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Releases: bozimmerman/CoffeeMud


07 Dec 05:27
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Build 5.10.4 Release 12/05/2024

  • DATABASE CHANGED! (Bitmap field in CMCHAR table is now larger)
  1. Races/GenRaces support parameters for cultural abilities.
  2. Better MSSP/MSDP support. New INI entry: MSXPVARS.
  3. Ability CODES & DOMAINS can now be added to via the INI file/control panel.
  4. Deity powers, curses, blessings all now support arguments
  5. New skills: Improved Revoke, Hard to Starboard, Staff Sweep, Staff Block
  6. GenAbilities: better argument parsing (see Game Builders Guide)
  7. New command: NOSPAM
  8. AutoGenInstances will now respect multiple entrances. See RandomAreas guide.
  9. Two new Pride/TOP Stat config settings, PRIDECATS and PRIDECOUNT in INI file
  10. TOP command now only displays text files in resources/text/topplayers.txt, etc
  11. TOP pride stats are retained for deleted players & accounts, until they fall off.
  12. New Zappermask: +-DOMAIN
  13. Thin Areas will now develop their correct area stats eventually
  14. Can now modify GenAbility IDs, and create new ones based on existing ones.
  15. Regeneration property now has many finer controls
  16. GMCP now supports char.effects.get
  17. New chants: breath color, know animal, enhance potion, spark runes, inspect shard
  18. All Qualifies list now supports secret flag
  19. New formula: proficiency gain; see ini file
  20. Note: Due to InterMud 3 changes, some will see a harmless one-time error at startup.
  21. New Prayer: Pacify -- a targeted Calm with duration
  22. Proficiency cap from practicing now in INI file (see PRACMAXPCT)
  23. Unit Tests (TEST command) are now friendlier and more accessible
  24. Wish/Limited Wish now has a configuration file in resources/skills/wish.txt
  25. Unleveling and Unleveling from XP loss can be disabled in the INI file
  26. Unleveling no longer removes a level 0 class, but still takes from other classes
  27. SCORE command has more arguments for narrowing the results.
  28. Prop_ItemNoRuin can now be used to Always ruin an item.
  29. Class Skills, including All Qualifys, now support expertises as requirements.
  30. New Command "AutoAttack" for toggling auto attack. Also available in Config.
  31. Players can now drop, get, etc all weapons, armor, items, or money.
  32. TOP/Pride stats now preserves previous-period stats.
  33. CRON jobs now support new intervals and better formula support (HELP CRON)
  34. New example script playerBackups.js for making player backups as cmare xml.
  35. New example script topMonthlyRpt.js for making TOP player reports every month.
  36. New example script topMonthlyAwards.js for giving TOP player awards every month.
  37. New thief skills: Runecasting, Kidnapping, Urchinize, Tarot Reading, Find Runaway
  38. Prophecy prayer will now also use new random predictions file
  39. New property: ScriptLater for, well, scripting later
  40. Generate command now supports object type SCRIPTS
  41. StdPlanarAbility, etc now works on exits and portals
  42. Spell_Teleport can now generate random areas when places on exits and portals.
  43. The XML files feature from quest scripts can now be used in mobprog scripts also.
  44. New prayer: Divine Quest, mostly to use in blessings or curses.
  45. New spell: Tap Scroll, Mystic Task, mostly for use in scripts
  47. POSE command now supports HERE argument.
  48. New Achievement award types: ITEM, and MOB
  49. New chants: Release Magic, Tasseography, Curse Mood, Enhance Jewelry, Extend Fortune
  50. Areas now track several more stats and most common race, see LIST AREAS for more info.
  51. New thief skills: My Urchins, Astrology, Name Urchin, Promote Urchin, Call Urchins
  52. New chants: Suppress Fortune, Enhance Shard, Bountiful Womb, Curse Fortune, Palm Reading
  53. New common skill: Shard Making, Improved Herbalism
  54. New skills: Staff Spin, Scroll Familiarity, Trade Charting, Staff Thrust, Caravan Travel
  55. New chants: Steal Fortune, Strengthen Seed, Endow Club, Reverse Fortune, Endow Gemstones
  56. New thief skills: Conceal Pathway, Urchin Spy, Fortune Telling
  57. New chants: Curse Seed, Endow Jewelry, Endow Ioun Stone, Stabilize Form
  58. New rideable type: furniture-hook
  59. HELP can now match on common recipes to tell you which skill produces them.
  60. Many resource files can be 'extended' by adding versions with .1, .2, etc after the extension.
  61. Std/Gen Journals now support post and msg size limits, and post expiration.
  62. CONSIDER and GCONSIDER now support the "all" syntax.
  63. ACCOUNT now supports a sort field.
  64. Corpses can now be generated with some cause-of-death blurbs, see CORPSE_BLURBS in LISTS.INI.
  65. New MOB class: StdCraftBroker, allows players to craft for each other async. See Archons Guide
  66. Magical Ability code on armor now applies only to non-multiwear armor.
  67. Game Channels can now be tied to Discord channels via Discord Apps and Bots.
  68. New shopkeeper type: children seller (for an orphanage).
  69. New RP/MUSH-like command 'DIEROLL'.
  70. User selection masking now supports "LAST.", like GET LAST.SWORD
  71. FTELL will now invoke GTELL, but only for your followers.
  72. GROUP now supports LEADER keyword to change your group leader.
  73. FORMATION can now put anyone in front row, and attacks initiated by formation make front row tank.
  74. New item type: GenBurnOven -- an oven that requires burning fuel inside.
  75. New Property: TriggeredAffects, for having effects that are triggered :)
  76. New race: Rust Monster
  77. ORDER now works with animal followers for specific commands in LISTS.INI file
  78. Can now LIST DBCONNECTIONS to check database status
  79. New character class: Gypsy - thief subclass with druid highlights
  80. New command: AUTOTELLNOTIFY, with CONFIG support also, for account-based muds.


