diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c95109027..fec353b71 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@
diff --git a/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/hh.py b/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/hh.py
index 22a528136..0643237b9 100644
--- a/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/hh.py
+++ b/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/hh.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
class HHLTC(HHTypeNeuLTC):
- r"""Hodgkin–Huxley neuron model.
+ r"""Hodgkin–Huxley neuron model with liquid time constant.
**Model Descriptions**
@@ -311,6 +311,176 @@ def return_for_delay(self):
class HH(HHLTC):
+ r"""Hodgkin–Huxley neuron model.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ The Hodgkin-Huxley (HH; Hodgkin & Huxley, 1952) model [1]_ for the generation of
+ the nerve action potential is one of the most successful mathematical models of
+ a complex biological process that has ever been formulated. The basic concepts
+ expressed in the model have proved a valid approach to the study of bio-electrical
+ activity from the most primitive single-celled organisms such as *Paramecium*,
+ right through to the neurons within our own brains.
+ Mathematically, the model is given by,
+ .. math::
+ C \frac {dV} {dt} = -(\bar{g}_{Na} m^3 h (V &-E_{Na})
+ + \bar{g}_K n^4 (V-E_K) + g_{leak} (V - E_{leak})) + I(t)
+ \frac {dx} {dt} &= \alpha_x (1-x) - \beta_x, \quad x\in {\rm{\{m, h, n\}}}
+ &\alpha_m(V) = \frac {0.1(V+40)}{1-\exp(\frac{-(V + 40)} {10})}
+ &\beta_m(V) = 4.0 \exp(\frac{-(V + 65)} {18})
+ &\alpha_h(V) = 0.07 \exp(\frac{-(V+65)}{20})
+ &\beta_h(V) = \frac 1 {1 + \exp(\frac{-(V + 35)} {10})}
+ &\alpha_n(V) = \frac {0.01(V+55)}{1-\exp(-(V+55)/10)}
+ &\beta_n(V) = 0.125 \exp(\frac{-(V + 65)} {80})
+ The illustrated example of HH neuron model please see `this notebook <../neurons/HH_model.ipynb>`_.
+ The Hodgkin–Huxley model can be thought of as a differential equation system with
+ four state variables, :math:`V_{m}(t),n(t),m(t)`, and :math:`h(t)`, that change
+ with respect to time :math:`t`. The system is difficult to study because it is a
+ nonlinear system and cannot be solved analytically. However, there are many numeric
+ methods available to analyze the system. Certain properties and general behaviors,
+ such as limit cycles, can be proven to exist.
+ *1. Center manifold*
+ Because there are four state variables, visualizing the path in phase space can
+ be difficult. Usually two variables are chosen, voltage :math:`V_{m}(t)` and the
+ potassium gating variable :math:`n(t)`, allowing one to visualize the limit cycle.
+ However, one must be careful because this is an ad-hoc method of visualizing the
+ 4-dimensional system. This does not prove the existence of the limit cycle.
+ .. image:: ../../../_static/Hodgkin_Huxley_Limit_Cycle.png
+ :align: center
+ A better projection can be constructed from a careful analysis of the Jacobian of
+ the system, evaluated at the equilibrium point. Specifically, the eigenvalues of
+ the Jacobian are indicative of the center manifold's existence. Likewise, the
+ eigenvectors of the Jacobian reveal the center manifold's orientation. The
+ Hodgkin–Huxley model has two negative eigenvalues and two complex eigenvalues
+ with slightly positive real parts. The eigenvectors associated with the two
+ negative eigenvalues will reduce to zero as time :math:`t` increases. The remaining
+ two complex eigenvectors define the center manifold. In other words, the
+ 4-dimensional system collapses onto a 2-dimensional plane. Any solution
+ starting off the center manifold will decay towards the *center manifold*.
+ Furthermore, the limit cycle is contained on the center manifold.
+ *2. Bifurcations*
+ If the injected current :math:`I` were used as a bifurcation parameter, then the
+ Hodgkin–Huxley model undergoes a Hopf bifurcation. As with most neuronal models,
+ increasing the injected current will increase the firing rate of the neuron.
+ One consequence of the Hopf bifurcation is that there is a minimum firing rate.
+ This means that either the neuron is not firing at all (corresponding to zero
+ frequency), or firing at the minimum firing rate. Because of the all-or-none
+ principle, there is no smooth increase in action potential amplitude, but
+ rather there is a sudden "jump" in amplitude. The resulting transition is
+ known as a `canard `_.
+ .. image:: ../../../_static/Hodgkins_Huxley_bifurcation_by_I.gif
+ :align: center
+ The following image shows the bifurcation diagram of the Hodgkin–Huxley model
+ as a function of the external drive :math:`I` [3]_. The green lines show the amplitude
+ of a stable limit cycle and the blue lines indicate unstable limit-cycle behaviour,
+ both born from Hopf bifurcations. The solid red line shows the stable fixed point
+ and the black line shows the unstable fixed point.
