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Logistic regression

Let's do an analysis based on the Titanic data from class. First, we'll load the data and call it titanic:

titanic <- read.csv("")

Now let's predict the log odds of survival based on both age and the fare paid:

model <- glm(survived ~ age + fare, data=titanic, family=binomial)

To look at the results, we can use summary(model) just like with linear regression. Note that to do logistic regression:

  • we use glm instead of lm
  • we specify family=binomial as a parameter to the glm function
  • the response variable is binary (categorical, with two levels/factors), coded as 1 for success and 0 for failure

If our data contained a response variable with labels (e.g., suppose we had a dataset called survey with a variable gender containing values Male and Female), we could create a dummy variable version using ifelse:

genderMale <- ifelse(survey$gender == "Male", 1, 0)

Making predictions

To make a prediction, we can use the predict (or predict.glm) command. For example, let's predict the probability of survival for a 40-year old that paid £30 for their ticket:

predict(model, list(age=40, fare=30), type="response")

The type=response is there to tell R that we want to predict probability, not log odds (which is what R will predict without the type=response present).

Evaluating model fit

We can compute pseudo-R2 manually using the residual and null deviance in the regression output.

To compute the percentage of the cases correctly predicted by the model, first we generate predictions by selecting a cutoff predicted probability (e.g., 0.5) and predicting survival for those people that have a predicted probability of survival of at least 0.5:

predicted.survived <- (predict(model, type="response") >= 0.5)

This variable will be TRUE for people that have a predicted probability of survival of at least 0.5, and FALSE otherwise.

Then we obtain the actual values for survived, and convert 0 to FALSE and 1 to TRUE:

actual.survived <- (titanic$survived == 1)

Finally, we compute the fraction of the cases where the predicted survival status matches the actual survival status:

sum(predicted.survived == actual.survived) / nrow(titanic)

This formula relies on an R trick: if you have a vector of TRUE and FALSE values and you sum it, then TRUE will be interpreted as 1 and FALSE as 0, so the sum simply counts the TRUEs, i.e., the people for whom we predicted correctly. nrow(titanic) just gives the total number of cases in the data set.

Hypothesis testing

We can test hypotheses that individual coefficients are 0 (in the population) by looking at the p-values in the output, just as with linear regression. To test the overall null hypothesis that all non-intercept coefficients are 0 (in the population), we have to do a likelihood ratio test. First we define a "null" model with no variables, and compare it against our full model.

null <- glm(survived ~ 1, data=titanic, family=binomial)
lrtest(null, model)

Checking the linearity assumption

An empirical logit plot can be used to check the linearity assumption that there is a linear relationship between log odds and the predicted log odds. The R code below defines a function empirical.logit.plot that takes a model variable and calculates an empirical logit plot.

empirical.logit.plot <- function(model, breaks=10, lwd=3, linecol="orange", col="lightblue") {
  # Segment predicted log odds into buckets of 10% each (if possible)
  percentiles <- unique(quantile(predict(model), probs=seq(0, 1, 1/breaks)))
  data <- data.frame(predicted.logits=predict(model), 
                     groups=cut(predict(model), breaks=percentiles, labels=F))
  # Within each group, calculate actual number of successes and number of cases
  num.success <- table(data$y, data$groups)["1",]
  num.cases <- as.numeric(table(data$groups))
  # Calculate empirical probability within each group, with a small
  # adjustment to avoid infinity when p = 1
  empirical.probs <- (num.success + 0.5) / (num.cases + 1)
  # Calculate actual log odds within each group
  logits <- log(empirical.probs / (1 - empirical.probs))
  # Find the mean predicted log odds within each group
  bins <- aggregate(predicted.logits ~ groups, data=data, mean, drop=F)[,2]
  # Within each bin, plot predicted log odds (based on the model)
  # versus the actual log odds for all cases in that bin
  plot(logits ~ bins, pch=16, xlab="Predicted log odds", 
       ylab="Empirical log odds", col=col, pty="s")
  # Overlay the line y = x on top of the plot
  abline(a=0, b=1, lwd=lwd, col=linecol)

Copy and paste this code into an R script; once you have run this code to define the function, run empirical.logit.plot(model) to generate the plot for a model called model.