePCapply(PC pc,Vec x,Vec y) { PetscFunctionReturn(s->precon(x, y)); } -LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), location(loc) { +LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) + : localmesh(m==nullptr ? bout::globals::mesh : m), location(loc) { Timer timer("invert"); if (opt == nullptr) { // If no options supplied, use default - opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection("laplacexy"); + opt = &(Options::root()["laplacexy"]); } // Get MPI communicator @@ -59,21 +63,21 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat int ind = 0; // Y boundaries - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - indexXY(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1) = ind++; + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + indexXY(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1) = ind++; } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - indexXY(it.ind, mesh->yend+1) = ind++; + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + indexXY(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1) = ind++; } - xstart = mesh->xstart; - if(mesh->firstX()) + xstart = localmesh->xstart; + if(localmesh->firstX()) xstart -= 1; // Include X guard cells - xend = mesh->xend; - if(mesh->lastX()) + xend = localmesh->xend; + if(localmesh->lastX()) xend += 1; for(int x=xstart;x<=xend;x++) - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { indexXY(x,y) = ind++; } @@ -81,20 +85,18 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allocate storage for preconditioner - - nloc = xend - xstart + 1; // Number of X points on this processor - nsys = mesh->yend - mesh->ystart + 1; // Number of separate Y slices - acoef = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - bcoef = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - ccoef = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - xvals = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - bvals = Matrix(nsys, nloc); + nloc = xend - xstart + 1; // Number of X points on this processor + nsys = localmesh->yend - localmesh->ystart + 1; // Number of separate Y slices + + acoef.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + bcoef.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + ccoef.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + xvals.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + bvals.reallocate(nsys, nloc); // Create a cyclic reduction object - // FIXME: replace with make_unique when we upgrade to C++14 or add our own version - cr = std::unique_ptr>( - new CyclicReduce(mesh->getXcomm(), nloc)); + cr = bout::utils::make_unique>(localmesh->getXcomm(), nloc); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pre-allocate PETSc storage @@ -111,10 +113,10 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat } // X boundaries - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { // Lower X boundary - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int localIndex = indexXY(mesh->xstart-1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart - 1, y); ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); d_nnz[localIndex] = 2; // Diagonal sub-matrix @@ -122,25 +124,25 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat } }else { // On another processor - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int localIndex = indexXY(mesh->xstart,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart, y); ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); d_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; o_nnz[localIndex] += 1; } } - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Upper X boundary - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int localIndex = indexXY(mesh->xend+1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(localmesh->xend + 1, y); ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); d_nnz[localIndex] = 2; // Diagonal sub-matrix o_nnz[localIndex] = 0; // Off-diagonal sub-matrix } }else { // On another processor - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int localIndex = indexXY(mesh->xend,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(localmesh->xend, y); ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); d_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; o_nnz[localIndex] += 1; @@ -148,44 +150,52 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat } // Y boundaries - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <=mesh->xend; x++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <=localmesh->xend; x++) { // Default to no boundary // NOTE: This assumes that communications in Y are to other // processors. If Y is communicated with this processor (e.g. NYPE=1) // then this will result in PETSc warnings about out of range allocations - - int localIndex = indexXY(x, mesh->ystart); - ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); - //d_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; // Note: Slightly inefficient - o_nnz[localIndex] += 1; - - localIndex = indexXY(x, mesh->yend); - ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); - //d_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; // Note: Slightly inefficient - o_nnz[localIndex] += 1; + { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(x, localmesh->ystart); + ASSERT1((localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN)); + // d_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; // Note: Slightly inefficient + o_nnz[localIndex] += 1; + } + { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(x, localmesh->yend); + ASSERT1((localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN)); + // d_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; // Note: Slightly inefficient + o_nnz[localIndex] += 1; + } } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int localIndex = indexXY(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1); - ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); - d_nnz[localIndex] = 2; // Diagonal sub-matrix - o_nnz[localIndex] = 0; // Off-diagonal sub-matrix - - localIndex = indexXY(it.ind, mesh->ystart); - ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); - d_nnz[localIndex] += 1; - o_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; - } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int localIndex = indexXY(it.ind, mesh->yend+1); - ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); - d_nnz[localIndex] = 2; // Diagonal sub-matrix - o_nnz[localIndex] = 0; // Off-diagonal sub-matrix - - localIndex = indexXY(it.ind, mesh->yend); - ASSERT1( (localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN) ); - d_nnz[localIndex] += 1; - o_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart - 1); + ASSERT1((localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN)); + d_nnz[localIndex] = 2; // Diagonal sub-matrix + o_nnz[localIndex] = 0; // Off-diagonal sub-matrix + } + { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart); + ASSERT1((localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN)); + d_nnz[localIndex] += 1; + o_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; + } + } + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend + 1); + ASSERT1((localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN)); + d_nnz[localIndex] = 2; // Diagonal sub-matrix + o_nnz[localIndex] = 0; // Off-diagonal sub-matrix + } + { + const int localIndex = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend); + ASSERT1((localIndex >= 0) && (localIndex < localN)); + d_nnz[localIndex] += 1; + o_nnz[localIndex] -= 1; + } } // Pre-allocate MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation( MatA, 0, d_nnz, 0, o_nnz ); @@ -202,7 +212,7 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat indexXY += Istart; // Now communicate to fill guard cells - mesh->communicate(indexXY); + localmesh->communicate(indexXY); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set up KSP @@ -212,8 +222,7 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat // Configure Linear Solver - bool direct; - OPTION(opt, direct, false); + bool direct = (*opt)["direct"].doc("Use a direct LU solver").withDefault(false); if(direct) { KSPGetPC(ksp,&pc); @@ -227,21 +236,22 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat // Convergence Parameters. Solution is considered converged if |r_k| < max( rtol * |b| , atol ) // where r_k = b - Ax_k. The solution is considered diverged if |r_k| > dtol * |b|. - BoutReal rtol, atol, dtol; - int maxits; ///< Maximum iterations - - OPTION(opt, rtol, 1e-5); // Relative tolerance - OPTION(opt, atol, 1e-10); // Absolute tolerance - OPTION(opt, dtol, 1e3); // Diverged threshold - OPTION(opt, maxits, 100000); // Maximum iterations - + + const BoutReal rtol = (*opt)["rtol"].doc("Relative tolerance").withDefault(1e-5); + const BoutReal atol = (*opt)["atol"] + .doc("Absolute tolerance. The solution is considered converged if |Ax-b| " + "< max( rtol * |b| , atol )") + .withDefault(1e-10); + const BoutReal dtol = (*opt)["dtol"] + .doc("The solution is considered diverged if |Ax-b| > dtol * |b|") + .withDefault(1e3); + const int maxits = (*opt)["maxits"].doc("Maximum iterations").withDefault(100000); + // Get KSP Solver Type - string ksptype; - opt->get("ksptype", ksptype, "gmres"); + const std::string ksptype = (*opt)["ksptype"].doc("KSP solver type").withDefault("gmres"); // Get PC type - string pctype; - opt->get("pctype", pctype, "none", true); + const std::string pctype = (*opt)["pctype"].doc("Preconditioner type").withDefault("none"); KSPSetType( ksp, ksptype.c_str() ); KSPSetTolerances( ksp, rtol, atol, dtol, maxits ); @@ -251,17 +261,17 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat KSPGetPC(ksp,&pc); PCSetType(pc, pctype.c_str()); - if(pctype == "shell") { + if (pctype == "shell") { // Using tridiagonal solver as preconditioner PCShellSetApply(pc,laplacePCapply); PCShellSetContext(pc,this); - bool rightprec; - OPTION(opt, rightprec, true); - if(rightprec) { + const bool rightprec = (*opt)["rightprec"].doc("Use right preconditioning?").withDefault(true); + if (rightprec) { KSPSetPCSide(ksp, PC_RIGHT); // Right preconditioning - }else + } else { KSPSetPCSide(ksp, PC_LEFT); // Left preconditioning + } } } @@ -269,10 +279,10 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Decide boundary condititions - if(mesh->periodicY(mesh->xstart)) { + if (localmesh->periodicY(localmesh->xstart)) { // Periodic in Y, so in the core opt->get("core_bndry_dirichlet", x_inner_dirichlet, false); - }else { + } else { // Non-periodic, so in the PF region opt->get("pf_bndry_dirichlet", x_inner_dirichlet, true); } @@ -281,25 +291,36 @@ LaplaceXY::LaplaceXY(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) : mesh(m), locat /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Including Y derivatives? - OPTION(opt, include_y_derivs, true); - + include_y_derivs = (*opt)["include_y_derivs"] + .doc("Include Y derivatives in operator to invert?") + .withDefault(true); + /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set the default coefficients - setCoefs(1.0, 0.0); + Field2D one(1., localmesh); + Field2D zero(0., localmesh); + one.setLocation(location); + zero.setLocation(location); + setCoefs(one, zero); } void LaplaceXY::setCoefs(const Field2D &A, const Field2D &B) { Timer timer("invert"); - Coordinates *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(location); + ASSERT1(A.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(B.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(A.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(B.getLocation() == location); + + Coordinates *coords = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set Matrix elements // // (1/J) d/dx ( J * g11 d/dx ) + (1/J) d/dy ( J * g22 d/dy ) - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { // stencil entries PetscScalar c, xm, xp, ym, yp; @@ -328,9 +349,9 @@ void LaplaceXY::setCoefs(const Field2D &A, const Field2D &B) { c += B(x,y); // Put values into the preconditioner, X derivatives only - acoef(y - mesh->ystart, x - xstart) = xm; - bcoef(y - mesh->ystart, x - xstart) = c; - ccoef(y - mesh->ystart, x - xstart) = xp; + acoef(y - localmesh->ystart, x - xstart) = xm; + bcoef(y - localmesh->ystart, x - xstart) = c; + ccoef(y - localmesh->ystart, x - xstart) = xp; if( include_y_derivs ) { // YY component @@ -389,97 +410,97 @@ void LaplaceXY::setCoefs(const Field2D &A, const Field2D &B) { } // X boundaries - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { if(x_inner_dirichlet) { // Dirichlet on inner X boundary - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int row = globalIndex(mesh->xstart-1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int row = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart-1,y); PetscScalar val = 0.5; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); - int col = globalIndex(mesh->xstart,y); + int col = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart,y); MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); // Preconditioner - bcoef(y - mesh->ystart, 0) = 0.5; - ccoef(y - mesh->ystart, 0) = 0.5; + bcoef(y - localmesh->ystart, 0) = 0.5; + ccoef(y - localmesh->ystart, 0) = 0.5; } }else { // Neumann on inner X boundary - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int row = globalIndex(mesh->xstart-1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int row = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart-1,y); PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); - int col = globalIndex(mesh->xstart,y); + int col = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart,y); val = -1.0; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); // Preconditioner - bcoef(y - mesh->ystart, 0) = 1.0; - ccoef(y - mesh->ystart, 0) = -1.0; + bcoef(y - localmesh->ystart, 0) = 1.0; + ccoef(y - localmesh->ystart, 0) = -1.0; } } } - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Dirichlet on outer X boundary - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int row = globalIndex(mesh->xend+1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int row = globalIndex(localmesh->xend+1,y); PetscScalar val = 0.5; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); - int col = globalIndex(mesh->xend,y); + int col = globalIndex(localmesh->xend,y); MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); // Preconditioner - acoef(y - mesh->ystart, mesh->xend + 1 - xstart) = 0.5; - bcoef(y - mesh->ystart, mesh->xend + 1 - xstart) = 0.5; + acoef(y - localmesh->ystart, localmesh->xend + 1 - xstart) = 0.5; + bcoef(y - localmesh->ystart, localmesh->xend + 1 - xstart) = 0.5; } } if(y_bndry_dirichlet) { // Dirichlet on Y boundaries - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int row = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int row = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1); PetscScalar val = 0.5; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); - int col = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart); + int col = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart); MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int row = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend+1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int row = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1); PetscScalar val = 0.5; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); - int col = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend); + int col = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend); MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); } }else { // Neumann on Y boundaries - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int row = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int row = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1); PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); val = -1.0; - int col = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart); + int col = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart); MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int row = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend+1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int row = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1); PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&row,&val,INSERT_VALUES); val = -1.0; - int col = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend); + int col = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend); MatSetValues(MatA,1,&row,1,&col,&val,INSERT_VALUES); } } @@ -516,10 +537,15 @@ LaplaceXY::~LaplaceXY() { const Field2D LaplaceXY::solve(const Field2D &rhs, const Field2D &x0) { Timer timer("invert"); + ASSERT1(rhs.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(x0.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(rhs.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + // Load initial guess x0 into xs and rhs into bs - for(int x=mesh->xstart;x<= mesh->xend;x++) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart;x<= localmesh->xend;x++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { int ind = globalIndex(x,y); PetscScalar val = x0(x,y); @@ -530,80 +556,80 @@ const Field2D LaplaceXY::solve(const Field2D &rhs, const Field2D &x0) { } } - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { if(x_inner_dirichlet) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int ind = globalIndex(mesh->xstart-1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int ind = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart-1,y); - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); - val = 0.5*(x0(mesh->xstart-1,y) + x0(mesh->xstart,y)); + val = 0.5*(x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y) + x0(localmesh->xstart,y)); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); } }else { // Inner X boundary (Neumann) - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int ind = globalIndex(mesh->xstart-1,y); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int ind = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart-1,y); - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); - val = 0.0; //x0(mesh->xstart-1,y) - x0(mesh->xstart,y); + val = 0.0; //x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y) - x0(localmesh->xstart,y); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); } } } // Outer X boundary (Dirichlet) - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int ind = globalIndex(mesh->xend+1,y); + if(localmesh->lastX()) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int ind = globalIndex(localmesh->xend+1,y); - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xend+1,y); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xend+1,y); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); - val = 0.5*(x0(mesh->xend,y) + x0(mesh->xend+1,y)); + val = 0.5*(x0(localmesh->xend,y) + x0(localmesh->xend+1,y)); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); } } if(y_bndry_dirichlet) { - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1); - PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,mesh->ystart-1); + PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,localmesh->ystart-1); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); - val = 0.5*(x0(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1) + x0(it.ind, mesh->ystart)); + val = 0.5*(x0(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1) + x0(it.ind, localmesh->ystart)); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend+1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1); - PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,mesh->yend+1); + PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,localmesh->yend+1); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); - val = 0.5*(x0(it.ind, mesh->yend+1) + x0(it.ind, mesh->yend)); + val = 0.5*(x0(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1) + x0(it.ind, localmesh->yend)); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); } } else { // Y boundaries Neumann - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1); - PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,mesh->ystart-1); + PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,localmesh->ystart-1); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); val = 0.0; VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend+1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1); - PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,mesh->yend+1); + PetscScalar val = x0(it.ind,localmesh->yend+1); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); val = 0.0; @@ -634,10 +660,10 @@ const Field2D LaplaceXY::solve(const Field2D &rhs, const Field2D &x0) { Field2D result; result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + result.setLocation(location); - for(int x=mesh->xstart;x<= mesh->xend;x++) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart;x<= localmesh->xend;x++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { int ind = globalIndex(x,y); PetscScalar val; @@ -647,42 +673,42 @@ const Field2D LaplaceXY::solve(const Field2D &rhs, const Field2D &x0) { } // Inner X boundary - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int ind = globalIndex(mesh->xstart-1,y); + if(localmesh->firstX()) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int ind = globalIndex(localmesh->xstart-1,y); PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); - for(int x=mesh->xstart-1; x >= 0; x--) + for(int x=localmesh->xstart-1; x >= 0; x--) result(x,y) = val; } } // Outer X boundary - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - int ind = globalIndex(mesh->xend+1,y); + if(localmesh->lastX()) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart;y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + int ind = globalIndex(localmesh->xend+1,y); PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); - for(int x=mesh->xend+1;x < mesh->LocalNx;x++) + for(int x=localmesh->xend+1;x < localmesh->LocalNx;x++) result(x,y) = val; } } // Lower Y boundary - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->ystart-1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->ystart-1); PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); - for(int y=mesh->ystart-1;y>=0;y--) + for(int y=localmesh->ystart-1;y>=0;y--) result(it.ind, y) = val; } // Upper Y boundary - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { - int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, mesh->yend+1); + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + int ind = globalIndex(it.ind, localmesh->yend+1); PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); - for(int y=mesh->yend+1;yLocalNy;y++) + for(int y=localmesh->yend+1;yLocalNy;y++) result(it.ind, y) = val; } @@ -699,9 +725,9 @@ int LaplaceXY::precon(Vec input, Vec result) { // Starting index int ind = -1; - RangeIterator itdwn=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); + RangeIterator itdwn=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); if(!itdwn.isDone()) { - ind = globalIndex(itdwn.ind, mesh->ystart-1); + ind = globalIndex(itdwn.ind, localmesh->ystart-1); for(; !itdwn.isDone(); itdwn++) { PetscScalar val; @@ -710,11 +736,11 @@ int LaplaceXY::precon(Vec input, Vec result) { ind++; } } - RangeIterator itup=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); + RangeIterator itup=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); if(!itup.isDone()) { if(ind == -1) { // No lower boundary - ind = globalIndex(itup.ind, mesh->yend+1); + ind = globalIndex(itup.ind, localmesh->yend+1); } for(; !itup.isDone(); itup++) { PetscScalar val; @@ -725,16 +751,16 @@ int LaplaceXY::precon(Vec input, Vec result) { } if(ind == -1) { // No Y boundaries - ind = globalIndex(xstart, mesh->ystart); + ind = globalIndex(xstart, localmesh->ystart); } int ind0 = ind; // Load vector x into bvals array for(int x=xstart;x<=xend;x++) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart; y<=mesh->yend;y++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart; y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(input, 1, &ind, &val ); - bvals(y - mesh->ystart, x - xstart) = val; + bvals(y - localmesh->ystart, x - xstart) = val; ind++; } } @@ -745,8 +771,8 @@ int LaplaceXY::precon(Vec input, Vec result) { // Save result xvals into y array ind = ind0; for(int x=xstart;x<=xend;x++) { - for(int y=mesh->ystart; y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - PetscScalar val = xvals(y - mesh->ystart, x - xstart); + for(int y=localmesh->ystart; y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { + PetscScalar val = xvals(y - localmesh->ystart, x - xstart); VecSetValues(result, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; } @@ -761,22 +787,22 @@ int LaplaceXY::precon(Vec input, Vec result) { int LaplaceXY::localSize() { // Bulk of points - int nx = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; - int ny = mesh->yend - mesh->ystart + 1; + int nx = localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1; + int ny = localmesh->yend - localmesh->ystart + 1; int n = nx * ny; // X boundaries - if(mesh->firstX()) + if(localmesh->firstX()) n += ny; - if(mesh->lastX()) + if(localmesh->lastX()) n += ny; // Y boundaries - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { n++; } - for(RangeIterator it=mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { + for(RangeIterator it=localmesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !it.isDone(); it++) { n++; } @@ -784,19 +810,11 @@ int LaplaceXY::localSize() { } int LaplaceXY::globalIndex(int x, int y) { - if( (x < 0) || (x >= mesh->LocalNx) || - (y < 0) || (y >= mesh->LocalNy) ) + if( (x < 0) || (x >= localmesh->LocalNx) || + (y < 0) || (y >= localmesh->LocalNy) ) return -1; // Out of range // Get the index from a Field2D, round to integer - return roundInt(indexXY(x,y)); + return static_cast(std::round(indexXY(x, y))); } - -int LaplaceXY::roundInt(BoutReal f) { - if(f > 0.0) { - return (int) (f + 0.5); - } - return (int) (f - 0.5); -} - #endif // BOUT_HAS_PETSC diff --git a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.cxx b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.cxx index 115c325267..72c63e5fc5 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.cxx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include -LaplaceXZcyclic::LaplaceXZcyclic(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : LaplaceXZ(m, options, loc), mesh(m) { +LaplaceXZcyclic::LaplaceXZcyclic(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : LaplaceXZ(m, options, loc) { // Number of Z Fourier modes, including DC nmode = (m->LocalNz) / 2 + 1; @@ -31,48 +31,52 @@ LaplaceXZcyclic::LaplaceXZcyclic(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) // including boundaries but not guard cells nloc = xend - xstart + 1; - acoef = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - bcoef = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - ccoef = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - xcmplx = Matrix(nsys, nloc); - rhscmplx = Matrix(nsys, nloc); + acoef.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + bcoef.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + ccoef.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + xcmplx.reallocate(nsys, nloc); + rhscmplx.reallocate(nsys, nloc); - k1d = Array((m->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); - k1d_2 = Array((m->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); + k1d.reallocate((m->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); + k1d_2.reallocate((m->LocalNz) / 2 + 1); // Create a cyclic reduction object, operating on dcomplex values - cr = new CyclicReduce(mesh->getXcomm(), nloc); + cr = bout::utils::make_unique>(localmesh->getXcomm(), nloc); // Getting the boundary flags OPTION(options, inner_boundary_flags, 0); OPTION(options, outer_boundary_flags, 0); // Set default coefficients - setCoefs(Field2D(1.0), Field2D(0.0)); -} - -LaplaceXZcyclic::~LaplaceXZcyclic() { - // Delete tridiagonal solver - delete cr; + Field2D one(1., localmesh); + Field2D zero(0., localmesh); + one.setLocation(location); + zero.setLocation(location); + LaplaceXZcyclic::setCoefs(one, zero); } void LaplaceXZcyclic::setCoefs(const Field2D &A2D, const Field2D &B2D) { TRACE("LaplaceXZcyclic::setCoefs"); Timer timer("invert"); + + ASSERT1(A2D.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(B2D.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(A2D.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(B2D.getLocation() == location); // Set coefficients - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(location); + Coordinates *coord = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); // NOTE: For now the X-Z terms are omitted, so check that they are small ASSERT2(max(abs(coord->g13)) < 1e-5); int ind = 0; - for(int y=mesh->ystart; y <= mesh->yend; y++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart; y <= localmesh->yend; y++) { for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { BoutReal kwave=kz*2.0*PI/(coord->zlength()); - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { // Inner X boundary if( ((kz == 0) && (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRAD)) || @@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ void LaplaceXZcyclic::setCoefs(const Field2D &A2D, const Field2D &B2D) { } // Bulk of the domain - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { acoef(ind, x - xstart) = 0.0; // X-1 bcoef(ind, x - xstart) = 0.0; // Diagonal ccoef(ind, x - xstart) = 0.0; // X+1 @@ -131,7 +135,7 @@ void LaplaceXZcyclic::setCoefs(const Field2D &A2D, const Field2D &B2D) { } // Outer X boundary - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Outer X boundary if( ((kz == 0) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_DC_GRAD)) || ((kz != 0) && (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD)) ) { @@ -157,18 +161,22 @@ void LaplaceXZcyclic::setCoefs(const Field2D &A2D, const Field2D &B2D) { Field3D LaplaceXZcyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { Timer timer("invert"); - Mesh *mesh = rhs.getMesh(); + ASSERT1(rhs.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(x0.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(rhs.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0.getLocation() == location); + // Create the rhs array int ind = 0; - for(int y=mesh->ystart; y <= mesh->yend; y++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart; y <= localmesh->yend; y++) { - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { // Inner X boundary if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) { // Fourier transform x0 in Z at xstart-1 and xstart - rfft(&x0(mesh->xstart - 1, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); - rfft(&x0(mesh->xstart, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); + rfft(&x0(localmesh->xstart - 1, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(&x0(localmesh->xstart, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { // Use the same coefficients as applied to the solution // so can either set gradient or value @@ -177,8 +185,8 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZcyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { } }else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS) { // Fourier transform rhs in Z at xstart-1 and xstart - rfft(&rhs(mesh->xstart - 1, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); - rfft(&rhs(mesh->xstart, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); + rfft(&rhs(localmesh->xstart - 1, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(&rhs(localmesh->xstart, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { // Use the same coefficients as applied to the solution // so can either set gradient or value @@ -193,21 +201,21 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZcyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { } // Bulk of the domain - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { // Fourier transform RHS - rfft(&rhs(x, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(&rhs(x, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { rhscmplx(ind + kz, x - xstart) = k1d[kz]; } } // Outer X boundary - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { // Outer X boundary if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET) { // Fourier transform x0 in Z at xend and xend+1 - rfft(&x0(mesh->xend, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); - rfft(&x0(mesh->xend + 1, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); + rfft(&x0(localmesh->xend, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(&x0(localmesh->xend + 1, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { // Use the same coefficients as applied to the solution // so can either set gradient or value @@ -216,8 +224,8 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZcyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { } }else if(outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS) { // Fourier transform rhs in Z at xstart-1 and xstart - rfft(&rhs(mesh->xend, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); - rfft(&rhs(mesh->xend + 1, y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); + rfft(&rhs(localmesh->xend, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d)); + rfft(&rhs(localmesh->xend + 1, y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, std::begin(k1d_2)); for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { // Use the same coefficients as applied to the solution // so can either set gradient or value @@ -242,19 +250,17 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZcyclic::solve(const Field3D &rhs, const Field3D &x0) { // FFT back to real space - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(rhs.getLocation()); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(rhs)}; ind = 0; - for(int y=mesh->ystart; y <= mesh->yend; y++) { + for(int y=localmesh->ystart; y <= localmesh->yend; y++) { for(int x=xstart;x<=xend;x++) { for(int kz = 0; kz < nmode; kz++) { k1d[kz] = xcmplx(ind + kz, x - xstart); } // This shifts back to field-aligned coordinates - irfft(std::begin(k1d), mesh->LocalNz, &result(x, y, 0)); + irfft(std::begin(k1d), localmesh->LocalNz, &result(x, y, 0)); } ind += nmode; } diff --git a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.hxx b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.hxx index 7e8902a295..13e02dbcdf 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/cyclic/laplacexz-cyclic.hxx @@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "utils.hxx" class LaplaceXZcyclic : public LaplaceXZ { public: - LaplaceXZcyclic(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc); - ~LaplaceXZcyclic(); + LaplaceXZcyclic(Mesh *m = nullptr, Options *options = nullptr, + const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); + ~LaplaceXZcyclic() {} using LaplaceXZ::setCoefs; void setCoefs(const Field2D &A, const Field2D &B) override; @@ -15,13 +17,11 @@ public: using LaplaceXZ::solve; Field3D solve(const Field3D &b, const Field3D &x0) override; private: - Mesh *mesh; ///< The mesh this operates on, provides metrics and communication - int xstart, xend; int nmode, nloc, nsys; Matrix acoef, bcoef, ccoef, xcmplx, rhscmplx; Array k1d, k1d_2; - CyclicReduce *cr; ///< Tridiagonal solver + std::unique_ptr> cr; ///< Tridiagonal solver int inner_boundary_flags; ///< Flags to set inner boundary condition int outer_boundary_flags; ///< Flags to set outer boundary condition diff --git a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.cxx b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.cxx index db433b6b54..cde72ae4ab 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.cxx @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ #include LaplaceXZpetsc::LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) - : LaplaceXZ(m, opt, loc), mesh(m), coefs_set(false) { + : LaplaceXZ(m, opt, loc), coefs_set(false) { /* Constructor: LaplaceXZpetsc * Purpose: - Setting inversion solver options * - Setting the solver method @@ -97,59 +97,68 @@ LaplaceXZpetsc::LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) if (opt == nullptr) { // If no options supplied, use default - opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection("laplacexz"); + opt = &(Options::root())["laplacexz"]; } // Getting the boundary flags OPTION(opt, inner_boundary_flags, 0); OPTION(opt, outer_boundary_flags, 0); - #if CHECK > 0 - // Checking flags are set to something which is not implemented - // This is done binary (which is possible as each flag is a power of 2) - if ( inner_boundary_flags & ~implemented_boundary_flags ) { - throw BoutException("Attempted to set LaplaceXZ inversion boundary flag that is not implemented in petsc_laplace.cxx"); - } - if ( outer_boundary_flags & ~implemented_boundary_flags ) { - throw BoutException("Attempted to set LaplaceXZ inversion boundary flag that is not implemented in petsc_laplace.cxx"); - } - if(mesh->periodicX) { - throw BoutException("LaplacePetsc does not work with periodicity in the x direction (mesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); - } - #endif +#if CHECK > 0 + // Checking flags are set to something which is not implemented + // This is done binary (which is possible as each flag is a power of 2) + if (inner_boundary_flags & ~implemented_boundary_flags) { + throw BoutException("Attempted to set LaplaceXZ inversion boundary flag that is not " + "implemented in petsc_laplace.cxx"); + } + if (outer_boundary_flags & ~implemented_boundary_flags) { + throw BoutException("Attempted to set LaplaceXZ inversion boundary flag that is not " + "implemented in petsc_laplace.cxx"); + } + if (localmesh->periodicX) { + throw BoutException("LaplacePetsc does not work with periodicity in the x direction " + "(localmesh->PeriodicX == true). Change boundary conditions or " + "use serial-tri or cyclic solver instead"); + } +#endif - OPTION(opt, reuse_limit, 100); + reuse_limit = (*opt)["reuse_limit"] + .doc("How many solves can the preconditioner be reused?") + .withDefault(100); reuse_count = reuse_limit + 1; // So re-calculates first time // Convergence Parameters. Solution is considered converged if |r_k| < max( rtol * |b| , atol ) // where r_k = b - Ax_k. The solution is considered diverged if |r_k| > dtol * |b|. - BoutReal rtol, atol, dtol; - int maxits; ///< Maximum iterations - OPTION(opt, rtol, 1e-5); // Relative tolerance - OPTION(opt, atol, 1e-10); // Absolute tolerance - OPTION(opt, dtol, 1e3); // Diverged threshold - OPTION(opt, maxits, 100000); // Maximum iterations - // Get KSP Solver Type - string ksptype; - opt->get("ksptype", ksptype, "gmres"); + const BoutReal rtol = (*opt)["rtol"].doc("Relative tolerance").withDefault(1e-5); + const BoutReal atol = (*opt)["atol"] + .doc("Absolute tolerance. The solution is considered converged if |Ax-b| " + "< max( rtol * |b| , atol )") + .withDefault(1e-10); + const BoutReal dtol = (*opt)["dtol"] + .doc("The solution is considered diverged if |Ax-b| > dtol * |b|") + .withDefault(1e3); + const int maxits = (*opt)["maxits"].doc("Maximum iterations").withDefault(100000); + // Get KSP Solver Type + const std::string ksptype = (*opt)["ksptype"].doc("KSP solver type").withDefault("gmres"); + // Get PC type - string pctype; - opt->get("pctype", pctype, "lu", true); + const std::string pctype = (*opt)["pctype"].doc("Preconditioner type").withDefault("none"); - string factor_package; - opt->get("factor_package", factor_package, "petsc", true); + const std::string factor_package = (*opt)["factor_package"] + .doc("Package to use in preconditioner. Passed to PCFactorSetMatSolver") + .withDefault("petsc"); // Get MPI communicator - MPI_Comm comm = mesh->getXcomm(); + MPI_Comm comm = localmesh->getXcomm(); // Local size - int localN = (mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1) * (mesh->LocalNz); - if(mesh->firstX()) { - localN += mesh->LocalNz; + int localN = (localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 1) * (localmesh->LocalNz); + if (localmesh->firstX()) { + localN += localmesh->LocalNz; } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - localN += mesh->LocalNz; + if (localmesh->lastX()) { + localN += localmesh->LocalNz; } // Create Vectors @@ -158,7 +167,7 @@ LaplaceXZpetsc::LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) VecSetFromOptions( xs ); VecDuplicate( xs , &bs ); - for(int y = mesh->ystart; y <= mesh->yend; y++) { + for (int y = localmesh->ystart; y <= localmesh->yend; y++) { YSlice data; data.yindex = y; @@ -175,7 +184,7 @@ LaplaceXZpetsc::LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m, Options *opt, const CELL_LOC loc) PetscMalloc( (localN)*sizeof(PetscInt), &d_nnz ); PetscMalloc( (localN)*sizeof(PetscInt), &o_nnz ); - for(int i=0;ifirstX()) { - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { + if (localmesh->firstX()) { + for (int z = 0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { d_nnz[z] = 2; } - }else { + } else { // One point on another processor - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { + for (int z = 0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { d_nnz[z] -= 1; o_nnz[z] += 1; } } - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { - int ind = localN - (mesh->LocalNz) + z; + if (localmesh->lastX()) { + for (int z = 0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { + int ind = localN - (localmesh->LocalNz) + z; d_nnz[ind] = 2; } - }else { + } else { // One point on another processor - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { - int ind = localN - (mesh->LocalNz) + z; + for (int z = 0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { + int ind = localN - (localmesh->LocalNz) + z; d_nnz[ind] -= 1; o_nnz[ind] += 1; } @@ -276,6 +285,11 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { TRACE("LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs"); + ASSERT1(Ain.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(Bin.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(Ain.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(Bin.getLocation() == location); + #if CHECK > 0 // Checking flags are set to something which is not implemented // This is done binary (which is possible as each flag is a power of 2) @@ -303,17 +317,17 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inner X boundary (see note about BC in LaplaceXZ constructor) int row = Istart; - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD){ // Neumann 0 /* NOTE: Sign of the elements are opposite of what one might expect, * see note about BC in LaplaceXZ constructor for more details */ - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row + (mesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X + int col = row + (localmesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X val = -1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -322,11 +336,11 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET){ // Setting BC from x0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row + (mesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X + int col = row + (localmesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X val = 0.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -335,11 +349,11 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { } else if(inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS){ // Setting BC from b - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row + (mesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X + int col = row + (localmesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X val = 0.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -351,11 +365,11 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { /* NOTE: Sign of the elements are opposite of what one might expect, * see note about BC in LaplaceXZ constructor for more details */ - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 0.5; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row + (mesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X + int col = row + (localmesh->LocalNz); // +1 in X MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); row++; @@ -368,13 +382,13 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { // // (1/J) d/dx ( A * J * g11 d/dx ) + (1/J) d/dz ( A * J * g33 d/dz ) + B - Coordinates *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(location); + Coordinates *coords = localmesh->getCoordinates(location); // NOTE: For now the X-Z terms are omitted, so check that they are small ASSERT2(max(abs(coords->g13)) < 1e-5); - for(int x=mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // stencil entries PetscScalar c, xm, xp, zm, zp; @@ -404,8 +418,8 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { // Note that because metrics are constant in Z many terms cancel // Wrap around z-1 and z+1 indices - int zminus = (z - 1 + (mesh->LocalNz)) % (mesh->LocalNz); - int zplus = (z + 1) % (mesh->LocalNz); + int zminus = (z - 1 + (localmesh->LocalNz)) % (localmesh->LocalNz); + int zplus = (z + 1) % (localmesh->LocalNz); // Metrics on z+1/2 boundary Acoef = 0.5*(A(x,y,z) + A(x,y,zplus)); @@ -431,24 +445,24 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &c, INSERT_VALUES); // X + 1 - int col = row + (mesh->LocalNz); + int col = row + (localmesh->LocalNz); MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &xp, INSERT_VALUES); // X - 1 - col = row - (mesh->LocalNz); + col = row - (localmesh->LocalNz); MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &xm, INSERT_VALUES); // Z + 1 col = row + 1; - if(z == mesh->LocalNz-1) { - col -= mesh->LocalNz; // Wrap around + if(z == localmesh->LocalNz-1) { + col -= localmesh->LocalNz; // Wrap around } MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &zp, INSERT_VALUES); // Z - 1 col = row - 1; if(z == 0) { - col += mesh->LocalNz; // Wrap around + col += localmesh->LocalNz; // Wrap around } MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &zm, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -458,14 +472,14 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Outer X boundary (see note about BC in LaplaceXZ constructor) - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD){ // Neumann 0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row - (mesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X + int col = row - (localmesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X val = -1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -474,11 +488,11 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { } else if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET){ // Setting BC from x0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row - (mesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X + int col = row - (localmesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X val = 0.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -487,11 +501,11 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { } else if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS){ // Setting BC from b - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = 1.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row - (mesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X + int col = row - (localmesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X val = 0.0; MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); @@ -502,10 +516,10 @@ void LaplaceXZpetsc::setCoefs(const Field3D &Ain, const Field3D &Bin) { //Default: Dirichlet on outer X boundary PetscScalar val = 0.5; - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &row, &val, INSERT_VALUES); - int col = row - (mesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X + int col = row - (localmesh->LocalNz); // -1 in X MatSetValues(it.MatA, 1, &row, 1, &col, &val, INSERT_VALUES); row++; @@ -578,6 +592,11 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { TRACE("LaplaceXZpetsc::solve"); + ASSERT1(bin.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(x0in.getMesh() == localmesh); + ASSERT1(bin.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(x0in.getLocation() == location); + if(!coefs_set) { throw BoutException("LaplaceXZpetsc: solve called before setCoefs"); } @@ -587,9 +606,7 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { Field3D b = bin; Field3D x0 = x0in; - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(bin.getLocation()); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(bin)}; for (auto &it : slice) { /// Get y index @@ -607,12 +624,12 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { int ind = Istart; // Inner X boundary (see note about BC in LaplaceXZ constructor) - if(mesh->firstX()) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD){ // Neumann 0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b @@ -623,39 +640,39 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } else if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET){ // Setting BC from x0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b - val = x0(mesh->xstart,y,z); + val = x0(localmesh->xstart,y,z); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; } } else if (inner_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS){ // Setting BC from b - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b - val = b(mesh->xstart,y,z); + val = b(localmesh->xstart,y,z); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; } } else{ // Default: Neumann on inner x boundary - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b - val = x0(mesh->xstart-1,y,z) - x0(mesh->xstart,y,z); + val = x0(localmesh->xstart-1,y,z) - x0(localmesh->xstart,y,z); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; } @@ -663,8 +680,8 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } // Set the inner points - for(int x=mesh->xstart;x<= mesh->xend;x++) { - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart;x<= localmesh->xend;x++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val = x0(x,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); @@ -675,12 +692,12 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } // Outer X boundary (see note about BC in LaplaceXZ constructor) - if(mesh->lastX()) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_AC_GRAD){ // Neumann 0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xend+1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xend+1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b @@ -692,13 +709,13 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } else if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_SET){ // Setting BC from x0 - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xend+1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xend+1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b - val = x0(mesh->xend+1,y,z); + val = x0(localmesh->xend+1,y,z); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; @@ -706,13 +723,13 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } else if (outer_boundary_flags & INVERT_RHS){ // Setting BC from b - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xend+1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xend+1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b - val = b(mesh->xend+1,y,z); + val = b(localmesh->xend+1,y,z); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; @@ -720,13 +737,13 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } else{ //Default: Dirichlet on outer X boundary - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { // Setting the initial guess x0 - PetscScalar val = x0(mesh->xend+1,y,z); + PetscScalar val = x0(localmesh->xend+1,y,z); VecSetValues( xs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); // Setting the solution b - val = 0.5*(x0(mesh->xend,y,z) + x0(mesh->xend+1,y,z)); + val = 0.5*(x0(localmesh->xend,y,z) + x0(localmesh->xend+1,y,z)); VecSetValues( bs, 1, &ind, &val, INSERT_VALUES ); ind++; @@ -762,17 +779,17 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { ind = Istart; // Inner X boundary - if(mesh->firstX()) { - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + if(localmesh->firstX()) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); - result(mesh->xstart-1,y,z) = val; + result(localmesh->xstart-1,y,z) = val; ind++; } } - for(int x=mesh->xstart;x<= mesh->xend;x++) { - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + for(int x=localmesh->xstart;x<= localmesh->xend;x++) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); result(x,y,z) = val; @@ -781,11 +798,11 @@ Field3D LaplaceXZpetsc::solve(const Field3D &bin, const Field3D &x0in) { } // Outer X boundary - if(mesh->lastX()) { - for(int z=0; z < mesh->LocalNz; z++) { + if(localmesh->lastX()) { + for(int z=0; z < localmesh->LocalNz; z++) { PetscScalar val; VecGetValues(xs, 1, &ind, &val ); - result(mesh->xend+1,y,z) = val; + result(localmesh->xend+1,y,z) = val; ind++; } } diff --git a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.hxx b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.hxx index 8120a1922d..b99d2a00bf 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.hxx +++ b/src/invert/laplacexz/impls/petsc/laplacexz-petsc.hxx @@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ class LaplaceXZpetsc; #include class LaplaceXZpetsc : public LaplaceXZ { public: - LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) : LaplaceXZ(m, options, loc) { + LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m = nullptr, Options *options = nullptr, + const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE) : LaplaceXZ(m, options, loc) { throw BoutException("No PETSc LaplaceXZ solver available"); } @@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ public: /*! * Constructor */ - LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc); + LaplaceXZpetsc(Mesh *m = nullptr, Options *options = nullptr, const CELL_LOC loc = CELL_CENTRE); /*! * Destructor @@ -71,12 +72,10 @@ private: Mat MatP; ///< Matrix for preconditioner KSP ksp; ///< Krylov Subspace solver context }; - vector slice; + std::vector slice; Vec xs, bs; ///< Solution and RHS vectors - Mesh *mesh; ///< The mesh this operates on, provides metrics and communication - int reuse_limit; ///< How many times can the preconditioner be reused? int reuse_count; ///< How many times has it been reused? diff --git a/src/invert/laplacexz/laplacexz.cxx b/src/invert/laplacexz/laplacexz.cxx index f760e3870b..f4c6c7d6da 100644 --- a/src/invert/laplacexz/laplacexz.cxx +++ b/src/invert/laplacexz/laplacexz.cxx @@ -7,17 +7,22 @@ #include LaplaceXZ* LaplaceXZ::create(Mesh *m, Options *options, const CELL_LOC loc) { - if (options == nullptr) - options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("laplacexz"); + if (m == nullptr) { + // use global mesh + m = bout::globals::mesh; + } + + if (options == nullptr) { + options = &(Options::root()["laplacexz"]); + } - string type; - options->get("type", type, "cyclic"); + std::string type = (*options)["type"].withDefault("cyclic"); - if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "cyclic") == 0) { + if (strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "cyclic") == 0) { return new LaplaceXZcyclic(m, options, loc); - }else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "petsc") == 0) { + } else if(strcasecmp(type.c_str(), "petsc") == 0) { return new LaplaceXZpetsc(m, options, loc); - }else { + } else { throw BoutException("Unknown LaplaceXZ solver type '%s'", type.c_str()); } return nullptr; diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.cxx b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.cxx index bb9ab7cd71..aeec5f57cb 100644 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.cxx +++ b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.cxx @@ -48,58 +48,51 @@ #include -InvertParCR::InvertParCR(Options *opt) : InvertPar(opt), A(1.0), B(0.0), C(0.0), D(0.0), E(0.0) { +InvertParCR::InvertParCR(Options *opt, Mesh *mesh_in) + : InvertPar(opt, mesh_in), A(1.0), B(0.0), C(0.0), D(0.0), E(0.0) { // Number of k equations to solve for each x location - nsys = 1 + (mesh->LocalNz)/2; + nsys = 1 + (localmesh->LocalNz)/2; +} + +const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { + TRACE("InvertParCR::solve(Field3D)"); + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); - rhs = Matrix(mesh->LocalNy, nsys); + Field3D result = emptyFrom(f).setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + Coordinates *coord = f.getCoordinates(); + + Field3D alignedField = toFieldAligned(f, "RGN_NOX"); + + // Create cyclic reduction object + auto cr = bout::utils::make_unique>(); + // Find out if we are on a boundary - int size = mesh->LocalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; - SurfaceIter surf(mesh); + int size = localmesh->LocalNy - 2 * localmesh->ystart; + SurfaceIter surf(localmesh); for(surf.first(); !surf.isDone(); surf.next()) { - BoutReal ts; - int n = mesh->LocalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; - if(!surf.closed(ts)) { + int n = localmesh->LocalNy - 2 * localmesh->ystart; + if (!surf.closed()) { // Open field line - if(surf.firstY()) - n += mesh->ystart; - if(surf.lastY()) - n += mesh->ystart; + if (surf.firstY()) + n += localmesh->ystart; + if (surf.lastY()) + n += localmesh->ystart; - if(n > size) + if (n > size) size = n; // Maximum size } } - - rhsk = Matrix(nsys, size); - xk = Matrix(nsys, size); - a = Matrix(nsys, size); - b = Matrix(nsys, size); - c = Matrix(nsys, size); -} - -InvertParCR::~InvertParCR() { -} - -const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { - TRACE("InvertParCR::solve(Field3D)"); - Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - - Coordinates *coord = f.getCoordinates(); - Field3D alignedField = mesh->toFieldAligned(f); + auto rhs = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNy, nsys); + auto rhsk = Matrix(nsys, size); + auto xk = Matrix(nsys, size); + auto a = Matrix(nsys, size); + auto b = Matrix(nsys, size); + auto c = Matrix(nsys, size); - // Create cyclic reduction object - CyclicReduce *cr = - new CyclicReduce(); - // Loop over flux-surfaces - SurfaceIter surf(mesh); - for(surf.first(); !surf.isDone(); surf.next()) { + for (surf.first(); !surf.isDone(); surf.next()) { int x = surf.xpos; // Test if open or closed field-lines @@ -107,14 +100,15 @@ const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { bool closed = surf.closed(ts); // Number of rows - int y0 = 0, size = mesh->LocalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; // If no boundaries + int y0 = 0; + size = localmesh->LocalNy - 2 * localmesh->ystart; // If no boundaries if(!closed) { if(surf.firstY()) { - y0 += mesh->ystart; - size += mesh->ystart; + y0 += localmesh->ystart; + size += localmesh->ystart; } if(surf.lastY()) - size += mesh->ystart; + size += localmesh->ystart; } // Setup CyclicReduce object @@ -122,25 +116,25 @@ const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { cr->setPeriodic(closed); // Take Fourier transform - for (int y = 0; y < mesh->LocalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; y++) - rfft(alignedField(x, y + mesh->ystart), mesh->LocalNz, &rhs(y + y0, 0)); + for (int y = 0; y < localmesh->LocalNy - 2 * localmesh->ystart; y++) + rfft(alignedField(x, y + localmesh->ystart), localmesh->LocalNz, &rhs(y + y0, 0)); // Set up tridiagonal system for(int k=0; kzlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] - for (int y = 0; y < mesh->LocalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart; y++) { + for (int y = 0; y < localmesh->LocalNy - 2 * localmesh->ystart; y++) { - BoutReal acoef = A(x, y + mesh->ystart); // Constant + BoutReal acoef = A(x, y + localmesh->ystart); // Constant BoutReal bcoef = - B(x, y + mesh->ystart) / coord->g_22(x, y + mesh->ystart); // d2dy2 - BoutReal ccoef = C(x, y + mesh->ystart); // d2dydz - BoutReal dcoef = D(x, y + mesh->ystart); // d2dz2 - BoutReal ecoef = E(x, y + mesh->ystart); // ddy + B(x, y + localmesh->ystart) / coord->g_22(x, y + localmesh->ystart); // d2dy2 + BoutReal ccoef = C(x, y + localmesh->ystart); // d2dydz + BoutReal dcoef = D(x, y + localmesh->ystart); // d2dz2 + BoutReal ecoef = E(x, y + localmesh->ystart); // ddy - bcoef /= SQ(coord->dy(x, y + mesh->ystart)); - ccoef /= coord->dy(x, y + mesh->ystart) * coord->dz; + bcoef /= SQ(coord->dy(x, y + localmesh->ystart)); + ccoef /= coord->dy(x, y + localmesh->ystart) * coord->dz; dcoef /= SQ(coord->dz); - ecoef /= coord->dy(x, y + mesh->ystart); + ecoef /= coord->dy(x, y + localmesh->ystart); // const d2dy2 d2dydz d2dz2 ddy // ----- ----- ------ ----- --- @@ -168,14 +162,14 @@ const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { for(int k=0; kzlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] dcomplex phase(cos(kwave*ts) , sin(kwave*ts)); - c(k, mesh->LocalNy - 2 * mesh->ystart - 1) *= phase; + c(k, localmesh->LocalNy - 2 * localmesh->ystart - 1) *= phase; } } }else { // Open surface, so may have boundaries if(surf.firstY()) { for(int k=0; kystart; y++) { + for (int y = 0; y < localmesh->ystart; y++) { a(k, y) = 0.; b(k, y) = 1.; c(k, y) = -1.; @@ -186,7 +180,7 @@ const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { } if(surf.lastY()) { for(int k=0; kystart; y < size; y++) { + for (int y = size - localmesh->ystart; y < size; y++) { a(k, y) = -1.; b(k, y) = 1.; c(k, y) = 0.; @@ -209,12 +203,9 @@ const Field3D InvertParCR::solve(const Field3D &f) { // Inverse Fourier transform for(int y=0;yLocalNz, result(x, y + mesh->ystart - y0)); + irfft(&rhs(y, 0), localmesh->LocalNz, result(x, y + localmesh->ystart - y0)); } - - // Delete cyclic reduction object - delete cr; - return mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + return fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); } diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.hxx b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.hxx index 2de04d0575..ae13d30118 100644 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.hxx +++ b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/cyclic/cyclic.hxx @@ -41,36 +41,46 @@ #include "invert_parderiv.hxx" #include "dcomplex.hxx" +#include #include "utils.hxx" class InvertParCR : public InvertPar { public: - InvertParCR(Options *opt); - ~InvertParCR(); + InvertParCR(Options *opt, Mesh *mesh_in = bout::globals::mesh); using InvertPar::solve; const Field3D solve(const Field3D &f) override; using InvertPar::setCoefA; - void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) override { A = f; } + void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) override { + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + A = f; + } using InvertPar::setCoefB; - void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) override { B = f; } + void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) override { + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + B = f; + } using InvertPar::setCoefC; - void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) override { C = f; } + void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) override { + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + C = f; + } using InvertPar::setCoefD; - void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) override { D = f; } + void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) override { + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + D = f; + } using InvertPar::setCoefE; - void setCoefE(const Field2D &f) override { E = f; } + void setCoefE(const Field2D &f) override { + ASSERT1(localmesh == f.getMesh()); + E = f; + } private: Field2D A, B, C, D, E; int nsys; - - Matrixrhs; - Matrixrhsk; - Matrixxk; - Matrix a, b, c; // Matrix coefficients }; diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/makefile b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/makefile index 24cd93dc6a..2f417f8106 100644 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/makefile +++ b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../../.. -DIRS = serial cyclic +DIRS = cyclic TARGET = lib include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/makefile b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/makefile deleted file mode 100644 index e1d1e71363..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/makefile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ - -BOUT_TOP = ../../../../.. - -SOURCEC = serial.cxx -SOURCEH = serial.hxx -TARGET = lib - -include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/serial.cxx b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/serial.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 200650efd2..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/serial.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,133 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************ - * Inversion of parallel derivatives - * - * Inverts a matrix of the form - * - * A + B * Grad2_par2 - * - * SERIAL ALGORITHM, for testing only - * - * Author: Ben Dudson, University of York, Oct 2011 - * - * Known issues: - * ------------ - * - * - Only works for NPE = 1 - * - Assumes all flux surfaces closed - * - Coefficients A and B must be 2D (X,Y) - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu - * - * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - ************************************************************************/ - -#include -#include -#include "serial.hxx" -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include - -InvertParSerial::InvertParSerial(Options *opt) : InvertPar(opt), A(1.0), B(0.0), C(0.0), D(0.0), E(0.0) { - rhs = Matrix(mesh->LocalNy, (mesh->LocalNz)/2 + 1); - rhsk = Array(mesh->LocalNy-4); - xk = Array(mesh->LocalNy-4); - a = Array(mesh->LocalNy-4); - b = Array(mesh->LocalNy-4); - c = Array(mesh->LocalNy-4); -} - -const Field3D InvertParSerial::solve(const Field3D &f) { - TRACE("InvertParSerial::solve(Field3D)"); - - Field3D result(f.getMesh()); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - - Coordinates *coord = f.getCoordinates(); - - // Loop over flux-surfaces - SurfaceIter surf(mesh); - for(surf.first(); !surf.isDone(); surf.next()) { - int x = surf.xpos; - BoutReal ts; // Twist-shift angle - if(!surf.closed(ts)) - throw BoutException("InvertParSerial doesn't handle open surfaces"); - - // Take Fourier transform - for(int y=0;yLocalNy-4;y++) - rfft(f(x,y+2), mesh->LocalNz, &rhs(y, 0)); - - // Solve cyclic tridiagonal system for each k - int nyq = (mesh->LocalNz)/2; - for(int k=0;k<=nyq;k++) { - // Copy component of rhs into 1D array - for(int y=0;yLocalNy-4;y++) - rhsk[y] = rhs(y, k); - - BoutReal kwave=k*2.0*PI/coord->zlength(); // wave number is 1/[rad] - - // Set up tridiagonal system - for(int y=0;yLocalNy-4;y++) { - BoutReal acoef = A(x, y+2); // Constant - BoutReal bcoef = B(x, y+2) / coord->g_22(x,y+2); // d2dy2 - BoutReal ccoef = C(x, y+2); // d2dydz - BoutReal dcoef = D(x, y+2); // d2dz2 - BoutReal ecoef = E(x, y+2); // ddy - - bcoef /= SQ(coord->dy(x, y+2)); - ccoef /= coord->dy(x,y+2)*coord->dz; - dcoef /= SQ(coord->dz); - ecoef /= coord->dy(x,y+2); - - // const d2dy2 d2dydz d2dz2 ddy - // ----- ----- ------ ----- --- - a[y] = bcoef - 0.5*Im*kwave*ccoef -0.5*ecoef; - b[y] = acoef - 2.*bcoef - SQ(kwave)*dcoef; - c[y] = bcoef + 0.5*Im*kwave*ccoef +0.5*ecoef; - } - - // Modify coefficients across twist-shift - dcomplex phase(cos(kwave*ts) , -sin(kwave*ts)); - a[0] *= phase; - c[mesh->LocalNy-5] /= phase; - - // Solve cyclic tridiagonal system - cyclic_tridag(std::begin(a), std::begin(b), std::begin(c), std::begin(rhsk), std::begin(xk), mesh->LocalNy-4); - - // Put back into rhs array - for(int y=0;yLocalNy-4;y++) - rhs(y, k) = xk[y]; - } - - // Inverse Fourier transform - for(int y=0;yLocalNy-4;y++) - irfft(&rhs(y, 0), mesh->LocalNz, result(x,y+2)); - } - - return result; -} - diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/serial.hxx b/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/serial.hxx deleted file mode 100644 index a009c966c3..0000000000 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/impls/serial/serial.hxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -/************************************************************************ - * Inversion of parallel derivatives - * - * Inverts a matrix of the form - * - * A + B * Grad2_par2 - * - * SERIAL ALGORITHM, for testing only - * - * Author: Ben Dudson, University of York, Oct 2011 - * - * Known issues: - * ------------ - * - * - Only works for NPE = 1 - * - Assumes all flux surfaces closed - * - Coefficients A and B must be 2D (X,Y) - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu - * - * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - ************************************************************************/ - -#ifndef __INV_PAR_SERIAL_H__ -#define __INV_PAR_SERIAL_H__ - -#include "invert_parderiv.hxx" -#include "dcomplex.hxx" -#include "utils.hxx" - -class InvertParSerial : public InvertPar { -public: - InvertParSerial(Options* opt); - ~InvertParSerial(){}; - - using InvertPar::solve; - const Field3D solve(const Field3D &f) override; - - using InvertPar::setCoefA; - void setCoefA(const Field2D &f) override { A = f; } - using InvertPar::setCoefB; - void setCoefB(const Field2D &f) override { B = f; } - using InvertPar::setCoefC; - void setCoefC(const Field2D &f) override { C = f; } - using InvertPar::setCoefD; - void setCoefD(const Field2D &f) override { D = f; } - using InvertPar::setCoefE; - void setCoefE(const Field2D &f) override { E = f; } - -private: - Field2D A, B, C, D, E; - - Matrix rhs; - Array rhsk; - Array xk; - Array a, b, c; // Matrix coefficients -}; - - -#endif // __INV_PAR_SERIAL_H__ diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/invert_parderiv.cxx b/src/invert/parderiv/invert_parderiv.cxx index 1938a383b6..9a06c9449e 100644 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/invert_parderiv.cxx +++ b/src/invert/parderiv/invert_parderiv.cxx @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ #include #include "parderiv_factory.hxx" -InvertPar* InvertPar::Create() { - return ParDerivFactory::getInstance()->createInvertPar(); +InvertPar* InvertPar::Create(Mesh* mesh_in) { + return ParDerivFactory::getInstance()->createInvertPar(mesh_in); } const Field2D InvertPar::solve(const Field2D &f) { diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.cxx b/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.cxx index 1408dd8960..bf9ff4fa42 100644 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.cxx +++ b/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.cxx @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ #include "parderiv_factory.hxx" -#include "impls/serial/serial.hxx" #include "impls/cyclic/cyclic.hxx" ParDerivFactory *ParDerivFactory::instance = nullptr; @@ -23,32 +22,30 @@ ParDerivFactory* ParDerivFactory::getInstance() { return instance; } -InvertPar* ParDerivFactory::createInvertPar() { +InvertPar* ParDerivFactory::createInvertPar(Mesh *mesh_in) { // Get the default options section Options *opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection(default_section); - return createInvertPar( opt ); + return createInvertPar(opt, mesh_in); } -InvertPar* ParDerivFactory::createInvertPar(const char* type, Options *opt) { +InvertPar* ParDerivFactory::createInvertPar(const char* type, Options *opt, Mesh *mesh_in) { int NPES; MPI_Comm_size(BoutComm::get(), &NPES); if (opt == nullptr) opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection(default_section); - if(!strcasecmp(type, PARDERIVSERIAL)) { - return new InvertParSerial(opt); - }else if(!strcasecmp(type, PARDERIVCYCLIC)) { - return new InvertParCR(opt); + if (!strcasecmp(type, PARDERIVCYCLIC)) { + return new InvertParCR(opt, mesh_in); } throw BoutException("No such ParDeriv solver exists in this build, type: %s", type); } -InvertPar* ParDerivFactory::createInvertPar(Options *opts) { - string type; +InvertPar* ParDerivFactory::createInvertPar(Options *opts, Mesh *mesh_in) { + std::string type; opts->get("type", type, "cyclic"); - return createInvertPar(type.c_str(), opts); + return createInvertPar(type.c_str(), opts, mesh_in); } diff --git a/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.hxx b/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.hxx index 9bdc314419..5701f5ef48 100644 --- a/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.hxx +++ b/src/invert/parderiv/parderiv_factory.hxx @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ class ParDerivFactory { /// Return a pointer to the only instance static ParDerivFactory* getInstance(); - InvertPar* createInvertPar(); - InvertPar *createInvertPar(const char *type, Options *opt = nullptr); - InvertPar* createInvertPar(Options *opts); + InvertPar* createInvertPar(Mesh* mesh_in = bout::globals::mesh); + InvertPar *createInvertPar(const char *type, Options *opt = nullptr, Mesh* mesh_in = bout::globals::mesh); + InvertPar* createInvertPar(Options *opts, Mesh* mesh_in = bout::globals::mesh); private: ParDerivFactory() {} // Prevent instantiation of this class static ParDerivFactory* instance; ///< The only instance of this class (Singleton) diff --git a/src/mesh/boundary_factory.cxx b/src/mesh/boundary_factory.cxx index 86a617e2fd..a1071c6539 100644 --- a/src/mesh/boundary_factory.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/boundary_factory.cxx @@ -1,10 +1,12 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include +#include using std::list; using std::string; @@ -15,14 +17,11 @@ BoundaryFactory *BoundaryFactory::instance = nullptr; BoundaryFactory::BoundaryFactory() { add(new BoundaryDirichlet(), "dirichlet"); add(new BoundaryDirichlet(), "dirichlet_o2"); // Synonym for "dirichlet" - add(new BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder(), "dirichlet_2ndorder"); // Deprecated add(new BoundaryDirichlet_O3(), "dirichlet_o3"); add(new BoundaryDirichlet_O4(), "dirichlet_o4"); add(new BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder(), "dirichlet_4thorder"); add(new BoundaryNeumann(), "neumann"); add(new BoundaryNeumann(), "neumann_O2"); // Synonym for "neumann" - add(new BoundaryNeumann2(), "neumann2"); // Deprecated - add(new BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder(), "neumann_2ndorder"); // Deprecated add(new BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder(), "neumann_4thorder"); add(new BoundaryNeumann_O4(), "neumann_O4"); add(new BoundaryNeumannPar(), "neumannpar"); @@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ BoundaryOpBase* BoundaryFactory::create(const string &name, BoundaryRegionBase * // Search for a string of the form: modifier(operation) auto pos = name.find('('); - if(pos == string::npos) { + if (pos == string::npos) { // No more (opening) brackets. Should be a boundary operation // Need to strip whitespace @@ -95,18 +94,20 @@ BoundaryOpBase* BoundaryFactory::create(const string &name, BoundaryRegionBase * if (pop == nullptr) throw BoutException("Could not find parallel boundary condition '%s'", name.c_str()); - // Clone the boundary operation, passing the region to operate over and an empty args list + // Clone the boundary operation, passing the region to operate over, + // an empty args list and empty keyword map list args; - return pop->clone(static_cast(region), args); + return pop->clone(dynamic_cast(region), args, {}); } else { // Perpendicular boundary BoundaryOp *op = findBoundaryOp(trim(name)); if (op == nullptr) throw BoutException("Could not find boundary condition '%s'", name.c_str()); - // Clone the boundary operation, passing the region to operate over and an empty args list + // Clone the boundary operation, passing the region to operate over, + // an empty args list and empty keyword map list args; - return op->clone(static_cast(region), args); + return op->clone(dynamic_cast(region), args, {}); } } // Contains a bracket. Find the last bracket and remove @@ -123,10 +124,11 @@ BoundaryOpBase* BoundaryFactory::create(const string &name, BoundaryRegionBase * // NOTE: Commas could be part of sub-expressions, so // need to take account of brackets list arglist; + std::map keywords; int level = 0; int start = 0; - for(string::size_type i = 0;i::iterator it=arglist.begin(); it != arglist.end(); it++) { - // Trim each argument - (*it) = trim(*it); - } - */ + std::string s = arg.substr(start); + auto poseq = s.find('='); + if (poseq != string::npos) { + keywords[trim(s.substr(0,poseq))] = trim(s.substr(poseq+1)); + } else { + // No '=', so a positional argument + arglist.push_back(trim(s)); + } // Test if func is a modifier BoundaryModifier *mod = findBoundaryMod(func); if (mod != nullptr) { // The first argument should be an operation - BoundaryOp *op = static_cast(create(arglist.front(), region)); + auto* op = dynamic_cast(create(arglist.front(), region)); if (op == nullptr) return nullptr; @@ -178,14 +186,14 @@ BoundaryOpBase* BoundaryFactory::create(const string &name, BoundaryRegionBase * BoundaryOpPar *pop = findBoundaryOpPar(trim(func)); if (pop != nullptr) { // An operation with arguments - return pop->clone(static_cast(region), arglist); + return pop->clone(dynamic_cast(region), arglist, keywords); } } else { // Perpendicular boundary BoundaryOp *op = findBoundaryOp(trim(func)); if (op != nullptr) { // An operation with arguments - return op->clone(static_cast(region), arglist); + return op->clone(dynamic_cast(region), arglist, keywords); } } @@ -342,24 +350,21 @@ void BoundaryFactory::addMod(BoundaryModifier* bmod, const char *name) { } BoundaryOp* BoundaryFactory::findBoundaryOp(const string &s) { - map::iterator it; - it = opmap.find(lowercase(s)); + auto it = opmap.find(lowercase(s)); if(it == opmap.end()) return nullptr; return it->second; } BoundaryModifier* BoundaryFactory::findBoundaryMod(const string &s) { - map::iterator it; - it = modmap.find(lowercase(s)); + auto it = modmap.find(lowercase(s)); if(it == modmap.end()) return nullptr; return it->second; } BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryFactory::findBoundaryOpPar(const string &s) { - map::iterator it; - it = par_opmap.find(lowercase(s)); + auto it = par_opmap.find(lowercase(s)); if(it == par_opmap.end()) return nullptr; return it->second; diff --git a/src/mesh/boundary_region.cxx b/src/mesh/boundary_region.cxx index 0ddd615e1d..1e884abc80 100644 --- a/src/mesh/boundary_region.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/boundary_region.cxx @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ +#include #include #include #include +#include +using std::swap; + BoundaryRegionXIn::BoundaryRegionXIn(std::string name, int ymin, int ymax, Mesh* passmesh) - : BoundaryRegion(name, -1, 0, passmesh), ys(ymin), ye(ymax) -{ + : BoundaryRegion(std::move(name), -1, 0, passmesh), ys(ymin), ye(ymax) { location = BNDRY_XIN; width = localmesh->xstart; x = width-1; // First point inside the boundary @@ -56,10 +59,9 @@ bool BoundaryRegionXIn::isDone() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -BoundaryRegionXOut::BoundaryRegionXOut(std::string name, int ymin, int ymax, Mesh* passmesh) - : BoundaryRegion(name, 1, 0, passmesh), ys(ymin), ye(ymax) -{ +BoundaryRegionXOut::BoundaryRegionXOut(std::string name, int ymin, int ymax, + Mesh* passmesh) + : BoundaryRegion(std::move(name), 1, 0, passmesh), ys(ymin), ye(ymax) { location = BNDRY_XOUT; width = localmesh->LocalNx - localmesh->xend - 1; x = localmesh->LocalNx - width; // First point inside the boundary @@ -110,10 +112,9 @@ bool BoundaryRegionXOut::isDone() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -BoundaryRegionYDown::BoundaryRegionYDown(std::string name, int xmin, int xmax, Mesh* passmesh) - : BoundaryRegion(name, 0, -1, passmesh), xs(xmin), xe(xmax) -{ +BoundaryRegionYDown::BoundaryRegionYDown(std::string name, int xmin, int xmax, + Mesh* passmesh) + : BoundaryRegion(std::move(name), 0, -1, passmesh), xs(xmin), xe(xmax) { location = BNDRY_YDOWN; width = localmesh->ystart; y = width-1; // First point inside the boundary @@ -165,10 +166,8 @@ bool BoundaryRegionYDown::isDone() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - BoundaryRegionYUp::BoundaryRegionYUp(std::string name, int xmin, int xmax, Mesh* passmesh) - : BoundaryRegion(name, 0, 1, passmesh), xs(xmin), xe(xmax) -{ + : BoundaryRegion(std::move(name), 0, 1, passmesh), xs(xmin), xe(xmax) { location = BNDRY_YUP; width = localmesh->LocalNy - localmesh->yend - 1; y = localmesh->LocalNy - width; // First point inside the boundary diff --git a/src/mesh/boundary_standard.cxx b/src/mesh/boundary_standard.cxx index 9f6941d500..73e43187b8 100644 --- a/src/mesh/boundary_standard.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/boundary_standard.cxx @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +#include #include #include #include @@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ void verifyNumPoints(BoundaryRegion *region, int ptsRequired) { TRACE("Verifying number of points available for BC"); int ptsAvailGlobal, ptsAvailLocal, ptsAvail; - string side, gridType; + std::string side, gridType; + Mesh* mesh = region->localmesh; //Initialise var in case of no match and CHECK<=2 ptsAvail = ptsRequired; //Ensures test passes without exception @@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ void verifyNumPoints(BoundaryRegion*, int) {} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args){ verifyNumPoints(region,1); std::shared_ptr newgen; @@ -124,6 +126,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if( loc == CELL_XLOW ) { @@ -295,7 +299,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Need to set second guard cell, as may be used for interpolation or upwinding derivatives for(int i=1;iwidth;i++) { int xi = bndry->x + i*bndry->bx; - int yi = bndry->y + i*bndry->bx; + int yi = bndry->y + i*bndry->by; f(xi, yi) = 2*f(xi - bndry->bx, yi - bndry->by) - f(xi - 2*bndry->bx, yi - 2*bndry->by); } } @@ -311,6 +315,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -475,6 +481,69 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { } } } + } else if (loc == CELL_ZLOW) { + // Shifted in Z + + for(; !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { + // Calculate the X and Y normalised values half-way between the guard cell and grid cell + BoutReal xnorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x - bndry->bx) ); // the grid cell + + BoutReal ynorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y - bndry->by) ); // the grid cell + + for(int zk=0;zkLocalNz;zk++) { + if(fg){ + val = fg->generate(xnorm,TWOPI*ynorm,TWOPI*(zk - 0.5)/(mesh->LocalNz), t); + } + f(bndry->x,bndry->y,zk) = 2*val - f(bndry->x-bndry->bx, bndry->y-bndry->by, zk); + + // We've set the first boundary point using extrapolation in + // the line above. The below block of code is attempting to + // set the rest of the boundary cells also using + // extrapolation. Whilst this choice doesn't impact 2nd order + // methods it has been observed that with higher order + // methods, which actually use these points, the use of + // extrapolation can be unstable. For this reason we have + // commented out the below block and replaced it with the loop + // several lines below, which just sets all the rest of the + // boundary points to be the specified value. We've not + // removed the commented out code as we may wish to revisit + // this in the future, however it may be that this is + // eventually removed. It can be noted that we *don't* apply + // this treatment for other boundary treatments, + // i.e. elsewhere we tend to extrapolate. + + // // Need to set second guard cell, as may be used for interpolation or upwinding derivatives + // for(int i=1;iwidth;i++) { + // int xi = bndry->x + i*bndry->bx; + // int yi = bndry->y + i*bndry->by; + + // f(xi, yi, zk) = 2*f(xi - bndry->bx, yi - bndry->by, zk) - f(xi - 2*bndry->bx, yi - 2*bndry->by, zk); + // // f(xi, yi, zk) = 3.0*f(xi - bndry->bx, yi - bndry->by, zk) - 3.0*f(xi - 2*bndry->bx, yi - 2*bndry->by, zk) + f(xi - 3*bndry->bx, yi - 3*bndry->by, zk); + + // } + } + + // This loop is our alternative approach to setting the rest of the boundary + // points. Instead of extrapolating we just use the generated values. This + // can help with the stability of higher order methods. + for (int i = 1; i < bndry->width; i++) { + // Set any other guard cells using the values on the cells + int xi = bndry->x + i*bndry->bx; + int yi = bndry->y + i*bndry->by; + xnorm = mesh->GlobalX(xi); + ynorm = mesh->GlobalY(yi); + for(int zk=0;zkLocalNz;zk++) { + if(fg) { + val = fg->generate(xnorm,TWOPI*ynorm,TWOPI*(zk - 0.5)/(mesh->LocalNz), t); + } + f(xi, yi, zk) = val; + } + } + } + } else { + throw BoutException("Unrecognised location"); } } else { @@ -548,6 +617,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryDirichlet::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -558,7 +629,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // New implementation, accurate to higher order -BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_O3::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_O3::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args){ verifyNumPoints(region,2); std::shared_ptr newgen = nullptr; if(!args.empty()) { @@ -576,6 +647,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -589,7 +662,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if( loc == CELL_XLOW) { @@ -761,6 +834,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -923,6 +998,34 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { } } } + } else if (loc == CELL_ZLOW) { + // Shifted in Z + + for(; !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { + // Calculate the X and Y normalised values half-way between the guard cell and grid cell + BoutReal xnorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x - bndry->bx) ); // the grid cell + + BoutReal ynorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y - bndry->by) ); // the grid cell + + for(int zk=0;zkLocalNz;zk++) { + if(fg) + val = fg->generate(xnorm,TWOPI*ynorm,TWOPI*(zk - 0.5)/(mesh->LocalNz), t); + + f(bndry->x,bndry->y,zk) = (8./3)*val - 2.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx, bndry->y-bndry->by,zk) + f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx, bndry->y-2*bndry->by,zk)/3.; + + // Need to set remaining guard cells, as may be used for interpolation or upwinding derivatives + for(int i=1;iwidth;i++) { + int xi = bndry->x + i*bndry->bx; + int yi = bndry->y + i*bndry->by; + f(xi, yi, zk) = 3.0*f(xi - bndry->bx, yi - bndry->by, zk) - 3.0*f(xi - 2*bndry->bx, yi - 2*bndry->by, zk) + + f(xi - 3*bndry->bx, yi - 3*bndry->by, zk); + } + } + } + } else { + throw BoutException("Unrecognized location"); } } else { @@ -960,6 +1063,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); bndry->first() ; @@ -973,7 +1078,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O3::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extrapolate to calculate boundary cell to 4th-order -BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_O4::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_O4::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args){ verifyNumPoints(region,3); std::shared_ptr newgen = nullptr; if(!args.empty()) { @@ -991,6 +1096,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -1004,7 +1111,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if(loc == CELL_XLOW ) { @@ -1188,6 +1295,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -1355,6 +1464,33 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { } } } + } else if (loc == CELL_ZLOW) { + // Shifted in Z + for(; !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { + // Calculate the X and Y normalised values half-way between the guard cell and grid cell + BoutReal xnorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x - bndry->bx) ); // the grid cell + + BoutReal ynorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y - bndry->by) ); // the grid cell + + for(int zk=0;zkLocalNz;zk++) { + if(fg) + val = fg->generate(xnorm,TWOPI*ynorm,TWOPI*(zk - 0.5)/(mesh->LocalNz), t); + + f(bndry->x,bndry->y,zk) = (16./5)*val - 3.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx, bndry->y-bndry->by,zk) + f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx, bndry->y-2*bndry->by,zk) - (1./5)*f(bndry->x-3*bndry->bx, bndry->y-3*bndry->by,zk); + + // Need to set remaining guard cells, as may be used for interpolation or upwinding derivatives + for(int i=1;iwidth;i++) { + int xi = bndry->x + i*bndry->bx; + int yi = bndry->y + i*bndry->by; + f(xi, yi, zk) = 4.0*f(xi - bndry->bx, yi - bndry->by, zk) - 6.0*f(xi - 2*bndry->bx, yi - 2*bndry->by, zk) + + 4.0*f(xi - 3*bndry->bx, yi - 3*bndry->by, zk) - f(xi - 4*bndry->bx, yi - 4*bndry->by, zk); + } + } + } + } else { + throw BoutException("Unrecognized location"); } } else { @@ -1392,6 +1528,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -1400,61 +1538,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_O4::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { - output << "WARNING: Use of boundary condition \"dirichlet_2ndorder\" is deprecated!\n"; - output << " Consider using \"dirichlet\" instead\n"; - verifyNumPoints(region,2); - if(!args.empty()) { - // First argument should be a value - val = stringToReal(args.front()); - return new BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder(region, val); - } - return new BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder(region); -} - -void BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder::apply(Field2D &f) { - // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val - // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { - f(bndry->x,bndry->y) = 8./3.*val - 2.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by) + 1./3.*f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx,bndry->y-2*bndry->by); -#ifdef BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_UPGRADE_EXTRAPOLATE_FOR_2ND_ORDER - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by) = 3.*f(bndry->x,bndry->y) - 3.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by) + f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx,bndry->y-2*bndry->by); -#elif defined(CHECK) - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by) = 1.e60; -#endif - } -} - -void BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder::apply(Field3D &f) { - // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val - // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { - f(bndry->x,bndry->y,z) = 8./3.*val - 2.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by,z) + 1./3.*f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx,bndry->y-2*bndry->by,z); -#ifdef BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_UPGRADE_EXTRAPOLATE_FOR_2ND_ORDER - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by,z) = 3.*f(bndry->x,bndry->y,z) - 3.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by,z) + f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx,bndry->y-2*bndry->by,z); -#elif defined(CHECK) - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by,z) = 1.e60; -#endif - } -} - -void BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { - Field2D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) - (*dt)(bndry->x,bndry->y) = 0.; // Set time derivative to zero -} - -void BoundaryDirichlet_2ndOrder::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { - Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) - (*dt)(bndry->x,bndry->y,z) = 0.; // Set time derivative to zero -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::clone(BoundaryRegion* region, + const std::list& args) { verifyNumPoints(region,4); if(!args.empty()) { // First argument should be a value @@ -1473,6 +1558,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); // Set (at 4th order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { @@ -1488,6 +1575,8 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -1496,7 +1585,7 @@ void BoundaryDirichlet_4thOrder::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region,1); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: arguments is set to BoundaryNeumann None Zero Gradient\n"; @@ -1508,6 +1597,8 @@ BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const l } void BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::apply(Field2D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); // Calculate derivatives for metric use mesh->communicate(f); @@ -1548,6 +1639,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); // Calculate derivatives for metric use mesh->communicate(f); @@ -1593,95 +1686,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_NonOrthogonal::apply(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann2::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { - output << "WARNING: Use of boundary condition \"neumann2\" is deprecated!\n"; - output << " Consider using \"neumann\" instead\n"; - verifyNumPoints(region,2); - if(!args.empty()) { - output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryNeumann2\n"; - } - return new BoundaryNeumann2(region); -} - -void BoundaryNeumann2::apply(Field2D &f) { - // Loop over all elements and use one-sided differences - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) - f(bndry->x, bndry->y) = (4.*f(bndry->x - bndry->bx, bndry->y - bndry->by) - f(bndry->x - 2*bndry->bx, bndry->y - 2*bndry->by))/3.; -} - -void BoundaryNeumann2::apply(Field3D &f) { - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) - f(bndry->x, bndry->y, z) = (4.*f(bndry->x - bndry->bx, bndry->y - bndry->by, z) - f(bndry->x - 2*bndry->bx, bndry->y - 2*bndry->by, z))/3.; -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { - output << "WARNING: Use of boundary condition \"neumann_2ndorder\" is deprecated!\n"; - output << " Consider using \"neumann\" instead\n"; -#ifdef BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_UPGRADE_EXTRAPOLATE_FOR_2ND_ORDER - verifyNumPoints(region,2); -#else - verifyNumPoints(region,1); -#endif - if(!args.empty()) { - // First argument should be a value - val = stringToReal(args.front()); - return new BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder(region, val); - } - return new BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder(region); -} - -void BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder::apply(Field2D &f) { - Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); - - // Set (at 2nd order) the gradient at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val - // This sets the value of the co-ordinate derivative, i.e. DDX/DDY not Grad_par/Grad_perp.x - // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { - f(bndry->x,bndry->y) = f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by) + val*(bndry->bx*metric->dx(bndry->x,bndry->y)+bndry->by*metric->dy(bndry->x,bndry->y)); -#ifdef BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_UPGRADE_EXTRAPOLATE_FOR_2ND_ORDER - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by) = 3.*f(bndry->x,bndry->y) - 3.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by) + f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx,bndry->y-2*bndry->by); -#elif defined(CHECK) - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by) = 1.e60; -#endif - } -} - -void BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder::apply(Field3D &f) { - Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); - // Set (at 2nd order) the gradient at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val - // This sets the value of the co-ordinate derivative, i.e. DDX/DDY not Grad_par/Grad_perp.x - // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { - BoutReal delta = bndry->bx*metric->dx(bndry->x,bndry->y)+bndry->by*metric->dy(bndry->x,bndry->y); - f(bndry->x,bndry->y,z) = f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by,z) + val*delta; -#ifdef BOUNDARY_CONDITIONS_UPGRADE_EXTRAPOLATE_FOR_2ND_ORDER - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by,z) = 3.*f(bndry->x,bndry->y,z) - 3.*f(bndry->x-bndry->bx,bndry->y-bndry->by,z) + f(bndry->x-2*bndry->bx,bndry->y-2*bndry->by,z); -#elif defined(CHECK) - f(bndry->x+bndry->bx,bndry->y+bndry->by,z) = 1.e60; -#endif - } -} - -void BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { - Field2D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) - (*dt)(bndry->x,bndry->y) = 0.; // Set time derivative to zero -} - -void BoundaryNeumann_2ndOrder::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { - Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) - (*dt)(bndry->x,bndry->y,z) = 0.; // Set time derivative to zero -} - -/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann::clone(BoundaryRegion* region, + const std::list& args) { verifyNumPoints(region,1); std::shared_ptr newgen = nullptr; if(!args.empty()) { @@ -1700,6 +1706,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); bndry->first(); @@ -1714,7 +1722,7 @@ void BoundaryNeumann::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently // Use one-sided differencing. Cell is now on // the boundary, so use one-sided differencing @@ -1897,6 +1905,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann::apply(Field3D &f) { void BoundaryNeumann::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); bndry->first(); @@ -2067,6 +2077,30 @@ void BoundaryNeumann::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { } } } + } else if (loc == CELL_ZLOW) { + // Shifted in Z + for(; !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { + // Calculate the X and Y normalised values half-way between the guard cell and grid cell + BoutReal xnorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalX(bndry->x - bndry->bx) ); // the grid cell + + BoutReal ynorm = 0.5*( mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y) // In the guard cell + + mesh->GlobalY(bndry->y - bndry->by) ); // the grid cell + + BoutReal delta = bndry->bx*metric->dx(bndry->x,bndry->y)+bndry->by*metric->dy(bndry->x,bndry->y); + + for(int zk=0;zkLocalNz;zk++) { + if(fg){ + val = fg->generate(xnorm,TWOPI*ynorm,TWOPI*(zk - 0.5)/(mesh->LocalNz),t); + } + f(bndry->x,bndry->y, zk) = f(bndry->x-bndry->bx, bndry->y-bndry->by, zk) + delta*val; + if (bndry->width == 2){ + f(bndry->x + bndry->bx, bndry->y + bndry->by, zk) = f(bndry->x - 2*bndry->bx, bndry->y - 2*bndry->by, zk) + 3.0*delta*val; + } + } + } + } else { + throw BoutException("Unrecognized location"); } } else { @@ -2100,6 +2134,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -2108,7 +2144,7 @@ void BoundaryNeumann::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_O4::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_O4::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args){ std::shared_ptr newgen = nullptr; if(!args.empty()) { // First argument should be an expression @@ -2122,6 +2158,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply(Field2D &f,BoutReal t) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); // Set (at 4th order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used @@ -2179,6 +2217,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply(Field3D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply(Field3D &f,BoutReal t) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Decide which generator to use @@ -2234,6 +2274,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -2242,7 +2284,7 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_O4::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region,4); if(!args.empty()) { // First argument should be a value @@ -2264,6 +2306,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); // Set (at 4th order) the gradient at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // This sets the value of the co-ordinate derivative, i.e. DDX/DDY not Grad_par/Grad_perp.x @@ -2282,6 +2326,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -2290,7 +2336,7 @@ void BoundaryNeumann_4thOrder::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumannPar::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryNeumannPar::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region,1); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryNeumann2\n"; @@ -2307,6 +2353,8 @@ void BoundaryNeumannPar::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryNeumannPar::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -2315,33 +2363,35 @@ void BoundaryNeumannPar::apply(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryRobin::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { - verifyNumPoints(region,1); +BoundaryOp *BoundaryRobin::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, + const std::list &args) { + verifyNumPoints(region, 1); BoutReal a = 0.5, b = 1.0, g = 0.; - - list::const_iterator it = args.begin(); - - if(it != args.end()) { + + auto it = args.begin(); + + if (it != args.end()) { // First argument is 'a' a = stringToReal(*it); it++; - - if(it != args.end()) { + + if (it != args.end()) { // Second is 'b' b = stringToReal(*it); it++; - - if(it != args.end()) { - // Third is 'g' - g = stringToReal(*it); - it++; - if(it != args.end()) { - output << "WARNING: BoundaryRobin takes maximum of 3 arguments. Ignoring extras\n"; - } + + if (it != args.end()) { + // Third is 'g' + g = stringToReal(*it); + it++; + if (it != args.end()) { + output + << "WARNING: BoundaryRobin takes maximum of 3 arguments. Ignoring extras\n"; + } } } } - + return new BoundaryRobin(region, a, b, g); } @@ -2360,6 +2410,8 @@ void BoundaryRobin::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryRobin::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); if(fabs(bval) < 1.e-12) { for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -2383,6 +2435,8 @@ void BoundaryConstGradient::apply(Field2D &f){ } void BoundaryConstGradient::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) f(bndry->x, bndry->y, z) = 2.*f(bndry->x - bndry->bx, bndry->y - bndry->by, z) - f(bndry->x - 2*bndry->bx,bndry->y - 2*bndry->by,z); @@ -2390,7 +2444,7 @@ void BoundaryConstGradient::apply(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryConstGradient::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryConstGradient::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region,2); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryConstGradient\n"; @@ -2400,7 +2454,7 @@ BoundaryOp* BoundaryConstGradient::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryZeroLaplace::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region,2); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryZeroLaplace\n"; @@ -2431,6 +2485,8 @@ void BoundaryZeroLaplace::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryZeroLaplace::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); @@ -2486,7 +2542,7 @@ void BoundaryZeroLaplace::apply(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BoundaryOp *BoundaryZeroLaplace2::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, - const list &args) { + const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region, 3); if (!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryZeroLaplace2\n"; @@ -2521,6 +2577,8 @@ void BoundaryZeroLaplace2::apply(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryZeroLaplace2::apply(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; ASSERT0(ncz % 2 == 0); // Allocation assumes even number @@ -2573,7 +2631,7 @@ void BoundaryZeroLaplace2::apply(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryConstLaplace::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryConstLaplace::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { verifyNumPoints(region,2); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryConstLaplace\n"; @@ -2617,6 +2675,8 @@ void BoundaryConstLaplace::apply(Field3D &f) { throw BoutException("ERROR: Can't apply Zero Laplace condition to non-X boundaries\n"); } + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(); int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; @@ -2673,7 +2733,7 @@ void BoundaryConstLaplace::apply(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryDivCurl::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryDivCurl::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryDivCurl\n"; } @@ -2685,6 +2745,9 @@ void BoundaryDivCurl::apply(Vector2D &UNUSED(f)) { } void BoundaryDivCurl::apply(Vector3D &var) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == var.x.getMesh()); + int jx, jy, jz, jzp, jzm; BoutReal tmp; @@ -2750,7 +2813,7 @@ void BoundaryDivCurl::apply(Vector3D &var) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args) { if(!args.empty()) { // First argument should be a value val = stringToReal(args.front()); @@ -2781,7 +2844,7 @@ void BoundaryFree::apply_ddt(Field3D &UNUSED(f)) { // 2nd order extrapolation: -BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree_O2::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree_O2::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args){ verifyNumPoints(region,2); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: Ignoring arguments to BoundaryFree\n"; @@ -2793,12 +2856,14 @@ void BoundaryFree_O2::apply(Field2D &f) { // Set (at 2nd order) the value at the mid-point between the guard cell and the grid cell to be val // N.B. Only first guard cells (closest to the grid) should ever be used + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if( loc == CELL_XLOW) { @@ -2890,13 +2955,14 @@ void BoundaryFree_O2::apply(Field2D &f) { void BoundaryFree_O2::apply(Field3D &f) { // Extrapolate from the last evolved simulation cells into the guard cells at 3rd order. + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); - // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if( loc == CELL_XLOW ) { @@ -3009,6 +3075,8 @@ void BoundaryFree_O2::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryFree_O2::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -3019,7 +3087,7 @@ void BoundaryFree_O2::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { ////////////////////////////////// // Third order extrapolation: ////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree_O3::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &args){ +BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree_O3::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const std::list &args){ verifyNumPoints(region,3); if(!args.empty()) { @@ -3030,12 +3098,14 @@ BoundaryOp* BoundaryFree_O3::clone(BoundaryRegion *region, const list &a void BoundaryFree_O3::apply(Field2D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if( loc == CELL_XLOW) { @@ -3128,13 +3198,15 @@ void BoundaryFree_O3::apply(Field2D &f) { void BoundaryFree_O3::apply(Field3D &f) { // Extrapolate from the last evolved simulation cells into the guard cells at 3rd order. + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); bndry->first(); // Check for staggered grids CELL_LOC loc = f.getLocation(); - if(mesh->StaggerGrids && loc != CELL_CENTRE) { + if(mesh->StaggerGrids and (loc == CELL_XLOW or loc == CELL_YLOW)) { // Staggered. Need to apply slightly differently if( loc == CELL_XLOW ) { @@ -3255,6 +3327,8 @@ void BoundaryFree_O3::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryFree_O3::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); Field3D *dt = f.timeDeriv(); for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next()) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) @@ -3264,8 +3338,8 @@ void BoundaryFree_O3::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryRelax::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const list &args) { - BoundaryRelax* result = new BoundaryRelax(operation, r); +BoundaryOp* BoundaryRelax::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const std::list &args) { + auto* result = new BoundaryRelax(operation, r); if(!args.empty()) { // First argument should be the rate @@ -3306,6 +3380,9 @@ void BoundaryRelax::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { void BoundaryRelax::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { TRACE("BoundaryRelax::apply_ddt(Field3D)"); + Mesh* mesh = bndry->localmesh; + ASSERT1(mesh == f.getMesh()); + // Make a copy of f Field3D g = f; // NOTE: This is not very efficient... copying entire field // Apply the boundary to g @@ -3319,8 +3396,8 @@ void BoundaryRelax::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryWidth::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const list &args) { - BoundaryWidth* result = new BoundaryWidth(operation, width); +BoundaryOp* BoundaryWidth::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const std::list &args) { + auto* result = new BoundaryWidth(operation, width); if(args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: BoundaryWidth expected 1 argument\n"; @@ -3363,8 +3440,8 @@ void BoundaryWidth::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryToFieldAligned::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const list &args) { - BoundaryToFieldAligned* result = new BoundaryToFieldAligned(operation); +BoundaryOp* BoundaryToFieldAligned::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const std::list &args) { + auto* result = new BoundaryToFieldAligned(operation); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: BoundaryToFieldAligned expected no argument\n"; @@ -3379,14 +3456,16 @@ void BoundaryToFieldAligned::apply(Field2D &f, BoutReal t) { } void BoundaryToFieldAligned::apply(Field3D &f, BoutReal t) { + ASSERT1(bndry->localmesh == f.getMesh()); + //NOTE: This is not very efficient... updating entire field - f = mesh->fromFieldAligned(f); + f = fromFieldAligned(f); // Apply the boundary to shifted field op->apply(f, t); //Shift back - f = mesh->toFieldAligned(f); + f = toFieldAligned(f); //This is inefficient -- could instead use the shiftZ just in the bndry //but this is not portable to other parallel transforms -- we could instead @@ -3398,16 +3477,18 @@ void BoundaryToFieldAligned::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryToFieldAligned::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { - f = mesh->fromFieldAligned(f); - ddt(f) = mesh->fromFieldAligned(ddt(f)); + ASSERT1(bndry->localmesh == f.getMesh()); + + f = fromFieldAligned(f); + ddt(f) = fromFieldAligned(ddt(f)); op->apply_ddt(f); - ddt(f) = mesh->toFieldAligned(ddt(f)); + ddt(f) = toFieldAligned(ddt(f)); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -BoundaryOp* BoundaryFromFieldAligned::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const list &args) { - BoundaryFromFieldAligned* result = new BoundaryFromFieldAligned(operation); +BoundaryOp* BoundaryFromFieldAligned::cloneMod(BoundaryOp *operation, const std::list &args) { + auto* result = new BoundaryFromFieldAligned(operation); if(!args.empty()) { output << "WARNING: BoundaryFromFieldAligned expected no argument\n"; @@ -3422,14 +3503,16 @@ void BoundaryFromFieldAligned::apply(Field2D &f, BoutReal t) { } void BoundaryFromFieldAligned::apply(Field3D &f, BoutReal t) { + ASSERT1(bndry->localmesh == f.getMesh()); + //NOTE: This is not very efficient... shifting entire field - f = mesh->toFieldAligned(f); + f = toFieldAligned(f); // Apply the boundary to shifted field op->apply(f, t); //Shift back - f = mesh->fromFieldAligned(f); + f = fromFieldAligned(f); //This is inefficient -- could instead use the shiftZ just in the bndry //but this is not portable to other parallel transforms -- we could instead @@ -3441,8 +3524,10 @@ void BoundaryFromFieldAligned::apply_ddt(Field2D &f) { } void BoundaryFromFieldAligned::apply_ddt(Field3D &f) { - f = mesh->toFieldAligned(f); - ddt(f) = mesh->toFieldAligned(ddt(f)); + ASSERT1(bndry->localmesh == f.getMesh()); + + f = toFieldAligned(f); + ddt(f) = toFieldAligned(ddt(f)); op->apply_ddt(f); - ddt(f) = mesh->fromFieldAligned(ddt(f)); + ddt(f) = fromFieldAligned(ddt(f)); } diff --git a/src/mesh/coordinates.cxx b/src/mesh/coordinates.cxx index 643bd10627..7ad6485814 100644 --- a/src/mesh/coordinates.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/coordinates.cxx @@ -17,7 +17,181 @@ #include -Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) +#include "parallel/fci.hxx" + +// use anonymous namespace so this utility function is not available outside this file +namespace { +/// Interpolate a Field2D to a new CELL_LOC with interp_to. +/// Communicates to set internal guard cells. +/// Boundary guard cells are set by extrapolating from the grid, like +/// 'free_o3' boundary conditions +/// Corner guard cells are set to BoutNaN +Field2D interpolateAndExtrapolate(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC location, + bool extrapolate_x = true, bool extrapolate_y = true, + bool no_extra_interpolate = false) { + + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + Field2D result = interp_to(f, location, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + // Ensure result's data is unique. Otherwise result might be a duplicate of + // f (if no interpolation is needed, e.g. if interpolation is in the + // z-direction); then f would be communicated. Since this function is used + // on geometrical quantities that might not be periodic in y even on closed + // field lines (due to dependence on integrated shear), we don't want to + // communicate f. We will sort out result's boundary guard cells below, but + // not f's so we don't want to change f. + result.allocate(); + localmesh->communicate(result); + + // Extrapolate into boundaries (if requested) so that differential geometry + // terms can be interpolated if necessary + // Note: cannot use applyBoundary("free_o3") here because applyBoundary() + // would try to create a new Coordinates object since we have not finished + // initializing yet, leading to an infinite recursion. + // Also, here we interpolate for the boundary points at xstart/ystart and + // (xend+1)/(yend+1) instead of extrapolating. + for (auto& bndry : localmesh->getBoundaries()) { + if ((extrapolate_x and bndry->bx != 0) or (extrapolate_y and bndry->by != 0)) { + int extrap_start = 0; + if (not no_extra_interpolate) { + // Can use no_extra_interpolate argument to skip the extra interpolation when we + // want to extrapolate the Christoffel symbol terms which come from derivatives so + // don't have the extra point set already + if ((location == CELL_XLOW) && (bndry->bx > 0)) { + extrap_start = 1; + } else if ((location == CELL_YLOW) && (bndry->by > 0)) { + extrap_start = 1; + } + } + for (bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { + // interpolate extra boundary point that is missed by interp_to, if + // necessary. + // Only interpolate this point if we are actually changing location. E.g. + // when we use this function to extrapolate J and Bxy on staggered grids, + // this point should already be set correctly because the metric + // components have been interpolated to here. + if (extrap_start > 0 and f.getLocation() != location) { + ASSERT1(bndry->bx == 0 or localmesh->xstart > 1); + ASSERT1(bndry->by == 0 or localmesh->ystart > 1); + // note that either bx or by is >0 here + result(bndry->x, bndry->y) = + (9. * (f(bndry->x - bndry->bx, bndry->y - bndry->by) + f(bndry->x, bndry->y)) + - f(bndry->x - 2 * bndry->bx, bndry->y - 2 * bndry->by) + - f(bndry->x + bndry->bx, bndry->y + bndry->by)) + / 16.; + } + + // set boundary guard cells + if ((bndry->bx != 0 && localmesh->GlobalNx - 2 * bndry->width >= 3) + || (bndry->by != 0 && localmesh->GlobalNy - 2 * bndry->width >= 3)) { + if (bndry->bx != 0 && localmesh->LocalNx == 1 && bndry->width == 1) { + throw BoutException( + "Not enough points in the x-direction on this " + "processor for extrapolation needed to use staggered grids. " + "Increase number of x-guard cells MXG or decrease number of " + "processors in the x-direction NXPE."); + } + if (bndry->by != 0 && localmesh->LocalNy == 1 && bndry->width == 1) { + throw BoutException( + "Not enough points in the y-direction on this " + "processor for extrapolation needed to use staggered grids. " + "Increase number of y-guard cells MYG or decrease number of " + "processors in the y-direction NYPE."); + } + // extrapolate into boundary guard cells if there are enough grid points + for (int i = extrap_start; i < bndry->width; i++) { + int xi = bndry->x + i * bndry->bx; + int yi = bndry->y + i * bndry->by; + result(xi, yi) = 3.0 * result(xi - bndry->bx, yi - bndry->by) + - 3.0 * result(xi - 2 * bndry->bx, yi - 2 * bndry->by) + + result(xi - 3 * bndry->bx, yi - 3 * bndry->by); + } + } else { + // not enough grid points to extrapolate, set equal to last grid point + for (int i = extrap_start; i < bndry->width; i++) { + result(bndry->x + i * bndry->bx, bndry->y + i * bndry->by) = + result(bndry->x - bndry->bx, bndry->y - bndry->by); + } + } + } + } + } + + // Set corner guard cells + for (int i = 0; i < localmesh->xstart; i++) { + for (int j = 0; j < localmesh->ystart; j++) { + result(i, j) = BoutNaN; + result(i, localmesh->LocalNy - 1 - j) = BoutNaN; + result(localmesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, j) = BoutNaN; + result(localmesh->LocalNx - 1 - i, localmesh->LocalNy - 1 - j) = BoutNaN; + } + } + + return result; +} + +// If the CELL_CENTRE variable was read, the staggered version is required to +// also exist for consistency +void checkStaggeredGet(Mesh* mesh, const std::string& name, const std::string& suffix) { + if (mesh->sourceHasVar(name) != mesh->sourceHasVar(name+suffix)) { + throw BoutException("Attempting to read staggered fields from grid, but " + name + + " is not present in both CELL_CENTRE and staggered versions."); + } +} + +// convenience function for repeated code +void getAtLoc(Mesh* mesh, Field2D &var, const std::string& name, + const std::string& suffix, CELL_LOC location, BoutReal default_value = 0.) { + + checkStaggeredGet(mesh, name, suffix); + mesh->get(var, name+suffix, default_value); + var.setLocation(location); +} + +std::string getLocationSuffix(CELL_LOC location) { + switch (location) { + case CELL_CENTRE: { + return ""; + } + case CELL_XLOW: { + return "_xlow"; + } + case CELL_YLOW: { + return "_ylow"; + } + case CELL_ZLOW: { + // geometrical quantities are Field2D, so CELL_ZLOW version is the same + // as CELL_CENTRE + return ""; + } + default: { + throw BoutException("Incorrect location passed to " + "Coordinates(Mesh*,const CELL_LOC,const Coordinates*) constructor."); + } + } +} +} + +Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh* mesh, Field2D dx, Field2D dy, BoutReal dz, Field2D J, + Field2D Bxy, Field2D g11, Field2D g22, Field2D g33, Field2D g12, + Field2D g13, Field2D g23, Field2D g_11, Field2D g_22, + Field2D g_33, Field2D g_12, Field2D g_13, Field2D g_23, + Field2D ShiftTorsion, Field2D IntShiftTorsion, + bool calculate_geometry) + : dx(std::move(dx)), dy(std::move(dy)), dz(dz), J(std::move(J)), Bxy(std::move(Bxy)), + g11(std::move(g11)), g22(std::move(g22)), g33(std::move(g33)), g12(std::move(g12)), + g13(std::move(g13)), g23(std::move(g23)), g_11(std::move(g_11)), + g_22(std::move(g_22)), g_33(std::move(g_33)), g_12(std::move(g_12)), + g_13(std::move(g_13)), g_23(std::move(g_23)), ShiftTorsion(std::move(ShiftTorsion)), + IntShiftTorsion(std::move(IntShiftTorsion)), nz(mesh->LocalNz), localmesh(mesh), + location(CELL_CENTRE) { + if (calculate_geometry) { + if (geometry()) { + throw BoutException("Differential geometry failed\n"); + } + } +} + +Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh* mesh, Options* options) : dx(1, mesh), dy(1, mesh), dz(1), d1_dx(mesh), d1_dy(mesh), J(1, mesh), Bxy(1, mesh), // Identity metric tensor g11(1, mesh), g22(1, mesh), g33(1, mesh), g12(0, mesh), g13(0, mesh), g23(0, mesh), @@ -28,69 +202,92 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) G3_23(mesh), G1(mesh), G2(mesh), G3(mesh), ShiftTorsion(mesh), IntShiftTorsion(mesh), localmesh(mesh), location(CELL_CENTRE) { - if (mesh->get(dx, "dx")) { - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'dx' not found. Set to 1.0\n"); - dx = 1.0; + if (options == nullptr) { + options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh"); + } + + // Note: If boundary cells were not loaded from the grid file, use + // 'interpolateAndExtrapolate' to set them. Ensures that derivatives are + // smooth at all the boundaries. + + const bool extrapolate_x = (*options)["extrapolate_x"].withDefault(not mesh->sourceHasXBoundaryGuards()); + const bool extrapolate_y = (*options)["extrapolate_y"].withDefault(not mesh->sourceHasYBoundaryGuards()); + + if (extrapolate_x) { + output_warn.write(_("WARNING: extrapolating input mesh quantities into x-boundary " + "cells. Set option extrapolate_x=false to disable this.\n")); + } + + if (extrapolate_y) { + output_warn.write(_("WARNING: extrapolating input mesh quantities into y-boundary " + "cells. Set option extrapolate_y=false to disable this.\n")); } + mesh->get(dx, "dx", 1.0); + dx = interpolateAndExtrapolate(dx, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + if (mesh->periodicX) { mesh->communicate(dx); } - if (mesh->get(dy, "dy")) { - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'dy' not found. Set to 1.0\n"); - dy = 1.0; - } + mesh->get(dy, "dy", 1.0); + dy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(dy, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); nz = mesh->LocalNz; - if (mesh->get(dz, "dz")) { - // Couldn't read dz from input - BoutReal ZMIN, ZMAX; - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - if (options->isSet("zperiod")) { - int zperiod; - OPTION(options, zperiod, 1); - ZMIN = 0.0; - ZMAX = 1.0 / static_cast(zperiod); - } else { - OPTION(options, ZMIN, 0.0); - OPTION(options, ZMAX, 1.0); - } + { + auto& options = Options::root(); + const bool has_zperiod = options.isSet("zperiod"); + const auto zmin = has_zperiod ? 0.0 : options["ZMIN"].withDefault(0.0); + const auto zmax = has_zperiod ? 1.0 / options["zperiod"].withDefault(1.0) + : options["ZMAX"].withDefault(1.0); + + const auto default_dz = (zmax - zmin) * TWOPI / nz; - dz = (ZMAX - ZMIN) * TWOPI / nz; + mesh->get(dz, "dz", default_dz); } // Diagonal components of metric tensor g^{ij} (default to 1) mesh->get(g11, "g11", 1.0); + g11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g11, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); mesh->get(g22, "g22", 1.0); + g22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g22, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); mesh->get(g33, "g33", 1.0); + g33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g33, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); // Off-diagonal elements. Default to 0 mesh->get(g12, "g12", 0.0); + g12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g12, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); mesh->get(g13, "g13", 0.0); + g13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g13, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); mesh->get(g23, "g23", 0.0); + g23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g23, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); // Check input metrics - if ((!finite(g11)) || (!finite(g22)) || (!finite(g33))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Diagonal metrics are not finite!\n"); - } - if ((min(g11) <= 0.0) || (min(g22) <= 0.0) || (min(g33) <= 0.0)) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Diagonal metrics are negative!\n"); - } - if ((!finite(g12)) || (!finite(g13)) || (!finite(g23))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Off-diagonal metrics are not finite!\n"); - } + // Diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g11, "g11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g22, "g22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g33, "g33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Diagonal metric components should be positive + bout::checkPositive(g11, "g11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g22, "g22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g33, "g33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Off-diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g12, "g12", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g13, "g13", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g23, "g23", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); /// Find covariant metric components + auto covariant_component_names = {"g_11", "g_22", "g_33", "g_12", "g_13", "g_23"}; + auto source_has_component = [&mesh] (const std::string& name) { + return mesh->sourceHasVar(name); + }; // Check if any of the components are present - if (mesh->sourceHasVar("g_11") or mesh->sourceHasVar("g_22") or - mesh->sourceHasVar("g_33") or mesh->sourceHasVar("g_12") or - mesh->sourceHasVar("g_13") or mesh->sourceHasVar("g_23")) { + if (std::any_of(begin(covariant_component_names), end(covariant_component_names), + source_has_component)) { // Check that all components are present - if (mesh->sourceHasVar("g_11") and mesh->sourceHasVar("g_22") and - mesh->sourceHasVar("g_33") and mesh->sourceHasVar("g_12") and - mesh->sourceHasVar("g_13") and mesh->sourceHasVar("g_23")) { + if (std::all_of(begin(covariant_component_names), end(covariant_component_names), + source_has_component)) { mesh->get(g_11, "g_11"); mesh->get(g_22, "g_22"); mesh->get(g_33, "g_33"); @@ -105,16 +302,38 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) output_warn.write("Not all covariant components of metric tensor found. " "Calculating all from the contravariant tensor\n"); /// Calculate contravariant metric components if not found - if (calcCovariant()) { + if (calcCovariant("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { throw BoutException("Error in calcCovariant call"); } } } else { /// Calculate contravariant metric components if not found - if (calcCovariant()) { + if (calcCovariant("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { throw BoutException("Error in calcCovariant call"); } } + // More robust to extrapolate derived quantities directly, rather than + // deriving from extrapolated covariant metric components + g_11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_11, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_22, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_33, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_12, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_13, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_23, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + // Check covariant metrics + // Diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g_11, "g_11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_33, "g_33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Diagonal metric components should be positive + bout::checkPositive(g_11, "g_11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_33, "g_33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Off-diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g_12, "g_12", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_13, "g_13", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_23, "g_23", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); /// Calculate Jacobian and Bxy if (jacobian()) @@ -123,9 +342,12 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) // Attempt to read J from the grid file Field2D Jcalc = J; if (mesh->get(J, "J")) { - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Jacobian 'J' not found. Calculating from metric tensor\n"); + output_warn.write( + "\tWARNING: Jacobian 'J' not found. Calculating from metric tensor\n"); J = Jcalc; } else { + J = interpolateAndExtrapolate(J, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + // Compare calculated and loaded values output_warn.write("\tMaximum difference in J is %e\n", max(abs(J - Jcalc))); @@ -140,11 +362,12 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) "metric tensor\n"); Bxy = Bcalc; } else { + Bxy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(Bxy, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + output_warn.write("\tMaximum difference in Bxy is %e\n", max(abs(Bxy - Bcalc))); // Check Bxy - if (!finite(Bxy)) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Bxy not finite everywhere!\n"); - } + bout::checkFinite(Bxy, "Bxy", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(Bxy, "Bxy", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -154,9 +377,11 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) } if (mesh->get(ShiftTorsion, "ShiftTorsion")) { - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: No Torsion specified for zShift. Derivatives may not be correct\n"); + output_warn.write( + "\tWARNING: No Torsion specified for zShift. Derivatives may not be correct\n"); ShiftTorsion = 0.0; } + ShiftTorsion = interpolateAndExtrapolate(ShiftTorsion, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -165,61 +390,17 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh) output_warn.write("\tWARNING: No Integrated torsion specified\n"); IntShiftTorsion = 0.0; } + IntShiftTorsion = interpolateAndExtrapolate(IntShiftTorsion, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); } else { // IntShiftTorsion will not be used, but set to zero to avoid uninitialized field IntShiftTorsion = 0.; } -} -// use anonymous namespace so this utility function is not available outside this file -namespace { - /// Interpolate a Field2D to a new CELL_LOC with interp_to. - /// Communicates to set internal guard cells. - /// Boundary guard cells are set equal to the nearest grid point (equivalent to - /// 2nd order accurate Neumann boundary condition). - /// Corner guard cells are set to BoutNaN - Field2D interpolateAndNeumann(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC location) { - Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); - Field2D result = interp_to(f, location, RGN_NOBNDRY); - localmesh->communicate(result); - - // Copy nearest value into boundaries so that differential geometry terms can - // be interpolated if necessary - // Note: cannot use applyBoundary("neumann") here because applyBoundary() - // would try to create a new Coordinates object since we have not finished - // initializing yet, leading to an infinite recursion - for (auto bndry : localmesh->getBoundaries()) { - if (bndry->bx != 0) { - // If bx!=0 we are on an x-boundary, inner if bx>0 and outer if bx<0 - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { - for (int i=0; ixstart; i++) - result(bndry->x+i*bndry->bx,bndry->y) = result(bndry->x+(i-1)*bndry->bx, bndry->y-bndry->by); - } - } - if (bndry->by != 0) { - // If by!=0 we are on a y-boundary, upper if by>0 and lower if by<0 - for(bndry->first(); !bndry->isDone(); bndry->next1d()) { - for (int i=0; iystart; i++) - result(bndry->x,bndry->y+i*bndry->by) = result(bndry->x-bndry->bx, bndry->y+(i-1)*bndry->by); - } - } - } - - // Set corner guard cells - for (int i=0; ixstart; i++) { - for (int j=0; jystart; j++) { - result(i, j) = BoutNaN; - result(i, localmesh->LocalNy-1-j) = BoutNaN; - result(localmesh->LocalNx-1-i, j) = BoutNaN; - result(localmesh->LocalNx-1-i, localmesh->LocalNy-1-j) = BoutNaN; - } - } - - return result; - } + setParallelTransform(options); } -Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh, const CELL_LOC loc, const Coordinates* coords_in) +Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh* mesh, Options* options, const CELL_LOC loc, + const Coordinates* coords_in, bool force_interpolate_from_centre) : dx(1, mesh), dy(1, mesh), dz(1), d1_dx(mesh), d1_dy(mesh), J(1, mesh), Bxy(1, mesh), // Identity metric tensor g11(1, mesh), g22(1, mesh), g33(1, mesh), g12(0, mesh), g13(0, mesh), g23(0, mesh), @@ -230,85 +411,235 @@ Coordinates::Coordinates(Mesh *mesh, const CELL_LOC loc, const Coordinates* coor G3_23(mesh), G1(mesh), G2(mesh), G3(mesh), ShiftTorsion(mesh), IntShiftTorsion(mesh), localmesh(mesh), location(loc) { - dx = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->dx, location); - dy = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->dy, location); + std::string suffix = getLocationSuffix(location); nz = mesh->LocalNz; dz = coords_in->dz; - // Diagonal components of metric tensor g^{ij} - g11 = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->g11, location); - g22 = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->g22, location); - g33 = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->g33, location); + // Default to true in case staggered quantities are not read from file + bool extrapolate_x = true; + bool extrapolate_y = true; - // Off-diagonal elements. - g12 = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->g12, location); - g13 = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->g13, location); - g23 = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->g23, location); + if (!force_interpolate_from_centre && mesh->sourceHasVar("dx"+suffix)) { - // Check input metrics - if ((!finite(g11, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g22, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g33, RGN_NOBNDRY))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Interpolated diagonal metrics are not finite!\n"); - } - if ((min(g11) <= 0.0) || (min(g22) <= 0.0) || (min(g33) <= 0.0)) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Interpolated diagonal metrics are negative!\n"); - } - if ((!finite(g12, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g13, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g23, RGN_NOBNDRY))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Interpolated off-diagonal metrics are not finite!\n"); - } + extrapolate_x = not mesh->sourceHasXBoundaryGuards(); + extrapolate_y = not mesh->sourceHasYBoundaryGuards(); + + if (extrapolate_x) { + output_warn.write(_("WARNING: extrapolating input mesh quantities into x-boundary " + "cells\n")); + } + + if (extrapolate_y) { + output_warn.write(_("WARNING: extrapolating input mesh quantities into y-boundary " + "cells\n")); + } - /// Always calculate contravariant metric components so that they are - /// consistent with the interpolated covariant components - if (calcCovariant()) { - throw BoutException("Error in calcCovariant call"); + getAtLoc(mesh, dx, "dx", suffix, location, 1.0); + dx = interpolateAndExtrapolate(dx, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + if (mesh->periodicX) { + mesh->communicate(dx); + } + + getAtLoc(mesh, dy, "dy", suffix, location, 1.0); + dy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(dy, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + // grid data source has staggered fields, so read instead of interpolating + // Diagonal components of metric tensor g^{ij} (default to 1) + getAtLoc(mesh, g11, "g11", suffix, location, 1.0); + g11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g11, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + getAtLoc(mesh, g22, "g22", suffix, location, 1.0); + g22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g22, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + getAtLoc(mesh, g33, "g33", suffix, location, 1.0); + g33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g33, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + getAtLoc(mesh, g12, "g12", suffix, location, 0.0); + g12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g12, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + getAtLoc(mesh, g13, "g13", suffix, location, 0.0); + g13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g13, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + getAtLoc(mesh, g23, "g23", suffix, location, 0.0); + g23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g23, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + /// Find covariant metric components + auto covariant_component_names = {"g_11", "g_22", "g_33", "g_12", "g_13", "g_23"}; + auto source_has_component = [&suffix, &mesh] (const std::string& name) { + return mesh->sourceHasVar(name + suffix); + }; + // Check if any of the components are present + if (std::any_of(begin(covariant_component_names), end(covariant_component_names), + source_has_component)) { + // Check that all components are present + if (std::all_of(begin(covariant_component_names), end(covariant_component_names), + source_has_component)) { + + getAtLoc(mesh, g_11, "g_11", suffix, location); + getAtLoc(mesh, g_22, "g_22", suffix, location); + getAtLoc(mesh, g_33, "g_33", suffix, location); + getAtLoc(mesh, g_12, "g_12", suffix, location); + getAtLoc(mesh, g_13, "g_13", suffix, location); + getAtLoc(mesh, g_23, "g_23", suffix, location); + + output_warn.write("\tWARNING! Staggered covariant components of metric tensor set manually. " + "Contravariant components NOT recalculated\n"); + + } else { + output_warn.write("Not all staggered covariant components of metric tensor found. " + "Calculating all from the contravariant tensor\n"); + /// Calculate contravariant metric components if not found + if (calcCovariant("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { + throw BoutException("Error in staggered calcCovariant call"); + } + } + } else { + /// Calculate contravariant metric components if not found + if (calcCovariant("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { + throw BoutException("Error in staggered calcCovariant call"); + } + } + // More robust to extrapolate derived quantities directly, rather than + // deriving from extrapolated covariant metric components + g_11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_11, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_22, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_33, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_12, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_13, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + g_23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(g_23, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + /// Calculate Jacobian and Bxy + if (jacobian()) { + throw BoutException("Error in jacobian call while constructing staggered Coordinates"); + } + + checkStaggeredGet(mesh, "ShiftTorsion", suffix); + if (mesh->get(ShiftTorsion, "ShiftTorsion"+suffix)) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: No Torsion specified for zShift. Derivatives may not be correct\n"); + ShiftTorsion = 0.0; + } + ShiftTorsion.setLocation(location); + ShiftTorsion = interpolateAndExtrapolate(ShiftTorsion, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + + if (mesh->IncIntShear) { + checkStaggeredGet(mesh, "IntShiftTorsion", suffix); + if (mesh->get(IntShiftTorsion, "IntShiftTorsion"+suffix)) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: No Integrated torsion specified\n"); + IntShiftTorsion = 0.0; + } + IntShiftTorsion.setLocation(location); + IntShiftTorsion = interpolateAndExtrapolate(IntShiftTorsion, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + } else { + // IntShiftTorsion will not be used, but set to zero to avoid uninitialized field + IntShiftTorsion = 0.; + } + } else { + // Interpolate fields from coords_in + + dx = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->dx, location); + dy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->dy, location); + + // Diagonal components of metric tensor g^{ij} + g11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g11, location); + g22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g22, location); + g33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g33, location); + + // Off-diagonal elements. + g12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g12, location); + g13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g13, location); + g23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g23, location); + + // 3x3 matrix inversion can exaggerate small interpolation errors, so it is + // more robust to interpolate and extrapolate derived quantities directly, + // rather than deriving from interpolated/extrapolated covariant metric + // components + g_11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g_11, location); + g_22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g_22, location); + g_33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g_33, location); + g_12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g_12, location); + g_13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g_13, location); + g_23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->g_23, location); + + J = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->J, location); + Bxy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->Bxy, location); + + bout::checkFinite(J, "The Jacobian", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(J, "The Jacobian", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(Bxy, "Bxy", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(Bxy, "Bxy", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + + ShiftTorsion = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->ShiftTorsion, location); + + if (mesh->IncIntShear) { + IntShiftTorsion = interpolateAndExtrapolate(coords_in->IntShiftTorsion, location); + } } - /// Calculate Jacobian and Bxy - if (jacobian()) - throw BoutException("Error in jacobian call"); + // Check input metrics + // Diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g11, "g11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g22, "g22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g33, "g33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_11, "g_11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_33, "g_33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Diagonal metric components should be positive + bout::checkPositive(g11, "g11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g22, "g22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g33, "g33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_11, "g_11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_33, "g_33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Off-diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g12, "g12", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g13, "g13", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g23, "g23", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_12, "g_12", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_13, "g_13", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_23, "g_23", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Calculate Christoffel symbols. Needs communication - if (geometry()) { - throw BoutException("Differential geometry failed\n"); + if (geometry(false, force_interpolate_from_centre)) { + throw BoutException("Differential geometry failed while constructing staggered Coordinates"); } - ShiftTorsion = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->ShiftTorsion, location); + setParallelTransform(options); +} - ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +void Coordinates::outputVars(Datafile& file) { + const std::string loc_string = (location == CELL_CENTRE) ? "" : "_"+toString(location); - if (mesh->IncIntShear) { - IntShiftTorsion = interpolateAndNeumann(coords_in->IntShiftTorsion, location); - } else { - // IntShiftTorsion will not be used, but set to zero to avoid uninitialized field - IntShiftTorsion = 0.; - } -} + file.addOnce(dx, "dx" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(dy, "dy" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(dz, "dz" + loc_string); + + file.addOnce(g11, "g11" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g22, "g22" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g33, "g33" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g12, "g12" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g13, "g13" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g23, "g23" + loc_string); -void Coordinates::outputVars(Datafile &file) { - file.add(dx, "dx", false); - file.add(dy, "dy", false); - file.add(dz, "dz", false); + file.addOnce(g_11, "g_11" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g_22, "g_22" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g_33, "g_33" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g_12, "g_12" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g_13, "g_13" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(g_23, "g_23" + loc_string); - file.add(g11, "g11", false); - file.add(g22, "g22", false); - file.add(g33, "g33", false); - file.add(g12, "g12", false); - file.add(g13, "g13", false); - file.add(g23, "g23", false); + file.addOnce(J, "J" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(Bxy, "Bxy" + loc_string); - file.add(g_11, "g_11", false); - file.add(g_22, "g_22", false); - file.add(g_33, "g_33", false); - file.add(g_12, "g_12", false); - file.add(g_13, "g_13", false); - file.add(g_23, "g_23", false); + file.addOnce(G1, "G1" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(G2, "G2" + loc_string); + file.addOnce(G3, "G3" + loc_string); - file.add(J, "J", false); + getParallelTransform().outputVars(file); } -int Coordinates::geometry() { +int Coordinates::geometry(bool recalculate_staggered, + bool force_interpolate_from_centre) { TRACE("Coordinates::geometry"); output_progress.write("Calculating differential geometry terms\n"); @@ -323,54 +654,60 @@ int Coordinates::geometry() { throw BoutException("dz magnitude less than 1e-8"); // Check input metrics - if ((!finite(g11, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g22, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g33, RGN_NOBNDRY))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Diagonal metrics are not finite!\n"); - } - if ((min(g11) <= 0.0) || (min(g22) <= 0.0) || (min(g33) <= 0.0)) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Diagonal metrics are negative!\n"); - } - if ((!finite(g12, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g13, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g23, RGN_NOBNDRY))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Off-diagonal metrics are not finite!\n"); - } - - if ((!finite(g_11, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g_22, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g_33, RGN_NOBNDRY))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Diagonal g_ij metrics are not finite!\n"); - } - if ((min(g_11) <= 0.0) || (min(g_22) <= 0.0) || (min(g_33) <= 0.0)) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Diagonal g_ij metrics are negative!\n"); - } - if ((!finite(g_12, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g_13, RGN_NOBNDRY)) || (!finite(g_23, RGN_NOBNDRY))) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Off-diagonal g_ij metrics are not finite!\n"); - } + // Diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g11, "g11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g22, "g22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g33, "g33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Diagonal metric components should be positive + bout::checkPositive(g11, "g11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g22, "g22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g33, "g33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Off-diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g12, "g12", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g13, "g13", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g23, "g23", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + + // Diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g_11, "g_11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_33, "g_33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Diagonal metric components should be positive + bout::checkPositive(g_11, "g_11", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(g_33, "g_33", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + // Off-diagonal metric components should be finite + bout::checkFinite(g_12, "g_12", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_13, "g_13", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkFinite(g_23, "g_23", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); // Calculate Christoffel symbol terms (18 independent values) // Note: This calculation is completely general: metric // tensor can be 2D or 3D. For 2D, all DDZ terms are zero - G1_11 = 0.5 * g11 * DDX(g_11) + g12 * (DDX(g_12) - 0.5 * DDY(g_11)) + - g13 * (DDX(g_13) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_11)); - G1_22 = g11 * (DDY(g_12) - 0.5 * DDX(g_22)) + 0.5 * g12 * DDY(g_22) + - g13 * (DDY(g_23) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_22)); - G1_33 = g11 * (DDZ(g_13) - 0.5 * DDX(g_33)) + g12 * (DDZ(g_23) - 0.5 * DDY(g_33)) + - 0.5 * g13 * DDZ(g_33); - G1_12 = 0.5 * g11 * DDY(g_11) + 0.5 * g12 * DDX(g_22) + - 0.5 * g13 * (DDY(g_13) + DDX(g_23) - DDZ(g_12)); - G1_13 = 0.5 * g11 * DDZ(g_11) + 0.5 * g12 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDX(g_23) - DDY(g_13)) + - 0.5 * g13 * DDX(g_33); - G1_23 = 0.5 * g11 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDY(g_13) - DDX(g_23)) + - 0.5 * g12 * (DDZ(g_22) + DDY(g_23) - DDY(g_23)) + G1_11 = 0.5 * g11 * DDX(g_11) + g12 * (DDX(g_12) - 0.5 * DDY(g_11)) + + g13 * (DDX(g_13) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_11)); + G1_22 = g11 * (DDY(g_12) - 0.5 * DDX(g_22)) + 0.5 * g12 * DDY(g_22) + + g13 * (DDY(g_23) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_22)); + G1_33 = g11 * (DDZ(g_13) - 0.5 * DDX(g_33)) + g12 * (DDZ(g_23) - 0.5 * DDY(g_33)) + + 0.5 * g13 * DDZ(g_33); + G1_12 = 0.5 * g11 * DDY(g_11) + 0.5 * g12 * DDX(g_22) + + 0.5 * g13 * (DDY(g_13) + DDX(g_23) - DDZ(g_12)); + G1_13 = 0.5 * g11 * DDZ(g_11) + 0.5 * g12 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDX(g_23) - DDY(g_13)) + + 0.5 * g13 * DDX(g_33); + G1_23 = 0.5 * g11 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDY(g_13) - DDX(g_23)) + + 0.5 * g12 * (DDZ(g_22) + DDY(g_23) - DDY(g_23)) // + 0.5 *g13*(DDZ(g_32) + DDY(g_33) - DDZ(g_23)); // which equals + 0.5 * g13 * DDY(g_33); - G2_11 = 0.5 * g12 * DDX(g_11) + g22 * (DDX(g_12) - 0.5 * DDY(g_11)) + - g23 * (DDX(g_13) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_11)); - G2_22 = g12 * (DDY(g_12) - 0.5 * DDX(g_22)) + 0.5 * g22 * DDY(g_22) + - g23 * (DDY(g23) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_22)); - G2_33 = g12 * (DDZ(g_13) - 0.5 * DDX(g_33)) + g22 * (DDZ(g_23) - 0.5 * DDY(g_33)) + - 0.5 * g23 * DDZ(g_33); - G2_12 = 0.5 * g12 * DDY(g_11) + 0.5 * g22 * DDX(g_22) + - 0.5 * g23 * (DDY(g_13) + DDX(g_23) - DDZ(g_12)); + G2_11 = 0.5 * g12 * DDX(g_11) + g22 * (DDX(g_12) - 0.5 * DDY(g_11)) + + g23 * (DDX(g_13) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_11)); + G2_22 = g12 * (DDY(g_12) - 0.5 * DDX(g_22)) + 0.5 * g22 * DDY(g_22) + + g23 * (DDY(g23) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_22)); + G2_33 = g12 * (DDZ(g_13) - 0.5 * DDX(g_33)) + g22 * (DDZ(g_23) - 0.5 * DDY(g_33)) + + 0.5 * g23 * DDZ(g_33); + G2_12 = 0.5 * g12 * DDY(g_11) + 0.5 * g22 * DDX(g_22) + + 0.5 * g23 * (DDY(g_13) + DDX(g_23) - DDZ(g_12)); G2_13 = // 0.5 *g21*(DDZ(g_11) + DDX(g_13) - DDX(g_13)) // which equals @@ -381,15 +718,15 @@ int Coordinates::geometry() { // + 0.5 *g23*(DDZ(g_31) + DDX(g_33) - DDZ(g_13)); // which equals + 0.5 * g23 * DDX(g_33); - G2_23 = 0.5 * g12 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDY(g_13) - DDX(g_23)) + 0.5 * g22 * DDZ(g_22) + - 0.5 * g23 * DDY(g_33); - - G3_11 = 0.5 * g13 * DDX(g_11) + g23 * (DDX(g_12) - 0.5 * DDY(g_11)) + - g33 * (DDX(g_13) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_11)); - G3_22 = g13 * (DDY(g_12) - 0.5 * DDX(g_22)) + 0.5 * g23 * DDY(g_22) + - g33 * (DDY(g_23) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_22)); - G3_33 = g13 * (DDZ(g_13) - 0.5 * DDX(g_33)) + g23 * (DDZ(g_23) - 0.5 * DDY(g_33)) + - 0.5 * g33 * DDZ(g_33); + G2_23 = 0.5 * g12 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDY(g_13) - DDX(g_23)) + 0.5 * g22 * DDZ(g_22) + + 0.5 * g23 * DDY(g_33); + + G3_11 = 0.5 * g13 * DDX(g_11) + g23 * (DDX(g_12) - 0.5 * DDY(g_11)) + + g33 * (DDX(g_13) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_11)); + G3_22 = g13 * (DDY(g_12) - 0.5 * DDX(g_22)) + 0.5 * g23 * DDY(g_22) + + g33 * (DDY(g_23) - 0.5 * DDZ(g_22)); + G3_33 = g13 * (DDZ(g_13) - 0.5 * DDX(g_33)) + g23 * (DDZ(g_23) - 0.5 * DDY(g_33)) + + 0.5 * g33 * DDZ(g_33); G3_12 = // 0.5 *g31*(DDY(g_11) + DDX(g_12) - DDX(g_12)) // which equals to @@ -400,10 +737,10 @@ int Coordinates::geometry() { //+ 0.5 *g33*(DDY(g_31) + DDX(g_32) - DDZ(g_12)); // which equals to + 0.5 * g33 * (DDY(g_13) + DDX(g_23) - DDZ(g_12)); - G3_13 = 0.5 * g13 * DDZ(g_11) + 0.5 * g23 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDX(g_23) - DDY(g_13)) + - 0.5 * g33 * DDX(g_33); - G3_23 = 0.5 * g13 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDY(g_13) - DDX(g_23)) + 0.5 * g23 * DDZ(g_22) + - 0.5 * g33 * DDY(g_33); + G3_13 = 0.5 * g13 * DDZ(g_11) + 0.5 * g23 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDX(g_23) - DDY(g_13)) + + 0.5 * g33 * DDX(g_33); + G3_23 = 0.5 * g13 * (DDZ(g_12) + DDY(g_13) - DDX(g_23)) + 0.5 * g23 * DDZ(g_22) + + 0.5 * g33 * DDY(g_33); G1 = (DDX(J * g11) + DDY(J * g12) + DDZ(J * g13)) / J; G2 = (DDX(J * g12) + DDY(J * g22) + DDZ(J * g23)) / J; @@ -441,6 +778,41 @@ int Coordinates::geometry() { localmesh->communicate(com); + // Set boundary guard cells of Christoffel symbol terms + // Ideally, when location is staggered, we would set the upper/outer boundary point + // correctly rather than by extrapolating here: e.g. if location==CELL_YLOW and we are + // at the upper y-boundary the x- and z-derivatives at yend+1 at the boundary can be + // calculated because the guard cells are available, while the y-derivative could be + // calculated from the CELL_CENTRE metric components (which have guard cells available + // past the boundary location). This would avoid the problem that the y-boundary on the + // CELL_YLOW grid is at a 'guard cell' location (yend+1). + // However, the above would require lots of special handling, so just extrapolate for + // now. + G1_11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1_11, location, true, true, true); + G1_22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1_22, location, true, true, true); + G1_33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1_33, location, true, true, true); + G1_12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1_12, location, true, true, true); + G1_13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1_13, location, true, true, true); + G1_23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1_23, location, true, true, true); + + G2_11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2_11, location, true, true, true); + G2_22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2_22, location, true, true, true); + G2_33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2_33, location, true, true, true); + G2_12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2_12, location, true, true, true); + G2_13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2_13, location, true, true, true); + G2_23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2_23, location, true, true, true); + + G3_11 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3_11, location, true, true, true); + G3_22 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3_22, location, true, true, true); + G3_33 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3_33, location, true, true, true); + G3_12 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3_12, location, true, true, true); + G3_13 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3_13, location, true, true, true); + G3_23 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3_23, location, true, true, true); + + G1 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G1, location, true, true, true); + G2 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G2, location, true, true, true); + G3 = interpolateAndExtrapolate(G3, location, true, true, true); + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Non-uniform meshes. Need to use DDX, DDY @@ -448,29 +820,72 @@ int Coordinates::geometry() { Field2D d2x(localmesh), d2y(localmesh); // d^2 x / d i^2 // Read correction for non-uniform meshes - if (localmesh->get(d2x, "d2x")) { - output_warn.write( - "\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'd2x' not found. Calculating from dx\n"); - d1_dx = localmesh->indexDDX(1. / dx); // d/di(1/dx) - } else { - // Shift d2x to our location - d2x = interp_to(d2x, location); + std::string suffix = getLocationSuffix(location); + if (location == CELL_CENTRE or (!force_interpolate_from_centre + and localmesh->sourceHasVar("dx"+suffix))) { + bool extrapolate_x = not localmesh->sourceHasXBoundaryGuards(); + bool extrapolate_y = not localmesh->sourceHasYBoundaryGuards(); + + if (localmesh->get(d2x, "d2x"+suffix)) { + output_warn.write( + "\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'd2x' not found. Calculating from dx\n"); + d1_dx = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(1. / dx); // d/di(1/dx) + + localmesh->communicate(d1_dx); + d1_dx = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d1_dx, location, true, true, true); + } else { + d2x.setLocation(location); + // set boundary cells if necessary + d2x = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d2x, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); - d1_dx = -d2x / (dx * dx); - } + d1_dx = -d2x / (dx * dx); + } - if (localmesh->get(d2y, "d2y")) { - output_warn.write( - "\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'd2y' not found. Calculating from dy\n"); - d1_dy = localmesh->indexDDY(1. / dy); // d/di(1/dy) + if (localmesh->get(d2y, "d2y"+suffix)) { + output_warn.write( + "\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'd2y' not found. Calculating from dy\n"); + d1_dy = bout::derivatives::index::DDY(1. / dy); // d/di(1/dy) + + localmesh->communicate(d1_dy); + d1_dy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d1_dy, location, true, true, true); + } else { + d2y.setLocation(location); + // set boundary cells if necessary + d2y = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d2y, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + d1_dy = -d2y / (dy * dy); + } } else { - // Shift d2y to our location - d2y = interp_to(d2y, location); + if (localmesh->get(d2x, "d2x")) { + output_warn.write( + "\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'd2x' not found. Calculating from dx\n"); + d1_dx = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(1. / dx); // d/di(1/dx) + + localmesh->communicate(d1_dx); + d1_dx = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d1_dx, location, true, true, true); + } else { + // Shift d2x to our location + d2x = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d2x, location); + + d1_dx = -d2x / (dx * dx); + } + + if (localmesh->get(d2y, "d2y")) { + output_warn.write( + "\tWARNING: differencing quantity 'd2y' not found. Calculating from dy\n"); + d1_dy = bout::derivatives::index::DDY(1. / dy); // d/di(1/dy) - d1_dy = -d2y / (dy * dy); + localmesh->communicate(d1_dy); + d1_dy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d1_dy, location, true, true, true); + } else { + // Shift d2y to our location + d2y = interpolateAndExtrapolate(d2y, location); + + d1_dy = -d2y / (dy * dy); + } } - if (location == CELL_CENTRE) { + if (location == CELL_CENTRE && recalculate_staggered) { // Re-calculate interpolated Coordinates at staggered locations localmesh->recalculateStaggeredCoordinates(); } @@ -478,7 +893,7 @@ int Coordinates::geometry() { return 0; } -int Coordinates::calcCovariant() { +int Coordinates::calcCovariant(const std::string& region) { TRACE("Coordinates::calcCovariant"); // Make sure metric elements are allocated @@ -501,32 +916,27 @@ int Coordinates::calcCovariant() { auto a = Matrix(3, 3); - for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) { - for (int jy = 0; jy < localmesh->LocalNy; jy++) { - // set elements of g - a(0, 0) = g11(jx, jy); - a(1, 1) = g22(jx, jy); - a(2, 2) = g33(jx, jy); - - a(0, 1) = a(1, 0) = g12(jx, jy); - a(1, 2) = a(2, 1) = g23(jx, jy); - a(0, 2) = a(2, 0) = g13(jx, jy); - - // invert - if (invert3x3(a)) { - output_error.write("\tERROR: metric tensor is singular at (%d, %d)\n", jx, jy); - return 1; - } + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, g11.getRegion(region)) { + a(0, 0) = g11[i]; + a(1, 1) = g22[i]; + a(2, 2) = g33[i]; - // put elements into g_{ij} - g_11(jx, jy) = a(0, 0); - g_22(jx, jy) = a(1, 1); - g_33(jx, jy) = a(2, 2); + a(0, 1) = a(1, 0) = g12[i]; + a(1, 2) = a(2, 1) = g23[i]; + a(0, 2) = a(2, 0) = g13[i]; - g_12(jx, jy) = a(0, 1); - g_13(jx, jy) = a(0, 2); - g_23(jx, jy) = a(1, 2); + if (invert3x3(a)) { + output_error.write("\tERROR: metric tensor is singular at (%d, %d)\n", i.x(), i.y()); + return 1; } + + g_11[i] = a(0, 0); + g_22[i] = a(1, 1); + g_33[i] = a(2, 2); + + g_12[i] = a(0, 1); + g_13[i] = a(0, 2); + g_23[i] = a(1, 2); } BoutReal maxerr; @@ -545,7 +955,7 @@ int Coordinates::calcCovariant() { return 0; } -int Coordinates::calcContravariant() { +int Coordinates::calcContravariant(const std::string& region) { TRACE("Coordinates::calcContravariant"); // Make sure metric elements are allocated @@ -561,32 +971,27 @@ int Coordinates::calcContravariant() { auto a = Matrix(3, 3); - for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) { - for (int jy = 0; jy < localmesh->LocalNy; jy++) { - // set elements of g - a(0, 0) = g_11(jx, jy); - a(1, 1) = g_22(jx, jy); - a(2, 2) = g_33(jx, jy); - - a(0, 1) = a(1, 0) = g_12(jx, jy); - a(1, 2) = a(2, 1) = g_23(jx, jy); - a(0, 2) = a(2, 0) = g_13(jx, jy); - - // invert - if (invert3x3(a)) { - output_error.write("\tERROR: metric tensor is singular at (%d, %d)\n", jx, jy); - return 1; - } + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, g_11.getRegion(region)) { + a(0, 0) = g_11[i]; + a(1, 1) = g_22[i]; + a(2, 2) = g_33[i]; - // put elements into g_{ij} - g11(jx, jy) = a(0, 0); - g22(jx, jy) = a(1, 1); - g33(jx, jy) = a(2, 2); + a(0, 1) = a(1, 0) = g_12[i]; + a(1, 2) = a(2, 1) = g_23[i]; + a(0, 2) = a(2, 0) = g_13[i]; - g12(jx, jy) = a(0, 1); - g13(jx, jy) = a(0, 2); - g23(jx, jy) = a(1, 2); + if (invert3x3(a)) { + output_error.write("\tERROR: metric tensor is singular at (%d, %d)\n", i.x(), i.y()); + return 1; } + + g11[i] = a(0, 0); + g22[i] = a(1, 1); + g33[i] = a(2, 2); + + g12[i] = a(0, 1); + g13[i] = a(0, 2); + g23[i] = a(1, 2); } BoutReal maxerr; @@ -608,53 +1013,160 @@ int Coordinates::jacobian() { TRACE("Coordinates::jacobian"); // calculate Jacobian using g^-1 = det[g^ij], J = sqrt(g) - Field2D g = g11 * g22 * g33 + 2.0 * g12 * g13 * g23 - g11 * g23 * g23 - - g22 * g13 * g13 - g33 * g12 * g12; + const bool extrapolate_x = not localmesh->sourceHasXBoundaryGuards(); + const bool extrapolate_y = not localmesh->sourceHasYBoundaryGuards(); + + Field2D g = g11 * g22 * g33 + 2.0 * g12 * g13 * g23 - g11 * g23 * g23 - g22 * g13 * g13 + - g33 * g12 * g12; // Check that g is positive - if (min(g) < 0.0) { - throw BoutException("The determinant of g^ij is somewhere less than 0.0"); - } + bout::checkPositive(g, "The determinant of g^ij", "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + J = 1. / sqrt(g); + // More robust to extrapolate derived quantities directly, rather than + // deriving from extrapolated covariant metric components + J = interpolateAndExtrapolate(J, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); // Check jacobian - if (!finite(J, RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - throw BoutException("\tERROR: Jacobian not finite everywhere!\n"); - } + bout::checkFinite(J, "The Jacobian", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(J, "The Jacobian", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); if (min(abs(J)) < 1.0e-10) { throw BoutException("\tERROR: Jacobian becomes very small\n"); } - if (min(g_22) < 0.0) { - throw BoutException("g_22 is somewhere less than 0.0"); - } + bout::checkPositive(g_22, "g_22", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + Bxy = sqrt(g_22) / J; + Bxy = interpolateAndExtrapolate(Bxy, location, extrapolate_x, extrapolate_y); + + bout::checkFinite(Bxy, "Bxy", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); + bout::checkPositive(Bxy, "Bxy", "RGN_NOCORNERS"); return 0; } +namespace { +// Utility function for fixing up guard cells of zShift +void fixZShiftGuards(Field2D& zShift) { + auto localmesh = zShift.getMesh(); + + // extrapolate into boundary guard cells if necessary + zShift = interpolateAndExtrapolate(zShift, zShift.getLocation(), + not localmesh->sourceHasXBoundaryGuards(), + not localmesh->sourceHasYBoundaryGuards()); + + // make sure zShift has been communicated + localmesh->communicate(zShift); + + // Correct guard cells for discontinuity of zShift at poloidal branch cut + for (int x = 0; x < localmesh->LocalNx; x++) { + const auto lower = localmesh->hasBranchCutLower(x); + if (lower.first) { + for (int y = 0; y < localmesh->ystart; y++) { + zShift(x, y) -= lower.second; + } + } + const auto upper = localmesh->hasBranchCutUpper(x); + if (upper.first) { + for (int y = localmesh->yend + 1; y < localmesh->LocalNy; y++) { + zShift(x, y) += upper.second; + } + } + } +} +} + +void Coordinates::setParallelTransform(Options* options) { + + std::string ptstr; + options->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); + + // Convert to lower case for comparison + ptstr = lowercase(ptstr); + + if(ptstr == "identity") { + // Identity method i.e. no transform needed + transform = bout::utils::make_unique(*localmesh); + + } else if (ptstr == "shifted") { + // Shifted metric method + + Field2D zShift{localmesh}; + + // Read the zShift angle from the mesh + std::string suffix = getLocationSuffix(location); + if (localmesh->sourceHasVar("dx"+suffix)) { + // Grid file has variables at this location, so should be able to read + checkStaggeredGet(localmesh, "zShift", suffix); + if (localmesh->get(zShift, "zShift"+suffix)) { + // No zShift variable. Try qinty in BOUT grid files + if (localmesh->get(zShift, "qinty"+suffix)) { + // Failed to find either variable, cannot use ShiftedMetric + throw BoutException("Could not read zShift"+suffix+" from grid file"); + } + } + zShift.setLocation(location); + } else { + Field2D zShift_centre; + if (localmesh->get(zShift_centre, "zShift")) { + // No zShift variable. Try qinty in BOUT grid files + if (localmesh->get(zShift_centre, "qinty")) { + // Failed to find either variable, cannot use ShiftedMetric + throw BoutException("Could not read zShift"+suffix+" from grid file"); + } + } + + fixZShiftGuards(zShift_centre); + + zShift = interpolateAndExtrapolate(zShift_centre, location); + } + + fixZShiftGuards(zShift); + + transform = bout::utils::make_unique(*localmesh, location, zShift, + zlength()); + + } else if (ptstr == "fci") { + + if (location != CELL_CENTRE) { + throw BoutException("FCITransform is not available on staggered grids."); + } + + // Flux Coordinate Independent method + const bool fci_zperiodic = Options::root()["fci"]["z_periodic"].withDefault(true); + transform = bout::utils::make_unique(*localmesh, fci_zperiodic); + + } else { + throw BoutException(_("Unrecognised paralleltransform option.\n" + "Valid choices are 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'")); + } +} + /******************************************************************************* * Operators * *******************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Coordinates::DDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC loc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field2D Coordinates::DDX(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC loc, const std::string& method, + const std::string& region) { ASSERT1(location == loc || loc == CELL_DEFAULT); - return localmesh->indexDDX(f, loc, method, region) / dx; + return bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, loc, method, region) / dx; } -const Field2D Coordinates::DDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC loc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field2D Coordinates::DDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC loc, const std::string& method, + const std::string& region) { ASSERT1(location == loc || loc == CELL_DEFAULT); - return localmesh->indexDDY(f, loc, method, region) / dy; + return bout::derivatives::index::DDY(f, loc, method, region) / dy; } -const Field2D Coordinates::DDZ(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field2D &f), MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC loc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { +Field2D Coordinates::DDZ(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field2D& f), CELL_LOC loc, + const std::string& UNUSED(method), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { ASSERT1(location == loc || loc == CELL_DEFAULT); ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == localmesh); - auto result = Field2D(0.0, localmesh); - result.setLocation(location); - return result; + if (loc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + loc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(loc); } #include @@ -662,16 +1174,17 @@ const Field2D Coordinates::DDZ(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field2D &f), MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parallel gradient -const Field2D Coordinates::Grad_par(const Field2D &var, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method)) { +Field2D Coordinates::Grad_par(const Field2D& var, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), + const std::string& UNUSED(method)) { TRACE("Coordinates::Grad_par( Field2D )"); - ASSERT1(location == outloc || (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT && location == var.getLocation())); + ASSERT1(location == outloc + || (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT && location == var.getLocation())); return DDY(var) / sqrt(g_22); } -const Field3D Coordinates::Grad_par(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method) { +Field3D Coordinates::Grad_par(const Field3D& var, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Coordinates::Grad_par( Field3D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); @@ -682,15 +1195,14 @@ const Field3D Coordinates::Grad_par(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC outloc, // Vpar_Grad_par // vparallel times the parallel derivative along unperturbed B-field -const Field2D Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, - MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method)) { +Field2D Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D& v, const Field2D& f, + MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), const std::string& UNUSED(method)) { ASSERT1(location == outloc || (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT && location == f.getLocation())); return VDDY(v, f) / sqrt(g_22); } -const Field3D Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method) { +Field3D Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D& v, const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); return VDDY(v, f, outloc, method) / sqrt(g_22); } @@ -698,8 +1210,8 @@ const Field3D Coordinates::Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CEL ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parallel divergence -const Field2D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method) { +Field2D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Coordinates::Div_par( Field2D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); @@ -710,16 +1222,16 @@ const Field2D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, return Bxy * Grad_par(f / Bxy_floc, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method) { +Field3D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Coordinates::Div_par( Field3D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); - + // Need Bxy at location of f, which might be different from location of this // Coordinates object Field2D Bxy_floc = f.getCoordinates()->Bxy; - if (!f.hasYupYdown()) { + if (!f.hasParallelSlices()) { // No yup/ydown fields. The Grad_par operator will // shift to field aligned coordinates return Bxy * Grad_par(f / Bxy_floc, outloc, method); @@ -727,15 +1239,9 @@ const Field3D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, // Need to modify yup and ydown fields Field3D f_B = f / Bxy_floc; - if (&f.yup() == &f) { - // Identity, yup and ydown point to same field - f_B.mergeYupYdown(); - } else { - // Distinct fields - f_B.splitYupYdown(); - f_B.yup() = f.yup() / Bxy_floc; - f_B.ydown() = f.ydown() / Bxy_floc; - } + f_B.splitParallelSlices(); + f_B.yup() = f.yup() / Bxy_floc; + f_B.ydown() = f.ydown() / Bxy_floc; return Bxy * Grad_par(f_B, outloc, method); } @@ -743,33 +1249,32 @@ const Field3D Coordinates::Div_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, // second parallel derivative (b dot Grad)(b dot Grad) // Note: For parallel Laplacian use Laplace_par -const Field2D Coordinates::Grad2_par2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +Field2D Coordinates::Grad2_par2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Coordinates::Grad2_par2( Field2D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT && location == f.getLocation())); Field2D sg = sqrt(g_22); - Field2D result = DDY(1. / sg, outloc, method) * DDY(f, outloc, method) / sg + D2DY2(f, outloc, method) / g_22; + Field2D result = DDY(1. / sg, outloc, method) * DDY(f, outloc, method) / sg + + D2DY2(f, outloc, method) / g_22; return result; } -const Field3D Coordinates::Grad2_par2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +Field3D Coordinates::Grad2_par2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, + const std::string& method) { TRACE("Coordinates::Grad2_par2( Field3D )"); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = f.getLocation(); } ASSERT1(location == outloc); - Field2D sg(localmesh); - Field3D result(localmesh), r2(localmesh); - - sg = sqrt(g_22); + Field2D sg = sqrt(g_22); sg = DDY(1. / sg, outloc, method) / sg; + Field3D result = ::DDY(f, outloc, method); - result = ::DDY(f, outloc, method); - - r2 = D2DY2(f, outloc, method) / g_22; + Field3D r2 = D2DY2(f, outloc, method) / g_22; result = sg * result + r2; @@ -783,7 +1288,7 @@ const Field3D Coordinates::Grad2_par2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_ME #include // Delp2 uses same coefficients as inversion code -const Field2D Coordinates::Delp2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +Field2D Coordinates::Delp2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, bool UNUSED(useFFT)) { TRACE("Coordinates::Delp2( Field2D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); @@ -792,159 +1297,162 @@ const Field2D Coordinates::Delp2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { return result; } -const Field3D Coordinates::Delp2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +Field3D Coordinates::Delp2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, bool useFFT) { TRACE("Coordinates::Delp2( Field3D )"); + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = f.getLocation(); } + ASSERT1(location == outloc); + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == outloc); if (localmesh->GlobalNx == 1 && localmesh->GlobalNz == 1) { // copy mesh, location, etc - return f*0; + return f * 0; } ASSERT2(localmesh->xstart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - ASSERT2(f.getLocation() == outloc); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(outloc)}; - Field3D result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); + if (useFFT) { + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; - int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + // Allocate memory + auto ft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); + auto delft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); - // Allocate memory - auto ft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); - auto delft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); + // Loop over all y indices + for (int jy = 0; jy < localmesh->LocalNy; jy++) { - // Loop over all y indices - for (int jy = 0; jy < localmesh->LocalNy; jy++) { + // Take forward FFT - // Take forward FFT + for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) + rfft(&f(jx, jy, 0), ncz, &ft(jx, 0)); - for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) - rfft(&f(jx, jy, 0), ncz, &ft(jx, 0)); - - // Loop over kz - for (int jz = 0; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { - dcomplex a, b, c; + // Loop over kz + for (int jz = 0; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { - // No smoothing in the x direction - for (int jx = localmesh->xstart; jx <= localmesh->xend; jx++) { - // Perform x derivative + // No smoothing in the x direction + for (int jx = localmesh->xstart; jx <= localmesh->xend; jx++) { + // Perform x derivative - laplace_tridag_coefs(jx, jy, jz, a, b, c, nullptr, nullptr, outloc); + dcomplex a, b, c; + laplace_tridag_coefs(jx, jy, jz, a, b, c, nullptr, nullptr, outloc); - delft(jx, jz) = a * ft(jx - 1, jz) + b * ft(jx, jz) + c * ft(jx + 1, jz); + delft(jx, jz) = a * ft(jx - 1, jz) + b * ft(jx, jz) + c * ft(jx + 1, jz); + } } - } - // Reverse FFT - for (int jx = localmesh->xstart; jx <= localmesh->xend; jx++) { - - irfft(&delft(jx, 0), ncz, &result(jx, jy, 0)); - } + // Reverse FFT + for (int jx = localmesh->xstart; jx <= localmesh->xend; jx++) { - // Boundaries - for (int jz = 0; jz < ncz; jz++) { - for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->xstart; jx++) { - result(jx, jy, jz) = 0.0; - } - for (int jx = localmesh->xend + 1; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) { - result(jx, jy, jz) = 0.0; + irfft(&delft(jx, 0), ncz, &result(jx, jy, 0)); } } - } + } else { + result = G1 * ::DDX(f, outloc) + G3 * ::DDZ(f, outloc) + g11 * ::D2DX2(f, outloc) + + g33 * ::D2DZ2(f, outloc) + 2 * g13 * ::D2DXDZ(f, outloc); + }; - ASSERT2(result.getLocation() == f.getLocation()); + ASSERT2(result.getLocation() == outloc); return result; } -const FieldPerp Coordinates::Delp2(const FieldPerp &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +FieldPerp Coordinates::Delp2(const FieldPerp& f, CELL_LOC outloc, bool useFFT) { TRACE("Coordinates::Delp2( FieldPerp )"); - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) outloc = f.getLocation(); + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } ASSERT1(location == outloc); - ASSERT2(f.getLocation() == outloc); + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == outloc); - FieldPerp result(localmesh); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); + if (localmesh->GlobalNx == 1 && localmesh->GlobalNz == 1) { + // copy mesh, location, etc + return f * 0; + } + ASSERT2(localmesh->xstart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(outloc)}; int jy = f.getIndex(); result.setIndex(jy); - int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; + if (useFFT) { + int ncz = localmesh->LocalNz; - // Allocate memory - auto ft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); - auto delft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); + // Allocate memory + auto ft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); + auto delft = Matrix(localmesh->LocalNx, ncz / 2 + 1); - // Take forward FFT - for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) - rfft(&f(jx, 0), ncz, &ft(jx, 0)); + // Take forward FFT + for (int jx = 0; jx < localmesh->LocalNx; jx++) + rfft(&f(jx, 0), ncz, &ft(jx, 0)); - // Loop over kz - for (int jz = 0; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { + // Loop over kz + for (int jz = 0; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { - // No smoothing in the x direction - for (int jx = 2; jx < (localmesh->LocalNx - 2); jx++) { - // Perform x derivative + // No smoothing in the x direction + for (int jx = localmesh->xstart; jx <= localmesh->xend; jx++) { + // Perform x derivative - dcomplex a, b, c; - laplace_tridag_coefs(jx, jy, jz, a, b, c); + dcomplex a, b, c; + laplace_tridag_coefs(jx, jy, jz, a, b, c); - delft(jx, jz) = a * ft(jx - 1, jz) + b * ft(jx, jz) + c * ft(jx + 1, jz); + delft(jx, jz) = a * ft(jx - 1, jz) + b * ft(jx, jz) + c * ft(jx + 1, jz); + } } - } - // Reverse FFT - for (int jx = 1; jx < (localmesh->LocalNx - 1); jx++) { - irfft(&delft(jx, 0), ncz, &result(jx, 0)); - } + // Reverse FFT + for (int jx = localmesh->xstart; jx <= localmesh->xend; jx++) { + irfft(&delft(jx, 0), ncz, &result(jx, 0)); + } - // Boundaries - for (int jz = 0; jz < ncz; jz++) { - result(0, jz) = 0.0; - result(localmesh->LocalNx - 1, jz) = 0.0; - } + } else { + throw BoutException("Non-fourier Delp2 not currently implented for FieldPerp."); + // Would be the following but don't have standard derivative operators for FieldPerps + // yet + // result = G1 * ::DDX(f, outloc) + G3 * ::DDZ(f, outloc) + g11 * ::D2DX2(f, outloc) + // + g33 * ::D2DZ2(f, outloc) + 2 * g13 * ::D2DXDZ(f, outloc); + }; return result; } -const Field2D Coordinates::Laplace_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +Field2D Coordinates::Laplace_par(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc) { ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); return D2DY2(f, outloc) / g_22 + DDY(J / g_22, outloc) * DDY(f, outloc) / J; } -const Field3D Coordinates::Laplace_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +Field3D Coordinates::Laplace_par(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc) { ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); return D2DY2(f, outloc) / g_22 + DDY(J / g_22, outloc) * ::DDY(f, outloc) / J; } // Full Laplacian operator on scalar field -const Field2D Coordinates::Laplace(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +Field2D Coordinates::Laplace(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc) { TRACE("Coordinates::Laplace( Field2D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); - Field2D result = - G1 * DDX(f, outloc) + G2 * DDY(f, outloc) + g11 * D2DX2(f, outloc) + g22 * D2DY2(f, outloc) + 2.0 * g12 * D2DXDY(f, outloc); + Field2D result = G1 * DDX(f, outloc) + G2 * DDY(f, outloc) + g11 * D2DX2(f, outloc) + + g22 * D2DY2(f, outloc) + 2.0 * g12 * D2DXDY(f, outloc); return result; } -const Field3D Coordinates::Laplace(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { +Field3D Coordinates::Laplace(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc) { TRACE("Coordinates::Laplace( Field3D )"); ASSERT1(location == outloc || outloc == CELL_DEFAULT); - Field3D result = G1 * ::DDX(f, outloc) + G2 * ::DDY(f, outloc) + G3 * ::DDZ(f, outloc) + g11 * D2DX2(f, outloc) + - g22 * D2DY2(f, outloc) + g33 * D2DZ2(f, outloc) + - 2.0 * (g12 * D2DXDY(f, outloc) + g13 * D2DXDZ(f, outloc) + g23 * D2DYDZ(f, outloc)); - - ASSERT2(result.getLocation() == f.getLocation()); + Field3D result = G1 * ::DDX(f, outloc) + G2 * ::DDY(f, outloc) + G3 * ::DDZ(f, outloc) + + g11 * D2DX2(f, outloc) + g22 * D2DY2(f, outloc) + + g33 * D2DZ2(f, outloc) + + 2.0 * (g12 * D2DXDY(f, outloc) + g13 * D2DXDZ(f, outloc) + + g23 * D2DYDZ(f, outloc)); return result; } diff --git a/src/mesh/data/gridfromfile.cxx b/src/mesh/data/gridfromfile.cxx index 68520ee7b6..217c49cb3a 100644 --- a/src/mesh/data/gridfromfile.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/data/gridfromfile.cxx @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ +#include "bout/traits.hxx" #include #include @@ -24,8 +25,8 @@ * format Pointer to DataFormat. This will be deleted in * destructor */ -GridFile::GridFile(std::unique_ptr format, string gridfilename) - : file(std::move(format)), filename(std::move(gridfilename)) { +GridFile::GridFile(std::unique_ptr format, std::string gridfilename) + : GridDataSource(true), file(std::move(format)), filename(std::move(gridfilename)) { TRACE("GridFile constructor"); if (! file->openr(filename) ) { @@ -34,6 +35,19 @@ GridFile::GridFile(std::unique_ptr format, string gridfilename) file->setGlobalOrigin(); // Set default global origin + // Get number of y-boundary guard cells saved in the grid file + if (!file->read(&grid_yguards, "y_boundary_guards", 1, 1)) { + // not found in file, default to zero + grid_yguards = 0; + } + + // Get number ny_inner from the grid file. + // Is already read in BoutMesh, but this way we don't have to the Mesh API to + // get it from there. + if (!file->read(&ny_inner, "ny_inner", 1, 1)) { + // not found in file, default to zero + ny_inner = 0; + } } GridFile::~GridFile() { @@ -46,18 +60,69 @@ GridFile::~GridFile() { * Currently this is done by getting the variable's size, * and testing for zero size. */ -bool GridFile::hasVar(const string &name) { +bool GridFile::hasVar(const std::string &name) { if (!file->is_valid()) { return false; } /// Get the size of the variable - vector s = file->getSize(name); + std::vector s = file->getSize(name); /// Test if the variable has zero size return s.size() != 0; } +namespace { +// Wrapper for writing nicely to the screen +template +void print_read_option(const T& value, const std::string& name, + const std::string& filename, bool success) { + const std::string used_default = success ? "" : " (default)"; + output_info << "\tOption " << name << " = " << value << " (" << filename << ")" + << used_default << std::endl; +} +} + +/*! + * Read a string from file. If the string is not + * found, then string is set to "" and false is returned. + * + * Inputs + * ------ + * + * m Pointer to mesh, not used + * name String containing name of variable + * + * Outputs + * ------- + * + * sval Reference to string + * + * Returns + * ------- + * + * Boolean. True on success. + * + */ +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), std::string &sval, const std::string &name, const std::string& def) { + Timer timer("io"); + TRACE("GridFile::get(std::string)"); + + if (!file->is_valid()) { + throw BoutException("File cannot be read"); + } + + // strings must be written as attributes, so read from attribute + const bool success = file->getAttribute("", name, sval); + if (!success) { + sval = def; + } + + print_read_option(sval, name, filename, success); + + return success; +} + /*! * Read a single integer from file. If the integer is not * found, then ival is set to zero and false is returned. @@ -79,7 +144,7 @@ bool GridFile::hasVar(const string &name) { * Boolean. True on success. * */ -bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), int &ival, const string &name) { +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), int &ival, const std::string &name, int def) { Timer timer("io"); TRACE("GridFile::get(int)"); @@ -87,48 +152,63 @@ bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), int &ival, const string &name) { throw BoutException("File cannot be read"); } - bool success = file->read(&ival, name); - if (success) { - output_info << "\tOption " << name << " = " << ival << " (" << filename <<")" << endl; + const bool success = file->read(&ival, name); + if (!success) { + ival = def; } - return success; + print_read_option(ival, name, filename, success); + return success; } /*! * * */ -bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), BoutReal &rval, const string &name) { +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), BoutReal &rval, const std::string &name, BoutReal def) { Timer timer("io"); TRACE("GridFile::get(BoutReal)"); if (!file->is_valid()) { throw BoutException("File cannot be read"); } - bool success = file->read(&rval, name); - if (success) { - output_info << "\tOption " << name << " = " << rval << " (" << filename <<")" << endl; + + const bool success = file->read(&rval, name); + if (!success) { + rval = def; } - return success; + print_read_option(rval, name, filename, success); + return success; } /*! - * Reads a 2D field variable from a file + * Reads a 2D, 3D or FieldPerp field variable from a file * - * Succeeds if the variable in the file is 0-D or 2-D + * Successfully reads Field2D or FieldPerp if the variable in the file is 0-D or 2-D. + * Successfully reads Field3D if the variable in the file is 0-D, 2-D or 3-D. */ -bool GridFile::get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def) { + return getField(m, var, name, def); +} +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def) { + return getField(m, var, name, def); +} + +template +bool GridFile::getField(Mesh* m, T& var, const std::string& name, BoutReal def) { + static_assert(bout::utils::is_Field::value, + "templated GridFile::get only works for Field2D, Field3D or FieldPerp"); + Timer timer("io"); - TRACE("GridFile::get(Field2D)"); + AUTO_TRACE(); if (!file->is_valid()) { throw BoutException("Could not read '%s' from file: File cannot be read", name.c_str()); } - vector size = file->getSize(name); + std::vector size = file->getSize(name); switch(size.size()) { case 0: { @@ -153,185 +233,250 @@ bool GridFile::get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { // Check size break; } + case 3: { + // Check size if getting Field3D + if (bout::utils::is_Field2D::value or bout::utils::is_FieldPerp::value) { + output_warn.write("WARNING: Variable '%s' should be 2D, but has %zu dimensions. Ignored\n", + name.c_str(), size.size()); + var = def; + return false; + } + break; + } default: { - output_warn.write("WARNING: Variable '%s' should be 2D, but has %lu dimensions. Ignored\n", - name.c_str(), static_cast(size.size())); + output_warn.write("WARNING: Variable '%s' should be 2D or 3D, but has %zu dimensions. Ignored\n", + name.c_str(), size.size()); var = def; return false; } }; - var.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated + ///Ghost region widths. + const int mxg = (m->LocalNx - (m->xend - m->xstart + 1)) / 2; + const int myg = (m->LocalNy - (m->yend - m->ystart + 1)) / 2; + ///Check that ghost region widths are in fact integers + ASSERT1((m->LocalNx - (m->xend - m->xstart + 1)) % 2 == 0); + ASSERT1((m->LocalNy - (m->yend - m->ystart + 1)) % 2 == 0); // Index offsets into source array int xs = m->OffsetX; + // Need to increase offset by 2*(# boundary guards) for each target position + // we pass int ys = m->OffsetY; + // Total number of y-boundary cells in grid file, used for check later. + // Value depends on if we are double-null or not. + int total_grid_yguards = 2*grid_yguards; + if (m->numberOfXPoints > 1) { + ASSERT1(m->numberOfXPoints == 2); + // Need to check if we are before or after the target in the middle of the + // y-domain, and increase ys for the extra boundary guard cells at that + // target if we are after it. + if (m->OffsetY >= ny_inner) { + // Note: neither ny_inner nor OffsetY include guard cells + ys += 2*grid_yguards; + } + + // Add y-boundary guard cells at upper target + total_grid_yguards += 2*grid_yguards; + } + // Index offsets into destination int xd = -1; int yd = -1; - ///Ghost region widths. - int mxg = (m->LocalNx - (m->xend - m->xstart + 1)) / 2; - int myg = (m->LocalNy - (m->yend - m->ystart + 1)) / 2; - ///Check that ghost region widths are in fact integers - ASSERT1((m->LocalNx - (m->xend - m->xstart + 1)) % 2 == 0); - ASSERT1((m->LocalNy - (m->yend - m->ystart + 1)) % 2 == 0); - ///Global (x,y) dimensions of field - const vector field_dimensions = file->getSize(name); + const std::vector field_dimensions = file->getSize(name); // Number of points to read. int nx_to_read = -1; int ny_to_read = -1; ///Check if field dimensions are correct. x-direction - if (field_dimensions[0] == m->GlobalNx) { ///including ghostpoints + int grid_xguards = (field_dimensions[0] - (m->GlobalNx - 2*mxg)) / 2; + // Check there is no rounding in calculation of grid_xguards + ASSERT1( (field_dimensions[0] - (m->GlobalNx - 2*mxg)) % 2 == 0 ); + if (grid_xguards >= 0) { ///including ghostpoints nx_to_read = m->LocalNx; - xd = 0; - } else if ( field_dimensions[0] == m->GlobalNx - 2*mxg ) {///including ghostpoints + xd = grid_xguards - mxg; + ASSERT1(xd >= 0); + } else if (grid_xguards == 0) { ///excluding ghostpoints nx_to_read = m->LocalNx - 2*mxg; xd = mxg; } else { - throw BoutException("Could not read '%s' from file: x-dimension = %i do neither match nx = %i" - "nor nx-2*mxg = %i ", name.c_str(), field_dimensions[0], m->GlobalNx, m->GlobalNx-2*mxg); + throw BoutException("Could not read '%s' from file: number of x-boundary guard cells " + "in the grid file grid_xguards=%i neither matches grid_xguards >= mxg=%i " + "nor grid_xguards = 0", name.c_str(), grid_xguards, mxg); + } + + if (not bout::utils::is_FieldPerp::value) { + ///Check if field dimensions are correct. y-direction + if (grid_yguards > 0) { ///including ghostpoints + ASSERT1(field_dimensions[1] == m->GlobalNy - 2*myg + total_grid_yguards); + ny_to_read = m->LocalNy; + yd = grid_yguards - myg; + ASSERT1(yd >= 0); + } else if (grid_yguards == 0) { ///excluding ghostpoints + ASSERT1(field_dimensions[1] == m->GlobalNy - 2*myg); + ny_to_read = m->LocalNy - 2*myg; + yd = myg; + } else { + throw BoutException("Could not read '%s' from file: number of y-boundary guard cells " + "in the grid file grid_yguards=%i neither matches grid_yguards >= myg=%i " + "nor grid_yguards = 0", name.c_str(), grid_yguards, myg); + } } - ///Check if field dimensions are correct. y-direction - if (field_dimensions[1] == m->GlobalNy) { ///including ghostpoints - ny_to_read = m->LocalNy; - yd = 0; - } else if ( field_dimensions[1] == m->GlobalNy - 2*myg ) {///including ghostpoints - ny_to_read = m->LocalNy - 2*myg; - yd = myg; - } else { - throw BoutException("Could not read '%s' from file: y-dimension = %i do neither match ny = %i" - "nor ny-2*myg = %i ", name.c_str(), field_dimensions[1], m->GlobalNy, m->GlobalNy-2*myg); - } + // Now read data from file + readField(m, name, ys, yd, ny_to_read, xs, xd, nx_to_read, size, var); - ///Now read data from file - for(int x=xs;x < xs+nx_to_read; x++) { - file->setGlobalOrigin(x,ys,0); - if (!file->read(&var(x-xs+xd, yd), name, 1, ny_to_read) ) { - throw BoutException("Could not fetch data for '%s'", name.c_str()); + if (var.isAllocated()) { + // FieldPerps might not be allocated if they are not read on this processor + + ///If field does not include ghost points in x-direction -> + ///Upper and lower X boundaries copied from nearest point + if (field_dimensions[0] == m->GlobalNx - 2*mxg ) { + for (int x=0; xxstart; x++) { + for (int y=0; yLocalNy; y++) { + for (int z=0; zxstart, y, z); + } + } + } + for (int x=m->xend+1;xLocalNx;x++) { + for (int y=0; yLocalNy; y++) { + for (int z=0; zxend, y, z); + } + } + } } - } - ///If field does not include ghost points in y-direction -> - ///Upper and lower Y boundaries copied from nearest point - if (field_dimensions[1] == m->GlobalNy - 2*myg ) { - for(int x=0;xLocalNx;x++) { - for(int y=0;yystart;y++) - var(x, y) = var(x, m->ystart); - for(int y=m->yend+1;yLocalNy;y++) - var(x, y) = var(x, m->yend); + if (not bout::utils::is_FieldPerp::value) { + ///If field does not include ghost points in y-direction -> + ///Upper and lower Y boundaries copied from nearest point + if (grid_yguards == 0) { + for(int x=0; xLocalNx; x++) { + for(int y=0; yystart; y++) { + for (int z=0; zystart, z); + } + } + for(int y=m->yend+1; yLocalNy; y++) { + for (int z=0; zyend, z); + } + } + } + } } } - file->setGlobalOrigin(); return true; } -/*! - * Reads a 3D variable from a file - * - * - */ -bool GridFile::get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { - Timer timer("io"); - TRACE("GridFile::get(Field3D)"); +void GridFile::readField(Mesh* UNUSED(m), const std::string& name, int ys, int yd, + int ny_to_read, int xs, int xd, int nx_to_read, const std::vector& UNUSED(size), + Field2D& var) { + file->readFieldAttributes(name, var); - // Check that the file can be read - - if (!file->is_valid()) { - throw BoutException("Could not read '%s' from file: File cannot be read", name.c_str()); - } + var.allocate(); - // Check the size of the variable in the file - - vector size = file->getSize(name); - switch(size.size()) { - case 0: { - // Variable not found - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to %le\n", name.c_str(), def); - var = def; - return false; - } - case 1: { - // 0 or 1 dimension - if (size[0] != 1) { - throw BoutException("Expecting a 3D variable, but '%s' is 1D with %d elements\n", name.c_str(), size[0]); - } - BoutReal rval; - if (!file->read(&rval, name)) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't read 0D variable '%s'\n", name.c_str()); + for(int x = xs; x < xs+nx_to_read; x++) { + file->setGlobalOrigin(x,ys,0); + if (!file->read(&var(x-xs+xd, yd), name, 1, ny_to_read) ) { + throw BoutException("Could not fetch data for '%s'", name.c_str()); } - var = rval; - return true; } - case 2: { - // Read as 2D + file->setGlobalOrigin(); +} + +void GridFile::readField(Mesh* m, const std::string& name, int ys, int yd, + int ny_to_read, int xs, int xd, int nx_to_read, const std::vector& size, + Field3D& var) { + file->readFieldAttributes(name, var); - Field2D var2d(m); - if (!get(m, var2d, name, def)) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't read 2D variable '%s'\n", name.c_str()); + var.allocate(); + + // Check whether "nz" is defined + if (hasVar("nz")) { + // Check the array is the right size + if (size[2] != m->LocalNz) { + throw BoutException("3D variable '%s' has incorrect size %d (expecting %d)", + name.c_str(), size[2], m->LocalNz); + } + + if (!readgrid_3dvar_real(name, + ys,// Start reading at global y-index + yd,// Insert data starting from y=yd + ny_to_read,// Length of data in Y + xs,// Start reading at global x-index + xd,// Insert data starting from x=xd + nx_to_read, // Length of data in X + var) ) { + throw BoutException("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to zero\n", + name.c_str()); + } + } else { + // No Z size specified in file. Assume FFT format + if (!readgrid_3dvar_fft(m, name, + ys,// Start reading at global y-index + yd,// Insert data starting from y=yd + ny_to_read,// Length of data in Y + xs,// Start reading at global x-index + xd,// Insert data starting from x=xd + nx_to_read, // Length of data in X + var) ) { + throw BoutException("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to zero\n", + name.c_str()); } - var = var2d; - return true; } - case 3: { +} + +void GridFile::readField(Mesh* m, const std::string& name, int UNUSED(ys), int UNUSED(yd), + int UNUSED(ny_to_read), int xs, int xd, int nx_to_read, const std::vector& size, + FieldPerp& var) { + + file->readFieldAttributes(name, var); + + int yindex = var.getIndex(); + + if (yindex >= 0 and yindex <= m->LocalNy) { + // Only read if yindex is on this processor + + var.allocate(); + // Check whether "nz" is defined if (hasVar("nz")) { - // Read directly into arrays - // Check the array is the right size - if (size[2] != m->LocalNz) { - throw BoutException("3D variable '%s' has incorrect size %d (expecting %d)", name.c_str(), size[2], m->LocalNz); + throw BoutException("FieldPerp variable '%s' has incorrect size %d (expecting %d)", + name.c_str(), size[2], m->LocalNz); } - - if (! readgrid_3dvar_real(m, name, - m->OffsetY,// Start reading at global index - m->ystart,// Insert data starting from y=ystart - m->yend-m->ystart+1, // Length of data in Y - 0, m->LocalNx, // All x indices (local indices) - var) ) { - throw BoutException("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to zero\n", name.c_str()); + + if (!readgrid_perpvar_real(name, + xs,// Start reading at global x-index + xd,// Insert data starting from x=xd + nx_to_read, // Length of data in X + var) ) { + throw BoutException("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to zero\n", + name.c_str()); } } else { // No Z size specified in file. Assume FFT format - if (! readgrid_3dvar_fft(m, name, - m->OffsetY,// Start reading at global index - m->ystart,// Insert data starting from y=ystart - m->yend-m->ystart+1, // Length of data in Y - 0, m->LocalNx, // All x indices (local indices) - var) ) { - throw BoutException("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to zero\n", name.c_str()); + if (!readgrid_perpvar_fft(m, name, + xs,// Start reading at global x-index + xd,// Insert data starting from x=xd + nx_to_read, // Length of data in X + var) ) { + throw BoutException("\tWARNING: Could not read '%s' from grid. Setting to zero\n", + name.c_str()); } } - - break; - } - default: { - throw BoutException("Error: Variable '%s' should be 3D, but has %lu dimensions\n", - name.c_str(), static_cast(size.size())); } - }; - - // Upper and lower Y boundaries copied from nearest point - for(int x=0;xLocalNx;x++) { - for(int y=0;yystart;y++) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) - var(x, y, z) = var(x, m->ystart, z); - for(int y=m->yend+1;yLocalNy;y++) - for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) - var(x, y, z) = var(x, m->yend, z); - } - - return true; } -bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &var, const string &name, +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset, GridDataSource::Direction UNUSED(dir)) { TRACE("GridFile::get(vector)"); @@ -349,7 +494,7 @@ bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &var, const string &name, return true; } -bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &var, const string &name, +bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), std::vector &var, const std::string &name, int len, int offset, GridDataSource::Direction UNUSED(dir)) { TRACE("GridFile::get(vector)"); @@ -367,6 +512,19 @@ bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &var, const string &name, return true; } +bool GridFile::hasXBoundaryGuards(Mesh* m) { + // Global (x,y) dimensions of some field + // a grid file should always contain "dx" + const auto field_dimensions = file->getSize("dx"); + + if (field_dimensions.empty()) { + // handle case where "dx" is not present - non-standard grid file + // - e.g. for tests + return false; + } + + return field_dimensions[0] > m->GlobalNx - 2*m->xstart; +} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private routines @@ -382,16 +540,17 @@ bool GridFile::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &var, const string &name, with the BoutReal and imaginary parts of each (positive) frequency up to the nyquist frequency. */ -bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const string &name, +bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const std::string &name, int yread, int ydest, int ysize, - int xge, int xlt, Field3D &var) { + int xread, int xdest, int xsize, Field3D &var) { /// Check the arguments make sense - if ((yread < 0) || (ydest < 0) || (ysize < 0) || (xge < 0) || (xlt < 0)) { + if ((yread < 0) || (ydest < 0) || (ysize < 0) || (xread < 0) || (xdest < 0) + || (xsize < 0)) { return false; } /// Check the size of the data - vector size = file->getSize(name); + std::vector size = file->getSize(name); if (size.size() != 3) { output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Number of dimensions of %s incorrect\n", name.c_str()); @@ -432,17 +591,15 @@ bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const string &name, Array fdata(ncz / 2 + 1); Array zdata(size[2]); - for(int jx=xge;jxsetGlobalOrigin(jx + m->OffsetX, yind); + file->setGlobalOrigin(jx, jy); if (!file->read(std::begin(zdata), name, 1, 1, size[2])) { - return true; + return false; } /// Load into dcomplex array @@ -459,7 +616,7 @@ bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const string &name, fdata[i] = 0.0; } } - irfft(std::begin(fdata), ncz, &var(jx, ydest + jy, 0)); + irfft(std::begin(fdata), ncz, &var(jx-xread+xdest, jy-yread+ydest, 0)); } } @@ -472,32 +629,31 @@ bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_fft(Mesh *m, const string &name, * Reads a 3D variable directly from the file, without * any processing */ -bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_real(Mesh *m, const string &name, +bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_real(const std::string &name, int yread, int ydest, int ysize, - int xge, int xlt, Field3D &var) { + int xread, int xdest, int xsize, Field3D &var) { /// Check the arguments make sense - if ((yread < 0) || (ydest < 0) || (ysize < 0) || (xge < 0) || (xlt < 0)) { + if ((yread < 0) || (ydest < 0) || (ysize < 0) || (xread < 0) || (xdest < 0) + || (xsize < 0)) { return false; } /// Check the size of the data - vector size = file->getSize(name); + std::vector size = file->getSize(name); if (size.size() != 3) { output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Number of dimensions of %s incorrect\n", name.c_str()); return false; } - for(int jx=xge;jxsetGlobalOrigin(jx + m->OffsetX, yind); - if (!file->read(&var(jx,ydest+jy,0), name, 1, 1, size[2])) { + file->setGlobalOrigin(jx, jy); + if (!file->read(&var(jx-xread+xdest, jy-yread+ydest, 0), name, 1, 1, size[2])) { return false; } } @@ -507,3 +663,124 @@ bool GridFile::readgrid_3dvar_real(Mesh *m, const string &name, return true; } +/* + Data stored as toroidal FFTs in BoutReal space at each X point. + In toroidal direction, array must have an odd number of points. + Format is: + + DC, r1,i1, r2,i2, ... , rn,in + + with the BoutReal and imaginary parts of each (positive) frequency + up to the nyquist frequency. + */ +bool GridFile::readgrid_perpvar_fft(Mesh *m, const std::string &name, + int xread, int xdest, int xsize, FieldPerp &var) { + /// Check the arguments make sense + if ((xread < 0) || (xdest < 0) || (xsize < 0)) { + return false; + } + + /// Check the size of the data + std::vector size = file->getSize(name); + + if (size.size() != 2) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Number of dimensions of %s incorrect\n", name.c_str()); + return false; + } + + int maxmode = (size[1] - 1)/2; ///< Maximum mode-number n + + int ncz = m->LocalNz; + + /// we should be able to replace the following with + /// var.getCoordinates()->zlength(); + /// but don't do it yet as we don't assert that m == var.getMesh() + /// Expect the assertion to be true, in which case we probably don't + /// need to pass m as can just use var.getMesh() + BoutReal zlength = m->getCoordinates(var.getLocation())->zlength(); + + int zperiod = ROUND(TWOPI / zlength); /// Number of periods in 2pi + + // Print out which modes are going to be read in + if (zperiod > maxmode) { + // Domain is too small: Only DC + output_warn.write("zperiod (%d) > maxmode (%d) => Only reading n = 0 component\n", zperiod, maxmode); + } else { + // Get maximum mode in the input which is a multiple of zperiod + int mm = (maxmode / zperiod) * zperiod; + if ( (ncz/2)*zperiod < mm ) + mm = (ncz/2)*zperiod; // Limited by Z resolution + + if (mm == zperiod) { + output_info.write(" => Reading n = 0, %d\n", zperiod); + } else { + output_info.write(" => Reading n = 0, %d ... %d\n", zperiod, mm); + } + } + + /// Data for FFT. Only positive frequencies + Array fdata(ncz / 2 + 1); + Array zdata(size[1]); + + for (int jx = xread; jx < xread+xsize; jx++) { + // jx is global x-index to start from + + file->setGlobalOrigin(jx, 0); + if (!file->read_perp(std::begin(zdata), name, 1, size[1])) { + return false; + } + + /// Load into dcomplex array + + fdata[0] = zdata[0]; // DC component + + for(int i=1;i<=ncz/2;i++) { + int modenr = i*zperiod; // Z mode number + + if (modenr <= maxmode) { + // Have data for this mode + fdata[i] = dcomplex(zdata[modenr*2 - 1], zdata[modenr*2]); + } else { + fdata[i] = 0.0; + } + } + irfft(std::begin(fdata), ncz, &var(jx-xread+xdest, 0)); + } + + file->setGlobalOrigin(); + + return true; +} + +/*! + * Reads a FieldPerp variable directly from the file, without + * any processing + */ +bool GridFile::readgrid_perpvar_real(const std::string &name, + int xread, int xdest, int xsize, FieldPerp &var) { + /// Check the arguments make sense + if ((xread < 0) || (xdest < 0) || (xsize < 0)) { + return false; + } + + /// Check the size of the data + std::vector size = file->getSize(name); + + if (size.size() != 2) { + output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Number of dimensions of %s incorrect\n", name.c_str()); + return false; + } + + for (int jx = xread; jx < xread+xsize; jx++) { + // jx is global x-index to start from + + file->setGlobalOrigin(jx, 0); + if (!file->read_perp(&var(jx-xread+xdest, 0), name, 1, size[1])) { + return false; + } + } + file->setGlobalOrigin(); + + return true; +} + diff --git a/src/mesh/data/gridfromoptions.cxx b/src/mesh/data/gridfromoptions.cxx index a784c105e4..aa07abe1c2 100644 --- a/src/mesh/data/gridfromoptions.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/data/gridfromoptions.cxx @@ -1,50 +1,52 @@ - -#include - -#include - #include - +#include #include - +#include #include - #include -bool GridFromOptions::hasVar(const string &name) { - return options->isSet(name); -} - -bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), int &ival, const string &name) { - if(!hasVar(name)) { - ival = 0; - return false; +bool GridFromOptions::hasVar(const std::string& name) { return options->isSet(name); } + +namespace { +/// Return value of \p name in \p options, using \p def as a default +/// if it doesn't exist +template +auto getWithDefault(const Options& options, const std::string& name, const T& def) -> T { + const bool has_var = options.isSet(name); + if (!has_var) { + output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to ", name.c_str()); + output_warn << def << "\n"; } - - options->get(name, ival, 0); - return true; + // Note! We don't use `Options::withDefault` here because that + // records the default in the `Options` object and we don't know if + // we'll actually end up using that value. This is because + // `GridFromOptions::get` is probably being called via `Mesh::get`, + // and the calling site may use the return value of that to set its + // own default + return has_var ? options[name].as() : def; } +} // namespace -bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), BoutReal &rval, const string &name) { - if(!hasVar(name)) { - rval = 0.0; - return false; - } - - // Fetch expression as a string - std::string expr; - options->get(name, expr, "0"); +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh*, std::string& sval, const std::string& name, + const std::string& def) { + sval = getWithDefault(*options, name, def); + return hasVar(name); +} - // Parse, and evaluate with x,y,z,t = 0 - std::shared_ptr gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(expr, options); - rval = gen->generate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh*, int& ival, const std::string& name, int def) { + ival = getWithDefault(*options, name, def); + return hasVar(name); +} - return true; +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh*, BoutReal& rval, const std::string& name, BoutReal def) { + rval = getWithDefault(*options, name, def); + return hasVar(name); } -bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh* m, Field2D& var, const std::string& name, BoutReal def) { if (!hasVar(name)) { - output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to %e\n", name.c_str(), def); + output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to %e\n", name.c_str(), + def); var = def; return false; } @@ -53,8 +55,10 @@ bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *m, Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal de return true; } -bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { - if(!hasVar(name)) { +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh* m, Field3D& var, const std::string& name, BoutReal def) { + if (!hasVar(name)) { + output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to %e\n", name.c_str(), + def); var = def; return false; } @@ -63,58 +67,83 @@ bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *m, Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal de return true; } -bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *m, vector &var, const string &name, int len, - int UNUSED(offset), GridDataSource::Direction UNUSED(dir)) { - // Integers not expressions yet +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh* m, FieldPerp& var, const std::string& name, BoutReal def) { + // Cannot set attributes from options at the moment, so don't know what 'yindex' this + // FieldPerp should have: just set to 0 for now, and create FieldPerp on all processors + // (note: this is different to behaviour of GridFromFile which will only create the + // FieldPerp at a single global y-index). - int ival; - if(!get(m, ival, name)) + if (!hasVar(name)) { + output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to %e\n", name.c_str(), + def); + var = def; + var.setIndex(0); return false; + } - var.resize(len, ival); + var = FieldFactory::get()->createPerp(name, options, m); + var.setIndex(0); return true; } -bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh *m, vector &var, const string &name, int len, - int offset, GridDataSource::Direction dir) { - - if(!hasVar(name)) { +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh* m, std::vector& var, const std::string& name, + int len, int UNUSED(offset), + GridDataSource::Direction UNUSED(dir)) { + if (!hasVar(name)) { + std::vector def{}; + output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to empty vector\n", + name.c_str()); + var = def; return false; } - // Fetch expression as a string - std::string expr; - options->get(name, expr, "0"); + // FIXME: actually implement this! + throw BoutException("not implemented"); + int ival; + get(m, ival, name); + var.resize(len, ival); + + return true; +} + +bool GridFromOptions::get(Mesh* m, std::vector& var, const std::string& name, + int len, int offset, GridDataSource::Direction dir) { + if (!hasVar(name)) { + std::vector def{}; + output_warn.write("Variable '%s' not in mesh options. Setting to empty vector\n", + name.c_str()); + var = def; + return false; + } - // Parse, and evaluate with x,y,z,t = 0 - std::shared_ptr gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(expr, options); + auto expr = (*options)[name].withDefault(std::string{"0"}); + auto gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(expr, options); var.resize(len); - switch(dir) { + switch (dir) { case GridDataSource::X: { - for(int x=0;xgenerate(m->GlobalX(x - m->OffsetX + offset), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } break; } - case GridDataSource::Y : { - for(int y=0;ygenerate(0.0, TWOPI*m->GlobalY(y - m->OffsetY + offset), 0.0, 0.0); + case GridDataSource::Y: { + for (int y = 0; y < len; y++) { + var[y] = gen->generate(0.0, TWOPI * m->GlobalY(y - m->OffsetY + offset), 0.0, 0.0); } break; } - case GridDataSource::Z : { - for(int z=0;zgenerate(0.0, 0.0, TWOPI*(static_cast(z) + offset) / static_cast(m->LocalNz), 0.0); + case GridDataSource::Z: { + for (int z = 0; z < len; z++) { + var[z] = gen->generate( + 0.0, 0.0, + (TWOPI * (z - m->OffsetZ + offset)) / static_cast(m->LocalNz), 0.0); } break; } - default: { - throw BoutException("Invalid direction argument"); - } + default: { throw BoutException("Invalid direction argument"); } } return true; } - diff --git a/src/mesh/difops.cxx b/src/mesh/difops.cxx index 1aaafb7598..401ace8640 100644 --- a/src/mesh/difops.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/difops.cxx @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ **************************************************************************/ #include -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -38,27 +38,26 @@ #include #include -#include -#include +#include /******************************************************************************* * Grad_par * The parallel derivative along unperturbed B-field *******************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { return var.getCoordinates(outloc)->Grad_par(var, outloc, method); } -const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field2D Grad_par(const Field2D &var, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { return var.getCoordinates(outloc)->Grad_par(var, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { return var.getCoordinates(outloc)->Grad_par(var, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { return var.getCoordinates(outloc)->Grad_par(var, outloc, method); } @@ -74,20 +73,18 @@ const Field3D Grad_par(const Field3D &var, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc) *******************************************************************************/ const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &apar, const Field3D &f) { - ASSERT1(apar.getMesh() == f.getMesh()); - ASSERT2(apar.getLocation() == f.getLocation()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(apar, f)); + ASSERT1(f.hasParallelSlices()); Mesh *mesh = apar.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; Coordinates *metric = apar.getCoordinates(); - Field3D gys(mesh); - gys.allocate(); + Field3D gys{emptyFrom(f)}; // Need Y derivative everywhere for(int x=1;x<=mesh->LocalNx-2;x++) @@ -167,15 +164,19 @@ const Field3D Grad_parP(const Field3D &apar, const Field3D &f) { * vparallel times the parallel derivative along unperturbed B-field *******************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { - return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc); +const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, method); +} + +const Field2D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Vpar_Grad_par(v, f, outloc, method); } @@ -183,321 +184,84 @@ const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD meth * Div_par * parallel divergence operator B \partial_{||} (F/B) *******************************************************************************/ +const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Div_par(f, outloc, method); +} -const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { - return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Div_par(f, outloc); +const Field2D Div_par(const Field2D &f, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Div_par(f, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Div_par(f, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Div_par(f, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &v) { - ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT2(v.getLocation() == f.getLocation()); +const Field3D Div_par(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& v) { + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f, v)); + ASSERT1(f.hasParallelSlices()); + ASSERT1(v.hasParallelSlices()); // Parallel divergence, using velocities at cell boundaries // Note: Not guaranteed to be flux conservative - Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); + Mesh* mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; + + Coordinates* coord = f.getCoordinates(); + + for (int i = mesh->xstart; i <= mesh->xend; i++) + for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) { + for (int k = mesh->zstart; k <= mesh->zend; k++) { + // Value of f and v at left cell face + BoutReal fL = 0.5 * (f(i, j, k) + f.ydown()(i, j - 1, k)); + BoutReal vL = 0.5 * (v(i, j, k) + v.ydown()(i, j - 1, k)); + + BoutReal fR = 0.5 * (f(i, j, k) + f.yup()(i, j + 1, k)); + BoutReal vR = 0.5 * (v(i, j, k) + v.yup()(i, j + 1, k)); - Coordinates *coord = f.getCoordinates(); - - for(int i=mesh->xstart;i<=mesh->xend;i++) - for(int j=mesh->ystart;j<=mesh->yend;j++) { - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - - // Value of f and v at left cell face - BoutReal fL = 0.5*(f(i,j,k) + f.ydown()(i,j-1,k)); - BoutReal vL = 0.5*(v(i,j,k) + v.ydown()(i,j-1,k)); - - BoutReal fR = 0.5*(f(i,j,k) + f.yup()(i,j+1,k)); - BoutReal vR = 0.5*(v(i,j,k) + v.yup()(i,j+1,k)); - // Calculate flux at right boundary (y+1/2) - BoutReal fluxRight = fR * vR * (coord->J(i,j) + coord->J(i,j+1)) / (sqrt(coord->g_22(i,j))+ sqrt(coord->g_22(i,j+1))); - + BoutReal fluxRight = fR * vR * (coord->J(i, j) + coord->J(i, j + 1)) + / (sqrt(coord->g_22(i, j)) + sqrt(coord->g_22(i, j + 1))); + // Calculate at left boundary (y-1/2) - BoutReal fluxLeft = fL * vL * (coord->J(i,j) + coord->J(i,j-1)) / (sqrt(coord->g_22(i,j)) + sqrt(coord->g_22(i,j-1))); - - result(i,j,k) = (fluxRight - fluxLeft) / (coord->dy(i,j)*coord->J(i,j)); + BoutReal fluxLeft = fL * vL * (coord->J(i, j) + coord->J(i, j - 1)) + / (sqrt(coord->g_22(i, j)) + sqrt(coord->g_22(i, j - 1))); + + result(i, j, k) = (fluxRight - fluxLeft) / (coord->dy(i, j) * coord->J(i, j)); } } - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - return result; } //////// Flux methods -const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(outloc); Field2D Bxy_floc = f.getCoordinates()->Bxy; - if (!f.hasYupYdown()) { + if (!f.hasParallelSlices()) { return metric->Bxy*FDDY(v, f/Bxy_floc, outloc, method)/sqrt(metric->g_22); } // Need to modify yup and ydown fields Field3D f_B = f / Bxy_floc; - if (&f.yup() == &f) { - // Identity, yup and ydown point to same field - f_B.mergeYupYdown(); - } else { - // Distinct fields - f_B.splitYupYdown(); - f_B.yup() = f.yup() / Bxy_floc; - f_B.ydown() = f.ydown() / Bxy_floc; - } + // Distinct fields + f_B.splitParallelSlices(); + f_B.yup() = f.yup() / Bxy_floc; + f_B.ydown() = f.ydown() / Bxy_floc; return metric->Bxy*FDDY(v, f_B, outloc, method)/sqrt(metric->g_22); } -const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, DIFF_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc) { +const Field3D Div_par_flux(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, const std::string &method, CELL_LOC outloc) { return Div_par_flux(v,f, outloc, method); } -/******************************************************************************* -* Parallel derivatives converting between left and cell centred -* NOTE: These are a quick hack to test if this works. The whole staggered grid -* thing needs to be thought through. -*******************************************************************************/ - -const Field3D Grad_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var) { - ASSERT1(var.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); - - Mesh *mesh = var.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); - - Coordinates *metric = var.getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); - - if (var.hasYupYdown()) { - // NOTE: Need to calculate one more point than centred vars - for(int jx=0; jxLocalNx;jx++) { - for(int jy=1;jyLocalNy;jy++) { - for(int jz=0;jzLocalNz;jz++) { - result(jx, jy, jz) = 2.*(var(jx, jy, jz) - var.ydown()(jx, jy-1, jz)) / (metric->dy(jx, jy) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy)) + metric->dy(jx, jy-1) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy-1))); - } - } - } - } else { - // No yup/ydown fields, so transform to cell centred - Field3D var_fa = mesh->toFieldAligned(var); - - for(int jx=0; jxLocalNx;jx++) { - for(int jy=1;jyLocalNy;jy++) { - for(int jz=0;jzLocalNz;jz++) { - result(jx, jy, jz) = 2.*(var_fa(jx, jy, jz) - var_fa(jx, jy-1, jz)) / (metric->dy(jx, jy) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy)) + metric->dy(jx, jy-1) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy-1))); - } - } - } - - result = mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - return result; -} - -const Field2D Grad_par_CtoL(const Field2D &var) { - const auto varMesh = var.getMesh(); - Field2D result(varMesh); - result.allocate(); - - Coordinates *metric = var.getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); - - BOUT_FOR(i, varMesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - result[i] = (var[i] - var[i.ym()]) / (metric->dy[i] * sqrt(metric->g_22[i])); - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - - return result; -} - - -const Field3D Vpar_Grad_par_LCtoC(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, REGION region) { - ASSERT1(v.getMesh() == f.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(v.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); - ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); - - const auto vMesh = v.getMesh(); - Field3D result(vMesh); - - result.allocate(); - - bool vUseUpDown = (v.hasYupYdown() && ((&v.yup() != &v) || (&v.ydown() != &v))); - bool fUseUpDown = (f.hasYupYdown() && ((&f.yup() != &f) || (&f.ydown() != &f))); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (vUseUpDown && fUseUpDown) { - // Both v and f have up/down fields - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fval, vval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, vMesh->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - vval.m = v.ydown()[i.ym()]; - vval.c = v[i]; - vval.p = v.yup()[i.yp()]; - - fval.m = f.ydown()[i.ym()]; - fval.c = f[i]; - fval.p = f.yup()[i.yp()]; - - // Left side - result[i] = (vval.c >= 0.0) ? vval.c * fval.m : vval.c * fval.c; - // Right side - result[i] -= (vval.p >= 0.0) ? vval.p * fval.c : vval.p * fval.p; - } - } - } - else { - // Both must shift to field aligned - // (even if one of v and f has yup/ydown fields, it doesn't make sense to - // multiply them with one in field-aligned and one in non-field-aligned - // coordinates) - Field3D v_fa = vMesh->toFieldAligned(v); - Field3D f_fa = vMesh->toFieldAligned(f); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fval, vval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, vMesh->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fval.m = f_fa[i.ym()]; - fval.c = f_fa[i]; - fval.p = f_fa[i.yp()]; - - vval.m = v_fa[i.ym()]; - vval.c = v_fa[i]; - vval.p = v_fa[i.yp()]; - - // Left side - result[i] = (vval.c >= 0.0) ? vval.c * fval.m : vval.c * fval.c; - // Right side - result[i] -= (vval.p >= 0.0) ? vval.p * fval.c : vval.p * fval.p; - } - - result = vMesh->fromFieldAligned(result); - } - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - return result; -} - -const Field3D Grad_par_LtoC(const Field3D &var) { - const auto varMesh = var.getMesh(); - - if (varMesh->StaggerGrids) { - ASSERT1(var.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); - } - - Field3D result(varMesh); - result.allocate(); - - Coordinates *metric = var.getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE); - - if (var.hasYupYdown()) { - BOUT_FOR(i, varMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - result[i] = (var.yup()[i.yp()] - var[i]) / (metric->dy[i]*sqrt(metric->g_22[i])); - } - } else { - // No yup/ydown field, so transform to field aligned - - Field3D var_fa = varMesh->toFieldAligned(var); - - BOUT_FOR(i, varMesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - result[i] = (var_fa[i.yp()] - var_fa[i]) / (metric->dy[i]*sqrt(metric->g_22[i])); - } - result = varMesh->fromFieldAligned(result); - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - return result; -} - -const Field2D Grad_par_LtoC(const Field2D &var) { - const auto varMesh = var.getMesh(); - Field2D result(varMesh); - result.allocate(); - - Coordinates *metric = var.getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE); - - BOUT_FOR(i, varMesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - result[i] = (var[i.yp()] - var[i]) / (metric->dy[i] * sqrt(metric->g_22[i])); - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - - return result; -} - -const Field2D Div_par_LtoC(const Field2D &var) { - return var.getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE)->Bxy * - Grad_par_LtoC(var / var.getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW)->Bxy); -} - -const Field3D Div_par_LtoC(const Field3D &var) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - - Coordinates *metric = var.getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE); - - // NOTE: Need to calculate one more point than centred vars - for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) { - for (int jy = 0; jy < mesh->LocalNy - 1; jy++) { - for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { - result(jx, jy, jz) = metric->Bxy(jx, jy) * 2. * - (var.yup()(jx, jy + 1, jz) / metric->Bxy(jx, jy + 1) - - var(jx, jy, jz) / metric->Bxy(jx, jy)) / - (metric->dy(jx, jy) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy)) + - metric->dy(jx, jy - 1) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy - 1))); - } - } - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - - return result; -} - -const Field2D Div_par_CtoL(const Field2D &var) { - return var.getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE)->Bxy * - Grad_par_CtoL(var / var.getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW)->Bxy); -} - -const Field3D Div_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - - Coordinates *metric = var.getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE); - - // NOTE: Need to calculate one more point than centred vars - for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) { - for (int jy = 1; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) { - for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { - result(jx, jy, jz) = metric->Bxy(jx, jy) * 2. * - (var(jx, jy, jz) / metric->Bxy(jx, jy) - - var.ydown()(jx, jy - 1, jz) / metric->Bxy(jx, jy - 1)) / - (metric->dy(jx, jy) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy)) + - metric->dy(jx, jy - 1) * sqrt(metric->g_22(jx, jy - 1))); - } - } - } - - result.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - - return result; -} - /******************************************************************************* * Grad2_par2 * second parallel derivative @@ -507,11 +271,11 @@ const Field3D Div_par_CtoL(const Field3D &var) { * Note: For parallel Laplacian use LaplacePar *******************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field2D Grad2_par2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Grad2_par2(f, outloc, method); } -const Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method) { +const Field3D Grad2_par2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Grad2_par2(f, outloc, method); } @@ -549,16 +313,16 @@ const Field3D Div_par_K_Grad_par(const Field3D &kY, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC o * perpendicular Laplacian operator *******************************************************************************/ -const Field2D Delp2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc) { - return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Delp2(f, outloc); +const Field2D Delp2(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, bool useFFT) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Delp2(f, outloc, useFFT); } -const Field3D Delp2(const Field3D &f, BoutReal UNUSED(zsmooth), CELL_LOC outloc) { - return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Delp2(f, outloc); +const Field3D Delp2(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, bool useFFT) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Delp2(f, outloc, useFFT); } -const FieldPerp Delp2(const FieldPerp &f, BoutReal UNUSED(zsmooth), CELL_LOC outloc) { - return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Delp2(f, outloc); +const FieldPerp Delp2(const FieldPerp& f, CELL_LOC outloc, bool useFFT) { + return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->Delp2(f, outloc, useFFT); } /******************************************************************************* @@ -762,13 +526,13 @@ const Field2D bracket(const Field2D &f, const Field2D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc, Solver *UNUSED(solver)) { TRACE("bracket(Field2D, Field2D)"); - ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == g.