Unflatten library allows userspace application to recreate memory layout and data using memory images created by kflat or uflat.
Vast majority of this code is copied from main.cpp
file present in the original kflat repository.
Library exposes API for both C and C++ applications.
* Unflatten - construct new (empty) instance of flatten image
* (int) level: debug level used for printing info
Unflatten::Unflatten(int level = 0);
* load - load new kflat image from file. This method can be safely
* called multiple times to load one image after another
* (FILE*) file: pointer to opened file with kflat image
* (fptr*) gfa: optional pointer to function resolving function addresses
Unflatten::load(FILE* file, get_function_address_t gfa = NULL);
* get_next_root - retrieve the pointer to the next flattened object
* get_seq_root - retrieve the pointer to the n-th flattened object
* (size_t) idx: ID of object to retrieve from image
Unflatten::get_seq_root(size_t idx);
* get_named_root - retrieve the pointer to flattened object named `name`
* (char*) name: name of target object
* (size_t*) size: optional pointer to where the size of object will be stored
Unflatten::get_named_root(const char* name, size_t* size);
Unflatten library exposes C binding for all available class methods. The usage and arguments are similar to those in C++ interface. Additionally, user must manually release class resources by invoking unflatten_deinit
CUnflatten unflatten_init(int level);
void unflatten_deinit(CUnflatten flatten);
int unflatten_load(CUnflatten flatten, FILE* file, get_function_address_t gfa);
void* unflatten_root_pointer_next(CUnflatten flatten);
void* unflatten_root_pointer_seq(CUnflatten flatten, size_t idx);
void* unflatten_root_pointer_named(CUnflatten flatten, const char* name, size_t* idx);
Any exception thrown by underlying C++ code is caught and converted to -1
, depending on the function return value type.
Below, the most basic use of this library is presented. Kflat image provided as argv[1]
is loaded into process memory and the content of flattened structure struct A
is being printed.
#include "unflatten.hpp"
int main() {
Unflatten flatten;
FILE* in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
assert(in != NULL);
int ret = flatten.load(in, NULL);
assert(ret == 0);
const struct A* pA = (const struct A*) flatten.get_next_root();
std::cout << pA->x << std::endl;
This library uses code extracted from Linux kernel source code (files rbtree.c
and include_priv/*
) under license GPL-2.0.