Releases: bozimmerman/CoffeeMud
Releases · bozimmerman/CoffeeMud
Build 5.10.4 Release 12/05/2024
- DATABASE CHANGED! (Bitmap field in CMCHAR table is now larger)
- Races/GenRaces support parameters for cultural abilities.
- Better MSSP/MSDP support. New INI entry: MSXPVARS.
- Ability CODES & DOMAINS can now be added to via the INI file/control panel.
- Deity powers, curses, blessings all now support arguments
- New skills: Improved Revoke, Hard to Starboard, Staff Sweep, Staff Block
- GenAbilities: better argument parsing (see Game Builders Guide)
- New command: NOSPAM
- AutoGenInstances will now respect multiple entrances. See RandomAreas guide.
- Two new Pride/TOP Stat config settings, PRIDECATS and PRIDECOUNT in INI file
- TOP command now only displays text files in resources/text/topplayers.txt, etc
- TOP pride stats are retained for deleted players & accounts, until they fall off.
- New Zappermask: +-DOMAIN
- Thin Areas will now develop their correct area stats eventually
- Can now modify GenAbility IDs, and create new ones based on existing ones.
- Regeneration property now has many finer controls
- GMCP now supports char.effects.get
- New chants: breath color, know animal, enhance potion, spark runes, inspect shard
- All Qualifies list now supports secret flag
- New formula: proficiency gain; see ini file
- Note: Due to InterMud 3 changes, some will see a harmless one-time error at startup.
- New Prayer: Pacify -- a targeted Calm with duration
- Proficiency cap from practicing now in INI file (see PRACMAXPCT)
- Unit Tests (TEST command) are now friendlier and more accessible
- Wish/Limited Wish now has a configuration file in resources/skills/wish.txt
- Unleveling and Unleveling from XP loss can be disabled in the INI file
- Unleveling no longer removes a level 0 class, but still takes from other classes
- SCORE command has more arguments for narrowing the results.
- Prop_ItemNoRuin can now be used to Always ruin an item.
- Class Skills, including All Qualifys, now support expertises as requirements.
- New Command "AutoAttack" for toggling auto attack. Also available in Config.
- Players can now drop, get, etc all weapons, armor, items, or money.
- TOP/Pride stats now preserves previous-period stats.
- CRON jobs now support new intervals and better formula support (HELP CRON)
- New example script playerBackups.js for making player backups as cmare xml.
- New example script topMonthlyRpt.js for making TOP player reports every month.
- New example script topMonthlyAwards.js for giving TOP player awards every month.
- New thief skills: Runecasting, Kidnapping, Urchinize, Tarot Reading, Find Runaway
- Prophecy prayer will now also use new random predictions file
- New property: ScriptLater for, well, scripting later
- Generate command now supports object type SCRIPTS
- StdPlanarAbility, etc now works on exits and portals
- Spell_Teleport can now generate random areas when places on exits and portals.
- The XML files feature from quest scripts can now be used in mobprog scripts also.
- New prayer: Divine Quest, mostly to use in blessings or curses.
- New spell: Tap Scroll, Mystic Task, mostly for use in scripts
- POSE command now supports HERE argument.
- New Achievement award types: ITEM, and MOB
- New chants: Release Magic, Tasseography, Curse Mood, Enhance Jewelry, Extend Fortune
- Areas now track several more stats and most common race, see LIST AREAS for more info.
- New thief skills: My Urchins, Astrology, Name Urchin, Promote Urchin, Call Urchins
- New chants: Suppress Fortune, Enhance Shard, Bountiful Womb, Curse Fortune, Palm Reading
- New common skill: Shard Making, Improved Herbalism
- New skills: Staff Spin, Scroll Familiarity, Trade Charting, Staff Thrust, Caravan Travel
- New chants: Steal Fortune, Strengthen Seed, Endow Club, Reverse Fortune, Endow Gemstones
- New thief skills: Conceal Pathway, Urchin Spy, Fortune Telling
- New chants: Curse Seed, Endow Jewelry, Endow Ioun Stone, Stabilize Form
- New rideable type: furniture-hook
- HELP can now match on common recipes to tell you which skill produces them.
- Many resource files can be 'extended' by adding versions with .1, .2, etc after the extension.
- Std/Gen Journals now support post and msg size limits, and post expiration.
- CONSIDER and GCONSIDER now support the "all" syntax.
- ACCOUNT now supports a sort field.
- Corpses can now be generated with some cause-of-death blurbs, see CORPSE_BLURBS in LISTS.INI.
- New MOB class: StdCraftBroker, allows players to craft for each other async. See Archons Guide
- Magical Ability code on armor now applies only to non-multiwear armor.
- Game Channels can now be tied to Discord channels via Discord Apps and Bots.
- New shopkeeper type: children seller (for an orphanage).
- New RP/MUSH-like command 'DIEROLL'.
- User selection masking now supports "LAST.", like GET LAST.SWORD
- FTELL will now invoke GTELL, but only for your followers.
- GROUP now supports LEADER keyword to change your group leader.
- FORMATION can now put anyone in front row, and attacks initiated by formation make front row tank.
- New item type: GenBurnOven -- an oven that requires burning fuel inside.
