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476 lines (295 loc) · 15.8 KB

Command-line Flags for re-client binaries


-service (string)

Sets the host (and port) of the remote execution service to connect to.

-cas_service (string)

Sets the host (and port) of the Content Addressable Service to connect to, if it is different from the remote execution service. If using the Remote Build Execution service, this will be the same as the remote execution service and does not need to be set.

-instance (string)

The instance to target when calling the remote execution service via gRPC. For Remote Build Execution, the format is projects/_project-id_/instances/_instance-name_.

-use_application_default_credentials (bool) (from remote-apis-sdks)

If true, this indicates that reproxy should use application default credentials to authenticate with the Remote Execution service. See Notes on credentials and authentication below.

-use_gce_credentials (bool) (from remote-apis-sdks)

If true, this indicates that the GCE credentials should be used to authenticate with the Remote Build Execution service. Use of this flag only works when reproxy is running on a GCE VM. See Notes on credentials and authentication below.

-credential_file (string) (from remote-apis-sdks)

If set, points to a file containing the service account credentials to use to authenticate with the Remote Build Execution service. See notes on credentials and authentication below.

-server_address (string)

The address that reproxy will use to accept actions from rewrapper. Can be either in host:port format (ex: or unix:///file for unix domain sockets (ex: unix:///tmp/reproxy.sock).

-log_format (string)

File format of the proxy logs. Currently only supports 'text'.

-log_path (string) (DEPRECATED)

If this is set, this is the path to a log file of all executed records. The format for this flag is 'text://full/file/path'. The proxy_log_dir flag should be used in place of this one.

-local_resource_fraction (float)

A value between 0 and 1 that indicates how much of the local machine resources can be used for local execution. A value of 1 means all CPUs are available, and 0 means no CPUs are available.

-enable_deps_cache (bool)

Enables the deps cache if -cache_dir is provided. Default is false.


Directory from which to load the cache files at startup and update at shutdown.

-cache_silo (string)

A cache silo key to use for all actions. Can be used to segregate cache hits.

-version_cache_silo (bool)

Indicates whether to add a Reclient version as cache-silo key to all remotely-executed actions. Not applicable for actions run in local-execution-remote-cache (LERC) mode. Default is false.

-remote_disabled (bool)

If this is set, then all remote actions are not permitted and everything executes locally. This includes both remote cache lookups and remote execution of actions.

-dump_input_tree (bool)

If true, this will dump the input tree of actions received from rewrapper to '/tmp'. Not useful unless you are attempting to debug an issue suspected to be caused by rbe.

-use_unified_uploads (bool)

Whether to use the unified uploader for deduplicating uploads. Default is false.

-upload_buffer_size (int)

Buffer size to flush unified uploader daemon. Default is 10000.

-upload_tick_duration (duration)

How often to flush unified uploader daemon. Default is 50ms.

-use_unified_downloads (bool)

Whether to use the unified downloader for deduplicating downloads. Default is false.

-download_buffer_size (int)

Buffer size to flush unified downloader daemon. Default is 10000.

-download_tick_duration (duration)

How often to flush unified downloader daemon. Default is 50ms.

-compression_threshold (int)

Threshold size in bytes for compressing Bytestream reads or writes. Use a negative value for turning off compression. Default is -1.

-use_batches (bool)

Use batch operations for relatively small blobs. Default is true.

-log_keep_duration (duration)

Delete all RE logs older than the specified duration on startup. Default is 24h.

-proxy_idle_timeout (duration)

Inactivity period after which the running reproxy process will be killed. Default is 6 hours. When set to 0, idle timeout is disabled.

-ip_timeout (duration)

The maximum time to wait for an input processor action. Zero and negative values disable timeout. Default is 10m.

-metrics_project (string)

If set, action and build metrics are exported to Cloud Monitoring in the specified GCP project. Default is empty.

-metrics_prefix (string)

Prefix of metrics exported to Cloud Monitoring. Default is empty.

-metrics_namespace (string)

Namespace of metrics exported to Cloud Monitoring. Default is empty.

-fail_early_min_action_count (int)

Minimum number of actions received by reproxy before the fail early mechanism can take effect. 0 indicates fail early is disabled.

-fail_early_min_fallback_ratio (float)

Minimum ratio of fallbacks to total actions above which the build terminates early. Ratio is a number in the range between 0 and 1. 0 indicates fail early is disabled. Default is 0.