+ .. image:: ../../../_static/Hodgkin_Huxley_bifurcation.png
+ :align: center
+ **Model Examples**
+ .. plot::
+ :include-source: True
+ >>> import brainpy as bp
+ >>> group = bp.neurons.HH(2)
+ >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(group, monitors=['V'], inputs=('input', 10.))
+ >>> runner.run(200.)
+ >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V, show=True)
+ .. plot::
+ :include-source: True
+ >>> import brainpy as bp
+ >>> import brainpy.math as bm
+ >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ >>>
+ >>> group = bp.neurons.HH(2)
+ >>>
+ >>> I1 = bp.inputs.spike_input(sp_times=[500., 550., 1000, 1030, 1060, 1100, 1200], sp_lens=5, sp_sizes=5., duration=2000, )
+ >>> I2 = bp.inputs.spike_input(sp_times=[600., 900, 950, 1500], sp_lens=5, sp_sizes=5., duration=2000, )
+ >>> I1 += bp.math.random.normal(0, 3, size=I1.shape)
+ >>> I2 += bp.math.random.normal(0, 3, size=I2.shape)
+ >>> I = bm.stack((I1, I2), axis=-1)
+ >>>
+ >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(group, monitors=['V'], inputs=('input', I, 'iter'))
+ >>> runner.run(2000.)
+ >>>
+ >>> fig, gs = bp.visualize.get_figure(1, 1, 3, 8)
+ >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
+ >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V[:, 0])
+ >>> plt.plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V[:, 1] + 130)
+ >>> plt.xlim(10, 2000)
+ >>> plt.xticks([])
+ >>> plt.yticks([])
+ >>> plt.show()
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ size: sequence of int, int
+ The size of the neuron group.
+ ENa: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The reversal potential of sodium. Default is 50 mV.
+ gNa: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The maximum conductance of sodium channel. Default is 120 msiemens.
+ EK: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The reversal potential of potassium. Default is -77 mV.
+ gK: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The maximum conductance of potassium channel. Default is 36 msiemens.
+ EL: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The reversal potential of learky channel. Default is -54.387 mV.
+ gL: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The conductance of learky channel. Default is 0.03 msiemens.
+ V_th: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The threshold of the membrane spike. Default is 20 mV.
+ C: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The membrane capacitance. Default is 1 ufarad.
+ V_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of membrane potential.
+ m_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of m channel.
+ h_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of h channel.
+ n_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of n channel.
+ method: str
+ The numerical integration method.
+ name: str
+ The group name.
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [1] Hodgkin, Alan L., and Andrew F. Huxley. "A quantitative description
+ of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation
+ in nerve." The Journal of physiology 117.4 (1952): 500.
+ .. [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hodgkin%E2%80%93Huxley_model
+ .. [3] Ashwin, Peter, Stephen Coombes, and Rachel Nicks. "Mathematical
+ frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience."
+ The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 6, no. 1 (2016): 1-92.
+ """
def dV(self, V, t, m, h, n, I):
I_Na = (self.gNa * m ** 3.0 * h) * (V - self.ENa)
I_K = (self.gK * n ** 4.0) * (V - self.EK)
@@ -330,7 +500,7 @@ def update(self, x=None):
class MorrisLecarLTC(HHTypeNeuLTC):
- r"""The Morris-Lecar neuron model.
+ r"""The Morris-Lecar neuron model with liquid time constant.
**Model Descriptions**
@@ -506,6 +676,78 @@ def return_for_delay(self):
class MorrisLecar(MorrisLecarLTC):
+ r"""The Morris-Lecar neuron model.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ The Morris-Lecar model [4]_ (Also known as :math:`I_{Ca}+I_K`-model)
+ is a two-dimensional "reduced" excitation model applicable to
+ systems having two non-inactivating voltage-sensitive conductances.
+ This model was named after Cathy Morris and Harold Lecar, who
+ derived it in 1981. Because it is two-dimensional, the Morris-Lecar
+ model is one of the favorite conductance-based models in computational neuroscience.
+ The original form of the model employed an instantaneously
+ responding voltage-sensitive Ca2+ conductance for excitation and a delayed
+ voltage-dependent K+ conductance for recovery. The equations of the model are:
+ .. math::
+ \begin{aligned}
+ C\frac{dV}{dt} =& - g_{Ca} M_{\infty} (V - V_{Ca})- g_{K} W(V - V_{K}) -
+ g_{Leak} (V - V_{Leak}) + I_{ext} \\
+ \frac{dW}{dt} =& \frac{W_{\infty}(V) - W}{ \tau_W(V)}
+ \end{aligned}
+ Here, :math:`V` is the membrane potential, :math:`W` is the "recovery variable",
+ which is almost invariably the normalized :math:`K^+`-ion conductance, and
+ :math:`I_{ext}` is the applied current stimulus.
