diff --git a/_posts/2024-01-20-flow-matching.md b/_posts/2024-01-20-flow-matching.md
index 4f4126c..3c50b68 100644
--- a/_posts/2024-01-20-flow-matching.md
+++ b/_posts/2024-01-20-flow-matching.md
@@ -257,12 +257,12 @@ Let $\phi: \mathbb{R}^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d$ be a continuously differentiab
Let $q_0(x)$ be a density on $\mathbb{R}^d$ and let $p_1(\cdot)$ be the density induced by the following sampling procedure
x &\sim q_0 \\
y &= \phi(x),
which corresponds to transforming the samples of $q_0$ by the mapping $\phi$.
@@ -369,9 +369,9 @@ Let's denote the induced parametric density by the flow $\phi_\theta$ as $p_1 \t
A natural optimisation objective for learning the parameters $\theta \in \Theta$ is to consider maximising the probability of the data under the model:
\textrm{argmax}_{\theta}\ \ \mathbb{E}_{x\sim \mathcal{D}} [\log p_1(x)].
Parameterising $\phi_\theta$ as a deep neural network leads to several constraints:
@@ -421,18 +421,18 @@ As opposed to auto-regressive flows (Huang et al., 2018, Larochelle and Murray,
We can also compose such flows to get a new flow:
\phi = \phi_K \circ \ldots \circ \phi_2 \circ \phi_1.
This can be a useful way to construct move expressive flow!
The model's log-likelihood is then given by summing each flow's contribution
\log q(y) = \log p(\phi^{-1}(y)) + \sum_{k=1}^K \log \det\left[\frac{\partial \phi_k^{-1}}{\partial x_{k+1}}(x_{k+1})\right]
with $x_k = \phi_K^{-1} \circ \ldots \circ \phi^{-1}_{k} (y)$.
@@ -445,34 +445,34 @@ $\phi(x) = x + \delta \ u(x)$
for some $\delta > 0$ and Lipschitz residual connection $u$. We can re-arrange this to get
\frac{\phi(x) - x}{\delta} = u(x)
which is looking awfully similar to $u$ being a derivative. In fact, letting $\delta = 1/K$ and taking the limit $K \rightarrow \infty$ under certain conditions[^ODE_conditions], a composition of residual flows $\phi_K \circ \cdots \circ \phi_2 \circ \phi_1$ is given by an ordinary differential equation (ODE):
\frac{\dd x_t}{\dd t} = \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \frac{x_{t+\delta} - x_t}{\delta} = \frac{\phi_t(x_t) - x_t}{\delta} = u_t(x_t)
where the *flow* of the ODE $\phi_t: [0,1]\times\mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^d$ is defined such that
\frac{d\phi_t}{dt} = u_t(\phi_t(x_0)).
That is, $\phi_t$ maps initial condition $x_0$ to the ODE solution at time $t$:
x_t \triangleq \phi_t(x_0) = x_0 + \int_{0}^t u_s(x_s) \dd{s} .
@@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ Of course, this only defines the map $\phi_t(x)$; for this to be a useful normal
As it turns out, the density induced by $\phi_t$ (or equivalently $u_t$) can be computed via the following equation[^FPE]
\frac{\partial}{\partial_t} p_t(x_t)
= - (\nabla \cdot (u_t p_t))(x_t).
@@ -497,17 +497,17 @@ This statement on the time-evolution of $p_t$ is generally known as the *Transpo
Computing the *total* derivative (as $x_t$ also depends on $t$) in log-space yields[^log_pdf]
\frac{\dd}{\dd t} \log p_t(x_t) = - (\nabla \cdot u_t)(x_t)
resulting in the log density
\log p_t(x) = \log p_0(x_0) - \int_0^t (\nabla \cdot u_s)(x_s) \dd{s}.
Parameterising a vector field neural network $u_\theta: \mathbb{R}_+ \times \mathbb{R^d} \rightarrow \mathbb{R^d}$ therefore induces a parametric log-density
@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@ $$
In practice, to compute $\log p_t$ one can either solve both the time evolution of $x_t$ and its log density $\log p_t$ jointly
\frac{\dd}{\dd t} \Biggl( \begin{aligned} x_t \ \quad \\ \log p_t(x_t) \end{aligned} \Biggr) = \Biggl( \begin{aligned} u_\theta(t, x_t) \quad \\ - \div u_\theta(t, x_t) \end{aligned} \Biggr),
or solve only for $x_t$ and then use quadrature methods to estimate $\log p_t(x_t)$.
