diff --git a/config/default.yaml b/config/default.yaml
index 3f2ffb2..3ccdb50 100644
--- a/config/default.yaml
+++ b/config/default.yaml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ data-sources:
     lau: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/GISCO/geodatafiles/COMM-01M-2013-SH.zip
     degurba: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/GISCO/geodatafiles/DGURBA_2014_SH.zip
     land_cover: http://due.esrin.esa.int/files/Globcover2009_V2.3_Global_.zip
-    protected_areas: https://www.protectedplanet.net/downloads/WDPA_Feb2019?type=shapefile
+    protected-areas: http://d1gam3xoknrgr2.cloudfront.net/current/WDPA_{version}_Public_shp.zip
     cgiar_tile: http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/wp-content/uploads/files/srtm_5x5/TIFF/
     gmted_tile: https://edcintl.cr.usgs.gov/downloads/sciweb1/shared/topo/downloads/GMTED/Global_tiles_GMTED/075darcsec/mea/
     gadm: https://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/gadm3.6/gpkg/gadm36_{country_code}_gpkg.zip
@@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ parameters:
     max-building-share: 0.01 # Above, a pixel cannot be used for energy farms. Equals roughly 900m2
     max-urban-green-share: 0.01 # Above, a pixel cannot be used for energy farms. Equals roughly 900m2. Removes e.g. Berlin's Tempelhofer Feld.
     nuts-year: 2010  # Choice of NUTS data to use from [2006, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2021]
+    protected-areas:
+        version: May2021  # Pointer to latest WDPA data.
+        shapes-to-include: [polygons, points]
         use-protected-areas: True
diff --git a/config/schema.yaml b/config/schema.yaml
index 27126bf..760c8c4 100644
--- a/config/schema.yaml
+++ b/config/schema.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 $schema: "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#"
 description: Default configuration schema
+    data-sources:
+        type: object
+        properties:
+            protected-areas:
+                type: string
+                format: ^(https?|http?):\/\/.+{version}.*
         type: object
@@ -8,6 +14,18 @@ properties:
                 type: number
                 enum: [2006, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2021]
                 description: Indicates the reference NUTS year
+            wdpa:
+                type: object
+                properties:
+                    version:
+                        type: string
+                        description: Indicates the latest Protected Planet WDPA year. Only the two latest datasets are available for download at any given time.
+                    shapes-to-include:
+                        type: array
+                        description: WDPA includes exact polygons of protected areas and points with a rough indication of protected area around that point. This configuration option allows points and or polygons from WDPA to be processed in the workflow.
+                        items:
+                            type: string
+                            enum: [polygons, points]
         type: string
         enum: ["EPSG:4326"]
diff --git a/lib/renewablepotentialslib/shape_utils.py b/lib/renewablepotentialslib/shape_utils.py
index 0b61975..b48ee8d 100644
--- a/lib/renewablepotentialslib/shape_utils.py
+++ b/lib/renewablepotentialslib/shape_utils.py
@@ -165,28 +165,30 @@ def update_features(gdf, src):
     return gdf
-def drop_countries(gdf, scope_config):
+def drop_countries(gdf, scope_config, print_dropped=True):
     countries = [pycountry.countries.lookup(i).alpha_3 for i in scope_config["countries"]]
     _not_in = set(gdf.country_code).difference(countries)
-    print(f"Removing {_not_in} as they are outside of study area.")
+    if print_dropped:
+        print(f"Removing {_not_in} as they are outside of study area.")
     return gdf[gdf.country_code.isin(countries)]
-def drop_geoms_completely_outside_study_area(gdf, scope_config):
+def drop_geoms_completely_outside_study_area(gdf, scope_config, print_dropped=True):
     _study_area = study_area(scope_config)
     completely_in = gdf.intersects(_study_area)
     for row_index, row in gdf[~completely_in].iterrows():
-        print(
-            "Removing {} ({}, country={}) as they are outside of study area."