+ **Model Examples**
+ .. plot::
+ :include-source: True
+ >>> import brainpy as bp
+ >>>
+ >>> group = bp.neurons.MorrisLecar(1)
+ >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(group, monitors=['V', 'W'], inputs=('input', 100.))
+ >>> runner.run(1000)
+ >>>
+ >>> fig, gs = bp.visualize.get_figure(2, 1, 3, 8)
+ >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
+ >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.W, ylabel='W')
+ >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
+ >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V, ylabel='V', show=True)
+ **Model Parameters**
+ ============= ============== ======== =======================================================
+ **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation**
+ ------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
+ V_Ca 130 mV Equilibrium potentials of Ca+.(mV)
+ g_Ca 4.4 \ Maximum conductance of corresponding Ca+.(mS/cm2)
+ V_K -84 mV Equilibrium potentials of K+.(mV)
+ g_K 8 \ Maximum conductance of corresponding K+.(mS/cm2)
+ V_Leak -60 mV Equilibrium potentials of leak current.(mV)
+ g_Leak 2 \ Maximum conductance of leak current.(mS/cm2)
+ C 20 \ Membrane capacitance.(uF/cm2)
+ V1 -1.2 \ Potential at which M_inf = 0.5.(mV)
+ V2 18 \ Reciprocal of slope of voltage dependence of M_inf.(mV)
+ V3 2 \ Potential at which W_inf = 0.5.(mV)
+ V4 30 \ Reciprocal of slope of voltage dependence of W_inf.(mV)
+ phi 0.04 \ A temperature factor. (1/s)
+ V_th 10 mV The spike threshold.
+ ============= ============== ======== =======================================================
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [4] Lecar, Harold. "Morris-lecar model." Scholarpedia 2.10 (2007): 1333.
+ .. [5] http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Morris-Lecar_model
+ .. [6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris%E2%80%93Lecar_model
+ """
def dV(self, V, t, W, I):
M_inf = (1 / 2) * (1 + bm.tanh((V - self.V1) / self.V2))
I_Ca = self.g_Ca * M_inf * (V - self.V_Ca)
@@ -532,7 +774,7 @@ def update(self, x=None):
class WangBuzsakiModelLTC(HHTypeNeuLTC):
- r"""Wang-Buzsaki model [9]_, an implementation of a modified Hodgkin-Huxley model.
+ r"""Wang-Buzsaki model [9]_, an implementation of a modified Hodgkin-Huxley model with liquid time constant.
Each model is described by a single compartment and obeys the current balance equation:
@@ -722,6 +964,89 @@ def return_for_delay(self):
return self.spike
class WangBuzsakiModel(WangBuzsakiModelLTC):
+ r"""Wang-Buzsaki model [9]_, an implementation of a modified Hodgkin-Huxley model.
+ Each model is described by a single compartment and obeys the current balance equation:
+ .. math::
+ C_{m} \frac{d V}{d t}=-I_{\mathrm{Na}}-I_{\mathrm{K}}-I_{\mathrm{L}}-I_{\mathrm{syn}}+I_{\mathrm{app}}
+ where :math:`C_{m}=1 \mu \mathrm{F} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}` and :math:`I_{\mathrm{app}}` is the
+ injected current (in :math:`\mu \mathrm{A} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}` ). The leak current
+ :math:`I_{\mathrm{L}}=g_{\mathrm{L}}\left(V-E_{\mathrm{L}}\right)` has a conductance
+ :math:`g_{\mathrm{L}}=0.1 \mathrm{mS} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}`, so that the passive time constant
+ :math:`\tau_{0}=C_{m} / g_{\mathrm{L}}=10 \mathrm{msec} ; E_{\mathrm{L}}=-65 \mathrm{mV}`.
+ The spike-generating :math:`\mathrm{Na}^{+}` and :math:`\mathrm{K}^{+}` voltage-dependent ion
+ currents :math:`\left(I_{\mathrm{Na}}\right.` and :math:`I_{\mathrm{K}}` ) are of the
+ Hodgkin-Huxley type (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952). The transient sodium current
+ :math:`I_{\mathrm{Na}}=g_{\mathrm{Na}} m_{\infty}^{3} h\left(V-E_{\mathrm{Na}}\right)`,
+ where the activation variable :math:`m` is assumed fast and substituted by its steady-state
+ function :math:`m_{\infty}=\alpha_{m} /\left(\alpha_{m}+\beta_{m}\right)` ;
+ :math:`\alpha_{m}(V)=-0.1(V+35) /(\exp (-0.1(V+35))-1), \beta_{m}(V)=4 \exp (-(V+60) / 18)`.
