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The OPC-UA DAQ allows C2MON to collect data from OPC-UA servers. OPC UA is the newest member of the OPC family of standards The modern and flexible design of this new technology has many advantages over its predecessors including platform independence, higher reliability, and a comprehensive security model.

The OPC UA DAQ offers rich configurability options to suit the varying needs of different OPC UA servers, and exposes relevant metrics and endpoints for monitoring. It relies on the Eclipse Milo library (Eclipse Public License 1.0).

Downloading latest stable distribution tarball

The latest tarball release can be downloaded from CERN Nexus Repository.

Please check here for the latest stable release version.


Follow the C2MON Client API for information on how to configure the Processes, Equipment and DataTags. The EquipmentMessageHandler class to be specified during the Equipment creation is: cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.OPCUAMessageHandler.

The DAQ can be configured externally through Spring Boot as described here. These options are valid for all Equipments of a DAQ Process and can can be overwritten for a specific Equipment by appending the respective option to the respective EquipmentAddress. For example, URI=opc.tcp://hostname:2020;trustAllServers=true will skip validation of the incoming server certificate against the stored certificate authority only for the Equipment with that address.

Category Property Description
General restartDelay The delay in milliseconds before restarting the DAQ after an Equipment change if the change affected the EquipmentAddress.
requestTimeout The timeout in milliseconds indicating for how long the client is willing to wait for a server response on a single transaction in milliseconds. The maximum value is 5000.
queueSize The maximum number of values which can be queued in between publish intervals of the subscriptions. If more updates occur during the time frame of the DataTags’ time deadband, these values are added to the queue. The fastest possible sampling rate for the server is used for each MonitoredItem.
aliveWriterEnabled The AliveWriter ensures that the SubEquipments connected to the OPC UA server are still running, and sends regular AliveTags to the C2MON Core.
Redundany redundancyMode The redundancy handler mode to use (Part of the FailoverMode enum). A ConcreteController will be resolved (within ControllerFactory) according to this value, instead of querying the the server’s AddressSpace for the appropriate information. Can be for speedup to avoid querying the server for its redundancy mode upon each new connection, and to support vendor-specific redundancy modes.
redundantServerUris URIs of redundant servers to use instead of the reading the URIs from the server’s address space.
failoverDelay The delay before triggering a failover after a Session deactivates. Set to -1 to not use the Session status as a trigger for a failover.
connectionMonitoringRate The publishing rate for the subscriptions to Nodes monitoring the connection in redundant server sets in seconds.
Security trustAllServers The client will make no attempt to validate server certificates, but trust servers. If disabled, incoming server certificates are verified against the certificates listed in pkiBaseDir.
pkiBaseDir Specifies the path to the PKI directory of the client. If the“trusted” subdirectory in pkiBaseDir contains either a copy of either the incoming certificate or a certificate higher up the Certificate Chain, then the certificate is deemed trustworthy.
certifierPriority [NO_SECURITY, GENERATE, LOAD]
Connection with a Certifier associated with the element will be attempted in decreasing order of the associated value until successful. If the value is not given then that Certifier will not be used.
Certification applicationName The name of the application to specify in the connection request and a generated certificate.
applicationUri Must match the applicationUri of a loaded certificate exactly, if applicable.
Properties to use in the generation of a self-signed certificate.
Properties required to load a certificate and private key from a keystore file.
Paths to the PEM-encoded certificate and private key files respecively.
Modifying server information hostSubstitutionMode [NONE, SUBSTITUTE_LOCAL, APPEND_LOCAL, SUBSTITUTE_GLOBAL, APPEND_GLOBAL] OPC UA servers are commonly configured to return a local host address in EndpointDescriptions returned on discovery that may not be resolvable to the client (e.g. “” if the endpoint resides in the same server. Substituting the hostname allows administrators to such server configurations. Global refers to the configured globalHostName, while local uses the hostname within the address used for discovery.
portSubstitutionMode [NONE, LOCAL, GLOBAL] The port can be substituted with the port in the discovery address, or by the configured globalPort.
globalHostName The hostname to append or substitute if the hostSubstitutionMode is set to a global option. If the hostSubstitutionMode is global no globalHostName is set, the host is not substituted.
globalPort The port to substitute if the portSubstitutionMode is global.
timeRecordMode [SERVER, SOURCE, CLOSEST] With every value update, the OPC UA server may return a server timestamp, a source timestamp, or both. SERVER and SOURCE prefer the corresponding timestamp,and fall back to the other in case that the value is not set. CLOSEST uses the timestamp that is closer to the system time.
Retry retryDelay The initial delay before retrying a failed service call. The time in between retries is multiplied by retryMultiplier on every new failure, until reaching the maximum time of maxRetryDelay.
retryMultiplier On each new failed attempt, the delay time before another call is multiplied by retryMulitplier starting with "retryDelay" and up to a maximum of maxRetryDelay.
maxRetryDelay The maximum delay when retrying failed service calls.
maxRetryAttempts The maximum amount of attempts to retry failed service calls in milliseconds. This does NOT include recreating subscriptions, and the failover process in redundant server setups.