-            .format(*row[["name", "level", "country_code"]])
-        )
+        if print_dropped:
+            print(
+                "Removing {} ({}, country={}) as they are outside of study area."
+                .format(*row[["name", "level", "country_code"]])
+            )
     gdf = gdf[completely_in]
     return gdf
-def drop_parts_of_geoms_completely_outside_study_area(gdf, scope_config):
+def drop_parts_of_geoms_completely_outside_study_area(gdf, scope_config, print_dropped=True):
     gdf = gdf.copy()
     _study_area = study_area(scope_config)
     all_geoms = gdf.explode()
@@ -199,10 +201,11 @@ def drop_parts_of_geoms_completely_outside_study_area(gdf, scope_config):
         return gdf
     for row_index, row in gdf.loc[geoms_to_update.any(level=0)].iterrows():
-        print(
-            "Removing parts of {} ({}, country={}) as they are outside of study area."
-            .format(*row[["name", "level", "country_code"]])
-        )
+        if print_dropped:
+            print(
+                "Removing parts of {} ({}, country={}) as they are outside of study area."
+                .format(*row[["name", "level", "country_code"]])
+            )
     # Unlike groupby, dissolve can only operate on columns, not multiindex levels
     new_geoms = (
@@ -253,3 +256,26 @@ def study_area(scope_config):
     _study_area = buffer_if_necessary(_study_area)
     return _study_area
+def estimate_polygons_from_points(points, reported_area_col_name):
+    """Estimates the shape of protected areas for which only centroids are known."""
+    def __test_area_size(points):
+        area_size_calculated = points.area.sum() / 1e6
+        area_size_reported = points[reported_area_col_name].sum()
+        assert np.isclose(area_size_calculated, area_size_reported, rtol=1e-2)
+    original_crs = points.crs
+    # convert points to circles
+    points_in_metres = points.to_crs("epsg:3035")
+    points_in_metres.geometry = points_in_metres.buffer(
+        _radius_meter(points_in_metres[reported_area_col_name])
+    )
+    __test_area_size(points_in_metres)
+    return points_in_metres.to_crs(original_crs)
+def _radius_meter(area_squarekilometer):
+    area_squaremeter = area_squarekilometer * 1e6
+    return np.sqrt(area_squaremeter / np.pi)
diff --git a/lib/tests/test_shape_utils.py b/lib/tests/test_shape_utils.py
index 28ce171..0da72da 100644
--- a/lib/tests/test_shape_utils.py
+++ b/lib/tests/test_shape_utils.py
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 import geopandas as gpd
+import pandas as pd
 import pytest
 import shapely.geometry
 import pycountry
+import numpy as np
 from renewablepotentialslib.shape_utils import (
@@ -9,9 +11,13 @@
-    update_features
+    update_features,
+    estimate_polygons_from_points,
+    _radius_meter
+from renewablepotentialslib import WGS84, EPSG_3035
 # Loading the 60M file for its smaller size (1M used in actual workflow)
 URL_NUTS = "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/GISCO/distribution/v2/nuts/geojson/NUTS_RG_60M_{}_4326.geojson"
@@ -140,3 +146,46 @@ def test_drop_parts_of_geoms(self, capsys, europe_gdf):
             europe_gdf[europe_gdf.name == 'Highlands and Islands'].area
             > gdf[gdf.name == 'Highlands and Islands'].area
+class TestPolygonsFromPoints:
+    @pytest.fixture
+    def points(self):
+        latitudes = {
+            'athens': 37.983, 'davos': 46.802, 'stockholm': 59.329, 'wurzburg': 49.791
+        }
+        longitudes = {
+            'athens': 23.727, 'davos': 9.836, 'stockholm': 18.068, 'wurzburg': 9.953
+        }
+        areas = {'athens': 1, 'davos': 5, 'stockholm': 100, 'wurzburg': 500}
+        point_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
+            # x = longitude, y = latitude
+            geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(longitudes.values(), latitudes.values()),
+            index=latitudes.keys(),
+            crs = WGS84
