This module implements the client-side XML-RPC protocol. See for more details. A programmer may use this module to initiate a communication between the client (via a XML-RPC HTTP request). If the protocol is properly initiated, then the client will then return one or more values through XML, which can then by parsed by the [wiki:SeattleLib/xmlparse.repy] or manipulated at will.
Note that this module includes several other XML modules in the library.
def send_request(self, method_name, params, timeout=None):
Send a XML-RPC request to a XML-RPC server to do a RPC call.
- method_name is the method name which of the caller chooses.
- params are the parameters that are passed on.
- Throws socket.error on socket errors, including server timeouts.
- Throws xmlrpc_common_Fault on a XML-RPC response fault.
- Throws xmlrpc_common_XMLParseError on a XML-RPC structural parse error
- Throws xmlparse_XMLParseError on a general XML parse error.
- Throws xmlrpc_common_ConnectionError on unexpected disconnects.
- Throws xmlrpc_common_Timeout if the time limit is exceeded.
- Will return "values" sent by the specified client.
client = xmlrpc_client_Client("")
print client.send_request("examples.getStateName", (1,))