From 41013929d0c43b0ed9f22eceded34f8fde0a8902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anshuman Mohan <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 16:51:06 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Queues: unified, nicer runner method (#1816)

* A little more neatening in SDN

* Make stats component optional in runner

* Make stats component optional in main

* Correctly using the same  method for all queues and SDN

* Nix the old main method
 calyx-py/calyx/               |   2 +-
 calyx-py/calyx/            | 184 +++++++++++-------------
 calyx-py/test/correctness/queues/ |  66 +--------
 3 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)

diff --git a/calyx-py/calyx/ b/calyx-py/calyx/
index 7a6ce0c0fd..e95d18fa87 100644
--- a/calyx-py/calyx/
+++ b/calyx-py/calyx/
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ def as_control(obj):
             "Python sets are not supported in control programs. For a parallel"
             " composition use `Builder.par` instead."
-    if obj is None:
+    if obj is None or obj == ast.Empty:
         return ast.Empty()
         assert False, f"unsupported control type {type(obj)}"
diff --git a/calyx-py/calyx/ b/calyx-py/calyx/
index 7089807604..4b2170f7e2 100644
--- a/calyx-py/calyx/
+++ b/calyx-py/calyx/
@@ -1,108 +1,10 @@
 # pylint: disable=import-error
+from . import py_ast as ast
 from calyx import queue_util
 import calyx.builder as cb
-def insert_main(prog, queue):
-    """Inserts the component `main` into the program.
-    This will be used to `invoke` the component `queue` and feed it a list of commands.
-    This component will directly interface with external memories and will
-    finally populate an external memory with the answers.
-    """
-    main: cb.ComponentBuilder = prog.component("main")
-    # The user-facing interface of the `main` component is:
-    # - input 1: a list of commands
-    #    where each command is a 2-bit unsigned integer, with the following format:
-    #    `0`: pop
-    #    `1`: peek
-    #    `2`: push
-    # - input 2: a list of values to push
-    #    where each value is a 32-bit unsigned integer
-    #    the value at `i` is pushed if the command at `i` is `2`.
-    # - output: a list of answers, reflecting any pops or peeks from the queue.
-    #
-    # The user-facing interface of the `queue` component is assumed to be:
-    # - input `cmd`
-    #    where each command is a 2-bit unsigned integer, with the following format:
-    #    `0`: pop
-    #    `1`: peek
-    #    `2`: push
-    # - input `value`
-    #   which is a 32-bit unsigned integer. If `cmd` is `2`, push this value.
-    # - one ref register, `ans`, into which the result of a pop or peek is written.
-    # - one ref register, `err`, which is raised if an error occurs.
-    commands = main.seq_mem_d1("commands", 2, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
-    values = main.seq_mem_d1("values", 32, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
-    ans_mem = main.seq_mem_d1("ans_mem", 32, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
-    # We'll invoke the queue component, which takes two inputs by reference
-    # and one input directly.
-    queue = main.cell("myqueue", queue)
-    err = main.reg("err", 1)  # A flag to indicate an error
-    ans = main.reg("ans", 32)  # A memory to hold the answer of a pop or peek
-    # We will set up a while loop that runs over the command list, relaying
-    # the commands to the `queue` component.
-    # It will run until the `err` flag is raised by the `queue` component.
-    i = main.reg("i", 32)  # The index of the command we're currently processing
-    j = main.reg("j", 32)  # The index on the answer-list we'll write to
-    cmd = main.reg("command", 2)  # The command we're currently processing
-    value = main.reg("value", 32)  # The value we're currently processing
-    incr_i = main.incr(i)  # i++
-    incr_j = main.incr(j)  # j++
-    lower_err = main.reg_store(err, 0, "lower_err")  # err := 1
-    cmd_le_1 = main.le_use(cmd.out, 1)  # cmd <= 1
-    read_cmd = main.mem_read_seq_d1(commands, i.out, "read_cmd_phase1")
-    write_cmd_to_reg = main.mem_write_seq_d1_to_reg(commands, cmd, "write_cmd_phase2")
-    read_value = main.mem_read_seq_d1(values, i.out, "read_value")
-    write_value_to_reg = main.mem_write_seq_d1_to_reg(
-        values, value, "write_value_to_reg"
-    )
-    write_ans = main.mem_store_seq_d1(ans_mem, j.out, ans.out, "write_ans")