- New Property: TriggeredAffects, for having effects that are triggered :)
- New race: Rust Monster
- ORDER now works with animal followers for specific commands in LISTS.INI file
- Can now LIST DBCONNECTIONS to check database status
- New character class: Gypsy - thief subclass with druid highlights
- New command: AUTOTELLNOTIFY, with CONFIG support also, for account-based muds.
Build 5.10.3 Release 01/01/2024
*. CoffeeMud now officially requires jdk 1.8. ATM, it will still compile in 1.6 tho.
- New Paladin skills: Unholy Strike, Chaos Rage, Paladin's Fear, Paladin's Corruption
- New Paladin skills: Incite Fight, Dark Hammer, Paladin's Wickedness, Crushing Aura
- New Paladin skills: Craft Unholy Reaver, Righteous Defense, Exploiting Aura
- Paladin's can now be Anti-Paladins if they maintain chaotic evil.
- New Items: CubicGate, GenGiftContainer, GenTent, GenStove, Spear (polearm)
- New Achievement stuff: Tattoo reward type, ENTITLED achieve type
- Tattoos like 'RACE_" or "CHARCLASS_" now open up otherwise skill-restricted options.
- Liege xp bonus can no longer be gained from non-combat or role-playing xp vassel gains.
- New CharStat XPADJPCT - for adding bonus % xp (or loss if negative)
- Prop_NoPurge now supports an expiration date/timestamp
- New StdMob type: CombatDummy, for testing.
- New spells: Wizard's Mark, Suppress Aroma, Store Aromas
- New prayers: Undeath Guard, Animate Shadow, Animate Limb
- GOTITEM Achievement type now supports multiple item masks.
- New standard races: Ghast, Ghoul, Ghost, Mummy, Spectre, Vampire, and Zombie
- Undead race mixing now has its own special rules, which Prayer_Animate* will use
- WaterCurrents messaging can now be customized.
- Default days/month is now 24, default months/yr now 7. Postmen retain mail for 40 months.
- GenRaces now support multiple natural weapon choices, better reflecting StdRaces.
- AFK status produced from the AFK command is now sticky until explicitly toggled.
- Prop_RoomForSale now allows disabling the robbery laws on a property-by-property basis.
- SAVE= rooms will properly rejuv before saving, Thin areas now allow property taxes
- Prop_NoTeleport now supports redirection, and custom messages
- Mirrors now act like LOOK SELF
- STAT commands supports new POBJECT (player objects) arg.
- New command: MEND, for invoking the proper common skill. Mend spell renamed to Lesser Mend.
- Gaoler can now wear leather.
- Temporary skills now show up in the SKILLS/SPELLS/etc command as dark grey.
- You can no longer cast speak or cast verbal spells unless you can breathe where you are.
- ALIAS now supports a copy command.
- New skill: Stoicism
- Pregnant people now get food addictions, and Addictions can now include resource name
- Amputation now works on corpses.
- Prop_*Adjusters now support ambiance+- arguments.
- New property: Prop_PropSetter, for potentially permanent object changes.
- Rituals now support TIMEOUT, INCLUDE and ASSIST tasks for cooperative magic!
- PROMPT now supports group size / max group members, and CONFIG/Attribute blocks
- MG Journal browser now supports Journal Limit / pages.
- Decoration now supports hiding items in plain sight/semi-hidden.
- Quests can now suppress local laws while they are running.
- Prop_ClosedDayNight can now generate near-closing greetings.
- MudChat now how syntax for adding marginal entries over the chat.dat entries.
- Loyalty will report itself when the leader looks at the loyal follower.
- EXAMINE/LONGLOOK at mobs will now show wear positions like EQ LONG
- CATALOG now supports spawn caps, random (masked) room spawns, and mob spawns.
- SERVEing another player now requires that their NOFOLLOW flag be off.
- ACHIEVEMENTS command now always supports including awards in lists.
- Channels now support SEARCH:
- Subscribe now supports channels and their backlogs
- Titles now support random selection lists.
- Prop_UseEmoter* and Prop_Sounder support trigger mob masks now.
- Generic Abilities can now be COPYed, and Standard ones badly. CREATE will now convert.
- New standard races: GiantBear, GiantBoar, DireBear, DireBoar, DireCat
- New skills: Racial Mount, Call Steed, Rope Tricks, Awe Mounts, Bronco Busting
- The racial skill "Buck" will now invoke automatically for certain races of mobs
- New skills: Set Polearm, Dismounting Blow, Herding, Shepherding, Long Reach
- New skills: Soothe Mount, Tend Mount, Favored Mount 1...4, Forceback, Rearguard
- New skills: Indoor Riding, Command Mount, Unwavering Mark, Graceful Dismount
- New skills: Mount Taming, Mounted Tactics, Ridethrough, Vanguard, Mounted Retreat
- New skills: Confident Vanity, Lassoing, Jousting, Rope Trip, Fierce Mount
- (Power) LEVEL expertises now grant points to proficiency on all skills/spells/etc.
- New skills: Holy Mount, Unholy Mount, Rope Disarm, Armored Vanity, Mounted Leap
- TEAR/DESTROY can now be used to tear cloth into strips for bandaging or whatever
- New skills: Companion Mount, Hold The Line, Faithful Mount, Break Mount, Caravan Tactics
- New skills: Lucky Vanity, Sweeping Trip, Ride to the Rescue, Rope Dismount, Runover
- Command FOLLOW can now be used with sailing ships and caravans.