+        )
+        point_gdf["REP_AREA"] = pd.Series(areas)
+        return point_gdf
+    @pytest.fixture
+    def estimated_polygons(self, points):
+        return estimate_polygons_from_points(points, "REP_AREA")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        ("area", "radius"),
+        [(np.pi, 1000), (1, 564.19), ([np.pi, 1], [1000, 564.19])]
+    )
+    def test_radius_meter(self, area, radius):
+            calculated_radius = _radius_meter(area)
+            assert np.isclose(calculated_radius, radius)
+    def test_all_points_are_now_polygons(self, estimated_polygons):
+        assert all(isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon) for geom in estimated_polygons.geometry)
+    def test_all_polygons_have_expected_area(self, points, estimated_polygons):
+        assert np.allclose(estimated_polygons.to_crs(EPSG_3035).area / 1e6, points["REP_AREA"], rtol=1e-2)
+    def test_estimate_polygons_crs(self, points, estimated_polygons):
+        assert estimated_polygons.crs == points.crs
diff --git a/rules/data-preprocessing.smk b/rules/data-preprocessing.smk
index e58e33d..8d02b65 100644
--- a/rules/data-preprocessing.smk
+++ b/rules/data-preprocessing.smk
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ rule raw_lau_units_unzipped:
 rule administrative_borders_lau:
     message: "Normalise LAU administrative borders."
-        src = script_dir + "lau.py",
+        script = script_dir + "lau.py",
         shapes = rules.raw_lau_units_unzipped.output.shapes,
         attributes = rules.raw_lau_units_unzipped.output.attributes,
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ rule administrative_borders_lau:
 rule administrative_borders:
     message: "Normalise all administrative borders."
-        src = script_dir + "administrative_borders.py",
+        script = script_dir + "administrative_borders.py",
         nuts_geojson = rules.raw_nuts_units.output[0],
         gadm_gpkg = rules.all_gadm_administrative_borders.output[0],
         lau_gpkg = rules.administrative_borders_lau.output[0]
@@ -124,18 +124,29 @@ rule raw_land_cover:
 rule raw_protected_areas_zipped:
     message: "Download protected areas data as zip."
     output: protected("data/automatic/raw-wdpa.zip")
-    params: url = config["data-sources"]["protected_areas"]
+    params: url = config["data-sources"]["protected-areas"].format(version=config["parameters"]["protected-areas"]["version"])
     shell: "curl -sLo {output} -H 'Referer: {params.url}' {params.url}"
-rule raw_protected_areas:
-    message: "Extract protected areas data as zip."
+rule raw_protected_area_shapes:
+    message: "Extract protected areas data as separate zip files."
     input: rules.raw_protected_areas_zipped.output
-    output:
-        polygons = "build/raw-wdpa-feb2019/WDPA_Feb2019-shapefile-polygons.shp",
-        polygon_data = "build/raw-wdpa-feb2019/WDPA_Feb2019-shapefile-polygons.dbf",
-        points = "build/raw-wdpa-feb2019/WDPA_Feb2019-shapefile-points.shp"
-    shell: "unzip -o {input} -d build/raw-wdpa-feb2019"
+    output: temp(directory("build/raw-wdpa"))
+    shell: "unzip {input} *.zip -d {output}"
+rule protected_areas:
+    message: "Extract protected areas data as zip."
+    input:
+        script = script_dir + "protected_areas.py",
+        shape_dir = rules.raw_protected_area_shapes.output[0]
+    params:
+        shapefile_prefix = "WDPA_{}_Public_shp".format(config["parameters"]["protected-areas"]["version"]),
+        shapes_to_include = config["parameters"]["protected-areas"]["shapes-to-include"],
+        scope_config = config["scope"]
+    output: "build/protected-areas.geojson"
+    conda: "../envs/default.yaml"
+    script: "../scripts/protected_areas.py"
 rule raw_srtm_elevation_tile_zipped:
@@ -268,41 +279,19 @@ rule slope_in_europe:
-rule protected_areas_points_to_circles:
-    message: "Estimate shape of protected areas available as points only."
