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Bruno Silva edited this page Mar 19, 2024 · 3 revisions

🚧 This wiki is a work in progress.

Welcome to the JavaFXSmartGraph wiki!

Change list

  • (2.0.0-rc1) Shapes, sizes, providers, annotations and minor improvements:

    • Different shapes can be used to represent vertices, namely circles, stars and regular polygons (from triangles to dodecagons);

      • The default shape can be specified with the vertex.shape property in
      • Can be set/changed at runtime through a SmartShapeTypeProvider or SmartShapeTypeSource annotation.
    • The radius of the shape (enclosing circle) used to represent a vertex can be set/changed at runtime through a SmartRadiusProvider or SmartRadiusSource annotation.

    • When dragging nodes, they will be kept within the panel's bounds.

    • The look of curved edges has been improved.

  • (1.1.0) Automatic layout is now performed through an instantiated strategy. There are two available (but the pattern allows for the user to devise others):

    • ForceDirectedSpringSystemLayoutStrategy: this is the original implementation for the automatic placement, through a spring system;
    • ForceDirectedSpringGravityLayoutStrategy: (new) this is a variant of the spring system implementation, but with a gravity pull towards the center of the panel. This is now the default strategy and has the advantage of not repelling isolated vertices and/or bipartite graphs to the edges of the panel.
  • (1.0.0) Package now available through Maven Central. The library seems stable, after dozens of college projects of my students have used it. Hence, the version was bumped to 1.0.0.

  • (0.9.4) You can now annotate a method with @SmartLabelSource within a model class to provide the displayed label for a vertex/edge; see the example at com.brunomnsilva.smartgraph.example. If no annotation is present, then the toString() method is used to obtain the label's text.

  • (0.9.4) You can manually alter a vertex position on the panel at anytime, through SmartGraphPanel.setVertexPosition(Vertex<V> v); see the example at com.brunomnsilva.smartgraph.example.

  • (0.9.4) You can override specific default properties by using a String parameter to the SmartGraphProperties constructor; see the example at com.brunomnsilva.smartgraph.example. This is useful if you want to display visually different graphs within the same application.

  • (0.9.4) You can now style labels and arrows individually.

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