- New skills: Riding Fight, Hog Tie, Stable Mount, Caravan Commander, Planar Mount
- New skills: Protected Mount, Trample, Combat Recall
- New Achevement type: SCRIPTED, and new Scriptable command: MPACHIEVE
- Layer info added to VIEW and slightly more apparently in LONGLOOK.
- Conquest now requires dead mob lvl diff <= EXPRATEx2 (from ini file) HELP CONQUERABLE
- GenTraps now support custom reset ticks for builder-set traps.
- New common skills: Mycology, and Master Mycology. (Herbology now also Recipe Driven/Editable)
- New poison: Sickening (for mushrooms that aren't rotten, but aren't good for you either).
- Languages now support special 'say' verbs. Std languages updated, especially animal-speaks.
- Instanced areas can now be reset/flushed and timed-out from Scripts. See Archons Guide.
Build 5.10.2 Release 4/28/2023
- DATABASE CHANGED! (Enlarged CMDATE, and new expiration date added to CMJRNL table)
- GMODIFY can now affect Areas.
- New Races; Mustalids, Badger, Otter, Wolverine, Giant Otter, Dire Otter, Mustie
- Genders are now defined in lists.ini
- Socials update
- New Deviations features: mob power levels, sorting
- New Deviations button in the MUDGrinder map and room editors
- New Chants: Summon Squall
- Looking UP into a generated sky now gives some basic info.
- New Exit type: Skyway -- for supporting the above.
- New Achievement type: CHARITY
- New Disable flag: FATIGUE
- New skill: Await Clan Ship
- The "Know Plants" skill will now report on edible-ness.
- Some divination spells are now more mob-follower-friendly. (e.g. Find Directions)
- New Spell "Majesty", the effects of which can only be wished for.
- Prop_ShortEffects expanded to include remotely-cast effects also.
- ACCOUNT command can now show chars with waiting mail, or missed tells.
- Prop_WearAdjuster allows dressing and content manipulation, from outside (saddlebags).
- New item: GenBagOfHolding
- REMOVE command can now target a wear location.
- Warrants skill can now accept a filter argument
- Shopkeepers listing their own inventory can see amount of stock.
- WillQualify and Qualify commands now have UNIQUE argument.
- New INI entry: XPMOD, and changes to Prop_ModExperience also.
- Common Account menu now configurable (help/acctmenu.txt)
- New forum posts now support attachments.
- WeatherAffects behavior can now be more independent of the actual weather.
- New language: FoxSpeak
- New Spell "Know Province"
- Duelers can now engage in unfair fights.
- New command: Calendar, plus auto-notifications for the start of Holidays in channels.
- Painting skill now has recipes file.
- GenAbility affect adjustments and tick override now support variables.
- Messing up a crafting skill results in a Ruined item instead of nothing.
- NastyAbilities now has CHECKLEVEL argument.
- Can now SLEEP UNTIL RESTED to remove fatigue
- MOB armor suggested values now balance player attack values. *ness Behaviors modified.
- StdMOBS will now auto-scale by their set levels, making them much more useful.
Build 5.10.1 Release 1/01/2023
- FasterRecovery expanded and new char stat REJUVRATE for Prop*Adjuster
- Ability Components now support their own private socials list.
- Deity and Component rituals and triggers now have their own MUDGrinder editor.
- PLAYERDEATH now supports PURGE X for a "lives remaining" type effect.
- New chant: Summon Animals
- Stat and train costs can now be specified in terms of a local currency
- WHERE Archon command now supports MQL updates via WHERE UPDATE: ...
- Disease_Vampirism greatly expanded, and its features argument-controllable
- New INI entry DEFAULTABILITYARGS for setting default property/skill arguments.
- LOGOUTMASK now supports a tick argument for how long to keep the mob in game.
- Decorating is now recipe driven, and has numerous new options
- Commands now support copying other player settings:
CONFIG COPY [playername] /CHANNELS COPY [playername]/COLORSET COPY [playername] - New archon LIST option: Orphans, for rooms without incoming exits
- MODIFY command supports MQL with MODIFY UPDATE:...
- DESTROY command supports MQL with DESTROY DELETE: from ...
- Clan Government role 'CLAN_MOTD' changed to 'READ_MOTD'. 'CREATE_MOTD' added.
- New Zappermask: +-CLANLEVEL, for filtering a members clan's level
- New Bombs: Bomb_SpellBlast
- New Spell: Spell_DetonateBombs
- Prop_Closed* properties now support a zappermask for the object.
- New common skill: Black Marketeering, for Thieves, Burglars, and Gaolers
- New poisons: anesthesia, and hallucinogen, hazia, and new Drug Cutting recipes
- Gaolers now get Drug Cutting, Slave Marketeering, Pimping, and new Thief Skill: Roofie
- BUY/SELL/VALUE/BID/BORROW/etc... now supports with/to/from to designate shopkeepers
- New Disease: Hatred
- New Thief skill: Smuggle. Also, laws.ini has example banned item laws.
- Gaolers now affect conquered area loyalty via their torture techniques.
- New expertise: torturing
- New Gaoler skills: Child Labor, Track Criminal, Spread Apathy, Spread Hatred
- Quest SPAWNABLE now supports ANY, ONCE, ALLONCE, and ANYONCE. You should update your file if necc.