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f, g)); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = g.getLocation(); } - ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == g.getLocation() && outloc == f.getLocation()) + ASSERT1(outloc == g.getLocation()); - Field2D result(f.getMesh()); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(f)}; if( (method == BRACKET_SIMPLE) || (method == BRACKET_ARAKAWA)) { // Use a subset of terms for comparison to BOUT-06 @@ -785,15 +549,15 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc, Solver *solver) { TRACE("bracket(Field3D, Field2D)"); - ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == g.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f, g)); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = g.getLocation(); } - ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == g.getLocation() && outloc == f.getLocation()) + ASSERT1(outloc == g.getLocation()); Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(outloc)}; Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(outloc); @@ -805,14 +569,11 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, if(!solver) throw BoutException("CTU method requires access to the solver"); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; for(int x=mesh->xstart;x<=mesh->xend;x++) for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { - for(int z=0;zLocalNz; z++) { + int zm = (z - 1 + ncz) % ncz; int zp = (z + 1) % ncz; BoutReal gp, gm; @@ -843,13 +604,10 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, case BRACKET_ARAKAWA: { // Arakawa scheme for perpendicular flow. Here as a test - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); - const BoutReal fac = 1.0 / (12 * metric->dz); const int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; - BOUT_FOR(j2D, mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + BOUT_FOR(j2D, result.getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { // Get constants for this iteration const BoutReal spacingFactor = fac / metric->dx[j2D]; const int jy = j2D.y(), jx = j2D.x(); @@ -881,7 +639,7 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, } // The middle block - for (int jz = 1; jz < ncz - 1; jz++) { + for (int jz = 1; jz < mesh->LocalNz - 1; jz++) { const int jzp = jz + 1; const int jzm = jz - 1; @@ -914,16 +672,14 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, break; } case BRACKET_ARAKAWA_OLD: { - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); const int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; const BoutReal partialFactor = 1.0/(12 * metric->dz); BOUT_OMP(parallel for) for(int jx=mesh->xstart;jx<=mesh->xend;jx++){ for(int jy=mesh->ystart;jy<=mesh->yend;jy++){ const BoutReal spacingFactor = partialFactor / metric->dx(jx,jy); - for(int jz=0;jzLocalNz; jz++) { + const int jzp = jz+1 < ncz ? jz + 1 : 0; //Above is alternative to const int jzp = (jz + 1) % ncz; const int jzm = jz-1 >= 0 ? jz - 1 : ncz-1; //Above is alternative to const int jzmTmp = (jz - 1 + ncz) % ncz; @@ -970,11 +726,11 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field2D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc, Solver *solver) { TRACE("bracket(Field2D, Field3D)"); - ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == g.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f, g)); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = g.getLocation(); } - ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == g.getLocation() && outloc == f.getLocation()) + ASSERT1(outloc == g.getLocation()) Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); @@ -1007,15 +763,15 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, CELL_LOC outloc, Solver *solver) { TRACE("Field3D, Field3D"); - ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == g.getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(f, g)); if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { outloc = g.getLocation(); } - ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == g.getLocation() && outloc == f.getLocation()) + ASSERT1(outloc == g.getLocation()); Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f).setLocation(outloc)}; Coordinates *metric = f.getCoordinates(outloc); @@ -1036,17 +792,16 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, // Get current timestep BoutReal dt = solver->getCurrentTimestep(); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); - FieldPerp vx(mesh), vz(mesh); vx.allocate(); + vx.setLocation(outloc); vz.allocate(); + vz.setLocation(outloc); int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; for(int y=mesh->ystart;y<=mesh->yend;y++) { for(int x=1;x<=mesh->LocalNx-2;x++) { - for(int z=0;zLocalNz; z++) { int zm = (z - 1 + ncz) % ncz; int zp = (z + 1) % ncz; @@ -1127,9 +882,6 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, case BRACKET_ARAKAWA: { // Arakawa scheme for perpendicular flow - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); - const int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; const BoutReal partialFactor = 1.0/(12 * metric->dz); @@ -1138,7 +890,7 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, Field3D f_temp = f; Field3D g_temp = g; - BOUT_FOR(j2D, mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + BOUT_FOR(j2D, result.getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { const BoutReal spacingFactor = partialFactor / metric->dx[j2D]; const int jy = j2D.y(), jx = j2D.x(); const int xm = jx - 1, xp = jx + 1; @@ -1172,7 +924,7 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, result(jx, jy, jz) = (Jpp + Jpx + Jxp) * spacingFactor; } - for (int jz = 1; jz < ncz - 1; jz++) { + for (int jz = 1; jz < mesh->LocalNz - 1; jz++) { const int jzp = jz + 1; const int jzm = jz - 1; @@ -1221,9 +973,6 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, case BRACKET_ARAKAWA_OLD: { // Arakawa scheme for perpendicular flow - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(outloc); - const int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; const BoutReal partialFactor = 1.0 / (12 * metric->dz); @@ -1242,8 +991,8 @@ const Field3D bracket(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g, BRACKET_METHOD method, const BoutReal *Gxm = g_temp(jx-1, jy); const BoutReal *Gx = g_temp(jx, jy); const BoutReal *Gxp = g_temp(jx+1, jy); - for(int jz=0;jzLocalNz; jz++) { + const int jzp = jz+1 < ncz ? jz + 1 : 0; //Above is alternative to const int jzp = (jz + 1) % ncz; const int jzm = jz-1 >= 0 ? jz - 1 : ncz-1; //Above is alternative to const int jzm = (jz - 1 + ncz) % ncz; diff --git a/src/mesh/fv_ops.cxx b/src/mesh/fv_ops.cxx index fefdd039f7..ffab49ab43 100644 --- a/src/mesh/fv_ops.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/fv_ops.cxx @@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ namespace FV { Mesh *mesh = a.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result = 0.0; + Field3D result{zeroFrom(f)}; Coordinates *coord = f.getCoordinates(); @@ -38,17 +37,17 @@ namespace FV { for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { // Calculate flux from i to i+1 - BoutReal fout = (coord->J(i,j)*a(i,j,k)*coord->g11(i,j) + coord->J(i+1,j)*a(i+1,j,k)*coord->g11(i+1,j)) * + BoutReal fout = 0.5*(a(i,j,k) + a(i+1,j,k)) * (coord->J(i,j)*coord->g11(i,j) + coord->J(i+1,j)*coord->g11(i+1,j)) * (f(i+1,j,k) - f(i,j,k))/(coord->dx(i,j) + coord->dx(i+1,j)); result(i,j,k) += fout / (coord->dx(i,j)*coord->J(i,j)); result(i+1,j,k) -= fout / (coord->dx(i+1,j)*coord->J(i+1,j)); } } - + // Y and Z fluxes require Y derivatives - + // Fields containing values along the magnetic field Field3D fup(mesh), fdown(mesh); Field3D aup(mesh), adown(mesh); @@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ namespace FV { Field3D yzresult(mesh); yzresult.allocate(); - if (f.hasYupYdown() && a.hasYupYdown()) { + if (f.hasParallelSlices() && a.hasParallelSlices()) { // Both inputs have yup and ydown fup = f.yup(); @@ -74,14 +73,15 @@ namespace FV { // At least one input doesn't have yup/ydown fields. // Need to shift to/from field aligned coordinates - fup = fdown = fc = mesh->toFieldAligned(f); - aup = adown = ac = mesh->toFieldAligned(a); + fup = fdown = fc = toFieldAligned(f); + aup = adown = ac = toFieldAligned(a); + yzresult.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); } // Y flux for (int i = mesh->xstart; i <= mesh->xend; i++) { - for (int j = mesh->ystart - 1; j <= mesh->yend; j++) { + for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) { BoutReal coef = 0.5 * (coord->g_23(i, j) / SQ(coord->J(i, j) * coord->Bxy(i, j)) + @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ namespace FV { for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) { // Calculate flux between j and j+1 - int kp = (k + 1) % (mesh->LocalNz); - int km = (k - 1 + (mesh->LocalNz)) % (mesh->LocalNz); + int kp = (k + 1) % mesh->LocalNz; + int km = (k - 1 + mesh->LocalNz) % mesh->LocalNz; // Calculate Z derivative at y boundary BoutReal dfdz = 0.25 * (fc(i, j, kp) - fc(i, j, km) + fup(i, j + 1, kp) - @@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ namespace FV { BoutReal dfdy = 2. * (fup(i, j + 1, k) - fc(i, j, k)) / (coord->dy(i, j + 1) + coord->dy(i, j)); - BoutReal fout = 0.5 * - (coord->J(i, j) * ac(i, j, k) * coord->g23(i, j) + - coord->J(i, j + 1) * aup(i, j + 1, k) * coord->g23(i, j + 1)) * + BoutReal fout = 0.25 * (ac(i, j, k) + aup(i, j + 1, k)) * + (coord->J(i, j) * coord->g23(i, j) + + coord->J(i, j + 1) * coord->g23(i, j + 1)) * (dfdz - coef * dfdy); yzresult(i, j, k) = fout / (coord->dy(i, j) * coord->J(i, j)); @@ -116,8 +116,9 @@ namespace FV { dfdy = 2. * (fc(i, j, k) - fdown(i, j - 1, k)) / (coord->dy(i, j) + coord->dy(i, j - 1)); - fout = 0.5 * (coord->J(i, j) * ac(i, j, k) * coord->g23(i, j) + - coord->J(i, j - 1) * aup(i, j + 1, k) * coord->g23(i, j + 1)) * + fout = 0.25 * (ac(i, j, k) + adown(i, j - 1, k)) * + (coord->J(i, j) * coord->g23(i, j) + + coord->J(i, j - 1) * coord->g23(i, j - 1)) * (dfdz - coef * dfdy); yzresult(i, j, k) -= fout / (coord->dy(i, j) * coord->J(i, j)); @@ -155,10 +156,10 @@ namespace FV { } } // Check if we need to transform back - if (f.hasYupYdown() && a.hasYupYdown()) { + if (f.hasParallelSlices() && a.hasParallelSlices()) { result += yzresult; } else { - result += mesh->fromFieldAligned(yzresult); + result += fromFieldAligned(yzresult); } return result; @@ -170,34 +171,23 @@ namespace FV { ASSERT2(Kin.getLocation() == fin.getLocation()); Mesh *mesh = Kin.getMesh(); - Field3D result(0.0, mesh); + + bool use_parallel_slices = (Kin.hasParallelSlices() && fin.hasParallelSlices()); + + const auto& K = use_parallel_slices ? Kin : toFieldAligned(Kin, "RGN_NOX"); + const auto& f = use_parallel_slices ? fin : toFieldAligned(fin, "RGN_NOX"); + + Field3D result{zeroFrom(f)}; // K and f fields in yup and ydown directions - Field3D Kup(mesh), Kdown(mesh); - Field3D fup(mesh), fdown(mesh); - Field3D f = fin; - Field3D K = Kin; - if (K.hasYupYdown() && f.hasYupYdown()) { - // Both inputs have yup and ydown - Kup = K.yup(); - Kdown = K.ydown(); - - fup = f.yup(); - fdown = f.ydown(); - } else { - // At least one input doesn't have yup/ydown fields. - // Need to shift to/from field aligned coordinates - - f = mesh->toFieldAligned(fin); - K = mesh->toFieldAligned(Kin); - - fup = fdown = f; - Kup = Kdown = K; - } + const auto& Kup = use_parallel_slices ? Kin.yup() : K; + const auto& Kdown = use_parallel_slices ? Kin.ydown() : K; + const auto& fup = use_parallel_slices ? fin.yup() : f; + const auto& fdown = use_parallel_slices ? fin.ydown() : f; Coordinates *coord = fin.getCoordinates(); - - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { // Calculate flux at upper surface const auto iyp = i.yp(); @@ -231,25 +221,30 @@ namespace FV { } } - if (!(K.hasYupYdown() && f.hasYupYdown())) { + if (!use_parallel_slices) { // Shifted to field aligned coordinates, so need to shift back - result = mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + result = fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); } return result; } const Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D &d_in, const Field3D &f_in) { - ASSERT2(d_in.getLocation() == f_in.getLocation()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(d_in, f_in)); + + Mesh* mesh = d_in.getMesh(); - Field3D result = 0.0; - result.setLocation(f_in.getLocation()); - Coordinates *coord = f_in.getCoordinates(); + ASSERT2(d_in.getDirectionY() == f_in.getDirectionY()); + const bool are_unaligned = ((d_in.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard) + and (f_in.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard)); + // Convert to field aligned coordinates - Field3D d = mesh->toFieldAligned(d_in); - Field3D f = mesh->toFieldAligned(f_in); + Field3D d = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(d_in, "RGN_NOX") : d_in; + Field3D f = are_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f_in, "RGN_NOX") : f_in; + + Field3D result{zeroFrom(f)}; for(int i=mesh->xstart;i<=mesh->xend;i++) for(int j=mesh->ystart;j<=mesh->yend;j++) { @@ -288,15 +283,17 @@ namespace FV { } // Convert result back to non-aligned coordinates - return mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + return are_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY") : result; } const Field3D D4DY4_Index(const Field3D &f_in, bool bndry_flux) { - Field3D result = 0.0; - result.setLocation(f_in.getLocation()); - + Mesh* mesh = f_in.getMesh(); + // Convert to field aligned coordinates - Field3D f = mesh->toFieldAligned(f_in); + const bool is_unaligned = (f_in.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + Field3D f = is_unaligned ? toFieldAligned(f_in, "RGN_NOX") : f_in; + + Field3D result{zeroFrom(f)}; Coordinates *coord = f_in.getCoordinates(); @@ -397,10 +394,11 @@ namespace FV { } // Convert result back to non-aligned coordinates - return mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + return is_unaligned ? fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOBNDRY") : result; } void communicateFluxes(Field3D &f) { + Mesh* mesh = f.getMesh(); // Use X=0 as temporary buffer if (mesh->xstart != 2) diff --git a/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx b/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx index 1128d78c90..ca86827bf3 100644 --- a/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.cxx @@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ BoutMesh::BoutMesh(GridDataSource *s, Options *opt) : Mesh(s, opt) { OPTION(options, symmetricGlobalX, true); if (!options->isSet("symmetricGlobalY")) { - std::string optionfile; - OPTION(Options::getRoot(), optionfile, ""); + std::string optionfile = Options::root()["optionfile"].withDefault(""); output_warn << "WARNING: The default of this option has changed in release 4.1.\n\ If you want the old setting, you have to specify mesh:symmetricGlobalY=false in " << optionfile << "\n"; @@ -88,10 +87,10 @@ BoutMesh::~BoutMesh() { int BoutMesh::load() { TRACE("BoutMesh::load()"); - output_progress << "Loading mesh" << endl; + output_progress << _("Loading mesh") << endl; // Use root level options - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); + auto& options = Options::root(); ////////////// // Number of processors @@ -103,96 +102,73 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { // Grid sizes if (Mesh::get(nx, "nx")) - throw BoutException("Mesh must contain nx"); + throw BoutException(_("Mesh must contain nx")); if (Mesh::get(ny, "ny")) - throw BoutException("Mesh must contain ny"); + throw BoutException(_("Mesh must contain ny")); - int MZ; - - if (Mesh::get(MZ, "nz")) { + if (Mesh::get(nz, "nz")) { // No "nz" variable in the grid file. Instead read MZ from options OPTION(options, MZ, 64); - if (!is_pow2(MZ)) { + OPTION(options, nz, MZ); + ASSERT0(nz == MZ); + if (!is_pow2(nz)) { // Should be a power of 2 for efficient FFTs - output_warn.write("WARNING: Number of toroidal points should be 2^n for efficient " - "FFT performance -- consider changing MZ (%d) if using FFTs\n", - MZ); + output_warn.write( + _("WARNING: Number of toroidal points should be 2^n for efficient " + "FFT performance -- consider changing MZ (%d) if using FFTs\n"), + nz); } } else { - output_info.write("\tRead nz from input grid file\n"); + MZ = nz; + output_info.write(_("\tRead nz from input grid file\n")); } - output_info << "\tGrid size: " << nx << " x " << ny << " x " << MZ << endl; + output_info << _("\tGrid size: ") << nx << " x " << ny << " x " << nz << endl; // Get guard cell sizes // Try to read from grid file first, then if not found // get from options if (Mesh::get(MXG, "MXG")) { // Error code returned - options->get("MXG", MXG, 2); + MXG = options["MXG"].doc("Number of guard cells on each side in X").withDefault(2); } ASSERT0(MXG >= 0); if (Mesh::get(MYG, "MYG")) { - options->get("MYG", MYG, 2); + MYG = options["MYG"].doc("Number of guard cells on each side in Y").withDefault(2); } ASSERT0(MYG >= 0); - output_info << "\tGuard cells (x,y): " << MXG << ", " << MYG << std::endl; + // For now only support no z-guard cells + MZG = 0; + ASSERT0(MZG >= 0); + + output_info << _("\tGuard cells (x,y,z): ") << MXG << ", " << MYG << ", " << MZG + << std::endl; // Check that nx is large enough if (nx <= 2 * MXG) { - throw BoutException("Error: nx must be greater than 2 times MXG (2 * %d)", MXG); + throw BoutException(_("Error: nx must be greater than 2 times MXG (2 * %d)"), MXG); } // Set global grid sizes GlobalNx = nx; GlobalNy = ny + 2 * MYG; - GlobalNz = MZ; + GlobalNz = nz; if (2 * MXG >= nx) - throw BoutException("nx must be greater than 2*MXG"); + throw BoutException(_("nx must be greater than 2*MXG")); // separatrix location - if (Mesh::get(ixseps1, "ixseps1")) { - ixseps1 = GlobalNx; - output_warn.write( - "\tWARNING: Separatrix location 'ixseps1' not found. Setting to %d\n", ixseps1); - } - if (Mesh::get(ixseps2, "ixseps2")) { - ixseps2 = GlobalNx; - output_warn.write( - "\tWARNING: Separatrix location 'ixseps2' not found. Setting to %d\n", ixseps2); - } - if (Mesh::get(jyseps1_1, "jyseps1_1")) { - jyseps1_1 = -1; - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Branch-cut 'jyseps1_1' not found. Setting to %d\n", - jyseps1_1); - } - if (Mesh::get(jyseps1_2, "jyseps1_2")) { - jyseps1_2 = ny / 2; - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Branch-cut 'jyseps1_2' not found. Setting to %d\n", - jyseps1_2); - } - if (Mesh::get(jyseps2_1, "jyseps2_1")) { - jyseps2_1 = jyseps1_2; - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Branch-cut 'jyseps2_1' not found. Setting to %d\n", - jyseps2_1); - } - if (Mesh::get(jyseps2_2, "jyseps2_2")) { - jyseps2_2 = ny - 1; - output_warn.write("\tWARNING: Branch-cut 'jyseps2_2' not found. Setting to %d\n", - jyseps2_2); - } - - if (Mesh::get(ny_inner, "ny_inner")) { - ny_inner = jyseps2_1; - output_warn.write( - "\tWARNING: Number of inner y points 'ny_inner' not found. Setting to %d\n", - ny_inner); - } + Mesh::get(ixseps1, "ixseps1", GlobalNx); + Mesh::get(ixseps2, "ixseps2", GlobalNx); + Mesh::get(jyseps1_1, "jyseps1_1", -1); + Mesh::get(jyseps1_2, "jyseps1_2", ny / 2); + Mesh::get(jyseps2_1, "jyseps2_1", jyseps1_2); + Mesh::get(jyseps2_2, "jyseps2_2", ny - 1); + Mesh::get(ny_inner, "ny_inner", jyseps2_1); /// Check inputs if (jyseps1_1 < -1) { @@ -201,9 +177,9 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { jyseps1_1 = -1; } - if (jyseps2_1 <= jyseps1_1) { + if (jyseps2_1 < jyseps1_1) { output_warn.write( - "\tWARNING: jyseps2_1 (%d) must be > jyseps1_1 (%d). Setting to %d\n", jyseps2_1, + "\tWARNING: jyseps2_1 (%d) must be >= jyseps1_1 (%d). Setting to %d\n", jyseps2_1, jyseps1_1, jyseps1_1 + 1); jyseps2_1 = jyseps1_1 + 1; } @@ -227,22 +203,50 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { jyseps2_2 = jyseps1_2; } - if (options->isSet("NXPE")) { // Specified NXPE - options->get("NXPE", NXPE, 1); // Decomposition in the radial direction - if ((NPES % NXPE) != 0) { - throw BoutException( - "Number of processors (%d) not divisible by NPs in x direction (%d)\n", NPES, - NXPE); - } + // For now don't parallelise z + NZPE = 1; - NYPE = NPES / NXPE; + if (jyseps1_1 < 0 and jyseps2_2 >= ny - 1) { + numberOfXPoints = 0; + } else if (jyseps2_1 == jyseps1_2) { + numberOfXPoints = 1; + } else { + numberOfXPoints = 2; + } + + if (options.isSet("NXPE") or options.isSet("NYPE")) { // Specified NXPE + if (options.isSet("NXPE")) { + NXPE = options["NXPE"] + .doc("Decomposition in the radial direction. If not given then calculated " + "automatically.") + .withDefault(1); + if ((NPES % NXPE) != 0) { + throw BoutException( + _("Number of processors (%d) not divisible by NPs in x direction (%d)\n"), NPES, + NXPE); + } + + NYPE = NPES / NXPE; + } else { + // NXPE not set, but NYPE is + NYPE = options["NYPE"] + .doc("Decomposition in the parallel direction. Can be given instead of " + "NXPE. If neither is given, then calculated automatically.") + .withDefault(1); + if ((NPES % NYPE) != 0) { + throw BoutException( + _("Number of processors (%d) not divisible by NPs in y direction (%d)\n"), NPES, + NYPE); + } + + NXPE = NPES / NYPE; + } - int nyp = NPES / NXPE; int ysub = ny / NYPE; // Check size of Y mesh if (ysub < MYG) { - throw BoutException("\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n", ny, nyp, + throw BoutException("\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n", ny, NYPE, ysub, MYG); } // Check branch cuts @@ -299,30 +303,31 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { NXPE = -1; // Best option - BoutReal ideal = sqrt(MX * NPES / static_cast(ny)); // Results in square domains + // Results in square domains + const BoutReal ideal = sqrt(MX * NPES / static_cast(ny)); - output_info.write("Finding value for NXPE (ideal = %f)\n", ideal); + output_info.write(_("Finding value for NXPE (ideal = %f)\n"), ideal); for (int i = 1; i <= NPES; i++) { // Loop over all possibilities if ((NPES % i == 0) && // Processors divide equally (MX % i == 0) && // Mesh in X divides equally (ny % (NPES / i) == 0)) { // Mesh in Y divides equally - output_info.write("\tCandidate value: %d\n", i); + output_info.write(_("\tCandidate value: %d\n"), i); - int nyp = NPES / i; - int ysub = ny / nyp; + const int nyp = NPES / i; + const int ysub = ny / nyp; - // Check size of Y mesh - if (ysub < MYG) { - output_info.write("\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n", ny, nyp, + // Check size of Y mesh if we've got multiple processors + if (ysub < MYG and NPES != 1) { + output_info.write(_("\t -> ny/NYPE (%d/%d = %d) must be >= MYG (%d)\n"), ny, nyp, ysub, MYG); continue; } // Check branch cuts if ((jyseps1_1 + 1) % ysub != 0) { output_info.write( - "\t -> Leg region jyseps1_1+1 (%d) must be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + _("\t -> Leg region jyseps1_1+1 (%d) must be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), jyseps1_1 + 1, ysub); continue; } @@ -331,64 +336,65 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { // Double Null if ((jyseps2_1 - jyseps1_1) % ysub != 0) { - output_info.write("\t -> Core region jyseps2_1-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must " - "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + output_info.write(_("\t -> Core region jyseps2_1-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must " + "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), jyseps2_1, jyseps1_1, jyseps2_1 - jyseps1_1, ysub); continue; } if ((jyseps2_2 - jyseps1_2) % ysub != 0) { - output_info.write("\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) must " - "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + output_info.write(_("\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_2 (%d-%d = %d) must " + "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), jyseps2_2, jyseps1_2, jyseps2_2 - jyseps1_2, ysub); continue; } // Check upper legs if ((ny_inner - jyseps2_1 - 1) % ysub != 0) { - output_info.write("\t -> leg region ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must " - "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + output_info.write(_("\t -> leg region ny_inner-jyseps2_1-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must " + "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), ny_inner, jyseps2_1, ny_inner - jyseps2_1 - 1, ysub); continue; } if ((jyseps1_2 - ny_inner + 1) % ysub != 0) { - output_info.write("\t -> leg region jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) must " - "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + output_info.write(_("\t -> leg region jyseps1_2-ny_inner+1 (%d-%d+1 = %d) must " + "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), jyseps1_2, ny_inner, jyseps1_2 - ny_inner + 1, ysub); continue; } } else { // Single Null if ((jyseps2_2 - jyseps1_1) % ysub != 0) { - output_info.write("\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must " - "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + output_info.write(_("\t -> Core region jyseps2_2-jyseps1_1 (%d-%d = %d) must " + "be a multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), jyseps2_2, jyseps1_1, jyseps2_2 - jyseps1_1, ysub); continue; } } if ((ny - jyseps2_2 - 1) % ysub != 0) { - output_info.write("\t -> leg region ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a " - "multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n", + output_info.write(_("\t -> leg region ny-jyseps2_2-1 (%d-%d-1 = %d) must be a " + "multiple of MYSUB (%d)\n"), ny, jyseps2_2, ny - jyseps2_2 - 1, ysub); continue; } - output_info.write("\t -> Good value\n"); + output_info.write(_("\t -> Good value\n")); // Found an acceptable value - if ((NXPE < 1) || (fabs(ideal - i) < fabs(ideal - NXPE))) + if ((NXPE < 1) || (fabs(ideal - i) < fabs(ideal - NXPE))) { NXPE = i; // Keep value nearest to the ideal + } } } if (NXPE < 1) - throw BoutException( - "Could not find a valid value for NXPE. Try a different number of processors."); + throw BoutException(_("Could not find a valid value for NXPE. Try a different " + "number of processors.")); NYPE = NPES / NXPE; output_progress.write( - "\tDomain split (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) into domains (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n", NXPE, - NYPE, MX / NXPE, ny / NYPE); + _("\tDomain split (NXPE=%d, NYPE=%d) into domains (localNx=%d, localNy=%d)\n"), + NXPE, NYPE, MX / NXPE, ny / NYPE); } /// Get X and Y processor indices @@ -403,7 +409,7 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { /// Split MX points between NXPE processors MXSUB = MX / NXPE; if ((MX % NXPE) != 0) { - throw BoutException("Cannot split %d X points equally between %d processors\n", MX, + throw BoutException(_("Cannot split %d X points equally between %d processors\n"), MX, NXPE); } @@ -412,14 +418,22 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { MYSUB = MY / NYPE; if ((MY % NYPE) != 0) { throw BoutException( - "\tERROR: Cannot split %d Y points equally between %d processors\n", MY, NYPE); + _("\tERROR: Cannot split %d Y points equally between %d processors\n"), MY, NYPE); + } + + MZSUB = MZ / NZPE; + if ((MZ % NZPE) != 0) { + throw BoutException( + _("\tERROR: Cannot split %d Z points equally between %d processors\n"), MZ, NZPE); } /// Get mesh options OPTION(options, IncIntShear, false); - OPTION(options, periodicX, false); // Periodic in X + periodicX = options["periodicX"].doc("Make grid periodic in X?").withDefault(false); - OPTION(options, async_send, false); // Whether to use asyncronous sends + async_send = options["async_send"] + .doc("Whether to use asyncronous MPI sends") + .withDefault(false); // Set global offsets @@ -427,7 +441,7 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { OffsetY = PE_YIND * MYSUB; OffsetZ = 0; - if (options->isSet("zperiod")) { + if (options.isSet("zperiod")) { OPTION(options, zperiod, 1); ZMIN = 0.0; ZMAX = 1.0 / static_cast(zperiod); @@ -441,10 +455,13 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { /// Number of grid cells is ng* = M*SUB + guard/boundary cells LocalNx = MXSUB + 2 * MXG; LocalNy = MYSUB + 2 * MYG; - LocalNz = MZ; + LocalNz = MZSUB + 2 * MZG; // Set local index ranges + zstart = MZG; + zend = MZG + MZSUB - 1; + xstart = MXG; xend = MXG + MXSUB - 1; @@ -455,18 +472,26 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { /// Call topology to set layout of grid topology(); - OPTION(options, TwistShift, false); + TwistShift = options["TwistShift"] + .doc("Apply a Twist-Shift boundary using ShiftAngle?") + .withDefault(false); - if (TwistShift) { - output_info.write("Applying Twist-Shift condition. Interpolation: FFT\n"); + // Try to read the shift angle from the grid file + // NOTE: All processors should know the twist-shift angle (for invert_parderiv) + // NOTE: Always read ShiftAngle as Coordinates will use hasBranchCutLower and + // hasBranchCutUpper to set zShift for ShiftedMetric - // Try to read the shift angle from the grid file - // NOTE: All processors should know the twist-shift angle (for invert_parderiv) + ShiftAngle.resize(LocalNx); - ShiftAngle.resize(LocalNx); + if (!source->get(this, ShiftAngle, "ShiftAngle", LocalNx, getGlobalXIndex(0))) { + ShiftAngle.clear(); + } - if (!source->get(this, ShiftAngle, "ShiftAngle", LocalNx, XGLOBAL(0))) { - throw BoutException("ERROR: Twist-shift angle 'ShiftAngle' not found."); + if (TwistShift) { + output_info.write("Applying Twist-Shift condition. Interpolation: FFT\n"); + if (ShiftAngle.empty()) { + throw BoutException("ERROR: Twist-shift angle 'ShiftAngle' not found. " + "Required when TwistShift==true."); } } @@ -689,24 +714,34 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { // Core region TRACE("Creating core communicators"); - proc[0] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps1_1 + 1)); - proc[1] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps2_1)); + if (jyseps2_1 > jyseps1_1) { + proc[0] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps1_1 + 1)); + proc[1] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps2_1)); - output_debug << "CORE1 " << proc[0] << ", " << proc[1] << endl; + output_debug << "CORE1 " << proc[0] << ", " << proc[1] << endl; - if ((proc[0] < 0) || (proc[1] < 0)) - throw BoutException("Invalid processor range for core processors"); - MPI_Group_range_incl(group_world, 1, &proc, &group_tmp1); + if ((proc[0] < 0) || (proc[1] < 0)) + throw BoutException("Invalid processor range for core processors"); + MPI_Group_range_incl(group_world, 1, &proc, &group_tmp1); + } else { + // no core region between jyseps1_1 and jyseps2_1 + group_tmp1 = MPI_GROUP_EMPTY; + } - proc[0] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps1_2 + 1)); - proc[1] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps2_2)); + if (jyseps2_2 > jyseps1_2) { + proc[0] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps1_2 + 1)); + proc[1] = PROC_NUM(i, YPROC(jyseps2_2)); - output_debug << "CORE2 " << proc[0] << ", " << proc[1] << endl; + output_debug << "CORE2 " << proc[0] << ", " << proc[1] << endl; - if ((proc[0] < 0) || (proc[1] < 0)) { - group_tmp2 = MPI_GROUP_EMPTY; + if ((proc[0] < 0) || (proc[1] < 0)) { + group_tmp2 = MPI_GROUP_EMPTY; + } else { + MPI_Group_range_incl(group_world, 1, &proc, &group_tmp2); + } } else { - MPI_Group_range_incl(group_world, 1, &proc, &group_tmp2); + // no core region between jyseps1_2 and jyseps2_2 + group_tmp2 = MPI_GROUP_EMPTY; } MPI_Group_union(group_tmp1, group_tmp2, &group); @@ -791,7 +826,7 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { if (PE_XIND == 0) { // Inner either core or PF - int yg = YGLOBAL(MYG); // Get a global index in this processor + int yg = getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(MYG); // Get a global index in this processor if (((yg > jyseps1_1) && (yg <= jyseps2_1)) || ((yg > jyseps1_2) && (yg <= jyseps2_2))) { @@ -824,37 +859,25 @@ int BoutMesh::load() { } if (!boundary.empty()) { - output_info << "Boundary regions in this processor: "; + output_info << _("Boundary regions in this processor: "); for (const auto &bndry : boundary) { output_info << bndry->label << ", "; } output_info << endl; } else { - output_info << "No boundary regions in this processor" << endl; + output_info << _("No boundary regions in this processor") << endl; } - output_info << "Constructing default regions" << endl; + output_info << _("Constructing default regions") << endl; createDefaultRegions(); // Add boundary regions addBoundaryRegions(); - // Initialize Coordinates at all locations, temporary fix for bug causing - // BOUT++ to hang - getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE); - if (StaggerGrids) { - if (xstart >= 2) { - getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); - } - if (ystart >= 2) { - getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); - } - if (LocalNz > 3) { - getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); - } - } + // Initialize default coordinates + getCoordinates(); - output_info.write("\tdone\n"); + output_info.write(_("\tdone\n")); return 0; } @@ -1041,7 +1064,7 @@ int BoutMesh::wait(comm_handle handle) { if (handle == nullptr) return 1; - CommHandle *ch = static_cast(handle); + auto* ch = static_cast(handle); if (!ch->in_progress) return 2; @@ -1122,34 +1145,41 @@ int BoutMesh::wait(comm_handle handle) { } // TWIST-SHIFT CONDITION - if (TwistShift) { - int jx, jy; - - // Perform Twist-shift using shifting method - // Loop over 3D fields - for (const auto &var : ch->var_list.field3d()) { - // Lower boundary - if (TS_down_in && (DDATA_INDEST != -1)) { - for (jx = 0; jx < DDATA_XSPLIT; jx++) - for (jy = 0; jy != MYG; jy++) - shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, ShiftAngle[jx]); - } - if (TS_down_out && (DDATA_OUTDEST != -1)) { - for (jx = DDATA_XSPLIT; jx < LocalNx; jx++) - for (jy = 0; jy != MYG; jy++) - shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, ShiftAngle[jx]); - } + // Loop over 3D fields + for (const auto &var : ch->var_list.field3d()) { + if (var->requiresTwistShift(TwistShift)) { + + // Twist-shift only needed for field-aligned fields + int jx, jy; + + // Perform Twist-shift using shifting method + if (var->getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned) { + // Only variables in field-aligned coordinates need the twist-shift boundary + // condition to be applied + + // Lower boundary + if (TS_down_in && (DDATA_INDEST != -1)) { + for (jx = 0; jx < DDATA_XSPLIT; jx++) + for (jy = 0; jy != MYG; jy++) + shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, ShiftAngle[jx]); + } + if (TS_down_out && (DDATA_OUTDEST != -1)) { + for (jx = DDATA_XSPLIT; jx < LocalNx; jx++) + for (jy = 0; jy != MYG; jy++) + shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, ShiftAngle[jx]); + } - // Upper boundary - if (TS_up_in && (UDATA_INDEST != -1)) { - for (jx = 0; jx < UDATA_XSPLIT; jx++) - for (jy = LocalNy - MYG; jy != LocalNy; jy++) - shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, -ShiftAngle[jx]); - } - if (TS_up_out && (UDATA_OUTDEST != -1)) { - for (jx = UDATA_XSPLIT; jx < LocalNx; jx++) - for (jy = LocalNy - MYG; jy != LocalNy; jy++) - shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, -ShiftAngle[jx]); + // Upper boundary + if (TS_up_in && (UDATA_INDEST != -1)) { + for (jx = 0; jx < UDATA_XSPLIT; jx++) + for (jy = LocalNy - MYG; jy != LocalNy; jy++) + shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, -ShiftAngle[jx]); + } + if (TS_up_out && (UDATA_OUTDEST != -1)) { + for (jx = UDATA_XSPLIT; jx < LocalNx; jx++) + for (jy = LocalNy - MYG; jy != LocalNy; jy++) + shiftZ(*var, jx, jy, -ShiftAngle[jx]); + } } } } @@ -1283,7 +1313,7 @@ bool BoutMesh::firstY() const { return PE_YIND == 0; } bool BoutMesh::lastY() const { return PE_YIND == NYPE - 1; } bool BoutMesh::firstY(int xpos) const { - int xglobal = XGLOBAL(xpos); + int xglobal = getGlobalXIndex(xpos); int rank; if (xglobal < ixseps_inner) { @@ -1297,7 +1327,7 @@ bool BoutMesh::firstY(int xpos) const { } bool BoutMesh::lastY(int xpos) const { - int xglobal = XGLOBAL(xpos); + int xglobal = getGlobalXIndex(xpos); int rank; int size; @@ -1475,27 +1505,48 @@ int BoutMesh::PROC_NUM(int xind, int yind) { return yind * NXPE + xind; } -/// Returns the global X index given a local index -int BoutMesh::XGLOBAL(int xloc) const { return xloc + PE_XIND * MXSUB; } - /// Returns the global X index given a local index int BoutMesh::XGLOBAL(BoutReal xloc, BoutReal &xglo) const { xglo = xloc + PE_XIND * MXSUB; return static_cast(xglo); } +/// Returns a global X index given a local index. +/// Global index includes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. +int BoutMesh::getGlobalXIndex(int xlocal) const { return xlocal + PE_XIND * MXSUB; } + +/// Returns a global X index given a local index. +/// Global index excludes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. +int BoutMesh::getGlobalXIndexNoBoundaries(int xlocal) const { + return xlocal + PE_XIND * MXSUB - MXG; +} + /// Returns a local X index given a global index int BoutMesh::XLOCAL(int xglo) const { return xglo - PE_XIND * MXSUB; } -/// Returns the global Y index given a local index -int BoutMesh::YGLOBAL(int yloc) const { return yloc + PE_YIND * MYSUB - MYG; } - /// Returns the global Y index given a local index int BoutMesh::YGLOBAL(BoutReal yloc, BoutReal &yglo) const { yglo = yloc + PE_YIND * MYSUB - MYG; return static_cast(yglo); } +/// Returns a global Y index given a local index. +/// Global index includes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. +int BoutMesh::getGlobalYIndex(int ylocal) const { + int yglobal = ylocal + PE_YIND * MYSUB; + if (jyseps1_2 > jyseps2_1 and PE_YIND*MYSUB + 2*MYG + 1 > ny_inner) { + // Double null, and we are past the upper target + yglobal += 2*MYG; + } + return yglobal; +} + +/// Returns a global Y index given a local index. +/// Global index excludes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. +int BoutMesh::getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(int ylocal) const { + return ylocal + PE_YIND * MYSUB - MYG; +} + /// Global Y index given local index and processor int BoutMesh::YGLOBAL(int yloc, int yproc) const { return yloc + yproc * MYSUB - MYG; } @@ -1504,6 +1555,15 @@ int BoutMesh::YLOCAL(int yglo) const { return yglo - PE_YIND * MYSUB + MYG; } int BoutMesh::YLOCAL(int yglo, int yproc) const { return yglo - yproc * MYSUB + MYG; } +/// Returns a global Z index given a local index. +/// Global index includes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. +int BoutMesh::getGlobalZIndex(int zlocal) const { return zlocal; } + +/// Returns a global Z index given a local index. +/// Global index excludes boundary cells, local index includes boundary or guard cells. +/// Note: at the moment z-direction is always periodic, so has zero boundary cells +int BoutMesh::getGlobalZIndexNoBoundaries(int zlocal) const { return zlocal; } + /// Return the Y processor number given a global Y index int BoutMesh::YPROC(int yind) { if ((yind < 0) || (yind > ny)) @@ -1871,17 +1931,17 @@ BoutMesh::CommHandle *BoutMesh::get_handle(int xlen, int ylen) { i = MPI_REQUEST_NULL; if (ylen > 0) { - ch->umsg_sendbuff = Array(ylen); - ch->dmsg_sendbuff = Array(ylen); - ch->umsg_recvbuff = Array(ylen); - ch->dmsg_recvbuff = Array(ylen); + ch->umsg_sendbuff.reallocate(ylen); + ch->dmsg_sendbuff.reallocate(ylen); + ch->umsg_recvbuff.reallocate(ylen); + ch->dmsg_recvbuff.reallocate(ylen); } if (xlen > 0) { - ch->imsg_sendbuff = Array(xlen); - ch->omsg_sendbuff = Array(xlen); - ch->imsg_recvbuff = Array(xlen); - ch->omsg_recvbuff = Array(xlen); + ch->imsg_sendbuff.reallocate(xlen); + ch->omsg_sendbuff.reallocate(xlen); + ch->imsg_recvbuff.reallocate(xlen); + ch->omsg_recvbuff.reallocate(xlen); } ch->xbufflen = xlen; @@ -1898,18 +1958,18 @@ BoutMesh::CommHandle *BoutMesh::get_handle(int xlen, int ylen) { // Check that the buffers are big enough (NOTE: Could search list for bigger buffers) if (ch->ybufflen < ylen) { - ch->umsg_sendbuff = Array(ylen); - ch->dmsg_sendbuff = Array(ylen); - ch->umsg_recvbuff = Array(ylen); - ch->dmsg_recvbuff = Array(ylen); + ch->umsg_sendbuff.reallocate(ylen); + ch->dmsg_sendbuff.reallocate(ylen); + ch->umsg_recvbuff.reallocate(ylen); + ch->dmsg_recvbuff.reallocate(ylen); ch->ybufflen = ylen; } if (ch->xbufflen < xlen) { - ch->imsg_sendbuff = Array(xlen); - ch->omsg_sendbuff = Array(xlen); - ch->imsg_recvbuff = Array(xlen); - ch->omsg_recvbuff = Array(xlen); + ch->imsg_sendbuff.reallocate(xlen); + ch->omsg_sendbuff.reallocate(xlen); + ch->imsg_recvbuff.reallocate(xlen); + ch->omsg_recvbuff.reallocate(xlen); ch->xbufflen = xlen; } @@ -1940,7 +2000,7 @@ void BoutMesh::clear_handles() { * Communication utilities ****************************************************************/ -int BoutMesh::pack_data(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, +int BoutMesh::pack_data(const std::vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt, BoutReal *buffer) { int len = 0; @@ -1973,7 +2033,7 @@ int BoutMesh::pack_data(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, i return (len); } -int BoutMesh::unpack_data(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, +int BoutMesh::unpack_data(const std::vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt, BoutReal *buffer) { int len = 0; @@ -2009,12 +2069,12 @@ int BoutMesh::unpack_data(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, ****************************************************************/ bool BoutMesh::periodicY(int jx) const { - return (XGLOBAL(jx) < ixseps_inner) && MYPE_IN_CORE; + return (getGlobalXIndex(jx) < ixseps_inner) && MYPE_IN_CORE; } bool BoutMesh::periodicY(int jx, BoutReal &ts) const { ts = 0.; - if ((XGLOBAL(jx) < ixseps_inner) && MYPE_IN_CORE) { + if ((getGlobalXIndex(jx) < ixseps_inner) && MYPE_IN_CORE) { if (TwistShift) ts = ShiftAngle[jx]; return true; @@ -2022,9 +2082,38 @@ bool BoutMesh::periodicY(int jx, BoutReal &ts) const { return false; } +std::pair BoutMesh::hasBranchCutLower(int jx) const { + if ( (TS_down_in and DDATA_INDEST != -1 and jx < DDATA_XSPLIT) + or (TS_down_out and DDATA_OUTDEST != -1 and jx >= DDATA_XSPLIT) ) { + // this processor has branch cut at lower boundary for jx + if (ShiftAngle.empty()) { + // This function should only be called during initialization, so always check + throw BoutException("BoutMesh failed to read ShiftAngle from the grid"); + } + return std::make_pair(true, ShiftAngle[jx]); + } + + return std::make_pair(false, 0.); +} + + +std::pair BoutMesh::hasBranchCutUpper(int jx) const { + if ( (TS_up_in and UDATA_INDEST != -1 and jx < UDATA_XSPLIT) + or (TS_up_out and UDATA_OUTDEST != -1 and jx >= UDATA_XSPLIT) ) { + // this processor has branch cut at upper boundary for jx + if (ShiftAngle.empty()) { + // This function should only be called during initialization, so always check + throw BoutException("BoutMesh failed to read ShiftAngle from the grid"); + } + return std::make_pair(true, ShiftAngle[jx]); + } + + return std::make_pair(false, 0.); +} + int BoutMesh::ySize(int xpos) const { - int xglobal = XGLOBAL(xpos); - int yglobal = YGLOBAL(MYG); + int xglobal = getGlobalXIndex(xpos); + int yglobal = getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(MYG); if ((xglobal < ixseps_lower) && ((yglobal <= jyseps1_1) || (yglobal > jyseps2_2))) { // Lower PF region @@ -2062,7 +2151,7 @@ int BoutMesh::ySize(int xpos) const { } MPI_Comm BoutMesh::getYcomm(int xpos) const { - int xglobal = XGLOBAL(xpos); + int xglobal = getGlobalXIndex(xpos); if (xglobal < ixseps_inner) { return comm_inner; @@ -2170,9 +2259,9 @@ void BoutMesh::addBoundaryRegions() { xe = -2; } - addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_INNER_Y", Region(xs, xe, 0, ystart-1, 0, LocalNz-1, + addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_INNER_Y", Region(xs, xe, yend+1, LocalNy-1, 0, LocalNz-1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); - addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_INNER_Y", Region(xs, xe, 0, ystart-1, 0, 0, + addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_INNER_Y", Region(xs, xe, yend+1, LocalNy-1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, maxregionblocksize)); all_boundaries.emplace_back("RGN_UPPER_INNER_Y"); @@ -2196,9 +2285,9 @@ void BoutMesh::addBoundaryRegions() { xe = xend; } - addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_OUTER_Y", Region(xs, xe, 0, ystart-1, 0, LocalNz-1, + addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_OUTER_Y", Region(xs, xe, yend+1, LocalNy-1, 0, LocalNz-1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); - addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_OUTER_Y", Region(xs, xe, 0, ystart-1, 0, 0, + addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_OUTER_Y", Region(xs, xe, yend+1, LocalNy-1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, maxregionblocksize)); all_boundaries.emplace_back("RGN_UPPER_OUTER_Y"); @@ -2216,14 +2305,14 @@ void BoutMesh::addBoundaryRegions() { if (xe > xend) xe = xend; - addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_Y", Region(xs, xe, 0, ystart-1, 0, LocalNz-1, + addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_Y", Region(xs, xe, yend+1, LocalNy-1, 0, LocalNz-1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); - addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_Y", Region(xs, xe, 0, ystart-1, 0, 0, + addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_Y", Region(xs, xe, yend+1, LocalNy-1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, maxregionblocksize)); all_boundaries.emplace_back("RGN_UPPER_Y"); // Inner X - if(mesh->firstX() && !mesh->periodicX) { + if(firstX() && !periodicX) { addRegion3D("RGN_INNER_X", Region(0, xstart-1, ystart, yend, 0, LocalNz-1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); addRegion2D("RGN_INNER_X", Region(0, xstart-1, ystart, yend, 0, 0, @@ -2240,7 +2329,7 @@ void BoutMesh::addBoundaryRegions() { } // Outer X - if(mesh->firstX() && !mesh->periodicX) { + if(firstX() && !periodicX) { addRegion3D("RGN_OUTER_X", Region(xend+1, LocalNx-1, ystart, yend, 0, LocalNz-1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); addRegion2D("RGN_OUTER_X", Region(xend+1, LocalNx-1, ystart, yend, 0, 0, @@ -2394,9 +2483,9 @@ const RangeIterator BoutMesh::iterateBndryUpperY() const { return RangeIterator(xs, xe); } -vector BoutMesh::getBoundaries() { return boundary; } +std::vector BoutMesh::getBoundaries() { return boundary; } -vector BoutMesh::getBoundariesPar() { return par_boundary; } +std::vector BoutMesh::getBoundariesPar() { return par_boundary; } void BoutMesh::addBoundaryPar(BoundaryRegionPar *bndry) { output_info << "Adding new parallel boundary: " << bndry->label << endl; @@ -2404,9 +2493,8 @@ void BoutMesh::addBoundaryPar(BoundaryRegionPar *bndry) { } const Field3D BoutMesh::smoothSeparatrix(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result(f); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; if ((ixseps_inner > 0) && (ixseps_inner < nx - 1)) { - result.allocate(); if (XPROC(ixseps_inner) == PE_XIND) { int x = XLOCAL(ixseps_inner); for (int y = 0; y < LocalNy; y++) @@ -2423,7 +2511,6 @@ const Field3D BoutMesh::smoothSeparatrix(const Field3D &f) { } } if ((ixseps_outer > 0) && (ixseps_outer < nx - 1) && (ixseps_outer != ixseps_inner)) { - result.allocate(); if (XPROC(ixseps_outer) == PE_XIND) { int x = XLOCAL(ixseps_outer); for (int y = 0; y < LocalNy; y++) @@ -2445,9 +2532,9 @@ const Field3D BoutMesh::smoothSeparatrix(const Field3D &f) { BoutReal BoutMesh::GlobalX(int jx) const { if (symmetricGlobalX) { // With this definition the boundary sits dx/2 away form the first/last inner points - return (0.5 + XGLOBAL(jx) - (nx - MX) * 0.5) / static_cast(MX); + return (0.5 + getGlobalXIndex(jx) - (nx - MX) * 0.5) / static_cast(MX); } - return static_cast(XGLOBAL(jx)) / static_cast(MX); + return static_cast(getGlobalXIndex(jx)) / static_cast(MX); } BoutReal BoutMesh::GlobalX(BoutReal jx) const { @@ -2465,7 +2552,7 @@ BoutReal BoutMesh::GlobalX(BoutReal jx) const { BoutReal BoutMesh::GlobalY(int jy) const { if (symmetricGlobalY) { - BoutReal yi = YGLOBAL(jy); + BoutReal yi = getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(jy); int nycore = (jyseps2_1 - jyseps1_1) + (jyseps2_2 - jyseps1_2); if (yi < ny_inner) { @@ -2477,7 +2564,7 @@ BoutReal BoutMesh::GlobalY(int jy) const { return yi / nycore; } - int ly = YGLOBAL(jy); // global poloidal index across subdomains + int ly = getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(jy); // global poloidal index across subdomains int nycore = (jyseps2_1 - jyseps1_1) + (jyseps2_2 - jyseps1_2); if (MYPE_IN_CORE) { @@ -2552,13 +2639,20 @@ void BoutMesh::outputVars(Datafile &file) { file.add(zperiod, "zperiod", false); file.add(MXSUB, "MXSUB", false); file.add(MYSUB, "MYSUB", false); + file.add(MZSUB, "MZSUB", false); + file.add(PE_XIND, "PE_XIND", false); + file.add(PE_YIND, "PE_YIND", false); + file.add(MYPE, "MYPE", false); file.add(MXG, "MXG", false); file.add(MYG, "MYG", false); + file.add(MZG, "MZG", false); file.add(nx, "nx", false); file.add(ny, "ny", false); - file.add(LocalNz, "MZ", false); + file.add(nz, "nz", false); + file.add(MZ, "MZ", false); file.add(NXPE, "NXPE", false); file.add(NYPE, "NYPE", false); + file.add(NZPE, "NZPE", false); file.add(ZMAX, "ZMAX", false); file.add(ZMIN, "ZMIN", false); file.add(ixseps1, "ixseps1", false); @@ -2567,6 +2661,7 @@ void BoutMesh::outputVars(Datafile &file) { file.add(jyseps1_2, "jyseps1_2", false); file.add(jyseps2_1, "jyseps2_1", false); file.add(jyseps2_2, "jyseps2_2", false); + file.add(ny_inner, "ny_inner", false); getCoordinates()->outputVars(file); } diff --git a/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx b/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx index 8b8fb97ee1..0546f9b3fe 100644 --- a/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx +++ b/src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx @@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ #include #include -using std::list; -using std::vector; - /// Implementation of Mesh (mostly) compatible with BOUT /// /// Topology and communications compatible with BOUT @@ -21,10 +18,10 @@ using std::vector; class BoutMesh : public Mesh { public: BoutMesh(GridDataSource *s, Options *options = nullptr); - ~BoutMesh(); + ~BoutMesh() override; /// Read in the mesh from data sources - int load(); + int load() override; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Communicate variables @@ -43,152 +40,181 @@ class BoutMesh : public Mesh { /// ... /// mesh->wait(handle); /// - comm_handle send(FieldGroup &g); + comm_handle send(FieldGroup& g) override; /// Wait for a send operation to complete /// @param[in] handle The handle returned by send() - int wait(comm_handle handle); + int wait(comm_handle handle) override; ///////////////////////////////////////////// // non-local communications - MPI_Request sendToProc(int xproc, int yproc, BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - comm_handle receiveFromProc(int xproc, int yproc, BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); + MPI_Request sendToProc(int xproc, int yproc, BoutReal* buffer, int size, + int tag) override; + comm_handle receiveFromProc(int xproc, int yproc, BoutReal* buffer, int size, + int tag) override; - int getNXPE(); ///< The number of processors in the X direction - int getNYPE(); ///< The number of processors in the Y direction - int getXProcIndex(); ///< This processor's index in X direction - int getYProcIndex(); ///< This processor's index in Y direction + int getNXPE() override; ///< The number of processors in the X direction + int getNYPE() override; ///< The number of processors in the Y direction + int getXProcIndex() override; ///< This processor's index in X direction + int getYProcIndex() override; ///< This processor's index in Y direction ///////////////////////////////////////////// // X communications - bool firstX(); ///< Is this processor the first in X? i.e. is there a boundary to the left in X? - bool lastX(); ///< Is this processor last in X? i.e. is there a boundary to the right in X? + bool firstX() override; ///< Is this processor the first in X? i.e. is there a boundary + ///< to the left in X? + bool lastX() override; ///< Is this processor last in X? i.e. is there a boundary to the + ///< right in X? /// Send a buffer of data to processor at X index +1 /// /// @param[in] buffer The data to send. Must be at least length \p size /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals to send /// @param[in] tag A label for the communication. Must be the same at receive - int sendXOut(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); + int sendXOut(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; /// Send a buffer of data to processor at X index -1 /// /// @param[in] buffer The data to send. Must be at least length \p size /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals to send /// @param[in] tag A label for the communication. Must be the same at receive - int sendXIn(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); + int sendXIn(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; /// Receive a buffer of data from X index +1 /// /// @param[in] buffer A buffer to put the data in. Must already be allocated of length \p size /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals to receive and put in \p buffer /// @param[in] tag A label for the communication. Must be the same as sent - comm_handle irecvXOut(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); + comm_handle irecvXOut(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; /// Receive a buffer of data from X index -1 /// /// @param[in] buffer A buffer to put the data in. Must already be allocated of length \p size /// @param[in] size The number of BoutReals to receive and put in \p buffer /// @param[in] tag A label for the communication. Must be the same as sent - comm_handle irecvXIn(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); + comm_handle irecvXIn(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; - MPI_Comm getXcomm(int UNUSED(jy)) const {return comm_x; } ///< Return communicator containing all processors in X - MPI_Comm getYcomm(int jx) const; ///< Return communicator containing all processors in Y + /// Return communicator containing all processors in X + MPI_Comm getXcomm(int UNUSED(jy)) const override { return comm_x; } + /// Return communicator containing all processors in Y + MPI_Comm getYcomm(int jx) const override; /// Is local X index \p jx periodic in Y? /// /// \param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X /// \param[out] ts The Twist-Shift angle if periodic - bool periodicY(int jx, BoutReal &ts) const; + bool periodicY(int jx, BoutReal& ts) const override; /// Is local X index \p jx periodic in Y? /// /// \param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X - bool periodicY(int jx) const; + bool periodicY(int jx) const override; + + /// Is there a branch cut at this processor's lower boundary? + /// + /// @param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X + /// @returns pair - bool is true if there is a branch cut, + /// BoutReal gives the total zShift for a 2pi + /// poloidal circuit if there is a branch cut + std::pair hasBranchCutLower(int jx) const override; - int ySize(int jx) const; ///< The number of points in Y at fixed X index \p jx + /// Is there a branch cut at this processor's upper boundary? + /// + /// @param[in] jx The local (on this processor) index in X + /// @returns pair - bool is true if there is a branch cut, + /// BoutReal gives the total zShift for a 2pi + /// poloidal circuit if there is a branch cut + std::pair hasBranchCutUpper(int jx) const override; + + int ySize(int jx) const override; ///< The number of points in Y at fixed X index \p jx ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Y communications - bool firstY() const; - bool lastY() const; - bool firstY(int xpos) const; - bool lastY(int xpos) const; - int UpXSplitIndex(); - int DownXSplitIndex(); - int sendYOutIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - int sendYOutOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - int sendYInIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - int sendYInOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - comm_handle irecvYOutIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - comm_handle irecvYOutOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - comm_handle irecvYInIndest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); - comm_handle irecvYInOutdest(BoutReal *buffer, int size, int tag); + bool firstY() const override; + bool lastY() const override; + bool firstY(int xpos) const override; + bool lastY(int xpos) const override; + int UpXSplitIndex() override; + int DownXSplitIndex() override; + int sendYOutIndest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + int sendYOutOutdest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + int sendYInIndest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + int sendYInOutdest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + comm_handle irecvYOutIndest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + comm_handle irecvYOutOutdest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + comm_handle irecvYInIndest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; + comm_handle irecvYInOutdest(BoutReal* buffer, int size, int tag) override; // Boundary iteration - const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerY() const; - const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperY() const; - const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerInnerY() const; - const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerOuterY() const; - const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperInnerY() const; - const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperOuterY() const; - + const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerY() const override; + const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperY() const override; + const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerInnerY() const override; + const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerOuterY() const override; + const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperInnerY() const override; + const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperOuterY() const override; // Boundary regions - vector getBoundaries(); - vector getBoundariesPar(); - void addBoundaryPar(BoundaryRegionPar* bndry); + std::vector getBoundaries() override; + std::vector getBoundariesPar() override; + void addBoundaryPar(BoundaryRegionPar* bndry) override; - const Field3D smoothSeparatrix(const Field3D &f); + const Field3D smoothSeparatrix(const Field3D& f) override; - int getNx() const {return nx;} - int getNy() const {return ny;} + int getNx() const { return nx; } + int getNy() const { return ny; } - BoutReal GlobalX(int jx) const; - BoutReal GlobalY(int jy) const; - BoutReal GlobalX(BoutReal jx) const; - BoutReal GlobalY(BoutReal jy) const; + BoutReal GlobalX(int jx) const override; + BoutReal GlobalY(int jy) const override; + BoutReal GlobalX(BoutReal jx) const override; + BoutReal GlobalY(BoutReal jy) const override; - BoutReal getIxseps1() const {return ixseps1;} - BoutReal getIxseps2() const {return ixseps2;} + BoutReal getIxseps1() const { return ixseps1; } + BoutReal getIxseps2() const { return ixseps2; } - void outputVars(Datafile &file); + void outputVars(Datafile& file) override; - int XGLOBAL(int xloc) const; - int YGLOBAL(int yloc) const; - int XGLOBAL(BoutReal xloc, BoutReal &xglo) const; - int YGLOBAL(BoutReal yloc, BoutReal &yglo) const; + int getGlobalXIndex(int xlocal) const override; + int getGlobalXIndexNoBoundaries(int xlocal) const override; + int getGlobalYIndex(int ylocal) const override; + int getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(int ylocal) const override; + int getGlobalZIndex(int zlocal) const override; + int getGlobalZIndexNoBoundaries(int zlocal) const override; - private: - string gridname; - int nx, ny; ///< Size of the grid in the input file - int MX, MY; ///< size of the grid excluding boundary regions + int XLOCAL(int xglo) const override; + int YLOCAL(int yglo) const override; - int MYSUB, MXSUB; ///< Size of the grid on this processor +private: + std::string gridname; + int nx, ny, nz; ///< Size of the grid in the input file + int MX, MY, MZ; ///< size of the grid excluding boundary regions + + int MYSUB, MXSUB, MZSUB; ///< Size of the grid on this processor int NPES; ///< Number of processors int MYPE; ///< Rank of this processor int PE_YIND; ///< Y index of this processor - int NYPE; // Number of processors in the Y direction + int NYPE; // Number of processors in the Y direction + + int NZPE; + + int MYPE_IN_CORE; // 1 if processor in core - int MYPE_IN_CORE; // 1 if processor in core + int XGLOBAL(BoutReal xloc, BoutReal& xglo) const; + int YGLOBAL(BoutReal yloc, BoutReal& yglo) const; // Topology int ixseps1, ixseps2, jyseps1_1, jyseps2_1, jyseps1_2, jyseps2_2; int ixseps_inner, ixseps_outer, ixseps_upper, ixseps_lower; int ny_inner; - vector ShiftAngle; ///< Angle for twist-shift location + std::vector ShiftAngle; ///< Angle for twist-shift location // Processor number, local <-> global translation int PROC_NUM(int xind, int yind); // (PE_XIND, PE_YIND) -> MYPE - int XLOCAL(int xglo) const; int YGLOBAL(int yloc, int yproc) const; - int YLOCAL(int yglo) const; int YLOCAL(int yglo, int yproc) const; int YPROC(int yind); int XPROC(int xind); @@ -202,50 +228,55 @@ class BoutMesh : public Mesh { int IDATA_DEST, ODATA_DEST; // X inner and outer destinations // Settings - bool TwistShift; // Use a twist-shift condition in core? + bool TwistShift; // Use a twist-shift condition in core? bool symmetricGlobalX; ///< Use a symmetric definition in GlobalX() function bool symmetricGlobalY; - int zperiod; - BoutReal ZMIN, ZMAX; // Range of the Z domain (in fractions of 2pi) + int zperiod; + BoutReal ZMIN, ZMAX; // Range of the Z domain (in fractions of 2pi) - int MXG, MYG; // Boundary sizes + int MXG, MYG, MZG; // Boundary sizes void default_connections(); void set_connection(int ypos1, int ypos2, int xge, int xlt, bool ts = false); void add_target(int ypos, int xge, int xlt); void topology(); - + void addBoundaryRegions(); ///< Adds 2D and 3D regions for boundaries - - vector boundary; // Vector of boundary regions - vector par_boundary; // Vector of parallel boundary regions + + std::vector boundary; // Vector of boundary regions + std::vector par_boundary; // Vector of parallel boundary regions ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communications - bool async_send; ///< Switch to asyncronous sends (ISend, not Send) + bool async_send; ///< Switch to asyncronous sends (ISend, not Send) /// Communication handle /// Used to keep track of communications between send and receive struct CommHandle { - /// Array of receive requests. One for each possible neighbour; one each way in X, two each way in Y + /// Array of receive requests. One for each possible neighbour; one each way in X, two + /// each way in Y MPI_Request request[6]; - /// Array of send requests (for non-blocking send). One for each possible neighbour; one each way in X, two each way in Y + /// Array of send requests (for non-blocking send). One for each possible neighbour; + /// one each way in X, two each way in Y MPI_Request sendreq[6]; - int xbufflen, ybufflen; ///< Length of the buffers used to send/receive (in BoutReals) - Array umsg_sendbuff, dmsg_sendbuff, imsg_sendbuff, omsg_sendbuff; ///< Sending buffers - Array umsg_recvbuff, dmsg_recvbuff, imsg_recvbuff, omsg_recvbuff; ///< Receiving buffers - bool in_progress; ///< Is the communication still going? - + /// Length of the buffers used to send/receive (in BoutReals) + int xbufflen, ybufflen; + /// Sending buffers + Array umsg_sendbuff, dmsg_sendbuff, imsg_sendbuff, omsg_sendbuff; + /// Receiving buffers + Array umsg_recvbuff, dmsg_recvbuff, imsg_recvbuff, omsg_recvbuff; + /// Is the communication still going? + bool in_progress; /// List of fields being communicated FieldGroup var_list; }; - void free_handle(CommHandle *h); + void free_handle(CommHandle* h); CommHandle* get_handle(int xlen, int ylen); void clear_handles(); - list comm_list; // List of allocated communication handles + std::list comm_list; // List of allocated communication handles ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // X communicator @@ -255,18 +286,22 @@ class BoutMesh : public Mesh { ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Surface communications - MPI_Comm comm_inner, comm_middle, comm_outer; ///< Communicators in Y. Inside both separatrices; between separatrices; and outside both separatrices + /// Communicators in Y. Inside both separatrices; between separatrices; + /// and outside both separatrices + MPI_Comm comm_inner, comm_middle, comm_outer; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Communication routines /// Create the MPI requests to receive data. Non-blocking call. - void post_receive(CommHandle &ch); + void post_receive(CommHandle& ch); /// Take data from objects and put into a buffer - int pack_data(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt, BoutReal *buffer); + int pack_data(const std::vector& var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, + int ylt, BoutReal* buffer); /// Copy data from a buffer back into the fields - int unpack_data(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt, BoutReal *buffer); + int unpack_data(const std::vector& var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, + int ylt, BoutReal* buffer); }; #endif // __BOUTMESH_H__ diff --git a/src/mesh/index_derivs.cxx b/src/mesh/index_derivs.cxx index b1755f8a39..539d5072dd 100644 --- a/src/mesh/index_derivs.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/index_derivs.cxx @@ -1,28 +1,4 @@ /************************************************************************** - * Basic derivative methods in mesh index space - * - * - * Four kinds of differencing methods: - * - * 1. First derivative DD* - * Central differencing e.g. Div(f) - * - * 2. Second derivatives D2D*2 - * Central differencing e.g. Delp2(f) - * - * 3. Upwinding VDD* - * Terms like v*Grad(f) - * - * 4. Flux methods FDD* (e.g. flux conserving, limiting) - * Div(v*f) - * - * Changelog - * ========= - * - * 2014-11-22 Ben Dudson - * o Moved here from sys/derivs, made part of Mesh - * - ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk @@ -44,57 +20,65 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - +#include "bout/traits.hxx" +#include +#include #include -#include -#include #include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include - /******************************************************************************* - * Limiters + * Helper routines *******************************************************************************/ -/// Van Leer limiter. Used in TVD code -BoutReal VANLEER(BoutReal r) { return r + fabs(r) / (1.0 + fabs(r)); } - -// Superbee limiter -BoutReal SUPERBEE(BoutReal r) { - return BOUTMAX(0.0, BOUTMIN(2. * r, 1.0), BOUTMIN(r, 2.)); +/// Initialise the derivative methods. Must be called before any derivatives are used +void Mesh::derivs_init(Options* options) { + TRACE("Initialising derivatives"); + // For each direction need to set what the default method is for each type + // of derivative. + DerivativeStore::getInstance().initialise(options); + DerivativeStore::getInstance().initialise(options); + // Get the fraction of modes filtered out in FFT derivatives + options->getSection("ddz")->get("fft_filter", fft_derivs_filter, 0.0); } -/******************************************************************************* - * Basic derivative methods. - * All expect to have an input grid cell at the same location as the output - * Hence convert cell centred values -> centred values, or left -> left - *******************************************************************************/ +STAGGER Mesh::getStagger(const CELL_LOC inloc, const CELL_LOC outloc, + const CELL_LOC allowedStaggerLoc) const { + TRACE("Mesh::getStagger -- three arguments"); + ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == allowedStaggerLoc) + || (outloc == allowedStaggerLoc && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); + + if ((!StaggerGrids) || outloc == inloc) + return STAGGER::None; + if (outloc == allowedStaggerLoc) { + return STAGGER::C2L; + } else { + return STAGGER::L2C; + } +} -const BoutReal WENO_SMALL = 1.0e-8; // Small number for WENO schemes +STAGGER Mesh::getStagger(const CELL_LOC vloc, MAYBE_UNUSED(const CELL_LOC inloc), + const CELL_LOC outloc, const CELL_LOC allowedStaggerLoc) const { + TRACE("Mesh::getStagger -- four arguments"); + ASSERT1(inloc == outloc); + ASSERT1(vloc == inloc || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == allowedStaggerLoc) + || (vloc == allowedStaggerLoc && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); + return getStagger(vloc, outloc, allowedStaggerLoc); +} ////////////////////// FIRST DERIVATIVES ///////////////////// /// central, 2nd order -BoutReal DDX_C2(stencil &f) { return 0.5 * (f.p - f.m); } +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(DDX_C2, "C2", 1, DERIV::Standard) { + return 0.5 * (f.p - f.m); +}; /// central, 4th order -BoutReal DDX_C4(stencil &f) { return (8. * f.p - 8. * f.m + f.mm - f.pp) / 12.; } +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(DDX_C4, "C4", 2, DERIV::Standard) { + return (8. * f.p - 8. * f.m + f.mm - f.pp) / 12.; +} /// Central WENO method, 2nd order (reverts to 1st order near shocks) -BoutReal DDX_CWENO2(stencil &f) { +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(DDX_CWENO2, "W2", 1, DERIV::Standard) { BoutReal isl, isr, isc; // Smoothness indicators BoutReal al, ar, ac, sa; // Un-normalised weights BoutReal dl, dr, dc; // Derivatives using different stencils @@ -116,7 +100,7 @@ BoutReal DDX_CWENO2(stencil &f) { } // Smoothing 2nd order derivative -BoutReal DDX_S2(stencil &f) { +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(DDX_S2, "S2", 2, DERIV::Standard) { // 4th-order differencing BoutReal result = (8. * f.p - 8. * f.m + f.mm - f.pp) / 12.; @@ -126,71 +110,114 @@ BoutReal DDX_S2(stencil &f) { return result; } -///////////////////// SECOND DERIVATIVES //////////////////// +/// Also CWENO3 but needs an upwind op so define later. + +////////////////////////////// +//--- Second order derivatives +////////////////////////////// /// Second derivative: Central, 2nd order -BoutReal D2DX2_C2(stencil &f) { return f.p + f.m - 2. * f.c; } +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(D2DX2_C2, "C2", 1, DERIV::StandardSecond) { + return f.p + f.m - 2. * f.c; +} /// Second derivative: Central, 4th order -BoutReal D2DX2_C4(stencil &f) { +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(D2DX2_C4, "C4", 2, DERIV::StandardSecond) { return (-f.pp + 16. * f.p - 30. * f.c + 16. * f.m - f.mm) / 12.; } -//////////////////////// UPWIND METHODS /////////////////////// +////////////////////////////// +//--- Fourth order derivatives +////////////////////////////// +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(D4DX4_C2, "C2", 2, DERIV::StandardFourth) { + return (f.pp - 4. * f.p + 6. * f.c - 4. * f.m + f.mm); +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Upwind non-staggered methods +/// +/// Basic derivative methods. +/// All expect to have an input grid cell at the same location as the output +/// Hence convert cell centred values -> centred values, or left -> left +/// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +std::tuple vUpDown(BoutReal v) { + return std::tuple{0.5 * (v + fabs(v)), 0.5 * (v - fabs(v))}; +} /// Upwinding: Central, 2nd order -BoutReal VDDX_C2(BoutReal vc, stencil &f) { return vc * 0.5 * (f.p - f.m); } +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(VDDX_C2, "C2", 1, DERIV::Upwind) { + return vc * 0.5 * (f.p - f.m); +} /// Upwinding: Central, 4th order -BoutReal VDDX_C4(BoutReal vc, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(VDDX_C4, "C4", 2, DERIV::Upwind) { return vc * (8. * f.p - 8. * f.m + f.mm - f.pp) / 12.; } /// upwind, 1st order -BoutReal VDDX_U1(BoutReal vc, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(VDDX_U1, "U1", 1, DERIV::Upwind) { // No vec + // Existing form doesn't vectorise due to branching return vc >= 0.0 ? vc * (f.c - f.m) : vc * (f.p - f.c); + // Alternative form would but may involve more operations + const auto vSplit = vUpDown(vc); + return (std::get<0>(vSplit) * (f.p - f.c) + std::get<1>(vSplit) * (f.c - f.m)); } /// upwind, 2nd order -BoutReal VDDX_U2(BoutReal vc, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(VDDX_U2, "U2", 2, DERIV::Upwind) { // No vec + // Existing form doesn't vectorise due to branching return vc >= 0.0 ? vc * (1.5 * f.c - 2.0 * f.m + 0.5 * f.mm) : vc * (-0.5 * f.pp + 2.0 * f.p - 1.5 * f.c); + // Alternative form would but may involve more operations + const auto vSplit = vUpDown(vc); + return (std::get<0>(vSplit) * (1.5 * f.c - 2.0 * f.m + 0.5 * f.mm) + + std::get<1>(vSplit) * (-0.5 * f.pp + 2.0 * f.p - 1.5 * f.c)); } /// upwind, 3rd order -BoutReal VDDX_U3(BoutReal vc, stencil &f) { - return vc >= 0.0 ? vc*(4.*f.p - 12.*f.m + 2.*f.mm + 6.*f.c)/12. - : vc*(-4.*f.m + 12.*f.p - 2.*f.pp - 6.*f.c)/12.; +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(VDDX_U3, "U3", 2, DERIV::Upwind) { // No vec + // Existing form doesn't vectorise due to branching + return vc >= 0.0 ? vc * (4. * f.p - 12. * f.m + 2. * f.mm + 6. * f.c) / 12. + : vc * (-4. * f.m + 12. * f.p - 2. * f.pp - 6. * f.c) / 12.; + // Alternative form would but may involve more operations + const auto vSplit = vUpDown(vc); + return (std::get<0>(vSplit) * (4. * f.p - 12. * f.m + 2. * f.mm + 6. * f.c) + + std::get<1>(vSplit) * (-4. * f.m + 12. * f.p - 2. * f.pp - 6. * f.c)) + / 12.; } /// 3rd-order WENO scheme -BoutReal VDDX_WENO3(BoutReal vc, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE(VDDX_WENO3, "W3", 2, DERIV::Upwind) { // No vec BoutReal deriv, w, r; + // Existing form doesn't vectorise due to branching if (vc > 0.0) { // Left-biased stencil - r = (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.c - 2.0 * f.m + f.mm)) / - (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.p - 2.0 * f.c + f.m)); - w = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * r * r); + r = (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.c - 2.0 * f.m + f.mm)) + / (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.p - 2.0 * f.c + f.m)); - deriv = 0.5 * (f.p - f.m) - 0.5 * w * (-f.mm + 3. * f.m - 3. * f.c + f.p); + deriv = (-f.mm + 3. * f.m - 3. * f.c + f.p); } else { // Right-biased - r = (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.pp - 2.0 * f.p + f.c)) / - (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.p - 2.0 * f.c + f.m)); - w = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * r * r); + r = (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.pp - 2.0 * f.p + f.c)) + / (WENO_SMALL + SQ(f.p - 2.0 * f.c + f.m)); - deriv = 0.5 * (f.p - f.m) - 0.5 * w * (-f.m + 3. * f.c - 3. * f.p + f.pp); + deriv = (-f.m + 3. * f.c - 3. * f.p + f.pp); } + w = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * r * r); + deriv = 0.5 * ((f.p - f.m) - w * deriv); + return vc * deriv; } +///----------------------------------------------------------------- /// 3rd-order CWENO. Uses the upwinding code and split flux -BoutReal DDX_CWENO3(stencil &f) { +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE(DDX_CWENO3, "W3", 2, DERIV::Standard) { BoutReal a, ma = fabs(f.c); // Split flux a = fabs(f.m); @@ -220,113 +247,118 @@ BoutReal DDX_CWENO3(stencil &f) { sm.p = ma - f.p; sm.pp = ma - f.pp; - return VDDX_WENO3(0.5, sp) + VDDX_WENO3(-0.5, sm); + const VDDX_WENO3 upwindOp{}; + return upwindOp(0.5, sp) + upwindOp(-0.5, sm); } -//////////////////////// FLUX METHODS /////////////////////// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Flux non-staggered methods +/// +/// Basic derivative methods. +/// All expect to have an input grid cell at the same location as the output +/// Hence convert cell centred values -> centred values, or left -> left +/// +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE(FDDX_U1, "U1", 1, DERIV::Flux) { // No vec -BoutReal FDDX_U1(stencil &v, stencil &f) { // Velocity at lower end BoutReal vs = 0.5 * (v.m + v.c); BoutReal result = (vs >= 0.0) ? vs * f.m : vs * f.c; // and at upper vs = 0.5 * (v.c + v.p); + // Existing form doesn't vectorise due to branching result -= (vs >= 0.0) ? vs * f.c : vs * f.p; + return -result; - return - result; + // Alternative form would but may involve more operations + const auto vSplit = vUpDown(vs); + return result - std::get<0>(vSplit) * f.c + std::get<1>(vSplit) * f.p; } -BoutReal FDDX_C2(stencil &v, stencil &f) { return 0.5 * (v.p * f.p - v.m * f.m); } +REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE(FDDX_U2, "U2", 2, DERIV::Flux) { // No vec -BoutReal FDDX_C4(stencil &v, stencil &f) { - return (8. * v.p * f.p - 8. * v.m * f.m + v.mm * f.mm - v.pp * f.pp) / 12.; + // Velocity at lower end + BoutReal vs = 0.5 * (v.m + v.c); + BoutReal result = (vs >= 0.0) ? vs * (1.5*f.m - 0.5*f.mm) : vs * (1.5*f.c - 0.5*f.p); + // and at upper + vs = 0.5 * (v.c + v.p); + // Existing form doesn't vectorise due to branching + result -= (vs >= 0.0) ? vs * (1.5*f.c - 0.5*f.m) : vs * (1.5*f.p - 0.5*f.pp); + return -result; } -//////////////////////// MUSCL scheme /////////////////////// - -void DDX_KT_LR(const stencil &f, BoutReal &fLp, BoutReal &fRp, BoutReal &fLm, - BoutReal &fRm) { - // Limiter functions - BoutReal phi = SUPERBEE((f.c - f.m) / (f.p - f.c)); - BoutReal phi_m = SUPERBEE((f.m - f.mm) / (f.c - f.m)); - BoutReal phi_p = SUPERBEE((f.p - f.c) / (f.pp - f.p)); - - fLp = f.c + 0.5 * phi * (f.p - f.c); - fRp = f.p - 0.5 * phi_p * (f.pp - f.p); - - fLm = f.m + 0.5 * phi_m * (f.c - f.m); - fRm = f.c - 0.5 * phi * (f.p - f.c); +REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE(FDDX_C2, "C2", 2, DERIV::Flux) { + return 0.5 * (v.p * f.p - v.m * f.m); } -// du/dt = d/dx(f) with maximum local velocity Vmax -BoutReal DDX_KT(const stencil &f, const stencil &u, const BoutReal Vmax) { - BoutReal uLp, uRp, uLm, uRm; - BoutReal fLp, fRp, fLm, fRm; - - DDX_KT_LR(u, uLp, uRp, uLm, uRm); - DDX_KT_LR(f, fLp, fRp, fLm, fRm); - - BoutReal Fm = 0.5 * (fRm + fLm - Vmax * (uRm - uLm)); - BoutReal Fp = 0.5 * (fRp + fLp - Vmax * (uRp - uLp)); - - return Fm - Fp; +REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE(FDDX_C4, "C4", 2, DERIV::Flux) { + return (8. * v.p * f.p - 8. * v.m * f.m + v.mm * f.mm - v.pp * f.pp) / 12.; } -/******************************************************************************* - * Staggered differencing methods - * These expect the output grid cell to be at a different location to the input - * - * The stencil no longer has a value in 'C' (centre) - * instead, points are shifted as follows: - * - * mm -> -3/2 h - * m -> -1/2 h - * p -> +1/2 h - * pp -? +3/2 h - * - * NOTE: Cell widths (dx, dy, dz) are currently defined as centre->centre - * for the methods above. This is currently not taken account of, so large - * variations in cell size will cause issues. - *******************************************************************************/ - -/////////////////////// FIRST DERIVATIVES ////////////////////// -// Map Centre -> Low or Low -> Centre - -// Second order differencing (staggered) -BoutReal DDX_C2_stag(stencil &f) { return f.p - f.m; } - -BoutReal DDX_C4_stag(stencil &f) { return (27. * (f.p - f.m) - (f.pp - f.mm)) / 24.; } - -BoutReal D2DX2_C2_stag(stencil &f) { return (f.pp + f.mm - f.p - f.m) / 2.; } -/////////////////////////// UPWINDING /////////////////////////// -// Map (Low, Centre) -> Centre or (Centre, Low) -> Low -// Hence v contains only (mm, m, p, pp) fields whilst f has 'c' too -// -// v.p is v at +1/2, v.m is at -1/2 - -BoutReal VDDX_U1_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f) { +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Staggered methods +/// +/// Map Centre -> Low or Low -> Centre +/// +/// These expect the output grid cell to be at a different location to the input +/// +/// The stencil no longer has a value in 'C' (centre) +/// instead, points are shifted as follows: +/// +/// mm -> -3/2 h +/// m -> -1/2 h +/// p -> +1/2 h +/// pp -? +3/2 h +/// +/// NOTE: Cell widths (dx, dy, dz) are currently defined as centre->centre +/// for the methods above. This is currently not taken account of, so large +/// variations in cell size will cause issues. +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Standard methods -- first order +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(DDX_C2_stag, "C2", 1, DERIV::Standard) { + return f.p - f.m; +} + +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(DDX_C4_stag, "C4", 2, DERIV::Standard) { + return (27. * (f.p - f.m) - (f.pp - f.mm)) / 24.; +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Standard methods -- second order +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +REGISTER_STANDARD_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(D2DX2_C2_stag, "C2", 2, DERIV::StandardSecond) { + return (f.pp + f.mm - f.p - f.m) / 2.; +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Upwind methods +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(VDDX_U1_stag, "U1", 1, DERIV::Upwind) { // Lower cell boundary BoutReal result = (v.m >= 0) ? v.m * f.m : v.m * f.c; // Upper cell boundary result -= (v.p >= 0) ? v.p * f.c : v.p * f.p; - result *= -1; // result is now d/dx(v*f), but want v*d/dx(f) so subtract f*d/dx(v) result -= f.c * (v.p - v.m); - return result; } -BoutReal VDDX_U2_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(VDDX_U2_stag, "U2", 2, DERIV::Upwind) { // Calculate d(v*f)/dx = (v*f)[i+1/2] - (v*f)[i-1/2] // Upper cell boundary - BoutReal result = (v.p >= 0.) ? v.p * (1.5*f.c - 0.5*f.m) : v.p * (1.5*f.p - 0.5*f.pp); + BoutReal result = + (v.p >= 0.) ? v.p * (1.5 * f.c - 0.5 * f.m) : v.p * (1.5 * f.p - 0.5 * f.pp); // Lower cell boundary - result -= (v.m >= 0.) ? v.m * (1.5*f.m - 0.5*f.mm) : v.m * (1.5*f.c - 0.5*f.p); + result -= (v.m >= 0.) ? v.m * (1.5 * f.m - 0.5 * f.mm) : v.m * (1.5 * f.c - 0.5 * f.p); // result is now d/dx(v*f), but want v*d/dx(f) so subtract f*d/dx(v) result -= f.c * (v.p - v.m); @@ -334,2604 +366,209 @@ BoutReal VDDX_U2_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f) { return result; } -BoutReal VDDX_C2_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(VDDX_C2_stag, "C2", 1, DERIV::Upwind) { // Result is needed at location of f: interpolate v to f's location and take an // unstaggered derivative of f return 0.5 * (v.p + v.m) * 0.5 * (f.p - f.m); } -BoutReal VDDX_C4_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f) { +REGISTER_UPWIND_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(VDDX_C4_stag, "C4", 2, DERIV::Upwind) { // Result is needed at location of f: interpolate v to f's location and take an // unstaggered derivative of f - return (9. * (v.m + v.p) - v.mm - v.pp) / 16. * (8. * f.p - 8. * f.m + f.mm - f.pp) / - 12.; + return (9. * (v.m + v.p) - v.mm - v.pp) / 16. * (8. * f.p - 8. * f.m + f.mm - f.pp) + / 12.; } -/////////////////////////// FLUX /////////////////////////// -// Map (Low, Centre) -> Centre or (Centre, Low) -> Low -// Hence v contains only (mm, m, p, pp) fields whilst f has 'c' too -// -// v.p is v at +1/2, v.m is at -1/2 - -BoutReal FDDX_U1_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f) { +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Flux methods +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(FDDX_U1_stag, "U1", 1, DERIV::Flux) { // Lower cell boundary BoutReal result = (v.m >= 0) ? v.m * f.m : v.m * f.c; // Upper cell boundary result -= (v.p >= 0) ? v.p * f.c : v.p * f.p; - return - result; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - * Lookup tables of functions. Map between names, codes and functions - *******************************************************************************/ - -/// Translate between DIFF_METHOD codes, and functions -struct DiffLookup { - DIFF_METHOD method; - Mesh::deriv_func func; // Single-argument differencing function - Mesh::upwind_func up_func; // Upwinding function - Mesh::flux_func fl_func; // Flux function - operator Mesh::deriv_func (){ - return func; - } - operator Mesh::upwind_func (){ - return up_func; - } - operator Mesh::flux_func (){ - return fl_func; - } -}; - -/// Translate between short names, long names and DIFF_METHOD codes -struct DiffNameLookup { - DIFF_METHOD method; - const char *label; // Short name - const char *name; // Long name -}; - -/// Differential function name/code lookup -static DiffNameLookup DiffNameTable[] = { - {DIFF_U1, "U1", "First order upwinding"}, - {DIFF_U2, "U2", "Second order upwinding"}, - {DIFF_C2, "C2", "Second order central"}, - {DIFF_W2, "W2", "Second order WENO"}, - {DIFF_W3, "W3", "Third order WENO"}, - {DIFF_C4, "C4", "Fourth order central"}, - {DIFF_U3, "U3", "Third order upwinding"}, - {DIFF_U3, "U4", "Third order upwinding (Can't do 4th order yet)."}, - {DIFF_S2, "S2", "Smoothing 2nd order"}, - {DIFF_FFT, "FFT", "FFT"}, - {DIFF_SPLIT, "SPLIT", "Split into upwind and central"}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr}}; // Use to terminate the list - -/// First derivative lookup table -static DiffLookup FirstDerivTable[] = { - {DIFF_C2, DDX_C2, nullptr, nullptr}, {DIFF_W2, DDX_CWENO2, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_W3, DDX_CWENO3, nullptr, nullptr}, {DIFF_C4, DDX_C4, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_S2, DDX_S2, nullptr, nullptr}, {DIFF_FFT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// Second derivative lookup table -static DiffLookup SecondDerivTable[] = {{DIFF_C2, D2DX2_C2, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_C4, D2DX2_C4, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_FFT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// Upwinding functions lookup table -static DiffLookup UpwindTable[] = { - {DIFF_U1, nullptr, VDDX_U1, nullptr}, {DIFF_U2, nullptr, VDDX_U2, nullptr}, - {DIFF_C2, nullptr, VDDX_C2, nullptr}, {DIFF_U3, nullptr, VDDX_U3, nullptr}, - {DIFF_W3, nullptr, VDDX_WENO3, nullptr}, {DIFF_C4, nullptr, VDDX_C4, nullptr}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// Flux functions lookup table -static DiffLookup FluxTable[] = { - {DIFF_SPLIT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, {DIFF_U1, nullptr, nullptr, FDDX_U1}, - {DIFF_C2, nullptr, nullptr, FDDX_C2}, {DIFF_C4, nullptr, nullptr, FDDX_C4}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// First staggered derivative lookup -static DiffLookup FirstStagDerivTable[] = {{DIFF_C2, DDX_C2_stag, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_C4, DDX_C4_stag, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// Second staggered derivative lookup -static DiffLookup SecondStagDerivTable[] = {{DIFF_C2, D2DX2_C2_stag, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// Upwinding staggered lookup -static DiffLookup UpwindStagTable[] = {{DIFF_U1, nullptr, nullptr, VDDX_U1_stag}, - {DIFF_U2, nullptr, nullptr, VDDX_U2_stag}, - {DIFF_C2, nullptr, nullptr, VDDX_C2_stag}, - {DIFF_C4, nullptr, nullptr, VDDX_C4_stag}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/// Flux staggered lookup -static DiffLookup FluxStagTable[] = {{DIFF_SPLIT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}, - {DIFF_U1, nullptr, nullptr, FDDX_U1_stag}, - {DIFF_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}}; - -/******************************************************************************* - * Routines to use the above tables to map between function codes, names - * and pointers - *******************************************************************************/ - - -/// Test if a given DIFF_METHOD exists in a table -bool isImplemented(DiffLookup *table, DIFF_METHOD method) { - int i = 0; - do { - if (table[i].method == method) - return true; - i++; - } while (table[i].method != DIFF_DEFAULT); - - return false; -} - - -DiffLookup lookupFunc(DiffLookup * table, DIFF_METHOD method) { - for (int i=0; ; ++i){ - if (table[i].method == method) { - return table[i]; - } - if (table[i].method == DIFF_DEFAULT){ - return table[i]; - } - } -} - -void printFuncName(DIFF_METHOD method) { - // Find this entry - int i = 0; - do { - if (DiffNameTable[i].method == method) { - output_info.write(" %s (%s)\n", DiffNameTable[i].name, DiffNameTable[i].label); - return; - } - i++; - } while (DiffNameTable[i].method != DIFF_DEFAULT); - - // None - output_error.write(" == INVALID DIFFERENTIAL METHOD ==\n"); -} - -/// This function is used during initialisation only (i.e. doesn't need to be particularly -/// fast) Returns DIFF_METHOD, rather than function so can be applied to central and -/// upwind tables -DiffLookup lookupFunc(DiffLookup *table, const std::string & label){ - - // Loop through the name lookup table - for (int i = 0; DiffNameTable[i].method != DIFF_DEFAULT; ++i) { - if (strcasecmp(label.c_str(), DiffNameTable[i].label) == 0) { // Whole match - auto method=DiffNameTable[i].method; - if (isImplemented(table, method)) { - printFuncName(method); - for (int j=0;;++j){ - if (table[j].method == method){ - return table[j]; - } - } - } - } - } - - // No exact match, so throw - std::string avail{}; - for (int i = 0; DiffNameTable[i].method != DIFF_DEFAULT; ++i) { - if (!isImplemented(table, DiffNameTable[i].method)) { - continue; - } - avail += DiffNameTable[i].label + std::string(": ") + DiffNameTable[i].name; - avail += "\n"; - } - throw BoutException("Unknown option %s.\nAvailable options are:\n%s", label.c_str(), - avail.c_str()); -} - - -/******************************************************************************* - * Default functions - * - * - *******************************************************************************/ - -// Central -> Central (or Left -> Left) functions -Mesh::deriv_func fDDX, fDDY, fDDZ; ///< Differencing methods for each dimension -Mesh::deriv_func fD2DX2, fD2DY2, fD2DZ2; ///< second differential operators -Mesh::upwind_func fVDDX, fVDDY, fVDDZ; ///< Upwind functions in the three directions -Mesh::flux_func fFDDX, fFDDY, fFDDZ; ///< Default flux functions - -// Central -> Left (or Left -> Central) functions -Mesh::deriv_func sfDDX, sfDDY, sfDDZ; -Mesh::deriv_func sfD2DX2, sfD2DY2, sfD2DZ2; -Mesh::flux_func sfVDDX, sfVDDY, sfVDDZ; -Mesh::flux_func sfFDDX, sfFDDY, sfFDDZ; - -/******************************************************************************* - * Initialisation - *******************************************************************************/ - -/// Set the derivative method, given a table and option name -template -void derivs_set(std::vector options, DiffLookup *table, DiffLookup *stable, - const std::string &name, const std::string &def, T &f, Ts &sf, - bool staggerGrids) { - TRACE("derivs_set()"); - output_info.write("\t%-12s: ", name.c_str()); - string label = def; - for (auto &opts : options) { - if (opts->isSet(name)) { - opts->get(name, label, ""); - break; - } - } - - f = lookupFunc(table, label); // Find the function - - label = def; - if (staggerGrids) { - output_info.write("\tStag. %-6s: ", name.c_str()); - for (auto &_name : {name + "stag", name}) { - for (auto &opts : options) { - if (opts->isSet(_name)) { - opts->get(_name, label, ""); - sf = lookupFunc(stable, label); // Find the function - return; - } - } - } - } - sf = lookupFunc(stable, label); // Find the function + return -result; } -/// Initialise derivatives from options -void derivs_initialise(Options *optionbase, std::string sec, bool staggerGrids, - Mesh::deriv_func &fdd, Mesh::deriv_func &sfdd, - Mesh::deriv_func &fd2d, Mesh::deriv_func &sfd2d, - Mesh::upwind_func &fu, Mesh::flux_func &sfu, Mesh::flux_func &ff, - Mesh::flux_func &sff) { - std::vector options = {optionbase->getSection(sec), - optionbase->getSection("diff")}; - derivs_set(options, FirstDerivTable, FirstStagDerivTable, "First", "C2", fdd, sfdd, - staggerGrids); +REGISTER_FLUX_DERIVATIVE_STAGGERED(FDDX_U2_stag, "U2", 2, DERIV::Flux) { + // Calculate d(v*f)/dx = (v*f)[i+1/2] - (v*f)[i-1/2] - derivs_set(options, SecondDerivTable, SecondStagDerivTable, "Second", "C2", fd2d, sfd2d, - staggerGrids); + // Upper cell boundary + BoutReal result = + (v.p >= 0.) ? v.p * (1.5 * f.c - 0.5 * f.m) : v.p * (1.5 * f.p - 0.5 * f.pp); - derivs_set(options, UpwindTable, UpwindStagTable, "Upwind", "U1", fu, sfu, - staggerGrids); + // Lower cell boundary + result -= (v.m >= 0.) ? v.m * (1.5 * f.m - 0.5 * f.mm) : v.m * (1.5 * f.c - 0.5 * f.p); - derivs_set(options, FluxTable, FluxStagTable, "Flux", "U1", ff, sff, staggerGrids); + return result; } -/// Initialise the derivative methods. Must be called before any derivatives are used -void Mesh::derivs_init(Options *options) { - TRACE("Initialising derivatives"); - - output_info.write("Setting X differencing methods\n"); - derivs_initialise(options, "ddx", StaggerGrids, fDDX, sfDDX, fD2DX2, sfD2DX2, fVDDX, - sfVDDX, fFDDX, sfFDDX); +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +/// Here's an example of defining and registering a custom method that doesn't fit +/// into the standard stencil based approach. +// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - if ((fDDX == nullptr) || (fD2DX2 == nullptr)) - throw BoutException("FFT cannot be used in X\n"); +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_FFTW +class FFTDerivativeType { +public: + template + void standard(const T& var, T& result, const std::string& region) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + ASSERT2(meta.derivType == DERIV::Standard) + ASSERT2(var.getMesh()->getNguard(direction) >= nGuards); + ASSERT2(direction == DIRECTION::Z); // Only in Z for now + ASSERT2(stagger == STAGGER::None); // Staggering not currently supported + ASSERT2(bout::utils::is_Field3D::value); // Should never need to call this with Field2D - output_info.write("Setting Y differencing methods\n"); - derivs_initialise(options, "ddy", StaggerGrids, fDDY, sfDDY, fD2DY2, sfD2DY2, fVDDY, - sfVDDY, fFDDY, sfFDDY); + // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now + ASSERT2(region == "RGN_ALL" || region == "RGN_NOBNDRY" + || region == "RGN_NOX" || region == "RGN_NOY"); - if ((fDDY == nullptr) || (fD2DY2 == nullptr)) - throw BoutException("FFT cannot be used in Y\n"); + auto* theMesh = var.getMesh(); - output_info.write("Setting Z differencing methods\n"); - derivs_initialise(options, "ddz", StaggerGrids, fDDZ, sfDDZ, fD2DZ2, sfD2DZ2, fVDDZ, - sfVDDZ, fFDDZ, sfFDDZ); + // Calculate how many Z wavenumbers will be removed + const int ncz = theMesh->getNpoints(direction); - // Get the fraction of modes filtered out in FFT derivatives - options->getSection("ddz")->get("fft_filter", fft_derivs_filter, 0.0); -} + int kfilter = static_cast(theMesh->fft_derivs_filter * ncz + / 2); // truncates, rounding down + if (kfilter < 0) + kfilter = 0; + if (kfilter > (ncz / 2)) + kfilter = ncz / 2; + const int kmax = ncz / 2 - kfilter; // Up to and including this wavenumber index -/******************************************************************************* - * Apply differential operators. These are fairly brain-dead functions - * which apply a derivative function to a field (sort of like map). Decisions - * of what to apply are made in the DDX,DDY and DDZ functions lower down. - * - * loc is the cell location of the result - *******************************************************************************/ + BOUT_OMP(parallel) { + Array cv(ncz / 2 + 1); + const BoutReal kwaveFac = TWOPI / ncz; -// X derivative - -const Field2D Mesh::applyXdiff(const Field2D &var, Mesh::deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC outloc, REGION region) { - ASSERT1(this == var.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(var.isAllocated()); - CELL_LOC inloc = var.getLocation(); - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_XLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_XLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - if (var.getNx() == 1) { - auto tmp = Field2D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - return tmp; - } + // Note we lookup a 2D region here even though we're operating on a Field3D + // as we only want to loop over {x, y} and then handle z differently. The + // Region blocks are constructed for elements contiguous assuming nz=1, + // as that isn't the case for Field3D (in general) this shouldn't be expected + // to vectorise (not that it would anyway) but it should still OpenMP parallelise + // ok. + // With this in mind we could perhaps avoid the use of the BOUT_FOR_INNER macro + // here, + // but should be ok for now. + BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, theMesh->getRegion2D(region)) { + auto i3D = theMesh->ind2Dto3D(i, 0); + rfft(&var[i3D], ncz, cv.begin()); // Forward FFT - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - Field2D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered differencing - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.xmm()]; - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - s.pp = var[i.xpp()]; - - if (outloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); + for (int jz = 0; jz <= kmax; jz++) { + const BoutReal kwave = jz * kwaveFac; // wave number is 1/[rad] + cv[jz] *= dcomplex(0, kwave); } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - - if (outloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); + for (int jz = kmax + 1; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { + cv[jz] = 0.0; } - } - } - } else { - // Non-staggered differencing - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.xmm()]; - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - s.pp = var[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } + irfft(cv.begin(), ncz, &result[i3D]); // Reverse FFT } } } -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -const Field3D Mesh::applyXdiff(const Field3D &var, Mesh::deriv_func func, - CELL_LOC outloc, REGION region) { - // Check that the mesh is correct - ASSERT1(this == var.getMesh()); - // Check that the input variable has data - ASSERT1(var.isAllocated()); - - CELL_LOC inloc = var.getLocation(); - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_XLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_XLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - if (var.getNx() == 1) { - auto tmp = Field3D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - return tmp; - } - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered differencing - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.xmm()]; - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - s.pp = var[i.xpp()]; - - if ((inloc == CELL_CENTRE) && (outloc == CELL_XLOW)) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (inloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - - if (outloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (inloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } - - } else { - // Non-staggered differencing - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.xmm()]; - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - s.pp = var[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } + template + void upwindOrFlux(const T& UNUSED(vel), const T& UNUSED(var), T& UNUSED(result), + const std::string& UNUSED(region)) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + throw BoutException("The FFT METHOD isn't available in upwind/Flux"); } + metaData meta{"FFT", 0, DERIV::Standard}; +}; -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -// Y derivative - -const Field2D Mesh::applyYdiff(const Field2D &var, Mesh::deriv_func func, CELL_LOC outloc, - REGION region) { - ASSERT1(this == var.getMesh()); - // Check that the input variable has data - ASSERT1(var.isAllocated()); - - CELL_LOC inloc = var.getLocation(); - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc); +class FFT2ndDerivativeType { +public: + template + void standard(const T& var, T& result, const std::string& region) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + ASSERT2(meta.derivType == DERIV::StandardSecond); + ASSERT2(var.getMesh()->getNguard(direction) >= nGuards); + ASSERT2(direction == DIRECTION::Z); // Only in Z for now + ASSERT2(stagger == STAGGER::None); // Staggering not currently supported + ASSERT2(bout::utils::is_Field3D::value); // Should never need to call this with Field2D - if (var.getNy() == 1) { - auto tmp = Field2D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - return tmp; - } + // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now + ASSERT2(region == "RGN_ALL" || region == "RGN_NOBNDRY" + || region == "RGN_NOX" || region == "RGN_NOY"); - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - Field2D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.ymm()]; - s.m = var[i.ym()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.yp()]; - s.pp = var[i.ypp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } else { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.m = var[i.ym()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } + auto* theMesh = var.getMesh(); -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif + // Calculate how many Z wavenumbers will be removed + const int ncz = theMesh->getNpoints(direction); + const int kmax = ncz / 2; - return result; -} + BOUT_OMP(parallel) { + Array cv(ncz / 2 + 1); + const BoutReal kwaveFac = TWOPI / ncz; -const Field3D Mesh::applyYdiff(const Field3D &var, Mesh::deriv_func func, CELL_LOC outloc, - REGION region) { - ASSERT1(this == var.getMesh()); - // Check that the input variable has data - ASSERT1(var.isAllocated()); - // Cell location of the input field - CELL_LOC inloc = var.getLocation(); - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_YLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_YLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - if (var.getNy() == 1) { - auto tmp = Field3D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - return tmp; - } + // Note we lookup a 2D region here even though we're operating on a Field3D + // as we only want to loop over {x, y} and then handle z differently. The + // Region blocks are constructed for elements contiguous assuming nz=1, + // as that isn't the case for Field3D (in general) this shouldn't be expected + // to vectorise (not that it would anyway) but it should still OpenMP parallelise + // ok. + // With this in mind we could perhaps avoid the use of the BOUT_FOR_INNER macro + // here, + // but should be ok for now. + BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, theMesh->getRegion2D(region)) { + auto i3D = theMesh->ind2Dto3D(i, 0); + rfft(&var[i3D], ncz, cv.begin()); // Forward FFT - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (var.hasYupYdown() && ((&var.yup() != &var) || (&var.ydown() != &var))) { - // Field "var" has distinct yup and ydown fields which - // will be used to calculate a derivative along - // the magnetic field - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered differencing - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - - // Set stencils - s.m = var.ydown()[i.ym()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var.yup()[i.yp()]; - - if (outloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } else { - // Non-staggered - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Set stencils - s.m = var.ydown()[i.ym()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var.yup()[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } - } else { - // var has no yup/ydown fields, so we need to shift into field-aligned coordinates - - Field3D var_fa = this->toFieldAligned(var); - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered differencing - - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Set stencils - s.mm = var_fa[i.ymm()]; - s.m = var_fa[i.ym()]; - s.c = var_fa[i]; - s.p = var_fa[i.yp()]; - s.pp = var_fa[i.ypp()]; - - if (outloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Set stencils - s.m = var_fa[i.ym()]; - s.c = var_fa[i]; - s.p = var_fa[i.yp()]; - - if (outloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = func(s); - } - } - } - } else { - // Non-staggered differencing - - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Set stencils - s.mm = var_fa[i.ymm()]; - s.m = var_fa[i.ym()]; - s.c = var_fa[i]; - s.p = var_fa[i.yp()]; - s.pp = var_fa[i.ypp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } + for (int jz = 0; jz <= kmax; jz++) { + const BoutReal kwave = jz * kwaveFac; // wave number is 1/[rad] + cv[jz] *= -kwave * kwave; } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Set stencils - s.m = var_fa[i.ym()]; - s.c = var_fa[i]; - s.p = var_fa[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } + for (int jz = kmax + 1; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { + cv[jz] = 0.0; } + + irfft(cv.begin(), ncz, &result[i3D]); // Reverse FFT } } + } - // Shift result back - - result = this->fromFieldAligned(result); + template + void upwindOrFlux(const T& UNUSED(vel), const T& UNUSED(var), T& UNUSED(result), + const std::string& UNUSED(region)) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + throw BoutException("The FFT METHOD isn't available in upwind/Flux"); } + metaData meta{"FFT", 0, DERIV::StandardSecond}; +}; -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; +produceCombinations, Set, + Set>, + Set> + registerFFTDerivative(registerMethod{}); #endif - return result; -} - -// Z derivative - -const Field3D Mesh::applyZdiff(const Field3D &var, Mesh::deriv_func func, CELL_LOC outloc, - REGION region) { - ASSERT1(this == var.getMesh()); - // Check that the input variable has data - ASSERT1(var.isAllocated()); - CELL_LOC inloc = var.getLocation(); - // Allowed staggers: - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc); - - if (var.getNz() == 1) { - auto tmp = Field3D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(var.getLocation()); - return tmp; +class SplitFluxDerivativeType { +public: + template + void standard(const T&, T&, const std::string) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + throw BoutException("The SPLIT method isn't available for standard"); } - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - // Check that the input variable has data - ASSERT1(var.isAllocated()); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.zmm()]; - s.m = var[i.zm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.zp()]; - s.pp = var[i.zpp()]; - - result[i] = func(s); - } + template + void upwindOrFlux(const T& vel, const T& var, T& result, const std::string region) const { + AUTO_TRACE(); + // Split into an upwind and a central differencing part + // d/dx(v*f) = v*d/dx(f) + f*d/dx(v) + result = bout::derivatives::index::flowDerivative( + vel, var, result.getLocation(), "DEFAULT", region); + result += bout::derivatives::index::standardDerivative( + vel, result.getLocation(), "DEFAULT", region) + * interp_to(var, result.getLocation()); } + metaData meta{"SPLIT", 2, DERIV::Flux}; +}; - return result; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - * First central derivatives - *******************************************************************************/ - -////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -const Field3D Mesh::indexDDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - - Mesh::deriv_func func = fDDX; // Set to default function - DiffLookup *table = FirstDerivTable; - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - // Allowed staggers: - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_XLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_XLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Shifting in X. Centre -> Xlow, or Xlow -> Centre - - func = sfDDX; // Set default - table = FirstStagDerivTable; // Set table for others - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - if (func == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Cannot use FFT for X derivatives"); - } - - return applyXdiff(f, func, outloc, region); -} - -const Field2D Mesh::indexDDX(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyXdiff(f, fDDX, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -const Field3D Mesh::indexDDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, - REGION region) { - Mesh::deriv_func func = fDDY; // Set to default function - DiffLookup *table = FirstDerivTable; - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - // Allowed staggers: - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_YLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_YLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Shifting in Y. Centre -> Ylow, or Ylow -> Centre - func = sfDDY; // Set default - table = FirstStagDerivTable; // Set table for others - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - if (func == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Cannot use FFT for Y derivatives"); - } - - return applyYdiff(f, func, outloc, region); -} - -const Field2D Mesh::indexDDY(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyYdiff(f, fDDY, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -const Field3D Mesh::indexDDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Mesh::deriv_func func = fDDZ; // Set to default function - DiffLookup *table = FirstDerivTable; - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_ZLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_ZLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - Field3D result(this); - - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Shifting in Z. Centre -> Zlow, or Zlow -> Centre - func = sfDDZ; // Set default - table = FirstStagDerivTable; // Set table for others - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - if (func == nullptr) { - // Use FFT - - BoutReal shift = 0.; // Shifting result in Z? - if (this->StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - if (outloc == CELL_ZLOW) { - // Shifting down - multiply by exp(-0.5*i*k*dz) - shift = -1.; - throw BoutException("Not tested - probably broken"); - } else { - // Shifting up - shift = 1.; - throw BoutException("Not tested - probably broken"); - } - } - - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - - // Calculate how many Z wavenumbers will be removed - const int ncz = this->LocalNz; - int kfilter = - static_cast(fft_derivs_filter * ncz / 2); // truncates, rounding down - if (kfilter < 0) - kfilter = 0; - if (kfilter > (ncz / 2)) - kfilter = ncz / 2; - const int kmax = ncz / 2 - kfilter; // Up to and including this wavenumber index - - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now - ASSERT2(region_str == "RGN_ALL" || region_str == "RGN_NOBNDRY" || - region_str == "RGN_NOX" || region_str == "RGN_NOY"); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - { - Array cv(ncz / 2 + 1); - const BoutReal kwaveFac = TWOPI / ncz; - - // Note we lookup a 2D region here even though we're operating on a Field3D - // as we only want to loop over {x, y} and then handle z differently. The - // Region blocks are constructed for elements contiguous assuming nz=1, - // as that isn't the case for Field3D (in general) this shouldn't be expected - // to vectorise (not that it would anyway) but it should still OpenMP parallelise - // ok. - // With this in mind we could perhaps avoid the use of the BOUT_FOR_INNER macro - // here, - // but should be ok for now. - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - auto i3D = mesh->ind2Dto3D(i, 0); - rfft(&f[i3D], ncz, cv.begin()); // Forward FFT - - for (int jz = 0; jz <= kmax; jz++) { - const BoutReal kwave = jz * kwaveFac; // wave number is 1/[rad] - - cv[jz] *= dcomplex(0, kwave); - if (shift) - cv[jz] *= exp(Im * (shift * kwave)); - } - for (int jz = kmax + 1; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { - cv[jz] = 0.0; - } - - irfft(cv.begin(), ncz, &result[i3D]); // Reverse FFT - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = false; - result.bndry_xout = false; - result.bndry_yup = false; - result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - result.setLocation(outloc); - - } else { - // All other (non-FFT) functions - result = applyZdiff(f, func, outloc, region); - } - - return result; -} - -const Field2D Mesh::indexDDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - auto tmp = Field2D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - return tmp; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - * 2nd derivatives - *******************************************************************************/ - -////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -/*! - * @brief Calculates second X derivative on Mesh in index space - * - * @param[in] f 3D scalar field to be differentiated. - * Must be allocated and finite - * - * @param[in] outloc The cell location of the result - * - * @param[in] method The numerical method to use - * - * @return A 3D scalar field with invalid data in the - * guard cells - * - */ -const Field3D Mesh::indexD2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Mesh::deriv_func func = fD2DX2; // Set to default function - DiffLookup *table = SecondDerivTable; - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_XLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_XLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - if (StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Shifting in X. Centre -> Xlow, or Xlow -> Centre - func = sfD2DX2; // Set default - table = SecondStagDerivTable; // Set table for others - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - if (func == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Cannot use FFT for X derivatives"); - } - - return applyXdiff(f, func, outloc, region); -} - -/*! - * @brief Calculates second X derivative on Mesh in index space - * - * @param[in] f 2D scalar field to be differentiated. - * Must be allocated and finite - * - * @return A 2D scalar field with invalid data in the - * guard cells - * - */ -const Field2D Mesh::indexD2DX2(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyXdiff(f, fD2DX2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -/*! - * @brief Calculates second Y derivative on Mesh in index space - * - * @param[in] f 3D scalar field to be differentiated. - * Must be allocated and finite - * - * @return A 3D scalar field with invalid data in the - * guard cells - * - */ -const Field3D Mesh::indexD2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Mesh::deriv_func func = fD2DY2; // Set to default function - DiffLookup *table = SecondDerivTable; - - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - // Allowed staggers: - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_YLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_YLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - if (StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Shifting in Y. Centre -> Ylow, or Ylow -> Centre - func = sfD2DY2; // Set default - table = SecondStagDerivTable; // Set table for others - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - if (func == nullptr) - throw BoutException("Cannot use FFT for Y derivatives"); - } - - return applyYdiff(f, func, outloc, region); -} - -/*! - * @brief Calculates second Y derivative on Mesh in index space - * - * @param[in] f 2D scalar field to be differentiated. - * Must be allocated and finite - * - * @return A 2D scalar field with invalid data in the - * guard cells - * - */ -const Field2D Mesh::indexD2DY2(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyYdiff(f, fD2DY2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -/*! - * @brief Calculates second Z derivative on Mesh in index space - * - * @param[in] f 3D scalar field to be differentiated. - * Must be allocated and finite - * - * @return A 3D scalar field with invalid data in the - * guard cells - * - */ -const Field3D Mesh::indexD2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Mesh::deriv_func func = fD2DZ2; // Set to default function - DiffLookup *table = SecondDerivTable; - - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - // Allowed staggers: - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc || (outloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_ZLOW) || - (outloc == CELL_ZLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE)); - - Field3D result(this); - - if (StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - // Shifting in Z. Centre -> Zlow, or Zlow -> Centre - func = sfD2DZ2; // Set default - table = SecondStagDerivTable; // Set table for others - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - if (func == nullptr) { - // Use FFT - - BoutReal shift = 0.; // Shifting result in Z? - if (StaggerGrids && (outloc != inloc)) { - if (outloc == CELL_ZLOW) { - // Shifting down - multiply by exp(-0.5*i*k*dz) - throw BoutException("Not tested - probably broken"); - } else { - // Shifting up - throw BoutException("Not tested - probably broken"); - } - } - - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - - // No filtering in 2nd derivative method - const int ncz = this->LocalNz; - const int kmax = ncz / 2; // Up to and including this wavenumber index - - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - // Only allow a whitelist of regions for now - ASSERT2(region_str == "RGN_ALL" || region_str == "RGN_NOBNDRY" || - region_str == "RGN_NOX" || region_str == "RGN_NOY"); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - Array cv(ncz / 2 + 1); - const BoutReal kwaveFac = TWOPI / ncz; - - // Note we lookup a 2D region here even though we're operating on a Field3D - // as we only want to loop over {x, y} and then handle z differently. The - // Region blocks are constructed for elements contiguous assuming nz=1, - // as that isn't the case for Field3D (in general) this shouldn't be expected - // to vectorise (not that it would anyway) but it should still OpenMP parallelise - // ok. - // With this in mind we could perhaps avoid the use of the BOUT_FOR_INNER macro - // here, - // but should be ok for now. - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, mesh->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - auto i3D = mesh->ind2Dto3D(i, 0); - - rfft(&f[i3D], ncz, cv.begin()); // Forward FFT - - for (int jz = 0; jz <= kmax; jz++) { - const BoutReal kwave = jz * kwaveFac; // wave number is 1/[rad] - - cv[jz] *= -kwave * kwave; - if (shift) - cv[jz] *= exp(0.5 * Im * (shift * kwave)); - } - for (int jz = kmax + 1; jz <= ncz / 2; jz++) { - cv[jz] = 0.0; - } - - irfft(cv.begin(), ncz, &result[i3D]); // Reverse FFT - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = false; - result.bndry_xout = false; - result.bndry_yup = false; - result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - result.setLocation(outloc); - - } else { - // All other (non-FFT) functions - result = applyZdiff(f, func, outloc, region); - } - - return result; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - * Fourth derivatives - *******************************************************************************/ - -BoutReal D4DX4_C2(stencil &f) { return (f.pp - 4. * f.p + 6. * f.c - 4. * f.m + f.mm); } - -const Field3D Mesh::indexD4DX4(const Field3D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyXdiff(f, D4DX4_C2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -const Field2D Mesh::indexD4DX4(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyXdiff(f, D4DX4_C2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -const Field3D Mesh::indexD4DY4(const Field3D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyYdiff(f, D4DX4_C2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -const Field2D Mesh::indexD4DY4(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyYdiff(f, D4DX4_C2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -const Field3D Mesh::indexD4DZ4(const Field3D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), REGION region) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - return applyZdiff(f, D4DX4_C2, f.getLocation(), region); -} - -const Field2D Mesh::indexD4DZ4(const Field2D &f, MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - auto tmp = Field2D(0., this); - tmp.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - return tmp; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - * Mixed derivatives - *******************************************************************************/ - -/******************************************************************************* - * Advection schemes - * - * Jan 2018 - Re-written to use iterators and handle staggering as different cases - * Jan 2009 - Re-written to use Set*Stencil routines - *******************************************************************************/ - -////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -/// Special case where both arguments are 2D. Output location ignored for now -const Field2D Mesh::indexVDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexVDDX(Field2D, Field2D)"); - - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); - MAYBE_UNUSED(CELL_LOC vloc) = v.getLocation(); - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && inloc == vloc); - - Mesh::upwind_func func = fVDDX; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(UpwindTable, method); - } - - ASSERT1(this->xstart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - Field2D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - s.m = f[i.xm()]; - s.c = f[i]; - s.p = f[i.xp()]; - s.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], s); - } - } - - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - s.m = f[i.xm()]; - s.c = f[i]; - s.p = f[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], s); - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -/// General version for 3D objects. -/// 2D objects passed as input will result in copying -const Field3D Mesh::indexVDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexVDDX(Field3D, Field3D)"); - - ASSERT1(this->xstart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_XLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_XLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered grids enabled, and velocity at different location to value - - Mesh::flux_func func = sfVDDX; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfVDDX; - table = UpwindStagTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - // Note: The velocity stencil contains only (mm, m, p, pp) - // v.p is v at +1/2, v.m is at -1/2 relative to the field f - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - - if (vloc == CELL_XLOW) { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.xm()]; - vs.m = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - vs.pp = v[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - - } else { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.xmm()]; - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.p = v[i]; - vs.pp = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } else { - // One guard cell - - if (vloc == CELL_XLOW) { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.xm()]; - vs.m = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - - } else { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.p = v[i]; - vs.pp = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } - - } else { - // Not staggered - Mesh::upwind_func func = fVDDX; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], fs); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], fs); - } - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -// special case where both are 2D -const Field2D Mesh::indexVDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexVDDY"); - - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_YLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_YLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - Field2D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (this->LocalNy == 1){ - result=0; - return result; - } - - ASSERT1(this->ystart > 0); // Must have at least one guard cell - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered grids enabled, and velocity at different location to value - - Mesh::flux_func func = sfVDDY; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfVDDY; - table = UpwindStagTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - // Note: vs.c not used for staggered differencing - // vs.m is at i-1/2, vs.p is as i+1/2 - if (vloc == CELL_YLOW) { - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.ymm()]; - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.ypp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.ym()]; - vs.m = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.yp()]; - vs.pp = v[i.ypp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.ym()]; - vs.m = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } else { - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.ymm()]; - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.ypp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.ymm()]; - vs.m = v[i.ym()]; - vs.p = v[i]; - vs.pp = v[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - - vs.m = v[i.ym()]; - vs.p = v[i]; - vs.pp = v[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } - - } else { - // Not staggered - - Mesh::upwind_func func = fVDDY; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.ymm()]; - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.ypp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], fs); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], fs); - } - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -// general case -const Field3D Mesh::indexVDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexVDDY(Field3D, Field3D)"); - - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_YLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_YLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - if (this->LocalNy == 1){ - result=0; - return result; - } - - ASSERT1(this->ystart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered grids enabled, and velocity at different location to value - - Mesh::flux_func func = sfVDDY; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfVDDY; - table = UpwindStagTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - // If *UseUpDown is true, field "*" has distinct yup and ydown fields which - // will be used to calculate a derivative along the magnetic field - bool vUseUpDown = (v.hasYupYdown() && ((&v.yup() != &v) || (&v.ydown() != &v))); - bool fUseUpDown = (f.hasYupYdown() && ((&f.yup() != &f) || (&f.ydown() != &f))); - - if (vUseUpDown && fUseUpDown) { - // Both v and f have up/down fields - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil vval, fval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - vval.m = v.ydown()[i.ym()]; - vval.c = v[i]; - vval.p = v.yup()[i.yp()]; - - fval.m = f.ydown()[i.ym()]; - fval.c = f[i]; - fval.p = f.yup()[i.yp()]; - - // Non-centred stencil - if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - vval.pp = vval.p; - vval.p = vval.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - vval.mm = vval.m; - vval.m = vval.c; - } - result[i] = func(vval, fval); - } - } - } else { - // Both must shift to field aligned - // (even if one of v and f has yup/ydown fields, it doesn't make sense to - // multiply them with one in field-aligned and one in non-field-aligned - // coordinates) - Field3D v_fa = this->toFieldAligned(v); - Field3D f_fa = this->toFieldAligned(f); - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil vval, fval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - vval.mm = v_fa[i.ymm()]; - vval.m = v_fa[i.ym()]; - vval.c = v_fa[i]; - vval.p = v_fa[i.yp()]; - vval.pp = v_fa[i.ypp()]; - - fval.mm = f_fa[i.ymm()]; - fval.m = f_fa[i.ym()]; - fval.c = f_fa[i]; - fval.p = f_fa[i.yp()]; - fval.pp = f_fa[i.ypp()]; - - // Non-centred stencil - if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - vval.pp = vval.p; - vval.p = vval.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - vval.mm = vval.m; - vval.m = vval.c; - } - result[i] = func(vval, fval); - } - } - - result = this->fromFieldAligned(result); - } - } else { - // Non-staggered case - - Mesh::upwind_func func = fVDDY; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - if (f.hasYupYdown() && ((&f.yup() != &f) || (&f.ydown() != &f))) { - // f has yup and ydown fields which are distinct - const Field3D f_yup = f.yup(); - const Field3D f_ydown = f.ydown(); - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f_ydown[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f_yup[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], fs); - } - } - } else { - // Not using yup/ydown fields, so first transform to field-aligned coordinates - Field3D f_fa = this->toFieldAligned(f); - Field3D v_fa = this->toFieldAligned(v); - - if (this->ystart > 1) { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f_fa[i.ymm()]; - fs.m = f_fa[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f_fa[i]; - fs.p = f_fa[i.yp()]; - fs.pp = f_fa[i.ypp()]; - - result[i] = func(v_fa[i], fs); - } - } - } else { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f_fa[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f_fa[i]; - fs.p = f_fa[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(v_fa[i], fs); - } - } - } - // Shift result back - result = this->fromFieldAligned(result); - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// - -// general case -const Field3D Mesh::indexVDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexVDDZ"); - - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_ZLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_ZLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // Staggered grids enabled, and velocity at different location to value - - Mesh::flux_func func = sfVDDZ; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfVDDZ; - table = UpwindStagTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil vval, fval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fval.mm = f[i.zmm()]; - fval.m = f[i.zm()]; - fval.c = f[i]; - fval.p = f[i.zp()]; - fval.pp = f[i.zpp()]; - - vval.mm = v[i.zmm()]; - vval.m = v[i.zm()]; - vval.c = v[i]; - vval.p = v[i.zp()]; - vval.pp = v[i.zpp()]; - - if (inloc == CELL_ZLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Z value - vval.pp = vval.p; - vval.p = vval.c; - - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - vval.mm = vval.m; - vval.m = vval.c; - } - result[i] = func(vval, fval); - } - } - } else { - Mesh::upwind_func func = fVDDZ; - DiffLookup *table = UpwindTable; - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fval.mm = f[i.zmm()]; - fval.m = f[i.zm()]; - fval.c = f[i]; - fval.p = f[i.zp()]; - fval.pp = f[i.zpp()]; - - result[i] = func(v[i], fval); - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -/******************************************************************************* - * Flux conserving schemes - *******************************************************************************/ - -const Field2D Mesh::indexFDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::::indexFDDX(Field2D, Field2D)"); - - ASSERT1(this->xstart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = f.getLocation(); - - if ((method == DIFF_SPLIT) || ((method == DIFF_DEFAULT) && (fFDDX == nullptr))) { - // Split into an upwind and a central differencing part - // d/dx(v*f) = v*d/dx(f) + f*d/dx(v) - return indexVDDX(v, f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) + interp_to(f, outloc) * indexDDX(v, outloc); - } - - ASSERT1(outloc == f.getLocation() && v.getLocation() == f.getLocation()); - - Mesh::flux_func func = fFDDX; - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(FluxTable, method); - } - - Field2D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.xmm()]; - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.c = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - vs.pp = v[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.c = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -const Field3D Mesh::indexFDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexFDDX(Field3D, Field3D)"); - - ASSERT1(this->xstart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - - if ((method == DIFF_SPLIT) || ((method == DIFF_DEFAULT) && (fFDDX == nullptr))) { - // Split into an upwind and a central differencing part - // d/dx(v*f) = v*d/dx(f) + f*d/dx(v) - return indexVDDX(v, f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) + indexDDX(v, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) * interp_to(f, outloc); - } - - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_XLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_XLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - Mesh::flux_func func = fFDDX; - DiffLookup *table = FluxTable; - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfFDDX; - table = FluxStagTable; - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (this->xstart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - if (StaggerGrids && vloc != inloc) { - if (inloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Location of f always the same as the output - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - // Note: Location in diffloc - vs.mm = v[i.xmm()]; - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.p = v[i]; - vs.pp = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Location of f always the same as the output - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.xm()]; - vs.m = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - vs.pp = v[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } else { - // Non-staggered, two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Location of f always the same as the output - fs.mm = f[i.xmm()]; - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.xpp()]; - - // Note: Location in diffloc - vs.mm = v[i.xmm()]; - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.c = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - vs.pp = v[i.xpp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } else { - // One guard cell - if (StaggerGrids && vloc != inloc) { - if (inloc == CELL_XLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Location of f always the same as the output - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - // Note: Location in diffloc - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.p = v[i]; - vs.pp = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Location of f always the same as the output - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.xm()]; - vs.m = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } else { - // Non-staggered, one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - // Location of f always the same as the output - fs.m = f[i.xm()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.xp()]; - - vs.m = v[i.xm()]; - vs.c = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.xp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -const Field2D Mesh::indexFDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexFDDY(Field2D, Field2D)"); - - ASSERT1(this->ystart > 0); // Need at least one guard cell - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = f.getLocation(); - - if ((method == DIFF_SPLIT) || ((method == DIFF_DEFAULT) && (fFDDY == nullptr))) { - // Split into an upwind and a central differencing part - // d/dx(v*f) = v*d/dx(f) + f*d/dx(v) - return indexVDDY(v, f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) + interp_to(f, outloc) * indexDDY(v, outloc); - } - - ASSERT1(outloc == f.getLocation() && v.getLocation() == f.getLocation()); - - Mesh::flux_func func = fFDDY; - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(FluxTable, method); - } - - Field2D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (this->ystart > 1) { - // Two or more guard cells - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.mm = f[i.ymm()]; - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - fs.pp = f[i.ypp()]; - - vs.mm = v[i.ymm()]; - vs.m = v[i.ym()]; - vs.c = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.yp()]; - vs.pp = v[i.ypp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - - } else { - // Only one guard cell - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fs, vs; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion2D(region_str)) { - fs.m = f[i.ym()]; - fs.c = f[i]; - fs.p = f[i.yp()]; - - vs.m = v[i.ym()]; - vs.c = v[i]; - vs.p = v[i.yp()]; - - result[i] = func(vs, fs); - } - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -const Field3D Mesh::indexFDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexFDDY"); - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - - if ((method == DIFF_SPLIT) || ((method == DIFF_DEFAULT) && (fFDDY == nullptr))) { - // Split into an upwind and a central differencing part - // d/dx(v*f) = v*d/dx(f) + f*d/dx(v) - return indexVDDY(v, f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) + indexDDY(v, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) * interp_to(f, outloc); - } - Mesh::flux_func func = fFDDY; - DiffLookup *table = FluxTable; - - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_YLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_YLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfFDDY; - table = FluxStagTable; - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - if (func == nullptr) { - // To catch when no function - return indexVDDY(v, f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) + indexDDY(v, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) * interp_to(f, outloc); - } - - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - // If *UseUpDown is true, field "*" has distinct yup and ydown fields which - // will be used to calculate a derivative along the magnetic field - bool vUseUpDown = (v.hasYupYdown() && ((&v.yup() != &v) || (&v.ydown() != &v))); - bool fUseUpDown = (f.hasYupYdown() && ((&f.yup() != &f) || (&f.ydown() != &f))); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - if (vUseUpDown && fUseUpDown) { - // Both v and f have up/down fields - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fval, vval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fval.m = f.ydown()[i.ym()]; - fval.c = f[i]; - fval.p = f.yup()[i.yp()]; - - vval.m = v.ydown()[i.ym()]; - vval.c = v[i]; - vval.p = v.yup()[i.yp()]; - - if (StaggerGrids && (inloc != vloc)) { - // Non-centred stencil - if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - vval.pp = vval.p; - vval.p = vval.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - vval.mm = vval.m; - vval.m = vval.c; - } - } - result[i] = func(vval, fval); - } - } - } else { - // Both must shift to field aligned - // (even if one of v and f has yup/ydown fields, it doesn't make sense to - // multiply them with one in field-aligned and one in non-field-aligned - // coordinates) - Field3D v_fa = this->toFieldAligned(v); - Field3D f_fa = this->toFieldAligned(f); - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil fval, vval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fval.mm = f_fa[i.ymm()]; - fval.m = f_fa[i.ym()]; - fval.c = f_fa[i]; - fval.p = f_fa[i.yp()]; - fval.pp = f_fa[i.ypp()]; - - vval.mm = v_fa[i.ymm()]; - vval.m = v_fa[i.ym()]; - vval.c = v_fa[i]; - vval.p = v_fa[i.yp()]; - vval.pp = v_fa[i.ypp()]; - - if (StaggerGrids && (inloc != vloc)) { - // Non-centred stencil - if (inloc == CELL_YLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - vval.pp = vval.p; - vval.p = vval.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - vval.mm = vval.m; - vval.m = vval.c; - } - } - result[i] = func(vval, fval); - } - } - - result = this->fromFieldAligned(result); - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} - -///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - -const Field3D Mesh::indexFDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, - DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - TRACE("Mesh::indexFDDZ(Field3D, Field3D)"); - - CELL_LOC vloc = v.getLocation(); - CELL_LOC inloc = f.getLocation(); // Input location - if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) - outloc = inloc; - - if ((method == DIFF_SPLIT) || ((method == DIFF_DEFAULT) && (fFDDZ == nullptr))) { - // Split into an upwind and a central differencing part - // d/dx(v*f) = v*d/dx(f) + f*d/dx(v) - return indexVDDZ(v, f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT) + - indexDDZ(v, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT, true) * interp_to(f, outloc); - } - - Mesh::flux_func func = fFDDZ; - DiffLookup *table = FluxTable; - - // Allowed staggers: - ASSERT1(outloc == inloc && - ((vloc == inloc) || (vloc == CELL_CENTRE && inloc == CELL_ZLOW) || - (vloc == CELL_ZLOW && inloc == CELL_CENTRE))); - - if (StaggerGrids && (vloc != inloc)) { - // V staggered w.r.t. variable - func = sfFDDZ; - table = FluxStagTable; - } - - if (method != DIFF_DEFAULT) { - // Lookup function - func = lookupFunc(table, method); - } - - ASSERT1(this == v.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(this == f.getMesh()); - - Field3D result(this); - result.allocate(); // Make sure data allocated - result.setLocation(outloc); - - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil vval, fval; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, this->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - fval.mm = f[i.zmm()]; - fval.m = f[i.zm()]; - fval.c = f[i]; - fval.p = f[i.zp()]; - fval.pp = f[i.zpp()]; - - vval.mm = v[i.zmm()]; - vval.m = v[i.zm()]; - vval.c = v[i]; - vval.p = v[i.zp()]; - vval.pp = v[i.zpp()]; - - if (StaggerGrids && (inloc != vloc)) { - // Non-centred stencil - - if (inloc == CELL_ZLOW) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Z value - vval.pp = vval.p; - vval.p = vval.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - vval.mm = vval.m; - vval.m = vval.c; - } - } - result[i] = func(vval, fval); - } - } - -#if CHECK > 0 - // Mark boundaries as invalid - result.bndry_xin = result.bndry_xout = result.bndry_yup = result.bndry_ydown = false; -#endif - - return result; -} +produceCombinations, + Set, + Set, TypeContainer>, + Set> + registerSplitDerivative(registerMethod{}); diff --git a/src/mesh/interpolation.cxx b/src/mesh/interpolation.cxx index 22e9683e21..ba93ffbdb2 100644 --- a/src/mesh/interpolation.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/interpolation.cxx @@ -27,488 +27,22 @@ #include #include #include -#include #include -/// Perform interpolation between centre -> shifted or vice-versa -/*! - Interpolate using 4th-order staggered formula - - @param[in] s Input stencil. mm -> -3/2, m -> -1/2, p -> +1/2, pp -> +3/2 -*/ -BoutReal interp(const stencil &s) { return (9. * (s.m + s.p) - s.mm - s.pp) / 16.; } - -/*! - Interpolate between different cell locations - - NOTE: This requires communication if the result is required in guard cells - NOTE: Since corner guard cells cannot be communicated, it never makes sense - to calculate interpolation in guard cells. If guard cell values are required, - we must communicate (unless interpolating in z). Since mesh->communicate() - communicates both x- and y-guard cells by default, there is no difference - between RGN_ALL, RGN_NOX and RGN_NOY. - - @param[in] var Input variable - @param[in] loc Location of output values - @param[in] region Region where output will be calculated -*/ -const Field3D interp_to(const Field3D &var, CELL_LOC loc, REGION region) { - - Mesh *fieldmesh = var.getMesh(); - Field3D result(fieldmesh); - - if ((loc != CELL_CENTRE && loc != CELL_DEFAULT) && (fieldmesh->StaggerGrids == false)) { - throw BoutException("Asked to interpolate, but StaggerGrids is disabled!"); - } - if (fieldmesh->StaggerGrids && (var.getLocation() != loc)) { - - // Staggered grids enabled, and need to perform interpolation - TRACE("Interpolating %s -> %s", strLocation(var.getLocation()), strLocation(loc)); - - if (region != RGN_NOBNDRY) { - // result is requested in some boundary region(s) - result = var; // NOTE: This is just for boundaries. FIX! - } - // NOTE: invalidateGuards() is called in Field3D::alloctate() if the data - // block is not already allocated, so will be called here if - // region==RGN_NOBNDRY - result.allocate(); - - // Cell location of the input field - CELL_LOC location = var.getLocation(); - - if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) || (loc == CELL_CENTRE)) { - // Going between centred and shifted - CELL_LOC dir; - - // Get the non-centre location for interpolation direction - dir = (loc == CELL_CENTRE) ? location : loc; - - switch (dir) { - case CELL_XLOW: { - // At least 2 boundary cells needed for interpolation in x-direction - ASSERT0(fieldmesh->xstart >= 2); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - // Set stencils - s.mm = var[i.xmm()]; - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - s.pp = var[i.xpp()]; - - if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) && (loc == CELL_XLOW)) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (location == CELL_XLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = interp(s); - } - } - break; - } - case CELL_YLOW: { - // At least 2 boundary cells needed for interpolation in y-direction - ASSERT0(fieldmesh->ystart >= 2); - - if (var.hasYupYdown() && ((&var.yup() != &var) || (&var.ydown() != &var))) { - // Field "var" has distinct yup and ydown fields which - // will be used to calculate a derivative along - // the magnetic field - throw BoutException("At the moment, fields with yup/ydown cannot use interp_to.\n" - "If we implement a 3-point stencil for interpolate or double-up\n" - "/double-down fields, then we can use this case."); - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - // Set stencils - s.m = var.ydown()[i.ym()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var.yup()[i.yp()]; - - if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) && (loc == CELL_YLOW)) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (location == CELL_YLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = interp(s); - } - } - } else { - // var has no yup/ydown fields, so we need to shift into field-aligned - // coordinates - - Field3D var_fa = fieldmesh->toFieldAligned(var); - Field3D result_fa(fieldmesh); - if (region != RGN_NOBNDRY) { - result_fa = fieldmesh->toFieldAligned(result); - } - result_fa.allocate(); - if (fieldmesh->ystart > 1) { - - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - // Set stencils - s.mm = var_fa[i.ymm()]; - s.m = var_fa[i.ym()]; - s.c = var_fa[i]; - s.p = var_fa[i.yp()]; - s.pp = var_fa[i.ypp()]; - - if (location == CELL_CENTRE) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result_fa[i] = interp(s); - } - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - // Note: at the moment we cannot reach this case because of the - // 'ASSERT0(fieldmesh->ystart >=2)' above, but if we implement a 3-point - // stencil for interp, then this will be useful - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, fieldmesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - // Set stencils - s.m = var_fa[i.ym()]; - s.c = var_fa[i]; - s.p = var_fa[i.yp()]; - - if (location == CELL_CENTRE) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result_fa[i] = interp(s); - } - } - } - - result = fieldmesh->fromFieldAligned(result_fa); - } - break; - } - case CELL_ZLOW: { - /// Convert REGION enum to a Region string identifier - const auto region_str = REGION_STRING(region); - - BOUT_OMP(parallel) { - stencil s; - BOUT_FOR_INNER(i, fieldmesh->getRegion3D(region_str)) { - s.mm = var[i.zmm()]; - s.m = var[i.zm()]; - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.zp()]; - s.pp = var[i.zpp()]; - - if (location == CELL_CENTRE) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Z value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = interp(s); - } - } - break; - } - default: { - // This should never happen - throw BoutException("Unsupported direction of interpolation\n" - " - don't know how to interpolate to %s",strLocation(loc)); - } - }; - - if ((dir != CELL_ZLOW) && (region != RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - fieldmesh->communicate(result); - } - - } else { - // Shifted -> shifted - // For now, shift to centre then to final location loc - // We probably should not rely on this, but it might work if one of the - // shifts is in the z-direction where guard cells aren't needed. - result = interp_to(interp_to(var, CELL_CENTRE), loc, region); - } - result.setLocation(loc); - - return result; - } - - // Nothing to do - just return unchanged - // Copying into result to return as returning var may increase the number of - // references to the var data whilst returning result doesn't - result = var; - return result; +void printLocation(const Field3D& var) { + output << toString(var.getLocation()); } - -const Field2D interp_to(const Field2D &var, CELL_LOC loc, REGION region) { - - Mesh *fieldmesh = var.getMesh(); - Field2D result(fieldmesh); - - if ((loc != CELL_CENTRE && loc != CELL_DEFAULT) && (fieldmesh->StaggerGrids == false)) { - throw BoutException("Asked to interpolate, but StaggerGrids is disabled!"); - } - if (fieldmesh->StaggerGrids && (var.getLocation() != loc)) { - - // Staggered grids enabled, and need to perform interpolation - TRACE("Interpolating %s -> %s", strLocation(var.getLocation()), strLocation(loc)); - - if (region != RGN_NOBNDRY) { - // result is requested in some boundary region(s) - result = var; // NOTE: This is just for boundaries. FIX! - } - // NOTE: invalidateGuards() is called in Field3D::alloctate() if the data - // block is not already allocated, so will be called here if - // region==RGN_NOBNDRY - result.allocate(); - - // Cell location of the input field - CELL_LOC location = var.getLocation(); - - if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) || (loc == CELL_CENTRE)) { - // Going between centred and shifted - - stencil s; - CELL_LOC dir; - - // Get the non-centre location for interpolation direction - dir = (loc == CELL_CENTRE) ? location : loc; - - switch (dir) { - case CELL_XLOW: { - ASSERT0(fieldmesh->xstart >= 2); // At least 2 boundary cells needed for interpolation in x-direction - - BOUT_FOR(i, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - - // Set stencils - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.xp()]; - s.m = var[i.xm()]; - s.pp = var[i.offset(2, 0, 0)]; - s.mm = var[i.offset(-2, 0, 0)]; - - if ((location == CELL_CENTRE) && (loc == CELL_XLOW)) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower X value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else if (location == CELL_XLOW) { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = interp(s); - } - break; - } - case CELL_YLOW: { - ASSERT0(fieldmesh->ystart >= 2); // At least 2 boundary cells needed for interpolation in y-direction - - if (fieldmesh->ystart > 1) { - - // More than one guard cell, so set pp and mm values - // This allows higher-order methods to be used - BOUT_FOR(i, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - // Set stencils - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.yp()]; - s.m = var[i.ym()]; - s.pp = var[i.offset(0, 2, 0)]; - s.mm = var[i.offset(0, -2, 0)]; - - if (location == CELL_CENTRE) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = interp(s); - } - } else { - // Only one guard cell, so no pp or mm values - // Note: at the moment we cannot reach this case because of the - // 'ASSERT0(fieldmesh->ystart >=2)' above, but if we implement a 3-point - // stencil for interp, then this will be useful - BOUT_FOR(i, fieldmesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { - // Set stencils - s.c = var[i]; - s.p = var[i.yp()]; - s.m = var[i.ym()]; - - if (location == CELL_CENTRE) { - // Producing a stencil centred around a lower Y value - s.pp = s.p; - s.p = s.c; - } else { - // Stencil centred around a cell centre - s.mm = s.m; - s.m = s.c; - } - - result[i] = interp(s); - } - } - break; - } - case CELL_ZLOW: { - // Nothing to do for Field2D as Field2D is constant in z-direction - result = var; - break; - } - default: { - // This should never happen - throw BoutException("Unsupported direction of interpolation\n" - " - don't know how to interpolate to %s",strLocation(loc)); - } - }; - - if ((dir != CELL_ZLOW) && (region != RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - fieldmesh->communicate(result); - } - - } else { - // Shifted -> shifted - // For now, shift to centre then to final location loc - // We probably should not rely on this, but it might work if one of the - // shifts is in the z-direction where guard cells aren't needed. - result = interp_to(interp_to(var, CELL_CENTRE), loc, region); - } - result.setLocation(loc); - - return result; - } - - // Nothing to do - just return unchanged - // Copying into result to return as returning var may increase the number of - // references to the var data whilst returning result doesn't - result = var; - return result; +void printLocation(const Field2D& var) { + output << toString(var.getLocation()); } -void printLocation(const Field3D &var) { output.write("%s",strLocation(var.getLocation())); } -void printLocation(const Field2D &var) { output.write("%s",strLocation(var.getLocation())); } - -const char *strLocation(CELL_LOC loc) { return CELL_LOC_STRING(loc).c_str(); } - -// 4-point Lagrangian interpolation -// offset must be between 0 and 1 -BoutReal lagrange_4pt(BoutReal v2m, BoutReal vm, BoutReal vp, BoutReal v2p, - BoutReal offset) { - return -offset * (offset - 1.0) * (offset - 2.0) * v2m / 6.0 + - 0.5 * (offset * offset - 1.0) * (offset - 2.0) * vm - - 0.5 * offset * (offset + 1.0) * (offset - 2.0) * vp + - offset * (offset * offset - 1.0) * v2p / 6.0; -} - -BoutReal lagrange_4pt(BoutReal v[], BoutReal offset) { - return lagrange_4pt(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], offset); -} +const char* strLocation(CELL_LOC loc) { return toString(loc).c_str(); } const Field3D interpolate(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z) { TRACE("Interpolating 3D field"); - - Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - ASSERT1(mesh == delta_x.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(mesh == delta_z.getMesh()); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); - - // Loop over output grid points - for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) { - for (int jy = 0; jy < mesh->LocalNy; jy++) { - for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { - // Need to get value of f at - // [jx + delta_x[jx][jy][jz]][jy][jz + delta_z[jx][jy][jz]] - - // get lower (rounded down) index - int jxmnew = static_cast(delta_x(jx, jy, jz)); - int jzmnew = static_cast(delta_z(jx, jy, jz)); - // and the distance from this point - BoutReal xs = delta_x(jx, jy, jz) - static_cast(jxmnew); - BoutReal zs = delta_z(jx, jy, jz) - static_cast(jzmnew); - // Get new lower index - jxmnew += jx; - jzmnew += jz; - - // Check bounds. If beyond bounds just constant - if (jxmnew < 0) { - jxmnew = 0; - xs = 0.0; - } else if (jxmnew >= (mesh->LocalNx - 1)) { - // Want to always be able to use [jxnew] and [jxnew+1] - jxmnew = mesh->LocalNx - 2; - xs = 1.0; - } - - int jx2mnew = (jxmnew == 0) ? 0 : (jxmnew - 1); - int jxpnew = jxmnew + 1; - int jx2pnew = (jxmnew == (mesh->LocalNx - 2)) ? jxpnew : (jxpnew + 1); - - int ncz = mesh->LocalNz; - - // Get the 4 Z points - jzmnew = ((jzmnew % ncz) + ncz) % ncz; - int jzpnew = (jzmnew + 1) % ncz; - int jz2pnew = (jzmnew + 2) % ncz; - int jz2mnew = (jzmnew - 1 + ncz) % ncz; - - // Now have 4 indices for X and Z to interpolate - - // Interpolate in Z first - BoutReal xvals[4]; - - xvals[0] = lagrange_4pt(f(jx2mnew, jy, jz2mnew), f(jx2mnew, jy, jzmnew), - f(jx2mnew, jy, jzpnew), f(jx2mnew, jy, jz2pnew), zs); - xvals[1] = lagrange_4pt(f(jxmnew, jy, jz2mnew), f(jxmnew, jy, jzmnew), - f(jxmnew, jy, jzpnew), f(jxmnew, jy, jz2pnew), zs); - xvals[2] = lagrange_4pt(f(jxpnew, jy, jz2mnew), f(jxpnew, jy, jzmnew), - f(jxpnew, jy, jzpnew), f(jxpnew, jy, jz2pnew), zs); - xvals[3] = lagrange_4pt(f(jx2pnew, jy, jz2mnew), f(jx2pnew, jy, jzmnew), - f(jx2pnew, jy, jzpnew), f(jx2pnew, jy, jz2pnew), zs); - // Then in X - result(jx, jy, jz) = lagrange_4pt(xvals, xs); - } - } - } - return result; + Lagrange4pt interpolateMethod{f.getMesh()}; + return interpolateMethod.interpolate(f, delta_x, delta_z); } const Field3D interpolate(const Field2D &f, const Field3D &delta_x, @@ -521,8 +55,7 @@ const Field3D interpolate(const Field2D &f, const Field3D &delta_x) { Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); ASSERT1(mesh == delta_x.getMesh()); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(delta_x)}; // Loop over output grid points for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; jx++) { diff --git a/src/mesh/interpolation/bilinear.cxx b/src/mesh/interpolation/bilinear.cxx index 0060cc12a0..dc23823a7d 100644 --- a/src/mesh/interpolation/bilinear.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/interpolation/bilinear.cxx @@ -28,11 +28,12 @@ #include Bilinear::Bilinear(int y_offset, Mesh *mesh) - : Interpolation(y_offset, mesh), w0(localmesh), w1(localmesh), w2(localmesh), w3(localmesh) { + : Interpolation(y_offset, mesh), + w0(localmesh), w1(localmesh), w2(localmesh), w3(localmesh) { // Index arrays contain guard cells in order to get subscripts right - i_corner = Tensor(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); - k_corner = Tensor(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); + i_corner.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); + k_corner.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); // Allocate Field3D members w0.allocate(); @@ -61,11 +62,17 @@ void Bilinear::calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z) { BoutReal t_z1 = 1.0 - t_z; // Check that t_x and t_z are in range - if( (t_x < 0.0) || (t_x > 1.0) ) - throw BoutException("t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_x, x,y,z); - - if( (t_z < 0.0) || (t_z > 1.0) ) - throw BoutException("t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_z, x,y,z); + if ((t_x < 0.0) || (t_x > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (delta_x=%e, i_corner=%d)", t_x, x, y, + z, delta_x(x, y, z), i_corner(x, y, z)); + } + + if ((t_z < 0.0) || (t_z > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (delta_z=%e, k_corner=%d)", t_z, x, y, + z, delta_z(x, y, z), k_corner(x, y, z)); + } w0(x,y,z) = t_x1 * t_z1; w1(x,y,z) = t_x * t_z1; @@ -84,8 +91,7 @@ void Bilinear::calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z, const Field3D Bilinear::interpolate(const Field3D& f) const { ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == localmesh); - Field3D f_interp(f.getMesh()); - f_interp.allocate(); + Field3D f_interp{emptyFrom(f)}; for(int x=localmesh->xstart;x<=localmesh->xend;x++) { for(int y=localmesh->ystart; y<=localmesh->yend;y++) { diff --git a/src/mesh/interpolation/hermite_spline.cxx b/src/mesh/interpolation/hermite_spline.cxx index 59367f544a..c95c37ec77 100644 --- a/src/mesh/interpolation/hermite_spline.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/interpolation/hermite_spline.cxx @@ -20,20 +20,21 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#include "bout/mesh.hxx" #include "globals.hxx" #include "interpolation.hxx" +#include "bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" #include HermiteSpline::HermiteSpline(int y_offset, Mesh *mesh) - : Interpolation(y_offset, mesh), h00_x(localmesh), h01_x(localmesh), h10_x(localmesh), - h11_x(localmesh), h00_z(localmesh), h01_z(localmesh), h10_z(localmesh), - h11_z(localmesh) { + : Interpolation(y_offset, mesh), + h00_x(localmesh), h01_x(localmesh), h10_x(localmesh), h11_x(localmesh), + h00_z(localmesh), h01_z(localmesh), h10_z(localmesh), h11_z(localmesh) { // Index arrays contain guard cells in order to get subscripts right - i_corner = Tensor(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); - k_corner = Tensor(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); + i_corner.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); + k_corner.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); // Allocate Field3D members h00_x.allocate(); @@ -78,11 +79,17 @@ void HermiteSpline::calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z) } // Check that t_x and t_z are in range - if ((t_x < 0.0) || (t_x > 1.0)) - throw BoutException("t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_x, x, y, z); + if ((t_x < 0.0) || (t_x > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (delta_x=%e, i_corner=%d)", t_x, x, y, + z, delta_x(x, y, z), i_corner(x, y, z)); + } - if ((t_z < 0.0) || (t_z > 1.0)) - throw BoutException("t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_z, x, y, z); + if ((t_z < 0.0) || (t_z > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (delta_z=%e, k_corner=%d)", t_z, x, y, + z, delta_z(x, y, z), k_corner(x, y, z)); + } h00_x(x, y, z) = (2. * t_x * t_x * t_x) - (3. * t_x * t_x) + 1.; h00_z(x, y, z) = (2. * t_z * t_z * t_z) - (3. * t_z * t_z) + 1.; @@ -108,16 +115,15 @@ void HermiteSpline::calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z, Field3D HermiteSpline::interpolate(const Field3D &f) const { ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == localmesh); - Field3D f_interp(f.getMesh()); - f_interp.allocate(); + Field3D f_interp{emptyFrom(f)}; // Derivatives are used for tension and need to be on dimensionless // coordinates - Field3D fx = localmesh->indexDDX(f, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT); + Field3D fx = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, CELL_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT"); localmesh->communicateXZ(fx); - Field3D fz = localmesh->indexDDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT, true); + Field3D fz = bout::derivatives::index::DDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT", "RGN_ALL"); localmesh->communicateXZ(fz); - Field3D fxz = localmesh->indexDDX(fz, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT); + Field3D fxz = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(fz, CELL_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT"); localmesh->communicateXZ(fxz); for (int x = localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { diff --git a/src/mesh/interpolation/interpolation_factory.cxx b/src/mesh/interpolation/interpolation_factory.cxx index 387a578070..bc3adbceaf 100644 --- a/src/mesh/interpolation/interpolation_factory.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/interpolation/interpolation_factory.cxx @@ -29,48 +29,49 @@ void InterpolationFactory::cleanup() { Interpolation* InterpolationFactory::create(Options *options, Mesh *mesh) { // Get the default interpolation type - string type = getDefaultInterpType(); + std::string type = getDefaultInterpType(); // If no options section passed (e.g. for a variable), then use the // "interpolation" section if (options == nullptr) options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("interpolation"); - string interp_option; - options->get("type", interp_option, type); + std::string interp_option = (*options)["type"].withDefault(type); if (!interp_option.empty()) type = interp_option.c_str(); return create(type, options, mesh); } -Interpolation* InterpolationFactory::create(const string &name, Options *options, Mesh *localmesh) { +Interpolation* InterpolationFactory::create(const std::string &name, Options *options, Mesh *localmesh) { // If no options section passed (e.g. for a variable), then use the // "interpolation" section - if (options == nullptr) + if (options == nullptr) { options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("interpolation"); + } // Use the global mesh if none passed - if (localmesh == nullptr) - localmesh = mesh; + if (localmesh == nullptr) { + localmesh = bout::globals::mesh; + } auto interp = findInterpolation(name); - if (interp == nullptr) + if (interp == nullptr) { throw BoutException("Could not find interpolation method '%s'", name.c_str()); + } return interp(localmesh); } -void InterpolationFactory::add(CreateInterpCallback interp, const string &name) { - if ((findInterpolation(name)) != nullptr) { - // error - already exists - output << "ERROR: Trying to add an already existing interpolation: " << name << endl; +void InterpolationFactory::add(CreateInterpCallback interp, const std::string &name) { + if (findInterpolation(name) != nullptr) { + output_warn << "ERROR: Trying to add an already existing interpolation: " << name << endl; return; } interp_map[lowercase(name)] = interp; } -InterpolationFactory::CreateInterpCallback InterpolationFactory::findInterpolation(const string &name) { +InterpolationFactory::CreateInterpCallback InterpolationFactory::findInterpolation(const std::string &name) { auto interp = interp_map.find(lowercase(name)); if (interp == end(interp_map)) return nullptr; diff --git a/src/mesh/interpolation/lagrange_4pt.cxx b/src/mesh/interpolation/lagrange_4pt.cxx index c942976bc3..6590c82e38 100644 --- a/src/mesh/interpolation/lagrange_4pt.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/interpolation/lagrange_4pt.cxx @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ Lagrange4pt::Lagrange4pt(int y_offset, Mesh *mesh) : Interpolation(y_offset, mesh), t_x(localmesh), t_z(localmesh) { // Index arrays contain guard cells in order to get subscripts right - i_corner = Tensor(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); - k_corner = Tensor(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); + i_corner.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); + k_corner.reallocate(localmesh->LocalNx, localmesh->LocalNy, localmesh->LocalNz); t_x.allocate(); t_z.allocate(); @@ -63,11 +63,16 @@ void Lagrange4pt::calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z) { } // Check that t_x and t_z are in range - if ((t_x(x, y, z) < 0.0) || (t_x(x, y, z) > 1.0)) - throw BoutException("t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_x(x, y, z), x, y, z); - - if ((t_z(x, y, z) < 0.0) || (t_z(x, y, z) > 1.0)) - throw BoutException("t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_z(x, y, z), x, y, z); + if ((t_x(x, y, z) < 0.0) || (t_x(x, y, z) > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (delta_x=%e, i_corner=%d)", t_x(x, y, z), x, y, + z, delta_x(x, y, z), i_corner(x, y, z)); + } + if ((t_z(x, y, z) < 0.0) || (t_z(x, y, z) > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (delta_z=%e, k_corner=%d)", t_z(x, y, z), x, y, + z, delta_z(x, y, z), k_corner(x, y, z)); + } } } } @@ -82,8 +87,7 @@ void Lagrange4pt::calcWeights(const Field3D &delta_x, const Field3D &delta_z, Field3D Lagrange4pt::interpolate(const Field3D &f) const { ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == localmesh); - Field3D f_interp(f.getMesh()); - f_interp.allocate(); + Field3D f_interp{emptyFrom(f)}; for (int x = localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { for (int y = localmesh->ystart; y <= localmesh->yend; y++) { diff --git a/src/mesh/interpolation/monotonic_hermite_spline.cxx b/src/mesh/interpolation/monotonic_hermite_spline.cxx index 7507da6a57..102dfe5f94 100644 --- a/src/mesh/interpolation/monotonic_hermite_spline.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/interpolation/monotonic_hermite_spline.cxx @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ * **************************************************************************/ - -#include "bout/mesh.hxx" #include "globals.hxx" #include "interpolation.hxx" #include "output.hxx" +#include "bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" #include @@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ Field3D MonotonicHermiteSpline::interpolate(const Field3D &f) const { // Derivatives are used for tension and need to be on dimensionless // coordinates - Field3D fx = localmesh->indexDDX(f, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT); + Field3D fx = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, CELL_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT"); localmesh->communicateXZ(fx); - Field3D fz = localmesh->indexDDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT, true); + Field3D fz = bout::derivatives::index::DDZ(f, CELL_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT", "RGN_ALL"); localmesh->communicateXZ(fz); - Field3D fxz = localmesh->indexDDX(fz, CELL_DEFAULT, DIFF_DEFAULT); + Field3D fxz = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(fz, CELL_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT"); localmesh->communicateXZ(fxz); for (int x = localmesh->xstart; x <= localmesh->xend; x++) { diff --git a/src/mesh/mesh.cxx b/src/mesh/mesh.cxx index 9ef171947e..2f23e555a0 100644 --- a/src/mesh/mesh.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/mesh.cxx @@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ #include -#include "parallel/fci.hxx" - Mesh* Mesh::create(GridDataSource *s, Options *opt) { return MeshFactory::getInstance()->createMesh(s, opt); } @@ -31,15 +29,12 @@ Mesh::Mesh(GridDataSource *s, Options* opt) : source(s), options(opt) { /// Get mesh options OPTION(options, StaggerGrids, false); // Stagger grids OPTION(options, maxregionblocksize, MAXREGIONBLOCKSIZE); + OPTION(options, calcParallelSlices_on_communicate, true); // Initialise derivatives derivs_init(options); // in index_derivs.cxx for now } -Mesh::~Mesh() { - if (source) { - delete source; - } -} +Mesh::~Mesh() { delete source; } /************************************************************************** * Functions for reading data from external sources @@ -48,34 +43,74 @@ Mesh::~Mesh() { * which may then read from a file, options, or other sources. **************************************************************************/ -/// Get an integer -int Mesh::get(int &ival, const string &name) { +namespace { +// Wrapper for writing nicely to the screen +template +void warn_default_used(const T& value, const std::string& name) { + output_warn << "\tWARNING: Mesh has no source. Setting '" << name << "' = " << value + << std::endl; +} +} // namespace + +int Mesh::get(std::string& sval, const std::string& name, const std::string& def) { + TRACE("Mesh::get(sval, %s)", name.c_str()); + + if (source == nullptr) { + warn_default_used(def, name); + sval = def; + return true; + } + + return !source->get(this, sval, name, def); +} + +int Mesh::get(int &ival, const std::string &name, int def) { TRACE("Mesh::get(ival, %s)", name.c_str()); - if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, ival, name)) - return 1; + if (source == nullptr) { + warn_default_used(def, name); + ival = def; + return true; + } - return 0; + return !source->get(this, ival, name, def); } -/// A BoutReal number -int Mesh::get(BoutReal &rval, const string &name) { +int Mesh::get(BoutReal& rval, const std::string& name, BoutReal def) { TRACE("Mesh::get(rval, %s)", name.c_str()); - if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, rval, name)) - return 1; + if (source == nullptr) { + warn_default_used(def, name); + rval = def; + return true; + } - return 0; + return !source->get(this, rval, name, def); } -int Mesh::get(Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { - TRACE("Loading 2D field: Mesh::get(Field2D, %s)", name.c_str()); +int Mesh::get(bool &bval, const std::string &name, bool def) { + TRACE("Mesh::get(bval, %s)", name.c_str()); - // Ensure data allocated - var.allocate(); + if (source == nullptr) { + warn_default_used(def, name); + bval = def; + return true; + } + + int bval_as_int = 0; + bool success = source->get(this, bval_as_int, name, def); + bval = bool(bval_as_int); + return !success; +} + +int Mesh::get(Field2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def) { + TRACE("Loading 2D field: Mesh::get(Field2D, %s)", name.c_str()); - if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, var, name, def)) + if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, var, name, def)) { + // set val to default in source==nullptr too: + var = def; return 1; + } // Communicate to get guard cell data Mesh::communicate(var); @@ -86,14 +121,14 @@ int Mesh::get(Field2D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def) { return 0; } -int Mesh::get(Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def, bool communicate) { +int Mesh::get(Field3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def, bool communicate) { TRACE("Loading 3D field: Mesh::get(Field3D, %s)", name.c_str()); - // Ensure data allocated - var.allocate(); - - if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, var, name, def)) + if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, var, name, def)) { + // set val to default in source==nullptr too: + var = def; return 1; + } // Communicate to get guard cell data if(communicate) { @@ -106,59 +141,95 @@ int Mesh::get(Field3D &var, const string &name, BoutReal def, bool communicate) return 0; } +int Mesh::get(FieldPerp &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def, + bool UNUSED(communicate)) { + TRACE("Loading FieldPerp: Mesh::get(FieldPerp, %s)", name.c_str()); + + if (source == nullptr or !source->get(this, var, name, def)) { + // set val to default in source==nullptr too: + var = def; + return 1; + } + + int yindex = var.getIndex(); + if (yindex >= 0 and yindex < var.getMesh()->LocalNy) { + // Communicate to get guard cell data + Mesh::communicate(var); + + // Check that the data is valid + checkData(var); + } + + return 0; +} + /************************************************************************** * Data get routines **************************************************************************/ -int Mesh::get(Vector2D &var, const string &name) { +int Mesh::get(Vector2D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def) { TRACE("Loading 2D vector: Mesh::get(Vector2D, %s)", name.c_str()); if(var.covariant) { - output << "\tReading covariant vector " << name << endl; + output << _("\tReading covariant vector ") << name << endl; - get(var.x, name+"_x"); - get(var.y, name+"_y"); - get(var.z, name+"_z"); + get(var.x, name+"_x", def); + get(var.y, name+"_y", def); + get(var.z, name+"_z", def); }else { - output << "\tReading contravariant vector " << name << endl; + output << _("\tReading contravariant vector ") << name << endl; - get(var.x, name+"x"); - get(var.y, name+"y"); - get(var.z, name+"z"); + get(var.x, name+"x", def); + get(var.y, name+"y", def); + get(var.z, name+"z", def); } return 0; } -int Mesh::get(Vector3D &var, const string &name) { +int Mesh::get(Vector3D &var, const std::string &name, BoutReal def) { TRACE("Loading 3D vector: Mesh::get(Vector3D, %s)", name.c_str()); if(var.covariant) { - output << "\tReading covariant vector " << name << endl; + output << _("\tReading covariant vector ") << name << endl; - get(var.x, name+"_x"); - get(var.y, name+"_y"); - get(var.z, name+"_z"); + get(var.x, name+"_x", def); + get(var.y, name+"_y", def); + get(var.z, name+"_z", def); }else { - output << "\tReading contravariant vector " << name << endl; + output << ("\tReading contravariant vector ") << name << endl; - get(var.x, name+"x"); - get(var.y, name+"y"); - get(var.z, name+"z"); + get(var.x, name+"x", def); + get(var.y, name+"y", def); + get(var.z, name+"z", def); } return 0; } -bool Mesh::sourceHasVar(const string &name) { +bool Mesh::isDataSourceGridFile() const { + return source != nullptr and source->is_file; +} + +bool Mesh::sourceHasVar(const std::string &name) { TRACE("Mesh::sourceHasVar(%s)", name.c_str()); if (source == nullptr) return false; return source->hasVar(name); } +/// Wrapper for GridDataSource::hasXBoundaryGuards +bool Mesh::sourceHasXBoundaryGuards() { + return source->hasXBoundaryGuards(this); +} + +/// Wrapper for GridDataSource::hasYBoundaryGuards +bool Mesh::sourceHasYBoundaryGuards() { + return source->hasYBoundaryGuards(); +} + /************************************************************************** * Communications **************************************************************************/ @@ -183,8 +254,11 @@ void Mesh::communicate(FieldGroup &g) { wait(h); // Calculate yup and ydown fields for 3D fields - for(const auto& fptr : g.field3d()) - getParallelTransform().calcYUpDown(*fptr); + if (calcParallelSlices_on_communicate) { + for(const auto& fptr : g.field3d()) { + fptr->calcParallelSlices(); + } + } } /// This is a bit of a hack for now to get FieldPerp communications @@ -209,7 +283,7 @@ void Mesh::communicate(FieldPerp &f) { wait(recv[1]); } -int Mesh::msg_len(const vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt) { +int Mesh::msg_len(const std::vector &var_list, int xge, int xlt, int yge, int ylt) { int len = 0; /// Loop over variables @@ -262,7 +336,7 @@ bool Mesh::hasBndryUpperY() { return answer; } -const vector Mesh::readInts(const string &name, int n) { +const std::vector Mesh::readInts(const std::string &name, int n) { TRACE("Mesh::readInts(%s)", name.c_str()); if (source == nullptr) { @@ -270,134 +344,126 @@ const vector Mesh::readInts(const string &name, int n) { name.c_str()); } - vector result; + std::vector result; if(source->hasVar(name)) { if(!source->get(this, result, name, n, 0)) { // Error reading - throw BoutException("Could not read integer array '%s'\n", name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Could not read integer array '%s'\n"), name.c_str()); } }else { // Not found - throw BoutException("Missing integer array %s\n", name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Missing integer array %s\n"), name.c_str()); } return result; } -void Mesh::setParallelTransform() { - - string ptstr; - options->get("paralleltransform", ptstr, "identity"); - - // Convert to lower case for comparison - ptstr = lowercase(ptstr); - - if(ptstr == "identity") { - // Identity method i.e. no transform needed - transform = std::unique_ptr(new ParallelTransformIdentity()); - - }else if(ptstr == "shifted") { - // Shifted metric method - transform = std::unique_ptr(new ShiftedMetric(*this)); - - }else if(ptstr == "fci") { - - Options *fci_options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("fci"); - // Flux Coordinate Independent method - bool fci_zperiodic; - fci_options->get("z_periodic", fci_zperiodic, true); - transform = std::unique_ptr(new FCITransform(*this, fci_zperiodic)); - - }else { - throw BoutException("Unrecognised paralleltransform option.\n" - "Valid choices are 'identity', 'shifted', 'fci'"); - } -} +std::shared_ptr Mesh::createDefaultCoordinates(const CELL_LOC location, + bool force_interpolate_from_centre) { -ParallelTransform& Mesh::getParallelTransform() { - if(!transform) { - // No ParallelTransform object yet. Set from options - setParallelTransform(); - } - - // Return a reference to the ParallelTransform object - return *transform; -} - -std::shared_ptr Mesh::createDefaultCoordinates(const CELL_LOC location) { if (location == CELL_CENTRE || location == CELL_DEFAULT) { // Initialize coordinates from input - return std::make_shared(this); + return std::make_shared(this, options); } else { // Interpolate coordinates from CELL_CENTRE version - return std::make_shared(this, location, getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE)); + return std::make_shared(this, options, location, + getCoordinates(CELL_CENTRE), force_interpolate_from_centre); } } - -const Region<> & Mesh::getRegion3D(const std::string ®ion_name) const { +const Region<>& Mesh::getRegion3D(const std::string& region_name) const { const auto found = regionMap3D.find(region_name); if (found == end(regionMap3D)) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't find region %s in regionMap3D", region_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Couldn't find region %s in regionMap3D"), region_name.c_str()); } return found->second; } -const Region & Mesh::getRegion2D(const std::string ®ion_name) const { +const Region& Mesh::getRegion2D(const std::string& region_name) const { const auto found = regionMap2D.find(region_name); if (found == end(regionMap2D)) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't find region %s in regionMap2D", region_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Couldn't find region %s in regionMap2D"), region_name.c_str()); } return found->second; } -const Region &Mesh::getRegionPerp(const std::string ®ion_name) const { +const Region& Mesh::getRegionPerp(const std::string& region_name) const { const auto found = regionMapPerp.find(region_name); if (found == end(regionMapPerp)) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't find region %s in regionMapPerp", region_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Couldn't find region %s in regionMapPerp"), + region_name.c_str()); } return found->second; } +bool Mesh::hasRegion3D(const std::string& region_name) const { + return regionMap3D.find(region_name) != std::end(regionMap3D); +} + +bool Mesh::hasRegion2D(const std::string& region_name) const { + return regionMap2D.find(region_name) != std::end(regionMap2D); +} + +bool Mesh::hasRegionPerp(const std::string& region_name) const { + return regionMapPerp.find(region_name) != std::end(regionMapPerp); +} + void Mesh::addRegion3D(const std::string ®ion_name, const Region<> ®ion) { if (regionMap3D.count(region_name)) { - throw BoutException("Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap3D",region_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap3D"), region_name.c_str()); } regionMap3D[region_name] = region; - output_info << "Registered region 3D " << region_name << ": \n"; - output_info << "\t" << region.getStats() << "\n"; + output_verbose.write(_("Registered region 3D %s"),region_name.c_str()); + output_verbose << "\n:\t" << region.getStats() << "\n"; } void Mesh::addRegion2D(const std::string ®ion_name, const Region ®ion) { if (regionMap2D.count(region_name)) { - throw BoutException("Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap2D",region_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMap2D"), region_name.c_str()); } regionMap2D[region_name] = region; - output_info << "Registered region 2D " << region_name << ": \n"; - output_info << "\t" << region.getStats() << "\n"; + output_verbose.write(_("Registered region 2D %s"),region_name.c_str()); + output_verbose << "\n:\t" << region.getStats() << "\n"; } void Mesh::addRegionPerp(const std::string ®ion_name, const Region ®ion) { if (regionMapPerp.count(region_name)) { - throw BoutException("Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMapPerp",region_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Trying to add an already existing region %s to regionMapPerp"), region_name.c_str()); } regionMapPerp[region_name] = region; - output_info << "Registered region Perp " << region_name << ": \n"; - output_info << "\t" << region.getStats() << "\n"; + output_verbose.write(_("Registered region Perp %s"),region_name.c_str()); + output_verbose << "\n:\t" << region.getStats() << "\n"; } void Mesh::createDefaultRegions(){ //3D regions addRegion3D("RGN_ALL", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); - addRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY", Region(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, 0, LocalNz - 1, + addRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY", Region(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); addRegion3D("RGN_NOX", Region(xstart, xend, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); addRegion3D("RGN_NOY", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, ystart, yend, 0, LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion3D("RGN_NOZ", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, zstart, zend, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); addRegion3D("RGN_GUARDS", mask(getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"), getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY"))); + addRegion3D("RGN_XGUARDS", Region(0, xstart - 1, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xend + 1, LocalNx - 1, ystart, yend, zstart, zend, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion3D("RGN_YGUARDS", Region(xstart, xend, 0, ystart - 1, zstart, zend, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xstart, xend, yend + 1, LocalNy - 1, zstart, zend, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion3D("RGN_ZGUARDS", Region(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, 0, zstart - 1, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, zend + 1, LocalNz - 1, + LocalNy, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion3D("RGN_NOCORNERS", + (getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY") + getRegion3D("RGN_XGUARDS") + + getRegion3D("RGN_YGUARDS") + getRegion3D("RGN_ZGUARDS")).unique()); //2D regions addRegion2D("RGN_ALL", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, @@ -408,18 +474,53 @@ void Mesh::createDefaultRegions(){ maxregionblocksize)); addRegion2D("RGN_NOY", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, ystart, yend, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion2D("RGN_NOZ", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize)); addRegion2D("RGN_GUARDS", mask(getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"), getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY"))); + addRegion2D("RGN_XGUARDS", Region(0, xstart - 1, ystart, yend, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xend + 1, LocalNx - 1, ystart, yend, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion2D("RGN_YGUARDS", Region(xstart, xend, 0, ystart - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xstart, xend, yend + 1, LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion2D("RGN_ZGUARDS", Region(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, 0, -1, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xstart, xend, ystart, yend, 0, -1, LocalNy, 1, + maxregionblocksize)); + addRegion2D("RGN_NOCORNERS", + (getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY") + getRegion2D("RGN_XGUARDS") + + getRegion2D("RGN_YGUARDS") + getRegion2D("RGN_ZGUARDS")).unique()); // Perp regions addRegionPerp("RGN_ALL", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, 0, 0, LocalNz - 1, 1, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); - addRegionPerp("RGN_NOBNDRY", Region(xstart, xend, 0, 0, 0, LocalNz - 1, 1, + addRegionPerp("RGN_NOBNDRY", Region(xstart, xend, 0, 0, zstart, zend, 1, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); addRegionPerp("RGN_NOX", Region(xstart, xend, 0, 0, 0, LocalNz - 1, 1, LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); // Same as NOBNDRY addRegionPerp("RGN_NOY", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, 0, 0, LocalNz - 1, 1, - LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); // Same as ALL + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + + addRegionPerp("RGN_NOZ", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, 0, zstart, zend, 1, LocalNz, + maxregionblocksize)); addRegionPerp("RGN_GUARDS", mask(getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"), getRegionPerp("RGN_NOBNDRY"))); + addRegionPerp("RGN_XGUARDS", Region(0, xstart - 1, 0, 0, zstart, zend, 1, + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xend + 1, LocalNx - 1, 0, 0, zstart, zend, 1, + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegionPerp("RGN_YGUARDS", Region(xstart, xend, 0, -1, zstart, zend, 1, + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xstart, xend, 0, -1, zstart, zend, 1, + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegionPerp("RGN_ZGUARDS", Region(xstart, xend, 0, 0, 0, zstart - 1, 1, + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize) + + Region(xstart, xend, 0, 0, zend + 1, LocalNz - 1, 1, + LocalNz, maxregionblocksize)); + addRegionPerp("RGN_NOCORNERS", + (getRegionPerp("RGN_NOBNDRY") + getRegionPerp("RGN_XGUARDS") + + getRegionPerp("RGN_YGUARDS") + getRegionPerp("RGN_ZGUARDS")).unique()); // Construct index lookup for 3D-->2D indexLookup3Dto2D = Array(LocalNx*LocalNy*LocalNz); @@ -437,6 +538,6 @@ void Mesh::recalculateStaggeredCoordinates() { continue; } - std::swap(*coords_map[location], *createDefaultCoordinates(location)); + *coords_map[location] = std::move(*createDefaultCoordinates(location, true)); } } diff --git a/src/mesh/meshfactory.cxx b/src/mesh/meshfactory.cxx index 1c6eb1ef21..0502c9c228 100644 --- a/src/mesh/meshfactory.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/meshfactory.cxx @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ Mesh* MeshFactory::createMesh(GridDataSource *source, Options *options) { options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("mesh"); if (source == nullptr) { - string grid_name; + std::string grid_name; if(options->isSet("file")) { // Specified mesh file options->get("file", grid_name, ""); output << "\nGetting grid data from file " << grid_name << endl; /// Create a grid file, using specified format if given - string grid_ext; + std::string grid_ext; options->get("format", grid_ext, ""); /// Create a grid file @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Mesh* MeshFactory::createMesh(GridDataSource *source, Options *options) { // Get the global option Options::getRoot()->get("grid", grid_name, ""); output << "\nGetting grid data from file " << grid_name << endl; - string grid_ext; + std::string grid_ext; Options::getRoot()->get("format", grid_ext, ""); source = static_cast(new GridFile( @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Mesh* MeshFactory::createMesh(GridDataSource *source, Options *options) { } // Get the type of mesh - string type; + std::string type; options->get("type", type, MESH_BOUT); if(!strcasecmp(type.c_str(), MESH_BOUT)) { diff --git a/src/mesh/parallel/fci.cxx b/src/mesh/parallel/fci.cxx index c01700cd7b..6cf6c45532 100644 --- a/src/mesh/parallel/fci.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/parallel/fci.cxx @@ -42,66 +42,84 @@ #include "parallel_boundary_region.hxx" #include #include -#include // See this for codes +#include #include #include -/** - * Return the sign of val - */ -inline BoutReal sgn(BoutReal val) { return (BoutReal(0) < val) - (val < BoutReal(0)); } +#include -// Calculate all the coefficients needed for the spline interpolation -// dir MUST be either +1 or -1 -FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic) - : dir(dir), boundary_mask(mesh), corner_boundary_mask(mesh), y_prime(&mesh) { +FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh& mesh, int offset_, BoundaryRegionPar* boundary, bool zperiodic) + : map_mesh(mesh), offset(offset_), boundary_mask(map_mesh), + corner_boundary_mask(map_mesh) { - interp = InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create(&mesh); - interp->setYOffset(dir); + TRACE("Creating FCIMAP for direction %d", offset); + + if (offset == 0) { + throw BoutException("FCIMap called with offset = 0; You probably didn't mean to do that"); + } + + interp = + std::unique_ptr(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create(&map_mesh)); + interp->setYOffset(offset); + + interp_corner = + std::unique_ptr(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create(&map_mesh)); + interp_corner->setYOffset(offset); - interp_corner = InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create(&mesh); - interp_corner->setYOffset(dir); - // Index arrays contain guard cells in order to get subscripts right // x-index of bottom-left grid point - auto i_corner = Tensor(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, mesh.LocalNz); + auto i_corner = Tensor(map_mesh.LocalNx, map_mesh.LocalNy, map_mesh.LocalNz); // z-index of bottom-left grid point - auto k_corner = Tensor(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, mesh.LocalNz); - - Field3D xt_prime(&mesh), zt_prime(&mesh); - Field3D R(&mesh), Z(&mesh); // Real-space coordinates of grid points - Field3D R_prime(&mesh), - Z_prime(&mesh); // Real-space coordinates of forward/backward points - - mesh.get(R, "R", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(Z, "Z", 0.0, false); - - // Load the floating point indices from the grid file - // Future, higher order parallel derivatives could require maps to +/-2 slices - if (dir == +1) { - mesh.get(xt_prime, "forward_xt_prime", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(zt_prime, "forward_zt_prime", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(R_prime, "forward_R", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(Z_prime, "forward_Z", 0.0, false); - boundary = new BoundaryRegionPar("FCI_forward", BNDRY_PAR_FWD, dir, &mesh); - } else if (dir == -1) { - mesh.get(xt_prime, "backward_xt_prime", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(zt_prime, "backward_zt_prime", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(R_prime, "backward_R", 0.0, false); - mesh.get(Z_prime, "backward_Z", 0.0, false); - boundary = new BoundaryRegionPar("FCI_backward", BNDRY_PAR_BKWD, dir, &mesh); - } else { - // Definitely shouldn't be called - throw BoutException("FCIMap called with strange direction: %d. Only +/-1 currently supported.", dir); + auto k_corner = Tensor(map_mesh.LocalNx, map_mesh.LocalNy, map_mesh.LocalNz); + + // Index-space coordinates of forward/backward points + Field3D xt_prime{&map_mesh}, zt_prime{&map_mesh}; + + // Real-space coordinates of grid points + Field3D R{&map_mesh}, Z{&map_mesh}; + + // Real-space coordinates of forward/backward points + Field3D R_prime{&map_mesh}, Z_prime{&map_mesh}; + + map_mesh.get(R, "R", 0.0, false); + map_mesh.get(Z, "Z", 0.0, false); + + // Get a unique name for a field based on the sign/magnitude of the offset + const auto parallel_slice_field_name = [&](std::string field) -> std::string { + const std::string direction = (offset > 0) ? "forward" : "backward"; + // We only have a suffix for parallel slices beyond the first + // This is for backwards compatibility + const std::string slice_suffix = + (std::abs(offset) > 1) ? "_" + std::to_string(std::abs(offset)) : ""; + return direction + "_" + field + slice_suffix; + }; + + // If we can't read in any of these fields, things will silently not + // work, so best throw + if (map_mesh.get(xt_prime, parallel_slice_field_name("xt_prime"), 0.0, false) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Could not read %s from grid file!\n" + " Either add it to the grid file, or reduce MYG", + parallel_slice_field_name("xt_prime").c_str()); + } + if (map_mesh.get(zt_prime, parallel_slice_field_name("zt_prime"), 0.0, false) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Could not read %s from grid file!\n" + " Either add it to the grid file, or reduce MYG", + parallel_slice_field_name("zt_prime").c_str()); + } + if (map_mesh.get(R_prime, parallel_slice_field_name("R"), 0.0, false) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Could not read %s from grid file!\n" + " Either add it to the grid file, or reduce MYG", + parallel_slice_field_name("R").c_str()); + } + if (map_mesh.get(Z_prime, parallel_slice_field_name("Z"), 0.0, false) != 0) { + throw BoutException("Could not read %s from grid file!\n" + " Either add it to the grid file, or reduce MYG", + parallel_slice_field_name("Z").c_str()); } - // Add the boundary region to the mesh's vector of parallel boundaries - mesh.addBoundaryPar(boundary); - // Cell corners - Field3D xt_prime_corner(&mesh), zt_prime_corner(&mesh); - xt_prime_corner.allocate(); - zt_prime_corner.allocate(); + Field3D xt_prime_corner{emptyFrom(xt_prime)}; + Field3D zt_prime_corner{emptyFrom(xt_prime)}; BOUT_FOR(i, xt_prime_corner.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { // Point interpolated from (x+1/2, z+1/2) @@ -139,14 +157,15 @@ FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic) TRACE("FCImap: calculating weights"); interp->calcWeights(xt_prime, zt_prime); } - - int ncz = mesh.LocalNz; + + int ncz = map_mesh.LocalNz; + BoutReal t_x, t_z; - Coordinates &coord = *(mesh.getCoordinates()); + Coordinates &coord = *(map_mesh.getCoordinates()); - for (int x = mesh.xstart; x <= mesh.xend; x++) { - for (int y = mesh.ystart; y <= mesh.yend; y++) { + for (int x = map_mesh.xstart; x <= map_mesh.xend; x++) { + for (int y = map_mesh.ystart; y <= map_mesh.yend; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < ncz; z++) { // The integer part of xt_prime, zt_prime are the indices of the cell @@ -170,6 +189,19 @@ FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic) t_x = xt_prime(x, y, z) - static_cast(i_corner(x, y, z)); t_z = zt_prime(x, y, z) - static_cast(k_corner(x, y, z)); + // Check that t_x and t_z are in range + if ((t_x < 0.0) || (t_x > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (xt_prime=%e, i_corner=%d)", t_x, x, y, + z, xt_prime(x, y, z), i_corner(x, y, z)); + } + + if ((t_z < 0.0) || (t_z > 1.0)) { + throw BoutException( + "t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d) (zt_prime=%e, k_corner=%d)", t_z, x, y, + z, zt_prime(x, y, z), k_corner(x, y, z)); + } + //---------------------------------------- // Boundary stuff // @@ -203,7 +235,7 @@ FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic) dR_dz = R(x, y, z + 1) - R(x, y, z); dZ_dz = Z(x, y, z + 1) - Z(x, y, z); - } else if (z == mesh.LocalNz - 1) { + } else if (z == map_mesh.LocalNz - 1) { dR_dz = R(x, y, z) - R(x, y, z - 1); dZ_dz = Z(x, y, z) - Z(x, y, z - 1); @@ -220,21 +252,12 @@ FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic) // Invert 2x2 matrix to get change in index BoutReal dx = (dZ_dz * dR - dR_dz * dZ) / det; BoutReal dz = (dR_dx * dZ - dZ_dx * dR) / det; - boundary->add_point(x, y, z, - x + dx, y + 0.5*dir, z + dz, // Intersection point in local index space + boundary->add_point(x, y, z, + x + dx, y + 0.5*offset, z + dz, // Intersection point in local index space 0.5*coord.dy(x,y), //sqrt( SQ(dR) + SQ(dZ) ), // Distance to intersection PI // Right-angle intersection ); } - - //---------------------------------------- - - // Check that t_x and t_z are in range - if ((t_x < 0.0) || (t_x > 1.0)) - throw BoutException("t_x=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_x, x, y, z); - - if ((t_z < 0.0) || (t_z > 1.0)) - throw BoutException("t_z=%e out of range at (%d,%d,%d)", t_z, x, y, z); } } } @@ -242,39 +265,41 @@ FCIMap::FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic) interp->setMask(boundary_mask); } -const Field3D FCIMap::integrate(Field3D &f) const { +Field3D FCIMap::integrate(Field3D &f) const { TRACE("FCIMap::integrate"); - + + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + ASSERT1(&map_mesh == f.getMesh()); + // Cell centre values Field3D centre = interp->interpolate(f); - + // Cell corner values (x+1/2, z+1/2) Field3D corner = interp_corner->interpolate(f); - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; + + int nz = map_mesh.LocalNz; + + for(int x = map_mesh.xstart; x <= map_mesh.xend; x++) { + for(int y = map_mesh.ystart; y <= map_mesh.yend; y++) { + + int ynext = y+offset; - int nz = mesh->LocalNz; - - for(int x = mesh->xstart; x <= mesh->xend; x++) { - for(int y = mesh->ystart; y <= mesh->yend; y++) { - - int ynext = y+dir; - for(int z = 0; z < nz; z++) { if (boundary_mask(x,y,z)) continue; - + int zm = z - 1; if (z == 0) { zm = nz-1; } - + BoutReal f_c = centre(x,ynext,z); - + if (corner_boundary_mask(x, y, z) || corner_boundary_mask(x - 1, y, z) || corner_boundary_mask(x, y, zm) || corner_boundary_mask(x - 1, y, zm) || - (x == mesh->xstart)) { + (x == map_mesh.xstart)) { // One of the corners leaves the domain. // Use the cell centre value, since boundary conditions are not // currently applied to corners. @@ -299,24 +324,48 @@ const Field3D FCIMap::integrate(Field3D &f) const { return result; } -void FCITransform::calcYUpDown(Field3D &f) { - TRACE("FCITransform::calcYUpDown"); +void FCITransform::checkInputGrid() { + std::string parallel_transform; + if (mesh.isDataSourceGridFile() && !mesh.get(parallel_transform, "parallel_transform")) { + if (parallel_transform != "fci") { + throw BoutException("Incorrect parallel transform type '"+parallel_transform+"' used " + "to generate metric components for FCITransform. Should be 'fci'."); + } + } // else: parallel_transform variable not found in grid input, indicates older input + // file or grid from options so must rely on the user having ensured the type is + // correct +} + +void FCITransform::calcParallelSlices(Field3D& f) { + TRACE("FCITransform::calcParallelSlices"); + + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + // Only have forward_map/backward_map for CELL_CENTRE, so can only deal with + // CELL_CENTRE inputs + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); // Ensure that yup and ydown are different fields - f.splitYupYdown(); + f.splitParallelSlices(); // Interpolate f onto yup and ydown fields - f.ynext(forward_map.dir) = forward_map.interpolate(f); - f.ynext(backward_map.dir) = backward_map.interpolate(f); + for (const auto& map : field_line_maps) { + f.ynext(map.offset) = map.interpolate(f); + } } -void FCITransform::integrateYUpDown(Field3D &f) { - TRACE("FCITransform::integrateYUpDown"); - +void FCITransform::integrateParallelSlices(Field3D& f) { + TRACE("FCITransform::integrateParallelSlices"); + + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + // Only have forward_map/backward_map for CELL_CENTRE, so can only deal with + // CELL_CENTRE inputs + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + // Ensure that yup and ydown are different fields - f.splitYupYdown(); + f.splitParallelSlices(); // Integrate f onto yup and ydown fields - f.ynext(forward_map.dir) = forward_map.integrate(f); - f.ynext(backward_map.dir) = backward_map.integrate(f); + for (const auto& map : field_line_maps) { + f.ynext(map.offset) = map.integrate(f); + } } diff --git a/src/mesh/parallel/fci.hxx b/src/mesh/parallel/fci.hxx index 05bd0093d6..19a7559e74 100644 --- a/src/mesh/parallel/fci.hxx +++ b/src/mesh/parallel/fci.hxx @@ -27,77 +27,102 @@ #define __FCITRANSFORM_H__ #include -#include #include #include #include #include -/*! - * Field line map - contains the coefficients for interpolation - */ +#include +#include + + +/// Field line map - contains the coefficients for interpolation class FCIMap { - /// Interpolation object - Interpolation *interp; // Cell centre - Interpolation *interp_corner; // Cell corner at (x+1, z+1) + /// Interpolation objects + std::unique_ptr interp; // Cell centre + std::unique_ptr interp_corner; // Cell corner at (x+1, z+1) - /// Private constructor - must be initialised with mesh - FCIMap(); public: - /// dir MUST be either +1 or -1 - FCIMap(Mesh& mesh, int dir, bool zperiodic); - DEPRECATED(FCIMap(Mesh &mesh, int dir, bool UNUSED(yperiodic), bool zperiodic)) - : FCIMap(mesh, dir, zperiodic) {} + FCIMap() = delete; + FCIMap(Mesh& mesh, int offset, BoundaryRegionPar* boundary, bool zperiodic); - int dir; /**< Direction of map */ + // The mesh this map was created on + Mesh& map_mesh; - BoutMask boundary_mask; /**< boundary mask - has the field line left the domain */ - BoutMask corner_boundary_mask; ///< If any of the integration area has left the domain - - Field3D y_prime; /**< distance to intersection with boundary */ + /// Direction of map + const int offset; - BoundaryRegionPar* boundary; /**< boundary region */ - - const Field3D interpolate(Field3D &f) const { return interp->interpolate(f); } + /// boundary mask - has the field line left the domain + BoutMask boundary_mask; + /// If any of the integration area has left the domain + BoutMask corner_boundary_mask; + + Field3D interpolate(Field3D& f) const { + ASSERT1(&map_mesh == f.getMesh()); + return interp->interpolate(f); + } - const Field3D integrate(Field3D &f) const; + Field3D integrate(Field3D &f) const; }; -/*! - * Flux Coordinate Independent method for parallel derivatives - */ + +/// Flux Coordinate Independent method for parallel derivatives class FCITransform : public ParallelTransform { public: - DEPRECATED(FCITransform(Mesh &mesh, bool UNUSED(yperiodic), bool zperiodic)) - : FCITransform(mesh, zperiodic) {} - FCITransform(Mesh &mesh, bool zperiodic = true) - : mesh(mesh), forward_map(mesh, +1, zperiodic), backward_map(mesh, -1, zperiodic), - zperiodic(zperiodic) {} + FCITransform() = delete; + FCITransform(Mesh& mesh, bool zperiodic = true) : ParallelTransform(mesh) { + + // check the coordinate system used for the grid data source + FCITransform::checkInputGrid(); + + auto forward_boundary = new BoundaryRegionPar("FCI_forward", BNDRY_PAR_FWD, +1, &mesh); + auto backward_boundary = new BoundaryRegionPar("FCI_backward", BNDRY_PAR_BKWD, -1, &mesh); + + // Add the boundary region to the mesh's vector of parallel boundaries + mesh.addBoundaryPar(forward_boundary); + mesh.addBoundaryPar(backward_boundary); - void calcYUpDown(Field3D &f) override; + field_line_maps.reserve(mesh.ystart * 2); + for (int offset = 1; offset < mesh.ystart + 1; ++offset) { + field_line_maps.emplace_back(mesh, offset, forward_boundary, zperiodic); + field_line_maps.emplace_back(mesh, -offset, backward_boundary, zperiodic); + } + } + + void calcParallelSlices(Field3D &f) override; - void integrateYUpDown(Field3D &f) override; + void integrateParallelSlices(Field3D &f) override; - const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &UNUSED(f)) override { + const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { + throw BoutException("FCI method cannot transform into field aligned grid"); + } + const FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { throw BoutException("FCI method cannot transform into field aligned grid"); } - const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &UNUSED(f)) override { + const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { + throw BoutException("FCI method cannot transform into field aligned grid"); + } + const FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp &UNUSED(f), const std::string& UNUSED(region) = "RGN_ALL") override { throw BoutException("FCI method cannot transform into field aligned grid"); } - bool canToFromFieldAligned() override{ + bool canToFromFieldAligned() override { return false; } + + bool requiresTwistShift(bool UNUSED(twist_shift_enabled), MAYBE_UNUSED(YDirectionType ytype)) override { + // No Field3Ds require twist-shift, because they cannot be field-aligned + ASSERT1(ytype == YDirectionType::Standard); + return false; } -private: - FCITransform(); - Mesh& mesh; +protected: + void checkInputGrid() override; - FCIMap forward_map; /**< FCI map for field lines in +ve y */ - FCIMap backward_map; /**< FCI map for field lines in -ve y */ - bool zperiodic; /**< Is the z-direction periodic? */ +private: + /// FCI maps for each of the parallel slices + std::vector field_line_maps; }; #endif // __FCITRANSFORM_H__ diff --git a/src/mesh/parallel/identity.cxx b/src/mesh/parallel/identity.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..96a031f502 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mesh/parallel/identity.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* + * Implements the identity transform for parallel derivatives + * + * By default fields are stored so that Y is field aligned, so X-Z are not + * orthogonal. + * + */ + +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "bout/paralleltransform.hxx" + +void ParallelTransformIdentity::calcParallelSlices(Field3D& f) { + if (f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned) { + // Cannot calculate parallel slices for field-aligned fields, so just return without + // setting yup or ydown + return; + } + + f.splitParallelSlices(); + + for (int i = 0; i < f.getMesh()->ystart; ++i) { + f.yup(i) = f; + f.ydown(i) = f; + } +} + +void ParallelTransformIdentity::checkInputGrid() { + std::string parallel_transform; + if (mesh.isDataSourceGridFile() and !mesh.get(parallel_transform, "parallel_transform")) { + if (parallel_transform != "identity") { + throw BoutException("Incorrect parallel transform type '"+parallel_transform+"' used " + "to generate metric components for ParallelTransformIdentity. Should be " + "'identity'."); + } + } // else: parallel_transform variable not found in grid input, indicates older input + // file or grid from options so must rely on the user having ensured the type is + // correct +} diff --git a/src/mesh/parallel/makefile b/src/mesh/parallel/makefile index 9c4817b008..2e522318de 100644 --- a/src/mesh/parallel/makefile +++ b/src/mesh/parallel/makefile @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. DIRS = -SOURCEC = shiftedmetric.cxx fci.cxx +SOURCEC = shiftedmetric.cxx fci.cxx identity.cxx TARGET = lib include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/mesh/parallel/shiftedmetric.cxx b/src/mesh/parallel/shiftedmetric.cxx index 80fdc37274..730fb78636 100644 --- a/src/mesh/parallel/shiftedmetric.cxx +++ b/src/mesh/parallel/shiftedmetric.cxx @@ -1,213 +1,325 @@ /* * Implements the shifted metric method for parallel derivatives - * + * * By default fields are stored so that X-Z are orthogonal, * and so not aligned in Y. * */ -#include +#include #include +#include "bout/paralleltransform.hxx" #include -#include #include #include -ShiftedMetric::ShiftedMetric(Mesh &m) : mesh(m), zShift(&m) { - // Read the zShift angle from the mesh - - if(mesh.get(zShift, "zShift")) { - // No zShift variable. Try qinty in BOUT grid files - mesh.get(zShift, "qinty"); - } +ShiftedMetric::ShiftedMetric(Mesh& m, CELL_LOC location_in, Field2D zShift_, + BoutReal zlength_in) + : ParallelTransform(m), location(location_in), zShift(std::move(zShift_)), + zlength(zlength_in) { + ASSERT1(zShift.getLocation() == location); + // check the coordinate system used for the grid data source + ShiftedMetric::checkInputGrid(); - // TwistShift needs to be set for derivatives to be correct at the jump where - // poloidal angle theta goes 2pi->0 - bool twistshift = Options::root()["TwistShift"].withDefault(false); - bool shift_without_twist = Options::root()["ShiftWithoutTwist"].withDefault(false); - if (!twistshift and !shift_without_twist) { - throw BoutException("ShiftedMetric usually requires the option TwistShift=true\n" - " Set ShiftWithoutTwist=true to use ShiftedMetric without TwistShift"); - } + cachePhases(); +} - //If we wanted to be efficient we could move the following cached phase setup - //into the relevant shifting routines (with static bool first protection) - //so that we only calculate the phase if we actually call a relevant shift - //routine -- however as we're only going to do this initialisation once I - //think it's cleaner to put it in the constructor here. - - //As we're attached to a mesh we can expect the z direction to - //not change once we've been created so precalculate the complex - //phases used in transformations - int nmodes = mesh.LocalNz/2 + 1; - BoutReal zlength = mesh.getCoordinates()->zlength(); - - //Allocate storage for complex intermediate - cmplx.resize(nmodes); - std::fill(cmplx.begin(), cmplx.end(), 0.0); - - //Allocate storage for our 3d vector structures. - //This could be made more succinct but this approach is fairly - //verbose --> transparent - fromAlignedPhs.resize(mesh.LocalNx); - toAlignedPhs.resize(mesh.LocalNx); - - yupPhs.resize(mesh.LocalNx); - ydownPhs.resize(mesh.LocalNx); - - for(int jx=0;jx(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, nmodes); + toAlignedPhs = Tensor(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, nmodes); + + // To/From field aligned phases + BOUT_FOR(i, mesh.getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + int ix = i.x(); + int iy = i.y(); + for (int jz = 0; jz < nmodes; jz++) { + BoutReal kwave = jz * 2.0 * PI / zlength; // wave number is 1/[rad] + fromAlignedPhs(ix, iy, jz) = + dcomplex(cos(kwave * zShift[i]), -sin(kwave * zShift[i])); + toAlignedPhs(ix, iy, jz) = dcomplex(cos(kwave * zShift[i]), sin(kwave * zShift[i])); } } - Field3D& ydown = f.ydown(); - ydown.allocate(); + // Allocate space for parallel slice caches: y-guard cells in each + // direction + parallel_slice_phases.resize(mesh.ystart * 2); + + // Careful with the indices/offsets! Offsets are 1-indexed (as 0 + // would be the original slice), and Mesh::ystart is the number of + // guard cells. The parallel slice vector stores the offsets as + // {+1, ..., +n, -1, ..., -n} + // Once parallel_slice_phases is initialised though, each element + // stores its phase and offset, so we don't need to faff about after + // this + for (int i = 0; i < mesh.ystart; ++i) { + // NOTE: std::vector constructor here takes a **copy** of the + // Array! We *must* call `Array::ensureUnique` on each element + // before using it! + parallel_slice_phases[i].phase_shift = + Tensor(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, nmodes); + parallel_slice_phases[i].y_offset = i + 1; + + // Backwards parallel slices + parallel_slice_phases[mesh.ystart + i].phase_shift = + Tensor(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy, nmodes); + parallel_slice_phases[mesh.ystart + i].y_offset = -(i + 1); + } - for(int jx=0;jx& phs, + const YDirectionType y_direction_out, + const std::string& region) const { + ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == &mesh); + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == location); - Field3D result(&mesh); - result.allocate(); - - for(int jx=0;jx& phs, + const YDirectionType y_direction_out, + const std::string& UNUSED(region)) const { + ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == &mesh); + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == location); + if (mesh.LocalNz == 1) { + // Shifting does not change the array values + FieldPerp result = copy(f).setDirectionY(y_direction_out); + return result; + } + + FieldPerp result{emptyFrom(f).setDirectionY(y_direction_out)}; + + int y = f.getIndex(); + // Note that this loop is essentially hardcoded to be RGN_NOX + for (int i=mesh.xstart; i<=mesh.xend; ++i) { + shiftZ(&f(i, 0), &phs(i, y, 0), &result(i, 0)); + } + + return result; } -void ShiftedMetric::shiftZ(const BoutReal *in, const std::vector &phs, BoutReal *out) { +void ShiftedMetric::shiftZ(const BoutReal* in, const dcomplex* phs, BoutReal* out) const { + Array cmplx(nmodes); + // Take forward FFT rfft(in, mesh.LocalNz, &cmplx[0]); - //Following is an algorithm approach to write a = a*b where a and b are - //vectors of dcomplex. - // std::transform(cmplxOneOff.begin(),cmplxOneOff.end(), ptr.begin(), + // Following is an algorithm approach to write a = a*b where a and b are + // vectors of dcomplex. + // std::transform(cmplxOneOff.begin(),cmplxOneOff.end(), ptr.begin(), // cmplxOneOff.begin(), std::multiplies()); - const int nmodes = cmplx.size(); - for(int jz=1;jz +ShiftedMetric::shiftZ(const Field3D& f, + const std::vector& phases) const { + ASSERT1(f.getMesh() == &mesh); + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == location); + ASSERT1(f.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); + + const int nmodes = mesh.LocalNz / 2 + 1; + + // FFT in Z of input field at each (x, y) point + Matrix> f_fft(mesh.LocalNx, mesh.LocalNy); + f_fft = Array(nmodes); + + BOUT_FOR(i, mesh.getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + int ix = i.x(); + int iy = i.y(); + f_fft(ix, iy).ensureUnique(); + rfft(&f(i, 0), mesh.LocalNz, f_fft(ix, iy).begin()); + } + + std::vector results{}; + + for (auto& phase : phases) { + // In C++17 std::vector::emplace_back returns a reference, which + // would be very useful here! + results.emplace_back(&mesh); + auto& current_result = results.back(); + current_result.allocate(); + current_result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); + + BOUT_FOR(i, mesh.getRegion2D("RGN_NOY")) { + // Deep copy the FFT'd field + int ix = i.x(); + int iy = i.y(); + + Array shifted_temp(f_fft(ix, iy + phase.y_offset)); + shifted_temp.ensureUnique(); + + for (int jz = 1; jz < nmodes; ++jz) { + shifted_temp[jz] *= phase.phase_shift(ix, iy, jz); + } + + irfft(shifted_temp.begin(), mesh.LocalNz, ¤t_result(i.yp(phase.y_offset), 0)); + } + } + + return results; +} + +// Old approach retained so we can still specify a general zShift +const Field3D ShiftedMetric::shiftZ(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& zangle, + const std::string& region) const { ASSERT1(&mesh == f.getMesh()); - if(mesh.LocalNz == 1) + ASSERT1(f.getLocation() == zangle.getLocation()); + if (mesh.LocalNz == 1) return f; // Shifting makes no difference - Field3D result(&mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; - for(int jx=0;jx cmplxLoc(nmodes); + // Take forward FFT rfft(in, len, &cmplxLoc[0]); - + // Apply phase shift - BoutReal zlength = mesh.getCoordinates()->zlength(); - for(int jz=1;jzlocalmesh; + BoutReal xnorm; BoutReal ynorm; BoutReal znorm; @@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ BoutReal BoundaryOpPar::getValue(int x, int y, int z, BoutReal t) { BoutReal value; switch (value_type) { - case GEN: + case ValueType::GEN: // This works but doesn't quite do the right thing... should // generate value on the boundary, but that gives wrong // answer. This instead generates the value at the gridpoint @@ -22,10 +24,10 @@ BoutReal BoundaryOpPar::getValue(int x, int y, int z, BoutReal t) { ynorm = mesh->GlobalY(y); znorm = static_cast(z) / (mesh->LocalNz); return gen_values->generate(xnorm, TWOPI*ynorm, TWOPI*znorm, t); - case FIELD: + case ValueType::FIELD: value = (*field_values)(x,y,z); return value; - case REAL: + case ValueType::REAL: return real_value; default: throw BoutException("Invalid value_type encountered in BoundaryOpPar::getValue"); @@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ BoutReal BoundaryOpPar::getValue(int x, int y, int z, BoutReal t) { BoutReal BoundaryOpPar::getValue(const BoundaryRegionPar &bndry, BoutReal t) { + Mesh* mesh = bndry.localmesh; + BoutReal xnorm; BoutReal ynorm; BoutReal znorm; @@ -42,17 +46,17 @@ BoutReal BoundaryOpPar::getValue(const BoundaryRegionPar &bndry, BoutReal t) { BoutReal value; switch (value_type) { - case GEN: + case ValueType::GEN: // Need to use GlobalX, except with BoutReal as argument... xnorm = mesh->GlobalX(bndry.s_x); ynorm = mesh->GlobalY(bndry.s_y); znorm = bndry.s_z/(mesh->LocalNz); return gen_values->generate(xnorm, TWOPI*ynorm, TWOPI*znorm, t); - case FIELD: + case ValueType::FIELD: // FIXME: Interpolate to s_x, s_y, s_z... value = (*field_values)(bndry.x,bndry.y,bndry.z); return value; - case REAL: + case ValueType::REAL: return real_value; default: throw BoutException("Invalid value_type encountered in BoundaryOpPar::getValue"); @@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ BoutReal BoundaryOpPar::getValue(const BoundaryRegionPar &bndry, BoutReal t) { ////////////////////////////////////////// // Dirichlet boundary -BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) { if(!args.empty()) { try { real_value = stringToReal(args.front()); @@ -108,7 +112,7 @@ void BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet::apply(Field3D &f, BoutReal t) { ////////////////////////////////////////// // Dirichlet boundary - Third order -BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_O3::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_O3::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) { if(!args.empty()) { try { real_value = stringToReal(args.front()); @@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ void BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_O3::apply(Field3D &f, BoutReal t) { ////////////////////////////////////////// // Dirichlet with interpolation -BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_interp::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_interp::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) { if(!args.empty()) { try { real_value = stringToReal(args.front()); @@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ void BoundaryOpPar_dirichlet_interp::apply(Field3D &f, BoutReal t) { ////////////////////////////////////////// // Neumann boundary -BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_neumann::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const list &args) { +BoundaryOpPar* BoundaryOpPar_neumann::clone(BoundaryRegionPar *region, const std::list &args) { if(!args.empty()) { try { real_value = stringToReal(args.front()); diff --git a/src/physics/gyro_average.cxx b/src/physics/gyro_average.cxx index e67f11663a..be54714e43 100644 --- a/src/physics/gyro_average.cxx +++ b/src/physics/gyro_average.cxx @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ * * 2010-09-03 Ben Dudson * * Initial version, simple averaging operator - * + * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -27,84 +27,235 @@ * **************************************************************/ -#include +#include +#include #include +#include #include #include -const Field3D gyroTaylor0(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho) { +Field3D gyroTaylor0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho) { return f + SQ(rho) * Delp2(f); } -const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, int flags) { - - Field2D a = 1.0; - Field2D d = -rho*rho; - +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -rho * rho; + + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged + + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setInnerBoundaryFlags(inner_boundary_flags); + lap->setOuterBoundaryFlags(outer_boundary_flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); +} + +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -rho * rho; + + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setInnerBoundaryFlags(inner_boundary_flags); + lap->setOuterBoundaryFlags(outer_boundary_flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); +} + +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + // Have to use Z average of rho for efficient inversion + return gyroPade0(f, DC(rho), inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags); +} + +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -0.5 * rho * rho; + + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setInnerBoundaryFlags(inner_boundary_flags); + lap->setOuterBoundaryFlags(outer_boundary_flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); +} + +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -0.5 * rho * rho; + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged - return invert_laplace(f, flags, &a, nullptr, &d); + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setInnerBoundaryFlags(inner_boundary_flags); + lap->setOuterBoundaryFlags(outer_boundary_flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); +} + +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + return gyroPade1(f, DC(rho), inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags); +} + +Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + // Very inefficient implementation + Field3D tmp = f; + tmp = gyroPade1(tmp, rho, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags); + return DC(tmp); +} + +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + Field3D result = gyroPade1(gyroPade1(f, rho, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags), + rho, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags); + + result.getMesh()->communicate(result); + result = 0.5 * rho * rho * Delp2(result); + result.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); + return result; } -const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &rho, int flags) { +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { + Field3D result = gyroPade1(gyroPade1(f, rho, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags), + rho, inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags); + result.getMesh()->communicate(result); + result = 0.5 * rho * rho * Delp2(result); + result.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); + return result; +} + +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int inner_boundary_flags, int outer_boundary_flags) { // Have to use Z average of rho for efficient inversion - - Field2D a = 1.0; - Field2D d = -rho*rho; - + return gyroPade2(f, DC(rho), inner_boundary_flags, outer_boundary_flags); +} + +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// Deprecated version of gyroPade operators, using old-style flags +//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -rho * rho; + + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged + + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setFlags(flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); +} + +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -rho * rho; + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged - return invert_laplace(f, flags, &a, nullptr, &d); + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setFlags(flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); } -const Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho, int flags) { +Field3D gyroPade0(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int flags) { // Have to use Z average of rho for efficient inversion return gyroPade0(f, DC(rho), flags); } -const Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, int flags) { - Field2D a = 1.0; - Field2D d = -0.5*rho*rho; - +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -0.5 * rho * rho; + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged - return invert_laplace(f, flags, &a, nullptr, &d); + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setFlags(flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); } -const Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &rho, int flags) { - Field2D a = 1.0; - Field2D d = -0.5*rho*rho; - +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags) { + const Field2D a = 1.0; + const Field2D d = -0.5 * rho * rho; + // Invert, leaving boundaries unchanged - return invert_laplace(f, flags, &a, nullptr, &d); + Timer timer("invert"); + + auto* lap = Laplacian::defaultInstance(); + + lap->setCoefA(a); + lap->setCoefC(1.0); + lap->setCoefD(d); + lap->setFlags(flags); + + return lap->solve(f).setLocation(f.getLocation()); } -const Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho, int flags) { +Field3D gyroPade1(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int flags) { return gyroPade1(f, DC(rho), flags); } -const Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D &f, const Field2D &rho, int flags) { +Field2D gyroPade1(const Field2D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags) { // Very inefficient implementation Field3D tmp = f; tmp = gyroPade1(tmp, rho, flags); return DC(tmp); } -const Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D &f, BoutReal rho, int flags) { +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, BoutReal rho, int flags) { Field3D result = gyroPade1(gyroPade1(f, rho, flags), rho, flags); - mesh->communicate(result); - result = 0.5*rho*rho*Delp2( result ); + result.getMesh()->communicate(result); + result = 0.5 * rho * rho * Delp2(result); result.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); return result; } -const Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D &f, const Field2D &rho, int flags) { +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field2D& rho, int flags) { Field3D result = gyroPade1(gyroPade1(f, rho, flags), rho, flags); - mesh->communicate(result); - result = 0.5*rho*rho*Delp2( result ); + result.getMesh()->communicate(result); + result = 0.5 * rho * rho * Delp2(result); result.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); return result; } -const Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &rho, int flags) { +Field3D gyroPade2(const Field3D& f, const Field3D& rho, int flags) { // Have to use Z average of rho for efficient inversion return gyroPade2(f, DC(rho), flags); } - diff --git a/src/physics/makefile b/src/physics/makefile index 7977db2214..388cda9c8f 100644 --- a/src/physics/makefile +++ b/src/physics/makefile @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../.. -SOURCEC = physicsmodel.cxx smoothing.cxx sourcex.cxx gyro_average.cxx +SOURCEC = physicsmodel.cxx smoothing.cxx sourcex.cxx gyro_average.cxx snb.cxx SOURCEH = $(SOURCEC:%.cxx=%.hxx) TARGET = lib diff --git a/src/physics/physicsmodel.cxx b/src/physics/physicsmodel.cxx index 7eb98e95e8..0b12c1670e 100644 --- a/src/physics/physicsmodel.cxx +++ b/src/physics/physicsmodel.cxx @@ -28,19 +28,18 @@ * **************************************************************************/ +#define BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS #include +#undef BOUT_NO_USING_NAMESPACE_BOUTGLOBALS -PhysicsModel::PhysicsModel() - : solver(nullptr), modelMonitor(this), splitop(false), userprecon(nullptr), - userjacobian(nullptr), initialised(false) { +#include + +PhysicsModel::PhysicsModel() : modelMonitor(this) { // Set up restart file restart = Datafile(Options::getRoot()->getSection("restart")); } -PhysicsModel::~PhysicsModel() { -} - int PhysicsModel::runRHS(BoutReal time) { return rhs(time); } @@ -97,8 +96,8 @@ int PhysicsModel::postInit(bool restarting) { // Second argument specifies no time history solver->outputVars(restart, false); - string restart_dir; ///< Directory for restart files - string dump_ext, restart_ext; ///< Dump, Restart file extension + std::string restart_dir; ///< Directory for restart files + std::string dump_ext, restart_ext; ///< Dump, Restart file extension Options *options = Options::getRoot(); if (options->isSet("restartdir")) { @@ -112,22 +111,22 @@ int PhysicsModel::postInit(bool restarting) { options->get("dump_format", dump_ext, "nc"); options->get("restart_format", restart_ext, dump_ext); - string filename = restart_dir + "/BOUT.restart."+restart_ext; + std::string filename = restart_dir + "/BOUT.restart."+restart_ext; if (restarting) { output.write("Loading restart file: %s\n", filename.c_str()); /// Load restart file if (!restart.openr("%s",filename.c_str())) - throw BoutException("Error: Could not open restart file\n"); + throw BoutException("Error: Could not open restart file %s\n", filename.c_str()); if (!restart.read()) - throw BoutException("Error: Could not read restart file\n"); + throw BoutException("Error: Could not read restart file %s\n", filename.c_str()); restart.close(); } // Add mesh information to restart file // Note this is done after reading, so mesh variables // are not overwritten. - mesh->outputVars(restart); + bout::globals::mesh->outputVars(restart); // Version expected by collect routine restart.addOnce(const_cast(BOUT_VERSION), "BOUT_VERSION"); diff --git a/src/physics/smoothing.cxx b/src/physics/smoothing.cxx index 7386a51037..956aa2ed14 100644 --- a/src/physics/smoothing.cxx +++ b/src/physics/smoothing.cxx @@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ * **************************************************************/ -#include +#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -44,8 +45,7 @@ const Field3D smooth_x(const Field3D &f) { TRACE("smooth_x"); Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; // Copy boundary region for(int jy=0;jyLocalNy;jy++) @@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ const Field3D smooth_x(const Field3D &f) { const Field3D smooth_y(const Field3D &f) { TRACE("smooth_y"); Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; // Copy boundary region for(int jx=0;jxLocalNx;jx++) @@ -125,8 +124,7 @@ const Field2D averageX(const Field2D &f) { input[y] /= (mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1); } - Field2D r(mesh); - r.allocate(); + Field2D r{emptyFrom(f)}; MPI_Comm comm_x = mesh->getXcomm(); @@ -185,8 +183,7 @@ const Field3D averageX(const Field3D &f) { input(y, z) /= (mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1); } - Field3D r(mesh); - r.allocate(); + Field3D r{emptyFrom(f)}; MPI_Comm comm_x = mesh->getXcomm(); @@ -230,8 +227,7 @@ const Field2D averageY(const Field2D &f) { input[x] /= (mesh->yend - mesh->ystart + 1); } - Field2D r(mesh); - r.allocate(); + Field2D r{emptyFrom(f)}; /// NOTE: This only works if there are no branch-cuts MPI_Comm comm_inner = mesh->getYcomm(0); @@ -276,8 +272,7 @@ const Field3D averageY(const Field3D &f) { input(x, z) /= (mesh->yend - mesh->ystart + 1); } - Field3D r(mesh); - r.allocate(); + Field3D r{emptyFrom(f)}; /// NOTE: This only works if there are no branch-cuts MPI_Comm comm_inner = mesh->getYcomm(0); @@ -339,8 +334,7 @@ BoutReal Vol_Integral(const Field2D &var) { const Field3D smoothXY(const Field3D &f) { Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; for(int x=2;xLocalNx-2;x++) for(int y=2;yLocalNy-2;y++) @@ -386,8 +380,7 @@ const Field3D nl_filter_x(const Field3D &f, BoutReal w) { TRACE("nl_filter_x( Field3D )"); Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; rvec v(mesh->LocalNx); for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;jy++) { @@ -409,13 +402,13 @@ const Field3D nl_filter_y(const Field3D &f, BoutReal w) { TRACE("nl_filter_x( Field3D )"); Mesh *mesh = f.