@@ -550,9 +550,9 @@ In contrast to previously where we derived a 'one-shot' (i.e. *discrete*) flow b
We have the following two distributions
p_0 = \mathcal{N}(0, 1) \quad \text{and} \quad p_1 = \mathcal{N}(\mu, 1).
@@ -561,9 +561,9 @@ $$
It's not difficult to see that we can continuously bridge between these with a simple linear transformation
\phi(t, x_0) = x_0 + \mu t
which is visualized in the figure below.
@@ -591,17 +591,17 @@ which is visualized in the figure below.
By linearity, we know that every marginal $p_t$ is a Gaussian, and so
\mathbb{E}_{p_0}[\phi_t(x_0)] = \mu t
which, in particular, implies that $\mathbb{E}_{p_0}[\phi_1(x_0)] = \mu = \mathbb{E}\_{p_1}[x_1]$. Similarly, we have
\mathrm{Var}_{p_0}[\phi_t(x_0)] = 1 \quad \implies \quad \mathrm{Var}_{p_0}[\phi_1(x_0)] = 1 = \mathrm{Var}_{p_1}[x_1]
Hence we have a probability path $p_t = \mathcal{N}(\mu t, 1)$ bridging $p_0$ and $p_1$.
@@ -632,33 +632,33 @@ Hence we have a probability path $p_t = \mathcal{N}(\mu t, 1)$ bridging $p_0$ an
Now let's determine what the vector field $u_t(x)$ would be in this case. As mentioned earlier, $u(t, x)$ should satisfy the following
\dv{\phi_t}{t}(x_0) = u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \big).
Since we have already specified $\phi$, we can plug it in on the left hand side to get
\dv{\phi_t}{t}(x_0) = \dv{t} \big( x_0 + \mu t \big) = \mu
which gives us
\mu = u_t \big( x_0 + \mu t \big).
The above needs to hold for *all* $t \in [0, 1]$, and so it's not too difficult to see that one such solution is the constant vector field
u_t(x) = \mu.
We could of course have gone the other way, i.e. define the $u_t$ such that $p_0 \overset{u_t}{\longleftrightarrow} p_1$ and derive the corresponding $\phi_t$ by solving the ODE.
@@ -700,24 +700,24 @@ Flow matching is a simulation-free way to train CNF models where we directly for
\mathcal{L}(\theta)_{} = \mathbb{E}_{t \sim \mathcal{U}[0, 1]} \mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_t}\left[\|
u_\theta(t, x) - u(t, x) \|^2 \right].
In the equation above, $u(t, x)$ would be a vector field inducing a *probability path* (or bridge) $p_t$ interpolating the reference $p_0$ to $p_1$, i.e.
\log p_1(x) = \log p_0 - \int_0^1 (\nabla \cdot u_t)(x_t) \dd{t}.
In words: we're just performing regression on $u_t(x)$ for all $t \in [0, 1]$.
@@ -822,9 +822,9 @@ Figure 7: *Different paths with the same endpoints marginals[^interpolation].*
First, let's remind ourselves that the transport equation relates a vector field $u_t$ to (the time evolution of) a probability path $p_t$
\pdv{p_t(x)}{t} = - \nabla \cdot \big( u_t(x) p_t(x) \big),
thus constructing $p_t$ or $u_t$ is *equivalent*.
@@ -836,9 +836,9 @@ In addition, as opposed to the marginal $p_t$ , the conditional $p_{t\mid1}$ cou
In particular, as we have access to data samples $x_1 \sim q_1$, it sounds pretty reasonable to condition on $z=x_1$, leading to the following marignal probabilithy path
p_t(x_t) = \int q_1(x_1) ~p_{t\mid 1}(x_t\mid x_1) \dd{x_1}.
@@ -847,9 +847,9 @@ $$
In this setting, the conditional probability path $p_{t\mid 1}$ need to satisfy the boundary conditions
p_0(x \mid x_1) = p_0 \quad \text{and} \quad p_1(x \mid x_1) = \mathcal{N}(x; x_1, \sigmamin^2 I) \xrightarrow[\sigmamin \rightarrow 0]{} \delta_{x_1}(x)
with $\sigmamin > 0$ small, and for whatever reference $p_0$ we choose, typically something "simple" like $p_0(x) = \mathcal{N}(x; 0, I)$, as illustrated in the [figure](#figure-heatmap_with_cond_traj-v3) below.
