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Here is detailed information about the CanvasXpress JSON configuration fields:
graphType: Description: 'Specifies the type of graph', Type: 'string', Category: 'General', Options for Field Value: [Bar,Line,Area,AreaLine,BarLine,Boxplot,Dotplot,DotLine,Fish,Gantt,Meter,Heatmap,Stacked,StackedLine,StackedPercent,StackedPercentLine,Tree,Treemap,TagCloud,ParallelCoordinates,Sankey,Scatter2D,ScatterBubble2D,Scatter3D,Correlation,Pie,Venn,Network,Genome,Circular], Default Value: 'Bar'
graphOrientation: Description: 'Specifies the orientation of one dimensional graphs', Type: 'string', Category: 'General', Options for Field Value: [horizontal,vertical], Default Value: 'horizontal'
widthFactor: Description: 'Factor to adjust the width of the bars in the one dimensional and the three dimensional plots. The greater the number, the wider the bars', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Aspect Ratio, Space and width', Default Value: '1'
dataPointSizeScaleFactor: Description: 'Factor used to adjust the size of the dataPointSize', Type: 'float', Category: 'Aspect Ratio, Space and width', Default Value: '1'
topoJSON: Description: 'TopoJSON map string', Type: 'string', Category: 'Maps', Default Value: 'False'
mapId: Description: 'Map Id for the map div in the DOM', Type: 'string', Category: 'Maps', Default Value: 'False'
mapConfig: Description: 'Map config', Type: 'object', Category: 'Maps', Default Value: 'False'
useLeaflet: Description: 'Use leaflet', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Maps Leaflet', Default Value: 'False'
fontName: Description: 'Font name. Web-Safe HTML fonts', Type: 'string', Category: 'Text', Options for Field Value: [American Typewriter,Andale Mono,Arial,Baskerville,Bradley Hand,Brush Script MT,Comic Sans MS,Courier,Didot,Georgia,Gill Sans,Helvetica,Impact,Lucida Console,Luminari,Monaco,Optima,Palatino,Roboto,Tahoma,Times New Roman,Trebuchet MS,Verdana], Default Value: 'Arial'
title: Description: 'Title of the graph', Type: 'string', Category: 'Titles and Subtitles', Default Value: 'False'
subtitle: Description: 'Subtitle of the graph', Type: 'string', Category: 'Titles and Subtitles', Default Value: 'False'
titleFontStyle: Description: 'Font style for the title', Type: 'string', Category: 'Titles and Subtitles', Options for Field Value: [,bold,italic,bold italic], Default Value: 'bold'
titleColor: Description: 'Color for the text in title', Type: 'color', Category: 'Titles and Subtitles', Default Value: 'rgb(0,0,0)'
titleScaleFontFactor: Description: 'Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the title font size in the canvas', Type: 'float', Category: 'Titles and Subtitles', Default Value: '1'
titleAlign: Description: 'Align for the title', Type: 'string', Category: 'Titles and Subtitles', Options for Field Value: [left,center,right], Default Value: 'center'
citation: Description: 'A reference citation of the graph which is placed at the bottom right corne', Type: 'string', Category: 'Citations or References', Default Value: 'False'
colorScheme: Description: 'Color schemes can be user defined which will take the colors in the color property or one provided in canvasXpress. The order of the colors will be used to sequentially select when a different color is needed in a particular visualization', Type: 'string', Category: 'Colors', Options for Field Value: [YlGn,YlGnBu,GnBu,BuGn,PuBuGn,PuBu,BuPu,RdPu,PuRd,OrRd,YlOrRd,YlOrBr,Purples,Blues,Greens,Oranges,Reds,Greys,PuOr,BrBG,PRGn,PiYG,RdBu,RdGy,RdYlBu,Spectral,RdYlGn,Accent,Dark2,Paired,Pastel1,Pastel2,Set1,Set2,Set3,Default,Basic,Light,Favorite,Pastel,Balanced,Rpalette,RlatticeBackground,RlatticeShingle,RlatticeLine,RlatticePolygon,Bootstrap,Economist,EconomistBG,Excel,Excel2,Excel3,GGPlot,Solarized,SolarizedBase,PaulTol,ColorBlind,Tableau,TableauGrey,TableauColorBlind,TableauTrafficLight,TableauPurpleGrey,TableauBlueRed,TableauGreenOrange,TableauCyclic,TableauPairSequential,TableauTripleDiverging,WallStreetJournal,WallStreetJournal2,WallStreetJournal3,WallStreetJournalRedGreen,WallStreetJournalBlackGreen,WallStreetJournalDemRep,Stata,Stata2,Stata3,StataMono,BlackAndWhite,CanvasXpress,CanvasXpressT], Default Value: 'User'
colors: Description: 'Colors', Type: 'array', Category: 'Colors', Default Value: '['#fe296c', '#487eb6', '#a7ce31', '#f8cc03', '#ff8c02', '#699696', '#b77844', '#83acd0', '#c2e076', '#fadc5a', '#ff549f', '#ffaf54', '#9ab8b7', '#d2a683', '#3d699b', '#87ac22', '#cda908', '#d02158', '#d07300', '#567676']'
colorSpectrum: Description: 'An array with valid color names to create a color brew for the default color indicators', Type: 'array', Category: 'Colors', Default Value: '['#4575b4', '#91bfdb', '#e0f3f8', '#ffffbf', '#fee090', '#fc8d59', '#d73027']'
plotStyle: Description: 'Style for some shapes used mainly in boxplot, violin and density plots', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Point Attributes', Options for Field Value: [default,ggplot,ggplotSwitched,open,border], Default Value: 'default'
smpTitle: Description: 'Title for the sample axis in one dimensional plots', Type: 'string', Category: 'Samples', Default Value: 'False'
smpLabelInterval: Description: 'Interval for the sample labels in one dimensional and circular plots', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Samples', Default Value: '1'
showSampleNames: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the sample names', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Samples', Default Value: 'True'