Build 5.10.0 Release 9/23/2022
- New Scriptable functions: ROOMPC and AREAPC
- Caravans now have their own internal Directions (fore, back, right, left, up, down)
- Crafting INFO feature will now give the approx. time to craft
- New common skill: Shrooming, for growing mushrooms/fungus
- Newly crafted Clan Journals now writeable only by clan role power (journal). INI updated.
- New clan govt roles: CREATE_LAW (for law books), and JOURNAL (for writing to journals)
- Clans now support mud-yearly dues
- New weather type: FOG, with weatheraffects support
- New chant: Summon Fog
- MUDGrinder Player Manager now links to a WhiteList editor.
- New spells: Greater Claireaudience, Greater Clairevoyance, Greater Scry
- Smelting, Wainwright, Papermaking, and Siegecrafting recipes updated
- New account flag: NOCHARPURGE to protect all account players
- New base materials/raw env resources: NICKEL, PALLADIUM, VEGETABLE
- New thief skills: silent wear, silent hold, silent wield
- ResourceOverride now has more options and applications
- New Zappermask flags: +-RIDE, +-FOLLOW
- Prop_LangTranslator now has a ridiculously expanded functionality
- AnimalTraining now supports mundane things like sit, kill, etc.
- AREAS now supports EXPLORED argument
- New command: ASSIST
- PUSH and PULL now take a tick, and can fail from weight, but supports assist
- New Prayer: Eternal Item
- Players can now rush thier crafting, as per the new expertise, w/o learning it
- New Generic ability type: GenWrightSkill - for making large construction skills
- ShipWright, Caravan Building, and Clan Caravan Building now have editable recipes
- Prop_NoCraftability can now be applies to recipes, and has a zappermask.
- Caravan Building now has a full complete recipe set.
- CHANNELS command can now be used to turn all on/off at once.
- Suffix and Prefix Titles will automatically combine. See help.
- New property: Prop_Fumble, to cause skill failures
- Addictions now supports multiple additions, and sniffing magic dust
- New Clan Item: StdClanConcierge (and Gen*) for clans getting around
- MOB max items, max carry weight, and max followers are now in INI file/grinder.
- Statistics for accounts/ips online will now be tracked and shown.
- Reaction Factions can now be permanently saved from the MUDGrinder also.
- AutoTitles now support Max players -- use sparingly, causes DB scans.
- New Generic Trap type, for many new traps for damage, from skills or scripts
- The recipes for lacquering, dying, and similar paint skills are now editable
- The recipes for Lay Traps and Lay Minor Traps are now editable
- New bombs: sonic, heat, sticky, shaped
- Make Bombs can now make their products obviously bombs instead of obsfucated
- New thief skills: Set Timer, Detect Bombs, Heretical Faith
- Updates to several language vocabularies
- Help now shows "see also help on..." that is auto-magically generated.
- Can now create/modify/destroy HELP entries.
- Hirelings now report their time remaining, and can be queried on that subject.
- MPAFFECT Scriptable command can now have number of ticks specified.
- New command: HISTORY, for showing command history to players
- New archon command(s): basically do scriptable commands from the cl (MPCOMMAND)
- ALIAS command now supports TEST argument
- New races: Shrimp, Tuna, Half Ogre, Drider, Birdman, Tiefling
- New common skill: Animal Trapping, requires a cage, for trapping small game
- New Scriptable command: MPHIT, for forcing an immediate weapon attack
- Tents and other ENTER-IN type rideables now protect against some weather affects
- Archons can now create/list/mod/del periodic script runs (cron jobs)
- New skill: Skill_Math. It's a calculator. woohoo.
- Player Prompt now supports % visited area and world
- Journals now support message COPY option for admins
- New optional player date-based bonuses system called AutoAwards (or just Awards)
- REPORT commands can now filter by domain
- Lanterns, like drinkables, have liquid type and capacity that determines duration now.
- Ability Components now support deity-like trigger rituals for invoking skills/spells/etc
- New Fighter Skills: Bear Hug, Clinch Hold, Choke Hold, Sleeper Hold, Headlock, Arm Hold
- New Fighter Skills: Double Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Finger Lock, Ankle Lock, Wrist Lock
- New Fighter Skills: Elbow Lock, Bulldog, Gutbuster, Knee, Elbow Jab, Earbox
- Deities should be given weapons to influence craft holy avenger and other holy magic.
- New Fighter Skills: Forearm Block, Breakout
- New INI entry TRAINCOSTS for setting (or removing) costs for various things.
- Shutdown-restart has been removed. It never really worked right anyway.
Build 5.9.12 Release 1/17/2022
*. DB Changes: CMCOLR field in CMCHAR increased in size to 255 chars, CMSNAM field added to CMBKLG
- Prop_Have/WearAdjuster supports item sets now
- MANACOST and MANAMINCOST entries in coffeemud.ini allows more flexible skill costs
- Skill use will now attempt to check range before consuming mana/resources
- New locale types: undergroundcitystreet and underwatercitystreet
- New command: abilities
- Default MINMANACOST is now skill level or 10, whichever is greater.
- Many crafting skills now support FROM syntax to specify specific resources.
- Metacraft will select random resource by weight. New value filter for metacraft in Random Generator.
- All achievements now support PLAYERMASK, even if it makes no sense.
- Lots of new achievements -- mostly skill proficiency related
- Prop_InstantDeath can now kill you less instantly.
- STARTMANA, STARTMOVE, and STARTHP in ini file can append to class changes/level.