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; rvec v(mesh->LocalNy); // Temporary array // Transform into field-aligned coordinates - Field3D fs = mesh->toFieldAligned(f); + Field3D fs = toFieldAligned(f); for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;jx++) { for (int jz=0;jzLocalNz;jz++) { @@ -430,15 +423,14 @@ const Field3D nl_filter_y(const Field3D &f, BoutReal w) { } // Tranform the field back from field aligned coordinates - return mesh->fromFieldAligned(result); + return fromFieldAligned(result); } const Field3D nl_filter_z(const Field3D &fs, BoutReal w) { TRACE("nl_filter_z( Field3D )"); Mesh *mesh = fs.getMesh(); - Field3D result(mesh); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(fs)}; rvec v(mesh->LocalNz); @@ -461,6 +453,6 @@ const Field3D nl_filter(const Field3D &f, BoutReal w) { /// Perform filtering in Z, Y then X Field3D result = nl_filter_x(nl_filter_y(nl_filter_z(f, w), w), w); /// Communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + f.getMesh()->communicate(result); return result; } diff --git a/src/physics/snb.cxx b/src/physics/snb.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d88ab3882 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/physics/snb.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +/// SNB model +/// + +#include "bout/snb.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" +#include "bout/constants.hxx" +#include "bout/fv_ops.hxx" + +namespace bout { + +Field3D HeatFluxSNB::divHeatFlux(const Field3D& Te, const Field3D& Ne, + Field3D* Div_Q_SH_out) { + Coordinates* coord = Te.getCoordinates(); + + Field3D thermal_speed = sqrt(2. * SI::qe * Te / SI::Me); + + BoutReal Y = SQ(SQ(SI::qe) / (SI::e0 * SI::Me)) / (4 * PI); + Field3D coulomb_log = 6.6 - 0.5 * log(Ne * 1e-20) + 1.5 * log(Te); + + // Thermal electron-electron mean free path [m] + Field3D lambda_ee_T = pow(thermal_speed, 4) / (Y * Ne * coulomb_log); + Field3D lambda_ei_T = lambda_ee_T / Z; // Note: Z rather than Z^2 since Ni = Ne / Z + + // Thermal electron-ion collision time [s] + Field3D tau_ei_T = lambda_ei_T / thermal_speed; + + // Divergence of Spitzer-Harm heat flux + // Note: 13.58 from 128/(3pi) + Field3D Div_Q_SH = -FV::Div_par_K_Grad_par((Ne * SI::qe * Te / SI::Me) + * (0.25 * 3 * sqrt(PI) * tau_ei_T) + * 13.58 * (Z + 0.24) / (Z + 4.2), + Te); + // User can supply an out parameter to get the S-H heat flux divergence + if (Div_Q_SH_out) { + *Div_Q_SH_out = Div_Q_SH; + } + + Field3D lambda_ee_Tprime = lambda_ee_T / r; + Field3D lambda_ei_Tprime = lambda_ei_T * ((Z + 0.25) / (Z + 4.2)); + + // Loop over energy groups. + // beta = E / eT is the normalised group energy + + BoutReal beta_last = + 0.0; // The last beta value calculated. Ths increases through the loop + BoutReal dbeta = beta_max / ngroups; // Step in beta + + Field3D Div_Q = Div_Q_SH; // Divergence of heat flux. Corrections added for each group + + for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { + BoutReal beta = beta_last + dbeta; + BoutReal weight = groupWeight(beta_last, beta); + + // Mean free paths for this group + Field3D lambda_g_ee = SQ(beta) * lambda_ee_Tprime; + Field3D lambda_g_ei = SQ(beta) * lambda_ei_Tprime; + + // Update coefficients in solver + invertpar->setCoefA(1. / lambda_g_ee); // Constant term + + // The divergence term is implemented as a second derivative and first derivative + // correction + Field3D coefB = (-1. / 3) * lambda_g_ei; + invertpar->setCoefB(coefB); // Grad2_par2 + invertpar->setCoefE(DDY(coefB * coord->J / coord->g_22) / coord->J); // DDY + + // Solve to get H_g + Field3D H_g = invertpar->solve((-weight) * Div_Q_SH); + + // Add correction to divergence of heat flux + // Note: The sum of weight over all groups approaches 1 as beta_max -> infinity + Div_Q -= weight * Div_Q_SH + H_g / lambda_g_ee; + + // move to next group, updating lower limit + beta_last = beta; + } + + return Div_Q; +} + +} // namespace bout diff --git a/src/physics/sourcex.cxx b/src/physics/sourcex.cxx index 4655b94582..82b23de367 100644 --- a/src/physics/sourcex.cxx +++ b/src/physics/sourcex.cxx @@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ **************************************************************/ #include -#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include @@ -16,38 +18,39 @@ BoutReal TanH(BoutReal a) { } // create radial buffer zones to set jpar zero near radial boundaries -const Field2D source_tanhx(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), BoutReal swidth, BoutReal slength) { - Field2D result; - result.allocate(); +const Field2D source_tanhx(const Field2D &f, BoutReal swidth, BoutReal slength) { + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + Field2D result{emptyFrom(f)}; // create a radial buffer zone to set jpar zero near radial boundary - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal lx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal lx = localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; BoutReal dampl = TanH(lx / swidth); result[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampl); } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } // create radial buffer zones to set jpar zero near radial boundaries -const Field2D source_expx2(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), BoutReal swidth, BoutReal slength) { - Field2D result; +const Field2D source_expx2(const Field2D &f, BoutReal swidth, BoutReal slength) { + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); - result.allocate(); + Field2D result{emptyFrom(f)}; // create a radial buffer zone to set jpar zero near radial boundary - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal lx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal lx = localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; BoutReal dampl = exp(-lx * lx / swidth / swidth); result[i] = dampl; } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } @@ -55,18 +58,19 @@ const Field2D source_expx2(const Field2D &UNUSED(f), BoutReal swidth, BoutReal s // create radial buffer zones to set jpar zero near radial boundaries const Field3D sink_tanhx(const Field2D &UNUSED(f0), const Field3D &f, BoutReal swidth, BoutReal slength, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; // create a radial buffer zone to set jpar zero near radial boundary - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal rlx = 1. - mesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal rlx = 1. - localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; BoutReal dampr = TanH(rlx / swidth); result[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampr) * f[i]; } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } @@ -75,12 +79,13 @@ const Field3D sink_tanhx(const Field2D &UNUSED(f0), const Field3D &f, BoutReal s const Field3D mask_x(const Field3D &f, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { TRACE("mask_x"); - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; // create a radial buffer zone to set jpar zero near radial boundary - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal lx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()); + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal lx = localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()); BoutReal dampl = TanH(lx / 40.0); BoutReal dampr = TanH((1. - lx) / 40.0); @@ -88,7 +93,7 @@ const Field3D mask_x(const Field3D &f, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } @@ -98,19 +103,19 @@ const Field3D sink_tanhxl(const Field2D &UNUSED(f0), const Field3D &f, BoutReal BoutReal slength, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { TRACE("sink_tanhx"); - Field3D result; + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); - result.allocate(); + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal lx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal lx = localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; BoutReal dampl = TanH(lx / swidth); result[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampl) * f[i]; } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } @@ -119,18 +124,20 @@ const Field3D sink_tanhxl(const Field2D &UNUSED(f0), const Field3D &f, BoutReal const Field3D sink_tanhxr(const Field2D &UNUSED(f0), const Field3D &f, BoutReal swidth, BoutReal slength, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { TRACE("sink_tanhxr"); - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal rlx = 1. - mesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; + + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal rlx = 1. - localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()) - slength; BoutReal dampr = TanH(rlx / swidth); result[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - dampr) * f[i]; } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } @@ -139,16 +146,17 @@ const Field3D sink_tanhxr(const Field2D &UNUSED(f0), const Field3D &f, BoutReal const Field3D buff_x(const Field3D &f, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { TRACE("buff_x"); - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); + Mesh* localmesh = f.getMesh(); + + Field3D result{emptyFrom(f)}; const BoutReal dampl = 1.e0; const BoutReal dampr = 1.e0; const BoutReal deltal = 0.05; const BoutReal deltar = 0.05; - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { - BoutReal lx = mesh->GlobalX(i.x()); + BOUT_FOR(i, result.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + BoutReal lx = localmesh->GlobalX(i.x()); BoutReal rlx = 1. - lx; result[i] = (dampl * exp(-(lx * lx) / (deltal * deltal)) + @@ -157,7 +165,7 @@ const Field3D buff_x(const Field3D &f, bool UNUSED(BoutRealspace)) { } // Need to communicate boundaries - mesh->communicate(result); + localmesh->communicate(result); return result; } diff --git a/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.cxx b/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.cxx index 32420a9cc0..d938825be2 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.cxx @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ /************************************************************************** * Experimental interface to SUNDIALS ARKode IMEX solver * - * NOTE: ARKode is still in beta testing so use with cautious optimism + * NOTE: ARKode is still in beta testing so use with cautious optimism * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Nick Walkden, nick.walkden@ccfe.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -29,54 +29,153 @@ #ifdef BOUT_HAS_ARKODE -#include -#include // Cell interpolation -#include -#include - +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 +#include +#include +#include +#else #include +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 +#include +#else +#include +#endif +#endif + #include #include -#include #include +#include -#include +#include +#include -#include "unused.hxx" +class Field2D; -#define ZERO RCONST(0.) -#define ONE RCONST(1.0) +#define ZERO RCONST(0.) +#define ONE RCONST(1.0) #ifndef ARKODEINT -typedef int ARKODEINT; +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +using ARKODEINT = bout::utils::function_traits::arg_t<0>; +#else +using ARKODEINT = sunindextype; +#endif +#endif + +static int arkode_rhs_explicit(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data); +static int arkode_rhs_implicit(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data); +static int arkode_rhs(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data); + +static int arkode_bbd_rhs(ARKODEINT Nlocal, BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, + void* user_data); +static int arkode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, + BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int lr, void* user_data); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +// Shim for earlier versions +inline static int arkode_pre_shim(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rvec, + N_Vector zvec, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int lr, + void* user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { + return arkode_pre(t, yy, yp, rvec, zvec, gamma, delta, lr, user_data); +} +#else +// Alias for newer versions +constexpr auto& arkode_pre_shim = arkode_pre; +#endif + +static int arkode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, + void* user_data, N_Vector tmp); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 4 +// Shim for earlier versions +inline int ARKStepSetJacTimes(void* arkode_mem, std::nullptr_t, + ARKSpilsJacTimesVecFn jtimes) { +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 + return ARKSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(arkode_mem, jtimes); +#else + return ARKSpilsSetJacTimes(arkode_mem, nullptr, jtimes); +#endif +} #endif -static int arkode_rhs_e(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void *user_data); -static int arkode_rhs_i(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void *user_data); -static int arkode_rhs(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void *user_data); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 4 +void* ARKStepCreate(ARKRhsFn fe, ARKRhsFn fi, BoutReal t0, N_Vector y0) { + auto arkode_mem = ARKodeCreate(); -static int arkode_bbd_rhs(ARKODEINT Nlocal, BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - void *user_data); + if (arkode_mem == nullptr) + throw BoutException("ARKodeCreate failed\n"); + if (ARKodeInit(arkode_mem, fe, fi, t0, y0) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKodeInit failed\n"); + return arkode_mem; +} -static int arkode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, - N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, - BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int lr, - void *user_data, N_Vector tmp); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 +int ARKStepSetLinearSolver(void* arkode_mem, SUNLinearSolver LS, std::nullptr_t) { + return ARKSpilsSetLinearSolver(arkode_mem, LS); +} -static int arkode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, - realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, - void *user_data, N_Vector tmp); +namespace { +constexpr auto& SUNLinSol_SPGMR = SUNSPGMR; +} +#endif -ArkodeSolver::ArkodeSolver(Options *opts) : Solver(opts) { - has_constraints = false; ///< This solver doesn't have constraints +// Aliases for older versions +// In SUNDIALS 4, ARKode has become ARKStep, hence all the renames +constexpr auto& ARKStepEvolve = ARKode; +constexpr auto& ARKStepFree = ARKodeFree; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetCurrentTime = ARKodeGetCurrentTime; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetDky = ARKodeGetDky; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetLastStep = ARKodeGetLastStep; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetNumLinIters = ARKSpilsGetNumLinIters; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetNumNonlinSolvIters = ARKodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetNumPrecEvals = ARKSpilsGetNumPrecEvals; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetNumRhsEvals = ARKodeGetNumRhsEvals; +constexpr auto& ARKStepGetNumSteps = ARKodeGetNumSteps; +constexpr auto& ARKStepReInit = ARKodeReInit; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSStolerances = ARKodeSStolerances; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSVtolerances = ARKodeSVtolerances; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetAdaptivityMethod = ARKodeSetAdaptivityMethod; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetCFLFraction = ARKodeSetCFLFraction; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetEpsLin = ARKSpilsSetEpsLin; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetExplicit = ARKodeSetExplicit; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetFixedPoint = ARKodeSetFixedPoint; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetFixedStep = ARKodeSetFixedStep; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetImEx = ARKodeSetImEx; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetImplicit = ARKodeSetImplicit; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetInitStep = ARKodeSetInitStep; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetLinear = ARKodeSetLinear; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetMaxNumSteps = ARKodeSetMaxNumSteps; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetMaxStep = ARKodeSetMaxStep; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetMinStep = ARKodeSetMinStep; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetOptimalParams = ARKodeSetOptimalParams; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetOrder = ARKodeSetOrder; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetPreconditioner = ARKSpilsSetPreconditioner; +constexpr auto& ARKStepSetUserData = ARKodeSetUserData; +#endif - jacfunc = nullptr; +ArkodeSolver::ArkodeSolver(Options* opts) : Solver(opts) { + has_constraints = false; // This solver doesn't have constraints } ArkodeSolver::~ArkodeSolver() { - if(initialised) { + if (initialised) { N_VDestroy_Parallel(uvec); - ARKodeFree(&arkode_mem); + ARKStepFree(&arkode_mem); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + SUNLinSolFree(sun_solver); +#endif +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + SUNNonlinSolFree(nonlinear_solver); +#endif } } @@ -98,302 +197,288 @@ int ArkodeSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { output.write("Initialising SUNDIALS' ARKODE solver\n"); // Calculate number of variables (in generic_solver) - int local_N = getLocalN(); + const int local_N = getLocalN(); // Get total problem size int neq; - {TRACE("Allreduce localN -> GlobalN"); - if(MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { - output_error.write("\tERROR: MPI_Allreduce failed!\n"); - return 1; - } + if (MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { + throw BoutException("Allreduce localN -> GlobalN failed!\n"); } - output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", - n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, local_N); + output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", n3Dvars(), + n2Dvars(), neq, local_N); // Allocate memory - - {TRACE("Allocating memory with N_VNew_Parallel"); - if ((uvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); - } + if ((uvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); // Put the variables into uvec - {TRACE("Saving variables into uvec"); - save_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); - } - - /// Get options - BoutReal abstol, reltol; - // Initialise abstolvec to nullptr to avoid compiler maybed-uninitialised warning - N_Vector abstolvec = nullptr; - int maxl; - int mudq, mldq; - int mukeep, mlkeep; - int order; - bool use_precon, use_jacobian, use_vector_abstol,set_linear; - BoutReal start_timestep, max_timestep, min_timestep,fixed_timestep; - bool imex,expl,impl; // Time-integration method - int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; - BoutReal cfl_frac; - bool fixed_step; - int mxsteps; // Maximum number of steps to take between outputs - int mxorder; // Maximum lmm order to be used by the solver - - {TRACE("Getting options"); - options->get("mudq", mudq, n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2)); - options->get("mldq", mldq, n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2)); - options->get("mukeep", mukeep, n3Dvars()+n2Dvars()); - options->get("mlkeep", mlkeep, n3Dvars()+n2Dvars()); - options->get("ATOL", abstol, 1.0e-12); - options->get("RTOL", reltol, 1.0e-5); - options->get("order", order, 4); - options->get("cfl_frac", cfl_frac, -1.0); - options->get("use_vector_abstol",use_vector_abstol,false); - if (use_vector_abstol) { - Options *abstol_options = Options::getRoot(); - BoutReal tempabstol; - if ((abstolvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation (abstol vector) failed\n"); - vector f2dtols; - vector f3dtols; - BoutReal* abstolvec_data = NV_DATA_P(abstolvec); - for (const auto& f2 : f2d) { - abstol_options = Options::getRoot()->getSection(f2.name); - abstol_options->get("abstol", tempabstol, abstol); - f2dtols.push_back(tempabstol); - } - for (const auto& f3: f3d) { - abstol_options = Options::getRoot()->getSection(f3.name); - abstol_options->get("atol", tempabstol, abstol); - f3dtols.push_back(tempabstol); - } - set_abstol_values(abstolvec_data, f2dtols, f3dtols); + save_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); + + diagnose = (*options)["diagnose"].withDefault(false); + // Maximum number of steps to take between outputs + const auto mxsteps = (*options)["mxstep"].withDefault(500); + // Use ImEx capability + const auto imex = (*options)["imex"].withDefault(true); + // Solve only explicit part + const auto solve_explicit = (*options)["explicit"].withDefault(true); + // Solve only implicit part + const auto solve_implicit = (*options)["implicit"].withDefault(true); + + ASSERT1(solve_explicit or solve_implicit); + + const auto& explicit_rhs = [imex, solve_explicit]() { + if (imex) { + return arkode_rhs_explicit; + } else { + return solve_explicit ? arkode_rhs : nullptr; } - - options->get("maxl", maxl, 0); - OPTION(options, use_precon, false); - OPTION(options, use_jacobian, false); - OPTION(options, max_timestep, -1.); - OPTION(options, min_timestep, -1.); - OPTION(options, start_timestep, -1); - OPTION(options, diagnose, false); - options->get("mxstep", mxsteps, 500); - options->get("mxorder", mxorder, -1); - options->get("imex", imex, true); //Use ImEx capability - options->get("explicit",expl,true);//Solve only explicit part - options->get("implicit",impl,true);//Solve only implicit part + }(); + const auto& implicit_rhs = [imex, solve_implicit]() { + if (imex) { + return arkode_rhs_implicit; + } else { + return solve_implicit ? arkode_rhs : nullptr; + } + }(); + + if ((arkode_mem = ARKStepCreate(explicit_rhs, implicit_rhs, simtime, uvec)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("ARKStepCreate failed\n"); + + if (imex and solve_explicit and solve_implicit) { + output_info.write("\tUsing ARKode ImEx solver \n"); + if (ARKStepSetImEx(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetImEx failed\n"); + } else if (solve_explicit) { + output_info.write("\tUsing ARKStep Explicit solver \n"); + if (ARKStepSetExplicit(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetExplicit failed\n"); + } else { + output_info.write("\tUsing ARKStep Implicit solver \n"); + if (ARKStepSetImplicit(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetImplicit failed\n"); } - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeCreate"); - if ((arkode_mem = ARKodeCreate()) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ARKodeCreate failed\n"); - } + // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object + if (ARKStepSetUserData(arkode_mem, this) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetUserData failed\n"); - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetUserData"); - if( ARKodeSetUserData(arkode_mem, this) != ARK_SUCCESS ) // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetUserData failed\n"); + // Use linear implicit solver (only evaluates jacobian inversion once + const auto set_linear = (*options)["set_linear"].withDefault(false); + if (set_linear) { + output.write("\tSetting ARKStep implicit solver to Linear\n"); + if (ARKStepSetLinear(arkode_mem, 1) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetLinear failed\n"); } - if(imex) { //Use ImEx solver - output.write("\tUsing ARKode ImEx solver \n"); - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeInit"); - if( ARKodeInit(arkode_mem, arkode_rhs_e, arkode_rhs_i, simtime, uvec) != ARK_SUCCESS ) //arkode_rhs_e holds the explicit part, arkode_rhs_i holds the implicit part - throw BoutException("ARKodeInit failed\n"); - } - - if(expl && impl){ - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetImEx"); - if( ARKodeSetImEx(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetImEx failed\n"); - - } else if(expl){ - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetExplicit"); - if( ARKodeSetExplicit(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetExplicit failed\n"); - } else { - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetImplicit"); - if( ARKodeSetImplicit(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetExplicit failed\n"); - } - } else { - if(expl){ //Use purely explicit solver - output.write("\tUsing ARKode Explicit solver \n"); - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeInit"); - if (ARKodeInit(arkode_mem, arkode_rhs, nullptr, simtime, uvec) != - ARK_SUCCESS) // arkode_rhs_e holds the explicit part, arkode_rhs_i holds the - // implicit part - throw BoutException("ARKodeInit failed\n"); - } - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetExplicit"); - if( ARKodeSetExplicit(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetExplicit failed\n"); - } else { //Use purely implicit solver - output.write("\tUsing ARKode Implicit solver \n"); - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeInit"); - // arkode_rhs_e holds the explicit part, arkode_rhs_i holds - // the implicit part - if (ARKodeInit(arkode_mem, nullptr, arkode_rhs, simtime, uvec) != ARK_SUCCESS) - throw BoutException("ARKodeInit failed\n"); - } - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetImplicit"); - if( ARKodeSetImplicit(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetExplicit failed\n"); - } - } - - OPTION(options,set_linear,false); - if(set_linear){ //Use linear implicit solver (only evaluates jacobian inversion once - output.write("\tSetting ARKode implicit solver to Linear\n"); - if( ARKodeSetLinear(arkode_mem,1) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetLinear failed\n"); + // Solve explicit portion in fixed timestep mode + // NOTE: This is not recommended except for code comparison + const auto fixed_step = (*options)["fixed_step"].withDefault(false); + if (fixed_step) { + // If not given, default to adaptive timestepping + const auto fixed_timestep = (*options)["timestep"].withDefault(0.0); + if (ARKStepSetFixedStep(arkode_mem, fixed_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetFixedStep failed\n"); } - OPTION(options,fixed_step,false); //Solve explicit portion in fixed timestep mode - //NOTE: This is not recommended except for code comparison - if(fixed_step){ - options->get("timestep",fixed_timestep,0.0); //If not given, default to adaptive timestepping - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetFixedStep"); - if( ARKodeSetFixedStep(arkode_mem,fixed_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetFixedStep failed\n"); - } + const auto order = (*options)["order"].withDefault(4); + if (ARKStepSetOrder(arkode_mem, order) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetOrder failed\n"); - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetOrder"); - if ( ARKodeSetOrder(arkode_mem, order) != ARK_SUCCESS) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetOrder failed\n"); - } + const auto cfl_frac = (*options)["cfl_frac"].withDefault(-1.0); + if (ARKStepSetCFLFraction(arkode_mem, cfl_frac) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetCFLFraction failed\n"); - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetCFLFraction"); - if( ARKodeSetCFLFraction(arkode_mem, cfl_frac) != ARK_SUCCESS) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetCFLFraction failed\n"); - } - - //Set timestep adaptivity function - int adap_method; - OPTION(options,adap_method,0); + // Set timestep adaptivity function + const auto adap_method = (*options)["adap_method"].withDefault(0); // 0 -> PID adaptivity (default) - // 1 -> PI + // 1 -> PI // 2 -> I // 3 -> explicit Gustafsson // 4 -> implicit Gustafsson // 5 -> ImEx Gustafsson - - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetAdaptivityMethod"); - if (ARKodeSetAdaptivityMethod(arkode_mem, adap_method, 1, 1, nullptr) != ARK_SUCCESS) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetAdaptivityMethod failed\n"); - } + + if (ARKStepSetAdaptivityMethod(arkode_mem, adap_method, 1, 1, nullptr) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetAdaptivityMethod failed\n"); + + const auto abstol = (*options)["ATOL"].withDefault(1.0e-12); + const auto reltol = (*options)["RTOL"].withDefault(1.0e-5); + const auto use_vector_abstol = (*options)["use_vector_abstol"].withDefault(false); if (use_vector_abstol) { - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSVtolerances"); - if( ARKodeSVtolerances(arkode_mem, reltol, abstolvec) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSVtolerances failed\n"); - } - else { - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSStolerances"); - if( ARKodeSStolerances(arkode_mem, reltol, abstol) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSStolerances failed\n"); + std::vector f2dtols; + f2dtols.reserve(f2d.size()); + std::transform(begin(f2d), end(f2d), std::back_inserter(f2dtols), + [abstol](const VarStr& f2) { + auto f2_options = Options::root()[f2.name]; + const auto wrong_name = f2_options.isSet("abstol"); + if (wrong_name) { + output_warn << "WARNING: Option 'abstol' for field " << f2.name + << " is deprecated. Please use 'atol' instead\n"; + } + const std::string atol_name = wrong_name ? "abstol" : "atol"; + return f2_options[atol_name].withDefault(abstol); + }); + + std::vector f3dtols; + f3dtols.reserve(f3d.size()); + std::transform(begin(f3d), end(f3d), std::back_inserter(f3dtols), + [abstol](const VarStr& f3) { + return Options::root()[f3.name]["atol"].withDefault(abstol); + }); + + N_Vector abstolvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq); + if (abstolvec == nullptr) + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation (abstol vector) failed\n"); + + set_abstol_values(NV_DATA_P(abstolvec), f2dtols, f3dtols); + + if (ARKStepSVtolerances(arkode_mem, reltol, abstolvec) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSVtolerances failed\n"); + + N_VDestroy_Parallel(abstolvec); + } else { + if (ARKStepSStolerances(arkode_mem, reltol, abstol) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSStolerances failed\n"); } - {TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetMaxNumSteps"); - if( ARKodeSetMaxNumSteps(arkode_mem, mxsteps) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetMaxNumSteps failed\n"); - } + if (ARKStepSetMaxNumSteps(arkode_mem, mxsteps) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetMaxNumSteps failed\n"); - if(max_timestep > 0.0) { - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetMaxStep"); - if( ARKodeSetMaxStep(arkode_mem, max_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetMaxStep failed\n"); + const auto max_timestep = (*options)["max_timestep"].withDefault(-1.); + if (max_timestep > 0.0) { + if (ARKStepSetMaxStep(arkode_mem, max_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetMaxStep failed\n"); } - if(min_timestep > 0.0) { - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetMinStep"); - if( ARKodeSetMinStep(arkode_mem, min_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetMinStep failed\n"); + const auto min_timestep = (*options)["min_timestep"].withDefault(-1.); + if (min_timestep > 0.0) { + if (ARKStepSetMinStep(arkode_mem, min_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetMinStep failed\n"); } - - if(start_timestep > 0.0) { - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetInitStep"); - if( ARKodeSetInitStep(arkode_mem, start_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetInitStep failed"); + + const auto start_timestep = (*options)["start_timestep"].withDefault(-1); + if (start_timestep > 0.0) { + if (ARKStepSetInitStep(arkode_mem, start_timestep) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetInitStep failed"); } - - //ARKodeSetPredictorMethod(arkode_mem,4); + + // ARKStepSetPredictorMethod(arkode_mem,4); /// Newton method can include Preconditioners and Jacobian function - bool fixed_point; - OPTION(options,fixed_point,false); + const auto fixed_point = (*options)["fixed_point"].withDefault(false); - if(fixed_point){ //Use accellerated fixed point - output.write("\tUsing accellerated fixed point solver\n"); - if( ARKodeSetFixedPoint(arkode_mem, 3.0) ) +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 4 + if (fixed_point) { // Use accellerated fixed point + output.write("\tUsing accellerated fixed point solver\n"); + if (ARKodeSetFixedPoint(arkode_mem, 3.0)) throw BoutException("ARKodeSetFixedPoint failed\n"); - }else{ + } else { output.write("\tUsing Newton iteration\n"); - if( ARKodeSetNewton(arkode_mem) ) + if (ARKodeSetNewton(arkode_mem)) throw BoutException("ARKodeSetNewton failed\n"); } +#else + if (fixed_point) { + output.write("\tUsing accelerated fixed point solver\n"); + if ((nonlinear_solver = SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint(uvec, 3)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS fixed point nonlinear solver failed\n"); + } else { + output.write("\tUsing Newton iteration\n"); + if ((nonlinear_solver = SUNNonlinSol_Newton(uvec)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS Newton nonlinear solver failed\n"); + } + if (ARKStepSetNonlinearSolver(arkode_mem, nonlinear_solver) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetNonlinearSolver failed\n"); +#endif - /// Set Preconditioner - TRACE("Setting preconditioner"); - if(use_precon) { + const auto use_precon = (*options)["use_precon"].withDefault(false); + const auto maxl = (*options)["maxl"].withDefault(0); + + /// Set Preconditioner + if (use_precon) { + const auto rightprec = (*options)["rightprec"].withDefault(false); + const int prectype = rightprec ? PREC_RIGHT : PREC_LEFT; + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + if ((sun_solver = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(uvec, prectype, maxl)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS linear solver failed\n"); + if (ARKStepSetLinearSolver(arkode_mem, sun_solver, nullptr) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetLinearSolver failed\n"); +#else + if (ARKSpgmr(arkode_mem, prectype, maxl) != ARKSPILS_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKSpgmr failed\n"); +#endif - int prectype = PREC_LEFT; - bool rightprec; - options->get("rightprec", rightprec, false); - if(rightprec) - prectype = PREC_RIGHT; - - if( ARKSpgmr(arkode_mem, prectype, maxl) != ARKSPILS_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: ARKSpgmr failed\n"); + if (!have_user_precon()) { + output.write("\tUsing BBD preconditioner\n"); + + /// Get options + // Compute band_width_default from actually added fields, to allow for multiple + // Mesh objects + // + // Previous implementation was equivalent to: + // int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // int band_width_default = n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2); + const int band_width_default = std::accumulate( + begin(f3d), end(f3d), 0, [](int a, const VarStr& fvar) { + Mesh* localmesh = fvar.var->getMesh(); + return a + localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 3; + }); + + const auto mudq = (*options)["mudq"].withDefault(band_width_default); + const auto mldq = (*options)["mldq"].withDefault(band_width_default); + const auto mukeep = (*options)["mukeep"].withDefault(n3Dvars() + n2Dvars()); + const auto mlkeep = (*options)["mlkeep"].withDefault(n3Dvars() + n2Dvars()); + + if (ARKBBDPrecInit(arkode_mem, local_N, mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep, ZERO, + arkode_bbd_rhs, nullptr) + != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKBBDPrecInit failed\n"); - if(!have_user_precon()) { - output.write("\tUsing BBD preconditioner\n"); + } else { + output.write("\tUsing user-supplied preconditioner\n"); - if (ARKBBDPrecInit(arkode_mem, local_N, mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep, ZERO, - arkode_bbd_rhs, nullptr) != ARKSPILS_SUCCESS) - throw BoutException("ERROR: ARKBBDPrecInit failed\n"); + if (ARKStepSetPreconditioner(arkode_mem, nullptr, arkode_pre_shim) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetPreconditioner failed\n"); + } + } else { + // Not using preconditioning + + output.write("\tNo preconditioning\n"); + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + if ((sun_solver = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(uvec, PREC_NONE, maxl)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS linear solver failed\n"); + if (ARKStepSetLinearSolver(arkode_mem, sun_solver, nullptr) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetLinearSolver failed\n"); +#else + if (ARKSpgmr(arkode_mem, PREC_NONE, maxl) != ARKSPILS_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKSpgmr failed\n"); +#endif + } - } else { - output.write("\tUsing user-supplied preconditioner\n"); + /// Set Jacobian-vector multiplication function - if (ARKSpilsSetPreconditioner(arkode_mem, nullptr, arkode_pre) != - ARKSPILS_SUCCESS) - throw BoutException("ERROR: ARKSpilsSetPreconditioner failed\n"); - } - }else { - // Not using preconditioning + const auto use_jacobian = (*options)["use_jacobian"].withDefault(false); + if (use_jacobian && jacfunc) { + output.write("\tUsing user-supplied Jacobian function\n"); - output.write("\tNo preconditioning\n"); + if (ARKStepSetJacTimes(arkode_mem, nullptr, arkode_jac) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetJacTimesVecFn failed\n"); + } else + output.write("\tUsing difference quotient approximation for Jacobian\n"); - if( ARKSpgmr(arkode_mem, PREC_NONE, maxl) != ARKSPILS_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: ARKSpgmr failed\n"); - } - - /// Set Jacobian-vector multiplication function - - if (use_jacobian && jacfunc) { - output.write("\tUsing user-supplied Jacobian function\n"); - - TRACE("Setting Jacobian-vector multiply"); - if( ARKSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(arkode_mem, arkode_jac) != ARKSPILS_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: ARKSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn failed\n"); - }else - output.write("\tUsing difference quotient approximation for Jacobian\n"); - -//Use ARKode optimal parameters - bool optimize; - OPTION(options,optimize,false); - if(optimize){ - TRACE("Calling ARKodeSetOptimialParams"); - output.write("\tUsing ARKode inbuilt optimization\n"); - if( ARKodeSetOptimalParams(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ARKodeSetOptimalParams failed"); - } + // Use ARKode optimal parameters + const auto optimize = (*options)["optimize"].withDefault(false); + if (optimize) { + output.write("\tUsing ARKode inbuilt optimization\n"); + if (ARKStepSetOptimalParams(arkode_mem) != ARK_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("ARKStepSetOptimalParams failed"); + } return 0; } - /************************************************************************** * Run - Advance time **************************************************************************/ @@ -401,37 +486,38 @@ int ArkodeSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { int ArkodeSolver::run() { TRACE("ArkodeSolver::run()"); - if(!initialised) + if (!initialised) throw BoutException("ArkodeSolver not initialised\n"); - for(int i=0;i Newton iterations per step: %e\n", + + output.write(" -> Newton iterations per step: %e\n", static_cast(nniters) / static_cast(nsteps)); output.write(" -> Linear iterations per Newton iteration: %e\n", static_cast(nliters) / static_cast(nniters)); @@ -441,7 +527,7 @@ int ArkodeSolver::run() { /// Call the monitor function - if(call_monitors(simtime, i, NOUT)) { + if (call_monitors(simtime, i, NOUT)) { // User signalled to quit break; } @@ -456,31 +542,32 @@ BoutReal ArkodeSolver::run(BoutReal tout) { MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); pre_Wtime = 0.0; - pre_ncalls = 0.0; + pre_ncalls = 0; int flag; - if(!monitor_timestep) { + if (!monitor_timestep) { // Run in normal mode - flag = ARKode(arkode_mem, tout, uvec, &simtime, ARK_NORMAL); - }else { + flag = ARKStepEvolve(arkode_mem, tout, uvec, &simtime, ARK_NORMAL); + } else { // Run in single step mode, to call timestep monitors BoutReal internal_time; - ARKodeGetCurrentTime(arkode_mem, &internal_time); - while(internal_time < tout) { + ARKStepGetCurrentTime(arkode_mem, &internal_time); + while (internal_time < tout) { // Run another step - BoutReal last_time = internal_time; - flag = ARKode(arkode_mem, tout, uvec, &internal_time, ARK_ONE_STEP); - - if(flag != ARK_SUCCESS) { - output_error.write("ERROR ARKODE solve failed at t = %e, flag = %d\n", internal_time, flag); + const BoutReal last_time = internal_time; + flag = ARKStepEvolve(arkode_mem, tout, uvec, &internal_time, ARK_ONE_STEP); + + if (flag != ARK_SUCCESS) { + output_error.write("ERROR ARKODE solve failed at t = %e, flag = %d\n", + internal_time, flag); return -1.0; } - + // Call timestep monitor call_timestep_monitors(internal_time, internal_time - last_time); } // Get output at the desired time - flag = ARKodeGetDky(arkode_mem, tout, 0, uvec); + flag = ARKStepGetDky(arkode_mem, tout, 0, uvec); simtime = tout; } @@ -488,8 +575,8 @@ BoutReal ArkodeSolver::run(BoutReal tout) { load_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); // Call rhs function to get extra variables at this time run_rhs(simtime); - //run_diffusive(simtime); - if(flag != ARK_SUCCESS) { + // run_diffusive(simtime); + if (flag != ARK_SUCCESS) { output_error.write("ERROR ARKODE solve failed at t = %e, flag = %d\n", simtime, flag); return -1.0; } @@ -501,7 +588,7 @@ BoutReal ArkodeSolver::run(BoutReal tout) { * Explicit RHS function du = F_E(t, u) **************************************************************************/ -void ArkodeSolver::rhs_e(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { +void ArkodeSolver::rhs_e(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata) { TRACE("Running RHS: ArkodeSolver::rhs_e(%e)", t); // Load state from udata @@ -509,8 +596,8 @@ void ArkodeSolver::rhs_e(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { // Get the current timestep // Note: ARKodeGetCurrentStep updated too late in older versions - ARKodeGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &hcur); - + ARKStepGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &hcur); + // Call RHS function run_convective(t); @@ -518,61 +605,56 @@ void ArkodeSolver::rhs_e(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { save_derivs(dudata); } - /************************************************************************** * Implicit RHS function du = F_I(t, u) **************************************************************************/ -void ArkodeSolver::rhs_i(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { +void ArkodeSolver::rhs_i(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata) { TRACE("Running RHS: ArkodeSolver::rhs_i(%e)", t); load_vars(udata); - ARKodeGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &hcur); + ARKStepGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &hcur); // Call Implicit RHS function run_diffusive(t); save_derivs(dudata); } - - + /************************************************************************** * Full RHS function du = F(t, u) **************************************************************************/ -void ArkodeSolver::rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { +void ArkodeSolver::rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata) { TRACE("Running RHS: ArkodeSolver::rhs(%e)", t); load_vars(udata); - ARKodeGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &hcur); + ARKStepGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &hcur); // Call Implicit RHS function run_rhs(t); save_derivs(dudata); } - /************************************************************************** * Preconditioner function **************************************************************************/ -void ArkodeSolver::pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *rvec, BoutReal *zvec) { +void ArkodeSolver::pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal* udata, + BoutReal* rvec, BoutReal* zvec) { TRACE("Running preconditioner: ArkodeSolver::pre(%e)", t); - BoutReal tstart = MPI_Wtime(); + const BoutReal tstart = MPI_Wtime(); - int N = NV_LOCLENGTH_P(uvec); - - if(!have_user_precon()) { + if (!have_user_precon()) { // Identity (but should never happen) - for(int i=0;i(user_data); - +static int arkode_rhs_explicit(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data) { + + BoutReal* udata = NV_DATA_P(u); + BoutReal* dudata = NV_DATA_P(du); + + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); + // Calculate RHS function try { s->rhs_e(t, udata, dudata); - } catch (BoutRhsFail &error) { + } catch (BoutRhsFail& error) { return 1; } return 0; } +static int arkode_rhs_implicit(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data) { + BoutReal* udata = NV_DATA_P(u); + BoutReal* dudata = NV_DATA_P(du); -static int arkode_rhs_i(BoutReal t, - N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - void *user_data) { - - BoutReal *udata = NV_DATA_P(u); - BoutReal *dudata = NV_DATA_P(du); - - ArkodeSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); - //Calculate RHS function + // Calculate RHS function try { - s->rhs_i(t, udata, dudata); - } catch (BoutRhsFail &error) { + s->rhs_i(t, udata, dudata); + } catch (BoutRhsFail& error) { return 1; } return 0; - } - +} -static int arkode_rhs(BoutReal t, - N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - void *user_data) { +static int arkode_rhs(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data) { - BoutReal *udata = NV_DATA_P(u); - BoutReal *dudata = NV_DATA_P(du); + BoutReal* udata = NV_DATA_P(u); + BoutReal* dudata = NV_DATA_P(du); - ArkodeSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); - //Calculate RHS function + // Calculate RHS function try { s->rhs(t, udata, dudata); - } catch (BoutRhsFail &error) { + } catch (BoutRhsFail& error) { return 1; } return 0; @@ -668,19 +741,19 @@ static int arkode_rhs(BoutReal t, /// RHS function for BBD preconditioner static int arkode_bbd_rhs(ARKODEINT UNUSED(Nlocal), BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - void *user_data) { - return arkode_rhs_i(t, u, du, user_data); + void* user_data) { + return arkode_rhs_implicit(t, u, du, user_data); } /// Preconditioner function static int arkode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector UNUSED(yp), N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int UNUSED(lr), - void *user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { - BoutReal *udata = NV_DATA_P(yy); - BoutReal *rdata = NV_DATA_P(rvec); - BoutReal *zdata = NV_DATA_P(zvec); - - ArkodeSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); + void* user_data) { + BoutReal* udata = NV_DATA_P(yy); + BoutReal* rdata = NV_DATA_P(rvec); + BoutReal* zdata = NV_DATA_P(zvec); + + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); // Calculate residuals s->pre(t, gamma, delta, udata, rdata, zdata); @@ -690,15 +763,15 @@ static int arkode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector UNUSED(yp), N_Vector rve /// Jacobian-vector multiplication function static int arkode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y, - N_Vector UNUSED(fy), void *user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { - BoutReal *ydata = NV_DATA_P(y); ///< System state - BoutReal *vdata = NV_DATA_P(v); ///< Input vector - BoutReal *Jvdata = NV_DATA_P(Jv); ///< Jacobian*vector output - - ArkodeSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); - + N_Vector UNUSED(fy), void* user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { + BoutReal* ydata = NV_DATA_P(y); ///< System state + BoutReal* vdata = NV_DATA_P(v); ///< Input vector + BoutReal* Jvdata = NV_DATA_P(Jv); ///< Jacobian*vector output + + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); + s->jac(t, ydata, vdata, Jvdata); - + return 0; } @@ -706,35 +779,36 @@ static int arkode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y, * vector abstol functions **************************************************************************/ -void ArkodeSolver::set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, vector &f2dtols, vector &f3dtols) { +void ArkodeSolver::set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, + std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols) { int p = 0; // Counter for location in abstolvec_data array // All boundaries - for (const auto &i2d : mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_BNDRY")) { + for (const auto& i2d : bout::globals::mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_BNDRY")) { loop_abstol_values_op(i2d, abstolvec_data, p, f2dtols, f3dtols, true); } // Bulk of points - for (const auto &i2d : mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + for (const auto& i2d : bout::globals::mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { loop_abstol_values_op(i2d, abstolvec_data, p, f2dtols, f3dtols, false); } } -void ArkodeSolver::loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D UNUSED(i2d), - BoutReal *abstolvec_data, int &p, - vector &f2dtols, - vector &f3dtols, bool bndry) { +void ArkodeSolver::loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D UNUSED(i2d), BoutReal* abstolvec_data, + int& p, std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols, bool bndry) { // Loop over 2D variables - for(vector::size_type i=0; i::size_type i = 0; i < f2dtols.size(); i++) { + if (bndry && !f2d[i].evolve_bndry) continue; abstolvec_data[p] = f2dtols[i]; p++; } - for (int jz=0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + for (int jz = 0; jz < bout::globals::mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { // Loop over 3D variables - for(vector::size_type i=0; i::size_type i = 0; i < f3dtols.size(); i++) { + if (bndry && !f3d[i].evolve_bndry) continue; abstolvec_data[p] = f3dtols[i]; p++; diff --git a/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.hxx b/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.hxx index 0ec9318301..c74ffad9ea 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/arkode/arkode.hxx @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ /************************************************************************** * Interface to ARKODE solver * NOTE: ARKode is currently in beta testing so use with cautious optimism - * + * * NOTE: Only one solver can currently be compiled in * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -26,75 +26,86 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#ifdef BOUT_HAS_ARKODE - -class ArkodeSolver; - #ifndef __ARKODE_SOLVER_H__ #define __ARKODE_SOLVER_H__ -// NOTE: MPI must be included before SUNDIALS, otherwise complains -#include "mpi.h" +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_ARKODE #include "bout_types.hxx" -#include "field2d.hxx" -#include "field3d.hxx" -#include "vector2d.hxx" -#include "vector3d.hxx" - #include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" + +#include +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 +#include +#endif + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 +#include +#endif -#include -#include #include #include -using std::vector; -#include +class ArkodeSolver; +class Options; + namespace { RegisterSolver registersolverarkode("arkode"); } class ArkodeSolver : public Solver { - public: - ArkodeSolver(Options *opts = nullptr); - ~ArkodeSolver(); - - void setJacobian(Jacobian j) override { jacfunc = j; } - - BoutReal getCurrentTimestep() override { return hcur; } - - int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; - - int run() override; - BoutReal run(BoutReal tout); - - // These functions used internally (but need to be public) - void rhs_e(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata); - void rhs_i(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata); - void rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata); - void pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *rvec, BoutReal *zvec); - void jac(BoutReal t, BoutReal *ydata, BoutReal *vdata, BoutReal *Jvdata); - private: - int NOUT; // Number of outputs. Specified in init, needed in run - BoutReal TIMESTEP; // Time between outputs - BoutReal hcur; // Current internal timestep - - Jacobian jacfunc; // Jacobian - vector function - bool diagnose; // Output additional diagnostics - - N_Vector uvec; // Values - void *arkode_mem; - - BoutReal pre_Wtime; // Time in preconditioner - BoutReal pre_ncalls; // Number of calls to preconditioner - - void set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, vector &f2dtols, vector &f3dtols); - void loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal* abstolvec_data, int &p, vector &f2dtols, vector &f3dtols, bool bndry); -}; +public: + ArkodeSolver(Options* opts = nullptr); + ~ArkodeSolver(); -#endif // __ARKODE_SOLVER_H__ + void setJacobian(Jacobian j) override { jacfunc = j; } + + BoutReal getCurrentTimestep() override { return hcur; } + + int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; + + int run() override; + BoutReal run(BoutReal tout); + + // These functions used internally (but need to be public) + void rhs_e(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata); + void rhs_i(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata); + void rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata); + void pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* rvec, + BoutReal* zvec); + void jac(BoutReal t, BoutReal* ydata, BoutReal* vdata, BoutReal* Jvdata); + +private: + int NOUT; // Number of outputs. Specified in init, needed in run + BoutReal TIMESTEP; // Time between outputs + BoutReal hcur; // Current internal timestep + Jacobian jacfunc{nullptr}; // Jacobian - vector function + bool diagnose{false}; // Output additional diagnostics + + N_Vector uvec{nullptr}; // Values + void* arkode_mem{nullptr}; // ARKODE internal memory block + + BoutReal pre_Wtime{0.0}; // Time in preconditioner + int pre_ncalls{0}; // Number of calls to preconditioner + + void set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols); + void loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal* abstolvec_data, int& p, + std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols, bool bndry); + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + /// SPGMR solver structure + SUNLinearSolver sun_solver{nullptr}; #endif +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + /// Solver for functional iterations for Adams-Moulton + SUNNonlinearSolver nonlinear_solver{nullptr}; +#endif +}; +#endif // BOUT_HAS_ARKODE +#endif // __ARKODE_SOLVER_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.cxx b/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.cxx index b2ca52f2be..7b01615ae2 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.cxx @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ /************************************************************************** * Interface to SUNDIALS CVODE - * + * * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -28,53 +28,102 @@ #ifdef BOUT_HAS_CVODE -#include -#include // Cell interpolation -#include -#include +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" #include + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 +#include +#include +#else +#include +#endif + #include #include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include +#include -#include "unused.hxx" +class Field2D; -#define ZERO RCONST(0.) -#define ONE RCONST(1.0) +#define ZERO RCONST(0.) +#define ONE RCONST(1.0) #ifndef CVODEINT -typedef int CVODEINT; +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +using CVODEINT = bout::utils::function_traits::arg_t<0>; +#else +using CVODEINT = sunindextype; +#endif #endif -static int cvode_rhs(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void *user_data); -static int cvode_bbd_rhs(CVODEINT Nlocal, BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - void *user_data); +static int cvode_rhs(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, void* user_data); +static int cvode_bbd_rhs(CVODEINT Nlocal, BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, + void* user_data); -static int cvode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, - N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, - BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int lr, - void *user_data, N_Vector tmp); +static int cvode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, + BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int lr, void* user_data); -static int cvode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, - realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, - void *user_data, N_Vector tmp); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +// Shim for earlier versions +inline static int cvode_pre_shim(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rvec, + N_Vector zvec, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int lr, + void* user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { + return cvode_pre(t, yy, yp, rvec, zvec, gamma, delta, lr, user_data); +} +#else +// Alias for newer versions +constexpr auto& cvode_pre_shim = cvode_pre; +#endif + +static int cvode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector fy, + void* user_data, N_Vector tmp); -CvodeSolver::CvodeSolver(Options *opts) : Solver(opts) { - has_constraints = false; ///< This solver doesn't have constraints +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +// Shim for earlier versions +inline int CVSpilsSetJacTimes(void* arkode_mem, std::nullptr_t, + CVSpilsJacTimesVecFn jtimes) { + return CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(arkode_mem, jtimes); +} +#endif - jacfunc = nullptr; +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 +// Shim for newer versions +inline void* CVodeCreate(int lmm, int UNUSED(iter)) { return CVodeCreate(lmm); } +constexpr auto CV_FUNCTIONAL = 0; +constexpr auto CV_NEWTON = 0; +#elif SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 +namespace { +constexpr auto& SUNLinSol_SPGMR = SUNSPGMR; +} +#endif +CvodeSolver::CvodeSolver(Options* opts) : Solver(opts) { + has_constraints = false; // This solver doesn't have constraints canReset = true; } CvodeSolver::~CvodeSolver() { - if(initialised) { + if (initialised) { N_VDestroy_Parallel(uvec); CVodeFree(&cvode_mem); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + SUNLinSolFree(sun_solver); +#endif +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + SUNNonlinSolFree(nonlinear_solver); +#endif } } @@ -86,7 +135,7 @@ int CvodeSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { TRACE("Initialising CVODE solver"); /// Call the generic initialisation first - if(Solver::init(nout, tstep)) + if (Solver::init(nout, tstep)) return 1; // Save nout and tstep for use in run @@ -96,221 +145,219 @@ int CvodeSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { output_progress.write("Initialising SUNDIALS' CVODE solver\n"); // Calculate number of variables (in generic_solver) - int local_N = getLocalN(); + const int local_N = getLocalN(); // Get total problem size int neq; - {TRACE("Allreduce localN -> GlobalN"); - if (MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { - throw BoutException("ERROR: MPI_Allreduce failed!\n"); - } + if (MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { + throw BoutException("Allreduce localN -> GlobalN failed!\n"); } - output_info.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", - n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, local_N); + output_info.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", n3Dvars(), + n2Dvars(), neq, local_N); // Allocate memory - {TRACE("Allocating memory with N_VNew_Parallel"); - if ((uvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); - } + if ((uvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); // Put the variables into uvec - {TRACE("Saving variables into uvec"); - save_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); - } + save_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); - /// Get options - BoutReal abstol, reltol; - // Initialise abstolvec to nullptr to avoid compiler maybed-uninitialised warning - N_Vector abstolvec = nullptr; - int maxl; - int mudq, mldq; - int mukeep, mlkeep; - int max_order; - bool use_precon, use_jacobian, use_vector_abstol, stablimdet; - BoutReal start_timestep, max_timestep; - bool adams_moulton, func_iter; // Time-integration method - int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; - int mxsteps; // Maximum number of steps to take between outputs - int mxorder; // Maximum lmm order to be used by the solver - int lmm = CV_BDF; - int iter = CV_NEWTON; - - {TRACE("Getting options"); - options->get("mudq", mudq, n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2)); - options->get("mldq", mldq, n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2)); - options->get("mukeep", mukeep, n3Dvars()+n2Dvars()); - options->get("mlkeep", mlkeep, n3Dvars()+n2Dvars()); - options->get("ATOL", abstol, 1.0e-12); - options->get("RTOL", reltol, 1.0e-5); - options->get("cvode_max_order", max_order, -1); - options->get("cvode_stability_limit_detection", stablimdet, false); - options->get("use_vector_abstol",use_vector_abstol,false); - if (use_vector_abstol) { - Options *abstol_options = Options::getRoot(); - BoutReal tempabstol; - if ((abstolvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation (abstol vector) failed\n"); - vector f2dtols; - vector f3dtols; - BoutReal* abstolvec_data = NV_DATA_P(abstolvec); - for (const auto& f : f2d) { - abstol_options = Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name); - abstol_options->get("abstol", tempabstol, abstol); - f2dtols.push_back(tempabstol); - } - for (const auto& f : f3d) { - abstol_options = Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name); - abstol_options->get("atol", tempabstol, abstol); - f3dtols.push_back(tempabstol); - } - set_abstol_values(abstolvec_data, f2dtols, f3dtols); - } + diagnose = (*options)["diagnose"].doc("Print solver diagnostic information?").withDefault(false); + const auto adams_moulton = (*options)["adams_moulton"] + .doc("Use Adams Moulton implicit multistep. Otherwise BDF method.") + .withDefault(false); - options->get("maxl", maxl, 5); - OPTION(options, use_precon, false); - OPTION(options, use_jacobian, false); - OPTION(options, max_timestep, -1.); - OPTION(options, start_timestep, -1); - OPTION(options, diagnose, false); - - options->get("mxstep", mxsteps, 500); - options->get("mxorder", mxorder, -1); - options->get("adams_moulton", adams_moulton, false); - - if(adams_moulton) { - // By default use functional iteration for Adams-Moulton - lmm = CV_ADAMS; - output_info.write("\tUsing Adams-Moulton implicit multistep method\n"); - options->get("func_iter", func_iter, true); - }else { - output_info.write("\tUsing BDF method\n"); - // Use Newton iteration for BDF - options->get("func_iter", func_iter, false); - } + if (adams_moulton) { + // By default use functional iteration for Adams-Moulton + output_info.write("\tUsing Adams-Moulton implicit multistep method\n"); + } else { + // Use Newton iteration for BDF + output_info.write("\tUsing BDF method\n"); + } - if(func_iter) - iter = CV_FUNCTIONAL; - }//End of options TRACE + const auto lmm = adams_moulton ? CV_ADAMS : CV_BDF; + const auto func_iter = (*options)["func_iter"].withDefault(adams_moulton); + const auto iter = func_iter ? CV_FUNCTIONAL : CV_NEWTON; - // Call CVodeCreate - {TRACE("Calling CVodeCreate"); - if ((cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(lmm, iter)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("CVodeCreate failed\n"); - } + if ((cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(lmm, iter)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("CVodeCreate failed\n"); - {TRACE("Calling CVodeSetUserData"); - if( CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, this) < 0 ) // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object - throw BoutException("CVodeSetUserData failed\n"); - } + // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object + if (CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, this) < 0) + throw BoutException("CVodeSetUserData failed\n"); - {TRACE("Calling CVodeInit"); - if( CVodeInit(cvode_mem, cvode_rhs, simtime, uvec) < 0 ) - throw BoutException("CVodeInit failed\n"); - } + if (CVodeInit(cvode_mem, cvode_rhs, simtime, uvec) < 0) + throw BoutException("CVodeInit failed\n"); - - if (max_order>0) { - TRACE("Calling CVodeSetMaxOrder"); - if ( CVodeSetMaxOrd(cvode_mem, max_order) < 0) + const auto max_order = (*options)["cvode_max_order"].doc("Maximum order of method to use. < 0 means no limit.").withDefault(-1); + if (max_order > 0) { + if (CVodeSetMaxOrd(cvode_mem, max_order) < 0) throw BoutException("CVodeSetMaxOrder failed\n"); } - + + const auto stablimdet = + (*options)["cvode_stability_limit_detection"].withDefault(false); if (stablimdet) { - TRACE("Calling CVodeSetstabLimDet"); - if ( CVodeSetStabLimDet(cvode_mem, stablimdet) < 0) - throw BoutException("CVodeSetstabLimDet failed\n"); + if (CVodeSetStabLimDet(cvode_mem, stablimdet) < 0) + throw BoutException("CVodeSetStabLimDet failed\n"); } - + + const auto abstol = (*options)["ATOL"].doc("Absolute tolerance").withDefault(1.0e-12); + const auto reltol = (*options)["RTOL"].doc("Relative tolerance").withDefault(1.0e-5); + const auto use_vector_abstol = (*options)["use_vector_abstol"].withDefault(false); if (use_vector_abstol) { - TRACE("Calling CVodeSVtolerances"); - if( CVodeSVtolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstolvec) < 0 ) - throw BoutException("CVodeSStolerances failed\n"); - } - else { - TRACE("Calling CVodeSStolerances"); - if( CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol) < 0 ) + std::vector f2dtols; + f2dtols.reserve(f2d.size()); + std::transform(begin(f2d), end(f2d), std::back_inserter(f2dtols), + [abstol](const VarStr& f2) { + auto f2_options = Options::root()[f2.name]; + const auto wrong_name = f2_options.isSet("abstol"); + if (wrong_name) { + output_warn << "WARNING: Option 'abstol' for field " << f2.name + << " is deprecated. Please use 'atol' instead\n"; + } + const std::string atol_name = wrong_name ? "abstol" : "atol"; + return f2_options[atol_name].withDefault(abstol); + }); + + std::vector f3dtols; + f3dtols.reserve(f3d.size()); + std::transform(begin(f3d), end(f3d), std::back_inserter(f3dtols), + [abstol](const VarStr& f3) { + return Options::root()[f3.name]["atol"].withDefault(abstol); + }); + + N_Vector abstolvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq); + if (abstolvec == nullptr) + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation (abstol vector) failed\n"); + + set_abstol_values(NV_DATA_P(abstolvec), f2dtols, f3dtols); + + if (CVodeSVtolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstolvec) < 0) + throw BoutException("CVodeSVtolerances failed\n"); + + N_VDestroy_Parallel(abstolvec); + } else { + if (CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol) < 0) throw BoutException("CVodeSStolerances failed\n"); } + const auto mxsteps = (*options)["mxstep"].doc("Maximum number of internal steps between outputs.").withDefault(500); CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, mxsteps); - if(max_timestep > 0.0) { - // Setting a maximum timestep + const auto max_timestep = (*options)["max_timestep"].doc("Maximum time step size").withDefault(-1.0); + if (max_timestep > 0.0) { CVodeSetMaxStep(cvode_mem, max_timestep); } - if(start_timestep > 0.0) { - // Setting a user-supplied initial guess for the appropriate timestep - CVodeSetInitStep(cvode_mem, start_timestep); + const auto min_timestep = (*options)["min_timestep"].doc("Minimum time step size").withDefault(-1.0); + if (min_timestep > 0.0) { + CVodeSetMinStep(cvode_mem, min_timestep); } - - if(start_timestep > 0.0) { + + const auto start_timestep = (*options)["start_timestep"].doc("Starting time step. < 0 then chosen by CVODE.").withDefault(-1.0); + if (start_timestep > 0.0) { CVodeSetInitStep(cvode_mem, start_timestep); } - if(mxorder > 0) { - // Setting the maximum solver order + const auto mxorder = (*options)["mxorder"].withDefault(-1); + if (mxorder > 0) { CVodeSetMaxOrd(cvode_mem, mxorder); } /// Newton method can include Preconditioners and Jacobian function if (!func_iter) { output_info.write("\tUsing Newton iteration\n"); - /// Set Preconditioner TRACE("Setting preconditioner"); + const auto maxl = (*options)["maxl"].doc("Maximum number of linear iterations").withDefault(5); + const auto use_precon = (*options)["use_precon"].doc("Use preconditioner?").withDefault(false); + if (use_precon) { - int prectype = PREC_LEFT; - bool rightprec; - options->get("rightprec", rightprec, false); - if (rightprec) - prectype = PREC_RIGHT; - - if ( CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, prectype, maxl) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: CVSpgmr failed\n"); + const auto rightprec = (*options)["rightprec"] + .doc("Use right preconditioner? Otherwise use left.") + .withDefault(false); + const int prectype = rightprec ? PREC_RIGHT : PREC_LEFT; + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + if ((sun_solver = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(uvec, prectype, maxl)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS linear solver failed\n"); + if (CVSpilsSetLinearSolver(cvode_mem, sun_solver) != CV_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("CVSpilsSetLinearSolver failed\n"); +#else + if (CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, prectype, maxl) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("CVSpgmr failed\n"); +#endif if (!have_user_precon()) { output_info.write("\tUsing BBD preconditioner\n"); + /// Get options + // Compute band_width_default from actually added fields, to allow for multiple + // Mesh objects + // + // Previous implementation was equivalent to: + // int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // int band_width_default = n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2); + const int band_width_default = std::accumulate( + begin(f3d), end(f3d), 0, [](int a, const VarStr& fvar) { + Mesh* localmesh = fvar.var->getMesh(); + return a + localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 3; + }); + + const auto mudq = (*options)["mudq"].withDefault(band_width_default); + const auto mldq = (*options)["mldq"].withDefault(band_width_default); + const auto mukeep = (*options)["mukeep"].withDefault(n3Dvars() + n2Dvars()); + const auto mlkeep = (*options)["mlkeep"].withDefault(n3Dvars() + n2Dvars()); + if (CVBBDPrecInit(cvode_mem, local_N, mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep, ZERO, cvode_bbd_rhs, nullptr)) - throw BoutException("ERROR: CVBBDPrecInit failed\n"); + throw BoutException("CVBBDPrecInit failed\n"); } else { output_info.write("\tUsing user-supplied preconditioner\n"); - if (CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, nullptr, cvode_pre)) - throw BoutException("ERROR: CVSpilsSetPreconditioner failed\n"); + if (CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, nullptr, cvode_pre_shim)) + throw BoutException("CVSpilsSetPreconditioner failed\n"); } - }else { - // Not using preconditioning - + } else { output_info.write("\tNo preconditioning\n"); - if( CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_NONE, maxl) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: CVSpgmr failed\n"); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + if ((sun_solver = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(uvec, PREC_NONE, maxl)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS linear solver failed\n"); + if (CVSpilsSetLinearSolver(cvode_mem, sun_solver) != CV_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("CVSpilsSetLinearSolver failed\n"); +#else + if (CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_NONE, maxl) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("CVSpgmr failed\n"); +#endif } /// Set Jacobian-vector multiplication function - + const auto use_jacobian = (*options)["use_jacobian"].withDefault(false); if ((use_jacobian) && (jacfunc != nullptr)) { output_info.write("\tUsing user-supplied Jacobian function\n"); - TRACE("Setting Jacobian-vector multiply"); - if( CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(cvode_mem, cvode_jac) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn failed\n"); - }else + if (CVSpilsSetJacTimes(cvode_mem, nullptr, cvode_jac) != CV_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn failed\n"); + } else output_info.write("\tUsing difference quotient approximation for Jacobian\n"); - }else { + } else { output_info.write("\tUsing Functional iteration\n"); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + if ((nonlinear_solver = SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint(uvec, 0)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint failed\n"); + + if (CVodeSetNonlinearSolver(cvode_mem, nonlinear_solver)) + throw BoutException("CVodeSetNonlinearSolver failed\n"); +#endif } return 0; } - /************************************************************************** * Run - Advance time **************************************************************************/ @@ -318,33 +365,34 @@ int CvodeSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { int CvodeSolver::run() { TRACE("CvodeSolver::run()"); - if(!initialised) + if (!initialised) throw BoutException("CvodeSolver not initialised\n"); - for(int i=0;i Newton iterations per step: %e\n", static_cast(nniters) / static_cast(nsteps)); @@ -362,7 +410,7 @@ int CvodeSolver::run() { CVodeGetLastOrder(cvode_mem, &last_order); output.write(" -> Last step size: %e, order: %d\n", last_step, last_order); - + // Local error test failures long int num_fails; CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &num_fails); @@ -370,20 +418,20 @@ int CvodeSolver::run() { // Number of nonlinear convergence failures long int nonlin_fails; CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem, &nonlin_fails); - - output.write(" -> Local error fails: %ld, nonlinear convergence fails: %ld\n", num_fails, nonlin_fails); + + output.write(" -> Local error fails: %ld, nonlinear convergence fails: %ld\n", + num_fails, nonlin_fails); // Stability limit order reductions long int stab_lims; CVodeGetNumStabLimOrderReds(cvode_mem, &stab_lims); - + output.write(" -> Stability limit order reductions: %ld\n", stab_lims); - } /// Call the monitor function - if(call_monitors(simtime, i, NOUT)) { + if (call_monitors(simtime, i, NOUT)) { // User signalled to quit break; } @@ -398,7 +446,7 @@ BoutReal CvodeSolver::run(BoutReal tout) { MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); pre_Wtime = 0.0; - pre_ncalls = 0.0; + pre_ncalls = 0; int flag; if (!monitor_timestep) { @@ -408,15 +456,16 @@ BoutReal CvodeSolver::run(BoutReal tout) { // Run in single step mode, to call timestep monitors BoutReal internal_time; CVodeGetCurrentTime(cvode_mem, &internal_time); - while(internal_time < tout) { + while (internal_time < tout) { // Run another step BoutReal last_time = internal_time; flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, uvec, &internal_time, CV_ONE_STEP); - + if (flag < 0) { - throw BoutException("ERROR CVODE solve failed at t = %e, flag = %d\n", internal_time, flag); + throw BoutException("ERROR CVODE solve failed at t = %e, flag = %d\n", + internal_time, flag); } - + // Call timestep monitor call_timestep_monitors(internal_time, internal_time - last_time); } @@ -442,7 +491,7 @@ BoutReal CvodeSolver::run(BoutReal tout) { * RHS function du = F(t, u) **************************************************************************/ -void CvodeSolver::rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { +void CvodeSolver::rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata) { TRACE("Running RHS: CvodeSolver::res(%e)", t); // Load state from udata @@ -451,7 +500,7 @@ void CvodeSolver::rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { // Get the current timestep // Note: CVodeGetCurrentStep updated too late in older versions CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem, &hcur); - + // Call RHS function run_rhs(t); @@ -463,16 +512,17 @@ void CvodeSolver::rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata) { * Preconditioner function **************************************************************************/ -void CvodeSolver::pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *rvec, BoutReal *zvec) { +void CvodeSolver::pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal* udata, + BoutReal* rvec, BoutReal* zvec) { TRACE("Running preconditioner: CvodeSolver::pre(%e)", t); BoutReal tstart = MPI_Wtime(); int N = NV_LOCLENGTH_P(uvec); - - if(!have_user_precon()) { + + if (!have_user_precon()) { // Identity (but should never happen) - for(int i=0;i(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); // Calculate RHS function try { s->rhs(t, udata, dudata); - } catch (BoutRhsFail &error) { + } catch (BoutRhsFail& error) { return 1; } return 0; @@ -539,19 +587,19 @@ static int cvode_rhs(BoutReal t, /// RHS function for BBD preconditioner static int cvode_bbd_rhs(CVODEINT UNUSED(Nlocal), BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - void *user_data) { + void* user_data) { return cvode_rhs(t, u, du, user_data); } /// Preconditioner function static int cvode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector UNUSED(yp), N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, int UNUSED(lr), - void *user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { - BoutReal *udata = NV_DATA_P(yy); - BoutReal *rdata = NV_DATA_P(rvec); - BoutReal *zdata = NV_DATA_P(zvec); + void* user_data) { + BoutReal* udata = NV_DATA_P(yy); + BoutReal* rdata = NV_DATA_P(rvec); + BoutReal* zdata = NV_DATA_P(zvec); - CvodeSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); // Calculate residuals s->pre(t, gamma, delta, udata, rdata, zdata); @@ -561,15 +609,15 @@ static int cvode_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector UNUSED(yp), N_Vector rvec /// Jacobian-vector multiplication function static int cvode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector UNUSED(fy), - void *user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { - BoutReal *ydata = NV_DATA_P(y); ///< System state - BoutReal *vdata = NV_DATA_P(v); ///< Input vector - BoutReal *Jvdata = NV_DATA_P(Jv); ///< Jacobian*vector output + void* user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { + BoutReal* ydata = NV_DATA_P(y); ///< System state + BoutReal* vdata = NV_DATA_P(v); ///< Input vector + BoutReal* Jvdata = NV_DATA_P(Jv); ///< Jacobian*vector output - CvodeSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); s->jac(t, ydata, vdata, Jvdata); - + return 0; } @@ -577,51 +625,51 @@ static int cvode_jac(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype t, N_Vector y, N_Vector U * vector abstol functions **************************************************************************/ -void CvodeSolver::set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, vector &f2dtols, vector &f3dtols) { +void CvodeSolver::set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, + std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols) { int p = 0; // Counter for location in abstolvec_data array // All boundaries - for (const auto &i2d : mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_BNDRY")) { + for (const auto& i2d : bout::globals::mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_BNDRY")) { loop_abstol_values_op(i2d, abstolvec_data, p, f2dtols, f3dtols, true); } // Bulk of points - for (const auto &i2d : mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + for (const auto& i2d : bout::globals::mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { loop_abstol_values_op(i2d, abstolvec_data, p, f2dtols, f3dtols, false); } } -void CvodeSolver::loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D UNUSED(i2d), - BoutReal *abstolvec_data, int &p, - vector &f2dtols, - vector &f3dtols, bool bndry) { +void CvodeSolver::loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D UNUSED(i2d), BoutReal* abstolvec_data, + int& p, std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols, bool bndry) { // Loop over 2D variables - for(vector::size_type i=0; i::size_type i = 0; i < f2dtols.size(); i++) { + if (bndry && !f2d[i].evolve_bndry) { continue; } abstolvec_data[p] = f2dtols[i]; p++; } - - for (int jz=0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { + + for (int jz = 0; jz < bout::globals::mesh->LocalNz; jz++) { // Loop over 3D variables - for(vector::size_type i=0; i::size_type i = 0; i < f3dtols.size(); i++) { + if (bndry && !f3d[i].evolve_bndry) { continue; } abstolvec_data[p] = f3dtols[i]; p++; - } + } } } void CvodeSolver::resetInternalFields() { TRACE("CvodeSolver::resetInternalFields"); save_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); - - if ( CVodeReInit(cvode_mem, simtime, uvec) < 0 ) + + if (CVodeReInit(cvode_mem, simtime, uvec) < 0) throw BoutException("CVodeReInit failed\n"); - } #endif diff --git a/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.hxx b/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.hxx index c03215ef58..453d1070ef 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/cvode/cvode.hxx @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ /************************************************************************** * Interface to SUNDIALS CVODE - * + * * NOTE: Only one solver can currently be compiled in * ************************************************************************** * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -25,75 +25,85 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#ifdef BOUT_HAS_CVODE - -class CvodeSolver; - #ifndef __SUNDIAL_SOLVER_H__ #define __SUNDIAL_SOLVER_H__ -// NOTE: MPI must be included before SUNDIALS, otherwise complains -#include "mpi.h" +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_CVODE #include "bout_types.hxx" -#include "field2d.hxx" -#include "field3d.hxx" -#include "vector2d.hxx" -#include "vector3d.hxx" - #include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" + +#include +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 +#include +#endif + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 +#include +#endif -#include -#include #include #include -using std::vector; -#include +class CvodeSolver; +class Options; + namespace { RegisterSolver registersolvercvode("cvode"); } class CvodeSolver : public Solver { - public: - CvodeSolver(Options *opts = nullptr); - ~CvodeSolver(); - - void setJacobian(Jacobian j) override { jacfunc = j; } - - BoutReal getCurrentTimestep() override { return hcur; } - - int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; - - int run() override; - BoutReal run(BoutReal tout); - - void resetInternalFields() override; - - // These functions used internally (but need to be public) - void rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata); - void pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *rvec, BoutReal *zvec); - void jac(BoutReal t, BoutReal *ydata, BoutReal *vdata, BoutReal *Jvdata); - private: - int NOUT; // Number of outputs. Specified in init, needed in run - BoutReal TIMESTEP; // Time between outputs - BoutReal hcur; // Current internal timestep - - Jacobian jacfunc; // Jacobian - vector function - bool diagnose; // Output additional diagnostics - - N_Vector uvec; // Values - void *cvode_mem; - - BoutReal pre_Wtime; // Time in preconditioner - BoutReal pre_ncalls; // Number of calls to preconditioner - - void set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, vector &f2dtols, vector &f3dtols); - void loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal* abstolvec_data, int &p, vector &f2dtols, vector &f3dtols, bool bndry); -}; +public: + CvodeSolver(Options* opts = nullptr); + ~CvodeSolver(); -#endif // __SUNDIAL_SOLVER_H__ + void setJacobian(Jacobian j) override { jacfunc = j; } + + BoutReal getCurrentTimestep() override { return hcur; } + + int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; + + int run() override; + BoutReal run(BoutReal tout); + + void resetInternalFields() override; + + // These functions used internally (but need to be public) + void rhs(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata); + void pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* rvec, + BoutReal* zvec); + void jac(BoutReal t, BoutReal* ydata, BoutReal* vdata, BoutReal* Jvdata); +private: + int NOUT; // Number of outputs. Specified in init, needed in run + BoutReal TIMESTEP; // Time between outputs + BoutReal hcur; // Current internal timestep + + Jacobian jacfunc{nullptr}; // Jacobian - vector function + bool diagnose{false}; // Output additional diagnostics + + N_Vector uvec{nullptr}; // Values + void* cvode_mem{nullptr}; // CVODE internal memory block + + BoutReal pre_Wtime{0.0}; // Time in preconditioner + int pre_ncalls{0}; // Number of calls to preconditioner + + void set_abstol_values(BoutReal* abstolvec_data, std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols); + void loop_abstol_values_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal* abstolvec_data, int& p, + std::vector& f2dtols, + std::vector& f3dtols, bool bndry); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + /// SPGMR solver structure + SUNLinearSolver sun_solver{nullptr}; #endif +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 4 + /// Solver for functional iterations for Adams-Moulton + SUNNonlinearSolver nonlinear_solver{nullptr}; +#endif +}; +#endif // BOUT_HAS_CVODE +#endif // __SUNDIAL_SOLVER_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/euler/euler.cxx b/src/solver/impls/euler/euler.cxx index 235ff965e8..fac4297b7d 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/euler/euler.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/euler/euler.cxx @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ int EulerSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, nlocal); // Allocate memory - f0 = Array(nlocal); - f1 = Array(nlocal); + f0.reallocate(nlocal); + f1.reallocate(nlocal); // Put starting values into f0 save_vars(std::begin(f0)); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.cxx b/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.cxx index 27306b7699..665df2e34c 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.cxx @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /************************************************************************** * Interface to SUNDIALS IDA - * + * * IdaSolver for DAE systems (so can handle constraints) * * NOTE: Only one solver can currently be compiled in @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -31,161 +31,203 @@ #ifdef BOUT_HAS_IDA -#include -#include // Cell interpolation -#include -#include +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" #include + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 +#include +#include +#else #include +#endif + #include #include -#include #include -#include -#include +#include -#include "unused.hxx" - -#define ZERO RCONST(0.) -#define ONE RCONST(1.0) +#define ZERO RCONST(0.) +#define ONE RCONST(1.0) #ifndef IDAINT -typedef int IDAINT; +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +using IDAINT = bout::utils::function_traits::arg_t<0>; +#else +using IDAINT = sunindextype; +#endif #endif -static int idares(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, N_Vector rr, void *user_data); -static int ida_bbd_res(IDAINT Nlocal, BoutReal t, - N_Vector u, N_Vector du, N_Vector rr, void *user_data); -static int ida_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, - N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, - N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, - BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, - void *user_data, N_Vector tmp); - -IdaSolver::IdaSolver(Options *opts) : Solver(opts) { - has_constraints = true; ///< This solver has constraints +static int idares(BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, N_Vector rr, void* user_data); +static int ida_bbd_res(IDAINT Nlocal, BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, N_Vector rr, + void* user_data); + +static int ida_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, N_Vector rvec, + N_Vector zvec, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, void* user_data); + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR < 3 +// Shim for earlier versions +inline static int ida_pre_shim(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, + N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, + void* user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { + return ida_pre(t, yy, yp, rr, rvec, zvec, cj, delta, user_data); +} +#else +// Alias for newer versions +constexpr auto& ida_pre_shim = ida_pre; +#endif + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 +namespace { +constexpr auto& SUNLinSol_SPGMR = SUNSPGMR; +} +#endif + +IdaSolver::IdaSolver(Options* opts) : Solver(opts) { + has_constraints = true; // This solver has constraints } -IdaSolver::~IdaSolver() { } +IdaSolver::~IdaSolver() { + if (initialised) { + N_VDestroy_Parallel(uvec); + N_VDestroy_Parallel(duvec); + N_VDestroy_Parallel(id); + IDAFree(&idamem); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + SUNLinSolFree(sun_solver); +#endif + } +} /************************************************************************** * Initialise **************************************************************************/ - int IdaSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { +int IdaSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { TRACE("Initialising IDA solver"); /// Call the generic initialisation first if (Solver::init(nout, tstep)) return 1; - + // Save nout and tstep for use in run NOUT = nout; TIMESTEP = tstep; - + output.write("Initialising IDA solver\n"); // Calculate number of variables - int n2d = f2d.size(); - int n3d = f3d.size(); - int local_N = getLocalN(); + const int n2d = f2d.size(); + const int n3d = f3d.size(); + const int local_N = getLocalN(); // Get total problem size int neq; - if(MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { + if (MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { output_error.write("\tERROR: MPI_Allreduce failed!\n"); return 1; } - - output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", - n3d, n2d, neq, local_N); - // Allocate memory + output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", n3d, n2d, neq, + local_N); + // Allocate memory if ((uvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); if ((duvec = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); if ((id = N_VNew_Parallel(BoutComm::get(), local_N, neq)) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); - + throw BoutException("SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n"); + // Put the variables into uvec save_vars(NV_DATA_P(uvec)); - + // Get the starting time derivative run_rhs(simtime); - + // Put the time-derivatives into duvec save_derivs(NV_DATA_P(duvec)); - + // Set the equation type in id(Differential or Algebraic. This is optional) set_id(NV_DATA_P(id)); - - /// Get options - int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; - - BoutReal abstol, reltol; - int maxl; - int mudq, mldq; - int mukeep, mlkeep; - bool use_precon; - bool correct_start; - - OPTION(options, mudq, n3d*(MXSUB+2)); - OPTION(options, mldq, n3d*(MXSUB+2)); - OPTION(options, mukeep, n3d); - OPTION(options, mlkeep, n3d); - options->get("ATOL", abstol, 1.0e-12); - options->get("RTOL", reltol, 1.0e-5); - OPTION(options, maxl, 6*n3d); - OPTION(options, use_precon, false); - OPTION(options, correct_start, true); - int mxsteps; // Maximum number of steps to take between outputs - options->get("mxstep", mxsteps, 500); - - // Call IDACreate and IDAMalloc to initialise + // Call IDACreate to initialise if ((idamem = IDACreate()) == nullptr) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDACreate failed\n"); - - if( IDASetUserData(idamem, this) < 0 ) // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDASetUserData failed\n"); + throw BoutException("IDACreate failed\n"); + + // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object + if (IDASetUserData(idamem, this) < 0) + throw BoutException("IDASetUserData failed\n"); - if( IDASetId(idamem, id) < 0) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDASetID failed\n"); + if (IDASetId(idamem, id) < 0) + throw BoutException("IDASetID failed\n"); - if( IDAInit(idamem, idares, simtime, uvec, duvec) < 0 ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDAInit failed\n"); - - if( IDASStolerances(idamem, reltol, abstol) < 0 ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDASStolerances failed\n"); + if (IDAInit(idamem, idares, simtime, uvec, duvec) < 0) + throw BoutException("IDAInit failed\n"); + const auto abstol = (*options)["ATOL"].withDefault(1.0e-12); + const auto reltol = (*options)["RTOL"].withDefault(1.0e-5); + if (IDASStolerances(idamem, reltol, abstol) < 0) + throw BoutException("IDASStolerances failed\n"); + + // Maximum number of steps to take between outputs + const auto mxsteps = (*options)["mxstep"].withDefault(500); IDASetMaxNumSteps(idamem, mxsteps); // Call IDASpgmr to specify the IDA linear solver IDASPGMR - if( IDASpgmr(idamem, maxl) ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDASpgmr failed\n"); + const auto maxl = (*options)["maxl"].withDefault(6 * n3d); +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + if ((sun_solver = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(uvec, PREC_NONE, maxl)) == nullptr) + throw BoutException("Creating SUNDIALS linear solver failed\n"); + if (IDASpilsSetLinearSolver(idamem, sun_solver) != IDA_SUCCESS) + throw BoutException("IDASpilsSetLinearSolver failed\n"); +#else + if (IDASpgmr(idamem, maxl)) + throw BoutException("IDASpgmr failed\n"); +#endif - if(use_precon) { - if(!have_user_precon()) { + const auto use_precon = (*options)["use_precon"].withDefault(false); + if (use_precon) { + if (!have_user_precon()) { output.write("\tUsing BBD preconditioner\n"); + /// Get options + // Compute band_width_default from actually added fields, to allow for multiple Mesh + // objects + // + // Previous implementation was equivalent to: + // int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // int band_width_default = n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2); + const int band_width_default = std::accumulate( + begin(f3d), end(f3d), 0, [](int a, const VarStr& fvar) { + Mesh* localmesh = fvar.var->getMesh(); + return a + localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 3; + }); + + const auto mudq = (*options)["mudq"].withDefault(band_width_default); + const auto mldq = (*options)["mldq"].withDefault(band_width_default); + const auto mukeep = (*options)["mukeep"].withDefault(n3d); + const auto mlkeep = (*options)["mlkeep"].withDefault(n3d); if (IDABBDPrecInit(idamem, local_N, mudq, mldq, mukeep, mlkeep, ZERO, ida_bbd_res, nullptr)) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDABBDPrecInit failed\n"); - }else { + throw BoutException("IDABBDPrecInit failed\n"); + } else { output.write("\tUsing user-supplied preconditioner\n"); - if (IDASpilsSetPreconditioner(idamem, nullptr, ida_pre)) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDASpilsSetPreconditioner failed\n"); + if (IDASpilsSetPreconditioner(idamem, nullptr, ida_pre_shim)) + throw BoutException("IDASpilsSetPreconditioner failed\n"); } } // Call IDACalcIC (with default options) to correct the initial values - if(correct_start) { - if( IDACalcIC(idamem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, 1e-6) ) - throw BoutException("ERROR: IDACalcIC failed\n"); + const auto correct_start = (*options)["correct_start"].withDefault(true); + if (correct_start) { + if (IDACalcIC(idamem, IDA_YA_YDP_INIT, 1e-6)) + throw BoutException("IDACalcIC failed\n"); } return 0; @@ -197,25 +239,25 @@ IdaSolver::~IdaSolver() { } int IdaSolver::run() { TRACE("IDA IdaSolver::run()"); - - if(!initialised) + + if (!initialised) throw BoutException("IdaSolver not initialised\n"); - for(int i=0;i 0.5) // 1 -> differential, 0 -> algebraic + const int N = NV_LOCLENGTH_P(id); + const BoutReal* idd = NV_DATA_P(id); + for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { + if (idd[i] > 0.5) // 1 -> differential, 0 -> algebraic rdata[i] -= dudata[i]; } } @@ -279,17 +320,16 @@ void IdaSolver::res(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata, BoutReal *rda * Preconditioner function **************************************************************************/ -void IdaSolver::pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *rvec, BoutReal *zvec) { +void IdaSolver::pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, BoutReal* udata, + BoutReal* rvec, BoutReal* zvec) { TRACE("Running preconditioner: IdaSolver::pre(%e)", t); - BoutReal tstart = MPI_Wtime(); + const BoutReal tstart = MPI_Wtime(); - int N = NV_LOCLENGTH_P(id); - - if(!have_user_precon()) { + if (!have_user_precon()) { // Identity (but should never happen) - for(int i=0;i(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); // Calculate residuals s->res(t, udata, dudata, rdata); @@ -330,19 +367,19 @@ static int idares(BoutReal t, /// Residual function for BBD preconditioner static int ida_bbd_res(IDAINT UNUSED(Nlocal), BoutReal t, N_Vector u, N_Vector du, - N_Vector rr, void *user_data) { + N_Vector rr, void* user_data) { return idares(t, u, du, rr, user_data); } // Preconditioner function static int ida_pre(BoutReal t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector UNUSED(yp), N_Vector UNUSED(rr), N_Vector rvec, N_Vector zvec, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, - void *user_data, N_Vector UNUSED(tmp)) { - BoutReal *udata = NV_DATA_P(yy); - BoutReal *rdata = NV_DATA_P(rvec); - BoutReal *zdata = NV_DATA_P(zvec); + void* user_data) { + BoutReal* udata = NV_DATA_P(yy); + BoutReal* rdata = NV_DATA_P(rvec); + BoutReal* zdata = NV_DATA_P(zvec); - IdaSolver *s = static_cast(user_data); + auto* s = static_cast(user_data); // Calculate residuals s->pre(t, cj, delta, udata, rdata, zdata); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.hxx b/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.hxx index dbb268e2cd..808c5abed0 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/ida/ida.hxx @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /************************************************************************** * Interface to SUNDIALS IDA - * + * * IdaSolver for DAE systems (so can handle constraints) * * NOTE: Only one solver can currently be compiled in @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -27,28 +27,23 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#ifdef BOUT_HAS_IDA - -class IdaSolver; - #ifndef __IDA_SOLVER_H__ #define __IDA_SOLVER_H__ -#include +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_IDA -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout_types.hxx" -// NOTE: MPI must be included before SUNDIALS, otherwise complains -#include "mpi.h" +#include +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 +#include +#endif #include -#include -using std::vector; +class IdaSolver; +class Options; #include namespace { @@ -56,29 +51,37 @@ RegisterSolver registersolverida("ida"); } class IdaSolver : public Solver { - public: - IdaSolver(Options *opts = nullptr); +public: + IdaSolver(Options* opts = nullptr); ~IdaSolver(); - + int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; - + int run() override; BoutReal run(BoutReal tout); // These functions used internally (but need to be public) - void res(BoutReal t, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *dudata, BoutReal *rdata); - void pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, BoutReal *udata, BoutReal *rvec, BoutReal *zvec); - private: - int NOUT; // Number of outputs. Specified in init, needed in run + void res(BoutReal t, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* dudata, BoutReal* rdata); + void pre(BoutReal t, BoutReal cj, BoutReal delta, BoutReal* udata, BoutReal* rvec, + BoutReal* zvec); + +private: + int NOUT; // Number of outputs. Specified in init, needed in run BoutReal TIMESTEP; // Time between outputs - - N_Vector uvec, duvec, id; // Values, time-derivatives, and equation type - void *idamem; - - BoutReal pre_Wtime; // Time in preconditioner - BoutReal pre_ncalls; // Number of calls to preconditioner -}; -#endif // __IDA_SOLVER_H__ + N_Vector uvec{nullptr}; // Values + N_Vector duvec{nullptr}; // Time-derivatives + N_Vector id{nullptr}; // Equation type + void* idamem{nullptr}; // IDA internal memory block + BoutReal pre_Wtime{0.0}; // Time in preconditioner + int pre_ncalls{0}; // Number of calls to preconditioner + +#if SUNDIALS_VERSION_MAJOR >= 3 + /// SPGMR solver structure + SUNLinearSolver sun_solver{nullptr}; #endif +}; + +#endif // BOUT_HAS_IDA +#endif // __IDA_SOLVER_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.cxx b/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.cxx index 232d08abff..d7461efee1 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.cxx @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ #include "imex-bdf2.hxx" +#include #include #include #include @@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ int IMEXBDF2::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { } if (have_constraints) { - is_dae = Array{nlocal}; + is_dae.reallocate(nlocal); // Call the Solver function, which sets the array // to zero when not a constraint, one for constraint set_id(std::begin(is_dae)); @@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ int IMEXBDF2::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { } // Allocate memory and initialise structures - u = Array{nlocal}; + u.reallocate(nlocal); for(int i=0;i{nlocal}); fV.emplace_back(Array{nlocal}); @@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ int IMEXBDF2::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { gFac.push_back(0.0); } - rhs = Array{nlocal}; + rhs.reallocate(nlocal); OPTION(options, adaptive, true); //Do we try to estimate the error? OPTION(options, nadapt, 4); //How often do we check the error @@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ int IMEXBDF2::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { OPTION(options, dtMax, out_timestep); OPTION(options, dtMin, dtMinFatal); if(adaptive){ - err = Array{nlocal}; + err.reallocate(nlocal); OPTION(options, adaptRtol, 1.0e-3); //Target relative error OPTION(options, mxstepAdapt, mxstep); //Maximum no. consecutive times we try to reduce timestep OPTION(options, scaleCushUp, 1.5); @@ -205,6 +206,9 @@ int IMEXBDF2::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { //Set up a snes object stored at the specified location void IMEXBDF2::constructSNES(SNES *snesIn){ + // Use global mesh for now + Mesh* mesh = bout::globals::mesh; + // Nonlinear solver interface (SNES) SNESCreate(BoutComm::get(),snesIn); @@ -612,7 +616,7 @@ void IMEXBDF2::constructSNES(SNES *snesIn){ ISColoringDestroy(&iscoloring); // Set the function to difference //MatFDColoringSetFunction(fdcoloring,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void))FormFunctionForDifferencing,this); - MatFDColoringSetFunction(fdcoloring,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void))FormFunctionForColoring,this); + MatFDColoringSetFunction(fdcoloring,(PetscErrorCode (*)())FormFunctionForColoring,this); MatFDColoringSetFromOptions(fdcoloring); //MatFDColoringSetUp(Jmf,iscoloring,fdcoloring); @@ -739,7 +743,7 @@ int IMEXBDF2::run() { int order = 1; int lastOrder = -1; BoutReal dt = timestep; - vector lastTimesteps = timesteps; + std::vector lastTimesteps = timesteps; BoutReal dtNext = dt; //Timestep to try for next internal iteration //By default use the main snes object. @@ -874,9 +878,9 @@ int IMEXBDF2::run() { //Find local data for(int i=0;i void IMEXBDF2::loopVars(BoutReal *u) { + // Use global mesh for now + Mesh* mesh = bout::globals::mesh; + // Loop over 2D variables - for(vector< VarStr >::const_iterator it = f2d.begin(); it != f2d.end(); ++it) { - Op op(it->var, it->F_var); // Initialise the operator + for(auto & it : f2d) { + Op op(it.var, it.F_var); // Initialise the operator - if(it->evolve_bndry) { + if(it.evolve_bndry) { // Include boundary regions // Inner X @@ -1355,9 +1362,9 @@ void IMEXBDF2::loopVars(BoutReal *u) { } // Loop over 3D variables - for(vector< VarStr >::const_iterator it = f3d.begin(); it != f3d.end(); ++it) { - Op op(it->var, it->F_var); // Initialise the operator - if(it->evolve_bndry) { + for(auto & it : f3d) { + Op op(it.var, it.F_var); // Initialise the operator + if(it.evolve_bndry) { // Include boundary regions // Inner X diff --git a/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.hxx b/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.hxx index 5343582dc3..0e31ff9d37 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/imex-bdf2/imex-bdf2.hxx @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class IMEXBDF2 : public Solver { BoutReal dtMinFatal; ///< If timestep wants to drop below this we abort. Set -ve to deactivate //Scheme coefficients - vector uFac, fFac, gFac; + std::vector uFac, fFac, gFac; BoutReal dtImp; int nlocal, neq; ///< Number of variables on local processor and in total @@ -150,9 +150,9 @@ class IMEXBDF2 : public Solver { // Working memory Array u ; ///< System state at current time - vector> uV; ///< The solution history - vector> fV; ///< The non-stiff solution history - vector timesteps; ///< Timestep history + std::vector> uV; ///< The solution history + std::vector> fV; ///< The non-stiff solution history + std::vector timesteps; ///< Timestep history Array rhs; Array err; diff --git a/src/solver/impls/karniadakis/karniadakis.cxx b/src/solver/impls/karniadakis/karniadakis.cxx index 23cdc846b0..92d10214c9 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/karniadakis/karniadakis.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/karniadakis/karniadakis.cxx @@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ KarniadakisSolver::KarniadakisSolver(Options *options) : Solver(options) { int KarniadakisSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { TRACE("Initialising Karniadakis solver"); + output_error << "\nWARNING:\n" + " The Karniadakis solver is now deprecated and will be removed in BOUT++ 5.0!\n" + " Try the \"splitrk\", \"imexbdf2\" (requires PETSc) or \"arkode\" (requires SUNDIALS)\n" + " solvers for other split-schemes\n\n"; + /// Call the generic initialisation first if (Solver::init(nout, tstep)) return 1; @@ -74,16 +79,16 @@ int KarniadakisSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { // Allocate memory - f1 = Array(nlocal); - f0 = Array(nlocal); - fm1 = Array(nlocal); - fm2 = Array(nlocal); + f1.reallocate(nlocal); + f0.reallocate(nlocal); + fm1.reallocate(nlocal); + fm2.reallocate(nlocal); - S0 = Array(nlocal); - Sm1 = Array(nlocal); - Sm2 = Array(nlocal); + S0.reallocate(nlocal); + Sm1.reallocate(nlocal); + Sm2.reallocate(nlocal); - D0 = Array(nlocal); + D0.reallocate(nlocal); first_time = true; @@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ int KarniadakisSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { // Make sure timestep divides into tstep // Number of sub-steps, rounded up - nsubsteps = static_cast(0.5 + tstep / timestep); + nsubsteps = static_cast(std::round(tstep / timestep)); output.write("\tNumber of substeps: %e / %e -> %d\n", tstep, timestep, nsubsteps); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/makefile b/src/solver/impls/makefile index 893626f24b..f342840cc1 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/makefile +++ b/src/solver/impls/makefile @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ DIRS = arkode \ petsc \ snes imex-bdf2 \ power slepc \ - karniadakis rk4 euler rk3-ssp rkgeneric + karniadakis rk4 euler rk3-ssp rkgeneric split-rk TARGET = lib include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.cxx b/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.cxx index 2385fd3abf..83265cedc9 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.cxx @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ #include -#include +#include #include // Cell interpolation #include @@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { nout = NOUT; tstep = TIMESTEP; - PetscInt n3d = n3Dvars(); // Number of 3D variables PetscInt local_N = getLocalN(); // Number of evolving variables on this processor /********** Get total problem size **********/ @@ -168,15 +167,24 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { // Set user provided RHSFunction // Need to duplicate the solution vector for the residual Vec rhs_vec; - ierr = VecDuplicate(u,&rhs_vec); + ierr = VecDuplicate(u,&rhs_vec);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSSetRHSFunction(ts,rhs_vec,solver_f,this);CHKERRQ(ierr); - ierr = VecDestroy(&rhs_vec); + ierr = VecDestroy(&rhs_vec);CHKERRQ(ierr); ///////////// GET OPTIONS ///////////// - int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // Compute band_width_default from actually added fields, to allow for multiple Mesh objects + // + // Previous implementation was equivalent to: + // int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // int band_width_default = n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2); + int band_width_default = 0; + for (const auto& fvar : f3d) { + Mesh* localmesh = fvar.var->getMesh(); + band_width_default += localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 3; + } - OPTION(options, mudq, n3d*(MXSUB+2)); - OPTION(options, mldq, n3d*(MXSUB+2)); + OPTION(options, mudq, band_width_default); + OPTION(options, mldq, band_width_default); OPTION(options, mukeep, 0); OPTION(options, mlkeep, 0); OPTION(options, use_precon, false); @@ -286,7 +294,7 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { if(use_jacobian && (jacfunc != nullptr)) { // Use a user-supplied Jacobian function ierr = MatCreateShell(comm, local_N, local_N, neq, neq, this, &Jmf); CHKERRQ(ierr); - ierr = MatShellSetOperation(Jmf, MATOP_MULT, (void (*)(void)) PhysicsJacobianApply); CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = MatShellSetOperation(Jmf, MATOP_MULT, (void (*)()) PhysicsJacobianApply); CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = TSSetIJacobian(ts, Jmf, Jmf, solver_ijacobian, this); CHKERRQ(ierr); }else { // Use finite difference approximation @@ -327,7 +335,7 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { ierr = PCShellSetName(pc,"PhysicsPreconditioner");CHKERRQ(ierr); // Need a callback for IJacobian to get shift 'alpha' - ierr = TSSetIJacobian(ts, Jmf, Jmf, solver_ijacobian, this); + ierr = TSSetIJacobian(ts, Jmf, Jmf, solver_ijacobian, this);CHKERRQ(ierr); // Use right preconditioner ierr = KSPSetPCSide(ksp, PC_RIGHT);CHKERRQ(ierr); @@ -376,14 +384,14 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { PetscInt dof = n3Dvars(); // Maximum allowable size of stencil in x is the number of guard cells - PetscInt stencil_width = mesh->xstart; + PetscInt stencil_width_estimate = options->operator[]("stencil_width_estimate").withDefault(bout::globals::mesh->xstart); // This is the stencil in each direction (*2) along each dimension // (*3), plus the point itself. Not sure if this is correct // though, on several levels: // 1. Ignores corner points used in e.g. brackets // 2. Could have different stencil widths in each dimension // 3. FFTs couple every single point together - PetscInt cols = stencil_width*2*3+1; + PetscInt cols = stencil_width_estimate*2*3+1; PetscInt prealloc; // = cols*dof; ierr = MatCreate(comm,&J);CHKERRQ(ierr); @@ -444,7 +452,7 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { ierr = MatFDColoringSetFromOptions(matfdcoloring);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = ISColoringDestroy(&iscoloring);CHKERRQ(ierr); - ierr = MatFDColoringSetFunction(matfdcoloring,(PetscErrorCode (*)(void))solver_f,this);CHKERRQ(ierr); + ierr = MatFDColoringSetFunction(matfdcoloring,(PetscErrorCode (*)())solver_f,this);CHKERRQ(ierr); ierr = SNESSetJacobian(snes,J,J,SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor,matfdcoloring);CHKERRQ(ierr); // Write J in binary for study - see ~petsc/src/mat/examples/tests/ex124.c @@ -463,7 +471,7 @@ int PetscSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { ierr = TSComputeRHSJacobian(ts,simtime,u,&J,&J,&J_structure);CHKERRQ(ierr); #endif - ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm, "[%d] TSComputeRHSJacobian is done\n",rank); + ierr = PetscSynchronizedPrintf(comm, "[%d] TSComputeRHSJacobian is done\n",rank);CHKERRQ(ierr); #if PETSC_VERSION_GE(3,5,0) ierr = PetscSynchronizedFlush(comm,PETSC_STDOUT);CHKERRQ(ierr); @@ -627,10 +635,8 @@ PetscErrorCode PetscSolver::jac(Vec x, Vec y) { #undef __FUNCT__ #define __FUNCT__ "solver_f" PetscErrorCode solver_f(TS ts, BoutReal t, Vec globalin, Vec globalout, void *f_data) { - PetscSolver *s; - PetscFunctionBegin; - s = (PetscSolver*) f_data; + auto* s = static_cast(f_data); PetscLogEventBegin(s->solver_event,0,0,0,0); s->rhs(ts, t, globalin, globalout); PetscLogEventEnd(s->solver_event,0,0,0,0); @@ -700,7 +706,7 @@ PetscErrorCode solver_ijacobian(TS ts, BoutReal t, Vec globalin, Vec UNUSED(glob ierr = solver_rhsjacobian(ts, t, globalin, J, Jpre, f_data); CHKERRQ(ierr); ////// Save data for preconditioner - PetscSolver *solver = (PetscSolver*) f_data; + auto* solver = (PetscSolver*)f_data; if(solver->diagnose) output << "Saving state, t = " << t << ", a = " << a << endl; @@ -832,7 +838,7 @@ PetscErrorCode PhysicsJacobianApply(Mat J, Vec x, Vec y) { #define __FUNCT__ "PetscMonitor" PetscErrorCode PetscMonitor(TS ts, PetscInt UNUSED(step), PetscReal t, Vec X, void *ctx) { PetscErrorCode ierr; - PetscSolver *s = (PetscSolver *)ctx; + auto* s = static_cast(ctx); PetscReal tfinal, dt; Vec interpolatedX; const PetscScalar *x; @@ -879,7 +885,7 @@ PetscErrorCode PetscSNESMonitor(SNES snes, PetscInt its, PetscReal norm, void *c PetscInt linear_its=0; BoutReal tmp = .0; snes_info row; - PetscSolver *s = (PetscSolver*)ctx; + auto *s = static_cast(ctx); PetscFunctionBegin; diff --git a/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.hxx b/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.hxx index a191e81652..30a977c9e6 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/petsc/petsc.hxx @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ namespace { RegisterSolver registersolverpetsc("petsc"); } -typedef PetscScalar BoutReal; +using BoutReal = PetscScalar; #define OPT_SIZE 40 -typedef int (*rhsfunc)(BoutReal); +using rhsfunc = int (*)(BoutReal); extern BoutReal simtime; @@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ extern PetscErrorCode solver_ijacobian(TS, PetscReal, Vec, Vec, PetscReal, Mat * #endif /// Data for SNES -typedef struct snes_info { +struct snes_info { PetscInt it; PetscInt linear_its; PetscReal time; PetscReal norm; -} snes_info; +}; class PetscSolver : public Solver { public: diff --git a/src/solver/impls/power/power.cxx b/src/solver/impls/power/power.cxx index 04a1dd3b18..0d2156dd42 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/power/power.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/power/power.cxx @@ -35,10 +35,8 @@ int PowerSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), nglobal, nlocal); // Allocate memory - f0 = Array(nlocal); + f0.reallocate(nlocal); - // Save the eigenvalue to the output - dump.add(eigenvalue, "eigenvalue", true); eigenvalue = 0.0; // Put starting values into f0 diff --git a/src/solver/impls/power/power.hxx b/src/solver/impls/power/power.hxx index a753167820..913bd583f0 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/power/power.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/power/power.hxx @@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ class PowerSolver : public Solver { int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; int run() override; + + void outputVars(Datafile &outputfile, bool save_repeat=true) override { + // Include base class functionality + this->Solver::outputVars(outputfile, save_repeat); + + // Save the eigenvalue to the output + outputfile.add(eigenvalue, "eigenvalue", true); + } private: BoutReal curtime; // Current simulation time (fixed) diff --git a/src/solver/impls/pvode/pvode.cxx b/src/solver/impls/pvode/pvode.cxx index 6881e92110..80e5a29255 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/pvode/pvode.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/pvode/pvode.cxx @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ #ifdef BOUT_HAS_PVODE +#include #include #include #include @@ -121,10 +122,20 @@ int PvodeSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { ///////////// GET OPTIONS ///////////// int pvode_mxstep; - int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // Compute band_width_default from actually added fields, to allow for multiple Mesh objects + // + // Previous implementation was equivalent to: + // int MXSUB = mesh->xend - mesh->xstart + 1; + // int band_width_default = n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2); + int band_width_default = 0; + for (const auto& fvar : f3d) { + Mesh* localmesh = fvar.var->getMesh(); + band_width_default += localmesh->xend - localmesh->xstart + 3; + } + - options->get("mudq", mudq, n3d*(MXSUB+2)); - options->get("mldq", mldq, n3d*(MXSUB+2)); + options->get("mudq", mudq, band_width_default); + options->get("mldq", mldq, band_width_default); options->get("mukeep", mukeep, 0); options->get("mlkeep", mlkeep, 0); options->get("ATOL", abstol, 1.0e-12); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rk3-ssp/rk3-ssp.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rk3-ssp/rk3-ssp.cxx index 435a9f40c1..29f266a339 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rk3-ssp/rk3-ssp.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rk3-ssp/rk3-ssp.cxx @@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ int RK3SSP::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, nlocal); // Allocate memory - f = Array(nlocal); + f.reallocate(nlocal); // memory for taking a single time step - u1 = Array(nlocal); - u2 = Array(nlocal); - u3 = Array(nlocal); - L = Array(nlocal); + u1.reallocate(nlocal); + u2.reallocate(nlocal); + u3.reallocate(nlocal); + L.reallocate(nlocal); // Put starting values into f save_vars(std::begin(f)); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.cxx index 867b5f881f..25e1a3bb6e 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.cxx @@ -13,14 +13,11 @@ RK4Solver::RK4Solver(Options *options) : Solver(options) { canReset = true; } -RK4Solver::~RK4Solver() { -} - void RK4Solver::setMaxTimestep(BoutReal dt) { - if(dt > timestep) + if (dt > timestep) return; // Already less than this - if(adaptive) + if (adaptive) timestep = dt; // Won't be used this time, but next } @@ -52,27 +49,27 @@ int RK4Solver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, nlocal); // Allocate memory - f0 = Array(nlocal); - f1 = Array(nlocal); - f2 = Array(nlocal); + f0.reallocate(nlocal); + f1.reallocate(nlocal); + f2.reallocate(nlocal); // memory for taking a single time step - k1 = Array(nlocal); - k2 = Array(nlocal); - k3 = Array(nlocal); - k4 = Array(nlocal); - k5 = Array(nlocal); + k1.reallocate(nlocal); + k2.reallocate(nlocal); + k3.reallocate(nlocal); + k4.reallocate(nlocal); + k5.reallocate(nlocal); // Put starting values into f0 save_vars(std::begin(f0)); // Get options - OPTION(options, atol, 1.e-5); // Absolute tolerance - OPTION(options, rtol, 1.e-3); // Relative tolerance - OPTION(options, max_timestep, tstep); // Maximum timestep - OPTION(options, timestep, max_timestep); // Starting timestep - OPTION(options, mxstep, 500); // Maximum number of steps between outputs - OPTION(options, adaptive, false); + atol = (*options)["atol"].doc("Absolute tolerance").withDefault(1.e-5); + rtol = (*options)["rtol"].doc("Relative tolerance").withDefault(1.e-3); + max_timestep = (*options)["max_timestep"].doc("Maximum timestep").withDefault(tstep); + timestep = (*options)["timestep"].doc("Starting timestep").withDefault(max_timestep); + mxstep = (*options)["mxstep"].doc("Maximum number of steps between outputs").withDefault(500); + adaptive = (*options)["adaptive"].doc("Adapt internal timestep using ATOL and RTOL.").withDefault(false); return 0; } diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.hxx b/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.hxx index 15273ba230..8c2bd6b086 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rk4/rk4.hxx @@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ RegisterSolver registersolverrk4("rk4"); class RK4Solver : public Solver { public: RK4Solver(Options *options); - ~RK4Solver(); void resetInternalFields() override; void setMaxTimestep(BoutReal dt) override; diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/cashkarp/cashkarp.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/cashkarp/cashkarp.cxx index c3bc0b3f3a..e60955124e 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/cashkarp/cashkarp.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/cashkarp/cashkarp.cxx @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ CASHKARPScheme::CASHKARPScheme(Options *options):RKScheme(options){ OPTION(options, followHighOrder, followHighOrder); //Allocate coefficient arrays - stageCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numStages); - resultCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numOrders); - timeCoeffs = Array(numStages); + stageCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numStages); + resultCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numOrders); + timeCoeffs.reallocate(numStages); //Zero out arrays (shouldn't be needed, but do for testing) for(int i=0;i #include -class CASHKARPScheme : public RKScheme{ - public: - CASHKARPScheme(Options *options); - ~CASHKARPScheme(); - private: - +class CASHKARPScheme : public RKScheme { +public: + CASHKARPScheme(Options* options); }; #endif // __CASHKARP_SCHEME_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.cxx index 715ac66532..dfa221498c 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.cxx @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ RK4SIMPLEScheme::RK4SIMPLEScheme(Options *options):RKScheme(options){ OPTION(options, followHighOrder, followHighOrder); //Allocate coefficient arrays - stageCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numStages); - resultCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numOrders); - timeCoeffs = Array(numStages); + stageCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numStages); + resultCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numOrders); + timeCoeffs.reallocate(numStages); //Zero out arrays (shouldn't be needed, but do for testing) for(int i=0;i &start, const BoutReal dt, Array &resultFollow) { //return RKScheme::setOutputStates(start,dt,resultFollow); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.hxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.hxx index 78d36bab0a..29527630dd 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rk4simple/rk4simple.hxx @@ -8,13 +8,10 @@ class RK4SIMPLEScheme; #include class RK4SIMPLEScheme : public RKScheme{ - public: +public: RK4SIMPLEScheme(Options *options); - ~RK4SIMPLEScheme(); - + BoutReal setOutputStates(const Array &start,BoutReal dt, Array &resultFollow); - private: - }; #endif // __RK4SIMPLE_SCHEME_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf34/rkf34.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf34/rkf34.cxx index 2acd1afddb..26d396b0e1 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf34/rkf34.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf34/rkf34.cxx @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ RKF34Scheme::RKF34Scheme(Options *options):RKScheme(options){ } //Allocate coefficient arrays - stageCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numStages); - resultCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numOrders); - timeCoeffs = Array(numStages); + stageCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numStages); + resultCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numOrders); + timeCoeffs.reallocate(numStages); //Zero out arrays (shouldn't be needed, but do for testing) for(int i=0;i #include -class RKF34Scheme : public RKScheme{ - public: - RKF34Scheme(Options *options); - ~RKF34Scheme(); - private: - +class RKF34Scheme : public RKScheme { +public: + RKF34Scheme(Options* options); }; #endif // __RKF34_SCHEME_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf45/rkf45.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf45/rkf45.cxx index 45f4375c85..c732c132e2 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf45/rkf45.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/impls/rkf45/rkf45.cxx @@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ RKF45Scheme::RKF45Scheme(Options *options):RKScheme(options){ OPTION(options, followHighOrder, followHighOrder); //Allocate coefficient arrays - stageCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numStages); - resultCoeffs = Matrix(numStages, numOrders); - timeCoeffs = Array(numStages); + stageCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numStages); + resultCoeffs.reallocate(numStages, numOrders); + timeCoeffs.reallocate(numStages); //Zero out arrays (shouldn't be needed, but do for testing) for(int i=0;i #include -class RKF45Scheme : public RKScheme{ - public: - RKF45Scheme(Options *options); - ~RKF45Scheme(); - private: - +class RKF45Scheme : public RKScheme { +public: + RKF45Scheme(Options* options); }; #endif // __RKF45_SCHEME_H__ diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.cxx index 6db6f56f31..f0dca63501 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.cxx @@ -58,17 +58,17 @@ int RKGenericSolver::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, nlocal); // Get options - OPTION(options, atol, 1.e-5); // Absolute tolerance - OPTION(options, rtol, 1.e-3); // Relative tolerance - OPTION(options, max_timestep, tstep); // Maximum timestep - OPTION(options, timestep, max_timestep); // Starting timestep - OPTION(options, mxstep, 500); // Maximum number of steps between outputs - OPTION(options, adaptive, true); // Prefer adaptive scheme + atol = (*options)["atol"].doc("Absolute tolerance").withDefault(1.e-5); + rtol = (*options)["rtol"].doc("Relative tolerance").withDefault(1.e-3); + max_timestep = (*options)["max_timestep"].doc("Maximum timestep").withDefault(tstep); + timestep = (*options)["timestep"].doc("Starting timestep").withDefault(max_timestep); + mxstep = (*options)["mxstep"].doc("Maximum number of steps between outputs").withDefault(500); + adaptive = (*options)["adaptive"].doc("Adapt internal timestep using ATOL and RTOL.").withDefault(true); // Allocate memory - f0 = Array(nlocal); // Input - f2 = Array(nlocal); // Result--follow order - tmpState = Array(nlocal); + f0.reallocate(nlocal); // Input + f2.reallocate(nlocal); // Result--follow order + tmpState.reallocate(nlocal); // Put starting values into f0 save_vars(std::begin(f0)); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkscheme.cxx b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkscheme.cxx index 02492d793d..fa0b2580af 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkscheme.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/rkgeneric/rkscheme.cxx @@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ RKScheme::RKScheme(Options *UNUSED(opts)) { dtfac = 1.0; // Time step factor } -//Cleanup -RKScheme::~RKScheme(){ -} - //Finish generic initialisation void RKScheme::init(const int nlocalIn, const int neqIn, const bool adaptiveIn, const BoutReal atolIn, const BoutReal rtolIn, Options *options){ @@ -37,12 +33,12 @@ void RKScheme::init(const int nlocalIn, const int neqIn, const bool adaptiveIn, adaptive = adaptiveIn; //Allocate storage for stages - steps = Matrix(getStageCount(), nlocal); + steps.reallocate(getStageCount(), nlocal); zeroSteps(); //Allocate array for storing alternative order result if (adaptive) - resultAlt = Array(nlocal); // Result--alternative order + resultAlt.reallocate(nlocal); // Result--alternative order //Will probably only want the following when debugging, but leave it on for now if(diagnose){ @@ -71,7 +67,7 @@ void RKScheme::setCurState(const Array &start, Array &out, //Construct the current state from previous results -- This is expensive for(int j=0;jatol) warn=true; + output<atol) warn=true; } //Optional warning if(warn){ - output<getSection("solver"); - string scheme; + std::string scheme; options->get("scheme", scheme, ""); if(!scheme.empty()) type = scheme.c_str(); diff --git a/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.cxx b/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.cxx index f76bbaa552..68dcd4e372 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.cxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.cxx @@ -23,202 +23,207 @@ * **************************************************************************/ - #ifdef BOUT_HAS_SLEPC #include "slepc.hxx" - +#include #include - -#include - -#include // Cell interpolation +#include #include #include -#include -string formatEig(BoutReal reEig, BoutReal imEig); +#include -//The callback function for the shell matrix-multiply operation -//A simple wrapper around the SlepcSolver advanceStep routine -PetscErrorCode advanceStepWrapper(Mat matOperator, Vec inData, Vec outData){ +std::string formatEig(BoutReal reEig, BoutReal imEig); + +// The callback function for the shell matrix-multiply operation +// A simple wrapper around the SlepcSolver advanceStep routine +PetscErrorCode advanceStepWrapper(Mat matOperator, Vec inData, Vec outData) { PetscFunctionBegin; SlepcSolver* ctx; - MatShellGetContext(matOperator,(void**) &ctx); //Here we set the ctx pointer to the solver instance - PetscFunctionReturn(ctx->advanceStep(matOperator,inData,outData)); //Actually advance + // Here we set the ctx pointer to the solver instance + MatShellGetContext(matOperator, (void**)&ctx); + // Actually advance + PetscFunctionReturn(ctx->advanceStep(matOperator, inData, outData)); } -//The callback function for the eigenvalue comparison -//A simple wrapper around the SlepcSolver compareEigs routine -PetscErrorCode compareEigsWrapper(PetscScalar ar, PetscScalar ai, PetscScalar br, PetscScalar bi, - PetscInt *res, void *ctx){ +// The callback function for the eigenvalue comparison +// A simple wrapper around the SlepcSolver compareEigs routine +PetscErrorCode compareEigsWrapper(PetscScalar ar, PetscScalar ai, PetscScalar br, + PetscScalar bi, PetscInt* res, void* ctx) { PetscFunctionBegin; - //Cast context as SlepcSolver and call the actual compare routine + // Cast context as SlepcSolver and call the actual compare routine SlepcSolver* myCtx; - myCtx=(SlepcSolver*)ctx; - myCtx->compareState=myCtx->compareEigs(ar,ai,br,bi); + myCtx = (SlepcSolver*)ctx; + myCtx->compareState = myCtx->compareEigs(ar, ai, br, bi); *res = myCtx->compareState; PetscFunctionReturn(0); } - -//The callback function for the monitor -//A simple wrapper around the SlepcSolver compareEigs routine +// The callback function for the monitor +// A simple wrapper around the SlepcSolver compareEigs routine PetscErrorCode monitorWrapper(EPS UNUSED(eps), PetscInt its, PetscInt nconv, - PetscScalar *eigr, PetscScalar *eigi, PetscReal *errest, - PetscInt nest, void *mctx) { + PetscScalar* eigr, PetscScalar* eigi, PetscReal* errest, + PetscInt nest, void* mctx) { PetscFunctionBegin; - //Cast context as SlepcSolver and call the actual compare routine + // Cast context as SlepcSolver and call the actual compare routine SlepcSolver* myCtx; - myCtx=(SlepcSolver*)mctx; - myCtx->monitor(its,nconv,eigr,eigi,errest,nest); + myCtx = (SlepcSolver*)mctx; + myCtx->monitor(its, nconv, eigr, eigi, errest, nest); PetscFunctionReturn(0); } -//The callback function for applying the shell spectral transformation -PetscErrorCode stApplyWrapper(ST st, Vec vecIn, Vec vecOut){ +// The callback function for applying the shell spectral transformation +PetscErrorCode stApplyWrapper(ST st, Vec vecIn, Vec vecOut) { PetscFunctionBegin; - //First get the context of the st object, cast to correct type + // First get the context of the st object, cast to correct type SlepcSolver* myCtx; - STShellGetContext(st,(void**)&myCtx); + STShellGetContext(st, (void**)&myCtx); - //Do the matrix vector multiply -- same as STSHIFT with zero shift - //Use the advanceStepWrapper so any mods made in advanceStep are - //taken into account - advanceStepWrapper(myCtx->shellMat,vecIn,vecOut); + // Do the matrix vector multiply -- same as STSHIFT with zero shift + // Use the advanceStepWrapper so any mods made in advanceStep are + // taken into account + advanceStepWrapper(myCtx->shellMat, vecIn, vecOut); - //Note an alternative approach, which would allow shellMat to remain - //private, would be to extract the ST object during createEPS and set - //the operator their. We could then use STGetOperators to obtain a - //reference to the shell mat. + // Note an alternative approach, which would allow shellMat to remain + // private, would be to extract the ST object during createEPS and set + // the operator their. We could then use STGetOperators to obtain a + // reference to the shell mat. PetscFunctionReturn(0); } -//The callback function for transforming the eigenvalues in the -//custom shell spectral transformation -PetscErrorCode stBackTransformWrapper(ST st, PetscInt nEig, PetscScalar *eigr, - PetscScalar *eigi){ +// The callback function for transforming the eigenvalues in the +// custom shell spectral transformation +PetscErrorCode stBackTransformWrapper(ST st, PetscInt nEig, PetscScalar* eigr, + PetscScalar* eigi) { PetscFunctionBegin; - //First get the context of the st object and cast to correct type + // First get the context of the st object and cast to correct type SlepcSolver* myCtx; - STShellGetContext(st,(void **)&myCtx); + STShellGetContext(st, (void**)&myCtx); - //Convert to bout eigenvalue + // Convert to bout eigenvalue BoutReal tmpR, tmpI; - for(PetscInt iEig=0;iEigslepcToBout(eigr[iEig],eigi[iEig],tmpR,tmpI,true); - eigr[iEig]=tmpR; eigi[iEig]=tmpI; + for (PetscInt iEig = 0; iEig < nEig; iEig++) { + myCtx->slepcToBout(eigr[iEig], eigi[iEig], tmpR, tmpI, true); + eigr[iEig] = tmpR; + eigi[iEig] = tmpI; }; PetscFunctionReturn(0); } +// Helper function +std::string formatEig(BoutReal reEig, BoutReal imEig) { -//Helper function -string formatEig(BoutReal reEig, BoutReal imEig){ - string rePad, imPad; - - if(reEig<0){ - rePad="-"; - }else{ - rePad=" "; - } - - if(imEig<0){ - imPad="-"; - }else{ - imPad="+"; - } + const std::string rePad = (reEig < 0) ? "-" : " "; + const std::string imPad = (imEig < 0) ? "-" : "+"; std::stringstream tmp; - tmp.precision(5); tmp<get("nEig",nEig,0);//0 means keep the current value, i.e. autoset + nEig = options_ref["nEig"] + .doc("Number of eigenvalues to compute. 0 means keep the current value, " + "i.e. autoset") + .withDefault(0); - options->get("tol",tol,1.0e-6);// Tolerance --> Note this is on SLEPc eig not BOUT - options->get("maxIt",maxIt,PETSC_DECIDE); + tol = options_ref["tol"].doc("SLEPc tolerance").withDefault(1.0e-6); + maxIt = options_ref["maxIt"].doc("Maximum iterations").withDefault(PETSC_DEFAULT); - options->get("mpd", mpd, PETSC_DECIDE); + mpd = options_ref["mpd"] + .doc("Maximum dimension allowed for the projected problem") + .withDefault(PETSC_DEFAULT); - options->get("ddtMode", ddtMode, true); + ddtMode = options_ref["ddtMode"].withDefault(true); - options->get("targRe",targRe,0.0); // Target frequency when using user eig comparison - options->get("targIm",targIm,0.0); // Target growth rate when using user eig comparison + targRe = options_ref["targRe"] + .doc("Target frequency when using user eig comparison") + .withDefault(0.0); + targIm = options_ref["targIm"] + .doc("Target growth rate when using user eig comparison") + .withDefault(0.0); - //Convert bout targs to slepc - bool userWhichDefault=false; - if(targRe==0.0 && targIm==0.0){ + // Convert bout targs to slepc + bool userWhichDefault = false; + if (targRe == 0.0 && targIm == 0.0) { target = 999.0; - }else{ - //Ideally we'd set the target here from - //targRe and targIm (using boutToSlepc) to - //convert to slepc target. Unfortunately - //when not in ddtMode the boutToSlepc routine - //requires tstep and nout to be set but these - //aren't available until ::init so for now just - //set target to -1 to signal we need to set it - //later. + } else { + // Ideally we'd set the target here from + // targRe and targIm (using boutToSlepc) to + // convert to slepc target. Unfortunately + // when not in ddtMode the boutToSlepc routine + // requires tstep and nout to be set but these + // aren't available until ::init so for now just + // set target to -1 to signal we need to set it + // later. target = -1.0; - //If we've set a target then we change the default - //for the userWhich variable as targets work best with this - //Note this means we only use target in the case where we - //specify targRe/targIm *and* explicitly set userWhich=false - userWhichDefault=true; + // If we've set a target then we change the default + // for the userWhich variable as targets work best with this + // Note this means we only use target in the case where we + // specify targRe/targIm *and* explicitly set userWhich=false + userWhichDefault = true; } - options->get("target",target,target); //If 999 we don't set the target. This is SLEPc eig target - options->get("userWhich",userWhich,userWhichDefault); + target = options_ref["target"] + .doc("If 999 we don't set the target. This is SLEPc eig target") + .withDefault(target); - //Generic settings - bool useInitialDefault = true; - if(ddtMode){ - //If ddtMode then we probably don't want to useInitial - useInitialDefault = false; - }; - options->get("useInitial",useInitial,useInitialDefault); - options->get("debugMonitor",debugMonitor,false); - - // Solver to advance the state of the system - options->get("selfSolve", selfSolve, false); - if(ddtMode && !selfSolve){ - //We need to ensure this so that we don't try to use - //advanceSolver elsewhere. The other option would be to - //create advanceSolver below in ddtMode but we just don't - //use it. - output<<"Overridding selfSolve as ddtMode = true"<get("eigenValOnly", eigenValOnly, false); - if(!selfSolve && !ddtMode) { + eigenValOnly = options_ref["eigenValOnly"].withDefault(false); + + if (!selfSolve && !ddtMode) { // Use a sub-section called "advance" - advanceSolver=SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(options->getSection("advance")); - }else{ + advanceSolver = + SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(options->getSection("advance")); + } else { advanceSolver = nullptr; } } -SlepcSolver::~SlepcSolver(){ - if(initialised){ - //Free memory - if(eps){EPSDestroy(&eps);}; - if(shellMat){MatDestroy(&shellMat);}; - if(advanceSolver){delete advanceSolver;}; +SlepcSolver::~SlepcSolver() { + if (initialised) { + // Free memory + if (eps) { + EPSDestroy(&eps); + }; + if (shellMat) { + MatDestroy(&shellMat); + }; + delete advanceSolver; initialised = false; } } @@ -227,94 +232,87 @@ int SlepcSolver::init(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { TRACE("Initialising SLEPc solver"); - //Report initialisation + // Report initialisation output.write("Initialising SLEPc solver\n"); if (selfSolve) { - Solver::init(NOUT,TIMESTEP); + Solver::init(NOUT, TIMESTEP); - //If no advanceSolver then can only advance one step at a time - NOUT=1; + // If no advanceSolver then can only advance one step at a time + NOUT = 1; } - //Save for use later + // Save for use later nout = NOUT; tstep = TIMESTEP; - //Now we can calculate the slepc target (see ::SlepcSolver for details) - if(target == -1.0){ - PetscScalar slepcRe,slepcIm; - boutToSlepc(targRe,targIm,slepcRe,slepcIm); - dcomplex tmp(slepcRe,slepcIm); - target=abs(tmp); + // Now we can calculate the slepc target (see ::SlepcSolver for details) + if (target == -1.0) { + PetscScalar slepcRe, slepcIm; + boutToSlepc(targRe, targIm, slepcRe, slepcIm); + dcomplex tmp(slepcRe, slepcIm); + target = std::abs(tmp); } - //Read options - comm=PETSC_COMM_WORLD; + // Read options + comm = PETSC_COMM_WORLD; - //Initialise advanceSolver if not self + // Initialise advanceSolver if not self if (!selfSolve && !ddtMode) { advanceSolver->init(NOUT, TIMESTEP); } - //Calculate grid sizes - localSize=getLocalN(); + // Calculate grid sizes + localSize = getLocalN(); - //Also create vector for derivs etc. if SLEPc in charge of solving - if(selfSolve && !ddtMode){ + // Also create vector for derivs etc. if SLEPc in charge of solving + if (selfSolve && !ddtMode) { // Allocate memory - f0 = Array(localSize); - f1 = Array(localSize); + f0.reallocate(localSize); + f1.reallocate(localSize); } // Get total problem size int neq; - if(MPI_Allreduce(&localSize, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { + if (MPI_Allreduce(&localSize, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { throw BoutException("MPI_Allreduce failed in SlepcSolver::init"); } - output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", - n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, localSize); + output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n", n3Dvars(), + n2Dvars(), neq, localSize); - //Create EPS solver + // Create EPS solver createEPS(); - //Return ok + // Return ok return 0; } int SlepcSolver::run() { - //Now the basic idea with slepc is that: - //Whilst n_eig_converged The first section is handled by calling EPSSolve(eps) with appropriate shellMat //--> The second section has to be handled by this solver - //Find the eigenvalues + // Find the eigenvalues EPSSolve(eps); - //The following prints the used solver settings - EPSView(eps,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_WORLD); - - //Analyse and dump to file - if(!eigenValOnly) { - //if(debug) output<<"Writing eigenpairs"<(point)); + // Note as the solver instances only have pointers to the + // fields we can use the SlepcSolver load_vars even if we're + // not using selfSolve=True - if(!selfSolve && !ddtMode){ - //Solver class used must support this procedure which resets any internal state - //data such that it now holds the same data as the fields + if (!selfSolve && !ddtMode) { + // Solver class used must support this procedure which resets any internal state + // data such that it now holds the same data as the fields advanceSolver->resetInternalFields(); } - //Restore array - VecRestoreArray(inVec,&point); + // Restore array + VecRestoreArrayRead(inVec, &point); } -//This routine packs the local fields into a vector -void SlepcSolver::fieldsToVec(Vec &outVec){ - //Get pointer to data - PetscScalar *point; - VecGetArray(outVec,&point); +// This routine packs the local fields into a vector +void SlepcSolver::fieldsToVec(Vec& outVec) { + // Get pointer to data + PetscScalar* point; + VecGetArray(outVec, &point); - //Copy fields into point - if(!ddtMode){ + // Copy fields into point + if (!ddtMode) { save_vars(point); - }else{ + } else { save_derivs(point); }; - //Note as the solver instances only have pointers to the - //fields we can use the SlepcSolver save_vars even if we're - //not using selfSolve=True + // Note as the solver instances only have pointers to the + // fields we can use the SlepcSolver save_vars even if we're + // not using selfSolve=True - //Restore array - VecRestoreArray(outVec,&point); + // Restore array + VecRestoreArray(outVec, &point); } -//Create a shell matrix operator -void SlepcSolver::createShellMat(){ - output<<"Creating shellMat with local size : "< Define what routine returns M.x, where M - //is the time advance operator and x are the initial field conditions - MatShellSetOperation(shellMat,MATOP_MULT,(void(*)())&advanceStepWrapper); - - //The above function callback can cause issues as member functions have a hidden "this" - //argument which means if Slepc calls this->advanceStep(Mat,Vec,Vec) this is actually - //this->advanceStep(this,Mat,Vec,Vec) meaing "this" gets redefined to Mat, - //and the two Vecs are mangled, this messes up memory and the code crashes. - //Alternatives include: +// Create a shell matrix operator +void SlepcSolver::createShellMat() { + output << "Creating shellMat with local size : " << localSize << "\n"; + + // Create the shell matrix + // Note we pass the this reference as the matrix context. + // This allows us to access the SlepcSolver internals from within + // routines called directly by Petsc/Slepc (i.e. our wrapper functions) + MatCreateShell(comm, localSize, localSize, PETSC_DETERMINE, PETSC_DETERMINE, this, + &shellMat); + // Define the mat_mult operation --> Define what routine returns M.x, where M + // is the time advance operator and x are the initial field conditions + MatShellSetOperation(shellMat, MATOP_MULT, (void (*)()) & advanceStepWrapper); + + // The above function callback can cause issues as member functions have a hidden "this" + // argument which means if Slepc calls this->advanceStep(Mat,Vec,Vec) this is actually + // this->advanceStep(this,Mat,Vec,Vec) meaing "this" gets redefined to Mat, + // and the two Vecs are mangled, this messes up memory and the code crashes. + // Alternatives include: // 1. Making advanceStep a static function // 2. Making advanceStep a non-member function - //These alternatives generally divorce the advanceStep from the SlepcSolver class - //which might make it difficult to access required data. - //We've therefore gone with a third option where we define the callback to be a - //non-member function which then gets the context pointer attached to shellMat - //which points to the SlepcSolver instance. This can then be used to call the - //advanceStep member function as if it were called within "this". + // These alternatives generally divorce the advanceStep from the SlepcSolver class + // which might make it difficult to access required data. + // We've therefore gone with a third option where we define the callback to be a + // non-member function which then gets the context pointer attached to shellMat + // which points to the SlepcSolver instance. This can then be used to call the + // advanceStep member function as if it were called within "this". } -//Create an EPS Solver -void SlepcSolver::createEPS(){ - //First need to create shell matrix +// Create an EPS Solver +void SlepcSolver::createEPS() { + // First need to create shell matrix createShellMat(); - //Now construct EPS - EPSCreate(comm,&eps); + // Now construct EPS + EPSCreate(comm, &eps); EPSSetOperators(eps, shellMat, nullptr); - EPSSetProblemType(eps,EPS_NHEP);//Non-hermitian - - //Probably want to read options and set EPS properties - //at this point. - EPSSetDimensions(eps,nEig,PETSC_DECIDE,mpd); - EPSSetTolerances(eps,tol,maxIt); - if(! (target==999)){ - EPSSetTarget(eps,target); + EPSSetProblemType(eps, EPS_NHEP); // Non-hermitian + + // Probably want to read options and set EPS properties + // at this point. + EPSSetDimensions(eps, nEig, PETSC_DECIDE, mpd); + EPSSetTolerances(eps, tol, maxIt); + if (!(target == 999)) { + EPSSetTarget(eps, target); } - //Set the user comparison function - if(userWhich){ - EPSSetEigenvalueComparison(eps,compareEigsWrapper,this); - EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(eps,EPS_WHICH_USER); + // Set the user comparison function + if (userWhich) { + EPSSetEigenvalueComparison(eps, compareEigsWrapper, this); + EPSSetWhichEigenpairs(eps, EPS_WHICH_USER); } - //Update options from command line + // Update options from command line EPSSetFromOptions(eps); - //Register a monitor + // Register a monitor EPSMonitorSet(eps, &monitorWrapper, this, nullptr); - //Initialize shell spectral transformation if selected by user - //Note currently the only way to select this is with the + // Initialize shell spectral transformation if selected by user + // Note currently the only way to select this is with the //"-st_type shell" command line option, should really add a - //BOUT input flag to force it - EPSGetST(eps,&st); - PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)st,STSHELL,&stIsShell); - if(stIsShell){ - //Set the user-defined routine for applying the operator - STShellSetApply(st,&stApplyWrapper); - - //Set the STShell context to be the slepcSolver so we can access - //the solver internals from within the spectral transform routines - STShellSetContext(st,this); - - //Set the routine to transform the eigenvalues back - STShellSetBackTransform(st,stBackTransformWrapper); - - //Define the transformations name (optional) - PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)st,"Exponential Linear ST"); + // BOUT input flag to force it + EPSGetST(eps, &st); + PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)st, STSHELL, &stIsShell); + if (stIsShell) { + // Set the user-defined routine for applying the operator + STShellSetApply(st, &stApplyWrapper); + + // Set the STShell context to be the slepcSolver so we can access + // the solver internals from within the spectral transform routines + STShellSetContext(st, this); + + // Set the routine to transform the eigenvalues back + STShellSetBackTransform(st, stBackTransformWrapper); + + // Define the transformations name (optional) + PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject)st, "Exponential Linear ST"); }; - //Should probably call a routine here which interrogates eps - //to determine the important settings that have been used and dump - //the settings to screen/file/dmp? - //I think there may be a Slepc flag which will do this (to screen) - //but not sure if we can force this is the code (without messing with argv). + // Should probably call a routine here which interrogates eps + // to determine the important settings that have been used and dump + // the settings to screen/file/dmp? + // I think there may be a Slepc flag which will do this (to screen) + // but not sure if we can force this is the code (without messing with argv). - //Set initial space i.e. first guess - if(useInitial){ //Doesn't seem to help the ddtMode very much so recommend off + // Set initial space i.e. first guess + if (useInitial) { // Doesn't seem to help the ddtMode very much so recommend off Vec initVec, rightVec; - bool ddtModeBackup=ddtMode; + bool ddtModeBackup = ddtMode; -#if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3, 6, 0) - MatGetVecs(shellMat,&rightVec,&initVec); +#if PETSC_VERSION_LT(3, 6, 0) + MatGetVecs(shellMat, &rightVec, &initVec); #else - MatCreateVecs(shellMat,&rightVec,&initVec); -#endif - ddtMode=false; //Temporarily disable as initial ddt values not set + MatCreateVecs(shellMat, &rightVec, &initVec); +#endif + ddtMode = false; // Temporarily disable as initial ddt values not set fieldsToVec(initVec); - ddtMode=ddtModeBackup; //Restore state - EPSSetInitialSpace(eps,1,&initVec); + ddtMode = ddtModeBackup; // Restore state + EPSSetInitialSpace(eps, 1, &initVec); VecDestroy(&initVec); VecDestroy(&rightVec); }; } -//This routine takes initial conditions provided by SLEPc, uses this to set the fields, -//advances them with the attached solver and then returns the evolved fields in a slepc -//structure. -//Note: Hidden "this" argument prevents Slepc calling this routine directly -int SlepcSolver::advanceStep(Mat &UNUSED(matOperator), Vec &inData, Vec &outData){ +// This routine takes initial conditions provided by SLEPc, uses this to set the fields, +// advances them with the attached solver and then returns the evolved fields in a slepc +// structure. +// Note: Hidden "this" argument prevents Slepc calling this routine directly +int SlepcSolver::advanceStep(Mat& UNUSED(matOperator), Vec& inData, Vec& outData) { - //First unpack input into fields + // First unpack input into fields vecToFields(inData); - //Now advance + // Now advance int retVal; - if(ddtMode){ - //In ddtMode we just want the time derivative of the fields + if (ddtMode) { + // In ddtMode we just want the time derivative of the fields retVal = run_rhs(0.0); - }else{ - //Here we actually advance one (big) step - if(selfSolve){ - //If we don't have an external solver then we have to advance the solution - //ourself. This is currently done using Euler and only advances by a small step - //Not recommended! - retVal=run_rhs(0.0); - //Here we add dt*ddt(Fields) to fields to advance solution (cf. Euler) + } else { + // Here we actually advance one (big) step + if (selfSolve) { + // If we don't have an external solver then we have to advance the solution + // ourself. This is currently done using Euler and only advances by a small step + // Not recommended! + retVal = run_rhs(0.0); + // Here we add dt*ddt(Fields) to fields to advance solution (cf. Euler) save_vars(std::begin(f0)); save_derivs(std::begin(f1)); - for(int iVec=0;iVecrun(); + } else { + // Here we exploit one of the built in solver implementations to advance the + // prescribed fields by a big (tstep*nstep) step. + retVal = advanceSolver->run(); } } - //Now pack evolved fields into output + // Now pack evolved fields into output fieldsToVec(outData); - //Return + // Return return retVal; } -//This routine can be used by Slepc to decide which of two eigenvalues is "preferred" -//Allows us to look at real and imaginary components seperately which is not possible -//with Slepc built in comparisons when Slepc is compiled without native complex support (required) -//Note must be wrapped by non-member function to be called by Slepc -int SlepcSolver::compareEigs(PetscScalar ar, PetscScalar ai, PetscScalar br, PetscScalar bi){ +// This routine can be used by Slepc to decide which of two eigenvalues is "preferred" +// Allows us to look at real and imaginary components seperately which is not possible +// with Slepc built in comparisons when Slepc is compiled without native complex support +// (required) Note must be wrapped by non-member function to be called by Slepc +int SlepcSolver::compareEigs(PetscScalar ar, PetscScalar ai, PetscScalar br, + PetscScalar bi) { BoutReal arBout, aiBout, brBout, biBout; - //First convert to BOUT values - slepcToBout(ar,ai,arBout,aiBout); - slepcToBout(br,bi,brBout,biBout); + // First convert to BOUT values + slepcToBout(ar, ai, arBout, aiBout); + slepcToBout(br, bi, brBout, biBout); - //Now we calculate the distance between eigenvalues and target. - BoutReal da, db; - da=sqrt(pow(arBout-targRe,2)+pow(aiBout-targIm,2)); - db=sqrt(pow(brBout-targRe,2)+pow(biBout-targIm,2)); + // Now we calculate the distance between eigenvalues and target. + const auto da = sqrt(pow(arBout - targRe, 2) + pow(aiBout - targIm, 2)); + const auto db = sqrt(pow(brBout - targRe, 2) + pow(biBout - targIm, 2)); - //Now we decide which eigenvalue is preferred. + // Now we decide which eigenvalue is preferred. int retVal; - //Smallest distance from complex target - //If prefer B we return +ve - if(da>db){ - retVal=1; - //If prefer A we return -ve - }else if(db>da){ - retVal=-1; - //If we don't prefer either we return 0 - }else{ - retVal=0; + // Smallest distance from complex target + // If prefer B we return +ve + if (da > db) { + retVal = 1; + // If prefer A we return -ve + } else if (db > da) { + retVal = -1; + // If we don't prefer either we return 0 + } else { + retVal = 0; }; return retVal; } -//This is an example of a custom monitor which Slepc can call (not directly) to report the current -//status of the run. -//Note we could see how many new eigenpairs have been found since last called and then write their -//data to file so that we get progressive output rather than waiting until the end to write everything. -//Unfortunately it seems that currently SLEPc does not support using EPSGetEigenvector or -//EPSGetEigenpair before EPSSolve has finished. As such it's not possible to write out the eigenvectors -//from this monitor routine. It should still be possible to write the eigenvalues here, but to then -//get the eigenvectors at the correct time indices later would require resetting the time index. I'm -//not sure if the Datafile object supports this. -//Note must be wrapped by non-member function to be called by Slepc +// This is an example of a custom monitor which Slepc can call (not directly) to report +// the current status of the run. Note we could see how many new eigenpairs have been +// found since last called and then write their data to file so that we get progressive +// output rather than waiting until the end to write everything. Unfortunately it seems +// that currently SLEPc does not support using EPSGetEigenvector or EPSGetEigenpair before +// EPSSolve has finished. As such it's not possible to write out the eigenvectors from +// this monitor routine. It should still be possible to write the eigenvalues here, but to +// then get the eigenvectors at the correct time indices later would require resetting the +// time index. I'm not sure if the Datafile object supports this. Note must be wrapped by +// non-member function to be called by Slepc void SlepcSolver::monitor(PetscInt its, PetscInt nconv, PetscScalar eigr[], PetscScalar eigi[], PetscReal errest[], PetscInt UNUSED(nest)) { - static int nConvPrev=0; + static int nConvPrev = 0; - //No output until after first iteration - if(its<1){return;} + // No output until after first iteration + if (its < 1) { + return; + } extern BoutReal simtime; - static bool first=true; - if(eigenValOnly && first){ - first=false; - iteration=0; + static bool first = true; + if (eigenValOnly && first) { + first = false; + iteration = 0; } BoutReal reEigBout, imEigBout; - slepcToBout(eigr[nconv],eigi[nconv],reEigBout,imEigBout); - - string joinNum, joinNumSlepc; - if(imEigBout<0){ - joinNum=""; - }else{ - joinNum="+"; - } - - //This line more or less replicates the normal slepc output (when using -eps_monitor) - //but reports Bout eigenvalues rather than the Slepc values. Note we haven't changed error estimate. - output<<" "<0){ - output<<"Found "< "; - output< 0) { + output << "Found " << newConv << " new converged eigenvalues:\n"; + for (PetscInt i = nConvPrev; i < nconv; i++) { + slepcToBout(eigr[i], eigi[i], reEigBout, imEigBout); + output << "\t" << i << "\t: " << formatEig(eigr[i], eigi[i]) << " --> "; + output << formatEig(reEigBout, imEigBout) << "\n"; + if (eigenValOnly) { + simtime = reEigBout; + bout::globals::dump.write(); iteration++; - simtime=imEigBout; - dump.write(); + simtime = imEigBout; + bout::globals::dump.write(); iteration++; } } } - //Update the number of converged modes already investigated. - nConvPrev=nconv; + // Update the number of converged modes already investigated. + nConvPrev = nconv; }; -//Convert a slepc eigenvalue to a BOUT one -void SlepcSolver::slepcToBout(PetscScalar &reEigIn, PetscScalar &imEigIn, - BoutReal &reEigOut, BoutReal &imEigOut, bool force){ +// Convert a slepc eigenvalue to a BOUT one +void SlepcSolver::slepcToBout(PetscScalar& reEigIn, PetscScalar& imEigIn, + BoutReal& reEigOut, BoutReal& imEigOut, bool force) { - //If not stIsShell then the slepc eigenvalue is actually - //Exp(-i*Eig_Bout*tstep) for ddtMode = false + // If not stIsShell then the slepc eigenvalue is actually + // Exp(-i*Eig_Bout*tstep) for ddtMode = false //-i*Eig_Bout for ddtMode = true - //where Eig_Bout is the actual eigenvalue and tstep is the time step - //the solution is evolved over. - //This routine returns Eig_Bout - - //The optional input force is used by the shell spectral transform - //in the back transform to force a conversion, which allows us to - //otherwise skip any transformation when in shell mode (i.e. the back - //transform routine is the only place we deal with the raw slepc eigenvalue - //in shell ST mode). - - //If shellST and not forcing we just set the input and output eigenvalues - //equal and return. - if(stIsShell && !force){ - reEigOut=reEigIn; - imEigOut=imEigIn; + // where Eig_Bout is the actual eigenvalue and tstep is the time step + // the solution is evolved over. + // This routine returns Eig_Bout + + // The optional input force is used by the shell spectral transform + // in the back transform to force a conversion, which allows us to + // otherwise skip any transformation when in shell mode (i.e. the back + // transform routine is the only place we deal with the raw slepc eigenvalue + // in shell ST mode). + + // If shellST and not forcing we just set the input and output eigenvalues + // equal and return. + if (stIsShell && !force) { + reEigOut = reEigIn; + imEigOut = imEigIn; return; } - dcomplex slepcEig(reEigIn,imEigIn), ci(0.0,1.0); - dcomplex boutEig; - - if(ddtMode){ - boutEig=slepcEig*ci; - }else{ - //Protect against the 0,0 trivial eigenvalue - if(abs(slepcEig)<1.0e-10){ - reEigOut=0.0; - imEigOut=0.0; - return; - } - boutEig=ci*log(slepcEig)/(tstep*nout); - }; + const dcomplex slepcEig(reEigIn, imEigIn); + const dcomplex ci(0.0, 1.0); - //Set return values - reEigOut=boutEig.real(); - imEigOut=boutEig.imag(); + // Protect against the 0,0 trivial eigenvalue + if (ddtMode and std::abs(slepcEig) < 1.0e-10) { + reEigOut = 0.0; + imEigOut = 0.0; + return; + } + + const dcomplex boutEig = ddtMode ? slepcEig * ci : ci * log(slepcEig) / (tstep * nout); + + // Set return values + reEigOut = boutEig.real(); + imEigOut = boutEig.imag(); } -//Convert a BOUT++ eigenvalue to a Slepc one -void SlepcSolver::boutToSlepc(BoutReal &reEigIn, BoutReal &imEigIn, - PetscScalar &reEigOut, PetscScalar &imEigOut, - bool force){ +// Convert a BOUT++ eigenvalue to a Slepc one +void SlepcSolver::boutToSlepc(BoutReal& reEigIn, BoutReal& imEigIn, PetscScalar& reEigOut, + PetscScalar& imEigOut, bool force) { - //If shellST and not forcing we just set the input and output eigenvalues - //equal and return. - if(stIsShell && !force){ - reEigOut=reEigIn; - imEigOut=imEigIn; + // If shellST and not forcing we just set the input and output eigenvalues + // equal and return. + if (stIsShell && !force) { + reEigOut = reEigIn; + imEigOut = imEigIn; return; } - dcomplex boutEig(reEigIn,imEigIn), ci(0.0,1.0); - dcomplex slepcEig; - if(ddtMode){ - slepcEig=-ci*boutEig; - }else{ - slepcEig = exp(-ci * boutEig * (tstep * nout)); - }; + const dcomplex boutEig(reEigIn, imEigIn); + const dcomplex ci(0.0, 1.0); + const dcomplex slepcEig = ddtMode ? -ci * boutEig : exp(-ci * boutEig * (tstep * nout)); - //Set return values - reEigOut=slepcEig.real(); - imEigOut=slepcEig.imag(); + // Set return values + reEigOut = slepcEig.real(); + imEigOut = slepcEig.imag(); } - -//Interrogate eps to find out how many eigenvalues we've found etc. -void SlepcSolver::analyseResults(){ +// Interrogate eps to find out how many eigenvalues we've found etc. +void SlepcSolver::analyseResults() { PetscInt nEigFound; - //Find how many eigenvalues have been found - EPSGetConverged(eps,&nEigFound); + // Find how many eigenvalues have been found + EPSGetConverged(eps, &nEigFound); + + if (nEigFound < 1) { + output << "Warning : No converged eigenvalues found!\n"; + return; + } + + // Now loop over each converged eigenpair and output eigenvalue - //Now loop over each converged eigenpair and output eigenvalue - if(nEigFound>0){ - output<<"Converged eigenvalues :"< Not very nice way to do this - extern BoutReal simtime; - - for(PetscInt iEig=0; iEig Not very nice way to do this + extern BoutReal simtime; + + for (PetscInt iEig = 0; iEig < nEigFound; iEig++) { + // Get slepc eigenvalue + PetscScalar reEig, imEig; + EPSGetEigenvalue(eps, iEig, &reEig, &imEig); + dcomplex slepcEig(reEig, imEig); + + // Report + output << "\t" << iEig << "\t" << formatEig(reEig, imEig) << "\t(" + << std::abs(slepcEig) << ")"; + + // Get BOUT eigenvalue + BoutReal reEigBout, imEigBout; + slepcToBout(reEig, imEig, reEigBout, imEigBout); + dcomplex boutEig(reEigBout, imEigBout); + + // Report + output << "\t" << formatEig(reEigBout, imEigBout) << "\t(" << std::abs(boutEig) + << ")\n"; + + // Get eigenvector + EPSGetEigenvector(eps, iEig, vecReal, vecImag); + + // Write real part of eigen data + // First dump real part to fields + vecToFields(vecReal); + // Set the simtime to omega + simtime = reEigBout; + + // Run the rhs in order to calculate aux fields + run_rhs(0.0); + + // Write to file + bout::globals::dump.write(); + iteration++; + + // Now write imaginary part of eigen data + // First dump imag part to fields + vecToFields(vecImag); + // Set the simtime to gamma + simtime = imEigBout; + + // Write to file + bout::globals::dump.write(); + iteration++; } + + // Destroy vectors + VecDestroy(&vecReal); + VecDestroy(&vecImag); } #endif // BOUT_HAS_SLEPC diff --git a/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.hxx b/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.hxx index b272e053d8..db8d65326a 100644 --- a/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.hxx +++ b/src/solver/impls/slepc/slepc.hxx @@ -55,8 +55,6 @@ namespace { RegisterSolver registersolverslepc("slepc"); } -using std::vector; - class SlepcSolver : public Solver { public: SlepcSolver(Options *options); @@ -98,25 +96,25 @@ public: //////Following overrides all just pass through to advanceSolver // Override virtual add functions in order to pass through to advanceSolver - void add(Field2D &v, const std::string name) override { + void add(Field2D& v, const std::string& name) override { Solver::add(v, name); if (!selfSolve) { advanceSolver->add(v, name); } } - void add(Field3D &v, const std::string name) override { + void add(Field3D& v, const std::string& name) override { Solver::add(v, name); if (!selfSolve) { advanceSolver->add(v, name); } } - void add(Vector2D &v, const std::string name) override { + void add(Vector2D& v, const std::string& name) override { Solver::add(v, name); if (!selfSolve) { advanceSolver->add(v, name); } } - void add(Vector3D &v, const std::string name) override { + void add(Vector3D& v, const std::string& name) override { Solver::add(v, name); if (!selfSolve) { advanceSolver->add(v, name); @@ -145,24 +143,24 @@ public: return advanceSolver->constraints(); } } - void constraint(Field2D &v, Field2D &C_v, const std::string name) override { + void constraint(Field2D& v, Field2D& C_v, std::string name) override { if (!selfSolve) { - advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, name); + advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, std::move(name)); } } - void constraint(Field3D &v, Field3D &C_v, const std::string name) override { + void constraint(Field3D& v, Field3D& C_v, std::string name) override { if (!selfSolve) { - advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, name); + advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, std::move(name)); } } - void constraint(Vector2D &v, Vector2D &C_v, const std::string name) override { + void constraint(Vector2D& v, Vector2D& C_v, std::string name) override { if (!selfSolve) { - advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, name); + advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, std::move(name)); } } - void constraint(Vector3D &v, Vector3D &C_v, const std::string name) override { + void constraint(Vector3D& v, Vector3D& C_v, std::string name) override { if (!selfSolve) { - advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, name); + advanceSolver->constraint(v, C_v, std::move(name)); } } diff --git a/src/solver/impls/split-rk/README.md b/src/solver/impls/split-rk/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b392cda715 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/solver/impls/split-rk/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +Strang split Runge Kutta +======================== + +A second order Strang splitting scheme: + + - 2nd order Runge-Kutta-Legendre method for the diffusion (parabolic) part + https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2013.08.021 + + - 3rd order SSP-RK3 scheme for the advection (hyperbolic) part + http://www.cscamm.umd.edu/tadmor/pub/linear-stability/Gottlieb-Shu-Tadmor.SIREV-01.pdf + +Each timestep consists of + + - A half timestep of the diffusion part + - A full timestep of the advection part + - A half timestep of the diffusion part + diff --git a/src/solver/impls/split-rk/makefile b/src/solver/impls/split-rk/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4d8153a3b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/solver/impls/split-rk/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + +BOUT_TOP = ../../../.. + +SOURCEC = split-rk.cxx +SOURCEH = $(SOURCEC:%.cxx=%.hxx) +TARGET = lib + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/src/solver/impls/split-rk/split-rk.cxx b/src/solver/impls/split-rk/split-rk.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d9c454bb6b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/solver/impls/split-rk/split-rk.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,306 @@ +#include "split-rk.hxx" + +int SplitRK::init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + /// Call the generic initialisation first + if (Solver::init(nout, tstep)) + return 1; + + output.write(_("\n\tSplit Runge-Kutta-Legendre and SSP-RK3 solver\n")); + + nsteps = nout; // Save number of output steps + out_timestep = tstep; + + // Calculate number of variables + nlocal = getLocalN(); + + // Get total problem size + if(MPI_Allreduce(&nlocal, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { + throw BoutException("MPI_Allreduce failed!"); + } + + // Allocate memory + state.reallocate(nlocal); + + // memory for taking a single time step + u1.reallocate(nlocal); + u2.reallocate(nlocal); + u3.reallocate(nlocal); + dydt.reallocate(nlocal); + + // Put starting values into f + save_vars(std::begin(state)); + + // Get options. Default values for many of these are set in constructor. + auto &opt = *options; + timestep = opt["timestep"] + .doc("Internal timestep. This may be rounded down.") + .withDefault(out_timestep); + + adaptive = opt["adaptive"].doc("Use accuracy tolerances to adapt timestep?").withDefault(adaptive); + + atol = opt["atol"].doc("Absolute tolerance").withDefault(atol); + rtol = opt["rtol"].doc("Relative tolerance").withDefault(rtol); + + max_timestep = opt["max_timestep"].doc("Maximum timestep. Negative means no limit.").withDefault(out_timestep); + + max_timestep_change = opt["max_timestep_change"] + .doc("Maximum factor by which the timestep should be changed. Must be >1") + .withDefault(max_timestep_change); + ASSERT0(max_timestep_change > 1.0); + + mxstep = opt["mxstep"] + .doc("Maximum number of internal steps between outputs") + .withDefault(mxstep); + ASSERT0(mxstep > 0); + + adapt_period = opt["adapt_period"] + .doc("Number of steps between tolerance checks. 1 means check every step.") + .withDefault(adapt_period); + + if (adaptive) { + // Need additional storage to compare results after time steps + state1.reallocate(nlocal); + state2.reallocate(nlocal); + } + + ASSERT0(adapt_period > 0); + + int ninternal_steps = static_cast(std::ceil(out_timestep / timestep)); + ASSERT0(ninternal_steps > 0); + + timestep = out_timestep / ninternal_steps; + output.write(_("\tUsing a timestep %e\n"), timestep); + + nstages = opt["nstages"].doc("Number of stages in RKL step. Must be > 1").withDefault(10); + ASSERT0(nstages > 1); + + diagnose = opt["diagnose"].doc("Print diagnostic information?").withDefault(diagnose); + + return 0; +} + +int SplitRK::run() { + AUTO_TRACE(); + + for (int step = 0; step < nsteps; step++) { + // Take an output step + + BoutReal target = simtime + out_timestep; + + BoutReal dt; // The next timestep to take + bool running = true; // Changed to false to break out of inner loop + int internal_steps = 0; // Quit if this exceeds mxstep + + do { + // Take a single time step + + if (adaptive and (internal_steps % adapt_period == 0)) { + do { + // Keep adapting the timestep until the error is within tolerances + + dt = timestep; + running = true; // Reset after maybe adapting timestep + if ((simtime + dt) >= target) { + dt = target - simtime; // Make sure the last timestep is on the output + running = false; // Fall out of this inner loop after this step + } + + // Take two half-steps + take_step(simtime, 0.5*dt, state, state1); + take_step(simtime + 0.5*dt, 0.5*dt, state1, state2); + + // Take a full step + take_step(simtime, dt, state, state1); + + // Check accuracy + BoutReal local_err = 0.; + BOUT_OMP(parallel for reduction(+: local_err) ) + for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) { + local_err += fabs(state2[i] - state1[i]) / (fabs(state1[i]) + fabs(state2[i]) + atol); + } + + // Average over all processors + BoutReal err; + if (MPI_Allreduce(&local_err, &err, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, BoutComm::get())) { + throw BoutException("MPI_Allreduce failed"); + } + + err /= static_cast(neq); + + internal_steps++; + if (internal_steps > mxstep) { + throw BoutException("ERROR: MXSTEP exceeded. timestep = %e, err=%e\n", + timestep, err); + } + + if (diagnose) { + output.write("\nError: %e. atol=%e, rtol=%e\n", err, atol, rtol); + } + + if ((err > rtol) || (err < 0.1 * rtol)) { + // Need to change timestep. Error ~ dt^2 + + BoutReal factor = pow((0.5 * rtol) / err, 1./3); + + if (factor > max_timestep_change) { + factor = max_timestep_change; + } else if (factor < 1. / max_timestep_change) { + factor = 1. / max_timestep_change; + } + + timestep *= factor; + + if ((max_timestep > 0) && (timestep > max_timestep)) { + timestep = max_timestep; + } + + if (diagnose) { + output.write("\tAdapting. timestep %e (factor %e). Max=%e\n", timestep, factor, max_timestep); + } + } + if (err < rtol) { + swap(state, state2); // Put result in state + break; // Acceptable accuracy + } + } while (true); + } else { + // No adaptive timestepping. Take a single step + + dt = timestep; + running = true; // Reset after maybe adapting timestep + if ((simtime + dt) >= target) { + dt = target - simtime; // Make sure the last timestep is on the output + running = false; // Fall out of this inner loop after this step + } + + take_step(simtime, timestep, state, state); + internal_steps++; + } + + simtime += dt; + call_timestep_monitors(simtime, timestep); + + } while (running); + + load_vars(std::begin(state)); // Put result into variables + // Call rhs function to get extra variables at this time + run_rhs(simtime); + + iteration++; // Advance iteration number + + /// Call the monitor function + + if(call_monitors(simtime, step, nsteps)) { + // User signalled to quit + break; + } + } + return 0; +} + +void SplitRK::take_step(BoutReal curtime, BoutReal dt, Array& start, + Array& result) { + // Half step + take_diffusion_step(curtime, 0.5*dt, start, result); + + // Full step + take_advection_step(curtime, dt, result, result); + + // Half step + take_diffusion_step(curtime + 0.5*dt, 0.5*dt, result, result); +} + +void SplitRK::take_diffusion_step(BoutReal curtime, BoutReal dt, Array& start, + Array& result) { + + const BoutReal weight = dt * 4./(SQ(nstages) + nstages - 2); + + load_vars(std::begin(start)); + run_diffusive(curtime); + save_derivs(std::begin(dydt)); // dydt = f(y0) + + // Stage j = 1 + // y_m2 = y0 + weight/3.0 * f(y0) -> u2 + + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for (int i = 0; i < dydt.size(); i++) { + u2[i] = start[i] + (weight/3.0) * dydt[i]; + } + + // Stage j = 2 + // mu = 1.5, nu terms cancel + load_vars(std::begin(u2)); + run_diffusive(curtime + (weight/3.0) * dt); + save_derivs(std::begin(u3)); // f(y_m2) -> u3 + + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for (int i = 0; i < u3.size(); i++) { + u1[i] = 1.5 * (u2[i] + weight * u3[i]) - 0.5 * start[i] - weight * dydt[i]; + } + + BoutReal b_jm2 = 1. / 3; // b_{j - 2} + BoutReal b_jm1 = 1. / 3; // b_{j - 1} + + for (int j = 3; j <= nstages; j++) { + + BoutReal b_j = (SQ(j) + j - 2.0) / (2.*j * (j + 1.)); + + BoutReal mu = (2.*j - 1.)/j * b_j / b_jm1; + BoutReal nu = -(j - 1.)/j * b_j / b_jm2; + BoutReal a_jm1 = 1. - b_jm1; + + load_vars(std::begin(u1)); + run_diffusive(curtime); + save_derivs(std::begin(u3)); // f(y_m1) -> u3 + + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for (int i = 0; i < u3.size(); i++) { + // Next stage result in u3 + u3[i] = mu * (u1[i] + weight * (u3[i] - a_jm1 * dydt[i])) + nu * u2[i] + + (1. - mu - nu) * start[i]; + } + + // Cycle values + b_jm2 = b_jm1; + b_jm1 = b_j; + + // Cycle u2 <- u1 <- u3 <- u2 + // so that no new memory is allocated, and no arrays point to the same data + swap(u1, u2); + swap(u1, u3); + + // Most recent now in u1, then u2, then u3 + } + swap(u1, result); +} + +void SplitRK::take_advection_step(BoutReal curtime, BoutReal dt, Array& start, + Array& result) { + const int nlocal = getLocalN(); + + load_vars(std::begin(start)); + run_convective(curtime); + save_derivs(std::begin(dydt)); + + BOUT_OMP(parallel for) + for(int i=0;i. + * + **************************************************************************/ + +class SplitRK; + +#pragma once + +#ifndef SPLITRK_HXX +#define SPLITRK_HXX + +#include +#include + +#include +namespace { +RegisterSolver registersolversplitrk("splitrk"); +} + +class SplitRK : public Solver { +public: + explicit SplitRK(Options *opt = nullptr) : Solver(opt) {} + ~SplitRK() = default; + + int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override; + + int run() override; +private: + int nstages{2}; ///< Number of stages in the RKL + + BoutReal out_timestep{0.0}; ///< The output timestep + int nsteps{0}; ///< Number of output steps + + BoutReal timestep{0.0}; ///< The internal timestep + + bool adaptive{true}; ///< Adapt timestep using tolerances? + BoutReal atol{1e-10}; ///< Absolute tolerance + BoutReal rtol{1e-5}; ///< Relative tolerance + BoutReal max_timestep{1.0}; ///< Maximum timestep + BoutReal max_timestep_change{2.0}; ///< Maximum factor by which the timestep should be changed + int mxstep{1000}; ///< Maximum number of internal steps between outputs + int adapt_period{1}; ///< Number of steps between checks + + bool diagnose{false}; ///< Turn on diagnostic output + + int nlocal{0}, neq{0}; ///< Number of variables on local processor and in total + + /// System state + Array state; + + /// Temporary time-stepping arrays + /// These are used by both diffusion and advection time-step routines + Array u1, u2, u3, dydt; + + /// Arrays used for adaptive timestepping + Array state1, state2; + + /// Take a combined step + /// Uses 2nd order Strang splitting + /// + /// Note: start and result can be the same + void take_step(BoutReal curtime, BoutReal dt, Array& start, + Array& result); + + /// Take a step of the diffusion terms + /// Uses the Runge-Kutta-Legendre 2nd order method + /// + /// Note: start and result can be the same + void take_diffusion_step(BoutReal curtime, BoutReal dt, + Array& start, Array& result); + + /// Take a step of the advection terms + /// Uses the Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta 3rd order method + /// + /// Note: start and result can be the same + void take_advection_step(BoutReal curtime, BoutReal dt, Array& start, + Array& result); +}; + +#endif diff --git a/src/solver/solver.cxx b/src/solver/solver.cxx index 22bc37657b..aa0c27db4f 100644 --- a/src/solver/solver.cxx +++ b/src/solver/solver.cxx @@ -20,26 +20,24 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -#include - +#include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field_factory.hxx" +#include "initialprofiles.hxx" +#include "interpolation.hxx" +#include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "bout/array.hxx" +#include "bout/assert.hxx" +#include "bout/region.hxx" #include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" +#include "bout/sys/timer.hxx" -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include "bout/region.hxx" +#include +#include +#include +#include // Static member variables @@ -50,53 +48,15 @@ char ***Solver::pargv = nullptr; * Constructor **************************************************************************/ -Solver::Solver(Options *opts) : options(opts), model(nullptr), prefunc(nullptr) { - if(options == nullptr) - options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("solver"); - - // Set flags to defaults - has_constraints = false; - initialised = false; - canReset = false; - - // Zero timing - rhs_ncalls = 0; - rhs_ncalls_e = 0; - rhs_ncalls_i = 0; - - // Split operator - split_operator = false; - max_dt = -1.0; - - // Set simulation time and iteration count - // This may be modified by restart - simtime = 0.0; iteration = 0; - - // Output monitor - options->get("monitor_timestep", monitor_timestep, false); - - // Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) - options->get("mms", mms, false); - options->get("mms_initialise", mms_initialise, mms); -} - -/************************************************************************** - * Destructor - **************************************************************************/ -Solver::~Solver(){ - //Ensure all MMS_err fields allocated here are destroyed etc. - for(const auto& f : f3d) { - if(f.MMS_err) { - delete f.MMS_err; - } - } - - for(const auto& f : f2d) { - if(f.MMS_err) { - delete f.MMS_err; - } - } -} +Solver::Solver(Options* opts) + : options(opts == nullptr ? &Options::root()["solver"] : opts), + monitor_timestep((*options)["monitor_timestep"].withDefault(false)), + is_nonsplit_model_diffusive( + (*options)["is_nonsplit_model_diffusive"] + .doc("If not a split operator, treat RHS as diffusive?") + .withDefault(true)), + mms((*options)["mms"].withDefault(false)), + mms_initialise((*options)["mms_initialise"].withDefault(mms)) {} /************************************************************************** * Add physics models @@ -122,11 +82,13 @@ void Solver::setModel(PhysicsModel *m) { * Add fields **************************************************************************/ -void Solver::add(Field2D &v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::add(Field2D& v, const std::string& name) { TRACE("Adding 2D field: Solver::add(%s)", name.c_str()); +#if CHECK > 0 if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); +#endif if (initialised) throw BoutException("Error: Cannot add to solver after initialisation\n"); @@ -137,11 +99,9 @@ void Solver::add(Field2D &v, const std::string name) { VarStr d; - d.constraint = false; d.var = &v; d.F_var = &ddt(v); d.location = v.getLocation(); - d.covariant = false; d.name = name; #ifdef TRACK @@ -158,32 +118,32 @@ void Solver::add(Field2D &v, const std::string name) { FieldFactory *fact = FieldFactory::get(); - v = fact->create2D("solution", Options::getRoot()->getSection(name), mesh); + v = fact->create2D("solution", Options::getRoot()->getSection(name), v.getMesh()); } else { initial_profile(name, v); } if (mms) { // Allocate storage for error variable - d.MMS_err = new Field2D(0.0); - } else { - d.MMS_err = nullptr; + d.MMS_err = bout::utils::make_unique(zeroFrom(v)); } // Check if the boundary regions should be evolved // First get option from section "All" // then use that as default for specific section - Options::getRoot()->getSection("all")->get("evolve_bndry", d.evolve_bndry, false); - Options::getRoot()->getSection(name)->get("evolve_bndry", d.evolve_bndry, d.evolve_bndry); + d.evolve_bndry = Options::root()["all"]["evolve_bndry"].withDefault(false); + d.evolve_bndry = Options::root()[name]["evolve_bndry"].withDefault(d.evolve_bndry); v.applyBoundary(true); - f2d.push_back(d); + f2d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } -void Solver::add(Field3D &v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::add(Field3D& v, const std::string& name) { TRACE("Adding 3D field: Solver::add(%s)", name.c_str()); + Mesh* mesh = v.getMesh(); + #if CHECK > 0 if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); @@ -197,17 +157,15 @@ void Solver::add(Field3D &v, const std::string name) { ddt(v).copyBoundary(v); // Set boundary to be the same as v if (mesh->StaggerGrids && (v.getLocation() != CELL_CENTRE)) { - output_info.write("\tVariable %s shifted to %s\n", name.c_str(), strLocation(v.getLocation())); + output_info.write("\tVariable %s shifted to %s\n", name.c_str(), toString(v.getLocation()).c_str()); ddt(v).setLocation(v.getLocation()); // Make sure both at the same location } VarStr d; - d.constraint = false; d.var = &v; d.F_var = &ddt(v); d.location = v.getLocation(); - d.covariant = false; d.name = name; #ifdef TRACK @@ -218,34 +176,31 @@ void Solver::add(Field3D &v, const std::string name) { // Load solution at t = 0 FieldFactory *fact = FieldFactory::get(); - v = fact->create3D("solution", Options::getRoot()->getSection(name), mesh, v.getLocation()); + v = fact->create3D("solution", &Options::root()[name], mesh, v.getLocation()); } else { initial_profile(name, v); } if (mms) { - d.MMS_err = new Field3D(v.getMesh()); - (*d.MMS_err) = 0.0; - } else { - d.MMS_err = nullptr; + d.MMS_err = bout::utils::make_unique(zeroFrom(v)); } // Check if the boundary regions should be evolved // First get option from section "All" // then use that as default for specific section - Options::getRoot()->getSection("all")->get("evolve_bndry", d.evolve_bndry, false); - Options::getRoot()->getSection(name)->get("evolve_bndry", d.evolve_bndry, d.evolve_bndry); + d.evolve_bndry = Options::root()["all"]["evolve_bndry"].withDefault(false); + d.evolve_bndry = Options::root()[name]["evolve_bndry"].withDefault(d.evolve_bndry); v.applyBoundary(true); // Make sure initial profile obeys boundary conditions v.setLocation(d.location); // Restore location if changed - f3d.push_back(d); + f3d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } -void Solver::add(Vector2D &v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::add(Vector2D& v, const std::string& name) { TRACE("Adding 2D vector: Solver::add(%s)", name.c_str()); - + if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); @@ -255,90 +210,79 @@ void Solver::add(Vector2D &v, const std::string name) { // Set boundary conditions v.setBoundary(name); ddt(v).copyBoundary(v); // Set boundary to be the same as v - + VarStr d; - - d.constraint = false; + d.var = &v; d.F_var = &ddt(v); - d.location = CELL_DEFAULT; d.covariant = v.covariant; d.name = name; - // MMS errors set on individual components - d.MMS_err = nullptr; - - v2d.push_back(d); /// NOTE: No initial_profile call, because this will be done for each /// component individually. - + /// Add suffix, depending on co- /contravariance if (v.covariant) { - add(v.x, d.name+"_x"); - add(v.y, d.name+"_y"); - add(v.z, d.name+"_z"); + add(v.x, d.name + "_x"); + add(v.y, d.name + "_y"); + add(v.z, d.name + "_z"); } else { - add(v.x, d.name+"x"); - add(v.y, d.name+"y"); - add(v.z, d.name+"z"); + add(v.x, d.name + "x"); + add(v.y, d.name + "y"); + add(v.z, d.name + "z"); } - + /// Make sure initial profile obeys boundary conditions v.applyBoundary(true); + v2d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } -void Solver::add(Vector3D &v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::add(Vector3D& v, const std::string& name) { TRACE("Adding 3D vector: Solver::add(%s)", name.c_str()); - + if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); if (initialised) throw BoutException("Error: Cannot add to solver after initialisation\n"); - + // Set boundary conditions v.setBoundary(name); ddt(v).copyBoundary(v); // Set boundary to be the same as v VarStr d; - - d.constraint = false; + d.var = &v; d.F_var = &ddt(v); - d.location = CELL_DEFAULT; d.covariant = v.covariant; d.name = name; - // MMS errors set on individual components - d.MMS_err = nullptr; - - v3d.push_back(d); // Add suffix, depending on co- /contravariance if (v.covariant) { - add(v.x, d.name+"_x"); - add(v.y, d.name+"_y"); - add(v.z, d.name+"_z"); + add(v.x, d.name + "_x"); + add(v.y, d.name + "_y"); + add(v.z, d.name + "_z"); } else { - add(v.x, d.name+"x"); - add(v.y, d.name+"y"); - add(v.z, d.name+"z"); + add(v.x, d.name + "x"); + add(v.y, d.name + "y"); + add(v.z, d.name + "z"); } v.applyBoundary(true); + v3d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } /************************************************************************** * Constraints **************************************************************************/ -void Solver::constraint(Field2D &v, Field2D &C_v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::constraint(Field2D& v, Field2D& C_v, std::string name) { + TRACE("Constrain 2D scalar: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); if (name.empty()) { throw BoutException("ERROR: Constraint requested for variable with empty name\n"); } - TRACE("Constrain 2D scalar: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); - #if CHECK > 0 if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); @@ -355,19 +299,18 @@ void Solver::constraint(Field2D &v, Field2D &C_v, const std::string name) { d.constraint = true; d.var = &v; d.F_var = &C_v; - d.name = name; + d.name = std::move(name); - f2d.push_back(d); + f2d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } -void Solver::constraint(Field3D &v, Field3D &C_v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::constraint(Field3D& v, Field3D& C_v, std::string name) { + TRACE("Constrain 3D scalar: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); if (name.empty()) { throw BoutException("ERROR: Constraint requested for variable with empty name\n"); } - TRACE("Constrain 3D scalar: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); - #if CHECK > 0 if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); @@ -385,19 +328,18 @@ void Solver::constraint(Field3D &v, Field3D &C_v, const std::string name) { d.var = &v; d.F_var = &C_v; d.location = v.getLocation(); - d.name = name; - - f3d.push_back(d); + d.name = std::move(name); + + f3d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } -void Solver::constraint(Vector2D &v, Vector2D &C_v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::constraint(Vector2D& v, Vector2D& C_v, std::string name) { + TRACE("Constrain 2D vector: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); if (name.empty()) { throw BoutException("ERROR: Constraint requested for variable with empty name\n"); } - TRACE("Constrain 2D vector: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); - #if CHECK > 0 if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); @@ -409,36 +351,35 @@ void Solver::constraint(Vector2D &v, Vector2D &C_v, const std::string name) { if (initialised) throw BoutException("Error: Cannot add constraints to solver after initialisation\n"); + // Add suffix, depending on co- /contravariance + if (v.covariant) { + constraint(v.x, C_v.x, name + "_x"); + constraint(v.y, C_v.y, name + "_y"); + constraint(v.z, C_v.z, name + "_z"); + } else { + constraint(v.x, C_v.x, name + "x"); + constraint(v.y, C_v.y, name + "y"); + constraint(v.z, C_v.z, name + "z"); + } + VarStr d; - + d.constraint = true; d.var = &v; d.F_var = &C_v; d.covariant = v.covariant; - d.name = name; - - v2d.push_back(d); + d.name = std::move(name); - // Add suffix, depending on co- /contravariance - if (v.covariant) { - constraint(v.x, C_v.x, d.name+"_x"); - constraint(v.y, C_v.y, d.name+"_x"); - constraint(v.z, C_v.z, d.name+"_x"); - } else { - constraint(v.x, C_v.x, d.name+"x"); - constraint(v.y, C_v.y, d.name+"x"); - constraint(v.z, C_v.z, d.name+"x"); - } + v2d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } -void Solver::constraint(Vector3D &v, Vector3D &C_v, const std::string name) { +void Solver::constraint(Vector3D& v, Vector3D& C_v, std::string name) { + TRACE("Constrain 3D vector: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); if (name.empty()) { throw BoutException("ERROR: Constraint requested for variable with empty name\n"); } - TRACE("Constrain 3D vector: Solver::constraint(%s)", name.c_str()); - #if CHECK > 0 if (varAdded(name)) throw BoutException("Variable '%s' already added to Solver", name.c_str()); @@ -450,26 +391,26 @@ void Solver::constraint(Vector3D &v, Vector3D &C_v, const std::string name) { if (initialised) throw BoutException("Error: Cannot add constraints to solver after initialisation\n"); + // Add suffix, depending on co- /contravariance + if (v.covariant) { + constraint(v.x, C_v.x, name + "_x"); + constraint(v.y, C_v.y, name + "_y"); + constraint(v.z, C_v.z, name + "_z"); + } else { + constraint(v.x, C_v.x, name + "x"); + constraint(v.y, C_v.y, name + "y"); + constraint(v.z, C_v.z, name + "z"); + } + VarStr d; - + d.constraint = true; d.var = &v; d.F_var = &C_v; d.covariant = v.covariant; - d.name = name; - - v3d.push_back(d); + d.name = std::move(name); - // Add suffix, depending on co- /contravariance - if (v.covariant) { - constraint(v.x, C_v.x, d.name+"_x"); - constraint(v.y, C_v.y, d.name+"_x"); - constraint(v.z, C_v.z, d.name+"_x"); - } else { - constraint(v.x, C_v.x, d.name+"x"); - constraint(v.y, C_v.y, d.name+"x"); - constraint(v.z, C_v.z, d.name+"x"); - } + v3d.emplace_back(std::move(d)); } /************************************************************************** @@ -478,104 +419,91 @@ void Solver::constraint(Vector3D &v, Vector3D &C_v, const std::string name) { int Solver::solve(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { - Options *globaloptions = Options::getRoot(); // Default from global options + Options& globaloptions = Options::root(); // Default from global options - if(NOUT < 0) { + if (NOUT < 0) { /// Get options - OPTION(globaloptions, NOUT, 1); - OPTION(globaloptions, TIMESTEP, 1.0); + NOUT = globaloptions["NOUT"].doc("Number of output steps").withDefault(1); + TIMESTEP = globaloptions["TIMESTEP"].doc("Output time step size").withDefault(1.0); // Check specific solver options, which override global options - OPTION(options, NOUT, NOUT); - options->get("output_step", TIMESTEP, TIMESTEP); + NOUT = (*options)["NOUT"] + .doc("Number of output steps. Overrides global setting.") + .withDefault(NOUT); + TIMESTEP = (*options)["output_step"] + .doc("Output time step size. Overrides global TIMESTEP setting.") + .withDefault(TIMESTEP); } - /// syncronize timestep with those set to the monitors - if (timestep > 0){ - if (!isMultiple(timestep,TIMESTEP)){ - throw BoutException("A monitor requested a timestep not compatible with the output_step!"); - } - if (timestep < TIMESTEP*1.5){ - freqDefault=TIMESTEP/timestep+.5; - NOUT*=freqDefault; - TIMESTEP=timestep; - } else { - freqDefault = 1; - // update old monitors - int fac=timestep/TIMESTEP+.5; - for (const auto &i: monitors){ - i->freq=i->freq*fac; - } - } - } - for (const auto &i: monitors){ - if (i->timestep < 0){ - i->timestep=timestep*freqDefault; - i->freq=freqDefault; - } - } + finaliseMonitorPeriods(NOUT, TIMESTEP); + output_progress.write(_("Solver running for %d outputs with output timestep of %e\n"), + NOUT, TIMESTEP); + if (default_monitor_period > 1) + output_progress.write( + _("Solver running for %d outputs with monitor timestep of %e\n"), + NOUT / default_monitor_period, TIMESTEP * default_monitor_period); - output_progress.write("Solver running for %d outputs with output timestep of %e\n", NOUT, TIMESTEP); - if (freqDefault > 1) - output_progress.write("Solver running for %d outputs with monitor timestep of %e\n", - NOUT/freqDefault, TIMESTEP*freqDefault); - // Initialise if (init(NOUT, TIMESTEP)) { - throw BoutException("Failed to initialise solver-> Aborting\n"); + throw BoutException(_("Failed to initialise solver-> Aborting\n")); } - initCalled=true; - + /// Run the solver - output_info.write("Running simulation\n\n"); + output_info.write(_("Running simulation\n\n")); time_t start_time = time(nullptr); - output_progress.write("\nRun started at : %s\n", ctime(&start_time)); - + output_progress.write(_("\nRun started at : %s\n"), toString(start_time).c_str()); + Timer timer("run"); // Start timer - - bool restart; - OPTION(globaloptions, restart, false); - bool append; - OPTION(globaloptions, append, false); - bool dump_on_restart; - OPTION(globaloptions, dump_on_restart, !restart || !append); - if ( dump_on_restart ) { + + const bool restart = globaloptions["restart"] + .doc("Load state from restart files?") + .withDefault(false); + + const bool append = globaloptions["append"] + .doc("Add new outputs to the end of existing files? If false, overwrite files.") + .withDefault(false); + const bool dump_on_restart = globaloptions["dump_on_restart"] + .doc("Write initial state as time point 0?") + .withDefault(!restart || !append); + + if (dump_on_restart) { + /// Write initial state as time-point 0 - + // Run RHS once to ensure all variables set if (run_rhs(simtime)) { throw BoutException("Physics RHS call failed\n"); } - + // Call monitors so initial values are written to output dump files - if (call_monitors(simtime, -1, NOUT)){ + if (call_monitors(simtime, -1, NOUT)) { throw BoutException("Initial monitor call failed!"); } } - + int status; try { status = run(); time_t end_time = time(nullptr); - output_progress.write("\nRun finished at : %s\n", ctime(&end_time)); - output_progress.write("Run time : "); + output_progress.write(_("\nRun finished at : %s\n"), toString(end_time).c_str()); + output_progress.write(_("Run time : ")); int dt = end_time - start_time; int i = static_cast(dt / (60. * 60.)); if (i > 0) { output_progress.write("%d h ", i); - dt -= i*60*60; + dt -= i * 60 * 60; } i = static_cast(dt / 60.); if (i > 0) { output_progress.write("%d m ", i); - dt -= i*60; + dt -= i * 60; } output_progress.write("%d s\n", dt); - } catch (BoutException &e) { + } catch (BoutException& e) { output_error << "Error encountered in solver run\n"; output_error << e.what() << endl; throw; @@ -584,7 +512,6 @@ int Solver::solve(int NOUT, BoutReal TIMESTEP) { return status; } - /************************************************************************** * Initialisation **************************************************************************/ @@ -594,12 +521,12 @@ int Solver::init(int UNUSED(nout), BoutReal UNUSED(tstep)) { TRACE("Solver::init()"); if (initialised) - throw BoutException("ERROR: Solver is already initialised\n"); + throw BoutException(_("ERROR: Solver is already initialised\n")); - output_progress.write("Initialising solver\n"); + output_progress.write(_("Initialising solver\n")); - MPI_Comm_size(BoutComm::get(), &NPES); - MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); + NPES = BoutComm::size(); + MYPE = BoutComm::rank(); /// Mark as initialised. No more variables can be added initialised = true; @@ -623,50 +550,104 @@ void Solver::outputVars(Datafile &outputfile, bool save_repeat) { if(mms) { // Add an error variable - outputfile.add(*(f.MMS_err), (string("E_")+f.name).c_str(), save_repeat); + outputfile.add(*(f.MMS_err), ("E_" + f.name).c_str(), save_repeat); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// -/// Method to add a Monitor to the Solver -/// Note that behaviour changes if init() is called, -/// as the timestep cannot be changed afterwards -void Solver::addMonitor(Monitor * mon, MonitorPosition pos) { - if (mon->timestep > 0){ // not default - if (!initCalled && timestep < 0){ - timestep = mon->timestep; +BoutReal Solver::adjustMonitorPeriods(Monitor* new_monitor) { + + if (new_monitor->timestep < 0) { + // The timestep will get adjusted when we call solve + new_monitor->period = default_monitor_period; + return internal_timestep; + } + + if (!initialised && internal_timestep < 0) { + // This is the first monitor to be added + return new_monitor->timestep; + } + + if (!isMultiple(internal_timestep, new_monitor->timestep)) { + throw BoutException(_("Couldn't add Monitor: %g is not a multiple of %g!"), internal_timestep, + new_monitor->timestep); + } + + if (new_monitor->timestep > internal_timestep * 1.5) { + // Monitor has a larger timestep + new_monitor->period = + static_cast(std::round(new_monitor->timestep / internal_timestep)); + return internal_timestep; + } + + // Monitor timestep is smaller, so we need to adjust our timestep, + // along with that of all of the other monitors + + if (initialised) { + throw BoutException(_("Solver::addMonitor: Cannot reduce timestep (from %g to %g) " + "after init is called!"), + internal_timestep, new_monitor->timestep); + } + + // This is the relative increase in timestep + const auto multiplier = + static_cast(std::round(internal_timestep / new_monitor->timestep)); + for (const auto& monitor : monitors) { + monitor->period *= multiplier; + } + + // Update default_monitor_frequency so that monitors with no + // timestep are called at the output frequency + default_monitor_period *= multiplier; + + // This monitor is now the fastest monitor + return new_monitor->timestep; +} + +void Solver::finaliseMonitorPeriods(int& NOUT, BoutReal& output_timestep) { + // Synchronise timestep with those of the monitors + if (internal_timestep > 0) { + if (!isMultiple(internal_timestep, output_timestep)) { + throw BoutException( + "A monitor requested a timestep not compatible with the output_step!"); } - if (!isMultiple(timestep,mon->timestep)) - throw BoutException("Couldn't add Monitor: %g is not a multiple of %g!" - ,timestep,mon->timestep); - if (mon->timestep > timestep*1.5){ - mon->freq=(mon->timestep/timestep)+.5; - } else { // mon.timestep is truly smaller - if (initCalled) - throw BoutException("Solver::addMonitor: Cannot reduce timestep \ -(from %g to %g) after init is called!" - ,timestep,mon->timestep); - int multi = timestep/mon->timestep+.5; - timestep=mon->timestep; - for (const auto &i: monitors){ - i->freq=i->freq*multi; + if (internal_timestep < output_timestep * 1.5) { + default_monitor_period = + static_cast(std::round(output_timestep / internal_timestep)); + NOUT *= default_monitor_period; + output_timestep = internal_timestep; + } else { + default_monitor_period = 1; + // update old monitors + const auto multiplier = + static_cast(std::round(internal_timestep / output_timestep)); + for (const auto& i : monitors) { + i->period = i->period * multiplier; } - // update freqDefault so that monitors with no timestep are called at the - // output frequency - freqDefault *= multi; - - mon->freq=1; } + } + // Now set any monitors which still have the default timestep/period + for (const auto& i : monitors) { + if (i->timestep < 0) { + i->timestep = internal_timestep * default_monitor_period; + i->period = default_monitor_period; + } + } +} + +void Solver::addMonitor(Monitor* monitor, MonitorPosition pos) { + + internal_timestep = adjustMonitorPeriods(monitor); + + monitor->is_added = true; + + if (pos == MonitorPosition::FRONT) { + monitors.push_front(monitor); } else { - mon->freq = freqDefault; + monitors.push_back(monitor); } - mon->is_added = true; // Records that monitor has been added to solver so timestep should not be updated - if(pos == Solver::FRONT) { - monitors.push_front(mon); - }else - monitors.push_back(mon); } void Solver::removeMonitor(Monitor * f) { @@ -676,46 +657,47 @@ void Solver::removeMonitor(Monitor * f) { extern bool user_requested_exit; int Solver::call_monitors(BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT) { bool abort; - MPI_Allreduce(&user_requested_exit,&abort,1,MPI_C_BOOL,MPI_LOR,MPI_COMM_WORLD); - if(abort){ - NOUT=iter+1; + MPI_Allreduce(&user_requested_exit, &abort, 1, MPI_C_BOOL, MPI_LOR, BoutComm::get()); + if (abort) { + NOUT = iter + 1; } - if(mms) { + if (mms) { // Calculate MMS errors calculate_mms_error(simtime); } - + ++iter; try { // Call monitors - for (const auto &it : monitors){ - if ((iter % it->freq)==0){ + for (const auto& monitor : monitors) { + if ((iter % monitor->period) == 0) { // Call each monitor one by one - int ret = it->call(this, simtime,iter/it->freq-1, NOUT/it->freq); - if(ret) - throw BoutException("Monitor signalled to quit"); + int ret = monitor->call(this, simtime, iter / monitor->period - 1, + NOUT / monitor->period); + if (ret) + throw BoutException(_("Monitor signalled to quit")); } } - } catch (BoutException &e) { - for (const auto &it : monitors){ + } catch (BoutException& e) { + for (const auto& it : monitors) { it->cleanup(); } - output_error.write("Monitor signalled to quit\n"); + output_error.write(_("Monitor signalled to quit\n")); throw; } // Check if any of the monitors has asked to quit - MPI_Allreduce(&user_requested_exit,&abort,1,MPI_C_BOOL,MPI_LOR,MPI_COMM_WORLD); + MPI_Allreduce(&user_requested_exit, &abort, 1, MPI_C_BOOL, MPI_LOR, BoutComm::get()); - if ( iter == NOUT || abort ){ - for (const auto &it : monitors){ + if (iter == NOUT || abort) { + for (const auto& it : monitors) { it->cleanup(); } } if (abort) { // restart file should be written by physics model - output.write("User signalled to quit. Returning\n"); + output.write(_("User signalled to quit. Returning\n")); return 1; } @@ -750,21 +732,20 @@ void Solver::removeTimestepMonitor(TimestepMonitorFunc f) { } int Solver::call_timestep_monitors(BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt) { - if(!monitor_timestep) + if (!monitor_timestep) return 0; - - for(const auto& monitor : timestep_monitors) { - // Call each monitor one by one - int ret = monitor(this, simtime, lastdt); - if(ret) + + for (const auto& monitor : timestep_monitors) { + const int ret = monitor(this, simtime, lastdt); + if (ret != 0) return ret; // Return first time an error is encountered } - + // Call physics model monitor - if(model) { - int ret = model->runTimestepMonitor(simtime, lastdt); - if(ret) - return ret; // Return first time an error is encountered + if (model != nullptr) { + const int ret = model->runTimestepMonitor(simtime, lastdt); + if (ret) + return ret; } return 0; } @@ -773,52 +754,38 @@ int Solver::call_timestep_monitors(BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt) { * Useful routines (protected) **************************************************************************/ +template +int local_N_sum(int value, const Solver::VarStr& f) { + const auto boundary_size = f.evolve_bndry ? size(f.var->getRegion("RGN_BNDRY")) : 0; + return value + boundary_size + size(f.var->getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")); +} + int Solver::getLocalN() { - /// Cache the value, so this is not repeatedly called. - /// This value should not change after initialisation - static int cacheLocalN = -1; - if(cacheLocalN != -1) { + // Cache the value, so this is not repeatedly called. + // This value should not change after initialisation + static int cacheLocalN{-1}; + if (cacheLocalN != -1) { return cacheLocalN; } - - ASSERT0(initialised); // Must be initialised - - int n2d = n2Dvars(); - int n3d = n3Dvars(); - - int local_N = size(mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) * (n2d + mesh->LocalNz*n3d); - - //////////// How many variables have evolving boundaries? - - int n2dbndry = 0; - for(const auto& f : f2d) { - if(f.evolve_bndry) - n2dbndry++; - } - - int n3dbndry = 0; - for(const auto& f : f3d) { - if(f.evolve_bndry) - n3dbndry++; - } - //////////// Find boundary regions //////////// - - // Add the points which will be evolved in the boundaries - local_N += size(mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_BNDRY")) * n2dbndry - + size(mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_BNDRY")) * n3dbndry; - + // Must be initialised + ASSERT0(initialised); + + const auto local_N_2D = std::accumulate(begin(f2d), end(f2d), 0, local_N_sum); + const auto local_N_3D = std::accumulate(begin(f3d), end(f3d), 0, local_N_sum); + const auto local_N = local_N_2D + local_N_3D; + cacheLocalN = local_N; return local_N; } -Solver* Solver::create(Options *opts) { +Solver* Solver::create(Options* opts) { return SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(opts); } -Solver* Solver::create(SolverType &type, Options *opts) { +Solver* Solver::create(const SolverType& type, Options* opts) { return SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(type, opts); } @@ -831,10 +798,13 @@ Solver* Solver::create(SolverType &type, Options *opts) { /// Perform an operation at a given Ind2D (jx,jy) location, moving data between BOUT++ and CVODE void Solver::loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, bool bndry) { + // Use global mesh: FIX THIS! + Mesh* mesh = bout::globals::mesh; + int nz = mesh->LocalNz; switch(op) { - case LOAD_VARS: { + case SOLVER_VAR_OP::LOAD_VARS: { /// Load variables from IDA into BOUT++ // Loop over 2D variables @@ -857,7 +827,7 @@ void Solver::loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, } break; } - case LOAD_DERIVS: { + case SOLVER_VAR_OP::LOAD_DERIVS: { /// Load derivatives from IDA into BOUT++ /// Used for preconditioner @@ -882,7 +852,7 @@ void Solver::loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, break; } - case SET_ID: { + case SOLVER_VAR_OP::SET_ID: { /// Set the type of equation (Differential or Algebraic) // Loop over 2D variables @@ -914,7 +884,7 @@ void Solver::loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, break; } - case SAVE_VARS: { + case SOLVER_VAR_OP::SAVE_VARS: { /// Save variables from BOUT++ into IDA (only used at start of simulation) // Loop over 2D variables @@ -938,7 +908,7 @@ void Solver::loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, break; } /// Save time-derivatives from BOUT++ into CVODE (returning RHS result) - case SAVE_DERIVS: { + case SOLVER_VAR_OP::SAVE_DERIVS: { // Loop over 2D variables for(const auto& f : f2d) { @@ -965,6 +935,9 @@ void Solver::loop_vars_op(Ind2D i2d, BoutReal *udata, int &p, SOLVER_VAR_OP op, /// Loop over variables and domain. Used for all data operations for consistency void Solver::loop_vars(BoutReal *udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP op) { + // Use global mesh: FIX THIS! + Mesh* mesh = bout::globals::mesh; + int p = 0; // Counter for location in udata array // All boundaries @@ -987,7 +960,7 @@ void Solver::load_vars(BoutReal *udata) { f.var->setLocation(f.location); } - loop_vars(udata, LOAD_VARS); + loop_vars(udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP::LOAD_VARS); // Mark each vector as either co- or contra-variant @@ -1006,7 +979,7 @@ void Solver::load_derivs(BoutReal *udata) { f.F_var->setLocation(f.location); } - loop_vars(udata, LOAD_DERIVS); + loop_vars(udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP::LOAD_DERIVS); // Mark each vector as either co- or contra-variant @@ -1020,11 +993,11 @@ void Solver::load_derivs(BoutReal *udata) { void Solver::save_vars(BoutReal *udata) { for(const auto& f : f2d) if(!f.var->isAllocated()) - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not initialised", f.name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Variable '%s' not initialised"), f.name.c_str()); for(const auto& f : f3d) if(!f.var->isAllocated()) - throw BoutException("Variable '%s' not initialised", f.name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Variable '%s' not initialised"), f.name.c_str()); // Make sure vectors in correct basis for(const auto& v : v2d) { @@ -1040,7 +1013,7 @@ void Solver::save_vars(BoutReal *udata) { v.var->toContravariant(); } - loop_vars(udata, SAVE_VARS); + loop_vars(udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP::SAVE_VARS); } void Solver::save_derivs(BoutReal *dudata) { @@ -1059,25 +1032,26 @@ void Solver::save_derivs(BoutReal *dudata) { } // Make sure 3D fields are at the correct cell location - for(const auto& f : f3d) { - if(f.var->getLocation() != (f.F_var)->getLocation()) { - throw BoutException("Time derivative at wrong location - Field is at %s, derivative is at %s for field '%s'\n",strLocation(f.var->getLocation()), strLocation(f.F_var->getLocation()),f.name.c_str()); + for (const auto& f : f3d) { + if (f.var->getLocation() != (f.F_var)->getLocation()) { + throw BoutException(_("Time derivative at wrong location - Field is at %s, " + "derivative is at %s for field '%s'\n"), + toString(f.var->getLocation()).c_str(), + toString(f.F_var->getLocation()).c_str(), f.name.c_str()); } } - loop_vars(dudata, SAVE_DERIVS); + loop_vars(dudata, SOLVER_VAR_OP::SAVE_DERIVS); } void Solver::set_id(BoutReal *udata) { - loop_vars(udata, SET_ID); + loop_vars(udata, SOLVER_VAR_OP::SET_ID); } +Field3D Solver::globalIndex(int localStart) { + // Use global mesh: FIX THIS! + Mesh* mesh = bout::globals::mesh; -/*! - * Returns a Field3D containing the global indices - * - */ -const Field3D Solver::globalIndex(int localStart) { Field3D index(-1, mesh); // Set to -1, indicating out of domain int n2d = f2d.size(); @@ -1199,27 +1173,34 @@ int Solver::run_rhs(BoutReal t) { /// NOTE: This calls add_mms_sources int Solver::run_convective(BoutReal t) { int status; - + Timer timer("rhs"); pre_rhs(t); - if(split_operator) { - if(model) { + if (split_operator) { + if (model) { status = model->runConvective(t); - }else + } else status = (*phys_conv)(t); - }else { + } else if (!is_nonsplit_model_diffusive) { + // Return total + if (model) { + status = model->runRHS(t); + } else { + status = (*phys_run)(t); + } + } else { // Zero if not split - for(const auto& f : f3d) + for (const auto& f : f3d) *(f.F_var) = 0.0; - for(const auto& f : f2d) + for (const auto& f : f2d) *(f.F_var) = 0.0; status = 0; } post_rhs(t); - + // If using Method of Manufactured Solutions add_mms_sources(t); - + rhs_ncalls++; rhs_ncalls_e++; return status; @@ -1227,22 +1208,30 @@ int Solver::run_convective(BoutReal t) { int Solver::run_diffusive(BoutReal t, bool linear) { int status = 0; - + Timer timer("rhs"); pre_rhs(t); - if(split_operator) { + if (split_operator) { - if(model) { + if (model) { status = model->runDiffusive(t, linear); - }else + } else { status = (*phys_diff)(t); + } post_rhs(t); - }else { + } else if (is_nonsplit_model_diffusive) { // Return total - if(model) { + if (model) { status = model->runRHS(t); - }else + } else status = (*phys_run)(t); + } else { + // Zero if not split + for (const auto& f : f3d) + *(f.F_var) = 0.0; + for (const auto& f : f2d) + *(f.F_var) = 0.0; + status = 0; } rhs_ncalls_i++; return status; @@ -1267,7 +1256,7 @@ void Solver::post_rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { #if CHECK > 0 for(const auto& f : f3d) { if(!f.F_var->isAllocated()) - throw BoutException("Time derivative for '%s' not set", f.name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Time derivative for variable '%s' not set"), f.name.c_str()); } #endif // Make sure vectors in correct basis @@ -1284,10 +1273,9 @@ void Solver::post_rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { v.F_var->toContravariant(); } - // Make sure 3D fields are at the correct cell location + // Make sure 3D fields are at the correct cell location, etc. for (MAYBE_UNUSED(const auto& f) : f3d) { - ASSERT1(f.var->getLocation() == f.F_var->getLocation()); - ASSERT1(f.var->getMesh() == f.F_var->getMesh()); + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(*f.var, *f.F_var)); } // Apply boundary conditions to the time-derivatives @@ -1311,28 +1299,9 @@ void Solver::post_rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { #endif } -bool Solver::varAdded(const string &name) { - for(const auto& f : f2d) { - if(f.name == name) - return true; - } - - for(const auto& f : f3d) { - if(f.name == name) - return true; - } - - for(const auto& f : v2d) { - if(f.name == name) - return true; - } - - for(const auto& f : v3d) { - if(f.name == name) - return true; - } - - return false; +bool Solver::varAdded(const std::string& name) { + return contains(f2d, name) || contains(f3d, name) || contains(v2d, name) + || contains(v3d, name); } bool Solver::have_user_precon() { @@ -1361,11 +1330,11 @@ void Solver::add_mms_sources(BoutReal t) { // Iterate over 2D variables for(const auto& f : f2d) { - *f.F_var += fact->create2D("source", Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name), mesh, (f.var)->getLocation(), t); + *f.F_var += fact->create2D("source", Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name), f.var->getMesh(), (f.var)->getLocation(), t); } for(const auto& f : f3d) { - *f.F_var += fact->create3D("source", Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name), mesh, (f.var)->getLocation(), t); + *f.F_var += fact->create3D("source", Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name), f.var->getMesh(), (f.var)->getLocation(), t); } } @@ -1374,7 +1343,7 @@ void Solver::calculate_mms_error(BoutReal t) { FieldFactory *fact = FieldFactory::get(); for(const auto& f : f3d) { - Field3D solution = fact->create3D("solution", Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name), mesh, (f.var)->getLocation(), t); + Field3D solution = fact->create3D("solution", Options::getRoot()->getSection(f.name), f.var->getMesh(), (f.var)->getLocation(), t); *(f.MMS_err) = *(f.var) - solution; } diff --git a/src/solver/solverfactory.cxx b/src/solver/solverfactory.cxx index 4f75ab662c..a9c4c6bccc 100644 --- a/src/solver/solverfactory.cxx +++ b/src/solver/solverfactory.cxx @@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ #include "impls/rkgeneric/rkgeneric.hxx" #include "impls/slepc/slepc.hxx" #include "impls/snes/snes.hxx" +#include "impls/split-rk/split-rk.hxx" SolverFactory* SolverFactory::instance = nullptr; -SolverFactory *SolverFactory::getInstance() { +SolverFactory* SolverFactory::getInstance() { if (instance == nullptr) { // Create the singleton object instance = new SolverFactory(); @@ -25,35 +26,23 @@ SolverFactory *SolverFactory::getInstance() { return instance; } -inline SolverType SolverFactory::getDefaultSolverType() { - SolverType type; - - #if defined BOUT_HAS_CVODE - type = SOLVERCVODE; - #elif defined BOUT_HAS_IDA - type = SOLVERIDA; - //#elif defined BOUT_HAS_PETSC - //type = SOLVERPETSC; - #else - type = SOLVERPVODE; - #endif - - return type; +SolverType SolverFactory::getDefaultSolverType() { + return +#if defined BOUT_HAS_CVODE + SOLVERCVODE; +#elif defined BOUT_HAS_IDA + SOLVERIDA; +#else + SOLVERPVODE; +#endif } -Solver *SolverFactory::createSolver(Options *options) { - SolverType type = getDefaultSolverType(); - +Solver* SolverFactory::createSolver(Options* options) { if (options == nullptr) { options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("solver"); } - std::string solver_option; - options->get("type", solver_option, ""); - - if (!solver_option.empty()) { - type = solver_option.c_str(); - } + auto type = (*options)["type"].withDefault(getDefaultSolverType()); return createSolver(type, options); } diff --git a/src/sys/bout_types.cxx b/src/sys/bout_types.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9dfec5f39e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sys/bout_types.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace { +template +const std::string& safeAt(const std::map& mymap, T t) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + auto found = mymap.find(t); + if (found == mymap.end()) { + throw BoutException("Did not find enum %d", static_cast(t)); + } + return found->second; +} + +template +const T& safeAt(const std::map& mymap, const std::string& s) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + auto found = mymap.find(s); + if (found == mymap.end()) { + throw BoutException("Did not find enum %s", s.c_str()); + } + return found->second; +} +} + +std::string toString(CELL_LOC location) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map CELL_LOCtoString = { + ENUMSTR(CELL_DEFAULT), ENUMSTR(CELL_CENTRE), ENUMSTR(CELL_XLOW), + ENUMSTR(CELL_YLOW), ENUMSTR(CELL_ZLOW), ENUMSTR(CELL_VSHIFT)}; + + return safeAt(CELL_LOCtoString, location); +} + +CELL_LOC CELL_LOCFromString(const std::string& location_string) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map stringtoCELL_LOC = { + STRENUM(CELL_DEFAULT), STRENUM(CELL_CENTRE), STRENUM(CELL_XLOW), + STRENUM(CELL_YLOW), STRENUM(CELL_ZLOW), STRENUM(CELL_VSHIFT)}; + + return safeAt(stringtoCELL_LOC, location_string); +} + +std::string toString(DIFF_METHOD location) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map DIFF_METHODtoString = { + {DIFF_DEFAULT, "DEFAULT"}, {DIFF_U1, "U1"}, {DIFF_U2, "U2"}, {DIFF_U3, "U3"}, + {DIFF_C2, "C2"}, {DIFF_C4, "C4"}, {DIFF_S2, "S2"}, {DIFF_W2, "W2"}, + {DIFF_W3, "W3"}, {DIFF_FFT, "FFT"}, {DIFF_SPLIT, "SPLIT"}}; + + return safeAt(DIFF_METHODtoString, location); +} + +std::string toString(REGION region) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map REGIONtoString = { + ENUMSTR(RGN_ALL), ENUMSTR(RGN_NOBNDRY), ENUMSTR(RGN_NOX), ENUMSTR(RGN_NOY), + ENUMSTR(RGN_NOZ)}; + return safeAt(REGIONtoString, region); +} + +std::string toString(DIRECTION direction) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map DIRECTIONtoString = { + {DIRECTION::X, "X"}, + {DIRECTION::Y, "Y"}, + {DIRECTION::Z, "Z"}, + {DIRECTION::YAligned, "Y - field aligned"}, + {DIRECTION::YOrthogonal, "Y - orthogonal"}}; + + return safeAt(DIRECTIONtoString, direction); +} + +void swap(DirectionTypes& first, DirectionTypes& second) { + DirectionTypes temp = first; + first = second; + second = temp; +} + +bool areDirectionsCompatible(const DirectionTypes& d1, const DirectionTypes& d2) { + if (d1.y == d2.y && d1.z == d2.z) { + // direction types are the same, most common case, return immediately + return true; + } + + if (d2.z == ZDirectionType::Average && d2.y == YDirectionType::Standard + && (d1.y == YDirectionType::Standard || d1.y == YDirectionType::Aligned) + && d1.z == ZDirectionType::Standard) { + // If d2 has ZDirectionType::Average, then it's compatible with d1 having + // YDirectionType::Aligned as well as YDirectionType::Standard. If d1 has + // YDirectionType::Aligned, it should always have ZDirectionType::Standard, + // and if d1 has ZDirectionType::Average it must have + // YDirectionType::Standard and have been caught in the first condition + // where d1 and d2 are identical, so only allow + // 'd1.z == ZDirectionType::Standard' here. + return true; + } + + if (d1.z == ZDirectionType::Average && d1.y == YDirectionType::Standard + && (d2.y == YDirectionType::Standard || d2.y == YDirectionType::Aligned) + && d2.z == ZDirectionType::Standard) { + // If d1 has ZDirectionType::Average, then it's compatible with d2 having + // YDirectionType::Aligned as well as YDirectionType::Standard. If d2 has + // YDirectionType::Aligned, it should always have ZDirectionType::Standard, + // and if d2 has ZDirectionType::Average it must have + // YDirectionType::Standard and have been caught in the first condition + // where d1 and d2 are identical, so only allow + // 'd2.z == ZDirectionType::Standard' here. + return true; + } + + // No compatible cases found + return false; +} + +std::string toString(STAGGER stagger) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map STAGGERtoString = { + {STAGGER::None, "No staggering"}, + {STAGGER::C2L, "Centre to Low"}, + {STAGGER::L2C, "Low to Centre"}}; + + return safeAt(STAGGERtoString, stagger); +} + +std::string toString(DERIV deriv) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map DERIVtoString = { + {DERIV::Standard, "Standard"}, + {DERIV::StandardSecond, "Standard -- second order"}, + {DERIV::StandardFourth, "Standard -- fourth order"}, + {DERIV::Upwind, "Upwind"}, + {DERIV::Flux, "Flux"}}; + + return safeAt(DERIVtoString, deriv); +} + +std::string toString(YDirectionType d) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map YDirectionTypeToString = { + {YDirectionType::Standard, "Standard"}, + {YDirectionType::Aligned, "Aligned"}}; + + return safeAt(YDirectionTypeToString, d); +} + +YDirectionType YDirectionTypeFromString(const std::string& y_direction_string) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map stringToYDirectionType = { + {"Standard", YDirectionType::Standard}, + {"Aligned", YDirectionType::Aligned}}; + + return safeAt(stringToYDirectionType, y_direction_string); +} + +std::string toString(ZDirectionType d) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map ZDirectionTypeToString = { + {ZDirectionType::Standard, "Standard"}, + {ZDirectionType::Average, "Average"}}; + + return safeAt(ZDirectionTypeToString, d); +} + +ZDirectionType ZDirectionTypeFromString(const std::string& z_direction_string) { + AUTO_TRACE(); + const static std::map stringToZDirectionType = { + {"Standard", ZDirectionType::Standard}, + {"Average", ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + return safeAt(stringToZDirectionType, z_direction_string); +} diff --git a/src/sys/boutcomm.cxx b/src/sys/boutcomm.cxx index 6b0458eb06..9e24b35c3b 100644 --- a/src/sys/boutcomm.cxx +++ b/src/sys/boutcomm.cxx @@ -3,8 +3,7 @@ BoutComm* BoutComm::instance = nullptr; -BoutComm::BoutComm() - : pargc(nullptr), pargv(nullptr), hasBeenSet(false), comm(MPI_COMM_NULL) {} +BoutComm::BoutComm() : comm(MPI_COMM_NULL) {} BoutComm::~BoutComm() { if(comm != MPI_COMM_NULL) @@ -70,6 +69,6 @@ BoutComm* BoutComm::getInstance() { } void BoutComm::cleanup() { - if(instance != nullptr) delete instance; + delete instance; instance = nullptr; } diff --git a/src/sys/boutexception.cxx b/src/sys/boutexception.cxx index 69f10541d7..c0b3cdb4f7 100644 --- a/src/sys/boutexception.cxx +++ b/src/sys/boutexception.cxx @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ #include #include #include -#include #ifdef BACKTRACE #include @@ -27,37 +26,21 @@ BoutException::~BoutException() { delete[] buffer; buffer = nullptr; } + // If an exception is thrown while a TRACE is active, we won't clear + // up the msg_stack. We also won't know how many messages to pop, so + // just clear everything + msg_stack.clear(); } -void BoutException::Backtrace() { -#if CHECK > 1 - /// Print out the message stack to help debugging - std::string tmp = msg_stack.getDump(); - message += tmp; -#else - message += "Enable checking (configure with --enable-check or set flag -DCHECK > 1) to " - "get a trace\n"; -#endif - +std::string BoutException::getBacktrace() const { + std::string backtrace_message; #ifdef BACKTRACE - - trace_size = backtrace(trace, TRACE_MAX); - messages = backtrace_symbols(trace, trace_size); - -#else // BACKTRACE - message += "Stacktrace not enabled.\n"; -#endif -} - -std::string BoutException::BacktraceGenerate() const{ - std::string message; -#ifdef BACKTRACE - // skip first stack frame (points here) - message = ("====== Exception path ======\n"); + backtrace_message = "====== Exception path ======\n"; char buf[1024]; - for (int i = 1; i < trace_size; ++i) { - snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "[bt] #%d %s\n", i, messages[i]); - message += buf; + // skip first stack frame (points here) + for (int i = trace_size - 1; i > 1; --i) { + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "[bt] #%d %s\n", i - 1, messages[i]); + backtrace_message += buf; // find first occurence of '(' or ' ' in message[i] and assume // everything before that is the file name. (Don't go beyond 0 though // (string terminator) @@ -93,62 +76,54 @@ std::string BoutException::BacktraceGenerate() const{ } while (retstr != nullptr); int status = pclose(fp); if (status == 0) { - message += buf; + backtrace_message += buf; } } } +#else + backtrace_message = "Stacktrace not enabled.\n"; +#endif + + return backtrace_message + msg_stack.getDump() + "\n" + header + message + "\n"; +} + +void BoutException::makeBacktrace() { +#ifdef BACKTRACE + trace_size = backtrace(trace, TRACE_MAX); + messages = backtrace_symbols(trace, trace_size); #endif - return message; } /// Common set up for exceptions /// /// Formats the message s using C-style printf formatting -#define INIT_EXCEPTION(s) \ - { \ - buflen = 0; \ - buffer = nullptr; \ - if (s == nullptr) { \ - message = "No error message given!\n"; \ - } else { \ - buflen = BoutException::BUFFER_LEN; \ - buffer = new char[buflen]; \ - bout_vsnprintf(buffer, buflen, s); \ - for (int i = 0; i < buflen; ++i) { \ - if (buffer[i] == 0) { \ - if (i > 0 && buffer[i - 1] == '\n') { \ - buffer[i - 1] = 0; \ - } \ - break; \ - } \ - } \ - message.assign(buffer); \ - delete[] buffer; \ - buffer = nullptr; \ - } \ - message = "====== Exception thrown ======\n" + message + "\n"; \ - \ - this->Backtrace(); \ +#define INIT_EXCEPTION(s) \ + { \ + buflen = 0; \ + buffer = nullptr; \ + if ((s) == nullptr) { \ + message = "No error message given!\n"; \ + } else { \ + buflen = BoutException::BUFFER_LEN; \ + buffer = new char[buflen]; \ + bout_vsnprintf(buffer, buflen, s); \ + for (int i = 0; i < buflen; ++i) { \ + if (buffer[i] == 0) { \ + if (i > 0 && buffer[i - 1] == '\n') { \ + buffer[i - 1] = 0; \ + } \ + break; \ + } \ + } \ + message.assign(buffer); \ + delete[] buffer; \ + buffer = nullptr; \ + } \ + makeBacktrace(); \ } BoutException::BoutException(const char *s, ...) { INIT_EXCEPTION(s); } -BoutException::BoutException(const std::string &msg) { - message = "====== Exception thrown ======\n" + msg + "\n"; - - this->Backtrace(); -} - -const char *BoutException::what() const noexcept{ -#ifdef BACKTRACE - _tmp=message; - _tmp+=BacktraceGenerate(); - return _tmp.c_str(); -#else - return message.c_str(); -#endif -} - BoutRhsFail::BoutRhsFail(const char *s, ...) : BoutException::BoutException(nullptr) { INIT_EXCEPTION(s); } diff --git a/src/sys/comm_group.cxx b/src/sys/comm_group.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 2f4f0f9719..0000000000 --- a/src/sys/comm_group.