Cool for looking by - hopfully you'll find this helpful. If not: the source is everything you need :)
IT's go :D nothing really to explain, install dependencies and build LEL.
lel@srv:~/lel$ go get
lel@srv:~/lel$ goxc
lel@srv:~/lel/cmd$ go build . -t LEL
For running configuration you can use dev.yml
lel@srv:~/lel/cmd$ ./LEL -d -c ../dev-config.yml
Since I'm no frontend expert i'd love some tips :D
Start LEL and the npm serve
lel@srv:~/lel/cmd$ go run *.go -d
lel@srv:~/lel/static$ npm install <stuff>
lel@srv:~/lel/static$ npm run serve
Then go to to see the react component.
Thanks for looking at this file. If you want to contribute feel free to do so and give something back to the community.
if compiling isn't working increase the inodes: Answer
echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p