01 Jan 22:02
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Build 5.10.3 Release 01/01/2024

*. CoffeeMud now officially requires jdk 1.8. ATM, it will still compile in 1.6 tho.

  1. New Paladin skills: Unholy Strike, Chaos Rage, Paladin's Fear, Paladin's Corruption
  2. New Paladin skills: Incite Fight, Dark Hammer, Paladin's Wickedness, Crushing Aura
  3. New Paladin skills: Craft Unholy Reaver, Righteous Defense, Exploiting Aura
  4. Paladin's can now be Anti-Paladins if they maintain chaotic evil.
  5. New Items: CubicGate, GenGiftContainer, GenTent, GenStove, Spear (polearm)
  6. New Achievement stuff: Tattoo reward type, ENTITLED achieve type
  7. Tattoos like 'RACE_" or "CHARCLASS_" now open up otherwise skill-restricted options.
  8. Liege xp bonus can no longer be gained from non-combat or role-playing xp vassel gains.
  9. New CharStat XPADJPCT - for adding bonus % xp (or loss if negative)
  10. Prop_NoPurge now supports an expiration date/timestamp
  11. New StdMob type: CombatDummy, for testing.
  12. New spells: Wizard's Mark, Suppress Aroma, Store Aromas
  13. New prayers: Undeath Guard, Animate Shadow, Animate Limb
  14. GOTITEM Achievement type now supports multiple item masks.
  15. New standard races: Ghast, Ghoul, Ghost, Mummy, Spectre, Vampire, and Zombie
  16. Undead race mixing now has its own special rules, which Prayer_Animate* will use
  17. WaterCurrents messaging can now be customized.
  18. Default days/month is now 24, default months/yr now 7. Postmen retain mail for 40 months.
  19. GenRaces now support multiple natural weapon choices, better reflecting StdRaces.
  20. AFK status produced from the AFK command is now sticky until explicitly toggled.
  21. Prop_RoomForSale now allows disabling the robbery laws on a property-by-property basis.
  22. SAVE= rooms will properly rejuv before saving, Thin areas now allow property taxes
  23. Prop_NoTeleport now supports redirection, and custom messages
  24. Mirrors now act like LOOK SELF
  25. STAT commands supports new POBJECT (player objects) arg.
  26. New command: MEND, for invoking the proper common skill. Mend spell renamed to Lesser Mend.
  27. Gaoler can now wear leather.
  28. Temporary skills now show up in the SKILLS/SPELLS/etc command as dark grey.
  29. You can no longer cast speak or cast verbal spells unless you can breathe where you are.
  30. ALIAS now supports a copy command.
  31. New skill: Stoicism
  32. Pregnant people now get food addictions, and Addictions can now include resource name
  33. Amputation now works on corpses.
  34. Prop_*Adjusters now support ambiance+- arguments.
  35. New property: Prop_PropSetter, for potentially permanent object changes.
  36. Rituals now support TIMEOUT, INCLUDE and ASSIST tasks for cooperative magic!
  37. PROMPT now supports group size / max group members, and CONFIG/Attribute blocks
  38. MG Journal browser now supports Journal Limit / pages.
  39. Decoration now supports hiding items in plain sight/semi-hidden.
  40. Quests can now suppress local laws while they are running.
  41. Prop_ClosedDayNight can now generate near-closing greetings.
  42. MudChat now how syntax for adding marginal entries over the chat.dat entries.
  43. Loyalty will report itself when the leader looks at the loyal follower.
  44. EXAMINE/LONGLOOK at mobs will now show wear positions like EQ LONG
  45. CATALOG now supports spawn caps, random (masked) room spawns, and mob spawns.
  46. SERVEing another player now requires that their NOFOLLOW flag be off.
  47. ACHIEVEMENTS command now always supports including awards in lists.
  48. Channels now support SEARCH:
  49. Subscribe now supports channels and their backlogs
  50. Titles now support random selection lists.
  51. Prop_UseEmoter* and Prop_Sounder support trigger mob masks now.
  52. Generic Abilities can now be COPYed, and Standard ones badly. CREATE will now convert.
  53. New standard races: GiantBear, GiantBoar, DireBear, DireBoar, DireCat
  54. New skills: Racial Mount, Call Steed, Rope Tricks, Awe Mounts, Bronco Busting
  55. The racial skill "Buck" will now invoke automatically for certain races of mobs
  56. New skills: Set Polearm, Dismounting Blow, Herding, Shepherding, Long Reach
  57. New skills: Soothe Mount, Tend Mount, Favored Mount 1...4, Forceback, Rearguard
  58. New skills: Indoor Riding, Command Mount, Unwavering Mark, Graceful Dismount
  59. New skills: Mount Taming, Mounted Tactics, Ridethrough, Vanguard, Mounted Retreat
  60. New skills: Confident Vanity, Lassoing, Jousting, Rope Trip, Fierce Mount
  61. (Power) LEVEL expertises now grant points to proficiency on all skills/spells/etc.
  62. New skills: Holy Mount, Unholy Mount, Rope Disarm, Armored Vanity, Mounted Leap
  63. TEAR/DESTROY can now be used to tear cloth into strips for bandaging or whatever
  64. New skills: Companion Mount, Hold The Line, Faithful Mount, Break Mount, Caravan Tactics
  65. New skills: Lucky Vanity, Sweeping Trip, Ride to the Rescue, Rope Dismount, Runover
  66. Command FOLLOW can now be used with sailing ships and caravans.
  67. New skills: Riding Fight, Hog Tie, Stable Mount, Caravan Commander, Planar Mount
  68. New skills: Protected Mount, Trample, Combat Recall
  69. New Achevement type: SCRIPTED, and new Scriptable command: MPACHIEVE
  70. Layer info added to VIEW and slightly more apparently in LONGLOOK.
  71. Conquest now requires dead mob lvl diff <= EXPRATEx2 (from ini file) HELP CONQUERABLE
  72. GenTraps now support custom reset ticks for builder-set traps.
  73. New common skills: Mycology, and Master Mycology. (Herbology now also Recipe Driven/Editable)
  74. New poison: Sickening (for mushrooms that aren't rotten, but aren't good for you either).
  75. Languages now support special 'say' verbs. Std languages updated, especially animal-speaks.
  76. Instanced areas can now be reset/flushed and timed-out from Scripts. See Archons Guide.


