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This branch is 432 commits behind eclipse-edc/Connector:main.


Folder structure

These extensions contain modules that implement the "Decentralized Identifier" use case. In particular:

  • identity-did-spi: contains extension points for the distributed identity subsystem
  • identity-did-crypto: contains the cryptographic utilities
  • identity-did-core: contains core services, including the DidResolverRegistry
  • identity-did-service: contains the DecentralizedIdentifierService, which is an implementation of the IdentityService interface.
  • identity-did-web: contains support for resolving Web DIDs.
  • registration-service: contains a periodic job that crawls the ION network for DIDs of a particular type
  • registration-service-api: contains a REST API for the aforementioned registration service
  • identity-did-test: contains a utility class to load an RSA key from a *.jks file. See also here

Those modules are still under development and should not be used in production scenarios! Code (APIs, interfaces, implementations) are likely to change in the future and without notice.


  • Verifiable Credential (VC) and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are the same thing. Or: a VC is represented by a JWT
  • the Verifier is a trusted third party, e.g. some company like Accenture used to verify additional object data
  • "(additional) object data" refers to an arbitrary set of properties or a JSON structure that are stored in a connector's Hub
  • DID and DID Document are the same thing
  • VerifiableAssertion = hub data object

Verification process

The following sequence has to be performed whenever a request is received:

C ... Consumer, P ... Provider

  1. C presents JWT to P (in message header, i.e. in the _securityToken_ field of C IDS messages)
  2. P resolves the DID URL from the VC received from C
  3. P resolves C's DID Document from ION and from it retrieves C's public key and C's Hub URL
  4. P verifies C's VC using C's public key (from the DID Document)
  5. P obtains object data from C's Hub:
    • P sends query to C's hub together with its DID url
    • C decrypts hub data object and re-encrypts with P's public key (obtained from P's DID)
    • P receives and decrypts C's hub data object
  6. P obtains the Verifier's DID document from ION (Verifier's DID URL must be contained in the hub data object)
  7. P uses Verifier's public key to verify C's object data

General notes and restrictions

  • The Verifier (or Attestor) in this demo is just another Key Pair
  • DIDs are generated and anchored once during initial setup, it does not happen during deployment
  • This will be one set of object data per hub and one hub per connector (so no filtering at this time)
  • The hub runs in its separate runtime and exposes a simple GET API

This module is currently under development and will someday contain a Java-port of the ION-Tools and parts of the ION-SDK.

Please do not use this module in a production environment yet, interfaces and implementations might change without prior notification.