helm package ./charts/cadence
helm template cadence-release cadence-0.1.3.tgz > template_out.yaml
helm package ./charts/cadence
helm upgrade --install cadence-release cadence-0.1.3.tgz \
-n cadencetest \
Port forward to check the UI
kubectl port-forward svc/cadence-web-service 8088:8088 -n cadencetest
Port forward frontend service to run CLI commands
kubectl port-forward svc/cadence-frontend 7933:7933 -n cadencetest
Register domain:
cadence --address localhost:7933 \
--env development \
--domain samples-domain domain register
Run samples:
Change host in config/development.yaml
host: "localhost:7833"
- Port forward to frontend on 7833
kubectl port-forward svc/cadence-frontend-headless 7833:7833 -n cadencetest
- Run sample worker (run at samples repo root)
./bin/helloworld -m worker
- Trigger a workflow (run at samples repo root)
./bin/helloworld -m trigger
Visit localhost:8088 and validate the new workflow exists!
Install helm-docs:
go install github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/cmd/helm-docs@latest
Run it
cadencechart/README.md file should be updated.
After making changes to templates, increment the chart version in charts/cadence/Chart.yaml. Then merge your changes and automation will take care of publishing the new version. Cadence chart is hosted on github pages and automation is done using Chart Releaser Action. After new version is available in helm repo, deploy it to a K8s cluster to validate.