28 Apr 17:06
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Build 5.10.2 Release 4/28/2023

  • DATABASE CHANGED! (Enlarged CMDATE, and new expiration date added to CMJRNL table)
  1. GMODIFY can now affect Areas.
  2. New Races; Mustalids, Badger, Otter, Wolverine, Giant Otter, Dire Otter, Mustie
  3. Genders are now defined in lists.ini
  4. Socials update
  5. New Deviations features: mob power levels, sorting
  6. New Deviations button in the MUDGrinder map and room editors
  7. New Chants: Summon Squall
  8. Looking UP into a generated sky now gives some basic info.
  9. New Exit type: Skyway -- for supporting the above.
  10. New Achievement type: CHARITY
  11. New Disable flag: FATIGUE
  12. New skill: Await Clan Ship
  13. The "Know Plants" skill will now report on edible-ness.
  14. Some divination spells are now more mob-follower-friendly. (e.g. Find Directions)
  15. New Spell "Majesty", the effects of which can only be wished for.
  16. Prop_ShortEffects expanded to include remotely-cast effects also.
  17. ACCOUNT command can now show chars with waiting mail, or missed tells.
  18. Prop_WearAdjuster allows dressing and content manipulation, from outside (saddlebags).
  19. New item: GenBagOfHolding
  20. REMOVE command can now target a wear location.
  21. Warrants skill can now accept a filter argument
  22. Shopkeepers listing their own inventory can see amount of stock.
  23. WillQualify and Qualify commands now have UNIQUE argument.
  24. New INI entry: XPMOD, and changes to Prop_ModExperience also.
  25. Common Account menu now configurable (help/acctmenu.txt)
  26. New forum posts now support attachments.
  27. WeatherAffects behavior can now be more independent of the actual weather.
  28. New language: FoxSpeak
  29. New Spell "Know Province"
  30. Duelers can now engage in unfair fights.
  31. New command: Calendar, plus auto-notifications for the start of Holidays in channels.
  32. Painting skill now has recipes file.
  33. GenAbility affect adjustments and tick override now support variables.
  34. Messing up a crafting skill results in a Ruined item instead of nothing.
  35. NastyAbilities now has CHECKLEVEL argument.
  36. Can now SLEEP UNTIL RESTED to remove fatigue
  37. MOB armor suggested values now balance player attack values. *ness Behaviors modified.
  38. StdMOBS will now auto-scale by their set levels, making them much more useful.


02 Jan 01:50
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Build 5.10.1 Release 1/01/2023

  1. FasterRecovery expanded and new char stat REJUVRATE for Prop*Adjuster
  2. Ability Components now support their own private socials list.
  3. Deity and Component rituals and triggers now have their own MUDGrinder editor.
  4. PLAYERDEATH now supports PURGE X for a "lives remaining" type effect.
  5. New chant: Summon Animals
  6. Stat and train costs can now be specified in terms of a local currency
  7. WHERE Archon command now supports MQL updates via WHERE UPDATE: ...
  8. Disease_Vampirism greatly expanded, and its features argument-controllable
  9. New INI entry DEFAULTABILITYARGS for setting default property/skill arguments.
  10. LOGOUTMASK now supports a tick argument for how long to keep the mob in game.
  11. Decorating is now recipe driven, and has numerous new options
  12. Commands now support copying other player settings:
    CONFIG COPY [playername] /CHANNELS COPY [playername]/COLORSET COPY [playername]
  13. New archon LIST option: Orphans, for rooms without incoming exits
  14. MODIFY command supports MQL with MODIFY UPDATE:...
  15. DESTROY command supports MQL with DESTROY DELETE: from ...
  16. Clan Government role 'CLAN_MOTD' changed to 'READ_MOTD'. 'CREATE_MOTD' added.
  17. New Zappermask: +-CLANLEVEL, for filtering a members clan's level
  18. New Bombs: Bomb_SpellBlast
  19. New Spell: Spell_DetonateBombs
  20. Prop_Closed* properties now support a zappermask for the object.
  21. New common skill: Black Marketeering, for Thieves, Burglars, and Gaolers
  22. New poisons: anesthesia, and hallucinogen, hazia, and new Drug Cutting recipes
  23. Gaolers now get Drug Cutting, Slave Marketeering, Pimping, and new Thief Skill: Roofie
  24. BUY/SELL/VALUE/BID/BORROW/etc... now supports with/to/from to designate shopkeepers
  25. New Disease: Hatred
  26. New Thief skill: Smuggle. Also, laws.ini has example banned item laws.
  27. Gaolers now affect conquered area loyalty via their torture techniques.
  28. New expertise: torturing
  29. New Gaoler skills: Child Labor, Track Criminal, Spread Apathy, Spread Hatred
  30. Quest SPAWNABLE now supports ANY, ONCE, ALLONCE, and ANYONCE. You should update your file if necc.