-    input:
-        script_dir + "estimate_protected_shapes.py",
-        protected_areas= rules.raw_protected_areas.output.points
-    params:
-        scope = config["scope"]
-    output:
-        temp("build/protected-areas-points-as-circles.geojson")
-    conda: "../envs/default.yaml"
-    script: "../scripts/estimate_protected_shapes.py"
 rule protected_areas_in_europe:
-    message: "Rasterise protected areas data and clip to Europe."
+    message: "Rasterise protected areas data."
-        polygons = rules.raw_protected_areas.output.polygons,
-        points = rules.protected_areas_points_to_circles.output,
-        land_cover = rules.land_cover_in_europe.output
+        all_shapes = rules.protected_areas.output[0],
+        land_cover = rules.land_cover_in_europe.output[0]
-    params:
-        bounds = "{x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}".format(**config["scope"]["bounds"])
     conda: "../envs/default.yaml"
-        # The filter is in accordance to the way UNEP-WCMC calculates statistics:
-        # https://www.protectedplanet.net/c/calculating-protected-area-coverage
-        fio cat --rs --bbox {params.bounds} {input.polygons} {input.points} | \
-        fio filter "f.properties.STATUS in ['Designated', 'Inscribed', 'Established'] and \
-        f.properties.DESIG_ENG != 'UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve'" | \
-        fio collect --record-buffered | \
-        rio rasterize --like {input.land_cover} \
+        rio rasterize {input.all_shapes} --like {input.land_cover} \
         --default-value 255 --all_touched -f "GTiff" --co dtype=uint8 -o {output}
diff --git a/rules/potential.smk b/rules/potential.smk
index 337b0f1..b40b8fb 100644
--- a/rules/potential.smk
+++ b/rules/potential.smk
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ rule category_of_technical_eligibility:
         "Determine upper bound surface eligibility for renewables based on land cover, slope, bathymetry, and settlements."
-        src = script_dir + "technical_eligibility.py",
+        script = script_dir + "technical_eligibility.py",
         land_cover = rules.land_cover_in_europe.output[0],
         slope = rules.slope_in_europe.output[0],
         bathymetry = rules.bathymetry_in_europe.output[0],
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ rule category_of_technical_eligibility:
 rule total_size_swiss_building_footprints_according_to_settlement_data:
     message: "Sum the size of building footprints from settlement data."
-        src = script_dir + "swiss_building_footprints.py",
+        script = script_dir + "swiss_building_footprints.py",
         building_footprints = rules.settlements.output.buildings,
         eligibility = "build/technically-eligible-land.tif",
         countries = rules.administrative_borders.output[0]
diff --git a/scripts/estimate_protected_shapes.py b/scripts/estimate_protected_shapes.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 16f5f99..0000000
--- a/scripts/estimate_protected_shapes.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-"""This module estimates the shape of protected areas, for which only centroids are known.
-This procedure is applied by the provider of the database, UNEP-WCMC, as well. See:
-or the manual of the database for further information.
-import math
-import geopandas as gpd
-import pycountry
-from renewablepotentialslib import EPSG_3035_PROJ4
-def estimate_shapes(path_to_input, scope_config, path_to_output):
-    """Estimates the shap of protected areas for which only centroids are known."""
