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Initialize Contract Object

Before jumping into any functionality, a Contract object has to be initialized in the Toolbox.

Initializing Ethereum Contract

This is done with the initEthereumContract function for Ethereum.


The parameters of initEthereumContract function are described as follows.

Name Type Description
name string Name of the Contract used on deployment
symbol string Symbol of the Contract used on deployment
dir string Path to directory where the new Contract File is to be created
standard string "ERC721" or "ERC1155"
connection object Used to set up ethers.js connection. Described here
deployed object (optional) Used for initialization of deployed contracts. Described here

Connection Details

The fields of connection parameter are described as follows.

Name Type Description
network string The Blockchain network on which contract is (to be) deployed
provider object Details of the JSON RPC provider to be used
wallet object Contains privateKey of wallet to be used on the network

:::info The contents of connection parameter in initContract function are used to set up an ethers.js connection. See their documentation for more details. :::

Supported Networks

  • Ethereum Mainnet ("homestead")
  • Sepolia Testnet ("sepolia")
  • Polygon Mainnet ("matic")
  • Polygon Mumbai Testnet ("maticmum")

Supported Providers

:::note See Supported Providers on ethers.js here :::

Initialization for Deployed Contract

A Contract object can be initialized from an alredy deployed contract as well by passing the optional parameter deployed to initContract function. The fields of deployed parameter are described as follows.

Name Type Description
address string Address of the deployed contract on network
abi object ABI of the contract

:::note The initialization for deployed contracts will only be useful in the Interacting Functionality and not in Draft or Deploy functionalities. :::


After Importing the package,

	name: "YourEthereumContract",
	symbol: "YOUR",
	dir: "./path/to/directory/Contracts/",
	standard: "ERC721",
	connection: {
		network: "homestead",
		provider: {
			infura: {
				projectId: "PROJECT_ID",
				projectSecret: "PROJECT_SECRET",
		wallet: { privateKey: "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY" },
	deployed: {
		address: "0xADDRESS",
		abi: JSON.parse(

Initialize Solana Contract

Before using any Solana-specific functionality, you need to initialize a Solana Contract object in the Toolbox. This is done with the initSolanaContract function.


The parameters of initSolanaContract function are described as follows.

Name Type Description
name string Name of the Contract used on deployment
symbol string Symbol of the Contract used on deployment
dir string Path to directory where the new Contract File is to be created
connection object Used to set up Solana connection. See Connection Details
deployed object (optional) Used for initialization of deployed contracts. See Initialization for Deployed Contract

Connection Details

The fields of connection parameter are described as follows.

Name Type Description
rpc string URL of the Solana RPC node
network string Solana network to use (e.g., "devnet", "mainnet")
payer keypair Keypair of the account paying for transactions
idl idl Interface Description Language for the program

Supported Networks

  • Devnet
  • Testnet
  • Mainnet

Initialization for Deployed Contract

To initialize a deployed Solana contract, include the deployed parameter:

The fields of deployed parameter are described as follows.

Name Type Description
address string Address of the deployed contract
programId string Program ID of the deployed contract
programData Buffer (optional) Program data of the contract

:::note The initialization for deployed contracts will only be useful in the Interacting Functionality and not in Draft or Deploy functionalities. :::


After Importing the package,

    name: "MySolanaNFT",
    symbol: "SNFT",
    dir: "./solana-contracts/",
    connection: {
      rpc: "",
      network: "devnet",
      connection: connection,
      payer: payer,
      idl: idl,
    deployed: {
      address: "Your program deployed address",
      programId: "Your programId",