23 Sep 05:48
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Build 5.10.0 Release 9/23/2022

  1. New Scriptable functions: ROOMPC and AREAPC
  2. Caravans now have their own internal Directions (fore, back, right, left, up, down)
  3. Crafting INFO feature will now give the approx. time to craft
  4. New common skill: Shrooming, for growing mushrooms/fungus
  5. Newly crafted Clan Journals now writeable only by clan role power (journal). INI updated.
  6. New clan govt roles: CREATE_LAW (for law books), and JOURNAL (for writing to journals)
  7. Clans now support mud-yearly dues
  8. New weather type: FOG, with weatheraffects support
  9. New chant: Summon Fog
  10. MUDGrinder Player Manager now links to a WhiteList editor.
  11. New spells: Greater Claireaudience, Greater Clairevoyance, Greater Scry
  12. Smelting, Wainwright, Papermaking, and Siegecrafting recipes updated
  13. New account flag: NOCHARPURGE to protect all account players
  14. New base materials/raw env resources: NICKEL, PALLADIUM, VEGETABLE
  15. New thief skills: silent wear, silent hold, silent wield
  16. ResourceOverride now has more options and applications
  17. New Zappermask flags: +-RIDE, +-FOLLOW
  18. Prop_LangTranslator now has a ridiculously expanded functionality
  19. AnimalTraining now supports mundane things like sit, kill, etc.
  20. AREAS now supports EXPLORED argument
  21. New command: ASSIST
  22. PUSH and PULL now take a tick, and can fail from weight, but supports assist
  23. New Prayer: Eternal Item
  24. Players can now rush thier crafting, as per the new expertise, w/o learning it
  25. New Generic ability type: GenWrightSkill - for making large construction skills
  26. ShipWright, Caravan Building, and Clan Caravan Building now have editable recipes
  27. Prop_NoCraftability can now be applies to recipes, and has a zappermask.
  28. Caravan Building now has a full complete recipe set.
  29. CHANNELS command can now be used to turn all on/off at once.
  30. Suffix and Prefix Titles will automatically combine. See help.
  31. New property: Prop_Fumble, to cause skill failures
  32. Addictions now supports multiple additions, and sniffing magic dust
  33. New Clan Item: StdClanConcierge (and Gen*) for clans getting around
  34. MOB max items, max carry weight, and max followers are now in INI file/grinder.
  35. Statistics for accounts/ips online will now be tracked and shown.
  36. Reaction Factions can now be permanently saved from the MUDGrinder also.
  37. AutoTitles now support Max players -- use sparingly, causes DB scans.
  38. New Generic Trap type, for many new traps for damage, from skills or scripts
  39. The recipes for lacquering, dying, and similar paint skills are now editable
  40. The recipes for Lay Traps and Lay Minor Traps are now editable
  41. New bombs: sonic, heat, sticky, shaped
  42. Make Bombs can now make their products obviously bombs instead of obsfucated
  43. New thief skills: Set Timer, Detect Bombs, Heretical Faith
  44. Updates to several language vocabularies
  45. Help now shows "see also help on..." that is auto-magically generated.
  46. Can now create/modify/destroy HELP entries.
  47. Hirelings now report their time remaining, and can be queried on that subject.
  48. MPAFFECT Scriptable command can now have number of ticks specified.
  49. New command: HISTORY, for showing command history to players
  50. New archon command(s): basically do scriptable commands from the cl (MPCOMMAND)
  51. ALIAS command now supports TEST argument
  52. New races: Shrimp, Tuna, Half Ogre, Drider, Birdman, Tiefling
  53. New common skill: Animal Trapping, requires a cage, for trapping small game
  54. New Scriptable command: MPHIT, for forcing an immediate weapon attack
  55. Tents and other ENTER-IN type rideables now protect against some weather affects
  56. Archons can now create/list/mod/del periodic script runs (cron jobs)
  57. New skill: Skill_Math. It's a calculator. woohoo.
  58. Player Prompt now supports % visited area and world
  59. Journals now support message COPY option for admins
  60. New optional player date-based bonuses system called AutoAwards (or just Awards)
  61. REPORT commands can now filter by domain
  62. Lanterns, like drinkables, have liquid type and capacity that determines duration now.
  63. Ability Components now support deity-like trigger rituals for invoking skills/spells/etc
  64. New Fighter Skills: Bear Hug, Clinch Hold, Choke Hold, Sleeper Hold, Headlock, Arm Hold
  65. New Fighter Skills: Double Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Finger Lock, Ankle Lock, Wrist Lock
  66. New Fighter Skills: Elbow Lock, Bulldog, Gutbuster, Knee, Elbow Jab, Earbox
  67. Deities should be given weapons to influence craft holy avenger and other holy magic.
  68. New Fighter Skills: Forearm Block, Breakout
  69. New INI entry TRAINCOSTS for setting (or removing) costs for various things.
  70. Shutdown-restart has been removed. It never really worked right anyway.


17 Jan 20:51
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Build 5.9.12 Release 1/17/2022

*. DB Changes: CMCOLR field in CMCHAR increased in size to 255 chars, CMSNAM field added to CMBKLG

