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cajhin edited this page May 25, 2022 · 7 revisions

Some keys are not recognized

Some special keys (media keys, power keys and the like) are not real keys, and they don't send a "key pressed" event.

capsicain does not handle these 'buttons', at all. Check if Autohotkey maybe has a special handler.

To check if a key is a "real" key:

  • enable debug output [ESC]+[D]
  • press a normal key like [A] : you should see a new line
  • press the special key. If there is a new line, read the key name. If there is no new line, it won't work.

Sending SLEEP does nothing (probably other keys, too)

It seems that Windows does not react to the old SLEEP key, my Logitech instead sends some USB event that is not a key.

The keyboard worked, but after sleep it doesn't

There is a known issue with some Bluetooth keyboards.

Only rebooting might help. Basically, if the keyboard gets a new ID after the PC sleeps, you might hit the 10 device limit of the Interception driver.

I only encountered this with a specific bluetooth keyboard, not with Logitechs (which have dongles).


Special çhärš with AltChar() worked, but now they don't, after I touch a VirtualBox VM

For AltChar combos in Windows, NumLock must be ON.
Even if you don't have a Number Pad, Windows still tracks the NumLock status.

VirtualBox syncs the NumLock state of the VM with the state of the host, by checking the NumLock LED (doh!)
If your keyboard has no NumLock LED, then VirtualBox sets the state to OFF every time you enter the VM.

Fix: VBoxManage setextradata "<vm-name>" GUI/HidLedsSync "0"

Thx Martin for figuring it out