⚠️ Note: Subscription Groups were introduced in Android SDK v15.0.0, Web SDK v3.4.0, and iOS SDK v4.3.3. Please ensure your SDKs are up to date, or apply filters to your message's targeting.
- Supports multiple country codes and validation
- Sets a phone number to the current user
- To set the initial country, add
initialCountry: 'au'
as an argument to the intlTelInput
var iti = window.intlTelInput(input, {
nationalMode: true,
hiddenInput: 'full',
initialCountry: 'au',
utilsScript: "https://appboy-images.com/appboy/communication/assets/code_assets/files/60ba5392f9088d62254859d1/original.js?1622823826"