  1. Prop_Have/WearAdjuster supports item sets now
  2. MANACOST and MANAMINCOST entries in coffeemud.ini allows more flexible skill costs
  3. Skill use will now attempt to check range before consuming mana/resources
  4. New locale types: undergroundcitystreet and underwatercitystreet
  5. New command: abilities
  6. Default MINMANACOST is now skill level or 10, whichever is greater.
  7. Many crafting skills now support FROM syntax to specify specific resources.
  8. Metacraft will select random resource by weight. New value filter for metacraft in Random Generator.
  9. All achievements now support PLAYERMASK, even if it makes no sense.
  10. Lots of new achievements -- mostly skill proficiency related
  11. Prop_InstantDeath can now kill you less instantly.
  12. STARTMANA, STARTMOVE, and STARTHP in ini file can append to class changes/level.
  13. New INI entry: BONUSACT -- for global action bonus tweeking
  14. Crafting skill INFO command now supports expertises and specific resources
  15. CLASSSYSTEM has new class limit boundary options, and new GAIN and SWITCH for train cost.
  16. New achievement flag: REMORT, for forcing remorting players to re-acquire player achievements.
  17. Alchemy now supports powders/dusts
  18. New prayer: sense chants
  19. Weaponsmith/Fletching/leatherworking now supports min/max range data
  20. New achievement type GROUPKILL
  21. Socials now support flags. Initial flags for confirming, target confirming.
  22. New Property: Prop_MultiEffects, for stacking the same prop multiple times.
  23. Import, Export now support class, race, ability as specific object.
  24. New Mood: Silly
  25. Nwe items: GenCaravan, a land-based sailing ship, and GenGangline, for making mob follower teams
  26. New common skill: CaravanBuilding, for, well, building caravans.
  27. Magic Powders can now be sniffed to self-enchant
  28. New common skill: Improved Alchemy
  29. New prompt flags: combat-only sections, non-combat-only sections
  30. Expertises now support .2 files like achievements, and MODIFY EXPERTISE now works.
  31. Prop_RoomView has new parms, LONGLOOK, and ATTACK to give ship-like abilities, and dirs.
  32. New misc property: AmbianceAdder, for adding random ambiances to things.
  33. New Items: GenCastle, GenClanCastle -- stationary boardables.
  34. Clans can now make GenClanCastles using ClanCrafting.
  35. AREAVISIT achievement type now supports CONFLICT argument.
  36. Refusing to create a new character no longer counts against login attempts.
  37. New spells: Greater Levitate, Greater Mend, Deflection, Harden, Improved Harden
  38. Rodsmithing, Staffmaking, Wandmaking, Fletching, Gunsmithing, Siegecraft all support X handed items
  39. New misc property: Carnivorous, for particular races, such as cats, orcs, and goblins
  40. Thrown weapons are now cheaper for crafters to make
  41. Clan Who now uses list members instead of clan benefits
  42. Clan members who can order conquered are also above the law.


20 Feb 23:30
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Build 5.9.11 Release 02/20/2021

  1. a(n) is now official filter syntax for a/an
  2. Shutdown command now supports AT syntax to set a RL time certain.
  3. Languages now support a translation ID to assist shopkeepers with slang languages.
  4. New Locale: ShoreGrid
  5. Amputation can be done to player followers, with their permission.
  6. Look can now target items in open containers
  7. Prop_*Adjuster now supports ABLEPROFS and ABLELVLS, and will give log errors in arguments
  8. Socials now support qualifying zappermasks to use the social
  9. WILLQUALIFY now supports NOx syntax to filter OUT things.
  10. Building skills: exits now support exit descriptions, with @x1 to substitute next room display.
  11. GenAbility now supports customizable Target Fail message
  12. Player visitation is now tracked in the most recent instanced area, but still not saved to db.
  13. New faction change events: DYING, AREAEXPLORE, AREAASS, AREAKILL, and flag: RESTIME, and parm: WITHIN
  14. New misc ability: InstanceArea, for creating modified instances out of existing areas
  15. New achievement type: INSTANCEEXPIRE - for tying an achievement to having been in an instance
  16. ShopKeepers, et al can each of their own unique currency setting
  17. Scriptable MPGSET, STAT, etc.. now supports MAX char states (MAXHITS, etc)
  18. Achievements now support expiration/duration.
  19. More new faction change events: all coffeemud message (CMMsg) types.
  20. New Thief Skills: Mask Faith, False Faith, Graverobbing, Repurpose Text, Whiplash
  21. New Prayers: Deplete Scroll, Attune Scroll, Empower Scroll, Tongues, Fluency, Sense Devotion
  22. Zappermasks now support +-WEEK, +-DAYOFYEAR, +-YEAR, +-WEEKOFYEAR, and X or Y or Xnd Y syntax
  23. New injury system: Scarring
  24. New Prayers: Empower Shield, Read Language, Store Prayer, Lesser Warding Glyph, Deflect Prayer
  25. New Thief skills: Borrow Boon, Unearth Demography, Digsite, False Service, Blend In, Sense Digs
  26. Zappermasks now support +-OR to introduce separate conditions
  27. Deities can now be picked at char creation, see DEITYPOLICY in ini file or M.G. control panel
  28. Many GREET style Scriptable triggers now support zapper masks instead of pct chance
  29. Scriptable has new GROUP_GREET_PROG for greetings that trigger at most once per tick.
  30. New Prayers: Deplete Relic, Attune Relic, Empower Relic, Transfer Bane, Release Prayer, Transfer Boon
  31. New Skills: Whiplash, Research Item, Research Region Map, AutoHammerRing, Befoul Shrine
  32. New Prayers: Improved Warning Glyph, Sense Parish, Reflect Prayer, Amplify Unholy Weapon
  33. New Prayers: Empower Holy Weapon, Empower Sacred Weapon, Imbue Shield, Share Boon, Empower Just Weapon
  34. New Thief skills: Heroic Reflexes, Condemn Mark, Steal Boon, Whip Strip, Incite Divine Feud
  35. New Prayers: Empower Unjust Weapon, Empower Modest Weapon, Greater Warding Glyph, Find Sacred Item
  36. New Prayers: Empower Holy Weapon, Empower Unholy Weapon, Empower Sacred Weapon, Protect Sacred Item
  37. New Prayers: Imbue Holy Weapon, Imbue Unholy Weapon, Umbue Sacred Weapon, Imbue Just Weapon
  38. New Prayers: Imbue Foul Weapon, Imbue Modest Weapon, Protect Item, Sacred Imbuing Quest
  39. The AS and AT commands now support PLAYERS to do things as or at all the players online.
  40. GMODIFY now has PLAYERS option to alter/scan all players. Dang, this command is dangerous.
  41. MOTD command can now be used to set motd.txt file, which is also now deleted every day.
  42. New random quest template category: auto, for making quests w/o quest givers.
  43. New mood: reflective
  44. Factions can now be set as being non-inheritable by children
  45. New prayers: Planar Pilgrimage, Sense Resistances, Protection from Bless
  46. New Thief skills: Use Potion, Case Joint
  47. New class: Reliquist
  48. Builder version of OUTFIT can now be targeted, and give metacrafted gear
  49. Std/Gen Languages can now be marked as natural to differentiate human from encryption/animal sounds
  50. New user config: NOREPROMPT -- for getting new prompts only when user input received
  51. New fighter skill: Stance.
  52. Fighters lose wand use, Rangers swap wands for shards, Paladins wands for relics.
  53. Several exotic (elemental/golem) races were balanced a bit, for transmutation purposes.
  54. Racial transformations via magic will undo previous char stat changes and apply new ones correctly.
  55. Two new INI entries: EFFECTCAP (cap effects), and EFFECTCXL (which is complicated, related to XP).
  56. New Clan Item type: GenClanSailorsCap, allowing clans to assign ship captains at will.
  57. New achievement type: SKILLPROF for becoming proficient, DECONSTRUCTING for learning recipes
  58. Wealth now shows bank balances

