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  • A developer desktop with docker & git installed (AWS Cloud9)
  • An EKS cluster created via eksctl from demo 03/create-cluster-eksctl-existing-vpc-advanced
  • Cloud Formation to create my devops environment


  • I apply my cloud formation


  • I will get IAM roles for CodePipeline & CodeBuild
  • I will get an AWS CodeCommit repo with a simple python app & Dockerfile in it
  • I will get an AWS CodePipeline pipeline with 2 stages (Source & Build)
  • I will get an AWS CodePipeline stage 1 that triggers off of a commit to my AWS CodeCommit repo
  • I will get an AWS CodePipeline stage 2 that uses an AWS CodeBuild action provider to build and push my OCI image to ECR
  • I will get an AWS CodePipeline stage 2 that uses an AWS CodeBuild action provider to kubectl apply updated images to my EKS cluster


  • I can map my CodeBuild IAM role to a K8s 'codebuild' RBAC user via the AWS IAM Authenticator
  • I can apply a K8s RBAC role to the K8s 'codebuild' IAM role & allow it to 'kubectl apply' the workload from CodePipeline
  • I can demonstrate what happens if something outside of the pipeline alters the simple pipeline app expected state in the EKS Cluster


  • 00-setup-cloud9
  • 03/create-cluster-eksctl-existing-vpc-advanced


0: Reset Cloud9 Instance environ from previous demo(s).

  • Reset your region & AWS account variables in case you launched a new terminal session:
cd ~/environment/mglab-share-eks/demos/04/devops-simple-code-pipeline/
export C9_REGION=$(curl --silent |  grep region | awk -F '"' '{print$4}')
export C9_AWS_ACCT=$(curl -s | grep accountId | awk -F '"' '{print$4}')
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(cat ~/.aws/credentials | grep aws_access_key_id | awk '{print$3}')
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(cat ~/.aws/credentials | grep aws_secret_access_key | awk '{print$3}')
echo $C9_REGION
echo $C9_AWS_ACCT

1: Deploy CodeCommit, ECR, & Code Pipeline/Build projects via Cloud Formation templates.

  • Deploy CloudFormation to create pipeline environment:
aws cloudformation deploy --region $C9_REGION --template-file ./artifacts/simple-CodePipeline-Build.cfn \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
    --parameter-overrides EKSClusterName=cluster-eksctl \
    --stack-name eks-demos-devops-simple-code-pipeline \
    --tags CLASS=EKS

2: Update our kubeconfig to interact with the cluster created in 03/create-cluster-eksctl-existing-vpc-advanced.

  • Review your kubeconfig:
eksctl utils write-kubeconfig --cluster cluster-eksctl --region $C9_REGION --authenticator-role-arn arn:aws:iam::${C9_AWS_ACCT}:role/cluster-eksctl-creator-role
kubectl config view --minify | grep 'cluster-name' -A 1
kubectl get ns

3: Setup AuthN & AuthZ with the AWS IAM Authenticator to let the CodeBuild project run a kubectl apply.

  • Get IAM role name for Codebuild created by Cloudformation:
export CODEBUILD_IAM_ARN=$(aws cloudformation --region $C9_REGION \
    describe-stacks \
    --stack-name eks-demos-devops-simple-code-pipeline \
    --query "Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey=='CodeBuildIAMRole'].[OutputValue]" \
    --output text)
  • Create K8s RBAC Role & Bindings for a K8s RBAC user name 'codebuild' in simple-k8s-codepipeline namespace, this will be mapped to $CODEBUILD_IAM_ARN:
kubectl apply -f ./artifacts/simple-CodePipeline-k8s-RBAC.yaml
  • Update the K8s cm aws-auth -n kube-system for $CODEBUILD_IAM_ARN to be mapped to the RBAC user called 'codebuild' in K8s:
    • You could use 'eksctl create iamserviceaccount --cluster= --name= --namespace= --attach-policy-arn=' ... but you will manually edit the aws-auth cm in this step to see the result of the created map.
ROLE="    - rolearn: $CODEBUILD_IAM_ARN\n      username: codebuild\n      groups:\n        - codepipeline:codebuild"
kubectl get -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth -o yaml | awk "/mapRoles: \|/{print;print \"$ROLE\";next}1" > /tmp/aws-auth-patch.yml
kubectl patch configmap/aws-auth -n kube-system --patch "$(cat /tmp/aws-auth-patch.yml)"
kubectl get -n kube-system configmap/aws-auth -o yaml

4: Push the simple python App/Dockerfile to CodeCommit & trigger Code Pipeline.

  • Setup the git credential helper and clone empty CodeCommit repo into C9 Desktop:
git config --global credential.helper '!aws codecommit credential-helper $@'
git config --global credential.UseHttpPath true
  • Commit & 'Init' Push to the CodeCommit repo with the sample python application/Dockerfile:
cd ~/environment/
git clone https://git-codecommit.$
cd ~/environment/eks-demo-simple-codepipeline-cc
cp ~/environment/mglab-share-eks/demos/04/devops-simple-code-pipeline/artifacts/simple-app/* ./
git add -A
git commit -am "init"
git push origin
  • Open CodePipeline in the Console link, confirm the pipeline runs successfully.

4: Verify simple python app is running and LoadBalancer service is running. Then 'devops' some changes:

  • Check if svc is running, notice that currently we are saying hello to Bubba Bexley:
echo "http://"$(kubectl get svc simple-k8s -n simple-k8s-codepipeline \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
  • Edit the Python code to say hello to Fred Sanford Instead [Totally a Sanford & Son ref goin on :)]:
sed -i 's/Bubba/Fred/'
git commit -am "Switched Greeting from Bubba to Fred"
git push origin
  • Check if svc is running, notice that currently we should now be saying Congrats to Fred:
echo "http://"$(kubectl get svc simple-k8s -n simple-k8s-codepipeline \
--output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')

5: What happens if?

  • Delete the namespace:
kubectl delete namespace simple-k8s-codepipeline --force
  • Can we still access the app?
  • Does our K8s RBAC user codebuild still exist?
  • Does our K8s RoleBinding allowing codebuild to deploy the App still exist?
  • Will the pipeline succeed if we run it again?


  • 08/aws-iam-authenticator-review


  • Do not cleanup if you plan to run any dependent demos
export C9_REGION=$(curl --silent |  grep region | awk -F '"' '{print$4}')
export RM_ARTIFACT_BUCKET=$(aws cloudformation list-stack-resources --region $C9_REGION  --stack-name eks-demos-devops-simple-code-pipeline  --query StackResourceSummaries[].PhysicalResourceId | grep artifactbucket | awk -F '"' '{print$2}')
aws s3 rb s3://$RM_ARTIFACT_BUCKET --force
aws ecr delete-repository --region $C9_REGION --repository-name eks-demo-simple-codepipeline-ecr --force
aws cloudformation delete-stack --region $C9_REGION  --stack-name eks-demos-devops-simple-code-pipeline
aws cloudformation wait stack-delete-complete --region $C9_REGION --stack-name eks-demos-devops-simple-code-pipeline