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ -/*********************************************************************** - * Non-blocking collective operations (gather, scatter) - * - * - ************************************************************************** - * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu - * - * Contact Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * - * This file is part of BOUT++. - * - * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify - * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by - * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or - * (at your option) any later version. - * - * BOUT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. - * - * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License - * along with BOUT++. If not, see . - * - ***********************************************************************/ - -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -namespace comm_group { - - const int COMM_GROUP_TAG = 31415; - - static bool initialised = false; - static bool nonblock; - - void Comm_initialise() - { - if(initialised) - return; - - output.write("Initialising group comms\n"); - Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - options = options->getSection("comms"); - options->get("group_nonblock", nonblock, true); - - initialised = true; - } - - bool Comm_gather_start(void *local, int nlocal, MPI_Datatype type, - void *data, - int root, MPI_Comm comm, - Comm_handle_t *handle) - { - TRACE("Comm_gather_start(%d -> %d)", nlocal, root); - - Comm_initialise(); - - // Put communication info into handle - MPI_Comm_size(comm, &handle->nprocs); - MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &handle->myrank); - handle->root = root; - - if(!nonblock) { - // Blocking comms using the MPI call - // May be faster for different architectures, and useful - // for debugging - - MPI_Gather(local, nlocal, type, - data, nlocal, type, - root, comm); - - handle->current = true; - - return (root == handle->myrank); - } - - int type_size; // Get size of the datatype - MPI_Type_size(type, &type_size); - - if(root == handle->myrank) { - // All arriving on this processor. Post receives - - handle->request = (MPI_Request *)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request) * (handle->nprocs - 1)); - handle->nreq = handle->nprocs-1; - - MPI_Request *r = handle->request; - for(int p=0;pnprocs; p++) { - if(p != root) { - MPI_Irecv((void*) ( ((char*) data) + p*nlocal*type_size), - nlocal, - type, - p, - COMM_GROUP_TAG, - comm, - r); - r++; // Next request - } - } - - // Copy local data into output - memcpy((void*) (((char*) data) + handle->myrank*nlocal*type_size), - local, - nlocal*type_size); - }else { - // Sending to root processor - - handle->request = (MPI_Request *)malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)); - handle->nreq = 1; - - MPI_Isend(local, - nlocal, - type, - root, - COMM_GROUP_TAG, - comm, - handle->request); - } - - handle->current = true; // Mark as in progress - - return (root == handle->myrank); - } - - /// start a scatter operation - /*! - * @param[in] sendbuf Buffer of data to be send (only used on root process) - * @param[in] sendcnt Number of elements to be sent to each process (NOT TOTAL!) - * @param[in] type Data type - * @param[out] recvbuf Where to store the data - * @param[in] root Process rank where data originates - * @param[in] comm Communicator - * @param[out] handle Used for completion later - */ - bool Comm_scatter_start( void *sendbuf, int sendcnt, MPI_Datatype type, - void *recvbuf, - int root, MPI_Comm comm, - Comm_handle_t *handle) - { - TRACE("Comm_scatter_start(%d -> %d)", root, sendcnt); - - Comm_initialise(); - - MPI_Comm_size(comm, &handle->nprocs); - MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &handle->myrank); - handle->root = root; - - if(!nonblock) { - MPI_Scatter ( sendbuf, sendcnt, type, recvbuf, sendcnt, type, root, comm ); - handle->current = true; - - return (root == handle->myrank); - } - - int type_size; // Get size of the datatype - MPI_Type_size(type, &type_size); - - if(root == handle->myrank) { - // Sending from this processor - - handle->request = (MPI_Request*) malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)*(handle->nprocs-1)); - handle->nreq = handle->nprocs-1; - - MPI_Request *r = handle->request; - for(int p=0;pnprocs; p++) { - if(p != root) { - - MPI_Isend((void*) ( ((char*) sendbuf) + p*sendcnt*type_size), - sendcnt, - type, - p, - COMM_GROUP_TAG, - comm, - r); - r++; // Next request - } - } - - // Copy local data - memcpy(recvbuf, - (void*) (((char*) sendbuf) + root*sendcnt*type_size), - sendcnt*type_size); - }else { - // Receiving one message from root - - handle->request = (MPI_Request*) malloc(sizeof(MPI_Request)); - handle->nreq = 1; - - MPI_Irecv(recvbuf, - sendcnt, - type, - root, - COMM_GROUP_TAG, - comm, - handle->request); - } - - handle->current = true; - - return (root == handle->myrank); - } - - bool Comm_wait(Comm_handle_t *handle) { - if (handle == nullptr) { - return false; - } - - TRACE("Comm_gather_wait(%d)", handle->root); - - if(!handle->current) - return false; - - if(!nonblock) { // Already done communication - handle->current = false; - return (handle->root == handle->myrank); - } - - MPI_Status *s = (MPI_Status*) malloc(sizeof(MPI_Status)*(handle->nreq)); - MPI_Waitall(handle->nreq, - handle->request, - s); - - free(s); - free(handle->request); - handle->current = false; - - return (handle->root == handle->myrank); - } - - bool Comm_wait_all(int n, Comm_handle_t *handles) - { - bool newdata = false; - - for(int i=0; i #include -#include -#include #include #include @@ -60,8 +58,9 @@ ////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// -const Field3D DDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Field3D result = f.getMesh()->indexDDX(f,outloc, method, region); +Field3D DDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + Field3D result = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, outloc, method, region); Coordinates *coords = f.getCoordinates(outloc); result /= coords->dx; @@ -76,34 +75,41 @@ const Field3D DDX(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION return result; } -const Field2D DDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field2D DDX(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->DDX(f, outloc, method, region); } ////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// -const Field3D DDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexDDY(f, outloc, method, region) / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; +Field3D DDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::DDY(f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; } -const Field2D DDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field2D DDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { return f.getCoordinates(outloc)->DDY(f, outloc, method, region); } ////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// -const Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexDDZ(f, outloc, method, region) / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz; +Field3D DDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::DDZ(f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz; } -const Field2D DDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), - REGION UNUSED(region)) { +Field2D DDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), const std::string + &UNUSED(method), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { auto tmp = Field2D(0., f.getMesh()); tmp.setLocation(f.getLocation()); return tmp; } -const Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { Vector3D result(v.x.getMesh()); ASSERT2(v.x.getMesh()==v.y.getMesh()); @@ -131,8 +137,8 @@ const Vector3D DDZ(const Vector3D &v, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGIO return result; } -const Vector2D DDZ(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), - REGION UNUSED(region)) { +Vector2D DDZ(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), const std::string + &UNUSED(method), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { Vector2D result(v.x.getMesh()); result.covariant = v.covariant; @@ -153,14 +159,17 @@ const Vector2D DDZ(const Vector2D &v, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), DIFF_METHOD UNUSE ////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// -const Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { Coordinates *coords = f.getCoordinates(outloc); - Field3D result = f.getMesh()->indexD2DX2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dx); - + Field3D result = + bout::derivatives::index::D2DX2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dx); + if(coords->non_uniform) { // Correction for non-uniform f.getMesh() - result += coords->d1_dx * f.getMesh()->indexDDX(f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT, region)/coords->dx; + result += coords->d1_dx * bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, outloc, "DEFAULT", region) + / coords->dx; } ASSERT2(((outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) && (result.getLocation() == f.getLocation())) || @@ -169,14 +178,17 @@ const Field3D D2DX2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGIO return result; } -const Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { Coordinates *coords = f.getCoordinates(outloc); - Field2D result = f.getMesh()->indexD2DX2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dx); + Field2D result = + bout::derivatives::index::D2DX2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dx); if(coords->non_uniform) { // Correction for non-uniform f.getMesh() - result += coords->d1_dx * f.getMesh()->indexDDX(f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT, region) / coords->dx; + result += coords->d1_dx * bout::derivatives::index::DDX(f, outloc, "DEFAULT", region) + / coords->dx; } return result; @@ -184,14 +196,17 @@ const Field2D D2DX2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGIO ////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// -const Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { Coordinates *coords = f.getCoordinates(outloc); - Field3D result = f.getMesh()->indexD2DY2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dy); + Field3D result = + bout::derivatives::index::D2DY2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dy); if(coords->non_uniform) { // Correction for non-uniform f.getMesh() - result += coords->d1_dy * f.getMesh()->indexDDY(f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT, region) / coords->dy; + result += coords->d1_dy * bout::derivatives::index::DDY(f, outloc, "DEFAULT", region) + / coords->dy; } ASSERT2(((outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) && (result.getLocation() == f.getLocation())) || @@ -200,13 +215,16 @@ const Field3D D2DY2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGIO return result; } -const Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { +Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { Coordinates *coords = f.getCoordinates(outloc); - Field2D result = f.getMesh()->indexD2DY2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dy); + Field2D result = + bout::derivatives::index::D2DY2(f, outloc, method, region) / SQ(coords->dy); if(coords->non_uniform) { // Correction for non-uniform f.getMesh() - result += coords->d1_dy * f.getMesh()->indexDDY(f, outloc, DIFF_DEFAULT, region) / coords->dy; + result += coords->d1_dy * bout::derivatives::index::DDY(f, outloc, "DEFAULT", region) + / coords->dy; } return result; @@ -214,50 +232,58 @@ const Field2D D2DY2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGIO ////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// -const Field3D D2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD2DZ2(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz); +Field3D D2DZ2(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D2DZ2(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz); } -const Field2D D2DZ2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), - REGION UNUSED(region)) { - auto tmp = Field2D(0., f.getMesh()); - tmp.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - return tmp; +Field2D D2DZ2(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &UNUSED(method), + const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); } /******************************************************************************* * Fourth derivatives *******************************************************************************/ -const Field3D D4DX4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD4DX4(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx)); +Field3D D4DX4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DX4(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx)); } -const Field2D D4DX4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD4DX4(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx)); +Field2D D4DX4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DX4(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx)); } -const Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD4DY4(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy)); +Field3D D4DY4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DY4(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy)); } -const Field2D D4DY4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD4DY4(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy)); +Field2D D4DY4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DY4(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy)); } -const Field3D D4DZ4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz)); +Field3D D4DZ4(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz)); } -const Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexD4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region) / - SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz)); +Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::D4DZ4(f, outloc, method, region) + / SQ(SQ(f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz)); } /******************************************************************************* @@ -267,93 +293,83 @@ const Field2D D4DZ4(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGIO /*! * Mixed derivative in X and Y * - * This first takes derivatives in X, then in Y. + * This first takes derivatives in Y, then in X. * - * ** Applies Neumann boundary in Y, communicates + * ** Communicates and applies boundary in X. */ -const Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Field2D dfdy = DDY(f, outloc, method, RGN_NOY); +Field2D D2DXDY(const Field2D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, + const std::string& region, const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition) { + + // If staggering in x, take y-derivative at f's location. + const auto y_location = + (outloc == CELL_XLOW or f.getLocation() == CELL_XLOW) ? CELL_DEFAULT : outloc; + + Field2D dfdy = DDY(f, y_location, method, region); + + // Set x-guard cells and x-boundary cells before calculating DDX f.getMesh()->communicate(dfdy); + dfdy.applyBoundary(dfdy_boundary_condition); + return DDX(dfdy, outloc, method, region); } /*! * Mixed derivative in X and Y * - * This first takes derivatives in X, then in Y. + * This first takes derivatives in Y, then in X. * - * ** Applies Neumann boundary in Y, communicates + * ** Communicates and applies boundary in X. */ -const Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - Field3D dfdy = DDY(f, outloc, method, RGN_NOY); +Field3D D2DXDY(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string& method, + const std::string& region, const std::string& dfdy_boundary_condition) { + + // If staggering in x, take y-derivative at f's location. + const auto y_location = + (outloc == CELL_XLOW or f.getLocation() == CELL_XLOW) ? CELL_DEFAULT : outloc; + + Field3D dfdy = DDY(f, y_location, method, region); + + // Set x-guard cells and x-boundary cells before calculating DDX f.getMesh()->communicate(dfdy); + dfdy.applyBoundary(dfdy_boundary_condition); + return DDX(dfdy, outloc, method, region); } -const Field2D D2DXDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - auto tmp = Field2D(0., f.getMesh()); - tmp.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - return tmp; +Field2D D2DXDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &UNUSED(method), + const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); } /// X-Z mixed derivative -const Field3D D2DXDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - // Take derivative in Z, including in X boundaries. Then take derivative in X - // Maybe should average results of DDX(DDZ) and DDZ(DDX)? - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - // region specifies what the combined derivative should return - // Therefore we need to add the X boundary to the inner derivative - // RGN_NOY and RGN_NOZ include the X boundary, therefore we need to - // throw - or add communication code. - REGION region_inner; - switch (region){ - case RGN_NOBNDRY: - region_inner = RGN_NOY; - break; - case RGN_NOX: - region_inner = RGN_ALL; - break; - default: - throw BoutException("Unhandled region case in D2DXDZ"); - } +Field3D D2DXDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + + // If staggering in z, take x-derivative at f's location. + const auto x_location = + (outloc == CELL_ZLOW or f.getLocation() == CELL_ZLOW) ? CELL_DEFAULT : outloc; - return DDX(DDZ(f, outloc,method, region_inner),outloc,method,region);; + return DDZ(DDX(f, x_location, method, region), outloc, method, region); } -const Field2D D2DYDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - auto tmp = Field2D(0., f.getMesh()); - tmp.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - return tmp; +Field2D D2DYDZ(const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &UNUSED(method), + const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); } -const Field3D D2DYDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD method), - REGION UNUSED(region)) { - Coordinates *coords = f.getCoordinates(outloc); +Field3D D2DYDZ(const Field3D& f, CELL_LOC outloc, MAYBE_UNUSED(const std::string& + method), const std::string& region) { + // If staggering in z, take y-derivative at f's location. + const auto y_location = + (outloc == CELL_ZLOW or f.getLocation() == CELL_ZLOW) ? CELL_DEFAULT : outloc; - Field3D result(f.getMesh()); - ASSERT1(outloc == CELL_DEFAULT || outloc == f.getLocation()); - result.allocate(); - result.setLocation(f.getLocation()); - ASSERT1(method == DIFF_DEFAULT); - for(int i=f.getMesh()->xstart;i<=f.getMesh()->xend;i++) - for(int j=f.getMesh()->ystart;j<=f.getMesh()->yend;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) { - int kp = (k+1) % (f.getMesh()->LocalNz); - int km = (k-1+f.getMesh()->LocalNz) % (f.getMesh()->LocalNz); - result(i,j,k) = 0.25*( +(f(i,j+1,kp) - f(i,j-1,kp)) - -(f(i,j+1,km) - f(i,j-1,km)) ) - / (coords->dy(i,j) * coords->dz); - } - // TODO: use region aware implementation - // BOUT_FOR(i, f.getMesh()->getRegion3D(REGION_STRING(region))) { - // result[i] = 0.25*( +(f[i.offset(0,1, 1)] - f[i.offset(0,-1, 1)]) - // / (coords->dy[i.yp()]) - // -(f[i.offset(0,1,-1)] - f[i.offset(0,-1,-1)]) - // / (coords->dy[i.ym()])) - // / coords->dz; } - return result; + return DDZ(DDY(f, y_location, method, region), outloc, method, region); } /******************************************************************************* @@ -365,93 +381,103 @@ const Field3D D2DYDZ(const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, MAYBE_UNUSED(DIFF_METHOD ////////////// X DERIVATIVE ///////////////// /// Special case where both arguments are 2D. Output location ignored for now -const Field2D VDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexVDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; +Field2D VDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; } /// General version for 2 or 3-D objects -const Field3D VDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexVDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; +Field3D VDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; } ////////////// Y DERIVATIVE ///////////////// // special case where both are 2D -const Field2D VDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexVDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; +Field2D VDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; } // general case -const Field3D VDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexVDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; +Field3D VDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; } ////////////// Z DERIVATIVE ///////////////// // special case where both are 2D -const Field2D VDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &UNUSED(f), CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - // Should we take location from v or f? - auto tmp = Field2D(0., v.getMesh()); - tmp.setLocation(v.getLocation()); - return tmp; +Field2D VDDZ(const Field2D &UNUSED(v), const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const + std::string &UNUSED(method), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); } // Note that this is zero because no compression is included -const Field2D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field2D &UNUSED(f), CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - // Should we take location from v or f? - auto tmp = Field2D(0., v.getMesh()); - tmp.setLocation(v.getLocation()); - return tmp; +Field2D VDDZ(const Field3D &UNUSED(v), const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const + std::string &UNUSED(method), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); } // general case -const Field3D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexVDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz; +Field3D VDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::VDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz; } /******************************************************************************* * Flux conserving schemes *******************************************************************************/ -const Field2D FDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexFDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; +Field2D FDDX(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; } -const Field3D FDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexFDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; +Field3D FDDX(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDX(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dx; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -const Field2D FDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexFDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; +Field2D FDDY(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; } -const Field3D FDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexFDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; +Field3D FDDY(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDY(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dy; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -const Field2D FDDZ(const Field2D &v, const Field2D &UNUSED(f), CELL_LOC UNUSED(outloc), - DIFF_METHOD UNUSED(method), REGION UNUSED(region)) { - // Should we take location from v or f? - auto tmp = Field2D(0., v.getMesh()); - tmp.setLocation(v.getLocation()); - return tmp; +Field2D FDDZ(const Field2D &UNUSED(v), const Field2D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const + std::string &UNUSED(method), const std::string& UNUSED(region)) { + if (outloc == CELL_DEFAULT) { + outloc = f.getLocation(); + } + return zeroFrom(f).setLocation(outloc); } -const Field3D FDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, DIFF_METHOD method, REGION region) { - return f.getMesh()->indexFDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region) / - f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz; +Field3D FDDZ(const Field3D &v, const Field3D &f, CELL_LOC outloc, const std::string &method, + const std::string& region) { + return bout::derivatives::index::FDDZ(v, f, outloc, method, region) + / f.getCoordinates(outloc)->dz; } diff --git a/src/sys/expressionparser.cxx b/src/sys/expressionparser.cxx index 23565b2cfd..f76e1df0c0 100644 --- a/src/sys/expressionparser.cxx +++ b/src/sys/expressionparser.cxx @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ /************************************************************************** * Parses strings containing expressions, returning a tree of generators - * + * * Copyright 2010 B.D.Dudson, S.Farley, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu * * Contact: Ben Dudson, bd512@york.ac.uk - * + * * This file is part of BOUT++. * * BOUT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -24,70 +24,66 @@ #include +#include #include // for lowercase -#include -#include - -using std::string; using std::list; +using std::string; using std::stringstream; -#include - ///////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { // These classes only visible in this file - - // Basic generators: Numerical value, 'x', 'y' and 'z' - - class FieldX : public FieldGenerator { - public: - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { - return std::make_shared(); - } - double generate(double x, double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), - double UNUSED(t)) override { - return x; - } - const std::string str() override { return std::string("x"); } - }; - - class FieldY : public FieldGenerator { - public: - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { - return std::make_shared(); - } - double generate(double UNUSED(x), double y, double UNUSED(z), - double UNUSED(t)) override { - return y; - } - const std::string str() override { return std::string("y"); } - }; - class FieldZ : public FieldGenerator { - public: - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { - return std::make_shared(); - } - double generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double z, - double UNUSED(t)) override { - return z; - } - const std::string str() override { return std::string("z"); } - }; - - class FieldT : public FieldGenerator { - public: - FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { - return std::make_shared(); - } - double generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), - double t) override { - return t; - } - const std::string str() override { return std::string("t"); } - }; -} +// Basic generators: Numerical value, 'x', 'y' and 'z' + +class FieldX : public FieldGenerator { +public: + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { + return std::make_shared(); + } + double generate(double x, double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), + double UNUSED(t)) override { + return x; + } + std::string str() const override { return std::string("x"); } +}; + +class FieldY : public FieldGenerator { +public: + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { + return std::make_shared(); + } + double generate(double UNUSED(x), double y, double UNUSED(z), + double UNUSED(t)) override { + return y; + } + std::string str() const override { return std::string("y"); } +}; + +class FieldZ : public FieldGenerator { +public: + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { + return std::make_shared(); + } + double generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double z, + double UNUSED(t)) override { + return z; + } + std::string str() const override { return std::string("z"); } +}; + +class FieldT : public FieldGenerator { +public: + FieldGeneratorPtr clone(const list UNUSED(args)) override { + return std::make_shared(); + } + double generate(double UNUSED(x), double UNUSED(y), double UNUSED(z), + double t) override { + return t; + } + std::string str() const override { return std::string("t"); } +}; +} // namespace FieldGeneratorPtr FieldBinary::clone(const list args) { if (args.size() != 2) @@ -98,8 +94,8 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr FieldBinary::clone(const list args) { } BoutReal FieldBinary::generate(double x, double y, double z, double t) { - BoutReal lval = lhs->generate(x,y,z,t); - BoutReal rval = rhs->generate(x,y,z,t); + BoutReal lval = lhs->generate(x, y, z, t); + BoutReal rval = rhs->generate(x, y, z, t); switch(op) { case '+': return lval + rval; case '-': return lval - rval; @@ -120,7 +116,7 @@ ExpressionParser::ExpressionParser() { addBinaryOp('*', std::make_shared(nullptr, nullptr, '*'), 20); addBinaryOp('/', std::make_shared(nullptr, nullptr, '/'), 20); addBinaryOp('^', std::make_shared(nullptr, nullptr, '^'), 30); - + // Add standard generators addGenerator("x", std::make_shared()); addGenerator("y", std::make_shared()); @@ -128,17 +124,19 @@ ExpressionParser::ExpressionParser() { addGenerator("t", std::make_shared()); } -void ExpressionParser::addGenerator(const string &name, FieldGeneratorPtr g) { - gen[name] = g; +void ExpressionParser::addGenerator(const string& name, FieldGeneratorPtr g) { + gen[name] = std::move(g); } void ExpressionParser::addBinaryOp(char sym, FieldGeneratorPtr b, int precedence) { bin_op[sym] = std::make_pair(b, precedence); + // Add to string of reserved characters + reserved_chars += sym; } -FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseString(const string &input) { +FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseString(const string& input) const { // Allocate a new lexer - LexInfo lex(input); + LexInfo lex(input, reserved_chars); // Parse return parseExpression(lex); @@ -147,51 +145,51 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseString(const string &input) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private functions -FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseIdentifierExpr(LexInfo &lex) { +FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseIdentifierExpr(LexInfo& lex) const { string name = lowercase(lex.curident); lex.nextToken(); - - if(lex.curtok == '(') { + + if (lex.curtok == '(') { // Argument list. Find if a generator or function - + auto it = gen.find(name); - if(it == gen.end()) + if (it == gen.end()) throw ParseException("Couldn't find generator '%s'", name.c_str()); - + // Parse arguments (if any) list args; - + lex.nextToken(); - if(lex.curtok == ')') { + if (lex.curtok == ')') { // Empty list lex.nextToken(); return it->second->clone(args); } - do{ + do { // Should be an expression args.push_back(parseExpression(lex)); - + // Now either a comma or ')' - - if(lex.curtok == ')') { + + if (lex.curtok == ')') { // Finished list lex.nextToken(); return it->second->clone(args); } - if(lex.curtok != ',') { + if (lex.curtok != ',') { throw ParseException("Expecting ',' or ')' in function argument list (%s)\n", name.c_str()); } lex.nextToken(); - }while(true); - - }else { + } while (true); + + } else { // No arguments. Search in generator list auto it = gen.find(name); - if(it == gen.end()) { + if (it == gen.end()) { // Not in internal map. Try to resolve FieldGeneratorPtr g = resolve(name); - if(g == nullptr) + if (g == nullptr) throw ParseException("Couldn't find generator '%s'", name.c_str()); return g; } @@ -200,9 +198,9 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseIdentifierExpr(LexInfo &lex) { } } -FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseParenExpr(LexInfo &lex) { +FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseParenExpr(LexInfo& lex) const { lex.nextToken(); // eat '(' - + FieldGeneratorPtr g = parseExpression(lex); if ((lex.curtok != ')') && (lex.curtok != ']')) @@ -213,9 +211,9 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseParenExpr(LexInfo &lex) { return g; } -FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parsePrimary(LexInfo &lex) { - switch(lex.curtok) { - case -1: { // a number +FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parsePrimary(LexInfo& lex) const { + switch (lex.curtok) { + case -1: { // a number lex.nextToken(); // Eat number return std::make_shared(lex.curval); } @@ -231,53 +229,54 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parsePrimary(LexInfo &lex) { case '[': return parseParenExpr(lex); } - throw ParseException("Unexpected token %d (%c)", - static_cast(lex.curtok), lex.curtok); + throw ParseException("Unexpected token %d (%c)", static_cast(lex.curtok), + lex.curtok); } -FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseBinOpRHS(LexInfo &lex, int ExprPrec, FieldGeneratorPtr lhs) { - - while(true) { +FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseBinOpRHS(LexInfo& lex, int ExprPrec, + FieldGeneratorPtr lhs) const { + + while (true) { // Check for end of input - if((lex.curtok == 0) || (lex.curtok == ')') || (lex.curtok == ',')) + if ((lex.curtok == 0) || (lex.curtok == ')') || (lex.curtok == ',')) return lhs; - + // Next token should be a binary operator auto it = bin_op.find(lex.curtok); - - if(it == bin_op.end()) + + if (it == bin_op.end()) throw ParseException("Unexpected binary operator '%c'", lex.curtok); - + FieldGeneratorPtr op = it->second.first; int TokPrec = it->second.second; - + if (TokPrec < ExprPrec) return lhs; - + lex.nextToken(); // Eat binop - + FieldGeneratorPtr rhs = parsePrimary(lex); - - if((lex.curtok == 0) || (lex.curtok == ')') || (lex.curtok == ',')) { + + if ((lex.curtok == 0) || (lex.curtok == ')') || (lex.curtok == ',')) { // Done - + list args; args.push_front(lhs); args.push_back(rhs); return op->clone(args); } - + // Find next binop it = bin_op.find(lex.curtok); - - if(it == bin_op.end()) + + if (it == bin_op.end()) throw ParseException("Unexpected character '%c'", lex.curtok); - + int NextPrec = it->second.second; if (TokPrec < NextPrec) { - rhs = parseBinOpRHS(lex, TokPrec+1, rhs); + rhs = parseBinOpRHS(lex, TokPrec + 1, rhs); } - + // Merge lhs and rhs into new lhs list args; args.push_front(lhs); @@ -286,7 +285,7 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseBinOpRHS(LexInfo &lex, int ExprPrec, Fi } } -FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseExpression(LexInfo &lex) { +FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseExpression(LexInfo& lex) const { FieldGeneratorPtr lhs = parsePrimary(lex); return parseBinOpRHS(lex, 0, lhs); } @@ -294,69 +293,117 @@ FieldGeneratorPtr ExpressionParser::parseExpression(LexInfo &lex) { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LexInfo -ExpressionParser::LexInfo::LexInfo(const std::string &input) { +ExpressionParser::LexInfo::LexInfo(const std::string& input, std::string reserved_chars) + : reserved_chars(std::move(reserved_chars)) { ss.clear(); ss.str(input); // Set the input stream ss.seekg(0, std::ios_base::beg); - + LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); // First char from stream - nextToken(); // Get first token + nextToken(); // Get first token } char ExpressionParser::LexInfo::nextToken() { - while(isspace(LastChar)) + while (isspace(LastChar)) LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); - - if(!ss.good()) { + + if (!ss.good()) { curtok = 0; return 0; } - - if (isalpha(LastChar)) { // identifier: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_:]* - curident.clear(); - do { - curident += LastChar; - LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); - }while(isalnum(LastChar) || (LastChar == '_') || (LastChar == ':')); - curtok = -2; - return curtok; - } - - // Handle numbers - if (isdigit(LastChar) || (LastChar == '.')) { // Number: [0-9.]+ + // Handle numbers + if (isdigit(LastChar) || (LastChar == '.')) { // Number: [0-9.]+ bool gotdecimal = false, gotexponent = false; std::string NumStr; - - while(true) { - if(LastChar == '.') { - if(gotdecimal || gotexponent) { + + while (true) { + if (LastChar == '.') { + if (gotdecimal || gotexponent) { throw ParseException("Unexpected '.' in number expression"); } gotdecimal = true; - }else if((LastChar == 'E') || (LastChar == 'e')) { - if(gotexponent) { - throw ParseException("ExpressionParser error: Unexpected extra 'e' in number expression"); + } else if ((LastChar == 'E') || (LastChar == 'e')) { + if (gotexponent) { + throw ParseException( + "ExpressionParser error: Unexpected extra 'e' in number expression"); } gotexponent = true; // Next character should be a '+' or '-' or digit NumStr += 'e'; LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); - if((LastChar != '+') && (LastChar != '-') && !isdigit(LastChar)) { - throw ParseException("ExpressionParser error: Expecting '+', '-' or number after 'e'"); + if ((LastChar != '+') && (LastChar != '-') && !isdigit(LastChar)) { + throw ParseException( + "ExpressionParser error: Expecting '+', '-' or number after 'e'"); } - }else if(!isdigit(LastChar)) + } else if (!isdigit(LastChar)) break; - + NumStr += LastChar; LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); } - + curval = std::stod(NumStr); curtok = -1; return curtok; } + // Symbols can contain anything else which is not reserved + if ((LastChar == '`') || (reserved_chars.find(LastChar) == std::string::npos)) { + + // Special case: If the last token returned was a number + // then insert a multiplication ("*") + if (curtok == -1) { + curtok = '*'; + return curtok; + } + + curident.clear(); + do { + if (LastChar == '\\') { + // Escape character. + // Whatever the next character is, include it in the identifier + // Note: Even though this only treats one character specially, + // it should still work for utf8 since all chars are + // allowed except reserved_chars and whitespace + LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); + if (LastChar == EOF) { + throw ParseException("Unexpected end of input after \\ character"); + } + + curident += LastChar; + } else if (LastChar == '`') { + // An escaped symbol + // Include all characters until the next ` (backquote) + LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); // Skip the ` + do { + curident += LastChar; + LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); + if (LastChar == EOF) { + throw ParseException("Unexpected end of input; expecting ` (backquote)"); + } + } while (LastChar != '`'); + // Final ` will not be added to the symbol + } else { + curident += LastChar; + } + LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); + } while ((LastChar != EOF && !isspace(LastChar) + && (reserved_chars.find(LastChar) == std::string::npos)) + || (LastChar == '\\') || (LastChar == '`')); + curtok = -2; + return curtok; + } + + if (LastChar == '(') { + // Special case: If the last token returned was a number + // then insert a multiplication ("*") before the opening bracket + if (curtok == -1) { + curtok = '*'; + return curtok; + } + } + // LastChar is unsigned, explicitly cast curtok = LastChar; LastChar = static_cast(ss.get()); @@ -366,20 +413,16 @@ char ExpressionParser::LexInfo::nextToken() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ParseException - -ParseException::ParseException(const char *s, ...) { - if(s == nullptr) +ParseException::ParseException(const char* s, ...) { + if (s == nullptr) return; - int buf_len=1024; - char * buffer= new char[buf_len]; - bout_vsnprintf(buffer,buf_len, s); - + int buf_len = 1024; + char* buffer = new char[buf_len]; + bout_vsnprintf(buffer, buf_len, s); + message.assign(buffer); delete[] buffer; } -const char* ParseException::what() const noexcept { - return message.c_str(); -} - +const char* ParseException::what() const noexcept { return message.c_str(); } diff --git a/src/sys/makefile b/src/sys/makefile index beb3fd1bab..5caf35f05d 100644 --- a/src/sys/makefile +++ b/src/sys/makefile @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../.. DIRS = options -SOURCEC = boutexception.cxx comm_group.cxx derivs.cxx \ +SOURCEC = bout_types.cxx boutexception.cxx derivs.cxx \ msg_stack.cxx options.cxx output.cxx \ utils.cxx optionsreader.cxx boutcomm.cxx \ timer.cxx range.cxx petsclib.cxx expressionparser.cxx \ - slepclib.cxx + slepclib.cxx type_name.cxx SOURCEH = $(SOURCEC:%.cxx=%.hxx) globals.hxx bout_types.hxx multiostream.hxx TARGET = lib diff --git a/src/sys/msg_stack.cxx b/src/sys/msg_stack.cxx index 3a9e77cc8c..2616414809 100644 --- a/src/sys/msg_stack.cxx +++ b/src/sys/msg_stack.cxx @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ **************************************************************************/ #include "bout/openmpwrap.hxx" -#include #include #include +#include #include #if CHECK > 1 diff --git a/src/sys/options.cxx b/src/sys/options.cxx index 908c5e1ee4..0683cd2f17 100644 --- a/src/sys/options.cxx +++ b/src/sys/options.cxx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include /// The source label given to default values -const std::string Options::DEFAULT_SOURCE{"default"}; +const std::string Options::DEFAULT_SOURCE{_("default")}; Options *Options::root_instance{nullptr}; Options &Options::root() { @@ -26,6 +26,19 @@ void Options::cleanup() { root_instance = nullptr; } +Options::Options(const Options& other) + : value(other.value), attributes(other.attributes), + parent_instance(other.parent_instance), full_name(other.full_name), + is_section(other.is_section), children(other.children), is_value(other.is_value), + value_used(other.value_used) { + + // Ensure that this is the parent of all children, + // otherwise will point to the original Options instance + for (auto& child : children) { + child.second.parent_instance = this; + } +} + Options &Options::operator[](const std::string &name) { // Mark this object as being a section is_section = true; @@ -56,7 +69,7 @@ const Options &Options::operator[](const std::string &name) const { TRACE("Options::operator[] const"); if (!is_section) { - throw BoutException("Option %s is not a section", full_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Option %s is not a section"), full_name.c_str()); } if (name.empty()) { @@ -67,48 +80,29 @@ const Options &Options::operator[](const std::string &name) const { auto it = children.find(lowercase(name)); if (it == children.end()) { // Doesn't exist - throw BoutException("Option %s:%s does not exist", full_name.c_str(), name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Option %s:%s does not exist"), full_name.c_str(), name.c_str()); } return it->second; } -template <> void Options::assign(bool val, const std::string source) { - if (val) { - _set("true", source, false); - } else { - _set("false", source, false); +Options& Options::operator=(const Options& other) { + // Note: Here can't do copy-and-swap because pointers to parents are stored + + value = other.value; + attributes = other.attributes; + full_name = other.full_name; + is_section = other.is_section; + children = other.children; + is_value = other.is_value; + value_used = other.value_used; + + // Ensure that this is the parent of all children, + // otherwise will point to the original Options instance + for (auto& child : children) { + child.second.parent_instance = this; } -} - -template <> void Options::assign(BoutReal val, const std::string source) { - std::stringstream ss; - // Make sure the precision is large enough to hold a BoutReal - ss << std::scientific << std::setprecision(17) << val; - _set(ss.str(), source, false); -} - -void Options::_set(string val, std::string source, bool force) { - if (isSet()) { - // Check if current value the same as new value - if (value.value != val) { - if (force or value.source != source) { - output_warn << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << value.value << " (" - << value.source << ") overwritten with:" - << "\n" - << "\t\t" << full_name << " = " << val << " (" << source << ")\n"; - } else { - throw BoutException("Options: Setting a value from same source (%s) to new value " - "'%s' - old value was '%s'.", - source.c_str(), val.c_str(), value.value.c_str()); - } - } - } - - value.value = std::move(val); - value.source = std::move(source); - value.used = false; - is_value = true; + return *this; } bool Options::isSet() const { @@ -118,141 +112,364 @@ bool Options::isSet() const { } // Ignore if set from default - if (value.source == DEFAULT_SOURCE) { + if (bout::utils::variantEqualTo(attributes.at("source"), DEFAULT_SOURCE)) { return false; } return true; } -template <> std::string Options::as() const { +bool Options::isSection(const std::string& name) const { + if (name == "") { + // Test this object + return is_section; + } + + // Is there a child section? + auto it = children.find(lowercase(name)); + if (it == children.end()) { + return false; + } else { + return it->second.isSection(); + } +} + +template <> +void Options::assign<>(Field2D val, std::string source) { + value = std::move(val); + attributes["source"] = std::move(source); + value_used = false; + is_value = true; +} +template <> +void Options::assign<>(Field3D val, std::string source) { + value = std::move(val); + attributes["source"] = std::move(source); + value_used = false; + is_value = true; +} +template <> +void Options::assign<>(Array val, std::string source) { + value = std::move(val); + attributes["source"] = std::move(source); + value_used = false; + is_value = true; +} +template <> +void Options::assign<>(Matrix val, std::string source) { + value = std::move(val); + attributes["source"] = std::move(source); + value_used = false; + is_value = true; +} +template <> +void Options::assign<>(Tensor val, std::string source) { + value = std::move(val); + attributes["source"] = std::move(source); + value_used = false; + is_value = true; +} + +template <> std::string Options::as(const std::string& UNUSED(similar_to)) const { if (!is_value) { - throw BoutException("Option %s has no value", full_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Option %s has no value"), full_name.c_str()); } // Mark this option as used - value.used = true; + value_used = true; - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << value.value; - if (!value.source.empty()) { + std::string result = bout::utils::variantToString(value); + + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << result; + if (attributes.count("source")) { // Specify the source of the setting - output_info << " (" << value.source << ")"; + output_info << " (" << bout::utils::variantToString(attributes.at("source")) << ")"; } output_info << endl; - return value.value; + return result; } -template <> int Options::as() const { +template <> int Options::as(const int& UNUSED(similar_to)) const { if (!is_value) { - throw BoutException("Option %s has no value", full_name.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Option %s has no value"), full_name.c_str()); } - // Use FieldFactory to evaluate expression - // Parse the string, giving this Option pointer for the context - // then generate a value at t,x,y,z = 0,0,0,0 - auto gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(value.value, this); - if (!gen) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't get integer from %s = '%s'", full_name.c_str(), - value.value.c_str()); + int result; + + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + result = bout::utils::get(value); + + } else { + // Cases which get a BoutReal then check if close to an integer + BoutReal rval; + + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + rval = bout::utils::get(value); + + } else if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + // Use FieldFactory to evaluate expression + // Parse the string, giving this Option pointer for the context + // then generate a value at t,x,y,z = 0,0,0,0 + auto gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(bout::utils::get(value), this); + if (!gen) { + throw BoutException(_("Couldn't get integer from option %s = '%s'"), + full_name.c_str(), bout::utils::variantToString(value).c_str()); + } + rval = gen->generate(0, 0, 0, 0); + } else { + // Another type which can't be converted + throw BoutException(_("Value for option %s is not an integer"), + full_name.c_str()); + } + + // Convert to int by rounding + result = ROUND(rval); + + // Check that the value is close to an integer + if (fabs(rval - static_cast(result)) > 1e-3) { + throw BoutException(_("Value for option %s = %e is not an integer"), + full_name.c_str(), rval); + } + } + + value_used = true; + + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << result; + if (attributes.count("source")) { + // Specify the source of the setting + output_info << " (" << bout::utils::variantToString(attributes.at("source")) << ")"; } - BoutReal rval = gen->generate(0, 0, 0, 0); + output_info << endl; - // Convert to int by rounding - int val = ROUND(rval); + return result; +} - // Check that the value is close to an integer - if (fabs(rval - static_cast(val)) > 1e-3) { - throw BoutException("Value for %s = %e is not an integer", full_name.c_str(), rval); +template <> BoutReal Options::as(const BoutReal& UNUSED(similar_to)) const { + if (!is_value) { + throw BoutException(_("Option %s has no value"), full_name.c_str()); } - value.used = true; + BoutReal result; + + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + result = static_cast(bout::utils::get(value)); + + } else if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + result = bout::utils::get(value); + + } else if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + + // Use FieldFactory to evaluate expression + // Parse the string, giving this Option pointer for the context + // then generate a value at t,x,y,z = 0,0,0,0 + auto gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(bout::utils::get(value), this); + if (!gen) { + throw BoutException(_("Couldn't get BoutReal from option %s = '%s'"), full_name.c_str(), + bout::utils::get(value).c_str()); + } + result = gen->generate(0, 0, 0, 0); + } else { + throw BoutException(_("Value for option %s cannot be converted to a BoutReal"), + full_name.c_str()); + } + + // Mark this option as used + value_used = true; + + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << result; + if (attributes.count("source")) { + // Specify the source of the setting + output_info << " (" << bout::utils::variantToString(attributes.at("source")) << ")"; + } + output_info << endl; + + return result; +} - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << val; - if (!value.source.empty()) { +template <> bool Options::as(const bool& UNUSED(similar_to)) const { + if (!is_value) { + throw BoutException(_("Option %s has no value"), full_name.c_str()); + } + + bool result; + + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + result = bout::utils::get(value); + + } else if(bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + auto strvalue = bout::utils::get(value); + + auto c = static_cast(toupper((strvalue)[0])); + if ((c == 'Y') || (c == 'T') || (c == '1')) { + result = true; + } else if ((c == 'N') || (c == 'F') || (c == '0')) { + result = false; + } else { + throw BoutException(_("\tOption '%s': Boolean expected. Got '%s'\n"), full_name.c_str(), + strvalue.c_str()); + } + } else { + throw BoutException(_("Value for option %s cannot be converted to a bool"), + full_name.c_str()); + } + + value_used = true; + + output_info << _("\tOption ") << full_name << " = " << toString(result); + + if (attributes.count("source")) { // Specify the source of the setting - output_info << " (" << value.source << ")"; + output_info << " (" << bout::utils::variantToString(attributes.at("source")) << ")"; } output_info << endl; - return val; + return result; } -template <> BoutReal Options::as() const { +template <> Field3D Options::as(const Field3D& similar_to) const { if (!is_value) { throw BoutException("Option %s has no value", full_name.c_str()); } - // Use FieldFactory to evaluate expression - // Parse the string, giving this Option pointer for the context - // then generate a value at t,x,y,z = 0,0,0,0 - std::shared_ptr gen = FieldFactory::get()->parse(value.value, this); - if (!gen) { - throw BoutException("Couldn't get BoutReal from %s = '%s'", full_name.c_str(), - value.value.c_str()); + // Mark value as used + value_used = true; + + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + Field3D stored_value = bout::utils::get(value); + + // Check that meta-data is consistent + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(stored_value, similar_to)); + + return stored_value; } - BoutReal val = gen->generate(0, 0, 0, 0); - // Mark this option as used - value.used = true; + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + const auto& stored_value = bout::utils::get(value); - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = " << val; - if (!value.source.empty()) { - // Specify the source of the setting - output_info << " (" << value.source << ")"; + // Check that meta-data is consistent + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(stored_value, similar_to)); + + return Field3D(stored_value); } - output_info << endl; + + try { + BoutReal scalar_value = bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(value); + + // Get metadata from similar_to, fill field with scalar_value + return filledFrom(similar_to, scalar_value); + } catch (const std::bad_cast &e) { + + // Convert from a string using FieldFactory + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + return FieldFactory::get()->create3D(bout::utils::get(value), this, + similar_to.getMesh(), + similar_to.getLocation()); + } else if (bout::utils::holds_alternative>(value)) { + auto localmesh = similar_to.getMesh(); + if (!localmesh) { + throw BoutException("mesh must be supplied when converting Tensor to Field3D"); + } - return val; + // Get a reference, to try and avoid copying + const auto& tensor = bout::utils::get>(value); + + // Check if the dimension sizes are the same as a Field3D + if (tensor.shape() == std::make_tuple(localmesh->LocalNx, + localmesh->LocalNy, + localmesh->LocalNz)) { + return Field3D(tensor.getData(), localmesh, similar_to.getLocation(), + {similar_to.getDirectionY(), similar_to.getDirectionZ()}); + } + // If dimension sizes not the same, may be able + // to select a region from it using Mesh e.g. if this + // is from the input grid file. + + } + } + throw BoutException(_("Value for option %s cannot be converted to a Field3D"), + full_name.c_str()); } -template <> bool Options::as() const { +template <> Field2D Options::as(const Field2D& similar_to) const { if (!is_value) { throw BoutException("Option %s has no value", full_name.c_str()); } + + // Mark value as used + value_used = true; - value.used = true; + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + Field2D stored_value = bout::utils::get(value); + + // Check that meta-data is consistent + ASSERT1(areFieldsCompatible(stored_value, similar_to)); - bool val; - char c = static_cast(toupper((value.value)[0])); - if ((c == 'Y') || (c == 'T') || (c == '1')) { - val = true; - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = true"; - } else if ((c == 'N') || (c == 'F') || (c == '0')) { - val = false; - output_info << "\tOption " << full_name << " = false"; - } else { - throw BoutException("\tOption '%s': Boolean expected. Got '%s'\n", full_name.c_str(), - value.value.c_str()); + return stored_value; } - if (!value.source.empty()) { - // Specify the source of the setting - output_info << " (" << value.source << ")"; + + try { + BoutReal scalar_value = bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(value); + + // Get metadata from similar_to, fill field with scalar_value + return filledFrom(similar_to, scalar_value); + } catch (const std::bad_cast &e) { + + // Convert from a string using FieldFactory + if (bout::utils::holds_alternative(value)) { + return FieldFactory::get()->create2D(bout::utils::get(value), this, + similar_to.getMesh(), + similar_to.getLocation()); + } else if (bout::utils::holds_alternative>(value)) { + auto localmesh = similar_to.getMesh(); + if (!localmesh) { + throw BoutException("mesh must be supplied when converting Matrix to Field2D"); + } + + // Get a reference, to try and avoid copying + const auto& matrix = bout::utils::get>(value); + + // Check if the dimension sizes are the same as a Field3D + if (matrix.shape() == std::make_tuple(localmesh->LocalNx, + localmesh->LocalNy)) { + return Field2D(matrix.getData(), localmesh, similar_to.getLocation(), + {similar_to.getDirectionY(), similar_to.getDirectionZ()}); + } + } } - output_info << endl; + throw BoutException(_("Value for option %s cannot be converted to a Field2D"), + full_name.c_str()); +} - return val; +// Note: This is defined here rather than in the header +// to avoid using as before specialising it. +bool Options::operator==(const char* other) const { + return as() == std::string(other); +} + +bool Options::operator<(const char* other) const { + return as() < std::string(other); } void Options::printUnused() const { bool allused = true; // Check if any options are unused for (const auto &it : children) { - if (it.second.is_value && !it.second.value.used) { + if (it.second.is_value && !it.second.value_used) { allused = false; break; } } if (allused) { - output_info << "All options used\n"; + output_info << _("All options used\n"); } else { - output_info << "Unused options:\n"; + output_info << _("Unused options:\n"); for (const auto &it : children) { - if (it.second.is_value && !it.second.value.used) { + if (it.second.is_value && !it.second.value_used) { output_info << "\t" << full_name << ":" << it.first << " = " - << it.second.value.value; - if (!it.second.value.source.empty()) - output_info << " (" << it.second.value.source << ")"; + << bout::utils::variantToString(it.second.value); + if (it.second.attributes.count("source")) + output_info << " (" << bout::utils::variantToString(it.second.attributes.at("source")) << ")"; output_info << endl; } } @@ -266,18 +483,20 @@ void Options::printUnused() const { void Options::cleanCache() { FieldFactory::get()->cleanCache(); } -std::map Options::values() const { - std::map options; - for (const auto &it : children) { +std::map Options::values() const { + std::map options; + for (const auto& it : children) { if (it.second.is_value) { - options[it.first] = it.second.value; + options.emplace(it.first, OptionValue { bout::utils::variantToString(it.second.value), + bout::utils::variantToString(it.second.attributes.at("source")), + it.second.value_used}); } } return options; } -std::map Options::subsections() const { - std::map sections; +std::map Options::subsections() const { + std::map sections; for (const auto &it : children) { if (it.second.is_section) { sections[it.first] = &it.second; diff --git a/src/sys/options/makefile b/src/sys/options/makefile index 77a61de988..e38608b68c 100644 --- a/src/sys/options/makefile +++ b/src/sys/options/makefile @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -SOURCEC = options_ini.cxx +SOURCEC = options_ini.cxx options_netcdf.cxx SOURCEH = $(SOURCEC:%.cxx=%.hxx) globals.hxx bout_types.hxx multiostream.hxx TARGET = lib diff --git a/src/sys/options/optionparser.hxx b/src/sys/options/optionparser.hxx index f3864314f0..382d11d0f3 100644 --- a/src/sys/options/optionparser.hxx +++ b/src/sys/options/optionparser.hxx @@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ class OptionParser; /// Base class for input file types class OptionParser { - public: - OptionParser() {} - virtual ~OptionParser() {} +public: + OptionParser() = default; + virtual ~OptionParser() = default; /// Read \p filename into \p options virtual void read(Options *options, const std::string &filename) = 0; diff --git a/src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx b/src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx index 62eaeca90a..1010a68a87 100644 --- a/src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx +++ b/src/sys/options/options_ini.cxx @@ -56,12 +56,6 @@ using namespace std; -OptionINI::OptionINI() { -} - -OptionINI::~OptionINI() { -} - /************************************************************************** * Read input file **************************************************************************/ @@ -71,7 +65,7 @@ void OptionINI::read(Options *options, const string &filename) { fin.open(filename.c_str()); if (!fin.good()) { - throw BoutException("\tOptions file '%s' not found\n", filename.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("\tOptions file '%s' not found\n"), filename.c_str()); } Options *section = options; // Current section @@ -129,7 +123,7 @@ void OptionINI::write(Options *options, const std::string &filename) { fout.open(filename, ios::out | ios::trunc); if (!fout.good()) { - throw BoutException("Could not open output file '%s'\n", filename.c_str()); + throw BoutException(_("Could not open output file '%s'\n"), filename.c_str()); } // Call recursive function to write to file @@ -153,8 +147,7 @@ string OptionINI::getNextLine(ifstream &fin) { return line; } -void OptionINI::parse(const string &buffer, string &key, string &value) -{ +void OptionINI::parse(const string &buffer, string &key, string &value) { // A key/value pair, separated by a '=' size_t startpos = buffer.find_first_of('='); @@ -169,8 +162,14 @@ void OptionINI::parse(const string &buffer, string &key, string &value) key = trim(buffer.substr(0, startpos), " \t\r\n\""); value = trim(buffer.substr(startpos+1), " \t\r\n\""); + + if (key.empty()) { + throw BoutException(_("\tEmpty key\n\tLine: %s"), buffer.c_str()); + } - if(key.empty()) throw BoutException("\tEmpty key\n\tLine: %s", buffer.c_str()); + if (key.find(':') != std::string::npos) { + throw BoutException(_("\tKey must not contain ':' character\n\tLine: %s"), buffer.c_str()); + } } void OptionINI::writeSection(const Options *options, std::ofstream &fout) { @@ -181,19 +180,50 @@ void OptionINI::writeSection(const Options *options, std::ofstream &fout) { fout << "[" << section_name << "]" << endl; } // Iterate over all values - for(const auto& it : options->values()) { - fout << it.first << " = " << it.second.value; - if (it.second.value.empty()) { - // Print an empty string as "" - fout << "\"\""; - } - if (! it.second.used ) { - fout << " # not used , from: " - << it.second.source; + for(const auto& it : options->getChildren()) { + if (it.second.isValue()) { + auto value = bout::utils::variantToString(it.second.value); + fout << it.first << " = " << value; + + if (value.empty()) { + // Print an empty string as "" + fout << "\"\""; + } + bool in_comment = false; // Has a '#' been printed yet? + + if (! it.second.valueUsed() ) { + fout << "\t\t# not used "; + in_comment = true; + + if (it.second.attributes.count("source")) { + fout << ", from: " + << it.second.attributes.at("source").as(); + } + } + + if (it.second.attributes.count("type")) { + if (!in_comment) { + fout << "\t\t# type: "; + in_comment = true; + } else { + fout << ", type: "; + } + fout << it.second.attributes.at("type").as(); + } + + if (it.second.attributes.count("doc")) { + if (!in_comment) { + fout << "\t\t# "; + in_comment = true; + } else { + fout << ", doc: "; + } + fout << it.second.attributes.at("doc").as(); + } + fout << endl; } - fout << endl; } - + // Iterate over sub-sections for(const auto& it : options->subsections()) { fout << endl; diff --git a/src/sys/options/options_ini.hxx b/src/sys/options/options_ini.hxx index 7fbb9d9562..336d33435b 100644 --- a/src/sys/options/options_ini.hxx +++ b/src/sys/options/options_ini.hxx @@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ class OptionINI; */ class OptionINI : public OptionParser { public: - OptionINI(); - ~OptionINI(); - /// Read options from file void read(Options *options, const std::string &filename) override; @@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ private: // Helper functions for reading void parse(const std::string &, std::string &, std::string &); - string getNextLine(std::ifstream &fin); + std::string getNextLine(std::ifstream &fin); // Helper functions for writing void writeSection(const Options *options, std::ofstream &fout); diff --git a/src/sys/options/options_netcdf.cxx b/src/sys/options/options_netcdf.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cff0d76780 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sys/options/options_netcdf.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ + +#ifdef NCDF4 + +#include "options_netcdf.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include + +using namespace netCDF; + +namespace { +void readGroup(const std::string& filename, const NcGroup& group, Options& result) { + + // Iterate over all variables + for (const auto& varpair : group.getVars()) { + const auto& var_name = varpair.first; // Name of the variable + const auto& var = varpair.second; // The NcVar object + + auto var_type = var.getType(); // Variable type + auto ndims = var.getDimCount(); // Number of dimensions + auto dims = var.getDims(); // Vector of dimensions + + switch (ndims) { + case 0: { + // Scalar variables + + if (var_type == ncDouble) { + double value; + var.getVar(&value); + result[var_name] = value; + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } else if (var_type == ncFloat) { + float value; + var.getVar(&value); + result[var_name] = value; + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } else if (var_type == ncInt) { + int value; + var.getVar(&value); + result[var_name] = value; + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } else if (var_type == ncString) { + char* value; + var.getVar(&value); + result[var_name] = std::string(value); + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } + // Note: NetCDF does not support boolean atoms + // else ignore + break; + } + case 1: { + if (var_type == ncDouble) { + Array value(dims[0].getSize()); + var.getVar(value.begin()); + result[var_name] = value; + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } + break; + } + case 2: { + if (var_type == ncDouble) { + Matrix value(dims[0].getSize(), dims[1].getSize()); + var.getVar(value.begin()); + result[var_name] = value; + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } + break; + } + case 3: { + if (var_type == ncDouble) { + Tensor value(dims[0].getSize(), dims[1].getSize(), dims[2].getSize()); + var.getVar(value.begin()); + result[var_name] = value; + result[var_name].attributes["source"] = filename; + } + } + } + + // Get variable attributes + for (const auto& attpair : var.getAtts()) { + const auto &att_name = attpair.first; // Attribute name + const auto &att = attpair.second; // NcVarAtt object + + auto att_type = att.getType(); // Type of the attribute + + if (att_type == ncInt) { + int value; + att.getValues(&value); + result[var_name].attributes[att_name] = value; + } else if (att_type == ncFloat) { + float value; + att.getValues(&value); + result[var_name].attributes[att_name] = value; + } else if (att_type == ncDouble) { + double value; + att.getValues(&value); + result[var_name].attributes[att_name] = value; + } else if ((att_type == ncString) or (att_type == ncChar)) { + std::string value; + att.getValues(value); + result[var_name].attributes[att_name] = value; + } + // Else ignore + } + } + + // Iterate over groups + for (const auto& grouppair : group.getGroups()) { + const auto& name = grouppair.first; + const auto& subgroup = grouppair.second; + + readGroup(filename, subgroup, result[name]); + } +} +} // namespace + + +namespace bout { +namespace experimental { + +Options OptionsNetCDF::read() { + // Open file + NcFile dataFile(filename, NcFile::read); + + if (dataFile.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Could not open NetCDF file '%s'", filename.c_str()); + } + + Options result; + readGroup(filename, dataFile, result); + + return result; +} + +} // experimental +} // bout + +namespace { + +/// Convert variant into NcType +/// If the type is not recognised then NcType null object is returned +struct NcTypeVisitor { + template + NcType operator()(const T& UNUSED(t)) { + return {}; // Null object by default + } +}; + +template <> +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const bool& UNUSED(t)) { + return ncInt; +} + +template <> +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const int& UNUSED(t)) { + return ncInt; +} + +template <> +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const double& UNUSED(t)) { + return ncDouble; +} + +template <> +MAYBE_UNUSED() +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const float& UNUSED(t)) { + return ncFloat; +} + +template <> +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const std::string& UNUSED(t)) { + return ncString; +} + +template <> +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const Field2D& UNUSED(t)) { + return operator()(0.0); +} + +template <> +NcType NcTypeVisitor::operator()(const Field3D& UNUSED(t)) { + return operator()(0.0); +} + +/// Visit a variant type, returning dimensions +struct NcDimVisitor { + NcDimVisitor(NcGroup& group) : group(group) {} + template + std::vector operator()(const T& UNUSED(t)) { + return {}; + } + +private: + NcGroup& group; +}; + +NcDim findDimension(NcGroup& group, const std::string& name, unsigned int size) { + // Get the dimension + try { + auto dim = group.getDim(name, NcGroup::ParentsAndCurrent); + if (dim.isNull()) { + // Dimension doesn't yet exist + dim = group.addDim(name, size); + } else { + // Dimension exists, check it's the right size + if (dim.getSize() != size) { + // wrong size. Check this group + dim = group.getDim(name, NcGroup::Current); + if (!dim.isNull()) { + // Already defined in this group + return {}; // Return null object + } + // Define in this group + dim = group.addDim(name, size); + } + } + return dim; + } catch (const std::exception& e) { + throw BoutException("Error in findDimension('%s'): %s", name.c_str(), e.what()); + } +} + +template <> +std::vector NcDimVisitor::operator()(const Field2D& value) { + auto xdim = findDimension(group, "x", value.getNx()); + ASSERT0(!xdim.isNull()); + + auto ydim = findDimension(group, "y", value.getNy()); + ASSERT0(!ydim.isNull()); + + return {xdim, ydim}; +} + +template <> +std::vector NcDimVisitor::operator()(const Field3D& value) { + auto xdim = findDimension(group, "x", value.getNx()); + ASSERT0(!xdim.isNull()); + + auto ydim = findDimension(group, "y", value.getNy()); + ASSERT0(!ydim.isNull()); + + auto zdim = findDimension(group, "z", value.getNz()); + ASSERT0(!zdim.isNull()); + + return {xdim, ydim, zdim}; +} + +/// Visit a variant type, and put the data into a NcVar +struct NcPutVarVisitor { + NcPutVarVisitor(NcVar& var) : var(var) {} + template + void operator()(const T& value) { + var.putVar(&value); + } + +private: + NcVar& var; +}; + +template <> +void NcPutVarVisitor::operator()(const bool& value) { + int int_val = value ? 1 : 0; + var.putVar(&int_val); +} + +template <> +void NcPutVarVisitor::operator()(const std::string& value) { + const char* cstr = value.c_str(); + var.putVar(&cstr); +} + +/// In addition to writing the data, set the "cell_location" attribute +template <> +void NcPutVarVisitor::operator()(const Field2D& value) { + // Pointer to data. Assumed to be contiguous array + var.putVar(&value(0, 0)); + // Set cell location attribute + var.putAtt("cell_location", toString(value.getLocation())); +} + +/// In addition to writing the data, set the "cell_location" attribute +template <> +void NcPutVarVisitor::operator()(const Field3D& value) { + // Pointer to data. Assumed to be contiguous array + var.putVar(&value(0, 0, 0)); + + // Set cell location attribute + var.putAtt("cell_location", toString(value.getLocation())); +} + +/// Visit a variant type, and put the data into a NcVar +struct NcPutVarCountVisitor { + NcPutVarCountVisitor(NcVar& var, const std::vector& start, + const std::vector& count) + : var(var), start(start), count(count) {} + template + void operator()(const T& value) { + var.putVar(start, &value); + } + +private: + NcVar& var; + const std::vector& start; ///< Starting (corner) index + const std::vector& count; ///< Index count in each dimension +}; + +template <> +void NcPutVarCountVisitor::operator()(const std::string& value) { + const char* cstr = value.c_str(); + var.putVar(start, &cstr); +} +template <> +void NcPutVarCountVisitor::operator()(const Field2D& value) { + // Pointer to data. Assumed to be contiguous array + var.putVar(start, count, &value(0, 0)); +} +template <> +void NcPutVarCountVisitor::operator()(const Field3D& value) { + // Pointer to data. Assumed to be contiguous array + var.putVar(start, count, &value(0, 0, 0)); +} + +/// Visit a variant type, and put the data into an attributute +struct NcPutAttVisitor { + NcPutAttVisitor(NcVar& var, std::string name) : var(var), name(std::move(name)) {} + template + void operator()(const T& UNUSED(value)) { + // Default is to ignore if unhandled + } +private: + NcVar& var; + std::string name; +}; + +template <> +void NcPutAttVisitor::operator()(const bool& value) { + int ival = value ? 1 : 0; + var.putAtt(name, ncInt, ival); +} +template <> +void NcPutAttVisitor::operator()(const int& value) { + var.putAtt(name, ncInt, value); +} +template <> +void NcPutAttVisitor::operator()(const double& value) { + var.putAtt(name, ncDouble, value); +} +template <> +MAYBE_UNUSED() +void NcPutAttVisitor::operator()(const float& value) { + var.putAtt(name, ncFloat, value); +} +template <> +void NcPutAttVisitor::operator()(const std::string& value) { + var.putAtt(name, value); +} + +void writeGroup(const Options& options, NcGroup group, + std::map& time_index) { + + for (const auto& childpair : options.getChildren()) { + const auto& name = childpair.first; + const auto& child = childpair.second; + + if (child.isValue()) { + try { + auto nctype = bout::utils::visit(NcTypeVisitor(), child.value); + + if (nctype.isNull()) { + continue; // Skip this value + } + + // Get spatial dimensions + auto spatial_dims = bout::utils::visit(NcDimVisitor(group), child.value); + + // Vector of all dimensions, including time + std::vector dims{spatial_dims}; + + // Get the time dimension + NcDim time_dim; ///< Time dimension (Null -> none) + auto time_it = child.attributes.find("time_dimension"); + if (time_it != child.attributes.end()) { + // Has a time dimension + + const auto& time_name = bout::utils::get(time_it->second); + time_dim = group.getDim(time_name, NcGroup::ParentsAndCurrent); + if (time_dim.isNull()) { + time_dim = group.addDim(time_name); + } + + // prepend to vector of dimensions + dims.insert(dims.begin(), time_dim); + } + + // Check if the variable exists + auto var = group.getVar(name); + if (var.isNull()) { + // Variable doesn't exist yet + // Create variable + // Temporary NcType as a workaround for bug in NetCDF 4.4.0 and NetCDF-CXX4 4.2.0 + var = group.addVar(name, NcType{group, nctype.getId()}, dims); + } else { + // Variable does exist + + // Check types are the same + if (var.getType() != nctype) { + throw BoutException( + "Changed type of variable '%s'. Was '%s', now writing '%s'", name.c_str(), + var.getType().getName().c_str(), nctype.getName().c_str()); + } + + // Check that the dimensions are correct + auto var_dims = var.getDims(); + + // Same number of dimensions? + if (var_dims.size() != dims.size()) { + throw BoutException("Changed dimensions for variable '%s'\nIn file has %zu " + "dimensions, now writing %zu\n", + name.c_str(), var_dims.size(), dims.size()); + } + // Dimensions compatible? + for (std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < dims.size(); ++i) { + if (var_dims[i] == dims[i]) { + continue; // The same dimension -> ok + } + if (var_dims[i].isUnlimited() != dims[i].isUnlimited()) { + throw BoutException("Unlimited dimension changed for variable '%s'", + name.c_str()); + } + if (var_dims[i].getSize() != dims[i].getSize()) { + throw BoutException("Dimension size changed for variable '%s'", + name.c_str()); + } + } + // All ok. Set dimensions to the variable's NcDims + dims = var_dims; + + if (!time_dim.isNull()) { + // A time dimension + time_dim = dims[0]; + } + } + + // Write the variable + + if (time_dim.isNull()) { + // No time index + + // Put the data into the variable + bout::utils::visit(NcPutVarVisitor(var), child.value); + + } else { + // Has a time index, so need the record index + + // Get the index from the map storing the current index + // This is needed because NetCDF doesn't provide a way to get + // the size of this variable along an unlimited dimension. + // Instead the dimension is shared between variables. + + auto time_index_it = time_index.find(time_dim.getId()); + if (time_index_it == time_index.end()) { + // Haven't seen this index before + time_index[time_dim.getId()] = time_dim.getSize(); + } + + std::vector start_index; ///< Starting index where data will be inserted + std::vector count_index; ///< Size of each dimension + + + + // Dimensions, including time + for (const auto& dim : dims) { + start_index.push_back(0); + count_index.push_back(dim.getSize()); + } + // Time dimension + start_index[0] = time_index[time_dim.getId()]; + count_index[0] = 1; // Writing one record + + // Put the data into the variable + bout::utils::visit(NcPutVarCountVisitor(var, start_index, count_index), + child.value); + } + + // Write attributes + for (const auto& it: child.attributes) { + const std::string& att_name = it.first; + const auto& att = it.second; + + bout::utils::visit(NcPutAttVisitor(var, att_name), att); + } + + } catch (const std::exception &e) { + throw BoutException("Error while writing value '%s' : %s", name.c_str(), e.what()); + } + } + + if (child.isSection()) { + // Check if the group exists + TRACE("Writing group '%s'", name.c_str()); + + auto subgroup = group.getGroup(name); + if (subgroup.isNull()) { + // Doesn't exist yet, so create it + subgroup = group.addGroup(name); + } + + writeGroup(child, subgroup, time_index); + } + } +} + +} // namespace + +namespace bout { +namespace experimental { + +/// Write options to file +void OptionsNetCDF::write(const Options& options) { + // Check the file mode to use + auto ncmode = NcFile::replace; + if (file_mode == FileMode::append) { + ncmode = NcFile::write; + } + + NcFile dataFile(filename, ncmode); + + if (dataFile.isNull()) { + throw BoutException("Could not open NetCDF file '%s' for writing", filename.c_str()); + } + + writeGroup(options, dataFile, time_index); +} + +} // experimental +} // bout + +#endif // NCDF4 diff --git a/src/sys/optionsreader.cxx b/src/sys/optionsreader.cxx index a791e5b10f..c60fc2b2f6 100644 --- a/src/sys/optionsreader.cxx +++ b/src/sys/optionsreader.cxx @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void OptionsReader::write(Options *options, const char *file, ...) { bout_vsnprintf(filename,buf_len, file); - output_info << "Writing options to file " << filename << "\n"; + output_info.write(_("Writing options to file %s\n"),filename); // Need to decide what file format to use OptionParser *parser = new OptionINI(); @@ -74,49 +74,53 @@ void OptionsReader::write(Options *options, const char *file, ...) { delete parser; } -void OptionsReader::parseCommandLine(Options *options, int argc, char **argv) { +void OptionsReader::parseCommandLine(Options* options, int argc, char** argv) { // A key/value pair, separated by a '=' or a switch // and sections separated with an '_' but don't start with a '-' - string buffer; + std::string buffer; // Go through command-line arguments - for (int i=1;igetRoot(); + options = Options::getRoot(); buffer = argv[i]; + if (buffer.length() == 0) { + continue; + } // Test if name starts with a '-', and remove if found - if (buffer[0] == '-') - buffer = buffer.substr(1); // Remove the first character (-) - + if (buffer[0] == '-') { + buffer = buffer.substr(1); // Remove the first character (-) + if (buffer.length() == 0) { + throw BoutException(_("Invalid command line option '-' found - maybe check whitespace?")); + } + } // Test to see if the user put spaces around the '=' sign - if (i < argc-1) { - if(buffer[buffer.length()-1] == '=') { + if (i < argc - 1) { + if (buffer[buffer.length() - 1] == '=') { // Space after '=' sign - + i++; buffer.append(argv[i]); - - }else if(argv[i+1][0] == '=') { + } else if (argv[i + 1][0] == '=') { // Space before '=' sign - + i++; buffer.append(argv[i]); - - if((argv[i][1] == 0) && (i < argc-1)) { + + if ((argv[i][1] == 0) && (i < argc - 1)) { // End of string, so space after '=' sign too - i++; buffer.append(argv[i]); } } } - + size_t startpos = buffer.find_first_of('='); - if (startpos == string::npos) { + if (startpos == std::string::npos) { // Just set a flag to true // e.g. "restart" or "append" on command line @@ -124,22 +128,22 @@ void OptionsReader::parseCommandLine(Options *options, int argc, char **argv) { } else { size_t endpos = buffer.find_last_of('='); - if(startpos != endpos) throw BoutException("\tMultiple '=' in command-line argument '%s'\n", buffer.c_str()); + if(startpos != endpos) throw BoutException(_("\tMultiple '=' in command-line argument '%s'\n"), buffer.c_str()); - string key = trim(buffer.substr(0, startpos)); - string value = trim(buffer.substr(startpos+1)); + std::string key = trim(buffer.substr(0, startpos)); + std::string value = trim(buffer.substr(startpos+1)); size_t scorepos; - while((scorepos = key.find_first_of(':')) != string::npos) { + while((scorepos = key.find_first_of(':')) != std::string::npos) { // sub-section - string section = key.substr(0,scorepos); + std::string section = key.substr(0,scorepos); key = trim(key.substr(scorepos+1)); options = options->getSection(section); } - if(key.empty() || value.empty()) throw BoutException("\tEmpty key or value in command line '%s'\n", buffer.c_str()); + if(key.empty() || value.empty()) throw BoutException(_("\tEmpty key or value in command line '%s'\n"), buffer.c_str()); - options->set(key, value, "Command line"); + options->set(key, value, _("Command line")); } } } diff --git a/src/sys/output.cxx b/src/sys/output.cxx index 4b964ba670..a4f25b3330 100644 --- a/src/sys/output.cxx +++ b/src/sys/output.cxx @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ * **************************************************************************/ -#include -#include -#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include @@ -69,16 +69,16 @@ void Output::close() { remove(file); file.close(); } -#define bout_vsnprintf_(buf, len, fmt, va) \ - { \ - int _vsnprintflen = vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, va); \ - if (_vsnprintflen + 1 > len) { \ - _vsnprintflen += 1; \ - delete[] buf; \ - buf = new char[_vsnprintflen]; \ - len = _vsnprintflen; \ - vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, va); \ - } \ +#define bout_vsnprintf_(buf, len, fmt, va) \ + { \ + int _vsnprintflen = vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, va); \ + if (_vsnprintflen + 1 > (len)) { \ + _vsnprintflen += 1; \ + delete[](buf); \ + (buf) = new char[_vsnprintflen]; \ + (len) = _vsnprintflen; \ + vsnprintf(buf, len, fmt, va); \ + } \ } void Output::write(const char *string, ...) { @@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ ConditionalOutput output_warn(Output::getInstance()); ConditionalOutput output_info(Output::getInstance()); ConditionalOutput output_progress(Output::getInstance()); ConditionalOutput output_error(Output::getInstance()); +ConditionalOutput output_verbose(Output::getInstance(), false); ConditionalOutput output(Output::getInstance()); #undef bout_vsnprint_pre diff --git a/src/sys/timer.cxx b/src/sys/timer.cxx index 05bbbc7020..a98f45c7ad 100644 --- a/src/sys/timer.cxx +++ b/src/sys/timer.cxx @@ -1,92 +1,58 @@ -#include -#include +#include "bout/sys/timer.hxx" -using namespace std; - -Timer::Timer() { - timing = getInfo(""); - if (timing->counter == 0) { - timing->started = MPI_Wtime(); - timing->running = true; +Timer::Timer() : timing(getInfo("")) { + if (timing.counter == 0) { + timing.started = clock_type::now(); + timing.running = true; } - timing->counter++; + timing.counter += 1; } -Timer::Timer(const std::string &label) { - timing = getInfo(label); - if (timing->counter == 0) { - timing->started = MPI_Wtime(); - timing->running = true; +Timer::Timer(const std::string& label) : timing(getInfo(label)) { + if (timing.counter == 0) { + timing.started = clock_type::now(); + timing.running = true; } - timing->counter++; + timing.counter += 1; } Timer::~Timer() { - timing->counter--; - if (timing->counter == 0) { - double finished = MPI_Wtime(); - timing->running = false; - timing->time += finished - timing->started; + timing.counter -= 1; + if (timing.counter == 0) { + auto finished = clock_type::now(); + timing.running = false; + timing.time += finished - timing.started; } } -double Timer::getTime() { - if(timing->running) - return timing->time + (MPI_Wtime() - timing->started); - return timing->time; -} +void Timer::cleanup() { info.clear(); } -double Timer::resetTime() { - double val = timing->time; - timing->time = 0.0; - if(timing->running) { - double cur_time = MPI_Wtime(); - val += cur_time - timing->started; - timing->started = cur_time; - } - return val; -} +std::map Timer::info; -double Timer::getTime(const std::string &label) { - timer_info* t = getInfo(label); - if(t->running) - return t->time + (MPI_Wtime() - t->started); - return t->time; -} - -double Timer::resetTime(const std::string &label) { - timer_info* t = getInfo(label); - double val = t->time; - t->time = 0.0; - if(t->running) { - double cur_time = MPI_Wtime(); - val += cur_time - t->started; - t->started = cur_time; +Timer::timer_info& Timer::getInfo(const std::string& label) { + auto it = info.find(label); + if (it == info.end()) { + auto timer = info.emplace( + label, timer_info{seconds{0}, false, clock_type::now(), 0}); + return timer.first->second; } - return val; + return it->second; } -// Static method to clean up all memory -void Timer::cleanup() { - // Iterate over map - for(const auto& it : info) { - delete it.second; +double Timer::getTime(const Timer::timer_info& info) { + if (info.running) { + return seconds{info.time + (clock_type::now() - info.started)}.count(); } - info.clear(); + return seconds{info.time}.count(); } -map Timer::info; - -Timer::timer_info* Timer::getInfo(const std::string &label) { - map::iterator it(info.find(label)); - if(it == info.end()) { - // Not in map, so create it - timer_info *t = new timer_info; - t->time = 0.0; - t->running = false; - t->counter = 0; - info[label] = t; - return t; +double Timer::resetTime(Timer::timer_info& info) { + auto val = info.time; + info.time = clock_type::duration{0}; + if (info.running) { + auto cur_time = clock_type::now(); + val += cur_time - info.started; + info.started = cur_time; } - return it->second; + return seconds{val}.count(); } diff --git a/src/sys/type_name.cxx b/src/sys/type_name.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bbcff04cff --- /dev/null +++ b/src/sys/type_name.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#include "bout/sys/type_name.hxx" + +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" + +namespace bout { +namespace utils { + +template <> +std::string typeName() { + return "bool"; +} + +template <> +std::string typeName() { + return "int"; +} + +template <> +std::string typeName() { + return "string"; +} + +template <> +std::string typeName() { + return "BoutReal"; +} + +template <> +std::string typeName() { + return "Field2D"; +} + +template <> +std::string typeName() { + return "Field3D"; +} + +} +} diff --git a/src/sys/utils.cxx b/src/sys/utils.cxx index 5ae518caaf..161849e963 100644 --- a/src/sys/utils.cxx +++ b/src/sys/utils.cxx @@ -24,74 +24,15 @@ **************************************************************************/ #include -#include -#include -#include -#include +#include +#include +#include #include #include #include #include - -BoutReal ***r3tensor(int nrow, int ncol, int ndep) { - int i,j; - BoutReal ***t; - - /* allocate pointers to pointers to rows */ - t = static_cast(malloc(nrow * sizeof(BoutReal **))); - - /* allocate pointers to rows and set pointers to them */ - t[0] = static_cast(malloc(nrow * ncol * sizeof(BoutReal *))); - - /* allocate rows and set pointers to them */ - t[0][0] = static_cast(malloc(nrow * ncol * ndep * sizeof(BoutReal))); - - for(j=1;j!=ncol;j++) t[0][j]=t[0][j-1]+ndep; - for(i=1;i!=nrow;i++) { - t[i]=t[i-1]+ncol; - t[i][0]=t[i-1][0]+ncol*ndep; - for(j=1;j!=ncol;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep; - } - - /* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */ - return t; -} - -void free_r3tensor(BoutReal ***m) { - free(m[0][0]); - free(m[0]); - free(m); -} - -int ***i3tensor(int nrow, int ncol, int ndep) { - int i,j; - int ***t; - - /* allocate pointers to pointers to rows */ - t = static_cast(malloc(nrow * sizeof(int **))); - - /* allocate pointers to rows and set pointers to them */ - t[0] = static_cast(malloc(nrow * ncol * sizeof(int *))); - - /* allocate rows and set pointers to them */ - t[0][0] = static_cast(malloc(nrow * ncol * ndep * sizeof(int))); - - for(j=1;j!=ncol;j++) t[0][j]=t[0][j-1]+ndep; - for(i=1;i!=nrow;i++) { - t[i]=t[i-1]+ncol; - t[i][0]=t[i-1][0]+ncol*ndep; - for(j=1;j!=ncol;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep; - } - - /* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */ - return t; -} - -void free_i3tensor(int ***m) { - free(m[0][0]); - free(m[0]); - free(m); -} +#include +#include /************************************************************************** * String routines @@ -112,16 +53,24 @@ char* copy_string(const char* s) { } // Convert a string to lower case -const string lowercase(const string &str) { - string strlow(str); +const std::string lowercase(const std::string &str) { + std::string strlow(str); std::transform(strlow.begin(), strlow.end(), strlow.begin(), ::tolower); return strlow; } +// Convert a string to upper case +const std::string uppercase(const std::string& str) { + std::string strup(str); + + std::transform(strup.begin(), strup.end(), strup.begin(), ::toupper); + return strup; +} + // Convert to lowercase, except for inside strings -const string lowercasequote(const string &str) { - string strlow(str); +const std::string lowercasequote(const std::string &str) { + std::string strlow(str); bool quote = false, dquote = false; for (char &i : strlow) { @@ -189,3 +138,17 @@ std::string trimComments(const std::string &s, const std::string &c) { return s.substr(0, s.find_first_of(c)); } +std::string toString(const time_t& time) { + // Get local time + std::tm *tm = std::localtime(&time); + + // Note: With GCC >= 5 `put_time` becomes available + // std::stringstream ss; + // ss << std::put_time(tm, "%c %Z"); + // return ss.str(); + + // Older compilers + char buffer[80]; + strftime(buffer, 80, "%Ec", tm); + return std::string(buffer); +} diff --git a/tests/MMS/.gitignore b/tests/MMS/.gitignore index 2946406b9b..c8f94147b3 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/.gitignore +++ b/tests/MMS/.gitignore @@ -30,6 +30,9 @@ BOUT.settings /spatial/d2dx2/test_d2dx2 /spatial/d2dz2/test_d2dz2 /spatial/diffusion/diffusion +/spatial/fci/fci_mms +/spatial/fci/fci.grid.nc +/spatial/fci/fci_mms.pkl /time/time /tokamak/tokamak /tokamak/tokamak.pkl diff --git a/tests/MMS/GBS/gbs.cxx b/tests/MMS/GBS/gbs.cxx index c7bde653c9..aa013db8b6 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/GBS/gbs.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/GBS/gbs.cxx @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ int GBS::init(bool restarting) { if(mms) { Sn = 0.0; }else { - string source; + std::string source; optne->get("source", source, "0.0"); Sn = FieldFactory::get()->create3D(source, NULL, mesh); Sn /= Omega_ci; @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ int GBS::init(bool restarting) { if(mms) { Sp = 0.0; }else { - string source; + std::string source; optte->get("source", source, "0.0"); Sp = FieldFactory::get()->create3D(source, NULL, mesh); Sp /= Omega_ci; @@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ int GBS::init(bool restarting) { } case 3: { // logB, taken from mesh logB = log(coords->Bxy); + break; } default: throw BoutException("Invalid value for curv_method"); diff --git a/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab2d b/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab2d index f9a4857574..037988b0fc 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab2d +++ b/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab2d @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS test") shell("make > make.log") @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: # Command to run cmd = "./gbs "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open(path+"/run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab3d b/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab3d index 23f24b187e..ff95aa3f5e 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab3d +++ b/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest-slab3d @@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import zip from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate import pickle -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS test") shell("make > make.log") @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: # Command to run cmd = "./gbs "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open(path+"/run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest b/tests/MMS/GBS/runtest.broken similarity index 100% rename from tests/MMS/GBS/runtest rename to tests/MMS/GBS/runtest.broken diff --git a/tests/MMS/advection/advection.cxx b/tests/MMS/advection/advection.cxx index ee6d93ff34..b32b0b438f 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/advection/advection.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/advection/advection.cxx @@ -9,22 +9,23 @@ class AdvectMMS : public PhysicsModel { public: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool) { solver->add(f, "f"); Options::getRoot()->get("method", method, 0); + g = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("g:solution", Options::getRoot(), mesh, CELL_CENTRE); + + Coordinates *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(); + + dx_sq_sq = SQ(SQ(coords->dx)); + dz_sq_sq = SQ(SQ(coords->dz)); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(BoutReal) { mesh->communicate(f); - Coordinates *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(); - - g = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("g:solution", Options::getRoot(), mesh, CELL_CENTRE, time); - ddt(f) = -bracket(g, f, (BRACKET_METHOD) method) - - 20.*(SQ(SQ(coords->dx))*D4DX4(f) + SQ(SQ(coords->dz))*D4DZ4(f)) - //+ 20.*(SQ(coords->dx)*D2DX2(f) + SQ(coords->dz)*D2DZ2(f)) + - (dx_sq_sq*D4DX4(f) + dz_sq_sq*D4DZ4(f)) ; return 0; @@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ class AdvectMMS : public PhysicsModel { private: int method; Field3D f,g; + Field3D dx_sq_sq, dz_sq_sq; }; BOUTMAIN(AdvectMMS); diff --git a/tests/MMS/advection/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/MMS/advection/data/BOUT.inp index 2275970be5..4dc6ce6b79 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/advection/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/MMS/advection/data/BOUT.inp @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ MZ = 16 ZMAX = 1 MXG = 2 -MYG = 1 +MYG = 0 [mesh] @@ -18,9 +18,17 @@ symmetricGlobalX = true ny = 1 [mesh:ddx] +first = C4 +second = C4 upwind=c2 +[mesh:ddy] +first = C4 +second = C4 + [mesh:ddz] +first = C4 +second = C4 upwind=c2 [solver] @@ -46,4 +54,4 @@ ddx = -1.27323954473516*x*sin(4.0*x^2 + 1.0*z) + 0.477464829275686*sin(t)*cos(3. source = -1.90985931710274*x*(2.0*sin(t)*cos(3.0*x + 2.0*z) - sin(4.0*x^2 + z))*cos(6.0*x^2 - z) - (-1.27323954473516*x*sin(4.0*x^2 + z) + 0.477464829275686*sin(t)*cos(3.0*x + 2.0*z))*cos(6.0*x^2 - 1.0*z) + sin(3.0*x + 2.0*z)*cos(t) -bndry_all = dirichlet_o2(f:solution) +bndry_all = dirichlet_o3(f:solution) diff --git a/tests/MMS/advection/runtest b/tests/MMS/advection/runtest index 5664df819e..1b721d9af2 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/advection/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/advection/runtest @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #requires: all_tests #requires: make -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, pi @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import pickle import time -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + if __name__ == "__main__": print("Making MMS advection test") @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def run_mms(options,exit=True): # Launch using MPI start_time_ = time.time() - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") @@ -72,8 +72,7 @@ def run_mms(options,exit=True): f.close() # Collect data - E_f = collect("E_f", tind=[1,1], info=False, path="data") - #E_f = E_f[0,1:-1,0,:] + E_f = collect("E_f", xguards=False, tind=[1,1], info=False, path="data") # Average error over domain l2 = sqrt(mean(E_f**2)) @@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ def run_mms(options,exit=True): order = log(error_2[-1] / error_2[-2]) / log(dx[-1] / dx[-2]) print("Convergence order = %f" % (order)) - if exp_order-.25 < order < exp_order+.25: + if exp_order-.25 < order < exp_order+0.75: print("............ PASS") else: success = False diff --git a/tests/MMS/bracket/runtest b/tests/MMS/bracket/runtest index 726ff307e9..ac316316db 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/bracket/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/bracket/runtest @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ bc.init("-q -q -q") funcs = [ - ['sin(z)','sin(4*x)' , '4*cos(z)*cos(4*x)' ] + ['sin(z)', 'sin(4*x)', '4*cos(z)*cos(4*x)'] ] # List of NX values to use @@ -29,58 +29,70 @@ nlist = [8, 16, 32] prec = 0.2 -def genMesh(nx,ny,nz,**kwargs): - bc.setOption("mesh:mxg",str(2 if nx > 1 else 0), force=True) - bc.setOption("mesh:myg",str(2 if ny > 1 else 0), force=True) - bc.setOption("mesh:nx",str(nx + 4 if nx > 1 else nx), force=True) - bc.setOption("mesh:ny",str(ny), force=True) - bc.setOption("mz",str(nz), force=True) - bc.setOption("mesh:dx","2*pi/(%d)"%(nx), force=True) - bc.setOption("mesh:dy","1/(%d)"%(ny), force=True) - bc.setOption("mesh:dz","1/(%d)"%(nz), force=True) - for k,v in kwargs.items(): - bc.setOption(k,v, force=True) +def genMesh(nx, ny, nz, **kwargs): + bc.setOption("mesh:mxg", str(2 if nx > 1 else 0), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:myg", str(2 if ny > 1 else 0), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:nx", str(nx + 4 if nx > 1 else nx), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:ny", str(ny), force=True) + bc.setOption("mz", str(nz), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:nz", str(nz), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:dx", "2*pi/(%d)" % (nx), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:dy", "1/(%d)" % (ny), force=True) + bc.setOption("mesh:dz", "1/(%d)" % (nz), force=True) + for k, v in kwargs.items(): + bc.setOption(k, v, force=True) return bc.Mesh(section="mesh") -errlist="" -brackets=[["ARAKAWA", 2,{}], - ["STD", 1 , {"mesh:ddx:upwind":"U1", - "mesh:ddz:upwind":"U1"} - ], - ["STD", 2 , {"mesh:ddx:upwind":"C2", - "mesh:ddz:upwind":"C2"} - ], - # Weno convergence order is currently under discusision: - # https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/issues/1049 - # ["STD", 3 , {"mesh:ddx:upwind":"W3", - # "mesh:ddz:upwind":"W3"} - # ] -] -for in1 , in2, outfunc in funcs: - for name, order ,args in brackets: - errors=[] + + +errlist = "" +brackets = [["ARAKAWA", 2, {}], + ["STD", 1, {"mesh:ddx:upwind": "U1", + "mesh:ddz:upwind": "U1"} + ], + ["STD", 2, {"mesh:ddx:upwind": "C2", + "mesh:ddz:upwind": "C2"} + ], + # Weno convergence order is currently under discusision: + # https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/issues/1049 + # ["STD", 3 , {"mesh:ddx:upwind":"W3", + # "mesh:ddz:upwind":"W3"} + # ] + ] +for in1, in2, outfunc in funcs: + for name, order, args in brackets: + errors = [] for n in nlist[-2:]: - mesh=genMesh(n,1,n,**args) - inf1=bc.create3D(in1,mesh) - inf2=bc.create3D(in2,mesh) - inf=bc.bracket(inf1,inf2,method=name) - outf=bc.create3D(outfunc,mesh) - err=(inf-outf) - slize=[slice(2,-2) , 0, slice(None)] - err=err[slize] - err=np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2)) + mesh = genMesh(n, 1, n, **args) + inf1 = bc.create3D(in1, mesh) + inf2 = bc.create3D(in2, mesh) + inf = bc.bracket(inf1, inf2, method=name) + outf = bc.create3D(outfunc, mesh) + err = (inf-outf) + slize = [slice(2, -2), 0, slice(None)] + err = err[slize] + err = np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2)) errors.append(err) - errc=np.log(errors[-2]/errors[-1]) - difc=np.log(nlist[-1]/nlist[-2]) - conv=errc/difc + errc = np.log(errors[-2]/errors[-1]) + difc = np.log(nlist[-1]/nlist[-2]) + conv = errc/difc if order-prec < conv < order+prec: pass else: - err="{%s,%s} -> %s failed (conv: %f - expected: %f)\n"%(in1,in2,outfunc,conv,order) - errlist+=err + err = "{%s,%s} -> %s failed (conv: %f - expected: %f)\n" % ( + in1, in2, outfunc, conv, order) + errlist += err if errlist: print(errlist) exit(1) +# FIXME: this is a workaround for a strange bug, MPI_Comm_free after +# MPI_Finalize. Seems to be from the global mesh getting destroyed +# after/at the same time as finalise is called -- hence explicitly +# deleting it here +mesh = bc.Mesh.getGlobal() +del mesh +bc.finalise() + print("All tests passed") exit(0) diff --git a/tests/MMS/derivatives3/runtest b/tests/MMS/derivatives3/runtest index c3f64624cb..a2242c153a 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/derivatives3/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/derivatives3/runtest @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ def runtests(functions,derivatives,directions,stag,msg): global errorlist for direction in directions: direction, fac,guards, diff_func = direction - locations=['CENTRE'] + locations=['centre'] if stag: - locations.append(direction.upper()+"LOW") + locations.append(direction.lower()+"low") for funcs, derivative , inloc, outloc in itertools.product(functions, derivatives, locations,locations): infunc, outfunc = funcs @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ derivatives=[ runtests(functions,derivatives,directions,True,"D2D2") - +boutcore.finalise() if errorlist: for error in errorlist: diff --git a/tests/MMS/diffusion/diffusion.cxx b/tests/MMS/diffusion/diffusion.cxx index 3259759c8f..c764a7ee2c 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/diffusion/diffusion.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/diffusion/diffusion.cxx @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include "mathematica.h" #include #include @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { source.allocate(); SAVE_REPEAT(source); - error_monitor.call(NULL, 0, 0, 0); + error_monitor.call(nullptr, 0, 0, 0); solver->addMonitor(&error_monitor); return 0; diff --git a/tests/MMS/diffusion/runtest b/tests/MMS/diffusion/runtest index 5c8b35eb85..d19f9b8457 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/diffusion/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/diffusion/runtest @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS diffusion test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: # Command to run cmd = "./cyto "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/diffusion2/runtest b/tests/MMS/diffusion2/runtest index aca3f829d0..3278974f77 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/diffusion2/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/diffusion2/runtest @@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log from os.path import join -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS diffusion test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ for dir,sizes in inputs: # Command to run cmd = "./cyto "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/MMS/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp index f4ce5c0d48..821da5042c 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/MMS/elm-pb/data/BOUT.inp @@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ floats = false # -> Output in double precision [laplace] all_terms = true +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 ################################################## # derivative methods @@ -140,9 +142,6 @@ viscos_perp = -1.0 # Perpendicular phi_curv = true # Include curvature*Grad(phi) in P equation # gamma = 1.6666 -## field inversion flags -phi_flags = 0 - ################################################## # settings for individual variables # The section "All" defines default settings for all variables @@ -176,7 +175,7 @@ ddy = -0.01*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y source = -0.00064*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 0.18*x*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - (0.01*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(-0.001*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.01*((-1.125*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + (1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) - 562.5)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + 3534.29173528852*(sin(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.001*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*cos(6.28318530717959*x))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sqrt(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)) + 0.001*(202500.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 6.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.002*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 0.016*(3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 2.0*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.001*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x)/sqrt((x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) #bndry_all = dirichlet_o2(Psi:solution) -bndry_all = shifted(dirichlet_o2(Psi:solution_zshift)) +bndry_all = toFieldAligned(dirichlet_o2(Psi:solution_zshift)) [U] # vorticity solution = 2.0*cos(2*t)*cos(x + 4*y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) @@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ ddy = -2.0*(-(x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) + 4)*sin(x + 4*y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0. source = (-(0.01*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(-0.0064*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 1.8*x*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.01*(202500.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 6.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.02*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) - 0.16*(-3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.01*(-14.4*x^3*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 0.0064*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 6075.0*x^2*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^4*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 7.2*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 22.5*x*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.8*x*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)^2*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 360.0*x*(3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 1.8*x*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.01*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(202500.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 6.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.01*(-455625000.0*x^3*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 14062.5*x*(x^2 + 2)*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2 - 2250.0*x/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2) + 227812500.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.02*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) - 0.02*(-227812500.0*x^3*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 2812.5*x*(x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 8437.5*x*(x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) + 170859375.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) - 0.16*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)*(-3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.00355555555555556*x*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + (1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 1012.5*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sqrt(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)) + 2.0*(-0.0064*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.0064*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(63281.25*cos(y) + 632812.5)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.00128*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(y)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^3) - 0.00256*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(y)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.0064*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 2025.0*x^2*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.8*x*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.36*x*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*sin(y)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^3) - 0.72*x*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*sin(y)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)^3*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.01*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*(202500.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 6.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.01*(40500.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^3) - 81000.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))^2*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 202500.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(0.2*cos(y) + 2)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) + 2.5*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) + 6.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*(-1.6*sin(y)/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3 + 0.032*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^3) - 0.128*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^5*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)))*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.02*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) - 0.02*(10125.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 101250.0*x^2/(x^2 + 2)^2 + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(y) - 0.125*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*sin(y)^2 - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*cos(y) + 1.5*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y)^2 - 1.5*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y)^2 - 5062.5*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 50625.0/(x^2 + 2))*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) - 0.002*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*sin(y)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + 0.008*(101250.0*x^2*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 1.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(y) - 3.75*(x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(y) - 50625.0*(y + 0.1*sin(y))/((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)))*sin(y)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))/((x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) - 0.16*(3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(632.8125*cos(y) + 6328.125)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 0.032*(3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^3) + 0.064*(3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)*sin(y)/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^3*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) - 0.16*(6328.125*y + 632.8125*sin(y) + 25312.5)*(-3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*(632812.5*y + 63281.25*sin(y) + 2531250.0)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 3.16049382716049e-6*x^2*(63281.25*cos(y) + 632812.5)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + ((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*cos(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))/sqrt((x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)) + (-0.005*sin(t)*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.5*sin(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(t))*cos(y)/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 - 4.0*sin(2*t)*cos(x + 4*y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 4.0*((-3534.29173528852*sin(3.14159265358979*x)*cos(3.14159265358979*x)*cos(y) - 562.5)*(-0.0025*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.01*(x^2 + 2)*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))) + (11.25*x*(x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.01*(x^2 + 2)*(1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 4500.0*x)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(4.0*x^2 - y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(3.14159265358979*x)^2*sin(y))*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))/(sqrt((x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*(x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 4.0*(-2.0*(-1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 562.5)*(0.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.001*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(6.28318530717959*x) - (x^2 + 2)*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.001*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x))*sin(x + 4*y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(2*t) - 2.0*(-(x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) + 4)*(-1125.0*x*(x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(-0.001*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + (x^2 + 2)*((-1.125*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + (1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) - 562.5)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + 3534.29173528852*(sin(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.001*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*cos(6.28318530717959*x))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1))*sin(x + 4*y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(2*t) + 2.0*(1125.0*x*(x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.001*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x) - 0.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*((-1.125*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + (1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) - 562.5)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + 3534.29173528852*(sin(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.001*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*cos(6.28318530717959*x))*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*sin(x + 4*y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(2*t))/(sqrt((x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*(x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) #bndry_all = dirichlet_o2(U:solution) -bndry_all = shifted(dirichlet_o2(U:solution_zshift)) +bndry_all = toFieldAligned(dirichlet_o2(U:solution_zshift)) [P] # pressure solution = -0.005*sin(t)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.5*cos(t)*cos(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 1 @@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ ddy = -0.5*(-(x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) + 1)*sin(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y source = -0.5*sin(t)*cos(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.005*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(t) - 7068.58347057703*(0.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.001*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(6.28318530717959*x) - (x^2 + 2)*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.001*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x))*sin(3.14159265358979*x)/(sqrt((x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*(x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + 4.0*((-0.005*sin(t)*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.5*sin(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(t))*(1125.0*x*(x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.001*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x) - 0.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*((-1.125*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + (1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) - 562.5)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + 3534.29173528852*(sin(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.001*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*cos(6.28318530717959*x))*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2) + (-0.5*(-(x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) + 1)*sin(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(t) - 0.005*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(t)*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-1125.0*x*(x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*(-0.001*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + (x^2 + 2)*((-1.125*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + (1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) - 562.5)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*sin(6.28318530717959*x) + 3534.29173528852*(sin(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + 0.001*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*cos(6.28318530717959*x))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) + (-5.625*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y))*sin(t)*cos(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.5*(-1125.0*x*(y + 0.1*sin(y)) + 3375.0*x)*sin(3.0*x^2 + y - z - (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y)))*cos(t))*(0.25*(x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.001*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) + cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2*sin(6.28318530717959*x) - (x^2 + 2)*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*cos(t - x + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))) - 0.001*((x^2 + 2)*(0.1*cos(y) + 1) - 1)*sin(-y + z + (x^2 + 2)*(y + 0.1*sin(y))))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)*sin(6.28318530717959*x)))/(sqrt((x^2 + 2)^2*(4.0/(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2 + 0.16/((x^2 + 2)^2*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2))*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^4*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)^2)*(x^2 + 2)*(-0.2*cos(y) + 2)^2*(0.1*cos(y) + 1)) #bndry_all = dirichlet_o2(P:solution) -bndry_all = shifted(dirichlet_o2(P:solution_zshift)) +bndry_all = toFieldAligned(dirichlet_o2(P:solution_zshift)) [Vpar] diff --git a/tests/MMS/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx b/tests/MMS/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx index 3ae0e27594..6ac7b072ec 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/elm-pb/elm_pb.cxx @@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ BoutReal vacuum_pressure; BoutReal vacuum_trans; // Transition width Field3D vac_mask; -int phi_flags; +Laplacian* phi_solver; + bool nonlinear; BoutReal g; // Only if compressible bool phi_curv; @@ -98,9 +99,9 @@ BoutReal AA; // ion mass in units of the proton mass; AA=Mi/Mp bool filter_z; int filter_z_mode; int low_pass_z; -int zonal_flow; -int zonal_field; -int zonal_bkgd; +bool zonal_flow; +bool zonal_field; +bool zonal_bkgd; BoutReal vac_lund, core_lund; // Lundquist number S = (Tau_R / Tau_A). -ve -> infty BoutReal vac_resist, core_resist; // The resistivities (just 1 / S) @@ -244,12 +245,12 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { OPTION(options, dia_fact, 1.0); // Scale diamagnetic effects by this factor // Toroidal filtering - OPTION(options, filter_z, false); // Filter a single n + OPTION(options, filter_z, false); // Filter a single n OPTION(options, filter_z_mode, 1); OPTION(options, low_pass_z, -1); // Low-pass filter - OPTION(options, zonal_flow, -1); // zonal flow filter - OPTION(options, zonal_field, -1); // zonal field filter - OPTION(options, zonal_bkgd, -1); // zonal background P filter + OPTION(options, zonal_flow, false); // zonal flow filter + OPTION(options, zonal_field, false); // zonal field filter + OPTION(options, zonal_bkgd, false); // zonal background P filter // Vacuum region control OPTION(options, vacuum_pressure, 0.02); // Fraction of peak pressure @@ -273,9 +274,6 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { OPTION(options, phi_curv, true); options->get("gamma", g, 5.0/3.0); - // Field inversion flags - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(globalOptions->getSection("solver"), mms, false); if(!include_curvature) @@ -284,6 +282,11 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { if(!include_jpar0) J0 = 0.0; + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // INITIALIZE LAPLACIAN SOLVER + + phi_solver = Laplacian::create(); + ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES @@ -468,7 +471,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { U = where(P0 - vacuum_pressure, U, 0.0); // Phi should be consistent with U - phi = invert_laplace(U, phi_flags, NULL); + phi = phi_solver->solve(U); //if(diamag) { //phi -= 0.5*dnorm * P / B0; @@ -530,9 +533,9 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal t) { if(mms) { // Solve for potential, adding a source term Field3D phiS = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("phi:source", Options::getRoot(), mesh, CELL_CENTRE, t); - phi = invert_laplace(U + phiS, phi_flags, NULL); + phi = phi_solver->solve(U + phiS, phi); }else { - phi = invert_laplace(U, phi_flags, NULL); + phi = phi_solver->solve(U, phi); } if(diamag) { diff --git a/tests/MMS/elm-pb/runtest b/tests/MMS/elm-pb/runtest.broken similarity index 97% rename from tests/MMS/elm-pb/runtest rename to tests/MMS/elm-pb/runtest.broken index a49d080f45..6890ac0cdc 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/elm-pb/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/elm-pb/runtest.broken @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import zip from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boututils.datafile import DataFile from boutdata.collect import collect @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ shape.add(P0, "pressure") shape.add(J0, "Jpar0") shape.add(bxcvz, "bxcvz") -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS elm-pb test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ for nx,nproc in zip(nxlist, nprocs): # Command to run cmd = "./elm_pb "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/fieldalign/fieldalign.cxx b/tests/MMS/fieldalign/fieldalign.cxx index ccd20ca7fa..afa57132d7 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/fieldalign/fieldalign.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/fieldalign/fieldalign.cxx @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class FieldAlign : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { mesh->get(vx, "vx"); mesh->get(vy, "vy"); mesh->get(vz, "vz"); diff --git a/tests/MMS/fieldalign/runtest b/tests/MMS/fieldalign/runtest.broken similarity index 96% rename from tests/MMS/fieldalign/runtest rename to tests/MMS/fieldalign/runtest.broken index 53296d3b5b..23b9bb7c44 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/fieldalign/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/fieldalign/runtest.broken @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import pickle @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, zeros from os.path import join import time -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ for dir in inputs: cmd = "./fieldalign "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/hw/hw.cxx b/tests/MMS/hw/hw.cxx index 20ca7d6c8c..1804783566 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/hw/hw.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/hw/hw.cxx @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Laplacian* phiSolver; // Laplacian solver for vort -> phi // Method to use: BRACKET_ARAKAWA, BRACKET_STD or BRACKET_SIMPLE BRACKET_METHOD bm; // Bracket method for advection terms -int physics_init(bool restart) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restart)) { Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("hw"); OPTION(options, alpha, 1.0); diff --git a/tests/MMS/hw/runtest b/tests/MMS/hw/runtest index 1d3c03af7d..9569532be2 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/hw/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/hw/runtest @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: # Command to run cmd = "./hw "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/laplace/runtest b/tests/MMS/laplace/runtest index 166ce0db47..78a684e357 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/laplace/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/laplace/runtest @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: # Command to run cmd = "./laplace "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/.gitignore b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4773540382 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +*.png +*.pkl diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/advection.cxx b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/advection.cxx index ee6d93ff34..9ef5efa201 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/advection.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/advection.cxx @@ -1,37 +1,27 @@ -/* - * MMS test of advection operators - * - */ - -#include -#include -#include - -class AdvectMMS : public PhysicsModel { -public: - int init(bool restarting) { - solver->add(f, "f"); - - Options::getRoot()->get("method", method, 0); - - return 0; - } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { - mesh->communicate(f); - Coordinates *coords = mesh->getCoordinates(); - - g = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("g:solution", Options::getRoot(), mesh, CELL_CENTRE, time); - - ddt(f) = -bracket(g, f, (BRACKET_METHOD) method) - - 20.*(SQ(SQ(coords->dx))*D4DX4(f) + SQ(SQ(coords->dz))*D4DZ4(f)) - //+ 20.*(SQ(coords->dx)*D2DX2(f) + SQ(coords->dz)*D2DZ2(f)) - ; - - return 0; - } -private: - int method; - Field3D f,g; -}; - -BOUTMAIN(AdvectMMS); +#include "bout.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" +#include "field_factory.hxx" + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + Field3D g{FieldFactory::get()->create3D("g", Options::getRoot(), mesh)}; + Field3D f{FieldFactory::get()->create3D("f", Options::getRoot(), mesh)}; + Field3D solution{FieldFactory::get()->create3D("solution", Options::getRoot(), mesh)}; + + mesh->communicate(f, g); + + auto method = static_cast(Options::root()["method"].as()); + + Field3D result{bracket(g, f, method)}; + Field3D error{result - solution}; + BoutReal l_2{sqrt(mean(SQ(error), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY"))}; + BoutReal l_inf{max(abs(error), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY")}; + + SAVE_ONCE2(f, g); + SAVE_ONCE5(solution, result, error, l_2, l_inf); + + dump.write(); + + BoutFinalise(); +} diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/data/BOUT.inp index 907ed2f1d8..38d2ec3bde 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/data/BOUT.inp @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -NOUT = 1 -TIMESTEP = 50 +g = sin(6.0*x^2 - z) +f = cos(4.0*x^2 + z) +solution = 3.18309886183791*x*sin(4.0*x^2 + z)*cos(6.0*x^2 - z) MZ = 16 @@ -18,36 +19,12 @@ symmetricGlobalX = true ny = 1 [mesh:ddx] -upwind=c2 +first = c4 +second = c4 +upwind = c2 [mesh:ddz] -upwind=c2 +first = c4 +second = c4 +upwind = c2 -[solver] - -#type = rk4 - -ATOL = 1.0e-15 # absolute tolerance -RTOL = 1.0e-15 # relative tolerance -mxstep = 10000 # Maximum internal steps per output - -mms = true # -> Enable MMS testing -mms_initialise = false # Don't initialise with MMS solution - -[output] -floats = false # -> Output in double precision - -[g] -solution = sin(6.0*x^2 - z) - -[f] -scale = 0 -function = 0 - -solution = cos(4.0*x^2 + z) - -ddx = -1.27323954473516*x*sin(4.0*x^2 + z) - -source = 3.18309886183791*x*sin(4.0*x^2 + z)*cos(6.0*x^2 - z) - -bndry_all = dirichlet_o2(f:solution) diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/mms.py b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/mms.py index e61ba5a3c8..a75ab3e39b 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/mms.py +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/mms.py @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ZMAX = Lz / (2*pi) -metric = Metric() # Identity metric +metric = Metric() # Identity metric # Define solution in terms of input x,y,z @@ -19,34 +19,22 @@ f = cos(4*x**2 + z) # Turn solution into real x and z coordinates -replace = [ (x, metric.x / Lx), (z, metric.z / ZMAX) ] +replace = [(x, metric.x / Lx), (z, metric.z / ZMAX)] f = f.subs(replace) g = g.subs(replace) # Calculate time derivatives -dfdt = -bracket(g, f, metric) - -# Calculate source -S = diff(f, t) - dfdt - -# Differentials for boundary conditions -dfdx = diff(f, metric.x) +solution = bracket(g, f, metric) # Substitute back to get input x and z coordinates -replace = [ (metric.x, x * Lx), (metric.z, z * ZMAX) ] - -g = g.subs(replace) -f = f.subs(replace) -dfdt = dfdt.subs(replace) -S = S.subs(replace) -dfdx = dfdx.subs(replace) +replace = [(metric.x, x * Lx), (metric.z, z * ZMAX)] -print("[g]") -print("solution = "+exprToStr(g)) +g = g.subs(replace) +f = f.subs(replace) +solution = solution.subs(replace) -print("\n[f]") -print("solution = "+exprToStr(f)) -print("\nddx = "+exprToStr(dfdx)) -print("\nsource = "+exprToStr(S)) +print("g = " + exprToStr(g)) +print("f = " + exprToStr(f)) +print("solution = " + exprToStr(solution)) diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/runtest b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/runtest index 0a7bab42e9..394b586552 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/advection/runtest @@ -12,119 +12,126 @@ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str from builtins import range -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe +from boututils import check_scaling from boutdata.collect import collect -from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, pi - -from os.path import join - -import matplotlib.pyplot as plt +from numpy import array, log, pi +import argparse import pickle -MPIRUN = getmpirun() +parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Check the error scaling of bracket operators") +parser.add_argument("-p", "--plot", action="store_true", + help="Plot graphs of the errors") +parser.add_argument("-n", "--no-show", action="store_false", dest="show", + help="Don't show the plots, just save to file") + +cli_args = parser.parse_args() print("Making MMS steady-state advection test") shell_safe("make > make.log") # List of options to be passed for each test options = [ - ("method=2", "Arakawa", "-^" , 2), - ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=u1 mesh:ddz:upwind=u1", "1st order upwind", "-o", 1), - ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=c2 mesh:ddz:upwind=c2", "2nd order central", "-x", 2), - ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=w3 mesh:ddz:upwind=w3", "3rd order WENO", "-s", 3) - ] + ("method=2", "Arakawa", "-^", 2), + ("method=4", "Arakawa-old", "-.", 2), + ("method=1 mesh:ddx:upwind=u1 mesh:ddz:upwind=u1", "SIMPLE: 1st order upwind", "-o", 1), + ("method=1 mesh:ddx:upwind=u2 mesh:ddz:upwind=u2", "SIMPLE: 2nd order upwind", "-^", 2), + ("method=1 mesh:ddx:upwind=u3 mesh:ddz:upwind=u3", "SIMPLE: 3rd order upwind", "-v", 3), + ("method=1 mesh:ddx:upwind=c2 mesh:ddz:upwind=c2", "SIMPLE: 2nd order central", "-x", 2), + ("method=1 mesh:ddx:upwind=c4 mesh:ddz:upwind=c4", "SIMPLE: 4th order central", "-+", 4), + ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=u1 mesh:ddz:upwind=u1", "STD: 1st order upwind", "-o", 1), + ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=u2 mesh:ddz:upwind=u2", "STD: 2nd order upwind", "-^", 2), + ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=u3 mesh:ddz:upwind=u3", "STD: 3rd order upwind", "-v", 3), + ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=c2 mesh:ddz:upwind=c2", "STD: 2nd order central", "-x", 2), + ("method=0 mesh:ddx:upwind=c4 mesh:ddz:upwind=c4", "STD: 4th order central", "-+", 4), + # NOTE: WENO3 seems to have two different regimes, one < 3, one > + # 3, so it's possible to make it pass by judicious choice of grid + # sizes, which is suspicious. It does seem to work correctly in + # other contexts, so not overly worrying that it doesn't work + # exactly as expected here + # ("method=1 mesh:ddx:upwind=w3 mesh:ddz:upwind=w3", "3rd order WENO", "-s", 3), +] # List of NX values to use -nxlist = [16, 32] -#nxlist = [16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024] +# Careful! upwind-3rd order fails at low resolution with the default +# tolerance, when it is very good over the rest of the +# domain. _Pretty_ sure this isn't anything to worry about, as there +# must be a lower limit +nxlist = [32, 64, 128, 256] nproc = 2 +mthread = 2 -success = True +failures = [] err_2_all = [] err_inf_all = [] -for opts,label,sym,exp_ord in options: - error_2 = [] # The L2 error (RMS) +for opts, label, sym, exp_ord in options: + error_2 = [] # The L2 error (RMS) error_inf = [] # The maximum error for nx in nxlist: - # Set the X and Z mesh size + shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") + # Set the X and Z mesh size dx = 2.*pi / (nx) - args = opts + " mesh:nx="+str(nx+4)+" mesh:dx="+str(dx)+" MZ="+str(nx) - print(" Running with " + args) - - # Delete old data - shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") - - # Command to run cmd = "./advection "+args - # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) - - # Save output to log file - f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") - f.write(out) - f.close() - - # Collect data - E_f = collect("E_f", tind=[1,1], info=False, path="data") - #E_f = E_f[0,2:-2,0,:] - - # Average error over domain - l2 = sqrt(mean(E_f**2)) - linf = max(abs( E_f )) - - error_2.append( l2 ) - error_inf.append( linf ) - + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) + + with open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + + l2 = collect("l_2", tind=-1, xguards=False, + yguards=False, info=False, path="data") + linf = collect("l_inf", tind=-1, xguards=False, + yguards=False, info=False, path="data") + + error_2.append(l2) + error_inf.append(linf) + print(" -> Error norm: l-2 %f l-inf %f" % (l2, linf)) - - - # Append to list of all results - err_2_all.append( (error_2, label, sym) ) - err_inf_all.append( (error_inf, label, sym) ) - # Calculate grid spacing + err_2_all.append((error_2, label, sym)) + err_inf_all.append((error_inf, label, sym)) + dx = 1. / array(nxlist) - # Calculate convergence order - - order = log(error_2[-1] / error_2[-2]) / log(dx[-1] / dx[-2]) - print("Convergence order = %f" % (order)) + order = check_scaling.get_order(dx, error_2) + print("Convergence order = {:f} ({:f} at small spacing)".format(*order)) - if not ( exp_ord + .2 > order > exp_ord - .2): - success=False - print("... Failure") - else: + if check_scaling.check_order(error_2, exp_ord): print("... Success") + else: + failures.append(label) + print("... Failure") # plot errors - if False: + if cli_args.plot: + import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() - + plt.plot(dx, error_2, '-o', label=r'$l^2$') plt.plot(dx, error_inf, '-x', label=r'$l^\infty$') - - plt.plot(dx, error_2[-1]*(dx/dx[-1])**order, '--', label="Order %.1f"%(order)) - + + plt.plot(dx, error_2[-1]*(dx/dx[-1])**order, + '--', label="Order %.1f" % (order)) + plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.grid() - + plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') - + plt.xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') plt.ylabel("Error norm") - - #plt.savefig("norm.pdf") - plt.show() + if cli_args.show: + plt.show() + plt.savefig("{}_error_scaling.png".format(label.replace(" ", "_"))) plt.close() # Save the data @@ -132,61 +139,58 @@ with open("advection.pkl", "wb") as output: pickle.dump(err_2_all, output) pickle.dump(err_inf_all, output) -# Plot all results for comparison -plt.figure() -for e, label, sym in err_2_all: - plt.plot(dx, e, sym, label=label) - -plt.legend(loc="upper left") -plt.grid() -plt.yscale('log') -plt.xscale('log') - -plt.xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') -plt.ylabel(r'$l^2$ error norm') -plt.savefig("advection_norm_l2.pdf") -plt.close() - -### - -plt.figure() -for e, label, sym in err_inf_all: - plt.plot(dx, e, sym, label=label) - for i in range(len(dx)): - print(str(label)+ ": %d Err: %e " % (nxlist[i], e[i])) - if i > 0: - print(" -> Rate %e " % (log(e[i] / e[i-1]) / log(dx[i] / dx[i-1]))) - -plt.legend(loc="upper left") -plt.grid() -plt.yscale('log') -plt.xscale('log') - -plt.xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') -plt.ylabel(r'$l^\infty$ error norm') -plt.savefig("advection_norm_linf.pdf") -plt.close() - -###### - - -print("\n\n==== l-infty norm ====") -for e, label, sym in err_inf_all: - for i in range(len(dx)): - print(str(label)+ ": %d Err: %e " % (nxlist[i], e[i])) - if i > 0: - print(" -> Rate %e " % (log(e[i] / e[i-1]) / log(dx[i] / dx[i-1]))) - -print("\n\n==== l-2 norm ====") -for e, label, sym in err_2_all: - for i in range(len(dx)): - print(str(label)+ ": %d Err: %e " % (nxlist[i], e[i])) - if i > 0: - print(" -> Rate %e " % (log(e[i] / e[i-1]) / log(dx[i] / dx[i-1]))) - -if success: - print(" => All tests passed") - exit(0) +# Plot all errors +if cli_args.plot: + import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + # Plot all results for comparison + plt.figure() + for e, label, sym in err_2_all: + plt.plot(dx, e, sym, label=label) + + plt.legend(loc="upper left") + plt.grid() + plt.yscale('log') + plt.xscale('log') + + plt.xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') + plt.ylabel(r'$l_2$ error norm') + plt.savefig("advection_norm_l2.png") + if cli_args.show: + plt.show() + plt.close() + + ### + + plt.figure() + for e, label, sym in err_inf_all: + plt.plot(dx, e, sym, label=label) + + plt.legend(loc="upper left") + plt.grid() + plt.yscale('log') + plt.xscale('log') + + plt.xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') + plt.ylabel(r'$l_\infty$ error norm') + plt.savefig("advection_norm_linf.png") + if cli_args.show: + plt.show() + plt.close() + + +print("\n==== l-infinity norm ====") +for e, label, _ in err_inf_all: + print(check_scaling.error_rate_table(e, nxlist, label)) + +print("==== l-2 norm ====") +for e, label, _ in err_2_all: + print(check_scaling.error_rate_table(e, nxlist, label)) + +if not failures: + print(" => All tests passed") + exit(0) else: - print(" => Some failed tests") - exit(1) + print(" => Some failed tests") + for failure in failures: + print(" -", failure) + exit(1) diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dx2/runtest b/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dx2/runtest index 08a7c575e7..f9c5b508d0 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dx2/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dx2/runtest @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ except: #requires: all_tests -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS d2dx2 test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: cmd = "./test_d2dx2 "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dz2/runtest b/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dz2/runtest index 7526d8ba63..3e843785f0 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dz2/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/d2dz2/runtest @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ except: #requires: all_tests -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS d2dz2 test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ for mz in mzlist: cmd = "./test_d2dz2 "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(mz), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/diffusion/runtest b/tests/MMS/spatial/diffusion/runtest index c28a3cf3a4..0de6897a21 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/spatial/diffusion/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/diffusion/runtest @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ from os.path import join import matplotlib.pyplot as plt -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS diffusion test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ for dir,sizes in inputs: # Command to run cmd = "./diffusion "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cf2208e3b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +grid = fci.grid.nc + +input = sin(y - 2*z) + sin(y - z) + +solution = (6.28318530717959*(0.01*x + 0.045)*(-2*cos(y - 2*z) - cos(y - z)) + 0.628318530717959*cos(y - 2*z) + 0.628318530717959*cos(y - z))/sqrt((0.01*x + 0.045)^2 + 1.0) + +MXG = 1 +NXPE = 1 + +[mesh] +paralleltransform = fci +symmetricglobalx = true + +[mesh:ddy] +first = C2 +second = C2 + +[fci] +y_periodic = true +z_periodic = true + +[interpolation] +type = lagrange4pt diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/fci_mms.cxx b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/fci_mms.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4c780661a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/fci_mms.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#include "bout.hxx" +#include "derivs.hxx" +#include "field_factory.hxx" + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + Field3D input{FieldFactory::get()->create3D("input", Options::getRoot(), mesh)}; + Field3D solution{FieldFactory::get()->create3D("solution", Options::getRoot(), mesh)}; + + // Communicate to calculate parallel transform + mesh->communicate(input); + + Field3D result{Grad_par(input)}; + Field3D error{result - solution}; + BoutReal l_2{sqrt(mean(SQ(error), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY"))}; + BoutReal l_inf{max(abs(error), true, "RGN_NOBNDRY")}; + + SAVE_ONCE6(input, solution, result, error, l_2, l_inf); + + for (int slice = 1; slice < mesh->ystart; ++slice) { + SAVE_ONCE2(input.ynext(-slice), input.ynext(slice)); + } + + dump.write(); + + BoutFinalise(); +} diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/makefile b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..88ba6c77e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +BOUT_TOP = ../../../.. + +SOURCEC = fci_mms.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/mms.py b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/mms.py old mode 100644 new mode 100755 similarity index 50% rename from tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/mms.py rename to tests/MMS/spatial/fci/mms.py index df00c5d68d..477c605e84 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/mms.py +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/mms.py @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Generate manufactured solution and sources for FCI test # @@ -11,9 +12,7 @@ from math import pi -f = sin(y - z) + cos(t)*sin(y - 2*z) - -g = cos(y - z) - cos(t)*sin(y - 2*z) +f = sin(y - z) + sin(y - 2*z) Lx = 0.1 Ly = 10. @@ -26,22 +25,11 @@ Bpx = Bp + (x-0.5)*Lx * Bpprime # Note: x in range [0,1] B = sqrt(Bpx**2 + Bt**2) -def FCI_Grad_par(f): +def FCI_ddy(f): return ( Bt * diff(f, y)*2.*pi/Ly + Bpx * diff(f, z)*2.*pi/Lz ) / B ############################################ # Equations solved -dfdt = FCI_Grad_par(g) -dgdt = FCI_Grad_par(f) - -# Loop over variables and print solution, source etc. -for v, dvdt, name in [ (f, dfdt, "f"), (g, dgdt, "g") ]: - # Calculate source - S = diff(v, t) - dvdt - - print("\n["+name+"]") - print("solution = "+exprToStr(v)) - print("\nsource = "+exprToStr(S)) - print("\nbndry_par_all = parallel_dirichlet("+name+":solution)") - +print("input = " + exprToStr(f)) +print("solution = " + exprToStr(FCI_ddy(f))) diff --git a/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/runtest b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..dfbca4e505 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/MMS/spatial/fci/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# +# Python script to run and analyse MMS test +# +from __future__ import division +from __future__ import print_function + +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe +from boutdata.collect import collect + +from numpy import array, log, polyfit, linspace, arange + +import pickle + +from sys import stdout + +import zoidberg as zb + +nx = 3 # Not changed for these tests + +# Resolution in y and z +nlist = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128] + +# Number of parallel slices (in each direction) +nslices = [1, 2] + +directory = "data" + +nproc = 2 +mthread = 2 + + + +success = True + +error_2 = {} +error_inf = {} +method_orders = {} + +# Run with periodic Y? +yperiodic = True + +failures = [] + +print("Making fci MMS test") +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +for nslice in nslices: + error_2[nslice] = [] + error_inf[nslice] = [] + + # Which central difference scheme to use and its expected order + order = nslice * 2 + method_orders[nslice] = { + "name": "C{}".format(order), + "order": order + } + + for n in nlist: + # Define the magnetic field using new poloidal gridding method + # Note that the Bz and Bzprime parameters here must be the same as in mms.py + field = zb.field.Slab(Bz=0.05, Bzprime=0.1) + # Create rectangular poloidal grids + poloidal_grid = zb.poloidal_grid.RectangularPoloidalGrid(nx, n, 0.1, 1.) + # Set the ylength and y locations + ylength = 10. + + if yperiodic: + ycoords = linspace(0.0, ylength, n, endpoint=False) + else: + # Doesn't include the end points + ycoords = (arange(n) + 0.5)*ylength/float(n) + + # Create the grid + grid = zb.grid.Grid(poloidal_grid, ycoords, ylength, yperiodic=yperiodic) + # Make and write maps + maps = zb.make_maps(grid, field, nslice=nslice, quiet=True) + zb.write_maps(grid, field, maps, new_names=False, metric2d=True, quiet=True) + + args = (" MZ={} MYG={} fci:y_periodic={} mesh:ddy:first={}" + .format(n, nslice, yperiodic, method_orders[nslice]["name"])) + + # Command to run + cmd = "./fci_mms "+args + + print("Running command: "+cmd) + + # Launch using MPI + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) + + # Save output to log file + with open("run.log."+str(n), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + + if s: + print("Run failed!\nOutput was:\n") + print(out) + exit(s) + + # Collect data + l_2 = collect("l_2", tind=[1, 1], info=False, + path=directory, xguards=False, yguards=False) + l_inf = collect("l_inf", tind=[1, 1], info=False, + path=directory, xguards=False, yguards=False) + + error_2[nslice].append(l_2) + error_inf[nslice].append(l_inf) + + print("Errors : l-2 {:f} l-inf {:f}".format(l_2, l_inf)) + + dx = 1. / array(nlist) + + # Calculate convergence order + fit = polyfit(log(dx), log(error_2[nslice]), 1) + order = fit[0] + stdout.write("Convergence order = {:f} (fit)".format(order)) + + order = log(error_2[nslice][-2]/error_2[nslice][-1])/log(dx[-2]/dx[-1]) + stdout.write(", {:f} (small spacing)".format(order)) + + # Should be close to the expected order + if order > method_orders[nslice]["order"] * 0.95: + print("............ PASS\n") + else: + print("............ FAIL\n") + success = False + failures.append(method_orders[nslice]["name"]) + + +with open("fci_mms.pkl", "wb") as output: + pickle.dump(nlist, output) + for nslice in nslices: + pickle.dump(error_2[nslice], output) + pickle.dump(error_inf[nslice], output) + +# Do we want to show the plot as well as save it to file. +showPlot = True + +if False: + try: + # Plot using matplotlib if available + import matplotlib.pyplot as plt + + fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) + + for nslice in nslices: + ax.plot(dx, error_2[nslice], '-', + label="{} $l_2$".format(method_orders[nslice]["name"])) + ax.plot(dx, error_inf[nslice], '--', + label="{} $l_\inf$".format(method_orders[nslice]["name"])) + ax.legend(loc="upper left") + ax.grid() + ax.set_yscale('log') + ax.set_xscale('log') + ax.set_title('error scaling') + ax.set_xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') + ax.set_ylabel("Error norm") + + plt.savefig("fci_mms.pdf") + + print("Plot saved to fci_mms.pdf") + + if showPlot: + plt.show() + plt.close() + except ImportError: + print("No matplotlib") + +if success: + print("All tests passed") + exit(0) +else: + print("Some tests failed:") + for failure in failures: + print("\t" + failure) + exit(1) diff --git a/tests/MMS/time/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/MMS/time/data/BOUT.inp index de894b88c8..e6363e0c6f 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/time/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/MMS/time/data/BOUT.inp @@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ nx = 1 ny = 1 [solver] - +adaptive = false mms = true [f] -#solution = sin(t) -#source = cos(t) solution = exp(t) source = 0 diff --git a/tests/MMS/time/runtest b/tests/MMS/time/runtest index bb32c80fab..36832936e0 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/time/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/time/runtest @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect #requires: all_tests @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ try: except: plt=None -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS time integration test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -35,24 +35,19 @@ shell_safe("make > make.log") # List of options to be passed for each test if "only_petsc" in sys.argv: # this requires petsc: - options = [("solver:type=imexbdf2 -snes_mf", "IMEX-BDF2", "-+",2)]# What's the expected order? - # should petsc solver also be added? - #options.append(("solver:type=petsc", "petsc", "-+",2))# What's the expected order? + options = [("solver:type=imexbdf2 -snes_mf", "IMEX-BDF2", "-+",2)] else: options = [ ("solver:type=euler", "Euler", "-^",1) - ,("solver:type=karniadakis", "Karniadakis", "-x",2) # Whats the expected order? ,("solver:type=rk3ssp", "RK3-SSP", "-s",3) ,("solver:type=rk4", "RK4", "-o",4) - ,("solver:type=rkgeneric solver:adaptive=false", "RK-generic", "-o",4) - #,("solver:type=pvode solver:", "P-Vode", "-o",2) + ,("solver:type=rkgeneric", "RK-generic", "-o",4) + ,("solver:type=splitrk", "SplitRK", "-x", 2) ] #Missing: cvode, ida, slepc, power, arkode, snes # Is there a better way to check a certain solver should be enabled? -#options.append(("solver:type=power", "power", "-+",2))# What's the expected order? - # List of NX values to use timesteps = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256] @@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ for opts,label,sym,expected_order in options: # Command to run cmd = "./time "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+label+"."+str(nt), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/time/time.cxx b/tests/MMS/time/time.cxx index e4d2d83370..d97660cd7d 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/time/time.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/time/time.cxx @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ #include - +#include "unused.hxx" class TimeTest : public PhysicsModel { public: - int init(bool restart) { + int init(MAYBE_UNUSED(bool restart)) { solver->add(f, "f"); // Solve a single 3D field setSplitOperator(); @@ -19,18 +19,17 @@ class TimeTest : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(MAYBE_UNUSED(BoutReal time)) { ddt(f) = f; - //ddt(f) = 0.0; // No RHS here, only the MMS source return 0; } - int convective(BoutReal time) { - ddt(f) = f; + int convective(MAYBE_UNUSED(BoutReal time)) { + ddt(f) = 0.5*f; return 0; } - int diffusive(BoutReal time) { - ddt(f) = 0; + int diffusive(MAYBE_UNUSED(BoutReal time)) { + ddt(f) = 0.5*f; return 0; } private: diff --git a/tests/MMS/tokamak/runtest b/tests/MMS/tokamak/runtest.broken similarity index 97% rename from tests/MMS/tokamak/runtest rename to tests/MMS/tokamak/runtest.broken index 0ba58b4e8b..3fb542250f 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/tokamak/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/tokamak/runtest.broken @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import print_function from builtins import zip from builtins import str -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boututils.datafile import DataFile from boutdata.collect import collect @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from sys import stdout from boutdata.mms import SimpleTokamak shape = SimpleTokamak() -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS tokamak geometry test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ for nx,nproc in zip(nxlist, nprocs): # Command to run cmd = "./tokamak "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/tokamak/tokamak.cxx b/tests/MMS/tokamak/tokamak.cxx index a917afe960..c9dc580078 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/tokamak/tokamak.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/tokamak/tokamak.cxx @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class TokamakMMS : public PhysicsModel { public: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { solver->add(laplacepar, "laplacepar"); solver->add(delp2, "delp2"); solver->add(advect, "advect"); diff --git a/tests/MMS/upwinding3/runtest b/tests/MMS/upwinding3/runtest index c0fd2129a3..5dc7bcbf60 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/upwinding3/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/upwinding3/runtest @@ -10,16 +10,17 @@ import itertools from sys import exit errorlist=[] - +passlist=[] boutcore.init("-d data -q -q -q".split(" ")) def runtests(functions,derivatives,directions,stag,msg): global errorlist + global passlist for direction in directions: direction, fac,guards, diff_func = direction - locations=['CENTRE'] + locations=['centre'] if stag: - locations.append(direction.upper()+"LOW") + locations.append(direction.lower()+"low") for funcs, derivative , floc, vloc in itertools.product(functions, derivatives, locations,locations): vfunc, ffunc, outfunc = funcs @@ -39,11 +40,10 @@ def runtests(functions,derivatives,directions,stag,msg): ,outloc=vloc) sim=diff_func(v,f,method=diff,outloc=floc) if sim.getLocation() != floc: - cent=['CENTRE','CENTER'] - if floc in cent and sim.getLocation() in cent: + if floc == 'centre' and sim.getLocation() == 'centre': pass else: - errorlist.append("Location does not match - expected %s but got %s"%(outloc,sim.getLocation())) + errorlist.append("Location does not match - expected %s but got %s"%(floc,sim.getLocation())) ana=boutcore.create3D(outfunc.replace("%s",dirnfac),mesh, outloc=floc) err=sim-ana err=err.getAll().flatten() @@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ def runtests(functions,derivatives,directions,stag,msg): difc=np.log(nzs[-1]/nzs[-2]) conv=errc/difc if order-.1 < conv < order+.1: - pass + info="%s - %s - %s - %s - %s -> %s "%(vfunc,ffunc,diff,direction,floc,vloc) + passMsg="%s: %s is working. Expected %f got %f"%(msg,info,order,conv) + passlist.append(passMsg) else: info="%s - %s - %s - %s - %s -> %s "%(vfunc,ffunc,diff,direction,floc,vloc) error="%s: %s is not working. Expected %f got %f"%(msg,info,order,conv) @@ -103,9 +105,14 @@ derivatives=[ runtests(functions,derivatives,directions,stag=True,msg="DD") +boutcore.finalise() + if errorlist: for error in errorlist: print(error) + if passlist: + for passMsg in passlist: + print(passMsg) exit(1) else: print("Pass") diff --git a/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/runtest b/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/runtest index 168cea6807..ea332f79cd 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/runtest @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import pickle @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ from sys import stdout from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate, pi -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS wave test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ for ny in nylist: # Command to run cmd = "./wave "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file with open("run.log."+str(ny), "w") as f: diff --git a/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/wave.cxx b/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/wave.cxx index 767c968935..5cbe046b91 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/wave.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/wave-1d-y/wave.cxx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class Wave1D : public PhysicsModel { Field3D f, g; // Evolving variables protected: - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { g.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); // g staggered @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ class Wave1D : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - - int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { mesh->communicate(f,g); // Communicate guard cells // Central differencing diff --git a/tests/MMS/wave-1d/runtest b/tests/MMS/wave-1d/runtest index f400d919c2..39278d500a 100755 --- a/tests/MMS/wave-1d/runtest +++ b/tests/MMS/wave-1d/runtest @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, concatenate -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making MMS wave test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ for nx in nxlist: # Command to run cmd = "./wave "+args # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) # Save output to log file f = open("run.log."+str(nx), "w") diff --git a/tests/MMS/wave-1d/wave.cxx b/tests/MMS/wave-1d/wave.cxx index 0e87965ec3..b8406c1dab 100644 --- a/tests/MMS/wave-1d/wave.cxx +++ b/tests/MMS/wave-1d/wave.cxx @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #include #include #include -#include +#include #include "mathematica.h" #include #include @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class Wave1D : public PhysicsModel { const Field3D solution_g(BoutReal t); const Field3D source_g(BoutReal t); protected: - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { // Coordinate system coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); @@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ class Wave1D : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + + int rhs(BoutReal t) override { mesh->communicate(f,g); // Communicate guard cells //update time-dependent boundary conditions @@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ class Wave1D : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - + // This called every output timestep - int outputMonitor(BoutReal simtime, int UNUSED(iter), int UNUSED(NOUT)) { + int outputMonitor(BoutReal simtime, int UNUSED(iter), int UNUSED(NOUT)) override { Field3D Sf = solution_f(simtime); Field3D Sg = solution_g(simtime); diff --git a/tests/integrated/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/.gitignore index 32030a8f3c..0e28280d36 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/.gitignore +++ b/tests/integrated/.gitignore @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ BOUT.settings /test-interchange-instability/2fluid /test-invpar/test_invpar /test-io/test_io +/test-io_hdf5/test_io_hdf5 /test-laplace/test_laplace /test-restarting/test_restarting /test-smooth/test_smooth @@ -35,3 +36,4 @@ BOUT.settings /test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/test_petsc_laplace_MAST_grid /test-stopCheck/test_stopCheck /test-yupdown/test_yupdown +/test-coordinates-initialization/test-coordinates-initialization diff --git a/tests/integrated/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..48a36ebe2c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +add_subdirectory(test-attribs) +add_subdirectory(test-command-args) +add_subdirectory(test-coordinates-initialization) +add_subdirectory(test-cyclic) +add_subdirectory(test-delp2) +add_subdirectory(test-griddata) +add_subdirectory(test-initial) +add_subdirectory(test-invertable-operator) +add_subdirectory(test-io) +add_subdirectory(test-io_hdf5) +add_subdirectory(test-laplace) +add_subdirectory(test-slepc-solver) +add_subdirectory(test-solver) +add_subdirectory(test-stopCheck) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-attribs/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-attribs/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..37f7888d89 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-attribs/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test-attribs + SOURCES test-attribs.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect-staggered/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect-staggered/runtest index 6767618531..7f683a862e 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect-staggered/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect-staggered/runtest @@ -1,49 +1,50 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 import boutcore as bc -#requires boutcore -#requires not make +# requires boutcore +# requires not make bc.init("-q -q -q") -fail=0 -f=bc.create3D("sin(y)",outloc='YLOW') +fail = 0 +f = bc.create3D("sin(y)", outloc='YLOW') -dump=bc.Datafile() # get global :( -dump.add(f3d_evolve=f,save_repeat=True) -dump.add(f3d_once=f,save_repeat=False) +dump = bc.Datafile() # get global :( +dump.add(f3d_evolve=f, save_repeat=True) +dump.add(f3d_once=f, save_repeat=False) dump.write() -fc=bc.create3D("sin(y)",outloc='CENTRE') +fc = bc.create3D("sin(y)", outloc='CENTRE') -fe=bc.Field3D.fromCollect("f3d_evolve",path='data',info=False) -fo=bc.Field3D.fromCollect("f3d_once",path='data',info=False) +fe = bc.Field3D.fromCollect("f3d_evolve", path='data', info=False) +fo = bc.Field3D.fromCollect("f3d_once", path='data', info=False) if fe.getLocation() == fc.getLocation(): print("The loaded field should not be at CELL_CENTRE") - fail=1 - + fail = 1 + if fo.getLocation() == fc.getLocation(): print("The loaded field should not be at CELL_CENTRE") - fail=1 + fail = 1 + -def compare(a,b): - diff=a-bc.interp_to(b,a.getLocation()) - err=bc.max(bc.sqrt(diff*diff)) +def compare(a, b): + diff = a-bc.interp_to(b, a.getLocation()) + err = bc.max(bc.sqrt(diff*diff)) return err -if compare(fc,f) > 1e-3: + +if compare(fc, f) > 1e-3: print("Something is wrong. Maybe interpolation is broken") - fail=1 + fail = 1 -if compare(fc,fe) > 1e-3: +if compare(fc, fe) > 1e-3: print("Something is wrong. Maybe setting the location from field failed.") - fail=1 + fail = 1 -if compare(fc,fo) > 1e-3: +if compare(fc, fo) > 1e-3: print("Something is wrong. Maybe setting the location from field failed.") - fail=1 - + fail = 1 exit(fail) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect/runtest index 52d88e3aa5..b1ba11fa7b 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/collect/runtest @@ -3,48 +3,46 @@ import boutcore as bc import numpy as np from boutdata import collect -#requires boutcore -#requires not make +# requires boutcore +# requires not make bc.init("-d input".split(" ")) -f=bc.Field3D.fromMesh(None) +f = bc.Field3D.fromMesh(None) f.setAll(np.array([[[1.]]])) -f2=bc.Field3D.fromMesh(None) +f2 = bc.Field3D.fromMesh(None) f2.setAll(np.array([[[2.]]])) print(f.getAll()) -dump=bc.Datafile() # get global :( -dump.add(f3d=f,f2d=f2,save_repeat=True) +dump = bc.Datafile() # get global :( +dump.add(f3d=f, f2d=f2, save_repeat=True) dump.write() -errorlist="" -n=collect("f2d",path='input',tind=-1,yguards=True) +errorlist = "" +n = collect("f2d", path='input', tind=-1, yguards=True) print(n.shape) -T=collect("f3d",path='input',tind=-1,yguards=True) +T = collect("f3d", path='input', tind=-1, yguards=True) print(n.shape) print("initialized mesh") -mesh=bc.Mesh.getGlobal(); +mesh = bc.Mesh.getGlobal() print("initialized mesh") -dens=bc.Field3D.fromMesh(mesh) -dens[:,:,:]=n.reshape((1,1,1)) -temp=bc.Field3D.fromCollect("f3d",path="input") -pres=dens+temp -print(slice(None,None,-2).indices(5)) -p=pres[::5,0,::-2] -pn=(n+T) -pn=pn.reshape(p.shape) -#print(p [::50,::10,::20]) -#print(pn[::50,::10,::20]) -if not ((p==pn).all()): - errorlist+="addition not working\n" -pres=dens*temp*1 -p=pres.getAll() -pn=n*T -pn=pn.reshape(p.shape) -if not ((p==pn).all()): - errorlist+="multiplication not working\n" +dens = bc.Field3D.fromMesh(mesh) +dens[:, :, :] = n.reshape((1, 1, 1)) +temp = bc.Field3D.fromCollect("f3d", path="input") +pres = dens+temp +print(slice(None, None, -2).indices(5)) +p = pres[::5, 0, ::-2] +pn = (n+T) +pn = pn.reshape(p.shape) +if not ((p == pn).all()): + errorlist += "addition not working\n" +pres = dens*temp*1 +p = pres.getAll() +pn = n*T +pn = pn.reshape(p.shape) +if not ((p == pn).all()): + errorlist += "multiplication not working\n" print(p.shape) print(pn.shape) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/legacy-model/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/legacy-model/runtest index ade2766e35..9d84b27741 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/legacy-model/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/legacy-model/runtest @@ -2,19 +2,21 @@ import boutcore import sys -#requires boutcore -#requires not make +# requires boutcore +# requires not make boutcore.init(sys.argv[1:]) -dens=boutcore.create3D("0") +dens = boutcore.create3D("0") + def rhs(time): - n_ddt=dens.ddt() - n_ddt[:,:,:]=dens*0 - n_ddt+=1 + n_ddt = dens.ddt() + n_ddt[:, :, :] = dens*0 + n_ddt += 1 + -model=boutcore.PhysicsModelBase() +model = boutcore.PhysicsModelBase() model.setRhs(rhs) model.solve_for(n=dens) model.solve() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/mms-ddz/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/mms-ddz/runtest index c405aec57c..aa1ef07c9e 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/mms-ddz/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/mms-ddz/runtest @@ -2,43 +2,43 @@ import boutcore import numpy as np -#requires boutcore -#requires not make +# requires boutcore +# requires not make -errorlist="" -boutcore.init("-d data -q -q -q")#+" -f BOUT.settings") +errorlist = "" +boutcore.init("-d data -q -q -q") # +" -f BOUT.settings") -shapes=[] -errors=[] -mmax=7 -start=6 -doPlot=False -nzs=np.logspace(start,mmax,num=mmax-start+1,base=2) +shapes = [] +errors = [] +mmax = 7 +start = 6 +doPlot = False +nzs = np.logspace(start, mmax, num=mmax-start+1, base=2) for nz in nzs: - boutcore.setOption("meshz:nz","%d"%nz,force=True) - boutcore.setOption("meshz:dz","2*Pi/%d"%nz,force=True)#%.30g"%(2*np.pi/nz))# better pass calculation to bout ... - mesh=boutcore.Mesh(section="meshz") - f=boutcore.create3D("sin(z)",mesh) - sim=boutcore.DDZ(f) - ana=boutcore.create3D("cos(z)",mesh) - err=sim-ana - err=np.max(np.abs(err.getAll())) + boutcore.setOption("meshz:nz", "%d" % nz, force=True) + boutcore.setOption("meshz:dz", "2*Pi/%d" % nz, force=True) + mesh = boutcore.Mesh(section="meshz") + f = boutcore.create3D("sin(z)", mesh) + sim = boutcore.DDZ(f) + ana = boutcore.create3D("cos(z)", mesh) + err = sim-ana + err = np.max(np.abs(err.getAll())) errors.append(err) if doPlot: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt - plt.plot(1/np.array(nzs),errors,'-o') + plt.plot(1/np.array(nzs), errors, '-o') plt.show() -errc=np.log(errors[-2]/errors[-1]) -difc=np.log(nzs[-1]/nzs[-2]) -conv=errc/difc +errc = np.log(errors[-2]/errors[-1]) +difc = np.log(nzs[-1]/nzs[-2]) +conv = errc/difc if 1.9 < conv < 2.1: - print("The convergence is: %f"%conv) + print("The convergence is: %f" % conv) else: - errorlist+="DDZ is not working\n" + errorlist += "DDZ is not working\n" if errorlist != "": - print("Found errors:\n%s"%errorlist) + print("Found errors:\n%s" % errorlist) exit(1) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/simple-model/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/simple-model/runtest index d716090877..9748cc4b0c 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/simple-model/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-boutcore/simple-model/runtest @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 -#requires boutcore -#requires not make +# requires boutcore +# requires not make from boutcore import * init("-d mini") + class MyModel(PhysicsModel): - def init(self,restart): - self.n=create3D("dens:function") + def init(self, restart): + self.n = create3D("dens:function") self.solve_for(dens=self.n) - def rhs(self,time): + + def rhs(self, time): self.n.ddt(DDX(self.n)) -model=MyModel() -model.solve() +model = MyModel() +model.solve() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-code-style/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-code-style/runtest index 31018dcd19..c653a7a7ee 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-code-style/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-code-style/runtest @@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ error= for i in BoutReal # double float int char size_t do - grep -E "\([^\)]*const[^\(,:<]*$i[^,\):\*>]*\&" -r --include=*xx $BOUT_TOP && + # Search for "(... const $i...)", but exclude lines with "template" + # because sometimes "const BoutReal" is needed in template specialisations + grep -E "\([^\)]*const[^\(,:<]*$i[^,\):\*>]*\&" -r --include=*xx $BOUT_TOP | grep -v template && error=yes && echo "const $i should be passed by value" done @@ -19,40 +21,6 @@ grep [\(,][[:space:]]*const[[:space:]][[:alnum:]]*[[:space:]][[:alnum:]]*[[:spac paths="src include examples tests" -GIT=git -if $GIT status > /dev/null 2>&1 -then - # Find autogenerated files - autogens="" - for path in $paths - do - autogens="$(for f in $(find $BOUT_TOP/$path |grep '\.in\.[a-z0-9A-Z]*$') - do - echo ${f%.in.*} - done | sort -u) $autogens" - done - for autogen in $autogens - do - if ! $GIT diff --exit-code $autogen > /dev/null 2>&1 - then - error=1 - echo "$autogen changed - but should be autogenerated" - fi - if ! test "$error" - then - make -C ${autogen%/*} --no-print-directory - fi - if ! $GIT diff --exit-code $autogen > /dev/null 2>&1 - then - error=1 - echo "$autogen changed upon recreation" - echo "Checking file out - to prevent further changes" - $GIT checkout $autogen - fi - done -else - echo "Skipping test - as git is not available!" -fi # Check that exceptions are caught by reference for path in $paths diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-command-args/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-command-args/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bd77cad4cc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-command-args/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(command-args + SOURCES command-args.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + EXTRA_FILES BOUT.inp + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-command-args/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-command-args/runtest index 42488c61a0..b4494dc257 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-command-args/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-command-args/runtest @@ -1,95 +1,127 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -# Compile command-args -make || exit 1 - -# Remove directories which may be left from previous run -rm -rf data -rm -rf test - -# Run without any directory, check that an exception is thrown -echo "=========== Running without input directory ==============" -if ./command-args 2> stderr.log; then - cat stderr.log - echo "FAIL: Run should fail when no input directory" - exit 1 -fi - -# Check that an error message was output -if ! grep "\"data\" does not exist" stderr.log > output.log ; then - cat stderr.log - echo "FAIL: Error message not printed when missing input directory" - exit 1 -fi - -# Run tests in "data" directory -echo -echo "=========== Running without args in data directory ==============" - -mkdir -p data -cp BOUT.inp data -./command-args - -# Check that we have a BOUT.settings and BOUT.log.0 file - -if ! [ -f "data/BOUT.settings" ] ; then - echo "FAIL: No BOUT.settings file in data directory" - exit 1 -fi - -if ! [ -f "data/BOUT.log.0" ] ; then - echo "FAIL: No BOUT.log.0 file in data directory" - exit 1 -fi - -# Change the log file name -echo -echo "=========== Running with -l arg in data directory ==============" -rm -r data -mkdir -p data -cp BOUT.inp data -./command-args -l different.log - -if [ -f "data/BOUT.log.0" ] ; then - echo "FAIL: BOUT.log.0 file in data directory" - exit 1 -fi - -if ! [ -f "data/different.log.0" ] ; then - echo "FAIL: no different.log.0 file in data directory" - exit 1 -fi - -# Change the log file name using long option -echo -echo "=========== Running with --log arg in data directory ==============" -rm -r data -mkdir -p data -cp BOUT.inp data -./command-args --log log - -if [ -f "data/BOUT.log.0" ] ; then - echo "FAIL: BOUT.log.0 file in data directory" - exit 1 -fi - -if ! [ -f "data/log.0" ] ; then - echo "FAIL: no log.0 file in data directory" - exit 1 -fi - -echo -echo "=========== Running with -d arg in test directory ==============" -rm -r data -mkdir -p test -cp BOUT.inp test - -if ! ./command-args -d test 2> stderr.log ; then - cat stderr.log - echo "FAIL: Run fails with '-d test' command-line arg" - exit 1 -fi - -echo "=> All passed" - -exit 0 +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe + +import os +import shutil +import unittest + + +class TestCommandLineArgs(unittest.TestCase): + command = "./command-args 2>stderr.log" + + def makeDirAndCopyInput(self, path): + os.mkdir(path) + shutil.copy("BOUT.inp", path) + + def setUp(self): + try: + os.remove("stderr.log") + except OSError: + pass + shutil.rmtree("./data", ignore_errors=True) + shutil.rmtree("./test", ignore_errors=True) + shutil.rmtree("./test_copy", ignore_errors=True) + + # Teardown same as setup in case something went wrong with last run + tearDown = setUp + + def testNoArgumentsNoDirectory(self): + with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): + shell_safe(self.command, pipe=True) + with open("stderr.log") as f: + contents = f.read() + self.assertIn('"data" does not exist', contents, + msg="FAIL: Error message not printed when missing input directory") + + def testHelpArgument(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("data") + _, out = shell_safe(self.command + " --help", pipe=True) + # Not a great test! + self.assertNotIn("Writing options", out, + msg="FAIL: Attempting to write options") + + def testNoArgumentsDefaultDirectory(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("data") + shell_safe(self.command, pipe=True) + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("data/BOUT.settings"), + msg="FAIL: No BOUT.settings file in data directory") + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("data/BOUT.log.0"), + msg="FAIL: No BOUT.log.0 file in data directory") + + def testShortLogArgument(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("data") + shell_safe(self.command + " -l different.log", pipe=True) + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("data/BOUT.log.0"), + msg="FAIL: BOUT.log.0 file in data directory") + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("data/different.log.0"), + msg="FAIL: no different.log.0 file in data directory") + + def testLongLogArgument(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("data") + shell_safe(self.command + " --log log", pipe=True) + self.assertFalse(os.path.exists("data/BOUT.log.0"), + msg="FAIL: BOUT.log.0 file in data directory") + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("data/log.0"), + msg="FAIL: no log.0 file in data directory") + + def testDirectoryArgument(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("test") + shell_safe(self.command + " -d test", pipe=True) + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("test/BOUT.settings"), + msg="FAIL: No BOUT.settings file in test directory") + self.assertTrue(os.path.exists("test/BOUT.log.0"), + msg="FAIL: No BOUT.log.0 file in data directory") + + def testDirectoryArgumentOldSettingsFile(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("test") + shell_safe(self.command + " -d test", pipe=True) + shutil.copytree("test", "test_copy") + shell_safe(self.command + + " -d test_copy -f BOUT.settings -o testsettings", pipe=True) + + with open("test_copy/testsettings") as f: + contents = f.readlines() + + datadir = "" + for line in contents: + if line.startswith("datadir"): + # Assuming that this line looks like "datadir = # comment" + datadir = line.split()[2] + break + + self.assertIn("test_copy", datadir, + msg="FAIL: datadir from command line clobbered by BOUT.settings") + + def testShortOptionsAreCleaned(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("test") + shell_safe(self.command + " -d test", pipe=True) + shutil.copytree("test", "test_copy") + shell_safe(self.command + + " -d test_copy -f BOUT.settings -o testsettings", pipe=True) + + with open("test_copy/testsettings") as f: + contents = f.read() + self.assertNotIn("Command line", contents, + msg="FAIL: command line short options written to BOUT.settings") + + def testCommandLineOptionsArePrinted(self): + self.makeDirAndCopyInput("test") + shell_safe(self.command + " -d test", pipe=True) + shutil.copytree("test", "test_copy") + extra_options = ["-d", "test_copy", "-f", "BOUT.settings", "-o", + "testsettings", "-l", "bout.log", "--foo_flag", "some:option=value"] + _, out = shell_safe(self.command + " " + " ".join(extra_options), pipe=True) + + command_line_options = None + for line in out.splitlines(): + if line.lstrip().startswith("Command line"): + command_line_options = line + + for option in extra_options: + self.assertIn(option, command_line_options, + msg="FAIL: option {} not printed out".format(option)) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + shell_safe("make") + unittest.main(verbosity=2) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples-petsc/README.md b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples-petsc/README.md new file mode 120000 index 0000000000..77bd1f7308 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples-petsc/README.md @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../test-compile-examples/README.md \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples-petsc/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples-petsc/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..cd61c30ef5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples-petsc/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#requires: all_tests +#requires: not make +#requires: petsc + +BOUT_TOP=../../.. +export PATH=$(pwd)/$BOUT_TOP/bin:$PATH + +error=0 + +failed= +for target in $(find $BOUT_TOP/examples/ -name makefile) +do + dir=$(dirname ${target}) + if grep ":.*requires_petsc" $target -q; + then + echo "Trying to compile ${dir}" + + (cd ${dir} && make 2>&1) + ex=$? + + if test $ex -gt 0 + then + echo $(basename $dir) failed + error=1 + failed="$failed\n$(basename $dir) failed" + fi + else + echo "Skipping $dir - requires PETSc" + fi +done + +echo -e $failed + +exit $error diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples/README.md b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fa005c7c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +test-compile-examples +===================== + +This test ensures that all models in examples can be compiled. + +This currently works by finding any makefile located beneath +examples. It skips any directories matching doc in order to skip +documentation. Building documentation requires often additional +tools, and is thus skipped. The test is split in two parts, one for +examples without PETSc, and one for examples that require PETSc. + +PETSc detection works by checking the makefile whether any target +requires `requires_petsc`. diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..9a77d6d04b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-compile-examples/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +#requires: all_tests +#requires: not make + +BOUT_TOP=../../.. +export PATH=$(pwd)/$BOUT_TOP/bin:$PATH + +error=0 + +failed= +for target in $(find $BOUT_TOP/examples/ -name makefile | grep -v doc) +do + dir=$(dirname ${target}) + if grep ":.*requires_petsc" $target -q; + then + echo "Skipping $dir - requires PETSc" + else + echo "Trying to compile ${dir}" + + (cd ${dir} && make 2>&1) + ex=$? + + if test $ex -gt 0 + then + echo $(basename $dir) failed + error=1 + failed="$failed\n$(basename $dir) failed" + fi + fi +done + +echo -e $failed + +exit $error diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..564957fef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test-coordinates-initialization + SOURCES test-coordinates-initialization.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/README.md b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7fd234b56f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Solving Staggered Fields Test +============================= + +This test checks that BOUT++ doesn't hang when trying to apply boundary +conditions on boundaries that exist only on certain processes. This version +doesn't use BoutInitialise(). See +https://github.com/boutproject/BOUT-dev/issues/1369 for the original problem. diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cb2c201586 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + +[mesh] +staggergrids = true +nx = 10 +ny = 2 +nz = 1 + +# include dx to be loaded, forces Coordinates constructor to communicate +dx = 1. diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..805ac0e1da --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-coordinates-initialization.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..0c56268962 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +make || exit + +test -z $MPIRUN && MPIRUN=mpirun +# Kill the test after 3 seconds, if it hasn't already exited +OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 $MPIRUN -n 3 timeout 3s ./test-coordinates-initialization + +e=$? + +if test $e -ne 0 +then + echo "The test failed. That can be caused by a timeout." + echo "If this test is run on high load, it may fail occasionally." + echo "The load is:" + uptime +fi + +exit $e diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/test-coordinates-initialization.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/test-coordinates-initialization.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b9ee97d4f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-coordinates-initialization/test-coordinates-initialization.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* + * Test of initialization of Coordinates objects in Mesh::coords_map + */ + +#include "bout.hxx" +#include "optionsreader.hxx" + +int main() { + + // Initialize options, needed to load mesh from BOUT.inp + Options *options = Options::getRoot(); + OptionsReader *reader = OptionsReader::getInstance(); + reader->read(options, "%s/%s", "data", "BOUT.inp"); + + // Initialize a mesh + mesh = Mesh::create(); + mesh->load(); + + // Test CELL_CENTRE + Field3D f(0., mesh); + f.applyBoundary("neumann"); + + // Synchronise all processors + MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); + + // Test CELL_YLOW + Field3D f_ylow(0., mesh); + f_ylow.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + f_ylow.applyBoundary("neumann"); + + // Synchronise all processors + MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); + + MPI_Finalize(); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..81d24d7aa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_cyclic + SOURCES test_cyclic.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + EXTRA_FILES test_io.grd.nc + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/runtest index 884a68dc57..e64a78abda 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/runtest @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ try: from builtins import str except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making Cyclic Reduction test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.* 2> err.log") # Run the case - s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" "+f, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" "+f, nproc=nproc, mthread=1, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc)+"."+str(r), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/test_cyclic.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/test_cyclic.cxx index 4ab819d658..516fa0cfbc 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/test_cyclic.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-cyclic/test_cyclic.cxx @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ #include "utils.hxx" // Change this to dcomplex to test complex matrix inversion -typedef BoutReal T; +using T = BoutReal; int main(int argc, char **argv) { @@ -30,18 +30,17 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { OPTION(options, periodic, false); // Create a cyclic reduction object, operating on Ts - CyclicReduce *cr = - new CyclicReduce(BoutComm::get(), n); + auto* cr = new CyclicReduce(BoutComm::get(), n); int mype, npe; MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &mype); MPI_Comm_size(BoutComm::get(), &npe); - a = Matrix(nsys, n); - b = Matrix(nsys, n); - c = Matrix(nsys, n); - rhs = Matrix(nsys, n); - x = Matrix(nsys, n); + a.reallocate(nsys, n); + b.reallocate(nsys, n); + c.reallocate(nsys, n); + rhs.reallocate(nsys, n); + x.reallocate(nsys, n); // Set coefficients to some random numbers for(int s=0;s int main(int argc, char **argv) { - return BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + auto ret = BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + BoutFinalise(false); + return ret; } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-dataformat/test_dataformat.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-dataformat/test_dataformat.cxx index 420dc85b2a..30ab4a6a70 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-dataformat/test_dataformat.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-dataformat/test_dataformat.cxx @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ #include int main() { - const string izfilename="sample.nc"; + const std::string izfilename="sample.nc"; // Create a file format handler auto izfile = data_format(izfilename.c_str()); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/.gitignore deleted file mode 100644 index 0426b69349..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/.gitignore +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -# name of binaries -test_dataiterator -speed \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/data/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 0bf484c358..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/data/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -# Test of the FieldFactory class -# -# Generates a set of fields and writes them to output file -# - -NOUT = 0 # No timesteps - -MZ = 5 # Z size - - - -dump_format = "nc" # NetCDF format. Alternative is "pdb" - -[mesh] -symmetricGlobalX = false -nx=16 -ny=3 - - -[laplace] -all_terms = false -filter = 0.2 - diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/runtest deleted file mode 100755 index 734f6abd9a..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/runtest +++ /dev/null @@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 - -# -# Run the test, check it completed successfully -# - -#requires: all_tests - -from __future__ import print_function -try: - from builtins import str -except: - pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch, getmpirun -from boutdata.collect import collect -from sys import stdout, exit - -MPIRUN=getmpirun() - -print("Making DataIterator test") -shell_safe("make > make.log",pipe=True) -errors=[] - -for nproc in [1,2,4]: - for mproc in [1,2,3,4]: - cmd = "./test_dataiterator" - - print(" %d x %d threads...." % (nproc,mproc)) - - shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.* 2> err.log") - - # Run the case - s, out = launch(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=mproc, pipe=True) - with open("run.log."+str(nproc)+"."+str(mproc), "w") as f: - f.write(out) - if s: - errors.append([n,m,s,out]) - -if errors: - print(" => Some data iteration tests failed") - for n,m,s,out in errors: - print("Run with n=%d mpi threads and m=%d openmp threads failed.",n,m) - print() - for n,m,s,out in errors: - print(" * Run n=%d m=%d - exit %d\nError was:\n\n%s\n\n",n,m,s,out) - print() - exit(1) -else: - print(" => All data iteration tests passed") diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/test_dataiterator.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/test_dataiterator.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index b066d834e7..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/test_dataiterator.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,219 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Test Cyclic Reduction parallel solver - * - */ - -#include -#include - -//#include -#include - -#include - -Field3D n; - -#ifdef _OPENMP -#define PRINT_DEBUG {\ - usleep(2e5*omp_get_thread_num()); \ - output.write("FieldIterator failed at ???"); \ - output.write("- expected %.1f but got %.1f. ",exp,d3[i]); \ - output.write("I am %d !\n",omp_get_thread_num()); \ - usleep(2e5*omp_get_num_threads()); \ - abort(); } -#else -#define PRINT_DEBUG { \ - output.write("FieldIterator failed at "); \ - output.write("- expected %.1f but got %.1f. ",exp,d3[i]); \ - abort(); } -#endif - -int spread_work(int num_work, int thread, int max_thread); - -int physics_init(bool restarting) { - - // for (int w=2;w<8;w++){ - // int we=pow(2,w)+1.1; - // output.write("spreading %d\n",we); - // for (int t=1;t<5;++t){ - // for (int ct=0;ct<=t;++ct){ - // output.write("%d ",spread_work(we,ct,t)); - // } - // output.write("\n"); - // } - // } - - - /********************************************** - * * * * * * - * * * Field3D test * * * - * * * * * * - **********************************************/ - - Field3D d3=1; - - BoutReal exp=1; - // for (FieldIteratorCIndex cxit( *mesh);cxit;cxit.next3()){ - // if (d3[cxit] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - // d3[cxit]=2; - // } - // exp=2; - -#pragma omp parallel - for (auto i: d3){ - if (d3[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - //if (i.x != 8) - d3[i]=3; - } - exp=3; - - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy) - for (int jz=0;jzLocalNz;++jz){ - if (d3(jx,jy,jz) != exp) { - output.print("%d %d %d: expected %g got %g",jx,jy,jz,exp,d3(jx,jy,jz)) ; - }; - assert(d3(jx,jy,jz)==exp); - } - - /* -#pragma omp parallel - for (auto i: d3){ - if (d3[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d3[i]=4; - } - - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx){ - if (jx < mesh->xstart || jx > mesh->xend) - exp=3; - else - exp=4; - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy) - for (int jz=0;jzLocalNz;++jz) - assert(d3(jx,jy,jz)==exp); - } - d3=3; - #pragma omp parallel - for (auto i : d3){ - if (d3[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d3[i]=4; - } - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy){ - if (jy < mesh->ystart || jy > mesh->yend) - exp=3; - else - exp=4; - for (int jz=0;jzLocalNz;++jz) - assert(d3(jx,jy,jz)==exp); - } - d3=3;exp=3; - #pragma omp parallel - for (auto i: d3){ - if (d3[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d3[i]=4; - } - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy) - for (int jz=0;jzLocalNz;++jz){ - if (jz == mesh->LocalNz) - exp=3; - else - exp=4; - assert(d3(jx,jy,jz)==exp); - } - d3=3;exp=3; - #pragma omp parallel - for (auto i:d3){ - if (d3[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d3[i]=4; - } - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy) - for (int jz=0;jzLocalNz;++jz){ - if (jz == mesh->LocalNz || - jy < mesh->ystart || jy > mesh->yend || - jx < mesh->xstart || jx > mesh->xend) - exp=3; - else - exp=4; - assert(d3(jx,jy,jz)==exp); - } -*/ - - /********************************************** - * * * * * * - * * * Field2D test * * * - * * * * * * - **********************************************/ - - Field2D d2=1; - exp=1; - #pragma omp parallel - for (auto i: d2){ - if (d2[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d2[i]=3; - } - exp=3; - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy) - assert(d2(jx,jy)==exp); - /* - d2=1;exp=1; - for (auto i : d2){ - if (d2[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d2[ i]=2; - } - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx){ - if (jx < mesh->xstart || jx > mesh->xend) - exp=1; - else - exp=2; - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy) - assert(d2(jx,jy)==exp); - } - d2=1;exp=1; - for (auto i:d2){ - if (d2[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d2[i]=2; - } - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy){ - if (jy < mesh->ystart || jy > mesh->yend) - exp=1; - else - exp=2; - assert(d2(jx,jy)==exp); - } - d2=1;exp=1; - for (auto i:d2){ - if (d2[i] != exp) PRINT_DEBUG; - d2[i]=2; - } - for (int jx=0;jxLocalNx;++jx) - for (int jy=0;jyLocalNy;++jy){ - if (jx < mesh->xstart || jx > mesh->xend || - jy < mesh->ystart || jy > mesh->yend) - exp=1; - else - exp=2; - assert(d2(jx,jy)==exp); - } - - */ - - bool fail; - OPTION(Options::getRoot(), fail, false) ; - n=1; - SOLVE_FOR(n); - if (fail){ - return 1; - } - return 0; -} - -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { - // Doesn't do anything - ddt(n)=0; - return 0; -} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-delp2/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-delp2/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8665387872 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-delp2/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_delp2 + SOURCES test_delp2.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-delp2/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-delp2/runtest index 1df61b0651..fb98b4b6a4 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-delp2/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-delp2/runtest @@ -5,14 +5,17 @@ try: from builtins import str except: pass -tol = 1e-10 # Absolute tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +#requires: fftw + +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() +tol = 1e-10 # Absolute tolerance + + print("Making Delp2 operator test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -21,8 +24,9 @@ shell_safe("make > make.log") exefile = "./test_delp2" # List of settings to apply -settings = ["mxg=2 mesh:nx=36", - "mxg=1 mesh:nx=34"] +settings = ["mxg=2 mesh:nx=36 diffusion:useFFT=true", + "mxg=1 mesh:nx=34 diffusion:useFFT=true", "mxg=2 mesh:nx=36 diffusion:useFFT=false", + "mxg=1 mesh:nx=34 diffusion:useFFT=false"] success = True @@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ for i, opts in enumerate(settings): print("Args: " + opts) cmd = exefile + " " + opts - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=1, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(i)+".1", "w") as f: f.write(out) @@ -42,7 +46,7 @@ for i, opts in enumerate(settings): shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") stdout.write(" %d processor...." % (nproc)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=1, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(i)+"."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-delp2/test_delp2.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-delp2/test_delp2.cxx index 9206a5e959..3e3d45c671 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-delp2/test_delp2.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-delp2/test_delp2.cxx @@ -3,27 +3,28 @@ class TestDelp2 : public PhysicsModel { protected: - - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { Options *opt = Options::getRoot()->getSection("diffusion"); OPTION(opt, D, 0.1); - + OPTION(opt, useFFT, true); + SOLVE_FOR(n); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { mesh->communicate(n); - - ddt(n) = D * Delp2(n); - + + ddt(n) = D * Delp2(n, CELL_DEFAULT, useFFT); + return 0; } private: Field3D n; BoutReal D; + bool useFFT; }; BOUTMAIN(TestDelp2); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability-staggered/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability-staggered/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00af1f1ce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability-staggered/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +2fluid +data \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/2fluid.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/2fluid.cxx index d1e45da8ed..c942b109fa 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/2fluid.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/2fluid.cxx @@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ #include #include #include +#include -#include -#include -#include +#include +#include +#include // 2D initial profiles Field2D Ni0, Ti0, Te0, Vi0, phi0, Ve0, rho0, Ajpar0; @@ -51,12 +52,9 @@ BoutReal zeff, nu_perp; bool evolve_rho, evolve_te, evolve_ni, evolve_ajpar, evolve_vi, evolve_ti; BoutReal ShearFactor; -int phi_flags, apar_flags; // Inversion flags - -// Field routines -int solve_phi_tridag(Field3D &r, Field3D &p, int flags); -int solve_apar_tridag(Field3D &aj, Field3D &ap, int flags); - +// Inversion objects +Laplacian* phi_solver; +Laplacian* apar_solver; FieldGroup comms; // Group of variables for communications @@ -119,9 +117,6 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { OPTION(options, nu_perp, 0.0); OPTION(options, ShearFactor, 1.0); - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); - OPTION(options, apar_flags, 0); - (globalOptions->getSection("Ni"))->get("evolve", evolve_ni, true); (globalOptions->getSection("rho"))->get("evolve", evolve_rho, true); (globalOptions->getSection("vi"))->get("evolve", evolve_vi, true); @@ -132,6 +127,12 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { if(ZeroElMass) evolve_ajpar = false; // Don't need ajpar - calculated from ohm's law + /*************** INITIALIZE LAPLACIAN SOLVERS ********/ + phi_solver = Laplacian::create(globalOptions->getSection("phisolver")); + if (!estatic && !ZeroElMass) { + apar_solver = Laplacian::create(globalOptions->getSection("aparsolver")); + } + /************* SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES ************/ bool ShiftXderivs; @@ -254,8 +255,9 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { output.write("ajpar\n"); }else { initial_profile("Ajpar", Ajpar); - if(ZeroElMass) - dump.add(Ajpar, "Ajpar", 1); // output calculated Ajpar + if (ZeroElMass) { + SAVE_REPEAT(Ajpar); // output calculated Ajpar + } } if(evolve_vi) { @@ -282,19 +284,8 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { comms.add(Apar); // Add any other variables to be dumped to file - dump.add(phi, "phi", 1); - dump.add(Apar, "Apar", 1); - dump.add(jpar, "jpar", 1); - - dump.add(Ni0, "Ni0", 0); - dump.add(Te0, "Te0", 0); - dump.add(Ti0, "Ti0", 0); - - dump.add(Te_x, "Te_x", 0); - dump.add(Ti_x, "Ti_x", 0); - dump.add(Ni_x, "Ni_x", 0); - dump.add(rho_s, "rho_s", 0); - dump.add(wci, "wci", 0); + SAVE_REPEAT(phi, Apar, jpar); + SAVE_ONCE(Ni0, Te0, Ti0, Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, rho_s, wci); if (mesh->StaggerGrids) { maybe_ylow = CELL_YLOW; @@ -302,8 +293,8 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { maybe_ylow = CELL_CENTRE; } Vi = interp_to(Vi,maybe_ylow); - Ni0_maybe_ylow = interp_to(Ni0, maybe_ylow, RGN_NOBNDRY); - Te0_maybe_ylow = interp_to(Te0, maybe_ylow, RGN_NOBNDRY); + Ni0_maybe_ylow = interp_to(Ni0, maybe_ylow, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + Te0_maybe_ylow = interp_to(Te0, maybe_ylow, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); return(0); } @@ -314,13 +305,13 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Solve EM fields - solve_phi_tridag(rho, phi, phi_flags); + phi = phi_solver->solve(rho, phi); if(estatic || ZeroElMass) { // Electrostatic operation Apar = 0.0; }else { - solve_apar_tridag(Ajpar, Apar, apar_flags); // Linear Apar solver + Apar = apar_solver->solve(Ajpar, Apar); // Linear Apar solver } // Communicate variables @@ -421,39 +412,3 @@ int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { return(0); } - -/******************************************************************************* - * FAST LINEAR FIELD SOLVERS - *******************************************************************************/ - -#include - -// Performs inversion of rho (r) to get phi (p) -int solve_phi_tridag(Field3D &r, Field3D &p, int flags) { - - //output.write("Solving phi: %e, %e -> %e\n", max(abs(r)), min(Ni0), max(abs(r/Ni0))); - - if(invert_laplace(r/Ni0, p, flags, NULL)) { - return 1; - } - - //Field3D pertPi = Ti*Ni0 + Ni*Ti0; - //p -= pertPi/Ni0; - return(0); -} - -int solve_apar_tridag(Field3D &aj, Field3D &ap, int flags) { - static Field2D a; - static int set = 0; - - if(set == 0) { - // calculate a - a = (-0.5*beta_p/fmei)*Ni0; - set = 1; - } - - if(invert_laplace(a*(Vi - aj), ap, flags, &a)) - return 1; - - return(0); -} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/BOUT.inp index 366ac4e454..17faaf6bb1 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/BOUT.inp @@ -50,9 +50,18 @@ first = C4 second = C4 upwind = W3 -[laplace] +[phisolver] include_yguards = true all_terms = false +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + +[aparsolver] +include_yguards = true +all_terms = false +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + ################################################## # Solver settings @@ -78,17 +87,6 @@ nu_perp = 1.0e-20 ShearFactor = 0.0 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -phi_flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion - ################################################## # settings for individual variables # The section "All" defines default settings for all variables diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runcase.sh b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runcase.sh index 1b05db59fb..9e78c7cdc1 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runcase.sh +++ b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runcase.sh @@ -3,19 +3,16 @@ NO_ARGS=0 OPTERROR=65 -if [ $# -eq "$NO_ARGS" ] # Script invoked with no command-line args? -then - NP=4 - MPIEXEC="mpirun -np" +test ".$MPIRUN" = . && MPIRUN="mpirun -np" +NP=4 -fi # Usage: scriptname -options # Note: dash (-) necessary while getopts ":n:np" Option do case $Option in - n ) MPIEXEC="mpirun -np";NP=$OPTARG;; + n ) NP=$OPTARG;; * ) ;; # DEFAULT esac done @@ -42,7 +39,7 @@ do mv -f data/tmp data/BOUT.inp fi - $MPIEXEC $NP ./2fluid + $MPIRUN $NP ./2fluid rm -f data done diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runtest.py b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runtest.py index bf5b686a63..d632e4ddab 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runtest.py +++ b/tests/integrated/test-drift-instability/runtest.py @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ omega_tol = 1e-2 gamma_tol = 1e-2 -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boututils.file_import import file_import from boututils.calculus import deriv from boututils.linear_regression import linear_regression @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from sys import exit ,argv nthreads=1 -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making resistive drift instability test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ print("Running drift instability test, zeff = ", zeff) # Run the case - s, out = launch_safe("./2fluid timestep="+str(timestep), runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe("./2fluid timestep="+str(timestep), nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=True) f = open("run.log."+str(zeff), "w") f.write(out) f.close() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/data/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 218946e676..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/data/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,26 +0,0 @@ -grid = fci.grid.nc -#grid = simple_test.nc - -nout = 50 -timestep = 0.2 - -MZ = 64 - -[mesh] -paralleltransform = fci - -symmetricglobalx = true - -[interpolation] -type=lagrange4pt - -[fci] -y_periodic = false -z_periodic = false - -[f] -scale = 1.0 -function = cos(y-z) - -bndry_par_yup = parallel_dirichlet(0.0) -bndry_par_ydown = parallel_dirichlet(0.0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/fci.py b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/fci.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1c505ffa20..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/fci.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -from __future__ import division -from builtins import object -from past.utils import old_div -import numpy as np -from math import pi -from scipy.integrate import odeint -import boututils.datafile as bdata -from boutdata.input import transform3D - -# Parameters -nx = 34 -########## y is toroidal! -ny = 64 -########## z is poloidal! -nz = 64 - -Lx = 0.1 # Radial domain size [m] -Ltor = 10. # "Toroidal" length [m] -Lpol = 1. # "Poloidal" length [m] - -delta_x = old_div(Lx,(nx)) -delta_pol = old_div(Lpol,(nz)) -delta_tor = old_div(Ltor,(ny)) - -Bt = 1.0 # Magnetic field [T] -Bp = 0.1 # Poloidal field at the middle of the domain [T] -Bpprime = 1.0 # Bp gradient [T/m] Bp(x) = Bp + Bpprime * x - -# Coord arrays -x = np.linspace(0,Lx,nx) -y = np.linspace(0,Ltor,ny) -z = np.linspace(0,Lpol,nz,endpoint=False) - -############################################################ - -# Effective major radius -R = old_div(Ltor, (2.*pi)) - -# Set poloidal magnetic field - -Bpx = Bp + (x-old_div(Lx,2)) * Bpprime - -Bpxy = np.transpose(np.resize(Bpx, (nz, ny, nx)), (2,1,0)) - -Bxy = np.sqrt(Bpxy**2 + Bt**2) - -############################################################ - -class Mappoint(object): - def __init__(self, xt, zt): - self.xt = xt - self.zt = zt - - self.xt_prime = old_div(xt,delta_x) - self.zt_prime = old_div(zt,delta_pol) - -def unroll_map_coeff(map_list, coeff): - coeff_array = np.transpose(np.resize(np.array([getattr(f, coeff) for f in map_list]).reshape( (nx,nz) ), (ny, nx, nz) ), (1, 0, 2) ) - return coeff_array - -def b_field(vector, y): - x0 = 0.05 # Centre of box, where bz = 0. - x, z = vector; - bx = 0. - bz = Bp + (x-x0) * Bpprime - - return [bx, bz] - -def field_line_tracer(direction, map_list): - - result = np.zeros( (nx, nz, 2) ) - - for i in np.arange(0,nx): - for k in np.arange(0,nz): - result[i,k,:] = odeint(b_field, [x[i], z[k]], [0, delta_tor*direction])[1,:] - result[i,k,1] = np.mod(result[i,k,1], Lpol) - - map_list.append(Mappoint(result[i,k,0],result[i,k,1])) - - return result - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - forward_map = [] - forward_coords = field_line_tracer(+1, forward_map) - backward_map = [] - backward_coords = field_line_tracer(-1, backward_map) - - X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y,indexing='ij') - x0 = 0.5 - g_22 = np.sqrt(((Bp + (X-x0) * Lx * Bpprime)**2 + 1)) - - with bdata.DataFile('fci.grid.nc', write=True, create=True) as f: - f.write('nx', nx) - f.write('ny', ny) - f.write('nz', nz) - f.write("dx", delta_x) - f.write("dy", delta_tor) - f.write("g_22", g_22) - f.write("Bxy", transform3D(Bxy)) - - xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'xt_prime') - f.write('forward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime)) - zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'zt_prime') - f.write('forward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime)) - - xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'xt_prime') - f.write('backward_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime)) - zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'zt_prime') - f.write('backward_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime)) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/fci_slab.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/fci_slab.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 60a6bfd4ca..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/fci_slab.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -#include -#include -#include - -class FCISlab : public PhysicsModel { -public: - - // We need to initialise the FCI object with the mesh - FCISlab() {} - - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { - - D = 10; - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); - - mesh->get(coord->g_22, "g_22"); - - coord->geometry(); - - solver->add(f, "f"); - solver->add(g, "g"); - - f.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); - g.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); - - return 0; - } - - int rhs(BoutReal time); - -private: - Field3D f, g; - - BoutReal D; -}; - -BOUTMAIN(FCISlab); - -int FCISlab::rhs(BoutReal time) { - mesh->communicate(f,g); - - Coordinates *coord = mesh->getCoordinates(); - - f.applyParallelBoundary(time); - g.applyParallelBoundary(time); - - ddt(f) = Grad_par(g) + D*SQ(coord->dy)*Grad2_par2(f); - - ddt(g) = Grad_par(f) + D*SQ(coord->dy)*Grad2_par2(g); - - return 0; -} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/generate.py b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/generate.py deleted file mode 100644 index 03767db3a6..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/generate.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,126 +0,0 @@ -from __future__ import division -from builtins import object -from past.utils import old_div -# -# Routines to generate slab meshes for FCI -# - -import numpy as np -from math import pi -from scipy.integrate import odeint -import boututils.datafile as bdata - - -def slab(nx, ny, nz, - filename="fci.grid.nc", - Lx=0.1, Ly=10., Lz = 1., - Bt=1.0, Bp = 0.1, Bpprime = 1.0): - """ - nx - Number of radial points - ny - Number of toroidal points (NOTE: Different to BOUT++ standard) - nz - Number of poloidal points - - Lx - Radial domain size [m] - Ly - Toroidal domain size [m] - Lz - Poloidal domain size [m] - - Bt - Toroidal magnetic field [T] - Bp - Poloidal magnetic field [T] - Bpprime - Gradient of Bp [T/m] Bp(x) = Bp + Bpprime * x - """ - - MXG = 2 - - # Make sure input types are sane - nx = int(nx) - ny = int(ny) - nz = int(nz) - - Lx = float(Lx) - Ly = float(Ly) - Lz = float(Lz) - - delta_x = old_div(Lx,(nx-2.*MXG)) - delta_pol = old_div(Lz,(nz)) - delta_tor = old_div(Ly,(ny)) - - # Coord arrays - x = Lx * (np.arange(nx) - MXG + 0.5)/(nx - 2.*MXG) # 0 and 1 half-way between cells - y = np.linspace(0,Ly,ny) - z = np.linspace(0,Lz,nz,endpoint=False) - - ############################################################ - - # Effective major radius - R = old_div(Ly, (2.*pi)) - - # Set poloidal magnetic field - - Bpx = Bp + (x-old_div(Lx,2)) * Bpprime - - Bpxy = np.transpose(np.resize(Bpx, (nz, ny, nx)), (2,1,0)) - - Bxy = np.sqrt(Bpxy**2 + Bt**2)[:,:,0] - - class Mappoint(object): - def __init__(self, xt, zt): - self.xt = xt - self.zt = zt - - self.xt_prime = old_div(xt,delta_x) + MXG - 0.5 - self.zt_prime = old_div(zt,delta_pol) - - def unroll_map_coeff(map_list, coeff): - coeff_array = np.transpose(np.resize(np.array([getattr(f, coeff) for f in map_list]).reshape( (nx,nz) ), (ny, nx, nz) ), (1, 0, 2) ) - return coeff_array - - def b_field(vector, y): - x0 = old_div(Lx,2.) # Centre of box, where bz = 0. - x, z = vector; - bx = 0. - bz = Bp + (x-x0) * Bpprime - - return [bx, bz] - - def field_line_tracer(direction, map_list): - - result = np.zeros( (nx, nz, 2) ) - - for i in np.arange(0,nx): - for k in np.arange(0,nz): - result[i,k,:] = odeint(b_field, [x[i], z[k]], [0, delta_tor*direction])[1,:] - map_list.append(Mappoint(result[i,k,0],result[i,k,1])) - - return result - - forward_map = [] - forward_coords = field_line_tracer(+1, forward_map) - backward_map = [] - backward_coords = field_line_tracer(-1, backward_map) - - X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y,indexing='ij') - x0 = 0.5 - g_22 = old_div(((Bp + (X-x0) * Lx * Bpprime)**2 + Bt**2), Bt**2) - - with bdata.DataFile(filename, write=True, create=True) as f: - f.write('nx', nx) - f.write('ny', ny) - f.write('nz', nz) - f.write("dx", delta_x) - f.write("dy", delta_tor) - f.write("g_22", g_22) - f.write("Bxy", (Bxy)) - - xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'xt_prime') - f.write('forward_xt_prime', (xt_prime)) - zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(forward_map, 'zt_prime') - f.write('forward_zt_prime', (zt_prime)) - - xt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'xt_prime') - f.write('backward_xt_prime', (xt_prime)) - zt_prime = unroll_map_coeff(backward_map, 'zt_prime') - f.write('backward_zt_prime', (zt_prime)) - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - slab(34, 64, 64, filename="fci.grid.nc") diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/mms/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/mms/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index 3c1e5f9559..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/mms/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -grid = fci.grid.nc - -nout = 1 -timestep = 0.01 - -MZ = 64 - -NXPE = 1 - -[mesh] -paralleltransform = fci - -symmetricglobalx = true - -[fci] -y_periodic = false -z_periodic = false - -[interpolation] -type=lagrange4pt - -[solver] -ATOL = 1e-12 -RTOL = 1e-8 -mms = true - -[f] -solution = sin(y - 2*z)*cos(t) + sin(y - z) - -source = -sin(t)*sin(y - 2*z) - (6.28318530717959*(0.01*x + 0.045)*(sin(y - z) + 2*cos(t)*cos(y - 2*z)) - 0.628318530717959*sin(y - z) - 0.628318530717959*cos(t)*cos(y - 2*z))/sqrt((0.01*x + 0.045)^2 + 1.0) - -bndry_par_all = parallel_dirichlet(f:solution) - -[g] -solution = -sin(y - 2*z)*cos(t) + cos(y - z) - -source = sin(t)*sin(y - 2*z) - (6.28318530717959*(0.01*x + 0.045)*(-2*cos(t)*cos(y - 2*z) - cos(y - z)) + 0.628318530717959*cos(t)*cos(y - 2*z) + 0.628318530717959*cos(y - z))/sqrt((0.01*x + 0.045)^2 + 1.0) - -bndry_par_all = parallel_dirichlet(g:solution) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/plot_funcs.py b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/plot_funcs.py deleted file mode 100644 index d233858f8f..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/plot_funcs.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -from builtins import str -from builtins import range -# Plot interpolating functions -# Input generated by simple_test.py - -from numpy import linspace -import matplotlib.pyplot as plt -from boutdata.collect import collect - -f = collect("f", path="data") -yup = collect("yup", path="data") - -ny = 20 -nz = 8 - -# Note: yup[y=0] is never set -y = linspace(-1, 1, ny-1) - -plt.plot(f[0,4,4,:], 'o', label="f") - -for z in range(nz): - plt.plot(y+z, yup[4,1:,z], label="z = "+str(z)) - -plt.legend(loc='upper center') - -plt.savefig("plot_funcs.pdf") - -plt.show() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/plot_interp.py b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/plot_interp.py deleted file mode 100644 index 2278684fba..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/plot_interp.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ - -import matplotlib.pyplot as plt - -from boutdata.collect import collect - -f = collect("f", path="data") -yup = collect("yup", path="data") -ydown = collect("ydown", path="data") - -plt.plot(f[0,4,4,:], label="f") -plt.plot(yup[4,4,:], label="f.yup") -plt.plot(ydown[4,4,:], label="f.ydown") - -plt.legend() - -plt.savefig("plot_interp.pdf") -plt.show() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/runtest deleted file mode 100755 index b87ee5ab67..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/runtest +++ /dev/null @@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 -# -# Python script to run and analyse MMS test -# -from __future__ import division -from __future__ import print_function -from builtins import zip -from builtins import str - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun -from boututils.datafile import DataFile -from boutdata.collect import collect - -from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, pi, polyfit, linspace, arange - -import pickle - -from sys import stdout - -import zoidberg as zb - -showPlot = False #Do we want to show the plot as well as save it to file. - -nx = 5 # Not changed for these tests - -# Resolution in y and z -nlist = [64,128] #[8,16,32,64,128,256] - -nproc = 4 - -directory = "mms" - -varlist = ["f", "g"] -markers = ['bo', 'r^'] -labels = [r'$f$', r'$g$'] - -MPIRUN = getmpirun() - -success=True - -print("Making fci-slab test") -shell_safe("make > make.log") - -error_2 = {} -error_inf = {} -for var in varlist: - error_2[var] = [] # The L2 error (RMS) - error_inf[var] = [] # The maximum error - -yperiodic=False # Run with periodic Y? - -for n in nlist: - - # Define the magnetic field using new poloidal gridding method - # Note that the Bz and Bzprime parameters here must be the same as in mms.py - field = zb.field.Slab(Bz=0.05, Bzprime=0.1) - # Create rectangular poloidal grids - poloidal_grid = zb.poloidal_grid.RectangularPoloidalGrid(nx,n,1.,1.) - # Set the ylength and y locations - ylength = 10. - - if yperiodic: - ycoords = linspace(0.0, ylength, n, endpoint=False) - else: - # Doesn't include the end points - ycoords = (arange(n) + 0.5)*ylength/float(n) - - # Create the grid - grid = zb.grid.Grid(poloidal_grid, ycoords, ylength, yperiodic=yperiodic) - # Make and write maps - maps = zb.make_maps(grid, field) - zb.write_maps(grid, field, maps, new_names=False, metric2d=True) - - args = " -d "+directory+" MZ="+str(n)+ " fci:y_periodic="+str(yperiodic) - - # Command to run - cmd = "./fci_slab "+args - - print("Running command: "+cmd) - - # Launch using MPI - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) - - # Save output to log file - with open("run.log."+str(n), "w") as f: - f.write(out) - - if s: - print("Run failed!\nOutput was:\n") - print(out) - exit(s) - - for var in varlist: - # Collect data - E = collect("E_"+var, tind=[1,1], info=False, path=directory) - E = E[:,2:-2, :,:] - - # Average error over domain - l2 = sqrt(mean(E**2)) - linf = max(abs( E )) - - error_2[var].append( l2 ) - error_inf[var].append( linf ) - - print("%s : l-2 %f l-inf %f" % (var, l2, linf)) - -dx = 1. / array(nlist) - -# Save data -with open("fci_mms.pkl", "wb") as output: - pickle.dump(nlist, output) - pickle.dump(error_2, output) - pickle.dump(error_inf, output) - -# Calculate convergence order -for var,mark,label in zip(varlist, markers, labels): - fit = polyfit(log(dx), log(error_2[var]), 1) - order = fit[0] - stdout.write("%s Convergence order = %f (fit)" % (var, order)) - - order = log(error_2[var][-2]/error_2[var][-1])/log(dx[-2]/dx[-1]) - stdout.write(", %f (small spacing)" % (order,)) - - if order > 1.5: # Should be second order accurate - print("............ PASS") - else: - print("............ FAIL") - success = False - -if False: - try: - # Plot using matplotlib if available - import matplotlib.pyplot as plt - - plt.figure() - - for var,mark,label in zip(varlist, markers, labels): - plt.plot(dx, error_2[var], '-'+mark, label=label) - plt.plot(dx, error_inf[var], '--'+mark) - - plt.legend(loc="upper left") - plt.grid() - - plt.yscale('log') - plt.xscale('log') - - plt.xlabel(r'Mesh spacing $\delta x$') - plt.ylabel("Error norm") - - plt.savefig("fci-norm.pdf") - - print("Plot saved to fci-norm.pdf") - - if showPlot: - plt.show() - plt.close() - except ImportError: - print("No matplotlib") -else: - print("Plotting disabled") - -if success: - exit(0) -else: - exit(1) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/simple_test.py b/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/simple_test.py deleted file mode 100644 index 95f245c8c2..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fci-slab/simple_test.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -from builtins import range -from numpy import zeros, linspace, concatenate -import boututils.datafile as bdata -from boutdata.input import transform3D - -# Parameters -nx = 10 -ny = 20 -nz = 8 - -shape = [nx, ny, nz] - -xt_prime = zeros(shape) -zt_prime = zeros(shape) - -for x in range(nx): - # No interpolation in x - xt_prime[x,:,:] = x - - # Each y slice scans between neighbouring z points - for z in range(nz): - zt_prime[x,:,z] = z + concatenate([linspace(-1, 1, ny-1), [0]]) - - -with bdata.DataFile('simple_test.nc', write=True, create=True) as f: - f.write('nx',nx) - f.write('ny',ny) - - for direction_name in ['forward', 'backward']: - f.write(direction_name + '_xt_prime', transform3D(xt_prime)) - f.write(direction_name + '_zt_prime', transform3D(zt_prime)) - diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory/runtest index e06d71de79..511240a6cd 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory/runtest @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ except: vars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] # Variables to compare tol = 1e-10 # Absolute tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making FieldFactory test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processor...." % (nproc)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory2/test_fieldfactory2.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory2/test_fieldfactory2.cxx index 7ded611331..6338f4f694 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory2/test_fieldfactory2.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-fieldfactory2/test_fieldfactory2.cxx @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class TestFieldFactory2 : public PhysicsModel { protected: // Initialisation - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Create a field factory for parsing strings FieldFactory f(mesh); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/runtest index 34be7bcfed..b1e75767eb 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/runtest @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from numpy import abs, seterr from sys import stdout, exit @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ name = "FieldGroup comm" exeName = "test" tol = 1e-10 # Relative tolerance -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making {nm} test".format(nm=name)) shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors ...." % (nproc)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/test_fieldgroupcomm.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/test_fieldgroupcomm.cxx index 5a5fa124b8..10d19fdc6b 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/test_fieldgroupcomm.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-fieldgroupComm/test_fieldgroupcomm.cxx @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class TestFieldGroupComm : public PhysicsModel{ protected: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { //Create identical fields solver->add(fld1,"fld1"); solver->add(fld2,"fld2"); @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class TestFieldGroupComm : public PhysicsModel{ return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { //Communicate -- ideally would all produce the same result //1. As it should be mesh->communicate(comm1); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-globalfield/test_globalfield.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-globalfield/test_globalfield.cxx index 0561716092..1c44023617 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-globalfield/test_globalfield.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-globalfield/test_globalfield.cxx @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ #include #include -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 2D fields @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { for(int x=0;xLocalNx;x++) { for(int y=0;yLocalNy;y++) { - localX(x,y) = mesh->XGLOBAL(x); - localY(x,y) = mesh->YGLOBAL(y); + localX(x,y) = mesh->getGlobalXIndex(x); + localY(x,y) = mesh->getGlobalYIndex(y - mesh->ystart); } } @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { for(int x=0;xLocalNx;x++) for(int y=0;yLocalNy;y++) for(int z=0;zLocalNz;z++) { - localX3D(x,y,z) = mesh->XGLOBAL(x) + z; - localY3D(x,y,z) = mesh->YGLOBAL(y) + z; + localX3D(x,y,z) = mesh->getGlobalXIndex(x) + z; + localY3D(x,y,z) = mesh->getGlobalYIndex(y - mesh->ystart) + z; } // Gather onto one processor (0 by default) @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 1; // Signal an error, so quits } -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Doesn't do anything return 1; } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-0/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-0/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c8d7b562d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-0/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[mesh] +file = data-doublenull-0/grid-doublenull-0.nc diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-1/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-1/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72de92da69 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-1/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[mesh] +file = data-doublenull-1/grid-doublenull-1.nc diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-2/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-2/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc8fd1f0d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-doublenull-2/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[mesh] +file = data-doublenull-2/grid-doublenull-2.nc diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-0/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-0/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..40211cf587 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-0/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[mesh] +file = data-singlenull-0/grid-singlenull-0.nc diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-1/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-1/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..82d2722bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-1/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[mesh] +file = data-singlenull-1/grid-singlenull-1.nc diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-2/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-2/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3b0c3fdc60 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/data-singlenull-2/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +[mesh] +file = data-singlenull-2/grid-singlenull-2.nc diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/makefile similarity index 62% rename from tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/makefile rename to tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/makefile index 95bcb189e4..f2ff47b18b 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-dataiterator/makefile +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/makefile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -SOURCEC = test_dataiterator.cxx +SOURCEC = test_griddata.cxx include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..c52c6b1e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe +from boutdata.collect import collect +from netCDF4 import Dataset +import numpy +import os.path +from sys import stdout, exit + +print("Making griddata test") +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +nx = 4 +ny = 24 +blocksize = ny/6 + +# first generate some grid files to test +# double null case: +for n_yguards in [0, 1, 2]: + datadir = "data-doublenull-" + str(n_yguards) + gridname = "grid-doublenull-" + str(n_yguards) + ".nc" + + with Dataset(os.path.join(datadir,gridname), 'w') as gridfile: + gridfile.createDimension('x', nx) + gridfile.createDimension('y', ny + 4*n_yguards) + + gridfile.createVariable('nx', numpy.int32) + gridfile['nx'][...] = nx + + gridfile.createVariable('ny', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ny'][...] = ny + + gridfile.createVariable('y_boundary_guards', numpy.int32) + gridfile['y_boundary_guards'][...] = n_yguards + + gridfile.createVariable('MXG', numpy.int32) + gridfile['MXG'][...] = 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('MYG', numpy.int32) + gridfile['MYG'][...] = 2 if n_yguards==0 else n_yguards + + gridfile.createVariable('ixseps1', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ixseps1'][...] = nx//2 - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('ixseps2', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ixseps2'][...] = nx//2 - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps1_1', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps1_1'][...] = blocksize - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps2_1', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps2_1'][...] = 2*blocksize - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('ny_inner', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ny_inner'][...] = 3*blocksize + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps1_2', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps1_2'][...] = 4*blocksize - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps2_2', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps2_2'][...] = 5*blocksize - 1 + + testdata = numpy.zeros([nx, ny + 4*n_yguards]) + testdata[:,:] = numpy.arange(ny + 4*n_yguards)[numpy.newaxis,:] + gridfile.createVariable('test', float, ('x', 'y')) + gridfile['test'][...] = testdata + +# grid files for single-null: +for n_yguards in [0, 1, 2]: + datadir = "data-singlenull-" + str(n_yguards) + gridname = "grid-singlenull-" + str(n_yguards) + ".nc" + + with Dataset(os.path.join(datadir,gridname), 'w') as gridfile: + gridfile.createDimension('x', nx) + gridfile.createDimension('y', ny + 2*n_yguards) + + gridfile.createVariable('nx', numpy.int32) + gridfile['nx'][...] = nx + + gridfile.createVariable('ny', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ny'][...] = ny + + gridfile.createVariable('y_boundary_guards', numpy.int32) + gridfile['y_boundary_guards'][...] = n_yguards + + gridfile.createVariable('MXG', numpy.int32) + gridfile['MXG'][...] = 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('MYG', numpy.int32) + gridfile['MYG'][...] = 2 if n_yguards==0 else n_yguards + + gridfile.createVariable('ixseps1', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ixseps1'][...] = nx//2 - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('ixseps2', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ixseps2'][...] = nx//2 - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps1_1', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps1_1'][...] = blocksize - 1 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps2_1', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps2_1'][...] = ny//2 + + gridfile.createVariable('ny_inner', numpy.int32) + gridfile['ny_inner'][...] = ny//2 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps1_2', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps1_2'][...] = ny//2 + + gridfile.createVariable('jyseps2_2', numpy.int32) + gridfile['jyseps2_2'][...] = 5*blocksize - 1 + + testdata = numpy.zeros([nx, ny + 2*n_yguards]) + testdata[:,:] = numpy.arange(ny + 2*n_yguards)[numpy.newaxis,:] + gridfile.createVariable('test', float, ('x', 'y')) + gridfile['test'][...] = testdata + + +for nproc in [6]: + stdout.write("Checking %d processors ... " % (nproc)) + + shell("rm ./data*/BOUT.dmp.*.nc run.log.*") + + success = True + + # double null tests + for n_yguards in [0, 1, 2]: + datadir = "data-doublenull-" + str(n_yguards) + + s, out = launch_safe("./test_griddata -d " + datadir, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + + with open("run.log.doublenull."