- Check that someone listed as submitter in Jenkinsfile is available
- Create a tag and push it
- Start build on Jenkins CI with publishToMarketPlace parameter checked. Ensure you are logged in.
- Wait the build is waiting on step Publish to Marketplace
- The vsix is downloadable and can be tested a last time before publishing it to public. You can get it from the FTP server. You can later install it from VSCode -> Extensions -> "..." at the top -> Install from VSIX
- Go to the console log of the build and click "Proceed"
- Keep build forever for later reference and edit build information to indicate the version. You can find this button at the top right of the build information page.
- Add a comment with the tag name for better visualization in the build lists.
- Wait few minutes and check that it has been published on VS Code Marketplace
- Update package.json and Changelog.md with next version to prepare for new iteration release (via a Pull Request)