-    points = gpd.read_file(path_to_input)
-    points_in_scope = filter_points(points, scope_config)
-    original_crs = points_in_scope.crs
-    # convert points to circles
-    points_in_scope = points_in_scope.to_crs(EPSG_3035_PROJ4)
-    points_in_scope.geometry = [rec[1].geometry.buffer(radius_meter(rec[1]["REP_AREA"]))
-                                for rec in points_in_scope.iterrows()]
-    test_area_size(points_in_scope)
-    points_in_scope.to_crs(original_crs).to_file(path_to_output, driver="GeoJSON")
-def filter_points(points, scope_config):
-    x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = [scope_config["bounds"][z]
-                                  for z in ["x_min", "x_max", "y_min", "y_max"]]
-    countries = [pycountry.countries.lookup(country).alpha_3
-                 for country in scope_config["countries"]]
-    return points.cx[x_min:x_max, y_min:y_max].loc[
-        (points.ISO3.isin(countries)) &
-        (points.REP_AREA > 0)
-    ].copy()
-def radius_meter(area_squarekilometer):
-    area_squaremeter = area_squarekilometer * 1e6
-    return math.sqrt(area_squaremeter / math.pi)
-def test_area_size(points):
-    area_size_calculated = points.area.sum() / 1e6
-    area_size_reported = points.REP_AREA.sum()
-    assert abs(area_size_calculated - area_size_reported) < (area_size_reported / 100)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    estimate_shapes(
-        path_to_input=snakemake.input.protected_areas,
-        scope_config=snakemake.params.scope,
-        path_to_output=snakemake.output[0]
-    )
diff --git a/scripts/protected_areas.py b/scripts/protected_areas.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b608a01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/protected_areas.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import glob
+import os
+import geopandas as gpd
+import pandas as pd
+from renewablepotentialslib.shape_utils import (
+    to_multi_polygon,
+    drop_countries,
+    estimate_polygons_from_points,
+    study_area
+def wdpa(path_to_shape_dir, path_to_output, shapefile_prefix, shapes_to_include, scope):
+    all_shapes = pd.concat([
+        _get_shapes(path_to_shape_dir, shapefile_prefix, geodata_type, scope).geometry
+        for geodata_type in shapes_to_include
+    ])
+    all_shapes.to_file(path_to_output, driver=OUTPUT_DRIVER)
+def _get_shapes(path_to_shape_dir, shapefile_prefix, geodata_type, scope):
+    shapefile_zips = glob.glob(os.path.join(path_to_shape_dir, "*.zip"))
+    shapefile_name = f"zip://{{}}!{shapefile_prefix}-{geodata_type}.shp"
+    bbox = study_area(scope)
+    shapes = pd.concat([
+        gpd.read_file(shapefile_name.format(zipfile), bbox=bbox)
+        for zipfile in shapefile_zips
+    ])
+    print(f"Number of WDPA shapes pre-filter = {len(shapes)}")
+    shapes = _filter_shapes(shapes, scope)
+    print(f"Number of WDPA shapes post-filter = {len(shapes)}")
+    if geodata_type == "points":
+        shapes = estimate_polygons_from_points(shapes, "REP_AREA")
+    print(f"Processed points to polys")
+    shapes.geometry = shapes.geometry.map(to_multi_polygon)
+    return shapes
+def _filter_shapes(shapes, scope):
+    shapes = shapes[
+        (shapes.REP_AREA.astype(float) > 0) &
+        # The filter is in accordance to the way UNEP-WCMC calculates statistics:
+        # https://www.protectedplanet.net/c/calculating-protected-area-coverage
+        (shapes.STATUS.isin(['Designated', 'Inscribed', 'Established'])) &
+        (shapes.DESIG_ENG != 'UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve')
+    ]
+    shapes = drop_countries(shapes.rename(columns={"ISO3": "country_code"}), scope, print_dropped=False)
+    return shapes
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    wdpa(
+        path_to_shape_dir=snakemake.input.shape_dir,
+        shapefile_prefix=snakemake.params.shapefile_prefix,
+        shapes_to_include=snakemake.params.shapes_to_include,
+        scope=snakemake.params.scope_config,
+        path_to_output=snakemake.output[0]
+    )