You need to have the buf
CLI installed to follow along with this example.
Buf enables you to lint Protobuf sources in accordance with lint rules that you specify in your buf.yaml
configuration file. This project shows linting in action with two different Buf inputs:
- The
input is a module that violates a whole host of lint rules. This module "works" but it ain't pretty. - The
module, on the other hand, violates no lint rules and is thus a much better citizen of the Protobuf universe.
Both inputs use the DEFAULT
lint rules and are available on the Buf Schema Registry:
To lint the bad
buf lint ./bad
❌ Uh-oh! We can see that this module is pretty rough:
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:5:1:Files with package "weather" must be within a directory "weather" relative to root but were in directory "acme/weather/v1".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:5:1:Package name "weather" should be suffixed with a correctly formed version, such as "weather.v1".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:10:3:Enum value name "sunny" should be prefixed with "CONDITION_".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:10:3:Enum value name "sunny" should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, such as "SUNNY".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:10:3:Enum zero value name "sunny" should be suffixed with "_UNSPECIFIED".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:11:3:Enum value name "rainy" should be prefixed with "CONDITION_".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:11:3:Enum value name "rainy" should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, such as "RAINY".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:12:3:Enum value name "other" should be prefixed with "CONDITION_".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:12:3:Enum value name "other" should be UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, such as "OTHER".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:40:9:Service name "WeatherVision" should be suffixed with "Service".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:41:3:"weather.Weather" is used as the request or response type for multiple RPCs.
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:41:23:RPC request type "GetWeather" should be named "CurrentWeatherRequest" or "WeatherVisionCurrentWeatherRequest".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:41:44:RPC response type "Weather" should be named "CurrentWeatherResponse" or "WeatherVisionCurrentWeatherResponse".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:42:3:"weather.Weather" is used as the request or response type for multiple RPCs.
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:42:24:RPC request type "Expected" should be named "ExpectedWeatherRequest" or "WeatherVisionExpectedWeatherRequest".
bad/acme/weather/v1/weather.proto:42:43:RPC response type "Weather" should be named "ExpectedWeatherResponse" or "WeatherVisionExpectedWeatherResponse".
To lint the good
buf lint ./good
✅ Much better! This project has a clean bill of health.