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terrible.a :: 0 :: horrendous painful dreaded fearful fearsome awful atrocious dire frightful tremendous severe frightening abominable unspeakable dread wicked dreadful horrific direful
closely.r :: 0 :: nearly tight close intimately
around.r :: 0 :: roughly some approximately about round
range.n :: 0 :: spectrum Primus hearing compass image eyeshot motley earshot reach ambit assortment grasp smorgasbord palette formation band contrast view internationalism potpourri chain installation tract internationality miscellanea horizon ken potbelly facility ballpark set capability capableness latitude purview stove extent confines expanse sweep limit salmagundi cookstove scope sight parcel gamut orbit mixture earreach pallet potentiality miscellany variety
stand.v :: 0 :: remain support countenance evaluate brook queue place ramp lay continue bear judge endure array digest position let set accept withstand put pose resist stay suffer permit swallow abide allow serve pay wash tolerate align measure fend stomach fight rest service be oppose defend
strain.n :: 0 :: substance fanfare variety pedigree var. nervousness cradlesong nisus effort meaning stress drift sweat variant breed tenseness injury harm signature theme voice overstrain roulade carol music striving jehad nerves purport tune travail tucket attempt part leitmotiv tension try idea leitmotif tenor endeavor flourish exertion glissando difficulty air straining line song jihad endeavour stock taxon pains form deformation hurt lullaby bloodstock melody trauma
worthy.a :: 0 :: suitable desirable
full.a :: 0 :: entire broad total good wide-cut replete wide
heavy.a :: 0 :: wakeless sonorous overweight enceinte operose expectant large backbreaking gruelling clayey hard sound ponderous impenetrable leaden gravid lumbering intemperate lowering toilsome sullen punishing great arduous grievous fleshy grave big threatening labored laboured dense profound weighty grueling laborious cloggy
soil.n :: 0 :: gumbo tillage mud filth topsoil undersoil subsoil sand ploughland earth permafrost uncleanness podzol bottom grime sward dirtiness mould podsol farmland silt bole tilth overburden dirt badlands wetland loess caliche humus polder territory grunge object plowland bottomland greensward till laterite marl scablands mold loam regosol turf ground grease clay hardpan clunch wiesenboden coastland rangeland land stain sod
blow.n :: 0 :: pound knockdown occurrent whip whiplash whiff reversal reverse hammering hammer KO C jolt sandblast insufflation cocaine backhander smacking bang snow happening boot whang blip wind belt coke kick smash thrust bash jounce thwack whack poke cocain swat kayo rap shock kicking bluster slug setback exhalation clout puff expiration occurrence bump sideswipe smack impact stinger lash swing smacker uppercut box clip wallop surprise biff stroke slap blast knockout strike pounding gust counterblow lick tap jar shot punch concussion buffeting knock stab whammy thump
well.r :: 0 :: considerably easily comfortably advantageously good substantially intimately
way.n :: 0 :: category stairway artefact escape pick selection clearance course headroom journey position property lane salvation tool idiom condition hadith mode lifestyle houseroom heading distance status journeying effectuation signature aim seats touch life-style watercourse voice seating room qibla expedient road direction drape staircase part parking means access tooth wings dint fashion waterway choice Sunnah ambages style Sunna path tendency wise trend route percentage itinerary artifact portion instrument setup approach bearing passage share headway response lebensraum warpath form agency manner implementation fit
true.a :: 0 :: rightful dependable reliable truthful lawful honest straight on-key unfeigned genuine
acute.a :: 0 :: discriminating piercing sharp needlelike keen knifelike penetrating penetrative acuate intense incisive
right.r :: 0 :: decent decently mighty correctly properly aright justly mightily flop powerful
cross.a :: 0 :: ill-tempered bad-tempered thwartwise transverse grumpy grouchy crabby transversal fussy crabbed
clear.a :: 0 :: exonerated exculpated clean-cut well-defined light clear-cut unclouded decipherable open vindicated readable percipient cleared unmortgaged clean absolved
new.a :: 0 :: newfangled unexampled young New fresh Modern novel raw
saint.n :: 0 :: fakeer nonpareil angel humdinger fakir nonsuch deity model faquir god Buddha ideal nonesuch immortal divinity jimdandy paragon crackerjack apotheosis jimhickey faqir