@@ -879,9 +879,9 @@ $$
Lipman et al. (2023) introduced the notion of **Conditional Flow Matching (CFM)** by noticing that this *conditional* vector field $u_t(x \mid x_1)$
@@ -902,9 +902,9 @@ $$
To see why this $u_t$ the same the vector field as the one defined earlier, i.e. the one generating the (marginal) pribability path $p_t$, we need to show that the expression above for the marginal vector field $u_t(x)$ satisfies the transport equation
\pdv{\hlthree{p_t(x)}}{t} = - \nabla \cdot \big( \hltwo{u_t(x)} \hlthree{p_t(x)} \big).
Writing out the left-hand side, we have
@@ -1039,13 +1039,13 @@ $$
u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \big)
-&= \E_{p_{1|t}}\left[u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \mid x_1 \big)\right] \\
-&\approx \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \mid x_1^{(i)} \big) \ \text{with } x_1^{(i)} \sim p_{1|t}(x_1 \mid \phi_t(x_0)).
+&= \E_{p_{1 \mid t}}\left[u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \mid x_1 \big)\right] \\
+&\approx \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \mid x_1^{(i)} \big) \ \text{with } x_1^{(i)} \sim p_{1 \mid t}(x_1 \mid \phi_t(x_0)).
-In practice we don't have access to the posterior $$p_{1|t}(x_1|x_t)$$, but in this specific setting we do have closed-form expressions for everything (Albergo & Vanden-Eijnden, 2022), and so we can visualise the marginal vector field $$u_t\big( \phi_t(x_0)\big)$$ and the conditional vector fields $$u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \mid x_1^{(i)} \big)$$ for all our "data" samples $$x_1^{(i)}$$ and see how they compare.
+In practice we don't have access to the posterior $$p_{1 \mid t}(x_1 \mid x_t)$$, but in this specific setting we do have closed-form expressions for everything (Albergo & Vanden-Eijnden, 2022), and so we can visualise the marginal vector field $$u_t\big( \phi_t(x_0)\big)$$ and the conditional vector fields $$u_t \big( \phi_t(x_0) \mid x_1^{(i)} \big)$$ for all our "data" samples $$x_1^{(i)}$$ and see how they compare.
This is shown in the figure below.
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ Figure 13: Marginal vector field $u_t(x)$ vs. conditional vector field $u_t(x \m
-From the above figures, we can immediately see how for small $t$, i.e. near 0, the posterior $p_{1|t}(x_1|x_t)$ is quite scattered so the marginalisation giving $u_t$ involves many equally likely data samples $x_1$. In contrast, when $t$ increases and get closer to 1, $p_{1|t}(x_1|x_t)$ gets quite concentrated over much fewer samples $x_1$.
+From the above figures, we can immediately see how for small $t$, i.e. near 0, the posterior $p_{1 \mid t}(x_1 \mid x_t)$ is quite scattered so the marginalisation giving $u_t$ involves many equally likely data samples $x_1$. In contrast, when $t$ increases and get closer to 1, $p_{1 \mid t}(x_1 \mid x_t)$ gets quite concentrated over much fewer samples $x_1$.
@@ -1108,18 +1108,18 @@ where $u_t(x) = \mathbb{E}\_{x_1 \sim p_{1 \mid t}} \left[ u_t(x \mid x_1) \rig
with an equivalent loss regressing the *conditional* vector field $u_t(x \mid x_1)$ and marginalising $x_1$ instead:
\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{CFM}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{t \sim \mathcal{U}[0, 1], x_1 \sim q, x_t \sim p_t(x \mid x_1)}\left[\|
u_\theta(t, x) - u_t(x \mid x_1) \|^2 \right].
These losses are equivalent in the sense that
\nabla_\theta \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{FM}}(\theta) = \nabla_\theta \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{CFM}}(\theta),
which implies that we can use $${\mathcal{L}}_{\text{CFM}}$$ instead to train the parametric vector field $u_{\theta}$.