Tag Hardware Address

Field Data Type Description
opcItemName String Full name of the publication within the OPC server.
addressType Enum [STRING, NUMERIC, GUID] The type of the address as defined on the OPC UA Server.
commandType Enum [CLASSIC, METHOD] A CommandTag in C2MON may describe to two distinct concepts in OPC UA: METHOD describes a call to a Node of type Method, CLASSIC refers to a write operation to a Node of type Variable.
namespace int The namespace index of the node corresponding to the Tag which the hardware address belongs to. An OPC UA addressspace is structured through one or more namespaces. Each namespace consists of multiple connected Nodes and is uniquely identified on the server by its index.
commandPulseLength int Pulse commands set a CommandTag to the defined value and reset it to the original value after the commandPulseLength in milliseconds. A pulse length of less than 500 ms is not recommended as setting or resetting the value may take longer than 500 ms on the server. Only valid for CLASSIC commands.


OPC UA redundancy is supported in Cold Failover mode, which can be used as a fallback for higher redundancy modes. By default, the OPC UA DAQ will only reconnect to a redundant server if the previously active server's ServiceLevel node shows a value below 200, or if its ServerState shows a value other than Running or Unknown. If the configuration parameter By default, the OPC UA DAQ will only reconnect to a redundant server if the previously active server's ServiceLevel node shows a value below 200, or if its ServerState shows a value other than Running or Unknown.

It is possible to configure the OPC UA DAQ to attempt reconnection also upon disconnection to the active server through the configuration parameter failoverDelay. This parameter specifies the amount of time that an OPC UA DAQ will wait for a server to respond after losing connection before attempting to connect to redundant servers.

The DAQ can be extended to support other redundancy modes as follows:

Custom Redundancy modes

  • Add a custom value to the cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.config.AppConfigProperties.FailoverMode enumeration and configure your Process to use this FailoverMode.
  • Create a new cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.control.ConcreteController. You may find it it useful to extend ControllerBase, in which case you should only need to deal with Initial choice of server, monitoring the connection for your failover triggers, and the failover process itself
  • Modify the getObject(AppConfigProperties.FailoverMode mode) method within cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.control.ControllerFactory to return an instance of your ConcreteController upon your custom FailoverMode

OPC UA Redundancy modes

  • Add a new ConcreteController extending FailoverBase which overwrite the initialize(), switchServers(), currentEndpoint() and passiveEndpoints() methods respectively with the appropriate actions:
    • initialize()
      • is passed an already connected Endpoint by the ControllerProxy.
      • Find the healthiest Server (with the highest ServiceLevel): this should be the active server
      • For HotAndMirrored:
        • Only connect to the healthiest server.
      • For all other modes:
        • Connect to the server(s) at the redundantUris:
      • Set the appropriate MonitoringMode on the Endpoints
        • In org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.enumerated.MonitoringMode, "Reporting" is sampling and publishing in Table 111 (UA Part 6) below
        • Warm: Set active Endpoint to Reporting, and all others to Disabled
        • Hot(a): active to Reporting, all others to Sampling
        • Hot(b): all to Reporting
        • HotAndMirrored: active to Reporting, this should be the only one that's connected.
      • call cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.control.FailoverBase.connectionMonitoring() when done.
    • currentEndpoint() should return the active Endpoint: This will be the only Endpoint called for read or write operations.
    • passiveEndpoints() should return all the Endpoints on which subscriptions should be crated and modified (an empty list for Warm and HotAndMirrored, all Endpoints connected to the backup servers for Hot).
    • switchServer() according to the redundancy mode:
      • switchServer() is called until successful by FailoverBase when the ServerState or ServiceLevel nodes change to unhealthy, or the session deactivates (if configured) → throw an OPCUAException if no connection is possible!
      • find the new healthiest server → this will the new active server
      • modify cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.control.FailoverBase.MiloEndpoint so that switching the MonitoringMode changes the modes of the active subscriptions
      • modify the org.eclipse.milo.opcua.stack.core.types.enumerated.MonitoringMode as the former and now-active Endpoint accordingly
  • for Warm failover, call cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.control.FailoverBase.triggerServerSwitch() when receiving the StatusCode Bad_NoCommunication → this indicates that we're connected to the inactive Server
  • Modify the getObject(AppConfigProperties.FailoverMode mode) method within cern.c2mon.daq.opcua.control.ControllerFactory to return an instance of your ConcreteController upon the appropriate FailoverMode
    Redundancy failover actions

Metric Exposure

The OPC UA DAQ exposes health, dumps, and info through Spring actuator endpoints, accessible through JMX and HTTP via Jolokia.

In addition to Spring actuators, the following metrics are exposed:

  • c2mon_daq_opcua_tag_updates_valid
  • c2mon_daq_opcua_tag_updates_invalid
  • c2mon_daq_opcua_tags_per_subscription
  • system_network_bytes_received
  • system_network_bytes_sent
  • system_network_packets_received
  • system_network_packets_sent

Those metrics prefixed by are gathered through the Operating System and Hardware Information library OSHI. The Grafana dashboard included in the file src/resources/grafana_dashboard.json provides an overview over relevant system and DAQ metrics.


By default, JMX is exposed through port 8913. To change this port, modify the included Dockerfile and build a tarball. When running with Docker, this port must be exposed. Set the following application property:


The process can now be accessed through JMX under service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://[YOUR HOST]:8913/jmxrmi


To expose the application through HTTP, set the following application properties and expose [HTTP PORT].

management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=[TO EXPOSE],jolokia
management.server.port=[HTTP PORT] 

The process can now be accessed through HTTP under http://[YOUR HOST]:[HTTP PORT]/actuator/jolokia. See the official Jolokia documentation for more details.


The following operations are exposed through JMX and Jolokia, and can be triggered remotely:

  • reading out values from single DataTags
  • starting and stopping the AliveWriter
  • examining the type of redundancy Controller currently in use
  • triggering a failover process in the case of a redundant server setup