Build 5.9.9 Release 12/18/2019
Minor database change: CMQUESID in CMQUESTS, CMRCID in CMGRAC, CMPKEY in CMPDAT enlarged. Mostly optional.
New prayers: empower unholy weapon, morph unholy weapon, faithful hellhound, discipline
New prayers: remove inhibitions, preserve knowledge
Prop_OpenCommand and Prop_CloseCommand have expanded arguments.
Room-based Gathering skills now decrease yield with repeated spams of the same room.
WHO list will now sort archons to the top. WHO Account will sort by account name.
Monthly TOP reports will, at the end of the month, now be saved in DBFS dir /resources/reports
MUD Clients that only support 16 colors, can have 256-color ansi codes translated to 16. See HELP ANSI.
ANSI-256 color codes are now all in /resources/skills/colors.txt
Shopkeeper VIEW on an ability will give it's help entry.
New command: WORTH, mostly for legacy mud support.
New RPAWARDS: EMOTE-x and CHANNEL. See coffeemud.ini file for more information
Lacquering/Dyeing now support 256 colors and REMOVE, recipes updated and re-formatted.
Wish now has a one rl-day cool-down.
Siplet now supports ANSI-256
New Scriptable command: MPCASTEXT, MPLINK, MPUNLINK, and MPPUT
New MOB class: GenRideableUndead, with Raise Undead support in prayers.
New internal property: ExtraData, for attaching random data to specific objects.
New common skills: Master Dyeing, Master Lacquering, Improved Teaching
Players >= last player level no longer gain experience above a 2% over cap.
New disease: Color Blindness. All Canine-related races now have it.
MANACOMPOUND system expanded to support multiple rules, masks, and ability cooldowns
New PROMPT variable to list your skills on cooldown/mana compounding.
New command: SUBSCRIBE, for getting notifications about journal posts
New INI entries: MAXITEMSWORN, to limit total items worn, and MAXWEARPERLOC to limit replicated parts
Combat stats now recorded for players at each level. STAT COMBAT will give a limited view.
Banker ability to hold items and make loans can be disabled on a per-mob basis. See GenBanker in Archon's Guide.
New property: Prop_LimitedEquip, for limiting the number of times a specific item can be equipped
New Scriptable triggers: putting_prog, speak_prog
New locales for Sailing Ship prototyping: ShipDeck, ShipLightGunDeck, ShipHold, ShipMagazine, ShipQuarter, etc.
New Aggressive behaviors option: NOGANG.. to prevent aggro mobs from ganging up on players
CONFIG now has HELP, and also supports new player PRIVACY flag.
New Command Line builder tool: TEMPLATE -- for saving your favorite kinds of things.
New languages: PigLatin (for Archons), and Pirate (which the Pirate class now gets instead of thieves cant)
New common skill/property: BookLoaning, similar to merchant, but for loaning instead of buying.
FileManager in MUDGrinder now has file rename/move feature.
New property: Prop_LimitedContents, for limiting the number of items of a type in a container or room
Massive number of new shipwrighting recipes.
Factions now support SINK and SUNK faction events, Achievements now support SINKSHIP type.
Alterer nerf: Wish is now level 60, and new spell: Limited Wish, gained at 30.
Channels now support ACCOUNTLOGINS and ACCOUNTLOGOFFS for those using the account system.
Where command now supports new MQL syntax, see AHELP WHERE (and RandomAreas guide) for more info
Prayer Deaths Door moved to Healer 25, self-cast only. New Prayer: Protection from Death, in its place at 19.
Quest Maker Wizard now supports reward items, and will reselect quest givers
New property: Prop_RoomRedirect, and the MODIFY command now supports modify room syntax.
New Archon command: ASYNC, for running long commands in the background.
New questmaker templates: normal_capture2, normal_capture3, normal_capture4, normal_collect3, normal_collect4
The GENERATE command can now generate random quests. See the RandomAreas doc for more info.
New Behavior: RandomQuests for areas or mobs.
More new questmaker templates: normal_killer2, normal_escort1, normal_escort2, normal_mystery1, normal_mystery2
Yet more questmaker templates: *_delivery3, competitive_protect1, competitive_protect2
Prop_Unsellable has new arguments
New command: NOSELL -- for marking items unsellable
New Spell: Shoddy Aura
GenAbility now supports both a quiet and public skill effect, and an uninvoke message
AS command now supports PORT argument for multi-host muds.
Barbarians now get a max dex bonus when going shirtless. I love this. ;)
New skills: Monkey Grip
New chants: Uplift
Forum Journals now support forum Categories
MUDGrinder statistics report now has Social and Command reports
Achievement triggers now support commands, for what that's worth.
Can now jump overboard from a ship.
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