-fail_early_window (duration)

Window of time to consider for fail_early_min_action_count and fail_early_min_fallback_ratio. 0 indicates all datapoints should be used. Default is 0.

-racing_bias (float)

Value between 0 and 1 to indicate how racing manages the tradeoff of saving bandwidth (0) versus speed (1). The default is to prefer speed over bandwidth. Default is 0.75.

-racing_tmp_dir (string)

Directory where reproxy should store temporary outputs during racing mode. This should be on the same device as the exec root for the build. Default is os.TempDir().

-pprof_port (int)

"Enable pprof http server if not zero. Default is 0.

-pprof_file (path)

Enable cpu pprof if not empty. Will not work on windows as reproxy shutdowns through an uncatchable sigkill. Default is empty.

-pprof_mem_file (path)

Enable memory pprof if not empty. Will not work on windows as reproxy shutdowns through an uncatchable sigkill. Default is empty.

-profiler_service (string)

Service name to associate with profiles uploaded to Cloud Profiling. If unset, Cloud Profiling is disabled. Default is empty.

-profiler_project_id (string)

Project id used for cloud profiler. Default is empty.

-clang_depscan_archive (bool)

Deep scan .a files for dependencies during clang linking. Default is false.

-depsscanner_address (string)

If set, connects to the given address for C++ dependency scanning instead of the internal dependency scanner; a path with the prefix 'exec://' will start the target executable and connect to it. If set to execrel:// the scandeps_server binary in the same folder as reproxy will be used. Default is empty.

-creds_file (path)

Path to file where short-lived credentials are stored. If the file includes a token, reproxy will update the token if it refreshes it. Token refresh is only applicable if use_external_auth_token is used. Default is empty.

-wait_for_shutdown_rpc (bool)

If set, will only shutdown after 3 SIGINT signals. Default is false.

-proxy_log_dir (path)

If set, this is where reproxy will write a log of executed records.

-xattr_digest (string)

Extended file attribute to obtain the digest from, if available, formatted as hash/size. If the value contains the hash only, the file size as reported by stat is used. Default is empty.

clang_depscan_ignored_plugins (comma-separated list of strings)

Comma-separated list of plugins that should be ignored by clang dependency scanner. Use this flag if you're using custom llvm build as your toolchain and your llvm plugins cause dependency scanning failures. Default is empty.

-v (int)

Logging verbosity. A higher number means more logging.


-server_address (string)

The address that reproxy will use to accept actions from rewrapper. Can be either in host:port format (ex: or unix:///file for unix domain sockets (ex: unix:///tmp/reproxy.sock).

-command_id (string)

An identifier to place in the command to aid in debugging.

-invocation_id (string)

An identifier for a group of commands to aid in debugging.

-correlated_invocations_id (string)

An identifier to tie multiple invocations together.

-tool_name (string)

The name of the tool to associate with executed commands.

-labels (comma-separated key-value pairs)

A set of key=value comma-separated pairs, used by reproxy to make decisions on how execution of the command should be handled. See labels.go for the current set of keys and their accepted values.

-exec_root (path)

Absolute path to the root of the source tree for the project being built. All inputs and outputs are relative to this path.

-exec_timeout (duration)

The amount of time to allow this command to execute. The default is 1 hour.

-platform (comma-separated key-value pairs)

A set of key=value comma-separated pairs, used to define the remote platform settings (such as the docker container) used to execute the command.

-env_var_allowlist (comma-separated strings)

A list of comma-separated strings that list the environment variables that should be passed from rewrapper to reproxy.

-inputs (comma-separated paths)

A comma-separated list of paths, relative to the exec_root, to files or directories that should be included in the upload to the remote worker.

-toolchain_inputs (comma-separated paths)

A comma-separated list of command toolchain inputs relative to the exec_root, which are paths to binaries needed to execute the action. Each binary can have a <binary>_remote_toolchain_inputs file next to it to refer to all dependencies of the toolchain binary. Paths in the <binary>_remote_toolchain_inputs file should be normalized, and should have one path per line.

-input_list_paths (comma-separated paths)

A comma-separated list of paths to input files (rsp files). Useful for cases where the use of the -input flag produces excessively long command-lines.

-output_files (comma-separated file paths)

A comma-separated list of paths where output files from the command will be placed, relative to the exec_root.