+ The inactivation variable :math:`h` obeys a first-order kinetics:
+ .. math::
+ \frac{d h}{d t}=\phi\left(\alpha_{h}(1-h)-\beta_{h} h\right)
+ where :math:`\alpha_{h}(V)=0.07 \exp (-(V+58) / 20)` and
+ :math:`\beta_{h}(V)=1 /(\exp (-0.1(V+28)) +1) \cdot g_{\mathrm{Na}}=35 \mathrm{mS} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}` ;
+ :math:`E_{\mathrm{Na}}=55 \mathrm{mV}, \phi=5 .`
+ The delayed rectifier :math:`I_{\mathrm{K}}=g_{\mathrm{K}} n^{4}\left(V-E_{\mathrm{K}}\right)`,
+ where the activation variable :math:`n` obeys the following equation:
+ .. math::
+ \frac{d n}{d t}=\phi\left(\alpha_{n}(1-n)-\beta_{n} n\right)
+ with :math:`\alpha_{n}(V)=-0.01(V+34) /(\exp (-0.1(V+34))-1)` and
+ :math:`\beta_{n}(V)=0.125\exp (-(V+44) / 80)` ; :math:`g_{\mathrm{K}}=9 \mathrm{mS} / \mathrm{cm}^{2}`, and
+ :math:`E_{\mathrm{K}}=-90 \mathrm{mV}`.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ size: sequence of int, int
+ The size of the neuron group.
+ ENa: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The reversal potential of sodium. Default is 50 mV.
+ gNa: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The maximum conductance of sodium channel. Default is 120 msiemens.
+ EK: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The reversal potential of potassium. Default is -77 mV.
+ gK: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The maximum conductance of potassium channel. Default is 36 msiemens.
+ EL: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The reversal potential of learky channel. Default is -54.387 mV.
+ gL: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The conductance of learky channel. Default is 0.03 msiemens.
+ V_th: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The threshold of the membrane spike. Default is 20 mV.
+ C: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The membrane capacitance. Default is 1 ufarad.
+ phi: float, ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The temperature regulator constant.
+ V_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of membrane potential.
+ h_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of h channel.
+ n_initializer: ArrayType, Initializer, callable
+ The initializer of n channel.
+ method: str
+ The numerical integration method.
+ name: str
+ The group name.
+ References
+ ----------
+ .. [9] Wang, X.J. and Buzsaki, G., (1996) Gamma oscillation by synaptic
+ inhibition in a hippocampal interneuronal network model. Journal of
+ neuroscience, 16(20), pp.6402-6413.
+ """
def m_inf(self, V):
alpha = -0.1 * (V + 35) / (bm.exp(-0.1 * (V + 35)) - 1)
beta = 4. * bm.exp(-(V + 60.) / 18.)
diff --git a/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/lif.py b/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/lif.py
index ad999cd7f..9b6e8db35 100644
--- a/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/lif.py
+++ b/brainpy/_src/dyn/neurons/lif.py
@@ -39,6 +39,10 @@
+ 'Izhikevich',
+ 'IzhikevichLTC',
+ 'IzhikevichRef',
+ 'IzhikevichRefLTC',
@@ -614,8 +618,7 @@ def update(self, x=None):
x += out(self.V.value)
-ExpIF.__doc__ = ExpIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
-ExpIFLTC.__doc__ = ExpIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
class ExpIFRefLTC(ExpIFLTC):
def __init__(
@@ -739,8 +742,86 @@ def update(self, x=None):
x += out(self.V.value)
+ExpIF.__doc__ = ExpIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+ExpIFRefLTC.__doc__ = ExpIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
+ExpIFRef.__doc__ = ExpIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+ExpIFLTC.__doc__ = ExpIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
class AdExIFLTC(GradNeuDyn):
+ r"""Adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neuron model %s.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ The **adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model**, also called AdEx, is a
+ spiking neuron model with two variables [1]_ [2]_.
+ .. math::
+ \begin{aligned}
+ \tau_m\frac{d V}{d t} &= - (V-V_{rest}) + \Delta_T e^{\frac{V-V_T}{\Delta_T}} - Rw + RI(t), \\
+ \tau_w \frac{d w}{d t} &=a(V-V_{rest}) - w
+ \end{aligned}
+ once the membrane potential reaches the spike threshold,
+ .. math::
+ V \rightarrow V_{reset}, \\
+ w \rightarrow w+b.
+ The first equation describes the dynamics of the membrane potential and includes
+ an activation term with an exponential voltage dependence. Voltage is coupled to
+ a second equation which describes adaptation. Both variables are reset if an action
+ potential has been triggered. The combination of adaptation and exponential voltage
+ dependence gives rise to the name Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire model.
+ The adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire model is capable of describing known
+ neuronal firing patterns, e.g., adapting, bursting, delayed spike initiation,
+ initial bursting, fast spiking, and regular spiking.