smpTitleScaleFontFactor: Description: 'Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the sample title font size in the canvas', Type: 'float', Category: 'Samples', Default Value: '1'
smpTextRotate: Description: 'Rotation in degrees for the sample labels', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Samples', Default Value: '0'
showVariableNames: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the variable names', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Variables', Default Value: 'True'
overlaysThickness: Description: 'Relative length in pixels for the thickness of the colored boxes to classify samples and or variables in one dimensional plots. This value is adjusted acording to the graph dimensions if the adjustAspectRatio parameter is set to true', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Overlays', Default Value: '18'
smpOverlays: Description: 'Sample metadata to overlay in one dimensional plots', Type: 'array', Category: 'Overlays', Default Value: '[]'
smpOverlayProperties: Description: 'Object to assign properties of the sample overlays. The key should be a valid sample annotation (metadata) and the value and object with properties like: type, color, spectrum, scheme, showLegend, showName, showBox, rotate, position, thicknes', Type: 'object', Category: 'Overlays', Default Value: '{}'
showSmpOverlaysLegend: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the sample overlay legends', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Overlays', Default Value: 'False'
varOverlays: Description: 'Variable metadata to overlay in heatmap plots', Type: 'array', Category: 'Overlays', Default Value: '[]'
legendInside: Description: 'Position the legend inside the graphs', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Legends', Default Value: 'False'
legendColumns: Description: 'Number of columns in legends', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Legends', Default Value: '1'
showLegend: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the legend', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Legends', Default Value: 'True'
showLegendTitle: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the the legend title', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Legends', Default Value: 'True'
legendPosition: Description: 'Position for the the legend', Type: 'string', Category: 'Legends', Options for Field Value: [topRight,right,bottomRight,bottom,bottomLeft,left,topLeft,top], Default Value: 'right'
legendTextScaleFontFactor: Description: 'Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the legends font size in the canvas', Type: 'float', Category: 'Legends', Default Value: '1'
legendTitleScaleFontFactor: Description: 'Scaling factor used to increase or decrease the legends font size in the canvas', Type: 'float', Category: 'Legends', Default Value: '1'
decorations: Description: 'Name of the node properties to include in the network decorations in the data.nodes object', Type: 'object', Category: 'Decorations', Default Value: 'False'
groupingFactors: Description: 'An array that holds the group names used for grouping the data. It must be a category in the data.x object', Type: 'array', Category: 'Data', Default Value: '[]'
summaryType: Description: 'Summary type for the data when grouping', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data', Options for Field Value: [False,iqr,median,mean,cor,min,max,count,sum], Default Value: 'False'
stringSampleFactors: Description: 'Array containing sample factors. The numeric sample factors will be treated as strings. This parameter accomplishes the same as the function switchNumericToString for samples at load time. It can be used in conjunction with the parameter asSampleFactors. TO DO: write example', Type: 'array', Category: 'Data Context', Default Value: '[]'
stringVariableFactors: Description: 'Array containing variable factors. The numeric variable factors will be treated as strings. This parameter accomplishes the same as the function switchNumericToString for variables at load time. It can be used in conjunction with the parameter asVariableFactors. TO DO: write example', Type: 'array', Category: 'Data Context', Default Value: '[]'
segregateSamplesBy: Description: 'An array that holds the annotation(s) used to segregate the samples ala Facet way in R. It must be categories in the data.x object', Type: 'array', Category: 'Data Faceting', Default Value: '[]'
segregateVariablesBy: Description: 'An array that holds the annotation(s) used to segregate the variables ala Facet way in R. It must be categories in the data.z object', Type: 'array', Category: 'Data Faceting', Default Value: '[]'
splitSamplesBy: Description: 'Factor (in the x data object) used to split the samples ala split in complex heatmap', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Faceting', Default Value: 'False'
showErrorBars: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the error bars in graphs', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Error Bars', Default Value: 'True'
xAxis: Description: 'Name of the samples, groups or variables to be displayed in the X axis', Type: 'array', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: '[]'
xAxis2: Description: 'Name of the samples, groups or variables to be displayed in the second X axis', Type: 'array', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: '[]'
xAxisShow: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the X axis on the bottom', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'True'