+str(nproc), "a") as f: + f.write(out) + + testfield = collect("test", path=datadir, info=False, yguards=True) + + if n_yguards == 0: + # output has 2 y-guard cells, but grid file did not + myg = 2 + checkfield = list(numpy.zeros(myg)) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(ny//2)) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(ny//2) + checkfield[-1] + 1) + checkfield += list(numpy.zeros(myg) + checkfield[-1]) + else: + checkfield = [] + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(n_yguards)) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(ny//2) + checkfield[-1] + 1) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(ny//2) + checkfield[-1] + 1 + 2*n_yguards) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(n_yguards) + checkfield[-1] + 1) + checkfield = numpy.array(checkfield) + + # Test value of testfield + if numpy.max(numpy.abs(testfield - checkfield)) > 1e-13: + print("Failed: testfield does not match in doublenull case for n_yguards="+str(n_yguards)) + success = False + + # single null tests + for n_yguards in [0, 1, 2]: + datadir = "data-singlenull-" + str(n_yguards) + + s, out = launch_safe("./test_griddata -d " + datadir, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + + with open("run.log.singlenull."+str(nproc), "a") as f: + f.write(out) + + testfield = collect("test", path=datadir, info=False, yguards=True) + + if n_yguards == 0: + # output has 2 y-guard cells, but grid file did not + myg = 2 + checkfield = list(numpy.zeros(myg)) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(ny)) + checkfield += list(numpy.zeros(myg) + checkfield[-1]) + else: + checkfield = [] + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(n_yguards)) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(ny) + checkfield[-1] + 1) + checkfield += list(numpy.arange(n_yguards) + checkfield[-1] + 1) + checkfield = numpy.array(checkfield) + + # Test value of testfield + if numpy.max(numpy.abs(testfield - checkfield)) > 1e-13: + print("Failed: testfield does not match in doublenull case for n_yguards="+str(n_yguards)) + success = False + + if not success: + exit(1) + else: + print("Passed") + +exit(0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/test_griddata.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/test_griddata.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fee6020130 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata-yboundary-guards/test_griddata.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#include +#include + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + Datafile df(Options::getRoot()->getSection("output")); + + Field2D test; + mesh->get(test, "test"); + + dump.add(test, "test"); + + dump.write(); + + MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); + + BoutFinalise(); + return 0; +} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-griddata/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2701ed41cc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_griddata + SOURCES test_griddata.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + EXTRA_FILES screw/BOUT.inp + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-griddata/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-griddata/runtest index 8a6a667a90..16627fcb95 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-griddata/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-griddata/runtest @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making griddata test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ for nproc in [1]: stdout.write("Checking %d processors ... " % (nproc)) shell("rm ./data*nc") - s, out = launch_safe("./test_griddata -d screw", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe("./test_griddata -d screw", nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ for nproc in [1]: dr = float(rwidth) / nx # Test value of dx - if np.min(np.abs(dx - dr * Bpxy * Rxy)) > 1e-7: + if np.max(np.abs(dx - dr * Bpxy * Rxy)) > 1e-7: print("Failed: dx does not match") exit(1) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-gyro/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-gyro/runtest index 516467759c..dcb4bd3a0c 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-gyro/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-gyro/runtest @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ vars = ['pade1', 'pade2'] tol = 1e-10 # Absolute tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making Gyro-average inversion test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors (nxpe = %d)...." % (nproc, nxpe)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-initial/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-initial/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..486f07bd18 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-initial/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_initial + SOURCES test_initial.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-initial/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-initial/data/BOUT.inp index baffdf7b98..99b5b6537b 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-initial/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-initial/data/BOUT.inp @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ function = gauss(x) [gauss_width] function = gauss(x, 1.0) -[H] +[h] function = H(x) [log] @@ -121,5 +121,8 @@ function = 4*y [erf] function = erf(x) -[TanhHat] +[tanhhat] function = TanhHat(x, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3) + +[fmod] +function = fmod(x,.50) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-initial/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-initial/runtest index d4ffd0dec1..47256944b3 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-initial/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-initial/runtest @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Test initial conditions -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import configparser @@ -120,6 +120,14 @@ def min(*args): current = np.minimum(arg, current) return current + +def fmod(x, denominator=1.0): + """ + Modulo operator using fmod convention, (rem in Matlab) + """ + return np.fmod(x, denominator) + + # Rename functions to match BOUT++ naming # Mostly just alternative names to numpy functions abs = np.abs @@ -149,7 +157,6 @@ tolerance = 1e-13 cmd = "./test_initial" datadir = "data" inputfile = os.path.join(datadir, "BOUT.inp") -MPIRUN = getmpirun() # Read the input file config = configparser.ConfigParser() @@ -163,23 +170,13 @@ varlist = [key for key, values in config.items() if 'function' in values] for coord in ["var_x", "var_y", "var_z"]: varlist.remove(coord) -# Make the test case -cxx_snippet = """ - Field3D {name}; - create_and_dump({name}, "{name}"); -""" - -with open("test_functions.cxx", "w") as f: - for var in varlist: - f.write(cxx_snippet.format(name=var)) - print("Making initial conditions test") shell_safe("make clean") shell_safe("make > make.log") nprocs = [1, 2, 3, 4] for nproc in nprocs: - status, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True, verbose=True) + status, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True, verbose=True) with open("run.log.{}".format(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-initial/test_initial.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-initial/test_initial.cxx index ae2d52894c..cbfbb7eb9e 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-initial/test_initial.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-initial/test_initial.cxx @@ -6,38 +6,41 @@ * */ -#include "bout/physicsmodel.hxx" #include "initialprofiles.hxx" +#include "bout/physicsmodel.hxx" + +#include +#include void create_and_dump(Field3D& field, const char* name) { initial_profile(name, field); dump.add(field, name, false); } -void create_and_dump(Field2D& field, const char* name) { - initial_profile(name, field); - dump.add(field, name, false); -} int main(int argc, char** argv) { BoutInitialise(argc, argv); - // Save the coordinate arrays to make the python bit easier - Field3D var_x; - create_and_dump(var_x, "var_x"); - - Field3D var_y; - create_and_dump(var_y, "var_y"); - - Field3D var_z; - create_and_dump(var_z, "var_z"); - - // Include the functions to be tested - // ./runtest generates this file by reading the list of variables in - // data/BOUT.inp, excluding var_{x,y,z} -#include "test_functions.cxx" - - dump.write(); + const auto& sections = Options::root().subsections(); + + // We need a vector of Fields because: + // 1) we don't know at compile time how many we need + // 2) using a local variable inside the loop causes problems with + // dump when the variable goes out of scope + // We also need to reserve the size to avoid allocations + // invalidating the pointers the output file has stored. Sections is + // too large as it includes sections we don't want, but that's ok + std::vector fields(sections.size()); + + for (const auto& section : sections) { + if (!section.second->isSet("function")) { + continue; + } + fields.emplace_back(); + auto& field = fields.back(); + create_and_dump(field, section.first.c_str()); + dump.write(); + } BoutFinalise(); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-integrate/test_integrate.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-integrate/test_integrate.cxx index 57fd8589c3..8e36dc5009 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-integrate/test_integrate.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-integrate/test_integrate.cxx @@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ // This class represents a sub-problem to be solved class MyFunction : public PhysicsModel { public: - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { solver->add(result, "result"); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { ddt(result) = 1.0; return 0; } - int outputMonitor(BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT) { + int outputMonitor(BoutReal simtime, int UNUSED(iter), int UNUSED(NOUT)) { output.write("MyFunction: time = %e\n", simtime); return 0; } @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class TestIntegrate : public PhysicsModel { delete ode; } - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { // Create a model model = new MyFunction(); @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class TestIntegrate : public PhysicsModel { return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { ddt(f) = model->result; return 0; } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/2fluid.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/2fluid.cxx index 9c704d603d..fd6b7ce687 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/2fluid.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/2fluid.cxx @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ #include #include -#include -#include -#include +#include +#include +#include class Interchange : public PhysicsModel { @@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ class Interchange : public PhysicsModel { // Parameters BoutReal Te_x, Ti_x, Ni_x, bmag, rho_s, AA, ZZ, wci; - int phi_flags; // Inversion flags + // Laplacian inversion + Laplacian* phi_solver; Coordinates *coord; protected: - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { Field2D I; // Shear factor output << "Solving 2-variable equations\n"; @@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ class Interchange : public PhysicsModel { BoutReal ShearFactor; OPTION(options, ShearFactor, 1.0); - OPTION(options, phi_flags, 0); + /*************** INITIALIZE LAPLACE SOLVER ***********/ + phi_solver = Laplacian::create(); /************* SHIFTED RADIAL COORDINATES ************/ bool ShiftXderivs; @@ -167,9 +169,9 @@ class Interchange : public PhysicsModel { return (0); } - int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { // Solve EM fields - invert_laplace(rho / Ni0, phi, phi_flags, NULL); + phi = phi_solver->solve(rho / Ni0, phi); // Communicate variables mesh->communicate(rho, Ni, phi); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_1/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_1/BOUT.inp index a5f084ec4d..12519ca368 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_1/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_1/BOUT.inp @@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ grid = "slab.6b5.r1.cdl" dump_format = "nc" # Output format. nc = NetCDF -non_uniform = false - ################################################## # derivative methods @@ -53,7 +51,8 @@ upwind = W3 [laplace] include_yguards = true all_terms = false - +inner_boundary_flags = 0 # inner boundary inversion flags +outer_boundary_flags = 0 # outer boundary inversion flags ################################################## # Solver settings @@ -83,17 +82,6 @@ nu_perp = 1.0e-20 ShearFactor = 0.0 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -phi_flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion - ################################################## # settings for individual variables # The section "All" defines default settings for all variables diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_10/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_10/BOUT.inp index 8ffbafddf1..0a0672ff54 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_10/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/data_10/BOUT.inp @@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ upwind = W3 [laplace] include_yguards = true all_terms = false +inner_boundary_flags = 0 # inner boundary inversion flags +outer_boundary_flags = 0 # outer boundary inversion flags ################################################## # Solver settings @@ -80,17 +82,6 @@ nu_perp = 1.0e-20 ShearFactor = 0.0 -# field inversion flags: Add the following -# 1 - Zero-gradient DC component on inner boundary -# 2 - Zero-gradient AC component on inner boundary -# 4 - " DC " " outer " -# 8 - " AC " " outer " -# 16 - Zero all DC components of the result -# 32 - Don't use previous solution to start iterations -# (iterative methods only) -phi_flags = 0 # inversion flags for phi -apar_flags = 0 # flags for apar inversion - ################################################## # settings for individual variables # The section "All" defines default settings for all variables diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runcase.sh b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runcase.sh index ed911bc6a6..450542bd67 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runcase.sh +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runcase.sh @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ OPTERROR=65 ##-setting defaults -MPIEXEC="mpirun -np " +test ".$MPIRUN" = . && MPIRUN="mpirun -np" NP=4 @@ -19,30 +19,27 @@ n) NP=$OPTARG; ;; m) - MPIEXEC=$OPTARG; + MPIRUN=$OPTARG; ;; esac done -echo "Running command: " $MPIEXEC $NP +echo "Running command: " $MPIRUN $NP #-compile/build local executable make -#-run the case +#-run the cases echo Running with NP = $NP -ln -s data_1 data -$MPIEXEC $NP ./2fluid +$MPIRUN $NP ./2fluid -d data_1 rm -f data -ln -s data_10 data -$MPIEXEC $NP ./2fluid +$MPIRUN $NP ./2fluid -d data_10 rm -f data #-check the result idl runidl.pro - diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runtest index 4a7242d52d..a54cd78361 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interchange-instability/runtest @@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ from __future__ import division nproc = 2 # Number of processors to run on reltol = 1.e-3 # Allowed relative tolerance in growth-rate -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit nthreads=1 -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making interchange instability test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def growth_rate(path, nproc, log=False): pipe = False if log != False: pipe = True - s, out = launch_safe("./2fluid -d "+path, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=pipe) + s, out = launch_safe("./2fluid -d "+path, nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=pipe) if pipe: f = open(log, "w") f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/runtest index bc6e5957fe..5ca1259e17 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/runtest @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # Run the test, compare results against the benchmark # -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata import collect from numpy import sqrt, max, abs, mean, array, log, polyfit from sys import stdout, exit @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ methods = { "bilinear": 2, } -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making Interpolation test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ for method in methods: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log.{}.{}".format(method, nx), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/test_interpolate.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/test_interpolate.cxx index a4f6554420..75e5a350ce 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/test_interpolate.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-interpolate/test_interpolate.cxx @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ #include "interpolation_factory.hxx" /// Get a FieldGenerator from the options for a variable -std::shared_ptr getGeneratorFromOptions(const std::string varname, - std::string &func) { +std::shared_ptr getGeneratorFromOptions(const std::string& varname, + std::string& func) { Options *options = Options::getRoot()->getSection(varname); options->get("solution", func, "0.0"); @@ -65,18 +65,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { for (const auto &index : deltax) { // Get some random displacements - BoutReal dx = index.x + dice(); - BoutReal dz = index.z + dice(); + BoutReal dx = index.x() + dice(); + BoutReal dz = index.z() + dice(); // For the last point, put the displacement inwards // Otherwise we try to interpolate in the guard cells, which doesn't work so well - if (index.x >= mesh->xend) { - dx = index.x - dice(); + if (index.x() >= mesh->xend) { + dx = index.x() - dice(); } deltax[index] = dx; deltaz[index] = dz; // Get the global indices BoutReal x = mesh->GlobalX(dx); - BoutReal y = TWOPI * mesh->GlobalY(index.y); + BoutReal y = TWOPI * mesh->GlobalY(index.y()); BoutReal z = TWOPI * static_cast(dz) / static_cast(mesh->LocalNz); // Generate the analytic solution at the displacements a_solution[index] = a_gen->generate(x, y, z, 0.0); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1d6c85a9e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +invertable_operator \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2275005dfc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(invertable_operator + SOURCES invertable_operator.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + REQUIRES BOUT_HAS_PETSC + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a18be0c01 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +NOUT=0 + +[mesh] +nx = 20 +ny = 16 +nz = 16 + +[mesh:ddz] +first = fft +second = fft + +[laplace] +inner_boundary_flags = 0 +outer_boundary_flags = 0 + +[all] +bndry_all = none +function = 0. + +[n] +scale = 1.0 +function = sin(z) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/invertable_operator.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/invertable_operator.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f41779a074 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/invertable_operator.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +class InvertableOperatorTest : public PhysicsModel { +private: + Field3D n, solutionInv, solutionLap; + + int passVerification = 0; + BoutReal maxRelErrLaplacians = 0; + + struct myLaplacian { + Field3D D = 1.0, A = 1.0e-1; + + // Drop C term for now + Field3D operator()(const Field3D& input) { + TRACE("myLaplacian::operator()"); + Field3D result = A * input + D * Delp2(input); + + // Ensure boundary points are set appropriately as given by the input field. + result.setBoundaryTo(input); + + return result; + }; + }; + + myLaplacian mm; + bout::inversion::InvertableOperator mySolver; + + class Laplacian* laplacianSolver; + +protected: + int init(bool) override { + SOLVE_FOR(n); + SOLVE_FOR(solutionLap); + SOLVE_FOR(solutionInv); + + SAVE_REPEAT(passVerification); + SAVE_REPEAT(maxRelErrLaplacians); + + mm.A = 1.0e-1; + mm.D = 1.0; + + // Note mySolve takes a copy of the passed functor so updates to the local + // instance won't have any effect, but the function _can_ be changed (currently) + // through setOperatorFunction + + mySolver.setOperatorFunction(mm); + mySolver.setup(); + + laplacianSolver = Laplacian::create(); + laplacianSolver->setCoefA(mm.A); + laplacianSolver->setCoefC(1.0); + laplacianSolver->setCoefD(mm.D); + + n.applyBoundary("dirichlet"); + + return 0; + } + + int rhs(BoutReal) override { + ddt(n) = 0.; + ddt(solutionInv) = 0.; + ddt(solutionLap) = 0.; + + // First run to get the solution with zero initial guess + solutionInv = mySolver.invert(n, 0.0); + mesh->communicate(solutionInv); + + passVerification = mySolver.verify(n, 1.e-3); + + solutionLap = laplacianSolver->solve(n); + + maxRelErrLaplacians = + max(abs(solutionInv - solutionLap), true) / max(abs(solutionLap)); + + return 0; + } + +public: +}; + +// Define a main() function +BOUTMAIN(InvertableOperatorTest); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e0b6d92849 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = invertable_operator.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..11b366f804 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invertable-operator/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +#requires: petsc + +# +# Run the test, compare results against expected value +# + +from __future__ import print_function +from __future__ import division + +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe +from boutdata.collect import collect +import numpy as np +from sys import stdout, exit + +nprocs = [1,2] # Number of processors to run on +reltol = 1.e-3 # Allowed relative tolerance +nthreads=1 + + +print("Making invertable operator test") +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +# Delete old output files +shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*") + +def run(path, nproc, log=False): + pipe = False + if log != False: + pipe = True + s, out = launch_safe("./invertable_operator -d "+path, nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=pipe) + if pipe: + f = open(log, "w") + f.write(out) + f.close() + + # Get result of the test + passVerification = collect("passVerification", path=path)[-1] + maxRelErrLaplacians = collect("maxRelErrLaplacians", path=path)[-1] + + if passVerification == 0: + print(" => Failed (verification step - value is {s})".format(s=passVerification)) + exit(1) + + if maxRelErrLaplacians > reltol: + print(" => Failed (relative tolerance step -- difference of {s})".format(s=maxRelErrLaplacians)) + exit(1) + + +for np in nprocs: + run("data",np) + +print(" => All tests passed") +exit(0) + diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invpar/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-invpar/runtest index 5f79bef8b2..6ef833d631 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-invpar/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invpar/runtest @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ try: from builtins import str except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making parallel inversion test") @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.* 2> err.log") # Run the case - s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" "+f, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" "+f, nproc=nproc, mthread=1, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc)+"."+str(r), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-invpar/test_invpar.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-invpar/test_invpar.cxx index 3562e2f6e8..ce392e9522 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-invpar/test_invpar.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-invpar/test_invpar.cxx @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Get options Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - string acoef, bcoef, ccoef, dcoef, ecoef, func; + std::string acoef, bcoef, ccoef, dcoef, ecoef, func; options->get("acoef", acoef, "1.0"); options->get("bcoef", bcoef, "-1.0"); options->get("ccoef", ccoef, "0.0"); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-io/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b218c85fa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_io + SOURCES test_io.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + EXTRA_FILES test_io.grd.nc data/benchmark.out.0.nc + REQUIRES BOUT_HAS_NETCDF + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io/data/benchmark.out.0.nc b/tests/integrated/test-io/data/benchmark.out.0.nc index ec41997e6a..35e74423c4 100644 Binary files a/tests/integrated/test-io/data/benchmark.out.0.nc and b/tests/integrated/test-io/data/benchmark.out.0.nc differ diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io/generate.py b/tests/integrated/test-io/generate.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..77bf92d90a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io/generate.py @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# Create an input file for testing + +from netCDF4 import Dataset +import numpy +from sys import exit + +# number of components +nx = 12 +ny = 12 +nz = 5 + +ivar = 1 +rvar = numpy.pi +f2d = numpy.random.rand(nx, ny) +fperp = numpy.random.rand(nx, nz) +fperp2 = numpy.random.rand(nx, nz) +f3d = numpy.random.rand(nx, ny, nz) + +with Dataset('test_io.grd.nc', 'w') as f: + f.createVariable('nx', numpy.int64) + f['nx'][...] = nx + f.createVariable('ny', numpy.int64) + f['ny'][...] = nx + f.createVariable('ivar', numpy.int64) + f['ivar'][...] = ivar + f.createVariable('rvar', numpy.float64) + f['rvar'][...] = rvar + + f.createDimension('x', nx) + f.createDimension('y', ny) + f.createDimension('z', nz) + f.createVariable('f2d', numpy.float64, ('x', 'y')) + f['f2d'][...] = f2d + f.createVariable('fperp', numpy.float64, ('x', 'z')) + f['fperp'][...] = fperp + f.createVariable('fperp2', numpy.float64, ('x', 'z')) + f['fperp2'][...] = fperp2 + f['fperp2'].yindex_global = 11 + f.createVariable('f3d', numpy.float64, ('x', 'y', 'z')) + f['f3d'][...] = f3d + +exit(0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-io/runtest index 091de2e570..3bb477135c 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-io/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io/runtest @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ # # Run the test, compare results against the benchmark # +# requires: netcdf from __future__ import print_function @@ -11,21 +12,23 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making I/O test") shell_safe("make > make.log") # Read benchmark values -vars = ['ivar', 'rvar', 'f2d', 'f3d', 'ivar_evol', 'rvar_evol', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z'] +vars = ['ivar', 'rvar', 'bvar', 'f2d', 'f3d', 'fperp', 'fperp2', 'ivar_evol', 'rvar_evol', + 'bvar_evol', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z', 'fperp2_evol'] -field_vars = ['f2d', 'f3d', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z'] # Field quantities, not scalars +field_vars = ['f2d', 'f3d', 'fperp', 'fperp2', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z', + 'fperp2_evol'] # Field quantities, not scalars tol = 1e-10 @@ -37,49 +40,70 @@ for v in vars: print("Running I/O test") success = True for nproc in [1,2,4]: - cmd = "./test_io" - - # On some machines need to delete dmp files first - # or data isn't written correctly - shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") - - # Run test case - - print(" %d processor...." % (nproc)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) - with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: - f.write(out) - - # Collect output data - for v in vars: - stdout.write(" Checking variable "+v+" ... ") - result = collect(v, path="data", info=False) - - # Compare benchmark and output - if np.shape(bmk[v]) != np.shape(result): - print("Fail, wrong shape") - success = False - continue - - diff = np.max(np.abs(bmk[v] - result)) - if diff > tol: - print("Fail, maximum difference = "+str(diff)) - success = False - continue - - if v in field_vars: - # Check cell location - if "cell_location" not in result.attributes: - print("Fail: {0} has no cell_location attribute".format(v)) - success = False - continue - - if result.attributes["cell_location"] != "CELL_CENTRE": - print("Fail: Expecting cell_location == CELL_CENTRE, but got {0}".format(result.attributes["cell_location"])) - success = False - continue - - print("Pass") + for split in [None, "NXPE", "NYPE"]: + if split is not None: + npe_max = nproc + else: + npe_max = 1 + for np_split in [i for i in [1,2,4] if i<=npe_max]: + + if split is not None: + extra_args = " "+split+"="+str(np_split) + else: + extra_args = "" + + cmd = "./test_io" + extra_args + + # On some machines need to delete dmp files first + # or data isn't written correctly + shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") + + # Run test case + print(" %d processor...." % (nproc) + extra_args) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + + # Check processor splitting + if split is not None: + stdout.write(" Checking "+split+" ... ") + v = collect(split, path="data", info=False) + if v != np_split: + print("Fail, wrong "+split+" expecting %i, got %i" % (np_split, v)) + success = False + else: + print("Pass") + + # Collect output data + for v in vars: + stdout.write(" Checking variable "+v+" ... ") + result = collect(v, path="data", info=False) + + # Compare benchmark and output + if np.shape(bmk[v]) != np.shape(result): + print("Fail, wrong shape") + success = False + continue + + diff = np.max(np.abs(bmk[v] - result)) + if diff > tol: + print("Fail, maximum difference = "+str(diff)) + success = False + continue + + if v in field_vars: + # Check cell location + if "cell_location" not in result.attributes: + print("Fail: {0} has no cell_location attribute".format(v)) + success = False + continue + + if result.attributes["cell_location"] != "CELL_CENTRE": + print("Fail: Expecting cell_location == CELL_CENTRE, but got {0}".format(result.attributes["cell_location"])) + success = False + continue + + print("Pass") if success: print(" => All I/O tests passed") diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.cxx index 8e6fbe717b..c20f1ce4ad 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.cxx @@ -17,40 +17,58 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Variables to be read and written int ivar, ivar_evol; BoutReal rvar, rvar_evol; + bool bvar, bvar_evol; Field2D f2d; Field3D f3d; + // fperp is at yindex_global=0. + // fperp2 is at yindex_global=11, it is included to make sure the test does not pass + // only for the special case of the FieldPerp being present on processor number 0. + FieldPerp fperp, fperp2, fperp2_evol; Vector2D v2d; Vector3D v3d; f2d = 0.0; f3d = 0.0; + fperp = 0.0; + fperp2 = 0.0; // Read data from grid file mesh->get(ivar, "ivar"); mesh->get(rvar, "rvar"); + mesh->get(bvar, "bvar"); mesh->get(f2d, "f2d"); mesh->get(f3d, "f3d"); + mesh->get(fperp, "fperp"); + mesh->get(fperp2, "fperp2"); // Non-evolving variables dump.add(ivar, "ivar", false); dump.add(rvar, "rvar", false); + dump.add(bvar, "bvar", false); dump.add(f2d, "f2d", false); dump.add(f3d, "f3d", false); + dump.add(fperp, "fperp", false); + dump.add(fperp2, "fperp2", false); // Evolving variables dump.add(ivar_evol, "ivar_evol", true); dump.add(rvar_evol, "rvar_evol", true); + dump.add(bvar_evol, "bvar_evol", true); dump.add(v2d, "v2d_evol", true); dump.add(v3d, "v3d_evol", true); + dump.add(fperp2_evol, "fperp2_evol", true); int MYPE; MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); + bvar_evol = bvar; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { ivar_evol = ivar + i; rvar_evol = rvar + 0.5 * i; + bvar_evol = !bvar_evol; v2d.x = v2d.y = v2d.z = f2d; v3d.x = v3d.y = v3d.z = f3d; + fperp2_evol = fperp2; dump.write(); } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.grd.nc b/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.grd.nc index 02f7604e9e..4afdbb6beb 100644 Binary files a/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.grd.nc and b/tests/integrated/test-io/test_io.grd.nc differ diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc08b46e2c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_io_hdf5 + SOURCES test_io_hdf5.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + EXTRA_FILES test_io.grd.hdf5 data/benchmark.out.0.hdf5 + REQUIRES BOUT_HAS_HDF5 +) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp index e8f280491b..0985e6bde4 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp @@ -11,6 +11,3 @@ MZ = 4 # Z size grid = "test_io.grd.hdf5" dump_format = "hdf5" # HDF5 format. Alternative is "pdb" or "nc" - -[output] -floats=true diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/benchmark.out.0.hdf5 b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/benchmark.out.0.hdf5 index 3f62f516c4..a4f4b905ff 100644 Binary files a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/benchmark.out.0.hdf5 and b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/data/benchmark.out.0.hdf5 differ diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/generate.py b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/generate.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea8e6478a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/generate.py @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +# Create an input file for testing + +from h5py import File +import numpy +from sys import exit + +# number of components +nx = 12 +ny = 12 +nz = 5 + +ivar = 1 +rvar = numpy.pi +f2d = numpy.random.rand(nx, ny) +fperp = numpy.random.rand(nx, nz) +fperp2 = numpy.random.rand(nx, nz) +f3d = numpy.random.rand(nx, ny, nz) + +with File('test_io.grd.hdf5', 'w') as f: + f['nx'] = nx + f['ny'] = nx + f['ivar'] = ivar + f['rvar'] = rvar + + f['f2d'] = f2d + f['fperp'] = fperp + f['fperp2'] = fperp2 + f['fperp2'].attrs['yindex_global'] = 11 + f['f3d'] = f3d + +exit(0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/makefile index 03d4d19d78..0e55654a3a 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/makefile +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/makefile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../../.. -SOURCEC = test_io.cxx +SOURCEC = test_io_hdf5.cxx include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/runtest index f568caa1da..ec6e65c076 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/runtest @@ -7,23 +7,25 @@ #requires: all_tests #Requires: hdf5 -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making I/O test") shell_safe("make > make.log") # Read benchmark values -vars = ['ivar', 'rvar', 'f2d', 'f3d', 'ivar_evol', 'rvar_evol', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z'] +vars = ['ivar', 'rvar', 'bvar', 'f2d', 'f3d', 'fperp', 'fperp2', 'ivar_evol', 'rvar_evol', + 'bvar_evol', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z', 'fperp2_evol'] -field_vars = ['f2d', 'f3d', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z'] # Field quantities, not scalars +field_vars = ['f2d', 'f3d', 'fperp', 'fperp2', 'v2d_evol_x', 'v2d_evol_y', 'v2d_evol_z', + 'fperp2_evol'] # Field quantities, not scalars -tol = 1e-10 +tol = 1e-6 print("Reading benchmark data") bmk = {} @@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ for v in vars: print("Running I/O test") success = True for nproc in [1,2,4]: - cmd = "./test_io" + cmd = "./test_io_hdf5" # On some machines need to delete dmp files first # or data isn't written correctly @@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: # Run test case print(" %d processor...." % (nproc)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.grd.hdf5 b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.grd.hdf5 index d0be83eecb..cf9ef5057d 100644 Binary files a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.grd.hdf5 and b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.grd.hdf5 differ diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io_hdf5.cxx similarity index 67% rename from tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.cxx rename to tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io_hdf5.cxx index 8e6fbe717b..c20f1ce4ad 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-io_hdf5/test_io_hdf5.cxx @@ -17,40 +17,58 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Variables to be read and written int ivar, ivar_evol; BoutReal rvar, rvar_evol; + bool bvar, bvar_evol; Field2D f2d; Field3D f3d; + // fperp is at yindex_global=0. + // fperp2 is at yindex_global=11, it is included to make sure the test does not pass + // only for the special case of the FieldPerp being present on processor number 0. + FieldPerp fperp, fperp2, fperp2_evol; Vector2D v2d; Vector3D v3d; f2d = 0.0; f3d = 0.0; + fperp = 0.0; + fperp2 = 0.0; // Read data from grid file mesh->get(ivar, "ivar"); mesh->get(rvar, "rvar"); + mesh->get(bvar, "bvar"); mesh->get(f2d, "f2d"); mesh->get(f3d, "f3d"); + mesh->get(fperp, "fperp"); + mesh->get(fperp2, "fperp2"); // Non-evolving variables dump.add(ivar, "ivar", false); dump.add(rvar, "rvar", false); + dump.add(bvar, "bvar", false); dump.add(f2d, "f2d", false); dump.add(f3d, "f3d", false); + dump.add(fperp, "fperp", false); + dump.add(fperp2, "fperp2", false); // Evolving variables dump.add(ivar_evol, "ivar_evol", true); dump.add(rvar_evol, "rvar_evol", true); + dump.add(bvar_evol, "bvar_evol", true); dump.add(v2d, "v2d_evol", true); dump.add(v3d, "v3d_evol", true); + dump.add(fperp2_evol, "fperp2_evol", true); int MYPE; MPI_Comm_rank(BoutComm::get(), &MYPE); + bvar_evol = bvar; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { ivar_evol = ivar + i; rvar_evol = rvar + 0.5 * i; + bvar_evol = !bvar_evol; v2d.x = v2d.y = v2d.z = f2d; v3d.x = v3d.y = v3d.z = f3d; + fperp2_evol = fperp2; dump.write(); } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91640e8159 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_laplace + SOURCES test_laplace.cxx + EXTRA_FILES test_laplace.grd.nc data/benchmark.0.nc + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/data/BOUT.inp index 3cb058dca2..762e37744b 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/data/BOUT.inp @@ -17,8 +17,5 @@ symmetricGlobalY = false [laplace] all_terms = false -include_yguards = true +include_yguards = false filter = 0.2 - -[output] -floats = true diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/runtest index 81af3da736..8b641ac4e2 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/runtest @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ vars = ['flag0', 'flag3', 'flagis', 'flagos', 'flag0a', 'flag3a', 'flagisa', 'flagosa', 'flag0ac', 'flag3ac','flagisac', 'flagosac', 'flag0ad', 'flag3ad', 'flagisad', 'flagosad'] -tol = 1e-10 # Absolute tolerance +tol = 1e-6 # Absolute tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making Laplacian inversion test") shell("rm test_laplace") @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors (nxpe = %d)...." % (nproc, nxpe)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=1, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/test_laplace.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/test_laplace.cxx index 138fdac619..1638ca5c11 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace/test_laplace.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-laplace/test_laplace.cxx @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { Field3D flag3ac = invert_laplace(input, 3, &a, &c); SAVE_ONCE2(flag0ac, flag3ac); - Field3D flag0ad = invert_laplace(input, 0, &a, NULL, &d); - Field3D flag3ad = invert_laplace(input, 3, &a, NULL, &d); + Field3D flag0ad = invert_laplace(input, 0, &a, nullptr, &d); + Field3D flag3ad = invert_laplace(input, 3, &a, nullptr, &d); SAVE_ONCE2(flag0ad, flag3ad); /// Test new interface and INVERT_IN/OUT_SET flags diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace2/test_laplace.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-laplace2/test_laplace.cxx index afdf376925..7bf9bcd321 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace2/test_laplace.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-laplace2/test_laplace.cxx @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ #include #include -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { FieldFactory f(mesh); Options *options = Options::getRoot(); // Read strings containing coefficients - string in, acoef, ccoef; + std::string in, acoef, ccoef; OPTION(options, in, "(1-gauss(x-0.5,0.2))*gauss(z-pi)"); OPTION(options, acoef, "gauss(x)"); OPTION(options, ccoef, "sin(x) * gauss(x-0.5)"); @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 1; } -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Doesn't do anything return 1; } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/data/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index a66ad214bd..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/data/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -# Test of the Laplace3D class -# - -NOUT = 0 # No timesteps - -MZ = 32 # Z size - -[mesh] - -nx = 20 -ny = 16 - diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/test_laplace3d.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/test_laplace3d.cxx deleted file mode 100644 index 37c3e43e39..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-laplace3d/test_laplace3d.cxx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ - -#include - -#include - -class Laplace3DTest : public PhysicsModel { -protected: - int init(bool restarting); -}; - - -int Laplace3DTest::init(bool restarting) { - - // Create a 3D Laplacian solver - Laplace3D *lap = Laplace3D::create(); - - // Set coefficients - - // solve - - return 1; -} - -// Generate a main() function to run test -BOUTMAIN(Laplace3DTest); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest index c9eb8c7522..3c0b0e19f6 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ except: tol = 2e-7 # Absolute tolerance numTests = 4 # We test 4 different boundary conditions (with slightly different inputs for each) -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making multigrid Laplacian inversion test") shell("rm test_multigrid_laplace") @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for nproc in [1,3]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors..." %nproc) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_multiple_grids b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_multiple_grids index 1ab7786716..0fa04ac26a 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_multiple_grids +++ b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_multiple_grids @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ except: tol = 2e-6 # Absolute tolerance numTests = 4 # We test 4 different boundary conditions (with slightly different inputs for each) -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making multigrid Laplacian inversion test") shell("rm test_multigrid_laplace") @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors, input file is %s" %(nproc,inputfile)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_unsheared b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_unsheared index 69f07c2c78..cd99d6d9d9 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_unsheared +++ b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/runtest_unsheared @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ except: tol = 1e-9 # Absolute tolerance numTests = 4 # We test 4 different boundary conditions (with slightly different inputs for each) -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making multigrid Laplacian inversion test") shell("rm test_multigrid_laplace") @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for nproc in [1,3]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors..." %nproc) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/test_multigrid_laplace.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/test_multigrid_laplace.cxx index 748a85ae7e..b26580a31c 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/test_multigrid_laplace.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-multigrid_laplace/test_multigrid_laplace.cxx @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ #include BoutReal max_error_at_ystart(const Field3D &error); -Field3D this_Grad_perp2(const Field3D &f); Field3D this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g); int main(int argc, char** argv) { @@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { c1 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("c1:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); a1 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("a1:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); - b1 = d1*this_Grad_perp2(f1) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,f1)/c1 + a1*f1; + b1 = d1*Delp2(f1, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,f1)/c1 + a1*f1; sol1 = 0.; invert->setInnerBoundaryFlags(0); @@ -71,9 +70,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { sol1 = invert->solve(sliceXZ(b1, mesh->ystart)); mesh->communicate(sol1); checkData(sol1); - bcheck1 = d1*this_Grad_perp2(sol1) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,sol1)/c1 + a1*sol1; + bcheck1 = d1*Delp2(sol1, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,sol1)/c1 + a1*sol1; absolute_error1 = f1-sol1; - max_error1 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error1, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error1 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error1, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b1): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { absolute_error1 = -1.; } - d1 = this_Grad_perp2(f1); + d1 = Delp2(f1, CELL_DEFAULT, false); c1 = this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,f1)/c1; a1 = a1*f1; @@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { c2 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("c2:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); a2 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("a2:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); - b2 = d2*this_Grad_perp2(f2) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c2,f2)/c2 + a2*f2; + b2 = d2*Delp2(f2, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c2,f2)/c2 + a2*f2; sol2 = 0.; invert->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); @@ -122,9 +121,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { sol2 = invert->solve(sliceXZ(b2, mesh->ystart)); mesh->communicate(sol2); - bcheck2 = d2*this_Grad_perp2(sol2) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c2,sol2)/c2 + a2*sol2; + bcheck2 = d2*Delp2(sol2, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c2,sol2)/c2 + a2*sol2; absolute_error2 = f2-sol2; - max_error2 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error2, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error2 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error2, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b2): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -157,7 +156,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { c3 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("c3:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); a3 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("a3:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); - b3 = d3*this_Grad_perp2(f3) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c3,f3)/c3 + a3*f3; + b3 = d3*Delp2(f3, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c3,f3)/c3 + a3*f3; sol3 = 0.; invert->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); @@ -178,9 +177,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { sol3 = invert->solve(sliceXZ(b3, mesh->ystart), sliceXZ(x0, mesh->ystart)); mesh->communicate(sol3); - bcheck3 = d3*this_Grad_perp2(sol3) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c3,f3)/c3 + a3*sol3; + bcheck3 = d3*Delp2(sol3, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c3,f3)/c3 + a3*sol3; absolute_error3 = f3-sol3; - max_error3 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error3, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error3 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error3, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b3): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { c4 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("c4:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); a4 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("a4:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); - b4 = d4*this_Grad_perp2(f4) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c4,f4)/c4 + a4*f4; + b4 = d4*Delp2(f4, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c4,f4)/c4 + a4*f4; sol4 = 0.; invert->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD+INVERT_SET); @@ -238,9 +237,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { sol4 = invert->solve(sliceXZ(b4, mesh->ystart), sliceXZ(x0, mesh->ystart)); mesh->communicate(sol4); - bcheck4 = d4*this_Grad_perp2(sol4) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c4,sol4)/c4 + a4*sol4; + bcheck4 = d4*Delp2(sol4, CELL_DEFAULT, false) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c4,sol4)/c4 + a4*sol4; absolute_error4 = f4-sol4; - max_error4 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error4, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error4 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error4, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b4): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -275,17 +274,6 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { } -// Need custom version of perpendicular Laplacian operator, which is the inverse of the multigrid solver -// Delp2 uses FFT z-derivatives and Laplace includes y-derivatives, so can't use those -// The function is a copy of Laplace() with the y-derivatives deleted -Field3D this_Grad_perp2(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result = mesh->getCoordinates()->G1 * ::DDX(f) + mesh->getCoordinates()->G3 * ::DDZ(f) + - mesh->getCoordinates()->g11 * ::D2DX2(f) + mesh->getCoordinates()->g33 * ::D2DZ2(f) + - 2.0 * mesh->getCoordinates()->g13 * ::D2DXDZ(f); - - return result; -} - Field3D this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(const Field3D &f, const Field3D &g) { Field3D result = mesh->getCoordinates()->g11 * ::DDX(f) * ::DDX(g) + mesh->getCoordinates()->g33 * ::DDZ(f) * ::DDZ(g) + mesh->getCoordinates()->g13 * (DDX(f)*DDZ(g) + DDZ(f)*DDX(g)); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d5c09c3f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_naulin_laplace \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest index b318fb5ded..078e523e15 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest @@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ except: tol = 2e-7 # Absolute tolerance numTests = 4 # We test 4 different boundary conditions (with slightly different inputs for each) -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making LaplaceNaulin inversion test") -shell("rm test_naulin_laplace") shell_safe("make > make.log") print("Running LaplaceNaulin inversion test") @@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ for nproc in [1,3]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors..." %nproc) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_multiple_grids b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_multiple_grids index 3fc3647649..e3327a43a7 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_multiple_grids +++ b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_multiple_grids @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ except: tol = 2e-6 # Absolute tolerance numTests = 4 # We test 4 different boundary conditions (with slightly different inputs for each) -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making LaplaceNaulin inversion test") shell("rm test_naulin_laplace") @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors, input file is %s" %(nproc,inputfile)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_unsheared b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_unsheared index 9abc4dafb7..0478f2e849 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_unsheared +++ b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/runtest_unsheared @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ except: tol = 1e-9 # Absolute tolerance numTests = 4 # We test 4 different boundary conditions (with slightly different inputs for each) -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making LaplaceNaulin inversion test") shell("rm test_naulin_laplace") @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for nproc in [1,3]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors..." %nproc) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, mthread=mthread, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/test_naulin_laplace.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/test_naulin_laplace.cxx index b2873903ac..7fd465402b 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/test_naulin_laplace.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-naulin-laplace/test_naulin_laplace.cxx @@ -41,9 +41,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Initialise BOUT++, setting up mesh BoutInitialise(argc, argv); - //class Laplacian* invert = Laplacian::create(); Options* options = Options::getRoot()->getSection("laplace"); - LaplaceNaulin* invert = new LaplaceNaulin(options); + LaplaceNaulin invert(options); // Solving equations of the form d*Grad_perp2(f) + 1/c*Grad_perp(c).Grad_perp(f) + a*f = b for various boundary conditions Field3D f1,a1,b1,c1,d1,sol1,bcheck1; @@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { dump.add(mesh->getCoordinates()->G1,"G1"); dump.add(mesh->getCoordinates()->G3,"G3"); - //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test 1: zero-value Dirichlet boundaries f1 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("f1:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); d1 = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("d1:function", Options::getRoot(), mesh); @@ -63,19 +62,19 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { b1 = d1*Delp2(f1) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,f1)/c1 + a1*f1; sol1 = 0.; - invert->setInnerBoundaryFlags(0); - invert->setOuterBoundaryFlags(0); - invert->setCoefA(a1); - invert->setCoefC(c1); - invert->setCoefD(d1); + invert.setInnerBoundaryFlags(0); + invert.setOuterBoundaryFlags(0); + invert.setCoefA(a1); + invert.setCoefC(c1); + invert.setCoefD(d1); try { - sol1 = invert->solve(b1); + sol1 = invert.solve(b1); mesh->communicate(sol1); checkData(sol1); bcheck1 = d1*Delp2(sol1) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c1,sol1)/c1 + a1*sol1; absolute_error1 = f1-sol1; - max_error1 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error1, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error1 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error1, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b1): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { output<getMeanIterations()<<" iterations to converge"<setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD); - invert->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD); - invert->setCoefA(a2); - invert->setCoefC(c2); - invert->setCoefD(d2); + invert.setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD); + invert.setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD); + invert.setCoefA(a2); + invert.setCoefC(c2); + invert.setCoefD(d2); try { - sol2 = invert->solve(b2); + sol2 = invert.solve(b2); mesh->communicate(sol2); bcheck2 = d2*Delp2(sol2) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c2,sol2)/c2 + a2*sol2; absolute_error2 = f2-sol2; - max_error2 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error2, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error2 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error2, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b2): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -137,7 +136,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { output<getMeanIterations()<<" iterations to converge"<setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); - invert->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); - invert->setCoefA(a3); - invert->setCoefC(c3); - invert->setCoefD(d3); + invert.setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); + invert.setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_SET); + invert.setCoefA(a3); + invert.setCoefC(c3); + invert.setCoefD(d3); // make field to pass in boundary conditions Field3D x0 = 0.; @@ -180,11 +179,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { x0(mesh->xend+1,mesh->ystart,k) = 0.5*(f3(mesh->xend+1,mesh->ystart,k)+f3(mesh->xend,mesh->ystart,k)); try { - sol3 = invert->solve(b3, x0); + sol3 = invert.solve(b3, x0); mesh->communicate(sol3); bcheck3 = d3*Delp2(sol3) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c3,f3)/c3 + a3*sol3; absolute_error3 = f3-sol3; - max_error3 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error3, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error3 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error3, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b3): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -196,7 +195,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { output<getMeanIterations()<<" iterations to converge"<setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_SET); - invert->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_SET); - invert->setCoefA(a4); - invert->setCoefC(c4); - invert->setCoefD(d4); + invert.setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_SET); + invert.setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_DC_GRAD + INVERT_AC_GRAD + INVERT_SET); + invert.setCoefA(a4); + invert.setCoefC(c4); + invert.setCoefD(d4); // make field to pass in boundary conditions x0 = 0.; @@ -243,11 +242,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { /sqrt(mesh->getCoordinates()->g_11(mesh->xend,mesh->ystart)); try { - sol4 = invert->solve(b4, x0); + sol4 = invert.solve(b4, x0); mesh->communicate(sol4); bcheck4 = d4*Delp2(sol4) + this_Grad_perp_dot_Grad_perp(c4,sol4)/c4 + a4*sol4; absolute_error4 = f4-sol4; - max_error4 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error4, RGN_NOBNDRY)); + max_error4 = max_error_at_ystart(abs(absolute_error4, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); } catch (BoutException &err) { output << "BoutException occured in invert->solve(b4): " << err.what() << endl << "Laplacian inversion failed to converge (probably)" << endl; @@ -259,7 +258,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { output<getMeanIterations()<<" iterations to converge"< #include -int physics_init(bool restarting) { +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { Field3D input, reference, result; GRID_LOAD(input); // Read input from file @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) { return 1; } -int physics_run(BoutReal t) { +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Doesn't do anything return 1; } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fa0f6d3681 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + +[mesh] +nx = 5 +ny = 2 +nz = 2 diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f9197480fb --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-options-netcdf.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..52db45d900 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +# Note: This test requires NCDF4, whereas on Travis NCDF is used +#requires: False + +from boututils.datafile import DataFile +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell +from boutdata.data import BoutOptionsFile + +import math +import numpy as np + +shell("make") +shell("rm -f test-out.ini") +shell("rm -f test-out.nc") + +# Create a NetCDF input file +with DataFile("test.nc", create=True, format="NETCDF4") as f: + f.write("int", 42); + f.write("real", 3.1415); + f.write("string", "hello"); + +# run BOUT++ +shell("./test-options-netcdf") + +# Check the output INI file +result = BoutOptionsFile("test-out.ini") + +print(result) + +assert result["int"] == 42 +assert math.isclose(result["real"], 3.1415) +assert result["string"] == "hello" + +print("Checking saved NetCDF file") + +# Check the output NetCDF file +with DataFile("test-out.nc") as f: + assert f["int"] == 42 + assert math.isclose(f["real"], 3.1415) + assert result["string"] == "hello" + +print("Checking saved settings.ini") + +# Check the settings.ini file, coming from BOUT.inp +# which is converted to NetCDF, read in, then written again +settings = BoutOptionsFile("settings.ini") + +assert settings["mesh"]["nx"] == 5 +assert settings["mesh"]["ny"] == 2 + +print("Checking saved fields.nc") + +with DataFile("fields.nc") as f: + assert f["f2d"].shape == (5,6) # Field2D + assert f["f3d"].shape == (5,6,2) # Field3D + assert np.allclose(f["f2d"], 1.0) + assert np.allclose(f["f3d"], 2.0) + +print("Checking saved fields2.nc") + +with DataFile("fields2.nc") as f: + assert f["f2d"].shape == (5,6) # Field2D + assert f["f3d"].shape == (5,6,2) # Field3D + assert np.allclose(f["f2d"], 1.0) + assert np.allclose(f["f3d"], 2.0) + +print(" => Passed") diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/test-options-netcdf.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/test-options-netcdf.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c019a33dd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-options-netcdf/test-options-netcdf.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ + +#include "bout.hxx" + +#include "options_netcdf.hxx" +#include "optionsreader.hxx" + +using bout::experimental::OptionsNetCDF; + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + // Read values from a NetCDF file + OptionsNetCDF file("test.nc"); + + auto values = file.read(); + + values.printUnused(); + + // Write to an INI text file + OptionsReader *reader = OptionsReader::getInstance(); + reader->write(&values, "test-out.ini"); + + // Write to a NetCDF file + OptionsNetCDF("test-out.nc").write(values); + + /////////////////////////// + + // Write the BOUT.inp settings to NetCDF file + OptionsNetCDF("settings.nc").write(Options::root()); + + // Read back in + auto settings = OptionsNetCDF("settings.nc").read(); + + // Write to INI file + reader->write(&settings, "settings.ini"); + + /////////////////////////// + // Write fields + + Options fields; + fields["f2d"] = Field2D(1.0); + fields["f3d"] = Field3D(2.0); + OptionsNetCDF("fields.nc").write(fields); + + /////////////////////////// + // Read fields + + Options fields_in = OptionsNetCDF("fields.nc").read(); + + auto f2d = fields_in["f2d"].as(mesh); + auto f3d = fields_in["f3d"].as(mesh); + + Options fields2; + fields2["f2d"] = f2d; + fields2["f3d"] = f3d; + + // Write out again + OptionsNetCDF("fields2.nc").write(fields2); + + /////////////////////////// + // Time dependent values + + Options data; + data["scalar"] = 1.0; + data["scalar"].attributes["time_dimension"] = "t"; + + data["field"] = Field3D(2.0); + data["field"].attributes["time_dimension"] = "t"; + + OptionsNetCDF("time.nc").write(data); + + // Update time-dependent values + data["scalar"] = 2.0; + data["field"] = Field3D(3.0); + + // Append data to file + OptionsNetCDF("time.nc", OptionsNetCDF::FileMode::append).write(data); + + BoutFinalise(); +}; diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/data/BOUT.inp index 2fa9cca300..f152111b41 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/data/BOUT.inp @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ mz = 129 -#MYG = 0 -grid = "grids/flat_grid.nc" +MYG = 0 dump_format = "nc" +[mesh] +nx = 132 +ny = 1 + [mesh:ddx] first=C4 second=C4 diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/grids/flat_grid.nc b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/grids/flat_grid.nc deleted file mode 100644 index 1d09c4a7b4..0000000000 Binary files a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/grids/flat_grid.nc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/runtest index b017286a2b..57a369f735 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/runtest @@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ vars = [('max_error1',2.e-4), ('max_error8',2.e-5)] #tol = 1e-4 # Absolute (?) tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect #import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making PETSc Laplacian inversion test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors...." % nproc) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True,verbose=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True,verbose=True) f = open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") f.write(out) f.close() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/test_petsc_laplace.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/test_petsc_laplace.cxx index ff5d35e470..dc6f5f4d7d 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/test_petsc_laplace.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace/test_petsc_laplace.cxx @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f1(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(100.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-100.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-100.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-100.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f1(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(60.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-60.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-60.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-60.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f1(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(60.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-60.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-60.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-60.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 0.2*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)/4.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.); } @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 0.2*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)/4.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.); // d1(jx, jy, jz) = d1(jx+1, jy, jz); @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 0.2*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)/4.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.); // d1(jx, jy, jz) = d1(jx-1, jy, jz); @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 0.15*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 0.15*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); // c1(jx, jy, jz) = c1(jx+1, jy, jz); @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 0.15*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); // c1(jx, jy, jz) = c1(jx-1, jy, jz); @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a1(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + 0.1*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a1(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + 0.1*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); // a1(jx, jy, jz) = a1(jx+1, jy, jz); @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a1(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + 0.1*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); // a1(jx, jy, jz) = a1(jx-1, jy, jz); @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { invert_4th->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); invert_4th->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); - invert_4th->setFlags(INVERT_4TH_ORDER); + invert_4th->setGlobalFlags(INVERT_4TH_ORDER); invert_4th->setCoefA(a1); invert_4th->setCoefC(c1); invert_4th->setCoefD(d1); @@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f5(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f5(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f5(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.); } @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.); } @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.); } @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a5(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a5(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a5(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { BoutReal max_error6; //Output of test invert_4th->setInnerBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); invert_4th->setOuterBoundaryFlags(INVERT_AC_GRAD); - invert_4th->setFlags(INVERT_4TH_ORDER); + invert_4th->setGlobalFlags(INVERT_4TH_ORDER); invert_4th->setCoefA(a5); invert_4th->setCoefC(c5); invert_4th->setCoefD(d5); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/runtest index 9a57064cd0..9b2fa2c73b 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/runtest @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ vars = [['max_error1',2.e-4], ['max_error8',1.e-4]] #tol = 1e-4 # Absolute (?) tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making PETSc Laplacian inversion test with non-identity metric (taken from grid for MAST SOL)") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2,4]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processors...." % nproc) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) f = open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") f.write(out) f.close() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/test_petsc_laplace_MAST_grid.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/test_petsc_laplace_MAST_grid.cxx index a5646c29fb..9cca840d08 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/test_petsc_laplace_MAST_grid.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-petsc_laplace_MAST-grid/test_petsc_laplace_MAST_grid.cxx @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f1(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f1(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f1(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d1(jx, jy, jz) = 1.e-7*(1. + 0.2*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)/4.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.)); } @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d1(jx, jy, jz) = 1.e-7*(1. + 0.2*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)/4.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.)); } @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d1(jx, jy, jz) = 1.e-7*(1. + 0.2*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)/4.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.)); } @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 1.e-6*0.15*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 1.e-6*0.15*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c1(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 1.e-6*0.15*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a1(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + 0.1*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a1(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + 0.1*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a1(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + 0.1*exp(-50.*pow(x-p,2)*2.5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f5(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f5(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; f5(jx, jy, jz) = 0. + exp(-(50.*pow(x-p,2)+1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))) - 50.*(2.*p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))*x + (-p*exp(-50.*pow(-p,2))-(1-p)*exp(-50.*pow(1-p,2)))*pow(x,2) )*exp(-(1.-cos( 2.*PI*(z-q) ))); //make the gradients zero at both x-boundaries @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d5(jx, jy, jz) = 1.e-7*(1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.)); } @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d5(jx, jy, jz) = 1.e-7*(1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.)); } @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; d5(jx, jy, jz) = 1.e-7*(1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 3.)); } @@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 1.e-6*p*cos(2.*PI*x*5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 1.e-6*p*cos(2.*PI*x*5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; c5(jx, jy, jz) = 1. + 1.e-6*p*cos(2.*PI*x*5)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 2.); } @@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart; jx<=mesh->xend; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a5(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xstart-1; jx>=0; jx--) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a5(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { for (int jx=mesh->xend+1; jxLocalNx; jx++) for (int jy=0; jyLocalNy; jy++) for (int jz=0; jzLocalNz; jz++) { - BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->XGLOBAL(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; + BoutReal x = BoutReal(mesh->getGlobalXIndex(jx)-mesh->xstart)/nx; BoutReal z = BoutReal(jz)/nz; a5(jx, jy, jz) = -1. + p*cos(2.*PI*x*2.)*sin(2.*PI*(z-q) * 7.); } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/runtest index bc9245e15f..34d651dbd8 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/runtest @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ try: from builtins import str except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect from sys import exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making Region Iterator test") s, out = shell_safe("make > make.log",pipe=True) @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ for nproc in [1,2]:#Number of mpi procs for f in flags: # Run the case - s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" "+f, runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=pipe) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" "+f, nproc=nproc, pipe=pipe) if pipe: f = open("run.log."+str(nproc)+"."+str(mthread), "w") f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/test_region_iterator.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/test_region_iterator.cxx index f4107f80c3..36451c5f7a 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/test_region_iterator.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-region-iterator/test_region_iterator.cxx @@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { //Check expected results int nerr=0; - for (const auto &i: a.region(RGN_ALL)){ + for (const auto &i : a.getRegion(RGN_ALL)) { if (a[i] != 3.0) nerr++; } if(nerr != 0 ) throw BoutException("Unexpected values found in 'a', count %d",nerr); nerr=0; - for (const auto &i: b.region(RGN_ALL)){ + for (const auto &i : b.getRegion(RGN_ALL)) { if (b[i] != c[i]) nerr++; } if(nerr != 0 ) throw BoutException("Unexpected values found in 'b', count %d",nerr); Field3D d=1.0, e=1.0, f=2.0; - BOUT_FOR(i, mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + BOUT_FOR(i, d.getRegion("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { d[i] = 3.0; e[i] = f[i]; } @@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { nerr=0; //Expect to find differences just in the boundaries, so work out how many boundary points there area const int nerrExpected = (2*mesh->xstart*mesh->LocalNy + 2*mesh->ystart*(mesh->LocalNx-mesh->xstart*2))*mesh->LocalNz; - for (const auto &i: d.region(RGN_ALL)){ + for (const auto &i : d.getRegion(RGN_ALL)) { if (d[i] != 3.0) nerr++; } if(nerr != nerrExpected ) throw BoutException("Unexpected values found in 'd', count %d",nerr); nerr=0; - for (const auto &i: e.region(RGN_ALL)){ + for (const auto &i : e.getRegion(RGN_ALL)) { if (e[i] != f[i]) nerr++; } if(nerr != nerrExpected ) throw BoutException("Unexpected values found in 'e', count %d",nerr); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5630137c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test-restart-io diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d161156a17 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +restart = true +timestep = 1 + +[mesh] +nx = 12 +ny = 16 +nz = 4 + +# no periodic region +ixseps1 = -1 +ixseps2 = -1 + +[solver] +type = euler +timestep = 0.5 + +[all] +bndry_all = none diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4be85e426e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-restart-io.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..c4a558f638 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# +# Test file I/O by loading from restart files and writing to dump files +# +# require: netcdf + +from boutdata import restart +from boutdata.collect import collect +from boututils.boutarray import BoutArray +from boututils.datafile import DataFile +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe +import numpy +import os +from sys import exit + +nx = 8 +ny = 16 +nz = 4 +mxg = 2 +myg = 2 + +print("Making restart I/O test") +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +x = numpy.linspace(0., 1., nx+2*mxg)[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] +y = numpy.linspace(0., 1., ny+2*myg)[numpy.newaxis, :, numpy.newaxis] +z = numpy.linspace(0., 1., nz)[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :] + +testvars = {} +testvars['f3d'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + y + z)), attributes = {'bout_type':'Field3D'}) +testvars['f2d'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + y + 1.))[:, :, 0], attributes = {'bout_type':'Field2D'}) +testvars['fperp_lower'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + z + 2.))[:, 0, :], attributes = {'bout_type':'FieldPerp', 'yindex_global':0}) +testvars['fperp_upper'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + z + 3.))[:, 0, :], attributes = {'bout_type':'FieldPerp', 'yindex_global':16}) + +# make restart file +restartdir = os.path.join('data', 'restart') +try: + os.mkdir(restartdir) +except FileExistsError: + pass + +with DataFile(os.path.join(restartdir, 'BOUT.restart.0.nc'), create=True) as base_restart: + base_restart.write('MXSUB', nx) + base_restart.write('MYSUB', ny) + base_restart.write('MZSUB', nz) + base_restart.write('MXG', mxg) + base_restart.write('MYG', myg) + base_restart.write('MZG', 0) + base_restart.write('nx', nx+2*mxg) + base_restart.write('ny', ny) + base_restart.write('nz', nz) + base_restart.write('MZ', nz) + base_restart.write('NXPE', 1) + base_restart.write('NYPE', 1) + base_restart.write('NZPE', 1) + base_restart.write('tt', 0.) + base_restart.write('hist_hi', 0) + # set BOUT_VERSION to stop collect from changing nz or printing a warning + base_restart.write('BOUT_VERSION', 4.) + base_restart.write('f3d', testvars['f3d']) + base_restart.write('f2d', testvars['f2d']) + base_restart.write('fperp_lower', testvars['fperp_lower']) + base_restart.write('fperp_upper', testvars['fperp_upper']) + +success = True + +# Note: expect this to fail for 16 processors, because when there are 2 +# y-points per processor, the fperp_lower FieldPerp is in the grid cells of one +# set of processors and also in the guard cells of anoether set. This means +# valid FieldPerps get written to output files with different +# y-processor-indices, and collect() cannot handle this. +for nproc in [1, 2, 4]: + # delete any existing output + shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc data/BOUT.restart.*.nc") + + # create restart files for the run + restart.redistribute(nproc, path=restartdir, output='data') + + print(" %d processor...." % (nproc)) + + # run the test executable + s, out = launch_safe('./test-restart-io', nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + + # check the results + for name in testvars.keys(): + # check non-evolving version + result = collect(name+"_once", path='data', xguards=True, yguards=True, info=False) + testvar = testvars[name] + + if not numpy.all(testvar == result): + success = False + print(name+' is different') + from boututils.showdata import showdata + showdata([result, testvar]) + if name == 'fperp_lower' or name == 'fperp_upper': + yindex_result = result.attributes['yindex_global'] + yindex_test = testvar.attributes['yindex_global'] + if not yindex_result == yindex_test: + success = False + print('Fail: yindex_global of '+name+' is '+str(yindex_result)+' should be '+str(yindex_test)) + + # check evolving versions + result = collect(name, path='data', xguards=True, yguards=True, info=False) + + for result_timeslice in result: + if not numpy.all(testvar == result_timeslice): + success = False + print(name+' evolving version is different') + if name == 'fperp_lower' or name == 'fperp_upper': + yindex_result = result.attributes['yindex_global'] + yindex_test = testvar.attributes['yindex_global'] + if not yindex_result == yindex_test: + success = False + print('Fail: yindex_global of '+name+' evolving version is '+str(yindex_result)+' should be '+str(yindex_test)) + +if success: + print('pass') + + # clean up binary files + shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc data/BOUT.restart.*.nc data/restart/BOUT.restart.0.nc") + +exit(0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/test-restart-io.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/test-restart-io.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..109809e1d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io/test-restart-io.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#include "bout/physicsmodel.hxx" + +class TestRestartIO : public PhysicsModel { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { + solver->add(f3d, "f3d"); + solver->add(f2d, "f2d"); + dump.addRepeat(fperp_lower, "fperp_lower"); + dump.addRepeat(fperp_upper, "fperp_upper"); + restart.addOnce(fperp_lower, "fperp_lower"); + restart.addOnce(fperp_upper, "fperp_upper"); + + dump.addOnce(f3d, "f3d_once"); + dump.addOnce(f2d, "f2d_once"); + dump.addOnce(fperp_lower, "fperp_lower_once"); + dump.addOnce(fperp_upper, "fperp_upper_once"); + + return 0; + } + + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { + ddt(f3d) = 0.; + ddt(f2d) = 0.; + return 0; + } + + Field3D f3d; + Field2D f2d; + // fperp_lower is at yindex_global=0. + // fperp_upper is at yindex_global=16, it is included to make sure the test does not + // pass only for the special case of the FieldPerp being present on prcossor number 0. + FieldPerp fperp_lower, fperp_upper; +}; + +BOUTMAIN(TestRestartIO); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3f5630137c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test-restart-io diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bdacaef63b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +restart = true +timestep = 1 +dump_format = h5 + +[mesh] +nx = 12 +ny = 16 +nz = 4 + +# no periodic region +ixseps1 = -1 +ixseps2 = -1 + +[solver] +type = euler +timestep = 0.5 + +[all] +bndry_all = none diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4be85e426e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-restart-io.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..cddb450691 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# +# Test file I/O by loading from restart files and writing to dump files +# +# requires: hdf5 +# requires: all_tests + +from boutdata import restart +from boutdata.collect import collect +from boututils.boutarray import BoutArray +from boututils.datafile import DataFile +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe +import numpy +import os +from sys import exit + +nx = 8 +ny = 16 +nz = 4 +mxg = 2 +myg = 2 + +print("Making restart I/O test") +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +x = numpy.linspace(0., 1., nx+2*mxg)[:, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis] +y = numpy.linspace(0., 1., ny+2*myg)[numpy.newaxis, :, numpy.newaxis] +z = numpy.linspace(0., 1., nz)[numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, :] + +testvars = {} +testvars['f3d'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + y + z)), attributes = {'bout_type':'Field3D'}) +testvars['f2d'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + y + 1.))[:, :, 0], attributes = {'bout_type':'Field2D'}) +testvars['fperp_lower'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + z + 2.))[:, 0, :], attributes = {'bout_type':'FieldPerp', 'yindex_global':0}) +testvars['fperp_upper'] = BoutArray(numpy.exp(numpy.sin(x + z + 3.))[:, 0, :], attributes = {'bout_type':'FieldPerp', 'yindex_global':16}) + +# make restart file +restartdir = os.path.join('data', 'restart') +try: + os.mkdir(restartdir) +except FileExistsError: + pass + +with DataFile(os.path.join(restartdir, 'BOUT.restart.0.h5'), create=True) as base_restart: + base_restart.write('MXSUB', nx) + base_restart.write('MYSUB', ny) + base_restart.write('MZSUB', nz) + base_restart.write('MXG', mxg) + base_restart.write('MYG', myg) + base_restart.write('MZG', 0) + base_restart.write('nx', nx+2*mxg) + base_restart.write('ny', ny) + base_restart.write('nz', nz) + base_restart.write('MZ', nz) + base_restart.write('NXPE', 1) + base_restart.write('NYPE', 1) + base_restart.write('NZPE', 1) + base_restart.write('tt', 0.) + base_restart.write('hist_hi', 0) + # set BOUT_VERSION to stop collect from changing nz or printing a warning + base_restart.write('BOUT_VERSION', 4.) + base_restart.write('f3d', testvars['f3d']) + base_restart.write('f2d', testvars['f2d']) + base_restart.write('fperp_lower', testvars['fperp_lower']) + base_restart.write('fperp_upper', testvars['fperp_upper']) + +success = True + +# Note: expect this to fail for 16 processors, because when there are 2 +# y-points per processor, the fperp_lower FieldPerp is in the grid cells of one +# set of processors and also in the guard cells of anoether set. This means +# valid FieldPerps get written to output files with different +# y-processor-indices, and collect() cannot handle this. +for nproc in [1, 2, 4]: + # delete any existing output + shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.h5 data/BOUT.restart.*.h5") + + # create restart files for the run + restart.redistribute(nproc, path=restartdir, output='data') + + print(" %d processor...." % (nproc)) + + # run the test executable + s, out = launch_safe('./test-restart-io', nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + + # check the results + for name in testvars.keys(): + # check non-evolving version + result = collect(name+"_once", path='data', xguards=True, yguards=True, info=False) + testvar = testvars[name] + + if not numpy.all(testvar == result): + success = False + print(name+' is different') + from boututils.showdata import showdata + showdata([result, testvar]) + if name == 'fperp_lower' or name == 'fperp_upper': + yindex_result = result.attributes['yindex_global'] + yindex_test = testvar.attributes['yindex_global'] + if not yindex_result == yindex_test: + success = False + print('Fail: yindex_global of '+name+' is '+str(yindex_result)+' should be '+str(yindex_test)) + + # check evolving versions + result = collect(name, path='data', xguards=True, yguards=True, info=False) + + for result_timeslice in result: + if not numpy.all(testvar == result_timeslice): + success = False + print(name+' evolving version is different') + if name == 'fperp_lower' or name == 'fperp_upper': + yindex_result = result.attributes['yindex_global'] + yindex_test = testvar.attributes['yindex_global'] + if not yindex_result == yindex_test: + success = False + print('Fail: yindex_global of '+name+' evolving version is '+str(yindex_result)+' should be '+str(yindex_test)) + +if success: + print('pass') + + # clean up binary files + shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.h5 data/BOUT.restart.*.h5 data/restart/BOUT.restart.0.h5") + +exit(0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/test-restart-io.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/test-restart-io.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ad8d3a043d --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restart-io_hdf5/test-restart-io.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#include "bout/physicsmodel.hxx" + +class TestRestartIO : public PhysicsModel { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + solver->add(f3d, "f3d"); + solver->add(f2d, "f2d"); + dump.addRepeat(fperp_lower, "fperp_lower"); + dump.addRepeat(fperp_upper, "fperp_upper"); + restart.addOnce(fperp_lower, "fperp_lower"); + restart.addOnce(fperp_upper, "fperp_upper"); + + dump.addOnce(f3d, "f3d_once"); + dump.addOnce(f2d, "f2d_once"); + dump.addOnce(fperp_lower, "fperp_lower_once"); + dump.addOnce(fperp_upper, "fperp_upper_once"); + + return 0; + } + + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { + ddt(f3d) = 0.; + ddt(f2d) = 0.; + return 0; + } + + Field3D f3d; + Field2D f2d; + // fperp_lower is at yindex_global=0. + // fperp_upper is at yindex_global=16, it is included to make sure the test does not + // pass only for the special case of the FieldPerp being present on prcossor number 0. + FieldPerp fperp_lower, fperp_upper; +}; + +BOUTMAIN(TestRestartIO); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restarting/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-restarting/runtest index 578562aa55..6181398094 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-restarting/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restarting/runtest @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("-> Making restart test") shell_safe("make > make.log") # Run once for 10 timesteps -s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=10", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True) +s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=10", nproc=1, pipe=True) # Read reference data f3d_0 = collect("f3d", path="data", info=False); @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ f2d_0 = collect("f2d", path="data", info=False); print("-> Testing restart append") shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.0.nc") -s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True) -s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5 restart append", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True) +s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5", nproc=1, pipe=True) +s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5 restart append", nproc=1, pipe=True) f3d_1 = collect("f3d", path="data", info=False); f2d_1 = collect("f2d", path="data", info=False); @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ if np.max(np.abs(f2d_1 - f2d_0)) > 1e-10: print("-> Testing restart") shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.0.nc") -s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True) -s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5 restart", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True) +s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5", nproc=1, pipe=True) +s, out = launch_safe("./test_restarting nout=5 restart", nproc=1, pipe=True) f3d_1 = collect("f3d", path="data", info=False); f2d_1 = collect("f2d", path="data", info=False); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-restarting/test_restarting.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-restarting/test_restarting.cxx index ba340d19ca..1dc459bd47 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-restarting/test_restarting.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-restarting/test_restarting.cxx @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ class RestartTest : public PhysicsModel { Field3D f3d; Field2D f2d; protected: - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { // Evolve a 3D and a 2D field SOLVE_FOR2(f3d, f2d); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(time)) override { // Simple time evolution ddt(f3d) = 0.1*f3d; ddt(f2d) = -0.1*f2d; diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/runcase.sh b/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/runcase.sh index a7e6cdf827..b03602cfa2 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/runcase.sh +++ b/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/runcase.sh @@ -3,11 +3,9 @@ NO_ARGS=0 OPTERROR=65 -if [ $# -eq "$NO_ARGS" ] # Script invoked with no command-line args? -then - MPIEXEC="mpirun -np " - NP=4 -fi +NP=4 +test ".$MPIRUN" = . && MPIRUN="mpirun -np" + # Usage: scriptname -options # Note: dash (-) necessary @@ -15,7 +13,7 @@ fi while getopts ":n:np" Option do case $Option in - n ) MPIEXEC="mpiexec -np";NP=$OPTARG;; + n ) NP=$OPTARG;; * ) ;; # DEFAULT esac done @@ -25,6 +23,6 @@ make #-run the case echo Running with NP = $NP -$MPIEXEC $NP ./simple_diff +$MPIRUN $NP ./simple_diff diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/simple_diff.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/simple_diff.cxx index f45ea15a4b..df30aacd10 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/simple_diff.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-simple-diffusion/simple_diff.cxx @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ int physics_init(bool restarting) return 0; } -int physics_run(BoutReal t) +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { // Run communications //mesh->communicate(N,P,V); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a664a56dfa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test-slepc-solver diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc4c178de9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test-slepc-solver + SOURCES test-slepc-solver.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + REQUIRES BOUT_HAS_SLEPC + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/README.md b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2fef88c6d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +Test SLEPc Eigen Solver +======================= + +A simple test for the SLEPc eigen solver. Checks that it can get the +eigenvalue of + + ddt(f) = f * exp(t) + +which is `0.0 + 1.0i`. + +Note that this is just a sanity check and doesn't fully test the +solver. diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08a94d56cd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +NOUT = 1 +TIMESTEP = 1 + +MXG = 1 +MYG = 0 +dump_on_restart = false + +[mesh] +nx = 3 +ny = 1 +nz = 1 + +dx = 1 +dy = 1 + +[solver] +type = "slepc" +neig = 1 diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8fc1b74cf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-slepc-solver.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..131849346b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +# requires: slepc + +from boutdata.collect import collect +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe +from numpy import isclose + +print("Making SLEPc eigen solver test") +shell_safe("make > make.log") + +print("Running SLEPc eigen solver test") +status, out = launch_safe("./test-slepc-solver", nproc=1, pipe=True, verbose=True) + +with open("run.log", 'w') as f: + f.write(out) + +eigenvalues = collect("t_array", path="data", info=False) + +expected_eigenvalues = [0., 1.] + +if isclose(expected_eigenvalues, eigenvalues).all(): + print(" => SLEPc test passed") + exit(0) +else: + print(" => SLEPc test failed") + print(" Eigenvalues:", eigenvalues) + exit(1) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/test-slepc-solver.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/test-slepc-solver.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f61b18ea4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-slepc-solver/test-slepc-solver.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +// A simple linear problem with one eigenvalue + +#include + +class TestEigenSolver : public PhysicsModel { +protected: + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { + solver->add(field, "f"); + return 0; + } + int rhs(BoutReal time) override { + mesh->communicate(field); + ddt(field) = field * exp(time); + return 0; + } +private: + Field3D field; +}; + +BOUTMAIN(TestEigenSolver); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-smooth/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-smooth/runtest index 32ae76bf9c..0d578c0de3 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-smooth/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-smooth/runtest @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ except: vars = ['yavg2d', 'yavg3d', 'sm3d'] tol = 1e-10 # Absolute tolerance -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making smoothing operator test") shell_safe("make > make.log") @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for nype in [1,2]: shell("rm data/BOUT.dmp.*.nc") print(" %d processor (%d x %d)...." % (nproc, nxpe, nype)) - s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" nxpe="+str(nxpe), runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch_safe(cmd+" nxpe="+str(nxpe), nproc=nproc, pipe=True) with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-smooth/test_smooth.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-smooth/test_smooth.cxx index f1246d0fed..c6584e01c7 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-smooth/test_smooth.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-smooth/test_smooth.cxx @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { Field2D input2d = f.create2D("1 + sin(2*y)"); Field3D input3d = f.create3D("gauss(x-0.5,0.2)*gauss(y-pi)*sin(3*y - z)"); - input3d.mergeYupYdown(); + input3d.calcParallelSlices(); SAVE_ONCE2(input2d, input3d); @@ -31,11 +31,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Output data dump.write(); - dump.close(); - - output << "\nFinished running test. Triggering error to quit\n\n"; - - MPI_Barrier(BoutComm::get()); // Wait for all processors to write data BoutFinalise(); return 0; diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-snb/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-snb/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf64523209 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-snb/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +MXG = 0 + +[mesh] +nx = 1 +ny = 16 +nz = 1 + +# Set periodic +ixseps1 = 1000 +ixseps2 = 1000 + diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-snb/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-snb/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..526313b1cf --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-snb/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test_snb.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-snb/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-snb/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..f283dfc8ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-snb/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +make +./test_snb diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-snb/test_snb.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-snb/test_snb.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fce39291f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-snb/test_snb.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +// Convert __LINE__ to string S__LINE__ +#define S(x) #x +#define S_(x) S(x) +#define S__LINE__ S_(__LINE__) + +#define EXPECT_TRUE(expr) \ + if (!expr) { \ + throw BoutException("Line " S__LINE__ " Expected true, got false: " #expr); \ + } + +#define EXPECT_FALSE(expr) \ + if (expr) { \ + throw BoutException("Line " S__LINE__ " Expected false, got true: " #expr); \ + } + +/// Is \p field equal to \p reference, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? +template +bool IsFieldEqual(const T& field, const U& reference, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL", BoutReal tolerance = 1e-10) { + for (auto i : field.getRegion(region)) { + if (fabs(field[i] - reference[i]) > tolerance) { + output.write("Field: %e, reference: %e, tolerance: %e\n", field[i], reference[i], + tolerance); + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +/// Is \p field equal to \p reference, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? +/// Overload for BoutReals +template +bool IsFieldEqual(const T& field, BoutReal reference, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL", BoutReal tolerance = 1e-10) { + for (auto i : field.getRegion(region)) { + if (fabs(field[i] - reference) > tolerance) { + output.write("Field: %e, reference: %e, tolerance: %e\n", field[i], reference, + tolerance); + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +/// Is \p field close to \p reference, with a relative tolerance of \p tolerance? +template +bool IsFieldClose(const T& field, const U& reference, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL", BoutReal tolerance = 1e-4) { + for (auto i : field.getRegion(region)) { + if (fabs(field[i] - reference[i]) + > tolerance * (fabs(reference[i]) + fabs(field[i]))) { + output.write("Field: %e, reference: %e, tolerance: %e\n", field[i], reference[i], + tolerance * (fabs(reference[i]) + fabs(field[i]))); + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + using bout::HeatFluxSNB; + + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // When there is a temperature gradient the flux is nonzero + + { + FieldFactory factory; + auto Te = factory.create3D("5 + cos(y)"); + auto Ne = factory.create3D("1e18 * (1 + 0.5*sin(y))"); + + mesh->communicate(Te, Ne); + + HeatFluxSNB snb; + + Field3D Div_q_SH; + Field3D Div_q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_q_SH); + + // Check that flux is not zero + EXPECT_FALSE(IsFieldEqual(Div_q_SH, 0.0, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); + EXPECT_FALSE(IsFieldEqual(Div_q, 0.0, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); + } + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // When the temperature is constant there is no flux + + { + FieldFactory factory; + auto Te = factory.create3D("1.5"); + auto Ne = factory.create3D("1e18 * (1 + 0.5*sin(y))"); + + mesh->communicate(Te, Ne); + + HeatFluxSNB snb; + + Field3D Div_q_SH; + Field3D Div_q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_q_SH); + + // Check that flux is zero + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(Div_q_SH, 0.0, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(Div_q, 0.0, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); + } + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // In the collisional limit the SH and SNB fluxes are close + + { + FieldFactory factory; + auto Te = factory.create3D("1 + 0.01*sin(y)"); + auto Ne = factory.create3D("1e20 * (1 + 0.5*sin(y))"); + mesh->communicate(Te, Ne); + + HeatFluxSNB snb; + + Field3D Div_q_SH; + Field3D Div_q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_q_SH); + + // Check that flux is zero + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldClose(Div_q, Div_q_SH, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); + } + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // In the collisionless limit the SH and SNB fluxes are different + + { + FieldFactory factory; + auto Te = factory.create3D("1e3 + 0.01*sin(y)"); + auto Ne = factory.create3D("1e19 * (1 + 0.5*sin(y))"); + mesh->communicate(Te, Ne); + + HeatFluxSNB snb; + + Field3D Div_q_SH; + Field3D Div_q = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_q_SH); + + // Check that fluxes are not equal + EXPECT_FALSE(IsFieldClose(Div_q, Div_q_SH, "RGN_NOBNDRY")); + } + + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + // Reversing the temperature gradient reverses the flux + + { + Field3D Ne = 1e19; + + FieldFactory factory; + auto Te = factory.create3D("10 + 0.01*sin(y)"); + mesh->communicate(Te); + + HeatFluxSNB snb; + + Field3D Div_q_SH_1; + Field3D Div_q_1 = snb.divHeatFlux(Te, Ne, &Div_q_SH_1); + + auto Te2 = factory.create3D("10 - 0.01*sin(y)"); + mesh->communicate(Te2); + + Field3D Div_q_SH_2; + Field3D Div_q_2 = snb.divHeatFlux(Te2, Ne, &Div_q_SH_2); + + // Check that fluxes are reversed in y + for (int y = mesh->ystart; y <= mesh->yend; y++) { + if (fabs(Div_q_SH_2(0, y, 0) - Div_q_SH_1(0, mesh->yend - y + mesh->ystart, 0)) + > 1e-6 * (fabs(Div_q_SH_2(0, y, 0)) + fabs(Div_q_SH_1(0, y, 0)))) { + throw BoutException("SH: y = %d: %e != %e", y, Div_q_SH_2(0, y, 0), + Div_q_SH_1(0, mesh->yend - y + mesh->ystart, 0)); + } + + if (fabs(Div_q_2(0, y, 0) - Div_q_1(0, mesh->yend - y + mesh->ystart, 0)) + > 1e-6 * (fabs(Div_q_2(0, y, 0)) + fabs(Div_q_1(0, y, 0)))) { + throw BoutException("SNB: y = %d: %e != %e", y, Div_q_2(0, y, 0), + Div_q_1(0, mesh->yend - y + mesh->ystart, 0)); + } + } + } + + BoutFinalise(); + + output << "All tests passed\n"; + + return 0; +} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-solver/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-solver/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3cee2d13a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-solver/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_solver diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-solver/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-solver/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d686b4be47 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-solver/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_solver SOURCES test_solver.cxx) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-solver/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-solver/data/BOUT.inp deleted file mode 100644 index b248ee4ea2..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-solver/data/BOUT.inp +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -# Integrate up to pi/2 -end = pi / 2 - -NOUT = 100 -TIMESTEP = end / NOUT - -[mesh] -# This is the smallest mesh that doesn't cause problems -# Could possibly be even smaller with a "null" boundary condition -MXG = 1 -MYG = 1 -nx = 3 -ny = 1 -nz = 1 - -[output] -enabled = false - -[restart] -enabled = false - -[solver] - -[arkode] -[cvode] -[euler] -mxstep = 100000 -nout = 100 -timestep = end / (NOUT * 1000) -[ida] -[imexbdf2] -# This solver currently fails this test without adaptive timestepping -adaptive = true -# We should tighten up the default tolerance -adaptRtol = 1.e-5 -[karniadakis] -nout = 100 -timestep = end / (NOUT * 10000) -[petsc] -# For PETSc < 3.7, there are issues with the RK solvers not -# interpolating at the final step if they are adaptive -nout = 10000 -output_step = end / nout -[power] -[pvode] -[rk3ssp] -[rk4] -# This solver currently fails this test without adaptive timestepping -adaptive = true -[rkgeneric] -# This solver currently fails this test without adaptive timestepping -adaptive = true -[slepc] -[snes] -# This solver currently fails this test without adaptive timestepping -adaptive = true - -[field] -bndry_all = none diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-solver/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-solver/runtest index 37d731c7e1..d065bf92c7 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-solver/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-solver/runtest @@ -1,18 +1,18 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell_safe, launch_safe from sys import exit nthreads = 1 nproc = 1 -MPIRUN = getmpirun() + print("Making solver test") shell_safe("make > make.log") print("Running solver test") -status, out = launch_safe("./test_solver", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=True) +status, out = launch_safe("./test_solver", nproc=nproc, mthread=nthreads, pipe=True) with open("run.log", "w") as f: f.write(out) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-solver/test_solver.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-solver/test_solver.cxx index d203a677a9..f0c0c2612e 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-solver/test_solver.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-solver/test_solver.cxx @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ #include "bout/constants.hxx" #include "bout/physicsmodel.hxx" #include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" +#include "bout/petsclib.hxx" +#include "bout/slepclib.hxx" #include +#include #include #include @@ -11,24 +14,24 @@ class TestSolver : public PhysicsModel { public: Field3D field; - int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) override { solver->add(field, "field"); return 0; } - int rhs(BoutReal time) { + int rhs(BoutReal time) override { ddt(field) = sin(time) * sin(time); return 0; } }; -int main(int argc, char **argv) { +int main(int argc, char** argv) { // The expected answer to the integral of \f$\int_0^{\pi/2}\sin^2(t)\f$ - BoutReal expected = PI / 4.; + constexpr BoutReal expected = PI / 4.; // Absolute tolerance for difference between the actual value and the // expected value - BoutReal tolerance = 1.e-5; + constexpr BoutReal tolerance = 1.e-5; // Our own output to stdout, as main library will only be writing to log files Output output_test; @@ -37,47 +40,81 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Should be able to check which solvers aren't suitable std::vector eigen_solvers = {"power", "slepc", "snes"}; - for (auto &eigen_solver : eigen_solvers) { + for (auto& eigen_solver : eigen_solvers) { if (SolverFactory::getInstance()->remove(eigen_solver)) { output_test << "Removed '" << eigen_solver << "' eigen solver\n"; } } output_test << "\nTesting the following solvers:\n"; - for (auto &solver : SolverFactory::getInstance()->listAvailable()) { + for (auto& solver : SolverFactory::getInstance()->listAvailable()) { output_test << " " << solver << "\n"; } // Explicit flush to make sure list of available solvers gets printed output_test << std::endl; - // DANGER, hack below! BoutInitialise turns on writing to stdout for rank 0, - // and then immediately prints a load of stuff to stdout. We want this test to - // be quiet, so we need to hide stdout from the main library before - // BoutInitialise. After the call to BoutInitialise, we can turn off the main - // library writing to stdout in a nicer way. + auto& root = Options::root(); - // Save cout's buffer here - std::stringstream buffer; - auto *sbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); - // Redirect cout to our buffer - std::cout.rdbuf(buffer.rdbuf()); + root["mesh"]["MXG"] = 1; + root["mesh"]["MYG"] = 1; + root["mesh"]["nx"] = 3; + root["mesh"]["ny"] = 1; + root["mesh"]["nz"] = 1; - int init_err = BoutInitialise(argc, argv); - if (init_err < 0) { - return 0; - } else if (init_err > 0) { - return init_err; - } + root["output"]["enabled"] = false; + root["restart"]["enabled"] = false; + + // Set the command-line arguments + SlepcLib::setArgs(argc, argv); + PetscLib::setArgs(argc, argv); + Solver::setArgs(argc, argv); + BoutComm::setArgs(argc, argv); - // Now BoutInitialise is done, redirect stdout to its old self - std::cout.rdbuf(sbuf); // Turn off writing to stdout for the main library Output::getInstance()->disable(); + bout::globals::mesh = Mesh::create(); + bout::globals::mesh->load(); + + bout::globals::dump = + bout::experimental::setupDumpFile(Options::root(), *bout::globals::mesh, "."); + + constexpr BoutReal end = PI / 2.; + constexpr int NOUT = 100; + + // Global options + root["NOUT"] = NOUT; + root["TIMESTEP"] = end / NOUT; + + // Solver-specific options + root["euler"]["mxstep"] = 100000; + root["euler"]["nout"] = NOUT; + root["euler"]["timestep"] = end / (NOUT * 1000); + + root["rk4"]["adaptive"] = true; + + root["rkgeneric"]["adaptive"] = true; + + root["imexbdf2"]["adaptive"] = true; + root["imexbdf2"]["adaptRtol"] = 1.e-5; + + root["karniadakis"]["nout"] = 100; + root["karniadakis"]["timestep"] = end / (NOUT * 10000); + + root["petsc"]["nout"] = 10000; + root["petsc"]["output_step"] = end / 10000; + + root["snes"]["adaptive"] = true; + + root["splitrk"]["timestep"] = end / (NOUT * 500); + root["splitrk"]["nstages"] = 3; + root["splitrk"]["mxstep"] = 10000; + root["splitrk"]["adaptive"] = false; + // Solver and its actual value if it didn't pass std::map errors; - for (auto &name : SolverFactory::getInstance()->listAvailable()) { + for (auto& name : SolverFactory::getInstance()->listAvailable()) { output_test << "Testing " << name << " solver:"; try { @@ -85,28 +122,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // "solver" section, as we run into problems when solvers use the same // name for an option with inconsistent defaults auto options = Options::getRoot()->getSection(name); - Solver *solver = SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(name, options); + auto solver = std::unique_ptr{Solver::create(name, options)}; - TestSolver *model = new TestSolver(); - solver->setModel(model); + TestSolver model{}; + solver->setModel(&model); - Monitor *bout_monitor = new BoutMonitor(); - solver->addMonitor(bout_monitor, Solver::BACK); + BoutMonitor bout_monitor{}; + solver->addMonitor(&bout_monitor, Solver::BACK); solver->solve(); - if (fabs(model->field(1, 1, 0) - expected) > tolerance) { + if (std::abs(model.field(1, 1, 0) - expected) > tolerance) { output_test << " FAILED\n"; - errors[name] = model->field(1, 1, 0); + errors[name] = model.field(1, 1, 0); } else { output_test << " PASSED\n"; } - - delete model; - delete solver; - delete bout_monitor; - - } catch (BoutException &e) { + } catch (BoutException& e) { // Don't let one bad solver stop us trying the rest output_test << " ERROR\n"; output_info << "Error encountered with solver " << name << "\n"; @@ -115,11 +147,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) { } } - BoutFinalise(); + BoutFinalise(false); if (!errors.empty()) { output_test << "\n => Some failed tests\n\n"; - for (auto &error : errors) { + for (auto& error : errors) { output_test << " " << error.first << " got: " << error.second << ", expected: " << expected << "\n"; } diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-squash/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-squash/runtest index cc440597bf..691f7be057 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-squash/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-squash/runtest @@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ def verify(f1, f2): for v in d1.keys(): if d1[v].shape != d2[v].shape: raise RuntimeError("shape mismatch in ", v, d1[v], d2[v]) - if v in ["MXSUB", "MYSUB", "NXPE", "NYPE", "iteration"]: + if v in ["MXSUB", "MYSUB", "NXPE", "NYPE", "iteration","wall_time"]: continue - if not np.allclose(d1[v], d2[v]): + if v.startswith("wtime") or v.startswith("ncalls"): + continue + if not np.allclose(d1[v], d2[v], equal_nan=True): err = "" dimensions = [range(x) for x in d1[v].shape] for i in itertools.product(*dimensions): diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-squash/squash.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-squash/squash.cxx index 98528ba860..95a6edceb6 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-squash/squash.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-squash/squash.cxx @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ class SquashRun : public PhysicsModel { protected: // Initialisation - int init(bool restarting) { + int init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { solver->add(f2, "f2"); solver->add(f3, "f3"); return 0; } // Calculate time-derivatives - int rhs(BoutReal t) { + int rhs(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { ddt(f2) = 1; ddt(f3) = -1; f2.applyBoundary(); diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/.gitignore b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cedbd25109 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +test_stopCheck \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/README.md b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/README.md similarity index 100% rename from tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/README.md rename to tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/README.md diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/dataSecond/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/data/BOUT.inp similarity index 100% rename from tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/dataSecond/BOUT.inp rename to tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/data/BOUT.inp diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/dataSecond/otherStop.check b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/data/BOUT.stop similarity index 100% rename from tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/dataSecond/otherStop.check rename to tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/data/BOUT.stop diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/dataSecond/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/dataSecond/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c0dd9d8f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/dataSecond/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +# Test of smoothing operators +# +# Creates some variables, smooths them, then compares +# the results on varying numbers of processors +# + +NOUT = 10 # No timesteps + +MZ = 8 # Z size + +[mesh] +NX = 10 +NY = 3 + +dump_format = "nc" # NetCDF format. Alternative is "pdb" + + diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/dataSecond/otherStop.check b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/dataSecond/otherStop.check new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d2e644a9e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test_stopCheck.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest1 b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/runtest similarity index 89% rename from tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest1 rename to tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/runtest index cd7474549e..7e8aa140b9 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest1 +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/runtest @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 +#requires: not travis # # Run the test, compare results against the benchmark # @@ -11,14 +12,14 @@ try: except: pass -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, launch from boutdata.collect import collect import numpy as np from sys import stdout, exit nproc = 1 -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + print("Making stopCheck test") shell("make > make.log") @@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ for j, dat in enumerate(dats): for i, check in enumerate(checkVal): cmd = "./test_stopCheck" - s, out = launch(cmd+" -d "+dat+" stopCheck="+str(check)+" stopCheckName="+datStopFiles[j], runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=nproc, pipe=True) + s, out = launch(cmd+" -d "+dat+" stopCheck="+str(check)+" stopCheckName="+datStopFiles[j], nproc=nproc, pipe=True) f = open("run.log."+dat+"."+str(check).lower(), "w") f.write(out) f.close() diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/test_stopCheck.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/test_stopCheck.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9fc3583c78 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck-file/test_stopCheck.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/* + * Check stop tests + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include "unused.hxx" + +Field3D N; + +int physics_init(bool UNUSED(restarting)) { + solver->add(N,"N"); + return 0; +} + +int physics_run(BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + mesh->communicate(N); + ddt(N) = 0.; + return 0; +} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc2b1c1f70 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +bout_add_integrated_test(test_stopCheck + SOURCES test_stopCheck.cxx + USE_RUNTEST + USE_DATA_BOUT_INP + ) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest index e3e0364c77..aa0920d087 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest @@ -1,5 +1,24 @@ -#!/bin/sh +#!/bin/bash -./runtest1 || exit +make || exit -./runtest2 || exit +./test_stopCheck nout=10000 > run.log.signal 2>&1 & + +# stop backgroud process +kill -s USR1 $! + +# wait for background process +wait + +# check number of iteration processed +num=$(ncdump -h data/BOUT.dmp.0.nc |grep UNL|grep [0-9]* -o) + +# make sure not all have been run +if test $num -lt 10000 +then + echo " => Test successful" +else + cat run.log.signal + echo + echo " => Test failed" +fi diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest2 b/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest2 deleted file mode 100755 index aa0920d087..0000000000 --- a/tests/integrated/test-stopCheck/runtest2 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash - -make || exit - -./test_stopCheck nout=10000 > run.log.signal 2>&1 & - -# stop backgroud process -kill -s USR1 $! - -# wait for background process -wait - -# check number of iteration processed -num=$(ncdump -h data/BOUT.dmp.0.nc |grep UNL|grep [0-9]* -o) - -# make sure not all have been run -if test $num -lt 10000 -then - echo " => Test successful" -else - cat run.log.signal - echo - echo " => Test failed" -fi diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-subdir/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-subdir/runtest index 614241d285..f98268f279 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-subdir/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-subdir/runtest @@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ make || exit -mpirun -n 1 ./subdirs +test ".$MPIRUN" = . && MPIRUN="mpirun -np" + +$MPIRUN 1 ./subdirs diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f9fa78ae08 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +twistshift = true + +test = sin(y+1.) * (x+0.2)^2 * cos(z) +check = sin(y+1.) * (x+0.2)^2 * cos(z + mesh:zShift) + +[mesh] +staggergrids = true +paralleltransform = shifted +nx = 5 +ny = 7 +nz = 5 + +zShift = (y-0.5) * (x+1) +ShiftAngle = 2*pi*(x+1) + +[input] +transform_from_field_aligned = false diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0018135bce --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-twistshift.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..ed5567fbda --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +from boutdata import collect +from boututils.run_wrapper import launch_safe, shell_safe +import numpy +from sys import exit + +datapath = 'data' +nproc = 1 +tol = 1.e-13 + +print('Making twistshift test') +shell_safe('make > make.log') + +s, out = launch_safe('./test-twistshift', nproc=nproc, pipe=True) +with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + +test = collect('test', path=datapath, yguards=True, info=False) +test_aligned = collect('test_aligned', path=datapath, yguards=True, info=False) +check = collect('check', path=datapath, yguards=True, info=False) + +#from boututils.showdata import showdata +#showdata([test, test_aligned, check], titles=['test', 'test_aligned', 'check']) + +success = True + +# Check test_aligned is *not* periodic in y +def test1(ylower, yupper): + global success + if numpy.any(numpy.abs(test_aligned[:, yupper, :] - test_aligned[:, ylower, :]) < 1.e-6): + success = False + print("Fail - test_aligned should not be periodic jy=%i and jy=%i should be " + "different", yupper, ylower) +test1(0,-4) +test1(1,-3) +test1(2,-2) +test1(3,-1) + +# Check test_aligned is the same as check +# Cannot check in guard cells, as the expression used for 'zShift' in the input file is +# not the same as the corrected zShift used for the transforms in the guard cells +if numpy.any(numpy.abs(test_aligned[2:-2, 2:-2, :] - check[2:-2, 2:-2, :]) > tol): + success = False + print('Fail - test_aligned is different from the expected value') + print('test_aligned', test_aligned) + print('check', check) + +if success: + print('Pass') + exit(0) +else: + exit(1) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/test-twistshift.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/test-twistshift.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b482db922 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift-staggered/test-twistshift.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#include "bout.hxx" +#include "field_factory.hxx" + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + Field3D test = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("test", nullptr, nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + + Field3D test_aligned = toFieldAligned(test); + + // zero guard cells to check that communication is doing something + for (int x=0; xLocalNx; x++) { + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + for (int y=0; yystart; y++) { + test_aligned(x, y, z) = 0.; + } + for (int y=mesh->yend+1; yLocalNy; y++) { + test_aligned(x, y, z) = 0.; + } + } + } + + mesh->communicate(test_aligned); + + Field3D check = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("check", nullptr, nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + + SAVE_ONCE(test, test_aligned, check); + + dump.write(); + + BoutFinalise(); +} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/data/BOUT.inp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..284b4006ed --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/data/BOUT.inp @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +twistshift = true + +test = sin(y) * (x+0.2)^2 * cos(z) + +[mesh] +paralleltransform = shifted +nx = 5 +ny = 7 +nz = 5 + +zShift = (y-0.5) * (x+1) +ShiftAngle = 2.*pi*(x+1) + +[input] +transform_from_field_aligned = false diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/makefile b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0018135bce --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/makefile @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +BOUT_TOP = ../../.. + +SOURCEC = test-twistshift.cxx + +include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/runtest new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..24dd0490e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/runtest @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +from boutdata import collect +from boututils.run_wrapper import launch_safe, shell_safe +import numpy +from sys import exit + +datapath = 'data' +nproc = 1 +tol = 1.e-13 + +print('Making twistshift test') +shell_safe('make > make.log') + +s, out = launch_safe('./test-twistshift', nproc=nproc, pipe=True) +with open("run.log."+str(nproc), "w") as f: + f.write(out) + +test = collect('test', path=datapath, yguards=True, info=False) +test_aligned = collect('test_aligned', path=datapath, yguards=True, info=False) +result = collect('result', path=datapath, yguards=True, info=False) + +#from boututils.showdata import showdata +#showdata([test, test_aligned, result], titles=['test', 'test_aligned', 'result']) + +success = True + +# Check test_aligned is *not* periodic in y +def test1(ylower, yupper): + global success + if numpy.any(numpy.abs(test_aligned[:, yupper, :] - test_aligned[:, ylower, :]) < 1.e-6): + success = False + print("Fail - test_aligned should not be periodic jy=%i and jy=%i should be " + "different", yupper, ylower) +test1(0,-4) +test1(1,-3) +test1(2,-2) +test1(3,-1) + +# Check test and result are the same +if numpy.any(numpy.abs(result - test) > tol): + print("Fail - result has not been communicated correctly - is different from input") + success = False + +# Check result is periodic in y +def test2(ylower, yupper): + global success + if numpy.any(numpy.abs(result[:, yupper, :] - result[:, ylower, :]) > tol): + success = False + print("Fail - result should be periodic jy=%i and jy=%i should not be " + "different", yupper, ylower) + print(ylower, result[:, ylower, :]) + print(yupper, result[:, yupper, :]) + print(result[:, ylower, :] - result[:, yupper, :]) +test2(0,-4) +test2(1,-3) +test2(2,-2) +test2(3,-1) + +if success: + print('Pass') + exit(0) +else: + exit(1) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/test-twistshift.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/test-twistshift.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3a1cb47355 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/integrated/test-twistshift/test-twistshift.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#include "bout.hxx" +#include "field_factory.hxx" + +int main(int argc, char** argv) { + BoutInitialise(argc, argv); + + Field3D test = FieldFactory::get()->create3D("test"); + + Field3D test_aligned = toFieldAligned(test); + + // zero guard cells to check that communication is doing something + for (int x=0; xLocalNx; x++) { + for (int z=0; zLocalNz; z++) { + for (int y=0; yystart; y++) { + test_aligned(x, y, z) = 0.; + } + for (int y=mesh->yend+1; yLocalNy; y++) { + test_aligned(x, y, z) = 0.; + } + } + } + + mesh->communicate(test_aligned); + + Field3D result = fromFieldAligned(test_aligned); + + SAVE_ONCE(test, test_aligned, result); + + dump.write(); + + BoutFinalise(); +} diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-vec/testVec.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-vec/testVec.cxx index 616a85f557..3f89b8529d 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-vec/testVec.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-vec/testVec.cxx @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ class VecTest : public PhysicsModel { protected: - int init(bool restarting); - int rhs(BoutReal t); + int init(bool restarting) override; + int rhs(BoutReal t) override; public: Field3D n; Vector3D gradPerpN; - string ownOpType; + std::string ownOpType; }; diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-visitor/test_visitor.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-visitor/test_visitor.cxx index 0e4e1c25b0..95bb980449 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-visitor/test_visitor.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-visitor/test_visitor.cxx @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ #include class MyVisitor : public FieldVisitor { - void accept(Field2D &f) override { output << "Field2D" << endl; } + void accept(Field2D &UNUSED(f)) override { output << "Field2D" << endl; } - void accept(Field3D &f) override { output << "Field3D" << endl; } + void accept(Field3D &UNUSED(f)) override { output << "Field3D" << endl; } - void accept(FieldPerp &f) override { output << "FieldPerp" << endl; } + void accept(FieldPerp &UNUSED(f)) override { output << "FieldPerp" << endl; } - void accept(Vector2D &f) override { output << "Vector2D\n"; } + void accept(Vector2D &UNUSED(f)) override { output << "Vector2D\n"; } - void accept(Vector3D &f) override { output << "Vector3D" << endl; } + void accept(Vector3D &UNUSED(f)) override { output << "Vector3D" << endl; } }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/data/BOUT.inp b/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/data/BOUT.inp index 46604e38e7..a7b9791c77 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/data/BOUT.inp +++ b/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/data/BOUT.inp @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ nx = 12 ny = 12 zShift = y +ShiftAngle = 2.*pi var = sin(y - z) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/runtest b/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/runtest index c1da2a7501..6599c259d3 100755 --- a/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/runtest +++ b/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/runtest @@ -1,35 +1,37 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 -#requires: all_tests - -from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe, getmpirun +from boututils.run_wrapper import shell, shell_safe, launch_safe from boutdata.collect import collect -from sys import stdout, exit +from sys import exit from numpy import max, abs -MPIRUN=getmpirun() + shell_safe("make > make.log") -s, out = launch_safe("./test_yupdown", runcmd=MPIRUN, nproc=1, pipe=True, verbose=True) +s, out = launch_safe("./test_yupdown", nproc=1, pipe=True, verbose=True) with open("run.log", "w") as f: f.write(out) -vars = [ ("ddy", "ddy2") ] -for v1, v2 in vars: - stdout.write("Testing %s and %s ... " % (v1, v2) ) - ddy = collect(v1, path="data", xguards=False, yguards=False, info=False) - ddy2 = collect(v2, path="data", xguards=False, yguards=False, info=False) +vars = [ ("ddy", "ddy_check"), ("ddy2", "ddy_check") ] +success = True +for v, v_check in vars: + print("Testing %s and %s ... " % (v, v_check) ) + ddy = collect(v, path="data", xguards=False, yguards=False, info=False) + ddy_check = collect(v_check, path="data", xguards=False, yguards=False, info=False) - diff = max(abs(ddy - ddy2)) + diff = max(abs(ddy - ddy_check)) if diff < 1e-8: - print("Passed (Max difference %e)" % (diff)) + print(v+" passed (Max difference %e)" % (diff)) else: - print("Failed (Max difference %e)" % (diff)) + print(v+" failed (Max difference %e)" % (diff)) + success = False + +if success: + exit(0) +else: exit(1) - -exit(0) diff --git a/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/test_yupdown.cxx b/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/test_yupdown.cxx index e414c0ba88..dc1d09e971 100644 --- a/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/test_yupdown.cxx +++ b/tests/integrated/test-yupdown/test_yupdown.cxx @@ -1,35 +1,29 @@ #include #include - #include // Y derivative using yup() and ydown() fields -const Field3D DDY_yud(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); +const Field3D DDY_yud(const Field3D& f) { + Field3D result = emptyFrom(f); - result = 0.0; - - for(int i=0;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=mesh->ystart;j<=mesh->yend;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) - result(i,j,k) = 0.5*(f.yup()(i,j+1,k) - f.ydown()(i,j-1,k)); + for (int i = 0; i < mesh->LocalNx; i++) + for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) + result(i, j, k) = 0.5 * (f.yup()(i, j + 1, k) - f.ydown()(i, j - 1, k)); return result; } // Y derivative assuming field is aligned in Y -const Field3D DDY_aligned(const Field3D &f) { - Field3D result; - result.allocate(); - result = 0.0; - - for(int i=0;iLocalNx;i++) - for(int j=mesh->ystart;j<=mesh->yend;j++) - for(int k=0;kLocalNz;k++) - result(i,j,k) = 0.5*(f(i,j+1,k) - f(i,j-1,k)); - +const Field3D DDY_aligned(const Field3D& f) { + Field3D result = emptyFrom(f); + + for (int i = 0; i < mesh->LocalNx; i++) + for (int j = mesh->ystart; j <= mesh->yend; j++) + for (int k = 0; k < mesh->LocalNz; k++) + result(i, j, k) = 0.5 * (f(i, j + 1, k) - f(i, j - 1, k)); + return result; } @@ -37,30 +31,39 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) { BoutInitialise(argc, argv); - ShiftedMetric s(*mesh); + Field2D zShift; + mesh->get(zShift, "zShift"); + + ShiftedMetric s(*mesh, CELL_CENTRE, zShift, mesh->getCoordinates()->zlength()); // Read variable from mesh Field3D var; mesh->get(var, "var"); - + + Field3D var2 = copy(var); + // Var starts in orthogonal X-Z coordinates // Calculate yup and ydown - s.calcYUpDown(var); - - // Calculate d/dy ysing yup() and ydown() fields - Field3D ddy = DDY_yud(var); + s.calcParallelSlices(var); + + // Calculate d/dy using yup() and ydown() fields + Field3D ddy = DDY(var); + + // Calculate d/dy by transform to field-aligned coordinates + // (var2 has no yup/ydown fields) + Field3D ddy2 = DDY(var2); // Change into field-aligned coordinates - Field3D var_aligned = mesh->toFieldAligned(var); - + Field3D var_aligned = toFieldAligned(var); + // var now field aligned - Field3D ddy2 = DDY_aligned(var_aligned); - + Field3D ddy_check = DDY_aligned(var_aligned); + // Shift back to orthogonal X-Z coordinates - ddy2 = mesh->fromFieldAligned(ddy2); - - SAVE_ONCE2(ddy, ddy2); + ddy_check = fromFieldAligned(ddy_check); + + SAVE_ONCE3(ddy, ddy2, ddy_check); dump.write(); BoutFinalise(); diff --git a/tests/requirements/requirements.py b/tests/requirements/requirements.py index 1139f0877d..fe3c54752a 100755 --- a/tests/requirements/requirements.py +++ b/tests/requirements/requirements.py @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ def check(self, script): # Find all lines starting with '#requires' or '#Requires:' match = re.findall( - "^\s*\#[Rr]equires:?(.*)", contents, re.MULTILINE) + "^\s*\#\s?[Rr]equires:?(.*)", contents, re.MULTILINE) # Iterate over all expressions to evaluate for expr in match: try: diff --git a/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fce0a1a124 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/CMakeLists.txt @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +add_subdirectory("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/externalpackages/googletest" + "externalpackages/googletest") + +mark_as_advanced( + BUILD_GMOCK BUILD_GTEST BUILD_SHARED_LIBS + gmock_build_tests gtest_build_samples gtest_build_tests + gtest_disable_pthreads gtest_force_shared_crt gtest_hide_internal_symbols + ) + +add_executable(serial_tests + ./bout_test_main.cxx + ./field/test_field.cxx + ./field/test_field2d.cxx + ./field/test_field3d.cxx + ./field/test_field_factory.cxx + ./field/test_fieldgroup.cxx + ./field/test_fieldperp.cxx + ./field/test_initialprofiles.cxx + ./field/test_vector2d.cxx + ./field/test_vector3d.cxx + ./field/test_where.cxx + ./include/bout/test_array.cxx + ./include/bout/test_assert.cxx + ./include/bout/test_deriv_store.cxx + ./include/bout/test_generic_factory.cxx + ./include/bout/test_macro_for_each.cxx + ./include/bout/test_monitor.cxx + ./include/bout/test_region.cxx + ./include/bout/test_template_combinations.cxx + ./include/test_cyclic_reduction.cxx + ./include/test_derivs.cxx + ./include/test_interpolation_factory.cxx + ./include/test_mask.cxx + ./invert/test_fft.cxx + ./mesh/data/test_gridfromoptions.cxx + ./mesh/parallel/test_shiftedmetric.cxx + ./mesh/test_boundary_factory.cxx + ./mesh/test_boutmesh.cxx + ./mesh/test_coordinates.cxx + ./mesh/test_interpolation.cxx + ./mesh/test_mesh.cxx + ./mesh/test_paralleltransform.cxx + ./solver/test_fakesolver.cxx + ./solver/test_fakesolver.hxx + ./solver/test_solver.cxx + ./solver/test_solverfactory.cxx + ./sys/test_boutexception.cxx + ./sys/test_expressionparser.cxx + ./sys/test_msg_stack.cxx + ./sys/test_options.cxx + ./sys/test_options_fields.cxx + ./sys/test_options_netcdf.cxx + ./sys/test_optionsreader.cxx + ./sys/test_output.cxx + ./sys/test_range.cxx + ./sys/test_timer.cxx + ./sys/test_type_name.cxx + ./sys/test_utils.cxx + ./sys/test_variant.cxx + ./test_extras.cxx + ./test_extras.hxx + ./src/test_bout++.cxx + ) + +target_include_directories(serial_tests PUBLIC .) +target_link_libraries(serial_tests gtest gmock bout++::bout++) +add_test(NAME serial_tests COMMAND serial_tests) +set_target_properties(serial_tests PROPERTIES FOLDER tests/unit) diff --git a/tests/unit/bout_test_main.cxx b/tests/unit/bout_test_main.cxx index 0daaebcfb7..e72bc5a785 100644 --- a/tests/unit/bout_test_main.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/bout_test_main.cxx @@ -1,9 +1,15 @@ -#include +#include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "bout/array.hxx" +#include "fft.hxx" + +GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char** argv) { + + // Make sure fft functions are both quiet and deterministic by + // setting fft_measure to false + bout::fft::fft_init(false); -GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Running main() from bout_test_main.cxx\n"); testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); int result = RUN_ALL_TESTS(); @@ -11,5 +17,7 @@ GTEST_API_ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Clean up the array store, so valgrind doesn't report false // positives Array::cleanup(); + Array::cleanup(); + Array::cleanup(); return result; } diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_field.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_field.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6ab0025627 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_field.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/constants.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ +extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +using FieldTest = FakeMeshFixture; + + +TEST_F(FieldTest, GetGlobalMesh) { + Field field; + + auto localmesh = field.getMesh(); + + EXPECT_EQ(localmesh, mesh); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, GetLocalMesh) { + FakeMesh myMesh{nx + 1, ny + 2, nz + 3}; + myMesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + Field field(&myMesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}); + + auto localmesh = field.getMesh(); + + EXPECT_EQ(localmesh, &myMesh); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, GetGridSizes) { + Field field; + + EXPECT_EQ(field.getNx(), nx); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getNy(), ny); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getNz(), nz); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleTrue) { + // Create a field with non-default members + Field field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + Field field2{field}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleFalseMesh) { + // Create a field with default members + Field field; + + FakeMesh myMesh{nx + 1, ny + 2, nz + 3}; + myMesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + + // Create a field with all members set explicitly, and a non-default mesh + Field field2{&myMesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_NE(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleFalseLocation) { + // Create a field with default members + Field field{mesh_staggered, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}}; + + // Create a field with all members set explicitly, and a non-default location + Field field2{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Standard}}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleFalseDirectionY) { + // Create a field with default members + Field field; + + // Create a field with all members set explicitly, and a non-default mesh + Field field2{mesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Standard}}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleTrueZAverage) { + // Create a field with default members + Field field; + + // Create a field with all members set explicitly, and a non-default mesh + Field field2{mesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleTrueYAlignedZAverage) { + // Create a field with y aligned + Field field{mesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Standard}}; + + // Create a field with all members set explicitly, and a non-default mesh + Field field2{mesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Standard, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldTest, AreFieldsCompatibleFalseYAlignedZAverage2) { + // Create a field with default members + Field field; + + // Create a field with all members set explicitly, and a non-default mesh + // Note it doesn't make sense for a field to be y-aligned and z-average, + // because for a z-average field there is no difference between y-standard + // and y-aligned. + Field field2{mesh, CELL_CENTRE, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_NE(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_field2d.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_field2d.cxx index 2e27894172..ea0f5919ca 100644 --- a/tests/unit/field/test_field2d.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_field2d.cxx @@ -18,37 +18,17 @@ #include /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout -/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one -class Field2DTest : public ::testing::Test { -protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { - // Delete any existing mesh - if (mesh != nullptr) { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - output_info.disable(); - mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); - } - - static void TearDownTestCase() { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - -public: - static const int nx; - static const int ny; - static const int nz; -}; +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; -const int Field2DTest::nx = 3; -const int Field2DTest::ny = 5; -const int Field2DTest::nz = 7; +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +using Field2DTest = FakeMeshFixture; TEST_F(Field2DTest, IsReal) { Field2D field; @@ -112,6 +92,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, CreateOnGivenMesh) { int test_nz = Field2DTest::nz + 2; FakeMesh fieldmesh{test_nx, test_ny, test_nz}; + fieldmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); Field2D field{&fieldmesh}; @@ -126,11 +107,11 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, CopyCheckFieldmesh) { int test_nz = Field2DTest::nz + 2; FakeMesh fieldmesh{test_nx, test_ny, test_nz}; + fieldmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); // createDefaultRegions is noisy - output_info.disable(); + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; fieldmesh.createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); Field2D field{1.0, &fieldmesh}; Field2D field2{field}; @@ -138,6 +119,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, CopyCheckFieldmesh) { EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNx(), test_nx); EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNy(), test_ny); EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNz(), 1); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); } #if CHECK > 0 @@ -206,6 +188,41 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, TimeDeriv) { EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(field)), deriv); } +TEST_F(Field2DTest, SetGetLocation) { + Field2D field(mesh_staggered); + + field.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + + field.setLocation(CELL_DEFAULT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + + EXPECT_THROW(field.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, SetGetLocationNonStaggered) { + Field2D field; + + field.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = false; + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(field.setLocation(CELL_XLOW), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(field.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT), BoutException); + + field.setLocation(CELL_DEFAULT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); +#else + field.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + + field.setLocation(CELL_DEFAULT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + + field.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); +#endif +} + /// This test is split into two parts: a very basic sanity check first /// (do we visit the right number of elements?), followed by a /// slightly more complex check one which checks certain indices are @@ -256,7 +273,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverWholeField) { for (auto &i : field) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -266,22 +283,18 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverWholeField) { EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { - Field2D field = 1.0; +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd2D_RGN_ALL) { + Field2D field{1.0}; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit // each point in the order we expect - std::set> test_indices; - test_indices.insert({0, 0}); - test_indices.insert({0, 1}); - test_indices.insert({1, 0}); - test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + std::set> test_indices{{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}}; const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size(); // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points - for (auto index : test_indices) { + for (const auto &index : test_indices) { field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; } @@ -289,10 +302,10 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -302,7 +315,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd2D_RGN_ALL) { +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { Field2D field{1.0}; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; @@ -310,7 +323,8 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd2D_RGN_ALL) { // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit // each point in the order we expect std::set> test_indices{{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}}; - const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size(); + // nz more sentinels than expected, as we're looping over a 3D region + const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size() * nz; // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points for (const auto &index : test_indices) { @@ -321,7 +335,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd2D_RGN_ALL) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + for (auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); @@ -330,23 +344,30 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd2D_RGN_ALL) { } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * ny) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nz * nx * ny) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { - Field2D field{1.0}; +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { + Field2D field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit - // each point in the order we expect - std::set> test_indices{{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}}; - // nz more sentinels than expected, as we're looping over a 3D region - const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size() * nz; + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({1, 1}); + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points - for (const auto &index : test_indices) { + for (auto index : test_indices) { field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; } @@ -354,7 +375,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL")) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); @@ -363,11 +384,11 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nz * nx * ny) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); - EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * (ny - 2)) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { Field2D field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; @@ -382,6 +403,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({1, 0}); region_indices.insert({1, 1}); const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); @@ -394,20 +416,20 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOX)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * (ny - 2)) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * ny) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { Field2D field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; @@ -422,7 +444,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want std::set> region_indices; - region_indices.insert({1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1}); region_indices.insert({1, 1}); const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); @@ -435,20 +457,20 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOX)) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOY)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * ny) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * (ny - 2)) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOZ) { Field2D field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; @@ -463,7 +485,9 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 0}); region_indices.insert({0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0}); region_indices.insert({1, 1}); const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); @@ -476,26 +500,193 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOY)) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOZ)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * (ny - 2)) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * ny) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOZ) { - Field2D field = 1.0; +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_XGUARDS) { + Field2D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 1}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_XGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((2 * (ny - 2)) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_YGUARDS) { + Field2D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({1, 0}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_YGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * 2) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_ZGUARDS) { + Field2D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_ZGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } - // This is not a valid region for Field2D - EXPECT_THROW(field.region(RGN_NOZ), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx - 2) * (ny - 2) * 0 - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } +TEST_F(Field2DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOCORNERS) { + Field2D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * ny - 4) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + + TEST_F(Field2DTest, Indexing) { Field2D field; @@ -656,7 +847,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, InvalidateGuards) { const int nmesh = nx * ny; int sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { field[i] = 0.0; // Reset field value sum++; } @@ -664,7 +855,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, InvalidateGuards) { // Count the number of non-boundary points sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { field[i] = 0.0; // Reset field value sum++; } @@ -680,7 +871,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, InvalidateGuards) { EXPECT_NO_THROW(checkData(field(localmesh->xstart, localmesh->ystart))); sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { if (!finite(field[i])) sum++; } @@ -692,14 +883,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, InvalidateGuards) { TEST_F(Field2DTest, CreateFromBoutReal) { Field2D field(1.0); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(field, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 1.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, CreateFromField2D) { Field2D field(99.0); Field2D result(field); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result, 99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 99.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { @@ -707,17 +898,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { field = 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(field, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 2.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AssignFromInvalid) { Field2D field; -#if CHECK > 0 - EXPECT_THROW(field = std::nan(""), BoutException); -#else EXPECT_NO_THROW(field = std::nan("")); -#endif + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, std::nan(""))); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, UnaryMinus) { @@ -726,7 +914,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, UnaryMinus) { field = 2.0; field = -field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(field, -2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, -2.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -735,14 +923,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddEqualsBoutReal) { a = 1.0; a += 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 6.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 6.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 11.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddEqualsField2D) { @@ -752,14 +940,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddEqualsField2D) { b = 3.0; a += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 8.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddField2DBoutReal) { @@ -768,7 +956,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddField2DBoutReal) { a = 1.0; b = a + 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddBoutRealField2D) { @@ -777,7 +965,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddBoutRealField2D) { a = 1.0; b = 3.0 + a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddField2DField2D) { @@ -787,7 +975,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, AddField2DField2D) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -796,14 +984,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { a = 2.0; a *= 1.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 3.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= 1.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 4.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.5)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { @@ -813,14 +1001,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { b = 4.0; a *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 40.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 40.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyField2DBoutReal) { @@ -829,7 +1017,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyField2DBoutReal) { a = 1.5; b = a * 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyBoutRealField2D) { @@ -838,7 +1026,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyBoutRealField2D) { a = 2.5; b = 3.0 * a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 7.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 7.5)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyField2DField2D) { @@ -848,7 +1036,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, MultiplyField2DField2D) { b = 8.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -857,14 +1045,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractEqualsBoutReal) { a = 1.0; a -= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, -4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -4.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, -4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, -9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -9.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractEqualsField2D) { @@ -874,14 +1062,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractEqualsField2D) { b = 7.0; a -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, -12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -12.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractField2DBoutReal) { @@ -890,7 +1078,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractField2DBoutReal) { a = 10.0; b = a - 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 8.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractBoutRealField2D) { @@ -899,7 +1087,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractBoutRealField2D) { a = 10.0; b = 3.0 - a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, -7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, -7.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractField2DField2D) { @@ -909,7 +1097,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, SubtractField2DField2D) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -918,14 +1106,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { a = 2.5; a /= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 0.5)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 0.1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.1)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideEqualsField2D) { @@ -935,14 +1123,14 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideEqualsField2D) { b = 2.5; a /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 0.8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.8)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideField2DBoutReal) { @@ -951,7 +1139,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideField2DBoutReal) { a = 3.0; b = a / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 1.5)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideBoutRealField2D) { @@ -960,7 +1148,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideBoutRealField2D) { a = 2.5; b = 10.0 / a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideField2DField2D) { @@ -970,7 +1158,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, DivideField2DField2D) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, PowBoutRealField2D) { @@ -978,7 +1166,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, PowBoutRealField2D) { a = 5.0; b = pow(2.0, a); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 32.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, PowField2DBoutReal) { @@ -986,7 +1174,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, PowField2DBoutReal) { a = 5.0; b = pow(a, 2.0); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(b, 25.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 25.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, PowField2DField2D) { @@ -995,21 +1183,21 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, PowField2DField2D) { b = 6.0; c = pow(a, b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(c, 64.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 64.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Sqrt) { Field2D field; field = 16.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(sqrt(field), 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sqrt(field), 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Abs) { Field2D field; field = -31.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(abs(field), 31.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(abs(field), 31.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Exp) { @@ -1017,7 +1205,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Exp) { field = 2.5; const BoutReal expected = 12.182493960703473; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(exp(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(exp(field), expected)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Log) { @@ -1025,7 +1213,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Log) { field = 12.182493960703473; const BoutReal expected = 2.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(log(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(log(field), expected)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, LogExp) { @@ -1033,37 +1221,37 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, LogExp) { field = 2.5; const BoutReal expected = 2.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(log(exp(field)), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(log(exp(field)), expected)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Sin) { Field2D field; field = PI / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(sin(field), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sin(field), 1.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(sin(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sin(field), 0.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Cos) { Field2D field; field = PI / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(cos(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cos(field), 0.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(cos(field), -1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cos(field), -1.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Tan) { Field2D field; field = PI / 4.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(tan(field), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tan(field), 1.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(tan(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tan(field), 0.0)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Sinh) { @@ -1071,10 +1259,10 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Sinh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 1.1752011936438014; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(sinh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sinh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(sinh(field), -expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sinh(field), -expected)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Cosh) { @@ -1082,10 +1270,10 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Cosh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 1.5430806348152437; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(cosh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cosh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(cosh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cosh(field), expected)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Tanh) { @@ -1093,10 +1281,10 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Tanh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 0.761594155955764; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(tanh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tanh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(tanh(field), -expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tanh(field), -expected)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Floor) { @@ -1108,7 +1296,7 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Floor) { const BoutReal floor_value = 50.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(floor(field, floor_value), floor_value)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(floor(field, floor_value), floor_value)); } TEST_F(Field2DTest, Min) { @@ -1145,4 +1333,156 @@ TEST_F(Field2DTest, Max) { EXPECT_EQ(max(field, true, RGN_ALL), 99.0); } +TEST_F(Field2DTest, Swap) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Field2D first(1., mesh_staggered); + + first.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + + ddt(first) = 1.1; + + // Mesh for second field + constexpr int second_nx = Field2DTest::nx + 2; + constexpr int second_ny = Field2DTest::ny + 2; + constexpr int second_nz = Field2DTest::nz + 2; + + FakeMesh second_mesh{second_nx, second_ny, second_nz}; + second_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + second_mesh.StaggerGrids = false; + second_mesh.createDefaultRegions(); + + // Second field + Field2D second(2., &second_mesh); + + ddt(second) = 2.4; + + // Basic sanity check + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(first, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second, 2.0)); + + // swap is marked noexcept, so absolutely should not throw! + ASSERT_NO_THROW(swap(first, second)); + + // Values + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(first, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second, 1.0)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(ddt(first), 2.4)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(ddt(second), 1.1)); + + // Mesh properties + EXPECT_EQ(first.getMesh(), &second_mesh); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + + EXPECT_EQ(first.getNx(), second_nx); + EXPECT_EQ(first.getNy(), second_ny); + EXPECT_EQ(first.getNz(), 1); + + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNx(), Field2DTest::nx); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNy(), Field2DTest::ny); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNz(), 1); + + EXPECT_EQ(first.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + + // We don't check the boundaries, but the data is protected and + // there are no inquiry functions +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, MoveCtor) { + // First field + Field2D first(1., mesh_staggered); + + first.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + + ddt(first) = 1.1; + + // Second field + Field2D second{std::move(first)}; + + // Values + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second, 1.0)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(ddt(second), 1.1)); + + // Mesh properties + EXPECT_EQ(second.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNx(), Field2DTest::nx); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNy(), Field2DTest::ny); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNz(), 1); + + EXPECT_EQ(second.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + + // We don't check the boundaries, but the data is protected and + // there are no inquiry functions +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, FillField) { + Field2D f{mesh}; + + fillField(f, {{1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, {1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, {1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}}); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(f, 1.)); + + fillField(f, {{0., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, {0., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, {0., 1., 2., 3., 4.}}); + + Field2D g{mesh}; + g.allocate(); + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, g.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { g[i] = i.y(); } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(f, g)); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, OperatorEqualsField2D) { + Field2D field; + + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field'. + // Note that Aligned y-direction type is not really allowed for Field2D, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + Field2D field2{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + field = field2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, EmptyFrom) { + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field2'. + // Note that Aligned y-direction type is not really allowed for Field2D, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + Field2D field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + field = 5.; + + Field2D field2{emptyFrom(field)}; + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionY(), YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionZ(), ZDirectionType::Average); + EXPECT_TRUE(field2.isAllocated()); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DTest, ZeroFrom) { + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field2'. + // Note that Aligned y-direction type is not really allowed for Field2D, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + Field2D field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + field = 5.; + + Field2D field2{zeroFrom(field)}; + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionY(), YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionZ(), ZDirectionType::Average); + EXPECT_TRUE(field2.isAllocated()); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 0.)); +} #pragma GCC diagnostic pop diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_field3d.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_field3d.cxx index bb13235d6d..8d4925e197 100644 --- a/tests/unit/field/test_field3d.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_field3d.cxx @@ -18,37 +18,17 @@ #include /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout -/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one -class Field3DTest : public ::testing::Test { -protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { - // Delete any existing mesh - if (mesh != nullptr) { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - output_info.disable(); - mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); - } - - static void TearDownTestCase() { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; -public: - static const int nx; - static const int ny; - static const int nz; -}; - -const int Field3DTest::nx = 3; -const int Field3DTest::ny = 5; -const int Field3DTest::nz = 7; +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +using Field3DTest = FakeMeshFixture; TEST_F(Field3DTest, IsReal) { Field3D field; @@ -114,6 +94,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, CreateOnGivenMesh) { int test_nz = Field3DTest::nz + 2; FakeMesh fieldmesh{test_nx, test_ny, test_nz}; + fieldmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); Field3D field{&fieldmesh}; @@ -123,14 +104,15 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, CreateOnGivenMesh) { } TEST_F(Field3DTest, CopyCheckFieldmesh) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + int test_nx = Field3DTest::nx + 2; int test_ny = Field3DTest::ny + 2; int test_nz = Field3DTest::nz + 2; FakeMesh fieldmesh{test_nx, test_ny, test_nz}; - output_info.disable(); + fieldmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); fieldmesh.createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); Field3D field{0.0, &fieldmesh}; @@ -139,6 +121,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, CopyCheckFieldmesh) { EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNx(), test_nx); EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNy(), test_ny); EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNz(), test_nz); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); } #if CHECK > 0 @@ -207,16 +190,16 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, TimeDeriv) { EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(field)), deriv); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, SplitYupYDown) { +TEST_F(Field3DTest, SplitParallelSlices) { Field3D field; field = 0.; - EXPECT_FALSE(field.hasYupYdown()); + EXPECT_FALSE(field.hasParallelSlices()); - field.splitYupYdown(); + field.splitParallelSlices(); - EXPECT_TRUE(field.hasYupYdown()); + EXPECT_TRUE(field.hasParallelSlices()); auto& yup = field.yup(); EXPECT_NE(&field, &yup); @@ -224,7 +207,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SplitYupYDown) { EXPECT_NE(&field, &ydown); // Should be able to split again without any problems - field.splitYupYdown(); + field.splitParallelSlices(); // Would be nice to check yup2 != yup, but not sure this is possible // to do in general @@ -234,55 +217,78 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SplitYupYDown) { EXPECT_NE(&field, &ydown2); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, MergeYupYDown) { +TEST_F(Field3DTest, ClearParallelSlices) { Field3D field; field = 0.; - EXPECT_FALSE(field.hasYupYdown()); + EXPECT_FALSE(field.hasParallelSlices()); - field.mergeYupYdown(); + field.clearParallelSlices(); - EXPECT_TRUE(field.hasYupYdown()); + EXPECT_FALSE(field.hasParallelSlices()); - auto& yup = field.yup(); - EXPECT_EQ(&field, &yup); - auto& ydown = field.ydown(); - EXPECT_EQ(&field, &ydown); +#if CHECK > 2 + EXPECT_THROW(field.yup(), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(field.ydown(), BoutException); +#endif // Should be able to merge again without any problems - field.mergeYupYdown(); - - auto& yup2 = field.yup(); - EXPECT_EQ(&field, &yup2); - auto& ydown2 = field.ydown(); - EXPECT_EQ(&field, &ydown2); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(field.clearParallelSlices()); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, SplitThenMergeYupYDown) { +TEST_F(Field3DTest, SplitThenClearParallelSlices) { Field3D field; field = 0.; - field.splitYupYdown(); + field.splitParallelSlices(); auto& yup = field.yup(); EXPECT_NE(&field, &yup); auto& ydown = field.ydown(); EXPECT_NE(&field, &ydown); - field.mergeYupYdown(); + field.clearParallelSlices(); - auto& yup2 = field.yup(); - EXPECT_EQ(&field, &yup2); - auto& ydown2 = field.ydown(); - EXPECT_EQ(&field, &ydown2); +#if CHECK > 2 + EXPECT_THROW(field.yup(), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(field.ydown(), BoutException); +#endif +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultipleParallelSlices) { + FakeMesh newmesh{3, 5, 7}; + newmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + newmesh.ystart = 2; + newmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + + Field3D field{&newmesh}; + + field.splitParallelSlices(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(field.hasParallelSlices()); + + auto &yup = field.yup(); + EXPECT_NE(&field, &yup); + auto &ydown = field.ydown(); + EXPECT_NE(&field, &ydown); + auto &yup1 = field.yup(1); + EXPECT_NE(&field, &yup1); + EXPECT_NE(&yup, &yup1); + auto &ydown1 = field.ydown(1); + EXPECT_NE(&field, &ydown1); + EXPECT_NE(&ydown, &ydown1); + +#if CHECK > 1 + EXPECT_THROW(field.yup(2), BoutException); +#endif } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Ynext) { Field3D field; field = 0.; - field.splitYupYdown(); + field.splitParallelSlices(); auto& yup = field.ynext(1); EXPECT_NE(&field, &yup); @@ -290,13 +296,15 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Ynext) { EXPECT_NE(&field, &ydown); EXPECT_NE(&yup, &ydown); +#if CHECK > 0 EXPECT_THROW(field.ynext(99), BoutException); +#endif } TEST_F(Field3DTest, ConstYnext) { Field3D field(0.); - field.splitYupYdown(); + field.splitParallelSlices(); const Field3D& field2 = field; @@ -306,7 +314,9 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, ConstYnext) { EXPECT_NE(&field2, &ydown); EXPECT_NE(&yup, &ydown); +#if CHECK > 0 EXPECT_THROW(field2.ynext(99), BoutException); +#endif } TEST_F(Field3DTest, GetGlobalMesh) { @@ -319,6 +329,8 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, GetGlobalMesh) { TEST_F(Field3DTest, GetLocalMesh) { FakeMesh myMesh{nx + 1, ny + 2, nz + 3}; + myMesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + Field3D field(&myMesh); auto localmesh = field.getMesh(); @@ -327,7 +339,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, GetLocalMesh) { } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SetGetLocation) { - Field3D field; + Field3D field(mesh_staggered); field.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; @@ -419,7 +431,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverWholeField) { for (const auto &i : field) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -429,13 +441,46 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverWholeField) { EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { Field3D field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit // each point in the order we expect + std::set> test_indices{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, + {0, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}; + const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto &index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * ny * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { + Field3D field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. std::set> test_indices; test_indices.insert({0, 0, 0}); test_indices.insert({0, 0, 1}); @@ -445,10 +490,15 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { test_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); test_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); test_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); - const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size(); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points - for (const auto index : test_indices) { + for (const auto &index : test_indices) { field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; } @@ -456,32 +506,47 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * ny * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); - EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, + (((nx - 2) * (ny - 2) * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { Field3D field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit - // each point in the order we expect - std::set> test_indices{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, - {0, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1}}; - const int num_sentinels = test_indices.size(); + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points - for (const auto &index : test_indices) { + for (const auto index : test_indices) { field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; } @@ -489,7 +554,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (const auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOX)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); @@ -498,12 +563,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRegionInd3D_RGN_ALL) { } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * ny * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); - EXPECT_TRUE(test_indices == result_indices); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * ny * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { - Field3D field = 1.0; +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { + Field3D field; + + field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; @@ -521,12 +588,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); region_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points - for (const auto &index : test_indices) { + for (const auto index : test_indices) { field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; } @@ -534,22 +603,24 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOY)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, - (((nx - 2) * (ny - 2) * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * (ny - 2) * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { - Field3D field = 1.0; +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOZ) { + const int mzguard = 0; + Field3D field; + + field = 1.0; const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; @@ -567,9 +638,13 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 0, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); region_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); - region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); region_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); region_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); @@ -582,20 +657,21 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOX)) { + for (const auto& i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOZ)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * ny * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, + ((nx * (ny) * (nz - mzguard)) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_XGUARDS) { Field3D field; field = 1.0; @@ -617,9 +693,8 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want std::set> region_indices; region_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); - region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); region_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); - region_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points @@ -631,24 +706,163 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOY)) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_XGUARDS")) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.y, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); - EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * (ny - 2) * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((2 * (ny - 2) * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOZ) { - Field3D field = 1.0; +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_YGUARDS) { + Field3D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); - // This is not a valid region for Field3D - EXPECT_THROW(field.region(RGN_NOZ), BoutException); + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_YGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * 2 * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_ZGUARDS) { + Field3D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_ZGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx - 2) * (ny - 2) * 0 - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOverRGN_NOCORNERS) { + Field3D field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1, 1}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1], index[2]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.y(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx * ny - 4) * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOver2DRGN_ALL) { @@ -656,14 +870,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOver2DRGN_ALL) { field.allocate(); for (const auto &i : field) { - field[i] = 1.0 + i.z; + field[i] = 1.0 + i.z(); } BoutReal sum = 0.0; - for (const auto &i : field.region2D(RGN_ALL)) { - sum += field[i]; - EXPECT_EQ(field[i], 1.0); - EXPECT_EQ(i.z, 0); + for (const auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL")) { + sum += field(i, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(field(i, 0), 1.0); + EXPECT_EQ(i.z(), 0); } EXPECT_EQ(sum, nx * ny); @@ -674,14 +888,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOver2DRGN_NOBNDRY) { field.allocate(); for (const auto &i : field) { - field[i] = 1.0 + i.z; + field[i] = 1.0 + i.z(); } BoutReal sum = 0.0; - for (const auto &i : field.region2D(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { - sum += field[i]; - EXPECT_EQ(field[i], 1.0); - EXPECT_EQ(i.z, 0); + for (const auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion2D("RGN_NOBNDRY")) { + sum += field(i, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(field(i, 0), 1.0); + EXPECT_EQ(i.z(), 0); } EXPECT_EQ(sum, nx * ny - 2 * nx - 2 * (ny - 2)); @@ -692,14 +906,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOver2DRGN_NOX) { field.allocate(); for (const auto &i : field) { - field[i] = 1.0 + i.z; + field[i] = 1.0 + i.z(); } BoutReal sum = 0.0; - for (const auto &i : field.region2D(RGN_NOX)) { - sum += field[i]; - EXPECT_EQ(field[i], 1.0); - EXPECT_EQ(i.z, 0); + for (const auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion2D("RGN_NOX")) { + sum += field(i, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(field(i, 0), 1.0); + EXPECT_EQ(i.z(), 0); } EXPECT_EQ(sum, nx * ny - 2 * ny); @@ -710,24 +924,19 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOver2DRGN_NOY) { field.allocate(); for (const auto &i : field) { - field[i] = 1.0 + i.z; + field[i] = 1.0 + i.z(); } BoutReal sum = 0.0; - for (const auto &i : field.region2D(RGN_NOY)) { - sum += field[i]; - EXPECT_EQ(field[i], 1.0); - EXPECT_EQ(i.z, 0); + for (const auto &i : field.getMesh()->getRegion2D("RGN_NOY")) { + sum += field(i, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(field(i, 0), 1.0); + EXPECT_EQ(i.z(), 0); } EXPECT_EQ(sum, nx * ny - 2 * nx); } -TEST_F(Field3DTest, IterateOver2DRGN_NOZ) { - Field3D field = 1.0; - EXPECT_THROW(field.region2D(RGN_NOZ), BoutException); -} - TEST_F(Field3DTest, Indexing) { Field3D field; @@ -794,6 +1003,18 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, IndexingInd2D) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(field(ix, iy, iz), -sentinel); } +TEST_F(Field3DTest, ConstIndexingInd2D) { + Field3D field(0.0); + const BoutReal sentinel = 2.0; + int ix = 1, iy = 2, iz = 3; + field(ix, iy, iz) = sentinel; + + Ind2D ind{iy + ny * ix, ny, 1}; + const Field3D field2{field}; + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(field2(ind, iz), sentinel); +} + TEST_F(Field3DTest, IndexingIndPerp) { Field3D field(0.0); const BoutReal sentinel = 2.0; @@ -981,7 +1202,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, InvalidateGuards) { const int nmesh = nx * ny * nz; int sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { field[i] = 0.0; // Reset field value sum++; } @@ -989,7 +1210,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, InvalidateGuards) { // Count the number of non-boundary points sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOBNDRY)) { field[i] = 0.0; // Reset field value sum++; } @@ -1005,7 +1226,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, InvalidateGuards) { EXPECT_NO_THROW(checkData(field(localmesh->xstart, localmesh->ystart, 0))); sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { if (!finite(field[i])) sum++; } @@ -1019,21 +1240,21 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, InvalidateGuards) { TEST_F(Field3DTest, CreateFromBoutReal) { Field3D field(1.0); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(field, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 1.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, CreateFromField3D) { Field3D field(99.0); Field3D result(field); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result, 99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 99.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, CreateFromField2D) { Field2D field(99.0); Field3D result(field); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result, 99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 99.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { @@ -1041,17 +1262,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { field = 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(field, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 2.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromInvalid) { Field3D field; -#if CHECK > 0 - EXPECT_THROW(field = std::nan(""), BoutException); -#else EXPECT_NO_THROW(field = std::nan("")); -#endif + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, std::nan(""))); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromField2D) { @@ -1060,7 +1278,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromField2D) { field = field2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(field, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 2.0)); #if CHECK > 0 Field2D field3; @@ -1079,7 +1297,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromFieldPerp) { field = field2; for (const auto &i : field) { - if (i.y == yindex) { + if (i.y() == yindex) { EXPECT_EQ(field[i], 2.0); } else { EXPECT_EQ(field[i], 1.0); @@ -1100,12 +1318,10 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AssignFromField3D) { field2 = -99.0; field = field2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(field, -99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, -99.0)); -#if CHECK > 0 Field3D field3; - EXPECT_THROW(field = field3, BoutException); -#endif + EXPECT_NO_THROW(field = field3); } //-------------------- Arithmetic tests -------------------- @@ -1116,8 +1332,8 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, UnaryMinus) { field = 2.0; field = -field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(field, -2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(-field, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, -2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(-field, 2.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -1126,14 +1342,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsBoutReal) { a = 1.0; a += 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 6.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 6.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 11.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsField2D) { @@ -1144,14 +1360,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsField2D) { b = 3.0; a += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 8.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsField3D) { @@ -1161,21 +1377,18 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsField3D) { b = 3.0; a += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 8.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered); a = 2.0; b = 3.0; @@ -1189,8 +1402,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { #else EXPECT_NO_THROW(a += b); #endif - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DBoutReal) { @@ -1199,7 +1410,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DBoutReal) { a = 1.0; b = a + 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddBoutRealField3D) { @@ -1208,7 +1419,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddBoutRealField3D) { a = 1.0; b = 3.0 + a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField2DField3D) { @@ -1219,7 +1430,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField2DField3D) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DField2D) { @@ -1230,7 +1441,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DField2D) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DField3D) { @@ -1240,14 +1451,11 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DField3D) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b, c; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered), c(mesh_staggered); a = 1.0; b = 2.0; @@ -1269,8 +1477,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, AddField3DField3DStagger) { // Hence the first case should now not throw EXPECT_NO_THROW(c = a + b); - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -1279,14 +1485,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { a = 2.0; a *= 1.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 3.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= 1.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 4.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.5)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { @@ -1297,14 +1503,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { b = 4.0; a *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 40.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 40.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField3D) { @@ -1314,21 +1520,18 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField3D) { b = 4.0; a *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 40.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 40.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered); a = 2.5; b = 4.0; @@ -1342,8 +1545,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { #else EXPECT_NO_THROW(a *= b); #endif - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DBoutReal) { @@ -1352,7 +1553,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DBoutReal) { a = 1.5; b = a * 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 3.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyBoutRealField3D) { @@ -1361,7 +1562,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyBoutRealField3D) { a = 2.5; b = 3.0 * a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 7.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 7.5)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField2DField3D) { @@ -1372,7 +1573,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField2DField3D) { b = 4.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 16.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 16.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DField2D) { @@ -1383,7 +1584,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DField2D) { b = 8.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 64.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 64.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DField3D) { @@ -1393,14 +1594,11 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DField3D) { b = 8.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b, c; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered), c(mesh_staggered); a = 1.0; b = 2.0; @@ -1422,8 +1620,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, MultiplyField3DField3DStagger) { // Hence the first case should now not throw EXPECT_NO_THROW(c = a * b); - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -1432,14 +1628,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsBoutReal) { a = 1.0; a -= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, -4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -4.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, -4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, -9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -9.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsField2D) { @@ -1450,14 +1646,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsField2D) { b = 7.0; a -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, -12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -12.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsField3D) { @@ -1467,21 +1663,18 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsField3D) { b = 7.0; a -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, -12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -12.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered); a = 2.0; b = 7.0; @@ -1495,8 +1688,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { #else EXPECT_NO_THROW(a -= b); #endif - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DBoutReal) { @@ -1505,7 +1696,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DBoutReal) { a = 10.0; b = a - 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 8.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractBoutRealField3D) { @@ -1514,7 +1705,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractBoutRealField3D) { a = 10.0; b = 3.0 - a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, -7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, -7.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField2DField3D) { @@ -1525,7 +1716,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField2DField3D) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DField2D) { @@ -1536,7 +1727,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DField2D) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DField3D) { @@ -1546,14 +1737,11 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DField3D) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b, c; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered), c(mesh_staggered); a = 1.0; b = 2.0; @@ -1575,8 +1763,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, SubtractField3DField3DStagger) { // Hence the first case should now not throw EXPECT_NO_THROW(c = a - b); - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -1585,14 +1771,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { a = 2.5; a /= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 0.5)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 0.1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.1)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsField2D) { @@ -1603,14 +1789,14 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsField2D) { b = 2.5; a /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 0.8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.8)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsField3D) { @@ -1620,21 +1806,18 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsField3D) { b = 2.5; a /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 0.8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.8)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered); a = 5.0; b = 2.5; @@ -1648,8 +1831,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideEqualsField3DField3DStagger) { #else EXPECT_NO_THROW(a /= b); #endif - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DBoutReal) { @@ -1658,7 +1839,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DBoutReal) { a = 3.0; b = a / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 1.5)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideBoutRealField3D) { @@ -1667,7 +1848,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideBoutRealField3D) { a = 2.5; b = 10.0 / a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField2DField3D) { @@ -1678,7 +1859,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField2DField3D) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DField2D) { @@ -1689,7 +1870,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DField2D) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DField3D) { @@ -1699,14 +1880,11 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DField3D) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DField3DStagger) { - auto backup = mesh->StaggerGrids; - mesh->StaggerGrids = true; // Force staggering - - Field3D a, b, c; + Field3D a(mesh_staggered), b(mesh_staggered), c(mesh_staggered); a = 1.0; b = 2.0; @@ -1728,8 +1906,6 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DivideField3DField3DStagger) { // Hence the first case should now not throw EXPECT_NO_THROW(c = a / b); - - mesh->StaggerGrids = backup; } TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowBoutRealField3D) { @@ -1737,7 +1913,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowBoutRealField3D) { a = 5.0; b = pow(2.0, a); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 32.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DBoutReal) { @@ -1745,7 +1921,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DBoutReal) { a = 5.0; b = pow(a, 2.0); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(b, 25.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 25.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DFieldPerp) { @@ -1758,7 +1934,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DFieldPerp) { b = 6.0; c = pow(a, b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 64.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 64.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DField2D) { @@ -1769,7 +1945,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DField2D) { b = 6.0; c = pow(a, b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 64.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 64.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DField3D) { @@ -1778,21 +1954,21 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, PowField3DField3D) { b = 6.0; c = pow(a, b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(c, 64.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 64.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Sqrt) { Field3D field; field = 16.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(sqrt(field), 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sqrt(field), 4.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Abs) { Field3D field; field = -31.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(abs(field), 31.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(abs(field), 31.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Exp) { @@ -1800,7 +1976,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Exp) { field = 2.5; const BoutReal expected = 12.182493960703473; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(exp(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(exp(field), expected)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Log) { @@ -1808,7 +1984,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Log) { field = 12.182493960703473; const BoutReal expected = 2.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(log(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(log(field), expected)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, LogExp) { @@ -1816,37 +1992,37 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, LogExp) { field = 2.5; const BoutReal expected = 2.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(log(exp(field)), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(log(exp(field)), expected)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Sin) { Field3D field; field = PI / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(sin(field), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sin(field), 1.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(sin(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sin(field), 0.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Cos) { Field3D field; field = PI / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(cos(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cos(field), 0.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(cos(field), -1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cos(field), -1.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Tan) { Field3D field; field = PI / 4.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(tan(field), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tan(field), 1.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(tan(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tan(field), 0.0)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Sinh) { @@ -1854,10 +2030,10 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Sinh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 1.1752011936438014; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(sinh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sinh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(sinh(field), -expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sinh(field), -expected)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Cosh) { @@ -1865,10 +2041,10 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Cosh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 1.5430806348152437; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(cosh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cosh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(cosh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cosh(field), expected)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Tanh) { @@ -1876,10 +2052,10 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Tanh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 0.761594155955764; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(tanh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tanh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(tanh(field), -expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tanh(field), -expected)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Floor) { @@ -1891,7 +2067,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, Floor) { const BoutReal floor_value = 50.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(floor(field, floor_value), floor_value)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(floor(field, floor_value), floor_value)); } TEST_F(Field3DTest, Min) { @@ -1952,48 +2128,339 @@ TEST_F(Field3DTest, DC) { field = 1.0; for (const auto& i : field) { - field[i] = i.z; + field[i] = i.z(); } - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(DC(field), 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(DC(field), 3.0)); } -#ifdef _OPENMP -// This test may be more of a DataIterator test so should perhaps -// be migrated to a separate test file. -TEST_F(Field3DTest, OpenMPIterator) { - const int fields = 10; - Field3D *d3 = new Field3D[fields]; - for (int i = 0; i < fields; ++i) { - d3[i] = 1; - } +TEST_F(Field3DTest, Swap) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; - BoutReal expected = 1; + // First field + Field3D first(1., mesh_staggered); - BOUT_OMP(parallel for) - for (int j = 0; j < fields; ++j) { - BOUT_OMP(parallel) - for (auto i : d3[j]) { - EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d3[j][i], expected); - d3[j][i] = 2; - } - } + first.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); - expected = 2; + first.splitParallelSlices(); + first.yup() = 1.5; + first.ydown() = 0.5; - for (int i = 0; i < fields; ++i) { - for (int jx = 0; jx < mesh->LocalNx; ++jx) { - for (int jy = 0; jy < mesh->LocalNy; ++jy) { - for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->LocalNz; ++jz) { - EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(d3[i](jx, jy, jz), expected); - } - } - } - } + ddt(first) = 1.1; + + // Mesh for second field + constexpr int second_nx = Field3DTest::nx + 2; + constexpr int second_ny = Field3DTest::ny + 2; + constexpr int second_nz = Field3DTest::nz + 2; + + FakeMesh second_mesh{second_nx, second_ny, second_nz}; + second_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + second_mesh.StaggerGrids = false; + second_mesh.createDefaultRegions(); + + // Second field + Field3D second(2., &second_mesh); + + second.splitParallelSlices(); + second.yup() = 2.2; + second.ydown() = 1.2; + + ddt(second) = 2.4; + + // Basic sanity check + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(first, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second, 2.0)); + + // swap is marked noexcept, so absolutely should not throw! + ASSERT_NO_THROW(swap(first, second)); + + // Values + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(first, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second, 1.0)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(first.yup(), 2.2)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(first.ydown(), 1.2)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second.yup(), 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second.ydown(), 0.5)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(ddt(first), 2.4)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(ddt(second), 1.1)); + + // Mesh properties + EXPECT_EQ(first.getMesh(), &second_mesh); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + + EXPECT_EQ(first.getNx(), second_nx); + EXPECT_EQ(first.getNy(), second_ny); + EXPECT_EQ(first.getNz(), second_nz); + + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNx(), Field3DTest::nx); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNy(), Field3DTest::ny); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNz(), Field3DTest::nz); + + EXPECT_EQ(first.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); - delete[] d3; + // We don't check the boundaries, but the data is protected and + // there are no inquiry functions +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, MoveCtor) { + // First field + Field3D first(1., mesh_staggered); + + first.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + + first.splitParallelSlices(); + first.yup() = 1.5; + first.ydown() = 0.5; + + ddt(first) = 1.1; + + // Second field + Field3D second{std::move(first)}; + + // Values + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second, 1.0)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second.yup(), 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(second.ydown(), 0.5)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(ddt(second), 1.1)); + + // Mesh properties + EXPECT_EQ(second.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNx(), Field3DTest::nx); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNy(), Field3DTest::ny); + EXPECT_EQ(second.getNz(), Field3DTest::nz); + + EXPECT_EQ(second.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + + // We don't check the boundaries, but the data is protected and + // there are no inquiry functions +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, FillField) { + Field3D f{mesh}; + + fillField(f, {{{1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}}, + + {{1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}}, + + {{1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, + {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}}}); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(f, 1.)); + + fillField(f, {{{0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}}, + + {{0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}}, + + {{0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}, + {0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.}}}); + + Field3D g{mesh}; + g.allocate(); + BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, g.getRegion("RGN_ALL")) { g[i] = i.z(); } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(f, g)); +} + +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_FFTW +namespace bout { +namespace testing { + +// Amplitudes for the nth wavenumber +constexpr int k0{1}; +constexpr int k1{2}; +constexpr int k2{3}; + +const BoutReal box_size{TWOPI / Field3DTest::nz}; + +// Helper function for the filter and lowpass tests +BoutReal zWaves(Field3D::ind_type& i) { + return 1.0 + std::sin(k0 * i.z() * box_size) + std::cos(k1 * i.z() * box_size) + + std::sin(k2 * i.z() * box_size); +} +} // namespace testing +} // namespace bout + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, Filter) { + + using namespace bout::testing; + + auto input = makeField(zWaves, bout::globals::mesh); + + auto expected = makeField( + [&](Field3D::ind_type& i) { return std::cos(k1 * i.z() * box_size); }, + bout::globals::mesh); + + auto output = filter(input, 2); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, LowPassOneArg) { + + using namespace bout::testing; + + auto input = makeField(zWaves, bout::globals::mesh); + + auto expected = makeField( + [&](Field3D::ind_type& i) { + return 1.0 + std::sin(k0 * i.z() * box_size) + std::cos(k1 * i.z() * box_size); + }, + bout::globals::mesh); + + auto output = lowPass(input, 2); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, LowPassOneArgNothing) { + + using namespace bout::testing; + + auto input = makeField(zWaves, bout::globals::mesh); + + auto output = lowPass(input, 20); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, input)); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, LowPassTwoArg) { + + using namespace bout::testing; + + auto input = makeField(zWaves, bout::globals::mesh); + + auto expected = makeField( + [&](Field3D::ind_type& i) { + return std::sin(k0 * i.z() * box_size) + std::cos(k1 * i.z() * box_size); + }, + bout::globals::mesh); + + auto output = lowPass(input, 2, false); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); + + // Check passing int still works + auto output2 = lowPass(input, 2, 0); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output2, expected)); + + // Calling lowPass with an int that is not 0 or 1 is an error + EXPECT_THROW(lowPass(input, 2, -1), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(lowPass(input, 2, 2), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, LowPassTwoArgKeepZonal) { + + using namespace bout::testing; + + auto input = makeField(zWaves, bout::globals::mesh); + + auto expected = makeField( + [&](Field3D::ind_type& i) { + return 1.0 + std::sin(k0 * i.z() * box_size) + std::cos(k1 * i.z() * box_size); + }, + bout::globals::mesh); + + auto output = lowPass(input, 2, true); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); + + // Check passing int still works + auto output2 = lowPass(input, 2, 1); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output2, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, LowPassTwoArgNothing) { + + using namespace bout::testing; + + auto input = makeField(zWaves, bout::globals::mesh); + + auto output = lowPass(input, 20, true); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, input)); } #endif +TEST_F(Field3DTest, OperatorEqualsField3D) { + Field3D field; + + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field'. + // Note that Average z-direction type is not really allowed for Field3D, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + Field3D field2{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + field = field2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, EmptyFrom) { + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field2'. + // Note that Average z-direction type is not really allowed for Field3D, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + Field3D field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + field = 5.; + + Field3D field2{emptyFrom(field)}; + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionY(), YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionZ(), ZDirectionType::Average); + EXPECT_TRUE(field2.isAllocated()); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DTest, ZeroFrom) { + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field2'. + // Note that Average z-direction type is not really allowed for Field3D, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + Field3D field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + field = 5.; + + Field3D field2{zeroFrom(field)}; + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionY(), YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionZ(), ZDirectionType::Average); + EXPECT_TRUE(field2.isAllocated()); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 0.)); +} // Restore compiler warnings #pragma GCC diagnostic pop diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_field_factory.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_field_factory.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..23ccdeaef7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_field_factory.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,900 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "field_factory.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/constants.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "bout/traits.hxx" +#include "bout/paralleltransform.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +template +class FieldFactoryCreationTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + FieldFactoryCreationTest() : FakeMeshFixture() { + Options options; + options["input"]["transform_from_field_aligned"] = false; + factory = FieldFactory{mesh, &options}; + } + + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + + FieldFactory factory; + + // We can't just decide which FieldFactory::create?D function to + // call with + // + // if (bout::utils::is_Field3D::value) { + // return factory.create3D(...); + // } else { + // return factory.create2D(...); + // } + // + // as this is *runtime* so the compiler still needs to evaluate both + // branches -- until C++17 when we can use `if constexpr ...` + template + T createDispatch(std::true_type, Args&&... args) { + return factory.create3D(std::forward(args)...); + } + + template + T createDispatch(std::false_type, Args&&... args) { + return factory.create2D(std::forward(args)...); + } + + // Generic way of calling either FieldFactory::create2D or + // FieldFactory::create3D + template + T create(Args&&... args) { + return createDispatch(bout::utils::is_Field3D{}, std::forward(args)...); + } +}; + +using Fields = ::testing::Types; + +TYPED_TEST_SUITE(FieldFactoryCreationTest, Fields); + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateFromValueGenerator) { + auto value = BoutReal{4.}; + auto output = this->create(generator(value)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, value)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateFromPointerGenerator) { + auto value = BoutReal{5.}; + auto output = this->create(generator(&value)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, value)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateFromFunction) { + FuncPtr function = [](BoutReal, BoutReal x, BoutReal, BoutReal) -> BoutReal { + return x + 1.; + }; + + auto generator = std::make_shared(FieldFunction{function}); + + auto output = this->create(generator); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x() + 1.; }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateNull) { + FieldNull null{}; + auto output = this->create(null.clone({})); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 0.0)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreatePi) { + auto output = this->create("pi"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, PI)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreatePiSymbol) { + auto output = this->create("π"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, PI)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateAddition) { + auto output = this->create("1 + 1"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 2.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateSubtraction) { + auto output = this->create("11 - 1"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 10.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateMultiplication) { + auto output = this->create("3 * 1"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 3.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateDivision) { + auto output = this->create("12 / 2"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 6.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateNested) { + auto output = this->create("1 + (12 / (2 * 3))"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 3.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, ParseThenCreateNested) { + auto generator = this->factory.parse("1 + (12 / (2 * 3))"); + auto output = this->create(generator); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 3.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, ParseNull) { + EXPECT_THROW(this->create(FieldGeneratorPtr{nullptr}), BoutException); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateX) { + auto output = this->create("x"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateY) { + auto output = this->create("y"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return TWOPI * index.y(); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateZ) { + auto output = this->create("z"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return TWOPI * index.z() / FieldFactoryCreationTest::nz; + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateXStaggered) { + // Need this->mesh_staggered to access member of base FakeMeshFixture because + // derived FieldFactoryCreationTest is a template clas + auto output = this->create("x", nullptr, this->mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x() - 0.5; }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); + EXPECT_EQ(output.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateYStaggered) { + // Need this->mesh_staggered to access member of base FakeMeshFixture because + // derived FieldFactoryCreationTest is a template clas + auto output = this->create("y", nullptr, this->mesh_staggered, CELL_YLOW); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return TWOPI * (index.y() - 0.5); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); + EXPECT_EQ(output.getLocation(), CELL_YLOW); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateZStaggered) { + // Need this->mesh_staggered to access member of base FakeMeshFixture because + // derived FieldFactoryCreationTest is a template clas + auto output = this->create("z", nullptr, this->mesh_staggered, CELL_ZLOW); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + + auto offset = BoutReal{0.0}; + if (bout::utils::is_Field3D::value) { + offset = 0.5; + } + + return TWOPI * (index.z() - offset) / FieldFactoryCreationTest::nz; + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); + EXPECT_EQ(output.getLocation(), CELL_ZLOW); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateT) { + auto time = BoutReal{77.0}; + auto output = this->create("t", nullptr, nullptr, CELL_CENTRE, time); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, time)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateSinX) { + auto output = this->create("sin(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::sin(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateCosX) { + auto output = this->create("cos(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::cos(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateTanX) { + auto output = this->create("tan(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::tan(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateAsinX) { + auto output = this->create("asin(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::asin(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateAcosX) { + auto output = this->create("acos(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::acos(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateAtanX) { + auto output = this->create("atan(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::atan(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateAtanX2) { + auto output = this->create("atan(x, 2)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::atan2(index.x(), 2.); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateSinhX) { + auto output = this->create("sinh(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::sinh(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateCoshX) { + auto output = this->create("cosh(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::cosh(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateTanhX) { + auto output = this->create("tanh(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::tanh(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateExpX) { + auto output = this->create("exp(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::exp(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateLogX) { + auto output = this->create("log(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::log(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateGaussX) { + auto output = this->create("gauss(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::exp(-std::pow(index.x(), 2) / 2.) / std::sqrt(TWOPI); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateGaussWithWidthX) { + auto output = this->create("gauss(x, 4.)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + constexpr auto width = BoutReal{4.}; + return std::exp(-std::pow(index.x() / width, 2) / 2.) + / (std::sqrt(TWOPI) * width); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateAbsX) { + auto output = this->create("abs(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::abs(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateSqrtX) { + auto output = this->create("sqrt(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::sqrt(index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateHeavisideXPi) { + auto output = this->create("h(x - pi)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + if (index.x() > PI) { + return 1.0; + } else { + return 0.0; + } + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateErfX) { + auto output = this->create("erf(x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return std::erf(index.x()); }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateFmodX) { + auto output = this->create("fmod(pi, x)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::fmod(PI, index.x()); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateMinX) { + auto output = this->create("min(2, 3, 1, 4)"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 1.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateMaxX) { + auto output = this->create("max(2, 3, 1, 4)"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 4.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreatePowX) { + auto output = this->create("power(x, 2)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return std::pow(index.x(), 2); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateTanhHatX) { + auto output = this->create("tanhhat(x, 1, 2, 3)"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + constexpr auto width = BoutReal{1.}; + constexpr auto centre = BoutReal{2.}; + constexpr auto steepness = BoutReal{3.}; + + return 0.5 + * (std::tanh(steepness * (index.x() - (centre - 0.5 * width))) + - std::tanh(steepness * (index.x() - (centre + 0.5 * width)))); + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateRoundX) { + auto output = this->create("round(pi)"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, 3.)