- New INI entry: BONUSACT -- for global action bonus tweeking
- Crafting skill INFO command now supports expertises and specific resources
- CLASSSYSTEM has new class limit boundary options, and new GAIN and SWITCH for train cost.
- New achievement flag: REMORT, for forcing remorting players to re-acquire player achievements.
- Alchemy now supports powders/dusts
- New prayer: sense chants
- Weaponsmith/Fletching/leatherworking now supports min/max range data
- New achievement type GROUPKILL
- Socials now support flags. Initial flags for confirming, target confirming.
- New Property: Prop_MultiEffects, for stacking the same prop multiple times.
- Import, Export now support class, race, ability as specific object.
- New Mood: Silly
- Nwe items: GenCaravan, a land-based sailing ship, and GenGangline, for making mob follower teams
- New common skill: CaravanBuilding, for, well, building caravans.
- Magic Powders can now be sniffed to self-enchant
- New common skill: Improved Alchemy
- New prompt flags: combat-only sections, non-combat-only sections
- Expertises now support .2 files like achievements, and MODIFY EXPERTISE now works.
- Prop_RoomView has new parms, LONGLOOK, and ATTACK to give ship-like abilities, and dirs.
- New misc property: AmbianceAdder, for adding random ambiances to things.
- New Items: GenCastle, GenClanCastle -- stationary boardables.
- Clans can now make GenClanCastles using ClanCrafting.
- AREAVISIT achievement type now supports CONFLICT argument.
- Refusing to create a new character no longer counts against login attempts.
- New spells: Greater Levitate, Greater Mend, Deflection, Harden, Improved Harden
- Rodsmithing, Staffmaking, Wandmaking, Fletching, Gunsmithing, Siegecraft all support X handed items
- New misc property: Carnivorous, for particular races, such as cats, orcs, and goblins
- Thrown weapons are now cheaper for crafters to make
- Clan Who now uses list members instead of clan benefits
- Clan members who can order conquered are also above the law.
Build 5.9.11 Release 02/20/2021
- a(n) is now official filter syntax for a/an
- Shutdown command now supports AT syntax to set a RL time certain.
- Languages now support a translation ID to assist shopkeepers with slang languages.
- New Locale: ShoreGrid
- Amputation can be done to player followers, with their permission.
- Look can now target items in open containers
- Prop_*Adjuster now supports ABLEPROFS and ABLELVLS, and will give log errors in arguments
- Socials now support qualifying zappermasks to use the social
- WILLQUALIFY now supports NOx syntax to filter OUT things.
- Building skills: exits now support exit descriptions, with @x1 to substitute next room display.
- GenAbility now supports customizable Target Fail message
- Player visitation is now tracked in the most recent instanced area, but still not saved to db.
- New faction change events: DYING, AREAEXPLORE, AREAASS, AREAKILL, and flag: RESTIME, and parm: WITHIN
- New misc ability: InstanceArea, for creating modified instances out of existing areas
- New achievement type: INSTANCEEXPIRE - for tying an achievement to having been in an instance
- ShopKeepers, et al can each of their own unique currency setting
- Scriptable MPGSET, STAT, etc.. now supports MAX char states (MAXHITS, etc)
- Achievements now support expiration/duration.
- More new faction change events: all coffeemud message (CMMsg) types.
- New Thief Skills: Mask Faith, False Faith, Graverobbing, Repurpose Text, Whiplash
- New Prayers: Deplete Scroll, Attune Scroll, Empower Scroll, Tongues, Fluency, Sense Devotion
- Zappermasks now support +-WEEK, +-DAYOFYEAR, +-YEAR, +-WEEKOFYEAR, and X or Y or Xnd Y syntax
- New injury system: Scarring
- New Prayers: Empower Shield, Read Language, Store Prayer, Lesser Warding Glyph, Deflect Prayer
- New Thief skills: Borrow Boon, Unearth Demography, Digsite, False Service, Blend In, Sense Digs
- Zappermasks now support +-OR to introduce separate conditions
- Deities can now be picked at char creation, see DEITYPOLICY in ini file or M.G. control panel
- Many GREET style Scriptable triggers now support zapper masks instead of pct chance
- Scriptable has new GROUP_GREET_PROG for greetings that trigger at most once per tick.
- New Prayers: Deplete Relic, Attune Relic, Empower Relic, Transfer Bane, Release Prayer, Transfer Boon
- New Skills: Whiplash, Research Item, Research Region Map, AutoHammerRing, Befoul Shrine
- New Prayers: Improved Warning Glyph, Sense Parish, Reflect Prayer, Amplify Unholy Weapon
- New Prayers: Empower Holy Weapon, Empower Sacred Weapon, Imbue Shield, Share Boon, Empower Just Weapon
- New Thief skills: Heroic Reflexes, Condemn Mark, Steal Boon, Whip Strip, Incite Divine Feud
- New Prayers: Empower Unjust Weapon, Empower Modest Weapon, Greater Warding Glyph, Find Sacred Item
- New Prayers: Empower Holy Weapon, Empower Unholy Weapon, Empower Sacred Weapon, Protect Sacred Item
- New Prayers: Imbue Holy Weapon, Imbue Unholy Weapon, Umbue Sacred Weapon, Imbue Just Weapon
- New Prayers: Imbue Foul Weapon, Imbue Modest Weapon, Protect Item, Sacred Imbuing Quest
- The AS and AT commands now support PLAYERS to do things as or at all the players online.
