TodoMVC built using MobX and Flutter
MobX is a popular state management library for Dart and Flutter apps. It has also been recognized as a Flutter Favorite package.
MobX relies on 3 core concepts: Observables
, Actions
and Reactions
. Observables
represent the reactive state of your application. Actions
are semantic operations that modify these observables and Reactions
are the listeners that "react" to the change in Observables
, by updating UI or firing network operations. Reactions
are considered as the side-effects in a MobX-based application.
You can learn more about these with the handy guides on
The code has been split into the TodoStore
class (in /stores
) that manages the list of todos, the reactive Todo
model (in /models
), and the Flutter Widgets found in the root, or nested in folders if the screen is more complex (such as the home screen). MobX relies on code-generation (provided by ) to keep your store classes clean and simple. This means you have to run the
command to generate some code. The generated code is also checked in, so you don't have to do this by default. However, if you make any changes to the store classes, make sure to run:
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
To give a visible representation to the Store, we need the Observer
widgets, part of the package.
You will see that Observers
can be sprinkled freely inside your Flutter Widget tree. Use them just at the places where you need the UI to update based on changes in Store. In case of TodoMVC, you will see their usage inside the list-view (and each item), add/edit todo pages and detail page. The Observer
widget automatically listens to Observables that are references inside the provided builder
function -- freely use what you need and rebuilds are kept to a minimum for only those observed values.