CoffeeMud 5.9.10

16 Jun 22:10
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  • Build 5.9.10 Released 6/16/2020 *
  1. Wands/etc have enchant type as a restriction, WandMaking/StaffMaking/Rodsmithing support.
  2. New PLAYERDEATH option: RETAIN -- to allow player mobs to keep their items on death.
  3. Scriptable GSTAT now supports BASESTRENGTH, BASEDEXTERITY, etc.. and BASEDAMAGE, etc..
  4. New skills: Shard Use, Relic Use, Light Placebo, Placebo, Krakenform, Planar Tactics
  5. New prayers: enchant relic, recharge relic, read prayer, clarify prayer, planar plague
  6. New chants: Enchant Shards, Recharge Shards, Read Runes, Refresh Runes, Fishy Fecundity
  7. New songs: Restore Music, Enchant Instrument, Recharge Instrument, Read Music, Saudade
  8. New questmaker templates: competitive/normal_collect5, competitive/normal_delivery4, normal/travel4
  9. Crafting skills can now list recipes by level range, eg list 5-, list -5, list 10-20
  10. New disable flags: AUTOMOODS, DIS955RULE
  11. New Scriptable triggers: CAST_PROG and CASTING_PROG
  12. New questmaker templates: normal_dispel1
  13. New achievement field: VISIBLEMASK
  14. Prop_RoomDark/Lit now support HOURS argument.
  15. New climate type: VOID, for disabling weather locally
  16. New domain types: indoor seaport, cave seaport
  17. New locales: Void, CaveSeaPort, WoodSeaPort
  18. New generic skill type: GenGatheringSkill, with CL and MudGrinder support
  19. Quest engine now supports saved generic abilities, ability groups, etc
  20. Game Builders Guide updated for writing MOBPROG for quests, and new quest fields
  21. New item StdQuestBoard/GenQuestBoard for a new way to accept quests.
  22. New property: Prop_QuestGiver for quests from rooms, items, areas, etc.
  23. New expertise: Energist, replaces old Airelist. New Airelist is for gas attacks.
  24. Added crime tracking to statistics, and support in stats and mudgrinder
  25. ShopKeepers (of all stripes) now have a View Types/Flags field to control VIEW cmd.
  26. Grinder Area editor now includes Mobs and Items editors.
  27. Grinder area editor now includes a Tree selector for Areas
  28. New Planar reactions/faction, new eliteing system for planes. See planesofexistence.txt
  29. New achievement type: AREAVISIT
  30. Planes of Existence have categories, opposed plans, and can now be edited from CL and MudGrinder.
  31. New spells: Imprisonment, Planarmorph Self, Planarmorph, Improved Planarmorph, Planar Block
  32. The hit point/mana/move colors will now go yellow < 50% and red < 25%.
  33. When coming off AFK, the system will now mention any missed Tells.
  34. New spells: Planar Bubble, Planar Timer, Planar Extension, Planar Banish, Planar Burst
  35. Siplet and MUDGrinder and fakedb now supports UTF-8
  36. Crafting recipes can now include behaviors as well as effects.
  37. New spells: Planar Distortion, Improved Planar Distortion, Find Planar Familiar, Planar Ward
  38. EXAMINE can now see clothing layers with sufficient level and int.
  39. New spells: True Name, Planar Enthrall
  40. New prayers: maligned portal, benigned portal, elemental portal
  41. New chants: planar link, planar adaptation
  42. New skills: Cosmic Adaptation, Planar Enemy, Planar Veteran