- GMODIFY now has PLAYERS option to alter/scan all players. Dang, this command is dangerous.
- MOTD command can now be used to set motd.txt file, which is also now deleted every day.
- New random quest template category: auto, for making quests w/o quest givers.
- New mood: reflective
- Factions can now be set as being non-inheritable by children
- New prayers: Planar Pilgrimage, Sense Resistances, Protection from Bless
- New Thief skills: Use Potion, Case Joint
- New class: Reliquist
- Builder version of OUTFIT can now be targeted, and give metacrafted gear
- Std/Gen Languages can now be marked as natural to differentiate human from encryption/animal sounds
- New user config: NOREPROMPT -- for getting new prompts only when user input received
- New fighter skill: Stance.
- Fighters lose wand use, Rangers swap wands for shards, Paladins wands for relics.
- Several exotic (elemental/golem) races were balanced a bit, for transmutation purposes.
- Racial transformations via magic will undo previous char stat changes and apply new ones correctly.
- Two new INI entries: EFFECTCAP (cap effects), and EFFECTCXL (which is complicated, related to XP).
- New Clan Item type: GenClanSailorsCap, allowing clans to assign ship captains at will.
- New achievement type: SKILLPROF for becoming proficient, DECONSTRUCTING for learning recipes
- Wealth now shows bank balances
CoffeeMud 5.9.10
- Build 5.9.10 Released 6/16/2020 *
- Wands/etc have enchant type as a restriction, WandMaking/StaffMaking/Rodsmithing support.
- New PLAYERDEATH option: RETAIN -- to allow player mobs to keep their items on death.
- Scriptable GSTAT now supports BASESTRENGTH, BASEDEXTERITY, etc.. and BASEDAMAGE, etc..
- New skills: Shard Use, Relic Use, Light Placebo, Placebo, Krakenform, Planar Tactics
- New prayers: enchant relic, recharge relic, read prayer, clarify prayer, planar plague
- New chants: Enchant Shards, Recharge Shards, Read Runes, Refresh Runes, Fishy Fecundity
- New songs: Restore Music, Enchant Instrument, Recharge Instrument, Read Music, Saudade
- New questmaker templates: competitive/normal_collect5, competitive/normal_delivery4, normal/travel4
- Crafting skills can now list recipes by level range, eg list 5-, list -5, list 10-20
- New disable flags: AUTOMOODS, DIS955RULE
- New Scriptable triggers: CAST_PROG and CASTING_PROG
- New questmaker templates: normal_dispel1
- New achievement field: VISIBLEMASK
- Prop_RoomDark/Lit now support HOURS argument.
- New climate type: VOID, for disabling weather locally
- New domain types: indoor seaport, cave seaport
- New locales: Void, CaveSeaPort, WoodSeaPort
- New generic skill type: GenGatheringSkill, with CL and MudGrinder support
- Quest engine now supports saved generic abilities, ability groups, etc
- Game Builders Guide updated for writing MOBPROG for quests, and new quest fields
- New item StdQuestBoard/GenQuestBoard for a new way to accept quests.
- New property: Prop_QuestGiver for quests from rooms, items, areas, etc.
- New expertise: Energist, replaces old Airelist. New Airelist is for gas attacks.
- Added crime tracking to statistics, and support in stats and mudgrinder
- ShopKeepers (of all stripes) now have a View Types/Flags field to control VIEW cmd.
- Grinder Area editor now includes Mobs and Items editors.
- Grinder area editor now includes a Tree selector for Areas
- New Planar reactions/faction, new eliteing system for planes. See planesofexistence.txt
- New achievement type: AREAVISIT
- Planes of Existence have categories, opposed plans, and can now be edited from CL and MudGrinder.
- New spells: Imprisonment, Planarmorph Self, Planarmorph, Improved Planarmorph, Planar Block
- The hit point/mana/move colors will now go yellow < 50% and red < 25%.
- When coming off AFK, the system will now mention any missed Tells.
- New spells: Planar Bubble, Planar Timer, Planar Extension, Planar Banish, Planar Burst
- Siplet and MUDGrinder and fakedb now supports UTF-8
- Crafting recipes can now include behaviors as well as effects.
- New spells: Planar Distortion, Improved Planar Distortion, Find Planar Familiar, Planar Ward
- EXAMINE can now see clothing layers with sufficient level and int.
- New spells: True Name, Planar Enthrall
- New prayers: maligned portal, benigned portal, elemental portal
- New chants: planar link, planar adaptation
- New skills: Cosmic Adaptation, Planar Enemy, Planar Veteran
CoffeeMud 5.9.9
Build 5.9.9 Release 12/18/2019
- Minor database change: CMQUESID in CMQUESTS, CMRCID in CMGRAC, CMPKEY in CMPDAT enlarged. Mostly optional.
- New prayers: empower unholy weapon, morph unholy weapon, faithful hellhound, discipline
- New prayers: remove inhibitions, preserve knowledge
- Prop_OpenCommand and Prop_CloseCommand have expanded arguments.
- Room-based Gathering skills now decrease yield with repeated spams of the same room.
- WHO list will now sort archons to the top. WHO Account will sort by account name.
