January 17 2024 Kickoff: #26
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Prelude E-mail: Peer Production Research and Enterprise Concept, Dec 31, 2023
From: Brent Shambaugh
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This year I compiled a list of people who might show interest in Peer Production and Peer to Peer Systems. As such I put together a series of videos describing research that I did and put together as a starting point for discussion. If this is of interest to you please let me know.
See this Playlist:
Announcement E-mail:
From: Brent Shambaugh [email protected]
Date: Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 2:39 PM
Subject: Description of Upcoming Call - System for self-organization for self-actualization
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Dear all,
Some have confirmed that they will come, while others may show up in the future.
Upcoming Call:
Topic: Brent Shambaugh's Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 17, 2024 01:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Hopeful participants in this endeavor:
Gabriel Chartier
“Gabriel is a web developer and researcher with interests surrounding the UX of the decentralized web, interest-based community formation, digital ethics, community resource sharing, mutual aid, and privacy.”
Kim Hamilton Duffy
“Decentralized identity, standards, code, occasionally featuring pugs and cellos”
Also a software architect for verifiable credentials for education.
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Samuel Hutchens
Interested in alternative communities that reward researchers for their contributions while at the same time removing bias introduced by centralized funding.
Aslam Kahkar
Exploring bias and conceptualization in communities.
Understanding Polanyi, Ourselves and Our Understanding
Ph.D. Candidate Global Affairs, DGA,
Rutgers University- Newark Graduate Teaching Assistant, Sociology & Anthropology
Jeremy Paradie
Designing Seption which appears to be a “decentralized and content distributed graph database” for use by local communities collaborating globally. Also experienced with enabling mechantronics and academic makerspaces.
Jay Cousins
Interested in building economic systems mirroring life systems. https://theinfinitewin.wordpress.com/
Also from bio:
“Consultant, Inventor, Entrepreneur
Past Projects
Inventor/Entrepreneur - After appearing on Dragons Den, I took my Orikaso Products to Global Markets selling over 3 million Units Worldwide.
Crowdfunded Betabook for 91K (now a small business of which I'm a shareholder).
Innovation Hubs and Spaces
Cofounded Open Design City (with no budget - now academy, and a host of spaces formed by alumni), advised icecairo, icealex(
Festivals and Facilitation
Instigated and facilitated numerous self organised festivals of Making (Makerlab, Makerplatz, Felucca Festival), as well as smaller student projects and various workshops.
Mauve Signweaver
Focused on local first software and data discovery with different peer-to-peer protocols. Main project Agregore Web Browser https://agregore.mauve.moe/.
Brent Shambaugh
Interested in peer-to-peer systems for global collaboration with local production. Also molded by communities that collaborate locally in meat space and globally in cyberspace making things, high powered rocketry, ham radio, engineering school, and many other things.
-Brent Shambaugh
GitHub: https://github.com/bshambaugh
Website: http://bshambaugh.org/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brent-shambaugh-9b91259
Skype: brent.shambaugh
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Brent_Shambaugh
WebID: http://bshambaugh.org/foaf.rdf#me
Transcript: Present: Andrius K., Mauve S., Samuel, Jeremy P., Gabriel C.
17 January 2024 Call Zoom recording: https://youtu.be/stDlQeGtJb8
Zoom Transcript:
13:39:13 From Mauve (they/it) : Nice. Do you have you source published?
13:39:24 From Mauve (they/it) : *your
13:40:37 From Andrius Kulikauskas : Hi! I am sorry I missed the first ten minutes.
13:40:54 From Brent Shambaugh : There is a recording.
13:41:03 From Jeremy Paradie : Have not actually started software development yet. My focus now is refactoring my design notes to be published at https://seption.org. Then I'll start open source development.
13:41:48 From Jeremy Paradie : More info here https://community.internetofproduction.org/t/welcome-to-the-iopa-forum-introductions-thread/312/60
13:44:47 From Andrius Kulikauskas : Hi Samuel!
13:45:15 From Gabriel Chartier : I relate with that haha
13:52:32 From Mauve (they/it) : This is my special sauce for working with data: https://github.com/RangerMauve/ipld-prolly-indexer/
13:53:35 From Gabriel Chartier : Reacted to "This is my special s..." with 👀
14:00:49 From Brent Shambaugh To Samuel(privately) : Hey Sam, I hope you are not feel overwhelmed. ... thanks for showing up. .. will help...I don't know where this will go.
14:01:34 From Brent Shambaugh To Andrius Kulikauskas(privately) : Andrius....this seems to be going toward tech talk....but I like your mathematical thinking...
14:03:24 From Mauve (they/it) : More state of the art data replication stuff: waku-org/research#78
14:03:39 From Mauve (they/it) : Also: https://willowprotocol.org/
14:04:25 From Mauve (they/it) : Do you have a writeup of your work somewhere?