-    i_lt_max_cmds = main.lt_use(i.out, queue_util.MAX_CMDS)
-    not_err = main.not_use(err.out)
-    main.control += cb.while_with(
-        i_lt_max_cmds,  # Run while i < MAX_CMDS
-        [
-            read_cmd,
-            write_cmd_to_reg,  # `cmd := commands[i]`
-            read_value,
-            write_value_to_reg,  # `value := values[i]`
-            cb.invoke(  # Invoke the queue.
-                queue,
-                in_cmd=cmd.out,
-                in_value=value.out,
-                ref_ans=ans,
-                ref_err=err,
-            ),
-            cb.if_with(
-                not_err,
-                cb.if_with(
-                    cmd_le_1,  # If the command was a pop or peek,
-                    [
-                        write_ans,  # Write the answer to the answer list
-                        incr_j,  # And increment the answer index.
-                    ],
-                ),
-            ),
-            lower_err,  # Lower the error flag
-            incr_i,  # Increment the command index
-        ],
-    )
-    return main
-def insert_runner(prog, queue, name, stats_component):
+def insert_runner(prog, queue, name, stats_component=None):
     """Inserts the component `name` into the program.
     This will be used to `invoke` the component `queue` and feed it one command.
     This component is designed to be invoked by some other component, and does not
@@ -116,7 +18,8 @@ def insert_runner(prog, queue, name, stats_component):
     # We take a stats component by reference,
     # but all we'll really do with it is pass it to the queue component.
-    stats = runner.cell("stats_runner", stats_component, is_ref=True)
+    if stats_component:
+        stats = runner.cell("stats_runner", stats_component, is_ref=True)
     # We'll invoke the queue component.
     queue = runner.cell("myqueue", queue)
@@ -195,6 +98,14 @@ def insert_runner(prog, queue, name, stats_component):
+        )
+        if stats_component
+        else cb.invoke(  # Invoke the queue.
+            queue,
+            in_cmd=cmd.out,
+            in_value=value.out,
+            ref_ans=ans,
+            ref_err=err,
         # We're back from the invoke, and it's time for some post-mortem analysis.
@@ -212,3 +123,74 @@ def insert_runner(prog, queue, name, stats_component):
     return runner
+def insert_main(prog, queue, controller=None, stats_component=None):
+    """Inserts the component `main` into the program.
+    It triggers the dataplane and controller components.
+    """
+    main: cb.ComponentBuilder = prog.component("main")
+    stats = main.cell("stats_main", stats_component) if stats_component else None
+    controller = main.cell("controller", controller) if controller else None
+    dataplane = insert_runner(prog, queue, "dataplane", stats_component)
+    dataplane = main.cell("dataplane", dataplane)
+    has_ans = main.reg("has_ans", 1)
+    dataplane_ans = main.reg("dataplane_ans", 32)
+    dataplane_err = main.reg("dataplane_err", 1)
+    commands = main.seq_mem_d1("commands", 2, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
+    values = main.seq_mem_d1("values", 32, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
+    ans_mem = main.seq_mem_d1("ans_mem", 32, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
+    ans_neq_0 = main.neq_use(dataplane_ans.out, 0)  # ans != 0
+    j = main.reg("j", 32)  # The index on the answer-list we'll write to
+    incr_j = main.incr(j)  # j++
+    write_ans = main.mem_store_seq_d1(ans_mem, j.out, dataplane_ans.out, "write_ans")
+    # ans_mem[j] = dataplane_ans
+    lower_has_ans = main.reg_store(has_ans, 0, "lower_has_ans")  # has_ans := 0
+    not_err = main.not_use(dataplane_err.out)
+    main.control += cb.while_with(
+        # We will run the dataplane and controller components in sequence,
+        # in a while loop. The loop will terminate when the dataplane component
+        # raises `dataplane_err`.
+        not_err,  # While the dataplane component has not errored out.
+        [
+            lower_has_ans,  # Lower the has-ans flag.
+            cb.invoke(  # Invoke the dataplane component.
+                dataplane,
+                ref_commands=commands,
+                ref_values=values,
+                ref_has_ans=has_ans,
+                ref_component_ans=dataplane_ans,
+                ref_component_err=dataplane_err,
+                ref_stats_runner=stats,
+            )
+            if stats_component
