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Dune Sync V2

A general-purpose bidirectional data synchronization tool that enables seamless data transfer between Dune Analytics and PostgreSQL databases. This project was developed as part of the CoW DAO Grants Program.


  • Dune to PostgreSQL: Archive data from Dune queries into your local database
  • PostgreSQL to Dune: Upload local data to Dune tables via the CSV upload endpoint
  • Configuration-based: Simple YAML configuration for defining sources, destinations, and jobs
  • Docker-ready: Easy deployment using pre-built container images


Create a configuration file

Configuration is provided in a single YAML file. Refer to the existing config.yaml for an overview. The configuration file consists of three main sections:

  • data_sources: Defines available databases
  • jobs: Defines synchronization jobs that connect sources to destinations

The config file may contain environment variable placeholders in envsubst-compatible format:

  • ${VAR_NAME}
  • $varname

Note: Every variable referenced this way must be defined at runtime, otherwise the program exits with an error.

Specifying configuration at runtime

  • By default, the program looks for a file called config.yaml next to
  • You may pass a configuration file by using the --config parameter
    • The argument to --config may be a filename, a file path, or a URL starting with http:// or https://
    • If a URL is passed, it's downloaded and its contents are assumed to be the configuration for the program
  • File or content served at the given URL must be valid YAML and encoded in UTF-8

Data Source Definitions

Sources are defined as a list of configurations, each containing:

  • name: String. A unique identifier for referencing this source in jobs
  • type: String. Must be either dune or postgres
  • key: String. Connection details, supports environment variable templating using ${VAR_NAME} syntax such as ${DB_URL} or ${DUNE_API_KEY} (see environment setup)

Job Parameters

Each job in the jobs list should contain:

  • name: Optional String. A human-readable name for the job
  • source: Definition of which source to use and how to fetch data
  • destination: Definition of which destination to use and how to store data
Source Configuration

For Dune sources (ref: Dune1):

  • query_id: Integer. ID of an existing Dune Query to execute
  • query_engine: Optional String. Either medium or large. Defaults to medium
  • poll_frequency: Optional Integer. Seconds between result polling. Defaults to 1.
  • parameters: Optional list of Dune Query parameters
    • name: String. Parameter name
    • type: String. Must be one of: TEXT, NUMBER, DATE, ENUM
    • value: Any. Value for the parameter

For Postgres sources (ref: Postgres):

  • query_string: String. SQL query or path to .sql file (relative to or absolute)
Destination Configuration

For Dune destinations (ref: Dune):

  • table_name: String. Name of Dune table to update
  • request_timeout: [optional] Request timeout for the dune client

For Postgres destinations (ref: Postgres):

  • table_name: String. Name of table to insert/append into
  • if_exists: String. One of upsert, insert_ignore, replace or append.
    • index_columns: String[]. only relevant for upsert or insert_ignore a list of columns on which to detect conflict

Define environment

Copy .env.sample to .env and fill out the two required variables

  • DUNE_API_KEY - Valid API key for Dune
  • DB_URL - Connection string for the source and/or destination PostgreSQL database, in the form postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres
  • (Optional) PROMETHEUS_PUSHGATEWAY_URL - URL of a Prometheus Pushgateway which receives job-related metrics.

Mount the config and .env files into the container and run the script

You can download the image from GitHub Container Registry:

docker pull

Or build it yourself:

export IMAGE_NAME=dune-sync # (or image above)
docker build -t ${IMAGE_NAME} .

# Base docker command (using config.yaml mounted at /app/config.yaml)
docker run --rm \
    -v "$(pwd)/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml" \
    --env-file .env \

# Optional additions:
# - Mount custom config file (requires --config flag)
    -v "$(pwd)/my-config.yaml:/app/my-config.yaml" \
# - Mount queries directory (if using SQL file paths)
    -v "$(pwd)/queries:/app/queries" \
    --config /app/my-config.yaml
# - Specify jobs to run (if not specified, all jobs will be run)
    --jobs job1 job2

Note that postgres queries can also be file paths (they would also need to be mounted into the container).

Local Development

Fill out the empty fields in Sample Env (e.g. DUNE_API_KEY and DB_URL)

docker-compose up -d # Starts postgres container (in the background)
python -m src.main [--config config.yaml] [--jobs d2p-test-1 p2d-test]

Development Commands

To get started with development:

python -m pip install poetry  # install poetry which is used to manage the project's dependencies
poetry install  # Set up virtual environment
poetry shell  # Activate virtual environment

The project uses a Makefile to streamline development tasks. Here are the available commands:

  • make fmt: Formats code using black
  • make lint: Runs pylint for code quality checks
  • make types: Performs static type checking with mypy
  • make check: Runs formatting, linting, and type checking in sequence
  • make test: Runs pytest with coverage reporting (minimum 93% coverage required)
  • make clean: Removes Python cache files
  • make run: Executes the main application (although does not accespt run time parameters)

To pass run time arguments use, for example:

python -m src.main --jobs cow-solvers