- randomly subset the users and show one set the control and one the treatment
- control group: current paywall
- treatment group: proposed paywall
- monitor the conversion rate to see which is better
- isolatee the impact of gthe change made
- reduce the impact of confounding variables
Response variable
- used to meqsure the impact of the change
- should be KPI or directly related to KPI
Factors & variants
- factors: the type of variable changing
- the paywall color
- variants: particular changes testing
- red versus blue parwall
- primary goal: increase revenue
- better metric: conversion rate
- experiment unit: paywall views
- simple to work with
Baseline conversion rate
- conversion rate before running the test
- 0.347
- determine test sensitivity
Test Sensitivity
- what size of impact is meaningful to detect? 1% 20%
- sensitivity: the minimun level of change we want to be able to detect in the test
- exploring in history data, here 10% of the improvement of avg_revenue looks good,
Standard Error <=> Standard Deviation
- SE: eg. the diff between sample mean and the porpulation mean
- SD: the dispersion of the sample
- Standard Error =
$\sqrt{\overline{E} * (1 - \overline{E}) / n}$ - where
$\overline{E}$ means the observed conversion rate, n means the sample number# Find the number of paywall views n = purchase_data.purchase.count() # Calculate the quantitiy "v" v = conversion_rate * (1 - conversion_rate) # Calculate the variance and standard error of the estimate var = v / n se = var**0.5
type 1&2 Error
type 1 error: Null true but reject -
Confidence Level
- probability not to make type 1 error
- conmmon values: 0.9, 0.95
Statistical Power
- probability not to make type 2 error
- given the null hypothesis false (there is diff between A, B groups), we truely reject it and accpet another hypothesis, the prob to be right
several values related:
- Confidence Levle, Statistical Power, Standard Error, Test Sensitivity
- sample size up, power up too
- confidence leverl up, power down
Given confidence level, power, conversion rate of control and test we can get Sample Size
given cl, p1, p2
=> diff sample size
=> diff power
=> match the set power
=> the sample size fit the constraint
=> the sample size works well
to achieve both higher cl and power (less possible to make error in both type 1 and type 2), more samples needed
# Calculate the test power (some details omitted)
def get_power(n, p1, p2, cl):
alpha = 1 - cl
qu = stats.norm.ppf(1 - alpha/2)
diff = abs(p2 - p1)
bp = (p1 + p2) / 2
power = power_part_one + power_part_two
def get_sample_size(power, p1, p2, cl, max_n=1000000):
n = 1
while n <= max_n:
tmp_power = get_power(n, p1, p2, cl)
if tmp_power >= power:
return n
n = n + 100
return "Increase Max N Value"
Confirming test results
- Are our groups the same size?
- Do our groups have similar demographics?
Is the result statistically significant?
- statistically significant: are the conversion rates diff enough?
- p-values:
- if the null hypothesis is true, the probability to observe a result as or more extreme than the the one we observed (observed one is from the test result data).
- The p-value is the probability that the null hypothesis is true given the data observed.
- smaller, null hypothesis more not possible
- accept or reject hypothesis based on the p-values
- 0.01, very strong evidence against the null hypothesis
- 0.01 - 0.05, stong
- 0.05 - 0.1, very weak
- 0.1, small or no evidence
def get_pvalue(con_conv, test_conv, con_size, test_size): lift = - abs(test_conv - con_conv) scale_one = con_conv * (1 - con_conv) * (1 / con_size) scale_two = test_conv * (1 - test_conv) * (1 / test_size) scale_val = (scale_one + scale_two)**0.5 p_value = 2 * stats.norm.cdf(lift, loc = 0, scale = scale_val ) return p_value
- confidence intervals
def get_ci(value, cl, sd): loc = sci.norm.ppf(1 - cl/2) rng_val = sci.norm.cdf(loc - value/sd) lwr_bnd = value - rng_val upr_bnd = value + rng_val return_val = (lwr_bnd, upr_bnd) return(return_val)
Interpreting your test results
- Plotting the distribution
- Plotting the difference distribution