+ **Model Examples**
+ - `Examples for different firing patterns `_
+ **Model Parameters**
+ ============= ============== ======== ========================================================================================================================
+ **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation**
+ ------------- -------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ V_rest -65 mV Resting potential.
+ V_reset -68 mV Reset potential after spike.
+ V_th -30 mV Threshold potential of spike and reset.
+ V_T -59.9 mV Threshold potential of generating action potential.
+ delta_T 3.48 \ Spike slope factor.
+ a 1 \ The sensitivity of the recovery variable :math:`u` to the sub-threshold fluctuations of the membrane potential :math:`v`
+ b 1 \ The increment of :math:`w` produced by a spike.
+ R 1 \ Membrane resistance.
+ tau 10 ms Membrane time constant. Compute by R * C.
+ tau_w 30 ms Time constant of the adaptation current.
+ tau_ref 0. ms Refractory time.
+ ============= ============== ======== ========================================================================================================================
+ **Model Variables**
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **Variables name** **Initial Value** **Explanation**
+ ------------------ ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ V 0 Membrane potential.
+ w 0 Adaptation current.
+ input 0 External and synaptic input current.
+ spike False Flag to mark whether the neuron is spiking.
+ refractory False Flag to mark whether the neuron is in refractory period.
+ t_last_spike -1e7 Last spike time stamp.
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **References**
+ .. [1] Fourcaud-Trocmé, Nicolas, et al. "How spike generation
+ mechanisms determine the neuronal response to fluctuating
+ inputs." Journal of Neuroscience 23.37 (2003): 11628-11640.
+ .. [2] http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Adaptive_exponential_integrate-and-fire_model
+ """
def __init__(
size: Shape,
@@ -1013,8 +1094,77 @@ def update(self, x=None):
x += out(self.V.value)
+AdExIF.__doc__ = AdExIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+AdExIFRefLTC.__doc__ = AdExIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
+AdExIFRef.__doc__ = AdExIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+AdExIFLTC.__doc__ = AdExIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
class QuaIFLTC(GradNeuDyn):
+ r"""Quadratic Integrate-and-Fire neuron model %s.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ In contrast to physiologically accurate but computationally expensive
+ neuron models like the Hodgkin–Huxley model, the QIF model [1]_ seeks only
+ to produce **action potential-like patterns** and ignores subtleties
+ like gating variables, which play an important role in generating action
+ potentials in a real neuron. However, the QIF model is incredibly easy
+ to implement and compute, and relatively straightforward to study and
+ understand, thus has found ubiquitous use in computational neuroscience.
+ .. math::
+ \tau \frac{d V}{d t}=c(V-V_{rest})(V-V_c) + RI(t)
+ where the parameters are taken to be :math:`c` =0.07, and :math:`V_c = -50 mV` (Latham et al., 2000).
+ **Model Examples**
+ .. plot::
+ :include-source: True
+ >>> import brainpy as bp
+ >>>
+ >>> group = bp.neurons.QuaIF(1,)
+ >>>
+ >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(group, monitors=['V'], inputs=('input', 20.))
+ >>> runner.run(duration=200.)
+ >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V, show=True)
+ **Model Parameters**
+ ============= ============== ======== ========================================================================================================================
+ **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation**
+ ------------- -------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ V_rest -65 mV Resting potential.
+ V_reset -68 mV Reset potential after spike.
+ V_th -30 mV Threshold potential of spike and reset.
+ V_c -50 mV Critical voltage for spike initiation. Must be larger than V_rest.
+ c .07 \ Coefficient describes membrane potential update. Larger than 0.
+ R 1 \ Membrane resistance.
+ tau 10 ms Membrane time constant. Compute by R * C.
+ tau_ref 0 ms Refractory period length.
+ ============= ============== ======== ========================================================================================================================
+ **Model Variables**
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **Variables name** **Initial Value** **Explanation**
+ ------------------ ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ V 0 Membrane potential.
+ input 0 External and synaptic input current.
+ spike False Flag to mark whether the neuron is spiking.
+ refractory False Flag to mark whether the neuron is in refractory period.
+ t_last_spike -1e7 Last spike time stamp.
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **References**
+ .. [1] P. E. Latham, B.J. Richmond, P. Nelson and S. Nirenberg
+ (2000) Intrinsic dynamics in neuronal networks. I. Theory.
+ J. Neurophysiology 83, pp. 808–827.