14:05:16 From Brent Shambaugh : I think that we almost are out of time. a little over a minute remanining.
14:06:02 From Gabriel Chartier : Should we rejoin with a new zoom?
14:06:17 From Brent Shambaugh : I'll have to send out a message....maybe...
14:06:31 From Brent Shambaugh : can I share contact info?
Google Meet Transcript:
Andrius Kulikauskas
2:18 PM
Can you haer me
Andrius Kulikauskas
2:21 PM
Andrius Kulikauskas
2:23 PM
Here is my experience as an online organizer https://www.math4wisdom.com/wiki/Research/20170506PostTruth
Andrius Kulikauskas
2:27 PM
In particular, you will see in that presentation a list of 12 questions for independent thinkers, which was very helpful for organizing them.
For example, What is your deepest value? What is a question that you wish to investigate? and so on.
can you hear me?
can you hear me, Brent?
Andrius Kulikauskas
2:28 PM
yes or no?
my browser doesn't want to enable Google Meet
I will leave you for now
best wishes in your team work!
2:29 PM
thanks andrius
Andrius Kulikauskas
2:29 PM
Brent, thank you for inviting me
2:31 PM
Jeremy Paradie
2:31 PM
ted nelson's xanadu basics playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0pAM29gc1g9o58LWnoXkqAVWq8y335hX
2:32 PM
Jeremy Paradie
2:40 PM
this playlist taught me semantic web: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoOmvuyo5UAfY6jb46jCpMoqb-dbVewxg
2:45 PM
Great playlist, thanks!
Jeremy Paradie
2:49 PM
open linked datasets
2:57 PM
Awesome playlist to check out:
Jeremy Paradie
3:05 PM
3:09 PM
3:11 PM
will start telegram group...and maybe a discord too since people like that
will figure it out, and use jitsi
3:14 PM
Jeremy Paradie
3:15 PM
3:14 PM
Jeremy Paradie
3:15 PM
Notes from Zoom and/or Google Meetup:
jeremy .... maker experience, makerspaces ...sofware called seption
..decentralized and content graph databases linked data ...
track provenance opensource
gabriel ... be they ...
radically free excellent UX...
LLM to reduce friction of working on design space...
writing pattern journal ...a way for people...thinking physical &
conceptualization....develop Thinking & Research ... helping people
have overlap with people of like mind....LLM for reasoning....
way to remember there .... semantic web tech .... tech ... connect w/ people in ....
Andrius Kulikaeskus....math4wisdom .... make that useful ... investigate community for absolute truth...
ipld prolly tree datasets
fully process data
get into that
Gabriel ... interested in ... shared... considered using gunn ....
block chain oracle
African Animals ... Asian Animals ....copy duplicate
jitsi might work
reddit space like within have ...
work on knowledge commons patterns understanding
fully process data
get into that
reddit space like within ... have holinic time
work on knowledge commons ....patterns understanding
semantic web reading group
same about .... tech ....
clear ontology ....how it can be used ...
Reddit .... information in that community .... not how people ....way of how people think...
Wikipedia single narrative ....
war of battle of what is the truth..everyone has to agree on one information is included in format...
learning out what people
collectively find things they need to be finded .... conceptual overlapping ...thing needs to be experimented...needs to be
built before you have knowledge common....exactly build infrastructure....
seption big an grand project....build core software working from there everything can come ....send ... to website once
grabriel is familiar with obsidian
LLM make this possible
human readable to machine readable internet
LLM & Natural Language ... recommedned headers seems like
humans are bad at recall but good a recognitionz
LLM categorize knowledge of us..categories based on categories we already made
share mine if you will share yours [obsidian]
Google hangout transcript:
14:06:31 From Brent Shambaugh : can I share contact info?
Taking a composite of knowledge I know, I see these general roles:
Samuel: Facilitator. Cultural Lead for Business & Social. Developer.
Gabriel & Jeremy & Mauve: Technical Specialists / Leads / Developers
Andrius: Inquisitor and initiator of the art of being grounded
Brent: Orchestrator
"I will follow up with a schedule of upcoming calls. I am considering two flavors of calls: a reading group and a business/community group." - me in e-mail on January 18th.
