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Application with 2 services communicating with JMS messages:

  • Legume Service
  • Superhero Service

If the demo is too simple, it will not be very realistic, therefore this uses:

  • Resteasy
  • OpenAPI
  • Hibernate
  • Postgres
  • OpenTelemetry
  • Artemis ActiveMQ

This demo runs under an Artemis ActiveMQ broker:

Docker image comes from this tutorial:



Just use Maven to build the project with the following command:

mvn install

Start infrastructure with Docker Compose

The easiest way to run the the entire system is to use docker-compose. This will run the required infrastructure, like a postgreSQL database, the Artemis message broker and Jaeger for observability.

cd ../docker-compose/basic-with-artemis
docker compose up -d

And then you can use the following command to remove all the containers:

docker compose down

There is an addicional docker compose file in the quarkus-observability-demo-activemq folder thar includes a full setup including the the apps as well.

Start the services

We can use the quarkus dev mode to run the services:

Open a new terminal and run for Legumes on port 8080:

cd quarkus-observability-demo-activemq-legume 
mvn quarkus:dev

Open a new terminal and run for Superheroes on port 8081:

cd quarkus-observability-demo-activemq-superhero 
mvn quarkus:dev

Run the demo

you can execute this command to create a couple of legumes and trigger message production:

curl -v -XPOST  http://localhost:8080/legumes/init

List Legumes:

curl -v -XPOST  http://localhost:8080/legumes/

List superheroes:

curl -v -XPOST  http://localhost:8081/heroes/

See traces in Jaeger: http://localhost:16686/

Problems with containers?

Portainer to the help at: http://localhost:9000/

user: admin

pass: portainer

Java agent alternative

Optionally with auto-instrumentation, using the java agent: java -javaagent:/PATH-TO/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar -jar quarkus-run.jar

The java agent can be downloaded from:

Performance tests with Hyperfoil

Hyperfoil is a performance benchmark framework for microservices.

You can find a test setup using both microservices at hyperfoil-scripts/quarkus-activemq.hf.yaml.

The benchmark starts with a ramp-up phase with 2 scenarios:

  • Create Legumes, that will send many messages from the Legume Service to the Superhero service.
  • Get a random page of Heroes from the SuperHero service

Next there is the main phase with 3 scenarios:

  • Create Legumes, that will send many messages from the Legume Service to the Superhero service.
  • Get a random page of Legumes from the Legume service
  • Get a random page of Heroes from the SuperHero service

Local benchmark setup

Make sure you started the infrastructure and the microservices.

To install Hyperfoil, please follow instructions here:

Once you are inside the Hyperfoil console you can run the following commands, step by step:

upload hyperfoil-scripts/quarkus-activemq.hf.yaml
run quarkus-activemq

After running stats you will see something like this:

PHASE      METRIC                 THROUGHPUT   REQUESTS  MEAN      p50       p90       p99       p99.9      p99.99     TIMEOUTS  ERRORS  BLOCKED  2xx  3xx  4xx  5xx  CACHE
rampup     createLegumesScenario   6,00 req/s        60  23,99 ms  21,36 ms  33,55 ms  71,30 ms   71,30 ms   71,30 ms         0       0     0 ns   60    0    0    0      0
rampup     getHeroesScenario       6,00 req/s        60   3,65 ms   3,15 ms   3,83 ms  10,03 ms   10,03 ms   10,03 ms         0       0     0 ns   60    0    0    0      0
mainPhase  createLegumesScenario  98,08 req/s       491  26,16 ms  22,28 ms  46,92 ms  95,94 ms  114,29 ms  114,29 ms         0       0     0 ns  491    0    0    0      0
mainPhase  getHeroesScenario      98,08 req/s       491   3,62 ms   3,34 ms   6,13 ms  11,67 ms   29,49 ms   29,49 ms         0       0     0 ns  491    0    0    0      0
mainPhase  getLegumesScenario     98,08 req/s       491   3,62 ms   3,16 ms   6,42 ms  16,32 ms   22,68 ms   22,68 ms         0       0     0 ns  491    0    0    0      0