+ """
def __init__(
size: Shape,
@@ -1237,7 +1387,88 @@ def update(self, x=None):
+QuaIF.__doc__ = QuaIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+QuaIFRefLTC.__doc__ = QuaIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
+QuaIFRef.__doc__ = QuaIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+QuaIFLTC.__doc__ = QuaIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
class AdQuaIFLTC(GradNeuDyn):
+ r"""Adaptive quadratic integrate-and-fire neuron model %s.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ The adaptive quadratic integrate-and-fire neuron model [1]_ is given by:
+ .. math::
+ \begin{aligned}
+ \tau_m \frac{d V}{d t}&=c(V-V_{rest})(V-V_c) - w + I(t), \\
+ \tau_w \frac{d w}{d t}&=a(V-V_{rest}) - w,
+ \end{aligned}
+ once the membrane potential reaches the spike threshold,
+ .. math::
+ V \rightarrow V_{reset}, \\
+ w \rightarrow w+b.
+ **Model Examples**
+ .. plot::
+ :include-source: True
+ >>> import brainpy as bp
+ >>> group = bp.neurons.AdQuaIF(1, )
+ >>> runner = bp.DSRunner(group, monitors=['V', 'w'], inputs=('input', 30.))
+ >>> runner.run(300)
+ >>> fig, gs = bp.visualize.get_figure(2, 1, 3, 8)
+ >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
+ >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.V, ylabel='V')
+ >>> fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0])
+ >>> bp.visualize.line_plot(runner.mon.ts, runner.mon.w, ylabel='w', show=True)
+ **Model Parameters**
+ ============= ============== ======== =======================================================
+ **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation**
+ ------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
+ V_rest -65 mV Resting potential.
+ V_reset -68 mV Reset potential after spike.
+ V_th -30 mV Threshold potential of spike and reset.
+ V_c -50 mV Critical voltage for spike initiation. Must be larger
+ than :math:`V_{rest}`.
+ a 1 \ The sensitivity of the recovery variable :math:`u` to
+ the sub-threshold fluctuations of the membrane
+ potential :math:`v`
+ b .1 \ The increment of :math:`w` produced by a spike.
+ c .07 \ Coefficient describes membrane potential update.
+ Larger than 0.
+ tau 10 ms Membrane time constant.
+ tau_w 10 ms Time constant of the adaptation current.
+ ============= ============== ======== =======================================================
+ **Model Variables**
+ ================== ================= ==========================================================
+ **Variables name** **Initial Value** **Explanation**
+ ------------------ ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------
+ V 0 Membrane potential.
+ w 0 Adaptation current.
+ input 0 External and synaptic input current.
+ spike False Flag to mark whether the neuron is spiking.
+ t_last_spike -1e7 Last spike time stamp.
+ ================== ================= ==========================================================
+ **References**
+ .. [1] Izhikevich, E. M. (2004). Which model to use for cortical spiking
+ neurons?. IEEE transactions on neural networks, 15(5), 1063-1070.
+ .. [2] Touboul, Jonathan. "Bifurcation analysis of a general class of
+ nonlinear integrate-and-fire neurons." SIAM Journal on Applied
+ Mathematics 68, no. 4 (2008): 1045-1079.
+ """
def __init__(
size: Shape,
@@ -1504,7 +1735,93 @@ def update(self, x=None):
+AdQuaIF.__doc__ = AdQuaIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+AdQuaIFRefLTC.__doc__ = AdQuaIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
+AdQuaIFRef.__doc__ = AdQuaIFLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+AdQuaIFLTC.__doc__ = AdQuaIFLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
class GifLTC(GradNeuDyn):
+ r"""Generalized Integrate-and-Fire model %s.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ The generalized integrate-and-fire model [1]_ is given by
+ .. math::
+ &\frac{d I_j}{d t} = - k_j I_j
+ &\frac{d V}{d t} = ( - (V - V_{rest}) + R\sum_{j}I_j + RI) / \tau
+ &\frac{d V_{th}}{d t} = a(V - V_{rest}) - b(V_{th} - V_{th\infty})
+ When :math:`V` meet :math:`V_{th}`, Generalized IF neuron fires:
+ .. math::
+ &I_j \leftarrow R_j I_j + A_j
+ &V \leftarrow V_{reset}
+ &V_{th} \leftarrow max(V_{th_{reset}}, V_{th})
+ Note that :math:`I_j` refers to arbitrary number of internal currents.
+ **Model Examples**
+ - `Detailed examples to reproduce different firing patterns `_
+ **Model Parameters**
+ ============= ============== ======== ====================================================================
+ **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation**
+ ------------- -------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ V_rest -70 mV Resting potential.
+ V_reset -70 mV Reset potential after spike.
+ V_th_inf -50 mV Target value of threshold potential :math:`V_{th}` updating.
+ V_th_reset -60 mV Free parameter, should be larger than :math:`V_{reset}`.
+ R 20 \ Membrane resistance.
+ tau 20 ms Membrane time constant. Compute by :math:`R * C`.
+ a 0 \ Coefficient describes the dependence of
+ :math:`V_{th}` on membrane potential.
+ b 0.01 \ Coefficient describes :math:`V_{th}` update.
+ k1 0.2 \ Constant pf :math:`I1`.