Resources to Consider:
[included in the linked playlist e-mail Peer Production Research and Enterprise Concept, video 3]
User Interface / Data Layer:
SPARQL, Ontology Browser, Natural Language Query, LDBrowser, Faceted Browsing, OPM, GSS URI SPARQL, Fresnel GSS, NLP Edit, Preferences
Natural Language Query - Miriam Fernandez Sanchez, Semantically enhanced Information Retrieval: an ontology-based approach, Dissertation, 2009, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid, https://repositorio.uam.es/bitstream/handle/10486/2734/19454_fernandez_sanchez_miriam.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
supporting references:
Mathieu d'Aquin et al., Watson: Supporting Next Generation Semantic Web Applications, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, http://watson.kmi.open.ac.uk/DownloadsAndPublications_files/www-int07.pdf
Vanessa Lopez et al., PowerMap: Mapping the Real Semantic Web on the Fly, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, http://technologies.kmi.open.ac.uk/aqualog/powerMap-iswc06-camera-ready.pdf
Vanessa Lopez, PowerAqua: Open Question Answering on the Semantic Web, Thesis, Semantic Web and Knowledge Services, 2011, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, http://technologies.kmi.open.ac.uk/poweraqua/thesis-master-viva.pdf
Ontology Browser -
Enrico Franconi et al., An intelligent query interface based on ontology navigation, https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-565/paper3.pdf
LD Browser -
Faceted Browsing -
graph store and sparql endpoint: https://marmotta.apache.org/
OPM - Object Process Methodology -
Dori, D., The Visual Semantic Web: Unifying Human and Machine Semantic Web Representations with Object-Process Methodology, https://www.cs.uic.edu/~ifc/SWDB/papers/Dori.pdf
User Interface / Data Layer / Transport Layer : Ripple Transaction, P2P Arch, Aggregation of Data
Aggregation of Data -
INGA https://cs.vu.nl/~frankh/postscript/JWS05.pdf Bibster used by INGA https://web.archive.org/web/20111227061605/http://bibster.semanticweb.org/
SWARMLINDA https://www.mi.fu-berlin.de/inf/research/publications/techreports/tr2008/B-08-06/index.html[Implementation and Evaluation of a SWARMLINDA System] Generative communication in Linda [https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2363.2433]
SEMANTIC WEB REASONING BY SWARM INTELLIGENCE Kathrin Dentler et al., Semantic Web Reasoning by Swarm Intelligence, Department of Artificial Intelligence, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands, https://web.archive.org/web/20140207185135/http://www.few.vu.nl/~kdr250/publications/Reasoning-by-Swarm-Intelligence.pdf
Dentler uses AgentScape https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/15452862.pdf https://www.distributed-systems.net/my-data/papers/2002.dke.pdf
P2P Arch -
Ripple Transaction -
Ryan Fugger, Money as IOUs in Social Trust Networks & A Proposal for a Decentralized Currency Network Protocol, Version 2, April 18, 2004, http://archive.ripple-project.org/decentralizedcurrency.pdf
supporting resources:
For Ripple URIs:
Ripple URI-Ripple Wiki, http://wiki.ripple.com
For Bitmark URIs:
Transaction Data Model*project-bitmark/marking Wiki, https://github.com/project-bitmark/marking/wiki/Transaction-Data-Model
Open Digital Rights Language Ontology (ODRL), Final Draft Specification, http://www.w3.org/ns/odrl/2/
For the license:
URIs in Licence Template in Payswarm Vocabulary, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments/2014Nov/0034.html
Real World Production: Botqueue IoT
Zach Hoeken and Justin Nesselrotte, Botqueue, https://www.botqueue.com/
<see: https://web.archive.org/web/20201129064537/https://www.botqueue.com/>
Jean-Paul Calbimonte et al., Semantic Sensor Data Search in Large-Scale Federated Sensor Network, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-839/calbimonte.pdf
More resources for further study:
Overview of some high level knowledge:
Concept Map From Let Me Think:
Sensorica Lab [the original NRP valueflows implementation]:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE6ZtQQ_lG8 [Sensorica Lab Discussion part 1]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psTumnGrYOw [Sensorica Lab Discussion Part 2]
Value Flows Discussion [guests work with Sensorica]:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U42xu0ukeNY [Let Me Think - Value Flows Session 1]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw_aE3NRWBc [Let Me Think - Value Flows Session 2]
Samuel talks to Tibi at Sensorica Lab and Brent makes a brief appearance:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE6ZtQQ_lG8 [Sensorica Lab Discussion part 1]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psTumnGrYOw [Sensorica Lab Discussion Part 2]
Perhaps consider on chain verifiers with EZKL?
How to build and deploy on-chain AI/ML with zero-knowledge machine learning with Jason Morton
Consider Category Theory for formalization of RDF and OWL mappings:
Jeremy Paradie's Seption Discord: https://discord.gg/TrdKXSDR
Brent Shambaugh's Value Flows / Decentralized ID Discord: https://discord.gg/2A98pHpE
Brent Shambaugh's Peer Production Telegram: https://t.me/+W9ELJbTzhTQxNDYx
Sensorica Lab Discord: https://discord.gg/RJc75mNz
Samuel Hutchens' Universe City Discord: https://discord.gg/qFw4D2TF
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