@@ -1130,10 +1130,10 @@ Let's develop inner product term for $${\mathcal{L}}_{\text{FM}}$$ and show that
\mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_t} ~\langle u_\theta(t, x), \hltwo{u_t(x)} \rangle
-&= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \hltwo{\int} u_t(x|x_1) \hltwo{\frac{p_t(x|x_1)q(x_1)}{p_t(x)} dx_1} \rangle p_t(x) \mathrm{d} x \\
-&= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \int u_t(x|x_1) p_t(x|x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \rangle \dd{x} \\
-&= \int \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x|x_1) \rangle p_t(x|x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \dd{x} \\
-&= \mathbb{E}_{q_1(x_1) p(x|x_1)} ~\langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x|x_1) \rangle
+&= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \hltwo{\int} u_t(x \mid x_1) \hltwo{\frac{p_t(x \mid x_1)q(x_1)}{p_t(x)} dx_1} \rangle p_t(x) \mathrm{d} x \\
+&= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \int u_t(x \mid x_1) p_t(x \mid x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \rangle \dd{x} \\
+&= \int \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x \mid x_1) \rangle p_t(x \mid x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \dd{x} \\
+&= \mathbb{E}_{q_1(x_1) p(x \mid x_1)} ~\langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x \mid x_1) \rangle
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ where in the $\hltwo{\text{first highlighted step}}$ we used the expression of $
The benefit of the CFM loss being that once we define the conditional probability path $p_t(x \mid x_1)$, we can construct an unbiased Monte Carlo estimator of the objective using samples $\big( x_1^{(i)} \big)_{i = 1}^n$ from the data target $q_1$!
This estimator can be efficiently computed as it involves an expectation over the joint $q_1(x_1)p_t(x \mid x_1)$
-, of the conditional vector field $u_t (x \mid x_1)$ both being available as opposed to the marginal vector field $u_t$ which involves an expectation over the posterior $p_{1|t}(x_1|x)$.
+, of the conditional vector field $u_t (x \mid x_1)$ both being available as opposed to the marginal vector field $u_t$ which involves an expectation over the posterior $p_{1 \mid t}(x_1 \mid x)$.
@@ -1155,11 +1155,11 @@ We note that, as opposed to the log-likelihood maximisation loss of CNFs which d
To do so we construct a _probability path_ $p_t$ which interpolates between the reference (i.e. noise) distribution $q_0$ and the data distribution $q_1$, i.e. $p_{t=0}=q_0$ and $p_{t=1}=q_1 * \mathrm{N}(0, \sigma^2)$.
-Lipman et al. (2023) achieves this by constructing $p_t$ as mixture of simpler probability paths: $p_t \triangleq \int p_t(\cdot|x_1) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1$, via a _conditional probability path_ $p_t(\cdot|x_1)$ satisfying $p_1(\cdot|x_1)=\mathrm{N}(x_1, \sigma^2) \xrightarrow[\sigma \rightarrow 0]{} \delta_{x_1}$ and $p_0(\cdot|x_1)=p_0$.
+Lipman et al. (2023) achieves this by constructing $p_t$ as mixture of simpler probability paths: $p_t \triangleq \int p_t(\cdot \mid x_1) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1$, via a _conditional probability path_ $p_t(\cdot \mid x_1)$ satisfying $p_1(\cdot \mid x_1)=\mathrm{N}(x_1, \sigma^2) \xrightarrow[\sigma \rightarrow 0]{} \delta_{x_1}$ and $p_0(\cdot \mid x_1)=p_0$.
As a result both endpoints constraint are satisfied since ones recovers
-- at $t=1$ the data distribution $p_1(x) = \int p_1(x|x_1) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 = \int \mathrm{N}(x_1, \sigma^2) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 \xrightarrow[\sigma \rightarrow 0]{} q_1(x)$
-- at $t=0$ the reference distribution $p_0(x) = \int p_0(x|x_1) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 = \int q_0(x) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 = q_0(x)$.
+- at $t=1$ the data distribution $p_1(x) = \int p_1(x \mid x_1) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 = \int \mathrm{N}(x_1, \sigma^2) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 \xrightarrow[\sigma \rightarrow 0]{} q_1(x)$
+- at $t=0$ the reference distribution $p_0(x) = \int p_0(x \mid x_1) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 = \int q_0(x) q_1(x_1) \dd{x}_1 = q_0(x)$.
@@ -1168,9 +1168,9 @@ As a result both endpoints constraint are satisfied since ones recovers
-We have defined a probability path $p_t$ in terms of conditional probability path $p_t(\cdot|x_1)$, yet how do we define the latter?
