Daisy workflows have many capabilities, and it is hard to know where to start. This tutorial will demonstrate writing a very simple workflow to modify a GCE base image.
The overall steps of the workflow will be:
- Create a new instance
- Run a provisioning script to modify the instance
- Create a new disk image from the instance
- Delete the instance
What you use to provision the instance is open and not dependent on
Daisy. In this simple case, we are using a simple shell script to
install Emacs. Because we are creating a CentOS image, we simply call
yum install
. The provisioning script is named emacs_install.sh
yum -y install emacs-nox
shutdown -h now
The script shuts down the instance after it is done. We will use this later in the Daisy workflow to know when provisioning is done.
First we will start with a Name:
"Name": "emacs-image",
Then, list the sources. We will need the provisioning script above.
"Sources": {
"emacs_install.sh": "./emacs_install.sh"
Now we will start writing steps in the workflow. We will create the
disk first, as we need to name it and perform operations on it
later. We give the disk a name, specify the base image, and specify
the SSD type for speed. The name of the step create-disks
"Steps": {
"create-disks": {
"CreateDisks": [
"Name": "disk-install",
"SourceImage": "projects/centos-cloud/global/images/family/centos-7",
"Type": "pd-ssd"
Next create the instance using the above disk, and specify the startup script that we wrote to provision the instance.
"create-inst-install": {
"CreateInstances": [
"Name": "inst-install",
"Disks": [{"Source": "disk-install"}],
"MachineType": "n1-standard-1",
"StartupScript": "emacs_install.sh"
Lastly, we wait for the provisioning to complete.
"wait-for-inst-install": {
"TimeOut": "1h",
"waitForInstancesSignal": [
"Name": "inst-install",
"Stopped": true
Now that the instance provisioning is complete, and the instance is stopped, we can capture a new image from the disk.
"create-image": {
"CreateImages": [
"Name": "centos-emacs",
"SourceDisk": "disk-install",
"NoCleanup": true,
"ExactName": true
Note the NoCleanup
, Daisy automatically cleans up any resources
created during a run. We don't want Daisy to delete our image though!
Specifying NoCleanup
will instruct Daisy to leave the
image. ExactName
tells Daisy to use the Name
as-is. Normally Daisy
adds a suffix to resource names to avoid name collisions.
Now we will add a delete step to be explicit.
"delete-inst-install": {
"DeleteResources": {
"Instances": ["inst-install"]
And that completes the steps for customizing the image!
Daisy will try to run steps in parallel for efficiency, so we need to specify the order our steps will run. Use the names of the steps.
"Dependencies": {
"create-inst-install": ["create-disks"],
"wait-for-inst-install": ["create-inst-install"],
"create-image": ["wait-for-inst-install"],
"delete-inst-install": ["create-image"]
That completes our workflow.
Clone the code:
git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-image-tools.git
cd compute-image-tools/daisy_tutorials/modify_image/
Run Daisy:
daisy ./emacs_image.wf.json
If you run Daisy from a GCE VM, it will use the project and zone of
the VM. Otherwise specify the -project
and -zone
parameters. See
daisy -h
for details.
If you create your GCE VM to run Daisy from with the cloud-platform
scope, it will have full control of your cloud project, and Daisy will
have permissions to perform all the operations. Otherwise use gcloud auth application-default login
to login with an authorized account.
After the run is complete, check your images:
$ gcloud compute images list --no-standard-images
centos-emacs my-project READY
Now that you have a basic workflow, you can experiment with the many options of the steps. Also, using variables will make the workflow much more flexible.
This workflow is very simple, take a look at the example workflows to see full featured automatable workflows.