Start classification server listening for requests
python ServerMain.py -p <listen_port>
To start client connecting to server
Notes: It is optional to specify run and scan numbers, if not specified the values from the experiment file will be used. The runs and scans can be a comma separated listpython ClientMain.py -a <server_addr> -p <server_port> -e <experiment_toml_file> -r <runs> -s <scans>
Notes: The -l option specifies to run the server locally
python ClientMain.py -l -e <experiment_toml_file> -r <runs> -s <scans>
python RetrieveFiles.py -a <server_addr> -p <server_port> -e <experiment_file> -r <runs> -s <scans>
Note: allowed dirs and file types can be a comma separated list
python FileWatchServer.py -d <allowed_dirs> -f <allowed_file_types> -s <server:port>
Note: The classification server (ServerMain.py) is automatically run by the web-interface
bash scripts/run-web.sh -ip <local_ip_addr> -e <default_experiment_file> -ip <cloud_id_addr>
- Main control panel https://cloud_ip_addr:8888
- Subject feedback panel https://cloud_ip_addr:8888/feedback