xAxis2Show: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the X axis on the top', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
setMinX: Description: 'Set the minimum value for data in the X axis', Type: 'float', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'None'
setMaxX: Description: 'Set the maximum value for data in the X axis', Type: 'float', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'None'
xAxisTitle: Description: 'X axis title on the bottom', Type: 'string', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
xAxis2Title: Description: 'X axis2 title on the top', Type: 'string', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
xAxisTickFormat: Description: 'X axis format for the tick values in the X axis. It could be a string with the sprintf format or an array where the first parameter is the sprintf format and the second parameter is a modification applied to the value before is passed to the sprintf function, i.e. ("/1000", "+ 100", etc.)', Type: 'string', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
xAxisHistogramShow: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the histogram in the X axis', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
xAxisRugShow: Description: 'Flag to show/hide a data rug in the X axis', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'X-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
yAxis: Description: 'Name of the samples, groups or variables to be displayed in the Y axis', Type: 'array', Category: 'Y-Axis', Default Value: '[]'
setMinY: Description: 'Set the minimum value for data in the Y axis', Type: 'float', Category: 'Y-Axis', Default Value: 'None'
setMaxY: Description: 'Set the maximum value for data in the Y axis', Type: 'float', Category: 'Y-Axis', Default Value: 'None'
yAxisTitle: Description: 'Y axis title on the left', Type: 'string', Category: 'Y-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
yAxisHistogramShow: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the histogram in the Y axis', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Y-Axis', Default Value: 'False'
zAxis: Description: 'Name of the samples, groups or variables to be displayed in the Z axis', Type: 'array', Category: 'Z-Axis', Default Value: '[]'
binned: Description: 'Flag to bin the data points in dotplots and boxplots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Plot area', Default Value: 'False'
jitter: Description: 'Flag to jitter the data points in dotplots, boxplots and scatter2D plots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Plot area', Default Value: 'False'
objectBorderColor: Description: 'Color for the border of all objects in one dimensional graphs. It turns into the non-transparent fill color if set to false', Type: 'color', Category: 'Plot area', Default Value: 'rgb(0,0,0)'
lineErrorType: Description: 'Line error type in the line graphs. The line type must be spline for the area error type. ', Type: 'string', Category: 'Line Graphs', Options for Field Value: [bar,area], Default Value: 'bar'
lineType: Description: 'Type of line used to join the points in line graphs', Type: 'string', Category: 'Line Graphs', Options for Field Value: [rect,solid,spline,dotted,dashed,dotdash,longdash,twodash], Default Value: 'rect'
boxplotWhiskersType: Description: 'Boxplot whiskers type', Type: 'string', Category: 'Boxplot Graphs', Options for Field Value: [single,double,none], Default Value: 'double'
boxplotType: Description: 'Boxplot type', Type: 'string', Category: 'Boxplot Graphs', Options for Field Value: [boxWhiskers,range], Default Value: 'boxWhiskers'
boxplotNotched: Description: 'Flag to notch boxplots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Boxplot Graphs', Default Value: 'False'
showBoxplotOriginalData: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the observed data point in boxplots. (Should be called showBoxplotDataPoints)', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Boxplot Graphs', Default Value: 'False'
boxplotConnect: Description: 'Flag to show data in boxplots connected', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Boxplot Graphs', Default Value: 'False'
showViolinBoxplot: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the violin plot in boxplots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Violin Plots', Default Value: 'False'
violinTrim: Description: 'Flag to trim violin plots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Violin Plots', Default Value: 'True'
showBoxplotIfViolin: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the boxplots when violin plot are show. It does not affect anything unless violins are shown', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Violin Plots', Default Value: 'True'
areaType: Description: 'Flag to produce normal, stacked, center or percent area graphs', Type: 'string', Category: 'Area Graphs', Options for Field Value: [normal,stacked,percent], Default Value: 'normal'
barType: Description: 'Flag to produce normal or lollipop bar graphs', Type: 'string', Category: 'Bar Graphs', Options for Field Value: [normal,lollipop,arrow,swimmer], Default Value: 'normal'
ganttStart: Description: 'Variable to use in Gantt plots as start date. Defaults to the first variable in the data set', Type: 'string', Category: 'Gantt Charts', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
