Below is the approximate BNF grammar for Kotlin∇. This is incomplete and subject to change without notice.
𝔹 = "True" | "False"
𝔻 = "1" | ... | "9"
ℕ = 𝔻 | 𝔻"0" | 𝔻ℕ
ℤ = "0" | ℕ | -ℕ
ℚ = ℕ | ℤ"/"ℕ
ℝ = ℕ | ℕ"."ℕ | "-"ℝ
ℂ = ℝ + ℝi
ℍ = ℝ + ℝi + ℝj + ℝk
T = 𝔹 | ℕ | ℤ | ℚ | ℝ | ℂ | ℍ
n = ℕ < 100*
vec = [Tⁿ]
mat = [[Tⁿ]ⁿ]
∗ To increase n
, see DimGen.kt
type = "Double" | "Float" | "Int" | "BigInteger" | "BigDouble";
nat = "1" | ... | "99";
output = "Fun<" type "Real>" | "VFun<" type "Real," nat ">" | "MFun<" type "Real," nat "," nat ">";
int = "0" | nat int;
float = int "." int;
num = type "(" int ")" | type "(" float ")";
var = "x" | "y" | "z" | "ONE" | "ZERO" | "E" | "Var()";
signOp = "+" | "-";
binOp = signOp | "*" | "/" | "pow";
trigOp = "sin" | "cos" | "tan" | "asin" | "acos" | "atan" | "asinh" | "acosh" | "atanh";
unaryOp = signOp | trigOp | "sqrt" | "log" | "ln" | "exp";
exp = var | num | unaryOp exp | var binOp exp | "(" exp ")";
expList = exp | exp "," expList;
linOp = signOp | "*" | " dot ";
vec = "Vec(" expList ")" | "Vec" nat "(" expList ")";
vecExp = vec | signOp vecExp | exp "*" vecExp | vec linOp vecExp | vecExp ".norm(" int ")";
mat = "Mat" nat "x" nat "(" expList ")";
matExp = mat | signOp matExp | exp linOp matExp | vecExp linOp matExp | mat linOp matExp;
anyExp = exp | vecExp | matExp | derivative | invocation;
bindings = exp " to " exp | exp " to " exp "," bindings;
invocation = anyExp "(" bindings ")";
derivative = "d(" anyExp ") / d(" exp ")" | anyExp ".d(" exp ")" | anyExp ".d(" expList ")";
gradient = exp ".grad()";
Below we provide an operational semantics for Kotlin∇.
v = a | ... | z | vv
c = 1 | ... | 9 | cc | c.c
e = v | c | e ⊕ e | e ⊙ e | (e) | (e).d(v) | e(e = e)
d(e) / d(v) = e.d(v)
Plus(e₁, e₂) = e₁ ⊕ e₂
Times(e₁, e₂) = e₁ ⊙ e₂
c₁ ⊕ c₂ = c₁ + c₂
c₁ ⊙ c₂ = c₁ * c₂
e₁(e₂ = e₃) = e₁[e₂ → e₃]
(e₁ ⊕ e₂).d(v) = e₁.d(v) ⊕ e₂.d(v)
(e₁ ⊙ e₂).d(v) = e₁.d(v) ⊙ e₂ ⊕ e₁ ⊙ e₂.d(v)
v₁.d(v₁) = 1
v₁.d(v₂) = 0
c.d(v) = 0
e.d(v₁).d(v₂) = e.d(v₂).d(v₁) †
(e₁ ⊕ e₂)[e₃ → e₄] = e₁[e₃ → e₄] ⊕ e₂[e₃ → e₄]
(e₁ ⊙ e₂)[e₃ → e₄] = e₁[e₃ → e₄] ⊙ e₂[e₃ → e₄]
e₁[e₁ → e₂] = e₂
e₁[e₂ → e₃] = e₁
In the notation above, we use subscripts to denote conditional inequality. If we have two nonterminals with matching subscripts in the same production, i.e. eₘ
, eₙ
where m = n
, then eₘ = eₙ
must be true. If we have two nonterminals with different subscripts in the same production, i.e. eₘ
, eₙ
where m ≠ n
, either eₘ = eₙ
or eₘ ≠ eₙ
may be true. Subscripts have no meaning across multiple productions.
† See Clairaut-Schwarz. Commutativity holds for twice-differentiable functions, however it is possible to have a continuously differentiable function whose partials are defined everywhere, but whose permuted partials are unequal ∂F²/∂x∂y ≠ ∂F²/∂y∂x. Some examples of continuously differentiable functions whose partials do not commute may be found in Tolstov (1949, 1949).
Our reduction semantics can be described as follows:
loosely corresponds to η-reduction in the untyped λ-calculus, however f ∉ Ω is disallowed, and we assume all variables are bound by Inv
. Let us consider what happens under f∶ {a, b, c} ↦ abc, g∶ {a, b, c} ↦ ac under Ω ∶= {(a, 1), (b, 2), (c, 2)}:
We can view the above process as acting on a dataflow graph, where Inv
backpropagates Ω, and Sub
returns concrete values Y, here depicted on g: