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Svelte UI implementation of the react-router-dom API (driven by @remix-run/router)


This project is in an early stage so use with caution!


npm install remix-router-svelte

# or

yarn add remix-router-svelte

Note: If you are using TypeScript you will need to use patch-package and copy the @remix-run+router+0.1.0.patch patch from this repo to internally change the RouteObject.element type from React.ReactNode to any for use with Svelte components.

Notable API Differences


Example Usage

Please refer to the beta docs for [email protected] for reference on the APIs in question, but the following is a simple example of how to leverage remix-router-svelte in a Svelte application. You may also refer to the reference application for a more extensive usage example.


  import { createBrowserRouter, RouterProvider } from "remix-router-svelte";
  import Layout from "./Layout.svelte";
  import Index, { loader as indexLoader } from "./Index.svelte";

  // Define your routes in a nested array, providing loaders and actions where
  // appropriate
  const routes = [
      path: "/",
      element: Layout,
      children: [
          index: true,
          loader: indexLoader,
          element: Index,

  // Create a router from your routes
  const router = createBrowserRouter(routes);

  // Provide a fallbackElement to be displayed during the initial data load
  const fallbackElement = "<p>loading...</p>";
  // or const fallbackElement = MySvelteComponent

<RouterProvider {router} {fallbackElement} />


  import { Outlet } from "remix-router-svelte";

<!-- Render global-layout stuff here, such as a header and nav bar -->
<h1>Welcome to my Svelte Application!</h1>
<nav><!-- nav links --></nav>

<!-- Render matching child routes via <Outlet /> -->
<Outlet />


<script context="module">
  import { useLoaderData } from 'remix-router-svelte';

  export async function loader() {
    // Load your data here and return whatever you need access to in the UI
    return { ... };

  // Use the useLoaderData method to access a store of the data returned
  // from your loader
  const data = useLoaderData();

  <p>Check out my data!</p>