ganttEnd: Description: 'Variable to use in Gantt plots as end date. Defaults to the second variable in the data set', Type: 'string', Category: 'Gantt Charts', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
meterType: Description: 'Type of meter. ', Type: 'string', Category: 'Meter Graphs', Options for Field Value: [gauge,speedometer,vertical,horizontal,state,digital,number], Default Value: 'gauge'
meterGroup: Description: 'Name of the sample category to use to create the meters', Type: 'string', Category: 'Meter Graphs', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
sankeySource: Description: 'Name of a sample annotation to use as source in the sankey diagrams', Type: 'string', Category: 'Sankey Diagrams', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
sankeyTarget: Description: 'Name of a sample annotation to use as target in the sankey diagrams', Type: 'string', Category: 'Sankey Diagrams', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
hierarchy: Description: 'Hierarchy for trees and bubble graphs made up of sample annotations present the data x object', Type: 'array', Category: 'Hierarchy', Default Value: '[]'
colorBy: Description: 'Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to color the variables', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Point Attributes', Options for Field Value: [False,variable], Default Value: 'False'
shapeBy: Description: 'Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to shape the variables. When shapeByData is specified shapeBy is used for the title in the legend', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Point Attributes', Options for Field Value: [False,variable], Default Value: 'False'
sizeBy: Description: 'Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to size the variables. When sizeByData is specified sizeBy is used for the title in the legend', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Point Attributes', Options for Field Value: [False,variable], Default Value: 'False'
stackBy: Description: 'Name of a sample annotation to stack the samples of each variable in Bar graphs', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Point Attributes', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
ridgeBy: Description: 'Utility to create ridgelines in Scatter2D plots', Type: 'string', Category: 'Data Point Attributes', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
scatterType: Description: 'Type of scatter plot', Type: 'string', Category: 'Scatter Plots', Options for Field Value: [False,line,bar,dot,area,image,lineImage,lineStep,boxplot,visium,manhattan,bin2d,polygon], Default Value: 'False'
scatterStreamType: Description: 'Type of stream scatter plot', Type: 'string', Category: 'Stream Plots', Options for Field Value: [mirror,ridge,proportional], Default Value: 'mirror'
isContour: Description: 'Flag to show the contou', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Contours', Default Value: 'False'
contourFilled: Description: 'Flag to color the contour plot', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Contours', Default Value: 'False'
contourType: Description: 'Contour type', Type: 'string', Category: 'Contours', Options for Field Value: [normal,raster,point], Default Value: 'normal'
showContourDataPoints: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the data points in contours', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Contours', Default Value: 'False'
showHistogram: Description: 'Flag or sample annotation to create histogram. If true is specified then the histogram will be done with all data', Type: 'string', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
histogramBins: Description: 'Approximate number of bins in a histogram. It may vary to the actual number used in the histogram to ensure a pretty size for the intervals in the histogram. Default is the same as in ggplot which is 30', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: '30'
histogramType: Description: 'Type of histogram when multiple series are present', Type: 'string', Category: 'Histograms', Options for Field Value: [dodged,staggered,stacked], Default Value: 'dodged'
showHistogramDensity: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the density kernel in histograms', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
showFilledHistogramDensity: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the filled histogram density', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
showHistogramDataPoints: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the original data point in histograms', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
showHistogramQuantiles: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the quantile 0.25 and 0.75 in density plots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
showHistogramMedian: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the histogram median', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
hideHistogram: Description: 'Flag to hide the histogram bars', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Histograms', Default Value: 'False'
histogramStat: Description: 'Histogram density type', Type: 'string', Category: 'Histograms', Options for Field Value: [density,count], Default Value: 'count'
densityPosition: Description: 'Histogram density position', Type: 'string', Category: 'Density Plots', Options for Field Value: [normal,stacked,filled], Default Value: 'normal'
ridgelineScale: Description: 'Scale for ridgeline', Type: 'float', Category: 'Ridgeline Plots', Default Value: '1.5'