+We have defined a probability path $p_t$ in terms of conditional probability path $p_t(\cdot \mid x_1)$, yet how do we define the latter?
We know that the transport equation $\frac{\partial}{\partial_t} p_t(x_t) = - (\nabla \cdot (u_t p_t))(x_t)$ relates a vector field (i.e. vector field) to a propability path $p_t$ (given an initial value $p_{t=0} = q_0$).
-As such it is sufficient to construct a _conditional vector field_ $u_t(\cdot|x_1)$ which induces a conditional probability path $p_t(\cdot|x_1)$ with the right boundary conditions.
+As such it is sufficient to construct a _conditional vector field_ $u_t(\cdot \mid x_1)$ which induces a conditional probability path $p_t(\cdot \mid x_1)$ with the right boundary conditions.
@@ -1179,21 +1179,21 @@ As such it is sufficient to construct a _conditional vector field_ $u_t(\cdot|x_
Let's now look at practical example of conditional vector field and the corresponding probability path. Suppose we want conditional vector field which generates a path of Gaussians, i.e.
p_t(x \mid x_1) = \mathcal{N}(x; \mu_t(x_1), \sigma_t(x_1)^2 \mathrm{I})
for some mean $\mu_t(x_1)$ and standard deviation $\sigma_t(x_1)$.
One conditional vector field inducing the above-defined conditional probability path is given by the following expression:
-u_t(x|x_1) = \frac{\dot{\sigma_t}(x_1)}{\sigma_t(x_1)} (x - \mu_t(x_1)) + \dot{\mu_t}(x_1)
+u_t(x \mid x_1) = \frac{\dot{\sigma_t}(x_1)}{\sigma_t(x_1)} (x - \mu_t(x_1)) + \dot{\mu_t}(x_1)
@@ -1205,17 +1205,17 @@ as shown in the proof below.
We have
\phi_t(x \mid x_1) = \mu_t(x_1) + \sigma_t(x_1) x
and we want to determine $u_t(x \mid x_1)$ such that
\frac{\dd}{\dd t} \phi_t(x) = u_t \big( \phi_t(x) \mid x_1 \big)
First note that the LHS is
@@ -1232,59 +1232,59 @@ $$
so we have
\dot{\mu_t}(x_1) + \dot{\sigma_t}(x_1) x = u_1 \big( \phi_t(x \mid x_1) \mid x_1 \big)
Suppose that $u_1$ is of the form
u_1\big( \phi_t(x) \mid x_1\big) = h\big(t, \phi_t(x), x_1\big) \dot{\mu_t}(x_1) + g\big(t, \phi_t(x), x_1\big) \dot{\sigma_t}(x_1)
for some functions $h$ and $g$.
Reading of the components from the previous equation, we then see that we require
h\big(t, \phi_t(x), x_1\big) = 1 \quad \text{and} \quad
g(t, \phi_t(x), x_1) = x
The simplest solution to the above is then just
h(t, x, x_1) = 1
i.e. constant function, and
g(t, x, x_1) = \phi_t^{-1}(x) = \frac{x - \mu_t(x_1)}{\sigma_t(x_1)}
such that
g\big(t, \phi_t(x), x_1) = \phi_t^{-1} \big( \phi_t(x) \big) = x
resulting in
u_t \big( x \mid x_1 \big) = \dot{\mu_t}(x_1) + \dot{\sigma_t}(x_1) \bigg( \frac{x - \mu_t(x_1)}{\sigma_t(x_1)} \bigg)
as claimed.
