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Release notes: sprint 10

peterflynn edited this page Jun 20, 2012 · 13 revisions

Sprint 10 is still in progress. These are draft notes.

UI Changes

  • "Debug > Enable JSLint" has moved to "View > Enable JSLint"
  • "Debug > Use Tab Characters" has moved to "Edit > Use Tab Characters"

Menu API Changes

The following functions no longer take an ID parameter:

addMenuItem() addMenuDivider()

Also, the relativeID parameter has changed. Previously this parameter specified the id of another MenuItem. Now it references the id of a Command that exists in the parent menu to specify a location. The net result is that MenuItems no longer have externally exposed ID’s.

These changes simplify the API, but will break existing extensions that add menus, so please update your Brackets extensions with this change.

Document/Editor API Changes

Mutator APIs have been added to Document. Text-editing commands should use these Document APIs to modify the text, instead of going through Editor or CodeMirror. For more details on Document usage, see "Working with Documents" in the Brackets Development How Tos.

  • Added to Document: replaceRange(), getRange(), getLine(), batchOperation().
  • Changed Document.getText() so it always returns \n line endings (like the above new APIs) unless a special flag is passed.
  • Remove Editor.getLineText() -- superseded by Document.getLine()

Project API Changes

The events dispatched by ProjectManager have changed. Instead of dispatching initializeComplete and projectRootChanged, we now dispatch projectOpen and beforeProjectClose events. beforeProjectClose is dispatched before the project root is about to change, and projectOpen is dispatched afterwards. Also, projectOpen is dispatched after the initial project is opened when Brackets first launches.

New Utility APIs

  • Unit testing: waitsForDone() function for using Promise/Deferred (see forum post)
  • Unit testing: SpecRunnerUtils.deleteFile()
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