Example install, using VirtualEnv:
# install/use python virtual environment virtualenv ~/virtenv_scratch --no-site-packages # activate the virtual environment source ~/virtenv_scratch/bin/activate # upgrade pip in the new virtenv pip install -U pip setuptools # install this package in DEVELOPMENT mode python setup.py develop # or simply install # python setup.py install
Example configuration, eg at ~/.members:
mailman2: base_url: http://some.domain.com/mailman2 lists: announce-list: user: [email protected] password: asdfvi5f211 memo-list: user: [email protected] password: dasdf458@1j dept-list: github: user: kejbaly2 token: FGIOUSODIUGSDGJ # password: ******** user_attrs: [email, bio, url] orgchart: base_url: http://some.domain.com/orgchart3
Example usage, for Mailman2:
members mailman2 dept-list
Overriding username and password:
members mailman2 dept-list -u other -p SoM3P@Ss!
Example usage, for OrgChart 3:
members orgchart3 teamlead cward
Example scenario for building docs with sphinx:
cd docs make html
Testing is py.test based. Run with:
py.test tests/ -v
Install the supplied githooks; eg,
ln -s ~/repos/members/_githooks/commit-msg ~/repos/members/.git/hooks/commit-msg ln -s ~/repos/members/_githooks/pre-commit ~/repos/members/.git/hooks/pre-commit