- Monthly TOP reports will, at the end of the month, now be saved in DBFS dir /resources/reports
- MUD Clients that only support 16 colors, can have 256-color ansi codes translated to 16. See HELP ANSI.
- ANSI-256 color codes are now all in /resources/skills/colors.txt
- Shopkeeper VIEW on an ability will give it's help entry.
- New command: WORTH, mostly for legacy mud support.
- New RPAWARDS: EMOTE-x and CHANNEL. See coffeemud.ini file for more information
- Lacquering/Dyeing now support 256 colors and REMOVE, recipes updated and re-formatted.
- Wish now has a one rl-day cool-down.
- Siplet now supports ANSI-256
- New Scriptable command: MPCASTEXT, MPLINK, MPUNLINK, and MPPUT
- New MOB class: GenRideableUndead, with Raise Undead support in prayers.
- New internal property: ExtraData, for attaching random data to specific objects.
- New common skills: Master Dyeing, Master Lacquering, Improved Teaching
- Players >= last player level no longer gain experience above a 2% over cap.
- New disease: Color Blindness. All Canine-related races now have it.
- MANACOMPOUND system expanded to support multiple rules, masks, and ability cooldowns
- New PROMPT variable to list your skills on cooldown/mana compounding.
- New command: SUBSCRIBE, for getting notifications about journal posts
- New INI entries: MAXITEMSWORN, to limit total items worn, and MAXWEARPERLOC to limit replicated parts
- Combat stats now recorded for players at each level. STAT COMBAT will give a limited view.
- Banker ability to hold items and make loans can be disabled on a per-mob basis. See GenBanker in Archon's Guide.
- New property: Prop_LimitedEquip, for limiting the number of times a specific item can be equipped
- New Scriptable triggers: putting_prog, speak_prog
- New locales for Sailing Ship prototyping: ShipDeck, ShipLightGunDeck, ShipHold, ShipMagazine, ShipQuarter, etc.
- New Aggressive behaviors option: NOGANG.. to prevent aggro mobs from ganging up on players
- CONFIG now has HELP, and also supports new player PRIVACY flag.
- New Command Line builder tool: TEMPLATE -- for saving your favorite kinds of things.
- New languages: PigLatin (for Archons), and Pirate (which the Pirate class now gets instead of thieves cant)
- New common skill/property: BookLoaning, similar to merchant, but for loaning instead of buying.
- FileManager in MUDGrinder now has file rename/move feature.
- New property: Prop_LimitedContents, for limiting the number of items of a type in a container or room
- Massive number of new shipwrighting recipes.
- Factions now support SINK and SUNK faction events, Achievements now support SINKSHIP type.
- Alterer nerf: Wish is now level 60, and new spell: Limited Wish, gained at 30.
- Channels now support ACCOUNTLOGINS and ACCOUNTLOGOFFS for those using the account system.
- Where command now supports new MQL syntax, see AHELP WHERE (and RandomAreas guide) for more info
- Prayer Deaths Door moved to Healer 25, self-cast only. New Prayer: Protection from Death, in its place at 19.
- Quest Maker Wizard now supports reward items, and will reselect quest givers
- New property: Prop_RoomRedirect, and the MODIFY command now supports modify room syntax.
- New Archon command: ASYNC, for running long commands in the background.
- New questmaker templates: normal_capture2, normal_capture3, normal_capture4, normal_collect3, normal_collect4
- The GENERATE command can now generate random quests. See the RandomAreas doc for more info.
- New Behavior: RandomQuests for areas or mobs.
- More new questmaker templates: normal_killer2, normal_escort1, normal_escort2, normal_mystery1, normal_mystery2
- Yet more questmaker templates: *_delivery3, competitive_protect1, competitive_protect2
- Prop_Unsellable has new arguments
- New command: NOSELL -- for marking items unsellable
- New Spell: Shoddy Aura
- GenAbility now supports both a quiet and public skill effect, and an uninvoke message
- AS command now supports PORT argument for multi-host muds.
- Barbarians now get a max dex bonus when going shirtless. I love this. ;)
- New skills: Monkey Grip
- New chants: Uplift
- Forum Journals now support forum Categories
- MUDGrinder statistics report now has Social and Command reports
- Achievement triggers now support commands, for what that's worth.
- Can now jump overboard from a ship.
CoffeeMud 5.9.7
Build 5.9.7 Release 08/29/2018
- Scholars gain XP from visiting bookstores, and can study dissertations.
- A lot of the old static strings in rideables are now customizable by editors, Shipwright/Wainwright
- Small boats can TENDER themselves to large ships now, and be RAISEd and LOWERd.
- New Area field: Player Level, for overriding median level as a fake statistic.
- MUDGrinder Statistic Report now has Areas Report, just like command line did.
- New Command and Property: Gait - similar to mood or pose, for your walk-around.
- Can now retrieve lost password from player access menu.
- New Properties: Banishment, Prop_MoveRestrictor
- ROMGangMember behavior messages now customizable.
- Scavenger behavior now allows an item zappermask to limit types of items picked up.
- New Diseases: Writers Block, Apathy, Blindness, Anosmia, Deafness, Muteness
- New Skills: Hammering, Find Home, Find Ship, Food Preserving, Autoswim, Autocrawl
- Lassos are more farmer friendly now -- can be untied after throwing, no combat starting, etc.
- Wands and Staffs now have their max charges settable from common skill recipes.
- Shipwright has all new recipes with new wonders to behold.