CoffeeMud 5.9.9

04 Jan 00:48
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Build 5.9.9 Release 12/18/2019

  • Minor database change: CMQUESID in CMQUESTS, CMRCID in CMGRAC, CMPKEY in CMPDAT enlarged. Mostly optional.
  1. New prayers: empower unholy weapon, morph unholy weapon, faithful hellhound, discipline
  2. New prayers: remove inhibitions, preserve knowledge
  3. Prop_OpenCommand and Prop_CloseCommand have expanded arguments.
  4. Room-based Gathering skills now decrease yield with repeated spams of the same room.
  5. WHO list will now sort archons to the top. WHO Account will sort by account name.
  6. Monthly TOP reports will, at the end of the month, now be saved in DBFS dir /resources/reports
  7. MUD Clients that only support 16 colors, can have 256-color ansi codes translated to 16. See HELP ANSI.
  8. ANSI-256 color codes are now all in /resources/skills/colors.txt
  9. Shopkeeper VIEW on an ability will give it's help entry.
  10. New command: WORTH, mostly for legacy mud support.
  11. New RPAWARDS: EMOTE-x and CHANNEL. See coffeemud.ini file for more information
  12. Lacquering/Dyeing now support 256 colors and REMOVE, recipes updated and re-formatted.
  13. Wish now has a one rl-day cool-down.
  14. Siplet now supports ANSI-256
  15. New Scriptable command: MPCASTEXT, MPLINK, MPUNLINK, and MPPUT
  16. New MOB class: GenRideableUndead, with Raise Undead support in prayers.
  17. New internal property: ExtraData, for attaching random data to specific objects.
  18. New common skills: Master Dyeing, Master Lacquering, Improved Teaching
  19. Players >= last player level no longer gain experience above a 2% over cap.
  20. New disease: Color Blindness. All Canine-related races now have it.
  21. MANACOMPOUND system expanded to support multiple rules, masks, and ability cooldowns
  22. New PROMPT variable to list your skills on cooldown/mana compounding.
  23. New command: SUBSCRIBE, for getting notifications about journal posts
  24. New INI entries: MAXITEMSWORN, to limit total items worn, and MAXWEARPERLOC to limit replicated parts
  25. Combat stats now recorded for players at each level. STAT COMBAT will give a limited view.
  26. Banker ability to hold items and make loans can be disabled on a per-mob basis. See GenBanker in Archon's Guide.
  27. New property: Prop_LimitedEquip, for limiting the number of times a specific item can be equipped
  28. New Scriptable triggers: putting_prog, speak_prog
  29. New locales for Sailing Ship prototyping: ShipDeck, ShipLightGunDeck, ShipHold, ShipMagazine, ShipQuarter, etc.
  30. New Aggressive behaviors option: NOGANG.. to prevent aggro mobs from ganging up on players
  31. CONFIG now has HELP, and also supports new player PRIVACY flag.
  32. New Command Line builder tool: TEMPLATE -- for saving your favorite kinds of things.
  33. New languages: PigLatin (for Archons), and Pirate (which the Pirate class now gets instead of thieves cant)
  34. New common skill/property: BookLoaning, similar to merchant, but for loaning instead of buying.
  35. FileManager in MUDGrinder now has file rename/move feature.
  36. New property: Prop_LimitedContents, for limiting the number of items of a type in a container or room
  37. Massive number of new shipwrighting recipes.
  38. Factions now support SINK and SUNK faction events, Achievements now support SINKSHIP type.
  39. Alterer nerf: Wish is now level 60, and new spell: Limited Wish, gained at 30.
  40. Channels now support ACCOUNTLOGINS and ACCOUNTLOGOFFS for those using the account system.
  41. Where command now supports new MQL syntax, see AHELP WHERE (and RandomAreas guide) for more info
  42. Prayer Deaths Door moved to Healer 25, self-cast only. New Prayer: Protection from Death, in its place at 19.
  43. Quest Maker Wizard now supports reward items, and will reselect quest givers
  44. New property: Prop_RoomRedirect, and the MODIFY command now supports modify room syntax.
  46. New Archon command: ASYNC, for running long commands in the background.
  47. New questmaker templates: normal_capture2, normal_capture3, normal_capture4, normal_collect3, normal_collect4
  48. The GENERATE command can now generate random quests. See the RandomAreas doc for more info.
  49. New Behavior: RandomQuests for areas or mobs.
  50. More new questmaker templates: normal_killer2, normal_escort1, normal_escort2, normal_mystery1, normal_mystery2
  52. Yet more questmaker templates: *_delivery3, competitive_protect1, competitive_protect2
  53. Prop_Unsellable has new arguments
  54. New command: NOSELL -- for marking items unsellable
  55. New Spell: Shoddy Aura
  56. GenAbility now supports both a quiet and public skill effect, and an uninvoke message
  57. AS command now supports PORT argument for multi-host muds.
  58. Barbarians now get a max dex bonus when going shirtless. I love this. ;)
  59. New skills: Monkey Grip
  60. New chants: Uplift
  61. Forum Journals now support forum Categories
  62. MUDGrinder statistics report now has Social and Command reports
  63. Achievement triggers now support commands, for what that's worth.
  64. Can now jump overboard from a ship.