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateWithLookup) { + auto a_value = int{6}; + + auto options = Options{}; + options["a"] = a_value; + auto output = this->create("x + a", &options); + + auto expected = makeField( + [&a_value](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return index.x() + a_value; + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, ParseFromCache) { + auto a_value = int{6}; + + auto options = Options{}; + options["a"] = a_value; + this->factory.parse("x + a", &options); + + auto output = this->create("x + a"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [&a_value](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { + return index.x() + a_value; + }, + mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TYPED_TEST(FieldFactoryCreationTest, CreateOnMesh) { + constexpr auto nx = int{1}; + constexpr auto ny = int{1}; + constexpr auto nz = int{1}; + + FakeMesh localmesh{nx, ny, nz}; + localmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + localmesh.setCoordinates(std::make_shared( + &localmesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false)); + + localmesh.getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(localmesh)); + + auto output = this->create("x", nullptr, &localmesh); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename TypeParam::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, + &localmesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); + EXPECT_EQ(output.getNx(), nx); + EXPECT_EQ(output.getNy(), ny); + EXPECT_EQ(output.getNz(), nz); +} + +// The following tests still use the FieldFactory, but don't need to +// be typed and make take longer as they check that exceptions get +// thrown. Doing these twice will slow down the test unnecessarily + +class FieldFactoryTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + FieldFactoryTest() : FakeMeshFixture{}, factory{mesh} {} + virtual ~FieldFactoryTest() = default; + + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}, quiet{output}, quiet_error{output_error}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + + FieldFactory factory; +}; + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, RequireMesh) { + delete bout::globals::mesh; + bout::globals::mesh = nullptr; + + FieldFactory local_factory{nullptr, nullptr}; + + EXPECT_THROW(local_factory.create2D("x", nullptr, nullptr), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(local_factory.create3D("x", nullptr, nullptr), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, CreateOnMeshWithoutCoordinates) { + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.create3D("x"), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, CleanCache) { + auto a_value = int{6}; + + auto options = Options{}; + options["a"] = a_value; + factory.parse("x + a", &options); + + factory.cleanCache(); + + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("x + a"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, ParseSelfReference) { + auto options = Options{}; + options["a"] = "a"; + + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("a", &options), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, SinArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("sin()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("sin(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, CosArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("cos()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("cos(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, TanArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("tan()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("tan(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, SinhArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("sinh()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("sinh(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, CoshArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("cosh()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("cosh(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, TanhArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("tanh()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("tanh(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, ASinArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("asin()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("asin(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, ACosArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("acos()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("acos(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, ATanArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("atan()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("atan(x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, ExpArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("exp()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("exp(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, LogArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("log()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("log(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, GaussArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("gauss()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("gauss(x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, AbsArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("abs()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("abs(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, SqrtArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("sqrt()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("sqrt(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, HeavisideArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("h()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("h(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, ErfArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("erf()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("erf(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, FmodArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("fmod()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("fmod(x)"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("fmod(x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, MinArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("min()"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, MaxArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("max()"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, PowerArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("power()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("power(x)"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("power(x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, RoundArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("round()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("round(x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, BallooningArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("ballooning()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("ballooning(x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, MixmodeArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("mixmode()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("mixmode(x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryTest, TanhhatArgs) { + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("tanhhat()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(factory.parse("tanhhat(x, x, x, x, x)"), ParseException); +} + +// A mock ParallelTransform to test transform_from_field_aligned +// property of FieldFactory. For now, the transform just returns the +// negative of the input. Ideally, this will get moved to GoogleMock +// when we start using it. +// +// Can turn off the ability to do the transform. Should still be valid +class MockParallelTransform : public ParallelTransform { +public: + MockParallelTransform(Mesh& mesh, bool allow_transform_) + : ParallelTransform(mesh), allow_transform(allow_transform_) {} + ~MockParallelTransform() = default; + + void calcParallelSlices(Field3D&) override {} + + bool canToFromFieldAligned() override { return allow_transform; } + + bool requiresTwistShift(bool, YDirectionType) override { return false; } + + void checkInputGrid() override {} + + const Field3D fromFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, const std::string&) override { + if (f.getDirectionY() != YDirectionType::Aligned) { + throw BoutException("Unaligned field passed to fromFieldAligned"); + } + return -f; + } + + const FieldPerp fromFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, const std::string&) override { + if (f.getDirectionY() != YDirectionType::Aligned) { + throw BoutException("Unaligned field passed to fromFieldAligned"); + } + return -f; + } + + const Field3D toFieldAligned(const Field3D& f, const std::string&) override { + if (f.getDirectionY() != YDirectionType::Standard) { + throw BoutException("Aligned field passed to toFieldAligned"); + } + return -f; + } + const FieldPerp toFieldAligned(const FieldPerp& f, const std::string&) override { + if (f.getDirectionY() != YDirectionType::Standard) { + throw BoutException("Aligned field passed to toFieldAligned"); + } + return -f; + } + +private: + const bool allow_transform; +}; + +class FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest() : FakeMeshFixture{} { + // We need Coordinates so a parallel transform is available as + // FieldFactory::create3D wants to un-field-align the result + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(test_coords); + } + + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; +}; + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest, Create2D) { + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, true)); + + FieldFactory factory; + + auto output = factory.create2D("x"); + + // Field2Ds can't be transformed, so expect no change + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename Field2D::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest, Create3D) { + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, true)); + + FieldFactory factory; + + auto output = factory.create3D("x"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename Field3D::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return -index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest, Create2DNoTransform) { + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, true)); + + Options options; + options["input"]["transform_from_field_aligned"] = false; + FieldFactory factory{mesh, &options}; + + auto output = factory.create2D("x"); + + // Field2Ds can't be transformed, so expect no change + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename Field2D::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest, Create3DNoTransform) { + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, true)); + + Options options; + options["input"]["transform_from_field_aligned"] = false; + FieldFactory factory{mesh, &options}; + + auto output = factory.create3D("x"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename Field3D::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest, Create2DCantTransform) { + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, false)); + + FieldFactory factory{mesh}; + + auto output = factory.create2D("x"); + + // Field2Ds can't be transformed, so expect no change + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename Field2D::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldFactoryCreateAndTransformTest, Create3DCantTransform) { + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, false)); + + FieldFactory factory{mesh}; + + auto output = factory.create3D("x"); + + auto expected = makeField( + [](typename Field3D::ind_type& index) -> BoutReal { return index.x(); }, mesh); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(output, expected)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_fieldperp.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_fieldperp.cxx index ead90cc8c8..e8943c368e 100644 --- a/tests/unit/field/test_fieldperp.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_fieldperp.cxx @@ -17,38 +17,17 @@ #include /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout -/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one -class FieldPerpTest : public ::testing::Test { -protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { - // Delete any existing mesh - if (mesh != nullptr) { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - - output_info.disable(); - mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); - } +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; - static void TearDownTestCase() { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - -public: - static const int nx; - static const int ny; - static const int nz; -}; - -const int FieldPerpTest::nx = 3; -const int FieldPerpTest::ny = 5; -const int FieldPerpTest::nz = 7; +/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one +using FieldPerpTest = FakeMeshFixture; TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Allocate) { FieldPerp field; @@ -60,7 +39,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Allocate) { EXPECT_TRUE(field.isAllocated()); int counter = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { field[i] = 1.; // Hits Array bounds checking counter++; } @@ -93,6 +72,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SliceXZ) { auto result = sliceXZ(masterField, yindex); EXPECT_EQ(result.getIndex(), yindex); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(masterField, result)); for (const auto &i : result) { EXPECT_EQ(result[i], 1.0); @@ -126,14 +106,15 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, GetSetIndex) { } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CreateOnGivenMesh) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + int test_nx = FieldPerpTest::nx + 2; int test_ny = FieldPerpTest::ny + 2; int test_nz = FieldPerpTest::nz + 2; FakeMesh fieldmesh{test_nx, test_ny, test_nz}; - output_info.disable(); + fieldmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); fieldmesh.createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); FieldPerp field{&fieldmesh}; @@ -145,14 +126,15 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CreateOnGivenMesh) { } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CopyCheckFieldmesh) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + int test_nx = FieldPerpTest::nx + 2; int test_ny = FieldPerpTest::ny + 2; int test_nz = FieldPerpTest::nz + 2; FakeMesh fieldmesh{test_nx, test_ny, test_nz}; - output_info.disable(); + fieldmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); fieldmesh.createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); FieldPerp field{&fieldmesh}; field = 1.0; @@ -162,6 +144,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CopyCheckFieldmesh) { EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNx(), test_nx); EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNy(), 1); EXPECT_EQ(field2.getNz(), test_nz); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); } #if CHECK > 0 @@ -218,6 +201,41 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CreateCopyOnNullMesh) { } #endif +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SetGetLocation) { + FieldPerp field(mesh_staggered); + + field.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + + field.setLocation(CELL_DEFAULT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + + EXPECT_THROW(field.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SetGetLocationNonStaggered) { + FieldPerp field; + + field.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = false; + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(field.setLocation(CELL_XLOW), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(field.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT), BoutException); + + field.setLocation(CELL_DEFAULT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); +#else + field.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + + field.setLocation(CELL_DEFAULT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); + + field.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); +#endif +} + /// This test is split into two parts: a very basic sanity check first /// (do we visit the right number of elements?), followed by a /// slightly more complex check one which checks certain indices are @@ -268,7 +286,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverWholeField) { for (auto &i : field) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -302,10 +320,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_ALL) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (auto &i : field) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -346,10 +364,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_NOZ) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOZ)) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOZ)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -388,10 +406,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { BoutReal sum = 0.0; std::set> result_indices; - for (auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOX)) { + for (auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOX)) { sum += field[i]; if (field[i] == sentinel) { - result_indices.insert({i.x, i.z}); + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); ++found_sentinels; } } @@ -401,20 +419,181 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_NOX) { EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_NOBNDRY) { - FieldPerp field(mesh); +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_XGUARDS) { + FieldPerp field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_XGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((2 * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_YGUARDS) { + FieldPerp field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_YGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } - // This is not a valid region for FieldPerp - EXPECT_THROW(field.region(RGN_NOBNDRY), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, (((nx - 2) * 0 * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } -TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_NOY) { - FieldPerp field(mesh); +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_ZGUARDS) { + FieldPerp field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; - // This is not a valid region for FieldPerp - EXPECT_THROW(field.region(RGN_NOY), BoutException); + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_ZGUARDS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx - 2) * 0 - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IterateOverRGN_NOCORNERS) { + FieldPerp field; + + field = 1.0; + + const BoutReal sentinel = -99.0; + + // We use a set in case for some reason the iterator doesn't visit + // each point in the order we expect. + std::set> test_indices; + test_indices.insert({0, 0}); + test_indices.insert({0, 1}); + test_indices.insert({1, 0}); + test_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + // This is the set of indices actually inside the region we want + std::set> region_indices; + region_indices.insert({0, 0}); + region_indices.insert({0, 1}); + region_indices.insert({1, 0}); + region_indices.insert({1, 1}); + + const int num_sentinels = region_indices.size(); + + // Assign sentinel value to watch out for to our chosen points + for (const auto index : test_indices) { + field(index[0], index[1]) = sentinel; + } + + int found_sentinels = 0; + BoutReal sum = 0.0; + std::set> result_indices; + + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion("RGN_NOCORNERS")) { + sum += field[i]; + if (field[i] == sentinel) { + result_indices.insert({i.x(), i.z()}); + ++found_sentinels; + } + } + + EXPECT_EQ(found_sentinels, num_sentinels); + EXPECT_EQ(sum, ((nx * nz) - num_sentinels) + (num_sentinels * sentinel)); + EXPECT_TRUE(region_indices == result_indices); } + TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Indexing) { FieldPerp field; @@ -445,26 +624,6 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IndexingAs3D) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(field(2, 2), 4 + ny - 1); } -TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IndexingWithIndices) { - FieldPerp field; - - field.allocate(); - - for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { - for (int j = 0; j < nz; ++j) { - field(i, j) = i + j; - } - } - Indices ii{2, -1, 2}; - EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(field[ii], 4); -} - -TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, ConstIndexingWithIndices) { - const FieldPerp field = 2.0; - const Indices ii{2, -1, 2}; - EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(field[ii], 2.0); -} - TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, IndexingWithIndPerp) { FieldPerp field(0.0); const BoutReal sentinel = 2.0; @@ -646,7 +805,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, InvalidateGuards) { const int nmesh = nx * nz; int sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { field[i] = 0.0; // Reset field value sum++; } @@ -654,7 +813,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, InvalidateGuards) { // Count the number of non-boundary points sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_NOX)) { + for (const auto &i : field.getRegion(RGN_NOX)) { field[i] = 0.0; // Reset field value sum++; } @@ -670,7 +829,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, InvalidateGuards) { EXPECT_NO_THROW(checkData(field(localmesh->xstart, 0))); sum = 0; - for (const auto &i : field.region(RGN_ALL)) { + for (const auto &i : field) { if (!finite(field[i])) sum++; } @@ -682,14 +841,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, InvalidateGuards) { TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CreateFromBoutReal) { FieldPerp field(1.0); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(field, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 1.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, CreateFromFieldPerp) { FieldPerp field(99.0); FieldPerp result(field); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(result, 99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 99.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { @@ -697,17 +856,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { field = 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(field, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, 2.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AssignFromInvalid) { FieldPerp field; -#if CHECK > 0 - EXPECT_THROW(field = std::nan(""), BoutException); -#else EXPECT_NO_THROW(field = std::nan("")); -#endif + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, std::nan(""))); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, UnaryMinus) { @@ -717,7 +873,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, UnaryMinus) { field = 2.0; field = -field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(field, -2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field, -2.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -727,14 +883,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsBoutReal) { a = 1.0; a += 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 6.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 6.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 11.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsFieldPerp) { @@ -746,14 +902,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsFieldPerp) { b = 3.0; a += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 8.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsField2D) { @@ -768,14 +924,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsField2D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a += b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 8.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsField3D) { @@ -790,14 +946,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddEqualsField3D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a += b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c += b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 8.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpBoutReal) { @@ -807,7 +963,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpBoutReal) { a = 1.0; b = a + 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 3.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddBoutRealFieldPerp) { @@ -817,7 +973,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddBoutRealFieldPerp) { a = 1.0; b = 3.0 + a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 4.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpFieldPerp) { @@ -829,7 +985,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpFieldPerp) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpField2D) { @@ -841,7 +997,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpField2D) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddField2DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field2D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 1.0; + b = 2.0; + c = a + b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpField3D) { @@ -853,7 +1021,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddFieldPerpField3D) { b = 2.0; c = a + b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, AddField3DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field3D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 1.0; + b = 2.0; + c = a + b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 3.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -863,14 +1043,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { a = 2.0; a *= 1.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 3.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= 1.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 4.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.5)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsFieldPerp) { @@ -882,14 +1062,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsFieldPerp) { b = 4.0; a *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 40.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 40.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { @@ -904,14 +1084,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a *= b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 40.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 40.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsField3D) { @@ -926,14 +1106,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyEqualsField3D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a *= b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c *= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 10.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 40.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 40.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpBoutReal) { @@ -943,7 +1123,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpBoutReal) { a = 1.5; b = a * 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 3.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyBoutRealFieldPerp) { @@ -953,7 +1133,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyBoutRealFieldPerp) { a = 2.5; b = 3.0 * a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 7.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 7.5)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpFieldPerp) { @@ -965,7 +1145,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpFieldPerp) { b = 8.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpField2D) { @@ -977,7 +1157,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpField2D) { b = 8.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyField2DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field2D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 4.0; + b = 8.0; + c = a * b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpField3D) { @@ -989,7 +1181,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyFieldPerpField3D) { b = 8.0; c = a * b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, MultiplyField3DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field3D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 4.0; + b = 8.0; + c = a * b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 32.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -999,14 +1203,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsBoutReal) { a = 1.0; a -= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -4.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -9.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsFieldPerp) { @@ -1018,14 +1222,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsFieldPerp) { b = 7.0; a -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -12.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsField2D) { @@ -1040,14 +1244,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsField2D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a -= b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -12.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsField3D) { @@ -1062,14 +1266,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractEqualsField3D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a -= b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c -= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, -5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, -5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -12.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpBoutReal) { @@ -1079,7 +1283,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpBoutReal) { a = 10.0; b = a - 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 8.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractBoutRealFieldPerp) { @@ -1089,7 +1293,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractBoutRealFieldPerp) { a = 10.0; b = 3.0 - a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, -7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, -7.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpFieldPerp) { @@ -1101,7 +1305,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpFieldPerp) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpField2D) { @@ -1113,7 +1317,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpField2D) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractField2DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field2D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 10.0; + b = 20.0; + c = a - b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpField3D) { @@ -1125,7 +1341,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractFieldPerpField3D) { b = 20.0; c = a - b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, -10.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, SubtractField3DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field3D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 10.0; + b = 20.0; + c = a - b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, -10.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -1135,14 +1363,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { a = 2.5; a /= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 0.5)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= 5.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 0.1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.1)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsFieldPerp) { @@ -1154,14 +1382,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsFieldPerp) { b = 2.5; a /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 0.8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.8)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsField2D) { @@ -1176,14 +1404,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsField2D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a /= b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 0.8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.8)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsField3D) { @@ -1198,14 +1426,14 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideEqualsField3D) { a.setIndex(1); EXPECT_NO_THROW(a /= b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); // Check case where field is not unique auto c = a; c /= b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(a, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 0.8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(a, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 0.8)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpBoutReal) { @@ -1215,7 +1443,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpBoutReal) { a = 3.0; b = a / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 1.5)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideBoutRealFieldPerp) { @@ -1225,7 +1453,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideBoutRealFieldPerp) { a = 2.5; b = 10.0 / a; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 4.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpFieldPerp) { @@ -1237,7 +1465,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpFieldPerp) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpField2D) { @@ -1249,7 +1477,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpField2D) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideField2DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field2D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 32.0; + b = 8.0; + c = a / b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpField3D) { @@ -1261,7 +1501,19 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideFieldPerpField3D) { b = 8.0; c = a / b; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, DivideField3DFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp b, c; + Field3D a; + + b.setIndex(1); + a = 32.0; + b = 8.0; + c = a / b; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 4.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, PowBoutRealFieldPerp) { @@ -1272,7 +1524,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, PowBoutRealFieldPerp) { a = 5.0; b = pow(2.0, a); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 32.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 32.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, PowFieldPerpBoutReal) { @@ -1282,7 +1534,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, PowFieldPerpBoutReal) { a = 5.0; b = pow(a, 2.0); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(b, 25.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(b, 25.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, PowFieldPerpFieldPerp) { @@ -1294,7 +1546,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, PowFieldPerpFieldPerp) { b = 6.0; c = pow(a, b); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(c, 64.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(c, 64.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Sqrt) { @@ -1302,7 +1554,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Sqrt) { field.setIndex(0); field = 16.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(sqrt(field), 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sqrt(field), 4.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Abs) { @@ -1310,7 +1562,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Abs) { field.setIndex(0); field = -31.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(abs(field), 31.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(abs(field), 31.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Exp) { @@ -1319,7 +1571,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Exp) { field = 2.5; const BoutReal expected = 12.182493960703473; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(exp(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(exp(field), expected)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Log) { @@ -1328,7 +1580,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Log) { field = 12.182493960703473; const BoutReal expected = 2.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(log(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(log(field), expected)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, LogExp) { @@ -1337,7 +1589,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, LogExp) { field = 2.5; const BoutReal expected = 2.5; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(log(exp(field)), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(log(exp(field)), expected)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Sin) { @@ -1345,10 +1597,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Sin) { field.setIndex(0); field = PI / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(sin(field), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sin(field), 1.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(sin(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sin(field), 0.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Cos) { @@ -1356,10 +1608,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Cos) { field.setIndex(0); field = PI / 2.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(cos(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cos(field), 0.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(cos(field), -1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cos(field), -1.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Tan) { @@ -1367,10 +1619,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Tan) { field.setIndex(0); field = PI / 4.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(tan(field), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tan(field), 1.0)); field = PI; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(tan(field), 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tan(field), 0.0)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Sinh) { @@ -1379,10 +1631,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Sinh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 1.1752011936438014; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(sinh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sinh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(sinh(field), -expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(sinh(field), -expected)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Cosh) { @@ -1391,10 +1643,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Cosh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 1.5430806348152437; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(cosh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cosh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(cosh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(cosh(field), expected)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Tanh) { @@ -1403,10 +1655,10 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Tanh) { field = 1.0; const BoutReal expected = 0.761594155955764; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(tanh(field), expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tanh(field), expected)); field = -1.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(tanh(field), -expected)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(tanh(field), -expected)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Floor) { @@ -1419,7 +1671,7 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Floor) { const BoutReal floor_value = 50.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(floor(field, floor_value), floor_value)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(floor(field, floor_value), floor_value)); } TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Min) { @@ -1457,4 +1709,57 @@ TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, Max) { EXPECT_EQ(max(field, false, RGN_ALL), 99.0); EXPECT_EQ(max(field, true, RGN_ALL), 99.0); } + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, OperatorEqualsFieldPerp) { + FieldPerp field; + + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field'. + // Note that Average z-direction type is not really allowed for FieldPerp, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + FieldPerp field2{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, 2, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + + field = field2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(field, field2)); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getMesh(), field2.getMesh()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getLocation(), field2.getLocation()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionY(), field2.getDirectionY()); + EXPECT_EQ(field.getDirectionZ(), field2.getDirectionZ()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, EmptyFrom) { + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field2'. + // Note that Average z-direction type is not really allowed for FieldPerp, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + FieldPerp field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, 3, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + field = 5.; + + FieldPerp field2{emptyFrom(field)}; + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getIndex(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionY(), YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionZ(), ZDirectionType::Average); + EXPECT_TRUE(field2.isAllocated()); +} + +TEST_F(FieldPerpTest, ZeroFrom) { + // Create field with non-default arguments so we can check they get copied + // to 'field2'. + // Note that Average z-direction type is not really allowed for FieldPerp, but + // we don't check anywhere at the moment. + FieldPerp field{mesh_staggered, CELL_XLOW, 3, {YDirectionType::Aligned, ZDirectionType::Average}}; + field = 5.; + + FieldPerp field2{zeroFrom(field)}; + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getMesh(), mesh_staggered); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getLocation(), CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getIndex(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionY(), YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_EQ(field2.getDirectionZ(), ZDirectionType::Average); + EXPECT_TRUE(field2.isAllocated()); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 0.)); +} #pragma GCC diagnostic pop diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_initialprofiles.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_initialprofiles.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..db4d7e2ec4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_initialprofiles.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field.hxx" +#include "initialprofiles.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/constants.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +class InitialProfileTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + InitialProfileTest() : FakeMeshFixture() { + // We need Coordinates so a parallel transform is available as + // FieldFactory::create3D wants to un-field-align the result + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(test_coords); + + mesh->getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh)); + } + + virtual ~InitialProfileTest() { Options::cleanup(); } + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; +}; + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Field2D) { + Field2D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["f"]["function"] = "pi"; + initial_profile("f", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, PI)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Field3D) { + Field3D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["g"]["function"] = "2*pi"; + initial_profile("g", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, TWOPI)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Vector2DCovariant) { + Vector2D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["f_x"]["function"] = "1"; + Options::root()["f_y"]["function"] = "2"; + Options::root()["f_z"]["function"] = "3"; + + initial_profile("f", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 2)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 3)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Vector3DCovariant) { + Vector3D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["g_x"]["function"] = "4"; + Options::root()["g_y"]["function"] = "5"; + Options::root()["g_z"]["function"] = "6"; + + initial_profile("g", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 4)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 6)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Vector2DContravariant) { + Vector2D result{mesh}; + result.covariant = false; + + Options::root()["fx"]["function"] = "7"; + Options::root()["fy"]["function"] = "8"; + Options::root()["fz"]["function"] = "9"; + + initial_profile("f", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 7)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 8)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 9)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Vector3DContravariant) { + Vector3D result{mesh}; + result.covariant = false; + + Options::root()["gx"]["function"] = "10"; + Options::root()["gy"]["function"] = "11"; + Options::root()["gz"]["function"] = "12"; + + initial_profile("g", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 10)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 11)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 12)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Field2DWithScale) { + Field2D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["f"]["function"] = "pi"; + Options::root()["f"]["scale"] = 2; + initial_profile("f", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, TWOPI)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Field3DWithScale) { + Field3D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["g"]["function"] = "2*pi"; + Options::root()["g"]["scale"] = 3; + initial_profile("g", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 3 * TWOPI)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Vector2DWithScale) { + Vector2D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["f_x"]["function"] = "1"; + Options::root()["f_x"]["scale"] = 4; + Options::root()["f_y"]["function"] = "2"; + Options::root()["f_y"]["scale"] = 5; + Options::root()["f_z"]["function"] = "3"; + Options::root()["f_z"]["scale"] = 6; + + initial_profile("f", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 4)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 10)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 18)); +} + +TEST_F(InitialProfileTest, Vector3DWithScale) { + Vector3D result{mesh}; + + Options::root()["g_x"]["function"] = "4"; + Options::root()["g_x"]["scale"] = 7; + Options::root()["g_y"]["function"] = "5"; + Options::root()["g_y"]["scale"] = 8; + Options::root()["g_z"]["function"] = "6"; + Options::root()["g_z"]["scale"] = 9; + + initial_profile("g", result); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 28)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 40)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 54)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_vector2d.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_vector2d.cxx index 7824f2b2cf..ed9cc3a239 100644 --- a/tests/unit/field/test_vector2d.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_vector2d.cxx @@ -10,12 +10,20 @@ #include "vector3d.hxx" /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; /// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one class Vector2DTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { + Vector2DTest() { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; // Delete any existing mesh if (mesh != nullptr) { // Delete boundary regions @@ -27,17 +35,29 @@ class Vector2DTest : public ::testing::Test { mesh = nullptr; } mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - output_info.disable(); + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr); mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionXIn("core", 1, ny - 2, mesh)); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionXOut("sol", 1, ny - 2, mesh)); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionYUp("upper_target", 1, nx - 2, mesh)); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionYDown("lower_target", 1, nx - 2, mesh)); + + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(std::make_shared( + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{2.0}, Field2D{3.0}, Field2D{4.0}, Field2D{5.0}, + Field2D{6.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{2.0}, Field2D{3.0}, Field2D{4.0}, + Field2D{5.0}, Field2D{6.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false)); + + delete mesh_staggered; + mesh_staggered = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + mesh_staggered->StaggerGrids = true; + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_XLOW); + mesh_staggered->createDefaultRegions(); } - static void TearDownTestCase() { + virtual ~Vector2DTest() { if (mesh != nullptr) { // Delete boundary regions for (auto &r : mesh->getBoundaries()) { @@ -46,17 +66,21 @@ class Vector2DTest : public ::testing::Test { delete mesh; mesh = nullptr; } + delete mesh_staggered; + mesh_staggered = nullptr; } public: - static const int nx; - static const int ny; - static const int nz; + static constexpr int nx = 5; + static constexpr int ny = 5; + static constexpr int nz = 1; + + Mesh* mesh_staggered = nullptr; }; -const int Vector2DTest::nx = 5; -const int Vector2DTest::ny = 5; -const int Vector2DTest::nz = 1; +constexpr int Vector2DTest::nx; +constexpr int Vector2DTest::ny; +constexpr int Vector2DTest::nz; TEST_F(Vector2DTest, ApplyBoundaryString) { Vector2D v; @@ -111,6 +135,20 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, TimeDeriv) { EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector)), deriv); } +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, TimeDerivComponents) { + Vector2D vector; + + // Make time derivatives for components first, then check we rectify + vector.x.timeDeriv(); + vector.y.timeDeriv(); + vector.z.timeDeriv(); + vector.timeDeriv(); + + EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector).x), &(ddt(vector.x))); + EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector).y), &(ddt(vector.y))); + EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector).z), &(ddt(vector.z))); +} + TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationNonStaggered) { Vector2D vector; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); @@ -122,9 +160,8 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationNonStaggered) { } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationXLOW) { - Vector2D vector; + Vector2D vector(mesh_staggered); CELL_LOC targetLoc = CELL_XLOW; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(targetLoc)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), targetLoc); @@ -134,9 +171,12 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationXLOW) { } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationYLOW) { - Vector2D vector; + FakeMesh local_mesh{Vector2DTest::nx,Vector2DTest::ny,Vector2DTest::nz}; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + local_mesh.StaggerGrids = true; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + Vector2D vector(&local_mesh); CELL_LOC targetLoc = CELL_YLOW; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(targetLoc)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), targetLoc); @@ -146,9 +186,12 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationYLOW) { } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationZLOW) { - Vector2D vector; + FakeMesh local_mesh{Vector2DTest::nx,Vector2DTest::ny,Vector2DTest::nz}; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + local_mesh.StaggerGrids = true; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_ZLOW); + Vector2D vector(&local_mesh); CELL_LOC targetLoc = CELL_ZLOW; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(targetLoc)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), targetLoc); @@ -158,8 +201,13 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationZLOW) { } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, SetLocationVSHIFT) { - Vector2D vector; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + FakeMesh local_mesh{Vector2DTest::nx,Vector2DTest::ny,Vector2DTest::nz}; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + local_mesh.StaggerGrids = true; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_XLOW); + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_ZLOW); + Vector2D vector(&local_mesh); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_VSHIFT); @@ -185,15 +233,13 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { vector = 0.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 0.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 0.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 0.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AssignFromVector2D) { - Vector2D vector1, vector2; - - vector1.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + Vector2D vector1(mesh_staggered), vector2(mesh_staggered); vector1.x = 1.0; vector1.y = 2.0; @@ -202,27 +248,25 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AssignFromVector2D) { vector2 = vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 3.0)); EXPECT_EQ(vector1.getLocation(), vector2.getLocation()); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, CreateFromVector2D) { - Vector2D vector1; - - vector1.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + Vector2D vector1(mesh_staggered); vector1.x = 4.0; vector1.y = 5.0; vector1.z = 6.0; - vector1.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + vector1.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); Vector2D vector2{vector1}; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 6.0)); EXPECT_EQ(vector1.getLocation(), vector2.getLocation()); } @@ -236,9 +280,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, UnaryMinus) { vector2 = -vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, -7.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, -8.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, -9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, -7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, -8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, -9.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AddEqualsVector2D) { @@ -254,9 +298,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AddEqualsVector2D) { vector2 += vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 11.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 13.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 15.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 13.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 15.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AddVector2DVector2D) { @@ -272,9 +316,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AddVector2DVector2D) { Vector2D result = vector1 + vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 17.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 19.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 21.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 17.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 19.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 21.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AddVector2DVector3D) { @@ -290,9 +334,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AddVector2DVector3D) { Vector3D result = vector1 + vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 7.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 9.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 11.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MinusEqualsVector2D) { @@ -308,9 +352,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MinusEqualsVector2D) { vector2 -= vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, -97.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, -99.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, -101.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, -97.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, -99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, -101.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MinusVector2DVector2D) { @@ -326,9 +370,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MinusVector2DVector2D) { Vector2D result = vector1 - vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.x, -3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.y, -1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, -3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, -1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 1.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MinusVector2DVector3D) { @@ -344,9 +388,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MinusVector2DVector3D) { Vector3D result = vector1 - vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 7.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 9.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 11.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -359,9 +403,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { vector *= real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 16.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 20.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 24.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 16.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 20.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 24.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { @@ -374,9 +418,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { vector *= field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 160.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 200.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 240.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 160.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 200.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 240.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyVector2DBoutReal) { @@ -389,9 +433,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyVector2DBoutReal) { Vector2D result = vector * real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 6.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyVector2DField2D) { @@ -404,9 +448,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyVector2DField2D) { Vector2D result = vector * field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 6.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 9.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyVector2DField3D) { @@ -419,9 +463,54 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyVector2DField3D) { Vector3D result = vector * field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 8.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 12.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyBoutRealVector2D) { + Vector2D vector; + vector.x = 1.0; + vector.y = 2.0; + vector.z = 3.0; + + BoutReal real {2.0}; + + Vector2D result = real * vector; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 6.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyField2DVector2D) { + Vector2D vector; + vector.x = 1.0; + vector.y = 2.0; + vector.z = 3.0; + + Field2D field{3.0}; + + Vector2D result = field * vector; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 9.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, MultiplyField3DVector2D) { + Vector2D vector; + vector.x = 1.0; + vector.y = 2.0; + vector.z = 3.0; + + Field3D field{4.0}; + + Vector3D result = field * vector; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 12.0)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -434,9 +523,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { vector /= real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 0.1)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 0.2)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 0.3)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 0.1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 0.2)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 0.3)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideEqualsConstField2D) { @@ -449,9 +538,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideEqualsConstField2D) { vector /= field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 0.2)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 0.4)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 0.6)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 0.2)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 0.4)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 0.6)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideVector2DBoutReal) { @@ -464,9 +553,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideVector2DBoutReal) { Vector2D result = vector / real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 1.5)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideVector2DField2D) { @@ -479,9 +568,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideVector2DField2D) { Vector2D result = vector / field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 0.25)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField2DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 0.75)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.25)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 0.75)); } TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideVector2DField3D) { @@ -494,7 +583,168 @@ TEST_F(Vector2DTest, DivideVector2DField3D) { Vector3D result = vector / field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 3.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Cross2D3D) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = cross(vector1, vector2); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 0.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Cross2D2D) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = cross(vector1, vector2); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 0.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Dot2D3DCoCo) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Dot2D2DCoCo) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Dot2D3DCoContra) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 28.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Dot2D2DCoContra) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 28.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Dot2D3DContraContra) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.covariant = false; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, Dot2D2DContraContra) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.covariant = false; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AbsCo) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + auto result = abs(vector1); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 24.819347291981714)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector2DTest, AbsContra) { + Vector2D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + auto result = abs(vector1); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 24.819347291981714)); } diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_vector3d.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_vector3d.cxx index fb77078781..3c8a75ff63 100644 --- a/tests/unit/field/test_vector3d.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_vector3d.cxx @@ -9,16 +9,24 @@ #include "vector3d.hxx" /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; /// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one class Vector3DTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { + Vector3DTest() { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; // Delete any existing mesh if (mesh != nullptr) { // Delete boundary regions - for (auto &r : mesh->getBoundaries()) { + for (auto& r : mesh->getBoundaries()) { delete r; } @@ -26,17 +34,29 @@ class Vector3DTest : public ::testing::Test { mesh = nullptr; } mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - output_info.disable(); + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr); mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionXIn("core", 1, ny - 2, mesh)); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionXOut("sol", 1, ny - 2, mesh)); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionYUp("upper_target", 1, nx - 2, mesh)); mesh->addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionYDown("lower_target", 1, nx - 2, mesh)); + + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(std::make_shared( + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{2.0}, Field2D{3.0}, Field2D{4.0}, Field2D{5.0}, + Field2D{6.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{2.0}, Field2D{3.0}, Field2D{4.0}, + Field2D{5.0}, Field2D{6.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false)); + + delete mesh_staggered; + mesh_staggered = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + mesh_staggered->StaggerGrids = true; + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_XLOW); + mesh_staggered->createDefaultRegions(); } - static void TearDownTestCase() { + ~Vector3DTest() override { if (mesh != nullptr) { // Delete boundary regions for (auto &r : mesh->getBoundaries()) { @@ -45,12 +65,16 @@ class Vector3DTest : public ::testing::Test { } delete mesh; mesh = nullptr; + delete mesh_staggered; + mesh_staggered = nullptr; } public: static const int nx; static const int ny; static const int nz; + + Mesh* mesh_staggered = nullptr; }; const int Vector3DTest::nx = 5; @@ -58,6 +82,8 @@ const int Vector3DTest::ny = 5; const int Vector3DTest::nz = 3; TEST_F(Vector3DTest, ApplyBoundaryString) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + Vector3D v; v = 0.0; v.applyBoundary("dirichlet(1.0)"); @@ -110,6 +136,20 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, TimeDeriv) { EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector)), deriv); } +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, TimeDerivComponents) { + Vector3D vector; + + // Make time derivatives for components first, then check we rectify + vector.x.timeDeriv(); + vector.y.timeDeriv(); + vector.z.timeDeriv(); + vector.timeDeriv(); + + EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector).x), &(ddt(vector.x))); + EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector).y), &(ddt(vector.y))); + EXPECT_EQ(&(ddt(vector).z), &(ddt(vector.z))); +} + TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationNonStaggered) { Vector3D vector; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); @@ -121,9 +161,8 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationNonStaggered) { } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationXLOW) { - Vector3D vector; + Vector3D vector(mesh_staggered); CELL_LOC targetLoc = CELL_XLOW; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(targetLoc)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), targetLoc); @@ -133,9 +172,12 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationXLOW) { } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationYLOW) { - Vector3D vector; + FakeMesh local_mesh{Vector3DTest::nx,Vector3DTest::ny,Vector3DTest::nz}; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + local_mesh.StaggerGrids = true; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + Vector3D vector(&local_mesh); CELL_LOC targetLoc = CELL_YLOW; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(targetLoc)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), targetLoc); @@ -145,9 +187,12 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationYLOW) { } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationZLOW) { - Vector3D vector; + FakeMesh local_mesh{Vector3DTest::nx,Vector3DTest::ny,Vector3DTest::nz}; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + local_mesh.StaggerGrids = true; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_ZLOW); + Vector3D vector(&local_mesh); CELL_LOC targetLoc = CELL_ZLOW; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(targetLoc)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), targetLoc); @@ -157,8 +202,13 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationZLOW) { } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, SetLocationVSHIFT) { - Vector3D vector; - vector.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + FakeMesh local_mesh{Vector3DTest::nx,Vector3DTest::ny,Vector3DTest::nz}; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + local_mesh.StaggerGrids = true; + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_XLOW); + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + local_mesh.setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_ZLOW); + Vector3D vector(&local_mesh); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NO_THROW(vector.setLocation(CELL_VSHIFT)); EXPECT_EQ(vector.getLocation(), CELL_VSHIFT); @@ -184,16 +234,14 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AssignFromBoutReal) { vector = 0.0; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 0.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 0.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 0.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AssignFromVector2D) { - Vector2D vector1; - Vector3D vector2; - - vector1.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + Vector2D vector1(mesh_staggered); + Vector3D vector2(mesh_staggered); vector1.x = 1.0; vector1.y = 2.0; @@ -202,16 +250,14 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AssignFromVector2D) { vector2 = vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 3.0)); EXPECT_EQ(vector1.getLocation(), vector2.getLocation()); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AssignFromVector3D) { - Vector3D vector1, vector2; - - vector1.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + Vector3D vector1(mesh_staggered), vector2(mesh_staggered); vector1.x = 1.0; vector1.y = 2.0; @@ -220,27 +266,25 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AssignFromVector3D) { vector2 = vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 3.0)); EXPECT_EQ(vector1.getLocation(), vector2.getLocation()); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, CreateFromVector3D) { - Vector3D vector1; - - vector1.x.getMesh()->StaggerGrids = true; + Vector3D vector1(mesh_staggered); vector1.x = 4.0; vector1.y = 5.0; vector1.z = 6.0; - vector1.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + vector1.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); Vector3D vector2{vector1}; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 5.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 6.0)); EXPECT_EQ(vector1.getLocation(), vector2.getLocation()); } @@ -254,9 +298,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, UnaryMinus) { vector2 = -vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, -7.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, -8.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, -9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, -7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, -8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, -9.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AddEqualsVector3D) { @@ -272,9 +316,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AddEqualsVector3D) { vector2 += vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, 11.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, 13.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, 15.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 13.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 15.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AddVector3DVector2D) { @@ -290,9 +334,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AddVector3DVector2D) { Vector3D result = vector1 + vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 17.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 19.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 21.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 17.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 19.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 21.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AddVector3DVector3D) { @@ -308,9 +352,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AddVector3DVector3D) { Vector3D result = vector1 + vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 7.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 9.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 11.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MinusEqualsVector3D) { @@ -326,9 +370,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MinusEqualsVector3D) { vector2 -= vector1; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.x, -97.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.y, -99.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector2.z, -101.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, -97.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, -99.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, -101.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MinusVector3DVector2D) { @@ -344,9 +388,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MinusVector3DVector2D) { Vector3D result = vector1 - vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, -3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, -1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, -3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, -1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 1.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MinusVector3DVector3D) { @@ -362,9 +406,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MinusVector3DVector3D) { Vector3D result = vector1 - vector2; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 7.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 9.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 11.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 7.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 11.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -377,9 +421,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyEqualsBoutReal) { vector *= real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 16.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 20.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 24.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 16.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 20.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 24.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { @@ -392,9 +436,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyEqualsField2D) { vector *= field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 160.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 200.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 240.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 160.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 200.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 240.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyVector3DBoutReal) { @@ -407,9 +451,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyVector3DBoutReal) { Vector3D result = vector * real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 6.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyVector3DField2D) { @@ -422,9 +466,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyVector3DField2D) { Vector3D result = vector * field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 3.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 6.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 9.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyVector3DField3D) { @@ -437,9 +481,54 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyVector3DField3D) { Vector3D result = vector * field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 4.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 8.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 12.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 12.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyBoutRealVector3D) { + Vector3D vector; + vector.x = 1.0; + vector.y = 2.0; + vector.z = 3.0; + + BoutReal real {2.0}; + + Vector3D result = real * vector; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 6.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyField2DVector3D) { + Vector3D vector; + vector.x = 1.0; + vector.y = 2.0; + vector.z = 3.0; + + Field2D field{3.0}; + + Vector3D result = field * vector; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 9.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, MultiplyField3DVector3D) { + Vector3D vector; + vector.x = 1.0; + vector.y = 2.0; + vector.z = 3.0; + + Field3D field{4.0}; + + Vector3D result = field * vector; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 4.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 12.0)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { @@ -452,9 +541,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideEqualsBoutReal) { vector /= real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 0.1)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 0.2)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 0.3)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 0.1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 0.2)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 0.3)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideEqualsConstField2D) { @@ -467,9 +556,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideEqualsConstField2D) { vector /= field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.x, 0.2)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.y, 0.4)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(vector.z, 0.6)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 0.2)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 0.4)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 0.6)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideVector3DBoutReal) { @@ -482,9 +571,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideVector3DBoutReal) { Vector3D result = vector / real; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 1.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 1.5)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideVector3DField2D) { @@ -497,9 +586,9 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideVector3DField2D) { Vector3D result = vector / field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 0.25)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 0.5)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 0.75)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.25)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 0.5)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 0.75)); } TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideVector3DField3D) { @@ -512,7 +601,196 @@ TEST_F(Vector3DTest, DivideVector3DField3D) { Vector3D result = vector / field; - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.x, 1.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.y, 2.0)); - EXPECT_TRUE(IsField3DEqualBoutReal(result.z, 3.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 2.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 3.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, ToCovariant) { + Vector3D vector; + vector.covariant = false; + vector.x = 2.0; + vector.y = 4.0; + vector.z = 6.0; + + vector.toCovariant(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 48.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 52.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 52.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, ToContravariant) { + Vector3D vector; + vector.covariant = true; + vector.x = 2.0; + vector.y = 4.0; + vector.z = 6.0; + + vector.toContravariant(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.x, 48.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.y, 52.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector.z, 52.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Cross3D3D) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = cross(vector1, vector2); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 0.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Cross3D2D) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = cross(vector1, vector2); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.x, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.y, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result.z, 0.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Dot3D3DCoContra) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 28.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Dot3D2DCoContra) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 28.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Dot3D3DCoCo) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Dot3D2DCoCo) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Dot3D3DContraContra) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector3D vector2; + vector2.covariant = false; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, Dot3D2DContraContra) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + Vector2D vector2; + vector2.covariant = false; + vector2.x = 1.0; + vector2.y = 2.0; + vector2.z = 3.0; + + auto result = vector1 * vector2; + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 308.0)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AbsCo) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + auto result = abs(vector1); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 24.819347291981714)); +} + +TEST_F(Vector3DTest, AbsContra) { + Vector3D vector1; + vector1.covariant = false; + vector1.x = 2.0; + vector1.y = 4.0; + vector1.z = 6.0; + + auto result = abs(vector1); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 24.819347291981714)); } diff --git a/tests/unit/field/test_where.cxx b/tests/unit/field/test_where.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..493a925eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/field/test_where.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "field.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "where.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +namespace { +constexpr auto le0 = 4.0; +constexpr auto gt0 = 2.0; +} // namespace + +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +class WhereTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + WhereTest() + : FakeMeshFixture(), expected_2d2d(mesh), expected_2d3d(mesh), test_2d(mesh) { + fillField(expected_2d2d, {{le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0}, + {gt0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0}}); + + fillField(expected_2d3d, {{{le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}}, + + {{gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}}, + + {{le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}}}); + + fillField(test_2d, + {{-2., -1., 0., 1., 2.}, {1., 0., -1., -2., -3.}, {-1., 0., 1., 2., 3.}}); + } + + virtual ~WhereTest() = default; + + Field2D expected_2d2d; + Field3D expected_2d3d; + + Field2D test_2d; +}; + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DField3DField3D) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, Field3D{gt0}, Field3D{le0}), expected_2d3d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DField3DBoutReal) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, Field3D{gt0}, le0), expected_2d3d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DBoutRealField3D) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, gt0, Field3D{le0}), expected_2d3d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DField3DField2D) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, Field3D{gt0}, Field2D{le0}), expected_2d3d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DField2DField3D) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, Field2D{gt0}, Field3D{le0}), expected_2d3d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DField2DField2D) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, Field2D{gt0}, Field2D{le0}), expected_2d2d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DField2DBoutReal) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, Field2D{gt0}, le0), expected_2d2d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DBoutRealField2D) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, gt0, Field2D{le0}), expected_2d2d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field2DBoutRealBoutReal) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_2d, gt0, le0), expected_2d2d)); +} + +TEST_F(WhereTest, Field3DBoutRealField3D) { + auto test_3d = makeField([](Field3D::ind_type i) { + return (i.y() - (ny / 2)) + (i.x() - (nx / 2)) + (i.z() - (nz / 2)); + }); + + Field3D expected_3d3d; + fillField(expected_3d3d, {{{le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}}, + {{le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}}, + {{le0, le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, le0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}, + {le0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0, gt0}}}); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(where(test_3d, gt0, Field3D{le0}), expected_3d3d)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_array.cxx b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_array.cxx index 768a335b0f..40d635a79e 100644 --- a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_array.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_array.cxx @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class ArrayTest : public ::testing::Test { public: ArrayTest() { Array::useStore(true); } // Note: Calling cleanup() disables the store - ~ArrayTest() { } + virtual ~ArrayTest() = default; }; TEST_F(ArrayTest, ArraySize) { @@ -121,6 +121,37 @@ TEST_F(ArrayTest, MoveArrayConstructor) { EXPECT_TRUE(b.unique()); } +TEST_F(ArrayTest, Reallocate) { + Array a{}; + + ASSERT_TRUE(a.empty()); + + // Reallocate from empty + a.reallocate(15); + std::iota(a.begin(), a.end(), 0); + + ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); + EXPECT_EQ(a.size(), 15); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a[5], 5); + EXPECT_TRUE(a.unique()); + + // Reallocate to smaller + a.reallocate(7); + std::iota(a.begin(), a.end(), 10); + + ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); + EXPECT_EQ(a.size(), 7); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a[5], 15); + + // Reallocate to larger + a.reallocate(30); + std::iota(a.begin(), a.end(), 20); + + ASSERT_FALSE(a.empty()); + EXPECT_EQ(a.size(), 30); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a[5], 25); +} + TEST_F(ArrayTest, MakeUnique) { Array a(20); diff --git a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_deriv_store.cxx b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_deriv_store.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..649450097a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_deriv_store.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +using FieldType = std::vector; + +using standardType = DerivativeStore::standardFunc; +using flowType = DerivativeStore::upwindFunc; + +void standardReturnTenSetToOne(const FieldType& UNUSED(inp), FieldType& out, + const std::string& = "RGN_ALL") { + out.resize(10, 1.0); +} + +void flowReturnSixSetToTwo(const FieldType& UNUSED(vel), const FieldType& UNUSED(inp), + FieldType& out, const std::string& = "RGN_ALL") { + out.resize(6, 2.0); +} + +class DerivativeStoreTest : public ::testing::Test { +public: + DerivativeStoreTest() : store(DerivativeStore::getInstance()) {} + ~DerivativeStoreTest() override { store.reset(); } + + DerivativeStore& store; +}; + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, CanGetInstance) { + EXPECT_NO_THROW(DerivativeStore::getInstance()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, IsAllEmpty) { EXPECT_TRUE(store.isEmpty()); } + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, IsEmptySpecificType) { + EXPECT_TRUE(store.isEmpty(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None)); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, GetAvailableMethodsEmpty) { + EXPECT_TRUE(store.isEmpty()); + const auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 0); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterStandardMethod) { + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "FirstStandard"); + const auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterStandardMethodAndClear) { + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "FirstStandard"); + + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); + + store.reset(); + + methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 0); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterMatchingMethodStandardMethodTwice) { + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "FirstStandard"); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); + + // Try to register another method with the same key + EXPECT_THROW(store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, + STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"), + BoutException); + + methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterMatchingMethodStandardMethodTwo) { + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "FirstStandard"); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + + // Register another method with a different key + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "SecondStandard"); + + methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 2); + + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("SecondStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterStandardSecond) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::StandardSecond; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterMatchingMethodStandardSecondMethodTwice) { + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::StandardSecond, DIRECTION::X, + STAGGER::None, "SecondStandard"); + + // Try to register another method with the same key + EXPECT_THROW(store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, "SecondStandard"), + BoutException); + + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::StandardSecond, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("SecondStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterStandardFourth) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::StandardFourth; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterMatchingMethodStandardFourthMethodTwice) { + + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::StandardFourth, DIRECTION::X, + STAGGER::None, "FourthStandard"); + + // Try to register another method with the same key + EXPECT_THROW(store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, "FourthStandard"), + BoutException); + + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(DERIV::StandardFourth, DIRECTION::X); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FourthStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterUpwindAsStandard) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Standard; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + EXPECT_THROW( + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "BadSignature"), + BoutException); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.find("BadSignature"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterStandardAsUpwind) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Upwind; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + EXPECT_THROW( + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "BadSignature"), + BoutException); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.find("BadSignature"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterUpwind) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Upwind; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterUpwindTwice) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Upwind; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"); + + EXPECT_THROW( + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"), + BoutException); + + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterFlux) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Flux; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterFluxTwice) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Flux; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"); + + EXPECT_THROW( + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, type, dir, STAGGER::None, "FirstStandard"), + BoutException); + + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find("FirstStandard"), methods.end()); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterStandardAndGetBack) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Standard; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + const std::string firstName = "FIRSTSTANDARD"; + + store.forceDefaultMethod("UNKNOWN", type, dir, STAGGER::None); + + store.registerDerivative(standardReturnTenSetToOne, type, dir, STAGGER::None, + firstName); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find(firstName), methods.end()); + + // Note pass functions around by value etc. so we can't just compare the address + // of the returned function against the original method. + standardType returned = store.getStandardDerivative(firstName, dir); + + FieldType inOrig, outOrig; + standardReturnTenSetToOne({}, outOrig); + + FieldType outRet; + returned(inOrig, outRet, "RGN_ALL"); + + EXPECT_EQ(outOrig.size(), 10); + ASSERT_EQ(outRet.size(), outOrig.size()); + + EXPECT_EQ(outOrig, outRet); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, RegisterFlowAndGetBack) { + const DERIV type = DERIV::Upwind; + const DIRECTION dir = DIRECTION::X; + const std::string firstName = "FIRSTSTANDARD"; + + store.forceDefaultMethod("UNKNOWN", type, dir, STAGGER::None); + + store.registerDerivative(flowReturnSixSetToTwo, type, dir, STAGGER::None, firstName); + auto methods = store.getAvailableMethods(type, dir); + EXPECT_EQ(methods.size(), 1); + EXPECT_NE(methods.find(firstName), methods.end()); + + // Note pass functions around by value etc. so we can't just compare the address + // of the returned function against the original method. + flowType returned = store.getUpwindDerivative(firstName, dir); + + FieldType inOrig, outOrig; + flowReturnSixSetToTwo(inOrig, inOrig, outOrig); + + FieldType outRet; + returned(inOrig, inOrig, outRet, "RGN_ALL"); + + EXPECT_EQ(outOrig.size(), 6); + ASSERT_EQ(outRet.size(), outOrig.size()); + + EXPECT_EQ(outOrig, outRet); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, GetUnknownDerivativeFromStandard) { + // Register something we're not just throwing because the store is empty + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "something"); + EXPECT_THROW(store.getStandardDerivative("unknown", DIRECTION::X), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, GetUnknownDerivativeFromFlow) { + // Register something we're not just throwing because the store is empty + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, DERIV::Flux, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "something"); + EXPECT_THROW(store.getFlowDerivative("unknown", DIRECTION::X), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, GetUpwindFromStandardDerivative) { + // Register something we're not just throwing because the store is empty + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "bad type"); + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, DERIV::Flux, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "bad type"); + EXPECT_THROW( + store.getStandardDerivative("bad type", DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, DERIV::Upwind), + BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, GetFluxFromStandardDerivative) { + // Register something we're not just throwing because the store is empty + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "bad type"); + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, DERIV::Flux, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "bad type"); + EXPECT_THROW( + store.getStandardDerivative("bad type", DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, DERIV::Flux), + BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(DerivativeStoreTest, GetStandardFromFlowDerivative) { + // Register something we're not just throwing because the store is empty + store.registerDerivative(standardType{}, DERIV::Standard, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "bad type"); + store.registerDerivative(flowType{}, DERIV::Flux, DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, + "bad type"); + EXPECT_THROW( + store.getFlowDerivative("bad type", DIRECTION::X, STAGGER::None, DERIV::Standard), + BoutException); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_generic_factory.cxx b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_generic_factory.cxx index 5a34864b21..65903bc7f1 100644 --- a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_generic_factory.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_generic_factory.cxx @@ -4,24 +4,23 @@ #include "bout/generic_factory.hxx" #include +#include #include #include class Base { public: - Base() {} + virtual ~Base() = default; virtual std::string foo() { return "Base"; } }; class Derived1 : public Base { public: - Derived1() {} std::string foo() override { return "Derived1"; } }; class Derived2 : public Base { public: - Derived2() {} std::string foo() override { return "Derived2"; } }; @@ -34,23 +33,24 @@ RegisterInFactory registerme2("derived2"); class BaseComplicated { public: std::string name; - BaseComplicated(std::string name) : name(name) {} + BaseComplicated(std::string name) : name(std::move(name)) {} + virtual ~BaseComplicated() = default; virtual std::string foo() { return name; } }; class DerivedComplicated1 : public BaseComplicated { public: - DerivedComplicated1(std::string name) : BaseComplicated(name) {} + DerivedComplicated1(std::string name) : BaseComplicated(std::move(name)) {} }; class DerivedComplicated2 : public BaseComplicated { public: - DerivedComplicated2(std::string name) : BaseComplicated(name) {} + DerivedComplicated2(std::string name) : BaseComplicated(std::move(name)) {} }; // Save some typing later -typedef Factory> - ComplicatedFactory; +using ComplicatedFactory = + Factory>; // We need to specialise the helper class to pass arguments to the constructor template @@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ RegisterInFactory TEST(GenericFactory, RegisterAndCreate) { - auto base_ = Factory::getInstance().create("base"); + std::unique_ptr base_{Factory::getInstance().create("base")}; EXPECT_EQ(base_->foo(), "Base"); - auto derived1_ = Factory::getInstance().create("derived1"); + std::unique_ptr derived1_{Factory::getInstance().create("derived1")}; EXPECT_EQ(derived1_->foo(), "Derived1"); - auto derived2_ = Factory::getInstance().create("derived2"); + std::unique_ptr derived2_{Factory::getInstance().create("derived2")}; EXPECT_EQ(derived2_->foo(), "Derived2"); } @@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ TEST(GenericFactory, GetUnknownType) { TEST(GenericFactory, Complicated) { - auto base_ = - ComplicatedFactory::getInstance().create("basecomplicated", "BaseComplicated"); + std::unique_ptr base_{ + ComplicatedFactory::getInstance().create("basecomplicated", "BaseComplicated")}; EXPECT_EQ(base_->foo(), "BaseComplicated"); - auto derived1_ = ComplicatedFactory::getInstance().create("derivedcomplicated1", - "DerivedComplicated1"); + std::unique_ptr derived1_{ComplicatedFactory::getInstance().create( + "derivedcomplicated1", "DerivedComplicated1")}; EXPECT_EQ(derived1_->foo(), "DerivedComplicated1"); - auto derived2_ = ComplicatedFactory::getInstance().create("derivedcomplicated2", - "DerivedComplicated2"); + std::unique_ptr derived2_{ComplicatedFactory::getInstance().create( + "derivedcomplicated2", "DerivedComplicated2")}; EXPECT_EQ(derived2_->foo(), "DerivedComplicated2"); } diff --git a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_region.cxx b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_region.cxx index 50f37a29a7..6021144956 100644 --- a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_region.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_region.cxx @@ -10,42 +10,23 @@ #include #include -#include +#include #include #include +#include /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout -/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one -class RegionTest : public ::testing::Test { -protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { - // Delete any existing mesh - if (mesh != nullptr) { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - output_info.disable(); - mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); - } +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; - static void TearDownTestCase() { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } - -public: - static const int nx; - static const int ny; - static const int nz; -}; - -const int RegionTest::nx = 3; -const int RegionTest::ny = 5; -const int RegionTest::nz = 7; +/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one +using RegionTest = FakeMeshFixture; TEST_F(RegionTest, maxBlockSize) { EXPECT_TRUE(MAXREGIONBLOCKSIZE > 0); } @@ -95,7 +76,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionFromIndices) { maxContiguousSizeUsed = currBlockSize > maxContiguousSizeUsed ? currBlockSize : maxContiguousSizeUsed; for (int i = block.first; i <= block.second; i++) { - indicesIn.push_back(Ind3D{i}); + indicesIn.emplace_back(i); } } @@ -148,7 +129,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, numberOfBlocks) { Region region(0, mesh->LocalNx - 1, 0, mesh->LocalNy - 1, 0, mesh->LocalNz - 1, mesh->LocalNy, mesh->LocalNz); - auto blocks = region.getBlocks(); + const auto& blocks = region.getBlocks(); int nmesh = RegionTest::nx * RegionTest::ny * RegionTest::nz; int nblocks = blocks.size(); @@ -378,7 +359,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionAsSorted) { Region::RegionIndices regionIndicesSortedIn = regionSortedIn.getIndices(); // Now shuffle the order and create a new region - std::random_shuffle(std::begin(indicesIn), std::end(indicesIn)); + std::shuffle(std::begin(indicesIn), std::end(indicesIn), std::mt19937()); Region regionShuffledIn(indicesIn); Region::RegionIndices regionIndicesShuffledIn = regionShuffledIn.getIndices(); // Should we check the shuffle has actually changed the index order? @@ -432,7 +413,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionAsUnique) { // Now get a unique version of the region Region regionUnique2 = regionIn2.asUnique(); - Region::RegionIndices regionIndicesUnique2 = regionUnique2.getIndices(); + const Region::RegionIndices& regionIndicesUnique2 = regionUnique2.getIndices(); EXPECT_EQ(regionIndicesUnique2.size(), 8); @@ -497,7 +478,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionSetBlocks) { Region region(0, mesh->LocalNx - 1, 0, mesh->LocalNy - 1, 0, mesh->LocalNz - 1, mesh->LocalNy, mesh->LocalNz); auto blocks = region.getBlocks(); - auto indices = region.getIndices(); + const auto& indices = region.getIndices(); EXPECT_EQ(indices.size(), nmesh); @@ -662,8 +643,8 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionMask) { EXPECT_EQ(masked1Indices.size(), indicesIn.size() - indicesMask1.size()); // Check values - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < masked1Indices.size(); i++) { - EXPECT_EQ((masked1Indices[i] % 2).ind, 0); + for (auto& masked1Index : masked1Indices) { + EXPECT_EQ((masked1Index % 2).ind, 0); } // Check size of other regions not changed @@ -722,8 +703,8 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionFriendMask) { EXPECT_EQ(masked1Indices.size(), indicesIn.size() - indicesMask1.size()); // Check values - for (unsigned int i = 0; i < masked1Indices.size(); i++) { - EXPECT_EQ((masked1Indices[i] % 2).ind, 0); + for (auto& masked1Index : masked1Indices) { + EXPECT_EQ((masked1Index % 2).ind, 0); } // Check size of other regions not changed @@ -741,7 +722,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionFriendMask) { } auto masked2 = mask(regionIn, mask2); - auto masked2Indices = masked2.getIndices(); + const auto& masked2Indices = masked2.getIndices(); EXPECT_EQ(masked2Indices.size(), indicesIn.size()); // Check size of other regions not changed @@ -781,7 +762,7 @@ TEST_F(RegionTest, regionOperatorAdd) { } auto region4 = region1 + region2 + region2; - auto indices4 = region4.getIndices(); + const auto& indices4 = region4.getIndices(); EXPECT_EQ(indices4.size(), indicesIn1.size() + 2 * indicesIn2.size()); EXPECT_EQ(region1.getIndices().size(), indicesIn1.size()); EXPECT_EQ(region2.getIndices().size(), indicesIn2.size()); @@ -1188,15 +1169,14 @@ TEST(RegionIndex3DTest, NonMemberSize) { EXPECT_EQ(size(region), nmesh); } -template class RegionIndexTest : public ::testing::Test { +template +class RegionIndexTest : public ::testing::Test { public: - typedef std::list List; - static T shared_; - T value_; + ~RegionIndexTest() override = default; }; -typedef ::testing::Types RegionIndexTypes; -TYPED_TEST_CASE(RegionIndexTest, RegionIndexTypes); +using RegionIndexTypes = ::testing::Types; +TYPED_TEST_SUITE(RegionIndexTest, RegionIndexTypes); TYPED_TEST(RegionIndexTest, Begin) { typename Region::RegionIndices region{ @@ -1510,14 +1490,12 @@ TYPED_TEST(RegionIndexTest, RangeBasedForLoop) { template class FieldIndexTest : public ::testing::Test { - public: - typedef std::list List; - static T shared_; - T value_; +public: + ~FieldIndexTest() override = default; }; -typedef ::testing::Types FieldIndexTypes; -TYPED_TEST_CASE(FieldIndexTest, FieldIndexTypes); +using FieldIndexTypes = ::testing::Types; +TYPED_TEST_SUITE(FieldIndexTest, FieldIndexTypes); TYPED_TEST(FieldIndexTest, Constructor) { TypeParam index(1); @@ -1684,19 +1662,14 @@ TYPED_TEST(FieldIndexTest, Modulus) { /// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one class IndexOffsetTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { - // Delete any existing mesh - if (mesh != nullptr) { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } + IndexOffsetTest() { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + delete mesh; mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); - output_info.disable(); mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); } - static void TearDownTestCase() { + ~IndexOffsetTest() override { delete mesh; mesh = nullptr; } @@ -1829,6 +1802,79 @@ TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZPlusOne) { } } +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XPlusOneGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), k); + + if (i >= (nx - 1)) { + // skip this point + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::X>().x()), i + 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::X>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::X>().z()), k); + } + ++index; + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, YPlusOneGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), k); + + if (j >= (ny - 1)) { +#if CHECK > 3 + EXPECT_THROW(index->yp(), BoutException); +#endif + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().y()), j + 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().z()), k); + } + ++index; + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZPlusOneGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), k); + + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().z()), (k + 1) % nz); + ++index; + } + } + } +} + TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XMinusOne) { const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); @@ -1902,6 +1948,79 @@ TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZMinusOne) { } } +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XMinusOneGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), k); + + if (i < 1) { + // skip this point + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::X>().x()), i - 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::X>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::X>().z()), k); + } + ++index; + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, YMinusOneGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), k); + + if (j < 1) { +#if CHECK > 3 + EXPECT_THROW(index->ym(), BoutException); +#endif + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().y()), j - 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().z()), k); + } + ++index; + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZMinusOneGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), k); + + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().z()), (k - 1 + nz) % nz); + ++index; + } + } + } +} + TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XPlusTwo) { const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); @@ -2225,6 +2344,73 @@ TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZPlusOneInd2D) { } } +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XPlusOneInd2DGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), 0); + + if (i >= (nx - 1)) { + // skip this point + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::X>().x()), i + 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::X>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::X>().z()), 0); + } + ++index; + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, YPlusOneInd2DGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), 0); + + if (j >= (ny - 1)) { +#if CHECK > 3 + EXPECT_THROW(index->yp(), BoutException); +#endif + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().y()), j + 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().z()), 0); + } + ++index; + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZPlusOneInd2DGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), 0); + + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->plus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().z()), 0); + ++index; + } + } +} + TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XMinusOneInd2D) { const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); @@ -2292,6 +2478,73 @@ TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZMinusOneInd2D) { } } +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XMinusOneInd2DGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), 0); + + if (i < 1) { + // skip this point + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::X>().x()), i - 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::X>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::X>().z()), 0); + } + ++index; + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, YMinusOneInd2DGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), 0); + + if (j < 1) { +#if CHECK > 3 + EXPECT_THROW(index->ym(), BoutException); +#endif + } else { + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().y()), j - 1); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Y>().z()), 0); + } + ++index; + } + } +} + +TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, ZMinusOneInd2DGeneric) { + const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); + + auto index = region.cbegin(); + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + EXPECT_EQ(index->x(), i); + EXPECT_EQ(index->y(), j); + EXPECT_EQ(index->z(), 0); + + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().x()), i); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().y()), j); + EXPECT_EQ((index->minus<1, DIRECTION::Z>().z()), 0); + ++index; + } + } +} + TEST_F(IndexOffsetTest, XPlusTwoInd2D) { const auto ®ion = mesh->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); diff --git a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_template_combinations.cxx b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_template_combinations.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..00b07ca362 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_template_combinations.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include +#include +#include + +#include + +using innerType = std::vector; +using registrationType = std::vector; + +struct test1 {}; +struct test2 {}; + +const std::map humanName{ + {std::type_index(typeid(int)), "int"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(long)), "long"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(float)), "float"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(double)), "double"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(std::string)), "std::string"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(bool)), "boolean"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(test1)), "test1 struct"}, + {std::type_index(typeid(test2)), "test2 struct"}, + +}; + +template +std::string typeName() { + // Note because this routine is templated this is evaluated at compile time + // and as such + // we need to make sure that there is an entry for type T in humanName at + // compile time + // -- in other words we can't expand the map in the below routines. + return humanName.at(std::type_index(typeid(T))); +} + +// Helper struct that acts as the bottom level object that deals +// with the provided types +struct registerItems { + template + void operator()(T) { + innerType thisCase; + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + registrations.push_back(thisCase); + }; + template + void operator()(T, T2) { + innerType thisCase; + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + registrations.push_back(thisCase); + }; + template + void operator()(T, T2, T3) { + innerType thisCase; + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + registrations.push_back(thisCase); + }; + template + void operator()(T, T2, T3, T4) { + innerType thisCase; + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + thisCase.push_back(typeName()); + registrations.push_back(thisCase); + }; + + registrationType& registrations; +}; + +TEST(TemplateCombinationsTest, SingleSetSingleTypeItem) { + registrationType registrations; + registerItems reg{registrations}; + + produceCombinations> junk(reg); + + // Check number of registrations + ASSERT_EQ(reg.registrations.size(), 1); + // Check size of each registration + for (const auto& entry : registrations) { + ASSERT_EQ(entry.size(), 1); + } + + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[0][0], typeName()); +} + +TEST(TemplateCombinationsTest, SingleSetTwoTypesItem) { + registrationType registrations; + registerItems reg{registrations}; + + produceCombinations> junk(reg); + + // Check number of registrations + ASSERT_EQ(reg.registrations.size(), 2); + // Check size of each registration + for (const auto& entry : registrations) { + ASSERT_EQ(entry.size(), 1); + } + + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[0][0], typeName()); + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[1][0], typeName()); +} + +TEST(TemplateCombinationsTest, TwoSetsOneTypeItem) { + registrationType registrations; + registerItems reg{registrations}; + + produceCombinations, Set> junk(reg); + + // Check number of registrations + ASSERT_EQ(reg.registrations.size(), 1); + // Check size of each registration + for (const auto& entry : registrations) { + ASSERT_EQ(entry.size(), 2); + } + + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[0][0], typeName()); + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[0][1], typeName()); +} + +TEST(TemplateCombinationsTest, TwoSetsMultiTypeItem) { + registrationType registrations; + registerItems reg{registrations}; + + produceCombinations, Set> junk(reg); + + innerType firstSet{typeName(), typeName()}; + innerType secondSet{typeName(), typeName(), typeName()}; + + // Check number of registrations + ASSERT_EQ(reg.registrations.size(), firstSet.size() * secondSet.size()); + // Check size of each registration + for (const auto& entry : registrations) { + ASSERT_EQ(entry.size(), 2); + } + + int count = 0; + for (const auto& first : firstSet) { + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[count][0], first); + for (const auto& second : secondSet) { + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[count][1], second); + count++; + } + }; +} + +TEST(TemplateCombinationsTest, FourSetsMultiTypeItem) { + registrationType registrations; + registerItems reg{registrations}; + + produceCombinations, Set, Set, + Set> + junk(reg); + + innerType firstSet{typeName(), typeName()}; + innerType secondSet{typeName(), typeName(), typeName()}; + innerType thirdSet{typeName()}; + innerType fourthSet{typeName(), typeName()}; + + // Check number of registrations + ASSERT_EQ(reg.registrations.size(), + firstSet.size() * secondSet.size() * thirdSet.size() * fourthSet.size()); + // Check size of each registration + for (const auto& entry : registrations) { + ASSERT_EQ(entry.size(), 4); + } + + int count = 0; + for (const auto& first : firstSet) { + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[count][0], first); + for (const auto& second : secondSet) { + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[count][1], second); + for (const auto& third : thirdSet) { + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[count][2], third); + for (const auto& fourth : fourthSet) { + EXPECT_EQ(reg.registrations[count][3], fourth); + count++; + } + } + } + }; +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/bout/test_traits.cxx b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_traits.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..68b1c2b005 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/bout/test_traits.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "field.hxx" +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "fieldperp.hxx" +#include "bout/traits.hxx" + +#include + +TEST(BoutTraitsTest, IsField) { + using namespace bout::utils; + static_assert(is_Field::value, "is_Field should be true"); + static_assert(is_Field::value, "is_Field should be true"); + static_assert(is_Field::value, "is_Field should be true"); + static_assert(is_Field::value, "is_Field should be true"); +} + +TEST(BoutTraitsTest, IsField2D) { + using namespace bout::utils; + static_assert(!is_Field2D::value, "is_Field2D should be false"); + static_assert(is_Field2D::value, "is_Field2D should be true"); + static_assert(!is_Field2D::value, "is_Field2D should be false"); + static_assert(!is_Field2D::value, "is_Field2D should be false"); +} + +TEST(BoutTraitsTest, IsField3D) { + using namespace bout::utils; + static_assert(!is_Field3D::value, "is_Field3D should be false"); + static_assert(!is_Field3D::value, "is_Field3D should be false"); + static_assert(is_Field3D::value, "is_Field3D should be true"); + static_assert(!is_Field3D::value, "is_Field3D should be false"); +} + +TEST(BoutTraitsTest, IsFieldPerp) { + using namespace bout::utils; + static_assert(!is_FieldPerp::value, "is_FieldPerp should be false"); + static_assert(!is_FieldPerp::value, "is_FieldPerp should be false"); + static_assert(!is_FieldPerp::value, "is_FieldPerp should be false"); + static_assert(is_FieldPerp::value, "is_FieldPerp should be true"); +} + +namespace { +struct CorrectForFields {}; +struct CorrectForBoutReal {}; + +template > +auto function_overloads(T, U) -> CorrectForFields { + return {}; +} + +// Commenting out the below template should break the +// EnableIfFieldOverloads test +template +auto function_overloads(T, BoutReal) -> CorrectForBoutReal { + return {}; +} + +struct OnlyForField2D {}; +struct OnlyForField3D {}; +struct OnlyForFieldPerp {}; + +template > +auto specific_function_overloads(T, U) -> OnlyForField2D { + return {}; +} + +template > +auto specific_function_overloads(T, U) -> OnlyForField3D { + return {}; +} + +template > +auto specific_function_overloads(T, U) -> OnlyForFieldPerp { + return {}; +} + +template > +auto example_function(T, U) -> ResultType { + return {}; +} + +} // namespace + +TEST(BoutTraitsTest, EnableIfFieldOverloads) { + using namespace bout::utils; + static_assert(std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should enable function_overloads for two Fields"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should disable one overload of function_overloads.\n" + "This static_assert should fail if the `function_overloads(T, BoutReal)` template\n" + "is commented out"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should pick the correct version of specific_function_overloads"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should pick the correct version of specific_function_overloads"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should pick the correct version of specific_function_overloads"); +} + +TEST(BoutTraitsTest, EnableIfFieldReturnType) { + using namespace bout::utils; + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should return Field2D for two Field2Ds"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should return Field3D for a Field2D and a Field3D"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should return Field3D for a Field2D and a Field3D"); + static_assert( + std::is_same(), + std::declval()))>::value, + "EnableIfField should return Field3D for a Field3D and a Field3D"); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/test_cyclic_reduction.cxx b/tests/unit/include/test_cyclic_reduction.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..930fb4ae52 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/test_cyclic_reduction.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "boutcomm.hxx" +#include "cyclic_reduction.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/array.hxx" + +#include +#include + +namespace bout { +namespace testing { +constexpr int reduction_size{5}; +constexpr BoutReal CyclicReduceTolerance{1.e-14}; +} // namespace testing +} // namespace bout + +Array makeArrayFromVector(const std::vector& values) { + using std::begin; + using std::end; + + Array array{static_cast::size_type>(values.size())}; + std::copy(begin(values), end(values), begin(array)); + return array; +} + +Matrix makeMatrixFromVector(const std::vector>& values) { + using std::begin; + using std::end; + + Matrix matrix{static_cast::size_type>(values.size()), + static_cast::size_type>(values[0].size())}; + auto start = begin(matrix); + for (const auto& sub_values : values) { + start = std::copy(begin(sub_values), end(sub_values), start); + } + return matrix; +} + +TEST(CyclicReduction, SerialSolveSingleArray) { + using namespace bout::testing; + CyclicReduce reduce{BoutComm::get(), reduction_size}; + + auto a = makeArrayFromVector({0., 1., 1., 1., 1.}); + auto b = makeArrayFromVector({5., 4., 3., 2., 1.}); + auto c = makeArrayFromVector({2., 2., 2., 2., 0.}); + + reduce.setCoefs(a, b, c); + + auto rhs = makeArrayFromVector({0., 1., 2., 2., 3.}); + Array x{reduction_size}; + + reduce.solve(rhs, x); + + EXPECT_NEAR(x[0], -1., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x[1], 2.5, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x[2], -4., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x[3], 5.75, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x[4], -2.75, CyclicReduceTolerance); +} + +TEST(CyclicReduction, SerialSolveSingleMatrix) { + using namespace bout::testing; + CyclicReduce reduce{BoutComm::get(), reduction_size}; + + auto a = makeMatrixFromVector({{0., 1., 1., 1., 1.}}); + auto b = makeMatrixFromVector({{5., 4., 3., 2., 1.}}); + auto c = makeMatrixFromVector({{2., 2., 2., 2., 0.}}); + + reduce.setCoefs(a, b, c); + + auto rhs = makeMatrixFromVector({{0., 1., 2., 2., 3.}}); + Matrix x{1, reduction_size}; + + reduce.solve(rhs, x); + + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 0), -1., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 1), 2.5, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 2), -4., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 3), 5.75, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 4), -2.75, CyclicReduceTolerance); +} + +TEST(CyclicReduction, SerialSolveDoubleMatrix) { + using namespace bout::testing; + CyclicReduce reduce{BoutComm::get(), reduction_size}; + + auto a = makeMatrixFromVector({{0., 1., 1., 1., 1.}, {0., -2., -2., -2., -2.}}); + auto b = makeMatrixFromVector({{5., 4., 3., 2., 1.}, {1., 1., 1., 1., 1.}}); + auto c = makeMatrixFromVector({{2., 2., 2., 2., 0.}, {2., 2., 2., 2., 0.}}); + + reduce.setCoefs(a, b, c); + + auto rhs = makeMatrixFromVector({{0., 1., 2., 2., 3.}, {5., 4., 5., 4., 5.}}); + Matrix x{2, reduction_size}; + + reduce.solve(rhs, x); + + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 0), -1., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 1), 2.5, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 2), -4., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 3), 5.75, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(0, 4), -2.75, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(1, 0), 3.4, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(1, 1), 0.8, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(1, 2), 5., CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(1, 3), 0.8, CyclicReduceTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(x(1, 4), 6.6, CyclicReduceTolerance); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/test_derivs.cxx b/tests/unit/include/test_derivs.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0cf35c3366 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/test_derivs.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,490 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout_types.hxx" +#include "fft.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/constants.hxx" +#include "bout/deriv_store.hxx" +#include "bout/index_derivs_interface.hxx" +#include "bout/paralleltransform.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +// Some basic sanity checks for the derivative kernels. Checks the +// derivatives of sin(R) where R = {X, Y, Z} for each R +// individually. To make this as fast as possible, we use only a +// couple of points in the non-tested directions -- not just one +// though, as this allows us to check we're not introducing spurious +// variation in the other directions. +// +// This is one of the more complicated uses of googletest! We need to +// test all combinations of methods, directions and (standard) +// derivative types. Unfortunately, Z has one more method than X and Y +// (FFT), and the different orders have different sets of +// methods. This means we can't just use the provided `Combine` to +// produce the Cartesian product of methods, directions, and types as +// the first depends on the second two. Instead, we instantiate the +// tests separately for each direction and order and test all the +// methods for that direction in that instantiation. + +namespace { +// These are merely sanity checks, so don't expect them to agree very +// well! This has to be sufficiently loose for the least accurate +// method to pass, or we need to also match up tolerances to methods +constexpr BoutReal derivatives_tolerance{5.e-3}; +} + +class DerivativesTest + : public ::testing::TestWithParam> { +public: + DerivativesTest() : input{mesh}, expected{mesh} { + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + + using Index = Field3D::ind_type; + + // Pointer to index method that converts single-index to 3-index space + using DirectionFunction = int (Index::*)() const; + DirectionFunction dir; + + // Number of guard cells in (x, y). The "other" direction will + // have none + int x_guards{0}; + int y_guards{0}; + + // Grid sizes + int nx{3}; + int ny{3}; + int nz{2}; + + // This must be a balance between getting any kind of accuracy and + // each derivative running in ~1ms or less + constexpr int grid_size{128}; + const BoutReal box_length{TWOPI / grid_size}; + + // Set all the variables for this direction + // In C++14 this can be the more explicit std::get() + switch (std::get<0>(GetParam())) { + case DIRECTION::X: + nx = grid_size; + dir = &Index::x; + x_guards = 2; + region = "RGN_NOX"; + break; + case DIRECTION::Y: + ny = grid_size; + dir = &Index::y; + y_guards = 2; + region = "RGN_NOY"; + break; + case DIRECTION::Z: + nz = grid_size; + dir = &Index::z; + region = "RGN_ALL"; + break; + default: + throw BoutException("bad direction"); + } + + mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + + mesh->xstart = x_guards; + mesh->xend = nx - (x_guards + 1); + mesh->ystart = y_guards; + mesh->yend = ny - (y_guards + 1); + + mesh->createDefaultRegions(); + + // Make the input and expected output fields + // Weird `(i.*dir)()` syntax here in order to call the direction method + // C++17 makes this nicer with std::invoke + input = makeField([&](Index& i) { return std::sin((i.*dir)() * box_length); }, mesh); + + // Make the velocity field + velocity = makeField([&](Index& UNUSED(i)) { return 2.0; }, mesh); + + // Get the expected result for this order of derivative + // Again, could be nicer in C++17 with std::get(GetParam()) + switch (std::get<1>(GetParam())) { + case DERIV::Standard: + expected = makeField( + [&](Index& i) { return std::cos((i.*dir)() * box_length) * box_length; }, mesh); + break; + case DERIV::StandardSecond: + expected = makeField( + [&](Index& i) { return -std::sin((i.*dir)() * box_length) * pow(box_length, 2); }, + mesh); + break; + case DERIV::StandardFourth: + expected = makeField( + [&](Index& i) { return std::sin((i.*dir)() * box_length) * pow(box_length, 4); }, + mesh); + break; + // For now advection derivatives (upwind, flux) can have the same expected + // result as the velocity field is constant + case DERIV::Upwind: + case DERIV::Flux: + expected = makeField( + [&](Index& i) { return 2.0 * std::cos((i.*dir)() * box_length) * box_length; }, + mesh); + break; + default: + throw BoutException("Sorry, don't we test that type of derivative yet!"); + } + + // We need the parallel slices for the y-direction + ParallelTransformIdentity identity{*mesh}; + identity.calcParallelSlices(input); + identity.calcParallelSlices(velocity); + }; + + virtual ~DerivativesTest() { + delete mesh; + mesh = nullptr; + } + + Field3D input, velocity; + Field3D expected; + + // Region not including the guard cells in current direction + std::string region; +}; + +using DerivativesTestAdvection = DerivativesTest; + +// Get all the available methods for this direction and turn it from a +// collection of strings to a collection of tuples of the direction, +// order, and strings so that the test fixture knows which direction +// we're using +auto getMethodsForDirection(DERIV derivative_order, DIRECTION direction) + -> std::vector> { + + auto available_methods = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getAvailableMethods( + derivative_order, direction); + + // Method names together with the current direction and derivative type + std::vector> methods{}; + + std::transform(std::begin(available_methods), std::end(available_methods), + std::back_inserter(methods), [&](std::string method) { + return std::make_tuple(direction, derivative_order, method); + }); + + return methods; +}; + +// Returns the method out of the direction/order/method tuple for +// printing the test name +auto methodDirectionTupleToString( + const ::testing::TestParamInfo>& param) + -> std::string { + return std::get<2>(param.param); +} + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for first derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FirstX, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Standard, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FirstY, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Standard, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FirstZ, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Standard, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for second derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SecondX, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SecondY, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(SecondZ, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for fourth derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FourthX, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FourthY, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FourthZ, DerivativesTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for upwind derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(UpwindX, DerivativesTestAdvection, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Upwind, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(UpwindY, DerivativesTestAdvection, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Upwind, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(UpwindZ, DerivativesTestAdvection, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Upwind, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for flux derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FluxX, DerivativesTestAdvection, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Flux, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FluxY, DerivativesTestAdvection, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Flux, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FluxZ, DerivativesTestAdvection, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Flux, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +// All standard derivatives have the same signature, so we can use a +// single test, just instantiate it for each direction/order combination +TEST_P(DerivativesTest, Sanity) { + auto derivative = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getStandardDerivative( + std::get<2>(GetParam()), std::get<0>(GetParam()), STAGGER::None, + std::get<1>(GetParam())); + + Field3D result{mesh}; + result.allocate(); + derivative(input, result, region); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} + +// All advection (upwind/flux) derivatives have the same signature, so we can use a +// single test, just instantiate it for each direction/order combination +TEST_P(DerivativesTestAdvection, Sanity) { + auto derivative = DerivativeStore::getInstance().getFlowDerivative( + std::get<2>(GetParam()), std::get<0>(GetParam()), STAGGER::None, + std::get<1>(GetParam())); + + Field3D result{mesh}; + result.allocate(); + derivative(velocity, input, result, region); + + EXPECT_TRUE( + IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} + +///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +// The following tests are essentially identical to the above, expect +// that we test the derivatives through the actual (index) derivative +// interface. This makes things a little more awkward to do completely +// generically, so let's not bother + +using FirstDerivativesInterfaceTest = DerivativesTest; + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(X, FirstDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Standard, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FirstY, FirstDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Standard, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FirstZ, FirstDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Standard, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +TEST_P(FirstDerivativesInterfaceTest, Sanity) { + Field3D result; + switch (std::get<0>(GetParam())) { + case DIRECTION::X: + result = bout::derivatives::index::DDX(input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Y: + result = bout::derivatives::index::DDY(input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Z: + result = bout::derivatives::index::DDZ(input); + break; + default: + break; + } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} + +using SecondDerivativesInterfaceTest = DerivativesTest; + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(X, SecondDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Y, SecondDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Z, SecondDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardSecond, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +TEST_P(SecondDerivativesInterfaceTest, Sanity) { + Field3D result; + switch (std::get<0>(GetParam())) { + case DIRECTION::X: + result = bout::derivatives::index::D2DX2(input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Y: + result = bout::derivatives::index::D2DY2(input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Z: + result = bout::derivatives::index::D2DZ2(input); + break; + default: + break; + } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} + +using FourthDerivativesInterfaceTest = DerivativesTest; + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(X, FourthDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Y, FourthDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Z, FourthDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::StandardFourth, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +TEST_P(FourthDerivativesInterfaceTest, Sanity) { + Field3D result; + switch (std::get<0>(GetParam())) { + case DIRECTION::X: + result = bout::derivatives::index::D4DX4(input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Y: + result = bout::derivatives::index::D4DY4(input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Z: + result = bout::derivatives::index::D4DZ4(input); + break; + default: + break; + } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} + + +using UpwindDerivativesInterfaceTest = DerivativesTest; + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for upwind derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(X, UpwindDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Upwind, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Y, UpwindDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Upwind, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Z, UpwindDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Upwind, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +TEST_P(UpwindDerivativesInterfaceTest, Sanity) { + Field3D result; + + switch (std::get<0>(GetParam())) { + case DIRECTION::X: + result = bout::derivatives::index::VDDX(velocity, input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Y: + result = bout::derivatives::index::VDDY(velocity, input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Z: + result = bout::derivatives::index::VDDZ(velocity, input); + break; + default: + break; + } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} + +using FluxDerivativesInterfaceTest = DerivativesTest; + +// Instantiate the test for X, Y, Z for flux derivatives +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(X, FluxDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Flux, + DIRECTION::X)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Y, FluxDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Flux, + DIRECTION::Y)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(Z, FluxDerivativesInterfaceTest, + ::testing::ValuesIn(getMethodsForDirection(DERIV::Flux, + DIRECTION::Z)), + methodDirectionTupleToString); + +TEST_P(FluxDerivativesInterfaceTest, Sanity) { + Field3D result; + + switch (std::get<0>(GetParam())) { + case DIRECTION::X: + result = bout::derivatives::index::FDDX(velocity, input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Y: + result = bout::derivatives::index::FDDY(velocity, input); + break; + case DIRECTION::Z: + result = bout::derivatives::index::FDDZ(velocity, input); + break; + default: + break; + } + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_NOBNDRY", derivatives_tolerance)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/test_interpolation_factory.cxx b/tests/unit/include/test_interpolation_factory.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..de69cce9a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/test_interpolation_factory.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "interpolation.hxx" +#include "interpolation_factory.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" + +#include "test_extras.hxx" + +namespace bout { +namespace testing { +// Some variable so we can check if a function was called +bool sentinel_set{false}; +} // namespace testing +} // namespace bout + +class TestInterpolation : public Interpolation { +public: + TestInterpolation(Mesh* mesh = nullptr) : Interpolation(0, mesh) {} + + /// Callback function for InterpolationFactory + static Interpolation* CreateTestInterpolation(Mesh* mesh) { return new Bilinear(mesh); } + + void calcWeights(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_x), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_z)) override { + bout::testing::sentinel_set = true; + }; + void calcWeights(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_x), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_z), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const BoutMask& mask)) override { + bout::testing::sentinel_set = true; + }; + + Field3D interpolate(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& f)) const override { + return Field3D{-1, localmesh}; + } + Field3D interpolate(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& f), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_x), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_z)) override { + return Field3D{-1, localmesh}; + }; + Field3D interpolate(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& f), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_x), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& delta_z), + MAYBE_UNUSED(const BoutMask& mask)) override { + return Field3D{-1, localmesh}; + }; +}; + +class InterpolationFactoryTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + InterpolationFactoryTest() : FakeMeshFixture() { + output_info.disable(); + output_warn.disable(); + } + ~InterpolationFactoryTest() override { + output_warn.enable(); + output_info.enable(); + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->cleanup(); + bout::testing::sentinel_set = false; + } +}; + +auto test_interpolation(Mesh* mesh) -> Interpolation* { + return new TestInterpolation(mesh); +}; + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, GetInstance) { + EXPECT_NE(InterpolationFactory::getInstance(), nullptr); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, GetDefaultInterpType) { + EXPECT_NE(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->getDefaultInterpType(), ""); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, AddInterpolation) { + EXPECT_NO_THROW( + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "test_interpolation")); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, AddInterpolationTwice) { + EXPECT_NO_THROW( + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "test_interpolation")); + EXPECT_NO_THROW( + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "test_interpolation")); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, CreateInterpolation) { + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "test_interpolation"); + + std::unique_ptr interpolation{nullptr}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(interpolation.reset( + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create("test_interpolation"))); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(interpolation->interpolate(Field3D{}), -1)); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, CreateInterpolationFromOptions) { + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "test_interpolation"); + + Options::root()["interpolation"]["type"] = "test_interpolation"; + + std::unique_ptr interpolation{nullptr}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(interpolation.reset(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create())); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(interpolation->interpolate(Field3D{}), -1)); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, CreateInterpolationOnMesh) { + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "test_interpolation"); + + Options::root()["interpolation"]["type"] = "test_interpolation"; + + FakeMesh localmesh{2, 2, 2}; + std::unique_ptr interpolation{nullptr}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW( + interpolation.reset(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create(&localmesh))); + + interpolation->calcWeights({}, {}); + + EXPECT_TRUE(bout::testing::sentinel_set); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, CreateUnknownInterpolation) { + EXPECT_THROW(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create("nonsense"), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(InterpolationFactoryTest, Cleanup) { + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->add(test_interpolation, "to be removed"); + + InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->cleanup(); + + EXPECT_THROW(InterpolationFactory::getInstance()->create("to be removed"), + BoutException); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/include/test_mask.cxx b/tests/unit/include/test_mask.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8f3c69529 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/include/test_mask.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "mask.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ +extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +using MaskTest = FakeMeshFixture; + +TEST_F(MaskTest, Indexing) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } + + mask(0, 1, 0) = true; + EXPECT_TRUE(mask(0, 1, 0)); +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, ConstIndexing) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + const BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } +} + +#if CHECK >= 2 +TEST_F(MaskTest, BoundsChecking) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz}; + + EXPECT_THROW(mask(nx + 1, 0, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, ny + 1, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, 0, nz + 1), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(-1, 0, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, -1, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, 0, -1), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, ConstBoundsChecking) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + const BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz}; + + EXPECT_THROW(mask(nx + 1, 0, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, ny + 1, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, 0, nz + 1), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(-1, 0, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, -1, 0), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(mask(0, 0, -1), BoutException); +} +#endif + +TEST_F(MaskTest, Assignment) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz}; + + mask = true; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_TRUE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, CreateOnGlobalMesh) { + BoutMask mask{}; + + for (int i = 0; i < MaskTest::nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < MaskTest::ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < MaskTest::nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, CreateOnMesh) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{3}; + constexpr int nz{4}; + + FakeMesh mesh{nx, ny, nz}; + + BoutMask mask{mesh}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, CreateOnMeshWithValueTrue) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{3}; + constexpr int nz{4}; + + FakeMesh mesh{nx, ny, nz}; + + BoutMask mask{mesh, true}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_TRUE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, CreateOnMeshWithValueFalse) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{3}; + constexpr int nz{4}; + + FakeMesh mesh{nx, ny, nz}; + + BoutMask mask{mesh, false}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, CreateFromIndicesWithValueTrue) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz, true}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_TRUE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } + + mask(0, 1, 0) = false; + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(0, 1, 0)); +} + +TEST_F(MaskTest, CreateFromIndicesWithValueFalse) { + constexpr int nx{2}; + constexpr int ny{2}; + constexpr int nz{2}; + + BoutMask mask{nx, ny, nz, false}; + + for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) { + for (int j = 0; j < ny; ++j) { + for (int k = 0; k < nz; ++k) { + EXPECT_FALSE(mask(i, j, k)); + } + } + } + + mask(0, 1, 0) = true; + EXPECT_TRUE(mask(0, 1, 0)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/invert/test_fft.cxx b/tests/unit/invert/test_fft.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4278589e53 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/invert/test_fft.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "dcomplex.hxx" +#include "fft.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/array.hxx" +#include "bout/constants.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_FFTW +class FFTTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam { +public: + FFTTest() + : size(GetParam()), nmodes((size / 2) + 1), real_signal(size), fft_signal(nmodes) { + + // Make grid indices from [0, size - 1] + Array indices{size}; + std::iota(indices.begin(), indices.end(), 0.0); + + // Calculate sin(x) + cos(2x) on [0, 2pi] + std::transform(indices.begin(), indices.end(), real_signal.begin(), + [this](BoutReal i) -> BoutReal { + return std::sin(i * TWOPI / size) + std::cos(2. * i * TWOPI / size); + }); + + // Make a spectrum with two frequencies + std::fill(fft_signal.begin(), fft_signal.end(), dcomplex{0., 0.}); + fft_signal[1] = dcomplex{0., -0.5}; + fft_signal[2] = dcomplex{0.5, 0.}; + }; + + virtual ~FFTTest() = default; + + const int size; + const int nmodes; + + Array real_signal; + Array fft_signal; +}; + +// Test the FFT functions with both even- and odd-length real signals +INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(FFTEvenAndOddSamples, FFTTest, ::testing::Values(8, 9)); + +TEST_P(FFTTest, rfft) { + + Array output{nmodes}; + + // Compute forward real FFT + rfft(real_signal.begin(), size, output.begin()); + + EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), nmodes); + + for (int i = 0; i < nmodes; ++i) { + EXPECT_NEAR(real(output[i]), real(fft_signal[i]), FFTTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(imag(output[i]), imag(fft_signal[i]), FFTTolerance); + } +} + +TEST_P(FFTTest, irfft) { + + Array output{size}; + + // Compute inverse real FFT + irfft(fft_signal.begin(), size, output.begin()); + + EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), size); + + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + EXPECT_NEAR(output[i], real_signal[i], FFTTolerance); + } +} + +TEST_P(FFTTest, rfftWithArray) { + + // Compute forward real FFT + Array output{bout::fft::rfft(real_signal)}; + + EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), nmodes); + + for (int i = 0; i < nmodes; ++i) { + EXPECT_NEAR(real(output[i]), real(fft_signal[i]), FFTTolerance); + EXPECT_NEAR(imag(output[i]), imag(fft_signal[i]), FFTTolerance); + } +} + +TEST_P(FFTTest, irfftWithArray) { + + // Compute inverse real FFT + Array output{bout::fft::irfft(fft_signal, size)}; + + EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), size); + + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + EXPECT_NEAR(output[i], real_signal[i], FFTTolerance); + } +} + +TEST_P(FFTTest, RoundTrip) { + + // Checks normalisation is == 1 + Array output{bout::fft::irfft(bout::fft::rfft(real_signal), size)}; + + EXPECT_EQ(output.size(), real_signal.size()); + + for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + EXPECT_NEAR(output[i], real_signal[i], FFTTolerance); + } +} +#endif diff --git a/tests/unit/makefile b/tests/unit/makefile index abb7736333..6bc5bd1fe5 100644 --- a/tests/unit/makefile +++ b/tests/unit/makefile @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ BOUT_TOP = ../.. BOUT_TEST_DIR = . -GTEST_DIR = $(BOUT_TOP)/googletest/googletest -GMOCK_DIR = $(BOUT_TOP)/googletest/googlemock +GTEST_BASE = $(BOUT_TOP)/externalpackages/googletest +GTEST_DIR = $(GTEST_BASE)/googletest +GMOCK_DIR = $(GTEST_BASE)/googlemock GTEST_SOURCES = $(GTEST_DIR)/src/gtest-all.cc @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ include $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config LDFLAGS += -pthread # Existence of this file indicates that GTEST has been downloaded -GTEST_SENTINEL = $(BOUT_TOP)/googletest/README.md +GTEST_SENTINEL = $(GTEST_BASE)/README.md # House-keeping build targets. @@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ clean :: # Download Google Test $(GTEST_SENTINEL) : - echo "Downloading Google Test" + @echo "Downloading Google Test" git submodule update --init --recursive # For simplicity and to avoid depending on Google Test's @@ -78,20 +79,23 @@ $(TARGET): makefile $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config $(OBJ) $(SUB_LIBS) bout_test_main.a TEST_SOURCES = $(shell find $(BOUT_TEST_DIR) -type f -name "test_*.cxx" 2> /dev/null) TEST_OBJECTS = $(TEST_SOURCES:%.cxx=%.o) -$(TEST_SOURCES): checklib -$(TEST_OBJECTS): $(LIB) $(GTEST_SENTINEL) +$(TEST_OBJECTS): | $(GTEST_SENTINEL) -serial_tests: makefile $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config $(OBJ) $(LIB) $(SUB_LIBS) $(TEST_OBJECTS) bout_test_main.a +serial_tests: makefile $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config $(OBJ) $(LIB) checklib \ + $(SUB_LIBS) $(TEST_OBJECTS) bout_test_main.a @echo " Linking tests" @$(LD) -o $@ $(TEST_OBJECTS) bout_test_main.a $(LDFLAGS) $(BOUT_LIBS) $(SUB_LIBS) +# Override this on the command line to print full output from the unit tests +QUIET ?= ./quiet.sh + # Note: This depends on GTEST_SENTINEL, which checks out Google Test if not present # The correct behaviour relies on the dependencies being checked in left-to-right order # The GTEST_SENTINEL dependency cannot be added to the %.o target, since this results in the %.o # target in make.config being used instead. check: $(GTEST_SENTINEL) serial_tests @echo "Running unit test" - @./quiet.sh ./serial_tests + @$(QUIET) ./serial_tests $(GTEST_ARGS) # This is the same target as a make rule in make.config. Adding unmet dependencies here # results in makefile reverting to the make.config version. diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/data/test_gridfromoptions.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/data/test_gridfromoptions.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0efa5be4b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/data/test_gridfromoptions.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "options.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/constants.hxx" +#include "bout/griddata.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +class GridFromOptionsTest : public ::testing::Test { +public: + GridFromOptionsTest() { + + mesh_from_options.StaggerGrids = true; + mesh_from_options.xstart = 2; + mesh_from_options.xend = nx - 3; + mesh_from_options.ystart = 2; + mesh_from_options.yend = ny - 3; + + mesh_from_options.createDefaultRegions(); + + griddata = new GridFromOptions(&options); + mesh_from_options.setGridDataSource(griddata); + + output_info.disable(); + output_progress.disable(); + output_warn.disable(); + options["f"] = expected_string; + + // modify mesh section in global options + options["dx"] = "1."; + options["dy"] = "1."; + options["g11"] = expected_string + " + 5."; + options["g22"] = expected_string + " + 4."; + options["g33"] = expected_string + " + 3."; + options["g12"] = expected_string + " + 2."; + options["g13"] = expected_string + " + 1."; + options["g23"] = expected_string; + + mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(); + + // We need a parallel transform as FieldFactory::create3D wants to + // un-field-align the result + mesh_from_options.getCoordinates()->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(mesh_from_options)); + + expected_2d = makeField( + [](Field2D::ind_type& index) { + return index.x() + (TWOPI * index.y()) + (TWOPI * index.z() / nz) + 3; + }, + &mesh_from_options); + + expected_3d = makeField( + [](Field3D::ind_type& index) { + return index.x() + (TWOPI * index.y()) + (TWOPI * index.z() / nz) + 3; + }, + &mesh_from_options); + } + + ~GridFromOptionsTest() override { + Options::cleanup(); + output_info.enable(); + output_progress.enable(); + output_warn.enable(); + // note GridFromOptions* griddata will be deleted by the ~Mesh() destructor + } + + static const int nx{9}; + static const int ny{11}; + static const int nz{5}; + + std::shared_ptr test_coords; + Options options; + GridFromOptions* griddata{nullptr}; + std::string expected_string{"x + y + z + 3"}; + Field2D expected_2d; + Field3D expected_3d; + FakeMesh mesh_from_options{nx, ny, nz}; +}; + +// higher tolerance used when field values are ~50 +static constexpr BoutReal this_tolerance{1e-13}; + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, HasVar) { + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->hasVar("f")); + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->hasVar("non-existent")); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetString) { + std::string result{"wrong"}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f")); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected_string); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetStringNone) { + std::string result{"wrong"}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent")); + EXPECT_EQ(result, std::string{}); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetInt) { + int result{-1}; + int expected{3}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f")); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetIntNone) { + int result{-1}; + int expected{0}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent")); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetBoutReal) { + BoutReal result{-1.}; + BoutReal expected{3.}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f")); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetBoutRealNone) { + BoutReal result{-1.}; + BoutReal expected{0}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent")); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetField2D) { + Field2D result{&mesh_from_options}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected_2d)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetField2DNone) { + Field2D result{&mesh_from_options}; + BoutReal expected{0.}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetField2DNoneWithDefault) { + Field2D result{&mesh_from_options}; + BoutReal default_value{-32}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", default_value)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, default_value)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetField3D) { + Field3D result{&mesh_from_options}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected_3d)); + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 0.)); + + BoutReal default_value{-64}; + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", default_value)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, default_value)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetField3DNone) { + Field3D result{&mesh_from_options}; + BoutReal expected{0.}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetField3DNoneWithDefault) { + Field3D result{&mesh_from_options}; + BoutReal default_value{-64}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", default_value)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, default_value)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorInt) { + // Getting a vector from GridFromOptions is not currently implemented + std::vector result{}; + //std::vector expected{3, 3, 3}; + + EXPECT_THROW(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", 3), BoutException); + //EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorIntNone) { + std::vector result{-1, -1, -1}; + std::vector expected{}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", 3)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealX) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11.}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", nx)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealXOffset) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11., 12.}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", nx, 1, GridDataSource::Direction::X)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealXMeshOffset) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.}; + + mesh_from_options.OffsetX = 1; + mesh_from_options.OffsetY = 100; + mesh_from_options.OffsetZ = 100; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", nx, 0, GridDataSource::Direction::X)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealXNone) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector default_expected{}; + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", nx)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, default_expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealY) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3., 3. + TWOPI, 3. + (2. * TWOPI), 3. + (3. * TWOPI), + 3. + (4. * TWOPI), 3. + (5. * TWOPI), 3. + (6. * TWOPI), + 3. + (7. * TWOPI), 3. + (8. * TWOPI), 3. + (9. * TWOPI), + 3. + (10. * TWOPI)}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", ny, 0, GridDataSource::Direction::Y)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealYOffset) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3. + TWOPI, 3. + (2. * TWOPI), 3. + (3. * TWOPI), + 3. + (4. * TWOPI), 3. + (5. * TWOPI), 3. + (6. * TWOPI), + 3. + (7. * TWOPI), 3. + (8. * TWOPI), 3. + (9. * TWOPI), + 3. + (10. * TWOPI), 3. + (11. * TWOPI)}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", ny, 1, GridDataSource::Direction::Y)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealYMeshOffset) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3. - TWOPI, 3., 3. + TWOPI, 3. + (2. * TWOPI), + 3. + (3. * TWOPI), 3. + (4. * TWOPI), 3. + (5. * TWOPI), + 3. + (6. * TWOPI), 3. + (7. * TWOPI), 3. + (8. * TWOPI), + 3. + (9. * TWOPI)}; + + mesh_from_options.OffsetX = 100; + mesh_from_options.OffsetY = 1; + mesh_from_options.OffsetZ = 100; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", ny, 0, GridDataSource::Direction::Y)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealYNone) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector default_expected{}; + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", ny)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, default_expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealZ) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3., + 3. + (1. * TWOPI / nz), + 3. + (2. * TWOPI / nz), + 3. + (3. * TWOPI / nz), + 3. + (4. * TWOPI / nz)}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", nz, 0, GridDataSource::Direction::Z)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealZOffset) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3. + (1. * TWOPI / nz), 3. + (2. * TWOPI / nz), + 3. + (3. * TWOPI / nz), 3. + (4. * TWOPI / nz), + 3. + (5. * TWOPI / nz)}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", nz, 1, GridDataSource::Direction::Z)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealZMeshOffset) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector expected{3. + (-1. * TWOPI / nz), 3., + 3. + (1. * TWOPI / nz), 3. + (2. * TWOPI / nz), + 3. + (3. * TWOPI / nz)}; + + mesh_from_options.OffsetX = 100; + mesh_from_options.OffsetY = 100; + mesh_from_options.OffsetZ = 1; + + EXPECT_TRUE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "f", nz, 0, GridDataSource::Direction::Z)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, GetVectorBoutRealZNone) { + std::vector result{}; + std::vector default_expected{}; + EXPECT_FALSE(griddata->get(&mesh_from_options, result, "non-existent", nz)); + EXPECT_EQ(result, default_expected); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesCentre) { + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(); + + mesh_from_options.communicate(expected_2d); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_2d + 5.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_2d + 4.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_2d + 3.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_2d + 2.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_2d + 1.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_2d)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesZlow) { + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); + + mesh_from_options.communicate(expected_2d); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_2d + 5.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_2d + 4.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_2d + 3.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_2d + 2.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_2d + 1.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_2d)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesXlowInterp) { + // *_xlow fields not present in options, Coordinates will be interpolated + // from CELL_CENTRE + + // make the mesh have boundaries to avoid NaNs in guard cells after interpolating + mesh_from_options.createBoundaries(); + + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); + + Field2D expected_xlow = makeField( + [](Field2D::ind_type& index) { + return index.x() - 0.5 + (TWOPI * index.y()) + (TWOPI * index.z() / nz) + 3; + }, + &mesh_from_options); + + mesh_from_options.communicate(expected_xlow); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_xlow + 5., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_xlow + 4., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_xlow + 3., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_xlow + 2., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_xlow + 1., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_xlow, "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesXlowRead) { + // *_xlow fields added to options, will be read to initialise Coordinates + + // Note '(9 - x)' here because FakeMesh::GlobalX(int jx) returns jx, not a + // global position between 0 and 1 (in grid cells, <0 or >1 in boundaries), + // like a Mesh is supposed to. + std::string expected_string_xlow{"(9 - x) + y + 3"}; + + // modify mesh section in global options + options["dx_xlow"] = "1."; + options["dy_xlow"] = "1."; + options["g11_xlow"] = expected_string_xlow + " + 5."; + options["g22_xlow"] = expected_string_xlow + " + 4."; + options["g33_xlow"] = expected_string_xlow + " + 3."; + options["g12_xlow"] = expected_string_xlow + " + 2."; + options["g13_xlow"] = expected_string_xlow + " + 1."; + options["g23_xlow"] = expected_string_xlow; + + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); + + Field2D expected_xlow = makeField( + [](Field2D::ind_type& index) { + return (nx - index.x()) + (TWOPI * index.y()) + (TWOPI * index.z() / nz) + 3; + }, + &mesh_from_options); + + mesh_from_options.communicate(expected_xlow); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_xlow + 5.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_xlow + 4.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_xlow + 3.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_xlow + 2.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_xlow + 1.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_xlow)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesYlowInterp) { + // *_ylow fields not present in options, Coordinates will be interpolated + // from CELL_CENTRE + + // make the mesh have boundaries to avoid NaNs in guard cells after interpolating + mesh_from_options.createBoundaries(); + + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(CELL_XLOW); + + Field2D expected_ylow = makeField( + [](Field2D::ind_type& index) { + return index.x() + (TWOPI * index.y() - 0.5) + (TWOPI * index.z() / nz) + 3; + }, + &mesh_from_options); + + mesh_from_options.communicate(expected_ylow); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_ylow + 5., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_ylow + 4., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_ylow + 3., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_ylow + 2., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_ylow + 1., "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_ylow, "RGN_NOBNDRY", this_tolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesYlowRead) { + // *_ylow fields added to options, will be read to initialise Coordinates + + // Note '(2*pi*11 - y)' here because FakeMesh::GlobalY(int jy) returns jy, not a + // global position between 0 and 1 (in grid cells, <0 or >1 in boundaries), + // like a Mesh is supposed to. That means 'y' in input expressions varies + // between 0 and 2*pi*ny. + std::string expected_string_ylow{"x + (2*pi*11 - y) + 3"}; + + // modify mesh section in global options + options["dx_ylow"] = "1."; + options["dy_ylow"] = "1."; + options["g11_ylow"] = expected_string_ylow + " + 5."; + options["g22_ylow"] = expected_string_ylow + " + 4."; + options["g33_ylow"] = expected_string_ylow + " + 3."; + options["g12_ylow"] = expected_string_ylow + " + 2."; + options["g13_ylow"] = expected_string_ylow + " + 1."; + options["g23_ylow"] = expected_string_ylow; + + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(CELL_YLOW); + + Field2D expected_ylow = makeField( + [](Field2D::ind_type& index) { + return index.x() + (TWOPI * (ny - index.y())) + (TWOPI * index.z() / nz) + 3; + }, + &mesh_from_options); + + mesh_from_options.communicate(expected_ylow); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_ylow + 5., "RGN_ALL", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_ylow + 4., "RGN_ALL", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_ylow + 3., "RGN_ALL", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_ylow + 2., "RGN_ALL", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_ylow + 1., "RGN_ALL", this_tolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_ylow, "RGN_ALL", this_tolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(GridFromOptionsTest, CoordinatesZlowRead) { + // Grids are axisymmetric, so CELL_ZLOW Coordinates will be read from + // CELL_CENTRE variables + + auto coords = mesh_from_options.getCoordinates(CELL_ZLOW); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g11, expected_2d + 5.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g22, expected_2d + 4.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g33, expected_2d + 3.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g12, expected_2d + 2.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g13, expected_2d + 1.)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords->g23, expected_2d)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/parallel/test_shiftedmetric.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/parallel/test_shiftedmetric.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9fb0c421f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/parallel/test_shiftedmetric.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "fft.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" + +#ifdef BOUT_HAS_FFTW +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +class ShiftedMetricTest : public ::testing::Test { +public: + ShiftedMetricTest() { + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + + delete mesh; + mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + + // Use two y-guards to test multiple parallel slices + mesh->ystart = 2; + mesh->yend = mesh->LocalNy - 3; + + mesh->createDefaultRegions(); + + zShift = Field2D{mesh}; + + fillField(zShift, {{1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7.}, + {2., 4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14.}, + {3., 6., 9., 12., 15., 18., 21.}}); + + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(std::make_shared( + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false)); + + auto coords = mesh->getCoordinates(); + coords->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh, CELL_CENTRE, zShift, + coords->zlength())); + + Field3D input_temp{mesh}; + + // input values have been slightly shuffled to ensure that input is not + // constant in y, as this can hide bugs. Shuffling also means the rows are + // different by something that is not a shift in the z-direction to ensure + // that this also cannot hide bugs. + fillField(input_temp, {{{1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {1., 3., 2., 4., 5.}, + {1., 2., 4., 3., 5.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}}, + + {{2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {1., 3., 2., 4., 5.}, + {1., 2., 4., 3., 5.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {1., 3., 2., 4., 5.}}, + + {{1., 3., 2., 4., 5.}, + {1., 2., 4., 3., 5.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {1., 3., 2., 4., 5.}, + {1., 2., 4., 3., 5.}}}); + + input = std::move(input_temp); + } + + virtual ~ShiftedMetricTest() { + delete mesh; + mesh = nullptr; + } + + static constexpr int nx = 3; + static constexpr int ny = 7; + static constexpr int nz = 5; + + Field2D zShift; + Field3D input; +}; + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, ToFieldAligned) { + Field3D expected{mesh}; + expected.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + fillField(expected, {{{2., 3., 4., 5., 1.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {2., 3., 4., 5., 1.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}}, + + {{3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {5., 4., 1., 2., 3.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}}, + + {{4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {4., 1., 2., 3., 5.}, + {3., 4., 5., 1., 2.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}}}); + + Field3D result = toFieldAligned(input); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_ALL", + FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(fromFieldAligned(result), input)); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(result, expected)); + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(result, input)); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, FromFieldAligned) { + // reset input.yDirectionType so that fromFieldAligned is not a null + // operation + input.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + Field3D expected{mesh, CELL_CENTRE}; + expected.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Standard); + + fillField(expected, {{{5., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {2., 4., 5., 1., 3.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {5., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}}, + + {{4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {3., 2., 4., 5., 1.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {3., 5., 4., 1., 2.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {3., 2., 4., 5., 1.}}, + + {{2., 4., 5., 1., 3.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {2., 3., 5., 4., 1.}, + {4., 5., 1., 2., 3.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {2., 4., 5., 1., 3.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}}}); + + Field3D result = fromFieldAligned(input); + + // Loosen tolerance a bit due to FFTs + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, expected, "RGN_ALL", + FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(toFieldAligned(result), input)); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(result, expected)); + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(result, input)); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, FromToFieldAligned) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(fromFieldAligned(toFieldAligned(input)), input, "RGN_ALL", + FFTTolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, ToFromFieldAligned) { + input.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(toFieldAligned(fromFieldAligned(input)), input, "RGN_ALL", + FFTTolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, ToFieldAlignedFieldPerp) { + Field3D expected{mesh}; + expected.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + fillField(expected, {{{2., 3., 4., 5., 1.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {2., 3., 4., 5., 1.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}}, + + {{3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {5., 4., 1., 2., 3.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}}, + + {{4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {4., 1., 2., 3., 5.}, + {3., 4., 5., 1., 2.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}}}); + + FieldPerp result = toFieldAligned(sliceXZ(input, 3), "RGN_NOX"); + + // Note that the region argument does not do anything for FieldPerp, as + // FieldPerp does not have a getRegion2D() method. Values are never set in + // the x-guard or x-boundary cells + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, sliceXZ(expected, 3), "RGN_NOBNDRY", FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(fromFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOX"), sliceXZ(input, 3), + "RGN_NOBNDRY", FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(result, sliceXZ(expected, 3))); + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(result, sliceXZ(input, 3))); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, FromFieldAlignedFieldPerp) { + // reset input.yDirectionType so that fromFieldAligned is not a null + // operation + input.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + Field3D expected{mesh, CELL_CENTRE}; + expected.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Standard); + + fillField(expected, {{{5., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {2., 4., 5., 1., 3.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {1., 2., 3., 5., 4.}, + {5., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}}, + + {{4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {3., 2., 4., 5., 1.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {3., 5., 4., 1., 2.}, + {1., 2., 3., 4., 5.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {3., 2., 4., 5., 1.}}, + + {{2., 4., 5., 1., 3.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {2., 3., 5., 4., 1.}, + {4., 5., 1., 2., 3.}, + {2., 1., 3., 4., 5.}, + {2., 4., 5., 1., 3.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}}}); + + FieldPerp result = fromFieldAligned(sliceXZ(input, 4), "RGN_NOX"); + + // Note that the region argument does not do anything for FieldPerp, as + // FieldPerp does not have a getRegion2D() method. Values are never set in + // the x-guard or x-boundary cells + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, sliceXZ(expected, 4), "RGN_NOBNDRY", FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(toFieldAligned(result, "RGN_NOX"), sliceXZ(input, 4), "RGN_NOBNDRY", + FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(areFieldsCompatible(result, sliceXZ(expected, 4))); + EXPECT_FALSE(areFieldsCompatible(result, sliceXZ(input, 4))); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, FromToFieldAlignedFieldPerp) { + // Note that the region argument does not do anything for FieldPerp, as + // FieldPerp does not have a getRegion2D() method. Values are never set in + // the x-guard or x-boundary cells + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual( + fromFieldAligned(toFieldAligned(sliceXZ(input, 2), "RGN_NOX"), "RGN_NOX"), + sliceXZ(input, 2), "RGN_NOBNDRY", FFTTolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, ToFromFieldAlignedFieldPerp) { + // Note that the region argument does not do anything for FieldPerp, as + // FieldPerp does not have a getRegion2D() method. Values are never set in + // the x-guard or x-boundary cells + input.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual( + toFieldAligned(fromFieldAligned(sliceXZ(input, 6), "RGN_NOX"), "RGN_NOX"), + sliceXZ(input, 6), "RGN_NOBNDRY", FFTTolerance)); +} + +TEST_F(ShiftedMetricTest, CalcParallelSlices) { + // We don't shift in the guard cells, and the parallel slices are + // stored offset in y, therefore we need to make new regions that we + // can compare the expected and actual outputs over + output_info.disable(); + mesh->addRegion3D("RGN_YUP", + Region(0, mesh->LocalNx - 1, mesh->ystart + 1, mesh->yend + 1, + 0, mesh->LocalNz - 1, mesh->LocalNy, mesh->LocalNz)); + mesh->addRegion3D("RGN_YUP2", + Region(0, mesh->LocalNx - 1, mesh->ystart + 2, mesh->yend + 2, + 0, mesh->LocalNz - 1, mesh->LocalNy, mesh->LocalNz)); + + mesh->addRegion3D("RGN_YDOWN", + Region(0, mesh->LocalNx - 1, mesh->ystart - 1, mesh->yend - 1, + 0, mesh->LocalNz - 1, mesh->LocalNy, mesh->LocalNz)); + mesh->addRegion3D("RGN_YDOWN2", + Region(0, mesh->LocalNx - 1, mesh->ystart - 2, mesh->yend - 2, + 0, mesh->LocalNz - 1, mesh->LocalNy, mesh->LocalNz)); + output_info.enable(); + + // Actual interesting bit here! + input.getCoordinates()->getParallelTransform().calcParallelSlices(input); + // Expected output values + + Field3D expected_up_1{mesh}; + + // Note: here zeroes are for values we don't expect to read + fillField(expected_up_1, {{{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {2., 3., 5., 4., 1.}, + {2., 3., 4., 5., 1.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}, + + {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {3., 5., 4., 1., 2.}, + {3., 4., 5., 1., 2.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}, + + {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {4., 5., 1., 2., 3.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}}); + + Field3D expected_up_2{mesh}; + + fillField(expected_up_2, {{{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {3., 5., 4., 1., 2.}, + {3., 4., 5., 1., 2.}, + {3., 4., 5., 2., 1.}}, + + {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {5., 1., 2., 3., 4.}, + {5., 2., 1., 3., 4.}, + {5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}}, + + {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {1., 3., 4., 5., 2.}, + {3., 2., 4., 5., 1.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}}}); + + Field3D expected_down_1{mesh}; + + fillField(expected_down_1, {{{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {5., 2., 1., 3., 4.}, + {5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}, + + {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {3., 5., 1., 2., 4.}, + {5., 4., 1., 2., 3.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}, + + {{0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {4., 3., 5., 1., 2.}, + {3., 5., 4., 1., 2.}, + {3., 4., 5., 1., 2.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}}); + + Field3D expected_down2{mesh}; + + fillField(expected_down2, {{{4., 5., 1., 2., 3.}, + {4., 5., 2., 1., 3.}, + {4., 5., 1., 3., 2.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}, + + {{1., 3., 4., 5., 2.}, + {3., 2., 4., 5., 1.}, + {2., 4., 3., 5., 1.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}, + + {{5., 1., 3., 2., 4.}, + {5., 1., 2., 4., 3.}, + {4., 1., 2., 3., 5.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}, + {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}}}); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(input.ynext(1), expected_up_1, "RGN_YUP", FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(input.ynext(2), expected_up_2, "RGN_YUP2", FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(input.ynext(-1), expected_down_1, "RGN_YDOWN", FFTTolerance)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(input.ynext(-2), expected_down2, "RGN_YDOWN2", FFTTolerance)); +} +#endif diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/test_boundary_factory.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/test_boundary_factory.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fced8be432 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/test_boundary_factory.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "boundary_factory.hxx" +#include "boundary_region.hxx" + +#include "test_extras.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ +extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; + +class TestBoundary : public BoundaryOp { +public: + BoundaryOp *clone(BoundaryRegion *UNUSED(region), const std::list &args, + const std::map &keywords) override { + auto *testboundary = new TestBoundary(); + testboundary->args = args; + testboundary->keywords = keywords; + return testboundary; + } + std::list args; + std::map keywords; + + void apply(Field2D &UNUSED(f)) override {} + void apply(Field3D &UNUSED(f)) override {} +}; + +class BoundaryFactoryTest : public ::testing::Test { +public: + BoundaryFactoryTest() { + delete mesh; + mesh = new FakeMesh(3, 3, 3); + + fac->add(new TestBoundary(), "testboundary"); + + region = new BoundaryRegionXIn{"test_region", 0, 1, mesh}; + } + + virtual ~BoundaryFactoryTest() { + delete mesh; + mesh = nullptr; + + delete region; + BoundaryFactory::cleanup(); + + delete boundary; + } + + BoundaryFactory* fac{BoundaryFactory::getInstance()}; + BoundaryRegionXIn* region{nullptr}; + BoundaryOpBase* boundary{nullptr}; +}; + +TEST_F(BoundaryFactoryTest, IsSingleton) { + BoundaryFactory* fac1 = BoundaryFactory::getInstance(); + BoundaryFactory* fac2 = BoundaryFactory::getInstance(); + + EXPECT_EQ(fac1, fac2); +} + +TEST_F(BoundaryFactoryTest, CreateTestBoundaryNoBrackets) { + boundary = fac->create("testboundary", region); + + EXPECT_TRUE(boundary != nullptr); + + EXPECT_EQ(typeid(*boundary), typeid(TestBoundary)); +} + +TEST_F(BoundaryFactoryTest, CreateTestBoundaryPositionalArguments) { + boundary = fac->create("testboundary(a, 1)", region); + EXPECT_TRUE(boundary != nullptr); + + auto* tb = dynamic_cast(boundary); + + EXPECT_EQ(tb->args.size(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->args.front(), "a"); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->args.back(), "1"); + EXPECT_TRUE(tb->keywords.empty()); +} + +TEST_F(BoundaryFactoryTest, CreateTestBoundaryKeywords) { + boundary = fac->create("testboundary(key=1, b=value)", region); + EXPECT_TRUE(boundary != nullptr); + + auto* tb = dynamic_cast(boundary); + + EXPECT_TRUE(tb->args.empty()); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->keywords.size(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->keywords.at("key"), "1"); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->keywords.at("b"), "value"); +} + +TEST_F(BoundaryFactoryTest, CreateTestBoundaryPositionalArgumentsAndKeywords) { + boundary = fac->create( + "testboundary(0.23, key =1+2 , something(),b=value ,a + sin(1.2))", region); + EXPECT_TRUE(boundary != nullptr); + + auto* tb = dynamic_cast(boundary); + + std::list args_expected = {"0.23", "something()", "a + sin(1.2)"}; + + EXPECT_EQ(tb->args, args_expected); + + EXPECT_EQ(tb->keywords.size(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->keywords.at("key"), "1+2"); + EXPECT_EQ(tb->keywords.at("b"), "value"); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/test_boutmesh.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/test_boutmesh.cxx index 3510bffacf..3c218a5131 100644 --- a/tests/unit/mesh/test_boutmesh.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/test_boutmesh.cxx @@ -1,46 +1,33 @@ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "../src/mesh/impls/bout/boutmesh.hxx" -#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "options.hxx" #include "output.hxx" -#include "unused.hxx" +#include "bout/griddata.hxx" -class FakeGridDataSource : public GridDataSource { -public: - FakeGridDataSource(){}; - ~FakeGridDataSource(){}; - bool hasVar(const string &UNUSED(name)) { return false; }; - bool get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), int &UNUSED(ival), const string &UNUSED(name)) { - return true; - }; - bool get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), BoutReal &UNUSED(rval), const string &UNUSED(name)) { - return true; - } - bool get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), Field2D &UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), - BoutReal UNUSED(def) = 0.0) { - return true; - } - bool get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), Field3D &UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), - BoutReal UNUSED(def) = 0.0) { - return true; - } - bool get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), - int UNUSED(len), int UNUSED(offset) = 0, - Direction UNUSED(dir) = GridDataSource::X) { - return true; - } - bool get(Mesh *UNUSED(m), vector &UNUSED(var), const string &UNUSED(name), - int UNUSED(len), int UNUSED(offset) = 0, - Direction UNUSED(dir) = GridDataSource::X) { - return true; - } -}; +#include "test_extras.hxx" TEST(BoutMeshTest, NullOptionsCheck) { - // Temporarily turn off outputs to make test quiet - output_info.disable(); - output_warn.disable(); + WithQuietOutput info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput warn{output_warn}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(BoutMesh mesh(new FakeGridDataSource, nullptr)); - output_info.enable(); - output_warn.enable(); +} + +// Not a great test as it's not specific to the thing we want to test, +// and also takes a whopping ~300ms! +TEST(BoutMeshTest, SingleCoreDecomposition) { + WithQuietOutput info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput warn{output_warn}; + WithQuietOutput progress{output_progress}; + + Options options{}; + options["ny"] = 1; + options["nx"] = 4; + options["nz"] = 1; + options["MXG"] = 1; + options["MYG"] = 0; + + BoutMesh mesh{new GridFromOptions{&options}, &options}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(mesh.load()); } diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/test_coordinates.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/test_coordinates.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4ce7b04fd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/test_coordinates.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/coordinates.hxx" +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "output.hxx" + +#include "test_extras.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} +} // namespace bout + +using bout::globals::mesh; + +using CoordinatesTest = FakeMeshFixture; + +TEST_F(CoordinatesTest, ZLength) { + Coordinates coords{ + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false}; + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(coords.zlength(), 7.0); +} + +TEST_F(CoordinatesTest, Jacobian) { + Coordinates coords{ + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(coords.jacobian()); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.J, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.Bxy, 1.0)); +} + +TEST_F(CoordinatesTest, CalcContravariant) { + Coordinates coords{ + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false}; + + output_info.disable(); + coords.calcCovariant(); + output_info.enable(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g_11, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g_22, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g_33, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g_12, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g_13, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g_23, 0.0)); +} + +TEST_F(CoordinatesTest, CalcCovariant) { + Coordinates coords{ + mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, false}; + + output_info.disable(); + coords.calcContravariant(); + output_info.enable(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g11, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g22, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g33, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g12, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g13, 0.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(coords.g23, 0.0)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/test_interpolation.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/test_interpolation.cxx index 9f9406358c..27df2c62ed 100644 --- a/tests/unit/mesh/test_interpolation.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/test_interpolation.cxx @@ -19,7 +19,14 @@ /////// /// Global mesh +namespace bout{ +namespace globals{ extern Mesh *mesh; +} // namespace globals +} // namespace bout + +// The unit tests use the global mesh +using namespace bout::globals; /// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one class Field3DInterpToTest : public ::testing::Test { @@ -42,22 +49,34 @@ class Field3DInterpToTest : public ::testing::Test { } static void SetUpTestCase() { - // Delete any existing mesh - if (mesh != nullptr) { - delete mesh; - mesh = nullptr; - } + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + delete mesh; mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); mesh->StaggerGrids = true; mesh->xstart = 2; mesh->ystart = 2; mesh->xend = nx - 3; mesh->yend = ny - 3; - mesh->setParallelTransform( - std::unique_ptr(new ParallelTransformIdentity())); - output_info.disable(); + mesh->createDefaultRegions(); - output_info.enable(); + + // We need Coordinates so a parallel transform is available as + // FieldFactory::create3D wants to un-field-align the result + for (const auto& location + : std::list{CELL_CENTRE, CELL_XLOW, CELL_YLOW, CELL_ZLOW}) { + + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr, location); + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(std::make_shared( + mesh, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, + Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, false), + location); + mesh->getCoordinates(location)->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh)); + } } static void TearDownTestCase() { @@ -94,7 +113,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, CellCentreToXlowNoBndry) { // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_XLOW input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - output = interp_to(input, CELL_XLOW, RGN_NOBNDRY); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_XLOW, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_XLOW); EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 1.95, 1.e-15); } @@ -116,7 +135,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, CellXlowToCentreNoBndry) { // CELL_XLOW -> CELL_CENTRE input.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); - output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, RGN_NOBNDRY); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 1.65, 1.e-15); } @@ -138,7 +157,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, CellCentreToYlowNoBndry) { // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_YLOW input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - output = interp_to(input, CELL_YLOW, RGN_NOBNDRY); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_YLOW, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 2.825, 1.e-15); } @@ -160,8 +179,56 @@ TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, CellYlowToCentreNoBndry) { // CELL_YLOW -> CELL_CENTRE input.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); - output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, RGN_NOBNDRY); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 2.525, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, AlignedCellCentreToYlow) { + + Field3D output = Field3D(mesh); + + // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_YLOW + input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE).setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_YLOW); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 2.825, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, AlignedCellCentreToYlowNoBndry) { + + Field3D output = Field3D(mesh); + + // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_YLOW + input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE).setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_YLOW, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 2.825, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, AlignedCellYlowToCentre) { + + Field3D output = Field3D(mesh); + + // CELL_YLOW -> CELL_CENTRE + input.setLocation(CELL_YLOW).setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 2.525, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, AlignedCellYlowToCentreNoBndry) { + + Field3D output = Field3D(mesh); + + // CELL_YLOW -> CELL_CENTRE + input.setLocation(CELL_YLOW).setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 2.525, 1.e-15); } @@ -182,7 +249,7 @@ TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, CellCentreToZlowNoBndry) { // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_ZLOW input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); - output = interp_to(input, CELL_ZLOW, RGN_NOBNDRY); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_ZLOW, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_ZLOW); EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 3.7, 1.e-15); } @@ -204,7 +271,158 @@ TEST_F(Field3DInterpToTest, CellZlowToCentreNoBndry) { // CELL_XLOW -> CELL_CENTRE input.setLocation(CELL_ZLOW); - output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, RGN_NOBNDRY); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2, 2), 3.4, 1.e-15); } + +class Field2DInterpToTest : public ::testing::Test { +protected: + Field2DInterpToTest() : input(mesh) { + input = 0.; + input(2, 2) = 2.; + input(1, 2) = 1.8; + input(0, 2) = 1.7; + input(3, 2) = 1.3; + input(4, 2) = 1.5; + input(2, 1) = 3.8; + input(2, 0) = 3.7; + input(2, 3) = 3.3; + input(2, 4) = 3.5; + } + + static void SetUpTestCase() { + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + delete mesh; + mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + mesh->StaggerGrids = true; + mesh->xstart = 2; + mesh->ystart = 2; + mesh->xend = nx - 3; + mesh->yend = ny - 3; + + mesh->createDefaultRegions(); + + // We need Coordinates so a parallel transform is available as + // FieldFactory::create3D wants to un-field-align the result + for (const auto& location + : std::list{CELL_CENTRE, CELL_XLOW, CELL_YLOW, CELL_ZLOW}) { + + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr, location); + static_cast(mesh)->setCoordinates(std::make_shared( + mesh, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, + Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{1.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, Field2D{0.0, mesh}, false), + location); + mesh->getCoordinates(location)->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh)); + } + } + + static void TearDownTestCase() { + delete mesh; + mesh = nullptr; + } + + Field2D input; + +public: + static const int nx; + static const int ny; + static const int nz; +}; + +const int Field2DInterpToTest::nx = 5; +const int Field2DInterpToTest::ny = 5; +const int Field2DInterpToTest::nz = 7; + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellCentreToXlow) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_XLOW + input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 1.95, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellCentreToXlowNoBndry) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_XLOW + input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_XLOW, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_XLOW); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 1.95, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellXlowToCentre) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_XLOW -> CELL_CENTRE + input.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 1.65, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellXlowToCentreNoBndry) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_XLOW -> CELL_CENTRE + input.setLocation(CELL_XLOW); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 1.65, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellCentreToYlow) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_YLOW + input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_YLOW); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 2.825, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellCentreToYlowNoBndry) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_CENTRE -> CELL_YLOW + input.setLocation(CELL_CENTRE); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_YLOW, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_YLOW); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 2.825, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellYlowToCentre) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_YLOW -> CELL_CENTRE + input.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 2.525, 1.e-15); +} + +TEST_F(Field2DInterpToTest, CellYlowToCentreNoBndry) { + + Field2D output = Field2D(mesh); + + // CELL_YLOW -> CELL_CENTRE + input.setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + output = interp_to(input, CELL_CENTRE, "RGN_NOBNDRY"); + EXPECT_TRUE(output.getLocation() == CELL_CENTRE); + EXPECT_NEAR(output(2, 2), 2.525, 1.e-15); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/test_mesh.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/test_mesh.cxx index a231f4dcb9..7a6d1bd236 100644 --- a/tests/unit/mesh/test_mesh.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/test_mesh.cxx @@ -9,17 +9,14 @@ /// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake one class MeshTest : public ::testing::Test { -protected: - static void SetUpTestCase() { output_info.disable(); } - - static void TearDownTestCase() { output_info.enable(); } - public: MeshTest() : localmesh(nx, ny, nz) {} static const int nx = 3; static const int ny = 5; static const int nz = 7; FakeMesh localmesh; + + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; }; TEST_F(MeshTest, CreateDefaultRegions) { @@ -157,120 +154,87 @@ TEST_F(MeshTest, Ind3DToPerp) { } } -extern Mesh::deriv_func fDDX, fDDY, fDDZ; ///< Differencing methods for each dimension -extern Mesh::deriv_func fD2DX2, fD2DY2, fD2DZ2; ///< second differential operators -extern Mesh::upwind_func fVDDX, fVDDY, fVDDZ; ///< Upwind functions in the three directions -extern Mesh::flux_func fFDDX, fFDDY, fFDDZ; ///< Default flux functions -extern Mesh::deriv_func sfDDX, sfDDY, sfDDZ; -extern Mesh::deriv_func sfD2DX2, sfD2DY2, sfD2DZ2; -extern Mesh::flux_func sfVDDX, sfVDDY, sfVDDZ; -extern Mesh::flux_func sfFDDX, sfFDDY, sfFDDZ; - -#define RESET \ - fDDX=nullptr; fDDY=nullptr; fDDZ=nullptr; \ - fD2DX2=nullptr; fD2DY2=nullptr; fD2DZ2=nullptr; \ - fVDDX=nullptr; fVDDY=nullptr; fVDDZ=nullptr; \ - fFDDX=nullptr; fFDDY=nullptr; fFDDZ=nullptr; \ - sfDDX=nullptr; sfDDY=nullptr; sfDDZ=nullptr; \ - sfD2DX2=nullptr; sfD2DY2=nullptr; sfD2DZ2=nullptr; \ - sfVDDX=nullptr; sfVDDY=nullptr; sfVDDZ=nullptr; \ - sfFDDX=nullptr; sfFDDY=nullptr; sfFDDZ=nullptr; - - -BoutReal DDX_C2(stencil &f); -BoutReal DDX_C4(stencil &f); -BoutReal DDX_CWENO2(stencil &f); -BoutReal DDX_S2(stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_C2(BoutReal vc, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_C4(BoutReal vc, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_U1(BoutReal vc, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_U2(BoutReal vc, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_U3(BoutReal vc, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_WENO3(BoutReal vc, stencil &f); -BoutReal DDX_CWENO3(stencil &f); -BoutReal FDDX_U1(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal FDDX_C2(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal FDDX_C4(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal DDX_C2_stag(stencil &f); -BoutReal DDX_C4_stag(stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_U1_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_U2_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_C2_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal VDDX_C4_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f); -BoutReal FDDX_U1_stag(stencil &v, stencil &f); - -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesDefault) { - RESET - Options opt; - localmesh.initDerivs(&opt); - EXPECT_EQ(fDDX,&DDX_C2); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDX,&DDX_C2_stag); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetStringNoSource) { + std::string string_value; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(string_value, "no_source"), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(string_value, ""); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesDiff) { - RESET - Options opt; - opt.getSection("diff")->set("first","C4","test"); - localmesh.initDerivs(&opt); - EXPECT_EQ(fDDY,&DDX_C4); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDY,&DDX_C4_stag); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetStringNoSourceWithDefault) { + std::string string_value; + const std::string default_value = "some default"; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(string_value, "no_source", default_value), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(string_value, default_value); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesDiffStag) { - RESET - Options opt; - opt.getSection("diff")->set("first","C2","test"); - opt.getSection("diff")->set("firstStag","C4","test"); - localmesh.initDerivs(&opt); - EXPECT_EQ(fDDZ,&DDX_C2); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDZ,&DDX_C4_stag); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetIntNoSource) { + int int_value; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(int_value, "no_source"), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(int_value, 0); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesDdxBeforeDiff) { - RESET - Options opt; - opt.getSection("diff")->set("firstStag","C4","test"); - opt.getSection("ddx")->set("firstStag","C2","test"); - localmesh.initDerivs(&opt); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDZ,&DDX_C4_stag); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDX,&DDX_C2_stag); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetIntNoSourceWithDefault) { + int int_value; + constexpr int default_value = 42; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(int_value, "no_source", default_value), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(int_value, default_value); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesDiffStagBeforeDDXNone) { - RESET - Options opt; - opt.getSection("diff")->set("firstStag","C4","test"); - opt.getSection("ddx")->set("first","C2","test"); - localmesh.initDerivs(&opt); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDX,&DDX_C4_stag); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetBoutRealNoSource) { + BoutReal boutreal_value; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(boutreal_value, "no_source"), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(boutreal_value, 0.0); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesInvalid) { - RESET - Options opt; - // An invalid but unused option is fine - opt.getSection("diff")->set("firstStag","XXX","test"); - opt.getSection("ddx")->set("firstStag","C2","test"); - opt.getSection("ddy")->set("firstStag","C2","test"); - opt.getSection("ddz")->set("firstStag","C2","test"); - localmesh.initDerivs(&opt); - EXPECT_EQ(sfDDX,&DDX_C2_stag); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetBoutRealNoSourceWithDefault) { + BoutReal boutreal_value; + constexpr BoutReal default_value = 3.14; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(boutreal_value, "no_source", default_value), 0); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(boutreal_value, default_value); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesInvalid2) { - RESET - Options opt; - opt.getSection("diff")->set("firstStag","XXX","test"); - EXPECT_THROW(localmesh.initDerivs(&opt),BoutException); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetField2DNoSource) { + WithQuietOutput warn{output_warn}; + + localmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + localmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + + Field2D field2d_value{&localmesh}; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(field2d_value, "no_source"), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2d_value, 0.0)); } -TEST_F(MeshTest, SetDerivativesInvalid3) { - RESET - Options opt; - // Invalid for this option - expect error - opt.getSection("diff")->set("SecondStag","C4","test"); - EXPECT_THROW(localmesh.initDerivs(&opt),BoutException); +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetField2DNoSourceWithDefault) { + WithQuietOutput warn{output_warn}; + + localmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + localmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + + Field2D field2d_value{&localmesh}; + constexpr BoutReal default_value = 4.2; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(field2d_value, "no_source", default_value), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2d_value, default_value)); } +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetField3DNoSource) { + WithQuietOutput warn{output_warn}; -#undef RESET + localmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + localmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + + Field3D field3d_value{&localmesh}; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(field3d_value, "no_source"), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field3d_value, 0.0)); +} + +TEST_F(MeshTest, GetField3DNoSourceWithDefault) { + WithQuietOutput warn{output_warn}; + + localmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + localmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + + Field3D field3d_value{&localmesh}; + constexpr BoutReal default_value = 4.2; + EXPECT_NE(localmesh.get(field3d_value, "no_source", default_value), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field3d_value, default_value)); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/mesh/test_paralleltransform.cxx b/tests/unit/mesh/test_paralleltransform.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8085107572 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/mesh/test_paralleltransform.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "bout/paralleltransform.hxx" + +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} +} // namespace bout + +using ParallelTransformTest = FakeMeshFixture; + +TEST_F(ParallelTransformTest, IdentityCalcParallelSlices) { + + ParallelTransformIdentity transform{*bout::globals::mesh}; + + Field3D field{1.0}; + + transform.calcParallelSlices(field); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field.yup(), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field.ydown(), 1.0)); +} + +TEST_F(ParallelTransformTest, IdentityCalcTwoParallelSlices) { + + ParallelTransformIdentity transform{*bout::globals::mesh}; + + bout::globals::mesh->ystart = 2; + + Field3D field{1.0}; + + transform.calcParallelSlices(field); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field.yup(0), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field.yup(1), 1.0)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field.ydown(0), 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field.ydown(1), 1.0)); +} + +TEST_F(ParallelTransformTest, IdentityToFieldAligned) { + + ParallelTransformIdentity transform{*bout::globals::mesh}; + + Field3D field{1.0}; + + Field3D result = transform.toFieldAligned(field, "RGN_ALL"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(result.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); +} + +TEST_F(ParallelTransformTest, IdentityFromFieldAligned) { + + ParallelTransformIdentity transform{*bout::globals::mesh}; + + Field3D field{1.0}; + field.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + Field3D result = transform.fromFieldAligned(field, "RGN_ALL"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(result.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); +} + +TEST_F(ParallelTransformTest, IdentityToFieldAlignedFieldPerp) { + + ParallelTransformIdentity transform{*bout::globals::mesh}; + + FieldPerp field{1.0}; + field.setIndex(2); + + FieldPerp result = transform.toFieldAligned(field, "RGN_ALL"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(result.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Aligned); +} + +TEST_F(ParallelTransformTest, IdentityFromFieldAlignedFieldPerp) { + + ParallelTransformIdentity transform{*bout::globals::mesh}; + + FieldPerp field{1.0}; + field.setIndex(2); + field.setDirectionY(YDirectionType::Aligned); + + FieldPerp result = transform.fromFieldAligned(field, "RGN_ALL"); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(result, 1.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(result.getDirectionY() == YDirectionType::Standard); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/solver/test_fakesolver.cxx b/tests/unit/solver/test_fakesolver.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b36241ecd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/solver/test_fakesolver.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#include "test_fakesolver.hxx" + +namespace { +RegisterSolver register_fake_solver("fake_solver"); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/solver/test_fakesolver.hxx b/tests/unit/solver/test_fakesolver.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e175f3a0f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/solver/test_fakesolver.hxx @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +#ifndef FAKESOLVER_H +#define FAKESOLVER_H + +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include + +class FakeSolver : public Solver { +public: + FakeSolver(Options* options) : Solver(options) { has_constraints = true; } + ~FakeSolver() = default; + + int run() override { + run_called = true; + if ((*options)["throw_run"].withDefault(false)) { + throw BoutException("Deliberate exception in FakeSolver::run"); + } + return (*options)["fail_run"].withDefault(0); + } + bool run_called{false}; + + int init(int nout, BoutReal tstep) override { + init_called = true; + if (Solver::init(nout, tstep)) { + return 1; + } + return (*options)["fail_init"].withDefault(0); + } + bool init_called{false}; + + void changeHasConstraints(bool new_value) { has_constraints = new_value; } + + auto listField2DNames() -> std::vector { + std::vector result{}; + std::transform(begin(f2d), end(f2d), std::back_inserter(result), + [](const VarStr& f) { return f.name; }); + return result; + } + + auto listField3DNames() -> std::vector { + std::vector result{}; + std::transform(begin(f3d), end(f3d), std::back_inserter(result), + [](const VarStr& f) { return f.name; }); + return result; + } + + auto listVector2DNames() -> std::vector { + std::vector result{}; + std::transform(begin(v2d), end(v2d), std::back_inserter(result), + [](const VarStr& f) { return f.name; }); + return result; + } + + auto listVector3DNames() -> std::vector { + std::vector result{}; + std::transform(begin(v3d), end(v3d), std::back_inserter(result), + [](const VarStr& f) { return f.name; }); + return result; + } + + // Shims for protected functions + auto getMaxTimestepShim() const -> BoutReal { return max_dt; } + auto getLocalNShim() -> int { return getLocalN(); } + auto haveUserPreconShim() -> bool { return have_user_precon(); } + auto runPreconShim(BoutReal t, BoutReal gamma, BoutReal delta) -> int { + return run_precon(t, gamma, delta); + } + auto globalIndexShim(int local_start) -> Field3D { return globalIndex(local_start); } + auto getMonitorsShim() const -> const std::list& { return getMonitors(); } + auto callMonitorsShim(BoutReal simtime, int iter, int NOUT) -> int { + return call_monitors(simtime, iter, NOUT); + } + auto callTimestepMonitorsShim(BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt) -> int { + return call_timestep_monitors(simtime, lastdt); + } +}; + +#endif // FAKESOLVER_H diff --git a/tests/unit/solver/test_solver.cxx b/tests/unit/solver/test_solver.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fba99fb75e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/solver/test_solver.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,982 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "test_fakesolver.hxx" +#include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include + +namespace { +/// A sentinel value for whether a `FakeMonitor` has been called or not +constexpr static int called_sentinel{-999}; + +/// A `Monitor` that returns a bad value when called past its \p +/// trigger_time_ +class FakeMonitor : public Monitor { +public: + FakeMonitor(BoutReal timestep = -1, BoutReal trigger_time_ = 0.) + : Monitor(timestep), trigger_time(trigger_time_) {} + ~FakeMonitor() = default; + auto call(Solver*, BoutReal time, int iter, int) -> int { + last_called = iter; + return time > trigger_time ? -1 : 0; + } + auto getTimestepShim() -> BoutReal { return getTimestep(); } + auto setTimestepShim(BoutReal timestep) -> void { setTimestep(timestep); } + void cleanup() { cleaned = true; } + + int last_called{called_sentinel}; + bool cleaned{false}; + +private: + BoutReal trigger_time{0.0}; +}; + +} // namespace + +class SolverTest : public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + SolverTest() : FakeMeshFixture() { + Options::root()["field"]["function"] = "1.0"; + Options::root()["field"]["solution"] = "2.0"; + Options::root()["another_field"]["function"] = "3.0"; + Options::root()["another_field"]["solution"] = "4.0"; + Options::root()["vector_x"]["function"] = "5.0"; + Options::root()["vector_y"]["function"] = "6.0"; + Options::root()["vector_z"]["function"] = "7.0"; + Options::root()["another_vectorx"]["function"] = "8.0"; + Options::root()["another_vectory"]["function"] = "9.0"; + Options::root()["another_vectorz"]["function"] = "10.0"; + } + virtual ~SolverTest() { Options::cleanup(); } + + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_progress{output_progress}; +}; + +TEST_F(SolverTest, Create) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options::root()["solver"]["type"] = "fake_solver"; + auto solver = Solver::create(); + + solver->run(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(solver)->run_called); + + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, CreateDefault) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(Solver::create()); + + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, CreateFromOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + options["type"] = "fake_solver"; + auto solver = Solver::create(&options); + + solver->run(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(solver)->run_called); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, CreateFromName) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + constexpr auto fail_run = 13; + Options::root()["solver"]["fail_run"] = fail_run; + auto solver = Solver::create("fake_solver"); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver->run(), fail_run); + + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, CreateFromNameAndOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + constexpr auto fail_run = 13; + Options options; + options["fail_run"] = fail_run; + auto solver = Solver::create("fake_solver", &options); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver->run(), fail_run); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, BadCreate) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options::root()["solver"]["type"] = "bad_solver"; + EXPECT_THROW(Solver::create(), BoutException); + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, BadCreateFromOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + options["type"] = "bad_solver"; + EXPECT_THROW(Solver::create(&options), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, BadCreateFromName) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + EXPECT_THROW(Solver::create("bad_solver"), BoutException); + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, BadCreateFromNameAndOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + EXPECT_THROW(Solver::create("bad_solver", &options), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddField2D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Field2D field1{}, field2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field1, "field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field1, 1.0)); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(field2, "field"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); +#endif + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field2, "another_field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 3.0)); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"field", "another_field"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listField2DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddField2DMMS) { + Options options; + options["mms"] = true; + options["mms_initialise"] = true; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Field2D field1{}, field2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field1, "field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field1, 2.0)); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(field2, "field"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); +#endif + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field2, "another_field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 4.0)); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"field", "another_field"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listField2DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddField3D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Field3D field1{}, field2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field1, "field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field1, 1.0)); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(field2, "field"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); +#endif + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field2, "another_field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 2); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 3.0)); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"field", "another_field"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listField3DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddField3DMMS) { + Options options; + options["mms"] = true; + options["mms_initialise"] = true; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Field3D field1{}, field2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field1, "field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field1, 2.0)); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(field2, "field"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); +#endif + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(field2, "another_field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 2); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(field2, 4.0)); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"field", "another_field"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listField3DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddVector2D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Vector2D vector1{}, vector2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(vector1, "vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector1.x, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector1.y, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector1.z, 7.0)); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(vector2, "vector"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); +#endif + + vector2.covariant = false; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(vector2, "another_vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 6); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 10.0)); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"vector", "another_vector"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listVector2DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddVector3D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Vector3D vector1{}, vector2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(vector1, "vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector1.x, 5.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector1.y, 6.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector1.z, 7.0)); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(vector2, "vector"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 3); +#endif + + vector2.covariant = false; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.add(vector2, "another_vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 6); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.x, 8.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.y, 9.0)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsFieldEqual(vector2.z, 10.0)); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"vector", "another_vector"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listVector3DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, ConstraintField2D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Field2D field1{}, field2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(field1, field1, "field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "field"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, ""), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + + solver.changeHasConstraints(false); + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "some_other_name"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + solver.changeHasConstraints(true); +#endif + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "another_field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 2); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"field", "another_field"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listField2DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, ConstraintField3D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Field3D field1{}, field2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(field1, field1, "field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "field"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, ""), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); + + solver.changeHasConstraints(false); + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "some_other_name"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 1); + solver.changeHasConstraints(true); +#endif + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "another_field")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 2); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"field", "another_field"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listField3DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, ConstraintVector2D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Vector2D vector1{}, vector2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(vector1, vector1, "vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "vector"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, ""), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + + solver.changeHasConstraints(false); + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "some_other_name"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + solver.changeHasConstraints(true); +#endif + + vector2.covariant = false; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "another_vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 6); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 0); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"vector", "another_vector"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listVector2DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, ConstraintVector3D) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Vector3D vector1{}, vector2{}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(vector1, vector1, "vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 3); + +#if CHECK > 0 + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "vector"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 3); + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, ""), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 3); + + solver.changeHasConstraints(false); + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "some_other_name"), BoutException); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 3); + solver.changeHasConstraints(true); +#endif + + vector2.covariant = false; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "another_vector")); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n2Dvars(), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.n3Dvars(), 6); + + const auto expected_names = std::vector{"vector", "another_vector"}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.listVector3DNames(), expected_names); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, NoInitTwice) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.init(0, 0)); + EXPECT_THROW(solver.init(0, 0), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, NoAddAfterInit) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.init(0, 0)); + + Field2D field1{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(field1, "field"), BoutException); + Field3D field2{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(field2, "field"), BoutException); + Vector2D vector1{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(vector1, "vector"), BoutException); + Vector3D vector2{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.add(vector2, "vector"), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, NoConstraintsAfterInit) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.init(0, 0)); + + Field2D field1{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field1, field1, "field"), BoutException); + Field3D field2{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(field2, field2, "field"), BoutException); + Vector2D vector1{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector1, vector1, "vector"), BoutException); + Vector3D vector2{}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.constraint(vector2, vector2, "vector"), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SplitOperator) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(solver.splitOperator()); + + rhsfunc fake_rhs = [](BoutReal) -> int { return 0; }; + solver.setSplitOperator(fake_rhs, fake_rhs); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.splitOperator()); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, ResetInternalFields) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.resetInternalFields(), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SetMaxTimestep) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + auto expected = 4.5; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.setMaxTimestep(expected)); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.getMaxTimestepShim(), expected); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, GetCurrentTimestep) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.getCurrentTimestep(), 0.0); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, HasConstraints) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.constraints()); + + solver.changeHasConstraints(false); + + EXPECT_FALSE(solver.constraints()); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, GetLocalN) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["field2"]["evolve_bndry"] = true; + Options::root()["field4"]["evolve_bndry"] = true; + Options::root()["input"]["transform_from_field_aligned"] = false; + + constexpr auto localmesh_nx = 5; + constexpr auto localmesh_ny = 7; + constexpr auto localmesh_nz = 9; + + FakeMesh localmesh{localmesh_nx, localmesh_ny, localmesh_nz}; + localmesh.createDefaultRegions(); + localmesh.createBoundaryRegions(); + localmesh.setCoordinates(nullptr); + + Field2D field1{bout::globals::mesh}; + Field2D field2{&localmesh}; + Field3D field3{&localmesh}; + Field3D field4{bout::globals::mesh}; + + solver.add(field1, "field1"); + solver.add(field2, "field2"); + solver.add(field3, "field3"); + solver.add(field4, "field4"); + + solver.init(0, 0); + + static_cast(field1.getMesh())->createBoundaryRegions(); + + constexpr auto globalmesh_nx_no_boundry = SolverTest::nx - 2; + constexpr auto globalmesh_ny_no_boundry = SolverTest::ny - 2; + constexpr auto localmesh_nx_no_boundry = localmesh_nx - 2; + constexpr auto localmesh_ny_no_boundry = localmesh_ny - 2; + constexpr auto expected_total = + (globalmesh_nx_no_boundry * globalmesh_ny_no_boundry) + + (localmesh_nx * localmesh_ny) + + (localmesh_nx_no_boundry * localmesh_ny_no_boundry * localmesh_nz) + + (nx * ny * nz); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.getLocalNShim(), expected_total); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, HavePreconditioner) { + PhysicsPrecon preconditioner = [](BoutReal time, BoutReal gamma, + BoutReal delta) -> int { + return static_cast(time + gamma + delta); + }; + + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_FALSE(solver.haveUserPreconShim()); + + solver.setPrecon(preconditioner); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.haveUserPreconShim()); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, RunPreconditioner) { + PhysicsPrecon preconditioner = [](BoutReal time, BoutReal gamma, + BoutReal delta) -> int { + return static_cast(time + gamma + delta); + }; + + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + solver.setPrecon(preconditioner); + + constexpr auto time = 1.0; + constexpr auto gamma = 2.0; + constexpr auto delta = 3.0; + constexpr auto expected = time + gamma + delta; + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.runPreconShim(time, gamma, delta), expected); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddMonitor) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + FakeMonitor monitor; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(monitor.setTimestepShim(10.0)); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor.getTimestepShim(), 10.0); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor)); + + EXPECT_THROW(monitor.setTimestepShim(20.0), BoutException); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 0, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor.last_called, 0); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddMonitorFront) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_error}; + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + FakeMonitor monitor1; + FakeMonitor monitor2; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor1, Solver::FRONT)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor2, Solver::FRONT)); + + // Everything's fine + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 0, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor1.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor2.last_called, 0); + + // One monitor signals to quit + EXPECT_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(5.0, 1, 0), BoutException); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor1.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor2.last_called, 1); + + // Last timestep + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 9, 10)); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor1.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor2.