+ k2 0.02 \ Constant of :math:`I2`.
+ R1 0 \ Free parameter.
+ Describes dependence of :math:`I_1` reset value on
+ :math:`I_1` value before spiking.
+ R2 1 \ Free parameter.
+ Describes dependence of :math:`I_2` reset value on
+ :math:`I_2` value before spiking.
+ A1 0 \ Free parameter.
+ A2 0 \ Free parameter.
+ ============= ============== ======== ====================================================================
+ **Model Variables**
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **Variables name** **Initial Value** **Explanation**
+ ------------------ ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ V -70 Membrane potential.
+ input 0 External and synaptic input current.
+ spike False Flag to mark whether the neuron is spiking.
+ V_th -50 Spiking threshold potential.
+ I1 0 Internal current 1.
+ I2 0 Internal current 2.
+ t_last_spike -1e7 Last spike time stamp.
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **References**
+ .. [1] Mihalaş, Ştefan, and Ernst Niebur. "A generalized linear
+ integrate-and-fire neural model produces diverse spiking
+ behaviors." Neural computation 21.3 (2009): 704-718.
+ .. [2] Teeter, Corinne, Ramakrishnan Iyer, Vilas Menon, Nathan
+ Gouwens, David Feng, Jim Berg, Aaron Szafer et al. "Generalized
+ leaky integrate-and-fire models classify multiple neuron types."
+ Nature communications 9, no. 1 (2018): 1-15.
+ """
def __init__(
size: Shape,
@@ -1828,7 +2145,79 @@ def update(self, x=None):
+Gif.__doc__ = GifLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+GifRefLTC.__doc__ = GifLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
+GifRef.__doc__ = GifLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+GifLTC.__doc__ = GifLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
class IzhikevichLTC(GradNeuDyn):
+ r"""The Izhikevich neuron model %s.
+ **Model Descriptions**
+ The dynamics of the Izhikevich neuron model [1]_ [2]_ is given by:
+ .. math ::
+ \frac{d V}{d t} &= 0.04 V^{2}+5 V+140-u+I
+ \frac{d u}{d t} &=a(b V-u)
+ .. math ::
+ \text{if} v \geq 30 \text{mV}, \text{then}
+ \begin{cases} v \leftarrow c \\
+ u \leftarrow u+d \end{cases}
+ **Model Examples**
+ - `Detailed examples to reproduce different firing patterns `_
+ **Model Parameters**
+ ============= ============== ======== ================================================================================
+ **Parameter** **Init Value** **Unit** **Explanation**
+ ------------- -------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ a 0.02 \ It determines the time scale of
+ the recovery variable :math:`u`.
+ b 0.2 \ It describes the sensitivity of the
+ recovery variable :math:`u` to
+ the sub-threshold fluctuations of the
+ membrane potential :math:`v`.
+ c -65 \ It describes the after-spike reset value
+ of the membrane potential :math:`v` caused by
+ the fast high-threshold :math:`K^{+}`
+ conductance.
+ d 8 \ It describes after-spike reset of the
+ recovery variable :math:`u`
+ caused by slow high-threshold
+ :math:`Na^{+}` and :math:`K^{+}` conductance.
+ tau_ref 0 ms Refractory period length. [ms]
+ V_th 30 mV The membrane potential threshold.
+ ============= ============== ======== ================================================================================
+ **Model Variables**
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **Variables name** **Initial Value** **Explanation**
+ ------------------ ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
+ V -65 Membrane potential.
+ u 1 Recovery variable.
+ input 0 External and synaptic input current.
+ spike False Flag to mark whether the neuron is spiking.
+ refractory False Flag to mark whether the neuron is in refractory period.
+ t_last_spike -1e7 Last spike time stamp.
+ ================== ================= =========================================================
+ **References**
+ .. [1] Izhikevich, Eugene M. "Simple model of spiking neurons." IEEE
+ Transactions on neural networks 14.6 (2003): 1569-1572.
+ .. [2] Izhikevich, Eugene M. "Which model to use for cortical spiking neurons?."
+ IEEE transactions on neural networks 15.5 (2004): 1063-1070.