showConfidenceIntervals: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the confidence intervals in the regression plots ', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Confidence Intervals', Default Value: 'True'
showRegressionFit: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the Flag to show the regression fit in Scatter2D plots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Regression', Default Value: 'False'
showLoessFit: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the Flag to show the loess fit in Scatter2D plots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Loess', Default Value: 'False'
showKMConfidenceIntervals: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the confidence intervals in Kaplan-Meier plots ', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Kaplan Meier Plots', Default Value: 'True'
showQuantileRegressionFit: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the Quantile Regression fit in Scatter2D plots', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Quantile Regression Plots', Default Value: 'False'
asDOE: Description: 'Object with configurations to create DOE', Type: 'object', Category: 'DOE', Default Value: 'False'
scatterPlotMatrix: Description: 'Could be a boolean to plot a matrix of 2D scatterplots or a sample annotation to color and segregate the plots', Type: 'string', Category: 'Scatter Plot Matrix', Options for Field Value: [True,False], Default Value: 'False'
scatterPlotMatrixType: Description: 'Type for the matrix of 2D scatterplots. Draw either in both panels, upper only or lower only. Show any combination of correlation, histogram, density and variability (boxplots). Also specify whether to use all versus all or only the first data set', Type: 'string', Category: 'Scatter Plot Matrix', Options for Field Value: [both,upper,lower,correlation,correlationHistogram,correlationDensity,all,first], Default Value: 'both'
heatmapIndicatorHeight: Description: 'Length in pixels for the heatmap indicato', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Heatmap Color Indicators', Default Value: '40'
heatmapIndicatorWidth: Description: 'Length in pixels for the heatmap indicator line width used for increase the size of the indicato', Type: 'integer', Category: 'Heatmap Color Indicators', Default Value: '200'
heatmapIndicatorPosition: Description: 'Position for the heatmap indicato', Type: 'string', Category: 'Heatmap Color Indicators', Options for Field Value: [topLeft,top,topRight,right], Default Value: 'right'
showVarDendrogram: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the variable dendrogram', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Dendrograms', Default Value: 'True'
showSmpDendrogram: Description: 'Flag to show/hide the sample dendrogram', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Dendrograms', Default Value: 'True'
smpDendrogramPosition: Description: 'Position for the sample dendrogram in the plot. It could be top, bottom, right or left depending on the orientation of the graph', Type: 'string', Category: 'Dendrograms', Options for Field Value: [left,right], Default Value: 'left'
colorSmpDendrogramBy: Description: 'Name of metadata annotation to color the sample dendrogram', Type: 'string', Category: 'Dendrograms', Options for Field Value: [False], Default Value: 'False'
samplesClustered: Description: 'Configuration property to cluster samples', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Clustering', Default Value: 'False'
variablesClustered: Description: 'Configuration property to cluster variables', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Clustering', Default Value: 'False'
circularType: Description: 'Property to set the subtype of circular graph. If set to sunburst or bubble then smpOverlays can be used to build a hierarchy for the graph', Type: 'string', Category: 'Circular Graphs', Options for Field Value: [normal,radar,sunburst,chord,bubble], Default Value: 'normal'
ringGraphType: Description: 'Array containing the graph type for each ring in the circular plot', Type: 'array', Category: 'Circular Graphs', Default Value: '[]'
networkLayoutType: Description: 'Type of network layout', Type: 'string', Category: 'Network Graphs', Options for Field Value: [forceDirected,circular,radial,cola], Default Value: 'forceDirected'
edgeColor: Description: 'Color for the edges', Type: 'color', Category: 'Network Graphs', Default Value: 'rgb(0,0,0)'
colorNodeBy: Description: 'Name of the attribute to color the nodes', Type: 'string', Category: 'Network Node and Edge Attributes', Default Value: 'False'
layoutTopology: Description: 'Topology of the canvas. Number of columns and rows separated by X. For example: 2X1, 1X3, etc', Type: 'string', Category: 'Combination Plots', Default Value: 'False'
layoutAdjust: Description: 'Flag to force recalculating the ranges in the axes when multiple graphs are displayed in the canvas', Type: 'boolean', Category: 'Combination Plots', Default Value: 'False'
layoutType: Description: 'Type of layout to place the position for the labels in the trellis plot. Identify the axis that will be used to place the first segregating factor. rows will use the first segregating factor in the rows and the second in the columns. cols will use the first segregating factor in the columns and the second in the rows. wrap will wrap the segregating factors putting the sample factors in the columns', Type: 'string', Category: 'Combination Plots', Options for Field Value: [wrap,rows,cols], Default Value: 'wrap'