In the following examples a hypothetical copy of a document $item
describes a holding of a periodical held by someone.
$item ecpo:hasChronology ecpo:Current .
This statement just says that an item has a current chronology without giving futher information which units are held.
$item ecpo:hasChronology ecpo:Closed .
This statement just says that an item has a closed chronology without giving futher information which units are held.
Given description: v.26,issue 1-
$item ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "26" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "issue" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1"
] .
Given description: v.26,issue 1-v.31, issue 6
$item ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:ClosedChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "26" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "issue" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "31" ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueCaption "issue" ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueNumbering "6"
] .
Given description: (2001:Jan.1-2006:June 30)=no.320-no.385
$item ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:ClosedChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginTemporal "2001" ;
ecpo:hasBeginTemporalExtension "Jan.1" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "320" ;
ecpo:hasEndTemporal "2006" ;
ecpo:hasEndTemporalExtension "June 30" ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueNumbering "385"
] .
Given description: v.5:no.1(1975:spring)-v.7:no.4(1977:autumn),v.8:no.2(1978:winter)-
$item ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:ClosedChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "5" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasBeginTemporal "1975" ;
ecpo:hasBeginTemporalExtension "spring" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "7" ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueNumbering "4" ;
ecpo:hasEndTemporal "1977" ;
ecpo:hasEndTemporalExtension "autumn"
] ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:ClosedChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "8" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "2" ;
ecpo:hasBeginTemporal "1978" ;
ecpo:hasBeginTemporalExtension "winter"
] .
In this example the main chronology is made as an instance of [CurrentChronology] for the sake of expressivity. It also had been made as an instance of [Chronology]. But this way it is easier to tell if the whole chronology is current or not.
Given description: v.1 v.2 v.2[i.e. 3] v.6
In this example Volume 3 was incorrectly numbered by the publisher.
$item ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeNumbering "1"
] ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeNumbering "2"
] ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeNumbering "2" ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeExtension "[i.e. 3]" ;
dct:description "Volume 3 was incorrectly numbered by the publisher"@en
] ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeNumbering "6"
] .
The property [hasItemizedVolumeExtension] is described as "A textual descrimination of the volume". In this example it is used to transport the correction statement for the wron volume numbering. The expression with the property dct:description is optional.
As in the example above the volumes v.4 and v.5 are missing. There are two possibilities to express this.
Itemized way
$item ecpo:hasChronologyGap [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeNumbering "4"
] ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasItemizedVolumeNumbering "5"
] .
$item ecpo:hasChronologyGap [
a ecpo:Chronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "4" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeCaption "v." ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "5"
] .
The term dct:description is recommended to give a description of the chronology. The term dc:coverage is recommended to transport the given description if there is one. The term [dct:accrualPeriodicity] is recommended to give information about the frequency with which items are added to the collection. The term dct:extend is recommended to give information about the number of units in the chronology.
Given description: ser.1:no.1-ser.1:no.4,ser.2:no.1-ser.2:no.6
$item ecpo:hasChronology [
a ecpo:CurrentChronology ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:ClosedChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "ser." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeCaption "ser." ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueNumbering "4" ;
dct:description "double number issue 2/3"@en ;
dct:accrualPeriodicity [ rdfs:label "4 numbers per series"@en ] ;
dct:extent [ rdf:value "3" ] .
] ;
dct:hasPart [
a ecpo:ClosedChronology ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeCaption "ser." ;
ecpo:hasBeginVolumeNumbering "2" ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasBeginIssueNumbering "1" ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeCaption "ser." ;
ecpo:hasEndVolumeNumbering "2" ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueCaption "no." ;
ecpo:hasEndIssueNumbering "6" ;
dct:description "triple number issue 2-4"@en ;
dct:accrualPeriodicity [ rdfs:label "6 numbers per series"@en ] ;
dct:extent [ rdf:value "4" ] .
] ;
dct:description "the numbers per series varies"@en ;
dc:coverage "ser.1:no.1-ser.1:no.4,ser.2:no.1-ser.2:no.6"
] .
In this example the number of issues per series varies, which is expressed through the term dct:description in the main chronology.
Each sub-chronology has another dct:description which give more detailed information on the parts in textual form.
The sub-chronologies also contain the term dct:accrualPeriodicity which gives a hint about how many numbers a sub-chronologies consits of and also the term dct:extent which gives the exact number of units in the sub-chronologies. Both terms must have a resource as range.
The term dc:coverage holds the whole source description in once, for what ever reason.