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Releases: c2corg/c2c_ui


01 Jul 07:00
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5e6da95 Bump to version 7.4.1
73e6787 Update translations from transifex
e2270e5 Update translations from transifex
f24d8ae Update translations from transifex
1d50dab Fix message extraction
017945c Change CI badge from travis to github actions
c627505 Bump snyk from 1.349.0 to 1.353.0
6b9c45a Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.21.2 to 2.22.0
0f0f834 Use $radius var
1a5866c Use rounded border for associations cards in edition mode
c622641 Fix association cards display on mobile
a412c21 hotfix typo
81fc2af code optimization
a26a57c Add context to bivouac waypoint to translate capacity properly
4aabce3 Only some languages are supported for constrained searches
d5e014e Fix map height for diff view
37977ba Fix paragliding link from waypoint
da630d8 Create .gitattributes to ensure LF
37f8317 Bump snyk from 1.348.1 to 1.349.0
414a313 Update
1d2f980 Rename Github Code Sacanning workflow


25 Jun 19:21
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83728a9 Create codeql-analysis.yml
07840a3 Fix linting errors
9d78002 fix CSS
0d7e7de Bump vue-property-decorator to version 9.0.0
fd25c4f update Vue cli to version 4.4.6
ceaadcb Bump eslint from 7.3.0 to 7.3.1
63c1281 Bump snyk from 1.339.2 to 1.348.1
761170a Bump blueimp-load-image from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0
08acd31 Bump eslint from 7.2.0 to 7.3.0
0a68e7c Bump @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1
f65a3dd Bump @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1
e48b16a Bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1
e6022fb Bump @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1
982c49a Bump ag-grid-community from 23.2.0 to 23.2.1
249833c Bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core from 1.2.28 to 1.2.29
bff33be Bump moment from 2.26.0 to 2.27.0
0c094c0 Bump ag-grid-vue from 23.2.0 to 23.2.1
53ff1c3 Bump @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome from 0.1.9 to 0.1.10
f35cd36 Bump vue-router from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4
8e63b4a Bump eslint-plugin-prettier from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4
7e60575 Rework image upload logic
446c602 update eslint
bb49e03 Upgrade to vue-cli 4.4.4
6b86e78 Bump vue-router from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3
b2c3891 Bump snyk from 1.338.0 to 1.339.2
1096b36 Rather use import plugin for more consistent ordering
061052b chore: sort imports with eslint
ed5bfd2 Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.21.1 to 2.21.2
cc29096 Bump snyk from 1.337.0 to 1.338.0
fdf3c0c Update translations from transifex
702489f fix babel-eslint version
90f2862 update ag-grid to version 23.2.0
f0001bb fix polyfill names according to corejs@3
3450270 fix import
f3727f3 Bump snyk from 1.336.0 to 1.337.0
21c2b76 npm audit fix
8ce0cdf Translate whatsnew page title
9df7518 Bump bulma from 0.8.2 to 0.9.0
b8374e7 Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.20.2 to 2.21.1
5923368 Update translations from transifex
9b11817 Update translations from transifex
18b1239 [Security] Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4
1fbdc8c Bump snyk from 1.334.0 to 1.336.0
81deb2d Bump snyk from 1.333.0 to 1.334.0
8775ce6 Bump vue-router from 3.3.0 to 3.3.2
b817f5c Bump vue-slider-component from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5
14fcf08 Bump snyk from 1.332.0 to 1.333.0
9c1eaea Bump snyk from 1.329.0 to 1.332.0
e05edd0 Update translations from transifex
cded49e Update vue cli deps
8ce27b5 Bump vue-slider-component from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4
ac2955f Bump snyk from 1.328.0 to 1.329.0
d8bb356 Bump @vue/cli-service from 4.3.1 to 4.4.1
1705a0c Bump vue-router from 3.2.0 to 3.3.0
29ca554 Update translations from transifex
c5d8a5f Bump snyk from 1.323.2 to 1.328.0
6f00e9a Update translations from transifex
5df69c2 Update translations from transifex
71364c5 Bump snyk from 1.323.1 to 1.323.2
4756e40 Update translations from transifex
984e631 Bump snyk from 1.321.0 to 1.323.1
9f8107a Bump moment from 2.25.3 to 2.26.0
1988998 Bump webpack-bundle-analyzer from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0
582d4ed Bump snyk from 1.321.0 to 1.323.0
c3c0c8a Bump vue-router from 3.1.6 to 3.2.0
4a76cfb Update translations from transifex
3b4685a Update translations from transifex
2371772 Bump proj4 from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2
9c6a9a5 Bump blueimp-load-image from 5.11.0 to 5.12.0
0b20647 Do not lint on build
a3e98ee fix eslint warnings
fe7ea50 Update translations from transifex
d142c44 Have another button label when not all posts are shown
0f8d59b Update translations from transifex
d21ff73 Update translations from transifex
564c5f0 mark package private
a68f13d lint files
f22370d Use prettier for formatting
b86d8a9 It works, so configure for master
023e8b4 Generate changelog
f06775d Lot of small fixes on new SERAC model
956fdae Bump ag-grid-vue from 23.1.0 to 23.1.1
569fbcf Bump ag-grid-community from 23.1.0 to 23.1.1
7547351 Bump snyk from 1.320.3 to 1.321.0
ee33ce2 Pull before commiting and pushing gh-pages
ee539cb Bump snyk from 1.320.2 to 1.320.3
30e277d Bump blueimp-load-image from 5.10.0 to 5.11.0
f09fff2 Missing vue-template-compiler dependency
6ac20d2 Simplify process
5038d9f Remove now useless scripts
aab6aed Add workflow to retrieve i18n from transifex
6850d44 Set box shadow to old bulma's value #1149
b9d5756 Fix typo, generate messages
8b12d18 Bump snyk from 1.320.1 to 1.320.2
556ad98 Skip github pages for dependabot PRs
431481e Bump blueimp-load-image from 5.7.0 to 5.10.0
2e71d9e Bump vue-slider-component from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3
3b6b97e Bump snyk from 1.319.2 to 1.320.1
2722385 Fix path for github pages builds #1142
3182436 npm audit fix
648bff5 Display MTB distance in km #1140
943c5c3 Handle multiline output for task
299c822 use v1 to retrieve tags
64a947b fix current tag formatting
137eea3 release may already be created, update it then
e26b78b Let's try to generate log for release another way
602582a Another way to generate the changelog
0699236 No wildcard
2f4c8df Push image with tag name
ef37391 Fix transifex push
5521d61 Fix changelog generation options
fecb88e use actions to create release description
6672d11 should happen on tag, not on master
b797990 remove previous branch files
c166422 script is now useless
c230a2b checkout repo for i18n job
79c0634 checkout gh-pages branch
d042dbe git commit -a won't add new files
bbee118 re pfff
32c565a pfff
4d85c08 forgot needs build
bf77ba3 let's try another approach
63be01f try checkout v2?
630b027 Better localized dates
92c50fb let's debug push
52de1ce Use global git config?
84abf8d Fixes
7b8abe3 fix indent
b667db3 Use github actions
f7832d7 Small fixes on YETI page #1136
5f517c2 Bump snyk from 1.319.1 to 1.319.2
695127e Bump blueimp-load-image from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0
b9323b3 Change paragliding rating label #1110
62eafc1 Sort common.json