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_TRUE(monitor1.cleaned); + EXPECT_TRUE(monitor2.cleaned); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddMonitorBack) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_error}; + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + FakeMonitor monitor1; + FakeMonitor monitor2; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor1, Solver::BACK)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor2, Solver::BACK)); + + // Everything's fine + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 0, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor1.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor2.last_called, 0); + + // One monitor signals to quit + EXPECT_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(5.0, 1, 0), BoutException); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor1.last_called, 1); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor2.last_called, 0); + + // Last timestep + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 9, 10)); + + EXPECT_EQ(monitor1.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_EQ(monitor2.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_TRUE(monitor1.cleaned); + EXPECT_TRUE(monitor2.cleaned); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddMonitorCheckFrequencies) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + FakeMonitor default_timestep; + FakeMonitor smaller_timestep{0.1}; + FakeMonitor even_smaller_timestep{0.01}; + FakeMonitor larger_timestep{2.}; + FakeMonitor incompatible_timestep{3.14259}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&default_timestep)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&smaller_timestep)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&even_smaller_timestep)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&larger_timestep)); + EXPECT_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&incompatible_timestep), BoutException); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, -1, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, -1); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, -1); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, -1); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, -1); + EXPECT_EQ(incompatible_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 9, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, -1); + EXPECT_EQ(incompatible_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 10, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, 10); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, -1); + EXPECT_EQ(incompatible_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 199, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 19); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 19); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, 199); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(incompatible_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 399, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 39); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 39); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, 399); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, 1); + EXPECT_EQ(incompatible_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); + + solver.init(0, 0); + + FakeMonitor too_small_postinit_timestep{0.001}; + EXPECT_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&too_small_postinit_timestep), BoutException); + FakeMonitor larger_postinit_timestep{4.}; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&larger_postinit_timestep, Solver::BACK)); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 399, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 39); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 39); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, 399); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, 1); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_postinit_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(incompatible_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, RemoveMonitor) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + FakeMonitor monitor1; + FakeMonitor monitor2; + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor1, Solver::BACK)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addMonitor(&monitor2, Solver::BACK)); + + solver.removeMonitor(&monitor1); + + std::list expected{&monitor2}; + EXPECT_EQ(solver.getMonitorsShim(), expected); + + // Removing same monitor again should be a no-op + solver.removeMonitor(&monitor1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.getMonitorsShim(), expected); +} + +namespace { +auto timestep_monitor1(Solver*, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt) -> int { + return simtime * lastdt < 0. ? 1 : 0; +} +auto timestep_monitor2(Solver*, BoutReal simtime, BoutReal lastdt) -> int { + return simtime + lastdt < 0. ? 2 : 0; +} +} // namespace + +TEST_F(SolverTest, AddTimestepMonitor) { + Options options; + options["monitor_timestep"] = true; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor1)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor2)); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., 1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., -1.), 1); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(-1., -1.), 2); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, RemoveTimestepMonitor) { + Options options; + options["monitor_timestep"] = true; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor1)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor2)); + + solver.removeTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor1); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., 1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., -1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(-1., -1.), 2); + + solver.removeTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor1); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., 1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., -1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(-1., -1.), 2); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, DontCallTimestepMonitors) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor1)); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.addTimestepMonitor(timestep_monitor2)); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., 1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(1., -1.), 0); + EXPECT_EQ(solver.callTimestepMonitorsShim(-1., -1.), 0); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, BasicSolve) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.solve()); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.run_called); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveBadInit) { + Options options; + options["fail_init"] = -1; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.solve(), BoutException); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_FALSE(solver.run_called); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveBadRun) { + Options options; + options["fail_run"] = -1; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + EXPECT_EQ(solver.solve(), -1); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.run_called); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveThrowRun) { + WithQuietOutput quiet_error{output_error}; + + Options options; + options["throw_run"] = true; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.solve(), BoutException); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.run_called); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveFixDefaultTimestep) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + FakeMonitor default_timestep; + FakeMonitor smaller_timestep{0.1}; + FakeMonitor even_smaller_timestep{0.01}; + FakeMonitor larger_timestep{2.}; + + solver.addMonitor(&default_timestep); + solver.addMonitor(&smaller_timestep); + solver.addMonitor(&even_smaller_timestep); + solver.addMonitor(&larger_timestep); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.solve(100, 1.)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.run_called); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 99, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 0); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_EQ(even_smaller_timestep.last_called, 99); + EXPECT_EQ(larger_timestep.last_called, called_sentinel); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveFixDefaultTimestepBad) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + FakeMonitor default_timestep; + FakeMonitor smaller_timestep{0.1}; + + solver.addMonitor(&default_timestep); + solver.addMonitor(&smaller_timestep); + + EXPECT_THROW(solver.solve(100, 3.142), BoutException); + + EXPECT_FALSE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_FALSE(solver.run_called); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveFixDefaultTimestepSmaller) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + FakeMonitor default_timestep; + FakeMonitor smaller_timestep{0.1}; + + solver.addMonitor(&default_timestep); + solver.addMonitor(&smaller_timestep); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.solve(100, 0.01)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.run_called); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 99, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 99); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 9); +} + +TEST_F(SolverTest, SolveFixDefaultTimestepLarger) { + Options options; + FakeSolver solver{&options}; + + Options::root()["dump_on_restart"] = false; + + FakeMonitor default_timestep; + FakeMonitor smaller_timestep{0.1}; + + solver.addMonitor(&default_timestep); + solver.addMonitor(&smaller_timestep); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.solve(100, 1.)); + + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.init_called); + EXPECT_TRUE(solver.run_called); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(solver.callMonitorsShim(0.0, 99, 0)); + + EXPECT_EQ(default_timestep.last_called, 9); + EXPECT_EQ(smaller_timestep.last_called, 99); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/solver/test_solverfactory.cxx b/tests/unit/solver/test_solverfactory.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..439214a2d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/solver/test_solverfactory.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "test_fakesolver.hxx" +#include "bout/solver.hxx" +#include "bout/solverfactory.hxx" + +#include + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, GetInstance) { EXPECT_NE(SolverFactory::getInstance(), nullptr); } + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, GetDefaultSolverType) { + EXPECT_NE(SolverFactory::getDefaultSolverType(), ""); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, RegisterSolver) { + auto available = SolverFactory::getInstance()->listAvailable(); + + auto found_fake = std::find(begin(available), end(available), "fake_solver"); + + EXPECT_NE(found_fake, end(available)); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, Create) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options::root()["solver"]["type"] = "fake_solver"; + auto solver = SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(); + + solver->run(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(solver)->run_called); + + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, CreateDefault) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver()); + + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, CreateFromOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + options["type"] = "fake_solver"; + auto solver = SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(&options); + + solver->run(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(static_cast(solver)->run_called); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, CreateFromName) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + constexpr auto fail_run = 13; + Options::root()["solver"]["fail_run"] = fail_run; + auto solver = SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver("fake_solver"); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver->run(), fail_run); + + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, CreateFromNameAndOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + constexpr auto fail_run = 31; + Options options; + options["fail_run"] = fail_run; + auto solver = SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver("fake_solver", &options); + + EXPECT_EQ(solver->run(), fail_run); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, BadCreate) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options::root()["solver"]["type"] = "bad_solver"; + EXPECT_THROW(SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(), BoutException); + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, BadCreateFromOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + options["type"] = "bad_solver"; + EXPECT_THROW(SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver(&options), BoutException); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, BadCreateFromName) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + EXPECT_THROW(SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver("bad_solver"), BoutException); + Options::cleanup(); +} + +TEST(SolverFactoryTest, BadCreateFromNameAndOptions) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + EXPECT_THROW(SolverFactory::getInstance()->createSolver("bad_solver", &options), + BoutException); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/src/test_bout++.cxx b/tests/unit/src/test_bout++.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4946b57f75 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/src/test_bout++.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,396 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout.hxx" +#include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "utils.hxx" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +std::vector get_c_string_vector(std::vector& vec_args) { + std::vector c_args{}; + std::transform(begin(vec_args), end(vec_args), std::back_inserter(c_args), + [](std::string& arg) { return &arg.front(); }); + return c_args; +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, HelpShortOption) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-h"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto cout_buf = std::cout.rdbuf(); + std::cout.rdbuf(std::cerr.rdbuf()); + + EXPECT_EXIT(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + ::testing::ExitedWithCode(0), _("Usage:")); + + std::cout.rdbuf(cout_buf); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, HelpLongOption) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "--help"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto cout_buf = std::cout.rdbuf(); + std::cout.rdbuf(std::cerr.rdbuf()); + + EXPECT_EXIT(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + ::testing::ExitedWithCode(0), _("Usage:")); + + std::cout.rdbuf(cout_buf); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, DataDir) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-d", "test_data_directory"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.data_dir, "test_data_directory"); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, DataDirBad) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-d"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + EXPECT_THROW(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + BoutException); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, OptionsFile) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-f", "test_options_file"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.opt_file, "test_options_file"); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, OptionsFileBad) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-f"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + EXPECT_THROW(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + BoutException); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, SettingsFile) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-o", "test_settings_file"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.set_file, "test_settings_file"); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, SettingsFileBad) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-o"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + EXPECT_THROW(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + BoutException); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, OptionsAndSettingsFilesSame) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-o", "same", "-f", "same"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + EXPECT_THROW(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + BoutException); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, OptionsAndSettingsFilesDifferent) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-o", "same", "-f", "different"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv)); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, LogFile) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-l", "test_log_file"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.log_file, "test_log_file"); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, LogFileBad) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-l"}; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + EXPECT_THROW(bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv), + BoutException); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, VerbosityShort) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-v"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 5); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, VerbosityShortMultiple) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-v", "-v"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 6); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, VerbosityLong) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "--verbose"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 5); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, VerbosityLongMultiple) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "--verbose", "--verbose"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 6); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, QuietShort) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-q"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 3); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, QuietShortMultiple) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-q", "-q"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 2); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, QuietLong) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "--quiet"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 3); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, QuietLongMultiple) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "--quiet", "--quiet"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_EQ(args.verbosity, 2); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, ColorShort) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "-c"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_TRUE(args.color_output); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +TEST(ParseCommandLineArgs, ColorLong) { + std::vector v_args{"test", "--color"}; + auto v_args_copy = v_args; + auto c_args = get_c_string_vector(v_args_copy); + char** argv = c_args.data(); + + auto args = bout::experimental::parseCommandLineArgs(c_args.size(), argv); + + EXPECT_TRUE(args.color_output); + EXPECT_EQ(args.original_argv, v_args); +} + +class PrintStartupTest : public ::testing::Test { +public: + PrintStartupTest() : sbuf(std::cout.rdbuf()) { + // Redirect cout to our stringstream buffer or any other ostream + std::cout.rdbuf(buffer.rdbuf()); + } + + virtual ~PrintStartupTest() { + // Clear buffer + buffer.str(""); + // When done redirect cout to its old self + std::cout.rdbuf(sbuf); + } + + // Write cout to buffer instead of stdout + std::stringstream buffer; + // Save cout's buffer here + std::streambuf* sbuf; +}; + +TEST_F(PrintStartupTest, Header) { + bout::experimental::printStartupHeader(4, 8); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), BOUT_VERSION_STRING)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), _("4 of 8"))); +} + +TEST_F(PrintStartupTest, CompileTimeOptions) { + bout::experimental::printCompileTimeOptions(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), _("Compile-time options:\n"))); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), _("Signal"))); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), "netCDF")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), "OpenMP")); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), _("Compiled with flags"))); +} + +TEST_F(PrintStartupTest, CommandLineArguments) { + std::vector args{"-d", "test1", "test2", "test3"}; + bout::experimental::printCommandLineArguments(args); + + for (auto& arg : args) { + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(buffer.str(), arg)); + } +} + +#ifdef SIGHANDLE + +#ifdef BOUT_FPE +#include +#endif + +class SignalHandlerTest : public ::testing::Test { +public: + SignalHandlerTest() = default; + virtual ~SignalHandlerTest() { + std::signal(SIGUSR1, SIG_DFL); + std::signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL); + std::signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); +#ifdef BOUT_FPE + std::signal(SIGFPE, SIG_DFL); + fedisableexcept(FE_DIVBYZERO | FE_INVALID | FE_OVERFLOW); +#endif + } +}; + +TEST_F(SignalHandlerTest, SegFault) { + bout::experimental::setupSignalHandler(bout::experimental::defaultSignalHandler); + // This test is *incredibly* expensive, maybe as much as 1s, so only test the one signal + EXPECT_DEATH(std::raise(SIGSEGV), "SEGMENTATION FAULT"); +} +#endif + +TEST(BoutInitialiseFunctions, SetRunStartInfo) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + + bout::experimental::setRunStartInfo(options); + + auto run_section = options["run"]; + + ASSERT_TRUE(run_section.isSection()); + EXPECT_TRUE(run_section.isSet("version")); + EXPECT_TRUE(run_section.isSet("revision")); + EXPECT_TRUE(run_section.isSet("started")); +} + +TEST(BoutInitialiseFunctions, SetRunFinishInfo) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Options options; + + bout::experimental::setRunFinishInfo(options); + + ASSERT_TRUE(options["run"].isSection()); + EXPECT_TRUE(options["run"].isSet("finished")); +} + +TEST(BoutInitialiseFunctions, CheckDataDirectoryIsAccessible) { + using namespace bout::experimental; + EXPECT_THROW(checkDataDirectoryIsAccessible("./bad/non/existent/directory"), + BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(checkDataDirectoryIsAccessible(__FILE__), BoutException); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(checkDataDirectoryIsAccessible(".")); +} + +TEST(BoutInitialiseFunctions, SavePIDtoFile) { + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + EXPECT_NO_THROW(bout::experimental::savePIDtoFile("/tmp", 1)); + + std::string filename{"/tmp/.BOUT.pid.1"}; + std::ifstream pid_file; + pid_file.open(filename); + + EXPECT_TRUE(pid_file.good()); + + std::stringstream contents; + contents << pid_file.rdbuf(); + + EXPECT_GT(contents.str().length(), 0); + + std::remove(filename.c_str()); + + EXPECT_THROW(bout::experimental::savePIDtoFile("/", 2), BoutException); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_boutexception.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_boutexception.cxx index 8d34141f15..13991f285b 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_boutexception.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_boutexception.cxx @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "boutexception.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" #include #include @@ -8,21 +9,42 @@ TEST(BoutExceptionTest, ThrowCorrect) { EXPECT_THROW(throw BoutException("test"), BoutException); } -TEST(BoutExceptionTest, WhatTest) { +TEST(BoutExceptionTest, What) { + std::string test_message{"Test message"}; try { - throw BoutException(std::string("Test message")); - } catch (BoutException &e) { - std::string message(e.what()); - EXPECT_NE(message.find("Test message"), std::string::npos); + throw BoutException(test_message); + } catch (const BoutException &e) { + EXPECT_EQ(e.what(), test_message); } try { throw BoutException("%s", "second"); - } catch (BoutException &e) { + } catch (const BoutException &e) { std::string message(e.what()); - EXPECT_NE(message.find("second"), std::string::npos); + EXPECT_EQ(message, "second"); } } + +TEST(BoutExceptionTest, GetBacktrace) { + std::string test_message{"Test message"}; + try { + throw BoutException(test_message); + } catch (const BoutException &e) { + std::string expected_1{"[bt] #1"}; + std::string expected_2{"serial_tests"}; +#ifdef BACKTRACE + // Should be able to find something about backtrace + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(e.getBacktrace(), expected_1)); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(e.getBacktrace(), expected_2)); +#else + // Should *not* be able to find something about backtrace + EXPECT_FALSE(IsSubString(e.getBacktrace(), expected_1)); + EXPECT_FALSE(IsSubString(e.getBacktrace(), expected_2)); +#endif + } +} + + TEST(BoutRhsFailTest, ThrowCorrect) { EXPECT_THROW(throw BoutRhsFail("RHS Fail test"), BoutRhsFail); } diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_expressionparser.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_expressionparser.cxx index 97ef9e9ba2..e2e13c2fbf 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_expressionparser.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_expressionparser.cxx @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ #include "bout/sys/expressionparser.hxx" #include "bout_types.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" #include @@ -15,19 +16,51 @@ class ExpressionParserSubClass : public ExpressionParser { class ExpressionParserTest : public ::testing::Test { public: + ~ExpressionParserTest() override = default; ExpressionParserSubClass parser; std::vector x_array = {-1., 0., 1., 5., 10., 3.14e8}; std::vector y_array = {-1., 0., 1., 5., 10., 3.14e8}; std::vector z_array = {-1., 0., 1., 5., 10., 3.14e8}; std::vector t_array = {-1., 0., 1., 5., 10., 3.14e8}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; +}; + +/// For testing, a generator function of two inputs +class BinaryGenerator : public FieldGenerator { +public: + BinaryGenerator(std::shared_ptr a = nullptr, + std::shared_ptr b = nullptr) + : a(std::move(a)), b(std::move(b)) {} + + std::shared_ptr + clone(const std::list> args) override { + if (args.size() != 2) { + throw ParseException( + "Incorrect number of arguments to increment function. Expecting 2, got %zu", + args.size()); + } + + return std::make_shared(args.front(), args.back()); + } + + BoutReal generate(BoutReal x, BoutReal y, BoutReal z, BoutReal t) override { + return a->generate(x, y, z, t) + b->generate(x, y, z, t); + } + std::string str() const override { + return std::string{"add(" + a->str() + ", " + b->str() + ")"}; + } + +private: + std::shared_ptr a, b; }; class IncrementGenerator : public FieldGenerator { public: - IncrementGenerator(std::shared_ptr gen = nullptr) : gen(gen) {} + IncrementGenerator(std::shared_ptr gen = nullptr) + : gen(std::move(gen)) {} std::shared_ptr - clone(const std::list> args) { + clone(const std::list> args) override { if (args.size() != 1) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to increment function. Expecting 1, got %d", @@ -37,10 +70,12 @@ class IncrementGenerator : public FieldGenerator { return std::make_shared(args.front()); } - BoutReal generate(BoutReal x, BoutReal y, BoutReal z, BoutReal t) { + BoutReal generate(BoutReal x, BoutReal y, BoutReal z, BoutReal t) override { return gen->generate(x, y, z, t) + 1; } - const std::string str() { return std::string{"increment(" + gen->str() + ")"}; } + std::string str() const override { + return std::string{"increment(" + gen->str() + ")"}; + } private: std::shared_ptr gen; @@ -49,10 +84,10 @@ class IncrementGenerator : public FieldGenerator { // Function that takes no arguments and returns 4.0 class NullaryGenerator : public FieldGenerator { public: - NullaryGenerator() {} + NullaryGenerator() = default; std::shared_ptr - clone(const std::list> args) { + clone(const std::list> args) override { if (args.size() != 0) { throw ParseException( "Incorrect number of arguments to nullary function. Expecting 0, got %d", @@ -63,7 +98,7 @@ class NullaryGenerator : public FieldGenerator { } BoutReal generate(BoutReal UNUSED(x), BoutReal UNUSED(y), BoutReal UNUSED(z), - BoutReal UNUSED(t)) { + BoutReal UNUSED(t)) override { return 4.0; } }; @@ -211,8 +246,8 @@ TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, BadNumbers) { EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("1.1.4"), ParseException); EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("2.1e4.5."), ParseException); EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("3.e8e4"), ParseException); - EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("4ee"), ParseException); - EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("5G"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("4()"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("5_000"), ParseException); } TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, BadFunctions) { @@ -352,3 +387,122 @@ TEST(ParseExceptionTest, WhatTest) { EXPECT_NE(message.find("test message"), std::string::npos); } } + +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, EscapeSymbol) { + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("`x`"); + EXPECT_EQ(fieldgen->str(), "x"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), x); + } + } + } + } +} + +// Backslash can be used to escape a single character +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, GeneratorNameEscape) { + parser.addGenerator("one+", std::make_shared()); + + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("one\\+(x)"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), x + 1); + } + } + } + } +} + +// Back-ticks can be used to escape sequences of characters +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, GeneratorNameLongEscape) { + parser.addGenerator("++", std::make_shared()); + + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("`++`(x)"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), x + 1); + } + } + } + } +} + +// Back-ticks can be used for part of a symbol +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, GeneratorNamePartEscape) { + parser.addGenerator("one+this", std::make_shared()); + + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("one`+`this(x)"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), x + 1); + } + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, AddBinaryGenerator) { + parser.addGenerator("add", std::make_shared()); + + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("add(x,y)"); + EXPECT_EQ(fieldgen->str(), "add(x, y)"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), x + y); + } + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, ImplicitMultiply) { + + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("2x + 3y"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), 2*x + 3*y); + } + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, ImplicitMultiplyBracket) { + + auto fieldgen = parser.parseString("2(x + 3y)"); + + for (auto x : x_array) { + for (auto y : y_array) { + for (auto z : z_array) { + for (auto t : t_array) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(fieldgen->generate(x, y, z, t), 2*(x + 3*y)); + } + } + } + } +} + +TEST_F(ExpressionParserTest, BadImplicitMultiply) { + EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("x2"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("(1+x)2"), ParseException); + EXPECT_THROW(parser.parseString("2 2"), ParseException); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_msg_stack.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_msg_stack.cxx index 96671a9f3f..b68fc34d3a 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_msg_stack.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_msg_stack.cxx @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "msg_stack.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" #include #include @@ -128,10 +129,9 @@ TEST(MsgStackTest, TraceMacroTest) { std::string line = std::to_string(__LINE__ + 1); TRACE("Second"); auto second = msg_stack.getDump(); - auto second_dump = "====== Back trace ======\n -> Second on line " + line + - " of 'sys/test_msg_stack.cxx'\n -> First\n"; + auto second_dump = "====== Back trace ======\n -> Second on line " + line; - EXPECT_EQ(second_dump, second); + EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(second, second_dump)); } // Should now contain only the first message diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_options.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_options.cxx index 732c5c5016..8c8fae0e00 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_options.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_options.cxx @@ -7,17 +7,12 @@ #include -class OptionsTest : public ::testing::Test { +class OptionsTest : public FakeMeshFixture { public: - OptionsTest() { - output_info.disable(); - output_warn.disable(); - } - - ~OptionsTest() { - output_info.enable(); - output_warn.enable(); - } + virtual ~OptionsTest() = default; + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_progress{output_progress}; }; TEST_F(OptionsTest, IsSet) { @@ -38,6 +33,38 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, IsSetDefault) { ASSERT_FALSE(options.isSet("default_value")); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, IsSection) { + Options options; + + // make sure options is initialized as a section + options["testkey"] = 1.; + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSection()); + ASSERT_FALSE(options["testkey"].isSection()); + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSection("")); + ASSERT_FALSE(options.isSection("subsection")); + + options["subsection"]["testkey"] = 1.; + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSection("subsection")); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, IsSectionNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + + // make sure options is initialized as a section + options["Testkey"] = 1.; + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSection()); + ASSERT_FALSE(options["testKey"].isSection()); + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSection("")); + ASSERT_FALSE(options.isSection("Subsection")); + + options["subSection"]["testkey"] = 1.; + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSection("Subsection")); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetInt) { Options options; options.set("int_key", 42, "code"); @@ -50,6 +77,18 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetInt) { EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetIntNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + options.set("Int_key", 42, "code"); + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSet("int_Key")); + + int value; + options.get("iNt_key", value, 99, false); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetIntFromReal) { Options options; options.set("int_key", 42.00001, "code"); @@ -87,6 +126,16 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, InconsistentDefaultValueInt) { EXPECT_EQ(value, 99); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, InconsistentDefaultValueIntNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + + int value; + options.get("Int_key", value, 99, false); + EXPECT_THROW(options.get("int_Key", value, 98, false), BoutException); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 99); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetReal) { Options options; options.set("real_key", 6.7e8, "code"); @@ -99,6 +148,18 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetReal) { EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 6.7e8); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetRealNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + options.set("Real_key", 6.7e8, "code"); + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSet("real_Key")); + + BoutReal value; + options.get("Real_Key", value, -78.0, false); + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 6.7e8); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetDouble) { Options options; options.set("real_key", 0.7853981633974483, "code"); @@ -161,6 +222,18 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetBool) { EXPECT_EQ(value, true); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetBoolNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + options.set("Bool_key", true, "code"); + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSet("bool_Key")); + + bool value; + options.get("Bool_Key", value, false, false); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, true); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetBoolFalse) { Options options; options.set("bool_key", false, "code"); @@ -222,6 +295,20 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetString) { EXPECT_EQ(value, "abcdef"); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetGetStringNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + // Note, string values are case sensitive + options.set("String_key", "AbCdEf", "code"); + + ASSERT_TRUE(options.isSet("string_Key")); + + std::string value; + options.get("String_Key", value, "GhIjKl", false); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, "AbCdEf"); + EXPECT_NE(value, "abcdef"); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, DefaultValueString) { Options options; @@ -231,6 +318,17 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, DefaultValueString) { EXPECT_EQ(value, "ghijkl"); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DefaultValueStringNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + + std::string value; + // Note, string values are case sensitive + options.get("String_key", value, "GhIjKl", false); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, "GhIjKl"); + EXPECT_NE(value, "ghijkl"); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, InconsistentDefaultValueString) { Options options; @@ -244,6 +342,31 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, InconsistentDefaultValueString) { EXPECT_EQ(value, "ghijkl"); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DefaultValueOptions) { + Options options, default_options; + + default_options.set("int_key", 99); + + int value = options["int_key"].withDefault(default_options["int_key"]).as(); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 99); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, InconsistentDefaultValueOptions) { + Options options, default_options; + + default_options.set("int_key", 99); + + EXPECT_EQ(options["int_key"].withDefault(42), 42); + + int value = 0; + EXPECT_THROW( + value = options["int_key"].withDefault(default_options["int_key"]).as(), + BoutException); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 0); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, SingletonTest) { Options *root = Options::getRoot(); Options *second = Options::getRoot(); @@ -365,11 +488,22 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetSameOptionTwice) { Options options; options.set("key", "value", "code"); EXPECT_THROW(options.set("key", "new value", "code"),BoutException); - output_warn.disable(); + options.set("key", "value", "code"); EXPECT_NO_THROW(options.forceSet("key", "new value", "code")); EXPECT_NO_THROW(options.set("key", "value", "code",true)); - output_warn.enable(); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, SetSameOptionTwiceNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + // Note string values are case sensitive + options.set("Key", "Value", "code"); + EXPECT_THROW(options.set("keY", "New Value", "code"),BoutException); + + options.set("kEy", "Value", "code"); + EXPECT_THROW(options.set("keY", "vAlue", "code"),BoutException); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(options.forceSet("KeY", "nEw valUe", "code")); + EXPECT_NO_THROW(options.set("KEY", "valuE", "code",true)); } /// New interface @@ -379,12 +513,22 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewIsSet) { Options options; ASSERT_FALSE(options["int_key"].isSet()); - + options["int_key"].assign(42, "code"); ASSERT_TRUE(options["int_key"].isSet()); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewIsSetNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + + ASSERT_FALSE(options["Int_key"].isSet()); + + options["int_Key"].assign(42, "code"); + + ASSERT_TRUE(options["Int_key"].isSet()); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewSubSection) { Options options; @@ -397,6 +541,18 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewSubSection) { EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewSubSectionNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + + options["Sub-section"]["Int_key"].assign(42, "code"); + + ASSERT_FALSE(options["int_key"].isSet()); + ASSERT_TRUE(options["sub-Section"]["int_Key"].isSet()); + + int value = options["sub-secTion"]["inT_key"].withDefault(99); + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewIsSetDefault) { Options options; ASSERT_FALSE(options.isSet()); @@ -430,6 +586,20 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewSetGetIntFromReal) { EXPECT_THROW(options["key2"].as(), BoutException); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewSetGetIntFromRealNotCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + options["Key1"] = 42.00001; + + ASSERT_TRUE(options["kEy1"].isSet()); + + int value = options["keY1"].withDefault(99); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); + + options["Key2"] = 12.5; + EXPECT_THROW(options["kEy2"].as(), BoutException); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewDefaultValueInt) { Options options; @@ -437,6 +607,20 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, NewDefaultValueInt) { EXPECT_EQ(value, 99); } +TEST_F(OptionsTest, WithDefaultString) { + Options options; + + std::string value = options.withDefault("hello"); + EXPECT_EQ(value, "hello"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, WithDefaultStringCaseSensitive) { + Options options; + + std::string value = options.withDefault("Hello"); + EXPECT_NE(value, "hello"); +} + TEST_F(OptionsTest, OptionsMacroPointer) { Options options; @@ -477,3 +661,402 @@ TEST_F(OptionsTest, OptionsMacroConstReference) { EXPECT_EQ(val, 42); } +/// Copy constructor copies value +TEST_F(OptionsTest, CopyOption) { + Options option1; + + option1 = 42; + + Options option2(option1); + + EXPECT_EQ(option2.as(), 42); +} + +/// Copy constructor makes independent copy +TEST_F(OptionsTest, CopyOptionDistinct) { + Options option1; + option1 = 42; + + Options option2(option1); + + option1.force(23); + + EXPECT_EQ(option1.as(), 23); + EXPECT_EQ(option2.as(), 42); +} + +/// Copies of sections get values +TEST_F(OptionsTest, CopySection) { + Options option1; + + option1["key"] = 42; // option1 now a section + + Options option2(option1); + + EXPECT_EQ(option2["key"].as(), 42); +} + +/// The parent should be updated when copied +TEST_F(OptionsTest, CopySectionParent) { + Options option1; + + option1["key"] = 42; + + Options option2(option1); + + EXPECT_TRUE( &option2["key"].parent() == &option2 ); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignOption) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1 = 42; + + option2 = option1; + + EXPECT_EQ(option2.as(), 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignSection) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1["key"] = 42; + + option2 = option1; + + EXPECT_EQ(option2["key"].as(), 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignSectionReplace) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1["key"] = 42; + option2["key"] = 23; + + option2 = option1; + + EXPECT_EQ(option2["key"].as(), 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignSectionReplaceNotCaseSensitive) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1["Key"] = 42; + option2["kEy"] = 23; + + option2 = option1; + + EXPECT_EQ(option2["keY"].as(), 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignSectionParent) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1["key"] = 42; + + option2 = option1; + + EXPECT_TRUE( &option2["key"].parent() == &option2 ); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignSubSection) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1["key1"] = 42; + + option2["key2"] = option1; + + EXPECT_EQ(option2["key2"]["key1"].as(), 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AssignSubSectionParent) { + Options option1, option2; + + option1["key1"] = 42; + + option2["key2"] = option1; + + EXPECT_EQ(&option2["key2"].parent(), &option2); + EXPECT_EQ(&option2["key2"]["key1"].parent(), &option2["key2"]); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeMissingBool) { + Options option; + + bool a = option.attributes["test"]; + EXPECT_EQ(a, false); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeMissingInt) { + Options option; + + int a = option.attributes["test"]; + EXPECT_EQ(a, 0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeMissingBoutReal) { + Options option; + + BoutReal a = option.attributes["test"]; + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(a, 0.0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeMissingString) { + Options option; + + EXPECT_THROW(option.attributes["test"].as(), std::bad_cast); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreBool) { + Options option; + option.attributes["test"] = true; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option.attributes["test"].as()); + + option.attributes["test"] = false; + EXPECT_FALSE(option.attributes["test"].as()); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreBoolCaseSensitive) { + Options option; + option.attributes["Test"] = true; + + EXPECT_FALSE(option.attributes["test"].as()); + EXPECT_TRUE(option.attributes["Test"].as()); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreInt) { + Options option; + option.attributes["test"] = 42; + + int value = option.attributes["test"]; + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreIntCaseSensitive) { + Options option; + option.attributes["Test"] = 42; + + int value = option.attributes["tEst"]; + EXPECT_NE(value, 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreBoutReal) { + Options option; + option.attributes["test"] = 3.1415; + + BoutReal value = option.attributes["test"]; + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 3.1415); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreBoutRealCaseSensitive) { + Options option; + option.attributes["Test"] = 3.1415; + + BoutReal value = option.attributes["tEst"]; + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value, 0.); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreConstChars) { + Options option; + option.attributes["test"] = "hello"; + + std::string test = option.attributes["test"]; + EXPECT_EQ(test, "hello"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeStoreConstCharsCaseSensitive) { + Options option; + option.attributes["Test"] = "HeLlO"; + + std::string test = option.attributes["Test"]; + EXPECT_EQ(test, "HeLlO"); + EXPECT_NE(test, "hello"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AttributeTimeDimension) { + Options option; + + option = 3; + EXPECT_EQ(option.as(), 3); + + option.attributes["time_dimension"] = "t"; + + option = 4; + + EXPECT_EQ(option.as(), 4); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, EqualityBool) { + Options option; + + option = true; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option == true); + EXPECT_FALSE(option == false); + + option.force(false); + + EXPECT_TRUE(option == false); + EXPECT_FALSE(option == true); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, EqualityInt) { + Options option; + + option = 3; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option == 3); + EXPECT_FALSE(option == 4); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, EqualityString) { + Options option; + + option = "hello"; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option == "hello"); + EXPECT_FALSE(option == "goodbye"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, EqualityStringCaseSensitive) { + Options option; + + option = "HeLlO"; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option == "HeLlO"); + EXPECT_FALSE(option == "hello"); + EXPECT_FALSE(option == "goodbye"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, ComparisonInt) { + Options option; + + option = 3; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option < 4); + EXPECT_FALSE(option < 3); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, ComparisonString) { + Options option; + + option = "bbb"; + + EXPECT_TRUE(option < "ccc"); + EXPECT_FALSE(option < "aaa"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, WithDefaultIntThrow) { + // If given an integer as default, will try to cast to int + + Options option; + option = "4.32"; + + EXPECT_THROW(option.withDefault(0), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, TypeAttributeBool) { + Options option; + option = "true"; + + // Getting into bool using withDefault should modify the "type" attribute + bool value = option.withDefault(false); + + EXPECT_TRUE(value); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["type"].as(), "bool"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, AsNoTypeAttribute) { + Options option; + option = "true"; + + // as is const so doesn't set the type attribute + bool value = option.as(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(value); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes.count("type"), 0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, TypeAttributeInt) { + Options option; + option = "42"; + + // Casting to bool should modify the "type" attribute + int value = option.withDefault(-1); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["type"].as(), "int"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, TypeAttributeField2D) { + Options option; + option = "42"; + + // Casting to bool should modify the "type" attribute + Field2D value = option.withDefault(Field2D(-1, bout::globals::mesh)); + + EXPECT_EQ(value(0,0), 42); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["type"].as(), "Field2D"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, TypeAttributeField3D) { + Options option; + option = "42"; + + // Casting to bool should modify the "type" attribute + Field3D value = option.withDefault(Field3D(-1, bout::globals::mesh)); + + EXPECT_EQ(value(0,0,0), 42); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["type"].as(), "Field3D"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DocString) { + Options option; + + option.doc("test string"); + + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["doc"].as(), "test string"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DocStringAssignTo) { + Options option; + + option.doc("test string") = 42; + + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["doc"].as(), "test string"); + EXPECT_EQ(option.as(), 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DocStringAssignFrom) { + Options option; + option = 42; + + int value = option.doc("test string"); + + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["doc"].as(), "test string"); + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DocStringWithDefault) { + Options option; + option = 42; + + int value = option.doc("some value").withDefault(2); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 42); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes["doc"].as(), "some value"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsTest, DocStringNotCopied) { + Options option; + option = 32; + + Options option2 = option; + + int value = option2.doc("test value"); + + EXPECT_EQ(value, 32); + EXPECT_EQ(option2.attributes["doc"].as(), "test value"); + EXPECT_EQ(option.attributes.count("doc"), 0); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_options_fields.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_options_fields.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..df9464bab9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_options_fields.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// Test the Options class methods which involve Field2D/3D +// These need a Mesh fixture, unlike the tests with scalars + +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "unused.hxx" + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} +} // namespace bout + +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +class OptionsFieldTest : public FakeMeshFixture { + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; +}; + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, StoreField3D) { + Field3D field = 1.0; + Options options; + + EXPECT_FALSE(options.isValue()); + + options = field; + + EXPECT_TRUE(options.isValue()); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, StoreField2D) { + Field2D field = 1.0; + Options options; + + EXPECT_FALSE(options.isValue()); + + options = field; + + EXPECT_TRUE(options.isValue()); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField3D) { + Field3D field = 1.0; + field(0,1,1) = 2.0; + + Options options; + options = field; + + Field3D other = options; + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,1,0), 1.0); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,1,1), 2.0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField3DfromBoutReal) { + Options options; + options = 1.2; + + Field3D other = options; + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,1,0), 1.2); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,0,1), 1.2); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveBoutRealfromField3D) { + Options options; + Field3D field = 1.2; + options = field; + + EXPECT_THROW(BoutReal UNUSED(value) = options, BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField2DfromField3D) { + Options options; + Field3D field = 1.2; + options = field; + + EXPECT_THROW(Field2D value = options.as(), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField3DfromField2D) { + Options options; + Field2D field = 1.2; + options = field; + + Field3D value = options.as(); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value(0,1,0), 1.2); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveStringfromField3D) { + Options options; + Field3D field = 1.2; + options = field; + + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + EXPECT_EQ(options.as(), ""); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveStringfromField2D) { + Options options; + Field2D field = 1.2; + options = field; + + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + EXPECT_EQ(options.as(), ""); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField3DfromString) { + Options options; + options = "1 + 2"; + + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + + Field3D other = options.as(); + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,1,0), 3.0); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,0,1), 3.0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField2DfromString) { + Options options; + options = "1 + 2"; + + Field2D other = options.as(); + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,1,0), 3.0); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(other(0,0,1), 3.0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsFieldTest, RetrieveField2DfromBadString) { + Options options; + options = "1 + "; + + EXPECT_THROW(Field2D other = options.as(), ParseException); +} + diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_options_netcdf.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_options_netcdf.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2bc84841ba --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_options_netcdf.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// Test reading and writing to NetCDF + +#ifdef NCDF4 + +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" +#include "test_extras.hxx" +#include "options_netcdf.hxx" + +using bout::experimental::OptionsNetCDF; + +#include + +/// Global mesh +namespace bout { +namespace globals { +extern Mesh* mesh; +} +} // namespace bout + +// Reuse the "standard" fixture for FakeMesh +class OptionsNetCDFTest: public FakeMeshFixture { +public: + OptionsNetCDFTest() : FakeMeshFixture() {} + ~OptionsNetCDFTest() override { std::remove(filename.c_str()); } + + // A temporary filename + std::string filename{std::tmpnam(nullptr)}; + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; +}; + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, ReadWriteInt) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = 42; + + // Write the file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read again + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + EXPECT_EQ(data["test"], 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, ReadWriteString) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = std::string{"hello"}; + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + EXPECT_EQ(data["test"], std::string("hello")); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, ReadWriteField2D) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = Field2D(1.0); + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + Field2D value = data["test"].as(bout::globals::mesh); + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value(0,1), 1.0); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value(1,0), 1.0); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, ReadWriteField3D) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = Field3D(2.4); + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + Field3D value = data["test"].as(bout::globals::mesh); + + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value(0,1,0), 2.4); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value(1,0,1), 2.4); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(value(1,1,1), 2.4); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, Groups) { + { + Options options; + options["test"]["key"] = 42; + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + EXPECT_EQ(data["test"]["key"], 42); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, AttributeInt) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = 3; + options["test"].attributes["thing"] = 4; + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + EXPECT_EQ(data["test"].attributes["thing"].as(), 4); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, AttributeBoutReal) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = 3; + options["test"].attributes["thing"] = 3.14; + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(data["test"].attributes["thing"].as(), 3.14); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, AttributeString) { + { + Options options; + options["test"] = 3; + options["test"].attributes["thing"] = "hello"; + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + EXPECT_EQ(data["test"].attributes["thing"].as(), "hello"); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, Field2DWriteCellCentre) { + { + Options options; + options["f2d"] = Field2D(2.0); + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + EXPECT_EQ(data["f2d"].attributes["cell_location"].as(), toString(CELL_CENTRE)); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, Field2DWriteCellYLow) { + { + Options options; + options["f2d"] = Field2D(2.0, mesh_staggered).setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + EXPECT_EQ(data["f2d"].attributes["cell_location"].as(), toString(CELL_YLOW)); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, Field3DWriteCellCentre) { + { + Options options; + options["f3d"] = Field3D(2.0); + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + EXPECT_EQ(data["f3d"].attributes["cell_location"].as(), toString(CELL_CENTRE)); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsNetCDFTest, Field3DWriteCellYLow) { + { + Options options; + options["f3d"] = Field3D(2.0, mesh_staggered).setLocation(CELL_YLOW); + + // Write file + OptionsNetCDF(filename).write(options); + } + + // Read file + Options data = OptionsNetCDF(filename).read(); + + EXPECT_EQ(data["f3d"].attributes["cell_location"].as(), toString(CELL_YLOW)); +} + + +#endif // NCDF4 diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_optionsreader.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_optionsreader.cxx index f4d17825df..08dfcb31db 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_optionsreader.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_optionsreader.cxx @@ -18,10 +18,9 @@ class OptionsReaderTest : public ::testing::Test { OptionsReaderTest() : sbuf(std::cout.rdbuf()) { // Redirect cout to our stringstream buffer or any other ostream std::cout.rdbuf(buffer.rdbuf()); - output_info.disable(); } - ~OptionsReaderTest() { + ~OptionsReaderTest() override { // Clear buffer buffer.str(""); // When done redirect cout to its old self @@ -30,18 +29,22 @@ class OptionsReaderTest : public ::testing::Test { // Make sure options singleton is clean Options::cleanup(); - output_info.enable(); + std::remove(filename.c_str()); } // Write cout to buffer instead of stdout std::stringstream buffer; // Save cout's buffer here std::streambuf *sbuf; + + WithQuietOutput quiet{output_info}; + // A temporary filename + std::string filename{std::tmpnam(nullptr)}; }; TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, BadFilename) { OptionsReader reader; - EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(nullptr, NULL), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(nullptr, nullptr), BoutException); } TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, BadCommandLineMultipleEquals) { @@ -252,14 +255,13 @@ real_key = 42.34e-67 bool_key = false )"; - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); test_file << text; test_file.close(); OptionsReader reader; Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - reader.read(options, "%s", filename); + reader.read(options, "%s", filename.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(options->isSet("flag")); @@ -294,15 +296,12 @@ bool_key = false subsection2->get("bool_key", bool_value, true); EXPECT_FALSE(bool_value); - - std::remove(filename); } TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadBadFile) { - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); OptionsReader reader; Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(options, "%s", filename), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(options, "%s", filename.c_str()), BoutException); } TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadBadFileSectionIncomplete) { @@ -311,14 +310,13 @@ TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadBadFileSectionIncomplete) { int_key = 34 )"; - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); + std::ofstream test_file(filename.c_str(), std::ios::out); test_file << text; test_file.close(); OptionsReader reader; Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(options, "%s", filename), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(options, "%s", filename.c_str()), BoutException); }; TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadBadFileSectionEmptyName) { @@ -327,18 +325,16 @@ TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadBadFileSectionEmptyName) { int_key = 34 )"; - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); test_file << text; test_file.close(); OptionsReader reader; Options *options = Options::getRoot(); - EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(options, "%s", filename), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(options, "%s", filename.c_str()), BoutException); }; TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, WriteFile) { - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); OptionsReader reader; Options *options = Options::getRoot(); @@ -349,7 +345,7 @@ TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, WriteFile) { Options *subsection2 = section1->getSection("subsection2"); subsection2->set("string_key", "BOUT++", "test"); - reader.write(options, "%s", filename); + reader.write(options, "%s", filename.c_str()); std::ifstream test_file(filename); std::stringstream test_buffer; @@ -357,19 +353,16 @@ TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, WriteFile) { test_file.close(); std::vector expected = {"bool_key = true", "[section1]", - "int_key = 17", "real_key = 6.17000000000000006e+23", + "int_key = 17", "real_key = 6.17e+23", "[section1:subsection2]", "string_key = BOUT++"}; for (auto &result : expected) { EXPECT_TRUE(IsSubString(test_buffer.str(), result)); } - - std::remove(filename); } TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, WriteBadFile) { - std::string filename1 = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - std::string filename = filename1 + std::tmpnam(nullptr); + std::string filename1 = filename + std::tmpnam(nullptr); OptionsReader reader; Options *options = Options::getRoot(); @@ -377,9 +370,9 @@ TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, WriteBadFile) { Options *section1 = options->getSection("section1"); section1->set("int_key", 17, "test"); - EXPECT_THROW(reader.write(options, "%s", filename.c_str()), BoutException); + EXPECT_THROW(reader.write(options, "%s", filename1.c_str()), BoutException); - std::remove(filename.c_str()); + std::remove(filename1.c_str()); } TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadEmptyString) { @@ -387,7 +380,6 @@ const std::string text = R"( value = )"; - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); test_file << text; test_file.close(); @@ -395,8 +387,85 @@ value = Options opt; OptionsReader reader; - reader.read(&opt, "%s", filename); + reader.read(&opt, "%s", filename.c_str()); std::string val = opt["value"]; EXPECT_TRUE(val.empty()); } + +TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadFileEscapedChars) { + const std::string text = R"( +some-value = 3 # Names can contain symbols, but need to be escaped + +[h2+] # Sections can contain symbols +another = 5 +one-more = 2 + +[tests] +test1 = some\-value # Escaping of single characters +test2 = h2\+:another * some\-value # Including in section names +test3 = `some-value` + 1 # Escaping character sequence +test4 = `h2+:one-more` * 2 # Escape sequence including : +test5 = `h2+`:another # Escape only start of sequence +test6 = h2`+`:on`e-`more # Escape sequences in the middle +)"; + + std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); + test_file << text; + test_file.close(); + + OptionsReader reader; + reader.read(Options::getRoot(), "%s", filename.c_str()); + + auto options = Options::root()["tests"]; + + EXPECT_EQ(options["test1"].as(), 3); + EXPECT_EQ(options["test2"].as(), 15); + EXPECT_EQ(options["test3"].as(), 4); + EXPECT_EQ(options["test4"].as(), 4); + EXPECT_EQ(options["test5"].as(), 5); + EXPECT_EQ(options["test6"].as(), 2); +} + +// Variable names must not contain colons, escaped or otherwise +// Sections can contain colons, where they indicate subsections. +// That is tested elsewhere. +TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadFileVariablesNoColons) { + const std::string text = R"( +some:value = 3 +)"; + + std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); + test_file << text; + test_file.close(); + + OptionsReader reader; + + EXPECT_THROW(reader.read(Options::getRoot(), "%s", filename.c_str()), BoutException); +} + +TEST_F(OptionsReaderTest, ReadUnicodeNames) { + const std::string text = R"( + +α = 1.3 +重要的數字 = 3 + +[tests] +結果 = 重要的數字 + 5 +value = α*(1 + 重要的數字) +twopi = 2 * π # Unicode symbol defined for pi +)"; + + std::ofstream test_file(filename, std::ios::out); + test_file << text; + test_file.close(); + + OptionsReader reader; + reader.read(Options::getRoot(), "%s", filename.c_str()); + + auto options = Options::root()["tests"]; + + EXPECT_EQ(options["結果"].as(), 8); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(options["value"].as(), 1.3*(1+3)); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(options["twopi"].as(), 2 * 3.141592653589793); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_output.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_output.cxx index eec5e8e3af..c25c201511 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_output.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_output.cxx @@ -13,17 +13,21 @@ class OutputTest : public ::testing::Test { std::cout.rdbuf(buffer.rdbuf()); } - ~OutputTest() { + virtual ~OutputTest() { // Clear buffer buffer.str(""); // When done redirect cout to its old self std::cout.rdbuf(sbuf); + + std::remove(filename.c_str()); } // Write cout to buffer instead of stdout std::stringstream buffer; // Save cout's buffer here std::streambuf *sbuf; + // A temporary filename + std::string filename{std::tmpnam(nullptr)}; }; TEST_F(OutputTest, JustStdOutCpp) { @@ -49,12 +53,9 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, JustStdOutGlobalInstance) { TEST_F(OutputTest, OpenFile) { Output local_output; - // Get a filename for a temporary file - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - std::string test_output = "To stdout and file\n"; - local_output.open("%s", filename); + local_output.open("%s", filename.c_str()); local_output << test_output; std::ifstream test_file(filename); @@ -64,19 +65,14 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, OpenFile) { EXPECT_EQ(test_output, test_buffer.str()); EXPECT_EQ(test_output, buffer.str()); - - std::remove(filename); } TEST_F(OutputTest, JustPrint) { Output local_output; - // Get a filename for a temporary file - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - std::string test_output = "To stdout only\n"; - local_output.open("%s", filename); + local_output.open("%s", filename.c_str()); local_output.print("%s",test_output.c_str()); std::ifstream test_file(filename); @@ -86,21 +82,16 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, JustPrint) { EXPECT_EQ("", test_buffer.str()); EXPECT_EQ(test_output, buffer.str()); - - std::remove(filename); } TEST_F(OutputTest, DisableEnableStdout) { Output local_output; - // Get a filename for a temporary file - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - - std::string file_only = "To file only\n"; + std::string file_only = "To file only\n"; std::string file_and_stdout = "To stdout and file\n"; // Open temporary file and close stdout - local_output.open("%s", filename); + local_output.open("%s", filename.c_str()); local_output.disable(); local_output << file_only; @@ -123,7 +114,6 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, DisableEnableStdout) { EXPECT_EQ(file_and_stdout, buffer.str()); test_file.close(); - std::remove(filename); } TEST_F(OutputTest, GetInstance) { @@ -194,18 +184,22 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, ConditionalJustStdOutGlobalInstances) { EXPECT_EQ(buffer.str(), "warn output\n"); buffer.str(""); + output_info.enable(); output_info << "info output\n"; EXPECT_EQ(buffer.str(), "info output\n"); buffer.str(""); + output_progress.enable(); output_progress << "progress output\n"; EXPECT_EQ(buffer.str(), "progress output\n"); buffer.str(""); + output_error.enable(); output_error << "error output\n"; EXPECT_EQ(buffer.str(), "error output\n"); buffer.str(""); + output_debug.enable(); output_debug << "debug output\n"; #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED EXPECT_EQ(buffer.str(), "debug output\n"); @@ -218,12 +212,9 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, ConditionalJustPrint) { Output local_output_base; ConditionalOutput local_output(&local_output_base); - // Get a filename for a temporary file - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - std::string test_output = "To stdout only\n"; - local_output.open("%s", filename); + local_output.open("%s", filename.c_str()); local_output.print("%s", test_output.c_str()); std::ifstream test_file(filename); @@ -233,8 +224,6 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, ConditionalJustPrint) { EXPECT_EQ("", test_buffer.str()); EXPECT_EQ(test_output, buffer.str()); - - std::remove(filename); } TEST_F(OutputTest, ConditionalMultipleLayersGetBase) { @@ -271,11 +260,11 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, DummyCheckEnableDoesntWork) { DummyOutput dummy; EXPECT_FALSE(dummy.isEnabled()); - EXPECT_THROW(dummy.enable(), BoutException); + dummy.enable(); EXPECT_FALSE(dummy.isEnabled()); - EXPECT_THROW(dummy.enable(true), BoutException); + dummy.enable(true); EXPECT_FALSE(dummy.isEnabled()); - EXPECT_NO_THROW(dummy.enable(false)); + dummy.enable(false); EXPECT_FALSE(dummy.isEnabled()); dummy.disable(); EXPECT_FALSE(dummy.isEnabled()); @@ -292,12 +281,9 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, DummyOutputStdOut) { TEST_F(OutputTest, DummyJustPrint) { DummyOutput dummy; - // Get a filename for a temporary file - char *filename = std::tmpnam(nullptr); - std::string test_output = "To stdout only\n"; - dummy.open("%s", filename); + dummy.open("%s", filename.c_str()); dummy.print("%s", test_output.c_str()); std::ifstream test_file(filename); @@ -307,6 +293,4 @@ TEST_F(OutputTest, DummyJustPrint) { EXPECT_EQ("", test_buffer.str()); EXPECT_EQ("", buffer.str()); - - std::remove(filename); } diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_timer.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_timer.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9d118c8d35 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_timer.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/sys/timer.hxx" + +#include +#include + +namespace bout { +namespace testing { +using ms = std::chrono::duration; +constexpr double TimerTolerance{0.5e-3}; +constexpr auto sleep_length = ms(1.); +} // namespace testing +} // namespace bout + +TEST(TimerTest, GetTime) { + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + Timer timer{}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(timer.getTime(), elapsed.count(), bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, GetUnknownTimeLabel) { + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(Timer::getTime("Does not exist"), 0.0); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, GetTimeLabelInScope) { + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + Timer timer{"GetTimeLabelInScope test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("GetTimeLabelInScope test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, GetTimeLabelOutOfScope) { + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + { + Timer timer{"GetTimeLabelOutOfScope test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("GetTimeLabelOutOfScope test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, GetTimeLabelSubScope) { + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + Timer timer{"GetTimeLabelSubScope test"}; + + { + Timer timer{"GetTimeLabelSubScope test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("GetTimeLabelSubScope test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, GetTimeLabelRepeat) { + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + { + Timer timer{"GetTimeLabelRepeat test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("GetTimeLabelRepeat test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); + + { + Timer timer{"GetTimeLabelRepeat test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + auto end2 = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed2 = end2 - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("GetTimeLabelRepeat test"), elapsed2.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, ResetTime) { + Timer timer{"ResetTime test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + timer.resetTime(); + + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(timer.getTime(), elapsed.count(), bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, ResetTimeLabelInScope) { + Timer timer{"ResetTimeLabelInScope test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + Timer::resetTime("ResetTimeLabelInScope test"); + + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("ResetTimeLabelInScope test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, ResetTimeLabelOutOfScope) { + { + Timer timer{"ResetTimeLabelOutOfScope test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + Timer::resetTime("ResetTimeLabelOutOfScope test"); + + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + { + Timer timer{"ResetTimeLabelOutOfScope test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("ResetTimeLabelOutOfScope test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} + +TEST(TimerTest, Cleanup) { + { + Timer timer{"Cleanup test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + Timer::cleanup(); + + auto start = Timer::clock_type::now(); + + { + Timer timer{"Cleanup test"}; + + std::this_thread::sleep_for(bout::testing::sleep_length); + } + + auto end = Timer::clock_type::now(); + Timer::seconds elapsed = end - start; + + EXPECT_NEAR(Timer::getTime("Cleanup test"), elapsed.count(), + bout::testing::TimerTolerance); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_type_name.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_type_name.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91d9601908 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_type_name.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" +#include "bout/sys/type_name.hxx" +#include "field2d.hxx" +#include "field3d.hxx" + +#include + +using bout::utils::typeName; + +TEST(TypeNameTest, BoolName) { + EXPECT_EQ(typeName(), "bool"); +} + +TEST(TypeNameTest, IntName) { + EXPECT_EQ(typeName(), "int"); +} + +TEST(TypeNameTest, StringName) { + EXPECT_EQ(typeName(), "string"); +} + +TEST(TypeNameTest, BoutRealName) { + EXPECT_EQ(typeName(), "BoutReal"); +} + +TEST(TypeNameTest, Field2DName) { + EXPECT_EQ(typeName(), "Field2D"); +} + +TEST(TypeNameTest, Field3DName) { + EXPECT_EQ(typeName(), "Field3D"); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_utils.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_utils.cxx index 5ff1c238c2..426dc0fcd4 100644 --- a/tests/unit/sys/test_utils.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_utils.cxx @@ -3,18 +3,6 @@ #include -// We know stuff might be deprecated, but we still want to test it -#pragma GCC diagnostic push -#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" -TEST(OldMatrixTest, CreateAndFree) { - BoutReal **test_matrix = matrix(5, 10); - - EXPECT_NE(nullptr, test_matrix); - - free_matrix(test_matrix); -} -#pragma GCC diagnostic pop - TEST(MatrixTest, DefaultShape) { Matrix matrix; @@ -33,6 +21,26 @@ TEST(MatrixTest, CreateGivenSize) { EXPECT_EQ(shape1, 5); } +TEST(MatrixTest, Reallocate) { + Matrix matrix{}; + + ASSERT_TRUE(matrix.empty()); + + matrix.reallocate(3, 5); + + int shape0, shape1; + std::tie(shape0, shape1) = matrix.shape(); + + EXPECT_EQ(shape0, 3); + EXPECT_EQ(shape1, 5); + + matrix.reallocate(5, 3); + std::tie(shape0, shape1) = matrix.shape(); + + EXPECT_EQ(shape0, 5); + EXPECT_EQ(shape1, 3); +} + TEST(MatrixTest, Empty) { Matrix matrix; EXPECT_TRUE(matrix.empty()); @@ -155,6 +163,29 @@ TEST(MatrixTest, ConstIndexing) { EXPECT_EQ(matrix2(1, 1), 3); } +TEST(MatrixTest, GetData) { + Matrix matrix(3, 5); + matrix = 3; + + auto data = matrix.getData(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [](int a) { return a == 3; })); + + data[0] = 4; + + EXPECT_EQ(matrix(0, 0), 4); +} + +TEST(MatrixTest, ConstGetData) { + Matrix matrix(3, 5); + matrix = 3; + + const auto data = matrix.getData(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [](int a) { return a == 3; })); + EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(std::begin(matrix), std::end(matrix), [](int a) { return a == 3; })); +} + TEST(TensorTest, DefaultShape) { Tensor tensor; @@ -175,6 +206,28 @@ TEST(TensorTest, CreateGivenSize) { EXPECT_EQ(shape2, 7); } +TEST(TensorTest, Reallocate) { + Tensor tensor{}; + + ASSERT_TRUE(tensor.empty()); + + tensor.reallocate(3, 5, 7); + + int shape0, shape1, shape2; + std::tie(shape0, shape1, shape2) = tensor.shape(); + + EXPECT_EQ(shape0, 3); + EXPECT_EQ(shape1, 5); + EXPECT_EQ(shape2, 7); + + tensor.reallocate(5, 7, 3); + std::tie(shape0, shape1, shape2) = tensor.shape(); + + EXPECT_EQ(shape0, 5); + EXPECT_EQ(shape1, 7); + EXPECT_EQ(shape2, 3); +} + TEST(TensorTest, Empty) { Tensor tensor; EXPECT_TRUE(tensor.empty()); @@ -303,6 +356,29 @@ TEST(TensorTest, ConstIndexing) { EXPECT_EQ(tensor2(1, 1, 1), 3); } +TEST(TensorTest, GetData) { + Tensor tensor(3, 5, 7); + tensor = 3; + + auto data = tensor.getData(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [](int a) { return a == 3; })); + + data[0] = 4; + + EXPECT_EQ(tensor(0, 0, 0), 4); +} + +TEST(TensorTest, ConstGetData) { + Tensor tensor(3, 5, 7); + tensor = 3; + + const auto data = tensor.getData(); + + EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(std::begin(data), std::end(data), [](int a) { return a == 3; })); + EXPECT_TRUE(std::all_of(std::begin(tensor), std::end(tensor), [](int a) { return a == 3; })); +} + TEST(Invert3x3Test, Identity) { Matrix input(3, 3); input = 0; @@ -530,6 +606,24 @@ TEST(StringUtilitiesTest, StringToIntFail) { EXPECT_THROW(stringToInt(number_string), BoutException); } +TEST(StringUtilitiesTest, BoolToString) { + std::string true_string = "true"; + std::string false_string = "false"; + + EXPECT_EQ(true_string, toString(true)); + EXPECT_EQ(false_string, toString(false)); +} + +TEST(StringUtilitiesTest, ConstCharToString) { + EXPECT_EQ(std::string("hello"), toString("hello")); +} + +TEST(StringUtilitiesTest, StringToString) { + std::string test_string = "dlkjl872kj"; + + EXPECT_EQ( test_string, toString(test_string) ); +} + TEST(StringUtilitiesTest, IntToString) { int number_int = 42; std::string number_string = "42"; @@ -574,3 +668,69 @@ TEST(StringUtilitiesTest, StringTrimComments) { EXPECT_EQ("space ", trimComments(input, "#")); } + +namespace { +using function_typedef = int(*)(char, int, double); +int function_pointer(double, char) {return 0;}; +template +void function_template(T) {} +} // namespace + +TEST(FunctionTraitsTest, ResultType) { + using bout::utils::function_traits; + static_assert(std::is_same::result_type, int>::value, + "Wrong result_type for function_traits of a typedef"); + static_assert( + std::is_same::result_type, int>::value, + "Wrong result_type for function_traits of a function pointer"); + static_assert( + std::is_same)>::result_type, + void>::value, + "Wrong result_type for function_traits of a template function"); + + // Use foo to suppress warning + function_pointer(0, 0); +} + +TEST(FunctionTraitsTest, NumberOfArgs) { + using bout::utils::function_traits; + static_assert(function_traits::nargs == 3, + "Wrong number of arguments for function_traits of a typedef>"); + static_assert(function_traits::nargs == 2, + "Wrong number of arguments for function_traits of a function pointer"); + static_assert(function_traits)>::nargs == 1, + "Wrong number of arguments for function_traits of a template function"); +} + +TEST(FunctionTraitsTest, FirstArg) { + using bout::utils::function_traits; + static_assert( + std::is_same::arg<0>::type, char>::value, + "Wrong first argument type for function_traits of a typedef"); + static_assert(std::is_same::arg<0>::type, + double>::value, + "Wrong first argument type for function_traits of a function pointer"); + static_assert( + std::is_same)>::arg<0>::type, + int>::value, + "Wrong first argument type for function_traits of a template function"); + + static_assert(std::is_same::arg_t<0>, char>::value, + "Wrong first argument type for function_traits of a typedef using arg_t"); + static_assert( + std::is_same::arg_t<0>, double>::value, + "Wrong first argument type for function_traits of a function pointer using arg_t"); + static_assert( + std::is_same)>::arg_t<0>, + int>::value, + "Wrong first argument type for function_traits of a template function using arg_t"); +} + +TEST(FunctionTraitsTest, SecondArg) { + using bout::utils::function_traits; + static_assert(std::is_same::arg<1>::type, int>::value, + "Wrong second argument type for function_traits of a typedef"); + static_assert( + std::is_same::arg_t<1>, int>::value, + "Wrong second argument type for function_traits of a typedef using arg_t"); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/sys/test_variant.cxx b/tests/unit/sys/test_variant.cxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..12df5a36ad --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/unit/sys/test_variant.cxx @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#include "gtest/gtest.h" + +#include "bout/sys/variant.hxx" + +#include +#include + +// Check that we can compare values which can and can't be stored in the variant +TEST(VariantTest, IsEqualTest) { + bout::utils::variant var; + + var = true; + + EXPECT_TRUE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, true)); + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, false)); + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, 2)); + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, "test")); + + var = 2; + + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, true)); + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, false)); + EXPECT_TRUE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, 2)); + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, 3)); + EXPECT_FALSE(bout::utils::variantEqualTo(var, "test")); +} + +// Check casting to allowed types +TEST(VariantTest, StaticCastTest) { + using VarType = bout::utils::variant; + VarType var; + + var = 3; + + // Note: Extra brackets needed to avoid passing macro 3 arguments + EXPECT_EQ((bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(var)), 3); + EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ((bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(var)), 3.0); + EXPECT_THROW((bout::utils::variantStaticCastOrThrow(var)), + std::bad_cast); +} + +// Check conversion of variant to std::string +TEST(VariantTest, ToStringTest) { + bout::utils::variant var; + + var = 42; + + EXPECT_EQ(bout::utils::variantToString(var), "42"); + + var = true; + + EXPECT_EQ(bout::utils::variantToString(var), "true"); +} diff --git a/tests/unit/test_extras.cxx b/tests/unit/test_extras.cxx index 8e8d69bcdb..8d34359418 100644 --- a/tests/unit/test_extras.cxx +++ b/tests/unit/test_extras.cxx @@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ #include +// Need to provide a redundant declaration because C++ +constexpr int FakeMeshFixture::nx; +constexpr int FakeMeshFixture::ny; +constexpr int FakeMeshFixture::nz; + ::testing::AssertionResult IsSubString(const std::string &str, const std::string &substring) { if (str.find(substring) != std::string::npos) { @@ -12,44 +17,26 @@ ::testing::AssertionResult IsSubString(const std::string &str, } } -::testing::AssertionResult IsField3DEqualBoutReal(const Field3D &field, BoutReal number, - BoutReal tolerance) { - const auto ®ion = field.getMesh()->getRegion3D("RGN_ALL"); - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { - if (fabs(field[i] - number) > tolerance) { - return ::testing::AssertionFailure() - << "Field3D(" << i.x() << ", " << i.y() << ", " << i.z() - << ") == " << field[i] << "; Expected: " << number; - } - } - - return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); -} - -::testing::AssertionResult IsField2DEqualBoutReal(const Field2D &field, BoutReal number, - BoutReal tolerance) { - const auto ®ion = field.getMesh()->getRegion2D("RGN_ALL"); - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { - if (fabs(field[i] - number) > tolerance) { - return ::testing::AssertionFailure() - << "Field2D(" << i.x() << ", " << i.y() << ") == " << field[i] - << "; Expected: " << number; +void fillField(Field3D& f, std::vector>> values) { + f.allocate(); + Ind3D i{0}; + for (auto& x : values) { + for (auto& y : x) { + for (auto& z : y) { + f[i] = z; + ++i; + } } } - - return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } -::testing::AssertionResult IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(const FieldPerp &field, - BoutReal number, BoutReal tolerance) { - const auto ®ion = field.getMesh()->getRegionPerp("RGN_ALL"); - BOUT_FOR_SERIAL(i, region) { - if (fabs(field[i] - number) > tolerance) { - return ::testing::AssertionFailure() - << "FieldPerp(" << i.x() << ", " << i.z() << ") == " << field[i] - << "; Expected: " << number; +void fillField(Field2D& f, std::vector> values) { + f.allocate(); + Ind2D i{0}; + for (auto& x : values) { + for (auto& y : x) { + f[i] = y; + ++i; } } - - return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } diff --git a/tests/unit/test_extras.hxx b/tests/unit/test_extras.hxx index 6e6c9dc2ad..322cbd1f99 100644 --- a/tests/unit/test_extras.hxx +++ b/tests/unit/test_extras.hxx @@ -3,31 +3,44 @@ #include "gtest/gtest.h" +#include +#include #include -#include +#include +#include "boutcomm.hxx" #include "bout/mesh.hxx" +#include "bout/coordinates.hxx" #include "field3d.hxx" #include "unused.hxx" -const BoutReal BoutRealTolerance = 1e-15; +static constexpr BoutReal BoutRealTolerance{1e-15}; +// FFTs have a slightly looser tolerance than other functions +static constexpr BoutReal FFTTolerance{1.e-12}; /// Does \p str contain \p substring? ::testing::AssertionResult IsSubString(const std::string &str, const std::string &substring); -/// Is \p field equal to \p number, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? -::testing::AssertionResult IsField3DEqualBoutReal(const Field3D &field, BoutReal number, - BoutReal tolerance = BoutRealTolerance); +void fillField(Field3D& f, std::vector>> values); +void fillField(Field2D& f, std::vector> values); -/// Is \p field equal to \p number, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? -::testing::AssertionResult IsField2DEqualBoutReal(const Field2D &field, BoutReal number, - BoutReal tolerance = BoutRealTolerance); +using bout::utils::EnableIfField; -/// Is \p field equal to \p number, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? -::testing::AssertionResult IsFieldPerpEqualBoutReal(const FieldPerp &field, BoutReal number, - BoutReal tolerance = BoutRealTolerance); +/// Returns a field filled with the result of \p fill_function at each point +/// Arbitrary arguments can be passed to the field constructor +template > +T makeField(const std::function& fill_function, + Args&&... args) { + T result{std::forward(args)...}; + result.allocate(); + for (auto i : result) { + result[i] = fill_function(i); + } + + return result; +} /// Teach googletest how to print SpecificInds template @@ -35,6 +48,84 @@ inline std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SpecificInd &index) return out << index.ind; } +/// Helpers to get the type of a Field as a string +auto inline getFieldType(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field2D& field)) -> std::string { + return "Field2D"; +} +auto inline getFieldType(MAYBE_UNUSED(const Field3D& field)) -> std::string { + return "Field3D"; +} +auto inline getFieldType(MAYBE_UNUSED(const FieldPerp& field)) -> std::string { + return "FieldPerp"; +} + +/// Helpers to get the (x, y, z) index values, along with the +/// single-index of a Field index +auto inline getIndexXYZ(const Ind2D& index) -> std::string { + std::stringstream ss; + ss << index.x() << ", " << index.y() << "; [" << index.ind << "]"; + return ss.str(); +} +auto inline getIndexXYZ(const Ind3D& index) -> std::string { + std::stringstream ss; + ss << index.x() << ", " << index.y() << ", " << index.z() << "; [" << index.ind << "]"; + return ss.str(); +} +auto inline getIndexXYZ(const IndPerp& index) -> std::string { + std::stringstream ss; + ss << index.x() << ", " << index.y() << ", " << index.z() << "; [" << index.ind << "]"; + return ss.str(); +} + +/// Is \p field equal to \p reference, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? +template > +auto IsFieldEqual(const T& field, const U& reference, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL", + BoutReal tolerance = BoutRealTolerance) -> ::testing::AssertionResult { + for (auto i : field.getRegion(region)) { + if (fabs(field[i] - reference[i]) > tolerance) { + return ::testing::AssertionFailure() + << getFieldType(field) << "(" << getIndexXYZ(i) << ") == " << field[i] + << "; Expected: " << reference[i]; + } + } + return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); +} + +/// Is \p field equal to \p reference, with a tolerance of \p tolerance? +/// Overload for BoutReals +template > +auto IsFieldEqual(const T& field, BoutReal reference, + const std::string& region = "RGN_ALL", + BoutReal tolerance = BoutRealTolerance) -> ::testing::AssertionResult { + for (auto i : field.getRegion(region)) { + if (fabs(field[i] - reference) > tolerance) { + return ::testing::AssertionFailure() + << getFieldType(field) << "(" << getIndexXYZ(i) << ") == " << field[i] + << "; Expected: " << reference; + } + } + return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); +} + +/// Disable a ConditionalOutput during a scope; reenable it on +/// exit. You must give the variable a name! +/// +/// { +/// WithQuietoutput quiet{output}; +/// // output disabled during this scope +/// } +/// // output now enabled +class WithQuietOutput { +public: + explicit WithQuietOutput(ConditionalOutput& output_in) : output(output_in) { + output.disable(); + } + + ~WithQuietOutput() { output.enable(); } + ConditionalOutput& output; +}; + class Options; /// FakeMesh has just enough information to create fields @@ -59,109 +150,299 @@ public: LocalNx = nx; LocalNy = ny; LocalNz = nz; + OffsetX = 0; + OffsetY = 0; + OffsetZ = 0; + // Small "inner" region xstart = 1; xend = nx - 2; ystart = 1; yend = ny - 2; + zstart = 0; + zend = nz - 1; - StaggerGrids=true; + StaggerGrids=false; + // Unused variables periodicX = false; NXPE = 1; PE_XIND = 0; - StaggerGrids = false; IncIntShear = false; maxregionblocksize = MAXREGIONBLOCKSIZE; + + // Need some options for parallelTransform + options = Options::getRoot(); } - comm_handle send(FieldGroup &UNUSED(g)) { return nullptr; }; - int wait(comm_handle UNUSED(handle)) { return 0; } - MPI_Request sendToProc(int UNUSED(xproc), int UNUSED(yproc), BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), - int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + void setCoordinates(std::shared_ptr coords, CELL_LOC location = CELL_CENTRE) { + coords_map[location] = coords; + } + + void setGridDataSource(GridDataSource* source_in) { + source = source_in; + } + + // Use this if the FakeMesh needs x- and y-boundaries + void createBoundaries() { + addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionXIn("core", ystart, yend, this)); + addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionXOut("sol", ystart, yend, this)); + addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionYUp("upper_target", xstart, xend, this)); + addBoundary(new BoundaryRegionYDown("lower_target", xstart, xend, this)); + } + + comm_handle send(FieldGroup& UNUSED(g)) override { return nullptr; }; + int wait(comm_handle UNUSED(handle)) override { return 0; } + MPI_Request sendToProc(int UNUSED(xproc), int UNUSED(yproc), BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), + int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) override { return MPI_Request(); } comm_handle receiveFromProc(int UNUSED(xproc), int UNUSED(yproc), - BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), - int UNUSED(tag)) { + BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - int getNXPE() { return 1; } - int getNYPE() { return 1; } - int getXProcIndex() { return 1; } - int getYProcIndex() { return 1; } - bool firstX() { return true; } - bool lastX() { return true; } - int sendXOut(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { return 0; } - int sendXIn(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { return 0; } - comm_handle irecvXOut(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + int getNXPE() override { return 1; } + int getNYPE() override { return 1; } + int getXProcIndex() override { return 1; } + int getYProcIndex() override { return 1; } + bool firstX() override { return true; } + bool lastX() override { return true; } + int sendXOut(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) override { + return 0; + } + int sendXIn(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) override { + return 0; + } + comm_handle irecvXOut(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - comm_handle irecvXIn(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + comm_handle irecvXIn(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - MPI_Comm getXcomm(int UNUSED(jy)) const { return MPI_COMM_NULL; } - MPI_Comm getYcomm(int UNUSED(jx)) const { return MPI_COMM_NULL; } - bool periodicY(int UNUSED(jx)) const { return true; } - bool periodicY(int UNUSED(jx), BoutReal &UNUSED(ts)) const { return true; } - bool firstY() const { return true; } - bool lastY() const { return true; } - bool firstY(int UNUSED(xpos)) const { return true; } - bool lastY(int UNUSED(xpos)) const { return true; } - int UpXSplitIndex() { return 0; } - int DownXSplitIndex() { return 0; } - int sendYOutIndest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + MPI_Comm getXcomm(int UNUSED(jy)) const override { return MPI_COMM_NULL; } + MPI_Comm getYcomm(int UNUSED(jx)) const override { return MPI_COMM_NULL; } + bool periodicY(int UNUSED(jx)) const override { return true; } + bool periodicY(int UNUSED(jx), BoutReal& UNUSED(ts)) const override { return true; } + std::pair hasBranchCutLower(int UNUSED(jx)) const override { + return std::make_pair(false, 0.); + } + std::pair hasBranchCutUpper(int UNUSED(jx)) const override { + return std::make_pair(false, 0.); + } + bool firstY() const override { return true; } + bool lastY() const override { return true; } + bool firstY(int UNUSED(xpos)) const override { return true; } + bool lastY(int UNUSED(xpos)) const override { return true; } + int UpXSplitIndex() override { return 0; } + int DownXSplitIndex() override { return 0; } + int sendYOutIndest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return 0; } - int sendYOutOutdest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + int sendYOutOutdest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return 0; } - int sendYInIndest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + int sendYInIndest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return 0; } - int sendYInOutdest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), int UNUSED(tag)) { + int sendYInOutdest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return 0; } - comm_handle irecvYOutIndest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), - int UNUSED(tag)) { + comm_handle irecvYOutIndest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - comm_handle irecvYOutOutdest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), - int UNUSED(tag)) { + comm_handle irecvYOutOutdest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - comm_handle irecvYInIndest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), - int UNUSED(tag)) { + comm_handle irecvYInIndest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - comm_handle irecvYInOutdest(BoutReal *UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), - int UNUSED(tag)) { + comm_handle irecvYInOutdest(BoutReal* UNUSED(buffer), int UNUSED(size), + int UNUSED(tag)) override { return nullptr; } - const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerY() const { return RangeIterator(); } - const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperY() const { return RangeIterator(); } - const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerOuterY() const { return RangeIterator(); } - const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerInnerY() const { return RangeIterator(); } - const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperOuterY() const { return RangeIterator(); } - const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperInnerY() const { return RangeIterator(); } - void addBoundary(BoundaryRegion* region) {boundaries.push_back(region);} - vector getBoundaries() { return boundaries; } - vector getBoundariesPar() { return vector(); } - BoutReal GlobalX(int UNUSED(jx)) const { return 0; } - BoutReal GlobalY(int UNUSED(jy)) const { return 0; } - BoutReal GlobalX(BoutReal UNUSED(jx)) const { return 0; } - BoutReal GlobalY(BoutReal UNUSED(jy)) const { return 0; } - int XGLOBAL(int UNUSED(xloc)) const { return 0; } - int YGLOBAL(int UNUSED(yloc)) const { return 0; } + const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerY() const override { return RangeIterator(); } + const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperY() const override { return RangeIterator(); } + const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerOuterY() const override { return RangeIterator(); } + const RangeIterator iterateBndryLowerInnerY() const override { return RangeIterator(); } + const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperOuterY() const override { return RangeIterator(); } + const RangeIterator iterateBndryUpperInnerY() const override { return RangeIterator(); } + void addBoundary(BoundaryRegion* region) override { boundaries.push_back(region); } + std::vector getBoundaries() override { return boundaries; } + std::vector getBoundariesPar() override { + return std::vector(); + } + BoutReal GlobalX(int jx) const override { return jx; } + BoutReal GlobalY(int jy) const override { return jy; } + BoutReal GlobalX(BoutReal jx) const override { return jx; } + BoutReal GlobalY(BoutReal jy) const override { return jy; } + int getGlobalXIndex(int) const override { return 0; } + int getGlobalXIndexNoBoundaries(int) const override { return 0; } + int getGlobalYIndex(int) const override { return 0; } + int getGlobalYIndexNoBoundaries(int) const override { return 0; } + int getGlobalZIndex(int) const override { return 0; } + int getGlobalZIndexNoBoundaries(int) const override { return 0; } + int XLOCAL(int UNUSED(xglo)) const override { return 0; } + int YLOCAL(int UNUSED(yglo)) const override { return 0; } void initDerivs(Options * opt){ StaggerGrids=true; derivs_init(opt); } + + void createBoundaryRegions() { + addRegion2D("RGN_LOWER_Y", + Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, ystart - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1)); + addRegion3D("RGN_LOWER_Y", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, 0, ystart - 1, 0, + LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz)); + addRegion2D("RGN_UPPER_Y", + Region(0, LocalNx - 1, yend + 1, LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1)); + addRegion3D("RGN_UPPER_Y", Region(0, LocalNx - 1, yend + 1, LocalNy - 1, 0, + LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz)); + addRegion2D("RGN_INNER_X", + Region(0, xstart - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1)); + addRegion3D("RGN_INNER_X", Region(0, xstart - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, + LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz)); + addRegion2D("RGN_OUTER_X", + Region(xend + 1, LocalNx - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, 0, LocalNy, 1)); + addRegion3D("RGN_OUTER_X", Region(xend + 1, LocalNx - 1, 0, LocalNy - 1, 0, + LocalNz - 1, LocalNy, LocalNz)); + + const auto boundary_names = {"RGN_LOWER_Y", "RGN_UPPER_Y", "RGN_INNER_X", + "RGN_OUTER_X"}; + + // Sum up and get unique points in the boundaries defined above + addRegion2D("RGN_BNDRY", + std::accumulate(begin(boundary_names), end(boundary_names), + Region{}, + [this](Region& a, const std::string& b) { + return a + getRegion2D(b); + }) + .unique()); + + addRegion3D("RGN_BNDRY", + std::accumulate(begin(boundary_names), end(boundary_names), + Region{}, + [this](Region& a, const std::string& b) { + return a + getRegion3D(b); + }) + .unique()); + } + private: - vector boundaries; + std::vector boundaries; }; +/// FakeGridDataSource provides a non-null GridDataSource* source to use with FakeMesh, to +/// allow testing of methods that use 'source' - in particular allowing +/// source->hasXBoundaryGuards and source->hasXBoundaryGuards to be called. +class FakeGridDataSource : public GridDataSource { + bool hasVar(const std::string& UNUSED(name)) override { return false; } + + bool get(Mesh*, std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string& = "") override { + return false; + } + bool get(Mesh*, int&, const std::string&, int = 0) override { return false; } + bool get(Mesh*, BoutReal&, const std::string&, BoutReal = 0.0) override { + return false; + } + bool get(Mesh*, Field2D&, const std::string&, BoutReal = 0.0) override { return false; } + bool get(Mesh*, Field3D&, const std::string&, BoutReal = 0.0) override { return false; } + bool get(Mesh*, FieldPerp&, const std::string&, BoutReal = 0.0) override { + return false; + } + bool get(Mesh*, std::vector&, const std::string&, int, int = 0, + Direction = GridDataSource::X) override { + return false; + } + bool get(Mesh*, std::vector&, const std::string&, int, int = 0, + Direction UNUSED(dir) = GridDataSource::X) override { + return false; + } + + bool hasXBoundaryGuards(Mesh* UNUSED(m)) override { return true; } + + bool hasYBoundaryGuards() override { return true; } +}; + +/// Test fixture to make sure the global mesh is our fake +/// one. Also initialize the global mesh_staggered for use in tests with +/// staggering. Multiple tests have exactly the same fixture, so use a type +/// alias to make a new test: +/// +/// using MyTest = FakeMeshFixture; +class FakeMeshFixture : public ::testing::Test { +public: + FakeMeshFixture() { + WithQuietOutput quiet_info{output_info}; + WithQuietOutput quiet_warn{output_warn}; + + delete bout::globals::mesh; + bout::globals::mesh = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + bout::globals::mesh->createDefaultRegions(); + static_cast(bout::globals::mesh)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + test_coords = std::make_shared( + bout::globals::mesh, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, Field2D{1.0}, + Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, Field2D{0.0}, + false); + static_cast(bout::globals::mesh)->setCoordinates(test_coords); + static_cast(bout::globals::mesh)->setGridDataSource( + new FakeGridDataSource()); + // May need a ParallelTransform to create fields, because create3D calls + // fromFieldAligned + test_coords->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*bout::globals::mesh)); + + delete mesh_staggered; + mesh_staggered = new FakeMesh(nx, ny, nz); + mesh_staggered->StaggerGrids = true; + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr); + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_XLOW); + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_YLOW); + static_cast(mesh_staggered)->setCoordinates(nullptr, CELL_ZLOW); + mesh_staggered->createDefaultRegions(); + + test_coords_staggered = std::make_shared( + mesh_staggered, Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, + BoutReal{1.0}, Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{1.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, + Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, Field2D{0.0, mesh_staggered}, false); + test_coords_staggered->setParallelTransform( + bout::utils::make_unique(*mesh_staggered)); + } + + ~FakeMeshFixture() override { + delete bout::globals::mesh; + bout::globals::mesh = nullptr; + delete mesh_staggered; + mesh_staggered = nullptr; + } + + static constexpr int nx = 3; + static constexpr int ny = 5; + static constexpr int nz = 7; + + Mesh* mesh_staggered = nullptr; + + std::shared_ptr test_coords{nullptr}; + std::shared_ptr test_coords_staggered{nullptr}; +}; #endif // TEST_EXTRAS_H__ diff --git a/tools/idllib/file_write_string.pro b/tools/idllib/file_write_string.pro new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c68a902ade --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/idllib/file_write_string.pro @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +; Write a string to a file as an attribute +FUNCTION file_write_string, handle, varname, data + + CATCH, errcode + + IF errcode NE 0 THEN BEGIN + ; error occurred + PRINT, "Error occurred in file_write: "+!ERROR_STATE.MSG + PRINT, "=> Couldn't write variable '"+varname+"'" + RETURN, 1 + ENDIF + + IF handle.type EQ 1 THEN BEGIN + ; PDB + status = CALL_FUNCTION('pdb_open', handle.name, /write) + + status = CALL_FUNCTION('pdb_write_var', varname, data) + + CALL_PROCEDURE, 'pdb_close' + + CATCH, /CANCEL + RETURN, status + ENDIF + + ; NetCDF + + NCDF_CONTROL, handle.id, /REDEF + + NCDF_ATTPUT, handle.id, /GLOBAL, varname, data, /CHAR + + NCDF_CONTROL, handle.id, /ENDEF + + CATCH, /CANCEL + + RETURN, 0 +END diff --git a/tools/idllib/read_2d.pro b/tools/idllib/read_2d.pro index 3317044f37..1d0cdb4540 100644 --- a/tools/idllib/read_2d.pro +++ b/tools/idllib/read_2d.pro @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ FUNCTION read_2d, nx, ny, fid=fid IF KEYWORD_SET(fid) THEN status = next_double(fid=fid) - d = FLTARR(nx, ny) + d = DBLARR(nx, ny) FOR i=0, ny-1 DO d[*,i] = read_1d(nx) diff --git a/tools/idllib/read_neqdsk.pro b/tools/idllib/read_neqdsk.pro index fad4442d92..7707b80f8f 100644 --- a/tools/idllib/read_neqdsk.pro +++ b/tools/idllib/read_neqdsk.pro @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ FUNCTION read_neqdsk, file FOR i=0,nxefit-1 DO BEGIN FOR j=0,nyefit-1 DO BEGIN r[i,j] = rgrid1 + xdim*i/(nxefit-1) - z[i,j] = (zmid-0.5*zdim) + zdim*j/(nyefit-1) + z[i,j] = (zmid-0.5D*zdim) + zdim*j/(nyefit-1) ENDFOR ENDFOR diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/Makefile b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/Makefile index a583292e1c..9bb890d215 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/Makefile +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/Makefile @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ helper.cxx:helper.cxx.in boutcpp.pxd:boutcpp.pxd.in TOGEN=setup.py boutcore.pyx resolve_enum.pxd helper.cxx helper.h boutcpp.pxd -$(TOGEN): Makefile $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config +$(TOGEN): Makefile $(BOUT_TOP)/make.config $(BOUT_TOP)/bin/bout-config common.sh @echo " Generating $@" @PATH=$(BOUT_TOP)/bin:$$PATH PY=$(PY) bash $@.in > $@.tmp \ - || (fail=$?; echo "touch $@ to ignore failed generation" ; exit $fail) + || (fail=$$?; echo "touch $@ to ignore failed generation" ; exit $$fail) @mv $@.tmp $@ boutcore.so: boutcore.pyx setup.py helper.cxx helper.h $(TOGEN) diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcore.pyx.in b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcore.pyx.in index 406104c175..3ae6c51c4b 100755 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcore.pyx.in +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcore.pyx.in @@ -24,11 +24,13 @@ do then libs+=" ${fl:2}" else - ldflags+=" $fl" + ldflags+=" $fl" fi done -# needed sometimes to add include dir ... +# needed sometimes to add include dir +# We need the header files for numpy, which are (hopefully) somewhere +# in the python directories. python_dirs=$($PY -c "import site; print('\n'.join(site.getsitepackages()))") numpyheader=$(for d in $python_dirs do @@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ cat < loc) def ddt(self,val=None): """ Get or set the time derivative - Returns - ------- - $ftype - the $ftype's time derivative - Parameters ---------- val : $ftype, optional If set, set the time derivative to val + + Returns + ------- + $ftype + The time derivative """ if val: c_set_${fdd}_from_${fdd}(&c.ddt(self.cobj[0]),(<$ftype?>val).cobj) @@ -448,7 +430,7 @@ cat <self).cobj, (<$vec?>rhs).cobj)) + else: + raise NotImplementedError("unexpected argument type '"+ + str(type(self))+"' and '"+str(type(rhs))+ + "' - not supported (yet?).") + + def __dealloc__(self): + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + if self.isSelfOwned and self.cobj!=NULL: + del self.cobj + self.cobj=NULL + +cdef $vec ${vdd}FromObj(c.$vec i): + v=$vec() + v.cobj = new c.$vec( i) + v.isSelfOwned = True + return v +EOF +done + + cat <0 + self.cobj = NULL + self.isSelfOwned = False def _setmembers(self): EOF for f in "dx" "dy" "J" "Bxy" "g11" "g22" "g33" "g12" "g13" "g23" "g_11" "g_22" "g_33" "g_12" "g_13" "g_23" "G1_11" "G1_22" "G1_33" "G1_12" "G1_13" "G1_23" "G2_11" "G2_22" "G2_33" "G2_12" "G2_13" "G2_23" "G3_11" "G3_22" "G3_33" "G3_12" "G3_13" "G3_23" "G1" "G2" "G3" "ShiftTorsion" "IntShiftTorsion" do - echo " self.${f} = f2dFromObj(self.cobj.${f})" + echo " self.${f} = f2dFromPtr(&self.cobj.${f})" done for f in "dz" do @@ -799,6 +848,14 @@ do done cat <<"EOF" + def __dealloc__(self): + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + if self.cobj and self.isSelfOwned: + del self.cobj + self.cobj = NULL + cdef class Laplacian: """ Laplacian inversion solver @@ -808,6 +865,7 @@ cdef class Laplacian: Equation solved is: d\\nabla^2_\\perp x + (1/c1)\\nabla_perp c2\\cdot\\nabla_\\perp x + ex\\nabla_x x + ez\\nabla_z x + a x = b """ cdef c.Laplacian * cobj + cdef c.bool isSelfOwned def __init__(self,section=None): """ Initialiase a Laplacian solver @@ -822,8 +880,8 @@ cdef class Laplacian: self.cobj = c.Laplacian.create((section).cobj) else: self.cobj = c.Laplacian.create(NULL) - - def solve(self,Field3D a, Field3D b): + self.isSelfOwned = True + def solve(self,Field3D x, Field3D guess): """ Calculate the Laplacian inversion @@ -840,7 +898,7 @@ cdef class Laplacian: Field3D the inversion of x, where guess is a guess to start with """ - return f3dFromObj(self.cobj.solve(a.cobj[0],b.cobj[0])) + return f3dFromObj(self.cobj.solve(x.cobj[0],guess.cobj[0])) def setCoefs(self, **kwargs): """ @@ -874,14 +932,28 @@ EOF done cat <<"EOF" + + def __dealloc__(self): + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + if self.cobj and self.isSelfOwned: + del self.cobj + self.cobj = NULL + cdef class FieldFactory: cdef c.FieldFactory * cobj def __init__(self): checkInit() cobj=< c.FieldFactory*>0 def __dealloc__(self): - if self.cobj != 0: + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + if self.cobj != NULL: del self.cobj + self.cobj = NULL + # @classmethod # def fromPtr(cls,FieldFactory * cobj_): # fu=cls() @@ -915,8 +987,12 @@ cdef class PythonModelCallback: self.cobj = new c.PythonModelCallback(callback, method) def __dealloc__(self): - if self.thisptr: - del self.thisptr + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + if self.cobj: + del self.cobj + self.cobj = NULL cpdef void execute(self, parameter): # 'parameter' :: The parameter to be passed to the 'method' @@ -984,6 +1060,9 @@ cdef class PhysicsModelBase(object): self.cmodel.set_init_func(self.callbackinit) def __dealloc__(self): + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): if self.cmodel != 0: self.cmodel.free() del self.cmodel @@ -1021,7 +1100,7 @@ class PhysicsModel(PhysicsModelBase): Parameters ---------- - kwargs : dict + kwargs : dictionary of Field2D or Field3D Keys must be strings, and value of dict must be the Field3D which should be evolved. """ try: @@ -1035,8 +1114,14 @@ class PhysicsModel(PhysicsModelBase): """ pass + def __dealloc__(self): + super(PhysicsModel,self).__dealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + super(PhysicsModel,self).__mydealloc__() + cdef extern from "bout.hxx": - int BoutInitialise(int&, char **&) + int BoutInitialise(int&, char **&) except +raise_bout_py_error void BoutFinalise() cdef extern from "boutcore_openmpi_compat.hxx": @@ -1050,7 +1135,7 @@ def init(args=[]): Parameters ---------- - args : list or string + args : list of string or string, optional It accepts ether a list of strings, or a string that is split at the spaces. This is passed on to MPI and other libraries that BOUT++ initializes. """ @@ -1087,17 +1172,38 @@ def init(args=[]): raise RuntimeError("Failed to initialise the BOUT++ Library (Error code %d)"%ret) else: _isInit=True - #atexit.register(finalise) + atexit.register(finalise) def finalise(): """ Finalize BOUT++ and also MPI. After this most objects and functions are not valid anymore. + + Note that this deallocates the C++ objects, thus the python + objects might not work any more. """ - checkInit() - BoutFinalise() + # Go through all living objects, find the ones from boutcore, so + # that we can free them. + # We cannot rely on python, as + # * Python does not even garantee that they are freed + # * MPI routines are invalid after finalise, and some destructors + # include calls to MPI + # first set _isInit to False, so no further bc objects can be created global _isInit - _isInit=False + wasInit = _isInit + _isInit = False + import gc + objects = gc.get_objects() + ourClasses = (Coordinates, Field2D, Field3D, Laplacian, Mesh, Options, + PhysicsModel, PhysicsModelBase, Vector2D, Vector3D, + PythonModelCallback) + for obj in objects: + if isinstance(obj,ourClasses): + obj.__mydealloc__() + del objects + # Actually finalise + if wasInit: + BoutFinalise() def checkInit(): """ @@ -1138,7 +1244,9 @@ def $DD($in1, outloc="CELL_DEFAULT", method="DIFF_DEFAULT", region="RGN_NOBNDRY" """ checkInit() cdef benum.CELL_LOC outloc_= benum.resolve_cell_loc(outloc) - cdef benum.DIFF_METHOD method_=benum.resolve_diff_method(method) + if method.startswith("DIFF_"): + method=method[5:] + cdef c.string method_ = method.encode('ascii') cdef benum.REGION region_=benum.resolve_region(region) return f3dFromObj(c.$DD($in2,outloc_,method_,region_)) EOF @@ -1181,13 +1289,15 @@ def $DD($in1, outloc="CELL_DEFAULT", method="DIFF_DEFAULT", region="RGN_NOBNDRY" Returns ------- - Field3D + $ret The computed $DD derivative """ checkInit() cdef benum.CELL_LOC outloc_= benum.resolve_cell_loc(outloc) - cdef benum.DIFF_METHOD method_=benum.resolve_diff_method(method) - return f3dFromObj(c.$DD($in2,outloc_,method_)) + if method.startswith("DIFF_"): + method=method[5:] + cdef c.string method_=method.encode('ascii') + return ${rdd}FromObj(c.$DD($in2,outloc_,method_)) EOF } @@ -1195,6 +1305,8 @@ for DD in Div_par Grad_par do in1="Field3D field" in2="field.cobj[0]" + ret=Field3D + rdd=f3d f_desc="$f_desc_f" funbad done @@ -1204,10 +1316,21 @@ do in1="Field3D velocity, Field3D field" in2="velocity.cobj[0], field.cobj[0]" f_desc="$f_desc_vf" + ret=Field3D + rdd=f3d funbad done -cat < default) return ret_bool elif isinstance(default,numbers.Number): - #print("isreal") opt.get(key,ret_real, default) return ret_real else: - #print("isstr") default_= str(default).encode('ascii') opt.get(key,ret_str, default_) return ret_str + def __dealloc__(self): + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + if self.isSelfOwned and self.cobj!=NULL: + del self.cobj + self.cobj=NULL + cdef class Datafile: - cdef c.Datafile * cobj - def __init__(self): - self.cobj = c_get_global_datafile() - def add(self,save_repeat=False,**kwargs): - for key in kwargs: - self._add(kwargs[key],key,save_repeat) - - def _add(self,data,name,save_repeat): - cdef char * tmp - cdef double * dbl - cdef c.Field3D * f3d - t2=str.encode(name) - tmp=t2 - # import numbers - # if isinstance(data,int): - # #c_datafile_add_int(self.cobj, - # self.cobj.add(data,tmp,save_repeat) - # elif isinstance(data,numbers.Number): - # self.cobj.add(dbl,tmp,save_repeat) - # el - if isinstance(data,Field3D): - f3d=(data).cobj - self.cobj.add(f3d[0],tmp,save_repeat) - else: - raise TypeError("unsupported datatype") - def write(self): - self.cobj.write() + cdef c.Datafile * cobj + + def __init__(self): + self.cobj = c_get_global_datafile() + def add(self,save_repeat=False,**kwargs): + for key in kwargs: + self._add(kwargs[key],key,save_repeat) + def _add(self,data,name,save_repeat): + cdef char * tmp + cdef double * dbl + cdef c.Field3D * f3d + t2=str.encode(name) + tmp=t2 + if isinstance(data,Field3D): + f3d=(data).cobj + self.cobj.add(f3d[0],tmp,save_repeat) + else: + raise TypeError("unsupported datatype") + def write(self): + self.cobj.write() + + + def __dealloc__(self): + self.__mydealloc__() + + def __mydealloc__(self): + # is never self owned + pass EOF diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcpp.pxd.in b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcpp.pxd.in old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index e453847b98..a06d4f321e --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcpp.pxd.in +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutcpp.pxd.in @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ #!/bin/bash + +. common.sh + cat < + +void raise_bout_py_error() { + try { + throw; + } catch (const BoutException& e) { + PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.getBacktrace().c_str()); + } +} + diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutexception_helper.hxx b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutexception_helper.hxx new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..55f2f8f524 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/boutexception_helper.hxx @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +extern const char* raise_bout_py_error(); diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/common.sh b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/common.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f5a12acc0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/common.sh @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + +# make a list of the format "nx, ny, nz" or something similar +# 'n$d' gets expaneded to "nx, ny, nz" +# 'f[$i]' to "f[0], f[1], f[2]" +# NB: use single quotes to prevent early expansion +# First argument : the expression to expand, e.g. 'n$d' or +# 'f[$i]' +# Second argument (opt) : the spacing between the +# elements in the list (default ', ') +makelist () { + format="$1" + test $# -gt 1 && + spacing="$2" || spacing=", " + start="" ; i=0 + for d in ${dims[@]} ; do + echo -n "$start" ; + eval echo -n "\"$format\"" + start="$spacing" ; i=$(( i + 1 )) + done ; } + +# Set variables for Vectors and Fields +setvars() { + case $1 in + Vector2D) + field=Field2D + fdd=f2d + vdd=v2d + fheader=vector2d + ;; + Vector3D) + field=Field3D + fdd=f3d + vdd=v3d + fheader=vector3d + ;; + Field3D) + fdd="f3d" + ndim=3 + dims=(x y z) + fheader="field3d" + ;; + Field2D) + fdd="f2d" + ndim=2 + dims=(x y) + fheader="field2d" + ;; + *) + echo "$1 - not implemented" + exit 3 + esac +} + +vecs="Vector3D Vector2D" + +fields="Field3D Field2D" diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/debug.py b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/debug.py index a65ed74a0a..8eb8dea3ed 100755 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/debug.py +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/debug.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/bin/python3 +#!/usr/bin/env python3 print("Trying import") import debug diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/geninput.py b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/geninput.py index c08814480b..7f28d5e650 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/geninput.py +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/geninput.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/usr/bin/python3 +#!/usr/bin/env python3 import boutcore as bc import numpy as np diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.cxx.in b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.cxx.in index b618ae18b4..2007c06e65 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.cxx.in +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.cxx.in @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ + +. common.sh + cat < #include #include #include +#include #include EOF -for ftype in "Field3D" "Field2D" +for ftype in $fields do if [ $ftype = "Field3D" ]; then fdd="f3d"; elif [ $ftype = "Field2D" ]; then fdd="f2d"; @@ -160,12 +164,12 @@ void c_set_f2d_part_(Field2D * f2d, const double data,int xs,int xe, int dx,int } Mesh * c_get_global_mesh(){ - return mesh; + return bout::globals::mesh; } void c_mesh_normalise(Mesh * msh, double norm){ //printf("%g\n",norm); - auto coord = msh->coordinates(); + auto coord = msh->getCoordinates(); coord->dx/=norm; coord->dy/=norm; coord->dz/=norm; diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.h.in b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.h.in index 4e4e0384ce..24c26bdf04 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.h.in +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/helper.h.in @@ -1,16 +1,14 @@ +. common.sh + cat < #include EOF -for ftype in "Field3D" "Field2D" +for ftype in $fields do - if [ $ftype = "Field3D" ]; then fdd="f3d"; - elif [ $ftype = "Field2D" ]; then fdd="f2d"; - else - echo "Error, unimplemented ftype"; exit 1 - fi -cat <setModel(this); bout_monitor = new BoutMonitor(); solver->addMonitor(bout_monitor, Solver::BACK); - solver->outputVars(dump); + solver->outputVars(bout::globals::dump); }; void free(){ delete solver; @@ -101,15 +106,12 @@ public: _rhs=__rhs; }; void solve(){ - //solver->outputVars(dump); solver->solve(); } Solver * getSolver(){ return solver; }; private: - //void (*init_func)(bool); - //void (*rhs_func)(BoutReal time); PythonModelCallback * _init; PythonModelCallback * _rhs; Solver * solver; @@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ void throw_BoutException(std::string err){ } Datafile * c_get_global_datafile(){ - return &dump; + return &bout::globals::dump; } EOF diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/other_enums.hxx b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/other_enums.hxx index 0584d244bc..12582aaacc 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/other_enums.hxx +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/other_enums.hxx @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ #ifdef YOU_SHOULDNT_READ_THIS #error YOU_SHOULDNT_BE_HERE -enum BRACKET_METHOD {BRACKET_STD=0, BRACKET_SIMPLE=1, BRACKET_ARAKAWA=2, BRACKET_CTU=3,BRACKET_ARAKAWA_OLD=4 }; +enum class BRACKET_METHOD {standard, simple, arakawa, ctu, arakawa_old}; #endif diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum.pxd.in b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum.pxd.in index e953a93676..22e91e0228 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum.pxd.in +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum.pxd.in @@ -1,55 +1,155 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# We are trying to parse bout_types, to translate the list of enums to +# a python dictionary. + for file in ../../../include/bout_types.hxx other_enums.hxx do -end=${file##*/} -grep enum $file| \ - while read line -do - what=${line:5} - #echo $what - name=${what%\{*} - tmp=${what#*\{} - enums=${tmp%\}*} - echo "cdef extern from \"$end\":" - echo " cpdef enum ${name}:" - while test "$enums" - do - cur=${enums%%,*} - test "$cur" == "$enums" && enums= - cur=$(echo $cur) - enums=${enums#*,} - shrt=${cur%=*} - shrts+=" $shrt" - echo " $cur," - #echo $enums - done - echo - same=1 - continue=yes - while test $continue - do - same=$((same + 1)) - same_=${shrt::$same} - for shrt in $shrts: - do - if test ${shrt::$same} != $same_ - then - same=$((same - 1)) - continue= - break; - fi - done - done - lower=$(echo ${name}|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) - echo "cdef inline $name resolve_${lower}(str):" - echo " opts={" - for shrt in $shrts - do - echo " \"$shrt\":$shrt," - echo " \"${shrt:$same}\":$shrt," - done - echo " }" - echo " return opts[str]" - echo - shrts= -done + end=${file##*/} + + # In each file we are checking for enums, and then parse them + grep -E "^[ \t]*\benum\b" $file| \ + while read line + do + # first remove the start, which is just enum + what=${line:5} + # the name is before { - maybe remove "class " from that + fullname=$(echo ${what%\{*}) + name=${fullname#class } + test "$name" = "$fullname" && class= || class=yes + # between { and } all the enums are listed + tmp=${what#*\{} + enums=${tmp%\}*} + # Split the list of enums, which are separated by "," + # Also doe some parsing, check if a value is assigned, etc + if test $class + then + cat </dev/stderr $cur + shrts+=" $shrt" + test $class && + echo " cdef $name $cur" || + echo " $cur," + #echo $enums + done + echo + same=0 + continue=yes + # check for duplicates - e.g. CENTER = CENTRE + while test $continue + do + same=$((same + 1)) + same_=${shrt::$same} + for shrt in $shrts: + do + if test ${shrt::$same} != $same_ + then + same=$((same - 1)) + continue= + break; + fi + done + done + lower=$(echo ${name}|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) + echo "cdef inline $name resolve_${lower}(str):" + echo " opts={" + for shrt in $shrts + do + test "$shrt" = None && continue + test $class && res="$shrt" || res="$shrt" + echo &>/dev/stderr "$class - $res" + echo " \"$shrt\":$res," + test $same -gt 1 && + echo " \"${shrt:$same}\":$res," + test $class && + echo " \"${name}_${shrt}\":$res," + done + if test ${lower} = "cell_loc" + then + # CELL_LOCs are renamed by a macro in the C++ code, so need to handle specially here + echo " \"CELL_DEFAULT\":deflt," + echo " \"DEFAULT\":deflt," + echo " \"CELL_CENTRE\":centre," + echo " \"CENTRE\":centre," + echo " \"CELL_CENTER\":centre," + echo " \"CENTER\":centre," + echo " \"CELL_XLOW\":xlow," + echo " \"XLOW\":xlow," + echo " \"CELL_YLOW\":ylow," + echo " \"YLOW\":ylow," + echo " \"CELL_ZLOW\":zlow," + echo " \"ZLOW\":zlow," + echo " \"CELL_VSHIFT\":vshift," + echo " \"VSHIFT\":vshift," + elif test ${lower} = "diff_method" + then + echo " \"DIFF_DEFAULT\":deflt," + echo " \"DEFAULT\":deflt," + echo " \"DIFF_U1\":u1," + echo " \"U1\":u1," + echo " \"DIFF_U2\":u2," + echo " \"U2\":u2," + echo " \"DIFF_C2\":c2," + echo " \"C2\":c2," + echo " \"DIFF_W2\":w2," + echo " \"W2\":w2," + echo " \"DIFF_W3\":w3," + echo " \"W3\":w3," + echo " \"DIFF_C4\":c4," + echo " \"C4\":c4," + echo " \"DIFF_U3\":u3," + echo " \"U3\":u3," + echo " \"DIFF_FFT\":fft," + echo " \"FFT\":fft," + echo " \"DIFF_SPLIT\":split," + echo " \"SPLIT\":split," + echo " \"DIFF_S2\":s2," + echo " \"S2\":s2," + elif test ${lower} = "region" + then + echo " \"RGN_ALL\":all," + echo " \"RGN_NOBNDRY\":nobndry," + echo " \"RGN_NOX\":nox," + echo " \"RGN_NOY\":noy," + echo " \"RGN_NOZ\":noz," + elif test ${lower} = "bracket_method" + then + echo " \"BRACKET_STD\":standard," + echo " \"STD\":standard," + echo " \"BRACKET_SIMPLE\":simple," + echo " \"SIMPLE\":simple," + echo " \"BRACKET_ARAKAWA\":arakawa," + echo " \"ARAKAWA\":arakawa," + echo " \"BRACKET_CTU\":ctu," + echo " \"CTU\":ctu," + echo " \"BRACKET_ARAKAWA_OLD\":arakawa_old," + echo " \"ARAKAWA_OLD\":arakawa_old," + fi + echo " }" + test $class && + echo " return <$name> opts[str]" || + echo " return opts[str]" + echo + shrts= + done done diff --git a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum_inv.pyx.in b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum_inv.pyx.in index 6a4ee28fd9..5b93412ba5 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum_inv.pyx.in +++ b/tools/pylib/_boutcore_build/resolve_enum_inv.pyx.in @@ -1,49 +1,70 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env bash + +# We are trying to parse bout_types.hxx, to translate the list of enums to +# a python dictionary. + for file in ../../../include/bout_types.hxx other_enums.hxx do -end=${file##*/} -grep enum $file| \ - while read line -do - what=${line:5} - name=${what%\{*} - tmp=${what#*\{} - enums=${tmp%\}*} - while test "$enums" - do - cur=${enums%%,*} - test "$cur" == "$enums" && enums= - cur=$(echo $cur) - enums=${enums#*,} - shrt=${cur%=*} - shrts+=" $shrt" - done - echo - same=1 - continue=yes - while test $continue - do - same=$((same + 1)) - same_=${shrt::$same} - for shrt in $shrts: - do - if test ${shrt::$same} != $same_ - then - same=$((same - 1)) - continue= - break; - fi - done - done - lower=$(echo ${name}|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) - echo "def _resolve_inv_${lower}(benum.$name tores):" - echo " opts={" - for shrt in $shrts - do - echo " benum.$shrt:\"${shrt:$same}\"," - done - echo " }" - echo " return opts[tores]" - echo - shrts= -done + end=${file##*/} + + # In each file we are checking for enums, and then parse them + grep -E "^[ \t]*\benum\b" $file| \ + while read line + do + # first remove the start, which is just enum + what=${line:5} + # the name is before { - maybe remove "class " from that + fullname=$(echo ${what%\{*}) + name=${fullname#class } + test "$name" = "$fullname" && class= || class=yes + # between { and } all the enums are listed + tmp=${what#*\{} + enums=${tmp%\}*} + # Split the list of enums, which are separated by "," + # Also doe some parsing, check if a value is assigned, etc + while test "$enums" + do + cur=${enums%%,*} + test "$cur" == "$enums" && enums= + cur=$(echo $cur) + enums=${enums#*,} + shrt=${cur%=*} + test "$shrt" = None && continue + #test $shrt = "None" && shrt=NONE && cur=${cur/None/NONE} || echo &>/dev/stderr $cur + shrts+=" $shrt" + done + echo + same=0 + continue=yes + # check for duplicates - e.g. CENTER = CENTRE + while test $continue + do + same=$((same + 1)) + same_=${shrt::$same} + for shrt in $shrts: + do + if test ${shrt::$same} != $same_ + then + same=$((same - 1)) + continue= + break; + fi + done + done + lower=$(echo ${name}|tr [:upper:] [:lower:]) + test $class && prefix="" || prefix= + test $class && + echo "def _resolve_inv_${lower}(int tores):" || + echo "def _resolve_inv_${lower}(benum.$name tores):" + echo " opts={" + for shrt in $shrts + do + test "$shrt" = None && continue + echo " $prefix benum.$shrt:\"${shrt:$same}\"," + done + echo " }" + echo " return opts[$prefix tores]" + echo + shrts= + done done diff --git a/tools/pylib/boutdata/collect.py b/tools/pylib/boutdata/collect.py index 1e5a1c8d0c..930cf41bdb 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/boutdata/collect.py +++ b/tools/pylib/boutdata/collect.py @@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ def getDataFile(i): f = getDataFile(0) + dimensions = f.dimensions(varname) + try: mxg = f["MXG"] except KeyError: @@ -234,27 +236,31 @@ def getDataFile(i): if not yguards: yind = slice(yind.start+myg, yind.stop+myg, yind.step) - ndims = f.ndims(varname) - if ndims == 0: + if len(dimensions) == (): ranges = [] - elif ndims == 1: + elif dimensions == ('t'): ranges = [tind] - elif ndims == 2: + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y'): # Field2D ranges = [xind, yind] - elif ndims == 3: - if f.dimensions(varname)[2] == 'z': - # Field3D - ranges = [xind, yind, zind] - else: - # evolving Field2D - ranges = [tind, xind, yind] - elif ndims == 4: + elif dimensions == ('x', 'z'): + # FieldPerp + ranges = [xind, zind] + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'y'): + # evolving Field2D + ranges = [tind, xind, yind] + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'z'): + # evolving FieldPerp + ranges = [tind, xind, zind] + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y', 'z'): + # Field3D + ranges = [xind, yind, zind] + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z'): # evolving Field3D ranges = [tind, xind, yind, zind] else: - raise ValueError("Variable has too many dimensions ({}), expected at most 4" - .format(ndims)) + raise ValueError("Variable has incorrect dimensions ({})" + .format(dimensions)) data = f.read(varname, ranges) var_attributes = f.attributes(varname) @@ -265,6 +271,8 @@ def getDataFile(i): # Read data from the first file f = getDataFile(0) + dimensions = f.dimensions(varname) + if varname not in f.keys(): if strict: raise ValueError("Variable '{}' not found".format(varname)) @@ -272,8 +280,7 @@ def getDataFile(i): varname = findVar(varname, f.list()) var_attributes = f.attributes(varname) - dimens = f.dimensions(varname) - ndims = f.ndims(varname) + ndims = len(dimensions) # ndims is 0 for reals, and 1 for f.ex. t_array if ndims == 0: @@ -387,11 +394,16 @@ def load_and_check(varname): sizes = {'x': xsize, 'y': ysize, 'z': zsize, 't': tsize} # Create a list with size of each dimension - ddims = [sizes[d] for d in dimens] + ddims = [sizes[d] for d in dimensions] # Create the data array data = np.zeros(ddims) + if dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'z') or dimensions == ('x', 'z'): + yindex_global = None + # The pe_yind that this FieldPerp is going to be read from + fieldperp_yproc = None + for i in range(npe): # Get X and Y processor indices pe_yind = int(i/nxpe) @@ -519,34 +531,76 @@ def load_and_check(varname): f = getDataFile(i) - if ndims == 4: + if dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z'): d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind, slice(xstart, xstop), slice(ystart, ystop), zind]) data[:, (xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), (ygstart-yind.start):(ygstart-yind.start+ny_loc), :] = d - elif ndims == 3: - # Could be xyz or txy + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y', 'z'): + d = f.read(varname, ranges=[slice(xstart, xstop), + slice(ystart, ystop), + zind]) + data[(xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), + (ygstart-yind.start):(ygstart-yind.start+ny_loc), :] = d + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'y'): + d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind, + slice(xstart, xstop), + slice(ystart, ystop)]) + data[:, (xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), + (ygstart-yind.start):(ygstart-yind.start+ny_loc)] = d + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'z'): + # FieldPerp should only be defined on processors which contain its yindex_global + f_attributes = f.attributes(varname) + temp_yindex = f_attributes["yindex_global"] + + if temp_yindex >= 0: + if yindex_global is None: + yindex_global = temp_yindex + + # we have found a file with containing the FieldPerp, get the attributes from here + var_attributes = f_attributes + assert temp_yindex == yindex_global + + if temp_yindex >= 0: + # Check we only read from one pe_yind + assert fieldperp_yproc is None or fieldperp_yproc == pe_yind + + fieldperp_yproc = pe_yind - if dimens[2] == 'z': # xyz - d = f.read(varname, ranges=[slice(xstart, xstop), - slice(ystart, ystop), - zind]) - data[(xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), - (ygstart-yind.start):(ygstart-yind.start+ny_loc), :] = d - else: # txy d = f.read(varname, ranges=[tind, slice(xstart, xstop), - slice(ystart, ystop)]) - data[:, (xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), - (ygstart-yind.start):(ygstart-yind.start+ny_loc)] = d - elif ndims == 2: - # xy + zind]) + data[:, (xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), :] = d + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y'): d = f.read(varname, ranges=[slice(xstart, xstop), slice(ystart, ystop)]) data[(xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), (ygstart-yind.start):(ygstart-yind.start+ny_loc)] = d + elif dimensions == ('x', 'z'): + # FieldPerp should only be defined on processors which contain its yindex_global + f_attributes = f.attributes(varname) + temp_yindex = f_attributes["yindex_global"] + + if temp_yindex >= 0: + if yindex_global is None: + yindex_global = temp_yindex + + # we have found a file with containing the FieldPerp, get the attributes from here + var_attributes = f_attributes + assert temp_yindex == yindex_global + + if temp_yindex >= 0: + # Check we only read from one pe_yind + assert fieldperp_yproc is None or fieldperp_yproc == pe_yind + + fieldperp_yproc = pe_yind + + d = f.read(varname, ranges=[slice(xstart, xstop), zind]) + data[(xgstart-xind.start):(xgstart-xind.start+nx_loc), :] = d + else: + raise ValueError('Incorrect dimensions '+str(dimensions)+' in collect') if datafile_cache is None: # close the DataFile if we are not keeping it in a cache @@ -554,15 +608,20 @@ def load_and_check(varname): # if a step was requested in x or y, need to apply it here if xind.step is not None or yind.step is not None: - if ndims == 4: + if dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z'): data = data[:, ::xind.step, ::yind.step] - elif ndims == 3: - if dimens[2] == 'z': - data = data[::xind.step, ::yind.step, :] - else: - data = data[:, ::xind.step, ::yind.step] - elif ndims == 2: + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y', 'z'): + data = data[::xind.step, ::yind.step, :] + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'y'): + data = data[:, ::xind.step, ::yind.step] + elif dimensions == ('t', 'x', 'z'): + data = data[:, ::xind.step, :] + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y'): data = data[::xind.step, ::yind.step] + elif dimensions == ('x', 'z'): + data = data[::xind.step, :] + else: + raise ValueError('Incorrect dimensions '+str(dimensions)+' applying steps in collect') # Force the precision of arrays of dimension>1 if ndims > 1: diff --git a/tools/pylib/boutdata/restart.py b/tools/pylib/boutdata/restart.py index 269bc85f17..89cd37c39d 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/boutdata/restart.py +++ b/tools/pylib/boutdata/restart.py @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import os import glob +from boutdata.collect import collect, create_cache from boututils.datafile import DataFile from boututils.boutarray import BoutArray from boutdata.processor_rearrange import get_processor_layout, create_processor_layout @@ -30,108 +31,6 @@ except ImportError: pass - -def split(nxpe, nype, path="data", output="./", informat="nc", outformat=None, mxg=2, myg=2): - """Split restart files across NXPE x NYPE processors. - - Returns True on success - - Parameters - ---------- - nxpe, nype : int - The number of processors in x and y - path : str, optional - Path to original restart files (default: "data") - output : str, optional - Path to write new restart files (default: current directory) - informat : str, optional - File extension of original files (default: "nc") - outformat : str, optional - File extension of new files (default: use the same as `informat`) - mxg, myg : int, optional - The number of guard cells in x and y - - TODO - ---- - - Replace printing errors with raising `ValueError` - - Fix undefined variables! - - Make informat work like `redistribute` - - """ - - if outformat is None: - outformat = informat - - npes = nxpe * nype - - if npes <= 0: - print("ERROR: Negative or zero number of processors") - return False - - if path == output: - print("ERROR: Can't overwrite restart files") - return False - - file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart.*."+informat)) - nfiles = len(file_list) - - if nfiles == 0: - print("ERROR: No restart files found") - return False - - # Read old processor layout - f = DataFile(os.path.join(path, file_list[0])) - old_layout = get_processor_layout(f, False) - f.close() - - if nfiles != old_layout.npes: - print("WARNING: Number of restart files inconsistent with NPES") - print("Setting nfiles = " + str(old_npes)) - nfiles = old_layout.npes - - if old_layout.npes % old_layout.nxpe != 0: - print("ERROR: Old NPES is not a multiple of old NXPE") - return False - - if nype % old_layout.nype != 0: - print("SORRY: New nype must be a multiple of old nype") - return False - - if nxpe % old_layout.nxpe != 0: - print("SORRY: New nxpe must be a multiple of old nxpe") - return False - - # Calculate total size of the grid - nx = old_layout.mxsub * old_layout.nxpe - ny = old_layout.mysub * old_layout.nype - print(("Grid sizes: ", nx, ny, mz)) - - # Create the new restart files - for mype in range(npes): - # Calculate X and Y processor numbers - pex = mype % nxpe - pey = int(mype / nxpe) - - old_pex = int(pex / xs) - old_pey = int(pey / ys) - - old_x = pex % xs - old_y = pey % ys - - # Old restart file number - old_mype = old_layout.nxpe * old_pey + old_pex - - # Calculate indices in old restart file - xmin = old_x*mxsub - xmax = xmin + mxsub - 1 + 2*mxg - ymin = old_y*mysub - ymax = ymin + mysub - 1 + 2*myg - - print("New: "+str(mype)+" ("+str(pex)+", "+str(pey)+")") - print(" => "+str(old_layout.mype)+" ("+str(old_pex)+", " + - str(old_pey)+") : ("+str(old_x)+", "+str(old_y)+")") - - def resize3DField(var, data, coordsAndSizesTuple, method, mute): """Resize 3D fields @@ -689,66 +588,22 @@ def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outfor nype = new_processor_layout.nype mxsub = new_processor_layout.mxsub mysub = new_processor_layout.mysub + mzsub = new_processor_layout.mz outfile_list = [] for i in range(npes): outpath = os.path.join(output, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat) outfile_list.append(DataFile(outpath, write=True, create=True)) - infile_list = [] - for i in range(old_npes): - inpath = os.path.join(path, "BOUT.restart."+str(i)+"."+outformat) - infile_list.append(DataFile(inpath)) + + DataFileCache = create_cache(path, "BOUT.restart") for v in var_list: - ndims = f.ndims(v) + dimensions = f.dimensions(v) + ndims = len(dimensions) # collect data - if ndims == 0: - # scalar - data = f.read(v) - elif ndims == 2: - data = np.zeros((nx+2*mxg, ny+2*myg)) - for i in range(old_npes): - ix = i % old_nxpe - iy = int(i/old_nxpe) - ixstart = mxg - if ix == 0: - ixstart = 0 - ixend = -mxg - if ix == old_nxpe-1: - ixend = 0 - iystart = myg - if iy == 0: - iystart = 0 - iyend = -myg - if iy == old_nype-1: - iyend = 0 - data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, - iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend] - data = BoutArray(data, attributes=infile_list[0].attributes(v)) - elif ndims == 3: - data = np.zeros((nx+2*mxg, ny+2*myg, mz)) - for i in range(old_npes): - ix = i % old_nxpe - iy = int(i/old_nxpe) - ixstart = mxg - if ix == 0: - ixstart = 0 - ixend = -mxg - if ix == old_nxpe-1: - ixend = 0 - iystart = myg - if iy == 0: - iystart = 0 - iyend = -myg - if iy == old_nype-1: - iyend = 0 - data[ix*old_mxsub+ixstart:(ix+1)*old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iy*old_mysub+iystart:(iy+1)*old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, - :] = infile_list[i].read(v)[ixstart:old_mxsub+2*mxg+ixend, iystart:old_mysub+2*myg+iyend, :] - data = BoutArray(data, attributes=infile_list[0].attributes(v)) - else: - print("ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,", ndims, v) - return False + data = collect(v, xguards=True, yguards=True, info=False, + datafile_cache=DataFileCache) # write data for i in range(npes): @@ -761,24 +616,36 @@ def redistribute(npes, path="data", nxpe=None, output=".", informat=None, outfor outfile.write(v, nxpe) elif v == "NYPE": outfile.write(v, nype) - elif ndims == 0: + elif v == "MXSUB": + outfile.write(v, mxsub) + elif v == "MYSUB": + outfile.write(v, mysub) + elif v == "MZSUB": + outfile.write(v, mzsub) + elif dimensions == (): # scalar outfile.write(v, data) - elif ndims == 2: + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y'): # Field2D outfile.write( v, data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg]) - elif ndims == 3: + elif dimensions == ('x', 'z'): + # FieldPerp + yindex_global = data.attributes['yindex_global'] + if yindex_global + myg >= iy*mysub and yindex_global + myg < (iy+1)*mysub+2*myg: + outfile.write(v, data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, :]) + else: + nullarray = BoutArray(np.zeros([mxsub+2*mxg, mysub+2*myg]), attributes={"bout_type":"FieldPerp", "yindex_global":-myg-1}) + outfile.write(v, nullarray) + elif dimensions == ('x', 'y', 'z'): # Field3D outfile.write( v, data[ix*mxsub:(ix+1)*mxsub+2*mxg, iy*mysub:(iy+1)*mysub+2*myg, :]) else: print( - "ERROR: variable found with unexpected number of dimensions,", f.ndims(v)) + "ERROR: variable found with unexpected dimensions,", dimensions, v) f.close() - for infile in infile_list: - infile.close() for outfile in outfile_list: outfile.close() diff --git a/tools/pylib/boutdata/squashoutput.py b/tools/pylib/boutdata/squashoutput.py index 52bcaa40d1..c0ed69a81b 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/boutdata/squashoutput.py +++ b/tools/pylib/boutdata/squashoutput.py @@ -1,5 +1,3 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 - """ Collect all data from BOUT.dmp.* files and create a single output file. @@ -8,11 +6,6 @@ Useful because this discards ghost cell data (that is only useful for debugging) and because single files are quicker to download. -When run as script: - - first command line argument specifies data directory (default is the - current directory where the script is run) - - optional argument "--outputname " can be given to change the name - of the output file """ from boutdata.data import BoutOutputs diff --git a/tools/pylib/boututils/check_scaling.py b/tools/pylib/boututils/check_scaling.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af59b0b786 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/pylib/boututils/check_scaling.py @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +"""Functions for checking the error scaling of MMS or MES results + +""" + +from numpy import array, isclose, log, polyfit + + +def get_order(grid_spacing, errors): + """Get the convergence order of errors over the full range of + grid_spacing, and at small spacings + + Parameters + ---------- + grid_spacing : list of float + The grid spacing or inverse of number of grid points + errors : list of float + The error at each grid spacing + + Returns + ------- + tuple of float + The first value is the error scaling over the full range of + grid spacings; the second value is the scaling over the last + two points + + """ + if len(errors) != len(grid_spacing): + raise ValueError("errors (len: {}) and grid_spacing (len: {}) should be the same length" + .format(len(errors), len(grid_spacing))) + + full_range = polyfit(log(grid_spacing), log(errors), 1) + + small_spacing = log(errors[-2] / errors[-1]) / log(grid_spacing[-2] / grid_spacing[-1]) + + return (full_range[0], small_spacing) + + +def check_order(error_list, expected_order, tolerance=2.e-1, spacing=None): + """Check if the actual_order is sufficiently close to the + expected_order within a given tolerance + + """ + + if len(error_list) < 2: + raise RuntimeError("Expected at least 2 data points to calculate error") + + success = True + + for i in range(len(error_list)-1): + grid_spacing = 2 if spacing is None else spacing[i] / spacing[i+1] + actual_order = log(error_list[i] / error_list[i+1]) / log(grid_spacing) + + if not isclose(actual_order, expected_order, atol=tolerance, rtol=0): + success = False + return success + + +def error_rate_table(errors, grid_sizes, label): + """Create a nicely formatted table of the error convergence rate over + the grid_sizes + + The error rate is calculated between adjacent points + + Parameters + ---------- + errors : list of float + The errors at each grid size + grid_sizes : list of int + The number of grid points + label : string + What the error is measuring + + Returns + ------- + string + + """ + if len(errors) != len(grid_sizes): + raise ValueError("errors (len: {}) and grid_sizes (len: {}) should be the same length" + .format(len(errors), len(grid_sizes))) + + dx = 1. / array(grid_sizes) + message = "{}:\nGrid points | Error | Rate\n".format(label) + for i, grid_size in enumerate(grid_sizes): + message += "{:<11} | {:f} | ".format(grid_size, errors[i]) + if i > 0: + message += "{:f} \n".format(log(errors[i] / errors[i-1]) / log(dx[i] / dx[i-1])) + else: + message += "--\n" + return message diff --git a/tools/pylib/boututils/datafile.py b/tools/pylib/boututils/datafile.py index 093e7e19e6..ef2c62c57d 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/boututils/datafile.py +++ b/tools/pylib/boututils/datafile.py @@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ - ``h5py`` (for HDF5 files) - ``netCDF4`` (preferred NetCDF library) -- ``Scientific.IO.NetCDF`` -- ``scipy.io.netcdf``: - - old version (``create_dimension``, ``create_variable``) - - new version (``createDimension``, ``createVariable``) NOTE ---- @@ -36,31 +32,12 @@ from boututils.boutwarnings import alwayswarn from boututils.boutarray import BoutArray -# Record which library to use -library = None - try: from netCDF4 import Dataset - library = "netCDF4" has_netCDF = True except ImportError: - try: - from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile as Dataset - from Scientific.N import Int, Float, Float32 - library = "Scientific" - has_netCDF = True - except ImportError: - try: - from scipy.io.netcdf import netcdf_file as Dataset - library = "scipy" - has_netCDF = True - if hasattr(Dataset, "create_dimension"): - # Monkey-patch old version - Dataset.createDimension = Dataset.create_dimension - Dataset.createVariable = Dataset.create_variable - except ImportError: - raise ImportError( - "DataFile: No supported NetCDF modules available") + raise ImportError( + "DataFile: No supported NetCDF modules available -- requires netCDF4") try: import h5py @@ -350,36 +327,15 @@ def attributes(self, varname): class DataFile_netCDF(DataFile): handle = None - # Print warning if netcdf is used without the netcdf library - if library != "netCDF4": - print("WARNING: netcdf4-python module not found") - print(" expect poor performance") - if library == "Scientific": - print(" => Using Scientific.IO.NetCDF instead") - elif library == "scipy": - print(" => Using scipy.io.netcdf instead") def open(self, filename, write=False, create=False, format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC'): if (not write) and (not create): - if library == "scipy": - self.handle = Dataset(filename, "r", mmap=False) - else: - self.handle = Dataset(filename, "r") + self.handle = Dataset(filename, "r") elif create: - if library == "Scientific": - self.handle = Dataset(filename, "w", - 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time()) - + ' by ' + getpass.getuser()) - elif library == "scipy": - self.handle = Dataset(filename, "w") - else: - self.handle = Dataset(filename, "w", format=format) + self.handle = Dataset(filename, "w", format=format) else: - if library == "scipy": - raise Exception("scipy.io.netcdf doesn't support appending") - else: - self.handle = Dataset(filename, "a") + self.handle = Dataset(filename, "a") # Record if writing self.writeable = write or create @@ -446,12 +402,7 @@ def read(self, name, ranges=None, asBoutArray=True): "(got {}, expected {} or {})" .format(len(ranges), ndims, 2 * ndims)) - if library == "Scientific": - # Passing ranges to var[] doesn't seem to work - data = var[:] - data = data[ranges[:ndims]] - else: - data = var[ranges[:ndims]] + data = var[ranges[:ndims]] if asBoutArray: data = BoutArray(data, attributes=attributes) return data @@ -522,14 +473,32 @@ def _bout_type_from_dimensions(self, varname): dims_dict = { ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z'): "Field3D_t", ('t', 'x', 'y'): "Field2D_t", + ('t', 'x', 'z'): "FieldPerp_t", ('t',): "scalar_t", ('x', 'y', 'z'): "Field3D", ('x', 'y'): "Field2D", + ('x', 'z'): "FieldPerp", + ('x'): "ArrayX", (): "scalar", } return dims_dict.get(dims, None) + def _bout_dimensions_from_type(self, bout_type): + dims_dict = { + "Field3D_t": ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z'), + "Field2D_t": ('t', 'x', 'y'), + "FieldPerp_t": ('t', 'x', 'z'), + "scalar_t": ('t',), + "Field3D": ('x', 'y', 'z'), + "Field2D": ('x', 'y'), + "FieldPerp": ('x', 'z'), + "ArrayX": ('x'), + "scalar": (), + } + + return dims_dict.get(bout_type, None) + def write(self, name, data, info=False): if not self.writeable: @@ -572,11 +541,15 @@ def write(self, name, data, info=False): # Not found, so add. # Get dimensions - defdims = [(), - ('t',), - ('x', 'y'), - ('x', 'y', 'z'), - ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z')] + try: + defdims = self._bout_dimensions_from_type(data.attributes['bout_type']) + except AttributeError: + defdims_list = [(), + ('t',), + ('x', 'y'), + ('x', 'y', 'z'), + ('t', 'x', 'y', 'z')] + defdims = defdims_list[len(s)] def find_dim(dim): # Find a dimension with given name and size @@ -634,32 +607,26 @@ def find_dim(dim): return name # List of (size, 'name') tuples - dlist = list(zip(s, defdims[len(s)])) + dlist = list(zip(s, defdims)) # Get new list of variables, and turn into a tuple dims = tuple(map(find_dim, dlist)) # Create the variable - if library == "Scientific": - if t == 'int' or t == ' 1: @@ -203,9 +202,9 @@ def follow_field_lines(self, x_values, z_values, y_values, rtol=None, eps=None, nsteps = int(nsteps) # Ensure all inputs are NumPy arrays - x_values = np.asfarray(x_values) - y_values = np.asfarray(y_values) - z_values = np.asfarray(z_values) + x_values = np.atleast_1d(x_values) + y_values = np.atleast_1d(y_values) + z_values = np.atleast_1d(z_values) if len(y_values) < 2: raise ValueError("There must be at least two elements in y_values") diff --git a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/grid.py b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/grid.py index 99e247d43f..8ca964517b 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/grid.py +++ b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/grid.py @@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ def metric(self): # Note: These y metrics are for Cartesian coordinates # If in cylindrical coordinates then these should be different - g_yy = 1.0 # Rmaj**2 - gyy = 1.0 # 1/Rmaj**2 + g_yy = np.ones(self.shape) + gyy = np.ones(self.shape) return {"dx":dx, "dy":dy3d, "dz": dz, "gyy": gyy, "g_yy":g_yy, diff --git a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_fieldtracer.py b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_fieldtracer.py index e71b102711..8cdac5fdf0 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_fieldtracer.py +++ b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_fieldtracer.py @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ def test_slab(): coords = tracer.follow_field_lines( 0.2, 0.3, [1.5, 2.5] ) - assert coords.shape == (2,2) - assert np.allclose(coords[:,0], 0.2) # X coordinate + assert coords.shape == (2,1,2) + assert np.allclose(coords[:,0,0], 0.2) # X coordinate - assert np.allclose(coords[0,1], 0.3) - assert np.allclose(coords[1,1], 0.3 + 0.1/0.5) # Z coordinate + assert np.allclose(coords[0,0,1], 0.3) + assert np.allclose(coords[1,0,1], 0.3 + 0.1/0.5) # Z coordinate coords = tracer.follow_field_lines( [0.2,0.3,0.4], 0.5, [1.0,2.5] ) @@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ def test_FieldTracerReversible_slab(): coords = tracer.follow_field_lines( 0.2, 0.3, [1.5, 2.5] ) - assert coords.shape == (2,2) - assert np.allclose(coords[:,0], 0.2) # X coordinate + assert coords.shape == (2,1,2) + assert np.allclose(coords[:,0,0], 0.2) # X coordinate - assert np.allclose(coords[0,1], 0.3) - assert np.allclose(coords[1,1], 0.3 + 0.1/0.5) # Z coordinate + assert np.allclose(coords[0,0,1], 0.3) + assert np.allclose(coords[1,0,1], 0.3 + 0.1/0.5) # Z coordinate coords = tracer.follow_field_lines( [0.2,0.3,0.4], 0.5, [1.0,2.5] ) @@ -52,5 +52,5 @@ def test_poincare(): nplot=3, revs=5,nover=1) assert y_slices.size == 3 - assert result.shape == (5,y_slices.size, 2) + assert result.shape == (5, y_slices.size, 1, 2) diff --git a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_zoidberg.py b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_zoidberg.py index b1af481eea..45c1626381 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_zoidberg.py +++ b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/test_zoidberg.py @@ -1,69 +1,68 @@ - +from itertools import chain, product import numpy as np from . import zoidberg, grid, field + def test_make_maps_slab(): nx = 5 - ny = 6 + ny = 8 nz = 7 # Create a straight magnetic field in a slab straight_field = field.Slab(By=1.0, Bz=0.0, Bzprime=0.0) - + # Create a rectangular grid in (x,y,z) - rectangle = grid.rectangular_grid(nx,ny,nz) + rectangle = grid.rectangular_grid(nx, ny, nz) + + # Two parallel slices in each direction + nslice = 2 # Calculate forwards and backwards maps - maps = zoidberg.make_maps(rectangle, straight_field) - - # Check that maps has the required forward and backward index variables - for var in ['forward_xt_prime', 'forward_zt_prime', 'backward_xt_prime', 'backward_zt_prime']: - assert var in maps + maps = zoidberg.make_maps(rectangle, straight_field, nslice=nslice) - # Each map should have the same shape as the grid - assert maps['forward_xt_prime'].shape == (nx,ny,nz) - assert maps['backward_xt_prime'].shape == (nx,ny,nz) - assert maps['forward_zt_prime'].shape == (nx,ny,nz) - assert maps['backward_zt_prime'].shape == (nx,ny,nz) - - # Since this is a straight magnetic field in a simple rectangle, + # Since this is a straight magnetic field in a simple rectangle, # all the maps should be the same, and should be the identity - identity_map_x, identity_map_z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(nz), indexing='ij') - for y in range(ny-1): - assert np.allclose(maps['forward_xt_prime'][:,y,:], identity_map_x) - assert np.allclose(maps['forward_zt_prime'][:,y,:], identity_map_z) + # Check that maps has the required forward and backward index variables + offsets = chain(range(1, nslice + 1), range(-1, -(nslice + 1), -1)) + field_line_maps = ["xt_prime", "zt_prime"] + + for field_line_map, offset in product(field_line_maps, offsets): + var = zoidberg.parallel_slice_field_name(field_line_map, offset) + print("Current field: ", var) + assert var in maps + + # Each map should have the same shape as the grid + assert maps[var].shape == (nx, ny, nz) - for y in range(1,ny): - assert np.allclose(maps['backward_xt_prime'][:,y,:], identity_map_x) - assert np.allclose(maps['backward_zt_prime'][:,y,:], identity_map_z) + # The first/last abs(offset) points are not valid, so ignore those + interior_range = range(ny-abs(offset)) if offset > 0 else range(abs(offset), ny) + # Those invalid points should be set to -1 + end_slice = slice(-1, -(offset + 1), -1) if offset > 0 else slice(0, -offset) + identity_map = identity_map_x if "x" in var else identity_map_z - # The last forward map should hit a boundary - assert np.allclose(maps['forward_xt_prime'][:,-1,:], -1.0) - assert np.allclose(maps['forward_zt_prime'][:,-1,:], -1.0) + for y in interior_range: + assert np.allclose(maps[var][:, y, :], identity_map) - # First backward map hits boundary - assert np.allclose(maps['backward_xt_prime'][:,0,:], -1.0) - assert np.allclose(maps['backward_zt_prime'][:,0,:], -1.0) + # The end slice should hit a boundary + assert np.allclose(maps[var][:, end_slice, :], -1.0) def test_make_maps_straight_stellarator(): nx = 5 ny = 6 nz = 7 - + # Create magnetic field - magnetic_field = field.StraightStellarator(radius = 1.0) - + magnetic_field = field.StraightStellarator(radius = np.sqrt(2.0)) + # Create a rectangular grid in (x,y,z) rectangle = grid.rectangular_grid(nx,ny,nz, Lx = 1.0, Lz = 1.0, Ly = 10.0, yperiodic = True) - + # Here both the field and and grid are centred at (x,z) = (0,0) # and the rectangular grid here fits entirely within the coils maps = zoidberg.make_maps(rectangle, magnetic_field) - - diff --git a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/zoidberg.py b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/zoidberg.py index a7333d6762..7d11882fb2 100644 --- a/tools/pylib/zoidberg/zoidberg.py +++ b/tools/pylib/zoidberg/zoidberg.py @@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ import numpy as np from boututils import datafile as bdata +from collections import namedtuple +from itertools import chain + +from . import fieldtracer +from .progress import update_progress # PyEVTK might be called pyevtk or evtk, depending on where it was # installed from @@ -14,13 +19,24 @@ except ImportError: have_evtk = False -# from . import grid -# from . import field -from . import fieldtracer -from .progress import update_progress + +def parallel_slice_field_name(field, offset): + """Form a unique, backwards-compatible name for field at a given offset + + Parameters + ---------- + field : str + Name of the field to convert + offset : int + Parallel slice offset + + """ + prefix = 'forward' if offset > 0 else 'backward' + suffix = "_{}".format(abs(offset)) if abs(offset) > 1 else "" + return "{}_{}{}".format(prefix, field, suffix) -def make_maps(grid, magnetic_field, quiet=False, **kwargs): +def make_maps(grid, magnetic_field, nslice=1, quiet=False, **kwargs): """Make the forward and backward FCI maps Parameters @@ -29,6 +45,8 @@ def make_maps(grid, magnetic_field, quiet=False, **kwargs): Grid generated by Zoidberg magnetic_field : :py:obj:`zoidberg.field.MagneticField` Zoidberg magnetic field object + nslice : int + Number of parallel slices in each direction quiet : bool Don't display progress bar kwargs @@ -51,115 +69,91 @@ def make_maps(grid, magnetic_field, quiet=False, **kwargs): shape = (nx, ny, nz) # Coordinates of each grid point - R = np.zeros( shape ) - Z = np.zeros( shape ) - - # Arrays to store X index at end of field-line - # starting from (x,y,z) and going forward in toroidal angle (y) - forward_xt_prime = np.zeros( shape ) - forward_zt_prime = np.zeros( shape ) - - forward_R = np.zeros( shape ) - forward_Z = np.zeros( shape ) - - # Same but going backwards in toroidal angle - backward_xt_prime = np.zeros( shape ) - backward_zt_prime = np.zeros( shape ) - - backward_R = np.zeros( shape ) - backward_Z = np.zeros( shape ) - - field_tracer = fieldtracer.FieldTracer(magnetic_field) - - try: - rtol = kwargs["rtol"] - except KeyError: - rtol = None + R = np.zeros(shape) + Z = np.zeros(shape) - # TODO: if axisymmetric, don't loop, do one slice and copy for j in range(ny): - if (not quiet) and (ny > 1): - update_progress(float(j)/float(ny-1), **kwargs) - - # Get this poloidal grid - pol, ycoord = grid.getPoloidalGrid(j) - - # Store coordinates - R[:,j,:] = pol.R - Z[:,j,:] = pol.Z - - # Get the next (forward) poloidal grid - pol_forward, y_forward = grid.getPoloidalGrid(j+1) - - # We only want the end point, as [0,...] is the initial position - coord = field_tracer.follow_field_lines(pol.R, pol.Z, [ycoord, y_forward], rtol=rtol)[1,...] - - # Store the coordinates in real space - forward_R[:,j,:] = coord[:,:,0] - forward_Z[:,j,:] = coord[:,:,1] - - # Get the indices into the forward poloidal grid - if pol_forward is None: - # No forward grid, so hit a boundary - xind = -1 - zind = -1 - else: - # Find the indices for these new locations on the forward poloidal grid - xcoord = coord[:,:,0] - zcoord = coord[:,:,1] - xind, zind = pol_forward.findIndex(xcoord, zcoord) - - # Check boundary defined by the field - outside = magnetic_field.boundary.outside(xcoord, y_forward, zcoord) - xind[outside] = -1 - zind[outside] = -1 - - forward_xt_prime[:,j,:] = xind - forward_zt_prime[:,j,:] = zind - - # Go backwards one poloidal grid - pol_back, y_back = grid.getPoloidalGrid(j-1) - - # We only want the end point, as [0,...] is the initial position - coord = field_tracer.follow_field_lines(pol.R, pol.Z, [ycoord, y_back], rtol=rtol)[1,...] - - # Store the coordinates in real space - backward_R[:,j,:] = coord[:,:,0] - backward_Z[:,j,:] = coord[:,:,1] - - if pol_back is None: - # Hit boundary - xind = -1 - zind = -1 - else: - # Find the indices for these new locations on the backward poloidal grid - xcoord = coord[:,:,0] - zcoord = coord[:,:,1] - xind, zind = pol_back.findIndex(xcoord, zcoord) - - # Check boundary defined by the field - outside = magnetic_field.boundary.outside(xcoord, y_back, zcoord) - xind[outside] = -1 - zind[outside] = -1 - - backward_xt_prime[:,j,:] = xind - backward_zt_prime[:,j,:] = zind + pol, _ = grid.getPoloidalGrid(j) + R[:, j, :] = pol.R + Z[:, j, :] = pol.Z + + field_tracer = fieldtracer.FieldTracer(magnetic_field) + + rtol = kwargs.get("rtol", None) + # The field line maps and coordinates, etc. maps = { - 'R' : R, 'Z':Z, - 'forward_R':forward_R, 'forward_Z':forward_Z, - 'forward_xt_prime' : forward_xt_prime, - 'forward_zt_prime' : forward_zt_prime, - 'backward_R':backward_R, 'backward_Z':backward_Z, - 'backward_xt_prime' : backward_xt_prime, - 'backward_zt_prime' : backward_zt_prime + 'R': R, + 'Z': Z, } + # A helper data structure that groups the various field line maps along with the offset + ParallelSlice = namedtuple('ParallelSlice', ['offset', 'R', 'Z', 'xt_prime', 'zt_prime']) + # A list of the above data structures for each offset we want + parallel_slices = [] + + # Loop over offsets {1, ... nslice, -1, ... -nslice} + for offset in chain(range(1, nslice + 1), range(-1, -(nslice + 1), -1)): + # Unique names of the field line maps for this offset + field_names = [parallel_slice_field_name(field, offset) + for field in ['R', 'Z', 'xt_prime', 'zt_prime']] + + # Initialise the field arrays -- puts them straight into the result dict + for field in field_names: + maps[field] = np.zeros(shape) + + # Get the field arrays we just made and wrap them up in our helper tuple + fields = map(lambda x: maps[x], field_names) + parallel_slices.append(ParallelSlice(offset, *fields)) + + # Total size of the progress bar + total_work = float((len(parallel_slices) - 1) * (ny-1)) + + # TODO: if axisymmetric, don't loop, do one slice and copy + # TODO: restart tracing for adjacent offsets + for slice_index, parallel_slice in enumerate(parallel_slices): + for j in range(ny): + if (not quiet) and (ny > 1): + update_progress(float(slice_index * j) / total_work, **kwargs) + + # Get this poloidal grid + pol, ycoord = grid.getPoloidalGrid(j) + + # Get the next poloidal grid + pol_slice, y_slice = grid.getPoloidalGrid(j + parallel_slice.offset) + + # We only want the end point, as [0,...] is the initial position + coord = field_tracer.follow_field_lines(pol.R, pol.Z, [ycoord, y_slice], rtol=rtol)[1, ...] + + # Store the coordinates in real space + parallel_slice.R[:, j, :] = coord[:, :, 0] + parallel_slice.Z[:, j, :] = coord[:, :, 1] + + # Get the indices into the slice poloidal grid + if pol_slice is None: + # No slice grid, so hit a boundary + xind = -1 + zind = -1 + else: + # Find the indices for these new locations on the slice poloidal grid + xcoord = coord[:, :, 0] + zcoord = coord[:, :, 1] + xind, zind = pol_slice.findIndex(xcoord, zcoord) + + # Check boundary defined by the field + outside = magnetic_field.boundary.outside(xcoord, y_slice, zcoord) + xind[outside] = -1 + zind[outside] = -1 + + parallel_slice.xt_prime[:, j, :] = xind + parallel_slice.zt_prime[:, j, :] = zind + return maps def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', - new_names=False, metric2d=True, format="NETCDF3_64BIT"): + new_names=False, metric2d=True, format="NETCDF3_64BIT", + quiet=False): """Write FCI maps to BOUT++ grid file Parameters @@ -176,8 +170,10 @@ def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', Write "g_yy" rather than "g_22" metric2d : bool, optional Output only 2D metrics - format : str + format : str, optional Specifies file format to use, passed to boutdata.DataFile + quiet : bool, optional + Don't warn about 2D metrics Returns ------- @@ -193,24 +189,31 @@ def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', # Check if the magnetic field is in cylindrical coordinates # If so, we need to change the gyy and g_yy metrics - pol_grid,ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(0) + pol_grid, ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(0) Rmaj = magnetic_field.Rfunc(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) if Rmaj is not None: # In cylindrical coordinates Rmaj = np.zeros(grid.shape) for yindex in range(grid.numberOfPoloidalGrids()): - pol_grid,ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(yindex) - Rmaj[:,yindex,:] = magnetic_field.Rfunc(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) + pol_grid, ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(yindex) + Rmaj[:, yindex, :] = magnetic_field.Rfunc(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) metric["gyy"] = 1./Rmaj**2 metric["g_yy"] = Rmaj**2 - + # Get magnetic field and pressure Bmag = np.zeros(grid.shape) pressure = np.zeros(grid.shape) for yindex in range(grid.numberOfPoloidalGrids()): - pol_grid,ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(yindex) - Bmag[:,yindex,:] = magnetic_field.Bmag(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) - pressure[:,yindex,:] = magnetic_field.pressure(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) + pol_grid, ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(yindex) + Bmag[:, yindex, :] = magnetic_field.Bmag(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) + pressure[:, yindex, :] = magnetic_field.pressure(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) + + metric["g_yy"][:, yindex, :] = (metric["g_yy"][:, yindex, :] + * (Bmag[:, yindex, :] + / magnetic_field.Byfunc(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos))**2) + metric["gyy"][:, yindex, :] = (metric["gyy"][:, yindex, :] + * (magnetic_field.Byfunc(pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) + / Bmag[:, yindex, :])**2) # Get attributes from magnetic field (e.g. psi) attributes = {} @@ -218,23 +221,24 @@ def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', attribute = np.zeros(grid.shape) for yindex in range(grid.numberOfPoloidalGrids()): pol_grid, ypos = grid.getPoloidalGrid(yindex) - attribute[:,yindex,:] = magnetic_field.attributes[name](pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) + attribute[:, yindex, :] = magnetic_field.attributes[name](pol_grid.R, pol_grid.Z, ypos) attributes[name] = attribute - + # Metric is now 3D if metric2d: # Remove the Z dimension from metric components - print("WARNING: Outputting 2D metrics, discarding metric information.") + if not quiet: + print("WARNING: Outputting 2D metrics, discarding metric information.") for key in metric: try: - metric[key] = metric[key][:,:,0] - except: + metric[key] = metric[key][:, :, 0] + except TypeError: pass # Make dz a constant - metric["dz"] = metric["dz"][0,0] + metric["dz"] = metric["dz"][0, 0] # Add Rxy, Bxy - metric["Rxy"] = maps["R"][:,:,0] - metric["Bxy"] = Bmag[:,:,0] + metric["Rxy"] = maps["R"][:, :, 0] + metric["Bxy"] = Bmag[:, :, 0] with bdata.DataFile(gridfile, write=True, create=True, format=format) as f: ixseps = nx+1 @@ -246,11 +250,11 @@ def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', f.write("dy", metric["dy"]) f.write("dz", metric["dz"]) - f.write("ixseps1",ixseps) - f.write("ixseps2",ixseps) + f.write("ixseps1", ixseps) + f.write("ixseps2", ixseps) # Metric tensor - + if new_names: for key, val in metric.items(): f.write(key, val) @@ -258,20 +262,20 @@ def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', # Translate between output variable names and metric names # Map from new to old names. Anything not in this dict # is output unchanged - name_changes = {"g_yy":"g_22", - "gyy":"g22", - "gxx":"g11", - "gxz":"g13", - "gzz":"g33", - "g_xx":"g_11", - "g_xz":"g_13", - "g_zz":"g_33"} + name_changes = {"g_yy": "g_22", + "gyy": "g22", + "gxx": "g11", + "gxz": "g13", + "gzz": "g33", + "g_xx": "g_11", + "g_xz": "g_13", + "g_zz": "g_33"} for key in metric: name = key if name in name_changes: name = name_changes[name] f.write(name, metric[key]) - + # Magnetic field f.write("B", Bmag) @@ -281,7 +285,7 @@ def write_maps(grid, magnetic_field, maps, gridfile='fci.grid.nc', # Attributes for name in attributes: f.write(name, attributes[name]) - + # Maps - write everything to file for key in maps: f.write(key, maps[key]) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/cyclone/cyclone.py b/tools/tokamak_grids/cyclone/cyclone.py index bb2d432fae..519b93dae8 100755 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/cyclone/cyclone.py +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/cyclone/cyclone.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python +#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/elite/elite2nc b/tools/tokamak_grids/elite/elite2nc index da92144f90..aa181877fb 100755 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/elite/elite2nc +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/elite/elite2nc @@ -1,21 +1,11 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python +#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Convert an ELITE .eqin file to a NetCDF equilibrium file from __future__ import print_function from builtins import next -try: - import sys - -except ImportError: - print("ERROR: sys module not available") - raise SystemExit - -try: - import numpy as np -except ImportError: - print("ERROR: NumPy module not available") - raise SystemExit +import sys +import numpy as np # Check command-line arguments diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gato/gato2nc b/tools/tokamak_grids/gato/gato2nc index 0deffc3c26..f7b40cf378 100755 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gato/gato2nc +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gato/gato2nc @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python +#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Convert a GATO file to a NetCDF equilibrium file # This code should be more resiliant than the C @@ -12,30 +12,10 @@ from __future__ import division from builtins import str from builtins import next from past.utils import old_div -try: - import sys - -except ImportError: - print("ERROR: sys module not available") - raise SystemExit - -try: - import numpy as np -except ImportError: - print("ERROR: NumPy module not available") - raise SystemExit - -try: - import re -except: - print("ERROR: Regular expression module 're' not available") - raise SystemExit - -try: - from boututils.datafile import DataFile -except ImportError: - print("ERROR: Missing boututils.Datafile. Add pylib to your PYTHONPATH") - raise SystemExit +import sys +import numpy as np +import re +from boututils.datafile import DataFile # Check command-line arguments diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/adjust_jpar.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/adjust_jpar.pro index d6d0b16681..088cb0da92 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/adjust_jpar.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/adjust_jpar.pro @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ FUNCTION grad_par, var, mesh - dtheta = 2.*!PI / FLOAT(TOTAL(mesh.npol)) + dtheta = 2.D*!DPI / DOUBLE(TOTAL(mesh.npol)) RETURN, (mesh.Bpxy / (mesh.Bxy * mesh.hthe)) * ddy(var, mesh)*dtheta / mesh.dy END @@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ PRO adjust_jpar, grid, smoothp=smoothp, jpar=jpar, noplot=noplot ; Matching here rather than outboard produces more realistic results ; (current doesn't reverse direction at edge) mid_ind = -1 - status = gen_surface(mesh=data) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=data) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) IF period THEN BEGIN mr = MIN(data.rxy[xi, yi], mid_ind) @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ PRO adjust_jpar, grid, smoothp=smoothp, jpar=jpar, noplot=noplot ; Calculate 2*b0xk dot Grad P - kp = 2.*data.bxcvx*DDX(data.psixy, data.pressure) + kp = 2.D*data.bxcvx*DDX(data.psixy, data.pressure) ; Calculate B^2 Grad_par(Jpar0) @@ -85,18 +85,18 @@ PRO adjust_jpar, grid, smoothp=smoothp, jpar=jpar, noplot=noplot m = MAX(ABS(dj), ind) s = SIGN(dj[ind]) - w = WHERE(dj * s LT 0.0, count) ; find where contribution reverses - IF count GT 0 THEN dj[w] = 0.0 ; just zero in this region + w = WHERE(dj * s LT 0.0D, count) ; find where contribution reverses + IF count GT 0 THEN dj[w] = 0.0D ; just zero in this region jpar = ps - status = gen_surface(mesh=data) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=data) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) IF NOT period THEN BEGIN ; Due to multi-point differencing, dp/dx can be non-zero outside separatrix - ps[xi,yi] = 0.0 - jpar[xi,yi] = 0.0 + ps[xi,yi] = 0.0D + jpar[xi,yi] = 0.0D ENDIF w = WHERE(yi EQ mid_ind, count) @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ PRO adjust_jpar, grid, smoothp=smoothp, jpar=jpar, noplot=noplot !P.multi=[0,2,2,0,0] SURFACE, data.jpar0, tit="Input Jpar0", chars=2 SURFACE, jpar, tit="New Jpar0", chars=2 - PLOT, data.jpar0[0,*], tit="jpar at x=0. Solid=input", yr=[MIN([data.jpar0[0,*],jpar[0,*]]), $ + PLOT, data.jpar0[0,*], tit="jpar at x=0 Solid=input", yr=[MIN([data.jpar0[0,*],jpar[0,*]]), $ MAX([data.jpar0[0,*],jpar[0,*]])] OPLOT, jpar[0,*], psym=1 diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/analyse_equil.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/analyse_equil.pro index 8e9812f13e..43b69fcd19 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/analyse_equil.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/analyse_equil.pro @@ -39,22 +39,22 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; and X-points (saddle points) ; - dfdr = FLTARR(nx, ny) + dfdr = DBLARR(nx, ny) FOR j=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN dfdr[*,j] = diff(f[*,j]) ENDFOR - dfdz = FLTARR(nx, ny) + dfdz = DBLARR(nx, ny) FOR i=0, nx-1 DO BEGIN dfdz[i,*] = diff(f[i,*]) ENDFOR ; Use contour to get crossing-points where dfdr = dfdz = 0 - contour_lines, dfdr, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[0.0], $ + contour_lines, dfdr, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[0.0D], $ path_info=rinfo, path_xy=rxy - contour_lines, dfdz, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[0.0], $ + contour_lines, dfdz, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[0.0D], $ path_info=zinfo, path_xy=zxy ; Find where these two cross @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z zio = [ 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 1] ; Z index offsets ; Fitting a + br + cz + drz + er^2 + fz^2 - A = TRANSPOSE([[FLTARR(6)+1], $ + A = TRANSPOSE([[DBLARR(6)+1], $ [rio], $ [zio], $ [rio*zio], $ @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z valid = 1 - localf = FLTARR(6) + localf = DBLARR(6) FOR i=0, 5 DO BEGIN ; Get the f value in a stencil around this point xi = ((rex[e]+rio[i]) > 0) < (nx-1) ; Zero-gradient at edges @@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; [0,1,2,3,4,5] ; This determines whether saddle or extremum - det = 4.*res[4]*res[5] - res[3]^2 + det = 4.D*res[4]*res[5] - res[3]^2 - IF det LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF det LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN PRINT, " X-point" ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT, " O-point" @@ -147,15 +147,15 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; Get location (2x2 matrix of coefficients) - rinew = (res[3]*res[2] - 2.*res[1]*res[5]) / det - zinew = (res[3]*res[1] - 2.*res[4]*res[2]) / det + rinew = (res[3]*res[2] - 2.D*res[1]*res[5]) / det + zinew = (res[3]*res[1] - 2.D*res[4]*res[2]) / det - IF (ABS(rinew) GT 1.) OR (ABS(zinew) GT 1.0) THEN BEGIN + IF (ABS(rinew) GT 1.D) OR (ABS(zinew) GT 1.0D) THEN BEGIN ; Method has gone slightly wrong. Try a different method. ; Get a contour line starting at this point. Should ; produce a circle around the real o-point. PRINT, " Fitted location deviates too much" - IF det LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF det LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN PRINT, " => X-point probably not valid" PRINT, " deviation = "+STR(rinew)+","+STR(zinew) ;valid = 0 @@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z info = info[ind] ENDIF ELSE info = info[0] - rinew = 0.5*(MAX(xy[0, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)]) + $ + rinew = 0.5D*(MAX(xy[0, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)]) + $ MIN(xy[0, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)])) - rex[e] - zinew = 0.5*(MAX(xy[1, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)]) + $ + zinew = 0.5D*(MAX(xy[1, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)]) + $ MIN(xy[1, info.offset:(info.offset + info.n - 1)])) - zex[e] - IF (ABS(rinew) GT 2.) OR (ABS(zinew) GT 2.0) THEN BEGIN + IF (ABS(rinew) GT 2.D) OR (ABS(zinew) GT 2.0D) THEN BEGIN PRINT, " Backup method also failed. Keeping initial guess" - rinew = 0. - zinew = 0. + rinew = 0.D + zinew = 0.D ENDIF ENDELSE ENDIF @@ -193,13 +193,13 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z PRINT, " Starting index: " + STR(rex[e])+", "+STR(zex[e]) PRINT, " Refined index: " + STR(rinew)+", "+STR(zinew) - rnew = INTERPOLATE(R, rinew) - znew = INTERPOLATE(Z, zinew) + rnew = INTERPOLATE(R, rinew, /DOUBLE) + znew = INTERPOLATE(Z, zinew, /DOUBLE) PRINT, " Position: " + STR(rnew)+", "+STR(znew) PRINT, " F = "+STR(fnew) - IF det LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF det LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN IF n_xpoint EQ 0 THEN BEGIN xpt_ri = [rinew] @@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; Check if this duplicates an existing point m = MIN((xpt_ri - rinew)^2 + (xpt_zi - zinew)^2, ind) - IF m LT 2. THEN BEGIN + IF m LT 2.D THEN BEGIN PRINT, " Duplicates existing X-point." ENDIF ELSE BEGIN xpt_ri = [xpt_ri, rinew] @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; Check if this duplicates an existing point m = MIN((opt_ri - rinew)^2 + (opt_zi - zinew)^2, ind) - IF m LT 2. THEN BEGIN + IF m LT 2.D THEN BEGIN PRINT, " Duplicates existing O-point" ENDIF ELSE BEGIN opt_ri = [opt_ri, rinew] @@ -256,10 +256,10 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; Find the O-point closest to the middle of the grid dR = R[1] - R[0] dZ = Z[1] - Z[0] - mind = dR^2 * (opt_ri[0] - (FLOAT(nx)/2.))^2 + dZ^2*(opt_zi[0] - (FLOAT(ny)/2.))^2 + mind = dR^2 * (opt_ri[0] - (DOUBLE(nx)/2.D))^2 + dZ^2*(opt_zi[0] - (DOUBLE(ny)/2.D))^2 ind = 0 FOR i=1, n_opoint-1 DO BEGIN - d = dR^2*(opt_ri[i] - (FLOAT(nx)/2.))^2 + dZ^2*(opt_zi[i] - (FLOAT(ny)/2.))^2 + d = dR^2*(opt_ri[i] - (DOUBLE(nx)/2.D))^2 + dZ^2*(opt_zi[i] - (DOUBLE(ny)/2.D))^2 IF d LT mind THEN BEGIN ind = i mind = d @@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ENDFOR primary_opt = ind - PRINT, "Primary O-point is at "+STR(INTERPOLATE(R, opt_ri[ind])) + $ - ", " + STR(INTERPOLATE(Z, opt_zi[ind])) + PRINT, "Primary O-point is at "+STR(INTERPOLATE(R, opt_ri[ind], /DOUBLE)) + $ + ", " + STR(INTERPOLATE(Z, opt_zi[ind], /DOUBLE)) PRINT, "" IF n_xpoint GT 0 THEN BEGIN @@ -281,16 +281,16 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; Draw a line between the O-point and X-point n = 100 ; Number of points - farr = FLTARR(n) - dr = (xpt_ri[i] - opt_ri[primary_opt]) / FLOAT(n) - dz = (xpt_zi[i] - opt_zi[primary_opt]) / FLOAT(n) + farr = DBLARR(n) + dr = (xpt_ri[i] - opt_ri[primary_opt]) / DOUBLE(n) + dz = (xpt_zi[i] - opt_zi[primary_opt]) / DOUBLE(n) FOR j=0, n-1 DO BEGIN ; interpolate f at this location - farr[j] = INTERPOLATE(F, opt_ri[primary_opt] + dr*FLOAT(j), opt_zi[primary_opt] + dz*FLOAT(j)) + farr[j] = INTERPOLATE(F, opt_ri[primary_opt] + dr*DOUBLE(j), opt_zi[primary_opt] + dz*DOUBLE(j), /DOUBLE) ENDFOR IF farr[n-1] LT farr[0] THEN BEGIN - farr *= -1.0 ; Reverse, so maximum is always at the X-point + farr *= -1.0D ; Reverse, so maximum is always at the X-point ENDIF ; farr should be monotonic, and shouldn't cross any other separatrices @@ -300,8 +300,8 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ; Discard if there is more than a 5% discrepancy in normalised ; psi between the maximum and the X-point, or the minimum and ; the O-point. - IF (ma - farr[n-1])/(ma - farr[0]) GT 0.05 THEN continue - IF (farr[0] - mi)/(farr[n-1] - mi) GT 0.05 THEN continue + IF (ma - farr[n-1])/(ma - farr[0]) GT 0.05D THEN continue + IF (farr[0] - mi)/(farr[n-1] - mi) GT 0.05D THEN continue ; Monotonic, so add this to a list of x-points to keep IF nkeep EQ 0 THEN keep = [i] ELSE keep = [keep, i] @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z REPEAT BEGIN ; note here MIN() sets the value of 'ind' to the index where the minimum was found m = MIN((xpt_ri[0:(i-1)] - xpt_ri[i])^2 + (xpt_zi[0:(i-1)] - xpt_zi[i])^2, ind) - IF m LT 4. THEN BEGIN + IF m LT 4.D THEN BEGIN PRINT, "Duplicates: ", i, ind IF ABS(opt_f[primary_opt] - xpt_f[i]) LT ABS(opt_f[primary_opt] - xpt_f[ind]) THEN BEGIN @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ FUNCTION analyse_equil, F, R, Z ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; No x-points. Pick mid-point in f - xpt_f = 0.5*(MAX(F) + MIN(F)) + xpt_f = 0.5D*(MAX(F) + MIN(F)) PRINT, "WARNING: No X-points. Setting separatrix to F = "+STR(xpt_f) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/bfield/dct2d.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/bfield/dct2d.pro index 3afe44976a..04cdf90217 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/bfield/dct2d.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/bfield/dct2d.pro @@ -9,53 +9,53 @@ ny=nsig IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(INVERSE) THEN BEGIN ;---direct transform--- - fsig=fltarr(nx,ny) + fsig=dblarr(nx,ny) for iu=0,Nx-1 do begin for jv=0,Ny-1 do begin - if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107 else cu=1. - if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107 else cv=1. + if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107D else cu=1.D + if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107D else cv=1.D - sum=0.0 + sum=0.0D for jy=0,Ny-1 do begin for ix=0,Nx-1 do begin ; - sum=sum + sig[ix,jy]*cos(jv*!PI*(2*jy+1)/(2*Ny))*$ - cos(iu*!PI*(2*ix+1)/(2*Nx)) + sum=sum + sig[ix,jy]*cos(jv*!DPI*(2*jy+1)/(2*Ny))*$ + cos(iu*!DPI*(2*ix+1)/(2*Nx)) ; endfor endfor - fsig[iu,jv]=(2./nsig)*cv*cu*sum + fsig[iu,jv]=(2.D/nsig)*cv*cu*sum endfor endfor ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;---inverse transform--- - sig=fltarr(nx,ny) + sig=dblarr(nx,ny) for ix=0,Nx-1 do begin for jy=0,Ny-1 do begin - sum=0.0 + sum=0.0D for iu=0,Nx-1 do begin for jv=0,Ny-1 do begin ; - if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107 else cu=1. - if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107 else cv=1. + if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107D else cu=1.D + if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107D else cv=1.D - sum=sum + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*cos(jv*!PI*(2*jy+1)/(2*Ny))*$ - cos(iu*!PI*(2*ix+1)/(2*Nx)) + sum=sum + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*cos(jv*!DPI*(2*jy+1)/(2*Ny))*$ + cos(iu*!DPI*(2*ix+1)/(2*Nx)) ; endfor endfor - sig[ix,jy]=(2./nsig)*sum + sig[ix,jy]=(2.D/nsig)*sum ;STOP endfor @@ -80,32 +80,32 @@ function EvalCosP, fsig, nsig, x0=x0,y0=y0 nx=nsig ny=nsig - sum=0.0 - sumx=0.0 - sumy=0.0 + sum=0.0D + sumx=0.0D + sumy=0.0D for iu=0,Nx-1 do begin for jv=0,Ny-1 do begin ; - if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107 else cu=1. - if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107 else cv=1. + if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107D else cu=1.D + if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107D else cv=1.D sum=sum + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - COS(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx)) + COS(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx)) sumx=sumx + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - COS(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*SIN(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (-iu*!PI/Nx) + COS(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*SIN(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (-iu*!DPI/Nx) sumy=sumy + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - SIN(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (-jv*!PI/Ny) + SIN(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (-jv*!DPI/Ny) ; endfor endfor - res=(2./nsig)*[sum,sumx,sumy] + res=(2.D/nsig)*[sum,sumx,sumy] ; ; @@ -120,30 +120,30 @@ function EvalCosPfast, fsig, nsig, x0=x0,y0=y0 ;and the partial derivatives ;-------------------------------------------- - cuvec=fltarr(nsig)+1. - cuvec[0]=0.707107 + cuvec=dblarr(nsig)+1.D + cuvec[0]=0.707107D - cvvec=fltarr(nsig)+1. - cvvec[0]=0.707107 + cvvec=dblarr(nsig)+1.D + cvvec[0]=0.707107D uvec=findgen(nsig) - uvec=COS(!PI*findgen(nsig)*(x0+0.5)/nsig) - uvex=(-findgen(nsig)*!PI/nsig)*SIN(!PI*findgen(nsig)*(x0+0.5)/nsig) + uvec=COS(!DPI*findgen(nsig)*(x0+0.5D)/nsig) + uvex=(-findgen(nsig)*!DPI/nsig)*SIN(!DPI*findgen(nsig)*(x0+0.5D)/nsig) vvec=findgen(nsig) - vvec=COS(!PI*vvec*(y0+0.5)/nsig) - vvey=(-findgen(nsig)*!PI/nsig)*SIN(!PI*findgen(nsig)*(y0+0.5)/nsig) + vvec=COS(!DPI*vvec*(y0+0.5D)/nsig) + vvey=(-findgen(nsig)*!DPI/nsig)*SIN(!DPI*findgen(nsig)*(y0+0.5D)/nsig) ;-value - res=(2./nsig) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvec)) + res=(2.D/nsig) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvec)) ;d/dx - rex=(2./nsig) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvex # vvec)) + rex=(2.D/nsig) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvex # vvec)) ;d/dy - rey=(2./nsig) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvey)) + rey=(2.D/nsig) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvey)) ; ; diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_grid.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_grid.pro index aae915b10e..bfc8827caa 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_grid.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_grid.pro @@ -114,90 +114,129 @@ END FUNCTION poloidal_grid, interp_data, R, Z, ri, zi, n, fpsi=fpsi, parweight=parweight, $ ydown_dist=ydown_dist, yup_dist=yup_dist, $ - ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space + ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + ydown_firstind=ydown_firstind, $ + yup_lastind=yup_lastind - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(parweight) THEN parweight = 0.0 ; Default is poloidal distance + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(parweight) THEN parweight = 0.0D ; Default is poloidal distance np = N_ELEMENTS(ri) + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(y_boundary_guards) THEN y_boundary_guards = 0 + + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(ydown_firstind) THEN BEGIN + ; Index of location of wall not given => no wall at ydown end + ; Default to starting at beginning of ri, zi arrays. + ydown_firstind = 0 + boundary_guards_ydown = 0 + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; There is a wall at ydown + boundary_guards_ydown = y_boundary_guards + ENDELSE + + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(yup_lastind) THEN BEGIN + ; Index of location of wall not given => no wall at yup end + ; Default to finishing at end of ri, zi arrays. + yup_lastind = np - 1 + boundary_guards_yup = 0 + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; There is a wall at yup + boundary_guards_yup = y_boundary_guards + ENDELSE + IF 0 THEN BEGIN ; Calculate poloidal distance along starting line - drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri)) - dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi)) + drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE)) + dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE)) dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) poldist = int_func(findgen(np), dldi, /simple) ; Poloidal distance along line + + ; reset poldist to start at zero at the ydown wall (if one is present) + poldist = poldist - poldist[ydown_firstind] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - rpos = INTERPOLATE(R, ri) - zpos = INTERPOLATE(Z, zi) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE) dd = SQRT((zpos[1:*] - zpos[0:(np-2)])^2 + (rpos[1:*] - rpos[0:(np-2)])^2) dd = [dd, SQRT((zpos[0] - zpos[np-1])^2 + (rpos[0] - rpos[np-1])^2)] - poldist = FLTARR(np) + poldist = DBLARR(np) FOR i=1,np-1 DO poldist[i] = poldist[i-1] + dd[i-1] + + ; reset poldist to start at zero at the ydown wall (if one is present) + poldist = poldist - poldist[ydown_firstind] ENDELSE IF SIZE(fpsi, /n_dim) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; Parallel distance along line ; Need poloidal and toroidal field ni = N_ELEMENTS(ri) - bp = FLTARR(ni) - bt = FLTARR(ni) + bp = DBLARR(ni) + bt = DBLARR(ni) m = interp_data.method interp_data.method = 2 FOR i=0, ni-1 DO BEGIN local_gradient, interp_data, ri[i], zi[i], status=status, $ f=f, dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz ; dfd* are derivatives wrt the indices. Need to multiply by dr/di etc - dfdr /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),ri[i]) - dfdz /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),zi[i]) + dfdr /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),ri[i], /DOUBLE) + dfdz /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),zi[i], /DOUBLE) IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN btr = INTERPOL(REFORM(fpsi[1,*]), REFORM(fpsi[0,*]), f) ENDIF - bp[i] = SQRT(dfdr^2 + dfdz^2) / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i]) - bt[i] = ABS( btr / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i])) + bp[i] = SQRT(dfdr^2 + dfdz^2) / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i], /DOUBLE) + bt[i] = ABS( btr / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i], /DOUBLE)) ENDFOR interp_data.method = m b = SQRT(bt^2 + bp^2) ddpar = dd * b / bp - pardist = FLTARR(np) + pardist = DBLARR(np) FOR i=1,np-1 DO BEGIN ip = (i + 1) MOD np - pardist[i] = pardist[i-1] + ddpar[i] ;0.5*(ddpar[i-1] + ddpar[ip]) + pardist[i] = pardist[i-1] + ddpar[i] ;0.5D*(ddpar[i-1] + ddpar[ip]) ENDFOR + + ; reset pardist to start at zero at the ydown wall (if one is present) + pardist = pardist - pardist[ydown_firstind] ENDIF ELSE pardist = poldist ; Just use the same poloidal distance PRINT, "PARWEIGHT: ", parweight - dist = parweight*pardist + (1. - parweight)*poldist + dist = parweight*pardist + (1.D - parweight)*poldist ; Divide up distance. No points at the end (could be x-point) IF n GE 2 THEN BEGIN - IF SIZE(ydown_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN ydown_dist = dist[np-1]* 0.5 / FLOAT(n) - IF SIZE(yup_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN yup_dist = dist[np-1] * 0.5 / FLOAT(n) + ; note dist[ydown_firstind] should be 0., but include here anyway + total_dist = dist[yup_lastind] - dist[ydown_firstind] + IF SIZE(ydown_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN ydown_dist = total_dist * 0.5D / DOUBLE(n) + IF SIZE(yup_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN yup_dist = total_dist * 0.5D / DOUBLE(n) IF SIZE(ydown_space, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN ydown_space = ydown_dist IF SIZE(yup_space, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN yup_space = ydown_dist - ;dloc = (dist[np-1] - ydown_dist - yup_dist) * FINDGEN(n)/FLOAT(n-1) + ydown_dist ; Distance locations + ;dloc = (dist[np-1] - ydown_dist - yup_dist) * FINDGEN(n)/DOUBLE(n-1) + ydown_dist ; Distance locations - fn = FLOAT(n-1) - d = (dist[np-1] - ydown_dist - yup_dist) ; Distance between first and last - i = FINDGEN(n) + fn = DOUBLE(n-1) + d = (total_dist - ydown_dist - yup_dist) ; Distance between first and last + i = FINDGEN(n + boundary_guards_ydown + boundary_guards_yup) + + ; igrid starts at zero in the first grid cell (excludes boundary guard cells) + igrid = i - boundary_guards_ydown - yd = ydown_space < 0.5*d/fn - yu = yup_space < 0.5*d/fn + yd = ydown_space < 0.5D*d/fn + yu = yup_space < 0.5D*d/fn ; Fit to ai + bi^2 + c[i-sin(2pi*i/(n-1))*(n-1)/(2pi)] - a = yd*2. - b = (2.*yu - a) / fn - c = d/fn - a - 0.5*b*fn - dloc = ydown_dist + a*i + 0.5*b*i^2 + c*[i - SIN(2.*!PI*i / fn)*fn/(2.*!PI)] - ddloc = a + b*i + c*[1 - COS(2.*!PI*i / fn)] + a = yd*2.D + b = (2.D*yu - a) / fn + c = d/fn - a - 0.5D*b*fn + dloc = ydown_dist + a*igrid + 0.5D*b*igrid^2 + c*[igrid - SIN(2.D*!DPI*igrid / fn)*fn/(2.D*!DPI)] + ddloc = a + b*igrid + c*[1.D - COS(2.D*!DPI*igrid / fn)] ; Fit to dist = a*i^3 + b*i^2 + c*i - ;c = ydown_dist*2. - ;b = 3.*(d/fn^2 - c/fn) - 2.*yup_dist/fn + c/fn + ;c = ydown_dist*2.D + ;b = 3.D*(d/fn^2 - c/fn) - 2.D*yup_dist/fn + c/fn ;a = d/fn^3 - c/fn^2 - b/fn ;dloc = ydown_dist + c*i + b*i^2 + a*i^3 @@ -236,8 +275,21 @@ FUNCTION grid_region, interp_data, R, Z, $ fpsi=fpsi, $ ; f(psi) = R*Bt optional current function parweight=parweight, $ ; Space equally in parallel (1) or poloidal (0) distance ydown_dist=ydown_dist, yup_dist=yup_dist, $ - ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space + ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ ; number of guard cells at y-boundaries + ydown_firstind=ydown_firstind, $ ; if given, include y_boundary_guards before this point + yup_lastind=yup_lastind ; if given, include y_boundary_guards after this point + npar_total = npar + IF KEYWORD_SET(ydown_firstind) THEN BEGIN + ; add boundary guard cells at ydown + npar_total = npar_total + y_boundary_guards + ENDIF + IF KEYWORD_SET(yup_lastind) THEN BEGIN + ; add boundary guard cells at yup + npar_total = npar_total + y_boundary_guards + ENDIF + nsurf = N_ELEMENTS(fvals) IF sind GE 0 THEN BEGIN @@ -271,17 +323,20 @@ FUNCTION grid_region, interp_data, R, Z, $ ind = poloidal_grid(interp_data, R, Z, ri, zi, npar, fpsi=fpsi, $ ydown_dist=ydown_dist, yup_dist=yup_dist, $ ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space, $ - parweight=parweight) + parweight=parweight, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + ydown_firstind=ydown_firstind, $ + yup_lastind=yup_lastind) - rii = INTERPOLATE(ri, ind) - zii = INTERPOLATE(zi, ind) + rii = INTERPOLATE(ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zii = INTERPOLATE(zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ;rii = int_func(SMOOTH(deriv(rii), 3), /simple) + rii[0] ;zii = int_func(SMOOTH(deriv(zii), 3), /simple) + zii[0] ;STOP ; Refine the location of the starting point - FOR i=0, npar-1 DO BEGIN + FOR i=0, npar_total-1 DO BEGIN follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, rii[i], zii[i], f0, ri1, zi1 rii[i] = ri1 zii[i] = zi1 @@ -289,9 +344,9 @@ FUNCTION grid_region, interp_data, R, Z, $ ; From each starting point, follow gradient in both directions - rixy = FLTARR(nsurf, npar) - zixy = FLTARR(nsurf, npar) - FOR i=0, npar-1 DO BEGIN + rixy = DBLARR(nsurf, npar_total) + zixy = DBLARR(nsurf, npar_total) + FOR i=0, npar_total-1 DO BEGIN IF sind GE 0 THEN BEGIN rixy[nin, i] = rii[i] zixy[nin, i] = zii[i] @@ -311,17 +366,17 @@ FUNCTION grid_region, interp_data, R, Z, $ boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry IF status EQ 1 THEN BEGIN - rixy[nin+j+1, i] = -1.0 + rixy[nin+j+1, i] = -1.0D IF nin+j LT slast THEN slast = nin+j ; last good surface index fbndry = fvals[slast] - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF ELSE IF status EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; Hit a boundary rixy[nin+j+1, i] = rinext zixy[nin+j+1, i] = zinext IF nin+j LT slast THEN slast = nin+j ; Set the last point - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF ELSE BEGIN rixy[nin+j+1, i] = rinext @@ -336,10 +391,10 @@ FUNCTION grid_region, interp_data, R, Z, $ boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry IF status EQ 1 THEN BEGIN - rixy[nin-j-1, i] = -1.0 + rixy[nin-j-1, i] = -1.0D IF nin-j GT sfirst THEN sfirst = nin-j fbndry = fvals[sfirst] - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF @@ -348,16 +403,16 @@ FUNCTION grid_region, interp_data, R, Z, $ IF status EQ 2 THEN BEGIN IF nin-j GT sfirst THEN sfirst = nin-j - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF ENDFOR IF KEYWORD_SET(oplot) THEN BEGIN - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, rixy[*, i]), INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy[*, i]), color=4 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, rixy[*, i], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy[*, i], /DOUBLE), color=4 ENDIF ENDFOR - RETURN, {rixy:rixy, zixy:zixy, rxy:INTERPOLATE(R, rixy), zxy:INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy)} + RETURN, {rixy:rixy, zixy:zixy, rxy:INTERPOLATE(R, rixy, /DOUBLE), zxy:INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy, /DOUBLE)} END PRO plot_grid_section, a, _extra=_extra @@ -381,15 +436,29 @@ PRO oplot_line, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt, color=color, _extra=_ pos = get_line(interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt) - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pos[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, pos[*,1]), $ + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pos[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, pos[*,1], /DOUBLE), $ color=color, _extra=_extra END FUNCTION line_dist, R, Z, ri, zi - drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri)) - dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi)) - dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) - RETURN, int_func(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi, /simple) + IF 0 THEN BEGIN + ; derivatives drdi and dzdi may be very inaccurate because the contour + ; given by ri and zi is not necessarily uniformly spaced, it may not even + ; have a smoothly varying grid spacing. Therefore don't use this branch + drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE)) + dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE)) + dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) + RETURN, int_func(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi, /simple) + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + np = N_ELEMENTS(ri) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE) + dd = SQRT((zpos[1:*] - zpos[0:(np-2)])^2 + (rpos[1:*] - rpos[0:(np-2)])^2) + dd = [dd, SQRT((zpos[0] - zpos[np-1])^2 + (rpos[0] - rpos[np-1])^2)] + result = DBLARR(np) + FOR i=1,np-1 DO result[i] = result[i-1] + dd[i-1] + RETURN, result + ENDELSE END ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -402,8 +471,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.leg1_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[0]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to PF follow_gradient, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -419,8 +488,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.leg2_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[3]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to PF follow_gradient, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -434,8 +503,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.core1_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[2]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to core follow_gradient, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -452,8 +521,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.core2_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[1]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to core follow_gradient, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -466,29 +535,29 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f ; Get distances between end points - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [pf_ri1, pf_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [pf_zi1, pf_zi2]), thick=2, color=1 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [pf_ri1, pf_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [pf_zi1, pf_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=1 - d1 = (INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi2))^2 + d1 = (INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - d2 = (INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi2))^2 + d2 = (INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [core_ri1, core_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [core_zi1, core_zi2]), thick=2, color=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [core_ri1, core_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [core_zi1, core_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=2 - d3 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi2))^2 + d3 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_in_ri1, sol_in_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_in_zi1, sol_in_zi2]), thick=2, color=3 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_in_ri1, sol_in_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_in_zi1, sol_in_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=3 - d4 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi2))^2 + d4 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_out_ri1, sol_out_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_out_zi1, sol_out_zi2]), thick=2, color=4 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_out_ri1, sol_out_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_out_zi1, sol_out_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=4 ;cursor, x, y, /down @@ -523,36 +592,25 @@ FUNCTION solve_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, so ; Internal error: Bad variable type encountered in no_name_var(). ; when NEWTON is combined with LSODE - dfdx = FLTARR(4,4) + dfdx = DBLARR(4,4) delta = 1e-3 REPEAT BEGIN xp0 = xpt_hthe_newt(dist) - response = FLTARR(4) + response = DBLARR(4) FOR i=0, 3 DO BEGIN ; Calculate partial derivatives using finite-differences - d = FLTARR(4) + d = DBLARR(4) d[i] = delta dfdx[*,i] = (xpt_hthe_newt(dist+d) - xp0) / delta response[i] = MIN([dfdx[i,i], dfdx[(i+1) MOD 4,i]]) ENDFOR - IF MIN(dfdx) LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF MIN(dfdx) LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: ILL-BEHAVED FITTING" RETURN, dist0 ; Don't modify ENDIF -; ; Invert using SVD -; SVDC, dfdx, W, U, V -; WP = FLTARR(4, 4) -; for i=0,2 do wp[i,i] = 1.0/w[i] -; ddist = V ## WP ## TRANSPOSE(U) # xp0 -; -; ;ddist = INVERT(dfdx) # xp0 -; w = WHERE(ABS(ddist) GT 0.5*dist, count) -; IF count GT 0 THEN ddist[w] = ddist[w] * 0.5*dist[w] / ABS(ddist[w]) -; dist = dist - ddist -; PRINT, "DIST =", REFORM(dist) PRINT, "RESP = ", response ; PRINT, "CHANGE = ", ddist @@ -562,10 +620,10 @@ FUNCTION solve_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, so ; If too low, move out, too high move in med = MEDIAN(response) - w = WHERE(response LT 0.1*med, count1) - IF count1 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 2. - w = WHERE(response GT 10.*med, count2) - IF count2 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 0.75 + w = WHERE(response LT 0.1D*med, count1) + IF count1 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 2.D + wD = WHERE(response GT 10.D*medD, count2) + IF count2 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 0.75D ENDREP UNTIL count1+count2 EQ 0 @@ -595,14 +653,14 @@ FUNCTION increase_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, IF xd[(ind+1) MOD 4] LT xd[(ind+3) MOD 4] THEN BEGIN ; Increase dist[ind] - dist[ind] = dist[ind] * 1.1 + dist[ind] = dist[ind] * 1.1D ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Increase dist[ind-1] - dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] * 1.1 + dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] * 1.1D ENDELSE ENDIF xd = xpt_hthe(dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f, boundary=boundary, psi=psi) - ENDREP UNTIL (MIN(xd) GE xd_target) OR ( ABS(MIN(xd) - m) LT 1.e-5 ) + ENDREP UNTIL (MIN(xd) GE xd_target) OR ( ABS(MIN(xd) - m) LT 1.d-5 ) ; Reduce spacing until one goes below target REPEAT BEGIN @@ -611,9 +669,9 @@ FUNCTION increase_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, IF m GT xd_target THEN BEGIN ; Decrease distance IF xd[(ind+1) MOD 4] GT xd[(ind+3) MOD 4] THEN BEGIN - dist[ind] = dist[ind] / 1.1 + dist[ind] = dist[ind] / 1.1D ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] / 1.1 + dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] / 1.1D ENDELSE ENDIF xd = xpt_hthe(dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f, boundary=boundary, psi=psi) @@ -635,7 +693,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ nrad_flexible=nrad_flexible, $ single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, $ xpt_mindist=xpt_mindist, xpt_mul=xpt_mul, $ - simple=simple + simple=simple, y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards IF SIZE(nrad_flexible, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN nrad_flexible = 0 @@ -664,23 +722,23 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF ELSE IF N_PARAMS() LT 4 THEN BEGIN ; Settings omitted. Set defaults PRINT, "Settings not given -> using default values" - settings = {psi_inner:0.9, $ - psi_outer:1.1, $ + settings = {psi_inner:0.9D, $ + psi_outer:1.1D, $ nrad:36, $ npol:64, $ - rad_peaking:0.0, $ - pol_peaking:0.0, $ - parweight:0.0} + rad_peaking:0.0D, $ + pol_peaking:0.0D, $ + parweight:0.0D} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT, "Checking settings" settings = in_settings ; So the input isn't changed - str_check_present, settings, 'psi_inner', 0.9 - str_check_present, settings, 'psi_outer', 1.1 + str_check_present, settings, 'psi_inner', 0.9D + str_check_present, settings, 'psi_outer', 1.1D str_check_present, settings, 'nrad', 36 str_check_present, settings, 'npol', 64 - str_check_present, settings, 'rad_peaking', 0.0 - str_check_present, settings, 'pol_peaking', 0.0 - str_check_present, settings, 'parweight', 0.0 + str_check_present, settings, 'rad_peaking', 0.0D + str_check_present, settings, 'pol_peaking', 0.0D + str_check_present, settings, 'parweight', 0.0D ENDELSE s = SIZE(F, /DIMENSION) @@ -732,7 +790,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(bndryi) THEN BEGIN - bndryi = FLTARR(2,4) + bndryi = DBLARR(2,4) bndryi[0,*] = [1, nx-2, nx-2, 1] bndryi[1,*] = [1, 1, ny-2, ny-2] ENDIF @@ -753,7 +811,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ nlev = 100 minf = MIN(f) maxf = MAX(f) - levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/FLOAT(nlev-1) + minf + levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/DOUBLE(nlev-1) + minf safe_colors, /first CONTOUR, F, R, Z, levels=levels, color=1, /iso, xstyl=1, ysty=1 @@ -841,8 +899,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Make sure that the line goes clockwise - m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi), ind) - IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri)))[ind] LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi, /DOUBLE), ind) + IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri, /DOUBLE)))[ind] LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; R should be increasing at the top. Need to reverse start_ri = REVERSE(start_ri) start_zi = REVERSE(start_zi) @@ -885,11 +943,11 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDFOR ; Get other useful variables - Psixy = FLTARR(nrad, npol) + Psixy = DBLARR(nrad, npol) FOR i=0, npol-1 DO psixy[*,i] = (fvals - faxis)/fnorm ; to get normalised psi ; Calculate magnetic field components - dpsidR = FLTARR(nrad, npol) + dpsidR = DBLARR(nrad, npol) dpsidZ = dpsidR interp_data.method = 2 @@ -899,8 +957,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ local_gradient, interp_data, a.Rixy[i,j], a.Zixy[i,j], status=status, $ dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz ; dfd* are derivatives wrt the indices. Need to multiply by dr/di etc - dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),a.Rixy[i,j]) - dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),a.Zixy[i,j]) + dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),a.Rixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) + dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),a.Zixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) ENDFOR ENDFOR @@ -949,8 +1007,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ primary_xpt = si[0] PRINT, "Primary X-point is number "+STR(primary_xpt) - PRINT, " at R = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(R, critical.xpt_ri[primary_xpt])) $ - +" Z = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(Z, critical.xpt_zi[primary_xpt])) + PRINT, " at R = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(R, critical.xpt_ri[primary_xpt], /DOUBLE)) $ + +" Z = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(Z, critical.xpt_zi[primary_xpt], /DOUBLE)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; work out where to put the surfaces @@ -974,15 +1032,15 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ PRINT, "Distributing radial points automatically" n = TOTAL(nrad,/int) - fac = 2.*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)/(1.+rad_peaking) + fac = 2.D*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)/(1.D + rad_peaking) FOR i=1, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO fac = fac + (xpt_f[si[i]] - xpt_f[si[i-1]])/rad_peaking - fac = fac + 2.*(f_outer - xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]])/(1.+rad_peaking) - dx0 = fac / FLOAT(n) ; Inner grid spacing + fac = fac + 2.D*(f_outer - xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]])/(1.D + rad_peaking) + dx0 = fac / DOUBLE(n) ; Inner grid spacing ; Calculate number of grid points nrad = LONARR(critical.n_xpoint + 1) - nrad[0] = FIX( 2.*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner) / ( (1.+rad_peaking)*dx0 ) + 0.5) - FOR i=1, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO nrad[i] = FIX((xpt_f[si[i]] - xpt_f[si[i-1]])/(rad_peaking*dx0)-0.5) + nrad[0] = FIX( 2.D*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner) / ( (1.D + rad_peaking)*dx0 ) + 0.5D) + FOR i=1, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO nrad[i] = FIX((xpt_f[si[i]] - xpt_f[si[i-1]])/(rad_peaking*dx0)-0.5D) nrad[critical.n_xpoint] = n - TOTAL(nrad,/int) ;fvals = radial_grid(TOTAL(nrad), f_inner, f_outer, 1, 1, xpt_f, rad_peaking) @@ -1015,13 +1073,13 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ FOR i=2, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO fvals = [fvals, radial_grid(nrad[i], xpt_f[si[i-1]], xpt_f[si[i]], 0, 0, xpt_f, rad_peaking)] ; Core - fvals = [radial_grid(nrad[0], f_inner, 2.*xpt_f[inner_sep]-fvals[0], $ + fvals = [radial_grid(nrad[0], f_inner, 2.D*xpt_f[inner_sep]-fvals[0], $ 1, 1, xpt_f, rad_peaking, $ - out_dp=2.*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep]), $ - in_dp=2.*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep])/rad_peaking), fvals] + out_dp=2.D*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep]), $ + in_dp=2.D*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep])/rad_peaking), fvals] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Only a single separatrix - dp0 = (xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)*2./ (FLOAT(nrad[0])*(1. + rad_peaking)) + dp0 = (xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)*2.D/ (DOUBLE(nrad[0])*(1.D + rad_peaking)) fvals = radial_grid(nrad[0], f_inner, xpt_f[inner_sep], $ 1, 0, xpt_f, rad_peaking, $ out_dp=rad_peaking*dp0, $ @@ -1030,7 +1088,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; SOL n = N_ELEMENTS(fvals) - dpsi = 2.