@@ -1311,9 +1311,9 @@ $$
so that
\big( {\hlone{\mu_0(x_1)}} + {\hlthree{\sigma_0(x_1)}} x_1 \big) \sim p_0 \quad \text{and} \quad \big( {\hlone{\mu_1(x_1)}} + {\hlthree{\sigma_1(x_1)}} x_1 \big) \sim \mathcal{N}(x_1, \sigmamin^2 I)
@@ -1398,11 +1398,11 @@ remove diffusion vf
- $dx_t = -\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\beta(t)} x_t \dd{t} + \beta(t) \dd{B}_t$
- $\alpha_t = e^{-\frac{1}{2}\int_0^t \beta(s) \dd{s}}$
- $\mu_t = \alpha_{1-t} x_1$ and $\sigma_t^2 = 1 - \alpha_{1-t}^2$
-- $u_t(x|x_1) = -\frac{\sigma'_{1-t}}{\sigma_{1-t}}(x - x_1)$
+- $u_t(x \mid x_1) = -\frac{\sigma'_{1-t}}{\sigma_{1-t}}(x - x_1)$
### (conditional) OT vf
- $\mu_t = t x_1$ and $\sigma_t = 1 - t = (1 - (1 - \sigma_{\min})t$
-- $u_t(x|x_1) = \frac{1}{1 - t}(x_1 - x) = \frac{1}{1 - (1 - \sigma_\min)t}(x_1 - (1 - \sigma_\min)x)$
+- $u_t(x \mid x_1) = \frac{1}{1 - t}(x_1 - x) = \frac{1}{1 - (1 - \sigma_\min)t}(x_1 - (1 - \sigma_\min)x)$
Does not guarantee that the _marginal_ vector field is the OT map!
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@ More generally, samples from the reference distribution which are arbitrarily cl
{% include image.html
name="Figure 21"
- alt="Variance of conditional vector field over $p_{1|t}$ for both blue and red trajectories for \eqref{eq:mog2mog}."
+ alt="Variance of conditional vector field over $p_{1 \mid t}$ for both blue and red trajectories for \eqref{eq:mog2mog}."
@@ -1595,13 +1595,13 @@ There are two immediate consequences:
-*Interpolation path $\phi(x_t|x_0,x_1)$*.
+*Interpolation path $\phi(x_t \mid x_0,x_1)$*.
-*Inference path $\phi(x_t|x_0)$*.
+*Inference path $\phi(x_t \mid x_0)$*.
@@ -1631,7 +1631,7 @@ p_t(x_t) = \int p_t(x_t \mid z) q(z) \dd{z} = \int p_t(x_t \mid x_1) q(x_1) \dd{
-$$p(x_t | x_1) = \mathcal{N}(x_t \mid x_1, (1-t)^2)$$.
+$$p(x_t \mid x_1) = \mathcal{N}(x_t \mid x_1, (1-t)^2)$$.
@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ $$p(x_t | x_1) = \mathcal{N}(x_t \mid x_1, (1-t)^2)$$.
Yet, more generally, we can consider conditioning and marginalising over latent variables $z$, and minimising the following loss:
-\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{CFM}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{(t,z,x_t) \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1] q(z) p(\cdot|z)}[\| u_\theta(t, x_t) - u_t(x_t|z)\|^2].
+\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{CFM}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{(t,z,x_t) \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1] q(z) p(\cdot \mid z)}[\| u_\theta(t, x_t) - u_t(x_t \mid z)\|^2].
As suggested in Liu et al. (2023), Tong et al. (2023), Albergo & Vanden-Eijnden (2022) and Pooladian et al. (2023) one can condition on *both* endpoints $z=(x_1, x_0)$ of the process, referred as *two-sided conditioning*. The marginal probability path is defined as:
@@ -1693,7 +1693,7 @@ One main advantage being that this allows for non Gaussian reference distributio
Choosing a standard normal as noise distribution $q(x_0) = \mathcal{N}(0, \mathrm{I})$ we recover the same _one-sided_ conditional probability path as earlier:
-p(x_t \mid x_1) = \int p(x_t \mid x_0, x_1) q(x_0) \dd{x_0} = \mathcal{N}(x_t|tx_1, (1-t)^2).
+p(x_t \mid x_1) = \int p(x_t \mid x_0, x_1) q(x_0) \dd{x_0} = \mathcal{N}(x_t \mid tx_1, (1-t)^2).