+            else cb.invoke(  # Invoke the dataplane component.
+                dataplane,
+                ref_commands=commands,
+                ref_values=values,
+                ref_has_ans=has_ans,
+                ref_component_ans=dataplane_ans,
+                ref_component_err=dataplane_err,
+            ),
+            # If the dataplane component has a nonzero answer,
+            # write it to the answer-list and increment the index `j`.
+            cb.if_(
+                has_ans.out,
+                cb.if_with(ans_neq_0, [write_ans, incr_j]),
+            ),
+            cb.invoke(  # Invoke the controller component.
+                controller,
+                ref_stats_controller=stats,
+            )
+            if controller
+            else ast.Empty,
+        ],
+    )
diff --git a/calyx-py/test/correctness/queues/ b/calyx-py/test/correctness/queues/
index 6dd19c5a07..9a55693bbc 100644
--- a/calyx-py/test/correctness/queues/
+++ b/calyx-py/test/correctness/queues/
@@ -94,71 +94,14 @@ def insert_controller(prog, name, stats_component):
     return controller
-def insert_main(prog, dataplane, controller, stats_component):
-    """Inserts the component `main` into the program.
-    It triggers the dataplane and controller components.
-    """
-    main: cb.ComponentBuilder = prog.component("main")
-    stats = main.cell("stats_main", stats_component)
-    dataplane = main.cell("dataplane", dataplane)
-    controller = main.cell("controller", controller)
-    has_ans = main.reg("has_ans", 1)
-    dataplane_ans = main.reg("dataplane_ans", 32)
-    dataplane_err = main.reg("dataplane_err", 1)
-    commands = main.seq_mem_d1("commands", 2, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
-    values = main.seq_mem_d1("values", 32, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
-    ans_mem = main.seq_mem_d1("ans_mem", 32, queue_util.MAX_CMDS, 32, is_external=True)
-    ans_neq_0 = main.neq_use(dataplane_ans.out, 0)  # ans != 0
-    j = main.reg("j", 32)  # The index on the answer-list we'll write to
-    incr_j = main.incr(j)  # j++
-    write_ans = main.mem_store_seq_d1(ans_mem, j.out, dataplane_ans.out, "write_ans")
-    # ans_mem[j] = dataplane_ans
-    lower_has_ans = main.reg_store(has_ans, 0, "lower_has_ans")  # has_ans := 0
-    not_err = main.not_use(dataplane_err.out)
-    main.control += cb.while_with(
-        # We will run the dataplane and controller components in parallel,
-        # in a while loop. The loop will terminate when the dataplane component
-        # raises `dataplane_err`.
-        not_err,  # While the dataplane component has not errored out.
-        [
-            lower_has_ans,  # Lower the has-ans flag.
-            cb.invoke(  # Invoke the dataplane component.
-                dataplane,
-                ref_commands=commands,
-                ref_values=values,
-                ref_has_ans=has_ans,
-                ref_component_ans=dataplane_ans,
-                ref_component_err=dataplane_err,
-                ref_stats_runner=stats,
-            ),
-            # If the dataplane component has a nonzero answer,
-            # write it to the answer-list and increment the index `j`.
-            cb.if_(
-                has_ans.out,
-                cb.if_with(ans_neq_0, [write_ans, incr_j]),
-            ),
-            cb.invoke(  # Invoke the controller component.
-                controller,
-                ref_stats_controller=stats,
-            ),
-        ],
-    )
 def build(static=False):
     """Top-level function to build the program.
     The `static` flag determines whether the program is static or dynamic.
     prog = cb.Builder()
     stats_component = insert_stats(prog, "stats", static)
+    controller = insert_controller(prog, "controller", stats_component)
     fifo_purple = fifo.insert_fifo(prog, "fifo_purple")
     fifo_tangerine = fifo.insert_fifo(prog, "fifo_tangerine")
     pifo_red = pifo.insert_pifo(prog, "pifo_red", fifo_purple, fifo_tangerine, 100)
@@ -167,9 +110,8 @@ def build(static=False):
         prog, "pifo_root", pifo_red, fifo_blue, 200, stats_component, static
     # The root PIFO will take a stats component by reference.
-    dataplane = queue_call.insert_runner(prog, pifo_root, "dataplane", stats_component)
-    controller = insert_controller(prog, "controller", stats_component)
-    insert_main(prog, dataplane, controller, stats_component)
+    queue_call.insert_main(prog, pifo_root, controller, stats_component)
     return prog.program