-output_directories (comma-separated directory paths)

A comma-separated list of paths where output directories from the command will be placed, relative to the exec_root. Unlike output_files, the names of the files within the directory do not need to be known ahead of time. This is useful for things like log files which may contain a timestamp as part of the file name.

-exec_strategy (string)

One of local, remote, remote_local_fallback or racing.

  • local - Use Local Execution, Remote Caching (LERC). Checks the remote cache for action matches and uses existing results if a match is found. If not, execution of the action is performed locally.
  • remote - The remote cache is checked for an action match, and uses the results if one exists. If not, the action is executed remotely. If the action fails remotely, the action is considered a failure.
  • remote_local_fallback - Similar to remote, but will attempt to retry a failing remote action locally.
  • racing - If a remote action doesn't complete within a certain amount of time and there are sufficient local resources available, will start running the action locally as well. The results of the first to finish are used. This is intended to improve the build times for short incremental builds one might do as a developer.

-compare (bool)

Compares the chosen execution strategy to local execution. Is used to determine if remote execution is producing different results from local. Defaults to false.

-remote_accept_cache (bool)

Indicates if remote cache hits should be used. Defaults to true.

-remote_update_cache (bool)

Indicates if the remote cache should be updated with the results of executed commands. Defaults to true.

-download_outputs (bool)

Determines if the results of a remote action should be downloaded. Defaults to true.

-log_env (bool)

If true, passes the entire environment to reproxy for logging purposes. Defaults to false.

-dial_timeout (duration)

Timeout for attempting to dial into reproxy. Default is 3 minutes.


-server_address (string)

The address that reproxy will use to accept actions from rewrapper. Can be either in host:port format (ex: or unix:///file for unix domain sockets (ex: unix:///tmp/reproxy.sock).

-re_proxy (path)

Location of the reproxy binary. The full path including the binary name, not just the directory that contains it. Defaults to $HOME/rbe/reproxy.

-reproxy_wait_seconds (int)

Number of seconds to wait for reproxy to start. If reproxy fails to start in the allotted time, an error is returned. Defaults to 20 seconds.

-shutdown (bool)

If provided, will shut down reproxy and dump the stats collected to rbe_metrics.txt and rbe_metrics.pb files.

-log_format (string)

Format of proxy log. Currently only text and reducedtext are supported. Defaults to reducedtext.

-log_path (string) (DEPRECATED)

If this is set, this is the path to a log file of all executed records. The format for this flag is 'text://full/file/path'. The proxy_log_dir flag should be used in place of this one.

-output_dir (path)

Directory where metrics should be written. Defaults to os.TempDir().

-v (int)

Logging verbosity. A higher number means more logging.


-shutdown_proxy (bool)

If set to true, this will shut down reproxy before reading the reproxy log files (*.rpl) for generating metrics.

-server_address (string)

The address that reproxy will use to accept actions from rewrapper. Can be either in host:port format (ex: or unix:///file for unix domain sockets (ex: unix:///tmp/reproxy.sock).

-log_format (string)

Format of proxy log. Currently only text and reducedtext are supported. Defaults to reducedtext.

-log_path (string) (DEPRECATED)

If this is set, this is the path to a log file of all executed records. The format for this flag is 'text://full/file/path'. The proxy_log_dir flag should be used in place of this one.

-output_dir (path)

Directory where metrics should be written. Defaults to /tmp.

-v (int)

Logging verbosity. A higher number means more logging.

Setting flags via environment variables

Any of these flags can be set via an environment variable of the form RBE_<flagname> where <flagname> is a flag defined above. For example, you could set the server_address of reproxy with the following:

export RBE_server_address=unix:///tmp/reproxy.sock

Notes on credentials and authentication (source)

The flags credential_file, use_application_default_credentials, and use_gce_credentials determine the client identity that is used to authenticate with remote execution. One of the following must be true for client authentication to work, and they are used in this order of preference:

  • the use_application_default_credentials flag must be set to true, or
  • the use_gce_credentials must be set to true, or
  • the credential_file flag must be set to point to a valid credential file

Passing variables in build systems

Note that in some build systems not all variables/flags are allowed to be passed to each binary. For example, in Android, there are certain variables that do not get passed to rewrapper, but all variables are allowed to be passed to reproxy. Just something to be aware of!