@@ -1949,9 +1949,9 @@ We deeply thank Michael Albergo, Valentin Debortoli and James Thornton for givin
[^chainrule]: The property $\phi \circ \phi^{-1} = \Id$ implies, by the chain rule,
- \begin{equation}
+ \begin{equation*}
\pdv{\phi}{x} \bigg|_{x = \phi^{-1}(y)} \pdv{\phi^{-1}}{y} \bigg|_{y} = 0 \iff \pdv{\phi}{x} \bigg|_{x = \phi^{-1}(y)} = \bigg( \pdv{\phi^{-1}}{y} \bigg|_{y} \bigg)^{-1} \quad \forall y \in \mathbb{R}^d
- \end{equation}
+ \end{equation*}
[^jac_structure]: **Autoregressive** (Papamakarios et al., 2018; Huang et al., 2018)
@@ -1959,9 +1959,9 @@ We deeply thank Michael Albergo, Valentin Debortoli and James Thornton for givin
**Low rank residual** (Van Den Berg et al., 2018)
Another approach is to construct a flow via a residual connection:
- \begin{equation}
+ \begin{equation*}
\phi(x) = x + A h(B x + b)
- \end{equation}
+ \end{equation*}
with parameters $A \in \R^{d\times m}$, $B \in \R^{ m\times m}$ and $b \in \R^m$. Leveraging Sylvester's determinant identity $\det(I_d + AB)=\det(I_m + BA)$, the determinant computation can be reduced to one of a $m \times m$ matrix which is advantageous if $m \mathrm{<<} d$.
@@ -1971,11 +1971,11 @@ We deeply thank Michael Albergo, Valentin Debortoli and James Thornton for givin
[^log_pdf]: Expanding the divergence in the _transport equation_ we have:
- \begin{equation}
+ \begin{equation*}
\frac{\partial}{\partial_t} p_t(x_t)
= - (\nabla \cdot (u_t p_t))(x_t)
= - p_t(x_t) (\nabla \cdot u_t)(x_t) - \langle \nabla_{x_t} p_t(x_t), u_t(x_t) \rangle.
- \end{equation}
+ \end{equation*}
Yet since $x_t$ also depends on $t$, to get the _total derivative_ we have
@@ -1990,22 +1990,22 @@ We deeply thank Michael Albergo, Valentin Debortoli and James Thornton for givin
Hence, $\frac{\dd}{\dd t} \log p_t(x_t) = \frac{1}{p_t(x_t)} \frac{\dd}{\dd t} p_t(x_t) = - (\nabla \cdot u_t)(x_t).$
[^CFM]: Developing the square in both losses we get:
- $$\|u_\theta(t, x) - u_t(x|x_1)\|^2 = \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 + \|u_t(x|x_1)\|^2 - 2 \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x|x_1) \rangle,$$
+ $$\|u_\theta(t, x) - u_t(x \mid x_1)\|^2 = \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 + \|u_t(x \mid x_1)\|^2 - 2 \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x \mid x_1) \rangle,$$
$$\|u_\theta(t, x) - u_t(x)\|^2 = \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 + \|u_t(x)\|^2 - 2 \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x) \rangle.$$
Taking the expectation over the last inner product term:
\mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_t} ~\langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x) \rangle
- &= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \int u_t(x|x_1) \frac{p_t(x|x_1)q(x_1)}{p_t(x)} dx_1 \rangle p_t(x) \dd{x} \\
- &= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \int u_t(x|x_1) p_t(x|x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \rangle \dd{x} \\
- &= \int \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x|x_1) \rangle p_t(x|x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \dd{x} \\
- &= \mathbb{E}_{q_1(x_1) p(x|x_1)} ~\langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x|x_1) \rangle.
+ &= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \int u_t(x|x_1) \frac{p_t(x \mid x_1)q(x_1)}{p_t(x)} dx_1 \rangle p_t(x) \dd{x} \\
+ &= \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), \int u_t(x \mid x_1) p_t(x \mid x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \rangle \dd{x} \\
+ &= \int \int \langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x \mid x_1) \rangle p_t(x \mid x_1)q(x_1) dx_1 \dd{x} \\
+ &= \mathbb{E}_{q_1(x_1) p(x \mid x_1)} ~\langle u_\theta(t, x), u_t(x \mid x_1) \rangle.
Then we see that the neural network squared norm terms are equal since:
- \mathbb{E}_{p_t} \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 = \int \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 p_t(x|x_1) q(x_1) \dd{x} \dd{x_1} = \mathbb{E}_{q_1(x_1) p(x|x_1)} \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2
+ \mathbb{E}_{p_t} \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 = \int \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2 p_t(x \mid x_1) q(x_1) \dd{x} \dd{x_1} = \mathbb{E}_{q_1(x_1) p(x \mid x_1)} \|u_\theta(t, x)\|^2
[^ODE_conditions]: A sufficient condition for $\phi_t$ to be invertible is for $u_t$ to be Lipschitz and continuous by Picard–Lindelöf theorem.