- You must have docker installed on your computer (https://www.docker.com/get-started/)
- create
file with the following values:
JORDAN_PETERSON_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
JOE_ROGAN_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
BARACK_OBAMA_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
KAMALA_HARRIS_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
BEN_SHAPIRO_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
ANDREW_TATE_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
JOE_BIDEN_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
DONALD_TRUMP_VOICE_ID=your speechify api key here
1.5 Note, you should get the actual values for your GROQ, OPENAI, and SPEECHIFY api keys before proceeding (scroll down for links on where to get each)
2. go into generate (`cd generate`) and run `chmod +x scripts/start.sh`, and `chmod +x scripts/build.sh`. This will make the scripts executable.
3. now run `./scripts/build.sh` to build the docker image. This will take 5-15 minutes, as there are a lot of dependencies. The image is around 5.5GB.
4. now run `bun install` in ./generate
5. you can now run `./scripts/start.sh` to start the container. There are two modes you can run. regular mode and studio mode. Regular mode executes the localBuild.ts script, and outputs a video in the out directory. Studio mode executes the localBuild.ts script, but doesn't render the video. Instead, it generates the necessary audio and context files for the video, and runs `bun run start` outside of the container. This allows you to edit the actual video code (in `src/Composition.tsx`).in real-time and have it update on the spot. To run in studio mode, run `MODE=studio ./scripts/start.sh`. To run in regular mode, run `./scripts/start.sh`. In order to change what video is generated, you can change the variable values at the top in localBuild.ts. The video generation process can take 10-20 minutes so be patient!
6. Voila! You just made brainrot
#### how to get speechify credentials:
- https://speechify.com/text-to-speech-api/
from above, get api access by signing up, and then get audio from trump, joe, etc. from the training_audio/ folder to train your own voices for these characters on your speechify account
#### how to get open ai credentials:
- https://platform.openai.com/api-keys
#### how to get groq api credentials:
- https://console.groq.com/keys
#### common problems
- You don't have enough storage (the image will be around 12.6GB)
(note: you can run rap mode, but I don't yet cover in this readme how to. You can dig in yourself but i will be adding documentation on how to in this readme later)