Build 5.10.0 Release 9/23/2022
New Scriptable functions: ROOMPC and AREAPC
Caravans now have their own internal Directions (fore, back, right, left, up, down)
Crafting INFO feature will now give the approx. time to craft
New common skill: Shrooming, for growing mushrooms/fungus
Newly crafted Clan Journals now writeable only by clan role power (journal). INI updated.
New clan govt roles: CREATE_LAW (for law books), and JOURNAL (for writing to journals)
Clans now support mud-yearly dues
New weather type: FOG, with weatheraffects support
New chant: Summon Fog
MUDGrinder Player Manager now links to a WhiteList editor.
New spells: Greater Claireaudience, Greater Clairevoyance, Greater Scry
Smelting, Wainwright, Papermaking, and Siegecrafting recipes updated
New account flag: NOCHARPURGE to protect all account players
New base materials/raw env resources: NICKEL, PALLADIUM, VEGETABLE
New thief skills: silent wear, silent hold, silent wield
ResourceOverride now has more options and applications
New Zappermask flags: +-RIDE, +-FOLLOW
Prop_LangTranslator now has a ridiculously expanded functionality
AnimalTraining now supports mundane things like sit, kill, etc.
AREAS now supports EXPLORED argument
New command: ASSIST
PUSH and PULL now take a tick, and can fail from weight, but supports assist
New Prayer: Eternal Item
Players can now rush thier crafting, as per the new expertise, w/o learning it
New Generic ability type: GenWrightSkill - for making large construction skills
ShipWright, Caravan Building, and Clan Caravan Building now have editable recipes
Prop_NoCraftability can now be applies to recipes, and has a zappermask.
Caravan Building now has a full complete recipe set.
CHANNELS command can now be used to turn all on/off at once.
Suffix and Prefix Titles will automatically combine. See help.
New property: Prop_Fumble, to cause skill failures
Addictions now supports multiple additions, and sniffing magic dust
New Clan Item: StdClanConcierge (and Gen*) for clans getting around
MOB max items, max carry weight, and max followers are now in INI file/grinder.
Statistics for accounts/ips online will now be tracked and shown.
Reaction Factions can now be permanently saved from the MUDGrinder also.
AutoTitles now support Max players -- use sparingly, causes DB scans.
New Generic Trap type, for many new traps for damage, from skills or scripts
The recipes for lacquering, dying, and similar paint skills are now editable
The recipes for Lay Traps and Lay Minor Traps are now editable
New bombs: sonic, heat, sticky, shaped
Make Bombs can now make their products obviously bombs instead of obsfucated
New thief skills: Set Timer, Detect Bombs, Heretical Faith
Updates to several language vocabularies
Help now shows "see also help on..." that is auto-magically generated.
Can now create/modify/destroy HELP entries.
Hirelings now report their time remaining, and can be queried on that subject.
MPAFFECT Scriptable command can now have number of ticks specified.
New command: HISTORY, for showing command history to players
New archon command(s): basically do scriptable commands from the cl (MPCOMMAND)
ALIAS command now supports TEST argument
New races: Shrimp, Tuna, Half Ogre, Drider, Birdman, Tiefling
New common skill: Animal Trapping, requires a cage, for trapping small game
New Scriptable command: MPHIT, for forcing an immediate weapon attack
Tents and other ENTER-IN type rideables now protect against some weather affects
Archons can now create/list/mod/del periodic script runs (cron jobs)
New skill: Skill_Math. It's a calculator. woohoo.
Player Prompt now supports % visited area and world
Journals now support message COPY option for admins
New optional player date-based bonuses system called AutoAwards (or just Awards)
REPORT commands can now filter by domain
Lanterns, like drinkables, have liquid type and capacity that determines duration now.
Ability Components now support deity-like trigger rituals for invoking skills/spells/etc
New Fighter Skills: Bear Hug, Clinch Hold, Choke Hold, Sleeper Hold, Headlock, Arm Hold
New Fighter Skills: Double Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Finger Lock, Ankle Lock, Wrist Lock
New Fighter Skills: Elbow Lock, Bulldog, Gutbuster, Knee, Elbow Jab, Earbox
Deities should be given weapons to influence craft holy avenger and other holy magic.
New Fighter Skills: Forearm Block, Breakout
New INI entry TRAINCOSTS for setting (or removing) costs for various things.
Shutdown-restart has been removed. It never really worked right anyway.
You can’t perform that action at this time.