*(xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]] - fvals[n-1]) + dpsi = 2.D*(xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]] - fvals[n-1]) fvals = [fvals, radial_grid(nrad[critical.n_xpoint], $ fvals[n-1]+dpsi, f_outer, 1, 1, xpt_f, rad_peaking, $ in_dp=dpsi, out_dp=dpsi/rad_peaking)] @@ -1041,8 +1099,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Create arrays of psi values for each region - sol_psi_vals = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) - pf_psi_vals = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint, 2, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) + sol_psi_vals = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) + pf_psi_vals = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint, 2, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN sol_psi_vals[i,*] = psi_vals pf_psi_vals[i,0,*] = psi_vals @@ -1058,7 +1116,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF PRINT, "Keeping same inner psi for all regions" - psi_inner = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint+1) + MIN(settings.psi_inner) + psi_inner = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint+1) + MIN(settings.psi_inner) ENDELSE IF N_ELEMENTS(settings.psi_outer) EQ critical.n_xpoint THEN BEGIN @@ -1070,7 +1128,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF PRINT, "Keeping same outer psi for all regions" - psi_outer = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint) + MAX(settings.psi_outer) + psi_outer = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint) + MAX(settings.psi_outer) ENDELSE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -1081,7 +1139,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ;sind = FIX(nrad[0]/2) ;nrad[0]-1 ; the last point inside core ;sind = nrad[0]-1 ;f_cont = fvals[sind] - f_cont = faxis + fnorm*(0.1*psi_inner[0] + 0.9) + f_cont = faxis + fnorm*(0.1D*psi_inner[0] + 0.9D) contour_lines, F, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[f_cont], $ path_info=info, path_xy=xy @@ -1100,8 +1158,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Make sure that the line goes clockwise - m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi), ind) ; Find the top (maximum Z) - IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri)))[ind] LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi, /DOUBLE), ind) ; Find the top (maximum Z) + IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri, /DOUBLE)))[ind] LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; R should be increasing at the top. Need to reverse start_ri = REVERSE(start_ri) start_zi = REVERSE(start_zi) @@ -1110,10 +1168,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; now have (start_ri, start_zi). For each x-point, find the radial ; line going through the x-point - fri = FFT(start_ri) ; for interpolating periodic functions - fzi = FFT(start_zi) - - xpt_ind = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint) ; index into start_*i + xpt_ind = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint) ; index into start_*i pf_info = PTRARR(critical.n_xpoint) ; Pointers to PF for each X-point @@ -1125,16 +1180,17 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ opt_ri[primary_opt], opt_zi[primary_opt], boundary=bndryi) ; Go a little way along each core separatrix and follow + ; Note: add starting point to end of 'boundary' so we find intersections with a closed contour follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, $ legsep.core1[2,0], legsep.core1[2,1], $ - 0.95 * f_cont + 0.05*opt_f[primary_opt], $ + 0.95D * f_cont + 0.05D*opt_f[primary_opt], $ rhit, zhit, $ - boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri], [start_zi]]), ibndry=hit_ind1 + boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri, start_ri[0]], [start_zi, start_zi[0]]]), ibndry=hit_ind1 follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, $ legsep.core2[2,0], legsep.core2[2,1], $ - 0.95 * f_cont + 0.05*opt_f[primary_opt], $ + 0.95D * f_cont + 0.05D*opt_f[primary_opt], $ rhit, zhit, $ - boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri], [start_zi]]), ibndry=hit_ind2 + boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri, start_ri[0]], [start_zi, start_zi[0]]]), ibndry=hit_ind2 ni = N_ELEMENTS(start_ri) @@ -1142,22 +1198,16 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ REPEAT BEGIN IF MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2]) LT ABS(hit_ind2 - hit_ind1) THEN BEGIN ; One at the beginning and one at the end (across the join) - mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2. - IF mini LT 0. THEN mini = mini + ni - ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2. - - ;OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R[start_ri], hit_ind1)], [INTERPOLATE(Z[start_zi], hit_ind1)], psym=2, color=2 - ;OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R[start_ri], hit_ind2)], [INTERPOLATE(Z[start_zi], hit_ind2)], psym=2, color=2 - ;OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R[start_ri], mini)], [INTERPOLATE(Z[start_zi], mini)], psym=2, color=4 + mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2.D + IF mini LT 0.D THEN mini = mini + ni + ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2.D PRINT, "Theta location: " + STR(hit_ind1) + "," + STR(hit_ind2) + " -> " + STR(mini) ; Get line a little bit beyond the X-point pos = get_line(interp_data, R, Z, $ - INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini), $ - critical.xpt_f[i] + (critical.xpt_f[i] - opt_f[primary_opt]) * 0.05) - - ;OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pos[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, pos[*,1]), color=4, thick=2 + INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), $ + critical.xpt_f[i] + (critical.xpt_f[i] - opt_f[primary_opt]) * 0.05D) ; Find which separatrix line this intersected with cpos = line_crossings([xpt_ri[i], legsep.core1[*,0]], $ @@ -1170,24 +1220,24 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ hit_ind2 = mini ENDELSE dist = MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2, ABS([hit_ind2 - hit_ind1])]) - ENDREP UNTIL dist LT 0.1 + ENDREP UNTIL dist LT 0.1D IF MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2]) LT ABS(hit_ind2 - hit_ind1) THEN BEGIN ; One at the beginning and one at the end (across the join) - mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2. - IF mini LT 0. THEN mini = mini + ni - ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2. + mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2.D + IF mini LT 0.D THEN mini = mini + ni + ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2.D xpt_ind[i] = mini ; Record the index ; Plot the line to the x-point oplot_line, interp_data, R, Z, $ - fft_interp(fri, mini), fft_interp(fzi, mini), critical.xpt_f[i] + INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), critical.xpt_f[i] oplot_line, interp_data, R, Z, $ - fft_interp(fri, mini), fft_interp(fzi, mini), f_inner + INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), f_inner ; Get tangent vector - drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri))), mini) - dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi))), mini) + drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) + dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) tmp = {core_ind:mini, drdi:drdi, dzdi:dzdi, $ ; Core index and tangent vector sol:LONARR(2)} ; Array to store SOL indices @@ -1202,40 +1252,40 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ sol_info = PTRARR(critical.n_xpoint) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN IF i NE (critical.n_xpoint-1) THEN BEGIN - ri = [ fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ - fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]]) ] + ri = [ INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ + INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]], /DOUBLE) ] - zi = [ fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ - fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]]) ] + zi = [ INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ + INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]], /DOUBLE) ] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Index wraps around IF xpt_ind[ci[i]] GT N_ELEMENTS(start_ri)-2 THEN BEGIN - ri = [ fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ + ri = [ INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ start_ri[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] - zi = [ fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ + zi = [ INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ start_zi[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - ri = [ fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):*], $ + ri = [ INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):*], $ start_ri[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] - zi = [ fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):*], $ + zi = [ INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):*], $ start_zi[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] ENDELSE ENDELSE ; Calculate length of the line - drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri)) - dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi)) + drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE)) + dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE)) dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) IF KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN BEGIN length = INT_TRAPEZOID(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) @@ -1269,12 +1319,13 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF KEYWORD_SET(nrad_flexible) THEN nrad = TOTAL(nrad,/int) ; Allow nrad to change again - new_settings = {psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:(max(xpt_psi)+0.02), $ + new_settings = {psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:(max(xpt_psi)+0.02D), $ nrad:nrad, npol:settings.npol, $ rad_peaking:settings.rad_peaking, pol_peaking:settings.pol_peaking} RETURN, create_grid(F, R, Z, new_settings, critical=critical, $ boundary=boundary, iter=iter+1, nrad_flexible=nrad_flexible, $ - single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast) + single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, simple=simple, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) ENDIF dpsi = sol_psi_vals[i,TOTAL(nrad,/int)-nsol-1] - sol_psi_vals[i,TOTAL(nrad,/int)-nsol-2] sol_psi_vals[i,(TOTAL(nrad,/int)-nsol):*] = radial_grid(nsol, $ @@ -1314,14 +1365,14 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Gridding as one region IF (npf+1) LT TOTAL(nrad,/int) THEN BEGIN dpsi = pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf+1] - pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - pf_psi_out = (pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - 0.5*dpsi) < xpt_psi[xind] + pf_psi_out = (pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - 0.5D*dpsi) < xpt_psi[xind] pf_psi_vals[xind,0,0:(npf-1)] = radial_grid(npf, psi_inner[id+1], $ pf_psi_out, $ 1, 0, $ [xpt_psi[xind]], settings.rad_peaking, $ out_dp=dpsi) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - pf_psi_out = (pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - 0.5*dpsi) < xpt_psi[xind] + pf_psi_out = (pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - 0.5D*dpsi) < xpt_psi[xind] pf_psi_vals[xind,0,0:(npf-1)] = radial_grid(npf, psi_inner[id+1], $ pf_psi_out, $ 1, 0, $ @@ -1349,27 +1400,39 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ pf_ri = [REVERSE(legsep.leg1[*,0]), xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[*,0]] pf_zi = [REVERSE(legsep.leg1[*,1]), xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[*,1]] mini = N_ELEMENTS(legsep.leg1[*,0]) + ; need to take account of reversing leg1 in calculating pf_wallind1 + pf_wallind1 = mini - 1 - legsep.leg1_lastind + ; need to take account of extra array elements before leg2 + pf_wallind2 = mini + 1 + legsep.leg2_lastind ; Use the tangent vector to determine direction ; relative to core and so get direction of positive theta - drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri))), mini) - dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi))), mini) + drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) + dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) - IF drdi * (*pf_info[xind]).drdi + dzdi * (*pf_info[xind]).dzdi GT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF drdi * (*pf_info[xind]).drdi + dzdi * (*pf_info[xind]).dzdi GT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; Line is parallel to the core. Need to reverse pf_ri = REVERSE(pf_ri) pf_zi = REVERSE(pf_zi) - mini = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1. - mini + mini = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1.D - mini + temp = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1 - pf_wallind2 + pf_wallind2 = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1 - pf_wallind1 + pf_wallind1 = temp ; Structure for x-point grid spacing info - xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[*,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[*,1]], $ - leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[*,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[*,1]], $ + ; don't keep boundary points here, this structure will only be used for + ; calculating the lengths of divertor legs + xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,1]], $ + leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,1]], $ core1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core2[*,0]], core1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core2[*,1]], $ core2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core1[*,0]], core2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core1[*,1]]} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[*,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[*,1]], $ - leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[*,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[*,1]], $ + ; Structure for x-point grid spacing info + ; don't keep boundary points here, this structure will only be used for + ; calculating the lengths of divertor legs + xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,1]], $ + leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,1]], $ core1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core1[*,0]], core1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core1[*,1]], $ core2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core2[*,0]], core2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core2[*,1]]} ENDELSE @@ -1400,19 +1463,21 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Put the starting line into the pf_info structure tmp = CREATE_STRUCT(*(pf_info[xind]), $ 'npf', npf, $ ; Number of radial points in this PF region - 'ri0', [pf_ri[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini)], $ - 'zi0', [pf_zi[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini)], $ - 'ri1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini), pf_ri[(mini+1):*]], $ - 'zi1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini), pf_zi[(mini+1):*]]) + 'ri0', [pf_ri[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini, /DOUBLE)], $ + 'zi0', [pf_zi[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini, /DOUBLE)], $ + 'wallind0', pf_wallind1, $ + 'ri1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), pf_ri[(mini+1):*]], $ + 'zi1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), pf_zi[(mini+1):*]], $ + 'wallind1', pf_wallind2 - mini) ; Calculate length of each section - dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri0))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi0))^2) + dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri0[tmp.wallind0:*], /DOUBLE))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi0[tmp.wallind0:*], /DOUBLE))^2) IF KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN BEGIN len0 = INT_TRAPEZOID(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN len0 = INT_TABULATED(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) ENDELSE - dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri1))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi1))^2) + dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri1[0:tmp.wallind1], /DOUBLE))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi1[0:tmp.wallind1], /DOUBLE))^2) IF KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN BEGIN len1 = INT_TRAPEZOID(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN @@ -1431,9 +1496,21 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ npol = settings.npol nnpol = N_ELEMENTS(npol) - IF nnpol EQ 1 THEN npol = npol[0] + n_y_boundary_guards = LONARR(nnpol) + IF nnpol EQ 1 THEN BEGIN + npol = npol[0] + ; single poloidal domain, not in the core, so must have a boundary at both ends + ; => total number of boundary guard cells is 2*y_boundary_guards + n_y_boundary_guards = 2*y_boundary_guards + ENDIF - IF nnpol NE 3*critical.n_xpoint THEN BEGIN + IF nnpol EQ 3*critical.n_xpoint THEN BEGIN + ; Get number of y-boundary guard cells where necessary + FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 0 + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 1 + ENDFOR + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF nnpol GT 1 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: npol has wrong number of elements ("+STR(nnpol)+")" PRINT, " Should have 1 or "+STR(3*critical.n_xpoint)+" elements" @@ -1446,12 +1523,13 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ PRINT, " => Increasing npol to "+ STR(npol) ENDIF - nnpol = npol + n_update = npol - 6*critical.n_xpoint ; Extra points to divide up npol = LONARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) + 2 - nnpol = nnpol - 6*critical.n_xpoint ; Extra points to divide up + nnpol = N_ELEMENTS(npol) + n_y_boundary_guards = LONARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) ; Get lengths - length = FLTARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) + length = DBLARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN ; PF regions length[i] = (*pf_info[i]).len0 @@ -1460,12 +1538,12 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ length[2*critical.n_xpoint + i] = (*sol_info[i]).length ENDFOR - FOR i=0, nnpol-1 DO BEGIN + FOR i=0, n_update-1 DO BEGIN ; Add an extra point to the longest length - dl = length / FLOAT(npol) + dl = length / DOUBLE(npol) dl[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)] = length[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)] $ - / (FLOAT(npol[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)]) - 0.5) + / (DOUBLE(npol[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)]) - 0.5D) m = MAX(dl, ind) npol[ind] = npol[ind] + 1 @@ -1478,6 +1556,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ xpt = si[0] ; X-point index to start with FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN npol2[3*i] = npol[xpt] ; PF part 0 + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 0 ; Get the SOL ID solid = (*pf_info[xpt]).sol[0] @@ -1490,10 +1569,13 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Get the next x-point xpt = (*sol_info[solid]).xpt2 npol2[3*i+2] = npol[critical.n_xpoint + xpt] ; PF part 1 + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 1 ENDFOR npol = npol2 - ENDIF + ENDELSE + + npol_total = TOTAL(npol+n_y_boundary_guards,/int) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Poloidal spacing. Need to ensure regular spacing @@ -1501,14 +1583,14 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Calculate distance for equal spacing in each region xpt = si[0] ; Start with the innermost x-point - xpt_dist = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint, 4) ; Distance between x-point and first grid point + xpt_dist = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint, 4) ; Distance between x-point and first grid point ; NOTE: xpt_dist indices go clockwise around the X-point, starting ; from the lower left leg when the core is at the top. ; For the lower x-point, ; 0 = inner leg, 1 = inner SOL, 2 = outer sol, 3 = outer leg ; For the upper x-point (if any) - ; 0 = outer leg, 1 = outer sol, 2 = iner sol, 3 = inner leg + ; 0 = outer leg, 1 = outer sol, 2 = inner sol, 3 = inner leg FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN ; Grid the lower PF region @@ -1520,8 +1602,9 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; lower inner leg. ; - If xpt is the upper x-point then this is the upper outer leg - poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri0, (*pf_info[xpt]).zi0) ; Poloidal distance along line - xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5 / FLOAT(npol[3*i]) ; Equal spacing + wallind = (*pf_info[xpt]).wallind0 + poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri0[wallind:*], (*pf_info[xpt]).zi0[wallind:*]) ; Poloidal distance along line + xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5D / DOUBLE(npol[3*i]) ; Equal spacing xpt_dist[xpt, 0] = xdist @@ -1529,7 +1612,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ solid = (*pf_info[xpt]).sol[0] poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi) - xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5 / FLOAT(npol[3*i+1]) + xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5D / DOUBLE(npol[3*i+1]) PRINT, "S :", solid, max(poldist), npol[3*i+1] @@ -1541,8 +1624,9 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Second PF region xpt = xpt2 - poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri1, (*pf_info[xpt]).zi1) - xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5 / FLOAT(npol[3*i+2]) + wallind = (*pf_info[xpt]).wallind1 + poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri1[0:wallind], (*pf_info[xpt]).zi1[0:wallind]) + xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5D / DOUBLE(npol[3*i+2]) xpt_dist[xpt, 3] = xdist ENDFOR @@ -1550,7 +1634,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN md = MAX(xpt_dist[i,*]) - xpt_dist[i,*] = 0.5*xpt_dist[i,*] + 0.5*md + xpt_dist[i,*] = 0.5D*xpt_dist[i,*] + 0.5D*md ENDFOR ; Try to equalise @@ -1585,9 +1669,9 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ sepi = INTERPOL(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dist)), dist, ydown_dist) ; Index into separatrix ; Follow from sep_info[i]->core2 to just inside starting f line = get_line(interp_data, R, Z, $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri, sepi), $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_zi, sepi), $ - 0.95*f_cont + 0.05*faxis, npt=30) + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_zi, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + 0.95D*f_cont + 0.05D*faxis, npt=30) ; Find intersection of this line with starting line cpos = line_crossings((*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi, 0, $ line[*,0], line[*,1], 0, ncross=ncross, inds1=start_ind) @@ -1598,7 +1682,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ start_ind = start_ind[0] ; Got index into the starting line ; Find out distance along starting line dist = line_dist(R, Z, (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi) - d = INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind) + d = INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind, /DOUBLE) ydown_dist = MIN([d, dist[N_ELEMENTS(dist)-1] - d]) ENDELSE @@ -1611,9 +1695,9 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ sepi = INTERPOL(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dist)), dist, yup_dist) ; Index into separatrix ; Follow from sep_info[i]->core1 to just inside starting f line = get_line(interp_data, R, Z, $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri, sepi), $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_zi, sepi), $ - 0.95*f_cont + 0.05*faxis, npt=20) + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_zi, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + 0.95D*f_cont + 0.05D*faxis, npt=30) ; Find intersection of this line with starting line cpos = line_crossings((*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi, 0, $ line[*,0], line[*,1], 0, ncross=ncross, inds1=start_ind) @@ -1623,7 +1707,7 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ start_ind = start_ind[0] ; Got index into the starting line ; Find out distance along starting line dist = line_dist(R, Z, (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi) - yup_dist = MAX(dist) - INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind) + yup_dist = MAX(dist) - INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind, /DOUBLE) ENDELSE xpt_dist[xpt2, 2] = yup_dist @@ -1645,14 +1729,14 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ gridbndry = bndryi ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Grid can leave boundary - gridbndry = FLTARR(2,4) + gridbndry = DBLARR(2,4) gridbndry[0,*] = [0, 0, nx-1, nx-1] gridbndry[1,*] = [0, ny-1, ny-1, 0] ENDELSE ENDIF ; Create 2D arrays for the grid - Rxy = FLTARR(TOTAL(nrad,/int), TOTAL(npol,/int)) + Rxy = DBLARR(TOTAL(nrad,/int), npol_total) Zxy = Rxy Rixy = Rxy Zixy = Rxy @@ -1684,13 +1768,15 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ sfirst=sfirst1, $ slast=slast1, $ boundary=gridbndry, $ - ffirst=ffirst, flast=flast1, fpsi=fpsi, yup_dist=xpt_dist[xpt, 0], /oplot) - Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Rxy - Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Zxy - Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Rixy - Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Zixy - FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,0,*] - ypos = ypos + npol[3*i] + ffirst=ffirst, flast=flast1, fpsi=fpsi, yup_dist=xpt_dist[xpt, 0], /oplot, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + ydown_firstind=(*pf_info[xpt]).wallind0) + Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Rxy + Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Zxy + Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Rixy + Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Zixy + FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,0,*] + ypos = ypos + npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i] ; Set topology ydown_xsplit[3*i] = (*pf_info[xpt]).npf @@ -1743,8 +1829,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ydown_dist = xpt_dist[xpt, 1] yup_dist = xpt_dist[xpt2, 2] ; Grid spacing - ydown_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt, 1], xpt_dist[xpt, 2]]) ;0.5*(xpt_dist[xpt, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt, 2]) - yup_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt2, 1], xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]]) ;0.5*(xpt_dist[xpt2, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]) + ydown_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt, 1], xpt_dist[xpt, 2]]) ;0.5D*(xpt_dist[xpt, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt, 2]) + yup_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt2, 1], xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]]) ;0.5D*(xpt_dist[xpt2, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]) a = grid_region(interp_data, R, Z, $ (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi, $ @@ -1758,12 +1844,12 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ydown_dist=ydown_dist, yup_dist=yup_dist, $ ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space, /oplot) - Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rxy - Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zxy - Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rixy - Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zixy - FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = sol_psi_vals[solid,*] - ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+1] + Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rxy + Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zxy + Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rixy + Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zixy + FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = sol_psi_vals[solid,*] + ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1] ydown_xsplit[3*i+1] = (*pf_info[xpt]).npf yup_xsplit[3*i+1] = (*pf_info[(*sol_info[solid]).xpt2]).npf @@ -1801,13 +1887,15 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ slast=slast3, $ boundary=gridbndry, $ ffirst=ffirst, flast=flast3, fpsi=fpsi, $ - ydown_dist=xpt_dist[xpt, 3], /oplot) - Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rxy - Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zxy - Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rixy - Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zixy - FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,1,*] - ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+2] + ydown_dist=xpt_dist[xpt, 3], /oplot, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + yup_lastind=(*pf_info[xpt]).wallind1) + Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rxy + Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zxy + Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rixy + Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zixy + FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,1,*] + ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2] ; Set topology ydown_xsplit[3*i+2] = (*pf_info[xpt]).npf @@ -1881,7 +1969,8 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ RETURN, create_grid(F, R, Z, new_settings, critical=critical, $ boundary=boundary, strictbndry=strictbndry, $ iter=iter+1, nrad_flexible=nrad_flexible, $ - single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast) + single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, $ + simple=simple, y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) ENDIF @@ -1892,24 +1981,26 @@ FUNCTION create_grid, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ rad_peaking:settings.rad_peaking, pol_peaking:settings.pol_peaking} ; Calculate magnetic field components - dpsidR = FLTARR(TOTAL(nrad, /int), TOTAL(npol, /int)) + dpsidR = DBLARR(TOTAL(nrad, /int), npol_total) dpsidZ = dpsidR interp_data.method = 2 FOR i=0,TOTAL(nrad,/int)-1 DO BEGIN - FOR j=0,TOTAL(npol,/int)-1 DO BEGIN + FOR j=0,npol_total-1 DO BEGIN local_gradient, interp_data, Rixy[i,j], Zixy[i,j], status=status, $ dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz ; dfd* are derivatives wrt the indices. Need to multiply by dr/di etc - dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),Rixy[i,j]) - dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),Zixy[i,j]) + dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),Rixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) + dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),Zixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) ENDFOR ENDFOR result = {error:0, $ ; Signals success psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:psi_outer, $ ; Range of psi - nrad:nrad, npol:npol, $ ; Number of points in each domain + nrad:nrad, npol:npol, $ ; Number of points in each domain + n_y_boundary_guards:n_y_boundary_guards, $ ; Number of y-boundary cells in each domain + y_boundary_guards:y_boundary_guards, $ ; Number of boundary cells included at y-boundaries Rixy:Rixy, Zixy:Zixy, $ ; Indices into R and Z of each point Rxy:Rxy, Zxy:Zxy, $ ; Location of each grid point psixy:psixy, $ ; Normalised psi for each point diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_nonorthogonal.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_nonorthogonal.pro index 998d45539c..9526cd14c7 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_nonorthogonal.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/create_nonorthogonal.pro @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ ; o Automatic default settings when not ; supplied. ; -; Author: Ben Dudson, University of York, Nov 2009 +; Author: Jarrod Leddy, Brendan Shanahan, Ben Dudson, University of York, +; 2015-2016 ; ; ; NOTE: Throughout, "F" means un-normalised psi, @@ -117,8 +118,8 @@ PRO lengthen_line, r0, z0, r1, z1 m = (z1 - z0) / (r1 - r0) b = z0 - r0*m - r1 = [1.05*r1] - r0 = [0.95*r0] + r1 = [1.05D*r1] + r0 = [0.95D*r0] z1 = [m*r1 + b] z0 = [m*r0 + b] @@ -152,98 +153,138 @@ END FUNCTION poloidal_grid, interp_data, R, Z, ri, zi, n, fpsi=fpsi, parweight=parweight, $ ydown_dist=ydown_dist, yup_dist=yup_dist, $ ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space, $ - sp_loc=sp_loc + sp_loc=sp_loc, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + ydown_firstind=ydown_firstind, $ + yup_lastind=yup_lastind - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(parweight) THEN parweight = 0.0 ; Default is poloidal distance + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(parweight) THEN parweight = 0.0D ; Default is poloidal distance np = N_ELEMENTS(ri) + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(y_boundary_guards) THEN y_boundary_guards = 0 + + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(ydown_firstind) THEN BEGIN + ; Index of location of wall not given => no wall at ydown end + ; Default to starting at beginning of ri, zi arrays. + ydown_firstind = 0 + boundary_guards_ydown = 0 + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; There is a wall at ydown + boundary_guards_ydown = y_boundary_guards + ENDELSE + + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(yup_lastind) THEN BEGIN + ; Index of location of wall not given => no wall at yup end + ; Default to finishing at end of ri, zi arrays. + yup_lastind = np - 1 + boundary_guards_yup = 0 + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; There is a wall at yup + boundary_guards_yup = y_boundary_guards + ENDELSE + IF 0 THEN BEGIN ; Always false ; Calculate poloidal distance along starting line - drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri)) - dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi)) + drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE)) + dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE)) dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) poldist = int_func(findgen(np), dldi, /simple) ; Poloidal distance along line + + ; reset poldist to start at zero at the ydown wall (if one is present) + poldist = poldist - poldist[ydown_firstind] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - rpos = INTERPOLATE(R, ri) - zpos = INTERPOLATE(Z, zi) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE) dd = SQRT((zpos[1:*] - zpos[0:(np-2)])^2 + (rpos[1:*] - rpos[0:(np-2)])^2) dd = [dd, SQRT((zpos[0] - zpos[np-1])^2 + (rpos[0] - rpos[np-1])^2)] - poldist = FLTARR(np) + poldist = DBLARR(np) FOR i=1,np-1 DO poldist[i] = poldist[i-1] + dd[i-1] + + ; reset poldist to start at zero at the ydown wall (if one is present) + poldist = poldist - poldist[ydown_firstind] ENDELSE IF SIZE(fpsi, /n_dim) EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; Parallel distance along line ; Need poloidal and toroidal field ni = N_ELEMENTS(ri) - bp = FLTARR(ni) - bt = FLTARR(ni) + bp = DBLARR(ni) + bt = DBLARR(ni) m = interp_data.method interp_data.method = 2 FOR i=0, ni-1 DO BEGIN local_gradient, interp_data, ri[i], zi[i], status=status, $ f=f, dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz ; dfd* are derivatives wrt the indices. Need to multiply by dr/di etc - dfdr /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),ri[i]) - dfdz /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),zi[i]) + dfdr /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),ri[i], /DOUBLE) + dfdz /= INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),zi[i], /DOUBLE) IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN btr = INTERPOL(REFORM(fpsi[1,*]), REFORM(fpsi[0,*]), f) ENDIF - bp[i] = SQRT(dfdr^2 + dfdz^2) / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i]) - bt[i] = ABS( btr / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i])) + bp[i] = SQRT(dfdr^2 + dfdz^2) / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i], /DOUBLE) + bt[i] = ABS( btr / INTERPOLATE(R, ri[i], /DOUBLE)) ENDFOR interp_data.method = m b = SQRT(bt^2 + bp^2) ddpar = dd * b / bp - pardist = FLTARR(np) + pardist = DBLARR(np) FOR i=1,np-1 DO BEGIN ip = (i + 1) MOD np - pardist[i] = pardist[i-1] + ddpar[i] ;0.5*(ddpar[i-1] + ddpar[ip]) + pardist[i] = pardist[i-1] + ddpar[i] ;0.5D*(ddpar[i-1] + ddpar[ip]) ENDFOR + + ; reset pardist to start at zero at the ydown wall (if one is present) + pardist = pardist - pardist[ydown_firstind] ENDIF ELSE pardist = poldist ; Just use the same poloidal distance PRINT, "PARWEIGHT: ", parweight - dist = parweight*pardist + (1. - parweight)*poldist + dist = parweight*pardist + (1.D - parweight)*poldist ; Divide up distance. No points at the end (could be x-point) IF n GE 2 THEN BEGIN - IF SIZE(ydown_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN ydown_dist = dist[np-1]* 0.5 / FLOAT(n) - IF SIZE(yup_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN yup_dist = dist[np-1] * 0.5 / FLOAT(n) + ; note dist[ydown_firstind] should be 0., but include here anyway + total_dist = dist[yup_lastind] - dist[ydown_firstind] + IF SIZE(ydown_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN ydown_dist = total_dist * 0.5D / DOUBLE(n) + IF SIZE(yup_dist, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN yup_dist = total_dist * 0.5D / DOUBLE(n) IF SIZE(ydown_space, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN - IF ydown_dist LT 1e-5 THEN BEGIN + IF ydown_dist LT 1d-5 THEN BEGIN ; Small (probably zero) dist - ydown_space = dist[np-1]* 0.5 / FLOAT(n-1) + ydown_space = dist[np-1]* 0.5D / DOUBLE(n-1) ENDIF ELSE ydown_space = ydown_dist ENDIF IF SIZE(yup_space, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN BEGIN - IF yup_dist LT 1e-5 THEN BEGIN - yup_space = dist[np-1] * 0.5 / FLOAT(n-1) + IF yup_dist LT 1d-5 THEN BEGIN + yup_space = dist[np-1] * 0.5D / DOUBLE(n-1) ENDIF ELSE yup_space = yup_dist ENDIF - ;dloc = (dist[np-1] - ydown_dist - yup_dist) * FINDGEN(n)/FLOAT(n-1) + ydown_dist ; Distance locations + ;dloc = (dist[np-1] - ydown_dist - yup_dist) * FINDGEN(n)/DOUBLE(n-1) + ydown_dist ; Distance locations - fn = FLOAT(n-1) - d = (dist[np-1] - ydown_dist - yup_dist) ; Distance between first and last - i = FINDGEN(n) + fn = DOUBLE(n-1) + d = (total_dist - ydown_dist - yup_dist) ; Distance between first and last + i = FINDGEN(n + boundary_guards_ydown + boundary_guards_yup) + + ; igrid starts at zero in the first grid cell (excludes boundary guard cells) + igrid = i - boundary_guards_ydown - yd = ydown_space < 0.5*d/fn - yu = yup_space < 0.5*d/fn + yd = ydown_space < 0.5D*d/fn + yu = yup_space < 0.5D*d/fn ; Fit to ai + bi^2 + c[i-sin(2pi*i/(n-1))*(n-1)/(2pi)] - a = yd*2. - b = (2.*yu - a) / fn - c = d/fn - a - 0.5*b*fn - dloc = ydown_dist + a*i + 0.5*b*i^2 + c*[i - SIN(2.*!PI*i / fn)*fn/(2.*!PI)] - ddloc = a + b*i + c*[1 - COS(2.*!PI*i / fn)] + a = yd*2.D + b = (2.D*yu - a) / fn + c = d/fn - a - 0.5D*b*fn + dloc = ydown_dist + a*igrid + 0.5D*b*igrid^2 + c*[igrid - SIN(2.D*!DPI*igrid / fn)*fn/(2.D*!DPI)] + ddloc = a + b*igrid + c*[1.D - COS(2.D*!DPI*igrid / fn)] + ; Fit to dist = a*i^3 + b*i^2 + c*i - ;; c = ydown_dist*2. - ;; b = 3.*(d/fn^2 - c/fn) - 2.*yup_dist/fn + c/fn + ;; c = ydown_dist*2.D + ;; b = 3.D*(d/fn^2 - c/fn) - 2.D*yup_dist/fn + c/fn ;; a = d/fn^3 - c/fn^2 - b/fn ;; dloc = ydown_dist + c*i + b*i^2 + a*i^3 @@ -287,10 +328,30 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ sep_down=sep_down, sep_line_down=sep_line_down, $ ;Separatrix location and line vec_in_up=vec_in_up, vec_out_up=vec_out_up, $ ; sep_up=sep_up, sep_line_up=sep_line_up, $ ; - sp_loc=sp_loc, orthdown=orthdown, orthup=orthup - + sp_loc=sp_loc, orthdown=orthdown, orthup=orthup, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power=nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ ; number of guard cells at y-boundaries + ydown_firstind=ydown_firstind, $ ; if given, include y_boundary_guards before this point + yup_lastind=yup_lastind ; if given, include y_boundary_guards after this point + IF KEYWORD_SET(ydown_firstind) THEN BEGIN + ; add boundary guard cells at ydown + nguards_ydown = y_boundary_guards + ENDIF ELSE nguards_ydown = 0 + IF KEYWORD_SET(yup_lastind) THEN BEGIN + ; add boundary guard cells at yup + nguards_yup = y_boundary_guards + ENDIF ELSE nguards_yup = 0 + npar_total = npar + nguards_ydown + nguards_yup + nsurf = N_ELEMENTS(fvals) + + ; refine location of starting line + FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(ri)-1 DO BEGIN + follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri[i], zi[i], fvals[sind], ri1, zi1 + ri[i] = ri1 + zi[i] = zi1 + ENDFOR IF sind GE 0 THEN BEGIN ; starting position is on one of the output surfaces @@ -327,66 +388,65 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ ind = poloidal_grid(interp_data, R, Z, ri, zi, npar, fpsi=fpsi, $ ydown_dist=ydown_dist, yup_dist=yup_dist, $ ydown_space=ydown_space, yup_space=yup_space, $ - parweight=parweight) + parweight=parweight, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + ydown_firstind=ydown_firstind, $ + yup_lastind=yup_lastind) - rii = INTERPOLATE(ri, ind) - zii = INTERPOLATE(zi, ind) - - ;rii = int_func(SMOOTH(deriv(rii), 3), /simple) + rii[0] - ;zii = int_func(SMOOTH(deriv(zii), 3), /simple) + zii[0] - ;STOP - - ; Refine the location of the starting point - ;FOR i=0, npar-1 DO BEGIN - ; follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rii[i], zii[i], f0, ri1, zi1 - ; rii[i] = ri1 - ; zii[i] = zi1 - ;ENDFOR + rii = INTERPOLATE(ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zii = INTERPOLATE(zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; From each starting point, follow gradient in both directions - - rixy = FLTARR(nsurf, npar) - zixy = FLTARR(nsurf, npar) - FOR i=0, npar-1 DO BEGIN - - IF i GE npar/2 THEN BEGIN - IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_in_up) THEN vec_in = vec_in_up - IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_out_up) THEN vec_out = vec_out_up + rixy = DBLARR(nsurf, npar_total) + zixy = DBLARR(nsurf, npar_total) + FOR i=0, npar_total-1 DO BEGIN + + ; igrid is the index starting from zero on the first grid point after any + ; guard cells + igrid = i - nguards_ydown + IF igrid GE npar/2 THEN BEGIN IF KEYWORD_SET(sep_up) THEN BEGIN sep = sep_up ENDIF ELSE sep = fvals[nin] IF KEYWORD_SET(sep_line_up) THEN BEGIN sep_line = sep_line_up - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, REFORM(sep_line_up[0,*])), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, REFORM(sep_line_up[1,*])), $ + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, REFORM(sep_line_up[0,*]), /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, REFORM(sep_line_up[1,*]), /DOUBLE), $ thick=2,color=3 - ENDIF ELSE sep_line = FLTARR(2,2) - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(orthup) THEN orthup=0 - IF orthup EQ 1 THEN weight = 0 ELSE weight = ((2.*i/(npar-1))-1)^1.35 + ENDIF ELSE sep_line = DBLARR(2,2) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; PRINT, "***** DOWN *****" - IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_in_down) THEN vec_in = vec_in_down - IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_out_down) THEN vec_out = vec_out_down - IF KEYWORD_SET(sep_down) THEN BEGIN sep = sep_down ENDIF ELSE sep = fvals[nin] IF KEYWORD_SET(sep_line_down) THEN BEGIN sep_line = sep_line_down - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, REFORM(sep_line_down[0,*])), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, REFORM(sep_line_down[1,*])), $ + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, REFORM(sep_line_down[0,*]), /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, REFORM(sep_line_down[1,*]), /DOUBLE), $ thick=2,color=2 - ENDIF ELSE sep_line = FLTARR(2,2) - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(orthdown) THEN orthdown=0 - IF orthdown EQ 1 THEN weight = 0 ELSE weight = (1-(2.*i)/(npar-1))^1.35 + ENDIF ELSE sep_line = DBLARR(2,2) ENDELSE + + ; 0 <= iweight <= npar-1 + iweight = igrid + IF iweight LT 0 THEN iweight = 0 + IF iweight GT npar - 1 THEN iweight = npar - 1 + + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power) THEN nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power = 0.D + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(orthup) THEN orthup=0 + IF orthup EQ 1 THEN weight_up = 0 ELSE weight_up = (iweight/(npar-1.D))^nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power + + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(orthdown) THEN orthdown=0 + IF orthdown EQ 1 THEN weight_down = 0 ELSE weight_down = (1.D - iweight/(npar-1.D))^nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power ; Refine the location of the starting point -; follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rii[i], zii[i], f0, ri1, zi1, vec=vec_in, weight=weight -; rii[i] = ri1 -; zii[i] = zi1 + follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rii[i], zii[i], f0, ri1, zi1, $ + vec_up=vec_in_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_in_down, weight_down=weight_down + rii[i] = ri1 + zii[i] = zi1 IF sind GE 0 THEN BEGIN rixy[nin, i] = rii[i] @@ -396,7 +456,8 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ ftarg = fvals[nin] follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rii[i], zii[i], $ ftarg, rinext, zinext, status=status, $ - vec=vec_in, weight=weight + vec_up=vec_in_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_in_down, weight_down=weight_down rixy[nin, i] = rinext zixy[nin, i] = zinext ENDELSE @@ -408,40 +469,48 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ ; PRINT, "FOLLOWING INNER i, j = ", i, j follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rixy[nin+j, i], zixy[nin+j, i], $ sep, rinext, zinext, status=status, $ - boundary=sep_line, fbndry=fbndry, vec=vec_in, weight=weight, /bndry_noperiodic + boundary=sep_line, fbndry=fbndry, $ + vec_up=vec_in_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_in_down, weight_down=weight_down, /bndry_noperiodic ; If hits the separatrix, should now continue from ; the separatrix line - OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R, rinext)], [INTERPOLATE(Z, zinext)], psym=4, color=5 + OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R, rinext, /DOUBLE)], [INTERPOLATE(Z, zinext, /DOUBLE)], psym=4, color=5 ; PRINT, "FOLLOWING OUTER" follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rinext, zinext, $ ftarg, rinext, zinext, status=status, $ - boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, vec=vec_out, weight=weight + boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, $ + vec_up=vec_out_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_out_down, weight_down=weight_down ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF fvals[nin+j] GT sep THEN BEGIN - vec = vec_out + vec_down = vec_out_down + vec_up = vec_out_up ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - vec = vec_in + vec_down = vec_in_down + vec_up = vec_in_up ENDELSE follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rixy[nin+j, i], zixy[nin+j, i], $ ftarg, rinext, zinext, status=status, $ - boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, vec=vec, weight=weight + boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, $ + vec_up=vec_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_down, weight_down=weight_down ENDELSE IF status EQ 1 THEN BEGIN - rixy[nin+j+1, i] = -1.0 + rixy[nin+j+1, i] = -1.0D IF nin+j LT slast THEN slast = nin+j ; last good surface index fbndry = fvals[slast] - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF ELSE IF status EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; Hit a boundary rixy[nin+j+1, i] = rinext zixy[nin+j+1, i] = zinext IF nin+j LT slast THEN slast = nin+j ; Set the last point - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(flast - fbndry) GT 0 THEN flast = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF ELSE BEGIN rixy[nin+j+1, i] = rinext @@ -452,21 +521,24 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ ftarg = fvals[nin-j-1] IF ftarg GT sep THEN BEGIN - vec = vec_out + vec_down = vec_out_down + vec_up = vec_out_up ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - vec = vec_in + vec_down = vec_in_down + vec_up = vec_in_up ENDELSE follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rixy[nin-j, i], zixy[nin-j, i], $ ftarg, rinext, zinext, status=status, $ boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, $ - vec=vec, weight=weight + vec_up=vec_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_down, weight_down=weight_down IF status EQ 1 THEN BEGIN - rixy[nin-j-1, i] = -1.0 + rixy[nin-j-1, i] = -1.0D IF nin-j GT sfirst THEN sfirst = nin-j fbndry = fvals[sfirst] - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF @@ -475,7 +547,7 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ IF status EQ 2 THEN BEGIN IF nin-j GT sfirst THEN sfirst = nin-j - IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95*fbndry + 0.05*f0 + IF (fvals[1] - fvals[0])*(ffirst - fbndry) LT 0 THEN ffirst = 0.95D*fbndry + 0.05D*f0 BREAK ENDIF ENDFOR @@ -486,17 +558,14 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ dr = rixy[nin-1,i] - rixy[nin-2,i] dz = zixy[nin-1,i] - zixy[nin-2,i] - r1 = [ rixy[nin-1,i] - 1000*dr, rixy[nin-1,i] + 1000*dr ] - z1 = [ zixy[nin-1,i] - 1000*dz, zixy[nin-1,i] + 1000*dz ] + r1 = [ rixy[nin-1,i] - 1000.D*dr, rixy[nin-1,i] + 1000.D*dr ] + z1 = [ zixy[nin-1,i] - 1000.D*dz, zixy[nin-1,i] + 1000.D*dz ] ; Second line going through first point in SOL, along line vec_out - ;r2 = [ rixy[nin+1,i] - 1000*vec_out[0], rixy[nin+1,i] + 1000*vec_out[0] ] - ;z2 = [ zixy[nin+1,i] - 1000*vec_out[1], zixy[nin+1,i] + 1000*vec_out[1] ] - dr = rixy[nin+1,i] - rixy[nin+2,i] dz = zixy[nin+1,i] - zixy[nin+2,i] - r2 = [ rixy[nin+1,i] - 1000*dr, rixy[nin+1,i] + 1000*dr ] - z2 = [ zixy[nin+1,i] - 1000*dz, zixy[nin+1,i] + 1000*dz ] + r2 = [ rixy[nin+1,i] - 1000.D*dr, rixy[nin+1,i] + 1000.D*dr ] + z2 = [ zixy[nin+1,i] - 1000.D*dz, zixy[nin+1,i] + 1000.D*dz ] ; Check the angle between the two lines dr1 = r1[1] - r1[0] @@ -506,7 +575,7 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ costheta = ABS( dr1*dr2 + dz1*dz2 ) / ( SQRT(dr1^2 + dz1^2)*SQRT(dr2^2 + dz2^2) ) ncross = 0 - IF costheta LT 0.7 THEN BEGIN ; Angle greater than 45 degrees + IF costheta LT 0.7D THEN BEGIN ; Angle greater than 45 degrees ; Find intersection of the two lines cross = line_crossings(r1,z1, 0, r2,z2, 0, ncross=ncross) @@ -514,29 +583,25 @@ FUNCTION grid_region_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, $ IF ncross EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; Set location to be half-way between the intersection ; and the first core point - rixy[nin,i] = 0.5*(cross[0,0] + rixy[nin-1,i]) - zixy[nin,i] = 0.5*(cross[1,0] + zixy[nin-1,i]) + rixy[nin,i] = 0.5D*(cross[0,0] + rixy[nin-1,i]) + zixy[nin,i] = 0.5D*(cross[1,0] + zixy[nin-1,i]) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Probably not near an X-point. Follow gradient to refine location - follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rixy[nin,i], zixy[nin,i], f0, ri1, zi1, vec=vec_in, weight=weight + follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rixy[nin,i], zixy[nin,i], f0, ri1, zi1, $ + vec_up=vec_in_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_in_down, weight_down=weight_down rixy[nin,i] = ri1 zixy[nin,i] = zi1 ENDELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(oplot) THEN BEGIN - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, rixy[*, i]), INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy[*, i]), color=4 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, rixy[*, i], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy[*, i], /DOUBLE), color=4 ENDIF - ;PLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, rixy[*, i]), INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy[*, i]), color=1,psym=1 - ;OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R, rixy[nin, i])], [INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy[nin, i])], color=4,psym=4 - ;IF ncross EQ 1 THEN BEGIN - ; OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R, cross[0,0])], [INTERPOLATE(Z, cross[1,0])],psym=2,color=2 - ;ENDIF - ;CURSOR, ax,by, /down ENDFOR - RETURN, {rixy:rixy, zixy:zixy, rxy:INTERPOLATE(R, rixy), zxy:INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy)} + RETURN, {rixy:rixy, zixy:zixy, rxy:INTERPOLATE(R, rixy, /DOUBLE), zxy:INTERPOLATE(Z, zixy, /DOUBLE)} END PRO plot_grid_section, a, _extra=_extra @@ -560,15 +625,29 @@ PRO oplot_line, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt, color=color, _extra=_ pos = get_line_nonorth(interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt) - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pos[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, pos[*,1]), $ + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pos[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, pos[*,1], /DOUBLE), $ color=color, _extra=_extra END FUNCTION line_dist, R, Z, ri, zi - drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri)) - dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi)) - dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) - RETURN, int_func(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi, /simple) + IF 0 THEN BEGIN + ; derivatives drdi and dzdi may be very inaccurate because the contour + ; given by ri and zi is not necessarily uniformly spaced, it may not even + ; have a smoothly varying grid spacing. Therefore don't use this branch + drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE)) + dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE)) + dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) + RETURN, int_func(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi, /simple) + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + np = N_ELEMENTS(ri) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE) + dd = SQRT((zpos[1:*] - zpos[0:(np-2)])^2 + (rpos[1:*] - rpos[0:(np-2)])^2) + dd = [dd, SQRT((zpos[0] - zpos[np-1])^2 + (rpos[0] - rpos[np-1])^2)] + result = DBLARR(np) + FOR i=1,np-1 DO result[i] = result[i-1] + dd[i-1] + RETURN, result + ENDELSE END ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -581,8 +660,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.leg1_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[0]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg1_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to PF follow_gradient_nonorth, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -598,8 +677,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.leg2_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[3]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.leg2_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to PF follow_gradient_nonorth, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -613,8 +692,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.core1_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[2]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core1_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to core follow_gradient_nonorth, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -631,8 +710,8 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f darr = sep_info.core2_dist ind = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(darr)), darr, dist[1]) - ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_ri, ind) - zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_zi, ind) + ri = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_ri, ind, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(sep_info.core2_zi, ind, /DOUBLE) ; Go inwards to core follow_gradient_nonorth, dctF, R, Z, ri, zi, $ @@ -645,29 +724,29 @@ FUNCTION xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f ; Get distances between end points - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [pf_ri1, pf_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [pf_zi1, pf_zi2]), thick=2, color=1 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [pf_ri1, pf_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [pf_zi1, pf_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=1 - d1 = (INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi2))^2 + d1 = (INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - d2 = (INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi2))^2 + d2 = (INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, core_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, core_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [core_ri1, core_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [core_zi1, core_zi2]), thick=2, color=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [core_ri1, core_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [core_zi1, core_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=2 - d3 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi2))^2 + d3 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_in_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_in_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_in_ri1, sol_in_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_in_zi1, sol_in_zi2]), thick=2, color=3 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_in_ri1, sol_in_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_in_zi1, sol_in_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=3 - d4 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri1) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri2))^2 + $ - (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi1) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi2))^2 + d4 = (INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(R, sol_out_ri2, /DOUBLE))^2 + $ + (INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi1, /DOUBLE) - INTERPOLATE(Z, sol_out_zi2, /DOUBLE))^2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_out_ri1, sol_out_ri2]), $ - INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_out_zi1, sol_out_zi2]), thick=2, color=4 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, [sol_out_ri1, sol_out_ri2], /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE(Z, [sol_out_zi1, sol_out_zi2], /DOUBLE), thick=2, color=4 ;cursor, x, y, /down @@ -684,7 +763,7 @@ FUNCTION solve_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, so dist = dist0 - IF KEYWORD_SET(psi) THEN Fc = psi ELSE Fc = 0 + IF KEYWORD_SET(psi) THEN Fc = psi ELSE Fc = 0.D dctFc = dctF Rc = R Zc = Z @@ -702,36 +781,25 @@ FUNCTION solve_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, so ; Internal error: Bad variable type encountered in no_name_var(). ; when NEWTON is combined with LSODE - dfdx = FLTARR(4,4) - delta = 1e-3 + dfdx = DBLARR(4,4) + delta = 1d-3 REPEAT BEGIN xp0 = xpt_hthe_newt(dist) - response = FLTARR(4) + response = DBLARR(4) FOR i=0, 3 DO BEGIN ; Calculate partial derivatives using finite-differences - d = FLTARR(4) + d = DBLARR(4) d[i] = delta dfdx[*,i] = (xpt_hthe_newt(dist+d) - xp0) / delta response[i] = MIN([dfdx[i,i], dfdx[(i+1) MOD 4,i]]) ENDFOR - IF MIN(dfdx) LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF MIN(dfdx) LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: ILL-BEHAVED FITTING" RETURN, dist0 ; Don't modify ENDIF -; ; Invert using SVD -; SVDC, dfdx, W, U, V -; WP = FLTARR(4, 4) -; for i=0,2 do wp[i,i] = 1.0/w[i] -; ddist = V ## WP ## TRANSPOSE(U) # xp0 -; -; ;ddist = INVERT(dfdx) # xp0 -; w = WHERE(ABS(ddist) GT 0.5*dist, count) -; IF count GT 0 THEN ddist[w] = ddist[w] * 0.5*dist[w] / ABS(ddist[w]) -; dist = dist - ddist -; PRINT, "DIST =", REFORM(dist) PRINT, "RESP = ", response ; PRINT, "CHANGE = ", ddist @@ -741,10 +809,10 @@ FUNCTION solve_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, so ; If too low, move out, too high move in med = MEDIAN(response) - w = WHERE(response LT 0.1*med, count1) - IF count1 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 2. - w = WHERE(response GT 10.*med, count2) - IF count2 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 0.75 + w = WHERE(response LT 0.1D*med, count1) + IF count1 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 2.D + w = WHERE(response GT 10.D*med, count2) + IF count2 GT 0 THEN dist[w] = dist[w] * 0.75D ENDREP UNTIL count1+count2 EQ 0 @@ -774,14 +842,14 @@ FUNCTION increase_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, IF xd[(ind+1) MOD 4] LT xd[(ind+3) MOD 4] THEN BEGIN ; Increase dist[ind] - dist[ind] = dist[ind] * 1.1 + dist[ind] = dist[ind] * 1.1D ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Increase dist[ind-1] - dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] * 1.1 + dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] * 1.1D ENDELSE ENDIF xd = xpt_hthe(dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f, boundary=boundary, psi=psi) - ENDREP UNTIL (MIN(xd) GE xd_target) OR ( ABS(MIN(xd) - m) LT 1.e-5 ) + ENDREP UNTIL (MIN(xd) GE xd_target) OR ( ABS(MIN(xd) - m) LT 1.d-5 ) ; Reduce spacing until one goes below target REPEAT BEGIN @@ -790,9 +858,9 @@ FUNCTION increase_xpt_hthe, dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist0, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, IF m GT xd_target THEN BEGIN ; Decrease distance IF xd[(ind+1) MOD 4] GT xd[(ind+3) MOD 4] THEN BEGIN - dist[ind] = dist[ind] / 1.1 + dist[ind] = dist[ind] / 1.1D ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] / 1.1 + dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] = dist[(ind+3) MOD 4] / 1.1D ENDELSE ENDIF xd = xpt_hthe(dctF, R, Z, sep_info, dist, pf_f, core_f, sol_in_f, sol_out_f, boundary=boundary, psi=psi) @@ -814,10 +882,11 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ nrad_flexible=nrad_flexible, $ single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, $ xpt_mindist=xpt_mindist, xpt_mul=xpt_mul, xpt_only=xpt_only, $ - simple = simple + simple=simple, y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards strictbndry=0 + nboundary = N_ELEMENTS(boundary[0,*]) IF SIZE(nrad_flexible, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN nrad_flexible = 0 @@ -846,23 +915,24 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF ELSE IF N_PARAMS() LT 4 THEN BEGIN ; Settings omitted. Set defaults PRINT, "Settings not given -> using default values" - settings = {psi_inner:0.9, $ - psi_outer:1.1, $ + settings = {psi_inner:0.9D, $ + psi_outer:1.1D, $ nrad:36, $ npol:64, $ - rad_peaking:0.0, $ - pol_peaking:0.0, $ - parweight:0.0} + rad_peaking:0.0D, $ + pol_peaking:0.0D, $ + parweight:0.0D} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT, "Checking settings" settings = in_settings ; So the input isn't changed - str_check_present, settings, 'psi_inner', 0.9 - str_check_present, settings, 'psi_outer', 1.1 + str_check_present, settings, 'psi_inner', 0.9D + str_check_present, settings, 'psi_outer', 1.1D str_check_present, settings, 'nrad', 36 str_check_present, settings, 'npol', 64 - str_check_present, settings, 'rad_peaking', 0.0 - str_check_present, settings, 'pol_peaking', 0.0 - str_check_present, settings, 'parweight', 0.0 + str_check_present, settings, 'rad_peaking', 0.0D + str_check_present, settings, 'pol_peaking', 0.0D + str_check_present, settings, 'parweight', 0.0D + str_check_present, settings, 'nororthogonal_weight_decay_power', 2.7D ENDELSE s = SIZE(F, /DIMENSION) @@ -904,6 +974,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF (N_ELEMENTS(s) NE 2) OR (s[0] NE 2) THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: boundary must be a 2D array: [2, n]. Ignoring" boundary = 0 + nboundary = 0 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Calculate indices @@ -914,7 +985,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(bndryi) THEN BEGIN - bndryi = FLTARR(2,4) + bndryi = DBLARR(2,4) bndryi[0,*] = [1, nx-2, nx-2, 1] bndryi[1,*] = [1, 1, ny-2, ny-2] ENDIF @@ -943,10 +1014,10 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ nlev = 100 minf = MIN(f) maxf = MAX(f) - levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/FLOAT(nlev-1) + minf + levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/DOUBLE(nlev-1) + minf safe_colors, /first - CONTOUR, F, R, Z, levels=levels, color=1, /iso, xstyl=1, ysty=1;;, xrange=[0.5, 1.5] , yrange=[-2., -1.4], font=1,charsize=3 + CONTOUR, F, R, Z, levels=levels, color=1, /iso, xstyl=1, ysty=1;;, xrange=[0.5D, 1.5D] , yrange=[-2.D, -1.4D], font=1,charsize=3 IF KEYWORD_SET(boundary) THEN BEGIN OPLOT, [REFORM(boundary[0,*]), boundary[0,0]], [REFORM(boundary[1,*]), boundary[1,0]], $ @@ -1033,8 +1104,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Make sure that the line goes clockwise - m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi), ind) - IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri)))[ind] LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi, /DOUBLE), ind) + IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri, /DOUBLE)))[ind] LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; R should be increasing at the top. Need to reverse start_ri = REVERSE(start_ri) start_zi = REVERSE(start_zi) @@ -1050,13 +1121,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ start_ri = (SMOOTH([start_ri[(np-s):(np-1)], start_ri, start_ri[0:(s-1)]], s))[s:(np-1+s)] start_zi = (SMOOTH([start_zi[(np-s):(np-1)], start_zi, start_zi[0:(s-1)]], s))[s:(np-1+s)] - FOR i=0, np-1 DO BEGIN - follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, start_ri[i], start_zi[i], start_f, ri1, zi1 - start_ri[i] = ri1 - start_zi[i] = zi1 - ENDFOR - - oplot_contour, info, xy, R, Z, /periodic, color=2, thick=1.5 + oplot_contour, info, xy, R, Z, /periodic, color=2, thick=1.5D a = grid_region_nonorth(interp_data, R, Z, $ start_ri, start_zi, $ @@ -1077,11 +1142,11 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDFOR ; Get other useful variables - Psixy = FLTARR(nrad, npol) + Psixy = DBLARR(nrad, npol) FOR i=0, npol-1 DO psixy[*,i] = (fvals - faxis)/fnorm ; to get normalised psi ; Calculate magnetic field components - dpsidR = FLTARR(nrad, npol) + dpsidR = DBLARR(nrad, npol) dpsidZ = dpsidR interp_data.method = 2 @@ -1091,8 +1156,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ local_gradient, interp_data, a.Rixy[i,j], a.Zixy[i,j], status=status, $ dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz ; dfd* are derivatives wrt the indices. Need to multiply by dr/di etc - dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),a.Rixy[i,j]) - dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),a.Zixy[i,j]) + dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),a.Rixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) + dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),a.Zixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) ENDFOR ENDFOR @@ -1141,8 +1206,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ primary_xpt = si[0] PRINT, "Primary X-point is number "+STR(primary_xpt) - PRINT, " at R = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(R, critical.xpt_ri[primary_xpt])) $ - +" Z = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(Z, critical.xpt_zi[primary_xpt])) + PRINT, " at R = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(R, critical.xpt_ri[primary_xpt], /DOUBLE)) $ + +" Z = "+STR(INTERPOLATE(Z, critical.xpt_zi[primary_xpt], /DOUBLE)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; work out where to put the surfaces @@ -1165,15 +1230,15 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ PRINT, "Distributing radial points automatically" n = TOTAL(nrad,/int) - fac = 2.*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)/(1.+rad_peaking) + fac = 2.D*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)/(1.D + rad_peaking) FOR i=1, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO fac = fac + (xpt_f[si[i]] - xpt_f[si[i-1]])/rad_peaking - fac = fac + 2.*(f_outer - xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]])/(1.+rad_peaking) - dx0 = fac / FLOAT(n) ; Inner grid spacing + fac = fac + 2.D*(f_outer - xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]])/(1.D + rad_peaking) + dx0 = fac / DOUBLE(n) ; Inner grid spacing ; Calculate number of grid points nrad = LONARR(critical.n_xpoint + 1) - nrad[0] = FIX( 2.*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner) / ( (1.+rad_peaking)*dx0 ) + 0.5) - FOR i=1, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO nrad[i] = FIX((xpt_f[si[i]] - xpt_f[si[i-1]])/(rad_peaking*dx0)-0.5) + nrad[0] = FIX( 2.D*(xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner) / ( (1.D + rad_peaking)*dx0 ) + 0.5D) + FOR i=1, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO nrad[i] = FIX((xpt_f[si[i]] - xpt_f[si[i-1]])/(rad_peaking*dx0)-0.5D) nrad[critical.n_xpoint] = n - TOTAL(nrad,/int) ;fvals = radial_grid(TOTAL(nrad), f_inner, f_outer, 1, 1, xpt_f, rad_peaking) @@ -1206,13 +1271,13 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ FOR i=2, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO fvals = [fvals, radial_grid(nrad[i], xpt_f[si[i-1]], xpt_f[si[i]], 0, 0, xpt_f, rad_peaking)] ; Core - fvals = [radial_grid(nrad[0], f_inner, 2.*xpt_f[inner_sep]-fvals[0], $ + fvals = [radial_grid(nrad[0], f_inner, 2.D*xpt_f[inner_sep]-fvals[0], $ 1, 1, xpt_f, rad_peaking, $ - out_dp=2.*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep]), $ - in_dp=2.*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep])/rad_peaking), fvals] + out_dp=2.D*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep]), $ + in_dp=2.D*(fvals[0]-xpt_f[inner_sep])/rad_peaking), fvals] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Only a single separatrix - dp0 = (xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)*2./ (FLOAT(nrad[0])*(1. + rad_peaking)) + dp0 = (xpt_f[inner_sep] - f_inner)*2.D/ (DOUBLE(nrad[0])*(1.D + rad_peaking)) fvals = radial_grid(nrad[0], f_inner, xpt_f[inner_sep], $ 1, 0, xpt_f, rad_peaking, $ out_dp=rad_peaking*dp0, $ @@ -1221,7 +1286,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; SOL n = N_ELEMENTS(fvals) - dpsi = 2.*(xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]] - fvals[n-1]) + dpsi = 2.D*(xpt_f[si[critical.n_xpoint-1]] - fvals[n-1]) fvals = [fvals, radial_grid(nrad[critical.n_xpoint], $ fvals[n-1]+dpsi, f_outer, 1, 1, xpt_f, rad_peaking, $ in_dp=dpsi, out_dp=dpsi/rad_peaking)] @@ -1232,8 +1297,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Create arrays of psi values for each region - sol_psi_vals = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) - pf_psi_vals = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint, 2, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) + sol_psi_vals = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) + pf_psi_vals = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint, 2, TOTAL(nrad,/int)) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN sol_psi_vals[i,*] = psi_vals pf_psi_vals[i,0,*] = psi_vals @@ -1249,7 +1314,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF PRINT, "Keeping same inner psi for all regions" - psi_inner = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint+1) + MIN(settings.psi_inner) + psi_inner = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint+1) + MIN(settings.psi_inner) ENDELSE IF N_ELEMENTS(settings.psi_outer) EQ critical.n_xpoint THEN BEGIN @@ -1261,7 +1326,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDIF PRINT, "Keeping same outer psi for all regions" - psi_outer = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint) + MAX(settings.psi_outer) + psi_outer = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint) + MAX(settings.psi_outer) ENDELSE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -1272,7 +1337,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ;sind = FIX(nrad[0]/2) ;nrad[0]-1 ; the last point inside core ;sind = nrad[0]-1 ;f_cont = fvals[sind] - f_cont = faxis + fnorm*(0.1*psi_inner[0] + 0.9) + f_cont = faxis + fnorm*(0.1D*psi_inner[0] + 0.9D) contour_lines, F, findgen(nx), findgen(ny), levels=[f_cont], $ path_info=info, path_xy=xy @@ -1284,15 +1349,15 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ critical.opt_ri[critical.primary_opt], critical.opt_zi[critical.primary_opt])] ENDIF ELSE info = info[0] - oplot_contour, info, xy, R, Z, /periodic, color=3, thick=1.5 + oplot_contour, info, xy, R, Z, /periodic, color=3, thick=1.5D start_ri = REFORM(xy[0,info.offset:(info.offset+info.n-1)]) start_zi = REFORM(xy[1,info.offset:(info.offset+info.n-1)]) ; Make sure that the line goes clockwise - m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi), ind) - IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri)))[ind] LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + m = MAX(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi, /DOUBLE), ind) + IF (DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri, /DOUBLE)))[ind] LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; R should be increasing at the top. Need to reverse start_ri = REVERSE(start_ri) start_zi = REVERSE(start_zi) @@ -1301,17 +1366,14 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; now have (start_ri, start_zi). For each x-point, find the radial ; line going through the x-point - fri = FFT(start_ri) ; for interpolating periodic functions - fzi = FFT(start_zi) - - xpt_ind = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint) ; index into start_*i + xpt_ind = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint) ; index into start_*i pf_info = PTRARR(critical.n_xpoint) - veccore = fltarr(critical.n_xpoint,2) - vec1 = fltarr(critical.n_xpoint,2) - vec2 = fltarr(critical.n_xpoint,2) - vecpvt = fltarr(critical.n_xpoint,2) + veccore = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint,2) + vec1 = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint,2) + vec2 = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint,2) + vecpvt = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint,2) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN PRINT, "Finding theta location of x-point "+STR(i) @@ -1320,18 +1382,20 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ opt_ri[primary_opt], opt_zi[primary_opt], boundary=bndryi) ;; ;BS - centerliner = INTERPOLATE(R, [opt_ri[0],xpt_ri[i]]) - centerlinez = INTERPOLATE(Z, [opt_zi[0],xpt_zi[i]]) + centerliner = INTERPOLATE(R, [opt_ri[0],xpt_ri[i]], /DOUBLE) + centerlinez = INTERPOLATE(Z, [opt_zi[0],xpt_zi[i]], /DOUBLE) ;; oplot, centerliner, centerlinez, thick=5 ;; stop - nflux_leg1 = n_elements(legsep.leg1[*,0]) - nflux_leg2 = n_elements(legsep.leg2[*,0]) - meanr1 = fltarr(nflux_leg1) - meanz1 = fltarr(nflux_leg1) + ;; set nflux_* here to the minimum of the number of points in the leg and core + ;; lines, because we need elements from both at each step when we loop below + nflux_leg1 = min([n_elements(legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,0]), n_elements(legsep.core2[*,0])]) + nflux_leg2 = min([n_elements(legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,0]), n_elements(legsep.core1[*,0])]) + meanr1 = DBLARR(nflux_leg1) + meanz1 = DBLARR(nflux_leg1) - meanr2 = fltarr(nflux_leg2) - meanz2 = fltarr(nflux_leg2) + meanr2 = DBLARR(nflux_leg2) + meanz2 = DBLARR(nflux_leg2) if nflux_leg2 GT nflux_leg1 THEN BEGIN nflux_pvt = nflux_leg1 @@ -1339,8 +1403,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ nflux_pvt = nflux_leg2 END - meanrpvt = fltarr(nflux_pvt) - meanzpvt = fltarr(nflux_pvt) + meanrpvt = DBLARR(nflux_pvt) + meanzpvt = DBLARR(nflux_pvt) FOR ii = 0, nflux_leg1-1 DO BEGIN IF ii EQ 0 THEN BEGIN @@ -1387,73 +1451,29 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ vecpvt[i,0] = (meanrpvt[nflux_pvt/2]-meanrpvt[0])/lengthpvt vecpvt[i,1] = (meanzpvt[nflux_pvt/2]-meanzpvt[0])/lengthpvt - ;; oplot, INTERPOLATE(R,[meanr1[0],meanr1[nflux_leg1/2]]),INTERPOLATE(Z,[meanz1[0],meanz1[nflux_leg1/2]]), thick=5 - ;; oplot, INTERPOLATE(R,[meanr2[0],meanr2[nflux_leg2/2]]),INTERPOLATE(Z,[meanz2[0],meanz2[nflux_leg2/2]]), thick=5 - ;; oplot, INTERPOLATE(R,[meanrpvt[0],meanrpvt[nflux_pvt/2]]),INTERPOLATE(Z,[meanzpvt[0],meanzpvt[nflux_pvt/2]]), thick=5 - - ;; stop - ; Go a little way along each core separatrix and follow + ; Note: add starting point to end of 'boundary' so we find intersections with a closed contour follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, $ legsep.core1[2,0], legsep.core1[2,1], $ - 0.95 * f_cont + 0.05*opt_f[primary_opt], $ + 0.95D * f_cont + 0.05D*opt_f[primary_opt], $ rhit, zhit, $ - boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri], [start_zi]]), ibndry=hit_ind1 + boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri, start_ri[0]], [start_zi, start_zi[0]]]), ibndry=hit_ind1 follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, $ legsep.core2[2,0], legsep.core2[2,1], $ - 0.95 * f_cont + 0.05*opt_f[primary_opt], $ + 0.95D * f_cont + 0.05D*opt_f[primary_opt], $ rhit, zhit, $ - boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri], [start_zi]]), ibndry=hit_ind2 + boundary=TRANSPOSE([[start_ri, start_ri[0]], [start_zi, start_zi[0]]]), ibndry=hit_ind2 ni = N_ELEMENTS(start_ri) IF MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2]) LT ABS(hit_ind2 - hit_ind1) THEN BEGIN ; One at the beginning and one at the end (across the join) - mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2. - IF mini LT 0. THEN mini = mini + ni - ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2. + mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2.D + IF mini LT 0.D THEN mini = mini + ni + ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2.D PRINT, hit_ind1, hit_ind2, mini - ;; IF 0 THEN BEGIN ;; Disabled for now, as doesn't seem to work well - ;; ; Refine the theta index of the X-point using divide and conquer - ;; REPEAT BEGIN - ;; IF MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2]) LT ABS(hit_ind2 - hit_ind1) THEN BEGIN - ;; ; One at the beginning and one at the end (across the join) - ;; mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2. - ;; IF mini LT 0. THEN mini = mini + ni - ;; ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2. - - ;; OPLOT, [INTERPOLATE(R, INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini))], [INTERPOLATE(Z, INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini))], psym=2, color=4 - - ;; PRINT, "Theta location: " + STR(hit_ind1) + "," + STR(hit_ind2) + " -> " + STR(mini) - - ;; ; Get line a little bit beyond the X-point - ;; pos = get_line_nonorth(interp_data, R, Z, $ - ;; INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini), $ - ;; critical.xpt_f[i] + (critical.xpt_f[i] - opt_f[primary_opt]) * 0.05) - - ;; ;OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pos[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, pos[*,1]), color=4, thick=2 - - ;; ; Find which separatrix line this intersected with - ;; cpos = line_crossings([xpt_ri[i], legsep.core1[*,0]], $ - ;; [xpt_zi[i], legsep.core1[*,1]], 0, $ - ;; pos[*,0], pos[*,1], 0, $ - ;; ncross=ncross, inds1=inds) - ;; IF ncross GT 0 THEN BEGIN - ;; hit_ind1 = mini - ;; ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - ;; hit_ind2 = mini - ;; ENDELSE - ;; dist = MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2, ABS([hit_ind2 - hit_ind1])]) - ;; ENDREP UNTIL dist LT 0.1 - ;; IF MIN([ni - hit_ind2 + hit_ind1, ni - hit_ind1 + hit_ind2]) LT ABS(hit_ind2 - hit_ind1) THEN BEGIN - ;; ; One at the beginning and one at the end (across the join) - ;; mini = (hit_ind2 + hit_ind1 - ni) / 2. - ;; IF mini LT 0. THEN mini = mini + ni - ;; ENDIF ELSE mini = (hit_ind1 + hit_ind2) / 2. - ;; ENDIF - xpt_ind[i] = mini ; Record the index IF (mini LT 0) OR (mini GE ni) THEN BEGIN @@ -1464,14 +1484,14 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Plot the line to the x-point oplot_line, interp_data, R, Z, $ - fft_interp(fri, mini), fft_interp(fzi, mini), critical.xpt_f[i], color=125 + INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), critical.xpt_f[i], color=125 oplot_line, interp_data, R, Z, $ - fft_interp(fri, mini), fft_interp(fzi, mini), f_inner, color=125 + INTERPOLATE(start_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(start_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), f_inner, color=125 ; Get tangent vector - drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri))), mini) - dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi))), mini) + drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, start_ri, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) + dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, start_zi, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) tmp = {core_ind:mini, drdi:drdi, dzdi:dzdi, $ ; Core index and tangent vector sol:LONARR(2)} ; Array to store SOL indices @@ -1486,40 +1506,40 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ sol_info = PTRARR(critical.n_xpoint) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN IF i NE (critical.n_xpoint-1) THEN BEGIN - ri = [ fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ - fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]]) ] + ri = [ INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ + INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]], /DOUBLE) ] - zi = [ fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ - fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]]) ] + zi = [ INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i+1]])], $ + INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i+1]], /DOUBLE) ] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Index wraps around IF xpt_ind[ci[i]] GT N_ELEMENTS(start_ri)-2 THEN BEGIN - ri = [ fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ + ri = [ INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ start_ri[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] - zi = [ fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ + zi = [ INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ start_zi[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - ri = [ fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):*], $ + ri = [ INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_ri[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):*], $ start_ri[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fri,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_ri,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] - zi = [ fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[i]]), $ - start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0):*], $ + zi = [ INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[i]], /DOUBLE), $ + start_zi[FIX(xpt_ind[ci[i]]+1.0D):*], $ start_zi[0:FIX(xpt_ind[ci[0]])], $ - fft_interp(fzi,xpt_ind[ci[0]]) ] + INTERPOLATE(start_zi,xpt_ind[ci[0]], /DOUBLE) ] ENDELSE ENDELSE ; Calculate length of the line - drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri)) - dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi)) + drdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE)) + dzdi = DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE)) dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) IF KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN BEGIN length = INT_TRAPEZOID(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) @@ -1553,12 +1573,13 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF KEYWORD_SET(nrad_flexible) THEN nrad = TOTAL(nrad,/int) ; Allow nrad to change again - new_settings = {psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:(max(xpt_psi)+0.02), $ + new_settings = {psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:(max(xpt_psi)+0.02D), $ nrad:nrad, npol:settings.npol, $ rad_peaking:settings.rad_peaking, pol_peaking:settings.pol_peaking} - RETURN, create_grid(F, R, Z, new_settings, critical=critical, $ + RETURN, create_nonorthogonal(F, R, Z, new_settings, critical=critical, $ boundary=boundary, iter=iter+1, nrad_flexible=nrad_flexible, $ - single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, simple=simple) + single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, simple=simple, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) ENDIF dpsi = sol_psi_vals[i,TOTAL(nrad,/int)-nsol-1] - sol_psi_vals[i,TOTAL(nrad,/int)-nsol-2] sol_psi_vals[i,(TOTAL(nrad,/int)-nsol):*] = radial_grid(nsol, $ @@ -1598,7 +1619,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Gridding as one region IF (npf+1) LT TOTAL(nrad,/int) THEN BEGIN dpsi = pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf+1] - pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - pf_psi_out = (pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - 0.5*dpsi) < xpt_psi[xind] + pf_psi_out = (pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - 0.5D*dpsi) < xpt_psi[xind] pf_psi_vals[xind,0,0:(npf-1)] = radial_grid(npf, psi_inner[id+1], $ pf_psi_out, $ 1, 0, $ @@ -1612,8 +1633,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Gridding in multiple regions. Ensure equal spacing around separatrix - dpsi = 2.*(pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - xpt_psi[xind]) - pf_psi_out = xpt_psi[xind] - 0.5*dpsi + dpsi = 2.D*(pf_psi_vals[xind,0,npf] - xpt_psi[xind]) + pf_psi_out = xpt_psi[xind] - 0.5D*dpsi pf_psi_vals[xind,0,0:(npf-1)] = radial_grid(npf, psi_inner[id+1], $ pf_psi_out, $ @@ -1632,27 +1653,39 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ pf_ri = [REVERSE(legsep.leg1[*,0]), xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[*,0]] pf_zi = [REVERSE(legsep.leg1[*,1]), xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[*,1]] mini = N_ELEMENTS(legsep.leg1[*,0]) + ; need to take account of reversing leg1 in calculating pf_wallind1 + pf_wallind1 = mini - 1 - legsep.leg1_lastind + ; need to take account of extra array elements before leg2 + pf_wallind2 = mini + 1 + legsep.leg2_lastind ; Use the tangent vector to determine direction ; relative to core and so get direction of positive theta - drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri))), mini) - dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi))), mini) + drdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, pf_ri, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) + dzdi = INTERPOLATE((DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, pf_zi, /DOUBLE))), mini, /DOUBLE) - IF drdi * (*pf_info[xind]).drdi + dzdi * (*pf_info[xind]).dzdi GT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF drdi * (*pf_info[xind]).drdi + dzdi * (*pf_info[xind]).dzdi GT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; Line is parallel to the core. Need to reverse pf_ri = REVERSE(pf_ri) pf_zi = REVERSE(pf_zi) - mini = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1. - mini + mini = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1 - mini + temp = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1 - pf_wallind2 + pf_wallind2 = N_ELEMENTS(pf_ri) - 1 - pf_wallind1 + pf_wallind1 = temp ; Structure for x-point grid spacing info - xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[*,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[*,1]], $ - leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[*,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[*,1]], $ + ; don't keep boundary points here, this structure will only be used for + ; calculating the lengths of divertor legs + xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,1]], $ + leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,1]], $ core1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core2[*,0]], core1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core2[*,1]], $ core2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core1[*,0]], core2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core1[*,1]]} ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[*,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[*,1]], $ - leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[*,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[*,1]], $ + ; Structure for x-point grid spacing info + ; don't keep boundary points here, this structure will only be used for + ; calculating the lengths of divertor legs + xpt_sep = {leg1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,0]], leg1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg1[0:legsep.leg1_lastind,1]], $ + leg2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,0]], leg2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.leg2[0:legsep.leg2_lastind,1]], $ core1_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core1[*,0]], core1_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core1[*,1]], $ core2_ri:[xpt_ri[i], legsep.core2[*,0]], core2_zi:[xpt_zi[i], legsep.core2[*,1]]} ENDELSE @@ -1683,19 +1716,21 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Put the starting line into the pf_info structure tmp = CREATE_STRUCT(*(pf_info[xind]), $ 'npf', npf, $ ; Number of radial points in this PF region - 'ri0', [pf_ri[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini)], $ - 'zi0', [pf_zi[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini)], $ - 'ri1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini), pf_ri[(mini+1):*]], $ - 'zi1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini), pf_zi[(mini+1):*]]) + 'ri0', [pf_ri[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini, /DOUBLE)], $ + 'zi0', [pf_zi[0:mini], INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini, /DOUBLE)], $ + 'wallind0', pf_wallind1, $ + 'ri1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_ri, mini, /DOUBLE), pf_ri[(mini+1):*]], $ + 'zi1', [INTERPOLATE(pf_zi, mini, /DOUBLE), pf_zi[(mini+1):*]], $ + 'wallind1', pf_wallind2 - mini) ; Calculate length of each section - dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri0))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi0))^2) + dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri0[tmp.wallind0:*], /DOUBLE))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi0[tmp.wallind0:*], /DOUBLE))^2) IF KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN BEGIN len0 = INT_TRAPEZOID(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN len0 = INT_TABULATED(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) ENDELSE - dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri1))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi1))^2) + dldi = SQRT(DERIV(INTERPOLATE(R, tmp.ri1[0:tmp.wallind1], /DOUBLE))^2 + DERIV(INTERPOLATE(Z, tmp.zi1[0:tmp.wallind1], /DOUBLE))^2) IF KEYWORD_SET(simple) THEN BEGIN len1 = INT_TRAPEZOID(FINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(dldi)), dldi) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN @@ -1714,9 +1749,19 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ npol = settings.npol nnpol = N_ELEMENTS(npol) - IF nnpol EQ 1 THEN npol = npol[0] + n_y_boundary_guards = LONARR(nnpol) + IF nnpol EQ 1 THEN BEGIN + npol = npol[0] + n_y_boundary_guards = 2*y_boundary_guards + ENDIF - IF nnpol NE 3*critical.n_xpoint THEN BEGIN + IF nnpol EQ 3*critical.n_xpoint THEN BEGIN + ; Get number of y-boundary guard cells where necessary + FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 0 + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 1 + ENDFOR + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF nnpol GT 1 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: npol has wrong number of elements ("+STR(nnpol)+")" PRINT, " Should have 1 or "+STR(3*critical.n_xpoint)+" elements" @@ -1729,12 +1774,13 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ PRINT, " => Increasing npol to "+ STR(npol) ENDIF - nnpol = npol + n_update = npol - 6*critical.n_xpoint ; Extra points to divide up npol = LONARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) + 2 - nnpol = nnpol - 6*critical.n_xpoint ; Extra points to divide up + nnpol = N_ELEMENTS(npol) + n_y_boundary_guards = LONARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) ; Get lengths - length = FLTARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) + length = DBLARR(3*critical.n_xpoint) FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN ; PF regions length[i] = (*pf_info[i]).len0 @@ -1743,12 +1789,12 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ length[2*critical.n_xpoint + i] = (*sol_info[i]).length ENDFOR - FOR i=0, nnpol-1 DO BEGIN + FOR i=0, n_update-1 DO BEGIN ; Add an extra point to the longest length - dl = length / FLOAT(npol) + dl = length / DOUBLE(npol) dl[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)] = length[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)] $ - / (FLOAT(npol[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)]) - 0.5) + / (DOUBLE(npol[0:(2*critical.n_xpoint-1)]) - 0.5D) m = MAX(dl, ind) npol[ind] = npol[ind] + 1 @@ -1761,6 +1807,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ xpt = si[0] ; X-point index to start with FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN npol2[3*i] = npol[xpt] ; PF part 0 + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 0 ; Get the SOL ID solid = (*pf_info[xpt]).sol[0] @@ -1773,10 +1820,13 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Get the next x-point xpt = (*sol_info[solid]).xpt2 npol2[3*i+2] = npol[critical.n_xpoint + xpt] ; PF part 1 + n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2] = y_boundary_guards ; PF part 1 ENDFOR npol = npol2 - ENDIF + ENDELSE + + npol_total = TOTAL(npol+n_y_boundary_guards, /int) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Poloidal spacing. Need to ensure regular spacing @@ -1784,34 +1834,42 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Calculate distance for equal spacing in each region xpt = si[0] ; Start with the innermost x-point - xpt_dist = FLTARR(critical.n_xpoint, 4) ; Distance between x-point and first grid point + xpt_dist = DBLARR(critical.n_xpoint, 4) ; Distance between x-point and first grid point FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN ; Grid the lower PF region - + ; Calculate poloidal distance along starting line - poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri0, (*pf_info[xpt]).zi0) ; Poloidal distance along line - xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5 / FLOAT(npol[3*i]) ; Equal spacing + ; NOTE: (ri0, zi0) is the line going from x-point down the leg + ; to the left, if the core is at the top. + ; - If xpt is the lower x-point, then this corresponds to the + ; lower inner leg. + ; - If xpt is the upper x-point then this is the upper outer leg + + wallind = (*pf_info[xpt]).wallind0 + poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri0[wallind:*], (*pf_info[xpt]).zi0[wallind:*]) ; Poloidal distance along line + xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5D / DOUBLE(npol[3*i]) ; Equal spacing - xpt_dist[xpt, 0] = 0.03 ;;xdist + xpt_dist[xpt, 0] = xdist ; SOL solid = (*pf_info[xpt]).sol[0] poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi) - xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5 / FLOAT(npol[3*i+1]) + xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5D / DOUBLE(npol[3*i+1]) xpt2 = (*sol_info[solid]).xpt2 - xpt_dist[xpt, 1] = 0.03 ;;xdist - xpt_dist[xpt2, 2] =0.03 ;;xdist + xpt_dist[xpt, 1] = xdist + xpt_dist[xpt2, 2] = xdist ; Second PF region xpt = xpt2 - poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri0, (*pf_info[xpt]).zi0) - xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5 / FLOAT(npol[3*i]) + wallind = (*pf_info[xpt]).wallind1 + poldist = line_dist(R, Z, (*pf_info[xpt]).ri1[0:wallind], (*pf_info[xpt]).zi1[0:wallind]) + xdist = MAX(poldist) * 0.5D / DOUBLE(npol[3*i]) - xpt_dist[xpt, 3] = 0.03 ;;xdist + xpt_dist[xpt, 3] = xdist ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -1823,7 +1881,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN md = MAX(xpt_dist[i,*]) - xpt_dist[i,*] = 0.5*xpt_dist[i,*] + 0.5*md + xpt_dist[i,*] = 0.5D*xpt_dist[i,*] + 0.5D*md ENDFOR ; Try to equalise @@ -1863,11 +1921,11 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ vec_in_down2 = TRANSPOSE(veccore[xpt,*]) line = get_line_nonorth(interp_data, R, Z, $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri, sepi), $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_zi, sepi), $ - 0.95*f_cont + 0.05*faxis, npt=30, vec=vec_in_down2, weight=1) + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_zi, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + 0.95D*f_cont + 0.05D*faxis, npt=30, vec_down=vec_in_down2, weight_down=1) - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, line[*,1]), $ + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, line[*,1], /DOUBLE), $ color=4, _extra=_extra ; Find intersection of this line with starting line @@ -1880,7 +1938,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ start_ind = start_ind[0] ; Got index into the starting line ; Find out distance along starting line dist = line_dist(R, Z, (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi) - d = INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind) + d = INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind, /DOUBLE) ydown_dist = MIN([d, dist[N_ELEMENTS(dist)-1] - d]) ENDELSE @@ -1894,12 +1952,12 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ; Follow from sep_info[i]->core1 to just inside starting f vec_in_up2 = TRANSPOSE(veccore[xpt2,*]) line = get_line_nonorth(interp_data, R, Z, $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri, sepi), $ - INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_zi, sepi), $ - 0.95*f_cont + 0.05*faxis, npt=20, $ - vec=vec_in_up2, weight=1) + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + INTERPOLATE((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_zi, sepi, /DOUBLE), $ + 0.95D*f_cont + 0.05D*faxis, npt=30, $ + vec_up=vec_in_up2, weight_up=1) - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, line[*,1]), $ + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, line[*,1], /DOUBLE), $ color=2, _extra=_extra ; Find intersection of this line with starting line @@ -1911,7 +1969,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ start_ind = start_ind[0] ; Got index into the starting line ; Find out distance along starting line dist = line_dist(R, Z, (*sol_info[solid]).ri, (*sol_info[solid]).zi) - yup_dist = MAX(dist) - INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind) + yup_dist = MAX(dist) - INTERPOLATE(dist, start_ind, /DOUBLE) ENDELSE xpt_dist[xpt2, 2] = yup_dist @@ -1933,14 +1991,14 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ gridbndry = bndryi ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Grid can leave boundary - gridbndry = FLTARR(2,4) + gridbndry = DBLARR(2,4) gridbndry[0,*] = [0, 0, nx-1, nx-1] gridbndry[1,*] = [0, ny-1, ny-1, 0] ENDELSE ENDIF ; Create 2D arrays for the grid - Rxy = FLTARR(TOTAL(nrad,/int), TOTAL(npol,/int)) + Rxy = DBLARR(TOTAL(nrad,/int), npol_total) Zxy = Rxy Rixy = Rxy Zixy = Rxy @@ -1959,8 +2017,10 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ypos = 0 rerun = 0 ; Flag. If 1 then have to re-run the grid generator FOR i=0, critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN - pvtfluxliner = [R[(*pf_info[i]).ri0[N_ELEMENTS((*pf_info[i]).ri0)-1]], R[(*pf_info[i]).ri0[0]]] - pvtfluxlinez = [Z[(*pf_info[i]).zi0[N_ELEMENTS((*pf_info[i]).zi0)-1]], Z[(*pf_info[i]).zi0[0]]] + ; This section grids the first divertor leg associated with this X-point + + pvtfluxliner = [R[(*pf_info[i]).ri0[-1]], R[(*pf_info[i]).ri0[(*pf_info[i]).wallind0]]] + pvtfluxlinez = [Z[(*pf_info[i]).zi0[-1]], Z[(*pf_info[i]).zi0[(*pf_info[i]).wallind0]]] pvtr1 = pvtfluxliner[1] pvtz1 = pvtfluxlinez[1] @@ -1974,21 +2034,30 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ bndcrosspos = line_crossings( boundary[0,*], boundary[1,*], 1, pvtfluxliner, pvtfluxlinez, 0, ncross=ncross, inds1=bndrycrossi) + ; vec_in_down1 and vec_out_down1 are a unit vector parallel to the wall + ; where the separatrix intersects the wall, it gives the angle of the + ; line where this section of grid begins. + ; vec_in_up1 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; private flux region where this section of the grid ends + ; vec_out_up1 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; SOL where this section of the grid ends IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN - vec_in_down_r = boundary[0,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_down_z = boundary[1,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_down_r = vec_in_down_r / SQRT(vec_in_down_r^2 + vec_in_down_z^2) - vec_in_down_z = vec_in_down_z / SQRT(vec_in_down_r^2 + vec_in_down_z^2) + vec_in_down_r = boundary[0,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] + vec_in_down_z = boundary[1,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] + vec_length = SQRT(vec_in_down_r^2 + vec_in_down_z^2) + vec_in_down_r = vec_in_down_r / vec_length + vec_in_down_z = vec_in_down_z / vec_length vec_in_down1 = [vec_in_down_r, vec_in_down_z] - vec_out_down1= -vec_in_down1 ;; [-1,1]/(SQRT(2.)) + vec_out_down1= -vec_in_down1 ;; [-1,1]/(SQRT(2.D)) vec_in_up1 = TRANSPOSE(-vecpvt[0,*]) vec_out_up1 = TRANSPOSE(vec2[0,*]) sp_loc = -1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - vec_in_down_r = boundary[0,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_down_z = boundary[1,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_down_r = vec_in_down_r / SQRT(vec_in_down_r^2 + vec_in_down_z^2) - vec_in_down_z = vec_in_down_z / SQRT(vec_in_down_r^2 + vec_in_down_z^2) + vec_in_down_r = boundary[0,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] + vec_in_down_z = boundary[1,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] + vec_length = SQRT(vec_in_down_r^2 + vec_in_down_z^2) + vec_in_down_r = vec_in_down_r / vec_length + vec_in_down_z = vec_in_down_z / vec_length vec_in_down1 = [-1,0] ;;[vec_in_down_r, vec_in_down_z] vec_out_down1= -vec_in_down1 ;;[1,0] vec_in_up1 = TRANSPOSE(-vecpvt[i,*]) @@ -2015,13 +2084,16 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ffirst=ffirst, flast=flast1, fpsi=fpsi, yup_dist=xpt_dist[xpt, 0], /oplot, $ vec_in_up=vec_in_up1, vec_out_up=vec_out_up1, sep_up=critical.xpt_f[xpt], $ vec_in_down=-vec_in_down1, vec_out_down=vec_out_down1, $ - ydown_dist=0,orthup=orthup,orthdown=orthdown) - Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Rxy - Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Zxy - Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Rixy - Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]-1)] = a.Zixy - FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,0,*] - ypos = ypos + npol[3*i] + ydown_dist=0,orthup=orthup,orthdown=orthdown, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power=settings.nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + ydown_firstind=(*pf_info[xpt]).wallind0) + Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Rxy + Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Zxy + Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Rixy + Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1)] = a.Zixy + FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,0,*] + ypos = ypos + npol[3*i]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i] ; Set topology ydown_xsplit[3*i] = (*pf_info[xpt]).npf @@ -2033,7 +2105,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF (flast1 - faxis)/fnorm LT xpt_psi_max THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: Due to intersections with the boundary," - PRINT, " the SOL can't cover both x-points" + PRINT, " the SOL can't cover both x-points. (1)" IF KEYWORD_SET(strictbndry) THEN BEGIN PRINT, "** Switching off strict boundary" strictbndry = 0 @@ -2063,6 +2135,9 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ rerun = 1 ; Signal that the grid needs to be rerun ENDIF + ; This part grids the region around the core, including SOL field lines + ; radially outside the core + ; SOL region solid = (*pf_info[xpt]).sol[0] @@ -2074,20 +2149,28 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ydown_dist = xpt_dist[xpt, 1] yup_dist = xpt_dist[xpt2, 2] ; Grid spacing - ydown_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt, 1], xpt_dist[xpt, 2]]) ;0.5*(xpt_dist[xpt, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt, 2]) - yup_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt2, 1], xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]]) ;0.5*(xpt_dist[xpt2, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]) + ydown_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt, 1], xpt_dist[xpt, 2]]) ;0.5D*(xpt_dist[xpt, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt, 2]) + yup_space = MAX([xpt_dist[xpt2, 1], xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]]) ;0.5D*(xpt_dist[xpt2, 1] + xpt_dist[xpt2, 2]) ; Separatrix lines near X-point. Used for coordinate ; lines passing close to the X-point. - sep_line_down = FLTARR(2, N_ELEMENTS((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri)) + sep_line_down = DBLARR(2, N_ELEMENTS((*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri)) sep_line_down[0,*] = (*sep_info[xpt]).core2_ri sep_line_down[1,*] = (*sep_info[xpt]).core2_zi - sep_line_up = FLTARR(2, N_ELEMENTS((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri)) + sep_line_up = DBLARR(2, N_ELEMENTS((*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri)) sep_line_up[0,*] = (*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_ri sep_line_up[1,*] = (*sep_info[xpt2]).core1_zi + ; vec_in_down2 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; core where this section of the grid begins + ; vec_out_down2 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; SOL where this section of the grid begins + ; vec_in_up2 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; core where this section of the grid ends + ; vec_out_up2 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; SOL where this section of the grid ends vec_in_down2 = TRANSPOSE(veccore[xpt,*]) vec_out_down2 = TRANSPOSE(vec2[xpt,*]) vec_in_up2 = TRANSPOSE(veccore[xpt2,*]) @@ -2112,14 +2195,15 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ sep_down=critical.xpt_f[xpt], $ sep_line_down=sep_line_down, $ vec_in_up=vec_in_up2, vec_out_up=vec_out_up2, $ - sep_up=critical.xpt_f[xpt2], sep_line_up=sep_line_up) + sep_up=critical.xpt_f[xpt2], sep_line_up=sep_line_up, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power=settings.nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power) - Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rxy - Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zxy - Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rixy - Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zixy - FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+1]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = sol_psi_vals[solid,*] - ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+1] + Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rxy + Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zxy + Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Rixy + Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1)] = a.Zixy + FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = sol_psi_vals[solid,*] + ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+1]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+1] ydown_xsplit[3*i+1] = (*pf_info[xpt]).npf yup_xsplit[3*i+1] = (*pf_info[(*sol_info[solid]).xpt2]).npf @@ -2130,7 +2214,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF (flast2 - faxis)/fnorm LT xpt_psi_max THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: Due to intersections with the boundary," - PRINT, " the SOL can't cover both x-points" + PRINT, " the SOL can't cover both x-points. (2)" IF KEYWORD_SET(strictbndry) THEN BEGIN PRINT, "** Switching off strict boundary" strictbndry = 0 @@ -2147,16 +2231,16 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN vec_in_up1=[0,-1] - vec_out_up1=[-1,-1]/(SQRT(2.)) + vec_out_up1=[-1,-1]/(SQRT(2.D)) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN vec_in_up1=[1,0] vec_out_up1=[1,0] END - ; Second PF region + ; This section grids the second divertor leg associated with this X-point xpt = (*sol_info[solid]).xpt2 - pvtfluxliner = [R[(*pf_info[xpt]).ri1[N_ELEMENTS((*pf_info[xpt]).ri1)-1]], R[(*pf_info[xpt]).ri1[0]]] - pvtfluxlinez = [Z[(*pf_info[xpt]).zi1[N_ELEMENTS((*pf_info[xpt]).zi1)-1]], Z[(*pf_info[xpt]).zi1[0]]] + pvtfluxliner = [R[(*pf_info[xpt]).ri1[(*pf_info[xpt]).wallind1]], R[(*pf_info[xpt]).ri1[0]]] + pvtfluxlinez = [Z[(*pf_info[xpt]).zi1[(*pf_info[xpt]).wallind1]], Z[(*pf_info[xpt]).zi1[0]]] pvtr1 = pvtfluxliner[1] pvtz1 = pvtfluxlinez[1] @@ -2170,17 +2254,30 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ bndcrosspos = line_crossings( boundary[0,*], boundary[1,*], 1,pvtfluxliner, pvtfluxlinez, 0, ncross=ncross, inds1=bndrycrossi) + ; vec_in_down3 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; private flux region where this section of the grid begins + ; vec_out_down3 is a unit vector along the line from the X-point into the + ; SOL where this section of the grid begins + ; vec_in_up3 and vec_out_up3 are a unit vector parallel to the wall + ; where the separatrix intersects the wall, it gives the angle of the + ; line where this section of grid ends. IF critical.n_xpoint EQ 1 THEN BEGIN vec_in_down3 = TRANSPOSE(-vecpvt[0,*]) vec_out_down3 = TRANSPOSE(vec1[0,*]) - vec_in_up3 = [1,0] - vec_out_up3 = [1,0] + vec_in_up_r = boundary[0,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] + vec_in_up_z = boundary[1,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] + veclength = SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) + vec_in_up_r = vec_in_up_r / veclength + vec_in_up_z = vec_in_up_z / veclength + vec_in_up3 = [vec_in_up_r, vec_in_up_z] + vec_out_up3 = vec_in_up3 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN - vec_in_up_r = boundary[0,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_up_z = boundary[1,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_up_r = vec_in_up_r / SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) - vec_in_up_z = vec_in_up_z / SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) + vec_in_up_r = boundary[0,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] + vec_in_up_z = boundary[1,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] + veclength = SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) + vec_in_up_r = vec_in_up_r / veclength + vec_in_up_z = vec_in_up_z / veclength vec_in_up3 = [vec_in_up_r, vec_in_down_z] vec_in_down3 = TRANSPOSE(-vecpvt[1,*]) vec_out_down3 = TRANSPOSE(vec1[1,*]) @@ -2191,10 +2288,11 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF i EQ 1 THEN BEGIN vec_in_down3 = TRANSPOSE(-vecpvt[0,*]) vec_out_down3 = TRANSPOSE(vec1[0,*]) - vec_in_up_r = boundary[0,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_up_z = boundary[1,bndrycrossi+1] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] - vec_in_up_r = vec_in_up_r / SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) - vec_in_up_z = vec_in_up_z / SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) + vec_in_up_r = boundary[0,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[0,bndrycrossi] + vec_in_up_z = boundary[1,(bndrycrossi+1) MOD nboundary] -boundary[1,bndrycrossi] + veclength = SQRT(vec_in_up_r^2 + vec_in_up_z^2) + vec_in_up_r = vec_in_up_r / veclength + vec_in_up_z = vec_in_up_z / veclength vec_in_up3 = [vec_in_up_r, vec_in_up_z] ;; vec_in_up3 = [1,0] ;;TRANSPOSE(veccore[0,*]) @@ -2221,13 +2319,16 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ ydown_dist=xpt_dist[xpt, 3], /oplot, $ vec_in_down=vec_in_down3, vec_out_down=vec_out_down3, sep_down=critical.xpt_f[xpt], $ vec_in_up=vec_in_up3, vec_out_up=vec_out_up3, $ - yup_dist=0,orthup=orthup,orthdown=orthdown) - Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rxy - Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zxy - Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rixy - Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zixy - FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+2]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,1,*] - ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+2] + yup_dist=0,orthup=orthup,orthdown=orthdown, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power=settings.nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards, $ + yup_lastind=(*pf_info[xpt]).wallind1) + Rxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rxy + Zxy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zxy + Rixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Rixy + Zixy[*, ypos:(ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1)] = a.Zixy + FOR j=ypos, ypos+npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2]-1 DO Psixy[*, j] = pf_psi_vals[xpt,1,*] + ypos = ypos + npol[3*i+2]+n_y_boundary_guards[3*i+2] ; Set topology ydown_xsplit[3*i+2] = (*pf_info[xpt]).npf @@ -2239,7 +2340,7 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ IF (flast3 - faxis)/fnorm LT xpt_psi_max THEN BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: Due to intersections with the boundary," - PRINT, " the SOL can't cover both x-points" + PRINT, " the SOL can't cover both x-points. (3)" IF KEYWORD_SET(strictbndry) THEN BEGIN PRINT, "** Switching off strict boundary" strictbndry = 0 @@ -2301,7 +2402,8 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ RETURN, create_grid(F, R, Z, new_settings, critical=critical, $ boundary=boundary, strictbndry=strictbndry, $ iter=iter+1, nrad_flexible=nrad_flexible, $ - single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, simple=simple) + single_rad_grid=single_rad_grid, fast=fast, simple=simple, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) ENDIF @@ -2312,24 +2414,26 @@ FUNCTION create_nonorthogonal, F, R, Z, in_settings, critical=critical, $ rad_peaking:settings.rad_peaking, pol_peaking:settings.pol_peaking} ; Calculate magnetic field components - dpsidR = FLTARR(TOTAL(nrad, /int), TOTAL(npol, /int)) + dpsidR = DBLARR(TOTAL(nrad, /int), npol_total) dpsidZ = dpsidR interp_data.method = 2 FOR i=0,TOTAL(nrad,/int)-1 DO BEGIN - FOR j=0,TOTAL(npol,/int)-1 DO BEGIN + FOR j=0,npol_total-1 DO BEGIN local_gradient, interp_data, Rixy[i,j], Zixy[i,j], status=status, $ dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz ; dfd* are derivatives wrt the indices. Need to multiply by dr/di etc - dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),Rixy[i,j]) - dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),Zixy[i,j]) + dpsidR[i,j] = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R),Rixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) + dpsidZ[i,j] = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z),Zixy[i,j], /DOUBLE) ENDFOR ENDFOR result = {error:0, $ ; Signals success psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:psi_outer, $ ; Range of psi nrad:nrad, npol:npol, $ ; Number of points in each domain + n_y_boundary_guards:n_y_boundary_guards, $ ; Number of y-boundary cells in each domain + y_boundary_guards:y_boundary_guards, $ ; Number of boundary cells included at y-boundaries Rixy:Rixy, Zixy:Zixy, $ ; Indices into R and Z of each point Rxy:Rxy, Zxy:Zxy, $ ; Location of each grid point psixy:psixy, $ ; Normalised psi for each point diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/curvature.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/curvature.pro index 1c264531c1..2db3df6699 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/curvature.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/curvature.pro @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ FUNCTION pdiff_rz, rxy, zxy, fxy, i, j, jp, jm ;IF j EQ 0 THEN STOP - A=TRANSPOSE([[fltarr(4)+1],[r-r(0)],[z-z(0)]]) + A=TRANSPOSE([[DBLARR(4)+1],[r-r(0)],[z-z(0)]]) SVDC, A,W,U,V res=SVSOL(U,W,V,f) - pdiff={r:res[1],z:res[2],phi:0.0} + pdiff={r:res[1],z:res[2],phi:0.0D} RETURN, pdiff END @@ -103,18 +103,18 @@ PRO curvature, nx, ny, Rxy, Zxy, BRxy, BZxy, BPHIxy, PSIxy, THETAxy, HTHExy, $ PRINT, 'Calculating curvature-related quantities...' ;;-vector quantities are stored as 2D arrays of structures {r,phi,z} - vec={r:0.,phi:0.,z:0.} + vec={r:0.D,phi:0.D,z:0.D} curlb=REPLICATE(vec,nx,ny) jxb=REPLICATE(vec,nx,ny) curvec=REPLICATE(vec,nx,ny) bxcurvec=REPLICATE(vec,nx,ny) - vec2={psi:0.,theta:0.,phi:0.} + vec2={psi:0.D,theta:0.D,phi:0.D} bxcv=REPLICATE(vec2,nx,ny) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=x, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=x, period=period) nys = N_ELEMENTS(yi) ; Get vector along the surface @@ -147,9 +147,9 @@ PRO curvature, nx, ny, Rxy, Zxy, BRxy, BZxy, BPHIxy, PSIxy, THETAxy, HTHExy, $ grad_Psi = pdiff_rz(Rxy, Zxy, PSIxy, x, y, yp, ym) ;grad_Theta = pdiff_rz(Rxy, Zxy, THETAxy, x, y, yp, ym) - grad_Theta = {r:dr[j]/hthexy[x,y], z:dz[j]/hthexy[x,y], phi:0.0} + grad_Theta = {r:dr[j]/hthexy[x,y], z:dz[j]/hthexy[x,y], phi:0.0D} - grad_Phi={r:0.0,z:0.0,phi:1./Rxy[x,y]} ;-gradient of the toroidal angle + grad_Phi={r:0.0D,z:0.0D,phi:1.D/Rxy[x,y]} ;-gradient of the toroidal angle vecR={r:Rxy[x,y],z:Zxy[x,y]} vecB={r:BRxy[x,y],z:BZxy[x,y],phi:BPHIxy[x,y]} diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct.pro index ed493a5ac4..f4c6f0dbef 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct.pro @@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ ; ; NOTE: Inverse not working! FUNCTION DCTany, x, inverse=inverse - j = DCOMPLEX(0.0, 1.0) + j = DCOMPLEX(0.0D, 1.0D) n = N_ELEMENTS(x) data = x IF KEYWORD_SET(inverse) THEN BEGIN - data[0] = data[0] / SQRT(2) + data[0] = data[0] / SQRT(2.D) PRINT, "SORRY, NOT WORKING YET" STOP ENDIF @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ FUNCTION DCTany, x, inverse=inverse ; Take FFT of 2N f = FFT(x2, /double) - result = REAL_PART(f[0:(N-1)] * EXP(-j*DINDGEN(N)*!PI / (2.*N)) ) + result = REAL_PART(f[0:(N-1)] * EXP(-j*DINDGEN(N)*!DPI / (2.D*N)) ) - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(inverse) THEN result[0] = result[0] / SQRT(2) + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(inverse) THEN result[0] = result[0] / SQRT(2.D) RETURN, result END @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ FUNCTION DCT, x, inverse=inverse RETURN, DCTany(x, inverse=inverse) ENDIF - j = DCOMPLEX(0.0, 1.0) + j = DCOMPLEX(0.0D, 1.0D) IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(inverse) THEN BEGIN @@ -62,24 +62,24 @@ FUNCTION DCT, x, inverse=inverse yf = FFT(DOUBLE(y), /double) ; Multiply by phase - result = REAL_PART(yf * EXP(-j*DINDGEN(n)*!PI/(2.*DOUBLE(n))) ) + result = REAL_PART(yf * EXP(-j*DINDGEN(n)*!DPI/(2.D*DOUBLE(n))) ) result[0] = result[0] / SQRT(2.d) RETURN, result ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - yf = DCOMPLEX(x) * EXP(j*DINDGEN(n)*!PI/(2.*DOUBLE(n))) - yf[0] = yf[0] / SQRT(2.) + yf = DCOMPLEX(x) * EXP(j*DINDGEN(n)*!DPI/(2.D*DOUBLE(n))) + yf[0] = yf[0] / SQRT(2.D) y = REAL_PART(FFT(yf, /inverse, /double)) - result = FLTARR(n) + result = DBLARR(n) FOR i=0, n/2 - 1 DO BEGIN result[2*i] = y[i] result[2*i+1] = y[n-1-i] ENDFOR - RETURN, 2.*result + RETURN, 2.D*result ENDELSE END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2d.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2d.pro index ca1c813f5d..c5fe65c67a 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2d.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2d.pro @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ FUNCTION DCT2D, sig, inverse=inverse ENDFOR IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(inverse) THEN BEGIN - result = result * 2. * SQRT(nx*ny) + result = result * 2.D * SQRT(nx*ny) ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - result = result / (2.* SQRT(nx*ny)) + result = result / (2.D* SQRT(nx*ny)) ENDELSE RETURN, result diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2dslow.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2dslow.pro index 52e50a6454..7979bbc760 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2dslow.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/dct2dslow.pro @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(INVERSE) THEN BEGIN ;---direct transform--- endfor endfor - fsig *= 2/SQRT(double(Nx*Ny)) + fsig *= 2.D/SQRT(double(Nx*Ny)) fsig[0,*] *= SQRT(0.5d0) fsig[*,0] *= SQRT(0.5d0) @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;---inverse transform--- endfor endfor - sig *= 2/SQRT(double(NX*NY)) + sig *= 2.D/SQRT(double(NX*NY)) ENDELSE diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/ddy.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/ddy.pro index 3d3eb81722..a194d4ad2a 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/ddy.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/ddy.pro @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ FUNCTION ddy, var, mesh f = var - dtheta = 2.*!PI / FLOAT(TOTAL(mesh.npol)) + dtheta = 2.D*!DPI / DOUBLE(TOTAL(mesh.npol)) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) IF period THEN BEGIN f[xi,yi] = fft_deriv(var[xi,yi]) ENDIF ELSE f[xi,yi] = DERIV(var[xi,yi]) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcosp.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcosp.pro index e272386f16..446c551366 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcosp.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcosp.pro @@ -16,48 +16,48 @@ function EvalCosP, fsig, x0=x0,y0=y0 nx=s[0] ny=s[1] - sum=0.0 + sum=0.0D ; First derivatives - sumx=0.0 - sumy=0.0 + sumx=0.0D + sumy=0.0D ; Second derivatives - sumxx = 0.0 - sumyy = 0.0 - sumxy = 0.0 + sumxx = 0.0D + sumyy = 0.0D + sumxy = 0.0D for iu=0,Nx-1 do begin for jv=0,Ny-1 do begin ; - if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107 else cu=1. - if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107 else cv=1. + if (iu eq 0) then cu=0.707107D else cu=1.D + if (jv eq 0) then cv=0.707107D else cv=1.D sum=sum + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - COS(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx)) + COS(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx)) sumx=sumx + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - COS(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*SIN(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (-iu*!PI/Nx) + COS(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*SIN(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (-iu*!DPI/Nx) sumy=sumy + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - SIN(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (-jv*!PI/Ny) + SIN(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (-jv*!DPI/Ny) sumxx = sumxx - cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - COS(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (iu*!PI/Nx)^2 + COS(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (iu*!DPI/Nx)^2 sumyy = sumyy - cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - COS(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (jv*!PI/Ny)^2 + COS(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*COS(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (jv*!DPI/Ny)^2 sumxy = sumxy + cv*cu*fsig[iu,jv]*$ - SIN(jv*!PI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*SIN(iu*!PI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ - (iu*!PI/Nx)*(jv*!PI/Ny) + SIN(jv*!DPI*(2*y0+1)/(2*Ny))*SIN(iu*!DPI*(2*x0+1)/(2*Nx))*$ + (iu*!DPI/Nx)*(jv*!DPI/Ny) ; endfor endfor - res=SQRT(2./Nx)*SQRT(2./Ny)*[sum, sumx,sumy, sumxx,sumyy,sumxy] + res=SQRT(2.D/Nx)*SQRT(2.D/Ny)*[sum, sumx,sumy, sumxx,sumyy,sumxy] ; ; ; diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcospfast.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcospfast.pro index 63417b3c67..47e259310f 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcospfast.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/evalcospfast.pro @@ -14,26 +14,26 @@ function EvalCosPfast, fsig, x0=x0,y0=y0 nx=s[0] ny=s[1] - cuvec=fltarr(nx)+1. - cuvec[0]=1./SQRT(2.) + cuvec=DBLARR(nx)+1.D + cuvec[0]=1.D/SQRT(2.D) - cvvec=fltarr(ny)+1. - cvvec[0]=1./SQRT(2.) + cvvec=DBLARR(ny)+1.D + cvvec[0]=1.D/SQRT(2.D) - uvec=COS(!PI*findgen(nx)*(x0+0.5)/nx) - uvex=(-findgen(nx)*!PI/nx)*SIN(!PI*findgen(nx)*(x0+0.5)/nx) + uvec=COS(!DPI*findgen(nx)*(x0+0.5D)/nx) + uvex=(-findgen(nx)*!DPI/nx)*SIN(!DPI*findgen(nx)*(x0+0.5D)/nx) - vvec=COS(!PI*findgen(ny)*(y0+0.5)/ny) - vvey=(-findgen(ny)*!PI/ny)*SIN(!PI*findgen(ny)*(y0+0.5)/ny) + vvec=COS(!DPI*findgen(ny)*(y0+0.5D)/ny) + vvey=(-findgen(ny)*!DPI/ny)*SIN(!DPI*findgen(ny)*(y0+0.5D)/ny) ;-value - res=SQRT(2./nx)*SQRT(2./ny) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvec)) + res=SQRT(2.D/nx)*SQRT(2.D/ny) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvec)) ;d/dx - rex=SQRT(2./nx)*SQRT(2./ny) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvex # vvec)) + rex=SQRT(2.D/nx)*SQRT(2.D/ny) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvex # vvec)) ;d/dy - rey=SQRT(2./nx)*SQRT(2./ny) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvey)) + rey=SQRT(2.D/nx)*SQRT(2.D/ny) * TOTAL(((cuvec # cvvec) * fsig) * (uvec # vvey)) ; ; diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/flux_tube.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/flux_tube.pro index 39381dc9d1..7f00523d21 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/flux_tube.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/flux_tube.pro @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ ; For example, a DIII-D case. ; Not a particularly good case, as pressure goes negative ; -; IDL> flux_tube, "efit/neqdsk", 0.8 +; IDL> flux_tube, "efit/neqdsk", 0.8D ; ; NOTE: NOT WORKING PROPERLY YET. MAGNETIC SHEAR MUCH TOO LARGE ; @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(output) THEN output="fluxtube"+STR(psinorm)+".grd.nc" - IF (psinorm LT 0.) OR (psinorm GE 1.) THEN BEGIN + IF (psinorm LT 0.D) OR (psinorm GE 1.D) THEN BEGIN PRINT, "ERROR: input psinorm must be between 0 and 1" RETURN ENDIF @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output nlev = 100 minf = MIN(rzgrid.psi) maxf = MAX(rzgrid.psi) - levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/FLOAT(nlev-1) + minf + levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/DOUBLE(nlev-1) + minf safe_colors, /first CONTOUR, rzgrid.psi, rzgrid.R, rzgrid.Z, $ @@ -121,26 +121,26 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ;zi = REAL_PART(fft_filter(zi, nfreq)) ; Plot the flux surface - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri), INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi), color=4, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi, /DOUBLE), color=4, thick=2 ; Get quantities from g-eqdsk ngrid = N_ELEMENTS(g.fpol) gpos = psinorm * ngrid ; Index into the psi grid. CHECK THIS - psigrid = psi_axis + (psi_sep - psi_axis)*FINDGEN(ngrid)/FLOAT(ngrid) - fpol = INTERPOLATE(g.fpol, gpos) ; Poloidal current function - pres = INTERPOLATE(g.pres, gpos) ; Pressure [Pascals] - dpdpsi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(psigrid, g.pres), gpos) - dfdpsi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(psigrid, g.fpol), gpos) - qsafe = INTERPOLATE(g.qpsi, gpos) ; q + psigrid = psi_axis + (psi_sep - psi_axis)*FINDGEN(ngrid)/DOUBLE(ngrid) + fpol = INTERPOLATE(g.fpol, gpos, /DOUBLE) ; Poloidal current function + pres = INTERPOLATE(g.pres, gpos, /DOUBLE) ; Pressure [Pascals] + dpdpsi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(psigrid, g.pres), gpos, /DOUBLE) + dfdpsi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(psigrid, g.fpol), gpos, /DOUBLE) + qsafe = INTERPOLATE(g.qpsi, gpos, /DOUBLE) ; q PRINT, "Pressure [Pa]: " + STR(pres) PRINT, "Safety factor: " + STR(qsafe) - Rmaj = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri) ; Major radius + Rmaj = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri, /DOUBLE) ; Major radius ; Use DCT to get local gradients of psi for Bp np = N_ELEMENTS(ri) - Bpol = FLTARR(np) + Bpol = DBLARR(np) FOR i=0, np-1 DO BEGIN grad = local_gradient(dctpsi, ri[i], zi[i], status=status) IF status THEN BEGIN @@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ; distance along field-line ; Poloidal distance dl/di (i = index) - drdi = REAL_PART(fft_deriv(INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri))) - dzdi = REAL_PART(fft_deriv(INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi))) + drdi = REAL_PART(fft_deriv(INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri, /DOUBLE))) + dzdi = REAL_PART(fft_deriv(INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi, /DOUBLE))) dldi = SQRT(drdi^2 + dzdi^2) ; Integrate to get distance in poloidal direction @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output s = REAL_PART(fft_integrate(dsdi, loop=pardist)) pardist = REAL_PART(pardist) - PRINT, "Safety factor = "+STR(qloop/(2.*!PI))+" ("+STR(qsafe)+" in g-file)" + PRINT, "Safety factor = "+STR(qloop/(2.D*!DPI))+" ("+STR(qsafe)+" in g-file)" PRINT, "Poloidal distance = "+STR(poldist)+"m" PRINT, "Parallel distance = "+STR(pardist)+"m" @@ -218,33 +218,33 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output END ENDCASE - pos = tot * FINDGEN(npar)/FLOAT(npar) + pos = tot * FINDGEN(npar)/DOUBLE(npar) inds = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(np), dist, pos) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Interpolate everything onto grid - ri = INTERPOLATE(ri, inds) - zi = INTERPOLATE(zi, inds) - Bpol = INTERPOLATE(Bpol, inds) - Btor = INTERPOLATE(Btor, inds) + ri = INTERPOLATE(ri, inds, /DOUBLE) + zi = INTERPOLATE(zi, inds, /DOUBLE) + Bpol = INTERPOLATE(Bpol, inds, /DOUBLE) + Btor = INTERPOLATE(Btor, inds, /DOUBLE) B = SQRT(Bpol^2 + Btor^2) - Rmaj = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri) - Zpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi) - qinty = INTERPOLATE(qinty, inds) - s = INTERPOLATE(s, inds) ; parallel distance - l = INTERPOLATE(l, inds) ; poloidal distance - hthe = DERIV(l) / (2.*!PI / FLOAT(npar)) + Rmaj = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri, /DOUBLE) + Zpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi, /DOUBLE) + qinty = INTERPOLATE(qinty, inds, /DOUBLE) + s = INTERPOLATE(s, inds, /DOUBLE) ; parallel distance + l = INTERPOLATE(l, inds, /DOUBLE) ; poloidal distance + hthe = DERIV(l) / (2.D*!DPI / DOUBLE(npar)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Calculate psi derivatives - dpsidR = FLTARR(npar) - dpsidZ = FLTARR(npar) - dRdpsi = FLTARR(npar) ; dR / dpsi - dZdpsi = FLTARR(npar) ; dZ / dpsi - dBpdR = FLTARR(npar) - dBpdZ = FLTARR(npar) + dpsidR = DBLARR(npar) + dpsidZ = DBLARR(npar) + dRdpsi = DBLARR(npar) ; dR / dpsi + dZdpsi = DBLARR(npar) ; dZ / dpsi + dBpdR = DBLARR(npar) + dBpdZ = DBLARR(npar) FOR i=0, npar-1 DO BEGIN ; Get gradients of psi grad = EvalCosP(dctpsi, x0=ri[i], y0=zi[i]) @@ -275,14 +275,14 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MAGNETIC SHEAR ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Calculate from radial force balance equation - MU0 = 4.e-7 * !PI + MU0 = 4.d-7 * !DPI pitch = hthe * Btor / (Bpol * Rmaj) - dnudpsi = - ( (MU0*hthe*dpdpsi/Bpol) + pitch*( 2.*Rmaj*B*dBdpsi/Bpol + B^2*dRdpsi/Bpol - B^2*Rmaj*dBpdpsi/(Bpol^2) ) ) / (Rmaj*Bpol^2 / Btor) + dnudpsi = - ( (MU0*hthe*dpdpsi/Bpol) + pitch*( 2.D*Rmaj*B*dBdpsi/Bpol + B^2*dRdpsi/Bpol - B^2*Rmaj*dBpdpsi/(Bpol^2) ) ) / (Rmaj*Bpol^2 / Btor) ; Integrate this to get the integrated shear sinty - sinty = REAL_PART(fft_integrate(dnudpsi, loop=sloop)) * 2.*!PI/FLOAT(npar) - sloop = REAL_PART(sloop) * 2.*!PI/FLOAT(npar) + sinty = REAL_PART(fft_integrate(dnudpsi, loop=sloop)) * 2.D*!DPI/DOUBLE(npar) + sloop = REAL_PART(sloop) * 2.D*!DPI/DOUBLE(npar) ; Want this shift to be zero at the outboard midplane, ; and matching location on inboard side @@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ; Components of curvature (unit vectors) kr = d2r - Rmaj*dp^2 kz = d2z - kp = 2.*dr*dp + Rmaj*d2p + kp = 2.D*dr*dp + Rmaj*d2p ; Calculate bxk in cylindrical coordinates @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output mri = MAX(Rmaj, rmaxi) ; Get index at outboard midplane CASE opt OF 1: BEGIN - dr = 0.01*get_float("Enter radial size [cm]:") + dr = 0.01D*get_float("Enter radial size [cm]:") dpsi = Bpol[rmaxi]*Rmaj[rmaxi]*dr dpsin = dpsi / (psi_sep - psi_axis) END @@ -376,32 +376,32 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output PRINT, " Width [cm] "+STR(dr) PRINT, " [psin] "+STR(dpsin) PRINT, " [psi] "+STR(dpsi) - PRINT, " Safety factor variation: +/-"+STR(sloop*dpsi / (2.*!PI) / 2.) + PRINT, " Safety factor variation: +/-"+STR(sloop*dpsi / (2.D*!DPI) / 2.D) PRINT, "" ; Convert into cell width - dr = dr / FLOAT(nrad) - dpsi = dpsi / FLOAT(nrad) - dpsin = dpsin / FLOAT(nrad) + dr = dr / DOUBLE(nrad) + dpsi = dpsi / DOUBLE(nrad) + dpsin = dpsin / DOUBLE(nrad) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Put everything into 2D arrays - rmid = FLOAT(nrad) / 2. + rmid = DOUBLE(nrad) / 2.D rpsi = (FINDGEN(nrad) - rmid) * dpsi ; Pressure profile. Only gradient used as drive term - pressure = FLTARR(nrad, npar) - Jpar0 = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + pressure = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + Jpar0 = DBLARR(nrad, npar) FOR i=0, nrad-1 DO BEGIN pressure[i,*] = pres + rpsi[i]*dpdpsi ; Linear in x Jpar0[i,*] = Jpar ; Constant in x ENDFOR ; B field components - Bpxy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) - Btxy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) - Bxy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + Bpxy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + Btxy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + Bxy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) FOR i=0, nrad-1 DO BEGIN Bpxy[i,*] = Bpol Btxy[i,*] = Btor @@ -409,13 +409,13 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ENDFOR ; Grid spacing - dx = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + dpsi - dy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + 2.*!PI/FLOAT(npar) + dx = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + dpsi + dy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + 2.D*!DPI/DOUBLE(npar) ; Geometrical quantities - hxy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) - Rxy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) - Zxy = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + hxy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + Rxy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) + Zxy = DBLARR(nrad, npar) FOR i=0, nrad-1 DO BEGIN hxy[i,*] = hthe Rxy[i,*] = Rmaj @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ENDFOR ; Curvature - bxcvx = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + bxcvx = DBLARR(nrad, npar) bxcvy = bxcvx bxcvz = bxcvx FOR i=0, nrad-1 DO BEGIN @@ -437,12 +437,12 @@ PRO flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output ShiftAngle = qloop + rpsi * sloop ; Integrated shear - sinty2 = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + sinty2 = DBLARR(nrad, npar) FOR i=0, nrad-1 DO sinty2[i,*] = sinty ; Toroidal shift for shifted radial derivatives (optional) ; As with twist-shift, this is a linear expansion - zShift = FLTARR(nrad, npar) + zShift = DBLARR(nrad, npar) FOR i=0, nrad-1 DO BEGIN zShift[i,*] = qinty-qinty[rmaxi] + rpsi[i]*sinty ENDFOR diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient.pro index 0e0da70b23..1b753a6f18 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient.pro @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ FUNCTION radial_differential, fcur, pos ENDIF ENDIF - dRdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R), pos[0]) - dZdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z), pos[1]) + dRdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R), pos[0], /DOUBLE) + dZdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z), pos[1], /DOUBLE) ; Check mismatch between fcur and f ? Br = dfdz/dZdi @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, status=status boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, ibndry=ibndry COMMON rd_com, idata, lastgoodf, lastgoodpos, Rpos, Zpos, ood, bndry, ri0c, zi0c, tol - tol = 0.1 + tol = 0.1D Rpos = R Zpos = Z @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, status=status ; Repeat to verify that this does work rzold = [ri0, zi0] CATCH, theError - fbndry = lastgoodf - 0.1*(ftarget - f0) + fbndry = lastgoodf - 0.1D*(ftarget - f0) IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, " Error again at ", fbndry ENDIF @@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ PRO follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, status=status cpos = line_crossings([ri0, ri], [zi0, zi], 0, $ boundary[0,*], boundary[1,*], 1, ncross=ncross, inds2=inds2) IF (ncross MOD 2) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; Odd number of boundary crossings - IF SQRT( (ri - cpos[0,0])^2 + (zi - cpos[1,0])^2 ) GT 0.1 THEN BEGIN + IF SQRT( (ri - cpos[0,0])^2 + (zi - cpos[1,0])^2 ) GT 0.1D THEN BEGIN ;PRINT, "FINDING BOUNDARY", SQRT( (ri - cpos[0,0])^2 + (zi - cpos[1,0])^2 ) ; Use divide-and-conquer to find crossing point - tol = 1e-4 ; Make the boundary crossing stricter + tol = 1d-4 ; Make the boundary crossing stricter ibndry = inds2[0] ; Index in boundary where hit @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, status=status CATCH, /cancel ENDELSE - ENDREP UNTIL ABS(fmax - fcur) LT 0.01*ABS(ftarget - f0) + ENDREP UNTIL ABS(fmax - fcur) LT 0.01D*ABS(ftarget - f0) ri = rzcur[0] zi = rzcur[1] fbndry = fcur @@ -213,4 +213,4 @@ PRO follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, status=status ENDIF status = 0 -END \ No newline at end of file +END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient_nonorth.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient_nonorth.pro index 0b98d50a79..1450514280 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient_nonorth.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/follow_gradient_nonorth.pro @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ ; Calculate dR/df and dZ/df for use by LSODE ; Input: pos[0] = R, pos[1] = Z ; Output [0] = dR/df = -Bz/B^2 , [1] = dZ/df = Br/B^2 -FUNCTION radial_differential, fcur, pos - COMMON rd_com_no, idata, lastgoodf, lastgoodpos, R, Z, ood, boundary, ri0, zi0, tol, vec, weightc, bndry_periodic +FUNCTION radial_differential_nonorth, fcur, pos + COMMON rd_com_no, idata, lastgoodf, lastgoodpos, R, Z, ood, boundary, ri0, zi0, tol, vec_comm_up, weightc_up, vec_comm_down, weightc_down, bndry_periodic local_gradient, idata, pos[0], pos[1], status=status, dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz @@ -36,20 +36,30 @@ FUNCTION radial_differential, fcur, pos ENDIF ENDIF - dRdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R), pos[0]) - dZdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z), pos[1]) + dRdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R), pos[0], /DOUBLE) + dZdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z), pos[1], /DOUBLE) ; Check mismatch between fcur and f ? Br = dfdz/dZdi Bz = -dfdr/dRdi B2 = Br^2 + Bz^2 - IF KEYWORD_SET(vec) THEN BEGIN + IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_comm_up) AND KEYWORD_SET(vec_comm_down) THEN BEGIN ;; V*mod(R)/mod(V) w + (1-w) vec(r) - newvec = vec * SQRT((-Bz/B2/dRdi)^2 + (Br/B2/dZdi)^2) * weightc + (1-weightc)*[-Bz/B2/dRdi, Br/B2/dZdi] + newvec = vec_comm_up * SQRT((-Bz/B2/dRdi)^2 + (Br/B2/dZdi)^2) * weightc_up $ + + vec_comm_down * SQRT((-Bz/B2/dRdi)^2 + (Br/B2/dZdi)^2) * weightc_down $ + + (1-weightc_up-weightc_down)*[-Bz/B2/dRdi, Br/B2/dZdi] RETURN, newvec ;;RETURN, [-Bz/B2/dRdi, Br/B2/dZdi] + ENDIF ELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_comm_up) THEN BEGIN + newvec = vec_comm_up * SQRT((-Bz/B2/dRdi)^2 + (Br/B2/dZdi)^2) * weightc_up $ + + (1-weightc_up)*[-Bz/B2/dRdi, Br/B2/dZdi] + RETURN, newvec + ENDIF ELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_comm_down) THEN BEGIN + newvec = vec_comm_down * SQRT((-Bz/B2/dRdi)^2 + (Br/B2/dZdi)^2) * weightc_down $ + + (1-weightc_down)*[-Bz/B2/dRdi, Br/B2/dZdi] + RETURN, newvec ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;; stop RETURN, [-Bz/B2/dRdi, Br/B2/dZdi] @@ -70,10 +80,12 @@ END ; PRO follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, status=status, $ boundary=boundary, fbndry=fbndry, ibndry=ibndry, $ - vec=vec, weight=weight, bndry_noperiodic=bndry_noperiodic - COMMON rd_com_no, idata, lastgoodf, lastgoodpos, Rpos, Zpos, ood, bndry, ri0c, zi0c, tol, vec_comm, weightc, bndry_periodic + vec_up=vec_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_down, weight_down=weight_down, $ + bndry_noperiodic=bndry_noperiodic + COMMON rd_com_no, idata, lastgoodf, lastgoodpos, Rpos, Zpos, ood, bndry, ri0c, zi0c, tol, vec_comm_up, weightc_up, vec_comm_down, weightc_down, bndry_periodic - tol = 0.1 + tol = 0.1D Rpos = R Zpos = Z @@ -92,14 +104,23 @@ PRO follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, statu bndry_periodic = 1 IF KEYWORD_SET(bndry_noperiodic) THEN bndry_periodic = 0 - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(weight) THEN BEGIN - weight = 0. + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(weight_up) THEN BEGIN + weight_up = 0.D + weightc_up = weight_up*1.0D + ENDIF + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(weight_down) THEN BEGIN + weight_down = 0.D + weightc_down = weight_down*1.0D + ENDIF + + IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_up) THEN BEGIN + vec_comm_up = vec_up + weightc_up = weight_up*1.0D + ENDIF + IF KEYWORD_SET(vec_down) THEN BEGIN + vec_comm_down = vec_down + weightc_down = weight_down*1.0D ENDIF - - IF KEYWORD_SET(vec) THEN BEGIN - vec_comm = vec - weightc = weight*1.0 - ENDIF IF SIZE(ftarget, /TYPE) EQ 0 THEN PRINT, ftarget @@ -120,7 +141,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, statu rzold = [ri0, zi0] rcount = 0 REPEAT BEGIN - rznew = LSODE(rzold,f0,ftarget - f0,'radial_differential', lstat) + rznew = LSODE(rzold,f0,ftarget - f0,'radial_differential_nonorth', lstat) IF lstat EQ -1 THEN BEGIN PRINT, " -> Excessive work "+STR(f0)+" to "+STR(ftarget)+" Trying to continue..." lstat = 2 ; continue @@ -174,7 +195,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, statu ; Repeat to verify that this does work rzold = [ri0, zi0] CATCH, theError - fbndry = lastgoodf - 0.1*(ftarget - f0) + fbndry = lastgoodf - 0.1D*(ftarget - f0) IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, " Error again at ", fbndry ENDIF @@ -194,7 +215,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, statu boundary[0,*], boundary[1,*], bndry_periodic, ncross=ncross, inds2=inds2) IF (ncross MOD 2) EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; Odd number of boundary crossings - IF SQRT( (ri - cpos[0,0])^2 + (zi - cpos[1,0])^2 ) GT 0.1 THEN BEGIN + IF SQRT( (ri - cpos[0,0])^2 + (zi - cpos[1,0])^2 ) GT 0.1D THEN BEGIN ;PRINT, "FINDING BOUNDARY", SQRT( (ri - cpos[0,0])^2 + (zi - cpos[1,0])^2 ) ; Use divide-and-conquer to find crossing point @@ -224,7 +245,7 @@ PRO follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, ftarget, ri, zi, statu CATCH, /cancel ENDELSE - ENDREP UNTIL ABS(fmax - fcur) LT 0.01*ABS(ftarget - f0) + ENDREP UNTIL ABS(fmax - fcur) LT 0.01D*ABS(ftarget - f0) ri = rzcur[0] zi = rzcur[1] fbndry = fcur diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gen_surface.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gen_surface_hypnotoad.pro similarity index 84% rename from tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gen_surface.pro rename to tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gen_surface_hypnotoad.pro index a92e0d1cc7..0d668a1660 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gen_surface.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gen_surface_hypnotoad.pro @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ ; Generator of continuous surfaces ; ; First call: -; status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) - Initialisation +; status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) - Initialisation ; Subsequent calls -; yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) +; yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) ; ; period - Set to 1 if the surface is periodic, 0 otherwise ; last - Set to 1 if this is the last surface @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ FUNCTION range, first, last ENDELSE END -FUNCTION gen_surface, mesh=mesh, period=period, last=last, xi=xi +FUNCTION gen_surface_hypnotoad, mesh=mesh, period=period, last=last, xi=xi COMMON gen_surf_com, m, ys, xind, nd, domain, visited IF KEYWORD_SET(mesh) THEN BEGIN ; Starting @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ FUNCTION gen_surface, mesh=mesh, period=period, last=last, xi=xi ; Running total of npol to get starting y index ys = LONARR(nd) - FOR i=1, nd-1 DO ys[i] = ys[i-1] + mesh.npol[i-1] + FOR i=1, nd-1 DO ys[i] = ys[i-1] + mesh.npol[i-1] + mesh.n_y_boundary_guards[i-1] ; visited marks which domains have been used visited = INTARR(nd) @@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ FUNCTION gen_surface, mesh=mesh, period=period, last=last, xi=xi ENDIF ; Get the range of indices for this domain - yi = [range(ys[domain], ys[domain]+m.npol[domain]-1)] + yi = [range(ys[domain], ys[domain] + m.npol[domain] + m.n_y_boundary_guards[domain] - 1)] IF ny EQ 0 THEN yinds = yi ELSE yinds = [yinds, yi] - ny = ny + m.npol[domain] + ny = ny + m.npol[domain] + m.n_y_boundary_guards[domain] visited[domain] = 1 ; Mark domain as visited diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line.pro index eaadeb731c..8fdcb567fc 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line.pro @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ FUNCTION get_line, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt, vec=vec, weight=we RETURN, [[ri0,ri0],[zi0,zi0]] ENDIF - rixpt = FLTARR(npt+1) + rixpt = DBLARR(npt+1) zixpt = rixpt rixpt[0] = ri0 zixpt[0] = zi0 FOR j=0, npt-1 DO BEGIN - d = FLOAT(j+1)/FLOAT(npt) - ftarg = d*fto + (1.0 - d)*ffrom + d = DOUBLE(j+1)/DOUBLE(npt) + ftarg = d*fto + (1.0D - d)*ffrom follow_gradient, interp_data, R, Z, rixpt[j], zixpt[j], $ ftarg, rinext, zinext rixpt[j+1] = rinext diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line_nonorth.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line_nonorth.pro index 2a52927595..eaae77555b 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line_nonorth.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/get_line_nonorth.pro @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -FUNCTION get_line_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt, vec=vec, weight=weight +FUNCTION get_line_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt, vec_up=vec_up, weight_up=weight_up, vec_down=vec_down, weight_down=weight_down IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(npt) THEN npt=10 ; Get starting f @@ -8,15 +8,18 @@ FUNCTION get_line_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, ri0, zi0, fto, npt=npt, vec=vec, w RETURN, [[ri0,ri0],[zi0,zi0]] ENDIF - rixpt = FLTARR(npt+1) + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(weight_up) THEN weight_up = 0.D + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(weight_down) THEN weight_down = 0.D + rixpt = DBLARR(npt+1) zixpt = rixpt rixpt[0] = ri0 zixpt[0] = zi0 FOR j=0, npt-1 DO BEGIN - d = FLOAT(j+1)/FLOAT(npt) - ftarg = d*fto + (1.0 - d)*ffrom + d = DOUBLE(j+1)/DOUBLE(npt) + ftarg = d*fto + (1.0D - d)*ffrom follow_gradient_nonorth, interp_data, R, Z, rixpt[j], zixpt[j], $ - ftarg, rinext, zinext, vec=vec, weight=weight + ftarg, rinext, zinext, vec_up=vec_up, weight_up=weight_up, $ + vec_down=vec_down, weight_down=weight_down rixpt[j+1] = rinext zixpt[j+1] = zinext ENDFOR diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gridgen.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gridgen.pro index dcdfab70cd..b0bb65249d 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gridgen.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/gridgen.pro @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ FUNCTION simple_psi, r, z, r0, z0, mag nx = N_ELEMENTS(r) ny = N_ELEMENTS(z) - f = FLTARR(nx,ny) + f = DBLARR(nx,ny) mind = 5*SQRT((r[1]-r[0])^2 + (z[1]-z[0])^2) FOR i=0, nx-1 DO BEGIN @@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ PRO gridgen, debug=debug, settings=settings nx = 200 ny = 200 - R = FINDGEN(nx) / FLOAT(nx-1) - Z = (FINDGEN(ny) / FLOAT(ny-1)) - 0.5 + R = FINDGEN(nx) / DOUBLE(nx-1) + Z = (FINDGEN(ny) / DOUBLE(ny-1)) - 0.5D - f = simple_psi(R, Z, 0.5, 0.0, -1.0) $ - + simple_psi(R, Z, 0.3, -0.55, -0.39) $ - + simple_psi(R, Z, 0.8, -0.55, -0.39) $ - + simple_psi(R, Z, 0.4, 0.55, -0.4) + f = simple_psi(R, Z, 0.5D, 0.0D, -1.0D) $ + + simple_psi(R, Z, 0.3D, -0.55D, -0.39D) $ + + simple_psi(R, Z, 0.8D, -0.55D, -0.39D) $ + + simple_psi(R, Z, 0.4D, 0.55D, -0.4D) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Get input settings ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ PRO gridgen, debug=debug, settings=settings REPEAT BEGIN psi_inner = get_float("Core normalised psi: ") - ENDREP UNTIL (psi_inner GE 0.) AND (psi_inner LT 1.0) + ENDREP UNTIL (psi_inner GE 0.D) AND (psi_inner LT 1.0D) REPEAT BEGIN psi_outer = get_float("Outer normalised psi: ") diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad.pro index 2f18c54859..7646d077d0 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad.pro @@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ PRO oplot_mesh, rz_mesh, flux_mesh FOR i=0, flux_mesh.critical.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN ; plot the separatrix contour CONTOUR, rz_mesh.psi, rz_mesh.R, rz_mesh.Z, levels=[flux_mesh.critical.xpt_f[i]], c_colors=2, /overplot - oplot, [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.R, flux_mesh.critical.xpt_ri[i])], [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.Z, flux_mesh.critical.xpt_zi[i])], psym=7, color=2 + oplot, [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.R, flux_mesh.critical.xpt_ri[i], /DOUBLE)], [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.Z, flux_mesh.critical.xpt_zi[i], /DOUBLE)], psym=7, color=2 ENDFOR ; Plot O-points FOR i=0, flux_mesh.critical.n_opoint-1 DO BEGIN - oplot, [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.R, flux_mesh.critical.opt_ri[i])], [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.Z, flux_mesh.critical.opt_zi[i])], psym=7, color=3 + oplot, [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.R, flux_mesh.critical.opt_ri[i], /DOUBLE)], [INTERPOLATE(rz_mesh.Z, flux_mesh.critical.opt_zi[i], /DOUBLE)], psym=7, color=3 ENDFOR ypos = 0 FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(flux_mesh.npol)-1 DO BEGIN - plot_region, flux_mesh.rxy, flux_mesh.zxy, ypos, ypos+flux_mesh.npol[i]-1, color=i+1 - ypos = ypos + flux_mesh.npol[i] + plot_region, flux_mesh.rxy, flux_mesh.zxy, ypos, ypos+flux_mesh.npol[i]+flux_mesh.n_y_boundary_guards[i]-1, color=i+1 + ypos = ypos + flux_mesh.npol[i]+flux_mesh.n_y_boundary_guards[i] ENDFOR END @@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ PRO popup_event, event IF N_ELEMENTS(uvalue) EQ 0 THEN RETURN ; Undefined - CASE uvalue OF - 'mesh': BEGIN + CASE 1 OF + uvalue EQ 'mesh' OR uvalue EQ 'mesh2': BEGIN IF base_info.rz_grid_valid EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "ERROR: No valid equilibrium data. Read from file first" a = DIALOG_MESSAGE("No valid equilibrium data. Read from file first", /error) @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ PRO popup_event, event ENDFOR ninpsi = N_ELEMENTS(info.in_psi_field) - psi_inner = FLTARR(ninpsi) + psi_inner = DBLARR(ninpsi) FOR i=0, ninpsi-1 DO BEGIN widget_control, info.in_psi_field[i], get_value=inp psi_inner[i] = inp ENDFOR noutpsi = N_ELEMENTS(info.out_psi_field) - psi_outer = FLTARR(noutpsi) + psi_outer = DBLARR(noutpsi) FOR i=0, noutpsi-1 DO BEGIN widget_control, info.out_psi_field[i], get_value=inp psi_outer[i] = inp @@ -101,15 +101,21 @@ PRO popup_event, event widget_control, base_info.xpt_dist_field, get_value=xpt_mul + widget_control, info.nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power, get_value=nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power + + widget_control, base_info.y_boundary_guards_field, get_value=y_boundary_guards + PRINT, "HYP: psi_inner =", psi_inner - settings = {nrad:nrad, npol:npol, psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:psi_outer, rad_peaking:rad_peak} + settings = {nrad:nrad, npol:npol, psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:psi_outer, $ + rad_peaking:rad_peak, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power:nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power} WIDGET_CONTROL, base_info.status, set_value="Generating mesh ..." ; Delete the window, as number of fields may change WIDGET_CONTROL, event.top, /destroy - + ; Check if a simplified boundary should be used IF base_info.simple_bndry THEN BEGIN ; Simplify the boundary to a square box @@ -118,15 +124,39 @@ PRO popup_event, event [MIN(boundary[1,*]), MIN(boundary[1,*]), $ MAX(boundary[1,*]), MAX(boundary[1,*])] ]) ENDIF + END + ENDCASE + CASE uvalue OF + 'mesh': BEGIN + ; Orthogonal mesh button was pushed + ; Create the mesh mesh = create_grid((*(base_info.rz_grid)).psi, (*(base_info.rz_grid)).r, (*(base_info.rz_grid)).z, $ settings, $ boundary=boundary, strict=base_info.strict_bndry, $ single_rad_grid=base_info.single_rad_grid, $ critical=(*(base_info.rz_grid)).critical, $ - fast=base_info.fast, xpt_mul=xpt_mul, /simple) + fast=base_info.fast, xpt_mul=xpt_mul, /simple, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) + END + 'mesh2': BEGIN + ; Non-orthogonal mesh button was pushed + + ; Create the mesh + mesh = create_nonorthogonal((*(base_info.rz_grid)).psi, (*(base_info.rz_grid)).r, $ + (*(base_info.rz_grid)).z, settings, $ + boundary=boundary, strict=base_info.strict_bndry, $ + /nrad_flexible, $ + single_rad_grid=base_info.single_rad_grid, $ + critical=(*(base_info.rz_grid)).critical, $ + xpt_only=base_info.xpt_only, /simple, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) + END + ENDCASE + CASE 1 OF + uvalue EQ 'mesh' OR uvalue EQ 'mesh2': BEGIN IF mesh.error EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "Successfully generated mesh" WIDGET_CONTROL, base_info.status, set_value="Successfully generated mesh. All glory to the Hypnotoad!" @@ -336,6 +366,9 @@ PRO event_handler, event widget_control, info.xpt_dist_field, get_value=xpt_mul PRINT, "xpt_mul = ", xpt_mul + + widget_control, info.y_boundary_guards_field, get_value=y_boundary_guards + ; Check if a simplified boundary should be used IF info.simple_bndry THEN BEGIN ; Simplify the boundary to a square box @@ -347,7 +380,7 @@ PRO event_handler, event WIDGET_CONTROL, info.status, set_value="Generating mesh ..." - fpsi = FLTARR(2, N_ELEMENTS((*(info.rz_grid)).fpol)) + fpsi = DBLARR(2, N_ELEMENTS((*(info.rz_grid)).fpol)) fpsi[0,*] = (*(info.rz_grid)).simagx + (*(info.rz_grid)).npsigrid * ( (*(info.rz_grid)).sibdry - (*(info.rz_grid)).simagx ) fpsi[1,*] = (*(info.rz_grid)).fpol @@ -357,7 +390,7 @@ PRO event_handler, event single_rad_grid=info.single_rad_grid, $ critical=(*(info.rz_grid)).critical, $ fast=info.fast, xpt_mul=xpt_mul, $ - fpsi = fpsi, /simple) + fpsi = fpsi, /simple, y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) IF mesh.error EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "Successfully generated mesh" WIDGET_CONTROL, info.status, set_value="Successfully generated mesh. All glory to the Hypnotoad!" @@ -395,9 +428,12 @@ PRO event_handler, event widget_control, info.parweight_field, get_value=parweight - settings = {nrad:nrad, npol:npol, psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:psi_outer, rad_peaking:rad_peak, parweight:parweight} + settings = {nrad:nrad, npol:npol, psi_inner:psi_inner, psi_outer:psi_outer, $ + rad_peaking:rad_peak, parweight:parweight, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power:info.nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power} ENDELSE + widget_control, info.y_boundary_guards_field, get_value=y_boundary_guards ; Check if a simplified boundary should be used IF info.simple_bndry THEN BEGIN @@ -408,15 +444,14 @@ PRO event_handler, event MAX(boundary[1,*]), MAX(boundary[1,*])] ]) ENDIF - IF info.xptonly_check EQ 0 THEN xpt_only = 0 ELSE xpt_only = 1 - WIDGET_CONTROL, info.status, set_value="Generating non-orthogonal mesh ..." mesh = create_nonorthogonal((*(info.rz_grid)).psi, (*(info.rz_grid)).r, (*(info.rz_grid)).z, settings, $ boundary=boundary, strict=info.strict_bndry, $ /nrad_flexible, $ single_rad_grid=info.single_rad_grid, $ - critical=(*(info.rz_grid)).critical, xpt_only=info.xpt_only, /simple) + critical=(*(info.rz_grid)).critical, xpt_only=info.xpt_only, /simple, $ + y_boundary_guards=y_boundary_guards) IF mesh.error EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "Successfully generated non-orthogonal mesh" WIDGET_CONTROL, info.status, set_value="Successfully generated mesh. All glory to the Hypnotoad!" @@ -445,7 +480,9 @@ PRO event_handler, event IF info.rz_grid_valid AND info.flux_mesh_valid THEN BEGIN ; Get settings settings = {calcp:info.calcp, calcbt:info.calcbt, $ - calchthe:info.calchthe, calcjpar:info.calcjpar} + calchthe:info.calchthe, calcjpar:info.calcjpar, $ + orthogonal_coordinates_output:info.orthogonal_coordinates_output, $ + y_boundary_guards:(*info.flux_mesh).y_boundary_guards} process_grid, *(info.rz_grid), *(info.flux_mesh), $ output=filename, poorquality=poorquality, /gui, parent=info.draw, $ @@ -545,6 +582,10 @@ PRO event_handler, event info.calcjpar = event.select widget_control, event.top, set_UVALUE=info END + 'orthogonal_coordinates_output' : BEGIN + info.orthogonal_coordinates_output = event.select + widget_control, event.top, set_UVALUE=info + END 'fast': BEGIN info.fast = event.select widget_control, event.top, set_UVALUE=info @@ -559,8 +600,8 @@ PRO event_handler, event m = MIN( (REFORM((*info.flux_mesh).rxy - r))^2 + $ (REFORM((*info.flux_mesh).zxy - r))^2 , ind) - xi = FIX(ind / TOTAL((*info.flux_mesh).npol)) - yi = FIX(ind MOD TOTAL((*info.flux_mesh).npol)) + xi = FIX(ind / TOTAL((*info.flux_mesh).npol + (*info.flux_mesh).n_y_boundary_guards)) + yi = FIX(ind MOD TOTAL((*info.flux_mesh).npol + (*info.flux_mesh).n_y_boundary_guards)) PRINT, xi, yi END 'detail': BEGIN @@ -577,7 +618,7 @@ PRO event_handler, event critical = (*(info.rz_grid)).critical IF (*(info.rz_grid)).nlim GT 2 THEN BEGIN ; Check that the critical points are inside the boundary - bndryi = FLTARR(2, (*(info.rz_grid)).nlim) + bndryi = DBLARR(2, (*(info.rz_grid)).nlim) bndryi[0,*] = INTERPOL(FINDGEN((*(info.rz_grid)).nr), (*(info.rz_grid)).R, (*(info.rz_grid)).rlim) bndryi[1,*] = INTERPOL(FINDGEN((*(info.rz_grid)).nz), (*(info.rz_grid)).Z, (*(info.rz_grid)).zlim) critical = critical_bndry(critical, bndryi) @@ -668,13 +709,13 @@ PRO event_handler, event psi_inner = (*info.flux_mesh).psi_inner ENDIF ELSE BEGIN widget_control, info.psi_inner_field, get_value=psi_in - psi_inner = FLTARR(n_xpoint+1) + psi_in + psi_inner = DBLARR(n_xpoint+1) + psi_in ENDELSE in_psi_field[0] = CW_FIELD( in_psi_base, $ title = 'Core: ', $ uvalue = 'in_psi', $ - /float, $ + /double, $ value = psi_inner[0], $ xsize=8 $ ) @@ -682,7 +723,7 @@ PRO event_handler, event in_psi_field[i] = CW_FIELD( in_psi_base, $ title = 'PF '+STRTRIM(STRING(i),2)+': ', $ uvalue = 'in_psi', $ - /float, $ + /double, $ value = psi_inner[i], $ xsize=8 $ ) @@ -698,7 +739,7 @@ PRO event_handler, event psi_outer = (*info.flux_mesh).psi_outer ENDIF ELSE BEGIN widget_control, info.psi_outer_field, get_value=psi_out - psi_outer = FLTARR(n_xpoint) + psi_out + psi_outer = DBLARR(n_xpoint) + psi_out ENDELSE out_psi_field = LONARR(N_ELEMENTS(psi_outer)) @@ -707,7 +748,7 @@ PRO event_handler, event out_psi_field[i] = CW_FIELD( out_psi_base, $ title = 'SOL '+STRTRIM(STRING(i),2)+': ', $ uvalue = 'out_psi', $ - /float, $ + /double, $ value = psi_outer[i], $ xsize=8 $ ) @@ -736,12 +777,12 @@ PRO event_handler, event ENDIF ELSE BEGIN FOR i=0, nnpol-1 DO BEGIN IF i MOD 3 EQ 1 THEN title='Core: ' ELSE title = 'Private Flux: ' - npol_field[i] = CW_FIELD( pol_base, $ - title = title, $ - uvalue = 'npol', $ - /long, $ - value = (*info.flux_mesh).npol[i], $ - xsize=8 $ + npol_field[i] = CW_FIELD( pol_base, $ + title = title, $ + uvalue = 'npol', $ + /long, $ + value = (*info.flux_mesh).npol[i], $ + xsize=8 $ ) ENDFOR ENDELSE @@ -758,15 +799,31 @@ PRO event_handler, event xsize=8 $ ) ENDELSE + + l = WIDGET_LABEL(popup, value='Strength of decay of non-orthogonality away from grid section boundary') + l = WIDGET_LABEL(popup, value='(Larger exponent pushes the grid back toward orthogonality faster)') + nonorthogonal_decay_base = WIDGET_BASE(popup, /ROW, EVENT_PRO='popup_event') + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power = $ + CW_FIELD( nonorthogonal_decay_base, $ + title = 'Exponent: ', $ + uvalue = 'nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power', $ + /double, $ + value = 2.7D, $ + xsize = 8 $ + ) mesh_button = WIDGET_BUTTON(popup, VALUE='Generate mesh', $ uvalue='mesh', tooltip="Generate a new mesh") + mesh2_button = WIDGET_BUTTON(popup, VALUE='Generate non-orthogonal mesh', $ + uvalue='mesh2', tooltip="Generate a new non-orthogonal mesh") + popup_info = {info:info, $ ; Store the main info too nrad_field:nrad_field, $ in_psi_field:in_psi_field, $ out_psi_field:out_psi_field, $ npol_field:npol_field, $ + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power:nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power, $ top:event.top} WIDGET_CONTROL, popup, set_uvalue=popup_info @@ -805,7 +862,9 @@ PRO event_handler, event str_set, info, "psi_outer_field", oldinfo.psi_outer_field, /over str_set, info, "rad_peak_field", oldinfo.rad_peak_field, /over str_set, info, "xpt_dist_field", oldinfo.xpt_dist_field, /over - + str_set, info, "nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power", oldinfo.nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power, /over + str_set, info, "y_boundary_guards_field", oldinfo.y_boundary_guards_field, /over + str_set, info, "status", oldinfo.status, /over str_set, info, "leftbargeom", oldinfo.leftbargeom, /over @@ -850,6 +909,10 @@ PRO event_handler, event str_set, info, "calcjpar", oldinfo.calcjpar Widget_Control, info.calcjpar_check, Set_Button=info.calcjpar + str_set, info, "orthogonal_coordinates_output_check", oldinfo.orthogonal_coordinates_output_check, /over + str_set, info, "orthogonal_coordinates_output", oldinfo.orthogonal_coordinates_output + Widget_Control, info.orthogonal_coordinates_output_check, Set_Button=info.orthogonal_coordinates_output + str_set, info, "radgrid_check", oldinfo.radgrid_check, /over str_set, info, "single_rad_grid", oldinfo.single_rad_grid Widget_Control, info.radgrid_check, Set_Button=info.single_rad_grid @@ -961,15 +1024,15 @@ PRO hypnotoad psi_inner_field = CW_FIELD( tab1, $ title = 'Inner psi:', $ uvalue = 'inner_psi', $ - /floating, $ - value = 0.9, $ + /double, $ + value = 0.9D, $ xsize=8 $ ) psi_outer_field = CW_FIELD( tab1, $ title = 'Outer psi:', $ uvalue = 'outer_psi', $ - /floating, $ - value = 1.1, $ + /double, $ + value = 1.1D, $ xsize=8 $ ) @@ -977,7 +1040,7 @@ PRO hypnotoad rad_peak_field = CW_FIELD( tab1, $ title = 'Sep. spacing:', $ uvalue = 'rad_peak', $ - /floating, $ + /double, $ value = 1, $ xsize=8 $ ) @@ -985,18 +1048,31 @@ PRO hypnotoad parweight_field = CW_FIELD( tab1, $ title = 'Par. vs pol:', $ uvalue = 'parweight', $ - /floating, $ - value = 0.0, $ + /double, $ + value = 0.0D, $ xsize=8 $ ) xpt_dist_field = CW_FIELD( tab1, $ title = 'Xpt dist x:', $ uvalue = 'xpt_mul', $ - /floating, $ + /double, $ value = 1, $ xsize=8 $ ) + + y_boundary_guards_field = CW_FIELD( tab1, $ + title = '# y-boundary guard cells', $ + uvalue = 'y_boundary_guards', $ + /long, $ + value = 0, $ + xsize = 3 $ + ) + + l = WIDGET_LABEL(tab1, value = '(default 0 for backward compatibility,' + STRING(10B) $ + + 'recommended to set to number of' + STRING(10B) $ + + 'y-guards in your simulation, e.g. 2)', $ + /ALIGN_LEFT) detail_button = WIDGET_BUTTON(tab1, VALUE='Detailed settings', $ uvalue='detail', $ @@ -1097,6 +1173,12 @@ PRO hypnotoad tooltip="Recalculate Jpar") Widget_Control, calcjpar_check, Set_Button=calcjpar_default + orthogonal_coordinates_output_default = 0 + orthogonal_coordinates_output_check = WIDGET_BUTTON(checkboxbase, $ + VALUE="Output for orthogonal coords", uvalue='orthogonal_coordinates_output', $ + tooltip="Output metrics for simulations in orthogonal coordinates using ShiftedMetric (i.e. with zero integrated shear, I=0, when calculating metric terms).") + Widget_Control, orthogonal_coordinates_output_check, Set_Button=orthogonal_coordinates_output_default + process_button = WIDGET_BUTTON(tab2, VALUE='Output mesh', $ uvalue='process', tooltip="Process mesh and output to file") @@ -1134,6 +1216,7 @@ PRO hypnotoad rad_peak_field:rad_peak_field, $ parweight_field:parweight_field, $ xpt_dist_field:xpt_dist_field, $ + y_boundary_guards_field:y_boundary_guards_field, $ status:status_box, $ leftbargeom:leftbargeom, $ $;;; Options tab @@ -1145,6 +1228,7 @@ PRO hypnotoad simple_bndry:0, $ ; Use simplified boundary? xptonly_check:xptonly_check, $ ; xpt_only:0, $ ; x-point only non-orthogonal + nonorthogonal_weight_decay_power:2.7D, $ ; how fast to decay towards orthogonal mesh radgrid_check:radgrid_check, $ single_rad_grid:1, $ smoothP_check:smoothP_check, $ @@ -1161,6 +1245,8 @@ PRO hypnotoad calchthe:calchthe_default, $ calcjpar_check:calcjpar_check, $ calcjpar:calcjpar_default, $ + orthogonal_coordinates_output_check:orthogonal_coordinates_output_check, $ + orthogonal_coordinates_output:orthogonal_coordinates_output_default, $ fast_check:fast_check, $ fast:0, $ $;;; diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad_version.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad_version.pro index f36647c026..11ab982a85 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad_version.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/hypnotoad_version.pro @@ -10,10 +10,52 @@ FUNCTION hypnotoad_version ; 1.1.0 - non-orthogonal grid generation added ; 1.1.1 - Hypnotoad version number added here, and now saved to grid files ; 1.1.2 - Fixed bug in calculation of qloop. Should be only in closed regions - + ; 1.1.3 - * Handle case when break of contour is very close to X-point. + ; * Add checkbox to write metrics for orthogonal coordinates (i.e. + ; metrics with integrated shear I=0); include attribute in output ; + ; file labelling the 'coordinates_type', either 'field_aligned' or + ; 'orthogonal'. + ; * Various small fixes to make non-orthogonal grid generation more + ; robust. + ; * Better handling of closed contours + ; * Make transitions of non-orthogonal coordinates between X-point and + ; wall more flexible: instead of forcing coordinates to be + ; orthogonal half-way through the poloidal region, have separate + ; weights for the boundary vectors at either end to make the + ; transition between the two continuous (with dominant weighting of + ; the orthogonal direction in the middle of the region). + ; * Enable 'Detailed settings' dialog for non-orthogonal grids, add + ; setting to change the exponent of the power-law decrease of the + ; weight of non-orthogonal vectors. + ; 1.1.4 - * For non-orthogonal, always refine of starting locations (previously + ; was only done for grids with only closed field lines) - improves + ; robustness especially around X-points. + ; * Pass 'simple' setting through when restarting grid generation. + ; * Rename gen_surface->gen_surface_hypnotoad to avoid name clash. + ; * Simplify expression for 'H' which is y-derivative of y-integral. + ; * Use 'I' instead of 'sinty' when calculating curvature + ; bxcvx/bxcvy/bxcvz - makes curvature output consistent with + ; non-field-aligned (x-z orthogonal) grids. + ; * Fix an update of 'nnpol' which could make some output arrays be + ; larger than they need to be (not a bug as the extra entries were + ; harmlessly filled with zeros). + ; * Option to save y-boundary guard cells (defaults to 0 for backward + ; compatibility with versions of BOUT++ before 4.3). + ; 1.2.0 * Use double precision everywhere - significantly reduces numerical + ; errors which may result when for example interpolating, then + ; differentiating, then integrating. Does change the outputs a bit. + ; Less sensitive to small changes in implementation (e.g. changes + ; in indexing due to different number of y-boundary guard cells). + ; 1.2.1 * Don't smooth 'beta' after calculating + ; 1.2.2 * Revert incorrect change in 1.1.4 to the calculation of 'H' - the + ; derivative was with respect to theta, but the integral was in y + ; and for non-orthogonal grids thetaxy and yxy are different. + ; 1.2.3 * Rename 'coordinates_type' to 'parallel_transform', 'orthogonal' + ; to 'shiftedmetric', and 'field_aligned' to 'identity' + major_version = 1 - minor_version = 1 - patch_number = 2 + minor_version = 2 + patch_number = 3 RETURN, LONG([major_version, minor_version, patch_number]) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/int_y.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/int_y.pro index f9f543b62b..566a8f7ad7 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/int_y.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/int_y.pro @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ FUNCTION int_y, var, mesh, loop=loop, nosmooth=nosmooth, simple=simple s = SIZE(var, /dim) nx = s[0] - loop = FLTARR(nx) + loop = DBLARR(nx) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) IF period THEN BEGIN ; Add first point onto the end so wraps around for integration diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix.pro index faef3477e9..72d9041416 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix.pro @@ -30,23 +30,12 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ fyy = d[4] fxy = d[5] - xr = INTERPOLATE(r,xpt_ri) - xz = INTERPOLATE(z,xpt_zi) + xr = INTERPOLATE(r,xpt_ri, /DOUBLE) + xz = INTERPOLATE(z,xpt_zi, /DOUBLE) - drdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R), xpt_ri) - dzdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z), xpt_zi) + drdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(R), xpt_ri, /DOUBLE) + dzdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(Z), xpt_zi, /DOUBLE) - ; Use finite-differencing - ;di = 2. - ;axp = local_gradient(dctF, xpt_ri + di, xpt_zi) - ;axm = local_gradient(dctF, xpt_ri - di, xpt_zi) - ;ayp = local_gradient(dctF, xpt_ri, xpt_zi + di) - ;aym = local_gradient(dctF, xpt_ri, xpt_zi - di) - - ;fxx = 0.5*(axp.dfdr - axm.dfdr)/di - ;fyy = 0.5*(ayp.dfdz - aym.dfdz)/di - ;fxy = 0.25*( (axp.dfdz - axm.dfdz) + (ayp.dfdr - aym.dfdr) ) / di - IF ABS(fyy) GT 1e-4 THEN BEGIN ; Get gradients 1 and 2 (solutions y = g1 * x and y = g2 * x) @@ -60,7 +49,7 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; One of the lines through the x-point is vertical (x = const) v1 = [0, 1] - v2 = [drdi, -fxx / (2.*fxy) * dzdi] + v2 = [drdi, -fxx / (2.D*fxy) * dzdi] ENDELSE ; For each line, work out which direction to go away from the @@ -83,7 +72,7 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ vp = vp / SQRT(TOTAL(vp^2)) vm = vm / SQRT(TOTAL(vm^2)) - di = 0.1 + di = 0.1D dp = TOTAL(v0*vp) dm = TOTAL(v0*vm) @@ -93,7 +82,7 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ dp = dm ENDIF ; Either both pointing along core or both along pf - IF dp GT 0. THEN BEGIN + IF dp GT 0.D THEN BEGIN ; Both along core - reverse v1 = -v1 v2 = -v2 @@ -109,9 +98,9 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ ; Need to decide which direction in theta this is - dt = theta_differential(0., [xpt_ri + di*v1[0], xpt_zi + di*v1[1]]) - sign = 1. - IF TOTAL(dt * v1) LT 0 THEN sign = -1. + dt = theta_differential(0.D, [xpt_ri + di*v1[0], xpt_zi + di*v1[1]]) + sign = 1.D + IF TOTAL(dt * v1) LT 0 THEN sign = -1.D line1 = theta_line( dctF, $ xpt_ri + di*v1[0], xpt_zi + di*v1[1], $ @@ -121,9 +110,9 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ xpt_ri - di*v1[0], xpt_zi - di*v1[1], $ sign*di, 100, psi=psi) - dt = theta_differential(0., [xpt_ri + di*v2[0], xpt_zi + di*v2[1]]) - sign = 1. - IF TOTAL(dt * v2) LT 0 THEN sign = -1. + dt = theta_differential(0.D, [xpt_ri + di*v2[0], xpt_zi + di*v2[1]]) + sign = 1.D + IF TOTAL(dt * v2) LT 0 THEN sign = -1.D line2 = theta_line( dctF, $ xpt_ri + di*v2[0], xpt_zi + di*v2[1], $ @@ -133,11 +122,11 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix, dctF, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ xpt_ri - di*v2[0], xpt_zi - di*v2[1], $ sign*di, 100, psi=psi) - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line1[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, line1[*,1]), color=3, thick=2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line2[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, line2[*,1]), color=4, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line1[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, line1[*,1], /DOUBLE), color=3, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, line2[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, line2[*,1], /DOUBLE), color=4, thick=2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core1[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, core1[*,1]), color=3, thick=2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core2[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, core2[*,1]), color=4, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core1[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, core1[*,1], /DOUBLE), color=3, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core2[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, core2[*,1], /DOUBLE), color=4, thick=2 RETURN, {leg1:line1, leg2:line2, core1:core1, core2:core2, ri:xpt_ri, zi:xpt_zi} END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix2.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix2.pro index 2d7c6caf00..c43933a7ff 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix2.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/leg_separatrix2.pro @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix2, interp_data, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ nz = interp_data.ny IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(boundary) THEN BEGIN - bndry = FLTARR(2,4) + bndry = DBLARR(2,4) bndry[0,*] = [1, nr-2, nr-2, 1] bndry[1,*] = [1, 1, nz-2, nz-2] ENDIF ELSE bndry = boundary @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix2, interp_data, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ ; Create a circle around the x-point di = 2 ; Radius of 2 grid points - IF (md GT di) AND (md LT 6) THEN di = md * 1.25 - dthe = 2.*!PI*FINDGEN(6)/6. + IF (md GT di) AND (md LT 6) THEN di = md * 1.25D + dthe = 2.D*!DPI*FINDGEN(6)/6.D ri = xpt_ri + di*COS(dthe) zi = xpt_zi + di*SIN(dthe) @@ -75,57 +75,92 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix2, interp_data, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ oplot, bndry[0,*], bndry[1,*], color=2, thick=2 ENDIF - cpos = line_crossings(sep_ri, sep_zi, 0, $ + cpos = line_crossings(sep_ri, sep_zi, info[i].type, $ ri, zi, 1, $ ncross=ncross, inds1=inds) + PRINT, "Intersections: ", ncross FOR j = 0, ncross-1 DO BEGIN ; Intersection. Get location - cri = INTERPOLATE(sep_ri, inds[j]) - czi = INTERPOLATE(sep_zi, inds[j]) + cri = INTERPOLATE(sep_ri, inds[j], /DOUBLE) + czi = INTERPOLATE(sep_zi, inds[j], /DOUBLE) IF KEYWORD_SET(debug) THEN oplot, [cri], [czi], psym=2 ;Get direction of line - drdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(sep_ri), inds[j]) - dzdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(sep_zi), inds[j]) + ; DERIV uses one-sided differences at the ends of the array. These may be + ; very inaccurate because the separatrix points are not evenly spaced. + ; Therefore extend the ends of the array by cycling around a couple of + ; points from the other end. This is incorrect for the leg contours, + ; which are open, but since they are open they should not have ends near + ; the X-point, so this should not affect them. + ; Need to add +2 to inds[j] because we added two points onto the + ; beginning of sep_ri/sep_zi. + drdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV([sep_ri[-2:*],sep_ri,sep_ri[0:2]]), inds[j]+2, /DOUBLE) + dzdi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV([sep_zi[-2:*],sep_zi,sep_zi[0:2]]), inds[j]+2, /DOUBLE) ; First check if this is towards or away from the X-point dir = 1 ; direction to go away from x-point d = drdi*(cri - xpt_ri) + dzdi*(czi - xpt_zi) ; Dot-product - IF d LT 0. THEN dir = -1 + IF d LT 0.D THEN dir = -1 ; Get the indices for a line radiating from the x-point si = [inds[j]] IF dir GT 0 THEN BEGIN in = CEIL(si[0]) - si = [si, in + indgen(N_ELEMENTS(sep_ri) - in)] + IF in LT N_ELEMENTS(sep_ri) THEN BEGIN + ; normal case + si = [si, in + indgen(N_ELEMENTS(sep_ri) - in), indgen(in - 1)] + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; can't call indgen(0) so handle this specially + si = [si, indgen(in - 1)] + ENDELSE ENDIF ELSE BEGIN in = FLOOR(si[0]) - si = [si, reverse(indgen(in+1))] + ; contour is closed, so we can loop around: start at si, add elements + ; until the beginning of the contour, then add elements starting from the + ; end of the contour + IF in LT N_ELEMENTS(sep_ri)-1 THEN BEGIN + ; normal case + si = [si, reverse(indgen(in+1)), reverse(indgen(N_ELEMENTS(sep_ri)-in-1)) + in + 1] + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; can't call indgen(0) so handle this specially + si = [si, reverse(indgen(in+1))] + ENDELSE ENDELSE - sepri = INTERPOLATE(sep_ri, si) - sepzi = INTERPOLATE(sep_zi, si) + sepri = INTERPOLATE(sep_ri, si, /DOUBLE) + sepzi = INTERPOLATE(sep_zi, si, /DOUBLE) ; Then check if this is towards the O-point (core) or away (PF) d = drdi*dir * (opt_ri - xpt_ri)*drpdi^2 + dzdi*dir * (opt_zi - xpt_zi) * dzpdi^2 - ;OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, xpt_ri) + [0., drdi*dir*drpdi * 100], INTERPOLATE(Z, xpt_zi) + [0., dzdi*dir*dzpdi * 100], color=2 + ;OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, xpt_ri, /DOUBLE) + [0.D, drdi*dir*drpdi * 100], INTERPOLATE(Z, xpt_zi, /DOUBLE) + [0.D, dzdi*dir*dzpdi * 100], color=2 IF d GT 0 THEN BEGIN ; Core - ; find where either ri or zi has an extrema + ; Find where both ri and zi have had an extrema. + ; This will take the contour at most half way around the closed part of + ; the separatrix. + ; Taking the first extremum in ri or zi (old behaviour) risks having a + ; very short contour on one leg if the X-point is not quite at the + ; bottom or top of the core region n = N_ELEMENTS(sepri) dr = DERIV(sepri) dr = dr[1:*] * dr[0:(n-2)] dz = DERIV(sepzi) dz = dz[1:*] * dz[0:(n-2)] - in = MIN(WHERE((dr[1:*] LE 0.0) OR (dz[1:*] LE 0.0))) + 1 + + inr = MIN(WHERE(dr[1:*] LE 0.0D)) + 1 + inz = MIN(WHERE(dz[1:*] LE 0.0D)) + 1 + in = MAX([inr, inz]) - sepri = sepri[0:in] - sepzi = sepzi[0:in] + if in GT 0 THEN BEGIN + ; if in<=0 then there is no extremum, so don't truncate sepri/sepzi + sepri = sepri[0:in] + sepzi = sepzi[0:in] + ENDIF IF KEYWORD_SET(debug) THEN OPLOT, sepri, sepzi, color=4 @@ -137,26 +172,47 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix2, interp_data, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; PF - sepri = INTERPOLATE(sep_ri, si) - sepzi = INTERPOLATE(sep_zi, si) + sepri = INTERPOLATE(sep_ri, si, /DOUBLE) + sepzi = INTERPOLATE(sep_zi, si, /DOUBLE) ; Find where it crosses a boundary cpos = line_crossings(sepri, sepzi, 0, $ bndry[0,*], bndry[1,*], 1, $ ncross=ncross, inds1=in) + + ; Find where it crosses the edge of the grid + cpos = line_crossings(sepri, sepzi, 0, $ + [0, 0, nr, nr], [0, nz, nz, 0], 1, $ + ncross=ncrossgrid, inds1=ingrid) IF ncross GT 0 THEN BEGIN - sepri = [sepri[0:FLOOR(in[0])], INTERPOLATE(sepri, in[0])] - sepzi = [sepzi[0:FLOOR(in[0])], INTERPOLATE(sepzi, in[0])] - ENDIF + ; Keep points past the boundary in case we want to include y-boundary + ; guard cells + IF ncrossgrid GT 0 THEN BEGIN + ; never go further than the edge of the grid + lastgridind = FLOOR(ingrid[0]) + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + lastgridind = N_ELEMENTS(sepri)-1 + ENDELSE + + lastind = FLOOR(in[0]) + sepri = [sepri[0:lastind], INTERPOLATE(sepri, in[0], /DOUBLE), sepri[lastind+1:lastgridind]] + sepzi = [sepzi[0:lastind], INTERPOLATE(sepzi, in[0], /DOUBLE), sepzi[lastind+1:lastgridind]] + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + lastind = N_ELEMENTS(sepri)-1 + ENDELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(debug) THEN OPLOT, sepri, sepzi, color=3 IF npf EQ 0 THEN BEGIN pf1 = [[sepri], [sepzi]] + pf1_lastind = lastind+1 npf = 1 - ENDIF ELSE pf2 = [[sepri], [sepzi]] + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + pf2 = [[sepri], [sepzi]] + pf2_lastind = lastind+1 + ENDELSE ENDELSE ENDFOR @@ -173,12 +229,12 @@ FUNCTION leg_separatrix2, interp_data, R, Z, xpt_ri, xpt_zi, $ IF KEYWORD_SET(debug) THEN BEGIN STOP ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pf1[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, pf1[*,1]), color=3, thick=2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pf2[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, pf2[*,1]), color=4, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pf1[0:pf1_lastind,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, pf1[0:pf1_lastind,1], /DOUBLE), color=3, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, pf2[0:pf2_lastind,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, pf2[0:pf2_lastind,1], /DOUBLE), color=4, thick=2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core1[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, core1[*,1]), color=3, thick=2 - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core2[*,0]), INTERPOLATE(Z, core2[*,1]), color=4, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core1[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, core1[*,1], /DOUBLE), color=3, thick=2 + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, core2[*,0], /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, core2[*,1], /DOUBLE), color=4, thick=2 ENDELSE - RETURN, {leg1:pf1, leg2:pf2, core1:core1, core2:core2, ri:xpt_ri, zi:xpt_zi} + RETURN, {leg1:pf1, leg1_lastind:pf1_lastind, leg2:pf2, leg2_lastind:pf2_lastind, core1:core1, core2:core2, ri:xpt_ri, zi:xpt_zi} END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/line_crossings.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/line_crossings.pro index 236f9e7edc..7b64462824 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/line_crossings.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/line_crossings.pro @@ -40,36 +40,36 @@ FUNCTION line_crossings, r1, z1, period1, r2, z2, period2, ncross=ncross, $ det = a*d - b*c ; Get location along the line segments - IF ABS(det) GT 1.e-6 THEN BEGIN + IF ABS(det) GT 1.d-6 THEN BEGIN alpha = (d*dr - b*dz)/det beta = (a*dz - c*dr)/det ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - alpha = -1. - beta = -1. + alpha = -1.D + beta = -1.D ENDELSE - IF (alpha GE 0.0) AND (alpha LE 1.0) AND (beta GE 0.0) AND (beta LE 1.0) THEN BEGIN + IF (alpha GE 0.0D) AND (alpha LE 1.0D) AND (beta GE 0.0D) AND (beta LE 1.0D) THEN BEGIN ; Intersection r = r1[i] + alpha * a z = z1[i] + alpha * c IF ncross EQ 0 THEN BEGIN - result = FLTARR(2,1) + result = DBLARR(2,1) result[0,0] = r result[1,0] = z - inds1 = [FLOAT(i)+alpha] - inds2 = [FLOAT(j)+beta] + inds1 = [DOUBLE(i)+alpha] + inds2 = [DOUBLE(j)+beta] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN rold = result - result = FLTARR(2, ncross+1) + result = DBLARR(2, ncross+1) result[*,0:(ncross-1)] = rold result[0,ncross] = r result[1,ncross] = z - inds1 = [inds1, FLOAT(i)+alpha] - inds2 = [inds2, FLOAT(j)+beta] + inds1 = [inds1, DOUBLE(i)+alpha] + inds2 = [inds2, DOUBLE(j)+beta] ENDELSE ncross = ncross + 1 ENDIF diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/local_gradient.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/local_gradient.pro index c94fa48337..027aea7f01 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/local_gradient.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/local_gradient.pro @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ PRO local_gradient, interp_data, ri, zi, status=status, $ n = N_ELEMENTS(r) - A = TRANSPOSE([[FLTARR(n)+1.], $ + A = TRANSPOSE([[DBLARR(n)+1.D], $ [r], $ [z], $ [r*r], $ @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ PRO local_gradient, interp_data, ri, zi, status=status, $ PRINT, "Calculating derivatives for local gradient (method 2)" - ddr = FLTARR(nr, nz) + ddr = DBLARR(nr, nz) ddz = ddr FOR i=0, nz-1 DO ddr[*,i] = DERIV(interp_data.f[*,i]) FOR i=0, nr-1 DO ddz[i,*] = DERIV(interp_data.f[i,*]) @@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ PRO local_gradient, interp_data, ri, zi, status=status, $ interp_data = CREATE_STRUCT(interp_data, "method2", d) ENDIF ELSE d = interp_data.method2 - IF ARG_PRESENT(f) THEN f = INTERPOLATE(interp_data.f, ri, zi, cubic=-0.5) - IF ARG_PRESENT(dfdr) THEN dfdr = INTERPOLATE(d.ddr, ri, zi, cubic=-0.5) - IF ARG_PRESENT(dfdz) THEN dfdz = INTERPOLATE(d.ddz, ri, zi, cubic=-0.5) + IF ARG_PRESENT(f) THEN f = INTERPOLATE(interp_data.f, ri, zi, cubic=-0.5D, /DOUBLE) + IF ARG_PRESENT(dfdr) THEN dfdr = INTERPOLATE(d.ddr, ri, zi, cubic=-0.5D, /DOUBLE) + IF ARG_PRESENT(dfdz) THEN dfdz = INTERPOLATE(d.ddz, ri, zi, cubic=-0.5D, /DOUBLE) END ELSE: BEGIN PRINT, "ERROR: unknown method in local_gradient" diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_contour.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_contour.pro index 142078bb00..c0ad9ebbeb 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_contour.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_contour.pro @@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ PRO oplot_contour, info, xy, R, Z, periodic=periodic, _extra=_extra ri = [ri, ri[0]] zi = [zi, zi[0]] ENDIF - OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, ri), INTERPOLATE(Z, zi), _extra=_extra + OPLOT, INTERPOLATE(R, ri, /DOUBLE), INTERPOLATE(Z, zi, /DOUBLE), _extra=_extra END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_critical.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_critical.pro index 23a80ad8f9..5b43ce1d08 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_critical.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/oplot_critical.pro @@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ PRO oplot_critical, F, R, Z, a FOR i=0, a.n_xpoint-1 DO BEGIN ; plot the separatrix contour CONTOUR, F, R, Z, levels=[a.xpt_f[i]], c_colors=2, /overplot - oplot, [INTERPOLATE(R, a.xpt_ri[i])], [INTERPOLATE(Z, a.xpt_zi[i])], psym=7, color=2 + oplot, [INTERPOLATE(R, a.xpt_ri[i], /DOUBLE)], [INTERPOLATE(Z, a.xpt_zi[i], /DOUBLE)], psym=7, color=2 ENDFOR ; Plot O-points FOR i=0, a.n_opoint-1 DO BEGIN - oplot, [INTERPOLATE(R, a.opt_ri[i])], [INTERPOLATE(Z, a.opt_zi[i])], psym=7, color=3 + oplot, [INTERPOLATE(R, a.opt_ri[i], /DOUBLE)], [INTERPOLATE(Z, a.opt_zi[i], /DOUBLE)], psym=7, color=3 ENDFOR END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_mesh.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_mesh.pro index 2dd1da4f95..1da4ac65df 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_mesh.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_mesh.pro @@ -6,23 +6,23 @@ PRO plot_mesh, mesh, overplot=overplot, _extra=_extra IF KEYWORD_SET(overplot) THEN over = 1 ; Plot flux surfaces - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) IF period THEN yi = [yi, yi[0]] IF over EQ 0 THEN BEGIN PLOT, mesh.Rxy[xi, yi], mesh.Zxy[xi, yi], $ xr=[MIN(mesh.Rxy), MAX(mesh.Rxy)], yr=[MIN(mesh.Zxy), MAX(mesh.Zxy)], $ - /iso, thick=0.5, _extra=_extra + /iso, thick=0.5D, _extra=_extra over = 1 ENDIF ELSE BEGIN - OPLOT, mesh.Rxy[xi, yi], mesh.Zxy[xi, yi], thick=0.5 + OPLOT, mesh.Rxy[xi, yi], mesh.Zxy[xi, yi], thick=0.5D ENDELSE ENDREP UNTIL last ; Plot radial lines FOR i=0,TOTAL(mesh.npol)-1 DO BEGIN - OPLOT, mesh.Rxy[*,i], mesh.Zxy[*,i], thick=1.5 + OPLOT, mesh.Rxy[*,i], mesh.Zxy[*,i], thick=1.5D ENDFOR END diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_rz_equil.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_rz_equil.pro index dffbac8aa7..bb98ad3880 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_rz_equil.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/plot_rz_equil.pro @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ PRO plot_rz_equil, data, _extra=_extra nlev = 100 minf = MIN(data.psi) maxf = MAX(data.psi) - levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/FLOAT(nlev-1) + minf + levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/DOUBLE(nlev-1) + minf safe_colors, /first CONTOUR, data.psi, data.r, data.z, levels=levels, /iso, color=1, $ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ PRO plot_rz_equil, data, _extra=_extra thick=2,color=2 ; Check that the critical points are inside the boundary - bndryi = FLTARR(2, data.nlim) + bndryi = DBLARR(2, data.nlim) bndryi[0,*] = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(data.nr), data.R, data.rlim) bndryi[1,*] = INTERPOL(FINDGEN(data.nz), data.Z, data.zlim) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/process_grid.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/process_grid.pro index 15d5d68c54..78d36af933 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/process_grid.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/process_grid.pro @@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ FUNCTION surface_average, var, mesh f = var - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi) f[xi,yi] = MEAN(var[xi,yi]) ; Average over this surface ENDREP UNTIL last RETURN, f @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function calc_angle, x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 P13 = sqrt((x1-x3)^2 + (y1-y3)^2) P23 = sqrt((x2-x3)^2 + (y2-y3)^2) ;calculate angle - return, acos((P12^2 + P13^2 - P23^2)/(2.*P12*P13)) + return, acos((P12^2 + P13^2 - P23^2)/(2.D*P12*P13)) end function calc_beta_withgrid, r, z, x @@ -57,33 +57,33 @@ function calc_beta_withgrid, r, z, x if (x eq 0) then begin for j=1,ny-2 do begin beta[j] = calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x+1,j],r[x,j+1],z[x,j],z[x+1,j],z[x,j+1]) - beta[j] += !PI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x+1,j],r[x,j-1],z[x,j],z[x+1,j],z[x,j-1]) - beta[j] /= 2.0 + beta[j] += !DPI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x+1,j],r[x,j-1],z[x,j],z[x+1,j],z[x,j-1]) + beta[j] /= 2.0D endfor beta[0] = calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x+1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x+1,0],z[x,1]) - beta[ny-1] = !PI - calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x+1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x+1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2]) + beta[ny-1] = !DPI - calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x+1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x+1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2]) endif else if (x eq nx-1) then begin for j=1,ny-2 do begin ; average angle across the grid point beta[j] = calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x-1,j],r[x,j-1],z[x,j],z[x-1,j],z[x,j-1]) - beta[j] += !PI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x-1,j],r[x,j+1],z[x,j],z[x-1,j],z[x,j+1]) - beta[j] /= 2.0 + beta[j] += !DPI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x-1,j],r[x,j+1],z[x,j],z[x-1,j],z[x,j+1]) + beta[j] /= 2.0D endfor - beta[0] = !PI - calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x-1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x-1,0],z[x,1]) + beta[0] = !DPI - calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x-1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x-1,0],z[x,1]) beta[ny-1] = calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x-1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x-1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2]) endif else begin for j=1,ny-2 do begin ; average angle across the grid point beta[j] = calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x-1,j],r[x,j-1],z[x,j],z[x-1,j],z[x,j-1]) beta[j] += calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x+1,j],r[x,j+1],z[x,j],z[x+1,j],z[x,j+1]) - beta[j] += !PI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x-1,j],r[x,j+1],z[x,j],z[x-1,j],z[x,j+1]) - beta[j] += !PI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x+1,j],r[x,j-1],z[x,j],z[x+1,j],z[x,j-1]) - beta[j] /= 4.0 + beta[j] += !DPI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x-1,j],r[x,j+1],z[x,j],z[x-1,j],z[x,j+1]) + beta[j] += !DPI - calc_angle(r[x,j],r[x+1,j],r[x,j-1],z[x,j],z[x+1,j],z[x,j-1]) + beta[j] /= 4.0D endfor - beta[0] = 0.5*calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x+1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x+1,0],z[x,1]) - beta[0] = beta[0] + 0.5*(!PI - calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x-1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x-1,0],z[x,1])) - beta[ny-1] = 0.5*calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x-1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x-1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2]) - beta[ny-1] = beta[ny-1] + 0.5*(!PI - calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x+1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x+1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2])) + beta[0] = 0.5D*calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x+1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x+1,0],z[x,1]) + beta[0] = beta[0] + 0.5D*(!DPI - calc_angle(r[x,0],r[x-1,0],r[x,1],z[x,0],z[x-1,0],z[x,1])) + beta[ny-1] = 0.5D*calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x-1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x-1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2]) + beta[ny-1] = beta[ny-1] + 0.5D*(!DPI - calc_angle(r[x,ny-1],r[x+1,ny-1],r[x,ny-2],z[x,ny-1],z[x+1,ny-1],z[x,ny-2])) endelse return, beta @@ -106,22 +106,23 @@ function calc_beta, Rxy, Zxy, mesh, rz_grid, method dZdr = DERIV(Zxy[*,j]) for i=0,nx-1 do begin local_gradient, interp_data, mesh.Rixy[i,j], mesh.Zixy[i,j], status=status, dfdr=dfdr, dfdz=dfdz - dPsidR = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(rz_grid.r),i) - dPsidZ = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(rz_grid.z),j) + dPsidR = dfdr/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(rz_grid.r),i, /DOUBLE) + dPsidZ = dfdz/INTERPOLATE(DERIV(rz_grid.z),j, /DOUBLE) angle1 = atan(dPsidR,dPsidZ) angle2 = atan(dZdr[i],-dRdr[i]) - beta[i,j] = angle1 - angle2 - !PI/2. + beta[i,j] = angle1 - angle2 - !DPI/2.D endfor endfor endif else if(method EQ 1) then begin - npol = round(total(mesh.npol,/cumulative)) + npol_withguards = mesh.npol + mesh.n_y_boundary_guards + npol = round(total(npol_withguards,/cumulative)) Nnpol = n_elements(npol) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) ; find beta using one field line at xi, with y range yi ; for better angle calculation, need to split yi into sections based on gridding if (xi GE mesh.nrad[0]) then begin ; if outside the separatrix @@ -129,22 +130,22 @@ function calc_beta, Rxy, Zxy, mesh, rz_grid, method loc = where((yi GE npol[i-1]) AND (yi LT npol[i])) if(total(loc) NE -1) then begin yi_curr = yi[loc] - beta[xi,yi_curr] = !PI/2. - calc_beta_withgrid(Rxy[*,yi_curr], Zxy[*,yi_curr], xi) + beta[xi,yi_curr] = !DPI/2.D - calc_beta_withgrid(Rxy[*,yi_curr], Zxy[*,yi_curr], xi) endif endfor - loc = where(yi LT mesh.npol[0]) + loc = where(yi LT npol_withguards[0]) if(total(loc) NE -1) then begin yi_curr = yi[loc] - beta[xi,yi_curr] = !PI/2. - calc_beta_withgrid(Rxy[*,yi_curr], Zxy[*,yi_curr], xi) + beta[xi,yi_curr] = !DPI/2.D - calc_beta_withgrid(Rxy[*,yi_curr], Zxy[*,yi_curr], xi) endif endif else begin - beta[xi,yi] = !PI/2. - calc_beta_withgrid(Rxy[*,yi], Zxy[*,yi], xi) + beta[xi,yi] = !DPI/2.D - calc_beta_withgrid(Rxy[*,yi], Zxy[*,yi], xi) endelse ENDREP UNTIL last - beta = smooth(beta,5) ; smooth beta, it's ugly + ;beta = smooth(beta,5) ; smooth beta, it's ugly endif else begin print,"*** ERROR: UNKNOWN METHOD FOR BETA CALCULATION ***" - beta = 0.0 + beta = 0.0D endelse return, beta @@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ END FUNCTION solve_f, Rxy, psixy, pxy, Bpxy, hthe - MU = 4.e-7*!PI + MU = 4.d-7*!DPI s = SIZE(Rxy, /dim) nx = s[0] @@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ FUNCTION solve_f, Rxy, psixy, pxy, Bpxy, hthe END FUNCTION force_balance, psixy, Rxy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, pxy - MU =4.e-7*!PI + MU =4.d-7*!DPI a = DDX(psixy, Rxy) / Rxy b = MU*DDX(psixy, pxy) - Bpxy*DDX(psixy, Bpxy*hthe)/hthe @@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ END FUNCTION newton_Bt, psixy, Rxy, Btxy, Bpxy, pxy, hthe, mesh COMMON fnewt_com, psi, a, b - MU = 4.e-7*!PI + MU = 4.d-7*!DPI s = SIZE(Rxy, /dim) nx = s[0] @@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ FUNCTION newton_Bt, psixy, Rxy, Btxy, Bpxy, pxy, hthe, mesh axy = DDX(psixy, Rxy) / Rxy bxy = MU*DDX(psixy, pxy) - Bpxy*DDX(psixy, Bpxy*hthe)/hthe - Btxy2 = FLTARR(nx, ny) + Btxy2 = DBLARR(nx, ny) FOR i=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN psi = psixy[*,i] a = axy[*,i] @@ -238,11 +239,11 @@ function intx, Rxy, data, simple=simple nx = nx[0] result = dblarr(nx,ny) - result[*,*] = 0.0 + result[*,*] = 0.0D if keyword_set(simple) then begin for i=0, ny-1 do begin for j=1, nx-1 do begin - result[j, i] = result[j-1, i] + 0.5*(Rxy[j, i] - Rxy[j-1, i])*(data[j, i] + data[j-1, i]) + result[j, i] = result[j-1, i] + 0.5D*(Rxy[j, i] - Rxy[j-1, i])*(data[j, i] + data[j-1, i]) endfor endfor endif else begin @@ -263,11 +264,11 @@ function inty, Zxy, data, simple=simple nx = nx[0] result = dblarr(nx,ny) - result[*,*] = 0.0 + result[*,*] = 0.0D if keyword_set(simple) then begin for i=1, ny-1 do begin for j=0, nx-1 do begin - result[j, i] = result[j, i-1] + 0.5*(Zxy[j, i] - Zxy[j, i-1])*(data[j, i] + data[j, i-1]) + result[j, i] = result[j, i-1] + 0.5D*(Zxy[j, i] - Zxy[j, i-1])*(data[j, i] + data[j, i-1]) endfor endfor endif else begin @@ -287,14 +288,21 @@ FUNCTION my_int_y, var, yaxis, mesh, loop=loop, nosmooth=nosmooth, simple=simple s = SIZE(var, /dim) nx = s[0] - loop = FLTARR(nx) + loop = DBLARR(nx) loop[*] = !VALUES.F_NAN ; Prevent accidental use of unset values - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) f[xi,yi] = inty(yaxis[xi,yi],var[xi,yi], /simple) + + IF ~period THEN BEGIN + ; reset integral to zero at the first grid point, subtracting intgral + ; through y-boundary guard cells + f[xi,yi] = f[xi,yi] - f[xi,yi[mesh.y_boundary_guards]] + ENDIF + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(nosmooth) THEN BEGIN f[xi,yi] = SMOOTH(SMOOTH(f[xi,yi], 5, /edge_truncate), 5, /edge_truncate) ENDIF @@ -318,9 +326,9 @@ function dfdy, f, y, mesh ny = s[1] result = dblarr(nx,ny) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi) result[xi,yi] = DERIV(y[xi,yi],f[xi,yi]) ENDREP UNTIL last return, result @@ -338,9 +346,9 @@ function dfdy_seps, f, y, mesh for j=0,nx-1 do begin ylow = 0 for i=0,N_ints-1 do begin - ylocs = indgen(mesh.npol[i])+ylow + ylocs = indgen(mesh.npol[i] + mesh.n_y_boundary_guards[i])+ylow result[j,ylocs] = DERIV(y[j,ylocs],f[j,ylocs]) - ylow += mesh.npol[i] + ylow += mesh.npol[i] + mesh.n_y_boundary_guards[i] endfor endfor return, result @@ -354,7 +362,7 @@ function dfdx, f, x nx = nx[0] result = dblarr(nx,ny) - result[*,*] = 0.0 + result[*,*] = 0.0D for i=0, ny-1 do begin result[*,i] = DERIV(reform(x[*,i]),reform(f[*,i])); endfor @@ -402,7 +410,7 @@ PRO jxb_funct, X, profiles, force, pder ; Diagonal dependencies (dF / dfi) dFdfi = (hthe/Rxy)*DDX(psixy, Btxy) $ - + 2.*fxy*axy + + 2.D*fxy*axy ; Set the elements of pder FOR x=0, nx-1 DO BEGIN @@ -432,7 +440,7 @@ END FUNCTION fit_profiles, mesh, psixy, Rxy, hthe, Bpxy, Btxy, dpdx COMMON jxb_com, nx, ny, indxy, psi, R, h, axy - MU = 4.e-7*!PI + MU = 4.d-7*!DPI psi = psixy r = Rxy @@ -445,10 +453,10 @@ FUNCTION fit_profiles, mesh, psixy, Rxy, hthe, Bpxy, Btxy, dpdx ; Map between location in xy and surface number indxy = INTARR(nx, ny) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator i = 0 REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) indxy[xi,yi] = i IF i EQ 0 THEN BEGIN @@ -474,13 +482,13 @@ FUNCTION fit_profiles, mesh, psixy, Rxy, hthe, Bpxy, Btxy, dpdx profiles, $ function_name="jxb_funct", /noder) - Btxy2 = FLTARR(nx, ny) - dpdx2 = FLTARR(nx, ny) + Btxy2 = DBLARR(nx, ny) + dpdx2 = DBLARR(nx, ny) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator i = 0 REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(last=last, xi=xi, period=period) Btxy2[xi, yi] = profiles[nsurf+i] / Rxy[xi,yi] dpdx2[xi, yi] = profiles[i] i = i + 1 @@ -523,7 +531,7 @@ FUNCTION correct_hthe, Rxy, psixy, Btxy, Bpxy, hthe, pressure, fixhthe=fixhthe nx = s[0] ny = s[1] - MU = 4.e-7*!PI + MU = 4.d-7*!DPI IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(fixhthe) THEN fixhthe = 0 IF fixhthe LT 0 THEN fixhthe = 0 @@ -567,7 +575,7 @@ FUNCTION correct_hthe, Rxy, psixy, Btxy, Bpxy, hthe, pressure, fixhthe=fixhthe nh[(fixhthe+1):*, i] = htmp[fixhthe:*] ENDELSE - w = WHERE(nh[*,i] LT 0.0, count) + w = WHERE(nh[*,i] LT 0.0D, count) IF count GT 0 THEN BEGIN PRINT, "Error in hthe solver: Negative solution at y = ", i ;STOP @@ -587,7 +595,7 @@ FUNCTION grid_newt, data n = nx*ny dxin = REFORM(data, nx-1, ny) - dx = FLTARR(nx, ny) + dx = DBLARR(nx, ny) IF xfix LE 0 THEN BEGIN dx[1:*,*] = dxin ENDIF ELSE IF xfix GE (nx-1) THEN BEGIN @@ -600,7 +608,7 @@ FUNCTION grid_newt, data xpos = dx FOR i=0, nx-1 DO xpos[i,*] = xpos[i,*] + i - Rxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) + Rxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) Zxy = Rxy FOR y=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN @@ -615,11 +623,11 @@ FUNCTION grid_newt, data hthe = calc_hthe(Rxy, Zxy) Bpxy = calc_bp(psixy, Rxy, Zxy) - F = -1.0*calc_force(psixy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, Rxy, dpdpsi) + F = -1.0D*calc_force(psixy, Bpxy, Btxy, hthe, Rxy, dpdpsi) fm = MAX(ABS(F)) - IF (fm LT min_f) OR (min_f LT 0.0) THEN BEGIN + IF (fm LT min_f) OR (min_f LT 0.0D) THEN BEGIN min_f = fm PRINT, MAX(ABS(Rxy - R0)), MAX(ABS(Zxy - Z0)), MAX(ABS(F)) ENDIF @@ -656,6 +664,8 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ str_check_present, settings, 'calcbt', -1 str_check_present, settings, 'calchthe', -1 str_check_present, settings, 'calcjpar', -1 + str_check_present, settings, 'orthogonal_coordinates_output', -1 + ; settings.y_boundary_guards is required, so don't set default value ;CATCH, err ;IF err NE 0 THEN BEGIN @@ -665,7 +675,7 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ; RETURN ;ENDIF - MU = 4.e-7*!PI + MU = 4.d-7*!DPI poorquality = 0 @@ -674,12 +684,13 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ; Size of the mesh nx = FIX(TOTAL(mesh.nrad)) ny = FIX(TOTAL(mesh.npol)) + ny_total = FIX(TOTAL(mesh.npol+mesh.n_y_boundary_guards)) ; including y-boundary cells ; Find the midplane ymid = 0 - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) IF period THEN BEGIN rm = MAX(mesh.Rxy[xi,yi], ymid) ymid = yi[ymid] @@ -696,13 +707,13 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ psixy = mesh.psixy*mesh.fnorm + mesh.faxis ; Non-normalised psi psixy_eq = (psixy - rz_grid.simagx) / (rz_grid.sibdry - rz_grid.simagx) ; Normalised using EQDSK file conventions - pressure = FLTARR(nx, ny) + pressure = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) ; Use splines to interpolate pressure profile - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) IF period AND (psixy_eq[xi,yi[0]] GE 0) AND (psixy_eq[xi,yi[0]] LE 1) THEN BEGIN ; Pressure only given on core surfaces ; Since psi normalised differently, it might go out of range @@ -713,7 +724,7 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ENDREP UNTIL last ; Add a minimum amount - IF MIN(pressure) LT 1.0e-2*MAX(pressure) THEN BEGIN + IF MIN(pressure) LT 1.0d-2*MAX(pressure) THEN BEGIN PRINT, "****Minimum pressure is very small:", MIN(pressure) PRINT, "****Setting minimum pressure to 1% of maximum" pressure = pressure + 1e-2*MAX(pressure) @@ -733,15 +744,15 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ p2 = pressure FOR i=0, 5 DO BEGIN - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) IF (xi GT 0) AND (xi LT (nx-1)) THEN BEGIN FOR j=0,N_ELEMENTS(yi)-1 DO BEGIN - p2[xi,yi[j]] = 0.5*pressure[xi,yi[j]] + $ - 0.25*(pressure[xi-1,yi[j]] + pressure[xi+1,yi[j]]) + p2[xi,yi[j]] = 0.5D*pressure[xi,yi[j]] + $ + 0.25D*(pressure[xi-1,yi[j]] + pressure[xi+1,yi[j]]) ENDFOR ENDIF @@ -754,7 +765,7 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ENDREP UNTIL sm EQ 0 ENDIF - IF MIN(pressure) LT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + IF MIN(pressure) LT 0.0D THEN BEGIN PRINT, "" PRINT, "============= WARNING ==============" PRINT, "Poor quality equilibrium: Pressure is negative" @@ -764,7 +775,7 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ dpdpsi = DDX(psixy, pressure) - ;IF MAX(dpdpsi)*mesh.fnorm GT 0.0 THEN BEGIN + ;IF MAX(dpdpsi)*mesh.fnorm GT 0.0D THEN BEGIN ; PRINT, "" ; PRINT, "============= WARNING ==============" ; PRINT, "Poor quality equilibrium: Pressure is increasing radially" @@ -773,23 +784,23 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ;ENDIF ; Grid spacing - dx = FLTARR(nx, ny) - FOR y=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN + dx = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) + FOR y=0, ny_total-1 DO BEGIN dx[0:(nx-2),y] = psixy[1:*,y] - psixy[0:(nx-2),y] dx[nx-1,y] = dx[nx-2,y] ENDFOR ; Sign - bpsign = 1. + bpsign = 1.D xcoord = psixy - IF MIN(dx) LT 0. THEN BEGIN - bpsign = -1. + IF MIN(dx) LT 0.D THEN BEGIN + bpsign = -1.D dx = -dx ; dx always positive xcoord = -xcoord ENDIF - dtheta = 2.*!PI / FLOAT(ny) - dy = FLTARR(nx, ny) + dtheta + dtheta = 2.D*!DPI / DOUBLE(ny) + dy = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) + dtheta ; B field components ; Following signs mean that psi increasing outwards from @@ -805,24 +816,24 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ Bzxy[0,ymid]*(Zxy[0,ymid+1] - Zxy[0,ymid-1]) - IF dot LT 0. THEN BEGIN + IF dot LT 0.D THEN BEGIN PRINT, "**** Poloidal field is in opposite direction to Grad Theta -> Bp negative" Bpxy = -Bpxy IF bpsign GT 0 THEN STOP ; Should be negative - bpsign = -1.0 + bpsign = -1.0D ENDIF ELSE BEGIN IF bpsign LT 0 THEN STOP ; Should be positive - bpsign = 1. + bpsign = 1.D ENDELSE ; Get toroidal field from poloidal current function fpol - Btxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) + Btxy = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) fprime = Btxy fp = DERIV(rz_grid.npsigrid*(rz_grid.sibdry - rz_grid.simagx), rz_grid.fpol) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) IF period AND (psixy_eq[xi,yi[0]] GE 0) AND (psixy_eq[xi,yi[0]] LE 1) THEN BEGIN ; In the core @@ -832,7 +843,7 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Outside core. Could be PF or SOL fpol = rz_grid.fpol[N_ELEMENTS(rz_grid.fpol)-1] - fprime[xi,yi] = 0. + fprime[xi,yi] = 0.D ENDELSE Btxy[xi,yi] = fpol / Rxy[xi,yi] ENDREP UNTIL last @@ -843,13 +854,13 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Go through the domains to get a starting estimate ; of hthe - hthe = FLTARR(nx, ny) + hthe = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) ; Pick a midplane index - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) IF period THEN BEGIN ; In the core @@ -859,10 +870,10 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL last - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) n = N_ELEMENTS(yi) @@ -932,17 +943,17 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ; Surface average dpdx2 = surface_average(dpdx, mesh) - pres = FLTARR(nx, ny) + pres = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) ; Integrate to get pressure - FOR i=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN + FOR i=0, ny_total-1 DO BEGIN pres[*,i] = int_func(psixy[*,i], dpdx2[*,i], /simple) pres[*,i] = pres[*,i] - pres[nx-1,i] ENDFOR - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) ma = MAX(pres[xi,yi]) FOR i=0, N_ELEMENTS(yi)-1 DO BEGIN @@ -1014,7 +1025,7 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ PRINT, "Force imbalance: ", MEAN(ABS(fb0)), MAX(ABS(fb0)) PRINT, "Maximum difference in hthe: ", MAX(ABS(hthe - nh)) - PRINT, "Maximum percentage difference: ", 100.*MAX(ABS((hthe - nh)/hthe)) + PRINT, "Maximum percentage difference: ", 100.D*MAX(ABS((hthe - nh)/hthe)) !P.multi=[0,0,1,0,0] PLOT, hthe[*,0], title="Poloidal arc length at midplane. line is initial estimate", color=1 @@ -1043,14 +1054,14 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Just use smooth in both directions - FOR i=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN + FOR i=0, ny_total-1 DO BEGIN hthe[*,i] = SMOOTH(SMOOTH(hthe[*,i],10),10) ENDFOR - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) n = N_ELEMENTS(yi) @@ -1064,18 +1075,24 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ ENDIF ; Need yxy values at all points for nonorthogonal calculations - yxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + yxy = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) - yxy[xi,yi] = DINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(yi))*dtheta + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + IF period EQ 0 THEN BEGIN + ; not periodic, set yxy to zero after y-boundary guard cells + yxy[xi,yi] = (DINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(yi)) - settings.y_boundary_guards)*dtheta + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; periodic, no y-boundary guard cells + yxy[xi,yi] = (DINDGEN(N_ELEMENTS(yi)))*dtheta + ENDELSE ENDREP UNTIL last ; Calculate hrad and dhrad for thetaxy calculation - hrad = dblarr(nx,ny) - dhrad = dblarr(nx,ny) - for j=0,ny-1 do begin + hrad = dblarr(nx,ny_total) + dhrad = dblarr(nx,ny_total) + for j=0,ny_total-1 do begin for i=0, nx-1 do begin if(i eq 0) then begin r2 = Rxy[i,j] @@ -1098,8 +1115,8 @@ PRO process_grid, rz_grid, mesh, output=output, poorquality=poorquality, $ z2 = Zxy[i,j] r3 = Rxy[i+1,j] z3 = Zxy[i+1,j] - hrad[i,j] = hrad[i-1,j] + sqrt(((r2-r1)/2. + (r3-r2)/2.)^2+((z2-z1)/2. + (z3-z2)/2.)^2) - dhrad[i,j] = sqrt(((r2-r1)/2. + (r3-r2)/2.)^2+((z2-z1)/2. + (z3-z2)/2.)^2) + hrad[i,j] = hrad[i-1,j] + sqrt(((r2-r1)/2.D + (r3-r2)/2.D)^2+((z2-z1)/2.D + (z3-z2)/2.D)^2) + dhrad[i,j] = sqrt(((r2-r1)/2.D + (r3-r2)/2.D)^2+((z2-z1)/2.D + (z3-z2)/2.D)^2) endelse endfor endfor @@ -1116,9 +1133,9 @@ retrybetacalc: yshift = intx(hrad, eta, /simple) ; b/c angle was calculated real space, integrate in real space as well (hrad instead of psixy) thetaxy = yxy + yshift - G = 1. - dfdy_seps(yshift,thetaxy,mesh) + G = 1.D - dfdy_seps(yshift,thetaxy,mesh) dyshiftdy = dfdy_seps(yshift,yxy,mesh) -; G = 1. - dfdy(yshift,thetaxy,mesh) +; G = 1.D - dfdy(yshift,thetaxy,mesh) ; dyshiftdy = dfdy(yshift,yxy,mesh) ; Calculate field-line pitch @@ -1128,24 +1145,24 @@ retrybetacalc: dqdpsi = DDX(psixy, pitch) ; Calculate zshift (qinty), sinty = d(zshift)/dpsi, and H = d(zshift)/dtheta - qinty = my_int_y(pitch*(1.+dyshiftdy), yxy, mesh, /nosmooth, loop=qloop) + qinty = my_int_y(pitch*(1.D + dyshiftdy), yxy, mesh, /nosmooth, loop=qloop) sinty = DDX(psixy,qinty) H = dfdy_seps(qinty,thetaxy,mesh) ; H = dfdy(qinty,thetaxy,mesh) ; NOTE: This is only valid in the core - pol_angle = FLTARR(nx,ny) - FOR i=0, nx-1 DO pol_angle[i, *] = 2.0*!PI * qinty[i,*] / qloop[i] + pol_angle = DBLARR(nx,ny_total) + FOR i=0, nx-1 DO pol_angle[i, *] = 2.0D*!DPI * qinty[i,*] / qloop[i] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; THETA_ZERO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; re-set zshift to be zero at the outboard midplane PRINT, "MIDPLANE INDEX = ", ymidplane - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) w = WHERE(yi EQ ymidplane, count) IF count GT 0 THEN BEGIN @@ -1155,25 +1172,40 @@ retrybetacalc: ; H[xi, yi] = H[xi, yi] - H[xi, ymidplane] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Doesn't include a point at the midplane - qinty[xi, yi] = qinty[xi, yi] - qinty[xi,yi[0]] - sinty[xi, yi] = sinty[xi, yi] - sinty[xi,yi[0]] + ; Set the value at the first grid-point to zero + qinty[xi, yi] = qinty[xi, yi] - qinty[xi,yi[settings.y_boundary_guards]] + sinty[xi, yi] = sinty[xi, yi] - sinty[xi,yi[settings.y_boundary_guards]] ; H[xi, yi] = H[xi, yi] - H[xi,yi[0]] ENDELSE ENDREP UNTIL last ; Calculate metrics - check jacobian - I = sinty + + orthogonal_coordinates_output = settings.orthogonal_coordinates_output + IF orthogonal_coordinates_output EQ -1 THEN orthogonal_coordinates_output = get_yesno("Output for simulations in orthogonal coordinates using ShiftedMetric?", gui=gui, dialog_parent=parent) + IF orthogonal_coordinates_output EQ 1 THEN BEGIN + print,"" + print,"*******************WARNING****************************************" + print,"Calculating metrics for ShiftedMetric style orthogonal coordinates" + print,"******************************************************************" + print,"" + ; for orthogonal coordinates + I = 0.D + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + ; for field-aligned coordinates + I = sinty + ENDELSE g11 = (Rxy*Bpxy)^2; g22 = G^2/hthe^2 + eta^2*g11; - g33 = I^2*g11 + H^2/hthe^2 + 1.0/Rxy^2; + g33 = I^2*g11 + H^2/hthe^2 + 1.0D/Rxy^2; g12 = -eta*g11; g13 = -I*g11; g23 = I*eta*g11 - G*H/hthe^2; J = hthe / Bpxy / G - g_11 = 1.0/g11 + (hthe*eta/G)^2 + (Rxy*H*eta/G + I*Rxy)^2; + g_11 = 1.0D/g11 + (hthe*eta/G)^2 + (Rxy*H*eta/G + I*Rxy)^2; g_22 = hthe^2/G^2 + Rxy^2*H^2/G^2; g_33 = Rxy^2; g_12 = hthe^2*eta/G^2 + Rxy^2*H/G*(H*eta/G + I); @@ -1181,8 +1213,8 @@ retrybetacalc: g_23 = H*Rxy^2/G; ; check to make sure jacobian is good - Jcheck = 1. / sqrt(g11*g22*g33 + 2.0*g12*g13*g23 - g11*g23*g23 - g22*g13*g13 - g33*g12*g12); - whr = where(abs(J-Jcheck) gt 0.01,count) + Jcheck = 1.D / sqrt(g11*g22*g33 + 2.0D*g12*g13*g23 - g11*g23*g23 - g22*g13*g13 - g33*g12*g12); + whr = where(abs(J-Jcheck) gt 0.01D,count) if(count gt 0) then begin if(beta_method EQ 0) then begin print,"" @@ -1211,13 +1243,13 @@ retrybetacalc: PRINT, "*** Calculating curvature in toroidal coordinates" - curvature, nx, ny, FLOAT(Rxy), FLOAT(Zxy), FLOAT(brxy), FLOAT(bzxy), FLOAT(btxy), $ - FLOAT(psixy), FLOAT(thetaxy), hthe, $ + curvature, nx, ny_total, DOUBLE(Rxy), DOUBLE(Zxy), DOUBLE(brxy), DOUBLE(bzxy), DOUBLE(btxy), $ + DOUBLE(psixy), DOUBLE(thetaxy), hthe, $ bxcv=bxcv, mesh=mesh bxcvx = bpsign*bxcv.psi bxcvy = bxcv.theta - bxcvz = bpsign*(bxcv.phi - sinty*bxcv.psi - pitch*bxcv.theta) + bxcvz = bpsign*(bxcv.phi - I*bxcv.psi - pitch*bxcv.theta) ; x borders bxcvx[0,*] = bxcvx[1,*] @@ -1239,36 +1271,36 @@ retrybetacalc: ; DCT methods cause spurious oscillations ; Linear interpolation seems to be more robust - bxcv_psi = INTERPOLATE(bxcv.psi, mesh.Rixy, mesh.Zixy) - bxcv_theta = INTERPOLATE(bxcv.theta, mesh.Rixy, mesh.Zixy) / hthe - bxcv_phi = INTERPOLATE(bxcv.phi, mesh.Rixy, mesh.Zixy) + bxcv_psi = INTERPOLATE(bxcv.psi, mesh.Rixy, mesh.Zixy, /DOUBLE) + bxcv_theta = INTERPOLATE(bxcv.theta, mesh.Rixy, mesh.Zixy, /DOUBLE) / hthe + bxcv_phi = INTERPOLATE(bxcv.phi, mesh.Rixy, mesh.Zixy, /DOUBLE) ; If Bp is reversed, then Grad x = - Grad psi bxcvx = bpsign*bxcv_psi bxcvy = bxcv_theta - bxcvz = bpsign*(bxcv_phi - sinty*bxcv_psi - pitch*bxcv_theta) + bxcvz = bpsign*(bxcv_phi - I*bxcv_psi - pitch*bxcv_theta) ENDIF ELSE IF curv EQ 2 THEN BEGIN ; Curvature from Curl(b/B) - bxcvx = bpsign*(Bpxy * Btxy*Rxy * DDY(1. / Bxy, mesh) / hthe) - bxcvy = -bpsign*Bxy*Bpxy * DDX(xcoord, Btxy*Rxy/Bxy^2) / (2.*hthe) - bxcvz = Bpxy^3 * DDX(xcoord, hthe/Bpxy) / (2.*hthe*Bxy) - Btxy*Rxy*DDX(xcoord, Btxy/Rxy) / (2.*Bxy) - sinty*bxcvx + bxcvx = bpsign*(Bpxy * Btxy*Rxy * DDY(1.D / Bxy, mesh) / hthe) + bxcvy = -bpsign*Bxy*Bpxy * DDX(xcoord, Btxy*Rxy/Bxy^2) / (2.D*hthe) + bxcvz = Bpxy^3 * DDX(xcoord, hthe/Bpxy) / (2.D*hthe*Bxy) - Btxy*Rxy*DDX(xcoord, Btxy/Rxy) / (2.D*Bxy) - I*bxcvx ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; calculate in flux coordinates. PRINT, "*** Calculating curvature in flux coordinates" - dpb = DBLARR(nx, ny) ; quantity used for y and z components + dpb = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) ; quantity used for y and z components - FOR i=0, ny-1 DO BEGIN + FOR i=0, ny_total-1 DO BEGIN dpb[*,i] = MU*dpdpsi/Bxy[*,i] ENDFOR dpb = dpb + DDX(xcoord, Bxy) - bxcvx = bpsign*(Bpxy * Btxy*Rxy * DDY(1. / Bxy, mesh) / hthe) + bxcvx = bpsign*(Bpxy * Btxy*Rxy * DDY(1.D / Bxy, mesh) / hthe) bxcvy = bpsign*(Bpxy*Btxy*Rxy*dpb / (hthe*Bxy^2)) - bxcvz = -dpb - sinty*bxcvx + bxcvz = -dpb - I*bxcvx ENDELSE @@ -1278,7 +1310,7 @@ retrybetacalc: ; Nonlinear smoothing. Tries to smooth only regions with large ; changes in gradient - bz = bxcvz + sinty * bxcvx + bz = bxcvz + I * bxcvx PRINT, "Smoothing bxcvx..." bxcvx = smooth_nl(bxcvx, mesh) @@ -1287,7 +1319,7 @@ retrybetacalc: PRINT, "Smoothing bxcvz..." bz = smooth_nl(bz, mesh) - bxcvz = bz - sinty * bxcvx + bxcvz = bz - I * bxcvx ENDIF ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -1308,12 +1340,12 @@ retrybetacalc: jpar0 = - Bxy * fprime / MU - Rxy*Btxy * dpdpsi / Bxy ; Set to zero in PF and SOL - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, xi=xi) - IF NOT period THEN jpar0[xi,yi] = 0.0 + IF NOT period THEN jpar0[xi,yi] = 0.0D ENDREP UNTIL last ; Curl(B) expression for Jpar0 (very noisy usually) @@ -1334,7 +1366,7 @@ retrybetacalc: surface, jpar0, xtitle="X", ytitle="Y", title="Jpar from F' and P'", chars=2, color=1 surface, jpar, xtitle="X", ytitle="Y", title="Jpar from curvature", chars=2, color=1 - PLOT, jpar0[0,*], tit="jpar at x=0. Solid from f' and p'", yr=[MIN([jpar0[0,*],jpar[0,*]]), $ + PLOT, jpar0[0,*], tit="jpar at x=0.D Solid from f' and p'", yr=[MIN([jpar0[0,*],jpar[0,*]]), $ MAX([jpar0[0,*],jpar[0,*]])] OPLOT, jpar[0,*], psym=1 @@ -1355,16 +1387,16 @@ retrybetacalc: ; Try smoothing jpar0 in psi, preserving zero points and maxima jps = jpar0 - FOR y=0,ny-1 DO BEGIN + FOR y=0,ny_total-1 DO BEGIN j = jpar0[*,y] js = j ma = MAX(ABS(j), ip) - IF (ma LT 1.e-4) OR (ip EQ 0) THEN BEGIN + IF (ma LT 1.d-4) OR (ip EQ 0) THEN BEGIN jps[*,y] = j CONTINUE ENDIF - level = 1. + level = 1.D ;i0 = MAX(WHERE(ABS(j[0:ip]) LT level)) i1 = MIN(WHERE(ABS(j[ip:*]) LT level)) @@ -1384,7 +1416,7 @@ retrybetacalc: ; Calculate spline interpolation of inner part js[0:ip] = spline_mono(inds, j[inds], INDGEN(ip+1), $ - yp0=(j[i0] - j[i0-1]), ypn_1=0.0) + yp0=(j[i0] - j[i0-1]), ypn_1=0.0D) inds = [ip] ; peak point FOR i=ip+div, i1-div, div DO BEGIN @@ -1393,7 +1425,7 @@ retrybetacalc: inds = [inds, i1] ; Last point js[ip:i1] = spline_mono(inds, j[inds], ip+INDGEN(i1-ip+1), $ - yp0=0.0, ypn_1=(j[i1+1]-j[i1])) + yp0=0.0D, ypn_1=(j[i1+1]-j[i1])) jps[*,y] = js ENDFOR @@ -1480,14 +1512,14 @@ retrybetacalc: ; get density - Ni = pressure / (2.*Te_x* 1.602e-19*1.0e20) + Ni = pressure / (2.D*Te_x* 1.602d-19*1.0d20) PRINT, "Maximum density (10^20 m^-3):", MAX(Ni) done = get_yesno("Is this ok?") ENDREP UNTIL done EQ 1 - Te = FLTARR(nx, ny)+Te_x + Te = DBLARR(nx, ny_total)+Te_x Ti = Te Ni_x = MAX(Ni) Ti_x = Te_x @@ -1498,13 +1530,13 @@ retrybetacalc: ni_x = get_float("Density [10^20 m^-3]:") ; get temperature - Te = pressure / (2.*ni_x* 1.602e-19*1.0e20) + Te = pressure / (2.D*ni_x* 1.602d-19*1.0d20) PRINT, "Maximum temperature (eV):", MAX(Te) ENDREP UNTIL get_yesno("Is this ok?") EQ 1 Ti = Te - Ni = FLTARR(nx, ny) + ni_x + Ni = DBLARR(nx, ny_total) + ni_x Te_x = MAX(Te) Ti_x = Te_x ENDIF ELSE BEGIN @@ -1512,7 +1544,7 @@ retrybetacalc: REPEAT BEGIN te_x = get_float("Maximum temperature [eV]:") - ni_x = max(pressure) / (2.*Te_x* 1.602e-19*1.0e20) + ni_x = max(pressure) / (2.D*Te_x* 1.602d-19*1.0d20) PRINT, "Maximum density [10^20 m^-3]:", ni_x @@ -1524,10 +1556,12 @@ retrybetacalc: Ti_x = Te_x ENDELSE - rmag = MAX(ABS(Rxy)) + ; excluding y-boundary guard cells + rmag = MAX(ABS([[Rxy[*,settings.y_boundary_guards:ny_inner+settings.y_boundary_guards-1]], [Rxy[*,ny_inner+3*settings.y_boundary_guards:-settings.y_boundary_guards-1]]])) PRINT, "Setting rmag = ", rmag - bmag = MAX(ABS(Bxy)) + ; excluding y-boundary guard cells + bmag = MAX(ABS([[Bxy[*,settings.y_boundary_guards:ny_inner+settings.y_boundary_guards-1]], [Bxy[*,ny_inner+3*settings.y_boundary_guards:-settings.y_boundary_guards-1]]])) PRINT, "Setting bmag = ", bmag ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -1541,6 +1575,15 @@ retrybetacalc: s = file_write(handle, "nx", nx) s = file_write(handle, "ny", ny) + s = file_write(handle, "y_boundary_guards", settings.y_boundary_guards) + IF settings.y_boundary_guards GT 0 THEN BEGIN + ; set number of y-guard cells, instead of allowing this to be set in + ; BOUT.inp or by default. Ensures only compatibile grids with + ; y_boundary_guards=0 or y_boundary_guards=MYG can be loaded by versions of + ; BOUT++ older than v4.3. Note double-null grids with y_boundary_guards>0 + ; cannot be read by versions of BOUT++ earlier than v4.3. + s = file_write(handle, "MYG", settings.y_boundary_guards) + ENDIF ; Topology for original scheme s = file_write(handle, "ixseps1", ixseps1) @@ -1606,6 +1649,17 @@ retrybetacalc: s = file_write(handle, "bxcvy", bxcvy) s = file_write(handle, "bxcvz", bxcvz) + ; type of coordinate system used to calculate metric tensor terms + IF orthogonal_coordinates_output EQ 0 THEN BEGIN + parallel_transform = "identity" + ENDIF ELSE IF orthogonal_coordinates_output EQ 1 THEN BEGIN + parallel_transform = "shiftedmetric" + ENDIF ELSE BEGIN + PRINT, "ERROR: Unrecognized orthogonal_coordinates_output value", $ + orthogonal_coordinates_output + ENDELSE + s = file_write_string(handle, "parallel_transform", parallel_transform) + ; Metric tensor terms s = file_write(handle, "g11", g11) s = file_write(handle, "g22", g22) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/prof_write.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/prof_write.pro index 1b03176ec5..32ee193e38 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/prof_write.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/prof_write.pro @@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ pro prof_write, height=height, bottom=bottom, filename=filename ON_ERROR, 2 - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(height) THEN height = 0.3 - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(bottom) THEN bottom = 0.02 + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(height) THEN height = 0.3D + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(bottom) THEN bottom = 0.02D IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(filename) THEN begin print, "Please input grid file name!" endif - kb = 1.38e-23 - sep_circlie = 0.81 - density = 1e20 - ev_k = 11605. + kb = 1.38d-23 + sep_circlie = 0.81D + density = 1d20 + ev_k = 11605.D g=file_import(filename) nx = g.nx @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ pro prof_write, height=height, bottom=bottom, filename=filename jysep1 = g.jyseps1_1 jysep2 = g.jyseps2_2 - result = fltarr(nx, ny) + result = dblarr(nx, ny) maxr = max(g.rxy[nx-1,*], kk) maxy = kk @@ -39,18 +39,18 @@ pro prof_write, height=height, bottom=bottom, filename=filename maxp = max(dp, k) center = k for i=1, nx-2 do begin - if (dp[i] lt maxp*0.75) and (dp[i+1] gt maxp*0.75) then begin + if (dp[i] lt maxp*0.75D) and (dp[i+1] gt maxp*0.75D) then begin ixsmall = i endif - if (dp[i] gt maxp*0.75) and (dp[i+1] lt maxp*0.75) then begin + if (dp[i] gt maxp*0.75D) and (dp[i+1] lt maxp*0.75D) then begin ixbig = i endif endfor width = ixbig-ixsmall - tmpt = exp(float(-center)/width) - dmpt = (tmpt - 1.0/tmpt) / (tmpt + 1.0/tmpt) - h_real = 2.*(height - bottom) / (1. - dmpt) + tmpt = exp(double(-center)/width) + dmpt = (tmpt - 1.0D/tmpt) / (tmpt + 1.0D/tmpt) + h_real = 2.D*(height - bottom) / (1.D - dmpt) ; print, ixsep, jysep1, jysep2, maxy, center, width @@ -64,35 +64,35 @@ pro prof_write, height=height, bottom=bottom, filename=filename endif ; print,mgx, xlimit, j, jysep1, jysep2 rlx = mgx - center - temp = exp(float(rlx)/width) - dampr = (temp - 1.0/temp) / (temp + 1.0/temp) - result[i,j] = 0.5*(1.0 - dampr) * h_real + bottom -; print,rlx, width, float(rlx)/width, temp, dampr + temp = exp(double(rlx)/width) + dampr = (temp - 1.0D/temp) / (temp + 1.0D/temp) + result[i,j] = 0.5D*(1.0D - dampr) * h_real + bottom +; print,rlx, width, double(rlx)/width, temp, dampr endfor endfor endif else begin ;circular geometry for i=0, nx-1 do begin - mgx = float(i) + mgx = double(i) xlimit = sep_circle * nx if (mgx gt xlimit) then begin mgx =xlimit endif rlx = mgx - center temp = exp(rlx/width) - dampr = (temp - 1.0/temp) / (temp + 1.0/temp) + dampr = (temp - 1.0D/temp) / (temp + 1.0D/temp) for j=0, ny-1 do begin - result[i,j] = 0.5*(1.0 - dampr) * h_real + bottom + result[i,j] = 0.5D*(1.0D - dampr) * h_real + bottom endfor endfor endelse profn = result*density - proft= g.pressure/(kb*profn*ev_k)/2. + proft= g.pressure/(kb*profn*ev_k)/2.D window,0 surface,result,chars=3, title="N!ii0!n (10!e20!n m!e-3!n)" window,1 - ;plot,result[*,maxy],chars=1.5 + ;plot,result[*,maxy],chars=1.5D surface,proft,chars=3, title="T!ii0!n (eV)" handle = file_open(filename, /write) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/radial_grid.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/radial_grid.pro index f12e69eab9..a23474f382 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/radial_grid.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/radial_grid.pro @@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ FUNCTION radial_grid, n, pin, pout, include_in, include_out, seps, sep_factor, $ in_dp=in_dp, out_dp=out_dp IF n EQ 1 THEN BEGIN - RETURN, [0.5*(pin+pout)] + RETURN, [0.5D*(pin+pout)] ENDIF x = FINDGEN(n) - m = FLOAT(n-1) + m = DOUBLE(n-1) IF NOT include_in THEN BEGIN - x = x + 0.5 - m = m + 0.5 + x = x + 0.5D + m = m + 0.5D ENDIF - IF NOT include_out THEN m = m + 0.5 + IF NOT include_out THEN m = m + 0.5D x = x / m IF (NOT KEYWORD_SET(in_dp)) AND (NOT KEYWORD_SET(out_dp)) THEN BEGIN @@ -36,24 +36,24 @@ FUNCTION radial_grid, n, pin, pout, include_in, include_out, seps, sep_factor, $ IF KEYWORD_SET(in_dp) AND KEYWORD_SET(out_dp) THEN BEGIN ; Fit to dist = a*i^3 + b*i^2 + c*i c = in_dp/norm - b = 3.*(1. - c) - out_dp/norm + c - a = 1. - c - b + b = 3.D*(1.D - c) - out_dp/norm + c + a = 1.D - c - b ENDIF ELSE IF KEYWORD_SET(in_dp) THEN BEGIN ; Only inner set c = in_dp/norm - a = 0.5*(c-1.) - b = 1. - c - a + a = 0.5D*(c-1.D) + b = 1.D - c - a ;a = 0 ;c = in_dp/norm - ;b = 1. - c + ;b = 1.D - c ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ; Only outer set. Used in PF region ; Fit to (1-b)*x^a + bx for fixed b df = out_dp / norm - b = 0.25 < df ; Make sure a > 0 - a = (df - b) / (1. - b) - vals = pin + (pout - pin)*( (1.-b)*x^a + b*x ) + b = 0.25D < df ; Make sure a > 0 + a = (df - b) / (1.D - b) + vals = pin + (pout - pin)*( (1.D - b)*x^a + b*x ) RETURN, vals ENDELSE diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/run_test.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/run_test.pro index 96ae45f624..bba78c460e 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/run_test.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/run_test.pro @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ g = read_neqdsk("efit/neqdsk") R = REFORM(g.r[*,0]) Z = REFORM(g.z[0,*]) -boundary=fltarr(2,4) -boundary[0,*] = [1.0, 1.0, 2.5, 2.5] -boundary[1,*] = [-1.4, 1.4, 1.4, -1.4] +boundary=DBLARR(2,4) +boundary[0,*] = [1.0D, 1.0D, 2.5D, 2.5D] +boundary[1,*] = [-1.4D, 1.4D, 1.4D, -1.4D] ;boundary = TRANSPOSE([[g.xlim], [g.ylim]]) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/rz_curvature.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/rz_curvature.pro index dfdd9997e5..eadbc709b6 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/rz_curvature.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/rz_curvature.pro @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ FUNCTION pdiff, nr, nz, r, z, f ENDFOR ENDFOR - RETURN, {r:dfdR, z:dfdZ, phi:0.0} + RETURN, {r:dfdR, z:dfdZ, phi:0.0D} END FUNCTION pdiff_xy, nr, nz, r, z, f @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ FUNCTION pdiff_xy, nr, nz, r, z, f dfdZ[i,*] = DERIV(z, f[i,*]) ENDFOR - RETURN, {r:dfdR, z:dfdZ, phi:0.0} + RETURN, {r:dfdR, z:dfdZ, phi:0.0D} END function curlcyl, vecR, vecV, gradVr, gradVphi, gradVz @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ FUNCTION rz_curvature, mesh, rixy=rixy, zixy=zixy FOR i=0,nr-1 DO BEGIN FOR j=0,nz-1 DO BEGIN psinorm = (mesh.psi[i,j] - mesh.simagx) / (mesh.sibdry - mesh.simagx) - IF psinorm GT 1. THEN BEGIN + IF psinorm GT 1.D THEN BEGIN fpol = mesh.fpol[N_ELEMENTS(mesh.fpol)-1] ENDIF ELSE BEGIN ;fpol = INTERPOL(mesh.fpol, mesh.npsigrid, psinorm, /spline) @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ FUNCTION rz_curvature, mesh, rixy=rixy, zixy=zixy Rxy = R2D ; Get grad phi - grad_Phi={r:0.0,z:0.0,phi:1./Rxy} ;-gradient of the toroidal angle + grad_Phi={r:0.0D,z:0.0D,phi:1.D/Rxy} ;-gradient of the toroidal angle ; Curl of unit b vector curlb_unit = CurlCyl(vecR, vecB_unit, grad_Br_unit, grad_Bphi_unit, grad_Bz_unit) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/smooth_nl.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/smooth_nl.pro index 54ff6b8aa1..4a80be53ba 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/smooth_nl.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/smooth_nl.pro @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ FUNCTION smooth_nl, input, mesh, iter=iter tmp = output - markx = FLTARR(nx, ny) + markx = DBLARR(nx, ny) marky = markx mxn = markx @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ FUNCTION smooth_nl, input, mesh, iter=iter it = 0 REPEAT BEGIN - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, x=x) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, x=x) IF x GT 0 AND x LT nx-1 THEN BEGIN n = N_ELEMENTS(yi) @@ -45,28 +45,20 @@ FUNCTION smooth_nl, input, mesh, iter=iter dym = output[x,y] - output[x,ym] dyp = output[x,yp] - output[x,y] - ;markx[x,y] = ABS(dxm - dxp)^2 - ;marky[x,y] = ABS(dym - dyp)^2 - - ;markx[x,y] = ABS - - mxn[x,y] = 0.5*(ABS(dxm) + ABS(dxp)) - myn[x,y] = 0.5*(ABS(dym) + ABS(dyp)) + mxn[x,y] = 0.5D*(ABS(dxm) + ABS(dxp)) + myn[x,y] = 0.5D*(ABS(dym) + ABS(dyp)) ENDFOR ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL last - ;markx = (markx / MEAN(mxn)^2) < 1.0 - ;marky = (marky / MEAN(myn)^2) < 1.0 - - markx = (0.5*mxn / MEAN(mxn)) < 1.0 - marky = (0.5*myn / MEAN(myn)) < 1.0 + markx = (0.5D*mxn / MEAN(mxn)) < 1.0D + marky = (0.5D*myn / MEAN(myn)) < 1.0D - status = gen_surface(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator + status = gen_surface_hypnotoad(mesh=mesh) ; Start generator REPEAT BEGIN ; Get the next domain - yi = gen_surface(period=period, last=last, x=x) + yi = gen_surface_hypnotoad(period=period, last=last, x=x) IF x GT 0 AND x LT nx-1 THEN BEGIN n = N_ELEMENTS(yi) @@ -83,17 +75,17 @@ FUNCTION smooth_nl, input, mesh, iter=iter yp = yi[jp] ; Smooth the smoothing mask - mx = 0.1*(markx[x,y] + $ + mx = 0.1D*(markx[x,y] + $ markx[x-1,y] + markx[x+1,y] + $ markx[x,ym] + markx[x, yp]) - my = 0.1*(marky[x,y] + $ + my = 0.1D*(marky[x,y] + $ marky[x-1,y] + marky[x+1,y] + $ marky[x,ym] + marky[x, yp]) - tmp[x,y] = (1.0-mx-my)*output[x,y] $ - + mx*0.5*(output[x-1,y] + output[x+1,y]) $ - + my*0.5*(output[x,ym] + output[x,yp]) + tmp[x,y] = (1.0D - mx-my)*output[x,y] $ + + mx*0.5D*(output[x-1,y] + output[x+1,y]) $ + + my*0.5D*(output[x,ym] + output[x,yp]) ENDFOR ENDIF ENDREP UNTIL last diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/sol_flux_tube.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/sol_flux_tube.pro index 74a166bf1b..4aad3da7cd 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/sol_flux_tube.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/sol_flux_tube.pro @@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ ; Inputs ; ; gfile [string] Name of the file to read -; psinorm [float, optional] Normalised psi of the flux surface +; psinorm [double, optional] Normalised psi of the flux surface ; psinorm = (psi - psi_axis)/(psi_sep - psi_axis) ; ; Keywords ; output [string] Name of the output file ; nx [int] Number of radial grid points ; ny [int] Number of points along field-line -; psiwidth [float] Radial width of the box in normalised psi +; psiwidth [double] Radial width of the box in normalised psi ; /equ [true/false] Force input file to be a .equ file. Normally ; goes on file ending. ; ; wall_file [string] File containing wall coordinates if not given in gfile ; flip_Bt [Bool] Set this to artificially reverse the sign of the toroidal field -; scaleX [float] Linearly scale the x domain. Needed for Zshift calculation +; scaleX [double] Linearly scale the x domain. Needed for Zshift calculation ; ; Features ; Uses derivatives along field line curve to calculate curvature and @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt RETURN ENDIF ELSE IF N_PARAMS() EQ 1 THEN BEGIN ; No psinorm - psinorm = 1.05 + psinorm = 1.05D ENDIF IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(output) THEN output="fluxtube"+STR(psinorm)+".grd.nc" @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(nx) THEN nx = 132 IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(ny) THEN ny = 128 - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(psiwidth) THEN psiwidth = 0.05 + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(psiwidth) THEN psiwidth = 0.05D - IF psinorm LE 1.0 THEN BEGIN + IF psinorm LE 1.0D THEN BEGIN PRINT, "Error: Normalised psi must be greater than 1" RETURN ENDIF @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt nlev = 100 minf = MIN(rzgrid.psi) maxf = MAX(rzgrid.psi) - levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/FLOAT(nlev-1) + minf + levels = findgen(nlev)*(maxf-minf)/DOUBLE(nlev-1) + minf safe_colors, /first @@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ENDFOR - rpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri) - zpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi, /DOUBLE) ;Check that indexing is assending in poloidal angle @@ -189,19 +189,19 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt if zpos[0] LT zpos[N_ELEMENTS(zpos)-1] THEN BEGIN ;Need to reverse indices print,"Reversing indices" - dummy = FLTARR(n_elements(ri)) + dummy = DBLARR(n_elements(ri)) for i=0,n_elements(ri)-1 do begin dummy[i] = ri[n_elements(ri)-1-i] ENDFOR ri = dummy - dummy = FLTARR(n_elements(zi)) + dummy = DBLARR(n_elements(zi)) for i=0,n_elements(zi)-1 do begin dummy[i] = zi[n_elements(zi)-1-i] ENDFOR zi = dummy - rpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri) - zpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.R, ri, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.Z, zi, /DOUBLE) ENDIF ; Smooth positions @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ENDIF ELSE BEGIN PRINT, "WARNING: No boundary found, please enter boundary indices: " Print, "Total no points: ",n_elements(rpos) - inds = FLTARR(2) + inds = DBLARR(2) inds_ok = 'N' oplot, rpos, zpos, color=4, thick=2 IF KEYWORD_SET(wall_file) THEN BEGIN ;Plot wall @@ -265,21 +265,21 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ;;;;;;;;;;; Toroidal field ; f = RBt and f' ngrid = n_elements(rzgrid.fpol) - psigrid = psi_axis + (psi_sep - psi_axis)*FINDGEN(ngrid)/FLOAT(ngrid) + psigrid = psi_axis + (psi_sep - psi_axis)*FINDGEN(ngrid)/DOUBLE(ngrid) - f = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.fpol, psinorm*ngrid) + f = INTERPOLATE(rzgrid.fpol, psinorm*ngrid, /DOUBLE) ;Term not included in .equ file, needs checking - IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(equ) THEN dfdpsi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(psigrid,rzgrid.fpol), psinorm*ngrid) + IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(equ) THEN dfdpsi = INTERPOLATE(DERIV(psigrid,rzgrid.fpol), psinorm*ngrid, /DOUBLE) ;;;;;;;;;;; Poloidal field npoints = N_ELEMENTS(ri) - Bpol = FLTARR(npoints) - drposdpsi = FLTARR(npoints) - dzdpsi = FLTARR(npoints) - dBpoldpsi = FLTARR(npoints) - dBpdz = FLTARR(npoints) - dBpdr = FLTARR(npoints) + Bpol = DBLARR(npoints) + drposdpsi = DBLARR(npoints) + dzdpsi = DBLARR(npoints) + dBpoldpsi = DBLARR(npoints) + dBpdz = DBLARR(npoints) + dBpdr = DBLARR(npoints) IF NOT KEYWORD_SET(equ) THEN dfdpsi = dfdpsi FOR i=0, npoints-1 DO BEGIN @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt s = int_func(dsdi, /simple) ;Calculate hthe, ensuring that theta = 0,2*pi is at the divertor targets - hthe = (L[inds[1]] - L[inds[0]])/(2*!Pi) + hthe = (L[inds[1]] - L[inds[0]])/(2*!DPi) print,"hthe = ",hthe ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CURVATURE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ; Components of curvature in cylindrical coordinates kr = SMOOTH(d2r - rpos*dp^2,4) kz = SMOOTH(d2z,4) - kp = SMOOTH(2.*dr*dp + rpos*d2p,4) + kp = SMOOTH(2.D*dr*dp + rpos*d2p,4) ;Components of curvature in toroidal coordinates ;Not needed for calculation but useful for diagnostic purposes @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; RADIAL MESH ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Convert normalised psi to psi - dpsi = (psiwidth * (psi_sep - psi_axis)) / FLOAT(nx-1) + dpsi = (psiwidth * (psi_sep - psi_axis)) / DOUBLE(nx-1) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; INTERPOLATE ALL QUANTITIES ONTO FIELD LINE ;;;;; @@ -465,47 +465,47 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt kphi = kp[inds[0]:inds[1]] L = int_func(dldi, /simple) - lpos = max(L) * FINDGEN(ny)/FLOAT(ny-1) + lpos = max(L) * FINDGEN(ny)/DOUBLE(ny-1) ;Interpolate onto grid equally spaced in poloidal angle inds = INTERPOL(findgen(N_ELEMENTS(L)), L, lpos) - rpos = INTERPOLATE(rpos, inds) - zpos = INTERPOLATE(zpos, inds) - s = INTERPOLATE(s,inds) - B = INTERPOLATE(B, inds) - Btor = INTERPOLATE(Btor, inds) - Bpol = INTERPOLATE(Bpol, inds) - nu = INTERPOLATE(nu, inds) - sinty = INTERPOLATE(sinty, inds) + rpos = INTERPOLATE(rpos, inds, /DOUBLE) + zpos = INTERPOLATE(zpos, inds, /DOUBLE) + s = INTERPOLATE(s,inds, /DOUBLE) + B = INTERPOLATE(B, inds, /DOUBLE) + Btor = INTERPOLATE(Btor, inds, /DOUBLE) + Bpol = INTERPOLATE(Bpol, inds, /DOUBLE) + nu = INTERPOLATE(nu, inds, /DOUBLE) + sinty = INTERPOLATE(sinty, inds, /DOUBLE) sinty = sinty - sinty[ny/2] ; take theta_0 at outboard midplane - dnudpsi = INTERPOLATE(dnudpsi, inds) - dpsidR = INTERPOLATE(dpsidR, inds) - dpsidZ = INTERPOLATE(dpsidZ,inds) - hthe = MAX(lpos)/(2*!Pi) - qinty = INTERPOLATE(qinty, inds) + dnudpsi = INTERPOLATE(dnudpsi, inds, /DOUBLE) + dpsidR = INTERPOLATE(dpsidR, inds, /DOUBLE) + dpsidZ = INTERPOLATE(dpsidZ,inds, /DOUBLE) + hthe = MAX(lpos)/(2*!DPi) + qinty = INTERPOLATE(qinty, inds, /DOUBLE) qinty = qinty - qinty[FLOOR(ny/2)] - dBdpsi = INTERPOLATE(dBdpsi,inds) - dBdR = INTERPOLATE(dBdR,inds) - dBdZ = INTERPOLATE(dBdZ,inds) + dBdpsi = INTERPOLATE(dBdpsi,inds, /DOUBLE) + dBdR = INTERPOLATE(dBdR,inds, /DOUBLE) + dBdZ = INTERPOLATE(dBdZ,inds, /DOUBLE) ;Add in missing terms in curvature - bxcvx1d = INTERPOLATE(bxcvx1d, inds) - bxcvy1d = INTERPOLATE(bxcvy1d, inds) - bxcvz1d = INTERPOLATE(bxcvz1d, inds) - (sinty*bxcvx1d + nu*bxcvy1d) + bxcvx1d = INTERPOLATE(bxcvx1d, inds, /DOUBLE) + bxcvy1d = INTERPOLATE(bxcvy1d, inds, /DOUBLE) + bxcvz1d = INTERPOLATE(bxcvz1d, inds, /DOUBLE) - (sinty*bxcvx1d + nu*bxcvy1d) - kpsi = INTERPOLATE(kpsi,inds) - ktheta = INTERPOLATE(ktheta,inds) - kphi = INTERPOLATE(kphi,inds) + kpsi = INTERPOLATE(kpsi,inds, /DOUBLE) + ktheta = INTERPOLATE(ktheta,inds, /DOUBLE) + kphi = INTERPOLATE(kphi,inds, /DOUBLE) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Put everything into 2D arrays ; B field components - Bpxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) - Btxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) - Bxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) + Bpxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) + Btxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) + Bxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) FOR i=0, nx-1 DO BEGIN Bpxy[i,*] = Bpol Btxy[i,*] = Btor @@ -513,13 +513,13 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ENDFOR ; Grid spacing - dx = FLTARR(nx, ny) + dpsi - dy = FLTARR(nx, ny) + 2.*!PI/FLOAT(ny) + dx = DBLARR(nx, ny) + dpsi + dy = DBLARR(nx, ny) + 2.D*!DPI/DOUBLE(ny) ; Geometrical quantities - hxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) - Rxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) - Zxy = FLTARR(nx, ny) + hxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) + Rxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) + Zxy = DBLARR(nx, ny) FOR i=0, nx-1 DO BEGIN hxy[i,*] = hthe @@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ PRO sol_flux_tube, gfile, psinorm, output=output, nx=nx, ny=ny, psiwidth=psiwidt ENDFOR ; Curvature and other quantities - bxcvx = FLTARR(nx, ny) + bxcvx = DBLARR(nx, ny) bxcvy = bxcvx bxcvz = bxcvx sinty2 = bxcvx diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/test.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/test.pro index 1229cac996..4b74a7ef00 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/test.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/test.pro @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ rz_grid = {nr:g.nx, nz:g.ny, $ ; Number of grid points qpsi:g.qpsi, $ ; q values on uniform flux grid nlim:g.nlim, rlim:g.xlim, zlim:g.ylim} ; Wall boundary -settings = {nrad:64, npol:64, psi_inner:0.8, psi_outer:1.1} +settings = {nrad:64, npol:64, psi_inner:0.8D, psi_outer:1.1D} boundary = TRANSPOSE([[rz_grid.rlim], [rz_grid.zlim]]) mesh = create_grid(rz_grid.psi, rz_grid.r, rz_grid.z, settings, boundary=boundary, /strict, /simple) diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/theta_line.pro b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/theta_line.pro index dc6134ab0e..5d1b8c79a8 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/theta_line.pro +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/gridgen/theta_line.pro @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ FUNCTION theta_line, dctF, ri0, zi0, di0, nstep, boundary=boundary, dir=dir, psi IF KEYWORD_SET(dir) THEN BEGIN ; Set direction to go in - dt = theta_differential(0., pos) - IF TOTAL(dt*dir) LT 0. THEN di = -di + dt = theta_differential(0.D, pos) + IF TOTAL(dt*dir) LT 0.D THEN di = -di ENDIF FOR i=1, nstep DO BEGIN diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/aeqdsk.py b/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/aeqdsk.py index 9515f40feb..bb7d009b83 100644 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/aeqdsk.py +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/aeqdsk.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python +#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function from builtins import str diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/efit2grid.py b/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/efit2grid.py deleted file mode 100644 index 50aa1d17da..0000000000 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/efit2grid.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python - -""" -@brief Generate a grid from EFIT aeqdsk and geqdsk files - -""" - -# Read grid files - -# Generate grid - - - diff --git a/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/geqdsk.py b/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/geqdsk.py index 6fc4d0767c..e38c30cfa2 100755 --- a/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/geqdsk.py +++ b/tools/tokamak_grids/pyGridGen/geqdsk.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python +#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division