+ """
def __init__(
size: Shape,
@@ -1874,7 +2263,7 @@ def __init__(
# initializers
self._V_initializer = is_initializer(V_initializer)
- self._u_initializer = is_initializer(u_initializer)
+ self._u_initializer = is_initializer(u_initializer, allow_none=True)
# integral
self.integral = odeint(method=method, f=self.derivative)
@@ -1942,6 +2331,7 @@ def du(self, u, t, V):
dudt = self.a * (self.b * V - u)
return dudt
+ @property
def derivative(self):
return JointEq([self.dV, self.du])
@@ -2012,7 +2402,7 @@ def __init__(
# initializers
self._V_initializer = is_initializer(V_initializer)
- self._u_initializer = is_initializer(u_initializer)
+ self._u_initializer = is_initializer(u_initializer, allow_none=True)
# integral
self.integral = odeint(method=method, f=self.derivative)
@@ -2077,6 +2467,7 @@ def du(self, u, t, V):
dudt = self.a * (self.b * V - u)
return dudt
+ @property
def derivative(self):
return JointEq([self.dV, self.du])
@@ -2084,4 +2475,10 @@ def update(self, x=None):
x = 0. if x is None else x
for out in self.cur_inputs.values():
x += out(self.V.value)
- super().update(x)
\ No newline at end of file
+ super().update(x)
+Izhikevich.__doc__ = IzhikevichLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+IzhikevichRefLTC.__doc__ = IzhikevichLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
+IzhikevichRef.__doc__ = IzhikevichLTC.__doc__ % ('')
+IzhikevichLTC.__doc__ = IzhikevichLTC.__doc__ % (ltc_doc)
diff --git a/brainpy/_src/tests/test_brainpy_deprecations.py b/brainpy/_src/tests/test_brainpy_deprecations.py
index 519e0e4e8..bd23632ce 100644
--- a/brainpy/_src/tests/test_brainpy_deprecations.py
+++ b/brainpy/_src/tests/test_brainpy_deprecations.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
mode_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.modes.__deprecations.keys())
tools_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.tools.__deprecations.keys())
train_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.train.__deprecations.keys())
-dyn_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.dyn.__deprecations.keys())
+# dyn_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.dyn.__deprecations.keys())
intg_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.integrators.__deprecations.keys())
io_deprecated_names = list(brainpy.base.io.__deprecations.keys())
@@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ def test_brainpy_train(self, name):
with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
getattr(brainpy.train, name)
- @parameterized.product(
- name=dyn_deprecated_names
- )
- def test_brainpy_dyn(self, name):
- with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
- getattr(brainpy.dyn, name)
+ # @parameterized.product(
+ # name=dyn_deprecated_names
+ # )
+ # def test_brainpy_dyn(self, name):
+ # with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
+ # getattr(brainpy.dyn, name)
+ #
diff --git a/brainpy/dyn/channels.py b/brainpy/dyn/channels.py
index e69de29bb..f4f0d0283 100644
--- a/brainpy/dyn/channels.py
+++ b/brainpy/dyn/channels.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.base import (
+ Ion,
+ IonChannel,
+ Calcium,
+ IhChannel,
+ CalciumChannel,
+ SodiumChannel,
+ PotassiumChannel,
+ LeakyChannel,
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.Ca import (
+ CalciumFixed,
+ CalciumChannel,
+ CalciumDetailed,
+ CalciumFirstOrder,
+ CalciumDyna,
+ ICaN_IS2008,
+ ICaT_HM1992,
+ ICaT_HP1992,
+ ICaHT_HM1992,
+ ICaL_IS2008,
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.K import (
+ IKDR_Ba2002,
+ IK_TM1991,
+ IK_HH1952,
+ IKA1_HM1992,
+ IKA2_HM1992,
+ IKK2A_HM1992,
+ IKK2B_HM1992,
+ IKNI_Ya1989,
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.IH import (
+ Ih_HM1992,
+ Ih_De1996,
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.KCa import (
+ IAHP_De1994
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.Na import (
+ INa_Ba2002,
+ INa_TM1991,
+ INa_HH1952,
+from brainpy._src.dyn.channels.leaky import (
+ IL,
+ IKL,
diff --git a/brainpy/dyn/neurons.py b/brainpy/dyn/neurons.py
index 79d6c1caa..61ab26852 100644
--- a/brainpy/dyn/neurons.py
+++ b/brainpy/dyn/neurons.py
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
from brainpy._src.dyn.base import (
+ GradNeuDyn,
+ HHTypeNeu,
+ HHTypeNeuLTC
from brainpy._src.dyn.neurons.lif import (
@@ -8,7 +11,46 @@
+ ExpIF,
+ ExpIFRefLTC,
+ ExpIFRef,
+ AdExIF,
+ AdExIFRef,
+ QuaIF,
+ QuaIFRefLTC,
+ QuaIFRef,
+ AdQuaIF,
+ AdQuaIFRefLTC,
+ AdQuaIFRef,
+ Gif,
+ GifLTC,
+ GifRefLTC,
+ GifRef,
+ Izhikevich,
+ IzhikevichLTC,
+ IzhikevichRefLTC,
+ IzhikevichRef
+from brainpy._src.dyn.neurons.hh import (
+ HH,
+ MorrisLecar,
+ MorrisLecarLTC,
+ WangBuzsakiModel,
+ WangBuzsakiModelLTC,
+from brainpy._src.dyn.neurons.input import (
+ InputGroup,
+ OutputGroup,
+ SpikeTimeGroup,
+ PoissonGroup,