- REPORT command can now report expertises and languages also.
- New Spells: Conjure Ammunition, Harden Bullets, Light Blindness, Mystic Loom
- ZapperMask now supports +-ACCOUNTS and +-LOCATION
- New Prayer: Mass Forgive
- New common skills: Legendary Weaponsmithing, Floristry, Master Herbology, WandMaking
- Prop_LocationBound is more flexible with ABSOLUTE, PLAYEROK, and TIMEOUT arguments
- Scriptable commands QUESTMOB, QUESTOBJ, and QUESTSCRIPTED can now scan ALL quests
- ShapeShift forms 6-11 added, and shapeshift now governed by skills/shapeshift.txt
- New Race flag: infatigueable -- prevents fatigue, given to undead and golems.
- New standard Races: Flesh Golem, Grizzly Bear, Polar Bear, Crab, SeaHorse, GiantCrab, GiantSeaHorse
- Light Sensitivity (Drow racial trait) is now less onerous.
- Siplet has better drag-move ability, resize ability from bottom bar, and font
resize with ctrl-uparrow and ctrl-downarrow - Siplet will now auto-populate the text area when editing room descriptions.
- New item type: GenBagOfEndlessness -- remember to set the capacity to 0
- Experience can now be gained from role playing, see RPAWARD in the INI file
- Experience can now be deferred for a later command, see EXPDEFER in the INI file
- LISTFILE now has "condition" msgs for armor and weapons, and entries are overridable.
- PROWESSOPTIOS and the LISTFILE can now be used to show skill proficiency as words.
- New LOGOUTMASK to limit when a player can logout of the game.
- New Archon Skill: Mark OOC -- to stop a player from receiving RolePlay XP.
- New Scriptable Command: MPRPEXP, for granting RolePlay xp through scripts.
- New Properties: Prop_UseEmoter and Prop_UseEmoter2, for quick and easy item emoting.
- New Faction Change Event: SOCIAL -- for triggering faction change from socials
- Faction Change Events can now trigger gains of XP or RolePlay XP, and have a % chance
- New common skills: Master Floristry, Ship Lore, Branding, Rodsmithing, Staffmaking
- New mob types: GenCow, Alligator, Snake, Dolphin, Walrus, Seal, Whale
- PROWESSOPTIOS and the LISTFILE can now be used to show char stats as words.
- Prop_ItemSlotFiller now supports ADDS argument for another way to add stuff.
- New skills: Autoclimb, High Jump, Grazing, Stigma, Adorable, Gore, Wild Tag Turf
- New skills: Smells Like Cherries, Throw Feces, Shoot Web, Blessing, Milkable
- New skills: Hamstring, Scavenge, Food Begging, Bear Foraging, Track Friend
- New skills: Racial Enemy, Combat Frenzy, Quills, Poisonous Bite, Boatwright
- New races: Orangutan, Millipede, Cricket, Porcupine, Beaver, Corn Snake
- ShapeShift.txt races have changed, and most got new racial abilities
- Prop_ItemSlot now supports LEVEL argument to affect the level of the item.
- Can now ignore an account, which seems obvious when I think about it.
- Most crafting expertises split-up and made more expensive -- backward comp.
- Can now disable showing experience in Score and in the Prompt using DISABLE cmd.
- New Property: Prop_UseAdjuster, mostly insane, but good for special potion effects.
- New Expertises: Vigorous cooking, Imbued Distilling, Fortified Baking, Adv Crafting
- New chants: Airy Aura (Mer)
- Achievements now includes social tracking.
- New common skills: Boatwright (is the OLD Shipwright), and Shipwright (large sailing ships)
- New skills: Familiarity_Axe/Sword/etc, Familiarity_Armor/Shield - for crafted items
- New common skills: Decorating, CargoLoading, GaolFood
- Artisan class has been re-imagined using a Skill Tree instead of the normal system.
- Socials can now have multi-word targeted variations for further specificity.
- New skills: Hard to Port, Hard to Stern, Tie Down, Abandon Ship, Play Instrument
- New spells: Greater Enchant Armor, Greater Enchant Weapon
- Fishing now has fishing.txt, with lots of expanded override fish-types.
- Smelting has been altered to work more like textiling, expanding its range of possibilities.
- Costuming and Master Costuming have been radically changed to be learn-only fake overlays.
- Hunting now has a hunting.txt, plus some water-based things to hunt
- New Expertises: Adv cooking
- Crafting expertise keywords can now be hidden from item name
- LongLook at food and drink now gives additional info.
- New PROMPT codes: %y and %Y, for showing common skill progress.
- Common skills now support dot-selection and list armor wear loc, list weapon class/type
- Building skills now support INFO, and xp to Artisans.
- Standardized email disclaimers, and there's now an unsubscribe link and account unsubscribe.
- New Property: Prop_Sounder, like Sounder behavior, but without tick triggers.
- New Archon Skills: Shame, with new Property: Shaming. Also Peacefully cmd.
- Laws now include banishment, public shaming, prison breaks -- see laws.ini
- New skills: Lobotomizing, Groin, Nippletwist, Prisoner Transfer, Prison Assignment
- Prop_Resist can now limit debuf durations.
- New Tech components: Inertial Dampeners, Gravity Generators
- Can now send misc JDBC properties using DBPARMS in ini file, and also DBTRANSACT is new.