Contributors to BrainGlobe are absolutely encouraged, whether to fix a bug, develop a new feature, or add a new atlas. If you would like to contribute, please take a look at our developer documentation.
There are many BrainGlobe repositories, so it may not be obvious where a new contribution should go.
If you're unsure about any part of the contributing process, please get in touch.
The best place is to start a new discussion on the forum.
If you tag your post with brainglobe
(and optionally a specific tool, e.g. cellfinder
) we will see your question and respond as soon as we can.
If you have a query about contributing to a specific tool, please do raise an issue on the relevant GitHub page.
If it's not the correct repository (e.g. cellfinder
vs cellfinder-core
), don't worry, we can move it to the relevant repository later.
If for any reason, you'd rather not reach out in public, feel free to email Adam Tyson, one of the core developers.