Disable i2c, spi, camera [not sure if needed], uart Enable smi & smi-dev in /boot/config.txt
Not sure why some GPIO are still not in alt1 mode, force them after boot
# gpio 0,1,26,27 still in mode 'IN' [26 and 27 are fine]
sudo rmmod i2c-dev # maybe blacklist this
gpio mode 30 alt1 # sets gpio 0
gpio mode 31 alt1 # sets gpio 1
Run gpio readall to see states of all pins
gpio readall
There should now be a /dev/smi device (with root permissions)
To program the fpga you'll need to remove the smi modules and re-enable the SPI pins.
sudo rmmod bcm2835_smi_dev
sudo rmmod bcm2835_smi
sudo dtparam spi=on
After programming, disable SPI and re-enable smi
sudo dtparam spi=off
sudo modprobe bcm2835_smi
sudo modprobe bcm2835_smi_dev
With default settings: SA5:SA0: normally high (0=low) MSB-LSB, asserts ~8 ns before SOE/SWE falling edge, deasserts 8 ns after SOE/SWE rising SOE/SE: normally high, goes low on read (data OK on falling edge?) SWE/SRW: normally high, goes low on write (data OK on falling edge), low pulse duration is 24ns SD15:SD0: ? 0=low 1=high MSB-LSB (when writing to /dev/smi order is LSByte then MSByte)
~16 ns between sequential writes, so bus is default 25 MHz giving throughput of 50 MBs (25 MBs if 8 bit)