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Function: moddedKey()

cajhin edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

moddedKey ( keyLabel + modstring )

keyLabel : any key

modstring : a modifier string

  • with & and . (no | ^ T )
  • with real modifiers 1-8 (no MOD9..MOD15)
  • without [ ] brackets

This is quite powerful; it sends one key that is modified with real modifiers. Any keys that are down already will be released first, then restored after the moddedKey was sent

Detail: this sends

  1. "key up" for all keys that are down
  2. "key down" for all modifiers in the modstring
  3. "key down" for the keyLabel
  4. "key up" for the keyLabel
  5. "key up" for all modifiers
  6. "key down" for all keys that were released in step 1 (in no guaranteed order)


Shift+F4 sends Ctrl-Alt-Delete but first releases the shift key COMBO F4 [...&] > moddedKey( DEL + &.&. )