CoffeeMud 5.9.7

29 Aug 23:39
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Build 5.9.7 Release 08/29/2018

  1. Scholars gain XP from visiting bookstores, and can study dissertations.
  2. A lot of the old static strings in rideables are now customizable by editors, Shipwright/Wainwright
  3. Small boats can TENDER themselves to large ships now, and be RAISEd and LOWERd.
  4. New Area field: Player Level, for overriding median level as a fake statistic.
  5. MUDGrinder Statistic Report now has Areas Report, just like command line did.
  6. New Command and Property: Gait - similar to mood or pose, for your walk-around.
  7. Can now retrieve lost password from player access menu.
  8. New Properties: Banishment, Prop_MoveRestrictor
  9. ROMGangMember behavior messages now customizable.
  10. Scavenger behavior now allows an item zappermask to limit types of items picked up.
  11. New Diseases: Writers Block, Apathy, Blindness, Anosmia, Deafness, Muteness
  12. New Skills: Hammering, Find Home, Find Ship, Food Preserving, Autoswim, Autocrawl
  13. Lassos are more farmer friendly now -- can be untied after throwing, no combat starting, etc.
  14. Wands and Staffs now have their max charges settable from common skill recipes.
  16. Shipwright has all new recipes with new wonders to behold.
  17. REPORT command can now report expertises and languages also.
  18. New Spells: Conjure Ammunition, Harden Bullets, Light Blindness, Mystic Loom
  19. ZapperMask now supports +-ACCOUNTS and +-LOCATION
  20. New Prayer: Mass Forgive
  21. New common skills: Legendary Weaponsmithing, Floristry, Master Herbology, WandMaking
  22. Prop_LocationBound is more flexible with ABSOLUTE, PLAYEROK, and TIMEOUT arguments
  23. Scriptable commands QUESTMOB, QUESTOBJ, and QUESTSCRIPTED can now scan ALL quests
  24. ShapeShift forms 6-11 added, and shapeshift now governed by skills/shapeshift.txt
  25. New Race flag: infatigueable -- prevents fatigue, given to undead and golems.
  26. New standard Races: Flesh Golem, Grizzly Bear, Polar Bear, Crab, SeaHorse, GiantCrab, GiantSeaHorse
  27. Light Sensitivity (Drow racial trait) is now less onerous.
  28. Siplet has better drag-move ability, resize ability from bottom bar, and font
    resize with ctrl-uparrow and ctrl-downarrow
  29. Siplet will now auto-populate the text area when editing room descriptions.
  30. New item type: GenBagOfEndlessness -- remember to set the capacity to 0
  31. Experience can now be gained from role playing, see RPAWARD in the INI file
  32. Experience can now be deferred for a later command, see EXPDEFER in the INI file
  33. LISTFILE now has "condition" msgs for armor and weapons, and entries are overridable.
  34. PROWESSOPTIOS and the LISTFILE can now be used to show skill proficiency as words.
  35. New LOGOUTMASK to limit when a player can logout of the game.
  36. New Archon Skill: Mark OOC -- to stop a player from receiving RolePlay XP.
  37. New Scriptable Command: MPRPEXP, for granting RolePlay xp through scripts.
  38. New Properties: Prop_UseEmoter and Prop_UseEmoter2, for quick and easy item emoting.
  39. New Faction Change Event: SOCIAL -- for triggering faction change from socials
  40. Faction Change Events can now trigger gains of XP or RolePlay XP, and have a % chance
  41. New common skills: Master Floristry, Ship Lore, Branding, Rodsmithing, Staffmaking
  42. New mob types: GenCow, Alligator, Snake, Dolphin, Walrus, Seal, Whale
  43. PROWESSOPTIOS and the LISTFILE can now be used to show char stats as words.
  44. Prop_ItemSlotFiller now supports ADDS argument for another way to add stuff.
  45. New skills: Autoclimb, High Jump, Grazing, Stigma, Adorable, Gore, Wild Tag Turf
  46. New skills: Smells Like Cherries, Throw Feces, Shoot Web, Blessing, Milkable
  47. New skills: Hamstring, Scavenge, Food Begging, Bear Foraging, Track Friend
  48. New skills: Racial Enemy, Combat Frenzy, Quills, Poisonous Bite, Boatwright
  49. New races: Orangutan, Millipede, Cricket, Porcupine, Beaver, Corn Snake
  50. New channel flags: REALNAMEOOC, and REALNAMEOOCNOADMIN
  51. ShapeShift.txt races have changed, and most got new racial abilities
  52. Prop_ItemSlot now supports LEVEL argument to affect the level of the item.
  53. Can now ignore an account, which seems obvious when I think about it.
  54. Most crafting expertises split-up and made more expensive -- backward comp.
  55. Can now disable showing experience in Score and in the Prompt using DISABLE cmd.
  56. New Property: Prop_UseAdjuster, mostly insane, but good for special potion effects.
  57. New Expertises: Vigorous cooking, Imbued Distilling, Fortified Baking, Adv Crafting
  58. New chants: Airy Aura (Mer)
  59. Achievements now includes social tracking.
  60. New common skills: Boatwright (is the OLD Shipwright), and Shipwright (large sailing ships)
  61. New skills: Familiarity_Axe/Sword/etc, Familiarity_Armor/Shield - for crafted items
  62. New common skills: Decorating, CargoLoading, GaolFood
  63. Artisan class has been re-imagined using a Skill Tree instead of the normal system.
  64. Socials can now have multi-word targeted variations for further specificity.
  65. New skills: Hard to Port, Hard to Stern, Tie Down, Abandon Ship, Play Instrument
  66. New spells: Greater Enchant Armor, Greater Enchant Weapon
  67. Fishing now has fishing.txt, with lots of expanded override fish-types.
  68. Smelting has been altered to work more like textiling, expanding its range of possibilities.
  69. Costuming and Master Costuming have been radically changed to be learn-only fake overlays.
  70. Hunting now has a hunting.txt, plus some water-based things to hunt
  71. New Expertises: Adv cooking
  72. Crafting expertise keywords can now be hidden from item name
  73. LongLook at food and drink now gives additional info.
  74. New PROMPT codes: %y and %Y, for showing common skill progress.
  75. Common skills now support dot-selection and list armor wear loc, list weapon class/type
  76. Building skills now support INFO, and xp to Artisans.
  77. Standardized email disclaimers, and there's now an unsubscribe link and account unsubscribe.
  78. New Property: Prop_Sounder, like Sounder behavior, but without tick triggers.
  79. New Archon Skills: Shame, with new Property: Shaming. Also Peacefully cmd.
  80. Laws now include banishment, public shaming, prison breaks -- see laws.ini
  81. New skills: Lobotomizing, Groin, Nippletwist, Prisoner Transfer, Prison Assignment
  82. Prop_Resist can now limit debuf durations.
  83. New Tech components: Inertial Dampeners, Gravity Generators
  84. Can now send misc JDBC properties using DBPARMS in ini file, and also DBTRANSACT is new.