Read more


28 Apr 13:23
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3ab36e2 Add a link to paragliding outings on WP view #1098
eaf2d7d nearby button allows open in a new tab #1093
5a5afb7 Display slope for paragliding wp
e4b7d1a Fix account saving #885
7ba1929 gpx for saving area => use polygon #1088
3b0ffe6 set focus on good input on association editor #1077
0f631cd Edit length in km (io meters)
d50c200 Add lang attribute for sections when document and interface langs differ
6f0eedc Add help link #1069


07 Apr 13:52
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d2a4d39 Add chineese translations
b0a9e30 Update catalan translations (close to 100%)
33310ae Update spanish translations (but lot of strings are still missing)
30e7274 Do not print document rating helper icon
772a3fd Revamp quality field
d16f939 Add fundraiser links
72952c7 add snowshoe rating on cards and route views


06 Jan 21:37
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f16c6df Reduce map links visibility #844
1a2cb76 Add donate button #381
8f7ec23 popup if user try to leave a form #945
8af561c fix alignment on outing cards #959 22.1.1
df93087 Workaround to improve formatting of html code in biodiversity zones (#907)
a88c369 add meta for facebook
ab46da8 Remove mailing-lists navigation menu item #884


01 Dec 18:55
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3b1c162 Yeti updates (#895)
0186137 Propagate anchor in markdown to links #877
c394f7e Add association history view #399


17 Nov 20:14
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acce11e hot fix for map box


17 Nov 18:59
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Lot of commits : YETI
b210678 Change translation icon #852
578fb29 Remove mobile app add #849
0cf0a04 Add new translation in de, en, fr and it
9fe30a4 Move activities icons in associated route links


16 Oct 19:38
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5a40eb9 Fix image upload #813
8bf46d1 chore(package): update lockfile package-lock.json
b7dd053 fix(package): update snyk to version 1.235.0


14 Oct 19:07
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555ea8c Increase map width on documents view
0e900e9 Add rating helper #763
09fdf70 Add confirmation on reset password #777
f8d18d5 Add title on document links #791
625f6fa Add "report issue" button #787
5bfa888 Get date form IPC data in images
8796125 Show associated routes on xreports #774
1f0970c Do not automaticly set main WP on edition #775
e9420d4 Translations fr, it, and en
41900fb Use date_end as main date for outings instead of date_start